9 Power Supply Recommendations
The LM75A is specified for operation from 2.7 V to 5.5 V. Place 100-nF and 10-µF capacitors close to +Vs in
order to reduce errors coupling in from noisy or high impedance supplies.
10 Layout
10.1 Layout Guidelines
To achieve the expected results when measuring temperature with an integrated circuit temperature sensor like
the LM75A, it is important to understand that the sensor measures its own die temperature. For the LM75A, the
best thermal path between the die and the outside world is through the LM75A's pins. In the VSSOP-8 package,
the GND pin is directly connected to the die, so the GND pin provides the best thermal path. If the other pins are
at different temperatures (unlikely, but possible), they will affect the die temperature, but not as strongly as the
GND pin. In the SOIC-8 package, none of the pins is directly connected to the die, so they will all contribute
similarly to the die temperature. Because the pins represent a good thermal path to the LM75A die, the LM75A
will provide an accurate measurement of the temperature of the printed circuit board on which it is mounted.
There is a less efficient thermal path between the plastic package and the LM75A die. If the ambient air
temperature is significantly different from the printed circuit board temperature, it will have a small effect on the
measured temperature.
In probe-type applications, the LM75A can be mounted inside a sealed-end metal tube, and can then be dipped
into a bath or screwed into a threaded hole in a tank. As with any IC, the LM75A and accompanying wiring and
circuits must be kept insulated and dry, to avoid leakage and corrosion. This is especially true if the circuit may
operate at cold temperatures where condensation can occur. Printed-circuit coatings and varnishes such as
Humiseal and epoxy paints or dips are often used to insure that moisture cannot corrode the LM75A or its
10.1.1 Digital Noise Issues
The LM75A features an integrated low-pass filter on both the SCL and the SDA digital lines to mitigate the
effects of bus noise. Although this filtering makes the LM75A communication robust in noisy environments, good
layout practices are always recommended. Minimize noise coupling by keeping digital traces away from
switching power supplies. Also, ensure that digital lines containing high-speed data communications cross at
right angles to the SDA and SCL lines. Excessive noise coupling into the SDA and SCL lines on the
LM75A—specifically noise with amplitude greater than 400 mVpp (the LM75A’s typical hysteresis), overshoot
greater than 300mV above +Vs, and undershoot more than 300 mV below GND—may prevent successful serial
communication with the LM75A. Serial bus no-acknowledge is the most common symptom, causing unnecessary
traffic on the bus. Although the serial bus maximum frequency of communication is only 400 kHz, care must be
taken to ensure proper termination within a system with long printed circuit board traces or multiple parts on the
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