TransGuard(R) AVX Multilayer Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AVX TransGuard(R) Transient Voltage Suppressors (TVS) with unique high-energy multilayer construction represents state-of-the-art overvoltage circuit protection. Monolithic multilayer construction provides protection from voltage transients caused by ESD, lightning, NEMP, inductive switching, etc. True surface mount product is provided in EIA industry standard packages. Thru-hole components are supplied as conformally coated axial devices. TRANSGUARD(R) DESCRIPTION TransGuard(R) products are zinc oxide (ZnO) based ceramic semiconductor devices with non-linear voltage-current characteristics (bi-directional) similar to back-to-back zener diodes. They have the added advantage of greater current and energy handling capabilities as well as EMI/RFI attenuation. Devices are fabricated by a ceramic sintering process that yields a structure of conductive ZnO grains surrounded by electrically insulating barriers, creating varistor-like behavior. The number of grain-boundary interfaces between conducting electrodes determines "Breakdown Voltage" of the device. High voltage applications such as AC line protection require many grains between electrodes while low voltage requires few grains to establish the appropriate breakdown voltage. Single layer ceramic disc processing proved to be a viable production method for thick cross section devices with many grains, but attempts to address low voltage suppression needs by processing single layer ceramic disc formulations with huge grain sites has had limited success. AVX, the world leader in the manufacture of multilayer ceramic capacitors, now offers the low voltage transient protection marketplace a true multilayer, monolithic surface mount varistor. Technology leadership in processing thin dielectric materials and patented processes for precise ceramic grain growth have yielded superior energy dissipation in the smallest size. Now a varistor has voltage characteristics determined by design and not just cell sorting whatever falls out of the process. Multilayer ceramic varistors are manufactured by mixing ceramic powder in an organic binder (slurry) and casting it into thin layers of precision thickness. Metal electrodes are deposited onto the green ceramic layers which are then stacked to form a laminated structure. The metal electrodes are arranged so that their terminations alternate from one end of the varistor to the other. The device becomes a monolithic block during the sintering (firing) cycle providing uniform energy dissipation in a small volume. 1 TransGuard(R) AVX Multilayer Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors PART NUMBER IDENTIFICATION Surface Mount Devices Axial Leaded Devices Important: For part number identification only, not for construction of part numbers. The information below only defines the numerical value of part number digits, and cannot be used to construct a desired set of electrical limits. Please refer to the TransGuard(R) part number data for the correct electrical ratings. Important: For part number identification only, not for construction of part numbers. The information below only defines the numerical value of part number digits, and cannot be used to construct a desired set of electrical limits. Please refer to the TransGuard(R) part number data for the correct electrical ratings. V C 1206 05 D 150 R P V A 1000 05 D 150 R L TERMINATION FINISH: LEAD FINISH: P = Ni/Sn Alloy (Plated) M = Ni/Sn Pb (Plated) Copper clad steel, solder coated PACKAGING (Pcs/Reel): PACKAGING (Pcs/Reel): STYLE VC0402 VC0603 VC0805 VC1206 VC1210 "D" N/A 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 "R" N/A 4,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 STYLE VA1000 VA2000 "T" "W" N/A 10,000 10,000 N/A 10,000 N/A 10,000 N/A 10,000 N/A 500 = 560 = 580 = 620 = 650 = 101 = 121 = Where: 100 = 12V 150 = 18V 300 = 32V 400 = 42V 50V 60V 60V 67V 67V 100V 120V A = 0.1J B = 0.2J C = 0.3J D = 0.4J E = 0.5J F = 0.7J G = 0.9J H = 1.2J J = 1.5J K = 0.6J L = 0.8J M = 1.0J N = 1.1J P = 3.0J Q = 1.3J R = 1.7J Where: 03 = 05 = 09 = 12 = 14 = 3.3 VDC 5.6 VDC 9.0 VDC 12.0 VDC 14.0 VDC SIZE LENGTH 1.000.10mm 1.600.15mm 2.010.2mm 3.200.2mm 3.200.2mm (0.040"0.004") (0.063"0.006") (0.079"0.008") (0.126"0.008") (0.126"0.008") 26 = 26.0 VDC 30 = 30.0 VDC 48 = 48.0 VDC 60 = 60.0 VDC CASE SIZE DESIGNATOR: SIZE LENGTH DIAMETER 1000 4.32mm (0.170") 2.54mm (0.100") 2000 4.83mm (0.190") 3.56mm (0.140") CASE STYLE: A = Axial 18 = 26 = 30 = 48 = 60 = 18.0 VDC 26.0 VDC 30.0 VDC 48.0 VDC 60.0 VDC WIDTH 0.50.10mm 0.80.15mm 1.250.2mm 1.600.2mm 2.490.2mm (0.020"0.004") (0.032"0.006") (0.049"0.008") (0.063"0.008") (0.098"0.008") CASE STYLE: C = Chip PRODUCT DESIGNATOR: V = Varistor MARKING: All standard surface mount TransGuard(R) chips will not be marked. 2 A = 0.1J D = 0.4J K = 2.0J Where: 03 = 3.3 VDC 05 = 5.6 VDC 14 = 14.0 VDC 18 = 18.0 VDC S = 1.9-2.0J T = 0.01J U = 4.0-5.0J V = 0.02J W = 6.0J X = 0.05J Y = 12.0J Z = 25.0J CASE SIZE DESIGNATOR: 0402 0603 0805 1206 1210 580 = 60V 650 = 67V 101 = 100V 121 = 120V WORKING VOLTAGE: WORKING VOLTAGE: Where: "T" 7,500 5,000 ENERGY: ENERGY: Where: "R" 3,000 2,500 CLAMPING VOLTAGE: CLAMPING VOLTAGE: Where: 100 = 12V 150 = 18V 200 = 22V 250 = 27V 300 = 32V 390 = 42V 400 = 42V "D" 1,000 1,000 PRODUCT DESIGNATOR: V = Varistor MARKING: All axial TransGuards(R) are marked with vendor identification, product identification, voltage/energy rating code and date code (see example below): AVX TVS 05D 425 Where: AVX = Always AVX (Vendor Identification) TVS = Always TVS (Product Identification - Transient Voltage Suppressor) 05D = Working VDC and Energy Rating (Joules) Where: 05 = 5.6 VDC, D = 0.4J 425 = Three Digit Date Code Where: 4 = Last digit of year (2004) 25 = Week of year TransGuard(R) AVX Multilayer Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AVX Part Number Working Working Breakdown Clamping Test Maximum Transient Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage Current Leakage Energy (DC) (AC) For VC Current Rating VC060303A100 _ _ 3.3 2.3 5.020% 12 1 100 0.1 Peak Current Rating 30 Typical Frequency Cap 1450 K Case Size 0603 VC080503A100 _ _ 3.3 2.3 5.020% 12 1 100 0.1 40 1400 K 0805 VC080503C100 _ _ 3.3 2.3 5.020% 12 1 100 0.3 120 5000 K 0805 1206 VC120603A100 _ _ 3.3 2.3 5.020% 12 1 100 0.1 40 1250 K VC120603D100 _ _ 3.3 2.3 5.020% 12 1 100 0.4 150 4700 K 1206 VA100003A100 _ _ 3.3 2.3 5.020% 12 1 100 0.1 40 1500 K 1000 VA100003D100 _ _ 3.3 2.3 5.020% 12 1 100 0.4 150 4700 K 1000 VC040205X150 _ _ 5.6 4.0 8.520% 18 1 35 0.05 20 175 M 0402 VC060305A150 _ _ 5.6 4.0 8.520% 18 1 35 0.1 30 750 K 0603 VC080505A150 _ _ 5.6 4.0 8.520% 18 1 35 0.1 40 1100 K 0805 VC080505C150 _ _ 5.6 4.0 8.520% 18 1 35 0.3 120 3000 K 0805 VC120605A150 _ _ 5.6 4.0 8.520% 18 1 35 0.1 40 1200 K 1206 VC120605D150 _ _ 5.6 4.0 8.520% 18 1 35 0.4 150 3000 K 1206 VA100005A150 _ _ 5.6 4.0 8.520% 18 1 35 0.1 40 1000 K 1000 VA100005D150 _ _ 5.6 4.0 8.520% 18 1 35 0.4 150 2800 K 1000 VC040209X200 _ _ 9.0 6.4 12.715% 22 1 25 0.05 20 175 M 0402 VC060309A200 _ _ 9.0 6.4 12.715% 22 1 25 0.1 30 550 K 0603 0805 VC080509A200 _ _ 9.0 6.4 12.715% 22 1 25 0.1 40 750 K VC080512A250 _ _ 12.0 8.5 1615% 27 1 25 0.1 40 525 K 0805 VC040214X300 _ _ 14.0 10.0 18.512% 32 1 15 0.05 20 100 M 0402 VC060314A300 _ _ 14.0 10.0 18.512% 32 1 15 0.1 30 350 K 0603 VC080514A300 _ _ 14.0 10.0 18.512% 32 1 15 0.1 40 325 K 0805 VC080514C300 _ _ 14.0 10.0 18.512% 32 1 15 0.3 120 900 K 0805 VC120614A300 _ _ 14.0 10.0 18.512% 32 1 15 0.1 40 600 K 1206 1206 VC120614D300 _ _ 14.0 10.0 18.512% 32 1 15 0.4 150 1050 K VA100014A300 _ _ 14.0 10.0 18.512% 32 1 15 0.1 40 325 K 1000 VA100014D300 _ _ 14.0 10.0 18.512% 32 1 15 0.4 150 1100 K 1000 VC13MA0160KBA 16.0 14.0 24.510% 40 2.5 25 1.6 400 1800 K 1210 VC040218X400 _ _ 18.0 13.0 25.510% 42 1 10 0.05 20 65 M 0402 VC060318A400 _ _ 18.0 13.0 25.510% 42 1 10 0.1 30 150 K 0603 VC080518A400 _ _ 18.0 13.0 25.510% 42 1 10 0.1 30 225 K 0805 VC080518C400 _ _ 18.0 13.0 25.510% 42 1 10 0.3 100 550 K 0805 VC120618A400 _ _ 18.0 13.0 25.510% 42 1 10 0.1 30 350 K 1206 VC120618D400 _ _ 18.0 13.0 25.510% 42 1 10 0.4 150 900 K 1206 VC120618E380 _ _ 18.0 13.0 22.010% 38 1 15 0.5 200 800 K 1206 VC121018J390 _ _ 18.0 13.0 25.510% 42 5 10 1.5 500 3100 K 1210 VJ13MC0180KBA 18.0 13.0 24.010% 45 10 25 1.5 500 3000 K 1210 VA100018A400 _ _ 18.0 13.0 25.510% 42 1 10 0.1 40 350 K 1000 Termination/Lead Finish Code Packaging Code 3 TransGuard(R) AVX Multilayer Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AVX Part Number Working Working Breakdown Clamping Test Maximum Transient Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage Current Leakage Energy (DC) (AC) For VC Current Rating Peak Current Rating Typical Frequency Cap Case Size VA100018D400 _ _ 18.0 13.0 25.510% 42 1 10 0.4 150 900 K 1000 VC060326A580 _ _ 26.0 18.0 34.510% 60 1 10 0.1 30 155 K 0603 VC080526A580 _ _ 26.0 18.0 34.510% 60 1 10 0.1 30 120 K 0805 VC080526C580 _ _ 26.0 18.0 34.510% 60 1 10 0.3 100 250 K 0805 VC120626D580 _ _ 26.0 18.0 34.510% 60 1 10 0.4 120 500 K 1206 VC120626F540 _ _ 26.0 20.0 33.010% 54 1 15 0.7 200 600 K 1206 VC121026H560 _ _ 26.0 18.0 34.510% 60 5 10 1.2 300 2150 K 1210 VJ13MC0260KBA 26.0 18.0 33.010% 62 10 25 1.2 300 1120 K 1210 VC181226P540 _ _ 26.0 20.0 33.010% 54 5 15 3.0 800 3000 K 1812 VA100026D580 _ _ 26.0 18.0 34.510% 60 1 10 0.4 120 650 K 1000 VC060330A650 _ _ 30.0 21.0 41.010% 67 1 10 0.1 30 125 K 0603 VC080530A650 _ _ 30.0 21.0 41.010% 67 1 10 0.1 30 90 M 0805 VC120630D650 _ _ 30.0 21.0 41.010% 67 1 10 0.4 120 400 K 1206 VC121030G620 _ _ 30.0 21.0 41.010% 67 5 10 0.9 220 1750 K 1210 VC121030H620 _ _ 30.0 21.0 41.010% 67 5 10 1.2 280 1850 K 1210 VJ13MC0300KBA 30.0 21.0 39.010% 73 10 25 0.9 220 1020 K 1210 VJ13PC0300KBA 30.0 21.0 39.010% 73 10 25 1.2 280 1150 K 1210 1000 VA100030D650 _ _ 30.0 21.0 41.010% 67 1 10 0.4 120 550 K VC120631M650 _ _ 31.0 25.0 39.010% 65 1 15 1.0 200 500 K 1206 VC120638N770 _ _ 38.0 30.0 47.010% 77 1 15 1.1 200 350 K 1206 VC121038S770 _ _ 38.0 30.0 47.010% 77 2.5 15 2.0 300 750 K 1210 VC181238U770 _ _ 38.0 30.0 47.010% 77 5 15 4.2 800 1700 K 1812 VC120645K900 _ _ 45.0 35.0 56.010% 90 1 15 0.6 200 260 K 1206 VC181245U900 _ _ 45.0 35.0 56.010% 90 5 15 4.0 500 1200 K 1812 VC120648D101 _ _ 48.0 34.0 62.010% 100 1 10 0.4 100 225 K 1206 VC121048G101 _ _ 48.0 34.0 62.010% 100 5 10 0.9 220 450 K 1210 VC121048H101 _ _ 48.0 34.0 62.010% 100 5 10 1.2 250 500 K 1210 VJ13MC0480KBA 48.0 34.0 60.510% 110 10 25 0.9 220 800 K 1210 VJ13PC0480KBA 48.0 34.0 60.510% 110 10 25 1.2 250 840 K 1210 VA100048D101 _ _ 48.0 34.0 62.010% 100 1 10 0.4 100 200 K 1000 VC120656F111 _ _ 56.0 40.0 68.010% 110 1 15 0.7 100 180 K 1206 VC181256U111 _ _ 56.0 40.0 68.010% 110 5 15 4.8 500 800 K 1812 VC121060J121 _ _ 60.0 42.0 76.010% 120 5 10 1.5 250 400 K 1210 VJ13MC0600KBA 60.0 42.0 75.010% 126 10 25 1.5 250 600 K 1210 VA200060K121 _ _ 60.0 42.0 76.010% 120 1 10 2.0 300 400 K 2000 VC120665L131 _ _ 65.0 50.0 82.010% 135 1 15 0.8 100 120 K 1206 Termination/Lead Finish Code Packaging Code VW (DC) VW (AC) VB VB Tol VC DC Working Voltage (V) AC Working Voltage (V) Typical Breakdown Voltage (V @ 1mADC ) VB Tolerance is from Typical Value Clamping Voltage (V @ IVC ) IVC IL ET IP Cap Freq 4 Test Current for VC (A, 8x20S) Maximum Leakage Current at the Working Voltage (A) Transient Energy Rating (J, 10x1000S) Peak Current Rating (A, 8x20S) Typical Capacitance (pF) @ frequency specified and 0.5 VRMS Frequency at which capacitance is measured (K = 1kHz, M = 1MHz) Dimensions Dimensions: Millimeters (Inches) 0.51 0.05 (0.020" 0.002") D Max. L Max. 25.4 (1.0") Min. Lead Length DIMENSIONS: mm (inches) AVX Style VA1000 VA2000 (L) Max Length mm (in.) 4.32 (0.170) 4.83 (0.190) (D) Max Diameter mm (in.) 2.54 (0.100) 3.56 (0.140) W L Lead Finish: Copper Clad Steel, Solder Coated T t DIMENSIONS: mm (inches) AVX Style 0402 0603 0805 1206 1210 1812 2220 (L) Length mm (in.) 1.000.10 (0.0400.004) 1.600.15 (0.0630.006) 2.010.20 (0.0790.008) 3.200.20 (0.1260.008) 3.200.20 (0.1260.008) 4.500.20 (0.1770.008) 5.700.20 (0.2240.008) (W) Width mm (in.) 0.500.10 (0.0200.004) 0.800.15 (0.0310.006) 1.250.20 (0.0490.008) 1.600.20 (0.0630.008) 2.490.20 (0.0980.008) 3.200.20 (0.1260.008) 5.000.20 (0.1970.008) (T) Max Thickness mm (in.) 0.6 (0.024) 0.9 (0.035) 1.02 (0.040) 1.02 (0.040) 1.70 (0.067) 1.70 (0.067) 1.70 (0.067) (t) Land Length mm (in.) 0.250.15 (0.0100.006) 0.350.15 (0.0140.006) 0.71 max. (0.028 max.) 0.71 max. (0.028 max.) 0.71 max. (0.028 max.) 0.500.25 (0.0200.010) 0.500.25 (0.0200.010) 5 TransGuard(R) AVX Multilayer Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (0402 CHIP SIZE) VOLTAGE/CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS PULSE DEGRADATION Multilayer construction and improved grain structure result in excellent transient clamping characteristics up to 20 amps peak current, while maintaining very low leakage currents under DC operating conditions. The VI curves below show the voltage/current characteristics for the 5.6V, 9V, 14V, 18V and low capacitance StaticGuard parts with currents ranging from parts of a micro amp to tens of amps. Traditionally varistors have suffered degradation of electrical performance with repeated high current pulses resulting in decreased breakdown voltage and increased leakage current. It has been suggested that irregular intergranular boundaries and bulk material result in restricted current paths and other non-Schottky barrier paralleled conduction paths in the ceramic. Repeated pulsing of TransGuard transient voltage suppressors with 150Amp peak 8 x 20S waveforms shows negligible degradation in breakdown voltage and minimal increases in leakage current. This does not mean that TransGuard suppressors do not suffer degradation, but it occurs at much higher current. 100 VC04LC18V500 VC040218X400 VC040214X300 VC040209X200 VC040205X150 Voltage (V) 80 ESD TEST OF 0402 PARTS 60 35 40 VC04LC18V500 30 0 10-9 10-7 10-5 10-3 10-1 10 103 BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE (Vb) 20 105 Current (A) PEAK POWER VS PULSE DURATION 25 20 VC040214X300 15 VC040209X200 10 1300 VC040218X400 VC040205X150 1200 5 1100 10 100 1000 10000 8kV ESD STRIKES VC040218X400 VC040214X300 VC040209X200 VC04LC18V500 VC040205X150 1000 800 INSERTION LOSS CHARACTERISTICS 0 700 -5 600 500 -10 dB PEAK POWER (W) 900 400 300 200 VC04LC18V VC040218X -15 VC040214X VC040209X VC040205X -20 100 0 10 100 IMPULSE DURATION (S) 6 1000 -25 0.01 0.1 1 Frequency (GHz) 10 TransGuard(R) AVX Multilayer Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (0603, 0805, 1206 & 1210 CHIP SIZES) VOLTAGE/CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS Multilayer construction and improved grain structure result in excellent transient clamping characteristics up to 500 amps peak current, depending on case size and energy rating, while maintaining very low leakage currents under DC operating conditions. The VI curve below shows the voltage/current characteristics for the 3.3V, 5.6V, 12V, 14V, 18V, 26V, 30V, 48V and 60VDC parts with currents ranging from parts of a micro amp to tens of amps. VI Curves - 3.3V and 5.6V Products 25 Voltage (V) 20 15 10 VI Curves - 9V, 12V, and 14V Products 50 5 10-6 3.3V, 0.1J 10-3 Current (A) 3.3V, >0.1J 10+0 5.6V, 0.1J 40 10+3 5.6V, >0.1J Voltage (V) 0 10-9 30 20 10 VI Curves - 18V and 26V Products 0 10-9 100 9V, 0.1J 80 10-3 Current (A) 12V, 0.1J 10+0 14V, 0.1J 10+3 14V, >0.1J 60 40 VI Curves - 30V, 48V, and 60V Products 20 200 0 10-9 10-6 18V, 0.1J 10-3 Current (A) 18V, >0.1J 10+0 26V, 0.1J 10+3 26V, >0.1J 150 Voltage (V) Voltage (V) 10-6 100 50 0 10-9 10-6 30V, 0.1J 10-3 Current (A) 30V, >0.1J 10+0 48V 10+3 60V 7 TransGuard(R) AVX Multilayer Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (0603, 0805, 1206 & 1210 CHIP SIZES) 3.3V 8 TransGuard(R) AVX Multilayer Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (0603, 0805, 1206 & 1210 CHIP SIZES) TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS TransGuard(R) suppressors are designed to operate over the full temperature range from -55C to +125C. This operating temperature range is for both surface mount and axial leaded products. TYPICAL ENERGY DERATING VS TEMPERATURE 1.25 1 40 30 0.8 20 10 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 Current (A) -40 C 25 C 85 C Energy Derating Voltage as a Percent of Average Breakdown Voltage Temperature Dependence of Voltage 100 90 80 70 60 50 0.6 0.4 125 C TYPICAL BREAKDOWN AND CLAMPING VOLTAGES VS TEMPERATURE - 5.6V 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Temperature ( oC) 20 VC 15 5.6V VB 10 5 -55 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature ( o C) 80 100 120 140 150 TYPICAL CAPACITANCE VS TEMPERATURE TYPICAL BREAKDOWN AND CLAMPING VOLTAGES VS TEMPERATURE - 18V +25 +20 ( VC ) 40 30 20 -55 18V -40 ( VB ) -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature ( o C) 80 100 120 140 150 TYPICAL BREAKDOWN AND CLAMPING VOLTAGES VS TEMPERATURE - 26V +10 ge era Av +5 0 -5 -10 -15 -25 ( VC ) 50 30 -55 +15 -20 60 40 Capacitance Relative to 25C 50 25 C Reference Typical Breakdown (VB ) and Clamping (VC ) Voltages Typical Breakdown (VB ) and Clamping (VC ) Voltages Typical Breakdown (VB ) and Clamping (VC ) Voltages 0.2 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Temperature (C) 26V ( VB ) -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (C) 80 100 120 140 150 9 TransGuard(R) AVX Multilayer Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (0603, 0805, 1206 & 1210 CHIP SIZES) PULSE DEGRADATION Traditionally varistors have suffered degradation of electrical performance with repeated high current pulses resulting in decreased breakdown voltage and increased leakage current. It has been suggested that irregular intergranular boundaries and bulk material result in restricted current paths and other non-Schottky barrier paralleled conduction paths in the ceramic. Repeated pulsing of both 5.6 and 14V TransGuard transient voltage suppressors with 150 Amp peak 8 x 20S waveforms shows negligible degradation in breakdown voltage and minimal increases in leakage current. This does not mean that TransGuard suppressors do not suffer degradation, but it occurs at much higher current. The plots of typical breakdown voltage vs number of 150A pulses are shown below. Repetitive Peak Current Strikes Repetitive Peak Current Strikes TransGuard 1210 1.5J Product 10% Change in Breakdown Voltage (%) Change in Breakdown Voltage (%) TransGuard 1206 0.4J Product VC120618D400 8% VC120626D580 6% VC120614D300 4% VC120605D150 2% 0% 0 100 200 300 400 Number of Strikes 500 600 10% 8% 6% VC121018J390 4% 2% 0% 0 100 200 300 400 Number of Strikes Figure 1 Repetitive Peak Current Strikes Repetitive Peak Current Strikes Change in Breakdown Voltage (%) Change in Breakdown Voltage (%) StaticGuard 0805 0.1J Product 15% 10% VC080518A400 VC080518C400 0% 0 100 200 300 400 Number of Strikes 600 Figure 3 TransGuard 0805 0.1J and 0.3J Products 5% 500 500 600 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% VC08LC18A500 5% 0% 0 100 200 300 400 Number of Strikes 500 600 Figure 4 Figure 2 CAPACITANCE/FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS 100 80 80 40 20 VC060305A150 VC06LC18X500 0 0 10 20 40 60 Frequency (MHz) 100 VC080505C150 60 40 20 VC080518C400 0 VC060326A580 80 100 TransGuard Capacitance vs Frequency 1206 VC080514A300 0 20 40 60 Frequency (MHz) 80 100 Capacitance Change (%) 60 Capacitance Change (%) TransGuard Capacitance vs Frequency 0805 100 Capacitance Change (%) TransGuard Capacitance vs Frequency 0603 80 60 VC120614D300 40 20 VC120648D101 0 VC12LC18A500 0 20 40 60 Frequency (MHz) 80 100