6.2 & 6.55 Volt Temperature Compensated
Surface Mount Zener Reference Diodes
WWW.Microsemi .COM
1N821UR thru 1N829AUR-1, e3
(or MLL821 thru MLL829-1, e3)
1N821UR thru
The 1N821UR thru 1N829AUR-1 series of surface mount Zero-TC
Reference Diodes provides a selection of both 6.2 V and 6.55 V nominal
voltages and temperature coefficients to as low as 0.0005%/oC for minimal
voltage change with temperature when operated at 7.5 mA. These glass
surface mount DO-213AA (MELF) reference diodes are optionally available
with an internal-metallurgical-bond by adding a “-1” suffix as well as RoHS
Compliant with an e3 suffix. This type of bonded Zener package
construction is also available in JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV military
qualifications (RoHS Compliant option not applicable). Microsemi also
offers numerous other Zener Reference Diode products for a variety of
other voltages up to 200 V.
IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI’s website: http://www.microsemi.com
• Surface mount equivalent of JEDEC registered
1N821 thru 1N829 series
• Internal metallurgical bond option available by adding
a “-1” suffix
• Reference voltage selection of 6.2 V & 6.55 V +/-5%
with further tight tolerance options at lower voltage
• 1N821, 823, 825, 827 and 829 also have surface
mount qualification to MIL-PR F - 19500/159 by adding
the JAN, JANTX, or JANTXV prefixes to part
numbers a well as the “-1” suffix; e.g. JANTX1N829-
1, etc.
• RoHS Compliant devices avai lable by adding an e3
suffix (not applicable to military)
• Axial-leaded e quivalents also availabl e in DO-35 or
DO-7 without the UR suffix (see separate data sheet)
including military qualifications up to JANS for DO-7
(see separate data sheet)
• JANS equivalent available in DO-213AA via SCD
• Provides minimal voltage changes over a broad
temperature range
• For instrumentation and other circuit designs
requiring a stable voltage reference
• Maximum temperature coefficient sel ection s available
from 0.01%/ºC to 0.0005%/ºC
• Tight reference voltage tolerances ava ilable with
center nominal value of 6.15 V by adding designated
tolerance such as 1%, 2%, 3%, etc. after the part
number for identification
e.g. 1N827UR-2%, 1N829AUR-1-1%, etc.
• Small surface-mount footprint
• Nonsensitive to ESD per MIL-STD-750 Method 1020
• Typical low capacitance of 100 pF or less
Scottsdale Division Page 1
• Operating Temperatures: -65oC to +175oC
• Storage Temperatures: -65oC to +175oC
• DC Power Dissipation: 500 mW @ TL = 25oC and
maximum current IZM of 70 mA. NOTE: For
optimum voltage-temperature stability, IZ = 7.5 mA
(less than 50 mW in dissipated power)
• Solder Temperatures: 260oC for 10 s (max)
• CASE: Hermetically sealed glass case. DO-213AA
• TERMINALS: Leads, Tin-Lead (military) or RoHS
Compliant annealed matte Tin plating solderable
per MIL-STD-750, Method 2026
• MARKING: Cathode band (except double anode
1N822 and 1N824)
• POLARITY: Reference diode to be operated with
the banded end positive with respect to the
opposite end
• TAPE & REEL option: Standard per EIA-481-B with
12 mm tape, 2000 per 7 inch reel or 5000 oer 13
inch reel (add “TR” suffix to part number)
• WEIGHT: 0.04 grams.
• See package dimensions on l ast page
Copyright © 2005
7-18-2005 REV B 8700 E. Thomas Rd. PO Box 1390, Scottsdale, AZ 85252 USA, (480) 941-6300, Fax: (480) 947-1503