The introduction of high speed integrated circuitry such as VHSIC and MMIC
has enabled the Design Engineer to accomplish far more on his printed circuit
board than ever before. This, coupled with the emergence of a revolutionary
change in avi onics pack aging - modul ar a vionic a rchi tectur es - has cr eated th e
need for a high performance, low insertion force PCB connector with signifi-
cantly increased contact density.
The LRM (Line Replaceable Module) connector series are high performance,
high density interconnects, specifically designed to connect printed circuit
boards. The Amphenol Brush contact technology is the foundation of the LRM
connec tor seri es .
LRM Connectors with Staggered Grid
• Advanced design to provide high contact density for high speed integrated
circuitry in SEM-E and custom form factors
• 180 contact insert pattern grid in 8 rows: 0.100 inch spacing along the row
with 0.050 inch between rows, rows offset 0.050 inch.
• Options include various shell designs to accommodate a wide range of PC
board/heat sink combinations
• Solder tail, wire wrap or compliant contact availability
• ESD protection
LRM Connectors with GEN-X Grid
• Higher contact density and improved electrical performance
• All the features of the 180 contact pattern, including ESD protection
• Available in SEM-E and custom form factors
• 236 contact pattern grid in 8 rows: 0.075 inch spacing along the row with
0.060 inch between rows, rows offset 0.0375 inch
LRM Staggered Grid Airflow-thru Connectors
• Available for wider boards up to 0.425 inch. These accommodate standard
brush tails in staggered pattern, but with increased spacing in the center,
and they also provide more airflow cooling of inserts.
LRM Connectors with Many Contact and Shell Design Options
Flexibility to meet customer demands that include: combinations of brush and
fiber optics; options for high speed contacts, RF contacts, or new high amper-
age RADSOK® contacts; incorporation of flex circuits; custom shells with multi-
ple bays.
For more information on LRM Connectors see new catalog 12-037 at website
Amphenol is the leading manufacturer of custom backplane assemblies using
high density, ruggedized, board-to-board backplane interconnects. These can
incorporate brush contacts, pc tail, or press-fit compliant pin contacts, or fiber
optic te rmini. Th ey also c an inco rporate fork and blad e contact s (see ne xt page
for fork and blade contact connectors).
• Electric al Bac kpl an es - Large pan el siz es with high layer cou nts , and fea-
tures suc h as high aspect rati o pl ati ng, s ma ll di am ete r pla ted-through hole s,
and controlled impedances.
• Optical Backplanes - Fiber termination with Multi-Terminal (MT) optical fer-
rules. Ri bbon cable sorting allows programming flex ibility; thus rendering the
entire system easily upgradeable.
• Hybrid Optical Backplanes - Integrated electrical and optical systems in one
discreet package for advanced avionics systems.
For more information on Backplane Assemblies from Amphenol Backplane
Systems division, see publication SL-392 at websites:
www.amphenol-abs.com or www.amphenol-aerospace.com.
Additional Products for PCB Application
Amphenol rectangular interconnects, cont.
From top to bott om :
Staggered Grid, 2 Bay LRM;
GEN-X Grid, 2 Bay LRM;
LRM inserts with RADSOK contacts;
LRM insert wit h MT ferr ul e fiber optics and brus h
contacts in a Differential Pair insert.
LRM Module Inserts (showing front and back of
inserts) with PC Tails in Staggered Grid Pattern
Backplane Assembly with LRM Connectors with
Brush Contacts on one s ide and Cylindr ical Connec-
tors with Press-fi t Com pliant Contacts on the other.