Advanced Technical Information VRRM = 1200/1600 V IdAVM = 56 A Three Phase Rectifier Bridge with IGBT and Fast Recovery Diode for Braking System in ECO-PAC 2 VRRM V16 Type V A4 D D1 1200 1600 VUB 50-12 PO1 VUB 50-16 PO1 K1 D1 G1 D3 D5 N7 T D2 D4 D6 X18 L9 R9 Features Input Rectifier D1 - D6 Symbol VUB 50 Conditions Maximum Ratings VRRM 1200/1600 V 22 56 300 A A A 90 W IFAV IDAVM IFSM TC = 100C; sine 180 TC = 100C; rectangular; d = 1/3; bridge TVJ = 25C; t = 10 ms; sine 50 Hz Ptot TC = 25C Symbol Conditions VF IF = 45 A; TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C 1.3 1.2 IR VR = VRRM; TVJ = 25C VR = 0.8 * VRRM; TVJ = 125C per diode; rectangular 120 with heat transfer paste * three phase mains rectifier * brake chopper: - IGBT with low saturation voltage - HiPerFREDTM free wheeling diode * module package: - high level of integration - solder terminals for PCB mounting - isolated DCB ceramic base plate Applications RthJC RthJH Characteristic Values (TVJ = 25C, unless otherwise specified) min. typ. max. 1.6 V V 0.2 0.4 mA mA 1.8 1.45 K/W K/W drives with * mains input * DC link * inverter or chopper feeding the machine * motor and generator/brake operation Chopper Diode D Symbol Conditions VRRM TVJ = 25C to 150C IF25 IF80 DC; TC = 25C DC; TC = 80C Symbol Conditions VF IF = 10 A; TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C IR VR = VRRM; RthJC RthJH 1200 V 15 10 A A Characteristic Values min. typ. max. TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C IF = 10 A; diF/dt = -400 A/s; TVJ = 125C VR = 600 V with heat transfer paste IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2002 IXYS All rights reserved 2.6 1.9 3.0 V V 0.06 0.06 mA mA 13 110 A ns 5 3.5 K/W K/W 214 IRM trr Maximum Ratings 1-2 VUB 50 Dimensions in mm (1 mm = 0.0394") Chopper Transistor T Symbol Conditions VCES TVJ = 25C to 150C Maximum Ratings VGES IC25 IC80 DC; TC = 25C DC; TC = 80C ICM VCEK VGE = 15 V; RG = 82 ; TVJ = 125C RBSOA; L = 100 H; clamped inductive load Symbol Conditions VCE(sat) IC = 10 A; VGE = 15 V; TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C VGE(th) IC = 0.4 mA; VGE = VCE ICES VCE = VCES; VGE = 0 V; TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C IGES td(on) tr td(off) tf Eon Eoff 1200 V 20 V 18 14 A A 20 VCES A Characteristic Values (TVJ = 25C, unless otherwise specified) min. typ. max. 2.3 2.7 4.5 2.7 V V 6.5 V 0.5 mA mA 200 nA 0.8 VCE = 0 V; VGE = 20 V Inductive load, TVJ = 125C VCE = 600 V; IC = 10 A VGE = 15 V; RG = 82 50 40 290 60 1.2 1.1 ns ns ns ns mJ mJ Cies QGon VCE = 25 V; VGE = 0 V; f = 1 MHz VCE= 600 V; VGE = 15 V; IC = 10 A 600 45 pF nC RthJC RthJH with heat transfer paste 2.7 1.4 K/W K/W Module Symbol Conditions TVJ Tstg Maximum Ratings -40...+150 -40...+125 C C 3600 V~ 1.5 - 2 14 - 18 Nm VISOL IISOL 1 mA; 50/60 Hz; t = 1 sec Md Mounting torque (M5) Symbol Conditions Characteristic Values min. typ. max. dA, dS pin to heatsink 11.2 Weight (c) 2002 IXYS All rights reserved mm 24 g 2-2