First Edition Jul 1, 2002 OPTREX LCD Module Technical Specification Final Revision ****** T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB Type No. Approved by (Production Div.) Checked by (Quality Assurance Div.) Checked by (Design Engineering Div.) Prepared by (Production Div.) CONTENTS No. Item Page 1 OVERVIEW 2 2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 3 3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 35 4 INTERFACE PIN CONNECTION 5 INTERFACE TIMING 79 6 BLOCK DIAGRAM 10 7 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION 1113 8 OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS 14,15 9 RELIABILITY TEST CONDITION 16 10 INSPECTION STANDARDS 17 11 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR TFT-LCD MODULE 1820 12 REVISION STATUS 21,22 13 REVISION STATUS (INTERNAL USE ONLY) 14 PACKAGING SPECIFICATION 2327 15 PRODUCTS NUMBER LABELING FORMS 2830 16 LAMP UNIT FOR 10.4 VGA 3137 T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION 6 23 Page 1/37 1. OVERVIEW AA104VB05 is 10.4" color TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display) module composed of LCD panel, driver ICs, control circuit, and backlight unit. By applying 6 bit digital data 640 x 480, 260K-color images are displayed on the 10.4" diagonal screen. Input power voltage is single 3.3 / 5.0V for LCD driving. Both 3.3V-CMOS and 5.0V-CMOS level voltage are acceptable for logic input voltage. Inverter for backlight is not included in this module. General specifications are summarized in the following table: ITEM SPECIFICATION Display Area (mm) 211.2 (H) x 158.4 (V) (10.39-inch diagonal) Number of Dots 640 x 3 (H) x 480 (V) Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.33 (H) x 0.33 (V) Color Pixel Arrangement RGB vertical stripe Display Mode normally white Number of Color 260 K Wide Viewing Angle Technology Optical compensation film Optimum Viewing Angle(Contrast ratio) 12 o'clock Brightness (cd/m2) 380 Module Size (mm) 243.0 (W) x 181.6 (H) x 12.2 (D) Module Mass (g) 530 Backlight Unit Surface Treatment CCFL, 2-tubes, replaceable Anti-glare and hard-coating 3H Characteristic value without any note is typical value. The LCD product described in this specification is designed and manufactured for the standard use in OA equipment and consumer products, such as computers, communication equipment, industrial robots, AV equipment and so on. Do not use the LCD product for the equipment that require the extreme high level of reliability, such as aerospace applications, submarine cables, nuclear power control systems and medical or other equipment for life support. ADI assumes no responsibility for any damage resulting from the use of the LCD product in disregard of the conditions and handling precautions in this specification. If customers intend to use the LCD product for the above items or other no standard items, please contact our sales persons in advance. T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 2/37 2. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ITEM SYMBOL MIN. MAX. UNIT Power Supply Voltage for LCD VCC -0.3 6.5 V Logic Input Voltage VI 0 6.5 V Lamp Voltage VL 0 2000 Vrms Lamp Current IL 0 10.0 mArms Lamp Frequency FL -- 80 kHz Operation Temperature *1) Top 0 50 C Storage Temperature *1) Tstg -20 60 C [Note] *1) Top,Tstg 40C : 90%RH max. without condensation Top,Tstg > 40C : Absolute humidity shall be less than the value of 90%RH at 40C without condensation. 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (1) TFT- LCD ITEM Ambient Temperature : Ta = 25C MAX. UNIT Remarks SYMBOL MIN. TYP. 3.3 V powered VCC 3.0 3.3 3.6 V A), D) 5.0 V powered VCC 4.75 5.0 5.25 V A), D) 3.3 V powered Power Supply Current for LCD 5.0 V powered ICC - 220 380 mA VCC=3.3 V B) ICC - 150 280 mA VCC=5.0 V B) Permissive Input Ripple Voltage VRP - - 100 mVp-p VCC=+3.3 V/5.0 V High VIH 2.0 - 5.25 V Low VIL 0 - 0.8 V Power Supply Voltage for LCD Logic Input Voltage (2) Backlight ITEM Ta=25C UNIT Remarks SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. Lamp Voltage VL -- 580 -- Vrms IL=6.0mArms Lamp Current IL 3.0 6.0 7.0 mArms *1) Lamp Frequency FL 40 -- 80 kHz *2) 810 -- -- Vrms 1000 -- -- Vrms 50000 50000 -- h 40000 50000 -- h 30000 40000 -- h Starting Lamp Voltage Ta=25C Ta=0C VS IL=3.0mArms Lamp Life Time IL=6.0mArms IL=7.0mArms T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 LT OPTREX CORPORATION *3),*4) Page 3/37 *1) Lamp Current measurement method (The current meter is inserted in low voltage line.) A CTL CTH LCD Module Inverter A CTL Power Supply CTH *2) Lamp frequency of inverter may produce interference with horizontal synchronous frequency, and this may cause horizontal beat on the display. Therefore, please adjust lamp frequency, and keep inverter as far from module as possible or use electronic shielding between inverter and module to avoid the interference. *3) Lamp life time is defined as the time either when the brightness becomes 50% of the initial value, or when the starting lamp voltage does not meet the value specified in this table. *4) The life time of the backlight depends on the ambient temperature. The life time will decrease under low/high temperature. [Note] A) Power and signals sequence: t1 10 ms 0 < t2 50 ms 0 < t3 50 ms 0 < t4 50 ms 400 ms t5 200 ms t6 0 t7 VCC 0.9VCC 0.9VCC data 0.1VCC 0.1VCC 0.1VCC t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 Backlight t6 t7 data: RGB DATA, DCLK, HD, VD, DENA T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 4/37 VCC-dip conditions: (a) 3.3 V powered 1) When 2.4 V VCC < 3.0 V, td 10 ms 2) When VCC < 2.4 V VCC-dip conditions should also follow the power and signals sequence. 3.0 V 2.4 V VCC td (b) 5.0 V powered 1) When 3.6 V VCC < 4.5 V, td 10 ms 2) When VCC < 3.6 V VCC-dip conditions should also follow the power and signals sequence. 4.5 V 3.6 V VCC td B) Typical current condition: 64- gray- bar-pattern 480 line mode VCC = + 3.3 / 5.0 V, fH =31.6kHz, fV =60Hz, fCLK= 25MHz T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 5/37 4. INTERFACE PIN CONNECTION CN 1(INTERFACE SIGNAL) Used connector: DF9B-31P-1V(Hirose) Corresponding connector: DF9B-31S-1V(Hirose) Pin No. Symbol Function 1 GND 2 DCLK Clock signal for sampling catch data signal 3 HD Horizontal sync signal 4 VD Vertical sync signal 5 GND 6 R0 Red data signal(LSB) 7 R1 Red data signal 8 R2 Red data signal 9 R3 Red data signal 10 R4 Red data signal 11 R5 Red data signal(MSB) 12 GND 13 G0 Green data signal(LSB) 14 G1 Green data signal 15 G2 Green data signal 16 G3 Green data signal 17 G4 Green data signal 18 G5 Green data signal(MSB) 19 GND 20 B0 Blue data signal(LSB) 21 B1 Blue data signal 22 B2 Blue data signal 23 B3 Blue data signal 24 B4 Blue data signal 25 B5 Blue data signal(MSB) 26 GND 27 DENA Data enable signal(to settle the viewing area) 28 VCC 3.3 / 5.0 V Power Supply 29 VCC 3.3 / 5.0 V Power Supply 30 TEST This pin should be open. Test signal output for only internal test use. 31 SC Scan direction Control.(GND or Open:Normal, High:Reverse) *1) The shielding case is connected with GND *2) See; Timing Chart(P9) CN 2 , CN 3 (BACKLIGHT) Backlight-side connector: BHR-02(8.0)VS-1N(JST) Inverter-side connector: SM02(8.0)B-BHS(JST) Pin No. Symbol Function 1 CTH VBLHHigh Voltage 3 CTL VBLLLow Voltage [Note] VBLH-VBLL=VL T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 6/37 5. INTERFACE TIMING (1) Timing Specifications DCLK *1) *4) ITEM SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Frequency fCLK -- 25 29 MHz Period tCLK 34.5 40 -- ns Low Width tWCL 12 -- -- ns High Width tWCH 12 -- -- ns tDS 5 -- -- ns tDH 5 -- -- ns Horizontal Active Time tHA 640 640 640 tCLK Horizontal Front Porch tHFP 10 16 -- tCLK Horizontal Back Porch tHBP 2 144 -- tCLK Vertical Active Time tVA 480 480 480 tH Vertical Front Porch tVFP 1 12 -- tH Vertical Back Porch tVBP 2 33 -- tH Frequency fH 27 31.6 38 kHz Period tH 26.3 31.6 37.0 s Low Width tWHL 5 96 -- tCLK Frequency fV 55 60 70 Hz Period tV 14.3 16.7 18.2 ms tWVL 3 -- -- tH DATA *1) Set up time (R,G,B,DENA Hold time HD, VD) DENA *3) HD *2)*4) VD *2) Low Width [Note] *1) DATA is latched at fall edge of DCLK in this specification. *2) Polarities of HD and VD are negative in this specification. *3) DENA (Data Enable) should always be positive polarity as shown in the timing specification. *4) DCLK should appear during all invalid period, and HD should appear during invalid period of frame cycle. T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 7/37 (2) Timing Chart a. Pixel Timing Chart t CLK tWCH tWCL DCLK 2.0V 0.8V tD tD DATA(R,G,B), DENA, HD, VD 2.0V 0.8V b. Horizontal Timing Chart DCLK First Data DATA (R,G,B) Invalid Data tHFP 1 2 3 t HBP 639 640 Invalid Data Last Data t HA DENA tH =1/fH tWHL HD c. Vertical Timing Chart HD LINE DATA Invalid Data t VFP 1 tVBP 2 3 479 480 Invalid Data tVA DENA tV=1/fV tWVL VD T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 8/37 (3)Color Data Assignment R DATA G DATA COLOR DATA R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 MSB BASIC COLOR B DATA INPUT R0 G5 LSB MSB G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 LSB MSB B0 LSB BLACK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED(63) 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GREEN(63) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLUE(63) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 CYAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAGENTA 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 YELLOW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 WHITE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RED(0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED(1) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED(2) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED(62) 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED(63) 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GREEN(0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GREEN(1) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED(2) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 GREEN(62) 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GREEN(63) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLUE(0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLUE(1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 BLUE(2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 BLUE(62) 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 BLUE(63) 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 RED GREEN BLUE [Note] 1) Definition of gray scale Color (n)...n indicates gray scale level. 2) Data Higher n means brighter level. 1: High , 0: Low T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 9/37 6. BLOCK DIAGLAM Timing signal Display data Timing G1 I/F Connector G2 TFT-LCD S2 S1920 Power Supply Circuit S1919 G480 S1 Power Driver(gate) Converter Driver(source) BACKLIGHT CCFL CN2, 3 1 3 T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 10/37 7. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS (1) Front Side Tolerance is 0.5mm unless noted. T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 11/37 (2) Rear Side Tolerance is 0.5mm unless noted [Note] T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 12/37 We recommend you referring to the detailed drawing for your design. Please contact our company sales representative when you need the detailed drawing. (3) Scanning direction SCHigh D(1,1) D(640,1) CN2 D(1,480) D(640,480) CN3 SC : GND or Open D(1,1) D(640,1) CN3 CN2 D(1,480) T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 D(640,480) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 13/37 8. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ta=25C, VCC=3.3 / 5.0 V, Input Signals: Typ. Values shown in Section 5 ITEM SYMBOL CONDITION Contrast Ratio = = 0 CR MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Remarks 150 300 -- -- *1)*3) *2)*3) Luminance Lw = = 0 300 380 -- cd/m2 Response Time tr = = 0 -- 15 -- ms *3)*4) tf = = 0 -- 35 -- ms *3)*4) CR 10 -- -6060 -- *3) *3) -- *3) Viewing Horizontal Angle Vertical -- -4555 -- Rx Ry 0.54 0.30 0.57 0.33 0.60 0.36 Gx Gy 0.30 0.49 0.33 0.52 0.36 0.55 Red Color Green Coordinates = = 0 Blue Bx By 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.18 0.20 0.21 White Wx Wy 0.29 0.31 0.32 0.34 0.35 0.37 [Note] These items are measured using BM-5A(TOPCON) or LCD-7000(Otsuka Electronic) under the dark room condition (no ambient light). Condition: IL=6.0mArms, FL=55 kHz *1) Definition of Contrast Ratio CR=ON (White) Luminance / OFF(Black) Luminance: average of 5 points *2) Definition of Luminance Lw= ON (White) Luminance: average of 5 points (1,1) 120 160 320 1 2 5 240 360 480 3 4 (640,480) MEASUREMENT POINT T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 14/37 *3) Definition of Viewing Angle( , ) *4) Definition of Response Time White 90% 90% Luminance 10% Black 10% tr T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION tf Page 15/37 9. RELIABILITY TEST CONDITION (1) Temperature and Humidity TEST ITEM CONDITIONS HIGH TEMPERATURE 40C, 90%RH, 240 h HIGH HUMIDITY OPERATION HIGH TEMPERATURE STORAGE 60C, 96 h LOW TEMPERATURE STORAGE -20C, 96 h THERMAL SHOCK(NON-OPERATION) BETWEEN -20C (1h) and 60C(1h), 5 CYCLES (2) Shock & Vibration ITEM CONDITIONS Shock level: 1470m/s2 (150G) SHOCK Waveform: half sinusoidal wave, 2ms (NON-OPERATION) Number of shocks: one shock input in each direction of three mutually perpendicular axis for a total of six shock inputs Vibration level: 9.8m/s2 (1.0G) Waveform: sinusoidal VIBRATION Frequency range: 5 to 500Hz (NON-OPERATION) Frequency sweep rate: 0.5 octave /min Duration: one sweep from 5 to 500 to 5Hz in each of three mutually perpendicular axis(total 3 hours) (3) Judgment standard The judgment of the above tests should be made as follow: Pass: Normal display image with no obvious non-uniformity and no line defect. Partial transformation of the module parts should be ignored. Fail: No display image, obvious non-uniformity, or line defects. T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 16/37 11. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR TFT-LCD MODULE Please pay attention to the followings in handling TFT-LCD products; (1) ASSEMBLY PRECAUTION a. Please use the mounting hole on the module in installing and do not bending or wrenching LCD in assembling. And please do not drop, bend or twist LCD module in handling. b. Please design display housing in accordance with the following guide lines. (a) Housing case must be designed carefully so as not to put stresses on LCD all sides and not to wrench module. The stresses may cause non-uniformity even if there is no nonuniformity statically. (b) Keep sufficient clearance between LCD module back surface and housing when the LCD module is mounted. Approximately 1.0mm of the clearance in the design is recommended taking into account the tolerance of LCD module thickness and mounting structure height on the housing. (c) When some parts, such as, FPC cable and ferrite plate, are installed underneath the LCD module, still sufficient clearance is required, such as 0.5mm. This clearance is, especially, to be reconsidered when the additional parts are implemented for EMI countermeasure. (d) Design the inverter location and connector position carefully so as not to give stress to lamp cable, or not to interface the LCD module by the lamp cable. (e) Keep sufficient clearance between LCD module and the others parts, such as inverter and speaker so as not to interface the LCD module. Approximately 1.0mm of the clearance in the design is recommended. c. Please do not push or scratch LCD panel surface with anything hard. And do not soil LCD panel surface by touching with bare hands. (Polarizer film, surface of LCD panel is easy to be flawed.) d. Please do not press any parts on the rear side such as source TCP, gate TCP, control circuit board and FPCs during handling LCD module. If pressing rear part is unavoidable, handle the LCD module with care not to damage them. e. Please wipe off LCD panel surface with absorbent cotton or soft cloth in case of it being soiled. f. Please wipe off drops of adhesives like saliva and water on LCD panel surface immediately. They might damage to cause panel surface variation and color change. g. Please do not take a LCD module to pieces and reconstruct it. Resolving and reconstructing modules may cause them not to work well. T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 18/37 h. Please do not touch metal frames with bare hands and soiled gloves. A color change of the metal frames can happen during a long preservation of soiled LCD modules. i. Please pay attention to handling lead wire of backlight so that it is not tugged in connecting with inverter. j. Please connect the metal frame of LCD module to GND in order to minimize the effect of external noise and EMI. k. Please connect the metal frame of LCD module to GND in order to minimize the effect of external noise and EMI. (2) OPERATING PRECAUTIONS a. Please be sure to turn off the power supply before connecting and disconnecting signal input cable. b. Please do not change variable resistance settings in LCD module. They are adjusted to the most suitable value. If they are changed, it might happen LCD does not satisfy the characteristics specification. c. LCD backlight takes longer time to become stable of radiation characteristics in low temperature than in room temperature. d. A condensation might happen on the surface and inside of LCD module in case of sudden change of ambient temperature. e. Please pay attention not to display the same pattern for very long time. Image might stick on LCD. Even if image sticking happens, it may disappear as the operation time proceeds. f. Please obey the same safe instructions as ones being prepared for ordinary electronic products. (3) PRECAUTIONS WITH ELECTROSTATICS a. This LCD module use CMOS-IC on circuit board and TFT-LCD panel, and so it is easy to be affected by electrostatics. Please be careful with electrostatics by the way of your body connecting to the ground and so on. b. Please remove protection film very slowly from the surface of LCD module to prevent from electrostatics occurrence. (4) STORAGE PRECAUTIONS a. Please do not leave the LCDs in the environment of high humidity and high temperature such as 60C90%RH. T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 19/37 b. Please do not leave the LCDs in the environment of low temperature; below -20C. (5) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS a. When you waste damaged or unnecessary LCDs, it is recommended to crush LCDs into pieces and wash them off with solvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should later be burned. b. If any liquid leaks out of a damaged glass cell and comes in contact with the hands, wash off thoroughly with soap and water. c. Be sure to turn off the power supply when inserting or disconnecting the cable. d. Inverter should be designed carefully so as not to keep working in case of detecting over current or open circuit on the lamp. (6) OTHERS a. A strong incident light into LCD panel might cause display characteristics changing inferior because of polarizer film, color filter, and other materials becoming inferior. Please do not expose LCD module direct sunlight and strong UV rays. b. Please pay attention to a panel side of LCD module not to contact with other materials in preserving it alone. c. For the packaging box, please pay attention to the followings; (a) Packaging box and inner case for LCD are designed to protect the LCDs from the damage or scratching during transportation. Please do not open except picking LCDs up from the box. (b) Please do not pile them up more than 5 boxes. (They are not designed so.) And please do not turn over. (c) Please handle packaging box with care not to give them sudden shock and vibrations. And also please do not throw them up. (d) Packaging box and inner case for LCDs are made of cardboard. So please pay attention not to get them wet. (Such like keeping them in high humidity or wet place can occur getting them wet.) T-51513-D104U-FW-A-AB (AB) No. 2002-0186 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 20/37