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Cover sheet
Security with SIMATIC NET
SCALANCE Family, CPx43-1 Advanced (V3), SOFTNET
Security Client
Compendium January 2013
V2.0, Entry ID: 27043887
Copyright Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved
Siemens Industry Online Support
This entry is taken from Siemens Industry Online Support. The following link takes
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The functions and solutions described in this entry are mainly limited to the
realization of the automation task. In addition, please note that suitable security
measures in compliance with the applicable Industrial Security standards must be
taken, if your system is interconnected with other parts of the plant, the company’s
network or the Internet. More information can be found under entry ID 50203404.
V2.0, Entry ID: 27043887
Copyright Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved
Security with SIMATIC NET
Industrial Security
Overview of Important
Terms and Technologies
Risk Reduction through
Possible Scenarios for
Data Protection
Basics and Principles
SIMATIC NET products
List of Abbreviations
Warranty and Liability
V2.0, Entry ID: 27043887
Copyright Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved
Warranty and Liability
Note The application examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete
regarding configuration, equipment and any eventuality. The application
examples do not represent customer-specific solutions. You are responsible for
ensuring that the described products are used correctly. These application
examples do not relieve you of your responsibility to use sound practices in
application, installation, operation and maintenance. When using these
application examples, you recognize that we will not be liable for any
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make changes to these application examples at any time and without prior
notice. If there are any deviations between the recommendations provided in this
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contents of the other documents have priority.
We do not accept any liability for the information contained in this document.
Any claims against us - based on whatever legal reason - resulting from the use of
the examples, information, programs, engineering and performance data etc.,
described in this application example shall be excluded. Such an exclusion shall
not apply in the case of mandatory liability, e.g. under the German Product Liability
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Copyright Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved
Objective of this application
With the increasing use of Ethernet up to the field level, security is a topic that gets
more and more important also in automation engineering.
This document gives a detailed description of the topic "Industrial Security" in
theory and practice.
Main contents of this document
The following main points will be discussed:
Introduction of basic data communication and security terms important for
Discussion of problems of secure data transmission.
Description of possible security scenarios with the SIMATIC NET product
Description of basic principles of communication and the most important
security mechanisms in theory.
Topics not covered by this application
This document is an Overview Document on Industrial Security and does not
include any detailed application or configuration instructions. You can find an
example configuration on the Siemens Industry Online Support web page
Table of Contents
V2.0, Entry ID: 27043887
Copyright Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved
Table of Contents
Warranty and Liability ................................................................................................. 4
Preface .......................................................................................................................... 5
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... 6
1 Overview of Important Terms and Technologies ........................................... 8
1.1 Address assignment ............................................................................. 8
1.2 Transmission protocols ........................................................................ 9
1.3 Firewalling ............................................................................................ 9
1.4 Encoding .............................................................................................. 9
2 Risk Reduction through Security ................................................................... 10
2.1 Problem description ............................................................................ 10
2.2 Conditions and requirements ............................................................. 10
2.3 The Siemens protection concept: “Defense in Depth” ....................... 11
2.3.1 The Siemens solution for plant security ............................................. 11
2.3.2 The Siemens solution for network security ........................................ 12
2.3.3 The Siemens solution for system integrity ......................................... 14
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection ........................................................ 15
3.1 Node restriction on S7 controls .......................................................... 15
3.1.1 Protection in the end device ............................................................... 16
3.1.2 Protection through a firewall ............................................................... 17
3.1.3 Protection through “segmentation” ..................................................... 19
3.1.4 Protection through authentication ...................................................... 20
3.2 Communication restrictions for plants / single devices ...................... 21
3.3 Bandwidth restriction .......................................................................... 23
3.4 Secure remote access via Internet ..................................................... 24
3.4.1 Access to a system with DSL broadband connection ........................ 26
3.4.2 Access to a system accessible via the mobile phone network .......... 28
3.5 Secure data communication between system components ............... 29
3.5.1 Data communication via Internet ........................................................ 29
3.5.2 Data communication via LAN ............................................................. 32
3.6 WLAN scenarios with SCALANCE W ................................................ 37
3.7 WLAN scenario with non-secure components ................................... 39
4 Basics and Principles...................................................................................... 41
4.1 Basics of Ethernet and the IP protocol suite ...................................... 41
4.1.1 OSI model (7-layer model) ................................................................. 41
4.1.2 System addressing (MAC and IP address) ........................................ 42
4.1.3 Address resolution with ARP .............................................................. 43
4.1.4 Structure of a data packet .................................................................. 45
4.1.5 Formation of subnets and routing ...................................................... 46
4.1.6 The TCP protocol ............................................................................... 47
4.1.7 The UDP protocol ............................................................................... 48
4.1.8 Port addressing .................................................................................. 48
4.2 Basic principles of wireless data transmission ................................... 49
4.2.1 Wireless LAN radio technology .......................................................... 49
4.2.2 Radio systems GPRS and EDGE ...................................................... 50
4.2.3 The UMTS (3G) radio technology ...................................................... 51
4.3 Security mechanisms for wireless LAN .............................................. 52
4.3.1 WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) ........................................................ 52
4.3.2 WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) .......................................................... 52
4.3.3 WPA2 und AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) ............................. 53
4.3.4 EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) .......................................... 53
4.3.5 MAC Filter .......................................................................................... 53
Table of Contents
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4.4 Security mechanism: The firewall ...................................................... 54
4.4.1 Packet filter ......................................................................................... 54
4.4.2 Stateful inspection firewalls ................................................................ 55
4.4.3 Application gateways .......................................................................... 55
4.5 Security mechanism: The VPN tunnel ............................................... 56
4.5.1 Virtual private network ........................................................................ 56
4.5.2 IPsec security standard ...................................................................... 57
4.5.3 Key management ............................................................................... 59
4.5.4 Key exchange techniques .................................................................. 61
4.5.5 Initiating an IPsec VPN tunnel ............................................................ 62
4.6 Security mechanism: Address conversion with NA(P)T ..................... 63
4.6.1 Address conversion with NAT ............................................................ 63
4.6.2 Address conversion with NAPT .......................................................... 64
4.6.3 Correlation between NA(P)T and firewall ........................................... 64
4.7 Basic principles of (secure) IT functions ............................................ 65
4.7.1 File Transfer Protocol FTP ................................................................. 65
4.7.2 Network Time Protocol NTP ............................................................... 67
4.7.3 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) .................................................. 68
4.7.4 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ................................ 68
5 SIMATIC NET products ................................................................................... 70
5.1 SCALANCE product range ................................................................. 70
5.1.1 Industrial Switching SCALANCE X ................................................. 70
5.1.2 Industrial Wireless LAN SCALANCE W .......................................... 72
5.1.3 Industrial Security SCALANCE S .................................................... 73
5.2 S7 communication processors ........................................................... 75
5.2.1 CPx43-1 Advanced V3 ....................................................................... 75
5.2.2 CP1628............................................................................................... 77
5.3 SCALANCE M875 .............................................................................. 78
5.4 SOFTNET Security Client .................................................................. 79
6 List of Abbreviations ....................................................................................... 80
7 References ....................................................................................................... 81
7.1 Bibliographic References ................................................................... 81
7.2 Internet Links ...................................................................................... 82
8 History............................................................................................................... 82
1 Overview of Important Terms and Technologies
1.1 Address assignment
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Copyright Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved
1 Overview of Important Terms and
As Industrial Ethernet and PROFINET are finding their way into production, IP
mechanisms and protocols, too, are advancing into the world of automation.
Note This chapter will briefly explain terms that are helpful for further understanding.
For a detailed description of these and other terms please refer to chapter 4
(Basics and Principles).
1.1 Address assignment
Each system connected to an Ethernet network is clearly specified by a MAC
address. This MAC address consists of 6 bytes. The first three bytes specify the
manufacturer, the last three bytes are assigned consecutively by the
manufacturers. The notation is usually hexadecimal:
Figure 1-1
00 1B 1B FA CE 36
specifies the
(here Siemens AG)
continuously assigned
by the manufacturer
Each MAC address is assigned one or more IP address/es, depending on the
network structure.
The IP address with IPv4 consists of 4 bytes and is represented in dotted-decimal
notation (four numbers separated by dots):
The rapid increase in network-compatible devices results in the fact that the
number of IP addresses enabled through IPv4 is running out.
IPv6 is to counteract this development, providing 16 bytes for the IP address. The
address is represented by eight hexadecimal numbers, each separated by a colon.
Figure 1-2
IPv6: 2012:0dc8:89a3:08d3:1219:8f2e:aa70:7364
1 Overview of Important Terms and Technologies
1.2 Transmission protocols
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1.2 Transmission protocols
The protocols used in an industrial Ethernet are from the IP protocol suite. They
are divided into connection-oriented TCP protocols and connectionless UDP
protocols. The IP protocols owe their development to the fact that for a long time
there were no official standards for integrating different computers in one network.
In the early 70s, the US Department of Defense commissioned one of its
departments to develop and define a communication protocol for connections and
data exchange in manufacturer-independent, heterogeneous computer networks.
The package-oriented Wide Area Network Arpanet (Advanced Research Projects
Agency Network) was the experimental platform used for first tests with these
communication protocols. The protocol specifications were written down and
published in the form of Request for Comments (RFCs).
In the early 80s, when the development was completed, the US Department of
Defense declared TCP/IP as its standard communication protocol. Many of the
RFCs defined were taken as military standards without changes.
The civil breakthrough of TCP/IP came with its first implementation in the 4.2BSD
UNIX system. This source code was later made publicly available as PublicDomain
software by the University of Berkeley. Shortly afterwards, all UNIX systems took
over TCP/IP and other operating systems jumped on the bandwagon.
1.3 Firewalling
Firewalling describes the process of filtering the data traffic using information in the
header of the data packet. The header includes information about the
sending/receiving party, the transmission protocols used, etc., which precede the
actual user data. Data traffic can be filtered according to:
MAC addresses
IP addresses
Communication protocols
In addition, the syntactical correctness of the communication protocols used can be
1.4 Encoding
Encrypting the data to be transmitted ensures confidentiality and integrity during
data transmission. The most common encryption methods are:
For encryption, systems which are capable of encrypting and decrypting the data
packets must be installed on the sending and receiving side. Such systems may be
realized as standalone hardware (e.g. SCALANCE S612) or software-based (e.g.
SOFTNET Security Client).
2 Risk Reduction through Security
2.1 Problem description
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2 Risk Reduction through Security
2.1 Problem description
There are currently two major trends in industrial automation:
wireless data transmission
the security of networks in production
The security issue is of primary importance since industrial Ethernet solutions and
numerous unsecured interfaces are on the rise. The use of standard components
from information technology and the advance of Ethernet-based communication
standards creates vulnerabilities unknown for the physically isolated automation
systems used in the past.
2.2 Conditions and requirements
Security requirements include:
Data confidentiality: user data must be encrypted and protected from
unauthorized access
Node authorization: Only defined stations must participate in the data
communication. Authentication is required.
Packet identification: It must be ensured that the data packets arrive
unchanged at their destination address.
Confidentiality: Networks behind the VPN Gateways should be hidden from
third parties.
Conditions of automation engineering
The specific requirements of automation engineering are:
Taking into account effectiveness and economic efficiency through using
already available infrastructure.
Nonreactive integration: The existing network infrastructure must not be
changed and existing components must not be reconfigured.
Maintaining data security by protection from unauthorized access.
Availability: Particularly in remote control technology it is essential that the
connection between the control center and the production plant is robust, safe,
and reliable.
2 Risk Reduction through Security
2.3 The Siemens protection concept: “Defense in Depth”
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2.3 The Siemens protection concept: “Defense in Depth”
Multi-level security concept
Increased networking and the use of proven technologies of the "Office world" in
automation systems lead to increased security requirements. It is not sufficient to
offer only superficial and limited protection, since attacks from outside may occur
on several levels. Pronounced awareness of security is required for optimal
protection. Siemens follows the "Defense in Depth" strategy in order to achieve the
required security goals. The approach of this strategy is a multi-layer security
model consisting of the following components:
Plant security
Network security
System integrity
The advantage of this strategy is the fact that an attacker first has to break through
several security mechanisms to do any damage. The security requirements of the
individual layers can be taken into account.
Instruments of the "defense in depth" strategy
For the implementation of this protection concept two security instruments from the
field of network security are mentionable, for example: the firewall and the VPN
tunnel. A firewall is used to control data traffic. By filtering, packets can be
discarded and network accesses can be blocked or granted.
VPN (IPsec) is used to secure communication against spying and manipulation.
2.3.1 The Siemens solution for plant security
Implementation of an appropriate, comprehensive security management is the
basis for planning and realizing an industrial security solution.
Security management is a process mainly comprising four steps:
Risk analysis with definition of risk reduction measures: These measures must
be defined for the plant, depending on the threats and risks identified.
Determination of guidelines and coordination of organizational measures.
Coordination of technical measures.
Consistent security management process with regular or event-dependent
repetition of risk analysis.
2 Risk Reduction through Security
2.3 The Siemens protection concept: “Defense in Depth”
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2.3.2 The Siemens solution for network security
If controllers or other intelligent devices with no or minimum self-protection are
located in a network segment, the only remaining option is to create a secured
network environment for these devices. The easiest way to achieve this is the use
of special routers or gateways. They establish security through integrated firewalls
in industrial quality which also protect them. Additional security can be provided by
segmenting individual sub-networks, e.g. through a cell protection concept or a
demilitarized zone (DMZ).
The Siemens security solution was developed particularly for the requirements of
an automation environment, in order to meet the increasing demand of network
security, reduce the susceptibility to failure of the entire production plant and thus
to increase its availability.
The cell protection concept
The core of this concept is to segment the automation network in terms of security
and to form protected automation cells. Cells therefore are network segments
which are decoupled in terms of security.
The network nodes within a cell are protected by special security modules to
control the data traffic from and to the cell and to check the authorizations. Only
authorized telegrams will be allowed to pass.
This can be done via VPN (Virtual Private Network) or firewall.
Figure 2-1
Internal network
Company network
Automation cell 1Automatision cell n
Allowed comunication
Forbidden / restricted
Advantages of the cell concept
The concept of cell protection mainly serves for protecting any devices that cannot
protect themselves. Mostly, these are devices for which an upgrade with security
functions would be too costly. Sometimes an upgrade is not realizable technically.
Mainly smaller automation devices do not fulfill the necessary hardware
2 Risk Reduction through Security
2.3 The Siemens protection concept: “Defense in Depth”
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The security module protecting the complete cell secures several devices at the
same time, which apart from lower costs also means lower configuration expenses.
Realtime and security
Realtime communication and security are in principle two opposing requirements.
Checking the messages according to the rules or configurations costs time and
performance. With the cell protection concept, both factors can be achieved
simultaneously. Realtime data traffic can flow within a cell entirely unaffected by
security mechanisms. Data is only checked by the security module at the cell input.
Security components
For the realization of the cell protection concept, Siemens offers security modules
and software, as well as communication modules that provide integrated
communication functions plus specific security functions:
S7 Advanced Communication Processors (VPN, Firewall)
CP443-1 Advanced and CP343-1 Advanced V3.0
Security PC-CP (VPN, Firewall) CP1628
GPRS/UMTS-Router (VPN, Firewall) SCALANCE M875
Security-Module SCALANCE S V3.0
VPN Software Client SOFTNET Security Client (V4)
Demilitarized zone (DMZ)
The connection via a demilitarized zone (DMZ) provides an even higher level of
A DMZ aims at blocking the direct communication between the internal network
(production network / automation cell) and the remaining company networks and
the Internet through firewalls. Data can only be exchanged indirectly via an
additional network isolated from the other networks (the DMZ).
This controlled data traffic enables improved protection of sensitive company data
against unauthorized access and the reliable implementation of internal security
guidelines for communication.
2 Risk Reduction through Security
2.3 The Siemens protection concept: “Defense in Depth”
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Figure 2-2
Internal network
Company network
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
Allowed communication
Forbidden communication
Security module
The SCALANCE S623 module is used for realizing a demilitarized zone. With its
three network connections and integrated firewall, this module provides the
possibility of physically separating the different networks (external, internal, and
2.3.3 The Siemens solution for system integrity
In order to maintain the system integrity, it is important to minimize the
vulnerabilities in PC systems and in the control level. Siemens meets this
requirement with the following solutions:
Use of antivirus and whitelisting software
Maintenance and update processes
User authentication for machine or plant operators
Integrated access protection mechanisms in automation components
Protection of the program code through know-how protection, copy protection,
and assignment of passwords
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.1 Node restriction on S7 controls
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3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
This chapter will show a selection of security scenarios that can all be realized with
the products of the SIMATIC NET product range.
Each security scenario will describe the corresponding application and a practical
solution approach with security components.
These scenarios can be divided into the following main categories:
Restricting communication in plants
Secure data communication via unsecured networks
Secure communication via WLAN
3.1 Node restriction on S7 controls
Network topology
Figure 3-1
Fehler! Es ist nicht möglich, durch die Bearbeitung von Feldfunktionen Objekte zu
The S7 controller is connected to a network via an Ethernet CP. This network has
several nodes. But only some nodes should be allowed access to the S7 controller.
The network itself does not have a protection mechanism against unauthorized
access to the S7 station. Therefore, the S7 station can be accessed from any
configuration station using STEP 7 and its configuration can be changed. This
unauthorized access could lead to the S7 station being sabotaged.
Possible solutions using SIMATIC NET components
There are several possible solutions:
Protection in the end device through access protection
Protection through a firewall
Protection through segmentation using VLANs
Protection through authentication
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.1 Node restriction on S7 controls
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3.1.1 Protection in the end device
Solution approach
Figure 3-2
To prevent unauthorized access to a S7 station, an Ethernet communication
processor (e.g. CP343-1) is used for network connection on the S7 side.
These CPs can be configured to permit selected IP addresses only to access the
S7 station via Ethernet.
The required configuration is made via the STEP 7 HW Config in the CP
properties. The IP access protection tab contains an editable list where all IP
addresses can be entered which are allowed to access the S7 station.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.1 Node restriction on S7 controls
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3.1.2 Protection through a firewall
Solution scheme
Figure 3-3
process data
office PC
ET200 with robot S7-300 S7-400
diagnosis PC
plant PC plant PG
firewall firewall
access allowed
access not allowed / restricted
A firewall can basically filter incoming and outgoing data packets with regard to
selected criteria. All products of the SCALANCE S and SCALANCE M family and
the security communication modules provide this function.
Both the receiver and the sender address may be used as a criterion for the firewall
in order to prevent access to the S7 controllers. The firewall will only let the data
packets pass to the S7 controller if the rule for forwarding has been configured
accordingly. If they do not match, the packet will be rejected.
The fire wall rules of the SCALANCE S family and the security communication
module will be created using the Security Configuration Tool (SCT) and may be
defined as follows:
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.1 Node restriction on S7 controls
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user-defined (only SCALANCE S V3 or higher)
Local rule sets are assigned to one module each and are directly defined in the
properties dialog.
Global firewall rules are defined outside the modules on project level, which
provides the advantage that rules applying to several modules must only be
configured once. Via drag & drop, the global firewall rules are simply assigned to
the module they are applicable to.
Global firewall rules can be defined for:
IP rule sets
MAC rule sets
For the user-defined firewall the rule sets can be assigned to one or more users
and then to individual security modules, providing the option to make accesses
subject to successful user authentication. For authentication, the user can log on to
SCALANCE S V3 on a web page. After successful log-on the firewall rule set
assigned to this user will be activated.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.1 Node restriction on S7 controls
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3.1.3 Protection through “segmentation”
Solution scheme
Figure 3-4
central station panel PC
Another way of protecting against unauthorized accesses to an S7 controller is the
use of VLANs. The switches SCALANCE X-300, X-400 and X-500 allow for a
corresponding configuration.
This method uses the web-based management to assign a VLAN ID to the
individual ports of a switch. Communication will then only be possible within a
VLAN (ports with the same VLAN ID). This means that both the configuration
station and the S7 station must be on switch ports with the same VLAN ID.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.1 Node restriction on S7 controls
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3.1.4 Protection through authentication
Solution scheme
Figure 3-5
data communication
The SCALANCE switches of the X-300, X-400, and X-500 series support
IEEE 802.1x. This standard is a method for authentication in networks.
The RADIUS concept is based on an external authentication server, so that access
to the network for end devices in the robot cell can be restricted via the IE switch.
Via the web-based management, each port in the IE switch can be assigned to
perform an authentication process for defined end devices. The IE switch uses an
authentication server (RADIUS server) to verify the log-on data transmitted by the
end device. If these data match the data stored on the RADIUS server, the end
device is granted access to the network behind the switch via this port; if not,
access will be denied.
This standard requires both the RADIUS server and the end device to support the
EAP (Extensive Authentication Protocol).
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.2 Communication restrictions for plants / single devices
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3.2 Communication restrictions for plants / single devices
Network topology
Figure 3-6
office PC
ET200 with robot S7-300 S7-400
diagnosis PC
plant PC plant PG
possible data communication
A network involves several nodes with different functions.
Each single device or cell, by means of a fire wall, shall be capable of restricting
access to that device or internal devices, so that only certain applications are
available to selected nodes.
The different functionalities are often bound to specific protocols (e.g. the S7
protocol for the S7 configuration, DCP for IP address assignment, HTTP for web-
based management). The problem here is that there is no filtering for certain
protocols within the network and therefore all nodes can access any application.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.2 Communication restrictions for plants / single devices
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Possible solution using SIMATIC NET components
Figure 3-7
office PC
ET200 with robot S7-300 S7-400
diagnosis PC
plant PC plant PG
access allowed
access not allowed / restricted
The SCALANCE S602 module can be used for cell protection in this case, besides
the SCALANCE S612, S623 security modules and security CPs. It provides the
same firewall functionality as the modules mentioned, but it does not have VPN
The SCALANCE S is used as the connection point of the cell with the remaining
network. A filter is configured for the protocol to be blocked in order to prevent
certain protocols from spreading throughout the entire network, restricting them
instead to the relevant cell.
With a filter on PROFINET-DCP (for identifying all PROFINET nodes), for example,
only the nodes within the cell (and not the nodes of the remaining network) will be
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.3 Bandwidth restriction
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3.3 Bandwidth restriction
Frequently, multiple automation cells are interconnected through a higher-level
network. A system load occurring in that network (e.g. broadcast storm) shall have
no impact on the individual stations.
Usually, the network itself does not have any filter functions for such overload
conditions. As a consequence, a broadcast storm, for instance, will be forwarded to
all cells, causing the connections between all communication partners within that
cell to be aborted. Data exchange will come to a stop.
Possible solutions using SIMATIC NET components
Figure 3-8
high system load
low system load
load limiting
panel PCcentral station
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.4 Secure remote access via Internet
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The easiest way to prevent network loads from spreading is to install a load
limiting device at the connecting point between a cell and the network. A load
limiting device can be either a SCALANCE X-300, X-400, or X-500 switch, a
SCALANCE S module or a security CP with activated bandwidth limitation. If, with
this setting, a high load occurs in a network, data exchange can continue without
difficulties or restrictions within the cell.
3.4 Secure remote access via Internet
Network topology
Figure 3-9
service engineer
possible data communication
Service engineers frequently need to connect to a production network from a
remote location in order to remotely access the stations (e.g. S7, etc.) connected in
the network. Once connected to the network, the service engineer can, for
instance, load new programs into an S7 controller or update the firmware.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.4 Secure remote access via Internet
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Since a higher performance is expected today, an Internet connection via DSL line
is preferred to a modem solution via analog dial-up line. With a DSL line,
technicians around the world can connect to a production network at lower costs
than with the modem solution.
Two data security aspects are of major interest in this scenario: Firstly, it is
important to encrypt data transmitted over the Internet to protect them against
unauthorized access. Secondly, it is essential that only the service staff is given
access to the system.
Possible solutions using SIMATIC NET components
The Siemens product portfolio offers the following security components for this
Security Modules SCALANCE S612 and S623
SOFTNET Security client (SSC) software
PLC-CPs (CPx43-1 Advanced V3)
All components are VPN-capable and can establish secure connections using
Via the joint configuration software Security Configuration Tool, the modules can
be configured such that they represent the end points of a joint VPN (Virtual Private
Network) tunnel.
The remote access to an automation network by a service engineer, taking into
account the above-mentioned data security aspects, is software-based with the
SSC on the engineer's side and hardware-based with one of the modules
mentioned above on the plant side.
After setting up a VPN connection with the peer on the automation side, a service
engineer can access any device in the automation network, for example to load a
new parameterization to an S7 station using STEP 7.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.4 Secure remote access via Internet
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3.4.1 Access to a system with DSL broadband connection
Solution scheme
Figure 3-10
service engineer
Internet access
Internet accesses
robot cells
PG incl.
SOFNET Security Client
S612 / S623
Adv. V3
VPN tunnel
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.4 Secure remote access via Internet
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If the system has a DSL connection, the following modules can be used on the
service PC in combination with a SOFTNET Security Client:
Use of a SCALANCE S612 or S623.
Use of a security CP.
The SOFTNET Security Client is the active node in this configuration, i.e. it initiates
the tunnel build-up to the SCALANCE S module or CP1628 / CPx43-1 Advanced
V3 on the network side. The advantage is the fact that a service engineer can log
on to the system from any location in the world without having to know his current
IP address (dynamic WAN IP address).
The automation network comprises a SCALANCE S (S612, S623) or a CP1628 /
CPx43-1 Advanced V3 which protects and terminates the IPSec tunnel. These
modules are connected to the Internet via an appropriate access. The access point
in the network is realized via a static WAN IP address or via a registered FQDN
(Fully Qualified Domain Name) at a service provider for dynamic DNS (only in
combination with SCALANCE S). Using this address or name, the SOFTNET
Security Client can establish a connection to the peer on the Internet.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.4 Secure remote access via Internet
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3.4.2 Access to a system accessible via the mobile phone network
Solution scheme
Figure 3-11
service engineer
Internet access
robot cells
PG incl.
SOFTNET Security Client
Adv. V3
VPN tunnel
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.5 Secure data communication between system components
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If the system is located in a place that is hard to reach or if there is no DSL
connection with a static IP address, the system can be connected via the mobile
phone network. With this method, the following modules can be used on the
service PC in combination with a SOFTNET Security Client:
CPx43-1 Advanced V3 or CP1628
SCALANCE S612 / S623 with SCALANCE M873 to access the mobile phone
The SOFTNET Security Client initiates the tunnel build-up to the security modules
on the system side. The service engineer can therefore log on to the system from
any location in the world without having to know his current IP address (dynamic
WAN IP address).
A SCALANCE M875, SCALANCE S612 / S623 or Security-CP V3 / CP1628 in
connection with a SCALANCE M873 is integrated into the automation network as
the peer to the IPsec tunnel.
These modules will dial into the mobile phone network and establish a connection
to the Internet. The access point in the network is realized via a static WAN IP
address or via a registered FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) at a service
provider for dynamic DNS (only in combination with SCALANCE S). Using this
address or name, the SOFTNET Security Client can establish a connection to the
peer on the Internet.
3.5 Secure data communication between system
3.5.1 Data communication via Internet
Network topology
Figure 3-12
Fehler! Es ist nicht möglich, durch die Bearbeitung von Feldfunktionen Objekte zu
Plant components networked around the globe or remote access via WAN to single
devices from a central station, e.g. for diagnosis, are quite common today.
Exchanging sensitive manufacturing data, important production data, or
confidential data, etc. among plant components and/or with the central station are
part of everyday routine. Secure communication is therefore essential.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.5 Secure data communication between system components
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The Internet is an unsecure transmission channel:
Incorrect PC settings and lacking security updates cause vulnerabilities,
opening the way for viruses, trojans, or worms.
Non-encrypted data can easily be intercepted or manipulated.
Data is temporarily buffered.
Unnoticed hacker attacks from outside.
An unprotected internet connection can cause entire plant parts to be sabotaged or
to fail.
Possible solution using SIMATIC NET components
Figure 3-13
robot cells
central station panel PC
Internet accesses
Internet access
S612 / S623
Adv. V3
VPN tunnel
S612 / S623
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.5 Secure data communication between system components
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Static VPN connections are established to enable secure communication between
distributed plants. To achieve this, each cell is equipped with one VPN-capable
security module with internet access.
The following security modules are suitable for this scenario:
Security Modules SCALANCE S (S612, S623)
PLC-CPs (CPx43-1 Advanced V3) with security functionality
PC-CP1628 with security functionality
UMTS router SCALANCE M with security functionality
Through the Security Configuration Tool configuration software, all security
modules will be configured such that they will represent the end points of a joint
central security module.
One module in this configuration will be configured as an active node, i.e. it will
initiate the tunnel build-up to the other SCALANCE S modules. The active module
only needs a dynamic IP address.
The other modules are passive, terminating the IPSec tunnel for the automation
network in which they are located. The access point will be realized via a static
WAN IP address or via a registered FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) at a
service provider for dynamic DNS.
As the connection is being established, the active side will then establish a VPN
connection to all modules configured as passive. After that, the individual
networks/cells will behave as though they were part of a common network.
This means that FTP connections, for instance, can be parameterized and
operated as usual. Furthermore, a service engineer can connect to one of the cells
in order to access all devices in this cell (e.g. for diagnosing devices using NCM).
The following table shows the possible VPN combinations for the use of the
security modules:
Table 3-1
S612 / S623
CPx43-1 Advanced V3 /
S612 / S623
Advanced V3
* dynamic DNS names can be used.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.5 Secure data communication between system components
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3.5.2 Data communication via LAN
Network topology
Figure 3-14
process data
Engineering Station
office PC
ET200 with robot S7-300 diagnosis PCs
possible data communication
In an up-to-date company network, the office and automation networks are
Exchanging sensitive manufacturing data, important production data, or
confidential data, etc. between the automation network and the central station is
part of the daily routine.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.5 Secure data communication between system components
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If the connection of the two networks is not secured, confidential production data
might be transmitted to the office network without being controlled and might be
viewed or modified by third parties.
Possible solution using SIMATIC NET components
There are two possible solutions:
Protection through a secure communication channel.
Protection through DMZ.
Protection through a firewall for regulating data traffic (see chapter 3.1.2 and
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.5 Secure data communication between system components
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Solution scheme
Figure 3-15
process data
engineering station with
SOFTNET Security Client
office PC
VPN tunnel
ET200 with robot S7-300 diagnosis PCs
S612 / S623
S612 / S623
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.5 Secure data communication between system components
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Communication between the automation cell and the central station is
accomplished via an exclusive corporate network. Static VPN connections are
established to enable secure communication. For this purpose, each site has a
VPN-capable security module.
The following security modules are suitable for this scenario:
Security Modules SCALANCE S (S612, S623)
SOFTNET Security Client software
PLC-CPs (CPx43-1 Advanced V3) with security functionality
PC-CP (CP1628) with security functionality
Through the Security Configuration Tool configuration software, all security
modules will be configured such that they will represent the end points of a joint
VPN tunnel.
One module in this configuration will be configured as an active node, i.e. it will
initiate the tunnel build-up to the other modules.
The other modules are passive, terminating the IPSec tunnel for the automation
network in which they are located.
As the connection is being established, the active side will then establish a VPN
connection to all security modules configured as passive. After that, the individual
networks will behave as though they were part of a common network.
This means that S7 connections, for instance, can be parameterized and operated
as usual. Furthermore, a service engineer can connect to one of the cells in the
network in order to access all devices in this cell (e.g. for diagnosing devices using
The following table shows the possible VPN combinations for the use of the
security modules:
Table 3-2
Automation cell
S612 / S623
CPx43-1 Advanced V3
Company network
SOFTNET Security
CP1628 OK OK
S612 / S623
* dynamic DNS names can be used.
The difference to the "Node restriction on S7 controllers" scenario (chapter 3.1) is
that in this case an entire automation cell is protected against unauthorized access
via the VPN tunnel and not one S7 controller only is protected via the CP. The data
transmitted via the tunnel are encrypted.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.5 Secure data communication between system components
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Copyright Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved Protection through DMZ
Solution scheme
Figure 3-16
office PC
ET200 with robot S7-300 diagnosis PCs
access allowed access not allowed / restricted
With its three network connections, the SCALANCE S623 provides the possibility
of establishing a demilitarized zone and physically separating the different
networks (external, internal, and DMZ).
Network nodes, that should be accessible both from the internal and the external
network, will be integrated into the DMZ and will thus be isolated against other
networks. This controlled separation enables the network nodes to access required
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.6 WLAN scenarios with SCALANCE W
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data even though they have no direct access to the single devices within the
protected automation cell (internal network).
The separation follows defined firewall rules.
3.6 WLAN scenarios with SCALANCE W
Network topology
Figure 3-17
robot cell
data communication
Plant components which are difficult to access or areas where extreme conditions
prevail (high temperature, rough environment etc.) are connected via a radio field.
Secret, sensitive data is exchanged via industrial wireless LAN. Data security
aspects shall also be taken into account for this type of transmission.
The radio network does not provide any protection features against unauthorized
access. An unprotected radio network bears the risk that unauthorized persons can
log on to the WLAN and sabotage other terminal equipment.
To ensure data security, the WLAN components must have appropriate protection
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.6 WLAN scenarios with SCALANCE W
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Possible solution using SIMATIC NET components
Figure 3-18
secure access (e.g. WPA 2)
Besides their robust design, the SCALANCE W products also provide effective
mechanisms for data security. Any data to be transmitted will be encrypted and
thus protected against spying, interception, and manipulation.
The access points and WLAN clients will be configured via the web-based
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.7 WLAN scenario with non-secure components
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3.7 WLAN scenario with non-secure components
Network topology
Figure 3-19
data communication
WLAN router
Not every WLAN infrastructure is equipped with the necessary security
mechanisms. In most cases it is not possible to completely rebuild the WLAN
infrastructure. Therefore, the security mechanisms must be retrofitted by extending
the existing network. Data security aspects shall also be observed with an existing
radio network.
It is not trivial to expand an existing radio network. It must be guaranteed that the
new modules can be integrated without difficulty and without causing any
disturbances. If this is not the case, the system might be unstable. As a
consequence, all existing modules will have to be reconfigured, which implies
additional costs and expenditure.
3 Possible Scenarios for Data Protection
3.7 WLAN scenario with non-secure components
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Possible solution using SIMATIC NET components
Figure 3-20
S612/ S623
Adv. V3
S612/ S623
VPN tunnel
In order to create a protected and secure data link, a static VPN connection will be
established between distributed plants, A security module (e.g. SCALANCE S612
or S623 or CPx43-1 Advanced V3) being additionally integrated in every
The advantage of this proceeding is the fact that there is no need to reconfigure
the already existing WLAN access points.
Through the Security Configuration Tool configuration software, the newly
integrated security modules will be configured such that they will represent the end
points of a joint VPN tunnel.
4 Basics and Principles
4.1 Basics of Ethernet and the IP protocol suite
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4 Basics and Principles
4.1 Basics of Ethernet and the IP protocol suite
4.1.1 OSI model (7-layer model)
The OSI (Open System Interconnection) model was developed by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) and is the theoretical basis for data
transmission in networks.
The model describes the way data is transmitted between two computer systems.
Data transmission is divided into seven layers, each layer being assigned a certain
task to fulfill autonomously.
Figure 4-1
7Application layer
6Presentation layer
5Session layer
4Transport layer
3Network layer
2Data link layer
1Physical layer
Due to this modular design, specific program parts of individual layers can be
exchanged as desired. This offers the possibility to develop programs which are
independent of the hardware used, which is a considerable advantage over a
monolithic solution.
For instance, it is possible to communicate with another computer via WLAN, via a
modem connection, via the serial interface, or via industrial Ethernet using the
same TELNET application.
The TELNET program (OSI Layer 7) operates independently of the physical line. It
merely passes the data packets on to the TCP layer (OSI layer 4) or receives data
packets from this layer.
4 Basics and Principles
4.1 Basics of Ethernet and the IP protocol suite
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4.1.2 System addressing (MAC and IP address)
Every network node of an IP-based Ethernet network is characterized by
its unique MAC address specified by the hardware and
an IP address assigned to it.
A subnet mask provides the information about the address range of its IP subnet.
If several subnets are defined in a network, the node is also informed about which
addresses (systems) to use in order to reach the network nodes in other subnets.
These systems located at the subnet transitions are referred to as routers.
The following components from the SCALANCE product range can be used as
SCALANCE S modules (S602, S612, S623)
SCALANCE X414-3E as layer 3 router
Figure 4-2
Subnet 1
Subnet 2
subnet mask:
subnet mask:
subnet mask :
subnet mask :
subnet mask :
subnet mask :
4 Basics and Principles
4.1 Basics of Ethernet and the IP protocol suite
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4.1.3 Address resolution with ARP
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) maps a MAC address to an IP address.
Every network node has its table with this mapping. The following table shows an
example of the ARP address resolution:
Table 4-1
IP Address Mac Address Type 00-07-b4-00-00-02 dynamic 00-09-7b-9e-f1-8a dynamic 00-09-7b-e0-a0-0a dynamic
All assignments learned via the ARP are saved as ‘dynamic’. It is also possible to
define ‘static’ entries manually.
Example 1: Address resolution in the same subnet:
Node 1 wants to send data to node 2:
Figure 4-3
subnet mask :
subnet mask :
node 1node 2
Table 4-2
Step Functional sequence
1. Node 1 sends the following to all others in the subnet (via broadcast address "Who has IP address"
2. Computer 2 identifies this to be its IP address and responds: „The MAC
address to is 00-0B-1D-8A-96-1A“.
3. The connection between node 1 and 2 can now be established.
4 Basics and Principles
4.1 Basics of Ethernet and the IP protocol suite
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Example 2: Address resolution beyond subnet limits:
If node 1 wants to establish a connection to a system outside its own subnet,
address resolution will be a bit more difficult since a router is installed at the
transition between the subnets.
Figure 4-4
Subnet 1
Subnet 2
subnet mask:
subnet mask:
subnet mask:
subnet mask:
node 1
node 2
Table 4-3
Step Functional sequence
1. From the combination of its own IP address and subnet mask, node 1
realizes that node 2 is located in a different subnet.
2. The routing table of node 1 includes an entry specifying that the subnet in
which node 2 is located can be reached via IP address
3. Node 1 therefore sends the following ARP request to "Who
has IP address"
4. Node 1 receives the following response from the router: "MAC address to is 00-1B-1B-E6-24-45."
5. Then node 1 sends the first packet intended for node 2 to the router (here:
6. The router identifies the data packet to be intended for node 2. Its routing
table shows that it is directly connected to the corresponding subnet.
7. Thus it sends an ARP request to the subnet of node 2: "Who has IP
4 Basics and Principles
4.1 Basics of Ethernet and the IP protocol suite
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Step Functional sequence
8. Node 2 responds: "MAC address to is 00-3E-6C-2F-32-B1."
9. Address resolution in the reverse direction is done accordingly. In this
case, however, node 2 requires an entry in its routing table that it can
reach the subnet of node 1 via address
4.1.4 Structure of a data packet
Data are transmitted in "packets". These packets are created by the relevant
protocols in the individual OSI layers adding transmission-related information to the
actual data to be transmitted. This additional information is referred to as header:
Figure 4-5
2Data link
2Data link
data CRC
sender receiver
The individual headers, which the sending side adds when sending the data, are
evaluated layer by layer on the receiving end until the data is available to the
application at the top layers.
4 Basics and Principles
4.1 Basics of Ethernet and the IP protocol suite
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4.1.5 Formation of subnets and routing
The formation of subnets and routing, meaning data forwarding across subnet
limits, are assigned to OSI layer 3.
The creation of subnets requires a subnet ID and a subnet mask. The lowest IP
address is used as subnet ID. The number of IP addresses contained in the subnet
from the subnet ID on is defined by the subnet mask.
A company consists of four manufacturing units with 30 controllers each. These
units are to be mapped as subnets in one overall network. The overall network is
assigned the address range
Table 4-4
Subnet ID Address range
network nodes
subnet mask
Unit 1 to
Unit 2 to
Unit 3 to
Unit 4 to
The highest IP address in a subnet ( for unit 1) must not be assigned
to any network node. This address is referred to as broadcast address and is
used as collective address for all IP addresses in the subnet. If data is sent to this
highest IP address, then all nodes on the subnet are the receivers.
4 Basics and Principles
4.1 Basics of Ethernet and the IP protocol suite
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4.1.6 The TCP protocol
TCP as a part of the IP protocol suite is assigned to OSI layer 4 (transport layer).
Every TCP/IP data link has a sender and a receiver. In the IP protocol suite, TCP is
a connection-oriented protocol that controls the data traffic and will take
measures in the event of data loss.
The TCP’s task is to split the data stream of the different applications, add a
header and forward it for transmission to the Internet Protocol (IP) on OSI layer 3
(network layer). On the receiving side, TCP will sort the data and put them back
together to a data stream. TCP will identify lost packets and request them again.
On the transport layer, sending and receiving side are in permanent contact with
each other. Although it is rather a virtual connection, control messages are
exchanged continuously during data transmission. The Ethernet CP supports the
socket interface (e.g. Winsock.dll) to TCP/IP that is available on virtually every end
system (PC or external system) with the SEND/RECEIVE interface via TCP
A TCP connection is established and closed using the 3-way handshake:
Establishing a TCP connection:
Figure 4-6
request connection build-up
(SYN-Bit in TCP header = 1)
(SYN-/ ACK-Bit in TCP header = 1)
data transmittion start
(ACK-Bit in TCP header = 1)
sender receiver
Closing a TCP connection:
Figure 4-7
request connection termination
(FIN-Bit in TCP header = 1)
(FIN-/ ACK-Bit in TCP header = 1)
end of data transmission
(ACK-Bit in TCP header = 1)
sender receiver
4 Basics and Principles
4.1 Basics of Ethernet and the IP protocol suite
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4.1.7 The UDP protocol
As TCP, UDP is also assigned to OSI layer 4 (transport layer). Unlike TCP, UDP is
a connectionless protocol; it will not send acknowledgements for packets that
have arrived. Some features such as data flow control or protocol-controlled re-
requesting of lost data packets are omitted, making UDP faster. Therefore, UDP is
better suited for data transmissions such as video streaming where lost data
packets do not matter. UDP is also used as a simple transport protocol if higher-
layer protocols (in OSI layers 5-7) carry out error-checking.
4.1.8 Port addressing
A port number, associated with an application or service, is included in every TCP
or UDP data packet. This application or service will monitor the assigned port and
will receive the data from TCP or UDP.
Port numbers start with 1 and are each assigned to a specific application up to
number 1024. All higher port numbers - up to a maximum of 65535 - can be used
freely by other programs.
Ports from 2000 on are available for STEP 7 connection configuration.
This port structure enables several applications to simultaneously establish
connections to several communication partners via the network.
Application examples
The following table shows some examples for the assignment of an application to
the corresponding port.
Table 4-5
Application Transport protocol Port number
FTP (data exchange) TCP 20
FTP (control data) TCP 21
SMTP (e-mail) TCP 25
DNS (name resolution) UDP 53
4 Basics and Principles
4.2 Basic principles of wireless data transmission
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4.2 Basic principles of wireless data transmission
The advantage of wireless data transmission is the fact that no physical lines are
needed between the communication partners. It is therefore possible to remotely
retrieve data from plants or production plants that are difficult to reach and where
no fixed connection can be made, without big installation effort.
The system via WLAN / UMTS / GSM is maintenance-free (since there are no
physical lines) and it can also be used in rough industrial environments without
Wireless LAN (WLAN) is suitable for data transmission within a company network.
For data transmission via public networks, there are currently two systems to
Data transmission via GPRS or EDGE
Data transmission via UMTS
The following chapters will explain how wireless communication works and the
differences between the systems.
4.2.1 Wireless LAN radio technology
WLAN designates a radio technology according to the IEEE 802.11 standard. Data
is naturally not transmitted via an Ethernet cable, but via radio waves in the 2.4
GHz or 5 GHz frequency range.
Until today, the IEEE 802.11 standard has continuously been developed, new
versions being marked by additional lower-case letters
(e.g. IEEE 802.11b).
Without much installation effort, WLAN offers more mobility, saves the wiring, and
avoids system downtimes due to cable failures.
WLAN technology
WLAN is a network which actually replaces the Ethernet cable by radio
communication. The most basic differences can be found on the physical layer
(layer 1) since the data is transmitted through the air by means of electromagnetic
waves, different modulation and encoding procedures being defined depending on
the standard.
Data transfer rate with WLAN
The original standard IEEE 802.11 provides for data transfer rates of 1-2 Mbit/s.
This standard has been further developed in order to meet the continuous demand
for bandwidth. IEEE 802.11b already operates at 11 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.11a at up to
54 Mbit/s and as the next WLAN generation IEEE 802.11n at up to
600 Mbit/s.
4 Basics and Principles
4.2 Basic principles of wireless data transmission
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4.2.2 Radio systems GPRS and EDGE
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM
Evolution) are mobile wireless technologies for fast data transmission and are
based on the existing GSM network (Global System for Mobile Communications).
They were developed mainly for accessing IP-based networks such as the Internet.
GSM technology
The frequency band of the GSM network is divided into several channels which in
turn are split in eight cyclically recurring user channels (time slots). Payload can be
transferred in these time slots.
The transmission of signals via defined frequency bands requires modulating
(changing) the signals. In this case the useful signal to be transferred is multiplied
with a carrier frequency. Through the modulation the useful signal is shifted to a
higher frequency range.
GSM is connection-oriented, i.e. a continuous bearer channel (time slot) is
reserved for the entire data transmission phase, irrespective of whether this
channel is used for the data transmission or whether the entire capacity is used.
GPRS technology
GPRS is a packet-oriented procedure. For data transmission, no transmission
channel is permanently reserved but it uses the free time slots of the GSM network
in order to forward the packets through the network.
On the transmission side, the message is divided into individual packets, each
including additional information (packet sequence, receiver address) and sent
through the network independent of each other. The receiver's job is then to store
the packets temporarily and to sort them in the correct order.
Different encoding procedures (coding schemes / CS) for error correction and
different types of modulation are available for data transmission.
Data rate for GPRS
Several time slots can be combined with each other in order to obtain higher data
rates during transmission. A maximum of five time slots are bundled for one device
through the highest multi-slot class (class 12), i.e. a maximum of five channels in
total can be used for uplink and downlink at the same time (e.g. 3 channels for
uplink and 2 for downlink or 1 for uplink and 4 for downlink, see Table 4-6).
For each direction, however, a maximum of four channels can be bundled.
Table 4-6
Downlink Uplink
1 4
2 3
3 2
4 1
Per time slot up to 21.4 kbit/s can be transmitted depending on the coding scheme.
This results in a max. theoretical data rate of 85.6 Kbit/s (4 x 21.4 Kbit/s). In
practice, however, this theoretical value is very rarely reached.
4 Basics and Principles
4.2 Basic principles of wireless data transmission
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On the one hand this is due to the fact that the number of parallel usable GSM
channels varies depending on network load and capability of the mobile device. On
the other hand, the data rate is adjusted to the quality of the radio network through
channel coding (coding schemes). For GPRS, the data rate in the individual GSM
channel is fixed to 13.4 kbit/s (CS2) as a standard.
The Enhanced General Packet Radio Service (also referred to as EDGE,
Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution) is an expansion of GPRS. EGPRS uses
a different, more efficient modulation method (8-PSK) than GPRS does. This
means that with EGPRS the data rate can be accelerated up to four times.
Data rate for EGPRS
With EGPRS, as with GPRS, up to five time slots can simultaneously be combined
with each other. The maximum data rate per time slot is 59.2 kbit/s. If four time
slots are used for uplink or downlink, the maximum theoretical data rate is
236.8 kbit/s (4 x 59.2 kbit/s).
In practice, however, this theoretical value is rarely reached. For EGPRS, most
providers in Germany use the MCS8 coding scheme for modulation. For the MCS8
scheme the data rate per channel is fixed to 54.4 kbit/s.
The data rate naturally also depends on the network load and the capability of the
mobile device.
4.2.3 The UMTS (3G) radio technology
UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) is the European standard for
the third generation of mobile communication and was developed to meet the
requirements of both the users and the state of the art of modern communication.
Apart from that, the intention with this new generation was to create an
international uniform standard which could not be achieved with GSM.
UMTS technology
The transmission of playload with UMTS is based on the code division multiple
access (CDMA) method.
The code division multiple access method is based on band spreading procedures
aiming at extending (spreading) the required band width for the transmission of the
information signal by means of a pseudo code. Using the same pseudo code, the
receiver reconstructs the signal spread in the bandwidth.
Data rate for UMTS
UMTS is a cellular mobile communication system and is divided into three different
zones. Each zone has different transmission speeds in the downlink. While a rate
of 2Mbit/s can well be reached in the pico cell (building), the data rate in the micro
cell (city) is 384 kbit/s, and in the macro cell (countryside) only 144 kbit/s.
With UMTS, data rates of up to 2 Mbit/s were predicted initially. The available data
rates substantially deviate from these predicted values in rural areas; in these
zones, due to poor network development, not even the EDGE data rates are
The new standard HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) promises to be a
remedy in this case. The aim is to provide higher data rates to the nodes through
better coding and more efficient load distribution.
4 Basics and Principles
4.3 Security mechanisms for wireless LAN
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4.3 Security mechanisms for wireless LAN
4.3.1 WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
WEP is the oldest and, at the same time, the least secure encryption method to
protect WLAN transmissions against unauthorized intruders according to the
IEEE 802.11 standard.
With this method, users define a fixed key (password) when configuring the WLAN.
The system of the WLAN component uses this key to generate a sequence of
pseudo random numbers. Each character of the message to be transmitted is then
encrypted with the next number from this sequence and decrypted by the receiver.
The method is relatively simple and can be compromised comparatively easily in
two ways:
1. The key required for establishing the connection between sender and receiver
is exchanged without encryption.
2. Statistical methods can be used to determine characteristics from the
transmitted message traffic, which again allow drawing conclusions on the
used key, as long as there is an adequate number of messages for the
For these reasons WEP is generally no longer considered to be adequately secure.
4.3.2 WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
Since WEP was classified as unsecure and the development of the new encryption
algorithm 802.11i by the IEEE task group was delayed, the ‘Wi-Fi Alliance
recommended the application of WPA as a subset of the 802.11i standard as an
interim solution.
WPA is the further development of WEP and is today still considered as a standard
despite several weaknesses. Aside from technical changes of the actual encryption
algorithm, the execution of the protocol was also adapted and additional functions
were integrated:
Passwords for the network access (authentication) can be stored on a central
server (“RADIUS”).
The key for the message transmission changes dynamically, making statistical
attacks more difficult.
The MAC address (i.e. the unique hardware identification) of the sender is
incorporated into the key, making it even more difficult to falsify the sender
address of a message.
In the meantime, with the adoption of the 802.11i standard, this has become
irrelevant and WPA2 or AES are available as the methods of first choice.
4 Basics and Principles
4.3 Security mechanisms for wireless LAN
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4.3.3 WPA2 und AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
After adoption of the complete 802.11i standard, it was taken on by the “Wi-Fi
Alliance” under the name “WPA2”. The essential difference between WPA2 and
WPA is the encryption method: The weaknesses which were identified in the
meantime in WPA no longer exist in the AES method used in WPA2.
The same as WEP, the “Advanced Encryption Standard” exercises the “adding up
of a key to the message. With this method, one block of the raw data is processed
with the corresponding identical key, but several processing sequences each with
varying block sizes take place.
If passwords are sufficiently long and complex, AES-encrypted messages will be
relatively hard to decrypt with today’s technical capabilities.
4.3.4 EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)
EAP is a widely used framework for different authentication methods for network
access. In other words, the actual EAP is not an authentication method but
describes the mechanism according to which client and server can agree on a
One of the methods which can be used under EAP is “EAP-TLS” (“EAP-Transport
Layer Security”), in which the network nodes have to be “certified” before they are
authorized for the network communication, i.e. they must be authenticated at a
central server. This method is comparable to SSL frequently used on the Internet.
4.3.5 MAC Filter
MAC addresses are codes for clearly identifying hardware elements (e.g. network
cards, modules, motherboards, etc.) on a worldwide basis.
The addresses normally comprise 6 bytes (48 bits) and are “hard-wired” in the
corresponding components; upon request, the components identify themselves by
returning their MAC address.
In the network management, filter tables with MAC addresses can be created
which allow or refuse access to specific addresses. That way a simple even
though comparatively unsecure access protection can be implemented for the
It cannot be excluded that MAC addresses are manipulated (“spoofing”) so that
MAC filters will only offer adequate protection for a network in connection with
other measures.
4 Basics and Principles
4.4 Security mechanism: The firewall
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4.4 Security mechanism: The firewall
A firewall is part of the security concept in the private and company sector which
prevents or restricts unauthorized access to networks or devices. Firewalls are
offered in form of a hardware component or are software-based.
4.4.1 Packet filter
From the historical point of view, packet filter firewalls are an expansion of network
routers. Each router has two or more interfaces to connected networks and keeps
tables about which networks are connected or available via which interfaces
(routing tables).
It is quite easy to expand the routers in a similar way by sets of rules that specify
whether or not the existing routers may be used by different IP packets. Routers
make their routing decisions only on the link layer (layer 3) of the OSI protocol,
requiring only the IP header of the packets to be analyzed so that the router can
achieve sufficiently high transfer rates even with low-end hardware equipment. In a
similar way, the filter mechanisms of a standard packet filter are kept comparably
simple to be able to guarantee persistent transfer rates. This is why these packet
filters only use information from the headers of the packets; they do not consider
the data contents of the IP packets on higher protocol levels.
A well-equipped packet filter in a TCP/IP environment therefore makes its
decisions based on the following parameters:
IP addresses of sender and receiver
IP protocol used
TCP or UDP ports, provided that the IP packet transports one of these
IP and TCP flags, ICMP types
the network interfaces through which the IP packet reaches the packet filter
and maybe leaves it again
Not all packet filter implementations use all these parameters. The administrator
determines a set of filter rules that remains static during operation. Each rule
defines whether an IP packet is forwarded or not for a combination of the above
parameters. When a certain IP packet is processed, the existing filter rules will
check whether a rule applies to the packet parameters. If yes, the action defined in
the rule will be executed (forward or block). If no filter rule matches the packet, a
default setting will be activated (which should block the packet for security
A standard packet filter processes each IP packet individually. The decision about
forwarding or blocking does not depend on which IP packets have been processed
Many packet filters are implemented on the basis of routers. The bridging firewalls
are an alternative to this. Their filter rules control the data traffic through a network
bridge, i.e. on OSI layer 2. In terms of security they are almost identical to the
packet filters on the routing level.
It might be considered a slight advantage that they are configured without an own
IP address and are therefore not visible on IP level. From a network point of view
they are useful if the connected network segments should not or cannot form
autonomous subnets or if nonreactive integration is required.
4 Basics and Principles
4.4 Security mechanism: The firewall
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4.4.2 Stateful inspection firewalls
The filter properties of a packet filter can be improved considerably if the IP
packets are checked in their context. For instance, a UDP packet arriving from an
external computer should only be forwarded internally if another UDP packet has
been sent to that computer shortly before from within the network (e.g. in case of a
DNS request of a client in the internal network to an external DNS server). To
enable this, the packet filter must maintain records of all states to all current
connections. Packet filters that are able to do this are therefore referred to as
stateful. In case of TCP connections, they imitate the status monitoring of a
complete TCP/IP protocol stack, and in case of UDP, they simulate virtual
connections. Another important feature of a stateful inspection filter is its capability
to dynamically generate and delete filter rules. In the above case, after the first
UDP data packet has passed from inside to outside, a rule must be activated for a
limited period of time which accepts the “response packet” and forwards it to the
client. After the time window for the response has expired, this rule must be deleted
again. The configuration is thus facilitated for the firewall administrator since some
rule definitions do not have to be entered explicitly anymore. On the other hand,
the firewall behavior is no longer fully under the administrator’s control.
Note The Stateful Inspection Firewall is implemented in all Siemens security modules.
4.4.3 Application gateways
This firewall type concentrates its monitoring functions on the application layer (OSI
layer 7). There is a special proxy test program for each processed application
protocol. It fully analyses the data stream of that application. This firewall type is
therefore referred to as proxy firewall. In any case, a proxy verifies only
compliance with the application protocol for which it was written. There are some
further protocol-specific and configuration-dependent options:
Filtering protocol elements
Not everything defined in the application protocol may be allowed in the real
application case. One example is the filtering of the PUT command in the FTP
protocol if the addressed FTP server is not allowed to receive uploads.
Searching for malware
On the application layer, the data is available in a format that allows a standard
virus scanner to check it for viruses, trojans, worms and other malware.
User authentication
In case the application protocol itself provides for a user authentication, this
may already be requested by the proxy before the actually addressed server is
addressed. An unauthorized user cannot reach the server in this case.
4 Basics and Principles
4.5 Security mechanism: The VPN tunnel
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4.5 Security mechanism: The VPN tunnel
4.5.1 Virtual private network
A VPN (virtual private network) is a private network that uses a public network (e.g.
Internet) as a transit network for the transmission of data to a private target
network. The private networks and the transit network do need to be compatible in
this case.
VPN routers are required to establish a VPN.
Although VPN uses the addressing mechanisms of the carrier network it
nevertheless uses its own network packets to separate the transport of private data
packets from the others. This is why the private networks seem like common, logic
(virtual) networks.
The tunneling concept
The tunneling concept is the basis of all virtual private networks. With this
technology, data packets of a network protocol can be encapsulated as payload
into the packets of a different network protocol (encapsulation) and transported via
this network. This process creates an additional header that is placed in front of the
original packet.
During forwarding, the original packet can also be encrypted, depending on the
tunnel requirements.
There is a tunnel connection between sender and receiver, the tunnel end points.
The figure below shows the principle of the layer 3 tunneling:
Figure 4-8
IP header
IP header
IP header
IP header
Tunne end point
Tunnel end point
transit network, e.g. Internet
private network private network
actual load header
actual load header
actual load header
4 Basics and Principles
4.5 Security mechanism: The VPN tunnel
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4.5.2 IPsec security standard
An important part of the data communication across network boundaries is IPsec
(IP security). It is a standardized protocol suite and provides for manufacturer-
independent, secure, and protected data exchange via IP networks.
IPsec is an extension of the IP protocol and thus located on layer 3 of the OSI
reference model.
The main target of IPsec is protecting and securing data during a transmission via
an unsecure network. All known weaknesses such as the intercepting and
changing of data packets can be prevented by this security standard, through
encrypted data packets, authentication and authentication of the nodes. The
concrete tasks of IPsec are:
Ensuring the authenticity of the packet (packet authentication)
Protection against unauthorized and unnoticed changes to the data packets
(data integrity)
Confidentiality of the data packets transmitted
Protection against replay attacks (prevents repeated receipt of the same data
Key management
IPsec architecture
The IPsec architecture is summarized in a compilation of different standards.
These RFCs (request for comments) include regulations and rules on how a data
packet can be converted into a protected packet and how it can be transformed
back without any losses.
The most important RFCs for IPsec are:
The IP authentication header (AH) is used for source authentication and
identification and therefore ensures data integrity (RFC 2402).
The Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) encrypts the data and prevents
unauthorized access (RFC 2406).
The key management provides for data encryption (RFC 2407-2409, RFC
The Security Association (SA) as an arrangement of the stations regarding the
use of the same encryption techniques (RFC 2401).
IPsec has a modular structure, this means that the most important components
the AH protocol, the ESP protocol, and the key management can be used
together as desired.
In addition two operating modes are specified for IPsec. They include regulations
on which parts of the data packet must be protected.
The transport mode is used if the cryptographic endpoints are also
communication endpoints (computer-computer connections). Here, only the
user load of the IP packet is protected but not the IP header.
The tunnel mode is selected if the cryptographic endpoints are only used as
security gateways and if remote subnetworks are interlinked via an insecure
transit network. Special router or firewall systems can be security gateways.
4 Basics and Principles
4.5 Security mechanism: The VPN tunnel
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In this mode, the entire IP packet is protected and inserted as user load in a
new IP packet (see Figure 4-8). The original IP address cannot be viewed from
outside anymore.
Figure 4-9
IP header TCP/UDP
Tunnel IP
header dataIP header TCP/UDP
header ESP trailer
data package prior to encryption
after encryption by ESP
ESP Auth
Significance and function of the individual segments:
Table 4-7
Segment Function
Tunnel IP header This IP header includes the address of the cryptographic
endpoint (VPN gateway).
ESP header The ESP is used to encrypt the original IP data packet and the
ESP trailer. The ESP header provides protection against
replay attacks and includes the SPI (Security Parameters
ESP trailer If the amount of user data to be transmitted is smaller than the
block size, the ESP trailer adds the missing amount and stores
the number of filled-in bits.
ESP authentication
Includes the integrity check value for authentication and check
of the integrity of the message.
Note Restriction with IPsec
If IPsec is used for transmitting IP messages via a (layer 3) VPN tunnel of the
security module, no VLAN tagging will be transmitted. The VLAN tags included in
the IP messages will be lost when passing the security modules. IP broadcast or
IP multicast messages cannot be transmitted through IPsec as a standard,
4 Basics and Principles
4.5 Security mechanism: The VPN tunnel
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4.5.3 Key management
The reason for setting up an IPsec connection is the security requirements for data
transmission. The AH and ESP IPsec protocols use cryptographic algorithms and
security associations (SA), which require a key. They require all IPsec connection
partners to have already exchanged the confidential identical keys and the key
management to meet the following requirements:
The keys and SA must apply to all used algorithms and cryptographic
SAs must be negotiated via a secure network.
All requirements of the IPsec connection partners must be aligned.
Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
With the Internet Key Exchange (IKE), a key exchange process meeting the
following requirements was specified:
IKE specifies which protocols, algorithms, and keys will be used.
It ensures key exchange, change, and renewal via a secure connection.
Data transmission in the start and authentication phase is secure.
All requirements of the IPsec connection partners are aligned.
IKE initiates two essential components:
Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP; RFC
2408); ISAKMP controls the exchange processes between the two participating
peers and defines the required messages for creating, negotiating and
modifying security associations. ISAKMP only specifies the packet formats and
the frame structure of how a key management is performed.
Oakley protocol (RFC 2412) is a key exchange protocol and uses the key
management procedures specified by ISAKMP.
4 Basics and Principles
4.5 Security mechanism: The VPN tunnel
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The key exchange process is performed in two phases:
Phase 1 (main mode or aggressive mode)
In this phase no security services such as encryption, authentication and
integrity check are available yet, since the required keys and the IPsec SA have
not yet been created. Phase 1 serves for building up a secure channel for
phase 2.
The communication partners negotiate an ISAKMP security association
(ISAKMP SA) which defines the required security services (algorithms used,
authentication methods). These secure the further messages and phase 2.
The SAs can be negotiated either in main mode or in aggressive mode.
The difference between the two variants is the number of messages to be
exchanged and the encryption of the exchanged data.
Phase 2 (quick mode)
Phase 2 serves for negotiating the required IPsec SA. Similar as in phase 1, an
agreement regarding the authentication methods, algorithms and encryption
methods is made by mutual offering, in order to protect the IP packets with
IPSec AH and IPSec ESP.
The message exchange is protected via the ISAKMP-SA negotiated in phase 1.
Through the ISAKMP security association negotiated in phase 1, the identity of
the stations as well as the method for the integrity check is already given.
Preshared key and certificates
Keys are required for encrypting data. The ‘preshared key’ or the ‘digital signatures
(certificates) method can be selected.
Preshared key
The use of a preshared key is a symmetric cryptosystem. Each station has only
one secret key for decrypting and encrypting data packets. A common
password is used for authentication.
Using certificates is an asymmetrical cryptosystem, where each station has a
pair of keys: one secret, private key and one public key of the peer. The private
key allows for decrypting data, generating digital signatures and authenticating.
The public key allows for encrypting data packets for the peer.
4 Basics and Principles
4.5 Security mechanism: The VPN tunnel
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4.5.4 Key exchange techniques
Asymmetric techniques
The basic idea with asymmetric algorithms is to use a pair of keys. One key is for
encrypting the message. This public key is accessible to everybody. The second
key is for decrypting the message. This key must by all means remain secret
(private key). These kinds of techniques are also referred to as public key
algorithms. It is essential that the private key cannot be derived or calculated from
the public key.
Symmetric techniques
With symmetric algorithms, the same key is used for encrypting and decrypting on
both sides or keys are used for encrypting and decrypting that can be derived from
each other. Symmetric algorithms have the advantage of being very fast and
relatively easy to implement. The disadvantage is the distribution of the key
material. The symmetry requires the key to be known to both the sender and the
receiver. Since an algorithm is only secure if the information required for the
encryption, i.e. the key, remains secret, that key has to be exchanged or negotiated
on a secure channel prior to its use. If the key is revealed during this exchange, the
entire encryption process is compromised.
Diffie-Hellman algorithm
The Diffie-Hellman algorithm is probably the best known method of exchanging key
information. Named after the inventors Whitefield Diffie and Martin Hellman, it was
first used in 1976. The aim of this technique is to generate a common key for
sender and receiver for each security association. Both encryption parties agree
a large prime number p
a basis g, with 1<g<p.
The common key is generated by means of this information.
Symmetric and asymmetric techniques are often combined in practice to
compensate for their disadvantages. A symmetric key is often used for the actual
encryption of the data because it is very fast. Then an asymmetric procedure is
used to distribute this symmetric key to all communication partners.
4 Basics and Principles
4.5 Security mechanism: The VPN tunnel
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4.5.5 Initiating an IPsec VPN tunnel
The IPsec VPN tunnel
The designation ‘IPsec VPN tunnel’ or ‘IPsec tunnel’ includes three concrete
IPsec: To maintain the data integrity, data confidentiality and for authentication
the data communication is secured via IPsec.
VPN: logic, private connection between a sender and a receiver via an
unsecure transit network.
Tunnel: the layer 3 tunneling concept is used for data transmission. The logic
connection between the communication partners can be compared with a
At least two end devices that support IPsec and understand encapsulated data
packets through layer 3 tunneling are needed for establishing an IPsec VPN
VPN client and VPN server
A data communication secured via IPsec always starts with the negotiation of a
preliminary Security Association (phase 1 of IKE), and continues in phase 2 with a
final agreement on the algorithms, keys, etc.
The tunnel endpoint actively starting the negotiation of a Security Association is
referred to as VPN client.
The peer waiting for the VPN client is referred to as VPN server.
4 Basics and Principles
4.6 Security mechanism: Address conversion with NA(P)T
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4.6 Security mechanism: Address conversion with NA(P)T
Network Address Translation (NAT) / Network Address Port Translation (NAPT)
are methods for converting private IP addresses into public IP addresses.
4.6.1 Address conversion with NAT
NAT is a protocol for address conversion between two address spaces. The main
task is the conversion of public addresses, i.e. into IP addresses used and routed
on the Internet, into private IP addresses and vice versa.
Through the use of this technology the addresses of the internal network are not
visible in the external network. In the external network, the internal nodes are only
visible via external IP addresses defined in the address conversion list (NAT table).
The typical NAT is a 1:1 conversion, i.e. a private IP address is converted to a
public one.
The target address for the internal nodes is therefore an external IP address.
NAT table
The NAT table contains the assignment of private and public IP addresses and is
configured and managed in the gateway or router.
If a device from the external network wants to send a packet to an internal device,
it will use a public address as target address. This IP address will be compiled into
a private IP address by the router.
The public IP address of the external device will remain unchanged as the source
address in the IP header of the data packet.
The response of the internal device will be sent to the IP address which is stored
as source address in the IP header. Due to the fact that its own and the source
address are in different subnets, the internal device will send the packet to its
router which will forward it to the external device.
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4.6 Security mechanism: Address conversion with NA(P)T
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4.6.2 Address conversion with NAPT
NAPT is a variant of NAT and is often considered to be identical. The difference to
NAT is the fact that ports can be converted also with this protocol.
The IP address is no longer converted 1:1. Instead, there is only one public IP
address which is converted to a number of private IP addresses by adding port
The target address for the internal nodes is an external IP address with a port
NAPT table
The NAPT table contains the assignment of external ports to private IP addresses
including port numbers and is configured and managed in the gateway or router.
If a device from the external network wants to send a packet to an internal device,
it will use the public address of the router with specified port as target address.
Using the NAPT table, the router can assign and translate the external port number
to a private IP address including port.
The public IP of the external device will remain unchanged as source address in
the IP header of the data packet.
The response of the internal device will be sent to the IP address which is stored
as source address in the IP header. Due to the fact that its own and the source
address are in different subnets, the internal device will send the packet to its
router which will forward it to the external device.
4.6.3 Correlation between NA(P)T and firewall
The use of NA(P)T and the firewall has been defined in the Siemens security
modules as follows:
For the directions Src-NAT or Dst-NAT the messages must first pass the address
conversion in the NAT/NAPT router and then the firewall.
The settings for the NAT/NAPT router and the firewall rules must be coordinated
such that messages with converted address can pass the firewall.
4 Basics and Principles
4.7 Basic principles of (secure) IT functions
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Figure 4-10
Security Module
External network Internal network
IP telegrams
to external / DMZ
IP telegrams from
external / DMZ
If NA(P)T entries and firewall rules do not match, the security module will block the
data packets which are not listed in any rule.
4.7 Basic principles of (secure) IT functions
4.7.1 File Transfer Protocol FTP
The File Transfer Protocol is a specified network protocol for data transmission
between an FTP server and an FTP client, or client-driven between two FTP
FTP allows for exchanging data, creating and renaming directories, and also
deleting them. The communication between FTP client and FTP server is an
exchange of text-based commands. Each command sent by the FTP client results
in a feedback by the FTP server in the form of a status code and a message in
plain text.
For this purpose, FTP creates two logic connections: A control channel via port 21
for the transmission of FTP commands and their responses as well as a data
channel via port 20 for data transmission.
With passive FTP, the two channels are initiated by the FTP client, with active FTP
by the FTP server.
Solution for a secure FTP
To protect data during transmission, FTP also has the option of data encryption
and authentication.
The easiest way of implementing a secure FTP connection is the Secure Socket
Layer protocol (also called Transport Layer Security).
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is located in the presentation layer of the OSI layer
model. At the start of a connection, the data stream is encrypted with a key directly
at the lowest bit level.
The SSL handshake protocol is used for identification and authentication of the
nodes. The key for the encryption is negotiated using the public key technique, the
FTP server sending a certificate with its public key to the FTP client. Prior to that,
the public key belonging to the certificate must be certified by a certification body
and by a digital signature.
4 Basics and Principles
4.7 Basic principles of (secure) IT functions
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The explicit FTP for secure data transmission is a combination of FTP and the SSL
protocol and uses the same ports as in the normal FTP mode (port 20/21).
FTPES is supported by CPx43-1 Advanced V3. A certificate which is generated
and delivered with the configuration of the security CP is used as the key for SSL.
Secure FTP data transfer with CPx43-1 Advanced V3 is only possible if the
security function is enabled and is explicitly permitted in the configuration of the
Figure 4-11
4 Basics and Principles
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4.7.2 Network Time Protocol NTP
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a standardized protocol for synchronizing the
time on several computers / components across the network. The precision is
within the millisecond range.
An NTP server makes the time available to the NTP clients.
NTP (secured)
NTP (secure) allows for secure and authenticated time synchronization by means
of authentication methods and a joint encryption code. Both the NTP server and
the NTP clients must support this function.
Secure time synchronization is supported, for example, by CPx43-1 Advanced V3
and CP1628, if the security function is enabled and NTP (secured) is explicitly
permitted in the configuration of the CP.
Figure 4-12
4 Basics and Principles
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4.7.3 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is part of the family of Internet protocols
and is a standardized procedure for transferring data within a network. HTTP is
preferably used for loading websites from a web server to a web browser.
Data transported via HTTP are readable as plain text and can be intercepted by
third parties.
Today particularly in the age of online banking, online shopping, and social
networks it is important that the transmission of confidential and personal data is
secure and protected against unauthorized access.
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the easiest way of securely
transmitting data.
HTTPS has the same structure as the HTTP protocol, but in addition uses the
Secure Socket Layer Protocol for encryption.
4.7.4 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol is a UDP-based protocol that
was specified particularly for the administration of data networks and in the
meantime has established itself also as a de facto standard for TCP/IP devices.
The individual nodes in the network network components or terminals feature a
SNMP agent that provides information in a structured form. This structure is
referred to as MIB (Management Information Base). In the network node, the agent
is usually implemented as a firmware functionality.
Management Information Base MIB
An MIB (Management Information Base) is a standardized data structure consisting
of different SNMP variables, which are described by a language independent of the
target system. Due to the cross-vendor standardization of MIBs and access
mechanisms, even a heterogeneous network with components from different
manufacturers can be monitored and controlled. If component-specific, non-
standardized data is necessary for network monitoring, this data can be described
by the manufacturers in “private MIBs”.
A network management solution based on SNMP operates according to the
client/server model. The management station (SNMP client) can poll information
from the agents to be controlled that act as servers. The MIB information is called
from the management station at cyclic intervals and visualized if required. In
addition, the nodes are also capable of reporting specific statuses to the network
management station via traps without explicit requests. With SNMP, the nodes can
be monitored and instructions for controlling the devices can be given. This
includes, for example, the activation or deactivation of a port on a network
component. The communication between agent and network management station
is performed in the background and is only an insignificant load for the network.
4 Basics and Principles
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Secure SNMP (SNMPv3)
There are several versions of SNMP: SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3. The
original version SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 are sometimes still used. However, it is
recommendable not to use SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 since security mechanisms
have not been implemented in these versions, or only in a restricted way.
From version 3, SNMP additionally offers user administration with authentication
and optional encryption of data packets. Security with SNMP was substantially
improved by these aspects.
Secure transmission of network analysis information can be configured, for
example, with CP x43-1 Advanced V3, CP1628, and SCALANCE S V3.
5 SIMATIC NET products
5.1 SCALANCE product range
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5 SIMATIC NET products
5.1 SCALANCE product range
The SCALANCE product range includes various industrial Ethernet switches
active network components for use directly at the SIMATIC, as standalone devices,
or plug-in communication processors with integrated switch for PC and SIMATIC.
The postfix after the “family name” stands for the application field. An "X" stands for
"switching", the "W" for "wireless" and the "S" for "Security".
5.1.1 Industrial Switching SCALANCE X
Figure 5-1
The SCALANCE X product range offers switches for industrial use. They are
available in different performance categories, with an expanded performance
spectrum for each stage. These devices offer the advantage that they were
developed to match the specific requirements of automation environments, which is
reflected, for example, in the extended temperature ranges in which the switches
can be used. The housing, through its robustness, has also been adapted to the
application environment. The devices are mounted either directly to the wall or on a
top-hat rail, as required.
The individual mode levels are indicated by the number affixed to the “family
name”. This number always has three digits. The hundreds digit indicates the
5 SIMATIC NET products
5.1 SCALANCE product range
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performance class. It can be between 0 (lowest performance class) and 5 (highest
performance class). The tens digit and ones digit reflect the number of electrical
ports. The designation SCALANCE X224 therefore describes a switch of
performance class 2 with 24 electrical ports.
The following table shows the position of SCALANCE X products in the automation
Figure 5-2
Switches of performance classes 3 to 5 only are suitable for safety-relevant
functions. The difference between the 300 and 400 / 500 switches is that the
400 / 500 series has a modular design whereas the 300 products have a compact
5 SIMATIC NET products
5.1 SCALANCE product range
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5.1.2 Industrial Wireless LAN SCALANCE W
Figure 5-3
The Industrial Wireless LAN (IWLAN) components are a mobile solution for new
applications up to the field level. The products offer a unique combination of
reliability, robustness, and safety.
The industrial use of wireless technology requires particularly reliable connections.
A modulation that is disturbance-tolerant has been taken into account in standard
802.11 b/g, a, and n. The data rate is reduced in defined steps to maintain the
wireless connection even over greater distances or with reflections on metallic
objects. This is all part of the IEEE 802.11 standard with data rates of up to 600
Mbit/s and frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
In addition, Industrial Wireless LAN from SIMATIC NET offers an expansion of the
standard which provides selected nodes a defined data rate. This enables
deterministic data traffic on the basis of the shared medium wireless LAN. IWLAN
supports the selected monitoring of the connection of a node to the access point in
order to initiate immediate counter-measures in the event of the connection being
cancelled or the radio cell being left.
5 SIMATIC NET products
5.1 SCALANCE product range
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Everyday use in a rough industrial environment requires robust products,
especially if they are not installed inside control cabinets. Depending on the area of
application, the IWLAN components of SIMATIC NET are ideally adapted to the
environmental conditions:
Protection type IP65 applies to outdoor applications, with operating
temperatures of -40°C to +60°C
Protection type IP30 applies to indoor applications, with operating
temperatures of -20°C to +60°C.
All components meet the high SIMATIC requirements with regard to shock and
vibrations. The connector design is shake- and vibration-proof.
Protection against unauthorized access and data encryption are requirements
which are not only important for transmitting confidential data. Industrial Wireless
LAN exactly follows the specifications defined by IEEE and WiFi in the 802.11
standard to enable a high level of interoperability. The new mechanisms from
WPA2 and an AES-based encryption have eliminated the known security gaps of
wireless LAN and WEP.
In the event of a fault, downtimes of network segments and connected industrial
Ethernet nodes are eliminated through the use of a configuration plug (C-PLUG).
The C-PLUG enables SIMATIC NET components to be exchanged quickly and
easily without reconfiguration of the spare part.
5.1.3 Industrial Security SCALANCE S
Figure 5-4
The hardware and software of the SCALANCE S product range form a security
system that is sophisticated down to the smallest detail. It is tailored to the high
demands of industrial communication.
The protection function of SCALANCE S is to control the entire data traffic from
and to the cell. The security modules are simply placed upstream of the devices to
be protected.
Security modules are capable of protecting several devices simultaneously. This
implies lower costs and significantly less configuration effort for the user.
5 SIMATIC NET products
5.1 SCALANCE product range
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The SCALANCE S modules were equipped with a number of functions for
integrating the component into the cell protection concept.
Protection of devices with or without independent security functions through
the integrated firewall:
Check of the data packets based on the source and target address
(stateful inspection firewall)
Supporting Ethernet “Non-IP” messages
Band width limitation
Global and local firewall rules
User-specific firewall rules
Highest-level security with SCALANCE S612 V3 and S623: VPN and IPsec
support enables secure data transmission via a quasi-dedicated line. The
SCALANCE S612 V3 and S623 can be both server and client and can manage
up to 128 VPN tunnels.
Protection of several devices at the same time: Integrating the SCALANCE S
as a connecting link between two networks will automatically protect the
devices downstream.
Router mode to operate the SCALANCE S module in a routed
infrastructure. The internal and external network is each a separate subnet.
Bridge mode to operate the SCALANCE S module in a flat network. The
internal and the external network are located in a subnet.
Flexible Internet access with SCALANCE S612 V3 and S623:
The two modules support both the configuration of a stationary IP address
for the DSL access and the PPPoE.
They are dynamic DNS clients and can transmit their current IP address to
a DNS server.
Nonreactive integration of the SCALANCE S modules into an existing
infrastructure with flat networks.
Additional third port for SCALANCE S623 for connecting another network.
The SCALANCE S modules also support the following network functions:
Address conversion with NAT/ NAPT
DHCP server for IP address assignment in the internal network and DMZ
(S623 only)
Logging and evaluation of the log files via an external server
SNMP for analyzing and evaluating network information
The configuration data is automatically saved on a C-PLUG. If a device needs to
be replaced, it will only be required to take over the C-PLUG into the replacement
device. Without reconfiguration, the replacement component will then start up with
the same device configuration.
5 SIMATIC NET products
5.2 S7 communication processors
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5.2 S7 communication processors
Compared to the basic components, the S7 communication processors (version 3
or higher) provide integrated security functions for protecting automation cells /
networks against unauthorized access (Security Integrated).
5.2.1 CPx43-1 Advanced V3
Figure 5-5
The CPx43-1 Advanced V3 communication processors are components with
“Security Integrated”. Apart from their communication functions, they also have
integrated, specific security functions such as firewall and VPN functionalities.
The CPx43-1 Advanced V3 acts as its predecessor modules and was additionally
expanded by the following security functions:
Protection of devices with or without independent security functions through
the integrated firewall:
Check of the data packets based on the source and target address
(stateful inspection firewall)
Supporting Ethernet “Non-IP” messages
Band width limitation
Global and local firewall rules
Highest-level security: VPN and IPsec support enables secure data
transmission via a quasi-dedicated line. The CP supports the VPN server and
the VPN client role. Altogether, the module can manage up to 32 VPN tunnels.
5 SIMATIC NET products
5.2 S7 communication processors
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Secured IT functions: Encryption and authentication guarantee secure data
transfer (FTPS), web access (HTTPS), and time synchronization (NTP
Protection of several devices at the same time: Integrating the CP as a
connecting link between two networks will automatically protect the devices
Router functionality: The CP can be used for passing on IP messages from a
local network (PROFINET interface) to a superior network (gigabit interface)
and vice versa. The CP controls the access permission in accordance with the
Protection of the controllers themselves.
The communication modules also support the following network functions:
Address conversion with NAT/ NAPT
IP Access Control Lists.
Logging and evaluation of the log files via an external server
SNMP for analyzing and evaluating network information
Web diagnosis
5 SIMATIC NET products
5.2 S7 communication processors
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5.2.2 CP1628
Figure 5-6
The integrated security mechanisms of the CP 1628 allow for the protection of
computer systems including the associated data communication within an
automation network or the secure remote access via Internet. The CP1628 grants
access to individual devices or entire automation cells that are protected by
security modules and enables secure connections via unsecure network structures.
The CP1628 offers the following security functions:
Protection of devices with or without independent security functions through
the integrated firewall:
Check of the data packets based on the source and target address
(stateful inspection firewall)
Supporting Ethernet “Non-IP” messages
Band width limitation
Global and local firewall rules
Highest-level security: VPN and IPsec support enables secure data
transmission via a quasi-dedicated line. The CP supports the VPN server and
the VPN client role. Altogether, the module can manage up to 64 VPN tunnels.
Secured time synchronization (NTP (secure)).
Protection of PC systems: Allows for secure communication without special
settings of the operating system.
The communication module also supports the following network functions:
Logging and evaluation of the log files via an external server
SNMP for analyzing and evaluating network information
5 SIMATIC NET products
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Figure 5-7
The SCALANCE M875 is a UMTS router and can, owing to its integrated security
functions, establish secured, wireless data connections to remote systems.
The SCALANCE M875 can be operated from any place where a mobile
communication network is available that provides packet-oriented data services.
Under UMTS, these are the HSPA Data Service or UMTS Data Service. Under
GSM, these are the EGPRS or GPRS data services.
For a secure radio data connection the router provides the following core functions:
Protection of devices with or without independent security functions through
the integrated firewall. Example:
Check of the data packets based on the source and target address
(stateful inspection firewall)
Anti-spoofing (faking an IP address/identity)
Port forwarding
Highest-level security: VPN and IPsec support enables secure data
transmission via a quasi-dedicated line. The SCALANCE M875 supports the
VPN server and the VPN client role. Altogether, the module can manage 10
VPN tunnels.
Radio modem for flexible data communication via UMTS, HSPA, EGPRS, or
Bidirectional data connection.
Cyclic processing of protocol data for maintaining or monitoring the connection
(NAT-T Keep Alive, Dead Peer Detection, Rx-Tx-Delay Trigger).
Support of DNS and dynamic DNS names.
5 SIMATIC NET products
5.4 SOFTNET Security Client
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The module also supports the following network functions:
Address conversion with NAT/ NAPT
Web-based configuration user interface.
Logging and evaluation of the log files
Sending text messages from the local network
Web diagnosis
SNMP for analyzing and evaluating network information
5.4 SOFTNET Security Client
Figure 5-8
The SOFTNET Security Client is a PC software for secured remote accesses from
PC / PG to automation devices.
The SOFTNET Security Client is used to automatically configure a PC /PG so that
it can establish a secure IPsec tunnel communication in the VPN (Virtual Private
Network) to one or several VPN servers.
That way PG /PC applications such as NCM Diagnosis or STEP 7 are able to
access devices or networks in an internal, protected network via a secure tunnel
6 List of Abbreviations
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6 List of Abbreviations
Table 6-1
Abbreviation Description
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AH Authentication Header
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
C-PLUG Configuration PLUG
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS Domain Name Service
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GHz Gigahertz
GPRS General Packet Radio Services
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IKE Internet Key Exchange
IP Internet Protocol
IPsec Internet Protocol Security
IRT Industrial Real Time
ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
IWLAN Industrial Wireless Local Area Network
LAN Local Area Network
MAC Medium Access Control
Mbit/s Megabits per second
NAPT Network Address and Port Translation
NAT Network Address Translation
NTP Network Time Protocol
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
Rivest Shamir Adleman algorithm
SCT Security Configuration Tool
SSC SOFTNET Security Client
SSL Secure Socket Layer
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
UDP User Datagram Protocol
WEP Wireless Encryption Standard
Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity
WPA Wireless Fidelity Protected Access
7 References
V2.0, Entry ID: 27043887
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7 References
7.1 Bibliographic References
This list is by no means complete and only presents a selection of related
Table 7-1
Topic Title
/1/ STEP7
SIMATIC S7-300/400
Automatisieren mit STEP7 in AWL und SCL (Automating with
STEP7 in STL and SCL)
Author: Hans Berger
Publicis MCD Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-89578-397-5
/2/ STEP7
SIMATIC S7-300/400
Automating with STEP 7 in LAD and FBD
Author: Hans Berger
Publicis MCD Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-89578-296-1
/3/ STEP7
Automating with SIMATIC S7-300 inside TIA Portal
Author: Hans Berger
Publicis MCD Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-89578-357-9
/4/ STEP7
Automating with SIMATIC S7-400 inside TIA Portal
Author: Hans Berger
Publicis MCD Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-89578-372-2
/5/ STEP7
Automating with SIMATIC S7-1200
Author: Hans Berger
Publicis MCD Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-89578-355-5
/6/ SIMATIC NET Security SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet Security Basics and
Application Configuration Manual
/7/ Getting Started Configuring SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet Security Getting
/8/ SCALANCE S V3 SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet Security SCALANCE S V3.0
Commissioning and Installation Manual
/9/ SCALANCE M875 UMTS Router SCALANCE M875 Operating Instructions
/10/ CP343-1 Advanced System Manual Part B CP343-1 Advanced
/11/ CP443-1 Advanced System Manual Part B CP443-1 Advanced
8 History
V2.0, Entry ID: 27043887
Copyright Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved
7.2 Internet Links
The following list is by no means complete and only provides a selection of
appropriate sources.
Table 7-2
Topic Title
\1\ Link to this document
\2\ Siemens Industry Online
\3\ Security with SIMATIC NET
\4\ Setting up a Demilitarized
Zone (DMZ) using the
Protection of an Automation
Cell using the Security
Module SCALANCE S602 via
Firewall (Bridge/Routing)
\5\ Industrial Security with
SCALANCE S Modules via
IPsec VPN Tunnels
(Configuration 4)
\6\ Secured Remote Access to
SIMATIC Stations via Internet
and UMTS
\7\ Industrial Ethernet Security
8 History
Table 8-1
Version Date Modifications
V1.0 10/2007 First version
V2.0 01/2013 Integration of the new security modules
Update and extension of the existing chapters