2000 MODULAR CONSOLE - SERIES ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR BASE UNIT TO PLINTH UNIT BUL10069 REV. A PAGE 1 OF 1 PRE - ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS: Caution: Check gasket on top of base unit for damage before assembly. If cut or torn, contact Hammond Manufacturing for immediate replacement. Note: When assembling total modular system build from the floor up for assembly ease. Plinth > Base Unit > Desk Unit > Turret GASKET SURFACE 2 COVER PLATE A 3 4 1 B 1 5 A) Layout plinth (item 1) on floor, square plinth and mark and dri ll 5/16"(8.0mm) dia. hole for 3/8 LAG bolts (4) - not supplied. DETAIL A B) LAG assembled plinth to floor. Assure that plinth is square and accurate. SEE STEP G FOR INSTRUCTIONS C) Open or remove doors on base unit (item 2) for ease of assembly. This will allow for visual alignment of mating parts. Remove .5 dia knockouts in bottom of base unit. DETAIL B ITEM No. 1 2 3 4 5 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS: PARTS LIST DESCRIPTION PLINTH BASE UNIT 3/8-16 X 3/4 HEX CAP SCREW 3/8 SEALING WASHER 3/8 HEX NUT TOOL BOX 9/16 Socket Wrench 9/16 Open Wrench D) Align base unit over top opening in plinth unit. Side edges o f base unit and plinth are to be flush. E) Front and rear holes in the base unit bottom are to be aligned with mounting holes on plinth top. QTY 1 1 4 or 6 4 or 6 4 or 6 Eletric Drill 5/16" (8.0 mm) Dia. bit F) Once the base unit is seated properly on the plinth remove cover plates on plinth. G) Assemble using 3/8-16 x .75 hex head bolts and 3/8 nuts and sealing washers (items 3, 4 & 5). Torque botls and nuts to 180 in/lbs. #2 Phillips Screw Driver Hammer HAMMOND MANUFACTURING TM ELECTRONICS GROUP visit our website @ www.hammondmfg.com