(Part #) Product Datasheet
PDS-002448 Rev 03 © 2015 Luminus Devices, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
CHM-14 Product Datasheet
Handling Notes for XNova COBs
XNova products are designed for robust performance in general lighting application. However, care must be taken when handling and
assembling the LEDs into their xtures. To avoid damaging XNova COBs please follow these guide lines.
The following is an overview of the application notes detailing some of the practices to follow when working with these devices. More
detailed information is available on the Luminus web site at www.luminus.com.
General Handling
Devices are made to be lifted or carried with tweezers on two
adjacent corners opposite the contact pads. At no time should
the devices be handled by or should anything come in contact
with the light emitting surface (LES) area. This area includes the
yellow colored circular area and the ring surrounding it. There
are electrical connections under the LES which if damaged will
cause the device to fail.
In addition, the ring frame itself should not be used for moving,
lifting or carrying the device. Also do not attach any optics or
mechanical holders to the ring as it is not capable to handle the
mechanical stress.
Static Electricity
XNova COBs are electronic devices which can be damaged by
electrostatic discharge (ESD). Please use appropriate measures
to assure the devices do not experience ESD during their
handling and or storage. ESD protection guidelines should be
used at all times when working with XNova COBs.
Storage: XNova products are delivered in ESD shielded bags
and should be stored in these bags until used.
Assembly: Individuals handling XNova COBs during assembly
should be trained in ESD protection practices. Assemblers
should maintain constant conductive contact with a path to
ground by means of a wrist strap, ankle straps, mat or other ESD
protection system.
Transporting: When transporting the devices from one
assembly area to another, ESD shielded carts and carriers should
be used.
Electrical Contact
XNova COBs are designed with contact pads on their top
surface. These pads are clearly marked with + and – polarity.
Wires can be soldered to the contact pads for electrical
connections or other solderless connector products are
If wires are being soldered to the COB product, we recommend
attaching these wires prior to mounting the devices to a heat
sink. Please contact Luminus for specic recommendations on
how to solder wires if not familiar with the standard practice.
Luminus can also oer design recommendations for jigs to
allow easily soldering multiple products in rapid succession.
Chemical Compatibility
The resin material used to form the LES can getter hydrocarbons
from the surrounding environment. As a results, certain
chemical compounds are not recommended for use with the
XNova products. Use of these compounds can cause damage to
the light output of the device and may permanently damage
the device. Please refer to www.luminus.com for a list of the
compounds not recommended for use with the XNova COB
Thermal Interface Material (TIM)
Proper thermal management is critical for successful operation
of any LED system. Excess operating temperature can reduce
the light output of the device. And excessive heating can cause
permanent damage to the device. Proper TIM material is a
crucial component for eective heat transfer away from the LED
during normal operation. Please refer to www.luminus.com for
specic recommendations for TIM solutions.
XNova COB Specications
Changes to specications can happen with out prior notice. The currently released data sheet will always be posted to the Luminus web site. Please refer to www.luminus.
com for more information.