Drawing No. JGB40-1497PRE
株式会社 村 田 製 作 所 Murata Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
P. 11/11
12-5 直射日光、熱、振動等が加わる場所での保管は避けて下さい。
Please do not store the products in the places such as : in a damp heated place, in a
place where direct sunlight comes in, in place applying vibrations.
12-6 開梱、開封後、長期保管された場合、保管状況によっては、はんだ付け性等が劣化する
Please use the products immediately after the package is opened, because the
characteristics may be reduced in quality, and/or be degraded in the solder-ability due to
storage under the poor condition.
12-7 製品落下により、製品内部のセラミック素子の割れ等の原因となりますので、容易に落
Please do not drop the products to avoid cracking of ceramic element.
13.!お願い Note
13-1 ご使用に際しましては、貴社製品に実装された状態で必ず評価して下さい。
Please make sure that your product has been evaluated in view of your specifications
with our product being mounted to your product.
13-2 当製品を当納入仕様書の記載内容を逸脱して使用しないで下さい。
You are requested not to use our product deviating from this product specification.
13-3 お手数ですが、当納入仕様書に貴社受領印を押印の上、1部を弊社へご返却下さい。
Please return one duplicate of this product specification to us with your signature to
acknowledge your receipt . In case of no return within three months from submission
date, or if we receive order before the duplicate is returned, this product specification will
be deemed to have been received by you.
13-4 弊社は、仕様書、図面その他の技術資料には、取引に関する契約事項を記載することは
We consider it not appropriate to include any terms and conditions with regard to the
business transaction in the product specifications, drawings or other technical documents.
Therefore, if your technical documents as above include such terms and conditions such
as warranty clause, product liability clause, or intellectual property infringement liability
clause, they will be deemed to be invalid.