Data sheet
The terminal for incremental encoders is used to determine
positions (lengths) or angular positions with relatively
operating encoder systems, i.e., it reads position or angular
information from incremental encoders with square-wave
Both symmetrical encoders (RS-422) and asymmetrical
encoders (5 V DC to 24 V DC) with square-wave signals
can be connected to the IB IL INC-IN ... terminal. Rotary
encoders or length measuring systems with or without Z
pulse can be read.
In order to increase the operational reliability all encoder
inputs are monitored for cable breaks. Using a special
operating mode, the terminal supports distance encoded
incremental encoders, which enable homing to be reduced
to very small distances.
In addition to the input for the encoder signals, the terminal
also has three digital 24 V DC inputs, one input for the home
position switch, and two inputs for limit switches. Thus 2 or
3-wire sensors can be connected. Input I3 can also be used
as an "open collector" output.
The terminal records the position values using a counter,
which counts up or down depending on the phase angle of
the A and B signals.
To read usable information from the positioning counter
after switching it on, it must be set to a defined value on a
particular point of the axis. The terminal requires a reference
signal for this homing process. This signal can be set via the
bus or generated by one of the digital inputs. Either the
signal at the home position switch input or one of the two
limit switch signals can be used.
To increase the accuracy of the homing function, "Homing
on the edge at the Z pulse input" can also be selected on the
terminal in addition to the "Homing on the edge at the home
position switch input" function.
When homing with Z signal it is important that the encoder
and the reference mark are adjusted in such a way that the
position of the home position switch edge is in the center of
the positions of the edges at the Z input. In the delta
counting register the terminal provides a read function for
this distance.
This data sheet is only valid in association with the IL SYS INST UM E user manual.
Make sure you always use the latest documentation.
It can be downloaded at www.phoenixcontact.net/download.
This data sheet is valid for the products listed on the following page:
Inline terminal for incremental encoders
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 2
2Ordering data
3 Technical data
Inline terminals
Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Inline terminal for incremental encoders; complete with accessories
(connectors and labeling fields); transmission speed of 500 kbps
IB IL INC-IN-PAC 2861755 1
Inline terminal for incremental encoders; without accessories;
transmission speed of 500 kbps
IB IL INC-IN 2819228 1
Inline terminal for incremental encoders; complete with accessories
(connectors and labeling fields); transmission speed of 2 Mbps
IB IL INC-IN-2MBD-PAC 2819765 1
Inline terminal for incremental encoders; without accessories;
transmission speed of 2 Mbps
IB IL INC-IN-2MBD 2819778 1
The listed connector set is needed for the complete fitting of the IB IL INC-IN and IB IL INC-IN-2MBD terminals.
Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Connector set comprising a shield connector with six connections and a
connector with twelve connections
IB IL INC-IN-PLSET 2819710 1
Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
"Automation terminals of the Inline product range" user manual IL SYS INST UM E 2698737 1
General data
Housing dimensions (width x height x depth) 24.4 mm x 140.5 mm x 71.5 mm (with connectors)
Weight 143 g (with connectors), 100 g (without connectors)
Operating mode Process data mode with 2 words
Connection method for sensors 2 or 3-wire technology
Connection method for actuators 2-wire technology, single-ended
Permissible temperature (operation) -25°C … +55°C
Permissible temperature (storage/transport) -25°C … +85°C
Permissible humidity (operation/storage/transport) 10% to 95%, according to EN 61131-2
Permissible air pressure (operation/storage/transport) 70 kPa to 106 kPa (up to 3000 m above sea level)
Degree of protection IP20 according to IEC 60529
Protection class Class 3 according to EN 61131-2, IEC 611312-2
Connection data for Inline connectors
Connection method Spring-cage terminals
Conductor cross-section 0.08 mm2 to 1.5 mm2 (solid or stranded), 28 - 16 AWG
Local bus Via data routing
Transmission speed
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 3
Power consumption (500 kbps) 500 kbps 2 Mbps
Communications power UL7.5 V 7.5 V
Current consumption from UL70 mA, maximum 80 mA, maximum
Power consumption from UL525 mW 600 mW
I/O supply from UM24 V DC, typical 24 V DC, typical
Current consumption from UM340 mA, typical 340 mA, typical
Supply of the module electronics and I/O through bus coupler/power terminal
Connection method Through potential routing
Power dissipation
Power dissipation of the housing PHOU 1.4 W, maximum (within the permissible operating temperature)
Digital inputs
Number 3
Input design According to EN 661131-2, type 1
Definition of switching thresholds
Signal range low
Signal range high -30 V DC ... +5 V DC
15 V DC ... 30 V DC
Common potentials I/O supply, ground
Nominal input voltage UIN 24 V DC
Permissible range -30 V < UIN < +30 V DC
Nominal input current for UIN 2.7 mA, typical
Delay time < 1 ms
Permissible cable length to the sensor < 30 m (to ensure conformance with EMC directive)
Digital outputs
Number 1 (double assignment of input I3)
Output type NPN (connected to ground)
Nominal residual voltage UOUT 0.25 V DC
Nominal input current INOM 0.5 A
Tolerance of the nominal current +10%
Incremental encoder inputs
Number 1
Encoder signal Two pulse trains (A and B, electrically shifted by 90°) and one reference signal
Signal connection method Shielded cables
Unshielded cables may lead to erroneous results in environments with heavy noise.
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 4
Encoder types
Symmetrical incremental encoders
Signal 5 V DC (symmetrical pulse train (RS-422) with transversal track)
Encoder supply 5 V DC or 24 V DC
Signal connection method A and A, B and B, Z and Z
Signal voltage level Differential signal (signal – inverted signal)
±0.5 V, minimum; ±6.0 V, maximum
Common mode range: signal – ground -10 V ... +13.2 V
Input frequency Up to 300 kHz
Cable length (for shielded cable) < 30 m (to ensure conformance with EMC directive)
Asymmetrical incremental encoders
Signal 5 V DC ... 24 V DC (asymmetrical pulse train without transversal track)
Encoder supply 5 V DC or 24 V DC
Signal connection method A*, B*, Z*
Signal voltage level Low 2.5 V, high 3.5 V (27 V, maximum)
Input frequency Up to 300 kHz
Cable length (for shielded cable) < 30 m (to ensure conformance with EMC directive)
Encoder supply
5 V encoder supply
Voltage range 4.75 V ... 5.25 V
Short-circuit protection Electronic and thermal
Current carrying capacity 250 mA, maximum
24 V encoder supply
Voltage range 19.2 V ... 30 V
Short-circuit protection Electronic and thermal
Current carrying capacity 250 mA, maximum
The state of the encoder supplies (5 V/24 V) is indicated via two LEDs. If the internal voltage for the encoder electronics fails or is overloaded,
an I/O error is generated. This error is indicated by the diagnostic LED flashing at 2 Hz and transmitted to the controller board.
Error messages to the higher-level control or computer system
Failure or overload of the encoder supply Yes, I/O error message sent to the controller board
No encoder connected Yes, I/O error message sent to the controller board
Wire break on an encoder cable Yes, I/O error message sent to the controller board
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 5
Three inputs for home position switch inputs or limit
switch inputs
Diagnostic and status indicators
5 Applications
The following encoder types can be connected:
Encoder with symmetrical data lines according to EIA
standard RS-422
Encoder with asymmetrical data lines
(push/pull 10 V to 30 V)
Distance encoded incremental encoder
(quasi-absolute encoder)
Encoder with 5 V or 24 V voltage supply
–Linear encoder
–Rotary encoders
Electrical isolation/isolation of the voltage areas
Common potentials
The 24 V main voltage, 24 V segment voltage, and GND have the same potential. FE is a separate potential area.
Separate potentials in the system consisting of bus coupler/power terminal and I/O terminal
Test distance Test voltage
7.5 V supply (bus logic)/ I/O 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.
7.5 V supply (bus logic)/functional earth ground 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.
24 V supply (I/O)/functional earth ground 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.
Conformance with EMC directive 2004/108/EC
Noise immunity test according to EN 61000-6-2
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) EN 61000-4-2/IEC 61000-4-2 Criterion B
6 kV contact discharge
8 kV air discharge
Electromagnetic fields EN 61000-4-3/IEC 61000-4-3 Criterion B
Field strength: 10 V/m
Fast transients (burst) EN 61000-4-4/IEC 61000-4-4 Criterion B
Supply lines: 2 kV
Signal/data lines: 2 kV
Conducted interference EN 61000-4-6/IEC 61000-4-6 Criterion A
Test voltage 10 V
Noise emission of housing EN 55011 Class A
Electrical isolation of the logic level from the I/O area is ensured through the optocoupler.
For the latest approvals, please visit www.phoenixcontact.net/download.
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 6
6 Local diagnostic and status
indicators and terminal point
6.1 Local diagnostic and status indicators
Figure 1 Local diagnostic and status indicators
6 3 9 0 C 0 0 2
I N C - I N
2 4 V
5 V
Des. Color Meaning
DGreen LED Bus diagnostics
ON: Bus active
0.5 Hz: Communications power present,
bus not active
2 Hz: Communications power present,
bus active, I/O error
4 Hz: Communications power present,
terminal before the flashing module
failed, terminal after the flashing
module not part of the configuration
OFF: Communications power present,
bus not active
UP Yellow LED Positive direction of rotation
ON and
Module counting upwards
OFF and
DN Yellow LED Negative direction of rotation
ON and "UP"
Module counting downwards
OFF and
ZYellow LED Z signal In incremental encoders
the encoder is set to Z
In absolute encoders
the LED flashes or is
permanently on
(depending on the
ON: Z signal
OFF: Z signal
not active
24V Green LED 24 V encoder supply
ON: 24 V encoder supply present
OFF: 24 V encoder supply not present
1, 2, 3 Yellow LED Inputs
ON: The corresponding input is set
OFF: The corresponding input is not set
5V Green LED 5 V encoder supply
ON: 5 V encoder supply present
OFF: 5 V encoder supply not present
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 7
6.2 Function identification
2 Mbps: 2 Mbps: White stripe in the vicinity of the D LED
6.3 Terminal point assignment
Figure 2 Inline terminal with appropriate connectors
6.4 Terminal point assignment of the shield connector (1)
6.5 Terminal point assignment of the connector (2)
Signal Assignment
Symmetrical encoder Asymmetrical encoder
1.1, 2.1 A, AChannel A, channel A inverted Channel A, free
1.2, 2.2 B, BChannel B, channel B inverted Channel B, free
1.3, 2.3 Z, ZChannel Z, channel Z inverted Channel Z, free
1.4, 2.4 Shield Encoder cable shield Encoder cable shield
Signal Assignment
3.1 E1 Input of limit switch 1
4.1 E2 Input of limit switch 2
3.2, 4.2 24 V 24 V encoder/limit switch supply
3.3, 4.3 GND 0 V encoder/limit switch supply
3.4 E3 Input for homing position switch or NPN output
4.4 5 V 5 V encoder/limit switch supply
3.5, 4.5 24 V 24 V encoder/limit switch supply
3.6, 4.6 GND 0 V encoder/limit switch supply
6 3 9 0 D 0 0 3
1 2
4 . 5
4 . 6
3 . 1
3 . 2
3 . 3
3 . 4
4 . 1
4 . 2
4 . 3
4 . 4
3 . 5
3 . 6
1 . 1
1 . 2
1 . 3
1 . 4
2 . 1
2 . 2
2 . 3
2 . 4
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 8
7Function description
The IB IL INC-IN ... is a terminal from the Inline product
range and is used to read position and angular information.
Symmetrical or asymmetrical encoders can be connected
for this.
The evaluating logic of the terminal detects the direction of
rotation of the encoder using the pulse train and counts the
pulses accordingly.
The data width in the bus system is 32 bits. The IN register
has seven bits available for status indicators and messages
and 25 bits available for actual position values. The OUT
register has seven bits available for control commands and
25 bits available for setting the reference point value (see
"Process data words" on page 14).
7.1 Peripheral fault
The terminal has the following monitoring mechanisms,
which generate an I/O error message:
Monitoring the encoder power supply (5 V or 24 V)
If the encoder supply fails or is overloaded, an I/O error
is triggered and a corresponding message code is
Monitoring the encoder signals
The differential signal of a symmetrical encoder must
be greater than 0.5 V.
An asymmetrical encoder must actively set the inputs,
biased at 3 V using resistors, below 2.5 V (0-level) or
above 3.5 V (1-level).
If these conditions are not met, an I/O error is triggered
and a corresponding message code is generated.
These errors are caused by no encoder being
connected, an asymmetrical encoder not being
parameterized as an asymmetrical encoder or a wire
break in an encoder cable.
Figure 3 Connection of asymmetrical encoders with
push/pull outputs
Figure 4 Connection of asymmetrical encoders with
high-site switch outputs
If a symmetrical encoder without Z signal is used,
input Z must be jumpered to 0 V (GND) and input
Z must be jumpered to +5 V.
If an asymmetrical encoder is used, input Z must
be jumpered to 0 V (GND) and input Z remains
The encoders must have push/pull outputs to
ensure error-free operation of the monitoring
When using encoders with high-site switches
each encoder signal must be set to 0 V (GND)
using a pull-down resistor (see Figure 3 and
Figure 4 on page 8).
A , B o r Z
E n c o d e r I B I L I N C - I N
M o n i t o r i n g o f
t h e e n c o d e r
s i g n a l s
6 3 9 0 A 0 1 1
A , B o r Z
E n c o d e r I B I L I N C - I N
6 3 9 0 A 0 1 2
1 0 k
M o n i t o r i n g o f
t h e e n c o d e r
s i g n a l s
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 9
7.2 Position detection
In order to start position detection after switching on the
terminal, the control bits for the encoder type and the
evaluation of OUT process data word OUT[0] are written to
the terminal. The terminal then starts position detection with
a random value in the positioning counter. As long as
operating mode 0 ("Read actual position value") is not
exited the actual position value only gives relative position
values (without homing).
The control bits for the encoder type and evaluation must
remain set as long as position detection is carried out.
Changing the evaluation also requires new homing.
The terminal can only output an absolute position value if
homing has been carried out on the terminal before. The
homing function is used to set the positioning counter to the
reference point value determined by OUT process data
word OUT[0] on a specific point of an axis.
This homing process can be carried out by setting the
reference point via the local bus (operating mode 1). During
this process, the axis remains as still as possible or moves
so slowly that the time delay, with which the signals are
transmitted via the local bus, does not cause any major
Dynamic homing is also possible. In many applications, a
higher level of precision is achieved through dynamic
homing using a homing process.
The IB IL INC-IN ... terminal provides five different types of
homing (operating modes 2 to 6) for dynamic homing. The
terminal responds directly to the connected limit switch or
home position switch signals or the Z signal (index pulse
from the encoder) with a hardware circuit.
Homing function sequence:
1. Start homing
The reference point value is written to OUT[0] and
OUT[1]. Next, homing is started by means of writing
one of the control codes for operating modes 1 to 5 to
If the terminal has been homed the message code
switches to "Device not homed".
2. Wait for acknowledgment (status bit A)
The time it takes to receive acknowledgment varies
depending on the homing mode. In operating mode 1,
the acknowledgment bit (status bit A) appears
immediately, in operating modes 2 to 6 the time it takes
depends on the distance to the reference point and the
speed at which the axis runs during homing (see
page 14).
The "Homed" acknowledgment bit is present until an
error occurs or a new homing process is initialized.
3. Read adjustment value (only for the homing types in
operating modes 4 and 5)
In operating modes 4 and 5, the delta value
(adjustment value) can be read in the "Actual position
value" data field. This value indicates the distance
between the position of the home position switch edge
and the position of the Z pulse.
This value is present in the "Actual position value" data
field until switching to operating mode 0 ("Read actual
position value"). Beginning from the Z pulse position
the positioning counter internally starts position
4. Switch back to "Read actual position value"
Operating mode 0 ("Read actual position value") is
selected in OUT[0]. The relevant positions can be read
from the "Actual position value" data field in IN[0] and
IN[1] (value range 0 to 225 ... 1).
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 10
7.3 Homing for distance-encoded linear encoders
In addition to the counting tracks, distance encoded linear
encoders are provided with a reference mark track with
different increments. This results in fields between two
reference marks, which differ in size. Each field only
appears once in the linear system.
In order to detect the absolute position in the system only
two reference marks must be overrun.
The process is carried out as follows (see Figure 5 and
Figure 6): The slide position is unknown. In set operating
mode 6 "110bin" the slide is moved in any direction. When
the slide reaches the first reference mark (Z) the internal
counter is set to zero and the incoming increments of the
counting track are added.
When the slide reaches the second reference mark the
counter status determined between the two reference
marks is output and the internal counter is set to zero again.
At the same time, the "Acknowledgment, device homed"
message code is output.
The output counter state corresponds to the increments of
the overrun field and is present until switching to operating
mode 0 "000bin" ("Read actual position value"). After
changing the operating mode, the counter state is displayed
beginning from the second reference mark. The position
corresponds to the position before or after the determined
field depending on the counting and positioning directions.
Figure 5 Example 1: Positioning in positive counting direction
X + n i n c r e m e n t s
0 + n i n c r e m e n t s
0 + n i n c r e m e n t s
X + n i n c r e m e n t s
0 + n i n c r e m e n t s
2 5 1 5
S t a r t w i t h
m o d e 6
" 1 1 0 b i n "
C o u n t e r
o n 0
" A c k n o w l e d g m e n t ,
d e v i c e h o m e d "
m e s s a g e c o d e
i s d i s p l a y e d a n d
p o s i t i o n i n g c o u n t e r = 0
C hanging to
operating m ode 0 "000b i n "
( " R e a d a c t u a l p o s i t i o n v a l u e " )
a f t e r s t o p , i f r e q u i r e d
C o u n t e r
o n 0
P o s i t i o n i n g i n p o s i t i v e c o u n t i n g d i r e c t i o n
A c t u a l p o s i t i o n v a l u e d i s p l a y : 9 6 0 hex
960h e x = 2 4 0 0 d e c i n c r e m e n t s i n p o s i t i v e c o u n t i n g d i r e c t i o n b e s i d e f i e l d 2 5 1 5
5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
2490 2515 2485 2520 2480 2525 2475 2530 2470
5005 5005 5005 5005
6 3 9 0 B 0 0 9
D i s t a n c e e n c o d e d l i n e a r e n c o d e r
I n t e r n a l
A c t u a l
p o s i t i o n
v a l u e
d i s p l a y
9 6 0
+ n i n c r e m e n t s
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 11
Figure 6 Example 2: Positioning in negative counting direction
0 - n i n c r e m e n t s
0 + n i n c r e m e n t s
X - n i n c r e m e n t s
1 F F F 6 9 F
h e x
- n i n c r e m e n t s
0 + n i n c r e m e n t s
d e z
S t a r t w i t h
m o d e 6 " 1 1 0 b i n "
C o u n t e r
o n 0
C hanging to
operating m ode 0 000b i n "
( " R e a d a c t u a l p o s i t i o n v a l u e " )
a f t e r s t o p , i f r e q u i r e d
C o u n t e r
o n 0
P o s i t i o n i n g i n n e g a t i v e c o u n t i n g d i r e c t i o n
A c t u a l p o s i t i o n v a l u e d i s p l a y : 1 F F F 6 9 F hex
( 1 F F F F F F hex- 1 F F F 6 9 F hex = 9 6 0 hex) = 2 4 0 0 i n c r e m e n t s i n n e g a t i v e c o u n t i n g d i r e c t i o n b e s i d e f i e l d 2 4 7 5
C o u n t e r
o n 0
5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
2490 2515 2485 2520 2480 2525 2475 2530 2470
5005 5005 5005 5005
6 3 9 0 B 0 1 0
D i s t a n c e e n c o d e d l i n e a r e n c o d e r
X + n i n c r e m e n t s
I n t e r n a l
A c t u a l
p o s i t i o n
v a l u e
d i s p l a y
" A c k n o w l e d g m e n t ,
d e v i c e h o m e d "
m e s s a g e c o d e
i s d i s p l a y e d a n d
p o s i t i o n i n g c o u n t e r = 0
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 12
8Basic circuit diagram
Figure 7 Internal wiring of the terminal points
Protocol chip (bus logic including voltage
conditioning) Transistor
Field-programmable gate array Filter
LED with function information Encoder supply with short-circuit protection
Optocoupler Input
Power supply unit Coupling capacitor
Receiver for encoder signals Output
+24 V (U )
Local bus
24 V
3x 3x
24 V
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 13
9 Connection example
Figure 8 Typical connection with 24 V DC encoder
10 Connection notes
11 Programming data/
configuration data
11.1 Local bus (INTERBUS)
11.2 Other bus systems
Encoder/incremental encoder
I 2 I 1
I 3
A, A
B, B
Z, Z
Encoders should always be connected using
shielded twisted pair cables. Unshielded cables
may lead to erroneous results in environments
with heavy noise. On the terminal side, the shield
is capacitively connected to functional earth
ground (FE) via the shield connector. On the
encoder side, the shield must be connected with
the grounded encoder housing.
If the encoder does not have a shield connection,
the shield can also be directly connected in the
control cabinet to functional earth ground via an
additional shield connection clamp.
For information on shielding and connecting
shielded cables, please refer to the
IB IL SYS PRO UM E user manual or the Inline
system manual for your bus system.
Please also observe the manufacturer's
installation instructions for the incremental
ID code 7Fhex (127dec)
Length code 02hex
Process data channel 32 bits
Input address area 2 words
Output address area 2 words
Parameter channel (PCP) 0 bytes
Register length (bus) 2 words
For the configuration data of other bus systems,
please refer to the corresponding electronic
device data sheet (e.g., GSD, EDS).
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 14
12 Process data words
12.1 IN process data words
12.2 Error/message code
(Word.bit) view Word Word 0
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9876543210
(Byte.bit) view Byte Byte 0 Byte 1
Bit 7654321076543210
IN[0] Assignment Error/message code I3 I2 I1 Actual position value
(Word.bit) view Word Word 1
Bit 1514131211109876543210
(Byte.bit) view Byte Byte 2 Byte 3
Bit 7654321076543210
IN[1] Assignment Position actual value
Error/message code: See Table "Error/message code" on page 14
Status bit I1: Status input 1
Status bit I2: Status input 2
Status bit I3: Status input 3
Actual position value: Contents of the positioning counter (25 bits)
15 14 13 12
0 0 0 1 Acknowledgment, device homed
0 0 0 0 No error, device not (yet) homed
0 0 1 0 Test mode activated
0 1 0 0 Homing initiated several times
If the set operating mode 1 to 6 for a homing function is changed before the terminal has
output the "Device homed" acknowledgment, the "Homing initiated several times" error
code is generated.
1 0 0 0 Actual position value invalid (voltage supply)
1 0 1 0 Actual position value invalid (encoder error)
1 1 0 0 Homing not possible, as evaluation not set
1 1 1 0 Actual position value invalid/evaluation changed during operation
After successful execution of the homing process status bit 12 (IN[0]) "Acknowledgment, device homed" is set. It
is present until an error occurs or a new homing process is initialized.
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 15
12.3 OUT process data words
The process data output words specify the output values in each cycle.
12.4 Control codes for selecting the evaluation and encoder type
(Word.bit) view Word Word 0
Bit 1514131211109876543210
(Byte.bit) view Byte Byte 0 Byte 1
Bit 7654321076543210
OUT[0] Assignment Operating
Evaluation and
encoder type
OB Reference point value for homing function
(Word.bit) view Word Word 1
Bit 1514131211109876543210
(Byte.bit) view Byte Byte 2 Byte 3
Bit 7654321076543210
OUT[1] Assignment Reference point value for homing function
Operating mode: See Table "Control codes for selecting the operating mode" on page 16
Evaluation and encoder
See Table "Control codes for selecting the evaluation and encoder type"
OB control bit: Set output bit (activates the "open collector" output of I3). Terminal point I3 can be used as
the 24 V input or as the output with negative logic. The output connects terminal point I 3
to GND when the OB control bit is set.
Reference point value for
homing function:
During homing, this value is transferred to the positioning counter, i.e., from this point
onwards the reference point value forms the output value for position detection (value
range 0 to 225 ... 1).
NOTE: Misinterpretation of values when the data consistency is violated
Ensure a data consistency of two words to prevent the possibility of misinterpretation of the values.
OUT[0] Description
12 11 10
000No evaluation (no function)
001Twofold evaluation, symmetrical encoder signals
010Fourfold evaluation, symmetrical encoder signals
011Single evaluation, symmetrical encoder signals
100No evaluation (no function)
101Twofold evaluation, asymmetrical encoder signals
110Fourfold evaluation, asymmetrical encoder signals
111Single evaluation, asymmetrical encoder signals
6390_en_07 PHOENIX CONTACT 16
12.5 Control codes for selecting the operating mode
OUT[0] Description
15 14 13
00 0 0 Read actual position value
The positioning counter is continuously displayed in the actual position value (IN process
data words 0 and 1).
10 0 1 Set counter to reference point value (standstill homing)
The reference point value is loaded to the positioning counter and the counter
immediately starts to count the incoming pulses. The "Acknowledgment, device homed"
message code is displayed.
The homing function is exited by changing to operating mode 0 ("Read actual position
value"). In this mode, the positioning counter is continuously displayed.
20 1 0 Homing on the next positive edge of input I1, I2 or I3* without Z
The reference point value is loaded in the counting register with a positive edge from one
of the inputs and the "Acknowledgment, device homed" message code is displayed.
The homing function is exited by changing to operating mode 0 ("Read actual position
value"). In this mode, the positioning counter is continuously displayed.
30 1 1 Homing on the next negative edge of input I1, I2 or I3* without Z
The reference point value is loaded in the counting register with a negative edge from one
of the inputs and the "Acknowledgment, device homed" message code is displayed.
The homing function is exited by changing to operating mode 0 ("Read actual position
value"). In this mode, the positioning counter is continuously displayed.
41 0 0 Homing on Z after positive edge of input I1, I2 or I3*
The delta counting register is set to "0" with a positive edge from one of the inputs. The
position value gives a positive count value, which indicates the difference between the
input edge and the next positive edge of Z (adjustment value). When Z is reached, the
"Acknowledgment, device homed" message code is displayed and the reference point
value is loaded in the counting register. The delta value is displayed until the operating
mode is changed to "Read actual position value".
The homing function is exited by changing to operating mode 0 ("Read actual position
value"). In this mode, the positioning counter is continuously displayed.
6390_en_07 17
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG • 32823 Blomberg • Germany • Phone: +49-(0) 5235-3-00
PHOENIX CONTACT • P.O.Box 4100 • Harrisburg • PA 17111-0100 • USA • Phone: +717-944-1300
51 0 1 Homing on Z after negative edge of input I1, I2 or I3*
The delta counting register is set to "0" with a negative edge from one of the inputs. The
position value gives a positive count value, which indicates the difference between the
input edge and the next positive edge of Z (adjustment value). When Z is reached, the
"Acknowledgment, device homed" message code is displayed and the reference point
value is loaded in the counting register. The delta value is displayed until the operating
mode is changed to "Read actual position value".
The homing function is exited by changing to operating mode 0 ("Read actual position
value"). In this mode, the positioning counter is continuously displayed.
61 1 0 Homing distance encoded incremental encoders
The delta counting register is set to zero with the first positive edge of the Z signal. The
position value gives a positive count value, which indicates the delta between the two Z
signals with the second positive edge of the Z signal. When the second Z signal is
reached, the "Acknowledgment, device homed" message code is displayed and the
reference point value is loaded in the counting register. The delta value is displayed until
the operating mode is changed to "Read actual position value".
The positioning counter is continuously displayed when changing to operating mode 0
("Read actual position value").
71 1 1 Test mode
The delta counting register is set to "0" with a positive edge from the Z signal. The delta
counting register is again set to "0" with a second positive edge of Z and the position
value gives a positive count value, which indicates the delta between the last two Z
OUT[0] Description
15 14 13
* Terminal point I3 can be used as the 24 V input or as the output with negative logic.
The output connects terminal point I3 to GND, when output bit OUT[0], bit 9 is set. In order for I3 to be used as an input,
output bit OUT[0], bit 9 must be equal to 0.
Application example: A 0 V enable signal is required for the Z index pulse in an incremental length measuring system
(ELGO Electric, Rielasingen, Germany).
Ensure that the difference between the limit switch and the first Z edge is always specified as a positive value, even
if the direction of rotation or the traversing direction is negative.
Inputs I1 to I3 are active at the same time for the homing function in modes 2 to 5. If I3 is used as an "open collector"
output, the following should be observed:
To ensure the input edges of I3 are not misinterpreted during homing, do not change output bit OUT[0], bit 9 after
activating homing modes 2 to 5.