System overview of STEP 7 and WinCC 1 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2 SIMATIC Readme 3 WinCC WinCC Advanced V14 Installation 4 Migrating projects and programs 5 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6 Editing projects 7 Editing project data 8 Using libraries 9 System Manual Editing devices and networks 10 Programming the PLC 11 Visualizing processes 12 Using technology functions 13 Using online and diagnostics functions 14 Using Team Engineering 15 Online help printout 10/2016 Legal information Warning notice system This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger. DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified Personnel The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems. Proper use of Siemens products Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed. Trademarks All names identified by (R) are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Siemens AG Division Digital Factory Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG GERMANY 10/2016 Subject to change Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved Table of contents 1 2 3 System overview of STEP 7 and WinCC....................................................................................................39 1.1 Scaling of STEP 7 and WinCC in the TIA Portal....................................................................39 1.2 Options for STEP 7 and WinCC Engineering.........................................................................40 1.3 Options for S7-1500 Runtime.................................................................................................41 1.4 Options for STEP 7 Engineering System...............................................................................41 1.5 Options for WinCC Engineering and Runtime systems.........................................................41 What's new in TIA Portal V14.....................................................................................................................45 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................45 2.2 SIMATIC STEP 7...................................................................................................................45 2.3 SIMATIC WinCC....................................................................................................................48 2.4 SINAMICS Startdrive.............................................................................................................49 2.5 SIMOTION SCOUT TIA.........................................................................................................50 2.6 SIMOCODE ES V14..............................................................................................................50 2.7 Engineering options...............................................................................................................51 2.8 Runtime options.....................................................................................................................53 Readme......................................................................................................................................................55 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 Notes on the TIA Portal..........................................................................................................55 General notes.........................................................................................................................55 Notes on libraries...................................................................................................................57 Notes on memory cards.........................................................................................................57 Notes on the hardware configuration.....................................................................................58 Notes on instructions..............................................................................................................59 Notes on using the TIA Portal in a virtual environment (private cloud)..................................59 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 STEP 7 Basic.........................................................................................................................60 Security information...............................................................................................................60 Notes on use..........................................................................................................................62 Editing devices and networks.................................................................................................63 General information on devices and networks.......................................................................63 Use of modules on the S7-1200.............................................................................................63 CP 343-2 on SIMATIC S7 Embedded Controller EC31-RTX.................................................64 F-CM AS-i Safety ST for ET 200SP.......................................................................................65 S7 routing via IE/PB Link.......................................................................................................65 Deactivating SNMP (S7-1200, S7-1500)...............................................................................65 Notes on online and diagnostics............................................................................................67 Network components.............................................................................................................67 Programming a PLC...............................................................................................................69 General notes on PLC programming.....................................................................................69 Instructions.............................................................................................................................72 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 3 Table of contents 4 4 3.2.5 3.2.6 Testing the user program.......................................................................................................73 Compatibility of PLC programs from older versions...............................................................75 Inter Project Engineering (IPE)..............................................................................................82 Notes on IPE..........................................................................................................................82 Technological functions..........................................................................................................82 Notes on technological functions (S7-1200)..........................................................................82 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.3.8 3.3.9 WinCC Comfort/Advanced.....................................................................................................83 Security information...............................................................................................................83 News......................................................................................................................................89 Notes on use..........................................................................................................................89 Migration................................................................................................................................90 Engineering System...............................................................................................................92 Screens and Screen Objects.................................................................................................92 Tags and connections............................................................................................................97 Alarm system and alarm displays..........................................................................................98 System functions and scripts.................................................................................................99 Reports.................................................................................................................................101 Recipes................................................................................................................................102 User administration..............................................................................................................102 Communication....................................................................................................................102 System-wide functions.........................................................................................................105 Compiling and loading..........................................................................................................106 Runtime................................................................................................................................108 Notes on operation in Runtime.............................................................................................108 Notes on operation of panels in Runtime.............................................................................110 Notes on operation of Runtime Advanced...........................................................................111 HMI devices.........................................................................................................................112 Notes on HMI devices..........................................................................................................112 Installation................................................................................................................................................117 4.1 Notes on the installation.......................................................................................................117 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 System requirements for installation....................................................................................118 Notes on licenses.................................................................................................................118 Notes on the system requirements......................................................................................119 System requirements STEP 7 Basic....................................................................................120 Licensing of STEP 7.............................................................................................................120 Handling licenses and license keys.....................................................................................122 Software and hardware requirements STEP 7.....................................................................124 System requirement for WinCC Advanced..........................................................................127 Software and hardware requirements..................................................................................127 Parallel installation...............................................................................................................130 Add-ons................................................................................................................................131 Licenses and Powerpacks...................................................................................................133 4.3 Installation log......................................................................................................................141 4.4 Starting installation...............................................................................................................142 4.5 Displaying the installed software..........................................................................................144 4.6 Modifying or updating installed products..............................................................................145 4.7 Repairing installed products.................................................................................................146 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 5 4.8 Starting to uninstall...............................................................................................................148 4.9 4.9.1 4.9.2 4.9.3 Installing updates and support packages.............................................................................150 Checking availability of updates and support packages and installing them.......................150 Providing updates on a company-internal server.................................................................153 Configuring a company-internal server for updates.............................................................155 4.10 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.10.3 Installing and uninstalling the migration tool........................................................................158 System requirements...........................................................................................................158 Installing the migration tool..................................................................................................158 Uninstalling the migration tool..............................................................................................159 4.11 4.11.1 4.11.2 4.11.3 Installing and uninstalling the multiuser server....................................................................160 Notes on the installation of the multiuser server..................................................................160 Installing the multiuser server..............................................................................................161 Uninstalling the multiuser server..........................................................................................162 Migrating projects and programs..............................................................................................................165 5.1 Overview of Migration Options.............................................................................................165 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 5.2.8 5.2.9 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project.............................................................................167 Migration of projects with the TIA Portal..............................................................................167 Check migration readiness of hardware components..........................................................168 Preparing projects with the migration tool............................................................................169 Migrating projects with the migration tool.............................................................................169 Calling the migration tool......................................................................................................171 Creating a migration file.......................................................................................................171 Migrating projects.................................................................................................................172 Displaying the history of the migration.................................................................................174 Display migration log............................................................................................................174 Migrating STEP 7 projects (S7-300, S7-400).......................................................................175 Migration of STEP 7 projects (S7-300, S7-400)...................................................................175 Requirements for the migration of STEP 7 projects (S7-300, S7-400)................................176 Checking whether STEP 7 projects can be migrated (S7-300, S7-400)..............................177 Consistency check in the initial project (S7-300, S7-400)....................................................178 Removing unsupported hardware components (S7-300, S7-400).......................................179 Special points to observe during migration (S7-300, S7-400)..............................................179 Migrating WinCC flexible projects........................................................................................195 Principles (WinCC flexible)...................................................................................................195 Migrating engineering data (WinCC flexible)........................................................................201 Migrating runtime data (WinCC flexible)..............................................................................222 Migrating integrated projects (WinCC flexible).....................................................................225 Reference (WinCC flexible)..................................................................................................229 Migrating integrated projects................................................................................................243 Migrating an integrated project (S7-300, S7-400)................................................................243 Post-editing integrated projects............................................................................................245 Converting unspecified CPUs into specified CPUs..............................................................246 Creating an integrated HMI connection................................................................................248 Re-linking HMI tags..............................................................................................................250 Delete non-integrated HMI connection.................................................................................251 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 Migrating S7-1200 to firmware as of V4 (S7-1200)..............................................................252 Basic information on upgrading to V4 (S7-1200).................................................................252 Migrating to V4 (S7-1200)....................................................................................................254 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 5 Table of contents 5.3.3 6 6 Special considerations after migrating to V4 (S7-1200).......................................................256 Introduction to the TIA Portal....................................................................................................................259 6.1 6.1.1 Getting started......................................................................................................................259 Getting Started Documentation............................................................................................259 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 User interface and operation................................................................................................260 Starting, setting up, and exiting the TIA Portal....................................................................260 Starting and exiting the TIA Portal.......................................................................................260 Overview of the program settings........................................................................................261 Overview of the script and text editor settings.....................................................................263 Overview of the print settings...............................................................................................264 Overview of the online and diagnostic settings....................................................................264 Changing the settings..........................................................................................................265 Exporting and importing settings..........................................................................................265 Layout of the user interface..................................................................................................268 Views....................................................................................................................................268 Portal view............................................................................................................................268 Project view..........................................................................................................................270 Library view..........................................................................................................................273 Project tree...........................................................................................................................273 Work area.............................................................................................................................277 Inspector window.................................................................................................................285 Task cards............................................................................................................................287 Reference projects...............................................................................................................289 Details view..........................................................................................................................290 Overview window.................................................................................................................292 User interface layout............................................................................................................296 Keyboard operation in the TIA Portal...................................................................................300 Operation of the TIA Portal with the keyboard.....................................................................300 Displaying an overview of all keyboard shortcuts................................................................300 Basic functions of the TIA Portal..........................................................................................300 Using project-related functions.............................................................................................302 Arranging windows...............................................................................................................302 Navigating through the program interface............................................................................303 Customizing editors..............................................................................................................305 Editing objects......................................................................................................................306 Text editing...........................................................................................................................307 Editing tables........................................................................................................................308 Using online functions..........................................................................................................309 Using the on-screen keyboard.............................................................................................310 Special features specific to the operating system................................................................310 Influence of user rights.........................................................................................................310 Expanding user rights..........................................................................................................311 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 Help on the information system............................................................................................312 General remarks on the information system........................................................................312 Opening the information system..........................................................................................317 Using the information system...............................................................................................318 Searching the information system........................................................................................320 Basics of searching..............................................................................................................320 Searching help topics...........................................................................................................321 Examples of searching in the information system ...............................................................322 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 7 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.3.7 6.3.8 6.3.9 6.3.10 6.3.11 Using favorites.....................................................................................................................324 Copying code examples into the program............................................................................325 Displaying more information in the Siemens Industry Online Support.................................326 Printing help topics...............................................................................................................327 Configuring the display of tooltips and tooltip cascades......................................................328 Assembling customized documentation...............................................................................328 Safety Guidelines.................................................................................................................329 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 Find and replace..................................................................................................................331 Basics of searching..............................................................................................................331 Search entire project............................................................................................................332 Basics for search in the project............................................................................................332 Overview of the search editor..............................................................................................333 Search in entire project........................................................................................................335 Creating a new search index manually................................................................................336 Enabling and disabling search in the project........................................................................337 Examples for searching in the project..................................................................................338 Searching and replacing in the editor...................................................................................340 Basics for search in open editors.........................................................................................340 Overview of the "Find and replace" palette..........................................................................341 Searching and replacing in the editor...................................................................................342 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 Undoing and redoing actions...............................................................................................344 Basics of undoing and redoing actions................................................................................344 Undoing an action................................................................................................................345 Redoing an action................................................................................................................346 Editing projects.........................................................................................................................................349 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 7.1.6 7.1.7 7.1.8 7.1.9 7.1.10 7.1.11 7.1.12 7.1.13 Creating and managing projects..........................................................................................349 The basics of projects..........................................................................................................349 Compatibility of projects.......................................................................................................350 Creating a new project.........................................................................................................352 Opening existing projects.....................................................................................................352 Upgrading projects...............................................................................................................354 Upgrading know-how protected blocks................................................................................356 Displaying properties of the project......................................................................................356 Saving projects.....................................................................................................................357 Closing projects....................................................................................................................358 Removing projects from the project list................................................................................359 Deleting projects..................................................................................................................360 Using logs............................................................................................................................361 Importing and exporting CAx data........................................................................................361 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 Archiving and retrieving projects..........................................................................................362 Working with project archives..............................................................................................362 Creating a project archive....................................................................................................363 Retrieving compressed project.............................................................................................364 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 Using reference projects......................................................................................................365 Basics of reference projects.................................................................................................365 Opening and closing a reference project.............................................................................365 Comparing reference projects..............................................................................................366 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 7 Table of contents 8 8 Editing project data...................................................................................................................................369 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 Compiling and loading project data......................................................................................369 Compiling project data.........................................................................................................369 General information on compiling project data.....................................................................369 Compiling project data.........................................................................................................370 Loading project data.............................................................................................................370 General information on loading............................................................................................370 Downloading project data to a device..................................................................................372 Downloading project data to a memory card........................................................................374 Uploading project data from a device...................................................................................376 Loading project data from a memory card...........................................................................378 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 Comparing project data........................................................................................................379 Basics of project data comparison.......................................................................................379 Carrying out an online/offline comparison............................................................................382 Carrying out offline/offline comparisons...............................................................................382 Using the compare editor ....................................................................................................384 Overview of the compare editor...........................................................................................384 Show and hide table columns..............................................................................................390 Filtering the compare editor view.........................................................................................391 Running a detailed comparison............................................................................................392 Updating the comparison results..........................................................................................393 Set comparison criteria........................................................................................................394 Synchronizing non-identical objects.....................................................................................395 Changing the view................................................................................................................397 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 Protecting project data.........................................................................................................398 Protection concept for project data......................................................................................398 Revoking access rights for devices......................................................................................398 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 Printing project contents.......................................................................................................399 Printing project documentation.............................................................................................399 Documentation settings........................................................................................................399 Printout of project contents..................................................................................................400 Changing the print settings..................................................................................................401 Specifying the print layout....................................................................................................402 Entering document information............................................................................................403 Managing cover pages and frames......................................................................................404 Designing cover pages and frames......................................................................................407 Displaying print preview.......................................................................................................413 Printing project data.............................................................................................................416 Printing module labels..........................................................................................................418 Print function for module labels............................................................................................418 Printing labels.......................................................................................................................419 Exporting labeling data as XML...........................................................................................421 XML schema of the export file..............................................................................................422 Determining the print area offset..........................................................................................425 8.5 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.5.4 Working with multi-language projects..................................................................................426 Project text basics................................................................................................................426 Categories of user texts.......................................................................................................428 Select project languages......................................................................................................428 Setting the editing language.................................................................................................429 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 9 8.5.5 8.5.6 8.5.7 8.5.8 8.5.9 8.5.10 Translating all project texts in tabular form..........................................................................429 Translating project texts.......................................................................................................430 Translating project texts using reference texts.....................................................................430 Exporting project texts..........................................................................................................431 Importing project texts..........................................................................................................433 Application examples for multilanguage projects.................................................................434 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 8.6.4 Working with text lists...........................................................................................................435 Text lists...............................................................................................................................435 Creating user-defined text lists.............................................................................................437 Editing user-defined text lists...............................................................................................437 Editing system-defined text lists...........................................................................................438 8.7 8.7.1 8.7.2 8.7.3 8.7.4 Using memory cards............................................................................................................439 Basics about memory cards.................................................................................................439 Adding a user-defined card reader.......................................................................................439 Accessing memory cards.....................................................................................................440 Displaying properties of memory cards................................................................................441 8.8 8.8.1 Using cross-references........................................................................................................442 Using cross-references........................................................................................................442 8.9 8.9.1 8.9.2 8.9.3 8.9.4 8.9.5 8.9.6 8.9.7 8.9.8 Providing user-defined documentation.................................................................................442 Using user-defined documentation......................................................................................442 Specifying settings in the TIA Portal....................................................................................445 Specifying settings with an XML file.....................................................................................446 Creating a homepage...........................................................................................................447 Conventions for the creation................................................................................................448 Calling user-defined documentation.....................................................................................451 Displaying the call log..........................................................................................................452 Creating user-defined documentation..................................................................................452 Using libraries...........................................................................................................................................455 9.1 Library basics.......................................................................................................................455 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 Using the "Libraries" task card.............................................................................................457 Overview of the "Libraries" task card...................................................................................457 Using the element view........................................................................................................459 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 Using the library view...........................................................................................................460 Overview of the library view.................................................................................................460 Opening and closing the library view...................................................................................462 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4 9.4.5 9.4.6 Using library management...................................................................................................463 Overview of the library management...................................................................................463 Opening library management...............................................................................................465 Filtering the display of types.................................................................................................466 Displaying instances in the project.......................................................................................467 Displaying cross references of an instance..........................................................................467 Displaying relations to other library objects..........................................................................468 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 9.5.3 9.5.4 Using global libraries............................................................................................................468 Creating a global library.......................................................................................................468 Compatibility of global libraries............................................................................................469 Opening a global library.......................................................................................................470 Displaying properties of global libraries...............................................................................471 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 9 Table of contents 10 9.5.5 9.5.6 9.5.7 9.5.8 9.5.9 9.5.10 Displaying logs of global libraries.........................................................................................472 Saving a global library..........................................................................................................472 Closing a global library.........................................................................................................473 Deleting a global library........................................................................................................474 Archiving and disabling global libraries................................................................................475 Working with archives of global libraries..............................................................................475 Archiving global libraries......................................................................................................475 Retrieving global libraries.....................................................................................................476 Using global corporate libraries............................................................................................477 Basics of corporate libraries.................................................................................................477 Creating a configuration file for corporate libraries..............................................................479 9.6 Creating folders in a library..................................................................................................480 9.7 9.7.1 9.7.2 9.7.3 9.7.4 Using master copies.............................................................................................................480 Basics on master copies......................................................................................................480 Adding master copies...........................................................................................................481 Filtering master copies.........................................................................................................483 Using master copies.............................................................................................................483 9.8 9.8.1 9.8.2 9.8.3 9.8.4 9.8.5 9.8.6 9.8.7 Using types and their versions.............................................................................................484 Basics on types....................................................................................................................484 State of type versions...........................................................................................................486 Displaying a released type version......................................................................................488 Displaying properties of a type or version............................................................................488 Working with types in the project library...............................................................................489 Adding types to the project library........................................................................................489 Block requirements..............................................................................................................491 Referencing of objects within a block...................................................................................492 Duplicating types..................................................................................................................493 Using types..........................................................................................................................493 Displaying types for an instance..........................................................................................495 Creating a test version of a type..........................................................................................495 Editing a test version of a type.............................................................................................497 Creating an editing version of a type....................................................................................498 Performing a consistency check for a version......................................................................498 Discarding versions..............................................................................................................499 Discarding all versions within a folder..................................................................................500 Release versions..................................................................................................................500 Releasing all versions within a folder...................................................................................501 Updating the project to the latest versions...........................................................................502 Remove the link between instance and type........................................................................504 Working with types in global libraries...................................................................................504 Adding types to a global library............................................................................................504 Using types..........................................................................................................................505 Updating the project to the latest type versions...................................................................507 Assigning a version..............................................................................................................508 9.9 9.9.1 9.9.2 Multiuser Engineering in libraries.........................................................................................510 Multiuser Engineering with library objects............................................................................510 Checking in types and master copies..................................................................................512 9.10 Editing library elements........................................................................................................513 9.11 Updating a library with the contents of another library.........................................................515 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 10 9.12 Harmonizing names and path structure...............................................................................517 9.13 Clean up library....................................................................................................................517 9.14 Comparing library elements.................................................................................................519 Editing devices and networks...................................................................................................................521 10.1 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.1.3 10.1.4 Configuring devices and networks.......................................................................................521 Hardware and network editor...............................................................................................521 Overview of hardware and network editor............................................................................521 Overview of settings for hardware configuration..................................................................522 Network view........................................................................................................................523 Device view..........................................................................................................................526 Device view: Objects in the device view..............................................................................528 Device view: Area for unplugged modules...........................................................................531 Topology view......................................................................................................................532 Inspector window ................................................................................................................535 Inspector window: Displaying UDTs.....................................................................................538 Hardware catalog.................................................................................................................540 Browsing the hardware catalog ...........................................................................................542 Enabling product support.....................................................................................................544 Displaying product support for hardware components.........................................................545 Printing hardware and network configurations.....................................................................546 Printing: Changing settings..................................................................................................547 Printing: Enabling page break preview.................................................................................548 Keyboard operation: Navigation in the editor.......................................................................548 Keyboard operation: Editing objects....................................................................................549 Configuring devices..............................................................................................................551 Introduction to configuring hardware....................................................................................551 Adding a device to the hardware configuration....................................................................552 Adding an unspecified CPU.................................................................................................553 Selecting a CPU...................................................................................................................554 Selecting fail-safe modules..................................................................................................556 Rack: Basics........................................................................................................................557 Rack: General slot rules.......................................................................................................558 Rack: Inserting a module.....................................................................................................559 Deleting a hardware component..........................................................................................561 Copying a hardware component..........................................................................................562 Moving a hardware component............................................................................................564 Replacing a hardware component.......................................................................................565 Editing properties and parameters.......................................................................................565 Input and output addresses in the address overview...........................................................567 Update module version........................................................................................................570 Distributed I/O in the project tree.........................................................................................571 Comparing devices..............................................................................................................573 Configure networks..............................................................................................................575 Networking devices..............................................................................................................575 Communication via connections..........................................................................................597 Displaying and configuring topology....................................................................................692 Secure Communication (S7-1500).......................................................................................709 Industrial Ethernet security...................................................................................................751 Creating configurations........................................................................................................938 Configuring automation systems (S7-1200).........................................................................938 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 11 Table of contents 11 10.1.5 S7-1200 CM/CP.................................................................................................................1072 SCALANCE X, W and M....................................................................................................1128 Configuring AS-i devices....................................................................................................1621 Configuring PROFIBUS DP (S7-1200)..............................................................................1627 Configuring PROFINET IO.................................................................................................1653 Bus coupling with PN/PN coupler......................................................................................1701 Integrating external tools....................................................................................................1702 Loading a configuration......................................................................................................1704 Additional information on configurations............................................................................1715 Identification systems.........................................................................................................1715 Distributed I/O....................................................................................................................1781 IPv4 routing with CP 1543-1 / CM 1542-1..........................................................................1894 IPv6 configuration..............................................................................................................1894 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 Device and network diagnostics.........................................................................................1895 Hardware diagnostics.........................................................................................................1895 Overview of hardware diagnostics.....................................................................................1895 Showing non-editable and current values of configurable module properties....................1907 Showing the current values of dynamic modules properties..............................................1914 Checking a module for defects...........................................................................................1917 Changing the properties of a module or the programming device/PC...............................1925 Diagnostics in STOP mode................................................................................................1944 Online accesses in the Online and Diagnostics view.........................................................1946 Checking PROFIBUS DP subnets for faults......................................................................1949 Connection diagnostics......................................................................................................1952 Overview of connection diagnostics...................................................................................1952 Displaying the connection status using icons.....................................................................1953 Detailed connection diagnostics.........................................................................................1954 Programming the PLC............................................................................................................................1959 11.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3 11.1.4 12 Programming basics..........................................................................................................1959 Operating system and user program..................................................................................1959 Operating system...............................................................................................................1959 User program.....................................................................................................................1959 Blocks in the user program................................................................................................1960 Linear and structured programming...................................................................................1960 Overview of the block types...............................................................................................1962 Organization blocks (OB)...................................................................................................1962 Functions (FCs)..................................................................................................................1963 Function blocks (FB)..........................................................................................................1964 Global data blocks (DB).....................................................................................................1965 Instance data blocks..........................................................................................................1966 CPU data blocks................................................................................................................1967 Blocks with optimized access.............................................................................................1968 Block calls..........................................................................................................................1973 Principles of block calls......................................................................................................1973 Call hierarchy.....................................................................................................................1973 Instances............................................................................................................................1975 Parameter transfer at block call.........................................................................................1987 Using and addressing operands........................................................................................1998 Basic information about operands......................................................................................1998 Keywords...........................................................................................................................1999 Using tags within the program............................................................................................2004 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 11.1.5 Constants...........................................................................................................................2006 Addressing operands.........................................................................................................2011 Handling program execution errors....................................................................................2032 Causes of error..................................................................................................................2032 Overview of mechanisms for error handling.......................................................................2034 EN/ENO mechanism..........................................................................................................2037 Evaluating errors with output parameter RET_VAL...........................................................2049 Use of the instructions GET_ERROR and GET_ERR_ID..................................................2053 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.2.4 11.2.5 11.2.6 11.2.7 11.2.8 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500).......................................................2055 The new S7-1500 CPU functions and programming recommendations at a glance (S7-1200, S7-1500)............................................................................................................2055 Error handling (S7-1200, S7-1500)....................................................................................2059 Using enable output ENO flexibly in LAD and FBD (S7-1200, S7-1500)...........................2059 Handle program execution errors (S7-1200, S7-1500)......................................................2061 Reliable addressing (S7-1200, S7-1500)...........................................................................2066 Symbolic addressing (S7-1200, S7-1500).........................................................................2066 Addressing with Slice access (S7-1200, S7-1500)............................................................2068 Indirect addressing of ARRAY elements (S7-1200, S7-1500)...........................................2069 Addressing tags indirectly (S7-1200, S7-1500)..................................................................2072 Handling specific data types (S7-1200, S7-1500)..............................................................2078 Using the VARIANT data type (S7-1200, S7-1500)...........................................................2078 Using the DB_ANY data type (S7-1200, S7-1500)............................................................2093 Using PLC data types (UDT) (S7-1200, S7-1500).............................................................2104 Calculating with floating-point numbers (REAL and LREAL) in SCL (S7-1200, S7-1500)..2108 Calculating with constants in SCL (S7-1200, S7-1500).....................................................2113 Using MOVE instructions in STL (S7-1500).......................................................................2116 Using IEC timers and counters (S7-1200, S7-1500)..........................................................2118 Using ARRAY data blocks (S7-1200, S7-1500).................................................................2121 Commenting out program code (S7-1200, S7-1500).........................................................2131 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 11.3.4 11.3.5 Data types..........................................................................................................................2131 Overview of the valid data types........................................................................................2131 Binary numbers..................................................................................................................2136 BOOL (bit)..........................................................................................................................2136 Bit strings...........................................................................................................................2136 Integers..............................................................................................................................2141 SINT (8-bit integers) (S7-1200, S7-1500)..........................................................................2141 USINT (8-bit integers) (S7-1200, S7-1500)........................................................................2142 INT (16-bit integers)...........................................................................................................2143 UINT (16-bit integers) (S7-1200, S7-1500)........................................................................2144 DINT (32-bit integers).........................................................................................................2145 UDINT (32-bit integers) (S7-1200, S7-1500).....................................................................2146 LINT (64-bit integers) (S7-1500)........................................................................................2147 ULINT (64-bit integers) (S7-1500)......................................................................................2148 Floating-point numbers......................................................................................................2150 REAL..................................................................................................................................2150 LREAL (S7-1200, S7-1500)...............................................................................................2151 Invalid floating-point numbers............................................................................................2152 Timers................................................................................................................................2154 S5TIME (duration) (S7-300, S7-400).................................................................................2154 TIME (IEC time).................................................................................................................2155 LTIME (IEC time) (S7-1500)..............................................................................................2156 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 13 Table of contents 14 11.3.6 11.3.7 11.3.8 11.3.9 11.3.10 11.3.11 11.3.12 11.3.13 11.3.14 11.3.15 11.3.16 11.3.17 Date and time.....................................................................................................................2157 DATE..................................................................................................................................2157 TIME_OF_DAY (TOD)........................................................................................................2157 LTOD (LTIME_OF_DAY) (S7-1500)...................................................................................2158 DATE_AND_TIME (date and time of day) .........................................................................2158 LDT (DATE_AND_LTIME) (S7-1500)................................................................................2159 DTL (S7-1200, S7-1500)....................................................................................................2160 Character strings................................................................................................................2161 CHAR (Character)..............................................................................................................2161 WCHAR (Character) (S7-1200, S7-1500)..........................................................................2162 STRING..............................................................................................................................2162 WSTRING (S7-1200, S7-1500)..........................................................................................2165 Transferring a tag of the STRING or WSTRING data type................................................2168 Addressing individual characters of a STRING or WSTRING (S7-1200, S7-1500)...........2168 PLC data types (UDT)........................................................................................................2170 PLC data types (UDT)........................................................................................................2170 Transferring a tag of the PLC data type (UDT)..................................................................2174 Addressing PLC data types (UDT).....................................................................................2174 Anonymous structures.......................................................................................................2175 STRUCT.............................................................................................................................2175 Transferring tags of the STRUCT data type.......................................................................2176 Addressing STRUCT..........................................................................................................2177 ARRAY...............................................................................................................................2177 ARRAY...............................................................................................................................2177 Transferring tags of the ARRAY data type.........................................................................2180 Transferring tags of the ARRAY data type[*].....................................................................2180 Addressing ARRAYs..........................................................................................................2182 Example of a one-dimensional ARRAY.............................................................................2184 Example of a multi-dimensional ARRAY............................................................................2184 Pointer................................................................................................................................2185 POINTER (S7-300, S7-400, S7-1500)...............................................................................2185 ANY (S7-300, S7-400, S7-1500)........................................................................................2188 VARIANT (S7-1200, S7-1500)...........................................................................................2191 Parameter types.................................................................................................................2193 Parameter types.................................................................................................................2193 System data types..............................................................................................................2194 System data types..............................................................................................................2194 Hardware data types..........................................................................................................2196 Hardware data types..........................................................................................................2196 Data type conversion for S7-1500: (S7-1500)....................................................................2198 Overview of data type conversion (S7-1500).....................................................................2198 Implicit conversions (S7-1500)...........................................................................................2200 Explicit conversions (S7-1500)...........................................................................................2249 Data type conversion for S7-1200 (S7-1200).....................................................................2332 Overview of data type conversion (S7-1200).....................................................................2332 Implicit conversions (S7-1200)...........................................................................................2334 Explicit conversions (S7-1200)...........................................................................................2354 Data type conversion for S7-300, S7-400 (S7-300, S7-400).............................................2398 Overview of data type conversions (S7-300, S7-400)........................................................2398 Implicit conversions (S7-300, S7-400)...............................................................................2400 Explicit conversions (S7-300, S7-400)...............................................................................2412 11.4 Instructions.........................................................................................................................2434 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 11.4.1 Instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500)........................................................................................2434 Example libraries (S7-1200, S7-1500)...............................................................................2434 Asynchronous instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500).................................................................2436 Basic instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500)...............................................................................2439 Extended instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500)........................................................................3299 Technology (S7-1200, S7-1500)........................................................................................3888 Communication (S7-1200, S7-1500)..................................................................................4177 11.5 11.5.1 11.5.2 11.5.3 11.5.4 11.5.5 11.5.6 11.5.7 11.5.8 11.5.9 11.5.10 11.5.11 11.5.12 Program editor...................................................................................................................4458 Overview of the program editor..........................................................................................4458 Using the keyboard in the program editor..........................................................................4461 Enlarging the programming window...................................................................................4466 Setting the mnemonics.......................................................................................................4468 Displaying symbolic and absolute addresses....................................................................4469 Find instructions.................................................................................................................4470 Use instruction versions.....................................................................................................4471 Using instruction profiles....................................................................................................4472 Basics of instruction profiles...............................................................................................4472 Creating new instruction profiles........................................................................................4472 Opening and editing instruction profiles.............................................................................4474 Activating and deactivating instruction profiles..................................................................4475 Deleting instruction profiles................................................................................................4476 Using autocompletion.........................................................................................................4477 Basics of autocompletion...................................................................................................4477 Using autocompletion in graphic programming languages................................................4477 Using autocompletion in textual programming languages.................................................4478 General settings for the PLC programming........................................................................4479 Overview of the general settings........................................................................................4479 Changing the settings........................................................................................................4480 Eliminating syntax errors in the program............................................................................4481 Basic information on syntax errors.....................................................................................4481 Finding syntax errors in the program.................................................................................4481 Changing the programming language................................................................................4482 Rules for changing the programming language.................................................................4482 Change the programming language...................................................................................4483 11.6 11.6.1 11.6.2 11.6.3 Creating and managing blocks...........................................................................................4483 Creating blocks..................................................................................................................4483 Block folder........................................................................................................................4483 Creating organization blocks..............................................................................................4484 Creating functions and function blocks..............................................................................4485 Creating data blocks..........................................................................................................4486 Using blocks from libraries.................................................................................................4487 Copying and pasting blocks...............................................................................................4489 Entering a block title...........................................................................................................4493 Entering a block comment..................................................................................................4494 Specifying block properties................................................................................................4495 Basics of block properties .................................................................................................4495 Overview of block properties..............................................................................................4496 Block time stamps..............................................................................................................4499 Displaying and editing block properties .............................................................................4502 Managing blocks................................................................................................................4503 Opening blocks..................................................................................................................4503 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 15 Table of contents 16 11.6.4 Saving blocks.....................................................................................................................4504 Closing blocks....................................................................................................................4505 Renaming blocks................................................................................................................4505 Deleting blocks offline........................................................................................................4506 Deleting blocks online (S7-300, S7-400)............................................................................4506 Deleting CPU data blocks..................................................................................................4507 Using external source files.................................................................................................4508 Basics of using external source files..................................................................................4508 Rules for programming external source files .....................................................................4509 Saving blocks as external source files...............................................................................4510 Inserting external source files............................................................................................4512 Opening and editing external source files..........................................................................4512 Generating blocks from external source files.....................................................................4513 11.7 11.7.1 11.7.2 11.7.3 11.7.4 11.7.5 11.7.6 11.7.7 Protecting blocks................................................................................................................4514 Protecting blocks................................................................................................................4514 Setting up and removing block copy protection (S7-1200, S7-1500).................................4517 Setting up block know-how protection................................................................................4518 Opening know-how protected blocks.................................................................................4519 Printing know-how protected blocks...................................................................................4520 Changing a password........................................................................................................4521 Removing block know-how protection................................................................................4522 11.8 11.8.1 11.8.2 11.8.3 11.8.4 11.8.5 Declaring the block interface..............................................................................................4522 Overview of the block interface..........................................................................................4522 Rules for declaring the block interface...............................................................................4524 General rules for declaring the block interface...................................................................4524 Valid data types in the block interface (S7-300, S7-400)...................................................4525 Valid data types in the block interface (S7-1200, S7-1500)...............................................4526 Setting the retentivity of local tags.....................................................................................4527 Declaring the block interface..............................................................................................4529 Layout of the block interface..............................................................................................4529 Declaring local tags and constants in the block interface..................................................4530 Declaring a local tag in the program editor........................................................................4531 Declaring tags of the ARRAY data type.............................................................................4533 Declaring tags of STRUCT data type.................................................................................4534 Declare variables of the STRING and WSTRING data types............................................4535 Declaring tags based on a PLC data type..........................................................................4536 Declaring higher-level tags.................................................................................................4536 Declaring multi-instances...................................................................................................4537 Declaring parameter instances..........................................................................................4538 Hiding parameters during the block call.............................................................................4539 Declaring predefined actual parameters............................................................................4540 Editing the properties of local tags and constants..............................................................4541 Edit table of the block interface..........................................................................................4545 Updating the block interface...............................................................................................4548 Extending the block interface (S7-1200, S7-1500)............................................................4550 11.9 11.9.1 11.9.2 11.9.3 11.9.4 11.9.5 Programming data blocks..................................................................................................4551 Basic principles for programming of data blocks................................................................4551 Structure of the declaration table for data blocks...............................................................4553 Creating data blocks..........................................................................................................4555 Updating data blocks..........................................................................................................4556 Extending data blocks (S7-1200, S7-1500).......................................................................4557 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 11.9.6 11.9.7 11.9.8 11.9.9 11.9.10 11.9.11 Creating a data structure for global data blocks.................................................................4559 Declaring tags of elementary data type..............................................................................4559 Declaring tags of the ARRAY data type.............................................................................4560 Declaring tags of STRUCT data type.................................................................................4561 Declaring tags of the STRING data type............................................................................4562 Declaring tags based on a PLC data type..........................................................................4563 Defining start values...........................................................................................................4564 Basic information on start values.......................................................................................4564 Defining start values...........................................................................................................4565 Setting retentivity................................................................................................................4566 Retentivity of tags in data blocks........................................................................................4566 Setting retentivity in an instance data block.......................................................................4566 Setting retentivity in a global data block.............................................................................4567 Editing the properties of tags in data blocks......................................................................4568 Properties of the tags in data blocks..................................................................................4568 Changing the properties of tags in instance data blocks....................................................4570 Changing the properties of tags in global data blocks.......................................................4572 Editing the declaration table for data blocks......................................................................4573 Inserting table rows............................................................................................................4573 Inserting table rows............................................................................................................4573 Deleting tags......................................................................................................................4574 Automatically filling in successive cells..............................................................................4574 Show and hide table columns............................................................................................4575 Editing tags with external editors.......................................................................................4575 Online and diagnostic functions for data blocks.................................................................4576 Editing data blocks in online mode.....................................................................................4576 Overview of the online and diagnostic functions in data blocks.........................................4578 Monitoring tags...................................................................................................................4579 Modifying tags....................................................................................................................4580 Loading start values as actual values................................................................................4581 Creating a snapshot of the actual values...........................................................................4582 Loading snapshots as actual values..................................................................................4584 Copying the snapshot to the start values...........................................................................4586 Using setpoints during commissioning...............................................................................4587 11.10 11.10.1 11.10.2 11.10.3 11.10.4 11.10.5 11.10.6 11.10.7 Declaring PLC tags............................................................................................................4592 Overview of PLC tag tables................................................................................................4592 Structure of the PLC tag tables..........................................................................................4593 Rules for PLC tags.............................................................................................................4595 Valid names of PLC tags....................................................................................................4595 Permissible addresses and data types of PLC tags...........................................................4595 Creating and managing PLC tag tables.............................................................................4598 Creating a PLC tag table....................................................................................................4598 Grouping PLC tag tables....................................................................................................4599 Opening the PLC tag table.................................................................................................4600 Declaring PLC tags............................................................................................................4601 Entering a PLC tag declaration..........................................................................................4601 Setting the retentivity of PLC tags......................................................................................4603 Grouping PLC tags for inputs and outputs in structures....................................................4604 Other useful information regarding structured PLC tags....................................................4604 Creating structured PLC tags.............................................................................................4606 Declaring global constants.................................................................................................4607 Rules for global user constants..........................................................................................4607 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 17 Table of contents 18 11.10.8 11.10.9 11.10.10 Rules for global system constants.....................................................................................4608 Declaring global constants.................................................................................................4609 Editing properties...............................................................................................................4610 Editing the properties of PLC tags.....................................................................................4610 Editing properties of global constants................................................................................4612 Monitoring of PLC tags.......................................................................................................4613 Monitoring of PLC tags.......................................................................................................4613 Editing PLC tag tables........................................................................................................4614 Inserting a table row in the PLC tag table..........................................................................4614 Copying entries in the PLC tag table..................................................................................4614 Deleting entries in the PLC tag table..................................................................................4615 Sorting rows in the PLC tag tables.....................................................................................4615 Automatically filling in cells in the PLC tag table................................................................4616 Show and hide table columns............................................................................................4616 Editing PLC tags with external editors...............................................................................4617 11.11 11.11.1 11.11.2 11.11.3 11.11.4 11.11.5 11.11.6 11.11.7 11.11.8 Declaring PLC data types (UDT) .......................................................................................4620 Basics of PLC data types (UDT)........................................................................................4620 Structure of the declaration table for PLC data types........................................................4623 Creating PLC data types....................................................................................................4624 Delete PLC data types.......................................................................................................4625 Renumbering PLC data types............................................................................................4626 Programming the structure of PLC data types...................................................................4626 Declaring tags of elementary data type..............................................................................4626 Declaring tags of the ARRAY data type.............................................................................4627 Declaring tags of STRUCT data type ................................................................................4628 Declaring tags based on a different PLC data type............................................................4629 Editing tag properties in PLC data types............................................................................4630 Properties of tags in PLC data types..................................................................................4630 Changing the properties of tags in PLC data types............................................................4631 Editing the declaration table for PLC data types................................................................4631 Inserting table rows............................................................................................................4631 Inserting table rows............................................................................................................4632 Deleting tags......................................................................................................................4632 Automatically filling in successive cells..............................................................................4632 Show and hide table columns............................................................................................4633 11.12 11.12.1 11.12.2 11.12.3 Creating LAD programs.....................................................................................................4634 Basic information on LAD...................................................................................................4634 LAD programming language..............................................................................................4634 Overview of the LAD elements...........................................................................................4634 Settings for LAD.................................................................................................................4637 Overview of the settings for LAD........................................................................................4637 Changing the settings........................................................................................................4637 Working with networks.......................................................................................................4638 Using networks...................................................................................................................4638 Inserting networks..............................................................................................................4639 Selecting networks.............................................................................................................4640 Copying and pasting networks...........................................................................................4641 Deleting networks...............................................................................................................4641 Expanding and collapsing networks...................................................................................4642 Inserting network title.........................................................................................................4643 Entering a network comment.............................................................................................4644 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 11.12.4 11.12.5 11.12.6 11.12.7 11.12.8 11.12.9 11.12.10 Navigating networks...........................................................................................................4645 Inserting LAD elements......................................................................................................4646 Rules for the use of LAD elements....................................................................................4646 Prohibited interconnections in LAD....................................................................................4648 Inserting LAD elements using the "Instructions" task card.................................................4649 Inserting LAD elements using an empty box......................................................................4649 Selecting the data type of a LAD element..........................................................................4650 Using favorites in LAD........................................................................................................4653 Insert block calls in LAD.....................................................................................................4655 Inserting complex LAD instructions....................................................................................4659 Using free-form comments.................................................................................................4660 Editing LAD elements.........................................................................................................4663 Selecting LAD elements.....................................................................................................4663 Copying LAD elements......................................................................................................4663 Cutting LAD elements........................................................................................................4664 Pasting an LAD element from the clipboard.......................................................................4665 Replacing LAD elements....................................................................................................4665 Inserting additional inputs and outputs in LAD elements (S7-1200, S7-1500)...................4666 Removing inputs and outputs (S7-1200, S7-1500)............................................................4667 Enabling and disabling the EN/ENO mechanism (S7-1500)..............................................4668 Deleting LAD elements......................................................................................................4669 Inserting operands into LAD instructions...........................................................................4670 Inserting operands.............................................................................................................4670 Wiring hidden parameters..................................................................................................4671 Displaying or hiding variable information...........................................................................4672 Branches in LAD................................................................................................................4673 Basic information on branches in LAD...............................................................................4673 Rules for branches in LAD.................................................................................................4674 Inserting branches into the LAD network...........................................................................4674 Closing branches in the LAD network................................................................................4675 Deleting branches in LAD networks...................................................................................4676 Crossings in LAD...............................................................................................................4676 Basic information on crossings in LAD...............................................................................4676 Inserting crossings.............................................................................................................4676 Rearranging crossings.......................................................................................................4677 Deleting crossings..............................................................................................................4678 Rungs in LAD.....................................................................................................................4678 Basic information on rungs in LAD.....................................................................................4678 Insert rung..........................................................................................................................4679 Deleting a rung...................................................................................................................4680 LAD programming examples..............................................................................................4681 Example of controlling a conveyor belt .............................................................................4681 Example of detecting the direction of a conveyor belt........................................................4683 Example of detecting the fill level of a storage area ..........................................................4685 Example of calculating an equation...................................................................................4688 Example of controlling room temperature..........................................................................4690 11.13 11.13.1 11.13.2 Creating FBD programs.....................................................................................................4693 Basic information on FBD..................................................................................................4693 FBD programming language..............................................................................................4693 Overview of the FBD elements..........................................................................................4693 Settings for FBD.................................................................................................................4695 Overview of the settings for FBD.......................................................................................4695 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 19 Table of contents 20 11.13.3 11.13.4 11.13.5 11.13.6 11.13.7 11.13.8 11.13.9 Changing the settings........................................................................................................4696 Working with networks.......................................................................................................4696 Using networks...................................................................................................................4696 Inserting networks..............................................................................................................4697 Selecting networks.............................................................................................................4698 Copying and pasting networks...........................................................................................4699 Deleting networks...............................................................................................................4699 Expanding and collapsing networks...................................................................................4700 Inserting network title.........................................................................................................4700 Entering a network comment.............................................................................................4702 Navigating networks...........................................................................................................4703 Inserting FBD elements......................................................................................................4704 Rules for the use of FBD elements....................................................................................4704 Inserting FBD elements using the "Instructions" task card................................................4705 Inserting FBD elements using an empty box.....................................................................4706 Selecting the data type of an FBD element........................................................................4707 Using favorites in FBD.......................................................................................................4710 Inserting block calls in FBD................................................................................................4712 Inserting complex FBD instructions....................................................................................4716 Using free-form comments.................................................................................................4717 Editing FBD elements........................................................................................................4719 Selecting FBD elements.....................................................................................................4719 Copying FBD elements......................................................................................................4720 Cutting FBD elements........................................................................................................4721 Pasting an FBD element from the clipboard......................................................................4722 Replacing FBD elements ..................................................................................................4722 Adding additional inputs and outputs to FBD elements (S7-1200, S7-1500).....................4723 Removing instruction inputs and outputs (S7-1200, S7-1500)...........................................4724 Enabling and disabling the EN/ENO mechanism (S7-1500)..............................................4725 Deleting FBD elements......................................................................................................4726 Inserting operands in FBD instructions..............................................................................4727 Inserting operands.............................................................................................................4727 Wiring hidden parameters..................................................................................................4729 Displaying or hiding variable information...........................................................................4729 Branches in FBD................................................................................................................4730 Basic information on branches in FBD...............................................................................4730 Rules for branches in FBD.................................................................................................4731 Inserting branches in FBD networks .................................................................................4731 Deleting branches in FBD networks ..................................................................................4732 Logic paths in FBD.............................................................................................................4733 Basic information on logic paths in FBD............................................................................4733 Inserting a logic path..........................................................................................................4734 Deleting a logic operation path...........................................................................................4734 FBD programming examples.............................................................................................4735 Example of controlling a conveyor belt .............................................................................4735 Example of detecting the direction of a conveyor belt........................................................4737 Example of detecting the fill level of a storage area ..........................................................4739 Example of calculating an equation...................................................................................4743 Example of controlling room temperature..........................................................................4745 11.14 11.14.1 Creating SCL programs.....................................................................................................4747 Basics of SCL.....................................................................................................................4747 Programming language SCL..............................................................................................4747 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 11.14.2 11.14.3 11.14.4 11.14.5 11.14.6 11.14.7 Expressions........................................................................................................................4748 Arithmetic expressions.......................................................................................................4749 Relational expressions.......................................................................................................4752 Logical expressions............................................................................................................4757 Operators and operator precedence..................................................................................4758 Value assignments.............................................................................................................4759 Settings for SCL.................................................................................................................4762 Overview of the settings for SCL........................................................................................4762 Changing the settings........................................................................................................4763 The programming window of SCL......................................................................................4764 Overview of the programming window...............................................................................4764 Customizing the programming window..............................................................................4765 Formatting SCL code.........................................................................................................4766 Expanding and collapsing sections of code.......................................................................4767 Navigate to definitions........................................................................................................4768 Using bookmarks...............................................................................................................4769 Working with regions..........................................................................................................4771 Using regions.....................................................................................................................4771 Inserting regions.................................................................................................................4773 Copying and inserting regions............................................................................................4774 Navigating in regions..........................................................................................................4776 Deleting regions.................................................................................................................4777 Entering SCL instructions...................................................................................................4778 Rules for SCL instructions..................................................................................................4778 Entering SCL instructions manually...................................................................................4779 Inserting SCL instructions using the "Instructions" task card.............................................4780 Defining the data type of an SCL instruction......................................................................4781 Displaying or hiding tag information...................................................................................4783 Using Favorites in SCL......................................................................................................4784 Insert block calls in SCL.....................................................................................................4787 Expanding and reducing the parameter list........................................................................4796 Insert pragmas (S7-1200, S7-1500)...................................................................................4797 Inserting comments............................................................................................................4798 Editing SCL instructions.....................................................................................................4799 Selecting instructions.........................................................................................................4799 Copying, cutting and pasting instructions...........................................................................4800 Deleting instructions...........................................................................................................4800 SCL programming examples..............................................................................................4801 Example of controlling a conveyor belt..............................................................................4801 Example of detecting the direction of a conveyor belt........................................................4803 Example of detecting the fill level of a storage area ..........................................................4805 11.15 11.15.1 11.15.2 Compiling and loading blocks............................................................................................4808 Compiling blocks................................................................................................................4808 Basic information on compiling blocks...............................................................................4808 Compiling blocks in the project tree...................................................................................4810 Compiling blocks in the program editor..............................................................................4812 Correcting compilation errors.............................................................................................4812 Downloading blocks for S7-1200/1500 (S7-1200, S7-1500)..............................................4813 Introduction to downloading blocks (S7-1200, S7-1500)...................................................4813 Downloading blocks in the "RUN" operating mode to the device (S7-1200, S7-1500)......4817 Downloading blocks from program editor to device (S7-1200, S7-1500)...........................4821 Downloading blocks from the project tree to the device (S7-1200, S7-1500)....................4823 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 21 Table of contents 22 Uploading blocks from device (S7-1200, S7-1500)............................................................4825 Downloading blocks to a memory card (S7-1200, S7-1500)..............................................4826 Uploading blocks from a memory card (S7-1200, S7-1500)..............................................4828 Switching off the sequencer prior to loading a GRAPH DB (S7-1500)..............................4828 11.16 11.16.1 11.16.2 11.16.3 11.16.4 Comparing PLC programs.................................................................................................4829 Basic information on comparing PLC programs.................................................................4829 Introduction to comparing PLC programs..........................................................................4829 Comparing blocks and PLC data types..............................................................................4831 Comparing PLC tags..........................................................................................................4832 Comparison of PLC programs based on checksums.........................................................4833 Comparing blocks..............................................................................................................4834 Comparing blocks in the compare editor............................................................................4834 Performing detailed block comparisons.............................................................................4835 Comparing PLC tags..........................................................................................................4858 Comparing PLC data types................................................................................................4860 11.17 11.17.1 11.17.2 11.17.3 11.17.4 11.17.5 Displaying program information.........................................................................................4862 Overview of available program information........................................................................4862 Displaying an assignment list.............................................................................................4863 Introduction to the assignment list......................................................................................4863 Layout of the assignment list..............................................................................................4864 Symbols in the assignment list...........................................................................................4865 Displaying an assignment list.............................................................................................4866 Setting the view options for the assignment list.................................................................4866 Filter options in the assignment list....................................................................................4867 Defining filters for assignment list......................................................................................4868 Filtering an assignment list.................................................................................................4869 Defining retentive memory areas for bit memories............................................................4870 Enabling the display of retentive bit memories...................................................................4871 Displaying the call structure...............................................................................................4871 Introduction to the call structure.........................................................................................4871 Symbols in the call structure..............................................................................................4873 Layout of the call structure.................................................................................................4874 Displaying the call structure...............................................................................................4875 Setting the view options for the call structure.....................................................................4875 Introducing the consistency check in the call structure......................................................4876 Checking block consistency in the call structure................................................................4877 Displaying the dependency structure.................................................................................4877 Introduction to the dependency structure...........................................................................4877 Layout of the dependency structure...................................................................................4879 Symbols in the dependency structure................................................................................4879 Displaying the dependency structure.................................................................................4880 Setting the view options for the dependency structure......................................................4881 Introducing the consistency check in the dependency structure........................................4881 Checking block consistency in the dependency structure..................................................4882 Displaying CPU resources.................................................................................................4883 Introducing resources.........................................................................................................4883 Layout of the "Resources" tab............................................................................................4885 Displaying resources..........................................................................................................4886 Selecting the maximum load memory available.................................................................4887 11.18 11.18.1 Displaying cross-references...............................................................................................4888 General information about cross references......................................................................4888 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 12 11.18.2 11.18.3 11.18.4 11.18.5 11.18.6 11.18.7 11.18.8 11.18.9 11.18.10 11.18.11 Structure of the cross-reference list...................................................................................4889 Settings in the cross-reference list.....................................................................................4891 Displaying the cross-reference list.....................................................................................4893 Sorting the cross-reference list..........................................................................................4894 Filtering the cross-reference list.........................................................................................4896 Printing the cross-reference list..........................................................................................4897 Adding a new object to the cross-reference list.................................................................4898 Show overlapping accesses in the cross-reference list.....................................................4899 Restoring cross-references after project upgrade..............................................................4901 Displaying cross-references in the Inspector window........................................................4902 11.19 11.19.1 11.19.2 11.19.3 11.19.4 Testing the user program...................................................................................................4903 Basics of testing the user program.....................................................................................4903 Testing with program status...............................................................................................4904 Introduction to testing with program status........................................................................4904 Setting the call environment...............................................................................................4906 Switching test with program status on/off...........................................................................4908 Monitoring loops.................................................................................................................4910 Monitoring structures..........................................................................................................4912 Editing blocks during the program test...............................................................................4913 Modifying tags during monitoring.......................................................................................4914 Switching display formats in the program status................................................................4915 Examples of program status display..................................................................................4915 Testing with the watch table...............................................................................................4923 Introduction to testing with the watch table........................................................................4923 Layout of the watch table...................................................................................................4924 Basic mode and expanded mode in the watch table..........................................................4925 Icons in the watch table......................................................................................................4926 Creating and editing watch tables......................................................................................4927 Entering tags in the watch table.........................................................................................4929 Monitoring tags in the watch table......................................................................................4937 Modifying tags in the watch table.......................................................................................4943 Testing with the force table................................................................................................4951 Introduction for testing with the force table........................................................................4951 Safety precautions when forcing tags................................................................................4952 Layout of the force table.....................................................................................................4953 Basic mode and expanded mode in the force table...........................................................4954 Icons in the force table.......................................................................................................4955 Open and edit force table...................................................................................................4956 Entering tags in the force table..........................................................................................4957 Monitoring tags in the force table.......................................................................................4964 Forcing tags in the force table............................................................................................4968 Stop forcing tags................................................................................................................4976 Visualizing processes.............................................................................................................................4979 12.1 12.1.1 Creating screens................................................................................................................4979 Basics.................................................................................................................................4979 Elements and basic settings..............................................................................................4979 Working with screens.........................................................................................................4985 Working with templates......................................................................................................4990 Working with pop-up screens.............................................................................................4997 Working with slide-in screens.............................................................................................5001 Working with styles and style sheets.................................................................................5006 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 23 Table of contents 24 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.1.4 12.1.5 12.1.6 12.1.7 12.1.8 12.1.9 Working with objects and object groups.............................................................................5022 Working with objects..........................................................................................................5022 Working with object groups................................................................................................5071 Configuring the keyboard access.......................................................................................5078 Examples...........................................................................................................................5081 Working with text lists and graphics lists............................................................................5084 Working with text lists.........................................................................................................5084 Working with graphics lists.................................................................................................5095 Dynamizing screens...........................................................................................................5106 Basics on dynamizing screens...........................................................................................5106 Dynamization with animations............................................................................................5112 Dynamizing with system functions.....................................................................................5125 Working with function keys.................................................................................................5127 Working with function keys ................................................................................................5127 Assigning function keys globally........................................................................................5130 Local assignment of function keys.....................................................................................5131 Assigning a function to a function key................................................................................5132 Assigning operator authorization for a function key...........................................................5134 Assigning a graphic to a function key.................................................................................5136 Configuring LED tags.........................................................................................................5138 Example: Using function keys for screen navigation..........................................................5140 Working with layers............................................................................................................5142 Basics on working with layers............................................................................................5142 Moving objects on layers....................................................................................................5143 Setting the active layer.......................................................................................................5144 Showing and hiding layers (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)....................................5145 Renaming layers................................................................................................................5146 Working with faceplates.....................................................................................................5148 Basics on faceplates..........................................................................................................5148 Creating and managing faceplates....................................................................................5153 Dynamizing faceplates.......................................................................................................5172 Examples of faceplates......................................................................................................5173 Configuring screen navigation............................................................................................5180 Basics on screen navigation (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).................................5180 Assigning screen change to button (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)..................5181 Assigning screen change to function key...........................................................................5182 Display and operating elements.........................................................................................5183 Device dependency of the objects.....................................................................................5183 Objects...............................................................................................................................5193 12.2 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.2.3 Working with Tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).................................................5304 Basics (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................................5304 Basics of tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)........................................................5304 Overview of HMI tag tables (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...................................5306 External tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................5307 Addressing external tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).......................................5309 Internal Tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................5312 User-defined PLC data types (UDT) (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).....................5312 Working with Tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).................................................5314 Creating tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................5314 Editing tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................5318 Configuring Tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...................................................5327 Working with arrays (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...............................................5348 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 12.2.4 12.2.5 12.2.6 12.2.7 Basics on arrays (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................5348 Creating array tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)................................................5351 Examples of arrays (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...............................................5352 Working with user data types (Panels, RT Advanced).......................................................5353 Basics on user data types (Panels, RT Advanced)............................................................5353 Creating a user data type (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................................5355 Creating user data type elements (Panels, RT Advanced)................................................5357 Managing versions of user data types (Panels, RT Advanced).........................................5358 Creating tags with a user data type data type (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................5359 Working with cycles (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...............................................5361 Cycle basics (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................5361 Defining cycles (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................................................5362 Logging tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................5363 Basic principles for data logging (Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................5363 Data logging in Runtime Advanced and Panels (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)....5364 Displaying Tags (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).....................................................5382 Displaying tags with Basic Panels (Basic Panels).............................................................5382 Displaying tags with Runtime Advanced and Panels (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................................................................5384 12.3 12.3.1 12.3.2 12.3.3 12.3.4 Working with alarms...........................................................................................................5395 Basics.................................................................................................................................5395 Alarm Logging in WinCC (Basic Panels)............................................................................5395 Alarm Logging in WinCC (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................................5396 Alarm Procedures..............................................................................................................5398 Alarm states.......................................................................................................................5403 Alarm classes.....................................................................................................................5405 Acknowledgement..............................................................................................................5408 Alarm groups (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................5411 Alarm number (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)........................................................5411 Working with Alarms .........................................................................................................5412 Alarm components and properties.....................................................................................5412 Configuring Alarms.............................................................................................................5413 Configuring the Outputting of Alarms.................................................................................5435 Acknowledging alarms.......................................................................................................5452 Logging Alarms (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).....................................................5455 Alarm Logging Basics (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................5455 Creating an alarm log (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)............................................5457 Logging Alarms (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).....................................................5459 Configuring an alarm view for logged alarms (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)........5460 Configuring alarm buffer overflow (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).........................5461 Direct access to the ODBC log database (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................5462 Setting up the ODBC data source (Panels, RT Advanced)................................................5462 Configuring a checksum for a log (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..........................5463 Evaluating the checksum of log data (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)....................5464 Checksums for logs in regulated projects (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).............5466 Log response to language switching in runtime (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced). ...5467 Managing logging behavior when Runtime starts (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..5468 Controlling the Logging in relation to the Fill Level (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..5469 Using Alarms in Runtime....................................................................................................5470 Alarms in Runtime (Basic Panels)......................................................................................5470 Alarms in Runtime (Panels, RT Advanced)........................................................................5472 Using the Alarm Window or Alarm View (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................5474 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 25 Table of contents 12.3.5 12.3.6 12.3.7 12.4 12.4.1 12.5 12.5.1 12.5.2 12.5.3 12.5.4 26 Using the Simple Alarm Window, Alarm View....................................................................5477 Using the Alarm Indicator...................................................................................................5480 Acknowledging alarms (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................5481 Filtering Alarms (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................................5482 Displaying security events..................................................................................................5483 Displaying security events on the HMI device (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)..5483 Configuring the display of security events (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)........5483 Sending complete alarm from the controller to the HMI device.........................................5484 Sending and automatically updating complete alarm from the controller to the HMI device (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................................................5484 Configuring automatic update of controller alarms on the HMI device (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)..............................................................................................5486 Reference...........................................................................................................................5488 System functions for alarms...............................................................................................5488 Alarm events (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................5489 System functions for logs (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional).................................5490 Structure of *.csv files that contain alarms (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional).......5490 System events....................................................................................................................5492 Working with logs (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................5529 Working with logs for Runtime Advanced and Panels (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................................................................5529 Log Basics (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).............................................................5529 Properties of Logs (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).................................................5530 Storage locations of logs (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).......................................5532 Working with recipes (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).............................................5536 Basics (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................................5536 Definition and applications (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)....................................5536 Examples for using recipes (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...................................5538 Recipe structure (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................5538 Display of recipes (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................5540 Transferring recipe data records (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...........................5542 Configuration of recipes (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)........................................5545 Special features of some devices (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).........................5546 Synchronization of recipe data records with the PLC (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................................................................5548 "Recipes" editor (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).....................................................5549 Recipes in runtime (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)................................................5552 Recipe screen and recipe view (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).............................5552 Simple recipe view (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)................................................5557 Advanced recipe view (prior to V13) (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).....................5568 Advanced recipe view (as of V13) (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).........................5578 Exporting and importing recipe data (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).....................5588 Configuring Recipes (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................5592 Creating and Editing Recipes (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)................................5592 Configuring the display of recipes (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).........................5602 Examples (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................................5607 Example of creating a recipe (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).................................5607 Example of configuring a recipe screen (Panels, RT Advanced).......................................5609 Scenario for Entering Recipe Data Records in Runtime (Panels, RT Advanced)..............5611 Scenario for a manual production sequence (Panels, RT Advanced)...............................5612 Scenario for an Automatic Production Sequence (Panels, RT Advanced)........................5614 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 12.6 12.6.1 12.6.2 12.6.3 12.6.4 Working with reports (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................................5615 Basics (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................................5615 Reports (Panels, RT Advanced)........................................................................................5615 Structure of reports (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................................5616 Working with reports (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................................5618 Creating and printing reports (Panels, RT Advanced).......................................................5618 Working with objects (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................................5624 Operation in Runtime (Panels, RT Advanced)...................................................................5638 Printing reports (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................................................5638 Objects in reports (Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................................5638 Overview (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................................................5638 Audit report (Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................................................5639 Date/time field (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................................................5640 I/O field...............................................................................................................................5641 Graphic view (Panels, RT Advanced)................................................................................5642 Graphic I/O field (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................................5643 Alarm report (Panels, RT Advanced).................................................................................5644 Recipe report (Panels, RT Advanced)...............................................................................5646 Page number (Panels, RT Advanced)...............................................................................5647 Symbolic I/O field (Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................................5648 Text field (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................................................5648 12.7 12.7.1 12.7.2 12.7.3 12.7.4 Configuring user administration.........................................................................................5649 Basics.................................................................................................................................5649 Field of application of the user administration....................................................................5649 Form of the user administration.........................................................................................5650 Users..................................................................................................................................5651 Users work area.................................................................................................................5653 User groups........................................................................................................................5653 User groups work area.......................................................................................................5654 Settings for the user administration (Basic Panels)...........................................................5655 Settings for the user administration (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................5657 Target groups in the user administration............................................................................5661 Building up and structuring a user administration..............................................................5661 Administering users for Runtime .......................................................................................5661 Managing users on the server............................................................................................5668 Administering users in Runtime.........................................................................................5673 Configuring access protection............................................................................................5683 Reference...........................................................................................................................5684 Objects with access protection (Basic Panels)..................................................................5684 Objects with access protection (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................5684 Default user groups and authorizations (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)................5685 Examples...........................................................................................................................5686 Example: Configuring a button with logon dialog box........................................................5686 Example: Logging the logon and logoff events (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).....5687 Example: Structure of user administration.........................................................................5688 Example: Creating and configuring authorizations.............................................................5690 Example: Configuring a button with access protection......................................................5690 Example: Creating user groups and assigning authorizations:..........................................5692 Example: Creating users and assigning them to a user group..........................................5693 12.8 12.8.1 Working with system functions and Runtime scripting.......................................................5695 Basics (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................................5695 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 27 Table of contents 12.8.2 12.8.3 12.8.4 12.8.5 12.8.6 12.8.8 Runtime scripting (Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................................5695 System functions (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................5696 User-defined functions (Panels, RT Advanced).................................................................5698 Working with function lists (Panels, RT Advanced)............................................................5700 Basics of the function list (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................................5700 Properties of a function list (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................5701 Configuring a function list (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................................5701 Editing a function list (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................................5703 Working with user-defined VB functions (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................5704 "Scripts" editor (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................................................5704 Access to HMI tags (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................................5706 Access to objects (Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................................5708 Calling system functions (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................................5708 Calling user-defined VB functions (Panels, RT Advanced)................................................5709 Transfer and return of values in VBS (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................5711 Create customized VB functions (Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................5712 Testing the syntax of customized functions (Panels, RT Advanced).................................5714 Renaming customized VB functions (Panels, RT Advanced)............................................5715 Executing customized VB functions (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................5715 Protecting user-defined functions.......................................................................................5716 Setting up know-how protection (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional).......................5716 Opening user-defined functions with know-how protection................................................5716 Removing know-how protection.........................................................................................5717 Changing a password........................................................................................................5718 Debugging user-defined VB functions (Panels, RT Advanced).........................................5718 Debugging user-defined VB functions (Panels, RT Advanced).........................................5718 Integrating the debugger (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................................5721 Registering Microsoft Script Debugger (Panels, RT Advanced)........................................5725 Starting and stopping the debugger (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................5726 Runtime behavior in Runtime (Panels, RT Advanced).......................................................5727 Executing a function list in Runtime (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................5727 Executing user-defined functions in Runtime (Panels, RT Advanced)...............................5728 Processing sequence for user-defined functions and system functions (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................................................................5729 Making object properties dynamic in Runtime (Panels, RT Advanced).............................5731 Examples (Panels, RT Advanced).....................................................................................5731 Example: Converting Fahrenheit into degrees Celsius (Panels, RT Advanced)................5731 Example: Converting inches into meters (Panels, RT Advanced).....................................5733 Example: Changing the operating mode on the HMI device with the current display (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................................................................5735 Reference...........................................................................................................................5739 Function list (Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................................................5739 Events (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...................................................................5980 WinCC Advanced V14 - Programming reference..............................................................6002 12.9 12.9.1 Mobile Panels (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................................................6002 Basics (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................................6002 Field of application of the Mobile Panel Wireless (Panels, RT Advanced)........................6002 How does the transponder system work? (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................6004 How does the RFID system work? (Panels, RT Advanced)...............................................6006 Zones (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................................................6008 Zones work area at transponders (Panels, RT Advanced)................................................6009 Zones work area on connection boxes (Panels, RT Advanced)........................................6010 12.8.7 28 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 12.9.2 12.9.4 12.9.5 12.9.6 12.9.7 12.9.8 12.9.9 Effective ranges (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................................6011 Effective ranges working area (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................6012 Effective ranges (RFID) (Panels, RT Advanced)...............................................................6013 Work area for effective ranges (RFID) (Panels, RT Advanced).........................................6014 Configuring Mobile Panels V2 for fail-safe operation (up to V11 SP2) (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................................................................6016 Configuration overview (Panels, RT Advanced)................................................................6016 Creating PLC for fail-safe operation (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................6017 Installing a general station description (GSD) (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................6017 Creating a module from the GSD file (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................6018 Creating a connection between a module and the PLC (Panels, RT Advanced)...............6021 Creating Mobile Panel (Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................................6022 Configuring Mobile Panels V2 for fail-safe operation (from V12 SP1) (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................................................................6023 Configuration overview (Panels, RT Advanced)................................................................6023 Creating PLC for fail-safe operation (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................6023 Creating Mobile Panel (Panels, RT Advanced)..................................................................6024 Creating a connection between the Mobile Panel and PLC (Panels, RT Advanced).........6025 Configuring KTP Mobile Panels for fail-safe operation (Panels, RT Advanced)................6026 Creating KTP Mobile Panel for fail-safe operation (Panels, RT Advanced).......................6026 Configuring the termination of the PROFIsafe connection (Panels, RT Advanced)...........6027 Working with zones on transponders (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................6027 Configuring a zone in the transponder system (Panels, RT Advanced)............................6027 Displaying the screen on entering a zone (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................6029 Displaying an object in relation to the zone (Panels, RT Advanced).................................6030 Working with zones on connection boxes (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................6031 Configuring the zone of a connection box (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................6031 Configuring a screen for connection to connection box (Panels, RT Advanced)...............6032 Working with effective ranges (transponders) (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................6033 Overview (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................................................6033 Configuring an effective range (transponder) (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................6034 Configuring the effective range name (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................6035 Configuring additional Mobile Wireless objects (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................6036 Working with effective ranges (RFID) (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................6037 Overview (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................................................6037 Configuring effective range (RFID) (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................................6038 Configuring the effective range name (RFID) (Panels, RT Advanced)..............................6039 Reference (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................................................6039 PROFIsafe address (Panels, RT Advanced).....................................................................6039 Power Management (Panels, RT Advanced).....................................................................6040 Zone ID / connection point ID (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................6040 12.10 12.10.1 12.10.2 Planning tasks....................................................................................................................6041 Basics.................................................................................................................................6041 Field of application of the Scheduler..................................................................................6041 Working with tasks and triggers.........................................................................................6042 Work area of the "Scheduler" editor...................................................................................6042 Triggers (Basic Panels)......................................................................................................6044 Triggers (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)............................................................6044 Timers for cyclic triggers (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................................6046 Function list (Basic Panels)................................................................................................6046 Function list (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)......................................................6046 Planning jobs......................................................................................................................6047 12.9.3 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 29 Table of contents 12.10.3 Planning tasks with acyclic triggers (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)..................6047 Planning tasks with cyclic triggers .....................................................................................6048 Planning tasks with event triggers (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)........................6049 Administer task...................................................................................................................6050 Examples...........................................................................................................................6051 Example: Update user following change of user (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)...6051 Example: Terminating Runtime every day.........................................................................6052 Example: Changing the starting point of a task in Runtime (Panels, RT Advanced).........6053 Example: 1. Configuring a tag for Runtime (Panels, RT Advanced)..................................6054 Example: 2. Configuring a Date/time field (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................6054 Example: 3. Configuring a swap to archive with a timer variable (Panels, RT Advanced)..6055 12.11 12.11.1 12.11.2 12.11.3 Using diagnostics functions................................................................................................6057 Configuring system diagnostics.........................................................................................6057 Basic Panel basics (Basic Panels).....................................................................................6057 Basics on Panels and Runtime Advanced.........................................................................6060 Configuring system diagnostics objects.............................................................................6064 Monitoring functions for SIMATIC IPCs.............................................................................6072 Supervising machinery and plants with ProDiag (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)..6074 Basics of supervision with ProDiag (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)..................6074 Basics of supervising operands (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)........................6075 Requirements and licensing (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional).............................6076 Visualizing supervisions (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)...................................6077 Example: Visualization of the ProDiag functionality (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)......................................................................................................................6100 12.12 12.12.1 Communicating with controllers.........................................................................................6112 WinCC Advanced V14 - Communication...........................................................................6112 12.13 12.13.1 12.13.2 12.13.3 Using global functions........................................................................................................6113 Working with libraries.........................................................................................................6113 Basics on libraries..............................................................................................................6113 Overview of the library view...............................................................................................6115 Master copies and types....................................................................................................6117 Libraries in WinCC.............................................................................................................6118 Managing libraries..............................................................................................................6120 Managing objects in a library.............................................................................................6128 Using types and their versions...........................................................................................6133 ...........................................................................................................................................6137 Importing and exporting project data..................................................................................6137 ...........................................................................................................................................6138 Importing and exporting alarms..........................................................................................6142 Importing and exporting tags..............................................................................................6149 Importing and exporting text lists.......................................................................................6156 Import and export of project texts.......................................................................................6160 Using cross-references......................................................................................................6163 General information about cross references......................................................................6163 Special features when working with cross-reference lists in WinCC (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)..............................................................................................6163 Rewiring tags in the screens..............................................................................................6164 Textual cross-references (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)..................................6167 Invalid cross-references (Panels, RT Advanced, RT Professional)...................................6169 Managing languages..........................................................................................................6171 Languages in WinCC.........................................................................................................6171 12.13.4 30 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 12.13.5 12.13.6 12.13.7 12.13.8 12.13.9 12.13.10 12.13.11 12.13.12 Language settings in the operating system........................................................................6172 Operating system settings for Asian languages.................................................................6173 Setting project languages...................................................................................................6174 Creating one project in multiple languages........................................................................6177 Using language-specific graphics......................................................................................6184 Languages in Runtime.......................................................................................................6188 Example of multilingual configuration.................................................................................6196 Replacing devices..............................................................................................................6199 Basics (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................................6199 Device-specific functions....................................................................................................6201 Adjusting screens to the new device..................................................................................6207 Example: Replacing devices..............................................................................................6212 Copying between devices and editors...............................................................................6217 Basics.................................................................................................................................6217 Copying and pasting..........................................................................................................6220 Copying between different RT and ES versions................................................................6224 Using WinCC version compatibility....................................................................................6226 Basics on version compatibility (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).............................6226 Editing projects of a previous WinCC version (Basic Panels, Panels, RT Advanced).......6228 Upgrading projects.............................................................................................................6229 Upgrading a global library..................................................................................................6230 Changing between device versions...................................................................................6231 Changing the device version..............................................................................................6232 Viewing memory card data.................................................................................................6233 Basics (Basic Panels, Panels)...........................................................................................6233 Working with backups........................................................................................................6234 Working with HMI device images.......................................................................................6236 HMI device wizard basics (Basic Panels, Panels).............................................................6241 Managing colors centrally..................................................................................................6242 Basic principles for color management..............................................................................6242 Finding and replacing colors..............................................................................................6243 HMI device wizard basics (RT Advanced, RT Professional)..............................................6245 Exchanging controller data from other projects..................................................................6246 12.14 12.14.1 12.14.2 12.14.3 Compiling and loading........................................................................................................6247 Establishing a connection to the HMI device.....................................................................6247 Basic Panels (Basic Panels)..............................................................................................6248 Runtime settings (Basic Panels)........................................................................................6248 Overview of compiling and loading projects (Basic Panels)...............................................6256 Compiling a project (Basic Panels)....................................................................................6257 Simulating projects (Basic Panels).....................................................................................6258 Loading projects (Basic Panels).........................................................................................6263 Runtime start (Basic Panels)..............................................................................................6266 Error messages during loading of projects (Basic) (Basic Panels)....................................6267 Adapting the project for another HMI device (Basic Panels)..............................................6269 Reducing the project size (Basic Panels)...........................................................................6270 Basics of operating in Runtime (Basic Panels)..................................................................6271 Security on the HMI device (Basic Panels)........................................................................6284 Runtime Advanced and Panels (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................6285 Runtime settings (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................6285 Overview of compiling and loading projects (Panels, RT Advanced).................................6294 Compiling a project (Panels, RT Advanced)......................................................................6296 Simulating projects (Panels, RT Advanced).......................................................................6297 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 31 Table of contents 32 12.14.4 12.14.5 12.14.6 Loading projects (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................................6304 Compiling and loading with Multi-User Engineering (Panels, RT Advanced)....................6315 Runtime start (Panels, RT Advanced)................................................................................6318 Viewing memory card data (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................6321 Error messages during the download of projects (Panels, RT Advanced).........................6328 Reducing the project size (Panels, RT Advanced).............................................................6329 Adapting the project for another HMI device (Panels, RT Advanced)................................6330 Basics of operating in Runtime (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................6332 Security on the HMI device (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................6356 Viewing memory card data.................................................................................................6357 Basics (Basic Panels, Panels)...........................................................................................6357 Working with backups (Basic Panels)................................................................................6358 Working with HMI device images (Panels).........................................................................6360 Servicing the HMI device...................................................................................................6365 Overview of HMI device maintenance (Basic Panels).......................................................6365 Overview of HMI device maintenance tasks (Basic Panels)..............................................6366 ProSave.............................................................................................................................6367 Backup of HMI data............................................................................................................6367 Backing up and restoring data of the HMI device..............................................................6369 Updating the operating system..........................................................................................6370 Updating the operating system on the HMI device............................................................6372 Transferring license keys...................................................................................................6373 Managing licenses.............................................................................................................6374 Installing and uninstalling an option...................................................................................6376 Loading Asian fonts to the HMI device (Panels, RT Advanced)........................................6377 Printer driver (Comfort Panels)..........................................................................................6377 Validity (Comfort Panels)...................................................................................................6377 Supported HMI devices (Comfort Panels)..........................................................................6378 Setting up the printer driver (Comfort Panels)....................................................................6379 Installation (Comfort Panels)..............................................................................................6382 Transferring the Options (Comfort Panels)........................................................................6382 12.15 12.15.1 12.15.2 Performance features.........................................................................................................6383 General technical specifications.........................................................................................6383 Permitted characters..........................................................................................................6383 Recommended printers......................................................................................................6384 Printing via print server......................................................................................................6385 Memory requirement of recipes.........................................................................................6386 Memory requirements of recipes for Basic Panels, OP 77A, and TP 177A.......................6388 Performance features of the devices.................................................................................6389 Basic Panel (Basic Panels)................................................................................................6389 Basic Panel 2nd Generation (Basic Panels)......................................................................6392 Panel (Panels)....................................................................................................................6396 Mobile Panel (Panels)........................................................................................................6399 Multi Panel (Panels)...........................................................................................................6405 Comfort Panel (Panels)......................................................................................................6408 WinCC Runtime Advanced (RT Advanced).......................................................................6414 12.16 12.16.1 Options...............................................................................................................................6418 WinCC Advanced V14 - Options........................................................................................6418 12.17 12.17.1 Interfaces...........................................................................................................................6419 OPC for Runtime Advanced (Panels, RT Advanced).........................................................6419 Basics (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................................................6419 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 13 Security concept of OPC UA (Panels, RT Advanced)........................................................6422 Configuring an OPC server (Panels, RT Advanced)..........................................................6424 Configuring an OPC client (Panels, RT Advanced)...........................................................6426 Reference (Panels, RT Advanced)....................................................................................6432 12.18 12.18.1 12.18.2 Migrating to WinCC in the TIA Portal.................................................................................6435 Overview of the migration to WinCC in the TIA Portal.......................................................6435 WinCC flexible....................................................................................................................6435 Libraries.............................................................................................................................6435 Screens and templates......................................................................................................6437 Scripts in faceplates...........................................................................................................6439 Synchronization of recipes.................................................................................................6440 Special considerations for converting................................................................................6441 Using technology functions.....................................................................................................................6443 13.1 13.1.1 13.1.2 13.1.3 13.1.4 13.1.5 PID control.........................................................................................................................6443 Principles for control...........................................................................................................6443 Controlled system and actuators........................................................................................6443 Controlled systems.............................................................................................................6444 Characteristic values of the control section........................................................................6446 Pulse controller..................................................................................................................6448 Response to setpoint changes and disturbances..............................................................6452 Control Response at Different Feedback Structures..........................................................6453 Selection of the controller structure for specified controlled systems................................6461 PID parameter settings......................................................................................................6462 Configuring a software controller.......................................................................................6462 Overview of software controller..........................................................................................6462 Steps for the configuration of a software controller............................................................6464 Add technology objects......................................................................................................6465 Configure technology objects.............................................................................................6466 Call instruction in the user program...................................................................................6467 Downloading technology objects to device........................................................................6468 Commissioning software controller....................................................................................6469 Save optimized PID parameter in the project.....................................................................6469 Comparing values..............................................................................................................6470 Parameter view..................................................................................................................6473 Display instance DB of a technology object.......................................................................6490 Using PID_Compact (S7-1200, S7-1500)..........................................................................6490 Technology object PID_Compact (S7-1200, S7-1500)......................................................6490 PID_Compact V2 (S7-1200, S7-1500)...............................................................................6491 PID_Compact V1 (S7-1200)...............................................................................................6507 Using PID_3Step (S7-1200, S7-1500)...............................................................................6522 Technology object PID_3Step (S7-1200, S7-1500)...........................................................6522 PID_3Step V2 (S7-1200, S7-1500)....................................................................................6523 PID_3Step V1 (S7-1200)....................................................................................................6540 Using PID_Temp (S7-1200, S7-1500)...............................................................................6555 Technology object PID_Temp (S7-1200, S7-1500)...........................................................6555 Configuring PID_Temp (S7-1200, S7-1500)......................................................................6556 Commissioning PID_Temp (S7-1200, S7-1500)................................................................6577 Cascade control with PID_Temp (S7-1200, S7-1500).......................................................6585 Multi-zone controlling with PID_Temp (S7-1200, S7-1500)...............................................6591 13.2 Using S7-1200 Motion Control (S7-1200)..........................................................................6594 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 33 Table of contents 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 13.2.4 13.2.5 13.2.6 13.2.7 13.2.8 13.2.9 13.2.10 13.2.11 34 Introduction (S7-1200).......................................................................................................6594 Motion functionality of the CPU S7-1200 (S7-1200)..........................................................6594 Hardware components for motion control (S7-1200).........................................................6595 Basics for working with S7-1200 Motion Control (S7-1200)...............................................6597 Stepper motor on the PTO (S7-1200)................................................................................6597 PROFIdrive drive / analog drive connection (S7-1200)......................................................6604 Hardware and software limit switches (S7-1200)...............................................................6618 Jerk limit (S7-1200)............................................................................................................6619 Homing (S7-1200)..............................................................................................................6620 Guidelines on use of motion control (S7-1200)..................................................................6622 Using versions (S7-1200)...................................................................................................6622 Overview of versions (S7-1200).........................................................................................6622 Changing a technology version (S7-1200).........................................................................6626 Compatibility list of variables V1...3 <-> V4...5 (S7-1200)..................................................6626 Compatibility list of variables V4...5 <-> V6 (S7-1200).......................................................6629 Status of limit switch (S7-1200)..........................................................................................6630 Positioning axis technology object (S7-1200)....................................................................6631 Integration of the positioning axis technology object (S7-1200).........................................6631 Tools of the positioning axis technology object (S7-1200).................................................6634 Adding a positioning axis technology object (S7-1200).....................................................6636 Configuring the positioning axis technology object (S7-1200)...........................................6637 Technology object command table (S7-1200)...................................................................6695 Use of the command table technology object (S7-1200)...................................................6695 Command table technology object tools (S7-1200)...........................................................6695 Adding the technological object command table (S7-1200)...............................................6696 Configuring the command table technology object (S7-1200)...........................................6697 Download to CPU (S7-1200)..............................................................................................6714 Commissioning (S7-1200)..................................................................................................6715 Axis control panel (S7-1200)..............................................................................................6715 Tuning (S7-1200)...............................................................................................................6718 Programming (S7-1200).....................................................................................................6720 Overview of the Motion Control statements (S7-1200)......................................................6720 Creating a user program (S7-1200)...................................................................................6721 Programming notes (S7-1200)...........................................................................................6724 Behavior of the Motion Control commands after POWER OFF and restart (S7-1200)......6726 Monitoring active commands (S7-1200)............................................................................6726 Error displays of the Motion Control statements (S7-1200)...............................................6737 Restart of technology objects (S7-1200)............................................................................6738 Axis - Diagnostics (S7-1200)..............................................................................................6739 Status and error bits (technology objects as of V4) (S7-1200).........................................6739 Motion status (S7-1200).....................................................................................................6742 Dynamics settings (S7-1200).............................................................................................6742 PROFIdrive frame (S7-1200).............................................................................................6743 Appendix (S7-1200)...........................................................................................................6744 Using multiple axes with the same PTO (S7-1200)...........................................................6744 Using multiple drives with the same PTO (S7-1200).........................................................6747 Tracking jobs from higher priority classes (execution levels) (S7-1200)............................6748 Special cases when using software limit switches for drive connection via PTO (S7-1200)..6750 Reducing velocity for a short positioning duration (S7-1200).............................................6756 Dynamic adjustment of start/stop velocity (S7-1200).........................................................6757 Move the axis without position control for servicing (S7-1200)..........................................6757 List of ErrorIDs and ErrorInfos (technology objects as of V6) (S7-1200)...........................6758 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents Tags of the positioning axis technology object as of V6 (S7-1200)...................................6782 Versions V1...5 (S7-1200)..................................................................................................6818 14 Using online and diagnostics functions..................................................................................................6929 14.1 Displaying accessible devices............................................................................................6929 14.2 Changing the device configuration online..........................................................................6930 14.3 14.3.1 14.3.2 14.3.3 14.3.4 14.3.5 14.3.6 14.3.7 Connecting devices online.................................................................................................6931 General information about online mode.............................................................................6931 View in online mode...........................................................................................................6933 Default setting online connection data...............................................................................6934 Establishing or changing an online connection..................................................................6935 Canceling an online connection.........................................................................................6937 Connecting online with several devices.............................................................................6938 Disconnecting online connections of multiple devices.......................................................6939 14.4 14.4.1 14.4.2 14.4.3 Creating a backup of an S7 CPU.......................................................................................6939 Backup options for S7 CPUs..............................................................................................6939 Backing up S7-300 and S7-400 CPUs (S7-300, S7-400, PC)...........................................6941 Creating a backup of a device (S7-300, S7-400, PC)........................................................6941 Restoring the software and hardware configuration of a device (S7-300, S7-400, PC).....6942 Backing up a device configuration (S7-300, S7-400, PC)..................................................6943 Backing up S7-1200 and S7-1500 CPUs (S7-1200, S7-1500, S7-1500)...........................6944 Creating a backup of a device (S7-1200, S7-1500, S7-1500)...........................................6944 Backing up a device configuration (S7-1200, S7-1500, S7-1500).....................................6945 Restoring the configuration of a device (S7-1200, S7-1500, S7-1500)..............................6946 14.5 14.5.1 14.5.2 14.5.3 14.5.4 14.5.5 14.5.6 14.5.7 Configuring the PG/PC interface........................................................................................6947 Online access.....................................................................................................................6947 Basics of assigning parameters for the PG/PC interface...................................................6949 Showing or hiding interfaces..............................................................................................6950 Displaying and modifying interface properties...................................................................6950 Adding interfaces...............................................................................................................6951 Setting parameters for the Ethernet interface....................................................................6952 Setting parameters for the Industrial Ethernet interface.....................................................6952 Displaying operating system parameters...........................................................................6953 Connecting the PG/PC interface to a subnet.....................................................................6953 Setting parameters for the Ethernet interface....................................................................6954 Assigning a temporary IP address.....................................................................................6954 Managing temporary IP addresses....................................................................................6955 Resetting the TCP/IP configuration....................................................................................6955 Setting parameters for the MPI and PROFIBUS interfaces...............................................6956 Setting parameters for the MPI and PROFIBUS interfaces...............................................6956 Setting MPI or PROFIBUS interface parameters automatically.........................................6957 Setting parameters for the MPI interface...........................................................................6958 Setting parameters for the PROFIBUS interface...............................................................6960 Overview of the bus parameters for PROFIBUS................................................................6962 Resetting the MPI or PROFIBUS configuration.................................................................6963 14.6 14.6.1 14.6.2 Using the trace and logic analyzer function.......................................................................6964 Preface...............................................................................................................................6964 Security information...........................................................................................................6965 Description.........................................................................................................................6966 Supported hardware...........................................................................................................6966 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 35 Table of contents 36 14.6.3 14.6.4 14.6.5 Recording of measured values with the trace function......................................................6966 Trace configuration, recording, installed trace and measurement.....................................6968 Data storage.......................................................................................................................6969 Software user interface......................................................................................................6970 Project navigator................................................................................................................6972 Working area......................................................................................................................6977 Trace task card..................................................................................................................6987 Inspector window...............................................................................................................6989 Operation...........................................................................................................................6990 Quick start..........................................................................................................................6990 Using the trace function - overview....................................................................................6994 Project tree.........................................................................................................................6995 Working area - general.......................................................................................................6997 Working area - Configuration tab.......................................................................................7002 Working area - Diagram tab...............................................................................................7003 Devices..............................................................................................................................7010 S7-1200/1500 CPUs..........................................................................................................7010 14.7 14.7.1 14.7.2 14.7.3 14.7.4 14.7.5 14.7.6 Establish remote connection with Teleservice...................................................................7025 Basics of working with TeleService....................................................................................7025 Introduction to TeleService................................................................................................7025 TeleService functionality....................................................................................................7026 Telephone book at TeleService.........................................................................................7026 Working with the phone book.............................................................................................7027 Basics on working with the phone book.............................................................................7027 Structure of the phone book...............................................................................................7028 Symbols in the phone book................................................................................................7029 Manage phone book..........................................................................................................7029 Remote connections as dial-up connections......................................................................7035 Basics for establishing a dial-up connection......................................................................7035 Telephone networks and modems.....................................................................................7036 Access protection for dial-up connections..........................................................................7039 TS adapter MPI..................................................................................................................7044 TS adapter IE.....................................................................................................................7051 Establishing a dial-up connection to a remote system.......................................................7057 Remote VPN connections..................................................................................................7059 Basics for establishing a VPN connection..........................................................................7059 Basics of CA certificates....................................................................................................7060 Installing CA certificates for VPN connections...................................................................7062 Deleting CA certificates for VPN connections....................................................................7065 Establishing a VPN connection to a remote system..........................................................7065 TS Adapter IE Advanced....................................................................................................7067 CPU controlled TeleService remote connections ..............................................................7071 Overview of CPU controlled remote connections...............................................................7071 Establishing a connection from and to remote systens (PG-AS-remote coupling)............7072 Data exchange between remote systems (AS-AS-remote coupling).................................7074 Send SMS from a system..................................................................................................7076 Send an email from a system.............................................................................................7077 Notes on troubleshooting...................................................................................................7080 General information on troubleshooting for modem problems...........................................7080 Recording a log file for the modem....................................................................................7080 Dial-up connection to the TS Adapter is not established...................................................7081 Dial-up connection from the TS Adapter is not established...............................................7083 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Table of contents 15 Modem connection is interrupted.......................................................................................7084 Checklist for troubleshooting the modem...........................................................................7084 Modem alarms...................................................................................................................7085 Possible error messages with VPN connections................................................................7086 14.8 14.8.1 14.8.2 Simulating devices with S7-PLCSIM..................................................................................7087 Simulation of devices.........................................................................................................7087 Starting the simulation........................................................................................................7087 Using Team Engineering........................................................................................................................7089 15.1 15.1.1 15.1.2 15.1.3 15.1.4 Shared commissioning of projects.....................................................................................7089 Basics for shared commissioning.......................................................................................7089 Requirements for shared commissioning...........................................................................7092 Procedure for shared commissioning.................................................................................7093 Rules for shared commissioning........................................................................................7096 15.2 15.2.1 15.2.2 15.2.3 15.2.4 15.2.5 15.2.6 Exchanging data with Inter Project Engineering (IPE).......................................................7102 Basics of Inter Project Engineering (IPE)...........................................................................7102 Requirements for Inter Project Engineering (IPE)..............................................................7105 Overview for working with Inter Project Engineering (IPE)................................................7105 Creating "Device proxy data" in the source project............................................................7108 Creating an IPE file by means of the "Device proxy data".................................................7109 Using controller data from other projects with IPE.............................................................7109 Using controller data from other projects in an HMI device ..............................................7109 Communication with device proxies...................................................................................7121 Integrated configuring with WinCC and SIMATIC Manager...............................................7128 15.3 15.3.1 15.3.2 15.3.3 15.3.4 15.3.5 15.3.6 15.3.7 15.3.8 15.3.9 15.3.10 Using Multiuser Engineering..............................................................................................7140 Introduction to Multiuser Engineering.................................................................................7140 Overview of the mode of operation with Multiuser Engineering.........................................7143 Basics of the multiuser server concept..............................................................................7147 Requirements for working with Multiuser Engineering.......................................................7150 Supported objects for Multiuser Engineering.....................................................................7152 Settings for working with Multiuser Engineering................................................................7154 Requirements for multiuser projects..................................................................................7156 Operator controls in Multiuser Engineering........................................................................7158 Multiuser icons in the user interface...................................................................................7158 Multiuser icons in the user interface...................................................................................7159 Multiuser banner in the user interface................................................................................7161 Functionality of the multiuser editor...................................................................................7162 Installing and uninstalling the Multiuser server..................................................................7165 Notes on the installation of the multiuser server................................................................7165 Installing the multiuser server............................................................................................7166 Uninstalling the multiuser server........................................................................................7167 Configuring and managing the multiuser server................................................................7168 Options for configuring and administering the multiuser server.........................................7168 Using the graphic tool........................................................................................................7169 Using the command line tools............................................................................................7188 Confirm the certificate for a multiuser server.....................................................................7200 Enter access data for the multiuser server.........................................................................7200 Transferring server data to other multiuser servers...........................................................7201 Reading out error log for multiuser server..........................................................................7202 Error log for multiuser server packed as Zip file.................................................................7204 Information on response of the multiuser server to errors.................................................7204 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 37 Table of contents 15.3.11 15.3.12 15.3.13 15.3.14 15.3.15 Supported network configurations for the multiuser server................................................7205 Working with the multiuser server......................................................................................7220 Introduction to the multiuser server....................................................................................7220 Setting the multiuser network profiles................................................................................7221 Adding a new multiuser server connection........................................................................7222 Displaying the multiuser server connection........................................................................7223 Editing the multiuser server connection.............................................................................7224 Restore multiuser server connection..................................................................................7225 Deleting the multiuser server connection...........................................................................7226 Working with the local multiuser server..............................................................................7227 Introduction to the local multiuser server...........................................................................7227 Configuring the local multiuser server................................................................................7228 Displaying the local multiuser server..................................................................................7229 Starting the local multiuser server......................................................................................7229 Exiting the local multiuser server.......................................................................................7231 Creating and managing multiuser server projects..............................................................7231 Introduction to working in multiuser server projects...........................................................7231 Adding a new multiuser server project...............................................................................7232 Working in the local session...............................................................................................7233 Creating and managing a local session.............................................................................7233 Editing objects in the local session....................................................................................7242 Working in the server project view.....................................................................................7260 Introduction to working in the server project view..............................................................7260 Opening and closing the server project view.....................................................................7262 Editing objects in the server project view...........................................................................7263 Renaming objects in the server project view......................................................................7265 Index.......................................................................................................................................................7267 38 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1 System overview of STEP 7 and WinCC 1.1 Scaling of STEP 7 and WinCC in the TIA Portal Scope of performance of the products The following graphic shows the scope of performance of the individual products of STEP 7 and WinCC: 6,0$7,&67(3 6,0$7,&:LQ&& 3URJUDPPLQJODQJXDJHV /$')%'6&/67/ 6*5$3+ 0DFKLQHOHYHORSHUDWLRQ DQGPRQLWRULQJ 6&$'$DSSOLFDWLRQV 66RIWZDUH&RQWUROOHU 6&$'$ 6:LQ$& 3URIHVVLRQDO $GYDQFHG &RPIRUW %DVLF 6 %DVLF 3URIHVVLRQDO 6 6LQJOHXVHU3& &RPIRUW3DQHOVDQG[ 1RPLF 0RELOH %DVLF3DQHOV &RPPXQLFDWLRQ 352),%86352),1(7$6L,2/LQN(71HWZRUNWRSRORJ\ 352),VDIHYLD352),%86DQG352),1(7 &RPPRQIXQFWLRQV 6\VWHPGLDJQRVWLFVLPSRUWH[SRUWWR([FHOUHXVLQJHOHPHQWVZLWKWKHKHOSRIOLEUDULHVDQGPXFKPRUHEHVLGHV * Only for STEP 7 Professional for S7-300 / 400 / WinAC and S7-1500 ** With installed optional package "STEP 7 Safety Advanced" STEP 7 STEP 7 (TIA Portal) is the engineering software for configuring the SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500, S7-300/400 and WinAC controller families. STEP 7 (TIA Portal) is available in two editions, depending on the configurable controller families: STEP 7 Basic for configuring the S7-1200 STEP 7 Professional for configuring S7-1200, S7-1500, S7-300/400 and SoftwareController (WinAC) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 39 System overview of STEP 7 and WinCC 1.2 Options for STEP 7 and WinCC Engineering WinCC WinCC (TIA Portal) is an engineering software for configuring SIMATIC Panels, SIMATIC Industrial PCs, and Standard PCs with the WinCC Runtime Advanced or the SCADA System WinCC Runtime Professional visualization software. WinCC (TIA Portal) is available in four editions, depending on the configurable operator control systems: WinCC Basic for configuring Basic Panels WinCC Basic is included with every STEP 7 Basic and STEP 7 Professional product. WinCC Comfort for configuring all panels (including Comfort Panels, Mobile Panels) WinCC Advanced for configuring all panels and PCs with the WinCC Runtime Advanced visualization software WinCC Runtime Advanced is a visualization software for PC-based single-station systems. WinCC Runtime Advanced can be purchased with licenses for 128, 512, 2k, 4k, 8k and 16k PowerTags (tags with a process interface). WinCC Professional for configuring panels and PCs with WinCC Runtime Advanced or SCADA System WinCC Runtime Professional. WinCC Professional is available in the following editions: WinCC Professional for 512 and 4096 PowerTags as well as "WinCC Professional max. PowerTags". WinCC Runtime Professional is a SCADA system for structuring a configuration ranging from single-station systems to multi-station systems including standard clients or web clients. WinCC Runtime Professional can be purchased with licenses for 128, 512, 2k, 4k, 8k, 64k, 100k, 150k and 256k PowerTags (tags with a process interface). With WinCC (TIA Portal), it is also possible to configure a SINUMERIK PC with WinCC Runtime Advanced or WinCC Runtime Professional and HMI devices with SINUMERIK HMI Pro sl RT or SINUMERIK Operate WinCC RT Basic. 1.2 Options for STEP 7 and WinCC Engineering The following cross-product options are available for STEP 7 and WinCC Engineering: TIA Portal Multiuser (multiple users work jointly on a TIA Portal project) TIA Portal Cloud Connector (access to local interface using RDP) TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway (connection to Teamcenter) SIMATIC Visualization Architect (creating HMI contents based on STEP7 projects) SIMATIC Energy Suite (energy management) 40 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 System overview of STEP 7 and WinCC 1.5 Options for WinCC Engineering and Runtime systems 1.3 Options for S7-1500 Runtime The engineering of the following functions is integrated in the engineering packages of SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional and/or SIMATIC Energy Suite. The enabling takes place in CPU context: SIMATIC ProDiag (machinery and plant diagnostics for S7-1500 and SIMATIC HMI) SIMATIC OPC UA S7-1500 (connection of any third-party devices to the S7-1500) SIMATIC Energy Suite S7-1500 (energy management) 1.4 Options for STEP 7 Engineering System The following options are available for STEP 7 Engineering: SIMATIC STEP 7 Safety Basic/Advanced (safety programs for F-CPUs) SIMATIC S7 PLCSIM Advanced (Virtual Controller S7-1500) SIMATIC Target 1500STM for Simulink(R) (add-on for Simulink(R)) 1.5 Options for WinCC Engineering and Runtime systems SIMATIC Panels as well as WinCC Runtime Advanced and WinCC Runtime Professional contain all essential functions for operator control and monitoring of machines or plants. Additional options allow you to extend the functionality in some cases to increase the range of available tasks. Option for Basic Panel The following add-on is available for Basic Panels: WinCC Sm@rtServer (remote operation) Options for Comfort Panels, Mobile Panels The following possible extensions are available for Comfort Panels, Mobile Panels, and Multi Panels: WinCC Audit (audit trail and electronic signature for regulated applications) SIMATIC ProDiag (machinery and plant diagnostics for S7-1500 and SIMATIC HMI) Option for Multi Panels The following add-on is available for Multi Panels: WinCC Audit (audit trail and electronic signature for regulated applications) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 41 System overview of STEP 7 and WinCC 1.5 Options for WinCC Engineering and Runtime systems Note In contrast to WinCC flexible 2008, functions from the WinCC flexible /Sm@rtService, WinCC flexible /Sm@rtAccess options as well as the WinCC flexible /OPC Server option are incorporated into the basic functionality. Options for WinCC Runtime Advanced The following possible extensions are available for WinCC Runtime Advanced: WinCC SmartServer (remote operation) WinCC Recipes (recipe system) WinCC Logging (logging of process values and alarms) WinCC Audit (audit trail for regulated applications) SIMATIC ProDiag (machinery and plant diagnostics for S7-1500 and SIMATIC HMI) Note In contrast to WinCC flexible 2008, functions from the WinCC flexible /Sm@rtService, WinCC flexible /Sm@rtAccess options as well as the WinCC flexible /OPC Server option are incorporated into the basic functionality. Options for WinCC Runtime Professional The following possible extensions are available for WinCC Runtime Professional: WinCC Client (standard client for structuring multi-station systems) WinCC Server (supplements WinCC Runtime to include server functionality) WinCC Recipes (recipe system, formerly WinCC / UserArchives) WinCC WebNavigator (Web-based operator control and monitoring) WinCC DataMonitor (display and evaluation of process states and historical data) WinCC ControlDevelopment (extension by means of customer-specific controls) WebUX (platform and browser-independent operation and monitoring via the Web) SIMATIC Information Server 2014 (Web-based and browser-independent analysis and reports of historic process data) SIMATIC Process Historian 2014 (plant-wide archive server for messages and process data) Industrial Data Bridge (configurable connections to databases and IT systems) Redundancy (increased availability due to redundant server) SIMATIC ProDiag (machinery and plant diagnostics for S7-1500 and SIMATIC HMI) 42 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 System overview of STEP 7 and WinCC 1.5 Options for WinCC Engineering and Runtime systems Note In contrast to WinCC V7, functions from the WinCC /OPC-Server and WinCC / ConnectivityPack options are incorporated into the basic functionality. Likewise, the basic functionality includes the Runtime API from WinCC /ODK. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 43 System overview of STEP 7 and WinCC 1.5 Options for WinCC Engineering and Runtime systems 44 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2.1 2 Introduction Description All important new features compared to the present version V13 SP1 are summarized here. You can find additional details on the various topics of the product documentation in the individual sections. 2.2 SIMATIC STEP 7 Description All important new features of STEP 7 are shown grouped together based on the engineering workflow. Hardware configuration Support of the S7-1500 T-CPU family, with the Motion Control functions "constant velocity" and "cam disks". Support of the new CPU 1518(F)-4 PN/DP ODK (Open Development Kit), which enables C/C++ functions created via the SIMATIC ODK 1500S to be integrated into the user program Support of the CPU 1516pro (F)-2 PN Support of the new S7-1500 failsafe software controller IO devices can be grouped in the project tree to quickly find and technologically merge devices. The arrangement of the devices in the topological view can be synchronized with the network view. Own profiles can be defined in the hardware catalog for easy and quick access to frequently used modules. Editors for programming languages Separate editors are available for the new technology objects Output Cam, Cam Track and Measuring Input. There is also a convenient cam disk editor for the S7-1500T controllers. SCL networks can be inserted into a LAD/FBD block. "Regions" can be used in SCL program code to improve structuring and navigation. You can hide the block parameters when calling the block in LAD or FBD. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 45 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2.2 SIMATIC STEP 7 The comparison of PLC programs has been thoroughly revised and enables the quick and convenient comparison of source code with many filter options. Networks in the programming editors for LAD / FBD / STL are automatically displayed as they were when you last exited the block. Language innovations ARRAYs of variable length can be passed with ARRAY[*]. Multiple instances can be declared in ARRAYs in the block interface and called in loops. This helps to significantly reduce the program code and provides better readability and more efficient programming when processing the same program objects. The data type DB_ANY can also be used for technology objects. This allows technology objects to be handled more flexibly in the program. An "ARRAY of DB_ANY" may be a list of positioning axes, for example. Instances can be passed as a parameter in the "InOut" section of the block interface so that only one dedicated instance needs to be selected in the call. Message texts and comments for up to 3 languages can be loaded into the PLC S7-1500 and changed online. Messages/diagnostics Using the new "Get_Alarm" instruction, messages can be directly read from the message server of the S7-1500 CPU and, sent and to a higher-level reporting system (e.g. process control system), for example. With the instruction "GET_DIAG" in Mode 1, the diagnostic data are output in the DIS structure. Bit 15 of the parameter IOState of this structure outputs the signal status "1" when a network / hardware fault has occurred. Trace The Trace function enables different measurements to be displayed in a shared diagram ("overlaid measurements"). In addition, with the Trace function, after completion, messages can be stored on the memory card independently of the power supply, and if required, can be automatically restarted. Online functions Restructuring of the toolbar in the DB editor with the possibility to reinitialize complete data blocks with the defined start values. Structures in the block can be observed directly in the Inspector window including the call environment. 46 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2.2 SIMATIC STEP 7 System functions The new global search enables cross-project searching for PLC and HMI objects. In addition, the search results can be restricted by filter. A "GoTo" function is also available. TIA Portal settings can be exported or imported and stored on a central server. If the server path is available, for example, the stored settings are used automatically as "default" every time you restart the TIA Portal. Innovative help/information system with tab technology, improved search function and the possibility to filter information by device families. The new cross-reference list provides a quick overview of the use of objects and devices within the project. - Support of overlapping accesses (PLC tags) - Support of know-how-protected blocks - Access to Individual elements of an ARRAY - Representation of objects which occur both in HMI and PLC devices - Free entry of objects to be searched for in the cross-reference list possible - Various filter options - Convenient and central provision of updates in company networks. - A company server can be configured with the TIA Automation Corporate Configuration Tool. The available updates / support packages are stored on the server and are thus available to users. S7-PLCSIM Quick start of S7-PLCSIM in compact mode and without a simulation project. Devices can be exchanged in the simulation project so that existing TIM tables and sequence entries can continue to be used without any problems. Sequences can be automatically started on the basis of a trigger condition. Sequences can be temporarily deactivate. Decentralized I/O devices can be simulated in the device view. Motion Control applications Pre-configured and integrated connection and configuration of the SINAMICS V90 PN drive message to a Motion Control technology object of SIMATIC S7-1500. Automatic data synchronization between the controller and the drive. See also Engineering options (Page 51) Runtime options (Page 53) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 47 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2.3 SIMATIC WinCC 2.3 SIMATIC WinCC Configuring screens New view on distributed I/Os of the system diagnostic controls. Improvements of controls: - New scroll bar with configurable colors. - Dynamic number of commands in the drop-down menu for recipe control. - Expansion of the slider, bar, gauge controls with up to four limits. New "Siemens TIA Portal Icons" fonts. Graphics library includes new graphics and completely revised structure. Working with tags Symbolic address multiplexing of PlcUDT instances within a ARRAY variable of a data block. Hierarchical IntelliSense for connecting PLC data to HMI tags. SIMATIC Panels and SIMATIC WinCC Runtime Advanced Transfer of configuration via USB stick / SD card for Basic Panels 2ndGeneration, Comfort Panels, Outdoor Panels, Mobile Panels and WinCC Runtime Advanced. Sm@rt Server Option for Basic Panel 2nd Generation. The safety of the following features has been enhanced: - The following components are signed: Comfort and Mobile Panel: Runtime, ProSave options and Runtime add-ons. Basic Panels 2nd Generation: Image of the panel - Security of passwords used in Runtime - Web browser connection to a Sm@rtServer via HTTPS protocol possible and secure connection from a Web SmartClient to the Sm@rtServer possible. The maximum number of power tags in WinCC Runtime Advanced was increased to 16K. WinCC Runtime Professional WebUX option Platform and browser-independent operation and monitoring via the Web. Process diagnostics option When a process fault occurs, process diagnostics provide information about the cause and location of the error and supports troubleshooting. Extension: Quantity structure for 1200/1500 PLCs There can now be 64 connections to S7-1200/1500. 48 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2.4 SINAMICS Startdrive Extension: Multitouch for certain controls Gestures can now be used to move the display area of controls (trend-based controls, gridbased controls, axis controls). Harmonization: Licenses for WEBNAVIGATOR, DATAMONITOR and WebUX The license type of Web options can be counted consistently. These SCADA options as of V7.4 or V14 in the future will have uniform MLFBs and therefore there will no longer be separate MLFBs for Runtime Professional. See also Engineering options (Page 51) Runtime options (Page 53) 2.4 SINAMICS Startdrive Simplified commissioning and simplified (remote) servicing Extended routing functionality for communication between Startdrive and drive: Routing across various PROFINET systems Routing from PROFIBUS to PROFINET Simple modification of a project to the machine Upgrade G120 firmware version in the Startdrive project (beginning with firmware version 4.4) Reuse of the parameter assignment across various performance ranges. Also for G120C Faster access to Smartdrive download package in SIOS No waiting time for export control Starting with the Startdrive V13 SP1, export restriction no longer applies (export identifier AL=N, ECCN=N) More efficient configuration Optimized compilation time of the S7-CPU for networked drives configured with Startdrive Modification of the supplied S7 data blocks for drive control Drive library now without know-how protection WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 49 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2.6 SIMOCODE ES V14 Simplified commissioning Assignment of PROFINET device names is now easy to do in the project navigation and in the HWCN network view via the shortcut menu of the drive. Simplified update process Automatic installation of Startdrive HSPs and updates via the TIA Portal Updater Support for new hardware New 1FP1 synchronous Reluktanz motors are supported. No manual update required HSPs for Sinamics Firmware V4.7.3 and V4.7.6 are integrated. 2.5 SIMOTION SCOUT TIA Description The SIMOTION P platform (PC-based) is now available in the TIA Portal. (Planned for approx. 3 months after release of STEP 7) You can now upload the hardware configuration for SIMOTION devices. Additional PROFINET functions for SIMOTION devices: - Shared I-device - Shared device - Seamless Media Redundancy (MRPD) - "Check of VendorID/DeviceID" and "Overwriting of the NameOfStation" (automatic configuration of the topology) - Address tailoring (modular machines) 2.6 SIMOCODE ES V14 Routing via Ethernet - PROFINET SIMOCODE ES V14 supports routing to SIMOCODE pro devices with PROFINET. Devices can now also be reached from an engineering station with SIMOCODE ES V14 Premium via Ethernet, if they are not directly connected to the PROFINET network to which the SIMOCODE pro devices are connected. This improves the capabilities of the software in systems in which SIMOCODE pro devices are used with PROFINET. 50 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2.7 Engineering options Migration of SIMOCODE ES 2007 group files Configurations created with SIMOCODE ES 2007 in which the parameter files for SIMOCODE pro devices have been assembled into "group files", can now be migrated directly to one and the same TIA Portal V14 project without additional configuration steps. This function improves the handling of the software when migrating from SIMOCODE ES 2007 to SIMOCODE ES V14 TIA Portal. Improved editor functions for charts with SIMOCODE pro interconnections With SIMOCODE ES V14 Standard and Premium, CFC-based charts can be copied in whole or part, saved as library elements and reused. This feature simplifies the handling of recurrent configurations for typical configurations. Clear presentation of all the important parameter settings in the parameter editor All important parameter settings for fast commissioning of a motor feeder can be displayed and edited in a new overview in SIMOCODE ES V14, which significantly helps to improve clarity. Uniform presentation of recorded trends for measured values Measured values and data recorded online and offline with SIMOCODE ES "Live Trend" and "Analog Value Recording" functions are displayed using the TIA Portal "Trace" function. The operation of this function has been significantly improved thanks to the TIA Portal-wide standardization. 2.7 Engineering options TIA Portal Multiuser TIA Portal Multiuser Engineering enables several users to simultaneously work together on a project. This reduces configuration times considerably and enables quicker commissioning of projects. The basic principle: An independent server application carries out project management. The server application can be installed independent of a TIA Portal. or project management is located on a server. The server can be installed independent of a TIA Portal. Different users work in local sessions, based on the projects managed by the server. Users work independently from each other in local sessions; changes made by other editors are displayed and can be applied. The changes from the local sessions are transferred to the server project on check-in. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 51 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2.7 Engineering options TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway The TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway allows you to store and manage TIA Portal projects and global libraries in the Teamcenter. The operation is performed in the TIA Portal. TIA Portal Cloud Connector The TIA Portal Cloud Connector lets you access local PG/PC interfaces and the SIMATIC hardware connected to them in the TIA Portal engineering even though the engineering itself is operated in a private cloud using Remote Desktop. SIMATIC Energy Suite SIMATIC Energy Suite as an integrated option for the TIA Portal for the first time efficiently combines energy management with automation, bringing energy transparency to production. In addition, the configuration work is significantly reduced due to the simplified configuration of components for energy recording. Integrated and intuitive configuration of energy management Automatic creation of PLC energy program for S7-1500 Archiving to WinCC Runtime Professional or to a PLC-internal SIMATIC memory card Seamless connection to SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced S7-PLCSIM Advanced is suitable for the simulation of an S7-1500 PLC. Compared to standard S7-PLCSIM, S7-PLCSIM Advanced provides the following additional features: API for interfacing with co-simulations Multiple, distributed instances possible Adjustable, virtual time Web server and OPC UA access SIMATIC ODK 1500S The SIMATIC ODK 1500S enables the development of function libraries with the high-level languages C/C++ for ODK-capable SIMATIC S7-1500 PLCs. These function libraries can be directly loaded and run directly from the user program. ODK-capable S7-1500 PLCs: S7-1500 Software Controller (CPU 1507S (F)) ET 200SP Open Controller (CPU 1515SP PC (F)) S7-1500 Advanced Controller (CPU 1518(F)-4 PN/DP ODK) 52 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2.8 Runtime options SIMATIC Target 1500STM for Simulink(R) SIMATIC Target 1500STM for Simulink(R) is an add-on for Simulink from MathWorks. It enables the integration of Simulink models directly in the program cycle of an ODK-capable S7-1500 PLC. Enables model-based development with MATLAB(R) and Simulink for SIMATIC controllers Seamless integration in Simulink as a so-called target file No C/C++ or ODK know-how required Support of the Simulink external mode for direct monitoring and control of model parameters in the controller from Simulink The generated program code can be executed on the CPUs 1507S(F) V2.0, CPU 1515SP PC (F) V2.0 and CPU 1518(F)-4 PN/DP ODK. SIMATIC Visualization Architect The SIMATIC Visualization Architect (SiVArc) enables easy, fast and flexible automated production of HMI content based on the STEP 7 user program. Supported HMI devices: Comfort Panel, Mobile Panel 2nd Gen, WinCC RT Professional, WinCC RT Advanced Supported HMI objects: Screens, text lists, power tags, captions, buttons, I/O fields, symbolic I/O fields, graphic I/ O fields, switches, round buttons Configuration via control editor Templates are managed through libraries 2.8 Runtime options Description The following new options are only offered as a runtime option with TIA Portal V14. The products ProDiag and OPC UA S7-1500 are already integrated into the existing products STEP 7 and WinCC and only need to be licensed when used on the real hardware. In comparison with the Engineering options, the runtime options are not version-dependent. SIMATIC ProDiag SIMATIC ProDiag enables precise and fast machine and plant diagnostics for SIMATIC S7-1500 and SIMATIC HMI: Central cycle-precise time stamp of error messages Automatic generation of monitoring logic and message calls Automatic update of the SIMATIC HMI when changes are made to message configuration for 3 languages HMI systems do not have to leave runtime mode in the event of changes WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 53 What's new in TIA Portal V14 2.8 Runtime options Is directly available in the language editors LAD, FBD, SCL and STL. Monitoring can be parameterized later on F blocks and know-how protected blocks Central project definition of message structure Alarm texts are automatically derived from existing information in the project Simple visualization of the HMI through prepared controls SIMATIC OPC UA S7-1500 The OPC UA S7-1500 option allows easily connection of any third-party devices to the S7-1500 via the OPC UA server integrated in the S7-1500 CPU: OPC UA server directly in S7-1500 OPC UA data access, read/write, subscription to value changes Security XML export for offline configuration of OPC UA clients SIMATIC Energy Suite S7-1500 10 energy objects are supplied with the SIMATIC Energy Suite Engineering. Additional energy objects can be extended by the Runtime packages. WinCC / WebUX WinCC / WebUX allows us to monitor plant processes over the Internet or Intranet using mobile devices and if required, to also control them. The software offers a visualization solution which is suitable for HTML5 and SVG-capable browsers, independent of the operating system - and which does not require engineering work. 54 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 3 Readme 3.1 Notes on the TIA Portal 3.1.1 General notes The information in this readme file supersedes statements made in other documents. Read the following notes carefully because they include important information for installation and use. Read these notes prior to installation. Importing and exporting CAx data Contrary to the information in the online help, it is not possible to export and import CAx data. Upgrading from TIA Portal V13 SP1 projects with master copies from TIA Portal V10.5 Before upgrading a project, check if the master copies created with TIA Portal V10.5 are contained in its project library. This is necessary, for example, when you receive a message during the upgrade about an S7-1200 CPU with firmware version V1.0 used in the project, even though you have not configured such a CPU. The CPU is a master copy in the project library in this case. Before upgrading a project with master copies from TIA Portal V10.5, therefore, do the following: 1. Use each master copy created with the TIA Portal V10.5 once in the project. 2. Delete the affected master copies from the project library. 3. Create the master copy again with the objects from the project. 4. Save the project in TIA Portal V13 SP1. You can then upgrade the project to the latest version. Display of Asian characters in the TIA Portal Due to a change in behavior in Microsoft Windows, it may occur that texts are not displayed correctly in the TIA Portal when a Chinese TIA Portal is installed on another Asian operating system (e.g. Korean). To view the texts in TIA Portal correctly, open the Windows Control Panel and select "English" under "Language for non-Unicode programs". Note, however, that this may cause display problems in other programs. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 55 Readme 3.1 Notes on the TIA Portal Installing new .Net versions or .Net service packs Close the TIA Portal before installing a new .Net version or a new .Net service pack on your programming device/PC. Restart the TIA Portal only after successful installation of the new .Net version or the new .Net service pack. Notes on handling If a project in the list of projects last used is located on a network drive that is not connected, you may experience delays when opening the "Project" menu. When you insert a CPU, you may need to wait for some time if the project editor is open at the same time. This generally takes longer when you insert the first CPU in a newly created project. To be able to continue working at a good pace, you should close the project text editor before inserting a CPU. The alarm "Application is not responding" may appear in Windows 7 with functions that take a long time to run (loading the CPU for example). If this occurs, wait until the function has correctly finished. If you have installed a Microsoft mouse with IntelliPoint, you may find that it superimposes components over the buttons of the title bar. If this is the case, uninstall the IntelliPoint software from Microsoft. Enabling the "Virtual Desktop" options with NVIDIA graphics cards can cause problems. In this case, disable the "nView virtual desktop manager" of your NVIDIA graphics driver. Working with automatically synchronized network drives A TIA Portal project consists of multiple files that are saved together in one directory. If you store a project that is automatically synchronized on a network drive or in a cloud directory (e.g. Dropbox, Syncplicity or GoogleDrive), this can lead to data loss if the synchronization only takes place partially or asynchronously. For this reason, we do not recommend editing TIA Portal projects directly on synchronized network drives or in cloud directories. Always close the TIA Portal project before synchronization and make sure that all directories and files from the project directory are synchronized together and completely. You may wish to disable automatic synchronization while working with the TIA Portal. The synchronization itself must be implemented in such a way that the current (local) project data replaces the project data on the network drive or in the cloud directory. Entry of decimal places With certain Windows language settings, it may occur that the entry of values with a comma as decimal place is not recognized (entering "1,23" leads to an error). Instead, use the international format ("1.23"). Information on the TIA Portal in online support Overview of the most important technical information and solutions for the TIA Portal in the Siemens Industry online support. 56 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.1 Notes on the TIA Portal Internet link: TIA Portal in Siemens Industry online support (https:// All information on service and support in the Siemens Industry online support: Internet link: Service and support in Siemens Industry online support (https:// Here, you can also subscribe to the newsletter that provides you with latest information relating to your products. Starting the TIA Portal When you start the TIA Portal, Windows attempts to update the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) of "". If no Internet access is available and there are multiple DNS servers, a timeout may occur and delay the start of the TIA Portal. 3.1.2 Notes on libraries Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. Comparing library elements If master copies and types have the same name, the corresponding objects in the project are overwritten when the action "Copy" is used. Please note that this takes place without a prompt. The same behavior occurs when the name of the master copy is different to the name of the type, but an object within the master copy has the same name as the type. 3.1.3 Notes on memory cards Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. Notes on SIMATIC memory cards The SIMATIC memory cards have been formatted and set up by Siemens for use with S7-1200 and S7-1500 modules. This format must not be overwritten; otherwise, the card will no longer be accepted by the modules. Formatting with Windows tools is therefore not permitted. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 57 Readme 3.1 Notes on the TIA Portal Behavior in case of open force job Note that an active force job is retained even after you have loaded a new project to the SIMATIC memory card. This means you should first delete the active force job before you remove a SIMATIC memory card from the CPU and before you overwrite the card in the PC with a new project. If you use a SIMATIC memory card with unknown content, you should format the SIMATIC memory card before the next download. Access protection for memory cards in USB card readers By improving the security mechanisms for online access and engineering of S7-1500 CPUs, the data storage on memory cards has been changed. For this reason, this version of STEP 7 cannot evaluate the passwords of the configured protection level when reading project data from memory cards that is accessed via a USB card reader. The changed response affects the memory cards for CPUs of the S7-1200/1500 series. Therefore, use physical safeguards to protect critical project data on memory cards for these devices. Note This restriction is not related to online access to devices or the know-how protection of program blocks. 3.1.4 Notes on the hardware configuration Content Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. Subnet addressing for CP 1613 and CP 1623 CP 1613 and CP 1623 are communication modules with microprocessor. To ensure secure management of communication links, these are processed on the module. The protocol stack in your PC is used for diagnostic purposes (SNMP, DCP). To allow both protocol stacks (i.e. CP 1613/23 Firmware and CP 1613/23 NDIS access) access to the same partners, is recommended to place both stacks of a module in the same subnet. Editing a device IP address Do not use the address range from 192.168.x.241 to 192.168.x.250 when editing a device IP address. If necessary, this address range is automatically assigned by the system to a programming device. Depending on the subnet mask, this applies also for all network classes. Drivers for the CP 5512 communications processor The drivers for the CP 5512 are no longer included in this software version. If you want to use the CP 5512, the following needs to be installed prior to the installation of this software: 58 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.1 Notes on the TIA Portal (http:// Please note that the CP 5512 can be used with a maximum of Windows 7 32-bit. As of Windows 8 or with 64-bit operating systems, the CP 5512 is not compatible. Note Since 2009, the functional successor the USB 2.0 module CP 5711 has been available. 3.1.5 Notes on instructions Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. Instructions not valid for all CPU firmware versions The firmware version of your CPU determines the following: Whether a specific instruction is available for this CPU: - If you select CPU 1211C DC/DC/DC with firmware version V1.0, for example, the extended instruction "T_COMBINE" will not be available to you. It is grayed out in the "Instructions" task card. - However, if you select CPU 1211C DC/DC/DC with firmware version V3.0, the extended instruction "T_COMBINE" will be available to you in versions V1.1 and V1.2. Which versions of the instruction are available. You can select the different versions in the "Version" column of the "Instructions" task card. 3.1.6 Notes on using the TIA Portal in a virtual environment (private cloud) Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. Instructions for using the TIA Portal in a virtual environment (private cloud) You can find instructions on how to use the TIA Portal in a virtual environment (private cloud) on the installation disk in the directory "Documents\Readme\". You can open the PDF document "TIAPortalCloudConnectorHowTo.pdf" here. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 59 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic The TIA Portal Cloud Connector can be used with the Windows 7 (64-bit) and Windows 8.1 (64-bit) operating systems. Using the TIA Portal Cloud Connector with Windows 10 is in development. Environment variables "TiaUserSettingsPath" and "TiaDefaultProjectPath" The environment variables "TiaUserSettingsPath" and "TiaDefaultProjectPath" can be used to set the location of the user and project settings different from the system default. This can be used, for example, to save the user and project settings at a central location. You can find additional information on the use of environment variables in the Instructions on Using the TIA Portal in a Virtual Environment (Private Cloud). Cross-domain HTTPS connections with the TIA Portal Cloud Connector The TIA Portal Cloud Connector cannot create certificates that are valid for multiple domains. Comparing the configured and actual topology Topology comparison is not supported by the TIA Portal Cloud Connector. Note on using self-signed certificates when using HTTPS as the communication protocol Microsoft regularly checks whether the certificates in the Windows Certificate Store are from a trusted source. Certificates from untrusted sources are deleted. Therefore, ensure that your self-signed certificates are signed with a secure certificate. 3.2 STEP 7 Basic 3.2.1 Security information Security information Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks. In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement - and continuously maintain - a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens' products and solutions only form one element of such a concept. Customer is responsible to prevent unauthorized access to its plants, systems, machines and networks. Systems, machines and components should only be connected to the enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent necessary and with appropriate security measures (e.g. use of firewalls and network segmentation) in place. Additionally, Siemens' guidance on appropriate security measures should be taken into account. For more information about industrial security, please visit 60 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic ( en/industrial-security/Pages/Default.aspx) Siemens' products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure. Siemens strongly recommends to apply product updates as soon as available and to always use the latest product versions. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and failure to apply latest updates may increase customer's exposure to cyber threats. To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed under ( en/industrial-security/Pages/Default.aspx) Network settings The following tables show the network settings of each product you need to analyze the network security and to configure external firewalls: STEP 7 Basic Name Port number Transport pro Direction tocol Function Description ALM 4410* TCP Inbound/out bound License serv ice This service provides the complete function ality for software licenses and is used by both the Automation License Manager as well as all license-related software products. RFC 1006 102 TCP Outbound S7 communi cation Communication to the S7 controller via Ethernet/PROFINET for programming and diagnostic purposes. DCP --- Ethernet Outbound PROFINET The DCP protocol (Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol) is used by PROFI NET and provides the basic functionality for locating and configuring PROFINET devi ces. SNMP 161 UDP Outbound PROFINET The SNMP client functionality is used by STEP 7 to read status information from PROFINET devices. * Default port that can be changed by user configuration WinCC ES Basic (without simulation) Name Port number Transport pro Direction tocol Function Description ALM 4410* TCP Inbound/out bound License serv ice This service provides the complete function ality for software licenses and is used by both the Automation License Manager as well as all license-related software products. HMI Load 1033 TCP Outbound HMI Load (RT Basic) This service is used to transmit images and configuration data to Basic Panels. * Default port that can be changed by user configuration WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 61 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic Simulation RT Basic Name Port number Transport pro Direction tocol Function Description HMI Load 1033 TCP Inbound HMI Load (RT Basic) This service is used to transmit images and configuration data to Basic Panels. Ethernet/ IP 44818 TCP Outbound Ethernet/IP channel The Ethernet/IP protocol is used for connec tions to Allen Bradley PLCs. 2222 UDP Inbound Ethernet/IP channel The Ethernet/IP protocol is used for connec tions to Allen Bradley PLCs. Modbus TCP 502 TCP Outbound Modbus TCP channel The Modbus TCP protocol is used for con nections to Schneider PLCs. RFC 1006 102 TCP Outbound S7 channel Communication to the S7 controller via Ethernet/PROFINET Mitsubishi MC 5002 TCP Outbound Mitsubishi MC channel The Mitsubishi protocol is used for connec tions to Mitsubishi PLCs. 3.2.2 Notes on use Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. Online operation Simultaneous online operation of STEP 7 V5.5 or earlier versions and STEP 7 Basic V14 is not approved. Simultaneous online connections on an S7-1200 CPU It is not possible to establish an online connection from multiple instances of the TIA Portal simultaneously to the same S7-1200 CPU. Removing/inserting the memory card After removing or inserting a memory card, always perform a memory reset on the CPU in order to restore the CPU to a functional condition. Removing and inserting Ethernet modules If Ethernet modules are removed and re-inserted during operation, you must boot the PC; otherwise, the "Accessible devices" functionality in STEP 7 or NCM PC will not display all devices. While the PC boots, Ethernet modules must be activated. 62 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic Loading project data with TIA Portal V12 and V13 (S7-1200) If you load the project data of an S7-1200 CPU with the TIA Portal V13, you can no longer use TIA Portal V12 to access this data. To do this, first restore the factory settings of the CPU. Read the additional information on this in the online help under "How to reset a CPU to factory settings". Compatibility The device configuration and program of an S7-1200 CPU must always be configured with the same STEP 7 version. Usually, the TIA Portal makes sure that no version conflicts occur by outputting appropriate notifications during loading to the device. This automatic verification is not possible with S7-1200 CPUs with firmware version V1.x. In this case, users themselves must ensure that no version conflicts occur. 3.2.3 Editing devices and networks General information on devices and networks Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. S7 PCT IO-Link The S7 Port Configuration Tool is available for free download at the following link. (https:// Use of modules on the S7-1200 Content Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 63 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic Use of modules on the S7-1200 The modules listed below are not supported on the S7-1200. Family Module Order number S7-300 FMs SM 338 6ES7 338-4BC01-0AB0 FM 350-1 6ES7 350-1AH03-0AE0 FM 350-2 6ES7 350-2AH00-0AE0, 6ES7 350-2AH01-0AE0 FM 351 6ES7 351-1AH01-0AE0, 6ES7 351-1AH02-0AE0 FM 352 6ES7 352-1AH02-0AE0 FM 355 S 6ES7 355-1VH10-0AE0 FM 355 C 6ES7 355-0VH10-0AE0 FM 355-2 C 6ES7 355-2CH00-0AE0 FM 355-2 S 6ES7 355-2SH00-0AE0 CP 340 6ES7 340-1AH02-0AE0, 6ES7 340-1BH02-0AE0, 6ES7 340-1CH02-0AE0 CP 341 6ES7 341-1AH01-0AE0, 6ES7 341-1AH02-0AE0, 6ES7 341-1BH01-0AE0, 6ES7 341-1BH02-0AE0, 6ES7 341-1CH01-0AE0, 6ES7 341-1CH02-0AE0 S7-300 PtP-CP Network component Diagnostics repeater 6ES7 972-0AB01-0XA0 ET 200S 1 Count 24 V 6ES7 138-4DA04-0AB0 1 Count 5 V 6ES7 138-4DE02-0AB0 1 Step 5 V 6ES7 138-4DC00-0AB0, 6ES7 138-4DC01-0AB0 2 pulses 6ES7 138-4DD00-0AB0, 6ES7 138-4DD01-0AB0 1 SI 6ES7 138-4DF01-0AB0 1 SI Modbus 6ES7 138-4DF11-0AB0 1 SSI 6ES7 138-4DB02-0AB0, 6ES7 138-4DB03-0AB0 1 Pos Universal 6ES7 138-4DL00-0AB0 SIWAREX 7MH4910-0AA01, 7MH4912-0AA01, 7MH4920-0AA01 SIWAREX 7MH4 900-2AA01, 7MH4 900-3AA01, 7MH4 950-1AA01, 7MH4 950-2AA01 ET 200M Loading S7-1200 module comments to the PG/PC In central configurations with S7-1200, comments of modules, submodules and signal boards are not loaded. With CPs/CMs, only the comments of the IE interface or DP interface are loaded. In distributed configurations with ET 200SP or ET 200MP, only the comment of the channels is loaded from the I/O modules. CP 343-2 on SIMATIC S7 Embedded Controller EC31-RTX Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. 64 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic CP 343-2 on SIMATIC S7 Embedded Controller EC31-RTX The module AS-Interface CP 343-2 (article no.: 6GK7 343-2AH01) can be inserted in an expansion rack of the SIMATIC S7 Embedded Controller EC31-RTX (article no.: 6ES7 677-1DDxx-0BB0), but the CP 343-2 cannot be operated with the EC31-RTX. F-CM AS-i Safety ST for ET 200SP Content Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. F-CM AS-i Safety ST (3RK7 136-6SC00-0BC1) from HSP0070 When using an F-CM AS-i Safety ST (3RK7 136-6SC00-0BC1) using HSP0070 in TIA Portal V13.0, after updating to Service Pack 1, the HSP0070 (F-CM AS-i Safety ST) must be updated to version V2.0. This is necessary to allow use of the module in TIA Portal V13 Service Pack 1. S7 routing via IE/PB Link Content Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. S7 routing via IE/PB Link In the following situations, no routing via the IE/PB Link PN IO is possible: S7 routing between two CPUs of the S7-1500 S7 routing of PG connections to CPUs of the S7-1200/1500 S7 routing of HMI connections to CPUs of the S7-1200/1500 This behavior relates to the IE/PB Link with firmware version V2.1 (6GK1 411-5AB00). Deactivating SNMP (S7-1200, S7-1500) Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 65 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic Deactivating SNMP (S7-1200, S7-1500) In the description for deactivating SNMP, the wrong record number is cited ("Index" parameter of the WRREC instruction). The correct data record number is 16#b071. Example program with WRREC call in OB 100 and correct data record number DATA_BLOCK "Deactivate_SNMP" { S7_Optimized_Access := 'TRUE' } VERSION : 0.1 NON_RETAIN VAR snmp_deactivate : Bool; snmp_record : Struct BlockID : UInt; BlockLength : UInt; "Version" : USInt; Subversion : USInt; Reserved : UInt; SNMPControl : UDInt; END_STRUCT; snmp_done : Bool; snmp_error : Bool; snmp_Status : DWord; END_VAR BEGIN snmp_deactivate := true; snmp_record.BlockID := 16#f003; snmp_record.BlockLength := 8; snmp_record."Version" := 1; END_DATA_BLOCK ORGANIZATION_BLOCK "Startup" TITLE = "Complete Restart" { S7_Optimized_Access := 'TRUE' } VERSION : 0.1 BEGIN REPEAT "WRREC_DB_1"(REQ := "Deactivate_SNMP".snmp_deactivate, ID := "Local~PROFINET interface_1", INDEX := 16#b071, DONE => "Deactivate_SNMP".snmp_done, ERROR => "Deactivate_SNMP".snmp_error, STATUS => "Deactivate_SNMP".snmp_Status, RECORD := "Deactivate_SNMP".snmp_record); UNTIL "Deactivate_SNMP".snmp_done OR "Deactivate_SNMP".snmp_error END_REPEAT; END_ORGANIZATION_BLOCK DATA_BLOCK "WRREC_DB_1" 66 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic {OriginalPartName := 'WRREC'; VersionGUID := 'bc169451-58cd-44a3-855b-3f78cc0623c8'; S7_Optimized_Access := 'TRUE' } AUTHOR: SIMATIC FAMILY: DP NAME: WRREC VERSION : 1.0 NON_RETAIN WRREC BEGIN END_DATA_BLOCK Notes on online and diagnostics Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. Hardware detection followed by online connection When the "Online > Hardware detection" command is performed for an unspecified CPU, the online configuration is not loaded from the CPU. If you do not load the configuration resulting from the hardware detection to the CPU, the device and network views will always show a difference between the offline and online configurations. It will appear that there are different configurations in the online and diagnostic views, although the MLFBs are identical in the actual CPU and the offline CPU. Transferring numerous and large trace measurements from the device (memory card) Transferring trace measurements from the device to the project increases the memory requirement. Avoid copying a large number of measurements with large amounts of data at the same time lead to high memory consumption and extended periods needed for copying. Network components Network components Security modules Migration of projects with Ethernet CPs and activated security functions In STEP 7 V5.5 projects that contain Industrial Ethernet CPs with activated security functions, the security settings are disabled during migration to STEP 7 Professional. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 67 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic If necessary, follow these steps after the migration: 1. Activate the security functionality. 2. Configure the required security settings. Migration of IP access protection lists when activating the security functions An active IP access protection list is converted to firewall rules when security functions are activated. These rules are visible in advanced firewall mode and can be adjusted there. The advanced firewall mode is activated automatically. Security online diagnostics of S7 CPs Security online diagnostics of a CP with security capability is only possible if the online connection is established directly via the CP. If the online connection was established by STEP 7 via the CPU to the station, with the "Connect online" button on the security diagnostics page "Security" > "Status" of the security CP you can establish a direct connection to the CP to run security online diagnostics. As an alternative, you can also terminate the online connection to the CPU and enter the IP address of the CP in the "Station address" input box under the entry "Online access" in online diagnostics. IKE mode When negotiating the key in phase 1 the IKE mode "Main" should be preferred. This mode normally provides a reliable procedure compared with the "Aggressive" mode. One reason for using the "Aggressive" setting is when you have VPN groups with different pre-shared keys. The IKE "Aggressive" mode should not be used in conjunction with certificates. In the IKE "Aggressive" mode, only use pre-shared keys. A security module must not be used in VPN groups that use different IKE modes. Downloading configuration data to an S7-300/400 via a VPN tunnel When you download configuration data via the gigabit interface of a CP x43-1 Advanced to an S7-300/S7-400 station, the path via which the download takes place is stored in the project. If the project is then downloaded via a VPN tunnel established between a SCALANCE S module and the CP x43-1 Advanced, the download fails due to the changed path. To download via the VPN tunnel, follow the steps below: 1. Using the "Go online" button, connect the engineering station to the gigabit interface of the CP x431 Advanced. 2. Disconnect the online connection to the CP x431 Advanced. 3. Download the project to the station via the gigabit interface of the CP x431 Advanced. 68 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic VPN tunnel establishment with 1200/1500 CPs capable of VPN The establishment of VPN tunnel connections by 1200/1500 CPs capable of VPN with the authentication method "pre-shared key" is only possible if the VPN connection partner is also a 1200/1500 CP capable of VPN. The establishment of VPN tunnel connections by a 1200/1500 CP capable of VPN to all other VPN connection partners is only possible with the "certificate" authentication method. Security configurations from old projects Before a security configuration from an older STEP 7 version in STEP 7 V14 can be used, a user with administrator rights needs to log in to this security configuration in STEP 7 V13 SP1 and save the project. After opening the project in STEP 7 V14, a user must log on again to the security configuration with administrator rights. Thereafter, it is possible to use this security configuration in STEP 7 V14. Copying security modules between STEP 7 instances Copying security modules between different instances of STEP 7 is not supported. Device certificates for CP 1543-1 V2.0 and CP 1543SP-1 For CP 1543-1 V2.0 and CP 1543SP-1, only those device certificates that are assigned to the module via the local certificate manager as device certificates are loaded to the module. This assignment takes place in the local security settings of the module in the "Certificate manager" entry via the "Device certificates" table editor. The certificates of the global certificate manager are available for the certificate assignment. Media converters When you migrate a project, you need to reconfigure the media converters. 3.2.4 Programming a PLC General notes on PLC programming Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 69 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic Upgrading know-how-protected blocks Know-how protected blocks that were set up with a version = V1.8.1 The unused bits of PLC data types in standard memory areas are occupied or overwritten, for example, for a PLC data type that contains 4 bits. With firmware versions < V1.8.1, you could not use the unused bits of a PLC data type elsewhere. With firmware version >= V1.8.1, all bits are occupied or overwritten even if only 4 bits are used. Note Address assignments Ensure you do not assign the same absolute address twice to different symbolic address assignments. Explicit data type conversion in SCL (S7-1200) with firmware >= V4.2 With firmware versions < V4.2, the string was transferred aligned to the right and filled with leading spaces during explicit data type conversion of SINT/INT/DINT/REAL_TO_STRING/ WSTRING in SCL. Example: REAL_TO_WSTRING(12) = ' 1.200000E+1' As of TIA Portal V13, the string is displayed with a leading sign during explicit data type conversion of SINT/INT/DINT/REAL_TO_STRING/WSTRING in SCL and transferred aligned to the left. Example: REAL_TO_WSTRING(12) = '+1.200000E+1' SCL: EN/ENO mechanism with block parameters of data type (W)STRING (S7-1200/1500) As of TIA Portal V14, it is checked whether block parameters of data type (W)STRING are truncated when parameters are transferred during runtime. This can occur if formal and actual parameters have different declared lengths. If the declared length of the target parameter during runtime is insufficient to accept the (W)STRING, the (W)STRING is truncated and the enable output ENO is set to "FALSE". If you evaluate the enable output ENO in your program, the semantics of your program may change. Forwarding STRING parameters between optimized blocks and standard blocks (S7-1200/1500) Prior to TIA Portal V14, no length information about STRINGs was transferred when parameters were transferred between optimized and non-optimized blocks. This meant that access errors not detected by the ENO mechanism could occur during the further processing of the STRING. The enable output ENO remained at TRUE despite an access error. 76 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic As of TIA Portal V14, the STRING length information is transferred and access errors are monitored by the ENO mechanism. If you evaluate the enable output ENO in your program, the semantics of your program may change. Length declaration for constants of the "STRING" data type Length declarations are no longer permitted for local and global STRING constants. If your program includes length declarations, for example, "MyStringConst [7]", these are automatically removed during the upgrade. This change has no semantic effect on your program, however. Changing the base data type for HW_ANY from WORD to UINT The hardware data type "HW_ANY" is used to identify any hardware component, such as a module. In V14, the base data type of "HW_ANY" was changed from WORD to UINT. After the conversion to V14, compiling errors can therefore occur if you have assigned an explicit WORD constant (such as W#16#1) or a tag of data type WORD at a parameter of data type "HW_ANY". In this case, change the notation of the constant (e.g. to 16#1) or change the data type of the tag to UINT. Length of block comments As of TIA Portal V14, the block comments must not exceed a length of 32767 Unicode characters. Syntax check of the instructions "SR:Set/reset flip-flop" and "RS:Reset/set flip-flop" Inputs, outputs, bit memories as well as static or local data can be used as operands at the "S" input. Use of constants is not permitted. So far, the use of the constants "0" and "1" was not rejected by the syntax check. The syntax check was improved in TIA Portal V14 so that the use of "0" or "1" is now rejected at the "S" input. You may now receive an error message during the compiling of a program that has been compiled without errors up to this point. Change your program in this case and use a permitted operand. Any pointer: Access to optimized data For a CPU of the S7-1500 series, the ANY pointer can also only point to memory areas with "Standard" access mode. Access to optimized data is not permitted with an ANY pointer. A more detailed syntax check of ANY pointers is performed as of TIA Portal V14. Access to optimized data is now rejected. You may now receive an error message during the compiling of a program that has been compiled without errors up to this point. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 77 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic "(L)REAL" data type With 64-bit Windows versions, the LREAL data type is sometimes evaluated differently than with the previous 32-bit versions of Windows. A difference may occur when rounding and (L) real values of constants in the least significant bit. The potential difference is in the last digit of the mantissa and in most cases therefore only has a slight effect on the accuracy. If you evaluate the last digit of the mantissa, the semantics of your STEP 7 program may change after the conversion. "ST" parameter for IEC timers The "ST" parameter of an IEC timer is used internally and it is prohibited to write it. This why this parameter is no longer visible as of TIA Portal V14. If you have write access in your program to the "ST" parameter, an error message is generated during compiling after the upgrade. If you exchange data with Inter Project Engineering and you have access to the "ST" parameter with HMI, you must first export the project and then re-import it into the proxy CPU. Only then does the "ST" parameter disappear in the HMI configuration. Implicit data type conversion for block parameters of the "DB_ANY" data type When accessing a block parameter of the "DB_ANY" data type with the syntax DB_ANY. %DB(B|W|D), no implicit data type conversion was performed previously. The bit pattern of the source value was simply converted into the target data type. If the target data type was smaller than the source data type, an overflow occurred and the written value may have been wrong or inaccurate. The enable output ENO is not set to "FALSE" when accuracy is lost or runtime errors occur. As of V14, conversion is performed according to the rules of implicit data type conversion when parameters are passed with the syntax DB_ANY.%DB(B|W|D). Note that after the upgrade a different value may be written and the semantics of your program may change. In addition, the enable output ENO is set to "FALSE" when a runtime error occurs. Interface of organization blocks with standard access The interface of organization blocks with standard access must have a minimum size of 20 bytes. In older versions of the TIA Portal, only the interface of OB1 was checked with regard to the minimum size during the compilation run. As of V14, interfaces of all organization blocks are checked. You may now receive an error message during the compiling of a program that has been compiled without errors up to this point. Compatibility of PLC programs from versions prior to V13.1 Content Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. 78 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic Compatibility In principle, you can continue to use in V13 SP1 all programs that were created with older versions of the TIA Portal. However, because improvements were made to the compiler and errors corrected there in V13 SP1, it can occur in rare cases that the program reacts differently after the upgrade or that you have to adjust the program code manually. These cases are described in detail below. Unused bits of PLC data types (UDT) with firmware >= V1.8.1 The unused bits of PLC data types in standard memory areas are occupied or overwritten, for example, for a PLC data type that contains 4 bits. With firmware versions < V1.8.1, you could not use the unused bits of a PLC data type elsewhere. With firmware version >= V1.8.1, all bits are occupied or overwritten even if only 4 bits are used. Note Address assignments Ensure you do not assign the same absolute address twice to different symbolic address assignments. Explicit data type conversion in SCL (S7-1200) with firmware >= V4.2 With firmware versions < V4.2, the string was transferred aligned to the right and filled with leading spaces during explicit data type conversion of SINT/INT/DINT/REAL_TO_STRING/ WSTRING in SCL. Example: REAL_TO_WSTRING(12) = ' 1.200000E+1' As of TIA Portal V13, the string is displayed with a leading sign during explicit data type conversion of SINT/INT/DINT/REAL_TO_STRING/WSTRING in SCL and transferred aligned to the left. Example: REAL_TO_WSTRING(12) = '+1.200000E+1' Reading an invalid peripheral input In the TIA Portal as of version 12, the error code 16#2942 for the reading of an invalid peripheral input is only output if you have programmed the faulty access in such a way that this becomes effective, for example %MW10 := "InvalidWordAccess":P, and does not lie within an irrelevant sequence. For example, this would be #tmp := "InvalidWordAccess":P, if the tag #tmp is not used in the rest of the program block. Instruction "S_CONV: Convert character string" The EN/ENO mechanism behaves differently in TIA Portal V13 SP1 than in TIA Portal V13. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 79 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic In version V13, the ENO enable output returns the signal state "0" in case of error, even if you have deactivated the ENO enable output. If you have switched an additional instruction to the EN enable output, this is then not executed. In version V13 SP1, the ENO enable output returns the signal state "1" in case of error, if you have deactivated the ENO enable output. If you have switched an additional instruction to the EN enable output, this is then executed as expected. Instruction "MUX: Multiplex" (SCL) Up to and including TIA Portal V13, the value of the tag at the input parameter was output unchanged as a function value, even if the K parameter had a negative integer. This behavior has changed in TIA Portal V13 SP1. In TIA Portal V13 SP1, if you use a tag with a valid data type at the input parameters of the MUX instruction and the K parameter is a negative integer, the value of the tag is changed. You can find the valid data types in the description of the MUX instruction in the information system. Instruction "DEMUX: Demultiplex" (SCL) Up to and including TIA Portal V13, no value was output at the OUTELSE output parameter if the value of the K parameter was < 0. In contrast, the value of the IN input parameter was output at the OUTELSE output parameter if the value of the K parameter was > available outputs. This behavior has changed in TIA Portal V13 SP1. In the TIA Portal V13 SP1, if you specify at the K parameter a value that is outside the available outputs (K < 0 or K > available outputs), then the value of the IN input parameter is output at the OUTELSE output parameter. Instructions "READ_DBL: Read from data block in the load memory" and "WRIT_DBL: Write to data block in the load memory" TIA Portal V13 SP1 reports a compilation error if you use "READ_DBL" V1.0 or "WRIT_DBL" V1.0 and access a data block with the attribute "Only store in load memory" using the parameter DSTBLK. Instead, use version 1.2 of both instructions. "READ_DBL instructions: Read from data block in the load memory" and "WRIT_DBL: Write to data block in the load memory" (SCL) As of TIA Portal V13 SP1, the "READ_DBL" and "WRIT_DBL" instruction in SCL are subject to the same strict syntax rules as all other programming languages: In TIA Portal V13, it was possible to specify "standard" data blocks at the SRCBLK and DSTBLK parameters that contained tags with different data types. As of TIA Portal V13 SP1, the individual tags contained must have the same data type for both "standard" as well as for "optimized" data blocks; otherwise, compiling errors are reported. 80 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic Function values (Return) As of TIA Portal V13 SP1, more stringent syntax rules apply to function call: It is checked that the function value (Return) is written in any case, even if multiple possible program paths can be run through in the function. Therefore, there is no longer any risk that the function values will accidentally not be written during runtime. However, you may possibly receive syntax errors in functions during compiling, which it was still possible to compile without errors in V13. In such cases change the program code so that the function valve is written in all possible program paths. Example: SCL IF #MyIn1 = #MyIn2 THEN #Block_3 := #MyIn1 + 1; END_IF; In this example, the function value of "Block_3" is not written if the condition of the IF instruction is not fulfilled. The function value then contains an undefined value. SCL #Block_3 := #MyIn1; IF #MyIn1 = #MyIn2 THEN #Block_3 := #MyIn1 + 1; END_IF; In this example the function valve of "Block_3" is definitely written in the program, since "MyIn1" is set as default before the IF loop is completed. Comparing the hardware data types HW_IO and HW_DEVICE As of TIA Portal V13 SP1, there is a stricter syntax rule that is valid for the comparison of the data types HW_IO and HW_DEVICE: Up until and including TIA Portal V13 it was possible to compare the data types HW_IO and HW_DEVICE directly with each other. If you want to compare these data types in TIA Portal V13 SP1 you have to first create a tag of the data type HW_ANY in the section "Temp" for the block interface and then copy the LADDR (from data type HW_DEVICE) to the tag. It is then possible to compare HW_ANY and HW_IO. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 81 Readme 3.2 STEP 7 Basic EN/ENO mechanism for STRING conversion Conversion Description Strg_TO_Chars: Convert character string to Array of CHAR The ENO enable output returns the signal state "0" even if you have deactivated the ENO enable out put: For an invalid character at the CHARS parameter For an invalid ARRAY index at the PCHARS parameter If the sum of the PCHARS and STRG parameters exceeds the length of the target ARRAY. Chars_TO_Strg: Convert Array of CHAR to char acter string The ENO enable output returns the signal state "0" even if you have deactivated the ENO enable out put: If the sum of the PCHARS and CNT parameters exceeds the length of the source ARRAY. 3.2.5 Inter Project Engineering (IPE) Notes on IPE Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. Using system diagnostics in the device proxy To use the "system diagnostics" function in an IPE device proxy, for example, a system diagnostics view, insert the PLC alarms as content of a device proxy. 3.2.6 Technological functions Notes on technological functions (S7-1200) S7-1200 Motion Control - variable .StatusBits.NonPositionControlled Contrary to the information in the online help, the content of the variable .StatusBits.NonPositionControlled has the following significance: 82 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Position control enabled FALSE = The axis is in position-controlled mode. TRUE = The axis is in non-position-controlled mode. S7-1200 Motion Control - Data connection for PROFIdrive drives and PROFIdrive encoders through a data block Compile the data block for the data connection before you use it in the configuration of the axes. The required offset addresses are calculated this way. S7-1200 Motion Control - "ReferenceMarkPosition" parameter at MC_Home The "ReferenceMarkPosition" parameter shows the position at which the technology object was homed (homing mark), valid for "Done" = TRUE. However, in TIA Portal V14 (S7-1200 Motion Control V6.0), the "ReferenceMarkPosition" parameter shows the position at which the technology object was homed (homing mark), plus the configured home position offset (.Sensor[n].ActiveHoming.HomePositionOffset). If you configure a home position offset 0.0, you cannot use the "ReferenceMarkPosition" parameter of the "MC_Home" Motion Control instruction. PtP module with CM 1243-5 PROFIBUS Master You have to make the following settings in the instance DB of the instructions when using the PtP modules CM PtP RS232 BA, CM PtP RS422/485 BA, CM PtP RS232 HF, CM PtP RS422/485 HF and CM PtP with a CM 1243-5 PROFIBUS Master with firmware V1.3.4: Send_P2P max_record_len = 240 Modbus_Master Send_P2P.max_record_len = 240 Modbus_Slave Send_P2P.max_record_len = 240 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced 3.3.1 Security information Security information Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 83 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement - and continuously maintain - a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens' products and solutions only form one element of such a concept. Customer is responsible to prevent unauthorized access to its plants, systems, machines and networks. Systems, machines and components should only be connected to the enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent necessary and with appropriate security measures (e.g. use of firewalls and network segmentation) in place. Additionally, Siemens' guidance on appropriate security measures should be taken into account. For more information about industrial security, please visit ( en/industrial-security/Pages/Default.aspx) Siemens' products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure. Siemens strongly recommends to apply product updates as soon as available and to always use the latest product versions. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and failure to apply latest updates may increase customer's exposure to cyber threats. To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed under ( en/industrial-security/Pages/Default.aspx) Passwords Various passwords are set by default in WinCC. For security reasons, you should change these passwords. On HMI devices with version V11 or V12, the password "100" is preset for the Sm@rtServer and for the integrated Web server. A default password is not preset for HMI devices with version V13. For the user "Administrator", the default password is "administrator". Integrated Web server It is always possible on a PC to access HTML pages in Runtime, even though the option"HTML pages" is disabled. Setup always installs the standard pages of the Web Server on the PC. Assign an administrator password to prevent unauthorized access to the pages. Communication via Ethernet In Ethernet-based communication, end users themselves are responsible for the security of their data network. The proper functioning of the device cannot be guaranteed in all circumstances; targeted attacks, for example, can lead to overload of the device. 84 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Use of SSL 3.0 For security reasons, the use of the protocol SSL 3.0 is not recommended. The use of the protocol SSL 3.0 is disabled by default on Comfort Panels. If you nevertheless wish to activate the use of SSL 3.0, select the option "Use SSL 3.0" in Internet Explorer or in "Start Center > Settings" under "Internet options > Advanced". For RT Advanced, the use of SSL 3.0 can be disabled in Internet Explorer or in the Control Panel under "Internet Options > Advanced" by deactivating the "Use SSL 3.0" option. Network settings The following tables show the network settings of each product which you need in order to analyze the network security and for the configuration of external firewalls: WinCC Advanced (without simulation) Name Port num Transport ber protocol Direction Function Description ALM 4410* TCP Inbound, Outbound License service This service provides the complete functionali ty for software licenses and is used by both the Automation License Manager as well as all li cense-related software products. HMI Load 1033 TCP Outbound HMI Load (RT Basic) This service is used to transmit images and configuration data to Basic Panels. HMI Load 2308 TCP Outbound HMI Load (RT Advanced) This service is used to transmit images and configuration data to panels. * Default port that can be changed by user configuration WinCC Simulation for Basic Panels Name Port num Transport ber protocol Direction Function Description HMI Load 1033 TCP Inbound HMI Load (RT Basic) This service is used to transmit images and configuration data to Basic Panels. EtherNet/IP 44818 TCP Outbound Ethernet/IP channel The Ethernet/IP protocol is used for connec tions to Allen Bradley PLCs. 2222 UDP Inbound Ethernet/IP channel The Ethernet/IP protocol is used for connec tions to Allen Bradley PLCs. Modbus TCP 502 TCP Outbound Modbus TCP channel The Modbus TCP protocol is used for connec tions to Schneider PLCs. RFC 1006 102 TCP Outbound S7 channel Communication with the S7 controller via Ethernet/PROFINET Mitsubishi MC 5002 TCP Outbound Mitsubishi MC channel The Mitsubishi protocol is used for connections to Mitsubishi PLCs. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 85 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced WinCC Simulation for Panels and Runtime Advanced Name Port num Transport ber protocol Direction Function Description DCP --- Ethernet Outbound PROFINET The DCP protocol (Discovery and basic Con figuration Protocol) is used by PROFINET and provides the basic functionality for locating and configuring PROFINET devices. LLDP --- Ethernet Inbound, Outbound PROFINET The LLDP protocol (Link Layer Discover Proto col) is used by PROFINET for topology detec tion. SMTP 25 TCP Outbound SMTP Communication This service is used by WinCC Runtime Ad vanced to send e-mails. HTTP 80* TCP Inbound Sm@rtServer The Web server is only available when Sm@rtService is activated. The used port may differ depending on automatically selected set tings. RFC 1006 102 TCP Outbound S7 channel Communication with the S7 controller via Ethernet/PROFINET NTP 123 UDP Outbound Time synchroni zation The NTP protocol (Network Time Protocol) is used for time synchronization in IP-based net works. SNMP 161 UDP Outbound PROFINET The SNMP client functionality is used by STEP 7 to read status information from PROFINET devices. HMI Load 2308 TCP Outbound HMI Load (RT Advanced) This service is used to transmit images and configuration data to panels. HTTPS 443* TCP Inbound Sm@rtServer The Web server with HTTPS protocol is only available when Sm@rtService is activated. The used port may differ depending on auto matically selected settings. VNC server 5900* TCP Inbound Sm@rtServer This service is only available when Sm@rtSer vice is activated. 5800* TCP Inbound Sm@rtServer This service is only available when Sm@rtSer vice is activated. 5500 TCP Outbound Sm@rtServer This service is only available when Sm@rtSer vice is activated. VNC client * Default port that can be changed by user configuration PROFINET protocols for Panels and Runtime Advanced Name Port num Transport ber protocol Direction Function Description DCP --- Outbound Lifelist, PROFINET Dis covery and con figuration The DCP protocol (Discovery and basic Con figuration Protocol) is used by PROFINET and provides the basic functionality for locating and configuring PROFINET devices. PROFINET Link Layer Discovery protocol The LLDP protocol (Link Layer Discover Proto col) is used by PROFINET for topology detec tion. LLDP 86 --- Ethernet Ethernet Inbound, Outbound WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced PROFINET protocols for Panels and Runtime Advanced MRP --- Ethernet Outbound PROFINET me dium redundan cy The MRP protocol (Medium redundancy proto col) enables control of redundant transmission paths using a ring topology. PROFINET IO Data --- Ethernet Inbound, Outbound PROFINET Cy clic IO data transfer Cyclic data exchange is used by panels for di rect keys and LEDs. NARE --- Ethernet Inbound, Outbound Name Address Resolution This protocol is used to resolve network names and assign IP addresses. UDP Inbound, Outbound PROFINET con The PROFINET Context Manager provides an nection less endpoint mapper in order to establish an appli RPC cation relation (PROFINET AR). PROFINET Con 34964 text Manager Communication connections for Panels and WinCC Runtime Advanced Name Port num Transport ber protocol Direction Function Description Telnet 23 TCP Inbound Telnet This service can be used for maintenance. SMTP ** TCP Outbound SendEMail This service is used by Windows CE / PC Run time to send e-mails. HTTP 80* TCP Inbound Hypertext Transfer Proto col The HTTP protocol is used for communication with the internal Web server. RFC 1006 ** TCP Outbound S7 channel Communication with the S7 controller via Ethernet/PROFINET. HMI Load 102 TCP Inbound Transfer This service is used to transmit images, Run time, and configuration data to the panel via PN/IE NTP ** UDP Outbound Time synchroni zation The NTP protocol (Network Time Protocol) is used for time synchronization in IP-based net works. DCOM*** 135 TCP Inbound OPC server This service is a component of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Communication via OPC (DA) is based on DCOM. This service is therefore required to initialize OPC (DA) con nections. DCOM*** ** TCP Outbound OPC server The communication via OPC (DA) is based on DCOM and uses unspecified ports assigned by the system. This should be taken into consid eration when using OPC (DA) and creating rules for the firewall. NetBIOS over TCP/IP ** UDP Outbound With the use of Remote File Share Register / log on to a remote server. NetBIOS over TCP/IP ** UDP Outbound With the use of Remote File Share Register / log on to a remote server. SNMP 161 UDP Inbound Simple Network Management Protocol The SNMP client functionality is used by STEP 7 to read status information from PROFINET devices. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 87 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Communication connections for Panels and WinCC Runtime Advanced HTTPS 443* TCP Inbound Secure Hyper text Transfer Protocol The HTTP protocol is used for communication with the panel-internal Web server via Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Modbus TCP ** TCP Outbound Modbus TCP channel The Modbus TCP protocol is used for connec tions to Schneider PLCs. Mitsubishi MC ** TCP Outbound Mitsubishi MC channel The Mitsubishi protocol is used for connections to Mitsubishi PLCs. Printing ** TCP Outbound Printing Printing on the control panel (via Ethernet). HMI Load 2308 TCP Inbound Transfer This service is used to transmit images and configuration data to panels. On Comfort Pan els, this service has been replaced by Device Manager and SCS as of V13. This service is used to transmit configuration data to WinCC Runtime Advanced. HMI Load 50523 TCP Inbound Transfer This port is used if port 2308 is not available. This service is used to transmit images and configuration data to panels. On Comfort Pan els, this service has been replaced by Device Manager and SCS as of V13. This service is used to transmit configuration data to WinCC Runtime Advanced. ALM 4410* TCP Inbound, Outbound Application Li cense Manager This service of RT Advanced makes available the complete functionalities for software licen ses and is used by the Automation License Manager. OPC UA 4870* TCP Inbound OPC UA server This service is required for communication via OPC UA. HMI Load 5001 TCP Inbound Device Manager This service is used to transmit images and Runtime to panels. HMI Load 5002 TCP Inbound SCS (System Configuration Server) This service is used to transmit configuration data to panels. VNC client 5500 TCP Inbound Sm@rtServer Reverse VNC server connection. Receive mode is set for the VNC client. VNC server 5800* TCP Inbound Sm@rtServer VNC server connection HTTP 5900* TCP Inbound Sm@rtServer VNC server connection SIMATIC Logon ** TCP Outbound UMAC (User Register / log on to a remote server. Management to the Access Con trol) Allen Bradley Ethernet IP ** TCP Outbound Ethernet/IP channel Reserved 49152 ... 65535 TCP/UDP Outbound The Ethernet/IP protocol is used for connec tions to Allen Bradley PLCs. Dynamic port range is used, for example, to connect to the remote file sharing. * Default port that can be changed by user configuration ** Port is assigned automatically. *** Supported by WinCC Runtime Advanced only. 88 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced 3.3.2 News News about the TIA Portal You can learn about the latest news about various topic areas of the TIA Portal in Siemens Industry Online Support. All news concerning WinCC can be found here: News ( WW/view/en/88360672) 3.3.3 Notes on use Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. Virus scanners during installation Virus scanners should be disabled during the installation of WinCC. Change in response after upgrading The new WinCC version contains new features and improvements as compared to the previous version. The new version may therefore demonstrate slight differences in the names or the response of properties and functions after the upgrade. Unlike in previous versions, the standard properties of newly created objects can also be changed. These differences in response may lead to errors when compiling the project. Working with styles Please note that the system styles are reset to the default style "WinCC Dark" after upgrading the project to V14. To restore the system style that you had set before upgrading the project, follow these steps: 1. Open the Runtime settings of the HMI device. 2. Select the desired system style under "Style of the HMI device". Compatibility with WinCC V13 In WinCC V14, it is not possible to save the project in the WinCC V13 format. Working with standard user rights If you are working with standard user rights in Windows 7, "User Account Control (UAC)" must not be disabled. The "User Account Control" is enabled in Windows 7 by default. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 89 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced For more information on the "User Account Control", refer to the online help for Windows 7. Screen keyboard Once you have opened the TIA Portal, you can no longer call the screen keyboard. To call the on-screen keyboard in Windows, use the following command: "Start > All Programs > Accessories > Ease of Access > On-screen keyboard". Specifying the time of modification in the overview window The times of modification displayed in the overview window only refer to changes to the object itself. Changes to subordinate objects, e.g. screen objects in a screen, do not cause the time of the last change to the screen to change in the overview window. Reports with Asian character sets on Windows CE devices If Asian characters sets are displayed in an illegible manner in a report on a Windows CE device, you must change the character sets for the objects in the report. it is sufficient to change to a different character set and then reset the original character set. File browser on a Windows 8 PC with touch screen You can only operate the file browser dialog with a mouse, keyboard or on-screen keyboard (without using the touch function) on a Windows 8 PC with touch screen. We recommend using the file browser dialog of the Windows operating system with the help of a script on a touch screen PC with Windows 8. Compatibility of WinCC V14 with SCOUT TIA WinCC V14 is not compatible with SCOUT TIA versions lower than V4.5. Version V4.5 will be released soon. Global library A global library cannot be updated as a whole. Only individual folders can be updated within a library. 3.3.4 Migration Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. 90 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Project languages in WinCC WinCC V14 does not support all project languages that were available in WinCC flexible, such as Arabic. If you receive an empty project as the result of your migration, you may want to check the set editing language. Do not set the project languages that are not supported as editing language in the source project. Proceed as follows: 1. Open the project with WinCC flexible. 2. Change the editing language to English, for example. 3. Save the project. 4. Restart the migration. Migrating an integrated project with ProTool objects The "PROTOOL option package(s) missing in STEP 7" error message output during migration of a WinCC flexible project that is integrated in STEP 7 indicates that WinCC flexible 2008 SP3 is installed on your system. Moreover, the project still contains objects that were configured using ProTool. Do not open the project with WinCC flexible 2008 SP3! To migrate the project, proceed as follows: 1. Open the project in the SIMATIC Manager. 2. Execute the "Save as" command in the "File" menu. 3. Enable the option "With reorganization" in the "Save project as" dialog. 4. Click OK. 5. Copy the project back to the original computer. 6. Restart the migration. Migrating a WinCC V7 project: Border line of rectangles In a WinCC V7 project, you have configured a rectangle with the settings "Line weight = 1" and "Draw insider border = yes". Migrate the WinCC V7 project to WinCC V14. To have the rectangle displayed correctly, follow these steps. 1. Open the Inspector window of the rectangle. 2. Open the property list. 3. Disable "Widen border line inwards". Progress bar As long as the progress bar still shows a value of 100%, the software is still busy running remaining tasks such as the closing of references. The software will not respond to user input while this status is given. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 91 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Migrating projects from WinCC V7 In TIA Portal V13, you can continue to use projects from WinCC V7.2 after migration. Projects from earlier WinCC versions cannot be migrated directly to WinCC TIA Portal version V13. If you wish to continue using such projects in TIA Portal V13, you must first migrate them to the WinCC V7.2 Classic page. To do so, use WinCC V7.2 with the latest update. Supported project languages in WinCC V7 Due to different Windows DotNet versions, there may be different names in WinCC V7 and the TIA Portal within the same language. This may result in different sorting orders in the same project. The following table shows some examples with English spelling: WinCC V7.x TIA Portal Bengali (Bangladesh) Bangla (Bangladesh) Bengali (India) Bangla (India) Chinese (Simplified, PRC) Chinese (People's Republic of China) Chinese (Simplified, Singapore) Chinese (Singapore) Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong S.A.R) Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R) Chinese (Traditional, Macao S.A.R) Chinese (Macao S.A.R) Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) Chinese (Taiwan) French (Monaco) French (Principality of Monaco) Oriya (India) Odia (India) Sami (Inari, Finland) Sami, Inari (Finland) Sami (Skolt, Finland) Sami, Skolt (Finland) Sami, Northern (Norway)$Sami Sami, Northern (Norway) Spanish (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) Spanish (Venezuela) Spanish (Spain, Traditional Sort) Spanish (Spain) Spanish (Spain, International Sort) Spanish (Spain) Yakut (Russia) Sakha (Russia) 3.3.5 Engineering System Screens and Screen Objects Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. 92 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Screen objects after HMI device replacement If you upgrade a device to the new HMI device versions, you should check the screens contained in the project. Because of the new appearance and improved operability, texts of symbolic I/O fields may not be completely legible and may be concealed by operator controls. Grouping of screen objects When you group screen objects in WinCC, performance problems can arise in WinCC in the case of large nesting depths. ActiveX and .NET controls ActiveX and .NET controls are always positioned in the foreground in runtime. The configuration of ActiveX and .NET controls on levels is not supported. Use of bitmaps as icons In Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, the use of bitmaps with a size of 48x48 pixels and a color depth of 32 bits as icons is not supported. Border line of rectangles In a WinCC V7 project, you have configured a rectangle with the settings "Line weight = 1" and "Draw insider border = yes". You then migrate the WinCC V7 project to WinCC V12. To have the rectangle displayed correctly, follow these steps. 1. Open the Inspector window of the rectangle. 2. Open the property list. 3. Disable "Widen border line inwards". Border line of "Graphic I/O field" object In WinCC V14, the dynamization of the border line of the "Graphic I/O field" object in "Two states" mode has no effect during runtime. Dynamization of instances of a faceplate type in a group You are using the instance of a faceplate type in an object group. The properties of the instance are also displayed as properties of the group. Any dynamization with tags, scripts or animations of the group is not displayed in Runtime. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 93 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Preview in screen window You use your own designs with shadows for screen objects. The screen objects can be displayed in a screen window. The shadows of the screen objects are not displayed in the preview of the screen window. The response occurs only in the engineering system. It is displayed correctly in Runtime. Many visually different screen objects The use of screen objects with many visually different properties (e.g. many different styles) can reduce performance in runtime and can increase the amount of available memory space used. Avoid using, for example, very many different corner radii: 0 pixel, 1 pixel, 2 pixels, 3 pixels, etc. Dynamization of grouped objects (RT Professional) For groupings with multiple nestings (group in group, faceplate in group, group in faceplate, etc.), only the events of the outermost group and the innermost objects can be used for dynamization with system functions. System functions that are configured at events of the lower-level group or lower-level faceplate are not executed. Number of characters in text fields, lists and alarm texts The number of characters that can be used in the text of a screen object is not constant. Control instructions and formatting are taken into consideration when entering text data and the maximum number of characters is reduced accordingly. Transparency in WinCC as of V13 Transparent graphics can be displayed without any problems in Runtime. This is true for all Comfort Panels and WinCC Runtime Advanced as of version 13.0. To use the transparency in a graphic view or in a graphic I/O field, the "Fill pattern" property must be set to "Transparent" and the property "Use transparent color" must be disabled. If the property "Use transparent color" is enabled in a device as of version 13.0, the transparency of the graphic is lost and the transparent pixels are displayed in black. We recommend that you check the "Use transparent color" property at the points of use of transparent graphics after upgrading existing projects to device version 13.0 or higher. If the graphics are not displayed correctly, disable this property. Displaying SIMOTION PLC websites in the HTML browser If the SIMOTION PLC websites are not displayed correctly in the HTML browser, insert ""/ basic"" after the website URL to display the websites in basic mode. Display differences between the configuration and the display on the HMI device The display of the text configured in a screen object may be different on the HMI device due to the display configuration. If you are using the options for automatic size adjustment in the configuration, check the display on your HMI device in every language. 94 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced If texts that were configured with the "Fit object to contents" option cannot be displayed in full, they are reduced slightly on the HMI device. If this reduction leads to a distorted display of texts, disable the "Fit object to contents" option and expand the text with additional blanks. Optionally, you can increase the width of the object or use a shorter formulation for the text. Exporting and importing function keys Function keys are synchronized during the import. If a function key is created in the global screen and the key is empty in the screen, the corresponding function key will use the global definition in all screens. If you want to disable the global use of function keys after the import, define empty keys in the screens and import the screen types in the following order: Global screen, templates, screens. If you want to ensure when exporting the screens that the global definition of a function key is not used by the template or by the global screen, create an empty function key in the screen. Select the required function key in the screen, then enable the "Use global assignment" property and disable it again. Corner radius of the "Symbolic I/O field" object The "corner radius" property is not available for a symbolic I/O field on Comfort Panels or RT Advanced. The corner radius that you specify for the "Symbolic I/O field" object in the style editor has no effect in the screen editor for these target systems. PLC Code Viewer The following data types are not supported by the PLC Code Viewer: Date and time: DATE, TOD, LTOD, DT, LDT Characters: CHAR, WCHAR, STRING Complete DTL structures are not supported. Only single elements of DTL structures are supported. Jump from a monitoring alarm to the PLC code view For the jump from a monitoring alarm to the PLC code view, the instance name must conform to the following naming convention _DB when using supported local operands in a function block. Note: The jump to a function or an organization block is only possible if only global operands are used. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 95 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced The following restrictions apply to viewing upstream networks: The upstream network must not contain any tags from the Temp or InOut section of an FB. The following data types may not be used for tags: - STRING - WSTRING - CHAR - WCHAR - S5TIME No array element may be used with a tag to be used as an index. Only bit slicing is supported for slice access. Special features: Operands and UDTs Operands that are declared in the "#Temp" or "#InOut" area are generally not supported by the PLC code view. This applies both to elementary data types and to data types that are contained in UDTs. Data types of a UDT can be declared in the "#In" and "#Out" area and displayed in the PLC code view. The same limitations as for elementary data types apply to the data types of the UDT. Faceplates for Runtime Advanced When configuring styles at the faceplate type, the "Use style/design" property has to be available in the interface before the "Style item design" property is used in the interface of the faceplate. Otherwise, the style at the instance of the faceplate is lost when the configuration is updated. GRAPH overview for Runtime Professional When upgrading to V14, the signature of the C function at the "Click" event is changed. The propertyName parameter from the previous versions has been removed. Functions that are able to access this parameter are shown as faulty after the upgrade. Updating faceplates with the UDTs of the type "IEC timer" The "ST" element was automatically removed from the user-defined PLC data types (UDT) that use the "IEC timer" data type. Adapt the faceplates containing these UDTs to a new version of the UDT without an ST element. A detailed description of this can be found in the FAQ with the entry ID "109740393" in the SIMATIC Customer Online Support. 96 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Dynamizing the value column in the table view (RT Professional) Note the following information about dynamizing the properties in the value column of a table view: The "ValueColumnName" property specifies the name of the selected value column. The "ValueColumnName" attribute can be dynamized with the "ValueColumnRename" attribute. The data type is STRING. The "ValueColumnRename" property changes the name of the value column referenced with the "ValueColumnIndex" attribute. The attribute can be dynamized with the "ValueColumnRename" name. With "ValueColumnRename" you also dynamize the "ValueColumnName" attribute. The data type is STRING. The "TimeColumnName" property specifies the name of the selected time column. The "TimeColumnName" attribute can be dynamized with the "TimeColumnRename" attribute. The data type is STRING. The "TimeColumnRename" property changes the name of the time column referenced with the "TimeColumnIndex" attribute. The attribute can be dynamized with the "TimeColumnRename" name. With "TimeColumnRename" you also dynamize the "TimeColumnName" attribute. The data type is STRING. See also ( 62101921) Tags and connections Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. Multiplexing tags on a Basic Panel If you multiplex a tag with an external tag on a Basic Panel, the address is read from the PLC in runtime during the first read cycle. The value of the address read is not available until the second read cycle. Tag names in faceplates Use of the "." or "@" character in names of tags in faceplate types is not permitted. Do not use these special characters in the tag names in faceplates. Tags with symbolic addressing and "Char Array" data type (RT Professional) Tags with symbolic addressing and the "WString" data type are not released for communication of RT Professional and SIMATIC S7-1200 V3. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 97 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Length specification for tags of the "String" type The length specification for the internal HMI tags of the "String" type have no effect in the "Tag" editor. If you want to limit the tag length of an input field or output field, for example, limit the length using VB scripting or C scripting. Tags under "Tag box ID" The tag that you configure under "Tag box ID" with "Runtime Settings > General" may only be used in read-only mode. No values may be written in this tag, however, they may be read in scripts, for example, or output to screens. Array elements in WinCC If you have connected an HMI tag with an array from a STEP 7 data block which does not start with a low limit of 0, the array elements are mapped in WinCC to the low limit of 0. To ensure that you do not have to rethink between the STEP 7 indices and the WinCC indices when accessing the individual array elements, the low limits of arrays should also start at 0 in STEP 7. Duration of the initialization of historical data Initialization of the archives on some storage media can take up to 5 minutes. The successful completion of initialization is confirmed by a system message once it has been completed. If there a lack of any storage medium for archiving when Runtime starts, the appearance of the system message can also take up to 5 minutes. PLC user data types When you access an element of a PLC user data type in a tag table via the object list instead of the name of the PLC tags, the name THIS is inserted. You must replace this label with the name of the PLC tag. Alarm system and alarm displays Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product properties. Tags in alarm texts of Runtime Advanced Tags of data type WChar or WString cannot be displayed in the alarm view in Runtime Advanced. 98 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Boolean tags in alarm logs Bool type tags are recognized as 0 and -1 in the alarm log. If you use a text list that is controlled by a tag of the type Bool in an alarm log, then add the entry for the value -1 to the corresponding text list. Duration of the initialization of historical data Initialization of the archives on some storage media can take up to 5 minutes. The successful completion of initialization is confirmed by a system message once it has been completed. If there a lack of any storage medium for archiving when Runtime starts, the appearance of the system message can also take up to 5 minutes. PLC alarms A PLC alarm is only visible in the "Alarm" editor of an HMI device when the FB calls for this alarm have been invoked in an OB. System functions and scripts Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. Runtime error on startup on TP 277 and OP 277 At the start of the runtime on a TP 277 or OP 277, the error "Global unknown error with VBScript: 'Expected statement' in script ..." can be reported. This error is triggered on devices with the Windows CE 3.0 operating system by user functions of the following type: Sub VBFunction_1() With HmiRuntime.Screens("Screen_1").ScreenItems("Button_1") .backcolor = vbred .visible = not .visible End With End Sub If the error occurs, you need to re-program the user function as follows: Sub VBFunction_1() HmiRuntime.Screens("Screen_1").ScreenItems("Button_1").backcolor = vbred HmiRuntime.Screens("Screen_1").ScreenItems("Button_1").visible = not .visible End Sub WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 99 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Scripts for service projects Since no interactive user is usually logged in service projects, C scripts and VB scripts lead to problems in the following cases: When the scripts require interaction, for example, operator input. When the scripts show message boxes. There is no common data area for C scripting in service mode. Thus, for example, no global C variables can be exchanged between the "Scheduled tasks" and "Screens". Find and Replace in local scripts in WinCC Professional Use the "Find and Replace" function to find and replace texts within editors. It is not possible to use Find and Replace in local scripts. Block version for the "ActivatePLCCodeView" system function (Comfort Panels and RT Advanced) The version of the GRAPH block must be at least V3.0 for the jump into the GRAPH sequencer via the "ActivatePLCCodeView" system function. Properties no longer used in Comfort Panels and RT Advanced In WinCC V13, many new visual properties have been introduced and many existing properties have been harmonized. In the course of revision of the object properties, some properties that could be used in VB scripts in earlier versions of WinCC are no longer supported for use in WinCC V13. Scripts that use properties that are no longer supported remain valid, but the relevant calls within the scripts have no function. These limitations pertain exclusively to Comfort Panels and RT Advanced in device version V13.0. The following table shows the properties of screen objects that are no longer being used: Property Screen object BorderBrightColor3D Slider BorderColor Text field, I/O field, symbolic I/O field, date/time field BorderInnerWidth3D Slider BorderOuterWidth3D Slider BorderShadeColor3D Slider BorderStyle3D Text field, I/O field, button, symbolic I/O field, graphic I/O field, date/time field, bar, switch BorderWidth Text field, symbolic I/O field CenterColor Gauge DialColor Gauge EdgeStyle Text field, I/O field 100 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Debugging VB scripts You can use the "Debug" object to enter custom texts in a debugger. The object has the methods "Write" and "WriteLine". You can find additional information about the "Debug" object on the Internet ( You can use the "Err" object to respond to error messages that are generated by another object. The object has the methods "Raise" and "Clear". You can find additional information about the "Err" object on the Internet (https:// Transferring parameters to VBScripts (Panels and RT Advanced) In WinCC, you can define whether the parameters of VB scripts "ByRef" (address of the parameter) or "ByVal" (value of the parameter) are transferred. Transferring the address of the parameter using "ByRef" (Call by Reference) is possible only for the internal tags of the VB script. With HMI tags, the value of the parameter is always transferred regardless of whether the parameter was defined as "ByRef" or as "ByVal". Accessing the "Height" and "Width" properties of some VBS objects in runtime Contrary to what is described in the help, you have read access to the "Height" and "Width" properties for the following VBS objects: AlarmView, Bar, BatteryView, Button, CameraControl, Clock, DateTimeField, FunctionTrendControl, Gauge, GraphicIOField, GraphicView, HTMLBrowser, IOField, Line, MediaPlayer, PDFView, PLCCodeViewer, Polygon, Polyline, ProDiagOverview, ProtectedAreaNameView, RangeLabelView, RangeQualityView, RecipeView, S7GraphOverview, Slider, SmartClientView, StatusForce, Switch, SymbolicIOField, SymbolLibrary, SysDiagControl, TextField, TrendView, UserView, WLanQualityView, ZoneLabelView, ZoneQualityView You can find additional information on the VBS object model in the FAQ with entry ID "53752382" in the SIMATIC Customer Online Support: Reports Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 101 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Recipes Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. Arrays in recipe elements If you have configured both an array as well as the elements of this array for recipe elements of a recipe, the loading of data records aborts with the following error message: "290055: Import of data records aborted with error" Use either the array or just the array elements for recipe elements of a single recipe. Saving recipes on Comfort Panels Recipes should be preferably saved on the SD card rather than in the built-in flash memory. User administration Contents Information that could no longer be included in the online help and important information about product features. Communication Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. Connection interruptions with Mitsubishi PLCs After multiple connection interruptions, a situation may arise where all the connection resources of the Mitsubishi PLC are in use and the connection can no longer be established. We recommend that you check these connection resources in the PLC program of the controller and enable them again. Limited number of possible HMI connections An error message is displayed during compilation of a device indicating that the configuration of the HMI connection in the "Devices & Networks" editor is invalid. The reason may be that the maximum number of possible connections of the HMI device or PLC has been exceeded. 102 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Check the maximum number of available connections. Consult the device manuals of the devices you are using. Use of PROFINET IO with panel HMI devices When using PROFINET IO to connect the direct keys and LEDs of HMI devices to the PLC, you can define an offset for the address area of the inputs and outputs during configuration in HW Config. The following restriction applies when a PROFINET IO-capable S7-400 CPU is used with one of the HMI devices listed below: The offset for the start of the address area of the inputs must not be greater than the offset for the start of the address area of the outputs. The restriction applies to the following HMI devices: OP 177B OP 277 Mobile Panel 177 To configure the address parameters, open the PLC that contains the CPU of the 400 series in HW Config. Select the HMI device that is connected via PROFINET IO from the station window of HW Config. A table with the properties of the HMI device is displayed at the bottom of the station window in the detail view. Select the line containing the addresses of the HMI device in the table and open the object properties using the shortcut menu. Enable the "Addresses" tab in the "Object properties" dialog. Configure the offset for the inputs under "Inputs > Start". Configure the offset for the outputs under "Outputs > Start". RT Advanced communication via Station Manager (SIMATIC NET) with an S7-1200 For communication of a SIMATIC S7-1200 with a PC with WinCC RT Advanced via a router, the following restrictions apply to the PC: Windows 7: Only with installed SIMATIC NET 8.1 Windows XP: Communication via Station Manager (SIMATIC NET) is not supported These restrictions also apply if you are using WinAC MP or Station Manager. Connections with the help of the Station Manager of Runtime Advanced are always treated as routed connections. Communication between S7-1200 and a multi panel Communication between an S7-1200 and a multi panel with the "WinAC MP" option installed via ProSave is not possible. The HMI devices affected are: SIMATIC MP 177 6" Touch SIMATIC MP 277 8" Touch SIMATIC MP 277 8" Key SIMATIC MP 277 10" Touch SIMATIC MP 277 10" Key WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 103 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced SIMATIC MP 377 12" Touch SIMATIC MP 377 12" Key SIMATIC MP 377 15" Touch SIMATIC MP 377 19" Touch HMI connections in WinCC V13 HMI connections to SIMATIC S7-1200 PLCs with firmware versions earlier than V2.0 are not possible in WinCC V13. Connections via PROFIBUS DP When a connection between a PLC and an HMI device via PROFIBUS DP is interrupted and then re-established, sporadically all other PROFIBUS DP connections in the communication network are interrupted and re-established. De-energize the disconnected station before reconnecting it. Switching a connection A connection may be interrupted when it is switched from an HMI device to a SIMATIC S7-300/400, to a SIMATIC S7-1500 or to a SIMATIC S7-1200 PLC. Note the following settings in the SIMATIC S7-1500 or SIMATIC S7-1200 controllers: Absolute addressing of tags The "Disable PUT-GET communication" option must be selected The "Complete protection" protection level may not be set RT Advanced in the Station Manager If RT Advanced and WinAC RTX use the same communication processor of a PC, HMI communication with SIMATIC S7-1200 and SIMATIC S7-1500 is not possible. Raw data communication in redundant projects Simatic.NET, Named Connections and various communication blocks, such as BSEND/BRCV, for example, can only be used to a limited extent in a redundantly configured PC station because the connection parameters for the redundant partner server cannot be configured. Non-integrated connection to a SIMATIC S7-1500 software controller A non-integrated connection between an HMI device and a SIMATIC S7-1500 software controller is not supported in WinCC. 104 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Transfer areas of the operating mode IO device and DP slave of the HMI devices If you have activated the operating mode "IO device" or "DP slave" for HMI devices, no transfer areas should be added or deleted in the properties of the HMI device. If you have inadvertently deleted or added a transfer area, disconnect and reconnect the controller. Getting diagnostics data by means of HMI devices In contrast to the description of diagnostics icons for modules and devices in the information system, the following icon has the meaning specified here for HMI devices: Icon Meaning No diagnostics data is available. PROFIEnergy communication To set up PROFIEnergy communication, contact Customer Support. Enabling/disabling a connection in Runtime (Basic 2nd Generation) Contrary to the description in the online help, the alarms of the respective controller are displayed after a connection is disabled. The system diagnostics for this controller is also available. 3.3.6 System-wide functions Contents Information that could no longer be included in the online help and important information about product features. Using system diagnostics in the device proxy To use the system diagnostics function in an IPE device proxy, for example, a system diagnostics view, insert the PLC alarms as content of a device proxy. Initialize device proxy with data from a V13 project You cannot initialize a device proxy with data from a V13 project in a project with the version V13 SP1. Upgrade the V13 source project to version V13 SP1 to initialize the device proxy in the target project with the data from the source project. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 105 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced 3.3.7 Compiling and loading Contents Information that could no longer be included in the online help and important information about product features. Compiling and loading If internal errors or warnings occur during compiling, compile the complete project using the command "Compile > Software (rebuild all)" in the shortcut menu of the HMI device. Before you start productive operation with your project, compile the entire project using the "Compile > Software (rebuild all)" command from the shortcut menu of the HMI device. If you are using HMI tags that are connected to control tags in your project, compile all modified blocks with the command "Compile > Software" in the shortcut menu before you compile the HMI device. Incorrect installation of ProSave If you receive an error message during installation of ProSave when loading data to a target device or maintenance of an HMI device, then you cannot remedy this error using the repair function of setup. Remove ProSave via the Control Panel. Then start setup and install the "ProSave" component again. Checking the address parameters During compilation of an HMI device in the project tree with the command "Compile > Software" in the shortcut menu, the address parameters of the HMI device, such as the IP address, will not be checked. If you want to ensure that the address parameters are checked as well, you will have to compile the HMI device using the "Compile" button in the "Devices & Networks" editor of the toolbar. Error message when downloading data to the PLC A panel and a PLC are connected and communicating with other. If a tag is accessed while downloading data from the panel to the PLC, an error message is displayed on the panel. Delayed reaction in the "Extended download to device" dialog If the settings in the "Extended download to device" dialog for "Type of the PG/PC interface" and "PG/PC interface" do not match the settings on the HMI device, this can result in the application not responding for up to a minute. 106 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Extended download with an S7-1200 and a Comfort Panel An S7-1200 PLC and a Comfort Panel are located in the same physical network as the PG/ PC. You open the "Extended download to device" dialog for the Comfort Panel. If you enable the option "Show all accessible devices", it may occur that the application stops responding. OP77A, OP73, TP177A: Loading projects When loading a project to an HMI device, it can happen that Runtime is not automatically ended, even though "Remote Transfers" is activated in the Panel. If this happens, stop Runtime and manually set the transfer mode on the HMI device. Project transfer via USB If you have connected more than one HMI device via USB to your configuration PC, project transfer is only possible to the last connected device. Comfort panels as of device version 13.0: Backing up data while loading projects If the transfer is interrupted for Comfort Panels with a device version 13.0 or higher, WinCC automatically ensures that no data is lost and that existing data is only deleted on the HMI device after complete transmission. Loading projects to a file The "Load project to file" functionality is only available in Runtime Advanced devices with version V13 or older. Displaying characters in transfer alarms If characters are not displayed correctly in the transfer alarms during transfers to HMI devices with the device version V12 or older, please check the region and language settings in Windows. Set the corresponding language under "Language for non-Unicode programs". Reducing the project size When compiling your HMI device, a message appears informing you that the size of your project is approaching the system limits for the corresponding HMI device. In this case, perform a complete compilation of the software to reduce the project size. To do this, use the command "Compile > Software (rebuild all)". See also (;EN-US; 224305) ( library/ms968493.aspx) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 107 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced 3.3.8 Runtime Notes on operation in Runtime Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. Focus in runtime If you have configured a low-contrast combination of focus color and border color in a V12 project, the focus may no longer be identifiable after changing the HMI device version in Runtime. Change one of the two colors. Language behavior - Layout of on-screen keyboard The layout of the on-screen keyboard is not switched when the runtime language changes. Tag values exceed the maximum length You enter a character string in a string tag via an I/O field. If the character string exceeds the configured number of tags, the character string will be shortened to the configured length. Empty alarm texts Runtime is running with a project. The project is saved on a network drive. In the event of interruptions to the network drive connection, Runtime may attempt to load alarm texts from the network drive. In the event of disconnection, the alarm window or the alarm view remains empty. To avoid this, copy the project to a local drive before the starting the project in Runtime. Large logs delay the ending of Runtime (Basic Panels 2nd Generation) When very large logs are used, ending Runtime can take a long time. Use segmented logs as an alternative to very large circular logs. Complete download in Service mode If you need to perform a "complete download" to the OS in Service mode from the engineering station, Runtime automatically stops and then starts again. The project is then no longer in Service mode. 108 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced In this state, the power supply is interrupted and WinCC Runtime no longer starts automatically on the OS. Remedy: 1. Switch the project manually to Service mode after you have performed the "complete download". 2. Close the project manually. 3. Enable Service mode. 4. Start Runtime again using the surrogate icon in the taskbar. Slow reaction of SmartServer The following programs may start and respond very slowly under Windows 7 and Windows 2008 servers: HMI TouchInputPC SmartServer: shortcut in the logon dialog The delay is caused by the callback for the Internet certificate validation. Remedy: You can find the following files on the product DVD under: Support\Windows7\CRL_Check or CD_RT\ Support\Windows7\CRL_Check\: DisableCRLCheck_LocalSystem.cmd DisableCRLCheck_CurrentUser.cmd 1. Run the "DisableCRLCheck_LocalSystem.cmd" file with administrator rights. Select the command "Run as administrator" from the shortcut menu of the file. 2. Reboot the PC. If the problem persists, follow these steps: 1. Double-click the file and run the "DisableCRLCheck_CurrentUser.cmd" file with user rights. 2. Reboot the PC. Note The callback for the certificate validation is disabled for all users or PCs. To restore the original state, perform the following files: RestoreDefaults_LocalSystem.cmd RestoreDefaults_CurrentUser.cmd You can find the files in the following directory of the product DVD: Support\Windows7\CRL_Check or CD_RT\Support\Windows7\CRL_Check\ WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 109 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Ending screensaver on the Sm@rtServer When the screensaver is active on the Sm@rtServer on the server HMI device, you require write access to the Sm@rtClient side in order to end the screen server on the server HMI device. Avoiding corrupt files during power failure If a power failure occurs in Windows systems while the WinCC system is active, files may be corrupt or destroyed. Operation with the NTFS file system provides better security. Secure, continuous operation is only ensured by using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Notes on operation of panels in Runtime Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. License transfer via S7USB You always need to run WinCC to transfer a license to a panel via S7USB. Using the mouse wheel in Runtime The use of the mouse wheel in Runtime is not supported on all panels. Basic Panels: Backup on the memory card of the PLC Create the backup file "A.psb" on the memory card of the PLC. An error, for example a connection break, occurs when creating the backup. This will create a corrupt file on the memory card of the PLC. Such a file has "~$" as prefix. Delete the file with the prefix "~$" if you want to save a backup again under the same name "A.psb". Basic Panels: Panel Data Storage and S7-1500F The "Panel Data Storage" PDS function cannot be used on Basic Panels in conjunction with S7-1500F when the password for the protection level "Full access incl. fail-safe" is used. "Panel Data Storage" function on Basic Panels The "Panel Data Storage" (PDS) function provided by Basic Panels is only supported by SIMATIC S7-1200 as of firmware V4.0 and SIMATIC S7-1500. For the PDS function, the panel must be connected directly with the CPU and must not be connected via the CP. 110 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Fonts with file extension ".ttx" The fonts with the file extension ".ttx" are available on all panels and Runtime Advanced and can be correctly displayed on all devices, for example, the "WinCC_flexible_smart" font. Notes on operation of Runtime Advanced Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. Starting Runtime Only WinCC Runtime V14 can be started in TIA Portal V14. WinCC Runtime V11.02, V12, V13, V13 SP1 or V14 can be simulated in TIA Portal V14. Authorization for starting Runtime On a computer running the 32-bit version of Windows 7, WinCC Runtime Professional or WinCC Runtime Advanced can only be started when a user is a member of the automatically created group "Siemens TIA Engineer". .Net-Controls in Runtime If you have incorporated a .Net control in your project as "Custom .Net control", you have to copy the files belonging to these controls to the installation directory of WinCC Runtime, e.g. "C:\ProgramFiles\Siemens\Automation\WinCC RT Advanced". Otherwise, the control cannot be loaded in Runtime. Disabling automatic checking for software updates If the Engineering System is installed together with Runtime on a PC, the operator gets notifications above software updates. For the system to run reliably on a multi-user system, the same software version must be installed on all PCs. It is possible to disable the automatic checking for software updates and to thus improve performance. To disable the automatic checking for software updates, go to "Settings > General > Software updates" and clear the "Check daily for updates" check box. Performance features of WinCC Runtime Advanced Contrary to the description in the help, the following applies in WinCC Runtime Advanced: Maximum number of tags in the project: 24576 Number of power tags: 128 ... 16384 Number of internal tags: 8192 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 111 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced 3.3.9 HMI devices Notes on HMI devices Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product features. If the PC goes into standby or hibernate mode while the transfer is in progress, the panel status after interruption of the transfer is not defined. Multi-key operation Unintentional actions can be triggered by multi-key operation: When you are using a key device, you cannot press more than two function keys at the same time. When you are using a touch device, a standard PC or a panel PC, you can only press one function key or button at the same time. HMI devices with high communication load S7 Diagnostics should be enabled if a Panel is assigned many connections to PLCs or other HMI devices. Otherwise, you will risk overload on the Panel. TS Adapter with Ethernet interface If an HMI device is connected via Ethernet and a TS adapter, it can not be reset to factory settings. Simulation with real PLC connection The access point used by the simulation is independent from the settings of the engineering system and can only be altered in the Control Panel with the "Setting PG/PC Interface" tool. If the PLC connection is terminated right after the start of the simulation with alarm 140001, you should check the access point used by the simulation with "Setting PG/PC Interface". 1. Double-click "Setting PG/PC Interface" in the Control Panel. A dialog opens. 2. Select "S7ONLINE" in the "Access point of application" field as standard for HMI. 3. Select the interface in the "Interface Parameter Assignment Used" area. 4. Exit the dialog "Setting PG/PC Interface" with OK Simulation of the Basic Panels Use an output field in an alarm text to output an external tag. The content of the output field will always be displayed with "0" during simulation. 112 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Upgrading Basic Panels to device version V12 Before you upgrade Basic Panels from device version V11 to device version V12, transfer the image of the V11 SP2 Update 5 or higher to the devices. In the "SIMATIC ProSave [OS Update]" dialog, select the setting "Reset to factory settings". In this way, you always start a functional update of the image. Affected devices: KP300 Basic mono PN KP400 Basic color PN KTP400 Basic color PN Basic Panels 2nd Generation Basic Panels 2nd Generation support the Sm@rtServer option. If you are not using a USB hub, select the USB port USB_X60.1 as storage path. HMI devices with operating system Windows CE 5.0 or higher Owing to a modified client-server communication security setting, the time difference between the HMI device (client) and PC (server) must not exceed 1 day. If you back up recipe data from the HMI device on a network drive, for example, make sure that the time is set correctly on the PC (server) and the HMI device (client). Floating point numbers on MP 277, MP 377, TP 177B 4'' and CP4 Only floating point numbers in the range from 10-293 ... 10+307 are displayed correctly on the HMI devices MP 277, MP 377, TP 177B 4'' and CP4. If the tag value is outside this range, it is displayed as 0. Restrictions for the HMI device, MP 377 15" Touch daylight readable The following functions are not supported in WinCC V12 for the MP 377 15" Touch daylight readable HMI device: Option: Sm@rtServer System function: SetAndGetBrightness Direct keys Connection switch in the Control Panel with Basic Panels If you use the "Override protected connection information" function, the following restriction applies: You cannot perform a connection switch in the Control Panel of a Basic Panel from a PLC without a protection level to a PLC with a "Complete protection" level. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 113 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Mobile Panel Communication between fail-safe Mobile Panel and a S7-1200F is not possible with V14.0 and will not be enabled until a later update. Mobile Panels 277F IWLAN Mobile Panels 277F IWLAN are approved for use with CPUs of the type S7-1500F with WinCC V13 SP1 Update 4. If this connection is not established automatically after the panel is switched on or after a failsafe connection to a CPU S7-1500F is interrupted, a STOP/RUN transition needs to be performed on the CPU. Affected MLFBs: 6AV6645-0EB01-0AX1 6AV6645-0EC01-0AX1 6AV6645-0EF01-0AX1 6AV6645-0GB01-0AX1 6AV6645-0GC01-0AX1 6AV6645-0GF01-0AX1 Using Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN in the industrial environment To avoid communication problems between the HMI device and access point, observe the following: IWLAN planning: Wireless connection between the HMI device and access point Wireless field planning needs to be carried out. Radar influences need to be taken into consideration for channels requiring Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS). Avoid radio frequency interference from other devices, such as hand-held devices with Bluetooth or WLAN functionality. For adjacent access points, use data channels that are separated by at least one wireless channel (e.g. 36 and 44 rather than 36 and 40). Do not place several access points in the immediately vicinity of one another. We recommend a minimum distance of 5 m. For the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN, use the "Software retry number" 15 instead of the default value 3. Using the "Rapid roaming" function with iPCF-MC Always use iPCF or iPCF-MC (rapid roaming) for PROFIsafe communication. Use the same SSID for all access points. The "Background scan" should be switched off on the HMI device ("Background scan interval" for the HMI device = 1 (default value)). 114 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced Use the same "Management channel" and different, non-overlapping "Data channels" for all access points. Configure the "PN-IO cycle time" higher than the "iPCF scan cycle time". Observe the configured timeout when assigning PROFIsafe parameters. "Zone ID/Connection point ID" tag of a Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN V2 The tag used for the "Zone ID/Connection point ID" must be of data type INT for Mobile Panel 277 IWLAN V2 devices. Adapt this data type if necessary when migrating a project. Mobile Panels 277F IWLAN (RFID tag): F_DB_STATES The F_DB_STATES block is no longer supplied with WinCC V14. The block F_DB_STATES serves only for data exchange. You can configure a block to replicate the function of the F_DB_STATES, however. Note the description of the F_DB_STATES in the operating instructions of your HMI device or in the information system. IPC427D If an IPC427D is configured in a V12 or V13 project in which IE1 of the PC station is assigned and the device version of the PC station changes from V1 to V2 after upgrading to V14, the interface assignment of CP_IE_1 must initially be set to "None, or different Windows settings" and then changed to "SIMATIC PC Station" before compiling the project . Then, the project can be compiled without errors. Using PROFIsafe and Sm@rtServer with KTP700F Mobile and KTP900F Mobile Panels The evaluation of the safety operation via PROFIsafe is only guaranteed if the Sm@rtServer is disabled on the panel. Alternatively, the PROFINET cycle time can be increased to at least 128ms. This only affects the device version V14, not V13 SP1. Printing alarms (Mobile Panels 2nd Generation) It is not possible to print alarms as PDF or HTML when the internal memory "/flash" is selected as "Storage Location". To print alarms as PDF or HTML, select an SD memory card or a USB stick as storage location. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 115 Readme 3.3 WinCC Comfort/Advanced 116 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.1 4 Notes on the installation Contents Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about product characteristics. Installation in a virtual environment (private cloud) You can find instructions on how to install the TIA Portal in a virtual environment (private cloud) on the installation data medium in the directory "Documents\Readme\". You can open the PDF document "TIAPortalCloudConnectorHowTo.pdf" here. Automated Installation A description of automated installation is available on the product DVD in the directory "Documents\Readme\". Use of the same versions of TIA Portal products during installation When installing different TIA Portal products, make sure that you use the same versions of service packs and updates for the installation. For example, if you have installed SP1 for STEP 7 V13, you must also install SP1 for WinCC V13. The service packs and updates must be installed for all products at the same time. Do not start the TIA Portal until all products have been upgraded. You can download the service packs from the Internet under Siemens Industry online support ( Target directory of the installation Do not use any UNICODE characters (for example, Chinese characters) in the installation path. Use of antivirus programs During the installation, read and write access to already installed files is necessary. Some antivirus programs block this access. We therefore recommend that you disable antivirus programs during installation of the TIA Portal and enable them again afterwards. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 117 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Compatibility with V12 SP1 and V13 Empty projects from previous versions are installed in the installation directory under .. \\Sample Projects to allow the current TIA Portal to be opened in compatibility mode. These projects must be copied to a local directory with full access before they can be used. For more information on this, refer to FAQ ID 82169157. FAQs on the TIA Portal FAQs on the TIA Portal are available under FAQs ( WW/view/en/28919804/133000). 4.2 System requirements for installation 4.2.1 Notes on licenses Availability of licenses The licenses for the products of the TIA Portal are usually supplied on an installation data medium and transferred automatically by the Automation Licence Manager during the installation process of the TIA Portal. Before you uninstall the TIA Portal, you must transfer and back up the licenses still required. Use the Automation License Manager for this purpose. Provision of the Automation License Manager The Automation License Manager is supplied on the installation data medium and is transferred automatically during the installation process. If you uninstall the TIA Portal, the Automation License Manager remains installed on your system. Working with the Automation License Manager The Automation License Manager is a product of Siemens AG, which is used for handling license keys (technical representatives of licenses). Software products that require license keys for operation, such as the TIA Portal, register the need for license keys automatically with the Automation License Manager . If the Automation License Manager finds a valid license key for this software, the software can be used according to the license usage terms associated with this license key. 118 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Note For additional information on how to manage your licenses with the Automation License Manager , refer to the documentation supplied with the Automation License Manager . See also Notes on the system requirements (Page 119) Starting installation (Page 142) Displaying the installed software (Page 144) Modifying or updating installed products (Page 145) Repairing installed products (Page 146) Starting to uninstall (Page 148) Installation log (Page 141) 4.2.2 Notes on the system requirements System requirements for individual products The system requirements may differ depending on the products you want to install. You should therefore check the individual system requirements of your products. If you want to install several products, make sure that your system meets the demands of the product with the highest requirements. Displaying PDF files To be able to read the supplied PDF files, you require a PDF reader that is compatible with PDF 1.7 e.g. Adobe (R) Reader version 9. Displaying the Welcome Tour You need the Adobe (R) Flash Player Version 9 or higher to start the Welcome Tour for the TIA Portal. See also Notes on licenses (Page 118) Starting installation (Page 142) Displaying the installed software (Page 144) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 119 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Modifying or updating installed products (Page 145) Repairing installed products (Page 146) Starting to uninstall (Page 148) 4.2.3 System requirements STEP 7 Basic Licensing of STEP 7 Introduction You require a License Key to license the following STEP 7 editions: STEP 7 Basic STEP 7 Professional You can install the corresponding License Key when you are installing STEP 7 or transfer it using the Automation License Manager after the installation has been completed. Licenses for STEP 7 The following licenses with the corresponding license keys are available: STEP 7 Basic STEP 7 Professional STEP 7 Professional Combo 120 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Validity of license keys for older versions of STEP 7 With a valid License Key for V13.x of STEP 7 Professional and STEP 7 Professional Combo, you can also operate older versions of STEP 7 without restrictions. The following table provides more detailed information about this: Edition License Valid for STEP 7 Basic V14.x STEP 7 Basic STEP 7 Basic V14.x STEP 7 Basic V13.x STEP 7 Basic V12.x STEP 7 Basic V11.x STEP 7 Basic V10.5 STEP 7 Professional V14.x STEP 7 Professional STEP 7 Professional V14.x STEP 7 Professional V13.x STEP 7 Professional V12.x STEP 7 Professional V11.x STEP 7 Basic V14.x STEP 7 Basic V13.x STEP 7 Basic V12.x STEP 7 Basic V11.x STEP 7 Basic V10.5 STEP 7 Professional V14.x STEP 7 Professional Combo STEP 7 Professional V14.x STEP 7 Professional V13.x STEP 7 Professional V12.x STEP 7 Professional V11.x STEP 7 Basic V14.x STEP 7 Basic V13.x STEP 7 Basic V12.x STEP 7 Basic V11.x STEP 7 Basic V10.5 STEP 7 V5.5 STEP 7 V5.4 STEP 7 Professional 2010 STEP 7 Professional 2006 Starting without a valid license key If you start an edition of STEP 7 without a valid License Key , the system alerts you that you are working in non-licensed mode. You have the one-time option of activating a Trial License. However, this license is valid for a limited period only and expires after 21 days. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 121 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation When the Trial License expires, the following scenarios can occur: STEP 7 has never been licensed on the PC in question: - Operations requiring a license can no longer be performed in STEP 7. STEP 7 was already licensed on the PC in question: - A window requiring acknowledgment presents an alert for non-licensed mode every 10 minutes and for every action requiring a license. License requirements for simulation You do not require additional licenses when you use the menu command "Online > Simulation" to start the simulation in STEP 7. If the following conditions are met, the appropriate licenses for the edition of STEP 7 you have installed are also required for the simulation. The engineering station is connected to a PLC. The connection to the PLC is configured and active. Licenses for the TIA Portal Cloud Connector For working with the TIA Portal Cloud Connector, you need a valid License Key for each device that you specify as "User device" in the TIA Portal Cloud Connector. The License Key is also required if the TIA Portal is installed on this device. A License Key is not required for devices that you are using as "remote device". See also Handling licenses and license keys (Page 122) Handling licenses and license keys Introduction In each case, you require a valid License Key to use STEP 7 Basic and STEP 7 Professional. Installing license keys When you install STEP 7 Basic, the License Key is installed automatically during setup. When you install STEP 7 Professional you will be prompted at the end of the setup to transfer the license from the supplied storage medium to your PC. If you want to install additional License Keys, you have to use the Automation License Manager to do this. 122 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation When you install a license, the associated license key is removed from the license key storage location. NOTICE Destruction of license keys by copying It is not possible to copy a License Key. The copy protection prevents the license keys from being copied. If you attempt to copy a License Key this will be destroyed. Uninstalling license keys License keys are always uninstalled using the Automation License Manager. You uninstall a License Key in the following cases: When backing up data. If you no longer require the license. You can then use a valid license on another PC or HMI device. Data backup When backing up data on the HMI device or creating a backup during device replacement, remove the License Keys on the HMI device. To do this, open the Automation License Manager and back up the uninstalled license key to another storage location. NOTICE Destruction of license keys on PCs Start by removing all license keys in the following situations: Before you format the hard disk. Before you compress the hard disk. Before you restore the hard disk. Before you start an optimization program that moves fixed blocks. Before you install a new operating system. Read the description of Automation License Manager ("Start > Siemens Automation > Documentation"). Observe all warnings and notices. On PC-based HMI devices and on non-PC-based HMI devices where Automation License Manager is used, the license key storage location may contain multiple license keys. This capability means you can store multiple licenses of the same type at one location. Save all license keys of an HMI device to the same storage location. NOTICE Always keep the original storage location of the license keys. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 123 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Invalid license after time zone change The installed license no longer functions in the following case. If you change the time zone on a PC as follows: From a time based on a complete hour to a time not based on a complete hour. Example: You change the time zone from GMT +3:00 to GMT +3:30. To avoid this inconvenience, uninstall the license key using the Automation License Manager under the time zone setting that was set when the license key was installed. This behavior does not apply to the Trial License. Defective license A license is defective in the following cases: If the license key is no longer accessible at the storage location. If the license key disappears during its transfer to the destination drive. You can use the Automation License Manager to repair the defective license. To do this, use the "Restore" function or the "Restore wizard" of the Automation License Manager. To perform this restore operation you must contact Customer Support. You can find more detailed information on the Internet: ( %2fWW %2f&func=cslib.csinfo2&siteid=csius&extranet=standard&viewreg=WW&groupid=4000002) See also Licensing of STEP 7 (Page 120) Software and hardware requirements STEP 7 System requirements for installation The following table shows the minimum software and hardware requirements that have to be met for installation of the "SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic" software package: 124 Hardware/software Requirement Processor Intel(R) CoreTM i3-6100U, 2.30 GHz RAM 4 GB Hard disk S-ATA with at least 8 GB available memory space ** Network From 100 Mbit WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Hardware/software Requirement Screen resolution 1024 x 768 Operating systems * Windows 7 (64-bit) Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 Windows 7 Professional SP1 Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Windows 8.1 Windows 8.1 Professional Windows 8.1 Enterprise Windows Server (64-bit) Windows Server 2012 R2 StdE (full installation) * For more detailed information on operating systems, refer to the help on Microsoft Windows or the Microsoft homepage. ** For operation of SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic we recommend free storage space of at least 20 GB Recommended PC hardware The following table shows the recommended software and hardware for the operation of STEP 7. Hardware/software Requirement Computer SIMATIC FIELD PG M5 Advanced or higher (or comparable PC) Processor Intel(R) CoreTM i5-6440EQ (up to 3.4 GHz) RAM 16 GB or more (32 GB for large projects) Hard disk SSD with at least 50 GB available memory space Network 1 Gbit (for multiuser) Monitor 15.6" Full HD Display (1920 x 1080) Supported virtualization platforms You can install the "SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic" software package on a virtual machine. For this purpose, use one of the following virtualization platforms in the specified version or a newer version: VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 5.5 as of Update 2 VMware Workstation 11 VMware Player Pro 7.0 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 125 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation These virtualization platforms can use the following operating systems as host operating system: Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise (64-bit) Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit) Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) Windows 8.1 Professional/Enterprise (64-bit) Windows 10 Professional/Enterprise (64-bit) You can use the following host operating systems to install "SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic" within the selected virtualization platform: Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise (64-bit) Windows 8.1 Professional/Enterprise (64-bit) Note The same hardware requirements apply to the host operating system as for the respective TIA products. The plant operator must ensure that sufficient system resources are available for the host operating systems. The hardware certified by the manufacturers is recommended for the use of HyperV server and ESXi. When you use Microsoft Hyper-V, accessible stations cannot be displayed. Supported security programs The following security programs are compatible with "SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic": Antivirus programs: - Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 - Trend Micro Office Scan Corporate Edition 11.0 - McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8 - Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2016 - Windows Defender (as of Windows 8.1) - Qihoo "360 Safe Guard" 9.7 Encryption software: - Microsoft Bitlocker Host-based Intrusion Detection System: - McAfee Application Control 6.2.0 126 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation 4.2.4 System requirement for WinCC Advanced Software and hardware requirements Introduction Specific requirements for the operating system and software configuration must be met for the installation. Note WinCC is generally authorized for use in a domain or workgroup. However, be aware that domain group policies and restrictions of the domain may hinder the installation. If this happens, remove the computer from the domain prior to installing Microsoft Message Queuing, Microsoft SQL Server and WinCC. Log onto the computer in question locally with administrative rights. Then perform the installation. After successful installation, you can enter the WinCC computer back into the domain. If the domain group policies and restrictions of the domain do not impede the installation, the computer need not be removed from the domain during the installation. Be aware that domain group policies and restrictions of the domain may also hinder operation. If you cannot avoid these restrictions, run the WinCC computer in a workgroup. Consult with the domain administrator if needed. Installation requirements The following table shows the minimum software and hardware requirements that have to be met for the installation of the "SIMATIC WinCC Comfort/Advanced" software package: Hardware/software Requirements Processor type Intel(R) CoreTM i3-6100U 2.30 GHz RAM 4 GB Free hard disk space S-ATA with at least 8 GB available memory space *) Operating systems ** Windows 7 (64 bit) Windows 7 Professional SP1 Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Windows 8 (64 bit) Windows 8.1 Professional Windows 8.1 Enterprise Windows Server (64 bit) Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP1 Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Screen resolution 1024 x 768 Network From 100 Mb 127 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Hardware/software Requirements Optical drive DVD-ROM Software Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5 ** For operation of SIMATIC WinCC Comfort/Advanced, we recommend free storage space of at least 20 GB. ** For additional information on the operating systems, refer to the Microsoft Windows help or the Microsoft homepage. Simultaneously opening multiple instances of WinCC on a configuration PC can also increase the hardware capacity required. Note "Aero Glass Style" of Microsoft Windows 7 A powerful graphics card is required for "Aero Glass Style". It requires DirectX9 capabilities and 128 MB of dedicated graphics memory. The performance of the architecture of the graphics system can significantly influence the performance of WinCC. Recommended hardware The following table shows the recommended hardware for the operation of SIMATIC WinCC. Hardware Requirements Computer As of SIMATIC FIELD PG M5 Advanced (or comparable PC) Processor As of Intel(R) CoreTM i5-6440EQ (up to 3.4 GHz) RAM 16 GB or more (32 GB for larger projects) Hard disk SSD with at least 50 GB available memory space Monitor 15.6" Full HD Display (1920 x 1080) Network From 1 GB Optical drive DL MULTISTANDARD DVD RW Supported virtualization platforms You can install the "SIMATIC WinCC Comfort/Advanced" software package on a virtual machine. For this purpose, use one of the following virtualization platforms: VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 5.5 (as from Update 2) VMware Workstation 11 VMware Player Pro 7.0 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V 128 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation The following operating systems can serve as a host operating system for these virtualization platforms: Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise (64-bit) Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit) Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) Windows 8.1 Professional/Enterprise (64-bit) Windows 10 Professional/Enterprise (64-bit) You can use the following guest operating systems to install "SIMATIC WinCC Comfort/ Advanced" on the selected virtualization platform: Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise (64-bit) Windows 8.1 Professional/Enterprise (64-bit) Note The same hardware requirements apply to the guest operating system as to the respective TIA products. The plant operator must provide sufficient system resources for the guest operating systems. The hardware certified by the manufacturers is recommended for the use of HyperV server and ESXi. Supported security programs The following security programs are compatible with "SIMATIC WinCC Comfort/Advanced". Virus scanners: - Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 - Trend Micro Office Scan Corporate Edition 11.0 - McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8 - Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2016 - Windows Defender (as of Windows 8.1) - Qioo "360 Safeguard" 9.7 Encryption software: - Microsoft Bitlocker Host-based Intrusion Detection System: - McAfee Application Control 6.2.0 Installing Microsoft .Net Framework The software requires .Net Framework 4.5; it is automatically installed and activated. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 129 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation You will be prompted to install the required .Net Framework version if this cannot be performed by the software package installation. A restart may be necessary after installation of .Net Framework. Security settings during installation When you install WinCC V14, security settings are changed in your operating system. The security settings in question are listed during the installation. You must confirm the changes to the security settings. If you make changes to your operating system after the installation, the changes to the security settings made by the installation of the TIA Portal could be changed. You can restore the changes to the security settings made by the installation of the TIA Portal: "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Security Controller > Restore settings". SQL instance of WinCC V14 If you have installed a WinCC V11 product and you wish to install WinCC V14, you must uninstall the WinCC instance of SQL Server 2005 before the installation. A new WinCC SQL 2008 instance is installed with the installation of WinCC V14. See also Options for WinCC Engineering and Runtime systems (Page 131) Licensing of WinCC Engineering System (Page 133) ( Parallel installation Parallel installations in TIA Portal V14 You will be prevented from starting the TIA Portal if you perform a non-permitted parallel installation of STEP 7 and WinCC. The following parallel installations are permitted in the TIA Portal: STEP 7 V14 and WinCC V14 A dialog opens during installation to inform you of any inconsistencies in your parallel installation. The following parallel installations are permitted: WinCC V14 and RT Advanced V14 WinCC V14 and RT Professional V14 The engineering system and Runtime must always be of the same version after an installation. 130 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Parallel installation of WinCC V14 and other SIMATIC HMI products Parallel installation of WinCC V14 and versions of WinCC flexible earlier than WinCC flexible 2008 SP1 is not allowed. Parallel installation of WinCC V14 with versions of WinCC earlier than WinCC V7.0 SP2 is not allowed. Parallel installation of WinCC V14 with WinCC V7.0 SP2 or WinCC V7.0 SP3 is not allowed for: WinCC V 14 Professional WinCC V 14 Runtime Professional Parallel use If the term "Combo" appears in the name or license key of the software after installation, the use of the following products/versions is permitted in accordance with paragraph 4.3 of the General Terms and Conditions (see also setup text): With the license "WinCC V14 Comfort Combo": WinCC flexible 2008 Standard With the license "WinCC V14 Advanced Combo": WinCC flexible 2008 Advanced Add-ons Options for WinCC Engineering and Runtime systems SIMATIC Panels as well as WinCC Runtime Advanced and WinCC Runtime Professional contain all essential functions for operator control and monitoring of machines or plants. Additional add-ons allow you to extend the functionality in some cases to increase the range of available tasks. Keep in mind that a license may be required to use an add-on. Add-ons for Comfort Panels, Mobile Panels, Multi Panels The following add-ons are available for Comfort Panels, Mobile Panels, and Multi Panels: WinCC SmartServer (remote operation) WinCC Audit (audit trail and electronic signature for regulated applications) SIMATIC ProDiag (machine and plant diagnostics for S7-1500 and SIMATIC HMI) Add-ons for WinCC Runtime Advanced The following add-ons are available for WinCC Runtime Advanced: WinCC Recipes (recipe system) WinCC Logging (logging of process values and alarms) WinCC SmartServer (remote operation) WinCC Audit (audit trail for regulated applications) SIMATIC ProDiag (machine and plant diagnostics for S7-1500 and SIMATIC HMI) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 131 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Add-ons for WinCC Runtime Professional WinCC Runtime Professional contains the following components, which you can activate with a corresponding license: WinCC Server (supplements WinCC Runtime to include server functionality) WinCC Recipes (recipe system, formerly WinCC /UserArchives) WinCC Logging (logging system, previously WinCC/TagLogging) SIMATIC ProDiag (machine and plant diagnostics for S7-1500 and SIMATIC HMI) You can select and install the following add-ons in the installation dialog: WinCC Client (standard client for building multiple-station systems) WinCC WebNavigator (Web-based operator control and monitoring) WinCC DataMonitor (display and evaluation of process states and historical data) WinCC WebUX (platform and browser-independent operator control and monitoring via the Web) In addition to the Runtime add-ons, you can also expand WinCC Runtime Professional with customized controls. The WinCC ControlDevelopment add-on is required to develop controls. See also Software and hardware requirements (Page 127) Installing and uninstalling options (Page 132) Installing and uninstalling options Introduction Some add-ons are included in standard WinCC installation and are installed automatically. During the installation of WinCC Engineering System, the following add-ons are available for you to select for installation: Simulation for WinCC Runtime Advanced During the installation of WinCC Runtime Advanced, the following add-ons are available for you to select for installation: OPC XML Gateway WinCC Audit Viewer Add-ons for non-PC-based HMI devices The required Runtime add-ons are installed on the HMI device as follows: During the transfer of the project to the HMI device Add-ons that are no longer required are removed automatically. With ProSave 132 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Procedure - activating add-ons To activate an add-on for use, install the appropriate license key using the Automation License Manager. In order to backup the license key of an add-on or use it on a different configuration PC or HMI device, you must uninstall this license key using the Automation License Manager. Note When no valid license key is installed on a PC with WinCC Runtime, Runtime runs in Demo mode. See also Options for WinCC Engineering and Runtime systems (Page 131) Licenses and Powerpacks Licensing of WinCC Engineering System You require a license key for the following: WinCC Engineering System, for example, WinCC Professional Add-ons for WinCC Engineering System You can transfer the license key for WinCC simultaneously with the WinCC installation. You transfer licenses for the WinCC add-ons after installation with the Automation License Manager. Starting without a valid license key If you start WinCC without a valid license, the system alerts you that you are working in nonlicensed mode. You have the one-time option of activating a trial license. The trial license for Engineering editions WinCC Basic, Comfort/Advanced, and Professional expires after 21 days. When the trial license has expired, the following scenarios may occur: WinCC was never licensed on the PC in question. - Operations requiring a license can no longer be performed in WinCC. WinCC was already licensed on the PC in question. - Non-licensed mode is indicated every 10 minutes and at every action requiring a license by a window, which you must acknowledge. License requirements for simulation When you want to start simulation in WinCC using the "Online > Simulation> With tag simulator" menu command, you do not need licenses for WinCC Runtime or for add-ons that require a license. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 133 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation If the following conditions are met, you will need the appropriate licenses for WinCC Runtime and add-ons that require a license even for simulation: The engineering station is connected to a PLC. The connection to the PLC is configured and active. You start the simulation with the "Online > Simulation > Start" menu command. See also Software and hardware requirements (Page 127) Licensing WinCC Runtime on PC-based HMI devices (Page 134) Licensing of HMI devices (Page 136) Working with license keys (Page 137) Powerpack (Page 140) Installing a Powerpack (Page 140) Licensing WinCC Runtime on PC-based HMI devices With PC-based HMI devices, you require a license key for the following: WinCC Runtime with 128 tags, for example. WinCC add-ons You can install the license key for WinCC Runtime during the installation of WinCC. You transfer licenses for the WinCC add-ons after installation with the Automation License Manager. Note Only the Certificate of License for WinCC Runtime V14 authorizes operation of WinCC Runtime V14. The appropriate new license is required to license WinCC Runtime. You can upgrade the Runtime licenses of WinCC flexible 2008 and WinCC V7 with an upgrade to WinCC Runtime V14. Productive operation of the software is only allowed with a valid Certificate of License that matches the version listed on it. Non-licensed mode WinCC Runtime and the Runtime add-ons can be used freely without license. Non-licensed mode is indicated every 10 minutes by a window, which you must acknowledge. See also Licensing of WinCC Engineering System (Page 133) 134 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Validity of licensing for older versions of WinCC Validity of license keys for older versions of WinCC With a valid license key for WinCC Advanced V14.x, you can also operate older versions of WinCC without restrictions. The following table provides more detailed information: WinCC Engineering System Edition License Validity WinCC Basic V14.x WinCC Basic WinCC Basic V11.0 SP2 WinCC Basic V12.0 WinCC Basic V13.0 WinCC Basic V14.0 WinCC Comfort/Advanced V14.x WinCC Comfort WinCC Basic V11.0 SP2 WinCC Comfort V10.5 WinCC Comfort V11.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort V12.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort V13.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort V14.0 WinCC Comfort Combo WinCC flexible Compact, Standard >= 2005 WinCC Basic V11.0 SP2 WinCC Comfort V10.5 WinCC Comfort V11.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort V12.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort V13.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort V14.0 WinCC Advanced WinCC Basic V11.0 SP2 WinCC Comfort, Advanced V10.5 WinCC Comfort, Advanced V11.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V12.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V13.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V14.0 WinCC Advanced Combo WinCC flexible Compact, Standard, Advanced >= 2005 WinCC Basic V11.0 SP2 WinCC Comfort, Advanced V10.5 WinCC Comfort, Advanced V11.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V12.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V13.0 WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V14.0 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 135 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation WinCC Runtime Advanced Edition License Validity WinCC RT Advanced V14.x WinCC RT Advanced (128) WinCC RT Advanced V11.0 WinCC RT Advanced (512) WinCC RT Advanced V12.0 WinCC RT Advanced (2048) WinCC RT Advanced V13.0 WinCC RT Advanced (4096) WinCC RT Advanced (8192) WinCC RT Advanced V14.0 WinCC RT Advanced (16384) Validity of licenses for WinCC options WinCC options generally have version-independent license keys. You can use WinCC options V14.x with V11, V12 and V13 license keys and vice versa. Licensing of HMI devices Non-PC-based HMI devices are always equipped with Runtime licenses. A license key is not required for runtime operation. A license may be required for an add-on for non-PC-based HMI devices. The license key of the respective license always activates one add-on for use. License key In order to license non-PC-based HMI devices with license keys, the "SIMATIC HMI License Manager Panel Plugin" add-on is needed. WinCC Setup installs this add-on by default. You open the License Manager Panel Plugin in the Automation License Manager with the "Edit > Connect Target System > Connect HMI Device" menu command. If WinCC is not installed, an installation of ProSave 7.2 or higher is required. Note Further information on license handling can be found in the Automation License Manager help. Note Verify that the current version of the operating system (or higher) is installed on the HMI device before you start licensing. If necessary, update the operating system using ProSave. Non-licensed mode Runtime add-ons can be used for a short time without restrictions without a valid license. Nonlicensed mode is indicated every 10 minutes by a window, which you must acknowledge. 136 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation See also Licensing of WinCC Engineering System (Page 133) Working with license keys Introduction You transfer a license key to the HMI device in the following cases: To use the WinCC engineering system To operate WinCC Runtime To use add-ons for WinCC Runtime on PC-based HMI devices To use add-ons on non-PC-based HMI devices You transfer a license key from the HMI device in the following cases: When backing up data If you no longer require the license You can then use this license on another PC or HMI device. When you transfer a license to an HMI device, the associated license key is removed from the license key storage location. Note A license key cannot be copied. The copy protection employed prevents the license keys from being copied. Data backup You transfer the license keys from the HMI device for data backup on the HMI device or as a backup for device replacement. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 137 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation You use the Automation License Manager to back up license keys from an HMI device to the storage area of the license keys. NOTICE Destruction of license keys on non-PC-based HMI devices License keys transferred as a result of backup/restore operations are destroyed in the case of the following HMI devices: 270 series 370 series Carry out the following before beginning restoring: Use the Automation License Manager and ProSave to check whether license keys are on the HMI device. Transfer the license keys present from the HMI device After restoring has been carried out, transfer the license keys back to the HMI device. Note Destruction of license keys on PCs Transfer all license keys to a storage location in the following cases: Before you format the hard disk Before you compress the hard disk Before you restore the hard disk Starting an optimization program that moves fixed blocks Installing a new operating system Read the description of Automation License Manager ("Start > Simatic Automation > Documentation"). Observe all warnings and notices. The license key storage location on PC-based HMI devices and on non-PC-based HMI devices where Automation License Manager is used may contain multiple license keys. This capability means you can store multiple licenses of the same type at one location. For the backup, use a single storage location for all license keys present on an HMI device. Note Always keep the original storage location of the license keys. Invalid license after time zone change The transferred license no longer functions in the following case. If you change the time zone on a WinCC PC as follows: - From a time based on a complete hour to a time not based on a complete hour. Example: You change the time zone from GMT +3:00 to GMT +3:30. To work around this, transfer the license key from the HMI device with a time zone setting that was set when the license key was transferred to the HMI device. 138 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Example: You transferred the license key with a time zone setting based on a full hour. Then, also transfer the license key to a storage location with a time zone setting based on a full hour. This behavior does not apply to the trial license. Defective license A license is defective in the following cases: If the license key is no longer accessible at the storage area. If the license key disappears during its transfer to the destination drive. Note Resetting of the system date to an earlier time causes all licenses to be become defective. You can use the Automation License Manager to repair the defective license. Use the "Restore" function or the "Restore Wizard" of the Automation License Manager for this purpose. You must contact Customer Support in order to restore the license. For additional information see: ( Note The Runtime software can also be operated without errors if the license is missing or defective. The system alerts you at brief intervals that you are working in non-licensed mode. Note If you start the WinCC Engineering System without a valid license key, the system alerts you that you are working in non-licensed mode. You have the one-time option of activating a trial license. The trial license expires after 21 days. When the trial license has expired, the following scenarios may occur: WinCC was never licensed on the PC in question. WinCC can no longer be started. WinCC was already licensed on the PC in question. WinCC can be started. Non-licensed mode is indicated every 10 minutes by a window, which you must acknowledge. See also Licensing of WinCC Engineering System (Page 133) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 139 Installation 4.2 System requirements for installation Powerpack Introduction The following upgrades are possible with a Powerpack: From a smaller to a larger edition of WinCC Engineering System To a runtime system with a larger tag volume A Powerpack also includes a special license that you can use at any time to activate a higher level of WinCC for use. Engineering system You own WinCC Comfort, for example. You can use the "SIMATIC WinCC Advanced Powerpack WinCC Comfort -> WinCC Advanced V14" Powerpack to activate WinCC Advanced for use. Runtime You own WinCC Runtime Advanced with 128 tags, for example. You use the "SIMATIC WinCC Runtime Advanced Powerpack 128 PowerTags -> 512 PowerTags V14" Powerpack to increase the configuration limits from 128 to 512 tags. You own WinCC Runtime Advanced with 128 tags, for example. You use the "SIMATIC WinCC Runtime Professional Powerpack Runtime Advanced 128 PowerTags -> Runtime Professional 128 PowerTags V14" Powerpack to activate WinCC Runtime Professional with 128 tags for use. See also Licensing of WinCC Engineering System (Page 133) Installing a Powerpack Introduction Install a Powerpack by transferring the corresponding license key. The Powerpack license key replaces the license key of an existing installation. Requirement The conditions described in the "System requirements" section must be fulfilled. The license key for the license for which you have purchased a Powerpack is available on the PC. 140 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.3 Installation log Installing a Powerpack 1. Open the Automation License Manager. 2. Select the license key. 3. Select "License Key > Upgrade" in the menu. Result The Powerpack license key replaces the former license key. You cannot reverse this process. See also Licensing of WinCC Engineering System (Page 133) 4.3 Installation log Function of the installation log The progress during the following installation processes is logged in a file: Installing products Modifying or updating already installed products Repairing an existing installation Uninstalling products If errors occur during the installation process or warnings are issued, these can be evaluated with the help of the log file. You can do this yourself or contact product support. Installation logs storage location The log file is the most recent file with the file extension ".log" and the name of which that starts with "SIA". The location of the log file is stored in the environment variable "%autinstlog%". You can enter this environment variable in the address bar of Windows Explorer to open the folder with the log files. Alternatively, you can navigate to the corresponding directory by entering "CD %autinstlog%" in the command line. The storage location is dependent on the operating system, e.g. "C:\ProgramData\Siemens \Automation\Logfiles\Setup" in English-language Windows. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 141 Installation 4.4 Starting installation Setup_Report (CAB file) To make it easier to provide Product Support with all necessary files, an archive file that contains the installation log and all other required files is saved in CAB format. This log can be found at "%autinstlog%\Reports\". Send this CAB file to Product Support if you need assistance with installation. With this information, Product Support can determine whether the installation was executed properly. CAB files that were generated during earlier installation processes are saved with a date ID in the "Reports" directory. See also Notes on licenses (Page 118) Starting installation (Page 142) Checking availability of updates and support packages and installing them (Page 150) Displaying the installed software (Page 144) Modifying or updating installed products (Page 145) Repairing installed products (Page 146) Starting to uninstall (Page 148) 4.4 Starting installation Introduction Software packages are installed automatically by the setup program. The setup program starts once the installation medium has been inserted in the drive. Requirement Hardware and software of the programming device or PC meet the system requirements. You have administrator privileges on your computer. All running programs are closed. Procedure To install the software packages, follow these steps: 1. Insert the installation medium in the relevant drive. The setup program starts automatically unless you have disabled Autostart on the programming device or PC. 2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking the "Start.exe" file. The dialog for selecting the setup language opens. 3. Choose the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed. 142 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.4 Starting installation 4. To read the information on the product and installation, click the "Read Notes" or "Installation Notes" button. The help file containing the notes opens. 5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button. The dialog for selecting the product languages opens. 6. Select the languages for the product user interface, and click the "Next" button. Note "English" is always installed as the basic product language. The dialog for selecting the product configuration opens. 7. Select the products you want to install: - If you wish to install the program in a minimal configuration, click on the "Minimal" button. - If you wish to install the program in a typical configuration, click on the "Typical" button. - If you wish to personally select the products to be installed, click on the "User-defined" button. Then select the check boxes for the products you wish to install. 8. If you want to create a shortcut on the desktop, select the "Create desktop shortcut" check box. 9. Click the "Browse" button if you want to change the target directory for the installation. Note that the length of the installation path must not exceed 89 characters. 10.Click the "Next" button. The dialog for the license terms opens. 11.To continue the installation, read and accept all license agreements and click "Next". If changes to the security and permission settings are required in order to install the TIA Portal, the security settings dialog opens. 12.To continue the installation, accept the changes to the security and permissions settings, and click the "Next" button. The next dialog displays an overview of the installation settings. 13.Check the selected installation settings. If you want to make any changes, click the "Back" button until you reach the point in the dialog where you want to make changes. Once you have completed the desired changes, return to the overview by clicking on "Next". 14.Click the "Install" button. Installation is started. Note If no license key is found during installation, you have the chance to transfer it to your PC. If you skip the license transfer, you can register it later with the Automation License Manager. Following installation, you will receive a message indicating whether the installation was successful. 15.It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my computer now." option button. Then click "Restart". 16.If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 143 Installation 4.5 Displaying the installed software Result The TIA Portal along with the products and licenses you have ordered and the Automation License Manager have been installed on your computer. See also Installation log (Page 141) Notes on the system requirements (Page 119) Notes on licenses (Page 118) Displaying the installed software (Page 144) Modifying or updating installed products (Page 145) Repairing installed products (Page 146) Starting to uninstall (Page 148) 4.5 Displaying the installed software You can find out which software is installed at any time. In addition, you can display more information on the installed software. Procedure To display an overview of the software installed, follow these steps: 1. Click "Installed software" in the "Help" menu. The "Installed software" dialog opens. You will see the installed software products in the dialog. Expand the entries to see which version is installed in each case. 2. If you would like to display additional information on the installed automation software, click the link on the "Detailed information about installed software" dialog. The "Detailed information" dialog opens. 3. Chose the topic you want more information about in the area navigation. See also Notes on the system requirements (Page 119) Notes on licenses (Page 118) Starting installation (Page 142) Modifying or updating installed products (Page 145) Repairing installed products (Page 146) Starting to uninstall (Page 148) Installation log (Page 141) 144 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.6 Modifying or updating installed products 4.6 Modifying or updating installed products You have the option to modify installed products using the setup program or to update to a new version. Blocks with know-how protection from earlier versions of the TIA Portal are not automatically upgraded with the project. Remove the know-how protection of the blocks before you update the TIA Portal. Then set up the know-how protection with the current version of TIA Portal. For more detailed information, refer to the information system. Requirement Hardware and software of the programming device or PC meet the system requirements. You have administrator privileges on your computer. All running programs are closed. Procedure To modify or update installed products, follow these steps: 1. Insert the installation medium in the relevant drive. The setup program starts automatically unless you have disabled Autostart on the programming device or PC. 2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking the "Start.exe" file. The dialog for selecting the setup language opens. 3. Choose the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed. 4. To read the information on the product and installation, click the "Read Notes" or "Installation Notes" button. The help file containing the notes opens. 5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button. The dialog for selecting the installation variant opens. 6. Select the "Modify/Upgrade" option button and click the "Next" button. The dialog for selecting the product languages opens. 7. Select the check boxes of the product languages that you want to install. You can remove previously installed product languages by clearing the corresponding check boxes. Note Note that the product language "English" cannot be removed. 8. Click the "Next" button. The dialog for selecting the product configuration opens. 9. Select the check boxes of the components that you want to install. You can remove previously installed components by clearing the corresponding check boxes. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 145 Installation 4.7 Repairing installed products 10.Click the "Next" button. Note Note that you cannot change the target directory because the existing installation is being modified. If changes to the security and permission settings are required in order to install the TIA Portal, the security settings dialog opens. 11.To continue the installation, accept the changes to the security and permissions settings, and click the "Next" button. The next dialog displays an overview of the installation settings. 12.Click the "Modify" button. This starts the installation of the additional components. Note Following installation, you will receive a message indicating whether the existing installation was successfully changed. 13.It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my computer now." option button. Then click "Restart". 14.If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit". Result The existing installation has been modified on your computer. See also Notes on the system requirements (Page 119) Notes on licenses (Page 118) Starting installation (Page 142) Displaying the installed software (Page 144) Repairing installed products (Page 146) Starting to uninstall (Page 148) Installation log (Page 141) 4.7 Repairing installed products You have the option to repair installed products by completely reinstalling them using the setup program. 146 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.7 Repairing installed products Requirement Hardware and software of the programming device or PC meet the system requirements. You have administrator privileges on your computer. All running programs are closed. Procedure To repair installed products, follow these steps: 1. Insert the installation medium in the relevant drive. The setup program starts automatically unless you have disabled Autostart on the programming device or PC. 2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking the "Start.exe" file. The dialog for selecting the setup language opens. 3. Choose the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed. 4. To read the information on the product and installation, click the "Read Notes" or "Installation Notes" button. The help file containing the notes opens. 5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button. The dialog for selecting the installation variant opens. 6. Select the "Repair" option button, and click the "Next" button. The next dialog displays an overview of the installation settings. 7. Click the "Repair" button. This starts the repair of the existing installation. Note Following installation, you will receive a message indicating whether the existing installation was successfully repaired. 8. It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my computer now." option button. Then click "Restart". 9. If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit". Result The installed products have been reinstalled. See also Notes on the system requirements (Page 119) Notes on licenses (Page 118) Starting installation (Page 142) Displaying the installed software (Page 144) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 147 Installation 4.8 Starting to uninstall Modifying or updating installed products (Page 145) Starting to uninstall (Page 148) Installation log (Page 141) 4.8 Starting to uninstall Introduction Software packages are removed automatically by the setup program. Once started, the setup program guides you step-by-step through the entire removal procedure. You have two options for removing: Removing selected components via the Control Panel Removing a product using the installation medium Note The Automation License Manager will not be removed automatically when you remove the software packages, because it is used for the administration of several license keys for products supplied by Siemens AG. Removing selected components via the Control Panel To remove selected software packages, follow these steps: 1. Open the Control Panel with "Start > Control Panel". 2. Click "Programs and Features". The "Uninstall or change a program" dialog opens. 3. Select the software package to be removed and click the "Uninstall" button. The dialog for selecting the setup language opens. 4. Select the language in which you want the dialogs of the setup program to be displayed and click "Next". The dialog for selecting the products you want to remove opens. 5. Select the check boxes for the products that you want to remove and click "Next". The next dialog displays an overview of the installation settings. 6. Check the list with the products to be removed. If you want to make any changes, click the "Back" button. 7. Click the "Uninstall" button. Removal begins. 8. It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my computer now." option button. Then click "Restart". 9. If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit". 148 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.8 Starting to uninstall Removing a product using the installation medium To remove all software packages, follow these steps: 1. Insert the installation medium in the relevant drive. The setup program starts automatically unless you have disabled Autostart on the programming device or PC. 2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking the "Start.exe" file. The dialog for selecting the setup language opens. 3. Select the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed. 4. To read the information on the product and installation, click "Read product information" or "Read installation notes". The help file containing the notes opens. 5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button. The dialog for selecting the installation variant opens. 6. Select the "Uninstall" option button and click the "Next" button. The next dialog displays an overview of the installation settings. 7. Click the "Uninstall" button. Removal begins. 8. It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my computer now." option button. Then click "Restart". 9. If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit". See also Installation log (Page 141) Notes on the system requirements (Page 119) Notes on licenses (Page 118) Starting installation (Page 142) Displaying the installed software (Page 144) Modifying or updating installed products (Page 145) Repairing installed products (Page 146) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 149 Installation 4.9 Installing updates and support packages 4.9 Installing updates and support packages 4.9.1 Checking availability of updates and support packages and installing them By default, the TIA Portal checks automatically if new software updates or support packages are available, for example, Hardware Support Packages (HSPs). The automatic search for updates takes place after each computer restart and then cyclically every 24 hours. You can also deactivate the automatic search at any time or reactivate it. You can also search for updates manually. If updates are found, you can download and install them. Note Updates and support packages from TIA Portal V13 or higher are supported. Deactivate or activate automatic search for software updates To deactivate or reactivate the automatic search for software updates, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area. 2. Select the "General > Software Updates" group in the area navigation. 3. Deselect the "Look for updates daily" check box if you want to deactivate the automatic search for software updates. 4. Select the "Look for updates daily" check box if you want to reactivate the automatic search for software updates. Manually searching for software updates If you want to search for software updates manually, follow these steps: 1. Click "Installed software" in the "Help" menu. The "Installed software" dialog opens. 2. Click "Look for updates". The "TIA Updater" opens and the available updates are displayed. Or: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area. 2. Select the "General > Software Updates" group in the area navigation. 3. Click "Search for updates now". The "TIA Updater" opens and the available updates are displayed. 150 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.9 Installing updates and support packages Or: 1. Open the TIA Updater with "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Totally Integrated Automation UPDATER". 2. Click "Look for updates". The available updates are displayed. Setting the server You must set the corresponding server depending on whether you want to download updates and/or support packages from the TIA Automation Update Server or from a company-internal server. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Open the TIA Updater. 2. Click "Settings" and select the "TIA Automation Software Update Server" option in the dialog that appears in the "Server used to check for updates" area. The software searches for available updates on the server of the manufacturer. Or: 1. Open the TIA Updater. 2. Click "Settings" and select the "User-defined server" option in the dialog that appears in the "Server used to check for updates" area. 3. Enter the server URL which you received from your administrator. The software searches on your company's server for available updates. You can set a different server on which the updates are to be searched for at any time. However, changing this setting is blocked during a download process. After switching the server, all downloaded updates and support packages are displayed, even if they are not available on the currently set server. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 151 Installation 4.9 Installing updates and support packages Download and install software updates To download and install available software updates and support packages, follow these steps: 1. If the TIA Updater is not displayed, open it in one of these ways: - If the automatic search has found updates, you receive a message in the information area of the Windows taskbar and the icon for the TIA Update is displayed in the information area. Click either the message or the icon to open the TIA Updater. - Click "Installed software" in the "Help" menu and then "Look for updates". - In the Windows Start menu, click "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Automation Software Updater". 2. Click "Download" in the line of the update or support package that you want to install. The update or support package is downloaded. The associated "Install" button becomes active as soon as the download process has been completed. Note Please note the following: 1. You can initiate multiple download processes simultaneously. 2. You can log off or also shut down the computer while the download process is running. In such cases, the download process continues in the background as soon as you log on again. 3. In some cases, a link to an external web page is displayed instead of the "Download" button. In this case, download the software update from this site and install it manually. 3. Close the TIA Portal if it is still open. 4. In the TIA Updater, click the "Install" button of the software package you want to install. The installation dialog appears. Note Please note the following: 1. It is not possible to install multiple updates simultaneously. 2. Do not log off during an installation and do not shut down the computer. This avoids inconsistent versions of the software on your computer. 5. Click "Next". The selected product is installed. 152 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.9 Installing updates and support packages Alternative procedures for the installation of support packages Another procedure is available for the installation of a support package. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Click "Support packages" in the "Options" menu of the TIA Portal. The "Detailed information" dialog opens. A table lists all support packages from the directory that you selected as the storage location for support packages in the settings. 2. If you want to install a support package that is not in the list, you have the following options: - If the support package is already on your computer, you can add it to the list by selecting "Add from file system". - If you add a support package from the "Service & Support" page on the Internet, first you download it by selecting "Download from the Internet". Then you can add it from the file system. 3. Select the support package that you want to install. 4. Click "Install". 5. Close and then restart the TIA Portal. See also Installation log (Page 141) 4.9.2 Providing updates on a company-internal server Introduction Using the TIA Updater Corporate Configuration Tool, you can configure a company-internal server on which the available updates/support packages are stored and can be made available to the users. Requirement You must have administrator rights. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 153 Installation 4.9 Installing updates and support packages Adding updates from the TIA Automation Software Update Server To add updates from the TIA Automation Software Update Server, follow these steps: 1. Open the TIA Updater Corporate Configuration Tool. The available updates are displayed. 2. Click the "Add update" button and select the "Add TIA Automation Software Update Server" check box in the dialog that appears. 3. In the dialog "Add update from TIA Automation Software Update Server", select the required updates (software and support packages) and click "Add". If updates are already located on the company-internal server, these are grayed out. You cannot load them again. During the download process, the status and the remaining time is displayed in the dialog. Canceling the download process To cancel the process, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Cancel download" button. 2. Click "Yes" to confirm the dialog that appears. The download of the update is cancelled and it is deleted from the list. Deleting updates from the company-internal server To delete updates, follow these steps: 1. Select the required updates and click the "Remove" button. 2. Click "Yes" to confirm the dialog that appears. The selected updates have been deleted from the list. Server options In the dialog "TIA Automation Software Update Server", click "Settings" to determine the following: 1. Under "Server path", specify the folder in which the downloads are to be saved. You can select either a local drive or a network drive. Note When you work directly on the server, the target directory is a equivalent to the provision directory on the server. All changes are applied directly. This procedure is not recommended, as conflicts can occur with active downloads. We recommend that you work on another computer; the target directory can be any directory. The content of this directory must then still be copied to the provision directory. Here, also, make sure that no conflicts occur with active downloads. 2. Select the check box "Always run server in background (icon is shown in the taskbar)", if the server is to always run in the background. 3. Confirm your entries with "OK". 154 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.9 Installing updates and support packages 4.9.3 Configuring a company-internal server for updates Introduction To provide available updates and support packages to users from a central location, you must configure a company-internal server. Use the Microsoft Server Manager to do this. The procedure for creating and configuring the server with the Microsoft Server 2008 R2 operating system is described below. Note Please note that the structure of the start menu and the storage location of the programs may vary depending on the different operating systems. For more detailed information on operating the Server Manager, refer to the Microsoft help. Requirement You must have administrator rights. Install Web server role (IIS) To install the required Web server role, follow these steps: 1. Open the start menu by clicking the command "Start" > "All programs" > "Administration" and select the "Server Manager". 2. Click "Add roles" under "Role overview". 3. Use the "Add roles" wizard to add the Web server roles. Before the wizard starts, it is verified that a complex password has been assigned to the administrator, that the network settings have been configured accordingly and that the latest Windows security updates have been installed. 4. Note the pre-selected role services that are installed by default, and then select the additional role service ASP.NET. 5. Select the required features and click "Next". 6. To complete the installation, click "Close". The Web server role has been added. Create website 1. Click "Roles > Web Server (IIS) > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager". 2. In the "Bindings" area, right-click "Sites" and then click "Add website". 3. In the "Add website" dialog box, enter a display name for the website in the "Website name" field, for example "TIAPortalUpdates". 4. In the "Physical path" field, enter the physical path of the folder in which the website is located or click the button to browse (...), in order to search for the folder in the file system. 5. Click "OK". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 155 Installation 4.9 Installing updates and support packages Check website 1. In the area "Connections > Sites", select the website you created. Activate the "Browse directory" entry in the "Features" view. 2. To check whether the website is displayed with content, select the menu command "Manage website > Browse". The updates available in the virtual directory are now displayed in the dialog that appears. Add MIME type 1. Double-click "MIME type" in the "Features" view. 2. Click "Add" in the "Actions" area. 3. Enter .* in the "File name extension" text field in the "Add MIME type" dialog. 4. Enter a MIME type in the "MIME type" text field. For example, enter "all/files". 5. Click "OK". Add BITS-IIS server extension 1. Click "Server Manager" in the tree view. 2. In the "Feature overview" section, click "Add features". 3. In the wizard for adding features, select the options "Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)" and "IIS server extension". 4. Follow the instructions of the wizard, which may also include installing the required software. Activate BITS-IIS server extension 1. Switch to the virtual directory in the IIS Manager. 2. Double-click "BITS-Uploads" in the Features view of the virtual directory. 3. Select the "Allow clients to upload files" check box and click "Apply". Create a self-signed server certificate 1. In the "Connections" area, navigate to the level which you want to manage. 2. Double-click "Server Certificates" in the "Features" view. 3. Click "Create Self-Signed Certificate" in the "Actions" area. 4. In the "Create Self-Signed certificate" dialog, enter a display name for the certificate in the "Specify a friendly name for the certificate" field and click "OK". Create SSL binding 1. Expand the "Sites" entry in the "Connections" area, and then click the site to which you want to add a binding. 2. Click "Bindings" in the "Actions" area. 156 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.9 Installing updates and support packages 3. In the "Site Bindings" dialog, click "Add". 4. In the "Add Site Binding" dialog, select the certificate you created under "Type" "https" and under "SSL certificate" and then click "OK". Verify SSL binding 1. In the "Actions" area, click the previously created binding under "Browse website". An error page is opened in Internet Explorer, because the self-signed certificate was created by your computer. 2. Click "Continue to this website (not recommended)". This message is no longer displayed when you add the certificate to the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" certificate memory. Configure SSL settings 1. Double-click "SSL settings" in the "Features" view. 2. Use one of the following procedures in the "Client certificates" area of the "SSL Settings" dialog: - Select "Ignore" if no client certificates are to be accepted even if a client has a certificate. - Select "Accept" if client certificates are to be accepted. - Select "Require" if client certificates are to be required. The "Require SSL" option must be activated to allow the "Require client certificates" option to be used. 3. Click "Apply" in the "Actions" area. Distributing updates to different areas It may be the case that different departments need different updates or support packages. In this situation, we recommend operating multiple servers which offer different updates and support packages. Proceed as follows: 1. Set up different company-internal servers as described above. or 1. Install the Web server role. 2. Set up multiple websites. Make sure that you assign unique names for these websites and the physical paths so that there will be no confusion. 3. Set the features described above for the Web server or the websites. You can now store the required updates and support packages for the different departments in the defined directories. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 157 Installation 4.10 Installing and uninstalling the migration tool 4.10 Installing and uninstalling the migration tool 4.10.1 System requirements System requirements for the migration tool The following system requirements apply to the use of the migration tool: All products used to create the source project must be installed. The following products are supported: - STEP 7 V5.5 SP3 - WinCC V7.3 with the latest updates - WinCC flexible 2008 SP3 - Integrated projects from STEP 7 V5.5 and the WinCC products listed above - STEP 7 Distributed Safety V5.4 - SINUMERIK STARTER and Startdrives - SIMOTION SCOUT V4.4 You need the SCOUT Migration Tool PlugIn V4.4 to migrate SIMOTION SCOUT V4.4 projects. All optional packages needed to process the STEP 7 project are installed. For example, all HSPs for the devices used in the source project are required. 4.10.2 Installing the migration tool Distribution of the migration tool You can find the migration tool in the "Support" directory on the installation DVD of the TIA Portal. Alternatively, it is available for download from the Siemens Industry Online Support. For some products, (such as SIMATIC Failsafe or SIMOTION) additional plug-ins are required for the migration tool. These plug-ins can also be downloaded from the Siemens Industry Online Support or installed from the installation DVD of the specific products. Normally, the migration tool is installed without the TIA Portal. Because the TIA Portal has its own integrated migration function, a separate installation of the migration tool is not necessary. 158 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.10 Installing and uninstalling the migration tool Procedure To install the migration tool, proceed as follows: 1. Download the installation file from the Siemens Industry Online Support, or use the installation file from the "Support" directory of the installation DVD of the TIA Portal to perform the installation. 2. Run the installation file. The setup program for the migration tool will open. 3. First, select the language in which the setup should be displayed and click the "Next" button. The page for selecting the software language is displayed. 4. Since the migration tool is provided exclusively in English, you cannot choose any other language for the installation. Therefore, click "Next" to proceed to the next step. The page for selecting the product is displayed. 5. The migration tool consists solely of a software component. Therefore, the migration tool is already selected. To create a Desktop icon for starting the migration tool, select the check box "Create Desktop icon". Then click the "Next" button. The page for confirming the licensing terms is shown. 6. Click on an entry in the list of license terms to read the selected license term. If you agree with all license terms, select the check box "I accept the terms of the displayed license agreement". Then click the "Next" button. An overview of the installation is displayed. 7. Click the "Install" button. The installation is performed with the displayed settings. 4.10.3 Uninstalling the migration tool The migration tool can be removed using the Control Panel. Procedure To remove the migration tool, follow these steps: 1. Open the Control Panel. 2. Double click on "Add or Remove Programs" in the Control Panel. The "Add or Remove Programs" dialog opens. 3. Select the entry for the migration tool in the "Add or Remove Programs" dialog, and click the "Remove" button. A security prompt appears. 4. Click the "Uninstall" button to confirm this prompt. The migration tool will be removed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 159 Installation 4.11 Installing and uninstalling the multiuser server 4.11 Installing and uninstalling the multiuser server 4.11.1 Notes on the installation of the multiuser server Introduction Installation of the multiuser server gives you access to the Multiuser Engineering functionality that is available with TIA Portal V14. You can install the multiuser server as follows: Together with the installation of the TIA Portal. As standalone installation by means of a separate installation process without TIA Portal. Note Administrator rights are required for the server installation. Installation of the multiuser server with the TIA Portal The multiuser server is installed together with the following TIA Portal products: SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic V14.0 SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V14.0 SIMATIC WinCC Basic V14.0 SIMATIC WinCC Comfort/Advanced V14.0 SIMATIC WinCC Professional V14.0 The multiuser server is usually activated in the product selection by default and is then installed with the TIA Portal. Check the settings during installation of the TIA Portal. You can find the specific default settings for the multiuser server during setup when selecting the product in the directory "Tools". By selecting or clearing the options, you can specify if the multiuser server is to be installed along with the TIA Portal or not. Installation of the multiuser server as standalone installation The installation of the multiuser server can also be a standalone installation. A description of automated installation is also available on the product DVD in the directory "Documents\Readme\". Identical TIA Portal versions during installation When installing different TIA Portal products on various clients, make sure that all participants use the same versions of software products for the installation. 160 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.11 Installing and uninstalling the multiuser server For example, if you have installed STEP 7 Professional, WinCC Advanced and Safety as well as the multiuser server with version V14.0, all other Team Engineering participants must also have installed this software in identical versions. The service packs and updates must be installed for all products at the same time. Installation path Do not use any UNICODE characters (for example, Chinese characters) in the installation path. Antivirus programs During the installation, read and write access to installed files is necessary. Some antivirus programs block this access. We therefore recommend that you disable antivirus programs during the installation of the multiuser server and enable them again afterwards. 4.11.2 Installing the multiuser server Introduction The multiuser server V14 can be installed as part of the TIA Portal V14 installation or as standalone product. A description of automated installation is also available on the product DVD in the directory "Documents\Readme\". Installation rules Multiple versions of the multiuser server can be installed on a computer, but only one version of the multiuser server can be run with the corresponding version of the TIA Portal. Example: The multiuser server V14.0 can only be run with TIA Portal V14.0. Requirements for installation The same requirements apply to the installation of the multiuser server V14.0 as for the installation of the TIA Portal V14.0. For more details, see: AUTOHOTSPOT Installing the multiuser server with the TIA Portal Follow these steps for installation: 1. Note the requirements for the installation of the selected software package. 2. Start the setup program of the required product by inserting the installation medium into the respective drive. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 161 Installation 4.11 Installing and uninstalling the multiuser server 3. Select the preferred settings and click the "Install" button. 4. Make sure that the multiuser server is selected in the product selection and observe the notes in the setup dialogs. Result The multiuser server is installed on your computer together with the TIA Portal. Installing the multiuser server as standalone product Follow these steps for installation: 1. Note the requirements for the installation of the multiuser server. 2. Start setup for the standalone installation of the multiuser server with a double-click on the self-extracting .exe file "TIA_Portal_Multiuser_Server_V14.exe". You can find these files in the directory "Support" on the corresponding product DVD. 3. Select the preferred settings and click the "Install" button. 4. Follow the instructions in the setup dialogs. Result The multiuser server is installed on your computer. 4.11.3 Uninstalling the multiuser server Introduction You can use the Control Panel to remove the multiuser server. Requirements for removal There is a multiuser server installed on your computer. Uninstalling the multiuser server Proceed as follows for removal: 1. Open the Control Panel. 2. Click on "Uninstall a program" in the Control Panel. The "Uninstall or change a program" dialog opens. 3. Right-click the entry for the "Multiuser server" in the "Uninstall or change a program" dialog, and click "Uninstall". A security prompt appears. 4. Click "Yes" to confirm this prompt. 162 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Installation 4.11 Installing and uninstalling the multiuser server Result The multiuser server is removed from your computer. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 163 Installation 4.11 Installing and uninstalling the multiuser server 164 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 5 Migrating projects and programs 5.1 Overview of Migration Options Migration paths If you want to continue to use existing projects or programs with the latest version of the TIA Portal and the S7-1500, you have several options for migrating projects. The following graphic provides an overview of the migration options: 0LJUDWH3/& SURJUDPWR 6 0LJUDWHSURMHFW 6 6 6 6 6 Migrating projects to the TIA Portal You use the "Migrate project" function to migrate projects that were created outside of the TIA Portal with STEP 7, WinCC, WinCC flexible, or SINUMERIK. The result of the project migration is a TIA Portal project that you can use with your existing S7-300/400 series hardware and existing HMI devices. Migrating PLC programs from S7-300/400 to S7-1500 To migrate a PLC program within the TIA Portal from an S7-300/400 series device to an S7-1500, you use the PLC migration. The result of the PLC migration is an executable PLC program that is automatically adapted to the new system architecture of the S7-1500 as far as possible. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 165 Migrating projects and programs 5.1 Overview of Migration Options Optimizing PLC program for S7-1500 You also have the option to optimize your program for the S7-1500 by employing newly introduced programming methods. The optimization enables you to effectively use the higher performance, innovated memory technology and new features of the S7-1500 system. Upgrading projects You can also continue to use projects from previous versions of the TIA Portal. However, these projects do not need to be migrated. You can upgrade projects from previous versions to the current version of the product. You can find additional information on compatibility and upgrading projects in the section "AUTOHOTSPOT". Note Additional support for migration You can find the latest information about PLC migration in the Siemens Industry online support: Migration of complete systems: (http:// Migration of controllers: (http:// Migration of visualization: (http:// Migration of communication: (http:// If you need further support, please contact SIMATIC Customer Support. 166 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project 5.2.1 Migration of projects with the TIA Portal Migration of existing projects You can migrate projects from earlier automation solutions to the TIA Portal. Each time you migrate, a new project is created for the migrated data with which you can then work. Any TIA Portal projects already open are closed first. The migration is then displayed in the table of the project history. From there, you have access to the migration log that is created automatically for the migration. After the migration of hardware configurations and program blocks from earlier automation solutions, first check the functionality of the migrated project before you use it in productive operation. Supported products for migration Refer to the chapter "System overview STEP 7 and WinCC" to find out which products are available for the TIA Portal. All products listed there are generally supported by the TIA Portal during migration. Any additional requirements that must be met depend on the initial products that were used and the currently installed products. For more information on the migration options for your products, you can, for example, refer to the Siemens Industry Online Support and the documentation of your software products. See also: Scaling of STEP 7 and WinCC in the TIA Portal (Page 39) Procedure during migration The migration process is divided into the following basic steps: 1. Preparing the initial project If the software for editing the initial project is not installed or not fully installed on the programming device/PC with the TIA Portal, or if the initial project is an integrated project, you must first convert the initial project to a migration file. To do this, install the migration tool on a programming device/PC on which the required software for editing the initial project is installed. Then, use the migration tool to convert the initial project, and copy the file to the programming device/PC on which the TIA Portal is installed. You can omit this step if the initial project and its associated software are on the same programming device/ PC as the TIA Portal, and if the initial project is not an integrated project. 2. Performing migration Perform the migration within the TIA Portal. For the migration, specify as source either the migration file which you created with the migration tool or the initial project when all required software has been installed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 167 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project 3. Checking the migration log A migration log is created for each migration. It contains information about modified project parts. You can call the log under "Common data > Logs" in the project tree or in the project history. After completion of the migration, the migration log will be displayed in the TIA Portal. Check the log following completion of the migration. If the migration failed, an XML file is created as a log under "\Logs" in the project directory. You can use any XML editor to open this log and view the reasons why the migration failed. 4. Correcting the migrated project Because the configurations of the initial project may not always be completely compatible with the TIA Portal, all configurations may not be reproduced identically in the migrated project. You should therefore work through the points in the migration log systematically. If you have not included the hardware configuration in the migration, you also have to convert the unspecified devices to the appropriate hardware. Including the hardware configuration in the migration By default, only the software parts of the project are included in the migration. An unspecified device is generated in the migrated project for the devices contained in the initial project. The hardware and network configurations and the connection are not migrated. You therefore convert the unspecified devices into suitable devices after the migration and recreate any network configurations and connections manually. If you are certain that the hardware used in the initial project has a corresponding equivalent in the TIA Portal, you can include the hardware configuration in the migration. In this case, both the hardware configuration and the software are migrated. You can check with a tool (Page 168) to see which hardware components are supported. See also Display migration log (Page 174) Scaling of STEP 7 and WinCC in the TIA Portal (Page 39) 5.2.2 Check migration readiness of hardware components Introduction Siemens offers a tool that can be used to check whether the hardware configuration used in an initial project is ready for migration to the TIA Portal. Components integrated via GSD or GSDML files cannot be checked. For such modules, check manually in the TIA Portal whether the modules are available in the hardware catalog. If the modules are not available there, install the required GSD or GSDML files in the TIA Portal. You can obtain the required files from the manufacturer of the components. In the result you can also see which software products and licenses have to be available on the programming device/PC with the installation of the TIA Portal to perform a migration. You can also see as of which firmware version the individual modules of the initial project are supported in TIA Portal. The result of the check can be output in a Microsoft Excel file or in PDF format. 168 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Download The tool for checking the migration readiness is available for download in the FAQs of the Siemens Industry Online Support under entry number 60162195 (http:// Source files for the check To check readiness, you require one of the following source files which contains the article number of the hardware used in the initial project: .cfg file You can export the .cfg file from HW Config (STEP 7) with the menu command "Export as .cfg file" in the "Station" menu. The .cfg file contains all MLFBs of the devices used in the currently open station. Microsoft Excel file (in .xls file format) Regardless of the initial project used, you can create a Microsoft Excel list containing all MLFBs of the devices you want to migrate. File in .csv format The article numbers that are to be checked can also be saved to a .csv file instead of a Microsoft Excel list. To do this, use a standard text editor and enter the MLFBs separated by comma and without space after the comma. Save the text file with the extension ".csv". See also Tool for checking migration readiness ( 60162195) 5.2.3 Preparing projects with the migration tool Migrating projects with the migration tool Preparation for migration In many cases, a project that you wish to migrate will not be located on the same programming device/PC on which the latest version of the TIA Portal is installed. Therefore, the initial project must first be converted to a compatible format for the migration. The same applies to integrated projects. After creation of the migration file, you copy the migration file to the programming device/PC on which the current version of the TIA Portal is installed. In the TIA Portal, you enter the migration file as the source for the migration and can create a project in the current file format of the TIA Portal. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 169 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Procedure for migration with the migration tool The following steps are necessary to prepare a migration with the migration tool: 1. Install the migration tool on the programming device/PC where the source project is located. To do this, download the installation file from the Siemens Industry Online Support or install the migration tool from the setup DVD of the TIA Portal. 2. Start the migration tool, and use it to convert the source project to the migration file format with the file extension ".am14". For this step, make sure that all software needed to process the source project is installed on the programming device/PC. This also includes all necessary service packs, hardware support packages and all expansion software that is needed to process the initial project. If individual products are not installed it may not be possible to perform the migration or the migration may be incomplete. 3. Copy the migration file to the target system on which a current version of the TIA Portal is installed. Note that the target system must have been installed with all software needed to configure the complete set of devices contained in the migration. 4. Perform the migration within the TIA Portal and specify the migration file with the extension ".am14" as the source. 5. Once migration is complete, check the migration log and systematically work through the information provided there for the newly created project. Read the information in the Inspector window with special care after the first compilation of the configuration. Including the hardware configuration in the migration By default, only the software parts of the project are included in the migration. An unspecified device is generated in the migrated project for the devices contained in the initial project. The hardware and network configurations and the connection are not migrated. You therefore convert the unspecified devices into suitable devices after the migration and recreate any network configurations and connections manually. If you are certain that the hardware used in the initial project has a corresponding equivalent in the TIA Portal, you can include the hardware configuration in the migration. In this case, both the hardware configuration and the software are migrated. You can check with a tool to see which modules are supported. See also Migration of projects with the TIA Portal (Page 167) Migrating projects (Page 172) Calling the migration tool (Page 171) Creating a migration file (Page 171) 170 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Calling the migration tool Starting the migration tool During the installation, a "Migration to TIA Portal V14" shortcut is created by default in the Start menu under "Siemens Automation > Migration Tool". Click this shortcut. Alternatively, you can call the migration tool directly in Windows Explorer. During the installation, the migration tool is saved by default in one of the following folders: On a 64-bit operating system: C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens\Automation\MIGTOOL_V14\Bin On a 32-bit operating system: C:\Program Files\Siemens\Automation\MIGTOOL_V14\Bin To start the migration tool, click the "Siemens.Automation.MigrationApplication.exe" file in one of the directories. See also Creating a migration file (Page 171) Creating a migration file The section below describes how you can use the migration tool to convert the initial project to a migration file that can be read by the TIA Portal. Following conversion, this file is transferred to the target system and migrated there. You can specify whether the migration file should contain the entire project, including the complete hardware configuration and the associated software, or whether you want to migrate the software only. Requirement The suitable, original software with a valid license is installed for all configurations used in the initial project. The initial project is not provided with access protection. The initial project must be consistent, otherwise problem-free migration cannot be assured. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 171 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Procedure To create the migration file, proceed as follows: 1. Select the path of the source file for the migration in the "Storage Location (Path)" field. 2. Specify the project parts that are to be migrated: - Select the "Include HW and Network data during the migration" check box to migrate not only the software but also the complete hardware parts and the network configuration of the project. - Select the "Copy SCADA runtime data" check box if you also want to migrate the runtime data, such as alarm archives, tag archives and user archives, in addition to the data of the engineering system. 3. Select the path and the file name for the migration file in the "Intermediate file" field. 4. Click the "Migrate" button. Result: A migration file is created. You now copy this file to the target system and migrate this file in the TIA Portal. See also Migrating projects (Page 172) Calling the migration tool (Page 171) Migrating projects with the migration tool (Page 169) 5.2.4 Migrating projects Requirement A converted file in the format ".am14" is already available or the original software with a valid license is installed for all configurations used in the initial project. The initial project is not provided with access protection. The initial project must be consistent, otherwise problem-free migration cannot be assured. Read the additional information on the requirements in the help for the respective products installed. Note System hibernation during the migration While a migration is running, the system should not be changed to the standby or hibernate mode. Otherwise the migration will be aborted. 172 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Procedure To migrate a project, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Migrate project" command in the "Project" menu. The "Migrate project" dialog opens. 2. Specify the path and the file name for the project to be migrated in the "Source path" field. Select a project either in the ".am14" migration format or in the format of the initial project. 3. To include the hardware configuration in the migration, select the "Include hardware configuration" check box. If you have selected a migration file that was created with the migration tool, the check box cannot be selected. In this case, you must specify if you wish to include the hardware configuration in the migration before the conversion with the migration tool . 4. Select the "Copy WinCC Runtime Professional data" check box, if you also want to migrate the runtime data, such as alarm archives, tag archives and user archives, in addition to the data of the engineering system. If you have selected a migration file that was created with the migration tool, the check box cannot be selected. In this case, you must specify if you wish to include the SCADA runtime data in the migration before the conversion with the migration tool . 5. Select a name for the new project in the "Project name" box. 6. Select a path in the "Target path" box where the new project is to be created. 7. Enter your name or the name of another person responsible for the project in the "Author" field. 8. Enter a comment in the "Comment" box, if you require one. 9. Click "Migrate". Result The initial project is converted and a message appears after conversion is complete. The newly created project is then opened in the project view, and the migration log is opened in the TIA Portal. Even if the migration failed, a project directory is created and a migration log in the form of an XML file is generated in this directory. The completion message that appears after the migration contains a link to this XML file. Click the link to open the XML file. Alternatively, you can find the XML file in the project directory under "\Logs". See also Post-editing integrated projects (Page 245) Display migration log (Page 174) Migrating projects with the migration tool (Page 169) Creating a migration file (Page 171) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 173 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project 5.2.5 Displaying the history of the migration If a project was created by migration, the migration will be listed in the table of the project history. You can open the migration log in the table. The time of the migration is also shown. Procedure To display the migration in an overview table, follow these steps: 1. Select the open project in the project tree. 2. Select "Properties" in the shortcut menu of the project. The dialog with the properties of the project opens. 3. Select the "Project history" group in the area navigation. The overview table is displayed. 5.2.6 Display migration log A log is created for each successful migration. The log contains the following information: Migrated objects Modifications to objects made during migration Errors that occurred during migration In certain cases a link to more help with specific events. In this case, click the question mark to obtain more help. Procedure To display the log file of the migration, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Common data > Logs" folder in the project tree. 2. Double-click the desired log in the list. The contents of the log are displayed in the work area. See also Migration of projects with the TIA Portal (Page 167) 174 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project 5.2.7 Migrating STEP 7 projects (S7-300, S7-400) Migration of STEP 7 projects (S7-300, S7-400) Introduction You can migrate a project from SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.4 SP5. You can then continue to use this project in the TIA Portal. If you want to migrate projects from older STEP 7 versions, you must open, compile and save these projects first in STEP 7 V5.4 SP5. It is also possible to migrate integrated projects with devices from other software products. Scope of migration Generally, you can migrate all configurations and objects from SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.4 SP5 that the installed version of the TIA Portal supports. This includes, for example, the following devices and configurations: Devices of the S7-300 and S7-400 family. PROFIBUS configurations with connected distributed I/O. These include GSD-based slaves, I-slaves as well as direct data exchange. PROFINET configurations with distributed I/O. These include GSD-based devices and Idevices. Network configurations Connections Blocks created in the programming languages LAD, FBD or STL, S7-SCL, S7-GRAPH PLC tags User-defined data types (UDT) Alarms and alarm classes Interrupts User-defined attributes (UDA) User text libraries Including the hardware configuration in the migration By default, only the software parts of the project are included in the migration. An unspecified device is generated in the migrated project for each of the devices contained in the initial project. The hardware and network configurations and the connection are not migrated. You can convert the unspecified devices into suitable devices after the migration and create any network configurations and connections manually. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 175 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project If you are certain that the hardware used in the initial project has a corresponding equivalent in the TIA Portal, you can include the hardware configuration in the migration. In this case, both the hardware configuration and the software are migrated. Note Additional support for migration You can find the latest information about migration in the Siemens Industry Online Support: Migration of controllers ( If you need further support, contact SIMATIC Customer Support. See also Reporting system errors (Page 194) Migrating program blocks (Page 183) Requirements for the migration of STEP 7 projects (S7-300, S7-400) Various requirements for the software installed on the original PG/PC and for the initial project apply to the migration. Requirements for the original PG/PC The following requirements apply to the PG/PC: A licensed version of STEP 7 V5.4 SP5 or higher (we recommend V5.5 SP4) must be installed. For projects that only contain PC stations, it is sufficient if the SIMATIC NET PC software is installed. For all of the configurations used in the project, the corresponding additional software must be installed with a valid license, for example, optional packages All HSPs for modules not included in the hardware catalog must be installed. All GSD files used in the project must comply with the specifications. You must be logged on to the operating system with administrative rights. One of the following software products must be installed: - The TIA Portal with STEP 7 Professional V13 SP1 or higher If you do not migrate with the most recent version of the TIA Portal on the original programming device/PC, the functional scope of the project in more recent versions of the TIA Portal is initially limited. You first have to upgrade the project before you can use the full functional scope of more recent versions. - The migration tool 176 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Requirements for the initial project The initial project must not be configured with access protection. The hardware and software must be consistent. The alarm number assignment must be set to CPU-oriented. The project cannot contain any protected blocks with time stamp conflict. It must be possible to compile all programs and their sources without errors. All called blocks must be available in the block folder. The block folder must contain no blocks that are not called, in particular no instance data blocks. We recommend that you migrate blocks unencrypted, because blocks encrypted with S7Block Privacy cannot be read or modified in the TIA Portal. Requirements for the PG/PC with STEP 7 Professional One of the following software products must be installed: - STEP 7 Professional V13 SP1 or later - STEP 7 Professional V13 SP1 or later (without license) when the project to be migrated only contains components that have been configured with the SIMATIC NET PC software. For all of the configurations used in the project, the corresponding additional software must be installed with a valid license, for example, optional packages. All HSPs for modules that are not contained in the hardware catalog and all GSD files used in the project must be installed. Checking whether STEP 7 projects can be migrated (S7-300, S7-400) Before you start the migration, check to determine whether all necessary requirements for migration have been met in the initial project. Note Note that the actual values are reset in the initial project when the following steps are carried out. Also note that running the block consistency check resets the start values in the instance DBs to the default values. If you are using technology functions, this behavior is not desired. Procedure To check whether a project can be migrated, follow these steps: 1. Open the initial project in SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.5 SP3. For correct matching, only the optional packages and hardware components available in the TIA Portal, including HSPs and GSD files, may be installed. 2. Open the individual stations. If no alarms indicating missing components are displayed when the stations are opened, all the components necessary for migration are available. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 177 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project 3. Perform a block consistency check for each block container contained in the project. For more information on the consistency check, refer to Chapter "Consistency check in the initial project (Page 178)". 4. Compile the entire project. If no errors are displayed during the compilation, the programs can be migrated. 5. Check whether all modules with an identical MLFB and the same firmware version are contained in the TIA Portal hardware catalog. You can perform the check using a tool. You can find additional information on this in the chapter AUTOHOTSPOT. 6. Check whether the CPU-oriented alarm number assignment is activated for each CPU. 7. Compile the project in NetPro. The compilation in NetPro must also be error-free. See also Consistency check in the initial project (Page 178) FAQ entry on consistency check ( 5416540) Consistency check in the initial project (S7-300, S7-400) Consistent initial project A consistent initial project is a requirement for the successful migration of a project to the TIA Portal. It is therefore advisable to perform a consistency check on the initial project before migration. You can find a guide to the consistency check in SIMATIC STEP 7 in an FAQ entry ( on the Siemens Industry Online Support page or in the SIMATIC STEP 7 help. Migrate start values in instance DBs for technology blocks The compilation in the block consistency check causes the tags in instance DBs to be reset to the default values. The set start values are lost in the process. To migrate the start values anyway, we recommend one of the following procedures: For smaller projects: Backup the instance DBs outside the block folder Backup the instance DBs before you start the consistency check. After the consistency check has been completed, copy the instance DBs back to the block folder. For larger projects: Create a copy of the project Make a copy of the project and then carry out the check on the copy of the project. Correct any errors found during the consistency check in the initial project. You can then migrate the project with the configured values. In this way, the configuration of the technology functions is also retained. See also Basic information on start values (Page 4564) 178 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Removing unsupported hardware components (S7-300, S7-400) If you have created configurations in the initial project for which not all of the right software is installed, then you can still migrate the project by manually deleting the unsupported configurations from the project. Alternatively, you can use the "Reorganize" function. Procedure To clean the original project, follow these steps: 1. Use an installation of SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.5 SP3 that contains only the optional packages contained in the TIA Portal and all required modules. 2. Save the project again and select the "With reorganization" option when saving. Any unsupported configurations will be removed from the project. For modules that are only available in a new version or with a new firmware version in the TIA Portal, use the "Exchange object" function in the station to exchange an older module for one that can be migrated. Special points to observe during migration (S7-300, S7-400) Device names (S7-300, S7-400) Device names of PROFINET IO devices In STEP 7 V5.5 the device name of a PROFINET IO device is used as the name of the IO devices. After the migration to a TIA Portal project, the device name of the PROFINET IO device from the initial project is used as follows: As the PROFINET device name As the name for the interface module As the name of the station A maximum of 24 characters is permitted for the name of the station in the TIA Portal. The name of the station is therefore truncated to a maximum of 24 characters where required. If truncating of the station name would result in several stations with the same name, the last characters of the station name are used to number the stations consecutively. Names of modules and racks In SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.5, the names of modules and racks do not have to be unique. In the TIA Portal, however, unique names are required. Therefore, the names of the modules and racks are incremented during the migration to make sure that unique names are assigned. This does not apply to PROFINET IO devices and PROFINET CPs. You must provide unique names for these yourself. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 179 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project PROFINET IO configurations (S7-300, S7-400) Unique name assignment required The names of PROFINET IO devices must be unique within the subnet. The same applies to the names of PROFINET CPs. For this reason, ensure that the name assignment is unique before the migration into the initial project or provide unique names after migration and before the first compilation. Media redundancy with sync domains If a sync domain with activated media redundancy is found in the initial project, the sync domain configuration is imported during migration. If, however, several sync domains with activated media redundancy are found in the initial project, they are removed and the project is migrated without the sync domains. In any case, you will receive a message which sync domains were imported. In any case, use SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.5 to configure the media redundancy in the initial project. Isochronous mode with PROFINET IO Note the following for PROFINET IO configurations in isochronous mode: IRT with high performance If you have configured IRT with high performance when planning the topology in the initial project, the option is changed to "RT" during migration. You will receive a message informing you of the change. Use of OB 61 If the isochronous mode for PROFINET IO with OB 61 is activated in the original configuration in the STEP 7 project, it will be deactivated by the migration. The devices will still be imported. PROFINET IRT configurations with the option "high flexibility" without the use of OB 61 can be migrated. CBA for IO controllers If you have used the cyclical service CBA (Component Based Automation) in the initial project, it is deactivated during migration. You will receive a message informing you of the change. Use of Shared Devices If Shared Devices are configured in the initial project, they are removal during migration. You will receive a message informing you of their removal. Transfer areas If transfer areas for data exchange between the IO controller and I-device are configured in the initial project, they are removed during migration. You will receive a message informing you when a transfer area is removed during migration. 180 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Update groups for PROFINET IO If necessary, also remove update groups from the STEP 7 project before you start the migration. If any update groups are still configured, then the migration can not be carried out. I slaves and I-devices Only connected and consistent I slave and I-device configurations can be migrated. If the configuration is inconsistent, then the configurations in question will be excluded from the migration. PROFINET IO systems that are not connected Devices with PROFINET IO systems that are not connected can be migrated. The IO devices and the PROFINET IO systems are located in the network view without connection after migration. Connect these IO devices after migration with an IO controller or delete any unnecessary IO devices. PROFIBUS configurations (S7-300, S7-400) Isochronous PROFIBUS It is possible to migrate isochronous PROFIBUS configurations. You should compile the project again after the migration, however, to rule out any possible inconsistencies. Also pay attention to slightly changed SDBs. Orphaned master systems Devices with orphaned DP master systems can be migrated. The DP slaves of the abandoned DP master system are located in the network view without connection after migration. Connect these DP slaves after migration with a DP master or delete any unnecessary DP slaves. GSD and GSDML devices (S7-300, S7-400) For devices that were configured with PROFIBUS GSD or PROFINET GSD files, the corresponding GSD files must also be installed in the TIA Portal. If GSD files are not yet installed in the TIA Portal, they will be installed automatically during the migration. The GSD files must comply with the specifications (e.g., GSDML Specification for PROFINET IO, see (, in order for the project to be migrated successfully. If GSD files of a device manufacturer do not comply with the specification, the project cannot be migrated. In the migration log, you receive alarms notifying you of noncompliant GSD files. If the GSD files do not comply with specifications, check whether a newer version of the GSD file is available from the manufacturer. Install the current version. If a version of the GSD file that complies with the specification is not available, contact the device manufacturer. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 181 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Connections (S7-300, S7-400) Connections from SIMATIC STEP 7 projects can generally be migrated if they are also supported by the installed version of the TIA Portal. Migratable types of connection The following connection types can be migrated: S7 connection one-way S7 connection two-way Failsafe S7 connection TCP connection ISO-on-TCP connection ISO connection UDP connection E-mail connection FDL connection Point-to-point connection FMS connections on the PROFIBUS are not accepted during the migration. Adapt the connections or modify the user program. Multiprojects (S7-300, S7-400) Multiprojects in SIMATIC STEP 7 In SIMATIC STEP 7, you can organize projects into a multiproject if, for example, a project is very large or if several people are working on it. The subprojects may contain cross-project references, for example connections. All subprojects of a multiproject and the associated libraries are stored in the same directory. Migration of parts of a multiproject You can migrate the subprojects of a multiproject. To do this, select one of the subprojects during the migration. All of the devices and configurations contained in the respective subproject will be imported during the migration. Observe the following when migrating a subproject: Cross-project connections Cross-project connections between subprojects are created as unspecified connections. Cross-project networking Information on networking of devices across project boundaries will be lost during the migration. Links between devices in the same subproject will be retained however. 182 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Grouping a multiproject for the migration. It is only possible to migrate an entire multiproject with all of its associated subprojects if you manually regroup the different subprojects prior to the migration. To regroup a multiproject, copy all devices, for example, and paste the devices into a single project. Migrating program blocks (S7-300, S7-400) You can generally migrate all blocks created in LAD, FBD, SCL, STL, and GRAPH. Please note the following: Programs with absolute addressing In the TIA Portal, symbolic operands are automatically declared for all absolute addresses. If absolute addressing is used in the STEP 7 program to be migrated, symbolic operands are declared for the absolute addresses during the migration. This automatic declaration can lead to data type conflicts, particularly if the IEC check is activated in the TIA Portal. A data type conflict could occur, for example, when a 32-bit data word is interpreted as a tag with the type DWORD by the automatic declaration, but the program expects a tag with the data type REAL. In this case, it is not enough to deactivate the IEC check. Instead, you must correct the declaration in the PLC tag table. Data type conflicts can also occur if you access the same absolute address multiple times in the program, but use different data types for the different access operations. The following figure shows an example of such multiple access: In these cases, a separate tag is declared automatically for each data type during the migration. Since all tags reference the same absolute address, warnings are output in the PLC tag table. You need to manually correct these address overlaps in the PLC tag table. Migration of communication blocks During the migration of communication instructions from STEP 7 V5.x, pointers of the data type ANY are replaced by PLC tags within the own S7 station. After the migration a warning is displayed at the affected parameters. Replace the PLC tags with a pointer at the affected parameters. For absolute addressing of a data block with data type ANY, the data block must have been created with standard access, since symbolic addressing with data type ANY is not possible. Example: To input values, use the appropriate parameters of instruction P#M10.0 BYTE 4 instead of %MD10. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 183 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Symbolic names for blocks and user-defined data types (UDT) In the TIA Portal, each block or UDT has a number and a name. It is therefore no longer necessary to declare symbolic names. If the migrated program contains symbol declarations for blocks or UDTs, they will be used as names after the migration. Blocks from STEP 7 libraries In the TIA Portal, standard functions and function blocks are not provided in libraries. Instead, they are available as instructions in the "Instructions" task card. The instructions are sorted by function and can be found under their symbolic name. If calls of standard functions or function blocks are contained in the migrated program, they are replaced during the migration by the instructions that correspond to the original standard function or the original standard function block. If the library block is no longer supported in the TIA Portal, you have the following options: The library block is replaced by a compatible instruction. In this case, you will receive an alarm informing you that you have to compile the program after migration. Note that the calling block may not carry any know-how protection, as the block call has to be adapted during compilation. If there is no compatible instruction, the block is migrated as user block. It is then available as a know-how protected block in the folder "Program blocks" with the extension "_LF" (legacy function). User-defined block libraries User-defined block libraries are no longer available in the familiar form in the TIA Portal. However, you can migrate user-defined libraries by integrating these into a project prior to migration and then migrating the project. After this, you can copy these from this project in the TIA Portal and use them. Instructions in a modified display The display of some of the LAD, FBD, STL, SCL and GRAPH commands in the TIA Portal differs from the display in earlier versions of STEP 7. So, for example, the mathematical functions and the comparators are no longer specific for data types. Instead, there is a central instruction, which can be used for all types of data. The "ADD_I" command is no longer permitted, for example; the instruction "ADD" is used instead. Some other commands also have a new display in the TIA Portal, e.g., edge commands, word logic operations, conversions, IEC timers, IEC counters, etc. The commands will be converted for the new display during the migration. 184 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Stricter IEC check Stricter rules for checking data type compatibility will be used in the TIA Portal. In addition, errors that can lead to runtime errors are already detected during the syntax check. It is no longer permitted to write your own input parameters or to read your own output parameters in functions (FC). Observe the following rules to avoid syntax errors: Only use tags with compatible data types when transferring the parameters. In comparison instructions or arithmetic instructions, only use tags with compatible data types. You may not write to input parameters or read from output parameters. For more information on the block interface and on data type conversion with IEC check, refer to the Help on data types: Data types Stricter data type check with the "MOVE" and "FILL" instructions With the "MOVE" and "FILL" instructions, the compatibility of the source and destination areas is checked according to stricter rules. It is no longer possible, for example, to move a tag of the data type "Integer" to a destination area of the data type "WORD" using "MOVE". Instead of this, use the "CONVERT", "T_CONV" or "S_CONV" instructions in the TIA Portal. You will find more detailed information on the data types compatible with "MOVE" and "FILL" in the help on the instructions: MOVE: Move value (Page 2591) FILL: Fill block (Page 2648) Programs that were created in LAD or in FBD and use invalid data types at the "MOVE" or "FILL" instruction are shown in STL after the migration. However, the language is still set as LAD or FBD in the block properties. In the block properties, change the program again to STL. Then reset the language to LAD or FBD. Suffix for I/O access ":P" In the TIA Portal, the access ID ":P" is used for direct addressing of the I/O. The following notation is not permitted, for example: %PIW3 The following notation is used instead: %IW3:P //absolute display MyTag:P //symbolic display The accesses are converted into the new notation during the migration. However, symbolic names, which were declared to be I/O tags in the original program, cannot be accepted. New declarations will be created instead. For more information on the I/O access refer to the Help on addressing the I/O: Address I/O WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 185 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project No distinction is made between upper and lower case for jump labels No distinction is made between upper and lower case for jump labels in the TIA Portal. If the source program contains jump labels that differ only through upper/lower case, these will be converted into unique jump labels. The log file provides information on the modified jump labels. German special character "" is not distinguished from "ss" In tag names, the German special character "" is not distinguished from "ss" in the TIA Portal. If, for example, the source program contains tag names that differ only in these two characters, they will be converted into unique tag names. Migration of REAL and STRING values In the TIA Portal it is checked whether the start values of REAL and STRING tags are in the permitted and/or declared range. The following rules apply: REAL tags must have a value in the range from +1.175494E-38 to +3.402823E+38. The maximum length of the STRING value must not exceed the declared length of the STRING. If these rules are not satisfied, the program will be successfully migrated but it will not then be possible to compile it. As remedy, you can open the corresponding data block in STEP 7 (TIA Portal) and change the start values. Then compile the program with the menu command "Software (rebuild all blocks)". Migration of global data blocks The display and handling of data values in data blocks is different in the TIA Portal compared with SIMATIC STEP 7. In global data blocks which are not derived from a higher-level object, for example a UDT, the tags are always assigned the default value of the data type as the default value, for example FALSE for the data type BOOL. This default value is not editable. If offline initial values were assigned in the declaration view, they are not imported during the migration. If you require user-specific default values in the program, use a global data block based on a PLC data type. You can assign user-specific default values for tag values in a PLC data type. For more information on data values in data blocks refer to the Help on data blocks: Programming data blocks Note Additional support for migration You can find the latest information about migration in the Siemens Industry Online Support: Migration of controllers ( If you need further support, please contact SIMATIC Customer Support. 186 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migration of LAD/FBD/STL programs (S7-300, S7-400) LAD, FBD and STL blocks can run after the migration without being recompiled or reloaded. Know-how protection Blocks that were know-how protected before the migration remain know-how protected after the migration. Because the sources are not migrated, the know-how protection cannot be canceled. The blocks can thus not be opened or edited. It is possible, however, to load the blocks into the CPU and to run them. The following options are available for disabling a block's know-how protection: Prior to the migration, remove the KNOW_HOW_PROTECT attribute from the source and create a block without know-how protection from this. Then migrate this block. Import the source into the TIA Portal and create a block without know-how protection from this. Then use the "Edit > Know-how protection" menu command to provide the block with a password. Switch-over from LAD/FBD to STL Programs that were created in LAD or in FBD and contain operations that are no longer permitted in S7-1500 are shown in STL after the migration for system reasons. Invalid operations are, for example, jump operations to downstream networks. However, the language is still set as LAD or FBD in the block properties. In the block properties, change the program again to STL. Then reset the language to LAD or FBD. Switching from STL to LAD/FBD During migration of a LAD/FBD block containing STL networks, an error message appears. The reason behind this error message is that an STL network of a LAD/FBD block cannot be represented in LAD/FBD even after the migration. The STL networks are migrated correctly, however. You can ignore the error message. Migrating GRAPH programs (S7-300, S7-400) Requirement The prerequisite for migrating GRAPH blocks is to have the "S7-GRAPH" optional package, version 5.3 SP6 or later, installed on the original device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 187 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project GRAPH-specific block settings The GRAPH-specific block settings have been significantly reduced in the TIA Portal. The following table gives an overview of how the original block settings are transferred to the TIA Portal. Setting in the initial project Setting in the TIA Portal FB pa rameter Existing parameters will be migrated Minimum Standard Maximum Definable Interface descrip tion Minimized memory space Create minimized DB Structure fields Individual structures are always created Individual structures Run ca pability FC70/71 FC72 FC 73 if the option "Create minimized DB" is active; otherwise FC 72 FC73 Criteria analysis in the DB Setting not relevant in the TIA Portal Skip steps Skip steps Acknowledge errors Acknowledge supervision errors Synchronization Always activated in the TIA Portal Permanent processing of all inter locks in manual operation Permanent processing of all interlocks in manual operation Lock operating mode selection Lock operating mode selection Safe activation mode Always activated in the TIA Portal Warnings Always activated in the TIA Portal None Any Activate alarms Activate alarms Alarms with WR_USMSG Alarms in the TIA Portal always with ALARM_SQ/ALARM_S Step name extension Step name extensions are not supported in the TIA Portal. They are converted to step-specific text during the migration. Compiling the migrated block GRAPH blocks must be recompiled and reloaded after the migration. The following errors may occur when compiling: Data type conflicts may occur due to the stricter IEC check. In this case, change the declaration. Since the "structure fields" setting for the interface is no longer available in the TIA Portal, interface elements can no longer be addressed with G7S[1].X, for example. Access to the element must therefore be corrected, e.g. to STEP1.X. 188 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Changing the interface of the GRAPH block The changed settings can lead to interface changes of the block. Therefore, it may be necessary to regenerate the instance DB or to update block calls. Migrating SCL programs (S7-300, S7-400) The prerequisite for migrating SCL blocks is to have the "S7-SCL" option package, version 5.3 SP5 or later, installed on the original device. SCL blocks must be recompiled and reloaded after the migration. Basic procedure for the migration A complete migration of SCL blocks is only carried out if the associated sources exist in the initial project. The table below gives you an overview of the basic procedure: Existing in the initial project Existing after migration SCL blocks with source Editable SCL blocks Know-how protected SCL blocks with source Editable SCL blocks. After the migration, the blocks no longer have know-how protection but can be re-protected, if necessary. SCL blocks without source Know-how protected SCL blocks Know-how protected SCL blocks without source Know-how protected SCL blocks SCL-specific compiler options Only the compiler options that are defined directly in an SCL source are adopted as block properties in the TIA Portal during migration. If no compiler options are defined in the original SCL source, the options in the properties of the migrated block are deactivated. Compiler options defined as settings in the SCL Editor or in an SCL compile control file are not migrated. The following table gives an overview of the compiler options that are transferred as block property to the TIA Portal. Compiler option in the SCL source Block property in the TIA Portal scl_monitorarraylimits Check ARRAY limits scl_createdebuginfo Create extended status information scl_setokflag Set ENO automatically Calling function blocks A block call with indication of the function block, for example "DBX"."FBX()", is no longer permitted in the TIA Portal. The call syntax is converted to the notation "DBX()" during the migration. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 189 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project New EN/ENO mechanism SCL uses the EN/ENO mechanism of the TIA Portal. For this reason, all usages of the OK flag are replaced by ENO during the migration. The points where ENO was used in the original program are highlighted. You must check these points after the migration and adapt them to the new mechanism. See also: AUTOHOTSPOT Operator "DIV" The "DIV" operator is no longer available in the TIA Portal. All usages of "DIV" will be converted to the standard notation "/" during the migration. Nested ARRAYs It is not possible to nest ARRAYs in the TIA Portal. The following declaration is not permitted, for example: ARRAY[1..5] OF ARRAY[0..3] OF INT Nested ARRAYs are converted into multi-dimensional ARRAYs during migration. The example would look as follows after the migration: ARRAY[1..5, 0..3] OF INT Declaration of jump labels (LABEL) The declaration of jump labels is not possible in the TIA Portal. The following declaration would not be accepted from the initial project, for example: LABEL MARKE1, MARKE2, MARKE3 ; END_LABEL Set jump labels, however, will be retained in the program code and can be used for GOTO operations. Declaration of symbolic constants in the block interface In the TIA Portal, symbolic constants always have a data type. If symbolic constants are declared without data type in the source program, an appropriate data type will be assigned to them during the migration. See also: AUTOHOTSPOT Declaring global constants (Page 4607) Indexed I/O access In the TIA Portal, the syntax with rounded parentheses is used for indexed I/O access. The following notation is not permitted, for example: PEB[1] 190 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project The following notation is used instead: EB(1):P The accesses are converted into the new notation during the migration. See also: AUTOHOTSPOT Indexed memory accesses In the TIA Portal, the syntax with rounded parentheses is used for indexed memory accesses. The following notation is not permitted, for example: EB[2] The following notation is used instead: EB(2) The accesses are converted into the new notation during the migration. For additional information on addressing, refer to "See also". Indexed access to data blocks In the TIA Portal, the syntax with rounded parentheses is used for indexed data block accesses. The following notation is not permitted, for example: %DB100.DW[5] The following notation is used instead: %DB100.DW(5) The accesses are converted into the new notation during the migration. For additional information on addressing, refer to "See also". Absolute access to data blocks For absolute access, the absolute designator of the data block must be used. Access using the symbolic designator is not permitted in the TIA Portal. The following notation is not permitted, for example: DB100.DW3 The following notation is used instead: %DB100.DW3 During the migration, the marker "%" will be added for a detected absolute data block access. For additional information on addressing, refer to "See also". Logarithmic functions "EXPD" and "LOG" Logarithmic functions "EXPD" and "LOG" are no longer available in the TIA Portal. All usages of "EXPD" are converted to the standard notation "10**()" during the migration. All usages of "LOG" are converted to the standard notation "LN()" during the migration. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 191 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Mathematical instruction "MAX" The "MAX" instruction cannot process any time data types in the TIA Portal. However, you can use comparators instead. The following example shows how you can find the "larger" of two time data types using comparators: SCL #xs_tod := #xi_tod + #xi_time; // statt #xstod1 := MAX(IN1:=#xtod1, IN2:=#xstod1); IF #xs_tod < #xi_tod THEN #xs_tod := #xi_tod; END_IF; // statt #xsd1 := MAX(IN1:=#xd1, IN2:=#xsd1); IF #xi_date <#xs_date THEN #xs_date := #xi_date; END_IF; #xs_date_time := #xi_date_time + #xi_time; // statt #xs_date_time := MAX(IN1:=#xi_date_time, IN2:=#xs_date_time); IF #xi_date_time <#xs_date_time THEN #xs_date_time := #xi_date_time; END_IF; Floating point numbers - exponential display The exponential notation of floating point numbers without a decimal point is no longer permitted in the TIA Portal. The following notation is not permitted, for example: 3E10 The following notation is used instead: 3.0E10 During the migration, all usages of "3E10" will be converted to the standard notation "3.0E10". See also: Floating-point numbers (Page 2150) Blocks from STEP 7 libraries The functions FC 1 to FC 40 from the STEP 7 classic library "IEC standard functions" are no longer available in the TIA Portal. Calls to the standard functions are converted to calls to the corresponding extended instructions during the migration. If there is no clear conversion possibility, a system error is issued. In this case, change the SCL block after the migration and use SCL instructions or operators instead of IEC standard functions. Examples: 192 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Use S5TIME_TO_TIME instead of S5TI_TIM (FC 33) "TAG_TIME" := S5TIME_TO_TIME ("TAG_S5TIME"); Use the comparator operator <> instead of NE_DT (FC 9): IF #D1 <> #D2 THEN "MyOutput" : = 10; END_IF; Use the comparator operator = instead of EQ_STRING (FC 10): IF #My_String1 = #MyString2 THEN "MyOutput" : = 10; END_IF; Interruption of strings with "$" In STEP 7 Classic, strings in SCL could be interrupted by special characters, e.g., control characters or non-printable characters. These characters were identified by the interruption sequences "$>" and "$<". Example: #myString := 'Test1$> $ With reorganization". Restrictions Symbol-based alarms cannot be migrated. The keywords "$$AKZ$$", "$$BlockComment$$", and "$$Area$$" are transferred but no replacement takes place during runtime. Reporting system errors (S7-300, S7-400) In principle, you can migrate system error messages that you have configured using SIMATIC STEP 7. Restrictions When migrating the "Report system errors" application, only the settings that were set by the user in the SIMATIC STEP 7 project will be migrated (e.g. basic settings, block numbers, block names). The following elements are not migrated: SFM blocks SFM messages and the settings that were made to configure the message texts System text libraries 194 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project After migration, the settings can be manually adjusted once again. The missing elements will be recreated during the first compilation of the hardware configuration. Migration of project texts (S7-300, S7-400) When you migrate an initial project, project texts such as block titles and block comments are adopted in the TIA Portal. However, only project texts in the set editing language of the initial project are migrated. Project texts in other languages are not migrated. See also Migration of STEP 7 projects (Page 175) Project text basics (Page 426) 5.2.8 Migrating WinCC flexible projects Principles (WinCC flexible) Migration (WinCC flexible) Introduction You can continue to use projects in WinCC from WinCC flexible. The following versions of WinCC flexible are supported: WinCC flexible 2008 SP2 WinCC flexible 2008 SP3 The following sections describe the HMI devices that are supported and the required basic conditions for a successful migration. Projects from ProTool Pro and earlier WinCC flexible versions cannot be migrated directly to WinCC. If you want to continue using such projects in WinCC, you have to migrate these to a supported version of WinCC flexible first and change the HMI device type. If the project to be migrated contains components of a supported option package, the option package must be installed for successful migration to WinCC. If the option package is not installed, migration is canceled. This concerns the following option packages: SINUMERIK The following option packages are not supported by the migration: ProAgent Open Platform Program - OPP WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 195 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project See also Migrating projects from WinCC flexible (Page 198) Compiling and loading a migrated project (WinCC flexible) (Page 200) Supported HMI devices (Page 201) Migration of connections (WinCC flexible) (Page 210) Migration of tags (WinCC flexible) (Page 213) Migration of runtime data (WinCC flexible) (Page 222) Migration of integrated projects (WinCC flexible) (Page 225) Migration principles (WinCC flexible) Introduction In the migration the project data are converted from a WinCC flexible project into the new data format of WinCC. The data will not be evaluated to see if they are consistent in the project you want to migrate. If errors or warnings are output in a source project during compilation, these will not be resolved as part of the migration. This means you should be able to compile the project without errors prior to migration. Note the scope of a project during migration. The features of WinCC apply for migration. For additional information refer to the online help in section "Process visualization > Performance features > Engineering System". Unique object names The objects are clearly identified by the folders in which they are contained in WinCC flexible. Screen objects in groups are clearly identified by the group name. In WinCC, an object name must be unique within an HMI device. The name of screen objects must be unique within a screen. The uniqueness of the name is verified during migration. If a name is not unique according to the new rule, the object in question will be renamed. A renamed object will receive the suffix "#Mign", where "n" stands for a sequential number. Note Changed OPC DA server name If you have configured an OPC-DA server in the WinCC flexible project, the OPC-DA server is no longer available under the old name after migration. In the migrated project, change the name of the OPC-DA server to the following value for the OPC clients concerned: "OPC.SimaticHMI.CoRtHmiRTm". 196 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Points to note when renaming tags If you have structured tags in folders in WinCC flexible, the name of the tag will be formed during migration from the folder name and the tag name. The names of the folders and tags are separated by the character \. The name of the tag after migration is then, for example: Plant1\Line3\Tag17. If the name would otherwise be longer than 128 characters after migration, the name is formed by the character string #mig, a consecutive number, the character # and the tag name from WinCC flexible, for example #mig2#Tag17. If you dynamically compose tag names in scripts, you must check the tags whose names were changed during migration with "#mig". Affected objects The following objects are renamed if necessary: Screens Faceplates Screen objects Graphics Recipes Structures Structural elements Alarm logs Tags Data logs Connections Canceling migration The migration is canceled in the following cases: If the project to be migrated is opened in the engineering system or in Runtime. If not enough memory space is available on the hard disk to create a copy for migration of the project. If migration cannot address the project database due to problems with the installed SQL server. If migration cannot address the project database due to missing user authorization. If you select the "*.hmi" file for the migration in an integrated project. You must select the "*.s7" file for the migration in an integrated project. If the project was created with a version not supported by the migration. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 197 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Saving the project in the migration format You do not have to execute the migration of a WinCC flexible project completely on the PC on which the project is available. You can prepare the migration by saving the project in the migration format. The migration tool is available for saving a WinCC flexible project in the migration format. The migration tool exports the engineering data from the WinCC flexible project and saves the data in the migration format "*.AM13". For the actual migration, copy the data in the migration format to a PC on which the TIA Portal is installed. For more detailed information, please refer to the migration tool documentation. Migrating projects from WinCC flexible Introduction When you migrate a project, data from a WinCC flexible project is loaded into a new project for WinCC. A new project is therefore created automatically for project migration. You cannot migrate to an existing project. The migration can be started in both the Portal view and the Project view. You should only migrate a project to a re-started TIA Portal. Information on the migration of an integrated project can be found in the section Migration of integrated projects (WinCC flexible) (Page 225). If you only want to save the project in migration format, you can use the migration tool. See Migration principles (WinCC flexible) (Page 196) for additional information. Note Further support for migration You find current information on migration in the Siemens Industry Online Support: Migration of visualization If you need further assistance, please contact the SIMATIC Customer Support. Requirement A project from WinCC flexible is available. The project is not open in WinCC flexible. 198 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Procedure Migrate a project in the Portal view as follows: 1. Select the action "Start > Migrate Project". 2. In the "Source path" box, navigate to the project you want to migrate. 3. Select the WinCC flexible project file "*.hmi" or "*.am14". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 199 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project 4. Change the information for the project to be created, if necessary. For example, change the project name or project path. The data to be migrated is created in the new project. 5. Click "Migrate". A new project is created and migration of the data is started: - The Project view opens. - The progress of the migration is shown in a migration window. - Warnings and errors about the migration process are displayed in the Inspector window under "Info > General". - All information about the migration is saved in a log file. - The project is saved and a message displayed upon completion of the migration. The message contains a link that you can use to open the log file. When migration is complete, you will find a newly created device for each migrated HMI device in the project tree. These devices contain the migrated data, such as screens, alarms and tags. Opening the migration log at a later point in time The migration log is saved together with the migrated project. You can view the log at a later point in time. Open the log file as follows: 1. Open the "Common data > Logs" folder in the project tree. It contains the logs of all previously performed migrations. 2. Double-click the required migration log. The log is opened. See also Migration (WinCC flexible) (Page 195) Migration of integrated projects (WinCC flexible) (Page 225) Migration principles (WinCC flexible) (Page 196) Compiling and loading a migrated project (WinCC flexible) Compiling a migrated project Once you have successfully migrated a WinCC flexible project, you need to recompile it before loading it to the HMI device. The project will only compile successfully if it was capable of errorfree compiling prior to migration. If errors occur during compilation of the migrated project, they have to be eliminated. Once compiling is successfully completed, load the project to the HMI device. Settings for download to the HMI device The settings for loading the HMI device are not included in the migration. Once you have migrated the project, you must configure the settings for loading. 200 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Select the HMI device in the project tree and select "Loading in device > Software (complete loading)" from the shortcut menu.The dialog "Advanced Loading" is opened. Configure the required settings for the interface. Click the "Load" button. The project is recompiled and the dialog "Load preview" is opened. Expand the "Overwrite" entry and verify the settings for the following options: Would you like to overwrite the existing user administration data from this device Would you like to overwrite the existing recipe data on HMI system Configure the options as you want to use them in the project in the future. Subsequently, load the project to the HMI device. See also Migration (WinCC flexible) (Page 195) Migrating engineering data (WinCC flexible) HMI devices (WinCC flexible) Supported HMI devices Introduction When migrating projects from WinCC flexible you must bear in mind that WinCC does not support all HMI devices. You have to distinguish between the following cases: HMI device is supported by WinCC. The project is migrated 1:1 and gets the same HMI device after migration as before migration. The HMI device is replaced by a compatible successor model. The project is migrated. The migration replaces the HMI device with a compatible successor model. See HMI device change as a result of migration (WinCC flexible) (Page 204) for additional information. HMI device is not supported. If your WinCC flexible project contains an HMI device that is not supported by WinCC, the migration process is cancelled. To migrate the project, you must change the HMI device in WinCC flexible to a HMI device type supported by WinCC. The following HMI device types are supported both by WinCC flexible and WinCC: Basic Panels KTP400 Basic mono PN KTP400 Basic mono PN Portrait KTP600 Basic DP WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 201 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project KTP600 Basic DP Portrait KTP600 Basic PN KTP600 Basic PN Portrait KTP600 Basic mono PN KTP600 Basic mono PN Portrait KTP1000 Basic DP KTP1000 Basic PN TP1500 Basic PN Mobile Panels Mobile Panel 177 6'' DP Mobile Panel 177 6'' PN Mobile Panel 277 8'' Mobile Panel 277 8'' IWLAN V2 Mobile Panel 277F 8'' IWLAN V2 Mobile Panel 277F 8'' IWLAN (RFID Tag) Mobile Panel 277 10'' Panels OP 73 OP 77A OP 77B OP 177B 6'' mono OP 177B 6'' color PN/DP TP 177B 4'' color PN/DP TP 177A TP 177A Portrait TP 177B 6'' mono DP TP 177B 6'' color PN/DP OP 277 6'' TP 277 6'' Multi Panels MP 177 6'' Touch MP 277 8'' Key 202 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project MP 277 8'' Touch MP 277 10'' Key MP 277 10'' Touch MP 377 12'' Key MP 377 12'' Touch MP 377 15'' Touch MP 377 15" Touch daylight readable MP 377 19'' Touch SINUMERIK PC OP 010 Key OP 012 Key OP 015 Key OP 015A Key TP 015A Touch+Key HMI applications WinCC flexible Runtime WinCC only supports the functions provided by these HMI device types. Other functions which are not migrated because of the restricted device selection are documented in the following sections. Adaptations before migration If the HMI device was changed to an HMI device with a different screen size in the project to be migrated, you must recompile and save the project in WinCC flexible before the migration. The compilation process will adjust the size of the screens and screen elements. See also Migration (WinCC flexible) (Page 195) HMI device change as a result of migration (WinCC flexible) (Page 204) Configuration change after HMI device change (WinCC flexible) (Page 206) Migration of connections (WinCC flexible) (Page 210) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 203 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project HMI device change as a result of migration (WinCC flexible) Introduction WinCC flexible supports some HMI devices which are discontinued in the future. These HMI devices are no longer supported by WinCC. When migrating a WinCC flexible project, an HMI device that is not supported is replaced by a compatible successor device. Only the HMI device type is changed during the migration. HMI device-specific data are not changed by the migration. Inconsistencies in the project may occur due to a change in the HMI device. In a project which was compilable before the migration, errors may occur in the project compilation after changing the HMI device. E.g. because the changed HMI device supports different memory media to the previous HMI device. HMI device change by the migration The following table provides information about which successors replace the HMI devices that are not supported. Unsupported HMI devices Successors C7-635 6" Key MP 177 6" Touch C7-635 6" Touch MP 177 6" Touch C7-636 6" Key MP 177 6" Touch C7-636 10" Touch MP 277 10" Touch HT 8 PCU50.3 -C (resolution: 640*480) Mobile Panel 170 6'' Mobile Panel 177 6'' DP Mobile Panel 277 8'' IWLAN Mobile Panel 277 8'' IWLAN V2 Mobile Panel 277F 8'' IWLAN Mobile Panel 277F 8'' IWLAN V2 OP010 Key PCU50.3B -C (resolution: 640*480) OP012 Key PCU50.3B -C (resolution: 800*600) OP015 Key PCU50.3B -C (resolution: 1024*768) OP 08T PCU50.3 -C (resolution: 640*480) OP 73micro OP 73 OP 170B 6'' mono OP 177B 6'' color PN/DP OP 270 6'' OP 277 6'' OP 270 10'' MP 277 10'' Key TP015A Touch Key PCU50.3B (resolution: 1024*768) TP 170A 6'' TP 177A 6'' TP 170B 6'' mono TP 177B 6'' color PN/DP TP 170B 6'' color TP 177B 6'' color PN/DP TP 170micro 6'' TP 177A TP 177micro 6'' TP 177A TP 270 6'' TP 277 6'' TP 270 10'' MP 277 10'' Touch MP 270 6'' Touch TP 277 6'' 204 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Unsupported HMI devices Successors MP 270 10'' Key MP 277 10'' Key MP 270 10'' Touch MP 277 10'' Touch MP 370 12'' Key MP 377 12'' Key MP 370 12'' Touch MP 377 12'' Touch MP 370 15'' Touch MP 377 15'' Touch PC 477 12'' Key PC 477B 12'' Key PB PC 477 12'' Touch PC 477B 12'' Touch PB PC 477 15'' Key PC 477B 15'' Key PB PC 477 15'' Touch PC 477B 15'' Touch PB PC 477 19'' Touch PC 477B 19'' Touch PB PC 577 12'' Key IPC 577C 12'' Key PB PC 577 12'' Touch IPC 577C 12'' Touch PB PC 577 15'' Key IPC 577C 15'' Key PB PC 577 15'' Touch IPC 577C 15'' Touch PB PC 577 19'' Touch IPC 577C 19'' Touch PB PC 670 10" Key HMI IPC677C 12" Key PB PC 670 12'' Key PC 677B 12'' Key PB PC 670 12'' Touch PC 677B 12'' Touch PB PC 670 15'' Key PC 677B 15'' Key PB PC 670 15'' Touch PC 677B 15'' Touch PB PC 677 12'' Key PC 677B 12'' Key PB PC 677 12'' Touch PC 677B 12'' Touch PB PC 677 15'' Key PC 677B 15'' Key PB PC 677 15'' Touch PC 677B 15'' Touch PB PC 677 17'' Touch PC 677B 17'' Touch PB PC 677 19'' Touch PC 677B 19'' Touch PB PC 870 12" Key HMI IPC677C 12" Key PB PC 870 15" Key HMI IPC677C 15" Key PB PC 870 15" Touch HMI IPC677C 15" Touch PB PC 877 12" Key HMI IPC677C 12" Key PB PC 877 15" Key HMI IPC677C 15" Key PB PC 877 15" Touch HMI IPC677C 15" Touch PB PC 877 19" Touch HMI IPC677C 19" Touch PB PC IL 70 12" Touch HMI IPC577C 12" Touch PB PC IL 70 15" Touch HMI IPC577C 15" Touch PB PC IL 77 12" Touch HMI IPC577C 12" Touch PB PC IL 77 15" Touch HMI IPC577C 15" Touch PB PC IL 77 19" Touch HMI IPC577C 19" Touch PB PC IL 77 12" Key HMI IPC577C 12" Key PB PC IL 77 15" Key HMI IPC577C 15" Key PB WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 205 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Unsupported HMI devices Successors P012T Touch IPC 677C 12'' Touch PB (if a P350 is connected) P012T Touch IPC 477C 12'' Touch PB (if a P320 is connected) HMI device change by the user If a project contains an HMI device that is not supported by WinCC and no compatible successor model exists, the migration is cancelled. If you want to migrate the project, you must change the HMI device to WinCC yourself before the migration. Use an HMI device which is supported both by WinCC flexible and WinCC for this. See also Supported HMI devices (Page 201) Configuration change after HMI device change (WinCC flexible) Note If you migrate a project with embedded screens, this can result in the project file becoming larger than the old project file. HMI device replacement by the migration If the migration makes an HMI device replacement, it replaces the existing HMI device with a compatible successor model. The successor models are further developed and therefore more efficient than their predecessors. The new models therefore support all the properties of their predecessors. Therefore only a little rework is to be expected on the project due to the HMI device replacement. HMI device replacement by the user if you change an HMI device yourself before the migration, you must ensure that the HMI device used supports all properties which are used in the project. Compile the project after the HMI device replacement in WinCC flexible. The project must be perfectly compilable before the migration. Then migrate the project to WinCC. See also Supported HMI devices (Page 201) 206 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Object support during migration Introduction When migrating projects from WinCC flexible, all configuration data involving an HMI device supported by WinCC will be migrated. Basically, all object types and functions that are available and can be mapped to the new project environment will be fully migrated. Some global object types are not migrated, for example, dictionaries and global libraries. Supported object types The following object types are supported for migration: Animations Disabled animations are not migrated. Audit settings Audit reports Scheduler User administration Area pointers Faceplates Screens Screen template Data types Function lists Graphics lists Display and operating elements All display and operating elements that are available on the supported HMI devices are supported for migration. Alarms Alarm classes Alarm groups Project library Project languages Reports Recipes Runtime languages Runtime scripting Sm@rtAccess/Sm@rtService Structures WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 207 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project System events System functions Texts Text lists Tags Connections Effective ranges Zones Cycles Unsupported object types The following object types are not supported by migration: Global libraries Dictionaries Project versions Change log Mapping of the screen navigation WinCC does not support the screen navigation from WinCC flexible. The data of the screen hierarchy from WinCC flexible are not migrated. To map the functionality of a screen navigation from WinCC flexible, the naivigation buttons are migrated to the button available in WinCC. The system functions migrated to the "ActivateScreen" system function are migrated to the "Click" event of the respective button. The following system functions used in WinCC flexible are not available for the screen navigation in WinCC: ActivateRootScreen ActivateLeftScreen ActivateRightScreen ActivateParentScreen ActivateFirstChildScreen These system functions are migrated to the "ActivateScreen" system function. The "Screen name" parameter is taken from the data of the screen hierarchy. If one of the named system functions is called from a screen which is not contained in the screen hierarchy, the "ActivateScreen" function is created without parameters. You must configure the desired screen to this system function after the migration. Tab sequence in pictures with faceplates In pictures with faceplates, the tab sequence is changed in both the screen and the faceplate as a result of the migration. 208 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migration of the screen template WinCC offers an extended concept for working with screen templates. WinCC offers a global screen and several templates for each device. During migration of a template from WinCC flexible, the objects contained there and the properties configured in the template are migrated to the extended concept of the screen templates of WinCC. The following objects are migrated to the "global screen" of WinCC: Alarm window Alarm indicator Help indicator Function keys of HMI devices with function keys All other objects and properties are migrated to a template of WinCC. The connection of the objects and properties to the respective template is automatically adapted. See also Changes of values of object properties by the migration (WinCC flexible) (Page 209) Changes of values of object properties by the migration (WinCC flexible) Introduction The standardization of object properties from WinCC V7 and WinCC flexible requires changes to the object properties during the migration process. The migration calculates the changes in such a way that the representation of the objects after migration is the same as prior to migration. Changes made during migration result in different units of measurements and values in the configuration for some object properties. Migrating the font settings of an object In WinCC V7 and WinCC flexible, the unit of measurement "point" is used to denote the size of the fonts used for an object. In WinCC, the unit of measurement "pixel" is used to denote the size of the fonts used for an object. During migration, the font size is converted accordingly to ensure that the representation of the font is the same size at zoom level 100%. Due to the different units of measurement, the numerical values for the font sizes change after migration. Example: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Font style before migration Font style after migration Arial 10 points Arial 13 pixels Arial 16 points Arial 21 pixels Tahoma 10 points Tahoma 13 pixels Tahoma 16 points Tahoma 21 pixels 209 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migration of object margins In WinCC flexible, some objects permit the entry of values <0 and >127 for setup of the object margins for the configuration of the representation. In WinCC, the value range for object margins is limited to values between 0 and 127. Migration changes values <0 to "0" and values >127 to "127". See also Object support during migration (Page 207) Connections (WinCC flexible) Migration of connections (WinCC flexible) Introduction If you migrate a project in which a supported communication driver is used, this driver is used further in WinCC. Objects which communicate via this driver are migrated 1:1. No rework is necessary. Not all communication drivers which are available in WinCC flexible are supported in WinCC. If an unsupported driver is used in the project to be migrated, there are two possible scenarios: 1. A compatible spare driver is available for the used driver. 2. No compatible spare driver is available for the used driver. Compatible spare driver is available If a driver is available in WinCC which addresses the used PLC or a comptaible PLC, the driver is automatically replaced during the migration. You get an appropriate warning if the used driver is replaced. In this case, check whether all the external tags and area pointers are valid after the migration by means of the migration report. If the used driver is replaced, all the connection parameters are reset to the standard values. The CPU type is adapted to the appropriate PLC. The properties of the connected tags and area pointers are not changed. Compatible spare driver is not available If no driver is available in WinCC which addresses the used PLC or a compatible PLC, the configured connection is not migrated. All external tags which were connected to the PLC by this driver are converted into internal tags. External tag properties are lost in the conversion, e.g. the address in the PLC. All changes to the tags are recorded in the migration report. You must reconnect the tags with the PLC after the migration and configuring of a connection. You get an appropriate warning if the driver is not migrated. 210 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Converting the communication driver The following tables show the mapping of communication drivers from WinCC flexible to WinCC. Supported communication drivers WinCC flexible WinCC Allen Bradley DF1 Allen Bradley DF1 Mitsubishi FX Mitsubishi FX Modicon MODBUS Modicon MODBUS RTU Modicon MODBUS TCP/IP Modicon MODBUS TCP/IP Omron Hostlink/Multilink Omron HostLink OPC OPC SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol SIMATIC S7 200 SIMATIC S7 200 SIMATIC S7 300/400 SIMATIC S7 300/400 Compatible communication drivers WinCC flexible WinCC Allen Bradley DH485 Allen Bradley DF1 Allen Bradley E/IP C.Logix Allen Bradley EtherNet/IP Mitsubishi Protocol 4 Mitsubishi MC TCP/IP Not supported communication drivers WinCC flexible WinCC GE Fanuc SNP Not supported ISAC Not supported LG GLOFA-GM Not supported SIMATIC 500/505 DP Not supported SIMATIC 500/505 serial Not supported SIMATIC S5 AS511 Not supported SIMATIC S5 DP Not supported Telemecanique Uni-Telway Not supported See also Migration (WinCC flexible) (Page 195) Supported HMI devices (Page 201) Adapting configuration for non-migrated connection (WinCC flexible) (Page 212) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 211 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migration of area pointers (WinCC flexible) (Page 213) Migration of tags (WinCC flexible) (Page 213) Adapting configuration for non-migrated connection (WinCC flexible) Introduction If a connection cannot be migrated you have the following options: Change the configuration in WinCC flexible before the migration Change the configuration after the migration Change a connection before the migration If the communication driver selected for the connection is not supported by the migration, you must select a driver which is supported by the migration. The HMI device must also support the selected communication driver. If no suitable driver is available for the used HMI device, you must use a suitable HMI device. Then adapt the configuration in WinCC flexible and recompile the project. Migrate the project after successful adaptation and compiling. The connection is then also migrated. Changing a connection before the migration If you migrate a WinCC flexible project in which the connection is not migrated, all external tags of this connection are mapped to internal tags. You receive an appropriate entry in the migration protocol for every tag concerned. You must configure a new connection after the migration. For this connection you select a communication driver which supports the used HMI device. If no suitable driver is available for the used HMI device, you must use a suitable HMI device. If you have configured the new connection, you must reconnect all tags which were mapped to internal tags before the migration. Open the migration report to make reconfiguration easier. Reconfigure the tags according to the log entry. If the project contained area pointers, you must also reconfigure these. You will also find corresponding entries for the area pointers in the migration log. See the section Migrating projects from WinCC flexible (Page 198) for further information about the migration log. See also Migrating projects from WinCC flexible (Page 198) Migration of connections (WinCC flexible) (Page 210) 212 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migration of area pointers (WinCC flexible) Introduction The migration of area pointers depends on the used communication driver. If the used communication driver is supported by the migration, area pointers from WinCC flexible are taken over unchanged in the migration. if the used communication driver is not supported by the migration, area pointers are not migrated. Migration of the area pointers If the connection used by the area pointers is fully migrated, the area pointers are also fully migrated. The parameters of the area pointers are taken over unchanged. If you replace the communication driver of the connection before the migration, check whether all the parameters of the area pointers are still valid after the migration. If the connection used by the area pointer is not migrated, the area pointers are not migrated either. See Adapting configuration for non-migrated connection (WinCC flexible) (Page 212) for additional information. See also Adapting configuration for non-migrated connection (WinCC flexible) (Page 212) Migration of connections (WinCC flexible) (Page 210) Migration of tags (WinCC flexible) Introduction You need to make some special considerations when migrating tags. The following aspects should be distinguished: Migrating data types of tags Migrating internal tags Migrating external tags Tag names Tag limits Migrating data types WinCC features some other data types and uses different data type names than WinCC flexible. When migrating a relevant tag, the data type from WinCC flexible is mapped to the corresponding data type in WinCC. See Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) for additional information. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 213 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migrating internal tags Internal tags are always migrated completely. Only the data type names and tag names may change due to migration. Migrating external tags If the connection used by the external tags is migrated, the external tags are also fully migrated. The migration of external tags depends on whether the used communication driver is supported by the migration. See Migration of connections (WinCC flexible) (Page 210) for additional information. If the connection used by the external tags is not migrated, the external tags are not migrated either. The external tags are then mapped to internal tags. You must configure a new connection and reconnect the tags with the tags of the PLC after the migration. Migrating names of tags In WinCC flexible, tags located in different folders can have the same name. In WinCC, the tag name must be unique on the configured HMI device. This means that tags with the same name from different folders will be renamed during migration. See Migration principles (WinCC flexible) (Page 196) for additional information. See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migration of connections (WinCC flexible) (Page 210) Migration principles (WinCC flexible) (Page 196) Migration (WinCC flexible) (Page 195) Migration of alarm classes and alarm groups (WinCC flexible) (Page 215) Migrating scripts (Page 218) Migration of language-specific content (WinCC flexible) (Page 219) Migration of libraries (WinCC flexible) (Page 221) Migration of structures The "StringChar" data type is not supported in HMI user data types in WinCC. If you have used this data type in a structure in a WinCC flexible project, an invalid element is created by the migration in the HMI user data type. After migration , you must re-work this user data type in WinCC and enable the user data type. At the same time, check the offset of the following elements and any existing interconnections between a faceplate and the elements of the user data type. Adapt the elements if required. 214 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migration of logs Storage location of logs WinCC flexible allowed you to store logs in a database which was automatically set up upon WinCC flexible installation ("System-defined data source" setting). This option is not available in WinCC. If you have used this setting in your WinCC flexible project, it will be changed to "User-defined name of data source" during migration. Before you can store logs in a database, you must configure an ODBC data source in the Windows control panel and configure the name of the user data source specified there as the "name of the data source" in the log in WinCC. Migration of alarm classes and alarm groups (WinCC flexible) Changing the names of alarm classes In contrast to WinCC flexible, the names of the predefined alarm classes are not dependent on the user interface language currently in use. During migration, the names of the alarm classes are assigned as follows: WinCC flexible WinCC Error Alarms System System Warnings Events The names of the alarm classes can be changed as necessary after migration. Migrating alarm groups Migration will migrate only those alarm groups actually in use. Alarm groups with an ID from 1-31 will be migrated 1:1. A corresponding alarm group is created in WinCC for each alarm class in the system. These alarm groups created by the system are assigned IDs beginning with the number 32 and consecutively incremented. The 4 pre-defined message classes in every WinCC project are automatically given IDs 32-35 by their alarm groups. Additionally created alarm group and an additional ID is assigned to each user-defined alarm class. Therefore, the IDs for alarms groups with IDs > 31 may be changed after migration. This step also changes the assignment of the alarm group names to the IDs. Example: In the example, you can see the assignment of the IDs in WinCC for the migration. Alarm groups ID in WinCC flexible ID in WinCC Alarm group 1-16 1-16 1-16 Default for alarm groups from system alarms Alarm group 17-31 17-31 17-31 Custom alarm groups WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 215 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Alarm groups ID in WinCC flexible ID in WinCC 32-35 Default in WinCC for alarm groups of pre defined alarm classes. Alarm group 32 32 36 Changed assignment of ID to alarm group in WinCC Alarm group 33 33 37 Changed assignment of ID to alarm group in WinCC Also note: When migrating alarm groups that supposedly have the same group name, the migration adapts the name. This occurs, for example, when a group name contains a space at the end of the name. The migration deletes all existing spaces at the end of names. If two groups obtained the same group names due to this deletion, the migration adds the suffix "# Mign" to the group name of the following alarm groups, where "n" stands for a sequential number. Example: The following alarm groups exist in WinCC flexible: "AlarmGroup_18" "AlarmGroup_18 " - group name contains one space "AlarmGroup_18 " - group name contains two spaces "AlarmGroup_18" is the alarm group with the highest number. Result after migration: "AlarmGroup_18" "AlarmGroup_18#Mig1" "AlarmGroup_18#Mig1.1" Changing the names of alarm classes In contrast to WinCC flexible, the names of the predefined alarm classes are not dependent on the user interface language currently in use. During migration, the names of the alarm classes are assigned as follows: WinCC flexible WinCC Error Errors System System Warnings Warnings The names of the alarm classes can be changed as necessary after migration. Display of ALARM_S messages and SIMATIC SFM messages In WinCC flexible you can activate the display classes for ALARM_S messages in integrated projects. In WinCC flexible, you activate the display of SIMATIC SFM messages via a separate setting. The separate setting for activating the display of SIMATIC SFM messages is not required in WinCC. You control the display of SIMATIC SFM messages, and also the display of ALARM_S messages in WinCC only by activating the corresponding display class. 216 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project The changed concept may cause the display of messages to change following migration. If all the display classes for ALARM_S messages are activated and the display of SIMATIC SFM messages is deactivated in the WinCC flexible project , ALARM_S messages and SIMATIC SFM messages are displayed following migration. To ensure that only ALARM_S messages are displayed following migration, you have to assign the SIMATIC SFM messages to an unused display class after migration to STEP 7. You then have to deactivate this display class in WinCC. If all the display classes for ALARM_S messages are deactivated and the display of SIMATIC SFM messages is activated in the WinCC flexible project , ALARM_S messages and SIMATIC SFM messages are not displayed following migration. To ensure that only SIMATIC SFM messages are displayed following migration, you have to assign the SIMATIC SFM messages to an unused display class after migration to STEP 7. You then have to activate this display class in WinCC. The display class is dependent on the settings in STEP 7. The default setting for SIMATIC SFM messages in Step 7 is the display class "0". To activate the display in WinCC, the display class "0" must be activated. You activate the display class in WinCC in the Runtime settings of the respective HMI device in the "Messages" category. See also Migration of tags (WinCC flexible) (Page 213) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 217 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migrating scripts Introduction The migration supports VB-scripts which were created in WinCC flexible. For a VB-script to be migrated successfully it must be functionable in WinCC flexible first. Note Script errors The most efficient way to locate scripting errors in the course of the initial test run after migration is to use an installed Script Debugger and the diagnostics controls. Migration of a VB script A script is analyzed in the migration and adapted to the system behavior of WinCC if necessary. The following is adapted: System functions which have changed their names are renamed. This concerns the following system functions: 218 Function name in WinCC flexible Function name in WinCC IncreaseValue IncreaseTag DecreaseValue DecreaseTag SetBrightness SetAndGetBrightness SetValue SetTag WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project The access to tags as parameters of system functions is adapted to the system behavior of WinCC. In WinCC scripts are no longer transfromed as in WinCC flexible. The scripts are executed directly as a source code. Therefore the stricter rules for the VBS syntax apply. A tag call is always migrated with inverted commas. If several parameter types are allowed for a system function, these are migrated with the keyword "SmartTags". Example 1: The value of the "temperature" tag should be incremented by the value "1". Valid expressions in WinCC flexible: IncreaseValue temperature, 1 IncreaseValue "temperature", 1 IncreaseValue SmartTags("temperature"), 1 Valid expression in WinCC: IncreaseTag "temperature", 1 Example 2: You use a system function on which several parameters are allowed. The value of the "temperature" tag should be incremented by the value of the "heatcontrol" tag. Valid expression for WinCC flexible: IncreaseValue "temperature", "heatcontrol" Valid expression for WinCC: IncreaseTag "temperature", SmartTags("heatcontrol") Objects renamed by the migration are also renamed in the script when using in a script. See the section AUTOHOTSPOT for further information about the renaming objects. You only have to observe the following rules when renaming objects: If you address objects whose names are dynamically generated by the script with the help of a script, the object names in the script can not be automatically changed by the migration. In such a case, you have to correct the generation of the object names in the script after migration. See also Migration of tags (WinCC flexible) (Page 213) Migration of language-specific content (WinCC flexible) Introduction WinCC offers the same options for configuring projects in different languages as those available in WinCC flexible. All languages supported by WinCC are included in the migration of a project. Migrating language-dependent content The following language-dependent content is migrated: Project languages Project texts WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 219 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Fonts for display in runtime Language-dependent graphics You need to consider the following when migrating language-dependent content: The operating system on the PC performing the migration must support the project languages used in the project. The fonts used for runtime display must be installed on the PC performing the migration. Dictionaries are not supported by the migration. Editiing language of integrated projects following migration During migration of an integrated project, the project components to be migrated from STEP 7 and WinCC flexible also bring their respective settings for the editing language. In WinCC there is only one editing language for all project components. Migration activates for the mgrated project the editing language which was set in STEP 7 prior to migration. If this setting is not the same as the setting from WinCC flexible, the configured texts are no longer visible in WinCC. No text is displayed at the usage locations, or only the entry "Text" can be seen. To make the texts visible, you must change the editing language. Click the "Tasks" taskcard at the right-hand edge of the TIA portal and select the correct editing language in the "Language & Resources" area. 220 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Unsupported languages The migration of language-dependent content depends on whether or not WinCC supports the respective language. If a project only contains project languages not supported by WinCC, the project will not be migrated. If a project contains supported and unsupported project languages, only the supported languages will be migrated. The editing language and reference language are set to a supported language. The following languages are not supported by WinCC: Arabic Hebrew Dhivehi Gujarati Kannada Tamil Telugu Urdu Punjabi Persian Syrian See also Migration of tags (WinCC flexible) (Page 213) Migration of libraries (WinCC flexible) Introduction You need to consider two different cases when migrating from libraries: 1. Migrating a project library 2. Migrating a global library Migrating a project library A project library is stored together with the project data in the project file. For this reason, a project library is migrated with the same restrictions as the project data. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 221 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migrating a global library Global libraries are not supported by the migration. The library objects used in the project will be migrated, however. The library objects are copied when used in the project and then no longer have a connection to the library. To migrate a global library, you must copy or move the objects contained in the library to the project library. The objects are then included in the migration. In WinCC, you move the migrated objects to a new global library that is created. You can copy or move both individual objects or entire library categories. See also Migration of tags (WinCC flexible) (Page 213) Migrating runtime data (WinCC flexible) Migration of runtime data (WinCC flexible) Introduction Only the configuration data are migrated by the migration when migrating a project. The runtime data are not affected. You need to update the runtime data following migration. The runtime data consists of the following: Runtime project The runtime project contains the compiled project data. Recipe data and user administration The recipe data and user administration are data that can be changed in runtime. Log data The data of tag logs and alarm logs are acquired and logged in runtime. Migrating recipe data and user administration If the recipe data and user administration were changed in runtime, you need to back up this information from the HMI device before you load the migrated project. Depending on the used HMI device, you have different options for saving the above data. If the HMI device supports external memory media and the recipe data are saved there, the data remain on the memory medium. External memory media are for example StorageCard or a network drive. You use the data again after the migration. The user adminsitration is not saved on an external memory medium so you have to save these data, e.g. with ProSave. If the recipe data are saved in the internal memory of the HMI device, save these data on an external memory medium. Use ProSave to save the recipe data. If you have already configured 222 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project appropriate system functions in your project, use the system functions. The following system functions are available for the recipe data: "ExportDataRecords" for the backup "ImportDataRecords" for the restore You update the runtime project by compiling the project in WinCC again and loading it to the HMI device. After you have loaded the migrated project on the HMI device, restore the recipe data and the user administration to the HMI device. See also Migration (WinCC flexible) (Page 195) Backing up recipe data and user administration (WinCC flexible) (Page 223) Restoring recipe data and user administration (WinCC flexible) (Page 224) Backing up recipe data and user administration (WinCC flexible) Introduction To continue using the recipe data and user administration in a migrated project, you first need to back up this data from the HMI device. Then load the data into the migrated WinCC project. Use ProSave to back up the data. Requirement The WinCC flexible project is running on the HMI device in Runtime. The HMI device is connected to a PC on which ProSave is installed. Procedure Proceed as follows to back up the recipe data and user administration: 1. Start ProSave. 2. Select the device type and the connection parameters in the "General" tab. 3. Open the "Backup" tab. 4. Select the "Recipes from the device memory" entry in the "Data type" box. Do not select "Complete backup" because otherwise you will not be able to select separately when restoring the recipe data. 5. Navigate to the desired location in the "Save as" box and click "Start Backup". The recipe data are saved. 6. Select "User administration" in the "Data type" box and click "Start Backup". The user administration is saved. For additional information refer to the online help for ProSave. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 223 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Alternative procedure ProSave is automatically installed with WinCC flexible. The entire functional range of ProSave is available on the configuration PC within WinCC flexible via the menu command "Project > Transfer". Alternatively, you can back up the recipe data and user administration via the ProSave integrated in WinCC flexible. Start WinCC flexible and select the menu command "Project > Transfer > Backup". Back up the recipe data and user administration as described in steps 4-6. See also Migration of runtime data (WinCC flexible) (Page 222) Restoring recipe data and user administration (WinCC flexible) Introduction To continue using saved recipe data and user administration after the migration, you first need to compile the migrated project and load it to the HMI device. You can then transfer the saved data to the HMI device. Use ProSave to restore the data. Requirement The migrated project has been transferred to the HMI device and is running in runtime. The HMI device is connected to a PC on which ProSave is installed. Procedure Proceed as follows to load the saved recipe data and user administration to the HMI device: 1. Start ProSave. 2. Select the device type and the connection parameters in the "General" tab. 3. Open the "Restore" tab. 4. Navigate to the location of the saved recipe data in the "Opening..." box and select the file. 5. Click "Start Restore". The recipe data will be transferred to the HMI device.. 6. Repeat steps 4-5 to restore the user administration. The user administration will be transferred to the HMI device. For additional information refer to the online help for ProSave. Alternative procedure ProSave is automatically installed with WinCC. The entire functional range of ProSave is available on the configuration PC within WinCC flexible via the menu command "Project > Transfer". 224 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project You can also restore the recipe data and user administration via the ProSave integrated in WinCC. Start WinCC and select the menu command "Online > Device maintenance > Restore". Restore the recipe data and user administration as described in steps 4-6. See also Migration of runtime data (WinCC flexible) (Page 222) Backing up log data (WinCC flexible) Introduction If an HMI device supports external memory media and the log data are saved there, the data remain on the memory medium. External memory media are for example StorageCard or a network drive. If a log is saved on an external memory medium, the migrated project accesses this storage location again after the migration. In this case the log data must not be backed up. Backing up log data If you want to back up the log data externally before the migration, you have the following options: Backup with the "ArchiveLogFile". If you have already configured the "ArchiveLogFile" function in the WinCC flexible project, use this function to back up the data. Copy the log files by Copy&Paste with the Windows Explorer to an external memory medium or network drive. See also Migration of runtime data (WinCC flexible) (Page 222) Migrating integrated projects (WinCC flexible) Migration of integrated projects (WinCC flexible) Introduction The controllers and HMI devices contained in a project integrated in STEP 7 are linked together by the configuration. The configuration data of WinCC flexible and STEP 7 are also connected. When an integrated project is migrated, the complete project will be migrated with components from WinCC flexible and STEP 7. The connections remain intact. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 225 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Note It is advisable to compile and save an integrated project in WinCC flexible before you migrate it. You can be sure that the data in WinCC flexible and STEP 7 is synchronized if compilation was completed without errors. Migrating an integrated project When migrating an integrated project, the same requirements apply for the WinCC flexible component as those for the migration of a non-integrated WinCC flexible project. The objects and properties contained in the WinCC flexible component must be supported by WinCC, for example, the HMI device or the communication driver. The "Online" property must be activated on the configured connection. A connection with deactivated "Online" property is not migrated. In addition to the requirements for the WinCC flexible component, there are also requirements for the STEP 7 component of the integrated project. The objects and properties contained in the STEP 7 V5.4 SP5 or V5.5 component must be supported in STEP 7. For detailed information, refer to the documentation for STEP 7. To fully migrate an integrated project and then edit it, the following components must be installed on the PC performing the migration: STEP 7 V5.4 SP5 or STEP 7 V5.5 WinCC flexible 2008 SP2 or WinCC flexible 2008 SP3 STEP 7 If you only want to save the project in migration format, you can use the migration tool. See Migration principles (WinCC flexible) (Page 196) for additional information. An integrated project is always fully migrated. If you only want to migrate the WinCC flexible project it contains, you need to separate it from the STEP 7 project before the migration. To separate the project from the integrated form, open the project in STEP 7 V5.4 SP5 or V5.5. Open the WinCC flexible project in the SIMATIC Manager. The project is opened with WinCC flexible. In WinCC flexible, select the menu command "Project > Copy project from STEP 7". WinCC flexible saves a non-integrated copy of the project. See also Migration (WinCC flexible) (Page 195) Migrating an integrated project (Page 227) Migration principles (WinCC flexible) (Page 196) 226 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migrating an integrated project Introduction When migrating an integrated project, the components from both the WinCC flexible project and the STEP 7 project will be migrated. This means you need to select the project file with the file extension "*.s7p" for migration. During migration, the data is copied from the existing project and migrated to a new project. You cannot migrate to an existing project. The migration can be started in both the Portal view and the Project view. You should only migrate a project to a re-started TIA Portal. If you only want to save the project in migration format, you can use the migration tool. For more information, refer to basics of migration (WinCC flexible). Requirement STEP 7 V5.4 SP5 or STEP 7 V5.5 and all option packages used are installed. STEP 7 and all option packages used are installed. The TIA Portal is restarted. No project is open in WinCC. An integrated project is available. The integrated project is not open. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 227 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Procedure To migrate an integrated project in the portal view, follow these steps: 1. Select the action "Start > Migrate Project". 2. In the "Source path" box, navigate to the project you want to migrate. 3. Select the "*.s7p" project file. 4. Change the information for the project to be created, if necessary. For example, change the project name or project path. The data to be migrated is created in the new project. 5. To migrate the project with the hardware configuration, enable "Include hardware configuration". 228 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project 6. Click "Migrate". A new project is created and migration of the data is started: - The Project view opens. - The progress of the migration is shown in a migration window. - Warnings and errors about the migration process are displayed in the Inspector window under "Info > General". - All information about the migration is saved in a log file. - A message is displayed upon completion of the migration. The message contains a link that you can use to open the log file. 7. Once migration is completed, save the project. Once the migration is complete, you will find a newly created device for each migrated HMI device and controller in the project tree. These devices include the migrated data. Note Integrated projects with alarm views The alarm classes in the alarm view can be disabled during migration of the project. Once migration of the project is complete, check the settings in the alarm view. Enable the required alarm classes in the Inspector window of the alarm view if needed under "Properties > General". Opening the migration log at a later point in time The migration log is saved together with the migrated project. You can view the log at a later point in time. Open the log file as follows: 1. Open "Common data > Logs" in the project navigation. 2. Double-click the log file. The migration log opens. See also Migration of integrated projects (WinCC flexible) (Page 225) Migration principles (WinCC flexible) (Page 196) Reference (WinCC flexible) Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) Introduction To harmonize the data types used by PLCs and HMI systems, some data types of the internal HMI tags are renamed. The naming takes place in accordance with IEC conventions. Because only the names change, there are no changes to the internal tags for the configuration. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 229 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project The following table describes the mapping of the internal data types from WinCC flexible to the data types in WinCC. Migrating internal data types The internal data types are mapped as follows during migration: Internal data types WinCC flexible Internal data types WinCC Bool Bool Char SInt Byte USInt Int Int UInt UInt Long DInt ULong UDInt Float Real Double LReal String WString DateTime DateTime Migrating external data types See the following pages for how to map the available communication drivers. See also Migrating data types of Allen-Bradley DF1 (WinCC flexible) (Page 231) Migrating data types of Allen-Bradley DH485 (WinCC flexible) (Page 231) Migrating data types of Allen-Bradley Ethernet IP (WinCC flexible) (Page 232) Migrating data types of GE Fanuc SNP (WinCC flexible) (Page 232) Migrating data types of LG GLOFA GM (WinCC flexible) (Page 233) Migrating data types of Mitsubishi FX (WinCC flexible) (Page 233) Migrating data types of Mitsubishi Protocol 4 (WinCC flexible) (Page 234) Migrating data types of Modicon Modbus (WinCC flexible) (Page 235) Migrating data types of Modicon Modbus TCP/IP (WinCC flexible) (Page 235) Migrating data types of Omron Hostlink/Multilink (WinCC flexible) (Page 236) Migrating data types of OPC (WinCC flexible) (Page 236) Migrating data types of SIMATIC 500/505 DP (WinCC flexible) (Page 237) Migrating data types of SIMATIC 500/505 serial (WinCC flexible) (Page 237) Migrating data types of SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (WinCC flexible) (Page 238) Migrating data types of SIMATIC S5 AS511 (WinCC flexible) (Page 238) 230 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migrating data types of SIMATIC S5 DP (WinCC flexible) (Page 239) Migrating data types of SIMATIC S7 200 (WinCC flexible) (Page 239) Migrating data types of SIMATIC S7 300/400 (WinCC flexible) (Page 240) Migrating data types of Telemecanique Uni-Telway (WinCC flexible) (Page 243) Migrating data types of Allen-Bradley DF1 (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types Allen-Bradley DF1 The data types of the Allen-Bradley DF1 communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC ASCII ASCII BCD4 UInt BCD8 UDInt Bit Bool Int Int Long DInt Real Real UInt UInt ULong UDInt See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of Allen-Bradley DH485 (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types Allen-Bradley DH485 The Allen-Bradley DH485 communication driver is not supported by WinCC, it is replaced by the Allen-Bradley DF1 driver. The data types of the Allen-Bradley DH485 communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC ASCII ASCII Bit Bool Int Int Long DInt Real Real UInt UInt ULong UDInt 231 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of Allen-Bradley Ethernet IP (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types Allen-Bradley Ethernet IP The data types of the Allen-Bradley Ethernet IP communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC Bool Bool DInt DInt Int Int Real Real SInt SInt String String UDInt UDInt UInt UInt USInt USInt See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of GE Fanuc SNP (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types GE Fanuc SNP The GE Fanuc SNP communication driver is not supported by WinCC, the data types are mapped to the internal data types of WinCC. The data types of the GE Fanuc SNP communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: 232 Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC BCD4 UInt BCD8 UDInt Bit Bool Byte USInt DInt DInt Word UInt Int Int Real Real UInt UInt DWord UDInt WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of LG GLOFA GM (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types LG GLOFA GM The LG GLOFA GM communication driver is not supported by WinCC, the data types are mapped to the internal data types of WinCC. The data types of the LG GLOFA GM communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC Bool Bool Byte USInt DInt DInt DWord UDInt Int Int SInt SInt String WString Time UDInt UDInt UDInt UInt UInt USInt USInt Word UInt See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of Mitsubishi FX (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types Mitsubishi FX The data types of the Mitsubishi FX communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC 12 Bit Block 12-Bit Block 16 Bit Block 16-Bit Block 20 Bit Block 20-Bit Block 24 Bit Block 24-Bit Block 28 Bit Block 28-Bit Block 32 Bit Block 32-Bit Block 4 Bit Block 4-Bit Block 233 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC 8 Bit Block 8-Bit Block Bit Bool Double DWord IEEE-Float Real String String Word Word See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of Mitsubishi Protocol 4 (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types Mitsubishi Protocol 4 The Mitsubishi Protocol 4 communication driver is not supported by WinCC, it is replaced by the Mitsubishi MC TCP/IP driver. The data types of the Mitsubishi Protocol 4 communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC 4 Bit Block 4-Bit Block 8 Bit Block 8-Bit Block 12 Bit Block 12-Bit Block 16 Bit Block 16-Bit Block 20 Bit Block 20-Bit Block 24 Bit Block 24-Bit Block 28 Bit Block 28-Bit Block 32 Bit Block 32-Bit Block Bit Bool DInt DInt DWord DWord Int Int Real Real String String Word Word See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) 234 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migrating data types of Modicon Modbus (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types Modicon Modbus The Modicon Modbus communication driver is not supported by WinCC, it is replaced by the Modicon Modbus RTU driver. The data types of the Modicon Modbus communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC +/-Double +/- Double +/-Int +/- Int 16 Bit Group 16 Bit Group ASCII ASCII Bit Bit Double Double Float Float Int Int See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of Modicon Modbus TCP/IP (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types Modicon Modbus TCP/IP The data types of the Modicon Modbus TCP/IP communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC +/-Double +/- Double +/-Int +/- Int 16 Bit Group 16 Bit Group ASCII ASCII Bit Bit Double Double Float Float Int Int See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 235 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migrating data types of Omron Hostlink/Multilink (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types Omron Hostlink/Multilink The Omron Hostlink/Multilink communication driver is not supported by WinCC, it is replaced by the Omron Host Link driver. The data types of the Omron Hostlink/Multilink communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC +/-DEC Int +/-LDEC DInt ASCII String BIN Bool BYTE Byte DEC UInt IEEE Real LDEC UDInt See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of OPC (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types OPC The data types of the OPC communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC Bool VT_BOOL Byte VT_UI1 Char VT_I1 Date VT_DATE Double VT_R8 DWord VT_UI4 Float VT_R4 Long VT_I4 Short VT_I2 String VT_BSTR Word VT_UI2 See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) 236 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migrating data types of SIMATIC 500/505 DP (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types SIMATIC 500/505 DP The SIMATIC 500/505 DP communication driver is not supported by WinCC, the data types are mapped to the internal data types of WinCC. The data types of the SIMATIC 500/505 DP communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC +/-Double DInt +/-Int Int ASCII WString Bit Bool Double UDInt Int UInt Real Real See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of SIMATIC 500/505 serial (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types SIMATIC 500/505 seriell The SIMATIC 500/505 seriell communication driver is not supported by WinCC, the data types are mapped to the internal data types of WinCC. The data types of the SIMATIC 500/505 seriell communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC +/-Double DInt +/-Int Int ASCII WString Bit Bool Double UDInt Int UInt Real Real See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 237 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migrating data types of SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol The data types of the SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC Bool Bool Byte USInt Char SInt DateTime DateTime Double LReal Float Real Int Int Long DInt String WString UInt UInt ULong UDInt See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of SIMATIC S5 AS511 (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types SIMATIC S5 AS511 The SIMATIC S5 AS511 communication driver is not supported by WinCC, the data types are mapped to the internal data types of WinCC. The data types of the SIMATIC S5 AS511 communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: 238 Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC Bit in D Bool Bit in W Bool DF DInt DH UDInt KC WString KF Int KG Real KH UInt KM UInt KT UDInt KY UInt KZ UInt WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of SIMATIC S5 DP (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types SIMATIC S5 DP The SIMATIC S5 DP communication driver is not supported by WinCC, the data types are mapped to the internal data types of WinCC. The data types of the SIMATIC S5 DP communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC Bit in D Bool Bit in W Bool DF DInt DH UDInt KC WString KF Int KG Real KH UInt KM UInt KT UDInt KY UInt KZ UInt See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of SIMATIC S7 200 (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types SIMATIC S7 200 The data types of the SIMATIC S7 200 communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC Bool Bool Byte Byte Char Char DInt DInt DWord DWord Int Int Real Real 239 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC StringChar StringChar Timer Timer Word Word See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) Migrating data types of SIMATIC S7 300/400 (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types SIMATIC S7 300/400 The data types of the SIMATIC S7 300/400 communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC Bool Bool Byte Byte Char see below Counter see below Date Date Date and Time Date_And_Time DInt DInt DWord DWord Int Int Real Real String String StringChar see below Time Time Time of Day Time_Of_Day Timer see below Word Word Special considerations for some data types There are special considerations to be made when migrating external tags that contain data types of a SIMATIC S7-300/400 PLC. Mapping of the S7 data type "Char" The S7 data type "Char" is a data type for mapping characters according to the specification. However, since this data type is often used for reading and writing numerical values, it is mapped in WinCC to the S7 data type "Byte". If this should be the case during migration, an alarm will appear in the output window. 240 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project If the S7 data type "Char" is used for numerical values and negative numbers were configured at the point of use, the result is an error in mapping to the S7 data type "Byte". The S7 data type "Byte" cannot map any negative numbers. You have to adapt the configuration accordingly to correct the error. Use a signed data type, such as the data type "Int", for processing positive and negative numerical values. If the S7 data type "Char" is used for mapping characters, you must change the configuration after migration. To represent characters, use the data type "String". When an integrated project is migrated, the data type "Char" in WinCC is also migrated to the data type "Byte". With a connected PLC tag, the data type "Char" remains "Char". As a result of changing the data type of the HMI tag, symbolic addressing of the tags in question is not migrated. After migration. the tags are interconnected by absolute addresses and continue to work. If you want to restore symbolic addressing, you have to change the configuration accordingly after the migration. Mapping an array of the S7 data type "Char" An array of the S7 data type "Char" is mapped to an array of the data type "Byte" during migration. If an array of the S7 data type "Char" is used for numerical values and negative numbers were configured at the point of use, the result is an error in mapping to an array of the S7 data type "Byte". The S7 data type "Byte" cannot map any negative numbers. You have to adapt the configuration accordingly to correct the error. Use a signed data type, such as the data type "Int", for processing positive and negative numerical values. Mapping of the S7 data type "Counter" An external tag with the S7 data type "Counter" with counter address is mapped to the S7 data type "Counter". The address will be retained. If an external tag with the S7 data type "Counter" addresses a data block or a bit memory address, it is is mapped to the S7 data type "Word". The address will be retained. The migration sets the coding to "SimaticBCDCounter". The S7 data type "Counter" has a value range of 0-999. When supplied by the S7 data type "Word" the value range may be exceeded on the PLC side. Ensure that you are observing the value range. Example: WinCC flexible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Tag S7 data type Address Comment Counter_Actual_Value Counter C10 BCD coded counter value Counter_Setpoint_Value Counter DB10.DBW200 BCD coded counter value Counter_Setpoint_Value#2 Counter MW20 BCD coded counter value 241 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project WinCC Tag S7 data type Address Coding Comment Counter_Actual_Value Counter %C10 BCD coded counter value Counter_Setpoint_Value Word %DB10.%DB W200 SimaticBCDCounter BCD coded counter value Counter_Setpoint_Value#2 Word %MW20 SimaticBCDCounter BCD coded counter value Mapping of the data type "StringChar" In WinCC there is no corresponding data type to which the "StringChar" data type can be mapped. Mapping in WinCC depends on the property "Length" of the S7 data type. A tag of the "StringChar" data type with the "Length" property > 1 is migrated to an array of the S7 data type "Char". The length of the array corresponds to the length of the originally configured data type "StringChar". If the property "Length" = 1, the data type in WinCC is migrated to an array of the S7 data type "Char" with length = 1. The expression for an array with an element is "Array[0 ..0] of Char". Mapping of the S7 data type "Timer" An external tag with the S7 data type "Timer" with timer address is mapped to the S7 data type "Timer". The address will be retained. If an external tag with the S7 data type "Timer" addresses a data block or a bit memory address, it is is mapped to the S7 data type "S5 Time". The address will be retained. Example: WinCC flexible Tag S7 data type Address Comment Timer_Actual_Value Timer T10 BCD coded timer value Timer_Setpoint_Value Timer DB10.DBW200 BCD coded timer value Timer_Setpoint_Value#2 Timer MW20 BCD coded timer value Tag S7 data type Address Comment Timer_Actual_Value Timer %T10 BCD coded timer value Timer_Setpoint_Value S5Time %DB10.%DBW200 BCD coded timer value Timer_Setpoint_Value#2 S5Time %MW20 BCD coded timer value WinCC See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) 242 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migrating data types of Telemecanique Uni-Telway (WinCC flexible) Migrating data types Telemecanique Uni-Telway The Telemecanique Uni-Telway communication driver is not supported by WinCC, the data types are mapped to the internal data types of WinCC. The data types of the Telemecanique Uni-Telway communication driver are mapped as follows in the migration to WinCC: Data type in WinCC flexible Data type in WinCC +/-Int Int +/-Long DInt ASCII WString Bool Bool Float Real Int UInt Long UDInt See also Migration of data types (WinCC flexible) (Page 229) 5.2.9 Migrating integrated projects Migrating an integrated project (S7-300, S7-400) Introduction In integrated projects, you use SIMATIC controllers and WinCC components together in a project. When an integrated project is migrated, the complete project will be migrated with components from WinCC and STEP 7. Configured connections between control and visualization remain intact. Migrating an integrated project When migrating an integrated project, the same requirements apply for the STEP 7 component as those for migration of a non-integrated STEP 7 project. The objects and properties contained in the WinCC component must also be supported in WinCC (TIA Portal). For an operating station (OS) to be migrated, it has to be located below a PC station and the WinCC application in the project tree of SIMATIC Manager. The following figure shows the assignment of the operating station within the initial project: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 243 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Additional migration requirements for integrated projects can be found in the documentation for WinCC. Also note that the initial project must be compiled before the migration. In order to fully migrate an integrated project, the following components must be installed on the programming device/PC for the migration: STEP 7 V5.4 SP5 WinCC V7.3 with the latest update or WinCC Flexible 2008 SP2 or SP3 To be able to fully post-edit an integrated project, the latest version of the following components must be installed on the PC for post-editing: STEP 7 Professional WinCC Basic, WinCC Comfort/Advanced or WinCC Professional, depending on the components used Using the migration tool It is necessary to use the migration tool under the following circumstances: The initial project is not located on the same programming device/PC as the installation of the TIA Portal. SCADA devices are included in the initial project. These can only be migrated with the migration tool. WinCC Professional V14 and STEP 7 with WinCC V7.3 cannot be installed on the same programming device/PC. Therefore, integrated projects with WinCC V7.3 parts must be prepared for migration using the migration tool. Migration of the STEP 7 part of an integrated project An integrated project is always fully migrated. Individual components cannot be migrated on their own. You can only migrate the included STEP 7 project alone, if you have previously deleted all HMI stations in the SIMATIC stations in the SIMATIC Manager and then recompiled the project in NetPro. Alternatively, you can open the project in an installation of STEP 7 V5.4 SP5 without an installation of WinCC. Then, save the project again and select the "Reorganize" function during saving. The WinCC parts are then automatically removed when the copy is saved. You can then migrate the STEP 7 project without the WinCC project. 244 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Migration of an integrated project with the hardware configuration In integrated projects, HMI devices are migrated even if the hardware configuration is not included in the migration. The STEP 7 part of the hardware configuration, including network configurations, and connections and interrupts, is migrated only if you include the hardware configuration in the migration. Otherwise, unspecified modules will be created for the STEP 7 devices and you will need to convert them into suitable modules after the migration. HMI modules that are plugged into a PC station are converted to a separate Station during the migration. If you perform the migration without including the hardware configuration, the migrated project then contains a non-specified SIMATIC PC Station and a SIMATIC PC Station with the HMI devices. References to HMI devices are not imported during migration. When the hardware configuration is included, the migrated project contains two separate stations: the HMI Station and the PC Station. Storage location of an integrated WinCC project If you migrate an integrated project, the HMI part of it must be on the same PG/PC as the STEP 7 part of the project. If the HMI part is on a different PG, then only the STEP 7 part will be migrated. Unsupported objects The following components are not supported for migration: STEP 7 multiproject A STEP 7 multiproject cannot be migrated. Migration will be canceled. Central Archive Server - CAS If a CAS is part of an integrated project, then the migration will be carried out but the CAS data will not be migrated. See also Post-editing integrated projects (Page 245) Post-editing integrated projects If you have migrated an integrated project without hardware configuration, unspecified CPUs are used instead of the CPUs of the original project. Since no connection can exist between an unspecified CPU and an HMI device, connections from the source project are also imported only unspecified. Procedure To continue to use an integrated project after the migration, follow these steps: 1. Convert the unspecified devices into suitable devices again. 2. Restore the integrated HMI connection between the HMI device and the PLC. 3. Connect all HMI tags to the newly created integrated connection. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 245 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project 4. Restore the connection between HMI tags and PLC tags. 5. Delete the non-integrated HMI connection. In the following chapters a sample project is used to describe the individual steps in more detail. See also Converting unspecified CPUs into specified CPUs (Page 246) Creating an integrated HMI connection (Page 248) Re-linking HMI tags (Page 250) Delete non-integrated HMI connection (Page 251) Converting unspecified CPUs into specified CPUs The first step after the migration without hardware configuration is the conversion of the unspecified CPUs into specified CPUs. Unspecified CPUs are placeholders for certain CPUs from the hardware catalog that are not currently known. You can define general parameters and home the CPUs already in the user program. However, the project is not fully functional until the unspecified CPU has been specified. 246 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Specifying a CPU using module replacement To use module replacement to specify an unspecified CPU, follow these steps: 1. Select the unspecified CPU in the network or device view. 2. Select the "Replace device" command in the shortcut menu. The "Replace device" dialog opens. 1 2 3. Under "New device" in the tree structure, select the module with which you want to replace the unspecified CPU. (Area 1) "Compatibility information" provides you with information on the extent to which the selected CPU is compatible with the configuration in source project. (Area 2) 4. Click "OK". 5. Perform the above-described steps for all unspecified CPUs. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 247 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project See also Creating an integrated HMI connection (Page 248) Creating an integrated HMI connection After you have specified the unspecified CPU, establish the connection to the HMI-device. Procedure To create a connection graphically, follow these steps: 1. On the toolbar, click the "Connections" icon. This activates connection mode. 2. Select the connection type "HMI connection" in the adjacent drop-down list. The network view highlights in color all CPUs and HMI devices that can be used for an HMI connection. 3. You can now have the connection path automatically determined, or explicitly select a connection path via specific interfaces: - Allow connection path to be automatically determined Select the source CPU for a connection. Drag the mouse to the target components. Confirm the connection endpoint with another mouse click. Alternatively: While holding down the shift button, select the target components and with the right mouse button select the "Add new connection" command. - Selecting an explicit connection path from interface to interface Click on the subnet interface in the device for which you want to create a connection. Hold down the mouse button, drag the cursor to the relevant interface in the target device and then release the mouse button. 248 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project Result The following figure shows the state after the integrated connection has been created: 1 2 3 An integrated HMI connection is created and highlighted in the network view. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 249 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project The connection is shown in the connection table of the components. The connection can be edited in the connection properties. See also Re-linking HMI tags (Page 250) Re-linking HMI tags When you have created a new HMI connection between the CPU and HMI device, you have to assign the existing HMI tags to the new connection. Perform the following steps for each line in the relevant tag table. Procedure To re-link HMI tags, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, navigate to the HMI tags and double-click the relevant tag table to show this in the work area. The tag table opens. 2. Click the " ... " button in the "Connection" column. A dialog box for selecting the connection opens. 250 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.2 Migrating projects to a TIA Portal project 3. Select the newly established HMI connection. 4. Click the "" button to apply the selected connection. 5. On the toolbar, click the "Re-connect PLC tag" button. See also Delete non-integrated HMI connection (Page 251) Delete non-integrated HMI connection Finally, you can remove non-integrated HMI connections that still remain from the source project. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 251 Migrating projects and programs 5.3 Migrating S7-1200 to firmware as of V4 (S7-1200) Procedure To delete the non-integrated HMI connections, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, open the HMI device and double-click the "Connections" entry. The connection table opens. 2. Select the row with the old connection in the table. 3. Select the "Delete" command in the shortcut menu of the connection line. 4. Perform the above-described steps for all non-integrated HMI connections of the source project. 5.3 Migrating S7-1200 to firmware as of V4 (S7-1200) 5.3.1 Basic information on upgrading to V4 (S7-1200) Introduction If you have used a CPU with firmware version V3 in your project and want to upgrade to a CPU with firmware V4.0 or later, you can easily replace the device. The TIA Portal offers the "Change device" function for this purpose. The project remains unchanged when the device is replaced. You can continue using the programs that you created with firmware version V3. 252 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.3 Migrating S7-1200 to firmware as of V4 (S7-1200) Rules The following basic rules apply when replacing a device: Replacing a device is only possible if the project was created based on a CPU with firmware version V3.0. If your project was created based on firmware version V1.0 or V2.0, create a new CPU with firmware version V3.0 offline in the project, and copy your program to this CPU. It is not possible to replace a V4 CPU with a V3 CPU. If you want to continue using the existing V3 CPU, create a copy of this CPU before replacing the device. The program cannot be transferred to the new CPU via a memory card. Instead, use the "Change device" function, which is described in the following sections. HMI panels Configured HMI panels are treated differently during device replacement depending on the firmware version of the panel and the communication mode. The following table shows the HMI connections that are supported with the migration: Firmware version of the panel PUT/GET communi Migration to V4 cation V11 or later No S7-1200 does not support this configuration. Upgrade the firmware of the HMI panel to V12.0. Then compile and load the configuration. V11 or later Yes S7-1200 supports this configuration. The connection is established automat ically while you compile and load the project after replacing the device. V12 or later No S7-1200 supports this configuration. The connection is established automat ically while you compile and load the project after replacing the device. During compilation of the program, you receive specific information on migrating the HMI panel. Note HMI TP 177B 4" The HMI TP 177B 4" with firmware version V11.0.2 cannot be operated with S7-1200 V4. Replace the panel with a new device, if necessary. S7-1200 expansion modules If you are already using the following centrally plugged S7-1200 modules in your system, you must perform a firmware update for these modules in order to guarantee operation with S7-1200 V4. ASi - Master - CM 1243 DP - Master - CM 1243-5 WAN CP - CP1243-1 Newly shipped S7-1200 modules have the latest firmware installed ex works. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 253 Migrating projects and programs 5.3 Migrating S7-1200 to firmware as of V4 (S7-1200) Protected blocks Blocks equipped with know-how protection or copy protection cannot be converted to V4. If the project contains protected blocks, you must remove the protection prior to migration. If these are supplied blocks and you do not know the password, ask your supplier either for the password or for a V4-compatible block. WARNING Preventing personal injury and material damage Changes are made to the program during device replacement in some cases. Therefore, thoroughly check the program in a test environment after replacing the device and before putting it in operation. Note Additional support You can find the latest FAQs about migrating to S7-1200 V4 in Siemens Industry Online Support: (http:// If you need further assistance with migrating to S7-1200 V4, please contact SIMATIC Customer Support. See also Migrating to V4 (Page 254) Special considerations after migrating to V4 (Page 256) 5.3.2 Migrating to V4 (S7-1200) Requirement A CPU with firmware version V3 is available in the project. The project contains no protected blocks. 254 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.3 Migrating S7-1200 to firmware as of V4 (S7-1200) Procedure Proceed as follows to replace a CPU: 1. Select the V3 CPU you want to replace. 2. Select the "Change device" command in the shortcut menu. The "Change device" dialog box appears. 3. Under "New device" in the tree structure, select the V4 CPU with which you want to replace your current V3 CPU. 4. Click "OK". The existing CPU is replaced by the new one. 5. Select the new CPU and select the "Compile > Hardware and software (only changes)" command in the shortcut menu. The device configuration and the user program are compiled again. 6. Optional: If necessary, apply know-how protection or copy protection to individual blocks in the program. 7. Select the new CPU and select the "Download to device > Hardware and software (only changes)" command in the shortcut menu. The device configuration and the user program are loaded into the new CPU. This completes the device replacement. WARNING Preventing personal injury and material damage Changes are made to the program during device replacement in some cases. Therefore, thoroughly check the program in a test environment after replacing the device and before putting it in operation. Note Additional support You can find the latest FAQs about migrating to S7-1200 V4 in Siemens Industry Online Support: (http:// If you need further assistance with migrating to S7-1200 V4, please contact SIMATIC Customer Support. See also Basic information on upgrading to V4 (Page 252) Special considerations after migrating to V4 (Page 256) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 255 Migrating projects and programs 5.3 Migrating S7-1200 to firmware as of V4 (S7-1200) 5.3.3 Special considerations after migrating to V4 (S7-1200) Functional changes in V4 S7-1200 V4 offers significantly enhanced functionality. The most important functional changes that you need to consider after migrating from V3 are described briefly below. You can find more information on S7-1200 in the "SIMATIC S7-1200 Automation System" system manual: (http:// Organization blocks With S7-1200 V4, you can specifically set the interruptibility of each organization block used. When a device is replaced, all the organization blocks are configured as non-interruptible, to ensure that the executability of your V3 program remains unchanged. The OB priorities from the V3 program also remain unchanged. After migration, you can change the settings for priority and interruptibility as needed. The behavior of diagnostic interrupts in V4 has changed as follows: In V3, the start information always contained information on the triggering module, including the channel number. In V4, this information is only generated for a pending diagnostics event. If no diagnostic event is pending, for example, because the fault has already been corrected, only the triggering module is indicated. Access levels S7-1200 V4 offers an extended access level concept. The following table shows how the protection levels of the V3 firmware are indicated in V4: V3 protection level V4 access level Meaning No protection Full access (no protection) Unrestricted access without password protection. Read-only Read access HMI access and unimpeded communication between CPUs without password protection. A password is required for changes (write access) in the CPU and for changing the operating mode of the CPU (RUN/STOP). Write/read protec tion HMI access HMI access and unimpeded communication between CPUs without password protection. A password is required to read the data in the CPU, for changes (writing) in the CPU, and for changing the operating mode of the CPU (RUN/STOP). - 256 No access (com plete protection) No access without password input. A password is required for HMI access, for reading the data in the CPU, for chang ing (writing) data in the CPU, and for changing the operating mode of the CPU (RUN/STOP). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Migrating projects and programs 5.3 Migrating S7-1200 to firmware as of V4 (S7-1200) Instruction libraries After migration to S7-1200 V4, instructions from the libraries of the firmware version V3 are still available. This ensures that you can continue to use your program unchanged. In addition, S7-1200 V4 offers many new instructions which are also compatible with the instructions of the S7-1500. You can find more information on the instruction libraries in the "SIMATIC S7-1200 Automation System" system manual: (http:// Motion Control When a device is replaced, the Motion Control objects from the libraries of the firmware versions V1 and V2 are replaced with the corresponding objects from the V3 libraries. The objects from V3 libraries are compatible so that you can continue to use the programs unchanged. The libraries of the S7-1200 V4 offer many new Motion Control functions, which are compatible with the functions of the S7-1500. If you want to use V4 libraries, select them on the "Instructions" task card after replacing the device. You can find more information on the new Motion Control functions in the "SIMATIC S7-1200 Programmable controller" system manual. (http:// Web server The following settings for operation via a web server are transferred from the V3 CPU to the V4 CPU during device replacement: Activate web server on this module Permit access only with HTTPS If you want to operate the V4 CPU via a web server, you need to set up user accounts with assigned user rights in the user management. Only the standard web pages are available to standard users without any additional rights. Note Additional support You can find the latest FAQs about migrating to S7-1200 V4 in Siemens Industry Online Support: (http:// If you need further assistance with migrating to S7-1200 V4, please contact SIMATIC Customer Support. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 257 Migrating projects and programs 5.3 Migrating S7-1200 to firmware as of V4 (S7-1200) Communication via PUT/GET Communication via PUT/GET is enabled after the device replacement. Note that the new integrated connection types offer a security standard higher than PUT/GET communication. If you do not use PUT/GET communication, you should disable it. See also Basic information on upgrading to V4 (Page 252) Migrating to V4 (Page 254) 258 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.1 Getting started 6.1.1 Getting Started Documentation 6 Getting Started with the TIA Portal The Getting Started documentation is available to help you begin using the TIA portal. The Getting Started documentation contains instructions which show you, step-by-step, how to create a project in the TIA Portal and give you the chance to get a quick overview of all the possibilities the TIA Portal offers you. Contents The Getting Started documentation describes the creation of a continuous project for STEP 7 and WinCC that is expanded with each section. You start with simple basic functions, and use more complex ones as you continue with the creation of the project. In addition to the step-by-step instructions, the Getting Started documents also give you background information that explains the functions used and illustrate how they relate to each other. Target audience The Getting Started documents are intended for beginners, but are also useful for users migrating from previous versions of SIMATIC STEP 7 and WinCC. Getting Started documentation You can download the Getting Started documents via the following links: Step-by-step instructions for simple operation of the TIA Portal (STEP 7 Basic, S7-1200) (http:// Configuration of an automation solution with STEP 7 Professional/WinCC Advanced (S7-300) (https:// Multimedia Getting Started for S7-1500: ( salesmaterial-as/interactive-manuals/getting-started_simatic-s7-1500/_content/EN/ content_en.html) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 259 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation See also Service and Support ( 6.2 User interface and operation 6.2.1 Starting, setting up, and exiting the TIA Portal Starting and exiting the TIA Portal Starting the TIA Portal To start the TIA Portal, follow these steps: 1. In Windows, select "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > TIA Portal V14". The TIA Portal opens with the last settings used. Exiting the TIA Portal To exit the TIA Portal, follow these steps: 1. In the "Project" menu, select the "Exit" command. If the project contains any changes that have not been saved, you will be asked if you wish to save them. - Select "Yes" to save the changes in the current project and close the TIA Portal. - Select "No" to close the TIA Portal without saving the most recent changes in the project. - Select "Cancel" to cancel the closing procedure. The TIA Portal will remain open if you select this option. 260 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Overview of the program settings Overview The following table shows the application settings that you can make: Group Setting Description General settings User name The user name of the user. The user name is stored in the project properties when a new project is created. User interface language Language for the program interface Mnemonic Specifies the mnemonics for programming: "German" uses the German mnemonics, for example, "E1.0". "International" uses international mnemonics, for example, "I1.0". For information on the differences in the mnemonics of the indi vidual commands, refer to the description of the relevant program ming language. Show list of recently used projects Number of entries in the list of recently used projects in the "Project" menu Load most recent project during startup The last opened project is opened automatically after the TIA Por tal starts. Displaying truncated text in full Texts which are truncated due to their length are displayed in a tooltip. Show tooltips (contextTooltips are displayed and you get context-sensitive help. If this sensitive help is available) function is disabled, you can open the tooltip with . Reset to default Start view View for objects in overview WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Open cascade automati cally in tooltips After a brief time, the tooltips automatically expand to display a cascade containing additional help. If this option is cleared, the tooltips must be manually expanded. Show hidden banner Banners with additional information in the editor are hidden from display by default. All application settings All changes that you made in the TIA Portal after installation are undone. Layout of the editors Resets the complete layout of the application to the factory state. Show all alarm windows All alarm windows whose appearance was manually suppressed are displayed again. Most recent view Starts the program in the last view that was used. This can be either the portal view or the project view. Portal view Starts the TIA Portal in the portal view every time, irrespective of the last view you worked in. Project view Starts the TIA Portal in the project view every time, irrespective of the last view you worked in. Details When several views are available, the detail view opens by de fault, for example, in the overview window. List When several views are available, the list view opens by default, for example, in the overview window. Thumbnails When several views are available, the symbol view opens by de fault, for example, in the overview window. 261 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Group Setting Description Storage settings Recently used storage lo cation When a project is saved the first time, the most recently used file path is set by default. Default storage location Enables the specification of file paths for: Projects Libraries Configuration file for corporate libraries Data exchange Storage location for data import Imported files are searched for at this storage path by default. Storage location for data export This is the default storage path for the data export. Storage location for sup port packages When support packages are downloaded, they are stored in the specified storage path and can be installed from there. Storage location for log files Log files are stored at the location specified here. Storage location for project archives This storage path for the filing project archives is set by default. See also Starting and exiting the TIA Portal (Page 260) Resetting the user interface layout (Page 299) Changing the settings (Page 265) Configuring the display of tooltips and tooltip cascades (Page 328) 262 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Overview of the script and text editor settings Overview The following table shows the available settings for script and text editors: Group Setting Description Font Font type and size Sets the font type and size for the text in text editors. Font colors Color settings You can choose the colors for individual text elements from the respective drop-down lists in the text editors. Optional settings are available for the following text elements: Text Keywords Comments Operators Scripts Standard functions Instructions/system functions Constant strings Numeric constants Constant tags Tags Object models Formal parameters Reset to default Resets all font colors in editors to their factory settings. Tab width Sets the width of tabs. Use tabs Enables the use of tabs. Use spaces Specifies use of space characters instead of tabs. None Text entries are not automatically indented. Block The lines or the selected paragraph are automatically indented. Smart The lines or the selected paragraph are automatically indented. All unnecessary spaces are also removed. View Show white spaces Shows control characters within a text. STL (Statement List) Font type and size Sets the font type and size for STL program code. SCL (Structured Control Language) Show line numbers Shows the row numbers in SCL programs. Tabs Indent See also Changing the settings (Page 265) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 263 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Overview of the print settings Overview The following table shows the available settings for printing: Group Setting Description General Always print table data as pairs of values Tables are printed as a list and not in tabular form. The corresponding values are listed for each column. Enable this option, for example, if you want to print a table that is too large for the print area. Hardware configura tion Active graphic view The graphics of network and device view are included in the printout. Active table A table associated with an editor is included when printing with the editor. PLC Programming Zoom factor Specifies the size in which blocks are to be printed out. With interface The interfaces of blocks are included in the printout. With comments Comments on blocks are included in the printout. With line numbers The line numbers of the program code are printed for text-based pro gramming languages. Motion & Technology Dialog display/graphic HMI screens The content of the editor is printed out as a graphic if the editor sup ports this. Table The parameters of the technology objects are printed out in the form of a table. Show tab order In the printout you can specify the order in which the runtime objects can be selected with the TAB key. See also Changing the settings (Page 265) Overview of the online and diagnostic settings Overview The following table shows the settings that you can make for the online and diagnostic functions: Group Setting Description Preset connection Type of the PG/PC interface Specifies the type of the PG/PC interface that is used as the presetting path for online access in the dialogs for online access, e.g., in the "Go online" dialog. 264 PG/PC interface Specifies a particular PG/PC interface that is used as the presetting in the dialogs for online access, e.g., in the "Go online" dialog. Use preset connection path for online connection Activates or deactivates the presettings for the PG/PC interface. If the check box is selected, the connection path specified in the settings is used as the presetting in the dialogs for online access. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Group Setting Description Alarm display Multiline Displays the alarms in the Inspector window using multiple lines. Autoscroll When a new alarm occurs, the display scrolls automatically to this alarm. Archive size Maximum number of alarms that can be displayed in the Inspector window. If the set number of alarms is exceeded, older alarms are automatically deleted. Changing the settings Procedure To change the settings, proceed as follows: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area. 2. Select the "General" group in the area navigation to change the settings described in the previous sections. Or click on one of the other entries in area navigation to make settings for your installed products. 3. Change the settings. Result The change will be adopted immediately, there is no need to save it explicitly. See also Overview of the program settings (Page 261) Overview of the script and text editor settings (Page 263) Overview of the print settings (Page 264) Exporting and importing settings Exporting and importing settings You can export settings of the TIA Portal to a file. When you import the settings, they are applied together. This function makes it possible to send settings to other users. Likewise, system settings can be specified centrally, to provide a unified environment for multiple engineering PCs. The TIA Portal searches for a initialization file at startup. When a initialization file is found, the settings saved therein are automatically applied after rebooting. If a more recent version of this file is available, the local settings are updated. You can export all settings, for example: Language of the user interface Path of the company libraries WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 265 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Path of the user-defined documentation Window layouts Profiles of the hardware catalog The initialization files are version-specific and can be imported automatically within a product version, but not in other versions of the product. Exporting settings You can export settings of the TIA Portal to a file, for example, to back them up or to share them with other users. Procedure 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The settings of the TIA Portal are displayed. 2. Select the "General" entry in the area navigation. 3. In the "Import/export settings" area, click on the "Export settings ..." button. The "Export settings" dialog opens. 4. Select the settings for the export. - Click "Select all" to select all the settings for the export. - Click "Deselect all" to then select individual settings for the export. It all the nested settings are selected as well. 5. If you want to accept the settings selected from previous export operations, for example for a different use of the initialization files, select the check box "Use selection from a previous export file" and enter the file in the box. 6. Enter a file name for the initialization file in the "File name" box. 7. Click "Export". Settings are exported to a file with the extension ".tps14". Note Empty entry fields in the export file Entry fields, such as "Central settings", are available in the settings. If you do not fill out one of these entry fields and nevertheless select the initialization for the export, an empty initialization will be exported. If the subsequently import the initialization file, the corresponding local settings are overwritten by the empty contents of important initialization file. If you do not want these fields to be deleted by an import, disable the non-filled entry fields during export of the initialization file. 266 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Importing settings automatically When the TIA Portal starts up, you can automatically import the settings from a initialization file, for example, to incorporate a centrally defined environment. Procedure 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The settings of the TIA Portal are displayed. 2. Select the "General" entry in the area navigation. 3. In the "Central settings" area, click on the "Browse" button. 4. Select the setting file with the extension ".tps14". 5. Click "Open". The settings are applied after a restart of the TIA Portal. Note Priority of central settings Central settings have priority over manually imported settings and override them. Importing settings manually You can import settings of the TIA Portal manually from a initialization file, for example, to take over settings from other users. Procedure 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The settings of the TIA Portal are displayed. 2. Select the "General" entry in the area navigation. 3. In the "Import/export settings" area, click on the "Import settings ..." button. 4. Select the setting file with the extension ".tps14". 5. Click "Open". The settings are applied after a restart of the TIA Portal. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 267 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation 6.2.2 Layout of the user interface Views Views Three different views are available for your automation project: The portal view is a task-oriented view of the project tasks. The project view is a view of the components of the project, as well as the relevant work areas and editors. The library view (Page 273) shows the elements of the project library and the open global libraries. You can change over between the two views using a link. Portal view Purpose of the portal view The portal view provides you with a task-oriented view of the tools. Here, you can quickly decide what you want to do and call up the tool for the task in hand. If necessary, the view changes automatically to the project view (Page 270) for the selected task. 268 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Layout of the portal view The following figure shows an example of the components in the portal view: Portals for different tasks Actions for the selected portal Selection panel for the selected action Switch to project view Display of the project that is currently open Portals The portals provide the basic functions for the individual task areas. The portals that are provided in the portal view depends on the products that have been installed. Actions for the selected portal Here, you will find the actions available to you in the portal you have selected. You can call up the help function in every portal on a context-sensitive basis. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 269 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Selection panel for the selected action The selection panel is available in all portals. The content of the panel adapts to your current selection. Switch to project view You can use the "Project view" link to change to the project view. Display of the project that is currently open Here, you can obtain information about which project is currently open. See also Function and structure of the project tree (Page 273) Basics of the work area (Page 277) Inspector window (Page 285) Basics on task cards (Page 287) Details view (Page 290) Project view Purpose of the project view The project view is a structured view of all components of the project. 270 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Layout of the project view The following figure shows an example of the components of the project view: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Title bar Menu bar Toolbar Project tree (Page 273) Reference projects (Page 289) Details view (Page 290) Work area (Page 287) Dividers Inspector window (Page 285) Changing to the portal view (Page 268) Editor bar Status bar with progress display Task cards (Page 287) 271 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Title bar The name of the project is displayed in the title bar. Menu bar The menu bar contains all the commands that you require for your work. Toolbar The toolbar provides you with buttons for commands you will use frequently. This gives you faster access to these commands. Dividers Dividers separate individual components of the program interface. The arrows on the dividers allow you to display and hide the adjacent sections of the user interface. Changing to the portal view You can use the "Portal view" link to change to the portal view. Editor bar The Editor bar displays the open editors. This allows you to quickly switch between open elements. If you have opened numerous editors, you can display the editors of the same type as a group. Status bar with progress display In the status bar, you will find the progress display for processes that are currently running in the background. This also includes a progress bar that shows the progress graphically. Hover the mouse pointer over the progress bar to display a tooltip providing additional information on the active background process. You can cancel the background processes by clicking the button next to the progress bar. If no background processes are currently running, the status bar displays the last generated alarm. See also Basics of the work area (Page 277) 272 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Library view Function of the library view The library view provides an overview of the elements in the project library and the open global libraries. You can switch to the library view using the "Libraries" task card. See also: Overview of the library view (Page 460) Project tree Function and structure of the project tree Function of the project tree Using the project tree features gives you access to all components and project data. You can perform the following tasks in the project tree: Add new components Edit existing components Scan and modify the properties of existing components You can select the objects of the project tree either with the mouse or via the keyboard by typing the first letter of the desired object. If more than one object begins with the same letter, the next lower object is selected. The project tree must be the focused user interface element in order for you to select an object with its initial letter. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 273 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Layout of project tree The following figure shows an example of the project tree areas: 274 Title bar Toolbar Table header Project WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Devices Ungrouped devices Unassigned devices Common data Documentation settings Languages & resources Online access Card Reader / USB memory Title bar The title bar of the project tree has a button for automatically and manually collapsing the project tree. Once it is collapsed manually, the button is "Reduced" to the left-hand margin. It changes from an arrow pointing left to one that is pointing right, and can now be used to reopen the project tree. You can use the "Collapse automatically" button collapse to project tree automatically when you do not need it. See also: Maximizing and minimizing the work area (Page 279) Toolbar You can do the following tasks in the toolbar of the project tree: Create a new user folder; for example, in order to group blocks in the "Program blocks" folder or group devices. Navigate forward to the source of a link and back to the link itself. There are two buttons for links in the project tree. You can use these to navigate from the link to the source and back. Show an overview of the selected object in the work area. When the overview is displayed, the lower-level objects and actions of the elements in the project tree are hidden. Table header The "Name" column is shown by default. You can also show the columns "Type name" and "Version". If you are showing the additional columns, you see the name of the respective type as well as the version used for instances of types from the library. Project You will find all the objects and actions related to the project in the "Project" folder, e.g.: Devices Languages & resources Online access WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 275 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Device There is a separate folder for each device in the project, which has an internal project name. Objects and actions belonging to the device are arranged inside this folder. Ungrouped devices All distributed I/O devices in the project are collected together in the "Ungrouped devices" folder. Unassigned devices Distributed I/O devices that are not assigned to a distributed I/O system appears as links in the "Unassigned devices" folder. Common data This folder contains data that you can use across more than one device, such as common alarm classes, logs and scripts. Documentation settings In this folder, you can specify the layout for the printed project documentation. Languages & resources You can determine the project languages and texts in this folder. Online access This folder contains all the interfaces of the programming device / PC, even if they are not used for communication with a module. Card Reader / USB memory This folder is used to manage all card readers an other USB storage media connected to the programming device / PC. See also Portal view (Page 268) Project view (Page 270) Basics of the work area (Page 277) Inspector window (Page 285) Basics on task cards (Page 287) 276 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Details view (Page 290) Showing and hiding columns (Page 277) Showing and hiding columns You can show additional columns in the project tree, if necessary. These additional columns show the name of the type associated with an instance as well as its version number. Procedure To show or hide additional table columns for the associated type and its version number, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Display/hide column heading" in the toolbar of the project tree. The column view of the project tree is enabled and a table header is displayed. 2. Right-click on the table header of the project tree. 3. Select the "Show/Hide" command in the shortcut menu, and select the columns you want to display. The selected columns are displayed or hidden. See also Function and structure of the project tree (Page 273) Work area Basics of the work area Function of the work area The objects that you can open for editing purposes are displayed in the work area. These objects include, for example: Editors and views Tables You can open several objects. However, normally it is only possible to see one of these at a time in the work area. All other objects are displayed as tabs in the Editor bar. If, you would like to view two objects at the same time when performing certain tasks, you can tile the work area either horizontally or vertically or undock elements of the work area. If no objects are open, the work area will be empty. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 277 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Layout of the work area The following figure shows an example of a vertically split work area: 1 3 2 4 Title bar of left-hand editor Work area of left-hand editor Title bar of right-hand editor Work area of right-hand editor See also Maximizing and minimizing the work area (Page 279) Splitting the work area (Page 280) Floating the work area elements (Page 281) Using grouped elements of the work area (Page 282) 278 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Minimizing and maximizing elements of the work area (Page 284) Switching between the elements in the work area (Page 284) Saving a layout of editors and tables (Page 298) Save user interface layout (Page 296) Maximizing and minimizing the work area You have the option to adapt the work area to make it as large as possible. You can use the following function for this: Maximizing the work area You can close the task cards, project tree and inspector window with a single click. This increases the size of the work area. You can minimize the work area again at any time in order to return to the previous view. Collapsing task cards, project tree, and Inspector window automatically You can use the "Collapse automatically" option for the task cards, project tree, and Inspector window. This function causes these items to collapse automatically when you don't need them. Maximizing and minimizing the work area To maximize the work area, follow these steps: 1. Open an element such as an editor or a table. The element appears in the work area. 2. Click the "Maximize" button in the title bar of the element. The task cards, project tree and inspector window collapse, and the work area is shown with its maximum dimensions. To minimize the work area again, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Embed" button in the title bar of the displayed element. This restores the view that existed before the work area was maximized. That is, if the task cards, project tree, or Inspector window were expanded before, they will be expanded again. Collapsing task cards, project tree, and Inspector window automatically To collapse the task cards automatically, follow these steps: 1. Click "Collapse automatically" in the title bar of the task cards. The task cards collapse when you click anywhere outside the task cards. 2. To use the task cards, click the collapsed task cards. 3. The task cards expand and are available for use. The "Collapse automatically" option remains enabled. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 279 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation To collapse the project tree automatically, follow these steps: 1. Click "Collapse automatically" in the title bar of the project tree. The project tree collapses when you click anywhere outside the project tree. 2. To use the project tree, click the collapsed project tree. The project tree expands and is available for use. The "Collapse automatically" option remains enabled. To collapse the Inspector window automatically, follow these steps: 1. Click "Collapse automatically" in the title bar of the Inspector window. The Inspector window collapses when you click anywhere outside the Inspector window. 2. To use the Inspector window, click the collapsed Inspector window. The Inspector window expands and is available for use. The "Collapse automatically" option remains enabled. To disable the automatic collapse option, follow these steps: 1. Click "Expand permanently" again in the relevant window. The Collapse automatically" option is disabled, and the window remains expanded. See also Basics of the work area (Page 277) Splitting the work area (Page 280) Floating the work area elements (Page 281) Using grouped elements of the work area (Page 282) Minimizing and maximizing elements of the work area (Page 284) Switching between the elements in the work area (Page 284) Saving a layout of editors and tables (Page 298) Splitting the work area You can split the work area vertically or horizontally. Procedure To split the work area vertically or horizontally, follow these steps: 1. In the "Window" menu, select the "Split editor space vertically" or "Split editor space horizontally" command. The element you have clicked and the next element in the Editor bar will be displayed either next to one another or one above the other. 280 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Note If no elements are open in the work area, the "Split editor space vertically" and "Split editor space horizontally" functions will not be available. See also Basics of the work area (Page 277) Maximizing and minimizing the work area (Page 279) Floating the work area elements (Page 281) Using grouped elements of the work area (Page 282) Minimizing and maximizing elements of the work area (Page 284) Switching between the elements in the work area (Page 284) Saving a layout of editors and tables (Page 298) Floating the work area elements You can float work area elements in their own separate window: Editors Tables Setting windows Task cards Inspector window You can embed floating elements again in the work area at any time. Floating the work area elements To float work area elements, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Float" button in the title bar of the element. The element will be released from the work area and displayed in its own window. You can now place the window wherever you wish. If you have minimized the window, you can restore it via the editor bar. Embedding elements in the work area To embed elements in the work area again, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Embed" button in the title bar of the element. The element will appear in the work area again. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 281 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation See also Basics of the work area (Page 277) Maximizing and minimizing the work area (Page 279) Splitting the work area (Page 280) Using grouped elements of the work area (Page 282) Minimizing and maximizing elements of the work area (Page 284) Switching between the elements in the work area (Page 284) Saving a layout of editors and tables (Page 298) Using grouped elements of the work area If you have opened several similar elements as editors or spreadsheets, you can have them displayed in the editor bar as a group. You can use these groups as follows: Displaying individual elements of a group Displaying all elements of a group in separate windows Embedding all displayed elements of a group in the work area Minimizing all displayed elements Closing all elements of a group You can undo the grouping of similar elements at any time. Grouping or ungrouping similar elements To group similar elements in the editor bar or ungroup them again, follow these steps: 1. Click on the "Group editors/Ungroup" button on the right in the editor bar. Each time you click the button, similar elements are grouped or existing groups are dissolved. The icon of the button changes slightly here to enable you to quickly identify the mode in which you are working. The configured mode is retained even after the elements are closed. Displaying individual elements of a group To display individual elements of a group, follow these steps: 1. In the editor bar, click the group containing the element you want to display. All list of all available elements of the group is displayed. 2. Click the element that you want to display. 282 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Displaying all elements of a group in separate windows To display all elements of a group in separate windows, follow these steps: 1. In the editor bar, right-click the group whose elements you want to display. 2. Select "Restore group" in the shortcut menu. All elements of the group are displayed in separate, overlapping windows. Move the windows in order to see the individual element, or choose an element via the group in the editor bar. Embedding all displayed elements of a group in the work area To embed all elements of a group displayed in separate windows in the work area again, follow these steps: 1. In the editor bar, right-click the group whose elements you want to embed. 2. Select "Embed group" in the shortcut menu. All elements of the group are embedded in the work area again. Minimizing all displayed elements To minimize all elements of a group, follow these steps: 1. In the editor bar, right-click the group whose elements you want to minimize. 2. Select "Minimize group" in the shortcut menu. All elements of the group are minimized. However, the minimized elements remain open and can be quickly maximized again via the group in the editor bar. Closing all elements of a group To close all elements of a group, follow these steps: 1. In the editor bar, right-click the group whose elements you want to close. 2. Select "Close group" in the shortcut menu. All elements of the group are closed. The group is removed. See also Basics of the work area (Page 277) Maximizing and minimizing the work area (Page 279) Splitting the work area (Page 280) Floating the work area elements (Page 281) Minimizing and maximizing elements of the work area (Page 284) Switching between the elements in the work area (Page 284) Saving a layout of editors and tables (Page 298) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 283 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Minimizing and maximizing elements of the work area You can minimize the elements that are open in the work area, such as editors or tables, as needed. However, an element remains open even if it has been minimized, and can quickly be maximized again using the editor bar. Minimizing elements in the work area To minimize elements in the work area, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Minimize" button in the title bar of the element. The element is minimized, but can still be accessed via the editor bar. To minimize all elements at the same time, follow these steps: 1. In the "Window" menu, select the "Minimize all" command. Maximizing elements in the work area To maximize elements in the work area again, follow these steps: 1. Click the required element in the editor bar. The element is maximized and appears in the work area. See also Basics of the work area (Page 277) Maximizing and minimizing the work area (Page 279) Splitting the work area (Page 280) Floating the work area elements (Page 281) Using grouped elements of the work area (Page 282) Switching between the elements in the work area (Page 284) Saving a layout of editors and tables (Page 298) Switching between the elements in the work area You can switch between the elements in the work area at any time. Switching between the elements in the work area To switch to the previous or next editor, follow these steps: 1. In the "Window" menu, select the "Next editor" or "Previous editor" command. The next or previous editor will be displayed. See also Basics of the work area (Page 277) Maximizing and minimizing the work area (Page 279) 284 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Splitting the work area (Page 280) Floating the work area elements (Page 281) Using grouped elements of the work area (Page 282) Minimizing and maximizing elements of the work area (Page 284) Saving a layout of editors and tables (Page 298) Inspector window Function of the Inspector window Additional information on an object selected or on actions executed are displayed in the inspector window. Layout of the Inspector window The following figures show the components of the Inspector window: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 "Properties" tab "Info" tab "Diagnostics" tab Area navigation within the "Properties" tab Content of the "Properties" tab 285 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation "Properties" tab "Info" tab "Diagnostics" tab Navigation through additional tabs within a tab (only available in the "Info" and "Diagnostics" tabs) Toolbar (only available in the secondary "General" and "Compile" tabs of the "Info" tab) Content of the "Compile" tab in the "Info" tab "Properties" tab This tab displays the properties of the object selected. You can change editable properties here. "Info" tab This tab displays additional information on the object selected, as well as alarms on the actions executed (such as compiling). "Diagnostics" tab This tab provides information on system diagnostics events, configured alarm events, and connection diagnostics. Navigation within the tabs You can use area navigation and the lower-level tabs to display the information you require within the tabs. 286 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Toolbar You can use the toolbar in the "General" and "Compile" tabs within the "Info" tab to specify which types of alarms are to be displayed. You can enable or disable the display for the following alarm types: Errors Warnings Information See also Function and structure of the project tree (Page 273) Basics of the work area (Page 277) Portal view (Page 268) Project view (Page 270) Basics on task cards (Page 287) Details view (Page 290) Task cards Basics on task cards Function of task cards Depending on the edited or selected object, task cards that allow you perform additional actions are available. These actions include: Selecting objects from a library or from the hardware catalog Searching for and replacing objects in the project Dragging predefined objects to the work area The task cards available can be found in a bar on the right-hand side of the screen. You can collapse and reopen them at any time. Which task cards are available depends on the products installed. More complex task cards are divided into panes that you can also collapse and reopen. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 287 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Layout of task cards The following figure shows an example of the bar with the task cards: Task cards closed Task card open Opened palette of a task card Closed palette of a task card See also Changing the pane mode (Page 289) Function and structure of the project tree (Page 273) Basics of the work area (Page 277) Inspector window (Page 285) Portal view (Page 268) Project view (Page 270) Details view (Page 290) 288 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Changing the pane mode You can choose between two pane modes: Single pane mode: Only one pane is open at any given time. If you open another pane, the previously opened pane is closed automatically. Multi-pane mode: You can open several panes at the same time. Procedure To change the pane mode, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Change pane mode" button above the panes inside a task card. See also Basics on task cards (Page 287) Reference projects Function of reference projects In the "Reference projects" palette, you can open other projects in addition to the current project. These reference projects are write-protected and cannot be edited. However, you can drag the objects of a reference project into your current project and further edit them there. You can also compare the objects of a reference project to the objects of your current project. Layout of the "Reference projects" palette The following figure shows the layout of the "Reference projects" palette: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 289 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation 1 2 3 Title bar Toolbar Opened reference projects Title bar The arrow for closing the palette is located in the title bar of the "Reference projects" palette. Once it is closed, the direction in which the arrow is pointing changes from downwards to right. It can now be used to reopen the palette. Toolbar The toolbar contains buttons for opening and closing reference projects. Opened reference projects Opened reference projects are displayed as read-only with their objects and their hierarchical structure. Details view Purpose of the details view The detail view shows certain content of the selected object is in the overview window or in the project tree. This might include text lists or tags. 290 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Layout of the details view The following figure shows an example of the details view: Title bar Tab Content of the selected object Title bar The arrow for closing the details view is located in the title bar of the details view. After it has closed, the direction in which the arrow is pointing changes from left to right. It can now be used to reopen the details view. Tab The tab displayed in the detail view depends on the selected object. The "Modules" tab is displayed when you select a device, a device link or a folder that contains one of these objects. The "Modules" tab displays the installed modules or sub-modules of a device in the detail view, when you select the device itself or a device link in the project tree. The "IO tags" displays existing IO tags for selected devices and device links to below the "Local modules" folder or a device folder. The name of the simple tag or data element of a PLC data type is displayed in addition to the data type and the address. Note If a simple tag is defined for a channel address but it is also within the address range of the data element of a PLC data type, only the name of the simple tag is displayed. Objects The displayed content varies depending on the selected object. You can move the content of objects from the details view to the required location using drag-and-drop. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 291 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation See also Function and structure of the project tree (Page 273) Basics of the work area (Page 277) Inspector window (Page 285) Basics on task cards (Page 287) Portal view (Page 268) Project view (Page 270) Overview window Overview window Functions of the Overview window The Overview window supplements the project tree. The Overview window shows the contents of the folder currently selected in the project tree. In addition, you can perform the following actions in the Overview window: Open objects Display and edit the properties of objects in the Inspector window Rename objects Call object-specific actions from the shortcut menu Compare objects side by side Perform various object operations, such as inserting objects from the library via drag-anddrop and moving, copying, pasting, and deleting objects 292 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Layout of the Overview window The following figure shows the components of the Overview window: 1 5 6 6 7 2 3 4 8 Overview window Switch to the Details view Switch to the List view Switch to the Icon view Move to higher level Split the overview window in two. Either the right or left half of the overview window is synchronized. Clicking again cancels the split. All elements within a selected folder are displayed even if these are located in lower-level groups. This option is only available in details view. Contents of the object selected in the project tree. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 293 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Display forms of the Overview window The content of the Overview window can be displayed as follows: Details view The objects are displayed in a list with additional information, such as the date of the last change. List view The objects are displayed in a simple list. Icon view The objects are displayed as icons according to category. See also Comparing objects in the overview window (Page 294) Sorting the details view of the overview window (Page 295) Overview of the library view (Page 460) Comparing objects in the overview window You can display the contents of two folders or objects side by side in the Overview window. The Overview window is split in half and you can display different contents on the left and right sides. In addition, you can use a drag-and-drop operation to move objects between the split windows. Thus, for example, you can move contents from one window to the other. Procedure To split the Overview window in half or cancel the split, follow these steps: 1. In the toolbar, click on the "Synchronize left side" or "Synchronize right side" icon to split the overview window. Either the left or the right side of the overview window synchronized with the contents of the selected object in the project tree. 2. To cancel the split, click again on the previously selected icon. See also Overview window (Page 292) 294 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Sorting the details view of the overview window You have several options for adapting the display in the details view of the overview window: Adding additional columns Some columns are hidden by default to increase clarity. You can display hidden columns if needed. The columns available depend on the selected object. Display of folder contents in a flat hierarchy Folder contents can be displayed in a flat hierarchy. All the content is displayed at once even if it is located in different groups. Sorting the table columns You can sort individual columns of the table in ascending or descending order. Showing or hiding columns To show or hide additional table columns, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the title bar of the table. 2. Select the "Show/Hide" command in the shortcut menu, and select the columns you want to display. Displaying folder contents in flat hierarchy To display the content of a folder in a flat hierarchy, follow these steps: 1. Select the required folder in the project tree or in the library navigation of the library view. 2. Click the "Show subordinate elements" icon in the toolbar. All elements are displayed at once in the table even if they are located in subfolders. Sorting a table in ascending or descending order To sort the table by a column in ascending or descending order, follow the steps below: 1. Click the table header of a column if you want to sort the column in ascending order. 2. Click again on the same column of the table header to sort the column in descending order. 3. Click a third time on the table header of the same column to cancel the sorting. See also Overview window (Page 292) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 295 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation User interface layout Save user interface layout Options for backing up the user interface layout When you make a change to the user interface, this is retained even after a restart of the TIA Portal. A change to the user interface layout includes, for example, moving a window or adjusting the size of an editor. In addition to the automatic saving of the user interface layout, you have the option of manually backing up specific layouts: Save the window layout You can save the layouts of the windows and editors of the TIA Portal manually and restore these at a later time. It is possible to call five window layouts using a key combination. Use this function, for example, if you are working with a notebook to which you connect an external monitor when necessary. You can create a window layout for mobile use on the notebook display and another layout for when you work at the office with an external monitor. Save the layout within editors With some editors, you can adjust the display. You can, for example, adjust the width of tables or show or hide individual table columns. See also Save window layout (Page 296) Load window layout (Page 297) Managing window layouts (Page 298) Saving a layout of editors and tables (Page 298) Resetting the user interface layout (Page 299) Basics of the work area (Page 277) Save window layout You can save the current window layout in order to call it again in the same form at a later time. Procedure To save a window layout, follow these steps: 1. Arrange all windows in the way in which you want to save them. 2. In the "Window" menu, select the "Save window layout as" command. The "Save current window layout as" dialog opens. 3. Enter a name for the window layout in the "Name" field. 296 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation 4. Enter a description of the window layout in the "Description" field in order to be able to identify the window layout more easily later. 5. Click "Save". Result The new window layout is saved in the last position after the existing saved window layouts. The first five window layouts can be called using a key combination. See also Save user interface layout (Page 296) Load window layout If you have already saved a window layout, you can load this, allowing you to quickly adjust your work environment to the respective conditions. You can load the first five window layouts using quick access via the "Window" menu or via a key combination. If you load a window layout and then make changes to the arrangement of the window, you can restore the originally saved window layout. Using quick access to load window layouts 1 to 5 To load one of the first five saved window layouts, follow these steps: 1. In the "Window" menu, select a window layout or select the key combination . Loading additional window layouts To load a window layout that is not among the first five window layouts, follow these steps: 1. In the "Window" menu, select the "Additional window layouts" command. The "Manage all windows layouts" dialog opens. 2. Select the desired window layout. 3. Click "OK". Restore window layout To go back to a saved window layout, follow these steps: 1. In the "Window" menu, select the "Restore window layout" command or select the key combination . See also Save user interface layout (Page 296) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 297 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Managing window layouts You can carry out the following actions with existing window layouts: Changing the order of window layouts The order of the window layouts is important, as the first five window layouts can be called directly via the "Window" menu and via a key combination. Select a window layout If a window layout is not one of the first five window layouts, you can call it using the "Manage all window layouts" dialog box. Deleting window layouts Procedure To manage the existing window layouts, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The settings of the TIA Portal are displayed. 2. In the area navigation, navigate to the entry "General > Manage all window layouts". 3. Select a window layout. The selected window layout is immediately activated. 4. Click the "Up" or "Down" symbol to move the window layout up or down. 5. Click the "Delete" symbol to delete the selected window layout. See also Save user interface layout (Page 296) Saving a layout of editors and tables You have the option of adapting editors and tables to meet your requirements. For example, you can hide columns in tables that you don't need. You can then save your customized view. Procedure To save the layout of editors and tables in the work area, follow these steps: 1. Adapt the editor or table according to your requirements. 2. Click the "Save window settings" button in the editor or table. Result The layout is saved. When you reopen the editor or table, this layout will be used. 298 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation See also Basics of the work area (Page 277) Maximizing and minimizing the work area (Page 279) Splitting the work area (Page 280) Floating the work area elements (Page 281) Using grouped elements of the work area (Page 282) Minimizing and maximizing elements of the work area (Page 284) Switching between the elements in the work area (Page 284) Save user interface layout (Page 296) Resetting the user interface layout Every change you make to the layout of the user interface is saved. The changes are thus available even after a restart of the TIA Portal. For example, if you change the height and width of a text editor or the division of a table, your changes are retained so that you don't have to re-customize elements every time. In some cases, however, it may be helpful to restore the original layout settings; for example, if another user prefers a different arrangement of the user interface. Procedure To reset the user interface settings to the default, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area. 2. Select the "General" group in the area navigation. 3. Click the "Reset to default" button under "Reset to default > Editor layout". Result The default settings for the user interface are restored. See also Overview of the program settings (Page 261) Save user interface layout (Page 296) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 299 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation 6.2.3 Keyboard operation in the TIA Portal Operation of the TIA Portal with the keyboard You can navigate through the TIA Portal using the keyboard, for example if you do not have a mouse available at the given moment. Many functions are also accessible via keyboard shortcuts. You can find an overview of all keyboard shortcuts in the settings for the TIA Portal. In the following sections, you will learn how to navigate in the TIA Portal using the keyboard, edit objects, and customize the TIA Portal to your needs. See also Displaying an overview of all keyboard shortcuts (Page 300) Displaying an overview of all keyboard shortcuts You can display an overview of all keyboard shortcuts. Procedure To display an overview of all available keyboard shortcuts, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The settings of the TIA Portal are displayed. 2. Open the "Keyboard shortcuts" entry in the area navigation. You can see an overview of all keyboard shortcuts, which are valid for the currently installed products. Basic functions of the TIA Portal Below, you will learn how you can use the basic functions of the TIA Portal using only your keyboard. Using the basic functions of the TIA Portal with the keyboard The following table shows how you can access basic functions of the TIA Portal with keyboard shortcuts: Function Keyboard shortcut Change between the project view and the portal view Change between the project view and the library view Open the online and diagnostics view Start Runtime Display cross-references Cross-reference information 300 Menu command WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Function Keyboard shortcut Menu command Open the Help system Help > Show help If you need help on the TIA Portal, press . Cancel the current action Find Replace an object You can replace found objects when searching in the editor. Find next If you have started a search in the editor, you can jump to the next hit with . Print object Run default action of the object Action Scroll horizontally to the right Scroll horizontally to the left Open block/PLC data type Project > Print Operating menus The following table shows how you can navigate through menus using the keyboard: Function Keyboard shortcut Start keyboard shortcuts in the menu You can access the menu using the key and then continue to navigate with the arrow keys to scroll through the menu. Confirm your selection of the menu command with . Go directly to a specific menu You can go directly to an individual menu command by holding down the key. There is an underlined letter for each menu command. Press the key along with the underlined letter. Open shortcut menu of an object With the shortcut menu key (on Microsoft Windows compatible keyboards), you can open the shortcut menu of the selected object. Alternatively, you can use if you are not using a Microsoft Windows compatible keyboard. You can use the arrow keys to scroll through the shortcut menu and select a menu command with . Alternative: Operating expandable elements The following table shows how you can operate expandable elements using the keyboard: Function Keyboard shortcut Expand a folder in a tree With , for example, you expand a folder in the project tree. Close a folder in a tree With , for example, you collapse a folder in the project tree. Open a drop-down list You can open drop-down lists with and then navigate with the arrow keys to scroll through the drop-down list. Finally, press the key to confirm your selection. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 301 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Function Keyboard shortcut Open autocompletion Show object selection Using project-related functions Editing a project Function Keyboard shortcuts Menu command Open a project Project > Open Close a project Project > Close Save a project Project > Save Save a project under a different name Project > Save as Delete a project Project > Delete project Print project Project > Print Undo last action Edit > Undo Redo last action Edit > Redo Calling up the help function Function Keyboard shortcuts Menu command Calling up the help function or Help > Show help Arranging windows Below, you will learn how to open and close individual windows of the TIA Portal and work with saved window layouts using the keyboard. Opening and closing windows The following table shows how you can open and close windows with keyboard shortcuts: Function Keyboard shortcut Menu command Open/close project tree View > Project tree Opening/closing the detailed view View > Details view Opening/closing the overview View > Overview Opening/closing a task card View > Task card Open libraries Open hardware catalog If you are in the device or network view, the hardware catalog opens. Open/close inspector window 302 View > Inspector window WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Function Keyboard shortcut Open the "Properties" tab in the inspector window Open the "Info" tab in the inspector window Open the "Diagnostics" tab in the Inspector window Display or hide reference projects Display the on-screen keyboard Menu command You can display a keyboard on the screen, for example, to operate with a touch screen. Close all editors Window > Close all Using saved window layouts You can save individual window arrangements and restore them at a later point in time. The following table shows how you to access saved window layouts with keyboard shortcuts: Function Keyboard shortcut Menu command Restore active window layout Window > Restore window layout Window > Window layout 1 to 5 If you use a saved window layout and have made changes to the program interface in the meantime, you can restore the original state of the active window layout with . Load window layout You can use to activate the first of the five saved window layouts. Navigating through the program interface The TIA Portal is divided into various user interface areas, for example, individual windows, toolbars, and editors. If you want to work with the keyboard within an interface area, you first have to place the focus on it. Below, you will learn how to place the focus on individual interface areas using the keyboard. You will also learn how to move within an interface area in the TIA Portal using the keyboard. Switching between interface areas and editors The following table shows how to move between individual interface areas of the TIA Portal: Function Keyboard shortcut Move clockwise between the interface areas You can use the key to move clockwise between the individual interface areas of the TIA Portal. The interface area currently in focus is highlighted with a blue title bar. If you are in the project tree, for example, and press the key, you jump to the currently open editor. If you press again, the task cards are in focus. If you press , on the other hand, you move counterclockwise between the work areas. Move counterclockwise between the interface areas With you move counter-clockwise between the interface areas of the TIA Portal. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 303 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Function Keyboard shortcut Go to the next open editor With you go to the next open editor. You can see the open editors in the editor toolbar. Alternative: Go to the previous open editor With , you go to the last opened editor. Alternative: Go to the next higher section of the interface area With , you move to the next higher section of the program interface. If, for example, you have selected a device in the project tree and you press , the entire project navigation is put into focus. Alternative: Go to the next lower section of the interface area With , you place the focus on the next lower section of the program interface. For example, if you have just opened the properties of a device in the Inspector window in order to assign parameters to the device, press to go one level deeper in the program interface. You can then navigate to the desired parameter using the Tab key. Alternative: Navigation within interface areas and editors The following table shows how you can navigate within a user interface area using the keyboard: Function Keyboard shortcut Jump to the next element within an interface area You can use the Tab key to jump from one element to the next within a work area. If, for example, you have opened the properties of a device and want to jump from one field to the next, press the Tab key. Any changes you have made to the current text box are applied in this case. Jump to the previous element within an interface area With , you can jump to the previous element in a work area, for example, a previous text box. Any changes you have made to the current text box are applied in this case. Jump to the higher-level element within an interface area With you can jump to the higher-level element of a work area, e.g., to the higher-level folder in the project tree. Move to the next tab within an interface area If an interface area is divided into separate tabs, you can move between the tabs with the shortcut keys . If, for example, you are in the "Properties" tab of the Inspector window and you want to jump to the "Info" tab, press the shortcut keys . Go to the previous tab With , you move to the most recently open tab within an interface area. 304 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Function Keyboard shortcut Jumping to the toolbar of an editor You can use the key to jump to the toolbar of an editor. For example, if you have opened the print preview and want to switch to the next page of the printout in the toolbar, press . Then, use the arrow keys to navigate to the appropriate icon in the toolbar and confirm the selection with . Use arrows on the divider to display or hide user interface components The table in the work area can be minimized and maximized. First, navigate to the work area and use the Tab key to place the focus on one of the little arrows on the separator line above the table. The arrows have the focus as soon as they are highlighted in blue. Then, press the space bar to minimize or maximize the table. Customizing editors Below, you will learn how to arrange editors using the keyboard. You will also learn how to select the display size and the area within a graphical editor. Arranging and customizing editors The following table shows how to arrange open editors above and below each other or sideby-side, and how to close an open editor: Function Keyboard shortcut Close active editor Split editor space vertically Window > Split editor space ver tically Window > Split editor space hor izontally Window > Unsplit editor space If, for example, you have opened the overview window and the network view and want to display them side-by-side, press the key. Split editor space horizontally You can display two open editors in the work area above and below each other. Remove window split Menu command If you have displayed two editors in the work area horizontally or vertically in split mode, you can remove the split with . Customizing the display in an editor The following table shows how you how to zoom in and out in graphical editors and how to move the area selection in an editor: Function Keyboard shortcut Zoom in step-by-step in an editor With and the key on the numeric keypad of the keyboard, you can zoom in on the display of the editor. Alternative: Zoom out step-by-step in an editor Use the and the key on the numeric keypad of the keyboard to zoom out of the display of the editor. Alternative: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 305 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Function Keyboard shortcut Set view in the editor to 100% Press to enlarge or reduce the current view in a graphical editor to 100%. Move the area selection of the editor If you hold down the spacebar, you can move the displayed section of an editor using the mouse. Editing objects Selecting objects The following table shows how to select individual objects, for example, devices in the project tree: Function Keyboard shortcut Select an object located at the left, right, above or below Jump to the first object within the current interface area Menu command The first object in the interface area currently in focus is selected. In the project tree, this would be the project node at the top, for example. Jump to the last object within the current interface area The last object in the interface area currently in focus is selected, for example, the last item in the project tree. Select all objects in an area Edit > Select all All objects in the work area currently in focus are selected. Select multiple objects If you want to select several objects that are not located directly next to each other, you first have to move the focus (gray outline of an object) to the next desired object using . The current selection is maintained. Then, press the space bar to select the new focused object as well. Repeat this process until all desired objects are selected. + Editing objects The following table provides an overview of all the keyboard shortcuts required for editing objects: Function Keyboard shortcut Insert new object Menu command A new object is inserted depending on your current context. If, for example, you are in the device view, the "Add Device" dialog opens for creating a new device. Open object Rename an object Edit > Rename Copy an object Edit > Copy Alternative: 306 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Function Keyboard shortcut Menu command Cut an object Edit > Cut Alternative: Paste an object Edit > Paste Alternative: Delete an object Edit > Delete Compile an object Edit > Compile Open properties of an object - Many objects in the TIA Portal have editable properties. Press the shortcut keys to display the properties of an object. Text editing Below, you will learn how to operate text editing functions using only the keyboard. Editing text The following table shows the basic editing functions for text: Function Keyboard shortcuts Switch to insert or overwrite mode Exit edit mode Delete Delete characters Confirm entry in a text box and leave the text box Line break in a multiline text box In a multiline text box, hold down the button to create a line break. Reset input in a text box If you are in an text box and press , you exit the box and the changes are discarded. Navigating within a text area The following table shows how to navigate in a text area with the keyboard: Function Keyboard shortcuts Jump to start of line Jump to end of line Jump to start of text Jump to end of text Jump to the previous page Jump to the next page Confirm entry in a text box and leave the text box WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 307 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Function Keyboard shortcuts Line break in a multiline text box Reset input in a text box If you are in an text box and press , you exit the box and the changes are discarded. Selecting text The following table shows how to select text with the keyboard: Function Keyboard shortcuts Expand selection to the word at the left or right The text or current text selection is marked up to the end of word. If you are at the beginning or end of a word, the previous or next word is selected. Expand selection to beginning of line Expand selection to end of line Expand selection to beginning of text The text is selected up to the beginning or the end. Expand selection to end of text The text is selected up to the beginning or the end. Editing tables Below, you will learn how to navigate with the keyboard in tables, edit individual fields, and select parts of tables. General keyboard operation in tables The following table shows how you can edit tables using only the keyboard: Function Keyboard shortcut Place a cell in edit mode or Confirm entry and exit edit mode Cancel editing and discard changes Open drop-down list in a cell Open the drop-down list with . Use the arrow keys to select the desired entry and then confirm the selection with . Close drop-down list in a cell and discard changes Navigate in tables The following table shows how you can navigate within a table using the keyboard: Function Keyboard shortcut Go to line Go to the next cell 308 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Function Keyboard shortcut Go to the next editable cell on the right Go to the next editable cell on the left Move a screen upwards Move a screen downwards Go to the first cell in the row Go to the last cell in the row Go to the first cell in the table Go to the last cell in the table Go to the top cell in the column Go to the bottom cell in the column Insert table row below Insert line break in an entry field/insert table row above Selecting areas in tables The following table shows how you can select areas within a table using the keyboard: Function Keyboard shortcut Select column Select line Select all cells Expand selection by one cell Extend selection up one page Extend selection down one page Expand selection up to the first row Expand selection down to the last row Expand selection to the first cell in the row Expand selection to the last cell in the row Using online functions Controlling online functions with the keyboard The following table provides an overview of the shortcut keys that you can use for the online functions of the TIA Portal: Function Keyboard shortcut Menu command Establish an online connection Online > Go online Go offline Online > Go offline Download project data to the device Online > Download to de vice WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 309 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Function Keyboard shortcut Menu command Show accessible devices Online > Show accessi ble devices Online > Start CPU Online > Stop CPU Online > Simulation > Start This opens a dialog showing all devices that are connected to the PG/ PC interface of the PG/PC. Start CPU The CPU is set to "RUN" mode. The CPU must be online for this. Stop CPU The CPU is set to "STOP" mode. The CPU must be online for this. Start simulation The hardware and software of the project can be tested in a simulated online environment, without the modules actually being online. Using the on-screen keyboard Introduction When working with the TIA Portal, you also have the Microsoft on-screen keyboard available. Displaying the on-screen keyboard To display the on-screen keyboard, follow these steps: 1. In the "View" menu, select the "Screen keyboard" command. Exiting the on-screen keyboard To exit the on-screen keyboard, follow these steps: 1. In the "File" menu of the on-screen keyboard, select the "Exit" command. 6.2.4 Special features specific to the operating system Influence of user rights Restrictions when user rights are limited The software provides several functions that require direct access to the hardware of the programming device / PC and therefore also to the installed operating system. To make full use of the range of functions, the software must cooperate closely with the operating system. To ensure problem-free interaction, you should therefore be logged on to the operating system with adequate user rights. In particular, you may not be able to use functions requiring an online connection or those that change the settings of interface cards if you work with limited user rights. 310 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.2 User interface and operation Recognizing restricted functions You can recognize functions requiring special rights as follows: A shield icon is displayed beside the function. The function can be used but is regulated by the user account control. A box is grayed out and cannot be accessed. You require administrator privileges to access the box. In some operating system environments, you can obtain administrator privileges by entering an administrator password. Note A box being grayed out does not necessarily mean a lack of rights. You should also check the additional information in the tooltip cascades to find out the conditions for editing the box. Expanding user rights Counteracting restrictions due to user rights Certain functions may not be available if you are not logged on to the operating system with adequate rights. You can counteract these restrictions in the following ways: Enabling of extended rights using Windows user account control Logging on to the operating system with administrator privileges Using temporary administrator rights Enabling extended rights using Windows user account control To be able to use a function indicated by the shield icon of the Windows user account control, follow these steps: 1. Click on the box or button with the shield icon. The security prompt of the Windows user account control opens. 2. Follow the instructions of the Windows user account control and, when prompted enter an administrator password, if possible. The function can now be used once without restrictions. Logging on to the operating system with administrator privileges To be able to use a function that is disabled due to lack of user rights, follow these steps: 1. Close the software. 2. Log off from the operating system. 3. Log on to the operating system with administrator privileges. 4. Restart the software. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 311 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Using temporary administrator rights To obtain administrator privileges temporarily, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Change settings" button. You will find this button in dialogs that allow the temporary assignment of administrator privileges. An operating system dialog box for entering an administrator password opens. 2. Enter an administrator password. The settings can be temporarily changed. When you call the dialog again, the procedure must be repeated. Note This function is not supported by all operating systems. If no "Change settings" button is present or the button is grayed out, you will need to log on to the operating system with administrator privileges instead. 6.3 Help on the information system 6.3.1 General remarks on the information system Quick answers to your questions The information system of the TIA Portal helps you solve your problems and offers the required help topics at each step of the configuration. While working with the program, you receive the following support: Information system with all the background information, step-by-step instructions and examples that you need when working with the TIA Portal. Tooltips for information on elements of the user interface, for example text boxes, buttons and icons. Some of the tooltips are supplemented by cascades containing more precise information. Help on the current context, for example on menu commands when you press the key. Help on messages Roll-outs for correct inputs in dialog boxes Banner on the software interface 312 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Information system The information system opens in a separate window. The following figure shows the information system for the TIA Portal: The information system is divided into the following areas: Search area In the search area, you can perform a full text search across all help topics. Navigation area You can find the table of contents and favorites in the navigation area. Content area The help pages appear in the content area. You can open multiple tabs to view various help pages at the same time. The arrows on the window dividers allow you to display and hide the individual sections. You can open both the search area and the navigation area to increase the contents area as needed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 313 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Buttons in the contents area The following buttons are available in the contents area of the information system: Button Function Synchronize Shows the position of the open help topic in the table of contents. Forward / backward Navigates through the history of the help topics previously opened in this tab. Favorites Adds the current help topic to the favorites. New tab Opens a new, empty tab. Home page Displays the start page of the information system. Printing Prints the current help topic. Help Displays help on the information system. Identification of the topics according to the information type The information system provides you with a wide range of information. The help topics are identified by different symbols depending on the type of information they contain. Symbols tell you at a glance what kind of information you have just opened. Symbol 314 Information type Explanation Operating instructions Describes the steps to follow in order to carry out a particular task. Example Contains a practical application example that explains how to solve an automation task. Factual information Provides background information on the functions of the TIA Por tal and provides basic knowledge. Reference Provides detailed reference information about instructions and objects for reference. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Identification of the topics according to the target system Depending on the scope of the installation, the help system may contain sections or pages that apply to specific devices only. To be able to recognize such sections or pages at first glance, you will find a note in brackets in the table of contents. The search results in the full text search are marked in the same way if they only apply to a specific device. You will find an icon in the title bar of such pages. Move the cursor over the icon to obtain information about the valid target system. Roll-out Certain text boxes offer information that rolls out and helps you to enter valid parameters and values. The roll-out informs you about permitted value ranges and data types of the text boxes. The following figure shows a roll-out (yellow) and a roll-out error message (red), which indicates an invalid value: The roll-out is closed as soon as you exit the window or click the x in the upper right corner. Tooltip User interface elements offer brief information in the form of a tooltip. Tooltips, which have an arrow icon on the left, contain additional information in tooltip cascades. If you position the mouse pointer briefly over the tooltip or click the arrow icon, this information is displayed. The automatic display of tooltip cascades can be disabled. If additional information is available, a link to the corresponding help topic appears in the cascade. If you click on the link, the corresponding topic opens in the information system. The following figure shows a tooltip with opened cascade: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 315 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Help on messages Numerous actions are accompanied by messages in the Inspector window of the TIA Portal. The messages give information about whether or not an action was successful. In addition, you see which changes have been made in the project. Further help is available for some messages. If further help is available for an message, you access the help by clicking the question mark symbol. The following figure shows the "Info" tab in the Inspector window with several messages and a question mark symbol: 316 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Banner on the software interface In some editors, you can obtain additional support with banners at the top of the editor. The following figure shows a banner for an open library type: To hide the banner, click on the vertical blue bar at the left edge of the banner or on the x in the upper right corner. To expand a collapsed banner, click on the information symbol at the top left of the opened editor. In the settings of the TIA Portal, you can specify that banner is to be hidden by default. If multiple banners are available in an editor, the most relevant banner is displayed first. To move to the next banner, scroll to the next banner at the bottom right corner. See also Configuring the display of tooltips and tooltip cascades (Page 328) Using user-defined documentation (Page 442) 6.3.2 Opening the information system Opening the information system with the menu To access the information system on the home page, follow these steps: 1. Select "Display help" command from the "Help" menu. The start page of the information system opens. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 317 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Opening the information system with To access the information system and help for the current context, proceed as follows: 1. Select an object for which you want to view the help, for example, a menu command or a program element. 2. Press . The information system opens. If information on the current context is available, the appropriate topic appears. If no information on the current context is available, the home page of the information system is displayed. Opening the information system via tooltip cascades To open the information system from a tooltip cascade, proceed as follows: 1. Move the mouse pointer over an object with a tooltip cascade. The tooltip cascade opens. If additional information is available, the tooltip cascade contains links to the corresponding help topics. 2. Click on a link. The information system opens and the additional help topic appears. Opening help for error messages Numerous actions are accompanied by messages in the Inspector window of the TIA Portal. If help on such a message is available, a blue question mark appears behind the message. To view the help for a message, follow these steps: 1. Display the Inspector window. 2. Click on the blue question mark behind a message. The information system opens and the help error message appears. It contains an exact description of cause of the error and how to remedy it. See also Calling user-defined documentation (Page 451) Using the information system (Page 318) 6.3.3 Using the information system Opening a help topic in the current tab To open a help topic in the current tab, follow these steps: 1. Click on the help topic in the table of contents. 318 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Or: 1. Double-click on the help topic in the list of search results. Opening a help topic in a new tab To open a help topic in a new tab, follow these steps: 1. Select the help topic in the table of contents or in the list of search results. 2. Select the "Open in new tab" command from the shortcut menu. Or: 1. Click on the "New tab" button in the contents area of the information system. A new empty tab opens. 2. Click on the help topic in the table of contents or double-click on the help topic in the list of search results. Closing a tab To close a tab, follow these steps: 1. Click on the cross at the right in the tab. The current tab is closed. Or: 1. Click on the tab. 2. Select the "Close other tabs" command from the shortcut menu. All tags except the current one will be closed. Showing the history The history of the previously opened help topics is stored individually for each tab. To remove a help topic from the history, follow these steps: 1. In the contents area of the information system, click the "Forward" or "Backward" buttons to scroll chronologically through the history. Displaying the position of a help topic in the table of contents To display the position of the open help topic in table of contents, follow these steps: 1. Position the mouse pointer on the help topic. 2. Click "Synchronize" in the contents area of the information system. Displaying help for the information system To display the help on the information system, follow these steps: 1. Click on the "Help" button in the contents area of the information system. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 319 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system 6.3.4 Searching the information system Basics of searching Introduction You have the option to search the information system for terms. You are provided a search area for this. Search options You can search for the following text: Search for a word: This finds all help pages that contain the search term exactly or in a slightly changed form. Search for several words: This finds all help pages that contain all search terms exactly or in a slightly changed form. Neither the order nor the distance between the search terms plays a role here. Search for phrases <"Search_term_1 Search_term_2 ... Search_term_n"> This finds all help pages that contain all search terms in the exact order specified. To find a phrase, place your search expression in quotation marks. You can further specify your search with additional criteria: Boolean search with "AND": You can link your search terms using the Boolean "AND" operator. This finds all help pages that contain all search terms exactly or in a slightly changed form. Alternatively, you can enter multiple search terms even without the operators "AND" or "+". This too finds all help pages that contain all search terms. Boolean search with "OR": You can link your search terms using the Boolean "OR" operator. This finds all help pages that contain one of the search terms exactly or in a slightly changed form. Negate search with "NOT" You can negate a search term with "NOT". You must enter at least one additional search term for this purpose, however. This finds all help pages in which "Search_term_1" occurs. Pages in which "Search_term_2" occurs are not included in the hits, since this search term has been negated. 320 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Fuzzy search with "~" You can place a tilde ("~") after the search term. This finds all help pages in which the search term appears with approximately this spelling. Distance search with "~" <"Search_term_1 Search_term_2" ~proximity> The proximity search allows you to find help pages where two search terms are no further apart than the defined distance. Enter the proximity as a positive integer. Enter the two search terms in quotes. There should be no gap between the tilde ("~") and the space. Search filter You can limit the search to a specific device or a device series by specifying a device as a search filter: If you select a device as a filter criterion, the keyword is only searched for in the pages or sections that apply to the specified device. If select the "Show all" option from the list instead of specifying a device, the search term is sought throughout the entire information system. Extended search You can also use the extended search to search the information system. It offers the same search options as the default search. However, you also obtain direct information about the possible selections for search options. See also Searching help topics (Page 321) Examples of searching in the information system (Page 322) Searching help topics To quickly find the required information, you can perform a full text search across all help topics. Procedure To search the information system for a specific terms, follow these steps: 1. Open the search area. 2. In the "Find what" box, enter the search term or select a recently searched phrase from the drop-down list. 3. Optional: To obtain information on the search options, click "...". The "Extended search" dialog opens. It shows an overview of all options. 4. Optional: In the "Devices" selection box, select a device as a search filter. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 321 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system 5. Click "Find". The search is performed and the results are listed: - The title of the help topic found is displayed in the "Title" column. - The "Position" column shows the section containing the help topic. - The relevance of the topic to the search term appears in the "Rank" column. You can change the sorting by clicking on the header of a column. 6. Double-click on a search result or select the "Open in new tab" command in the shortcut menu. Result The help topic opens in the contents area. To display the location of the open help topic in the table of contents, click on the "Synchronize" button. See also Basics of searching (Page 320) Examples of searching in the information system (Page 322) Examples of searching in the information system Examples of the search for one word Searching for a word finds all help pages that contain the search term exactly or in a slightly changed form. Terms that contain special characters must be enclosed in quotes: Search for This finds all pages containing the words "PLC data type", "PLC data types" or similar related terms. Examples if searching for several words Searching for multiple words finds all help pages that contain all search terms exactly or in a slightly changed form. Neither the order nor the distance between the search terms plays a role. Search for This finds all pages containing the terms "variant", "VARIANT", "variant instruction" and "example", "examples" or similar related terms. Search for This finds all pages containing the terms "LED tag", "LED-tag", "LED status of the tag" or similar related terms. 322 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Examples of searching with phrases Searching with phrases finds all help pages that contain all search terms in the exact order specified. To find a phrase, place your search expression in quotation marks. Search for <"examples for using recipes"> This finds all pages containing the terms "Examples for using recipes" or similar terms in the specified order. Examples of the Boolean search with "AND" A Boolean search with "AND" finds all help pages that contain all search terms exactly or in a slightly changed form. Neither the order nor the distance between the search terms plays a role. Search for This finds all pages containing the terms "user groups", "user group" and "authorization", "authorizations" or similar related terms. Search for In this example, the Boolean search using "AND" is combined with the phrase search: This finds all pages containing exactly the terms "use in the recipes" in the specified order and "examples" at any position. Examples of the Boolean search with "OR" A Boolean search with "OR" finds all help pages that contain one or more of the specified search terms exactly or in a slightly changed form. Search for This finds all pages containing the terms "block", "blocks" and/or "function", "functions" or similar related terms. Search for This finds all pages containing the terms "block", "blocks" and/or "function", "functions" and/ or "function block", "function blocks" or similar related terms. Examples of the Boolean search with "NOT" A Boolean search with "NOT" finds all help pages that contain the specified search terms but not the negated search terms. Search for This finds all pages containing the terms "alarms", "alarm" and "CPU" but not the word "GRAPH". Search for This finds all pages containing the terms "alarms", "alarm" and "CPU" but not the word "GRAPH". Search for All pages containing the term "message" are found but not the word "GRAPH" and not the word "CPU". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 323 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system Examples of the fuzzy search with "~" A fuzzy search finds all help pages in which the search term appears with approximately this spelling. Search for This finds all pages containing the terms "trend", "trend bit", "trend value", "trend display" "trend recording" or similar related terms. Examples of a proximity search with "~ " A proximity search finds all help pages where two search terms are no further apart from each other than the defined distance. Search for This finds all pages in which the terms "trend" and "measurement" are no more than 10 words apart. Examples of searching with filters When searching with a filter, keywords are searched for only in the pages or sections that are valid for the specified device. Search for with search filter "S7-1500" This finds all pages containing the terms "example", "examples" or similar related terms and that apply to S7-1500. Search for with search filter "S7-400" This finds all pages containing the term "SCL" and that apply to S7-400. 6.3.5 Using favorites Using favorites You can save individual help pages or sections as favorites. This saves you searching for the help topic a second time. Favorites are retained even if you close the TIA Portal. They are still available when the information system opens the next time. Saving favorites To save a page or section as a favorite, follow these steps: 1. Open the page or the section that you want to save as a favorite. 2. Click on the "Add to favorites" button. Or: 1. Select a page or section in the table of contents. 2. Select the "Add to favorites" command in the shortcut menu. 324 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system The help topic or chapter is saved as a favorite and is available the next time you open the help system. Calling favorites To open a page from your favorites, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Favorites" tab. 2. Double-click on the help topic that you want to open. Or: 1. Open the "Favorites" tab. 2. Select the shortcut menu command "Open in new tab". The help topic opens in the contents area of the current tab or in a new tab. Go to position in the table of contents To navigate from your favorites to the position of the subject in the table of contents, follow these steps: 1. Select the topic in the favorites where you want to go in the table of contents. 2. Select the shortcut menu command "Go". The menu command is enabled only when you select a topic that is included in the table of contents. Context-sensitive help topics, for example, help on syntax errors, are not included in the table of contents. The "Go to" is not executable for this. The table of contents opens and expands at the desired position. Deleting favorites To delete an entry from the favorites, proceed as follows: 1. Open the "Favorites" tab. 2. Select the topic you want to remove from the list. 3. Select the "Remove" command from the shortcut menu. 6.3.6 Copying code examples into the program Many help topics include code examples that illustrate instructions and functions for programming in the TIA Portal. You can copy code examples in the programming languages SCL and STL and use them directly in your program. Example You recognize an example that can be copied by the "Copy" symbol in the header of the program example: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 325 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system SCL "Tag_Result1" := ABS("Tag_Value"); "Tag_Result2" := ABS("Tag_Value1"*"Tag_Value2"); Procedure To copy a code example, follow these steps: 1. Open the Help topic with the sample program you require. 2. Click on the "Copy" button in the header of the program example. The program code is copied to the clipboard. 3. Open the programming editor and insert the copied code. To do this, select the "Paste" command in the shortcut menu. The copied program code is inserted from the clipboard into the program code being edited. 6.3.7 Displaying more information in the Siemens Industry Online Support The information system provides an introduction to the "TIA Portal Information Center" in the Siemens Industry Online Support. Here you obtain additional up-to-date information about the TIA Portal, for example, application examples, training opportunities, FAQs, hardware documentation and much more. Note Internet connection required To access the information in Siemens Industry Online Support, you need an Internet connection. Procedure To open more information in Siemens Industry Online Support, follow these steps: 1. Open the start page of the information system. You have the following options here: - Select the top entry in the table of contents. The entry has the title "Information system". - Select the "Home page" button in the contents area. The start page of the information system opens. The "TIA Portal Information Center" displayed at the bottom of the home page. 2. Click on the screen of the "TIA Portal Information Center". The "TIA Portal Information Center" opens. 326 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system 6.3.8 Printing help topics You have the following options for printing the contents of the information system: You can print the selected sections or pages from the index together. You can select any content of the information system. It need not involve contents of contiguous sections. The selected content will be printed in a print-optimized layout with pagination. You can print a single open page. Print sections or pages from the table of contents To print the contents from the table of contents, follow these steps: 1. Open the table of contents of the information system. 2. Click on the "Print" button in the "Contents" tab. The "Print" dialog opens. 3. In the "Print" dialog, select the sections and pages that you want to print. 4. Click the "Print" button to print the selected information. The standard print dialog box opens. 5. Select the printer on which you want to print the information. 6. Click "Properties" if you want to make additional printer settings. 7. Confirm your entries with "OK". The information is printed on the selected printer. Printing single opened page To print a single page, follow these steps: 1. Open the page to be printed in the contents area of the information system. 2. Select the "Print" button in the contents area. 3. The standard print dialog box opens. 4. Select the printer on which you want to print the information. 5. Click "Properties" if you want to make additional printer settings. 6. Confirm your entries with "OK". The page is printed on the selected printer. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 327 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system 6.3.9 Configuring the display of tooltips and tooltip cascades Configuration options for tooltips and tooltip cascade You can customize the display of tooltips and tooltip cascades to suit your needs. You can make the following settings: Display or hide truncated texts Sometimes texts may be too long for a text field. The texts are then fully displayed in a tooltip when you hover your mouse over the text field. You can enable or disable this function. Enable or disable tooltips Tooltips provide more detailed information about an element of the user interface. You can also have tooltips displayed in a cascade. If you disable the tooltips, the cascade with context-sensitive help is also no longer displayed. However, you have the option of manually displaying the tooltip for the currently active interface element by pressing . Enable or disable automatic opening of tooltip cascades By keeping the mouse pointer over a tooltip for a brief time, any available cascades are displayed automatically. You can enable or disable the automatic display of cascades. When automatic display is disabled, you must open the cascade manually if necessary. To do this, click on the arrow icon in the tooltip. Procedure To configure the display of tooltips and tooltip cascades, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. 2. Select the "General" group in the area navigation. 3. Select or clear the individual check boxes in the "Tooltips" area to suit your needs. The "Open cascade automatically in tooltips" check box is only available if you have enabled the display of tooltips. See also General remarks on the information system (Page 312) 6.3.10 Assembling customized documentation Customized documentation In the Siemens Industry Online Support, in the "mySupport Documentation" category, you can assemble customized documentation that is tailored to your needs. All configurable manuals and operating instructions of the Siemens Industry Online Support are available to you for this purpose. You can select the parts that are of interest to you and combine them into in a library to form personal documentation. You can organize the documentation using folders in your personal library. The folders will later become the individual chapters of your custom documentation. 328 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system You can open "mySupport Documentation" here: (https:// Requirement The manuals or operating instructions used must be configurable. You can recognize configurable manuals by the suffix "configurable" in their name. To use all the functions, you have to register in the Siemens Industry Online Support and log on. Documentation in different languages You can change the language of the assembled documentation to German, French, Spanish, Italian and Chinese. This gives you the possibility, for example, to gather relevant information for a specific project and make it available to colleagues who speak other languages. Export function in the documentation You can perform an export at any part of your library in various formats (PDF, XML, RTF). Help on creating documentation You can find more help on creating and using custom documentation in the Siemens Industry Online Support: (https:// 6.3.11 Safety Guidelines Safety guidelines This Help manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger. DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 329 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.3 Help on the information system CAUTION with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. Note indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into account. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified Personnel The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards. Prescribed Usage Note the following: WARNING This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or recommended by Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage, positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance. Trademarks All names identified by (R) are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. 330 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. 6.4 Find and replace 6.4.1 Basics of searching Introduction You can use the following search options within TIA Portal: Search entire project Searching and replacing in the editor Browsing the hardware catalog In addition, individual products in TIA Portal offer more search options. Search entire project You can search the entire project for a specific text. The search editor helps you in the search, for example, by further limiting the search. All objects containing the search text are displayed clearly in a table. You can open each object in the search editor to view the relevant location. Searching and replacing in the editor You can search for texts in the editors. The search function finds all texts containing the search key in the currently opened editor. The results are selected in sequence in the opened editor. You also have the following options: Narrowing down the search with additional options Replacing found texts Which additional options are available and which types of text can be searched for depends on the installed products and the open editor. Browsing the hardware catalog You can search for a specific hardware component in the hardware catalog. See also: Browsing the hardware catalog WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 331 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace See also Searching and replacing in the editor (Page 342) Search in entire project (Page 335) 6.4.2 Search entire project Basics for search in the project Introduction You can search the open project for a specific text (search term). The search term can be one word, several words or parts of words. Only spaces are considered as word limits. You can use search terms that are up to 255 characters long. You can create any complex search terms using wildcards. You can also limit the search to specific areas, objects or object properties. Uppercase and lowercase letters are not taken into account in the search. For the search, an index of the texts of the editors which can be searched in the project is built up automatically in the background. The search index is updated with each change. You cannot start the search before indexing is complete. You can generate the search index again at any time. Note that the search index is saved with the project. This may increase the file size of the project. If you want to pass on the project, you can reduce the file size by archiving or minimizing the project. The search index is removed in this case. You can also completely disable the search in the project if necessary. In the case of changes to STEP 7 objects, e.g. name changes of tags, PLC data types or blocks, you must update the point of use of the these object before any search in the project in order that the search can take these changes into account. To do this you can, for example, recompile your program. The search only includes the texts in the set editing language. The search index is generated again when you change the editing language. This may take some time, depending on the number of texts in the project. The search editor helps you with your search. In it, you can specify search options and start the search. After the search is completed, the search editor lists the objects which contain the search text. You can open the individual objects directly from the search editor. 332 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Search options The following options are available for the search: Limit search: - Search in: You can select the sections of the project that are to be searched. - Find exact match: Finds exactly the text you have entered. The search term is searched as individual word or as phrase. You cannot use wildcards in the search term when you use this option, for example, when you enter "*" or "?" the search is exactly for these characters. - Limit search: You can limit the search to specific object properties or object types. Use "*" as wildcard for any number of characters and "?" as wildcard for exactly one character within a word: When you use the "*" or "?" wildcards in a search term, you will receive whole words that match this search term as hits. When you enter "Motor*start", for example, you will receive hits such as "Motor starter" or "Motor1_Start" but not "Starting motors" or "Start motor1". An implicit wildcard search is always conducted. If you enter "Motor" as search term, for example, the search also finds the texts "Motor_ON", "Motor starter" and "123_Motor". This corresponds to the explicit wildcard search with the search term "*Motor*". You can deactivate the implicit wildcard search by enabling the option "Find exact match". Replace texts in the project You have the option to replace individual texts in the project. To do this, you can open the location immediately after a search by double-clicking on the hit list and editing the text. Once it is changed, the text is automatically indexed again. If you then want to open the next match, you receive a message that offers you the chance to refresh the hit list. In this way, you can replace a text in the entire project until the hit list no longer shows results. See also Basics of searching (Page 331) Overview of the search editor (Page 333) Search in entire project (Page 335) Creating a new search index manually (Page 336) Enabling and disabling search in the project (Page 337) Examples for searching in the project (Page 338) Overview of the search editor Function of the search editor The search editor searches the entire project for specific texts and represents the search results clearly in a table. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 333 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Layout of the search editor The figure below shows the components of the search editor: 1 2 3 4 Search mask Status bar Search filter Results list Search mask You enter the search term in the search mask and limit the search area. You also have the option to select "Find exact match" which means the search is limited exactly to the entered search term in the project and similar text passages are ignored. You start the search in the search mask. Status bar The status bar includes information about the search result. 334 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Search filter You can use the search filter to further limit the search results. If you have not activated any filters, the search includes all objects and object properties. If you activate a filter, only the search results which match the filter setting are displayed. Results list The results list shows all objects which include the search term. Double-click on a search result to open the corresponding editor and highlight the reference. See also Basics of searching (Page 331) Basics for search in the project (Page 332) Search in entire project (Page 335) Creating a new search index manually (Page 336) Enabling and disabling search in the project (Page 337) Examples for searching in the project (Page 338) Search in entire project Requirement A project is open. Procedure To search the current project for a specific text, follow these steps: 1. Enter the search term in the text box for the search in the TIA Portal toolbar. 2. Click "Search in project". The search editor opens and a search for the search term is conducted across the entire project. The objects containing the search text are listed in the overview. Note You cannot enter any search options with this search. The entire project is searched and all objects that can be searched are included in the search. If you want to further limit the search or use search options, you can start the search once again. To do so, follow the alternative instructions under "Or" as of step 2. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 335 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Or: 1. Open the search editor in one of two ways: - Select the "Search in project" command in the "Edit" menu. - Right-click an object in the project tree and select the "Search in project" command from the shortcut menu. The object is set as default search area in the "Search in" box. - Make sure that the focus is outside of an editor that supports an editor-specific search and press the shortcut . 2. Enter the search term in the "Search" box, or select a term from the list of terms for which you have already searched. 3. To search exactly for the search term, select the check box "Find exact match". You cannot use wildcards in the search term when you use this option, for example, when you enter "*" or "?" the search is exactly for these characters. 4. To limit the search area, select the sections you want to include in the search under "Search in". 5. To limit the search to specific objects or object properties, select the objects or object properties you want to include in the search under "Limit search to". 6. Click "Start Search". The objects containing the search text are listed in the overview. 7. Double-click an object to open it. See also Basics of searching (Page 331) Basics for search in the project (Page 332) Overview of the search editor (Page 333) Creating a new search index manually (Page 336) Enabling and disabling search in the project (Page 337) Examples for searching in the project (Page 338) Searching and replacing in the editor (Page 342) Creating a new search index manually For the search, an index of the texts of the editors which can be searched in the project is built up automatically in the background. The search index is updated with each change. You cannot start the search before indexing is complete. You can also generate the search index manually at any time. 336 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Procedure To automatically generate the search index, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area. 2. In the area navigation, select the group "General > Search in project". 3. Click "Recreate search index". Result The indexes of the project are generated again. See also Basics of searching (Page 331) Basics for search in the project (Page 332) Overview of the search editor (Page 333) Search in entire project (Page 335) Enabling and disabling search in the project (Page 337) Examples for searching in the project (Page 338) Enabling and disabling search in the project You can disable searching in the project centrally, if you do not need it. If necessary, you can enable again it at any time. By default, the search is enabled. Procedure To disable or enable searches in the project, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area. 2. In the area navigation, select the group "General > Search in project". 3. Select or clear the "Enable 'Search in project'" check box. See also Basics of searching (Page 331) Basics for search in the project (Page 332) Overview of the search editor (Page 333) Search in entire project (Page 335) Creating a new search index manually (Page 336) Examples for searching in the project (Page 338) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 337 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Examples for searching in the project Examples for use of property and object filters The search editor offers filters in the "Limit search to" area which you can use to limit the search to specific properties or objects. Keep in mind the following mechanism: If you do not activate any filters, the search term is searched in all objects and properties that can be searched within the set search area. If you activate filters, only the selected properties or objects are searched. Examples for use of property and object filters: Search for an object with the name "Motor1": Enter the search term and activate the filter "Name". All objects which include "Motor1" in their name are found. Search for an object which includes the text "Motor1" either in its name or in a comment: Enter the search term and activate the filters "Name" and "Comment". All objects which include "Motor1" in their name or in the comment are found. Search for a block with the name "Motor1": Enter the search term and activate the filters "Name" and "Block". All blocks which include "Motor1" in their name are found. Search for a block which includes the text "Motor1" either in its name or in a comment: Enter the search term and activate the filters "Name", "Comment" and "Block". All blocks which include "Motor1" in their name or in the comment are found. Search for a block or a technology object with the name "Motor1": Enter the search term and activate the filters "Name", "Block" and "Technology object". All blocks or technology objects which include "Motor1" in their name are found. When entering the search term, note the following examples for searching for a term or several terms. Examples for the search for one term When your search entry consists of only one term and the option "Find exact match" is disabled, the search is always an implicit wildcard search. The system adds the wildcard "*" in front of and behind the search term. You can insert wildcards in the search term yourself to conduct an explicit wildcard search. If you want to find exactly the term you have entered, select the option "Find exact match". Uppercase and lowercase letters are not taken into account in the search. Examples for the search for one term: Search for "motor", "Find exact match" option is disabled An implicit wildcard search is conducted. The search term is interpreted as "*motor*" and all terms which include "motor" are found, for example, "motor", "motor_1", "Motorstart" or "Start_Motor". Search for "m*tor" (explicit wild card search), "Find exact match" option is disabled The search term is interpreted as "*m*tor*" in this wildcard search. This means terms, such as "motor", "motor_1", "Start_Motor", "GLOB.Mode.motor[1]" or "Mo_tor" are also found. 338 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Search for "motor", "Find exact match" option is enabled No wildcards are used for the search, which means only the terms "motor" and "Motor" are found. Search for "m*tor" (explicit wild card search), "Find exact match" option is enabled The character "*" is no longer a wildcard and is interpreted as a regular character. The search only finds the character strings "m*tor" and "M*tor" but not, for example, the terms "motor", "", "Motormotor_1". Application examples: If you want to determine from where the "GLOB_DB.MODE.FG[6].IN.ERROR_DROP_START" element of a data block is accessed, you can use the cross-reference list. If access takes place by indirect addressing (e.g. with "#GLOB.MODE.FG[#FgNr].IN.ERROR_DROP_START := TRUE;"), however, the crossreference list does not return any results. Use a wildcard search for "MODE.FG[*].IN.ERROR_DROP_START" across the entire project in this case. You want to find all instances where "ERROR_DROP_START" is used. Perform a search for "ERROR_DROP_START" across the entire project. The search also finds all "ERROR_DROP_START" elements within the "FG[]" array. Examples for the search for multiple terms When you enter a search term which consists of multiple terms and the "Find exact match" option is disabled, you will find those objects which include all these terms. The texts can appear in any order. If you want the terms to appear exactly as you have entered them in an object, select the "Find exact match" option. Uppercase and lowercase letters are not taken into account in the search. Examples for the search for multiple terms: Search for "motor start", "Find exact match" option is disabled All objects which include "motor" and "start" are found. It does not matter how far apart they are from each other or in which order they appear. Possible hits therefore include: "Motor start", "start my motor", "my motor is in start mode" Search for "motor start*", "Find exact match" option is disabled As with the search for a word, an implicit wildcard search is always conducted for all words with a multiple word search. This means it is not necessary to explicitly enter a wildcard character. "motor start*" is interpreted as "*motor* *start*" and the same hits are found as with "motor start". Search for "motor start", "Find exact match" option is enabled When the option "Find exact match" is enabled, only objects which include both terms one after the other as a phrase are found. The search finds the search term, for example, in objects which include the texts "push motor start button" or "motor start on". No hits are returned for "start motor", "motorstart", "start my motor", "my motor is in start mode". Search for "motor start*", "Find exact match" option is enabled The character "*" is no longer a wildcard and is interpreted as a regular character. The search only finds objects in which the character string "motor start*" appears in uppercase or lowercase letters. "motor starting", "start my motor", "motor start", "Motor Start", "motor start_mode" do not result in any hits. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 339 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Application examples: You want to find out where you have used the function "Setbit" to set the "MotorOn" tag. To do so, conduct a search for "setbit motoron". You want to find a specific network comment but you only know that it includes the words "CPU" and "Cycle". To do so, start a search for "CPU cycle". See also Basics of searching (Page 331) Basics for search in the project (Page 332) Overview of the search editor (Page 333) Search in entire project (Page 335) Creating a new search index manually (Page 336) Enabling and disabling search in the project (Page 337) 6.4.3 Searching and replacing in the editor Basics for search in open editors Introduction You can start a search which is limited to the editor currently open in the workspace. You can customize the search as follows to suit requirements: You can optimize the search with additional options. You can specify the search area. You can specify the search direction. Additional options for searching You can refine the search with the help of the following additional options: Whole words only Only whole words are taken into account for the search. Compound words that contain the search key as a part are ignored. Match case Upper- and lowercase letters are taken into account in the search. Find in substructures The search also includes texts contained in another object. Find in hidden texts Texts that are assigned to another text but that are currently hidden are also included in the search. 340 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Use wildcards Enter an asterisk as the wildcard for any number of characters. Example: You want to search for all words starting with "Device". Type in "Device*" in the search key box. Enter a question mark as the wildcard, however, if you only want to exclude a single character. Use regular expressions (for searching in scripts only) A regular expression is a character string used to describe sets of values and for filtering. This allows you to create complex search patterns. The additional options available depend on the installed products and the editor opened. Search area and search direction You have the following options for define the search area: Whole document The entire is searched regardless of the current selection and position. From current position The search starts at the current position. Depending on the search direction, all texts above or to the left or below or to the right of the current position are not included in the search. Selection The search term is only searched for in the current selection. You can define the search direction independent of the search area: Down Search takes place in editor from top to bottom or from left to right. Up Search takes place in editor from bottom to top or from right to left. Overview of the "Find and replace" palette Function of the "Find and replace" palette The "Find and replace" palette in the "Tasks" task card lets you search in an open editor. It includes all options that you need for an efficient search. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 341 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Layout of the "Find and replace" palette The following figure shows the components of the "Find and replace" palette: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Enter search terms Additional options Search direction Start search Enter replacement term Replace area Replace Searching and replacing in the editor You have the option to search for text in an editor or to replace it. 342 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.4 Find and replace Start search Follow these steps to start the "Find and replace" function: 1. Select the "Find and replace" command in the "Edit" menu or open the "Find and replace" pane in the "Tasks" task card. The "Find and replace" pane opens. 2. Enter a term in the "Find" drop-down list. As an alternative, you can select the most recent search key from the drop-down list. 3. Select the options desired for the search. 4. Using the option buttons, select the starting point for the search and the search direction. 5. Click "Find". The first hit is marked in the editor. 6. Click "Find" again to display the next hit. The next hit is marked in the editor. Repeat this step as needed until you reach the last hit. Replacing the search key You have the option of replacing hits individually or automatically replacing all the found texts, if the respective editor supports this function. Follow these steps to replace terms: 1. Enter a term in the "Find" drop-down list. As an alternative, you can select the most recent search key from the drop-down list. 2. Select the options desired for the search. 3. Click the "Find" button to start a search for the specified search key. The first hit is displayed in the editor. 4. In the "Replace" drop-down list, enter the text you wish to use to replace the search key. As an alternative, you can select one of the last entered texts from the drop-down list. 5. Click the "Replace" button to replace the selected hit with the specified text. The found text is replaced and the next hit is marked in the editor. Repeat this procedure until you have replaced all the desired hits. To skip to the next hit without replacing the marked word, click the "Find" button instead of "Replace". 6. Click "Replace all" to automatically replace all hits at once. See also Basics of searching (Page 331) Search in entire project (Page 335) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 343 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.5 Undoing and redoing actions 6.5 Undoing and redoing actions 6.5.1 Basics of undoing and redoing actions Function You can undo performed actions at any time. For this purpose, every action you perform is saved in an action stack. When undoing actions, the stack is processed from top to bottom. In other words, if you undo an action that lies further down in the stack, all actions located above it in the stack will also be undone automatically. You can redo previously undone actions until you execute a new action. Once you execute a new action, it is no longer possible to redo previously undone actions. Particularities for undoing There are a few actions that empty the action stack. You cannot undo these actions or the actions performed before these actions. The following actions empty the action stack: Saving Project management (creating a new project, opening project, closing a project, deleting a project) Establishing an online connection Keep in mind that the action stack is emptied every time you establish an online connection. This means that the actions executed offline cannot be undone once the online connection is established. You can undo all actions which you subsequently execute online, even after the online connection has been terminated. Displaying the action stack The "Undo" button in the toolbar is enabled as soon as you perform an action that can be undone. This button is split; you can use the arrow down portion to open a drop-down list. containing all actions of the action stack that you can undo. If you had performed actions in an editor other than the currently displayed editor, the corresponding editor is also displayed as a subheading. This allows you to always identify the point at which the undo operation will be applied. The subheadings are removed from the list when the editor responsible can no longer undo actions. Actions you have undone are entered in the action stack from where they can be redone. Here, you can redo actions you have undone. The display of actions you can redo it is analogous to the display of the actions that you can undo. 344 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.5 Undoing and redoing actions Example of undoing actions The figure below shows how actions performed in various editors and tables are undone: $FWLRQVWDFN +DUGZDUHDQG QHWZRUNHGLWRU 8QGRVHTXHQFH 7DVNSODQQHU 3URJUDPPLQJHGLWRU 0HVVDJHV 6DYHSURMHFW In this example, you cannot undo actions 1 to 3 because the project was saved. You can undo actions 4 to 10 in the order indicated by the direction of the arrow. In other words, you must undo action 10 first. Once you have undone action 8, you cannot then undo action 5. You must first undo actions 7 and 6. As the final step in the sequence, you can then undo action 4. You also have the option of undoing several actions in a single step by undoing an action located further down in the action stack. All actions located above it in the stack will be undone automatically. The same principle also applies to redoing of actions. See also Undoing an action (Page 345) Redoing an action (Page 346) 6.5.2 Undoing an action The following options are available for undoing actions: Undoing the last action only Only the last action performed is undone. Undoing as many actions as required Multiple actions in the action stack are undone in a single step. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 345 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.5 Undoing and redoing actions Undoing the last action only To undo the last action performed, follow the steps below: 1. Click the "Undo" button in the toolbar. - If the action was not performed in the currently displayed editor, a confirmation prompt appears. - If the undo operation requires an editor containing a protected object to be opened, you must enter the password for the object. 2. Click "Yes" to confirm. 3. Enter the password, if necessary. The editor in which the action was performed is displayed and the action is undone. Undoing as many actions as required To undo multiple actions in the action stack in a single step, follow these steps: 1. Click the Down arrow next to the "Undo" button in the toolbar. This opens a drop-down list containing all actions you can undo. Actions performed in other editors are identified by the editor name in the subheading. 2. Click the action you want to undo. The chosen action and all actions in the stack located above the chosen action are undone. If the undo operation requires an editor containing a protected object to be opened, you must enter the password for the object. 3. Enter the required passwords, if necessary. The editors in which the actions were performed are displayed and the actions are undone. See also Basics of undoing and redoing actions (Page 344) Redoing an action (Page 346) 6.5.3 Redoing an action You have the option of redoing an action that has been undone, so that you can return to the status present before "Undo" was performed. However, this is only possible until you perform a new action. The following options are available for redoing actions: Redoing the last undone action only Only the last undone action is redone. Redoing as many undone actions as required Multiple undone actions in the action stack are redone in a single step. 346 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.5 Undoing and redoing actions Redoing the last undone action only To redo the last undone action, follow the steps below: 1. Click the "Redo" button in the toolbar. - If the action is not being redone in the currently displayed editor, a confirmation prompt appears. - If the redo operation requires an editor containing a protected object to be opened, you must enter the password for the object. 2. Click "Yes" to confirm. 3. Enter the password, if necessary. The editor in which the action was undone is displayed and the action is redone. Redoing as many undone actions as required To redo multiple undone actions in the action stack in a single step, follow these steps: 1. Click the Down arrow next to the "Redo" button in the toolbar. This opens a drop-down list containing all actions you can redo. Actions performed in other editors are identified by the editor name in the subheading. 2. Click the action you want to redo. The chosen action and all actions in the stack located above the chosen action are redone. If the redo operation requires an editor containing a protected object to be opened, you must enter the password for the object. 3. Enter the required passwords, if necessary. The editors in which the actions were undone are displayed and the actions are redone. See also Basics of undoing and redoing actions (Page 344) Undoing an action (Page 345) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 347 Introduction to the TIA Portal 6.5 Undoing and redoing actions 348 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects 7.1.1 The basics of projects 7 Introduction Projects are used to organize the storage of data and programs resulting from the creation of an automation solution. The data that makes up a project includes the following: Configuration data on the hardware structure and parameter assignment data for modules Project engineering data for communication over networks Project engineering data for the devices Logs for important events in the life cycle of the project Project hierarchy Data is stored in a project in the form of objects. Within the project, the objects are arranged in a tree structure (project hierarchy). The project hierarchy is based on the devices and stations along with the configuration data and programs belonging to them. Common data of the project and online access, for example, are also displayed in the project tree. See also Using logs (Page 361) Creating a new project (Page 352) Compatibility of projects (Page 350) Opening existing projects (Page 352) Upgrading projects (Page 354) Displaying properties of the project (Page 356) Saving projects (Page 357) Closing projects (Page 358) Removing projects from the project list (Page 359) Deleting projects (Page 360) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 349 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects 7.1.2 Compatibility of projects You can use the TIA Portal to open projects that were created with the same version of the product or with a different installation package. Projects from previous versions must be upgraded to the current version prior to opening. Projects from older product versions cannot be opened directly. Below, you will learn what to consider when opening projects from older product versions. Opening projects from older product versions The table below describes the behavior of the TIA Portal when opening projects from older product versions: Product version of the TIA Portal Behavior when opened with the current product version of the TIA Portal (file extension of the respec tive version) V10.5 (.ap10) A message is displayed instructing you to open the project with the product version V13 SP1. V11.x (.ap11) The project is automatically upgraded to the project format V13 SP1 and is given the file extension ".ap13" when opened with the product version V13 SP1, following your confirma tion. V12 (.ap12) V12 SP1 (.ap12) V13 (.ap13) V13 SP1 (.ap13) The project is automatically upgraded to the project format V14 and is given the file extension ".ap14" when opened with the product version V14, following your confirmation. The upgraded project is a copy of the original project. The original project is retained un changed. Backward compatibility with the current product version Projects that have been saved with the current version of the TIA Portal are not backward compatible with older versions due to their enhanced functionality. Projects saved with TIA Portal V14 can only be opened with TIA Portal V14 or later. 350 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects Opening projects created with add-on products The project you want to open may include data that were created with an optional software. The following cases may occur if you did not install the optional software: Software components which are not absolutely required are missing: A dialog appears listing the missing software components. After the project is opened, its properties are displayed. You now have the opportunity to install missing components. All the devices contained in the project are available even if you do not install the missing components. However, you can only work with the devices that are supported by the currently installed software. Devices which are not supported because software components are missing are identified by the following symbol in the project tree: Essential software components are missing: A dialog appears listing the missing software components. The essential software components are marked. The project can only be opened if you install the missing software components. Special features when using data blocks from other product versions Data blocks that were created with a different product version of the TIA Portal cannot be opened and edited with the current product version. When you open a program block in the project tree in online mode, you receive an error message. Unsupported data blocks are marked the project tree with the following symbol in an additional column in the "Program blocks" folder below a device or in the "Online access" folder below an interface: In order to open and edit the unsupported data blocks, you can upgrade the blocks in the project. You can find additional information in the section "Upgrading projects (Page 354)". See also The basics of projects (Page 349) Creating a new project (Page 352) Opening existing projects (Page 352) Upgrading projects (Page 354) Displaying properties of the project (Page 356) Saving projects (Page 357) Closing projects (Page 358) Removing projects from the project list (Page 359) Deleting projects (Page 360) Compatibility of global libraries (Page 469) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 351 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects 7.1.3 Creating a new project Procedure To create a new project, follow these steps: 1. Select the "New" command in the "Project" menu. The "Create a new project" dialog opens. 2. Enter your project name and path or accept the proposed settings. 3. Click the "Create" button. Result The new project is created and displayed in the project tree. See also The basics of projects (Page 349) Compatibility of projects (Page 350) Opening existing projects (Page 352) Upgrading projects (Page 354) Displaying properties of the project (Page 356) Saving projects (Page 357) Closing projects (Page 358) Removing projects from the project list (Page 359) Deleting projects (Page 360) 7.1.4 Opening existing projects You can open projects directly from the current product version with the TIA Portal. When you open projects from a previous version, you are prompted to upgrade the project. You recognize projects of the TIA Portal by their file name extension ".ap[version number]". Projects of TIA Portal V14 have the file name extension ".ap14". 352 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects Procedure To open an existing project, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Open" command in the "Project" menu. The "Open project" dialog box opens and the list of recently used projects is displayed. 2. Select a project from the list and click "Open". 3. If the project you require is not included in the list, click the "Browse" button. Navigate to the desired project folder and open the project file. Projects in the current project format are opened in the project view. If you have selected a project from a previous version of the TIA Portal, the "Upgrade project" dialog opens. You can find more information on upgrading projects under "Upgrading projects (Page 354)". Checking for missing software components When opening existing projects, an automatic check is made to determine if the appropriate software is installed for all modules used within the project. If you try to open a project with modules that are not supported by the current scope of installation of the TIA portal, a message appears on opening the project informing you of the missing software components. If the software components are not absolutely required to open the project, the project can still be opened. Reaction to missing software components Unsupported modules of a project are handled as follows: Display of the modules on the user interface - The unsupported modules are displayed in the project tree with all of their lower-level objects. However, the modules themselves cannot be processed in editors or in the inspector window. When possible, a replacement module is used that best matches the original module. Replacement modules are indicated by an exclamation mark. - Display of properties in tables is limited. This applies in particular to the display of network parameters, such as the IP address. Functional limitations - Unsupported modules cannot be printed out or compiled. - An online connection cannot be established to the modules. It is therefore also impossible to download. - To change the device type, the device must first be deleted and then re-inserted. The "Change device type" function is not supported. - Copying and inserting lower-level objects, such as blocks, is possible although the device itself cannot be copied and inserted. - The network configuration cannot be changed with replacement modules within the network view. - Cross-references can be displayed. However, the cross-references only reflect the status last saved within the project because on online comparison with the original module cannot be made. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 353 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects See also The basics of projects (Page 349) Creating a new project (Page 352) Compatibility of projects (Page 350) Upgrading projects (Page 354) Displaying properties of the project (Page 356) Saving projects (Page 357) Closing projects (Page 358) Removing projects from the project list (Page 359) Deleting projects (Page 360) Compiling project data (Page 370) Opening a global library (Page 470) 7.1.5 Upgrading projects Projects from older versions of the TIA Portal can only be opened after being upgraded to the current product version. To find out which options you have depending on the product version of the project, go to chapter "Compatibility of projects (Page 350)". When you open projects from older product versions, you are prompted to upgrade the project. After the project is upgraded to the current product version, it can no longer be opened in older versions of the TIA Portal. But the original project is still available. The upgraded project is saved as a copy and receives the name extension "_V14". Global libraries are not upgraded automatically together with the project because they are independent of projects. If you want to continue using global libraries from older versions of the TIA Portal, upgrade the global libraries as well. You can find more information on upgrading global libraries in the chapter "Compatibility of global libraries (Page 469)". Blocks with know-how protection from earlier versions of the TIA Portal are not automatically upgraded with the project. Remove the know-how protection of the blocks from the earlier version of the product before upgrading the project. Set up know-how protection again afterwards with the latest version of the TIA Portal. For more detailed information, refer to section "Upgrading know-how protected blocks (Page 356)". Upgrading projects from TIA Portal V13 SP1 To upgrade a project from TIA Portal V13 SP1, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Open" command in the "Project" menu. The "Open project" dialog box opens and the list of recently used projects is displayed. 2. Select a project from the list and click "Open". 3. If the project you require is not included in the list, click the "Browse" button. Navigate to the desired project folder and open the project file. The "Upgrade project" dialog box opens. 354 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects 4. Click "OK". The project is upgraded to the current version and opened. 5. Compile the hardware and software of all devices in the project. Upgrading from TIA Portal V13 SP1 projects with master copies from TIA Portal V10.5 Before upgrading a project, check if the master copies created with TIA Portal V10.5 are contained in its project library. This is necessary, for example, if you receive a message during the upgrade about an S7-1200 CPU with firmware version V1.0 used in the project, even though you have not configured such a CPU. The CPU is a master copy in the project library in this case. Before upgrading a project with master copies from TIA Portal V10.5, therefore, do the following: 1. Use each master copy created with the TIA Portal V10.5 once in the project. 2. Delete the affected master copies from the project library. 3. Create the master copy again with the objects from the project. 4. Save the project in TIA Portal V13 SP1. You can then upgrade the project to the latest version. Upgrading projects from the TIA Portal V13 or earlier Projects of product version V13 or earlier cannot be upgraded and opened with the TIA Portal. You first have to upgrade projects from TIA Portal V13 or earlier with the product version V13 SP1. You can then upgrade, open and edit projects with the current product version. You can find additional information on upgrading projects from earlier product versions in the Siemens Industry online support ( 109476392). See also The basics of projects (Page 349) Creating a new project (Page 352) Compatibility of projects (Page 350) Opening existing projects (Page 352) Displaying properties of the project (Page 356) Saving projects (Page 357) Closing projects (Page 358) Removing projects from the project list (Page 359) Deleting projects (Page 360) Compiling project data (Page 370) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 355 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects 7.1.6 Upgrading know-how protected blocks For security reasons, the know-how protection of blocks is tied to the version of the TIA Portal with which the know-how protection was set up. This means blocks that were assigned knowhow protection in an earlier product version cannot be opened and edited with the previous password after the upgrade. However, the blocks can be downloaded to the controller and are executable. If you want to open and edit the block after the upgrade, remove the know-how protection of the blocks and set it up again. Procedure To upgrade know-how protected blocks, follow these steps: 1. Remove the know-how protection of the blocks from the previous version in the "Edit" menu with the "Know-how protection" command. For more detailed information, refer to section "Removing know-how protection for blocks". 2. Upgrade the project as described in the section "Upgrading projects (Page 354)". 3. Set up the know-how protection of the blocks from the current product version again in the "Edit" menu with the "Know-how protection" command. For more detailed information, refer to section "Setting up know-how protection for blocks". 7.1.7 Displaying properties of the project You can display the properties of a project. In the "General" tab you find the following project properties in the area navigation: Metadata for the project This includes the following information: creation time, author, file path, project size, copyright, project languages, etc. Many of the properties can be changed. Project history The project history contains an overview with important events in the project life cycle. Here, for example, you can see the version of the TIA Portal used to create a project and whether it has been converted to another version in the meantime. If a project was created during a migration, for example, this is also indicated in the project history table with the date and time of the migration. If a log was created for an event, you can also call the log directly. Support packages in the project An overview of the add-on software needed to work with all devices in the project is displayed. In addition, installed GSD files are listed (device description files for other devices in the hardware catalog). Software products in the project You can display an overview of all installed software products needed for the project. In the "Protection" tab you specify that blocks can be simulated after the compilation with SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced. To do this, select the check box "Support simulation during block compilation". By default, the function is disabled. 356 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects Procedure To display the project properties, follow these steps: 1. Select the open project in the project tree. 2. Select "Properties" in the shortcut menu of the project. The dialog with the properties of the project opens. 3. Select the project properties in the area navigation that you want to have displayed. See also The basics of projects (Page 349) Creating a new project (Page 352) Compatibility of projects (Page 350) Opening existing projects (Page 352) Upgrading projects (Page 354) Saving projects (Page 357) Closing projects (Page 358) Removing projects from the project list (Page 359) Deleting projects (Page 360) 7.1.8 Saving projects You can save the project at any time either under the same or a different name. You can even save a project when it still contains elements with errors. Saving a project To save a project, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Save" command in the "Project" menu. All changes to the project are saved under the current project name. If you are editing a project from an earlier version of the TIA Portal, the file extension of the project is also retained and you can continue to edit the project in the earlier version of the TIA Portal. Project Save as To save a project under another name, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Save as" command in the "Project" menu. The "Save current project as" dialog opens. 2. Select the project folder in the "Save in" box. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 357 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects 3. Enter the new project name in the "File name" box. 4. Confirm your entry with "Save". The project is saved under the new name and opened. Note Undoing actions Keep in mind that you cannot undo actions once you have saved the project. See also The basics of projects (Page 349) Creating a new project (Page 352) Compatibility of projects (Page 350) Opening existing projects (Page 352) Upgrading projects (Page 354) Displaying properties of the project (Page 356) Closing projects (Page 358) Removing projects from the project list (Page 359) Deleting projects (Page 360) 7.1.9 Closing projects Procedure To close a project, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Close" command in the "Project" menu. If you have made changes to the project since the last time you saved it, a message is displayed. 2. Decide whether or not you want to save the changes. See also The basics of projects (Page 349) Creating a new project (Page 352) Compatibility of projects (Page 350) Opening existing projects (Page 352) Upgrading projects (Page 354) Displaying properties of the project (Page 356) 358 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects Saving projects (Page 357) Removing projects from the project list (Page 359) Deleting projects (Page 360) 7.1.10 Removing projects from the project list You can remove projects from the list of recently used projects. The project data is retained on the storage medium. Procedure To remove a project from the list of recently used projects, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Delete project" command in the "Project" menu. The "Delete project" dialog opens and includes the list of most recently used projects. 2. Select a project from the list. 3. Click the "Remove" button. 4. Click "Yes" to confirm the prompt in order to remove the project from the list. Result The project is no longer displayed in the list of recently used projects. If you open the project again, it will be added to the list again. See also The basics of projects (Page 349) Creating a new project (Page 352) Compatibility of projects (Page 350) Opening existing projects (Page 352) Upgrading projects (Page 354) Displaying properties of the project (Page 356) Saving projects (Page 357) Closing projects (Page 358) Deleting projects (Page 360) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 359 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects 7.1.11 Deleting projects Note When you delete a project, the entire project data is removed from the storage medium. Requirement The project you want to delete is not open. Procedure Follow the steps below to delete an existing project: 1. Select the "Delete project" command in the "Project" menu. The "Delete project" dialog opens and includes the list of most recently used projects. 2. Select a project from the list. If the project you require is not included in the list, click the "Browse" button. Navigate to the desired project folder, and open the project file. 3. Click the "Delete" button. 4. Click "Yes" to confirm. This starts the deletion of the project. Result The entire project folder is deleted from the file system. See also The basics of projects (Page 349) Creating a new project (Page 352) Compatibility of projects (Page 350) Opening existing projects (Page 352) Upgrading projects (Page 354) Displaying properties of the project (Page 356) Saving projects (Page 357) Closing projects (Page 358) Removing projects from the project list (Page 359) 360 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing projects 7.1 Creating and managing projects 7.1.12 Using logs For some operations within the TIA Portal, logs are created automatically in the background. These logs document changes in the project. Logs are created automatically, for example, when you migrate projects and programs or when you update instances from the library. Logs are displayed in the "Common data" folder in the project tree. They are stored together with the project in the project folder and can therefore be read independently of the programming device/PC used as soon as you have opened the project. The log can be filtered for errors, warnings, and information. In addition to displaying them in the TIA Portal, logs can also be printed. Displaying logs To open a log, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Common data > Logs" folder in the project tree. 2. Double-click the desired log in the list. The contents of the log are displayed in the work area. 3. Optional: To show or hide a particular category of alarms, activate or deactivate the button for "Errors", "Warnings", or "Information" in the toolbar. Deleting logs To delete a log, follow these steps: 1. Select the log in the project tree. 2. Press . The selected log is deleted from the project directory and removed from the project tree. 7.1.13 Importing and exporting CAx data CAx files are XML files that you create in the TIA Portal and that you can swap between different installations or with other tools such as ECAD systems. The files include information on the hardware configuration of an individual station or of an entire project. Folder hierarchies (Groups) are retained when exporting or importing CAx files. Requirements You have installed the "Openness" option package. If you have not installed the option package, install it from the TIA Portal installation DVD from the subfolder "\support". You have opened a project. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 361 Editing projects 7.2 Archiving and retrieving projects Exporting CAx files of a project 1. In the "Tools" menu, click on "Export CAx data...". 2. In the "CAx Export" dialog, select a directory for the file to be exported. 3. If necessary, change the file name and confirm with "Save". The exported file receives the file extension ".Cax". You will receive a feedback message about the status of the export of stations, for example error messages, in the inspector window in the "Info > General" tab. Exporting CAx files of a station 1. Select the station to be exported in the project tree. 2. Select "Export CAx data ..." from the shortcut menu. 3. In the "CAx Export" dialog, select a directory for the file to be exported. 4. If necessary, change the file name and confirm with "Save". The exported file receives the file extension ".Cax". You will receive a feedback message about the status of the export of stations, for example error messages, in the inspector window in the "Info > General" tab. Importing CAx files of a station or of a project 1. In the "Tools" menu, click on "Import CAx data...". 2. Select a CAx file in a directory in the "CAx Import" dialog. 3. Click the "Open" button. You will receive a feedback message about the status of the import of stations, for example error messages, in the inspector window in the "Info > General" tab. 7.2 Archiving and retrieving projects 7.2.1 Working with project archives Archiving and transferring projects If you work for a long time with a project, large files may result, especially with extensive hardware configurations. Therefore, you may want to reduce the size of the project, for example, when you archive it to an external hard drive, or when you send it via e-mail and require a smaller file size. You can create a project archive to reduce the size of the project. TIA Portal project archives are compressed or uncompressed files, each containing an entire project including the entire folder structure of the project. Before the project directory is compressed into the archive file, all files are reduced to their essential components to further decrease the size of the project. 362 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing projects 7.2 Archiving and retrieving projects Project archives have the file extension ".zap[version number of the TIA Portal]". Projects created with TIA Portal V14 have the file extension ". zap14". To open a project archive, retrieve the project archive. By retrieving it, the archive file with the included project files is extracted to the original project directory structure. See also Retrieving compressed project (Page 364) Creating a project archive (Page 363) 7.2.2 Creating a project archive You can reduce the required storage space of the currently open project by archiving the project in a compressed file. Note The most recently saved state of the project is used for archiving. Therefore, save the project before using the archiving function. This will ensure that your most recent changes are included in the archived project. Procedure To archive a project, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Archive ..." command from the "Project" menu. The "Archive project" dialog box opens. 2. To create a compressed archive file, select the "TIA Portal project archive" option. 3. If you do not want to archive the search index and the HMI compile result, select the option "Discard recoverable data". You can restore the discarded data if needed. 4. To add a date and time automatically, select the "Add date and time to the file name". The extension is shown in the "Resulting file name" box behind the selected file name. 5. Enter a file name in the "File name" box. 6. Select the path to the archive file. You can set the default directory under "Options > General > Storage location for project archives". 7. Click "Archive". Result A compressed file with the extension ".zap14" is generated. The archive file contains the complete project directory. The individual files of the project are also reduced to the essential components in order to save space. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 363 Editing projects 7.2 Archiving and retrieving projects See also Working with project archives (Page 362) Retrieving compressed project (Page 364) 7.2.3 Retrieving compressed project You extract project archives of the TIA Portal with the "Retrieve" function. This restores the project directory structure including all project files. Requirement No project is open. Procedure To extract a project archive, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Retrieve" command in the "Project" menu. The "Retrieve archived project" dialog opens. 2. Select the project archive. 3. Click "Open". 4. The "Find folder" dialog opens. 5. Select the target directory to which the archived project should be extracted. 6. Click "OK". Result The project is extracted to the selected directory and opened immediately. If you extract a project archive that includes a project from the product version V13 SP1, you may have to upgrade the project. You will automatically receive the corresponding prompt as soon as you open the project. The same rules apply that are described in the chapter "Compatibility of projects (Page 350)". The search index and HMI compile result are automatically restored in the background. See also Working with project archives (Page 362) Opening existing projects (Page 352) Compatibility of projects (Page 350) Upgrading projects (Page 354) 364 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing projects 7.3 Using reference projects 7.3 Using reference projects 7.3.1 Basics of reference projects Introduction You can open other projects as a reference in addition to the current project. You can use these reference projects as follows: You can drag individual objects from a reference project into the current project and then edit them. You can open specific objects, for example, code blocks from a reference project as readonly. But this is not possible for all elements. You can use an offline/offline comparison to compare devices of the reference project to devices from the current project. Note that reference projects are read-only. You cannot change the objects of a reference project. Projects that were created with an older version of the TIA Portal or with a different installation package can also be opened as reference projects. The same compatibility rules apply here as for normal opening of a project from an older version of the TIA Portal. See also: Compatibility of projects (Page 350) See also Comparing reference projects (Page 366) Opening and closing a reference project (Page 365) Reference projects (Page 289) 7.3.2 Opening and closing a reference project Opening a reference project To open a reference project, follow these steps: 1. In the "View" menu, select the "Reference projects" check box. The "Reference projects" palette is displayed in the project tree. 2. In the "Reference projects" palette of the project tree, click on "Open reference project" in the toolbar. The "Open reference project" dialog box opens. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 365 Editing projects 7.3 Using reference projects 3. Navigate to the desired project folder and open the project file. TIA Portal V14 projects have the extension ".ap14". Older projects of the TIA Portal have the extension ".ap[version number]". 4. Click "Open". The selected project is opened as a read-only reference project. Closing a reference project To close a reference project, follow these steps: 1. In the "Reference projects" palette of the project tree, select the reference project you want to close. 2. Click on "Close reference project" in the toolbar. The selected reference project is closed. See also Basics of reference projects (Page 365) Comparing reference projects (Page 366) Reference projects (Page 289) 7.3.3 Comparing reference projects Introduction You can compare devices from reference projects with devices from both the current project as well as from the same or another reference project or from a library. Note Please note the following: You cannot specify actions for the comparison objects, since the reference projects are write-protected. You can perform a detailed comparison for the comparison objects, if the type of comparison object generally allows a detailed comparison. When comparing reference projects, you can always switch between automatic and manual comparison. 366 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing projects 7.3 Using reference projects Procedure To compare the objects of a reference project to the device data of the current project, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, select the device whose data you want to compare to the data of a reference project and which allows offline/offline comparison. 2. Select "Compare > Offline/Offline" from the shortcut menu. The compare editor opens with the selected device displayed in the left area. 3. Open the "Reference projects" palette in the project tree. 4. Select the device of a reference project that you want to compare to the device data from the current project. 5. Drag the device from the reference project into the right drop area of the compare editor. You can identify the status of the objects based on the symbols in the status and action area. When you select an object, the object's properties and the corresponding object of the associated device is clearly shown in the properties comparison. You can drag a library or other devices from a reference project from the current project into drop areas at any time and thus start a new comparison. It does not matter which device you drag into the drop area. See also Basics of reference projects (Page 365) Reference projects (Page 289) Opening and closing a reference project (Page 365) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Using the compare editor (Page 384) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 367 Editing projects 7.3 Using reference projects 368 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.1 Compiling and loading project data 8.1.1 Compiling project data General information on compiling project data 8 Compiling project data During compilation, project data is converted so that it can be read by the device. Hardware configuration data and program data can be compiled separately or together. You can compile the project data for one or more target systems at the same time. The following project data must be compiled prior to loading: Hardware project data, for example, configuration data of the devices or networks and connections Software project data, for example, program blocks or process screens Note While a device is being compiled, no additional compiling process can be started. Note in this regard that you can not only perform a compiling process manually, but you can also trigger it automatically for operator control and monitoring devices. Scope of the compilation When you compile project data, you have the following options depending on the device involved: Hardware and software (only changes) Hardware (only changes) Hardware (rebuild completely) Software (only changes) Software (rebuild all blocks) Software (reset memory reserve) See also Compiling project data (Page 370) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 369 Editing project data 8.1 Compiling and loading project data Compiling project data The following section describes the general procedure for compiling project data in the project tree. You will find details of how certain objects are compiled and any special points to note in the online help of the product. Procedure To compile project data, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, select the devices whose project data you want to compile. 2. Select the option you require in "Compile" submenu of the shortcut menu. Note Note that the options available to you depend on the selected device. The project data is compiled. You can check whether or not the compilation was successful in the Inspector window with "Info > Compile". See also General information on compiling project data (Page 369) 8.1.2 Loading project data General information on loading Introduction In order to set up your automation system, you need to load the project data you generated offline on the connected devices. This project data is generated, for example when configuring hardware, networks, and connections or when programming the user program or when creating recipes. The first time you download, the entire project data is downloaded. During later loading operations, only changes are downloaded. You can download the project data to devices and memory cards. Note While a device is being compiled, no additional download process can be started. Note in this regard that you can not only perform a compiling process manually, but you can also trigger it automatically for operator control and monitoring devices. 370 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.1 Compiling and loading project data Possible options for downloading Depending on the object you want to download, you have the following options: Hardware and software (only changes) Both the hardware configuration and software are downloaded to the destination if differences exist between the online and offline versions. Hardware configuration Only the hardware configuration is downloaded to the destination. Software (only changes) Only the objects that differ online and offline are downloaded to the destination. Load PLC program to device and reset All the blocks are loaded to the destination and all values are reset to their initial state. Be aware that this also applies to retentive values. You can also upload project data already contained in a device back to your project. You have the following options: Upload entire device as new station The hardware configuration of the device and the software on the device are loaded in the project. All relevant data of the device is uploaded to the project. Upload software of a device Only the blocks and parameters from the device are uploaded to an existing CPU in the project. In both cases, during loading all instances of library types are connected again with the corresponding version of the type in the project library. If no suitable type is yet available for a loaded instance or the correct version of the type does not exist in the project library, the type or the version is added to the project library. Downloading with synchronization In team engineering, it is possible for several users to work on one project with several engineering systems at the same time and to access one S7-1500 CPU. To ensure consistency within the shared project, it is necessary to synchronize the changed data prior to loading so that nothing gets overwritten unintentionally. If differences are detected between the online and offline data management within the shared project that were caused by a different engineering system, automatic synchronization of the data to be loaded is offered when loading. In this case, the "Synchronization" dialog displays the data to be synchronized with the current status (online-offline comparison) and the possible actions. Use case Recommendation Synchronization One or more blocks on the CPU (online) are more recent than in the engineering system (offline). These blocks should be uploaded from the CPU to the engineering system be fore downloading. Automatic synchronization is possible: One or more new blocks have been cre These blocks should be uploaded from ated and exist only on the CPU (online). the CPU to the engineering system be fore downloading. Automatic synchronization is possible: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The blocks in the engineering system are updated prior to loading. The new blocks are added to the engi neering system prior to the download. 371 Editing project data 8.1 Compiling and loading project data Use case Recommendation One or more blocks on the CPU have been deleted. The blocks should also be deleted prior Automatic synchronization is not possi to the download in the engineering sys ble. tem. The blocks deleted on the CPU should be manually deleted in the offline project in the engineering system. One or more blocks on the CPU and in the engineering system are different. These blocks with competing changes must be adapted manually. You decide in this case which changes you are go ing to accept. This is the case when a different user has changed blocks to which you have also made corrections and has already downloaded them to the CPU. If the blocks on the CPU are to be re tained, you should adopt these blocks from the CPU in your engineering sys tem before downloading to the CPU. Synchronization Automatic synchronization is not possi ble: The affected blocks on the CPU or in the engineering system must be adapted manually. One of the existing block ver sions (online or offline) will be overwrit ten in the process. If the blocks that you have changed are to be applied, you can continue with the download without synchronization. There are differences in the hardware configuration on the CPU (online) and in the engineering system (offline). Differences in the hardware configura tion must be adapted manually. You de cide in this case which hardware config uration you are going to accept. Automatic synchronization is not possi ble: If the existing hardware configuration on the CPU is to be retained, you should adopt this in your engineering system prior to downloading. One of the existing hardware configura tions (online or offline) will be overwrit ten. The hardware configuration must be adapted manually. If you want to apply the hardware con figuration you changed, you can contin ue downloading without synchroniza tion. If required, you can use the "Force download to device" command to download blocks without synchronization. See also Downloading project data to a device (Page 372) Downloading project data to a memory card (Page 374) Uploading project data from a device (Page 376) Downloading project data to a device The following section describes the general procedure for downloading project data to a device. You will find details of how certain objects are downloaded and any special points to note in the online help of the product. Requirement The project data is consistent. Each device to which you want to download is accessible via an online access. 372 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.1 Compiling and loading project data Procedure To download the project data to the selected devices, follow these steps: 1. Select one or more devices systems in the project tree. 2. Right-click on a selected element. The shortcut menu opens. 3. Select the option you require in the shortcut menu of the "Download to device" submenu. Note Note that the options available to you depend on the selected device. When necessary, the project data is compiled. - If you had previously established an online connection, the "Load preview" dialog opens. This dialog displays messages and proposes actions necessary for downloading. - If you had not previously established an online connection, the "Extended download to device" dialog opens, and you must first select the interfaces via which you want to establish the online connection to the device. You have the option of showing all compatible devices by selecting the corresponding option and clicking the "Start search" command. See also: AUTOHOTSPOT 4. Check the messages in the "Load preview" dialog, and select the actions in the "Action" column, if necessary. WARNING Preventing personal injury and material damage Performing the proposed actions while the plant is in operation can cause serious bodily injury and property damage in the event of malfunctions or program errors. Make sure that no dangerous situations can arise before you start the actions. As soon as loading becomes possible, the "Load" button is enabled. 5. Click the "Load" button. The loading operation is performed. If there is a need for synchronization, the system automatically displays the "Synchronization" dialog. This dialog displays messages and suggests actions that are required for the synchronization. You have the option of performing these actions or forcing the download without synchronization by clicking "Force download to device". If you have performed the suggested actions, you will be asked whether you want to continue with the download. The "Load results" dialog then opens. In this dialog, you can check whether or not the loading operation was successful and take any further action that may be necessary. 6. Click the "Finish" button. Result The selected project data was downloaded to the devices. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 373 Editing project data 8.1 Compiling and loading project data See also General information on loading (Page 370) Downloading project data to a memory card (Page 374) Uploading project data from a device (Page 376) Downloading project data to a memory card You have the option of loading project data to a memory card. For CPUs of the S7-300/400 series you can also explicitly download the user program to a memory card inserted in the CPU. To download project data to a memory card, you have the following options: Dragging project data to a memory card Writing project data to a memory card Downloading user program to a memory card that is inserted in a CPU of the S7-300/400 series Requirement A memory card is displayed. See also: Accessing memory cards (Page 440) Downloading project data to a memory card To download project data to a memory card, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, drag the project data you want to download to the memory card. If necessary, the project data is compiled. The "Load preview" dialog then opens. This dialog displays alarms and recommends actions needed for the loading operation. 2. Check the alarms and select the actions in the "Action" column, if necessary. As soon as downloading becomes possible, the "Load" button is enabled. 3. Click the "Load" button. The loading operation is performed. Or: 1. In the project tree, select the project data that you want to download. 2. To do this, right-click the selection and select the "Copy" command from the shortcut menu. You can also use the key combination . 3. Right-click the memory card and select the "Paste" command from the shortcut menu. You can also use the key combination . If necessary, the project data is compiled. The "Load preview" dialog then opens. This dialog displays alarms and recommends actions needed for the loading operation. 374 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.1 Compiling and loading project data 4. Check the alarms and select the actions in the "Action" column, if necessary. As soon as downloading becomes possible, the "Load" button is enabled. 5. Click the "Load" button. The loading operation is performed. Or: 1. In the project tree, select the project data that you want to download. 2. Select the "Card Reader/USB memory > Write to memory card" command in the "Project" menu. The "Select memory card" dialog opens. 3. Select a memory card that is compatible with the CPU. A button with a green check mark is activated at the bottom of the dialog. 4. Click the button with the green check mark. If necessary, the project data is compiled. The "Load preview" dialog then opens. This dialog displays alarms and recommends actions needed for the loading operation. 5. Check the alarms and select the actions in the "Action" column, if necessary. As soon as downloading becomes possible, the "Load" button is enabled. 6. Click the "Load" button. The loading operation is performed. Downloading the user program to a memory card in the CPU (S7-300/400 only) To download the user program to a memory card in a CPU of the S7-300/400 series, follow the steps below: 1. Select a CPU of the S7-300/400 series in the project tree. 2. Select the "Download user program to memory card" command in the "Online" menu. The "Load preview" dialog opens. This dialog displays alarms and recommends actions needed for the loading operation. 3. Check the alarms and select the actions in the "Action" column, if necessary. As soon as downloading becomes possible, the "Load" button is enabled. 4. Click the "Load" button. The loading operation is performed and the "Load results" dialog is displayed. This dialog displays alarms and suggests possible actions. 5. Check the alarms and select the actions in the "Action" column, if necessary. 6. Click the "Finish" button. See also General information on loading (Page 370) Downloading project data to a device (Page 372) Uploading project data from a device (Page 376) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 375 Editing project data 8.1 Compiling and loading project data Uploading project data from a device The following section describes the general procedure for uploading project data from a device. Which project data you can upload from a device depends on the products installed. You have the following options for uploading project data from a device to your project: Uploading as a new station With this option you upload existing project data of a device to your project as a new station. Uploading project data of a device With this option you upload project data from the device to an existing CPU in the project. You will find the project data that can be loaded in the online help of the product. In both cases, all instances of library types are connected again with the corresponding version of the type in the project library during uploading. If no suitable type is yet available for an uploaded instance or the correct version of the type does not exist in the project library, the type or the version is added to the project library. You can only upload library types in the state "in test" that are saved on the device to the project, if the released type version on which the test version is based is available in the project library. Requirement A project is open. The hardware configuration and software to be uploaded must be compatible with the TIA Portal. If the data on the device was created with a previous program version or with a different configuration software, please make sure they are compatible. Uploading as a new station To upload the complete device to your project, follow these steps: 1. Select the project name in the project tree. 2. Select "Upload device as new station (hardware and software)" in the "Online" menu. The "Upload device to PG/PC" dialog opens. 3. Select the type of interface you want to use for the uploading operation in the "Type of the PG/PC interface" drop-down list. 4. Select the interface to be used from the "PG/PC interface" drop-down list. 5. Click the "Configure interface" button to the right of the "PG/PC interface" drop-down list to adapt the settings for the selected interface. See also: AUTOHOTSPOT 6. Display all compatible devices by selecting the relevant option and clicking the "Start search" command. In the accessible devices table, select the device from which you want to upload project data. 7. Click on "Load". Depending on the selected device, a dialog appears in which you have to enter additional information, such as the position of the module rack. The project data of the device is uploaded to the project. You can edit it offline and then download it to the device again. 376 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.1 Compiling and loading project data Uploading project data of a device To upload only project data from one device to your project, follow these steps: 1. Establish an online connection to the device from which you want to download the project data. See also: AUTOHOTSPOT 2. Select the device in the project tree. The "Upload from device (software)" command in the "Online" menu is enabled. 3. Select the "Upload from device (software)" command in the "Online" menu. The "Upload preview" dialog box opens. 4. Check the alarms in the "Upload preview" dialog, and select the necessary actions in the "Action" column. As soon as uploading becomes possible, the "Upload from device" button is enabled. 5. Click the "Upload from device" button. The loading operation is performed. Loading of project data from a different project version from a device When the commands "Upload from device (software)" and "Loading the device as new station (hardware and software)" are executed in the "Online" menu, it is checked whether the project data on the device was created with a different version than the opened version of the TIA Portal. If the project data was created with a different project version, the "Upload preview" dialog provides you with information on whether all upload requirements are met. Note the information on the requirements for loading and, if necessary, select a command in the selection menu in the "Action" column. The "Upload from device" button is enabled as soon as the view has been updated and uploading is possible. Special features when using data blocks from other product versions Data blocks that were created with a different product version of the TIA Portal cannot be opened and edited with the current product version. You can find additional information in the section "AUTOHOTSPOT". See also General information on loading (Page 370) Downloading project data to a device (Page 372) Downloading project data to a memory card (Page 374) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 377 Editing project data 8.1 Compiling and loading project data Loading project data from a memory card You have the following options for uploading project data from a memory card to your project: Upload project data of the memory card as a new station With this option you upload the project data of a memory card to your project as a new station. Upload project data of the memory card to an existing device With this option you upload project data of a memory card to an existing device in your project. You will find the project data that can be loaded in the online help of the product. In both cases, all instances of library types are connected again with the corresponding version of the type in the project library during loading. If no suitable type is yet available for a loaded instance or the correct version of the type does not exist in the project library, the type or the version is added to the project library. Requirement A project is open. The memory card is displayed. See also: Accessing memory cards (Page 440) The hardware configuration and software to be uploaded must be compatible with the TIA Portal. If the data on the memory card was created with a previous program version or with different configuration software, please make sure they are compatible. Uploading project data as a new station To upload project data from a memory card to your project, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, select the project data you want to upload. 2. Select "Upload device as new station (hardware and software)" in the "Online" menu. Or: 1. In the project tree, drag the memory card folder to the project. Or: 1. Right-click on the memory card. 2. Select "Copy" in the shortcut menu. 3. Right-click on the project. 4. Select the "Paste" command in the shortcut menu. 378 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data Uploading project data to an existing device To upload the project data of a memory card to an existing device, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, drag the folder of the memory card to a device in the project or copy the memory card and paste the data into a device. The "Upload preview" dialog box opens. 2. Check the alarms in the "Upload preview" dialog, and select the necessary actions in the "Action" column. As soon as uploading becomes possible, the "Upload from device" button is enabled. 3. Click the "Upload from device" button. The loading operation is performed. 8.2 Comparing project data 8.2.1 Basics of project data comparison Function You can compare project data of the same type in order to determine possible differences. In principle, the following comparison methods are available: Online/offline comparison With this comparison method you can compare the software of objects of a device with the objects of a project. This is only possible when you establish an online connection to the device. Offline/offline comparison With this comparison method you can either compare the software or the hardware. When you compare the software, you can compare objects from projects or libraries. The hardware comparison is available for devices from the currently open project or from reference projects. You can decide for the software as well as the hardware comparison whether the comparison should be performed automatically for all objects or whether you want to compare individual objects manually. Detailed comparison For some objects, for example, blocks, you can also perform a detailed comparison in addition to the online/offline and offline/offline comparison. This involves opening the blocks to be compared beside each other and highlighting the differences. A simple online/offline comparison is performed as soon as you establish an online connection. During this process, comparable objects in the project tree are marked with icons that represent the result of the comparison. You can also run a more comprehensive online/offline and offline/ WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 379 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data offline comparison in the compare editor. When you compare software, you can also select actions for non-identical objects in the comparison. Note Not all objects allow all types of comparison. Which comparison method you can use for which project data depends on the products installed. Compile your user program before you start a comparison or detailed comparison. After each change of the program during a comparison, repeat this step before you update the result of the comparison. This ensures that the comparison shows the current status. When monitoring a module, note that a difference of the time stamp can also exist with an online/offline comparison if the block is recompiled with code change. The checksum remains unchanged. In this case download the block to the device and restart the monitoring. Comparison using checksums The online/offline and offline/offline comparison of software objects uses checksums that are generated for certain data of the objects. The objects are only the same if their checksums are identical. Note Time stamps continue to be used for online/offline comparison for CPUs of the S7-300/400 series. The data of an object are divided into the following two categories: Source data Source data are all the data of an object which you can directly influence, such as the name of the object, source code, comments or programming language. The properties that you can edit here may differ depending on the object. Target data All compiler and runtime data are the target data. These data may have no direct influence, since they are produced by the system based on their source data. Once again here, the characteristics differ depending on the object. 380 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data The following table provides an overview of the areas of the property comparison: Category Area Description Source data Safety Checksum for safety objects You can find additional information about the compari son of safety objects in the "Comparing safety programs" section of the online help for SIMATIC Safety. Interface without comments Checksum of all the tags of the block interface of the first layer. Comments of the tags are not part of the check sum. Code without comments Checksum of the source code. Block and network com ments are not included in the checksum. Comments (multilingual) Checksum of all block comments and network comments Language configuration Online/offline comparison: Displays the languages that are loaded to the device during the loading process. Offline/offline comparison: Displays the enabled lan guages in the project. Target data Event Checksum of all event-relevant data of an organization block (OB). Properties Checksum of all configurable properties of an object. Configuration of technology objects Checksum of the technology-specific settings of a tech nology object. Alarm configuration Checksum on all alarm-specific settings of an object. Supervision configuration Checksum of all supervision settings of an object. Compiling and runtime data Checksum of data for compiling and relevant for loading. Time stamp Time stamps for S7-300/400 CPUs that are created by the system for compiling and downloading. Only availa ble when an online connection is available. Note Note that the object determines which checksums are actually used for the comparison. The value settings of technology objects are also transferred to the checksum of the block interface. For know-how protected blocks that were created in an older version, the checksums "Code without comments" and "Comments (multilingual)" are not displayed under "Source data". See also Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Running a detailed comparison (Page 392) Using the compare editor (Page 384) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 381 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data 8.2.2 Carrying out an online/offline comparison The online/offline comparison lets you compare objects of a device with objects of a project. Requirement The project tree is open. Procedure To perform an online/offline comparison, follow these steps: 1. Select a device in the project tree that allows online/offline comparison. 2. Select the "Compare > Offline/online" command in the shortcut menu. 3. If you have not already established an online connection to this device, the "Go online" dialog opens. In this case, set all the necessary parameters for the connection and click "Connect". The online connection is established and compare editor opens. Result All objects that exist online and offline are displayed. The symbols in the compare editor and in the project tree show you the status of the objects. In the compare editor, you can now define certain actions for the objects, depending on their status. See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Using the compare editor (Page 384) Running a detailed comparison (Page 392) 8.2.3 Carrying out offline/offline comparisons With offline/offline comparison you have the option to compare the project data of two devices. You can carry out a software as well as a hardware comparison. When you compare the software, you can compare objects from projects or libraries. The hardware comparison is available for devices from the currently open project or from reference projects. You can decide whether the comparison should be performed automatically for all objects or whether you want to compare individual objects manually. For a software comparison, the following options are available as well: For objects that are not identical, you can specify actions to eliminate the differences. You can specify the criteria that should be used for the comparison. You can drag any other device to the drop area at any time to perform further comparisons. 382 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data Requirement The project tree is open. Performing an offline/offline comparison for software To perform an offline/offline comparison for software, follow these steps: 1. Select a device in the project tree that allows offline/offline comparison. 2. Select the "Compare > Offline/offline" command in the shortcut menu. The compare editor opens and the selected device is displayed in the left area. 3. Drag-and-drop an additional device to the drop area of the right pane. All existing objects of the selected devices are displayed depending on the settings of the compare editor in the "Software" tab and an automatic comparison is carried out. You can identify the status of the objects based on the symbols in the compare editor. If needed, specify an action for non-identical objects to eliminate the differences. 4. If needed, define the comparison criteria. 5. Select an object to display the details of the property comparison. 6. If you want to carry out a manual comparison, click on the button for switching between automatic and manual comparison in the status and action area. Then select the objects that you want to compare. The properties comparison is displayed. You can identify the status of the objects based on the symbols. Performing an offline/offline comparison for hardware To perform an offline/offline comparison for hardware, follow these steps: 1. Select a device in the project tree that allows offline/offline comparison. 2. Select the "Compare > Offline/offline" command in the shortcut menu. The compare editor opens and the selected device is displayed in the left area. 3. Drag-and-drop an additional device to the drop area of the right pane. 4. Open the "Hardware" tab. 5. If you want to carry out a manual comparison, click on the button for switching between automatic and manual comparison in the status and action area. Then select the objects that you want to compare. The properties comparison is displayed. You can identify the status of the objects based on the symbols. See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) Using the compare editor (Page 384) Running a detailed comparison (Page 392) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 383 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data 8.2.4 Using the compare editor Overview of the compare editor Function The compare editor gives an overview of the results of a comparison in a table. The appearance varies slightly depending on whether it is an online/offline comparison or a hardware/software comparison. Layout of the compare editor The following figure shows the layout of the compare editor for an online/offline comparison: 1 2 3 4 5 Compare editor toolbar Left comparison table 384 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data Status and action area Right comparison table Property comparison The following figure shows the layout of the compare editor for an offline/offline comparison (software): 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 7 Compare editor toolbar Drop areas Button to toggle between automatic and manual comparison Left comparison table Status and action area Right comparison table Property comparison WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 385 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data The following figure shows the layout of the compare editor for an offline/offline comparison (hardware): 1 2 4 3 2 5 6 7 Compare editor toolbar Drop areas Button to toggle between automatic and manual comparison Left comparison table Status area Right comparison table Property comparison Compare editor toolbar With the toolbar, you can access the following compare editor functions: Show identical and different objects You can show identical objects if you want to view the comparison in full. Show only objects with differences You can hide identical objects to make the comparison easier to follow. Show additional filters available (only online/offline comparison and offline/offline comparison for software) You can define which objects are to be compared. 386 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data Display available assignment criteria (only offline/offline comparison for hardware) You can specify the criterion according to which the modules are to be assigned to each other for the comparison. Changing the view You can choose between a hierarchical and a flat view. In the hierarchical view, the devices are shown in their structure; in the flat view, the objects of the devices are listed without structure. Start detail comparison (only online/offline comparison and offline/offline comparison for software) You can start a detailed comparison for objects to show the individual differences. This function is, however, not available for every object. Refresh the view After you have modified objects, you can update the comparison results using this function. Execute actions (only online/offline comparison and offline/offline comparison for software) You can synchronize non-identical objects using specific actions. Set comparison criteria (only online/offline comparison and offline/offline comparison for software) You can specify which criteria are to be used in the comparison. Disabled criteria do not affect the overall result of the comparison. Drop areas In the case of an offline/offline comparison, you can drag the devices you want to compare into the drop areas. In the case of a software comparison, the devices to be compared can originate from the opened project, from reference projects, from the project library or from global libraries. However, note that you can only drop complete libraries into the right drop area. In the case of a hardware comparison, you can compare devices from the opened project or from reference projects. Button to toggle between automatic and manual comparison With an offline/offline comparison, you can switch between automatic and manual comparison. In the case of automatic comparison, the objects to be compared are assigned automatically to each other. In the case of a manual comparison, you can select the objects that are to be compared. Comparison tables Comparison tables show the objects of the devices being compared to one another. The following table shows the meaning of the columns of the comparison table: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Column Description Name Name of the compare object Comment Comment on the compare object Title Title of the compare object Address Address of the compare object Numbering Type of numbering for the comparison object 387 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data Column Description Type Type of compare object Language Programming language set for the compare object. Time stamp interface Time of the last modification to the block interface Time stamp code Time of the last modification to the source code Author Name of the author of the compare object Version Version of the compare object Family Name of the object family Load memory Memory usage of the load memory of the compare object Work memory Memory usage of the work memory of the compare object Modified on Time of last modification Optimized block access Indicates whether "Optimized block access" is enabled for a block. Signature Signature of the comparison object (SIMATIC Safety*) Interface signature Signature of the block interface of the comparison object (SIMATIC Safety *) * You can find additional information about the comparison of safety objects in the "Comparing safety programs" section of the online help for SIMATIC Safety. Not all columns are available in every comparison type. For the hardware comparison, for example, the comparison tables contain only the "Name" column. Not all columns are shown in the default setting. However, as in all table editors, you can show or hide the columns as required and sort according to individual columns. Status and action area The status and action area offers the following options: You can view the results of automatic comparison. The results are displayed with symbols. In an online/offline comparison and an offline/offline comparison for software, you can specify actions for non-identical objects. Status and action symbols The following table shows the comparison results symbols for an online/offline comparison: Symbol Description Folder contains objects whose online and offline versions differ Result of comparison is either not known or cannot be displayed for the following reasons: No rights available for access to a protected CPU. The loading process on the CPU was executed with a TIA Portal version earlier than V14. Online and offline versions of the object are identical Online and offline versions of the object are different 388 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data Symbol Description Object only exists offline Object only exists online This comparison criterion is disabled and the associated checksum is not incor porated into the comparison result. The following table shows the comparison results symbols for an offline/offline comparison: Symbol Description Reference program Version compared Folder contains objects of which the versions compared differ Results of the offline/offline comparison are not known The versions of the object compared are identical The versions of the object compared differ Object only exists in the reference program Object only exists in the version compared Hardware comparison only: Although the lower-level objects of the container are identical, there are differences between the containers themselves. Such a con tainer may be a rack, for example. Hardware comparison only: The lower-level objects of the container are different. There are also differences between the containers. Such a container may be a rack, for example. This comparison criterion is disabled and the associated checksum is not incor porated into the comparison result. The following table shows the symbols for possible actions in a software comparison: Symbol Description No action Overwrite the object of the compared version with the object from the reference program Overwrite the object of the output program with the object from the compared version Different actions for the compare objects in the folder WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 389 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data Property comparison The property comparison compares the properties of the selected compare objects. The result is displayed with symbols. Only the property comparison is made with a manual comparison so that the status and action area remains empty. With automatic comparison, you can perform the property comparison in addition to the comparison in the comparison tables. See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Show and hide table columns (Page 390) Filtering the compare editor view (Page 391) Running a detailed comparison (Page 392) Updating the comparison results (Page 393) Set comparison criteria (Page 394) Synchronizing non-identical objects (Page 395) Changing the view (Page 397) Show and hide table columns In a software comparison, you can show or hide the columns of comparison tables as required. Procedure To show or hide table columns, follow these steps: 1. Click a column header. 2. Select the "Show/Hide" command in the shortcut menu. The selection of available columns is displayed. 3. To show a column, select the column's check box. 4. To hide a column, clear the column's check box. 5. In order to show or hide multiple columns, click "More" and select or clear the check boxes of the corresponding columns in the "Show/Hide" dialog. Result The columns in both the left and the right comparison table are shown or hidden. See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) 390 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Overview of the compare editor (Page 384) Filtering the compare editor view (Page 391) Running a detailed comparison (Page 392) Updating the comparison results (Page 393) Set comparison criteria (Page 394) Synchronizing non-identical objects (Page 395) Changing the view (Page 397) Filtering the compare editor view You can improve the clarity of the compare editor using the following filters: Hiding identical comparison objects You can hide comparison objects which have identical online/offline or offline/offline versions. Any such comparison objects you have hidden can also be shown again at any time. Selecting displayed objects In an online/offline comparison or an offline/offline comparison for software, you can specify the objects for which the comparison results are to be shown. Requirement The compare editor is open. Hiding identical comparison objects To hide identical objects, follow these steps: 1. Click on the "Show only objects with differences" button in the toolbar. Only the elements that differ online and offline are displayed. Showing identical comparison objects To show identical objects again, follow these steps: 1. Click on the "Show identical and different objects" button in the toolbar. All elements will be displayed. Selecting displayed objects To select the objects for which comparison results should be displayed, follow these steps: 1. Perform an online/offline or an offline/offline comparison for software. 2. Click the arrow of the button "Show additional filters available" in the toolbar. 3. Select the required filter. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 391 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Overview of the compare editor (Page 384) Show and hide table columns (Page 390) Running a detailed comparison (Page 392) Updating the comparison results (Page 393) Set comparison criteria (Page 394) Synchronizing non-identical objects (Page 395) Changing the view (Page 397) Running a detailed comparison Note Not all objects allow a detailed comparison. The project data for which you can perform a detailed comparison depends on the products installed. A detailed comparison of the hardware components is not available for hardware comparison. Procedure Proceed as follows to perform a detailed comparison: 1. First, perform an online/offline or an offline/offline comparison for software. The compare editor opens. Note You can only perform a detailed comparison for objects that are listed in the left as well as the right comparison table. 2. In the compare editor, select the object for which you want to perform a detailed comparison. 3. Click the "Start detailed comparison" button in the toolbar. Result The object and its associated comparison partners are opened in their appropriate editors. The editors are arranged next to each other to provide you with a quick overview of the differences. You can find more information with the description of the respective data type. 392 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Overview of the compare editor (Page 384) Show and hide table columns (Page 390) Filtering the compare editor view (Page 391) Updating the comparison results (Page 393) Set comparison criteria (Page 394) Synchronizing non-identical objects (Page 395) Changing the view (Page 397) Updating the comparison results As soon as you change an object, the comparison results are no longer valid and must be updated. Note For online/offline comparisons, you should note that changes in the device may result in the system automatically updating the comparison editor if objects in the comparison are affected by the change. This can have the following results: Some of the actions you have defined may become invalid, for example if the device no longer contains the object in question. Objects with such invalid actions will be highlighted so you can define new, valid actions. The selection you made before the automatic update may also be cancelled. Requirement The comparison editor is open. Procedure To update the comparison results, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Refresh view" button in the toolbar. The comparison results are updated. Note Please note that the "Refresh view" button will not be available while the comparison editor is loading or synchronizing content. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 393 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Overview of the compare editor (Page 384) Show and hide table columns (Page 390) Filtering the compare editor view (Page 391) Running a detailed comparison (Page 392) Set comparison criteria (Page 394) Synchronizing non-identical objects (Page 395) Changing the view (Page 397) Set comparison criteria You have the option to set to criteria to be taken into account for a comparison. The specified criteria are applied to all objects of a comparison, if they are available for an object. If a criterion for an object is not available, for example, "Code without comments" for data blocks, the comparison result for this checksum is considered to "match". For a criterion that you disabled, you can still view the checksums for the overall comparison result although it is not used. Disabled comparison criteria for the property comparison are indicated by the filter icon. The filter symbol can also be displayed in the upper area of the comparison editor when no checksums should be used in the comparison result based on the selection of comparison criteria. Note With an online/offline comparison, the comparison criteria have no influence on the result of comparison in the project tree. Note that there may be different results in the project tree and comparison editor. Procedure To define the criteria to be taken into account for the comparison, follow these steps: 1. In the toolbar, click on the arrow of the "Display additional comparison criteria" button. 2. Select all the criteria that should be considered for the comparison. 3. Clear all the criteria that should be considered for the comparison. 4. Click the button with the green check mark at the bottom of the drop-down list. 5. Click on the button with the x to close the drop-down list without applying the changes. Result Only the enabled criteria are taken into account for the comparison. 394 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Overview of the compare editor (Page 384) Show and hide table columns (Page 390) Filtering the compare editor view (Page 391) Running a detailed comparison (Page 392) Updating the comparison results (Page 393) Synchronizing non-identical objects (Page 395) Changing the view (Page 397) Synchronizing non-identical objects Specifying actions If you have performed a comparison, you can specify the actions to be performed for nonidentical objects in the compare editor. You cannot select any actions for identical objects. Note that you cannot execute any actions during hardware comparison. In the case of an online/offline comparison, only synchronization actions in one direction are permitted, in order to retain program consistency. Thus, for example, you can load multiple blocks to a device or from a device, but you cannot perform a combination of loading actions in one synchronization action. In this case, the first action you set in the compare editor determines the synchronization direction. For example, if you specify for a block that the offline block is to be loaded to the device, then the other objects can also only be loaded to the device via a synchronization action. To load objects from the device again, first select the "No action" option. You can then specify the action settings again as required. Or, you can perform a new comparison. Note Note the following CPU-specific aspects when defining actions: S7-300/400: You can define actions for the "Program blocks" folder, for folders you have created yourself or for individual blocks. S7-1200/1500: You can define actions for the "Program blocks" folder, for folders you have created yourself or for individual blocks. If you have performed an online/offline comparison and select download to the device as action, a consistent download is executed. If you upload the object from the device to the project, however, you can also upload individual blocks. Requirement The compare editor is open. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 395 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data Procedure To select an action for a non-identical object, follow these steps: 1. In the status and action area, click in the "Action" column on the cell of the object for which you want to define an action. The cell changes to a drop-down list. 2. Click on the drop-down list. 3. Select the action you want. The action set will be carried out for the object in question the next time synchronization is performed. If you have accidentally changed the action you had selected, you can undo the change before the next synchronization. 4. To restore the previously set action selection, right-click the action in the status and action area that you want to restore. 5. Select the "Restore last selection" command in the shortcut menu. See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Overview of the compare editor (Page 384) Show and hide table columns (Page 390) Filtering the compare editor view (Page 391) Updating the comparison results (Page 393) Synchronizing objects (Page 396) Synchronizing objects Synchronization executes the actions you have specified for non-identical objects. Note, however, that in the case of an online/offline comparison you can only perform actions in one direction in one synchronization action. Requirement The compare editor is open. The desired actions have been selected. Procedure To synchronize objects, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Execute actions" button in the toolbar. 396 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.2 Comparing project data Result The actions you specified for the objects are performed. See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Overview of the compare editor (Page 384) Show and hide table columns (Page 390) Filtering the compare editor view (Page 391) Updating the comparison results (Page 393) Specifying actions (Page 395) Changing the view You can choose between a hierarchical and a flat view for the left comparison table. In the hierarchical view, the devices are shown in their structure; in the flat view, the objects of the devices are listed without structure. In the right comparison table, the objects are always displayed flat. Setting the hierarchical view To set the hierarchical view, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Display in hierarchical view" button in the toolbar of the compare editor. Setting the flat view To set the flat view, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Display in flat view" button in the toolbar of the compare editor. See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Carrying out an online/offline comparison (Page 382) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Overview of the compare editor (Page 384) Show and hide table columns (Page 390) Filtering the compare editor view (Page 391) Running a detailed comparison (Page 392) Updating the comparison results (Page 393) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 397 Editing project data 8.3 Protecting project data Set comparison criteria (Page 394) Synchronizing non-identical objects (Page 395) 8.3 Protecting project data 8.3.1 Protection concept for project data Introduction You can protect your project data from unauthorized access. These include, for example: Access protection for devices Copy and display protection of objects Restrictions for printouts of know-how-protected objects For objects with know-how protection, this protection is also retained after the object is pasted into a library. Note that every protection mechanism is not available for all objects. How to protect specific objects is described in the online help of the product. Revoking access rights for devices If you want to execute a function that is password-protected by means of the device protection level, you are prompted to enter a password. When the password is entered correctly, you can execute the required function. The access right is retained on the device until you close the TIA Portal. If you want to reactivate password protection while the TIA Portal is open, you can explicitly revoke the access rights for a device. As a result, certain functions for the protected device cannot be executed until the correct password is entered again. You specify the functions for which a password must be entered when you assign the device protection level. See also Printing project data (Page 416) 8.3.2 Revoking access rights for devices Requirement A protection level has been set for the device. A protected function for the device has been enabled by entering the password. 398 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Procedure To revoke the access rights for the device, follow these steps: 1. Select the device for which you want to revoke access rights in the project tree. 2. Select the "Delete access rights" command in the "Online" menu. Result The access rights are revoked, and starting from now the user will be prompted to enter the password again to execute a password-protected function on the device. The function can only be executed if the correct password is entered. If the device has an online connection, it will be disconnected. See also Protection concept for project data (Page 398) 8.4 Printing project contents 8.4.1 Printing project documentation Documentation settings Introduction Once a project is created, the contents can be printed in an easy-to-read format. You may print the entire project or individual objects within the project. A well-structured printout is helpful when editing the project or performing service work. The printout can also be used for your customer presentations or as full system documentation. You can prepare the project in the form of standardized circuit manuals and print it in a uniform layout. You can limit the scope of the printout. You have the option to print to the entire project, individual objects along with their properties, or a compact overview of the project. In addition, you can print the contents of an open editor. Improving the printout with frames and cover pages You can design the appearance of the printed pages according to your own requirements, for example, to add your own company logo or the corporate design of your company in the project documentation. You can create any number of design variants as frames and cover pages. The frames and cover pages are stored in the project tree under the item "Documentation settings" and are part of the project. You can insert placeholders for data from previously entered document information within the frames and cover pages. These will be filled automatically with the appropriate metadata during printing. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 399 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents If you want to avoid designing your own template, there are ready-made frames and covers pages available. These include templates complying with the ISO standard for technical documentation. Modular structure of a printout An printout generally consists of the following components: Cover page (only when printing from the project tree) Table of contents (only when printing from the project tree) Name and path of an object within the project tree Object data Printout of the cover page or the table of contents can be deactivated in the "Print" dialog. See also Creating frames (Page 405) Creating a cover page (Page 406) Editing cover pages and frames (Page 407) Entering document information (Page 403) Print function for module labels (Page 418) Printout of project contents Availability of print function The following contents can be printed: An entire project in the project tree One or more project-related objects in the project tree Contents of an editor Tables Libraries Diagnostics view of the Inspector window It is not possible to print in the following areas: Portal view Detailed view Overview window Compare editor All tabs of the Inspector window, except the diagnostics view All task cards, except the libraries 400 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Most of the dialogs Properties and devices of the programming device/PC not related to the project, for example online portals and connected card readers. Scope of printout To be able to print, at least one printable element has to be selected. If a selected object is printed, all subordinate objects are also printed. For example, if a device is selected in the project tree, all of its data is also printed. If you select the entire project in the project tree for printing, all project contents are printed with the exception of the graphical views. These have to be printed separately. Items in the project tree that are not part of the project cannot be printed. For example, this includes online portals and connected card readers and USB memory devices. When table contents are printed, all lines in the table in which a cell is selected are printed. In order to print one or more table columns, the desired columns must be selected. If no individual cells or columns are selected, the entire table is printed. Limitations when printing In general, it is possible to print all objects that can be visualized on the user interface. Conversely, this means that you cannot print objects that you do not have access to. If a printout fails, possible reasons may include the following: A valid license does not exist for displaying an object. There is no device description for an object. A software component needed to display an object is not installed. See also Printing project data (Page 416) Changing the print settings Changing the print settings You can specify general print settings that are retained even after the TIA Portal is closed and re-opened. Some settings are dependent on the products installed. The following settings are possible in every case: Always print table data as pairs of values If this option is selected, tables are not printed in tabular format but rather as a pairs of key and value. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 401 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Example: Object name Property 1 Property 2 Object A Value A1 Value A2 Object B Value B1 Value B2 In this case, the printout has the following appearance: Object A Property 1: Value A1 Property 2: Value A2 Object B Property 1: Value B1 Property 2: Value B2 Printing mask editors Always print data in tables All parameters of technology objects are printed in tabular format. Print mask graphics if possible If the utilized editor supports this function, the contents of the editor are not printed as a table but rather as a complete graphic as it appears on the screen. Procedure To change the print settings, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area. 2. Select the "General" group. 3. Select the desired default settings in the "Print settings" area. The changes are applied immediately and are retained for all projects, even after the TIA Portal is closed. See also Overview of the print settings (Page 264) Specifying the print layout Specifying the print layout If you do not want to rely on ready-made print templates, you can specify your own cover page or your own layout for the individual pages. Your designs are saved together with the respective project. 402 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Your designs for the cover page and your templates for the page layout can be found in the project tree under the "Documentation information" group. You will also find metadata on the project there under the entry "Document information". For subsequent print operations, you can customize the appearance of the printout in the "Print" dialog using the saved cover pages and page layout templates and the available metadata. Designing the cover page The cover page can be customized. You can insert a background graphic and provide placeholders for text on the page. The placeholders are automatically filled with data from a documentation information during printing. Cover pages are located in the project tree under the "Documentation information > Cover pages" group. Designing the content page The regular pages of a printout can contain the following elements: Frame with static content, such as a company logo Placeholders for text, such as the name of the project, the page number, and the time the printout was started Several different values for the individual placeholders can be specified in the document information. Other values, such as the project name, are preassigned and are inserted automatically during printing. Footnote The footnote is always output below the content area. Content area You can specify an area where the printed content is to be embedded. The design of the content pages is saved in Frames. The individual frames are located in the project tree under the "Documentation information > Frames" group. Entering document information You can enter metadata in the document information for every project. In addition, a print frame and a cover page are specified in the document information. You can create different information, if required, to enable you to quickly switch between different document information containing different information, frames, cover pages, page sizes, and page orientations when printing. For example, this is useful if you want to generate printouts in different languages and different document information is provided for each language. In the documentation editor, you can specify placeholders on the cover page or in the frame of the regular pages. These placeholders can be automatically replaced with metadata from the documentation information during printing. The various document information are therefore part of the printing function and specify the print layout and print content. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 403 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Procedure To add metadata, follow these steps: 1. To create new document information, double-click "Add new document information" under "Documentation information > Document information" in the project tree. The new document information is created and opened immediately. 2. Enter a name for the set in the "Name" field. 3. Fill in the individual fields with the metadata for the project. Managing cover pages and frames Using cover pages and frames Uses for cover pages You can give your plant documentation printouts a professional appearance by adding a cover page. You can design your own cover page or use ready-made cover pages. Ready-made cover pages can be adapted and stored again as a template. Cover pages can be saved in global libraries where they are available for use across projects. Cover pages are designed for use as a right printed page only. Uses of frames You can embed the regular pages of your plant documentation inside a consistently uniform page frame. The frame can contain placeholders for project metadata, which is stored in the document information. It can also contain graphic elements that you design yourself. You can create your own frames or rely on ready-made page frames. You can adapt a readymade page frame and then store it again as a new frame. Like cover pages, frames can be saved in global libraries where they are available for use across projects. Frames are designed for use on right printed pages only. Cover pages and templates in the project tree Cover pages and frames associated with the project are stored in the project tree under the entry "Documentation information". There are separate folders here for frames and cover pages. The following actions are available in the project tree for cover pages and frames. Creating your own subfolders Copying and pasting Inserting cover pages and frames from the "Documentation templates" system library Copying cover pages and templates to a global library 404 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Cover pages and templates in libraries The "Documentation templates" system library contains a few cover pages and templates that are available in every project. The cover pages and templates can be moved from there to the project tree using a drag-and-drop operation. You can then adapt the cover pages and templates in the project tree according to the requirements of your project. Cover pages and templates can be moved from the project tree to a global library. Afterwards, these are available in every project. See also Library basics (Page 455) Overview of the "Libraries" task card (Page 457) Using ready-made frames and cover pages (Page 406) Designing cover pages and frames (Page 407) Creating frames You can create any number of frames for each project. The frames are stored in the project tree below the "Documentation information > Frames" group. You can assign a frame to all document information. When you select document information for printing, its associated frame is used. Procedure To create a new frame, follow these steps: 1. Double-click the entry "Add new frame" below the "Documentation information > Frames" group in the project tree. The "Creating frames" dialog opens. 2. Enter a name for the frame in the "Name" field. 3. Choose the paper size from the "Paper type" drop-down list. 4. Choose whether the page is to be created in portrait or landscape format in the "Orientation" drop-down list. Click the "Add" button. Result A new frame is created. The frame is then opened automatically in the documentation editor where it can be edited. See also Editing cover pages and frames (Page 407) Creating a cover page (Page 406) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 405 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Creating a cover page You can create any number of cover pages for the printout for each project. The cover pages are stored in the project tree below the the "Documentation information > Cover pages" group. You can assign a cover page to all document information. When you select specific document information for printing, its associated cover page is used. Procedure To create a new cover page, follow these steps: 1. Double-click the entry "Add new cover page" below the "Documentation information > Cover pages" group in the project tree. The "Add new cover page" dialog box opens. 2. Enter a name for the cover page in the "Name" field. 3. Choose the paper size from the "Paper type" drop-down list. 4. Choose whether the page is to be created in portrait or landscape format in the "Orientation" drop-down list. Click the "Add" button. Result A new cover page is created. The cover page is then opened automatically in the documentation editor where it can be edited. See also Editing cover pages and frames (Page 407) Creating frames (Page 405) Using ready-made frames and cover pages The TIA Portal comes with some ready-made frames and cover pages. These can change according to your wishes. Procedure To create and edit the ready-made frames and cover pages, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Global libraries" pane in the "Libraries" task card. 2. In the "Templates" folder, open the "Cover Pages" or "Frames" folder. 406 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents 3. Drag a cover page or a frame from one of the folders into the project tree and drop it into one of the following folders: - For frames: "Document information > Frames" - For cover pages: "Document information > Cover pages". The ready-made frame or cover page can now be used in the project. 4. Double-click on the new entry in the project tree click to edit the frame or the cover page. See also Using cover pages and frames (Page 404) Editing cover pages and frames (Page 407) Designing cover pages and frames Editing cover pages and frames The documentation editor is a graphical editor which allows you to design frames and cover pages for your plant documentation. You can place images or text elements on the frame and the cover pages in the document editor. The text elements are either static or they are automatically filled during printing with the data from the document information that you have selected in the print dialog. Procedure To edit a cover page or a frame in the documentation editor, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, double-click on the entry for an existing cover page or frame under the "Documentation information > Frames " or "Documentation information > Cover pages" group. The documentation editor opens. 2. Design the cover page or frame as desired. 3. Close the documentation editor. The changes to the cover page or frame are applied automatically. See also Creating a cover page (Page 406) Creating frames (Page 405) General operation of the documentation editor (Page 408) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 407 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents General operation of the documentation editor Components of the documentation editor The following figure provides an overview of the components of the documentation editor: 408 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Toolbar The toolbar provides the following tools (from left to right): Arrow tool Enables object selection. Navigation tool Allows shifting of the partial page. Zoom-in button Magnifies the page display incrementally. Zoom-out button Reduces the page display incrementally. Zoom with selection Adapts the page size to a selected work area. Dynamic zoom Adapts the page width to the work area. Work area You can design the cover page or frame in the work area. "Toolbox" task card The "Toolbox" task card contains various types of placeholders that you can use on the cover sheet or frame. The placeholders can be placed in the work place using a drag-and-drop operation. Properties in the Inspector window You can display and modify the properties of the currently selected object in the "Properties" tab of the Inspector window. For example, you can modify the properties of the page, format text, specify the position of objects on the page, etc. 409 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Operation in the documentation editor The following basic functions are available in the documentation editor: Drag-and-drop functionality The documentation editor is a graphic editor. which means you can place objects anywhere with the mouse. An image of the page is displayed in the work area. This image corresponds to the ultimate print layout. If you want to select objects on the page in order to move them or modify their properties, the arrow tool must be activated in the toolbar. Zoom function You can use the zoom function to change the size of the page display. You have two options for changing the page size: - Via the buttons in the toolbar Select the "Zoom in" or "Zoom out" magnifying glass button in the toolbar of the documentation editor. Then click on the page in order to magnify (zoom in) or reduce (zoom out) the page incrementally. To zoom in on a particular area, select the "Zoom with selection" tool and use the mouse to drag an outline around the area you want to focus on. To continuously zoom in or zoom out of the work area, use the "Dynamic zoom" tool. To magnify the page display, click anywhere on the work area, and then hold down the mouse button while dragging the mouse toward the top of the page. To reduce the page display, drag the mouse toward the bottom of the page. - Via the zoom bar You can also use the zoom bar (located in the bottom right corner of the work area) to change the display size. Select a percentage value from the drop-down list or enter a percentage value. Alternatively, you control the display size using the slider. Navigation over the page In addition to scrolling, you the option of changing the partial page with the navigation tool. To change the partial page with the navigation tool, select the Hand button in the toolbar. Then, click anywhere on the page and hold the mouse button down while moving the page to the desired position. Using and adapting the positioning aids You have various aids at your disposal to help you position elements on the page: Rulers Rulers are affixed to the page margins in the work area. Page grid A grid is placed underneath the page in the work area. You can display, hide or adapt the positioning aids in the Inspector window under "Properties > Rulers and grid". You can make the following settings: Units: Specify the unit of measurement for the grid and the rulers. Grid steps: Specify the width of the grid. Show grid: Specify whether the grid is to be displayed or hidden. 410 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Snap to grid: Specify whether objects are to be aligned automatically to the grid. If the option is selected, the grid lines function like a "magnet". Show rulers: Specify whether the rulers are to be displayed. See also Editing cover pages and frames (Page 407) Specifying the print area (Page 411) Inserting placeholders for metadata (Page 411) Specifying the print area An area within the frame is provided for the actual printed contents. The project data is then always inserted inside this defined and uniformly consistent area within the frame. You can adjust the size of the print area. Requirement A frame is open in the documentation editor. Procedure To define an area for the printed contents, follow these steps: 1. Click on the slightly darker area within the page display in the documentation editor to select the area for the print content. This opens the properties of the area to be printed in the Inspector window. 2. Enter the position of the print area on the X and Y axes in the Inspector window. 3. Specify the width and height of the print area in cm in the Inspector window. Alternatively, you can change the width and position of the print area in the graphic display of the page. To do so, use the mouse to drag the margins of the print area until the desired size and position are achieved. See also Creating frames (Page 405) General operation of the documentation editor (Page 408) Inserting placeholders for metadata You can provide placeholders on the cover page and in a frame. The placeholders are automatically filled with metadata from documentation information during printing, if they are placeholders for text. Alternatively, you can add non-modifiable data, such as free text or an image. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 411 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents All elements are arranged in numbered Z-Orders. If objects overlap, you can determine in which sequence these are to be arranged. Types of placeholders The following types of placeholders are available to you: Text field The text field stands as a placeholder for a text element from a document information. In the properties of the text field, you set which text from a document information should be automatically inserted during printing. Field for date and time A date and time are inserted instead of the placeholder when printing. This can be the date of creation or the point in time when the last change was made to the project. In the properties of the Inspector window, you specify which date or time is printed. Page number The correct page number is automatically applied when printing. Free text You can enter freely selectable text in the properties of the text field. The text is static and is not influenced by the document information selected at the time of printing. Image Select the image file in the properties of the placeholder in the Inspector window. Images in the formats BMP, JPEG, PNG, EMF or GIF are possible. Requirement An cover page or frame is open in the documentation editor. Procedure To insert placeholders for metadata on the cover sheet or in a frame, follow these steps: 1. Drag a field from the "Toolbox > Elements" task card to the work area of the documentation editor. The placeholder is inserted. The placeholder properties are shown in the Inspector window and can be edited there. 2. Select the metadata to be inserted during printing from the "Text" drop-down list in the Inspector window under "Properties > General > Text box". Alternatively, you have the option of entering free text or selecting an image depending on the type of placeholder. 3. In the Inspector window under "Properties > General > Position and size", specify the position of the placeholder on the X and Y axis and enter the width and height of the text box in cm. You specify the sequence of the objects in the "Z-Order" field, if these overlap. The smaller the value, the further down an object is located. 4. In the Inspector window, go to "Properties > View" and select the font formatting and the orientation of the text as well as the alignment of the text. You cannot make this setting for images. 412 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents See also General operation of the documentation editor (Page 408) Displaying print preview Creating a print preview Creating a print preview You can create a preview of the printout. Document information can be chosen for this, in the same way as for the actual printout. In this way, you preview the selected frame and, if applicable, the cover sheet. The settings are retained for later printing. Procedure To create a print preview and to set the scope of the later printout, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Print preview" command in the "Project" menu. The "Print preview" dialog opens. 2. Select the frame layout you want to use for the printout. - In the "Document information" drop-down list, select the documentation information you want to use later for the printout. - Select the "Print cover page" check box to print the cover page, which is specified in the selected document information. - Select the "Print table of contents" check box to add a table of contents to the printout. The check boxes for printing the cover page and the table of contents can only be selected if you have started the printout in the project tree. 3. Under "Print objects/area", select what is to be printed. The selection is only possible if you have started the printout from an editor that supports this function. - Select "All" to print out the entire content of the editor. - Choose "Selection" to print only the objects currently selected in the editor. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 413 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents 4. Select the print scope under "Properties". - Select "All" to print all configuration data of the selected objects. - Select "Visible" to print the information of an editor that is currently visible on the screen. This option can only be chosen if you have started the printout from an editor that supports this function. - Select "Compact" to print out an abbreviated version of the project data. 5. Click "Preview" to generate the preview. A print preview is created in the work area. Note Wait time for extensive documents It can take several minutes to generate the print preview in the case of very extensive projects. You can continue working normally in the meantime on systems with adequate resources. The progress of the print preview is shown in the status bar. See also Operation within the print preview (Page 415) 414 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Operation within the print preview Functions within the print preview The print preview shows an exact image of the subsequent printout. You can use the buttons in the toolbar to modify the print preview display. The following functions are available (from left to right): Navigation mode Allows shifting of the partial page. To change the partial page with the navigation tool, select the arrow button in the toolbar. Then, click anywhere on the page and hold the mouse button down while moving the page to the desired position. Zoom function - "Zoom in" and "Zoom out" Magnifies or reduces the page display. To zoom in or zoom out the display incrementally, select the corresponding button. Then click on the page in order to magnify (zoom in) or reduce (zoom out) the page incrementally. To zoom in on a particular area, enable the "Zoom with selection" icon and use the mouse to drag an outline around the area you want to focus on. To zoom dynamically through the page, select the button "Zoom in / zoom out dynamically". With pressed mouse button, scroll down over the page to zoom in. Scroll up to zoom out. - Percentage value in the drop-down list Specifies the display size of the page in percent. Enter a percentage value or select a percentage value from the drop-down list. Alternatively, choose the "Fit to page" option from the drop-down list to adapt the page size to the work area. Or, choose "Fit to width" to adapt the page width to the work area. "Forward" and "Backward" Each change in the partial page, the page count, or the display size is saved in a history in the background. You can use the "Forward" or "Backward" button to return to the previous view or the next view. Page navigation - "First page" Jumps to the first page - "Previous page" Goes to the previous page. - "Page number" input field Shows the current page. To jump directly to a page, enter the page number of the page you want to view. - "Next page" Goes to the next page. - "Last page" Jumps to the last page. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 415 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents See also Creating a print preview (Page 413) Printing project data You have two options for printing out project data: Print immediately using default settings by means of the "Print" button in the toolbar. The button is only active if a printable object is selected. Printout with additional setting options with the "Project > Print" menu command. For example, you can choose a different printer or specific documentation information or you can specify whether a cover page and table of contents are to be printed. In addition, you can specify the print scope or display a print preview prior to printing. Requirement At least one printer is configured. The objects to be printed are not protected. The print scope for protected objects is limited. Disable the know-how protection to print the objects in full. Printing project data To print out data from the current project or the entire project with additional setting options, follow these steps: 1. Select the entire project in the project tree in order to print out the entire project. To print only individual elements within a project, select them in the project tree. 2. Select the "Print" command in the "Project" menu. The "Print" dialog opens. 3. Select the printer in the "Name" box. 4. Click "Advanced" to modify the Windows printer settings. 5. Select the frame layout you want to use for the printout. - Select the documentation information in the "Document information" drop-down list. The frame stored in the document information is used for the printout. All placeholders within the chosen frame are filled with the metadata from the selected document information. - Select the "Print cover page" check box to print the cover page, which is stored in the selected document information. - Select the "Print table of contents" check box to add a table of contents to the printout. The check boxes for printing the cover page and the table of contents can only be selected if you have started the printout in the project tree. 416 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents 6. Under "Print objects/area", select what is to be printed. The selection is only possible if you have started the printout from an editor that supports this function. - Select "All" to print out the entire content of the editor. - Select "Selection" to print only the objects currently selected in the editor. 7. Select the print scope under "Properties". - Select "All" to print all configuration data of the selected objects. - Select "Visible" to print the information of an editor that is currently visible on the screen. This option can only be chosen if you have started the printout from an editor. - Select "Compact" to print out an abbreviated version of the project data. 8. Click "Preview" to generate a print preview in advance. A print preview is created in the work area. 9. Click "Print" to start the printout. Note Scope of the "Print" dialog The options available in the "Print" dialog vary depending on the elements to be printed. Result The project data is prepared in the background for printing and then printed on the selected printer. The status bar shows the progress of the print operation. You can continue working normally while data is being prepared for printing. The print results and any errors or warnings are listed in the Inspector window under "Info" at the conclusion of the print job. Canceling a print job To cancel an active print job, follow these steps: 1. Click the blue cross in the status bar next to the progress display for the printout. The printout is aborted. See also Protection concept for project data (Page 398) Revoking access rights for devices (Page 398) Printout of project contents (Page 400) Designing cover pages and frames (Page 407) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 417 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents 8.4.2 Printing module labels Print function for module labels Printing of module labeling strips for hardware modules You can print labeling strips for the modules in your project with the help of the TIA Portal. The labeling strips are custom-fit to each module and can contain the following printed information: Symbolic name of the input or output Absolute address of the input or output Symbolic name and additionally the absolute address of the input or output. The order of the information can be specified. The modules are displayed graphically in the device view. If you set the zoom level in the device view to at least 200%, the labels for the individual modules will be visible. The printout on the labeling strip corresponds to the representation of the labeling in the device view. The following figure shows an example of two modules in the device view on which the labeling of the inputs and outputs is visible: Export and further editing as Microsoft Word file The labeling strips are first exported as a Microsoft Word file (.docx) before they are printed. The file can be further edited with commonly available word processing programs such as Microsoft Word. The individual labeling strips are represented as a table in the .docx file. The character spacing of the text within the table is adapted by default, so that texts are not truncated. If you want to prevent this from stretching or compressing the text too much, change the character spacing of the text in the table cell properties. 418 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Printing the labeling data to an XML file As an alternative to printing the labeling strips, you can output the addresses of the inputs and outputs of a module to an XML file. You can use the export to an XML file for devices for which no ready-made labeling strips are available. You can also use the export to an XML file to create labeling strips with another program. The program must be able to transform the data of the XML file into an input format that is suitable for the labeling system. The schema of the XML file is available in the section "XML schema of the export file (Page 422)". Print media You can print the labeling strips either on ready-made print sheets or on standard DIN A4 paper. You can separate the individual labeling strips from the ready-made print sheets and insert them in the designated labeling areas of your modules. If you print on standard paper, the individual labeling strips must be cut out. Cut marks are automatically included on the printout and serve as aids. Because the paper feeds of printers differ slightly, the printout may be slightly offset on the paper. When the labeling strips are printed on ready-made sheets, printing that is accurate to the millimeter is important. Otherwise, the text will not be fit exactly inside the stamped area. In addition, if the printing is imprecise, the labeling of an input or output may no longer be congruent with the channel status displays of the module. To ensure precise printing, you can enter an offset value for your printer in the TIA Portal. For information on how to determine the proper offset value for your printer, refer to Chapter "Determining the print area offset (Page 425)". See also Exporting labeling data as XML (Page 421) XML schema of the export file (Page 422) Printing labels (Page 419) Determining the print area offset (Page 425) Documentation settings (Page 399) Printing labels You can print labeling strips for the modules in your project if provision has been made for attaching labels to the utilized modules. The labels are first exported to a Microsoft Word file (.docx). A separate .docx file is created for each module family (for example, for all selected S7-1500 modules). The labels are always printed from the word processing program. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 419 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Requirement The following requirements apply to printing of labeling strips: The chosen modules must support the printing of labels. Otherwise, the data can only be output to an XML file. A word processing program that supports Microsoft Word DOCX files must be installed, e.g., Microsoft Word 2010 or later. You need the ready-made labels for your modules or commercially available DIN A4 paper. Procedure To print labeling strips for hardware modules, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, select the modules for which you want to print labeling strips. - You can select one or more stations in order to print out labeling strips for all modules plugged into these stations. - Alternatively, select the desired modules below the stations in the "Local modules" folder. 2. Right-click one of the devices, and select the "Export labeling strips" command from the shortcut menu. The "Export labeling strips" dialog opens. 3. In the "Content of the labeling strip" area, select the data to be printed on the labeling strip: - Select "Symbolic name" in order to print the symbolic name of the input or output (corresponds to the contents of the "Name" column in the IO tag table). - Select "Absolute address" in order to print the absolute address of the input or output (corresponds to the contents of the "Address" column in the IO tag table). - Select "Absolute and symbolic address" or "Symbolic and absolute address" in order to print both addresses. Printing takes place according to the specified order. 4. In the "Export format" area, define how the labeling data will be output. - Select "Print on SIEMENS labeling sheet" if you are printing on a ready-made label sheet for your modules. - Select "Print on plain DIN A4 page" if you are printing on standard DIN A4 paper. 5. Select correction values for your printer in the "Offset print area", if required. The correction values are used for correct alignment of the print area. Correction values are only necessary if you are printing on ready-made labeling strips. - Enter a correction value, in millimeters, in the "Vertical offset" field. A negative value shifts the print area upward. A positive value shifts the print area downward. - Enter a correction value, in millimeters, in the "Horizontal offset" field. A negative value shifts the print area to the left. A positive value shifts the print area to the right. 6. In the "Path" field, select the path where the exported files will be stored. 7. Click the "Export" button to start the export. The export files are created. 8. Open the DOCX files with a conventional word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, and change the design of the labeling strips if necessary. 420 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents 9. Print out the labeling strips from your word processing program. Use the paper that you specified in the Export dialog for this. 10.If you are using ready-made sheets, separate the labeling strips at the stamped lines provided for that purpose. When standard DIN A4 paper is used, you must cut out the labeling strips. See also Determining the print area offset (Page 425) Exporting labeling data as XML (Page 421) Exporting labeling data as XML The TIA Portal supports a large number of different modules and can be continually expanded using Hardware Support Packages, for example. Ready-made labeling strips are not available for every supported module. However, you can still use the TIA Portal to label inputs and outputs of modules that are not supported. First, you export the absolute and symbolic addresses of the inputs and outputs to a standardized XML file. Then, you import the XML file to an external program for printing the labels. In this program, you prepare the data to suit your modules and print out the labels. Procedure To export labeling data for hardware modules as XML, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree or network view, select the modules for which you need labeling strips. - You can select one or more stations in order to export the input and output addresses of all modules plugged into these stations. - Alternatively, select the desired modules below the stations in the "Local modules" folder. 2. Right-click one of the devices and select the "Export module labeling strips" command from the shortcut menu. The "Export labeling strips" dialog opens. 3. In the "Export format" area, select the "Export to XML file" option. 4. In the "Path" field, select the path where the XML file will be stored. 5. Click the "Export" button to start the export to an XML file. The XML file is created with the name "_IO_Channels.xml". See also XML schema of the export file (Page 422) Print function for module labels (Page 418) Printing labels (Page 419) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 421 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents XML schema of the export file XML schema of an export file The XML file for module labeling strips is structured according to the following schema: 422 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Example of an XML file The following example shows an XML file that contains the labeling data for an S7-1500 CPU with a digital input module and an analog input module:
Input Value 1
Input Value 2
Input Value 3
WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 423 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents
Input Value 1
Input Value 2
Input Value 3
See also Exporting labeling data as XML (Page 421) 424 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.4 Printing project contents Determining the print area offset If you are using a ready-made label sheet, the printing on it must be applied precisely so that the text is properly oriented on the prestamped labels and will have the proper fit relative to the channel status displays of the module. However, the paper feeds vary slightly from one printer to another. For this reason, you must enter a suitable correction value for your printer in the TIA Portal, if necessary. The print area is then shifted in the exported .docx file in such a way that the printing fits precisely on the ready-made label sheet. The settings for shifting the print area are stored for the specific Windows user. If you log on to Windows using a different user name, you have to enter the correction values again. The procedure for determining the correction value for your printer is described below. Requirement You require a ready-made label sheet. You must have access to the actual printer that you will use subsequently for the printout. The printer must be made ready for printing on standard DIN A4 paper. Procedure To determine the correction value for your printer, follow these steps: 1. Print out a label sheet on standard DIN A4 paper, as described in Chapter "Printing labels (Page 419)". 2. Compare the printout on the DIN A4 paper with the ready-made label sheet. 3. If the print area is offset, you must use correction values. - Using a ruler, measure the horizontal offset relative to the ready-made label sheet. This will be entered later in the "Horizontal offset" field of the Export dialog box for the printing. If the print area is offset to the right, a negative correction value must be entered. If the print area is offset to the left , a positive correction value must be entered. - Using a ruler, measure the vertical offset relative to the ready-made label sheet. This will be entered later in the "Vertical offset" field of the Export dialog box for the printing. If the print area is offset downward, a negative correction value must be entered. If the print area is offset upward, a positive correction value must be entered. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 425 Editing project data 8.5 Working with multi-language projects 8.5 Working with multi-language projects 8.5.1 Project text basics Texts in different languages in the project When you enter texts while working on a project, you would normally do this in your own language. If you then pass on the project to someone else who does not know this language, this person will require a translation of the relevant texts to a language they know. This is why all texts can be translated. In this way, you can ensure that anyone who is subsequently confronted with the texts sees the texts in his/her language of choice. Project language Project languages are all languages in which a project will later be used. Based on the editing language, all the texts can be translated to the various project languages. You specify the languages that will be available in the project tree under "Languages & Resources > Project languages". Editing language Every project has an editing language. When you enter texts, these are always created in the editing language. You should therefore make sure that the editing language set is the language in which you enter the texts. This avoids problems if you translate the texts later. The editing language does not depend on the language of the user interface. You could, for example, set English as the user interface language, but use Italian as the editing language. If you enter texts, these will be created in the project language "Italian" in this case, although the user interface of the TIA Portal is displayed in English. You set the editing language in the project tree under "Languages & Resources > Project languages > Editing language". Reference language The reference language is used as a template for translation. The text is displayed in the reference language for each text box in the "Tasks > Languages and resources" task card. You therefore know which text that belongs in a text box, even when no text is entered in the currently selected editing language. User texts and system texts For clarification purposes, a distinction is made between user texts and system texts: User texts are texts that the user created. System texts are texts that are created automatically according to the configuration in the project. 426 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.5 Working with multi-language projects You manage the project texts in the project tree under "Languages & Resources > Project texts". Examples of multilingual project texts You can, for example, manage the following project texts in more than one language: Block titles and block comments Network titles and network comments Comments in tables Alarm texts Operator-relevant texts Text lists Labels of buttons Display names of recipes Translating texts The following procedures are available to translate texts. Translate all texts used in the project in tabular form You can enter the translations for the individual project languages directly in the "Project texts" table. You can find the table in the project tree under "Languages & Resources > Project texts". Specify text assigned to individual objects in the Inspector window In the Inspector window, you can translate the texts that are assigned to the currently selected objects. Columns are displayed in a table for all available project languages. You can enter the translations for each text in the columns. Translating texts using reference texts You can change the editing language for shorter texts. All the text cells are filled again with the default values and can be filled in the current language. As orientation, you can display what you last entered in the box in the reference language. To do this, select the "Tasks" task card and open the "Languages & resources". Exporting texts and translating them externally With larger volumes of text, you can export the texts to an Office Open XML file and translate them in a conventional table calculation program. You then import the translated list again into the TIA Portal. Note Using East Asian project languages You need Microsoft Windows at least in the Professional version or higher to display East Asian project languages. Microsoft Windows in the Professional version must be installed in the local language. With the "Ultimate" or "Enterprise" versions, it is sufficient to install the appropriate language pack. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 427 Editing project data 8.5 Working with multi-language projects See also Overview of the program settings (Page 261) Changing the settings (Page 265) Application examples for multilanguage projects (Page 434) 8.5.2 Categories of user texts Overview of text categories Below you will find an overview of the categories of user texts that you can select for export. Text categories Usage Formatted alarm text HMI scree Text that appears in an HMI screen HMI comments Text that appears in a comment in Runtime HMI Runtime Category for text lists Multilingual text category Alarm class text Alarm text Text that appears in a message display SiVArc configuration Other text categories 8.5.3 Select project languages All the texts can be displayed within a project in the same language that you selected for your software user interface. This means that all project texts must exist in the corresponding language. You can select the available project languages yourself. Procedure To select the project languages, follow these steps: 1. Click on the arrow symbol to the left of "Languages & Resources" in the project tree. The elements below this are displayed. 2. Double-click on "Project languages". In the work area, you will see a list of languages that you can select. 3. Select the required languages. Result All texts can be displayed in the activated languages if there is already a translation for these languages. 428 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.5 Working with multi-language projects 8.5.4 Setting the editing language All the texts in the project are created in the editing language when they are entered. If you change the editing language, all future text input will be stored in the new editing language. Procedure To change the editing language, follow these steps: 1. Click on the arrow symbol to the left of "Languages & Resources" in the project tree. The lower-level elements are displayed. 2. Double-click on "Project languages". The possible settings for the project languages are displayed in the work area. 3. Select the editing language in "General > Editing language". 8.5.5 Translating all project texts in tabular form You can display and edit all project text used in the currently open project in a list. User and system texts are separated into two different lists for clarity. Both lists contain a column for each project language. Enter the translations of the texts in the respective columns. Requirement You have selected at least one further project language. Procedure To translate text in the project-wide list, follow these steps: 1. Click on the arrow symbol to the left of "Languages & Resources" in the project tree. The elements below this are displayed. 2. Double-click "Project texts". A list with the user texts in the project is displayed in the work area. 3. Click on "System texts" if you you want to edit the list of system texts rather than the user texts. 4. You can improve the clarity of the lists if you have a lot of texts. - To group identical texts and to translate them all at once, click the "Switch on/off grouping" button in the toolbar. - To hide texts that do not have a translation, click the "Filter for empty texts on/off" button in the toolbar. - To further limit the displayed project texts to certain devices, select the devices for which you want to display project texts in the drop-down list. 5. Enter the translation of the project texts in the relevant column. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 429 Editing project data 8.5 Working with multi-language projects 8.5.6 Translating project texts If you want to edit the text of individual objects, it would be too difficult to locate the matching text in the table with all project texts. For this reason, there is a table in the Inspector window in which only the texts assigned to the currently selected objects are displayed. In the table, you can add missing translations for individual project languages or change existing texts. Requirement Enter a text in at least one project language for the texts to be translated. Procedure To edit the text of the currently selected object, follow these steps: 1. Select the object whose text you want to edit. 2. Open the "Properties" tab in the Inspector window. 3. Open the lower-level "Texts" tab in the inspector window. A table with all the texts that belong to the selected objects is displayed. The table contains one column for the currently selected editing language and the reference language, as well as additional columns for the other project languages. 4. Add or change the entries in the table for each project language. See also Application examples for multilanguage projects (Page 434) 8.5.7 Translating project texts using reference texts Introduction After changing the editing language, all texts are shown in input boxes in the new editing language. If there is not yet a translation available for the newly set language, the input boxes are empty or filled with default values. If you enter text in an input box, this is saved in the current editing language. Following this, the texts exist in two project languages for this input field, in the previous editing language and in the current editing language. This makes it possible to create texts in several project languages. 430 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.5 Working with multi-language projects You can display existing translations for an input box in other project languages. These serve as a comparison for text input in the current editing language and they are known as the reference language. Note The display of reference texts depends on the installed products and is not supported by every editor. Requirement There is at least one translation into a different project language for an input field. Procedure To display the translation of an input cell in a reference language, follow these steps: 1. In the "Tasks" task card, select the "Languages & Resources" pane. 2. Select a reference language from the "Reference language" drop-down list. Result The reference language is preset. If you click in a text box, translations that already exist in other project languages are shown in the "Tasks > Languages & Resources" task card. 8.5.8 Exporting project texts You can export project texts for translation and then reimport them. The texts are exported to an Office Open XML file with the extension ".xlsx". This can be edited in Microsoft Excel or a number of other spreadsheet programs. The following export options are available: Exporting individual project texts You can select individual texts in the project texts editor and then export the selected texts. Exporting project texts of a device When you have selected a device, the "Properties > Texts" tab of the Inspector window includes all texts that are part of the respective device. Here you can export all texts that are part of the respective device. Exporting all user texts or system texts at once You can either export all texts in the project or further limit the export by categories. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 431 Editing project data 8.5 Working with multi-language projects Note Row limit in Microsoft Excel Note that spreadsheet programs may be able to process only a certain number of rows. Microsoft Excel 2003 supports a maximum of 65536 rows, for example. Later versions of Microsoft Excel support significantly more rows. Exporting individual project texts To export individual project texts, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Languages & Resources" folder in the project tree. The lower-level elements are displayed. 2. Double-click "Project texts". The project texts editor opens. 3. Choose the "User texts" or "System texts" tab in the editor, depending on which texts you want to export. 4. Select the project texts you want to export. 5. Click "Export project texts" on the editor toolbar. The "Export" dialog box opens. 6. Select the language you want to translate from in the "Source language" drop-down list. 7. Select the language you want to translate to in the "Target language" drop-down list. The drop-down list contains the project languages you specified previously. If the required language is missing, you must first specify it in the project languages editor. 8. Specify a file path and a file name for the export file in the "Select file for export" input box. 9. Click "Export". Exporting project texts of a device 1. To export all project texts that are part of a specific device, follow these steps: 2. Select the device and open the device properties in the Inspector window. 3. Open the "Texts" tab in the Inspector window. 4. On the toolbar, click the "Export project texts" icon. The "Export" dialog box opens. 5. Select the language you want to translate from in the "Source language" drop-down list. 6. Select the language you want to translate to in the "Target language" drop-down list. The drop-down list contains the project languages you specified previously. If the required language is missing, you must first specify it in the project languages editor. 7. Specify a file path and a file name for the export file in the "Select file for export" input box. 8. Click "Export". 432 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.5 Working with multi-language projects Exporting all system or user texts To export all project texts, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Export project texts" command in the "Tools" menu. The "Export" dialog box opens. 2. Select the language you want to translate from in the "Source language" drop-down list. 3. Select the language you want to translate to in the "Target language" drop-down list. The drop-down list contains the project languages you specified previously. If the required language is missing, you must first specify it in the project languages editor. 4. In "Select content", select the check box "User texts" to export user texts. To export system texts, select "System texts". To export both user texts and system texts, select both check boxes. 5. In "Select content", select the required text categories for the user texts or the system texts. 6. In the "Export file" input field, specify a file name for the export file. 7. In the "Path" input field, select a path in the data system to which the export file is to be saved. 8. Click "Export". See also Application examples for multilanguage projects (Page 434) Importing project texts (Page 433) 8.5.9 Importing project texts After external compilation in a table calculation program, you import the project texts into the TIA Portal. You can import the project texts at the following locations: The "Tools" menu In the toolbar of the project texts editor In the properties of a device When you have selected a device, the "Properties > Texts" tab of the Inspector window includes all texts that are part of the respective device. You can also import the texts of the device at this location. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 433 Editing project data 8.5 Working with multi-language projects Importing project texts To import a file containing project texts, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Import project texts" command in the "Tools" menu. Alternatives: - Click the "Import project texts" icon in the toolbar of the project texts editor. - Select a device and open its properties in the Inspector window. Open the "Texts" tab and click the "Import project texts" icon in the toolbar. 2. The "Import" dialog box opens. 3. Select the path and the file name of the import file from the "Select file for import" field. 4. Select the "Import source language" check box if you have made changes to the source language in the export file and you want to overwrite the entries in the project with the changes. 5. Click "Import". See also Exporting project texts (Page 431) 8.5.10 Application examples for multilanguage projects Let us assume you are working in a team with colleagues some of whom speak English, some French and some German. You have created a project with the TIA Portal and have already created a functioning configuration. To allow your other colleagues to be able to keep track of the project, you would like all devices being used to have comments in English and German. First, you would like to enter the comments in German. Following this, to save time and costs, you want to have the texts translated into English in a spreadsheet program by an external translation office. In addition to this, you also want a single comment for a particular device in French so that your French-speaking colleague can continue working on this device. The section below describes an example of how you can achieve this with the tools of the TIA Portal. Translating the project into English To enter the comments in German and to have them translated into English later, follow these steps: 1. Set the editing language to "German" and fill all the comment boxes with the relevant texts in German. On the device selected from the French-speaking colleague, enter, for example "Unser neues Gerat" in German first. All the comments are now stored in German. 2. Export all user texts to an Office Open XML file with the extension ".xlsx". 434 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.6 Working with text lists 3. Have the user texts contained in the file translated into English in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. 4. Import the file into the TIA Portal after it has been translated. All texts are now available in German and English. Translating a single comment field to French To translate an individual comment field to French, follow these steps: 1. Open the comment box for the device on which the French-speaking colleague will be working. 2. Open the "Languages & resources" pane in the "Tasks" task card. 3. Set "French" as the editing language in the "Languages & Resources" pane. As the reference language, set, for example, "English". Since no translation has yet been installed in French, the comment box is empty. In the "Languages & Resources" pane, the English translation "Our new device" is displayed as a reference. 4. Orientating yourself on the English reference text enter "Notre nouvel appareil" in the comment box. The comment for this device is now available in the languages German, English and French. See also Project text basics (Page 426) Exporting project texts (Page 431) Translating project texts (Page 430) 8.6 Working with text lists 8.6.1 Text lists Introduction You can centrally manage texts to be referenced in alarms. All the texts are stored in text lists. Each text list has a unique name with which you can call up its content. A range of values is assigned to each text in a text list. If a value from a range of values occurs, the corresponding text is called up. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 435 Editing project data 8.6 Working with text lists All the texts can be translated to all project languages. Here, you have two options available: You can enter the translation of the texts in a list. You will find the list in the project tree under "Languages & Resources > Project texts". You can export all texts to a file in Office Open XML format and enter the translation in a spreadsheet program. The translations can then be imported again. Only export the data to areas that are protected with appropriate access mechanisms. Only import files that originate from trusted sources. The texts are translated into the other project languages within the framework of the project texts. In the text lists editor, you only have to manage the assignment of individual texts to a text list. Each device in a project can have its own text lists. Device-specific text lists relate to only one device in the project and are therefore only valid for this device. For this reason, they are arranged under a device in the project tree. Device-specific text lists can be user-defined or created by the system. Text lists editor The text lists editor is divided into a bottom and top area. The top area displays the individual text lists. As soon as you select a text list, the included texts and the associated value ranges are displayed in the lower area. You can sort the table columns in the text lists editor in ascending and descending order by clicking the table header of the respective column. User-defined and system-defined text lists There are two types of text lists: User-defined text lists You can create user-defined text lists yourself and fill them with texts; in other words, you can specify value ranges and the corresponding texts yourself. With user-defined text lists, the name of the text list begins with "USER" as default. You can change this name to any suitable name. System-defined text lists System-defined text lists are created by the system. These always involve texts relating to devices. They are automatically created as soon as you insert a device in the project. With system alarms, the name of the text list begins with "SYSTEM". The name of the text list and the ranges of values it contains cannot be modified. You can only edit texts assigned to individual value ranges. 436 User-defined text lists System-defined text lists You can create new text lists and delete existing text lists. You cannot create new text lists or delete text lists. You can add and delete value ranges in the text lists. You cannot add or delete value ranges in the text lists. You can specify both the value ranges as well as the associated texts. You can only edit the text associated with one val ue range. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.6 Working with text lists See also Exporting project texts (Page 431) 8.6.2 Creating user-defined text lists You can create user-defined text lists for individual devices. Requirement You are in the project view. A project is open. The project includes a least one device. Procedure To create user-defined text lists, follow these steps: 1. Click on the arrow to the left of a device in the project tree. The elements arranged below the device are displayed. 2. Double-click on "Text lists". All the text lists assigned to the device are displayed in the work area listed in a table. 3. Double-click on the first free row in the table. A new user-defined text list is created. 4. Enter a name for your new text list in the "Name" column. 5. Select if you want to specify the value ranges in decimal, binary or in bits from the dropdown list in the "Selection" column. Depending on the device, there may be further options available at this point. 6. Enter a comment in the "Comment" column. A new user-defined text list is created and you can now enter the value ranges and texts. 8.6.3 Editing user-defined text lists You can enter value ranges and the corresponding texts in user-defined text lists. User-defined text lists are always located below a device in the project tree. Requirement You are in the project view. A project is open. The project includes a least one device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 437 Editing project data 8.6 Working with text lists Procedure To add to user-defined text lists with value ranges and texts, follow these steps: 1. Click on the arrow to the left of a device in the project tree. The elements arranged below are displayed. 2. Double-click on "Text lists". All the text lists assigned to the device are displayed in the work area listed in a table. 3. Select a text list in the table. The contents of the selected text list are displayed in the work area. There, you can enter a value range and assign texts to the individual value ranges. 4. Enter the value ranges you require in the "Range from" and " Range to" columns. The entry must be made in the numeric format selected for the text list. 5. Enter a text for each value range in the "Entry" column. 8.6.4 Editing system-defined text lists In system-defined text lists, you can modify the individual texts assigned to a value range. System-defined text lists are always located below a device in the project tree. Requirement You are in the project view. A project is open. The project includes a least one device. Procedure To edit texts in system-defined text lists that are assigned to a value range, follow these steps: 1. Click on the arrow to the left of a device in the project tree. The elements arranged below are displayed. 2. Double-click on "Text lists". All the text lists assigned to the device are displayed in the work area listed in a table. 3. Select a text list in the table. The contents of the selected text list are displayed in the work area. Here, you can add to or edit the texts assigned to a value range. 4. Enter a text for each value range in the "Entry" column. 438 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.7 Using memory cards 8.7 Using memory cards 8.7.1 Basics about memory cards Introduction Memory cards are plug-in cards that come in a variety of types and can be used for a variety of purposes. Depending on the device type or device family, memory cards can be used for purposes, such as: Load memory of a CPU Storage medium for projects, firmware backups, or any other files Storage medium for performing a firmware update Storage medium for the PROFINET device name For information regarding the technical variants of the respective memory cards and general information on their handling, refer to the respective documentation for the device. For information on handling memory cards in the TIA Portal, refer to the online help under the keyword "Memory Card". NOTICE Memory card is unusable for SIMATIC devices If you use a SIMATIC memory card for non-SIMATIC purposes or you format it incorrectly, you will overwrite the internal structure of the SIMATIC memory card. The structure is not recoverable and the SIMATIC memory card becomes unusable for SIMATIC devices. Do not use memory cards for non-SIMATIC-related purposes, and do not format SIMATIC memory cards with third-party devices or Windows tools. See also Adding a user-defined card reader (Page 439) Accessing memory cards (Page 440) Displaying properties of memory cards (Page 441) 8.7.2 Adding a user-defined card reader Introduction If your card reader is not detected automatically, you can add it manually. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 439 Editing project data 8.7 Using memory cards Requirement The project view is open. Procedure To add a card reader, follow these steps: 1. Open the project tree. 2. Select the "Card Reader / USB memory > Add user-defined Card Reader" command in the "Project" menu. The "Add user-defined Card Reader" dialog opens. 3. In the drop-down list box, select the path for the card reader. 4. Confirm your entries with "OK". See also Basics about memory cards (Page 439) Accessing memory cards (Page 440) Displaying properties of memory cards (Page 441) 8.7.3 Accessing memory cards Requirement A memory card is inserted in the card reader. The project view is open. Note You cannot work with multiple memory cards at one time. Only insert one memory card into the card reader. 440 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.7 Using memory cards Procedure To access memory cards, follow these steps: 1. Open the project tree. 2. Select the "Card Reader / USB memory > Card Reader / Show USB memory" command in the "Project" menu. The "Card reader / USB memory" folder is displayed in the project tree. 3. Open the "Card Reader / USB memory" folder. You can now access the memory card. Note If data from a non-installed product is stored on the memory card, the folders that contain these data are shown in gray. You receive an error message when you attempt to access such a folder. Install the corresponding product if needed. See also Basics about memory cards (Page 439) Adding a user-defined card reader (Page 439) Displaying properties of memory cards (Page 441) 8.7.4 Displaying properties of memory cards You can display the properties for the utilized memory cards. Note that different memory cards with different properties must be used, depending on the device. Requirement A memory card is inserted in the card reader. The project view is open. Procedure To display the properties of a memory card, follow these steps: 1. Right-click on the memory card for which you want to display the properties. 2. Select the "Properties" command in the shortcut menu. The "Memory Card " dialog opens. The properties are displayed in this dialog. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 441 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation See also Basics about memory cards (Page 439) Adding a user-defined card reader (Page 439) Accessing memory cards (Page 440) 8.8 Using cross-references 8.8.1 Using cross-references Introduction to cross-references The cross-reference list provides an overview of the use of objects within the project. You can see which objects are interdependent and where the individual objects are located. Crossreferences are therefore part of the project documentation. You can also jump directly to the point of use of an object. Which objects you can display and localize in the cross-reference list depends on the installed products. See also Displaying cross references of an instance (Page 467) 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation 8.9.1 Using user-defined documentation User-defined documentation for project or library contents Over time, you create your own contents in a project or a library. Your own contents include, for example, blocks, tags or library types. While the functionality of the TIA Portal is described in the supplied help system, there is no help for the contents you have created yourself. You can create your own user-defined documentation to explain to other employees how your project works or how to use individual library types. You can provide user-defined documentation in the available user interface languages. The default user interface languages in the TIA Portal are English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese. You need to observe a few conventions when you create user-defined documentation so that the help matching an object can be opened. 442 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation You create the user-defined documentation either in one of the supported Office formats or as compiled HTML help in CHM format. Possible areas for user-defined documentation You can offer user-defined documentation in the following areas of the TIA Portal, for example: Project tree "Libraries" task card and library view Some editors, depending on the products installed, for example: - Program editor The programming languages LAD, FBD, STL, SCL and GRAPH are supported. Block calls also support the connection of user-defined documentation. - "Screens" editor Uses of screens and instances of HMI faceplates are supported in the "Screens" editor. Directories for user-defined documentation Save the user-defined documentation in one of the following directories: Project folder If you create user-defined documentation for objects within a project, save this help in the project folder. The user-defined documentation is also included when you pass on the project. Directory of a global library If you create user-defined documentation for objects within a global library, save the userdefined documentation in the directory of the global library. The user-defined documentation is also included when you pass on the global library. Central directory on the hard drive or a network drive You can store the user-defined documentation in a central directory on the hard disk or on a network drive. In this way, you have access to the user-defined documentation in each project or you use the documentation on a network drive together in the team. You specify the central file directory for the user-defined documentation using an XML file or in the settings of the TIA Portal. Homepage for the user-defined documentation You can create a separate homepage for each language version of the user-defined documentation. The homepage for the user-defined documentation can contain general help for a project or for a library. The homepage must be saved in the central storage directory for user-defined documentation. Calling the user-defined documentation If user-defined documentation is available for an object, you call it with the keyboard shortcut . The user-defined documentation is always opened with the standard program specified for the respective file format in Microsoft Windows. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 443 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation Once you have pressed , certain directories are searched in a fixed order for userdefined documentation. The search order is given below: 1. Search in the central directory for user-defined documentation 1.1 Search for a CHM file 1.2 Search for documentation in other file formats 2. Search in the project or library directory 2.1 Search for a CHM file 2.2 Search for documentation in other file formats The search is initially performed in the language directory for the currently set user interface language of the TIA Portal. If no help is contained in this language directory, the search for user-defined documentation is performed in the same order in the English language directory. As soon as user-defined documentation is found in one location, the user-defined documentation is opened and the search is canceled. If no user-defined documentation is found in any of the directories, a search for a homepage for user-defined documentation is performed in the order presented above. The search for a homepage is again initially performed in the language directory for the currently set user interface language. If no homepage is found there, the English language directory is searched. Call log You can display a call log for the user-defined documentation for easier connection of the userdefined documentation. The alarms within the log indicate the directories in which documentation is searched for and whether the call of the user-defined documentation is successful. In addition, the file name that is expected for the file is indicated. This allows you to identify how you must name your documentation and the directories in which you must save the user-defined documentation. The call log has the same sequence as the one used to search for user-defined documentation or a homepage. The log is displayed in the Inspector window in the "Info" tab. Before you can display the call log, you must first enable the call log in the settings of the TIA Portal or using an XML file. See also Conventions for the creation (Page 448) Specifying settings with an XML file (Page 446) Creating a homepage (Page 447) Creating user-defined documentation (Page 452) Calling user-defined documentation (Page 451) General remarks on the information system (Page 312) 444 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation 8.9.2 Specifying settings in the TIA Portal You specify the following settings for user-defined documentation in the settings of the TIA Portal: Displaying the call log in the Inspector window A log of the call of user-defined documentation is displayed on the 'Info > General' tab of the Inspector window. The log helps you to adhere to the conventions for calling userdefined documentation. Search for user-defined documentation in a central file directory You can save user-defined documentation in a directory outside the current project directory in order, for example, to make documentation available across projects. Central directory for user-defined documentation You store cross-project documentation in the central file directory for user-defined documentation. Note XML configuration file takes precedence over the settings of the TIA Portal If you use an XML configuration file and have specified settings for user-defined documentation there, the settings in the XML file take precedence. As soon as you refresh the XML configuration file or restart the TIA Portal, the settings from the XML file are applied. The settings that you have made in the TIA Portal lose their validity. Procedure To specify a central storage location for user help, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. 2. Open the "General > General" area. 3. Navigate to the "User documentation" section. 4. Select the "Display call log for user-defined documentation" check box in order to display a log of the call of the user-defined documentation in the Inspector window. 5. Select the "Search for user-defined documentation in a central directory" check box in order to store user-defined documentation in a cross-project directory. 6. Specify the path to where you save the cross-project documentation in the "Central directory for user-defined documentation" field. See also Specifying settings with an XML file (Page 446) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 445 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation 8.9.3 Specifying settings with an XML file As an alternative to settings in the TIA Portal, you can make settings for the user-defined documentation in an XML file. The XML file is the same file you use for integrating corporate libraries. If you use an XML configuration file and have specified settings for user-defined documentation there, the settings in the XML file take precedence. As soon as you refresh the XML configuration file or restart the TIA Portal, the settings from the XML file are applied. The settings that you have made in the TIA Portal lose their validity. You can set the following options in the XML configuration file: Displaying the call log in the Inspector window A log of the call of user-defined documentation is displayed on the 'Info > General' tab of the Inspector window. The log helps you to adhere to the conventions for calling userdefined documentation. Search for user-defined documentation in a central file directory You can save user-defined documentation in a directory outside the current project directory in order, for example, to make documentation available across projects. Central directory for user-defined documentation You store cross-project documentation in the central file directory for user-defined documentation. Procedure To specify settings for the user-defined documentation, follow these steps: 1. Create an XML file named "CorporateSettings.xml", if you are not yet using an XML configuration file for the integration of company libraries. If you are already using a configuration file, proceed with step 3. The configuration file must be saved with "UTF-8" coding. 2. Save the file in the following directory on your computer: C:\ProgramData\Siemens\Automation\Portal V14\CorporateSettings\ 3. Enter the content listed below into the XML configuration file. 4. Adapt the attributes for display of the user-defined documentation. The meaning of the individual elements is available in the comments in the XML configuration file. Use the value "true" to activate a function. Use the value "false" to deactivate a function. 446 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation Content of the XML configuration file The XML configuration file must have the following content: XML true true D:\CorporateDocumentation\UserDocumentation\ See also Using user-defined documentation (Page 442) Specifying settings in the TIA Portal (Page 445) Calling user-defined documentation (Page 451) Creating a homepage (Page 447) Creating a configuration file for corporate libraries (Page 479) 8.9.4 Creating a homepage You can design a homepage for user-defined documentation. The homepage can be an HTML page that you save either within a CHM file or in the directory of the relevant language. You WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 447 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation can also use other file formats approved for user-defined documentation. You design the homepage of the user-defined documentation outside the TIA Portal. Procedure To create a homepage, follow these steps: 1. Design a file in HTML format or in any other file format approved for user-defined help. 2. Name the file "Home". 3. Copy the file to the central directory for user-defined documentation on the hard disk or on a network drive: \ 4. If the respective language folder does not exist yet, create the folder now. Alternative: If you are creating the homepage for a CHM file, place the homepage in the main directory of the CHM file. Sample configuration for the homepage Below you see the correct path for the following conditions: The user-defined documentation is in Spanish. The homepage is an HTML file. The path for these conditions is as follows: \es-ES\Home.html See also Specifying settings with an XML file (Page 446) Using user-defined documentation (Page 442) Conventions for the creation (Page 448) Calling user-defined documentation (Page 451) Displaying the call log (Page 452) Creating user-defined documentation (Page 452) 8.9.5 Conventions for the creation You must observe some conventions to ensure that user-defined documentation is called at the correct location: the user-defined documentation must be saved in the correct directory. The file name must be exactly the same as the object name in the TIA Portal. To prevent malicious code from being executed on your computer, only file formats that are considered as relatively safe are permitted. 448 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation Supported file formats Create the user-defined documentation in one of the following file formats: Microsoft Word (.docx) Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx and .ppsx) HTML pages (.htm or .html) Microsoft XPS (.xps) Rich Text Format (.rtf) Text documents (.txt) Compiled HTML help (.chm) PDF documents (.pdf) You save the homepage of the user-defined documentation in HTML format or save the homepage within a CHM file. NOTICE Infection of the computer with malicious code If the user-defined documentation contains malicious code, it can infect your computer. Especially HTML pages and CHM files can contain malicious code. Make sure that the user-defined documentation comes from a trustworthy source. You should also use the standard security measures, such as the use of a firewall and an up-to-date virus scanner. Directories for user-defined documentation Save the user-defined documentation in one of the following directories: Project folder: UserFiles\UserDocumentation\\ Directory of a global library: UserFiles\UserDocumentation\\ Central directory on the hard drive or a network drive: \ \\ The user-defined documentation must be located in the suitable subfolder for the respective language. The table below shows the respective language folders for the user languages installed as default: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Language Subfolder German \de-DE English \en-US Spanish \es-ES 449 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation Language Subfolder French \fr-FR Italian \it-IT Chinese \zh-CN The language folder must contain a separate subfolder for each object category. Create the corresponding subfolders for objects for which you are providing user-defined documentation. Always use the English designation of the object category. The table below shows the English designations of the most important object categories in the TIA Portal: Object category English designation HMI screens Screens Organization blocks (OB) Organization Blocks Function blocks (FBs) Function Blocks Functions (FCs) Functions Data blocks Data Blocks Types in the library Library Types Master copies in the library Master Copies The project node in the project tree Projects All types of folders in the project tree, in the project library or in global libraries Folders All types of links in the project tree, for example, "Add new block", "Add new device", etc. ShortCut Libraries in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view Libraries If you are not sure of the English designation for an object category, change the user interface language of the TIA Portal to English. Alternatively, open the user-defined documentation for an object with and check in the call log which designation is expected for the object category. Permitted file names The file name must be exactly the same as the object name in the TIA Portal. There are, however, restrictions for file names under Microsoft Windows. The same restrictions apply to the file system used to format the hard drive. The file name may only include certain characters and must not exceed a specific length. The restrictions for file names differ depending on the Windows version and the file system used for the hard drive. To ensure that the help call works, read up on possible restrictions in the Microsoft Windows documentation. 450 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation Special features of CHM files You store CHM files directly in the respective language folder. The folder for the respective object category must be included in the actual CHM file. Within the compiled CHM file, the names of the individual HTML files must also be exactly the same as the object names in the TIA Portal. Note Opening CHM files on network drives If CHM files are saved on a network drive, the CHM files are not displayed correctly in more recent versions of Microsoft Windows. This behavior is determined by the security guidelines of the operating system. All versions of Microsoft Windows as of Windows Server 2003 SP1 are affected. You can bypass the security guidelines by changing the registry database in Microsoft Windows. To not compromise the security of your computer, save the CHM files only locally on your computer and do not change the registry database. See also Using user-defined documentation (Page 442) Creating a homepage (Page 447) 8.9.6 Calling user-defined documentation The user-defined documentation is opened in the language that is currently set as the user interface language. If there is no user-defined documentation available in the currently set user interface language, the English version of the user-defined documentation opens. If no userdefined documentation exists, a homepage is searched for. Requirement You have already saved user-defined documentation or a homepage according to the conventions. Procedure To open the user-defined documentation, follow these steps: 1. Select the object for which you want to display the user-defined documentation. 2. Press . The suitable user-defined documentation or the homepage opens. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 451 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation See also Using user-defined documentation (Page 442) Opening the information system (Page 317) Creating a homepage (Page 447) Specifying settings with an XML file (Page 446) Displaying the call log (Page 452) 8.9.7 Displaying the call log Use the call log to check whether the user-defined documentation is connected correctly. The call log shows the directories in which the search is performed for user-defined documentation or a homepage. The call log also displays the names that the individual files must have in order to call the user-defined documentation. Requirement The call log is enabled in the settings of the TIA Portal or using an XML configuration file. Procedure To display the call log, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Info" tab in the Inspector window. 2. Open the "General" tab. 3. Select the object for which you want to call the help. 4. Press . If possible, the matching user-defined documentation or the homepage of the user-defined documentation is opened. In any case, you will be informed in the Inspector window about which user-defined documentation is opened. You may be shown the directories in which no user-defined documentation was found. See also Calling user-defined documentation (Page 451) Creating a homepage (Page 447) 8.9.8 Creating user-defined documentation You create user-defined documentation for individual elements within a project or global library outside the TIA Portal. You can create the user-defined documentation in all available user interface languages. 452 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation If you create the user-defined documentation as CHM file, the procedure for creating the help is somewhat different to the creation process for other file formats. Note the information provided in chapter "Conventions for the creation (Page 448)". Creating user-defined documentation as single file To create user-defined documentation as a single file, follow these steps: 1. Create a file in a valid file format. 2. Name the file identically to the object for which you want to call the user-defined documentation. If you are offering help for a library type, for example, name the help file identical to the type. 3. Depending on whether you are creating the user-defined documentation for project contents or for contents of a global library, copy the file to one of the following storage locations: - project folder under "UserFiles\UserDocumentation\\" - Directory of a global library under "UserFiles\UserDocumentation\\" - Central directory on the hard drive or a network drive: \\\ If the respective language folder or the folder for the object category does not exist yet, create the required folders before copying the file. Sample configuration for user-defined documentation Below you see the correct path for the following conditions: The user-defined documentation is intended for a type in a global library. The user-defined documentation is in French. The type is called "commande de moteur". The user-defined documentation is supplied with the global library. The user-defined documentation is created in Microsoft PowerPoint format. The path for these conditions is as follows: \UserFiles\UserDocumentation\fr-FR\Library Types\commande de moteur.pptx WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 453 Editing project data 8.9 Providing user-defined documentation Creating user-defined documentation as CHM file To provide user-defined documentation in CHM format, follow these steps: 1. Create a folder in Windows Explorer for each object category for which you want to create user-defined documentation. Use the English designation for the object category. 2. Create an HTML file for each object for which you want to provide user-defined documentation. Name the HTML file identically to the object for which you want to call the user-defined documentation. If you want to provide user-defined documentation for a library type, for example, name the HTML file identically to the type. 3. Store the HTML files in the corresponding folders of the respective object category. 4. Use the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop to create the CHM file. Use the prepared folder structure with the HTML files. 5. Copy the CHM file to one of the following storage locations: - Project folder under "UserFiles\UserDocumentation\" - Directory of a global library under "UserFiles\UserDocumentation\" - Central directory on the hard drive or a network drive: \ If the respective language folder does not exist yet, create the language folder before you copy the CHM file. See also Creating a homepage (Page 447) Conventions for the creation (Page 448) 454 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.1 9 Library basics Introduction You can store objects you want to reuse in libraries. For each project there is a project library that is connected to the project. In addition to the project library, you can create any number of global libraries that can be used over several projects. Since the libraries are compatible with each other, library elements can be copied and moved from one library to another. Libraries are used, for example, to create templates for blocks that you first paste into the project library and then further develop there. Finally, you copy the blocks from the project library to a global library. You make the global libraries available to other employees working on your project. The other employees continue to use the blocks and adapt them to their individual requirements as needed. Both the project library and global libraries distinguish between two different types of objects: Master copies Almost every object can be saved as a master copy and pasted into the project again later. You can, for example, save entire devices with their contents or cover sheets for plant documentation as master copies. Types Elements that are required to run user programs, for example, blocks, PLC data types, userdefined data types or faceplates are suitable as types. Types can be versioned and therefore support professional further development. Projects using the types can be updated as soon as new versions of the types are available. Project library Each project has its own library, the project library. In the project library, you store the objects you want to use more than once in the project. The project library is always opened, saved, and closed together with the current project. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 455 Using libraries 9.1 Library basics Global libraries In addition to the project library, you use global libraries if you want to use libraries over several projects. Global libraries exist in three versions: System libraries Siemens supplies global libraries for its own software products. These include off-the-peg functions and function blocks that you can use within your project. The supplied libraries cannot be changed. The supplied libraries are loaded automatically matching the project. Corporate libraries Corporate libraries are made available centrally by your organization, for example, in a central folder on a network drive. The TIA Portal manages the corporate libraries automatically. As soon as a more recent version of an existing corporate library becomes available, you receive a prompt to update the corresponding corporate library to the more recent version. User libraries Global user libraries are independent of a specific project and can therefore be passed on to other users. Shared access to global user libraries is also possible, for example on a network drive, if all users open the global user library with write protection. Global user libraries from older versions of the TIA Portal that you created yourself can still be used. To continue using global user libraries from older versions of the TIA Portal, they must first be upgraded. Comparing library objects You can compare blocks and PLC data types with the objects of a device. This allows you to determine, for example, whether certain blocks or PLC data types have been used in a project and whether they have been modified. See also Overview of the "Libraries" task card (Page 457) Overview of the library view (Page 460) Overview of the library management (Page 463) Basics on master copies (Page 480) Basics on types (Page 484) 456 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.2 Using the "Libraries" task card 9.2 Using the "Libraries" task card 9.2.1 Overview of the "Libraries" task card Function of the "Libraries" task card The "Libraries" task card enables you to work efficiently with the project library and the global libraries. Layout of the "Libraries" task card The "Libraries" task card consists of the following components: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 "Library view" and "Library management" buttons "Project library" pane 457 Using libraries 9.2 Using the "Libraries" task card "Global libraries" pane "Elements" pane "Info" pane "Types" folder "Master copies" folder "Library view" button The "Library view" button is used to change to the library view. The "Libraries" task card and the project tree are hidden with this action. See also: Using the library view (Page 460) "Project library" pane In the "Project library" pane, you can store the objects that you want to use more than once in the project. "Global libraries" pane In the "Global libraries" pane, you manage the global libraries whose elements you want to reuse over several projects. The "Global libraries" pane also lists libraries that were shipped together with the products you purchased. These libraries provide you with ready-made functions and function blocks, for example. The supplied global libraries cannot be edited. "Elements" pane In this pane, you can display the contents of folders in the library. The "Elements" pane is not displayed by default. If you want to display the "Elements" pane, you have to enable it first. Three view modes are available in the "Elements" palette: Details mode The properties of folders, master copies and types are shown in table form in details mode. List mode In list mode, the contents of folders are listed. Overview mode In overview mode, the contents of folders are displayed with large symbols. See also: Using the element view (Page 459) "Info" pane You can display the contents of the library elements in the "Info" pane. The individual versions of types and the last revision date of the version are also displayed. 458 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.2 Using the "Libraries" task card "Types" folder In the "Types" directories, you can manage types and type versions of objects that you use as instances in the project. See also: Using types (Page 484) "Master copies" folder In the "Master copies" directories, you can manage master copies of objects that you can use as copies in the project. See also: Using master copies (Page 480) See also Library basics (Page 455) Comparing library elements (Page 519) 9.2.2 Using the element view Introduction When you open the "Libraries" task card the first time, the "Project library" and "Global libraries" palettes are opened and the "Info" palette is closed. You can display the "Elements" palette if needed. The elements view shows the elements of the selected library. Three view modes are available in the elements view: Details The properties of folders, master copies and types are shown in table form in details mode. List In list mode, the contents of folders are listed. Overview In overview mode, the contents of folders are displayed with large symbols. The "Info" palette shows the contents of the selected library element. If you select a type in the elements view, for example, the type versions are displayed in the "Info" palette. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 459 Using libraries 9.3 Using the library view Procedure To use the element view, follow these steps: 1. Click "Open or close the element view" in the "Project library" or "Global libraries" pane. 2. To change the view mode from the details view to the list mode or overview mode, click the corresponding icon on the toolbar. See also Library basics (Page 455) Overview of the "Libraries" task card (Page 457) Comparing library elements (Page 519) Using global libraries (Page 468) 9.3 Using the library view 9.3.1 Overview of the library view Function of the library view The library view combines the functionality of the "Libraries" task card and the overview window. In the library view, the elements of a library are displayed in various views. In the details view, for example, you see additional properties of the individual elements. You can also edit and version the types in the library view. 460 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.3 Using the library view Layout of the library view The following figure shows the components of the library view: Library tree Library overview "Open/close the Library view" button and "Open library management" "Open or close library overview" button Library tree The library tree is similar to the "Libraries" task card, apart from a few minor differences. In contrast to the task card, there is no "Elements" palette, because the elements are displayed in the library overview. In addition, you can close the library view in the library tree, or open and close the library overview. See also: "Libraries" task card (Page 457) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 461 Using libraries 9.3 Using the library view Library overview The library overview corresponds to the overview window and displays the elements of the currently selected object in the library tree. You can display the elements in three different views: Details view The objects are displayed in a list with additional information, such as the date of the last change. List view The objects are displayed in a simple list. Icon view The objects are displayed as icons according to category. In addition, you can perform the following actions in the library overview: Renaming elements Deleting elements Copying elements Moving elements Editing type instances Versioning types WinCC only: Editing faceplates and HMI user data types See also: Overview window (Page 292) See also Basics on master copies (Page 480) Basics on types (Page 484) Opening and closing the library view (Page 462) Library basics (Page 455) Comparing library elements (Page 519) 9.3.2 Opening and closing the library view The library view is opened automatically in some cases, for example, when you edit the test instance of a type or when you edit faceplates and HMI user data types. You can also open the library view manually. 462 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.4 Using library management Opening the library view To open the library view manually, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Libraries" task card. 2. Click the "Open library view" button in the "Libraries" task card. The library tree opens. The "Library" task card and the project tree are closed. 3. If the library overview is not displayed, click "Open/close library overview" button in the library tree. The library overview opens. Exit library view To exit the library view, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Close library view" button in the library tree. The library tree closes. The "Libraries" task card and the project tree are opened. See also Overview of the library view (Page 460) Library basics (Page 455) Comparing library elements (Page 519) Using the "Libraries" task card (Page 457) Using global libraries (Page 468) 9.4 Using library management 9.4.1 Overview of the library management Function of the library management Master copies and types with dependencies to other library elements are subject to some functional restrictions. They cannot be deleted, for example, as long as dependencies still exist. This prevents other library elements from becoming useless. The library management is used to identify the dependencies and to create an overview of the work progress. The library management offers the following functions: Display of the correlations of types and master copies If a type is referenced in other types or master copies, the correlations are displayed in the library management. You will also be able to see which library elements reference a type or a master copy. Display of points of use of types in the project WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 463 Using libraries 9.4 Using library management Display of types that qualify for upgrading Use of filters to narrow down the displayed types Layout of the library management The following figure shows the components of the library management: Toolbar of the library management "Types" area "Uses" area Toolbar of the library management You can perform the following tasks in the toolbar of the library management: Update uses If the project was changed, you can update the view of the library management. Clean up library By cleaning up a library, you delete all types and type versions that are not linked to an instance in the project. Harmonize project By harmonizing a project, you adapt the names and the path structures of type uses in the project to the corresponding names and path structures of the types within a library. Collapse all With the "Collapse all" icon you hide all subentries of the uppermost node in the "Types" area. The lower-level elements, such as types and individual versions, are no longer displayed. Expand all With the "Show all" icon you expand all lower-level elements in the "Types" area. The lowerlevel elements, such as types and individual versions, are displayed in full. 464 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.4 Using library management "Types" area The "Types" area displays the contents of the folder that you have selected in the library view. For each type, the types that it references are displayed. You can expand or collapse all type nodes by using the buttons in the toolbar of the "Types" area. You can also filter the view with the "Filter" drop-down list. "Uses" area The "Uses" area gives you an overview of the points of use of the selected types and master copies. The "Uses" area is divided into two tabs: "Use in the project" tab The "Use in the project" tab is used to show the instances of type versions and their respective point of use in the project. When you select an instance, you can show the cross references of the instance in the project in the Inspector window. "Use in the library" tab The "Use in the library" tab is used to show all points within the library at which a type or a master copy is used. See also Opening library management (Page 465) Filtering the display of types (Page 466) Displaying cross references of an instance (Page 467) Displaying instances in the project (Page 467) Displaying relations to other library objects (Page 468) Library basics (Page 455) Basics on master copies (Page 480) Basics on types (Page 484) 9.4.2 Opening library management Procedure To open the library management, follow these steps: 1. Open the library view. 2. Select a type or any folder that contains types. 3. Select the "Library management" command from the shortcut menu. Result The library management opens and the types are displayed with their versions. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 465 Using libraries 9.4 Using library management See also Overview of the library management (Page 463) 9.4.3 Filtering the display of types Use filters to obtain a better overview of types in extensive libraries. A filter provides you with the option of limiting the displayed types. The following filters are available: Types with pending changes The filter displays all types that have a version "in test" or "in progress". Released types The filter displays all released types that do not have versions "in test" or "in progress". Types with multiple versions The filter displays all types that have more than one version. Types without use in the project The filter displays all types which have no instance in the project. Types with new versions for upgrading other types The filter displays all types that are relevant for upgrading other types. The types must also meet the following criteria: - The types have more than one version. - All versions of the respective type have been released. Requirement The library management is open. Procedure To filter the displayed types, follow these steps: 1. In the "Types" area, select the folder whose contents you want to filter. 2. Select the required filter in the "Filter" drop-down list. In the "Types" area, types are displayed that correspond to the selected filter criteria. See also Overview of the library management (Page 463) State of type versions (Page 486) Creating a test version of a type (Page 495) Editing a test version of a type (Page 497) Creating an editing version of a type (Page 498) 466 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.4 Using library management 9.4.4 Displaying instances in the project In the library management, you can have the instances of all versions of a type or an individual type version displayed. You can jump directly to each instance in the project. Requirement The library management is open. Procedure To display the instances of a type or its versions, follow these steps: 1. In the "Types" area select the required folders, types or versions. 2. Open the "Uses in the project" tab in the "Uses" area. The instances in the project are displayed for each type version. The "Path" column shows the path at which the respective instance is located in the project. 3. Optional: Click the path to jump directly to the respective instance in the project tree. The library management is hidden and the instance is selected in the project tree. See also Displaying cross references of an instance (Page 467) Using types (Page 493) Overview of the library management (Page 463) Displaying relations to other library objects (Page 468) 9.4.5 Displaying cross references of an instance You can display the cross references of an instance without exiting the library management. Requirement The library management is open. Procedure To display the cross references of an instance in the project, follow these steps: 1. In the "Types" area, select a type version whose instances you want to display. 2. Select the instance of the required type version in the "Uses > Uses in the project" area. 3. Open the "Info > Cross-references" tab in the inspector window. The cross reference of the instance are displayed in the project. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 467 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries See also Using cross-references (Page 442) Overview of the library management (Page 463) Displaying instances in the project (Page 467) 9.4.6 Displaying relations to other library objects You can display relations between individual library objects in the library management. The references of the individual type versions to the other library objects are automatically displayed in the "Types" area. In the "Uses" area, you can also view the other library objects in which the respective type version is referenced. Requirement The library management is open. Procedure To display the other library objects from which a type version is referenced, follow these steps: 1. In the "Types" area select the required folders, types or versions. 2. Open the "Uses in the library" tab in the "Uses" area. In the "Uses" area, you can now see which other library objects are referenced by the individual type versions. 3. Optional: To jump to the referenced library object, click on the respective path in the "Path" column. See also Displaying instances in the project (Page 467) Overview of the library management (Page 463) Referencing of objects within a block (Page 492) 9.5 Using global libraries 9.5.1 Creating a global library Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed or the library view is open. 468 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries Procedure To create a new global library, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Create new global library" icon in the toolbar of the "Global libraries" palette or select the command "Global libraries > Create new library" in the "Options" menu. The "Create new global library" dialog opens. 2. Specify the name and the storage location for the new global library. 3. Confirm your entries with "Create". Result The new global library is generated and pasted into the "Global libraries" palette. A folder with the name of the global library is created in the file system at the storage location of the global library. The actual library file is given the file name extension ".al14". See also Library basics (Page 455) Opening a global library (Page 470) Displaying properties of global libraries (Page 471) Saving a global library (Page 472) Closing a global library (Page 473) Deleting a global library (Page 474) 9.5.2 Compatibility of global libraries Libraries from the TIA Portal V13 or earlier Global libraries that were created with TIA Portal V13 or earlier cannot be used in the current version of the TIA Portal. First, upgrade the libraries with version V13 SP1 of the TIA Portal to the current library version. You can then open the library with the TIA Portal V14 and perform another upgrade. Libraries from the TIA Portal V13 SP1 You can use the TIA Portal to open global libraries that were created with TIA Portal V13 SP1. When you open the library, you are prompted to upgrade the library to the current version of the TIA Portal. Once the global library is upgraded, it cannot be opened with earlier versions of the TIA Portal. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 469 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries Backward compatibility of the current library version Global libraries saved with the library format of the current TIA Portal product version are not backward compatible with older versions due to their enhanced functionality. Global libraries in the current library format can only be used in connection with TIA Portal V14 projects. See also Opening a global library (Page 470) 9.5.3 Opening a global library Global libraries can be further developed centrally and used over several projects. Several persons can open a global library simultaneously from a central storage location, provided all users open the global library in write-protected mode. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed or the library view is open. Procedure To open a global library, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Open global library" icon in the toolbar of the "Global libraries" pane or select the command "Global libraries > Open library" in the "Options" menu. The "Open global library" dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the global library you want to open. Library files are identified by the file name extension ".al[version number]". This means that global libraries that were saved with the current TIA Portal product version have the file name extension ".al14". 3. Write protection is activated for the library. If you want to modify the global library, disable the "Open as read-only". 4. Click "Open". The global library is opened and pasted into the "Global libraries" pane if the library version matches the project version. The "Upgrade global library" dialog opens if you have selected a global library from TIA Portal V13 SP1. Upgrade the library to the current version of the TIA Portal in this case. See also Retrieving global libraries (Page 476) Compatibility of global libraries (Page 469) Library basics (Page 455) Creating a global library (Page 468) Displaying properties of global libraries (Page 471) 470 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries Saving a global library (Page 472) Closing a global library (Page 473) Deleting a global library (Page 474) 9.5.4 Displaying properties of global libraries Global libraries contain properties for describing the respective library in more detail. Properties include the following: General information about the library This includes the following information: creation time, author, file path, file size, copyright, etc. Many of the attributes can be changed. Library history The library history contains an overview of the migrations performed. Here you can also call the log file for the migrations. The library history also contains information on updates of the global library. Support packages in the library You can display an overview of additional software. The additional software is needed to process all devices of the project. Software products in the library You can display an overview of all installed software products needed for the project. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed or the library view is open. Procedure To display the properties of a global library, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the global library whose properties you want to display. 2. Select the "Properties" command in the shortcut menu. A dialog containing the properties of the global libraries opens. 3. Select the properties in the area navigation that you want to have displayed. See also Opening a global library (Page 470) Library basics (Page 455) Creating a global library (Page 468) Saving a global library (Page 472) Closing a global library (Page 473) Deleting a global library (Page 474) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 471 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries 9.5.5 Displaying logs of global libraries Logs are created when you update or clean up global libraries or assign a shared version to several types. The logs list all changes you have made to the global library. The logs are stored together with the global library and are always available once you have opened the global library. Procedure To open the logs of a global library, follow these steps: 1. Open the global library in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. 2. Open "Common data > Logs" in the lower-level folder. 3. Double-click the required log. The log opens in the work area. See also Updating a library with the contents of another library (Page 515) 9.5.6 Saving a global library After you have changed a global library, you need to save it. You can save a global library under another name using the "Save library as" command. Note Backward compatibility with older versions of the TIA Portal Note that global libraries can no longer be opened in older versions of the TIA Portal once they have been saved in the current version. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed or the library view is open. Saving changes To save a global library, follow these steps: 1. Right-click on the global library you want to save. 2. Select the "Save library" command in the shortcut menu. 472 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries Saving a global library under another name To save a global library under another name, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the global library that you want to save under a different name. 2. Select the "Save library as" command in the shortcut menu. The "Save global library as" dialog opens. 3. Select the storage location and enter the file name. 4. Confirm your entries with "Save". The library is saved in the specified location under the new name. The original library is retained. See also Working with archives of global libraries (Page 475) Archiving global libraries (Page 475) Library basics (Page 455) Creating a global library (Page 468) Opening a global library (Page 470) Displaying properties of global libraries (Page 471) Closing a global library (Page 473) Deleting a global library (Page 474) 9.5.7 Closing a global library Global libraries are independent of projects. This means that global libraries are not closed together with your project. You must therefore close global libraries explicitly. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed or the library view is open. Procedure To close a global library, follow these steps: 1. Right-click on the global library you want to close. 2. Select the "Close library" command in the shortcut menu. If you have made changes to the global library, select whether or not you want to save the changes. The global library is closed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 473 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries See also Creating a global library (Page 468) Opening a global library (Page 470) Displaying properties of global libraries (Page 471) Saving a global library (Page 472) Library basics (Page 455) Deleting a global library (Page 474) 9.5.8 Deleting a global library If you no longer require a global library, you can delete it. Libraries supplied by Siemens cannot be deleted. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed or the library view is open. Procedure To delete a global library, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the global library you want to delete. 2. Select the "Delete" command in the shortcut menu. 3. Click "Yes" to confirm. Result The global library is removed from the "Global libraries" palette. The entire library for the global library is deleted from the file system. See also Library basics (Page 455) Creating a global library (Page 468) Opening a global library (Page 470) Displaying properties of global libraries (Page 471) Saving a global library (Page 472) Closing a global library (Page 473) 474 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries 9.5.9 Archiving and disabling global libraries Working with archives of global libraries If you want to back up global libraries on an external hard drive or send them via e-mail, for example, use the archiving function to reduce the storage space of the library. Options for reducing the size of the project There are two ways to reduce the space required to store global libraries: Creating a compressed archive of global libraries Archives of global libraries are compressed files, each containing an entire global library, including the entire folder structure of the library. Before the directory with the global library is compressed into the archive file, all files are reduced to their essential components to further decrease the storage space. Compressed archives of global libraries are therefore well suited for sending via e-mail. Compressed archives of global libraries of the current product version have the file extension ".zal14". Archives from the TIA Portal V13.x have the file extension ".zal13". To open a compressed archive of a global library, retrieve the archive. The archive file is extracted to a location you have selected with the entire folder structure and all files. Minimizing global libraries You can skip additional compression in an archive file, and instead create a copy of the global library directory. The included files can be reduced to the essential elements. This minimizes the required storage space. The full functionality of the global library is retained and the global library can be loaded as usual. Minimized global libraries are especially well suited for archiving, for example, on an external medium. See also Archiving global libraries (Page 475) Retrieving global libraries (Page 476) Archiving global libraries You reduce the storage space of a global library by packing it into a compressed file. You can also reduce the storage space by saving the global library reduced to the essential elements. You can do both of these with the archiving function for global libraries. Requirement The global library is loaded. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 475 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries Procedure To archive a global library, follow these steps: 1. Select the global library that you want to archive. 2. Right-click the global library and select the "Archive" command from the shortcut menu. The "Archive global library as..." dialog opens. 3. Select the directory where you want to save the archive file or the new directory of the global library. The directory may not be located in a project directory or within the directory of a global library. 4. Select the file type from the "File type" drop-down list: - Global libraries archive, if you want to create a compressed file of the library. - Minimized global library, if you only want to create a copy of the library directory with minimal storage requirement. 5. Enter a file name in the "File name" field if you are creating an archive file. If you are creating a minimized global library, enter the name of the new library directory to be created in the "File name" box. 6. Click "Save". Result A compressed file with the extension ".zal14" is generated. The file includes the complete directory of the global library. The individual files of the global library are also reduced to the essential components in order to save space. If you have minimized the global library, only a copy of the original directory of the global library is created at the required location. The files contained within it were reduced to their essential components in order to save space. See also Working with archives of global libraries (Page 475) Retrieving global libraries (Page 476) Retrieving global libraries Before you can use an archived global library, you have to retrieve it. The global library is extracted and then opened in the TIA Portal. Procedure To extract the archive of a global library, follow these steps: 1. Select the "Global libraries > Retrieve library" command in the "Options" menu. The "Retrieve archived global library" dialog opens. 2. Select the archive file. 476 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries 3. Select the check box "Open read-only" if you want to load the global library write-protected. 4. Click "Open". 5. The "Find folder" dialog opens. 6. Select the target directory to which the archived global library should be extracted. 7. Click "OK". Result The global library is extracted to the selected directory and opened immediately. See also Working with archives of global libraries (Page 475) Archiving global libraries (Page 475) Opening a global library (Page 470) Compatibility of global libraries (Page 469) 9.5.10 Using global corporate libraries Basics of corporate libraries Introduction Corporate libraries are global libraries made available by an administrator and assigned to the TIA Portal. The administrator can assign new libraries or change libraries at any time. New libraries are automatically loaded in the TIA Portal following your confirmation. As soon as more recent versions of corporate libraries are available, the existing corporate libraries are automatically updated to the more recent version, also following your confirmation. The corporate libraries are located just like normal global libraries in the "Global libraries" palette of the "Libraries" task card. Providing corporate libraries Corporate libraries can be saved in any directory on the hard drive of the computer or on a network drive. To include corporate libraries in the TIA Portal, use an XML file. The XML file includes the directories and names of the assigned corporate libraries. The XML file must be saved in the following directory on the hard drive of the computer: C:\ProgramData\Siemens\Automation\Portal V14\CorporateSettings\ The XML file must be named "CorporateSettings.xml". You either copy the configuration file yourself to the corresponding directory or the configuration file is assigned to you through the company network. The valid configuration is WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 477 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries automatically applied when the TIA Portal is started. When the TIA Portal is started, it continuously monitors the directory for configuration files. If the configuration file has changed, you receive a prompt to apply the new configuration. You can reject this prompt twice. You will always receive the next prompt three hours later. You must apply the new configuration at the third prompt. You receive a changed configuration file from the project administrator, for example, if corporate libraries have been added or deleted. Options as project administrator You can automatically assign the configuration file or the corporate libraries to the computers of the team members or distribute updates to the team members. This function is not part of the TIA Portal and requires a corresponding IT infrastructure in your company. If you want to administer the configuration file centrally, discuss this approach with the IT managers at your company. The archive function for global libraries can be used to pass corporate libraries to employees of the project team. However, you must retrieve corporate libraries prior to their use in the TIA Portal. The following figure shows an example of how you can distribute corporate libraries to individual employees within your organization: Employee's computer IT infrastructure of the company ;0/FRQILJXUDWLRQILOH &?3URJUDP'DWD?6LHPHQV?$XWRPDWLRQ? 3RUWDO9?&RUSRUDWH6HWWLQJV? &RUSRUDWH6HWWLQJV[PO ([WUDFWHGOLEUDULHV ;0/FRQILJXUDWLRQILOH &RUSRUDWH6HWWLQJV[PO $UFKLYHGOLEUDULHV 6DPSOHOLEUDU\]DO 6DPSOHOLEUDU\]DO 6DPSOHOLEUDU\]DO 478 $GLVWULEXWLRQVFULSWFRSLHV WKH;0/FRQILJXUDWLRQILOH DQGDUFKLYHGOLEUDULHV7KH DUFKLYHGOLEUDULHVDUHDOVR H[WUDFWHGZLWKWKHVFULSW WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.5 Using global libraries See also Working with archives of global libraries (Page 475) Archiving global libraries (Page 475) Retrieving global libraries (Page 476) Creating a configuration file for corporate libraries You use a configuration file in XML format to make the corporate libraries available in the TIA Portal. The configuration file includes the directories and file names of the libraries to be loaded. Below you will learn how you create the XML configuration file and where to save it. Procedure To provide a configuration file for corporate libraries, follow these steps: 1. Create an XML configuration file with the content listed below. Use the coding "UTF-8". 2. Replace the paths mentioned in the example in the "" section below with the paths where your libraries are stored. 3. Save the XML file under the name "CorporateSettings.xml". 4. Save the file in the following directory on your computer: C:\ProgramData\Siemens\Automation\Portal V14\CorporateSettings\ Content of the XML configuration file The XML configuration file must have the following content: XML D:\CorporateLibraries\Corporate_Library_1.al14 D:\CorporateLibraries\Corporate_Library_2.al14 Result As soon as you have saved the XML configuration file in the respective directory, you will receive a prompt in the TIA Portal to load the corporate libraries. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 479 Using libraries 9.7 Using master copies See also Specifying settings with an XML file (Page 446) 9.6 Creating folders in a library The library elements are stored in the libraries according to their type in the "Types" and "Master copies" folders. Create additional folders below "Types" and "Master copies" to further organize master copies and types. Requirements The "Libraries" task card is displayed or the library view is open. If you want to create new folders within a global library, you have to open the global library with write permission. Procedure To create a new folder, follow these steps: 1. Right-click any folder within the library. 2. Select "Add folder" from the shortcut menu. A new folder is created. 3. Enter a name for the new folder. See also Filtering master copies (Page 483) Working with types in the project library (Page 489) 9.7 Using master copies 9.7.1 Basics on master copies Master copies are used to create standardized copies of frequently used elements. You can create as many elements as needed and insert them into the project based on a master copy. The elements inherit the properties of the master copy. You store master copies either in the project library or in a global library. Master copies in the project library can only be used within the project. When you create the master copy in a global library, it can be used in different projects. 480 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.7 Using master copies The following elements can be created as master copies in the library, for example: Devices with their device configuration Tag tables or individual tags Instruction profiles Watch tables Elements from the documentation settings, for example, cover sheets and frames Blocks and groups containing multiple blocks PLC data types and groups containing multiple PLC data types Text lists Alarm classes Technology objects In many cases, the objects you add as master copy contain additional elements. A CPU, for example, can contain blocks. If the included elements are uses of a type version, the used versions of the types are automatically created in the library. The elements contained therein are then used as an instance and linked to the type. See also Adding master copies (Page 481) Using master copies (Page 483) Basics on types (Page 484) Filtering master copies (Page 483) 9.7.2 Adding master copies If you want to use objects multiple times, copy them as master copies in the project library or in a global library. You can choose from the following methods for creating master copies: You select one or more elements and create individual master copies from them You select multiple elements and create a single master copy from them that contains all selected elements. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed. If you add a device as a master copy, this device meets the following requirements: - The device is compiled and consistent. - The device contains no test instance of a type. If you add the master copy to a global library, the global library is opened with write permission. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 481 Using libraries 9.7 Using master copies Creating master copies from one or more elements To create a master copy for one or more elements, follow these steps: 1. Open the library in the "Libraries" task card. 2. Select the desired elements. 3. Using a drag-and-drop operation, move the elements to the "Master copies" folder or any subfolder of "Master copies". Alternative: 1. Select the desired elements. 2. Copy the elements to the clipboard and paste the elements at the required location. Each element is pasted in the library as a master copy. A type is created automatically in each case from any objects contained (e.g., referenced blocks). Creating a single master copy from multiple elements To create a single master copy for all elements from multiple elements, follow these steps: 1. Open the library in the "Libraries" task card. 2. Copy to the clipboard the elements that you want to create as master copies. 3. Right-click on the "Master copies" folder or any of its subfolders in the library. 4. In the shortcut menu, select "Paste as a single master copy" command. Alternative: 1. Select the desired elements. 2. Using a drag-and-drop operation, move the elements to the "Master copies" folder or any subfolder of "Master copies". Meanwhile, keep the key pressed. The elements are pasted in the library as a single master copy. The single master copy contains all selected elements. A type is created automatically in each case from any objects contained (e.g., referenced blocks). Note Avoiding complex structures of master copies To prevent name conflicts and conflicts regarding the folder structure during subsequent use of master copies, avoid complex master copies. Complex master copies are, for example, master copies that consist of multiple elements and nested folders. See also Basics on master copies (Page 480) Using master copies (Page 483) Library basics (Page 455) Adding types to the project library (Page 489) 482 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.7 Using master copies 9.7.3 Filtering master copies To make it easier to keep track of a large number of master copies, you can filter the display according to the type of master copy. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed or the library view is open. Procedure To filter the view, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Master copies" folder in the project library or a global library. 2. In the drop-down list of the toolbar, select the type of objects you want to display under "Master copies". Result Only the selected type of master copies is displayed. You can set the filter to "All" to return to an unfiltered view. See also Library basics (Page 455) Creating folders in a library (Page 480) Basics on master copies (Page 480) Using master copies (Page 483) Using the element view (Page 459) 9.7.4 Using master copies Master copies are contained either in the project library or in a global library. You can paste one or more master copies in the project at the same time. If you insert multiple master copies at the same time, ensure that all master copies are compatible with the desired point of use. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 483 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Procedure To paste a master copy into the project, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Master copies" folder or any subfolder of "Master copies" in a library. 2. Using a drag-and-drop operation, move the desired master copies or whole folders to the point of use. Or: 1. Open the element view. 2. Using a drag-and-drop operation, move the desired master copies or whole folders from the "Elements" pane to the point of use. Result A copy of the master copies is inserted. If incompatible master copies were included in a multiple selection, these are omitted and a copy is not created in the project. See also Basics on master copies (Page 480) Adding master copies (Page 481) Filtering master copies (Page 483) Library basics (Page 455) Using the element view (Page 459) 9.8 Using types and their versions 9.8.1 Basics on types Using types Types are elements that are required for the execution of user programs. Types can be versioned and further developed from a central location. The following elements can be stored as type in the project library or the global library: Functions (FCs) Function blocks (FBs) PLC data types User data types Faceplates Screens 484 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Styles User-defined functions Any number of instances can be derived from the versions of types in the project. The instances are then linked to the version of the type. If you are using types from a global library, the type is also created in the project library. If the type already exists in the project library, missing type versions are added if necessary. The instance is then linked only to the respective type version in the project library. Types and their instances are marked with a black triangle. The following figure shows an instance, marked with a black triangle, and an ordinary program block: Basics on versioning of types Type versioning provides you with the means to develop types centrally and then roll out the most recent version to the individual projects as an update. In this way, error corrections and added functions can be easily integrated into existing projects. If you have created a new version of a global library, you can update existing projects in an automatic process. This minimizes errors and reduces the amount of maintenance work for large automation solutions that contain numerous individual projects. Versioning allows you to trace the development process of individual types. Before you release a version, you can try it out in a test environment to determine whether changes made to a type integrate smoothly into an existing project. You only release a version for productive use after you have made sure that everything operates without errors. You can view the history of individual instances in the project at any time and determine the version from which the instance was derived. The TIA Portal also checks automatically whether there are associated objects with individual versions of a type. Associated objects can be, for example, PLC data types or other blocks referenced in a block. All associated objects are already taken into consideration during the creation of a type or during copying between libraries. Before being released, versions of types are checked for their consistency to ensure that no inconsistencies arise in the project. Versions of types Versions are assigned to each type. The version number is displayed in both the "Libraries" task card as well as the library view next to the respective type. You can also display the version of a type in the project tree next to the instances. To do this, select the "Version" column in the project tree. This allows you to see at all times which version of an instance is used in the project. The version number consists of three numbers separated by periods. You can randomly assign the first two digits. Numbers from 1 to 999 are permitted as the first two numbers. The third digit is the build number. It is automatically incremented by one when you edit an instance related to the version. The build number is reset to 1 when you release the version. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 485 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions The versions of types can have three states: In progress (faceplates and HMI user data types) In test (all sorts of types except faceplates and HMI user data types) Released The following figure shows a type with two versions. One version is "in test" and one version is released: If you use functions (FCs) or function blocks (FBs) as types in the project library, observe the following when compiling the block if you use different instruction versions: You can recompile know-how-protected blocks without password if the interfaces of the block versions are identical. You can recompile blocks that are not know-how-protected if the supply is not lost for any actual parameters and if no new actual parameters that you need to supply are added by the new version. If it is not possible to compile the type with a different instruction version, a new version of the type is required that contains the required adjustments. See also State of type versions (Page 486) Basics on master copies (Page 480) Adding types to the project library (Page 489) Using types (Page 493) Editing library elements (Page 513) Duplicating types (Page 493) 9.8.2 State of type versions The versions of types can be in three different states. The states can be determined from the instance or in the library. "In progress" status Only versions of faceplates and HMI user data types have the "In progress" status. If a version is in progress, "In progress" appears next to the version in the library. When you create a new type or a new version of a released type, the type is assigned the status "In progress". 486 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Types with the status "In progress" can be edited in the library view. A reference to an instance in the project does not have to exist. Upon release, the compatibility of the type is tested by a consistency check. "In test" status All types except for faceplates and HMI user data types can have the "in test" status. If a version is in test, "in test" appears next to the instance and in the library. A version in the test state is linked to a test instance in the project. This allows you try out the effects of your changes in a test environment including all online functions before you release a type for use in actual operations. "Released" status The "released" status is available for all types, regardless of the point of use. If a version has been released, the symbol of the version is marked with a seal in the library: Released versions can be opened with write protection in their instance. If you want to edit a released version, you must first create a new "In progress" or "in test" version. See also Basics on types (Page 484) Using types (Page 493) Creating a test version of a type (Page 495) Editing a test version of a type (Page 497) Creating an editing version of a type (Page 498) Performing a consistency check for a version (Page 498) Discarding versions (Page 499) Release versions (Page 500) Assigning a version (Page 508) Updating the project to the latest versions (Page 502) Remove the link between instance and type (Page 504) Filtering the display of types (Page 466) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 487 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions 9.8.3 Displaying a released type version If you display a released version but do not want to edit it, open the instance with write protection. All types except faceplates and HMI user data types can be opened directly at the instance. Faceplates and HMI user data types can only be opened in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. Requirement The released version has an instance in the project; except with types, this is a faceplate or an HMI user data type. Opening a type version at an instance To open a released version of a type with write protection starting from an instance, follow these steps: 1. Select the released version at the instance in the project tree. 2. To do this, right-click the instance and select the "Open" command from the shortcut menu. The instance is opened with write protection. Opening a type version in the "Libraries" task card or library view To open a released version of a type in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view, follow these steps: 1. Select the version. 2. To do this, right-click the version and select the "Open" command from the shortcut menu. If it is a faceplate or HMI user data type, it is opened directly in the library view. In this case, skip the remaining steps. If it is any other type, the "Open type" dialog opens. 3. Select the instance with the version that you want to display from the list of instances. 4. Click "OK" to confirm. The instance is opened with write protection. 9.8.4 Displaying properties of a type or version You can display the properties of a type or version. Procedure To display the properties of a type or a version and to enter a comment, follow these steps: 1. Select a type or the version of a type in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. 2. To do this, right-click on the type or one of its versions and select the "Properties" command from the shortcut menu. The "Properties" dialog box opens. 3. If needed, enter a comment on the type in the "Comment" field or edit an existing comment. 488 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Visible and changeable properties The following table shows the properties that you can see or change for a type or version: Property Description Version Types Name Name of the type - Visible and changeable Version Version number Visible - Last change If you create, release, duplicate or assign a version, this is recorded as a change to the type. The date and time of the change are entered in the "Last change" field. Visible - Author The creator of the version is indicated as the author. - - Original library The project and the library from which the current version of the type was generated are indicated. This information is important, for example, for finding the original of the type after it has been copied from another library. Visible - Version GUID or Type GUID The GUID is used to uniquely identify the type or the version of the type, even if, for example, there are types or versions with an identical name within the project library or the global library. The GUID cannot be changed and is assigned automatically. Visible Visible Comment Comment on the type or version Visible and, for Visible and versions changeable whose status is "in test" or "in work", change able 9.8.5 Working with types in the project library Adding types to the project library Types for reuse in the project can be created in the project library for various elements. You can create the following elements as types, for example: Program blocks Faceplates PLC data types HMI user data type If you add an element as a type to the project library and this element has dependencies to other elements, the dependent elements are automatically created as a type as well. After a type has been added to the project library, the type is linked to the added element from the project. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 489 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed. The elements that you want to add as type are compiled. The elements are consistent. For blocks, all other requirements are met as described in section "Block requirements (Page 491) Procedure To add an existing element to the project library as a type, follow these steps: 1. Open the project library in the "Libraries" task card. 2. Drag-and-drop one or more elements into the "Types" folder or any subfolder of "Types". Alternative: Copy the elements in the project tree to the clipboard and add the elements in the desired project library folder. The "Generate type" dialog opens. 3. Enter the properties of the new type: - Enter a name for the new type in the "Name of the type" field. - Enter a version number for the new type in the "Version" field. - Enter the name of the editor who is responsible for the type in the "Author" field. - Enter a comment on the type in the "Comment" field. 4. Click "OK" to confirm. The new type is generated with a released version. The version is linked to the element that has been added. See also Basics on types (Page 484) Duplicating types (Page 493) Block requirements (Page 491) Referencing of objects within a block (Page 492) Library basics (Page 455) Adding master copies (Page 481) 490 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Block requirements Permitted blocks for creating a type You can create types of the following blocks in the project library: Function blocks Functions User-defined data types Consistency and compilation To create a type from a block, the block must be consistent and compiled. When you create a type, the consistency of the block is checked automatically and the block is compiled if necessary. Block requirements To create a type from a block, the block must meet the following requirements: The block must match the type of CPU. A block which does not match a CPU can be identified by an incompatibility symbol to the right of the block in the project tree. This is the case, for example, when you copy a block from an S7-1500 CPU to an S7-300 CPU. A block of an S7-1500 is not compatible with an S7-300 CPU and cannot be compiled. This means that you cannot create a type from the block. The block is not a system data block. The block does not include global data access or single instance call of an instance data block. This also applies, for example, to the call of a data block within an STL block with the "OPN" command. Special aspects for know-how-protected blocks You can also create types of know-how-protected blocks. However, keep in mind the following additional requirements for know-how-protected blocks: Release of the block for use as type Know-how-protected blocks must be released to be used in a library. You make the necessary settings in the block properties. The block does not include access to data blocks, PLC tags or PLC constants. Because you cannot create types from data blocks, PLC tags or PLC constants, you also cannot create a type from know-how-protected blocks with access to the objects listed above. The instance of a know-how-protected block does not work without the associated data blocks, PLC tags or PLC constants. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 491 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions See also Adding types to the project library (Page 489) Referencing of objects within a block (Page 492) Referencing of objects within a block In many cases you reference other objects within a type. For example, call a tag or a data block within block. Accordingly, there is a dependence between the block and the referenced object. The block is only consistent if all dependent objects are also available. Referencing other types If you call other program blocks, faceplates, PLC data types or HMI user data types in a block these dependent objects are also stored automatically as type in the project library. When the referenced block is reused later as instance in the project, an instance of the referenced object is also created. The TIA Portal thus automatically ensures that the block state is consistent at all times. Referencing additional objects Access to data blocks, PLC tags or PLC constants is permitted in blocks without know-how protection, Therefore, types can be created from the blocks. While function blocks referenced in a block, for example, are also automatically created as type in the project library, this is not the case for access to data blocks, PLC tags and PLC constants. If data blocks, PLC tags or PLC constants are referenced in a block, only the block itself is created as type. The referenced objects are not created as type. If you reference objects which are not stored as type, note the following: Use the block at a different point of use If you create an instance from the type at another point of use (for example, a different CPU), the referenced objects are missing at the later point of use. This means that you should create referenced objects at the later point of use again (for example, data blocks or tag tables). Make sure that the referenced objects have the same name at the later point of use. Subsequent name changes to referenced objects If you subsequently change the name of the referenced objects, the block is no longer consistent. The referenced object (for example, a tag) is no longer found. In the case of already released versions of the type, you can no longer correct the call of the object. In this case create a new version of the type and correct the name of the called object. Then update all the instances of the type in the project to the latest version. See also Block requirements (Page 491) Adding types to the project library (Page 489) Performing a consistency check for a version (Page 498) 492 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Updating the project to the latest versions (Page 502) Displaying relations to other library objects (Page 468) Duplicating types Types in the project library can be duplicated. If you duplicate a type, the following applies to the duplicate: The duplicate is created in the same folder. The duplicate is created from the highest version of the type. The duplicate does not have an instance in the project. Requirement The type is released. Procedure To duplicate a type in the project library, follow these steps: 1. Right-click on a type. 2. Select the "Duplicate type" command in the shortcut menu. The "Duplicate type" dialog opens. 3. Enter the properties of the new type: - Enter a name for the new type in the "Name of the type" field. - Enter a version number for the new type in the "Version" field. - Enter the name of the editor who is responsible for the type in the "Author" field. - Enter a comment on the type in the "Comment" field. 4. Click "OK" to confirm. The new type is generated with a released version. See also Adding types to the project library (Page 489) Editing library elements (Page 513) Using types Types from the project library can be used any number of times within a project. The use of types is always linked to a version of the respective type in the project library. If the type contains dependent elements, these are also created as a type of use at a suitable point in the project. Examples of dependent elements are PLC data types referenced in a block. You can only assign a version of the same type to a device. If necessary, you can create uses of several types at the same time. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 493 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Uses of a type are called instances in the project tree. Possible points of use for type versions To use a type, create an instance of a particular version of the type at a suitable point in the project. Suitable points of use are: Folder in the project tree An instance of a type can be created in a folder in the project tree. The folder must be suitable for the particular type. If the type is a user data type, for example, you can only create the instance in the "PLC data types" folder. Editor An instance can be created from a type in a suitable editor. For example, you can create an instance from the type of a function block in another block. The type of the function block is called from another block in this way. Options for creating an instance You have two options for creating type instances: Drag the required type version from the project library and drop it at the location where you want to use it. Instances of the types and their dependent elements are generated and pasted at the location where you want to use them. The instances are connected to the respective type version in the project library. If you have created the instances in an editor, instances of the types are also created at the appropriate points in the project tree. By default, the folder structure from the library is reproduced in the project tree. If you want to select a different folder in the project tree, you will find the instances in the same folders as in the library. Copying and pasting type instances You can copy type instances to the clipboard and paste them at another point. This way you create another instance of the type version. The instance is still connected to the same type version in the project library. When you copy the instance of a type to the clipboard and paste it in another project, all required type versions are accepted in the project library of the other project. Requirement The desired versions have been released. A device which supports the category of desired type is already available in the project The device is not yet assigned any further instance of the same type. 494 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Procedure To create an instance of a type, follow these steps: 1. In the project library, select the versions from which you want to create an instance. 2. Using a drag-and-drop operation, move the versions from the project library to the point of use in the project tree or an editor. Alternative: To automatically use the newest version, move the types themselves from the project library to the point of use using a drag-and-drop operation. For example, use a drag-and-drop operation to move the type of a function block to the block folder of the CPU in the project tree. To call the type directly from another block, for example, move the type from the project library to the point of use in the program editor using a drag-and-drop operation. Alternative: 1. Copy one or more instances to the clipboard. 2. Paste the instances at a suitable point in the same project or in a different project. See also Basics on types (Page 484) State of type versions (Page 486) Displaying types for an instance (Page 495) Library basics (Page 455) Using master copies (Page 483) Displaying types for an instance In the project tree, you can jump to a type associated with an instance in the project library. Procedure To jump to the type associated with an instance in the project library, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the instance of the type in the project tree. 2. Select the "Go to type" command from the shortcut menu. The associated type is displayed in the project library. See also Using types (Page 493) Creating a test version of a type Before you release a type for productive use, you need to test the type within a project and on the automation system. The test is conducted in a specific test environment. This test environment can be a CPU, for example. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 495 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Create a version with "in test" status for the test. The creation of a version "in test" is suitable for all sorts of types except for faceplates and HMI user data types. On the other hand, versions "in progress" can be created from faceplates and HMI user data types. There are two ways to create a test version of a type and define the test environment: In the "Libraries" task card or library view Generate the new version with "in test" status in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. You can generate the new version either directly from the type or from a specific version of the type. At an instance in the project tree You can also create the test version directly at the instance in the project tree. Since the instance is always used in a specific version in the project, a new version of the type is generated from the version used at the instance. You can also create test versions from several types at the same time. The following rules apply to a version "in test": You can set only one version to "in test" for each type at a given time. A version in testing may only be linked to a single instance in the project. Therefore, it is not possible to copy an instance to the clipboard, to duplicate it or to create an additional type from the instance as long as it has "in test" status. Requirement There is at least one instance of the type within the project in a given version. If you want to create the new version from a particular version of the type, the instance must be used in this version in the project. Procedure To generate a new test version of a type or the version of a type, follow these steps: 1. Select the type, a version of the type, or the instance. When you create the test version directly at the instance, you can select several elements or folders with multiple selection. You can skip steps 3 and 4 because the test environment is already defined by the selected instance. 2. Right-click the selected element and select the "Edit type" command from the shortcut menu. If you have started the editing in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view, the "Edit type" dialog opens. If you have started the editing at the instance in the project tree, the test instance is immediately opened for editing in the library view. 496 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions 3. Select an instance of the type from the list in the project. If you have started editing at the type itself, the following applies: - The location at which the instance is used (for example, the CPU) is also used as test environment for the subsequent editing of the type. - Selecting the test instance also defines the version to be edited. The following applies to editing a specific version: If your starting point is a specific version, you can only select from the list instances that are used in the same version. 4. Click "OK" to confirm. Result A new version of the type is created. The new version is "in test" and is identified as such in the user interface. See also Basics on types (Page 484) State of type versions (Page 486) Library basics (Page 455) Editing a test version of a type When you edit a version "in test", a new version is not created. You can start the editing of the test version at the instance in the project tree, in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. Note Deleting and renaming interface parameters You can add new parameters. However, if you rename or delete existing parameters, these parameters will not be supplied when the block is called. Procedure To edit the test version of a type, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the test version or the instance. 2. Select the "Edit type" command from the shortcut menu. The test instance is opened and can be edited. See also Basics on types (Page 484) State of type versions (Page 486) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 497 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Library basics (Page 455) Performing a consistency check for a version (Page 498) Discarding versions (Page 499) Release versions (Page 500) Creating an editing version of a type If you want to edit a type with faceplates or HMI user data types, create a new "in progress" version of the type. The new version is edited in the library view. To check the compatibility of the changes, a consistency check is automatically performed for the type prior to the release. Requirement The project library is opened in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. Procedure To create a new version of a type in progress, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the type or the version of the type. 2. Select the "Edit type" command from the shortcut menu. A new "in progress" version is created and opened for editing in the library view. See also Basics on types (Page 484) State of type versions (Page 486) Library basics (Page 455) Performing a consistency check for a version A type version can unintentionally obtain an inconsistent state during editing. To notice errors in the development process in good time, you can regularly perform a consistency check. However, the consistency check always takes place automatically as soon as you release a version. Details of how to start the consistency check manually for the version of a type are provided below. Requirement The project library is opened in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. The version is "in progress" or "in test". 498 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Procedure To perform a consistency check for the version of a type, follow these steps: 1. Right-click on the version that you want to check for consistency. 2. Select the "Consistency check" command in the shortcut menu. The consistency check is carried out. You receive a message with the result of the consistency check. See also Release versions (Page 500) Discarding versions (Page 499) Editing a test version of a type (Page 497) Basics on types (Page 484) State of type versions (Page 486) Library basics (Page 455) Discarding versions Discard versions of a type "in test" or "In progress" when you no longer need the version. You can also select several types or folders and discard all test or editing versions contained therein. All uses of the deleted versions are reset to the last released status. Requirement The version that you want to discard is in the state "in test" or "in progress". Your are in the library view of the "Libraries" task card is open. Procedure To discard one version, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the version that you want to discard. 2. Select the "Discard changes and delete version" command from the shortcut menu. The version is deleted. Alternative in the library view: 1. Click the "Discard changes and delete version" button in the toolbar while a version is opened for editing. The version is deleted. See also Basics on types (Page 484) State of type versions (Page 486) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 499 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Library basics (Page 455) Performing a consistency check for a version (Page 498) Discarding all versions within a folder You can discard all versions with the "In test" or "In progress" status at the same time within a folder. All uses of the deleted version are reset to the last released status. Requirement Your are in the library view of the "Libraries" task card is open. Discarding a version of a single type To discard all versions within a folder, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the folder. 2. Select the "Discard all" command from the shortcut menu. All "In test" or "In progress" versions are deleted. Release versions When you are finished editing a type version, release the version for productive use. Assign a version number for the release. You can also use a multiple selection to release several versions at the same time. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is open or you are in the library view. The versions that you want to release are "in test" or "In progress" status. The versions are consistent. A consistency check is performed as soon as you start the release. If errors that prevent a release occur during the consistency check, a message is displayed indicating how you can correct the errors. Procedure To release type versions, follow these steps: 1. Select the versions you want to release. 2. Right-click your selection. 3. Select the "Release version" command from the shortcut menu. The "Release type version" dialog box opens. 500 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions 4. If necessary, change the properties of the version: - Enter a name for the type in the "Name" field. If you have selected several versions for release, the "Name" field cannot be changed. - In the "Version" field, define a main and an intermediate version number for the version to be released. If you have selected several versions for release, the "Version" field cannot be changed and the last version number is used for the release. - In the "Author" field, enter the editor of the version to be released. - In the "Comment" field, enter a comment on the version to be released. 5. Optional: Select the "Delete unused type versions from the library" check box to delete all versions from the library that are not connected to any instance in the project. Versions with dependencies on other types or library elements are not deleted. 6. Click "OK" to confirm. Alternative in the library view: 1. Click the "Release version" icon in the toolbar while a version is opened for editing. 2. Continue with steps 3 to 5 of the description above. Result The selected versions are released. The properties are applied for the types themselves, the versions to be released, and for all future versions. Versions already released remain unaffected by the changes. If needed, all instances with the same original version are updated to the most recent version and the unused versions of the type are deleted. See also Releasing all versions within a folder (Page 501) Basics on types (Page 484) State of type versions (Page 486) Library basics (Page 455) Performing a consistency check for a version (Page 498) Assigning a version (Page 508) Adding types to a global library (Page 504) Updating the project to the latest versions (Page 502) Releasing all versions within a folder When you are finished editing all types within a folder, release all versions simultaneously. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 501 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Requirement Your are in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. The folder includes versions "in test" or "in progress" status. All versions "in test" or "in progress" are consistent. A consistency check is performed as soon as you start the release. If errors that prevent release occur during the consistency check, a message is displayed indicating how to correct the errors. Procedure To release all type versions within a folder, follow these steps: 1. Right-click the required folder. 2. Select the "Release all" command from the shortcut menu. The "Release type version" dialog box opens. 3. If necessary, change the properties of the version: - In the "Author" field, enter the editor of the versions to be released. - In the "Comment" field, enter a comment on the versions to be released. 4. Select the "Delete all unused type versions from the library" check box to delete all versions from the library that are not connected to any instance in the project. Versions with dependencies on other types or master copies are not deleted. 5. Click "OK" to confirm. Result All type versions "in test" or "in progress" status within the selected folder are released. The properties are applied for the versions to be released and for all future versions. Versions already released remain unaffected by the changes. Versions of types not used in the project may be deleted. See also Release versions (Page 500) Updating the project to the latest versions After you have updated several types in the project library, update all instances in the project to the most recent version of the types from the project library. If you do not want to apply the changes to the entire project, restrict the update to individual devices in the project. 502 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Each of the following elements can be selected as source for the update: The entire project library Individual folders within the project library Individual types You can select multiple types. Requirement Your are in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. Procedure To update instances in a project with the contents from the project library, follow these steps: 1. Select the entire project library or elements from it. 2. Right-click the required elements and select the "Update > Project" command from the shortcut menu. The "Update project" dialog box opens. 3. Select either the entire project or individual devices for the update. 4. Select the options for the update process: - The "Update all instances of the affected types" check box is always selected during this process. - Select the "Delete all unused versions of affected types" check box to delete all older versions of the updated types from the project library. 5. Click "OK" to confirm. The update is performed. Result The following changes were made to the project: All older versions are deleted from the project library as needed. All instances within the selected devices are updated to the most recent version of the linked type. If a CPU does not include block instances that are called in the user program, the block instances are removed from the CPU. The types still exist in the library and can be used in the project again as needed. You can find a log of the update process in the projection tree under "Common data". See also Updating the project to the latest type versions (Page 507) Updating a library with the contents of another library (Page 515) Basics on types (Page 484) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 503 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Library basics (Page 455) State of type versions (Page 486) Remove the link between instance and type Instances of types are always connected to the version of the corresponding types. They cannot be edited like an ordinary object. If you edit the instance, a new version of the type is created automatically in the library and the changes therefore affect the entire project. If you remove the link between the instance and its type, you then edit the object like an ordinary object in the project tree. Requirement The instance may not be "in test". Procedure To remove the link between instances and their type versions, follow these steps: 1. Select one or more instances in the project tree. 2. Right-click the selection and select the "Terminate connection to type" command from the shortcut menu. 3. The link to the corresponding type versions is removed. See also Basics on types (Page 484) Library basics (Page 455) State of type versions (Page 486) 9.8.6 Working with types in global libraries Adding types to a global library Global libraries are used as a central resource when working on multiple projects. Among the types, only the types in the project library can be edited directly. Therefore, use the project library if you want to work on types. When you are finished editing a type in the project library, you can add the type to a global library. Adding types from the project library corresponds to a normal copy process from the project library. Requirement The "Libraries" task card is displayed or the library view is open. The global library to which you want to add types is opened and can be written to. 504 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Procedure To add types to a global library, follow these steps: 1. Open the required folder in the global library in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. 2. Drag one or more types from the project library to the "Types" folder or any subfolder of the global library. Alternative: 1. Copy the required types from the project library to the clipboard. 2. Open the required global library in the "Global library" palette of the "Libraries" task card. 3. Right-click the "Types" folder or any of its subfolders. 4. Select the "Paste" command in the shortcut menu. Result The types are inserted in the global library. Dependent types, such as types of HMI user data types or tags, are also copied to the global library, provided they do not already exist there. This ensures that all necessary elements for generating an instance are present in the global library. If a type already exists in the global library, the described action corresponds to an update of the global library. In this case, the most recent released versions of the types are added to the global library. See also Basics on types (Page 484) Release versions (Page 500) Assigning a version (Page 508) Updating the project to the latest type versions (Page 507) Library basics (Page 455) Using types To use types from the global library, create an instance of a particular version of the type at a suitable point in the project. If necessary, you can create uses of several types at the same time. Uses of a type are called instances in the project tree. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 505 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Possible points of use for type versions Suitable points of use for types from the global libraries are: Folder in the project tree An instance of a type can be created in a folder in the project tree. The folder must be suitable for the particular type. If the type is a user data type, for example, you can only create the instance in the "PLC data types" folder. Editor An instance can be created from a type in a suitable editor. For example, you can create an instance from the type of a function block in another block. The type of the function block is called from another block in this way. Linking the instance with the project library In the project, instances of types from a global library are not linked to the type in the global library. Instead, a copy of the type and its dependent elements is generated in the project library when an instance is created. Dependent elements, for example, can be PLC data types that are referenced in a block. In each case, the copy of the type and the dependent elements in the project library contains the version that you have linked to the instances. If the type or a dependent element already exists in the project library, only the missing version is added in the project library, if necessary. The instance is finally linked to the copy of the type in the project library. You can only assign a type to a device once irrespective of the version. Requirement A device which supports the category of the type is already available in the project. The device is not assigned to any further instances of the same type. Procedure To use the version of a type in the project, follow these steps: 1. In the global library, select the versions from which you want to create an instance. 2. Using a drag-and-drop operation, move the desired versions of the types to the point of use. Alternative: To automatically use the newest version, move the types themselves from the library to the point of use using a drag-and-drop operation. For example, use a drag-and-drop operation to move the type of a function block to the block folder of the CPU in the project tree. To call the type directly from another block, for example, move the type from the library to the point of use in the program editor using a drag-and-drop operation. Result Missing types or individual versions are added in the project library. If a type is not yet present in the project library, it is stored in the same folder as before in the global library. An instance is created from the types and their dependent elements and inserted at the point of use. The instances are connected to the respective type version in the project library. 506 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions If you have created the instances in an editor, instances of the types are also created at the appropriate points in the project tree. The folder structure from the library is reproduced in the project tree. You will therefore find the instances in the same folders as in the global library. See also Basics on types (Page 484) Updating the project to the latest type versions (Page 507) Library basics (Page 455) Using the element view (Page 459) Updating the project to the latest type versions In large enterprises with numerous automation projects. the global libraries are frequently edited from a central location. The updated global libraries of the individual projects are made available after the completion of a new version. If you have received a more recent version of a global library, replace the outdated instances in your project with the most recent version. If you do not want to apply the changes to the entire project, restrict the update to individual devices in the project. The project library is also updated with the new versions of the types in the global library during the updating of the project or individual devices. The following elements can be selected as source for the updating: Individual folders within a global library Individual types You can select multiple types. Requirement Your are in the "Libraries" task card or in the library view. The updated global library is open. Procedure To update instances in a project with the contents from a global library, follow these steps: 1. Select the updated global library or the individual elements from it. 2. Right-click the global library or the required elements and select the "Update > Project" command from the shortcut menu. The "Update project" dialog box opens. 3. Select either the entire project or individual devices for the update. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 507 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions 4. Select the options for the update process: - The "Update all instances of the affected types" check box is always selected during this process. - Select the "Delete all unused versions of affected types" check box to delete all older versions of the updated types from the project library. 5. Click "OK" to confirm. The update is performed. Result The following changes were made to the project: The most recent version of the select types is present in the project library. All older versions were deleted if necessary. All instances within the selected devices were updated to the most recent version of the linked types. You can find a log of the update process in the projection tree under "Common data". See also Updating the project to the latest versions (Page 502) Updating a library with the contents of another library (Page 515) Basics on types (Page 484) Library basics (Page 455) Adding types to a global library (Page 504) 9.8.7 Assigning a version A library is more clearly structured if types related by content have the same version number. The identical version number reflects the work progress. When you have completed the work on multiple associated types, you can assign the same version number to these types. You have the following options to assign a common version to types: One or more folders in a library One or more types Requirement The "Libraries" task card or the library view is open. Your selection must not contain types with "in test" or "in progress" status. 508 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.8 Using types and their versions Procedure To assign several types the same version, follow these steps: 1. Select the types to which you want to assign a common version. 2. Select the "Assign version" command from the shortcut menu. The "Assign version" dialog box opens. 3. If necessary, change the properties of the version: - In the "Version" field, determine the new version number. The version number must be higher than the highest version number of all selected types. - In the "Author" field, enter the person responsible for the version to be released. - In the "Comment" field, enter a comment on the version to be released. 4. Click "OK" to confirm. Result The selected type versions are changed as follows: A new version of all selected types is created with the specified version number. The properties are applied to all selected types, the new version and to all future versions. Lower versions remain unaffected by the changes. If you make no changes to the properties, the properties of the last released version of each type are applied. The build number of dependent types is incremented to the next free build number as long as the dependent types were not in your selection. If you had selected a dependent type as well, the version number you specified will be assigned. A log of the changes is created. If you have versioned the types in the project library, you find the log in the project tree under "Common data > Logs". If you have versioned types in a global library, you find the log in the "Common data > Logs" folder in the level below the global library. See also Basics on types (Page 484) State of type versions (Page 486) Library basics (Page 455) Release versions (Page 500) Adding types to a global library (Page 504) Displaying logs of global libraries (Page 472) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 509 Using libraries 9.9 Multiuser Engineering in libraries 9.9 Multiuser Engineering in libraries 9.9.1 Multiuser Engineering with library objects Library objects in the project library can be used in Multiuser Engineering. More information on working with Multiuser Engineering can be found in section "Introduction to Multiuser Engineering (Page 7140)". Markings for the check-in Individual objects within the project library are marked for Multiuser Engineering in the same way as in the project tree. You can mark library objects in the following areas of the TIA Portal: "Libraries" task card Library view Library management At the respective point of use, e.g. at type instances Always mark the library objects manually. The figure below shows the "Libraries" task card with the marking column and marked objects for the multiuser function: 510 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.9 Multiuser Engineering in libraries Markable library objects The following table shows which types can be marked for check-in in the project library and in the instance in the project: Type can be marked in the library Instance can be marked Function blocks (FB) Yes Yes PLC Block Library Type (FC) Yes Yes PLC data types (UDT) Yes Yes HMI faceplates Yes By marking the screen in which the instance of the block is loca ted HMI user-defined data type (UDT) Yes By marking the object (e.g. screen or HMI tag), in which the UDT is used. HMI style Yes No HMI style sheet Yes Not available HMI screen Yes Yes HMI C script Yes Yes HMI VB script Yes Yes Deleting types in the local session If you want to delete types in the local session, note the following: Release the types if a version is still being tested or edited. To delete types in the assigned server project, mark types in the local session before deletion. Individual versions can be deleted in the local session, but these retained in the server project. Because deleting is an administrative activity, you delete types and their versions in the server project. Updating the project If you want to update the project, note the following: Mark the types before you update the project. Mark the HMI user data types at the point of use before you update the project. Changes to HMI styles are not applied in the local session when you update the project. Update the HMI style in the server project view. See also Introduction to Multiuser Engineering (Page 7140) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 511 Using libraries 9.9 Multiuser Engineering in libraries 9.9.2 Checking in types and master copies Check changes to types and master copies into the multiuser server project in the same way as all other objects within the local session. When you check in a type, all versions of the type are always checked in. Update the server project Library type and master copies are identified and synchronized based on the unique GUID in the server project. When types and master copies are checked in, their changes from the local session are applied in the server project: The properties of the type or the master copy, e.g. the name, are applied in the server project Missing versions of types are added. The folder structure within the library is applied in the server project. However, empty folders are not deleted. Conflicts can occur through updating the server project. Any conflicts are resolved as follows: Name conflicts Two types with identical names are not permitted. In the case of name conflicts, the name of the affect types are therefore automatically adapted in the local session. A type in "In testing" or "In progress" state. If a type is in one of these two states in the server project or in the local session, you cannot update the server project. First release all marked types before you update the server project. Version conflicts A message will notify you if both the server project and local session have versions with the identical version number but different content. Change the version numbers so that these exist only once. More information on Multiuser Engineering can be found in section "Introduction to Multiuser Engineering (Page 7140)". See also Introduction to Multiuser Engineering (Page 7140) 512 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.10 Editing library elements 9.10 Editing library elements Types, master copies and folder can be cut, copied, pasted, moved, renamed or deleted in the usual way within the "Libraries" task card or the library view. Global libraries must be opened with write permission for each of the above-described processes. Note User-defined documentation for types and master copies User-defined documentation is not affected by any of the operations within the library. If you move a master copy or a type to a different location, you also move the associated user-defined documentation in the file system to the corresponding location. For additional help on using the user-defined documentation, refer to the chapter "Using userdefined documentation (Page 442)". Copying types The following rules apply when you copy types to the clipboard: Types are always copied to the clipboard with all associated versions. However, only versions that have previously been released are copied. Types are always copied to the clipboard with all dependent elements. Master copies are always copied to the clipboard with all type versions used in them. Copying and pasting type versions When you copy type versions to another library, the types must already exist in the target library. Cutting elements You can only paste previously cut library elements into the same library. In so doing, you can only paste master copies into the "Master copies" folder or any of its subfolders. Likewise, you can only paste types into the "Types" folder or any of its subfolders. Pasting types Pasting types in a different library corresponds to updating the target library. The following rules apply when you have pasted a type into a different library: A type is always pasted with all its versions. If the type already exists in the target library, all versions that are not yet available are added to the corresponding types in the target library. If there is already a version with released status in the target library, this version is not pasted again. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 513 Using libraries 9.10 Editing library elements If the same version exists with in test or in progress status in the target library, it is replaced by the released version. If a type needs other types, these are also added at the respective location. Pasting master copies When you paste master copies, all type versions contained in these copies are also pasted. If the corresponding types already exist in the library, only the missing versions are added to the individual types. If one of the types used does not yet exist, it is pasted at the highest level in the library. The type includes the type version that was used in the master copy. Moving elements When you move an element from one library to another, the element is copied and not moved. The same rules apply as described under "Pasting types" and "Pasting master copies". Deleting of types and type versions Note the following when you delete types or type versions: A type or a type version can only be deleted if there are no dependencies to other types. When you delete a type, all versions of the type are deleted. If you delete all versions of a type, the type is also deleted. If you delete a version that has instances in the project, the instances are also deleted from the project. If you delete a type that is also stored at the same time as a master copy, the master copy is also deleted. Deleting instances If you delete an instance that has dependencies to other instances, this instance is restored during the next compilation. The instance is then linked again to the original type version. This restores the consistency of the project. See also Library basics (Page 455) Remove the link between instance and type (Page 504) Updating a library with the contents of another library (Page 515) Conventions for the creation (Page 448) Using user-defined documentation (Page 442) Duplicating types (Page 493) 514 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.11 Updating a library with the contents of another library 9.11 Updating a library with the contents of another library An existing library can be updated with the contents of another library. The following options are available for updating libraries: Updating a global library with types from another global library or from the project library Updating the project library with types from a global library Each of the following elements can be selected as source for the update: An entire library Individual folders within a library Individual types You can select multiple types. During the update, new versions are added to the types that already exist in the target library. Types that do not yet exist in the target library are copied together with all their versions to the target library. Note User-defined documentation when copying types User-defined documentation is not copied together with a type to another library. You need to copy the user-defined documentation for types to the corresponding directory. For additional help on using the user-defined documentation, refer to the section "Using userdefined documentation (Page 442)". Requirement If you want to update a global library, you have to open it with write permission. Procedure To update a library with the contents of a different library, follow these steps: 1. Select a library or individual elements from a library as source for the update. 2. Right-click the source and select the "Update > Library" command from the shortcut menu. The "Update library" dialog box opens. 3. Select the type of library you want to update: - Select "Update the project library" to update the project library with types from a global library. - Select "Update a global library" if you want to update a global library. 4. Optional: In the drop-down list, select the global library that you want to update, if you want to update a global library. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 515 Using libraries 9.11 Updating a library with the contents of another library 5. Select the options for the update: - The "Update all instances of the affected types" option is always disabled during this process. - Select the "Delete all unused versions of the affected types" check box to delete all older versions of types from the project library if these are not assigned to any instance in the project and if there are no dependencies to other types. This option cannot be selected for the update of a global library, since types of a global library never have a point of use in the project. 6. Click "OK" to confirm. The update is performed. Result The following changes were made to the target library: Types not yet available in the target library were copied together with all their versions. More recent versions were added to the types that already exist in the target library. If a more recent version of a type already existed in the target library, the latest version was nevertheless copied and automatically assigned a newer version number. If needed, all versions of types were deleted from the project library if these were not used in any instance in the project. A log listing all performed changes to the target library was created for the update process. If you have updated the project library, you can find the log in the project tree under "Common data > Logs". If you have updated a global library, you can find the log in the "Common data > Logs" folder in the level below the global library. See also Updating the project to the latest versions (Page 502) Updating the project to the latest type versions (Page 507) Displaying logs of global libraries (Page 472) Library basics (Page 455) Using user-defined documentation (Page 442) Conventions for the creation (Page 448) 516 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.13 Clean up library 9.12 Harmonizing names and path structure You can harmonize the project with a library. This helps you correct the following items: Names of the instances: Instances can be created during the development phase of a library, the names of which are appended by "_1", "_2", etc. due to an automatic correction. This extension is used to prevent duplicate names in the project. During harmonization, the instances once again receive the names of their associated types. Path structure: The original path structure can be lost due to parallel development or copying of dependent instances. This affects the clarity of the project. During harmonization, the path structure within the project is adapted to the path structure of the library. Procedure To harmonize the names and the path structure, follow these steps: 1. Open the library management. 2. Click "Harmonize project" in the toolbar. The "Harmonize project" dialog box opens. 3. Select the device with which you wish to harmonize the library. 4. Select the "Harmonize paths between project and library" check box if you want to restore the path structure. 5. Select the "Harmonize names between project and library" check box if you want to have the names corrected. 6. Confirm your entries with "OK". Result Depending on your settings, the names and the path structure in the project are harmonized with the library. The changes to the project are logged. The log is available under "Common data > Logs" in the project navigation. See also Library basics (Page 455) Overview of the library view (Page 460) Overview of the library management (Page 463) 9.13 Clean up library You can clean up the project library or global libraries to remove types or versions that are not connected to any instance in the project. This step provides more clarity within the libraries and decreases the size of the library. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 517 Using libraries 9.13 Clean up library Cleaning up the project library To clean up the project library, follow these steps: 1. Open the library management. 2. Click on "Clean up library" in the toolbar. The "Clean up project library" dialog box opens. 3. Select the scope in which types or versions are to be deleted: - to retain the version with the highest version number, even if this has no instance, select the option "Delete old type versions and retain the newest type version". - Select the option "Delete complete types" to delete the complete type if no version is connected to an instance. 4. Confirm your entry with "OK". Depending on your selection, either unused type versions or types are removed from the project library. The changes are logged. The log is available under "Common data > Logs" in the project navigation. Clean up global library To clean up a global library, follow these steps: 1. Open the library management. 2. Click on "Clean up library" in the toolbar. The "Clean up global library" dialog box opens. 3. Click "Continue". Unused type versions are deleted. The latest version of a type is always retained. The changes are logged. The log is available in the "Common data > Logs" folder in the level below the global library. See also Library basics (Page 455) Overview of the library view (Page 460) Overview of the library management (Page 463) Displaying logs of global libraries (Page 472) 518 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Using libraries 9.14 Comparing library elements 9.14 Comparing library elements Introduction You can compare devices from libraries with devices from both the current project as well as from the same or another libraries or reference projects. Note, however, that reference projects are write-protected. You can also compare instances in a device with their type version in a library. Not all actions are available for the comparison with types. You cannot, for example, overwrite an instance of a newer version with an older type version from the library. When comparing library elements, you can always switch between automatic and manual comparison. Procedure To compare library elements with the device data of a project, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, select the device whose data you want to compare to a library element and which allows offline/offline comparison. 2. Select the "Compare > Offline/offline" command in the shortcut menu. The compare editor opens and the selected device is displayed in the left area. 3. Open the "Libraries" task card. 4. Select the library element that you want to compare to the device data. 5. Drag the library element into the right drop area of the compare editor. You can identify the status of the objects based on the symbols in the status and action area. When you select an object, the object properties and the corresponding object of the assigned device are clearly shown in the property comparison. You can drag other devices into the drop areas from the current project, a library or from a reference point at any time to start a new comparison. It does not matter which device you drag into the drop area. See also Using the compare editor (Page 384) Carrying out offline/offline comparisons (Page 382) Using the library view (Page 460) Library basics (Page 455) Overview of the "Libraries" task card (Page 457) Overview of the library view (Page 460) Using the element view (Page 459) Using global libraries (Page 468) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 519 Using libraries 9.14 Comparing library elements 520 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 10.1.1 Hardware and network editor Overview of hardware and network editor 10 Function of the hardware and network editor The hardware and network editor opens when you double-click on the "Devices and Networks" entry in the project tree. The hardware and network editor is the integrated development environment for configuring, networking and assigning parameters to devices and modules. It provides maximum support for the realization of the automation project. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 521 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of the hardware and network editor The hardware and network editor consists of the following components: Device view (Page 526), Network view (Page 523), Topology view (Page 532): Graphic area Device view (Page 526), Network view (Page 523), Topology view (Page 532): Table area Hardware catalog (Page 540) Inspector window (Page 535) The hardware and network editor provides you with three views of your project. You can switch between these three views at any time depending on whether you want to produce and edit individual devices and modules, entire networks and device configurations or the topological structure of your project. Drag the devices and modules you need for your automation system from the hardware catalog to the network, device ot topology view. The inspector window contains information on the object currently marked. Here you can change the settings for the object marked. Overview of settings for hardware configuration In "Options > Settings > Hardware configuration", you can make various settings relating to the hardware configuration. 522 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Overview The following table provides an overview of the settings for the hardware configuration: Group Setting Description Information on product support Deactivated Prevents access to the Siemens Industry Online Support Via Internet Enables access to product information about individual devices in the hardware catalog via the Internet. Topology overview Temporarily assigning an IP address Assigns a temporary IP address for topology discovery if a device does not have a valid IP address. Topology information (LLDP) can not be read from a device without valid IP address. Show a warning if the op Shows a warning when a temporary IP address is assigned to a de tion is activated vice during topology discovery. Compiling and download Download module com ing ment Download I&M data Transfers any existing comments in addition to the hardware config uration when loading the hardware configuration to the device. The comment is available after the device is loaded to a programming device. This option must be enabled if you want to be able to also download I&M data to the actual hardware when downloading the hardware configuration, the software or both to a device. See also Changing the settings (Page 265) Enabling product support (Page 544) Displaying product support for hardware components (Page 545) Topology view (Page 532) Network view Introduction The network view is one of three working areas of the hardware and network editor. You undertake the following tasks here: Configuring and assign device parameters Networking devices with one another WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 523 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure The following diagram shows the components of the network view: Changeover switch: device view / network view / topology view Toolbar of network view Graphic area of network view Overview navigation Table area of network view You can use your mouse to change the division between the graphic and table areas of the network view. The division can be changed between horizontal and vertical using a button in the toolbar. To change the position of the divider, click between the graphic and the table areas and change the spacing by moving the divider to the left or right while keeping the mouse button pressed. The Speedy Splitter (the two small arrow keys) allows you to use a single click to minimize the table view, maximize the table view or restore the last selected split. Toolbar The toolbar provides the following functions: Icon Meaning Mode to network devices. Mode to create connections. You can use the adjacent drop-down list to set the con nection type. Mode to create relations. Opens the dialog for manual name assignment for PROFINET devices. For this purpose the IO device must be inserted and connected online with the IO system. Show interface addresses. You can edit the addresses for the MPI, PROFIBUS and Ethernet interfaces in the network view itself: Select the required address and then click on the selected address field or press [F2]. Enables page break preview. Dotted lines are displayed at the positions where the pages break when printed. 524 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Icon Meaning You can zoom in (+) or zoom out (-) the view in steps using the zoom symbol or draw a frame around an area to be zoomed in. Changes the division of the graphical area and table area of the editor view between horizontal and vertical. Saves the current table view. The layout, width and visibility of columns in the table view is stored. Graphic area The graphic area of the network view displays any network-related devices, networks, connections and relations. In this area, you add devices from the hardware catalog, connect them with each other via their interfaces and configure the communication settings. The operator controls for view control are located at the bottom edge of the graphic area: Select the zoom leveling using the drop-down list. You can also enter a value directly into the field of the drop-down list. You can also set the zoom level using the slider. You can re-focus the window of the graphic area using the icon in the bottom right corner. Overview navigation Click in the overview navigation to obtain an overview of the created objects in the graphic area. By holding down the mouse button, you can quickly navigate in the overview navigation to the desired objects and display them in the graphic area. Table area The table area of the network view includes various tables for the devices, connections and communication settings present: Network overview Connections Relations IO Communication VPN You can use the shortcut menu of the title bar of the table to adjust the tabular display. See also Adding a device to the hardware configuration (Page 552) Networking devices in the network view (Page 576) Tabular network overview (Page 579) Layout of the user interface (Page 268) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 525 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Device view Introduction The device view is one of three working areas of the hardware and network editor. You undertake the following tasks here: Configuring and assign device parameters Configuring and assign module parameters Structure The following diagram shows the components of the device view: Changeover switch: device view / network view / topology view Toolbar of device view Graphic area of the device view Overview navigation Table area of device view You can use your mouse to change the spacing between the graphic and table areas of the device view. The division can be changed between horizontal and vertical using a button in the toolbar. To change the position of the divider, click between the graphic and the table areas and change the spacing by moving the divider to the left or right while keeping the mouse button pressed. The Speedy Splitter (the two small arrow keys) allows you to use a single click to minimize the table view, maximize the table view or restore the last selected split. 526 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Toolbar You can switch between the devices in your project in the device view using the drop-down list in the toolbar. The following functions are also available for device selection in addition to the drop-down list: Icon Meaning Switches to the network view. The device view can switch between the existing devices using the drop-down list. Show the area of unplugged modules. Opens the dialog for manual name assignment for PROFINET devices. For this pur pose the IO device must be inserted and connected online with the IO system. Show module labels. You can edit the labeling in the device view itself: Select the required labeling and then click on the selected text field or press [F2]. Enables page break preview. Dotted lines are displayed at the positions where the pages break when printed. You can use the Zoom icon to zoom in (+) or out (-) incrementally or to drag a frame around an area to be enlarged. With signal modules, you can recognize the address labels of the I/O channels from a zoom level of 200% or higher. Changes the division of the graphical area and table area of the editor view between horizontal and vertical. Saves the current table view. The layout, width and visibility of columns in the table view is stored. Graphic area The graphic area of the device view displays hardware components and if necessary the associated modules that are assigned to each other via one or more racks. In the case of devices with racks, you have the option of installing additional hardware objects from the hardware catalog into the slots on the racks. The operator controls for view control are located at the bottom edge of the graphic area: Select the zoom leveling using the drop-down list. You can also enter a value directly into the field of the drop-down list. You can also set the zoom level using the slider. You can re-focus the window of the graphic area using the icon in the bottom right corner. Overview navigation Click in the overview navigation to obtain an overview of the created objects in the graphic area. By holding down the mouse button, you can quickly navigate in the overview navigation to the desired objects and display them in the graphic area. Table area The table area of the device view gives you an overview of the modules used and the most important technical and organizational data. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 527 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You can use the shortcut menu of the title bar of the table to adjust the tabular display. See also Rack: Basics (Page 557) Network view (Page 523) Device view: Area for unplugged modules (Page 531) Rack: Inserting a module (Page 559) Device view: Objects in the device view (Page 528) Layout of the user interface (Page 268) Device view: Objects in the device view A graphic display of the rack and the devices plugged into it is shown in the left area of the device view. You can see the device overview in the right area of the device view. The device overview is a table showing you the most important information about the modules inserted in the rack. Both areas are displayed in a window. The size of both areas is adjusted using a divider. You can also use it to display one or the other area in full or to hide them. Structure and content of device view The offline configuration of the devices in the rack are displayed in the graphic device view. This is a symbolic representation of the configuration on the real rack. The rack configuration is displayed as a table in the device view. Each line in the table contains the information for assigning a slot. The following screenshot shows the device view with the configuration of a SIMATIC S7-1200 CPU. 528 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Graphic view of the allocation of the rack by the CPU and various modules in slots 1 to 4, as well as 101 and 102. You can use the divider to adjust the proportion of the device view between the left area (graphic view) and the right area (device overview). If you click on the arrows, you can quickly switch the division of the separate areas. Device view with the tabular representation of the rack's slots and the inserted components. You can show additional columns and hide displayed columns using the shortcut menu of the column title. Each line in the device overview represents one slot. The key information for each slot is displayed in the various columns: Column WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Meaning Online status Symbolic representation of the online status Fail-safe Symbolic representation for fail-safe module Module Name of module, can be edited in any way 529 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Column Meaning Rack Number of the rack Slot Slot number I address Input address area, can be edited in any way Q address Output address area, can be edited in any way F-source address F-source address when using fail-safe I/O F-destination address F-destination address when using fail-safe I/O Type Catalog name of module Article no. Article number of the module Firmware Firmware version of the module Comment Optional comment Display in I/O channels If you set the zoom level in the device view to at least 200%, you can see the individual I/O channels for I/O modules. If you have defined PLC tags for the channels, the names of the PLC tags are displayed. The figure below shows the input channels of the digital input module with the two PLC tags "Test1" and "Test2" at a zoom level of 400 %. You can select the individual I/O channels and have the following options for channels with PLC tags: You see the general properties of the selected PLC tag in the inspector window under "Properties". In the inspector window under "Info > Cross-references" you find the cross-reference information on the selected PLC tag. If you have selected the PLC tag, you can also open the cross-reference information using the shortcut menu. See also Device view (Page 526) Overview of PLC tag tables (Page 4592) 530 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Device view: Area for unplugged modules In some cases, the modules for a hardware configuration are not assigned a slot for short periods. Such unplugged modules are moved to the area of unplugged modules, a special area in the device view. Adding modules to the storage area The modules that, for example, should be assigned to a device using a copy action but for which the corresponding rack does not have a free compatible slot, are moved automatically into the area of unplugged modules. Under the following conditions, modules are automatically added to the area of unplugged modules: In the network view, a module is moved to a device but the rack does not have a compatible free slot. In the device view, a module is moved or copied from the rack, the hardware catalog or the project tree straight into the storage area. CPs and FMs that occupy a network resource can be moved into the area of unplugged modules but will lose the network resources they have been assigned. You can add modules to the area of unplugged modules by means of drag-and-drop, for example. To do this, the area must be opened. Using the area of unplugged modules Use the corresponding button to open the area of unplugged modules. You can find the area of unplugged modules in the device view. You open the area of unplugged modules with the respective icon in the toolbar of the device view (Page 526). Icon Meaning Open area of unplugged modules Note To free up slots, move modules from your configuration into the storage area and plug the modules you want from the storage area into the freed up slots. You can use this approach to temporarily move modules whose parameters have already been assigned out of the configuration without deleting them. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 531 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Treatment of modules in the storage area The following rules apply to modules in the storage area: The modules appear in the project tree under the corresponding device in the "Local modules" folder. The modules retain all settings and parameters previously assigned. The modules are not taken into account during loading to a target system. This means that a consistency check is not undertaken for modules in the area of unplugged modules. Using the context menu, the modules can be copied, cut, or deleted, for example. Topology view Introduction The topology view is one of three working areas of the hardware and network editor. You undertake the following tasks here: Displaying the Ethernet topology Configuring the Ethernet topology Identifying and minimizing differences between the desired and actual topology 532 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure The following figure provides an overview of the topology view. Changeover switch: device view / network view / topology view Topology view toolbar Graphic area of the topology view Overview navigation Table area of the topology view (topology overview) You can use your mouse to change the spacing between the graphic and table areas of the topology view. The division can be changed between horizontal and vertical using a button in the toolbar. To change the position of the divider, click between the graphic and the table areas and change the spacing by moving the divider to the left or right while keeping the mouse button pressed. The Speedy Splitter (the two small arrow keys) allows you to use a single click to minimize the table view, maximize the table view or restore the last selected split. Toolbar The toolbar provides the following functions: Icon Meaning Opens the dialog for manual name assignment for PROFINET devices. For this pur pose the IO device must be inserted and connected online with the IO system. Changes the position of the devices in the topology view so that the new position is as close as possible to the position in the network view. Enables page break preview. Dotted lines are displayed at the positions where the pages break when printed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 533 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Icon Meaning You can zoom in (+) or zoom out (-) the view in steps using the zoom symbol or draw a frame around an area to be zoomed in. Changes the division of the graphical area and table area of the editor view between horizontal and vertical. Saves the current table view. The layout, width and visibility of columns in the table view is stored. Graphic area The graphic area of the topology view displays Ethernet modules with their appropriate ports and port interconnections. Here you can add additional hardware objects with Ethernet interfaces. See: Adding a device to the hardware configuration (Page 552) The operator controls for view control are located at the bottom edge of the graphic area: Select the zoom leveling using the drop-down list. You can also enter a value directly into the field of the drop-down list. You can also set the zoom level using the slider. You can re-focus the window of the graphic area using the icon in the bottom right corner. Overview navigation Click in the overview navigation to obtain an overview of the created objects in the graphic area. By holding down the mouse button, you can quickly navigate in the overview navigation to the desired objects and display them in the graphic area. Table area The table area consists of the following two tabs: "Topology overview" tab "Topology comparison" tab The "Topology overview" tab displays the Ethernet or PROFINET modules, their ports and port interconnections in a table. This table corresponds to the network overview table in the network view. In the "Topology comparison" tab, you identify and minimize differences between the desired and actual topology. See also Overview of settings for hardware configuration (Page 522) Layout of the user interface (Page 268) 534 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Inspector window The properties and parameters shown for the object selected can be edited in the Inspector window. Structure The Inspector window consists of the following components: Switch between various information and work areas Switch between various tabs of the information and work areas Navigation between various pieces of information and parameters Display showing the selected information and parameters WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 535 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description of functions The information and parameters in the Inspector window are split into different types of information with different tabs: Properties This is where you can configure the device. You can make the settings for the hardware, edit tags and system constants and manage project texts. The following tabs are available here: - General (see Properties and parameters (Page 565)) - IO tags (see Overview of PLC tag tables (Page 4592)) - System constants (see Rules for global system constants (Page 4608)) - Texts (see Project text basics (Page 426)) Info In this area, you will find general information on the device in the project, a cross-reference list and messages and notes on compiling the device. The following tabs are available here: - General - Cross-reference list (see Cross-references in the Inspector window (Page 4902)) - Compiling (see Information on compiling (Page 369)) Diagnostics When you go online with the device, you will find the diagnostic information for the device and its connections here. The relevant diagnostic messages are also displayed. The following tabs are available here: - Device information (see Hardware diagnostics) - Connection information (see Connection diagnostics) - Message display (see Message display) To display the corresponding information and parameters, click in the relevant area. Display of device properties The "Properties" area is the most important one for configuring an automation system. The editing options for this area are therefore described in detail below. For information on the other areas, please see the links above to other sections of the information system. "General" tab Display the properties and settings of the device or module. Here you can edit the settings and parameters. The left pane of the Inspector window is used for area navigation. Information and parameters are arranged there in groups. If you click on the arrow symbol to the left of the group name, you can expand the group if sub-groups are available. If you select a group or sub-group, the corresponding information and parameters are displayed in the right pane of the Inspector window and can be edited there too. "IO tags" tab Display the IO tags of the PLC. You can assign names for the tags, assign the tags to the userdefined tag tables via a drop-down list, and enter comments for the tags. The IO tags are also shown in the PLC tag table. 536 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You can click on the tag symbols in the table to drag and drop tags for use in other editors. For example, you can assign a tag to an instruction in the programming editor or copy a tag to the tag table of another device. Note If you want to create multiple tags with similar names, you can also click on the name of a tag and drag the frame at the bottom right-hand corner over fields above or below. A new tag is created in all fields selected. To differentiate between the tags, a number is added to the name of the original tag in each case. If the tag name already ends in a number, the number is incremented: Using the same method, you can also use the column to create new tags for the tag table or assign existing tags a different tag table. Select a tag table from the drop-down list and drag the frame over additional fields as described above. This creates new tags in the corresponding tag table: If existing tags are affected by these actions, a dialog appears to ask whether the affected tags should be overwritten or whether new tags should only be inserted in empty fields. In the latter case, this means that only three tags are added to an area with nine fields and six existing tags; the existing tags are not changed. "System constants" tab Display of the global constants used by the device with HW identifiers, for example, of the modules, submodules and interfaces. Using the drop-down list, you can select whether to view all system constants of the device or only the system constants of the hardware or the software. With I-slaves and I-devices, the system constants of the DP master or IO controller relating to the I-slave or I-device are also displayed. If you click on the link in the column in which the use of the constant is displayed, the device view of the corresponding device opens. The system constants are also shown in the PLC tag table. You can click on the constant symbols in the table to drag and drop system constants to use in other editors. For example, you can assign a system constant to an instruction in the programming editor or create a system constant as a user constant in another device. "Texts" tab Display the reference language and specify the text source for the project texts. Please see the rest of the information system. See also Overview of hardware and network editor (Page 521) Translating project texts (Page 430) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 537 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Addressing modules (Page 1021) Inspector window: Displaying UDTs (Page 538) Inspector window: Displaying UDTs Under "Properties > IO tags", the Inspector window displays self-defined data structures comprising multiple elements. These UDT (User Defined Structure) PLC data types are displayed differently from simple IO tags. Display of UDTs in the I/O tag table Structured PLC tags that occupy the address space of a module are displayed along with the data items they contain in combined columns. Occupied address areas are indicated by vertical lines and individual addresses by small diamonds. The following symbols are used for display in line with IO module channel address assignment by the address area of the UDTs: Symbol Meaning Start of a data item address area covering several channels. The address area of the entire channel is used. Part of a data item address area covering several channels. The address area of the entire channel is used. End of a data item address area covering several channels. The address area of the entire channel is used. Complete address area of a data item over the address area of a channel used in full. Example: Only the input word of a channel is completely used for a data item. Start of a data item address area covering several channels. Only part of the address area of the channel is used. End of a data item address area covering several channels. Only part of the address area of the channel is used. Complete address area of a data item. Only the first part of the channel address is used. Example: Only the first byte of a word is assigned. Complete address area of a data item. Only the second part of the channel address is used. Example: Only the second byte of a word is assigned. Single address of a data item for a channel that only has one address. Example: Individual bit access to the channel address of a digital input. Single address of a data item for a channel that has multiple addresses. Example: Individual bit access to the channel address of an analog input. 538 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Application example The figure below shows a tag table with a UDT "Motor" PLC data type and its data items "Start", "Stop" and "Dummy": For a DI32 input module with input addresses I0.0 to I3.7, you see the combined column "Motor ("MotorUDT")" under the IO tags in the Inspector window. This combined column contains a column for the address area of the UDT "Motor" and a column for the data items contained in the UDT: "Motor.Dummy", "Motor.Start" and "Motor.Stop". The "Status" data item only starts at address I4.0 and is not displayed in the IO tags for this input module, because the address area of the 32 digital channels only runs from I0.0 to I3.7. The tag "ErrorCode (Byte)" is not part of the UDT. It is therefore not displayed in the combined column under UDT "Motor", but is instead shown in a separate column: The UDT "Motor" in this module occupies an address area from I0.0 to I3.7. Within this address area, the "Dummy" tag occupies the address area from I0.0 to I1.7, and the two tags "Start" WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 539 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks and "Stop" occupy the single addresses I2.0 and I2.1. The "ErrorCode (Byte)" tag that is not part of the UDToccupies addresses I3.0 to I3.7 in its own column. Note The table of IO tags only shows the data in the address area of the selected device; in this case the address area of the input module DI32. If another input module with at least 16 channels is connected, the display of the address assignment is continued by the UDT with the extended address area: The address area of the UDT "Motor" runs to address I5.7, and the status data item it contains covers addresses I4.0 to I5.7. The "Status" data item occupies single addresses for individual status bits from I4.0 to I4.7. An additional column is added to the combined column of the UDT to display the status bits. See also Other useful information regarding structured PLC tags (Page 4604) Creating structured PLC tags (Page 4606) Using PLC data types (UDT) (Page 2104) Inspector window (Page 535) Details view (Page 290) Hardware catalog The "Hardware catalog" task card gives you easy access to a wide range of hardware components. 540 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure The "Hardware catalog" task card consists of the following panes: "Catalog" pane, search and filter function "Catalog" pane, component selection "Information" pane Search and filter function The search and filter functions of the "Catalog" pane make it easy to search for particular hardware components. After entering the search text, you can start a search in the upwards or downwards direction from the current catalog position. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 541 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You can limit the display of the hardware components to certain criteria using the filter function. For example, you can limit the display to objects that you can also place within the current context or which contain certain functions. Objects that can be used in the current context include, for example, interconnectable objects in the network view or only modules compatible with the device in the device view. You can create hardware profiles with which the objects displayed in the hardware catalog are limited. For example, you could create a hardware profile in which only certain controllers can be seen and another profile in which only certain devices of the distributed I/O are included. You can switch between the created hardware profiles. Component selection The component selection in the "Catalog" pane contains the installed hardware components in a tree structure. You can move the devices or modules you want from the catalog to the graphic work area of the device or network view. Installed hardware components without a license are grayed out. You cannot use non-licensed hardware components. Hardware components belonging to various components groups thematically are partially implemented as linked objects. When you click on such linked hardware components, a catalog tree opens in which you can find the appropriate hardware components. Information The "Information" pane contains detailed information on the object selected from the catalog: Schematic representation Name Article number Version number Description See also Browsing the hardware catalog (Page 542) Overview of hardware and network editor (Page 521) Browsing the hardware catalog Introduction Use the "Hardware catalog" task card to select the hardware components you want for a hardware configuration. Use the hardware catalog to select the interconnectable hardware components in the network and topology view and to select the modules you want in the device view. 542 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Context filter You can use the "Filter" option of the hardware catalog to restrict the number of displayed hardware components and the number of hardware components that can be found by searching. When you enable the filter, components available in the hardware catalog are displayed depending on the selected view and the selected device. If you switch between the various views, the view of the filter objects is adapted to the current context. If the filter is not enabled, the entire hardware catalog is displayed in all views. Example: With the filter enabled in the device view of an S7-1200 CPU, only S7-1200 CPUs and matching modules are displayed in the hardware catalog. Search options You can use the search function to search for specific entries in the hardware catalog. Note the following rules when entering search terms: No distinction is made between upper and lower case text. Dashes and blanks are ignored during the search. The search function considers parts of a search term. Multiple search terms must be separated by a space. The asterisk "*" is used as a wildcard. Note Use of wildcards in the hardware catalog In search queries, the asterisk "*" is used as a wildcard. A search for "1A**0", for example, also return hits with "1AD30" or "1AE40". The hardware catalog also contains modules with wildcards in their article numbers. The wildcards in the various article numbers can be either asterisks or the lowercase letters "x", "y" or "z". If you search for the specific article number "3RW4 422-1BC34", for example, your search will also return articles with the number "3RW4 422-*BC**" and "3RW4 4xx-1By3z". You start the search from an object highlighted in the hardware catalog and either search upwards or downwards. Icon Meaning Search down Search up WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 543 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Browsing the hardware catalog If you want to browse the hardware catalog, proceed as follows: 1. Click in the entry field of the search function 2. Enter a search term. The search includes the following elements: - Name of device or module - Article number (MLFB) - Description in "Information" pane 3. Click on either the "Search down" or "Search up" button. Note To ensure the right search direction, note which point you have marked in the hardware catalog. To browse the entire catalog, click on the topmost object of the hardware catalog and start the search once you have entered the search term by clicking "Search down". The first match with the search term found is displayed as the result. For more search results, again click on the "Search down" or "Search up" button. Observe the context filter of the hardware catalog. If this is selected, the search in the hardware catalog is restricted to the displayed inserted hardware components. See also Hardware catalog (Page 540) Enabling product support For each device in the hardware catalog, you have the option of displaying additional information that is stored in the Siemens Industry Online Support. By default, the function is disabled. Instructions for enabling the function are given below. Requirement The TIA Portal has access to the Internet. Procedure To enable access to Siemens Industry Online Support, follow these steps: 1. In the "Options" menu, select the "Settings" command. 2. Open the "Hardware configuration" group in the area navigation. 3. Select the "Via Internet" check box. Result You can access product support, FAQs and manuals in the hardware catalog via the shortcut menu for the module. 544 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Displaying product support for hardware components (Page 545) Overview of settings for hardware configuration (Page 522) Displaying product support for hardware components In the hardware catalog, you have direct access to information that is stored for each module in Siemens Industry Online Support. You can jump directly to the following pages in Siemens Industry Online Support: Information on product support FAQs Manuals Requirement You have access to the Internet. Access to Product Support is enabled in the settings of the TIA Portal. For information on how to enable the function, refer to section "Enabling product support (Page 544)". Procedure To display the information for a particular module in Siemens Industry Online Support, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the required module in the hardware catalog. 2. Right-click the module. 3. Select one of the following entries in the shortcut menu: - Information on product support - FAQs - Manuals Result The default browser set in the operating system is opened and the relevant page in the Siemens Industry Online Support is loaded. See also Enabling product support (Page 544) Overview of settings for hardware configuration (Page 522) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 545 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Printing hardware and network configurations Printout of hardware and network configurations You can print out the following elements of the hardware and network view as part of the project documentation: Graphic network view Network overview table Graphic device view The device overview table The parameters of the object currently selected in the editor Printout of editor content If you start a printout within an opened editor and no module is selected, the content of the editor is always printed. This includes a graphic representation of the editor as well as the table for the editor. You can adapt the scope of the printout. You can specify whether only the graphic view, the table or both together are to be printed. Read section "Printing: Changing settings (Page 547)" for more on this. If the graphic is larger than the page layout you have selected, the printout is continued on the next page. No content is lost this way. Alternatively, you can change the zoom level of the graphic representation to fit the printout on one page. The printout is always made in the currently selected zoom setting. To check that all content fits on one page, you can either use the print preview or activate the page break preview. When page break preview is activated, dashed lines are displayed within the graphic editor at the location where the page break is later made. Printing very large tables If a table is larger than the print area and therefore cannot be fully printed, the content of the table is not printed as a table, but instead as pairs between value and key. Example: Object name Property 1 Property 2 Object A Value A1 Value A2 Object B Value B1 Value B2 In this case, the printout has the following appearance: Object A Property 1: Value A1 Property 2: Value A2 Object B Property 1: Value B1 546 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Property 2: Value B2 You can also preset this as a template so that tables are always printed as pairs between the key and the value. Read section "Changing the print settings (Page 401)" for more on this. Printing module parameters Parameters of selected modules are printed out along with the current value settings in text form. All parameters from corresponding modules are also printed. For example, if you have selected a CPU, the parameters of an inserted signal board, if present, are printed as well. You can determine the scope of the module parameters to be printed. In the "Print" dialog, select whether all properties and parameters of a module are to be printed or whether to use the compact printout. If you select the compact form, only the entries in the "General" area of the module properties are printed. Comments on modules, as well as the author and module description, are excluded. In compact mode, the following module parameters are therefore printed, for example: Module specifications Name, module slot, short description, article number, firmware version Name of the PROFINET interface Subnet specifications Name of the subnet, ID of the S7 subnet See also Printing: Changing settings (Page 547) Documentation settings (Page 399) Creating a print preview (Page 413) Printing project data (Page 416) Printing: Enabling page break preview (Page 548) Printing: Changing settings Changing the scope of the printout When printing from an editor, you can specify whether both graphics and tables are to be printed or just one of the two. Both are printed by default. Procedure To change the scope of the printout, proceed as follows: 1. In the "Options" menu, select the "Settings" command. 2. In the area navigation, open the "Print settings" parameter group under "General". 3. Scroll to the "Hardware configuration" group. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 547 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Select or clear the "Active graphic view" check box, depending on whether you want to print the graphics of the network and device view as well. 5. Select or clear the "Active table" check box, depending on whether you want to print the table for the editor as well. See also Printing hardware and network configurations (Page 546) Printing: Enabling page break preview You can activate the page break preview for the printout in the graphic editor. If this option is activated, dashed lines are shown within the graphic editor at the locations where page breaks are later made during printout. Procedure Proceed as follows to activate the page break preview: 1. Select the graphic area of the corresponding view. 2. Click on the "Show page break" symbol in the toolbar of the graphic editor. Dashed lines are displayed within the graphic editor at the location a page break is later made. 3. To modify the frame layout, select the "Print" command in the "Project" menu. 4. To disable page break preview, click again on the "Show page break" symbol in the toolbar of the graphic editor. Keyboard operation: Navigation in the editor You can use shortcut keys in the network and device view to navigate between the components of the hardware and network editor and its objects. Navigating between elements and functions Function Shortcut keys Switch to the next lower selection level You can for example, use to switch from a selected rack to the lower selection level of the devices and modules that are snapped onto it. If a device is selected, you can use to switch to the lower selection level of the interfaces that are dis played on the device. Switch to the next higher selection level You can use , for example, to switch from a selected interface to the higher selection level of the devices and modules. If a device is selected, you can use to switch to the higher selection level of the rack. 548 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Function Shortcut keys Navigation between objects in the current selection level You can use the arrow keys to switch between the objects within a current selection level. To change the selection level, use the or keys. Switches to the device view Switches to the network view Switches to the topology view Switch between editor elements Use the key to switch from one editor element to the next element. Use to switch to the previous element. You can switch, for example, between the graphical view, Speedy Splitter, table view or underlying tabs. Switch between tabs Use the keys to switch from one tab to the next tab on the right. Use +Shift+Tab> to switch to the next tab to the left. You can use these keys, for example, to switch between the device view, the network view and the topology view. Opening elements and functions Function Shortcut keys Opening the online and diagnostics view When a device is selected, opens the online and diagnostics view for the selected device. Opening the download to device dialog When a device is selected, opens the advanced download dialog. Add new device opens the dialog for adding a new device. Opens the "Hardware catalog" task card Opens "Online Tools" task card See also Keyboard operation in the TIA Portal (Page 300) Keyboard operation: Editing objects You can execute some of the functions of the network and device view directly with a combination of keyboard and mouse in the hardware and network editor. The keyboard operation in tables (Page 300) corresponds to standard characteristics. Here you find the keyboard operation for the graphic work area of the network and device view. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 549 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks General keyboard operation Function Shortcut keys Zoom in on view in frame + pressed mouse but ton Drag a frame in the graphical view in order to correspondingly change the size of the view. Move view + pressed mouse button Move the mouse pointer in order to move the view. Cancel current operation Separate connection or double-click Use or a double-click to exit connection mode when dragging a connection. Zoom in graphic view + turn mouse wheel The enlargement or reduction depends on the direction of rotation. Selected objects Function Shortcut keys Select object Mouse click Cut an object The selected object is copied to the clipboard and deleted from the graphical view. Copy object The selected object is copied to the clipboard. Paste object The object from the clipboard is inserted into the selection. Delete selected object Select several objects 1 + click You can add several objects to the selected objects by clicking on them individually. Alternatively, you can use + pressed mouse key to drag a frame around the objects that are to be selected. Select several objects 2 + click You can add several objects to the selected objects by clicking on them individually. Alternatively, you can use + pressed mouse key to drag a frame around the objects that are to be selected. When holding down the key, you can use a mouse click to deselect selected objects. Move selection Mouse button pressed When the mouse button is pressed, you can drag devices or modules to allowed slots on a rack. Copy selection + pressed mouse button Using + pressed mouse button you can drag devices and modules to allowed slots on a rack. This copies the devices or modules. 550 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 10.1.2 Configuring devices Introduction to configuring hardware To set up an automation system, you will need to configure, assign parameters and interlink the individual hardware components. The work needed for this is undertaken in the device and network view. Configuring "Configuring" is understood to mean arranging, positioning, and networking devices and modules within the device or network view. Racks are represented symbolically. Just like "real" racks, they allow you to plug in a defined number of modules. An address is automatically assigned to each module. The addresses can be subsequently modified. When the automation system is started, the CPU compares the configuration that is preset by the software with the actual configuration of the system. Possible errors can be detected and reported straight away. Assigning parameters "Assigning parameters" is understood to mean the setting of properties of the components used. Parameter assignment is carried out for hardware components and for data exchange settings: Properties of modules with assignable parameters Settings for data exchange between components The parameters are loaded to the CPU and transferred to the corresponding modules when the CPU starts up. Modules can be replaced with ease since the assigned parameters are automatically loaded into the new module during startup. Adjusting the hardware to the project requirements You need to configure hardware if you want to set up, expand or change an automation project. To do this, add hardware components to your configuration, connect them to existing components, and adapt the hardware properties to the tasks. The properties of the automation systems and modules are preset in such a way that in many cases there is no need for additional parameter assignment. Parameter assignment is however needed in the following cases: You want to change the default parameter settings of a module. You want to use special functions. You want to configure communication connections. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 551 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Adding a device to the hardware configuration Introduction There are various ways of adding a connectable device from the hardware configuration in the network view and the topology view: Command "Add new device" in the project tree Double-click device in hardware catalog Drag-and-drop from the hardware catalog in network view or in topology view: - Text entry from the "Catalog" pane - Preview graphic from the "Information" pane "Add > Device" command from menu bar in network view or topology view Shortcut menu of a device in the hardware catalog for copying and pasting A suitable rack is created along with the new device. The selected device is inserted at the first permitted slot of the rack. Regardless of the method selected, the added device is visible in the project tree and the network view of the hardware and network editor. Adding device using the project tree To use the project tree to add a device to the hardware configuration, proceed as follows: 1. Click on the command "Add new device" in the project tree. The "Add new device" dialog box opens. 2. Display the required device in the tree structure: - Go to required device in the tree structure. - Enter a device name in the entry field. 3. Select the required device from the tree. More information about the device presently selected is displayed on the right-side of the dialog box. 4. If necessary, set the firmware version using the drop-down list in the dialog box. 5. Select the "Open device view" check box if you want to change to the device view immediately after adding the device. There you can immediately continue with device configuration and equipping the rack. 6. Click on "OK" to add the device selected. The dialog box closes. Adding device from the hardware catalog To add a device to the hardware configuration using the hardware catalog, proceed as follows: 1. Open the network view or the topology view. 2. Open the hardware catalog. 552 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Go to the required device in the hardware catalog. 4. Click on the chosen device to select it. 5. If necessary, set the firmware version using the drop-down list in the hardware catalog. 6. Drag the device to the network view or the topology view. You have now placed the device in the network view or in the topology view. The displayed rectangle (in other words "Station") symbolizes the plugged device together with its rack and any lower-level modules. Double-click on the device or station to open the device view and view the new rack and inserted device. In the next steps, you can configure the device in the device view and equip the rack with modules. See also Network view (Page 523) Adding an unspecified CPU (Page 553) Topology view (Page 532) Adding an unspecified CPU Introduction If you have not yet selected a CPU but have already started programming or want to use an existing program, you have the option of using an unspecified CPU. You can also adjust some settings with unspecified CPUs. The setting options are restricted to parameters that all CPUs of the same CPU family have in common. Adding an unspecified CPU in the portal view To add an unspecified CPU in the portal view, follow these steps: 1. Now, click one of the following options: - "Devices & networks > Add new device" - "PLC programming" > "Device" button 2. For a device family, select an unspecified CPU from the tree structure of the "Add new device" dialog. 3. Click on "Add". An unspecified CPU is added and the device view for this CPU is opened. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 553 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Further options for adding unspecified CPUs In the project view, you can add unspecified CPUs like specified CPUs: Using the "Add new device" button in the project tree In the "Hardware catalog" task card You can also use these methods to add multiple unspecified CPUs. Specifying unspecified CPUs You have two options for specifying unspecified CPUs: Use drag-and-drop to assign an existing CPU from the hardware catalog to an unspecified CPU by means of module replacement (Page 565). Select a selected, unspecified CPU and then the menu command "Online > Hardware detection" and assign a CPU identified online. For this purpose, you assign an IP address using the "Add address for PG/PC" button. Note If you want to go online after the hardware detection, you have to first download the detected configuration to your project; otherwise, an error may occur due to inconsistent configurations. After hardware detection, the article numbers of the CPU in the project and the actually existing CPU are identical, but their parameters are not. The parameters of the CPU in the project have the default values; the parameters of the actually existing CPU have the values set by you. After module replacement, F-CPUs behave as a CPU without failsafe functionality. In contrast to F-CPUs from the hardware catalog, after module replacement with an unspecified CPU or a hardware recognition, the F capability is turned off and the protection level is set to "Full access (no protection)". See also Selecting a CPU (Page 554) Adding a device to the hardware configuration (Page 552) Selecting a CPU Introduction Select a CPU from the hardware catalog and place it, together with a rack, in the network view. On this device drag the desired modules from the hardware catalog; they are arranged automatically on the rack. 554 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Selecting the components in the hardware catalog Each hardware component is displayed as a folder in the hardware catalog. When you open this folder, you see the different versions of the selected hardware component with its respective article numbers. There will be an example of how to set up a CPU with a rack in network view. Requirement The hardware catalog is open. You must be in the network view. Procedure To select a CPU from the hardware catalog, proceed as follows: 1. In the hardware catalog navigate to the folder with the desired CPUs. 2. Open the folder with the desired CPU type; you will see all article numbers for the selected CPU type. 3. Click on a CPU article number to get information about the selected CPU in the "Information" pane. 4. Set up the CPU and a rack. You have the following options: - Use drag-and-drop to drag the CPU from the hardware catalog into network view. - Use Copy & Paste to copy the CPU to the network view. - Double-click the CPU entry in the hardware catalog. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 555 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Browsing the hardware catalog (Page 542) Adding a device to the hardware configuration (Page 552) Rack: Inserting a module (Page 559) Rack: Basics (Page 557) Adding an unspecified CPU (Page 553) Selecting fail-safe modules Introduction Fail-safe automation systems (F systems) are used to control processes with a safe state that can be achieved immediately on shutdown. F systems control processes that can be shut down immediately without endangering human beings or the environment. Selecting the F components in the hardware catalog Each hardware component is displayed as a folder in the hardware catalog. Fail-safe hardware components are displayed with yellow symbols in the hardware catalog in contrast to the blue hardware components that are not fail-safe. The following figure shows an excerpt from the hardware catalog with an F-CPU (yellow). Based on this color coding, you can identify F components in the hardware catalog simply and quickly. Display of the F components in the hardware and network editor If you use fail-safe devices and "normal" devices in the graphic views of the hardware and network editor, you can recognize them simply by the yellow color-coding of the devices. The following figure shows two CPUs. The F CPU is shown in yellow: Fail-safe modules in racks or devices can also be recognized in the device view due to their yellow color coding. Since modules that are not capable of networking are not displayed in the network or topology view, devices with F components without networking capability are represented by a special symbol in the network and topology view. The following figure shows a "normal" CPU and an F-CPU in the network view that both contain F components: 556 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Based on the color coding of the fail-safe devices and modules, you can also identify the F components quickly in the graphic views of the hardware and network editor. Rack: Basics Introduction To assign modules to a device, you need a rack, for example a mounting rail. Secure the modules on the rack and connect these via the backplane bus with the CPU, a power supply or other modules. Creating a rack If you insert a device in the network view, a station and a rack suitable for the device selected are created automatically. The rack and slots available are displayed in the device view. The number of slots available again depends on the type of device used. Rack structure A rack always contains the device that has been inserted in the network view. The device is permanently assigned a slot which will depend on the type of device in question. There are additional slots on the right of the device and, if necessary, on left of the device; slot numbers are located above slots in which devices are plugged. A corresponding short description is displayed above the plugged devices and modules. You show or hide this short description via the toolbar under "View" with the command "Display module titles" or the corresponding symbol in the toolbar of the device view (Page 526). Symbol Meaning Show module titles When modules are selected in the hardware catalog, all the slots permitted for this module are marked. This allows you to see immediately the slot into which the selected module can be inserted. In the following screenshot, a signal module has been selected in the hardware catalog for a partially filled S7-1200 rack: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 557 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Since slots 101-103 are reserved for communications modules, only the other free slots are shown as available slots. You can expand and collapse the front group of slots using an arrow symbol above the expandable slot. When the group of slots is collapsed, the first and last of the group's slot numbers are displayed. The following figure shows the expanded slot group: Groups of slots into which modules have already been plugged cannot be collapsed. Multiple selection of modules and slots There are various ways of selecting several modules or slots: By pressing or , you can select several modules or slots at the same time. Click outside the rack and then hold the mouse button and drag a frame to include the modules or slots you want to select. Rack: General slot rules Introduction Specific slot rules apply to each automation system and module. If you select a module from the hardware catalog in the device view, all possible slots for the module selected are marked in the rack. You can only drag modules to marked slots. If you insert, move or swap a module, the slot rules are also applied. 558 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Consistency Some slot rules depend on how the environment is configured. This means that you can sometimes plug modules into the rack although this would result in inconsistencies at the current time. If you change the configuration, for example by selecting different modules or module parameter settings, you can make the configuration consistent again. In cases where inserting a module results in an inconsistency that can be corrected, this will be permitted. A consistency check is run when the configuration is compiled. Inconsistencies are displayed as alarms in the Inspector window under "Info". Based on the result of the consistency check, you can revise your configuration and make it consistent again. Rules for arranging modules The following rules apply generally to modules in racks: You can only plug modules into a rack. You can only plug interface modules into a module. You can only use modules of the same product or system family in one rack. There are also other special rules for some modules: Can only be inserted in certain slots Insertion depends on other modules, CPUs or settings Limited number of uses in a rack Rack: Inserting a module Introduction Once you have added devices from the hardware catalog to your configuration in network view, you can add modules to the devices. There are various ways of adding a module to a rack in the device view: If there is an available valid slot, double-click a module in the hardware catalog. Use drag-and-drop to move the module from the hardware catalog to an available valid slot in the graphic or table area: - Text entry from the "Catalog" pane - Preview graphic from the "Information" pane Select "Copy" in the shortcut menu for a module in the hardware catalog and then select "Paste" in the shortcut menu on an available valid slot in the graphic or table area. To access the device view from the network view, double-click a device or station in the network view or select the Device view tab. The device view contains an illustration of the device WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 559 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks selected within a rack. The graphic illustration of the rack in the software corresponds to the real structure, i.e. you can see the same number of slots as exist in the real structure. Note You can also move a module to a rack in the network view. The filter function for the hardware catalog must be deactivated in this instance. The module is automatically plugged into a free and permitted slot. If there are no slots available, the module will be moved to the area of unplugged modules (Page 531). Equipping a rack Arrange the modules on a rack according to the applicable slot rules. After a module has been inserted in a rack with an already inserted CPU, the address areas are checked automatically so that addresses are not assigned twice. After it has been inserted, each module then has one valid address range. To do so, DP slaves and IO devices must be networked with a CPU via the corresponding DP master or IO system. Requirements You are in the device view. The hardware catalog is open. Adding module from the hardware catalog How to insert a module from the hardware catalog into a rack is illustrated based on the example of a signal module. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Go to the required module board in the hardware catalog. Note If you activate the filter function of the hardware catalog, only those modules which match the selected device type will be displayed. 2. Select the chosen module. 3. If necessary, set the firmware version using the drop-down list in the hardware catalog. 4. Drag the signal module to a free slot in the rack. 560 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You have now inserted the digital signal module in a slot in the rack. Repeat these steps with the other modules. The name of the module is displayed above the inserted modules. You can activate or deactivate module labeling in the menu bar with "View > Show module labels". Inserting module You can also drag modules and drop them between modules that have already been inserted. To do this, drag a module above and between the two existing modules while holding down the mouse button. A mouse pointer appears. When you release the mouse button, all modules plugged to the right of the pointer are moved one slot to the right. Any redundant modules are moved to the area of unplugged modules. The new module is plugged at the point of the freed up slot. See also Device view (Page 526) Device view: Area for unplugged modules (Page 531) Rack: General slot rules (Page 558) Deleting a hardware component There are various ways of deleting hardware components. Deleted hardware components are removed from the system and assigned addresses made available again. Rules CPUs or modules from the rack and from the area of unplugged modules can be deleted. When a rack is deleted in the device view, the plugged hardware components are moved to the area of unplugged modules. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 561 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure Proceed as follows to delete a hardware component: 1. Select the hardware components you want to delete. - Network view: Select devices or network relevant hardware components in the graphic view or in the network view. - Device view: In the graphic view or device overview, select racks or modules in racks or in the area of unplugged components. - Topology view: Select devices or hardware components with Ethernet interfaces in the graphic view or in the topology view. - Project tree: Select devices or individual hardware components from the tree structure. 2. Select "Delete" from the shortcut menu or press . If the "Delete" menu item is unavailable, your selection contains at least one component that cannot be deleted. The selected hardware components are deleted. Note Deleting hardware components may result in inconsistencies in the project, such as violation of slot rules. Inconsistencies are reported during the consistency check. Correct the inconsistencies by taking appropriate action, for example, ensuring compliance with the slot rules. See also Keyboard operation: Editing objects (Page 549) Copying a hardware component You can copy hardware components in the device or network view. Copied hardware components are stored on a clipboard and can be pasted at another point from this clipboard. Copied stations are pasted as new stations in the network view. Copied devices and modules can be pasted into existing racks in the network and device view. Rules Single objects as well as several objects can be copied at the same time. Modules inserted in the rack and in the area of unplugged modules can be copied. You can only copy devices and modules to free and valid slots in keeping with the slot rules. Racks with a CPU inserted cannot be copied individually, but only as complete units along with all inserted hardware components. 562 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure Proceed as follows to copy a hardware component: 1. Select the hardware components you want to copy. - Device view: Select the module in a rack or put it in the area of unplugged modules. - Network view: Select the station or the relevant hardware component from the network view. - Project tree: Select the station or module. 2. Select "Copy" from the shortcut menu or press . If the "Copy" menu item is unavailable, your selection contains at least one component that cannot be copied. 3. Select the location at which the content of the clipboard is to be pasted. - Device view: Select a free slot in the rack or area of unplugged modules. - Network view: Select a station where you want to insert devices or modules or move the mouse pointer to a free location in the network view to paste a copied station or a hardware component relevant to the network view. 4. Select "Paste" from the shortcut menu or press . If the "Paste" menu item is unavailable, the clipboard is empty or contains at least one component that cannot be pasted at this point. The selected object is pasted at the chosen point. Once you have selected a station where you want to insert a module in the network view, the module is inserted in the first free and valid slot. If no free, valid slots are available, the object is inserted in the area of unplugged modules. Note You can also copy a module from one device to another: To do so, copy a module in the hardware and network editor, select a different device in the network view or the drop down list of the device view and insert the module. You can insert the copied object directly in a slot or place it in the area of unplugged modules in the device view. If you add the copied object in the network view of a device or a station, it will be inserted in the first available slot. If there is no slot available for the object, it is automatically placed in the area of unplugged modules (Page 531). Note You can use and drag-and-drop to directly copy a selected hardware component. See also Keyboard operation: Editing objects (Page 549) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 563 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Moving a hardware component You can move hardware components in the device or network view. Rules You can move devices and modules from the rack and the area for unplugged modules taking the slot rules into consideration. CPs can be moved in the network view. The CP is plugged in a free and valid slot in the target device. If there are no free slots available, the CP to be inserted is moved to the area for unplugged modules. In the network view, CPU and slave head modules can be moved between the devices; depending on CPU type also within the rack. Note Moved CPs are disconnected from their network but keep their network parameters and address. If you reconnect the CP to the network and its address has been assigned, use a dialog to assign a new unique address to the CP. Procedure Proceed as follows to move a hardware component: 1. Select the hardware component you want to move. - Device view: Select the module in a rack or put it in the area of unplugged modules. - Network view: Select the hardware component of relevance to the network view. 2. Select "Cut" from the shortcut menu or press . If the "Cut" menu item is unavailable, your selection contains at least one component that cannot be cut. 3. Select the location to which the cut object is to be moved. - Device view: Select a free slot in the rack or area of unplugged modules. - Network view: Select a station where you want to insert devices or modules. 4. Select "Paste" from the shortcut menu or press . If the "Paste" menu item is unavailable, the clipboard is empty or contains at least one component that cannot be pasted at this point. The selected hardware component is moved to the target. If the hardware component being moved is a networked object, it is disconnected from the network. Note You can use drag-and-drop to directly move a selected hardware component. 564 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Keyboard operation: Editing objects (Page 549) Replacing a hardware component You can replace hardware components with others. This, for example, allows you to replace unspecified CPUs (Page 553) with available CPUs from the hardware catalog. Rules You can only replace hardware components if they support module replacement and if the two components are compatible. Procedure To replace one module with another, proceed as follows: 1. Select the module you want to replace. 2. Open the shortcut menu: - If the "Replace device" entry is enabled, the module can be replaced. - If the "Replace device" entry is disabled, a module cannot be replaced. 3. Click on "Replace device" in the shortcut menu. The "Replace device" dialog box appears. 4. Under "New device" in the tree structure, select the module with which you want to replace your current module. 5. Click "OK". 6. Compile the hardware and software. The existing module is replaced by the new one. As an alternative, you can take a module by dragging it from the hardware catalog to the module you are replacing. If the module can be replaced by the selected module, this is indicated by the mouse pointer symbol. Editing properties and parameters Once you have inserted hardware components in your rack, you can edit their default properties, for example parameters or addresses in the network or device view. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 565 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement You are in the device view. Note You can also edit properties and parameters in the network view. In the graphic network view, you have access to the network-related hardware components and the station. You can access modules and hardware components not displayed in the graphic network view using the table network view. Procedure To change the properties and parameters of the hardware components, proceed as follows: 1. In the graphic view, select the CPU, module, rack or interface you want to edit. 2. Edit the settings for the selected object: - Use the table view to edit addresses and names, for example. - In the Inspector window additional setting possibilities are available in "Properties". Note that modules can only be fully parameterized if they are assigned to a CPU. Therefore, PROFIBUS or PROFINET interfaces modules must first be networked with the CPU or a centrally inserted communication module so that they form a master system or IO system. Only then is it possible, for example, to edit the addresses of the distributed components that are inserted. 566 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Example of changing settings Selection of a module Editing option for addresses in the device overview Selection options in the inspector window Editing option for addresses in the inspector window See also Inspector window (Page 535) Input and output addresses in the address overview Introduction The currently used input and output addresses can be displayed in the address overview in a table form. The address overview can be found in the Inspector window under "Properties" of the CPU. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 567 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Design of the address overview With the different check boxes, you can set which objects should be displayed in the address overview: Inputs: Display of the input addresses Outputs: Display of the output addresses Address gaps: Display of open address spaces Slot: Display of the slot number The following information is typically shown in the address overview: Table header Meaning Type Type of the address range. Indicates whether the area is an input address area or an output address area. I = input address of module with input I/O address space (with length > 0) I* = input or diagnostics address of modules without input I/O address space (with length = 0) No data (signal statuses or measured values) is exchanged via these addresses in the user program. Used for reporting diagnostics events of the operating system (e.g. in the start information of error OBs). Q = output address Addr. from Start address of the address range. Indicates the first assigned address of the input or output. Addr. to End address in the address range. Indicates the last assigned address of the input or output. Size Address length of the address range occupied by the module for the input or output. Examples: With a start address of 0 and an end address of 1, the address length is 2 bytes. With a start address of 0 and an end address of 3, the address length is 4 bytes. With a start address of 0.1 and an end address of 0.2, the address length is 2 bits. If the start address and end address are identical, 0 bytes is displayed. Module Module using the address area. Rack Number of the rack on which the hardware component is inserted. Slot Number of the slot in the rack in which the hardware component is inserted. Device name Name and type of device in which the module is inserted. Examples: The module is inserted in a PLC with the name "PLC_1" of the type CPU 1516-3 PN/DP, "PLC_1 [CPU 1516-3]" is displayed. The module is inserted in a head module with the name "IO Device_1" of the type IM 151-3 PN; "IO Device_1 [IM 151-3 PN]" is displayed 568 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table header Meaning Device number PROFINET device number or PROFIBUS address if the module is con nected to a PLC via PROFINET or PROFIBUS. If the module is inserted directly in a PLC, "-" is displayed. Examples: The module is inserted in a head module that is connected to a PLC via a PROFINET interface; the device number of the Ethernet address is displayed. The module is inserted in a DP slave that is connected to a PLC via a PROFIBUS interface, the address parameter of the PROFIBUS address is displayed. Master I/O system Name of the DP master system or IO system via which the DP slave or IO device is connected to the PLC. The corresponding number of the DP master system or IO system is displayed in square brackets. If the module is inserted directly in a PLC, "-" is displayed. Examples: The module is inserted in an IO device and is connected to a PLC via a PROFINET IO system with the name "PROFINET IO-System_1" and the number 100. "PROFINET IO-System_1 [100]" is displayed. The module is inserted in a DP slave and is connected to a PLC via a PROFIBUS DP master system with the name "DP-Mastersystem" and the number 1. "DP-Mastersystem [1]" is displayed. OB Organization block that is assigned to the process image. The "Main" cycle OB always refers to the automatic update of the process image. This column is not available for every CPU. PIP Process image partition. Indicates whether the address is updated auto matically via the cyclic process image or is located in a process image partition that must be triggered explicitly for an update. Refer to the further description of the "Process image partition PIP2" below. Process image partition PIP The "PIP" table column shows the assignment of the address to the cyclic process image or to a process image partition (PIP). For S7-300/400: "OB1-PA": The address is assigned to the cyclic process image. The operating system updates this address automatically in each program cycle. "PIP x": The address is assigned to the process image partition x (for example PIP 1, no cyclic process image). The operating system updates this PIP when the assigned OB is executed. If this PIP is not assigned to an OB, the operating system does not update this PIP. You have the option to update the PIP yourself with the instructions "UPDAT_PI" and "UPDAT_PO" (for S7-400 and some S7-300 CPUs). For S7-1200: "Automatic update": The address is assigned to the cyclic process image (PIP 0). The operating system updates this address automatically in each program cycle. "None": The address not assigned to any process image partition. You access this address directly in the user program (direct I/O access, no process image). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 569 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "PIP x": The operating system updates this PIP when the assigned OB is executed. If this PIP is not assigned to an OB, the operating system does not update this PIP. You have the option to read inputs or write outputs in the user program via direct I/O access. The instructions "UPDAT_PI", "UPDAT_PO", "SYNC_PI" and "SYNC_PO" are not supported for S7-1200. "PIP OB servo": The process image partition "PIP OB Servo" is not assigned to an organization block (fixed setting for organization block: "---(None)"). The operating system does not update this PIP or any of the addresses contained in it: You access the addresses directly in the user program (direct I/O access). For S7-1500: "Automatic update": The address is assigned to the cyclic process image (PIP 0). The operating system updates this address automatically in each program cycle. "None": The address not assigned to any process image partition. You access this address directly in the user program (direct I/O access, no process image). "PIP x" (PIP 1 to PIP 31): The operating system updates PIP x when the assigned OB is executed. If this PIP is not assigned to an OB, the operating system does not update PIP x. You have the option to update the PIP x in the user program with the instructions "UPDAT_PI" and "UPDAT_PO". If PIP x is assigned to an isochronous mode interrupt OB (OB 61 to OB 64), the operating system does not update PIP x. You have the option to update PIP x in your user program with the instructions "SYNC_PI" and "SYNC_PO". "PIP OB servo": The process image partition "PIP OB servo" is permanently assigned to the OB "MC-Servo". STEP 7 generates this OB automatically when you create a technology object in the Motion Control area. When the OB is executed, the PIP OB Servo is updated isochronously. All drives and encoders used by Motion Control are assigned to this process image partition. See also Specifying input and output addresses (Page 1022) Update module version Explanation of terms The terms "Module version" and "Firmware version" are explained in more detail in the following section. Module version: The specific version of the configuration software from which the module description stems. Example: V11.0.0.0 Firmware version: The version of the firmware of the module whose parameters are assigned offline Example: V2.0 570 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement You have created a device configuration. You have installed an update or an optional package at a later date. As a result of this installation, the module version of at least one module type was updated in the hardware catalog, whereby the new version is incompatible with the previous version. You have used such modules in your device configuration and want to use the modified or added properties. Procedure Perform the following step for each affected module type. 1. Select the affected module in the device view. 2. In the Inspector window, go to "Properties > General > Catalog Information". Click the "Update module version" button there. 3. In the query that then appears, specify whether you want to update the module version only for the selected module or for all modules of this type in the current project. Result The selected modules are replaced by the same modules with updated module version in the current project. In which cases is it unnecessary to update the module version? An updating of the module version is not necessary in the following cases: You do not want to use the modified or added properties of the modules. When you open an existing project with a version of the configuration software that is more recent than the version with which you created the project, the system automatically performs a project conversion, for example, from TIA Portal V12 to V13. In this case, all older module versions are automatically adapted. Distributed I/O in the project tree Distributed I/O devices in the project tree shown in separate folders. Depending on whether a device was assigned to a PROFINET IO system, a DP master system or no system, the device is displayed as a node or link to the device in one of the folders described below. "Ungrouped devices" folder in the project All distributed I/O devices in the project are collected in the "Ungrouped devices" folder. The icons of the folders and links show the status "assigned" with colored identifiers: PROFINET IO devices are marked green, PROFIBUS DP slaves are marked magenta, other distributed I/O devices are not marked. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 571 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The icons of the folders and links show the status "not assigned" with question marks. If you have established a connection to an IO device or a DP slave with the "Go online" function, the same diagnostics information (e.g. green check mark) is displayed for the link of a device as for the device itself in the project navigation. For more information, refer to the section "View in the online mode". It is possible to copy or move distributed I/O devices from the "Ungrouped devices" folder, but not the folder itself, to another position in the project tree. Possible destinations are the project folder or device folder. You can also copy or move distributed I/O devices back to the "Ungrouped devices" folder. By double-clicking on the link, you go to the device view and can configure the distributed I/O device. "Unassigned devices" folder in the project Devices that are not assigned to a distributed I/O system appear as links in the "Unassigned devices" folder. The icon for the folder and the link of the respective device in the project tree indicate with a question mark that they are not connected to a distributed I/O system. The link is marked by a small arrow. The display of the project tree as a link allows IO devices or DP slaves to be selected individually, for example to select the destination of the link. It remains possible to select device groups. By double-clicking on the link, you go to the device view and can configure the distributed I/O device. 572 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "Distributed I/O" folder under a device If you assign an IO device to a PROFINET IO system, this is displayed as a link below the node "Distributed I/O > PROFINET IO system". Accordingly, a DP slave that is assigned to a DP master system is shown as a link below the node "Distributed I/O > DP master system". The link references the corresponding IO device or the DP slave in the project tree. The icon for the node and the link of the respective device in the project tree indicate whether the device is connected via PROFINET (green) or via PROFIBUS (magenta). The link is marked by a small arrow. Gateways are shown as a link below the DP master/IO node to which they were assigned. By double-clicking on the link, you go to the device view and can configure the distributed I/O device. Comparing devices Basics of device comparison Function You have the option of comparing the hardware components of two devices allowing you to identify any differences. You can perform an offline/offline comparison for this purpose. The devices to be compared can be from one project or different projects. You can compare the central as well as the distributed I/O. The devices to be compared can be assigned either automatically or manually. The automatic assignment of central I/O is based WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 573 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks on the slot number. With the distributed I/O, the automatic assignment can be made according to the following criteria: Assignment using the address/HW ID: The assignment is made using the addresses or IDs of the devices. This criterion is suitable for comparing devices within a project. Assignment using the name: The assignment is made based on the device names. This criterion is suitable for comparing devices in different projects. You can either specify the assignment yourself or let the system decide. In the latter case, the system selects the assignment itself depending on the context. To compare the modules of the distributed I/O, start an offline/offline comparison for the affected distributed stations. See also Basics of project data comparison (Page 379) Overview of the compare editor (Page 384) Making a device comparison (Page 574) Making a device comparison Procedure Follow the steps below to compare devices: 1. Select a device in the project tree that allows offline/offline comparison. 2. Select the "Compare > Offline/offline" command in the shortcut menu. The comparison editor opens and the selected device is displayed in the left area. 3. Open the "Hardware" tab. 4. Drag an additional device to the drop area in the right-hand pane. All existing objects of the selected devices are displayed depending on the settings of the comparison editor in the "Hardware" tab and an automatic comparison is made. You can identify the status of the comparison objects based on the symbols in the compare editor. For submodules, you can find detailed results in the "Property comparison" area. 5. If you want to change the matching criterion, click on the arrow of the "Available matching criteria" button in the toolbar. Then, select the matching criterion you want to use. 6. If you want to make a manual comparison, click the button for switching between automatic and manual comparison above the status area. Then select the objects you want to compare. The properties comparison is displayed. You can see the status of the objects based on the symbols. See also Basics of device comparison (Page 573) Overview of the compare editor (Page 384) 574 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 10.1.3 Configure networks Networking devices Communication and networks Communication between devices The basis of all types of communication is always a previously configured network. The network configuration provides the necessary requirements for communication: All the devices in a network are provided with a unique address Communication of the devices with consistent transmission properties Definition Via the network, the various computers and end devices (PC, PG, PLC, AS) are connected together with interface modules, physical cables and suitable software. Networked devices can exchange data with each other. Networking can be implemented via wiring or a wireless network, e.g. via WLAN. The subnet is part of a network whose parameters must be synchronized with the devices (e.g., with PROFIBUS). It includes the bus components and all connected devices. Subnets can also be linked by gateways to form a network. In practice, the terms "subnet" and "networked devices" are often used synonymously. Network configuration The following steps are necessary when configuring networks: Connect devices to subnet Specify the properties/parameters for each subnet Specify the device properties for every networked module Download configuration data to the devices to supply interfaces with the settings resulting from the network configuration Document the network configuration For Open User Communication, creating and configuring a subnet is supported by the assignment of connection parameters. Relation between network configuration and project Within a project, subnets and their properties are managed. Properties result mainly from adjustable network parameters and the quantity and communication properties of the connected devices. The devices to be networked must be in the same project. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 575 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Subnet name and subnet ID Within the project, subnets are clearly identified by a subnet name and ID. The subnet ID is saved in all components along with interconnectable interfaces. Components can then be clearly assigned to a subnet even after uploading into a project. Networking options In the project, you can create and network devices with components capable of communication. The following basic options are available for networking the devices: You link the interfaces of the components capable of communication with one another. A new subnet is created suitable for the type of interface. You connect the interface of the devices capable of communication with a new or existing subnet. You create an Open User Communication connection. When you assign parameters to the connection for Open User Communication, a subnet is created automatically between the communication partners. You use the graphic connection configuration to configure connections; missing networks are hereby recognized and are created either automatically or via dialog. Due to the different tasks of the devices or the span of the plant, you may need to use several subnets. These subnets are managed in a project. Networking devices in the network view Options In the graphic network view, you have an overview of the subnets of the entire system in the project. You can use the tabular network overview for additional support. Depending on the starting situation, there are various ways of undertaking configuration to network the interface for a component capable of communication. The procedures are described in the following section: Creating an individual subnet Creating several subnets at one time Connecting two target devices via a new subnet Connecting devices to existing subnet Selecting an existing subnet from a list Automatic networking during the configuration of the connection; See also: AUTOHOTSPOT Possible starting situations are: A suitable subnet is not yet available. The subnet with which you want to connect the component already exists. 576 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure - creating a single subnet To create a subnet and to connect it to an interface, proceed as follows: 1. Select the interface of a CPU / a CP. 2. Select the "Create subnet" command in the shortcut menu of the interface. The selected interface is connected to a new subnet. The inconsistencies possibly resulting from the modified configuration are clarified automatically or per query. In the case of consistency problems, the next free address is preferably used. The following schematic shows an interface with outgoing line connecting to a subnet: Procedure - creating several subnets at one time To create several subnets at one time, proceed as follows: 1. Select several interfaces by clicking on them while pressing the button. 2. Select the "Create subnet" command in the shortcut menu of the interface. Each selected interface is connected to a new subnet. The inconsistencies possibly resulting from the modified configuration are clarified automatically or per query. In the case of consistency problems, the next free address is preferably used. The following figure shows multiple subnets created by selecting multiple interfaces: Procedure - Connecting two target devices via a new subnet To connect an interface with another device via a subnet that does not yet exist, proceed as follows: 1. Position the mouse pointer over the interface for a component capable of communication requiring networking. 2. Click with the left mouse button and hold the button down. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 577 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Move the mouse pointer. The pointer now uses the networking symbol to indicate "Networking" mode. At the same time, the mouse pointer shows the lock symbol that will only disappear when the pointer is on a valid target. 4. Now move the pointer in networking mode onto the interface of the target device. You can either keep the mouse button pressed or release it. 5. Now release the left mouse button or press it again (depending on your previous action). Note If you want to exit networking mode beforehand, press , right-click or double-click in the background of the network view. A new subnet is created. The interfaces are now connected via the new subnet. The inconsistencies possibly resulting from the modified configuration are clarified automatically or per query. In the case of consistency problems, the next free address is preferably used. The following schematic shows two networked devices: Procedure - Connecting devices to existing subnet To connect an interface to an existing subnet, proceed as follows: 1. Position the mouse pointer on the interface of a communications-compliant component you want to network or on the existing subnet. 2. Click with the left mouse button and hold the button down. 3. Move the mouse pointer. The pointer now uses the networking symbol to indicate "Networking" mode. At the same time, the mouse pointer shows the lock symbol that will only disappear once the pointer is moved to a valid target. 578 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Now move the mouse pointer to the existing subnet or to the interface to be networked. You can either keep the mouse button pressed or release it. 5. Now release the left mouse button or press it again. If you want to exit networking mode beforehand, press or right-click. Result: The interface and selected subnet are now connected. The inconsistencies possibly resulting from the modified configuration are clarified automatically or per query. In the case of consistency problems, the next free address is preferably used. Procedure - selecting an existing subnet from a list To link an interface with a subnet that has already been created, proceed as follows: 1. Select the interface of a CPU. 2. Select the "Assign to new subnet" command in the shortcut menu of the interface. A list box containing the available subnets appears. 3. Select a subnet from the list. The interface and selected subnet are now connected. The inconsistencies possibly resulting from the modified configuration are clarified automatically or per query. In the case of consistency problems, the next free address is preferably used. Tabular network overview Table area of network view The table area of the network view consists of several tables: Network overview: The table for the network overview supplements the graphical network view with the following functions: - You obtain detailed information on the structure and parameter settings of the devices. - Using the "Subnet" column, you can connect components capable of communication with created subnets. Connections: Communication connections are displayed in this table. Some aspects of the connections displayed here can be edited directly in the table. Selected connections are displayed in the Inspector window and can be edited there. Relations: Logical connections of the HMI client-server relation are displayed here. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 579 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks I/O communication: Device communication via PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO is configured and displayed in this table. In the I/O communication table, only those interfaces of a device are displayed that can be used for communication via PROFIBUS DP or PROFINET IO. VPN: Properties of the VPN user groups and their assigned security modules are displayed here. Basic functions for tables The network overview supports the following basic functions for editing a table: Displaying and hiding table columns Note: The columns relevant for configuration cannot be hidden. Optimizing column width Sorting table Displaying the meaning of a column, a row or cell using tooltips. Networking devices in the device view Networking in the device view In the device view, you can check and set all the parameters of the components belonging to a device and the interfaces in detail. Here you can also assign the interfaces to the subnets created in the project. Requirements The subnet with which you want to connect an interface has already been created. If the subnet has not yet been created, change to the network view and perform the networking. Procedure - connecting to an existing subnet To connect an interface to an existing subnet, proceed in the device view as follows: 1. Select the entire communications-compliant component or the interface to be networked. The properties of the selected interface or component are displayed in the Inspector window. 2. In the Inspector window, select the parameter group for the selected interface; for example, the "Ethernet addresses" parameter group for a PROFINET interface. 3. Select the subnet to be connected from the "Interface connected with" drop-down list. The interface and selected subnet are now connected. The inconsistencies possibly resulting from the modified configuration are clarified automatically or per query. In the case of consistency problems, the next free address is preferably used. 580 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure - creating a new subnet To create a subnet and to connect it to the interface, proceed as follows in the device view: 1. Select the entire communications-compliant component or the interface to be networked. The properties of the selected interface or component are displayed in the Inspector window. 2. In the Inspector window, select the parameter group belonging to the selected interface, for example, the "Ethernet addresses" parameter group for a PROFINET interface. 3. In "Interface connected with", click the "Add new subnet" button. The interface is connected to a new subnet of the appropriate subnet type. The inconsistencies possibly resulting from the modified configuration are clarified automatically or per query. In the case of consistency problems, the next free address is preferably used. Checking or changing network parameters and interface parameters Introduction Communication between networked devices requires the following parameters to be configured: Network parameters Network parameters identify the network within the system configuration, for example, using a name. Interface parameters Interface parameters define specific properties of a component capable of communication. Addresses and transmission characteristics are set automatically and are consistent with the network parameters. Note Network parameters and interface parameters are usually set during networking such that communication can take place for numerous applications without the parameters having to be changed. The inconsistencies possibly resulting from a modified configuration are clarified automatically or per query. In the case of consistency problems, the next free address is preferably used. Procedure - checking or changing network parameters Proceed as follows to check or change network parameters: 1. Enter the network view. 2. Select the subnet from the network view. You can see the network parameters in the "Properties" tab in the inspector window. 3. If necessary, check or modify the network parameters in the relevant group of parameters. Procedure - checking or changing interface parameters You can check and modify interface parameters in the network and device view. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 581 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Proceed as follows to check or change interface parameters: 1. Enter the network view or device view. 2. Select the interface. You can see the interface parameters in the "Properties" tab in the inspector window. 3. If necessary, check or modify the interface parameters in the relevant group of parameters. Procedure - checking or changing interface addresses You can edit the MPI, PROFIBUS and Ethernet addresses in the graphical network view itself. Proceed as follows to edit MPI, PROFIBUS and Ethernet addresses in the network view: 1. Enable the display of interface addresses in the network view. 2. Select an MPI, PROFIBUS or Ethernet address to be edited. 3. Click on the selected address field or press [F2] to edit the address in the network view. Changing networkings Introduction You can cancel an interface's network connection or assign it to another subnet of the same subnet type. Consequences Depending on the version, a distinction should be made between: Canceling a network connection for an interface The configured parameters for the interface remain unchanged. Assigning a network connection to another subnet If the addresses in the assigned subnet are not unique, in other words, they already exist, they will be changed automatically to make them unique. 582 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure - disconnecting from a network Proceed as follows to cancel the network connection for an interface: 1. Select the networked interface. 2. Select the "Disconnect from subnet" command in the shortcut menu of the interface. The network connection is deleted, the interface addresses are, however, not changed. Configured connections are retained; however these connections are marked red in the connection table because they are not networked. Specified connections remain specified. See also Networking devices in the network view (Page 576) Copying, cutting or deleting subnets Introduction You can copy subnets as individual objects or copy them along with networked devices or other networks. For example, you can create complex configurations to be used more than once in different variants within the project with no additional effort. Effects on the copied subnet Properties that have to be assigned explicitly within a project are re-assigned appropriately when the copied objects are copied. For subnets, this means: The subnet ID and name are re-assigned to the copied subnet. The configured properties are adopted in the copied subnet. Procedure - copying a subnet Proceed as follows to copy one or more subnets: 1. Select one or more subnets. 2. In the shortcut menu, select the "Copy" command. 3. Select the "Paste" command in the shortcut menu. The copied subnets are shown as "orphaned" subnets in the top part of the network view. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 583 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure - copying a subnet with connected devices To copy one or more subnets with networked devices, proceed as follows: 1. Select one or more subnets with the connected devices, for example by drawing a lasso around them. 2. In the shortcut menu, select the "Copy" command. 3. Select the "Paste" command in the shortcut menu. Complete copies of the subnets and connected devices are created. Configured connections are adopted and remain within the copied devices. Connections to devices that have not been copied are interrupted and become unspecified. MPI network configuration (S7-300, S7-400, PC) Allocating MPI addresses Note the following for devices with an MPI interface: All devices of a subnet must have a different device address. CPUs with MPI address ship with the default MPI address 2. Since you can only use this address once in the MPI subnet, you will have to change the default address in all other CPUs. The following applies to devices with the article no. 6ES7 3xx-xxxxx-0AB0: When planning the MPI addresses for several CPUs, you have to fill "MPI address gaps" for FMs and CPs with separate MPI addresses to prevent addresses being assigned twice. Only when all the modules in a subnet have different addresses and your actual structure matches that of the network configuration produced, should you load the settings across the network. Rules for assigning the MPI address Allocate the MPI addresses in ascending order. Reserve MPI address 0 for a programming device. You can link up to 126 (addressable) devices with one another in an MPI subnet; up to 8 devices at a transfer speed of 19.2 KB/s. All MPI addresses in an MPI subnet must be different. 584 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You will find other rules relating to the structure of a network in the manuals for setting up automation systems. PROFIBUS network configuration PROFIBUS addresses Rules for the network configuration All the devices in a subnet must have a different PROFIBUS address. Only when all the modules in a subnet have different addresses and your actual structure matches that of the network configuration produced, should you load the settings across the network. You can connect devices to the PROFIBUS subnet that communicate via configured connections or that belong to a PROFIBUS DP master system. You can find more information on configuring a DP master system in the following sections. Requirements The 121xC CPU is PROFIBUS compatible as of firmware version 2.0. Rules for assigning PROFIBUS addresses Allocate the PROFIBUS addresses in ascending order. Reserve the PROFIBUS address "0" for a programming device. Allocate a unique PROFIBUS address between 0 and 126 for each device on the PROFIBUS network and/or for each DP master and each DP slave in the PROFIBUS network. There are modules with which the smallest address that can be set has to be greater than 1. All PROFIBUS addresses of a PROFIBUS subnet must be different. You will find additional rules relating to the structure of a network in the manuals for setting up automation systems, for example SIMATIC S7-1200. Note PROFIBUS address "0" Reserve PROFIBUS address "0" for a programming device that you will briefly connect up to the PROFIBUS network at a later date for servicing. See also What you need to know about PROFIBUS bus parameters (Page 586) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 585 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks What you need to know about PROFIBUS bus parameters Matching parameters to one another The PROFIBUS subnet will only function without problem if the parameters for the bus profile are matched to one another. You should therefore only change the default values if you are familiar with how to configure the bus profile for PROFIBUS. Note It may be possible for the bus parameters to be adjusted depending on the bus profile. If the bus parameters cannot be adjusted, they are grayed out. The offline values of the bus parameters are always shown even if you are online and linked to the target system. The parameters shown apply to the entire PROFIBUS subnet and are briefly explained below. Activating cyclic distribution of the bus parameters If the "Enable cyclic distribution of the bus parameters" check box is selected under "Bus parameters" while PROFIBUS subnet is selected in the Inspector window, the bus parameters are transferred cyclically during operation by the modules that support this function. This allows a programming device, for example, to be easily connected to the PROFIBUS in runtime. You should deactivate this function: For a heterogeneous PROFIBUS subnet (or more accurately: when external devices are connected whose protocol uses the DSAP 63 for Multicast) When in constant bus cycle time mode (minimize bus cycle) Bus parameters for the bus profile of PROFIBUS subnets Bus parameter Adjustable? Limit values Tslot_Init Yes Max. Tsdr + 15 <= Tslot_init <= 16.383 t_bit Max. Tsdr Yes 35 + 2*Tset + Tqui <= Max. Tsdr <= 1.023 t_bit Min. Tsdr Yes 11 t_bit <= Min. Tsdr <= MIN(255 t_bit, ... ... Max. Tsdr - 1, 34 + 2*Tset + Tqui) Tset Yes 1 t_bit <= Tset <= 494 t_bit Tqui Yes 0 t_bit <= Tqui <= MIN(31 t_bit, Min. Tsdr - 1) GAP factor Yes 1 <= GAP factor <= 100 Retry limit Yes 1 <= Retry limit <= 15 Tslot No --- Tid2 No Tid2 = Max. Tsdr Trdy No Trdy = Min. Tsdr Tid1 No Tid1 = 35 + 2*Tset + Tqui Ttr Yes 256 t_bit <= Ttr <= 16.777.960 t_bit 586 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Bus parameter Adjustable? Limit values Ttr typical No This time is provided for information only and is not transferred to the nodes. Response monitoring 10 ms <= response monitoring (watchdog) <= 650 s If you want to create a customized bus profile, we recommend the following settings: Minimum target rotation time (Ttr) = 5000 x HSA (highest PROFIBUS address) Minimum response monitoring (watchdog) = 6250 x HSA Recalculating You can use the "Recalculate" button to recalculate the parameters. See also PROFIBUS addresses (Page 585) Description of the bus parameters (Page 587) Description of the bus parameters Detailed description of PROFIBUS bus parameters Bus parameter Meaning Tslot_Init The wait-for-reception (slot time) defines the maximum time the sender will wait to receive a response from the addressed partner. If the influence of the line components on message frame run times is entered in the "Cable Configuration" parameter group, these components must also be taken into account. The com ponent is added to the specified Tslot_Init and the total used as Tslot. Max. Tsdr The maximum protocol processing time defines the latest time by which the re sponding node should have replied. Min. Tsdr The minimum protocol processing time defines the earliest time by which the responding node may reply. Tset The trigger time is the time which may lapse between the reception of a data message frame and the response to it in the node. Tqui The modulator quiet time is the time which a sending node needs after the end of the message frame to switch from sending to receiving. GAP factor The GAP update factor defines the number of token rotations after which a newly added, active node can be added to the logical token ring. Retry limit This parameter defines the maximum number of attempts (message frame re peats) made to reach a node. Tslot The wait-for-reception time (slot time) defines the maximum time the sender will wait to receive a response from the addressed partner. If the influence of the bus design components on message frame run times is entered in the "Cable Configuration" parameter group, these components must also be taken into account. The component is added to the specified Tslot_Init and the total used as Tslot. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 587 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Bus parameter Meaning Tid2 Idle time 2 defines the earliest time by which a sending node may send the next message frame after sending a message frame that has not been acknowledged. Trdy The ready time specifies the earliest time by which a sending node may receive a response message frame. Tid1 Idle time 1 defines the earliest time by which a sending node may send the next message frame after receiving a response. Ttr The target rotation time is the maximum time made available for a token rotation. During this time, all active nodes (DP masters etc.) have the right to send (token) once. The difference between the target rotation time and the actual token holding time of a node determines how much time is left over for the other active nodes (programming device, other DP masters etc.) to send message frames. Ttr typical The typical data cycle time is the average response time on the bus if all config ured slaves are exchanging data with the DP master. None of the slaves report diagnostics and there is no extra message frame traffic with programming devices or other active nodes etc. on the bus. Response monitoring The response monitoring time is only needed for PROFIBUS-DP bus systems. It defines the latest time by which a DP slave has to be addressed by its DP master with a new data message frame. If this does not happen, the DP slave assumes that the DP master has failed and resets its outputs to a secure mode. See also What you need to know about PROFIBUS bus parameters (Page 586) Bus profiles with PROFIBUS Introduction Depending on the device types connected and protocols used on the PROFIBUS, different profiles are available. The profiles differ in terms of the setting options and calculation of bus parameters. The profiles are explained below. Devices with different profiles on the same PROFIBUS subnet The PROFIBUS subnet only functions without problem if the bus parameters of all devices have the same values. For example, if both DP and FMS services are being used on a subnet, the "slower" sets of bus parameters must always be set for all devices, i.e. even the "Universal (DP/FMS)" profile for DP devices. Profiles and transmission rates 588 Profiles Supported transmission speeds in Kbits/s DP 9.6 19.2 45.45 93.75 187.5 500 1500 3000 6000 12000 Standard 9.6 19.2 45.45 93.75 187.5 500 1500 3000 6000 12000 Universal (DP-FMS) 9.6 19.2 93.75 187.5 500 1500 Customized 9.6 19.2 45.45 93.75 187.5 500 1500 3000 6000 12000 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Meaning of profiles Profile Meaning DP Select the "DP" bus profile when the only devices connected to the PROFIBUS subnet are those which satisfy the requirements of standard EN 50170 Volume 2/3, Part 8-2 PROFIBUS. The bus parameter setting is optimized on these de vices. This includes devices with DP master and DP slave interfaces of the SIMATIC S7 and distributed I/Os of other manufacturers. Standard Compared to the "DP" profile, the "Standard" profile also offers scope for devi ces of another project or devices which have not been configured here to be taken into account when calculating the bus parameters. The bus parameters are then calculated following a simple, non-optimized algorithm. Universal (DP/FMS) Select the "Universal (DP/FMS)" bus profile when individual devices on the PROFIBUS subnet use the PROFIBUS-FMS service. This includes the following devices for example: CP 343-5 (SIMATIC S7) PROFIBUS-FMS devices of other manufacturers As with the "Standard" profile, this profile allows you to take other devices into account when calculating the bus parameters. Customized The PROFIBUS subnet will only function without problem if the parameters for the bus profile are matched to one another. Select the "Customized" profile when none of the usual profiles "match" a PROFIBUS device and you need to adapt the bus parameters to your special structure. Information on this can be found in the documentation for the PROFIBUS device. You should only change the default values if you are familiar with how to con figure the bus profile for PROFIBUS. Not all combinations that can be theoretically set can be used even with this bus profile. The PROFIBUS standard specifies several parameter limits that depend on other parameters. For example, a responder must not respond (Min Tsdr) before the initiator can receive the message frame (Trdy). These standard specifications are also checked in the "Customized" profile. Tip: The bus parameters last valid on the PROFIBUS subnet are always auto matically set as customized. For example, if the "DP" bus profile was valid for the subnet, then the bus parameters for "DP" are set in the "Customized" bus profile. The parameters can be modified on this basis. The monitoring times are not automatically recalculated so that you do not put at risk the consistency of set values, for example with configurations in other configuration tools without realizing that you have done so. You can also have the Ttr monitoring times and target rotation time calculated on the basis of parameters you have set: Click here on the "Recalculate" button. Note Both mono-master mode and multi-master mode are possible with all PROFIBUS profiles. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 589 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks What you need to know about PROFIBUS line configuration Cable configuration and bus parameters Information regarding the cable configuration can be taken into consideration when calculating the bus parameters. For this purpose, you must select the "Consider cable configuration" check box in the properties for the PROFIBUS subnet. The remaining information then depends on the type of cable used; the following settings are available: Copper cable Fiber-optic cable/optical ring PROFIBUS line configuration, optical ring The calculation depends on the OLM types used. The selection is made by activating the check box (multiple activation is possible, at least one OLM type must be selected): OLM/P12 OLM/G12 OLM/G12-EEC OLM/G12-1300 The following bus parameter adjustments are made: Configuration of a node not present Note The following restrictions apply to optical rings, even for passive nodes (DP slaves for example): A maximum of HSA-1 nodes may be connected to the PROFIBUS network. With an HSA of 126, addresses 126 and 125 must not be used. A maximum of 125 nodes are possible on the bus (No. 0 to 124). If an HSA is less than or equal to 125, the addresses HSA and greater may not be used. The address HSA-1 may not be used. Increase the retry value to 3 Setting of minimum slot time needed for ring mode Note Short slot time values are needed for OLM/P12, average ones for OLM/G12 and OLM/G12EEC and long ones for OLM/G12-1300. This results in high performance for small network lengths and average to low performance for average to large network lengths. 590 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks PROFIBUS communication load Communication load - allowing for additional network stations The bus parameters depend on the volume of communication between the active network nodes. There are differences between cyclic communication (DP) and connection-based, acyclic communication (S7 communication, Send/Receive (FDL), FMS). Unlike DP, the volume and size of communication tasks (communication load) depends on the user program. For this reason, the communication load cannot always be calculated automatically. To calculate the bus times you can define a network configuration in the "Additional network stations" parameter group that differs from the network configuration. Taking the profile into account The network configuration can be defined for the "Standard", "Universal (DP/FMS)", and "Userdefined" profiles. Parameters cannot be entered in the "Additional network stations" parameter group for the "DP" profile. Quantification of the communication load The following settings are available in order to make allowance for the communication load. Information regarding the number of unconfigured network stations; Information on the communication load resulting from the user programs for FDL or S7 communication. Here you can selected from the following settings: - Low Typically used for DP, no great data communication apart from DP. - Medium Typically used for mixed operations featuring DP and other communication services (such as for S7 communication), when DP has strict time requirements and for average acyclic volumes of communication. - High For mixed operations featuring DP and other communication services (such as for S7 communication), when DP has loose time requirements and for high acyclic volumes of communication. Configuring Industrial Ethernet Rules for the network configuration The Ethernet interfaces of the devices have a default IP address that you can change. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 591 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IP address The IP parameters are visible if the module capable of communication supports the TCP/IP protocol. This is usually the case for all Ethernet modules. The IP address consists of 4 decimal figures in the range of 0 to 255. The decimal figures are separated from one another by a dot. Example: The IP address consists of: Address of IP subnet Address of the device (generally also called host or network node) Subnet mask The subnet mask splits these two addresses. It determines which part of the IP address addresses the network and which part of the IP address addresses the device. The set bits of the subnet mask determine the network part of the IP address. Example: Subnet mask: = 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 In the example given for the above IP address, the subnet mask shown here has the following meaning: The first 2 bytes of the IP address identify the subnet - i.e. 140.80. The last two bytes address the device, i.e. 0.2. It is generally true that: The network address results from AND logic operation of the IP address and subnet mask. The device address results from the AND NOT logic operation of the IP address and subnet mask. Relation between IP address and default subnet mask An agreement exists relating to the assignment of IP address ranges and so-called "Default subnet masks". The first decimal number (from the left) in the IP address determines the structure of the default subnet mask. It determines the number of "1" values (binary) as follows: 592 IP address (decimal) IP address (binary) Address class Default subnet mask 0 to 126 0xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.... A 128 to 191 10xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx... B 192 to 223 110xxxxx.xxxxxxxx... C WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Range of values for the first decimal point A value of between 224 and 255 is also possible for the first decimal number of the IP address (address class D, etc). This is not recommended, however, because there is no address check for these values. Masking other subnets You can use the subnet mask to add further structures and form "private" subnets for a subnet that is assigned one of the address classes A, B or C. This is done by setting other lower points of the subnet mask to "1". For each bit set to "1", the number of "private" networks doubles and the number of devices they contain is halved. Externally, the network functions like an individual network as it did previously. Example: You have a subnet of address class B (for example IP address and change the default subnet mask as follows: Masks Decimal Binary Default subnet mask 11111111.11111111.00000000. 00000000 Subnet mask 11111111.11111111.10000000. 00000000 Result: All devices with addresses between and are on one IP subnet, all devices with addresses between and are on another IP subnet. Router The task of the routers is to connect the IP subnets. If an IP datagram is to be sent to another network, it first has to be conveyed to a router. To make this possible, you have to enter the address of the router for each device in the IP subnet. The IP address of a device in the subnet and the IP address of the router can only differ at the points at which there is a "0" in the subnet mask. See also Settings for interconnecting Ethernet devices (Page 593) Settings for interconnecting Ethernet devices The following paragraph describes the behavior of STEP 7 during interconnection of PROFINET devices and the effects of the port interconnection on the network view. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 593 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Relation between port interconnection and network view Topology view In the topology view, you specify the physical interconnection of Ethernet ports. You specifically determine which Ethernet port of a device is to be connected with a specific Ethernet port of another device by means of an Ethernet cable (preset topology). Example: You specify that port 1 of the PROFINET interface of the CPU is to be connected to port 2 of the PROFINET interface of device A by means of an Ethernet cable. You also specify the interface for devices with several PROFINET interfaces. Example: You specify that port 1 of PROFINET interface X2 of the CPU is to be connected to port 2 of the PROFINET interface of device A by means of an Ethernet cable. The Ethernet ports can be interconnected in a table or graphically. Network view In the network view, you specify which devices are to be connected with each other via an Ethernet subnet. You do not specify the Ethernet ports by which the devices are interconnected with each other (that is the task of the port interconnection). The port interconnection has effects on the network view: When you interconnect Ethernet ports of devices with each other in the topology view, STEP 7 connects the interconnected PROFINET interfaces of the devices in the network view with an Ethernet subnet (green line). However, the course of the green line does not reflect the actual cable routing. You specify the actual wiring in the topology view. An Ethernet subnet always has a name and an S7 subnet ID. You can set these two values in the subnet properties. Which Ethernet subnet is used to link interconnected devices? STEP 7 distinguishes between the following cases: Ethernet subnet specified (default subnet). No Ethernet subnet specified (no default subnet). Ethernet subnet specified (default subnet) The option "Connect devices that are not linked with this subnet in case of port connection" is activated in the properties of an Ethernet subnet (default). This option can be activated for exactly one Ethernet subnet. Activate the option, if necessary, for the Ethernet subnet that is to be continued when interconnecting devices that are not linked. This subnet is referred to as "default subnet" below. Response of STEP 7: When you interconnect the ports of two devices that are not linked in the topology view, STEP 7 links these devices with the default subnet. Example: 594 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Step 1: Create a subnet in the network view at PLC_4, "Connect devices that are not linked with this subnet in case of port connection" option is enabled. Step 2: Interconnect PLC_1 with PLC_2 (topology view). Result: All PLCs are now connected to the same default subnet (network view). No Ethernet subnet specified (no default subnet). This is the case when the following conditions are fulfilled: A subnet has been added to a PROFINET interface (this interface is referred to as "Interface A" below). The option "Connect devices that are not linked with this subnet in case of port connection" is deactivated in the properties of this subnet (no default subnet). There is no other Ethernet subnet for which this option is activated. Response of STEP 7: The Ethernet subnet of interface A is only continued when you interconnect a port of interface A with a port of another device. When you interconnect ports of other devices that are not linked with each other, STEP 7 creates a new Ethernet subnet. Example: Step 1: Create a subnet in the network view at PLC_4, "Connect devices that are not linked with this subnet in case of port connection" option is disabled. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 595 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Step 2: Interconnect PLC_1 with PLC_2 (topology view). Result: PLC_1 and PLC_2 are connected to a new subnet (network view). Manual adaptation of the IP addresses It can occur that STEP 7 does not adapt the IP addresses of the interconnected devices in such a way that the resulting network can be correctly compiled, for example, for devices with multiple PROFINET interfaces. In these situations, you need to adapt the IP addresses of the devices manually. The following rules apply: Devices that are to communicate with each other without a router cannot belong to different IP subnets. For devices with multiple PROFINET interfaces, the interfaces must be in different IP subnets. To change the IP address of a PROFINET interface, perform the following steps: 1. Change to the network view (if not selected already). 2. Left-click on the icon of the PROFINET interface that is not to be part of the IP subnet. 3. Change the subnet part of the IP address in the properties of the PROFINET interface (in the "Ethernet addresses" area). Example: Manual conversion of the IP subnet part for devices with multiple PROFINET interfaces in a subnet The IP address is: "". The subnet mask is "". 596 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The first three numbers "192.168.0" form the IP subnet part of the IP address "". Change the IP subnet part, for example, to "192.168.1" See also Interconnecting ports in the graphic view (Page 703) Interconnecting ports in the table view (Page 704) Configuring Industrial Ethernet (Page 591) Communication via connections Working with connections Using Open User Communication (S7-1200, S7-1500) Basics of Open User Communication (S7-1200, S7-1500) Introduction Open User Communication (OUC) is the name given to a program-controlled communication process for communicating via the integrated PN/IE interface of S7-1200/1500 and S7-300/400 CPUs. Different connection types are available for this communication process. The main feature of Open User Communication is its high degree of flexibility in terms of the data structures transferred. This allows open data exchange with any communicating devices providing they support the connection types available here. Since this communication is controlled solely by instructions in the user program, event-driven connection establishment and termination is possible. Connections can also be modified by the user program during runtime. For CPUs with an integrated PN/IE interface, the TCP, UDP, and ISO-on-TCP connection types are available for Open User Communication. The communication partners can be two SIMATIC PLCs or a SIMATIC PLC and a suitable third-party device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 597 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Instructions for Open User Communication To create the connections, you have various instructions available after opening in the program editor in the "Instructions > Communication > Open User Communication" task card: Compact instructions for sending or receiving data via the integrated functions for establishing and terminating the connection (S7-1200/1500 only): - TSEND_C (Page 4200) (connection establishment/termination, sending) - TRCV_C (Page 4214) (connection establishment/termination, receiving) Individual instructions for sending and receiving data or for establishing or terminating connections: - TCON (Page 4254) (connection establishment) - TDISCON (Page 4264) (connection termination) - TSEND (Page 4269) (TCP or ISO-on-TCP: Sending) - TRCV (Page 4273) (TCP or ISO-on-TCP: Receiving) - TUSEND (Page 4282) (UDP: Sending) - TURCV (Page 4286) (UDP: Receiving) Connection establishment For Open User Communication, instructions for establishing and terminating the connection must exist for both communication partners. One communication partner sends its data using TSEND, TUSEND or TSEND_C while the other communication partner receives the data using TRCV, TURCV or TRCV_C. One of the communication partners starts the connection establishment as the active partner. The other communication partner reacts by starting its connection establishment as the passive partner. If both communication partners have initiated their connection establishment, the communication connection is fully established. Connection configuration You can specify establishment of the connection via a connection description DB with the TCON_Param, TCON_IP_v4, or TCON_IP_RFC structure by means of parameter assignment as follows: Manually create, assign parameters and write directly to the instruction. Supported by connection configuration. Connection configuration supports the establishment of the connection and should, therefore, be given preference over the other methods. You specify the following in the connection configuration: Connection partner Connection type Connection ID 598 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Connection description DB Address details according to selected connection type In addition, you specify here which communication partner activates the connection establishment and which partner establishes a connection passively in response to a request from its communication partner. See also Principle of operation of connection-oriented protocols (Page 610) Connection configuration (S7-1200, S7-1500) Overview of connection configuration (S7-1200, S7-1500) Introduction You can find the connection configuration in the inspector window of the program editor if you want to program Open User Communication with the communication instructions TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON. Connection configuration supports the flexible functionality of communication programming: The parameters entered for the connection configuration are stored in an automatically generated global DB derived from the TCON_Param, TCON_IP_v4 or TCON_IP_RFC structure. You can modify the connection parameters in this connection description DB. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 599 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of the connection configuration The connection configuration is made up of the following components: 600 Communication instruction for TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "Configuration" tab in the "Properties" tab Area navigation of the "Configuration" tab General properties of the connection parameters Address details of the connection parameters (for selected connection DBs) "Configuration" tab Enter the desired connection parameters in the "Configuration" tab. The area navigation of the "Configuration" tab includes the "Connection parameters" group. This group contains the connection configuration. Here, you can enter the parameters for the connections and the address details with system support. Here, you also connect the CONNECT (TCON, TSEND_C, TRCV_C) or ID (TCON, TSEND, TRCV, TUSEND, TURCV) block parameters of the selected communication instructions. When all the required parameters are assigned, a check mark is set in front of the "Connection parameters" group in the area navigation. Note The connection parameter assignment does not check whether the connection IDs and port numbers (TCP, UDP) or TSAPs (ISO-on-TCP, ISO) are unique. When you configure Open User Communication, you should, therefore, make sure that the parameter settings are unique within a device. See also Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_Param (Page 612) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_IP_v4 (Page 615) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_IP_RFC (Page 620) TSEND_C: Send data via Ethernet (Page 4200) TSEND_C: Establishing a connection and sending data (Page 4205) TRCV_C: Receive data via Ethernet (Page 4214) TRCV_C: Establishing a connection and receiving data (Page 4219) TCON: Establish communication connection (Page 4254) TCON: Establish communication connection (Page 4258) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 601 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description of the connection parameters (S7-1200, S7-1500) Overview The following table shows the general connection parameters: Parameter Description End point The names of the local end point and the partner end point are shown. The local end point is the CPU for which TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C is programmed. The local end point is, therefore, always known. The partner end point is selected from the drop-down list. The drop-down list shows all avail able possible connection partners including unspecified connection partners for devices whose data is unknown in the project. For S7-1500, broadcast can be selected as the partner end point (message to all subnet devices). For S7-1500 CPs/CMs, multicast can also be selected as the partner end point (message to a group within the subnet). The connection type is converted automatically to UDP in this case. As long as no connection partner is selected, all other parameters in the mask are disabled except for the "Connection data" parameter. Interface The interface of the local end point is displayed. If multiple interfaces are available, e.g., by means of CPs or CMs, the interface can be selected from the drop-down list. To display or select the partner interface, a specified partner end point must first be selected. Subnet The subnet of the local end point is displayed, provided this exists. The partner subnet is displayed only after the partner end point has been selected. If at least one of the two connection partners is not connected with a subnet, the two connec tion partners are connected with each other. A connection between partners in different subnets is only possible with IP routing. The IP routing settings can be edited in the properties of the relevant Ethernet interfaces. Address The IP address or the PROFIBUS address of the local end point is displayed, depending on the subnet used. The corresponding address of the partner is displayed only after the partner end point has been selected. If you have selected an unspecified connection partner, the input box is empty and has a red background. In this case, you must specify a valid IP address/PROFIBUS address. The ad dress type (IP or PROFIBUS) depends on the type of subnet that is set for the local partner. Broadcast (S7-1500 only): If "Broadcast" is set as the partner end point, a non-editable IP address with host address 255 is entered automatically for the connection partner. The net work allocation corresponds to that of the sender. Example: Local IP address, partner IP address Multicast (S7-1500 CPs/CMs only): If "Multicast" is set as the partner end point, the editable IP address is entered automatically for the connection partner. Connection type Select the connection type you want to use from the "Connection type" drop-down list: TCP ISO-on-TCP UDP With the S7-1500, you can also select the ISO connection type at the configuration type of the configured connections for TSEND_C and TRCV_C or TCON. The connection types can only be used for partners that support the corresponding protocol. 602 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Description Connection type (for S7-1500 only) With the S7-1500, two different configuration types can be set for TSEND_C and TRCV_C: Programmed connections use program blocks for the connection description. Configured connections are saved for the configuration and are only created after download to the device in runtime. You can also use the configured connection to select the connection type ISO. The specified configuration method depends on the selected connection type. If both config uration methods are possible, the programmed connection is preset. The same configuration method must be set for both connection partners. Connection ID Enter the connection ID in the input box. You can change the connection ID in the input boxes or enter it directly in TCON. Ensure that the connection ID assigned is unique within the device. Connection data The names of the connection description DBs for the connection description structured ac cording to TCON_IP_v4, TCON_IP_RFC or TCON_Param are displayed in the drop-down lists. You can use the drop-down list to generate a new data block or to select an existing data block. This data block is filled automatically with the values from the connection configuration. The name of the selected data blocks is entered automatically in the CONNECT block pa rameter of the selected TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON instruction. From the drop-down list, you can also reference another valid data block. If a DB is referenced using the CONNECT input parameter of the TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON extended instruc tions and this does not correspond to the structure of a TCON_IP_v4, TCON_IP_RFC or TCON_Param, the drop-down list is shown with no content on a red background. Connection name (for S7-1500 only) If the connection type of the configured connections is set for TSEND_C and TRCV_C for the S7-1500, the "Connection data" parameter is replaced with the "Connection name" parame ter. The name of the configured connection serves here as the connection data. The drop-down list is still empty after selection of a connection partner. You can use the dropdown list to generate a new connection or to select an existing connection. If needed, a data block is created and automatically filled with the values from the connection configuration. The name of the data block is entered automatically in the CONNECT block parameter of the TSEND_C or TRCV_C instruction. You can also reference an existing connection from the drop-down list. Active connection establish ment Use the "Active connection establishment" check box to specify the active partner of the Open User Communication (only with TCP and ISO-on-TCP). Port Address component for a TCP or UDP connection. The default after creating a new TCP connection is 2000. (only with TCP and UDP) You can change the port numbers. The port numbers must be unique on the device! TSAP (ISO-on-TCP only) Address component for an ISO-on-TCP connection. The default value after creating a new ISO-on-TCP connection is E0. (S7-1200/1500) or E0. (S7-300/400). You can enter the TSAP-ID with an extension or as an ASCII TSAP. The TSAPs must be unique on the device! WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 603 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note UDP connection for the "Broadcast" setting (S7-300/400/1200) The parameters of the UDP connection for the "Broadcast" setting for the partner end point are stored in a connection description DB TCON_IP_v4 : With respect to UDP communication with TCON and TUSEND/TURCV , the TCON_IP_v4 is not filled with any partner parameters (value=0). However, the partner address and the partner port are necessary for sending the data and must be entered by the user in the TADDR_Param . The TADDR_Param for UDP communication is referenced by the TUSEND-/TURCV block parameter ADDR . The values for both parameters can be taken from the connection configuration. The configuration must also be adapted for the other recipients of UDP communication. In order to receive broadcast frames, the partner port must be configured at the receiver end. For this purpose, the RemotePort parameter of the TADDR_Param must be filled at the ADDR block. Note Communication via TSEND_C and TRCV_C (S7-1500) When TSEND_C and TRCV_C are used, a separate TSEND_C and TRCV_C block pair with a configured connection is required for each communication. Multiple TSEND_C and TRCV_C block pairs cannot simultaneously use the same configured connection for communication. Additional connections for a TSEND_C or TRCV_C instruction can be created in the inspector window for the connection parameters using the appropriate button next to the connection data. The connections configured using TSEND_C and TRCV_C are displayed in a connection table in the inspector window under "Properties > Configuration > Overview of configured connections" when the TSEND_C or TRCV_C block is selected. See also Assignment of port numbers (Page 626) TSAP structure (Page 629) Examples of TSAP assignment (Page 631) Ability to read back connection description parameters (Page 628) Creating and assigning parameters to connections (Page 606) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_Param (Page 612) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_IP_v4 (Page 615) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_IP_RFC (Page 620) Starting connection parameter assignment (S7-1200, S7-1500) The connection configuration for Open User Communication is enabled as soon as a TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C instruction for communication is selected in a program block. 604 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement Your project must contain at least one S7-CPU. The program editor is open. A network is available. Procedure To insert the extended instructions for Open User Communication, proceed as follows: 1. Open the task card, pane and folder "Instructions > Communication > Open User Communication". 2. Drag one of the following instructions to a network: - TSEND_C - TRCV_C - TCON The "Call options" dialog opens. 3. Edit the properties of the instance DB in the "Call properties" dialog. You have the following options: - Change the default name. - Select the "Manual" check box to assign your own number. - You can also execute the DB as a multi-instance for function blocks. 4. Click "OK" to complete your entry. Result A corresponding instance DB is created at a single instance for the inserted instruction TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON. In the case of a multi-instance, the instance DB of the function block is used. With TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON selected, you will see the "Configuration" tab under "Properties" in the Inspector window. The "Connection parameters" group in area navigation contains the connection parameter assignment that you can now make. See also Inserting FBD elements using the "Instructions" task card (Page 4705) Inserting LAD elements using the "Instructions" task card (Page 4649) Creating and assigning parameters to connections (Page 606) TSEND_C: Send data via Ethernet (Page 4200) TSEND_C: Establishing a connection and sending data (Page 4205) TRCV_C: Receive data via Ethernet (Page 4214) TRCV_C: Establishing a connection and receiving data (Page 4219) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 605 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks TCON: Establish communication connection (Page 4254) TCON: Establish communication connection (Page 4258) Creating and assigning parameters to connections (S7-1200, S7-1500) In the connection configuration for Open User Communication, you can create and configure connections of the TCP, UDP or ISO-on-TCP type. Requirements A CPU exists with a TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C communication instruction. Procedure To create a connection for Open User Communication, follow these steps: 1. Select a TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C block of Open User Communication in the program editor. 2. Open the "Properties > Configuration" tab in the inspector window. 3. Select the "Connection parameters" group. Until you select a connection partner, only the drop-down lists for the partner end point and the local connection data are enabled. All other input options are disabled. The connection parameters already known are displayed: - Name of the local end point - Interface of the local end point - IP address (for Ethernet subnet) or PROFIBUS address (for PROFIBUS subnet) of the local end point. 4. If you want to use an existing connection description DB, go to step 6. If you want to configure the connection with a new remote connection partner, continue here: In the drop-down list box of the partner end point, select a connection partner. You can select an unspecified device or a CPU in the project as the communication partner. Certain connection parameters are then entered automatically. The following parameters are set: - Name of the partner end point - Interface of the partner end point - IP address (for Ethernet subnet) or PROFIBUS address (for PROFIBUS subnet) of the partner end point. If the connection partners are networked, the name of the subnet is displayed. 5. With the S7-1500, in the "Configuration type" drop-down list, you choose between using program blocks or configured connections. 606 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 6. Select an existing connection description DB in the "Connection data" drop-down list or for configured connections select an existing connection under "Connection name". You can also create a new connection description DB or a new configured connection. When you select an existing connection description DB, the available configuration data is applied and entered in the connection description. Any data of a remote partner that was entered previously is overwritten. Later, you can still select other configured connections or change the names of the connection description DBs in order to create new data blocks: - You can also see the selected data block at the interconnection of the CONNECT input parameter of the selected TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C instruction. - If you have already specified a connection description DB for the connection partner using the CONNECT parameter of the TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C instruction, you can either use this DB or create a new DB. - If you edit the name of the displayed data block in the drop-down list, a new data block with the changed name but with the same structure and content is generated and used for the connection. - Changed names of a data block must be unique in the context of the communication partner. - A connection description DB must have the structure TCON_Param, TCON_IP_v4 or TCON_IP_RFC, depending on CPU type and connection. - A data block cannot be selected for an unspecified partner. Additional values are determined and entered after the selection or creation of the connection description DB or configured connection. The following is valid for specified connection partners: - ISO-on-TCP connection type - Connection ID with default of 1 - Active connection establishment by local partner - TSAP ID for S7-1200/1500: E0. for S7-300/400: E0. The following is valid for unspecified connection partners: - TCP connection type - Partner port 2000 The following applies for a configured connection with a specified connection partner: - TCP connection type - Connection ID with default of 257 - Active connection establishment by local partner - Partner port 2000 The following applies for a configured connection with an unspecified connection partner: - TCP connection type - Local port 2000 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 607 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 7. Enter a connection ID as needed for the connection partner. No connection ID can be assigned to an unspecified partner. Note You must enter a unique value for the connection ID at a known connection partner. The uniqueness of the connection ID is not be checked by the connection parameter settings and there is no default value entered for the connection ID when you create a new connection. 8. Select the desired connection type in the relevant drop-down list. Default values are set for the address details depending on the connection type. You can choose between the following: - TCP - ISO-on-TCP - UDP For configured connections with S7-1500, ISO applies in addition. 9. You can edit the input boxes in the address details. Depending on the selected protocol, you can edit the ports (for TCP and UDP) or the TSAPs (for ISO-on-TCP and ISO). 10.Use the "Active connection establishment" check box to set the connection establishment characteristics for TCP, ISO and ISO-on-TCP. You can decide which communication partner establishes the connection actively. Changed values are checked immediately for input errors by the connection configuration and entered in the data block for the connection description. Note Open User Communication between two communication partners can only work when the program section for the partner end point has been downloaded to the hardware. To achieve fully functional communication, make sure that you load not only the connection description of the local CPU on the device but also that of the partner CPU as well. See also Description of the connection parameters (Page 602) Starting connection parameter assignment (Page 604) TSAP structure (Page 629) Assignment of port numbers (Page 626) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_Param (Page 612) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_IP_v4 (Page 615) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_IP_RFC (Page 620) TSEND_C: Send data via Ethernet (Page 4200) TSEND_C: Establishing a connection and sending data (Page 4205) TRCV_C: Receive data via Ethernet (Page 4214) 608 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks TRCV_C: Establishing a connection and receiving data (Page 4219) TCON: Establish communication connection (Page 4254) TCON: Establish communication connection (Page 4258) Deleting connections (S7-1200, S7-1500) Introduction The data of a created connection for Open User Communication is stored in a connection description DB. You can delete the connection by deleting the data block containing the connection description. Requirement You have created an Open User Communication connection. Procedure To delete a connection, follow these steps: 1. Select a communication partner for Open User Communication in the project tree. 2. Open the "Program blocks > System blocks > Program resources" folder below the selected communication partner. 3. Select the "Delete" command from the shortcut menu of the data block with the connection parameter assignment. Note If you are not certain which block to delete, open the extended instruction TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C. You will find the name of the data block as the CONNECT input parameter or in the connection parameter assignment as the "Connection data" parameter. If you only delete the instance DBs of the extended instructions TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C, the assigned connections are not deleted as well. Note If the connection DB is still being used by other blocks of the extended instructions, then the corresponding calls, their instance DBs, and, if present, the combination blocks TSEND_C and TRCV_C must also be deleted from the block folder, provided they are not used elsewhere. This action prevents the program from being inconsistent. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 609 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Result You have deleted the connection. Note Insert an extended instruction TCON, TSEND_C, or TRCV_C again in order to reference an existing connection description with the TCON_Param, TCON_IP_v4, or TCON_IP_RFC structure again via the "Connection data" parameter. Connection parameters (S7-1200, S7-1500) Principle of operation of connection-oriented protocols (S7-1200, S7-1500) Introduction Connection-oriented protocols establish a logical connection to the communication partner before data transmission is started. After the data transmission is complete, they then terminate the connection, if necessary. Connection-oriented protocols are used especially when reliable data transmission is important. Several logical connections can exist over one physical line. Open User Communication supports the following connection types: TCP ISO-on-TCP ISO (S7-1500 only) UDP Both communication partners must support the same connection type for a connection. If a communication partner does not support a connection of the type ISO-on-TCP, for example, use the connection type TCP instead, if it is supported. For communication partners that cannot be configured in the TIA Portal, such as third-party devices or PCs, enter "unspecified" for the partner end point during connection parameter assignment. The required connection type for unspecified devices is listed in the respective documentation. Note Connections with ISO For S7-1500 CPUs, configured connections of the type ISO can be created using the TSEND_C and TRCV_C instructions. For additional information on these connection types, refer to the general connection descriptions. 610 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Characteristics of TCP TCP is a streaming protocol in which the length of the data stream is transmitted to the receiver so that it can receive the data stream as individual TCP segments. This means no information about the start and end of a message is transmitted during data transmission via a TCP connection. The receiver cannot determine by the received segments of the data stream where one message in the data stream ends and the next one begins. It is therefore recommended that the number bytes to be received (parameter LEN, instruction TRCV/TRCV_C) be assigned the same value as the number of bytes to be sent (parameter LEN, instruction TSEND/ TSEND_C). If the length of the sent data and the length of the expected data do not match, the following occurs: Length of data to be received (parameter LEN, instruction TRCV/TRCV_C) greater than length of data to be sent (parameter LEN, instruction TSEND/TSEND_C): TRCV/TRCV_C copies the received data to the specified receive area (parameter DATA) only after the assigned length is reached. When the assigned length is reached, data of the subsequent job are already being received. As a result, the receive area contains data from two different send jobs. If you do not know the exact length of the first message, you are unable to recognize the end of the first message and the start of the second message. Length of data to be received (parameter LEN, instruction TRCV/TRCV_C) less than length of data to be sent (parameter LEN, instruction TSEND/TSEND_C): TRCV/TRCV_C copies the number of bytes you specified in the LEN parameter to the receive data area (parameter DATA). Then, it sets the NDR status parameter to TRUE (job completed successfully) and assigns RCVD_LEN (amount of data actually received) the value of LEN. With each subsequent call, you receive a further block of the sent data. A receive area with fixed data length can be specified in the TRCV/TRCV_C instructions with the protocol version of the Ad-hoc mode. Characteristics of ISO-on-TCP ISO-on-TCP is a message-oriented protocol which detects the end of the message at the receiver end and indicates the data that belongs to the message to the user. This does not depend on the specified reception length of the message. This means that information regarding the length and the end of a message is included during data transmission via an ISO-on-TCP connection. If the length of the sent data and the length of the expected data do not match, the following occurs: Length of data to be received (parameter LEN, instruction TRCV/TRCV_C) greater than length of data to be sent (parameter LEN, instruction TSEND/TSEND_C): TRCV/TRCV_C copies all the sent data to the receive data area (parameter DATA). Then, it sets the NDR status parameter to TRUE (job completed successfully) and assigns RCVD_LEN (amount of data actually received) the length of the data sent. Length of data to be received (parameter LEN, instruction TRCV/TRCV_C) less than length of data to be sent (parameter LEN, instruction TSEND/TSEND_C): TRCV/TRCV_C does not copy any data to the receive data area (parameter DATA), but instead supplies the following error information: ERROR=1, STATUS=W#16#8088 (destination buffer too small). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 611 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Characteristics of UDP UDP is a message-oriented protocol which detects the end of the message at the receiver end and indicates the data that belongs to the message to the user. This does not depend on the specified reception length of the message. This means that information on the length and the end of a message is included during data transmission via a UDP connection. If the length of the sent data and the length of the expected data do not match, the following occurs: Length of data to be received (parameter LEN, instruction TRCV/TRCV_C) greater than length of data to be sent (parameter LEN, instruction TUSEND/TSEND_C): TURCV/TRCV_C copies all the sent data to the receive data area (DATA parameter). Then, it sets the NDR status parameter to TRUE (job completed successfully) and assigns RCVD_LEN (amount of data actually received) the length of the data sent. Length of data to be received (parameter LEN, instruction TRCV/TRCV_C) less than length of data to be sent (parameter LEN, instruction TUSEND/TSEND_C): TRCV/TRCV_C copies as much data to the receive data area (parameter DATA) as the LEN parameter requests. No further error message is generated. In this case, the user has to call a T_URCV again in order to receive the remaining bytes. See also Basics of Open User Communication (Page 597) TSEND_C: Send data via Ethernet (Page 4200) TRCV_C: Receive data via Ethernet (Page 4214) TSEND: Send data via communication connection (Page 4269) TRCV: Receive data via communication connection (Page 4273) TUSEND: Sending data (Page 4282) TURCV: Receiving data (Page 4286) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_Param (S7-1200, S7-1500) Data block for connection description A connection description DB with a structure according to TCON_Param is used for some S7-1200 CPUs when it comes to the assignment of parameters for TCP, UDP and ISO-onTCP communication connections. The fixed data structure of the TCON_Param contains all the parameters that are needed to establish the connection. The connection description DB is automatically created for a new connection by the connection configuration for Open User Communication when the TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON instruction is used. The CONNECT connection parameter of the instance DBs for TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON contains a reference to the data block used. 612 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of the connection description according to TCON_Param Byte Parameter Data type Start value Description 0 ... 1 block_length UINT 64 Length: 64 bytes (fixed) 2 ... 3 id CONN_OUC 1 Reference to this connection (value range: 1 to 4095). You must specify the value of this parameter for the TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON instruction under ID. 4 connection_type USINT 17 Connection type: 17: TCP (17 dec = 0x11 hex) 18: ISO-on-TCP (18 dec = 0x12 hex) 19: UDP (19 dec = 0x13 hex) 5 active_est BOOL TRUE Identifier for the type of connection establishment. FALSE al ways applies to UDP, since data can be sent and received via local ID. The following is valid for TCP and ISO-on-TCP: FALSE: Passive connection establishment TRUE: Active connection establishment 6 local_device_id USINT 1 ID for the local PN/IE interface. 7 local_tsap_id_len USINT 0 Length of parameter local_tsap_id used, in bytes; possible values: 0 or 2, if connection type = 17 (TCP) Only the value 0 is permissible for the active side. 2 to 16, if connection type = 18 (ISO-on-TCP) 2, if connection type = 19 (UDP) 8 rem_subnet_id_len USINT 0 This parameter is not used. 9 rem_staddr_len USINT 4 Length of address of partner end point, in bytes: 0: unspecified, in other words, parameter rem_staddr is irrelevant. 4: valid IP address in the parameter rem_staddr (TCP and ISO-on-TCP only) 10 rem_tsap_id_len USINT 2 Length of parameter rem_tsap_id used, in bytes; possible val ues: 0 or 2, if connection type = 17 (TCP) Only the value 0 is permissible for the passive side. 2 to 16, if connection type = 18 (ISO-on-TCP) 0, if connection type = 19 (UDP) 11 next_staddr_len WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 USINT 0 This parameter is not used. 613 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Byte Parameter Data type 12 ... 27 local_tsap_id ARRAY [1..16] of BYTE Start value - Description Local address component of connection: TCP and UDP: local port no. (possible values: 1...49151; recommended values: 2000...5000); local_tsap_id[1] = high byte of port no. in hexadecimal notation; local_tsap_id[2] = low byte of port no. in hexadecimal notation; local_tsap_id[3-16] = irrelevant ISO-on-TCP: local TSAP-ID: local_tsap_id[1] = B#16#E0; local_tsap_id[2] = rack and slot of local end points (bits 0 to 4: Slot number, bits 5 to 7: rack number); local_tsap_id[3-16] = TSAP extension, optional Note: Make sure that every value of local_tsap_id is unique within the CPU. 28 ... 33 rem_subnet_id ARRAY [1..6] of USINT - This parameter is not used. 34 ... 39 rem_staddr ARRAY [1..6] of USINT - TCP and ISO-on-TCP only: IP address of the partner end point, for example, for rem_staddr[1] = 192 rem_staddr[2] = 168 rem_staddr[3] = 002 rem_staddr[4] = 003 rem_staddr[5-6]= irrelevant 40 ... 55 rem_tsap_id ARRAY [1..16] of BYTE - Partner address component of connection TCP: partner port no. (possible values: 1...49151; recommended values: 2000...5000); rem_tsap_id[1] = high byte of port no. in hexadecimal notation; rem_tsap_id[2] = low byte of port no. in hexadecimal notation; rem_tsap_id[3-16] = irrelevant ISO-on-TCP: partner TSAP-ID: rem_tsap_id[1] = B#16#E0; rem_tsap_id[2] = rack and slot of partner end point (bits 0 to 4: Slot number, bits 5 to 7: rack number); rem_tsap_id[3-16] = TSAP extension, optional UDP: This parameter is not used. 56 ... 61 next_staddr ARRAY [1..6] of BYTE 62 ... 63 spare WORD 614 W#16#0000 This parameter is not used. Reserved. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note TCON_Param for S7-1500 CPU The connection description DB with the structure according to TCON_Param is also supported by S7-1500 CPUs for migration reasons. However, we recommend that you use the new structures TCON_IP_v4 and TCON_IP_RFC. See also Principle of operation of connection-oriented protocols (Page 610) Description of the connection parameters (Page 602) Ability to read back connection description parameters (Page 628) Basic principles for programming of data blocks (Page 4551) Overview of connection configuration (Page 599) TSAP structure (Page 629) Assignment of port numbers (Page 626) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_IP_v4 (S7-1200, S7-1500) Data block for connection description A connection description DB with a structure according to TCON_IP_v4 is used for CPUs of S7-1200 V4.0 and higher and S7-1500 to assign parameters for TCP and UDP communication connections. The fixed data structure of the TCON_IP_v4 contains all parameters that are required to establish the connection. The connection description DB is automatically created for a new connection by the connection configuration for Open User Communication when the TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON instruction is used. The CONNECT connection parameter of the instance DBs for TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON contains a reference to the data block used. Structure of the connection description according to TCON_IP_v4 Byte Parameter Data type Start value Description 0 ... 1 interface_id HW_ANY 64 Hardware identifier of the local interface (value range: 0 to 65535). 2 ... 3 id CONN_OUC 1 Reference to this connection (value range: 1 to 4095). You must specify the value of this parameter for the TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON instruction under ID. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 615 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Byte Parameter Data type Start value Description 4 connection_type BYTE 11 Connection type: 11: TCP (11 dec = 0x0B hex) 19: UDP (19 dec = 0x13 hex) For compatibility and migration reasons, the CPU S7-1500 also allows the values of the connection description DB with a structure according to TCON_Param. For the connection type TCP, the entry 17 is therefore also valid (17 dec = 0x11 hex). 5 active_established BOOL TRUE Identifier for the type of connection establishment: FALSE: Passive connection establishment TRUE: Active connection establishment 6 ... 9 remote_address ARRAY [1..4] of BYTE IP address of the partner end point, for example, for addr[1] = 192 addr[2] = 168 addr[3] = 0 addr[4] = 1 10 ... 11 remote_port UINT 2000 Port address of the remote connection partner (value range: 1 to 49151). 12 ... 13 local_port UINT 2000 Port address of the local connection partner (value range: 1 to 49151). See also Principle of operation of connection-oriented protocols (Page 610) Description of the connection parameters (Page 602) Ability to read back connection description parameters (Page 628) Basic principles for programming of data blocks (Page 4551) Overview of connection configuration (Page 599) Assignment of port numbers (Page 626) Connection parameters according to TCON_IP_V4_SEC (S7-1500) Data block for connection description To configure the communication connections for TCP over IPv4 with Secure Communication, use the following modules: S7-1500 as of firmware version V2.0 With connection description DB with the structure of the SDT TCON_IP_V4_SEC Additionally optional: CP 15431 as of firmware version V2.0 or CP1543SP-1 as of firmware version V1.0 616 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Non-secure TCP or UDP connection over IPv4 You can also use SDT TCON_IP_V4_SEC for a non-secure TCP or UDP connection over IPv4. The connection parameter CONNECT of the instance DBs for TCON contains a reference to the data block used. Structure of the connection description according to TCON_IP_V4_SEC Byte Parameter Data type Start value Description 0... 15 ConnPara TCON_IP_v4 - SDT for the connection parameters Information about the interface_id: If you leave the interface_id at the preset value of 0, the operating system of the CPU evaluates the remote IP address and the IP routes existing locally and then specifies an Industrial Ethernet interface of the CPU for establishing the secure OUC connection. In this case, the diagnostics data is always assigned to the first Industrial Ethernet interface of the CPU. If you specify the hardware identifier of an Industrial Ethernet interface of the CPU or of a CP as interface_id, the secure OUC connection is established via the associated Industrial Ethernet interface. 16 ActivateSecure Conn BOOL FALSE Activation of Secure Communication for this connection 17 TLSServerReq ClientCert BOOL FALSE Only for the server side: Request for an X.509-V3 certificate from the TLS client 18 ... 19 ExtTLSCapabilities WORD 16#0 Bit 0: Only for the client side. A set bit means that the client validates the alternative name of the certificate subject (subjectAlternateName) in the X.509-V3 certificate of the server to check the identity of the server. The certificates are checked when the connection is established. If this parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent secur ity parameters are irrelevant, meaning that the connection is non-secure. You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP con nection in this case. Bit 1 to 15: reserved for future upgrades WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 617 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Byte Parameter Data type Start value Description 20 ... 23 TLSServerCertRef UDINT 0 Server side: ID of its own X.509-V3 certificate 24 ... 27 TLSClientCertRef Client side: ID of the X.509-V3 certificate (usually a CA certificate) that is used by the TLS client to validate the TLS server authentication. If this parameter is 0, the TLS client uses all the (CA) certificates currently loaded in the client certificate store to validate the server authentication. UDINT 0 Client side: ID of its own X.509-V3 certificate Server side: ID of the X.509-V3 certificate (or a group of X.509-V3 certificates) that is used by the TLS server to validate the TLS client. If this parameter is 0, the TLS server uses all (CA) certificates currently loaded in the server certificate store to validate the client authentication. See also Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_IP_v4 (Page 615) Connection parameters in accordance with TCON_QDN (S7-1500) Data block for connection description To configure the communication connections for TCP and UDP over the fully qualified domain name, use a connection description DB with a structure according to TCON_QDN for S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware version V2.0. The connection parameter CONNECT of the instance DBs for TCON contains a reference to the data block used. Structure of the connection description in accordance with TCON_QDN Byte Parameter 0 ... 1 interface_id Data type Start value Description HW_ANY 0 irrelevant Note: The first Industrial Ethernet interface is always used in the firmware version V2.0 of the S7-1500 CPUs. 2 ... 3 id CONN_OUC 1 Reference to this connection (value range: 1 to 4095). You must specify the value of this parameter for the TCON instruction under ID. 4 connection_type BYTE 11 Connection type: 11: TCP (11 dec = 0x0B hex) 19: UDP (19 dec = 0x13 hex) For compatibility and migration reasons, the CPU S7-1500 also allows the values of the connection description DB with a structure according to TCON_Param. For the connection type TCP, the entry 17 is therefore also valid (17 dec = 0x11 hex). 618 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Byte Parameter Data type Start value Description 5 active_established BOOL TRUE Identifier for the type of connection establishment: FALSE: Passive connection establishment TRUE: Active connection establishment 6... 261 remote_qdn Array of STRING [1..254] - Fully qualified domain name of the partner end point, which must finish with "." Please note that in a SIMATIC network, the name including the concluding dot must not exceed 254 characters. 262 ... 263 remote_port UINT 2000 Port address of the remote connection partner (value range: 1 to 49151). 264 ... 265 local_port UINT 2000 Port address of the local connection partner (value range: 1 to 49151). Connection parameters in accordance with TCON_QDN_SEC (S7-1500) Data block for connection description To configure the communication connections for TCP over the fully qualified domain name with secure communication, use a connection description DB with the structure of the SDT TCON_QDN_SEC for S7-1500 CPUs with firmware version V2.0 or higher. Note Non-secure TCP or UDP connection over the fully qualified domain name You can also use the TCON_QDN_SEC SDT for a non-secure TCP or UDP connection over the fully qualified domain name. The connection parameter CONNECT of the instance DBs for TCON contains a reference to the data block used. Structure of the connection description according to TCON_QDN_SEC Byte Parameter Data type Start value Description 0... 271 ConnPara TCON_QDN - Connection parameter 272 ActivateSecure Conn BOOL FALSE Activation of secure communication for this connection TLSServerReq ClientCert BOOL 273 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 If this parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent secur ity parameters are irrelevant. You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case. FALSE Only for the server side: Request for an X.509-V3 certificate from the TLS client 619 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Byte Parameter 274 .. ExtTLSCapabilities . 275 Data type Start value Description WORD 16#0 Bit 0: Only for the client side. A set bit means that the client validates the subjectAlternateName in the X.509-V3 certificate of the server to check the identity of the server. The certificates are checked when the connection is established. Bit 1 to 15: reserved for future upgrades 276 .. TLSServerCertRef . 279 UDINT 280 ... 283 UDINT TLSClientCertRef 0 Server side: ID of its own X.509-V3 certificate Client side: ID of the X.509-V3 certificate (usually a CA certificate) that is used by the TLS client to validate the TLS server authentication. If this parameter is 0, the TLS client uses all (CA) certificates currently loaded in the client certificate store to validate the server authentication. 0 Client side: ID of its own X.509-V3 certificate Server side: ID of the X.509-V3 certificate (or a group of X.509-V3 certificates) that is used by the TLS server to validate TLS client authentication. If this parameter is 0, the TLS server uses all (CA) certificates currently loaded in the server certificate store to validate the client authentication. See also Connection parameters in accordance with TCON_QDN (Page 618) Secure OUC from an S7-1500 CPU as a TLS client to an external PLC (TLS server) (Page 739) Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_IP_RFC (S7-1200, S7-1500) Data block for connection description A connection description DB with a structure according to TCON_IP_RFC is used for CPUs of S7-1200 V4.0 and higher and S7-1500 to assign parameters to ISO-on-TCP communication connections. The fixed data structure of the TCON_IP_RFC contains all parameters that are required to establish the connection. The connection description DB is automatically created for a new connection by the connection configuration for Open User Communication when the TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON instruction is used. The CONNECT connection parameter of the instance DBs for TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON contains a reference to the data block used. 620 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of the connection description according to TCON_IP_RFC Byte Parameter Data type Start value Description 0 ... 1 interface_id HW_ANY 64 Hardware identifier of the local interface (value range: 0 to 65535). 2 ... 3 id CONN_OUC 1 Reference to this connection (value range: 1 to 4095). You must specify the value of this parameter for the TSEND_C, TRCV_C or TCON instruction under ID. 4 connection_type BYTE 12 Connection type 12: ISO-on-TCP (12 dec = 0x0C hex) For compatibility and migration reasons, the CPU S7-1500 also allows the values of the connection description DB with a structure according to TCON_Param. For the connection type ISO-on-TCP, the entry 18 is therefore also valid (18 dec = 0x12 hex). 5 active_established BOOL TRUE Identifier for the type of connection establishment: FALSE: Passive connection establishment TRUE: Active connection establishment 8... 11 remote_address ARRAY [1..4] of BYTE IP address of the partner end point, for example, for addr[1] = 192 addr[2] = 168 addr[3] = 0 addr[4] = 1 12 ... 45 remote_tselector TSelector - TSelector of the remote connection partner: TSelLength = Value range 0 to 32 as UINT TSel[1-32] = Value range each 0 to 255 in bytes 46 ... 79 local_tselector TSelector - TSelector of the local connection partner: TSelLength = Value range 0 to 32 as UINT TSel[1-32] = Value range each 0 to 255 in bytes See also Principle of operation of connection-oriented protocols (Page 610) Description of the connection parameters (Page 602) Ability to read back connection description parameters (Page 628) Basic principles for programming of data blocks (Page 4551) Overview of connection configuration (Page 599) TSAP structure (Page 629) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 621 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Connection parameters to TCON_Phone (S7-1200, S7-1500) System data types TCON_... for telecontrol connections TCON_PHONE is used as a connection description for the following types of connection: In mobile wireless CPs of the S71200 for connections of Open User Communication to transfer SMS over TCON / TDISCON / TSEND or TSEND_C. With the CP 12427 for telecontrol connections to SMS clients with TC_CON To configure establishment of a connection using one of the previously mentioned instructions, the CONNECT parameter of the instruction is used for the connection description. The connection description is defined by the structure of the system data type (SDT) TCON_Phone. The structure of the relevant SDT contains the parameters necessary to establish the connection with the remote communications partner. Creating a DB of the type TCON_Phone You need to type in the data type of the DB with the keyboard. It is not displayed in a selection list. Upper or lower case is unimportant when entering the data type. Follow these steps to create the DB: 1. Create a data block of the type "Global DB" with block access "Standard". To do so, deactivate the property "Optimized access" in the block properties (shortcut menu) in the "Attributes" tab. 2. Create an SDT in the parameter configuration table of the DB. 3. Enter the following name in the declaration table of the DB in the cell of the data type: TCON_Phone The SDT and its parameters are created (see below). 4. Configure the parameters described below. Reserved bits are not displayed. System data type TCON_Phone for SMS connections Note SMS text Programmed SMS texts for SMS messages to be sent are accessed using the DATA parameter of the TC_SEND instruction. The text of a received SMS message is assigned to the address area of the CPU by the DATA parameter of the TC_RECV instruction. 622 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-1 Parameters of TCON_Phone Byte Parameter Data type 0 ... 1 InterfaceId HW_ANY 2 ... 3 ID CONN_OUC Initial value Description Reference to the local interface (telecontrol interface or Ethernet interface of the CP > "Hardware identifier") 1...07FFh Reference to the local mobile wireless connection. The ID is assigned and must be unique within the CPU. Note on telecontrol connections of the CP 1242-7: The same value as that of the parameter ID of the TC_CON instruction must be used here. 4 ConnectionType Byte 5 ActiveEstablished Bool W#16#0E Protocol variant 14 (Eh): SMS connection Identifier for the type of connection establishment (not relevant for the CP 1242-7): 0: Passive connection establishment (not relevant here) 1: Active connection establishment 6...7 - - 8 ... 31 PhoneNumber - String[22] - reserviert Call number of the connection partner Permitted values: Plus character (+) and numbers Note the exact notation of the international dialing code of the relevant phone number assigned by the network provider ("+" character or zeros). Note on the telecontrol connections of the CP 1242-7: if the parameter PhoneNumber is not entered, no con nection partner is specified and SMS messages can be received by all authorized connection partners. Without an entry, TC_RECV initially delivers the oldest received SMS messages during startup. Connection parameters to TCON_FDL (S7-1200, S7-1500) System data block (SDT) for FDL connection description In order to parameterize an FDL connection for the CM 15425, a connection description DB with an SDT to TCON_FDL is used. The fixed data structure of the STD contains all parameters that are required to establish the connection. The connection description SDT has to be created in a created DB. The connection parameter CONNECT of the instance DBs for TSEND_C or TRCV_C contains a reference to the data block used. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 623 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following types of FDL connections can be established: Configured FDL connections These connection types are configured in the STEP 7 program editor, see AUTOHOTSPOT. TSEND_C and TRCV_C are used as blocks. - Specified connection Fully configured connection between two masters - Unspecified connection Configured connection with an unspecified partner Programmed FDL connections These connection types cannot be configured in the STEP 7 program editor. Instead these connection types require the calling the TCON instruction together with TSEND/TRCV or TUSEND/TURCV, respectively. - Unspecified Layer 2 connection Programmed FDL connection with an unspecified partner with free Layer 2 access - Broadcast connection Connection with all connected partners - Multicast connection Connection with several defined partners If specific settings for the individual connection types are required, this is mentioned at the subsequent parameters of the SDT. Structure of the connection description "TCON_FDL" for configured connections The table below describes the connection parameters for the following configured FDL connections: Specified connection Unspecified connection Byte Parameter Data type Value range / Start value Description 0 ... 1 InterfaceId HW_ANY 0 .. 65535 Hardware identifier of the local interface 2 ... 3 ID CONN_OUC 0 .. 4095 Reference to this connection in accordance with connection configuration 4 ConnectionType Byte 15 Connection type: 0x15 (dec. 21) for FDL 5 ActiveEstablished Bool FALSE ID for the manner in which the connection is established FALSE: Passive connection establishment TRUE: Active connection establishment The parameter value is not processed further. 624 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Byte Parameter Data type Value range / Start value Description 5 ServiceId Byte 0 .. 2 Identifier of the data transfer service 0: Automatic default with selection of the service in accordance with the receiver configured in the connection description Only SDA is used in this setting for configured connections. 1: Send Data Acknowledged (SDA) - for active connections between two masters Use this setting for unspecified connections. 2: Send Data Non-Acknowledged (SDN) - for multicast / broadcast 6 ... 9 RemotePBAddress Byte 0 .. 126 PROFIBUS address of the connection partner Is used for specified connections by the connection configuration. Has to be stated explicitly for unspecified connections. 6 ... 9 LocalPBAddress Byte 0 .. 126 10 ... 11 Byte 2 .. 32 Own (local) PROFIBUS address Is assigned automatically by the interface configuration. RemoteLSAP LSAP (link layer service access point) of the connection part ner Has to be stated explicitly for configured connections. 12 ... 13 LocalLSAP Byte 2 .. 32 Own (local) LSAP Has to be stated explicitly for configured connections. Structure of the connection description "TCON_FDL" for programmed connections The table below describes the connection parameters for the following programmed FDL connections: Unspecified Layer 2 connection Broadcast connection Multicast connection Byte Parameter Data type Value range / Start value Description 0 ... 1 InterfaceId HW_ANY 0 .. 65535 Hardware identifier of the local interface 2 ... 3 ID CONN_OUC 0 .. 4095 Reference to this connection Reference to the value of the ID generated by TCON. Specify the value for TSEND / TRCV or TUSEND / TURCV at the parameter ID. 4 ConnectionType Byte 15 Connection type: 0x15 (dec. 21) for FDL 5 ActiveEstablished Bool FALSE ID for the manner in which the connection is established FALSE: Passive connection establishment TRUE: Active connection establishment The parameter value is not processed further. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 625 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Byte Parameter Data type Value range / Start value Description 5 ServiceId Byte 0 .. 2 Identifier of the data transfer service 0: Automatic selection of the service. Not to be used for programmed connections. 1: Send Data Acknowledged (SDA) - for active connections between two masters 2: Send Data Non-Acknowledged (SDN) - for multicast / broadcast "1" or "2" has to be programmed for programmed connections. 6 ... 9 RemotePBAddress Byte 0 .. 127 PROFIBUS address of the connection partner Specify the address if TSEND or TUSEND is used. The value is set by the user program for TRCV or TURCV. For broadcast / multicast: 127 6 ... 9 LocalPBAddress Byte 0 .. 126 Own (local) PROFIBUS address Is assigned automatically by the interface configuration. 10 ... 11 RemoteLSAP Byte 2 .. 32, 63 LSAP (link layer service access point) of the connection part ner Specify the address if TSEND or TUSEND is used: For unspecified Layer 2 connections: 2 .. 32 For broadcast: 63 For multicast: Use the same values as "LocalLSAP". The value is set by the user program for TRCV or TURCV. 12 ... 13 LocalLSAP Byte 2 .. 32 Own (local) LSAP Is to be assigned by the program. Assignment of port numbers (S7-1200, S7-1500) Introduction When an Open User Communication is created, the value 2000 is automatically assigned as the port number. Permissible values for port numbers are 1 to 49151. You can assign any port number within this range. However, because some ports may already be used depending on the system, port numbers within the range from 2000 to 5000 are recommended. Note Port numbers must be unique. The connection configuration or a corresponding block call is rejected with an error if the port numbers are assigned twice. 626 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Overview of port numbers The following table summarizes the system reactions to different port numbers. Port no. Description System reaction 2000 ... 5000 Recommended range No warning, no error message on entry Port number is permitted and accepted 1 ... 1999, 5001 ... 49151 Can be used, but is outside the recom mended range 0, 20, 21, 25, 80, 102, 135, 161, 443, 465, 989, 990, 8080, 34962 ... 34964 Can be used conditionally* 53, 80, 102, 135, 161, 162, 443, 520, 9001, 34962 ... 34964 Can be used conditionally** Warning message on entry Port number is permitted and accepted * Ports specified for specific functions ("well-known Ports"): 0: ANY - Port number is automatically assigned by S7-1500 CPU as value (>49151) 20: FTP data transmission 21: FTP control 25: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) / TMAIL_C 80: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) / Web server 102: ISO-on-TCP (RFC1006) 135: DCE Endpoint Mapper for PROFINET 161: SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 443: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) 465: SMTPS (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure) 989: FTPS data transfer 990: FTPS control 8080: HTTP alternative / internal Web 34962 ... 34964: PROFINET Note The user usually specifies the value 0 for the local port on the active connection end point for UDP/TCP. In this case, the CPU operating system selects the next available port above 49151. The partner port usually has the default 0 with the passive connection end point. The corresponding parameter is disabled in the connection configuration. ** These ports are disabled depending on the function scope of the CPU in use. The documentation of the respective CPUs provides the assignment of these ports. See also Description of the connection parameters (Page 602) Creating and assigning parameters to connections (Page 606) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 627 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Ability to read back connection description parameters (S7-1200, S7-1500) Changing parameter values in the connection description The connection description for exactly one connection of the Open User Communication is entered from the connection configuration in the connection description DB. You can change the parameter values of the connection description DB outside of the connection configuration in the user program. Connection description DBs containing values you changed subsequently can be read back from the connection configuration. Under "Properties > Configuration > Connection parameters", the inspector window displays only the connection parameters stored in the connection description DB. Note You can only change the values in the running user program if the instructions TCON, TSEND_C or TRCV_C are not being processed and the referenced connection is not established. The connection configuration does not support nested entries of connection descriptions in DB types that can only be found via offset referencing (for example, Global-DB). The structure of the connection description cannot be changed. Ability to read back individual connection parameters For the "Address" parameter of the communication partner in a TCP or ISO-on-TCP connection, its IP address is displayed from the "rem_staddr" parameter of the connection description. The following values can also be reloaded from the connection description: Connection type Local connection ID Active/passive connection establishment (only with UDP) Local TSAP (ISO-on-TCP only) Partner TSAP (ISO-on-TCP only) Local port (only with TCP and UDP) Partner port (only with TCP) The values of the connection ID parameters of the communication partner, the connection data, as well as the connection establishment, are not included in the connection description in the local connection description DB. Consequently, these parameters cannot be displayed when the connection configuration is reopened. The connection establishment of the partner results from the local connection establishment and is therefore also displayed. A new communication partner can be selected at any time in the "Partners" drop-down list box. When a CPU recognized in the project is selected as a specified communication partner, the entry options for the connection ID and the connection data are shown again. 628 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Connection parameters with structure according to TCON_Param (Page 612) Description of the connection parameters (Page 602) TSAP structure (S7-1200, S7-1500) Introduction For an ISO-on-TCP connection, Transport Service Access Points (TSAPs) must be assigned for both communication partners. TSAP IDs are assigned automatically after an ISO-on-TCP connection is created. To ensure the uniqueness of TSAP IDs within a device, you can change the preassigned TSAPs in the connection parameter assignment. Structure of TSAPs You must comply with certain rules when assigning TSAPs. A TSAP must contain a certain number of bytes, which are able to be displayed and entered as hexadecimal values (TSAPID) or as ASCII characters (ASCII-TSAP): $6&,,76$3 76$3 $6&,, ,62RQ7&3 $6&,,FKDUDFWHUV 76$3,' ))(' +H[YDOXHV 76$3,' Entries or changes of the TSAP-ID or the ASCII-TSAP in the corresponding entry fields always take effect in the other display format as well. If a TSAP contains no valid ASCII characters, the TSAP is displayed only as TSAP-ID and not as ASCII-TSAP. This is the case after a connection is created. The first two hex characters as TSAP-ID identify the communication type and the rack/slot. Because these characters are not valid ASCII characters for a CPU, the ASCII-TSAP is not displayed in this case. $6&,,76$3QRWSUHVHQW 76$3,'FRQWDLQVLQYDOLG$6&,,FKDUDFWHUV $6&,,FKDUDFWHUV 76$3 $6&,, 76$3,' ())(' 76$3,' +H[YDOXHV 76$3H[WHQVLRQ FRPSOHWH76$3,' In addition to the rules for length and structure of TSAPs, you must also ensure the uniqueness of the TSAP-ID. The assigned TSAPs are not automatically unique. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 629 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Length and content of TSAPs Structure of the TSAP ID with TSAP extension: Valid for CPU S7-1200 firmware V1 Length = 2 to 16 bytes x_tsap_id[0] = 0xE0 (Open User Communication) x_tsap_id[1] (bits 0 to 4) = slot number of CPU x_tsap_id[1] (bits 5 to 7) = rack number of CPU x_tsap_id[2...15] = any characters (TSAP extension, optional) (x = loc (local) or x = rem (partner)) Valid for CPU S7-1500 and S7-1200 firmware as of V2 Length = 2 to 16 bytes x_tsap_id[0] = 0xE0 (Open User Communication) x_tsap_id[1] = 0x00 to 0xFF x_tsap_id[2...15] = any characters (TSAP extension, optional) (x = loc (local) or x = rem (partner)) Structure of the TSAP ID as ASCII TSAP: Valid for CPU S7-1200 firmware V1 Length = 3 to 16 bytes x_tsap_id[0...2] = 3 ASCII characters (0x20 to 0x7E) x_tsap_id[3...15] = any characters (optional) (x = loc (local) or x = rem (partner)) Valid for CPU S7-1200 firmware as of V2 Length = 3 to 16 bytes x_tsap_id[0...2] for active connection = 3 ASCII characters (0x00 to 0xFF) or any bit string* x_tsap_id[0...2] for passive connection = 3 ASCII characters (0x20 to 0x7E) or any bit string* x_tsap_id[3...15] = any characters (optional) (x = loc (local) or x = rem (partner)) Valid for S7-1500 CPU Length = 3 to 16 bytes x_tsap_id[0...2] = 3 ASCII characters (0x00 to 0xFF) or any bit string* x_tsap_id[3...15] = any characters (optional) (x = loc (local) or x = rem (partner)) * ASCII character strings must not start with "SIMATIC-" The following table shows the schematic structure of various TSAP IDs: TSAP-ID tsap_id_len tsap_id[0] tsap_id[1] tsap_id[2] tsap_id[3..15] ...with extension 2...16 bytes 0xE0 0x01 or 0x02 or 0x00* Extension (optional) Extension (optional) 2...16 bytes 0xE0 0x00...0xFF Extension (optional) Extension (optional) 3...16 bytes 0x20...0x7E 0x20...0x7E 0x20...0x7 Any (optional) (CPU S7-1200 firmware V1) ...with extension (CPU S7-1500, S7-1200 firmware as of V2) ASCII-TSAP (CPU S7-1200 firmware V1) 630 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks *An S7-1200 CPU is normally inserted on rack 0 and slot 1, and an S7-300/400 CPU on rack 0 and slot 2. For this reason, hex value 01 or 02 is valid for the second position of the TSAP ID with extension. If the connection partner is an unspecified CPU, for example, a third-party device, the hex value 00 is also permissible for the slot address. Note For unspecified communication partners, the local TSAP-ID and the partner TSAP-ID can have a length of 0 to 16 bytes, in which all hex values from 00 to FF are permitted. ASCII code table for entry of ASCII TSAPs When entering ASCII TSAPs with the hexadecimal values from 20 to 7E, only the following characters are permitted: Code ..0 2.. ..1 ..2 ..3 ..4 ..5 ..6 ..7 ..8 ..9 ..A ..B ..C ..D ..E ..F ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 3.. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 4.. @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 5.. P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ 6.. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o 7.. p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ See also Examples of TSAP assignment (Page 631) Description of the connection parameters (Page 602) Creating and assigning parameters to connections (Page 606) Examples of TSAP assignment (S7-1200, S7-1500) The following examples show the processing of the TSAPs for CPUs of the S7-1200/1500 (CPU on slot 1) under various points of view: Example 1: Creating a new connection for PLC-PLC communication Example 2: Entry of a local ASCII-TSAP Example 3: Entry of a TSAP extension in the TSAP-ID Example 4: Incorrect editing of the TSAP-ID Example 5: Entry of an ASCII-TSAP via the "TSAP-ID" entry field Example 1: Creating a new connection for PLC-PLC communication Once you have created a new connection with two PLCs for the Open User Communication, the TSAP extension "ISOonTCP-1" is assigned automatically. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 631 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks This TSAP extension produces the TSAP-ID E0., which is entered automatically in the connection description DB and in the entry fields of the local and the partner TSAP. The entry fields of the ASCII-TSAPs remain empty: Local TSAP Partner TSAP E0. E0. TSAP (ASCII) TSAP-ID You can change the values in the entry fields of the TSAP-ID and the ASCII-TSAP at any time. The entry field of the TSAP-ID shows the complete TSAP stored in the data block of the connection description. The TSAP-ID with TSAP extension, which is limited to 16 characters, is not displayed in the "TSAP (ASCII)" entry field because the character E0 does not represent a valid character for the ASCII-TSAP. If the displayed TSAP-ID is a valid ASCII-TSAP, it is displayed in the "TSAP (ASCII)" entry field. Changes in the entry fields for TSAP-ID and ASCII-TSAP affect the other field. Example 2: Entry of a local ASCII-TSAP If you have created a new connection and assigned an ASCII value for the local TSAP in the "TSAP (ASCII)" entry field, for example, "ISOonTCP-1", the resulting TSAP-ID is created automatically. When you exit the "TSAP (ASCII)" entry field, the number of ASCII characters is checked automatically for compliance with the limit (3 to 16 characters) and the resulting TSAP-ID is entered into the corresponding entry field: Local TSAP TSAP (ASCII) ISOonTCP-1 TSAP-ID 49.53.4F.6F.6E. Partner TSAP E0. Example 3: Entry of a TSAP extension in the TSAP-ID If, following creation of a connection and entry of an ASCII-TSAP (see examples 1 and 2) in the entry field of the local TSAP-ID, you add the prefix "E0.01" to the TSAP value, the ASCIITSAP will no longer be displayed when the entry field is exited. Local TSAP Partner TSAP E0. E0. TSAP (ASCII) TSAP-ID Once you have exited the entry field of the TSAP-ID, a check is performed automatically to determine whether the first character of the TSAP-ID is a valid ASCII character. Since the character "E0" now present in the TSAP-ID is not a valid character for the ASCII-TSAP, the "TSAP (ASCII)" entry field no longer displays an ASCII-TSAP. If a valid ASCII character is used, the check for compliance with the length specification of 2 to 16 characters follows. 632 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Example 4: Incorrect editing of the TSAP-ID If you remove the hex value "E0" from a TSAP-ID beginning with "E0.01", the TSAP-ID now begins with "01" and therefore no longer complies with the rules and is invalid: Local TSAP Partner TSAP E0. TSAP (ASCII) TSAP-ID After the entry field is exited, a message is output because the TSAP-ID is neither a valid ASCIITSAP (this would have to have a hex value in the range from 20 to 7E as the first value) or a valid TSAP-ID (this would have to have the identifier "E0" as the first value). Example 5: Entry of an ASCII-TSAP via the "TSAP-ID" entry field If you remove the value "01" in addition to the value "E0" from the incorrect TSAP-ID in example 4, the TSAP-ID begins with the hex value 49. This value is within the permissible range for ASCII-TSAPs: Local TSAP Partner TSAP 49.53.4F.6F.6E. E0. TSAP (ASCII) TSAP-ID When you exit the entry field, the TSAP-ID is recognized as a valid ASCII-TSAP and the resulting ASCII-TSAP "ISOonTCP-1" is written to the "TSAP (ASCII)" entry field. See also TSAP structure (Page 629) Description of the connection parameters (Page 602) Configuring HMI connections Introduction to configuring connections Definition A connection defines a logical assignment of two communication partners in order to undertake communication services. A connection defines the following: Communication partner involved Type of connection (e.g., HMI connection) Special properties (e.g., whether a connection is established permanently or whether it is established and terminated dynamically in the user program, and whether status messages are to be sent) Connection path WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 633 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks What you need to know about connection configuration During connection configuration, a local connection name is assigned for an HMI connection as a unique local identification. In the network view, a "Connections" tab is displayed in addition to the "Network overview" tab. This tab contains the connection table. A line in this connection table represents a configured connection, e.g., between an HMI device and PLC, along with its properties. What you need to know about using connection resources Introduction Each connection requires connection resources for the end point and/or transition point on the devices involved. The number of connection resources is device-specific. If all the connection resources of a communication partner are assigned, no new connections can be established. This situation is apparent when a newly created connection in the connection table has a red background. The configuration is then inconsistent and cannot be compiled. HMI connections For HMI connections via the integrated PN interface, one connection resource for the endpoint per HMI connection is occupied for the HMI device. One connection resource is also required for the connection partner (PLC). 634 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Views containing information about the configured connections The views described below will provide you with comprehensive access to all the information and functions regarding configuring and checking communication connections. Connection display in the network view Connection table "Properties" tab for a connection in the inspector window WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 635 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Benefits The information shown in these views are always up-to-date in terms of the current user actions. This means: The connection table displays all connections created. If you have selected a connection in the connection table: - You will graphically see the connection path in the network view. - The "Properties" tab in the Inspector window displays the parameters of this connection. The connection table The connection table offers the following functions: List of all connections in the project Selection of a connection and display of connections associated with it in the network view Changing of connection partners Display showing status information "Properties" tab for a connection in the inspector window The properties dialog has the following meaning: Display for connection parameters Display of connection path Subsequent specification of connections using the "Find connection path" button Creating a new connection Creating a connection - alternatives You have the following options for creating a connection in the network view: Graphic connection configuration Interactive connection configuration You'll find the individual steps for this in the following chapters. Requirement and result You have created the devices with CPUs and HMI devices between which you want to configure connections in the network view. 636 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Specifying a connection If both partners for the connection type selected are networked on the same network, use the graphic or interactive selection of both communication partners to create a fully specified connection. This connection is entered automatically into the connection table of the HMI device. A local connection name is assigned for this connection. The following schematic shows a configured connection with a networked device: Creating a new connection graphically Graphically configuring connections When using the graphic connection configuration, if necessary the system asks you to define the connection path. Select the devices to be connected in the current configuration. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 637 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Automatically determining connection path To create a connection graphically, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Connections" button. The connection mode for the connection type you have selected is then activated. You will see this from the following: The devices that can be used for the connection type selected in your project are colorhighlighted in the network view. 2. Hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse pointer from the device from which the connection will originate to the device at which the connection ends. 3. Release the mouse button over the destination device to create the connection between the two devices. Result A specified connection is created. The connection path is highlighted. The connection is entered in the connection table. Interactively creating a new connection Interactively configuring connections Define the local device and its connection partners. 638 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure Proceed as follows to interactively create a connection: 1. Select the "Create new connection" command in the shortcut menu of a connection partner for which you want to create a connection. The "Create new connection" dialog is opened. 2. Select the partner endpoint. In the right pane of the dialog, a possible connection path fitting the selected endpoint is displayed, if available. Incomplete paths, for example, for a non-specified CPU, are marked by an exclamation mark on a red background. 3. To close the dialog, click "OK". To accept the configured connection and to configure additional connections to other endpoints, click "Apply". Working in the network view Highlighting connection path and partner in the network view To display the connection partners for all or certain connection types in the network view, proceed as follows: 1. Click the "Connections" button. 2. Select the "Highlight connection partners" command in the shortcut menu for the HMI device whose connection partners you want to display in the network view. 3. Select "All connection partners" in the following menu. The local device and the CPUs of the target devices are selected. The local connection partner shows an arrow pointing right and the remote connection partners show an arrow pointing left. 4. To open a list with information on the target devices, click the arrow of the local device. This additional function is useful in complex network configurations in which some devices are not visible. Note You can display one of the connection partners which cannot be seen in the current display range of the network view. Click on the communication partner in the list that appears. Result: The display is moved such that the connection partner becomes visible. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 639 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Creating a new connection graphically (Page 637) Working with the connection table Basic functions for tables The connection table supports the following basic functions for editing a table: Changing column width Displaying the meaning of a column, a row or cell using tooltips. Changing column width To adjust the width of a column to the content so that all texts in the lines are legible, follow these steps: 1. Position the cursor in the header of the connection table to the right of the column that you want to optimize until the cursor changes its shape to two parallel lines (as if you wanted to change the width of the column by dragging it with the cursor). 2. Double click on this point. or 1. Open the shortcut menu on the header of the table. 2. Click on - "Optimize column width" or - "Optimize width of all columns". For columns that are too narrow, the complete content of specific fields is shown when you pause with the cursor on the respective field. Show / hide columns You can use the shortcut menu of the header of the connection table to control the display of the various table columns. The shortcut menu entry "Show/hide columns" provides you with an overview of the available columns. Use the check box to control whether columns are shown or hidden. Using cursor keys to move within the connection table You can use the UP and DOWN cursor keys to select a connection from the connection table; the selected connection is marked and is shown highlighted in the network view. Changing properties of connection You can directly edit the parameters displayed in the connection table in some cases. To change the name of a connection, you do not have to navigate to the Inspector window. 640 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Changing connection partners You can change the connection partner of a connection as follows: 1. Select the connection. 2. Select the new connection partner from the open drop-down list in the "Partner" column. Deleting connections You can delete configured connections using the network view or the connection table. In the network view you can delete one highlighted connection per action. In the connection table you can delete one or several connections per action. Procedure To delete a connection, follow these steps: 1. Select the connection to be deleted: - In the network view: Select the connection to be deleted. - In the connection table: Select the rows of the connections to be deleted (multiple selection possible). 2. Open the shortcut menu with a right mouse click. 3. Select the "Delete" command. Result The selected connection is removed completely. Copying connections Introduction Connections are not copied singly but always in context along with the project or the device. You can copy: Entire projects One or more devices within a project or from one project to another Copying a project When you copy a project all configured connections will also be copied. No settings whatsoever are required for the copied connections because the connections remain consistent. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 641 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Copying devices If you copy devices for which connections have been configured (HMI devices), the connections are copied as well. To complete the connection path, you must still finalize the networking. An S7-1200 CPU with a V.10 firmware is only a server for connections and has no connection configuration itself. Consequently, no connections are copied along with it when an S7-1200 CPU with a V1.0 firmware is copied. Inconsistent connections - connections without assignment With an inconsistent connection the structure of the connection data is destroyed or the connection is not functional in the project context. Inconsistent connections cannot be compiled and loaded - operation is not possible with such a connection. In the connection table inconsistent connections are marked in red. Possible causes for inconsistent connections Deletion or change of the hardware configuration. Missing interface network links in the project, which are necessary for a connection. Connection resources are exceeded Errors when backing up data due to insufficient memory Connections to an unspecified connection partner without partner address information. Detailed information regarding the reasons for the inconsistency can be found in the "Compile" tab following compilation (Edit > Compile). Remedies If the connection cannot be repaired by opening the connection properties, changing them or undoing them in the configuration, then it may be necessary to delete the connection and recreate it. HMI connection general settings General connection parameters General connection parameters are displayed in the "General" parameter group under the properties of the connection; these connection parameters identify the local connection end point. Here, you can also assign the connection path and specify all aspects of the connection partner. 642 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Special connection properties Display of the connection properties (cannot be changed): Active connection establishment The connection establishment always starts from the HMI device. This option is selected by default if the address of the partner is specified. One-way One-way means that the connection partner functions as a server on this connection and cannot send or receive actively. Sending operating mode messages Not relevant for HMI devices. Address details Displaying address details of the HMI connection. With an unspecified partner, the values for the rack and slot can be changed. All other values are obtained from the current configuration and cannot be changed. Miscellaneous Display of the access points for the online connection between HMI device and connection partner. Configuring S7 connections (S7-1200) Introduction to configuring connections (S7-1200) Definition A connection defines a logical assignment of two communication partners in order to undertake communication services. A connection defines the following: Communication partner involved Type of connection (for example, S7 connection) Special properties (e.g., whether a connection is established permanently or whether it is established and terminated dynamically in the user program, and whether status messages are to be sent) Connection path What you need to know about connection configuration During connection configuration, a local connection name is assigned for an S7 connection as a unique local identification. In the network view, a "Connections" tab is displayed in addition to the "Network overview" tab. This tab contains the connection table. A row in this connection table represents a WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 643 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks configured connection from the viewpoint of the local communication partner with its properties, for example, between two S7-1200 CPUs. What you need to know about using connection resources (S7-1200) Introduction Each connection requires connection resources for the end point and/or transition point on the devices involved. The number of connection resources is device-specific. If all the connection resources of a communication partner are assigned, no new connections can be established. This situation is apparent when a newly created connection in the connection table has a red background. The configuration is then inconsistent and cannot be compiled. S7 connections In the case of S7 connections via the PN interface, one connection resource per S7 connection is assigned for the endpoint for the S7-1200 CPU. One connection resource is also required for the connection partner. You can find an overview of available and assigned connection resources for selected S7-1200 CPU in the Inspector window at "Properties > Connection Resources" 644 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Views containing information about the configured connections (S7-1200) The views described below will provide you with comprehensive access to all the information and functions regarding configuring and checking communication connections. Connection display in the network view Connection table "Properties" tab for a connection in the inspector window WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 645 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Benefits The information shown in these views are always up-to-date in terms of the current user actions. This means: The connection table displays all connections created. If you have selected a connection in the connection table: - When connection mode is enabled, the connection path is highlighted in the network view. - The "Properties" tab in the Inspector window displays the parameters of this connection. The connection table The connection table offers the following functions: List of all connections in the project Selection of a connection and display of connections associated with it in the network view (when connection mode is enabled) Changing of connection partners Display showing status information "Properties" tab for a connection in the inspector window The properties dialog has the following meaning: Display for connection parameters Display of connection path Subsequent specification of connections using the "Find connection path" button Creating a new connection (S7-1200) Creating a connection - alternatives You have the following options for creating a connection in the network view: Graphic connection configuration Interactive connection configuration You'll find the individual steps for this in the following chapters. Requirement and result In the network view, you have add devices between which the connections should be configured. 646 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Specifying a connection If both partners for the connection type selected are networked on the same network, use the graphic or interactive selection of both communication partners to create a fully specified connection. This connection is entered automatically in the connection table of the S7-1200 CPU. A local connection name is assigned for this connection. The following schematic shows a configured connection with a networked device: Creating a new connection graphically (S7-1200) Graphically configuring connections In the case of graphic connection configuration, the connection path is automatically specified provided interfaces and resources are available. Select the devices to be connected in the current configuration. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 647 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Automatically determining connection path To create a connection graphically, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Connections" button. This step activates the connection mode: You can now select the connection type you want. You will see this from the following: The devices that can be used for the connection type selected in your project are colorhighlighted in the network view. 2. Hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse pointer from the device from which the connection will originate to the device at which the connection ends. 3. Release the mouse button over the destination device to create the connection between the two devices. Result A specified connection is created. The connection path is highlighted. The connection is entered in the connection table. Configuring a connection when there is no or no clear network assignment Any networking not in place will if possible be created automatically when a connection is created. A query will be made upon completion of connection configuration if unique network assignment is not possible. You will be able to choose from the existing subnets. Example below: A query is made upon creation of a connection between stations PLC_1 and PLC_2, which are not yet networked. 648 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Interactively creating a new connection (S7-1200) Interactively configuring connections Define the local device and its connection partners. Procedure Proceed as follows to interactively create a connection: 1. Select the "Add new connection" command in the shortcut menu of a connection partner for which you want to create a connection. The "Create new connection" dialog appears. 2. Select the partner endpoint. In the right pane of the dialog, a possible connection path fitting the selected endpoint is displayed, if available. Incomplete paths, for example, for a non-specified CPU, are marked by an exclamation mark on a red background. 3. To accept the configured connection and to configure additional connections to other endpoints, click "Add". To close the dialog, click "OK". Working in the network view (S7-1200) Highlighting connection path and partner in the network view To display the connection partners for all or certain connection types in the network view, proceed as follows: 1. Click the "Connections" button. 2. Select the S7-CPU for which you want to display the connection partners in the network view and then select the "Highlight connection partners" command in the shortcut menu. 3. Select "All connection partners" in the following menu. The local device and the CPUs of the target devices are selected. The local connection partner shows an arrow pointing right and the remote connection partners show an arrow pointing left. 4. To open a list with information on the target devices, click the arrow of the local device. This additional function is useful in complex network configurations in which some devices are not visible. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 649 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note You can display one of the connection partners which cannot be seen in the current display range of the network view. Click on the communication partner in the list that appears. Result: The display is moved such that the connection partner becomes visible. Working with the connection table (S7-1200) Basic functions for tables The connection table supports the following basic functions for editing a table: Changing column width Displaying the meaning of a column, a row or cell using tooltips. Changing column width To adjust the width of a column to the content so that all texts in the lines are legible, follow these steps: 1. Position the cursor in the header of the connection table to the right of the column that you want to optimize until the cursor changes its shape to two parallel lines (as if you wanted to change the width of the column by dragging it with the cursor). 2. Double click on this point. or 1. Open the shortcut menu on the header of the table. 2. Click on - "Optimize column width" or - "Optimize width of all columns". For columns that are too narrow, the complete content of specific fields is shown when you pause with the cursor on the respective field. Show / hide columns You can use the shortcut menu of the header of the connection table to control the display of the various table columns. The shortcut menu entry "Show/hide columns" provides you with an overview of the available columns. Use the check box to control whether columns are shown or hidden. 650 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If you want to store the layout, width and visibility of the table columns, click on the "Remember layout" function in the top right-hand of the network view. Symbol Meaning Remember layout Saves the current table view. The layout, width and visibility of columns in the table view is stored. Using cursor keys to move within the connection table You can use the UP and DOWN cursor keys to select a connection from the connection table; the selected connection is marked and is shown highlighted in the network view. Changing properties of connection You can directly edit some of the parameters displayed in the connection table. The name of the connection can, for example, only be changed in the connection table. Changing connection partners You can change the connection partner of a connection as follows: 1. Select the connection. 2. Select the new connection partner from the open drop-down list in the "Partner" column. Deleting connections (S7-1200) You can delete configured connections using the network view or the connection table. In the network view you can delete one highlighted connection per action. In the connection table you can delete one or several connections per action. Procedure To delete a connection, follow these steps: 1. Select the connection to be deleted: - In the network view: Select the connection to be deleted. - In the connection table: Select the rows of the connections to be deleted (multiple selection possible). 2. Open the shortcut menu with a right mouse click. 3. Select the "Delete" command. Result The selected connection is removed completely. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 651 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Copying connections (S7-1200) Introduction Connections are not copied singly but always in context along with the project or the device. You can copy: Entire projects One or more devices within a project or from one project to another Copying a project When you copy a project all configured connections will also be copied. No settings whatsoever are required for the copied connections because the connections remain consistent. Copying devices If you copy devices for which connections have been configured, the connections are copied as well. To complete the connection path, you must still finalize the networking. An S7-1200 CPU with a V.10 firmware is merely a server for connections and has no connection configuration itself. Consequently, no connections are copied along with it when an S7-1200 CPU with a V1.0 firmware is copied. Inconsistent connections - connections without assignment (S7-1200) With an inconsistent connection the structure of the connection data is destroyed or the connection is not functional in the project context. Inconsistent connections cannot be compiled and loaded - operation is not possible with such a connection. In the connection table inconsistent connections are marked in red. Possible causes for inconsistent connections Deletion or change of the hardware configuration. Missing interface network links in the project, which are necessary for a connection. Connection resources are exceeded Connections to an unspecified connection partner without partner address information. Detailed information regarding the reasons for the inconsistency can be found in the "Compile" tab following compilation (Edit > Compile). 652 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Remedies To assign a closed connection path to an existing open connection path, expand the device configuration in such a way that the interfaces required for the connection type are available for both partners. At "Properties > General > Interface" in the Inspector window, you can use the "Find connection path" button to create a connection to an existing partner. S7 connection - general settings (S7-1200) General connection parameters General connection parameters are displayed in the "General" parameter group under the properties of the connection; these connection parameters identify the local connection end point. Here, you can assign the connection path and specify all aspects of the connection partner. Local ID The local ID of the module from which the connection is viewed is displayed here (local partner). You can change the local ID. You may need to do this if you have already programmed communication function blocks, and you want to use the local ID specified in those function blocks for the connection. Special connection properties Display of connection properties (can be modified depending on the components used): One-way One-way means that the connection partner functions as a server on this connection and cannot send or receive actively. Active connection establishment In the case of one-way connection, for example with a S7-1200 CPU (firmware version V1.0), a connection partner can only be provided for the active connection establishment. In the case of a two-way connection you can set which connection partner will assume the active role. Sending operating mode messages Indicates whether or not the local partner sends operating mode messages to the connection partner. Address details Displaying address details of the S7 connection. With an unspecified partner, the values for the rack and slot can be changed. All other values are obtained from the current configuration and cannot be changed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 653 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks S7 connection - address details (S7-1200) Meaning The address details show the end points of the connection and can localize these via the specification of rack and slot. When a connection is established, the connection-specific resources of a module are assigned permanently to this connection. This assignment requires that the connection resource can be addressed. The TSAP (Transport Service Access Point) is, as it were, the address of the resource that is formed with the help of the connection resource or, in the case of S7-1200 CPUs (firmware V2.0 or higher) with the SIMATIC-ACC (SIMATIC Application Controlled Communication). Configuration of TSAP for S7-1200 For S7-1200 CPU (firmare V2.0 or higher): "SIMATIC-ACC" nnn = Local ID mm = any value For S7-1200 CPU (firmare V1.0): . xx = Number of the connection resource y = Rack number z = Slot number TSAP structure, dependent on partner The configuration of the TSAP for S7-1200 CPUs is dependent on the respective firmware and on the remote connection partner. When a S7-1200 CPU is connected with a S7-300/400 CPU, a S7-1200 CPU also uses a TSAP configuration that includes the connection resource. 654 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See the following examples of TSAPs of various connection configurations Connection between two S7-1200 CPUs (both with firmware V2.0): - S7-1200 CPU "A" with firmware V2.0 and local ID 100: TSAP: SIMATIC-ACC10001 - S7-1200 CPU "B" with firmware V2.0 and local ID 5AE: TSAP: SIMATIC-ACC5AE01 Connection between two S7-1200 CPUs (firmware V2.0 and V1.0): - S7-1200 CPU with firmware V2.0 and local ID 1FF: TSAP: SIMATIC-ACC1FF01 - S7-1200 CPU with firmware V1.0 (rack 0, slot 1, connection resource 03): TSAP: 03.01 Connection between S7-1200 CPUs (firmware V2.0) and S7-300/400 CPU: - S7-1200 CPU with firmware V2.0 (rack 0, slot 1, connection resource 12): TSAP: 12.01 - S7-300/400 CPU (rack 0, slot 2, connection resource 11): TSAP: 11.02 S7 connections via CM/CP (S7-1200) Introduction S7-1200 CPUs with a firmware version of V2.0 or higher support one-way and two-way S7 connections via CM/CP interfaces. This increases the number of Ethernet ports and networks that can be used for S7 connections. Even though the connection is then guided via the CM/ CP, the associated S7-1200 CPU is an end point of the connection. The other end point can be any other device in the case of two-way connections. This other device must also support S7 connections. Data volumes and configuration limit The number of communication connections which are supported by CM/CP can be found in the manual accompanying every CM/CP. The number of connections per device can be further increased by adding other CM/CPs. If several CM/CPs are fitted in a device, an automatic switch is made to the next CM/CP when this limit is exceeded. Specifically assign the connections using the path selection as required. Note Data transfer > 240 byte transfer is supported by the current CPs. CPs with an older product version support the transfer of data with a data length of up to 240 bytes. For more information, refer to the details provided in the Ethernet CP equipment manual. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 655 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Tasks of the Ethernet CM/CP in online mode During data transfer via a connection, the Ethernet CM/CP takes on the following tasks: Receiving Receiving data from the Ethernet and forwarding to the user data area in the CPU Sending Transferring data from the user data area of the CPU and sending data via the Ethernet The connection is established automatically as soon as the partner can be reached. S7 connections using PUT and GET instructions Basic information on communication via the PUT/GET instruction Basic information on PUT/GET instructions Use PUT and GET instructions to exchange data between two CPUs via an S7 connection. The GET instruction is used to read data from a partner CPU. The PUT instruction is used to control the writing of tags by the communication partner via the user program. Apart from the PUT and GET instructions, no additional communication functions are provided for reading and writing tags. To simplify the use of the two instructions, specify all required parameters for the connection and all block parameters in the Inspector window of the program editor. Requirement To be able to use the PUT and GET instructions, the following requirements must be satisfied: At least one S7-1200/1500 CPU or S7-300/400 CPU must be created in the project. Firmware 2.0 or higher must be installed on an S7-1200 CPU. If you have not yet created a second CPU in the project, you can initially establish the connection to an unspecified partner. An S7 connection must exist between the two CPUs. If you have not yet established a connection between two CPUs, a connection is automatically established during the configuration of the instructions. For both instructions, an instance data block is required in which all data used by the instruction is stored. The instance data block is created automatically as soon as you drag a PUT or GET instruction to a network in the program editor. For the correct execution of the program, it is essential that the instance data blocks are not changed; consequently, these data blocks are know-how protected. You only have read access to the instance data blocks. See also Overview of connection configuration (Page 657) Assigning parameters to start request (Page 662) 656 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks PUT: Set parameters for write and send area (Page 663) GET: Set parameters for read and memory area (Page 664) Connection configuration Overview of connection configuration Introduction The connection parameters for the PUT and GET instructions are assigned in the inspector window of the program editor. All parameters are saved in the corresponding instance data block. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 657 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of the connection configuration The connection configuration is made up of the following components: Communication instruction for PUT or GET Call of online and diagnostic functions "Configuration" tab in the "Properties" tab Area navigation of the "Configuration" tab General properties of the connection parameters Display of online and diagnostic functions If you click the icon for starting the online and diagnostic functions, the associated CPU goes online automatically. The connection table in the network view is opened. In addition, the "Diagnostics" tab and the connection information are displayed in the inspector window. 658 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Entering the connection parameters Enter the desired connection parameters in the "Configuration" tab. The area navigation of the "Configuration" tab includes the "Connection parameters" group. This group contains the connection configuration. Here, you can enter the parameters for the connections using system functions. When all the required parameters are assigned, a check mark is set behind the "Connection parameters" group in the area navigation. See also Assigning parameters to start request (Page 662) PUT: Set parameters for write and send area (Page 663) GET: Set parameters for read and memory area (Page 664) Description of the connection parameters Overview The following table shows the general connection parameters: Parameter Description End point The names of the local end point and the partner end point are shown. Local end point The local end point is the CPU in which the PUT or GET instruction is programmed. Partner end point The partner end point is selected from the drop-down list. The drop-down list shows all available possible connection partners including unspecified connection partners for devices whose data is unknown in the project. As long as no connection partner is set, all other parameters in the mask are disabled. Interface The interface of the partner CPU is displayed. The partner interface is not displayed until a specified partner CPU has been selected. Interface type The type of interface via which communication is handled is displayed. Subnet name The subnet of the local end point is displayed, provided this exists. The partner subnet is displayed only after the partner end point has been selected. If at least one of the two connection partners is not connected with a subnet, the two connec tion partners are automatically connected with each other. The partner which is not connected to a network is hereby connected to the same subnet via which the other partner is already connected to a network. A connection of connection partners to different subnets is only possible with IP or S7 routing. The IP routing settings can be edited in the properties of the relevant Ethernet interfaces. Address The IP address of the local end point is displayed. The IP address of the partner is displayed only after the partner end point has been selected. If you have selected an unspecified connection partner, the input box is empty and has a red background. In this case, you will need to specify a valid IP address for the connection partner. Connection ID WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The currently set connection ID is displayed. You can change the connection ID in the con nection table in the network view. You can also directly access the connection table while you are setting the connection parameters. To do this, click the "Create new connection" icon. 659 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Description Connection name The name of the connection which was automatically created when the PUT/GET instruction was inserted is displayed. You can change the name of the connection by entered a different name in the field. You can also create a new connection or edit existing connections by clicking the "Create new connection" icon. Active connection establish ment Use the "Active connection establishment" option button to specify which partner starts the communication. When the connection is created, the local partner is initially specified by default for the establishment of the connection. If a device does not support active connection establishment, you have to activate active connection establishment on the other partner. Configured at one end If this check box is selected, the connection partner is the server for this connection. It cannot actively send or receive. This corresponds to the behavior of the PUT/GET instructions. In this case, other instructions are not possible. If the check box is not selected, other instructions can also be used for the communication. Starting connection parameter assignment You can assign the connection parameters for PUT and GET in the inspector window as soon as you have inserted and selected a PUT or GET instruction in a program block. Procedure To insert PUT/GET instructions, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Instructions" task card in the "Communication > S7 Communication" folder. 2. Drag a PUT or GET instruction to a network. The "Call options" dialog opens. 3. Optional: Edit the properties of the instance DB in the "Call properties" dialog. You have the following options: - Change the default name. - Select the "Manual" check box to assign your own number. 4. Click "OK". Result A corresponding instance data block is created for the inserted PUT or GET instruction. For S7-300 CPUs, a function block is also created in the program resources. When PUT or GET instruction is selected, you will see the "Configuration" tab under "Properties" in the inspector window. The "Connection parameters" group in area navigation contains the connection parameter assignment that you can now make. See also Creating and assigning parameters to connections (Page 661) Deleting connections (Page 662) 660 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Creating and assigning parameters to connections You can create S7 connections and assign the parameters for these in the connection parameter assignment of the PUT/GET instructions. Changed values are checked immediately by the connection parameter assignment for input errors. Requirement A CPU exists with a PUT or GET communication instruction. Procedure To configure an S7 connection using PUT/GET instructions, follow these steps: 1. In the program editor, select the call of the PUT or GET instruction. 2. Open the "Properties > Configuration" tab in the inspector window. 3. Select the "Connection parameters" group. Until you select a connection partner, only the empty drop-down list for the partner end point is enabled. All other input options are disabled. The connection parameters already known are displayed: - Name of the local end point - Interface of the local end point - IP address of the local end point 4. In the drop-down list box of the partner end point, select a connection partner. You can select an unspecified device or a CPU in the project as the communications partner. The following parameters are automatically entered as soon as you have selected the connection partner: - Interface of the partner end point - Interface of the partner end point. If several interfaces are available, you can change the interface as required. - Interface type of the partner end point - Subnet name of both end points - IP address of the partner end point - Name of the connection which is used for the communication. If no connection exists yet, it is automatically established. 5. If required, change the connection name in the "Connection name" input box. If you want to create a new connection or edit an existing connection, click on the "Create new connection" icon. Note The PUT and GET instructions between two communication partners can only run if both the hardware configuration and the program part for the partner end point have been loaded into the hardware. To achieve fully functional communication, make sure that you load not only the connection description of the local CPU on the device but also that of the partner CPU as well. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 661 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Deleting connections A connection which was automatically created during the insertion of a PUT or GET instruction appears in the connection table of the network view like every standard connection. As a result, it can be deleted in the connection table. Procedure To delete a connection, follow these steps: 1. Open the connection table in the network view. 2. In the connection table, select the connection that you want to delete. 3. To do this, right-click the connection and select the "Delete" command from the shortcut menu. Result The connection is deleted. The PUT or GET instruction and the associated instance data blocks are retained and must be manually deleted if necessary. To continue using the PUT or GET instruction, you must configure the connection again in the inspector window of the program editor, since all connection parameters were also deleted when the connection was deleted. In this case, specify a new communication partner and a suitable connection. Block parameter assignment Assigning parameters to start request To start communication via the PUT or GET instruction, you have to specify an event which activates the instruction. This event is referred to as control parameter (REQ). The communication job is activated as soon as there is a positive edge at the control parameter REQ. Please note that the control parameter REQ is assigned the default FALSE at first call. Requirement The program editor is open. You have already inserted a PUT or GET instruction. A connection has been established between two communication partners. Procedure To define the REQ control parameter, follow these steps: 1. Select the PUT or GET instruction in the program editor. 2. Open the "Configuration" tab in the inspector window. 662 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Select the "Block parameter assignment" entry in the area navigation. 4. In the "REQ" field, select a tag of the "BOOL" data type to initialize the execution of the instruction. Alternatively, you can also interconnect a previous instruction in the program editor. See also Data consistency (Page 4177) PUT: Set parameters for write and send area (Page 663) GET: Set parameters for read and memory area (Page 664) PUT: Set parameters for write and send area For communication via the PUT instruction, you must specify the memory area of the partner CPU to which the data should be written. In addition, you must specify the memory area of the local CPU from which the data is to be read. Requirement The program editor is open. You have already inserted a PUT instruction. A connection has been established between two communication partners. Procedure To specify the read and the memory area for the instruction, follow these steps: 1. Select the PUT instruction in the program editor. 2. Open the "Configuration" tab in the inspector window. 3. Select the "Block parameter assignment" entry in the area navigation. 4. In the "In/Outputs > Write area (ADDR_1) > Start" field, select a "REMOTE" data type pointer to the area of the partner CPU which is to be written. Only absolute addressing is permitted. Example: P#DB10.DBX5.0 Byte 10 5. In the "Length" field, enter the length of the write area and select the data type of the memory area from the drop-down list. 6. In the "In/Outputs > Send area (SD_1) > Start" field, select a pointer to the area in the local CPU which contains the data to be sent. 7. In the Length field, enter the length of the memory area to be read and select the data type from the drop-down list. Only the data types BOOL (for a bit array, "0" must be used as address and an integer multiple of byte must be used as length), BYTE, CHAR, WORD, INT, DWORD, DINT, REAL, COUNTER, TIMER are permitted. If the VARIANT pointer accesses a DB, the DB must always be specified (for example: P#DB10.DBX5.0 Byte 10). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 663 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also GET: Set parameters for read and memory area (Page 664) GET: Set parameters for read and memory area For communication via the GET instruction, you must specify the memory area of the local CPU to which the data should be written. In addition, you must specify the memory area of the partner CPU from which the data is to be read. Requirement The program editor is open. You have already inserted a GET instruction. A connection has been established between two communication partners. Procedure To specify the read and the memory area for the instruction, follow these steps: 1. Select the GET instruction in the program editor. 2. Open the "Configuration" tab in the inspector window. 3. Select the "Block parameter assignment" entry in the area navigation. 4. In the "In/Outputs > Read area (ADDR_1) > Start" field, select a "REMOTE" data type pointer to the area of the partner CPU which is to be read. Only absolute addressing is permitted. Example: P#DB10.DBX5.0 Byte 10 5. In the "Length" field, enter the length of the read area and select the data type of the memory area from the drop-down list. 6. In the "In/Outputs > Memory area (RD_1) > Start" field, select a pointer to the area in the local CPU in which the read data is to be stored. 7. In the Length field, enter the length of the memory area and select the data type from the drop-down list. Only the data types BOOL (for a bit array, "0" must be used as address and an integer multiple of byte must be used as length), BYTE, CHAR, WORD, INT, DWORD, DINT, REAL, COUNTER, TIMER are permitted. See also PUT: Set parameters for write and send area (Page 663) 664 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Connection resources Configuration limits in the connection configuration Connection resources Some communications services require connections. During operation, communication connections utilize memory and program resources of the CPUs, CPs, and CMs involved in the communication path (e.g., memory areas in the CPU operating system). Within a controller (PLC), this applies, for example, to the CPU as connection end point and to the extensions with CPs as interfaces to the subnets. In most cases, one resource per CPU/CP/CM is assigned for a connection. In HMI communication, up to 3 connection resources are required for each HMI connection. Available connection resources The maximum configuration limit within the automation system is always defined by the CPU, either through the high system limit defined by the CPU (S7-1200/1500) or through the sum of usable resources of the CPU and CP (S7-300/400). In most cases, the available connection resources of a CPU/CP/CM are automatically distributed to their interfaces, as required. Each CPU brings along reserved connection resources for programming device, HMI, and Web server communication in its configuration. In addition, there are available resources that can be used for any HMI, S7 and open communication (S7-1200/1500). You can determine which resources are available to you based on the configuration of the devices as follows: Selection of the device type at connection end point (CPU) Number and type of additional communication modules (CP, CM) The number of connection resources available differs for the various automation systems: S7-300: The used CPU defines the number of available resources for connections. The maximum number of resources for connections can be expanded by added CPs. S7-400: The used CPU defines the number of possible resources for S7 connections. The resources can also be used for other connection types, in which case the maximum number of resources for other connection types can be expanded by adding CPs. S7-1200: The used CPU defines the number of possible resources for S7 connections. This high limit can be extended by adding CPs or CMs. S7-1500: The CPU that is used defines the applicable high limit of the connection resources for the whole automation system. The CPU itself accounts for some of these connection resources, and additional resources are accrued via CPs and CMs. However, regardless of how many CPs and CMs are added, the total number of connection resources cannot exceed the high limit of connection resources defined by the CPU type. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 665 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Time of occupation of connection resources Which resources are actually used in operation, depends on which communication functions are used at any specific time and which communication connections are enabled at any specific time. Therefore, only limited checks of compliance with specific configuration limits and available communication resources can be performed at the time of configuration. The connection configuration offers the greatest possible support for this. Factors influencing the configuration limits You determine the communication resources with the device configuration: Number of available S7 connection resources in the CPU (S7-300/400) Number of connection resources for S7 communication and open communication in the station (S7-1500) Number of protocol-specific connection resources in the CPs/CMs Number of available CPs/CMs Automatic, programmed, or configured connection setup Behavior of the connection configuration During input, the connection configuration checks the following circumstances and behaves as follows: During the creation of S7 connections Is the maximum number of available S7 connections assigned? If yes, it is not possible to configure another S7 connection via the selected interface. For the S7-300, it is possible to increase the configuration limit by adding CPs. During the creation of any connection types Is the maximum number of protocol-specific connection resources in the interface (CP) assigned? If yes, it is not possible to configure another connection of the selected type via the selected interface. For the S7-300/400, it is possible to increase the configuration limit by adding CPs. During the creation of any connection types with OPC (PC stations) In the case of connections with OPC as connection end point, more connections can generally be configured than can be operated at any one time in the CP used in the PC station. That is because the connection properties differentiate between "Maintain permanently" and "Set up on demand". 666 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks When the connection configuration is compiled, a warning or, in the case of a non-assignable interface, an error is output, if appropriate. Note S7 connection resources are exhausted If the maximum number of S7 connection resources is reserved, no S7 connection resources additionally required for data transmission between CPU and CP are in operation or possibly available for connections. The corresponding communication jobs are then refused. You should therefore make sure that there is a sufficient number of non-assigned S7 connection resources, depending on the total assigned communication functions. You can find the number of reserved S7 connection resources for the selected S7-300 or S7-1200/1500 CPU in the area navigation under "Connection resources". For the S7-300, only the connection resources of the CPU are shown. For the S7-1200/1500, you also see the resources of the CPs and CMs. Connection resources and communication type Every connection needs connection resources for the endpoint and transition point (e.g., CP, CM) on the devices involved. The number of available connection resources is CPU/CP/CMspecific. If all the connection resources of a communication partner are assigned, no new connections can be established. Each type of communication is considered in detail below. Any number of combinations are possible however as long as the available connection resources are taken into account. S7 connections via integrated interface With S7 connections via the integrated MPI/PROFIBUS DP/PN interface, one connection resource is assigned for the endpoint on the CPU per S7 connection. This applies to all S7-300/400/1200/1500 CPUs. &38 Assigned S7 connection resource on the CPU Subnet (e.g., MPI, PROFIBUS-DP, or Industrial Ethernet/PROFINET) S7-300/400 CPU: One S7 connection resource is assigned on the CPU. S7-1200/1500 CPU: One S7 connection resource is assigned on the CPU and thus also one S7 connection resource on the station. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 667 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks S7 connections via external interfaces With S7 connections via an external CP interface, a distinction should be made between the following scenarios: S7-300 CPU - S7 connection configured at one end: One S7 connection resource is assigned on the CPU (for the endpoint) and one S7 connection resource on the CP (transition point) for each S7 connection. &38 &3 &38 &3 One S7 connection resource in the CPU and one in the CP of the local end point Connection partner Subnet, e.g., Industrial Ethernet - S7 connection configured at both ends: One S7 connection resource is assigned on the CP for each S7 connection. &38 &3 &38 &3 One S7 connection resource in the CP of the local end point Connection partner Subnet, e.g., Industrial Ethernet S7-400 CPU One S7 connection resource is assigned on the CPU (for the endpoint) and one S7 connection resource on the CP (transition point) for each S7 connection. 668 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks &38 &3 &38 &3 One S7 connection resource in the CPU and one in the CP of the local end point Connection partner Subnet, e.g., Industrial Ethernet S7-1200/1500 CPU - S7 connection configured at one end: One S7 connection resource is assigned on the CPU and thus also one S7 connection resource on the station for each S7 connection. &38 &3 &38 &3 One S7 connection resource in the CPU and one in the CP of the local end point Connection partner Subnet, e.g., Industrial Ethernet - S7 connection configured at both ends: One S7 connection resource is assigned on the CPU and thus also one S7 connection resource on the station for each S7 connection. &38 &3 &38 &3 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 One S7 connection resource in the CP and, thus, also one in the station Connection partner Subnet, e.g., Industrial Ethernet 669 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note The number of reserved S7 connection resources for the selected CPU for certain CPU types of the S7-300, and for the selected CPU and its connected communication modules for the S7-1200/1500, can be seen in the area navigation under "Connection resources". S7 connection resources for OP/PG and S7 basic communication can be reserved here. Connections for open communication services (SEND/RECEIVE interface) Communication via the SEND/RECEIVE interface is solely via CPs. For this, one protocolspecific connection resource is allocated for the endpoint per connection (i.e., FDL, ISO transport ISO on TCP, UDP and TCP connection). Here, no connection resources are required for the connection on the CPU. &38 &3 1 assigned connection resource in the CP Subnet, e.g., Industrial Ethernet Exception: on the S7-400 CPU, connections with the property "SPEED SEND/RECEIVE" require an additional S7 connection resource for each "SPEED SEND/RECEIVE" connection on the CPU. Connection resources and connection type Setting up the connection Often, you can decide between a configured setup or a programmed setup. The programmed setup makes it easier to release connection resources following data transfer. With configured setup, you receive help in managing connection resources in STEP 7. Table 10-2 Setting up the communication service Communication service 670 Automatic setup Programmed setup Configured setup PG communication X - - HMI communication X - X S7 communication - X X Open communication via TCP/IP - X X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Communication service Automatic setup Programmed setup Configured setup Open communication via ISO-onTCP - X X Open communication via UDP - X X Open communication via ISO - X X Open communication via e-mail - X - Open communication via FTP - X - Open communication via FDL - X X S7 routing - - X Assignment of connection resources according to the connection setup Connection resources are assigned in different ways, depending on the type of connection setup: Configured setup In the case of configured connections, the connection resource is assigned as soon as the hardware configuration has been downloaded to the CPU. For OPC servers, the resources are assigned, as required. Programmed setup The call of the appropriate instructions for establishing the connection (using TSEND_C or T_CON) triggers assignment of a connection resource. Automatic setup As soon as you have connected the programming device or HMI device to a CPU physically and online, the connection resources will be assigned. Connection resources for configured setup You set up the connection in the network view of the hardware and network editor in the context of a CPU. Following the data transfer, the connection is not terminated, i.e., the connection resources remain permanently assigned. To terminate the connection you must delete the connection configuration and download the modified configuration to the CPU. OPC connections are automatically established and terminated as needed. If you have configured the connections, compliance with the maximum possible number of connection resources in the automation system will be monitored. Connection resources for programmed setup You set up the connection in the program editor in the context of a CPU by parameter assignment of instructions for communication, e.g., TSEND_C. Once the connection is established by the TCON or TSEND_C instruction, the connection will be terminated through appropriate parameter assignment of the TSEND_C instruction or by calling the TDISCON instruction after the data transfer. If the connection is terminated, the connection resources in the CPU/CP/CM are available again. If the connection is retained and WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 671 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks another data transfer is performed, the processing time of the instructions will be shorter because the connection does not have to be reestablished. If the establishment and termination of connections are programmed in the user program, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with the automation system limits. If necessary, you will receive a communication error at the "STATUS" output parameter of the TSEND_C or T_CON instruction and can obtain more detailed information from the connection diagnostics. Connection resources for automatic setup The connection will be set up automatically (e.g., programming device or HMI connection) as soon as the PG/PC interface has been physically connected to an interface of the CPU and the assignment to the interface has been made in the "Go online" dialog. For automatically set up connections, compliance with the connection resources reserved in the automation system for these connections is monitored. See also TCON: Establish communication connection (Page 4254) TDISCON: Terminate communication connection (Page 4264) TSEND_C: Send data via Ethernet (Page 4200) TSEND_C: Establishing a connection and sending data (Page 4205) TCON: Establish communication connection (Page 4258) S7-1200 connection resources: (S7-1200) Display of connection resources (S7-1200) Connection resources in the Inspector window You will find an overview of the reserved and available connection resources of an S7-1200 automation system in the inspector window of the hardware and network editor under the CPU properties. Overview of connection resources The CPU supports at most the following number of simultaneous asynchronous communication connections for PROFINET and PROFIBUS. The maximum number of connection resources assigned to each category is predefined. You cannot modify the values. The 6 freely available connections can, however, be used to increase the number of connections in each category as required by your application. The display of connection resources distinguishes between the offline and online view. The following figure shows you the offline display of the reserved and available connection resources of a CPU 1217C: 672 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Station-specific connection resources Module-specific connection resources Station-specific connection resources The columns of the station-specific connection resources provide information about the reserved and dynamically available connection resources of the station. In the example, a maximum of 68 station-specific connection resources are available for the automation system. 62 connection resources are reserved for specific connection types 6 connection resources can be used freely for connection types The warning triangle in the column of the dynamic station resources is displayed because the sum of the maximum available connection resources of the CPU has reached the station limit of 68. Note Exceeding the available connection resources STEP 7 signals the reaching of the station-specific connection resources with a warning. If you require more connection resources, you either have to use a CPU with a higher maximum number of available station-specific connection resources or reduce the number of communications connections. Module-specific connection resources The columns of the module-specific connection resources provide information about the allocation of resources on the CPUs, CPs and CMs of an automation system: The display is per module and not per interface. In the example, the CPU provides a maximum of 68 connection resources. Note If you add CM/CP modules, the total number of S7-1200 communication resources is not increased. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 673 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Online view If you are connected to the CPU online, you can also see how many resources are currently being used in the "Connection information" tab of the "Diagnostics" section in the Inspector window. The online view of the "Connection resources" table not only displays the reserved and dynamic connection resources of the configured connections, but also includes columns containing the connection resources of the programmed and automatically set-up connections that are currently allocated in the station. Thus, the online view displays all the assigned connection resources in the automation system, regardless of how the connection was set up. The "Other communication" row displays connection resources assigned for communication with external devices and communication via data record routing. The table is updated automatically. If there are inconsistencies between the configured hardware configuration and the hardware configuration available online, a corresponding message will be output. Resource requirements of the connections The communication connections of open user communication, S7 connection, HMI, programming device and Web server (HTTP) can utilize several connection resources on the basis of the functions used. The following number of connections are available per device on the basis of the assigned connection resources: Programming device (PG) Maximum number of connection re sources of a CPU 1217C HMI devices 4 12 (guaranteed support of a programming de vice connection) (guaranteed support of four HMI connec tions) GET/PUT client/ Open user commu server nication 8 8 Web browser 30 (guaranteed sup port of three HTTP connections) Programming device communication For example, four connection resources are available for programming device communication. Depending on the currently used programming device functions, the programming device occupies up to three connection resources for a connection. With the S7-1200, at least one programming device connection is guaranteed at all times. HMI communication A further example is the number of HMI devices as shown in the following figure. 12 connection resources are available for HMI devices. Depending on the type or model of your HMI device and the HMI functions used, the HMI device can require up to three connection resources for an HMI connection. For example, a Basic Panel requires up to two connection resources in the CPU for an HMI connection, while a Comfort Panel requires up to three connection resources in the CPU. Depending on the number of required connection resources, at least four HMI connections can be configured simultaneously. 674 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks An HMI device can use its available connection resources for the following functions: Reading Writing Interrupts and diagnostics This is only an example. The actual number of connections can differ depending on the type and version of the HMI device. Example Used con nection re sources HMI 1 HMI 2 HMI 3 HMI 4 HMI 5 Total num ber of availa ble connec tion resour ces 2 2 2 3 3 12 Information regarding the availability and assignment of connection resources for HMI connections is available in the offline view in the HMI device context (under "Properties > General > Connection resources" in the Inspector window): The following is displayed in the connection resources area: Number of available connections on the HMI reserved for HMI communication and HTTP communication Number of connection resources for HMI communication and HTTP communications used offline in the HMI If the maximum number of available connection resources for an HMI device is exceeded, a corresponding alarm is output by STEP 7. Maximum number of used PLC resources per HMI connection. This parameter is a factor that is to be multiplied by the number of HMI connections used offline. The product is the number of HMI resources occupied on the CPU. If the maximum number of available connection resources for an HMI device is exceeded, a corresponding alarm is output. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 675 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Web communication The CPU offers Web server (HTTP) connections for several Web browsers. The number of browsers that can be supported simultaneously by the CPU depends on the number of connections that a Web browser requests/utilizes. Connection resources S7-1500 (S7-1500) Connection resources in the automation system (S7-1500) Introduction Some communications services require connections. Connections occupy resources in the automation system. The connection resources are made available by the CPUs, communications processors (CPs) and communications modules (CMs). Connection resources of a station The connection resources available depend on the CPUs, CPs and CMs and may not exceed a maximum number per station. The maximum number of resources of a station is determined by the CPU. Each CPU has reserved connection resources for PG, HMI and Web server communication. This ensures, for example, that a PG can always establish at least one online connection with the CPU regardless of how many other communications services are already using connection resources. In addition, there are dynamic resources. The difference between the maximum number of connection resources and the number of reserved connection resources is the maximum number of dynamic connection resources. The communication services PG communication, HMI communication, S7 communication, Open User Communication, Web communication and other communication (such as OPC UA) use the dynamic connection resources from the pool. The figure below shows an example of how individual components make connection resources available to an S71500 station. 676 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks % $ & ' Available connection resources of the station, of which A Reserved connection resources of the station A+B Connection resources of CPU 1518 C Connection resources of communications module CM 15421 D Connection resources of communications processor CP 15431 Maximum communications resources of the station using the example of a configuration from CPU 1518, CM 15421 and CP 15431 Number of connection resources of a station The following table lists the maximum number of available connection resources for some CPU types: Connection resources of a station Maximum connection resour ces of the station 1511 1511C 1512C 96 128 1515 1516 1517 1518 192 256 320 384 1513 of which reserved of which dynamic 10 86 118 182 246 310 374 Connection resources of the CPU 64 88 108 128 160 192 Max. additionally usable con nection resources by plug ging in CMs/CPs 32 40 84 128 160 192 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 677 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Connection resources of a station 1511 1511C 1512C 1515 1516 1517 1518 1513 Additional connection resour ces CM 1542-1 64 Additional connection resour ces CP 1543-1 118 Additional connection resour ces CM 1542-5 40 Additional connection resour ces CP 1542-5 16 The number of connection resources supported by a CPU or a communication module is described in the technical specifications section of the manuals. Example You have configured a CPU 1518-4PN/DP with a communications module CM 1542-1 and a communications processor CP 1542-5. Maximum connection resources of the station: 384 Available connection resources: - CPU 1518-4 PN/DP: 192 - CM 1542-1: 64 - CP 1542-5: 16 - Total: 272 The setup provides 272 connection resources. By adding further communication modules the station can support a maximum of 112 additional connection resources. Reserved connection resources 10 connection resources are reserved for stations with S71500 CPU, ET 200SP CPU and ET 200pro CPU based on S7-1500: 4 for PG communication required by STEP 7, for example, for test and diagnostics functions or downloading to the CPU 4 for HMI communication which are occupied by the first HMI connections configured in STEP 7 2 for communication with the Web server 678 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Allocation of connection resources (S7-1500) Overview - occupation of connection resources The following figure shows how different connections occupy the resources of the S7-1500: :HEVHUYHU +0, 6 6 23&8$FOLHQW 3*3& HMI communication: See below. Open User Communication: Connections of Open User Communication occupy a connection resource in every end point. S7 communication: Connections of S7 communication occupy a connection resource in every end point. Web communication: The Web server connection occupies at least one connection resource in the station. The number of occupied connections depends on the browser. PG communication: The PG connection occupies one connection resource in the station. OPC UA communication: Each session that the OPC UA server of the CPU establishes with an OPC UA client usually occupies one connection resource (other communication) in the station. Connection resource for HMI communication Connection resource for Open User Communication Connection resource for S7 communication Connection resource for Web communication Connection resource for PG communication Connection resource for other communication (for example OPC UA) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 679 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Connection resources for HMI communication With HMI communication, the occupation of connection resources in the station depends on the HMI device being used. The following table lists the maximum number of occupied connection resources for an HMI connection depending on the various HMI devices: 1 HMI device Maximum number of allocated connection resour ces of the station for each HMI connection Basic Panel 1 Comfort Panel 21 RT Advanced 21 RT Professional 3 If you do not use system diagnostics or alarm configuration, the station occupies only one connection resource per HMI connection. Example: You have configured the following HMI connections for a CPU 15163 PN/DP: Two HMI connections to an HMI TP700 Comfort (2 connection resources each) One HMI connection to an HMI KTP1000 Basic (1 connection resource) A total of 5 connection resources are allocated for HMI communication in the CPU. Connection resources for routing S7 connections beyond network boundaries (S7 routing) To transfer data beyond S7 subnets ("S7 routing"), an S7 connection is established between two CPUs. The S7 subnets are connected via gateways known as S7 routers. The router is the transition point of an S7 connection and is capable of establishing S7 connections. CPUs, CMs and CPs in S71500 are S7 routers. The following applies for a routed S7 connection: A routed connection occupies one connection resource each in both end points. STEP 7 shows these connection resources in the "Connection resources" table. On the S7 router, two special connection resources are occupied for S7 routing. STEP 7 does not display the special connection resources for S7 routing in the "Connection resources" table. The number of resources for S7 routing depends on the CPU. You will find the resources for S7 routing in the technical specifications of the CPU in "Number of S7 routing connections". The following figure shows the allocation of the connection resources at S7 routing: (QGSRLQW 6URXWHU (QGSRLQW Connection resource for S7 communication Special connection resources for S7 routing 680 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Data record routing Data record routing also enables transfer of data beyond S7 subnets from an engineering station connected to PROFINET to various field devices via PROFIBUS. With data record routing, as with S7 routing, two of the special connection resources for S7 routing are also occupied at the network transitions in every record router. At the end point of communication (CPU), connection resources for data record routing are displayed in the online view of the "Connection resources" table in the "Other communication" row. Note Connection resources with data record routing With data record routing, on the data record router, two special connection resources for S7 routing are occupied. Neither the data record connection nor the allocated connection resources are displayed in the table of connection resources. You are responsible for observing the limits during configuration. When are connection resources occupied? The time for the occupation of connection resources depends on how the connection is set up. Programmed setup of a connection As soon as an instruction to establish a connection is called in the user program of the CPU (TSEND_C/TRCV_C or TCON), a connection resource is occupied. With suitable parameter assignment of the CONT parameter of the TSEND_C/TRCV_C instructions or by calling the TDISCON instruction, the connection can be terminated following data transfer and the connection resource is available again. If the connection is terminated, the connection resources on the CPU/CP/CM are available again. Configured connections (e.g. HMI connection) If you have configured a connection in STEP 7, the connection resource is occupied as soon as the hardware configuration is loaded to the CPU. After using a configured connection for data transfer, the connection is not terminated. The connection resource is permanently occupied. To release the connection resource again, you need to delete the configured connection in STEP 7 and download the modified configuration to the CPU. Programming device connection As soon as you have connected the programming device to a CPU online in STEP 7, connection resources are occupied. Web server As long as you have opened the Web server of the CPU in a browser, connection resources are occupied in the CPU. OPC UA server As long as a session exists between the OPC UA server of the CPU and an OPC UA client, a connection resource is occupied in the CPU. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 681 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Monitoring the maximum possible number of connection resources Offline During configuration of connections, STEP 7 monitors the occupation of the connection resources. If the maximum possible number of connection resources is exceeded, STEP 7 signals this with a suitable warning. Online The CPU monitors the use of connection resources in the automation system. If you establish more connections in the user program than those provided by the automation system, the CPU acknowledges the instruction to establish the connection with an error. Display of the connection resources (S7-1500) Connection resources in the Inspector window You will find an overview of the reserved available connection resources of an S7-1500 automation system in the Inspector window of the hardware and network editor under the CPU properties. Display of the connection resources in STEP 7 (offline view) The display of connection resources distinguishes between the offline and online view. The following figure shows you the offline display of the reserved and available connection resources of an S7-1500 CPU with a CP and a CM: 682 Station-specific connection resources Module-specific connection resources WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Station-specific connection resources The columns of the station-specific connection resources provide information about the reserved and dynamically available connection resources of the station. In the example, a maximum of 256 station-specific connection resources are available for the automation system. 10 reserved connection resources, of which 4 are already in use and a further 6 still available. The occupied 4 resources are used for HMI communication. 246 dynamic connection resources, of which 81 are already in use and a further 165 still available. The configured resources are divided up as follows: - 6 resources for HMI communication - 23 resources for S7 communication - 52 resources for Open User Communication The warning triangle in the column of the dynamic station resources is therefore displayed because the sum of the maximum available connection resources of CPU, CP and CM (= 294 connection resources) exceeds the station limit of 256. Note Exceeding the available connection resources STEP 7 signals the exceeding of the station-specific connection resources with a warning. To make full use of the connection resources from the CPU, CP and CM, either use a CPU with a higher maximum number of available station-specific connection resources or reduce the number of communications connections. Module-specific connection resources The columns of the module-specific connection resources provide information about the allocation of resources on the CPUs, CPs and CMs of an automation system: The display is per module and not per interface. In the example, the CPU makes a maximum of 128 connection resources available, of which 47 are already in use and a further 81 still available. The configured resources are divided up as follows: 6 resources for HMI communication 2 resources for S7 communication 39 resources for Open User Communication The CP makes 118 resources and the CM 48 resources available, of which 17 resources and 21 resources respectively are used. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 683 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Display of the connection resources in STEP 7 (online view) If you are connected to the CPU online, you can also see how many resources are currently being used in the "Connection information" tab of the "Diagnostics" section in the Inspector window. The following figure shows you the online display of the reserved, available and used connection resources of an S7-1500 CPU: The online view of the "Connection resources" table not only displays the reserved and dynamic connection resources of the configured connections, but also includes columns containing the connection resources of the programmed and automatically set-up connections that are currently allocated in the station. Thus, the online view displays all the assigned connection resources in the automation system, regardless of how the connection was set up. The "Other communication" row displays connection resources assigned for communication with external devices and communication via data record routing. The table is updated automatically. If there are inconsistencies between the configured hardware configuration and the hardware configuration available online, a corresponding message will be output. Note If a routed S7 connection goes through a CPU, the required connection resources of the CPU do not appear in the table of connection resources! Display of the connection resources for HMI For HMI communication, connection resources in the CPU are assigned according to the HMI device used and the applications in which the HMI device is used. For example, a Basic Panel requires up to two connection resources in the CPU for an HMI connection, while a Comfort Panel requires up to three connection resources in the CPU. 684 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Information regarding the availability and allocation of connection resources for HMI connections is available in the offline view in the HMI device context (under "Properties > General > Connection resources" in the Inspector window). The following is displayed in the connection resources area: Number of available connections on the HMI reserved for HMI communication and HTTP communication Number of connection resources for HMI communication and HTTP communications used offline in the HMI If the maximum number of available connection resources for an HMI device is exceeded, a corresponding alarm is output by STEP 7. "Maximum number of used PLC resources per HMI connection". This parameter is a factor that is to be multiplied by the number of HMI connections used offline. The product is the number of HMI resources occupied on the CPU. If the maximum number of available connection resources for an HMI device is exceeded, a corresponding alarm is output. Displaying the connection resources in the Web server You can display the connection resources not only in STEP 7, but also with a browser that displays the relevant page of the Web server. You will find information on displaying connection resources in the Web server in the function manual for the Web server. Example for calculating the connection resources (S7-1500) Introduction This example for the table displaying connection resources shows you how the individual table entries are put together. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 685 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement 2x CPU 1516-3 PN/DP with one CP 1543-1 and one CM 1542-1 each as connection partners for purposes of extending the configuration limit. 1x TFT display MP 377 12" Touch with WinAC MP 377 as a connection partner for HMI connections. The devices are networked together. Creating the connections Once the connection partners (CPUs, CPs, CMs, MP 377) have been created and networked in the network view of the hardware and network editor, follow these steps: 1. Switch to connection mode in the network view. 2. Create the following connections: - S7 connections: 2x via CPU, 21x via CM - TCP connections: 2x via CPU, 4x via CM - ISO connection: 6x via CP - ISO-on-TCP: 3x via CPU, 4x via CM - UDP connections: 4x via CPU, 106x via CP - HMI connections: 1x via CPU, 2x via CP Result The display of connection resources shows you not only the available resources but also the resources required for the created connections. The available resources of devices and modules are highlighted in the following figure. 686 Depending on the CPU, at most 256 connections are available for this station. Ten (10) resources are reserved for particular connection types and 246 resources are dynamically available. The CPU provides 128 connection resources, and the CP and CM each provide another 118 resources. CPU, CP, and CM altogether provide 128 + 118 + 118 = 364 resources. Because more connection resources are provided via the devices and modules than the station can operate with its maximum limit of 256 connection resour ces, a warning icon is displayed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following figure highlights the resources utilized by the created connections: These are the resources assigned via the HMI connections. In this example, one HMI connection utilizes 3 connec tion resources. For the whole station, 3 + 6 = 9 connection resources are required for the HMI communication. Four (4) resources are reserved for the HMI communication. The 9 resources required for HMI communication are broken down as follows: For the first 4 resources, the resources already reserved for HMI communication will be used. The other 5 required resources will be taken from the dynamic resources. These are the resources assigned via the S7 connections. An S7 connection occupies 1 connection resource. For the whole station, 2 + 21 = 23 connection resources are required. For the S7 communication, there are no reserved resources. All 23 required resources come from the dynamically available resources. These are the resources of the Open User Communication (for TCP, FDL, ISO, ISO-on-TCP, and UDP). For the whole station, 9 + 112 + 8 = 129 connection resources are required. For the Open User Communication, there are no reserved resources. All 129 required resources come from the dynamically available resources. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 687 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Calculation of connection resources Based on the available and utilized resources of individual devices and modules, the resources that are still free and the total resources used are calculated: All required resources for the respective communication types of the CPU are displayed here. Three (3) resources are required for HMI communication, 2 for S7 communication, and 9 for the connection types of the Open User Communication. The total number of resources required is listed below the required resources for the communication types. For the CPU, therefore, 3 + 2 + 9 = 14 resources are required. The CP 1543-1 has 118 available connection resources. If these are utilized, no more connections can be created for the CP. For the CP 1543-1, 118 connection resources are already utilized by the 2 HMI connections (3 resources each = 6 resources) and 112 resources by connections of the open communication. The CP 1543-1 has no more free resources. No more connections can be created for the CP 1543-1. The number of resources still available and the total number of resources used is also displayed for the whole station: 688 All connection resources used (configured), including both reserved and dynamic connection resources, for the individual communication types for the entire station. The values represent the sum of all resources utilized for devices and modules (CPU, CP, CM). All connection resources used (configured), including both reserved and dynamic connection resources, for all communication types for the entire station. Total number of reserved and dynamic connection resources still available. The values are obtained by subtracting the number of resources used from the maximum number of resources that can be configured. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Data consistency (S7-1500) Definition Data consistency is important for data transfer and you need to take this into account when configuring the communication task. Otherwise, malfunctions may occur. A data area which cannot be modified by concurrent processes is called a consistent data area. This means that a data area which belongs together and which is larger than the maximum size of the consistent data area can consist in part of new and of old data at the same time. An inconsistency can occur when an instruction for communication is interrupted, for example by a hardware interrupt OB with higher priority. This interrupts the transfer of the data area. If the user program in this OB now changes the data that has not yet been processed by the communication instruction, the transferred data originates from different times: The following figure shows a data area that is smaller than the maximum size of the consistent data area. In this case, when transferring the data area, it is ensured that there is no interruption by the user program during data access so that the data is not changed. 5(&25' 6RXUFHGDWDDUHD 7DUJHWGDWDDUHD The source data area is smaller than the maximum size of the consistent data area (). The instruction transfers the data together to the destination data area. Maximum size of the consistent data area Figure 10-1 Consistent transfer of data The following figure shows a data area that is larger than the maximum size of the consistent data area. In this case, the data can be changed during an interruption of the data transfer. An interruption also occurs if, for example, the data area needs to be transferred in several parts. If the data is changed during the interruption, the transferred data originates from different times. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 689 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 6RXUFHGDWDDUHDDWWLPH7 7DUJHWGDWDDUHD 6RXUFHGDWDDUHDDWWLPH7 7DUJHWGDWDDUHD The source data area is larger than the maximum size of the consistent data area (). At time T1, the instruction only transfers as much data from the source data area to the destination data area as fit in the consistent data area. At time T2, the instruction transfers the rest of the source data area to the destination data area. After the transfer, data from different points in time exist in the destination data area. If the data in the source data area has changed in the meantime, an inconsistency may result. Maximum size of the consistent data area Figure 10-2 Transfer of data larger than the maximum consistency area Example of an inconsistency The figure below shows an example of changing data during the transfer. The destination data area contains data from different points in time. (6$1$% (6$1 (6%+$$ (6$1 $$ Figure 10-3 690 Example: Changing data during the transfer WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks System-specific maximum data consistency for S71500: No inconsistency occurs if the system-specific maximum size of the consistent data is kept to. With an S7-1500, communication data is copied consistently into or out of the user memory in blocks of up to 512 bytes during the program cycle. Data consistency is not ensured for larger data areas. Where defined data consistency is required, the length of communication data in the user program of the CPU must not exceed 512 bytes. You can then access these data areas consistently, for example from an HMI device by reading/writing tags. If more data than the system-specific maximum size needs to be transferred consistently, you yourself must ensure the data consistency with suitable measures in the user program. Ensuring data consistency Use of instructions for access to common data: If the user program contains instructions for communication that access common data, for example TSEND/TRCV, you can coordinate access to this data area yourself, for example using the "DONE" parameter. The data consistency of the data areas that are transferred with an instruction for communication can therefore be ensured in the user program. Note Measures in the user program To achieve data consistency, you can copy transferred data to a separate data area (for example global data block). While the user program continues to work with the original data, you can transfer the data saved in the separate data area consistently with the communication instruction. For the copying, use uninterruptible instructions such as UMOVE_BLK or UFILL_BLK. These instructions ensure data consistency up to 16 KB. Use of PUT/GET instructions or Write/Read via HMI communication: In S7 communication with the PUT/GET instructions or Write/Read via HMI communication, you need to take into account the size of the consistent data areas during programming or configuration. In the user program of an S7-1500 as server, there is no instruction available that can coordinate the data transfer in the user program. The data exchanged using PUT/GET instructions updates the S7-1500 while the user program is running. There is no point in time within the processing of the cyclic user program at which the data is exchanged consistently. The length of the data area to be transferred should be smaller than 512 bytes. Additional information You will also find the maximum amount of consistent data in the CPU, CM or CP manuals in the Technical Specifications. You will find further information on data consistency in the description of the instructions in the STEP 7 online help. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 691 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displaying and configuring topology Overview of the topology view Functions of the topology view The topology view is one of three working areas of the hardware and network editor. You undertake the following tasks here: Displaying the Ethernet topology - Displaying all the PROFINET devices and passive Ethernet components of the project along with their ports - Displaying interconnections between the ports - Displaying corresponding logical networks - Display diagnostic information of all ports Configuring the Ethernet topology - Creating, modifying and deleting interconnections of the ports - Renaming stations, devices, interfaces or ports - Adding PROFINET devices and passive Ethernet components to the project from the hardware catalog Identifying and minimizing differences between the desired and actual topology - Running an offline/online comparison of Ethernet modules, ports and port interconnections - Adopting existing online topology information in the offline project Note Devices without valid IP address Topology information (LLDP) cannot be read from a device without valid IP address. To prevent devices from having an invalid IP address, specify in the settings of the TIA Portal for hardware configuration that devices without valid IP address are temporarily assigned an IP address. Note Subnet membership Before the topology determination, you have to set for the local interface of your PG/PC the network address that the Ethernet components that are to be determined also have in the real plant. If you do not meet this requirement, no further topology information (information about ports and neighborhood relationships) can be determined. 692 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Differences between network view and topology view The network view shows all the logical subnets of the project. The topology view shows all Ethernet components of the project. These include passive components such as switches, media converters and cables. Note Stations with non-Ethernet components are also displayed if the station has a least one Ethernet component. The position of a device in the network view and its position in the topology view are initially independent of one other; in other words, the same device generally appears at different locations in the two views. If you want to align the devices in the topology view as in the network view, click on the following icon in the toolbar of the topology view. Icon Meaning Changes the position of the devices in the topology view so that the new position is as close as possible to the position in the network view. If you open the hardware catalog in the topology view, you only see devices with an Ethernet interface. Structure of the topology view The topology view (Page 532) essentially consists of a graphic area (called the graphic view below) and a table area (called the table view below). Which functions are there in the graphic view and which functions are there in the table view? Displaying the Ethernet topology Function Graphic view Table view Displaying all the PROFINET devices and passive Ethernet com ponents of the project along with their ports yes yes Display interconnections between the ports (including type of me dium) yes yes Displaying corresponding logical networks no yes Displaying properties of the cables between the ports no yes Display diagnostic information of all ports yes yes Configuring the Ethernet topology WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 693 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Function Graphic view Table view Creating, modifying and deleting interconnections of the ports Create: yes Create: yes Modify: yes Modify: yes Delete: yes Delete: yes Renaming stations, devices, interfaces or ports no yes Adding PROFINET devices and passive Ethernet components to the project from the hardware catalog yes no Identifying and minimizing differences between the desired and actual topology Function Graphic view Table view Running an offline/online comparison of Ethernet modules, ports and port interconnections no yes Adopting existing online topology information in the offline project no yes Structure of the table view The table view consists of the following two tabs: "Topology overview" tab "Topology comparison" tab The "Topology overview" tab provides the following functions: Display of the configured topology with hierarchical structures (from the station to the port) Configuration of the Ethernet topology The display of the diagnostics status of hardware components The "Topology comparison" tab provides the following functions: Identifying and minimizing differences between the desired and actual topology Starting the topology view Requirement The device or network view is open in the hardware and network editor. Procedure To start the topology view of your project, follow these steps: 1. Click on the "Topology view" tab. 694 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Or: 1. Open the network view of the hardware editor. 2. Select a PROFINET device or a PROFINET module. 3. Select the "Go to topology view" command in the shortcut menu. Result The topology view is started. If you opened the topology view using the shortcut menu, the selected component remains selected after the change of view. Displaying topology Displaying the graphic view of the configured topology What is shown? The graphic view of the configured topology shows the following: Configured PROFINET devices and passive Ethernet components along with their ports Configured stations with non-Ethernet components if there is at least one Ethernet component in the station Configured interconnections between the ports Type of display The way in which the graphic view of the topology view and the network view are displayed is very similar: Compared with the device view, components are shown in a simplified form. The interconnections between ports are shown as horizontal and vertical lines. These are dashed when an interconnection between a tool changer port and its possible partner ports is involved. Displaying the table view of the configured topology Requirement The table view of the topology is open. You are in the "Topology overview" tab WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 695 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks What is shown? The table view of the configured topology shows exactly the same content as the graphic view except for the logical PROFINET subnets: All the configured PROFINET devices and passive Ethernet components along with their ports All the configured stations with non-Ethernet components if there is at least one Ethernet component in the station Configured interconnections between the ports For each port with the "Alternating partner port" property, there are as many completed rows as there are potential partner ports plus one empty row. Type of display As the name implies, the table view of the topology view consists of a table, the topology overview table. It displays the configured topology with hierarchical structures (from the station to the port) It is structured like the network overview table. It consists of the following columns: Device / port This is the most important column of the table. The entries in this column have a hierarchical structure with the PROFINET ports being the last element in the hierarchy. You can expand and collapse the hierarchical entries. For a CPU, for example, an entry consists of the following elements: - Station name - Device name - Name of the PROFINET interface - Names of the ports Note: All the other columns only have entries in the rows containing the port names. Slot Indicates the number of the slot in a rack in which the relevant module is installed. For interfaces, the designation of the interface is also displayed. Index (by default, this column is not displayed) Exists only with PC stations. Approximately corresponds to the slot. Device type (by default, this column is not displayed) Shows what type of station, device or interface the table row relates to or whether it belongs to a port. Article no. (by default, this column is not displayed) Article no. of the device Subnet (as default, this column is not displayed) Configured subnet to which the interface belongs Master/IO system (as default, this column is not displayed) Shows whether or not the interface belongs to a PROFIBUS DP master system or a PROFINET IO system. IP address (by default, this column is not displayed) Configured address of the interface in the subnet 696 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Partner station Name of the station that contains the partner port Partner device Name of the device that contains the partner port Partner interface Interface to which the partner port belongs Partner port Cable data Contains the cable length and the signal delay of the cable connecting the ports Basic functions for tables The topology overview table supports the following basic functions for editing a table: Displaying and hiding table columns Note: The columns relevant for configuration cannot be hidden. Optimizing column width Saving current representation Displaying the meaning of a column, a row or cell using tooltips. Displaying the diagnostics status of ports and cables in the graphic view Requirements The graphic view of the topology view is open. Procedure To determine the diagnostics status of the port, follow these steps: 1. Go online with the required component or components. Result The following icons are displayed: The corresponding diagnostics icon is displayed for each device. If there is an error in at least one lower-level component, the diagnostics icon "Error in lowerlevel component" is also displayed in the left-hand lower corner of the diagnostics icon. The corresponding diagnostics icon is displayed for each port. Every cable between two ports that are online has the color that matches its diagnostics status. You will find the possible diagnostics icons for ports and the color coding of Ethernet cables in the description of hardware diagnostics. See: AUTOHOTSPOT WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 697 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Showing the diagnostics status of hardware components in the table view Requirement The table view of the topology view is open. You are in the "Topology overview" tab Procedure To obtain the diagnostics status of hardware components of the topology overview table, follow these steps: 1. Go online with the required components. Result The following icons are displayed at the left-hand edge of the topology overview table in each row that belongs to the component involved: The diagnostics icon belonging to the hardware component is displayed. If the hardware component has lower-level components and if there is an error in at least one of the lower-level components, the diagnostics icon "Error in lower-level component" is also displayed in the left-hand lower corner of the diagnostics icon of the hardware component. For the possible diagnostics icons for hardware components, refer to the description of hardware diagnostics. See: AUTOHOTSPOT Note The display of the diagnostics status of hardware components in the topology overview table and the network overview table is identical. Running an offline/online comparison and displaying the results Requirements The table view of the topology view is open. You are in the "Topology comparison" tab There may be an online connection to one or more devices, but this is not actually necessary. Procedure To find the differences between the configured and the actual topology, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Compare offline/online" button in the toolbar. 698 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Result The actual topology is identified and compared with the configured topology. Devices identified online are automatically assigned to configured devices as far as this is possible. See Automatic assignment of devices by offline/online comparison (Page 707) The columns on the right-hand side of the table are filled or updated: Columns for the result of the offline/online comparison: "Status" and "Action" Columns for the topology identified online Note Stopping a running online/offline comparison If you click the "Compare offline/online" button while topology discovery is active, the current topology discovery is stopped. The following buttons are enabled in the toolbar of the table: Button Name Meaning Update The detection of the existing online topology is started again. Synchronize Adopting the port interconnections identified online in the project (Page 708) Adopt the devices identified online in the project (Page 708) Note If you have not configured your own programming device or your own PC offline, the gray filled circle is displayed as a diagnostic symbol. You can also configure a second and third programming device or a second and third PC offline. Columns for the result of the offline/online comparison The following columns are displayed: "Status" The result of the offline/online comparison is shown here in the form of diagnostics icons. The following icons are possible: Diagnostics icon Meaning Differing topology information in at least one lower-level component Identical topology information Topology information only available offline or device is disabled WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 699 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Diagnostics icon Meaning Topology information only exists online Differing topology information No port interconnection configured, no port interconnection discovered online If a device does not support topology functions, the "Status" column remains empty. "Action" The possible actions are shown here. The following actions are possible: - No action - Apply Note Separating columns To separate the offline and online columns of the topology comparison table optically, there is a separating column to the left of the "Status" column and to the right of the "Action" column. The separating columns cannot be hidden and their width cannot be changed. Columns for the topology identified online The following columns are displayed: "PROFINET device name" "Article no." (by default, this column is not displayed) "Device family" (by default, this column is not displayed) "IP address" (by default, this column is not displayed) "Port" "Interconnection" - Green line if the port is interconnected - Gray line if the port is not interconnected "Partner port" "Partner IP address" "Partner PROFINET device name" "Partner article number" (by default, this column is not displayed) "Partner device family" (by default, this column is not displayed) 700 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Basic functions for tables The topology comparison table supports the following basic functions for editing a table: Displaying and hiding table columns Note: The columns relevant for configuration cannot be hidden. Optimizing column width Saving current representation Displaying the meaning of a column, a row or cell using tooltips. Running an advanced offline/online comparison and displaying the results Overview With the standard offline/online comparison, a search method based on the DCP protocol is used. With the advanced offline/online comparison, ICMP is also used to be able to detect devices that do not support DCP. These include, for example, PG/PC stations. Requirement The table view of the topology view is open. You are in the "Topology comparison" tab The devices to be detected with ICMP are located in the same subnet as the network adapter of your PG/PC you are currently using. Procedure Follow these steps: 1. In the toolbar, click on the arrow in the "Advanced comparison" button. 2. With the input boxes "Start address" and "End address", select an IP address range in which accessible Ethernet nodes will be searched for with ICMP. Confirm this, for example by clicking the button with the green check mark. 3. Click on the icon in the left-hand part of the "Advanced comparison" button. Result The Ethernet nodes detectable with DCP and ICMP are discovered. The columns on the right-hand side of the table are filled or updated: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 701 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring topology Interconnecting ports Overview Interconnecting ports in the topology view In the topology view, you have the following options for interconnecting ports: in the graphic view (Page 703) in the graphic view of a tool changer (Page 705) in the table view (Page 704) in the table view of a tool changer (Page 705) by adopting port interconnections identified online (Page 708) Note Interconnecting an electric with an optical port If you want to interconnect an electric and an optical port, you have to decide between RT and IRT communication: With RT communication, it is not necessary to configure a media converter. With IRT communication, you have to make the interconnection via a media converter. What effects does the interconnection of ports have on the network view? Note In the properties of a subnet in the network view, you can specify that this subnet is used when a port interconnection is created between two devices that are not networked. When you create an interconnection between two ports, the following effects are possible in the network view: If the corresponding interfaces are disconnected: If you have specified a default subnet, this is used. Otherwise a new subnet is created to connect the two interfaces. If one (and only one) of the two interfaces involved is networked: The non-networked interface is connected to the same subnet as the already networked interface. In all other cases: The corresponding interfaces are not connected to a logical subnet. 702 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Interconnecting ports (Page 1678) Settings for interconnecting Ethernet devices (Page 593) Interconnecting ports in the graphic view Requirement You are in the graphic view of the topology view. Procedure - Creating a new interconnection between two ports To interconnect a port of a device with a port of another device, follow these steps: 1. Place the mouse cursor on the port you want to interconnect. 2. Click with the left mouse button and hold it down. 3. Move the mouse pointer. The pointer now shows the networking symbol to indicate "Interconnect" mode. At the same time, the mouse pointer shows the lock symbol that will only disappear when the pointer is on a valid target. 4. Now drag the mouse cursor to the target port. You can do this while holding down or after releasing the mouse button. 5. Now release the left mouse button or press it again (depending on your previous action). Result: A new port interconnection is created. Note Creating a ring for S7-300, S7-400, and S7-1500 CPUs If you create a ring using port interconnections for S7-300, S7-400, or S7-1500 CPUs, an MRP domain is created automatically. Procedure - Changing an existing port interconnection without deleting it first To do this, follow these steps: 1. Place the mouse cursor on the port of an existing interconnection that is to receive a new partner port. 2. Drag the port to the new partner port. Result: The existing port interconnection is deleted. The new port interconnection is created. Alternative procedure: 1. Place the mouse cursor on a port without an interconnection that is to be connected with an already interconnected port. 2. Drag the port to the already interconnected port. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 703 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Result: The existing port interconnection is deleted. The new port interconnection is created. Procedure - Interconnecting two interconnected ports with each other without first deleting the two existing port interconnections To do this, follow these steps: 1. Place the mouse cursor on the interconnected port that is to receive a new partner port. 2. Drag the port to the new partner port that has also already been interconnected. Result: The two existing port interconnections are deleted. The new port interconnection is created. Interconnecting ports in the table view Which actions are possible with port interconnections in the table view? The following actions are possible with port interconnections in the table view: Creating a new port interconnection Changing an existing port interconnection Deleting an existing port interconnection Requirement The row with the port whose interconnection you want to create, modify or delete is visible in the "Topology overview" tab. Procedure To create the interconnection of a port for the first time, to modify it or delete it, follow these steps: 1. Move the mouse pointer to the "Partner port" column in the row of the source port. 2. Click the drop-down list there. 3. Select the required partner port (when creating or changing a port interconnection) or the "Any partner" entry (when deleting a port interconnection). Result The required action is performed. The new partner port (after creating or modifying a port interconnection) or the "Select port" entry (after deleting a port interconnection) is displayed in the "Partner port" column. 704 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Interconnecting a port with more than one partner port in the graphic view Requirement You have configured a port of a PROFINET device with the "Alternative partners" property and have specified its possible partner ports. The graphic view of the topology view is open. Procedure 1. Interconnect this port (referred to hereafter as source port) with one of the partner ports you have specified (referred to hereafter as target port). 2. Interconnect the source port with an additional target port. You can do this in several ways: - Drag the mouse pointer from a partner port that is already interconnected to a target port. - Drag the mouse pointer from an interconnection that has already been created to a target port. - Drag the mouse pointer from a target port to a partner port that is already interconnected. - Drag the mouse pointer from a target port to an already created interconnection. 3. If necessary, repeat the step above one or more times. Result An interconnection is created between the source port and the alternative partner ports. This is indicated by a dashed line. Interconnecting a port with more than one partner port in the table view Which actions are possible with port interconnections to several partner ports in the table view? When working with a tool changer, the following actions can be performed with port interconnections to multiple partner ports in the table view: Creating a new port interconnection Changing an existing port interconnection Deleting an existing port interconnection Requirement You have configured a port of a PROFINET device with the "Alternative partners" property and have specified its possible partner ports. The row with the port whose interconnection you want to create, modify or delete is visible in the "Topology overview" tab. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 705 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure To create the interconnection of a port to one or more partner ports for the first time, to modify it, or to delete it, follow these steps: 1. Move the mouse pointer to the "Partner port" column in the row of the source port. 2. Click the drop-down list there. 3. Select the required partner port (when creating or changing a port interconnection) or the "Any partner" entry (when deleting a port interconnection). Result The required action is performed: If you are creating an interconnection, a new row is inserted in the topology overview table. The new partner port is displayed there in the "Partner port" column. If you change an interconnection, the new partner port is displayed in the "Partner port" column. If you delete an interconnection, the row with the previous port interconnection is deleted. Note With a tool changer, there are normally several rows for a port with port interconnections to more than one partner port. The last row is always an empty row. The first row can be edited, all other rows are read-only. Renaming stations, devices, interfaces or ports Rename a station, a device, an interface or a port Requirement The table view of the topology view is open. You are in the "Topology overview" tab Procedure To rename a station, a device, an interface or a port, proceed as follows: 1. Click twice in the relevant field of the topology overview table (the second click starts the editing mode). 2. Enter the new name and then press the ENTER key (this closes editing mode). Result The object is renamed. 706 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Offline/online comparison Automatic assignment of devices by offline/online comparison Overview During the offline/online comparison, the configured topology is compared with the actual existing topology. Devices identified online are automatically assigned to configured devices as far as this is possible. Start of availability detection You start the availability detection the first time by clicking the "Compare offline/online" button in the toolbar of the "Topology comparison" tab. You restart availability detection by clicking the "Update" button. Note The availability detection can take several seconds. During this time, no user input is possible. Automatic assignment of a PNIO device A PNIO device identified online is automatically assigned to a configured device if the following properties of the two devices match up: Article no. Device type or device family PROFINET device name No automatic assignment In the following situations, no automatic assignment is possible: No device can be identified online to match a configured device. (This means that the corresponding columns in the "Online topology" area of the topology comparison table are empty.) In this case, you should add the already configured device to your system or delete the configured device from the configuration. A device identified online can be assigned to a configured device, but there are differences in the port interconnections. In this case, you can apply the port interconnections identified online manually to the project (Page 708). A device identified online cannot be assigned to a configured device. (In this case, the corresponding columns in the "Offline topology" area of the topology comparison table are empty.) In this case, you can include the device identified online manually in the project (Page 708). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 707 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Apply the port interconnections identified online manually to the project Requirement You have run an offline/online comparison in the topology view. The result of this is that at least one device identified online was automatically assigned to a configured device, but that there are differences relating to the interconnection. Procedure To adopt one more port interconnections identified online in the project manually, follow these steps: 1. Select the row belonging to the port interconnection. 2. If applicable, select further roles using multi-selection. 3. Select "Apply" > "Use selected" in the shortcut menu. The content of the corresponding table cells in the "Action" column changes to "Apply". 4. If you have mistakenly prepared too many port interconnections to be included in the project: Select the rows that belong to the port interconnections you have mistakenly prepared for inclusion in the project using multi-selection. Select "Reset" > "Reset selected" in the shortcut menu. The content of the corresponding table cells in the "Action" column change to "No action". 5. Click the "Synchronize" button. Result The port interconnections identified online for the corresponding devices are included in the project. Successful adoption is indicated by the diagnostics icon "Identical topology information" for each port. Note If other port interconnections are recognized for a device identified online and these differ from those that exist in the project, adopting these in the project means that the port interconnections that were previously in the project are replaced by those identified online. If no port interconnections are detected for a device identified online, adopting in the project means that all the port interconnections of this device are deleted in the project. Include the devices identified online manually in the project Requirements You have run an offline/online comparison in the topology view. The result of this is that at least one device identified online could not be assigned to any configured device. 708 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure To adopt one more devices identified online in the project manually, follow these steps: 1. For a configured device without an online partner, move the mouse pointer to the "Device/ port" column of the online topology. 2. Select the device you want to assign to the configured device from the drop-down list of this box. 3. Repeat the previous steps if necessary for other configured devices without an online partner. Result The selected device that was identified online is moved up from the end of the table. Following this, it is in the row of the configured device to which you have just assigned it. Automatic assignment of devices by advanced offline/online comparison Overview With the advanced offline/online comparison, ICMP is also used alongside DCP to be able to detect devices that do not support DCP. Automatic assignment of devices detected by ICMP With devices detected by ICMP, no type is available. With passive devices, no article number is available. For this reason, passive devices can only be assigned automatically if you have not assigned an article number in the configured data and the offline and online IP addresses match. With switches, automatic assignment is possible if the offline and online article number, IP address and PROFINET device name match. Secure Communication (S7-1500) Basics of Secure Communication (S7-1500) Basics of Secure Communication (S7-1500) For STEP 7 (TIA Portal) as of V14 and for S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware V2.0, the options for secure communication have been broadened considerably. "S7-1500 CPUs" also refers to CPU versions S7-1500F, S7-1500T, S7-1500C as well as S7-1500pro CPUs and ET200SP CPUs. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 709 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Introduction The attribute "secure" is used for the identification of communication mechanisms that are based on a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) (for example RFC 5280 for Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List Profile). A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a system that can issue, distribute and check digital certificates. The digital certificates issued are used within the PKI to secure computer-based communication. If a PKI uses asymmetric key cryptography, the messages in a network can be digitally signed and encrypted. Components that you have configured in STEP 7 (TIA Portal) for secure communication use an asymmetric key encryption scheme with a public key (Public Key) and a private key (Private Key). TLS (Transport Layer Security) is used as the encryption protocol. TLS is the successor for the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. Objectives of secure communication Secure communication is used to achieve the following objectives: Confidentiality i.e. the data is secret/cannot by read by eavesdroppers. Integrity i.e. the message that reaches the recipient is the same message, unchanged, that the sender sent. The message has not been altered on the way. End point authentication i.e. the end point communication partner is exactly who it claims to be and the party who is to be reached. The identity of the partner is verified. In the past, these objectives were primarily relevant to IT and networked computers. Today, industrial machinery and control systems with sensitive data are at equally high risk, as they are also networked, and consequently pose high security requirements for data exchange. Protection of the automation cell by means of the cell protection concept through firewall, or via connection through VPN, for example with the security module, was common in the past and remains so. However, it is becoming increasingly necessary to also transfer data to external computers in encrypted form via Intranet or public networks. 710 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Common principles of secure communication Independent of the context, secure communication is based on the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) concept and contains the following components: An asymmetric encryption scheme. This scheme allows the following: - Encryption or decryption of the messages using public or private keys. - The verification of signatures in messages and certificates. The messages / certificates are signed by the sender / certificate owner with their private key. The recipient / verifier checks the signature with the public key of the sender / certificate owner. Transport and storage of the public key using X.509 certificates. - X.509 certificates are digitally signed data that allow public key authentication in terms of the bound identity. - X.509 certificates can also contain information that describes in more detail or restricts use of the public key. For example the effective date of a public key in a certificate and when it expires. - X.509 certificates also contain information on the issuer of the certificate in secure form. The following paragraphs give an overview of these basic concepts which are required for managing certificates in STEP 7 (TIA Portal), for example, and for programming the communication instructions for secure Open User Communication (sOUC). Secure communication in STEP 7 STEP 7 as of V14 provides the required PKI for the configuration and operation of secure communication. Examples: The Hypertext Transfer Protokoll (HTTP) becomes Hypertext Transfer Protokoll Secure (HTTPS) by means of the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol. Since HTTPS is a combination of HTTP and TLS, it is called "HTTP over TLS" in the corresponding RFC. You can see in the browser that HTTPS is being used. This is indicated by the URL scheme "https://" instead of "http://" in the address bar of the browser. Most browsers highlight such secure connections. Open User Communication becomes secure Open User Communication. The underlying protocol is also TLS. E-mail providers also offer access over the "Secure SMTP over TLS" protocol to increase the security of e-mail communication. The figure below shows the TLS protocol in the context of communication layers. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 711 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3/&SURJUDP 2SHQXVHUFRPPXQLFDWLRQ 7B6(1' 1HWZRUN/D\HU 'DWD/LQN/D\HU 3K\VLFDO/D\HU 28& 6HFXUH28& +7736 7/6 6HVVLRQ/D\HU 7UDQVSRUW/D\HU 7B5&9 :HEVHUYHU +773 $SSOLFDWLRQ/D\HU 7B&21 7&38'3 ,3Y (WKHUQHW Secure communication with OPC UA An OPC UA server is implemented in S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware V2.0. OPC UA Security also covers authentication, encryption and data integrity with digital X.509 certificates and also uses a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Depending on the requirements of the application you can select various security levels for the end point security. The description of the OPC UA server functionality is covered in a separate section. Confidentiality through encryption (S7-1500) Message encryption is an important element of data security. When encrypted messages are intercepted by third parties during communication, these potential eavesdroppers cannot access the information they contain. There is a wide range of mathematical processes (algorithms) for encrypting messages. All algorithms process a "key" parameter to encrypt and decrypt messages. Algorithm + key + message => encrypted message Encrypted message + key + algorithm => (decrypted) message 712 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Symmetric encryption The central aspect of symmetric encryption is that both communication partners use the same key for message encryption and decryption, as shown in the figure below. Bob uses the same key for encryption as Alice uses for decryption. In general, we also say that the two sides share a secret, the secret key, with which they encrypt or decrypt a message. %RE $OLFH Bob encrypts his message with the symmetric key Alice decrypts the encrypted message with the symmetric key The process can be compared to a briefcase to which the sender and recipient have the same key, which both locks and opens the case. Advantage: Symmetric encryption algorithms (for example AES, Advanced Encryption Algorithm) are fast. Disadvantages: How can the key be sent to a recipient without getting into the wrong hands? This is a key distribution problem. If enough messages are received, the key can also be worked out and must therefore be changed regularly. If there is a large number of communication partners, there is also a large number of keys to distribute. Asymmetric encryption Asymmetric encryption works with a pair of keys consisting of one public key and one private key. In connection with a PKI it is also called a Public Key process or only PKI process: A communication partner, Alice in the figure below, has a private key and a public key. The public key is provided to the public, in other words any potential communication partner. Anyone with the public key can encrypt messages for Alice. In the figure below, this is Bob. Alice's private key, which she must not disclose, is used by Alice to decrypt an encrypted message addressed to her. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 713 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3XEOLFNH\ 3ULYDWHNH\ %RE $OLFH Alice provides Bob with her public key. No precautionary measures are required to this purpose: Anyone can use the public key for messages to Alice if they are sure that it is actually Alice's public key. Bob encrypts his message with Alice's public key. Alice decrypts the encrypted message from Bob with her private key. As only Alice has the private key and never discloses it, only she can decrypt the message. With her private key, she can decrypt any message encrypted with her public key - not only messages from Bob. The system can be compared to a mailbox into which anyone can put a message, but from which only the person with the key can remove messages. Advantages: A message encrypted with a public key can only be decrypted by the owner of the private key. As another (private) key is required for decryption, it is also much harder to work out the decryption key on the basis of large numbers of encrypted messages. This means that the public key does not have to be kept strictly confidential, unlike with symmetric keys. Another advantage is easier distribution of public keys. No specially secured channel is required in asymmetric cryptography to transfer the public key from the recipient to the sender encrypting the messages. Less effort is thus required in the management of the keys than with the symmetric encryption process. Disadvantages: Complex algorithm (e.g. RSA, named after the three mathematicians Rivest, Shamir and Adleman), and therefore poorer performance than with symmetric encryption. Encryption processes in practice In practice, for example with a CPU Web server and Secure Open User Communication, the TLS protocol is used below the relevant application layer. Application layers are HTTP or SMTP, for example, as detailed above. TLS (Transport Layer Security) uses a combination of asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption (hybrid encryption) for secure data transfer, for example, over the Internet, and uses the following subprotocols: TLS Handshake Protocol, responsible for authentication of communication partners and negotiation of the algorithms and keys to be used for subsequent data transfer on the basis of asymmetric encryption TLS Record Protocol, responsible for encryption of user data with symmetric encryption and data exchange. 714 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Both asymmetric and symmetric encryption are considered secure encryption schemes - there is basically no difference in security between the two procedures. The degree of security depends on parameters such as the selected key length. Improper use of encryption You cannot tell what identity is assigned to a public key from the bit string. A fraud could provide their public key and claim to be someone else. If a third party then uses this key thinking that they are addressing their required communication partner, confidential information could end up with the fraud. The fraud then uses their private key to decrypt the message that was not intended for them, and sensitive information falls into the wrong hands. To prevent this type of abuse, the communication partners must be confident that they are dealing with the right communication partner. This trust is established by using digital certificates in a PKI. Authenticity and integrity through signatures (S7-1500) Attacks from programs that intercept communication between the server and client and act as if they themselves were client or server, are called man-in-the-middle attacks. If the false identity of these programs is not detected, they can, for example, obtain important information via the S7 program or set values in the CPU and attack a machine or plants. Digital certificates are used to avoid such attacks. Secure communication uses digital certificates that meet the standard X.509 of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This allows the identity of a program, a computer or an organization to be checked (authenticated). How certificates establish trust The main role of X.509 certificates is to bind an identity with the data of a certificate subject (for example e-mail address or computer name) to the public key of the identity. Identities can be people, computers or machines. Certificates are issued by certificate authorities (Certificate Authority, CA) or by the owner of a certificate itself. PKI systems specify how users can trust the certificate authorities and the certificates that they issue. The certificate process: 1. Anyone wishing to own a certificate submits a certificate application to a registration authority linked to the certificate authority. 2. The certificate authority assesses the application and applicant on the basis of set criteria. 3. If the identity of the applicant can be clearly established, the certificate authority confirms that identity by issuing a signed certificate. The applicant has now become the certificate holder. The figure below is a simplified overview of the process. It does not show how Alice can check the digital signature. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 715 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 7ZHQW &$ FRQILUPVZLWKKLV VLJQDWXUHWKDWWKHSXEOLFNH\LV %RE V+HKDVFKHFNHG 7ZHQW &$ &$ %RE $OLFHJHWV%RE VSXEOLFNH\ZKLFKLVVLJQHGE\ 7ZHQW6KHFDQEHFRQILGHQWWKDWWKLVSXEOLF NH\LVUHDOO\%RE VLIVKHWUXVWV7ZHQW $OLFHWUXVWV7ZHQW WKHFHUWLILFDWHDXWKRULW\&$ $OLFH Self-signed certificates Self-signed certificates are certificates whose signature comes from the certificate owner and not from an independent certificate authority. Examples: You can create and sign a certificate yourself, for example, to encrypt messages to a communication partner. In the example above, Bob (instead of Twent) could himself sign his certificate with his private key. Alice can use Bob's public key to check that the signature and public key from Bob match. This procedure is sufficient for simple internal plant communication that is to be encrypted. A root certificate is, for example, a self-signed certificate, signed by the certificate authority (CA), that contains the public key of the issuer. Features of self-signed certificates The attributes "CN" (Common Name of Subject) for the certificate holder and "Issuer" (issuer) of the self-signed certificates are identical: You have signed your certificate yourself. The field "CA" (Certificate Autority) for the certificate authority must be set to "False"; the self-signed certificate should, after all, not be used to sign other certificates. Self-signed certificates are not embedded in a PKI hierarchy. Certificate content A certificate to the X.509 V3 standard, the same standard that is used by STEP 7 and the S7-1500 CPUs, consists primarily of the following elements: Public key Details of the certificate holder (meaning the holder of the key). This is, for example, the Common Name (CN) of Subject Attributes such as serial number and validity period Digital signature from the certificate authority (CA) confirming that the information is correct. 716 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks There are also extensions, for example: Specification of what the public key may be used for (Key Usage), for example, signing or key encryption. When you create a new certificate with STEP 7, for example in the context of Secure Open User Communication, select the correct entry from the list of possible usages, e.g. "TLS". Specification of a "Subject Alternative Name" ("SAN"), which is used in secure communication with Web servers (HTTP over TLS), for example, to ensure that the certificate in the address bar of the Web browser also belongs to the Web server specified in the URL. How signatures are generated and verified Asymmetric key usage ensures that certificates can be verified: The example of the certificate "MyCert" illustrates the "Sign" and "Verify signature" processes. Generating a signature: 1. The issuer of the "MyCert" certificate generates a hash value from the certificate data using a specific hash function (for example SHA-1, Secure Hash Algorithm). The hash value is a bit string of a constant length. The advantage of the constant length of the hash value is that it always takes the same amount of time to sign. 2. Using the hash value generated in this way and the private key, the issuer of the certificate then generates a digital signature. The RSA signature scheme is often used. 3. The digital signature is saved in the certificate. The certificate is now signed. Verifying a signature: 1. The authenticator of the "MyCert" certificate obtains the certificate of the certificate issuer and thus also the public key. 2. A new hash value is formed from the certificate data with the same hash algorithm that was used for signing (for example SHA-1). 3. This hash value is then compared with the hash value that was determined by means of the public key of the certificate issuer and the signature algorithm to verify the signature on the certificate. 4. If the signature verification supplies a positive result, both the identity of the certificate holder as well as the integrity, meaning the authenticity and genuineness of the certificate contents, is proven. Anyone who has the public key, meaning the certificate from the certificate authority, can check the signature and thus prove that the certificate was actually signed by the certificate authority. The figure below shows how Alice uses the public key in the certificate from Twent (who represents the certificate authority, CA) to verify the signature on Bob's public key. All that is required for verification is therefore the availability of the certificate from the certificate authority at the time of verification. The validation itself is executed automatically in the TLS session. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 717 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks &$ 7ZHQW $OLFHYHULILHV%RE V VLJQDWXUHZLWKWKHSXEOLF NH\IURP7ZHQW &$ &$ %RE Signing messages The method described above for signing and verifying also uses the TLS session for signing and verifying messages: If a hash value is generated by a message and this hash value is signed with the private key of the sender and attached to the original message, the recipient of the message is able to check the integrity of the message. The recipient decrypts the hash value with the public key of the sender, puts together the hash value from the message received and compares the two values. If the values are not the same, the message has been tampered with on the way. Chain of certificates to root certificate The certificates of a PKI are often organized hierarchically: The top of the hierarchy is formed by root certificates. These are certificates that are not signed by a higher-level certificate authority. The certificate holder and certificate issuer of root certificates are identical. Root certificates enjoy absolute trust. They are the "anchor" of the trust and must therefore be known at the receiver as absolute certificates. They are stored in an area provided for trusted certificates. The function of root certificates is to sign certificates from lower-level certificate authorities, socalled intermediate certificates. This transfers the trust from the root certificate to the intermediate certificate. An intermediate certificate can sign a certificate just like a root certificate; both are therefore referred to as "CA certificates". This hierarchy can be continued over multiple intermediate certificates until the end-entity certificate. The end-entity certificate is the certificate of the user who is to be identified. The validation process runs through the hierarchy in the opposite direction: As described above, the certificate issuer is established and the signature checked with the issuer's public key, then the certificate of the higher-level certificate issuer is established along the entire chain of trust to the root certificate. Conclusion: The chain of intermediate certificates to the root certificate, the certificate path, must be available in every device that is to validate an end-entity certificate of the communication partner, irrespective of the type of secure communication that you configure. Managing certificates with STEP 7 (S7-1500) STEP 7 as of version V14 together with the S7-1500-CPUs as of FW version 2.0 support the Internet PKI (RFC 5280) in as far as an S7-1500 CPU is able to communicate with devices that similarly support the Internet PKI. 718 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The use of X.509 certificates, for example to verify certificates as described in the preceding sections, is a result of this. STEP 7 as of V14 uses a PKI similar to the Internet PKI. Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), for example, are not supported. Create or assign certificates For devices with security properties, such as an S7-1500 CPU as of firmware V2.0, you create certificates in STEP 7 for various applications. The following areas in the Inspector window of the CPU allow the creation of new certificates or the selection of existing ones: "Protection & Security > Certificate manager" - for the generation or assignment of all types of certificates. The default setting for the creation of certificates is TLS certificates for Secure Open User Communication. "Web server > Security" - for the generation and assignment of Web server certificates. "OPC UA > Server > Security" - for the generation or assignment of OPC UA certificates WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 719 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Special feature of the area "Protection & security > Certificate manager" Only in this area of the Inspector window do you switch between the global, meaning the projectwide, certificate manager and the local, meaning the device-specific, certificate manager (option "Use global security settings for certificate manager"). The option decides whether you have access to all the certificates in the project or not. If you do not use the certificate manager in the global security settings, you only have access to the local certificate memory of the CPU. You do not have any access, for example, to imported certificates or root certificates. Without these certificates only limited functionality is available. You can, for example, only create self-signed certificates. If you do not use the certificate manager in the global security settings and you are logged on as an administrator, you have access to the global, project-wide certificate memory. You can, for example, assign imported certificates to the CPU or create certificates that are issued and signed by the project CA (certification authority of the project). The figure below shows how the "Global security settings" are displayed in the project tree after activation of the option "Use global security settings for certificate manager" in the Inspector window of the CPU. When you double-click "User login" in the project tree below the global security settings and log in, a line "Certificate manager" is displayed there among other things. With a double-click on the "Certificate manager" line you receive access to all the certificates in the project, divided into the tabs "CA" (certificate authorities), "Device certificates" and "Trusted certificates and root certification authorities". 720 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Private keys STEP 7 generates private keys when generating device certificates or server certificates (endentity certificates). It depends on the use of the global security settings for the certificate manager where the private key is stored encrypted: If you use global security settings, the private key is stored encrypted in the global (projectwide) certificate memory. If you do not use global security settings, the private key is stored encrypted in the local (CPU-specific) certificate memory. The existence of the private key that is required, for example, to decrypt data, is displayed in the "Private key" column in the "Device certificates" tab of the certificate manager in the global security settings. When the hardware configuration is downloaded, the device certificate, the public key as well as the private key are downloaded to the CPU. NOTICE The option "Use global security settings for certificate manager" influences the previously used private keys: If you have already created certificates without using the certificate manager in the global security settings and then change the option to the use of the certificate manager, the private keys are lost and the certificate ID can change. A warning draws your attention to this fact. Therefore specify at the beginning of the configuration which option is required for the certificate management. Examples for the management of certificates (S7-1500) As explained in the preceding sections, certificates are required for every type of secure communication. The following section shows as an example how you handle the certificates with STEP 7 so that the requirements for Secure Open User Communication are met. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 721 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks In the following section a distinction is made as to which devices the participating communication partners are. The respective steps for supplying the communication participants with the required certificates are described for each. An S7-1500 CPU or an S7-1500 software controller as of firmware version 2.0 is required. The following generally applies: During the establishment of a secure connection ("handshake") the communication partners as a rule only transfer their end-entity certificates (device certificates). Therefore the CA certificates required to verify the transferred device certificate must be located in the certificate memory of the respective communication partner. Note The current date/time must be set in the CPU. When using secure communication (for example, HTTPS, secure OUC, OPC UA), make sure that the corresponding modules have the current time of day and the current date. Otherwise, the modules evaluate the used certificates as invalid and the secure communication does not work. Secure Open User Communication between two S7-1500 CPUs Two S7-1500 CPUs PLC_1 and PLC_2 should interchange data over Secure Open User Communication. You generate the required device certificates with STEP 7 and assign them to the CPUs as described below. STEP 7 project certification authorities (CA of the project) are used to sign the device certificates. The certificates are to be referenced by their certificate ID in the user program (TCON communication instruction in combination with the associated system data type, for example TCON_IPV4_SEC). STEP 7 assigns the certificate ID automatically when generating or creating certificates. 722 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure STEP 7 automatically downloads the required CA certificates together with the hardware configuration to the participating CPUs so that the requirements for certificate verification exist for both CPUs. You therefore only have to generate the device certificates for the respective CPU - everything else is done by STEP 7 for you. 1. Select PLC_1 and activate the "Use global security settings for certificate manager" option in the "Protection & Security" area. 2. Log in as a user in the project tree in the "Global security settings" area. The "Administrator" role is the default for the first login to a new project. 3. Return to the PLC 1 in the "Protection & Security" section. Click in an empty line in the "Certificate holder" column in the "Device certificates" table to add a new certificate. 4. Click the "Add" button in the drop-down list to select a certificate. The "Generate new certificate" dialog opens. 5. Leave the default settings in this dialog. They are tailored to the usage of Secure Open User Communication (usage: TLS). Tip: Extend the preset name of the certificate holder - in this case the CPU name. In order to differentiate better, leave the default CPU name in case you have to manage a large number of device certificates. Example: PLC_1/TLS becomes PLC_1-SecOUC-Chassis17FactoryState. 6. Compile the configuration. The device certificate and the CA certificate are part of the configuration. 7. Repeat the steps described for PLC_2. In the next step you have to create the user programs for the data exchange and download the configurations together with the program. Use self-signed certificates instead of CA certificates When creating device certificates you can select the "Self-signed" option. You can create selfsigned certificates without having to be logged in for the global security settings. This procedure is not recommended because the certificates created by this method do not exist in the global certificate memory and can therefore not be assigned directly to a partner CPU. As described above you should select the name of the certificate holder with care so that the right certificate can be assigned to a device without any doubt. A verification with the CA certificates of the STEP 7 project is not possible with self-signed certificates. To ensure that self-signed certificates can be verified, you have to include the selfsigned certificate of the communication partner in the list of trusted partner devices for each CPU. To do so, you must have activated the option "Use global security settings for certificate manager" and be logged in as a user in the global security settings. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 723 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Proceed as follows to add the self-signed certificate of the communication partner of the CPU: 1. Select PLC_1 and navigate to the table "Certificates of partner devices" in the "Protection & Security" area. 2. Click in an empty line of the "Certificate holder" column to open the drop-down list for adding or selecting certificates. 3. From the drop-down list select the self-signed certificate of the communication partner and confirm the selection. In the next step you have to create the user programs for the data exchange and download the configurations together with the program. Secure Open User Communication between an S7-1500 CPU as a TLS client and an external device as a TLS server Two devices are to interchange data via a TLS connection or TLS session, for example to exchange recipes, production data or quality data: An S7-1500 CPU (PLC_1) as the TLS client; the CPU uses Secure Open User Communication An external device (such as a Manufacturing Execution System (MES)) as the TLS server As the TLS client the S7-1500 CPU establishes the TLS connection / session to the MES system. TLS client TLS server In order to authenticate the TLS server, the S7-1500 CPU requires the CA certificates of the MES system: The root certificate and if appropriate the intermediate certificates for verifying the certificate path. You have to import these certificates into the global certificate memory of the S7-1500 CPU. Proceed as follows to import certificates of the communication partner: 1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree. 2. Select the matching table (trusted certificates of root certification authorities) for the certificate to be imported. 3. Right-click in the table to open the shortcut menu. Click "Import" and import the required certificate or the required CA certificates. Through the import the certificate receives a certificate ID and can be assigned to a module in the next step. 724 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Select PLC_1 and navigate to the table "Certificates of partner devices" in the "Protection & Security" area. 5. Click in an empty line of the "Certificate holder" column to add the imported certificates. 6. From the drop-down list select the required CA certificates of the communication partner and confirm the selection. Optionally the MES system can also request a device certificate of the CPU to authenticate the CPU (meaning the TLS client). In this case the CA certificates of the CPU must be available to the MES system. Prerequisite for importing the certificates into the MES system is a preceding export of the CA certificates from the STEP 7 project of the CPU. Proceed as follows: 1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree. 2. Select the matching table (CA certificates) for the certificate to be exported. 3. Right-click to open the shortcut menu for the selected certificate. 4. Click "Export". 5. Select the export format of the certificate. In the next step you have to create the user programs for the data exchange and download the configurations together with the program. Secure Open User Communication between an S7-1500 CPU as TLS server and an external device as TLS client If the S7-1500 CPU acts as a TLS server and the external device, for example an ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning System), establishes the TLS connection / session, you require the following certificates: For the S7-1500 CPU you generate a device certificate (server certificate) with a private key and download it with the hardware configuration. When generating the server certificate you use the option "Signed by certificate authority". The private key is required for the key exchange as explained in the figure for the example "HTTP over TLS". For the ERP system you have to export the CA certificate of the STEP 7 project and import / download it to the ERP system. With the CA certificate, the ERP system checks the server certificate of the S7-1500 that was transmitted from the CPU to the ERP system during the establishment of the TLS connection/session. TLS server TLS client The description of the required actions is provided in the preceding sections. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 725 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Secure Open User Communication via S7-1543-1 CP as an e-mail client (SMTP over TLS) An S7-1500 CPU can establish a secure connection to an e-mail server via the CP 1543-1 with the communication instruction TMAIL-C. The system data types TMail_V4_SEC, TMail_V6_SEC and TMail_QDN_SEC allow you to specify the partner port of the e-mail server and thus to reach the e-mail server via "SMTP over TLS". Prerequisite for a secure e-mail connection is an import of the root certificate and of the intermediate certificates from the e-mail server (provider) into the global certificate memory of the STEP 7 project. When these certificates have been assigned to the CP, the CP can check the server certificate of the e-mail server that is sent by the e-mail server during the establishment of the TLS connection / session by means of this certificate. Follow these steps: 1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree. 2. Select the matching table (trusted certificates of root certification authorities) for the certificate to be imported. 3. Right-click in the table to open the shortcut menu. Click "Import" and import the required certificate or the required CA certificates. Through the import the certificate receives a certificate ID and can be assigned to the CP in the next step. 4. Select the CP 1543-1 and navigate to the table "Certificates of partner devices" in the "Security" section. 5. Click in an empty line of the "Certificate holder" column to add the imported certificates. 6. From the drop-down list select the required CA certificates of the e-mail server and confirm the selection. In the next step you have to create the user programs for the e-mail client function of the CPU and download the configurations together with the program. See also Secure OUC from an S7-1500 CPU as a TLS client to an external PLC (TLS server) (Page 739) Example: HTTP over TLS (S7-1500) The following paragraphs show how the mechanisms described are used to create secure communication between a Web browser and the Web server of an S7-1500 CPU. 726 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks First the changes for the option "Permit access only through HTTPS" in STEP 7 are described. As of STEP 7 V14 you have the option of influencing the server certificate of the Web server of an S7-1500 CPU as of firmware V2.0: The server certificate is generated with STEP 7 as of this version. In addition the processes that are implemented when a website of the Web server of the CPU is called up with a Web browser of a PC via an encrypted HTTPS connection are displayed. Using Web server certificates for S7-1500 CPUs as of FW V2.0 For S7-1500 CPUs with a firmware version before V2.0, you were able to set "Permit access only with HTTPS" when setting the Web server properties, without specific requirements applying. You did not have anything to do with the handling of certificates for these CPUs; the CPU automatically generates the certificates required for the Web server. For S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware V2.0, STEP 7 generates the server certificate (end-entity certificate) for the CPU. You assign a server certificate to the Web server in the properties of the CPU (Web server > Server security). Since a server certificate name is always preset, nothing changes in the simple configuration of the Web server: You activate the Web server and activate the option "Permit access only with HTTPS" - STEP 7 generates a server certificate with the preset name during compiling. Irrespective of whether you use the certificate manager in the global security settings or not: STEP 7 has all the information needed to generate the server certificate. In addition you have the option of determining the properties of the server certificate, for example, the name or the duration of validity. Note The current date/time must be set in the CPU. When using secure communication (for example, HTTPS, secure OUC, OPC UA), make sure that the corresponding modules have the current time of day and the current date. Otherwise, the modules evaluate the used certificates as invalid and the secure communication does not work. Downloading the Web server certificate The server certificate generated by STEP 7 is automatically also loaded when the hardware configuration is downloaded to the CPU. If you use the certificate manager in the global security settings, the certificate authority of the project (CA certificate) signs the server certificate of the Web server. When downloading the CA certificate of the project is automatically loaded as well. If you do not use the certificate manager in the global security settings, STEP 7 generates the server certificate as a self-signed certificate. When you address the Web server of the CPU via the IP address of the CPU, a new server certificate (end-entity certificate) must be generated and loaded with each change of the IP address of an Ethernet interface of the CPU. This is necessary because the identity of the WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 727 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks CPU changes with the IP address - and the identity requires a signature in accordance with the PKI rules. You can avoid this problem by addressing the CPU with a domain name instead of its IP address, e.g. "". To do so, you need to manage the domain names of your CPUs over a DNS server. Supplying a Web browser with a CA certificate of the Web server In the Web browser, the user who accesses the websites of the CPU through HTTPS should install the CA certificate of the CPU. If no certificate is installed, a warning is output recommending that you do not use the page. To view this page, you must explicitly "Add an exception". The user receives the valid root certificate (Certification Authority) for download from the "Intro" web page of the CPU Web server under "Download certificate". STEP 7 offers a different possibility: Export the CA certificate of the project with the certificate manager into the global security settings in STEP 7. Subsequently import the CA certificate into the browser. Course of Secure Communication The figure below shows, in simplified terms, how communication is established ("handshake"), focusing on the negotiation of keys used for data exchange (here via HTTP over TLS). However, the course can theoretically be applied to all communication options that are based on the use of TLS, i.e. also for Secure Open User Communication (see Basics of secure communication). $OLFHDFFHVVHVZHEVLWHZLWK KWWSV $OLFH $OLFHVHOHFWV UDQGRPV\PP NH\ :HEVHUYHUDFFHSWVWKHFRQQHFWLRQ DQGVHQGVLWVFHUWLILFDWHZLWKSXEOLF NH\ &$ $OLFHVHQGVWKHV\PPHWULF NH\HQFU\SWHGZLWKWKHSXEOLFNH\RI WKHVHUYHU &$ 6LJQHGSXEOLFNH\DQG SULYDWHNH\RIWKH:HE VHUYHU :HEVHUYHUGHFU\SWVWKH V\PPHWULFNH\ZLWKLWV SULYDWHNH\ $OLFHDQGWKH:HEVHUYHUQRZ XVHV\PPHWULFHQFU\SWLRQDQG GHFU\SWLRQ The figure does not show the measures taken at Alice's end (browser) to verify the certificate sent by the Web server. Whether Alice can trust the transferred Web server certificate and 728 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks thus the identity of the Web server and allow the data exchange depends on a positive outcome of the verification. The steps for verifying the authenticity of the Web server are: 1. Alice must know the public keys of all relevant certificate authorities, i.e. she requires the complete certificate chain to be able to verify the Web server certificate (i.e. the end-entity certificate of the Web server). Alice will generally have the required root certificate in her certificate memory. When a Web browser is installed, a whole range of trusted root certificates is also installed. If she does not have the root certificate, she has to download it from the certificate authority and install it in the certificate memory of the browser. The certificate authority can also be the device on which the Web server is located. You have the following options for obtaining the intermediate certificates: - The server itself sends the required intermediate certificates along with its end-entity certificate to Alice - in the form of a signed message so that Alice can check the integrity of the certificate chain. - The certificates often contain the URLs of the certificate issuer. Alice can load the required intermediate certificates from these URLs. When you handle certificates in STEP 7, it is always assumed that you have imported the required intermediate certificates and the root certificate into the project and have assigned them to the module. 2. Alice validates the signatures in the certificate chain with the public keys of the certificates. 3. The symmetric key has to have been generated and transferred to the Web server. 4. If the Web server is addressed by its domain name, Alice verifies the identity of the Web server in accordance with the PKI rules defined in RFC 2818. She is able to do this because the URL, in this case the "Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Web server, is saved in the end-entity certificate of the Web server. If the certificate entry in the "Subject Alternative Name" field corresponds to the entry in the address bar of the browser, everything is fine. The process continues with the exchange of data with the symmetric key, as shown in the figure above. Global security settings (S7-1500) Global security certificate manager (S7-1500) Introduction In the global certificate manager, you have an overview of all the certificates, for example, CA certificates, used in the project with information about the certificate holder, issuer, validity, use and the existence of a private key. With the corresponding authorization you can also manage certificates for the project there. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 729 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Activation of the global security settings The global security settings are not visible until they have been activated in the project for at last one device. The "Use global security settings for certificate manager" check box is available to this end in the local CPU-specific certificate manager: The check box is located in the Inspector window in the general settings of a device with security functions under "Protection & Security > Certificate manager". Principle The CA certificate is issued by a certificate authority from which the device certificates are derived. Certificate authorities can be: STEP 7: If the "certificate holder" and "issuer" are the same, this is a self-signed certificate; in other words a certificate issued by STEP 7. Higher-level certificate authority: These external certificates are external to the project and are imported and stored in the certificate memory of STEP 7. Certificates created by one of the two certificate authorities always have a private key so that the device certificates can be derived from them. Functions of the global security certificate manager The following functions are available for selection in the global security certificate manager: Import of new certificates and certificate authorities. Import of SSL certificates (only CP x43-1 Adv.), for example, for FTP communication. Export of the certificates and certificate authorities used in the project. Renewal of expired certificates and certificate authorities. Replacement of existing certificate authorities. Adding trusted certificates and certification authorities. 730 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Deleting manually imported certificates. Note Downloading the configuration After replacing or renewing certificates the configuration has to be downloaded to the corresponding devices. After replacing or renewing CA certificates the configuration has to be downloaded to the corresponding devices. Note Current date and current time of day on the security modules When using secure communication (for example, HTTPS), make sure that the corresponding devices have the current time of day and the current date. Otherwise the certificates used are not evaluated as valid and the secure communication does not work. Managing users and roles (S7-1500) Introduction After you have activated the global security settings for the certificate manager, you have to log in to the global security settings or you require administrator rights. Otherwise you do not have sufficient user rights to edit the global certificates. You cannot access the global certificate manager without a login or if you do not have sufficient rights. Roles and rights You can configure the security settings if the predefined roles "Administrator" or "Standard" are assigned to you or if a different defined role with the associated authorization is assigned. You can view the roles in the project tree under "Global security settings > User administration > Roles" or, if you have corresponding rights, edit them. Assigned role Diagnosing Configuring Managing users and roles Administrator Yes Yes Yes Standard Yes Yes No Diagnostics Yes No No You can create new roles and users as an administrator and assign users and roles to each other in the user administration. Requirement You have to be logged in as an administrator via the user login to the global security settings. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 731 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure Proceed as follows to edit users and roles: 1. In the project navigator go to user administration in the global security settings. 2. Select the role to be changed or create a new role. 3. Edit the rights of the selected role in the rights list. Importing and exporting certificates (S7-1500) Introduction You can import and export certificates and the associated private keys. Certificates can only be imported with the global certificate manager. Certificates can also be exported via the local CPU-specific certificate manager. You can import or export the certificates into the following file types: Certificates without private key to CER, DER, CRT or PEM Certificates with their private key to P12 (PKCS12). Requirement During import of certificates with private key you may require a password for access. Importing certificates To import a certificate follow these steps: 1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree. 2. Select the matching table (CA certificates, device certificates, trusted certificates of root certification authorities) for the certificate to be imported. 3. Right-click in the table to open the shortcut menu. 4. Click "Import". 5. Select the import format of the certificate: - CER, DER, CRT or PEM for certificates without private keys. - P12 (PKCS12 archive) for certificates with private key. 6. Click "Open" to import the certificate. The imported certificate has to be assigned manually to the desired device or module. 732 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Exporting certificates To export a certificate, follow these steps: 1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree. 2. Select the matching table (CA certificates, device certificates, trusted certificates of root certification authorities) for the certificate to be exported. 3. Right-click to open the shortcut menu for the selected certificate. 4. Click "Export". 5. Select the export format of the certificate: - CER, DER, CRT or PEM for certificates without private keys. - CRL for certificate block list encoded to DER - P12 (PKCS12 archive) for certificates with private key. 6. Click "Save" to export the certificate. You can also export certificates directly from the local CPU-specific certificate manager. Selectable file formats X.509 certificates to the certificate standard X.509 V3 from the RFC 5280 can be imported or exported in various formats with different file name extensions: File name ex tension PEM File type Privacy Enhanced Mail Security Certificate Usage Base64-encoded certificate MIME type application/x-pem-file Meaning Certificate in PEM/X509 format (PEM = Privacy-Enhanced Mail) with an encoding in ASCII (Base64). For mat of the certificate authorities often used for the certificate transfer via e-mail to the applicant of the certificate. Instead of the file name extension PEM, a Base64-enoded certificate can also have the exten sions CER or CRT. Usage In TIA Portal the import and export is supported with PEM encoding. An export with PEM encoding can be effected in the file format PEM or CRT. File name ex tension DER File type DER Encoded X509 Certificate Usage Binary encoded certificate MIME type application/x-x509-ca-cert, application/pkix-cert Meaning Certificate in DER/X.509 format (DER = Distinguished Encoding Rules) with binary encoding. The binary DER format is the basis for the ASCII-encoded PEM format. The DER format is used in particular in the Microsoft Windows environment and on Java platforms. Instead of the file name extension DER a binaryencoded certificate can also have the extensions CER or CRT. Usage In TIA Portal the import and export is supported with DER encoding. An export with DER encoding can be effected in the file format DER or CER. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 733 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks File name ex tension CER File type Internet Security Certificate File Usage After PEM or DER encoded certificate MIME type application/x-x509-ca-cert, application/pkix-cert, application/keychain_access Meaning Alternative file name extension CER (Canonical Encoding Rules) for a binary encoded certificate in the DER format or for a Base64/ASCII-encoded certificate in PEM format. Usage In TIA Portal the import and export is supported in the file format CER. When importing a certificate in the file format CER the encoding can be to PEM or DER. The DER encoding is used for export in the file format CER. File name ex tension CRT File type Internet Security Certificate File Usage After PEM or DER encoded certificate MIME type application/x-x509-ca-cert, application/pkix-cert, application/keychain_access Meaning Alternative file name extension CRT for a binary encoded certificate in the DER format or for a Base64/ ASCII-encoded certificate in PEM format. Usage In TIA Portal the import and export is supported in the file format CRT. When importing a certificate in the file format CRT the encoding can be to PEM or DER. The PEM encoding is used for export in the file format CRT. File name ex tension CRL File type Certificate Revocation List Usage Certificate block list encoded to DER MIME type application/pkix-crl, application/x-pkcs7-crl Meaning The CRL (Certificate Revocation List) is an X.509 V3 extension and contains the list of blocked or revoked certificates for a specific root certificate. Certificate authorities use the option to revoke the authorization of certificates already issued. This is the case when certificates are compromised or if their content turns out to be faulty. Blocked certificates can be unblocked again with the CRL, for example, when the certificate turns out not to be compromised after all or if the content was correct after all. Revoked certificates remain invalid forever and cannot be authorized again. The certificate authority updates its CRLs as soon as their validity has expired or the content has changed. The source of supply of a CRL is entered in the respective certificate. Usage The TIA Portal does not support a certificate revocation via CRL. Since some external clients must have certificate block lists for the validation of the certificates, an export of the CRL is however supported. But the list is empty and solely serves the purpose of making the validation of an output certificate by certain external clients possible. File name ex tension P12 File type Personal Information Exchange File Usage As PKCS12-archive encoded certificates, optionally with private key MIME type application/keychain_access, application/x-pkcs12 734 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks File name ex tension P12 Meaning File types in the format P12 can also contain the private key in addition to the server certificate and inter mediate certificates. A password can be assigned when storing. Usage In TIA Portal the import and export is supported in the file format P12. The option for exporting into a PKCS12 archive only exists if the certificate disposes of a private key. During export a password can be assigned for the PKCS12 archive. Analog to the password assignment during exporting, the entry of a password may be required to access the certificate during importing. Renewing certificates (S7-1500) Introduction You can renew certificates, for example, to update a compromised certificate by an imported or new certificate. Procedure To renew a certificate, follow these steps: 1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree. 2. Select the matching table (CA certificates, device certificates) for the certificate to be renewed. 3. Right-click to open the shortcut menu for the selected certificate. 4. Click "Renew". 5. You can edit the data of the selected certificate in the dialog for new certificates. 6. When you click "OK", the certificate is renewed with the changed values. When you renew a certificate, the old certificate is replaced by the certificate with the new values. Through the renewal of certificates no signature query to a certificate authority is generated. Replacing certificates (S7-1500) Introduction You can replace an existing certificate by a different certificate. Procedure To replace a certificate, follow these steps: 1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree. 2. Select the matching table (CA certificates, device certificates, trusted certificates of root certification authorities) for the certificate to be replaced. 3. Right-click to open the shortcut menu for the selected certificate. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 735 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Click "Replace". 5. In the dialog for changing the certificate authority you replace the existing CA certificate of the project or the CA group certificate with a new one. All certificates listed in the "Certificates involved" table are derived once again. Displaying certificates (S7-1500) Introduction You can have an overview of all the certificate data displayed via the Windows certificate dialog Procedure Proceed as follows to display the certificate data: 1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree. 2. Select the matching table (CA certificates, device certificates, trusted certificates of root certification authorities) for the certificate to be displayed. 3. Right-click to open the shortcut menu for the selected certificate. 4. Click "Display". Result Different information about the selected certificate is displayed in a window: General information about the certificate Detailed information about the certificate Information about the certification path Deleting certificates (S7-1500) Introduction You can delete certificates that are no longer required or are compromised. Procedure To delete a certificate, follow these steps: 1. Open the certificate manager in the global security settings in the project tree. 2. Select the matching table (device certificates, trusted certificates of root certification authorities) for the certificate to be deleted. 3. Right-click to open the shortcut menu for the selected certificate. 4. Click "Delete". 736 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note CA certificates reserved for the project and certificates that are assigned automatically to a CP cannot be deleted. You can also delete certificates directly in the local CPU-specific certificate manager. The certificate then remains in the global security manager for the project, but is no longer used for the device. Secure Open User Communication (S7-1500) Secure OUC between two S7-1500 CPUs (S7-1500) The following section describes how you can set up a Secure Open User Communication over TCP between two S7-1500 CPUs In the process one S71500 CPU acts as a TLS client (active connection establishment) and the other S71500 CPU as a TLS server (passive connection establishment). Setting up a secure TCP connection between two S7-1500 CPUs In order to establish secure TCP communication between two S71500 CPUs you have to create a data block with the system data type TCON_IPv4_SEC in each CPU, carry out the parameter assignment and call it directly at the instruction. The TCON instruction supports the system data type TCON_QDN_SEC. Requirements: Both S7-1500 CPUs have a minimum firmware version of V2.0 TLS client and TLS server have all the required certificates. 7/6&OLHQW &3B 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWH &$FHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6VHUYHU 9DOLGDWLRQ 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6VHUYHU WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 +HOOR +HOOR 7/66HUYHU &3B 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWH &$FHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6FOLHQW 9DOLGDWLRQ 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6FOLHQW 737 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings at the TLS client To set up a secure TCP connection in the TLS client, follow these steps: 1. Create a global data block in the project tree. 2. Define a tag of the data type TCON_IP_4_SEC in the global data block. To do so, enter the string "TCON_IP_V4_SEC" in the "Data type" field. The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag "SEC connection 1 TLS Client" of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC is defined. 3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For example, enter the IPv4 address of the TLS server for "RemoteAddress". 4. Set the parameters for Secure Communication in the "Start value" column. - "ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant. You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case. - "TLSServerCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate. - "TLSClientCertRef": Enter, for example, the value 1. This references the CA certificate of the TIA Portal project (SHA1). 5. Create a TCON instruction in the program editor. 6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction with the tag of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC. 738 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings at the TLS server To set up a secure TCP connection in the TLS server, follow these steps: 1. Create a global data block in the project tree. 2. In the global data block, define a tag of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC. The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag "SEC connection 1 TLS Server" of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC is defined. 3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For example, enter the IPv4 address of the TLS client for "RemoteAddress". 4. Set the parameters for Secure Communication in the "Start value" column. - "ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant. You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case. - "TLSServerReqClientCert ": Request for an X.509-V3 certificate from the TLS client Enter the value "true". - "TLSServerCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate. - "TLSClientCertRef": Enter, for example, the value 1. This references the CA certificate of the TIA Portal project (SHA1). 5. Create a TCON instruction in the program editor. 6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction with the tag of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC. Secure OUC from an S7-1500 CPU as a TLS client to an external PLC (TLS server) (S7-1500) The following section describes how you can set up a Secure Open User Communication over TCP from an S7-1500 CPU as TLS client to a TLS server. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 739 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting up a secure TCP connection from an S7-1500 CPU as TLS client to a TLS server S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware version V2 support Secure Communication with addressing via a Domain Name System (DNS). In order to establish secure TCP communication via the domain name you have to create a data block yourself with the system data type TCON_QDN_SEC, carry out the parameter assignment and call it directly at the instruction. The TCON instruction supports the system data type TCON_QDN_SEC. Requirements: At least one DNS server exists in your network. You have configured at least one DNS server for the S71500 CPU. TLS client and TLS server have all the required certificates. To set up a secure TCP connection to a TLS server, follow these steps: 1. Create a global data block in the project tree. 2. In the global data block, define a tag of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC. The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag "DNS ConnectionSEC" of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC is defined. 3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For example, enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the TLS server for "RemoteQDN". 740 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Set the parameters for Secure Communication in the "Start value" column. - "ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant. You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case. - "ExtTLSCapabilities": When you enter the value 1, the client validates the subjectAlternateName in the X.509-V3 certificate of the server to check the identity of the server. The certificates are checked when the connection is established. - "TLSServerCertRef": ID of the X.509-V3 certificate (usually a CA certificate) that is used by the TLS client to validate the TLS server authentication. If this parameter is 0, the TLS client uses all (CA) certificates currently loaded in the client certificate store to validate the server authentication. The certificate ID of the CA certificate is entered in the TLS server. 7/6&OLHQW 6 &$FHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6VHUYHU LPSRUWHGDQG DVVLJQHG 7/66HUYHU H[WHUQDO3/& +HOOR +HOOR 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWH 9DOLGDWLRQ 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWH IURP 7/6VHUYHU - "TLSClientCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate. 5. Create a TCON instruction in the program editor. 6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction with the tag of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC. In the example below, the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction is interconnected with the tag "DNS connectionSEC" (data type TCON_QDN_SEC). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 741 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Connection parameters in accordance with TCON_QDN_SEC (Page 619) TCON: Establish communication connection (Page 4258) Examples for the management of certificates (Page 721) Secure OUC from an S7-1500 CPU as TLS server to an external PLC (TLS client) (S7-1500) The following section describes how you can set up a Secure Open User Communication over TCP from one S7-1500 CPU as TLS server to a TLS client. Setting up a secure TCP connection via the domain name of the communication partner S7-1500 CPUs as of firmware version V2 support Secure Communication with addressing via a Domain Name System (DNS). In order to establish secure TCP communication via the domain name you have to create a data block yourself with the system data type TCON_QDN_SEC, carry out the parameter assignment and call it directly at the instruction. The TCON instruction supports the system data type TCON_QDN_SEC. Requirements: At least one DNS server exists in your network. You have configured at least one DNS server for the S71500 CPU. TLS client and TLS server have all the required certificates. To set up a secure TCP connection to a TLS client, follow these steps: 1. Create a global data block in the project tree. 2. In the global data block, define a tag of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC. The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag "DNS ConnectionSEC" of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC is defined. 742 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For example, enter the local ID of the TCP connection in "ID". 4. Set the parameters for Secure Communication in the "Start value" column. - "ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant. You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case. - "TLSServerReqClientCert": Request for an X.509-V3 certificate from the TLS client - "TLSServerCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate. 7/66HUYHU 6 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWH JHQHUDWHGLQ7,$3RUWDO 7/6&OLHQW H[WHUQDO3/& +HOOR +HOOR &$FHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6VHUYHU H[SRUWHGIURP 7,$3RUWDO 9DOLGDWLRQ 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6VHUYHU - "TLSClientCertRef": ID of the X.509-V3 certificate (or a group of X.509-V3 certificates) that is used by the TLS server to validate TLS client authentication. If this parameter is 0, the TLS server uses all (CA) certificates currently loaded in the server certificate store to validate the client authentication. 5. Create a TCON instruction in the program editor. 6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction with the tag of the data type TCON_QDN_SEC. In the example below, the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction is interconnected with the tag "DNS connectionSEC" (data type TCON_QDN_SEC). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 743 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Secure OUC via CP interface (S7-1500) The following sections describes the particular points to be taken into consideration in the case of Secure Open User Communication via a CP interface. At least one station is an S7-1500 station with the following modules: S7-1500 CPU as of firmware version V2.0 (with the exception of S7-1500 Software Controller) CP 1543-1 as of firmware version V2.0 or CP 1543SP-1 as firmware version V1.0 The CP acts in an S71500 station as a TLS client (active connection establishment) or a TLS server (passive connection establishment). The fundamental procedure and the concept for using secure communication via a CP interface is similar to that of secure communication via the interfaces of the S7-1500 CPUs. Essentially, you have to assign the certificates to the CPU in the role of a TLS server or TLS client and not to the CPU. Other rules and procedures therefore apply. These are described below. Handling certificates for CPs The following applies in general: You have to be logged on at the certificate manager in the global security settings. The generation of self-signed certificates also requires logon for the global security settings. You have to have sufficient rights as a user (administrator or user with the "Standard" role with the right to "Configure security"). The starting point for the generation or assignment of certificates at the CP is the section "Security > Security properties". In this section, you log on for the global security settings. Procedure: 1. In the network view of STEP 7, mark the CP and select the section "Security > Security properties" in the Inspector window. 2. Click on the "User logon" button. 3. Log on using your user name and password. 4. Enable the "Activate security functions" option. The security properties are initialized. 5. Click in the first line of the "Device certificates" table to generate a new certificate or select an existing device certificate. 6. If the communication partner is also an S7-1500 station, you also have to assign a device certificate to the communication partner with STEP 7 as described here or for the S7-1500 CPU. Example: Setting up a secure TCP connection between two S7-1500 CPUs via CP interfaces In order to establish secure TCP communication between two S71500 CPs, you have to create a data block with the system data type TCON_IPv4_SEC in each CPU, carry out the parameter assignment and call it directly at the instruction. 744 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirements: Both S7 1500 CPUs have at least firmware version V2.0. If you use the CP 1543SP-1: Firmware version as of V1.0. Both CPs (for example CP 1543-1) must have at least firmware version V2.0 TLS client and TLS server have all the required certificates. - A device certificate (end-entity certificate) for the CP must be generated and be located in the certificate memory of the CP. If a communication partner is an external device (for example an MES or ERP system), a device certificate also has to exist for this device. - The root certificate (CA certificate) with which the device certificate of the communication partner is signed must also be located in the certificate memory of the CP or in the certificate memory of the external device. If you use intermediate certificates, you have to ensure that the complete certificate path exists in the validating device. A device uses these certificates to validate the device certificate of the communication partner. The communication partner must always be addressed via its IPv4 address, not via its domain name. The following figure shows the different certificates in the devices for the case that both communication partners communicate via a CP 1543-1. In addition, the figure shows the transfer of the device certificates during establishment of the connection ("Hello"). 7/6&OLHQW &3B 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWH &$FHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6VHUYHU 9DOLGDWLRQ 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6VHUYHU WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 +HOOR +HOOR 7/66HUYHU &3B 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWH &$FHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6FOLHQW 9DOLGDWLRQ 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6FOLHQW 745 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks To set up a secure TCP connection in the TLS client, follow these steps: 1. Create a global data block in the project tree. 2. In the global data block, define a tag of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC. To do so, enter the string "TCON_IP_V4_SEC" in the "Data type" field. The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag "SEC connection 1 TLS Client" of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC is defined. The Interface ID has the value of the HW identifier of the IE interface of the local CP (TLS client). 3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For example, enter the IPv4 address of the TLS server for "RemoteAddress". 4. Set the parameters for Secure Communication in the "Start value" column. - "ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant. You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case. - "TLSServerCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate. - "TLSClientCertRef": Enter the value 2 (reference to the CA certificate of the TIA Portal project (SHA256) or the value 1 (reference to the CA certificate of the TIA Portal project (SHA1)). 5. Create a TCON instruction in the program editor. 6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction with the tag of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC. 746 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings at the TLS server To set up a secure TCP connection in the TLS server, follow these steps: 1. Create a global data block in the project tree. 2. In the global data block, define a tag of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC. The example below shows the global data block "Data_block_1" in which the tag "SEC connection 1 TLS Server" of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC is defined. The interface ID has the value of the HW identifier of the IE interface of the local CP (TLS server). 3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For example, enter the IPv4 address of the TLS client for "RemoteAddress". 4. Set the parameters for Secure Communication in the "Start value" column. - "ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant. You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case. - "TLSServerReqClientCert ": Request for an X.509-V3 certificate from the TLS client Enter the value "true". - "TLSServerCertRef": ID of the own X.509-V3 certificate. - "TLSClientCertRef": Enter the value 2 (reference to the CA certificate of the TIA Portal project (SHA256) or the value 1 (reference to the CA certificate of the TIA Portal project (SHA1)). 5. Create a TCON instruction in the program editor. 6. Interconnect the CONNECT parameter of the TCON instruction with the tag of the data type TCON_IP_V4_SEC. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 747 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Upload device as new station When you upload a configuration with certificates and configured secure Open User Communication as a new station into your STEP 7 project, the certificates of the CP are not uploaded, in contrast to the certificates of the CPU. After the device has been loaded as a new station, no more certificates are contained in the corresponding tables of the CPs for the device certificates. You have to perform configuration of certificates again after the upload. Otherwise, renewed loading of the configuration results in the certificates that originally exist in the CP being deleted so that secure communication does not function. Secure OUC connections via CPU and CP interfaces - similarities Connection resources: No differences between OUC and secure OUC. A programmed secure OUC connection uses a connection resource just like an OUC connection, irrespective of which IE/ PROFINET interface communicates with the station. Connection diagnostics: No differences between OUC and secure OUC connection diagnostics. Loading of projects with secure OUC connections into the CPU: Only possible in STOP of the CPU, if certificates are loaded as well. Recommendation: Load to device > Hardware and software. Reason: Ensuring the consistency between the program with secure OUC, hardware configuration and certificates. Certificates are loaded with the hardware configuration - therefore loading requires a stop of the CPU. The reloading of blocks that utilize further secure OUC connections is only possible in RUN if the certificates required for this purpose are already located on the module. Secure OUC via e-mail (S7-1500) The following section describes how to establish a secure connection (SNMP over TLS) to a mail server with the communication instruction TMAIL_C. Setting up a secure connection to a mail server In order to establish a secure communication to a mail server you have to create a data block yourself with one of the system data types TMAIL_V4_SEC, TMAIL_V6_SEC or TMAIL_QDN_SEC, carry out the parameter assignment and call it directly at the TMAIL_C instruction. Requirements: S7-1500 CPU as of firmware version V2.0 with communication module CP 15431 as of firmware version V2.0 ET 200SP CPU as of firmware version V2.0 with communication module CP 1542SP1 (IRC) as of firmware version V1.0 You have assigned all CA certificates of the mail server (TLS server) to the CP (TLS client) and have downloaded the configuration to the CPU. 748 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks To set up a secure mail server connection via the IPv4 address of the mail server, follow these steps: 1. Create a global data block in the project tree. 2. In the global data block, define a tag of the data type TMAIL_V4_SEC. The example below shows the global data block "MailConnDB" in which the tag "MailConnectionSEC" of the data type TMAIL_V4_SEC is defined. 3. Set the connection parameters of the TCP connection in the "Start value" column. For example, enter the IPv4 address of the mail server in "MailServerAddress". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 749 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Set the parameters for Secure Communication in the "Start value" column. For example, enter the certificate ID of the CA certificate of the communication partner in "TLSServerCertRef". - "ActivateSecureConn": Activation of secure communication for this connection. If this parameter has the value FALSE, the subsequent security parameters are irrelevant. You can set up a non-secure TCP or UDP connection in this case. - "TLSServerCertRef": Reference to the X.509 V3 (CA) certificate of the mail server which is used by the TLS client to validate the authentication of the mail server. 7/6FOLHQW &3 &$FHUWLILFDWHIURP 7/6VHUYHU LPSRUWHGDQG DVVLJQHG +HOOR +HOOR 7/6VHUYHU PDLOVHUYHU 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWH 9DOLGDWLRQ 'HYLFHFHUWLILFDWH IURP 7/6VHUYHU 5. Create a TMAIL_C instruction in the program editor. 6. Interconnect the MAIL_ADDR_PARAM parameter of the TMAIL_C instruction with the tag of the data type TMAIL_V4_SEC. In the following example the MAIL_ADDR_PARAM parameter of the TMAIL_C instruction is interconnected with the "MAILConnectionSEC" tag (data type TMAIL_V4_SEC). 750 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Industrial Ethernet security Configuring security General Supported devices Supported devices Security functions can be configured for the following products: SCALANCE S: - S602 V2*/V3/V4 - S612 V2*/V3/V4 - S613 V2* - S623 V3/V4 - S627-2M V4 SOFTNET Security Client: - SOFTNET Security Client V4 S7-CPs: CP 343-1 GX31 Advanced, CP 443-1 GX30 Advanced, CP 443-1 OPC UA, CP 1543-1, CP 1543SP-1, CP 1243-1 BX30, CP 1243-1 PCC, CP 1242-7 KX31, CP 1243-7 LTE, CP 1243-8 IRC PC CP: CP 1628 Mobile wireless router: SCALANCE M875 * SCALANCE S V2 devices cannot be inserted in a STEP 7 project. SCALANCE S V2 devices from projects of older STEP 7 versions are simply displayed with their properties. The properties of these devices can, however, not be changed. Downloading and compilation and diagnostics of SCALANCE S V2 devices is also not possible. All the functions described for SCALANCE S devices relate to the firmware versions as of V3. When opening a STEP 7 project with existing SCALANCE S V2 devices global firewall rules can be created from the existing local firewall rules for the device. General terminology "security module" In this section of the information system, the following products are grouped together under the term "security module": SCALANCE S602 / SCALANCE S612 / SCALANCE S613 / SCALANCE S623 / SCALANCE S627-2M, CP 343-1 GX31 Advanced, CP 443-1 GX30 Advanced, CP 443-1 OPC UA, CP 1543-1, CP 1543SP-1, CP 1243-1 BX30, CP 1243-1 PCC, CP 1242-7 KX31, CP 1243-7 LTE, CP 1243-8 IRC, CP 1628. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 751 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Use of the terms "interface" and "port" In this documentation, the ports of SCALANCE S modules are named as follows: "External interface": The external port of the SCALANCE S602 / S612 / S613 / S623 or an external port of the SCALANCE S627-2M (marked red) "Internal interface": The internal port of the SCALANCE S602 / S612 / S613 / S623 or an internal port of the SCALANCE S627-2M (marked green) "DMZ interface": The DMZ port of the SCALANCE S623 / S627-2M (marked yellow) The term "port" itself is used when the focus of interest is a special port of an interface. Naming the S7 CPs In this documentation, the term "CP x43-1 Adv." includes the following products: CP 343-1 GX31 Advanced / CP 443-1 GX30 Advanced. The name "CP 1243-1" is used for the product CP 1243-1 BX30. The name "CP 1242-7" is used for the product CP 1242-7 KX31. Structure of this section of the help system Topics that are relevant to all security modules can be found in the "General" section. Information that is only relevant to certain module types can be found in the sections relating specifically to these modules. Overview - Scope of performance and method of operation General use of the term "STEP 7" Configuration of security functions is supported as of STEP 7 V12. For this reason, in this section of the information system, the name "STEP 7" will be used for all versions of STEP 7 V12 or higher. Scope of performance You can use the following security functions in STEP 7: Configuration of the security modules Creating VPN configuration data for SOFTNET Security Client V4 Creating VPN configuration data for SCALANCE M875 Creating VPN configuration files for VPN devices from third-party manufacturers Test and diagnostics functions, status displays 752 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Offline configuration view and online diagnostics view The security functions are configured in two views: Offline configuration view In the offline configuration view, you create the configuration data. Prior to downloading, there must already be a connection to the security modules. Online diagnostics view The online diagnostics view is used for diagnostics of the security module and, among other things, allows you to run firmware updates. How it works - security and consistency Access only for authorized users The security functions of every project are protected from unauthorized access by assigning user names and passwords. With the help of password policies, project-specific rules for password assignment can be defined. Consistent project data Consistency checks are running even while you make the entries in the dialogs. In addition, cross-dialog, project-wide consistency checks are carried out. Only consistent project data can be downloaded to the security modules. Protecting project data by encryption The project and configuration data relevant to security are protected by encryption. Depending on the security module, data can be stored in the project and/or on the C-PLUG. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 753 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks User interface - layout and menu commands User interface for security functions in STEP 7 Global security settings The global security settings are located in the project navigation. These security settings can be configured inde pendently of the module and subsequently assigned to individual security modules as required. Changes to the global security settings must be loaded on all security modules involved. This also applies to the settings of redun dancy relationships. If the first security module to be configured is a CP, the global security settings are only displayed when the security functions have been enabled in the local security settings of the CP. If the first security module to be configured is 754 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks a SCALANCE S module, a SCALANCE M module or a security device the global security settings are displayed after logging in to the security project. The following main folders and entries are available in the global security settings: User login For the security configuration within a project, there is a separate user management. Log in to the security configuration using the "User login" entry. The first time that there is a login to the security configuration, a user with the system-defined role "Administrator" is created automatically. You can create further users in the security configuration in the user management. User administration In user administration, you can create users, define rights for roles and assign these roles to users. Certificate manager In the certificate manager, you see an overview of all the certificates used in the project. You can, for example, import new certificates as well as export, renew or replace existing certificates. Firewall Under the "Firewall" entry, you can define global IP and MAC firewall rule sets and user-specific IP rule sets (SCALANCE S modules only) and assign security modules. Global firewall rule sets can also be exported from STEP 7 and imported into STEP 7. IP and MAC service definitions are used to define the IP and MAC firewall rules compactly and clearly. VPN groups All created VPN groups are contained in this folder. You can create new VPN groups here and assign security modules to these VPN groups. You can also adapt VPN group properties of VPN groups that have already been created. NTP Here, you can create NTP servers and assign them to one or more security modules. This ensures that time synchronization is performed through the assigned NTP server. Unsecured NTP servers can only be configured in the local security settings. RADIUS Here, you can create RADIUS servers and assign them to one or more security modules. With this, you ensure that authentication queries from users who log on to the selected security module to activate user-specific IP rule sets are forwarded to the assigned RADIUS server. Work area Once you have selected a SCALANCE M module or a security module in the work area, you can configure its local security settings in "Properties" > "General". If the selected object is in a VPN group, related information is displayed in the VPN tab. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 755 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks VPN tab This tab displays information about all the VPN groups to which the security module that was selected in the working area belongs. Information about the respective participants of a VPN group can be displayed and hidden. 756 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Local security settings Local security settings are configured for a specific security module / SCALANCE M module / security device. After one of these objects has been selected in the working area, its local security settings are available in the Inspector window under "Properties" > "General". Note for CPs: Before local security settings can be configured for CPs, these must first be enabled. To do this, log in to your security project and then in the Inspector window, select the "Activate security features" check box in the "Properties" > "General" tab, "Security" entry. The local security settings are then displayed below the "Security" entry. When the check box is selected, the following settings (assuming they were enabled) are migrated automatically to the local security settings. CP x43-1 Advanced: SNMP FTP configuration Time-of-day synchronization Web server Entries of IP access lists CP 443-1 OPC UA: SNMP Time-of-day synchronization Web server OPC UA CP 1543-1: SNMP FTP configuration Time-of-day synchronization CP 1243-1, CP 1243-1 PCC, CP 1243-8 IRC, CP 1543SP-1: SNMP Time-of-day synchronization CP 1242-7, CP 1243-7 LTE: Time-of-day synchronization CP 1628: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 757 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SNMP Time-of-day synchronization Depending on the particular security module, additional security functions are also available such as NTP (secure), SNMPv3, FTPS. In addition, firewall rules that enable a connection to be established are created automatically for configured con nections. Log settings are available to record blocked packets. Secure and non-secure configuration areas The user interface can be divided into secure and non-secure configuration areas. The secure areas are areas in which configuration is possible only after logging in to the security configuration. These areas are encrypted and therefore only available to persons authorized in the user management even if the project is accessible to a wider circle of people. Functions from the non-secure areas, on the other hand, can be configured without logging in to the security configuration. The correctness of the settings must be checked before downloading the project to the plant components if a wider circle of people can make modifications to the project. Below, you will find a list of the configuration areas of the user interface showing which areas are secure and which are non-secure. To some extent, this depends on the security module for which the configuration is created. All settings from the global security settings are secure. Secure and non-secure configuration areas for SCALANCE S modules: - All the settings for the interfaces and ports, in particular IP addresses, are non-secure. - The settings under the entry "General" in the local security settings are non-secure. - Higher-level settings (e.g. MRP settings such as MRP manager etc.) that are not configured on the security module itself but may affect the security module are nonsecure. This does not relate to the global security settings. - The other settings are protected. Secure and non-secure configuration areas for CPs: - All settings outside the "Security" entry are non-secure. - Higher-level settings (e.g. MRP settings such as MRP manager, PROFINET settings, connections etc.) that are not configured on the security module itself but may affect the security module are non-secure. This does not relate to the global security settings. - All the settings for the interfaces and ports, in particular IP addresses, are non-secure. - All settings below the "Security" entry are secure. Restrictions in the use of libraries If a master copy is created in the global library for a security module, the configuration of this security module is lost in the master copy. You need to log in again if you use a master copy. 758 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If a master copy is created in the project library for a security module, the configuration of this security module is retained, apart from the cross-module information for VPN and redundancy relationships. IP addresses for configurable servers When configuring servers, the (alias) IP addresses of the security module must not be used. For all configurable servers, there is a consistency check when the IP address is assigned. Running a consistency check Overview The following consistency checks are available: Local consistency checks Project-wide consistency checks In the individual dialog descriptions in this help system, the rules you need to take into account for your entries are listed under the keyword "Consistency check". Local consistency checks A consistency check is local when it can be performed directly within a dialog. With the following actions, local consistency checks are made: After exiting a box After exiting a row in a table When you confirm a dialog with OK. Project-wide consistency checks Project-wide consistency checks provide you with information indicating whether or not project data is correctly configured. With the following actions, there is a consistency check through the entire project: When compiling a configuration When downloading a configuration Note You can only download configured data to a security module if the project-wide consistency check for the security module was successful. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 759 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Replacing a security module Module-specific function Only SCALANCE S modules as of V3 can be replaced by SCALANCE S modules as of V3, refer to the section: Replacing a security module (Page 863) in the section "SCALANCE S". Managing certificates Overview of certificates Certificate management The certificate manager in the global security settings contains an overview of all the certificates used in the project, for example, CA certificates with information about the certificate owner, issuer, validity, use and the existence of a private key. A CA certificate is a certificate issued by a certificate authority from which the device certificates are derived. The device certificates include SSL certificates. SSL certificates are required for authentication during secure communication between a network node and a security module. Further device certificates include the VPN group certificates of security modules located in VPN groups and OPC UA client/server certificates of CP 443-1 OPC UA modules. Certificate authorities can be: The STEP 7 project itself. If the "certificate owner" and "issuer" are the same, this is a selfsigned certificate; in other words, issued by the STEP 7 project. A higher ranking (commercial) certificate authority. These third-party certificates are external to the project and are imported and stored in the certificate store of STEP 7. Certificates created by one of the two certificate authorities always have a private key so that the device certificates can be derived from them. Every certificate is assigned an ID via which the certificate can be referenced in the program blocks. The IDs are generated consecutively when certificates are created. Due to the system some IDs are not used. Note Downloading the configuration After replacing or renewing certificates, the configuration must be downloaded to the relevant security modules. After replacing or renewing CA certificates, the configuration must be downloaded to all security modules. 760 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Current date and current time of day on the security modules When using secure communication (for example, HTTPS, VPN...), make sure that the security modules involved have the current time of day and the current date. Otherwise the certificates used are not evaluated as valid and the secure communication does not work. Note Character set of certificates Certificates are always stored in the ASCII character set. If a certificate contains characters that do not exist in the ASCII character set, the certificate is stored with the UTF-8 character set. This is not possible for SCALANCE S V2 modules. Global certificate manager The following functions are available in the certificate manager in the global security settings: Import of new certificates and certificate authorities. Import of SSL certificates (CP x43-1 Adv. only), e.g. for FTP communication. Export of the certificates and certificate authorities used in the project. Renewal of expired certificates and certificate authorities. Replacing existing certificate authorities. Addition of trusted certificates and certificate authorities. Deleting manually imported certificates. Double-click on the "Certificate manager" entry in the global security settings. In the individual tabs, you have the following commands available in the shortcut menu: Command Meaning Import / Export Import / export of certificates. The following formats are permitted: *.cer (certificate only) *.crt (certificate only) *.pem (certificate only) *.p12 (certificate and corresponding private key) Displays Opens the certificate dialog of Windows where you see an overview of all certificate data. For the certificate to be displayed as valid, install it via the "Install certificate..." button of the "General" tab in the Windows certificate store. Appropriate Windows user rights are required to install the certificate. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 761 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Command Meaning Renew (only in the "CA" and "Device certificates" tabs) Opens the "Renew certificate" dialog in which you can have a new certificate created by STEP 7 when necessary, for example with compromised certificates. Replace (only in the "CA" tab) Opens the "Replace certificate" dialog in which you can replace an existing certificate with a new one. Delete Deletes a certificate in the "Trusted certificates and root certification authorities" tab. Local certificate manager Certificates that were imported via the certificate manager in the global security settings are not automatically assigned to the corresponding modules. Imported certificates must be included in the list of trustworthy partner certificates manually via the entry "Certificate manager" in the local security settings. When assigning a CA certificate the module is also assigned the certificates derived from it. Certificates generated by STEP 7 such as SSL certificates or VPN group certificates are automatically assigned to the corresponding modules and do not need to be assigned using the local security settings. Before certificates can be referenced in the program block for Secure Communication, these certificates must be assigned to the security module as device certificates via the local certificate manager. After selecting a table cell, you can either create a new certificate using the "Add" button or use an existing certificate of the project using the check mark symbol. For access to existing certificates of the project and for signing a new certificate by a certification authority, the check box "Use global security settings for the certificate manager" must be activated. To make the assigned certificate known to the partner module, this certificate must be entered in the list of trustworthy partner certificates after import. Certificate authorities "CA" tab The following certification authorities are displayed CA certificates of a project: When you create a new project, CA certificates are generated for the project that use different hash algorithms for the certificate signature. The SSL certificates and OPC UA client/server certificates for the individual security modules are derived from the CA certificates. CA group certificates: When you create a new VPN group, a CA certificate is generated for the VPN group. The VPN group certificates of VPN group subscribers are derived from this certificate.. 762 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Device certificates "Device certificates" tab Display of the device-specific certificates generated by the certification authorities for modules. These include: SSL certificate of a module: An SSL certificate that is derived from a CA certificate of the project is generated for each module that you create. SSL certificates are used for authentication during secure communication between PG/PC and module when downloading the configuration. OPC UA client/server certificate of the module: Depending on the configured OPC UA client/ server function of the CP 443-1 OPC UA, an OPC UA client/server certificate is generated that is used for authentication with the relevant communications partner. VPN group certificate of a module: A VPN group certificate is also generated for each module for each VPN group in which it is located. Trusted certificates and root certification authorities "Trusted root certification authorities" tab Display of the third-party certificates imported into STEP 7. Server certificates can be imported for example from external FTP servers, project certificates from other STEP 7 projects and certificates required for the external services such as dyn.DNS. After the import, certificates must be assigned to the corresponding modules using the local security settings. For further information, refer to the section Overview of certificates (Page 760). Renewing certificates Meaning In this dialog, you renew CA certificates and device certificates. How to access this function 1. Right-click on a list entry in the certificate manager. 2. Select the "Renew" entry in the shortcut menu. 3. Decide whether or not the new certificate will be self-signed or signed by a certificate authority. 4. If the certificate is to be signed by a certificate authority, select the certificate authority to be used with the "Select" button. Only certificate authorities stored in the certificate store of the current project can be selected. 5. Depending on the certificate, enter the following parameters in the corresponding input fields: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 763 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Meaning Common name of sub ject Holder of the certificate. The common name of subject can contain no more than 35 characters. The displayed ID is not included in this count. Signature Algorithm used by the certification authority for signing the certificate. Valid from The validity period of the certificate Valid to Usage Value that is entered in the "KeyUsage" and "ExtendedKeyUsage" extensions of the standard X. 509 V3 for digital certificates. Subject Alternative Name (SAN) Depending on the certificate to be renewed, the subject alternative name is displayed with an adaptable name type and value. Replacing certificates Meaning In the "Replace certificate" dialog replace an existing certificate with a new one. How to access this function 1. Right-click on the list entry of a certificate. 2. Select the "Replace" entry in the shortcut menu. 3. The "Replace certificate" dialog opens. All certificates listed in the "Certificates involved" table are derived once again. This means that the CA group certificate of an already configured VPN group can be replaced in the project by the CA group certificate of a different project. The VPN group certificates for the VPN group members are therefore derived from the same CA group certificate in both projects. After making changes in the certificate manager, download the configuration to all security modules affected. 764 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Managing users and roles Rules for user names, roles and passwords Which rules apply to user names, role names and passwords? When creating or modifying a user, a role or a password, remember the following rules: Table 10-3 Rules for user management Permitted characters The following characters from the ANSI X 3.4-1986 character set are permitted: 0123456789 A...Z a...z !#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@ [\]_{|}~^ Characters not allowed "' Length of the user name (authenti cation method "password") 1 to 32 characters Length of the user name (authenti cation method "RADIUS") 1 to 255 characters Length of the password 8 to 32 characters Length of the role name 1 to 32 characters Maximum number of users per project Maximum number of users on a se curity module (number of users that are assigned a role with module rights for the security module) 128 32 + 1 administrator when creating the project Maximum number of roles per project 126 Maximum number of roles on a se curity module (number of roles that are assigned module rights for the security module and that are as signed to users) 37 Note User names and passwords As an important measure for increasing security, always make sure that user names and passwords are as long as possible and include special characters, upper and lowercase letters and numerals. Using password policies, you can tighten the restrictions listed above for passwords even further. How to define password policies is described in the section: Configuring password policies (Page 773) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 765 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Password strength When a new password is entered, its password strength is checked. The following levels are distinguished for the password strength: Very weak Weak Medium Good Strong Very strong Create users Meaning The security functions configured in STEP 7 are protected from unauthorized access by a separate user management. Before you can access the global and local security settings of security modules, you need to log in to the security configuration as a user. Creating the first user in the project After creating the first security module in the project, you first need to create a user. To do this, in the local security settings of the created security module, click the "User login" button under the "Security properties" entry and enter the login data of the user you want to create. You will then be logged in as the created user and the user is assigned the system-defined "Administrator" role. This role includes all configuration and module rights. Creating users in the user management When you are logged in as a user in the security configuration, you can create further users or delete users with the "User management" entry in the global security settings. Note Users with the "Administrator" role There must always be at least one user with full configuration rights within a project. The administrator that is created automatically when you first enable the security functions in the project can only be deleted if at least one other user exists with the system-defined role "Administrator". 766 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following parameters are available in user management in the "User" tab: Table 10-4 Information in the "User" tab Parameter Meaning User name Name of the user to be created. Click on the "Add new user" entry in the "User name" column to create a new user. Password (only with the "Password" authentication method) Entry of the password for the user. When it is entered, the password strength is checked. For more detailed information on password strength, refer to the following section: Rules for user names, roles and passwords (Page 765) Authentication method Password: Use this authentication method for users that edit and download the STEP 7 Security project and that need to run diagnostics on the security module. The authentication of the user is performed by the security module when user-specific IP rule sets are activated. RADIUS: (only for SCALANCE S as of V4): The authentication of the user is performed by a RADIUS server when user-specific IP rule sets are activated. The password of the user is not configured in STEP 7 when using this authentication method but must be stored on the RADIUS server. Only use this authentication method for users that only need to log on to the Web page of a security module. A user with the "RADIUS" authentication method cannot log on to STEP 7 Security projects. Role Selecting a system-defined or user-defined role. Maximum time of the session (only for SCALANCE S V3 or higher) Entry of the time after which a user logged on to the Web page for userspecific IP rule sets of SCALANCE S modules is automatically logged off. The time entered here starts after the logon and after renewing the session on the Web page of the security module. Default setting: 30 minutes Minimum value: 5 minutes Maximum value: 480 minutes Comment Entry of optional comments. Creating roles Overview You can assign a system-defined or a user-defined role to a user. Specify the module rights of a user-defined role for each security module. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 767 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks System-defined roles The system-defined roles listed below are predefined. Certain rights are assigned to the roles that are the same on all modules and that the administrator can neither change nor delete. Administrator Default role when creating a security configuration. Unlimited access rights to all configuration data and all security modules. Standard Role with restricted access rights. Diagnose - Read access to configurations. - Read access to the security module in the "Online" mode for testing and diagnostics. Remote-Access No rights except for logging on to the Web page for user-specific firewall rule sets. administrator (radius) Role that can be used to activate user-specific IP rule sets with authentication using a RADIUS server. Access rights to all configuration data except SNMP MIBs. radius Role that can be used to activate user-specific IP rule sets with authentication using a RADIUS server. Read-only access. You will find a detailed list of the configuration and module rights assigned to the systemdefined roles "Administrator", "Standard" and "Diagnostics" in tables 1-3 to 1-7 of the section Managing rights (Page 769). For more detailed information on user-specific IP rule sets, refer to the following section: AUTOHOTSPOT For more detailed information on authentication using a RADIUS server, refer to the following section: AUTOHOTSPOT User-defined role In addition to the system-defined roles, you can create user-defined roles. For a user-defined role, select the configuration or module rights and specify the appropriate module rights for every security module used in the project. You manually assign the user-defined roles to the relevant user. How to access this function 1. Double-click on the "User management" entry in the global security settings. 2. Select the "Roles" tab in User management. 768 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-5 Information in the "Roles" tab Parameter Meaning Role Freely selectable role name. Double-click on the "Add new role" entry to create a new user-defined role. You can then set the rights for the created role. Description Specifying the system-defined role With user-defined roles, the "User-de fined role" character string is displayed. Maximum time of the ses sion (only for SCALANCE S V3 or higher) Entry of the time after which a user with the assigned role is automatically logged off from the Web page for user-specific IP rule sets of SCALANCE S modules. The time entered here starts after the logon and after renew ing the session on the Web page of the security module. Default setting: 30 minutes Minimum value: 5 minutes Maximum value: 480 minutes Comment Entry of additional, optional comments. Note Deleting roles A user-defined role can only be deleted when it is no longer assigned to any user. If necessary, assign the user a different role. System-defined roles cannot be deleted. Managing rights How to access this function 1. Double-click on the "User management" entry in the global security settings. 2. Select the "Roles" tab in User management. Creating and assigning a user-defined role 1. Double-click on the "Add new role" entry. 2. Enter a name for the role and, if applicable, specify the maximum session time after which users with the assigned role are automatically logged off from the Web page for userspecific IP rule sets. 3. If necessary, select the system-defined role whose rights will be used as the template for the user-defined role from the drop-down list labeled "". User-defined roles cannot be selected from the drop-down list. Result: In the list of rights of the user roles, the rights are selected that are assigned to the selected system-defined role. 4. For each security module, enable or disable the rights to be assigned to the user-defined role. 5. Assign the role to a user in the "User" tab. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 769 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration rights Configuration rights are not module dependent and control the rights for configuration in STEP 7. Depending on the user type, the following configuration rights are available for selection: Table 10-6 Configuration rights Configuration right Administrator Standard Diagnose Diagnose security x x x Configure security x x - Managing users and roles x - - Module rights Module rights are configured per module. The "Service" column shows the service to which the particular right relates. With the "Copy rights" and "Paste rights" commands in the shortcut menu, you can transfer the rights from one module to another. Depending on the user type, the following module rights are available for selection: Table 10-7 Module rights CP x43-1 Advanced Right within the service Administrator Standard Diagnose Web: Format CP file system * x - - FTP: Read files from the CP file system x x x FTP: Write files to the CP file system x x - FTP: Read files (DBs) from the S7 CPU ** x x x FTP: Write files (DBs) to the S7 CPU *** x x - Applet: Read tags using configured symbols * x x x Applet: Write tags using configured symbols * x x - Applet: Read tags using absolute addresses * x x x Applet: Write tags using absolute addresses * x x - Applet: Read status of the modules in the rack * x x x Applet: Query order numbers of the modules in the rack * x x x SNMP: Read MIB-II x x x SNMP: Write MIB-II x x - SNMP: Read automation MIB x x x SNMP: Read LLDP-MIB x x x SNMP: Read SNMPv2-MIB x x x SNMP: Read MRP MIB x x x SNMP: Write MRP MIB x x - TIA Portal: Run diagnostics of the security module **** x x x 770 Service File system PLC SNMP Security WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Right within the service Administrator Standard Diagnose Web: Expand IP access control list * x - - Web: Access Web diagnostics and CP file system x x x Web: Send test e-mails * x x x Web: Update firmware * x x - Web: Load diagnostics texts later * x x - Table 10-8 Service Web Maintenance Module rights CP 443-1 OPC UA Right within the service Administrator Standard Diagnose Service OPC UA: Read variables x x x OPC UA OPC UA: Write variables x x - OPC UA TIA Portal: Run diagnostics of the security module **** x x x Security SNMP: Read automation MIB x x x SNMP SNMP: Read LLDP MIB x x x SNMP SNMP: Read MIB-II x x x SNMP SNMP: Write MIB-II x x - SNMP SNMP: Read SNMPv2-MIB x x x SNMP Web: Update firmware x x - Maintenance Web: Load diagnostics texts later x x - Maintenance Web: Diagnostics x x x Web Administrator Standard Diagnose Service SNMP: Read MIB-II x x x SNMP SNMP: Write MIB-II x x - SNMP: Read automation MIB x x x SNMP: Read SNMPv2-MIB x x x TIA Portal: Run diagnostics of the security module **** x x x Security Table 10-9 Module rights CP 1628 Right within the service Table 10-10 Module rights SCALANCE S Right within the service Administrator Standard Diagnose Service Download the configuration files x x - Security TIA Portal: Run diagnostics of the security module **** x x x SNMP: Read automation MIB x x x SNMP: MIB-II read x x x SNMP: MIB-II write x x - SNMP: MRP-MIB read x x x SNMP: MRP-MIB write x x - SNMP: Read SNMPv2-MIB x x x Web: Update firmware x x - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 SNMP Maintenance 771 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-11 Module rights CP 1543-1 Right within the service Administrator Standard Diagnose Service FTP: Read files from the CP file system x x x FTP: Write files to the CP file system x x - TIA Portal: Run diagnostics of the security module **** x x x Security SNMP: Read automation MIB x x x SNMP SNMP: Read IPv6 MIB x x x SNMP: Read LLDP-MIB x x x SNMP: Read MIB-II x x x SNMP: Write MIB-II x x - SNMP: Read SNMPv2-MIB x x x FTP: Read files (DBs) from the S7 CPU ** x x x FTP: Write files (DBs) to the S7 CPU *** x x - Administrator Standard Diagnose Service TIA Portal: Run diagnostics of the security module **** x x x Security SNMP: Read automation MIB x x x SNMP File system PLC Table 10-12 Module rights CP 1543SP-1 Right within the service SNMP: Read IPv6 MIB x x x SNMP: Read LLDP MIB x x x SNMP: Read MIB-II x x x SNMP: Write MIB-II x x - SNMP: Read SNMPv2-MIB x x x Table 10-13 Module rights CP 1243-1 Right within the service Administrator Standard Diagnose Service TIA Portal: Run diagnostics of the security module **** x x x Security SNMP: Read automation MIB x x x SNMP SNMP: Read IPv6 MIB x x x SNMP: Read MIB-II x x x SNMP: Write MIB-II x x - SNMP: Read SNMPv2-MIB x x x Administrator Standard Diagnose x - - Table 10-14 Module rights CP 1242-7 Right within the service Use TeleService 772 Service TeleService WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-15 Module rights CP 1242-7 LTE Right within the service Administrator Standard Diagnose Service TIA Portal: Run diagnostics of the security module **** x x x Security Use TeleService x - - TeleService Table 10-16 Module rights CP 1243-8 IRC Right within the service Administrator Standard Diagnose Service TIA Portal: Run diagnostics of the security module **** x x x Security SNMP: Read automation MIB x x x SNMP SNMP: Read IPv6 MIB x x x SNMP: Read MIB-II x x x SNMP: Write MIB-II x x - SNMP: Read SNMPv2-MIB x x x * To be able to use the function, the module right "Web: Access Web diagnostics and CP file system" must be enabled as well. ** To be able to use the function, the module right "FTP: Read files from CP file system" must be enabled as well. *** To be able to use the function, the module right "FTP: Write files to CP file system" must be enabled as well. **** To use the function, the configuration right "Security diagnostics" must also be enabled. Setting module rights before and after creating the security modules Within a user-defined role, the module rights for each security module are defined separately. If a security module was created before this role was added and module rights within a role need to be set, STEP 7 presets the module rights for the security module according to the selected rights template. The preset module rights can then be adapted when adding the role. If a security module was created after adding a role, no rights are preset for this security module. In this case, you will need to edit an existing role and set all the module rights yourself for the security module. You can also transfer existing module rights to another module by copying and, if necessary, adapting them there. To do this, select a module in the shortcut menu in the module rights and select the "Copy rights" or "Paste rights" menu command. Configuring password policies Meaning Using the password policies, specifications can be defined that need to be taken into account when assigning passwords to new users. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 773 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks How to access this function 1. Double-click on the "User management" entry in the global security settings. 2. Select the "Password policies" tab in User management. After selecting a check box, the corresponding policy is active and can, if necessary, be adapted using the relevant input box. The minimum number of numbers and special characters together must not be longer than the minimum password length. Parameter Meaning Minimum password length Minimum number of characters that passwords are required to contain. The corresponding check box is enabled as default and cannot be disabled. Minimum value: 8 characters Maximum value: 32 characters Minimum number of digits Minimum number of digits that passwords are required to contain. Minimum value: 1 digit Maximum value: 32 digits Minimum number of special characters Minimum number of special characters that passwords are required to contain. A special character is any character that is neither a letter nor digit. Minimum value: 1 special character Maximum value: 32 special characters Number of user passwords blocked for re-use Number of the most recently used passwords that are not available for use as a new password if the password is changed. Minimum value: 1 password Maximum value: 10 passwords At least one uppercase and lowercase character If you select this check box, passwords must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter. Authentication using a RADIUS server Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S V4 modules or higher, refer to: AUTOHOTSPOT in the section "SCALANCE S". 774 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Generating configuration data for SCALANCE M modules Meaning You can generate the VPN information for the assignment of parameters to a SCALANCE M using STEP 7. For this to be possible, the module must be in at least one VPN group with a security module or a SOFTNET Security Client. With the generated files, you can then configure the SCALANCE M using the Web Based Management of the device. Generated files The following file types are generated: Export file with the configuration data - File type: *.txt file in ASCII format - Contains the exported configuration information for the SCALANCE M including information on the additionally generated certificates. VPN group certificates of the module - File type of the private key: *.p12 file - The file contains the module certificate and the key material. - Access is password protected. CA certificates of VPN groups - File type: *.cer file Figure 10-4 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 SCALANCE M configuration file 775 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note No transfer to the SCALANCE M module Configuration files are not transferred to the SCALANCE M module. An ASCII file is generated with which you can configure the VPN-relevant properties of the SCALANCE M. To allow this, the SCALANCE M must be located in at least one VPN group with another security module or a SOFTNET security client. Note Protecting exported configuration files from unauthorized access Configuration files for SCALANCE M exported from STEP 7 can contain security related information. You should therefore make sure that these files are protected from unauthorized access. This is particularly important when passing on the files. Follow the steps below 1. Select the module of the type "SCALANCE M". 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "SCALANCE M configuration". 3. Select the "Generate SCALANCE M files" check box and select a storage location for the configuration files. 4. Specify a password for the encryption of the VPN group certificate by using the project name as the password or assigning a password of your own. 5. Compile the configuration of the SCALANCE M module. Result: The files (.txt file and certificates) are stored in the folder you specify. Generating configuration data for security devices Meaning A security device serves as substitute for a device from another manufacturer. A security device can have the function of a VPN device that serves as substitute for a VPN device from another manufacturer. You can generate the VPN information for the assignment of parameters to a VPN device using STEP 7. For this to be possible, the VPN device must be in at least one VPN group with a security module. With the generated files, you can then configure the VPN device. Note Protecting exported configuration files from unauthorized access Configuration files for VPN devices exported from STEP 7 can contain security related information. You should therefore make sure that these files are protected from unauthorized access. This is particularly important when passing on the files. 776 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Follow the steps below 1. Select the security device to be edited. 2. Select the "VPN device" entry in the local security settings. 3. Select the "Generate files of the VPN device" check box. 4. Select the mode of the VPN device from the "VPN mode" drop-down list. This selection is only possible when the VPN device is located in a VPN group. - VPN client: The VPN device can adopt the following role: Initiator The VPN device actively attempts to establish a VPN connection to the partner. - VPN server: The VPN device can adopt the following roles: Initiator/Responder: The VPN device actively attempts to establish a VPN connection to the partner. The receipt of requests for VPN connection establishment is also possible. This role is selected as default in the VPN connection properties. Responder: The receipt of requests for VPN connection establishment is possible. - NCP VPN client for Android (as of version 2.1): The VPN device with installed software NCP Secure VPN Client for Android actively attempts to establish a VPN connection to the partner. 5. Select a storage location for the configuration files. 6. Specify a password for the encryption of the VPN group certificate by using the project name as the password or assigning a password of your own. 7. If you have configured the VPN device as a VPN client: - Specify the corresponding file types in the "Exported certificates and keys" entry. 8. If you have configured the VPN device as a VPN server: - In the box "VPN server address (WAN IP address)" enter the WAN IP address at which the VPN server can be reached by the initiator of the VPN connection. - Specify the corresponding file types in the "Exported certificates and keys" entry. - In the entry "Subnets reachable through tunnel", enter the subnets and/or IP addresses for which tunnel communication will be released. 9. If you have configured the VPN device as an NCP secure VPN client: - In the entry "NCP Secure VPN client settings", enter the storage path on the NCP secure VPN client. Note Releasing subnets and subscribers with a VPN connection between NCP secure VPN client and SCALANCE S The local internal subnet of SCALANCE S modules is released for tunnel communication as default. For this reason this is always entered as the first released subnet in the file generated for the NCP secure VPN client. Since NCP secure VPN client supports a maximum of 5 entries for released subnets / subscribers, as default the local internal network of the SCALANCE S module and the first 4 table entries from the entry "Nodes" in the NCP secure VPN client are released. To release other subnets and subscribers for tunnel communication, the file generated by STEP 7 must be suitably adapted. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 777 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring interfaces for SCALANCE S modules Overview You will find information on configuration interfaces of SCALANCE S modules in AUTOHOTSPOT of the section "SCALANCE S". The information contained here deals with the following configuration options: Mode (bridge mode / routing mode / ghost mode (only for SCALANCE S602 as of V3.1)): Setting the operating mode (Page 866) IP address parameters: Configuring IP address parameters (Page 867) Port settings (only for SCALANCE S as of V3): Configuring port mode (Page 868) Settings for the Internet Service Provider (ISP) if one of the interfaces is operated using PPPoE (only for SCALANCE S as of V3): Configuring an Internet connection (Page 869) DNS and dynamic DNS (only for SCALANCE S as of V3): Configuring DNS and dynamic DNS (Page 870) LLDP (only for SCALANCE S as of V4 in routing mode): Configuring LLDP (Page 873) Media redundancy in ring topologies (e.g. MRP client), (only for SCALANCE S627-2M as of V4 in routing mode): AUTOHOTSPOT For more information on special features of the Ghost mode, refer to the following section: Special features of the ghost mode (Page 876) The configuration of the interfaces of CPs is described in the sections dealing with the CPs. Setting up a firewall Overview of the firewall Module-specific function Configuration of the firewall is not possible for the CP 443-1 OPC UA and CP 1242-7. Meaning The firewall functionality of the security modules is intended to protect networks and stations from third-party influence and interference. This means that only certain, previously specified communications relations are permitted. The firewall discards invalid frames without sending a response. To filter the data traffic, IP addresses, IP subnets, services or MAC addresses can be used. You can also set a bandwidth limitation. The firewall functionality can be configured for the following protocol levels: IP firewall with stateful packet inspection (layer 3 and 4) Firewall also for Ethernet "non-IP" frames according to IEEE 802.3 (layer 2) 778 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks With security modules capable of VPN, the firewall can also be used for the encrypted data traffic (IPsec tunnel). With the SCALANCE S602 Security module, the firewall can only be used for unencrypted data traffic. Firewall rules Firewall rules describe which packets in which direction are permitted or forbidden. IP rules affect all IP packets of layer 3 or higher. MAC rules only affect frames lower than layer 3. Types of firewall rules Global firewall rule sets: Global firewall rule sets can be assigned to several security modules at the same time. Global firewall rule sets are configured in the global security settings. Local firewall rules: Local firewall rules are configured in the local security settings of a security module. User-specific IP rule sets (only for SCALANCE S as of V3): User-specific IP rule sets can be assigned to individual or several security modules at the same time. User-specific IP rule sets are configured in the global security settings and assigned there to one or more users. SCALANCE S as of V4 (RADIUS): User-specific IP rule sets can be assigned individual or multiple users as well as individual or multiple roles. Service definitions With the aid of service definitions, you can also define firewall rules clearly in a compact form. Service definitions are configured in the global security settings and can be used in the global, local and user-specific firewall rules. Adapting standard rules for IP services For SCALANCE S modules V3 or higher, you can adapt service-specific firewall rules that are set as default for the interfaces of the security modules. You will find information on configuring these firewall rules in Adapting standard rules for IP services (Page 892) of the section "SCALANCE S". Automatically generated firewall rules for CP connections For connections that were configured using CPs, STEP 7 automatically creates firewall rules that allow communication with the partner of the CP in the specified direction (CP active/ passive). The connection establishment directions are taken into account. To display these firewall rules, if the advanced firewall mode is enabled, the "Update connection rules" button needs to be clicked. The firewall rules are then displayed in advanced firewall mode. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 779 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Which firewall rules are generated automatically is described in the following sections. For S7-300 CPs/S7-400 CPs/PC CPs: Connection-related automatic firewall rules (Page 924) in the section "Security for S7-300 / S7-400 / PC CPs". For S7-1200-/S7-1500-CPs: Connection-related automatic firewall rules (Page 936) in the section "Security for S7-1200 / S7-1500 CPs". Enabling the firewall Firewall functionality for a specific security module is controlled in the local security settings using the "Enable firewall" check box. If the check box is enabled, the firewall can be configured and is effective following the download. For a security module that is a member of a VPN group, the "Enable firewall" check box is activated by default and cannot be deactivated. After switching to advanced firewall mode, it is not possible to switch back to standard mode. For more information about the standard and advanced firewall modes, refer to the section: Overview of local firewall rules (Page 801). Global firewall rule sets Application Regardless of the module, global firewall rule sets are configured in the global security settings. A firewall rule set consists of one or more firewall rules and is assigned to the individual security modules. In the global firewall rule sets, a distinction is made between the following: IP rule sets MAC rule sets The following schematic illustrates the relationship between globally defined rule sets and locally used rule sets. 3URMHFW JOREDOUXOHVHWQ JOREDOUXOHVHW JOREDOUXOHVHW 5XOHJ 0RGXOH ORFDOUXOHVHW ORFDOUXOHO JOREDOUXOHVHW 5XOHJ 5XOHJ ORFDOUXOHO JOREDOUXOHVHW 780 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring When configuring global firewall rules, you can make detailed firewall settings. You can allow individual services for a single node or all services for the node for access to the station or network. When are global IP and MAC firewall rules useful? Global firewall rules are useful if you want to define identical filter criteria for communication with several security modules. Note Assigning firewall rule sets with incompatible firewall rules For a security module, only the firewall rules from firewall rule sets are adopted correctly if the security module supports them. A firewall rule contained in a global firewall rule set with the direction "From: External" or "To: Any" is, for example not assigned to a CP 1628. The other firewall rules of the global firewall rule set are adopted if the CP 1628 supports them. Global firewall rule sets - conventions Global firewall rule sets are used locally The following conventions apply when creating a global set of firewall rules and when assigning it to a module: Configuration view Global firewall rule sets are configured in the global security settings. Priority As default, locally defined rules have a higher priority than the global IP and MAC firewall rule sets. Newly assigned global IP and MAC firewall rule sets are therefore initially entered at the bottom of the local rule list. The priority can be changed by changing the position in the rule list. Entering, changing or deleting rule sets Global firewall rule sets cannot be edited in the local rule list of the firewall rules in the module properties. They can only be displayed there and positioned according to the required priority. It is not possible to delete a single rule from an assigned rule set in the local security settings. Only the entire rule set can be removed from the local list of rules. The firewall rule sets in the global security settings remain unaffected. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 781 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Creating global firewall rule sets How to access this function 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Global firewall rule sets" > "IP rule sets" or "MAC rule sets". Result: The previously created IP rule sets or MAC rule sets are displayed under the selected entry. 2. Double-click on the entry "Add new IP rule set" or "Add new MAC rule set". Result: The created firewall rule set is displayed with an automatically assigned number below the entry "IP rule sets" or "MAC rule sets". 3. Double-click on the created firewall rule set. Result: In the working area the assignment dialog for firewall rule sets is displayed. The selected firewall rule set is selected in the "Rule set" drop-down list. The required security modules can be assigned to this, see section Assigning global firewall rule sets (Page 782). In the local security settings, the configurable properties of the firewall rule set are displayed. 4. Enter the following data in the "General" entry in the local security settings: - Name: Project-wide, unique name of the rule set. The name appears in the local rule list of the security module after the rule set is assigned. - Description (optional): Enter a description of the global rule set. 5. In the local security settings in the entry "Firewall rule set" enter the firewall rules in the list. Note the parameter description in the following sections: For IP rule sets: Defining IP packet filter rules (Page 802) For MAC rule sets: Defining MAC packet filter rules (Page 806) To switch over to the local security settings of another firewall rule set, select this from the "Rule set" drop-down list of the assignment dialog or double-click on the corresponding entry in the global security settings. Result You have created the global firewall rule set and can now assign this to the required security modules. Note the descriptions in the following section: Assigning global firewall rule sets (Page 782) Assigning global firewall rule sets Requirement You have enabled the advanced firewall mode for the security modules you want to assign to a firewall rule set. 782 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Global firewall rule sets" > "Assign module to a firewall rule set". 2. From the "Rule set" drop-down list, select the rule set to which you want to assign the security module. In the right-hand table, you will see the security modules that you can assign to the selected firewall rule set. In the left-hand table, you will see the security modules already assigned to the selected firewall rule set. 3. In the "Available modules" area, select the security modules you want to assign to the selected rule set. 4. Click the "<<" button to assign the selected modules to the selected rule set. Result The global rule set is used by the assigned security modules as a local rule set and appears automatically at the end of the list of firewall rules in the local security settings. Exporting and importing global firewall rule sets Meaning and function Global IP rule sets and global MAC rule sets can be exported from STEP 7 in the XLSX format and imported into STEP 7. Per firewall rule set an XLSX file is created when you export. The export and import provides the option of exchanging firewall rule sets between different STEP 7 projects. Exported firewall rule sets can also be edited in Microsoft Excel(R) and then imported into STEP 7 again. This simplifies the making of mass changes. Firewall rule sets exported from STEP 7 are largely compatible with the Security Configuration Tool (SCT). Firewall rule sets exported from from the Security Configuration Tool are fully compatible with STEP 7. Note Restrictions when importing firewall rule sets from STEP 7 into the Security Configuration Tool In SCT, IPv6 firewall rules and ICMPv6 services are not supported. During import firewall rules identified as IPv6 firewall rules and ICMPv6 services are ignored. As the bandwidth limit a maximum of 100 Mbps are permitted in SCT. During import firewall rules with more than 100 Mbps are ignored. Exporting firewall rule sets from STEP 7 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Global firewall rule sets". 2. Double-click on the "Overview" entry. Result: The IP rule sets and MAC rule sets that exist in STEP 7 are displayed in the working area. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 783 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. If you do not want to export all firewall rule sets, enable the check box of the firewall rule sets to be exported. 4. Click the button. 5. In the "Export firewall rule sets" dialog, select whether all firewall rule sets or only the selected firewall rule sets will be exported. 6. Enter a path on which the firewall rule sets will be saved and click the "Export" button. Result: Per firewall rule set an XLSX file was created. The XLSX files were named with the name of the corresponding firewall rule set and according to the date and time of the export. Importing firewall rule sets in STEP 7 Exported firewall rule sets can be edited prior to importing them. Refer to the information in the section "Requirements for firewall rule sets to be imported". Follow the steps outlined below to import firewall rule sets in STEP 7: 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Global firewall rule sets". 2. Double-click on the "Overview" entry. Result: The IP rule sets and MAC rule sets that exist in STEP 7 are displayed in the working area. 3. Click the button. 4. If firewall rule sets of the same name are to be overwritten, select the "Overwrite existing firewall rule sets" check box. Note: For the comparison between the firewall rule sets existing in STEP 7 and the XLSX files, only the name of the firewall rule sets is used. The information about the date and time of the XLSX files is ignored. 5. Select the XLSX files to be imported. Multiple selection is possible. 6. Click the "Import" button. Result: The firewall rule sets of the selected XLSX files have been imported in STEP 7. Structure of exported IP rule sets For every IP rule set exported from STEP 7, an XLSX file is created with the following table sheets: IP Ruleset: Contains the IP packet filter rules of the IP rule set IP Services: Contains the IP services used in packet filter rules of the IP rule set. IP services in the IP service groups used are also displayed. ICMP Services: Contains the ICMP services used in packet filter rules of the IP rule set. ICMP services in the IP service groups used are also displayed. IP Service Groups: Contains the IP service groups used in IP packet filter rules of the IP rule set. The corresponding IP and ICMP services are displayed for every IP service group. 784 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of exported MAC rule sets For every MAC rule set exported from STEP 7, an XLSX file is created with the following table sheets: MAC Ruleset: Contains the MAC packet filter rules of the MAC rule set MAC Services: Contains the MAC services used in MAC packet filter rules of the MAC rule set. MAC services in the MAC service groups used are also displayed. MAC Service Groups: Contains the MAC service groups used in MAC packet filter rules of the MAC rule set. The corresponding MAC services are displayed for every MAC service group. Conventions for rule sets to be imported The following conventions apply to firewall rule sets to be imported in STEP 7: The files have the file extension *.XLSX and the corresponding Office Open XML format. If the name of the XLSX file is longer than 128 characters, the rule set will be created in STEP 7 with a standard name. The names of the columns within the table sheets must not be changed, the order of the columns may, however, be changed. The names of the table sheets must not be changed, the order of the table sheets may, however, be changed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 785 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Permitted parameter values for IP rule sets to be imported The following values may be entered in the table columns of XLSX files for IP rule sets. Upper and lower case characters are not taken into account when the notation is checked. 786 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-17 Permitted parameter values for table sheet "IP Ruleset" Action From Allow External Drop To IPv6* Intern True al False DMZ Tunn el Source IP ad dress Destina tion IP Address Service [free text with max. 255 charac ters] [free text with max. 255 charac ters] [free text with max. 128 charac ters] Band width Logging [Possible True values: False 0.001... 1000] Stateful Com ment True [free text Fals with max. 255 e charac ters] Any Statio n Internal Exter nal Intern al DMZ Tunn el Any Statio n DMZ Exter nal Intern al Tunn el Any Tunnel Exter nal Intern al DMZ Tunn el Any Statio n Any Exter nal Intern al DMZ WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 787 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Action From Station To IPv6* Source IP ad dress Destina tion IP Address Service Band width Logging Stateful Com ment Exter nal Intern al Tunn el * This column is optional. If the column does not exist when importing into STEP 7, the default value "False" is used in STEP 7. Table 10-18 Permitted parameter values for table sheet "IP Services" Name Protocol [free text with max. 128 char UDP acters] TCP Source Port [free text with max. 32 char acters] Destination Port [free text with max. 32 char acters] All 788 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 789 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-19 Permitted parameter values for table sheet "ICMP Services" Name [free text with max. 128 char True acters] ICMPv6* Type PacketToBig Code NoCode EchoRequest EchoReply MulticastListenerQuery MulticastListenerReport V2MulticastListenerRepo rt MulticastListenerDone RouterSolicitation RouterAdvertisement NeighbourSolicitation NeighbourAdvertisement RedirectMessage InverseDiscoverySolicitati on InverseDiscoveryAdvertis ement HomeDiscoveryRequest HomeDiscoveryReply MobilePrefixSolicitation MobilePrefixAdvertiseme nt CertificationPathSolicitati on CertificatePathAdvertise ment IcmpMessagesUtilizedBy Seamoby MulticastRouterAdvertise ment MulticastRouterSolicitatio n MulticastRouterTerminati on FmIpV6 RplControl RouterRenumbering RouterRenumberingCom mand RouterRenumberingResu lt SequenceNumberReset IcmpNodeInformationQuery 790 ContainsIpV6 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Name ICMPv6* Type Code ContainsName ContainsIpV4 IcmpInformationResponse Successful RefuseToSupplyAnswer UnknownQtypeOfQuery TimeExceeded HopLimitExceededInTran sit FragmentReassemblyTi meExceeded ParameterProblem ErroneousHeaderFieldEn countered UnrecognizedNextHeade rTypeEncountered UnrecognizedIpV6Option Encountered False EchoReply NoCode SourceQuench AlternateHostAddress EchoRequest RouterSolicitation TimestampReply TimestampRequest InformationRequest InformationReply AddressMaskReply AddressMaskRequest MobileHostRedirect IpV6WhereAreYou IpV6IAmHere MobileRegistrationReply MobileRegistrationReque st Skip Star DestinationUnreachable Star NetUnreachable HostUnreachable ProtocolUnreachable PortUnreachable FragmentationNeededAn dDontFragmentWasSet SourceRouteFailed WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 791 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Name ICMPv6* Type Code DestinationNetworkUnkn own DestinationHostUnknown SourceHostIsolated CommunicationWithDesti nationNetworkIsAdministr ativelyProhibited CommunicationWithDesti nationHostIsAdministrativ elyProhibited DestinationNetworkUnre achableForTypeOfServic e DestinationHostUnreach ableForTypeOfService CommunicationAdministr ativelyProhibited HostPrecedenceViolation PrecedenceCutOffInEffec t Redirect Star DatagramForNetwork DatagramForTheHost DatagramForTheTypeOf ServiceAndNetwork DatagramForTheTypeOf ServiceandHost RouterAdvertisement Star NormalRouterAdvertisem ent DoesNotRouteCommonT raffic TimeExceeded Star TimeToLiveExceededInT ransit FragmentReassemblyTi meExceeded ParameterProblem Star TheIpHeaderIsInvalid ArequiredOptionIsMissin g Traceroute Star OutboundPacketSuccess fullyForwarded 792 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Name ICMPv6* Type Code NoRouteForOutboundPa cketThePacketWasDisca rded ConversionError Star UnknownOrUnspecifiedE rror DontConvertOptionPrese nt UnknownMandatoryOptio nPresent KnownUnsupportedOptio nPresent UnsupportedTransportPr otocol OverallLengthExceeded IpHeaderLengthExceede d TransportProtocolGreater Then255 PortConversionOutOfRa nge TransportHeaderLengthE xceeded BitRolloverMissingAndAc kSet UnknownMandatoryTran sportOptionPresent Photuris Star BadSpi AuthenticationFailed DecompressionFailed DecryptionFailed NeedAuthentication NeedAuthorization * This column is optional. If the column does not exist when importing into STEP 7, the default value "False" is used in STEP 7. Table 10-20 Permitted parameter values for table sheet "IP Service Groups" Name [free text with max. 128 characters] WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Description [free text with max. 255 characters] IP Services [free text, services are separated from each other with commas] 793 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Permitted parameter values for MAC rule sets to be imported The following values may be entered in the table columns of XLSX files for MAC rule sets. Upper and lower case characters are not taken into account when the notation is checked. Table 10-21 Permitted parameter values for table sheet "MAC Ruleset" Action Allow From External To Internal Drop Tunnel Any Station Internal External Tunnel Source MAC Ad dress Destina tion MAC Address Service [MAC ad dress in the cor rect for mat: xxxx-xx-xxxx-xx] [MAC ad dress in the cor rect for mat: xxxx-xx-xxxx-xx] [free text with max. 128 char acters] Bandwidth [Possible values: 0.001... 1000] Logging Comment [free text with max. 255 char acters] True False Any Tunnel External Internal Station Any External Internal Station External Tunnel Table 10-22 Permitted parameter values for table sheet "MAC Services" Name Protocol [free text with max. 128 characters] SNAP PROFINET IO ISO DSAP [hexadecimal val ues with max. 2 characters] SSAP CTRL OUI OUI Type [hexadecimal values with max. 2 char acters] [hexadecimal values with max. 2 char acters] [hexadecimal values with max. 6 char acters] [hexadecimal values with max. 4 char acters] [hexadecimal values beginning with 0x] Table 10-23 Permitted parameter values for table sheet "MAC Service Groups" Name [free text with max. 128 characters] 794 Description [free text with max. 255 characters] MAC Services [free text, services are separated from each other with commas] WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IP services Defining IP services How to access this function In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define services for IP rules". Procedure Using the definition of IP services, you can define succinct and clear firewall rules for specific services. You select a name and assign the service parameters to it. These services defined in this way can also be grouped together under a group name. When you configure the packet filter rules, you then use this name. Parameters for IP services You define the IP services using the following parameters: Table 10-24 IP services: Parameter Parameter Meaning/comment Available options / ranges of values Name Name for the service that is used as identification in the rule definition or in the group. The names of pre defined services cannot be changed. Name must start with a letter. Name must not contain any special characters. Name must not be redundant. Protocol Selection of the protocol type TCP UDP TCP+UDP All WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 795 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Meaning/comment Available options / ranges of values Source port Filtering is based on the port number specified here; this defines the service access at the frame sender. With the protocol selection "TCP+UDP", it is not possible to specify a port. Examples: *: Port is not checked 20 or 21: FTP service Destination port Filtering is based on the port number specified here; With the protocol selection this defines the service access at the frame recipient. "TCP+UDP", it is not possible to specify a port. Examples: *: Port is not checked TCP 80: Web HTTP service TCP 102: S7 protocol Defining ICMP services How to access this function 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define services for IP rules". 2. Select the "ICMP" tab. Procedure Using the definition of ICMP services, you can define succinct and clear firewall rules for specific services. You select a name and assign the service parameters to it. These services defined in this way can be grouped together under a group name. When you configure the packet filter rules, you then use this name. 796 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameters for ICMP services Parameter Meaning/comment Available options / ranges of val ues Name User-definable name for the service that is used as identification in the rule definition or in the group. The names of predefined ICMPv6 services cannot be modified. Name must start with a letter. Name must not contain any special characters. Name must not contain more than 20 characters. Name must not occur more than once ICMPv6 If you enable this check box, the ICMP service is declared as an ICMPv6 service and you can select an ICMPv6-specific type and code for the service. An ICMPv6 service can only be used in the firewall rule of a security module that supports IPv6. Enabled Type Type of the ICMPv4 or ICMPv6 message. If the "ICMPv6" check box is de selected, ICMPv4-specific types can be selected. If the check box is selected, ICMPv6-specific types can be selected. Code Code of the ICMP type. Values depend on the selected type. Disabled (default) Creating service groups How to access this function 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define services for IP rules". 2. Select the "Service groups" tab. Forming service groups You can put several services together by creating service groups. This allows you set up more complex services that you can then use in the packet filter rules simply by selecting the name. IPv4 and IPv6 services can be collected in the same service group. Create groups in the open "Service groups" tab. You can then assign services to a group in the "Group management" tab. Follow the steps below 1. First, create groups in this tab with names to suit your requirements and add a description if required. 2. Select the "Group management" tab. You can assign the previously specified IP services to the groups defined in this tab. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 797 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Managing service groups How to access this function 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define services for IP rules". 2. Select the "Group management" tab. Forming service groups You can put several services together by creating service groups. This allows you set up more complex services that you can then use in the packet filter rules simply by selecting the name. IPv4 and IPv6 services can be collected in the same service group. Use the "Group management" tab to assign services to a selected group you created previously in the "Service groups" tab. Follow the steps below 1. Select a group created previously in the "Service groups" tab from the "Service groups" drop-down list in this tab. 2. Then assign the required services from the right-hand "Available services" list box to the group. MAC services Define MAC services How to access this function In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define services for MAC rules". Meaning Using the definition of MAC services, you can define succinct and clear firewall rules for specific services. You select a name and assign the service parameters to it. These services defined in this way can be grouped together under a group name. When you configure the global or local packet filter rules, you use this name. 798 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameters for MAC services A MAC service definition is formed using protocol-specific MAC parameters: Table 10-25 MAC services - parameters Parameter Meaning/comment Available options / ranges of values Name User-definable name for the service that is used as identi Name must start with a letter. fication in the rule definition or in the group. Name must not contain any special characters. Name must not be redundant. Protocol Name of the protocol type: ISO ISO ISO identifies frames with the following properties: Lengthfield <= 05DC (hex), DSAP= userdefined SSAP= userdefined CTRL= userdefined SNAP PROFINET IO 0x (entry of the protocol number) SNAP SNAP identifies frames with the following properties: Lengthfield <= 05DC (hex), DSAP=AA (hex), SSAP=AA (hex), CTRL=03 (hex), OUI=userdefined, OUI-Type=userdefined PROFINET IO As an alternative, a protocol number can be entered. The protocol entries 0800 (hex) and 0806 (hex) are not accepted since these values apply to IP or ARP frames. DSAP Destination Service Access Point: LLC recipient address SSAP Source Service Access Point: LLC sender address CTRL LLC control field OUI Organizationally Unique Identifier (the first 3 bytes of the MAC address = vendor ID) OUI type Protocol type/identification Note Processing for S7-CPs Only settings for ISO frames with DSAP=SSAP=FE (hex) are processed. Other frame types are not relevant for S7 CPs and are therefore discarded even before processing by the firewall. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 799 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Special settings for SIMATIC NET services To filter special SIMATIC NET services, please use the following protocol settings: DCP: PROFINET IO SiClock : OUI= 08 00 06 (hex) , OUI-Type= 01 00 (hex) Creating service groups How to access this function 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define services for MAC rules". 2. Select the "Service groups" tab. Forming service groups You can put several services together by creating service groups. This allows you set up more complex services that you can then use in the packet filter rules simply by selecting the name. Create groups in the open "Service groups" tab. You can then assign services to a group in the "Group management" tab. Follow the steps below 1. First, create groups in this tab with names to suit your requirements and add a description if required. 2. Select the "Group management" tab. You can assign the previously specified MAC services to the groups defined in this tab. Managing service groups How to access this function 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define services for MAC rules". 2. Select the "Group management" tab. Forming service groups You can put several services together by creating service groups. This allows you set up more complex services that you can then use in the packet filter rules simply by selecting the name. Use the "Group management" tab to assign services to a selected group you created previously in the "Service groups" tab. 800 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Follow the steps below 1. Select a group created previously in the "Service groups" tab from the "Service groups" drop-down list in this tab. 2. Then assign the required services from the right-hand "Available services" list box to the group. Overview of local firewall rules Meaning Local firewall rules are configured in the local security settings of a security module and apply only to this security module. After enabling the firewall functionality you can either use predefined firewall rules or define firewall rules in the advanced firewall mode. Using predefined firewall rules Here, you use simple, predefined rules. You can only enable service-specific rules. The enabled services are allowed for all nodes in the specified direction. You can find detailed information on the definition of firewall rules in this dialog in the following module-specific sections: For SCALANCE S: AUTOHOTSPOT For S7-300/S7-400/PC CPs: AUTOHOTSPOT For S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs: AUTOHOTSPOT Defining firewall rules in advanced firewall mode In advanced firewall mode, you can make detailed firewall settings. You can allow individual services for a single node or all services for the node for access to the station or network. You enable the advanced firewall mode using the "Activate firewall in advanced mode" check box. In the local security settings, the firewall rules can then be configured in "Firewall" > "IP rules" or "MAC rules". The configuration options available here are described individually in the following section: For IP packet filter rules: Defining IP packet filter rules (Page 802) For MAC packet filter rules: Defining MAC packet filter rules (Page 806) Note Deactivating the advanced firewall mode not possible Once you have activated the advanced firewall mode, you can no longer deactivate it. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 801 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Adopting predefined firewall rules in the advanced firewall mode When you switch over to the advanced firewall mode, enabled predefined firewall rules and logging settings are adopted. If, for example, the check box "Allow S7 protocol" is selected in the direction "From external to internal", in the advanced firewall mode an allow rule with this communication direction and the service "S7" is created automatically. If predefined logging settings exist for S7-1200 / S7-1500 CPs, in advanced mode these are not shown as firewall rules but under the entry "Firewall > Log settings" where they can be edited. Configuration limits Number of firewall rules (advanced firewall mode) SCALANCE S as of V3 Maximum of 256 S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs Maximum of 256 CP x43-1 Adv. Maximum of 226 CP 1628 Maximum of 226 Defining IP packet filter rules Meaning With IP packet filter rules, you filter according to IP frames, such as TCP, UDP and ICMP. Within a packet filter rule, you can also fall back on the definitions of the IP services. Entering IP packet filter rules Enter the firewall rules one by one in the list. Note the following parameter description. 802 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-26 IP rules: Parameter Parameter Meaning/comment Available options / ranges of values Action Allow/disallow (enable/block) Allow Allow frames according to definition. Drop Block frames according to definition. For firewall rules generated automatically as result of configuring a connection and subsequently adapted manually: Allow* Drop* If you change automatically created connection rules, when the "*" option is selected they are not recreated and overwritten by STEP 7. From / To Selection of the communica tions directions for which the rule will apply. Described in separate sections. For SCALANCE S modules: IP packet filter directions SCALANCE S (Page 891) For S7-300/S7-400/PC CPs: IP packet filter directions S7-300-/S7-400-/ PC-CPs (Page 922) For S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs: IP packet filter directions S7-1200 / S7-1500 CPs (Page 935) IPv6 If this check box is selected, you can use a previously de fined ICMPv6 service in the firewall rule. For some secur ity CPs, after selecting the check box you can enter ad ditional IPv6 addresses in the "Source IP address" and "Destination IP address" in put boxes. Source IP ad The firewall rule is applied to dress the frames whose sender has the IP address specified here. If you do not specify an IP address, the firewall rule applies to all nodes in the communications direction you selected in the "From" column. Destination IP address The firewall rule is applied to the frames whose recipient has the IP address specified here. If you do not specify an IP address, the firewall rules applies to all nodes in the communications direction you selected in the "To" col umn. The check box can only be selected and deselected if there are no entries in the "Source IP address" and "Destination IP address" input boxes. If IPv6 is disabled in the local settings of a CP capable of IPv6, you cannot select the "IPv6" check box in the local security settings of the CP and there fore cannot use ICMPv6 services or IPv6 addresses in firewall rules. Existing firewall rules that use IPv6 are shown grayed out if IPv6 is disabled. You can find additional information about IP addresses in the IP addresses in IP packet filter rules (Page 808) section. Configuration options in ghost mode (only for SCALANCE S S602 as of V3.1): If ghost mode is activated, the IP address of the internal node is dynamically determined by the security module at runtime. Depending on the selected direction, you can select one of the following options in the column "Source IP address" (for direction "From internal to external) or in the column "Desti nation IP address" (for direction "From external to internal"): IP address of the internal node: The IP address of the internal node is inserted in the firewall rule by the SCALANCE S. Limited broadcast: The broadcast IP address is inserted in the firewall rule by the SCALANCE S. Directed broadcast: The broadcast IP address of the SCALANCE S network is inserted in the firewall rule by the SCALANCE S. A directed broadcast can also be forwarded into the destination network via routers. Multicast: The multicast address band /24 is inserted in the firewall rule by the SCALANCE S. After selecting this option, as an alternative a specific multicast IP address from the multicast address band can be specified. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 803 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Meaning/comment Available options / ranges of values Service Selection of the IP/ICMP service or the service group to be used. The drop-down list box displays the predefined and configured IP services and service groups you can select. These are displayed in the global security settings under "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define services for IP rules". Before you select an ICMPv6 service, you need to select the "IPv6" check box. Note: Before using a prede fined service make sure that its predefined parameters meet your requirements. Pay particular attention to the pre defined source and destina tion ports. Bandwidth (Mbps) Option for setting a band width limitation CP x43-1, S7-1200-/S7-1500 CPs: 0.001 ... 100 Mbps Can only be entered if the "Allow" action is selected. For global and user-specific rules: 0.001 ... 1000 Mbps A packet passes through the firewall if the allow rule matches and the permitted bandwidth for this rule has not yet been exceeded. CP 1628 and SCALANCE S: 0.001 ... 1000 Mbps Note: If the direction "From tunnel to station" is configured in a firewall rule for the S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs, no bandwidth limitation can be specified. Logging Enable and disable logging Enabled for this rule. If logging is ena Disabled (default) bled, the settings for the packet filter logging config ured in the local security set tings apply. Number Automatically assigned num ber for the rule. The numbers are recalculated when rules are moved. 804 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Meaning/comment Available options / ranges of values Stateful If this check box for an IP rule is disabled with the "Allow" action, no firewall states are generated by packets to which the allow rule applies. Firewall states automatically allow the responses to al lowed packets. For allow rules of SCALANCE S V3: Can only be adapted if the "Allow" action is selected. Configuration of IP rules with out firewall states is only pos sible for SCALANCE S mod ules as of firmware V3. If the responses to packets that have passed the firewall ac cording to such IP rules should also be allowed, addi tional IP rules need to be con figured for these responses. Comment enabled (default) disabled For allow rules of SCALANCE S < V3 and CPs: enabled (default) Note: The check box is not present for CPs; however, the activated option is always used implicitly for allow rules of CPs. For drop rules: Disabled (default) Space for your own explana If a comment is marked with "AUTO", it was created for an automatic con tion of the rule nection rule. For rules you have created, entry of a comment is optional. Table 10-27 Meaning of the entries in the shortcut menu Entry in the shortcut menu Meaning Delete This deletes the selected rule or the selected rule set. Notes on removing a globally defined and locally assigned rule set: if you delete a rule set here, this only cancels the assignment to the security mod ule. Save as global rule set (only for local firewall rules) Copies the selected firewall rule(s) and inserts it as a global firewall rule set in the global security settings. The firewall configuration currently configured for the se curity module remains unaffected by this procedure. Move up Use this button to move the selected rule or selected rule set up one position in the list. As an alternative, you can move the selected rule or the selected rule set by dragging it with the mouse. You can select multiple entries. The rule / rule set you moved is therefore handled with higher priority. Move down Use this button to move the selected rule or selected rule set down one position in the list. As an alternative, you can move the selected rule or the selected rule set by dragging it with the mouse. You can select multiple entries. The rule / rule set you moved is therefore handled with lower priority. Define service for IP rules WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 This opens the dialog in which you can manage the IP services and service groups. 805 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Defining MAC packet filter rules Meaning With the MAC packet filter rules, you filter according to MAC frames. Within a packet filter rule, you can also fall back on the definitions of the MAC services. Entering MAC packet filter rules Enter the firewall rules one by one in the list. Note the following parameter description. Table 10-28 MAC rules: Parameter Parameter Meaning/comment Available options / ranges of values Action Allow/disallow (enable/block) Allow Allow frames according to definition. Drop Block frames according to definition. For firewall rules generated automatically as result of configuring a connection and subsequently adapted manually: Allow* Drop* If you change automatically created connection rules, when the "*" option is selected they are not recreated and overwritten by STEP 7. From / To Selection of the communications di Described in separate sections. rections for which the rule will apply. For SCALANCE S modules: MAC packet filter directions SCALANCE S (Page 891) For S7-300/S7-400/PC CPs: MAC packet filter directions S7-300-/S7-400-/PC-CPs (Page 922) For S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs: MAC packet filter directions S7-1200 / S7-1500 CPs (Page 935) Source MAC address The firewall rule is applied to the frames whose sender has the MAC address specified here. If you do not specify a MAC address, the firewall rule applies to all nodes in the com munications direction you selected in the "From" column. Destination MAC address The firewall rule is applied to the frames whose recipient has the MAC address specified here. If you do not specify a MAC address, the firewall rule applies to all nodes in the com munications direction you selected in the "To" column. 806 MAC address in the correct format WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Meaning/comment Service Selection of the MAC service or the service group to be used. Available options / ranges of values Bandwidth (Mbps) Option for setting a bandwidth limita CP x43-1, S7-1200-/S7-1500 CPs: 0.001 ... 100 Mbps tion. Can only be entered if the "Al CP 1628 and SCALANCE S: 0.001 ... 1000 Mbps low" action is selected. For global rules: 0.001 ... 1000 Mbps A packet passes through the firewall Note: If the direction "From tunnel to station" is configured in a fire if the allow rule matches and the per wall rule for the S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs, no bandwidth limitation can mitted bandwidth for this rule has not be specified. yet been exceeded. Logging Enable and disable logging for this Enabled rule. If logging is enabled, the set Disabled (default) tings for the packet filter logging con figured in the local security settings apply. Number Automatically assigned number for the rule. The numbers are recalcula ted when rules are moved. Comment Space for your own explanation of the rule The drop-down list box displays the predefined and configured serv ices and service groups you can select. These are displayed in the Note: Before using a predefined serv global security settings under "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define serv ice make sure that its predefined pa ices for MAC rules". rameters meet your requirements. If a comment is marked with "AUTO", it was created for an automatic connection rule. For rules you have created, entry of a comment is optional. Table 10-29 Meaning of the menu commands Button Meaning Delete This deletes the selected rule or the selected global rule set. Notes on removing a globally defined and locally assigned rule set: if you delete a rule set here, this only cancels the assignment to the security mod ule. Save as global rule set (only for local firewall rules) Copies the selected firewall rule(s) and inserts it as a global firewall rule set in the global security settings. The firewall configuration currently configured for the se curity module remains unaffected by this procedure. Move up Use this button to move the selected rule or selected global rule set up one position in the list. As an alternative, you can move the selected rule or the selected rule set by dragging it with the mouse. You can select multiple entries. The rule / rule set you moved is therefore handled with higher priority. Move down Use this button to move the selected rule or selected global rule set down one position in the list. As an alternative, you can move the selected rule or the selected rule set by dragging it with the mouse. You can select multiple entries. The rule / rule set you moved is therefore handled with lower priority. Define service for MAC rules WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 This opens the dialog in which you can manage the MAC services and service groups. 807 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IP addresses in IP packet filter rules Entering IP addresses in IP packet filter rules In IP packet filter rules, you have the following options for entering IP addresses: Nothing specified The rule applies to all IP addresses. An IP address The rule applies specifically to the specified address. Address range The rule applies to all the IP addresses covered by the address range. An address range is defined by specifying the number of valid bit places in the IP address in the format: [IP address]/[number of bits to be taken into account] - [IP address]/24 therefore means that only the most significant 24 bits of the IP address are included in the filter rule. These are the first three octets of the IP address. - [IP address ]/25 means that only the first three octets and the highest bit of the fourth octet of the IP address are included in the filter rule. Address area For the source IP address, an address range can be entered in the following format: [Start IP address]-[End IP address] IPv4 addresses An IPv4 address consists of 4 decimal numbers in the range from 0 to 255 separated from each other by a dot. Table 10-30 Examples of address ranges in IPv4 addresses Source IP address or destination IP address Address range Number of addresses*) from to 65.536 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 *) Note: Note that the network address and the broadcast address are not available as IP addresses of network nodes in an address range. IPv6 addresses IPv6 addresses consist of 8 fields each with four hexadecimal numbers (128 bits in total). The fields are separated by a colon. 808 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Example: fd00:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:2f33:8f21 Rules / simplifications: Leading zeros within a field can be omitted. Example: Instead of 2001:0db8:2426:08d3:1457:8a2e:0070:7344 it is also possible to use the notation 2001:db8:2426:8d3:1457:8a2e:70:7344. If one or more fields have the value 0 (or 0000), a shortened notation is possible. Example: Instead of 2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:1428:57ab it is also possible to use the notation 2001:db8::1428:57ab. To ensure uniqueness, this shortened form can only be used once within the entire address. Decimal notation with periods The last 2 fields or 4 bytes can be written in the normal decimal notation with periods. Example: The IPv6 address fd00::ffff. is equivalent to fd00::ffff:7d01:1. Address range notation in IP packet filter rules: In the same way as IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses can also be noted in the form of address ranges. Example: The entry "2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0:0/96" covers all IPv6 addresses from 2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0:0 to 2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:ffff:ffff. Carrying out module-specific log settings Log settings - overview Module-specific function The recording of packet filter events is not available for the CP 443-1 OPC UA, CP 1242-7 and CP 1243-7 The recording of audit events and system events is not available for the CP 1242-7. Log settings in the configuration The log settings made here are loaded on the module with the configuration and take effect when the security module starts up. You can restrict the configured packet filter log settings in the online functions if necessary. For example, you can use the online functions to specify that merely IP logging is displayed if you have configured IP and MAC logging. Logging procedures and event classes Here, you can specify which data should be logged. As a result, you enable logging as soon as you download the configuration to the security module. During configuration, you also select one or both of the possible logging procedures: Local logging Network Syslog WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 809 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks In both logging procedures, the security module recognizes the three following types of events: Packet filter events Audit events System events Configuring local logging How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "Log settings" > "Local log memory" entry in the local security settings. 810 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring local logging Table 10-31 Local logging - settings for log events Log event Meaning Comments Packet filter log (firewall) The packet filter log records certain packets of the data traffic. Only those data packets for which a configured packet filter rule (firewall) applies or to which the basic protection reacts (cor rupt or invalid packets) are logged. This is only possible when logging is enabled for the packet filter rule. Packet filter log data is not retentive The data is stored in volatile memory on the security module and is therefore no longer available after the power supply has been turned off. For retentive storage, you can also save the log data displayed in the "Online & diagnostics" dialog in a file. In the "Packets to be logged" dropdown list, you can specify the data packets to be logged: "All packets": The data packets that are logged are those to which a configured firewall rule applies. In addition to this, all the response packets to such packets are recorded that have passed the firewall according to a configured allow rule. "Status generating packets" (only for SCALANCE S as of V3): The only data packets that are logged are those to which a configured firewall rule (standard mode or advanced mode) applies and that initially generate a status in the firewall. Data packets that pass through the firewall by using this firewall status are not logged. Audit log The logging of audit events is always enabled. Audit log data is retentive The audit log automatically records security-relevant events, for example user actions such as activating or de activating packet logging or down loading configurations to the security module. Note for CPs: The system log automatically logs successive system events, for exam ple the start of a process or the failed login attempt of a user. System log data is not retentive The data is stored in a retentive memory of the The logged information is always stor security module and is therefore still available ed in the ring buffer. after turning off the power supply. System log Select the "Log settings" > "System events" entry to configure the event filter and cable diagnostics functions. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The audit log files are not retentive on CPs. You should therefore use a Syslog server to backup this data. The data is stored in volatile memory on the security module and is therefore no longer available after the power supply has been turned off. For retentive storage, you can also save the log data displayed in the "Online & diagnostics" dialog in a file. 811 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-32 Local logging - storage of recorded data Storage Meaning Ring buffer At the end of the buffer, the recording continues at the start of the buffer and overwrites the oldest entries. One-shot buffer Recording stops when the buffer is full. Configuring system events How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "Log settings" > "System events" entry in the local security settings. Filtering of the system events In this dialog, you set a filter level for the system events. As default, the following values are set: SCALANCE S: Level 3 (Error) CP: Level 3 (Error) The system events are recorded that have the same priority as the selected filter level and that have a higher priority than the selected filter level. The lower the value of the filter level, the higher its priority and therefore less events are recorded. The priority of the selected filter level must be the same or lower than the severity set for the cable diagnostics; see the "Setting parameters for line diagnostics" table (not for CPs). Recommendation: Select "Error" as the filter level or a filter level with a higher priority to prevent recording of general non-critical events. Note for CP For CPs, select only level 3 or level 6 since only events of these levels are generated for CPs. Level 0 to level 3 error messages are output if level 3 is selected. If you select level 6, the error messages of levels 0 to 6 are output. 812 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Properties of the system events - line diagnostics (only for SCALANCE S) Line diagnostics generates a special system event. A system event is generated when a selectable percentage of bad frames is reached. This system event is assigned the severity and facility set in this dialog. Table 10-33 Setting parameters for line diagnostics Function / option / parameter Meaning Enable Enabling and disabling logging Limit Selectable percentage of faulty frames representing the limit at which a system event is triggered. Facility Select a facility from the drop-down list that identifies the system event to be logged. Severity Using the severity, you weight the system events of line diagnostics relative to the severity of the other system events. Note Severity of the system events of line diagnostics The system events of the line diagnostics must not have a lower severity than you set for the filter. At a lower severity, these events cannot pass through the filter and will not be logged. Configuring the network Syslog How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "Log settings" > "Network Syslog" entry in the local security settings. Configuring the network Syslog Table 10-34 Network Syslog - basic settings Option / parameter Enable network Syslog Enables and disables the transfer of logging events to the Syslog server. Syslog server Here, enter the IP address of the Syslog server. As an alternative, an FQDN can be entered for SCALANCE S modules as of V4. The Syslog server must be accessible from the security module at the specified address and, if applicable, using the router configuration under the "Routing" entry of the local security settings. If the Syslog server cannot be accessed no Syslog messages are sent. You can recognize this oper ating state on the basis of corresponding system alarms. To activate the sending of the Syslog information again, you may have to update the rout ing information and initiate a restart of the security module. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 813 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Option / parameter Enabling event classes Enable the classes of events to be transferred to the Syslog server. You can classify packet filter and audit events according to the Severity and using the Facility according to their origin. Module name The module name is displayed and cannot be changed at this point. Note Non-secure transfer of logging events Logging events are transferred to Syslog servers in plain language. This should be taken into account when using Syslog servers. Table 10-35 Network Syslog - settings for log events Log event Configuring Comments Packet filter events (firewall) The packet filter log records certain packets of the data traffic. Only those data packets for which a configured packet filter rule (firewall) applies or to which the basic protection reacts (cor rupt or invalid packets) are logged. This is only possible if logging is acti vated for the packet filter rule. The value you select here depends on the evaluation in the Syslog server. If you retain the "default" value setting, the se curity module specifies the combination of fa cility and severity with which the event is dis played. Syslog alarms can be classified ac cording to their origin and their severity level by setting Facility and Severity. This assignment is carried out with drop-down lists. The severity and fa cility that you set here is assigned to every event. Audit events The audit log automatically records se curity-relevant events, for example user actions such as activating or de activating packet logging or download ing configurations to the security mod ule. Assignment of the severity and facility is carried out with drop-down lists. The severity and facility that you set here is assigned to every event. System events 814 The system log automatically logs suc cessive system events, for example the start of a process or the failed login attempt of a user. The value you select here for the severity and facility depends on the evaluation in the Sy slog server. If you retain the "default" value setting, the se curity module specifies the combination of fa cility and severity with which the event is dis played. Select the "Log settings" > "System events" entry in the local security settings to configure the event filter and cable diagnostics func tions. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Security module as router Overview of the routing settings Meaning If you operate the security module in routing mode, the networks connected to the internal and external interface are transformed into separate subnets. The DMZ interface (SCALANCE S623/S627-2M only) is connected in routing mode regardless of the mode. In routing mode, the frames intended for an existing IP address in the subnet are forwarded. The firewall rules for the direction of transmission also apply. You have the following additional options: Setting specific routes - can be set in the local security settings under "Routing" (SCALANCE S only), see Specifying routes (Page 893) in the section "SCALANCE S". Use standard router - can be set in the local security settings with "External interface [P1] red", "Internal interface [P2] green" or "DMZ interface [P3] yellow" (SCALANCE S623/ S627-2M only) see Configuring IP address parameters (Page 867) in the section "SCALANCE S". A maximum of one standard router can be used per security module. NAT/NAPT routing - can be set with "NAT / NAPT" (only for SCALANCE S and CP x43-1 Adv.) in the local security settings. To be able to use NAT/NAPT, the security module must be in routing mode. Enabling routing mode (required for SCALANCE S modules only) For this mode, you configure an internal IP address and an internal subnet mask for addressing the router in the internal subnet in the local security settings. All network requests that do not belong to a subnet are forwarded by the security module to a different subnet. Note: In contrast to the bridge mode of the security module, VLAN tags are lost in routing mode. 1. Select the "Routing mode" option under "Mode" in the local security settings. 2. In the local security settings, enter an internal IP address and an internal subnet mask for addressing the router on the internal subnet in the input boxes under "Internal interface [P2] green" > Ethernet addresses". Overview of NAT/NAPT Module-specific function This function is only available for SCALANCE S and CP x43-1 Adv. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 815 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirements The security module is in routing mode or the DMZ interface is activated (SCALANCE S623 / S627-2M only). Since firewall rules that enable communication in the configured address translation direction are generated automatically for NAT / NAPT rules, the advanced firewall mode must be enabled for the security module. For more detailed information, refer to section Relationship between NAT/NAPT router and firewall (Page 823) How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "NAT / NAPT". 3. When required, enable address translation according to NAT (Network Address Translation) or NAPT (Network Address Port Translation). Address translation with NAT (Network Address Translation) NAT is a procedure for address translation between two address spaces. The main task is to translate private addresses into public addresses; in other words into IP addresses that are used and even routed on the Internet. As a result, the IP addresses of the internal network are not known to the outside in the external network. The internal nodes are only visible to the external network by means of external IP address that is specified in the address translation list (NAT table). If the external IP address is not the address of the security module and if the internal IP address is unique, this is known as 1:1 NAT. With 1:1 NAT, the internal address is translated to this external address without port translation. Otherwise, n:1 NAT is being used. Address translation with NAPT (Network Address Port Translation) The address translation with NAPT changes the target address and the target port to a communication relation (port forwarding). Frames coming from the external network or DMZ network and intended for the IP address of the security module are translated. If the destination port of the frame is identical to one of the values specified in the "Source port" column, the security module replaces the destination IP address and the destination port as specified in the corresponding row of the NAPT table. With the reply, the security module uses the values for the destination IP address and destination port as contained in the initial frame as the source IP address and the source port. The difference to NAT is that with this protocol ports can also be translated. There is no 1:1 translation of the IP address. There is now only a public IP address that is translated to a series of private IP addresses with the addition of port numbers. Address translation in VPN tunnels Address translations with NAT/NAPT can also be performed for communications relations established via a VPN tunnel. This is supported for connection partners of the type SCALANCE S612 / S623 / S627-2M as of V4. 816 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You will find further information on address translations in VPN tunnels in the following sections: NAT/NAPT routing (Page 817) Address translation with NAT/NAPT in VPN tunnels (Page 823) Consistency check - these rules must be adhered to Among other things, remember the following rules to obtain consistent entries: The IP address of the internal interface must not be used in the NAT / NAPT table. An IP address used in the NAT/NAPT address conversion list must not be a multicast or broadcast address. The external ports assigned for the NAPT translation are in the range > 0 and 65535. Port 443 (HTTPS), 161 (SNMP), 67+68 (DHCP) and 500+4500 (IPsec) are excluded if the relevant services are activated on the security module. The external IP address of the security module or the IP address of the DMZ interface may only be used in the NAT table for the action "Source NAT". Checking for duplicates in the NAT table An external IP address or an IP address in the DMZ network used in the direction "Destination NAT", "Source NAT +Destination NAT" or "Double NAT" may only be used once in each specified direction. Checking for duplicates in the NAPT table: A source port number may only be entered once for each interface. Internal NAPT ports can be in the range > 0 and 65535. See also Overview of the routing settings (Page 815) NAT/NAPT routing Enabling NAT The input boxes for NAT are enabled. NAT address translations only take effect with the entries in the address translation list described below. After creating NAT rules, the corresponding firewall rules are generated and displayed in advanced firewall mode, see section: Relationship between NAT/NAPT router and firewall (Page 823) If PPPoE is activated for the external interface or the DMZ interface, the action "Destination NAT" cannot be configured. When configuring the action "Source NAT", the IP address cannot be entered in the "Source translation" input box because this is obtained dynamically during runtime. Possible address translations for NAT The following tables show the input options for address translation with NAT. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 817 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Action "Destination NAT" - "Redirect" The action "Destination NAT" can be performed in the following direction: External to internal If the DMZ interface of the security module (SCALANCE S623/S627-2M only) is activated, the action "Destination NAT" can also be performed in the following directions: External to DMZ DMZ to internal DMZ to external If the SCALANCE S module (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) is in a VPN group and the tunnel interface is enabled, the "Destination NAT" action can also be performed in the following directions: Tunnel to internal Tunnel to external Tunnel to DMZ (only if the DMZ interface is activated) The following applies, for example for the direction "external to internal": The destination IP address of a frame coming from the external network is checked to see whether it matches the IP address specified in the "Destination IP address" input box. If it matches, the frame is forwarded into the internal network by replacing the destination IP address of the frame with the IP address specified in the "Destination translation" input box. Access from external to internal using the external address is possible. The following table shows the input required for the action "Destination NAT". Box Possible entries Meaning Source IP address Not relevant for this action. Source translation Not relevant for this action. Destination IP address IP address in the source network Destination IP address in the source network with which an IP address in the destination network will be accessed. The destination IP address must not match the IP address of the security module in the source network. If the destination IP address in a frame matches the address entered, the address is replaced by the cor responding IP address in the destination network. The specified destination IP address becomes the alias address. This means that the specified IP ad dress is also registered as an IP address on the selec ted interface. Make sure that the alias address does not cause an IP address conflict in the network. The alias IP addresses of a security module are displayed under the entry "Alias IP addresses" of the relevant interface. Destination translation No. 818 IP address in the destination network - The destination IP address is replaced by the IP ad dress specified here. Consecutive number assigned by STEP 7 used to ref erence the firewall rule generated by STEP 7 for the NAT rule. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Action "Source NAT" - "Masquerading" The action "Source NAT" can be performed in the following direction: Internal to external If the DMZ interface of the security module (SCALANCE S623/S627-2M only) is activated, the action "Source NAT" can also be performed in the following directions: Internal to DMZ External to DMZ DMZ to external If the SCALANCE S module (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) is in a VPN group and the tunnel interface is enabled, the "Source NAT" action can also be performed in the following directions: Internal to tunnel External to tunnel DMZ to tunnel (only if the DMZ interface is activated) The following applies, for example for the direction "internal to external": The source IP address of a frame coming from the internal network is checked to see whether it matches the IP address specified in the "Source IP address" input box. If it matches, the frame with the external IP address specified in the "Source translation" input box is forwarded to the external network as a new source IP address. In the external network, the external IP address is effective. The following table shows the input required for the action "Source NAT". Box Possible entries Meaning Source IP address IP address in the source network The source IP address of the specified node is replaced by the IP address specified in the "Source translation" input box. IP address range / IP address band in the source network The IP addresses of the IP address range / IP address band are replaced by the IP address specified in the "Source translation" input box. * Source translation IP address in the destination network The IP addresses of all nodes in the source network are replaced by the IP address specified in the "Source trans lation" input box. Entry of the IP address that will be used as the new source IP address. If the IP address entered here is not the IP address of the security module, this becomes an alias address. This means that the specified address is also registered as an IP address on the selected interface. Make sure that the alias address does not cause an IP address conflict in the network. The alias IP addresses of a security module are displayed under the entry "Alias IP addresses" of the relevant interface. Destination IP address Not relevant for this action. - Destination translation Not relevant for this action. - No. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 - Consecutive number assigned by STEP 7 used to refer ence the firewall rule generated by STEP 7 for the NAT rule. 819 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note You can configure an address translation to the module IP address in the destination network for all frames going from a source network to a destination network. The security module also assigns a port number for each frame. This is an n:1 NAT address translation in which multiple IP addresses of the source network are translated to one IP address of the destination network. Enter, for example, the following parameters for the direction "internal to external": Action: "Source NAT" From: "Internal" To "External" Source IP address: "*" Source translation: External IP address of the security module Action "Source NAT + Destination NAT" - "1:1-NAT" The action "Source NAT + Destination NAT" can be performed in the following direction: Internal to external If the DMZ interface of the security module (SCALANCE S623/S627-2M only) is activated, the action "Source NAT + Destination" can also be performed in the following directions: Internal to DMZ External to DMZ DMZ to external If the SCALANCE S module (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) is in a VPN group and the tunnel interface is enabled, the "Source-NAT + Destination-NAT" action can also be performed in the following directions: External to tunnel Internal to tunnel DMZ to tunnel (only if the DMZ interface is activated) The following applies, for example for the direction "internal to external": When accessing from internal to external, the action "Source NAT" is performed. When accessing from external to internal, the action "Destination NAT" is performed. The following table shows the input required for the action "Source NAT + Destination NAT": Box Possible entries Meaning Source IP address IP address in the source network Source translation IP address in the destination network Destination IP address Not relevant for this action. Destination translation Not relevant for this action. The configuration is always specified in the source NAT direction. The IP addresses of the destination NAT direction are then inserted automatically by STEP 7. No. 820 - Consecutive number assigned by STEP 7 used to ref erence the firewall rules generated by STEP 7 for the NAT rule. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Action "Double NAT" The action "Double NAT" can be performed for SCALANCE S modules in the following directions: Internal to external External to internal If the DMZ interface of the security module (SCALANCE S623/S627-2M only) is activated, the action "Double NAT" can also be performed in the following directions: Internal to DMZ External to DMZ DMZ to internal DMZ to external In every direction, Source and Destination NAT always take place at the same time. The following applies, for example for the direction "external to internal": When accessing from external to internal, the source IP address of the external node is replaced (Source NAT). Access to the internal network also uses the external IP address specified in the "Destination IP address" input box (Destination NAT). You can, for example, use this action if a standard router other than the security module is entered for a device to be accessed using Destination NAT. Response frames from this device are then not sent to the entered standard router but to the corresponding interface of the security module. The following table shows the input required for the action "Double NAT": Box Possible entries Meaning Source IP address IP address in the source network IP address of the node in the source network Source translation WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 - The Source NAT address translation is always to the IP address of the security module in the destination network. For this reason, the "Source translation" in put box cannot be configured. 821 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Box Possible entries Meaning Destination IP address IP address in the source network Destination IP address in the source network with which an IP address in the destination network will be accessed. If the destination IP address in a frame matches the IP address entered, the IP address is replaced by the IP address specified in the "Destination translation" input box. If the IP address entered here is not the IP address of the security module, this becomes an alias address. This means that the specified address is also regis tered as an IP address on the selected interface. Make sure that the alias ad dress does not cause an IP address conflict in the network. The alias IP ad dresses of a security module are dis played under the entry "Alias IP address es" of the relevant interface. Destination translation IP address in the destination network No. - The destination IP address is replaced by the IP address specified here. Consecutive number assigned by STEP 7 used to reference the firewall rule generated by STEP 7 for the NAT rule. Enabling NAPT The input boxes for NAPT are enabled. NAPT translations only take effect with the entries in the list described below. After creating NAPT rules, the corresponding firewall rules are generated and displayed in advanced firewall mode, see section: Relationship between NAT/NAPT router and firewall (Page 823) The IP address translation with NAPT can be performed in the following direction: External to internal If the DMZ interface of the security module (SCALANCE S623/S627-2M only) is activated, the IP address translation with NAPT can also be performed in the following directions: External to DMZ DMZ to internal DMZ to external If the SCALANCE S module (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) is in a VPN group and the tunnel interface is enabled, the IP address translation with NAPT can also be performed in the following directions: Tunnel to internal Tunnel to external Tunnel to DMZ (only if the DMZ interface is activated) 822 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following applies, for example for the direction "external to internal": Frames intended for the external IP address of the security module and for the port entered in the "Source port" column are forwarded to the specified destination IP address in the internal network and to the specified destination port. The IP address from which the frames of forwarded into the target network is displayed in the column "Virtual IP address". With a direction from external this is the external IP address of the security module and with a direction from DMZ the IP address of the DMZ interface of the security module. The following table shows the input required for address translation with NAPT: Box Possible entries Meaning Source port TCP/UDP port or port range A node in the source network can send a frame to a node in the destination network by using this port number. Destination IP address IP address in the destination network Frames intended for the IP address of the security module in the source network and the TCP/UDP port specified in the "Source port" box are forwarded to the IP address specified here. Destination port TCP/UDP port Port number to which the frames coming from the source net work are forwarded. Protocol TCP+UDP Selection of the protocol family for the specified port numbers Example of entering a port range: 78:99 TCP UDP No. - Consecutive number assigned by STEP 7 used to reference the firewall rule generated by STEP 7 for the NAPT rule. Address translation with NAT/NAPT in VPN tunnels Module-specific function Address translation with NAT/NAPT in VPN tunnels is only available for SCALANCE S612/ S623/S627-2M modules as of V4, refer to the section: Address translation with NAT/NAPT in VPN tunnels (Page 894) Relationship between NAT/NAPT router and firewall Meaning After creating NAT/NAPT rules, STEP 7 automatically generates firewall rules that enable communication in the configured address translation direction. The generated firewall rules are visible in advanced firewall mode and can, if necessary, be moved and expanded (additional IP address / IP address range / IP address band, services, bandwidth). In addition to this, the automatically generated firewall rules should be checked in terms of their priority and their position. If there are also manually configured firewall rules in the rule list that have higher priority than the automatically generated firewall rules, under certain circumstances no NAT / NAPT will be performed. If there are several identical NAT / firewall pairs of rules, the priority in the firewall rule list decides which rule is used. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 823 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Firewall parameters generated by STEP 7 cannot be adapted. After deactivating NAT/NAPT, the firewall rules generated by STEP 7 are disabled. To clarify the relationship between the NAT/NAPT rules and the corresponding firewall rules, they are identified by corresponding, consecutive numbers. In firewall rules that were generated automatically for NAT/NAPT rules, the "Stateful" check box cannot be disabled. The following table shows the system behind the firewall rules generated for NAT rules for SCALANCE S modules. Table 10-36 NAT address translation and corresponding firewall rules for SCALANCE S modules NAT action Created firewall rule Action From To Destination NAT Allow Source network Destination network Source NAT Allow Source network Destination network IP address of the node specified in the "Source IP ad dress" input box - Source NAT + Destination NAT Allow Source network Destination network IP address of the node specified in the "Source IP ad dress" input box - Allow Destination network Source network Allow Source network Destination network IP address of the node specified in the "Source IP ad dress" input box IP address speci fied in the "Destina tion IP address" in put box Allow Source network Destination network IP address of the node specified in the "Source IP ad dress" input box IP address of the node specified in the "Destination translation" input box Double NAT 824 Source IP address - - Destination IP ad dress IP address speci fied in the "Destina tion IP address" in put box IP address that was inserted in the "Des tination IP address" input box by STEP 7 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following table shows the system behind the firewall rules generated for NAT rules for CP x43-1 Adv. Table 10-37 NAT address translation and corresponding firewall rules for CP x43-1 Adv. NAT action Created firewall rule Action From To Drop External Allow Source NAT Source NAT + Destination NAT Destination NAT Source IP address Destination IP ad dress Station - IP address of the security module in the external net work External Any - IP address of the node specified in the "Destination translation" input box Allow Any External IP address speci fied in the "Source translation" input box - Allow Any External IP address speci fied in the "Source translation" input box - Drop External Station - IP address of the security module in the external net work Allow External Any - IP address of the node that was inser ted in the "Destina tion translation" in put box by STEP 7 The following table shows the system behind the firewall rules generated for NAT rules for SCALANCE S modules. Table 10-38 NAPT translation and firewall rules created for SCALANCE S modules Created firewall rule Action From To Allow Source network Destination net work WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Source IP address Destination IP address Service - IP address of the security module in the source network [Serv ice_NAPT_rule] 825 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following table shows the system behind the firewall rules generated for NAPT rules for CP x43-1 Adv. Table 10-39 NAPT translations and created firewall rules for CP x43-1 Adv. Created firewall rules Action From To Source IP address Destination IP address Service Drop External Station - IP address of the security module in the external net work [Serv ice_NAPT_rule] Allow External Any - IP address of the security module in the external net work [Serv ice_NAPT_rule] Stateful packet inspection The firewall and NAT/NAPT router supports the "Stateful Packet Inspection" mechanism. As a result, reply frames can pass through the NAT/NAPT router and firewall without it being necessary for their addresses to be included extra in the firewall rule and the NAT/NAPT address translation. Relationship between NAT/NAPT router and user-specific firewall Module-specific function The configuration of NAT/NAPT rules in the user-specific firewall is only available for SCALANCE S modules as of V3, refer to the section: Relationship between NAT/NAPT router and user-specific firewall (Page 896) 826 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring time-of-day synchronization Procedure for time-of-day synchronization Meaning For the time synchronization of the transfer of productive data, the date and time are maintained on the security module to verify the validity (time) of a certificate and for time stamping log entries. For the Security functions the time of day of the security modules of a project must be synchronized. Note Configuring the firewall for communication with NTP servers If the NTP server cannot be reached by the security module, you will need to allow the frames from the NTP server explicitly in the firewall (UDP, port 123). Note Time-of-day synchronization relates solely to the security module and cannot be used to synchronize devices in the internal network of the security module. Some CPs can forward the time of day to other module of the station. The CP 4431 OPC UA can only receive the time-of-day in the SIMATIC mode from the station but cannot forward it. Note Before the security functions of a CP (time-of-day slave) are used, the CP must receive a valid time-of-day frame from the time master. Configuring time-of-day synchronization for a security module How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "Time-of-day synchronization" entry in the local security settings. 3. Select the "Activate time-of-day synchronization" check box. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 827 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure for time-of-day synchronization Depending on the security module being used, the following methods can be configured: Possible selection Meaning / effect Set time with each download The module time is set automatically to the PC time when a configuration is downloaded. SIMATIC Time-of-day synchronization by received MMS time-ofday messages (MMS = Manufacturing Message Specifi cation) Time of day from partner Time-of-day synchronization by the communications partner NTP Time-of-day synchronization by an NTP server NTP (secure) Time-of-day synchronization by an NTP server of the type "NTP (secure)". Configuring the synchronization method The synchronization methods and their parameters have the following meaning: Set time with each download When a configuration is downloaded to a SCALANCE S module, the module time of day is set with the PC time of day. SIMATIC For the CP select whether the CP is to adopt or forward the time of day. The CP 1628 always forwards the time of day. The CP 4431 OPC UA uses the SIMATIC mode if no timeof-day synchronization using NTP is configured. It can only receive the time-of-day from the station but cannot forward it. Available directions: - Automatic Only for CP x431 Advanced: The CP receives the time from the station or from the LAN and forwards it to the station or to the LAN. If several CPUs are being operated in the station, the default setting can lead to collisions. To avoid this, you should specifically define the forwarding direction. - From station Only for CP x431 Advanced: The CP forwards the time of day to the LAN. - From LAN The CP forwards the time of day from the LAN to the station. If forwarding of the time of day is enabled, you can use the "Use corrected time" check box to specify whether or not a correction factor included in the time-of-day frame is used. For the CP 1628, this option is is the default and it cannot be disabled. 828 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Time from partner The time is obtained from the partner. - Synchronization cycle: Specifies the cycle for time-of-day synchronization. For the synchronization cycle of the CP, and individual hour or minute interval can be specified. NTP / NTP (secure) - Time zone: In NTP mode, it is generally UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) that is transferred. This corresponds to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The time offset from UTC can be set by configuring the local time zone. - Update interval in seconds: Specifies the interval between the time queries in seconds. For SCALANCE S as of V3, the time interval for querying the NTP server is specified automatically. Note Setting the update interval for CPs If the "Enable security functions" check box is enabled in the local security settings of a CP, the setting for the update interval is transferred from the CP's local settings into the CP's local security settings. - Time synchronization on the full minute: With this option, you specify that the time of day is forwarded to the communications bus on the full minute. This option is required for certain special applications. - Accept time from non-synchronized NTP servers Here you can specify whether the security module also accepts the time-of-day from non-synchronized NTP servers. - Forward time of day to station: Disable this option if the CPU requests the time separately from an NTP server. This prevents the time on the CPU obtained directly from the NTP server from being overwritten by the time detected in the CP. The accuracy may be reduced slightly due to forwarding via the CP. - NTP server: Creating NTP servers in the local security settings is described in the section Configuring NTP servers (Page 829). Configuring NTP servers Creating NTP servers of the type "NTP (secure)" in the global security settings In the global security settings only NTP servers of the type "NTP (secure)" can be created and assigned to CPs or SCALANCE S modules as of V4. 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "NTP". Result: The previously created NTP servers (secure) are displayed under the selected entry. 2. Double-click on the "Add new NTP server" entry. Result: The created NTP server (secure) is displayed with an automatically assigned number below the entry "NTP". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 829 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Double-click on the created NTP server (secure). Result: In the working area the assignment dialog for NTP servers (secure) is displayed. The selected NTP server (secure) is selected in the "NTP server" drop-down list. The required security modules can be assigned to this, see section Assigning the security module to an NTP server (secure) (Page 831). In the local security settings, the configurable properties of the NTP server (secure) are displayed. 4. Enter the following data in the "General" entry in the local security settings: - Name: A maximum of 25 characters can be used for the name of the NTP server (secure). - IP address / FQDN: IP address of the NTP server (secure). If the NTP server will only be assigned SCALANCE S modules as of V4, an FQDN can be specified as an alternative. 5. Enter the following encryption parameters in the "NTP key" entry in the local security settings: Property Meaning Key ID Numeric value between 1 and 65534. Authentication Select the authentication algorithm. Hex/ASCII Select the format for the NTP key. Key Enter the NTP key with the following lengths: Hex: 22 ... 40 characters ASCII: 11 ... 20 characters To switch over to the local security settings of another NTP server (secure), select this from the "NTP server" drop-down list of the assignment dialog or double-click on the corresponding entry in the global security settings. Result You have created the NTP server (secure) and can now assign this to the required security modules. Note the descriptions in the following section: Creating non-secure NTP servers in the local security settings Non-secure NTP servers for SCALANCE S modules below V4 and CPs need to be created in the local security settings. 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "Time-of-day synchronization" entry in the local security settings. 3. Select the synchronization method.. 4. Enter a name and the IP address of the NTP server. A maximum of 25 characters can be used for the name. If you have selected the "NTP (secure)" synchronization mode, you can select an NTP server (secure) that you created in the global security settings in the "Name" column. 830 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration limits for NTP servers You can assign a maximum of 4 NTP servers to one security module. Conventions for names of NTP servers The characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -._ can be used for the names of NTP servers. A name must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. Before the `.' character only letters and numbers are permitted, after the `.' character only letters. Before the `_' or `-* character only letters and numbers are permitted. Importing/exporting NTP servers (secure) Using the "Import" or "Export" commands in the shortcut menu, you can export the key list of the currently selected NTP server (secure) and import the file into an NTP server (secure) or vice versa. Assigning the security module to an NTP server (secure) Requirement You have defined an NTP server (secure) in the global security settings. "NTP" or "NTP (secure)" is selected as the time-of-day synchronization mode in the local security settings of the security module that you want to assign to an NTP server (secure). Procedure 1. Double-click the "NTP" entry in the global security settings. 2. Double-click the entry "Assign module to an NTP server". 3. From the "NTP Server" drop-down list, select the NTP server (secure) to which you want to assign a security module. 4. In the "Available modules" section, select the security module that you want to assign to the selected NTP server (secure). 5. Click the "<<" button to assign the selected security module to the selected NTP server (secure). Result You have assigned the security module to the NTP server (secure). The NTP server (secure) is displayed automatically in the local security settings in the list of NTP servers. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 831 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Security module as DHCP server Module-specific function The use of the security module as a DHCP server is only possible with SCALANCE S modules, see subsection: AUTOHOTSPOT in the section "SCALANCE S". Configuring SNMP Overview of SNMP What is SNMP? The security module supports the transfer of management information using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). For this purpose, an SNMP agent that receives and responds to SNMP requests is installed on the security module. The information on the properties of SNMPcompliant devices is entered in MIB files (MIB = Management Information Base) for which the user must have the required rights. In SNMPv1, the "community string" is also sent. The "community string" is like a password that is transmitted along with the SNMP request. If the community string is correct, the security module replies with the required information. If the string is incorrect, the security module discards the query and does not reply. The community string is transmitted via SNMPv1 without encryption. SNMPv3 lets you transmit encrypted data. Configuring SNMP - "SNMP" entry Module-specific function The configuration of SNMP is only possible for SCALANCE S as of V3, CP x43-1 Adv., CP 443-1 OPC UA, CP 1543-1, CP 1543SP-1, CP 1243-1, CP 1243-1 PCC, CP 1243-8 IRC and CP 1628. How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "SNMP". 3. Activate the "Activate SNMP" check box. 832 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Select one of the following SNMP protocol versions: Note Encrypted data transmission with SNMPv3 You should use SNMPv3 to transmit data in encrypted form in order to enhance security. - SNMPv1 The security module uses the following default values for the community strings to control the access rights in the SNMP agent. These default values should be adapted to increase security. For read access: public For read and write access: private To enable write access using SNMP, select the "Allow write access" option. - System log (not for CP 1243-1 PCC) Select either only an authentication algorithm or an authentication algorithm and an encryption algorithm. Authentication algorithm: none, MD5, SHA-1 Encryption algorithm: none, AES-128, DES Note Preventing the use of DES DES is an insecure encryption algorithm. Therefore, it should only be used for reasons of down compatibility. Note When using SNMPv3 no RADIUS authentication is possible. 5. If SNMPv3 is to be used, assign a user a role with corresponding activated SNMP rights to enable access to the module via SNMP. An overview of SNMP rights is available in the section: Managing rights (Page 769). 6. In the "Advanced settings" area, for SCALANCE S modules configure module-specific information about the author, location and e-mail address overwriting the information from the project properties. The following applies to values written to the security module by an SNMP tool using an SNMP-SET command: If you select the "Keep values written by SNMP set" check box, the values are not overwritten when there is another download of a STEP 7 configuration to the security module. Configuring proxy ARP Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S V3 modules or higher, see section Configuring proxy ARP (Page 900) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 833 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Activate Web server on security module Module-specific function This function is only available for CP x43-1 Advanced, and CP 443-1 OPC UA see subsection: Activating Web server on security module (Page 926)in the section "Security for S7-300 / S7-400 / PC CPs". IPsec tunnel: Creating and assigning VPN groups How to create an IPsec tunnel with VPN groups Module-specific function This function is only available for SCALANCE S612/S613/S623/S627-2M, CP x43-1 Adv., CP 1243-1, CP 1543-1 V1.1, CP 1543SP-1, CP 1243-7 LTE, CP 1243-8 IRC and CP 1628. Requirement Note Current date and current time of day on the security modules When using secure communication (for example, HTTPS, VPN...), make sure that the security modules involved have the current time of day and the current date. Otherwise the certificates used are not evaluated as valid and the secure communication does not work. Creating a VPN group 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "VPN groups". Result: The previously created VPN groups are displayed under the selected entry. 2. Double-click on the "Add new VPN group" entry. Result: The created VPN group is displayed with an automatically assigned number below the entry "VPN groups". As an alternative, in the network view you can right click on an interface of a module with VPN capability and create a VPN group with the shortcut menu command "Add new VPN group" (not possible for SOFTNET Security Client). The selected security module is automatically assigned to the created VPN group. 3. Double-click on the created VPN group. Result: In the working area the assignment dialog for VPN groups sets is displayed. The selected VPN group is selected in the "VPN" drop-down list. Security modules can be assigned to this in the relevant assignment dialog, see section Assigning a security module to a VPN group (Page 836). In the local security settings, the VPN group properties of the selected VPN group can be adapted, see section Group properties for selected VPN group (Page 838). 834 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Conventions for names of VPN groups The characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -._ can be used for the names of VPN groups. A name must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. Before the `.' character only letters and numbers are permitted, after the `.' character only letters. Before the `_' or `-* character only letters and numbers are permitted. Display of the VPN groups with their properties If you select a security module that is in one or more VPN group(s), the properties of the VPN group(s) of which the security module is a member are shown in the "Network data" area. The following properties of the VPN groups are displayed in columns in the "VPN" tab of the "Network data" area: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Property/column Meaning VPN Names of the VPN groups of which the selected security module is member Security module Names of the assigned security modules Authentication Type of authentication: Pre-shared key or certifi cate Group membership until Date and time up to which the VPN group certifi cate of the security module is valid Type Model numbers of the assigned security modules Comment Comment 835 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting the life of certificates Open the dialog in which you can set the expiry date of the certificate as follows: 1. Select the VPN group you want to edit in the "VPN" tab. 2. In the "Properties" > "General" tab of the Inspector window, select the entry "Authentication". Note Expiry of a certificate Communication through the VPN tunnel continues after the certificate has expired until the tunnel is terminated or the SA lifetime expires. For more information on certificates, refer to section: AUTOHOTSPOT. Configuration limits Number of IPSec tunnels SCALANCE S612 V3/V4 Maximum of 128 SCALANCE S623 V3/V4 Maximum of 128 SCALANCE S627-2M V4 Maximum of 128 CP x43-1 Advanced Maximum of 32 CP 1628 Maximum of 64 S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs Maximum of 16 Assigning a security module to a VPN group Requirement You have created a VPN group in the global security settings. Before assigning security modules to VPN groups, note the rules for this in the section Modes of VPN groups (Page 840). Procedure 1. Double-click on the "VPN groups" entry in the global security settings. 2. Double-click on the "Assign module to a VPN group" entry. 3. From the "VPN" drop-down list, select the VPN group to which you want to assign a security module. 4. In the "Available modules" section, select the security module that you want to assign to the selected VPN group. 5. Click the "<<" button to assign the selected security module to the selected VPN group. As an alternative to the procedure , in the network view you can assign a security module to an existing VPN group by right clicking on an interface of a module with VPN capability and assign this to the VPN group using the shortcut menu "Assign module to a VPN group" (not possible for SOFTNET Security Client). 836 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Result You have assigned the security module to the VPN group. Authentication methods The following methods are available: The authentication method is specified per VPN group and decides the type of authentication used. The following key-based or certificate-based authentication methods are supported: Pre-shared key Authentication is achieved using a previously specified character string that is distributed to all modules in the group. Enter a pre-shared key in the "Key" field under "Authentication" > "General" in the VPN group properties dialog. If you click the "Renew preshared key" button, STEP 7 renews the pre-shared key to be used. Certificate Certificate-based authentication "Certificate" is the default setting. The procedure is as follows: - When a group is created, a CA certificate is generated as a root certificate. - Each security module that is a member of the VPN group also receives a group certificate signed with the key of the CA certificate. If you click the "Renew certificate " button, STEP 7 renews the CA certificate of the VPN group. All certificates are based on the ITU standard X.509v3 (ITU, International Telecommunications Union). The certificates are generated by a certificate authority contained in STEP 7. Note Restriction in VLAN operation No VLAN tagging is transmitted in IP frames via the VPN tunnel of the security module. The VLAN tags included in IP frames are lost when they pass through the security modules because IPsec is used to transfer the IP frames. As default, no IP broadcast or IP multicast frames can be transferred with IPsec through a layer 3 VPN tunnel. Through a layer 2 VPN tunnel of the security module, IP broadcast or IP multicast frames are packaged just like MAC packets including the Ethernet header in UDP and transferred. With these packets, the VLAN tagging is therefore retained. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 837 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Group properties for selected VPN group VPN group properties Note Knowledge of IPsec necessary To be able to set these parameters, you require IPsec experience. If you do not make or modify any settings, the defaults apply. The following settings can be configured in the properties of a VPN group: Authentication method (entry: "General") IKE settings (entry: "Advanced settings phase 1") IPsec settings (entry: "Advanced settings phase 2") How to access this function 1. In the global security settings select the VPN group whose properties you want to configure under the entry "VPN groups". 2. Select "Open" in the shortcut menu of this entry. Result: The VPN group properties appear in the area of the local security settings. 3. In the "Authentication" entry, select whether to use a pre-shared key or certificate for authentication. For more detailed information, refer to section: Authentication methods (Page 837). Parameters for advanced settings phase 1 Phase 1: IKE negotiation of the Security Association (SA) for phase 2: Here you set the parameters for negotiating the security parameters to be used in phase 2: Parameter Description IKE mode Main mode Aggressive mode The difference between the main and aggressive mode is the "identity protection" used in the main mode. The identity is transferred encrypted in main mode but not in aggressive mode. DH group phase 1 Groups selectable for the Diffie-Hellman Key exchange: Group 1 Group 2 Group 5 Group 14 838 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Description SA lifetime type Phase 1 Security Association (SA): Time: Time limit in minutes The lifetime of the current key material is limited in time. When the time expires, the key material is renegotiated. SA lifetime Numeric value: Range of values for time: 1440 ... 2500000 minutes (default: 2500000) Phase 1 encryption Encryption algorithm: DES*: Data Encryption Standard (56 bit key length, mode CBC) 3DES-168: Triple DES (168-bit key length, mode CBC) AES-128, 192, 256: Advanced Encryption Standard (128 bit, 192 bit or 256 bit key length, mode CBC) Phase 1 authentication Authentication algorithm: MD5: Message Digest Algorithm 5 SHA1: Secure Hash Algorithm 1 *DES is an insecure encryption algorithm. It should only be used for reasons of down compatibility. Parameters for advanced settings phase 2 Phase 2: IKE negotiation of the Security Association (SA) for IPsec data exchange: Here, you set the parameters for negotiating the security parameters used for the IPsec data exchange with ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) and AH (Authentication Header). Communication in phase 2 is already encrypted. Parameter Description SA lifetime type Phase 2 Security Association (SA): Time: Time limit in minutes. The lifetime of the current key material is limited in time. When the time expires, the key material is renegotiated. Limit: Limitation of the data volume in MB SA lifetime Numeric value: Range of values for time: 60 ... 16666666 minutes (default: 2880) Range of values for limit: 2000 ... 500000 MB (default: 4000) Phase 2 encryption Encryption algorithm: DES*: Data Encryption Standard (56 bit key length, mode CBC) 3DES-168: Triple DES (168-bit key length, mode CBC) AES-128: Advanced Encryption Standard (128-bit key length, mode CBC) Phase 2 authentication Authentication algorithm: MD5: Message Digest Algorithm 5 SHA1: Secure Hash Algorithm 1 Perfect Forward Secrecy WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 If you enable this check box, new Diffie-Hellmann public key values are exchanged for recalculation of the keys. If the check box is disabled, the values already exchanged in phase 1 are used for recalculation of the keys. 839 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks *DES is an insecure encryption algorithm. It should only be used for reasons of down compatibility. Modes of VPN groups VPN modes Depending on the mode of the security modules that were added to a VPN group, different modes of VPN groups are distinguished. The mode of a VPN group provides information about the security modules and their modes that can be added to the VPN group. Rules for forming groups Remember the following rules if you want to create VPN groups: For SCALANCE S612 / S613 / S623 / S627-2M / SCALANCE M / VPN device The first module assigned in a VPN group decides which other modules can be added to it. If the first SCALANCE S module to be added is in routing mode or if the first module is a SCALANCE M module or a VPN device, only additional SCALANCE S modules with routing activated or SCALANCE M modules cor VPN devices an be added because SCALANCE M modules and VPN devices always operate in routing mode. If the first SCALANCE S module added is in bridge mode, you can only add other SCALANCE S modules in bridge mode. If you want to change the mode of a VPN group, you have to remove all the modules contained in the group and add them again. A CP and an SSC can be added to a group with a SCALANCE S in bridge or routing mode. For CP / SSC If a CP / SSC is the first module in a VPN group, security modules can be added in any mode. The next module that decides the mode then also decides the mode of the VPN group. A CP / SSC can be assigned to several VPN groups at the same time and use different modes. The CP / SSC is then operated in mixed mode. It is not possible to add a SCALANCE M module to a VPN group that contains a module in bridge mode. Refer to the following table to see which modules can grouped together in a VPN group: Table 10-40 Security modules and VPN modes Module 840 Can be included in a VPN group in... Bridge mode Routing mode SCALANCE S612 / S613 / S623 / S627-2M in bridge mode x -* SCALANCE S612 / S613 / S623 / S627-2M in routing mode - x CP x43-1 Adv. x x S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs x x CP 1628 x x WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Module Can be included in a VPN group in... Bridge mode Routing mode SOFTNET Security Client V4.0 x x SCALANCE M875 / VPN device - x * SCALANCE S623/S627-2M modules in bridge mode can be inserted in a VPN group in routing mode if their DMZ interface is activated (not at the same time). Including security module in configured VPN group The configured VPN group properties are adopted for security modules added to in an existing VPN group. Procedure after including a security module in a configured VPN group Depending on whether or not you have changed the VPN group properties since the last download, you must make a distinction between the following: Case a: If you have not changed the VPN group properties and the module to be added actively establishes the connection to modules of the type SCALANCE S, CP x43-1 Adv. or CP 1628: 1. Add the new security module to the VPN group. 2. Download the configuration to the new module. Case b: If you have changed the VPN group properties or the module being added does not actively establish the connection to the already configured modules: 1. Add the new security module to the VPN group. 2. Download the configuration to all modules that belong to the VPN group. In case a, it is not necessary to reconfigure and load the already commissioned security modules. Active communication is not influenced or interrupted. Settings for nodes with an unknown IP address Nodes whose IP address is unknown at the time of configuration (Unknown Peers) e.g. SOFTNET Security Client or SCALANCE M) or that are connected via a NAT address translation can be inserted in an existing VPN group. The VPN tunnel of such a node to SCALANCE S, CP x43-1 Adv. and CP 1628 can however only be established if you set the parameters for Phase 1 according to one of the following tables ("Encryption parameter 1" to "Encryption parameter 4"). If you use other settings, you cannot establish a VPN tunnel to the modules listed. Table 10-41 Encryption parameter 1 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Parameter Setting Authentication method Certificate DH group phase 1 Group 2 SA lifetime 1440 ... 2500000 minutes 841 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Setting Encryption phase 1 AES-256 Authentication phase 1 SHA-1 Table 10-42 Encryption parameter 2 Parameter Setting Authentication method Certificate DH group phase 1 Group 2 SA lifetime 1440 ... 2500000 minutes Encryption phase 1 3DES-168 Authentication phase 1 SHA-1 Table 10-43 Encryption parameter 3 Parameter Setting Authentication method Certificate DH group phase 1 Group 2 SA lifetime 1440 ... 2500000 minutes Encryption phase 1 DES Authentication phase 1 MD5 Table 10-44 Encryption parameter 4 Parameter Setting Authentication method Pre-shared key DH group phase 1 Group 2 SA lifetime 1440 ... 2500000 minutes Encryption phase 1 3DES-168 Authentication phase 1 SHA1 Apart from the configured parameter settings, the initiator of the VPN connection also always sends the settings it supports to negotiate parameters to the partner module. It is therefore possible that the configured parameter settings differ from those with which the VPN connection is actually established. 842 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Additional restrictions for the SOFTNET Security Client For the SOFTNET security client, the following restrictions also apply: Table 10-45 Encryption parameters for the SOFTNET Security Client Parameter Setting / special feature Encryption phase 1 AES-256 possible only with Windows 7 SA lifetime phase 1 1440 to 2879 minutes SA lifetime type Must be selected identical for both phases Encryption phase 2 No AES 128 possible SA lifetime phase 2 60 to 2879 minutes Authentication phase 2 No MD5 possible Procedure after removing an active member from a VPN group If you remove an active node from an existing VPN group, this can still establish a connection to the group members even if you have downloaded the project to all members of the VPN group again. If you do not want the removed active node to be able to establish the connection any longer, renew the CA group certificate and download the project again to the members of the VPN group. The certificate can be renewed in the group properties of the VPN group or in the "CA" tab of Certificate Manager. Configuring internal network nodes Overview of configuring internal network nodes Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S612/S613/S623/S627-2M, CP x43-1 Adv. and CP 1628. Configuring internal network nodes Each security module must know the network nodes in the entire internal network to be able to recognize the authenticity of a frame. The security module must know both its own internal nodes as well as the internal nodes of the security modules in the same VPN group. This information is used on a security module to decide which data packet will be transferred in which tunnel. By adding a security module to a VPN group, the local internal nodes/subnets of the security module are automatically made known to the security module. To allow communication via the VPN tunnel with other subnets or nodes of another subnet (routed internal network; DMZ network when the VPN tunnel is on the external interface and vice versa), these subnets or nodes must be enabled for VPN tunnel communication in the configuration. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 843 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SCALANCE S modules allow network nodes to be learned automatically or configured statically. The mode of the security module also decides the options available for learning internal network nodes. SCALANCE S in bridge mode In bridge mode, you can configure the internal IP/MAC nodes and the internal subnets or alternatively can allow automatic learning of internal nodes by the SCALANCE S. SCALANCE S in routing mode In routing mode there is no automatic learning mode available. Instead, enter entire subnets here that need to be released for tunnel communication. CP x43-1 Advanced and CP 1628 CP x43-1 Adv. Decide whether or not tunnel communication to the CP (Gbit interface) and/or to the internal subnet (PROFINET subnet) is permitted for VPN connection partners in routing mode (SCALANCE S / M). CP 1628 Enter the NDIS nodes you want to be reachable through the tunnel of VPN connection partners in routing mode (SCALANCE S / M). Automatic learning of internal network nodes Module-specific function SCALANCE S modules in bridge mode provide a learning mode with which the internal network nodes can be learned automatically during operation. For more detailed information, refer to subsection: Using the learning mode to learn internal nodes (Page 901) in the section "SCALANCE S". Configuring IP network nodes manually for SCALANCE S Module-specific function How to configure IP network nodes for SCALANCE S modules manually is explained in: Configuring IP network nodes manually (Page 902) in the section "SCALANCE S". Configuring MAC network nodes manually for SCALANCE S Module-specific function How to configure MAC network nodes for SCALANCE S modules manually is explained in Configuring MAC network nodes manually (Page 903) in the section "SCALANCE S". 844 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring internal subnets for SCALANCE S manually Module-specific function How to configure the internal subnets for SCALANCE S modules is explained in Configuring internal subnets manually (Page 903) in the section "SCALANCE S". Allow access to S7-300 / S7-400 CPs for VPN connection partners Module-specific function How to allow access to S7-300 / S7-400 CPs for VPN connection partners is explained in Allow access to S7-300 / S7-400 CPs for VPN connection partners (Page 927) in the section "Security for S7-300 /S7-400 /PC CPs". Configuring NDIS nodes for PC CPs that can be reached through the tunnel Module-specific function How you configure NDIS nodes for PC CPs that can be reached through the tunnel is explained in Configuring NDIS nodes manually for PC CPs that can be reached through the tunnel (Page 927) in the section "Security for S7-300 / S7-400 / PC CPs". Configuring module- and connection-specific VPN settings Requirement The module is a member of a VPN group. Module- and connection-specific settings With module- and connection-specific settings, you can configure specific VPN settings. Module-specific settings are configured specifically for a security module while connectionspecific settings are configured specifically for a security module in a certain VPN group. You can configure the following module-specific properties in the local security settings with the "VPN" entry: Dead peer detection Permission to initiate connection establishment Public address (IP address / FQDN) for communication via Internet gateways Nodes that need to be enabled for tunnel communication WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 845 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If you select a security module in the list of VPN groups in the "Network data" area, the following connection-specific VPN settings can be seen and can be configured: Permission to initiate connection establishment Partner modules to which tunnel connections exist Type of transferred packets Selection of the local interface of the selected security module that will serve as the tunnel endpoint Selection of the partner interface that will serve as the tunnel endpoint Dead peer detection (DPD) As default, DPD is enabled. When DPD is enabled, the modules exchange additional messages at selectable intervals if no communication occurs at these points in time. This means that it is possible to recognize whether the IPsec connection is still valid or possibly needs to be re-established. If there is no longer a connection, the security associations (SA) of phase 2 are terminated prematurely. If DPD is disabled, the SA is ended only after the SA lifetime has expired. For information on setting the SA lifetime, see section Group properties for selected VPN group (Page 838). Permission to initiate connection establishment You can restrict the permission for initiating the VPN connection establishment to certain modules in the VPN. 846 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The decisive factor for the setting of the parameter described is the assignment of the address for the gateway of the module you are configuring. If a static IP address is assigned, the module can be found by the partner. If the IP address is assigned dynamically and therefore changes constantly, the partner cannot establish a connection as things stand. Mode Meaning Start connection to partner (initiator/res ponder) (default) If this option is selected, the module is "active", in other words, it attempts to establish a connection to the partner with a fixed IP address. The reception of requests for VPN connection establishment is also possible. This option is recommended when you obtain a dynamic IP address from the provider for the gateway of the security module you are configuring. The partner is addressed using its configured WAN IP ad dress, its configured external module IP address or the configured DNS name. Wait for partner (responder) If this option is selected, the module is "passive", in other words, it waits for the partner to initiate the connection. This option is recommended when you have been assigned a static IP address by the provider for the gateway of the security module you are configuring. It means attempts to establish a connection can only be initiated by the partner. This partner can, for example, have a dynamic WAN IP address. Note Make sure that you do not set all the modules in a VPN group to "Wait for connection from remote VPN gateway" otherwise no connection is established. WAN IP address / FQDN - addresses of the modules and gateways in a VPN over Internet When operating a VPN with IPsec tunnel over the Internet, additional IP addresses are generally required for the Internet gateways such as DSL routers. The individual security or SCALANCE M modules must know the external IP addresses of the partner modules in the VPN. Note To use a WAN as an external public network, enter the IP address that you received from the provider as the external IP address, through which the security module is then reachable in the WAN (Internet). To allow the security module to send packets via the WAN, you need to enter your DSL router as "Standard router". If you use a DSL router as Internet gateway, the following ports (at least) must be opened on it as described in the relevant documentation: Port 500 (ISAKMP) Port 4500 (NAT-T) To allow this, in the module-specific VPN settings, you have the option of assigning an IP address as a "WAN IP address". When you download the module configuration, the group WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 847 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks members are then informed of the WAN IP addresses of the partner modules. As an alternative to a WAN IP address, you can also enter an FQDN. Depending on the existing addresses, VPN endpoints are used as default according to the following priorities: 1. WAN address 2. FQDN of the primary dynamic DNS service 3. FQDN of the secondary dynamic DNS service 4. External IP address / DMZ IP address of the security module Note: After removing an existing WAN address, the external IP address / DMZ IP address is always used. In the interface selection of the connection-specific VPN settings, you yourself can decide which address the partner will be informed of. In these settings, you can also specify the interface to be used for communication by the nodes of a VPN group and the security module that is authorized to set up connections. 6HFXULW\0RGXO 6HFXULW\0RGXO :$1 WAN ,QWHUQHW*DWHZD\ ,QWHUQHW*DWHZD\ /$1 /$1 *356,QWHUQHW*DWHZD\ 6&$/$1&(0 /$1 Internal IP address - of a module External IP address - of a module IP address of an Internet gateway (for example, GPRS gateway) IP address (WAN IP address) of an Internet gateway (for example, DSL router) Configuring internal network nodes The configuration of internal network nodes is described in the following section: AUTOHOTSPOT 848 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also How to create an IPsec tunnel with VPN groups (Page 834) Configuring router and firewall redundancy Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S623/S627-2M as of V4, see section AUTOHOTSPOT. Online functions - diagnostics and logging Overview of diagnostics and logging in For test and monitoring purposes, the security module has diagnostic and logging functions. Diagnostic functions These include various system and status functions that you can use for an existing network connection to the security module. Logging functions This involves the logging of system and security events and data packets. Recording events with logging functions You select the events to be logged in the log settings for the relevant security module. You can configure the following variants for logging: Local logging In this variant, you log events in the local buffer of the security module. You can then access these logs, display them and archive them on the service station in the "Online & diagnostics" dialog. The evaluation of the buffer areas of the security module is only possible if there is a network connection to the selected security module. Network Syslog With Network Syslog, you use a Syslog server that exists in the network. This logs the events according to the configuration in the log settings for the relevant security module. Archiving log data and reading in from a file You can save the logged events for archiving in a log file and open this later even without a network connection to the security module. For more detailed information, refer to section AUTOHOTSPOT. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 849 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Diagnostics in ghost mode (only for SCALANCE S S602 as of V3.1) When you operate the security module in ghost mode, the external interface of the security module takes over the IP address of the internal node at runtime. Before you can run diagnostics of a security module in ghost mode, you need to establish the connection to the security module via the IP address that the security module obtained from the internal node at runtime. To find out which IP address the security module currently has, you can search for accessible nodes in STEP 7 using the "Online" > "Accessible devices". Protecting exported log files from unauthorized access Log files exported from STEP 7 can contain security related information. You should therefore make sure that these files are protected from unauthorized access. This is particularly important when passing on the files. Function overview online dialog Functions of the "Online & diagnostics" dialog In STEP 7, the security module provides the following functions in the "Online & diagnostics" dialog: Entry in the online dialog Function Status Display of status information about the selected security module, such as the current IP addresses of the interfaces and the current time and date. Interface settings Overview of the settings of the individual interfaces. Dynamic DNS Overview of the settings for dynamic DNS. System log Display of logged system events, starting and stopping logging (only if there is an online connection to SCALANCE S modules) and starting and stopping the reading out of log data from the local buffer of the security module. Audit log Display of logged security events, starting and stopping reading out of log data from the local buffer of the security module. Packet filter log Display of logged data packets, starting and stopping logging (only if there is an online connection to SCALANCE S modules) and starting and stopping the reading out of log data from the local buffer of the security module. ARP table Display of the ARP table of the security module. Logged-on users Shows the users logged in to the Internet page for user-specific IP rule sets. Communications status Display of status information about VPN tunnel connections and members of VPN groups to which the selected security module belongs. Internal nodes Display of the learned or configured internal network nodes of the security module. Dynamically updated firewall rules Display of the IP addresses that were released dynamically over HTTP or HTTPS, or loaded by a user. Firewall blacklist Display of the IP addresses that were entered in the blacklist of the firewall. Ghost mode Dialog for the ghost mode of the SCALANCE S602 with information on the address parameters of the internal node (identical to the external IP address of the security module) and on IP address changes of the internal node. 850 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Entry in the online dialog Function Log files (offline view) System log Display of logged system events as well as starting and stopping the display. Audit log Display of logged security events as well as starting and stopping the display. Packet filter log Display of logged data packets as well as starting and stopping the display. Date and time of day Date and time setting. Firmware update Updating the firmware. Requirements for access The following requirements must be met to use the online functions of a security module: There is a network connection to the selected module The project with which the module was configured is open a user with the required rights must be logged in to the project For CPs the diagnostics access must be opened in the firewall (CP x43-1 and CP 1628: TCP 443; S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs: TCP 8448) Note Requirement for online diagnostics in ghost mode (only for SCALANCE S S602 as of V3.1) Online diagnostics is only available in ghost mode if the security module has learned the IP address of the internal node and has adopted this for its external interface. After this, the security module can be reached via the IP address of the external interface. How to access this function 1. Right-click on the module to process. 2. Select the "Online & diagnostics" command from the shortcut menu. 3. If there is no online connection established to the security module, click the "Connect online" button in the "Diagnostics" entry. Online settings are not saved in the configuration Settings that you make in online mode (for example settings for the logging memory) are not stored in the configuration on the security module. This is why the configuration settings are always applied at the restart of the module. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 851 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Functions of the online diagnostics Status information of the security module - "Status" entry Meaning Display of the status of the security module selected in the project. Table 10-46 Online & diagnostics: - "Status" entry System and status functions Meaning Overview Hardware type The type of the security module. External IP address The external IP address of the security module. For S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs, CP 1628: The IP ad dress of the Industrial Ethernet interface. For CP x43-1 Adv.: The IP address of the Gbit interface. Internal IP address The internal IP address of the security module. For CP 1628: The IP address of the NDIS inter face. If there is more than one NDIS address, only one is displayed. For CP x43-1 Adv.: The IP address of the PROFI NET interface. DMZ IP address (SCALANCE S623 / S627-2M on The DMZ IP address of the security module. ly) Tunnel IP address (only SCALANCE S612/S623/ S627-2M as of V4) The first alias internal IP address of the security module in the VPN tunnel. Serial number The serial number of the security module. Order number The MLFB identifier of the security module that is used when ordering. Firmware version The firmware version of the security module. Operating mode Mode of the security module (bridge mode / rout ing mode) External MAC address The external MAC address of the security module. For S7-1200/S7-1500 CPs, CP 1628: The MAC address of the Industrial Ethernet interface. For CP x43-1 Adv.: The MAC address of the gig abit interface. Internal MAC address The internal MAC address of the security module. For CP 1628: The MAC address of the NDIS in terface. For CP x43-1 Adv.: The MAC address of the PRO FINET interface. 852 DMZ MAC address (SCALANCE S623 / S627-2M only) The DMZ MAC address of the security module Hardware release The hardware product version of the security mod ule. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks System and status functions Meaning C-PLUG Shows whether or not a C-PLUG is inserted. Alias IP addresses (only for SCALANCE S as of V4) IP address Alias IP address that was registered on an inter face of the security module by a NAT rule. Corresponding Interface Interface of the security module on which the alias IP address was registered. Local time Current time Date and time that is displayed on the security module. Format for "German" user interface language: (date) hh:mm:ss (time) Format for "English" user interface language: mm/dd/yyyy (date) hh:mm:ss AM/PM (time) Format for "French", "Italian" and "Spanish" user interface language: dd/mm/yyyy (date) hh:mm:ss (time) Format for "Chinese" user interface language: yyyy/mm/dd (date) hh:mm:ss Note (not for CPs) You set the local time on the SCALANCE S module in "Functions" > "Date and time". Operating time Time since the last restart of the security module. Format with the user interface language "German", "English", "French", "Italian", "Spanish" and "Chi nese": dddd.hh:mm:ss Time-of-day source The source from which the date and time are ob tained. Configuration Created Date and time when the project was first created. Format with the user interface language "Ger man", "English", "French", "Italian", "Spanish" and "Chinese": (date) hh:mm:ss (time) Name File name of the project last loaded. Author Name of the user who created the project. Is adopted from the project properties. Compiled Date and time when the project was last compiled. Format with the user interface language "Ger man", "English", "French", "Italian", "Spanish" and "Chinese": (date) hh:mm:ss (time) Storage location Specifies the location (e.g. town) that was entered in the properties of an SCT project. File system (not for CPs) RAM Flash WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Indicates how much RAM and flash is occupied in the file system. 853 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Overview of the individual interfaces - "Interface settings" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S V3 modules or higher, see section Overview of the individual interfaces - "Interface settings" entry (Page 909) Overview of the Dyn. DNS settings - "Dynamic DNS" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S V3 modules or higher, see section Overview of the Dyn. DNS settings - "Dynamic DNS" entry (Page 910) Display of the ARP table - "ARP table" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S V3 modules or higher, see section Display of the ARP table - "ARP table" entry (Page 912) Users logged in to the Web page - "Logged in users" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S V3 modules or higher, see section Users logged in to the Web page - "Logged in users" entry (Page 912) VPN connections of the security module - "Communication status" entry Module-specific function This function is only available for SCALANCE S612/S613/S623/S627-2M, CP x43-1 Adv., CP 1243-1, CP 1543-1 V1.1, CP 1543SP-1, 1243-7 LTE, CP 1243-8 IRC and CP 1628. Meaning Display of the communication status of the following network components: Other security modules of the VPN group to which the selected security module belongs Internal network nodes of these security modules 854 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-47 Online & diagnostics: "Communication Status" entry System and status functions Meaning Known security devices or modules Display of the nodes with which the selected se curity module is in a VPN group. This also shows whether the tunnel status is active or passive. To obtain additional information on one of the nodes, select this in the list. Note: Configured, inactive tunnels are indicated for CPs only. Endpoints Display of information on the internal network no des of the security module that you selected in the "Known security devices or modules" table. For each internal network node, this shows whether it was learned or configured. It also shows the sub net in which the internal network node is located. With SCALANCE S modules, the subnet of net work nodes is only displayed in bridge mode. Tunnel properties Display of properties of the VPN tunnel establish ed to the security module that you selected in the "Known security devices or modules" table. Found internal network nodes - "Internal nodes" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S612/S613/S623/S627-2M and CP x43-1 Adv. Meaning Display of all learned and configured network nodes. This also displays whether or not the learning mode of the security module is enabled. Updated firewall rules - "Dynamically updated firewall rules" entry Module-specific function This function is only available for CP x43-1 Adv, see section: AUTOHOTSPOTin the section "Security for S7-300 / S7-400 / PC CPs". See also Updated firewall rules - "Dynamically updated firewall rules" entry (Page 927) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 855 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Display of the firewall blacklist - "Firewall blacklist" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S V4 modules or higher, see section Display of the firewall blacklist - "Firewall blacklist" entry (Page 912). Setting the date and time - "Date and Time" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S, see section Setting the date and time - "Date and time" entry (Page 913). Diagnostics in ghost mode - "Ghost mode" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S602 as of V3.1, see section Diagnostics in ghost mode - "Ghost mode" entry (Page 913). Logging functions Logging system events - "System log" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S, CP x43-1 Adv., CP 443-1 OPC UA, CP 1243-1, CP 1243-1 PCC, CP 1243-7 LTE, CP 1243-8 IRC, CP 1543-1, CP 1543SP-1 and CP 1628. Meaning Display of logged system events and starting and stopping reading system events from the local memory of the security module. 856 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The system log automatically logs successive system events, for example the start of a process. The logging can be scaled based on event classes. System and status functions Meaning Start/stop logging (not for CPs) Starts/stops recording of system events. The method and the event classes that are logged are configured in the local security settings. Start/stop reading Starts/stops reading of system events from the lo cal memory of the security module. If you select the "Save log file" check box, the recorded log data is also saved as file. Select the storage location and enter a file name. Note If you select the "Save log file" check box after starting reading, the data read out up to then can no longer be saved in a log file. Clear display Deletes the log data shown in the table. For more information on opening saved system events in log files, refer to section Evaluating system events in offline mode - "System log" entry (offline view) (Page 859). Logging security events - "Audit log" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S, CP x43-1 Adv., CP 443-1 OPC UA, CP 1243-1, CP 1243-1 PCC, CP 1243-7 LTE, CP 1243-8 IRC, CP 1543-1, CP 1543SP-1 and CP 1628. Meaning Display of logged security events and starting and stopping reading of security events from the local memory of the security module. The audit log automatically logs successive security-relevant events. This includes, for example, user actions such as enabling and disabling packet logging. System and status functions Meaning Start/stop reading Starts/stops reading of security events from the local memory of the security module. If you select the "Save log file" check box, the recorded log data is also saved as file. Select the storage location and enter a file name. Note If you select the "Save log file" check box after starting reading, the data read out up to then can no longer be saved in a log file. Clear display Deletes the log data shown in the table. For more information on opening security events stored in log files, refer to section Evaluating security events in offline mode - "Audit log" entry (offline view) (Page 859). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 857 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Logging data packets - "Packet filter log" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S, CP x43-1 Adv., CP 1243-1, CP 1243-1 PCC, CP 1243-8 IRC, CP 1543-1, CP 1543SP-1 and CP 1628. Meaning Display of logged data packets and starting and stopping reading of packet filter events. The packet filter log records certain packets of the data traffic. Data packets are only logged if they match a configured packet filter rule (firewall) or to which the basic protection reacts (corrupt or invalid packets). This is only possible when logging is enabled for the packet filter rule. For information about activation of the logging, refer to section AUTOHOTSPOT. As well as reading the log data from the buffer and transferring it to the display, it can also be saved in a file for archiving. System and status functions Meaning Start/stop logging (not for CPs) Starts/stops logging of data packets. The method with which the data is logged is configured in the local security settings. Start/stop reading Starts/stops reading out of logged data packets from the local memory of the security module. If you select the "Save log file" check box, the recor ded log data is also saved as file. Select the stor age location and enter a file name. Note If you select the "Save log file" check box after starting reading, the data read out up to then can no longer be saved in a log file. Clear display Deletes the log data shown in the table. Log category Select the data packets for which the logging will be displayed. The selection depends on the set tings you configured offline in the local security settings. Only the data packets for which logging was enabled are logged. If you select a category for which logging was not enabled, no data will be logged for this category. For information on opening the stored packet filter log data, refer to section Evaluating packet filter events in offline mode - "Packet filter log" entry (offline view) (Page 860). 858 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Evaluating log files in offline mode Evaluating system events in offline mode - "System log" entry (offline view) Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S, CP x43-1 Adv., CP 443-1 OPC UA, CP 1243-1, CP 1243-1 PCC, CP 1243-7 LTE, CP 1243-8 IRC, CP 1543-1, CP 1543SP-1 and CP 1628. How to access this function 1. Right-click on the module to process. 2. Select the "Online & diagnostics" command from the shortcut menu. 3. Select "Diagnostics" > "Log files (offline view)" > "System log". Meaning Opens logged system events that you saved as a file in the online view. For more information, refer to chapter Logging system events - "System log" entry (Page 856). Evaluating security events in offline mode - "Audit log" entry (offline view) Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S, CP x43-1 Adv., CP 443-1 OPC UA, CP 1243-1, CP 1243-1 PCC, CP 1243-7 LTE, CP 1243-8 IRC, CP 1543-1, CP 1543SP-1 and CP 1628. How to access this function 1. Right-click on the module to process. 2. Select the "Online & diagnostics" command from the shortcut menu. 3. Select "Diagnostics" > "Log files (offline view)" > "Audit log". Meaning Opens logged security events that you saved as a file in the online view. For more detailed information, refer to section Logging security events - "Audit log" entry (Page 857). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 859 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Evaluating packet filter events in offline mode - "Packet filter log" entry (offline view) Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S, CP x43-1 Adv., CP 1243-1, CP 1243-1 PCC, CP 1243-8 IRC, CP 1543-1, CP 1543SP-1 and CP 1628. How to access this function 1. Right-click on the module to process. 2. Select the "Online & diagnostics" command from the shortcut menu. 3. Select "Diagnostics" > "Log files (offline view)" > "Packet filter log". Meaning Opens logged data packets that you saved as a file in the online view. For more detailed information, refer to section Logging data packets - "Packet filter log" entry (Page 858). Download functions Special features when downloading security configurations Security configurations can influence the reachability of the security module for the configuration PC. This, for example, is the case if there is a tunnel connection configured for one security module to another security module in a configuration and this configuration is downloaded from the configuration PC to the security module. After the download by the configuration PC, the security module can no longer be reached and the reachability test performed as default by STEP 7 following the download of the configuration fails. The error message output by STEP 7 relates solely to the reachability test; the actual download of the configuration is ensured if the project data is consistent and the IP address relationship between the security module and the configuration PC is correct. Special features when downloading configurations and firmware to SCALANCE S modules are described in the following subsection of the section "SCALANCE S": AUTOHOTSPOT Uploading configurations to the engineering station Uploading a configuration from a SCALANCE S module or from the CP 1628 to an engineering station is not possible. Uploading a configuration from an S7 CP that supports security to an engineering station is also possible if security features were included in the configuration. Configured security functions are not, however, transferred to the engineering station. In the transferred configuration on the engineering station, the "Activate security features" check box is also deselected. 860 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SOFTNET Security Client Using the SOFTNET Security Client Area of application - access over VPN With the SOFTNET Security Client (SSC) PC software, secure remote access is possible from PGs/PCs to automation systems protected by a security module via public networks. You require SOFTNET Security Client V4.0 HF1 for S7-300/S7-400 CPs and for the PC CP 1628. These CPs are not approved for operation with SOFTNET Security Client V4.0. The SOFTNET Security Client has not been released for other CPs. With the SOFTNET Security Client, a PG/PC is configured automatically so that it can establish a secure IPsec tunnel communication in the VPN (Virtual Private Network) with one or more security modules. This IPsec tunnel communication makes it possible for PG/PC applications such as NCM diagnostics to securely access devices or networks that are located in an internal network protected by the security module. How does the SOFTNET Security Client work? The SOFTNET Security Client reads the configuration that was created by STEP 7 and, if necessary, determines from the file which certificates are to be imported. The CA certificate and the private key are imported when applicable and stored on the local PG/PC. Following this, security settings are made based on the data from the configuration so that applications can access IP addresses downstream from the security modules. If the learning mode is enabled for the internal nodes or programmable controllers, a security policy is first set for secure access to security modules. Then, the SOFTNET Security Client addresses the security modules in order to obtain the IP addresses of the relevant internal nodes. The SOFTNET Security Client enters these IP addresses in special filter lists belonging to this security policy. Applications can then communicate with the programmable controllers via VPN. Note Additional security measures when using the SOFTNET Security Client The SOFTNET Security Client provides a solution for secure communication with automation cells via VPN. For self-protection of the PC/PG and the corresponding automation cell, it is advisable to use additional measures such as a virus scanner and the Windows firewall. In Windows 7, the firewall of the operating system must be enabled so that VPN tunnel establishment works. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 861 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Creating a configuration file in STEP 7 Configuring a SOFTNET Security Client module in the project The SOFTNET security client is created as a module in the project. In contrast to the other security modules, you do not need to configure any further properties. Assign the SSC module to the VPN group or groups at which an IPsec tunnel to the PG/PC is to be set up. Note Refer to the information on parameters in section Including security module in configured VPN group (Page 841). Note If you create several SOFTNET Security Clients within a group, no tunnels are set up between these clients but only from the relevant client to the security modules. Configuration files for the SOFTNET Security Client The interface between STEP 7 as configuration tool and the SOFTNET Security Client is controlled by configuration files. :RUNVWDWLRQ FRPSXWHU ([SRUWRIWKHFRQILJXUDWLRQIRU 62)71(76HFXULW\&OLHQWZLWK GDWDPHGLXP 62)71(7 6HFXULW\&OLHQW The configuration is stored in the file types "*.dat", "*.p12" and "*.cer". Procedure To generate the configuration files, perform the following steps in STEP 7: 1. In the "Devices & networks" view, select the "Topology view" or the "Network view" tab. 2. Insert a PC system of the type "SOFTNET Security Client" in the selected tab from the hardware catalog. 3. Assign the SOFTNET Security Client to the VPN groups in which the PG/PC will communicate over IPsec tunnels. 862 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Make sure that the "Generate SSC files" check box is selected under the "Configuration of the SOFTNET Security Client" entry in the local security settings of the SOFTNET Security Client. 5. Select the storage location for the configuration files. 6. Compile the configuration of the SOFTNET Security client to export the configuration file. 7. If you selected certificate as the authentication method, specify a password for the certificate of the VPN configuration. If you do not assign a password, the project name (not the project password) is used as the password. Result: Export of the configuration files is completed. 8. Adopt the files of the type *.dat, *.p12, *.cer on the PG/PC on which you want to operate the SOFTNET Security Client. Note Protecting exported configuration files from unauthorized access Configuration files for SOFTNET Security Client exported from STEP 7 can contain security related information. You should therefore make sure that these files are protected from unauthorized access. This is particularly important when passing on the files. SCALANCE S Replacing a security module Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S V3 modules or higher. Requirement To be able to replace security modules, their module descriptions must be up to date. To update the module description of security modules, follow the steps below: 1. Select the security module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, click on the entry "General" > "Catalog information". 3. Click the "Update module description" button. How to access this function 1. Select the security module to be edited in the topology or network view. 2. Right-click on the security module and select the shortcut menu command "Change device...". Based on the following table, you can see which security modules you can replace without data loss and which could involve a possible data loss. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 863 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Initial module Possible module replacement S602 V3 S602 V3.1 S602 V4 S612 V3 S612 V4 S623 V3 S623 V4 S623 V4.0.1 S627-2 M V4 S627-2 M V4.0.1 S602 V3 - x x x x x x x x x S602 V3.1 ! - x ! ! ! ! ! ! ! S602 V4 ! ! - ! ! ! ! ! ! ! S612 V3 ! ! ! - x x x x x x S612 V4 ! ! ! ! - ! x x x x S623 V3 ! ! ! ! ! - x x x x S623 V4 ! ! ! ! ! ! - x x x S623 V4.0.1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - ! x S627-2M V4 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - x S627-2M V4.0.1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - x Without losses ! Possibly with losses - The module type and the firmware version are not changed. Configuring interfaces for SCALANCE S modules Overview Configuring the mode With the mode you specify how interface routing is handled (external/internal). The DMZ interface of the security module (SCALANCE S623/S627-2M only) is always connected in routing mode. For more detailed information, refer to the section Configuring IP address parameters (Page 867) 864 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring the interfaces If the external interface, the DMZ interface (SCALANCE S623/S627-2M only) or the tunnel interface (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4 in VPN group(s)) of a security module needs to be configured, it must be activated using the "Activate interface" check box. Set the IP address information for each interface and settings for the individual ports. The following options are available with which you can assign an IP address for the external interface and for the DMZ interface in the "General" entry (SCALANCE S623/S627-2M only): Static IP address with subnet mask. For more detailed information, refer to the section Configuring IP address parameters (Page 867) Address assignment using PPPoE. For more detailed information, refer to the section Configuring an Internet connection (Page 869) The internal interface and the tunnel interface can only be configured using a static IP address. If alias IP addresses were registered on the interfaces of the security module due to configuring NAT rules, these are displayed in the "Alias IP addresses" entry. Note External interface and DMZ interface as Internet access The simultaneous operation of PPPoE on the external interface and on the DMZ interface (dual ISP) is not possible. Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) To allow Internet/WAN access directly via a DSL modem, the IP address on the external interface or on the DMZ interface is assigned using PPPoE. PPPoE is a dial-in protocol for obtaining IP addresses from an Internet service provider (ISP). SCALANCE S is operated here in routing mode. To use this IP address assignment mode, specify the ISP in the "PPPoE" entry. The IP address, the subnet mask, the standard router and the DNS server of the interface are specified by the ISP. Note A configured standard router is not taken into account when using PPPoE. This is assigned dynamically to the module by the ISP. Note No network components between SCALANCE S and DSL modem If the interface of a SCALANCE S module is operated using PPPoE, there must be no other network components between this interface and the connected DSL modem, otherwise the dial-in data of the Internet Service Provider may be transferred unencrypted over this link. When using the "CHAP" authentication protocol, the data is transferred encrypted. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 865 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring media modules In addition to the functions of the SCALANCE S623, the S627-2M has two media module slots in which an electrical or optical media module with two ports can be inserted. This expands both the external and internal interface by up to two ports. In routing mode, the additional ports of the security module can be used to link the external and internal interface to ring topologies. To integrate media modules in the SCALANCE S627-2M, select the security module and change to the device view. Then select the required media modules from the hardware catalog. For ports with the port type "Copper", you can set the transmission speed and the duplex method manually using the port mode. For ports with the port type "Optical", the port mode is fixed by the media module used or by the SFP transceiver used and cannot be adapted. You will find information on connecting the media module ports to MRP rings in the following section: AUTOHOTSPOT Setting the operating mode How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Mode". Operating mode - possible selections You can change the operating mode in this dialog if the security module is not included in a VPN group. If the security module is in a VPN group, the mode cannot be changed. The selection applies to interface routing between the external and internal interface. The DMZ interface (SCALANCE S623 and S627-2M only) is always connected in routing mode. Bridge mode For operation in flat networks. External and internal interface are in the same IP subnet. For S623 / S627-2M: External and internal interface are in the same IP subnet, the DMZ interface is in a different IP subnet or is deactivated. Routing mode All interfaces are in different IP subnets. If you have activated the routing mode, you must configure an internal IP address and subnet mask for the internal interface of the security module. Note If you have enabled the routing mode for the SCALANCE S module, no MAC firewall rules can be defined. Ghost mode (only for SCALANCE S S602 as of V3.1) 866 In operation, the security module adopts the IP address of the node connected to the internal interface of the security module for the external interface. The IP address data speci fied for the external interface is only used for downloading the configuration prior to operation in ghost mode. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring IP address parameters Meaning Specify network parameters such as the IP address and subnet mask for the interface(s) of the security module. How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select "External interface [P1] red" or "DMZ interface [P3] yellow" in the local security settings. The virtual tunnel interface can only be configured when the security module (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) is in at least one VPN group, refer to the section "Meaning of the tunnel IP address". Note Configuration of the internal interface in routing mode If you have selected the "Routing" mode for the security module, you must also configure an internal IP address and subnet mask for the internal interface of the security module. You can access this function in the local security settings under "Internal interface [P2] green" > Ethernet addresses". 3. If applicable, enable the interface using the "Activate interface" check box. 4. Select the "Ethernet addresses" entry. 5. Complete the settings specified in the following table. Parameter Meaning IP address IP address for the external interface. The IP address consists of four decimal numbers from 0 to 255, with each number being separated by a period, for ex ample, Subnet mask The subnet mask consists of four decimal numbers that are separated by period, for example, Use router (not possible for the tunnel interface) Select this check box if you want to use a standard router and enter its IP address in the "Router address" input box. Note Networking the physical interfaces Network the physical interfaces of the security module with suitable subnets to avoid IP address conflicts. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 867 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Meaning of the tunnel IP address If you use the function "NAT/NAPT in the VPN tunnel" for a SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M module as of V4, you need to assign a tunnel IP address for the security module. This ensures the reachability of the security module via the VPN tunnel and provides a configuration and diagnostics option. The configured tunnel IP address can be expanded with alias tunnel IP addresses using suitable NAT / NAPT rules. The subnet mask is fixed at 32 bits for the tunnel IP address and cannot be changed by the configuration. The tunnel IP address can only be configured if the security module is in at least one VPN group. You will find further information on address translation with NAT/NAPT in VPN tunnels in the following section: Address translation with NAT/NAPT in VPN tunnels (Page 894) Special features with a standard router If the IP assignment configured is via "PPPoE", a configured standard router is ignored because the standard route is always automatically via the PPPoE interface. If the address assignment configured is with "Static address" and if the security module is connected to the Internet via a DSL (NAPT) router, the DSL router must be entered as the standard router. For security modules in ghost mode (SCALANCE S602 as of V3.1 only), no standard routers can be configured since these are identified during runtime. Specific routes cannot be configured for security modules in ghost mode. Configuring port mode Meaning The port mode specifies the transmission speed and the duplex method. The same parameters should be set for the ports involved in communication. Configurable port modes For SCALANCE S V3 and higher, the following port modes can be configured for the permanently installed ports: Port mode Meaning Autonegotiation The transmission speed and the duplex setting are selected automatically. Note A transmission speed of 1000 Mbps and the autocrossing function are supported only if autonegotiation is selected. 10 Mbps, half and full duplex Transmission speed of 10 Mbps 100 Mbps, half and full duplex Transmission speed of 100 Mbps Deactivating a port is possible only for external ports and for the DMZ port of SCALANCE S623/ S627-2M. The port modes for media module ports are configured in the device view and are based on the range of functions of the media module in question. 868 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring an Internet connection Requirement The "PPPoE" entry is only displayed in the local security settings if the IP assignment method "PPPoE" is configured for one of the interfaces. How to access this function 1. Select the security module to be edited 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "PPPoE". Meaning In this entry, you make settings related to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) if a connection using PPPoE is set for one of the interfaces of the security module. Table 10-48 Settings for the ISP account Function Description Authentication protocol Select none or one of the following authentication protocols: PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) Note Both communications partners have to use the same authentication method otherwise no connec tion can be established. User name Enter the name for logging in with the ISP account. Password Enter the password for logging in with the ISP ac count. Repeat password Enter the password for logging in with the ISP ac count again. Table 10-49 Rules for user names and passwords Permitted characters The following characters from the ANSI X 3.4-1986 character set are permitted: 0123456789 A...Z a...z !#$%&()"*'+,-./:;<=>?@ [\]_{|}~^ WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Length of the user name 1 to 255 characters Length of the password 1 to 31 characters 869 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-50 Settings for the connection Function Description Permanent connection Permanent Internet connection. After the connection has been terminated by the provider, the connection is automatically re stored even if there are currently no packets to be sent. On-demand connection The Internet connection is established automatically if packets need to be sent to the Internet. In this setting, delays in the sending of packets are possible. Maximum idle time (only with the setting "on-demand connection") If no packets are sent during a certain time, the Internet connec tion is automatically terminated. In the "Maximum idle time" box, enter the time in seconds after which the connection will be ter minated. Default setting: 300 Minimum value: 10 Maximum value: 3600 Forced disconnection (only with the Select the check box to be able to adapt the time of the forced "Permanent connection" setting) disconnection by the security module. Forced disconnection time (only with the "Permanent connection" setting) The provider terminates the Internet connection automatically af ter a certain period. If you enter a time of day in this box, the security module terminates the Internet connection itself at this time. This allows disconnection of the Internet connection by the provider to be delayed under certain circumstances. A self-initi ated forced disconnection is only possible with an existing per manent connection. Default setting: 00.00 Permitted entries: 00:00 ... 23:59 Configuring DNS and dynamic DNS Module-specific function DNS servers and FQDNs can be configured for SCALANCE S V3 or higher. The resolution of FQDNs by SCALANCE S modules is possible for SCALANCE S as of V4. DNS To address network notes using FQDNs the security module must know the IP address of a DNS server that converts the DNS queries to the corresponding IP addresses of the network nodes. Dynamic DNS With dynamic DNS, you can access a constantly changing IP address with a permanently defined name (FQDN). This is necessary, for example, if you want to access a server that can be reached via a public IP address that changes. The security module signals the current WAN IP address via which the security module can be reached to a provider for dynamic DNS (for example, The provider 870 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks makes sure that DNS queries sent to the FQDN of the security module are replied to with the current WAN IP address of the security module. Dynamic DNS is permitted on the following interfaces: External interface DMZ interface Setting up DNS - Follow the steps below: 1. Select the security module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "DNS". Option Meaning Obtain DNS server address automatically The address of the DNS server can be obtained automatically using PPPoE if the security module is connected to the Internet via a DSL modem. Can only be set for the external interface and the DMZ interface. Use the following DNS server address: Enter the address of the preferred and of the alter native DNS server manually. Setting up dynamic DNS - Requirements Requirement: An account has been created with a provides of dynamic DNS and an FQDN has been registered. Setting up dynamic DNS - Follow the steps below: 1. Select the security module to be edited. 2. Select the "Dynamic DNS" entry in the local security settings. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 871 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Activate the "Activate service" check box in the "Primary dynamic DNS service" area and make the following settings: Setting Meaning Ignore errors when checking the server certifi cate To ensure that the authentication data is protec ted, the certificate of the update server is checked as standard. If the certificate check fails, the HTTPS connection is terminated and the account data is not transferred. If you select the check box, the function is disabled, for ex ample if the server certificate of the dynamic DNS service is invalid (e.g. expired). You are ad vised not to ignore the check and not to select the check box. Provider Choose the provider with which you have set up an account for dynamic DNS. With the predefined providers ( and, the provider update URL and the check IP service URL are already completed. To use a different provider and/or to use an HTTP URL as the provider update URL, you need to set up a user-defined provider. User account with the provider Enter the user name that you specified when you created the account. Password with the provider Enter the password that you specified when you created the account. Maximum number of characters: 24 Maximum number of characters: 24 FQDN Enter the host name (e.g. mysecuritymodule) and the domain name (e.g. that is registered with the provider separated by a peri od. The FQDN can function as a VPN endpoint and differ from the FQDN in the "VPN" entry. You can configure which VPN endpoint the VPN part ner is informed of in the connection-specific VPN settings. Maximum number of characters: 255 872 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting Meaning Monitor IP address change on DSL router If the security module is connected to the Internet via a DSL router, enabling this function activates the function of the Check IP service. The security module periodically sends queries to determine the current IP address of the DSL router and to detect an IP address change on the DSL router. The IP address specified in this way is sent to the provider with each change ID. Period Specify the interval at which the Check IP service is called. Default setting: 20 minutes Minimum value: 10 minutes Maximum value: 1440 minutes 4. In case the primary provider fails, create a second provider in the "Secondary dynamic DNS service" area (optional setting). Setting up a user-defined provider for dynamic DNS - Follow the steps below: Set up a user-defined provider if you are not registered with or and/ or want to use an HTTP URL as the provider update URL. To do this, select the "User-defined" entry in the "Provider" drop-down list and make the following entries: Setting Meaning Provider update URL Enter the URL you received from your provider. The placeholder texts and need to be placed at the correct positions in the URL. Maximum number of characters: 127 Check IP service URL Enter the URL you received from your provider. Maximum number of characters: 127 Configuring LLDP Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S V4 modules or higher. Requirement The security module is in routing mode. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 873 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Meaning LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) is a protocol used to discover network topologies. A device capable of LLDP can send information about itself to neighboring devices at regular intervals and at the same time receive information from neighboring devices. The received information is stored on every device with LLDP capability in an LLDP MIB file. Network management systems can access these LLDP MIB files using SNMP and therefore recreate the existing network topology. Configurable parameters The degree of activity of the security module in terms of LLDP can be configured under the "LLDP mode" entry of the relevant interface. Parameter Description Name Name of the port for which the setting is configured. LLDP mode Configured LLDP mode: RxTx: LLDP frames can be sent and received Off: No LLDP frames can be sent or received Media redundancy in ring topologies Media redundancy with MRP Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S627-2M modules. Meaning The term "media redundancy" groups together various methods for increasing availability in Industrial Ethernet networks in which devices can be reached over different paths. This might be achieved by meshing networks, arranging parallel transmission paths or by closing a linear bus topology to form a ring. Media redundancy method MRP Media redundancy within a ring topology is available with SIMATIC NET products among other things with the MRP method (Media Redundancy Protocol). With this method, one of the nodes is configured as the redundancy manager. The other nodes are redundancy clients. SCALANCE S627-2M modules can only adopt the role of an MRP client. Using test frames, the redundancy manager checks the ring to make sure it is not interrupted. The redundancy clients forward the test frames. If the test frames of the redundancy manager no longer arrive at the other ring port of the redundancy manager due to an interruption, the redundancy manager switches through its two ring ports and informs the redundancy clients of the change immediately. 874 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The time the SCALANCE X switches need to switch through their ring ports as redundancy manager is 200 ms. Note on the use of MRP MRP is supported in ring topologies with up to 100 devices. Exceeding this number of devices can lead to a loss of data traffic. It is recommended that you set the ring ports involved to full duplex and 100 Mbps. Otherwise there may be a loss of data traffic. Possible uses of MRP on media module ports MRP is supported only on the media module ports of the SCALANCE S627-2M. The following table shows the possible uses of MRP on the media module ports of a SCALANCE S627-2M: Ring ports Media module 1 MRP Client Media module 2 P4 P5 P6 P7 - - - - Ring 1 Ring 1 - - - - Ring 2 Ring 2 Ring 1 Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 2 With two lower-layer rings per SCALANCE S module, layer 3 communication is possible between the rings. Configuring MRP for the security module Requirement The security module is in routing mode. Media modules are configured for the interfaces to be connected to MRP rings. The interfaces of the security module to be connected to rings are networked with the relevant ring managers. How to access this function 1. Select the security module to be edited. 2. In the settings of the required interface, select the "Media Redundancy" entry. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 875 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configurable parameters Parameter Meaning Possible selections MRP domain (only if the "MRP client" media redundancy role is selected) The members of an MRP ring are specified with the help of MRP domains. The same MRP domain must be selec ted for the interfaces of all modules to be connected to the same MRP ring. Display of the MRP domain used for the in terface. Media redundancy role Selection of the media redun Not a node in the ring dancy protocol or disabling of MRP Client media redundancy for the in terface. Ring port 1 (only when the media redundancy role "MRP client" is selected) Name of the first ring port of the selected interface if the media redundancy role "MRP client" was selected for it. - Ring port 2 (only when the media redundancy role "MRP client" is selected) Name of the second ring port of the selected interface if the media redundancy role "MRP client" was selected for it. - Domain settings Using the domain settings, you can add new MRP do mains, edit the names of ex isting MRP domains and de lete existing MRP domains. - Alternative media redundancy protocol Select this check box to ena Enable interface for other media ble the interface of the secur redundancy protocols ity module for other media re Disable interface for other media dundancy protocols. redundancy protocols (default setting) Passive listening Enable this check box if the Activate passive listening (default) selected interface will be con Deactivate passive listening nected to third-party net works in which STP/RSTP (Spanning Tree Protocol/ Rapid Spanning Tree Proto col) is used. Special features of the ghost mode Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S602 as of V3.1. 876 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Meaning In ghost mode, the security module has no IP address of its own, neither on the internal nor on the external interface. Instead, the security module obtains the IP address for its external interface during runtime from a node connected to the internal interface of the security module whose IP address parameters may be unknown at the time of configuration. It is possible to change an IP address of the internal node and a corresponding IP address at the external interface. Since the internal node is identified based on its MAC address, IP address changes are made only for the learned MAC address. No IP address is configured or obtained at the internal interface of the security module. As regards the MAC addresses, the security module replaces the MAC address of the internal node with the MAC address of the security module in all outgoing packets on the external interface (responses from the internal node). Activating ghost mode 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Mode". 3. Select the "Ghost mode" option. Configurable module properties In ghost mode, the following module properties can be configured in the local security settings: External interface [P1] red Firewall Time-of-day synchronization Log settings SNMP Since no DNS servers can be configured in ghost mode, no FQDN resolution is possible. Requirement for identifying an internal node The security module can only obtain the IP address of the internal node if the internal node initiates data communication with a communications partner of the external network. In addition to this, the security module does not provide any server services while obtaining the IP address. The security module can only reply to queries from external after data packets have been sent to the security module by the internal node. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 877 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Port assignment for incoming and outgoing data connections Since the external interface of the security module and the internal node have the same IP address, the network components must be addressed explicitly via the TCP/UDP ports. For this reason, the ports are either assigned to the security module or the internal node. The assignments of the ports to the relevant devices are shown in the following tables for incoming and outgoing data connections: Table 10-51 Port assignment for incoming connections (from external to security module) Service Port Protocol Comment Web services, configuration and diagnostics access 443 TCP The HTTPS port is perma nently activated for configura tion and diagnostics access using STEP 7 and cannot be changed. SNMP 161 TCP Once SNMP is activated in STEP 7, incoming SNMP queries are transmitted via UDP port 161. Transfer via TCP port 161 is also possible, for example, to be able to reach the internal node. UDP Note After activating SNMP, the SNMP port is permanently as signed to the security mod ule. If SNMP is not activated, the internal node can be ac cessed using SNMP with the aid of a firewall rule. Table 10-52 Port assignment for outgoing connections (from security module to external) Service Port Protocol Comment Syslog 514 UDP If the Syslog service is activa ted in STEP 7, Syslog mes sages are transferred via UDP port 514 by the security module. This port assign ment cannot be changed. NTP 123 UDP If NTP servers are used for time-of-day synchronization, NTP queries are transferred via UDP port 123. This port assignment cannot be changed. 878 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Recognizable IP addresses and subnet masks The security module only recognizes internal nodes with IP addresses in the network class ranges A, B or C. The subnet mask is identified by the security module based on the network class (refer to the table "Network classes and corresponding subnet masks"). To allow the subnet mask to be determined correctly, a standard router must be entered for the internal node. Nodes with IP addresses in the network classes D and E are rejected by the security module. Network class IP addresses Low limit Subnet mask High limit A B C D Rejected by the security mod ule E Rejected by the security mod ule Configuration limits A maximum of one internal node is recognized by the security module. If several internal nodes exist, the security module reacts as follows: The first device the security module recognizes in the internal network obtains access to the external network segment if the firewall is suitably configured. The data traffic of any additional nodes in the internal network area is blocked in the outgoing direction at level 2 (MAC layer) based on the sender address. Loading configurations and diagnostics after commissioning After obtaining an IP address from the internal node, the security module has an IP address on the external interface that can differ from the IP address with which the security module was initially configured. To load a configuration or to run diagnostics, in STEP 7 you need to specify the IP address for the connection to the external interface that the security module obtained from the internal node during runtime. This is possible in the local security settings or directly in the "Advanced download" or "Connect online" dialogs. For more detailed information on establishing online connections, refer to the section: Downloading a configuration (Page 914) Routing information for hierarchical networks on the external interface If there are hierarchical networks with subnet transitions on the external interface of the security module, the security module needs to obtain the relevant routing information from the internal node. To achieve this, the internal node must respond to ICMP queries sent to it. Responding to ICMP broadcasts is not necessary. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 879 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Authentication using a RADIUS server Overview Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S V4 modules or higher. Meaning RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) is a protocol for authenticating users by servers on which user data can be stored centrally. The use of RADIUS servers can increase the protection of user names, assigned roles and passwords. 880 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Scenario for the use of RADIUS servers Authentication by RADIUS servers can be performed when activating user-specific IP rule sets. 5$',86VHUYHU 3*IRUDFFHVVWRDXWRPDWLRQFHOO ([WHUQDOQHWZRUN 6HFXULW\PRGXOH ,QWHUQDO$XWRPDWLRQFHOO 1 Entry of the user data on the Web page of the security module 2 Authentication by RADIUS server and activation of the user-specific IP rule set 3 Access to an automation cell The network setup shown above is simply an example. The RADIUS server can also be located in the internal network or in the DMZ network of the security module. For the configuration options described below, it is assumed that a RADIUS server is configured in STEP 7 and was assigned to the relevant security module. In addition to this, one user or role must be configured with the "RADIUS" authentication method. For more detailed information, refer to the following sections: Defining a RADIUS server (Page 883) Assigning a RADIUS server to a security module (Page 884) Create users (Page 766) Creating roles (Page 767) For general information on user-specific IP rule sets, refer to the following section: AUTOHOTSPOT WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 881 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration options To authenticate the user using a RADIUS server, there are two configuration options available: The user and the user's role are known on the security module, only the password management for the user is performed on the RADIUS server. The user and the password are configured on the RADIUS server. - A user with the "RADIUS" authentication method is configured. - The user is assigned to the user-specific IP rule set. Result: - When a user logs on to the Web page of the security module, the authentication query is forwarded to the RADIUS server. - The RADIUS server runs a password check and signals the result back to the security module. - If the password check is passed successfully, the user-specific IP rule set is activated. The role is known on the security module, user management is via the RADIUS server. The user and the password are configured on the RADIUS server. - A user-defined role or a system-defined role is assigned to the user-specific IP rule set. - Under the entry "RADIUS" > "RADIUS settings" in the local security settings of the security module, the check box "Allow RADIUS authentication of unconfigured users" and the check box "Filter ID is required for authentication" are enabled. Result: - When a user logs on to the Web page of the security module, the authentication and authorization query is forwarded to the RADIUS server. - The RADIUS server runs a password check and signals the result back to the security module. - Case a: If, in addition to this, the role name is configured on the RADIUS server: The RADIUS server returns the role name assigned to the user to the security module. - Case b: If the role name is not configured on the RADIUS server: The security module assigns the user the system-defined role "radius". - If the password check is passed successfully, the user-specific IP rule set is activated. Conventions for RADIUS servers The RADIUS servers can be in any network connected to the security module. A maximum of two RADIUS servers can be configured per security module. During operation only one of the RADIUS servers is active. When defining a RADIUS server, an FQDN can also be used instead of IP an address. A maximum of 25 characters can be used for the name of a RADIUS server. 882 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Defining a RADIUS server Meaning Before authentication by a RADIUS server is possible, this first needs to be stored in the STEP 7 project. Following this, you assign the defined RADIUS server to the security module for which the RADIUS server will handle user authentication. Procedure 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "RADIUS". Result: The previously created RADIUS servers are displayed under the selected entry. 2. Double-click on the "Add new RADIUS server" entry. Result: The created RADIUS server is displayed with an automatically assigned number below the entry "RADIUS". 3. Double-click on the created RADIUS server. Result: In the working area the assignment dialog for RADIUS servers is displayed. The selected RADIUS server is selected in the "RADIUS server" drop-down list. The required security modules can be assigned to this, see section Assigning a RADIUS server to a security module (Page 884). In the local security settings, the configurable properties of the RADIUS server are displayed. 4. Enter the following data in the "General" entry in the local security settings: Parameter Meaning Name Name of the RADIUS server. The name can consist of a maximum of 25 characters. The characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -._ can be used. A name must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. Before the `.' character only letters and numbers are permitted, after the `.' character only letters. Before the `_' or `-* character only let ters and numbers are permitted. IP address / FQDN IP address or FQDN of the RADIUS server. Port UDP port via which the RADIUS server can be reached. As default, authentication data is received at port 1812. Shared secret Entry of the password that will be used when transferring the logon data between the RADIUS server and security modules for encryption. The following characters from the ANSI X 3.4-1986 character set are permitted: 0123456789 A...Z a...z !#$%&()"*'+,-./:;<=>?@ [\]_{|}~^ Length of the shared secret: 1 to 32 characters Repeat shared secret Confirmation of the password Authentication method Display of the method used to check the user data. Only the "PAP" method (Password Authentication Protocol) is suppor ted. Comment Entry of freely selectable, optional comments. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 883 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Result You have defined a RADIUS server and can now assign this to the required security modules. Note the descriptions in the section below: Assigning a RADIUS server to a security module (Page 884) Assigning a RADIUS server to a security module Requirement You have defined a RADIUS server. Procedure 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "RADIUS" entry in the local security settings. 3. Select the "Enable RADIUS authentication" check box. Note Changing the method of authentication with the Web server on the security module If RADIUS authentication is enabled on the security module, the method for authentication with the Web server is changed from "Digest Access Authentication" to "Basic Access Authentication". 4. In the "RADIUS timeout" input box, enter the maximum time in seconds that the security module will wait for a response from the RADIUS server. 5. In the "RADIUS repetitions" input box, enter the number of connection establishment attempts with the RADIUS server. 6. Select the "Allow RADIUS authentication of unconfigured users" check box if the userspecific IP rule to be activated was assigned a role instead of a user. 7. Select the "Filter ID is required for authentication" check box if the assigned role is a userdefined role. 8. Under the entry "RADIUS server", select the RADIUS server you want to assign to the security module from the "Name" drop-down list. As an alternative, you can assign security modules for which RADIUS authentication is enabled to RADIUS servers in the global security settings. You will find general information on authentication by the RADIUS server in the following section: AUTOHOTSPOT 884 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting up a firewall Local firewall rules for SCALANCE S modules Configuring a firewall with predefined firewall rules Configuring a firewall using predefined firewall rules How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "Firewall" entry in the local security settings. Firewall enabled as default The "Enable firewall" check box is enabled by default. The firewall is therefore activated automatically and all access from external to the security module is blocked. By clicking the relevant check box, enable the firewall rules for the specific direction. Note Detailed firewall settings in advanced firewall mode In advanced firewall mode, you can restrict firewall rules to individual nodes. To change to advanced firewall mode, select the "Enable firewall in advanced mode" check box. For more detailed information about the advanced firewall mode, refer to the section Overview of local firewall rules (Page 801) Firewall configuration with VPN If the security module is in a VPN group, the "Tunnel communication only" check box is enabled as default. This means that only encrypted IPsec data transfer is permitted via the external interface or via the DMZ interface. Only HTTPS access to the module (TCP port 443) remains allowed untunneled. If you deselect the check box, tunneled communication and also the types of communication selected in the other boxes are permitted. Table 10-53 Available firewall rules and directions Service From in ternal to external From ex From internal ternal to to DMZ internal From DMZ to internal Enabled ports Meaning Allow IP communica tion x x x x - IP communication for the selected communication directions is al lowed. Allow S7 protocol x x x x TCP port 102 Communication of the nodes using the S7 protocol is allowed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 885 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Service From in ternal to external From ex From internal ternal to to DMZ internal x x Enabled ports Meaning TCP port 20 For file management and file ac cess between server and client. Allow FTP/ FTPS (ex plicit mode) x Allow HTTP x x x x TCP port 80 For communication with a Web server. Allow HTTPS x x x x TCP port 443 For secure communication with a Web server, for example, for Web diagnostics. Allow DNS x x x x TCP port 53 UDP port 53 Communication connection to a DNS server is allowed. TCP port 161/162 For monitoring nodes capable of SNMP. Allow SNMP x From DMZ to internal TCP port 21 x x x x UDP port 161/162 Allow SMTP x x x x TCP port 25 For sending e-mails via an SMTP server. Allow NTP x x x x UDP port 123 For synchronization of the time of day. Allow DHCP x x x x UDP port 67 Only in bridge mode Communication connection with a DHCP server is permitted. UDP port 68 Table 10-54 Logging Option Action when activated Log tunneled packets Only active if the security module is a member of a VPN group. All IP packets transferred via the tunnel are logged. Log blocked incoming packets All incoming IP packets that are discarded are logged. Log blocked outgoing packets All outgoing IP packets that are discarded are logged. You can view the logged packets at the "Packet filter log" entry in the "Online & Diagnostics" dialog. For more detailed information, refer to the section Logging data packets - "Packet filter log" entry (Page 858). Configuring a firewall with predefined MAC rules How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "Firewall" entry in the local security settings. 886 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Firewall enabled as default The "Enable firewall" check box is enabled by default. The firewall is therefore activated automatically and all access from external to the security module is blocked. By clicking the relevant check box, enable the firewall rules for the specific direction. Note Detailed firewall settings in advanced firewall mode In advanced firewall mode, you can restrict firewall rules to individual nodes. To change to advanced firewall mode, select the "Enable firewall in advanced mode" check box. For more detailed information about the advanced firewall mode, refer to the section Overview of local firewall rules (Page 801). Firewall configuration with VPN If the security module is in a VPN group, the "Tunnel communication only" check box is enabled as default. If you deselect the check box, tunneled communication and also the types of communication selected in the other boxes are permitted. Available MAC rules and directions Service From internal to exter nal From external to inter Meaning nal Allow MAC communica tion x x MAC traffic for the selected communication di rections is allowed. Allow ISO protocol x x ISO traffic for the selected communication di rections is allowed. Allow SiClock x x SiClock time-of-day frames for the selected communication directions are allowed. Allow DCP x x DCP traffic for assignment of IP addresses is allowed for the selected communications direc tions. Table 10-55 Logging WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Option Action when activated Log tunneled packets Only active if the security module is a member of a VPN group. All MAC packets transferred via the tunnel are logged. Log blocked incoming packets All incoming MAC packets that are discarded are logged. Log blocked outgoing packets All outgoing MAC packets that are discarded are logged. 887 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks User-specific IP rule sets Overview Meaning Initially, individual or multiple users are assigned to user-specific IP rule sets. The user-specific IP rule sets are then assigned to individual or multiple security modules. This makes it possible, to allow user-specific access. If, for example all access to the networks downstream from a security module is blocked, certain nodes can be allowed for a user based on their IP addresses. This means that access is allowed for this user but access remains blocked for other users. User logon via the Internet The user can log in to the external interface or the DMZ interface via the Web page of the security module. If authentication is successful, the IP rule set defined for the user for the IP address of the device from which the login is made is enabled. The connection to the Web page of the security module is via HTTPS using the IP address of the connected port and taking into account the valid routing rules: Example: External interface: Call up of the login page with: Users can log on with every role as long as the user or the role is assigned to a user-specific firewall rule set. Options for authenticating the user Depending on the authentication method selected when the user who will log in to the security module was created, the authentication is handled by different instances: Authentication method "Password": Authentication is handled by the security module. Authentication method "RADIUS": Authentication is handled by a RADIUS server (SCALANCE S as of V4 only). Assignment of roles to user-specific IP rule sets On SCALANCE S modules as of V4, it is also possible to assign user-specific IP rule sets that are assigned to roles. This makes it possible to enable a group of users for access to certain IP addresses. If a RADIUS server is used for user authentication and a role is assigned to the user-specific IP rule set, users can also be authenticated by the RADIUS server although they are not configured on the security module. These users must be stored on the RADIUS server or on a separate database where they need to be assigned to the role assigned to the user-specific IP rule set in STEP 7. This procedure has the advantage that all user data is stored exclusively on the RADIUS server. 888 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You will find more information on authentication by the RADIUS server in the following section: AUTOHOTSPOT User-specific IP rule sets are used locally - conventions The same conventions as described in the following section apply: Global firewall rule sets - conventions (Page 781) Creating and assigning user-specific IP rule sets Creating user-specific IP rule sets 1. In the global security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "User-specific IP rule sets" > "IP rule sets". 2. Double-click on the "Add new IP rule set" entry to create a user-specific IP rule set. Result: The created user-specific IP rule set is shown in the entry. 3. Double-click on the created user-specific IP rule set. Result: In the "Properties" > "General" tab of the Inspector window, the configurable properties of the user-specific IP rules set are displayed. 4. In the Inspector window, click on the "General" entry and enter the following data: - Name: Project-wide, unique name of the rule set. The name appears in the local rule list of the security module after the rule set is assigned. - Description (optional): Enter a description of the user-specific IP rule set. 5. Click on the "IP rules" entry and enter the firewall rules one after the other in the list. No IP address can be entered in the "Source IP address" box. This is entered automatically when the node logs on to the security module. The "Stateful" check box cannot be disabled for IP rules of user-specific IP rule sets Note the parameter description in the following sections: Defining IP packet filter rules (Page 802) Note the special features of firewall rules generated automatically by STEP 7 for NAT/NAPT rules: Relationship between NAT/NAPT router and user-specific firewall (Page 896) Assigning user-specific IP rule sets 1. Click on the "Users and roles" entry in the Inspector window. 2. In the "Available users and roles" area, select the users you want to assign to the userspecific rule set. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 889 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Click the "<<" button to assign the selected users or roles to the user-specific rule set. The assignment of roles to user-specific IP rule sets is possible only for SCALANCE S modules as of V4. 4. Assign the created user-specific IP rule set to the required security modules using the entry "Assign user-specific IP rule set" in the global security settings. For this, advanced firewall mode must be enabled for the security modules. Note Assignment of user-specific IP rule sets A security module can only be assigned one user-specific rule set per user. Due to the assignment, the right to log in to the security module is activated implicitly for all users and roles assigned to the IP rule set. Result The user-specific rule set is used by the assigned security modules as a local rule set and automatically appears in the local list of firewall rules. The user can log on with the security module. Authentication of the user is performed depending on the selected authentication method either by the security module or a RADIUS server. Range of values for the maximum session time The time after which the user is automatically logged out can be specified when creating or editing a user; the default is 30 minutes. On the Web page of the security module, the session time can be extended to the value assigned to the user. You will find more information creating users in the following section: Create users (Page 766) 890 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IP packet filter directions SCALANCE S Meaning Possible selections for the communication directions "From" and "To" in the IP rules of the advanced firewall mode. The following directions are available Available options / ranges of values Security module From To S602 S61x S623 / S627-2M Internal External x x x Tunnel - x x Any - x x DMZ - - x Internal x x x Internal x x x Any - - x Tunnel - - x DMZ - - x Internal - x x External - x x DMZ - - x Internal - x x External - - x DMZ - - x Internal - - x External - - x Any - - x Tunnel - - x External Tunnel Any DMZ x = communication direction is configurable - = communication direction is not configurable MAC packet filter directions SCALANCE S Meaning Possible selections for the communication directions "From" and "To" in the MAC rules of the advanced firewall mode. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 891 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following directions are available Available options / ranges of values From To Internal External Tunnel Any Security module S602 S61x S623 / S627-2M External x x x Tunnel - x x Any - x x Internal x x x Any - - x Tunnel - - x Internal - x x External - x x Internal - x x External - - x x = communication direction is configurable - = communication direction is not configurable Adapting standard rules for IP services Requirement This function is available only in advanced firewall mode. How to access this function 1. Select the security module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Standard rules for IP services". Meaning of the advanced settings Parameter Meaning when activated Use advanced status options The permitted number of connections and firewall statuses per time unit is limited. If a network node exceeds this limit, its IP address is entered in the IP blacklist of the security module. The node can then no longer communicate via the security module. The IP blacklist of the security module can be viewed in online mode. Log all activated rules Packets that are allowed according to the default rules for IP services are logged. Enable ICMP test for interfaces Ping queries coming in on an interface of the security module can be forwarded to other interfaces. This means that, for example, ping queries can be made from the external network to the internal interface of the security module. 892 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Default firewall rules for SCALANCE S The following table lists the default firewall rules for SCALANCE S modules. In some cases, the firewall rules are only set if the relevant service is used by the security module (e.g. SNMP). Service Direction X1 interface (red) Interface rerouting outgoing - x - - HTTPS Interface X2 (green) Interface X3 Tunnel inter (yellow) (on face* (not for ly for S623, S602) S627-2M) x x* x x incoming - x - x ICMP pathfinder (only for SCA outgoing LANCE S S602 as of V3.1 in ghost mode) - x - - SNMP incoming x x x x Syslog outgoing x x x x NTP outgoing x x x x DNS outgoing x x x x HTTP outgoing x - x - x - x - x - x - - x x - ICMP VPN (IKE) VPN (NAT Traversal) BootP Server incoming BootP Client outgoing - x x - RADIUS outgoing x x x x CARP (only for SCALANCE S62x as of V4) outgoing x* x* - - Pfsync (only for SCALANCE S62x as of V4) outgoing - - x* - x enabled as default - disabled as default * cannot be adapted SCALANCE S module as router Specifying routes Meaning Specifies routes for addressing subnets that cannot be reached directly via the security module. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 893 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the "Routing" entry. 3. Double-click "Add new" in the table to add a route. 4. Enter the following values: Parameter Function Example of a value Network ID Requests to nodes of the subnet with the network ID and the subnet mask specified here are forwarded to the subnet via the specified router IP address. Based on the network ID, the router recognizes whether a destination address is inside or outside the subnet. The specified network ID must not be located in the same subnet as the IP address of the security module. Subnet mask The subnet mask determines the network structure. Based on the network ID, the router recognizes whether a destination address is inside or outside the subnet. Router IP address IP address of the router that connects to the subnet. As an alternative, an FQDN can be entered for SCALANCE S modules as of V4. The specified router IP address must be in the same subnet as the IP address of the security module. Activate rerouting (only for SCALANCE S as of V3) Select this check box if the frames of the entered route will enter and leave on the same interface of the security module (rerouting). Rerouting is only supported on the internal interface of the security module. Address translation with NAT/NAPT in VPN tunnels Module-specific function Address translation with NAT/NAPT in VPN tunnels is only available for SCALANCE S612/ S623/S627-2M modules as of V4. Meaning Address translations with NAT/NAPT can also be performed for communications relations established via a VPN tunnel. Requirements The following requirements apply generally to a SCALANCE S module that will perform an address translation with NAT/NAPT in a VPN tunnel: The SCALANCE S module is in a VPN group. The SCALANCE S module is in routing mode and/or the DMZ interface of the SCALANCE S module is activated. 894 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The tunnel interface is enabled. The advanced firewall mode is enabled. Supported address translation directions The address translation directions described in the following section are supported: NAT/NAPT routing (Page 817) Supported address translation actions With tunneled communications relations, the following address translation actions are supported: Destination NAT ("Redirect") Source NAT ("Masquerading") Source and Destination NAT ("1:1-NAT") NAPT ("Port forwarding") You will find basic information on these address translation actions in the following section: NAT/NAPT routing (Page 817) Supported VPN links In conjunction with NAT/NAPT, the following VPN links are supported: VPN link VPN link is initiated by Address translation is per formed by SCALANCE S (a) SCALANCE S (b) SCALANCE S (a) or SCA LANCE S (b) SCALANCE S (a) and/or SCALANCE S (b) SCALANCE S CP x43-1 Adv. / PC-CP SCALANCE S or CP x43-1 Adv. / PC-CP SCALANCE S SCALANCE S SCALANCE M SCALANCE M SCALANCE S and/or SCA LANCE M* SOFTNET Security Client SCALANCE S SOFTNET Security Client SCALANCE S * Only 1:1 NAT is supported. SCALANCE S modules of the type SCALANCE S623 V4 and SCALANCE S627-2M V4 that have a VPN endpoint on the external interface and on the DMZ interface can perform address translations on both interfaces at the same time. Address translation characteristics when involved in several VPN groups If a SCALANCE S module is a member of several VPN groups, the address translation rules configured for the tunnel interface of the SCALANCE S module apply for all VPN connections of this SCALANCE S module. Please note: Once you have configured a NAT address translation to or from the direction of the tunnel, only the IP addresses involved in the NAT address translation rules can be reached via the VPN tunnel. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 895 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Relationship between NAT/NAPT router and user-specific firewall Module-specific function The configuration of NAT/NAPT rules in the user-specific firewall is only available for SCALANCE S modules as of V3. Meaning After creating NAT/NAPT rules, STEP 7 automatically generates a user-specific IP rule set in the user-specific firewall that enables communication in the configured address translation direction. You can then assign this user-specific IP rule set to individual or multiple users and/ or individual or multiple roles (only for SCALANCE S modules as of V4). The generated firewall rules can, if necessary, be moved and expanded (additional IP address, services, bandwidth). Firewall parameters generated by STEP 7 cannot be adapted. If the userspecific IP rule set is assigned to a security module with NAT/NAPT deactivated, the NAT/ NAPT rules from the user-specific firewall are also applied to this security module. Note The address translation actions "Source-NAT + Destination-NAT" and "Double-NAT" are not supported in conjunction with the user-specific firewall. How to access this function "NAT" or "NAPT" entry in the editor for user-specific IP rules sets, refer to the following section: Creating and assigning user-specific IP rule sets (Page 889) Supported address translation directions for the action "Source NAT" The action "Source NAT" can be performed in the following directions: External to DMZ DMZ to external No IP address can be entered in the "Source IP address" box. This is entered automatically when the node logs on to the security module. Supported address translation directions for the action "Destination NAT" The action "Destination NAT" can be performed in the following directions: External to internal External to DMZ DMZ to internal DMZ to external Tunnel to internal (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) 896 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Tunnel to external (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) Tunnel to DMZ (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) Supported address translation directions for NAPT The address translation with NAPT can be performed in the following directions: External to internal External to DMZ DMZ to internal DMZ to external Tunnel to internal (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) Tunnel to external (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) Tunnel to DMZ (only SCALANCE S612/S623/S627-2M as of V4) NAT/NAPT address translation and corresponding user-specific IP rule sets In the firewall rules for user-specific IP rule sets generated based on NAT/NAPT rules, no IP address can be entered in the "Source IP address" box. This is entered automatically when the node logs on to the security module. The remaining properties generated locally for individual security modules are identical. Refer to the section Relationship between NAT/NAPT router and firewall (Page 823) Security module as DHCP server Overview DHCP server Overview You can operate the SCALANCE S module on the internal network and on the DMZ network as DHCP server (DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). This allows IP addresses to be assigned automatically to the devices connected to the internal network or the DMZ network. Simultaneous DHCP server operation on both interfaces is possible (SCALANCE S623/ S627-2M only). The IP addresses are either distributed dynamically from an address range you have specified or you can select a specific IP address and assign it to a particular device. If devices on the internal interface or on the DMZ interface should always be assigned the same IP address for firewall configuration, the address assignment must only be static based on the MAC address or based on the client ID. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 897 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirements You configure the devices on the internal network or on the DMZ network so that they obtain the IP address from a DHCP server. Depending on the mode, the security module sends an IP address of the standard router to the nodes in the relevant subnet or you need to inform the nodes in the subnet of a router IP address. Router IP address will be transferred In the following situations, the DHCP protocol of the security module will inform the nodes of the router IP address: - The node is connected to the DMZ interface (SCALANCE S623/S627-2M only) In this case, the security module sends its own IP address as the router IP address. - The node is connected to the internal interface and the security module is configured for router mode In this case, the security module sends its own IP address as the router IP address. - The node is connected to the internal interface and the security module is not configured for router mode, there is, however, a standard router specified in the configuration of the security module. In this case, the security module transfers the IP address of the standard router as the router IP address. Router IP address will not be transferred In the following situations, enter the router IP address manually on the node: - The node is connected to the internal interface and the security module is not configured for router mode. There is also no standard router specified in the configuration of the security module. See also Configuring a DHCP server (Page 898) Configuring a DHCP server How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "DHCP server". 898 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Select the interface for which you want to make the DHCP settings. 4. Make the address assignment. You have the following configuration options: - Static address assignment Devices with a specific MAC address or client ID are assigned the specified IP addresses. You specify these addresses by entering the devices in the address list in the "Static address assignment" group box. - Dynamic address assignment Devices whose MAC address or whose client ID was not specified specifically, are assigned a random IP address from the specified address range. For this purpose, activate the "Dynamic IP address pool" check box. Set the address range in the "Dynamic IP address pool" input area. Note Dynamic address assignment - reaction after interrupting the power supply Please note that dynamically assigned IP addresses are not saved if the power supply is interrupted. On return of the power, you must therefore make sure that the nodes request an IP address again. You should therefore only use dynamic address assignment for the following nodes: Nodes that are used temporarily in the subnet (such as service devices). Nodes that have been assigned an IP address and send this as the "preferred address" the next time they request an address from the DHCP server (for example PC stations). For permanent nodes you should preferably use static address assignment by specifying a client ID or the MAC address. Consistency check - these rules must be adhered to Remember the following rules when making the entries. The IP addresses assigned in the address list in the "Static address assignments" group box must not be in the range of the dynamic IP addresses. IP addresses, MAC addresses and client IDs may only occur once in the "Static address assignment" table (related to the security module). For the statically assigned IP addresses, you must specify either the MAC address or the client ID (computer name). The client ID is a string with a maximum of 63 characters. Only the following characters may be used: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and - (dash). Note In SIMATIC S7, a client ID can be assigned to the devices on the Ethernet interface to allow them to obtain an IP address using DHCP. With PCs, the procedure depends on the operating system being used; it is advisable to use the MAC address here for the assignment. For the statically assigned IP addresses, you must specify the IP address. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 899 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following IP addresses must not be in the range of the free IP address range (dynamic IP addresses): - All router IP addresses in the "Routing" entry - Syslog server - Standard router - Security module address(es) DHCP is supported by the security module on the interface to the internal subnet and on the interface to the DMZ network. The following additional requirements for IP addresses in the range of the dynamic address assignments result from this operational behavior of the security module: - Bridge mode The range must be within the network defined by the security module. - Routing mode The range must be within the internal subnet defined by the security module. Note The DMZ network always represents a separate subnet. When using DHCP on the DMZ interface, make sure that the free IP address range (dynamic IP addresses) is within the DMZ subnet. The free IP address range must be fully specified by entering the start address and the end address. This end address must be higher than the start address. The IP addresses you enter in the address list in the "Static address assignments" input area must be in the address range of the internal subnet or in the DMZ subnet of the security module. See also Running a consistency check (Page 759) Configuring proxy ARP Overview Proxy ARP allows routers to respond to ARP queries for hosts. The hosts are in networks separated by routers but use the same IP address range. If PC1 sends an ARP request to PC2, it receives an ARP response and the hardware address of the interface (MAC address of the port of the security module) on which the query was received from the security module located in between and not from PC2. The querying PC1 then sends its data to the security module that then forwards it to PC2. 900 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks How to access this function This function is only available for the internal interface of a security module that is a member of a VPN group and is in bridge mode. 1. Select the security module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Proxy ARP". 3. If the security module is to respond to an ARP query from its own LAN as a substitute for the specific connection partner, enter the corresponding IP address. IPsec tunnel: Creating and assigning groups Configuring internal network nodes Using the learning mode to learn internal nodes Finding nodes for tunnel communication automatically One great advantage when configuring and operating tunnel communication is that SCALANCE S modules in bridge mode can find the nodes on the internal interface automatically. New nodes are detected by the security module during operation. The detected nodes are signaled to the security modules belonging to the same VPN group. This allows data exchange within the tunnels of a group in both directions at any time. Detectable nodes The following nodes are detected: Network nodes with IP capability Network nodes with IP capability are found when they transmit an ICMP response to the ICMP subnet broadcast. IP nodes downstream from routers can be found if the routers pass on ICMP broadcasts. ISO network nodes You can also teach-in network nodes without IP capability that can be addressed by means of ISO protocols. This is only possible if they reply to XID or TEST packets. TEST and XID (Exchange Identification) are auxiliary protocols for exchanging information on layer 2. By sending these packets with a broadcast address, these network nodes can be located. PROFINET nodes Using DCP (Discovery and basic Configuration Protocol), it is possible to find PROFINET nodes. Network nodes that do not meet these conditions must be configured manually. Subnets located on the other side of internal routers also need to be configured manually. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 901 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks How to access the function 1. Select the module. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "VPN" > "Nodes". Enabling/disabling the learning mode The learning function is enabled in the configuration as default for every security module. Learning can also be disabled completely for SCALANCE S. In this case, you will need to configure all internal network nodes participating in the tunnel communication manually. When is it useful to disable the automatic learning mode? The default settings for the security module assume that internal networks are always secure; in other words, in a normal situation, no network node is connected to the internal network if it is not trustworthy. Disabling the learning mode can be useful if the internal network is static; in other words, when the number of internal nodes and their addresses do not change. If the learning mode is disabled, this reduces the load on the medium and the nodes in the internal network resulting from the learning packets. The performance of the security module is also slightly improved since it does not need to process the learning packets. Note: In the learning mode, all nodes in the internal network are detected. The information relating to VPN configuration limits relates only to nodes that communicate over VPN in the internal network. Note If more than 128 internal nodes are being operated, the permitted configuration limits are exceeded and an illegal operating status results. Due to the dynamics in the network traffic, this causes internal nodes that have already been learned to be replaced by new previously unknown internal nodes. See also Configuring internal subnets manually (Page 903) Configuring IP network nodes manually Meaning As an alternative to the learning mode that you enable using the "Enable learning of internal nodes" check box and that allows the security module to learn the internal network nodes dynamically, you can enter the network nodes to be learned manually in the "Internal IP nodes" entry and in doing so enable them for VPN tunnel communication. The MAC address of a network node can be specified as an option. 902 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement The security module is in bridge mode. The security module is a member of a VPN group. How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "VPN" > "Nodes" > "Internal IP nodes". Configuring MAC network nodes manually Meaning As an alternative to the learning mode that you enable using the "Enable learning of internal nodes" check box and that allows the security module to learn the internal network nodes dynamically, you can enter the network nodes to be learned manually in the "Internal MAC nodes" entry and in doing so enable them for VPN tunnel communication. Requirement The security module is in bridge mode. The security module is a member of a VPN group. How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "VPN" > "Nodes" > "Internal MAC nodes". Configuring internal subnets manually Requirement The security module is a member of a VPN group. How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "VPN" > "Nodes" > "Internal subnets". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 903 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Security module in bridge mode - "Internal subnets" entry To be able to enable internal subnets for VPN tunnel communication manually, you need to enter the following address parameters: Parameter Function Example of a value Network ID Network ID of the subnet to be enabled for VPN tunnel communication. Based on the network ID, the router recognizes whether a destination address is inside or outside the subnet. Must not be located in the same subnet as the IP ad dress of the security module. Subnet mask The subnet mask determines the network structure. Based on the network ID, the router recognizes whether a destination address is inside or outside the subnet. Router IP address IP address of the router via which the subnet you are allowing is reached. Must be located in the same subnet as the IP address of the security module. Security module in routing mode - "Subnets reachable through tunnel" entry In routing mode, entire subnets are always tunneled. To be able to enable internal subnets reachable via routers, the external subnet or the DMZ subnet for VPN tunnel communication manually, you need to enter the following address parameters: Parameter Function Example of a value Network ID Network ID of the subnet to be enabled for VPN tunnel communication. Based on the network ID, the router recognizes whether a destination address is inside or outside the subnet. 904 Subnet mask The subnet mask determines the network structure. Based on the network ID, the router recognizes whether a destination address is inside or outside the subnet. Comment Entry of additional, optional comments. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Router and firewall redundancy Overview Meaning Failures of the security modules SCALANCE S623 as of V4 and SCALANCE S627-2M as of V4 can be automatically compensated by routers and firewall redundancy during operation. To do this, group two security modules of the type SCALANCE S623 or SCALANCE S627-2M in a redundancy relationship by activating routers and firewall redundancy for both security modules. Following this, you decide which security module of the redundancy relationship is passive in normal mode (secondary module). You make this setting for the security module of the redundancy relationship that is active in normal operation (primary module). If the primary module fails during operation, the secondary module automatically adopts the function as firewall and (NAT/NAPT) router. To ensure the identical configuration of both security modules, these are connected together via their DMZ interfaces and their configurations are synchronized during operation. In this case, the DMZ interfaces of the security modules involved cannot be used for other purposes. Address redundancy In addition to their module IP addresses, the two security modules share a common IP address on the external and on the internal interface so that if one of the security modules fails, the IP addresses do not need to be changed. To do this, you need to configure an IP address for the external and for the internal interface of the redundancy relationship. Effects of redundancy relationships on security modules When you create redundancy relationships between security modules, some properties of these security modules are automatically adapted to establish compatibility with the redundancy relationship. The following properties are affected by this adaptation: Module property Effect on the module property Operating mode Where necessary, the mode is changed to the "Routing mode" option. Membership of VPN groups Where necessary, the security module is removed from VPN groups. Interface configuration Where necessary, the external interface and the DMZ inter face of the security module are enabled. Where necessary, the IP assignment method "Static address" is configured for all interfaces. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 905 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration of security modules in redundancy relationships After router and firewall redundancy have been enabled and the primary module of the redundancy relationship selected, some of the module properties are configured only using the primary module. The properties configured for the primary module then apply to the redundancy relationship and cannot be configured for the secondary module. The following properties can be configured for the redundancy relationship: Basic settings of the redundancy relationship (secondary module, network parameters) Firewall (standard rules for IP services are configured separately for the individual security modules). Routing NAT/NAPT routing (not 1:1 NAT) The values of the properties listed above are initially adopted from the primary module for the redundancy relationship. The settings listed below remain active for the individual security modules even after including them in a redundancy relationship. Configuring these properties for the primary module therefore has no effect on the secondary module. Interface configuration (disabling interfaces and changing the VIP assignment method "Static address" is not possible). Standard rules for IP services (firewall) DDNS Time-of-day synchronization Log settings SNMP RADIUS Note Loading a configuration on security modules of a redundancy relationship (only SCALANCE S623/S627-2M as of V4) The properties of a redundancy relationship configured for the primary module must be loaded both on the primary module and on the secondary module. To load the configuration, the physical IP address via which your engineering station can reach the security module must be used. The virtual IP addresses of the redundancy relationship cannot be used for loading. 906 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Configuring routing when using routers and firewall redundaancy In a redundancy relationship the only routing information that is synchronized between the primary and secondary module is that that was configured statically in the local security settings of the primary module in the "Routing" entry. Routing entries resulting dynamically due to using standard routers are not synchronized. When using routers and firewall redundancy it is therefore recommended that you configure all known routers statically. Creating redundancy relationships between security modules Requirement The security modules SCALANCE S623/S627-2M as of V4 are not assigned to any other redundancy relationship. Procedure 1. Select the security module that will be the active security module in normal operation (primary module). 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Router and firewall redundancy". 3. Select the "Router and firewall redundancy" check box. 4. In the "Secondary module" drop-down list, select the security module that will be the passive security module in normal operation. Result: You have created a redundancy relationship between the security modules. Configuring redundancy relationships How to access this function 1. Select the primary module of the redundancy relationship. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Router and firewall redundancy". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 907 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring network parameters of the redundancy relationship Configurable parameter Meaning IP address IP address of the virtual external or internal interface of the redundancy relationship. The IP address must be located in the external or internal subnet of the primary module. Subnet mask Subnet mask of the virtual external or internal interface of the redundancy relationship MAC address (adaptable only for SCALANCE S623/ S627-2M as of V4.0.1) MAC address of the virtual external or internal interface of the redundancy relationship For general information on configuring network parameters, refer to the following section: Configuring IP address parameters (Page 867) Configuring the firewall IP packet filter rules for redundancy relationships are configured on the primary module. The communications directions "From external to internal" and "From internal to external" are available. For general information on configuring IP packet filter rules in advanced firewall mode, refer to the following section: Defining IP packet filter rules (Page 802) Configuring address translation with NAT/NAPT Address translation with NAT/NAPT for the redundancy relationship is configured on the primary module. For redundancy relationships, only Source NAT and NAPT can be configured. With Source NAT, source IP addresses in the internal subnet can only be replaced with the virtual external IP address of the redundancy relationship. No alias IP addresses can be registered on the external interface of the redundancy relationship. With NAPT, only the "External to internal" address translation direction can be configured. For general information on configuring address translations with NAT/NAPT, refer to the following section: Overview of NAT/NAPT (Page 815) Configuring routing Routes for the redundancy relationship are configured on the primary module. Standard routers must be specified in the "External interface [P1] red" or "Internal interface [P2] green" entry and must be identical per interface. For general information on configuring routing, refer to the following section: Specifying routes (Page 893) 908 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Online functions - diagnostics and logging Overview of the individual interfaces - "Interface settings" entry Meaning Table 10-56 Online diagnostics: "Interface settings" entry System and status functions Meaning Interfaces Table above: General overview of the interfaces of the security module. Table below: Information on the interface operated via PPPoE. Status: Indicates whether or not a connection was established to the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Current IP address: Current IP address of the interface Gateway: IP address of the gateway Primary dynamic DNS service: IP address of the primary dynamic DNS service Secondary dynamic DNS service: IP address of the secondary dynamic DNS service Error code (numeric): Error information if no connection could be established to the ISP. CARP (only SCALANCE S623/S627-2M as of V4) CARP interface: Display of the virtual CARP interface Physical interface: Physical interface on which the virtual CARP interface is operated (external / internal). Status: Displays which of the modules of the redundancy relationship is active. MAC address: MAC address of the virtual CARP interface Preferred: Displays which of the modules of the redundancy relationship is configured as the primary module. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 909 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks System and status functions Meaning Media redundancy (SCALANCE S627-2M only) Interface: Interface connected to the MRP ring. Protocol: Protocol used (MRP) Ring port 1: Name of the first media module port of the interface connected to the MRP ring. Ring port 2: Name of the second media module port of the interface connected to the MRP ring. Domain name: Name of the MRP domain. Discrepancy: Display whether the domain of the client differs from that of the redundancy manager. Domain UUID: UUID of the MRP domain. Media modules (SCALANCE S627-2M on Port: Port ID(s) of the media module port(s) ly) Name: Name of the media module MLFB: MLFB of the media module Revision: Version of the media module Discrepancy: Displays whether there are differences between the configuration data in STEP 7 and the media modules. Overview of the Dyn. DNS settings - "Dynamic DNS" entry Meaning Table 10-57 Online diagnostics: "Dynamic DNS" System and status functions Meaning Client status Indicates whether or not a connection was established to a dyn. DNS server. Current IP address WAN IP address via which the security module can currently be reached. Defined IP address IP address currently assigned to the FQDN. Current time The current time-of-day. Force update The security module obtains the current IP address of its Internet access and sends an update query to the configured update server(s). This publishes the current IP address on the Internet. The status is displayed in the primary or secondary dynamic DNS service fields. This means, for example that it is possible to check whether configured data such as the user name and password of the dynamic DNS account are correct. Cancel suspension Cancels the suspension (blocking of IP address updates from the dynamic DNS provider on the security module), for example after the dynamic DNS provider pass word has been corrected or an error has been eliminated. Primary and secondary dynamic DNS service FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name registered with the provider. Server IP Address IP address of the update server used. Successful update Successful update in the dynamic DNS update service. Last update attempt Last update attempt for DynDNS update service. 910 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks System and status functions Meaning Last failed update Last update error in the dynamic DNS update service. Error code Error status of the last unsuccessful update attempt during a dynamic DNS update. What is the meaning of the messages? The messages of the last DDNS update attempt have the following meaning: Message Meaning Success DDNS_OK The update query was successful. Connection-related status messages DDNS_E_CON_UDP_SRV_RESOLV_ERR DDNS_E_CON_UDP_SRV_UNREACHABLE Security-related status messages (errors) DDNS_E_CERT_SUBJECT_INVALID DDNS_E_CERT_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT DNS name of the update server unknown, FQDN cannot be resolved using the known DNS server. Update server unreachable ("Timeout"). The common name of the subject in the certificate does not match the domain name of the update server or its IP address. Issuer certificate not found. The certificate chain could not be followed back to the root CA because an issuer certificate was not found. The trust chain is incomplete. DDNS_E_CERT_SIGNATURE_INVALID The signature of a certificate could not be read or is in valid. DDNS_E_CERT_NO_TRUST A certificate in the trust chain is invalid, in other words: Not yet valid or ready expired V3 extensions invalid Critical V3 extension is not supported DDNS_E_CERT_DEPTH_ZERO_SELFSIGNED_CERT The update server has supplied a self-signed certificate and the certificate is not in the certificate store for trust worthy root CA certificates. DDNS_E_CERT_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN The certificate chain could be established using non trustworthy certificates but no suitable root CA certificate was found in the certificate store for trustworthy certifi cates. DDNS_E_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG The certificate chain exceeds the maximum supported verification depth. DDNS_E_CERT_INVALID_CA A CA certificate is invalid, in other words expired, not yet valid or the V3 extensions are not suitable for the inten ded purpose (for example CA not set to TRUE for CA certificates). DDNS_E_CERT_KEYUSAGE_UNSUITED The V3 extensions key usage or extended key usage set in a certificate of the trust chain are not suitable for the use of the certificate. DDNS_E_CERT_EXTENSION_UNSUPPORTED A certificate in the trust chain used an extension marked as critical that is not supported. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 911 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Message Meaning Agent-related status messages (errors) DDNS_E_AGT_BAD_AGENT The update request does not correspond to the structure required by cRSP, for example URL parameters missing. The update request was sent to an illegal URL on the update server. The configured update string contains errors. Display of the ARP table - "ARP table" entry Meaning Display of the ARP table of the security module. Table 10-58 Online diagnostics: "ARP table" tab System and status functions Meaning ARP table Display of the static (proxy ARP) and dynamic en tries of the ARP table on the security module. The "Publication type" tab specifies whether the entry is configured statically or learnt. Users logged in to the Web page - "Logged in users" entry Meaning Shows the users logged in to the Internet page for user-specific IP rule sets. System and status functions Meaning User name Name of the logged on user. Source IP address IP address with which the user logged on. Time remaining Remaining time before the user is automatically logged off. Maximum time of the session Configured total time of the session. Log off The selected user is logged off. Display of the firewall blacklist - "Firewall blacklist" entry Meaning Displays the IP addresses of nodes that have exceeded the permitted number of connections and firewall statuses per time unit. These nodes are entered in the IP blacklist of the firewall. 912 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The number of connections and firewall statuses per time unit is only limited if the "Use extended status options" check box is selected in the "Standard rules for IP services" entry in the local security settings. If you click the "Delete all" button, the displayed IP addresses are removed from the firewall blacklist of the security module. The IP addresses are also no longer displayed. Setting the date and time - "Date and time" entry How to access this function 1. Select the security module whose time and date you want to check or set. 2. Select the "Online & diagnostics" command from the shortcut menu. 3. In online diagnostics, select the "Functions" > "Date and time" entry. Setting the local time on the security module In this area, you can read out and set the time and date of the security module. When you click the "Apply" button, the security module is assigned the time and date currently entered in the "Date" and "Time" input boxes. Setting the local time on PC This area shows the current time and current date of the PC on which STEP 7 is installed. If you click the "Adopt for module" button, the security module is assigned the current time and current date of the PC. Diagnostics in ghost mode - "Ghost mode" entry Module-specific function This function is available only for SCALANCE S602 as of V3.1. Meaning Display of address information as well as information on IP address changes of the internal node. System and status functions Meaning Status of SCALANCE S602 Display of the status of the security module in relation to op eration in ghost mode. IP address IP address of the internal node (identical to the external IP address of the security module). Subnet mask Subnet mask of the security module. MAC address MAC address of the internal node. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 913 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks System and status functions Meaning Node found on Displays when the internal node was recognized by the se curity module or when an IP address change was made on the internal node. Number of IP address changes Number of IP address changes detected by the security mod ule. IP address IP address in the external network for which the security mod ule requires route information. Standard router Standard router for the IP address in the external network. Download functions Downloading a configuration Downloading the configuration / establishing an online connection 1. From the "PG/PC interface" drop-down list of the "Advanced download" dialog or "Connect online", select the network adapter via which you can reach the module. 2. If the module is in the factory settings status, follow the steps below: - From the "Connection to interface/subnet" drop-down list, with which your engineering station is connected and for which the IP address to be assigned is configured in the local security settings. - Select the "Show all compatible nodes" check box. - Click the "Start search" button. - Result: The module is displayed in the "Compatible devices in target subnet" table with its detected MAC address. - Select the module entry in the table and click the "Assign IP address" button. - Result: The module is assigned the IP address configured in the local security settings for the selected interface. 3. If the module is not in the factory settings status, follow the steps below: - From the "Connection with interface/subnet", select the interface / the FQDN address / WAN address of the module via which your engineering station can reach the module. STEP 7 then uses the address configured in the local security settings for the selected component for access to the module. - If you select the entry "Show devices with the same address" in the "Compatible devices in target subnet" drop-down list, all devices with an address corresponding to that of the selected component are shown. If you select the entry "Show all compatible devices", the devices whose module type matches that of the selected module are shown. - Click the "Start search" button. - Result: The "Address" column of the "Compatible devices in the target subnet" displays the detected IP address / FQDN address of the module. - Select the address entry in the table and click the "Load" or "Go online" button. 914 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Ideally, you should configure the modules of a group via the common external network of these modules (interface X1). If the engineering station is located in an internal network, you will need to enable the IP addresses of the other modules of the group explicitly in the firewall of this SCALANCE S and configure this module first. Note Downloading the configuration when operating in ghost mode (only SCALANCE S602 as of V3.1) When you operate the security module in ghost mode, the external interface of the security module takes over the IP address of the internal node at runtime. Before you can download a new configuration via the external interface to the security module, you need to specify the IP address for downloading a configuration that the security module obtained from the internal node during runtime. To find out the current IP address of the security module, you can search for reachable nodes in STEP 7 with the menu command "Online" > "Accessible devices". Note Loading a configuration on security modules of a redundancy relationship (only SCALANCE S623/S627-2M as of V4) The properties of a redundancy relationship configured for the primary module must be loaded both on the primary module and on the secondary module. To load the configuration, the physical IP address via which your engineering station can reach the security module must be used. The virtual IP addresses of the redundancy relationship cannot be used for loading. Specifying a different address In the "Compatible devices in target subnet" dialog area, you have the option of specifying an IP address / an FQDN address that differs from the IP address / FQDN address in the local security settings. To do this, enter the IP address / FQDN address of the module in the editable cell in the "Address" table column. Firmware version The configuration of a SCALANCE S module can also be downloaded to a SCALANCE S module whose firmware version is higher than the firmware version of the SCALANCE S module in STEP 7. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 915 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Operating mode Configurations can be downloaded while the SCALANCE S modules are operating. Restart the SCALANCE S module to activate your configuration changes. Note Special characteristics As long as a module has not yet set IP parameters (in other words, prior to the first configuration), there must be no router between the module and the configuration computer. If you swap a PC from the internal to the external interface of the SCALANCE S, access from this PC to the SCALANCE S is blocked for approximately 20 minutes. Configuration status Prior to each download, the existing configuration on the security module is checked and compared with the configuration to be downloaded from the STEP 7 project. If the configuration of the module originates from the STEP 7 project currently to be downloaded and there are differences between these configurations, it is possible to download only files with differences between the module and project configuration to the security module. In some situations, this can speed up the download. Transferring firmware This needs to be taken into consideration before transferring new firmware To transfer new firmware to a security module, the following conditions must be met: You have the rights required to transfer firmware; refer to section AUTOHOTSPOT. The security module is configured with an IP address. The transfer is secure The firmware is transferred over a secure connection and can therefore also be transferred from the unprotected network. The firmware itself is signed and encrypted. This ensures that only authentic firmware can be downloaded to the SCALANCE S module. Restart necessary following transfer Newly downloaded firmware only becomes active after the SCALANCE S module has been restarted. If the transfer is disturbed and aborted, the module starts up again with the old firmware version. 916 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Security for S7-300 /S7-400 / PC CPs Setting up a firewall Local firewall rules for S7-300 /S7-400 / PC CPs Overview S7-300 CPs / S7-400 CPs /PC CPs Enabling packet filter rules If you enable the security function for the CPs in the local security settings, initially all access to and via the CP is permitted. To enable individual packet filter rules, select the "Activate firewall" check box. Then enable the required services. Firewall rules created automatically due to a connection configuration have priority over rules set manually. Note Detailed firewall settings in advanced firewall mode In advanced firewall mode, you can restrict firewall rules to individual nodes. To change to advanced firewall mode, select the "Activate firewall in advanced mode" check box. Firewall configuration with VPN If the security module is added to a VPN group, the firewall is enabled by default. In addition, the "Tunnel communication only" check box is enabled. This means that only encrypted IPsec data transfer is permitted via the external interface. External data traffic is blocked. If you deselect the check box, tunneled communication and also the types of communication selected in the other boxes are permitted. Updating connection rules Changes to the connection configuration of CPs also change the connection-related firewall rules. To display the modified firewall rules, click the "Update connection rules" button. The modified firewall rules are then displayed in advanced firewall mode. Configuring a firewall with predefined firewall rules - CP x43-1 Advanced Configuring a firewall with predefined IP rules - CP x43-1 Advanced How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Predefined IP rules". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 917 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-59 Available services and directions Service From station/ External to internal to ex internal ternal From external to station Enabled ports Meaning Allow IP communica tion x x x All IP traffic for the selected communication directions is allowed. Allow S7 proto col x x x TCP port 102 Communication of the nodes using the S7 protocol is allowed. Allow FTP/ FTPS (explicit mode) x x x TCP port 20 TCP port 21 For file management and file access be tween server and client. Allow HTTP x x x TCP port 80 For communication with a Web server. Allow HTTPS x x x TCP port 443 For secure communication with a Web server, for example, for Web diagnostics. Allow DNS x x - TCP port 53 Communication connection to a DNS serv er is allowed. UDP port 53 Allow SNMP x x x TCP port 161/162 For monitoring nodes capable of SNMP. UDP port 161/162 Allow SMTP x x - TCP port 25 For sending e-mails via an SMTP server. Allow NTP x x - UDP port 123 For synchronization of the time of day. Table 10-60 Logging Option Action when activated IP log settings Log tunneled packets Log blocked incoming packets Only active if the security module is a member of a VPN group. All IP packets transferred via the tunnel are logged. Relevant firewall rule Action From To Allow Station Tunnel Allow Tunnel Station External Station All incoming IP packets that are dis Drop carded are logged. Note Relationship between log settings in default mode and firewall rules Log settings that are made in "Predefined IP rules" and "Predefined MAC rules" have no effect on firewall rules that were automatically created as a result of configuring a connection. This means, for example, that tunneled frames belonging to a configured connection cannot be logged. In advanced firewall mode, logging can be extended to the automatically generated firewall rules of connections. 918 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring a firewall with predefined MAC rules - CP x43-1 Advanced How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the entry "Firewall" > "Predefined MAC rules". Table 10-61 Available services and directions Service From station to external From external to sta Meaning tion Allow MAC communica tion x x The MAC traffic from station to external and vice versa is allowed. Allow ISO protocol x x The ISO traffic from station to external and vice versa is allowed. Table 10-62 Logging Option Action when activated MAC log settings Relevant firewall rule Action From To Only active if the secur Allow ity module is a member Allow of a VPN group. All MAC packets transfer red via the tunnel are logged. Station Tunnel Tunnel Station Log blocked incoming packets All incoming MAC Drop packets that are discar ded are logged. External Station Log blocked outgoing packets All outgoing MAC pack Drop ets that are discarded are logged. Station External Log tunneled packets Note Relationship between log settings in default mode and firewall rules Log settings that are made in "Predefined IP rules" and "Predefined MAC rules" have no effect on firewall rules that were automatically created as a result of configuring a connection. This means, for example, that tunneled frames belonging to a configured connection cannot be logged. In advanced firewall mode, logging can be extended to the automatically generated firewall rules of connections. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 919 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring a firewall with predefined firewall rules - CP 1628 Configuring a firewall with predefined IP rules - CP 1628 How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "Security" > "Firewall" > "Predefined IP rules" entry. Table 10-63 Available services and directions Service From external to station Enabled ports Meaning Allow IP communication x All IP traffic from external to station is al lowed. Allow S7 protocol x TCP port 102 Communication of the nodes using the S7 protocol is allowed. Allow FTP/FTPS (explicit mode) x TCP port 20 TCP port 21 For file management and file access between server and client. Allow HTTP x TCP port 80 For communication with a Web server. Allow HTTPS x TCP port 443 For secure communication with a Web server, for example, for Web diagnos tics. Allow DNS x TCP port 53 Communication connection to a DNS server is allowed. Allow SNMP x UDP port 53 TCP port 161/162 UDP port 161/162 For monitoring nodes capable of SNMP. Allow SMTP x TCP port 25 For sending e-mails via an SMTP serv er. Allow NTP x UDP port 123 For synchronization of the time of day. Table 10-64 Logging Option Action when activated IP log settings Log tunneled packets Log blocked incoming packets 920 Relevant firewall rule Action From To Only active if the security module is a member of a VPN group. All IP packets transferred via the tunnel are logged. Allow Station Tunnel Allow Tunnel Station All incoming IP packets that are discarded are logged. Drop External Station WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Relationship between log settings in default mode and firewall rules Log settings that are made in "Predefined IP rules" and "Predefined MAC rules" have no effect on firewall rules that were automatically created as a result of configuring a connection. This means, for example, that tunneled frames belonging to a configured connection cannot be logged. In advanced firewall mode, logging can be extended to the automatically generated firewall rules of connections. Configuring a firewall with predefined MAC rules - CP 1628 How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the entry "Security" > "Firewall" > "MAC rules". Table 10-65 Available services and directions Service From station to exter From external to sta Meaning nal tion Allow MAC level communication x x The MAC traffic from external to the sta tion and vice versa is allowed. Allow ISO communication x x ISO traffic from external to the station and vice versa is allowed. Allow SiClock x x SiClock time-of-day frames from external to the station and vice versa are allowed. Table 10-66 Logging Option Action when activated MAC log settings Log tunneled packets WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Only active if the security module is a member of a VPN group. All MAC packets transferred via the tunnel are logged. Relevant firewall rule Action From To Allow Station Tunnel Allow Tunnel Station Log blocked incoming packets All incoming MAC packets Drop that are discarded are logged. External Station Log blocked outgoing packets All outgoing MAC packets Drop that are discarded are logged. Station External 921 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Relationship between log settings in default mode and firewall rules Log settings that are made in "Predefined IP rules" and "Predefined MAC rules" have no effect on firewall rules that were automatically created as a result of configuring a connection. This means, for example, that tunneled frames belonging to a configured connection cannot be logged. In advanced firewall mode, logging can be extended to the automatically generated firewall rules of connections. IP packet filter directions S7-300-/S7-400-/PC-CPs Meaning Possible selections for the communication directions "From" and "To" in the IP rules of the advanced firewall mode. The following directions are available Available options / ranges of values From Internal External Station Tunnel Any To Security module Meaning CP x43-1 Adv. CP 1628 Station x - Access from the internal network to the station. Any x - Access from internal to the external network, VPN tunnel partner and the station. Station x x Access from the external network to the station. Any x - Access from external to the internal network and the station. Internal x - Access from the station to the internal network. External x x Access from the station to the external network. Tunnel x x Access from the station to the VPN tunnel partner. Station x x Access via the VPN tunnel partner to the station. Any x - Access from VPN tunnel partners to the internal network and the station. External x - Access from the internal network and the station to the external network. MAC packet filter directions S7-300-/S7-400-/PC-CPs Context Possible selections for the communication directions "From" and "To" in the MAC rules of the advanced firewall mode. 922 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following directions are available Available options / ranges of values From To External Station Tunnel Security module Meaning CP x43-1 Adv. CP 1628 Station x x Access from the external network to the station. External x x Access from the station to the external network. Tunnel x x Access from the station to the VPN tunnel part ner. Station x x Access via the VPN tunnel partner to the sta tion. Configuring the access list Module-specific function This function is not available for the CP 1628. Meaning You set access protection for certain IP addresses using the IP access lists. List entries that have already been created and the corresponding rights are displayed in the local settings of the CP in the entry "Firewall" > "IP rules" (advanced firewall mode). Note Changed behavior after activation of security Once you have activated the security function for a CP, access protection will only apply to the external interface. You can apply access protection to the internal interface as well, by configuring suitable firewall rules in advanced firewall mode. The CP also responds to ARP requests from IP addresses that have not been released (layer 2). If the IP access list of a CP contains no entries and you activate security for the CP, the firewall will be activated and prevent access to the CP from external locations. Configure the corresponding firewall rules in advanced firewall mode so that the CP can be reached. Effect of IP access list entries at activation of security If security is enabled in the local settings of a CP, the corresponding rules are created in the advanced firewall mode. A firewall rule "Allow" > "External" > "Station" is created for an IP address you specified in the address list. The IP address from the IP access list is used accordingly as source IP address. IP addresses from a defined IP address range are also integrated into corresponding firewall rules. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 923 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirements for editing Before you can edit created firewall rules, the following condition must be met: for editing using STEP 7: "Configure security" configuration right for editing using a Web server: Module right "Web: Expand IP access control list" The requirements for editing the IP access lists outside the local security settings are described in the sections on the specific CPs. Connection-related automatic firewall rules Meaning For connections that were configured using CPs, STEP 7 automatically creates firewall rules that allow communication with the partner of the CP in the specified direction (CP active/ passive). The connection establishment directions are taken into account. To display these firewall rules, if the advanced firewall mode is enabled, the "Update connection rules" button needs to be clicked. The firewall rules are then displayed in advanced firewall mode. Note Releasing UDP multicast connections manually No automatic firewall rules are created for UDP multicast connections. To enable the connections, add the relevant firewall rules manually in advanced firewall mode. Depending on how the connection establishment is configured, the following level 3 firewall rules are created. If the security module is in a VPN group, the direction "External" changes to "Tunnel". This applies only to CPs that support VPN. The IP address of the connection partner is entered in the "Source IP address" or "Destination IP address" column of these firewall rules. CP->external Action From To active Allow Station External Drop External Station Drop Station External Allow External Station Allow External Station Allow Station External CP->internal Action From To active Allow Station Internal Drop Internal Station Drop Station Internal Allow Internal Station Allow Internal Station Allow Station Internal passive active and passive passive active and passive 924 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks For level 2 connections, "Allow" rules are created for both directions. If the security module is in a VPN group, the direction "External" changes to "Tunnel". The MAC address of the connection partner is entered in the "Source MAC address" or "Destination MAC address" column of these firewall rules. CP->external Action From To active, passive, active and passive Allow Station External Allow External Station Note Changing the connection configuration Changes to the connection configuration of CPs also change the connection-related firewall rules. To display the modified firewall rules, click the "Update connection rules" button. Conventions for automatically created firewall rules Priority The rules have highest priority and are therefore inserted at the top in the local rule list. Deleting rules The rules cannot be deleted. Logging can be enabled and services can be assigned. Moreover, you may insert a bandwidth and a comment. Changing the action If you set the action from "Allow" to "Drop" or vice versa, this is overwritten again during renewed system synchronization. Select "Allow*" or "Drop*" to retain your changes. In this case, only the IP address is synchronized and the action and direction remain as set. Settings for logging, service, bandwidth and comment are also retained after a renewed system synchronization even without changing the action to "Allow*" or "Drop*". If the configured connection is deleted, the corresponding rules are removed from the list. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 925 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Security module in VPN group As default, the "Tunnel communication only" check box is enabled. If you deselect the check box, in addition to tunnel communication between tunnel partners, communication is also possible with network nodes to which there is no tunnel. Communication is untunneled if the partner address belongs to a station known in STEP 7 for which no VPN tunnel is configured. Communication is through the tunnel if the partner address is a VPN endpoint. If it is not clear whether connection should bypass or run through the VPN tunnel, the connection is assigned to the VPN tunnel and a message to this effect is displayed. The assignment can be adapted in advanced firewall mode, for example, by changing the "From" direction "Tunnel" to "External". To avoid this adaptation being overwritten by the next system synchronization, the "Allow*" or "Drop*" action must be selected. Note If you want to ensure that only communication through the tunnel is possible, you will need to create suitable firewall rules in advanced firewall mode, for example, for internal nodes or NDIS addresses. To allow only tunneled communication for a CP, add a rule with the following settings: "Action": "Drop" "From": "Any" "To": "External" For the CP 1628, add a rule with the following settings: "Action": "Drop" "From": "Station" "To": "External" In addition to this, you need to remove existing firewall rules that allow untunneled communication. Activating Web server on security module Module-specific function This function is only available for CP x43-1 Advanced, and CP 443-1 OPC UA: Meaning After activating the Web server, you have access to the Web pages of the module. In the local security settings, you can restrict access to these Web pages for the CP x43-1 Adv using the HTTPS protocol. This access is controlled using the "Allow access only using HTTPS" check box. In addition, you must configure the firewall accordingly. For the CP 443-1 OPC UA access to the Web server is only permitted using HTTPS. 926 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IPsec tunnel: Creating and assigning groups Configuring internal network nodes - "Nodes" entry Allow access to S7-300 / S7-400 CPs for VPN connection partners Possible selections Decide whether or not the VPN connection partner can have access to the CP and/or the internal subnet of the CP in routing mode (SCALANCE S / M). How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Node". 3. Configure access for the VPN connection partner of the CP in routing mode (SCALANCE S / M): - Allow connection to the CP (Gbit interface) - Allow connection to the internal subnet (PROFINET subnet) Configuring NDIS nodes manually for PC CPs that can be reached through the tunnel Configuring NDIS nodes that can be reached through the tunnel The internal nodes are learned and assigned to the routes dynamically. This concerns the NDIS IP addresses of the Windows PC. Follow the steps below 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Nodes" > "NDIS nodes reachable via tunnel". 3. Enter the NDIS IP addresses. Online functions - Debug / Diagnostics and Logging Updated firewall rules - "Dynamically updated firewall rules" entry Module-specific function This function is only available for CP x43-1 Adv. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 927 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Meaning Display of the IP addresses or IP address ranges that were enabled dynamically using HTTP or HTTPS, or loaded by a user. The rights assigned for accessing the S7 CP are displayed for the enabled IP addresses. An update of the IP addresses in this tab can only be triggered by the following events: Extension/modification of the IP access control list Update of firewall rules Dynamic extensions transmitted to the CP at runtime, for example, PROFINET IO devices Since only the dynamically updated firewall rules are displayed here, you also need to take into account the firewall rules that were configured offline and downloaded to the station for a full picture of the current firewall status of the module. Security for S7-1200-/S7-1500-CPs Setting up a firewall Local firewall rules for S7-1200 / S7-1500 CPs Overview of the local firewall rules for S7-1200 / S7-1500 CPs Enabling packet filter rules If you enable the security function for the CPs in the local security settings, initially all access to and via the CP is permitted. To enable individual packet filter rules, select the "Activate firewall" check box. Then enable the required services. Firewall rules created automatically due to a connection configuration have priority over rules set manually. Note Detailed firewall settings in advanced firewall mode In advanced firewall mode, you can restrict firewall rules to individual nodes. To change to advanced firewall mode, select the "Activate firewall in advanced mode" check box. Updating connection rules Changes to the connection configuration of CPs also change the connection-related firewall rules. To display the modified firewall rules, click the "Update connection rules" button. The modified firewall rules are then displayed in advanced firewall mode. 928 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring a firewall with predefined firewall rules - CP 1543-1 / CP 1543SP-1 Configuring a firewall using predefined IP rules How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Predefined IP rules". Table 10-67 Available services and directions Service From exter Enabled ports nal to station Meaning Allow IP communi cation x All IP traffic from external to station is allowed. Allow S7 protocol x TCP port 102 Communication of the nodes using the S7 protocol is allowed. Allow FTP/FTPS* (explicit mode) x TCP port 20 For file management and file access between server and client. Allow HTTP x TCP port 80 For communication with a Web server. Allow HTTPS x TCP port 443 For secure communication with a Web server, for example, for Web diagnostics. Allow SNMP x TCP port 161/162 For monitoring nodes capable of SNMP. TCP port 21 UDP port 161/162 Allow security di agnostics x TCP port 8448 Allow security diagnostics. *not available for CP 1543SP-1 Table 10-68 Logging Option Action when activated IP log settings Log tunneled packets Log blocked incoming packets Only active if the security module is a member of a VPN group. All IP packets transferred via the tunnel are logged. Relevant firewall rule Action From To Allow Station Tunnel Allow Tunnel Station External Station All incoming IP packets that are dis Drop carded are logged. Note Relationship between log settings in default mode and firewall rules Log settings that are made in "Predefined IP rules" and "Predefined MAC rules" have no effect on firewall rules that were automatically created as a result of configuring a connection. This means, for example, that tunneled frames belonging to a configured connection cannot be logged. In advanced firewall mode, logging can be extended to the automatically generated firewall rules of connections. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 929 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring a firewall using predefined IPv6 rules Meaning With the predefined IPv6 rules, you have the option of configuring the firewall for services in which IPv6 is used. By enabling a predefined IPv6 rule in the local security settings of the CP 1543-1 V1.1, the system-defined ICMPv6 services that can be seen in the global security settings in the "ICMP" tab in "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define services for IP rules"are also enabled in the firewall. The firewall of the CP 1543-1 V1.0 allows ICMPv6 packets through even without enabling a predefined IPv6 rule. How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "Firewall" > "Pre-defined IPv6 rules" item in the local security settings. Table 10-69 Available services and directions Service From exter Enabled ports nal to station Meaning Allow IP communi cation x All IP traffic from external to station is allowed. Allow S7 protocol x TCP port 102 Communication of the nodes using the S7 protocol is allowed. Allow FTP/FTPS* (explicit mode) x TCP port 20 For file management and file access between server and client. Allow SNMP x TCP port 21 TCP port 161/162 For monitoring nodes capable of SNMP. UDP port 161/162 *not available for CP 1543SP-1 Table 10-70 Logging Option Action when activated IP log settings Relevant firewall rule Action Log blocked incoming packets All incoming IP packets that are dis Drop carded are logged. From To External Station Note Relationship between log settings in default mode and firewall rules Log settings made in "Predefined IPv6 rules" have no effect on firewall rules that were automatically generated as a result of configuring a connection. This means, for example, that tunneled frames belonging to a configured connection cannot be logged. In advanced firewall mode, logging can be extended to the automatically generated firewall rules of connections. 930 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring a firewall with predefined MAC rules How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the entry "Firewall" > "Predefined MAC rules". Table 10-71 Available services and directions Service From sta tion to ex ternal From external to sta tion Enabled ports Meaning Allow MAC commu nication x x - The MAC traffic from external to the station and vice versa is al lowed. Allow ISO protocol* Allow DCP x x - ISO traffic from external to the station and vice versa is allowed. x x - DCP traffic from external to the station and vice versa is allowed. Allow LLDP* x x - LLDP traffic from external to the station and vice versa is allowed. *not available for CP 1543SP-1 Table 10-72 Logging Option Action when activa Relevant firewall rule ted MAC log settings Action From To Allow Station Tunnel Allow Tunnel Station Log blocked incoming pack All incoming MAC ets packets that are discarded are log ged. Drop External Station Log blocked outgoing pack All outgoing MAC ets packets that are discarded are log ged. Drop Station External Log tunneled packets WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Only active if the security module is a member of a VPN group. All MAC packets transfer red via the tunnel are logged. 931 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Relationship between log settings in default mode and firewall rules Log settings that are made in "Predefined IP rules" and "Predefined MAC rules" have no effect on firewall rules that were automatically created as a result of configuring a connection. This means, for example, that tunneled frames belonging to a configured connection cannot be logged. In advanced firewall mode, logging can be extended to the automatically generated firewall rules of connections. Configuring a firewall with predefined firewall rules - S7-1200 CPs Configuring a firewall using predefined IP rules How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. In the local security settings, select the entry "Firewall" > "Predefined IP rules". Table 10-73 Available services and directions Service From exter Enabled ports nal to station Meaning Allow IP communi cation x All IP traffic from external to station is allowed. Allow S7 protocol x TCP port 102 Communication of the nodes using the S7 protocol is allowed. Allow HTTP x TCP port 80 For communication with a Web server. Allow HTTPS x TCP port 443 For secure communication with a Web server, for example, for Web diagnostics. Allow SNMP x TCP port 161/162 For monitoring nodes capable of SNMP. UDP port 161/162 Allow security di agnostics x TCP port 8448 Allow security diagnostics. Table 10-74 Logging Option Action when activated IP log settings Log tunneled packets Log blocked incoming packets 932 Only active if the security module is a member of a VPN group. All IP packets transferred via the tunnel are logged. Relevant firewall rule Action From To Allow Station Tunnel Allow Tunnel Station External Station All incoming IP packets that are dis Drop carded are logged. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Relationship between log settings in default mode and firewall rules Log settings that are made in "Predefined IP rules" and "Predefined MAC rules" have no effect on firewall rules that were automatically created as a result of configuring a connection. This means, for example, that tunneled frames belonging to a configured connection cannot be logged. In advanced firewall mode, logging can be extended to the automatically generated firewall rules of connections. Configuring a firewall using predefined IPv6 rules Meaning With the predefined IPv6 rules, you have the option of configuring the firewall for services in which IPv6 is used. By enabling a predefined IPv6 rule in the local security settings of of an S7-1200 CP capable of IPv6, the system-defined ICMPv6 services that can be seen in the global security settings in the "ICMP" tab in "Firewall" > "Services" > "Define services for IP rules" are also enabled in the firewall. How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the "Firewall" > "Predefined IPv6 rules" item in the local security settings. Table 10-75 Available services and directions Service From exter Enabled ports nal to station Meaning Allow IP communi cation x All IP traffic from external to station is allowed. Allow S7 protocol x TCP port 102 Communication of the nodes using the S7 protocol is allowed. Allow SNMP x TCP port 161/162 For monitoring nodes capable of SNMP. UDP port 161/162 Table 10-76 Logging Option IP log settings Log blocked incoming packets WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Action when activated Relevant firewall rule Action All incoming IP packets that are dis Drop carded are logged. From To External Station 933 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Relationship between log settings in default mode and firewall rules Log settings made in "Predefined IPv6 rules" have no effect on firewall rules that were automatically generated as a result of configuring a connection. This means, for example, that tunneled frames belonging to a configured connection cannot be logged. In advanced firewall mode, logging can be extended to the automatically generated firewall rules of connections. Configuring a firewall with predefined MAC rules How to access this function 1. Select the module to be edited. 2. Select the entry "Firewall" > "Predefined MAC rules". Table 10-77 Available services and directions Service From sta tion to ex ternal From external to sta tion Enabled ports Meaning Allow MAC commu nication x x - The MAC traffic from external to the station and vice versa is al lowed. Allow DCP x x - DCP traffic from external to the station and vice versa is allowed. Table 10-78 Logging Option Action when activa Relevant firewall rule ted MAC log settings Action From To Allow Station Tunnel Allow Tunnel Station Log blocked incoming pack All incoming MAC ets packets that are discarded are log ged. Drop External Station Log blocked outgoing pack All outgoing MAC ets packets that are discarded are log ged. Drop Station External Log tunneled packets 934 Only active if the security module is a member of a VPN group. All MAC packets transfer red via the tunnel are logged. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Relationship between log settings in default mode and firewall rules Log settings that are made in "Predefined IP rules" and "Predefined MAC rules" have no effect on firewall rules that were automatically created as a result of configuring a connection. This means, for example, that tunneled frames belonging to a configured connection cannot be logged. In advanced firewall mode, logging can be extended to the automatically generated firewall rules of connections. IP packet filter directions S7-1200 / S7-1500 CPs Meaning Possible selections for the communication directions "From" and "To" in the IP rules of the advanced firewall mode. The following directions are available Available options / ranges of values Meaning From To External Station Access from the external network to the station. Station External Access from the station to the external network. Tunnel Access from the station to the VPN tunnel partner. Station Access by VPN tunnel partners to the station. Tunnel MAC packet filter directions S7-1200 / S7-1500 CPs Meaning Possible selections for the communication directions "From" and "To" in the MAC rules of the advanced firewall mode. The following directions are available Available options / ranges of values Meaning From To External Station Access from the external network to the station. Station External Access from the station to the external network. Tunnel Access from the station to the VPN tunnel partner. Station Access by VPN tunnel partners to the station. Tunnel WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 935 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Connection-related automatic firewall rules Meaning For connections that were configured using CPs, STEP 7 automatically creates firewall rules that allow communication with the partner of the CP in the specified direction (CP active/ passive). The connection establishment directions are taken into account. To display these firewall rules, if the advanced firewall mode is enabled, the "Update connection rules" button needs to be clicked. The firewall rules are then displayed in advanced firewall mode. Note Enabling UDP multicast and UDP broadcast connections manually No automatic firewall rules are created for UDP multicast and UDP broadcast connections. To enable the connections, add the relevant firewall rules manually in advanced firewall mode. Depending on how the connection establishment is configured, the following level 3 firewall rules are created. If the CP is in a VPN group, the direction "External" changes to "Tunnel". The IP address of the connection partner is entered in the "Source IP address" or "Destination IP address" column of these firewall rules. CP->external Action From To active Drop External Station Allow Station External Drop Station External Allow External Station Allow External Station Allow Station External passive active and passive For level 2 connections, "Allow" rules are created for both directions. If the CP is in a VPN group, the direction "External" changes to "Tunnel". The MAC address of the connection partner is entered in the "Source MAC address" or "Destination MAC address" column of these firewall rules. CP->external Action From To active, passive, active and passive Allow Station External Allow External Station Note Changing the connection configuration Changes to the connection configuration of CPs also change the connection-related firewall rules. To display the modified firewall rules, click the "Update connection rules" button. 936 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Conventions for automatically created firewall rules Priority The rules have highest priority and are therefore inserted at the top in the local rule list. Deleting rules The rules cannot be deleted. Logging can be enabled and services can be assigned. Moreover, you may insert a bandwidth and a comment. Changing the action If you set the action from "Allow" to "Drop" or vice versa, this is overwritten again during renewed system synchronization. Select "Allow*" or "Drop*" to retain your changes. In this case, only the IP address is synchronized and the action and direction remain as set. Settings for logging, service, bandwidth and comment are also retained after a renewed system synchronization even without changing the action to "Allow*" or "Drop*". If the configured connection is deleted, the corresponding rules are removed from the list. Security module in VPN group As default, the "Tunnel communication only" check box is enabled. If you deselect the check box, in addition to tunnel communication between tunnel partners, communication is also possible with devices to which there is no tunnel. Communication is untunneled if the partner address belongs to a station known in STEP 7 for which no VPN tunnel is configured. Communication is through the tunnel if the partner address is a VPN endpoint. Note If you want to ensure that only communication through the tunnel is possible, you will need to create suitable firewall rules in advanced firewall mode. To allow only tunneled communication for a CP, add a rule with the following settings: "Action": "Drop" "From": "Station" "To": "External" In addition to this, you need to remove existing firewall rules that allow untunneled communication. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 937 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 10.1.4 Creating configurations Configuring automation systems (S7-1200) Functional description of S7-1200 CPUs (S7-1200) Operating modes (S7-1200) Principles of the operating modes of S7-CPUs (S7-1200) Introduction Operating modes describe the behavior of the CPU. The following operating modes are possible: STARTUP RUN STOP In these operating modes, the CPU can communicate via the PN/IE interface, for example. Other operating modes If the CPU is not ready for operation, it is in one of following two operating modes: Deenergized, i.e. the supply voltage is switched off. Defective, which means an internal error has occurred. If the "Defective" status is caused by a firmware error, this state is indicated by the status LEDs of the CPU (refer to the description of the CPU). To find out the cause, follow these steps: - Turn the power supply switch off and on again. - Read out the diagnostics buffer when the CPU starts up and send the data for analysis to Customer Support. If the CPU does not start up, replace it. See also STOP mode (Page 943) RUN mode (Page 943) "STARTUP" operating mode (Page 940) 938 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Operating mode transitions (S7-1200) Overview The following figure shows the operating modes and the operating mode transitions of S7-1200 CPUs: 32:(5 21 6723 67$5783 581 The following table shows the conditions under which the operating modes will change: No. Operating mode transition Conditions POWER ON STARTUP After switching on, the CPU goes to "STARTUP" mode if: "Warm restart" startup type is set, and the hardware configuration and the program blocks are consistent. Non-retentive memory is cleared and the contents of non-retentive DBs are reset to the initial values of the load memory. Retentive memory and retentive DB contents are retained. POWER ON STOP When startup type "No startup" is set, the CPU goes to "STOP" mode after the supply voltage is switched on. Non-retentive memory is cleared and the contents of non-retentive DBs are reset to the initial values of the load memory. Retentive memory and retentive DB contents are retained. STOP STARTUP The CPU switches to "STARTUP" mode if: CPU is set to "RUN" from the programming device, and the hardware configuration and the program blocks are consistent. STARTUP STOP The CPU returns to the "STOP" mode in the following situations: Error detected during startup. The CPU is set to "STOP" from the programming device. A STOP command is processed in the STARTUP OB. STARTUP RUN If the STARTUP is successful, the CPU switches to "RUN". RUN STOP The CPU returns to the "STOP" mode in the following situations: An error is detected that prevents continued processing. The CPU is set to "STOP" from the programming device. A STOP command is processed in the user program. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 939 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "STARTUP" operating mode (S7-1200) Principles of the STARTUP mode (S7-1200) Function After turning on the CPU, it executes a startup program before starting to execute the cyclic user program. By suitably programming startup OBs, you can specify certain initialization variables for your cyclic program in the startup program. There is no rule in terms of the number of startup OBs. That is, you can set up one or several startup OBs in your program, or none at all. Parameter settings for startup characteristics You can specify whether the CPU remains in STOP mode or whether a warm restart is run. Over and above this, you can set the response during startup (RUN or previous mode) in the "Startup" group of the CPU properties. Special characteristics Note the following points regarding the "STARTUP" mode: The startup OBs are executed. All startup OBs you have programmed are executed, regardless of the selected startup mode. No time-based program execution can be performed. Interrupt controlled program execution limited to: - OB 82 (diagnostics interrupt) The outputs on the modules are disabled. The process image is not updated; direct I/O access to inputs is possible. See also Principles of the operating modes of S7-CPUs (Page 938) Startup OBs (Page 998) Warm restart (Page 940) Warm restart (S7-1200) Function During a warm restart, all non-retentive bit memory is deleted and non-retentive DB contents are reset to the initial values from load memory. Retentive bit memory and retentive DB contents are retained. Program execution begins at the call of the first startup OB. 940 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Triggering a warm restart You can trigger a "Warm restart" using a corresponding menu command on your programming device in the following situations: The CPU must be in "STOP" mode. After a memory reset After downloading a consistent program and a consistent hardware configuration in the "STOP" mode of the CPU. "POWER ON" triggers a "warm restart" if you have set the following parameters for the startup response: Startup type "warm restart - RUN" (regardless of the CPU operating mode prior to POWER OFF). "Warm restart - mode prior to POWER OFF" (depending on the CPU operating mode prior to POWER OFF. The CPU must have been in RUN mode prior to this.) See also Retentive memory areas (Page 948) Startup activities (S7-1200) Overview The following table shows which activities the CPU performs at STARTUP: Activities in execution sequence At warm restart Clear non-retentive bit memories Yes Clear all bit memories No Clear the process image output Yes Processing startup OBs Yes Update the process image input Yes Enable outputs after changing to "RUN" mode Yes Sequence The following figure shows the activities of the CPU in "STOP", "STARTUP", and "RUN" modes. You can use the following measures to specify the state of the I/O outputs in the first cycle of the user program: Use assignable output modules to be able to output substitute values or to retain the last value. Set default values for outputs in startup OBs. During the startup, all interrupt events are entered in a queue so that they can be processed later during RUN mode. In RUN mode, hardware interrupts can be processed at any time. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 941 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 6723 67$5783 5HVHWSURFHVVLPDJHLQSXW 'LVDEOH,2RXWSXWV WXUQRIIUHWDLQODVWYDOXH RUVXEVWLWXWHDYDOXH 5XQVWDUWXS2%V 7UDQVIHU,2LQSXWVWRWKH SURFHVVLPDJHLQSXW (QDEOH,2RXWSXWV 581 2XWSXWSURFHVVLPDJH RXWSXW 7UDQVIHU,2LQSXWVWRWKH SURFHVVLPDJHLQSXW 5XQF\FOLF2%V 2SHUDWLQJV\VWHP DFWLYLWLHV FRPPXQLFDWLRQ VHOIWHVWHWF Special features during startup (S7-1200) Response when expected and actual configurations do not match The expected configuration is represented by the engineering configuration loaded on the CPU. The actual configuration is the actual configuration of the automation system. If the expected configuration and actual configuration differ, the CPU nevertheless initially changes to RUN. Canceling a STARTUP If errors occur during startup, the startup is canceled and the CPU remains in "STOP" mode. Under the following conditions, a startup will not be performed or will be canceled: If an invalid SD card is inserted. If no hardware configuration has been downloaded. 942 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Overview of the CPU properties (Page 960) RUN mode (S7-1200) Function In "RUN" mode the cyclic, time-driven, and interrupt-driven program sections execute: The process image output is read out. The process image input table is read. The user program is executed. Active data exchange between S7-1200 CPUs by means of Open User Communication is only possible in "RUN" mode. Running the user program Once the CPU has read the inputs, the cyclic program runs from the first to the last instruction. If you have configured a minimum cycle time, the CPU will not end the cycle until this minimum cycle time is up even if the user program is completed sooner. A maximum cycle time is set which you can adjust according to your requirements. This ensures that the cyclic program is completed within a specified time. The system will respond with a time error if the cyclic program is not completed within this time. Other events such as hardware and diagnostic interrupts can interrupt the cyclic program flow and prolong the cycle time. See also Principles of the operating modes of S7-CPUs (Page 938) Events and OBs (Page 952) STOP mode (S7-1200) Function In "STOP" mode, the user program is not executed. All outputs are disabled or react according to the parameter settings: They provide a substitute value as set in the parameters or retain the last value output and bring the controlled process to a safe status. The CPU checks the following points: Hardware, for example whether are all modules are available Whether the default settings for the CPU are applicable or parameter sets are present Whether the general conditions for the programmed startup behavior are correct WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 943 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Principles of the operating modes of S7-CPUs (Page 938) Basics of a memory reset (S7-1200) Function A memory reset on the CPU is possible only in STOP mode. When memory is reset, the CPU is changed to an "initial status". This means: An existing online connection between your programming device/PC and the CPU is terminated. The content of the work memory and the retentive and non-retentive data are deleted. The diagnostic buffer, the time, the IP address, the hardware configuration, and active force jobs are retained. The load memory (code and data blocks) is then copied to work memory. As a result, the data blocks no longer have current values but their configured initial values. Memory areas (S7-1200) What you need to know about SIMATIC memory cards (S7-1200) Function of the SIMATIC memory card The SIMATIC memory card for an S7-1200 is an SD memory card, preformatted by Siemens for the CPU user program, that is compatible with the Windows operating system. NOTICE Formatting the SIMATIC memory card You may only delete files and folders. If you format the SIMATIC memory card with Windows tools, for example with a commercially available card reader, you will render the memory card unusable as a storage medium for an S7 CPU. 944 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting the card type You can use the SIMATIC memory card as a transfer card, a program card or a firmware update card. To set the card type, insert the SIMATIC memory card into the card reader of the programming device and select the "Card reader/USB memory" folder from the project tree. In the properties of the selected memory card, designate the card type: Program If the SIMATIC memory card is used as a program card, you can load the user program to the card. In this case, the internal load memory of the device is replaced by the SIMATIC memory card and the internal load memory is erased. The user program is then fully executable from the SIMATIC memory card. If the SIMATIC memory card with the user program is removed, there is then no program. Transfer If the SIMATIC memory card is used as a transfer card, you can transfer the user program from the card to the internal load memory of the CPU. You can then remove the SIMATIC memory card. Firmware card Firmware for the S7-1200 modules can be stored on a SIMATIC memory card. It is therefore possible to perform a firmware update with the help of a specifically prepared SIMATIC memory card. A backup copy of firmware for a module can also be stored on the SIMATIC memory card. Transferring objects from the project to a SIMATIC memory card When the SIMATIC memory card is inserted in the programming device or in an external card reader, you can transfer the following objects from the project tree to the SIMATIC memory card: Individual blocks (multiple selection possible) In this case a consistent transfer is available, as the dependencies of the blocks to each other is taken into account with block selection. PLC In this case, all objects relevant to processing, such as blocks and the hardware configuration, are transferred to the SIMATIC memory card, just as with downloading. To perform the transfer, you can move the objects with drag-and-drop or use the command "Card reader/USB memory > Write to memory card" in the "Project" menu. Transferring objects from the SIMATIC memory card to the project You can transfer Individual blocks (multiple selection is possible) by dragging them to the project. A hardware configuration cannot be transferred from the SIMATIC memory card to the project. Updating firmware with a SIMATIC memory card You can get the latest firmware data on the Internet from the Service & Support pages: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 945 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks ( 34143537) Save the firmware files on the hard disk and plug the SIMATIC Memory Card into the card reader of your programming device. To store the file on the SIMATIC memory card, select the SIMATIC memory card in the "Card Reader/USB memory" folder in the project tree. Select the shortcut menu "Card Reader/USB memory > Create firmware update memory card". Then follow the instructions in the Service & Support portal for performing a firmware update with your CPU. Updating the firmware changes the CPU firmware status. If you have used the CPU in the project, you will have to update the CPU already configured to the CPU with the new firmware status by changing devices offline, and adapt and then load the program or configuration. See also Useful information on CPU firmware versions and STEP 7 versions (Page 1019) Displaying properties of memory cards (Page 441) Load memory (S7-1200) Function Each CPU has an internal load memory. The size of this internal load memory depends on the CPU used. This internal load memory can be replaced by using external memory cards. If there is no memory card inserted, the CPU uses the internal load memory; if a memory card is inserted, the CPU uses the memory card as load memory. See also Using memory cards (Page 439) Work memory (S7-1200) Function Work memory is a non-retentive memory area for storing elements of the user program that are relevant for program execution. The user program is executed exclusively in work memory and system memory. 946 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks System memory (S7-1200) System memory areas (S7-1200) Function System memory contains the memory elements that each CPU makes available to the user program, such as the process image and bit memory. By using appropriate operations in your user program, you address the data directly in the relevant operand area. The following table shows the operand areas of the system memory: Operand area Description Access via units of the following size: S7 notation Process image output The CPU writes the values from the process image out put table to the output mod ules at the start of the cycle. Output (bit) Q Output byte QB Output word QW Output double word QD The CPU reads the inputs from the input modules and saves the values to the proc ess image input table at the start of the cycle. Input (bit) I Input byte IB Input word IW Input double word ID This area provides storage for intermediate results cal culated in the program. Bit memory (bit) M Memory byte MB Memory word MW Memory double word MD Data bit DBX Data byte DBB Data word DBW Data double word DBD Local data bit L Local data byte LB Local data word LW Local data double word LD Process image input Bit memory Data block Data blocks store informa tion for the program. They can either be defined so that all code blocks can access them (global DBs) or as signed to a specific FB or SFB (instance DB). Requirement: The block at tribute "Optimized block ac cess" is not enabled. Local data This area contains the tem porary data of a block while the block is being processed. Requirement: The block at tribute "Optimized block ac cess" is not enabled. Recommendation: Access local data (temp) symbolical ly. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 947 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Operand area Description Access via units of the following size: S7 notation I/O input area The I/O input and output areas permit direct access to central and distributed input and output modules. I/O input bit :P I/O output area I/O input byte I/O input word I/O input double word I/O output bit I/O output byte I/O output word I/O output double word See also Diagnostics buffer (Page 950) Basic principles of process images (Page 949) Basic principles for programming of data blocks (Page 4551) Declaring local tags and constants in the block interface (Page 4530) Overview of the block interface (Page 4522) Access to the I/O addresses (Page 951) Retentive memory areas (S7-1200) Retentive memory areas Data loss after power failure can be avoided by marking certain data as retentive. This data is stored in a retentive memory area. A retentive memory area is an area that retains its content following a warm restart, in other words, after cycling the power when the CPU changes from STOP to RUN. The following data can be assigned retentivity: Bit memory: The precise width of the memory can be defined for bit memory in the PLC tag table or in the assignment list. Tags of a function block (FB): You can define individual tags as retentive in the interface of an FB if you have enabled optimized block access. Retentivity settings can be defined only in the assigned instance data block if optimized block access has not been activated for the FB. Tags of a global data block: You can define retentivity either for individual or for all tags of a global data block depending on the settings for access. - Block with optimized access: retentivity can be set for each individual tag. - Block with standard access: The retentivity setting applies to all tags of the DB; either all tags are retentive or no tag is retentive. 948 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Warm restart (Page 940) Setting the retentivity of PLC tags (Page 4603) process image input/output (S7-1200) Basic principles of process images (S7-1200) Function When the user program addresses the input (I) and output (O) operand areas, it does not query or change the signal states on the digital signal modules. Instead, it accesses a memory area in the system memory of the CPU. This memory area is referred to as the process image. Advantages of the process image Compared with direct access to input and output modules, the main advantage of accessing the process image is that the CPU has a consistent image of the process signals for the duration of one program cycle. If a signal state on an input module changes during program execution, the signal state in the process image is retained until the process image is updated again in the next cycle. The process of repeatedly scanning an input signal within a user program ensures that consistent input information is always available. Access to the process image also requires far less time than direct access to the signal modules since the process image is located in the internal memory of the CPU. Updating the process images (S7-1200) Sequence The operating system updates the process images at cyclic intervals unless defined otherwise in your configuration. The process image input/output is updated in the following order: 1. The internal tasks of the operating system are performed. 2. The process image output (PIQ) table is written to the outputs of the module. 3. The status of inputs is read to the process image input (PII) table. 4. The user program is executed with all the blocks that are called in it. The operating system automatically controls the writing of the process image output to the outputs of the modules and the reading of the process image input. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 949 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Special characteristics You have the option of accessing inputs or outputs directly using direct I/O access. If an instruction accesses an output directly and the output address is located in the process image output, the process image of the relevant output is updated. If an instruction accesses an output directly and the output address is not located in the process image output, the process image of the relevant output is not updated. Example of normal I/O access by way of the process image 029( , 0: (1 (12 ,1 287 4 4: Update QW10 in the I/O output area with the value from MW0. I/O access error during process image updating If an error occurs during process image updating (I/O access error), the CPU reacts with the default system reaction "Ignore". See also Start address of a module (Page 951) Access to the I/O addresses (Page 951) Startup activities (Page 941) Diagnostics buffer (S7-1200) Function The diagnostics buffer is part of the system memory of the CPU. It contains the errors detected by the CPU or modules with diagnostics capability. It includes the following events: Every mode change of the CPU (for example, POWER UP, change to STOP mode, change to RUN mode) Every diagnostics interrupt The diagnostics buffer of the S7-1200-CPU has a capacity of 50 entries of which the last (most recent) 10 entries are retained following power cycling. Those entries can only be cleared by restoring the CPU to factory defaults. You can read the content of the diagnostics buffer with the help of the Online and Diagnostics view. 950 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks I/O data area (S7-1200) Start address of a module (S7-1200) Definition The start address is the lowest byte address of a module. It acts as the initial address of the module user data area. Configuring module start addresses The addresses used in the user program and the module start addresses are coordinated when the modules are configured. In the module properties ("I/O addresses" group), you can change the start addresses that were assigned automatically after the modules were inserted. You can also make a setting that decides whether or not the addresses are located in the process image. Access to the I/O addresses (S7-1200) I/O addresses If you insert a module in the device view, its user data is located in the process image of the S7-1200 CPU (default). The CPU handles the data exchange between the module and the process image area automatically during the update of the process images. Append the suffix ":P" to the I/O address if you want the program to access the module directly instead of using the process image. This could be necessary, for example, during execution of a time-sensitive program which also has to control the outputs within the same cycle. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 951 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Basics of program execution (S7-1200) English designation of the OB types (S7-1200) English designation of the OB types When an OB is created in the "Add new block" dialog, the OB types can only be displayed in English for technical reasons - irrespective of the set user interface language. In order to facilitate handling, the following table lists the English terms and their corresponding designations in the set user interface language. English designation of the OB type in the "Add new block" dialog. Designation in the information system Program cycle Cycle OB, OB for cyclic program processing, cyclic program Startup Startup OB Time delay interrupt Time-delay interrupt OB Cyclic interrupt Cyclic interrupt OB Hardware interrupt Hardware interrupt OB Time error interrupt Time error OB Diagnostic error interrupt Diagnostic interrupt OB Pull or plug of modules Pull/plug interrupt OB Rack or station failure Rack failure OB Time of day Time-of-day interrupt OB Status Status interrupt OB Update Update interrupt OB Profile OB for vendor or profile-specific interrupt MC-Interpolator MC-Interpolator OB MC-Servo MC-Servo OB MC-PreServo MC-PreServo OB MC-PostServo MC-PostServo OB Events and OBs (S7-1200) Events and OBs The operating system of S7-1200-CPUs is based on events. There are two types of events: Events which can start an OB Events which cannot start an OB An event which can start an OB triggers the following reaction: It calls the OB you possibly assigned to this event. The event is entered in a queue according to its priority if it is currently not possible to call this OB. The default system reaction is triggered if you did not assign an OB to this event. 952 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks An event which cannot start an OB triggers the default system reaction for the associated event class. The user program cycle is therefore based on events, the assignment of OBs to those events, and on the code which is either contained in the OB, or called in the OB. The following table provides an overview of the events which can start an OB, including the associated event classes and OBs. The table is sorted based on the default OB priority. Priority class 1 is the lowest. Event class OB no. Cyclic program Number of OBs Start event OB priority (de fault) 1, >= 123 >= 1 Starting or end of the last program cycle OB 1 Startup 100, >= 123 >=0 STOP to RUN transition 1 Time-of-day interrupt >= 10 Max. 2 Start time has been reached 2 Time-delay interrupt >= 20 Max. 4 Delay time expired 3 Cyclic interrupt >= 30 Constant bus cycle time expired 8 Hardware interrupt >= 40 Positive edge (max. 16) 18 Max. 50 (more can be used with DETACH and AT TACH) Negative edge (max. 16) HSC: Count value = reference value (max. 6) 18 HSC: Count direction changed (max. 6) HSC: External reset (max. 6) Status interrupt 55 0 or 1 CPU has received status interrupt 4 Update interrupt 56 0 or 1 CPU has received update interrupt 4 Manufacturer- or profilespecific interrupt 57 0 or 1 CPU has received manufacturer-specific or pro 4 file-specific interrupt Diagnostic error interrupt 82 0 or 1 Module has detected an error 5 Pull/plug interrupt 83 0 or 1 Removal/insertion of modules of distributed I/O 6 Rack error 86 0 or 1 Error in the I/O system of the distributed I/O 6 Time error 80 0 or 1 Maximum cycle time exceeded 22 Called OB is still being executed Time-of-day interrupt missed Time-of-day interrupt missed during STOP Queue overflow Interrupt loss due to high interrupt load The following table describes events which do not trigger an OB start, including the corresponding reaction of the operating system. The table is sorted based on event priority. Event class Event Insert/remove central modules Insert/remove a module I/O access error during proc ess image update WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Event priority System reaction 21 STOP I/O access error during process image update 22 Ignore 953 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Event class Event Programming error Programming error in a block for which you 23 use system reactions provided by the operat ing system (note: the error handling routine in the block program is executed if you acti vated local error handling). Event priority RUN I/O access error I/O access error in a block for which you use 24 system reactions provided by the operating system (note: the error handling routine in the block program is executed if you activated lo cal error handling). RUN Maximum cycle time exceeded twice Maximum cycle time exceeded twice STOP 27 System reaction Assignment between OBs and events With the exception of the cyclic program and startup program and event can only be assigned to one OB. However, in certain event classes such as hardware interrupts one and the same OB can be assigned to several events. The assignment between OBs and events is defined in the hardware configuration. Defined assignments can be changed at runtime by means of ATTACH and DETACH instructions. OB priority and runtime behavior S7-1200-CPUs support the priority classes 1 (lowest) to 27 (highest). An OB is assigned the priority of its start event. OBs are always executed on a priority basis: The OBs with the highest priority are executed first. Events of the same priority are processed in order of occurrence. As of firmware version V4.0 of the S7-1200 CPUs you can specify in the device configuration, under properties of the CPU, if the OBs are interruptible or not. This parameter assignment has an effect on all OBs with exception of the cycle OBs which are always interruptible. The following applies to S7-1200 CPUs with firmware version < V4.0: Any OB with priority >= 2 will interrupt cyclic program execution. An OB of priority 2 to 25 cannot be interrupted by any event of priority group 2 to 25. This rule also applies to events of a priority higher than that of the currently active OB. Such events are processed later. A time error (priority 26) will interrupt any other OB. The following applies to S7-1200 CPUs as of firmware version V4.0: If you do not configure the OBs as interruptible, an OB is always processed completely even if an event of a higher priority occurs during its runtime. Specifically, this means: Any OB with priority >= 2 will interrupt cyclic program execution. An OB of priority 2 to 25 cannot be interrupted by any event. This rule also applies to events of a priority higher than that of the currently active OB, which also includes a time error. Such events are processed later. 954 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If you do configure the OBs as interruptible and an event of a higher priority occurs during the runtime of an OB, the running OB is interrupted and the OB associated with the occurring event is processed. Once this OB has been completed, processing of the interrupted OB continues. Specifically, this means: Any OB with priority >= 2 will interrupt cyclic program execution. An OB of priority 2 to 25 can be interrupted by any event whose priority is higher than that of the running OB. This is also true for time errors: A time error (priority 26) will interrupt any OB. OB start information Certain OBs have start information, while others do not. This is explained in greater detail in the description of the relevant OB. See also Event-based program execution (Page 955) ATTACH: Attach an OB to an interrupt event (Page 3631) DETACH: Detach an OB from an interrupt event (Page 3636) Event-based program execution (S7-1200) OB priority and runtime behavior S7-1200-CPUs support the priority classes 1 (lowest) to 27 (highest). An OB is assigned the priority of its start event. Interrupt OBs can only be interrupted by time error interrupts. This rule also applies to events of a priority higher than that of the currently active OB. That is, only one interrupt OB can be active, with exception of the time error interrupt OB. Any further event of generated while an interrupt OB is being executed is added to a queue in accordance with its priority. Start events within a queue are processed later based on the chronological order of their occurrence. Program execution on the CPU Cyclic OBs are interrupted by interrupt OBs. Reactions to events which start an interrupt OB: For CPUs up to firmware version V3: Interrupt OBs can only be interrupted by time error interrupt OBs. For CPUs as of firmware version V4: Interrupt OBs can be interrupted by interrupt OBs of a higher priority. The figure below shows the basic procedure in case interrupt OBs cannot be interrupted (behavior up to firmware version V3): WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 955 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks (YHQWV &\FOLF2%V ,QWHUUXSW2%V 7LPHHUURULQWHUUXSW2%V :ULWH3,4 5HDG3,, %HJLQ 2% ,QWHUUXSWLRQ 5HVXPH 2% ,QWHUUXSWLRQ %HJLQ 2%[[ (QG %HJLQ 2%[\ ,QWHUUXSWLRQ 5HVXPH 2%[\ (QG %HJLQ 2% 7LPHHUURU LQWHUUXSW (QG %HJLQ 2%[] (QG 5HVXPH 2% (QG and %HJLQ 2%[] (QG An event (e.g. a hardware interrupt) calls its associated OB. A called OB is executed without interruption, including all of its nested blocks. Execution of the cyclic OB is resumed on completion of interrupt processing, provided the queue does not contain any events which trigger an OB start. An interrupt OB can only be interrupted by a time error interrupt OB (OB 80). An new alarm-triggering event occurs during interrupt processing. Reaction for CPUs up to and including firmware version V3: This new event is added to a queue. The queued events successively call their corresponding OBs only after execution of the current interrupt OBs was completed and according to the following rules: Events are processed in the order of their priority (starting at the highest priority). Events of the same priority are processed in chronological order. Reaction for CPUs as of firmware version V4: You use a CPU parameter to set the interruptibility for CPUs as of firmware version V4. Default behavior: OBs are interruptible. In this case: If the new event has a higher priority than the currently running OB, the OB started by the new event interrupts the currently running OB. 956 If you disable the option, the interrupt OBs cannot be interrupted. The cyclic OBs are processed one after the other. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Notes on queues Every priority class (OBs of the same priority to be called) is assigned a separate queue. The size of those queues is set by default. Any new event leading to the overflow of a queue is discarded and therefore lost. A "time error interrupt event" is generated simultaneously. Information identifying the OB that caused the error is included in the start information of the time error interrupt OB (OB 80). A corresponding reaction such as an alarm trigger can be programmed in the time error interrupt OB. Example of a hardware interrupt event (S7-1200) The function principle of event-oriented program execution in the S7-1200 CPU is described based on the example of a hardware interrupt-triggering module. Process events and their priority Process events are triggered by the I/O (e.g. at a digital input) and initiate a call of the assigned OB in the S7-1200 CPU. OBs assigned to a process event are called hardware interrupt OBs. Examples of process events and their priority: Process events "rising edge" or "falling edge" at an interrupt-triggering module: The hardware interrupt OB started by such an event is always assigned priority 5. Process events from a high-speed counter - Count value corresponds to the reference value - Change count direction - External reset of the high-speed counter The hardware interrupt OB started by this event is always assigned priority 6. The figure below shows the chronological sequence of hardware interrupt execution: In the case of two hardware interrupt events in immediate succession, the second hardware interrupt triggering event is held back in the queue until the first OBx has been processed. The next hardware interrupt triggering event can only start the associated OBx when the OBx has been processed. Additional hardware interrupt triggering events are lined up in the queue according to this principle. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 957 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks &38 0RGXOH %HJLQ 2%[ ', &38 0RGXOH :$,7 %HJLQ 2%[ ', &38 0RGXOH :$,7 %HJLQ 2%[ (QG ', %HJLQ 2%[ Hardware interrupt execution A hardware interrupt-triggering event such as a rising edge at the input calls the OB to which it is assigned. If a new event occurs that triggers a hardware interrupt while the OB is executing, this event is entered in a queue. The new event that triggers a hardware interrupt starts the hardware interrupt OB as signed to the event. Assigning the interrupt-triggering event The interrupt-triggering event is assigned to an OB in the input properties of the device view. An interrupt-triggering event can only be assigned to a single OB. OBs, however, can be assigned to several interrupt-triggering events. This means, for example, that you can assign both the rising and the falling edge to the same interrupt OB in order to trigger the same reaction to any change of the input signal. 958 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The started OB can interrupt a cycle OB at every instruction. Consistent data access is secured up to dword size. You can parameterize module-specific interrupt-triggering events such as a rising and the falling edge at the input. Assign the interrupt-triggering event and the OB to be started in the configuration of the interrupt-triggering module. However, within the started hardware interrupt OB you can override this assignment using the DETACH instruction, or assign the same event to a different OB using the ATTACH instruction. This functionality allows a flexible reaction to external process signals. Setting the operating behavior (S7-1200) Changing properties of the modules (S7-1200) Default settings When they leave the factory, all hardware components with parameters have default settings suitable for standard applications. These default values allow the hardware components to be used immediately without making any additional settings. You can, however, modify the behavior and the properties of the hardware components to suit the requirements and circumstances of your application. Hardware components with settable parameters include, for example, communications modules and several analog and digital modules. Setting and loading parameters When you have selected a hardware component in the device or network view, you can set the properties in the Inspector window. When you save a device configuration with its parameters, data is generated that needs to be loaded on the CPU. This data is transferred to the relevant modules during startup. Properties of the CPUs The properties of the CPUs have special significance for system behavior. For example for a CPU you can set: Interfaces Inputs and outputs High-speed counters Pulse generators Startup behavior Time-of-day Protection level Bit memory for system and clock WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 959 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Cycle time Communications load The entry possibilities specify what is adjustable and in which value ranges. Fields that cannot be edited are disabled or are not shown in the properties window. Requirement You have already arranged the hardware components for which you want to change properties on a rack. Procedure To change the properties and parameters of the hardware components, follow these steps: 1. In the device or network view, select the hardware component or interface that you want to edit. 2. Edit the settings for the selected object: - For example in the device view you can edit addresses and names. - In the Inspector window additional setting possibilities are available. You do not need to confirm your entries, the changed values will be applied immediately. CPU properties (S7-1200) Overview of the CPU properties (S7-1200) Overview The following table provides you with an overview of the CPU properties: Group Properties Description General Project information General information to describe the inserted CPU. Except for the slot number, you can change this information. Catalog information Read-only information from the hardware catalog for this CPU. Identification & Maintenance For saving application-specific information such as the name of the plant and the installation location. Checksums To check the identity or integrity of PLC programs. Blocks in the block folder and text lists are automatically marked with unique checksums when they are compiled. You can easily establish whether the program currently running on the CPU is the same program that you loaded a long time ago or whether the program has been changed in the meantime. The "GetCh ecksum" instruction is available to read out the checksum while the program is running. See: Comparison of PLC programs based on checksums (Page 4833) 960 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Group Properties Description PROFINET interface General Name and comment for this PROFINET interface. The name is limited to 110 characters. Ethernet addresses Select whether the PROFINET interface is networked. If subnets have already been created in the project, they are available for selection in the drop-down list. If not, you can create a new subnet with the "Add new subnet" button. Information on the IP address, subnet mask and IP router usage in the subnet is available in the IP protocol. If an IP router is used, the information about the IP address of the IP router is necessary. See: Assigning addresses and names for PROFINET devices Advanced options Name, comment and additional setting options of the Ethernet interface port. Time synchronization Settings for time synchronization in the NTP time format. The NTP (network time protocol) is a general mechanism for syn chronizing system clocks in local and global area networks. In NTP mode, the interface of the CPU sends time queries (in client mode) at regular intervals to NTP servers on the subnet (LAN) and the addresses must be set in the parameters here. Based on the replies from the server, the most reliable and most accurate time is calculated and synchronized. The advantage of this mode is that it allows the time to be synchronized across subnets. The accuracy depends on the quality of the NTP server being used. DI#/DO# General Name of and comment on the integrated digital inputs of the CPU. Digital inputs Input delays can be set for digital inputs. The input delays can be set in groups (in each case for 4 inputs). The detection of a positive and a negative edge can be enabled for each digital input. A name and a hardware interrupt can be assigned to this event. Depending on the CPU, pulse catches can be activated at various inputs. When the pulse catch is activated, even pulse edges that are shorter than the cycle time of the program are detected. Digital outputs The reaction to a mode change from RUN to STOP can be set for all digital outputs: The state can either be frozen (corresponds to retain last value) or you set a substitute value ("0" or "1") WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 I/O addresses The address space of the input and output addresses is specified as is the process image. Hardware identifier The hardware identifier of the device is displayed. 961 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Group Properties Description AI# General Name of and comment on the integrated analog inputs of the CPU. Analog inputs During noise reduction, the specified integration time suppresses interference frequencies at the specified frequency (in Hz). The channel address, measurement type, voltage range, smooth ing and overflow diagnostics must be specified in the "Channel #" group. The measurement type and voltage range are set per manently to voltage, 0 to 10 V. Smoothing analog values provides a stable analog signal for fur ther processing. Smoothing analog values can be useful with slow measured value changes, for example, in temperature measurement. The measured values are smoothed with digital filtering. Smoothing is achieved by the module forming mean val ues from a specified number of converted (digitalized) analog values. The selected level (slight, medium, strong) decides the number of analog signals used to create the mean value. If overflow diagnostics is enabled, a diagnostics event is gener ated if an overflow occurs. High-speed counter (HSC) I/O addresses The address space of the input addresses is specified as is the process image. Hardware identifier The hardware identifier of the device is displayed. High-speed counter (HSC)# High-speed counters are typically used to drive counting mecha nisms. See: Configuring high-speed counters (Page 973) Pulse generators (PTO/PWM) PTO#/PWM# A pulse generator is activated and can be initialized with project information. For the configuration of an activated pulse generator, specify the usage as PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) or as PTO (Pulse Train Output). Specify the output source, time base, pulse width format, cycle time and initial pulse width for PWM. A pulse output is specified as the hardware output. The PWM output is controlled by the CTRL_PWM instruction, see CTRL_PWM (Page 3788). Specify the output source for PTO. A pulse output and a direction output are specified as the hardware outputs. A PTO is operated together with a high-speed counter in the "axis of motion" count mode and controlled by the Motion Control technology object (see keyword "Motion Control S7-1200") . The hardware ID is displayed in the I/O-diagnostics addresses and, if the PWM function is selected, the address space of the output addresses and the process image can be selected. 962 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Group Properties Description Startup Startup after POWER ON Setting the startup characteristics after cycling power. See: Principles of the STARTUP mode (Page 940) Comparison of preset configura tion and actual configuration Specifies the startup characteristics of the CPU for situations in which the actual configuration of the S7-1200 station does not correspond to the preset configuration: Startup of the CPU only if compatible Startup of the CPU even if there are differences With the "Startup CPU only if compatible" setting, a module in a configured slot must be compatible with the configured module. Compatible means that the module that is present matches the number of inputs and outputs and must match with respect to its electrical and functional properties. A compatible module must be able to completely replace a configured module; it may be more capable, but not less capable. Example for the "Startup CPU only if compatible" setting: A CPU can be a compatible replacement for a CPU of the same type with a lower firmware version. An input module with 32 digital inputs can be a compatible replacement for a signal module with 16 digital inputs. The CPU starts up when the configured module or a compatible module is plugged in. The CPU does not start up if an incompatible module is inserted. Example of the "Startup CPU even if mismatch" setting: Instead of a configured digital input module, an analog output module is plugged in or no module is present in this slot. Although the con figured inputs cannot be accessed, the CPU starts up. Note in this case that the user program cannot function correctly and take the appropriate measures. Configuration time for central and distributed I/O Specifies a maximum period (standard: 60000 ms) in which the central I/O and distributed I/O must start up. (The CMs and CPs are supplied with voltage and communication parameters during the CPU startup. This configuration time provides a time period during which I/O modules connected to the CM or CP must start up.) The CPU switches to RUN as soon as the central I/O and the distributed I/O has started and is ready for operation, regardless of the "Parameter assignment time for central and distributed I/ O" parameter. If the central I/O and distributed I/O has not started up during this period, the CPU switches to RUN without the cen tral I/O and distributed I/O. Cycle Maximum cycle time and mini mum cycle time. Specification of a maximum cycle time or a fixed minimum cycle time. If the cycle time exceeds the maximum cycle time, the CPU goes to STOP mode. See: Cycle time and maximum cycle time (Page 966) Communication load Maximum allocation of the cycle Controls the duration of communication processes that always for communication (as a percent also extend the cycle time, within certain limits. Examples of com age) munication processes include: Transferring data to another CPU or loading blocks (initiated via the PC). See: Cycle loading by communications (Page 967) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 963 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Group Properties Description System and clock memory System memory bits and clock memory bits You use system memory bits for the following scans: Is the current cycle the first since cycling power? Have there been any diagnostics state changes compared with the previous cycle? Scan for "1" (high) Scan for "0" (low) Clock memory bits change their values at specified periodic in tervals. See: Enabling system memory (Page 984) See: Using clock memory (Page 984) Web server - Enables and configures the Web server function. See: Enabling the Web server Automatic update Sends the requested web page with current CPU data periodi cally to the web browser. Enter the period duration under "Update interval". Automatic update can only be activated if the web server is enabled. See: AUTOHOTSPOT User Management You enter the user names with their access rights here. Everyone: pre-defined user whose access rights you assign using a drop-down list. The "Everyone" user is a user who does not log on with a password for Web access. User#: Editable name for a user for whom you assign access rights and a password. As soon as you click in a line below "Everyone", a preset name is displayed that you can change. Each user can be assigned different access rights via a dropdown list. There are access rights that are connected to each other. Exam ple: When you activate the access right "Perform firmware up date", the access rights "Change operating mode" and "... query diagnostics" are activated automatically. These two rights are re quired to perform a firmware update from the Web server. See: User list Watch tables Allows you to create watch tables and defines access to those tables. User-defined web pages Allows access to freely-designed web pages of the CPU via a web browser. Entry page Allows you to select the entry page. Overview of interfaces Table of all modules with their Ethernet interfaces providing Web server functionality for this device. See: AUTOHOTSPOT Here, you can permit or deny access to the Web server over the interface for each Ethernet interface of the device (CPU, CP or CM). 964 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Group Properties Description User interface lan guages - If you want to use translations of project texts for the Web server, you need to assign the project language to the languages for the Web server (number depends on the CPU). This specifies the project languages that are displayed when the Web server is ac cessed. Example: You assign the project language "German (Luxem bourg)" to the Web server language "German" by selecting it from the drop-down list. Enable the project language under "Languag es & resources > Project languages" in the project tree to make it available for selection in the drop-down list. Time Local time and daylight saving time Setting of the time zone in which the CPU is operated and setting of the daylight-saving/standard time changeover. Protection & Security Protection and password for read/ Setting the read/write protection and the password for access to write access the CPU. See: Setting options for the protection level (FW V1 to V3) (Page 985) See: Setting options for the protection (FW as of V4) (Page 986) Configuration control Connection mechanisms Enabling access over PUT/GET communication. Security event Enabling group alarms for security events and specifying a mon itoring time (interval). External load memory Disables copying from the internal to the external load memory. - Enables configuration control. Allows a configuration change in the user program within certain limits. See: Configuration control Connection resources - Provides an overview of the assigned reserved and dynamic re sources for the CPU connections. The resources currently used are also displayed in the online view. See: Use of connection resources Address overview - Tabular representation of all addresses used by the CPU for in tegrated inputs/outputs as well as for the inserted modules. Ad dresses that are not used by any module are represented as gaps. The view can be filtered according to Input addresses Output addresses Address gaps See also Assigning parameters to hardware interrupt OBs (Page 1017) Access to the I/O addresses (Page 951) Special features during startup (Page 942) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 965 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Cycle time and maximum cycle time (S7-1200) Function The cycle time is the time that the operating system requires to execute the cyclic program and all the program sections that interrupt this cycle. The program execution can be interrupted by: Time errors and 2xMaxCycleTime errors System activities, e.g., process image updating The cycle time (Tcyc) is therefore not the same for every cycle. The following schematic shows an example of different cycle times (TZ1 TZ2) for S7-1200 CPUs: 'LIIHUHQWF\FOHWLPHVIRU6&38V &XUUHQWF\FOH 1H[WF\FOH 7] 1H[WF\FOH 7] 2% 8SGDWLQJWKH 8SGDWLQJWKH3,, 2% 3,2 2% 2% 8SGDWLQJWKH 3,2 8SGDWLQJWKH 3,, 2% 2% 8SGDWLQJWKH 3,2 3,,3URFHVVLPDJHLQSXW 3,23URFHVVLPDJHRXWSXW In the current cycle, the cyclic OB used here (e.g. OB 1) will be interrupted by a time error (e.g. OB 80). Following the cyclic OB, the next cycle OB 201 is processed. Maximum cycle time The operating system monitors the execution time of the cyclic program for a configurable upper limit known as the maximum cycle time. You can restart this time monitoring at any point in your program by calling the RE_TRIGR instruction. If the cyclic program exceeds the maximum cycle time, the operating system will attempt to start the time error OB (OB 80). If the OB is not available, the S7-1200 CPU reacts as follows: CPUs with firmware version V1.x to V3.x: The CPU remains in RUN mode. CPUs with firmware version as of V4.x: The CPU changes to STOP mode In addition to monitoring the runtime for overshooting of the maximum cycle time, adherence to a minimum cycle time is guaranteed. To do this, the operating system delays the start of 966 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks the new cycle until the minimum cycle time has been reached. During this waiting time, new events and operating system services are processed. If the maximum cycle time is exceeded a second time, for example while the time error OB is being processed (2xMaxCycleTime error), the CPU changes to STOP mode. See also Time error OB (Page 1008) Cycle loading by communications (S7-1200) Function The cycle time of the CPU can be extended due to communications processes. These communications processes include for example: Transferring data to another CPU Loading of blocks initiated by a programming device You can control the duration of these communications processes to some extent using the CPU parameter "Cycle load due to communication". In addition to communications processes, test functions also extend the cycle time. The "Cycle load due to communication" parameter can be used to influence the duration. How the parameter works You use the "Cycle load due to communication" parameter to enter the percentage of the overall CPU processing capacity that can be available for communications processes. This CPU processing capacity is now available at all times for communication. This processing capacity can be used for program execution when not required for communication. Effect on the actual cycle time The "Cycle load due to communication" parameter can be used to extend the cycle time of the cyclic organization block (e.g., OB 1) by a factor calculated according to the following formula: &\FOHORDGGXHWRFRPPXQLFDWLRQ The formula does not take into account the effect of asynchronous events such as hardware interrupts or cyclic interrupts on the cycle time. If the cycle time is extended due to communication processes, more asynchronous events may occur within the cycle time of the cyclic organization block. This extends the cycle still further. The extension depends on how many events occur and how long it takes to process them. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 967 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Example 1 - no additional asynchronous events: If the "Cycle load due to communication" parameter is set to 50%, this can cause the cycle time of the cyclic organization block to increase by up to a factor of 2. Example 2 - additional asynchronous events: For a pure cycle time of 500 ms, a communication load of 50% can result in an actual cycle time of up to 1000 ms, provided that the CPU always has enough communications jobs to process. If, parallel to this, a cyclic interrupt with 20 ms processing time is executed every 100 ms, this cyclic interrupt would extend the cycle by a total of 5*20 ms = 100 ms without communication load. That is, the actual cycle time would be 600 ms. Because a cyclic interrupt also interrupts communications, it affects the cycle time by adding 10 * 20 ms at 50 % communication load. That is, in this case, the actual cycle time amounts to 1200 ms instead of 1000 ms. Note Observe the following: Check the effects of changing the value of the "Cycle load due to communication" parameter while the system is running. You must always consider the communication load when setting the minimum cycle time as time errors will otherwise occur. Recommendations Increase this value only if the CPU is used primarily for communication purposes and the user program is not time critical. In all other situations you should only reduce this value. Time-of-day functions (S7-1200) Basic principles of time of day functions (S7-1200) All S7-1200 CPUs are equipped with an internal clock. The backup supports the display of the correct time for up to 10 hours if the power supply is interrupted. Time-of-day format The clock always shows the time of day with a resolution of 1 millisecond and the date including the day of the week. The time adjustment for daylight-saving time is also taken into account. 968 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting and reading the time of day (S7-1200) Setting and reading the time with instructions You can set, start and read the time-of-day and date on the CPU clock with the following instructions in the user program: Set the time-of-day: "WR_SYS_T" Read time of day "RD_SYS_T" Read local time "RD_LOC_T" Set time zone "SET_TIMEZONE" Manual setting You can also read and set the time-of-day manually in the online and diagnostics view under "Functions > Set time-of-day". See also WR_SYS_T: Set time-of-day (Page 3311) RD_SYS_T: Read time-of-day (Page 3313) RD_LOC_T: Read local time (Page 3315) SET_TIMEZONE: Set time zone (Page 3320) Assigning the clock parameters (S7-1200) Clock parameters The clock parameters allow you to make the following settings: Enable time synchronization via NTP server Select this check box if you want the internal clock to be synchronized using the NTP synchronization mode. Network time server The IP addresses of up to four NTP servers need to be configured. Update interval The update interval defines the interval between time queries. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 969 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks High-speed counters (S7-1200) General information on high-speed counters (S7-1200) Introduction High-speed counters are typically used to drive counting mechanisms in which a shaft turning at a constant speed is equipped with an incremental step encoder. The incremental step encoder ensures a certain number of count values per rotation and a reset pulse once per rotation. The clock memory bit(s) and the reset pulse of the incremental step encoder supply the inputs for the high-speed counter. The various S7-1200 CPUs have differing numbers of high-speed counters available: S7-1200 CPU Number of HSCs HSC designation CPU 1211C 3 (with digital signal board 4)* HSC1...3 (and HSC5)* CPU 1212C 4 (with digital signal board 5)* HSC1...4 (and HSC5)* CPU 1214C 6 HSC1...6 CPU 1215C CPU 1217C * with DI2/DO2 signal board How it works The first of several default values is loaded on the high-speed counter. The required outputs are enabled for the time during which the current value of the counter is lower than the default value. The counter is set up so that an interrupt occurs if the current value of the counter is equal to the default value or when the counter is reset. If the current value is equal to the default value and an interrupt event results, a new default value is loaded and the next signal state is set for the outputs. If an interrupt event occurs because the counter is reset, the first default value and the first signal states of the outputs are set and the cycle repeated. Since the interrupts occur much less frequently than the high-speed counter counts, a precise control of the fast operations can be implemented with only a slight influence on the overall cycle of the automation system. Since you can assign specific interrupt programs to interrupts, each new default can be loaded in a separate interrupt program allowing simple control of the state. Note You can also process all interrupt events in a single interrupt program. 970 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Count algorithms of the various counters All counters work in the same way, however some high-speed counters do not support all count algorithms. There are four basic count algorithms: Single-phase counter with internal direction control Single-phase counter with external direction control 2-phase counter with 2 clock inputs A/B counter Each high-speed counter can be used with or without a reset input. If the reset input is activated, this resets the current value. The current value remains reset until the reset input is deactivated. See also Configuring high-speed counters (Page 973) Interdependency of the counter mode and counter inputs (Page 971) Interdependency of the counter mode and counter inputs (S7-1200) General information on counter mode and counter inputs You can assign not only the counter modes and counter inputs to the high-speed counters but also functions such as clock pulse generator, direction control, and reset. The following rules apply: An input cannot be used for two different functions. If an input is not required by the current counter mode of the defined high-speed counter, it can be used other purposes. If, for example, you set HSC1 to counter mode 1, in which inputs I0.0 and I0.3 are required, you can use I0.1 for edge interrupts or for HSC2. If, for example, you set HSC1 and HSC5, inputs I0.0 (HSC1) and I1.0 (HSC5) are always used with the counting and frequency counter modes. As a result, these two inputs are not available for any other functions when counters are operated. You have additional inputs available if you use a digital signal board. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 971 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Overview of the interdependency of counter mode and counter inputs Counter mode Description Inputs HSC1 I0.0 (CPU) I0.1 (CPU) I0.3 (CPU) I4.0 (signal board) I4.1 (signal board) I4.3 (signal board) HSC2 I0.2 (CPU) I0.3 (CPU) I0.1 (CPU) I4.2 (signal board) I4.3 (signal board) I4.1 (signal board) I0.4 (CPU) I0.5 (CPU) I0.7 (CPU) HSC4 (CPU 1212/14/15/17C on I0.6 (CPU) ly) I0.7 (CPU) I0.5 (CPU) HSC5 (CPU 1214/15/17C on ly)** I1.0 (CPU) I1.1 (CPU) I1.2 (CPU) I4.0 (signal board) I4.1 (signal board) I4.3 (signal board) HSC6 (CPU 1214/15/17C on ly)** I1.3 (CPU) I1.4 (CPU) I1.5 (CPU) Clock pulse genera tor - - HSC3* Counting / frequen Single-phase counter with inter cy nal direction control Counting Resetting Counting / frequen Single-phase counter with exter Clock pulse genera cy nal direction control tor Direction Counting Resetting Counting / frequen 2-phase counter with 2 clock in cy puts Clock pulse genera tor forwards Clock pulse genera tor backwards Clock pulse genera tor A Clock pulse genera tor B Counting Resetting Counting / frequen A/B counter cy Counting Motion axis - Resetting Pulse generators PWM/PTO HSC1 and HSC2 support the motion axis count mode for the PTO1 and PTO2 pulse generators: For PTO1, HSC1 evaluates the Q0.0 outputs for the number of pulses. For PTO2, HSC2 evaluates the Q0.2 outputs for the number of pulses. Q0.1 is used as the output for the motion direction. * HSC3 can only be used for CPU 1211 without a reset input ** HSC5 can be also be used for CPU 1211/12 if a DI2/DO2 signal board is used See also General information on high-speed counters (Page 970) Configuring high-speed counters (Page 973) 972 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring high-speed counters (S7-1200) Requirement An S7-1200 CPU has been inserted in the hardware configuration. Procedure To configure a high-speed counter, follow these steps: 1. Select an S7-1200 CPU in the device or network view. 2. Click on the required high-speed counter under "Properties > High-speed counter (HSC)" in the Inspector window: - CPU 1211C: HSC1 to HSC3 (also HSC5 with a DI2/DO2 signal board) - CPU 1212C: HSC1 to HSC4 (also HSC5 with a DI2/DO2 signal board) - CPU 1214C / 1215C / 1217C: HSC1 to HSC6 3. Enable the high-speed counter in the "General" parameter group using the relevant check box. Note If you use a CPU 1211C or CPU 1212C with a DI2/DO2 signal board, you can also enable the high-speed counter HSC5. Note When you activate the pulse generators and operate them as PTO (to control stepper motors), high-speed counters are required. With firmware versions as of V3.0, the CPU uses internal (additional) HSCs. With firmware versions lower than V3.0, the CPU uses HSC1 for PTO1 and HSC2 for PTO2. The counters are then no longer available for other counting tasks. In "Project information" you can enter a name and a comment for the counter. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 973 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Define the functionality of the counter in the "Function" parameter group: - Count mode: Select one of the following functions of the counter from the drop-down list: - Counting (decides the number of pulses) - Period (measurement of the period of pulses) - Frequency (measurement of the frequency of pulses) - Motion Control (use counter for motion control). - Operating phase: Select from the drop-down list how the counter will be operated: - Single phase (one clock input for counting, up and down can be set via the direction input) - Two-phase (one clock input for counting up, one clock input for counting down) - A/B counter (two clock inputs with phase-shifted pulses, single count value) -A/B counter fourfold (two clock inputs with phase-shifted pulses, quadruple count value) - Input source (only in firmware versions lower than 4.0): As the input source for the count pulses, select a CPU input or an input of a signal board. - Count direction is specified by: If the operating phase "Single phase" is set, you can choose whether the user program decides the count direction (instruction CTRL_HSC, parameters DIR and NEW_DIR) or a digital input. - Initial count direction: If the user program is set as the direction control for the count direction, you can select the count direction at the start of counting. - Frequency meter period: If frequency or period is set as the count mode, you can select the duration of the frequency measurement periods in the drop-down list. 5. Specify the initial values and reset condition of the counter in the "Reset to initial values" parameter group: - Initial counter value: Enter a start value for the counter. - Initial reference value: Enter a reference value. The current count is compared with this reference value: When the current counter value is equal to the reference value, an event is triggered (if enabled in "Event configuration"). Here, you can also set whether the counter uses a reset input and the counter resets the current count at a high or low level at the reset input. 6. The following events can be enabled in the "Event configuration" parameter group: - Counter value equal to reference value - External reset - Direction change You can assign a hardware interrupt OB to each of these events under "Hardware interrupt". Alternatively, assign a hardware interrupt OB to every event in the user program ("ATTACH" instruction). Result: When an event is triggered, the CPU executes the assigned hardware interrupt OB (according to the configured priority). The names of the events and the hardware interrupts can be changed. 974 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 7. In the parameter group "Hardware inputs", hardware inputs are already entered. You can accept these. Alternatively, click the "..." button beside "Clock generator up", "Clock generator down" or "Reset input" and select an input. Note: With earlier firmware versions (lower than V4.0), the hardware inputs were preset and could not be changed. 8. In the "I/O addresses" area, the following parameters can be set: - Start address: The CPU writes the counter status to the address area with the set start address (data type DInt). - Organization block: Assignment of this address area to an organization block. - Process image: Assignment of the address area to a process image partition (PIP). The default setting is automatic update (PIP0). Result You have now adapted the parameters of the high-speed counter to the requirements of your project. See also General information on high-speed counters (Page 970) Interdependency of the counter mode and counter inputs (Page 971) Point-to-point communication (S7-1200) Overview of point-to-point communication (S7-1200) PtP communication is communication via a serial interface that uses standardized UART data transmission (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter). The S7-1200 uses communications modules with an RS-232 or RS-485 interface to establish PtP communication. Functions of point-to-point communication Point-to-point communication (PtP) allows numerous applications: Direct transmission of information to an external device, for example a printer or a barcode reader Reception of information from external devices such as barcode readers, RFID readers, cameras and third-party optical systems as well as many other devices. Exchange of information with third-party devices, for example GPS devices, radio modems and many others The Freeport protocol The S7-1200 supports the Freeport protocol for character-based serial communication. Using Freeport communication, the data transmission protocol can be configured entirely by the user program. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 975 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Siemens provides libraries with Freeport communication functions that you can use in your user program: USS Drive protocol Modbus RTU Master protocol Modbus RTU Slave protocol See also Configuring a communications port (Page 976) Using RS-232 and RS-485 communications modules (S7-1200) Communications modules with RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces In an S7-1200 CPU, you can use two different communications modules: RS-232 communications module RS-485 communications module The communications modules can be connected to the S7-1200 CPU via the I/O channel on the left. You can plug in up to three different modules. Properties of the communications modules The communications modules have the following features: Support of the Freeport protocol Configuration by the user program with the aid of expanded instructions and library functions Configuring a communications port (S7-1200) Configuring a communications port After you have inserted a communications module with an RS-232 or RS-485 interface, you then set the interface parameters. You set the parameters for the interface either in the properties of the interface or you control the interface parameters from the user program using the PORT_CFG instruction. The following description relates to the graphic configuration. Note If you use the user program to change the port setting, the settings of the graphic configuration are overwritten. You should also keep in mind that the settings made by the user program are not retained if there is a power down. 976 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement A communications module is already plugged in. You are in the device view. Procedure To configure the communications port, proceed as follows: 1. Select the interface in the graphic representation in the device view. The properties of the interface are displayed in the Inspector window. 2. Select the "Port configuration" group in the area navigation of the Inspector window. The settings of the port are displayed. 3. From the "Transmission speed" drop-down list, select the speed for the data transmission. With user-programmed communication, remember the influence of the transmission speed on the changeover time. 4. From the "Parity" drop-down list, select the type of detection of bad information words. 5. Using the "Data bits" drop-down list, decide whether a character consists of eight or seven bits. 6. From the "Stop bit" drop-down list, select how many bits will identify the end of a transmitted word. 7. From the "Flow control" drop-down list, select the method for ensuring a trouble-free data stream between sender and receiver. This parameter can only be set for the RS-232 interface. - Enter a HEX value in the "XON character" box that will cause the transmission of the message to be continued when it is detected. This parameter can only be set for software-controlled data flow control. - Enter a HEX value in the "XOFF character" box that will cause the transmission of the message to be suspended for the set wait time. This parameter can only be set for software-controlled data flow control. 8. In the "Wait time" box, enter a wait time in ms that must be kept to after the end of the message before the next transmission can start. Note You can configure the interface in the network view as well. To do so, you must first select the communication module in the tabular network view and then select the interface in the Inspector window. Then you can continue as described above. See also Setting data flow control (Page 978) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 977 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting data flow control (S7-1200) Data flow control Data flow control is a method that ensures a balanced send and receive behavior. In the ideal situation, the intelligent control does not allow data to be lost. It ensures that a device does not send more information than the receiving partner can process. There are two methods of data flow control: Hardware-controlled data flow control Software-controlled data flow control With both methods, the DSR signals of the communications partners must be active at the beginning of transmission. If the DSR signals are inactive, the transmission is not started. The RS-232 communications module can handle both methods. The RS-485 communications module does not support data flow control. Hardware-controlled data flow control Hardware-controlled data flow control uses the request to send (RTS) and clear to send (CTS) signals. With the RS-232 communications module, the RTS signal is transmitted via the output by pin 7. The CTS signal is received via pin 8. If hardware-controlled data flow control is enabled, the RTS signal is then always set to activated when data is sent. At the same time, the CTS signal is monitored to check whether the receiving device can accept data. If the CTS signal is active, the module can transfer data until the CTS signal becomes inactive. If the CTS signal is inactive, the data transfer must be suspended for the set wait time. If the CTS signal is still inactive after the set wait time, the data transfer is aborted and an error is signaled back to the user program. Data flow control using hardware handshaking If data flow control is controlled by hardware handshaking, the sending device sets the RTS signal to active as default. A device such as a modem can then transfer data at any time. It does not wait for the CTS signal of the receiver. The sending device itself monitors it own transmission by sending only a limited number of frames (characters), for example to prevent overflow of the receive buffer. If there is nevertheless an overflow, the transferring device must hold back the message and signal an error back to the user program. Software-controlled data flow control Software-controlled data flow control uses certain characters within the messages and these control the transfer. These characters are ASCII characters selected for XON and XOFF. XOFF indicates when a transmission must be suspended. XON indicates when a transmission can be continued. If the sending device receives the XOFF character, it must suspend sending for the selected wait time. If the XON character is sent after the selected wait time, the transfer is continued. If no XON character is received after the wait time, an error is signaled back to the user program. 978 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Software data flow control requires full duplex communication because the receiving partner needs to send the XON character during the ongoing transfer. See also Configuring a communications port (Page 976) Configuration of message transfer (S7-1200) User-programmed communication You can control the data traffic between a communications module and a device connected externally via the serial interface using your own mechanisms. If you want to do this, you will need to define a communications protocol yourself. In freely programmable communication, ASCII and binary protocols are supported for message transfer. Within the communications protocol, you will need to specify the criteria by which the start and end of a transferred message can be recognized in the data stream. User-programmed communication can only be activated in RUN mode. If there is a change to STOP mode, the user-programmed communication is stopped. Specifying the communications protocol You can specify the communications protocol as follows: With the user program - The behavior when sending data is controlled by the SEND_CFG instruction. - The behavior when receiving data is controlled by the RCV_CFG instruction. Using parameter settings set graphically in the Inspector window Note If you change the communications protocol from the user program, the settings of the graphic configuration are overwritten. You should keep in mind that the settings made by the user program are not retained if there is a power down. See also User-programmed communication with RS-232 devices (Page 980) Making the settings for sending (Page 981) Specifying the start of the message (Page 982) Specifying the end of the message (Page 983) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 979 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks User-programmed communication with RS-232 devices (S7-1200) RS-232/PIP multi-master cable and user-programmed communication with RS-232 devices Using the RS-232/PIP multi-master cable and user-programmed communication, you can connect a wide variety of RS-232-compliant devices to the communications modules of the S7-1200. The cable must, however, be set to the "PIP/user-programmed communication" mode. Settings on the cable The switches on the cable must be set as follows: Switch 5 must be set to 0 Switch 6 sets either the local mode (DCE) or the remote mode (DTE): - Switch set to 0 for the local mode - Switch set to 1 for the remote mode Changing over between send and receive mode The RS-232/PIP multi-master cable is in send mode when data is sent from the RS-232 interface to the RS-485 interface. The cable is in receive mode when it is idle or when data is sent from the RS-485 interface to the RS-232 interface. The cable changes from receive to send mode immediately when it detects characters on the RS-232 send line. Supported transmission speeds The RS-232/PIP multi-master cable supports transmission rates between 1200 baud and 115.2 kbaud. The RS-232/PIP multi-master cable can be set to the required transmission rate using the DIP switch on the PC/PIP cable. The following table shows the switch settings for the various transmission speeds: Transmission speed Switchover time Settings (1 = up) 115200 bps 0.15 ms 110 57600 bps 0.3 ms 111 38400 bps 0.5 ms 000 19200 bps 1.0 ms 001 9600 bps 2.0 ms 010 4800 bps 4.0 ms 011 2400 bps 7.0 ms 100 1200 bps 14.0 ms 101 The cable returns to receive mode when the RS-232 send line is idle for a certain time that is defined as the changeover time of the cable. The set transmission speed influences the changeover time as shown in the table. 980 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Influence of the changeover time When working with an RS-232/PIP multi-master cable in a system in which user-programmed communication is used, the program must take into account the changeover time for the following reasons: The communications module reacts to messages sent by the RS-232 device. Once the communications module has received a request from the RS-232 device, it must delay the reaction message for a period that is equal to or longer than the changeover time of the cable. The RS-232 device reacts to messages sent by the communications module. Once the communications module has received a reaction message from the RS-232 device, it must delay the next request message for a period that is equal to or longer than the changeover time of the cable. In both situations, the RS-232-PIP multi-master cable has enough time to change from send to receive mode so that the data can be sent from the RS-485 interface to the RS-232 interface. See also Configuration of message transfer (Page 979) Making the settings for sending (Page 981) Specifying the start of the message (Page 982) Specifying the end of the message (Page 983) Making the settings for sending (S7-1200) Sending messages You can program pauses between individual messages. The following table shows which pauses can be set: Parameter Definition RTS ON delay You can set the time that must elapse after the send request RTS (request to send) before the actual data transfer starts. RTS OFF delay You can set the time that must elapse after the complete transfer be fore RTS signal is deactivated. Send pause at the start of the message You can specify that a pause is sent at the start of every message transfer when the RTS ON delay has elapsed. The pause is specified in bit times. Send Idle Line after a pause You can make a setting so that following a selected pause at the start of the message, the "Idle Line" signal is output to signal that the line is not in use. To enable the parameter, "Send pause at message start" must be set. The duration of the "Idle Line" signal is specified in bit times. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 981 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Specifying the start of the message (Page 982) Specifying the end of the message (Page 983) User-programmed communication with RS-232 devices (Page 980) Specifying the start of the message (S7-1200) Recognizing the start of the message To signal to the receiver when the transfer of a message is completed and when the next message transfer starts, criteria must be specified in the transmission protocol to identify the end and start of a message. If a criterion is met that indicates the start of a message, the receiver starts searching the data stream for criteria that mean the end of the message. There are two different methods for identifying the start of a message: Starting with any character: Any character can defined the start of a message. This is the default method. Starting with a specific condition: The start of a message is identified based on selected conditions. Conditions for detecting the start of a message The following table shows the various options for defining the start of a message: Parameter Definition Recognize start of message by line break The receiver recognizes a line break when the received data stream is interrupted for longer than one character. If this is the case, the start of the message is identified by the line break. Recognize start of message by idle line The start of a message is recognized when the send transmission line is in the idle state for a certain time (specified in bit times) followed by an event such as reception of a character. Recognize start of message with individual characters The start of a message is recognized when a certain character occurs. You can enter the character as a HEX value. Recognize start of message by a character string The start of a message is detected when one of the specified character sequences arrives in the data stream. You can specify up to four char acter sequences each with up to five characters. The individual conditions can be logically linked in any way. See also Making the settings for sending (Page 981) User-programmed communication with RS-232 devices (Page 980) 982 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Specifying the end of the message (S7-1200) Recognizing the end of the message To signal to the receiver when the transfer of a message is completed and when the next message transfer starts, criteria must be specified in the transmission protocol to identify the end and start of a message. In total, there are six different methods of recognizing the end of a message and these can all be logically linked in any way. The following table shows the various possible setting options: Parameter Definition Recognize end of message by message timeout The end of a message is recognized automatically when a selected maximum duration for a message is exceeded. Values from 0 to 65535 ms can be set. Recognize end of message by reply timeout The end of a message is recognized when there is no reply within a set time after transferring data. Values from 0 to 65535 ms can be set. Recognize end of message by timeout between characters The end of a message is detected when the time between two char acters specified in bit times is exceeded. Values from 0 to 2500 bit times can be set. The S7-1200 CPU only accepts a maximum time of eight seconds even if the value that is set results in a duration of more than eight seconds. Recognize end of message by maximum length The end of a message is recognized when the maximum length of a message is exceeded. Values from 1 to 1023 characters can be set. Read message length from message The message itself contains information about the length of the mes sage. The end of a message is reached when the value taken from the message is reached. Which characters are used for the evaluation of the message length is specified with the following parameters: Offset of the length field in the message The value decides the position of the character in the message that will be used to indicate the message length. Values from 1 to 1022 characters can be set. Size of the length field This value specifies how many characters starting at the first evaluation position will be used to indicate the message length. Values of 0, 1, 2 and 4 characters can be set. The data following the length field (does not belong to the message length) The value specifies the number of bytes after the length field that must be ignored in the evaluation of the message length. Values from 0 to 255 characters can be set. Recognize message end with a character sequence WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The end of a message is detected when the specified character se quence arrives in the data stream. You can define up to five characters in the character string that are to be checked. If the specified charac ters appear at the correct location in the message, the message end is recognized. To recognize the message end when character 1 and character 3 have a certain value, for example, you have to activate the check box for character 1 and character 3 and enter a character value. 983 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Making the settings for sending (Page 981) User-programmed communication with RS-232 devices (Page 980) Enabling system memory (S7-1200) System memory A system memory is a bit memory with defined values. You decide which memory byte of the CPU will become the system memory byte when assigning the system memory parameters. Benefits You can use system memory in the user program, for example to run program segments in only the first program cycle after start-up. Two system memory bits are constant 1 or constant 0. Bits of the system memory bytes The following table shows the meaning of the system memory: Bit of the system memory bytes 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Meaning Reserved (=0) Reserved (=0) Reserved (=0) Reserved (=0) =0 =1 =1 with change to the diag nosis sta tus =1 in first pro gram cycle after startup, otherwise 0 Note The selected memory byte cannot be used for intermediate storage of data. Using clock memory (S7-1200) Clock memory A clock memory is a bit memory that changes its binary status periodically in the pulse-nopulse ratio of 1:1. You decide which memory byte of the CPU will become the clock memory byte when assigning the clock memory parameters. 984 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Benefits You can use clock memory, for example, to activate flashing indicator lamps or to initiate periodically recurring operations such as recording of actual values. Available frequencies Each bit of the clock bit memory byte is assigned a frequency. The following table shows the assignment: Bit of the clock memory byte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Period (s) 2.0 1.6 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 Frequency (Hz) 0.5 0.625 1 1.25 2 2.5 5 10 Note Clock memory runs asynchronously to the CPU cycle, i.e. the status of the clock memory can change several times during a long cycle. The selected memory byte cannot be used for intermediate storage of data. Protection (S7-1200) Setting options for the protection level (FW V1 to V3) (S7-1200) Protection level The following section describes how to use the various protection levels of the S7-1200 CPUs V1 to V3. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 985 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Effects of the protection level setting You can choose between the following protection levels: No protection: This corresponds to the default behavior. You cannot enter a password. Read and write access is always permitted. Write protection: Only read-only access is possible. You cannot change any data on the CPU and cannot load any blocks or a configuration. HMI access and communication between CPUs are excluded from the write protection. Assignment of a password is required to select this protection level. Write/read protection: No write or read access is possible in the "Accessible devices" area or in the project for devices that are switched online. Only the CPU type and the identification data can be displayed in the project tree under "Accessible devices". Display of online information or blocks under "Accessible devices", or in the project for devices interconnected online, is possible. HMI access and communication between CPUs are excluded from the write protection. Assignment of a password is required to select this protection level. Behavior of a password-protected CPU during operation The CPU protection takes effect after the settings are downloaded to the CPU. Validity is checked before the online function is executed. If password protection is in place, you are prompted to enter a password. Example: The module was assigned write protection and you want to execute the "Modify tags" function. This requires write access; therefore, the assigned password must be entered to execute the function. The functions protected by a password can only be executed by one programming device/PC at any one time. Another programming device/PC cannot log on with a password. Access authorization to the protected data is in effect for the duration of the online connection or until the access authorization is manually rescinded with "Online > Delete access rights". Access authorization will also expire when the project is closed. Note You cannot restrict functions for process control, monitoring, and communications. However, some functions are protected due to their use as online data. RUN/STOP in the "Online tools" task card or "Set time of day" in the online and diagnostics view are therefore write-protected. Setting options for the protection (FW as of V4) (S7-1200) Protection level The following section describes how to use the various access levels of the S7-1200 CPUs as of V4. 986 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks S7-1200 CPUs provide various access levels to limit the access to specific functions. The parameters for the access levels are assigned in a table. The green checkmarks in the columns to the right of the respective access level specify which operations are possible without knowing the password of this access level. If you want to use the functions of check boxes that are not selected, a password has to be entered. NOTICE Configuring an access level does not replace know-how protection Configuring access levels prevents unauthorized changes to the CPU by restricting download privileges. However, blocks on the memory card are not write- or read-protected. Use knowhow protection to protect the code of blocks on the memory card. Default characteristics The default access level is "Full access (no protection)". Every user can read and change the hardware configuration and the blocks. A password is not set and is also not required for online access. The access levels in detail With an S7-1200 CPU, you can configure the following access levels: Full access (no protection): The hardware configuration and the blocks can be read and changed by all users. Read access: With this access level, only read access to the hardware configuration and the blocks is possible without entering a password - meaning that you can load the hardware configuration and blocks into the programming device. In addition, HMI access and access to diagnostics data is possible. You cannot load blocks or a hardware configuration into the CPU without entering the password. Moreover, writing test functions and firmware updates are not possible without a password. HMI access: With this access level, only HMI access and access to diagnostics data is possible without entering the password. Without entering the password, you can neither load blocks and hardware configuration into the CPU, nor load blocks and hardware configuration from the CPU into the programming device. In addition, the following is not possible without a password: Writing test functions, changing the operating state (RUN/STOP) and firmware updates. No access (complete protection): When the CPU is completely protected, no read or write access to the hardware configuration and the blocks is possible. HMI access is also not possible. The server function for PUT/GET communication is disabled in this access level (cannot be changed). Authorization with the password again provides you full access to the CPU. Behavior of a password-protected module during operation The CPU protection takes effect after the settings are downloaded to the CPU. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 987 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Validity is checked before the online function is executed. If password protection is in place, you are prompted to enter a password. Example: The module was configured with read access and you want to execute the "Modify tags" function. This requires write access; therefore, the assigned password must be entered to execute the function. The functions protected by a password can only be executed by one programming device/PC at any one time. Another programming device/PC cannot log on. Access authorization to the protected data is in effect for the duration of the online connection or until the access authorization is manually rescinded with "Online > Delete access rights". Each access level allows unrestricted access to certain functions without entering a password, for example, identification using the "Accessible devices" function. Configuring access levels (S7-1200) The following section describes how to configure an access level and enter passwords for an S7-1200 CPU as of V4. For an S7-1200 CPU, you can enter multiple passwords and thereby set up different access rights for individual user groups. The passwords are entered in a table in such a way that exactly one access level is assigned to each password. The effect of the password is given in the "Access level" column. Example You select the "No access (complete protection)" access level for a standard CPU (in other words, not an F-CPU) and enter a separate password for each of the access levels that lie above it in the table. For users who do not know any of the passwords, the CPU is completely protected. Not even HMI access is possible. For users who know one of the set passwords, the effect depends on the table row in which the password occurs: The password in row 1 (Full access (no protection)) allows access as if the CPU were completely unprotected. Users who know this password have unrestricted access to the CPU. The password in row 2 (read access) allows access as if the CPU were write-protected. Users who know this password have read-only access to the CPU. The password in row 3 (HMI access) allows access as if the CPU were write-protected and read-protected so that only HMI access is possible for users who know this password. 988 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure To configure the access levels of an S7-1200 CPU, follow these steps: 1. Open the properties of the module in the inspector window. 2. Open the "Protection" entry in the area navigation. A table with the possible access levels appears in the inspector window. 3. Activate the required access level in the first column of the table. The green checkmarks in the columns to the right of the respective protection level show you which operations are still available without entering the password. 4. In the "Password" column, specify a password for full access in the first row. In the "Confirmation" column, enter the selected password again to protect against incorrect entries. Ensure that the password is sufficiently secure, in other words, that is does not follow a machine-recognizable pattern! You must enter a password in the first row "Full access (no protection)". This enables unrestricted access to the CPU for those who know the password, regardless of the selected protection level. 5. Assign additional passwords as needed to other access levels if the selected protection level allows you to do so. 6. Download the hardware configuration so that the access level takes effect. Result The hardware configuration and the blocks are protected against unauthorized access according to the set access level. If an operation cannot be executed without a password due to the set access level, a dialog for entering a password is displayed. Restriction of communication services (S7-1200) Introduction The CPU can be the server for a number of communication services. This means that other communication participants can access CPU data even if you have not configured and programmed connections for the CPU. The local CPU as a server thus does not have the possibility to control communication to the clients. The parameter "Connection mechanisms" in the "Protection" area of the CPU parameters is used to specify whether this type of communication is permitted or not for the local CPU during operation. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 989 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Permit access with PUT/GET communication from remote partners By default, the "Permit access with PUT/GET communication from remote partners (...)" option is disabled. In this case, read and write access to CPU data is only possible for communication connections that require configuration or programming both for the local CPU and for the communication partner. Access through BSEND/BRCV instructions is possible, for example. Connections for which the local CPU is only a server (meaning that no configuration/ programming of the communication with the communication partner exists at the local CPU), are therefore not possible during operation of the CPU, for example, For PUT/GET, FETCH/WRITE or FTP access via communication modules For PUT/GET access from other S7 CPUs For HMI access that is realized via PUT/GET communication If you want to allow access to CPU data from the client side, meaning that you do not want to restrict the communication services of the CPU, activate the "Permit access with PUT/GET communication from remote partners" option. Group alarms for security events (S7-1200) What you should know about group alarms for security events Security events in the diagnostics buffer The CPU stores information on important actions and events in the diagnostics buffer. The following security events (event types) lead to an entry in the diagnostics buffer of the S7-1200: Going online with the correct or incorrect password. Manipulated communications data detected. Manipulated data detected on memory card. Manipulated firmware update file detected. Changed protection level (access protection) downloaded to the CPU. Password legitimization restricted or enabled (by instruction or CPU display). Online access denied due to the possible number of simultaneous access attempts being exceeded. Timeout when an existing online connection is inactive. Logging in to the Web server with the correct or incorrect password. Creating a backup of the CPU. 990 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Restoring the CPU configuration. During startup: - Project on the SIMATIC memory card has changed (the SIMATIC memory card remains the same) - SIMATIC memory card was replaced Group alarm for security events To prevent the diagnostics buffer being "swamped" by large numbers of identical security events, as of STEP 7 V13 service pack 1, you can set parameters so that these events are entered in the diagnostics buffer as a group alarm. Per interval (monitoring time), the CPU then only generates one group alarm per event type. Example: Brute-Force attacks With Brute-Force attacks, attackers attempt to gain access to the CPU by systematically trying out a large number of the possible password combinations. As a result, the CPU receives a large number of login requests within seconds and the inrush of identical single entries in the diagnostics buffer leads to the loss of important diagnostics information. Group alarms help here. Principle of operation of group alarms The CPU enters the first three events of an event type in the diagnostics buffer. It then ignores all subsequent security events of this type. At the end of the monitoring time (interval), the CPU generates a group alarm in which it enters the event type and the frequency of the event during the elapsed interval. If these security events also occur in the intervals that follow, the CPU only generates one group alarm per interval. An attack leaves the following pattern in the diagnostics buffer: Three individual alarms followed by a series of group alarms. This series can consist of two, three or more group alarms depending on the selected monitoring time and duration of the attack. Since the alarms in the diagnostics buffer have a time stamp, the duration of the attack can be determined. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 991 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Security events of one type, for example login attempts with an invalid password. Interval (monitoring time): When a security event of a particular type occurs the first time (or reoccurs), the monitoring time is started (or restarted). Single alarms: The first three security events of a type are entered in the diagnostics buffer immediately. As of the fourth security event of this type, the CPU only creates group alarms. If a security event of this type occurs after a pause of at least one interval, the CPU enters a single alarm in the diagnostics buffer and restarts the monitoring time. Group alarms: After three security events, the CPU only generates a group alarm as a summary of all other security events in this interval. If these security events also occur in the intervals that follow, the CPU only generates one group alarm per interval. Configuring a group alarm for security events (S7-1200) Requirements STEP 7 V14 S7-1200-CPU as of firmware V4.2 Procedure To configure group alarms for security events, follow these steps: 1. Click on the CPU symbol in the network view. The properties of the CPU are displayed in the Inspector window. 2. Go to the "Protection" > "Security event" area. 3. Click on "Security event". 4. Select the option "Summarize security events in case of high message volume" to enable group alarms for security events. 5. Set the duration of an interval (monitoring time); the default is 20 seconds. See also What you should know about group alarms for security events (Page 990) 992 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Deactivating SNMP (S7-1200) The network management protocol SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol that uses various services and tools for detection and diagnostics of the network topology. SNMP uses the transport protocol UDP. SNMP recognizes two network components, the SNMP manager and the SNMP client. The SNMP manager monitors the network nodes: The SNMP clients collect the various network-specific information in the individual network nodes and store it in a structured form in the MIB (Management Information Base). Various services and tools can run detailed network diagnostics with the help of this data. Under certain conditions, it may be useful to disable SNMP. Examples: The security guidelines in your network do not allow the use of SNMP. You use your own SNMP solution, e.g. with your own communications instructions. If you disable SNMP for a device, various options for diagnostics of the network topology (e.g. using the PRONETA tool or the Web server of the CPU) are no longer available to you. Requirements CPU S7-1200 V4.1 and higher CPU S7-1500 V1.8 and higher Disabling SNMP To disable SNMP, follow these steps: 1. In STEP 7, create a data block that contains the structure of data record F003H. The following table shows the structure of the data record F003H. Byte Element Code Explanation 0-1 BlockID F003H Header 2-3 BlockLength 8 4 Version 01 H The data record length is coun ted starting at byte 4 "Version". 5 Subversion 00 H 6-7 Reserved - - 8-11 SNMP controller Disable/enable SNMP If you want to disable SNMP, enter the value 0. If you want to enable SNMP, enter the value 1. 2. Transfer the data record F003H in the startup OB (OB100) to the CPU with the WRREC instruction (write data record). Use an integrated interface of the CPU as the hardware ID. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 993 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Symbolic and numerical names of instructions (S7-1200) Description The instructions from the task card are comprised of functions (FC), function blocks (FB), system functions (SFC) and system function blocks (SFB) that are identified internally by numbers. The following tables show the assignment of numerical and symbolic names. Function blocks (FBs) 994 Numerical name Symbolic name FB 105 TC_CONFIG FB 110 Port_Config FB 111 Send_Config FB 112 Receive_Config FB 113 Send_P2P FB 114 Receive_P2P FB 115 Receive_Reset FB 116 Signal_Get FB 117 Get_Features FB 118 Set_Features FB 163 TC_SEND FB 164 TC_RECV FB 165 TC_CON FB 166 TC_DISCON FB 804 SET_TIMEZONE FB 1030 TSEND_C FB 1031 TRCV_S FB 1071 USS_DRIVE FB 1080 MB_COMM_LOAD FB 1081 MB_MASTER FB 1082 MB_SLAVE FB 1084 MB_CLIENT FB 1085 MB_SERVER FB 1100 MB_Halt FB 1101 MC_Home FB 1102 MC_MoveAbsolute FB 1103 MC_MoveJog FB 1104 MC_MoveRelative FB 1105 MC_MoveVelocity FB 1107 MC_Power FB 1108 MC_Reset FB 1110 MC_MoveInterrupt WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Numerical name Symbolic name FB 1111 MC_ChangeDynamik FB 1112 MC_CommandTable FB 1113 MC_MoveLinearAbs_2D FB 1114 MC_MoveLinearRel_2D FB 1115 MC_MoveCircular_2D FB 1130 PID_Compact FB 1134 PID_3Step FB 1140 HSC FB 2040 RecipeCreate FB 2041 RecipeOpen FB 2042 RecipeRead FB 2043 RecipeWrite FB 2044 RecipeAppend FB 2045 RecipeClose Numerical name Symbolic name FC 2 (1) CONCAT FC 4 (1) DELETE Functions (FCs) FC 11 (1) FIND FC 17 (1) INSERT FC 20 (1) LEFT FC 21 (1) LEN FC 22 LIMIT (1) FC 25 (1) FC 26 MID FC 27 (1) MIN FC 31 (1) REPLACE FC 32 (1) RIGHT FC 36 (1) ENCO FC 36 (1) SEL FC 37 DECO FC 800 LED FC 801 IM_DATA FC 802 DeviceStates FC 803 ModuleStates FC 1070 USS_PORT FC 1072 USS_RPM FC 1073 USS_WPM (1) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 MAX (1) MC7+ instruction 995 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks System data types (SDTs) Numerical name Symbolic name SDT 99 WWW_CDB SDT 513 CONDITIONS SDT 581 Send_Conditions SDT 582 Receive_Conditions System function blocks (SFBs) 996 Numerical name Symbolic name SFB 0 (1) CTU SFB 1 (1) CTD SFB 2 (1) CTUD SFB 3 (1) TP SFB 4 (1) TON SFB 5 TOF (1) SFB 27 START_OB SFB 52 RDREC SFB 53 WRREC SFB 54 RALRM SFB 105 T_CONFIG SFB 106 TDIAG SFB 107 TRESET SFB 110 PORT_CFG SFB 111 SEND_CFG SFB 112 RCV_CFG SFB 113 SEND_PTP SFB 114 RCV_PTP SFB 115 SGN_GET SFB 116 SGN_SET SFB 117 RCV_RST SFB 120 CTRL_HSC SFB 122 CTRL_PWM SFB 124 CTRL_HSC_EXT SFB 140 DataLogCreate SFB 141 DataLogOpen SFB 142 DateLogWrite SFB 143 DataLogClear SFB 144 DataLogClose SFB 145 DataLogDelete SFB 146 DataLogNewFile WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks System functions (SFCs) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Numerical name Symbolic name SFC 7 DP_PRAL SFC 11 DPSYC_FR SFC 13 DPNRM_DG SFC 14 DPRD_DAT SFC 16 RD_OBINF SFC 23 DEL_DB SFC 28 SET_TINT SFC 29 CAN_TINT SFC 30 ACT_TINT SFC 31 QRY_TINT SFC 32 SRT_DINT SFC 33 CAN_DINT SFC 34 QRY_DINT SFC 41 DIS_AIRT SFC 42 EN_AIRT SFC 43 RE_TRIGR SFC 45 D_ACT_DP SFC 46 STP SFC 82 CREA_DBL SFC 83 READ_DBL SFC 84 WRIT_DBL SFC 86 CREATE_DB SFC 89 RST_EVOV SFC 99 WWW SFC 101 RTM SFC 117 GET_DIAG SFC 124 ATTR_DB SFC 140 IO2MOD SFC 143 RD_ADDR SFC 154 RD_LOC_T SFC 154 DPWR_DAT SFC 161 WR_LOC_T SFC 180 ID2LOG SFC 181 LOG2ID SFC 182 ID2GEO SFC 190 SET_CINT SFC 191 QRY_CINT SFC 192 ATTACH SFC 193 DETACH MC7+ Anweisung GET_ERROR MC7+ Anweisung GET_ERR_ID 997 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Organization blocks (S7-1200) Startup OBs (S7-1200) Description You can determine the boundary conditions for the startup characteristics of your CPU, for example, the initialization values for "RUN". To do this, write a startup program. The startup program consists of one or more startup OBs (OB numbers 100 or >= 123). The startup program is executed once during the transition from "STOP" mode to "RUN" mode. Current values from the process image of the inputs are not available for startup program, nor can these values be set. After the complete execution of the startup OBs, the process image of the inputs is read in and the cyclic program is started. There is no time limit for executing the startup routine. Therefore the scan cycle monitoring time is not active. Time-driven or interrupt-driven organization blocks cannot be used. Start information A startup OB has the following start information: Tag Data type Description LostRetentive BOOL = 1, if retentive data storage areas have been lost LostRTC BOOL = 1, if realtime clock has been lost See also "STARTUP" operating mode (Page 940) Events and OBs (Page 952) Cyclic OBs (S7-1200) Introduction For the program execution to start, at least one program cycle OB must be present in the project. The operating system calls this program cycle OB once in each cycle and thereby starts the execution of the user program. You can use multiple OBs (OB numbers >= 123). When multiple program cycle OBs are used, these are called in one after the other in the order of their OB numbers. The program cycle OB with the lowest OB number is called first. The program cycle OBs have the priority class 1. This corresponds to the lowest priority of all OBs. The cyclic program can be interrupted by events of any other event class. 998 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Programming cyclic program execution You program cyclic program execution by writing your user program in the cycle OBs and the blocks that they call. The first cyclic program execution begins as soon as the startup program has ended without errors. The cycle restarts after the end of each cyclic program execution. Sequence of cyclic program execution One cycle of the program execution encompasses the following steps: 1. The operating system starts the maximum cycle time. 2. The operating system writes the values from the process image output to the output modules. 3. The operating system reads out the state of the inputs of the input modules and updates the process image input. 4. The operating system processes the user program and executes the operations contained in the program. 5. At the end of a cycle, the operating system executes any tasks that are pending, for example, loading and deleting blocks or calling other cycle OBs. 6. Finally, the CPU returns to the start of the cycle and restarts the scan cycle monitoring time. See also: process image input/output (Page 949) Options for interrupting Cyclic program execution can be interrupted by the following events: Interrupt A STOP command, triggered by - Operation of the programming device - "STP" instruction Supply voltage failure Occurrence of a device fault or program error Start information None Optimized start information: Name Data type Meaning first_scan BOOL = TRUE in the first call of this OB: Transition from STOP or HOLD to RUN After reloading retentivity WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 BOOL = TRUE, if retentive data are available 999 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Events and OBs (Page 952) Organization blocks for interrupt-driven program execution (S7-1200) Time-of-day interrupt OBs (S7-1200) Function Organization blocks for time-of-day interrupt (OB number >=123) can be processed as follows: One time to a preset time (date with time of day) Periodically with preset start time and the following intervals: - Every minute - Hourly - Daily - Weekly - Monthly - Yearly - End of month Time-of-day interrupt-OBs are therefore used to run parts of the user program on a timecontrolled basis. Status for time-of-day interrupt The following table contains the possible status of a time-of-day interrupt as well as it's meaning. Status Meaning Cancelled The one-time processing has already taken place, or the start event of an not yet processed time-of-day interrupt has been deleted with the extended instruction CAN_TINT. Set You have scheduled the time or start time for processing. Activated You have scheduled whether processing takes place one time or periodically, and in the case of periodic processing, you have scheduled the interval. Rules for time-of-day interrupts The following rules apply to the use of time-of-day interrupts: A time-of-day interrupt can only be processed if it is set and activated, and a corresponding organization block exists in the user program. The start times of periodic time-of-day interrupts must correspond to a real date. For example, it is not possible to repeat an organization block monthly which first occurs on January 31st. In this case, on OB will only be started in the months that have 31 days. 1000 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks A time-of-day interrupt activated during startup by extended instruction call ACT_TINTwill not be executed until the startup is complete. After each CPU startup, you must reactivate previously set time-of-day interrupts Setting and activating a time-of-day interrupt OB Before a time-of-day interrupt can be deleted and the corresponding time-of-day interrupt OB can be processed from the operating system, you must set and activate the interrupt. You have the following options: Set time-of-day interrupt Activate time-of-day interrupt Means of configuring Means of configuring Means of configuring By extended instruction call ACT_TINT By extended instruction call SET_TINTL By extended instruction call ACT_TINT Note If you configure a time-of-day interrupt in such a way that the corresponding OB is to be processed once, the start time must not be in the past (relative to the real-time clock of the CPU). If you configure a time-of-day interrupt in such a way that the corresponding OB is to be processed periodically, but the start time is in the past, then the time-of-day interrupt will be processed the next time it is due. Time-of-day interrupt status query In order to query the status of the time-of-day interrupt, call the extended instruction QRY_TINT. Cancelling a time-of-day interrupt You can cancel a time-of-day interrupt which has not yet been processed with the extended instruction CAN_TINT. You can reset cancelled time-of-day interrupts with the extended instruction SET_TINTL and activate them with the extended instruction ACT_TINT. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1001 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Conditions that effect the time-of-day interrupt OBs Since a time-of-day interrupt occurs only at specific intervals, certain conditions can affect the function of the associated OBs during execution of your program. The following table shows some of these conditions and describes how these affect the processing of a time-of-day interrupt OB. Condition Result The extended instruction CAN_TINT is called in the user pro The operating system deletes the start event (date and time) gram. of the time-of-day interrupt. You must reset and reactivate the time-of-day interrupt if you are going to call the corresponding time-of-day interrupt OB again. By synchronizing or correcting the CPU system clock, the time of day will be set ahead. With this, the start time for a time-of-day interrupt OB will be bypassed. The operating system calls the time error interrupt OB (OB 80) and records the start event, the number, and the priority of the first bypassed time-of-day interrupt OB in its start infor mation. After completion of the OB 80, the operating system processes the bypassed time-of-day interrupt OB only once. By synchronizing or correcting the CPU system clock, the time of day will be set back. The corrected clock time is before the start time of an already processed time-of-day interrupt OB. The time-of-day interrupt OB is repeated. A time-of-day interrupt OB is still being processed when the start event for its next execution occurs. The operating system then calls time error interrupt OB 80. The requested OB is processed only after the processing and further execution of the current time-of-day interrupt OB has completed. Start information A time-of-day interrupt OB has the following start information: Tag Data type Description CaughtUp BOOL =1, if the OB call is executed because clock time is turned ahead. SecondTime BOOL =1 if the OB is called a second time because clock time is turned back (more exactly, if the planned time of the current OB processing is earlier than or the same time as the planned time for the previous OB processing). Note: SecondTime is only set once. Status interrupt OB (S7-1200) Description When it receives a status interrupt, the operating system of the S7-1200 CPU calls the status interrupt OB from a DP master or IO controller. This may be the case if a module of a slave changes its operating mode, for example, from "RUN" to "STOP". For more detailed information on events that trigger a status interrupt, refer to the documentation of the slave or device manufacturer. 1002 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of the start information The status-interrupt OB has the following start information: Name Data type Meaning LADDR HW_IO Hardware address of the component triggering the interrupt Slot UINT Slot number of the component triggering the interrupt Specifier WORD Interrupt specifier from the interrupt frame See also Events and OBs (Page 952) Update interrupt OB (S7-1200) Description When it receives a status interrupt, the operating system of the S7-1200 CPU calls the update interrupt OB from a DP master or IO controller. This may be the case if you changed a parameter on a slot of a slave or device. For more detailed information on events that trigger an update interrupt, refer to the documentation of the slave or device manufacturer. Structure of the start information The update interrupt OB has the following start information: Name Data type Meaning LADDR HW_IO Hardware address of the component triggering the interrupt Slot UINT Slot number of the component triggering the interrupt Specifier WORD Interrupt specifier from the interrupt frame See also Events and OBs (Page 952) OB for vendor- or profile-specific interrupts (S7-1200) Description When it receives a manufacturer-specific or profile-specific interrupt from a DP master or IO controller, the operating system of the S7-1200 CPU calls OB 57. For more detailed information on events that trigger this type of interrupt, refer to the documentation of the slave or device manufacturer. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1003 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of the start information The OB for manufacturer-specific and profile-specific interrupts has the following start information: Name Data type Meaning LADDR HW_IO Hardware address of the component triggering the interrupt Slot UINT Slot number of the component triggering the interrupt Specifier WORD Interrupt specifier from the interrupt frame See also Events and OBs (Page 952) Time-delay interrupt OBs (S7-1200) Description A time-delay interrupt OB is started after a configurable time delay of the operating system. The delay time starts after the SRT_DINT instruction is called. You can use up to four time-delay interrupt OBs or cyclic OBs (OB numbers >= 123) in your program. If, for example, you are already using two cyclic interrupt OBs, you can insert a maximum of two further time-delay interrupt OBs in your program. You can use the CAN_DINT instruction to prevent the execution of a time-delay interrupt that has not yet started. Function of time-delay interrupt OBs The operating system starts the corresponding OB after the delay time, which you have transferred with an OB number and an identifier to the SRT_DINT instruction. To use a time-delay interrupt OB, you must execute the following tasks: You must call the instruction SRT_DINT. You must download the time-delay interrupt OB to the CPU as part of your program. The delay time is measured with a precision of 1 ms. A delay time can immediately start again after it expires. Time delay interrupt OBs are executed only when the CPU is in the "RUN" mode. A warm restart clears all start events of time-delay interrupt OBs. The operating system calls the time-delay interrupt OB if one of the following events occurs: If the operating system attempts to start an OB that is not loaded and you specified its number when calling the SRT_DINT instruction. If the next start event for a time-delay interrupt occurs before the time delay OB has completely executed. 1004 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You can disable and re-enable time-delay interrupts using the DIS_AIRT and EN_AIRT instructions. Note If you disable an interrupt with DIS_AIRT after executing SRT_DINT, this interrupt executes only after it has been enabled with EN_AIRT. The delay time is extended accordingly. Start information None Optimized start information: Name Data type Meaning sign WORD User ID: Input parameter SIGN from the call of the "SRT_DINT" instruction Note "sign" tag The "sign" tag exists only since firmware version V4.1 of the S7-1200 CPUs. See Useful information on CPU firmware versions and STEP 7 versions (Page 1019) See also SRT_DINT: Start time-delay interrupt (Page 3664) CAN_DINT: Cancel time-delay interrupt (Page 3666) Events and OBs (Page 952) Cyclic interrupt OBs (S7-1200) Description Cyclic interrupt OBs serve to start program in periodic time intervals independently of the cyclic program execution. The start times of a cyclic interrupt OB are specified using the time base and the phase offset. The time base defines the intervals at which the cyclic interrupt OB is started and is an integer multiple of the basic clock cycle of 1 ms. The phase offset is the time by which the start time is offset compared with the basic clock cycle. If several cyclic interrupt OBs are being used, you can use this offset to prevent a simultaneous start time if the time bases of the cyclic interrupt OBs have common multiples. You can specify a time period between 1 ms and 60000 ms as the time base. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1005 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You can use up to four cyclic interrupt OBs or time-delay OBs (OB numbers >= 123) in your program. If, for example, you are already using two time-delay interrupt OBs, you can insert a maximum of two further cyclic interrupt OBs in your program. Note The execution time of each cyclic interrupt OB must be noticeably smaller than its time base. If a cyclic interrupt OB has not been completely executed but execution is again pending because the cycle clock has expired, the time error OB is started. The cyclic interrupt that caused the error is executed later or discarded. Example of the use of phase offset You have inserted two cyclic interrupt OBs in your program: Cyclic interrupt OB1 Cyclic interrupt OB2 For cyclic interrupt OB1, you have set a time base of 20 ms and for cyclic interrupt OB2 a time base of 100 ms. After expiration of the time base of 100 ms, the cyclic interrupt OB1 reaches the start time for the fifth time, cyclic interrupt OB2 for the first time. To nevertheless execute the cyclic interrupt OBs offset, enter a phase offset for one of the two cyclic interrupt OBs. Start information None Optimized start information: Name Data type Meaning first_scan BOOL = TRUE in the first call of this OB At the transition from STOP or HOLD to RUN After reloading event_count INT Number of lost start events since the last start of this OB See also Assigning parameters to cyclic interrupt OBs (Page 1016) Events and OBs (Page 952) Hardware interrupt OBs (S7-1200) Description You can use hardware interrupt OBs to react to specific events. You can assign an event that triggers an alarm to precisely one hardware interrupt OB. A hardware interrupt OB in contrast can be assigned to several events. 1006 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Hardware interrupts can be triggered by high-speed counters and input channels. For each high-speed counter and input channel that should trigger a hardware interrupt, the following properties need to be configured: The process event that should trigger the hardware interrupt (for example, the change of a count direction of a high-speed counter) The number of the hardware interrupt OB which is assigned to this process event You can use up to 50 hardware interrupt OBs (OB numbers >= 123) that are independent of each other in your program. Functionality of a hardware interrupt OB After triggering a hardware interrupt, the operating system identifies the channel of the input or the high-speed counter and determines the assigned hardware interrupt OB. If no other interrupt OB is active, the determined hardware interrupt OB is called. If a different interrupt OB is already being executed, the hardware interrupt is placed in the queue of its priority class. The hardware interrupt is acknowledged after the completion of the assigned hardware interrupt OB. If another event that triggers a hardware interrupt occurs on the same module during the time between identification and acknowledgement of a hardware interrupt, the following applies: If the event occurs on the channel that previously triggered the hardware interrupt, then no additional hardware interrupt is triggered. Another hardware interrupt can only be triggered if the current hardware interrupt is acknowledged. If the event occurs on a different channel, a hardware interrupt is triggered. Hardware interrupt OBs are called only in the CPU's "RUN" mode. Start information None Optimized start information: Name Data type Meaning Laddr HW_IO Hardware identifier of the module that triggers the hardware interrupt USI WORD Identifier for future extensions (not user-relevant) IChannel USINT Number of the channel that triggered the hardware interrupt EventType BYTE Identifier for the event type associated with the event triggering the in terrupt (e.g., positive edge) This identifier can be found in the description of the respective module. See also Assigning parameters to hardware interrupt OBs (Page 1017) Events and OBs (Page 952) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1007 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Time error OB (S7-1200) Description The operating system calls the time error OB (OB 80) if one of the following events occurs: The cyclic program exceeds the maximum cycle time. The OB called is currently still being executed (possible for time-delay interrupt OBs and cyclic interrupt OBs). A time-of-day interrupt was missed because the clock time was set forward by more than 20 seconds. A time-of-day interrupt was missed during a STOP. An overflow has occurred in an interrupt OB queue. An interrupt was lost due to the excessive interrupt load. If you have programmed no time error OB, the S7-1200 CPU reacts as follows: CPUs with firmware version V1.x to V3.x: The CPU remains in RUN mode. CPUs with firmware version as of V4.x: - The CPUs goes to STOP mode when the maximum cycle time is exceeded. - With all other start events of the time error OB, the CPU remains in RUN mode. Violation of the maximum cycle time twice does not lead to the calling of an OB, but to the STOP of the CPU. You can avoid the second violation by restarting the cycle monitoring of the CPU with the RE_TRIGR instruction. You can use only one time error OB in your program. Start information The time error OB has the following start information: Tag Data type Description fault_id BYTE 0x01: Maximum cycle time exceeded 0x02: Called OB is still being executed 0x05: Expired time-of-day interrupt due to time jump 0x06: Expired time-of-day interrupt on return to RUN mode 0x07: Queue overflow 0x09: Interrupt loss due to high interrupt load csg_OBnr OB_ANY Number of the OB being executed at the time of the error csg_prio UINT Priority of the OB being executed at the time of the error See also Events and OBs (Page 952) Cycle time and maximum cycle time (Page 966) 1008 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Diagnostic interrupt OB (S7-1200) Description You can enable the diagnostic error interrupt for diagnostics-capable modules so that the module detects changes in the I/O status. As a result, the module triggers a diagnostic error interrupt in the following cases: A fault is present (incoming event) A fault is no longer present (outgoing event) If no other interrupt OB is active, then the diagnostic interrupt OB (OB 82) is called. If another interrupt OB is already being executed, the diagnostic error interrupt is placed in the queue of its priority group. You can use only one diagnostic interrupt OB in your program. Start information The diagnostic interrupt OB has the following start information: Tag Data type Description IO_state WORD Contains the I/O status of the diagnostics-ca pable module. laddr HW_ANY HW-ID Channel UINT Channel number multi_error BOOL = 1, if there is more than one error IO_state tag The following table shows the possible I/O states that the IO_state tag can contain: IO_state Description Bit 0 Configuration correct: = 1, if the configuration is correct = 0, if the configuration is no longer correct Bit 4 Error: = 1, if an error is present, e.g., a wire break = 0, if the error is no longer present Bit 5 Configuration not correct: = 1, if the configuration is not correct = 0, if the configuration is correct again Bit 7 I/O cannot be accessed: = 1, if an I/O access error has occurred In this case, laddr contains the hardware identifier of the I/O with the access error. = 0, if the I/O can be accessed again Bits 8 to 15 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Reserved (always 0) 1009 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Events and OBs (Page 952) Pull/plug interrupt OB (S7-1200) Description The S7-1200 CPU operating system calls the pull/plug interrupt OB (OB 83) if a configured and non-disabled distributed I/O module or submodule (PROFIBUS, PROFINET, AS-i) is removed or inserted. Note The removal or insertion of a central module leads to the STOP of the CPU. Start information The pull/plug interrupt OB has the following start information: Name Data type Meaning LADDR HW_IO Hardware identifier of the affected module or submodule Event_Class BYTE B#16#38: (Sub)module plugged Fault_ID BYTE B#16#39: (Sub)module pulled or not responding Error code (possible values: B#16#51, B#16#54, B#16#55, B#16#56, B#16#57, B#16#58) The following table shows which event caused the start of the pull/plug interrupt OB. ev_class (B#16# ...) fault_id (B#16# ...) Meaning 39 51 Module pulled 39 54 Submodule pulled 38 54 Submodule plugged, which conforms to the para meterized submodule 38 55 Submodule inserted, which does not conform to the submodule parameter assignment 38 56 Submodule inserted, but error in module parame ter assignment 38 57 Submodule or module inserted, but with a fault or maintenance 38 58 Submodule access error remedied See also Events and OBs (Page 952) 1010 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Rack error OB (S7-1200) Description The S7-1200 CPU operating system calls the OB 86 in the following cases: The failure of a DP master system or of a PROFINET IO system is detected (in the case of either an incoming or an outgoing event). The failure of a DP slave or of an IO device is detected (in the case of either an incoming or an outgoing event). Failure of some of the submodules of a PROFINET I-device is detected. Structure of the start information The rack fault OB has the following start information: Name Data type Meaning LADDR HW_IO Hardware identifier of the defective hardware object Event_Class BYTE B#16#32: Activation of a DP slaves or an IO device B#16#33: Deactivation of a DP slaves or an IO device B#16#38: outgoing event B#16#39: incoming event Fault_ID BYTE Error code (possible values: B#16#C3, B#16#C4, B#16#C5, B#16#C6, B#16#C7, B#16#C8, B#16#C9, B#16#CA, B#16#CB, B#16#CC, B#16#CD, B#16#CE, B#16#CF, B#16#F8, B#16#F9) The following table shows which event caused the start of OB 86. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Ev_class Fault_id B#16# ... B#16# ... Meaning 39 C3 Failure of a DP master system 39/38 C4 Failure/return of a DP slave 38 C5 Return of a DP slave; however, slave is faulty 38 C6 Expansion unit return, but error in module parameter assignment 38 C7 Return of a DP device, but there is error in module configuration 38 C8 Return of a DP device, but discrepancy between preset/actual configuration 32/33 C9 Activation/deactivation of a DP slave with the "D_ACT_DP" instruction 39 CA Failure of a PROFINET IO system 39/38 CB Failure/return of a PROFINET IO device 38 CC Return of a PROFINET IO device with fault or maintenance 38 CD Return of a PROFINET IO device, deviation between preset/actual configu ration 38 CE Return of a PROFINET IO device, error in module configuration 32/33 CF Activation/deactivation of an IO device with the "D_ACT_DP" instruction 39/38 F8 Failure/return of some of the submodules of a PROFINET I-device 38 F9 Return of some of the submodules of a PROFINET I-device with a device configuration difference 1011 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Events and OBs (Page 952) MC-servo OB (S7-1200) Description When you create a technology object with drive connection using MC-Servo [OB91]/create an analog output, the organization block PROFIdrive is created automatically. The Motion Control functionality of the technology objects creates its own execution level, and is called according to the Motion Control application cycle. The MC-Servo OB is write-protected. The content cannot be changed. The position control algorithms of all technology objects configured for motion control on the CPU are calculated within the MC-Servo OB. You can set the application cycle and the priority of the organization block in accordance with your requirements for control quality and system load. Application cycle You can set the application cycle in which the MC-Servo OB is called in the properties of the organization block. The MC-Servo OB is called cyclically with the specified application cycle. The selected application cycle must be long enough to allow all the technology objects to be processed in one cycle. If the processing time of the technology objects is longer than the application cycle, overflows will occur. To avoid disruptions in the program execution on the CPU, set the application cycle depending on the number of axes used as follows: Application cycle = number of axes x 2 ms The following table shows the resulting application cycle as an example according to the number of axes: Number of axes Application cycle 1 2 ms 2 4 ms 4 8 ms 8 16 ms The SINAMICS G120 drive updates the drive process image every 4 ms. To improve control, set the application cycle of the MC-Servo OB to 4 ms or to a multiple of 4 ms. See also MC-PreServo OB (Page 1013) MC-PostServo OB (Page 1013) 1012 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks MC-interpolator OB (Page 1014) Assigning the MC-Servo OB parameters (Page 1019) MC-PreServo OB (S7-1200) Description The organization block MC-PreServo [OB67] can be programmed and is called in the application cycle configured at the MC-Servo OB (Page 1012). MC-PreServo [OB67] is called directly before MC-Servo [OB91]. Via the organization block, you can read out the configured application cycle (information in s). Structure of the start information Optimized start information: Name Data type Meaning Initial_Call BOOL =TRUE in the first call of this OB during transition from STOP to RUN PIP_Input BOOL TRUE: The associated process image input is up-to-date PIP_Output BOOL TRUE: The associated process image output was transferred to the outputs in good time after the last cycle IO_System USINT Number of the distributed I/O system triggering the interrupt Event_Count INT = n: Number of lost cycles = -1: An unknown number of cycles has been lost (e.g., because cycle has changed). Synchronous BOOL Reserved CycleTime UDINT Display of the application cycle configured for the MC-Servo OB in s MC-PostServo OB (S7-1200) Description The organization block MC-PostServo [OB95] can be programmed and is called in the application cycle configured for the MC-Servo OB (Page 1012). MC-PostServo [OB95] is called directly after MC-Servo [OB91]. Via the organization block, you can read out the configured application cycle (information in s). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1013 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of the start information Optimized start information: Name Data type Meaning Initial_Call BOOL =TRUE in the first call of this OB during transition from STOP to RUN PIP_Input BOOL TRUE: The associated process image input is up-to-date PIP_Output BOOL TRUE: The associated process image output was transferred to the outputs in good time after the last cycle IO_System USINT Number of the distributed I/O system triggering the interrupt Event_Count INT = n: Number of lost cycles = -1: An unknown number of cycles has been lost (e.g., because cycle has changed). Synchronous BOOL Reserved CycleTime UDINT Display of the application cycle configured for the MC-Servo OB in s MC-interpolator OB (S7-1200) Description When you create a technology object with drive connection using MCInterpolator [OB91]/ create an analog output, the organization block PROFIdrive is created automatically. The Motion Control functionality of the technology objects creates its own execution level, and is called according to the Motion Control application cycle of the MC-Servo OB (Page 1012). The MC-Interpolator OB is write-protected. The content cannot be changed. The evaluation of the motion control instructions as well as the monitoring and the setpoint generation for all technology objects configured on the CPU (motion control) is performed within the MC-Interpolator OB. The MC-Interpolator OB is called at the end of processing of the MC-Servo OB. The clock ratio between MC-Interpolator OB and MC-Servo OB is always 1:1. Process response You must select the application cycle of the MC-Servo OB long enough to allow all the technology objects for motion control to be processed in one application cycle. If the application cycle is not observed, overflows occur. Note the following response to overflows: The CPU tolerates a maximum of three consecutive overflows of the MC-Interpolator OB. The processing of an MC-Interpolator OB can be interrupted by the calling of the MC Servo OB, at most. 1014 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Block parameters of organization blocks (S7-1200) Basics of block parameters (S7-1200) Introduction Several organization blocks (OBs) have properties with which you can control their behavior or their assignment to specific events. You can influence these properties by assigning parameters. Overview You can assign parameters to the properties for the following organization blocks: Time-of-day interrupt OBs Cyclic interrupt OBs Hardware interrupt OBs MC-Servo OB See also Assigning parameters to hardware interrupt OBs (Page 1017) Assigning parameters to cyclic interrupt OBs (Page 1016) Parameter assignment for time-of-day interrupt OBs (S7-1200) Procedure for setting the parameters To set the parameters of a time-of-day interrupt OB, proceed as follows: 1. Open the "Properties" dialog belonging to the time-of-day interrupt OB in question. 2. Click the "Time-of-day interrupt" group in the area navigation. Overview of the parameters that can be set You can set the following parameters: Execution Start date and time-of-day Option buttons "Local time" and "System time" "Execution" parameter Use the drop-down list "Execution" to define the periods at which the time-of-day interrupt OB is to be executed. The time intervals relate to the settings for "Start date" and "Time-of-day". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1015 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following values are possible for "Execution": Never Once Every minute Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly End of month Note With the value "End of month", the value specified under "Start date" is irrelevant. "Start date" and "Time-of-day" parameter Here, you specify the time at which the time-of-day interrupt is to be executed for the first time. Example: Start date = 07/05/2013, time =11:16 Depending on the value of the "Execution" parameter, the CPU generates additional time-ofday interrupts periodically. Depending on the setting, the start time relates either to the local time or to the coordinated universal timeUTC. Note If you set the "Execution" parameter to "Monthly", the start date cannot be set to the 29th, the 30th, or the 31st. If you want the time-of-day interrupt OB to start at the end of the month, you should set the parameter "Execution" to "End of month". "Local time" or "System time" Here, you decide which time the start time of the time-of-day interrupt OB relates to: "Local time": The start time relates to the time zone set for the CPU. "System time": The start time relates to the coordinated universal time UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). Assigning parameters to cyclic interrupt OBs (S7-1200) Introduction You can use cyclic interrupt OBs to start programs at regular time intervals. To do so you must enter a scan time and a phase shift for each cyclic interrupt OB used. 1016 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You can use up to four cyclic interrupt OBs or time-delay OBs (OB numbers >= 200) in your program. If, for example, you are already using two time-delay interrupt OBs, you can insert a maximum of two further cyclic interrupt OBs in your program. Note If you assign multiple cyclic OBs, make sure that you assign a different cycle time or phase offset to each cyclic interrupt OB to avoid them executing at the same time or having to queue. When you create a cyclic interrupt OB, the cycle time 100 and the phase offset 0 are entered as start value. Procedure To enter a scan time and a phase shift for a cyclic interrupt OB, proceed as follows: 1. Open the "Program blocks" folder in the project tree. 2. Right-click on an existing cyclic interrupt OB. 3. Select the "Properties" command in the shortcut menu. The "" dialog box opens. 4. Click the "Cyclic interrupt" group in the area navigation. The text boxes for the scan time and the phase shift are displayed. 5. Enter the scan time and the phase shift. 6. Confirm your entries with "OK". See also Creating organization blocks (Page 4484) Basics of block parameters (Page 1015) Cyclic interrupt OBs (Page 1005) Assigning parameters to hardware interrupt OBs (S7-1200) Introduction You must select the corresponding event and assign the following parameters for every input channel and high-speed counter that should trigger a hardware interrupt: Event name Number of the hardware interrupt OB that is assigned to this process event The parameters of the hardware interrupt are assigned in the properties of the corresponding device. You can assign parameters for up to 50 hardware interrupt OBs. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1017 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You can create the hardware interrupt OB to be assigned parameters either before or during activation of an event. Procedure To configure a hardware interrupt event, follow these steps: 1. Double-click the "Devices & Networks" command in the project tree. The hardware and network editor opens in the network view. 2. Change to the device view. 3. If the Inspector window closed in the device view, select the "Inspector window" check box in the "View" menu. The Inspector window opens. 4. Click the "Properties" tab. 5. In the device view, select the module for which you want to a assign a hardware interrupt. 6. Select the corresponding event that will trigger a hardware interrupt, e.g., a positive edge. 7. Enter an event name. 8. Select an existing hardware interrupt OB from the "Hardware interrupt" drop-down list or create a new hardware interrupt OB. If you have not previously created any hardware interrupt OBs, you can click the "Add new block" button in the drop-down list. The start information of the corresponding hardware interrupt OB, including all specifications for the interrupt-triggering event, is updated. 9. If you want to assign further hardware interrupts, repeat steps 5 to 8. A system constant of data type Event_HwInt is created automatically for the event identified by the explicit event name. The system constants are displayed in the standard tag table. See also Creating organization blocks (Page 4484) Basics of block parameters (Page 1015) Hardware interrupt OBs (Page 1006) Events and OBs (Page 952) 1018 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assigning the MC-Servo OB parameters (S7-1200) Procedure for setting the parameters To assign the parameters of an MC-Servo OB, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Properties" dialog associated with the MC-Servo OB in question. 2. Click on the "Cycle time " group in the area navigation. Overview of the parameters that can be set In the "Cycle time" group, select the application cycle with which the MC-Servo OB will be called cyclically in the execution system of the SIMATIC S7-1200 You set the cycle in which the MC-Servo OB is called in the "Application cycle" field. See also Basics of block parameters (Page 1015) MC-servo OB (Page 1012) Useful information on CPU firmware versions and STEP 7 versions (S7-1200) CPUs and engineering software for configuring the CPUs is constantly developed further to improve performance and security. New versions that have some special features with respect to the interaction of the components are created in this way. The sections below describe the special features of the S7-1200 CPUs with firmware version V4 as compared to firmware versions V1 to V3. For a detailed comparison of the range of functions, read the S7-1200 System Manual (description of new instructions, new organization blocks and advanced configuration options). Required engineering software S7-1200 CPUs V4 can be configured with STEP 7 as of V13. Compatibility between memory card content and firmware version of the CPU Memory cards (transfer cards or program cards) with configuration and program for an S7-1200 CPU V1, V2 or V3 do not work with an S7-1200 CPU V4. Memory cards with configuration and program for an S7-1200 CPU V4 do not work with an S7-1200 CPU V1, V2 or V3. You must change an S7-1200 CPU V1 to V3 configuration to an S7-1200 CPU V4 configuration (device replacement) and then download it to the CPU. A gradual device replacement is required for an S7-1200 CPU V1-V2 (see below). When you insert the memory card into a CPU with an incompatible firmware version, the CPU does not start up. When you insert a memory card for a CPU V1, V2 or V3 into an S7-1200 CPU V4, this CPU outputs a version error. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1019 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Going online and loading When you have configured an S7-1200 CPU with firmware version V1, V2 or V3 with STEP 7, the CPU to which you want to go online or which you want to download must have one of these firmware versions. You cannot go online to an S7-1200 CPU V4 with a configured S7-1200 CPU V1, V2 or V3. On the other hand, you cannot go online to an S7-1200 CPU V1, V2 or V3 with a configured S7-1200 CPU V4 or download this CPU. Replacing an existing CPU You can replace a configured S7-1200-CPU V1, V2 or V3 with a new CPU with a firmware version greater than or equal to 4. In case of an existing S7-1200 CPU V1 or V2, you must start by replacing the device with an S7-1200 CPU V3: It is not possible to directly replace it with an S7-1200 CPU V4. 1. S7-1200 CPU V1 (V2) > S7-1200 CPU V3 2. S7-1200 CPU V3 > S7-1200 CPU V4 As long as you do not download the configuration, you can undo the device replacement ("Undo" command in the "Edit" menu). When you download the configuration for the new CPU firmware version ("V4 configuration") to the CPU, you can no longer return to version V3. This means you should save the existing project, for example, with a V3 configuration as project archive so that you can access it later. Special notes for device replacement (V3 > V4): The interrupt behavior of interrupt OBs remains the same; they are not configured as interruptible. This is also the default behavior of S7-1200 CPUs V1-V3. The interrupt behavior of the interrupt OB can be configured for S7-1200 V4 CPUs. If you drag an S7-1200 CPU V4 directly from the hardware catalog into the network view, this option is activated (interrupt OBs are interruptible). The behavior for PUT/GET access of remote partners remains the same; access is permitted. This is also the default behavior of S7-1200 CPUs V1-V3. The access via PUT/ GET communication by means of remote partners can be configured for S7-1200 V4 CPUs ("Protection" area of CPU parameters). If you drag an S7-1200 CPU V4 directly from the hardware catalog into the network view, access is not permitted and must be explicitly enabled. The wording for the protection levels changes but the effect of the settings remains the same. You can also select the access level "No access (complete protection)". The web server settings for activation of the web server and HTTP/HTTPS settings are applied. You also have the option to create users and assign them specific rights (Web server area > User management of CPU parameters). Web server users only have access to standard websites when you do not configure users. An S7-1200 CPU V4 no longer supports the user "admin" and his/her password. For reasons of compatibility, the interfaces of used OBs are not changed by the device replacement. You can therefore continue to use used OBs. If you want to use OB properties that have been added or changed in the new firmware version of the S7-1200 CPU, you will need to recreate the corresponding OB. 1020 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Communication with HMI devices When you connect an HMI device to an S7-1200 CPU V4, make sure that you use the appropriate Runtime software version of the HMI device. You may have to transfer the latest HMI Runtime version by means of the WinCC engineering software. You must compile the HMI configuration once again and download it to the HMI device for the CPU-HMI communication to work. See also What you need to know about SIMATIC memory cards (Page 944) Addressing modules (S7-1200) Addressing modules (S7-1200) Introduction In the device overview, you see the addresses or address ranges of the modules in the I address and Q address columns. There are other addresses as well, which are explained below. I/O address I/O addresses (input/output addresses) are required to read inputs and set outputs in the user program. Input and output addresses are assigned automatically when modules are inserted in the rack. The address of the first channel is the start address of a module. The addresses of the other channels are derived from this start address. The address end is obtained from the modulespecific address length. Device address (e.g., Ethernet address) Device addresses are addresses of programmable modules (Industrial Ethernet addresses). They are required to address the different stations of a subnet, for example, to download a user program to a CPU. Hardware identifier for identifying modules and submodules In addition to the I addresses and Q addresses, a hardware identifier (HW ID) is assigned automatically and is used to address and identify the module. Submodules (units of a module), such as an integrated counter, also receive such a hardware identifier. The hardware identifier consists of an integer and is output by the system with diagnostics alarms to allow the faulty module or the faulty submodule to be localized. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1021 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks In addition, the hardware identifier is used for a number of instructions to address the corresponding module. The hardware identifier cannot be changed. Example: Identifying high-speed counters of the S7-1200 CPU The hardware identifier is assigned automatically when components are inserted in the device or network view and in the PLC tags. A name is also assigned automatically for the hardware identifier. The system constants of the PLC tags cannot be changed either. See also Specifying input and output addresses (Page 1022) Assigning addresses to a location in the program (Page 1023) Introduction to loading a configuration (Page 1704) Inspector window (Page 535) Specifying input and output addresses (S7-1200) Default input and output addresses are set automatically. You can, however, change the address assignment later. All addresses of modules are located in the process image area. The process image is automatically updated cyclically. Requirement You are in the device view. Procedure To change the preset address range proceed as follows: 1. In the device view, click on the module for which you want to set the start address. 2. Go to "I/O addresses" in "Properties" in the inspector window. 3. Under "Start address" enter the required start address. 4. Press or click on any object to accept a modified value. 1022 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If you have entered an invalid address, a message indicating the next available address is displayed. Note You can also change the addresses directly in the device overview. See also Editing properties and parameters (Page 565) Input and output addresses in the address overview (Page 567) Assigning addresses to a location in the program (S7-1200) You can assign addresses of the I/O channels of modules directly to the points of use in the program or to a tag table. Requirement The device view of the hardware and network editor is open. The zoom level in the device view must be set to at least 200% to allow you to see the individual I/O channels. The instruction window of the programming editor or a tag table is open. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1023 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure To assign I/O channels of modules to the points of use in the program or to a tag table, follow these steps: 1. In the device view, navigate to the module with the desired I/O channel. 2. Click and hold down the mouse button to drag the desired I/O address to the corresponding point of use of the block or to the tag table. 1024 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The address of the module is assigned to the point of use in the program or entered as a tag in the tag table. Note The tag for an input or output of a block can also be dragged to the input or output of a module in order to link the tag to the I/O channel of the module. See also Overview of PLC tag tables (Page 4592) Signal board (S7-1200) Inserting a signal board in a CPU (S7-1200) Introduction Signal boards allows you to increase the number of the S7-1200 CPU's own inputs and outputs. Just like all other hardware components, you will find signal boards in the hardware catalog. However, you do not insert signal boards in the rack like other modules but directly in a slot of the CPU itself. Note the following points when using a signal board: Each CPU can have only one signal board inserted in it. A signal board can only be inserted when the slot in the CPU is free. There are various ways of inserting a signal board in a CPU: Double click on a signal board in the hardware catalog when there is a free slot in the CPU Drag from the hardware catalog to a free slot in the CPU Shortcut menu of a signal board in the hardware catalog for copying and pasting Requirement The hardware catalog is open. The S7-1200 CPU has a free slot for the signal board. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1025 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Inserting a signal board in a CPU To insert a signal board in a CPU, proceed as follows: 1. Go to the required signal board in the hardware catalog. 2. Select the signal board you want to use. 3. Drag the signal board to the free slot in the CPU. You have now inserted a signal board in the slot of the CPU. If you are in the network view, you can also drag a signal board to a device. If the CPU has a an empty slot for a signal board, the signal board is inserted automatically into this slot. Configurations for Web server (S7-1200) Information about the web server (S7-1200) Introduction The Web server allows you to monitor the CPU via the Internet or the intranet of your company. This permits evaluation and diagnostics over long distances. Alarms and status information are visualized on HTML pages. Web browser You need a web browser to access the HTML pages of the CPU. The information with which Web browsers and Web browser versions the Web server was tested is available in the corresponding manual ( view/en/36932465). Reading information via the Web server The following information can be read from the CPU. The availability of the respective web pages depends on the CPU and its firmware version. 1026 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks As of firmware version 4 the web pages are available in several languages. Page/information Description Introduction Entry page for the standard web pages Start page with general CPU information The start page provides an overview of general information on the CPU, the name of the CPU, the type of CPU and basic information on the current operating state. Diagnostics Display of the detailed information about the CPU including the serial number, article number and version numbers. Displays the content of the diagnostics buffer with the most recent entries first. Module information Display of the identification information whether the centrally inserted components of a station are OK, whether there are maintenance requirements or components cannot be reached, for example. As of firmware version 4 a firmware update is pos sible via this Web page. Communication Displays the communication connections during open communication (OUC); displays resources and address parameters. Diagnostic buffer Display of the diagnostic buffer content Tags Displays the status of operands of the user pro gram to monitor and change the values. File browser Data logs in CSV format to transfer to the hard disk of the programming device. The data logs are cre ated with data log instructions in the user program and filled with data. (as of firmware version 4) As of firmware version 4 you have access to files of the internal load memory and of the external load memory (Memory Card) via this web page, for example, to the content of the directories "Da taLogs" and "Recipes". Login Login as a user or logoff. User pages (if user-defined web pages have been configured and loaded) The user web pages deliver a list of web pages with customer-specific web applications. Web access to the CPU via PG/PC Proceed as follows to access the Web server: 1. Connect the client (PG/PC) to the CPU via the PROFINET interface. 2. Open the web browser. Enter the IP address of the CPU in the "Address" field of the Web browser in the format http://ww.xx.yy.zz (example: The start page of the CPU is opened. From the start page, you can navigate to further information. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1027 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Standard web pages (S7-1200) Requirements for web access (S7-1200) The requirements for access to standard CPU web pages are explained in the following, as well as the effects of missing or existing configuration information. Requirement The web server must be started. The web server only starts when it has been activated in the properties of the CPU in the "Web server" section. Note the following: The web pages are normally transmitted via an non-secure connection and are not secured against hacker attacks. If you want to transfer the web pages in encrypted form to the browser, use the URL https://, followed by the IP address of the CPU. Logon No logon is required to access the standard web pages read-only. A user must be logged on to execute certain actions like changing the operating mode of the CPU or for write access. For S7-1200 CPUs up to FW version V3: You must be logged on as "admin" for the actions listed above. The logon input boxes are on the top left of each standard web page. If you log on as "admin", you must enter the user name and password there. Name: admin. Password: configured CPU password (for password-protected CPU). For S7-1200 CPUs as of FW version 4: You can freely select the names of users and the passwords (CPU parameter "Web server", area "User management"). You assign rights to the users, for example the right to query diagnostics or to update the firmware. JavaScript and cookies The standard web pages use JavaScript and cookies. You must enable both in your web browser. 1028 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If JavaScript is not enabled, the following limitations apply: Data from standard web pages is not automatically updated. You cannot log on as user. Fields cannot be sorted (module information) If cookies are not enabled, you cannot log on. See also Access for HTTPS (Page 1030) Settings for operation (S7-1200) Settings for operation To be able to use the web server of an S7-1200-CPU, you must select the CPU in the network view or the device view and make the following settings in the inspector window under "Properties > General > Web server": Enable the web server Restricting access to the CPU to HTTPS transmission protocol (encrypted transmission) Access via port 80 is then blocked. Communication is only possible via port 443. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1029 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Enabling automatic update of web pages The update interval is set by default and cannot be changed. The CPU updates web pages with changing content ( (for example, status information or diagnostics information) at regular intervals. Creating and managing users Users are exclusively entitled to options that are assigned to the access rights. Depending on the CPU and firmware used, you can assign different user rights. Rights that your CPU does not support cannot be activated. A user called "Everybody" with minimal access rights, that you can, however, extend, is set by default in the user list. A user who uses the Web server without entering a password has "Everybody" user rights. You have the possibility of configuring further users with different access rights. These users have to log on with the configured user name and password. WARNING Unauthorized access to the CPU by means of the Web server Unauthorized access to the CPU or the changing of PLC variables to invalid values can result in interruptions of the processes controlled by the CPU and cause death, serious bodily harm or material damage! Since the activation of the Web server allows authorized persons for example to change operating modes, to write-access CPU data or to update the firmware, we recommend that the following security measures be taken: If possible limit access to the HTTPS protocol. Create users with secure passwords. An example of a secure password is one which is only used for a single application, is more than 8 characters long, and consists of lower- and upper-case letters as well as symbols and numbers (?!+%$1234...). In addition, passwords based on common keyboard sequences or words from the dictionary should be avoided. Change the password at regular intervals. Do not extend the rights of the "Everybody" user. Check the PLC variables in the user program and limit the range of values to permissible ranges since users can set invalid values via the Web server. Access for HTTPS (S7-1200) Access via HTTPS HTTPS is used for encrypting and authentication of communication between the browser and web server. To transfer data between the browser and the CPU using the HTTPS protocol, enter the URL as https://ww.xx.yy.zz in the address line of your browser, whereby ww.xx.yy.zz stands for the IP address of the CPU. You require a valid, installed certificate for error-free HTTPS access to the CPU. If no certificate is installed a warning is displayed with a recommendation not to use this page. To view the page you must explicitly "Add exception". 1030 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You can receive a valid certificate (Certification Authority) "SIMATIC CONTROLLER" as a download from the "Intro" web page under "Download certificate". The help function for your respective web browser provides information on how to install a certificate. Accessing data of the CPU memory (S7-1200) You can access data in the internal or external CPU load memory by means of a standard web page. Use the web page "Data logs" for S7-1200 CPUs up to and including FW version 3. From this web page, you transfer the data logs from the CPU to a drive on your PC. Use the web page "File Browser" for S7-1200 CPUs as of FW version 4. From this web page, you transfer data from the folders "Data logs" or "Recipes", for example, to a drive on your PC. Depending on the file type and the access permissions you have configured for the web server user, you can download, delete, rename or upload the files. The actual directories can only be created, deleted or renamed. Example: Data logs To open a data log, click on the link of the desired data log. You can then open the file (.csv), for example, in Microsoft Excel or in another program you choose or you can save the file. Special note: Data logs are saved in U.S. American CSV format. You can only open the file directly using the U.S. version of Microsoft Excel. If you are using another national version of Microsoft Excel, you must import the file, selecting "comma" in the import assistant as the delimiter. Downloading a data log To download a data log, click on the download icon of the desired data log. You can then open the file (.csv), for example, in Microsoft Excel or in another program you choose or you can save the file. Downloading and clearing or deleting a data log For a CPU with FW version up to V3.0: To download and delete the current entries of the data log, you must be logged on. To do this, click on the "Download and delete" icon of the required data log. You can then open the file (.csv), for example, in Microsoft Excel or in another program you choose or you can save the file. For a CPU as of FW version V4.0: To reset the data log, follow these steps: 1. Open the CSV file, for example with Excel. 2. Delete the rows between the headline and the row with the entry "//END", if this row exists. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1031 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Save the file to a drive on your PC. 4. On the web page "File Browser", delete the data log (which means the CSV file) and load the prepared CSV file to the CPU with the "Upload file" button of the "File Browser" web page. Additional information is available in the S7-1500 CPU system manual. See also Data logging - Overview (Page 3808) Creating and loading user pages (S7-1200) What you need to know about user pages (S7-1200) Concept The concept of user pages or of user-defined web pages allows you to access freely-designed web pages of the CPU with a web browser. The Web server of the CPU provides this function. You are not dependent on special tools for the design and functionality of the user-defined web pages. You can adapt the pages in the layout with CSS, provide dynamic content with JavaScript or use any framework to produce web pages. The totality of files processed by the Web server is also referred to as the "web application". Web application and user program Using HTML code in user-defined web pages (AWP commands), you can also transmit data via a web browser to the user program of the CPU for further processing and can display data from the operand area of the CPU in the web browser. You can use script instructions (such as Javascript) to optimize your web pages, for example to dynamically change contents or validate user entries. 1032 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks To synchronize between the user program and the Web server, but also to initialize, you must call the WWW (SFC 99) instruction in the user program. If no interaction is required between the web application and the user program, for example, if a web page only provides static information, only initialization in the user program is required. If a simple data exchange is necessary between PLC tags and tags in web applications, to display the contents of PLC tags or write a value in a PLC tag for example, the syntax for reading and writing tags has to be observed. In this case only an initialization is required in the user program, for example in the startup OB. If a further interaction is required between the web application and the user program, you must handle status and control information from the Web Control DB in addition to the synchronization between Web server and user program. This is the case, for example, when user entries are transmitted via the web browser to the Web server for evaluation by the CPU. Unlike simple data exchange, the user program directly influences the time at which the requested web page is relayed back to the web browser. In this case, you must be acquainted with the concept of manual fragments and the structure of the Web Control DB. Initialization User-defined web pages are "packaged" in data blocks for processing by the CPU. You must generate appropriate data blocks from the source data (HTML files, images, JavaScript files, etc.) during configuration to be able to download the web application into the CPU. The Web Control DB takes on a special role (default: DB 333). It contains status and control information as well as links to additional data blocks with coded web pages. Data blocks that contain coded web pages are termed "Fragment DBs". When the data block is downloaded into the CPU, the CPU does not "know" that user-defined web pages are coded inside it. The "WWW" (SFC 99) instruction, for example, in the Startup OB informs the CPU which DB is the Web Control DB. The user-defined web pages can be accessed via a web browser after this initialization. Synchronization If the user program is to exchange data with the user-defined web pages, the WWW (SFC 99) instruction must be used in the cyclic program section. Examples of interaction between user program and web page: Check received data Assemble and send back data to the web browser making the request In this case, the status information must be able to be evaluated and control information must be transmitted to the Web server, for example, to release a requested web page. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1033 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedural overview (S7-1200) Basic information This section provides a step-by-step explanation of the basic procedure used to create and download custom web pages and to use them in the operating phase. The following graphic provides a simplified representation of the process used in creating and displaying custom web pages: +70/ *,) ::: Programming a web application (using suitable tools when required and AWP commands for dynamic pages when applicable). The web application is comprised of single source files, for example, *.html, *.gif, *.js, etc. Using STEP 7: Generate the data blocks (Web Control DB and fragment DBs) from source files. The DBs contain meta information and the complete web application, including the images and the dynamic and static parts of the web application. The DBs are stored under "System blocks" in the project tree. Call the "WWW" instruction in the user program. This instruction initializes the web server of the CPU for a web application. 1034 If required, complete final programming for interaction between the web server and user program Downloading the blocks to the CPU. Call the web page in the browser. The web pages of the CPU are called by entering the IP address of the CPU. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Additional information You can find additional information and examples relating to the S7-1200 web server on the Internet ( Creating web pages (S7-1200) Web design tools from various companies can be used to create user-defined web pages. As a rule, the web pages should be programmed and designed compliant to the conventions of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). No check is made for compliance to W3C criteria in the web server of the CPU. Rules The tool must be able to directly edit the HTML code so that the AWP command can be inserted into the HTML page. Only the AWP commands are parsed in the CPU and, for example, replaced by values from the user program/process image of the CPU. Files containing AWP commands must be coded in UTF-8. In the metadata of the HTML page, therefore, set the attribute charset to UTF-8 and save the file UTF-8 coded. Files containing AWP commands must not contain the following sequence: ]] Files containing AWP commands must not contain the following sequence outside of the "Tag read ranges" (:=:): := Tip: Replace the first character of a prohibited sequence with its character coding; for the colon, for example, :. A small example for a custom web page should make clear the basic design. Requirement The CPU must have a web server and the web server of the CPU must be activated. To be able to access PLC tags with write access as a user, you must be logged on as "admin". For the example below, PLC tags must be defined for those PLC tags that are to be shown on the web page. This is shown here for the first tab used, "Tank_below_max". Creating user-defined web pages The following code for an example web page reads values from the process image and provides them in a table. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1035 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Mix


Actual State

Variable State
Tank below max :="Tank_below_max":
Tank above min :="Tank_above_min":
AWP commands for controlling Web pages (S7-1200) Using AWP commands in Web pages (S7-1200) With AWP (Automation Web Programming) commands, you declare the interface between your user pages (Web application, e.g. a simple HTML page) and the CPU data. To develop user pages or Web applications, you need only observe the restrictions of the Web browser. In one of the programming languages of STEP 7, control with the user program in the CPU which CPU data is displayed at what time in the Web browser of the viewer. Use AWP commands, which you comment within the HTML page, to declare data to be used for intentional interaction between the Web application and the user program. You insert AWP commands as HTML comments with a special syntax into HTML pages. Using AWP commands, the following features can be implemented: Read PLC tags Write PLC tag Read special tags Write special tags Define enum types Assign tags to enum types Defining fragments Import fragments 1036 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Syntax of AWP commands An AWP command begins with "". In JavaScript files, the commands should also be enclosed by JavaScript comments ("/*...*/"). Notation rules for PLC tag names within an AWP command The AWP commands "AWP_In_Variable" and "AWP_Out_Variable" contain a name attribute and optionally a use attribute. A PLC tag name is assigned to these attributes, by means of which the PLC tags in the browser are written or read. The following rules apply to handling PLC tag names in HTML code: PLC tags must be enclosed in quotation marks (" ... "). PLC tags used in AWP commands must also be enclosed by single quotation marks ('" ... "') or with quotation marks masked by a backslash ("\" ... \""). If the PLC tag name contains the character \ (backslash) or * (star), this character must be designated with the escape sequence \\ as standard character of the PLC tag name. See below for examples. If the PLC tag name in the AWP command is also enclosed by single quotation marks and the single quotation mark (') occurs within the name, it must also be designed as normal character by the escape sequence \'. If an absolute address (input, output, bit memory) is used in AWP command, it is enclosed by single quotation marks. PLC tag PLC tag in HTML code "Velocity" "abc\de" "abc'de" "abc'de" "DB name".tag "DB name"."ta.g" - See also Reading tags (Page 1037) Writing tags (Page 1040) Special tags (Page 1041) Reading tags (S7-1200) User-defined web pages can read PLC tags. The PLC tag must be specified by a PLC tag name. These OUT variables (direction of output as viewed from the controller) are inserted at any location within the HTML text with the syntax described in the following. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1037 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Syntax :=: These references are replaced when the Web server is in operation by the current values of the PLC tag in each case. can be a simple, global PLC tag but also a complete tag path to a structural element. Notation rules for PLC tag names PLC tags in HTML code are enclosed by quotation marks ("), if they are defined in the tag table. In the case of data block tags, the name of the data block is enclosed by quotation marks. If special characters are used in the structure elements of the data block, for example the dot (.) or blank, this part must also be enclosed by quotation marks. Quotation marks are not used for absolute addresses of inputs, outputs or bit memories. PLC tag PLC tag in HTML code "DB_name".var_name :="DB_name".var_name: "DB_name"."" :="DB_name"."": "memory" :="memory": - :=I0.0: :=Q0.0: :=MW100: :=%MW100: "My_Data_Block".flag1 ... :=flag1: If the PLC tag name contains the character : (colon) or \ (backslash), this character must be designated with the escape sequence \: or \\ as standard character of the PLC tag name. PLC tag PLC tag in HTML code "abc:de" :="abc\:de": "abc\de" :="abc\\de": Special characters "<, &, >" Display problems can occur if these characters are contained in the tag name (for example, "a ... :=simplename: Reading tags of the type String and Character Below, these types of quotation marks are used in the explanation: single quotes ('), double quotes ("). As of firmware V1.6, with the "Read PLC tags" function, an S7-1500 CPU outputs tags of the type String or Character enclosed in single quotes to the browser. Example: String tag "Varname".MyString with the content ABC You read the tag in HTML using the function :="Varname".MyString: The Web server outputs the character string 'ABC' to the browser Using String or Character tags in expressions On your HTML page, you use an expression in which the character string for reading a tag is enclosed in quotes, for example in forms. Possible HTML code used: If you read the displayed value for the "value" attribute from a PLC tag in this expression, the HTML code appears as follows: By reading the PLC tag, the Web server outputs the value 'ABC'. In HTML, the code is then represented as follows: If you have used single quotes instead of double quotes in your HTML code to enclose the attributes, the Web server passes on the content of the tags enclosed in two single quotes to the browser. As a result of this, the browser does not output the content of the String or Character tag, since two consecutive single quotes each form a closed sequence. The values to be read are located between these sequences and are not output by the browser. In this context, note in particular that the character string with double quotes is not identical to two single quotes even if they appear to be identical, as shown in the following figure. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1039 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks +70/FRGH 2XWSXWWRWKHEURZVHUE\WKH:HEVHUYHU 6HTXHQFHVDFWXDOO\UHDG YDOXH ' 9DUQDPH0\6WULQJ'! YDOXH ' '$%&' '! YDOXH ''$%&''! 6HTXHQFH 6HTXHQFH See also Using AWP commands in Web pages (Page 1036) Writing tags (S7-1200) Custom web pages can write data into the CPU. This requires an AWP command that identifies the PLC tag to be written. The PLC tag must also be specified by a PLC tag name. The IN tags (direction of input as viewed from the controller) are placed on the browser page. This can be done, for example, in a form. The tags are either set in the HTTP header (by cookie or POST method) or in the URL (GET method) by the browser and are then written by the Web server into the respective PLC tag. Syntax To allow the IN tags to be written to the CPU, the tags must first be defined by an explicit AWP instruction: Several tags can be defined in an instruction - such as that shown above. The specific PLC tag name is hereby written in double quotation marks; for example = "myVar". In cases where the name of the tag that you use for the web application is not identical to the name of the PLC tag, the "Use" parameter can be used to assign to a PLC tag: Since PLC tags are enclosed in double quotation marks ("), the name in the AWP command must be enclosed in single quotation marks (') or in masked quotation marks (\"). To avoid the numerous escape sequences, we recommend the use of single quotation marks. Conditions for write access during operation The following requirement has to be met in order for a user to be able to write to PLC tags from a user-defined web page: The user must have rights to change tags. The Web server ignores the commands if the user has no change rights. This rules applies to all writing access to web pages on a CPU. See also Requirements for web access (Page 1028) Using AWP commands in Web pages (Page 1036) Special tags (S7-1200) Special tags are mainly HTTP tags set in the definition of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) . Special tags are also used for cookies and server tags. The AWP command to read and write special tags differ only in that they have additional parameters than the AWP command used to read and write normal tags. Reading a special tag The Web server can read PLC tags and transfer these to special tags in the HTTP Response Header. You can, for example, read a URL for a diversion to another web page and transfer to the special tag HEADER:Location using the special tag HEADER:Location. The following special tags can be read: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Name Description COOKIE_VALUE:name Value of cookie with name: "name" COOKIE_EXPIRES:name Execution time of cookie with name: "name" in seconds (must be set beforehand). HEADER:Status HTTP status code (if no other value has been set, status code 302 is returned). HEADER:Location Path for forwarding to another page. Status code 302 must be set. 1041 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Name Description HEADER:Retry-After Anticipated time in which the service is not availa ble. Status code 503 must be set. HEADER: ... All other header tags can also be forwarded in this way. Use the AWP command "AWP_Out_Variable" to specify which PLC tags are to be transferred in the HTTP header to the web browser. Basic structure: Parameter description Name: Type and name of special tag Use (optional parameter): In cases where the name of the special tag is not identical to the name of the PLC tag, parameter "Use" can be used to assign to a PLC tag. Example: Writing a special tag In principle, all HTTP tags written in the HTTP header by the web browser can be evaluated by the user program of the CPU. Examples of tag types: Name Description HEADER:Accept-Language Accepted or preferred language HEADER:Authorization Proof of authorization for a requested resource HEADER:Host Host and port of the requested resource HEADER:User-Agent Information on the browser HEADER: ... All other header tags can also be forwarded in this way SERVER:current_user_id Indicates whether a user is logged on (cur rent_user_id=0: no user logged on) SERVER:current_user_name User name of the user logged on SERVER:GET Request method is GET SERVER:POST Request method is POST COOKIE_VALUE:name Value of cookie with name: "name" The AWP command "AWP_In_Variable" is used to define which special tags are to be evaluated in the user program of the CPU. 1042 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Basic structure: Parameter description: Name: Type and name of special tag Use (optional parameter): In cases where the name of the special tag is not identical to the name of the PLC tag, the parameter Use can be used to assign to a PLC tag. Examples: The tag name in the HTTP header is replaced by the PLC tag name specified by Use . The cookie is written to the PLC tag "info".language . The tag name in the HTTP header is replaced by the PLC tag name specified by Use. The cookie is written to the PLC tag "info".language . The HTTP-header variable is written in the same-name PLC variable. See also Using AWP commands in Web pages (Page 1036) Enumeration types (S7-1200) Enumeration types (enums) Numerical values from the PLC program can be converted into text and vice versa using enums. The numerical values can also be assigned for several languages. Creating enums Enter an AWP command using the following syntax at the start of the HTML file: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1043 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks For example, for German values to be saved as an HTML file in the "de" folder of the HTML directory: For example, for English values, to be saved as an HTML file in the "en" folder of the HTML directory: Assigning enums Tags are assigned from the user program to the individual enum texts using a special AWP command: is thereby the symbolic name from the user program and is the previously set name of the enum type. Note In each fragment in which enum texts are referenced by a PLC tag, this PLC tag must be assigned by the appropriate AWP command of the enum type name. Ensure that no AWP command for importing fragments is positioned between an enum assignment and enum usage because this import can result in the enum assignment lying in a different fragment than the enum usage. Example Enum type "state" is defined with values "0" and "1". "0" means "off", "1" means "on": The following code is contained in the HTML code of the web page to be output: :=operating state: 1044 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Depending on the value of the "operating state" tag, the result displayed is no longer "0" or "1", but "off" or "on". Simplified use of enumeration types (S7-1200) At S7-1200 CPUs as of firmware version 4 it is possible to use enumerations directly in AWP commands to read and write PLC variables. You create enums as described in the previous section, and you can then utilize the values with user program read and write commands. Creating enums Utilizing enums in the user program read and write commands Example of reading PLC tags ...

The current value of "Alarm" is :="Alarm":

If the value of "Alarm" in the CPU is "2", the following text will be displayed on the HTML page: 'The current value of "Alarm" is Tank is empty' because the enum definition assigns the string "Tank is empty" to the numerical value 2. Example of writing PLC tags ...

Because the enum definition assigns the string "Tank is full" to the numerical value "1", the value "1" is written to the PLC tag "Alarm". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1045 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Definition of fragments (S7-1200) Fragments Fragments are "logical sections" of a web page to be processed by the CPU individually. Fragments are usually complete pages but can also be individual elements such as files (for example, images) or complete documents. Defining fragments The start of a fragment is specified by this command. A fragment runs to the start of the next fragment or to the end of the file. Indicates the name of the fragment. The name must start with a letter [a-zA-Z] or an underscore ( _ ). Letters, underscores or numbers [0-9] can follow after this first character. Indicates the type of the fragment. - "manual" The user program is informed of the request for a fragment; the web page to be returned can be changed by the user program. - "automatic" The page is automatically processed (default). A numeric ID can be stipulated for the fragment. If no ID is assigned, the fragment is automatically assigned an ID. For manual pages (=manual) , the fragment can be addressed in the user program of the CPU by this ID. Note Keep the ID low because the highest ID influences the size of the Web Control DB. Fragments support the visible and hidden modes. - "visible" The fragment is a part of the web page. This mode is preset and can also be omitted. - "hidden" The fragment is not part of the web page. However, the fragment will be saved in the Web DB and is available to the user program for inserting in a requested web page. You use an exchange of the fragment ID (Web-Control-DB.fragment_index tag) to insert a "hidden" fragment in the requested web page. The input document is completely divided into fragments by the "AWP_Start_Fragment" command. "AWP_End_Fragment" is therefore unnecessary. Without a start fragment command, a file is mapped as a fragment; the fragment name is derived from the file name. If a file is divided into several fragments (by "AWP_Start_Fragment"), the file must begin with the "AWP_Start_Fragment" command. 1046 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Importing fragments (S7-1200) You can declare a fragment in an HTML page and import this fragment into other web pages. Example A company logo is to be displayed on all web pages of a web application. There is only one instance of the HTML code for the fragment that displays the company logo. You can import the fragment as often and into as many HTML files as required. Syntax is the name of the fragment to be imported. Example HTML code within a web page that declares a fragment:

Example HTML code within another web page that imports the declared fragment: Creating and loading a data block (S7-1200) Requirement All source files required for the web application (*.html, *.js, *.png, ...) have been created. The source files are located in one folder, but only those source files that are required for the web application. No other files may be located in this folder. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1047 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Length of file names and tag names If you have a comprehensive web application with many files and directories, the generation of the web data blocks may possibly fail. If this happens, the generation is aborted with the message "Text list overflow...". The cause is system-internal size limitations for management information saved in the web data block. Remedy: Use short file names and short tag names. Procedure To create data blocks from the source files for user-defined web pages in STEP 7, proceed as follows: 1. Select the CPU, for example, in the device configuration. 2. Select the properties for user-defined web pages in the inspector window under "Properties > General > Web server". 3. As "HTML source", select the folder that contains the source files for the web application. 4. Enter the HTMP page to be opened on starting the web application as the start HTML page. 5. Enter a name for the application if required. 6. You can supplement a range of file name extensions as "Files with dynamic content" if necessary. Only enter those file name extensions that also contain AWP commands. 7. The number for the Web Control DB and for the fragment DB start number can be kept as long as they are not already being used by your user program. 8. Click on the "Generate" button to create DBs from the source files. The generated data blocks are saved in the project navigation in the "System block" folder (in the "Web server" subfolder). 9. In the CPU, select the network view to be loaded and then select the "Download to device" command in the "Online" menu to download the blocks. Compilation of the blocks is implicitly initiated before downloading. If errors are reported during this process, you must correct these errors before you can download the configuration. Creating and loading a data block (S7-1200) Requirement All source files required for the web application (*.html, *.js, *.png, ...) have been created. The source files are located in one folder, but only those source files that are required for the web application. No other files may be located in this folder. 1048 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Length of file names and tag names If you have a comprehensive web application with many files and directories, the generation of the web data blocks may possibly fail. If this happens, the generation is aborted with the message "Text list overflow...". The cause is system-internal size limitations for management information saved in the web data block. Remedy: Use short file names and short tag names. Procedure To create data blocks from the source files for user-defined web pages in STEP 7, proceed as follows: 1. Select the CPU, for example, in the device configuration. 2. Select the properties for user-defined web pages in the inspector window under "Properties > General > Web server". 3. As "HTML source", select the folder that contains the source files for the web application. 4. Enter the HTMP page to be opened on starting the web application as the start HTML page. 5. Enter a name for the application if required. 6. You can supplement a range of file name extensions as "Files with dynamic content" if necessary. Only enter those file name extensions that also contain AWP commands. 7. The number for the Web Control DB and for the fragment DB start number can be kept as long as they are not already being used by your user program. 8. Click on the "Generate" button to create DBs from the source files. The generated data blocks are saved in the project navigation in the "System block" folder (in the "Web server" subfolder). 9. In the CPU, select the network view to be loaded and then select the "Download to device" command in the "Online" menu to download the blocks. Compilation of the blocks is implicitly initiated before downloading. If errors are reported during this process, you must correct these errors before you can download the configuration. Structure of the PLC program (S7-1200) Your user program must call the " WWW" instruction to even allow the web application, for example, the user-defined web pages, to be available to the CPU on the standard web pages and to allow them to be called up there. The Web Control DB you have created from the source files is the input parameter (CTRL_DB) for the "WWW" instruction. The Web Control DB references the content of the user-defined web pages coded in the fragment DB and then receives status and control information. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1049 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Calling the "WWW" instruction in the startup program If you do not want the user program to influence requested web pages, it is sufficient to only call the "WWW" instruction once in a startup OB. This instruction initializes communication between the web server and the CPU. Calling the "WWW" instruction in the cyclic program The "WWW" instruction can also be called in an OB processed in cycles (for example, OB 1). This has the advantage of being able to respond to web server requests from within the user program. Manual fragments must be used for this. In this case, you must evaluate information from the Web Control DB in order to identify the requested web page or the requested fragment. On the other hand, you must set a bit in the user program in order to explicitly release the web page to be returned by the web server after processing the web page request. The structure of the Web Control DB is described in the following section. Web Control DB (S7-1200) The Web Control DB (DB 333 by default) is created by STEP 7 and contains information on the structure of user pages, the status of communication and any errors that occur. Additional fragment DBs are also created as well as the Web Control DB. These fragment DBs (there may also only be one fragment DB) are referenced in the Web Control DB. The fragment DBs contain the web pages and media data coded in fragments, for example, images. The content of the fragment DB cannot be changed by the user program. It is created automatically and is only for data management. The status and control tags of the Web Control DB are accessed via symbols. The following lists the tags of the Web Control DB required for status evaluation and to control interaction. The Web Control DB provides two types of information: Global status information: Not bound to a concrete web page request. Request status and control information: Information about queued requests. Global status information "WEB-Control_DB".commandstate.init Activates and initializes the web application. "WEB-Control_DB".commandstate.deactivate Deactivates the web application. "WEB-Control_DB".commandstate.inititializing The web application is initialized (read Web Control DB, etc.). "WEB-Control_DB".commandstate.error Web application could not be initialized. The reason is coded in "WEB-Control_DB".com mandstate.last_error . "WEB-Control_DB".commandstate.deactivat The web application is closed. ing 1050 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "WEB-Control_DB".commandstate.initialized The web application has been initialized and is ready. "WEB-Control_DB".commandstate.last_error Refer to the next table for a value table of pos sible errors. Last_error Description 1 Fragment DB is inconsistent (does not match the Web Control DB). 2 A web application already exists with this name. 3 Memory problem initializing in the web server. 4 Inconsistent data in the Web Control DB. 5 A fragment DB is not available (not loaded). 6 No AWP ID for a fragment DB. 7 The enum fragment is not available (contains the texts and information on the enum types). 8 An action requested via the command flag in the Web Control DB is prohibited in the current state. 9 Web application is not initialized (if there is no reinitializing after disabling). 10 Web server is disabled. ... Last_error is reset once the web application has been successfully initialized. Request status information Request status information is bound to one of four possible requests, x = [1 ... 4]. "WEB-Control_DB".requesttab[x].idle "WEB-Control_DB".requesttab[x].waiting "WEB-Control_DB".requesttab[x].sending "WEB-Control_DB".requesttab[x].aborting Nothing need be done. The user program must react to a request from a manual fragment and explicitly initiate further processing in the web browser. The web server is occupied with processing the request/fragment. The TCP connection is closed by the web serv er. Request control information Request control information is bound to one of four possible requests, x = [1 ... 4]. "WEB-Control_DB".requesttab[x].continue "WEB-Control_DB".requesttab[x].repeat WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Releases the fragment being processed for transmission. Processing of the next fragment is initiated. Releases the fragment being processed for transmission. The fragment is then processed again. 1051 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "WEB-Control_DB".requesttab[x].abort "WEB-Control_DB".requesttab[x].finish Closes the TCP connection. Releases the fragment being processed for transmission. Stops further processing of re quests (terminates the request). Example: The tag for the DB is: "WEB-Control_DB". Whether errors have occurred during initialization of the web application can be determined by requesting bit "WEBControl_DB".commandstate.error in the user program. If an error has occurred you can analyze it using the "WEBControl_DB".commandstate.last_error value. Interaction with the user program (S7-1200) With the help of manual fragments, you can make sure that the user program reacts synchronously to browser entries so that the returned website can be prepared by the user program. Fragment type To react to the received data in the user program the "manual" fragment type must be used for the fragment writing the data (for "manual pages"): The values are always transferred to the Web server of the CPU for automatic and manual pages in the same way: Example:

User program for manual fragments When using manual pages, the "WWW" instruction must be called in cycles in the user program of the CPU. To react to values entered in the browser, the request - which is made by the manual page to the Web server - must first be evaluated in the user program. The web-control-DB (for example, DB 333) must investigate pending requests to do this. The array that manages four requests is contained in the "requesttab" section of the Web Control DB. Each element of the array contains information about the respective request in a structure. A simple programming example shows how queued requests are checked based on the tags of the Web Control DB. 1052 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks In cases where a request has been made, this program section writes the fragment ID in the #frag_index tag and the request no. (value range 1-4) in the #req_index tag. Using the information from this, the information transferred in the request can now be processed separately for each fragment ID in the program (for example, plausibility check). Once processing of the request has been completed by the program, the request must be answered and the appropriate entry is once more reset under"requesttab" of the Web Control DB (for example, DB 333). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1053 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks A simple programming example for replying to requests: 1054 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Principle sequence of a browser request with interaction from the user program The following figure shows the simplified, principle sequence of the web browser request on the effects of Web Control DB content and the actions required from the user program until the processed web page is returned (response). 5HVSRQVH :HEEURZVHU 5HTXHVW :HEVHUYHU 3URFHVVUHVSRQVH '%ZDLWLQJ 758( '%UHTFRQWLQXH 758( 6HW,1YDULDEOH GDWDWDEOH :ULWH,1YDULDEOH GDWDWDEOH 8VHUSURJUDP 3URFHVVUHTXHVW :HE&RQWURO'% &38 ,GHQWLI\UHTXHVWHG SDJH UHTXHVW (YDOXDWHDQG SURFHVV,1YDULD EOHVVHW287 YDULDEOHV (QDEOHUHTXHVWHG SDJH Displaying custom web pages in the browser (S7-1200) Display web pages in browser Web pages are called from the standard web pages of the web browser. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1055 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks In addition to the other links in the navigation bar, the standard web pages also have a link to "user pages". Click on the "user pages" link to open the web browser you have configured as the default HTML page. Creating custom web pages in several languages (S7-1200) You can make each of your custom web pages available in various languages. Requirements The language-dependent HTML; pages must be stored in a folder structure containing folders with the respective language abbreviations: Specified language abbreviations Language abbreviations "de", "en", "fr", "es", "it" and "zh" are fixed. Additional language folders or other designated language folders are not supported. Additional folders within the same folder hierarchy for other files can be created as required; for example, an "img" folder for images and a "script" folder for JavaScript files. Selecting an entry page (S7-1200) Defining the user page as the start page In addition to the default intro page, you can also define the start page of your user pages as the start page of the Web server. Follow these steps to define the user pages in STEP 7 as the start page of the Web server: 1. Select the CPU in the device configuration. 2. Open the settings in the Inspector window of the CPU under "Properties > General > Web server". 3. Select the entry "AWP1" in the area "Entry page" under "Select entry page". If you now enter the IP address of the CPU in the browser, a connection to your user pages is automatically established. If you want to access the Web pages of your CPU again, link the Web pages from your user pages, e.g. via the URL "http://a.b.c.d./Portal/Portal.mwsl?PriNav=Start" or "https://a.b.c.d/ 1056 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Portal/Portal.mwsl?PriNav=Start". In this case, the information "a.b.c.d" represents, as an example, the IP address of the configured CPU. Example of the link in HTML: SIMATIC Web pages Note If you define your user page as start page of the Web server, all direct access to the Web pages of the CPU is blocked. This applies also to the bookmarks you saved for the Web pages of the CPU as well as the page for reading out the service data. Reading out service data If you define your user page as the start page of the Web server, all direct access to the Web pages for reading out the service data is also blocked. If you want to continue to read out service data via the Web server in a service situation, here is how you can link the service data page directly to your user page. Just as for the web pages of the CPU, link the service data page e.g. via the URL "http://a.b.c.d/ save_service_data" or "https://a.b.c.d/save_service_data"; the "a.b.c.d" here is an example of the IP address of the configured CPU. Example of the link in HTML: Service data Language switching for custom web pages (S7-1200) Requirements The HTML pages are contained in the predefined language folders, for example, HTML pages with German text are in the "de" folder, HTML pages with English text are in the "en" folder. Language switching concept Language switching is based on a predefined cookie named "siemens_automation_language". If the cookie is set to value "de", at the next web page request or web page update, the web server switches to the web page from the "de" folder. Similarly, the web server switches to the web page from the "en" folder when the cookie is set to "en". Example of language switching (S7-1200) The example is structured as follows: The language-dependent HTML files with the same name, for example, "langswitch.html" are located in both language folders "de" and "en". The text to be displayed within the two files are German or English, corresponding to the name of the folder. There is an additional "script" folder in the folder structure containing the JavaScript file "lang.js". Functions required for language switching are stored in this file . WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1057 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of the "langswitch.html" file ("de" folder) Meta data "content language", charset and path to JavaScript file are set in the file header. Switch language to German page Language selection is implemented in the body of the file by the "select" HTML element. The select element initiates a list box and contains the "de" option, labeled as "German" and "en", labeled as "English"; "de" is the default. The "DoLocalLanguageChange(this)" function is called using the "onchange" event handler. The "this" parameter transmits the select object with the selected option to this function. "onchange" calls the function each time the option is changed.
Structure of the "langswitch.html" file ("en" folder) The header of the HTML file with English text is structured similarly to the HTML file with German text. Language switching english page Language selection is also implemented in the body of the file by the "select" HTML element. In contrast to the German HTML file, the English option is already selected as a default and the test or the labels are in English.
1058 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks
Structure of "lang.js" file (in the "script" folder) The " DoLocalLanguageChange" function is defined in the Java script file and calls the "SetLangCookie" function with the language selection value. SetLangCookie combines the cookie name and cookie value and then sets the cookie by means of the corresponding document.cookie property. The web page must then be reloaded (top.window.location.reload) to allow the web server to react to the setting of the cookie by displaying the required language. function DoLocalLanguageChange(oSelect) { SetLangCookie(oSelect.value); top.window.location.reload(); } function SetLangCookie(value) { var strval = "siemens_automation_language="; // this is the cookie by which the web server // detects the desired language // this name is required by the web server strval = strval + value; strval = strval + "; path=/ ;"; // set path to the application, since otherwise // path would be set to the requesting page // would not get the cookie. // The path for user defined applications follows this sample: // path=/awp// // example: path=/awp/myapp/myappstartpage.htm //(where myapp is the name of the web application // entered in the web server properties of the cpu) /* use expiration if this cookie should live longer than the current browser session var now = new Date(); var endttime = new Date(now.getTime() + expiration); strval = strval + "; expires=" + endttime.toGMTString() + ";"; */ document.cookie = strval; } WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1059 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Additional examples (S7-1200) Filling bottles with different drinks This example describes a bottling plant ( 94681612) that can be monitored and controlled via a user-defined Web page. It is possible to decide the type of drinks to be bottled using a recipe. For the control and visualization of the plant, no panel (HMI) is necessary. A Web browser serves to display the Web page. The Web page is regularly supplied with current process values. This is done with an invisible inline frame (iframe) that is re-sent regularly by the Web server. Current process values reach the browser with the inline frame. Using JavaScript, the process values are read from the inline frame and inserted in the main page. In addition to this, users can call functions on the CPU via the Web page, for example starting or stopping bottling or importing or exporting recipes (refer to the link Bottling plant application ( Filling and emptying a tank This example describes a tank for liquids ( en/58862931) that can be monitored and controlled via a user-defined Web page. Using buttons, the user controls the inflow into the tank and the outflow from the tank. The current fill level is displayed along with the last ten fill levels with time information The pages "Overview" and "Data" read in the current process values at fixed intervals whereby the Web server sends the pages completely new to the browser. The "DataOpti" page, on the other hand, uses an inline frame simply to receive the current fill levels of the tank from the Web server (see Tank simulation application (http:// 1060 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration control (option handling) for devices (S7-1200) Important information regarding configuration control (option handling) (S7-1200) Operating principle With S7-1200 Firmware Version 4.1 or higher, the configuration control enables you to configure the structure of a control system and to work with variants (options) that differ from this configuration. All modules that are needed in a set of similar plant units or machines are configured in a master project with a maximum configuration (station master). Provision is made in the user program of the master project for various station options for various plant units or machines as well as the selection of a station option. A station option uses, for example, only some of the configured modules and these modules are inserted in varying order. An operator selects a station option for a specific plant on-site. The operator does not have to modify the project and thus also does not have to download a modified configuration for this. 6WDWLRQPDVWHU 6WDWLRQRSWLRQ 6WDWLRQRSWLRQ WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 6WDWLRQRSWLRQ 1061 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks A control data record you have programmed in the startup program notifies the CPU as to which modules are missing or located in different slots as compared to the preset configuration. The configuration control has no effect on the parameter assignment of the modules. Configuration control gives you the flexibility to vary the central installation as long as the real configuration can be derived from a preset maximum configuration. Below you will find a description of how to activate configuration control (CPU parameter assignment) and how to structure the required data record. Requirements STEP 7 Version V13 SP1 or higher CPU S7-12XX Firmware Version V4.1 or higher Modules that support the "Configuration control" function also have the "Configuration control" entry in the description (info text) of the hardware catalog. Recommendation: Before you load a new program with a modified control data record, perform a memory reset. This action will prevent inconsistent states that may result from the presence of incompatible control data records. The startup parameter "Compare preset to actual configuration" is set to "Startup CPU even if mismatch" (default setting). 1062 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Required steps 1. Enable the "Allow to reconfigure the device via the user program" parameter when configuring the CPU ("Configuration control" area). 2. Create a control data record (e.g., in a data block) according to the current configuration based on the sample described below for the control data record. The control data record has the number 196. If you want to transfer the control data record as a whole block to the WRREC instruction (input parameter RECORD), note that you must first create a PLC data type containing the structure of the control data record and base the data block on this PLC data type. 3. Transfer the control data record to the CPU in the startup program. The configuration control for the centrally inserted modules takes effect only after an operating mode change of the CPU from STOP to RUN. For this reason, call the extended WRREC (Write data record) instruction in the startup OB, and transfer the created control data record to the CPU; see next section. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1063 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If a valid control data record is not transferred in the startup OB, the control is not ready for operation. The CPU returns from startup to STOP in this case. Transferring a control data record in the startup program The CPU processes the WRREC instruction for asynchronous transfer of the control data record. For this reason, you must call WRREC in the startup OB repeatedly in a loop until the output parameter "BUSY" or "DONE" indicate that the data record has been transferred. Tip: Use the SCL programming language (Page 4747) with the REPEAT ... UNTIL instruction for programming the loop. REPEAT "WRREC_DB"(REQ := "start_config_control", ID := 33, INDEX := 196, LEN := "conf_LEN", DONE => "conf_DONE", BUSY => "conf_BUSY", ERROR => "conf_ERROR", RECORD := "ConfDB".ConfigControl, STATUS => "conf_STATUS"); UNTIL NOT "conf_BUSY" END_REPEAT; 1064 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Below, you will find explanations for individual block parameters that you must supply with specific values in the configuration control context. For the remaining block parameters, see also WRREC (Page 3437): Parameter Explanation ID HW identifier; is always 33 (decimal) for configuration control for centrally arranged modules. INDEX Data record number; is always 196 (decimal) for configuration control for centrally ar ranged modules. RECORD Control data record to be transferred. See the section "Control data record" for the structure of the control data record. Tip: The "RECORD" block parameter of the WRREC instruction (V1.1 and higher) is of the "VARIANT" data type and therefore requires a tag with data type. If you store the control data record in a data block, this data block must thus have a data type. The data block created must not be of the "Global-DB" type. Rather, it must be derived from a user data type. Proceed as follows: 1. First, create a new PLC data type (user data type) with the structure of the control data record and name it, for example, "ConfDB". 2. Create a new data block. Select the newly created user data type, for example, "ConfDB", as type for this data block. In graphical programming languages, you realize the loop using instructions for program control. Example in FBD: Use the LABEL (jump label) and JMP (jump at RLO=1) instructions to program a loop. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1065 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Arrangement of the modules The following table shows the slot number assignment: Slot Modules Note 1 Signal board, communication board, bat tery board Slot on front of the CPU 2-9 Signal modules Slots to the right of the CPU 101 - 103 Communications modules Slots to the left of the CPU Control data record A control data record 196 containing a slot assignment is defined for configuration control. The following codes apply: 0 1 to 9, 101 to 103 16#FF (255) Module is included in the hardware configuration but is not used in the current configuration. Current slot of the module A module is not located in this slot in the hardware configuration. Byte Element Code Explanation 0 Block length 4 + number of slots Header 1 Block ID 196 2 Version 5 (for central I/O) 3 Subversion 0 4 Assignment of the CPU ex Expansion board, 0 or pansion board 16#FF 5 Assignment of configured slot 2 Real slot, 0 or 16#FF ... ... ... 12 Assignment of configured slot 9 Real slot, 0 or 16#FF 13 Assignment of configured slot 101 Real slot or 16#FF 14 Assignment of configured slot 102 Real slot or 16#FF 15 Assignment of configured slot 103 Real slot or 16#FF Control element Describes in each ele ment which real slot in the device is assigned to the configured slot. The structure of a con trol element is descri bed in the following section. In contrast to signal modules, the real slot of the communications modules must corre spond to the config ured slot. Structure of a control element A control element contains the information on which module is inserted in which slot. 1066 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The byte numbers represent the configured slots in ascending order (see above): Byte 4 stands for the configured slot of the expansion board Byte 5 to byte 9 stand for the configured slots 2 to 9 Byte 13 to byte 15 stand for the configured slots 101 to 103 The value that you need to enter in the corresponding byte depends on the following rule: If the module is present in the real configuration, enter the real slot number of the module. - Example 1: The module configured in slot 2 is located in slot 2. Enter value 2 (= actual slot) in byte 5 (= configured slot 2). - Example 2: The module configured in slot 3 is located in slot 2. Enter value 2 (= actual slot) in byte 6 (= configured slot 3). If the module is configured but is missing in the real structure, enter 0 in the byte for the configured slot. If a module is not located in this slot in the hardware configuration, enter 16#FF (255) in the byte for the configured slot. Rules Observe the following rules: The configuration control does not support the repositioning of communications modules. The slot entries in the control data record for slots 101 to 103 must correspond to the real positions of the modules or be defined as not present in the hardware configuration by entering 16#FF (255). Slot gaps in the configuration are not allowed. For example, if a signal module is inserted in slot 4 in the real configuration, slots 2 and 3 of the real configuration must also be occupied. The same applies to the slots 101 to 103. If a communications module is inserted in slot 102 in the real configuration, slot 101 must also have a communications module inserted in the real configuration. If you have enabled configuration control, the CPU is not ready for operation without a control data record. The CPU returns from startup to STOP if a valid control data record is not transferred in the startup OB. The central I/O is not initialized in this case. The cause for the STOP mode is entered in the diagnostics buffer. For addressing the WRREC instruction, use the HW identifier 33 (decimal, for the ID block parameter) to write the control data record. The control data record is saved retentively in the CPU, which means that it is not necessary to write the control data record 196 again at a restart if the configuration is unchanged. Prior to commissioning, we recommend that a memory reset be performed for the CPU in order to delete any control data record that is present. Slot entries in the control data record outside the configured preset configuration are ignored by the CPU. Each real slot may only be present once in the control data record. A real slot may only be assigned to one configured slot. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1067 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Modified configuration The writing of a control data record with a modified configuration triggers the following automatic reaction by the CPU: Memory reset with subsequent startup with this modified configuration. As a result of this reaction, the retentively saved original data record 196 is deleted and the new data record 196 is saved retentively. Behavior during operation Effect of the discrepancy between the configured configuration and real configuration: For the online display and for the display in the diagnostics buffer (module OK or module faulty), the hardware configuration is always used and not the differing real configuration. Example: A module supplies diagnostic information. This module is configured in slot 4, but is really inserted in slot 3 (missing module; see example in the next section). In the online view, a configured slot 4 is indicated as faulty. In the real configuration, the module in slot 3 indicates an error via an LED display. If modules are entered as missing in the control data record, the automation system behaves as follows: Modules designated as not present in the control data record do not supply diagnostics and their status is always OK. The value status is OK Direct write access to the outputs or write access to the process image of outputs that are not present: Remains without effect; no access error is signaled. Direct read access to the inputs or read access to the process image of inputs that are not present: Value "0" is supplied; no access error is signaled. Write data record to module that is not present: Remains without effect; no error is signaled. Read data record from module that is not present: An error is signaled because a valid data record cannot be returned. Error messages The following error messages are returned if an error occurs during writing of the control data record: Table 10-79 Error messages Error code 1068 Meaning 16#80B1 Invalid length; the length information in data record 196 is not correct. 16#80B5 Configuration control parameters not assigned. 16#80E2 Data record was transferred in the wrong OB context. The data re cord must be transferred in the startup program. 16#80B8 Parameter error; module signals invalid parameters. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also VARIANT (Page 2191) S7-1200 System Manual ( Example of a configuration control (S7-1200) A configuration consisting of a CPU and 3 signal modules is configured in the following. The module at slot 3 is not present in the first configuration expansion and is "hidden" by the configuration control. In the second configuration expansion, the module that was initially hidden is located in the last slot. The added slot is made known to the CPU by a modified control data record. Actual configuration with missing module The specified configuration contains all modules that can be present in a final expansion stage. The module that is inserted in slot 3 in the specified configuration is missing in the real expanded configuration. For this reason, slot 3 must be coded in the control data record accordingly with "FF H" (= not present). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1069 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Module is missing in the real configuration Actual configuration with subsequently added module The module present in slot 3 in the specified configuration is added to the back of the real configuration by inserting it as the last module in slot 4. The control data record is adapted accordingly. 1070 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1071 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Additional configurations (S7-1200) Configuring additional functions The S7-1200 automation system has numerous additional functions that are useful as integrated CPU functions or available via plug-in modules (for example, communication modules). You can find the description via the following links. See also Motion functionality of the CPU S7-1200 (Page 6594) Configuring PID_Compact V1 (Page 6507) Configuring PID_3Step V1 (Page 6540) S7-1200 CM/CP Telecontrol CPs CP 124x-x / CP 1542SP-1 IRC CP identification Reference CPs using the "TeleControl Basic" protocol. "CP identification" parameter group One project number for the entire STEP 7 project If you change the project number for a CP in the "CP identification" parameter group, this parameter is changed for all CPs in the entire STEP 7 project using the "TeleControl Basic" protocol. TCSB evaluates project numbers from 1 ... 2000. Configuration of the station number You need to configure a unique station number for each station in the STEP 7 project that uses a CP using the "TeleControl Basic" protocol. TCSB evaluates station numbers from 1 ... 8000. 1072 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Access ID The access ID displayed in the "CP identification" parameter group is made up of the hexadecimal values of the project number, station number and slot. The parameter of the type DWORD is allocated as follows: Bits 0 7: Slot Bits 8 to 20: Station number Bits 21 to 31: Project number CPs with data point configuration Communication types In this parameter group, you enable the communication types you want to use for the particular CP.. To minimize the risk of unauthorized access to the station via Ethernet, you need to enable the communications services that the CP will execute individually. You can leave all options disabled if you do not need them. However, at least one option should be enabled in a telecontrol CP. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1073 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "Communication types" parameter group Activate online functions Enables access to the CPU for the online functions via the CP (diagnostics, loading project data etc.). If the function is enabled, the engineering station can access the CPU via the CP. If the option is disabled, you have no access to the CPU via the CP with the online functions. Online diagnostics of the CPU with a direct connection to the interface of the CPU however remains possible. Enabling S7 communication Enables the functions of S7 communication with a SIMATIC S7 and S7 routing on the CP. If you configure S7 connections to the relevant station, and these run via the CP, you will need to enable this option. Enable telecontrol communication Enables telecontrol communication on the CP. The following protocols can be used as alternatives. - TeleControl Basic Enables communication with the telecontrol server - DNP3 Enables communication with up to four DNP3 masters - IEC 608705104 Enables communication with up to four IEC masters Note Full telecontrol functionality only enabled Security functions For the following functions, you need to enable the Security functions: Send messages (e-mails / SMS) via the telecontrol functionality Use of the "TeleControl Basic" (general) protocol Use of the DNP3 Security functions Use of certificates Note Loss of configuration data when changing the telecontrol protocol If you change the protocol on a configured CP, protocol-specific configuration data is lost, for example, the data point, the partner configuration or the messages (e-mails). 1074 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Ethernet interface Time-of-day synchronization Time-of-day synchronization with S7-1200 Module and synchronization method When using an external time source, the S7-1200 station can obtain the current time of day both via the CPU as well as via a CP. With the S7-1200 there is no forwarding of the time of day from the station to the subnet. Time-of-day synchronization using the CPU As the synchronization method, with the CPU only NTP can be selected. If for the CPU the option "CPU synchronizes the modules of the device" is enabled, all smart modules of the station (CMs, CPs) are synchronized with the CPU time in a synchronization cycle of 10 seconds. Time-of-day synchronization using a telecontrol CP The following synchronization methods are available: NTP NTP can only be used when the telecontrol communication is disabled. In this case, the telecontrol CP is used as an extended PROFINET interface. Time from partner When telecontrol communication is enabled, the CP automatically takes the time-of-day from the communications partner. Note Forwarding the time to the CPU Depending on the firmware version of the modules involved, the time-of-day of the CP is forwarded to the CPU in different ways: Optional forwarding of the CP time to the CPU using a PLC tag Obligatory forwarding of the CP time to the CPU via the backplane bus WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1075 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Forwarding the time from the CP to the CPU Note Recommendation: Time-of-day synchronization only by 1 module Only have the time of day of the station from an external time source synchronized by a single module so that a consistent time of day is maintained within the station. When the CPU takes the time from the CP, disable time-of-day synchronization of the CPU. The forwarding of the CP time to the CPU depends on the firmware version of the CP and the CPU. Note the following behaviour. CP firmware V2.1.5 With this firmware version the CP can make the time-of-day available to the CPU as an option via a PLC tag. When this PLC tag is read cyclically by the CPU, the CPU adopts the CP time. For TLC tags, see parameter group "Communication with the CPU" of the CP. CP firmware V2.1.7 and CPU firmware V4.2 If both modules in the station have one of the named firmware versions, the time of day of the CP is automatically forwarded to the CPU. Since the CPU automatically adopts the CP time, you no longer require the forwarding option using the PLC tag. If for the CPU the option "CPU synchronizes the modules of the device" is enabled, all smart modules of the station are synchronized with the CPU time. Time-of-day synchronization with NTP NTP mode In NTP mode, the CP sends time-of-day queries at regular intervals to one or more NTP servers. From the responses of the servers, the CP selects the most accurate time of day. The advantage of this mode is that it allows the time to be synchronized across subnets. In NTP mode, it is generally UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) that is transferred. This corresponds to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). NTP server and synchronization interval The IP addresses of up to four NTP servers can be configured. The synchronization interval specifies the cycle of the time-of-day queries to the NTP server. The range of values is between 10 seconds and 1 day (86400 seconds). "Accept time of day from non-synchronized NTP servers" option If the option is enabled, the CP also accepts the time-of-day from non-synchronized NTP servers with stratum 16. If the option is disabled, the response is as follows: If the CP receives a time of day frame from an unsynchronized NTP server with stratum 16, the time of day is not set according to the 1076 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks frame. In this case, none of the NTP servers is displayed as "NTP master" in the diagnostics; but rather only as being "reachable". Reconnection delay Note If the partner cannot be reached, connection establishment via the mobile wireless network can take several minutes. This may depend on the particular network and current network load. Depending on your contract, costs may result from each connection establishment attempt. "Reconnection delay" parameter The reconnection delay for connections in telecontrol communication is the waiting time between repeated attempts to establish the connection by the CP when the telecontrol server is not reachable or the connection has aborted. This waiting time avoids continuous connection establishment attempts at short intervals if there are connection problems. A basic value is configured for the waiting time before the next connection establishment attempt. Starting at the basic value, the current waiting time is doubled after every 3 unsuccessful retries up to a maximum value of 900 s. Range of values for the basic value: 10 to 600 s. Example: The basic value 20 results in the following intervals (waiting times) between the attempts to re-establish a connection. three times 20 s three times 40 s three times 80 s etc. up to max. 900 s Note Special characteristics with CP 12427 (6GK72427KX300XE0) together with TELECONTROL SERVER BASIC (V2) If a second telecontrol server or a second router of the telecontrol server is configured, the CP attempts to connect to the second partner at the 4th attempt. If the second partner is also unreachable, the 7th time the CP attempts to connect to the first partner again. Acknowledgment with IEC protocol Acknowledgment mechanisms with telecontrol protocol IEC 608705104 Reference: Configuration of the Ethernet interface of the CP > Parameter group "Advanced options" > Transfer settings" WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1077 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks With each sent data frame, the CP sends a continuous send sequence number. The data frame remains initially stored in the send buffer of the CP. When it receives the data frame, the master sends the send sequence number from this or (if several frames are received) the last frame as an acknowledgment to the CP. The CP saves the send sequence number returned by the master as a receive sequence number and uses it as an acknowledgment. Frames whose send sequence number is equal to or lower than the current receive sequence number are evaluated as having been successfully transferred and are deleted from the send buffer of the CP. Recommendations of the specification: w should not be higher than 2/3 of k. Recommended value for k: 12 Recommended value for w: 8 Parameter: k: Difference between send sequence number N(S) and receive sequence number N(R) Maximum number of unacknowledged data frames (IAPDUs) as maximum difference between send sequence number N(S) and receive sequence number N(R). When k is reached and t1 has not yet elapsed, the CP does not send any frames until all the frames sent have been acknowledged by the master. When k is reached and t1 has elapsed, the TCP connection is terminated. w: Max. number of unacknowledged data frames Maximum number of received data frames (IAPDUs), after which the oldest frame received from the master must be acknowledged. 1078 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Partner Addressing a double / redundant TCSB system Addressing of the duplicate or redundant telecontrol server Addressing the main and substitute telecontrol server in TCSB V2 Only for CP 12427 (6GK7 242-7KX30-0XE0) With TCSB V2, two independent server PCs can be installed. The second IP address only needs to be configured when these are connected to the Internet via two routers. Addressing the TCSB redundancy group in TCSB V3 In the LAN in the master to which the TCSB server PCs and the DSL router (e.g. SCALANCE M) are connected, the Network Load Balancing (NLB) of the computer operating system will assign a common virtual IP address to the two server PCs. This IP address is configured depending on the network setup: - If only CP 1243-1 modules without a DSL router are connected, the virtual address assigned by the NLB must be configured in the CPs as the IP address of the telecontrol server. - If a DSL router is used, only one IP address will be configured to address the redundant telecontrol server in the stations, the public address of the DSL router. Set the port forwarding on the DSL router so that the public IP address (external network) is led to the virtual IP address of the TCSB server PCs (internal network). Only the public IP address is reachable from the Internet. The station does not therefore receive any information telling it which of the two computers of the redundancy group it is connected to. If you configure a second IP address, you need to make sure that TCSB is reachable via the IP address of a second router. Communication with the CPU CPU scan cycle Structure of the CPU scan cycle The cycle (including the pause) with which the CP scans the memory area of the CPU is made up of the following phases: High-priority read jobs For data points of the type "Input", which are configured with the data point configuration "General > Read cycle" with the setting "Fast cycle", the PLC tags are all read in one scan cycle. Write jobs In every cycle, the values of a certain number of unsolicited write jobs are written to the CPU. The number of tags written per cycle is specified for the CP in the "Communication with the CPU" parameter group with the "Max. number of write jobs" parameter. The tags whose number exceeds this value are then written in the next or one of the following cycles. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1079 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Low-priority read jobs - proportion For data points of the type "Input", which are configured with the "Low priority" setting in the data point configuration in "General > Priority in the scan cycle", the values of a part of the PLC tags are read in every scan cycle. The number of tags read per cycle is specified for the CP in the "Communication with the CPU" parameter group with the "Max. number of read jobs" parameter. The tags that exceed this value and can therefore not be read in one cycle are then read in the next or one of the following cycles. Cycle idle time This waiting time between two scan cycles is used to reserve adequate time for other processes that access the CPU. Duration of the CPU scan cycle Since no fixed time can be configured for the cycle and since the individual phases cannot be assigned a fixed number of objects, the duration of the scan cycle is variable and can change dynamically. Data points and messages Configuring data points and messages Data point-related communication with the CPU No program blocks need to be programmed for the telecontrol CPs with data point configuration to transfer user data between the station and communications partner. The data areas in the memory of the CPU intended for communication with the communications partner are configured data point-related on the CP. Each data point is linked to a PLC tag or a or the tags of a data block. Requirement: Created PLC tags PLC tags or DBs must first be created in the CPU program to allow configuration of the data points. The PLC tags for data point configuration can be created in the standard tag table or in a userdefined tag table. All PLC tags intended to be used for data point configuration must have the attribute "Visible in HMI". Address areas of the PLC tags are input, output or bit memory areas on the CPU. The formats and S7 data types of the PLC tags that are compatible with the protocol-specific data point types of the CP can be found in the section Datapoint types (Page 1086). Access to the memory areas of the CPU The values of the PLC tags or DBs referenced by the data points are read and transferred to the communications partner by the CP. 1080 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Data received from the communications partner is written by the CP to the CPU via the PLC tags or DBs. Configuring the data points and messages in STEP 7 You configure the data points in STEP 7 in the data point and message editor. You can find this using the project tree: Project > directory of the relevant station > Local modules > CP 1200 Figure 10-5 Configuring data points and messages By double-clicking on the entry, the data point or message editor. Using the two entries to the right above the table, you can switch over between the data point and message editor. Figure 10-6 Switching over between the two editors Creating obects With the data point or message editor open, create a new object (data point / message) by double clicking "" in the first table row with the grayed out entry. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1081 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks A preset name is written in the cell. You can change the name to suit your purposes but it must be unique within the CP. Figure 10-7 Data point table You configure the remaining properties of every object using the drop-down lists of the other table columns and using the parameter boxes shown at the bottom of the screen. Assigning data points to their data source After creating it, you assign a new data point to its data source. Depending on the data type of the data point a PLC tag can serve as the data source. For the assignment you have the following options: Click on the table symbol in the cell of the "PLC tag" column. All configured PLC tags and the tags of the created data blocks are displayed. Select the required data source with the mouse or keyboard. Click the symbol . A selection list of the configured PLC Tags and the blocks is displayed. From the relevant table, select the required data source. In the name box of the PLC tag, enter part of the name of the required data source. All configured PLC tags and tags of the data blocks whose names contain the letters you have entered are displayed. Select the required data source. Note Assignment of parameter values to PLC tags The mechanisms described here also apply when you need to assign the value of a parameter to a PLC tag. The input boxes fro the PLC tag (e.g.: PLC tag for partner status support the functions described here for selecting the PLC tag. 1082 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Arranging and copying objects As with many other programs in the data point or message editor you can also arrange the columns, sort the table according to your requirements and copy and insert objects. Arrange columns If you click on a column header with the left mouse button pressed, you can move the column. Sorting objects If you click briefly with the left mouse button on a column header, you can sort the objects of the table in ascending or descending order according to the entries in this column. The sorting is indicated by an arrow in the column header. After sorting in descending order of a column the sorting can be turned off by clicking on the column header again. Adapting the column width You call this function using the shortcut menu that opens when you click on a column header with the right mouse key. Showing / hiding columns You call this function using the shortcut menu that opens when you click on a column header with the right mouse key. Copying, pasting, cutting and deleting objects If you click in a parameter box of an object in the table with the right mouse key, you can use the functions named with the shortcut menu (copy, paste, cut, delete). You can paste cut or copied objects within the table or in the first free row below the table. Exporting and importing data points To simplify the engineering of larger plants, you can export the data points of a configured CP and import them into other CPs in the project. This is an advantage particularly in projects with many identical or similar stations or data point CPs. The export / import function is available when you select the CP for example in the network or device view and select the relevant shortcut menu. Figure 10-8 Shortcut menu of the CP When it is exported the data point information of a CP is stored in one CSV file. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1083 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Export When you call the export function, the export dialog opens. Here, you select the CP or CPs of the project whose data point information needs to be exported. When necessary, you can export the data points of all CPs of the project at one time. In the export dialog, you can select the storage location in the file directory. When you export the data of a CP you can also change the preset file name. When you export from several CPs, the files are formed with preset names made up of the station name and CP name. The file itself contains the following information in addition to the data point information: CP name CP type CPU name CPU type Editing the data point information You can edit the data point information in an exported CSV file. This allows you to use this file as a configuration template for many other stations. If you have a project with many stations of the same type, you can copy the CSV file with the data points of a fully configured CP for other as yet unconfigured stations and adapt individual parameters to the particular station. This saves you having to configure the data points for every CP in STEP 7. Instead, you simply import the copied and adapted CSV file to the other CPs of the same type. When you import this file into another CP, the changed parameter values of the CSV file are adopted in the data point configuration of this CP. The lines of the CSV file have the following content: Line 1: ,Name,Type, This line must not be changed. Line 2: PLC,, , Meaning: PLC (designation of the station class), CPU name, CPU type Only the elements and may be changed. The CPU type must correspond exactly to the name of the CPU in the catalog. Line 3: Module,, , Meaning: Module (Designation of the module class), CP type, CP name Only the elements and may be changed. Be careful when changing the CP names if you want to import data points into several CPs (see below). The CP type must correspond exactly to the name of the CP in the catalog. Line 4: Parameter names (English) of the data points This line must not be changed. Lines 5..n: Values of the parameters according to line 4 of the individual data points You can change the parameter values for the particular station. 1084 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Importing into a CP Before importing the data points make sure that the PLC tags required for the data points have been created. Note that when you import a CSV file all the data points existing on the CP will be deleted and replaced by the imported data points. Select a CP and select the import function from the shortcut menu of the CP. The import dialog opens in which you select the required CSV file in the file directory. If the information on the assignment of the individual data points to the relevant PLC tags matches the assignment in the original CP, the data points will be assigned to the corresponding PLC tags. When you import data points into a CP, but some required PLC tags have not yet been created in the CPU, the corresponding data point information cannot be assigned. In this case, you can subsequently create missing PLC tags and them assign them the imported data point information. The "Assignment repair" function is available for this (see below). If the names of the PLC tags in the CP into which the import is made have different names than in the CP that exported, the corresponding data points cannot be assigned to your PLC tags. Importing into several CPs You can import the data points from several CPs into the CPs of a different project. To do this in the import dialog select all the required CSV files with the control key. Before importing the data points, make sure that the respective stations have been created with CPUs of the same name, CPs of the same name and PLC tags of the same name. When you import the corresponding stations of the project are searched for based on the CP names in the CSV files. If a target station does not exist in the project or the CP has a different name, the import of the particular CSV file will be ignored. Restrictions for the import of data points In the following situations the import of data points will be aborted: The telecontrol protocol used by the CP differs from that of the original CP. The following CPs with the "TeleControl Basic" protocol are compatible with each other: - CP 12427 GPRS V2 - CP 12431 - CP 12437 LTE This means, for example, that data points can be imported from a CP 12431 into a CP 12437 LTE or from a CP 12427 GPRS V2 to a CP 12431. An attribute required by the CP is missing in the CSV file to be imported. Example: If a data point to be imported uses a time trigger, the import will be aborted if no time-of-day synchronization was configured for the CP. Only when importing into several CPs: The import is aborted when a CP or CPU name is different from the data in the CSV file. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1085 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assignment repair If you have named the PLC tags in a station into which you want to import differently from the station from which the CSV file was exported, the assignment between data point and PLC tag is lost when you import. You then have the option to either rename the existing PLC tags appropriately or add missing PLC tags. You can then repair the assignment between unassigned data points and PLC tags. This function is available either via the shortcut menu of the CP (see above) or with the following icon to the upper left in the data point editor: If a PLC tag with a matching name is found for a data point by the repair function, the assignment is restored. However the data type of the tag is not checked. After the assignment repair make sure that you check whether the newly assigned PLC tags are correct. Datapoint types During the configuration of the user data to be transferred by the CP, each data point is assigned a protocol-specific data point type. The data point types supported by the CP along with the compatible S7 data types are listed below. They are grouped according to format (memory requirements). The direction relates to the direction of transfer (monitoring direction = "in", control direction = "out"). Note Effect of the change of arrays for data points If an array is modified later, the data point must be recreated. CP 12431, CP 12427 GPRS V2, CP 12437 LTE, : Supported data point types Table 10-80 Supported data point types and compatible S7 data types Format (memory require ments) Data point type S7 data types Operand area Bit Digital input Bool I, Q, M, DB Byte Digital output Bool Q, M, DB Command output (CP 12431 and CP 1542SP1 IRC only) Bool Q, M, DB Digital input Byte, USInt I, Q, M, DB Digital output Byte, USInt Q, M, DB Integer with sign (16 bits) Analog input Counter (16 bits) Int I, Q, M, DB Analog output Int Q, M, DB Counter input Word, UInt I, Q, M, DB Integer with sign (32 bits) Analog input Counter (32 bits) 1086 DInt Q, M, DB Analog output DInt Q, M, DB Counter input UDInt, DWord I, Q, M, DB WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Format (memory require ments) Data point type S7 data types Operand area Floating-point number with sign (32 bits) Analog input Real Q, M, DB Analog output Real Q, M, DB Floating-point number with sign (64 bits) Analog input LReal Q, M, DB Analog output LReal Data block (1 .. 64 bytes) 1) Q, M, DB Data ARRAY 1) DB Data ARRAY 1) DB For the possible formats of the ARRAY data type, refer to the following section. Data block (ARRAY) With the ARRAY data type, contiguous memory areas up to a size of 64 bytes can be transferred. The following S7 data types are compatible components of ARRAY: Byte, USInt (total of up to 64 per data block) Int, UInt, Word (total of up to 32 per data block) DInt, UDInt, DWord (total of up to 16 per data block) Time stamp in UTC format Time stamps are transferred in UTC format (48 bits) and contain the time difference in milliseconds since 01.01.1970. CP 12438 IRC: Supported data point types Table 10-81 Supported data point types and compatible S7 data types Format (memo Data point type ry requirements) S7 data types STEP 7 Basic Operand area Bit Bool Byte Integer with sign (16 bits) Digital input (Status Input) Number of data points per SI NAUT object Compatible SI NAUT objects STEP 7 V5 I, Q, M, DB 8 Bin08X_S Digital output (Status Output) Bool Q, M, DB 8 Bin08X_R Digital input (Binary Input) I, Q, M, DB 4 Bin04B_S Digital output (Binary Output) Byte, USInt Q, M, DB 4 Bin04B_R Command output (Command Output) Byte, USInt Q, M, DB 1 Cmd01B_R Analog input (Analog Input) Int I, Q, M, DB 4 Ana04W_S Mean value (Mean Value In put) Int I, Q, M, DB 4 Mean04W_S Analog output (Analog Out put) Int Q, M, DB 4 Ana04W_R Mean value (Mean Value Out Int put) Q, M, DB 4 Mean04W_R Setpoint (Setpoint Output) 1) Byte, USInt Q, M, DB 1 Set01W_R Counter (16 bits) Counter input (Counter Input) UInt, Word I, Q, M, DB 1 Cnt01D_S Counter input (Counter Input) UInt, Word I, Q, M, DB 4 Cnt04D_S WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Int 1087 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Format (memo Data point type ry requirements) S7 data types STEP 7 Basic Operand area Floating-point Analog input (Analog Input) number (32 bits) Analog output (Analog Out put) Real I, Q, M, DB 4 Ana04R_S Real Q, M, DB 4 Ana04R_R Data block (4 .. 48 bytes) ARRAY [1...12] of DInt / UDInt / DWord / Real 2) DB 12 Dat12D_S DB 12 Dat12D_R DB 12 Par12D_R Data (Data Input) Data (Data Output) Parameters (Parameter Out put) 1) 1) See below, section "1: Mirroring back" 2) See below, section "2: Data block" Number of data points per SI NAUT object Compatible SI NAUT objects STEP 7 V5 1: Mirroring The mirroring back function using the "Value monitoring" parameter can be configured for the following data point types: Setpoint Output Parameter Output The local values of the data points of this type can be monitored for change and the changes transferred to the master with the Value monitoring function. Changing a local value can, for example, be caused by manual operator input on site. To allow the value resulting from local events or interventions to be transferred to the master, the Value monitoring function generates a mirroring back channel for the relevant data point via which the locally changed value is mirrored back. Remember that to use the mirror back function, you need to interconnect the local values in the controller with the relevant PLC tag of the data point. 2: Data block With the ARRAY data type, blocks of data from contiguous memory areas up to a size of 4 .. 48 bytes can be transferred. Compatible components of ARRAY are DInt, UDint, DWord or Real. The components within an array must be of the same type. CP 12431 DNP3: Supported data point types Table 10-82 Supported data point types, DNP3 object groups, variants and compatible S7 data types Format (memory re quirements) Data point type Bit Binary Input 1 [1, 2] Binary Input Event 2 [1, 2] Direction S7 data types Operand area in Bool I, Q, M, DB in Bool I, Q, M, DB Bool Q, M, DB [variations] Binary Output 1) Binary Output Event Binary Command 1088 DNP3 object group 1) 10 [2] out 11 [1, 2] out 12 [1] out WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Format (memory re quirements) Data point type Integer (16 bits) Counter Static DNP3 object group Direction S7 data types Operand area UInt, Word I, Q, M, DB UInt, Word I, Q, M, DB [variations] 20 [2] in 21 [2, 6] in 22 [2, 6] in 23 [2, 6] in 30 [2] in Int I, Q, M, DB 32 [2] in Int I, Q, M, DB 40 [2] out 41 [2] out Int Q, M, DB 42 [2, 4] out 20 [1] in UDInt, DWord I, Q, M, DB 21 [1, 5] in 22 [1, 5] in UDInt, DWord I, Q, M, DB 23 [1, 5] in Analog Input 30 [1] in DInt Q, M, DB Analog Input Event 32 [1] in DInt Q, M, DB 40 [1, 3] out 41 [1] out DInt Q, M, DB 42 [1] out 30 [5] in Real Q, M, DB 32 [5, 7] in Real Q, M, DB 40 [3] out 41 [3] out Real Q, M, DB 42 [5, 7] out 30 [6] in LReal Q, M, DB 32 [6, 8] in LReal Q, M, DB LReal Q, M, DB Frozen Counter 2) Counter Event Frozen Counter Event 3) Analog Input Analog Input Event Analog Output Status 4) Analog Output Analog Output Event Integer (32 bits) 4) Counter Static Frozen Counter 2) Counter Event Frozen Counter Event Analog Output Status 3) 4) Analog Output Analog Output Event Floating-point num ber (32 bits) 4) Analog Input Analog Input Event Analog Output Status 4) Analog Output Analog Output Event Floating-point num ber (64 bits) 4) Analog Input Analog Input Event Analog Output 41 [4] out 42 [6, 8] out Octet String / Octet String Output 110 [ ] in, out 5) DB Octet String Event 111 [ ] in, out 5) DB Analog Output Event Data block (1...64 bytes) 5) 5) 4) 1) This object group can be configured in the Data point editor of STEP 7 using the substitute object group 12. 2) This object group can be configured in the Data point editor of STEP 7 using the substitute object group 20. 3) This object group can be configured in the Data point editor of STEP 7 using the substitute object group 22. 4) This object group can be configured in the Data point editor of STEP 7 using the substitute object group 41. With these data point types, contiguous memory areas up to a size of 64 bytes can be transferred. All S7 data types with a size between 1 and 64 bytes are compatible. 5) Explanation of the table footnotes 1), 2), 3), 4): Configuring data points using substitute object groups WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1089 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The initial data point types of the following object groups can be configured using the substitute object groups listed above: 10 [2] 11 [1, 2] 21 [1, 2, 5, 6] 23 [1, 2, 5, 6] 40 [1, 2, 3] 42 [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] To configure the DNP3 CP, use the specified substitute object group. Assign each data point on the master using the configurable data point index in STEP 7. The data point of the DNP3 CP is then assigned to the corresponding data point on the master. Example of configuring the data point Binary Output (10 [2]) The data point is configured as follows: On the DNP3 CP as Binary Command (12 [1]) On the master as Binary Output (10 [2]) With the data point types Binary Output Event (11) and Analog Output Event (42), you also need to enable mirroring; refer to the next section. Configuration of the mirroring for output events (object groups 11 and 42) You first create the data point types Binary Output Event (object group 11) and Analog Output Event (object group 42) as described above as data points of the object groups 12 or 41. The local values of these two object groups can be monitored for change and the changes transferred to the master (). Changing a local value can, for example, be caused by manual operator input on site. To allow the value resulting from local events or interventions to be transferred to the master, the data point in question requires a channel for mirroring back. You configure this mirroring back function is configured using the "Value monitoring" option in data point configuration, General tab. Remember that to use the mirror back function, you need to interconnect the local values in the controller with the relevant PLC tag of the data point. Time stamp for DNP3-CP in UTC format Time stamps are transferred in UTC format (48 bits) and contain milliseconds since 01.01.1970. CP 12431 IEC: Supported data point types Table 10-83 Supported data point types, IEC types and compatible S7 data types Format (memory requirements) Data point type IEC type Direction Bit Single point information <1> Single point information with time tag Single command 1) 1090 S7 data types Operand area in Bool I, Q, M, DB <30> in Bool I, Q, M, DB <45> out Bool Q, M, DB WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Format (memory requirements) Data point type Byte Integer (16 bits) Integer (32 bits) IEC type Direction S7 data types Operand area Step position information <5> in Byte, USInt I, Q, M, DB Step position information with time tag 1) <32> in Byte, USInt I, Q, M, DB Measured value, normalized value <9> in Int I, Q, M, DB Measured value, normalized value with time tag 1) <34> in Int I, Q, M, DB Measured value, scaled value <11> in Int I, Q, M, DB Measured value, scaled value with time tag 1) <35> in Int I, Q, M, DB Set point command, normalised value <48> out Int Q, M, DB Set point command, scaled value <49> out Int Q, M, DB Bitstring of 32 bits <7> in UDInt, DWord I, Q, M, DB Bitstring of 32 bits with time tag CP56Time2a 1) <33> in UDInt, DWord I, Q, M, DB Integrated totals <15> in UDInt, DWord I, Q, M, DB Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2a 1) <37> in UDInt, DWord I, Q, M, DB Bitstring of 32 bits <51> out UDInt, DWord Q, M, DB <13> in Real Q, M, DB Measured value, short floating point number with time tag CP56Time2a 1) <36> in Real Q, M, DB Set point command, short floating point number <50> out Real Q, M, DB Double-point information <3> in 2) DB Double-point information with time tag CP56Time2a 1) <31> in 2) DB Double command <46> out 2) DB Regulating step command <47> out 2) DB Bitstring of 32 bits DB Floating-point num Measured value, short floating point ber (32 bits) number Data block (1...2 Bit) 2) Data block (1...32 Bit) 3) <7> in 3) Bitstring of 32 bits with time tag CP56Time2a 1) 3) <33> in 3) DB Bitstring of 32 bits <51> out 3) DB 3) 3) 1) For the format of the time stamp, see the following section. 2) For these data point types, create a data block with an array of precisely 2 bool. With these data point types, contiguous memory areas up to a size of 32 bits can be transferred. Only the S7 Bool data type is compatible. 3) Time stamp with the IEC CP IEC CP time stamps are transferred according to the IEC specification in the "CP56Time2a" format. Note that in the frames only the first 3 bytes for milliseconds and minutes are transferred. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1091 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks CP 12431 PCC: Supported data point types Table 10-84 Supported data point types and compatible S7 data types Format (memory require ments) Data point type S7 data types Operand area Bit Digital input Bool I, Q, M, DB Byte Digital input Byte, USInt I, Q, M, DB Integer with sign (16 bits) Analog input Int I, Q, M, DB Counter (16 bits) Word, UInt I, Q, M, DB Integer with sign (32 bits) Analog value DInt Q, M, DB Counter (32 bits) Counter UDInt, DWord I, Q, M, DB Floating-point number with sign (32 bits) Analog value Real Q, M, DB Floating-point number with sign (64 bits) Analog value LReal Q, M, DB Data block (1 .. 64 bytes) Data ARRAY 1) DB Data ARRAY DB 1) Counter input 1) For the possible formats of the ARRAY data type, refer to the following section. Data block (ARRAY) With the ARRAY data type, contiguous memory areas up to a size of 64 bytes can be transferred. The following equivalent S7 data types are compatible components of ARRAY: Bool (total of up to 512 per data block) Byte, USInt (total of up to 64 per data block) Int, UInt, Word (total of up to 32 per data block) DInt, UDInt, Real, DWord (total of up to 16 per data block) LReal (total of up to 8 per data block) Note No processing of arrays in the operation center The array data type cannot be processed in the operation center. Time stamp in UTC format Time stamps are transferred in UTC format (48 bits) and contain the time difference in milliseconds since 01.01.1970. 1092 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Process image, type of transmission, event classes, triggers Introduction Some of the functions described below differ depending on the protocol used by the CP in question: Telecontrol Basic CPs: - CP 12427 GPRS V2 - CP 12431 - CP 12437 LTE CP 12438 IRC CP 12431 DNP3 CP 12431 IEC Storage of values The values of all data points are stored in the image memory of the CP. Values in the image memory are transferred only after being called by TCSB (Telecontrol Basic CPs) or the master (CP 12431 DNP3 / IEC). Events are also stored in the send buffer and can be transferred unsolicited. The image memory, the process image of the CP The image memory is the process image of the CP. All the current values of the configured data points are stored in the image memory. New values of a data point overwrite the last stored value in the image memory. The values are sent only after a query by the communications partner - see below "Transfer after call" in the "Types of transmission" section - or along with a message from the send buffer that needs to be transferred immediately. The send buffer The send buffer of the CP is the memory for the individual values of data points that are configured as an event. The send buffer has the following size: Telecontrol Basic CPs, CP 12438 IRC, CP 12431 DNP3: Max. 64000 events based on 32 bit analog values CP 12431 IEC: Max. 65535 events The capacity of the send buffer is divided up equally for all enabled partners. If the connection to a communications partner is interrupted, the individual values of the events are retained in the buffer. When the connection returns, the buffered values are sent. The frame memory operates chronologically; in other words, the oldest frames are sent first (FIFO principle). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1093 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If a frame was transferred to the communications partner, the transferred value is deleted from the send buffer. If frames cannot be transferred for a longer period of time and the send buffer is threatening to overflow, the response is as follows: Telecontrol Basic CPs, CP 12438 IRC The forced image mode If the send buffer reaches a fill level of 80%, the CP changes to the forced image mode. New values from data points configured as an event are no longer added to the send buffer but rather they overwrite older existing values in the image memory. When the connection to the communications partner returns, the CP changes back to the send buffer mode if the fill level of the send buffer has fallen below 50%. CP 12431 DNP3 / CP 12431 IEC If a send buffer fill level of 100% is reached, the oldest values are overwritten. Saving the data point values The values of data points are generally stored in the image memory of the CP and transferred only after a query by the communications partner. Events are also stored in the send buffer and can be transferred unsolicited. Data points are configured as a static value or as an event using the "Type of transmission" parameter (see below): Static value (no event) Static values are entered in the image memory (process image of the CP). Static values correspond to the following classes: - DNP3: Class 0 - IEC: Class 2 Event The values of data points configured as an event are also entered in the image memory of the CP. The value of the event is sent unsolicited to the communications partner if this function is enabled by the master. The values of events are also entered in the send buffer of the CP. Events correspond to the following classes: - DNP3: Class 1 / 2 / 3 - IEC: Class 1 1094 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Types of transmission The following types of transmission are possible: Transfer after call (class 0) The current value of the data point is entered in the image memory of the CP. New values of a data point overwrite the last stored value in the image memory. After being called by the communications partner, the current value at this time is transferred. Triggered (events) The values of data points configured as an event are entered in the image memory and also in the send buffer of the CP. The values of events are saved in the following situations: - The configured trigger conditions are fulfilled (data point configuration > "Trigger" tab, see below) - The value of a status bit of the status identifiers of the data point changes; see sectionStatus IDs of the data points (Page 1097). Example: When the value of a data point configured as an event is updated during startup of the station by reading the CPU data for the first time, the status "RESTART" of this data point changes (bit status change 1 0). This leads to generation of an event. The configurable event classes of the various CP types are described in the following sections. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1095 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Event classes with the "Triggered" type of transmission Depending on the protocol used, the following event classes are available: TeleControl Basic - Every value triggered Each value change is entered in the send buffer in chronological order. - Current value triggered Only the last, current value is entered in the send buffer. It overwrites the value stored there previously. DNP3 The evaluation of the following classification must be handled by the master. - Event class 1 Class according to DNP3 protocol: Class 1 Each value change is entered in the send buffer in chronological order. - Event class 2 Class according to DNP3 protocol: Class 2 Each value change is entered in the send buffer in chronological order. - Event class 3 Class according to DNP3 protocol: Class 3 Only the current value at the time the trigger condition was met is entered in the send buffer and overwrites the last value stored there. IEC Both of the following event classes correspond to the user data class 1 of the IEC protocol - Every value triggered Each value change is entered in the send buffer in chronological order. - Current value triggered Only the current value at the time the trigger condition was met is entered in the send buffer and overwrites the last value stored there. Trigger Various trigger types are available for starting event-driven transfer: Threshold value trigger The value of the data point is transferred when this reaches a certain threshold. The threshold is calculated as the difference compared with the last stored value, refer to the section Threshold value trigger (Page 1102). Time trigger The value of the data point is transferred at configurable intervals or at a specific time of day. Event trigger The value of the data point is transferred when a configurable trigger signal is fired. For the trigger signal, the edge change (0 1) of a trigger tag is evaluated that is set by the user program. When necessary, a separate trigger tag can be configured for each data point. Resetting the trigger tag in the bit memory area / DB: If the memory area of the trigger tag is in the bit memory or in a data block, the trigger tag is reset to zero when the data point value is transferred. 1096 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Whether the value of a data point is transferred to the communications partner immediately after the trigger or after a delay depends on the protocol used and the settings. DNP3 / IEC The spontaneous transmission in these protocols depends on whether spontaneous sending or asymmetric communication is possible in the network. TeleControl Basic Here you set the time of transmission with the "Transmission mode" parameter; see below. Transmission mode Only when using the "TeleControl Basic" protocol. The transmission mode of a frame is set in the "Trigger" tab of the data point. With the two options, you specify whether frames of events are sent immediately or following a delay: Spontaneous The value is transferred immediately. Conditional spontaneous The value is transferred only when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: - The communications partner queries the station. - The value of another event with the transmission mode "Unsolicited" is transferred. - The fill level of the transmission buffer has reached 80% of its maximum capacity. Status IDs of the data points Status identifiers The status identifiers of the data points listed in the following tables are transferred along with the value in each frame to the communications partner. They can be evaluated by the communications partner. The entries in the table row "Significance" relate to the entry in the table row "Bit status". CP 12431, CP 12427 GPRS V2, CP 12437 LTE, CP 1542SP1 IRC (TeleControl Basic) The status bits are converted to the OPC quality code as follows by TCSB. Quality = BAD, if: NON_EXISTENT or OVER_RANGE = 1 Quality = UNCERTAIN, if: RESTART or CARRY or SB = 1 Quality = GOOD, if: Bits 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 = 0 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1097 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-85 Bit assignment of status byte 0 Bit Flag name 7 6 NON_ Meaning Bit status (always 0) 5 4 Substituted 3 2 EXISTENT LOCAL_ FORCED Data point Substitute does not ex value ist or S7 ad dress un reachable Local opera Counted tor control value over flow before reading the value 1 1 CARRY 1 1 0 OVER_ RANGE RESTART ONLINE Limit value of the ana log prepro cessing overshot / undershot Value not yet updated after start Value is val id 1 1 1 1 CP 12431 DNP3, CP 1542SP1 IRC (DNP3) The status IDs correspond to the following elements of the specification: OBJECT FLAGS DNP3 Specification, Volume 6, Data Object Library - Part 1 Table 10-86 Bit assignment of the status byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Flag name LOCAL_ FORCED DISCONTI NUITY OVER_ RANGE RESTART ONLINE Meaning Local opera tor control Counted val ue overflow before read ing the value Limit value of the analog preprocess ing overshot / undershot Value not yet updated after start Value is valid Bit status (always 0) (always 0) (always 0) 1 1 1 1 1 CP 12431 IEC, CP 1542SP1 IRC (IEC) The status IDs correspond to the following elements of the specification: Quality descriptor IEC 60870 Part 5-101 Table 10-87 Bit assignment of the status byte Bit 7 6 Flag name SB substituted CY carry OV overflow NT not topical Meaning Substitute value Counted val ue overflow before read ing the value Value range exceeded, analog value Value not up Value is valid dated Bit status (always 0) (always 0) (always 0) 1 1 1098 5 1 4 3 2 1 1 0 IV invalid 0 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks CP 12431 PCC Table 10-88 Bit assignment of status byte 0 Bit 7 6 Flag name NON_ Meaning Bit status (always 0) 5 Substituted 4 3 EXISTENT LOCAL_ FORCED Data point Substitute does not ex value ist or S7 ad dress un reachable Local opera Counted tor control value over flow before reading the value 1 1 1 CARRY 2 1 0 OVER_ RANGE RESTART ONLINE Limit value of the ana log prepro cessing overshot / undershot Value not yet updated after start Value is val id 1 1 1 1 CP 12438 IRC The CP 1243-8 IRC does not supply any status identifiers. Rules for configuring the data point index: Configuration of the data point index Below you will find the rules for configuring the data point index for the individual CP types. CPs using the TeleControl Basic protocol Within a CP, the indexes of the data point classes must comply with the following rules: Input The index of a data point of the type input must be unique throughout all data point types (digital inputs, analog inputs etc.). Output - A data point of the type output can have the same index as a data point of the type input. - Several data points of the type output can have the same index. Note Data points for the inter-station communication with a CP in another S7 station Note that for inter-station communication, the indexes of the two corresponding data points (data point pair) must be identical for the sending and receiving CP. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1099 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks CPs using the DNP3 protocol On a CP, data point indexes must be unique within each of the following object groups: Binary Input / Binary Input Event Binary Output / Binary Command Counter / Counter Event Analog Input / Analog Input Event Analog Output Octet String / Octet String Event Indexes of two data points in different object groups can be identical. CPs using the IEC protocol The data point indexes must be unique in a CP. Data point indexes assigned twice are indicated as errors in the consistency check and prevent the project being saved. CP 12438 IRC The data point indexes must be unique in a CP. Data point indexes assigned twice are indicated as errors in the consistency check and prevent the project being saved. CP 12431 PCC The data point indexes must be unique in a CP. Data point indexes assigned twice are indicated as errors in the consistency check and prevent the project being saved. "Trigger" tab Trigger Data points are configured as a static value or as an event using the "Type of transmission" parameter: 1100 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Saving the value of a data point configured as an event Saving the value of a data point configured as an event in the send buffer (message memory) can be triggered by various trigger types: Threshold value trigger The value of the data point is saved when this reaches a certain threshold. The threshold is calculated as the difference compared with the last stored value, refer to the section Threshold value trigger (Page 1102). Time trigger The value of the data point is saved at configurable intervals or at a specific time of day. Event trigger (Trigger tag) The value of the data point is saved when a configurable trigger signal is fired. For the trigger signal, the edge change (0 1) of a trigger tag is evaluated that is set by the user program. When necessary, a separate trigger tag can be configured for each data point. Resetting the trigger tag in the bit memory area / DB: If the memory area of a trigger tag is in the bit memory or in a data block, the CP resets the trigger variable itself to 0 (zero) as soon as the value of the data point has been transferred. This can take up to 500 milliseconds. Note Fast setting of triggers Triggers must not be set faster than a minimum interval of 500 milliseconds. This also applies to hardware triggers (input area). Note Hardware trigger You need to reset hardware triggers via the user program Transferring the value of a data point configured as an event You specify whether the value of a data point is transferred to the communications partner immediately after the trigger fires or after a delay in the "Transmission mode" parameter. Transmission mode The transmission mode of a frame is set in the "Trigger" tab of the data point. With the option, you specify whether messages of events are sent immediately or following a delay: Immediate transfer Spontaneous The value is transferred immediately. Buffered transfer Conditionally spontaneous The value is transferred only when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: - The communications partner queries the station. - The value of another event with the transmission mode "Spontaneous" is transferred. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1101 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Threshold value trigger Note Threshold value trigger: Calculation only after "Analog value preprocessing" Note that the analog value preprocessing is performed before the check for a configured threshold value and before calculating the threshold value. This affects the value that is configured for the threshold value trigger. Note No Threshold value trigger if Mean value generation is configured If mean value generation is configured, no threshold value trigger can be configured for the analog value event involved. For the time sequence of the analog value preprocessing refer to the section Analog value preprocessing (Page 1103). Threshold value trigger Function If the process value deviates by the amount of the threshold value, the process value is saved. Two methods are used to calculate the threshold value deviation: Absolute method With binary and counter values as well as with analog values with configured mean value generation, the absolute method is used to calculate the threshold value deviation. Integrative method With analog values without configured mean value generation, the integrating method is used to calculate the threshold value deviation. In the integration threshold value calculation, it is not the absolute value of the deviation of the process value from the last stored value that is evaluated but rather the integrated deviation. Absolute method For each binary value a check is made to determine whether the current (possibly smoothed) value is outside the threshold value band. The current threshold value band results from the last saved value and the amount of the configured threshold value: Upper limit of the threshold value band: Last saved value + threshold value Lower limit of the threshold value band: Last saved value - threshold value As soon as the process value reaches the upper or lower limit of the threshold value band, the value is saved. The newly saved value serves as the basis for calculating the new threshold value band. Integrative method The integration threshold value calculation works with a cyclic comparison of the integrated current value with the last stored value. The calculation cycle in which the two values are 1102 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks compared is 500 milliseconds. (Note: The calculation cycle must not be confused with the scan cycle of the CPU memory areas). The deviations of the current process value are totaled in each calculation cycle. The trigger is set only when the totaled value reaches the configured value of the threshold value trigger and a new process value is entered in the send buffer. The method is explained based on the following example in which a threshold value of 2.0 is configured. Table 10-89 Example of the integration calculation of a threshold value configured with 2.0 Time [s] (calculation cycle) Process value stored in the send buffer Current process value 0 20.0 Absolute deviation Integrated deviation from the stored val ue 20.0 0 0 0.5 20.3 +0.3 0.3 1.0 19.8 -0.2 0.1 1.5 20.2 +0.2 0.3 2.0 20.5 +0.5 0.8 2.5 20.3 +0.3 1.1 3.0 20.4 +0.4 1.5 3.5 20.5 +0.5 2.0 4.0 20.4 -0.1 -0.1 4.5 20.1 -0.4 -0.5 5.0 19.9 -0.6 -1.1 5.5 20.1 -0.4 -1.5 19.9 -0.6 -2.1 6.0 20.5 19.9 With the changes in the process value shown in the example, the threshold value trigger configured with 2.0 fires twice: At the time 3.5 s: The value of the integrated deviation is at 2.0. The new process value stored in the send buffer is 20.5. At the time 6.0 s: The value of the integrated deviation is at 2.1. The new process value stored in the send buffer is 19.9. In this example, if a deviation of the process value of approximately 0.5 should fire the trigger, then with the behavior of the process value shown here a threshold value of approximately 1.5 ... 2.5 would need to be configured. Analog value preprocessing CPs with data point configuration support analog value preprocessing. For analog value data points, some or all of the functions described below can be configured. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1103 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirements and restrictions You will find the requirements for the configuration of the preprocessing options and restrictions in the section relating to the particular function. Note Restrictions due to configured triggers The analog value preprocessing options "Fault suppression time", "Limit value calculation" and "smoothing" are not performed if no threshold value trigger is configured for the relevant data point.. In these cases, the read process value of the data point is entered in the image memory of the CP before the preprocessing cycle of the threshold value calculation (500 ms) elapses. 1104 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Sequence of the analog value preprocessing options The values of analog inputs configured as an event are processed on the CPU according to the following scheme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igure 10-9 QR QR 9DOXHLQLPDJH PHPRU\ Sequence of the analog value preprocessing WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1105 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The 500 millisecond cycle is started by the integrative threshold value calculation. In this cycle, the values are saved even when the following preprocessing options are enabled: Unipolar transfer Fault suppression time Limit value calculation Smoothing Mean value generation Note Restricted preprocessing options if mean value generation is configured If you configure mean value generation for an analog value event, the following preprocessing options are not available: Unipolar transfer Fault suppression time Smoothing Function With this parameter, acquired analog values are transferred as mean values. If mean value generation is active, it makes sense to configure a time trigger.. The current values of an analog data point are read in a 100 millisecond cycle and totaled. The number of read values per time unit depends on the read cycle of the CPU and the CPU scan cycle of the CP. The mean value is calculated from the accumulated values as soon as the transfer is triggered by a trigger. Following this, the accumulation starts again so that the next mean value can be calculated. The mean value can also be calculated if the transmission of the analog value message is triggered by a request from the communications partner. The duration of the mean value calculation period is then the time from the last transmission (for example triggered by the trigger) to the time of the request. Once again, the accumulation restarts so that the next mean value can be calculated. Input modules: Overflow range / underflow range As soon as a value is acquired in the overflow or underflow range, mean value generation is stopped. The value 32767 / 7FFFh or 32768 / 8000h is saved as an invalid mean value for the current mean value calculation period and sent with the next message. 1106 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The calculation of a new mean value is then started. If the analog value remains in the overflow or underflow range, one of the two values named is again saved as an invalid mean value and sent when the next message is triggered. Note Fault suppression time > 0 configured If you have configured an error suppression time and then enable mean value generation, the value of the error suppression time is grayed out but no longer used. If mean value generation is enabled, the error suppression time is set to 0 (zero) internally. Unipolar transfer Restrictions Unipolar transfer cannot be configured at the same time as mean value generation. Enabling unipolar transfer has no effect when mean value generation is activated. Function With unipolar transfer, negative values are corrected to zero. This can be desirable if values from the underrange should not be transferred as real measured values. Exception: With process data from input modules, the value -32768 / 8000h for wire break of a live zero input is transferred. With a software input, on the other hand, all values lower than zero are corrected to zero. Fault suppression time Requirements for the function Configuration of the threshold trigger for this data point Restrictions The fault suppression time cannot be configured at the same time as mean value generation. A configured value has no effect when mean value generation is activated. Function A typical use case for this parameter is the suppression of peak current values when starting up powerful motors that would otherwise be signaled to the control center as a disruption. The transmission of an analog value in the overflow (7FFFh) or underflow range (8000h) is suppressed for the specified time. The value 7FFFH or 8000H is only sent after the fault suppression time has elapsed, if it is still pending. If the value returns to the measuring range before the fault suppression time elapses, the current value is transferred. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1107 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Input modules The suppression is adjusted to analog values that are acquired directly by the S7 analog input modules as raw values. These modules return the specified values for the overflow or underflow range for all input ranges (also for live zero inputs). An analog value in the overflow range (32767 / 7FFFh) or underflow range (32768 / 8000h) is not transferred for the duration of the fault suppression time. This also applies to live zero inputs. The value in the overflow/underflow range is only sent after the fault suppression time has elapsed, if it is still pending. Recommendation for finished values that were preprocessed by the CPU: If the CPU makes preprocessed finished values available in bit memory or in a data block, suppression is only possible or useful if these finished values also adopt the values listed above 32767 / 7FFFh or -32768 / 8000h in the overflow or underflow range. If this is not the case, the parameter should not be configured for preprocessed values. For finished values preprocess in the CPU, the limits for the overflow and underflow can be freely assigned. Smoothing factor Requirements for the function Configuration of the threshold trigger for this data point Restrictions The smoothing factor cannot be configured at the same time as mean value generation. A configured value has no effect when mean value generation is activated. Function Analog values that fluctuate quickly can be evened out using the smoothing function. The smoothing factors are calculated according to the following formula as with S7 analog input modules. yn = xn + ( k - 1) yn - 1 k where yn = smoothed value in the current cycle xn = value acquired in the current cycle n k = smoothing factor The following values can be configured for the module as the smoothing factor. 1 = No smoothing 4 = Weak smoothing 32 = Medium smoothing 64 = Strong smoothing 1108 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Set limit value 'low' / Set limit value 'high' Requirements for the function Configuration of the threshold trigger for this data point PLC tag in the bit memory operand area or data area The analog value data point must be linked to a PLC tag in the bit memory or data area (data block). For PLC tags of hardware modules (input operand area) limit value configuration is not possible. The configuration of limit values is pointless for measured values that have already been preprocessed on the CPU. Function In these two input boxes, you can set a limit value in the direction of the start of the measuring range or in the direction of the end of the measuring range. You can also evaluate the limit values, for example as the start or end of the measuring range. Status identifier "OVER_RANGE" With CPs that support status identifiers (not the CP 1243-8 IRC), if the limit value is overshot or undershot, the status identifier "OVER_RANGE" of the data point is set. This status identifiers are described in the section Status IDs of the data points (Page 1097). The "OVER_RANGE" bit of the status identifier of the data point is set as follows when the relevant analog value is transferred: Limit value 'high': - If the limit value is exceeded: OVER_RANGE = 1 - If the value falls below the limit value: OVER_RANGE = 0 Limit value 'low': - If the value falls below the limit value : OVER_RANGE = 1 - If the value then exceeds the limit value: OVER_RANGE = 0 Configuration of the limit value The limit value is configured as a whole decimal number. The range of values is based on the range of values of the raw value of analog input modules. Range Raw value (16 bits) of the PLC tag Decimal Hexadecimal Module output [mA] 0 .. 20 -20 .. +20 4 .. 20 (unipolar) (bipolar) (life zero) Measuring range [%] Overflow 32767 7FFF > 23.515 > 23.515 > 22.810 > 117.593 Overrange 32511 7EFF 23.515 23.515 22.810 117.593 Nominal range (unipolar / life zero) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 ... ... ... ... ... ... 27649 6C01 20.001 20.001 20.001 100.004 27648 6C00 20 20 100 ... ... ... ... ... 0 0000 0 4 0 1109 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Range Raw value (16 bits) of the PLC tag Decimal Nominal range (bipolar) Underrange (unipolar / life zero) Underrange (bipolar) Undershoot / wire break Hexadecimal Module output [mA] 0 .. 20 -20 .. +20 4 .. 20 (unipolar) (bipolar) (life zero) Measuring range [%] 27648 6C00 20 100 ... ... ... ... 0 0000 0 0 ... .... ... ... -27648 9400 -1 FFFF -20 -0.001 -100 3.999 -0.004 ... ... ... ... ... -4864 ED00 -3.518 1.185 -17.59 -27649 93FF -20.001 -100.004 ... ... ... ... -32512 8100 -32768 8000 -23.516 < -3.518 -117.593 < 1.185 < -17.593 Note Evaluation of the value even when the option is disabled If you enable one or both options and configure a value and then disable the option later, the grayed out value is nevertheless evaluated. To disable the two options, delete the previously configured values limit values from the input boxes and then disable the relevant option. Recommendation for quickly fluctuating analog values: If the analog value fluctuates quickly, it may be useful to smooth the analog value first if limit values are configured. Processing status of messages (e-mails / SMS messages) Enable status identifier / External status If the option is enabled, the CP writes a processing status about the sent e-mail / SMS to a PLC tag. The meaning of the statuses is as follows: Table 10-90 SMS: Meaning of the status ID output in hexadecimal format Status Meaning 0000 Transfer completed free of errors 0001 Error in the transfer, possible causes: SIM card invalid. No network Wrong destination phone number (number not reachable) 1110 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-91 E-mails: Meaning of the processing status output in hexadecimal format Status Meaning 0000 Transfer completed free of errors 82xx Other error message from the e-mail server Apart from the leading "8", the status corresponds to the three-digit error number of the SMTP protocol. 8401 No channel available Possible cause: There is already an e-mail connection via the CP. A second connection cannot be set up at the same time. 8403 No TCP/IP connection could be established to the SMTP server. 8405 The SMTP server has denied the login request. 8406 An internal SSL error or a problem with the structure of the certificate was detected by the SMTP client. 8407 Request to use SSL was denied. 8408 The client could not obtain a socket for creating a TCP/IP connection to the mail server. 8409 It is not possible to write via the connection. Possible cause: The communications partner reset the connection or the connection aborted. 8410 It is not possible to read via the connection. Possible cause: The communications partner terminated the connection or the connection was aborted. 8411 Sending the e-mail failed. Cause: There was not enough memory space for sending. 8412 The configured DNS server could not resolve specified domain name. 8413 Due to an internal error in the DNS subsystem, the domain name could not be resolved. 8414 An empty character string was specified as the domain name. 8415 An internal error occurred in the cURL module. Execution was aborted. 8416 An internal error occurred in the SMTP module. Execution was aborted. 8417 Requests to SMTP on a channel already being used or invalid channel ID. Execution was aborted. 8418 Sending the e-mail was aborted. Possible cause: Execution time exceeded. 8419 The channel was interrupted and cannot be used before the connection is terminated. 8420 Certificate chain from the server could not be verified with the root certificate of the CP. 8421 Internal error occurred. Execution was stopped. 8450 Action not executed: Mailbox not available / unreachable. Try again later. 84xx Other error message from the e-mail server Apart from the leading "8", the status corresponds to the three-digit error number of the SMTP protocol. 8500 Syntax error: Command unknown. This also includes the error of having a command chain that is too long. The cause may be that the e-mail server does not support the LOGIN authentication method. Try sending e-mails without authentication (no user name). 8501 Syntax error. Check the following configuration data: Message configuration > Message parameters: Recipient address ("To" or "Cc"). 8502 Syntax error. Check the following configuration data: Message configuration > Message parameters: Email address (sender) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1111 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status Meaning 8535 SMTP authentication incomplete. Check the "User name" and "Password" parameters in the CP configuration. 8550 SMTP server cannot be reached. You have no access rights. Check the following configura tion data: CP configuration > E-mail configuration: - User name - Password - Email address (sender) Message configuration > Message parameters: - Recipient address ("To" or "Cc"). 8554 Transfer failed 85xx Other error message from the e-mail server Apart from the leading "8", the status corresponds to the three-digit error number of the SMTP protocol. CP 1243-8 IRC Ethernet interface "Station address" parameter group "Station address": Adoption of the subscriber numbers from STEP 7 V5 The subscriber numbers are only displayed after you have imported the configuration data of the station from the STEP 7 V5 project. The subscriber numbers cannot be edited. As a default, all CPUs and CP 1243-8 have the subscriber number 0. The displayed parameters are shown alongside the corresponding parameters in STEP 7 V5. In the text file of the configuration data you will find the parameters in the SDB "Subscriber data". Table 10-92 "Station address" parameter group Parameter in STEP 7 Basic / Professional Parameter in STEP 7 V5 Configuration in STEP 7 V5 Node number of the CPU Node number of the CPU SINAUT configuration tool > Subscriber administration Node number of the TIM Node number of the TIM SINAUT configuration tool > Subscriber administration 1112 Remarks WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Time-of-day synchronization Time synchronization: Adoption of parameters from STEP 7 V5 The parameter group "Time synchronization" is only displayed after you have imported the configuration data from the STEP 7-V5 project. The displayed parameters are shown alongside the corresponding parameters in STEP 7 V5. In the text file of the configuration data you will find the parameters in the SDB "WAN data". Table 10-93 "Time synchronization" parameter group Parameter in STEP 7 Basic / Professional Parameter in STEP 7 V5 Configuration in STEP 7 V5 Synchronization cycle Synchronization cycle Properties dialog TIM > "Time Service" tab Seconds intervals Seconds intervals Minute intervals Minute intervals Properties dialog TIM > "Time Service" tab Hourly intervals Hourly intervals Time Time No synchronization No synchronization Hourly intervals / Minute inter Hourly intervals / Minute inter Properties dialog TIM > vals / Seconds intervals vals / Seconds intervals "Time Service" tab Time master Synchronization master Remarks Displays the configured value Properties dialog TIM > "Time Service" tab Advanced options > TCP connection monitoring Ethernet interface (X1) > Advanced options > TCP connection monitoring The setting applies to all TCP connections of the CP. Exception: The settings made here do not apply to connections programmed for Open User Communication with the program blocks.) TCP connection monitoring time If there is no data traffic within the connection monitoring time, the CP sends a keepalive to the communications partner. TCP keepalive monitoring time After sending a keepalive frame, the CP expects a reply from the communications partner within the keepalive monitoring time. If the CP does not receive a reply within the configured time, the keepalive frame is repeated twice. After the monitoring time elapses three times without a reply, the CP terminates and re-establishes the connection. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1113 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "MSC station parameters" parameter group "Advanced options" > "MSC station parameters": Adoption of the data from STEP 7 V5 The following parameters are only displayed after you have imported the configuration data of the station from the STEP 7 V5 project. The displayed parameters are shown alongside the corresponding parameters in STEP 7 V5. Table 10-94 "MSC master" parameter group Parameter in STEP 7 Basic / Professional Parameter in STEP 7 V5 Configuration in STEP 7 V5 Remarks Port number MSC master MSC port of the TIM SINAUT configuration tool > "MSC Master Properties" MSC port of the master MSCsec Security protocol active SINAUT configuration tool > "MSC Station Properties" MSCsec protocol is used when option is enabled Key exchange interval Rekeying interval [hours] SINAUT configuration tool > "MSC Station Properties" Own WAN address WAN address Properties WAN network no des > "Network Attachment" tab Own WAN address (station address) Table 10-95 Parameter group "MSC partner parameters" Parameter in STEP 7 Basic / Professional Parameter in STEP 7 V5 Configuration in STEP 7 V5 Remarks Partner WAN address WAN address Properties WAN network no des > "Network Attachment" tab WAN address (station ad dress) of the partner (master) Connection mode Connection mode Properties TIM > "Interfaces" tab Interface mode of the partner: SINAUT configuration tool > "MSC Master Properties" Internet Access (MSC mas ter): Address type Name (via DNS) IP address MSC protocol version Enable security protocol SINAUT configuration tool > "MSC Station Properties" User name User name SINAUT configuration tool > "MSC Station Properties" Password Password SINAUT configuration tool > "MSC Station Properties" Partner IP address 1114 SINAUT configuration tool > "MSC Master Properties" Protocol variant of the CP (MSC / MSCsec) IP address of the router (In ternet Access) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Serial interface WAN parameters "WAN parameters": Adoption of parameters from STEP 7 V5 The following parameters are only displayed after you have imported the configuration data of the station from the STEP 7 V5 project. The displayed parameters are shown alongside the corresponding parameters in STEP 7 V5. Depending on the configuration of the CP (protocol, network type, station type) not every parameter is displayed. In the text file of the configuration data you will find the parameters in the SDBs "WAN data" and "Ethernet data". Table 10-96 Parameter group "WAN parameters" Parameter in STEP 7 Basic / Professional Parameter in STEP 7 V5 Configuration in STEP 7 V5 Remarks Interface number Number of the interface Properties TIM > "Interfaces" tab TIM type Node type Properties WAN network no des > "Network Attachment" tab Network type Network type HW Config With Ethernet nodes derived from "Connection mode" (Properties TIM > "Interfa ces" tab) Operating mode Operating mode Properties Network > "Net work Settings" Spontaneous (with Ethernet networks) Polling Polling with time slots Multi-master-polling / time slots Network operating mode not used Frame format Frame format Properties Network > "Net work Settings" Acknowledgment type Acknowledgment type Properties Network > "Net work Settings" Repetition factor Repetition factor Properties Network > "Net work Settings" Preassigned with "3" for Ethernet Connection type Connection type Properties Network > "Net work Settings" Dependence on direction Telecontrol protocol WAN protocol Properties Network > "Net work Settings" Own WAN address WAN address Properties WAN network no des > "Network Attachment" tab WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Own WAN address (station address) 1115 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter in STEP 7 Basic / Professional Parameter in STEP 7 V5 Configuration in STEP 7 V5 Max. frame length Max. message length Properties Network > "Net work Settings" Number of spontaneous frames Number of spontaneous frames Properties WAN network no des > "Basic Param." tab Max. permitted disturbance time Max. permitted disturbance time Properties Network > "Dedi cated line" tab Partner WAN address WAN address Properties WAN network no des > "Network Attachment" tab WAN-address (Station ad dress) of the partner Baud rate Baud rate [bps] Properties Network > "Net work Settings" [Bit/s] Monitoring time Depending on the network type: Network type: Polling Monitoring time Dial-up network Number of local CPUs Number of local CPUs Dedicated line Call answer delay MSC network Monitoring time RTS/CTS delay time RTS/CTS delay time [ms] Properties WAN network no des > "Dedicated line" tab Send delay time Send delay time Properties WAN network no des > "Dedicated line" tab Dial mode Dial mode Properties WAN network no des > "Dialing Param." tab Dialing format Dialing format Properties WAN network no des > "Dialing Param." tab Dial test interval Dial test interval Properties Network nodes > "Dialup network" tab Additional frame run time Additional frame run time Properties WAN network no des > "Basic Param." tab ID Customer identification Properties Network > "Net work Settings" Transmission criterion Transmission criterion Properties WAN network no des > "Dialup network" tab Hour / minute (transmission criterion) "Transmission criterion" pa rameter Interface operating mode "In Operating mode terrupt" Properties Network nodes > "Basic Param." tab AT initialization Properties Network nodes > "AT initialization" tab Initialization string AT initialization when using MSC PIN 1116 Remarks Display of "Hour" / "Minute" when transmission criterion = "Time" or "Interval". AT initialization when using MSC PIN number Properties WAN network no des > "Dialing Param." tab WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-97 "Call parameters" parameter group Parameter in STEP 7 Basic / Professional Parameter in STEP 7 V5 Configuration in STEP 7 V5 Own phone number Own phone number Properties WAN network no des > "Dialing Param." tab Redial Redial Properties Network > "Net work Settings" Cancel parameter Cancel parameter Properties Network > "Net work Settings" Station type Remarks WAN driver type (master / node / station) Special services Special service Subscriber release status Station address WAN address Phone number Properties WAN network no des > "Dialing Param." tab SMS special services SINAUT configuration tool > tab "Telephone Directory" >Properties - Telephone Number Enable status of the subscrib er (enabled / disabled) Properties WAN network no des > "Network Attachment" tab SINAUT configuration tool > Network configuration Phone number of the sub scriber, components: Initiali zation command (max. 28 characters) or "AT", Dial com mand (max.. 4 characters.), telephone number (max. 32 characters) Partner stations Parameter group "Partner stations" Import partner configuration With the "Import partner configuration" button, you import the text data with the STEP 7 V5 configuration data of the proxy from the file system of the engineering station. You will find a description of the parameters in the following sections. Reset partner configuration With the "Reset partner configuration" button, you delete all the configuration data of the CP that you previously imported from a text file with the "Import partner configuration" button. With this function you reset the partner configuration data to the status of an unconfigured module. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1117 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Imported configuration data file This output box shows the name of the text file whose configuration data you last loaded on this CP. Last import This output box shows the time at which you imported the configuration data file. Partner configuration data Adoption of parameters from STEP 7 V5 After importing the configuration data of the station from the STEP 7 V5 project, the partner configuration data is displayed. For the individual partner stations, only the two following parameters can be configured: Report partner status (connection to partner) PLC tag for partner status The remaining parameters are only displayed. In the text file of the configuration data you will find the parameters in the SDBs "Subscriber data" and "Ethernet data". Table 10-98 "Partner stations" parameter group Parameter in STEP 7 Basic / Professional Parameter in STEP 7 V5 Configuration in STEP 7 V5 Remarks Subscriber x Subscriber ID Identifier for the subscriber type: 0 = CPU 1 = TIM Subscriber number Subscriber number SINAUT configuration tool > Subscriber administration Subscriber additional identifi er Automatically assigned iden tifier Subscriber type Module type of the STEP 7 V5 configuration Report partner status (con nection to partner) If the option is enabled, the CP signals the status of the connection to the remote communications partner to the CPU. PLC tag for partner status PLC tag for the partner status Connection to partner Interface identifier Automatically assigned iden tifier Subnet of the partner Automatically assigned iden tifier 1118 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter in STEP 7 Basic / Professional Parameter in STEP 7 V5 Configuration in STEP 7 V5 Remarks CFB reference Automatically assigned iden tifier Connection type Automatically assigned iden tifier WAN address WAN address Properties WAN network no des > "Network Attachment" tab Subscriber number of the partner: SINAUT configuration tool > Subscriber administration WAN-address (Station ad dress) of the partner Partner Partner subscriber number Download from device Restrictions when downloading from a CP 12438 IRC When you download the configuration data from a CP 12438 IRC using the online functions, the following data will not be fully downloaded: Partner station data Configuration and partner data of the data points References to PLC tags related to communication partners In order to use the STEP 7 project after a complete download from the devices, you need to download the original export files from STEP 7 V5 with the configuration data of proxies into each CP 12438 IRC (Import partner configuration). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1119 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Mobile wireless CPs CP 12427 (6GK7 2427KX300XE0) Operating modes of CP 1242-7 Modes of the CP CP 12427 (6GK7 2427KX300XE0) allows an S71200 to communicate as a GPRS station with a master or other remote networks via the GSM network. For communication using GPRS, the CP is set to one of the following operating modes: Telecontrol This operating mode of the CP allows the GPRS station to exchange data with the following partners: - Communication with the Telecontrol server This CP mode allows the GPRS station to exchange data with a telecontrol server. The Telecontrol server is a PC connected to the Internet with the "TCSB" application. It is generally located in the master and serves to monitor and control the remote GPRS stations. Data can be exchanged with the OPC client of a central control system via the integrated OPC interface. The Telecontrol server PC is not configured in STEP 7. The "TCSB" application has its own configuration user interface. - Communication with another remote GPRS station The message frames are transmitted via the Telecontrol server. - Communication with an engineering station (for TeleService) Communication with the Telecontrol server is performed via the GSM network and the Internet. This operating mode requires a SIM card with GPRS service enabled and a Telecontrol server that can be reached by the CP. GPRS direct This operating mode of the CP is used for direct communication between remote stations via the GSM network. No Telecontrol server is required. To allow network nodes in public wireless networks to be directly accessible, these need to be addressed using a fixed address. Here, SIM cards with a fixed IP address are used that allow the stations to address each other directly. The possible communications services and security functions (for example VPN) depend on what is offered by the network provider. Possible communications partners of the station with a CP 12427 in "GPRS direct" mode are: - A node that can be reached by the CP via an IP address (S7 station with CP 12427) - An engineering station (for TeleService) See also Connection establishment with a CP 1242-7 (Page 1121) 1120 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Connection establishment with a CP 1242-7 Connection modes of CP 12427 (6GK7 2427KX300XE0) "GPRS direct" mode There are no different connection modes in the "GPRS direct" mode. "Telecontrol" mode The CP can be configured for the following connection modes. - "Permanent" connection mode There is a permanent TCP connection to the telecontrol server. Following connection establishment, there is a permanent TCP connection to the telecontrol server even if data is not transferred permanently. - "Temporary" connection mode A connection is only established to the telecontrol server when required. If a TCP connection is established, process data is sent as soon as the telecontrol instructions are called on the CPU. A connection is always established by the CP. If a connection established by the CP is interrupted, the CP automatically attempts to re-establish the connection. Triggering connection establishment for permanent stations ("Telecontrol" mode) In the "Telecontrol" mode, the permanent connection to the telecontrol server is established when the station starts up. If there is an interruption on the connection, the establishment of the connection can be triggered by a wake-up SMS (see below). Triggering connection establishment for temporary stations ("Telecontrol" mode) With "temporary" stations, connection establishment can be triggered by the following events: Event on the local CPU that needs to be evaluated by the program. In terms of the program, two situations need to be distinguished: - Events that lead to a single connection establishment (for example alarms or commands from the operator). - Expiry of an interval that leads to cyclic connection establishment (for example once daily for data transmission) Request by a communications partner (OPC client or S7 station) The request from the communications partner leads to the connection being established. Request for TeleService by an engineering station The request switched by the telecontrol server or TeleService gateway does not need to be evaluated in the program. Wake-up SMS of the telecontrol server The wake-up SMS can be triggered spontaneously on the telecontrol server. It is also possible to configure cyclic sending on the telecontrol server. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1121 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Telephone wake-up call The wake-up call can be sent from a telephone that has a phone number authorized in the STEP 7 project. The telephone must support the CLIP function (transfer of its own call number). The connection establishment with the (main) telecontrol server is triggered. Telephone wake-up SMS The wake-up SMS can be sent from a telephone that has a phone number authorized in the STEP 7 project. The telephone must support the CLIP function (transmission of its own number) and sending of SMS. The connection establishment with the telecontrol server specified in the SMS is triggered. When a temporary station is woken up, all the data is transferred if this has changed since the last data transfer. Wake-up call / wake-up SMS in the "Telecontrol" operating mode For wake-up call or wake-up SMS, see section Wake-up of cellular CPs (Page 1122). Triggering connection establishment in "GPRS direct" mode In "GPRS direct" mode, a connection establishment is triggered by the following events: Event on the local CPU that is evaluated by the program. Request by a communications partner (not an engineering station) The request in the frame received from the communications partner is evaluated in the program by calling the telecontrol instructions. Request for TeleService by an engineering station The request switched by the telecontrol server or TeleService gateway does not need to be evaluated in the program. Wake-up of cellular CPs Right to wake-up by "Authorized phone numbers" The CP only accepts a wake-up SMS or a wake-up call if the sending communication partner is authorized based on its phone number. These numbers are in configured for the CP in STEP 7 in the "authorized phone numbers" list. Note "Authorized phone numbers" in the STEP 7 project A phone number entered here gives the sender who transfers this phone number the right to trigger connection establishment. If an asterisk (*) is entered in the list, the CP accepts SMS messages from all senders. If the list is empty, the CP cannot be woken up for connection establishment. 1122 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Wake-up SMS Depending on the connection type and the triggering server or intermediary TeleService server, the following text must be transferred in the wake-up SMS: For telecontrol connections: - Text for the wake-up SMS message for establishing a connection to the telecontrol server: TELECONTROL - Text for the wake-up SMS message for establishing a connection to the main telecontrol server: TELECONTROL MAIN - Text for the wake-up SMS message for establishing a connection to the substitute telecontrol server: TELECONTROL BACKUP The configuration of the telecontrol server for the GPRS CP is set in STEP 7 in "Telecontrol interface > Operating mode > main or substitute telecontrol server". Note Wake-up with a mobile phone One of the texts listed above can be used in a wake-up SMS message. With a wake-up call, the station always connects to the main telecontrol server. For TeleService connections: - Text for the wake-up SMS message for establishing a connection to the first configured TeleService server: TELESERVICE or TELESERVICE 1 - Text for the wake-up SMS message for establishing a connection to the second configured TeleService server: TELESERVICE 2 The configuration of the TeleService server for the GPRS CP is set in STEP 7 in "Telecontrol interface > TeleService authorization > 1st or 2nd TeleService server". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1123 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Preferred mobile wireless networks Selection of the preferred mobile wireless networks The following options are available to select the networks that the mobile wireless CP should preferably dial up: Automatic The CP dials with highest priority into the mobile wireless network of the contracted network provider set on the SIM card. If a dialing up the contract network fails, the CP dials up other mobile wireless networks with which the network provider has roaming contracts and whose access data is stored on the SIM card. Contract network only The CP only dials up the mobile wireless network of the contract network provider whose SIM card is plugged into the CP. No roaming. Contract network and preferred networks The CP dials up the contracted network with the highest priority. If dialing up the contract network is unsuccessful, the CP dials up alternative mobile wireless networks, in decreasing priority, as entered in the list of preferred network providers. The alternative networks are entered in the list as "Public Land Mobile Network" (PLMN). PLMN is a construct of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC). Example: 26276 This is the PLMN for the test network of Siemens AG with MCC = 262 and MNC = 76. TeleService via mobile wireless (S7-1200) Download using TeleService (S7-1200) The following behavior applies to all mobile wireless CPs: CP 12427 (6GK7 2427KX300XE0) CP 12427 GPRS V2 (6GK7 2427KX310XE0) CP 12437 LTEEU (6GK7 2437KX300XE0) CP 12437 LTEUS (6GK7 2437SX300XE0) Connection resources for TeleService The TeleService function occupies a connection resource on the engineering station. The function download to device or upload from device during a TeleService session occupies a second connection resource on the engineering station. 1124 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Download to device Only use the "Download to device" function with the mobile wireless CP via a TeleService connection as follows: 1. Select the CP in STEP 7. 2. Select the "Online" > "Download to device" menu. 3. In the "Extended download" dialog that appears, select the TeleService interface. 4. Download the project data from the "Extended download" dialog. Download from device The "Download from device" function via a TeleService connection is supported by the mobile wireless CPs with the following TeleService server applications: TeleControl Server Basic as of version V3 TeleService Gateway as of version V3 TeleService via telecontrol (S7-1200) Communication path for TeleService via telecontrol With TeleService via telecontrol, the connection between the engineering station and a remote S7 station always runs through a TeleService server as an intermediary. The request for connection establishment is triggered by the engineering station and forwarded by the TeleService server. Depending on the available communication paths to the station, the TeleService server forwards the request to the next station via LAN or by a wake-up SMS. The telecontrol CP in the S71200 station establishes a connection to the engineering station via the TeleService server. An alternative intermediary (TeleService server) is: A telecontrol server The telecontrol server can be a separate PC or installed on the engineering station in the form of the "TCSB" application. A TeleService gateway A TeleService gateway is used when no telecontrol server is available. The TeleService server can be connected to the engineering station via LAN or Internet and the TeleService function can be called from there. Requirements for TeleService via telecontrol A TeleService server The STEP 7 project with the required stations Note on project engineering The TeleService server is not configured in STEP 7. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1125 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Establish remote connection via telecontrol (S7-1200) Requirements for TeleService via telecontrol For the requirements and mechanisms, see section TeleService via telecontrol (Page 1125). Start a TeleService session via telecontrol Start TeleService via telecontrol as follows: 1. In the project on the authorized engineering station, select the remote S7 station with which you want to establish a TeleService connection via WAN. 2. Alternatively, open the "Connect online" dialog box as follows: - "Connect online" button - "Connect online" shortcut menu (right mouse button) - "Online" > "Connect online" menu The "Connect online" dialog box opens. 3. Select the interface type "TeleService via Telecontrol" in the "Type of PG/PC interface" drop-down list. 4. In the "PG/PC interface" drop-down list, select the "TeleService board" option if it is not automatically displayed. 5. Click on the "Connect" icon next to the "PG/PC interface" drop-down list. The "Establish remote connection via telecontrol" dialog box opens. 6. Make the necessary settings in this dialog. Details of this are contained in the tooltip cascade of STEP 7. The following details are required to successfully establish a connection: Details required to establish a connection with the S7 station The following information is necessary in the Establish remote connection" dialog: IP address or DNS name of the telecontrol server TCP port number of the telecontrol server or the DSL router via which the connection between the engineering station and the remote S7 station is running. Server password of the ES to authenticate the engineering station at the telecontrol server Only required if a group-specific password has been configured in the "TCSB" application. TeleService user name See CP configuration in STEP 7. TeleService password See CP configuration in STEP 7. Access ID of the CP Only required when there are several telecontrol CPs in the station. See CP configuration in STEP 7. 1126 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status (S7-1200) Connection states with TeleService via telecontrol The connection states described below can be displayed in the "Establish remote connection via telecontrol" dialog box. When opening the dialog Not connected There is no connection to the remote S7 station. Connection establishment has not yet started. When establishing a connection If connection establishment was started by clicking the "Connect" button, the following states are displayed one after the other after the connection has been established: Connect to telecontrol server The engineering station connects to the telecontrol server. Wait for S7 station The wake-up SMS has been sent to the remote station. Wait for reply from station. Authentication at S7 station The S7 station has established an IP connection with the engineering station via GPRS and Internet and is checking the received logon and authentication data. Connected The station has successfully established the connection to the engineering station. If connection establishment is unsuccessful The following states may be displayed if the connection cannot be successfully established: Telecontrol server not accessible Possible causes: - The connection between the engineering station and the telecontrol server has been interrupted. - The telecontrol server is switched off. Wrong server password Cause: The wrong server password for logging on and authentication was entered at the telecontrol server. S7 station not responding Possible causes: - The communication between the telecontrol server and the station is disrupted. - There is a disrupted connection between the mobile wireless network and the Internet. - Faulty Internet connection. - The telecontrol server could not send a wake-up SMS. - The CP has not received a wake-up SMS. - The sender of the SMS was not configured in the list of authorized wake-up call numbers. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1127 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Wrong TeleService user name or TeleService password Possible causes: - An incorrect TeleService user name or incorrect TeleService password was entered in the authentication dialog for the CP. - The TeleService user name or TeleService password was not configured in STEP 7. All TeleService access points are in use. The CP is not known to the telecontrol server. Cause: The CP originates from a STEP 7 project that does not match the project of the telecontrol server. No resources available for TeleService on the CP: Please contact the hotline. Protocol error Cause: Wrong frame or frame from wrong subscriber. Please contact the hotline. SCALANCE X, W and M Configuring SCALANCE X / W / M Legal notice Qualified personnel The product/system belonging to this documentation may only be handled by qualified personnel for the intended purpose taking into account the documentation relating to the intended purpose and, in particular, the safety and warning notices it contains. Due to training and experience, qualified personnel is capable of recognizing risks and avoiding possible dangers when handling these products/systems. Configuring SCALANCE X System functions Availability of the system functions The following table shows the availability of the system functions on the IE switches. Note that all functions are described in the online help. Depending on your IE switch, some functions are not available. 1128 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks We reserve the right to make technical changes. Informa tion System functions WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 SCALANCE XB-200 SCALANCE XC-200 SCALANCE XP-200 SCALANCE XM-400/ SCALANCE XR-500 ARP table Log table Ethernet Statistics Diagnostics - (Tempera (Tempera ture) ture) (Tempera ture & power) DNS - - - 1) SMTP client DHCP client DHCP server (restricted) SNMP Manual time setting DST - 1) SNTP NTP SIMATIC Time Client PTP - - - 3) Auto logout Syslog Client Fault monitoring PNIO EtherNet/IP - PLUG - - Power over Ethernet - - ("PoE" identifier in the device name) Port diagnostics 1129 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Layer 2 functions 1130 SCALANCE XB-200 SCALANCE XC-200 SCALANCE XP-200 SCALANCE XM-400/ SCALANCE XR-500 NFC - - 4) Sending priorities - CoS assignment DSCP assignment QoS prioritization CoS port reassignment - Load control GVRP - Port-based VLAN Protocol-based VLAN group - - - Protocol-based VLAN port - - - IPv4 subnet-based VLAN - - - Port-based mirroring RSPAN - - - VLAN-based mirroring - - - MAC flow mirroring - - - IP flow mirroring - - - Dynamic MAC aging Ring redundancy Standby Observer - 1) Spanning Tree RSTP MSTP - Enhanced Passive Listening Compatibility Ring with RSTP - - - 2) Loop detection Link aggregation - DCP forwarding LLDP Unicast filter Locked ports Unicast learning Unicast blocking Multicast groups IGMP GMRP - Multicast blocking Broadcast blocking RMON WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SCALANCE XB-200 SCALANCE XC-200 SCALANCE XP-200 SCALANCE XM-400/ SCALANCE XR-500 - - - - 5) Passwords RADIUS authentication MAC authentication - 1) Guest VLAN - 1) 802.1X reauthentication MAC ACL - - - IP ACL - - - Management ACL RMON history Layer 3 functions Security functions 1) as of firmware version V4.0 2) as of firmware version V4.1 3) only SCALANCE XR528-6M and SCALANCE XR552-12M as of firmware version 5.0 4) only SCALANCE XM-400 5) integrated or using a KEY-PLUG Availability of hardware The following table shows the hardware of the IE switches. We reserve the right to make technical changes. SCALANCE XB-200 SCALANCE XC-200 SCALANCE XP-200 SCALANCE XM-400/ SCALANCE XR-500 Modularity - - - 1) C-PLUG - KEY-PLUG - - - Combo ports - - - Pluggable transceiver slots - - SELECT/SET button - RESET button - - Signaling contact - Serial interface Out-of-band interface - - - Display modes - 1) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 SCALANCE XM-400 via extender, SCALANCE XR-500 via media modules 1131 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration limits Configuration limits of the device The following table lists the configuration limits for Web Based Management and the Command Line Interface of the devices. The usability of various functions depends on the device type and whether or not a KEY-PLUG is inserted. Configurable function Maximum number SCALANCE SCALANCE SCALANCE XB-200 XC-200 XP-200 Sys Maximum frame size (ingress) tem 1632 bytes 1632 bytes 1632 bytes 9194 Byte (configurable) Syslog server 3 3 3 3 E-mail server 3 3 3 3 1) 24 24 24 1 24 24 24 1) 575 575 575 - 24 24 24 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 3 DHCP pools 16 IPv4 addresses per DHCP pool IPv4 addresses managed by the DHCP server (dynamic + static) DHCP static assignments per DHCP pool SNMP trap recipient SNTP server 1132 SCALANCE XM-400/ SCALANCE XR-500 16 NTP server 1 1 1 3 Agent/TIA interfaces 2) 1 1 1 1 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configurable function Maximum number SCALANCE SCALANCE SCALANCE XB-200 XC-200 XP-200 Lay Virtual LANs (port-based; including er 2 VLAN 1) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 SCALANCE XM-400/ SCALANCE XR-500 17 257 257 257 Protocol-based VLAN groups per port - - - 12 IPv4 subnet-based VLANs - - - 150 Private VLAN - - - 1 Primary PVLANs - - - 1 Secondary isolated PVLANs - - - 24 Secondary community PVLANs - - - 256 Mirroring sessions 1 1 1 7 Multiple Spanning Tree instances - 4 4 16 Link aggregations or Etherchannels each with a maximum of 8 ports per aggregation - 8 8 8 Ports in a link aggregation - 8 8 8 Static MAC addresses in the FDB (Forward Database) 128 128 128 256 Multicast addresses without active GMRP 256 512 512 512 Multicast addresses with active GMRP - 50 50 50 VLANs whose data traffic can be mirrored to a monitor port - - - 255 RSPAN sessions - - - 1 1133 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configurable function Maximum number SCALANCE SCALANCE SCALANCE XB-200 XC-200 XP-200 Lay IP interfaces er 3 Entries in the hardware routing table SCALANCE XM-400/ SCALANCE XR-500 1 1 1 127 - - - 4096 Static routes - - - 100 Possible routes to the same desti nation - - - 8 DHCP relay agent interfaces 1 1 1 127 DHCP Relay Agent servers 4 4 4 4 NAT interfaces - - - 5 VRRP router interfaces (only VLAN interfaces) - - - 52 OSPF areas per device - - - 5 OSPF area range entries per OSPF area (intra-area summary) - - - 3 OSPF interfaces - - - 40 OSPF interfaces per OSPF area - - - 40 OSPF virtual links (within an auton omous system) - - - 8 OSPF interface authentication keys - - - 200 (40 interfaces each with 5 keys) OSPF virtual link authentication key - - - 40 (8 virtual links each with 5 keys) PIM components - - - 1 Rendezvous points - - - 3 Candidates for rendezvous points - - - 3 Static rendezvous points Se Roles curi Users ty Groups - - 3 1 1 29 1 1 1 28 - - - 32 4 4 4 4 10 10 10 10 Rules for port ACL MAC - - - 128 Ingress and egress rules for port ACL MAC (total) - - - 312 Rules for port ACL IP - - - 128 Ingress and egress rules for port ACL IP (total) - - - 312 Rules for VLAN ACL IP - - - 128 IP addresses from RADIUS servers Management ACLs (access rules for management) 1134 1 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 1) With the SCALANCE XB-200, the number of DHCP pools and manageable IPv4 addresses depends on the number of ports. The number of ports corresponds to the maximum number of DHCP pools and manageable IPv4 addresses. 2) This is an IP interface. Useful information IP addresses IPv4 / IPv6 What are the essential differences? IP configuration IPv4 IPv6 DHCP server Automatic: Manual - Creates a link local address for every interface on which IPv6 is activated. - Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC): Stateless autoconfiguration using NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol) Manual Stateful DHCPv6 Available IP addresses 32-bit: 4, 29 * 109 address 128-bit: 3, 4 * 1038 addresses es Address format Decimal: Hexadecimal: 2a00:ad80::0123 with port: with port: [2a00:ad80::0123]:20 Loopback ::1 IP addresses of the interface 4 IP addresses Multiple IP addresses LLA: A link local address (formed automatically) fe80::/128 per interface ULA: Several unique local unicast addresses per interface GUA: Several global unicast addresses per interface Header Checksum Checking at a higher layer Variable length Fixed size Fragmentation in the header Fragmentation in the extension header No security Fragmentation Host and router Only endpoint of the communication Quality of service Type of Service (ToS) for prioritization The prioritization is specified in the header field "Traffic Class". Types of frame Broadcast, multicast, uni cast Multicast, unicast, anycast WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1135 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Identification of DHCP clients/ server IPv4 IPv6 Client ID: DUID + IAID(s) = exactly one interface of the host MAC address DUID = DHCP unique identifier Identifies server and clients uniquely and should not change, not even when replacing network components! IAID = Identity Association Identifier At least one per interface is generated by the client and re mains unchanged when the DHCP client restarts Three methods of obtaining the DUID DUID-LLT DUID-EN DUID-LL DHCP via UDP with broadcast via UDP with unicast RFC 3315, RFC 3363 Stateful DHCPv6 Status-dependent configuration in which the IPv6 address and the configuration settings are transferred. Four DHVPv6 messages are exchanged between client and server: 1. SOLICIT: Sent by the DHCPv6 client to localize DHCPv6 servers. 2. ADVERTISE The available DHCPv6 servers reply to this. 3. REQUEST The DHCPv6 client requests an IPv6 address and the configuration settings from the DHCPv6 server. 4. REPLY The DHCPv6 server sends the IPv6 address and the configuration settings. If the client and server support the function "Rapid commit" the procedure is shortened to two DHCPv6 messages SOLICIT and REPLY . Stateless autoconfiguration In stateless DHCPv6, only the configuration settings are trans ferred. Prefix delegation The DHCPv6 server delegates the distribution of IPv6 prefixes to the DHCPv6 client. The DHCPv6 client is also known as PD router. Resolution of IP addresses in hardware addresses 1136 ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IPv4 address Structure of an IPv4 address Address classes IP address range Max. number of networks Max. number of hosts/net work 126 16777214 16383 2097151 1.x.x.x through 126.x.x.x 128.0.x.x through 191.255.x.x 192.0.0.x through 223.255.255.x Class CIDR A /8 65534 B /16 254 C /24 - Multicast applications D - Reserved for future applications E An IP address consists of 4 bytes. Each byte is represented in decimal, with a dot separating it from the previous one. This results in the following structure, where XXX stands for a number between 0 and 255: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX The IP address is made up of two parts, the network ID and the host ID. This allows different subnets to be created. Depending on the bytes of the IP address used as the network ID and those used for the host ID, the IP address can be assigned to a specific address class. Subnet mask The bits of the host ID can be used to create subnets. The leading bits represent the address of the subnet and the remaining bits the address of the host in the subnet. A subnet is defined by the subnet mask. The structure of the subnet mask corresponds to that of an IP address. If a "1" is used at a bit position in the subnet mask, the bit belongs to the corresponding position in the IP address of the subnet address, otherwise to the address of the computer. Example of a class B network: The standard subnet address for class B networks is; in other words, the last two bytes are available for defining a subnet. If 16 subnets must be defined, the third byte of the subnet address must be set to 11110000 (binary notation). In this case, this results in the subnet mask To find out whether two IP addresses belong to the same subnet, the two IP addresses and the subnet mask are ANDed bit by bit. If both logic operations have the save result, both IP addresses belong to the same subnet, for example, and Outside the local area network, the distinction between network ID and host ID is of no significance, in this case packets are delivered based on the entire IP address. Note In the bit representation of the subnet mask, the "ones" must be set left-justified; in other words, there must be no "zeros" between the "ones". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1137 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IPv6 addresses IPv6 terms Network node A network node is a device that is connected to one or more networks via one or more interfaces. Router A network node that forwards IPv6 packets. Host A network node that represents an end point for IPv6 communication relations. Link A link is, according to IPv6 terminology, a direct layer 3 connection within an IPv6 network. Neighbor A network node located on the same link as the network node. IPv6 interface Physical or logical interface on which IPv6 is activated. Path MTU Maximum permitted packet size on a path from a sender to a recipient. Path MTU discovery Mechanism for determining the maximum permitted packet size along the entire path from a sender to a recipient. LLA Link local address FE80::/10 As soon as IPv6 is activated on the interface, a link local address is formed automatically. Can only be reached by accounts located on the same link. ULA Unique Local Address Defined in RFC 4193. Via this address, the IPv6 interface can be reached in the LAN. GUA Global Unicast Address Via this address, the IPv6 interface can be reached, e.g. via the Internet. Interface ID The interface ID is formed with the EUI-64 method or manually. EUI-64 Extended Unique Identifier (RFC 4291); method for forming the interface ID. In Ethernet, the interface ID is formed from the MAC address of the interface. Divides the MAC address into 1138 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks the manufacturer-specific part (OUI) and the network-specific part (NIC) and inserts FFFE between the two parts. Example: MAC address = AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF OUI = AA:BB:CC NIC = DD:EE:FF EUI-64 = OUI + FFFE + NIC = AA:BB:CC:FF:FE:DD:EE:FF Scope Defines the range of the IPv6 address. Structure of an IPv6 address IPv6 address format - notation IPv6 addresses consist of 8 fields each with four-character hexadecimal numbers (128 bits in total). The fields are separated by a colon. Example: fd00:0000:0000:ffff:02d1:7d01:0000:8f21 Rules / simplifications: If one or more fields have the value 0, a shortened notation is possible. The address fd00:0000:0000:ffff:02d1:7d01:0000:8f21 can also be shortened and written as follows: fd00::ffff:02d1:7d01:0000:8f21 To ensure uniqueness, this shortened form can only be used once within the entire address. Leading zeros within a field can be omitted. The address fd00:0000:0000:ffff:02d1:7d01:0000:8f21 can also be shortened and written as follows: fd00::ffff:2d1:7d01:0000:8f21 Decimal notation with periods The last 2 fields or 4 bytes can be written in the normal decimal notation with periods. Example: The IPv6 address fd00::ffff. is equivalent to fd00::ffff:7d01:1 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1139 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure of the IPv6 address The IPv6 protocol distinguishes three types of address: Unicast , anycast and multicast. The following section describes the structure of the global unicast addresses. IPv6 prefix Suffix Global prefix: Subnet ID Interface ID n bits m bits 128 - n - m bits Assigned address range Description of the location, also subnet prefix or subnet Unique assignment of the host in the net work. The ID is generated from the MAC address. The prefix for the link local address is always fe80:0000:0000:0000. The prefix is shortened and noted as follows: fe80:: IPv6 prefix Specified in: RFC 4291 The IPv6 prefix represents the subnet identifier. Prefixes and IPv6 addresses are specified in the same way as with the CIDR notation (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) for IPv4. Design IPv6 address / prefix length Example IPv6 address: 2001:0db8:1234::1111/48 Prefix: 2001:0db8:1234::/48 Interface ID: ::1111 Entry and appearance The entry of IPv6 addresses is possible in the notations described above. IPv6 addresses are always shown in the hexadecimal notation. 1140 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks PROFINET PROFINET PROFINET is an open standard (IEC 61158/61784) for industrial automation based on Industrial Ethernet. PROFINET uses existing IT standards and allows end-to-end communication from the field level to the management level as well as plant-wide engineering. PROFINET also has the following features: Use of TCP/IP Automation of applications with real-time requirements - Real-Time (RT) communication - Isochronous Real-Time (IRT) communication Seamless integration of fieldbus systems You configure PROFINET in "System > PROFINET (Page 1272)". PROFINET IO Within the framework of PROFINET, PROFINET IO is a communications concept for implementing modular, distributed applications. PROFINET IO is implemented by the PROFINET standard for programmable controllers (IEC 61158-x-10). EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP (Ethernet/Industrial Protocol) is an open industry standard for industrial real-time Ethernet based on TCP/IP and UDP/IP. With EtherNet/IP, Ethernet is expanded by the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) at the application layer. In EtherNet/IP, the lower layers of the OSI reference model are adopted by Ethernet with the physical, network and transport functions. You configure EtherNet/IP in "System > EtherNet/IP (Page 1273)". Common Industrial Protocol The Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) is an application protocol for automation that supports transition of the field buses in Industrial Ethernet and in IP networks. This industry protocol is used by field buses/industrial networks such as DeviceNet, ControlNet and EtherNet/IP at the application layer as an interface between the deterministic fieldbus world and the automation application (controller, I/O, HMI, OPC, ...). The CIP is located above the transport layer and expands the pure transport services with communications services for automation engineering. These include services for cyclic, time-critical and event-controlled data traffic. CIP distinguishes between time-critical I/O messages (implicit messages) and individual query/ response frames for configuration and data acquisition (explicit messages). CIP is objectoriented; all data "visible" from the outside is accessible in the form of objects. CIP has a common configuration basis: EDS (Electronic Data Sheet). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1141 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Electronic Data Sheet Electronic Data Sheets (EDS) are electronic datasheets for describing devices. The EDS required for EtherNet/IP operation can be found in "System > Load&Save". VLAN VLAN Network definition regardless of the spatial location of the nodes VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) divides a physical network into several logical networks that are shielded from each other. Here, devices are grouped together to form logical groups. Only nodes of the same VLAN can address each other. Since multicast and broadcast frames are only forwarded within the particular VLAN, they are also known as broadcast domains. The particular advantage of VLANs is the reduced network load for the nodes and network segments of other VLANs. To identify which packet belongs to which VLAN, the frame is expanded by 4 bytes (VLAN tagging (Page 1143)). This expansion includes not only the VLAN ID but also priority information. Options for the VLAN assignment There are various options for the assignment to VLANs: Port-based VLAN Each port of a device is assigned a VLAN ID. You configure port-based VLAN in "Layer 2 > VLAN > Port-based VLAN". Protocol-based VLAN Each port of a device is assigned a protocol group. You configure protocol-based VLAN in "Layer 2 > VLAN > Protocol-based VLAN port". IPv4 Subnet-based VLAN The IPv4 address of the device is assigned a VLAN ID. You configure subnet-based VLAN in "Layer 2 > VLAN > lPv4 subnet-based VLAN". processing the VLAN assignment If more than one VLAN assignment is created on the device, the assignments are processed in the following order: 1. IPv4 subnet-based VLAN 2. Protocol-based VLAN 3. Port-based VLAN The frame is first examined for the IPv4 address. If a rule on the "lPv4 subnet-based VLAN" tab applies, the frame is sent to the corresponding VLAN. If no rule applies, the protocol type of the frame is examined. If a rule on the "Protocol-based VLAN port" tab applies, the frame 1142 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks is sent to the corresponding VLAN. If no rule applies, the frame is sent via the port-based VLAN. The rules for the port-based VLAN are specified on the "Port-based VLAN" tab. See also General (Page 1292) GVRP (Page 1295) Port-based VLAN (Page 1296) Protocol-based VLAN group (Page 1297) Protocol-based VLAN port (Page 1298) IPv4 subnet-based VLAN (Page 1298) VLAN tagging Expansion of the Ethernet frames by four bytes For CoS (Class of Service, frame priority) and VLAN (virtual network), the IEEE 802.1Q standard defined the expansion of Ethernet frames by adding the VLAN tag. Note The VLAN tag increases the permitted total length of the frame from 1518 to 1522 bytes. The end nodes on the networks must be checked to find out whether they can process this length / this frame type. If this is not the case, only frames of the standard length may be sent to these nodes. The additional 4 bytes are located in the header of the Ethernet frame between the source address and the Ethernet type / length field: 3UHDPEOH E\WHV 'HVWLQDWLRQ DGGUHVV E\WHV 6RXUFH DGGUHVV E\WHV 73,' E\WHV 7&, E\WHV 7\SH E\WHV 'DWD aE\WHV &5& E\WHV [ 3ULRULW\ ELWV 9/$1,' ELWV &), ELW Figure 10-10 Structure of the expanded Ethernet frame WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1143 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The additional bytes contain the tag protocol identifier (TPID) and the tag control information (TCI). Tag protocol identifier (TPID) The first 2 bytes form the Tag Protocol Identifier (TPID) and always have the value 0x8100. This value specifies that the data packet contains VLAN information or priority information. Tag Control Information (TCI) The 2 bytes of the Tag Control Information (TCI) contain the following information: QoS Trust The tagged frame has 3 bits for the priority that is also known as Class of Service (CoS). The priority according to IEEE 802.1P is as follows: CoS bits Type of data 000 Non time-critical data traffic (less then best effort [basic setting]) 001 Normal data traffic (best effort [background]) 010 Reserved (standard) 011 Reserved ( excellent effort ) 100 Data transfer with max. 100 ms delay 101 Guaranteed service, interactive multimedia 110 Guaranteed service, interactive voice transmission 111 Reserved The prioritization of the data packets is possible only if there is a queue in the components in which they can buffer data packets with lower priority. The device has multiple parallel queues in which the frames with different priorities can be processed. First, the frames with the highest priority ("Strict Priority" method) are processed. This method ensures that the frames with the highest priority are sent even if there is heavy data traffic. Canonical Format Identifier (CFI) The CFI is required for compatibility between Ethernet and the token Ring. The values have the following meaning: Value Meaning 0 The format of the MAC address is canonical. In the canonical representation of the MAC address, the least significant bit is transferred first. Standard-setting for Ethernet switches. 1 The format of the MAC address is not canonical. VLAN ID 1144 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks In the 12-bit data field, up to 4096 VLAN IDs can be formed. The following conventions apply: VLAN ID Meaning 0 The frame contains only priority information (priority tagged frames) and no valid VLAN identifier. 1- 4094 Valid VLAN identifier, the frame is assigned to a VLAN and can also include priority information. 4095 Reserved Private VLAN With a private VLAN (PVLAN) you can divide up the layer 2 broadcast domains of a VLAN. A private VLAN consists of the following units: A primary private VLAN (primary PVLAN) The VLAN that is divided up is called primary private VLAN. secondary private VLANs (secondary PVLAN) Secondary PVLANs exist only within a primary PVLAN. Every secondary PVLAN has a specific VLAN ID and is connected to the primary PVLAN. Secondary PVLANs are divided into the following types: - Isolated Secondary PVLAN Devices within an isolated secondary PVLAN cannot communicate with each other via layer 2. - Community Secondary PVLAN Devices within a community secondary PVLAN can communicate with each other directly via layer 2. The devices cannot communicate with devices in other communities of the PVLAN via layer 2. Note VALAN ID with secondary PVLANs If you use the same VLAN ID for secondary PVLANs on different IE switches, the end devices in these secondary PVLANs can communicate with other via layer 2 across the different switches. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1145 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks /D\HU Primary PVLAN X Server PC2 PC1 PC4 PC3 Secondary PVLAN 10 Isolated Secondary PVLAN 20 Community Private VLAN PC5 Secondary PVLAN 30 Community VLAN Y 3URPLVFXRXV3RUW7DJJHG0HPEHU 3URPLVFXRXV3RUW8QWDJJHG0HPEHU +RVW3RUW8QWDJJHG0HPEHU In this example, the ports of the IE switches that connect them to other IE switches are promiscuous ports. These network ports are tagged members in all PVLANs: Primary PVLAN and all secondary PVLANs. The ports to which the PCs are connected are host ports. The host ports are all untagged members in the primary PVLAN and in their secondary PVLAN. The port to which the server is connected is a promiscuous port. This promiscuous port ports is an untagged member in all PVLANs: Primary PVLAN and all secondary PVLANs. In this example all PCs can communicate with the server. The server can communicate with all PCs. PC1 cannot communicate with any other PC. The PCs within a community secondary PVLAN can communicate with each other but not with the PCs in another secondary PVLAN. SNMP Introduction With the aid of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), you monitor and control network components from a central station, for example routers or switches. SNMP controls the communication between the monitored devices and the monitoring station. 1146 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Tasks of SNMP: Monitoring of network components Remote control and remote parameter assignment of network components Error detection and error notification In versions v1 and v2c, SNMP has no security mechanisms. Each user in the network can access data and also change parameter assignments using suitable software. For the simple control of access rights without security aspects, community strings are used. The community string is transferred along with the query. If the community string is correct, the SNMP agent responds and sends the requested data. If the community string is not correct, the SNMP agent discards the query. Define different community strings for read and write permissions. The community strings are transferred in plain text. Standard values of the community strings: public has only read permissions private has read and write permissions Note Because the SNMP community strings are used for access protection, do not use the standard values "public" or "private". Change these values following the initial commissioning. Further simple protection mechanisms at the device level: Allowed Host The IP addresses of the monitoring systems are known to the monitored system. Read Only If you assign "Read Only" to a monitored device, monitoring stations can only read out data but cannot modify it. SNMP data packets are not encrypted and can easily be read by others. The central station is also known as the management station. An SNMP agent is installed on the devices to be monitored with which the management station exchanges data. The management station sends data packets of the following type: GET Request for a data record from the SNMP agent GETNEXT Calls up the next data record. GETBULK (available as of SNMPv2c) Requests multiple data records at one time, for example several rows of a table. SET Contains parameter assignment data for the relevant device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1147 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The SNMP agent sends data packets of the following type: RESPONSE The SNMP agent returns the data requested by the manager. TRAP If a certain event occurs, the SNMP agent itself sends traps. SNMPv1/v2c/v3 use UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and use the UDP ports 161 and 162. The data is described in a Management Information Base (MIB). SNMPv3 Compared with the previous versions SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, SNMPv3 introduces an extensive security concept. SNMPv3 supports: Fully encrypted user authentication Encryption of the entire data traffic Access control of the MIB objects at the user/group level With the introduction of SNMPv3 you can no longer transfer user configurations to other devices without taking special action, e.g. by loading a configuration file or replacing the CPLUG. According to the standard, the SNMPv3 protocol uses a unique SNMP engine ID as an internal identifier for an SNMP agent. This ID must be unique in the network. It is used to authenticate access data of SNMPv3 users and to encrypt it. Depending on whether you have enabled or disabled the "SNMPv3 User Migration" function, the SNMP engine ID is generated differently. Restriction when using the function Use the "SNMPv3 User Migration" function only to transfer configured SNMPv3 users to a substitute device when replacing a device. Do not use the function to transfer configured SNMPv3 users to multiple devices. If you load a configuration with created SNMPv3 users on several devices, these devices use the same SNMP engine ID. If you use these devices in the same network, your configuration contradicts the SNMP standard. Compatibility with predecessor products You can only transfer SNMPv3 users to a different device if you have created the users as migratable users. To create a migratable user the "SNMPv3 User Migration" function must be activated when you create the user. 1148 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Redundancy mode Spanning Tree Avoiding loops on redundant connections The spanning tree algorithm allows network structures to be created in which there are several connections between two stations. Spanning tree prevents loops being formed in the network by allowing only one path and disabling the other (redundant) ports for data traffic. If there is an interruption, the data can be sent over an alternative path. The functionality of the spanning tree algorithm is based on the exchange of configuration and topology change frames. Definition of the network topology using the configuration frames The devices exchange configuration frames known as BPDUs (Bridge Protocol Data Units) with each other to calculate the topology. The root bridge is selected and the network topology created using these frames. BPDUs also bring about the status change of the root ports. The root bridge is the bridge that controls the spanning tree algorithm for all involved components. Once the root bridge has been specified, each device sets a root port. The root port is the port with the lowest path costs to the root bridge. Response to changes in the network topology If nodes are added to a network or drop out of the network, this can affect the optimum path selection for data packets. To be able to respond to such changes, the root bridge sends configuration messages at regular intervals. The interval between two configuration messages can be set with the "Hello Time" parameter. Keeping configuration information up to date With the "Max Age" parameter, you set the maximum age of configuration information. If a bridge has information that is older than the time set in "Max Age", it discards the message and initiates recalculation of the paths. New configuration data is not used immediately by a bridge but only after the period specified in the "Forward Delay" parameter. This ensures that operation is only started with the new topology after all the bridges have the required information. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1149 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks RSTP, MSTP, CIST Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) One disadvantage of STP is that if there is a disruption or a device fails, the network needs to reconfigure itself: The devices start to negotiate new paths only when the interruption occurs. This can take up to 30 seconds. Fur this reason, STP was expanded to create the "Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol" (RSTP, IEEE 802.1w). This differs from STP essentially in that the devices are already collecting information about alternative routes during normal operation and do not need to gather this information after a disruption has occurred. This means that the reconfiguration time for an RSTP controlled network can be reduced to a few seconds. This is achieved by using the following functions: Edge ports (end node port) Edge ports are ports connected to an end device. A port that is defined as an edge port is activated immediately after connection establishment. If a spanning tree BPDU is received at an edge port, the port loses its role as edge port and it takes part in (R)STP again. If no further BPDU is received after a certain time has elapsed (3 x hello time), the port returns to the edge port status. Point-to-point (direct communication between two neighboring devices) By directly linking the devices, a status change (reconfiguration of the ports) can be made without any delays. Alternate port (substitute for the root port) A substitute for the root port is configured. If the connection to the root bridge is lost, the device can establish a connection over the alternate port without any delay due to reconfiguration. Reaction to events Rapid spanning tree reacts to events, for example an aborted connection, without delay. There is no waiting for timers as in spanning tree. Counter for the maximum bridge hops The number of bridge hops a package is allowed to make before it automatically becomes invalid. In principle, therefore with rapid spanning tree, alternatives for many parameters are preconfigured and certain properties of the network structure taken into account to reduce the reconfiguration time. Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) is a further development of the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol. Among other things, it provides the option of operating several RSTP instances within different VLANs or VLAN groups and, for example, making paths available within the individual VLANs that the single Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol would globally block. 1150 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) CIST identifies the internal instance used by the switch that is comparable in principle with an internal RSTP instance. HRP HRP - High Speed Redundancy Protocol HRP is the name of a redundancy method for networks with a ring topology. The switches are interconnected via ring ports. One of the switches is configured as the redundancy manager (RM). The other switches are redundancy clients. Using test frames, the redundancy manager checks the ring to make sure it is not interrupted. The redundancy manager sends test frames via the ring ports and checks that they are received at the other ring port. The redundancy clients forward the test frames. If the test frames of the RM no longer arrive at the other ring port due to an interruption, the RM switches through its two ring ports and informs the redundancy clients of the change immediately. The reconfiguration time after an interruption of the ring is a maximum of 0.3 seconds. Standby redundancy Standby redundancy is a method with which rings each of which is protected by high-speed redundancy can be linked together redundantly. In the ring, a master/slave device pair is configured and these monitor each other via their ring ports. If a fault occurs, the data traffic is redirected from one Ethernet connection (standby port of the master or standby server) to another Ethernet connection (standby port of the slave). Requirements HRP is supported in ring topologies with up to 50 devices. Exceeding this number of devices can lead to a loss of data traffic. For HRP, only devices that support this function can be used in the ring. All devices must be interconnected via their ring ports. Devices that do not support HRP must be linked to the ring using special devices with HRP capability. Up to the ring, this connection is not redundant. Standby General SCALANCE X switches support not only ring redundancy within a ring but also redundant linking of rings or open network segments (linear bus). In the redundant link, rings are connected together over Ethernet connections. This is achieved by configuring a master/slave device pair in one ring so that the devices monitor each other and, in the event of a fault, redirect the data traffic from the normally used master Ethernet connection to the substitute (slave) Ethernet connection. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1151 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Standby redundancy Operator Station Operator Stations S7-300 Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET (Twisted Pair) Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET (Fiber Optic) SCALANCE XR528-6M SCALANCE XM408-8C 100 Mbit/s SCALANCE X208 S7-1500 SCALANCE XB205-3 as standby master S7-1500 SCALANCE XB205-3 as standby slave 100 Mbit/s S7-400 SCALANCE X308-2 SCALANCE X204-2 IPC SIMATIC S7-1200 Figure 10-11 Example of a redundant link between rings For a redundant link as shown in the figure, two devices must be configured as standby redundancy switches within a network segment. In this case, network segments are rings with a redundancy manager. Instead of rings, network segments might also be linear. The two standby redundancy switches connected in the configuration exchange data frames with each other to synchronize their operating statuses (one device is master and the other slave). If there are no problems, only the link from the master to the other network segment is active. If this link fails (for example due to a link-down or a device failure), the slave activates its link as long as the problem persists. 1152 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks MRP MRP - Media Redundancy Protocol The "MRP" method conforms to the Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) specified in the following standard: IEC 624392 Edition 1.0 (201002) Industrial communication networks High availability automation networks Part 2: Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) The reconfiguration time after an interruption of the ring is a maximum of 0.2 seconds. Requirements Requirements for problem-free operation with the MRP media redundancy protocol are as follows: MRP is supported in ring topologies with up to 50 devices. Except in PROFINET IO systems, topologies with up to 100 SCALANCE X-200 and SCALANCE X-300 IE switches were tested successfully. Exceeding this number of devices can lead to a loss of data traffic. The ring in which you want to use MRP may only consist of devices that support this function. These include, for example, some of the Industrial Ethernet SCALANCE X switches, some of the communications processors (CPs) for SIMATIC S7 and PG/PC or non-Siemens devices that support this function. All devices must be interconnected via their ring ports. Multimode connections up to 3 km and single mode connections up to 26 km between two SCALANCE X IE switches are possible. At greater distances, the specified reconfiguration time may be longer. "MRP" must be activated on all devices in the ring (see section "Configuration in STEP 7 (Page 1155)"). The connection settings (transmission medium / duplex) must be set to full duplex and at least 100 Mbps for all ring ports. Otherwise there may be a loss of data traffic. - STEP 7: Set all the ports involved in the ring to "Automatic settings" in the "Options" tab of the properties dialog. - WBM: If you configure with Web Based Management, the ring ports are set automatically to autonegotiation. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1153 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Topology The following schematic shows a possible topology for devices in a ring with MRP. SIMATIC S7-400 PC Operator Station SIMATIC S7-400 SIMATIC S7-300 PC SCALANCE XB205-3 6&$/$1&( ;0 SIMATIC S7-400 SCALANCE X310 Redundancy domain SIMATIC S7-1500 S7-400 with CP 443-1 S7-1500 with CP 1543-1 SCALANCE X208 SIMATIC S7-1500 SIMATIC S7-1200 Industrial Ethernet (Twisted Pair) SIMATIC S7-1200 Figure 10-12 Example of a ring topology with the MRP media redundancy protocol The following rules apply to a ring topology with media redundancy using MRP: All the devices connected within the ring topology are members of the same redundancy domain. One device in the ring is acting as redundancy manager. All other devices in the ring are redundancy clients. Non MRP-compliant devices can be connected to the ring via a SCALANCE X switch or via a PC with a CP 1616. 1154 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration in WBM Role The choice of role depends on the following use cases: You want to use MRP in a ring topology only with Siemens devices: - For at least one device in the ring select "Automatic Redundancy Detection" or "MRP Auto Manager". - For all other devices in the ring select "MRP Client" or "Automatic Redundancy Detection". You want to use MRP in a ring topology that also includes non-Siemens devices: - For exactly one device in the ring select the role "MRP Auto Manager". - For all other devices in the ring topology, select the role of "MRP Client". Note The use of "Automatic Redundancy Detection" is not possible when using non-Siemens devices. You configure the devices in an MRP ring topology partly with WBM and partly with STEP 7: - With the devices you configure using WBM, select "MRP Client" for all devices. - With the devices that you configure using STEP 7, select precisely one device as "Manager" or "Manager (Auto)" and "MRP Client" for all other devices. Note If a device is assigned the role of "Manager" with STEP 7, all other devices in the ring must be assigned the "MRP Client" role. If there is a device with the "Manager" role and a device with the "Manager (Auto)"/"MRP Auto-Manager" in a ring, this can lead to circulating frames and therefore to failure of the network. Configuration In WBM, you configure MRP on the following pages: AUTOHOTSPOT AUTOHOTSPOT Configuration in STEP 7 Configuration in STEP 7 To create the configuration in STEP 7, select the parameter group "Media redundancy" on the PROFINET interface. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1155 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Set the following parameters for the MRP configuration of the device: Domain Role Ring port Diagnostic interrupts These settings are described below. Note Valid MRP configuration In the MRP configuration in STEP 7, make sure that all devices in the ring have a valid MRP configuration before you close the ring. Otherwise, there may be circulating frames that will cause a failure in the network. One device in the ring needs to be configured as "redundancy manager and all other devices in the ring as "clients". Note Note factory settings With brand new SCALANCE XB-200/SCALANCE XP-200 (EtherNet/IP variants), SCALANCE XM-400 and SCALANCE XR-500 switches and those set to the factory settings, MRP is disabled and spanning tree enabled. To load a PROFINET configuration on one of the devices named using MRP, first disable spanning tree on the device using the WBM or CLI. Note Changing the role If you want to change the MRP role, first open the ring. Note Starting up and restarting The MRP settings remain in effect following a restart of the device or following a power down and hot restart. Note Prioritized startup If you configure MRP in a ring, you cannot use the "prioritized startup" function in PROFINET applications on the devices involved. If you want to use the "prioritized startup" function, then disable MRP in the configuration. In the STEP 7 configuration, set the role of the relevant device to "Not a node in the ring". 1156 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Domain Single MRP rings If you want to configure a single MRP ring, leave the factory setting "mrpdomain 1" in the "Domain" drop-down list. All devices configured in a ring with MRP must belong to the same redundancy domain. A device cannot belong to more than one redundancy domain. If you leave the setting for "Domain" as the factory set "mrpdomain-1", the defaults for "Role" and "Ring ports" also remain active. MRP multiple rings If you configure multiple MRP rings, the nodes of the ring will be assigned to the individual rings with the "Domain" parameter. Set the same domain for all devices within a ring. Set different domains for different rings. Devices that do not belong to the same ring must have different domains. Role The choice of role depends on the following use cases. You want to use MRP in a topology with one ring only with Siemens devices and without monitoring diagnostic interrupts: Assign all devices to the "mrpdomain1" domain and the role "Manager (Auto)". The device that actually takes over the role of redundancy manager, is negotiated by Siemens devices automatically. You want to use MRP in a topology with multiple rings only with Siemens devices and without monitoring diagnostic interrupts (MRP multiple rings): - Assign the device that connects the rings the role of "Manager". - For all other devices in the ring topology, select the role of "Client". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1157 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You want to use MRP in a ring topology that also includes non-Siemens devices or you want to receive diagnostic interrupts relating to the MRP status from a device (see "Diagnostic interrupts"): - Assign precisely one device in the ring the role of "Manager (Auto)". - For all other devices in the ring topology, select the role of "Client". You want to disable MRP: Select the option "Not node in the ring" if you do not want to operate the device within a ring topology with MRP. Note Role after resetting to factory settings With brand new Siemens devices and those reset to the factory settings the following MRP role is set: CPs: "Manager (Auto)" SCALANCE X-200, SCALANCE XC-200, SCALANCE XB-200/SCALANCE XP-200 (PROFINET variants), SCALANCE X-300 and SCALANCE X-400: "Automatic Redundancy Detection" If you are operating a non-Siemens device as the redundancy manager in the ring, this may cause loss of the data traffic. With brand new SCALANCE XB-200/SCALANCE XP-200 (EtherNet/IP variants), SCALANCE XM-400 and SCALANCE XR-500 IE switches and those set to the factory settings, MRP is disabled and spanning tree enabled. Ring port 1 / ring port 2 Here, select the port you want to configure as ring port 1 and ring port 2. With devices with more than 8 ports, not all ports can be selected as ring port. The drop-down list shows the selection of possible ports for each device type. If the ports are specified in the factory, the boxes are grayed out. NOTICE Ring ports after resetting to factory settings If you reset to the factory settings, the ring port settings are also reset. If other ports were used previously as ring ports before resetting, with the appropriate attachment, a previously correctly configured device can cause circulating frames and therefore the failure of the data traffic. Diagnostic interrupts Enable the "Diagnostic interrupts" option, if you want diagnostic interrupts relating to the MRP status on the local CPU to be output. 1158 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following diagnostic interrupts can be generated: Wiring or port error Diagnostic interrupts are generated if the following errors occur at the ring ports: - Connection abort on a ring port - A neighbor of the ring port does not support MRP. - A ring port is connected to a non-ring port. - A ring port is connected to the ring port of another MRP domain. Status change active/passive (redundancy manager only) If the status changes (active/passive) in a ring, a diagnostics interrupt is generated. Parameter assignment of the redundancy is not set by STEP 7 (redundancy alternatives) This option only affects SCALANCE X switches. Select this option if you want to set the properties for media redundancy using alternative mechanisms such as WBM, CLI or SNMP. If you enable this option, existing redundancy settings from WBM, CLI or SNMP, are retained and are not overwritten. The parameters in the "MRP configuration" box are then reset and grayed out. The entries then have no meaning. Parallel Redundancy Protocol Parallel Redundancy Protocol The "Parallel Redundancy Protocol" (PRP) is a redundancy protocol for Ethernet networks. It is defined in Part 3 of the IEC 62439 standard. This redundancy method allows data communication to be maintained without interruption/reconfiguration time if there are interruptions in the network. The PRP method is supported, for example, by the devices of the SCALANCE X-200RNA product line. Overlong frames When sending PRP frames, the IE switch expands the frame with a PRP trailer. With frames with the maximum length, appending the PRP trailer results in an overlong frame that exceeds the maximum permitted frame length (according to the IEEE 802.3 standard). To prevent data loss with overlong frames, all network components located in a PRP network must support a frame length of at least 1528 bytes. The devices described in this manual can be used in PRP networks, see also section "Configuration limits (Page 1132)". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1159 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Routing function Introduction The term routing describes the specification of routes for communication between different networks; in other words, how does a data packet from subnet A get to subnet B. SCALANCE X supports the following routing functions: Static routing With static routing, the routes are entered manually in the routing table. Router redundancy With standardized VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol), the availability of important gateways is increased by redundant routers. - VRRPv2 (IPv4) - VRRPv3 (IPv4 / IPv6) Dynamic routing The entries in the routing table are dynamic and are updated continuously. The entries are created with one of the following dynamic routing protocols: - OSPFv2 (IPv4) - OSPFv3 (IPv6) - RIPv2 (IPv4) - RIPng (IPv6) VRRP VRRPv2 Router redundancy with VRRP With the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), the failure of a router in a network can be countered. VRRP can only be used with virtual IP interfaces (VLAN interfaces) and not with router ports. Several VRRP routers in a network segment are put together as a logical group representing a virtual router (VR). The group is defined using the virtual ID (VRID). Within the group, the VRID must be the same. The VRID can no longer be used for other groups. The virtual router is assigned a virtual IP address and a virtual MAC address. One of the VRRP routers within the group is specified as the master router. The master router has priority 255. The other VRRP routers are backup routers. The master router assigns the virtual IP address and the virtual MAC address to its network interface. The master router sends VRRP packets (advertisements) to the backup routers at specific intervals. With the VRRP packets, the master router signals that it is still functioning. The master router also replies to the ARP queries. If the virtual master router fails, a backup router takes over the role of the master router. The backup router with the highest priority becomes the master router. If the priority of the backup 1160 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks routers is the same, the higher MAC address decides. The backup router becomes the new virtual master router. The new virtual master router adopts the virtual MAC and IP address. This means that no routing tables or ARP tables need to be updated. The consequences of a device failure are therefore minimized. You configure VRRP in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > VRRP". VRRP3 Version 3 of VRRP is based on version 2. Note Enable routing to be able to use VRRPv3. You can only use VRRPv3 in conjunction with VLAN interfaces. Router ports are not supported. Simultaneous operation of VRRP and VRRPv3 is not possible. VRRPv3 supports IPv4 and IPv6. Both can be configured and operated at the same time with VRRP3. You configure VRRPv3 in: IPv4: Layer 3 (IPv4 )> VRRPv3 IPv6: Layer 3 (IPv6 )> VRRPv3 OSPF OSPFv2 Dynamic routing with OSPFv2 OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a cost-based routing protocol. To calculate the shortest and most cost-effective route, the Short Path First algorithm by Dijkstra is used. OSPF was developed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). You configure OSPFv2 in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > OSPFv2". OSPFv2 divides an autonomous system (AS) into different areas. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1161 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Areas in OSPF The following areas exist: Backbone The backbone area is area All other areas are connected to this area. The backbone area is connected either directly or via virtual connections with other areas. All routing information is available in the backbone area. As a result, the backbone area is responsible for forwarding information between different areas. Stub Area This area contains the routes within its area within the autonomous system and the standard route out of the autonomous system. The destinations outside this autonomous system are assigned to the standard route. Totally Stubby Area This area knows only the routes within its area and the standard route out of the area. Not So Stubby Area (NSSA) This area can forward (redistribute) packets from other autonomous systems into the areas of its own autonomous system. The packets are further distributed by the NSSA router. Routers of OSPF OSPF distinguishes the following router types: Internal router (IR) All OSPF interfaces of the router are assigned to the same area. Area Border Router (ABR) The OSPF interfaces of the router are assigned to different areas. One OSPF interface is assigned to the backbone area. Where possible, routes are grouped together. Backbone Router (BR) At least one of the OSPF interfaces is assigned to the backbone area. Autonomous System Border Router (ASBR) One interface of the router is connected to a different AS, for example an AS that uses the routing protocol RIP. Virtual connection Each area must be connected to the backbone area. In some situations a direct physical connection is not possible. In this case, a router of the relevant area must be connected to a backbone router via a virtual connection. LSA types Within the autonomous system, packets are exchanged that contain information about the connections of a router and the connection status message. The packets are also known as LSAs (Link State Advertisements). The LSAs are always sent from the router to the neighbor router. If there are changes in the network, LSAs are sent to all routers in the network. The information depends on the LSA type. 1162 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 166$ $6%5 166$ $UHD $%5 6WXE$UHD ,5 %5 $%5 $%5 ,5 '5 $%5 ,5 6WXE$UHD %DFNERQH $UHD $%5 6WXE$UHD $6%5 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Router LSA (LSA Type 1) The LSA Type 1 is only sent within an area. For each active connection of the router that belongs to the area in consideration, an LSA Type 1 is generated. The LSA Type 1 contains information about the status and the costs of the connection, for example IP address, network mask, network type Network LSA (LSA Type 2) The LSA Type 2 is sent only within an area. For each network that belongs to the relevant area, the router generates an LSA Type 2. If several routers are interconnected in a network, the LSA Type 2 is sent by the designated router (DR). The LSA Type 2 includes the network address, the network mask and a list of routers that are connected to the network 1163 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Summary LSA (LSA Type 3 / LSA Type 4) The Summary LSA is generated by the area border router and sent into the area. The Summary LSA contains information about routes outside the area but inside the AS. Where possible, the routes are grouped together. Summary LSA (LSA Type 3) The LSA Type 3 describes the routes to the networks and advertises the standard route to the areas. AS Summary LSA (LSA Type 4) The LSA Type 4 describes the routes to the ASBR. External LSA (LSA Type 5 / LSA Type 7) The External LSA is generated by the ASBR. The LSA type depends on the area. AS External LSA (LSA Type 5) The LSA Type 5 is sent by the AS border router into the areas of the autonomous system except the Stub and NSSA areas. The LSA contains information about routes to a network in another AS. The routes are either created manually or learned externally. The ASBR uses LSA Type 5 to distribute standard routes to the backbone area. NSSA External LSA (LSA Type 7) The LSA Type 7 is generated by the AS border router of an NSSA. The router is also known as the NSSA ASBR. The LSA Type 7 is sent only within the NSSA. If the P bit in LSA Type 7 = 1, these LSAs are converted to LSA Type 5 by the ABR and sent to the backbone area. Establishing the neighborhood The router runs through the following statuses to establish a connection to the neighbor router. 1. Attempt state / Init state The router activates OSPF and begins to send and receive Hello packets. Based on the received Hello packets, the router learns which OSPF routers are in its vicinity. The router checks the content of the Hello packet. The Hello packet also contains the list of the neighbor routers (neighbor table) of the "sender". 2. Two way state If, for example, the ID of the area, the area type and the settings for the times match, a connection (adjacency) can be established to the neighbor. In a point-to-point network, the connection is established directly. If several neighbor routers can be reached in a network, the designated router (DR) and the designated backup router (DBR) are identified based on Hello packets. The router with the highest router priority becomes the designated router. If two routers have the same router priority, the router with the highest router ID becomes the designated router. The router establishes a connection to the designated router. 3. Exchangestart state The neighbor routers decide which router starts communication. The router with the higher router ID becomes the designated router. 4. Exchange state The neighbor routers send packets that describe the content of their neighborhood database. The neighborhood database (link state database - LSDB) contains information on the topology of the network. 1164 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 5. Loading state The router completes the received information. If the router still has questions relating to the status of a specific connection, it sends a link state request. The neighbor router sends a response (link state update). The response contains a suitable LSA. The router confirms receipt of the response (link state acknowledge). 6. Full State The information exchange with the neighbor router is completed. The neighborhood database of the neighbor router is the same. Based on the Short Path First algorithm, the router calculates a route to every destination. The route is entered in the routing table. Check the neighborhood The Hello packets are only used to establish the neighborhood relations. Hello packets are used to check the connection to the neighbor router by sending them cyclically. If no Hello packet is received within a certain interval (dead interval), the connection to the neighbor is marked as "down". The relevant entries are deleted. Updating the neighborhood database Once the neighborhood database is established, LSAs are sent to all routers in the network if there are changes in the topology. OSPFv3 Version 3 of OSPF is based on version 2 and is only used with IPv6. A large part of the routing mechanisms was adopted. OSPFv3 is defined in the RFCs 2740 and 5340. You configure OSPFv3 under "Layer 3 (IPv6) > OSPFv3". The following has not changed: The statuses that a router runs through to establish a connection to the neighbor router. The areas : Backbone, Stub Area, Totally Stubby Area, Not So Stubby Area (NSSA) The router types: Internal Router (IR), Area Border Router (ABR), Backbone Router (BR), Autonomous System Area Border Router (ASBR), Designated Router (DR) The router ID, the area ID and the ID of the LSA are entered in the IPv4 address format: x.x.x.x What has changed? Terms The terms network or subnet are replaced by link. Authentication The authentication was removed. Instead OSPFv3 uses IPsec, that is implemented in IPv6. Neighbor routers The neighbor routers are identified via the router ID. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1165 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Neighbor database The neighbor database (link state database - LSDB) is divided into different areas of application: Link scope LSDB Contains the link LSA Area scope LSDB contains the following LSAs - Router LSA - Network LSA - Inter-area prefix LSA - Inter area router LSA - Intra area prefix LSA AS scope LSDB Contains the AS external LSA LSA types Two new LSA types were defined for OSPFv3. OSPFv2 OSPFv3 Who Within Description 1 Router LSA 0x2001 Router LSA every router Area No longer contains address information. This is contained in the new LSA type 2009. 2 Network LSA 0x2002 Network LSA DR Area No longer contains address information. This is contained in the new LSA type 2009. 3 Summary LSA 0x2003 Inter-area ABR prefix LSA Area Same function as in OSPFv2, simply renamed 4 AS Summary LSA 0x2004 Inter-Area Router LSA ABR Area Same function as in OSPFv2, simply renamed 5 AS External LSA 0x4005 AS Exter nal LSA ASBR AS Same function as in OSPFv2, simply renamed 7 NSSA Exter nal LSA 0x2007 Type 7 LSA NSSA ASBR NSSA Same function as in OSPFv2, simply renamed 0x2008 Link LSA every router Link The LSA is sent by the router to every router linked to it. The LSA contains the link local address of the router and a list with IPv6 prefixes configured on the link. 0x2009 Intra area every prefix LSA router Area The LSA is sent only within an area. The LSA contains the IPv6 prefixes connected to the router or network. In contrast to OSPFv2, OSPFv3 can forward unknown LSA types. Previously these were deleted and not distributed further. 1166 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks RIP RIPv2 Dynamic routing with RIPv2 The Routing Information Protocol (RIPv2) is used to create routing tables automatically. RIPv2 is used in autonomous systems (AS) with a maximum of 15 routers. It is based on the DistanceVector algorithm. RIPv2 was developed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and is described in RFC 2453. You configure RIPv2 in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > RIPv2". Setting up a routing table Since a router initially only knows its directly connected networks, it sends a request to its direct neighbor routers. As the reply, it receives the routing tables of the neighbor routers. Based on the information it receives, the router set up its own routing table. The routing table contains entries for all possible destinations. Each entry includes the distance to the destination and the first router on the route. The distance is also known as the metric. This indicates the number of routers to be passed through on the route to the destination (hop count). The maximum distance is 15 routers (hops). Updating the routing table Once the routing table is set up, the router sends its routing table to each direct neighbor router via the UDP port 520 at intervals of 30 seconds. The router compares new routing information with its existing routing table. If the new information includes shorter routes, the existing routes are overwritten. The router only keeps the shortest route to a destination. Checking neighbor routers If a router does not receive messages from a neighbor router for longer than 180 seconds, it marks the router as being invalid. The router assigns the metric 16 for the neighbor router. RIPng RIPng (RIP next generation) is only used with IPv6 and is defined in RFC 2080. As with RIP (IPv4), RIPng is based on the distance vector algorithm of Bellman-Ford. In contrast to RIPv2, RIPng is activated directly on the layer 3 interface (VLAN interface / router port) and not globally on the device. RIPng uses the UDP port 521 and RIP the UDP port 520. You configure RIPng in "Layer 3 (IPv6) > RIPng". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1167 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks NAT/NAPT Note NAT/NAPT is possible only on layer 3 of the ISO/OSI reference model. To use the NAT function, the networks must use the IP protocol. When using the ISO protocol that operates at layer 2, it is not possible to use NAT. In Network Address Translation (NAT) IP subnets are divided into "Inside" and "Outside". The division is from the perspective of a NAT interface. All networks reachable via the NAT interface itself count as "Outside" for this interface. All networks reachable via other IP interfaces of the same device count as "Inside" for the NAT interface. If there s routing via the NAT interface, the source or destination IP addresses of the transferred data packets are changed at the transition between "Inside" and "Outside". Whether or not the source or destination IP address is changed depends on the communications direction. It is always the IP address of the communications node that is located "Inside" that is adapted. Depending on the perspective the IP address of a communications node is always designated as "Local" or "Global". Perspective Local Position Inside Outside Global An actual IP address that is as An IP address at which an internal signed to a device in the internal device can be reached from the network. This address cannot be external network. reached from the external network. An actual IP address that is assigned to a device in the external network. Since only "Inside" addresses are converted, there is no distinction made between outside local and outside global. Example In the example two IP subnets are connected together via an IE switch. The division is from the perspective of the NAT interface The communication of PC2 with PC1 is implemented via NAT/NAPT. /D\HU ,QVLGH 3& *HU|W VLAN X: 1168 2XWVLGH 3& VLAN Y: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The actual IP address of PC1 (inside local) is implemented statically with NAT. For PC2, PC1 can be reached at the inside global address. Perspective Position Local Global Inside Outside The actual IP address of PC1 (inside local) is implemented statically with NAPT. For PC2, PC1 can be reached at the inside global address. Perspective Position Local Global Inside Outside Computing capacity Due to the load limitation of the CPU packet receipt of the device is limited to 300 packets a second. This corresponds to a maximum data through of 1.7 Mbps. This load limitation does not apply per interface but generally for all packets going the CPU. The entire NAT communication runs via the CPU and therefore represents competition for IP communication going to the CPU, e.g. WBM and Telnet. Note that a large part of the computing capacity is occupied if you use NAT. NAT With Network Address Translation (NAT), the IP address in a data packet is replaced by another. NAT is normally used on a gateway between an internal network and an external network. With source NAT, the inside local source address of an IP packet from a device in the internal network is rewritten by a NAT device to an inside global address at the gateway. With destination NAT, the inside global source address of an IP packet from a device in the external network is rewritten by a NAT device to an inside local address at the gateway. To translate the internal into the external IP address and back, the NAT device maintains a translation list. The address assignment can be dynamic or static. You configure NAT in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > NAT (Page 1368)". NAPT In "Network Address Port Translation" (NAPT), several internal source IP addresses are translated into the same external IP address. To identify the individual nodes, the port of the internal device is also stored in the translation list of the NAT device and translated for the external address. If several internal devices send a query to the same external destination IP address via the NAT device, the NAT device enters its own external source IP address in the header of these WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1169 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks forwarded frames. Since the forwarded frames have the same external source IP address, the NAT device assigns the frames to the devices using a different port number. If a device from the external network wants to use a service in the internal network, the translation list for the static address assignment needs to be configured. You configure NAPT in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > NAT > NAPT (Page 1371)". NAT/NAPT and IP routing You can enable NAT/NAPT and IP routing at the same time. In this case, you need to regulate the reachability of internal addresses from external networks with ACL rules. Link aggregation Link aggregation With link aggregation, several parallel physical connections with the same transmission speed are grouped together to form a logical connection with a higher transmission speed. This method based on IEEE 802.3ad is also known as port trunking or channel bundling. Link aggregation works only with full duplex connections with the same transmission speed in point-to-point mode. This achieves multiplication of the bandwidth or transmission speed. If part of the connection fails, the data traffic is handled via the remaining parts of the connection. To control and monitor, the Link Aggregation Control Layer (LACL) and the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) are used. Quality of service Quality of Service (QoS) is a method to allow efficient use of the existing bandwidth in a network. QoS is implemented by prioritization of the data traffic. Incoming frames are sorted into a Queue according to a certain prioritization and further processed. This gives certain frames priority. The different QoS methods influence each other and are therefore taken into account in the following order: 1. The switch first checks whether the incoming frame is a broadcast or agent frame. When the first condition is met, the switch takes into account the priority set on the "General (Page 1287)" page. The switch sorts the frame into a queue according to the assignment on page "CoS Map (Page 1288)". 2. If the first condition is not met the switch checks whether the frame contains a VLAN tag. If the second condition is met the switch checks the settings for the priority on the "General (Page 1287)" page. The switch checks whether a value other than "Do not force" is set for the priority. If the priority is set the switch sorts the frame into a queue according to the assignment on page "CoS Map (Page 1288)". 3. If the second condition is also not met the frames are further processed according to the Trust mode. You configure the Trust mode on the page "QoS Trust (Page 1289)". 1170 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also General (Page 1292) Authentication Overview of user management Access to the device is managed by configurable user settings. Set up users with a password for authentication. Assign a role with suitable rights to the users. The authentication of users can either be performed locally by the device or by an external RADIUS server. You configure how the authentication is handled on the "Security > AAA > General" page. When you transfer the configuration of a device to TIA, the configured users, roles and groups are not transferred. Compatibility with predecessor versions With firmware version 5.1, user management was expanded by the RADIUS authorization mode "Vendor Specific". To ensure compatibility with firmware versions 5.0, the default setting was selected so that following a firmware update the earlier authentication mode "conventional" continues to be used. Local login The local logging in of users by the device runs as follows: 1. The user logs in with user name and password on the device. 2. The device checks whether an entry exists for the user. If an entry exists, the user is logged in with the rights of the associated role. If no corresponding entry exists, the user is denied access. Login via an external RADIUS server RADIUS(Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) is a protocol for authenticating and authorizing users by servers on which user data can be stored centrally. Depending on the RADIUS authorization mode you have selected on the "Security > AAA > RADIUS Client" page, the device evaluates different information of the RADIUS server. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1171 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks RADIUS authorization mode "conventional" If you have set the authorization mode "conventional", the authentication of users via a RADIUS server runs as follows: 1. The user logs in with user name and password on the device. 2. The device sends an authentication request with the login data to the RADIUS server. 3. The RADIUS server runs a check and signals the result back to the device. - The RADIUS server reports a successful authentication and for the "Service Type" attribute returns the value "Administrative User" to the device The user is logged in with administrator rights. - The RADIUS server reports a successful authentication and returns a different or even no value to the device for the attribute "Service Type". The user is logged in with read rights. - The RADIUS server reports a failed authentication to the device: The user is denied access. RADIUS authorization mode "Vendor Specific" Requirement For the RADIUS authorization mode "Vendor Specific" the following needs to be set on the RADIUS server: Manufacturer code: 4196 Attribute number: 1 Attribute format: Character string (group name) Procedure 1172 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If you have set the authorization mode "Vendor Specific", the authentication of users via a RADIUS server runs as follows: 1. The user logs in with user name and password on the device. 2. The device sends an authentication request with the login data to the RADIUS server. 3. The RADIUS server runs a check and signals the result back to the device. Case A: The RADIUS server reports a successful authentication and returns the group assigned to the user to the device. - The group is known on the device and the user is not entered in the table "External User Accounts" The user is logged in with the rights of the assigned group. - The group is known on the device and the user is entered in the table "External User Accounts" The user is assigned the role with the higher rights and logged in with these rights. - The group is not known on the device and the user is entered in the table "External User Accounts" The user is logged in with the rights of the role linked to the user account. - The group is not known on the device and the user is not entered in the table "External User Accounts" The user is logged in with the rights of the role "Default". Case B: The RADIUS server reports a successful authentication but does not return a group to the device. - The user is entered in the table "External User Accounts": The user is logged in with the rights of the linked role. - The user is not entered in the table "External User Accounts": The user is logged in with the rights of the role "Default". Case C: The RADIUS server reports a failed authentication to the device: - The user is denied access. Authentication method You can configure the authentication methods "802,1X" and "MAC Authentication" as well as the "Guest VLANGuest VLAN" option separately for each port. The functions have a hierarchical order. If all three functions are enabled, an attempt is made initially to authenticate the end device using "802.1x". If this authentication is unsuccessful, "MAC Authentication" is started. If this authentication is also unsuccessful, the end device is enabled for communication in the "Guest VLAN". "Guest VLAN" can only be used if at least one authentication method is active. The two authentication methods depend on the end device. If the end device supports EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), it can be authenticated using the "802.1X" method. If the end device does not support EAP, it can be authenticated using "MAC Authentication". In this case, the IE switch adopts the role of the end device and uses the MAC address of the device as the authentication parameter. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1173 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 802.1X The "802.1X" authentication method works as follows: An end device that supports EAP sends authentication information to the IE switch. The IE switch forwards the information to the authentication server. The authentication server checks the information and allows or denies the end device access to the network. MAC Authentication The "MAC Authentication" authentication method works as follows: As soon as the IE switch receives a frame from the end device, the IE switch sends a query to the RADIUS server to allow or deny the end device access to the network. Assignment of a VLAN via RADIUS or guest VLAN Authentication with a change to the VLAN configuration If during authentication a port is assigned to a VLAN dynamically using the function "RADIUS VLAN Assignment Allowed" or "Guest VLAN" the following happens: If the VLAN that is to be assigned has not been created on the device, the authentication is rejected. If the VLAN that is to be assigned has been created on the device: - The port becomes an untagged member in the assigned VLAN if it was not already. - The PVID of the port is changed to the ID of the assigned VLAN. Note If the port is only to be assigned to one VLAN, you need to adapt the VLAN configuration manually. As default, all ports are untagged members in "vlan 1". If the authentication is canceled, e.g. by link down, the dynamic changes are canceled. The port is no longer a member in the assigned VLAN. The PVID of the port is reset to the value it had prior to authentication. Authentication without a change to the VLAN configuration If during authentication no VLAN is assigned either by the function "RADIUS VLAN Assignment Allowed" or by "Guest VLAN", the existing VLAN configuration of the port remains unchanged. 1174 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Editing properties and parameters Editing options You have the following options for editing properties and parameters: Hardware and network editor Once you have inserted the network component, you can edit the properties and parameters, for example the device name. You will find more detailed information in "Hardware and network editor". Web Based Management (WBM) The parameters and properties are accessible using the supplied HTML pages (WBM pages). Each WBM page has its own help page that describes the properties and parameters. For further information, refer to the configuration manuals: - "SCALANCE XB-200/XC-200/XP-200 Web Based Management" You will find the configuration manual on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support inSCALANCE XB-200 ( 15291/man), SCALANCE XC-200 ( 15291/man) and SCALANCE XP-200 ( ps/21869/man). - "SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Web Based Management" You will find this configuration manual on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support in SCALANCE XM-400 ( 15315/man) and SCALANCE XR-500 ( ps/15317/man). Command Line Interface All the configuration settings for the device can be made using the CLI. The CLI provides the same options as Web Based Management (WBM). For further information, refer to the configuration manuals: - "SCALANCE XB-200/XC-200/XP-200 Command Line Interface" You will find the configuration manual on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support inSCALANCE XB-200 ( 15291/man), SCALANCE XC-200 ( 15291/man) and SCALANCE XP-200 ( ps/21869/man). - "SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface" You will find this configuration manual on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support in SCALANCE XM-400 ( 15315/man) and SCALANCE XR-500 ( ps/15317/man). Availability The availability of the settings depends on the port type on the configuration mode WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1175 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SCALANCE X distinguishes the following port types: Switch port Router port The following configuration modes are available: Offline configuration You can configure a PC station the first time offline. In this mode only the settings that require no connection to the device are available. Online configuration mode If there is a connection to the device, there are additional pages available in the Inspector window. These pages include the note "This page is only available if there is an online connection to the device". With some settings, the additional information "only available online" is included. Creating and deleting an entry As an example, an entry will be created and deleted on the Syslog client. The procedure is valid on all pages. Creating a new entry 1. Select the device in the network or device view. 2. Open the properties of the device in the Inspector window. 3. In the Inspector window go to System > Syslog client. 4. Enter the IP address for the Syslog server. 5. Click in the table. 6. Select the entry "New entry" in the shortcut menu. A new entry is created in the table. Deleting an entry 1. Select the required entry in the table. 2. Select the "Delete" entry in the shortcut menu. Buttons you require often Refresh the display with "Refresh" Pages that display current parameters have a "Refresh" button at the lower edge of the page. Click this button to request up-to-date information from the device for the current page. Save settings for all ports with "Transfer to table" Pages on which you can configure several ports have 2 tables. In the first table, you can make the settings for all ports and transfer these to the second table. In the last column of the first table, there is the "Transfer to table" button. Click this button to save the settings you have made for all ports. 1176 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assigning the IP address Configuration options When shipped and after restoring to the factory settings, the device does not have an IP address. The following options are available to assign an IP address to the device: DHCP (default setting) Primary Setup Tool For further information, refer to the configuration manual "Primary Setup Tool". You will find the MIB at Siemens Industry Automation and Drives Service & Support on the Internet under the entry ID 19440762 ( 19440762). STEP 7 CLI via the serial interface For further information, refer to the configuration manual "SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface". You will find the configuration manual on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Automation and Drives Service & Support (http:// Requirement "Set IP address on device" is enabled in the properties of the device. You will find more detailed information in "Addressing PROFINET devices". Configuring SCALANCE XR-500 as IO device With a SCALANCE XR500 configured as a PROFINET IO device and assigned to an IO controller, the functions "Compile" and "Download to device" only download the data to the switch that can also be configured in Web Based Management (WBM) (layer 2, layer 3, system, security). If you want to use the "Compile" or "Download to device" functions for the PROFINET IO device data of the XR500, first select the assigned IO controller. Show information Versions Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. This page shows the versions of the hardware and software of the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1177 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description Table 1 has the following columns: Hardware - Basic device Shows the basic device. - PX.X X.X = port in which the SFP module is inserted. - Slot X X = slot number: Module plugged into this slot. Name Shows the name of the device or module. Revision Shows the hardware version of the device. Order number Shows the order number of the device or described module. Table 2 has the following columns: Software - Firmware Shows the current firmware version. If a new firmware file was downloaded and the device has not yet restarted, the firmware version of the downloaded firmware file is displayed here. After the next restart, the downloaded firmware is activated and used. - Bootloader Shows the version of the boot software stored on the device. Description Shows the short description of the software. Version Shows the version number of the software version. Date Shows the date on which the software version was created. I&M Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. This page contains information about device-specific vendor and maintenance data such as the article number, serial number, version number etc. You cannot configure anything on this page. 1178 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description of the displayed values The table has the following rows: Manufacturer ID Shows the manufacturer ID. Article number Shows the article number. Serial number Shows the serial number. Hardware revision Shows the hardware version. Software version Shows the software version. Revision counter Shows the revision counter: Counter for revisions since the initial commissioning Revision Date Date and time of the last revision Function tag Shows the function tag (plant designation) of the device. The plant designation (HID) is created during configuration of the device with HW Config of STEP 7. Location tag Shows the location tag of the device. The location identifier (LID) is created during configuration of the device with HW Config of STEP 7. Date Shows the date created during configuration of the device with HW Config of STEP 7. Description Shows the description created during configuration of the device with HW Config of STEP 7. ARP / neighbor table ARP table Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Assignment of MAC address and IP address With the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), there is a unique assignment of MAC address to IPv4 addresses. This assignment is kept by each network node in its own separate ARP table. The page shows the ARP table of the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1179 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the interface via which the row entry was learnt. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the destination or source device. IP address Shows the IP address of the target device. Media Type Shows the type of connection. - Dynamic The device recognized the address data automatically. - Static The addresses were entered as static addresses IPv6 Neighbor Table Assignment of MAC address and IPv6 address Via the IPv6 neighbor table, there is a unique assignment of MAC address to IPv6 address. This assignment is kept by each network node in its own separate neighbor table. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Displays the interface via which the row entry was learnt. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the destination or source device. IP Address Shows the IPv6 address of the destination device. Media Type Shows the type of connection. - Dynamic The device recognized the address data automatically. - Static The addresses were entered as static addresses. 1180 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Log table Logging events Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The device allows you to log events that occur, some of which you can specify in " System > Events". This, for example, allows you to record when an authentication attempt failed or when the connection status of a port has changed. The content of the events log table is retained even when the device is turned off. Settings Severity Filter You can filter the entries in the table according to severity. Select the required entries in the check boxes above the table. - Info Information - When this parameter is enabled, all entries of the category "Info" are displayed. - Warning Warning When this parameter is enabled, all entries of the category "Warning" are displayed. - Critical Critical When this parameter is enabled, all entries of the category "Critical" are displayed. The table has the following columns: - Restart Counts the number of restarts since you last reset to factory settings and shows the device restart after which the corresponding event occurred. - System Up Time Shows the time the device has been running since the last restart when the described event occurred. - System Time Shows the date and time when the described event occurred. If the system time is set, the time is also displayed at which the event occurred. - Severity Shows the severity of the message. - Log Message Displays a brief description of the event that has occurred. You will find the list of possible messages in Appendix D of the configuration manual. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1181 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Buttons Delete Click this button to delete the content of the event log file. All entries are deleted regardless of what you have selected under "Severity Filters". The display is also cleared. The restart counter is only reset after you have restored the device to the factory settings and restarted the device. Note The table can contain 400 entries for each severity. The number of entries in this table is restricted to 1200. When this number is reached, the oldest entries of the relevant severity are discarded. The table remains permanently in memory. Fault Error status Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. if an error occurs, it is shown on this page. On the device, errors are indicated by red fault LED lighting up. Internal errors of the device and errors that you configure on the following pages are indicated: System > Events" "System" > Fault Monitoring" Errors of the "Cold/Warm Start" event can be deleted by a confirmation. The calculation of the time of an error always begins after the last system start. If there are no errors present, the fault LED switches off. Description of the displayed values No. of Signaled Faults Shows the number of reported faults. The table contains the following columns: Fault Time Shows the time the device has been running since the last restart when the described error/ fault occurred. Fault Description Displays a brief description of the fault/error that has occurred. Clear Fault State If the "Clear Fault State" button is enabled, you can delete the fault. "Reset Counters" button Click "Reset Counters" to reset all counters. The counters are reset by a restart. 1182 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Redundancy Spanning Tree Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The page shows the current information about the Spanning Tree and the settings of the root bridge. Displayed values Spanning Tree Mode Shows the set mode. You specify the mode in "Layer 2 > Spanning Tree > General". The following values are possible: - '-' - STP - RSTP - MSTP Instance ID Shows the number of the instance. The parameter depends on the configured mode. Bridge Priority / Root Priority Which device becomes the root bridge is decided by the bridge priority. The bridge with the highest priority (in other words, with the lowest value for this parameter) becomes the root bridge. If several devices in a network have the same priority, the device whose MAC address has the lowest numeric value will become the root bridge. Both parameters, bridge priority and MAC address together form the bridge identifier. Since the root bridge manages all path changes, it should be located as centrally as possible due to the delay of the frames. The value for the bridge priority is a whole multiple of 4096. Bridge address / root address The bridge address shows the MAC address of the device and the root address shows the MAC address of the root bridge. Root Cost Shows the path costs from the device to the root bridge. Bridge Status Shows the status of the bridge, e.g. whether or not the device is the root bridge. Regional root priority (available only with MSTP) For a description, see Bridge priority / Root priority. Regional root address (available only with MSTP) Shows the MAC address of the device. Regional Root Cost (only available with MSTP) The path costs from this device to the regional root bridge. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1183 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Port Shows the port via which the device communicates. Role Shows the status of the port. The following values are possible: - Disabled The port was removed manually from the spanning tree and will no longer be taken into account by the spanning tree. - Designated The ports leading away from the root bridge. - Alternate The port with an alternative route to a network segment - Backup If a switch has several ports to the same network segment, the "poorer" port becomes the backup port. - Root The port that provides the best route to the root bridge. - Master This port points to a root bridge located outside the MST region. Status Displays the current status of the port. The values are only displayed. The parameter depends on the configured protocol. The following statuses are possible: - Discarding The port receives BPDU frames. Other incoming or outgoing frames are discarded. - Listening The port receives and sends BPDU frames. The port is involved in the spanning tree algorithm. Other outgoing and incoming frames are discarded. - Learning The port actively learns the topology; in other words, the node addresses. Other outgoing and incoming frames are discarded. - Forwarding Following the reconfiguration time, the port is active in the network. The port receives and sends data frames. Oper. Version Shows which Spanning Tree protocol is used by the port. Priority If the path calculated by the spanning tree is possible over several ports of a device, the port with the highest priority (in other words the lowest value for this parameter) is selected. A value between 0 and 240 can be entered for the priority in steps of 16. If you enter a value that cannot be divided by 16, the value is automatically adapted. 1184 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Path Cost This parameter is used to calculate the path that will be selected. The path with the lowest value is selected. If several ports of a device have the same value, the port with the lowest port number will be selected. If the value "Cost Calc." is "0", the automatically calculated value is shown. Otherwise, the value of "Cost Calc." is displayed. The calculation of the path costs is largely based on the transmission speed. The higher the achievable transmission speed is, the lower the value of the path costs. Typical values for path costs with rapid spanning tree: - 10,000 Mbps = 2,000 - 1000 Mbps = 20,000 - 100 Mbps = 200,000 - 10 Mbps = 2,000,000. You configure the "Cost. Calc." on the pages "Layer 2 > Spanning Tree > CIST Port" and "Layer 2 > Spanning Tree > MST Port". Edge type Shows the type of the connection. The following values are possible: - Edge Port An edge port is connected to this port. - No Edge Port There is a spanning tree device at this port. P.t.P. Type Shows the type of point-to-point link. The following values are possible: - P.t.P. With half duplex, a point-to-point link is assumed. - Shared Media With a full duplex connection, a point-to-point link is not assumed. VRRP statistics Introduction Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. This page shows the statistics of the VRRP protocol and all configured virtual routers. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1185 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description of the displayed values The following fields are displayed: VRID errors Shows how many VRRP frames containing an unsupported VRID were received. Version errors Shows how many VRRP frames containing an invalid version number were received. Checksum errors Shows how many VRRP frames containing an invalid checksum were received. The table has the following columns: Interface Interface to which the settings relate. VRID Shows the ID of the virtual router. Change to master status Shows how often this virtual router changed to the "Master" role. Advertisements recd. Shows how often a VRRP frame was received that contained a bad address list. Advertisement Interval Errors Shows how many bad VRRP packets were received whose interval does not match the value set locally. IP TTL errors Shows how many bad VRRP packets were received whose TTL (Time to live) value in the IP header is incorrect. Prio 0 received Shows how many VRRP packets with priority 0 were received. VRRP packets with priority 0 are sent when a master router is shut down. These packets allow a fast handover to the relevant backup router. Prio 0 sent Shows how many VRRP packets with priority 0 were sent. Packets with priority 0 are sent when a master router is shut down. These packets allow a fast handover to the relevant backup router. Invalid Type Shows how many bad VRRP packets were received whose authentication type was not 0. Type 0 means "no authentication". Address List Errors Shows how many bad VRRP packets were received whose address list does not match the locally configured list. Invalid Auth. Type Shows how many bad VRRP packets were received whose authentication type was not type 0. Type 0 means "no authentication". 1186 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Auth. Type Mismatch Shows how many bad VRRP frames were received whose authentication type does not match. Frame length error Shows how many bad VRRP frames were received whose length is not correct. VRRP Statistics Introduction This page shows the statistics of the VRRPv3 protocol and all configured virtual routers. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The following fields are displayed: VRID Errors Shows how many VRRPv3 packets containing an unsupported VRID were received. Version Errors Shows how many VRRPv3 packets containing an invalid version number were received. Checksum Errors Shows how many VRRPv3 packets containing an invalid checksum were received. The table has the following columns: Interfaces Interface to which the settings relate. VRID Shows the ID of the virtual router. Valid values are 1 ... 255. Type Shows the version of the IP protocol. Become Master Shows how often this virtual router changed to the "Master" status. Advertisements Received Shows how many VRRPv3 packets were received. Advertisement Interval Errors Shows how many bad VRRPv3 packets were received whose interval does not match the value set locally. IP TTL Errors Shows how many bad VRRPv3 packets were received whose TTL (Time to live) value in the IP header is incorrect. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1187 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Prio 0 received Shows how many VRRPv3 packets with priority 0 were received. VRRPv3 packets with priority 0 are sent when a master router is shut down. These packets allow a fast handover to the relevant backup router. Prio 0 sent Shows how many VRRPv3 packets with priority 0 were sent. Packets with priority 0 are sent when a master router is shut down. These packets allow a fast handover to the relevant backup router. Invalid Type Shows how many bad VRRPv3 packets were received whose value in the "Type" field of the IP header is invalid. Address List Errors Shows how many bad VRRPv3 packets were received whose address list does not match the locally configured list. Packet Length Errors Shows how many bad VRRPv3 packets were received whose length is not correct. Ring Redundancy Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Automatic Redundancy Detection (ARD) is the default when the device ships. If you want to use the previous High Speed Redundancy Protocol (HRP), HRP must be configured. Reconfiguration time of the frame traffic following a failover in MRP: 200 ms Reconfiguration time of the frame traffic following a failover in HRP: 300 ms This page informs you about the values currently set for the device. 1188 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description The following fields are displayed: Redundancy Function The "Redundancy Function" column shows the role of the device within the ring: - no Ring Redundancy The IE switch is operating without redundancy function. - HRP Client The IE switch is operating as an HRP client. - HRP manager The IE switch is operating as an HRP manager. - MRP Client The IE switch is operating as an MRP client. - MRP manager The IE switch is operating as an MRP manager. Using STEP 7, the role "Manager" was set for the device. - MRP Auto-Manager The IE switch is operating as an MRP manager. Using WBM or CLI the role "MRP AutoManager" or using STEP 7 the role "Manager (Auto)" was set. RM Status The "RM Status" column shows whether or not the IE switch is operating as redundancy manager and whether it has opened or closed the ring in this role. - Passive The IE switch is operating as redundancy manager and has opened the ring; in other words, the line of switches connected to the ring ports is operating problem free. The "Passive" status is also displayed if the IE switch is not operating as the redundancy manager (Redundancy manager disabled). - Active The IE switch is operating as redundancy manager and has closed the ring; in other words, the line of switches connected to the ring ports is interrupted (problem). The redundancy manager connects its ring ports through and restores an uninterrupted linear topology. - "-" The redundancy function is disabled. Observer Status Shows the current status of the observer. Ring Port 1 and Ring Port 2 The "Ring Port 1" and "Ring Port 2" columns show the ports being used as ring ports. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1189 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks No. of Changes to RM Active State Shows how often the device as redundancy manager switched to the active status, i.e. closed the ring. If the redundancy function is disabled or the device is not the HRP/MRP manager, the text "Redundancy manager disabled" appears. Max. delay of the RM test frames [ms] Shows the maximum delay for test frames of the redundancy manager. If the redundancy function is disabled or the device is not the HRP/MRP manager, the text "Redundancy manager disabled" appears. Standby Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. On this page, you obtain information about the status of the device in terms of standby redundancy. The text boxes on this page are read-only. Note Device with the higher MAC address becomes master When linking HRP rings redundantly, two devices are always configured as a master/slave pair. This also applies to interrupted HRP rings = linear buses. When operating normally, the device with the higher MAC address adopts the role of master. This type of assignment is important in particular when a device is replaced. Depending on the MAC addresses, the previous device with the slave function can take over the role of the standby master. The Standby tab shows the status of the standby function: Description The following fields are displayed: Standby ports Shows the standby port. Standby name Standby connection name 1190 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Standby Function Shows whether the standby connection is activated or deactivated. - Master The device has a connection to the partner device and is operating as master. In normal operation, the standby port of this device is active. - Slave The device has a connection to the partner device and is operating as slave. In normal operation, the standby port of this device is inactive. - Disabled The standby link is disabled. The device is operating neither as master nor slave. The port configured as a standby port works as a normal port without standby function. - Connection establishment No connection has yet been established to the partner device. The standby port is inactive. In this case, either the configuration on the partner device is inconsistent (for example incorrect connection name, standby link disabled) or there is a physical fault (for example device failure, link down). - Connection lost The existing connection to the partner device has been lost. In this case, either the configuration on the partner device was modified (for example a different connection name, standby link disabled) or there is a physical fault (for example device failure, link down). Standby status Shows the status of the standby port: - Active The standby port of this device is active; in other words is enabled for frame traffic. - Passive The standby port of this device is inactive; in other words is blocked for frame traffic. - "-" The standby function is disabled. No. of Changes to Standby Active State Shows how often the IE switch has changed the standby status from "Passive" to "Active". If the connection of a standby port fails on the standby master, the IE switch changes to the "Active" status. If the standby function is disabled, the text "Standby Disabled" appears in this box. Following each restart on the device, the counters are automatically reset. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1191 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Ethernet Statistics Interface statistics Interface statistics The page shows the statistics from the interface table of the Management Information Base (MIB). Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: In Octet Shows the number of received bytes. Out Octet Shows the number of sent bytes. In Unicast Shows the number of received unicast frames. In Non Unicast Shows the number of received frames that are not of the type unicast. Out Unicast Shows the number of sent unicast frames. Out Non Unicast Shows the number of sent frames that are not of the type unicast. In Errors Shows the number of all possible RX errors, refer to the tab "Packet Error". Packet Size Frames sorted by length This page displays how many frames of which size were sent and received at each port. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The displayed values are transferred by RMON. On the page "Layer 2 > RMON > Statistics", you can set the ports for which values will be displayed. 1192 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and link aggregations. The port is made up of the module number and the port number, for example port 0.1 is module 0, port 1. Note Display of frame statistics In the statistics relating to frame lengths, note that both incoming and outgoing frames are counted. Frame lengths The other columns after the port number contain the absolute numbers of frames according to their frame length. The following frame lengths are distinguished: - 64 bytes - 65 - 127 bytes - 128 - 255 bytes - 256 - 511 bytes - 512 - 1023 bytes - 1024 - max. Note Data traffic on blocked ports For technical reasons, data packets can be indicated on blocked ports. Button Reset Counter Click "Reset Counter" to reset all counters. The counters are reset by a restart. Frame type Received frames sorted by type This page displays how many frames of the type "unicast", "multicast", and "broadcast" were received at each port. You cannot configure anything on this page. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1193 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The displayed values are transferred by RMON. On the page "Layer 2 > RMON > Statistics", you can set the ports for which values will be displayed. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and link aggregations. The port is made up of the module number and the port number, for example port 0.1 is module 0, port 1. Unicast / Multicast / Broadcast The other columns after the port number contain the absolute numbers of the incoming frames according to their frame type "unicast", "multicast" and "broadcast". Button Reset Counter Click "Reset Counter" to reset all counters. The counters are reset by a restart. Packet Errors Received bad frames This page shows how many bad frames were received per port. You cannot configure anything on this page. The displayed values are transferred by RMON. On the page "Layer 2 > RMON > Statistics", you can set the ports for which values will be displayed. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. 1194 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and link aggregations. Error types The other columns after the port number contain the absolute numbers of the incoming frames according to their error type. In the columns of the table, a distinction is made according to the following error types: - CRC Packets whose content does not match the CRC checksum. - Undersize Packets with a length less than 64 bytes. - Oversize Frames discarded because they were too long. - Fragments Packets with a length less than 64 bytes and a bad CRC checksum. - Jabbers VLAN-tagged packets with an incorrect CRC checksum that were discarded because they were too long. - Collisions Collisions that were detected. Button Reset Counter Click "Reset Counter" to reset all counters. The counters are reset by a restart. History Samples of the statistics The page shows samples from each port with information from the statistics. On the page "Layer 2 > RMON > History", you can set the ports for which samples will be taken. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1195 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Port Select the port for which the history will be displayed. Displayed values Entries Maximum number of samples that can be saved at the same time. Interval [s] Interval after which the current status of the statistics will be saved as a sample. The table has the following columns: Sample Number of the sample Time for the Sample System up time at which the sample was taken. Unicast Number of received unicast frames. Multicast Number of received multicast frames. Broadcast Number of received broadcast frames. CRC Number of frames with a bad CRC checksum. Undersize Number of frames that are shorter than 64 bytes. Oversize Number of frames discarded because they were too long. Fragments Number of frames that are shorter than 64 bytes and have a bad CRC checksum. Jabbers Number of frames with a VLAN tag that have a bad CRC checksum and will be discarded because they are too long. Collisions Number of collisions of received frames. Utilization Utilization of the port during a sample. Unicast This page shows the current content of the unicast filter table. This table lists the source addresses of unicast address frames. Entries can be made either dynamically when a node sends a frame to a port or statically by the user setting parameters. 1196 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description VLAN ID Shows the VLAN-ID assigned to this MAC address. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the node that the device has learned or the user has configured. Status Shows the status of each address entry: - Learnt The specified address was learned by receiving a frame from this node and will be deleted when the aging time expires if no further packets are received from this node. Note If there is a link down, learned MAC entries are deleted. - Static Configured by the user. Static addresses are stored permanently; in other words, they are not deleted when the aging time expires or when the switch is restarted. Port Shows the port via which the node with the specified address can be reached. Frames received by the device whose destination address matches this address will be forwarded to this port. Multicast This table shows the multicast frames currently entered in the multicast filter table and their destination ports. The entries can be dynamic (the device has learned them) or static (the user has set them). Description VLAN ID Shows VLAN ID of the VLAN to which the MAC multicast address is assigned. MAC Address Shows the MAC multicast address that the device has learned or the user has configured. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1197 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status Shows the status of each address entry. The following information is possible: - Static The address was entered statically by the user. Static addresses are stored permanently; in other words, they are not deleted when the aging time expires or when the device is restarted. These must be deleted by the user. - IGMP The destination port for this address was obtained by IGMP configuration. - MLD The destination port for this address was determined by MLD configuration. - GMRP The destination port for this address was registered by a received GMRP frame. List of ports There is a column for each slot. Within a column, the multicast group to which the port belongs is shown: - M (Member) Multicast frames are sent via this port. - R (Registered) Member of the multicast group, registration was by an GMRP frame. - I (IGMP/MLD) Member of the multicast group, registration was by an IGMP/MLD frame. - - Not a member of the multicast group. No multicast frames with the defined multicast MAC address are sent via this port. - F (Forbidden) Not a member of the multicast group. Moreover, this address must not be an address learned dynamically with GMRP or IGMP/MLD. LLDP Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Status of the neighborhood table This page shows the current content of the neighborhood table. This table stores the information that the LLDP agent has received from connected devices. You set the interfaces via which the LLDP agent receives or sends information in the following section: "Layer 2 > LLDP". 1198 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description of the displayed values The table contains the following columns: System name System name of the connected device. Device ID Device ID of the connected device. Local interface Port at which the IE switch received the information. Hold Time An entry remains stored in the MIB for the time specified here. If the IE switch does not receive any new information from the connected device during this time, the entry is deleted. Property Shows the properties of the connected device: - Router - Bridge - Telephone - DOCSIS Cable Device - WLAN Access Point - Repeater - Station - Other Port ID Port of the device with which the IE switch is connected. DHCP Server This page shows whether IPv4 addresses were assigned to the devices by the DHCP server. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Description IP Address Shows the IPv4 address assigned to the device. Pool ID Shows the number of the IPv4 address band. Identification method Shows the method according to which the DHCP client is identified. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1199 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Identification value Shows the MAC address or he client ID of the DHCP client. Remote ID Shows the remote ID of the DHCP client. Circuit ID Shows the circuit ID of the DHCP client. Assignment method Shows whether the IPv4 address was assigned statically or dynamically. You configure the static entries in "System > DHCP > Static Leases". Assignment status Shows the status of the assignment. - Assigned The assignment is used. - Not used The assignment is not used. - Probing The assignment is being checked. - Unknown The status of the assignment is unknown. Expire Time Shows how long the assigned IPv4 address is still valid. Once this period has elapsed, the device must either request a new IPv4 address or extend the lease time of the existing IPv4 address. Diagnostics This page shows the diagnostics values of internal and external modules of the device. The modules are only shown if they make diagnostics information available. If you add or remove a module, the display is automatically adapted. If the diagnostic value falls below or exceeds the displayed threshold values, the status changes accordingly. On the "System > Events > Configuration" page, you can specify how the device signals the status change. 1200 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description The Usage Table contains the following columns: Name Shows the name of the module. Status Depending on the relationship between the threshold values and the current temperature the following statuses are displayed in ascending priority. - OK The temperature value is within the preset threshold values. - WARNING The lower or upper threshold value of the severity level "Warning" was exceeded. - CRITICAL The lower or upper threshold value of the severity level "Critical" was exceeded. - INVALID The value could not be read out or is invalid. The "Power [%] box shows "-". - INITIAL No data has been read out yet. "-" is displayed in all boxes. Power [%] Shows the current value of the power. The display is updated at regular intervals. High Warning Threshold [%] If the value exceeds this value, the status changes to "WARNING". You can configure that you are informed by a message. High Critical Threshold [%] If the value exceeds this value, the status changes to "CRITICAL". You can configure that you are informed by a message. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1201 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The Temperature Table contains the following columns: Name Shows the name of the module. The information in the row "Chassis" relates to the inner temperature of the housing. With modular devices, the port is also specified. State Depending on the relationship between the threshold values and the current temperature the following statuses are displayed in ascending priority. - OK The temperature value is within the preset threshold values. - WARNING The lower or upper threshold value of the severity level "Warning" was exceeded. - CRITICAL The lower or upper threshold value of the severity level "Critical" was exceeded. - INVALID The value could not be read out or is invalid. In the "Temperature [C]" box "-" is displayed. - INITIAL No data has been read out yet. "-" is displayed in all boxes. Temperature [C] Shows the current value of the temperature. The display is updated at regular intervals. The value can have a tolerance of +/- 3 C Lower Threshold [C] (Critical) If the value falls below this value, the status changes to "CRITICAL". You can configure that you are informed by a message. Lower Threshold [C] (Warning) If the value falls below this value, the status changes to "WARNING". You can configure that you are informed by a message. Upper Threshold [C] (Warning) If the value exceeds this value, the status changes to "WARNING". You can configure that you are informed by a message. Upper Threshold [C] (Critical) If the value exceeds this value, the status changes to "CRITICAL". You can configure that you are informed by a message. FMP Monitoring optical links With Fiber Monitoring, you can monitor optical links. The table shows the current status of the ports. 1202 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You set the values to be monitored on the following page: "Layer 2 > FMP". Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values Port Shows the available optical ports. Rx Power State - disabled Fiber monitoring is disabled. - ok The value for the received power of the optical link is within the set limits - maint. req. Check the link. A warning is signaled. - maint. dem. The link needs to be checked. An alarm is signaled and the fault LED is lit. - link down - The connection is interrupted. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1203 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks RX Power Shows the current value of the received power. The value can have a tolerance of +/- 3 dB. If there is no connection (link down) or fiber monitoring is disabled, "-" is displayed. If fiber monitoring is not enabled on the partner port, the value 0.0 is displayed. Power Loss State To be able to monitor the power loss of the connection, the port requires a link to another port with FM enabled. - disabled FM is disabled. - ok The value for the power loss of the optical link is OK. - maint. req. Check the link. A warning is signaled. - maint. dem. The link needs to be checked. An alarm is signaled and the fault LED is lit. - idle The port has no connection to another port with fiber monitoring enabled. If no diagnostics information is received from the optical port of the connection partner for 5 cycles, the fiber monitoring connection is assumed to be interrupted. A cycle lasts 5 seconds. Power Loss [dB] Shows the current value of the power loss. The value can have a tolerance of +/- 3 dB. If there is no connection (link down), fiber monitoring is disabled or the partner port does not support fiber monitoring, "-" is displayed. IPv4 routing Routing table This page shows the routes currently being used. Description The table has the following columns: Destination network Shows the destination address of this route. Subnet mask Shows the subnet mask of this route. Gateway Shows the gateway for this route. Interface Shows the interface for this route. 1204 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Metric Shows the metric of the route. The higher value, the longer the packets require to their destination. Routing protocol Shows the routing protocol from which the entry in the routing table originates. The following entries are possible: - Connected: Connected routes - Static: Static routes - RIP: Routes via RIP - OSPF: Routes via OSPF - other: Other routes OSPFv2 interfaces Overview Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. This page shows the configuration of the OSPF interface. Description of the displayed values The table has the following columns: IP Address Shows the IPv4 address of the OSPF interface Area ID Shows the Area ID to which the OSPF interface belongs. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1205 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Interface Status Shows the status of the WLAN interface: - Down The interface is not available. - Loopback Loopback interface - Waiting Startup and negotiation of the interface. - Point to Point Point-to-point connection - Designated Router The router is a designated router and generates a network LSA. - Backup D. Router The router is backup for the designated router. - Other D. Router The interface is started up. The router is neither a designated router nor a backup designated router. OSPF status Shows the status of OSPF. - Enabled: OSPF is enabled on the interface. - Disabled: OSPF is disabled on the interface. Designated Router Shows the IPv4 address of the designated router for this OSPF interface. Backup Designated Router Shows the IPv4 address of the designated backup router for this OSPF interface. Events Shows the number of status changes of OSPF. OSPFv2 neighbors Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. This page shows the dynamically detected neighbor routers in the relevant networks. Description of the displayed values The table has the following columns: IP Address Shows the IPv4 address of the neighbor router in this network. Router ID Shows the ID of the neighbor router. The two addresses can match. 1206 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status Shows the status of the neighbor router. The status can adopt the following values: - unknown Status of the neighbor router is unknown. - down The neighbor router cannot be reached. - attemptand init Short-lived statuses during initialization - two-way Two-way receipt of Hello packets. Specification of the designated router and the designated backup router. - exchangestart, exchange and loading Status during exchange of the LSAs - full The database is complete and synchronized within the area. The routes can now be detected. Note Normal status If the partner router is a designated router or a designated backup router, the status is "full". Otherwise the status is "two-way". Assoc. Area Type Shows the area type via which the neighbor-neighbor relation is maintained. The following area types exist: - Normal - Stub - NSSA - Backbone Priority Shows the priority of the neighbor router. This is only significant when selecting the designated router on a network. For virtual neighbor routers, this information is irrelevant. Hello suppr Shows the suppressed Hello packets to the neighbor router. This field normally displays "no". Hello Queue Shows the length of the queue with Hello packets still to be transmitted. Events Shows the number of status changes. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1207 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks OSPFv2 virtual neighbors Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. This page shows the configured virtual neighbor routers. Overview The table has the following columns: IP Address Shows the IPv4 address of the virtual neighbor router in this network. Router ID Shows the router ID of the virtual neighbor router. Status Shows the status of the neighbor router. The status can adopt the following values: - unknown Status of the neighbor router is unknown. - down The neighbor router cannot be reached. - attemptand init Short-lived statuses during initialization - two-way Two-way receipt of Hello packets. Specification of the designated router and the designated backup router. - exchangestart, exchange and loading Status during exchange of the LSAs - full The database is complete and synchronized within the area. The routes can now be detected. Note Normal status If the partner router is a designated router or a designated backup router, the status is "full". Otherwise the status is "two-way". Transit Area ID Shows the ID of the area via which the virtual neighborhood relation exists. Hello Suppr. Shows whether there are suppressed Hello packets to the virtual neighbor router. - no: There are no suppressed Hello packets (default) - yes: There are suppressed Hello packets. 1208 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Hello Queue Shows the length of the queue with Hello packets still to be transmitted. Events Shows the number of status changes. OSPFv2 LSDB Overview Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The link state database is the central database for managing all links within an area. It consists of the link state advertisements (LSAs). The most important data of these LSAs is shown on the this WBM page. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1209 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description of the displayed boxes The table has the following columns: Area ID Shows the ID of the area to which the LSA belongs. If the LSA is an external connection, '-' is displayed. LSA type Shows the LSA type. The following values are possible: - unknown LSA type is unknown. - Router The router LSA (Type 1) is sent by the OSPF router within an area. The LSA contains information about the status of all router interfaces. - Network The network LSA (Type 2) is sent by the designated router within an area. The LSA contains a list of routers connected to the network. - NSSA External The NSSA external LSA (Type 7) is sent by the NSSA-ASBR within an NSSA. The NSSA-ASBR receives LSAs of Type 5 and converts the information to LSAs of Type 7. The NSSA router can forward these LSAs within an NSSA. - Summary The summary LSA (Type 3) is sent by the ABR within an area. The LSA contains information about routes to other networks. - AS Summary The AS summary LSA (Type 4) is sent by the area border router within an area. The LSA contains information about routes to other autonomous systems. - AS External The AS external LSA (Type 5) is sent by the AS border router within an autonomous system. The LSA contains information about routes from one network to another. Link State ID Shows the ID of the LSA. Router ID Shows the ID of the router that sent this LSA. Sequence number Shows the sequence number of the LSA. Each time an LSA is renewed, this sequence number is incremented by one. RIPv2 statistics Overview Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. 1210 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks This page shows the statistics of the RIP interface. Description of the displayed values The table has the following columns: IP address Shows the IP address of the RIPv2 interface Bad packets Number of received RIP packets that were deleted and therefore ignored. Bad Routes Number of routes of valid RIP packets that could not be taken into consideration. Updates Sent Shows how often the router has sent its routing table to its neighbor routers. NAT Translations Overview This page displays the active NAT connections. Description of the displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the IP interface. Inside Local Address Shows the actual address of the device that should be reachable from external. Inside Local Port Shows the port that is assigned to the Inside Local Address. Inside Global Address Shows the address at which the device can be reached from external. Inside Global Port Shows the port that is assigned to the Inside Global Address. Outside Local/Global Address Shows the address of the communications partner. Outside Local/Global Port Displays the port of the external communications partner. Last Use Time Shows the time at which the last packet was transferred. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1211 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IPv6 routing Routing table Introduction This page shows the IPv6 routes currently being used. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Destination Network Shows the destination address of this route. Prefix Length Shows the prefix length of this route. Gateway Shows the gateway for this route. Interface Shows the interface for this route. Metric Shows the metric of the route. The higher value, the longer packets require to their destination. Routing Protocol Shows the routing protocol from which the entry in the routing table originates. The following entries are possible: - connected: Connected routes - Static: Static routes - RIPng: Routes via RIPng - OSPFv3: Routes via OSPFv3 - other: Other routes 1212 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks OSPFv3 Interfaces Overview This page shows the configuration of the OSPFv3 interface. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the interface to which the settings relate. Area ID Shows the Area ID to which the OSPF interface belongs. Interface Status Shows the status of the interface. - Down The interface is not available. - Loop back Loop back interface - Waiting Startup and negotiation of the interface. - Point to Point Point-to-point connection - Designated Router The router is a designated router and generates network LSAs. - Backup D. Router The router is the backup router for the designated router. - S D. Router The Interface has started up. The router is neither a designated nor a designated backup router. OSPF Status Shows the status of OSPF. - Enabled: OSPF is enabled on the interface. - Disabled: OSPF is disabled on the interface. Designated Router Shows the IPv6 address of the designated router for this OSPFv3 interface. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1213 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Backup Designated Router Shows the IPv6 address of the designated backup router for this OSPFv3 interface. Events Shows the number of status changes of OSPFv3. OSPFv3 neighbors Overview This page shows the dynamically detected neighbor routers in the relevant networks. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Displays the OSPFv3 interface via which the neighbor router can be reached. Router ID Shows the ID of the neighbor router. Status Shows the status of the neighbor router. The status can adopt the following values: - unknown Status of the neighbor router is unknown. - down The neighbor router cannot be reached. - attempt und init Short-lived status during initialization - two-way Two-way receipt of Hello packets. Specification of the designated router and the designated backup router. - exchangestart, exchange und loading Status during exchange of the LSAs - full The database is complete and synchronized within the area. The routes can now be detected. Note Normal status If the partner router is a designated router or a designated backup router, the status is "full". Otherwise the status is "two-way". 1214 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assoc. Area Type Shows the area type via which the neighbor-neighbor relation is maintained. The following area types exist: - Standard - Stub - NSSA - Backbone Priority Shows the priority of the neighbor router. This is only significant when selecting the designated router on a network. For virtual neighbor routers, this information is irrelevant. Hello suppr Shows the suppressed Hello packets to the neighbor router. This field normally displays "no". Retrans Queue Shows the length of the queue with Hello packets still to be transmitted. Events Shows the number of status changes. OSPFv3 Virtual Neighbors Overview This page shows the configured virtual neighbors. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Displays the OSPFv3 interface via which the neighbor router can be reached. Router ID Shows the ID of the virtual neighbor router. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1215 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status Shows the status of the virtual neighbor router. The status can adopt the following values: - unknown Status of the neighbor router is unknown. - down The neighbor router cannot be reached. - attempt und init Short-lived status during initialization - two-way Two-way receipt of Hello packets. Specification of the designated router and the designated backup router. - exchangestart, exchange und loading Status during exchange of the LSAs - full The database is complete and synchronized within the area. The routes can now be detected. Note Normal status If the partner router is a designated router or a designated backup router, the status is "full". Otherwise the status is "two-way". Trans. Area-ID Shows the ID of the area via which the virtual neighborhood relation exists. Hello suppr Shows the suppressed Hello packets to the neighbor router. This field normally displays "no". Retrans Queue Shows the length of the queue with Hello packets still to be transmitted. Events Shows the number of status changes. OSPFv3 AS-Scope LSDB Overview The AS-Scope LSDB consists of AS external LSAs. The most important data of these LSAs is shown on this page. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. 1216 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Link State Type - AS External The AS external LSA (Type 0x4005) is sent by the AS border router within an autonomous system. The LSA contains information about routes from one network to another. Link State ID Shows the ID of the LSA. Router ID Shows the ID of the router that sent this LSA. Sequence Number Shows the sequence number of the LSA. Each time an LSA is renewed, this sequence number is incremented by one. OSPFv3 Area-Scope LSDB Overview The Area-Scope LSDB is the central database for managing all links within an area. The most important data of the LSAs is shown on this page. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1217 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Area ID Shows the ID of the area to which the LSA belongs. If the LSA is an external connection, '-' is displayed. Link State Type Shows the LSA type. The following values are possible: - Router The router LSA (Type 0x2001) is sent by the OSPF router within an area. The LSA contains information about the status of all router interfaces. However, no longer contains address information. This is contained in the new LSA type 0x2009. - Network The network LSA (Type 0x2002) is sent by the designated router within an area. The LSA contains a list of routers connected to the network. However, no longer contains address information. This is contained in the new LSA type 2009. - Inter-Area Prefix the inter-area prefix LSA (Type 0x2003) is sent by the ABR within an area. The LSA contains information about routes to other networks. - Inter-Area Router The inter-area router LSA (Type 0x2004) is sent by the area border router within an area. The LSA contains information about routes to other autonomous systems. - Type 7 The Type 7 LSA (Type 0x2007) is sent by the NSSA-ASBR within an NSSA. The NSSAASBR receives LSAs of Type 0x4005 and converts the information to LSAs of Type 0x2007. The NSSA router can forward these LSAs within an NSSA. - Intra-Area Prefix The intra-area prefix LSA (Type 0x2009) is only sent within an area. It contains the IPv6 prefixes connected to the router or network. Link State ID Shows the ID of the LSA. Router ID Shows the ID of the router that sent this LSA. Sequence Number Shows the sequence number of the LSA. Each time an LSA is renewed, this sequence number is incremented by one. 1218 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks OSPFv3 Link Scope LSDB Overview The link scope LSDB consists of the link LSAs. The most important data of these LSAs is shown on this page. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the OSPFv3 interface to which the link LSA belongs. Link State Type - Link The link LSA (Type 0x2009) is sent by the router to every router linked to it. It contains the link local address of the router and a list with IPv6 prefixes configured on the link. Link State ID Shows the ID of the LSA. Router ID Shows the ID of the router that sent this LSA. Sequence Number Shows the sequence number of the LSA. Each time an LSA is renewed, this sequence number is incremented by one. RIPng Statistics Overview This page shows the statistics of the RIPng interfaces. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1219 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the RIPng interface. Status Shows the status of the RIPng interface. - up - down Messages Received Shows how often the router has received messages. Requests Received Shows how often the router has received requests. Responses Received Shows how often the router has received responses. Unknown Commands Shows how many RIPng packets were received whose value in the "Commands" field of the RIPng header is unknown. Known values are 1 for requests and 2 for responses. Other version Shows how many RIPng packets were received whose value in the "Version" field is not 1. Discards Shows how often the router has discarded RIPng packets. Messages Sent Shows how often the router has sent messages. Requests Sent Shows how often the router has sent requests. Responses Sent Shows how often the router has sent responses. Updates Sent Shows how often the router has sent its routing table to its neighbor routers. Security Overview This page shows the security settings and the local and external user accounts. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The values displayed depend on the rights of the logged-on user. 1220 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values Services The "Services" list shows the security settings. Telnet Server You configure the setting in "System > Configuration". - Enabled: Unencrypted access to the CLI. - Disabled: No unencrypted access to the CLI. SSH Server You configure the setting in "System > Configuration". - Enabled: Encrypted access to the CLI. - Disabled: No encrypted access to the CLI. Web Server You configure the setting in "System > Configuration". - HTTP/HTTPS: Access to the WBM is possible with HTTP and HTTPS. - HTTPS: Access to the WBM is now only possible with HTTPS. SNMP You can configure setting in "System > SNMP > General". - "-" (SNMP disabled) Access to device parameters via SNMP is not possible. - SNMPv1/v2c/v3 Access to device parameters is possible with SNMP versions 1, 2c or 3. - SNMPv3 Access to device parameters is possible only with SNMP version 3. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1221 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Management ACL You configure the setting in "Security > Management ACL". - Disabled: No access restriction The access control is disabled. - Enabled: No access restriction The access control is enabled but no access rules have been defined. - Enabled: Restricted access only The access control is enabled and access rules have been defined. Login Authentication You configure the setting in "Security > AAA > General". - Local The authentication must be made locally on the device. - RADIUS The authentication must be handled via a RADIUS server. - Local and RADIUS The authentication is possible both with the users that exist on the device (user name and password) and via a RADIUS server. The user is first searched for in the local database. If the user does not exist there, a RADIUS query is sent. - RADIUS and fallback local The authentication must be handled via a RADIUS server. A local authentication is performed only when the RADIUS server cannot be reached in the network. Local and external user accounts You configure local user accounts and roles in "Security > User Accounts" When you create a local user account an external user account is generated automatically. Local user accounts involve users each with a password for logging in on the device. In the table "External User Accounts" a user is linked to a role, for example the user "Observer" with the role "user" In this case, the user is defined on a RADIUS server. The roll is defined locally on the device. When a RADIUS server authenticates a user, the corresponding group however is unknown or does not exist, the device checks whether or not there is an entry for the user in the table "External User Accounts". If an entry exists, the user is logged in with the rights of the associated role. If the corresponding group is known on the device, both tables are evaluated. The user is assigned the role with the higher rights. Note The table "External User Accounts" is only evaluated if you have set "Vendor Specific" in the RADIUS Authorization Mode". With CLI you can access external user accounts. 1222 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table "Local User Accounts" has the following columns: User Account Shows the name of the local user. Role Shows the role of the user. You can obtain more information on the function rights of the role in "Information > Security > Roles". The table "External User Accounts" has the following columns: User Account Shows the name of the user on the RADIUS server. Role Shows the role assigned to the user on the device. You can obtain more information on this in "Information > Security > Roles". Supported Function Rights The page shows the function rights available locally on the device. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The values displayed depend on the role of the logged-on user. Displayed values Function Right Shows the number of the function right. Different rights relating to the device parameters are assigned to the numbers. Description Shows the description of the function right. Groups This page shows which group is linked to which role. The group is defined on a RADIUS server. The roll is defined locally on the device. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The values displayed depend on the role of the logged-on user. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1223 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Group Shows the name of the group. The name matches the group on the RADIUS server. Role Shows the role. Users who are authenticated with the linked group on the RADIUS server receive the rights of this role locally on the device. Description Shows a a description for the link. Roles The page shows the roles valid locally on the device. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The values displayed depend on the role of the logged-on user. Displayed values This table contains the following columns: Role Shows the role. Function Right Shows the function rights of the role: - 1 Users with this role can read device parameters but cannot change them. - 15 Users with this role can both read and change device parameters. - 0 This is a role that the device assigns internally when the user could not be authenticated. The user is denied access to the device. Description Shows a description of the role. Configuring system functions Configuration The page contains the configuration overview of the access options of the device. Specify the services that access the device. With some services, there are further configuration pages on which more detailed settings can be made. 1224 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Telnet Server Enable or disable the "Telnet Server" service for unencrypted access to the CLI. SSH server Enable or disable the "SSH Server" service for encrypted access to the CLI. HTTPS server only If this function is enabled, you can only access the device via HTTPS. DNS client Enable or disable depending on whether the IE switch should operate as a DNS client. You can configure other settings in "System > DNS Client". SMTP Client Enable or disable the SMTP client. You can configure other settings in "System > SMTP Client". Syslog Client Enable or disable the Syslog client. You can configure other settings in "System > Syslog client". DCP Server Specify whether or not the device can be accessed with DCP (Discovery and Configuration Protocol): - "-" (disabled) DCP is disabled. Device parameters can neither be read nor modified. - Read/write access With DCP, device parameters can be both read and modified. - Read-Only With DCP, device parameters can be read but cannot be modified. Time Select the required setting. The following settings are possible: - Manual The system time is set manually. You can configure other settings in "System > System Time > Manual Setting". - SNTP Client The system time is set via an SNTP server. You can configure other settings in "System > System time > SNTP client". - NTP Client The system time is set via an NTP server. You can configure other settings in "System > System time > NTP client". - SIMATIC Time The system time is set using a SIMATIC time transmitter. You can configure other settings in "System > System Time SIMATIC Time Client". - PTP Client(SCALANCE XR528-6M and XR552-12M only) The system time is set via a PTP server. You can configure other settings in "System > System Time > PTP Client". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1225 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SNMP Select the required protocol. The following settings are possible: - "-" (SNMP disabled) Access to device parameters using SNMP is not possible. - SNMPv1/v2c/v3 Access to device parameters is possible with SNMP versions 1, 2c or 3. You can configure other settings in "System > SNMP > General". - SNMPv3 Access to device parameters is possible with SNMP version 3. You can configure other settings in "System > SNMP > General". SNMPv1/v2 Read-Only Enable or disable write access to SNMP variables with SNMPv1/v2c. SNMPv1 traps Enable or disable the sending of SNMP traps (alarm frames). You can configure other settings in "System > SNMP > Traps". SINEMA configuration interface If the SINEMA configuration interface is enabled, you can download configurations to the IE switch via the TIA Portal. NFC (only with SCALANCE XM-400) Enable or disable the "NFC" function. You will find further information on NFC in the "SCALANCE XM400" Operating Instructions. Configuration mode Select the required operating mode. The following modes are possible: - Automatic save Automatic backup mode. Approximately 1 minute after the last parameter change or when you restart the device, the configuration is automatically saved. - Trial In the "Trial" configuration mode, although changes are adopted, they are not saved in the configuration file (startup configuration). To save changes in the configuration file, use the "Write startup config" button. The "Write startup config" button is displayed when you set trial mode. The display area also shows the message "Trial Mode Active - Click the "Write Startup Config" button to make your settings persistent" as soon as there are unsaved modifications. This message can be seen on every page until the changes made have either been saved or the device has been restarted. General Device This page contains the general device information. 1226 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Current System Time(Only available online) Shows the current system time. The system time is either set by the user or by a time-ofday frame: either SINEC H1 time-of-day frame, NTP or SNTP. (readonly) System Up Time(only available online) Shows the operating time of the device since the last restart. (readonly) Device Type(only available online) Shows the type designation of the device. (readonly) System Name You can enter the name of the device. The entered name is displayed in the selection area. A maximum of 255 characters are possible. The system name is also displayed in the CLI input prompt. The number of characters in the CLI input prompt is limited. The system name is truncated after 16 characters. System Contact You can enter the name of a contact person responsible for managing the device. Location You can enter the location of the device. The entered installation location is displayed in the selection area. Note The ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e are used in the input boxes. At the start and end of the input boxes"System name", "System Contact" and "System Location", the characters "<", ">" and "space" are not permitted. Coordinates On this page, you configure the geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude and the height above the ellipsoid according to WGS84). These boxes are purely for information with a maximum length of 32 characters. Getting the coordinates Use suitable maps for obtaining the geographic coordinates of the device. The geographic coordinates can also be obtained using a GPS receiver. The geographic coordinates of these devices are normally displayed directly and only need to be entered in the input boxes of this page. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1227 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Latitude Enter the north or south latitude for the location of the device. For example, +49 1 31.67" means that the device is located at 49 degrees, 1 arc minute and 31.67 arc seconds north latitude. A south latitude is shown by a preceding minus character. You can also append the letters N (north latitude) or S (south latitude) to the numeric information (49 1 31.67" N). Longitude Enter the value of the eastern or western longitude of the location of the device. For example, +8 20 58.73" means that the device is located at 8 degrees, 20 minutes and 58.73 seconds east. A western longitude is indicated by a preceding minus sign. You can also add the letter E (eastern longitude) or W (western longitude) to the numeric information (8 20 58.73" E). Height Enter the value of the height above sea level in meters. For example, 158 m means that the device is located at a height of 158 m above sea level. Heights below sea level (for example the Dead Sea) are indicated by a preceding minus sign. Agent IP Configuration of the IP addresses Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. On this page, you specify the IP configuration for the device. With devices with more than one IP interface, this call references the "Subnets > Configuration" menu item in the "Layer 3 (IPv4)" menu and the configuration of the TIA interface there. 1228 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The page contains the following boxes: IP Assignment Method Shows how the IP address is assigned. - Static The IP address is static. You enter the IP settings in the input boxes "IP Address" and "Subnet Mask". - Dynamic (DHCP) The device obtains a dynamic IP address from a DHCP server. IP Address Enter the IP address of the device. After clicking the "Set Values" button, this IP address is also displayed in the address bar of the Internet browser. If this does not take place automatically, you will need to enter the IP address in the address bar of the Internet browser manually. Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the device. Default gateway Enter the IP address of the default gateway to be able to communicate with devices in another subnet, for example diagnostics stations, e-mail server. Agent VLAN ID Select the VLAN ID from the drop-down list. You can only select VLANs that have already been configured. In the mode "802.1D Transparent Bridge", this drop-down list is grayed out, see also "Layer 2 > VLAN > General". Note Changing the Agent VLAN ID If the configuration PC is connected directly to the device via Ethernet and you change the Agent VLAN ID , the device is no longer reachable via Ethernet following the change. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the device. The MAC address is linked to the hardware and cannot be modified. DNS client On this page, you can configure up to 3 DNS servers. If there is more than one server, the order in the table specifies the order in which the servers are queried. The top server is queried first. The DNS () server (Domain Name System) assigns a domain name to an IP address so that a device can be uniquely identified. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1229 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If this function is enabled, the IE switch can communicate with a DNS server as a DNS client. You have the option of entering names in IP address boxes. Note The DNS client function can only be used if there is a DNS server in the network. Settings The page contains the following boxes: DNS Client Enable or disable depending on whether the IE switch should operate as a DNS client. Used DNS Servers Specify which DNS server the device uses: - learned only The device uses only the DNS servers assigned by DHCP. - manual only The device uses only the manually configured DNS servers. The DNS servers must be connected to the Internet. A maximum of three DNS servers can be configured. - all The device uses all available DNS servers. DNS Server IP Address Enter the IP address of the DNS server. Origin Shows whether the DNS server was configured manually or was assigned by DHCP. The table contains the following columns: DNS Server Address Shows the IP address of the DNS server. Origin Shows whether the DNS server was configured manually or was assigned by DHCP. Restart On this page, there is a button with which you can restart the device and the option of resetting to the factory settings. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. 1230 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Restart Note the following points about restarting a device: You can only restart the device with administrator privileges. A device should only be restarted with the buttons of this menu or with the appropriate CLI commands and not by a power cycle on the device. Any modifications you have made only become active on the device after clicking the "Set values" button on the relevant WBM page. If the device is in "Trial" mode, configuration modifications must be saved manually before a restart. In "Automatic Save" mode, the last changes are saved automatically before a restart. Reset to Factory Defaults By resetting all the settings to the factory settings, the IP address and the passwords are also lost. Following this, the device can only be accessed via the serial interface, using the Primary Setup Tool or using DHCP. NOTICE With the appropriate attachment, a previously correctly configured device can cause circulating frames and therefore the failure of the data traffic. Resetting to defaults (profiles) The profiles provide a preconfiguration for various use cases of the devices. When you start a device with the default settings of a profile, the settings are reset to the factory settings and some parameters are set so that they are designed for a use case. In contrast to resetting to the factory settings. the users and passwords are retained after the restart. The configured IP address is lost so that device can then only be accessed via the serial interface, using the Primary Setup Tool or using DHCP. NOTICE With the appropriate attachment, a previously correctly configured device can cause circulating frames and therefore the failure of the data traffic. Which settings were set specially for the profile are displayed before the restart. The profiles can be used independently of the factory setting of the device. Settings Note Note the effects of the individual functions described in the sections above. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1231 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks To restart the device, the buttons on this page provide you with the following options: Restart Click this button to restart the system. You must confirm the restart in a dialog box. During a restart, the device is reinitialized, the internal firmware is reloaded, and the device runs a self-test. The settings of the start configuration are retained, e.g. the IP address of the device. The learned entries in the address table are deleted. You can leave the browser window open while the device restarts. After the restart you will need to log in again. Restore Factory Defaults and Restart Click this button to restore the factory defaults of the device and to restart the device. You must confirm the restart in a dialog box. The factory settings depend on the device. To restart the device with a predefined profile, the buttons on this page provide you with the following options: PROFINET Defaults Click this button to restore the default settings of the PROFINET profile and to restart the device. You must confirm the restart in a dialog box. The dialog box displays the settings specially made for operation with the PROFINET protocol. EtherNet/IP Defaults Click this button to restore the default settings of the EtherNet/IP profile and to restart the device. You must confirm the restart in a dialog box. The dialog box displays the settings specially made for operation with the EtherNet/IP protocol. Industrial Ethernet Defaults Click this button to restore the default settings of the Industrial Ethernet profile and to restart the device. You must confirm the restart in a dialog box. The dialog box displays the settings specially made for operation in the Industrial Ethernet environment. Load & save File types Overview of the file types File type Description Config This file contains the start configuration. Among other things, this device contains the definitions of the users, roles, groups and function rights. The passwords are stored the file "Users". ConfigPack Detailed configuration information. for example, start configuration, users, cer tificates ZIP file consisting of the Config, Users and LSYS fle. Debug This file contains information for Siemens Support. It is encrypted and can be sent by e-mail to Siemens Support without any security risk. EDS Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) Electronic data sheets for describing devices in the EtherNet/IP mode 1232 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks File type Description Firmware The firmware is signed and encrypted. This ensures that only firmware created by Siemens can be downloaded to the device. GSDML PROFINET information on the device properties HTTPSCert Default HTTPS certificates including key The preset and automatically created HTTPS certificates are self-signed. We strongly recommend that you create your own HTTPS certificates and make them available. We recommend that you use HTTPS certificates signed either by a reliable external or by an internal certification authority. The HTTPS certifi cate checks the identity of the device and controls the encrypted data exchange. Certificates with a different format cannot be copied in. LogFile File with entries from the event log table MIB Private MSPS MIB file RunningCLI Text file with CLI commands This file contains an overview of the current configuration in the form of CLI commands. You can download the text file. The file is not intended to be uploa ded again unchanged. Script Text file with CLI commands You can upload a script file in a device. The CLI commands it contains are executed appropriately. StartupInfo Startup log file This file contains the messages that were entered in the log during the last start up. Users This file contains the assignment of the user names to the corresponding pass words. WBMFav WBM favorite pages This file contains the favorites that you created in the WBM.. You can download this file and upload it in other devices. Uploading and saving using HTTP Loading and saving data via HTTP This page allows you to store device data in an external file on your client PC or to load such data from an external file from the client PC to the devices. This means, for example, that you can also load new firmware from a file located on your client PC. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. This page is available both for connections using HTTP and for connections using HTTPS. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1233 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Firmware The firmware is signed and encrypted. This ensures that only firmware created by Siemens can be downloaded to the device. Note Incompatibility with predecessor versions During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data and log files can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. Incompatibility with previous firmware versions with/without PLUG inserted During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. In this situation, if a PLUG is inserted in the device, following the restart, this has the status "Not Accepted" since the PLUG still has the configuration data of the previous more up-to-date firmware. This allows you to return to the previous, more up-to-date firmware without any loss of configuration data. If the original configuration on the PLUG is no longer required, the PLUG can be deleted or rewritten manually using the WBM page "System > PLUG". Configuration files Note Configuration files and trial mode/automatic save mode In "Automatic Save" mode, the data is saved automatically before the configuration files (ConfigPack and Config) are transferred. In trial mode, although the changes are adopted, they are not saved in the configuration files (ConfigPack and Config). Use the "Write Startup Config" button on the "System > Configuration" WBM page to save changes in the configuration file. CLI script file You can download existing CLI configurations (RunningCLI) and upload your own CLI scripts (Script). Note The downloadable CLI script is not intended to be uploaded again unchanged. Settings The table has the following columns: Type Shows the designation of the file. Description Shows the short description of the file type. 1234 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Load With this button, you can upload files to the device. The button can be enabled, if this function is supported by the file type. Save With this button, you can save files from the device. The button can only be enabled if this function is supported by the file type and the file exists on the device. Delete With this button, you can delete files from the device. The button can only be enabled if this function is supported by the file type and the file exists on the device. Note Following a firmware update, delete the cache of your Internet browser. Uploading and saving using TFTP Loading and saving data via a TFTP server On this page, you can configure the TFTP server and the file names. You can also store device data in an external file on a TFTP server or load such data from an external file from the TFTP server to the devices. This means, for example, that you can also load new firmware from a file located on a TFTP server. Firmware The firmware is signed and encrypted. This ensures that only firmware created by Siemens can be downloaded to the device. Note Incompatibility with predecessor versions During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data and log files can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. Incompatibility with previous firmware versions with/without PLUG inserted During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. In this situation, if a PLUG is inserted in the device, following the restart, this has the status "Not Accepted" since the PLUG still has the configuration data of the previous more up-to-date firmware. This allows you to return to the previous, more up-to-date firmware without any loss of configuration data. If the original configuration on the PLUG is no longer required, the PLUG can be deleted or rewritten manually using the WBM page "System > PLUG". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1235 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration files Note Configuration files and Trial mode/Automatic Save In "Automatic Save" configuration mode, the data is saved automatically before the configuration files (ConfigPack and Config) are transferred. In trial mode , although the changes are adopted, they are not saved in the configuration files (ConfigPack and Config). Use the "Write Startup Config" button on the "System > Configuration" WBM page to save changes in the configuration files. CLI script file You can download existing CLI configurations (RunningCLI) and upload your own CLI scripts (Script). Note The downloadable CLI script is not intended to be uploaded again unchanged. Settings TFTP Server IP Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN of the TFTP server with which you exchange data. TFTP Server Port Here, enter the port of the TFTP server via which data exchange will be handled. If necessary, you can change the default value 69 to your own requirements. The table has the following columns: File type Shows the designation of the file. Description Shows the short description of the file type. 1236 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks File name A file name is preset here for every file type. Note Changing the file name You can change the file name preset in this column. After clicking the "Set Values" button, the changed name is stored on the device and can also be used with the Command Line Interface. Select action (only available online) Select the required action. The selection depends on the selected file type, for example you can only save the log file. The following actions are possible: - Save file With this selection, you save a file on the TFTP server. - Load file With this selection, you load a file from the TFTP server. Passwords There are files to which access is password protected. To load the file on the device, enter the password specified for the file on the WBM page. Settings The table has the following columns: Type Shows the file type. Description Shows the short description of the file type. Enabled When selected, the password is used. Can only be enabled if the password is configured. Password Enter the password for the file. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1237 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Password Confirmation Confirm the new password. Status Shows whether the current settings for the file match the device. - Valid the "Enabled" setting is selected and the password matches the certificate. - Invalid the "Enabled" setting is selected but the password does not match the certificate or no certificate has been loaded yet. - '-' The password cannot be evaluated or is not yet being used. The "Enabled" check box is not selected. Events Configuration On this page, you specify how the device reacts to system events. By enabling the appropriate options, you specify how the device reacts to events. To enable or disable the options, click the relevant settings of the columns. Settings Signaling Contact Response Select the behavior of the signaling contact. The following reactions are possible: - conventional Default setting for the signaling contact. An error/fault is displayed by the fault LED and the signaling contact is opened. When the error/fault state no longer exists, the fault LED goes off and the signaling contact is closed. - User-defined The way the signaling contact works does not depend on the error/fault that has occurred. The signaling contact can be opened or closed as required by user actions. Signaling Contact Status Select the status of the signaling contact from the drop-down list. The following statuses are possible: - close Signaling contact is closed. - open Signaling contact is opened. 1238 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports of table 2. E-mail/Trap/Log table/Syslog/Errors Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1239 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 2 has the following columns: Event The "Event" column contains the following values: - Cold/Warm Start The device was turned on or restarted by the user. - Link Change This event occurs only when the port status is monitored and has changed, see "System > Fault Monitoring > Link Change". - Authentication Failure This event occurs when attempting access with a bad password. - RMON Alarm An alarm or event has occurred relating to the remote monitoring of the system. - Power Supply Switchover This event occurs only when power supply lines 1 and 2 are monitored. It indicates that there was a change to line 1 or line 2, see System > Fault Monitoring > Power Supply". - RM status change The redundancy manager has recognized an interruption or restoration of the ring and has switched the line over or back. - Spanning Tree Change The STP or RSTP or MSTP topology has changed. - Fault State Change The fault state has changed. The fault state can relate to the activated port monitoring, the response of the signaling contact or the power supply monitoring. - Standby State Change A device with an established standby connection (master or slave) has activated or deactivated the link to the other ring (standby port). The data traffic was redirected from one Ethernet connection (standby port of the master) to the other Ethernet connection (standby port of the slave). - VRRP State Change (only with routing using VRRP) The status of the virtual router has changed - Loop Detection A loop was detected in the network segment. - OSPF State Change The status of OSPF has changed. - Pnac Port Authentication State Change Port authentication - PoE State Change The status of PoE has changed. - Diagnostics Alarms The diagnostics value has fallen below or exceeded a certain limit. - FMP Status Change The value of the received power or the power loss has fallen below a certain limit. E-mail 1240 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The device sends an e-mail. This is only possible if the SMTP server is set up and the "SMTP client" function is enabled. Trap The device sends an SNMP trap. This is only possible if "SNMPv1 traps" is enabled in "System > Configuration". Log table The device writes an entry in the event log table, see "Information > Log Table" Syslog The device writes an entry to the system log server. This is only possible if the system log server is set up and the "Syslog client" function is enabled. Fault The device triggers a fault. The error LED lights up Severity filter On this page, set the threshold levels for sending system event notifications. Settings The table has the following columns: Client Type Select the client type for which you want to make settings: - E-mail Sending system event messages by e-mail - Log table Entry of system events in the log table. - Syslog Entering system events in the Syslog file - WLAN Authentication Log Forwarding of the entries from the WLAN Authentication Log to the system protocol server. Can only be configured with SCALANCE W770 and SCALANCE W780 Severity Select the required level. The following settings are possible: - Info System events are processed as of the severity level "Info". - Warning System events are processed as of the severity level "Warning". - Critical System events are processed as of the severity level "Critical". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1241 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SMTP client The device provides the option of automatically sending an e-mail if an alarm event occurs (for example to the network administrator). The e-mail contains the identification of the sending device, a description of the cause of the alarm in plain language, and a time stamp. This allows centralized network monitoring to be set up for networks with few nodes based on an E-mail system. When an e-mail error message is received, the WBM can be started by the Internet browser using the identification of the sender to read out further diagnostics information. On this page, you can configure up to three SMTP servers and the corresponding e-mail addresses. Settings SMTP Client Enable or disable the SMTP client. Sender Email Address Enter the name of the sender to be included in the e-mail, for example the device name. This setting applies to all configured SMTP servers. Send Test Mail Send a test e-mail to check your configuration. SMTP Port Enter the port via which your SMTP server can be reached. Factory settings: 25 This setting applies to all configured SMTP servers. SMTP Server Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the SMTP server. This table contains the following columns: SMTP Server Address Shows the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the SMTP server. Email address of the recipient Enter the e-mail address to which the device sends an e-mail if a fault occurs. Syntax of email addresses The following conditions apply to e-mail addresses: Alphanumeric characters are permitted. The following special characters are permitted: - @ - _ (underscore) - - (hyphen) - . (period) A @ character must be included. 1242 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Only one @ may be used. The characters "@" and the "." must not be the first or last character. DHCP DHCP client If the device is configured as a DHCP client, it starts a DHCP query. As the reply to the query the device receives an IPv4 address from the DHCP server. The server manages an address range from which it assigns IPv4 addresses. It is also possible to configure the server so that the client always receives the same IPv4 address in response to its request. Settings DHCP client configuration file request (opt 66, 67) Select this option if you want the DHCP client to use options 66 and 67 to download and then enable a configuration file. DHCP Mode Select the DHCP mode. The following modes are possible: - via MAC Address Identification is based on the MAC address. - via DHCP Client ID Identification is based on a freely defined DHCP client ID. - Via System Name Identification is based on the system name. If the device name is 255 characters long, the last character is not used for identification. - via PROFINET Name of Station Identification is based on the PROFINET name of the station. This table contains the following columns: Interface Interface to which the setting relates. DHCP Enable or disable the DHCP client for the relevant interface. DHCP Server You can operate the device as a DHCP server. This allows IP addresses to be assigned automatically to the connected devices. The IP addresses are either distributed dynamically from an address band (pool) you have specified or a specific IP address is assigned to a particular device. On this page, specify the address band from which the connected device receives any IP address. You configure the static assignment of the IP addresses in "Static Leases". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1243 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement The connected devices are configured so that they obtain the IP address from a DHCP server. Description The page contains the following boxes: DHCP Server Enable or disable the DHCP server on the device. Note To avoid conflicts with IPv4 addresses, only one device may be configured as a DHCP server in the network. Probe address with ICMP echo before offer When selected, the DHCP server checks whether or not the IP address has already been assigned. To do this the DHCP server sends ICMP echo messages (ping) to the IPv4 address. If no reply is received, the IPv4 address is assigned. Note If there are devices in your network on which the echo service is disabled as default, there may be conflicts with the IPv4 addresses. To avoid this, assign these devices an IPv4 address outside the IPv4 address band. The table has the following columns: Select Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Pool ID Shows the number of the IPv4 address band. If you click the "Create" button, a new row with a unique number is created (pool ID). Interface Select a VLAN IP interface. The IPv4 addresses are assigned dynamically via this interface. The requirement for the assignment is that the IPv4 address of the interface is located in the subnet of the IPv4 address band. If this is not the case, the interface does not assign any IPv4 addresses. Enable Specify whether or not this IPv4 address band will be used. Note If you enable the IPv4 address band, its settings in this and the other DHCP tabs are grayed out and can no longer be edited. Subnet Enter the network address range that will be assigned to the devices. Use the CIDR notation. Lower IP Address Enter the IPv4 address that specifies the start of the dynamic IPv4 address band. The IPv4 address must be within the network address range you configured for "Subnet". 1244 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Upper IP address Enter the IPv4 address that specifies the end of the dynamic IPv4 address band. The IPv4 address must be within the network address range you configured for "Subnet". Lease Time (sec) Specify for how many seconds the assigned IPv4 address remains valid. When half the period of validity has elapsed. the DHCP client can extend the period of the assigned IPv4 address. When the entire time has elapsed, the DHCP client needs to request a new IPv4 address. Port Range On this page, you define the ports via which the IPv4 addresses of an address band are assigned. After you have created an IPv4 address band in the "DHCP Server" tab, a new line is created in this tab and all ports selected that are currently located in the corresponding VLAN. If you add ports to the VLAN later, the ports are not automatically enabled in this tab. Description This table contains the following columns: Pool ID Shows the number of the IPv4 address band. A line is created for every address band. Interface Shows the assigned VLAN IP interface. All ports Select the setting from the drop-down list. You have the following setting options: - Enabled The check box is enabled for all ports. - Disabled The check box is disabled for all ports. - No Change The table remains unchanged. Px.y Specify the ports via which IPv4 addresses of the address band will be assigned. You can only select ports located in the corresponding VLAN. DHCP Options On this page you specify which DHCP options the DHCP server supports. The various DHCP options are defined in RFC 2132. The DHCP options 1, 3, 6, 66 and 67 are created automatically when the IPv4 address band is created. With the exception of DHCP option 1, the options can be deleted. With DHCP option 1 the subnet mask is set automatically that you entered for the address band in "DHCP Server". With the DHCP option 3, you can set the internal IPv4 address of the device as a DHCP parameter using a check box. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1245 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description The page contains the following boxes: Pool ID Select the required IPv4 address band. Option Code Enter the number of the required DHCP option. The various DHCP options are defined in RFC 2132. The supported DHCP options are listed in the following paragraph. The table has the following columns: Select Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Pool ID Shows the number of the IPv4 address band. Option Code Shows the number of the DHCP option. Use Interface IP If you enable the check box, the IPv4 address is used as the default gateway that is assigned to the VLAN IP address. If the check box is disabled, you can enter an IPv4 address. Value Enter the DHCP parameter that is transferred to the DHCP client. The content depends on the DHCP option. - DHCP option 3 (default gateway): Enter the DHCP parameter as an IPv4 address, e.g. - DHCP option 6 (DNS): Enter the DHCP parameter as an IPv4 address, e.g. You can specify up to three IPv4 addresses separated by commas. - DHCP option 66 (TFTP Server): Enter the DHCP parameter as an IPv4 address, e.g. - DHCP option 67 (boot file name) Enter the name of the boot file in the string format. - DHCP option 12 (host name) Enter the host name in the string format. DHCP options supported The following DHCP options are supported: Option 1 Option 3 Option 6 Option 12 Option 66 Option 67 1246 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Relay Agent Information On this page you define that devices with a certain remote ID and circuit ID are assigned the IPv4 addresses from a specific address band. If you create such an entry for an address band, the ports of the address band only react to DHCP queries via a DHCP relay agent (option 82). You can create further address bands for the same VLAN IP interfaces so that ports react to different requests. Note Extension or release of an IPv4 address assigned via a relay agent. With address assignments via a relay agent "Renew" and "Release" messages going directly from the DHCP client to the DHCP server are ignored by the server. The extension of the period for an IPv4 address assigned via a relay agent is achieved using a "Rebinding" message that the client sends automatically as a broadcast. To speed up the release of an IPv4 address assigned via a relay agent, configure a shorter period of validity. Description The page contains the following boxes: Pool ID Select the required IPv4 address band. Remote ID Enter the remote ID. Circuit ID Enter the circuit ID. The table has the following columns: Select Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Pool ID Shows the number of the IPv4 address band. Remote ID Shows the remote ID. Circuit ID Shows the circuit ID. Static Leases On this page you define that DHCP clients are assigned a preset IPv4 address depending on their client ID or MAC address. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1247 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description The page contains the following boxes: Pool ID Select the required IPv4 address band. Client identification method Select the method according to which a client is identified. - Ethernet MAC The client is identified by its MAC address. - Client ID The client is identified by a freely defined DHCP client ID. Value Enter the MAC address (Ethernet MAC) or the client ID of the client. The table has the following columns: Select Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Pool ID Shows the number of the IPv4 address band. Identification method Shows whether the client is identified by its MAC address or the client ID. Value Shows the MAC address or client ID of the client. IP Address Specify the IPv4 address that will be assigned to the client. The IPv4 address must be within the IPv4 address band. SNMP General On this page, you make the basic settings for SNMP. Enable the options according to the function you want to use. 1248 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings SNMP Select the SNMP protocol. The following settings are possible: - "-" (disabled) SNMP is disabled. - SNMPv1/v2c/v3 SNMPv1/v2c/v3 is supported. - SNMPv3 Only SNMPv3 is supported. SNMPv1/v2 Read-Only If you enable this option, SNMPv1/v2c can only read the SNMP variables. Note Community String For security reasons, do not use the standard values "public" or "private". Change the community strings following the initial installation. SNMPv1/v2c Read Community String Enter the community string for access of the SNMP protocol. SNMPv1/v2c Read/Write Community String Enter the community string for read and write access of the SNMP protocol. SNMPv1 Traps Enable or disable the sending of SNMP traps (alarm frames). On the "Trap" tab, specify the IP addresses of the devices to which SNMP traps will be sent. SNMPv1/v2c Trap Community String Enter the community string for sending SNMPv1/v2 messages. SNMPv3 User Migration - Enabled If the function is enabled, an SNMP engine ID is generated that can be migrated. You can transfer configured SNMPv3 users to a different device. If you enable this function and load the configuration of the device on another device, configured SNMPv3 users are retained. - Disabled If the function is disabled, a device-specific SNMP engine ID is generated. To generate the ID, the agent MAC address of the device is used. You cannot transfer this SNMP user configuration to other devices. If you load the configuration of the device on another device, all configured SNMPv3 users are deleted. SNMP Engine ID Shows the SNMP engine ID. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1249 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Traps If an alarm event occurs, a device can send SNMP traps (alarm frames) to up to ten different management stations at the same time. Traps are only sent if the events specified in "Events" occur. Note SNMP traps are sent only when the "SNMPv1 Traps" setting was selected in "SNMP > General". Settings Trap Receiver Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the station to which the device sends SNMP traps. You can specify up to ten different recipients. The table has the following columns: Trap Receiver Address If necessary, change the IP addresses or the FQDN of the stations. Trap Enable or disable the sending of SNMP traps. Stations that are entered but not selected do not receive SNMP traps. v3 Groups Security settings and assigning permissions SNMP version 3 allows permissions to be assigned, authentication, and encryption at protocol level. The security levels and read/write permissions are assigned according to groups. The settings automatically apply to every member of a group. Settings Group Name Enter the name of the group. The maximum length is 32 characters. Security Level Select the security level (authentication, encryption) valid for the selected group. You have the following options for the security levels: - no Auth/no Priv No authentication enabled / no encryption enabled. - Auth/no Priv Authentication enabled / no encryption enabled. - Auth/Priv Authentication enabled / encryption enabled. 1250 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Group Name Shows the defined group names. Note Once a group name and the security level have been specified, they can no longer be modified after the group is created. If you want to change the group name or the security level , you will need to delete the group and recreate it and reconfigure it with the new name. Security Level Shows the configured security level. Read Enable or disable read access for the required group. Write Enable or disable write access for the required group. Note For write access to work, you also need to enable read access. Persistence Shows whether or not the group is assigned to an SNMPv3 user. If the group is not assigned to an SNMPv3 user, no automatic saving is triggered and the configured group disappears again after restarting the device. - Yes The group is assigned to an SNMPV3 user. - No The group is not assigned to an SNMPV3 user. v3 users User-specific security settings On the WBM page, you can create new SNMPv3 users and modify or delete existing users. The user-based security model works with the concept of the user name; in other words, a user ID is added to every frame. This user name and the applicable security settings are checked by both the sender and recipient. Settings User name Enter a freely selectable user name. After you have entered the data, you can no longer modify the name. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1251 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: User name Shows the created users. Group Name Select the group to which the user will be assigned. Authentication Protocol Specify the authentication protocol for which a password will be stored. The following settings are available: - None - MD5 - SHA Encryption Protocol Specify whether or not a password should be stored for encryption with the DES algorithm. Can only be enabled when an authentication protocol has been selected. Authentication Password Enter the authentication password. This password must have at least 6 characters, the maximum length is 32 characters. Confirm authentication password Confirm the password by repeating the entry. Encryption Password Enter your encryption password. This password must have at least 6 characters, the maximum length is 32 characters. Confirm Encryption Password Confirm the encryption password by repeating the entry. Persistence Shows whether or not the user is assigned to an SNMPv3 group. If the user is not assigned to an SNMPv3 group, no automatic saving is triggered and the configured user disappears again after restarting the device. - Yes The user is assigned to an SNMPv3 group. - No The user is not assigned to an SNMPv3 group. System time Manual time setting There are different methods that can be used to set the system time of the device. Only one method can be active at any one time. If one method is activated, the previously activated method is automatically deactivated. 1252 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks On this page, you set the date and time of the system. For this setting to be used, enable "Manual time setting". Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Settings Time Manually Enable or disable the manual time setting. If you enable the option, the "System Time" input box can be edited. System Time Enter the date and time in the format "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS". Use PC Time Click the button to use the time setting of the PC. Last Synchronization Time Shows when the last time-of-day synchronization took place. If no time-of-day synchronization was possible, the box displays "Date/time not set". Last Synchronization Mechanism This box displays how the last time-of-day synchronization was performed. - Not set The time was not set. - Manual Manual time setting - SNTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP - NTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP - SIMATIC Automatic time-of-day synchronization using the SIMATIC time frame. - PTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization with PTP DST overview On this page, you can create new entries for the daylight saving time changeover. The table provides an overview of the existing entries. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1253 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings DST No. Shows the number of the entry. If you create a new entry, a new line with a unique number is created. Name Shows the name of the entry. Year Shows the year for which the entry was created. Start Date Shows the month, day and time for the start of daylight saving time. End Date Shows the month, day and time for the end of daylight saving time. Recurring Date With an entry of the type "Rule", the period in which daylight saving time is active is displayed consisting of week, day, month and time of day. With an entry of the type "Date" a "-" is displayed. State Shows the status of the entry: - enabled The entry was created correctly. - invalid The entry was created new and the start and end date are identical. Type Shows how the daylight saving time changeover is made: - Date A fixed date is entered for the daylight saving time changeover. - Recurring A rule was defined for the daylight saving time changeover. DST configuration On this page, you can configure the entries for the daylight saving time changeover. As result of the changeover to daylight saving or standard time, the system time for the local time zone is correctly set. You can define a rule for the daylight saving time changeover or specify a fixed date. Settings Note The content of this page depends on the selection in the "Type" box. The boxes "DST No.", "Type" and "Name" are always shown. 1254 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks DST No. Select the type of the entry. Type Select how the daylight saving time changeover is made: - Date You can set a fixed date for the daylight saving time changeover. This setting is suitable for regions in which the daylight saving time changeover is not governed by rules. - Recurring You can define a rule for the daylight saving time changeover. This setting is suitable for regions in which the daylight saving time always begins or ends on a certain weekday. Name Enter a name for the entry. Settings with "Date" selected You can set a fixed date for the start and end of daylight saving time. Year Enter the year for the daylight saving time changeover. Start Date Enter the following values for the start of daylight saving time: - Day Specify the day. - Hour Specify the hour. - Month Specify the month. End Date Enter the following values for the end of daylight saving time: - Day Specify the day. - Hour Specify the hour. - Month Specify the month. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1255 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings with "Recurring" selected You can create a rule for the daylight saving time changeover. Start Date Enter the following values for the start of daylight saving time: - Hour Specify the hour. - Month Specify the month. - Week Specify the week. You can select the 1st to 4th or the last week of the month. - Weekday Specify the weekday. End Date Enter the following values for the end of daylight saving time: - Hour Specify the hour. - Month Specify the month. - Week Specify the week. You can select the 1st to 4th or the last week of the month. - Weekday Specify the weekday. SNTP client There are different methods that can be used to set the system time of the device. Only one method can be active at any one time. If one method is activated, the previously activated method is automatically deactivated. SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) is used for synchronizing the time in the network. The appropriate frames are sent by an SNTP server in the network. Note To avoid time jumps, make sure that there is only one time server in the network. Settings SNTP Client Enable or disable automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP. Current System Time (only available online) Shows the current date and current normal time received by the IE switch. If you specify a time zone, the time information is adapted accordingly. 1256 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Last Synchronization Time(only available online) Shows when the last time-of-day synchronization took place. Last Synchronization Mechanism (only available online) Shows how the last time-of-day synchronization was performed. The following methods are possible: - Not set The time was not set. - Manual Manual time setting - SNTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP - NTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP - SIMATIC Automatic time-of-day synchronization using the SIMATIC time frame - PTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization with PTP Time Zone Enter the time zone you are using in the format "+/- HH:MM". The time zone relates to UTC standard world time. The time in the "Current System Time" box is adapted accordingly. Daylight Saving Time Shows whether the daylight saving time changeover is active. - active (offset +1 h) The system time was changed to daylight saving time; in other words an hour was added. The normal time including the time zone continues to be displayed in the "Current System Time" box. The normal time including the time zone continues to be displayed in the "Current System Time" box. - inactive (offset +0 h) The current system time is not changed. SNTP Mode Select the synchronization mode. The following types of synchronization are possible: - Poll If you select this protocol type, the input boxes "SNTP Server Address", "SNTP Server Port" and "Poll Interval[s]" are displayed to allow further configuration. With this type of synchronization, the device is active and sends a time query to the SNTP server. - Listen With this type of synchronization, the device is passive and "listens" for SNTP frames that deliver the time of day. Poll Interval[s] Here, enter the interval between two-time queries. In this box, you enter the query interval in seconds. Possible values are 16 to 16284 seconds. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1257 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SNTP Server Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the SNTP server. SNTP Server Port Enter the port of the SNTP server. The following ports are possible: - 123 (standard port) - 1025 to 36564 Primary The check mark is set for the SNTP server that you create first. If several SNTP servers have been created, the primary server is queried first. NTP client There are different methods that can be used to set the system time of the device. Only one method can be active at any one time. If one method is activated, the previously activated method is automatically deactivated. If you require time-of-day synchronization using NTP, you can make the relevant settings here. Note To avoid time jumps, make sure that there is only one time server in the network. Settings NTP Client Enable or disable automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP. Current System Time (only available online) Shows the current date and current normal time received by the IE switch. If you specify a time zone, the time information is adapted accordingly. Last Synchronization Time(only available online) Shows when the last time-of-day synchronization took place. 1258 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Last Synchronization Mechanism (only available online) This box displays how the last time-of-day synchronization was performed. The following methods are possible: - Not set The time was not set. - Manual Manual time setting - SNTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP - NTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP - SIMATIC Automatic time-of-day synchronization using the SIMATIC time frame - PTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization with PTP Time Zone Enter the time zone you are using in the format "+/- HH:MM". The time zone relates to UTC standard world time. The time in the "Current System Time" box is adapted accordingly. Daylight Saving Time Shows whether the daylight saving time changeover is active. - active (offset +1 h) The system time was changed to daylight saving time; in other words an hour was added. The normal time including the time zone continues to be displayed in the "Current System Time" box. - inactive (offset +0 h) The current system time is not changed. NTP Server Index Select the index of the NTP server. The server with the lowest index is queried first. NTP Server Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the NTP server. NTP Server Port Enter the port of the NTP server. The following ports are possible: - 123 (standard port) - 1025 to 36564 Poll Interval[s] Here, enter the interval between two time queries. In this box, you enter the poll interval in seconds. Possible values are 64 to 1024 seconds. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1259 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SIMATIC Time Client There are different methods that can be used to set the system time of the device. Only one method can be active at any one time. If one method is activated, the previously activated method is automatically deactivated. On this page, you configure time synchronization with the SIMATIC Time Client. Note To avoid time jumps, make sure that there is only one time server in the network. Settings SIMATIC Time Client Enable or disable the SIMATIC time client. Current System Time (only available online) Shows the current system time. Last Synchronization Time(only available online) Shows when the last time-of-day synchronization took place. Last Synchronization Mechanism (only available online) This box displays how the last time-of-day synchronization was performed. - Not set The time was not set. - Manual Manual time setting - SNTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP - NTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP - SIMATIC Automatic time-of-day synchronization using the SIMATIC time frame - PTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization with PTP PTP Client There are different methods that can be used to set the system time of the device. Only one method can be active at any one time. If one method is activated, the previously activated method is automatically deactivated. If you require time-of-day synchronization using PTP, you can make the relevant settings here. The following devices support time-of-day synchronization with PTP: SCALANCE XR528-6M SCALANCE XR552-12M 1260 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings PTP Client Enable or disable time synchronization using PTP. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > PTP". Current System Time (only available online) Shows the current date and current normal time obtained due to time synchronization in the network. If you specify a time zone, the time information is adapted accordingly. Last Synchronization Time(only available online) Shows when the last time-of-day synchronization took place. If no time-of-day synchronization was possible, the box displays "Date/time not set". Last Synchronization Mechanism (only available online) This box displays how the last time-of-day synchronization was performed. - Not set The time was not set. - Manual Manual time setting - SNTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP - NTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP - SIMATIC Automatic time-of-day synchronization using the SIMATIC time frame - PTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization with PTP Time Zone Enter the time zone you are using in the format "+/- HH:MM". The time zone relates to UTC standard world time. The time in the "Current System Time" box is adapted accordingly. Daylight Saving Time Shows whether the daylight saving time changeover is active. - active (offset +1 h) The system time was changed to daylight saving time; in other words an hour was added. The normal time including the time zone continues to be displayed in the "Current System Time" box. - inactive (offset +0 h) The current system time is not changed. Auto logout On this page, set the times after which there is an automatic logout from WBM or the CLI following user in activity. If you have been logged out automatically, you will need to log in again. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1261 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Web Based Management [s] Enter the time in seconds for the automatic logout from WBM. If you enter the value 0, the automatic logout is disabled. CLI (TELNET, SSH, Serial) [s] Enter the time in seconds for the automatic logout from the CLI. If you enter the value 0, the automatic logout is disabled. Button The "Select/Set" button has the following functions: Change display mode Enable redundancy manager Restore to factory defaults Fault mask and LED display You will find a detailed description of the individual functions available with the buttons in the device operating instructions. On this page, the functionality of the SELECT/SET button can be restricted or fully disabled. Settings Restore Factory Defaults Enable or disable the "Restore Factory Defaults" function with the Select/Set button. CAUTION Button function "Restore Factory Defaults" active during startup If you have disabled this function in your configuration, disabling is only valid during operation. When restarting, for example after power down, the function is active until the configuration is loaded so that the device can inadvertently be reset to the factory settings. This may cause unwanted disruption in network operation since the device needs to be reconfigured if this occurs. An inserted PLUG is also deleted and returned to the status as shipped Redundancy Manager Enable or disable the redundancy manager function. Set Fault Mask Enable or disable the function "Define fault mask via the LED display" with the Select/set button. This function only works in display mode D. Syslog client Syslog according to RFC 3164 is used for transferring short, unencrypted text messages over UDP in the IP network. This requires a system log server. 1262 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirements for sending log entries: The Syslog function is enabled on the device. The Syslog function is enabled for the relevant event. There is a Syslog server in your network that receives the log entries. Since this is a UDP connection, there is no acknowledgment to the sender. The IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the Syslog server is entered in the device. Settings Syslog Client Enable or disable the Syslog function. Syslog Server Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the Syslog server. The table contains the following columns: Syslog Server Address Shows the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the Syslog server. Server Port Enter the port of the Syslog server being used. Ports Port overview The page shows the configuration for the data transfer for all ports of the device. You cannot configure anything on this page. Settings Port Shows the configurable ports. Port name Shows the name of the port. Port Type (only with routing) Shows the type of the port. The following types are possible: - Router Port - Switch Port VLAN Hybrid - Switch-Port VLAN Trunk - Switch Port VLAN Host - Switch-Port PVLAN Promiscuous WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1263 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Combo Port Media Type The values are only available with combo ports. Shows the mode of the combo port: - auto - rj45 - sfp Status Shows whether the port is on or off. Data traffic is possible only over an enabled port. OperState Displays the current operational status. The operational status depends on the configured "Status" and the "Link". The available options are as follows: - up You have configured the status "enabled" for the port and the port has a valid connection to the network. - down You have configured the status "disabled" or "Link down" for the port or the port has no connection. - not present With modular devices, this status is displayed when, for example, no media module is inserted. Link (only available online) Shows the connection status to the network. With the connection status, the following is possible: - Up The port has a valid link to the network, a link integrity signal is being received. - Down The link is down, for example because the connected device is turned off. Mode (only available online) Shows the transfer parameters of the port MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) Shows the maximum packet size. Negotiation Shows whether the automatic configuration is enabled or disabled. Flow Ctrl. Type Shows whether flow control is enabled or disabled for the port. Flow Ctrl. Shows whether or not flow control is working on this port. 1264 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks MAC Address (only available online) Shows the MAC address of the port. Blocked by Shows why the port is in the "blocked" status: - The analysis of the port status Is not supported. - forwarding The port is not blocked. - ring redundancy The port belongs to a redundancy manager. When the redundancy manager is in the "Passive status, one of the ring ports is in the "blocking" status. - spanning tree The port has the status "Discarding" in the spanning tree. The port is part of a spanning tree, however it is located on a redundant path and is deactivated for data traffic. - loop detection A loop was detected and as the reaction to a loop, the status "disable" was configured for the port. - down-in-bundle The port is part of a link aggregation and was deactivated by LACP. - la-loop-detection The port is part of a link aggregation. A loop was detected and as the reaction to a loop, the status "disable" was configured for the link aggregation. - la-spanning-tree The port is part of a link aggregation. The link aggregation was switched to the status "Discarding" by the spanning tree. - admin-down The status "disabled" is configured for the port, see "System > Ports > Configuration". - link down The status "enabled" is configured for the port but there is no connection, see "System > Ports > Configuration". - power-down The status "Link down" is configured for the port, see "System > Ports > Configuration". - standby Standby redundancy is enabled on the device. The port is a standby port with the status "Passive". Differing display of the transmission parameters with combo ports. In the connection status "down", the displayed transmission parameters do not match the actual values of the combo port. In the connection status "up", the correct values are displayed. Initial situation A pluggable transceiver is plugged into the combo port with the following settings: Combo Port Media Type: auto Status: enabled Link: down display of the transmission parameters with 100 Mbps pluggable transceivers WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1265 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Actual response: Mode: 1G HD Expected response: Mode: 100M FD with 1 Gbps pluggable transceivers Actual response: Mode: 1G HD Expected response: Mode: 1G FD Configuration With this page, you can configure all the ports of the device. Settings Port Select the port to be configured. The port is made up of the module number and the port number, for example port 0.1 is module 0, port 1. Status Specify whether the port is enabled or disabled. - enabled The port is enabled. Data traffic is possible only over an enabled port. - disabled The port is disabled but the connection remains. - Link down The port is disabled and the connection to the partner device is terminated. Port name Enter a name for the port. MAC Address (only available online) Shows the MAC address of the port. Mode Type(only available online) Select the transmission speed and the transmission method of the port. If you set the mode to "Autonegotiation", these parameters are automatically negotiated with the connected end device. This must also be in the "Autonegotiation" mode. Note Before the port and partner port can communicate with each other, the settings must match at both ends. Note "Mode Type" with combo ports To be able to set the "Mode Type" of a combo port, change the "Combo Port Media Type" to "rj45". If "auto" is set for the "Combo Port Media Type" and the RJ-45 port is used, you cannot set the "Mode Type". 1266 Mode (only available online) Shows the transmission speed and mode of the port. The transmission speed can be 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1000 Mbps or 10 Gbps. As the transmission mode, full duplex (FD) or half duplex (HD) can be configured. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Negotiation Shows whether the automatic configuration of the connection to the partner port is enabled or disabled. Flow Ctrl. Type Enable or disable flow control for the port. Note Turning flow control on/off with autonegotiation Flow control can only be enabled or disabled if the "autonegotiation" function is turned off. The function cannot enabled again afterwards. Flow Ctrl. Shows whether flow control is working on this port. MTU Enter the packet size. Port Type (only with routing) Select the type of the port: - Router Port The port is an IP interface. It does not support layer 2 functions. - Switch Port VLAN Hybrid The port sends tagged and untagged frames. It is not automatically a member of a VLAN. - Switch-Port VLAN Trunk The port only sends tagged frames and is automatically a member of all VLANs. - Switch Port VLAN Host Host ports belong to a secondary PVLAN. Connect devices to host ports that are only intended to communicate with certain devices of the PVLAN. - Switch-Port PVLAN Promiscuous Promiscuous ports belong to a primary PVLAN. Connect devices to promiscuous ports that are intended to communicate all devices of the PVLAN. Combo Port Media Type Specify the mode of the combo port: - auto If you select this mode, the SFP transceiver port has priority. As soon as an SFP transceiver is plugged in, an existing connection at the fixed RJ-45 port is terminated. If no SFC transceiver is plugged in, a connection can be established via the fixed RJ-45 port. - rj45 If you select this mode, the fixed RJ-45 port is used regardless of the SFP transceiver port. If a pluggable transceiver is plugged in, it is disabled and the power turned off. - sfp If you select this mode, the SFP transceiver port is used regardless of the built-in RJ-45 port. If an RJ-45 connection is established, it is terminated because the power of the RJ-45 port is turned off. The factory setting for the combo ports is the auto mode. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1267 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks OperState Displays the current operational status. The operational status depends on the configured "Status" and the "Link". The available options are as follows: - up You have configured the status "enabled" for the port and the port has a valid connection to the network. - down You have configured the status "disabled" or "Link down" for the port or the port has no connection. - not present With modular devices, this status is displayed when, for example, no media module is inserted. 1268 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Link (only available online) Shows the connection status to the network. The available options are as follows: - Up The port has a valid link to the network, a link integrity signal is being received. - Down The link is down, for example because the connected device is turned off. Blocked by Shows why the port is in the "blocked" status: - The analysis of the port status Is not supported. - forwarding The port is not blocked. - ring-redundancy The port belongs to a redundancy manager. When the redundancy manager is in the "Passive status, one of the ring ports is in the "blocking" status. - spanning-tree The port has the status "Discarding" in the spanning tree. The port is part of a spanning tree, however it is located on a redundant path and is deactivated for data traffic. - loop-detection A loop was detected and as the reaction to a loop, the status "disable" was configured for the port. - down-in-bundle The port is part of a link aggregation and was deactivated by LACP. - la-loop-detection The port is part of a link aggregation. A loop was detected and as the reaction to a loop, the status "disable" was configured for the link aggregation. - la-spanning-tree The port is part of a link aggregation. The link aggregation was switched to the status "Discarding" by the spanning tree. - admin-down The status "disabled" is configured for the port, see "System > Ports > Configuration". - link-down The status "enabled" is configured for the port but there is no connection, see "System > Ports > Configuration". - power-down The status "Link down" is configured for the port, see "System > Ports > Configuration". - standby Standby redundancy is enabled on the device. The port is a standby port with the status "Passive". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1269 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Changing the port configuration Note Optical ports only work with the full duplex mode and at maximum transmission rate. As a result, the following settings cannot be made for optical ports: Automatic configuration Transmission speed Transmission technique Note With various automatic functions, the device prevents or reduces the effect on other ports and priority classes (Class of Service) if a port is overloaded. This can mean that frames are discarded even when flow control is enabled. Port overload occurs when the device receives more frames than it can send, for example as the result of different transmission speeds. Fault Monitoring Power supply Configure whether or not the power supply should be monitored by the messaging system. Depending on the hardware variant, there are one or two power connectors (Supply 1 / Supply 2). With a redundant power supply, configure the monitoring separately for each individual feed-in line. If there is no power on one of the monitored lines (Supply 1 or Supply 2) or when the voltage is too low, a fault is signaled by the signaling system. Note You will find the permitted operating voltage limits in the compact operating instructions of the device. A fault causes the signaling contact to trigger and the fault LED on the device to light up and, depending on the configuration, can trigger a trap, an e-mail, or an entry in the event log table. Settings Line 1 Enable or disable the monitoring of power connector 1. Line 2 Enable or disable the monitoring of power connector 2. 1270 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Link Change On this page, you configure whether or not an error message is triggered if there is a status change on a network connection. If connection monitoring is enabled, an error is signaled when there should be a link on a port and this is missing. or when there should not be a link on a port and a link is detected. An error causes the signaling contact to trigger and the fault LED to light up on the device. Depending on the configuration, the error may trigger a trap, an e-mail or an entry in the event log table. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports. Setting Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns Port Shows the available ports. Setting Select the setting. You have the following options: - Up Error handling is triggered when the port changes to the active status. (From "Link down" to "Link up") - Down Error handling is triggered when the port changes to the inactive status. (From "Link up" to "Link down") - "-" (disabled) The error handling is not triggered. Redundancy On this page, you configure whether or not an error message is triggered if there is a status change on a network connection. Setting Redundancy loss (HRP only) Enable or disable connection monitoring. If the redundancy of the connection is lost, an error is signaled. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1271 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks PROFINET This page shows the PROFINET IO AR status and the device name. Settings PNIO Device Diagnostics Shows whether PNIO is enabled ("On") or disabled ("Off"). PNIO Device Diagnostics for next boot Set whether PNIO will be enabled ("On") or disabled ("Off") after the next device restart. Note PNIO and EtherNet/IP When PNIO is turned on, EtherNet/IP is turned off. The switchover from PNIO and EtherNet/ IP has no effect on DCP. Note PNIO AR Status If a PROFINET connection is established; in other words the PNIO AR status is "Online", you cannot disable PNIO. PNIO AR Status This box shows the status of the PROFINET IO connection; in other words whether the device is connected to a PROFINET IO controller "Online " or "Offline". Here, online means that a connection to a PROFINET IO controller exists, that this has downloaded its configuration data to the device and that the device can send status data to the PROFINET IO controller. In this status known as "in data exchange", the parameters set via the PROFINET IO controller cannot be configured. PNIO Name of Station This box displays the PROFINET IO device name according to the configuration in HW Config of STEP 7. Restore PROFINET IO Defaults and Restart Click this button to restore the default settings of the PROFINET IO profile and to restart the device. You must confirm the restart in a dialog box. The dialog box displays the settings specially made for operation with the PROFINET protocol. NOTICE By resetting the settings to the default settings of a profile, the IP address is also lost. Following this, the device can only be accessed via the serial interface, using the Primary Setup Tool or using DHCP. With the appropriate attachment, a previously correctly configured device can cause circulating frames and therefore the failure of the data traffic. Allow PNIO Data Exchange(only with SCALANCE XB-200) Enable or disable PNIO data exchange Simulate PNIO Data Exchange(only with SCALANCE XB-200) Enable or disable the simulation of PNIO data exchange. 1272 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP On this page, you configure the mode of EtherNet/IP. Description of the displayed boxes The page contains the following boxes: EtherNet/IP Device Diagnostics Shows whether EtherNet/IP is enabled ("On") or disabled ("Off"). EtherNet/IP Device Diagnostics for next boot Set whether EtherNet/IP will be enabled ("On") or disabled ("Off") after the next device restart. Note EtherNet/IP and PROFINET When EtherNet/IP is turned on, PROFINET is turned off. The switchover from EtherNet/IP and PROFINET has no effect on DCP. Note PROFINET AR Status If a PROFINET connection is established; in other words the PROFINET AR status is "Online", you cannot enable EtherNet/IP. Restore EtherNet/IP Defaults and Restart Click this button to restore the default settings of the EtherNet/IP profile and to restart the device. You must confirm the restart in a dialog box. The dialog box displays the settings specially made for operation with the EtherNet/IP protocol. NOTICE Loss of the IP address By resetting the settings to the default settings of a profile, the IP address is also lost. Following this, the device can only be accessed via the serial interface, using the Primary Setup Tool or using DHCP. With the appropriate attachment, a previously correctly configured device can cause circulating frames and therefore the failure of the data traffic. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1273 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks PLUG PLUG configuration Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. NOTICE Do not remove or insert a C-PLUG / KEY-PLUG during operation! A PLUG may only be removed or inserted when the device is turned off. The device checks whether or not a PLUG is present at one second intervals. If it is detected that the PLUG was removed, there is a restart. If a valid KEY-PLUG was inserted in the device, the device changes to a defined error state following the restart. Information about the configuration of the C-PLUG / KEY-PLUG This page provides detailed information about the configuration stored on the C-PLUG or KEYPLUG. It is also possible to reset the PLUG to "factory defaults" or to load it with new contents. Note The action is only executed after you click the "Set Values" button. The action cannot be undone. If you decide against executing the function after making your selection, click the "Refresh" button. As a result the data of this page is read from the device again and the selection is canceled. Note Incompatibility with previous versions with PLUG inserted During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. In this situation, if a PLUG is inserted in the device, following the restart, this has the status "NOT ACCEPTED" since the PLUG still has the configuration data of the previous more up-to-date firmware. This allows you to return to the previous, more up-to-date firmware without any loss of configuration data. If the original configuration on the PLUG is no longer required, the PLUG can be deleted or rewritten manually using "System > PLUG". 1274 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The table has the following rows: Status Shows the status of the PLUG. The following are possible: - ACCEPTED There is a PLUG with a valid and suitable configuration in the device. - NOT ACCEPTED Invalid or incompatible configuration on the inserted PLUG. - NOT PRESENT There is no C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG inserted in the device. - FACTORY PLUG is inserted and does not contain a configuration. This status is also displayed when the PLUG was formatted during operation. - MISSING There is no PLUG inserted. Functions are configured on the device for which a license is required. Device Group Shows the SIMATIC NET product line that used the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG previously. Device Type Shows the device type within the product line that used the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG previously. Configuration Revision The version of the configuration structure. This information relates to the configuration options supported by the device and has nothing to do with the concrete hardware configuration. This revision information does not therefore change if you add or remove additional components (modules or extenders), it can, however, change if you update the firmware. File System Displays the type of file system on the PLUG. NOTICE New file system UBI As of firmware version 3.0, UBI is the standard file system for the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG. If a C-PLUG with the previous file system IECP is detected in such a device, this C-PLUG will be formatted for the UBI file system and the data will be rewritten to the C-PLUG. This change in the file system also occurs following a firmware update to V3.0. A downgrade to the previous version of the firmware then presents a problem. The firmware can neither read nor write the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG and it is not even possible to "Erase PLUG to factory default". File System Size [bytes] Shows the maximum storage capacity of the file system on the C-PLUG. File System Usage Displays the storage space in use in the file system of the C-PLUG. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1275 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Info String Shows additional information about the device that used the PLUG previously, for example, article number, type designation, and the versions of the hardware and software. The displayed software version corresponds to the version in which the configuration was last changed. With the "NOT ACCEPTED" status, further information on the cause of the problem is displayed. Modify PLUG Select the required setting. You have the following options for changing the configuration on the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG: - Write current configuration to PLUG This option is available only if the status of the PLUG is "NOT ACCEPTED" or FACTORY. The configuration in the internal flash memory of the device is copied to the PLUG. - Erase PLUG to factory default Deletes all data from the C-PLUG and triggers low-level formatting. PLUG license Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. NOTICE Do not remove or insert a C-PLUG / KEY-PLUG during operation! A PLUG may only be removed or inserted when the device is turned off. The device checks whether or not a PLUG is present at one second intervals. If it is detected that the PLUG was removed, there is a restart. If a valid KEY-PLUG was inserted in the device, the device changes to a defined error state following the restart. If the device was configured at some time with a PLUG, the device can no longer be used without this PLUG. To be able to use the device again, reset the device to the factory settings. Note Incompatibility with previous versions with PLUG inserted During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. In this situation, if a PLUG is inserted in the device, following the restart, this has the status "NOT ACCEPTED" since the PLUG still has the configuration data of the previous more up-to-date firmware. This allows you to return to the previous, more up-to-date firmware without any loss of configuration data. If the original configuration on the PLUG is no longer required, the PLUG can be deleted or rewritten manually using "System > PLUG". Information about the license of the KEY-PLUG A C-PLUG can only store the configuration of a device. In addition to the configuration, a KEYPLUG also contains a license that enables certain functions of your SIMATIC NET device. 1276 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks This page provides detailed information about the license on the KEY-PLUG. Displayed values Status Shows the status of the KEY-PLUG. The following are possible: - ACCEPTED The KEY-PLUG in the device contains a suitable and valid license. - NOT ACCEPTED The license of the inserted KEY-PLUG is not valid. - NOT PRESENT No KEY-PLUG is inserted in the device. - MISSING There is no KEY-PLUG or a C-PLUG with the status "FACTORY" inserted in the device. Functions are configured on the device for which a license is required. - WRONG The inserted KEY-PLUG is not suitable for the device. - UNKNOWN Unknown content of the KEY-PLUG. - DEFECTIVE The content of the KEY-PLUG contains errors. Order ID Shows the order number of the KEY-PLUG. The KEY-PLUG is available for various functional enhancements and for various target systems. Serial Number Shows the serial number of the KEY-PLUG. Info String Shows additional information about the device that used the KEY-PLUG previously, for example, order number, type designation, and the versions of the hardware and software. The displayed software version corresponds to the version in which the configuration was last changed. With the "NOT ACCEPTED" status, further information on the cause of the problem is displayed. Note When you save the configuration, the information about whether or not a KEY-PLUG was inserted in the device at the time is also saved. This configuration can then only work if a KEYPLUG with the same article number / license is inserted. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1277 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Ping Reachability of an address in an IP network Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. With the ping function, you can check whether a certain IPv4 address is reachable in the network. Settings IP Address Enter the IPv4 address of the device. Repeat Enter the number of ping requests. Ping Click this button to start the ping function. Ping Output This box shows the output of the ping function. Delete Click this button to delete the ping output. PoE General Note The menu item "PoE" is only displayed for devices that support PoE On this page, you see information about the power that the IE switch supplies with PoE. The SCALANCE X-500 represents a PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment). With the SCALANCE XM400, each group of four ports with PoE capability is known as a PSE. The displayed values apply only to the corresponding PSE. Setting PSE Shows the number of the PoE power supply. Maximum Power Maximum power that a PSE provides to supply PoE devices. 1278 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Allocated Power Sum of the power reserved by the PoE devices according to the "Classification". Used power Sum of the power used by the end devices. Usage Threshold [%] When the power being used by the end devices exceeds the percentage shown here, an event is triggered. Power over Ethernet with SCALANCE XM-400 With a SCALANCE XM-400, you can use the "Power over Ethernet" function via the port extender PE408PoE. PoE power supply The connection of the PoE power supply is external. You can connect 2 PoE power supplies with each PE408PoE port extender. Each PE408PoE therefore has 2 PSE units (Power Sourcing Equipment) each with 4 ports. Port Settings for the ports For each individual PoE port, you can specify whether or not the power will be supplied via Ethernet. You can also set a priority for each connected powered device (PD). Devices for which a high priority was set, take preference over other devices for the power supply. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: Port Shows that the settings are valid for all ports. Setting Select the required setting. Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Priority Select the required priority of the port. Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Type Enter a string that describes the connected device in greater detail. The maximum length is 255 characters. Copy to Table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1279 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the configurable PoE ports. The port is made up of the port number and the slot number, for example port 0.1 is slot 0, port 1. Setting Enable the PoE power supply for this port or interrupt it. Priority Select which priority this port will have for the power supply. The following settings are possible, in ascending order of relevance: - low low priority - high medium priority - critical high priority If the same priority is set for two ports, the port with the lower port number will be preferred when necessary. Type Here, you can enter a string to describe the connected device in greater detail. Classification The classification specifies the class of the device. From this, it is possible to recognize the maximum power of the device. Status Shows the current status of the port. The following states are possible: - disabled The PoE power supply is deactivated for this port. - delivering The PoE power supply is activated for this port and a device is connected. - searching The PoE power supply is activated for this port but there is no device connected. Note If a device is connected to a port with PoE capability, a check is made to determine whether the power of the port is adequate for the connected device. If the power of the port is inadequate, although PoE is enabled in "Setting", the port nevertheless has the status "disabled". This means that the port was disabled by the PoE power management. Power [mW] Shows the power that the SCALANCE provides at this port. 1280 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Voltage [V] Shows the voltage applied to this port. Current [mA] Shows the current with which a device connected to this port is supplied. Port diagnostics Cable tester Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. With this page, each individual Ethernet port can run independent fault diagnostics on the cable. This test is performed without needing to remove the cable, connect a cable tester and install a loopback module at the other end. Short-circuits and cable breaks can be localized to within a few meters. Note Please note that this test is permitted only when no data connection is established on the port to be tested. Settings Port Select the required port from the drop-down list. Run Test Activates error diagnostics. The result is shown in the table. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1281 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks This table contains the following columns: Pair Shows the wire pair in the cable. Note Wire pairs Wire pairs 4-5 and 7-8 of 10/100 Mbps network cables are not used. In 1000 Mbps or gigabit Ethernet, all 4 wire pairs are used. The wire pair assignment - pin assignment is as follows (DIN 50173): Pair 1 = pin 4-5 Pair 2 = pin 1-2 Pair 3 = pin 3-6 Pair 4 = pin 7-8 Status Displays the status of the cable. Distance [m] Displays the distance to the cable end, cable break, or short-circuit. SFP diagnostics On this page, you run independent error diagnostics for each individual SFP port. This test is performed without needing to remove the cable, connect a cable tester or install a loopback module at the other end. Note Please note that this test is permitted only when no data connection is established on the port to be tested. If, however, there is a data connection to the port to be tested, this is briefly interrupted. Automatic re-establishment of the connection can fail and then needs to be done manually. Description The page contains the following boxes: Port Select the required port from the drop-down list. The values are shown in the following boxes: Name Shows the name of the interface. Model Shows the type of interface. 1282 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Revision Shows the hardware version of the SFP. Serial Shows the serial number of the SFP. Nominal Bit Rate [Mbps] Shows the nominal bit rate of the interface. Max. Link (50.0/125um) [m] Shows the maximum distance in meters that is possible with this medium. Max. Link (62.5/125um) [m] Shows the maximum distance in meters that is possible with this medium. The following table shows the values of the SFP transceiver used in this port: Temperature [C] Shows the temperature of the interface. Voltage [V] Shows the voltage applied to the interface [V]. Current [mA] Shows the current consumption of the interface [mA]. RX Power [mW] Shows the receive power of the interface [mW]. Tx Power [mW] Shows the transmit power of the interface [mW]. Current Shows the current value. Low Shows the lowest value. High Shows the highest value. Configuring layer 2 functions Configuration On this page, you create a basic configuration for the functions of layer 2. On the configuration pages of these functions, you can make more detailed settings. You can also check the settings on the configuration pages. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1283 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Protocol Based VLAN Enable or disable protocol-based VLAN. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > VLAN". Subnet Based VLAN Enable or disable subnet-based VLAN. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > VLAN". Dynamic MAC Aging Enable or disable the "Aging" mechanism. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Dynamic MAC Aging". Redundancy Type The following settings are available: - "-" (disabled) The redundancy function is disabled. - Spanning Tree If you select this option, you specify the required redundancy mode in "Redundancy Mode". - Ring Enables ring redundancy. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Ring Redundancy > Ring". - Ring with RSTP If you select this option, the compatibility mode for spanning tree is set permanently to RSTP. In the "Redundancy Type" drop-down list, you specify the redundancy mode of the ring redundancy. You can change the current setting in the "Ring Redundancy" and "Spanning Tree" menus. Note Restriction relating to ports with the "Ring with RSTP" option If you have enabled the "Ring with RSTP" option, the following ports must not be included in the spanning tree: Ring ports Standby ports Standby coupling ports 1284 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Redundancy Mode If you select "Spanning Tree" for the "Redundancy Type", the following options are then available: - STP Enables the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). Typical reconfiguration times with spanning tree are between 20 and 30 seconds. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Spanning Tree". - RSTP Enables the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP). If a spanning tree frame is detected at a port, this port reverts from RSTP to spanning tree. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Spanning Tree". Note When using RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol), loops involving duplication of frames or frames being overtaken may occur briefly. If this is not acceptable in your particular application, use the slower standard spanning tree mechanism. - MSTP Enables the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP). You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Spanning Tree". If you select "Ring" or "Ring with RSTP" for the "Redundancy Type", the following options are then available: - Automatic Redundancy Detection Select this setting to create an automatic configuration of the redundancy mode. In the Automatic Redundancy Detection mode, the device automatically detects whether or not there is a device with the "HRP Manager" role in the ring. If there is, the device adopts the role "HRP Client" client. If no HRP manager is found, all devices with the "Automatic Redundancy Detection" or "MRP Auto Manager" setting negotiate among themselves to establish which device adopts the role of "MRP Manager". The device with the lowest MAC address will always become "MRP Manager". The other devices automatically set themselves to "MRP Client" mode. - MRP Auto-Manager In the "MRP Auto Manager" mode, the devices negotiate among themselves to establish which device will adopt the role of "MRP Manager". The device with the lowest MAC address will always become "MRP Manager". The other devices automatically set themselves to "MRP Client" mode. In contrast to the setting "Automatic Redundancy Detection", the devices are not capable of detecting whether or not an HRP manager is in the ring. Note MRP configuration in STEP 7 If you set the role "Manager (Auto)" or "Manager" for the device in STEP 7, in both cases, "MRP Auto Manager" is displayed on this WBM page. In the display in the CLI, a distinction is made between the two roles. - MRP Client The device adopts the role of MRP client. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1285 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks - HRP Client The device adopts the role of HRP client. - HRP Manager The device adopts the role of HRP manager. When you configure an HRP ring, one device must be set as HRP manager. For all other devices, "HRP Client" or "Automatic Redundancy Detection" must be set. Standby Enable or disable the "Standby redundancy" function. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Ring Redundancy > Standby". Passive Listening Enable or disable the "passive listening" function. RMON If you select this check box, Remote Monitoring (RMON) allows diagnostics data to be collected on the device, prepared and read out using SNMP by a network management station that also supports RMON. This diagnostic data, for example port-related load trends, allow problems in the network to be detected early and eliminated. Dynamic Multicast The following settings are possible: - "-" (disabled) - IGMP Snooping Enables IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol). You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Multicast > IGMP". - MLD Snooping Enables MLD. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Multicast > MLD". - IGMP and MLD Snooping Enables IGMP and MDL. - GMRP Enables GMRP (GARP Multicast Registration Protocol). You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Multicast > GMRP". Note GMRP and IGMP cannot operate at the same time. GVRP Enable or disable "GVRP" (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol). You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > VLAN > GVRP". Mirroring Enable or disable port mirroring. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Mirroring > Port". 1286 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Loop Detection Enable or disable loop detection. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > Loop Detection". PTP Specify how the device will process PTP messages. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > PTP". - off The device does not process any PTP messages. PTP messages are, however, forwarded according to the rules of the switch. - transparent The device adopts the function of a transparent clock and forwards PTP messages to other nodes while at the same time making entries in the correction field of the PTP message. QoS General Transmission priorities On this page, you can specify the priorities of different frames. In addition to this, depending on the priority you can set the method according to which the processing order of the frames is specified. You should also refer to the section "Basics (Page 1170)". Description of the displayed values The page contains the following boxes: Broadcast Priority Specify the priority of broadcast frames. The switch sorts the frame into a queue according to this prioritization . You configure the assignment of the priority to a queue on the page ""Layer 2 > QoS > CoS Map". Agent Priority Specify the priority of agent frames. The switch sorts the frame into a queue according to this prioritization . You configure the assignment of the priority to a queue on the page ""Layer 2 > QoS > CoS Map". Scheduling Mode Select the order in which the frames are processed in the queues. The higher the queue number, the higher the processing priority. - Strict Queueing As long as there are frames with high priority in the queue, only these high-priority frames are processed. - Weighted Fair Queueing Even if there are frames with high priority in the queue, frames with a lower priority will be processed occasionally. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1287 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks CoS Map On this page, you can assign CoS priorities to different Queues. Settings CoS Shows the CoS priority of the incoming packets. Queue From the drop-down list, select the queue that is assigned to the CoS priority. The higher the number of the queue, the higher the processing priority. With queues 1 - 6 frames with a lower priority are occasionally processed even if there are frames with high priority in the queue. With queues 7 - 8 only frames with a high priority are processed as long as there are frames with high priority in the queue. The service classes (CoS) are assigned to the queues as follows: SCALANCE XB-200/XP-200 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 CoS 0 Queue 2 CoS 0 Queue 2 CoS 1 Queue 1 CoS 1 Queue 1 CoS 2 Queue 1 CoS 2 Queue 3 CoS 3 Queue 2 CoS 3 Queue 4 CoS 4 Queue 3 CoS 4 Queue 5 COo 5 Queue 3 CoS 5 Queue 6 CoS 6 Queue 4 CoS 6 Queue 7 CoS 7 Queue 4 CoS 7 Queue 8 DSCP Mapping On this page, you can assign DSCP priorities to different Queues. Settings DSCP Shows the DSCP priority of the incoming packets. Queue From the drop-down list, select the queue that is assigned to the DSCP priority. The higher the queue number, the higher the send priority. With queues 1 - 6 frames with a lower priority are occasionally processed even if there are frames with high priority in the queue. With queues 7 - 8 only frames with a high priority are processed as long as there are frames with high priority in the queue. 1288 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The DSCP codes are assigned to the queues as follows: SCALANCE XB-200/XP-200 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 DSCP codes 0 - 15 Queue 1 DSCP codes 0 - 7 Queue 2 DSCP codes 16 - 31 Queue 2 DSCP codes 8 - 15 Queue 1 DSCP codes 32 - 47 Queue 3 DSCP codes 16 - 23 Queue 3 DSCP codes 48 - 63 Queue 4 DSCP codes 24 - 31 Queue 4 DSCP codes 32 - 39 Queue 5 DSCP codes 40 - 47 Queue 6 DSCP codes 48 - 55 Queue 7 DSCP codes 56 - 63 Queue 8 QoS Trust Specifying the subnet priority On this page you can set the method according to which frames to be forwarded are prioritized port by port. Description of the displayed values Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports of table 2. Trust Mode Select the required setting. If "No setting" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1289 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the configurable PoE ports. The port is made up of the module number and the port number, for example port 0.1 is module 0, port 1. Trust Mode Select the required mode from the drop-down list: - No Trust The switch sorts the incoming frames into a queue according to the prioritization of the receiving port. If there is a DSCP value in the IP header, this is ignored. If a VLAN tag exists, it is replaced by the priority value of the receiving port. - Trust COS If an incoming frame contains a VLAN tag, the switch sorts it into a queue according to this prioritization. If the frame does not contain a VLAN tag, the switch sorts the frame into a queue according to the prioritization of the receiving port. If there is a DSCP value in the IP header, this is ignored. - Trust DSCP If an incoming frame contains a DSCP prioritization, the switch sorts it into a queue according to this prioritization. If the frame does not contain a DSCP prioritization, the switch sorts the frame into a queue according to the prioritization of the receiving port. If the frame contains a VLAN tag, this is ignored. - Trust COS-DSCP With an incoming frame, there is a sequential check to determine which prioritization it contains. If the frame contains a DSCP prioritization, it is handled as in the "Trust DSCP" mode. If the frame contains no DSCP prioritization, the switch checks whether the frame contains a VLAN tag. If it contains a VLAN tag, the switch sorts it into a queue according to this prioritization. If the frame contains neither a DSCP prioritization nor a VLAN tag, the switch sorts the frame into a queue according to the prioritization of the receiving port. CoS Port Remap Changing priority when sending On this page depending on the priority when receiving, you can change the priority of a frame with which it is sent. Description of the displayed boxes The page contains the following boxes: CoS Remap Enable or disable frames being sent with changed priorities according to Table 2. 1290 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports of table 2. Priority 0 - 7 The priority in the column stands for the priority with which a frame is received. - 0-7 Select the priority with which a frame will be sent. - No Change No change in table 2. Copy to Table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows all available ports. The port is made up of the module number and the port number, for example port 0.1 is module 0, port 1. Priority 0 - 7 The priority in the column stands for the priority with which a frame is received. In the drop-down list select the priority with which a frame will be sent. Rate Control Limiting the transfer rate of incoming and outgoing data On this page, you configure the load limitation (maximum number of data packets per second) for the individual ports. You can specify the category of frame for which these limit values will apply. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports. Limit Ingress Unicast (DLF) / Limit Ingress Broadcast / Limit Ingress Multicast Select the required setting. Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Total Ingress Rate [pkts/s] Specify the maximum number of incoming packets processed by the device. If "No Change" is entered, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged Egress Rate [Kb/s] Specify the data rate for all outgoing frames. If "No Change" is entered, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged Transfer to table If you click the button, the settings are adopted for all ports of table 2. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1291 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the port to which the settings relate. Limit Ingress Unicast (DLF) Enable or disable the data rate for limiting incoming unicast frames with an unresolvable address (Destination lookup failure). Limit Ingress Broadcast Enable or disable the data rate for limiting incoming broadcast frames. Limit Ingress Multicast Enable or disable the data rate for limiting incoming multicast frames. Total Ingress Rate [pkts/s] Specify the maximum number of incoming packets processed by the device. Egress Rate [Kb/s] Specify the data rate for all outgoing frames. Note Rounding of the values, deviation from desired value When you enter the values for transmission rates, note that the WBM rounds to correct values. If values are configured for total ingress transmission rate and egress transmission rate, the actual values in operation can exceed or fall below the set values by 10%. VLAN General On this page, you define the VLAN and specify the use of the ports. Note Changing the "Agent VLAN ID" If the configuration PC is connected directly to the device via Ethernet and you change the "agent VLAN ID", the device is no longer reachable via Ethernet following the change. Important rules for VLANs With SCALANCE XB-200 the rules of the Base Bridge mode apply "802.1Q VLAN Bridge". Make sure you keep to the following rules when configuring and operating your VLANs: Frames with the VLAN ID "0" are handled as untagged frames but retain their priority value. As default, all ports on the device send frames without a VLAN tag to ensure that the end node can receive these frames. With SCALANCE X devices, the VLAN ID "1" is the default on all ports. 1292 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If an end node is connected to a port, outgoing frames should be sent without a tag (static access port). If, however, there is a further switch at this port, the frame should have a tag added (trunk port). With a trunk port, the VLAN assignment is dynamic. Static configurations can only be created if, in addition to the trunk port property, the port is also entered statically as a member in the VLANs involved. An example of a static configuration is the assignment of the multicast groups in certain VLANs. Settings VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID. The table has the following columns: VLAN ID Shows the VLAN ID. The VLAN ID is assigned once when you create a new data record and can then no longer be changed. To make a change, the entire data record must be deleted and created again. Base Bridge mode (only with SCALANCE XB-200) Specify the base bridge mode. Note Changing base bridge mode Note the section "Changing base bridge mode". This section describes how a change affects the existing configuration. - 802.1Q VLAN Bridge Sets the mode "VLAN-aware" for the device. In this mode, VLAN information is taken into account. Default setting with EtherNet/IP variants - 802.1D transparent bridge Sets the mode "VLAN-unaware" for the device. In this mode, VLAN tags are not taken into account or changed but are forwarded transparently. In this mode, you cannot create any VLANs. Only a management VLAN is available: VLAN 1: Default setting with PROFINET variants Name Enter a name for the VLAN. The name only provides information and has no effect on the configuration. The VLAN name can be a maximum of 32 characters long. Status Shows the status of the entry. Here, static means that the address was entered as a static address by the user. The entry GVRP means that the configuration was registered by a GVRP frame. This is, however, only possible if GVRP was enabled for the device. Private VLAN Type Shows the type of the PVLAN. Primary VLAN ID , With secondary PVLANs shows the ID of the corresponding primary PVLAN. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1293 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Transparent(only with SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500) If you enable these settings, you switch a VLAN to the transparent mode. Ports that were assigned to this VLAN as members or untagged members now become transparent ports. This means the following: - The port VLAN ID of the transparent port is set to the ID of this VLAN. - Untagged frames that are received at these ports are forwarded to all other transparent ports once again without tag as long as they are not forwarded to a standard VLAN by a protocol or subnet rule. - Frames tagged with VLAN ID "0" and that are received at these ports are forwarded to all other transparent ports once again tagged with VLAN ID "0" as long as they are not forwarded to a standard VLAN by a protocol or subnet rule. - Frames tagged with the VLAN ID of the transparent VLAN and that are received at these ports are forwarded to all transparent ports once again tagged with the VLAN ID of the transparent VLAN. - Other frames are forwarded according to the normal VLAN rules and a transparent port behaves like an untagged member in this VLAN. - All ports that were not members or untagged members in the relevant VLAN are automatically set to the "Forbidden" status. - As long as a VLAN is configured as a transparent VLAN, the ports belonging to this VLAN cannot be modified. - You can only configure one a transparent VLAN. List of ports Specify the use of the port. The following options are available: - "-" The port is not a member of the specified VLAN. With a new definition, all ports have the identifier "-". - M The port is a member of the VLAN. Frames sent in this VLAN are forwarded with the corresponding VLAN tag. - R The port is a member of the VLAN. A GVRP frame is used for the registration. - U (upper case) The port is an untagged member of the VLAN. Frames sent in this VLAN are forwarded without the VLAN tag. Frames without a VLAN tag are sent from this port. - u (lower case) The port is an untagged member of the VLAN, but the VLAN is not configured as a port VLAN. Frames sent in this VLAN are forwarded without the VLAN tag. - F The port is not a member of the specified VLAN and it is not possible for the VLAN to be registered dynamically at this port using GVRP. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > VLAN > Port-based VLAN". 1294 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks - T This option is only displayed and cannot be selected in the WBM. This port is a trunk port making it a member in all VLANs. You configure this function in the CLI (Command Line Interface) using the "switchport mode trunk" command. Changing Base Bridge mode with SCALANCE XB-200 VLAN-unaware (802.1D transparent bridge) VLAN-aware (802.1Q VLAN bridge) If you change the Base bridge mode from VLAN-unaware to VLAN aware, this has the following effects All static and dynamic unicast entries are deleted. All static and dynamic multicast entries are deleted. VLAN-aware (802.1Q VLAN bridge) VLAN-unaware (802.1D transparent bridge) If you change the Base bridge mode from VLAN-aware to VLAN-unaware, this has the following effects All static and dynamic VLAN information is deleted. A management VLAN is created: VLAN 1: All static and dynamic unicast entries are deleted. All static and dynamic multicast entries are deleted. GVRP Configuration of GVRP functionality Using GVRP frame, a different device can register at the port of the device for a specific VID. A different device, can, for example be an end device or a switch. The device can also send GVRP frames via this port. On this page, you can enable each port for GVRP functionality. Settings GVRP Enable or disable the "GVRP" function. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1295 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports of table 2. Setting Select the setting. You have the following setting options: - Enabled Enables the sending of GVRP frames. - Disabled Disables the sending of GVRP frames. - No Change No change in table 2. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports. Setting Enable or disable the sending GVRP frames. Port-based VLAN Processing received frames On this page, you specify the configuration of the port properties for receiving frames. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports. Priority / Port VID / Acceptable Frames / Ingress Filtering Select the setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. 1296 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and link aggregations. Priority Select the priority assigned to untagged frames. The CoS priority (Class of Service) used in the VLAN tag. If a frame is received without a tag, it will be assigned this priority. This priority specifies how the frame is further processed compared with other frames. There are a total of eight priorities with values 0 to 7, where 7 represents the highest priority (IEEE 802.1p Port Priority). Port VID Select the VLAN ID. Only VLAN IDs defined on the "VLAN > General" page can be selected. If a received frame does not have a VLAN tag, it has a tag with the VLAN ID specified here added to it and is sent according to the rules at the port. Acceptable Frames Specify which types of frames will be accepted. The following alternatives are possible: - Tagged Frames Only The device discards all untagged frames. Otherwise, the forwarding rules apply according to the configuration. - All The device forwards all frames Ingress Filtering Specify whether the VID of received frames is evaluated. The following options are available: - Enabled The VLAN ID of received frames decides whether they are forwarded: To forward a VLAN tagged frame, the receiving port must be a member in the same VLAN. Frames from unknown VLANs are discarded at the receiving port. - Disabled All frames are forwarded. Protocol-based VLAN group On this page, you specify groups and assign a protocol to them. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1297 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Protocol Based VLAN Enable or disable the protocol-based VLAN assignment. Protocol Value Enter the hexadecimal protocol value. A few examples are shown below: - PROFINET: 88:92 - IP: 08:00 - Novell: 81:37 - netbios: f0:f0 - appletalk: 80:9b Group ID Enter the ID of the group. The table has the following columns: Protocol Value Shows the file value. Group ID Shows the group ID. Protocol-based VLAN port On this page, you specify which protocol and which VLAN is assigned to the individual port. Settings Port Select the required port. All available ports and the link aggregations can be selected. Group ID Select the group ID from the drop-down list. Specify the ID in "Layer 2 > VLAN > Protocol Based VLAN Group". The table has the following columns: Port All available ports and the link aggregations are shown. Group ID Shows the group ID assigned to the port. VLAN ID Select the required VLAN ID to be assigned to the port. IPv4 subnet-based VLAN On this page, you specify which VLAN ID is assigned to the subnet. 1298 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Subnet Based VLAN Enable or disable the subnet-based VLAN assignment. Port Select the port. All available ports and the link aggregations can be selected. Subnet Address Enter the IP address of the subnet. Example: for the network 192.168.10.x with nodes to Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask. The table has the following columns: Port All available ports and the link aggregations are shown. Subnet Address Shows the subnet assigned to the port. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask. VLAN ID Select the VLAN ID you want to assign to the port or the subnet. Private VLAN General Private VLAN configuration page On this page you define the types of the PVLANs and assign secondary PVLANs to a primary PVLAN. Note All secondary PVLANs must be known on all devices of a PVLAN. Even if a device has no host port in a secondary PVLAN, the secondary PVLAN must be known on the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1299 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description of the displayed boxes The table has the following columns: VLAN ID Shows the VLAN ID. Private VLAN Type Specify the type of PVLAN: - Primary Mit diesem Typ definieren Sie ein Primary PVLAN. In a PVLAN you can only define one primary PVLAN. The primary PVLAN uses the VLAN ID of the VLAN. - Isolated With this type, you define a secondary PVLAN. Only one device can exist in this secondary PVLAN. The secondary PVLAN has a specific VLAN ID. - Community With this type, you define a secondary PVLAN. The devices in this secondary PVLAN can communicate with each other via layer 2. The secondary PVLAN has a specific VLAN ID. Primary VLAN ID With secondary PVLANs select the VLAN ID of the primary PVLAN. IP Interface Mapping VLAN configuration page On this page you specify from which secondary PVLANs the IP interface of the primary PVLAN will be reachable. Description of the displayed boxes The page contains the following boxes: Interface Select a primary PVLAN with an IP interface. Secondary VLAN ID Select a secondary VLAN ID from which the IP interface of the primary PVLAN will be reachable. The table has the following columns: Select Select the row you want to delete. Interface Shows the IP interface. Secondary VLAN-ID Shows the secondary VLAN-ID of the secondary PVLAN from which the IP interface of the primary PVLAN is reachable. 1300 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Mirroring Basics Mirroring The device provides the option of simultaneously channeling incoming or outgoing data streams via other interfaces for analysis or monitoring. This has no effect on the monitored data streams. This procedure is known as mirroring. In this menu section, you enable or disable mirroring and set the parameters. Mirroring ports Mirroring a port means that the data traffic at a port (mirrored port) of the IE switch is copied to another port (monitor port). You can mirror one or more ports to a monitor port. If a protocol analyzer is connected to the monitor port, the data traffic at the mirrored port can be recorded without interrupting the connection. This means that the data traffic can be investigated without being affected. This is possible only if a free port is available on the device as the monitor port. General Mirroring in general On this page, you can enable or disable the mirroring function and make the basic settings. Note Mirroring a port does not work beyond switch core boundaries. Refer to the operating instructions of the device. Note You need to disable port mirroring if you want to connect a normal end device to the monitor port. This does not apply to the function extender BUS ANALYZER Agent XM-400. Note the data rate If the maximum data rate of the mirrored port is higher than that of the monitor port, data may be lost and the monitor port no longer reflects the data traffic at the mirrored port. Several ports can be mirrored to one monitor port at the same time. RSPAN With RSPAN (Remote Switched Port Analyzer) you can forward the data traffic of a mirroring session to the monitor port via a VLAN. On the RSPAN VLAN, the mirrored data traffic is not disturbed by other data. Frames addressed directly to the mirroring source cannot be mirrored on the RSPAN destination port. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1301 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Mirroring Enable or disable mirroring of the data traffic. Monitor Barrier Enable or disable the setting to restrict communication via the monitor port. Note Effects of monitor barrier If you enable this setting, the management of the switch via the monitor port is no longer reachable. The following port-specific functions are changed: DCP forwarding is turned off LLDP is turned off Unicast, multicast and broadcast blocking is turned on The previous statuses of these functions are no longer restored after disabling monitor barrier again. They are reset to the default values and may need to be reconfigured. You can reconfigure these functions manually even if monitor barrier is turned on. The data traffic on the monitor port is also allowed again. If you do not require this, make sure that only the data traffic you want to monitor is forwarded to the interface. If mirroring is disabled, the listed port-specific functions are reset to the default values. This reset takes place regardless of whether the functions were configured manually or automatically by enabling "Monitor Barrier". Note Function extender BUS ANALYZER Agent XM-400 If the destination port is a port of the function extender BUS ANALYZER Agent XM-400 the monitor barrier option is always activated. It is activated regardless of whether the check box was disabled or enabled. RSPAN VLAN ID Select a VLAN. 1302 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks This table has the following columns: Session ID The Session ID is assigned automatically when a new entry is created. Session Type Select the required entry: - '-' None - Port-based Port-based mirroring - VLAN VLAN-based mirroring. - MAC ACL Mirroring of the MAC Access Control List. - IP ACL Mirroring of the IP Access Control List. Note If you have created a session of the type "VLAN" "MAC ACL" or "IP ACL", you cannot create any further sessions. You can create up to 7 sessions of the type "Port-based". If you change the "Session Type" of an existing session, all previous configurations of this session are lost. Status Shows whether or not mirroring is active. Hardware Index If in a VLAN you select more than one source port for the port-based egress mirroring, unknown unicast and multicast frames as well as broadcast frames are forwarded only once to the destination port. With several sessions, the corresponding frames are only visible in one session. They are only mirrored on the one destination port with the lowest hardware index. Dest. Port Select the destination port to be mirrored to in this session. Note Function extender BUS ANALYZER Agent XM-400 If you connect a function extender BUS ANALYZER Agent XM-400 with a SCALANCE XM-400 basic device as of firmware version 5.1, you can select up to four ports of the function extender BUS ANALYZER Agent XM-400 as destination ports. Function extender BUS ANALYZER Agent XM-400 supports port-based, VLAN-based, MAC ACL-based and IP ACL-based mirroring. RSPAN Enable or disable RSPAN for a session. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1303 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Port Mirroring ports You can only configure the settings on this page if you have already generated a session ID with the session type "Port-based" on the "General" tab. Settings Session ID Select the session you want to monitor. Up to 7 parallel sessions are possible and their ports must not overlap. The table has the following columns: Port Shows the port to be monitored. Ingress Mirroring Enable or disable listening in on incoming packets at the required port. Egress Mirroring Enable or disable listening in on outgoing packets at the required port. VLAN VLAN sources of the port mirroring You can only configure the settings on this page if you have already generated a session ID with the session type "VLAN" on the "General" tab. On this page, you specify the VLAN whose incoming data traffic will be mirrored to the monitor port. It can happen that data packets are visible on the monitor port that were not received in the defined VLAN. These data packets come from functions that are enabled on the device, e.g. SIMATIC time client. To avoid these data packets when VLAN mirroring, disable the relevant functions on the device before a recording. Settings Session ID Select the session you want to monitor. Only one session is possible. VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID in the "VLAN ID" input box. The table "Ingress Mirroring " has the following columns: VLAN-ID Shows the VLAN ID for which the incoming frames are mirrored. The VLAN ID can only be assigned once when you create a new data record and can then no longer be changed. To make a change, the entire data record must be deleted and created again. 1304 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks MAC Flow You can only configure the settings on this page if you have already generated a session ID with the session type "MAC ACL" on the "General" tab. The MAC ACL filter decides which data is available at the monitor port. Settings Session ID Select the session number of the port mirroring. The table has the following columns: ACL Filter Number Shows the number of the ACL filter. You configure the MAC ACL filter in "Security > MAC ACL". Ingress Mirroring Shows whether incoming packets are mirrored. Note Rules The selected rule only becomes active when you specify with which ACL rules the incoming packets will be filtered for at least one interface. You configure the settings in "Security > MAC ACL > Ingress Rules". Source MAC Shows the MAC address of the sender. Dest. MAC Shows the MAC address of the recipient. Ingress Interfaces Shows all interfaces to which this rule applies. The ACL filter decides which incoming data streams are mirrored on the monitor port (destination port). Egress Interfaces Shows all interfaces to which this rule applies. IP Flow You can only configure the settings on this page if you have already generated a session ID with the session type "IP ACL" on the "General" tab. The ACL filter decides which data is available at the monitor port. Settings Session ID Select the session ID. Only session IDs of the session type "IP ACL" are available. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1305 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: ACL Filter Number Shows the number of the ACL filter. Ingress Mirroring Shows whether incoming packets are mirrored. Note Rules The selected rule only becomes active when you specify with which ACL rules the incoming packets will be filtered for at least one interface. You configure the settings in "Security > IP ACL > Ingress Rules". Source IP Shows the IPv4 address of the sender. Source Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask of the sender. Dest. IP Shows the IPv4 address of the recipient. Dest. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask of the recipient. Ingress Interfaces Shows all interfaces to which this rule applies. The ACL filter decides which incoming data streams are mirrored on the monitor port (destination port). Egress Interfaces Shows all interfaces to which this rule applies. The ACL filter decides which outgoing data streams are mirrored on the monitor port (destination port). Dynamic MAC Aging The device automatically learns the source addresses of the connected nodes. This information is used to forward data frames to the nodes specifically involved. The network load for the other nodes is reduced. If a device does not receive a frame whose source address matches a learnt address within a certain time, the learnt address is deleted. This mechanism is known as aging. Aging prevents frames being forwarded incorrectly, for example when an end device (for example a programming device) is connected to a different port. If the check box is not enabled, a device does not delete learned addresses automatically. Settings Dynamic MAC Aging Enable or disable the function for automatic aging of learned MAC addresses: Aging Time [s] Enter the time in seconds. After this time, a learned address is deleted if the device does not receive any further frames from this sender address. 1306 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Ring Redundancy Ring Rules for ring redundancy Factory settings The factory setting defines MSTP as the redundancy method. With SCALANCE XM-400, the factory setting defines ports P1.1 and P1.2 as ring ports. With SCALANCE XM-500, the factory setting defines ports P0.1 and P0.2 as ring ports. Ring ports Ring ports The predefined ring ports of SCALANCE XR-500 are 10 Gbps ports. If a 1000 Mbps pluggable transceiver is plugged into one of the 10 Gbps ring ports, you cannot enable ring redundancy. Remove the 1000 Mbps pluggable transceiver. Enabling ring redundancy You can enable ring redundancy as follows: using the WBM using the CLI using the SELECT/SET button using a PNIO configuration download WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1307 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Ring Redundancy If you enable the "Ring Redundancy" check box, you turn ring redundancy on. The ring ports set on this page are used. Ring redundancy mode Specify the ring redundancy mode. The following options are available: - "-" (disabled) The redundancy function is disabled. - Automatic Redundancy Detection Select this setting to create an automatic configuration of the redundancy mode. In the "Automatic Redundancy Detection" mode, the device automatically detects whether or not there is a device with the "HRP Manager" role in the ring. If this is the case, the device adopts the role of "HRP Client". If no HRP manager is found, all devices with the "Automatic Redundancy Detection" or "MRP Auto Manager" setting negotiate among themselves to establish which device adopts the role of "MRP Manager". The device with the lowest MAC address will always become "MRP Manager". The other devices automatically set themselves to "MRP Client" mode. - MRP Auto Manager Automatic media redundancy manager - MRP Client Media redundancy client - HRP Client High Speed Redundancy Protocol client - HRP Manager High Speed Redundancy Protocol manager Ring ports Specify the ports to be used as ring ports in media redundancy in ring topologies. The ring port you select in the left-hand drop-down menu is the "Isolated Port" in HRP. Note If you restore the factory defaults, the default redundancy mode "Automatic Redundancy Detection" becomes active. The ring port configuration is also reset to the factory default ports. If other ports were used previously as ring ports, with the appropriate attachment, a previously correctly configured device can cause circulating frames and therefore the failure of the data traffic. 1308 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Observer Enable or disable the observer. The "Observer" function is only available in HRP rings. The ring port selected in the left-hand drop-down menu is connected to the "Isolated Port" of an HRP manager. The observer monitors malfunctions of the redundancy manager or incorrect configurations of an HRP ring. If the observer is enabled, it can interrupt the connected ring if errors are detected. To do this, the observer switches a ring port to the "blocking" status. When the error is resolved, the observer enables the port again. Restart Observer (only available online) If numerous errors occur in quick succession, the observer no longer enables its port automatically. The ring port remains permanently in the "blocking" status. This is signaled by the error LED and a message text. After the errors have been eliminated, you can enable the port again using the "Restart Observer" button. Restoring factory settings If you have restored the factory defaults (Restore Factory Defaults and Restart), ring redundancy is disabled and the default ports are used as the ring ports. This can lead to circulating frames and failure of the data traffic if other settings were used in a previous configuration. Changing over the status of the ring ports with the redundancy manager If you configure a redundancy manager, set the status of the ring ports. The first ring port changes to the "blocking" status and the second ring port to the "forwarding" status. As long as ring redundancy is enabled, you cannot change the status of these ring ports. Note Make sure that you first open the ring so that there are no circulating frames. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1309 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Standby Redundant linking of rings Standby redundancy allows the redundant linking of HRP rings. To establish a standby connection, configure two neighboring devices within a ring as standby master or standby slave. The standby master and the standby slave must be connected via parallel cables to two devices in another ring. In problem-free operation, messages are exchanged between the two rings via the master. If the master's line is disturbed, the slave takes over the forwarding of messages between the two rings. Enable standby redundancy for both standby partners and select the ports via which the device is connected to the rings you want to link to. For the "Standby Connection Name", a name unique within the ring must be assigned for both partners. This identifies the two devices as standby partners that belong together. Note To be able to use the function, HRP must be activated. The standby manager always requires an activated HRP client or HRP manager. Note Standby master coupling with an optical 100 Mbps connection While the coupling partner of a standby master with an optical 100 Mbps connection starts up again, physically disconnect the connection between the standby master and its coupling partner. Settings Standby Enable or disable this function. Standby Port Select the port to be standby port. The link to the other ring is via the standby port. Note Note Standby ports in the spanning tree Before you enable the port as the standby port, you need to disable the port in the spanning tree. 1. Change to the page "Layer 2 > Spanning Tree > CIST Port". 2. Disable the ports in the spanning tree you want to configure as standby ports. The standby port is involved in the redirection of data traffic. In there are no problems, only the standby port of the master is enabled and handles the data traffic into the connected HRP ring or HRP bus. If the master or the Ethernet connection (link) of one of the standby ports of the master fails, the standby port of the master will be disabled and the standby port of the slave enabled. As a result, a functioning Ethernet connection to the connected network segment (HRP ring or HRP linear bus) is restored. 1310 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Standby Connection Name This name defines the master/slave device pair. Both devices must be located in the same ring. Here, enter the name for the standby connection. This must be identical to the name entered on the standby partner. You can select any name to suit your purposes, however, you can only use the name for one pair of devices in the entire network. Force device to Standby Master When selected, the device is configured as standby master regardless of its MAC address. - If this check box is not selected for either of the devices for which the standby master is enabled, then assuming that no error has occurred, the device with the higher MAC address adopts the role of standby master. - If the option is selected for both devices or if the "Force device to Standby Master" property is supported by only one device, the standby master is also selected based on the MAC address. This type of assignment is important in particular when a device is replaced. Depending on the MAC addresses, the previous device with the slave function can take over the role of the standby master. Note If two devices are linked by the standby function, the "Standby" function must be enabled on both devices. Wait for Standby Partner - Enabled A standby connection is enabled only after the standby master and the standby slave as well as their standby partners have established a connection. This ensures that the redundant connection is really available before communication via a standby connection is enabled. - Disabled A standby connection is enabled even if the standby master has not yet established a connection to the standby slave. This can lead to circulating frames and failure of the data traffic if another standby connection has already been enabled. Multiple standby connections can, for example, result due to configuration errors if different standby connection names were assigned to the standby master and standby slave. Spanning Tree General General settings of MSTP On this page, you configure the settings for MSTP. As default, Rapid Spanning Tree is enabled that can be set to the MSTP, RSTP or STP compatible mode with a switch. On the configuration pages of these functions, you can make detailed settings. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1311 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Depending on the compatibility mode, you can configure the corresponding function on the relevant configuration page. Settings Spanning Tree Enable or disable Spanning Tree. Protocol Compatibility Select the compatibility mode of MSTP. For example if you select RSTP, MSTP behaves like RSTP. The following settings are available: - STP - RSTP - MSTP See also Link aggregation (Page 1322) MST port (Page 1317) MST General (Page 1317) CIST general/ST general The page consists of the following parts. The left-hand side of the page shows the configuration of the device. The central part shows the configuration of the root bridge that can be derived from the spanning tree frames received by a device. The right-hand side shows the configuration of the regional root bridge that can be derived from the MSTP frames. The displayed data is only visible if you have enabled "Spanning Tree" on the "General" page and if "MSTP" is set for "Protocol Compatibility". This also applies to the "Bridge Max Hop Count" parameter. If the device is a root bridge, the information on the left and right matches. Settings Bridge Priority / Root Priority (only available online) Which device becomes the root bridge is decided based on the bridge priority. The bridge with the highest priority becomes the root bridge. The lower the value, the higher the priority. If several devices in a network have the same priority, the device whose MAC address has the lowest numeric value will become the root bridge. Both parameters, bridge priority and MAC address together form the bridge identifier. Since the root bridge manages all path changes, it should be located as centrally as possible due to the delay of the frames. Bridge Address / Root Address(only available online) The bridge address shows the MAC address of the device and the root address shows the MAC address of the root bridge. 1312 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Root Port (only available online) Shows the port via which the switch communicates with the root bridge. Root Cost (only available online) The path costs from this device to the root bridge. Topology Changes / Last Topology Change (only available online) The entry for the device shows the number of reconfigurations due to the spanning tree mechanism since the last startup. For the root bridge, the time since the last reconfiguration is displayed as follows: - Seconds: sec unit after the number - Minutes: min unit after the number - Hour: hr unit after the number Bridge Hello Time [s] / Root Hello Time[s] (only available online) Each bridge regularly sends configuration frames (BPDUs). The interval between two such frames is the Hello time. The default for this parameter is 2 seconds. Bridge Forward Delay [s] / Root Forward Delay [s] New configuration data is not used immediately by a bridge but only after the period specified in the parameter. This ensures that operation is only started with the new topology after all the bridges have the required information. Bridge Max Age / Root Max Age (only available online) When the max age timer elapses the received BPDU is discarded to be accepted as valid by the switch. Bridge Max Hop Count This parameter specifies how many MSTP nodes a BPDU may pass through. If an MSTP BPDU is received and has a "Bridge Max Hop Count" that exceeds the value configured here, it is discarded. Regional root priority (only available online) For a description, see Bridge Priority / Root Priority Regional root address (only available online) The MAC address of the device. Regional root costs (only available online) Shows the path costs from this device to the regional root bridge. Region Name Enter the name of the MSTP region to which this device belongs. As default, the MAC address of the device is entered here. This value must be the same on all devices that belong to the same MSTP region. Region Version Enter the version number of the MSTP region in which the device is located. This value must be the same on all devices that belong to the same MSTP region. Reset Counter (only available online) Click this button to reset the counters on this page to zero. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1313 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks CIST Port/ST Port MSTP-CIST port configuration When the page is called, the table displays the current status of the configuration of the port parameters. To configure them, click the relevant cells in the port table. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports of table 2. Spanning Tree Status Select the setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and interfaces. - Port X - WLAN X - VAP X.Y - WDS X.Y Spanning Tree Status Specify whether or not the port is integrated in the spanning tree. Note If you disable the "Spanning Tree Status" setting for a port, this may cause the formation of loops. The topology must be kept in mind. Priority Enter the priority of the port. The priority is only evaluated when the path costs are the same. The value must be divisible by 16. If the value that cannot be divided by 16, the value is automatically adapted. Cost Calc. Enter the path cost calculation. If you enter the value "0" here, the automatically calculated value is displayed in the "Path Costs" box. 1314 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Path Costs (only available online) This parameter is used to calculate the path that will be selected. The path with the lowest value is selected as the path. If several ports of a device have the same value for the path costs, the port with the lowest port number is selected. If The "Cost Calc." is "0", the automatically calculated value is shown. Otherwise, the value of the "Cost Calc." box is displayed. The calculation of the path costs is largely based on the transmission speed. The higher the achievable transmission speed is, the lower the value of the path costs. Typical values for path costs with rapid spanning tree: - 10,000 Mbps = 2,000 - 1000 Mbps = 20,000 - 100 Mbps = 200,000 - 10 Mbps = 2,000,000 The values can, however, also be set individually. Status (only available online) Displays the current status of the port. The values are only displayed and cannot be configured. The "Status" parameter depends on the configured protocol. The following is possible for status: - Disabled The port only receives and is not involved in STP, MSTP and RSTP. - Discarding In the "Discarding" mode, BPDU frames are received. Other incoming or outgoing frames are discarded. - Listening In this status, BPDUs are both received and sent. The port is involved in the spanning tree algorithm. - Learning Stage prior to the forwarding status, the port is actively learning the topology (in other words, the node addresses). - Forwarding Following the reconfiguration time, the port is active in the network; it receives and forwards data frames. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1315 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Fwd. Trans (only available online) Specifies the number of changes from the "Discarding" status to the "Forwarding" status Edge type Specify the type of edge port. You have the following options: - "-" Edge port is disabled. The port is treated as a "no edge port". - Admin Select this option when there is always an end device on this port. Otherwise a reconfiguration of the network will be triggered each time a connection is changed. - Auto Select this option if you want a connected end device to be detected automatically at this port. When the connection is established the first time, the port is treated as a "no Edge Port". - Admin/Auto Select these options if you operate a combination of both on this port. When the connection is established the first time, the port is treated as an Edge Port. Edge (only available online) Shows the status of the port. - Enabled An edge port is connected to this port. - Disabled There is a spanning tree or rapid spanning tree device at this port. With an end device, a switch can change over the port faster without taking into account spanning tree frames. If a spanning tree frame is received despite this setting, the port automatically changes to the "Disabled" setting for switches. P.t.P. Type Select the required option. The selection depends on the port that is set. - "-" Point to point is calculated automatically. If the port is set to half duplex, a point-to-point link is not assumed. - P.t.P. Even with half duplex, a point-to-point link is assumed. - Shared Media Even with a full duplex connection, a point-to-point link is not assumed. Note Point-to-point connection means a direct connection between two devices. A shared media connection is, for example, a connection to a hub. 1316 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks P.t.P. - Enabled Shows that a point-to-point link exists. - Disabled Shows that no point-to-point link exists. Hello Time Enter the interval after which the bridge sends configuration BPDUs Note The port-specific setting of the Hello time is only possible in MSTP compatible mode. MST General Multiple Spanning Tree configuration With MSTP, in addition to RSTP, several VLANs can be managed in a LAN with separate RSTP trees. Settings MSTP Instance ID Enter the number of the MSTP instance. The table has the following columns: Select Select the line to be deleted. MSTP Instance ID Shows the number of the MSTP instance. Root Address Shows the MAC address of the root bridge Root Priority Shows the priority of the root bridge. Bridge Priority Enter the bridge priority. The value for the bridge priority is a whole multiple of 4096. VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID. Here, you can also specify ranges with Start ID, "-", End ID. Several ranges or IDs are separated by ",". MST port Configuration of the Multiple Spanning Tree port parameters On this page, you set the parameters for the ports of the configured multiple spanning tree instances. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1317 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings MSTP Instance ID Select the ID of the MSTP instance. Table 1 has the following columns 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports. MSTP Status Select the setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2 Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows all available ports and link aggregations. MSTP Instance ID ID of the MSTP instance. MSTP Status Enable or disable MSTP for this port. Priority Enter the priority of the port. The priority is only evaluated when the path costs are the same. The value must be divisible by 16. If the value that cannot be divided by 16, the value is automatically adapted. Cost Calc. Enter the path cost calculation in the input box. If you enter the value "0" here, the automatically calculated value is displayed in the next box "Path Costs". Path Costs (only available online) This parameter is used to calculate the path that will be selected. The path with the lowest value is selected as the path. If several ports of a device have the same value for the path costs, the port with the lowest port number is selected. If the value for the Cost Calc is "0" the automatically determined value is displayed. Otherwise, the value of the "Cost Calc box is displayed. The calculation of the path costs is largely based on the transmission speed. The higher the achievable transmission speed is, the lower the value of the path costs. Typical values for path costs with rapid spanning tree: - 10,000 Mbps = 2,000 - 1000 Mbps = 20,000 - 100 Mbps = 200,000 - 10 Mbps = 2,000,000 The values can, however, also be set individually. 1318 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status (only available online) Displays the current status of the port. The values are only displayed and cannot be configured. The following is possible for status: - Discarding The port exchanges MSTP information but is not involved in the data traffic. - Blocked In the blocking mode, BPDU frames are received. - Forwarding The port receives and sends data frames. Fwd. Trans(only available online) Specifies the number of status changes Discarding - Forwarding or Forwarding - Discarding for a port. Enhanced Passive Listening Compatibility Enabling the function On this page, you can enable passive listening compatibility. Settings Enhanced Passive Listening Compatibility Enable or disable this function for the entire device. Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports of table 2. Setting Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Displays the port of the device. Setting - Enabled Enables the function. - Disabled Disables the function. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1319 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Loop detection With the "Loop Detection" function, you specify the ports for which loop detection will be activated. The ports involved send special test frames - the loop detection frames. If these frames are sent back to the device, there is a loop. A "local loop" involving this device means that the frames are received again at a different port of the same device. If the sent frames are received again at the same port, there is a "remote loop" involving other network components. Note A loop is an error in the network structure that needs to be eliminated. The loop detection can help to find the errors more quickly but does not eliminate them. The loop detection is not suitable for increasing network availability by deliberately including loops. Note Note that loop detection is only possible at ports that were not configured as ring ports or standby ports. Settings Loop Detection Enable or disable loop detection. VLAN Loop Detection Enable or disable loop detection in a VLAN. Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports of table 2 Threshold / Remote Reaction / Local Reaction Select the required settings. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. 1320 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports. Setting Specify how the port handles loop detection frames. Note Test frames create additional network load. We recommend that you only configure individual switches, for example at branch points of the ring, as "sender" and the others as "forwarder". - sender Loop detection frames are sent out and forwarded. - forwarder Loop detection frames from other devices are forwarded. - blocked The forwarding of loop detection frames is blocked. Threshold By entering a number, specify the number of received loop detection frames as of which a loop is assumed. Remote Reaction Specify how the port will react if a remote loop occurs. - no action A loop has no effect on the port. - disable The port is blocked. Local Reaction Specify how the port will react if a local loop occurs. - no action A loop has no effect on the port. - disable The port is blocked Status (only available online) This box shows whether loop detection is enabled or disabled for this port. Source Port (only available online) Shows the receiving port of the loop detection frame that triggered the last reaction Source VLAN (only available online) Shows the VLAN ID of the loop detection frame that triggered the last reaction. This requires that the "VLAN Loop Detection" setting is selected. Reset (only available online) After a loop in the network has been eliminated, click this button to reset the port again. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1321 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Changing the configured port status with loop detection The configuration of the port status can be changed with the "Loop Detection" function. If, for example, the administrator has disabled a port, the port can be enabled again after a device restart with "Loop Detection" (enabled). The port status "link down" is not changed by "Loop Detection". Note Effects of configuration using STEP 7 The configuration of Spanning Tree can be changed if you configure "Loop Detection" using STEP 7. If you enable "Loop Detection" on a port with STEP 7, Spanning Tree is automatically disabled on this port. If you disable "Loop Detection" for the port again with STEP 7 Spanning Tree is not automatically enabled. Enable Spanning Tree with the WBM or CLI. Link aggregation Bundling network connections for redundancy and higher bandwidth A link aggregation according to IEEE 802.3ad allows several connections between neighboring devices to be bundled to achieve higher bandwidths and to protect against failure. Ports on both partner devices are included in link aggregations and the devices are then connected via these ports. To assign ports (in other words links) correctly to a partner device, the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) from the IEEE 802.3ad standard is used. Note When a port is assigned to a link aggregation but is not active (e.g. link down), the values displayed may differ from the values configured for the link aggregation. If the port in the link aggregation becomes active, individual port configurations such as DCP forwarding are overwritten with the configured values of the link aggregation. Settings The table has the following columns: Port Shows the virtual port number of this link aggregation. This identifier is assigned internally by the firmware. Link Aggregation Name Enter a name for the link aggregation. This name can be specified by the user during configuration. The name is not absolutely necessary but can be useful to distinguish between the various link aggregations. 1322 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks MAC Address Shows the MAC address. Status Enable or disable link aggregation. MTU Specify the packet size. LACP - on Enables the sending of LACP frames. - off Disables the sending of LACP frames. Frame Distribution Set the type of distribution of packets on the individual links of an aggregation. - Destination&Source Mac The distribution is based on a combination of the destination and source MAC address. - Destination&Source IP-MAC The distribution is based on a combination of the destination and source IP address and MAC address. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1323 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks VLAN Mode Specify how the link aggregation is entered in a VLAN: - Hybrid The link aggregation sends tagged and untagged frames. It is not automatically a member of a VLAN. - Trunk The link aggregation only sends tagged frames and is automatically a member of all VLANs. Port Shows the ports that belong to this link aggregation. The following values can be selected from the drop-down list: - "-" (disabled) Link aggregation is disabled. - "a" (active) The port sends LACP frames and is only involved in the link aggregation when LACP frames are received. - "p" (passive) The port is only involved in the link aggregation when LACP frames are received. - o" (on) The port is involved in the link aggregation and does not send any LACP frames. Note Within a "link aggregation", only ports with the following configuration are possible: all ports with "o" all ports with "a" or "p". Note If you add a configured port to a link aggregation, the port adopts the configuration of the link aggregation. If you take the port out of the link aggregation, the settings of the port are reset to the factory settings. See also General (Page 1311) 1324 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks DCP forwarding Applications The DCP protocol is used by STEP 7 and the PST Tool for configuration and diagnostics. When shipped, DCP is enabled on all ports; in other words, DCP frames are forwarded at all ports. With this option, you can disable the sending of these frames for individual ports, for example to prevent individual parts of the network from being configured with the PST Tool or to divide the full network into smaller parts for configuration and diagnostics. Note PNIO configuration Since DCP is a PROFINET protocol, the configuration created here is only effective with the VLAN associated with the TIA interface. All the ports of the device are displayed on this page. After each displayed port, there is a dropdown list for function selection. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports of table 2. Setting Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports. Setting Specify whether the port should block or forward outgoing DCP frames. The following options are available: - forward DCP frames are forwarded at this port. - block No outgoing DCP frames are forwarded at this port. It is nevertheless still possible to receive via this port. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1325 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks LLDP Identifying the network topology LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) is defined in the IEEE 802.AB standard. LLDP is a method used to discover the network topology. Network components exchange information with their neighbor devices using LLDP. Network components that support LLDP have an LLDP agent. The LLDP agent sends information about itself and receives information from connected devices at periodic intervals. The received information is stored in the MIB. Applications PROFINET uses the LLDP protocol for topology diagnostics. In the default setting, LLDP is enabled for all ports; in other words, LLDP frames are sent and received on all ports. With this function, you have the option of enabling or disabling sending and/or receiving per port. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports of table 2. Setting Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the port. Setting Select whether or not the port will send or receive LLDP frames. The following options are available: - Rx This port can only receive LLDP frames. - Tx This port can only send LLDP frames. - Rx & Tx This port can receive and send LLDP frames. - "-" (disabled) This port can neither receive nor send LLDP frames. 1326 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks FMP Requirements To be able to use the Fiber Monitoring (FM) function, enable LLDP. The FM information is appended to the LLDP packets. You can only use Fiber Monitoring with transceivers capable of diagnostics. Devices and modules with transceivers capable of diagnostics have the supplement "FM" in the name. Monitoring optical links With Fiber Monitoring, you can monitor optical links. If you enable FM on an optical port, diagnostics information is sent via the port. In addition to sending, there is also a check to establish whether information is being received. Regardless of whether the IE switch receives diagnostics information, it monitors the received power and compares it with selectable power limits. If you connect two IE switches via optical ports with FM enabled, they exchange their diagnostics information. This also allows a power loss to be calculated. The power loss is also compared with selectable power limits. If the value of the received power or the power loss falls below a specified limit, an event is triggered. In "System > Events > Configuration", you can specify how the IE switch indicates the event. Settings Port Shows the available optical ports that support fiber monitoring. This depends on the transceivers. State Enable or disable FM. As default, the function is enabled. Rx Power [dBm] maintenance required (warning) Specify the value at which you are informed of the deterioration of the received power by a message of the severity level "Warning" The default value depends on the relevant pluggable transceiver. Rx Power [dBm] maintenance demanded (critical) Specify the value at which you are informed of the deterioration of the received power by a message of the severity level "Critical" The default value depends on the relevant pluggable transceiver. Power Loss [dB] maintenance required (warning) Enter the value at which you want to be informed about the power loss of the connection the first time. Power Loss [dB] maintenance demanded (critical) Enter the value at which you want to be informed about the power loss of the connection the second time. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1327 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Unicast Filter Address filtering This page shows the current content of the unicast filter table. This table lists the source addresses of unicast address frames. The displayed entries were made statically, in other words, the user set them. On this page, you also define the static unicast filters. Settings VLAN ID Select the VLAN ID in which you configure a new static MAC address. If nothing is set, "VLAN1" is set as the basic setting. MAC Address Enter the MAC address here. This table contains the following columns: VLAN ID Shows the VLAN-ID assigned to this MAC address. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the node that the device has learned or the user has configured. Status Shows the status of each address entry: - static Configured by the user. Static addresses are stored permanently; in other words, they are not deleted when the aging time expires or when the switch is restarted. Port Shows the port via which the node with the specified address can be reached. Frames received by the device whose destination address matches this address will be forwarded to this port. Note You can only specify one port for unicast addresses. Learning Starting/stopping learning Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. 1328 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks With the automatic learning function, all connected devices are automatically entered in the unicast filter table. As long as the "Start learning" function is enabled, all learned unicast addresses are created immediately as static unicast entries. The learning process is ended only after clicking the "Stop learning" button. With this method, learning can take a few minutes or several hours in larger networks before all nodes have really been learned. Only nodes that send packets during the learning phase are found. By subsequently enabling the Port Lock function, only packets from the nodes known after the end of the learning phase (static unicast entries) will be accepted at the relevant ports. Note If the Port Lock function was already active on individual ports prior to the automatic learning phase, no addresses will be learned on these ports. This makes it possible to restrict learning to certain ports. To do this, first enable the Port Lock function of the ports that are not intended to learn addresses. Settings Start learning Click the "Start learning" button to start the learning phase. The device now enters the addresses of connected devices until you stop the function. Stop learning Click the "Stop Learning" button to stop the learning phase. The learned entries are stored. Deleting all static unicast addresses Click the "Clear all static unicast addresses" button to delete all static entries. In large networks with numerous nodes, automatic learning may lead to a lot of undesired static entries. To avoid having to delete these individually, this button can be used to delete all static entries. This function is disabled during automatic learning. Note Depending on the number of entries involved, deleting may take some time. Locked ports Activating the access control On this page, you can block individual ports for unknown nodes. If the Port Lock function is enabled, packets arriving at this port from unknown MAC addresses are discarded immediately. Packets from known nodes are accepted by the port. Since ports with the port lock function enabled cannot learn any MAC addresses, learned addresses on these ports are automatically deleted after the port lock function is enabled. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1329 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports of table 2. Setting Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports. Setting Enable or disable access the port lock function for the port. Blocking Blocking forwarding of unknown unicast frames On this page, you can block the forwarding of unknown unicast frames for individual ports. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports of table 2. Setting Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports. Setting Enable or disable the blocking of unicast frames 1330 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Multicast Groups Multicast applications In the majority of cases, a frame is sent with a unicast address to a particular recipient. If an application sends the same data to several recipients, the amount of data can be reduced by sending the data using one multicast address. For some applications, there are fixed multicast addresses (NTP, IETF1 Audio, IETF1 Video etc.). Reducing network load In contrast to unicast frames, multicast frames represent a higher load for the device. Generally, multicast frames are sent to all ports. There are three ways of reducing the load caused by multicast frames: Static entry of the addresses in the multicast filter table. Dynamic entry of the addresses by listening in on IGMP parameter assignment frames (IGMP Configuration). Active dynamic assignment of addresses by GMRP frames. The result of all these methods is that multicast frames are sent only to ports for which an appropriate address is entered. "Information > Multicast" shows the multicast frames currently entered in the filter table and their destination ports. The displayed entries were made statically, in other words, the user set them. Settings VLAN ID Select the VLAN ID to be assigned to the MAC multicast address. MAC Address Here you enter a new MAC multicast address you want to configure. The table has the following columns: VLAN ID Shows VLAN ID of the VLAN to which the MAC multicast address is assigned. MAC Address Shows the MAC multicast address that the device has learned or the user has configured. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1331 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status Shows the status of each address entry. - Static The address was entered statically by the user. Static addresses are stored permanently; in other words, they are not deleted when the aging time expires or when the device is restarted. These must be deleted by the user. List of ports There is a column for each slot. Within a column, the multicast group to which the port belongs is shown. The following selections are possible: - M (Member) Multicast frames are sent via this port. - F (Forbidden) Not a member of the multicast group. Moreover, this address must not be an address learned dynamically with GMRP or IGMP/MLD. - Not a member of the multicast group. No multicast frames with the defined multicast MAC address are sent via this port IGMP Function IE switches support "IGMP snooping" and the IGMP querier function. If "IGMP snooping" is enabled, IGMP frames are evaluated and the multicast filter table is updated with this information. If "IGMP Querier is also enabled, IE switches also send IGMP queries that trigger responses from IGMP-compliant nodes. IGMP Snooping Aging Time In this menu, you can configure the aging time for IGMP Configuration. When the time elapses, entries created by IGMP are deleted from the address table if they are not updated by a new IGMP frame. This applies to all ports; a port-specific configuration is not possible. IGMP Snooping Aging Time depending on the querier SCALANCE XR500 as IGMP querier: If a SCALANCE XR500 is used as an IGMP querier, the query interval is 125 seconds. For the "IGMP Snooping Aging Time", set at least 250 seconds. Other IGMP queriers If a different IGMP querier is used, the value of the "IGMP Snooping Aging Time" should be at least twice as long as the query interval. 1332 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings IGMP Snooping Enable or disable IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol). The function allows the assignment of IP addresses to multicast groups. If the check box is selected, IGMP entries are included in the table and IGMP frames are forwarded. IGMP Snooping Aging Time Enter the value for the aging time in seconds in this box. IGMP Querier Enable or disable "IGMP Querier". The device sends IGMP queries. GMRP Enabling GMRP By selecting the check box, you specify whether or not GMRP is used for each individual port. If "GMRP" is disabled for a port, no registrations are made for it and it cannot send GMRP frames. Settings GMRP Enable or disable the GMRP function. Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports of table 2. Setting Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the settings are adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and the link aggregations. Setting Enable or disable GMRP for the port or for the link aggregation. Blocking On this page, you can block the forwarding of unknown multicast frames for individual ports. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1333 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports of table 2. Setting Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports. Setting Enable or disable the blocking of multicast frames. MLD Mulitcast Listener Discovery Devices support "MLD snooping" and the "MLD querier" function. If "MLD snooping" is enabled, MLD frames are evaluated and the multicast filter table is updated with this information. If "IGMP querier is also enabled, IE switches also send MLD queries that trigger responses from MLD-compliant nodes. With MLD snooping, MLD frames are only forwarded to the intended multicast listeners instead of being flooded to all ports. For MLD snooping to work, you need to enable the function globally and in the VLANs. MLD Snooping Aging Time On this page, you can configure the aging time for MLD configuration. When the time elapses, entries created by MLD are deleted from the address table if they are not updated by a new MLD packet. This applies to all VLANS; a VLAN-specific configuration is not possible. Settings MLD Snooping Enable or disable MLD on the device. MLD Snooping Aging Time Enter the time after which entries generated by MLD are deleted from the multicast filter table. Assuming that this is not updated by a new MLD packet. This applies to all VLANS; a VLAN-specific configuration is not possible 1334 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all VLANs of table 2. Snooping / Querier Select the setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Copy to Table If you click the button, the settings are adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: VLAN Shows the VLAN to which the settings relate Snooping Enable or disable MLD for the required VLAN. When enabled, the MLD entries are included the multicast filter table and MLD packets are forwarded. Querier Enable or disable sending of MLD queries Broadcast Blocking the forwarding of broadcast frames On this page, you can block the forwarding of broadcast frames for individual ports. Note Some communication protocols work only with the support of broadcast. In these cases, blocking can lead to loss of data communication. Block broadcast only when you are sure that you do not need it. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports of table 2. Setting Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port All available ports and the link aggregations are shown. Setting Enable or disable the blocking of broadcast frames. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1335 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks PTP General Note The following devices support time-of-day synchronization with PTP: SCALANCE XR528-6M SCALANCE XR552-12M IEEE 1588 with SCALANCE devices The IEEE 1588v2 standard defines mechanisms with which highly precise time-of-day synchronization of devices in a network can be achieved. SCALANCE devices with suitable hardware support time synchronization according to IEEE 1588v2. The functionality is disabled on these devices when they are shipped and following a "Reset to factory defaults". To be able to use PTP, enable this function and configure every port that is on the synchronization path as well as ports that are blocked due to redundancy mechanisms. PTP can also be used with redundancy mechanisms in the ring such as HRP, standby linking of rings, MRP and RSTP. Setting 1588 Mode You can make the following settings: - off The device does not process any PTP messages. PTP messages are, however, forwarded according to the rules of the device. - transparent The device adopts the function of a transparent clock and forwards PTP messages to other nodes while at the same time making entries in the correction field of the PTP message. TC general 1588 Transparent Clock On this page, you specify the general settings for PTP. 1336 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Delay Mechanism Specify the delay mechanism the device will work with: - End-to-end(delay request response mechanism will be used) Note With end-to-end synchronization with more than 2 slaves, freak values > 100 ns can occur in the offset. - Peer-to-peer (peer delay mechanism will be used) Domain Number Enter the domain number for the device. The device ignores PTP messages with a different domain number. A SCALANCE device can only be assigned to one synchronization domain. TC port On this page, you specify the ports that can process PTP messages. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports of table 2. Setting / Transport Mechanism Select the setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the settings are adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports. Setting The port status. The following entries are possible: - Enabled The port is not involved in PTP. - Disabled The port processes PTP messages. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1337 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Faulty Flag Shows error status relating to PTP. - true An error occurred. - false No error has occurred on this port. Transport Mechanism Specifies the protocol for transferring the PTP messages. This protocol must also be supported by the communications partner of the port - Ethernet - UDP IPv4 RMON Statistics Statistics On this page you can specify the ports for which RMON statistics are displayed. The RMON statistics are shown on the page "Information > Ethernet Statistics" in "Packet Size", "Frame Type" and "Packet Errror". Settings RMON When enabled, Remote Monitoring (RMON) allows diagnostics data to be collected on the device, prepared and read out using SNMP by a network management station that also supports RMON. This diagnostic data, for example port-related load trends, allow problems in the network to be detected early and eliminated. Note If you disable RMON, these statistics are not deleted but retain their last status. Port Select the ports for which statistics will be displayed. The table has the following columns: Port Shows the ports for which statistics will be displayed. 1338 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks History Samples of the statistics On this page, you can specify whether or not samples of the statistics are saved for a port. You can specify how many entries should be saved and at which intervals samples should be taken. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports. Setting/Buckets/Interval Select the required settings. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the settings are adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the port to which the settings relate. Setting Enable or disable the recording of the history on the relevant port. Entries Enter the maximum number of samples to be stored at the same time. Interval [s] Enter the interval after which the current status of the statistics will be saved as a sample. Configuring layer 3 functions for IPv4 Configuration The page contains the overview of the layer 3 functions for IPv4 of the device. On this page, you enable or disable the required layer 3 function. The functions "Routing", "VRRP", "RIP" and "OSPF" are only available with layer 3. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1339 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Routing(only available with devices with a layer 3 license) - Enabled IPv4 routing is enabled. You can only enable the routing function if DHCP is disabled on all configured interfaces. - Disabled IPv4 routing is disabled. If IPv6 routing is enabled on the device, this is also disabled. DHCP Relay Agent Enable or disable the DHCP relay agent. You can configure other settings in "Layer 3 (IPv4)> DHCP Relay Agent". VRRP (only available with devices with a layer 3 license) Enable or disable routing using VRRP. To use VRRP, first enable the routing function. You can configure other settings in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > VRRP". OSPF (only available with devices with a layer 3 license) Enable or disable routing using VRRP. To use VRRP, first enable the routing function. You can configure other settings in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > VRRP". RIP (only available with devices with a layer 3 license) Enable or disable routing using RIP. To use RIP , first enable the routing function. You can configure other settings in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > RIP". Subnets Overview (IPv4) Subnet The page shows the subnets for the selected interface. If more than one subnet is available on an interface, the first entry of this interface is of the address type "Primary". All other subnets have the address type "Secondary". A subnet always relates to an interface. You configure the interface in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > Configuration". Settings Interface Select the interface on which you want to configure another subnet. The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the interface. TIA Interface Shows whether or not the entry is a TIA interface. Interface Name Shows the name of the interface. 1340 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks MAC Address Shows the MAC address. IP Address Shows the IPv4 address of the subnet. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask. Address Type Shows the address type. The following values are possible: - Primary The first IPv4 address that was configured on an IP interface. - Secondary All other IPv4 addresses that were configured on an interface. IP Assignment Method Shows how the IPv4 address is assigned. - Static The IP address is static. You enter the IP settings in "IP Address" and "Subnet Mask". - Automatic (DHCP) The device obtains a dynamic IPv4 address from a DHCP server. Address Collision Detection Status If new IPv4 addresses become active in the network, this function checks whether this can result in address collisions. With this function, IPv4 addresses that will be assigned twice can be detected. Shows the status of the "Detection of address collisions" function. Note The function does not run a cyclic check. - Idle The interface is not enabled and does not have an IP address. - Starting This status indicates the start-up phase. In this phase, the device initially sends a query as to whether the planned IP address already exists. If the address is not yet been assigned, the device sends the message that it is using this IP address as of now. - Conflict The interface is not enabled. The interface is attempting to use an IP address that is already been assigned. - Defending The interface uses a unique IP address. Another interface is attempting to use the same IP address. - Active The interface uses a unique IP address. There are no collisions. - Not supported The function for detection of address collisions is not supported. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1341 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration On this page, you configure the subnet. You create the subnet in "Layer 3 > Subnets > Overview". Settings Interface (Name) Select the required interface. Interface Name Enter a name for the interface. MAC Address (only available online) Shows the MAC address of the selected interface DHCP Enable or disable the DHCP client for this IPv4 interface. Note If you want to operate the device as a router with several interfaces, disable DHCP on all interfaces. IP Address Enter the IPv4 address of the subnet. The IPv4 address must not be used more than once. Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the subnet you are creating. Subnets on different interfaces must not overlap. Address Type Shows the address type. The following values are possible: - Primary The first subnet of the interface. - Secondary All other subnets of the interface. TIA Interface Enable or disable the setting. The following conditions apply to the TIA interface: - Only interfaces with the address type "Primary" can be enabled as the TIA interface. - There must only ever be one TIA interface. - There can only be one TIA interface. - A TIA interface is always a VLAN interface. TIA interface and PROFINET interface The IP address of the TIA interface is linked to the IP address located in the parameter group "Properties > General > PROFINET interface > Ethernet addresses". Both IP addresses always have the same value. If you change the value of one IP address, the other IP address changes accordingly. 1342 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks TIA Interface The TIA interface is the interface via which all PROFINET functions of the IE switch are handled. TIA interface is the name of the IP address for PROFINET from the perspective of the IE switch. PROFINET interface You make the IP setting of the PROFINET device in TIA under PROFINET interface. PROFINET interface is the name of the IP address for PROFINET from the perspective of the TIA Portal. Routes (IPv4) Static route On this page, you create the static IPv4 routes. Settings Destination Network Enter the network address of the destination that can be reached via this route. Subnet Mask Enter the corresponding subnet mask. Gateway Enter the IPv4 address of the gateway via which this network address is reachable. Metric Enter the metric for the route. The metric corresponds to the quality of a connection, for example speed, costs. If there are several equal routes, the route with the lowest metric value is used. The table has the following columns: Destination Network Shows the network address of the destination. Subnet Mask Shows the corresponding subnet mask. Gateway Shows the IPv4 address of the next gateway. Interface (only available online) Shows the Interface of the route. Metric Enter the metric for the route. When creating the route, "not used" is entered automatically. The metric corresponds to the quality of a connection, for example speed, costs. If there are several equal routes, the route with the lowest metric value is used. State (only available online) Shows whether or not the route is active. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1343 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Route maps General (IPv4) Route maps With route maps, you control how routing information is further processed. You can filter routing information and specify whether the information is further processed, modified or discarded. Route maps operate according to the following principle: Routing information is compared with the filters of the route maps. The comparison is continued until the filters of a route map match the properties of an item of information. The information is then processed according to the route map settings: - The routing information is discarded. - The properties of the routing information are changed. Settings Name Enter the name for the route map. Sequence No Enter a number for the route map. You can create several route maps with the same name but with different sequence numbers. The sequence numbers then specify the order in which the route maps are processed. The table has the following columns: Name Shows the name of the route map. Sequence No Shows the sequence number of the route map. Action Specify what happens to the routing information that matches the settings of the route map: - permit The routing information is further processed according to the settings you make on the "Set" page. - deny The routing information is discarded. Interface & Value Match (IPv4) On this page, you specify whether or not the routing information for a route map is filtered according to interfaces, metric or tags. 1344 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Route Map (name/seq. no.) Select a route map. The created route maps are available to you. Type Select the basis for the filtering: - Interface - Metric - Tag Interface Select an interface. Only active if you have selected the "Interface" entry for "Type". Metric Enter a value for the metric. Only active if you have selected the "Metric" entry for "Type". Tag Enter a value for the tag. Only active if you have selected the "Tag" entry for "Type". Route Type Select the type of the route. - Local The routing information for the route map is filtered according to directly connected routes (local interfaces). - Remote The routing information for the route map is filtered according to learned or statically configured routes. This box is active only if i you have selected the entry "Route Type in the "Type" drop-down list. The table has the following columns: Type Shows the selected type: - Interface - Metric - Tag - Route Type Value Shows the selected interface, the value of the metric or of the tag. Destination Match (IPv4) On this page, you specify whether or not the routing information for a route map is filtered based on the destination IPv4 address. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1345 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Route Map (name/seq. no.) Select a route map. IP Address Enter the IPv4 address of the destination on which the filtering is based. Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the destination on which the filtering is based. The table has the following columns: IP Address Shows the IPv4 address of the destination. Subnet mask/prefix Shows the subnet mask of the destination. Next Hop Match (IPv4) On this page, you specify whether or not the filtering for a route map will be based on the router to which the routing information is sent next. Settings Route Map (name/seq. no.) Select a route map. IP Address Enter the IP address of the router to which the routing information will be sent next. The table has the following columns: IP Address Shows the IP address of the next router. Set (IPv4) On this page, you specify whether or not the routing information will be changed by a route map. If, for example, you have filtered based on a certain metric, you can change the value of the metric here. The routing information is then forwarded with the new value. You can only change the information of a "Permit" route map. Settings Route Map (name/seq. no.) Select a route map. 1346 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Name Shows the name of the route map. Sequence No Shows the sequence number of the route map. Metric Enter the new value for the metric with which the routing information will be forwarded. Tag Enter the new value for the tag with which the routing information will be forwarded. DHCP Relay Agent General If the DHCP server is in a different network, the device cannot reach the DHCP server. The DHCP relay agent intercedes between a DHCP server and the device. The DHCP relay agent forwards the port number of the device with the DHCP query to the DHCP server. If a DHCP server is unreachable, the device can switch to a different DHCP server. Settings DHCP Relay Agent (Opt. 82) Enable or disable the DHCP relay agent. Server IP Address Enter the IPv4 address of the DHCP server. The table has the following columns: Server IP Address Shows the IPv4 address of the DHCP server. Option Parameters of the DHCP relay agent On this page, you can specify parameters for the DHCP server, for example the circuit ID. The circuit ID describes the origin of the DHCP query, for example which port received the DHCP query. You specify the DHCP server on the "General" tab. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1347 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Global configuration Circuit ID router index Enable or disable the setting. When enabled, the router index is added to the generated circuit ID. Circuit ID recipient VLAN ID Enable or disable the setting. When enabled, the VLAN ID is added to the generated circuit ID. Circuit ID receiving port Enable or disable the setting. When enabled, the receiving port is added to the generated circuit ID. Note You need to select a least one option. Remote ID Shows the device ID. Interface-specific configuration Interface Select the required IPv4 interface. 1348 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the interface. Note If you have not created an interface-specific configuration, the global configuration with the MAC address is used as the device ID. Remote ID type Select the type of the device ID. You have the following options: - IP Address The IPv4 address of the device is used as the device ID. Note No automatic updating There is no link between the "Remote ID" box and the currently set IP address. If the IP address is changed, the new IP address is not entered in the "Remote ID" box automatically. Only the value of the "Remote ID Type" box changes to "Free Text". To use the current IP address again, select "IP Address" again in the "Remote ID Type" box. - MAC Address The MAC address of the device is used as the device ID. - Free Text If you use "Free Text", you can enter the device name as the device identifier in the "Remote ID" box. Remote ID Enter the device name. Can only be edited if you select the entry "Free Text" for "Remote ID Type". Circuit ID Type Select the type of circuit ID from the drop-down list. You have the following options: - Predefined The circuit ID is created automatically based on the router index, VLAN ID or port. - Free Number If you use "Free Number", you can enter the ID for "Circuit ID". Circuit ID Enter the circuit ID. Can only be edited if you select the "Free Number" entry for the "Circuit ID Type". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1349 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks VRRP Router On this page, you create virtual routers. You can configure other parameters in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > VRRP > Configuration". Note VRRP is available only on layer 3. VRRP can only be used in conjunction with VLAN interfaces. Router ports are not supported. Simultaneous operation of VRRP and VRRPv3 is not possible. Select "VRRP" to configure VRRP Settings The following settings are available: VRRP Enable or disable routing using VRRP. Reply to pings on virtual interfaces When enabled, the virtual IPv4 addresses also reply to the ping. Track Enable or disable VRID tracking. When enabled, all interfaces of a VRID are monitored. When the link of an interface changes from "up" to "down", the priority of all VRRP interfaces with the same VRID is reduced to the value "0". When the link of an interface changes back from "down" to "up", the original priority of the VRRP interfaces is restored. Interface Select the required VLAN interface operating as virtual router. VRID Enter the ID of the virtual router. This ID defines the group of routers that form a virtual router (VR). In the group, this is the same. it can no longer be used for other groups. The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the Interface that functions as the virtual router. VRID Shows the ID of the virtual router. Virtual MAC Address Shows the virtual MAC address of the virtual router. Primary IP Address Shows the numerically lowest IPv4 address in this VLAN. The entry means that the "Primary" address on this VLAN is used. Otherwise all IPv4 addresses configured in this VLAN in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > Subnets" are valid values. 1350 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Router Status Shows the current status of the virtual router. Possible values are as follows: - Master The router is the master router and handles the routing functionality for all assigned IP addresses. - Backup The router is the backup router. If the master router fails, the backup router takes over the tasks of the master router. - Initialize The virtual router has just been turned on. It will soon change to the "Master" or "Backup" status. Master IP Address (only available online) Shows the IPv4 address of the master router. Priority Shows the priority of the virtual router. If an IPv4 address is assigned to the VRRP router that is also actually configured on the local IPv4 interface, the value 255 is entered automatically. All other priorities can be distributed freely among the VRRP routers. The higher the priority, the earlier the VRRP router becomes "Master". Advert. Interval Shows the interval at which the master router sends VRRP packets. Preempt Shows the precedence of a router when changing roles between backup and master. - yes This router has precedence when changing roles. - no This router does not have precedence when changing roles. Configuration Introduction On this page, you configure the virtual router. Note VRRP is available only on layer 3. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1351 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description of the displayed values The page contains the following boxes: Interface / VRID Select the ID of the virtual router to be configured. Primary IP Address Select the numerically lowest IPv4 address: If the router becomes master router, the router uses this IPv4 address. Note If you only configure one subnet on this VLAN, no entry is necessary. The entry is then If you configure more than one subnet on the VLAN and you want a specific IPv4 address to be used as the source address for VRRP packets, select the IPv4 address from the dropdown list. Otherwise, the numerically lowest IPv4 address will be used. Master If this option is enabled, the numerically lowest IPv4 address is entered for "Associated IP Address". This means that the highest priority IPv4 address of the VRRP router is used as the virtual IP address of the virtual master router. The backup routers in this group must disable the option and use the IPv4 address of the router in "Associated IP address". Priority Enter the priority of this virtual router. If an IPv4 address is assigned to the VRRP router that is also actually configured on the local IPv4 interface, the value 255 is entered automatically. All other priorities can be distributed freely among the VRRP routers. The higher the priority, the earlier the VRRP router becomes "Master". Advertisement Interval Enter the interval in seconds after which a master router sends a VRRP packet again. Preempt lower priority Master Allow the precedence when changing roles between backup and master based on the selection process. Track ID Select a track ID. Decrement Priority Enter the value by which priority of the VRRP interface will be reduced. Current Priority Shows the priority of the VRRP interface after the monitored interface has changed to the "down" status. 1352 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Address overview Overview This page shows which IPv4 addresses the virtual router monitors. Note VRRP is available only on layer 3. Settings The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the Interface that functions as the virtual router. VRID Shows the ID of this virtual router. Number of Addresses Shows the number of IPv4 addresses. Associated IP Address (1) ... Associated IP Address (4) Shows the router IPv4 addresses monitored by this virtual router. If a router takes over the role of master, the routing function is taken over by this router for all these IPv4 addresses. Address configuration Note VRRP is available only on layer 3. Settings The following settings are possible: Interface / VRID Select the required virtual router. Associated IP Address Enter the IPv4 address that the virtual router will monitor. The table has the following columns: Associated IP Address Shows the IPv4 addresses that the virtual router monitors. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1353 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Interface Tracking Introduction On this page, you configure the monitoring of interfaces. When the link of a monitored interface changes from "up" to "down", the priority of the assigned VRRP interface is reduced. You configure the value by which the priority is reduced on the page "Layer 3 > VRRP/VRRPv3 > Configuration". When the link of the interface changes back from "down" to "up", the original priority of the VRRP interface is restored. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Description of the displayed values The page contains the following boxes: Interface From the drop-down list, select the interface to be monitored. Track ID Enter a track ID. Track ID Select a track ID. Track Interface Count Enter how many monitored interfaces need to change to the "down" status, before the priority is changed. The table has the following columns: Select Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Track ID Shows the track ID. Interface Shows the interface that is being monitored. 1354 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks VRRPv3 Router (IPv4) Introduction On this page, you create new virtual routers. You can configure other parameters in "Layer 3 (IPv4) > VRRPv3 > Configuration". Note This function is available only with layer 3. Simultaneous operation of VRRP and VRRPv3 is not possible. Select the "VRRPv3" check box to configure VRRPv3. You can use VRRPv3 on VLAN interfaces. Router ports are not supported. Settings VRRPv3 Enable or disable routing using VRRPv3. Can only be enabled when "Layer 3 (IPv6) > Configuration" "IPv6 Routing" is enabled. Reply to pings on virtual interfaces When enabled, the virtual IPv4 addresses also reply to the ping. Track Enable or disable VRID tracking. When enabled, all interfaces of a VRID are monitored. When the link of an interface changes from "up" to "down", the priority of all VRRP interfaces with the same VRID is reduced to the value "0". When the link of an interface changes back from "down" to "up", the original priority of the VRRP interfaces is restored. Interface Select the required VLAN interface operating as virtual router. VRID Enter the ID of the virtual router. This ID defines the group of routers that form a virtual router (VR). In the group, this is the same. It can no longer be used for other groups. The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the IPv4 interface that functions as the virtual router. VRID Shows the ID of the virtual router. Virtual MAC Address Shows the virtual MAC address of the virtual router. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1355 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Primary IP Address Shows the numerically lowest IPv4 address in this VLAN. The entry means that the "Primary" address on this VLAN is used. Otherwise all IPv4 addresses configured on this VLAN in the "Layer 3 (IPv4) > Subnets" menu are valid values. Router State Shows the current status of the virtual router. Possible values are: - Master The router is the master router and handles the routing functionality for all assigned IPv4 addresses. - Backup The router is the backup router. If the master router fails, the backup router takes over the tasks of the master router. - Initialize The virtual router has just been turned on. It will soon change to the "Master" or "Backup" state. Master IP Address Shows the IPv4 address of the master router. Priority Shows the priority of the virtual router. If an IPv4 address is assigned to the VRRP router that is also actually configured on the local IPv4 interface, the value 255 is entered automatically. All other priorities can be distributed freely among the VRRP routers. The higher the priority, the earlier the VRRP router becomes "Master". Advert. Interval Shows the interval at which the master router sends VRRPv3 packets. Preempt Shows the precedence of a router when changing roles between backup and master. - yes This router has precedence when changing roles. - no This router does not have precedence when changing roles. Configuration (IPv4) Introduction On this page, you configure the virtual router. Note This function is available only with layer 3. 1356 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The page contains the following: Interface / VRID Select the ID of the virtual router to be configured. Primary Address Select the primary IPv4 address. If the router becomes master router, the router uses this IPv4 address. Note If you only configure one subnet on this VLAN, no entry is necessary. The entry is then If you configure more than one subnet on the VLAN and you want a specific IPv4 address to be used as the source address for VRRP packets, select the IPv4 address. Otherwise, the numerically lowest IPv4 address will be used. Master If enabled, the numerically lowest IPv4 address is entered for "Associated IP Address". This means that the numerically lowest IPv4 address of the VRRP router is used as the virtual IP address of the virtual master router. The backup routers in this group must disable the option and use the IPv4 address of the router in "Associated IP address". Priority Enter the priority of this virtual router. Valid values are 1-254. If an IPv4 address is assigned to the VRRPv3 router that is also actually configured on the local IPv4 interface, the value 255 is entered automatically. All other priorities can be distributed freely among the VRRPv3 routers. The higher the priority, the earlier the VRRPv3 router becomes "Master". Advertisement interval Enter the interval in seconds after which a master router sends a VRRPv3 packet again. Preempt lower priority Master. Allow precedence when changing roles between backup and master based on the selection process. VRRP Compatible Mode When enabled, the VRRPv3 router also sends and receives VRRPv2 frames in addition to VRRPv3 frames for configured IPv4 addresses. Only necessary when some VRRP routers do not support VRRPv3 Track ID Select a track ID. Decrement Priority Enter the value by which priority of the VRRP interface will be reduced. Current Priority Shows the priority of the VRRP interface after the monitored interface has changed to the "down" status. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1357 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Addresses Overview (IPv4) Overview This page shows which IPv4 addresses the virtual router monitors. Each virtual router can monitor a maximum of 10 IPv4 addresses. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Settings The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the Interface that functions as the virtual router. VRID Shows the ID of this virtual router. Number of Addresses Shows the number of IPv4 addresses. Associated IP Address (1) ...Associated IP Address (10) Shows the router IPv4 addresses monitored by this virtual router. If a router takes over the role of master, the routing function is taken over by this router for all these IPv4 addresses. Addresses Configuration (IPv4) Creating or changing the monitored IP addresses On this page, you can create, modify or delete the IPv4 addresses to be monitored. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Settings The page contains the following: Interface / VRID Select the ID of the virtual router. Associated IP Address Enter the IPv4 address that the virtual router will monitor. The table has the following columns: Associated IP Address Shows the IPv4 addresses that the virtual router monitors. 1358 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Interface Tracking (IPv4) Introduction On this page, you configure the monitoring of interfaces. When the link of a monitored interface changes from "up" to "down", the priority of the assigned VRRP interface is reduced. You configure the value by which the priority is reduced on the page "Layer 3 > VRRP/VRRPv3 > Configuration". When the link of the interface changes back from "down" to "up", the original priority of the VRRP interface is restored. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Description of the displayed values The page contains the following boxes: Interface From the drop-down list, select the interface to be monitored. Track ID Enter a track ID. Track ID Select a track ID. Track Interface Count Enter how many monitored interfaces need to change to the "down" status, before the priority is changed. The table has the following columns: Select Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Track ID Shows the track ID. Interface Shows the interface that is being monitored. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1359 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks OSPFv2 Configuration Introduction On this page, you configure routing with OSPF. Note OSPF is available only on layer 3. Settings OSPFv2 Enable or disable routing using OSPFv2. Router ID Enter the name of one of the OSPFv2 interfaces. The name is entered in the IP address format and does not need to match the local IP address. OSPFv2 RFC1583 Compatibility Enable the option if you still have old OSPFv2 routers in operation that are not compatible with RFC 2328. Border Router Displays the status of the OSPFv2 router. If the local system is an active member in at least 2 areas, this is an area border router. AS Border Router Specify whether the router is an AS border router. An AS border router intercedes between multiple autonomous systems, for example if you have an additional RIP network. An AS border router is also necessary to add and to distribute static routes. New LSA Received (only available online) Shows the number of received LSAs. Updates and local LSAs are not counted. New LSA Configured (only available online) Number of different LSAs sent by this local system. External LSA Maximum To limit the number of entries of external LSAs in the database, enter the maximum number of external LSAs. Exit Interval [s] Enter the interval after which the OSPFv2 router once again attempts to come out of the overflow status. A 0 means that the OSPFv3 router attempts to exit the overflow status only following a restart. Inbound Filter Select a route map that filters inbound routes. 1360 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Redistribute Routes Specify which known routes are distributed using OSPFv2. You can make different decisions for the route types Default, Connected and Static. Note The settings can only be enabled on an AS border router. Enabling the Default and Static options, in particular, can cause problems if they are enabled at too many points in the network, for example, forwarding loops. Route Map Select a route map that filters which routes are forwarded using OSPFv2. Areas Overview An autonomous system can be divided into smaller areas. On this page, you can view, create, modify or delete the areas of the router. Note OSPF is available only on layer 3. Settings Area ID Enter the designation of the area. The database is synchronized for all routers of an area. The area ID must be unique in the network. The area identifier is a 32-bit number with the following format: x.x.x.x where x = 0 ... 255 The area ID is reserved for the backbone area and cannot be deleted. This table contains the following columns: Area ID Shows the ID of the area. Area Type Select the area type from the drop-down list. - Normal - Stub - NSSA - Backbone Summary Specify whether summary LSAs are generated for this area. - Summary: Summary LSAs are sent to the area. - No Summary: Summary LSAs are not sent to the area. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1361 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Metric Displays the costs for the OSPFv2 interface. Updates Shows the number of recalculations of the routing tables. LSA Count Shows the number of LSAs in the database. Area BR Shows the number of reachable area border routers (ABR) within this area. AS BR Shows the number of reachable autonomous system border routers (ASBR) in this area. Area range Creating a new OSPFv2 area range On this page, networks can be grouped together under one area ID. The method is used only with area border routers. This means that an area border router only advertises one route for grouped areas to the outside. Note OSPF is available only on layer 3. Settings Area ID Select the area ID of the area. You configure the ID in "Layer 3 > OSPFv2 > Areas". Subnet Address Enter the IPv4 address of the network that will be grouped. Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the network that will be grouped. This table contains the following columns: Area ID Shows the ID of the area. Subnet Address Shows the IPv4 address of the network that will be grouped with other networks. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask of the network that will be grouped with other networks. Advertise Enable this setting to advertise the grouped network. 1362 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Interfaces Overview On this page, you can configure OSPFv2 interfaces. Note OSPF is available only on layer 3. Settings IP Address Select the IPv4 address of the OSPFv2 interface. Area ID Select the area ID of the area with which the OSPFv2 interface is connected. Note For the secondary interface select the same Area ID as for the corresponding primary interface. The information whether a primary or secondary interface is involved can be found in the "Address Type" column on the "Layer 3 (IPv4) > Subnets > Overview" page. This table contains the following columns: IP Address Shows the IPv4 address of the OSPFv2 interface Area ID Select the area ID of the area with which the OSPFv2 interface is connected. OSPF Status Specify whether or not OSPFv2 is active on the interface. - Enabled: OSPFv2 is enabled on the interface. - Disabled: OSPFv2 is disabled on the interface. Metric Enter the costs for the OSPFv2 interface. Priority Enter the router priority. The priority is only relevant for selecting the designated router or designated border router. This parameter can be selected differently on routers within the same subnet. Trans. Delay Enter the required delay when sending a connection update. Retrans. Delay Enter the time after which an OSPFv2 packet is transferred again if no confirmation was received. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1363 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Hello Interval Enter the interval between two Hello packets. Dead Interval Enter the interval after which the neighbor router is marked as "failed" if no more Hello packets are received from it during this time. Interface authentication Configuring the interface login On this page, you define the authentication of the interface. Note OSPF is available only on layer 3. Settings OSPF Interface Select the OSPFv2 interface for which you want to configure authentication. Authentication type Select the authentication method of the OSPF interface. You have the following options: - None: No authentication - simple: Authentication using an unencrypted password - MD5: Authentication using MD5 Simple authentication Password Enter a password. Confirmation Confirm the entered password. MD5 authentication Authentication Key ID Enter the identifier of the MD5 authentication key. Enter the ID for MD5 authentication with which the password will be used as a key. Since the key ID is transferred with the protocol, the same key must be stored under the same key ID on all neighboring routers. The table has the following columns: Authentication Key ID Can only be edited if you set the MD5 authentication method. It is only possible to use several keys there. MD5 Key Enter the MD5 key. 1364 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Confirm MD5 Key Confirm the entered key. Youngest Key ID (only available online) Shows whether or not the MD5 key is the latest key ID. Virtual links Overview Due to the protocol, each area border router must have access to the backbone area. If a router is not connected directly to the backbone area, a virtual link to it is created. Note OSPF is available only on layer 3. Note Note that when creating a virtual link both the transit area and the backbone area must already be configured. the virtual link must be configured identically at both ends. Settings Virtual links are not effective unless the device is an ABR. (only available online) This is displayed when at least one virtual link entry is configured and the device is not an area border router. Neighbor Router ID Enter the ID of the neighbor router at the other end of the virtual connection. Transit Area ID Select the ID of the area that connects the two routers. This table contains the following columns: Transit Area ID Shows the ID via which the two routers are connected. Neighbor Router ID Shows the ID of the neighbor router at the other end of the virtual connection. Virt. Link Status Specify the status of the virtual link. The following statuses are possible: - down: The virtual link is inactive. - point-to-point: The virtual link is active. Trans. Delay Enter the required delay when sending a link update packet. Retrans. Delay Enter the time after which a packet is transferred again if no confirmation was received. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1365 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Hello Interval Enter the interval between two Hello packets. Dead Interval Enter the interval after which the neighbor router counts as "failed" if no more Hello packets are received from it during this time. Virtual Link Authentication Configuring the virtual link login On this page, you define the authentication for the virtual link. Note OSPF is available only on layer 3. Settings Virtual Link (Area/Neighbor) Select the virtual link for which you want to configure authentication. Authentication type Select the authentication method of the OSPF interface. You have the following options: - None: No authentication - simple: Authentication using an unencrypted password. - MD5: Authentication using MD5 Simple authentication Password Enter the password. Confirmation Confirm the entered password. MD5 authentication Authentication Key ID Enter the identifier of the MD5 authentication key. Enter the ID for MD5 authentication with which the password will be used as a key. Since the key ID is transferred with the protocol, the same key must be stored under the same key ID on all neighboring routers. The table has the following columns: Authentication Key ID Can only be edited if you set the MD5 authentication method. It is only possible to use several keys there. MD5 Key Enter the MD5 key. 1366 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Confirm MD5 Key Confirm the entered key. Youngest Key ID Shows whether or not the MD5 key is the latest key ID. RIPv2 Configuration On this page, you configure routing with RIP. Note RIPv2 is available only on layer 3. Settings RIPv2 Enable or disable routing using RIPv2. Inbound Filter Select a route map that filters inbound routes. Redistribute Routes Specify which known routes are distributed using RIPv2. The following types of route exist: - Static Default - Connected - Static - OSPF Route Map Select a route map that filters which routes are forwarded using RIPv2. Interfaces Overview On this page, you can configure RIPv2 interfaces. Note RIPv2 is available only on layer 3. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1367 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings IP Address Select the IPv4 address of the RIPv2 interface. This table contains the following columns: IP Address Shows the IPv4 address of the RIPv2 interface Send Updates Select the way in which updates are sent: - no send No updates are sent. - RIPv1 Updates for RIPv1 are sent. - RIPv1-compat. RIPv2 updates are sent as broadcasts according to the rules of RIPv1. - RIPv2 Updates for RIPv2 are sent as multicasts. - RIPv1 demand/RIPv2 demand RIP packets are sent only as a response to an explicit query. Receive Updates Select the form in which received updates are accepted: - no receive No updates are received. - RIPv1 Only updates of RIPv1 are received. - RIPv2 Only updates of RIPv2 are received. - RIPv1/v2 Updates of RIPv1 and RIPv2 are received. Default Metric Enter the costs for the RIPv2 interface. NAT NAT On this WBM page, you specify the basic settings for NAT. 1368 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description The page contains the following boxes: NAT Enable or disable NAT/NAPT for the entire device. When enabled, the device operates as a NAT router. Idle Timeout [s] Enter the required time. If no data exchange takes place, when this time has elapsed ... TCP Timeout [s] Enter the required time. If no data exchange takes place, the TCP connection is deleted from the "NAT Translations" table when this time has elapsed. UDP Timeout [s] Enter the required time. If no data exchange takes place, the UDP connection is deleted from the "NAT Translations" table when this time has elapsed. Interface Select the an IP interface from the drop-down list: NAT Enable or disable NAT for an IP interface. An entry is created automatically in the "Pool" tab. The device can be reached from the external network using the IP address of the IP interface. If you disable NAT for an IP interface and there are no configurations on the NAT interface, the entry is automatically deleted from the table. NAPT Enable or disable NAPT for an IP interface. The table has the following columns: Interface Interface to which the setting relates. NAT Shows whether NAT is enabled or disabled for the selected IP interface. NAT is only enabled, when you have enabled NAT for the entire device. NAPT Shows whether NAPT is enabled or disabled for the selected IP interface. NAPT is only enabled, when you have enabled NAT for the entire device. If you do not create further configurations for NAPT, the dynamic port translation is enabled. As default, the device cannot be reached from an external network. If the device wants to communicate in an external network, the inside local address and the IP address of the IP interface have a port added and the device is assigned as inside local and inside global address. Using this inside global address, the device can be reached from the external network until the timer of the connection elapses. Static On this WBM page, you configure static address translatiions. You specify which inside global address the inside local address of a device will be converted to and vice versa. This variant allows connection establishment in both directions. The device in the internal network can be reached from the external network. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1369 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description The page contains the following boxes: Interface Select the an IP interface from the drop-down list: Inside Local Address Enter the actual address of the device that should be reachable from external. Inside Global Address Enter the address at which the device can be reached from external. The table has the following columns: 1st column Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Interface Interface to which the setting relates. Inside Local Address Shows the actual address of the device that should be reachable from external. Inside Global Address Shows the address at which the device can be reached from external. Pool On this WBM page, you configure static address translations. As default, the device cannot be reached from an external network. If the device wants to communicate in an external network, an inside global address is assigned to it dynamically. Using this inside global address, the device can be reached from the external network until the timer of the connection elapses. Description The page contains the following boxes: Interface Select the an IP interface from the drop-down list: Inside Global Address Enter the start address for the dynamic assignment of addresses at which devices will be reachable from external. Inside Local Address Mask Enter the address mask of the external subnet. The table has the following columns: 1st column Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Interface Interface to which the setting relates. 1370 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Inside Global Address Shows the start address for the dynamic assignment of addresses at which devices will be reachable from external. Inside Local Address Mask Shows the address mask of the external subnet. NAPT On this WBM page, you configure static address translations. Description The page contains the following boxes: Interface Select the an IP interface from the drop-down list: Inside Local Address Enter the actual address of the device that should be reachable from external. Service Select the service for which the port translation is valid. When you select a service, the same port is entered in the Start Port and End Port boxes. if you change the start port, the end port is changed accordngly. if you select the entry "-", you can enter the start and end port freely. Start Port Enter a port. End Port Depending on your selection in the "Service" drop down list, you can enter a port or a port is displayed. If you enter different ports in the Start Port and End Port boxes, the same port range is entered in the Inside Global Port box. A port range can only be translated to the same port range. If you enter the same port in the Start Port and End Port boxes, you can enter any Inside Global Port. Inside Global Port Depending on your selection in the "Service" drop down list, you can enter a port or a port is displayed. Protocol Select the protocol for which the port translation is valid. Description Enter a description for the port translation. The table has the following columns: 1st column Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Interface Interface to which the setting relates. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1371 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Inside Local Address Shows the actual address of the device that should be reachable from external. Start Port Shows the start port that will be assigned to the inside local address. End Port Shows the end port that will be assigned to the inside local address. Protocol Shows the protocol for which the port translation applies. Inside Global Address Shows the address at which the device will be reached from external. Inside Global Port Shows the port that will be assigned to the Inside Global Address. Description Shows a a description for the port translation. Configuring layer 3 functions for IPv6 Configuration Introduction The page contains the overview of the layer 3 functions for IPv6. On this page, you enable or disable the required layer 3 function. The functions "IPv6 Routing", "VRRPv3" and "OSPFv3" are only available with Layer 3 (IPv6). Settings IPv6 Routing (only available with devices with a layer 3 license) - Enabled IPv6 routing is enabled. If IPv4 routing is not enabled on the device this is also enabled with this function. - Disabled IPv6 routing is disabled. VRRPv3 (only available with devices with a layer 3 license) Enable or disable routing using VRRPv3. To use VRRPv3 , first enable the IPv6 routing function. You can configure other settings in "Layer 3 (IPv6) > VRRPv3". OSPFv3 (only available with devices with a layer 3 license) Enable or disable routing using OSPFv3. You can configure other settings in "Layer 3 (IPv6) > OSPFv3". 1372 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Subnets (IPv6) Connected Subnets On this page, you can enable IPv6 on the interface. The interface is also called an IPv6 interface. An IPv6 interface can have several IPv6 addresses. Settings The page contains the following: Interface Select the IP interface for which IPv6 will be enabled. IPv6 Enable Enable or disable IPv6 for this interface. Note Disabling IPv6 As soon as IPv6 is enabled on the IP interface, IPv6 can only be disabled by removing the interface. IPv6 Address Enter the IPv6 address. The entry depends on the selected address type. Prefix Length Enter the number of left-hand bits belonging to the prefix IPv6 Address Type Select the address type. - Unicast - Anycast - Link Local IPv6 address is only valid on the link The table has the following columns: Interface Name Shows the name of the interface. IPv6 Address Shows the IPv6 address of the subnet. Prefix Length Shows the prefix length. IPv6 Address Type Displays the address type. The following values are possible: - Unicast - Anycast - Link Local WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1373 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks DHCPv6 client DHCPv6 client On this page, you specify whether the DHCPv6 client receives not only the configuration settings but also the IPv6 address or supports the "prefix delegation" function. Prefix delegation The DHCPv6 server delegates the distribution of the IPv6 prefix to the DHCPv6 client. To do this an IPv6 interface must be configured on the DHCPv6 client as a PD client. Via the PD client, the DHCPv6 client obtains an IPv6 prefix from the DHCPv6 server and stores it under a prefix name. The IPv6 interfaces of the DHCPv6 client the should adopt the prefix are configured as so-called PD sub clients. You configure the PD sub-clients in "Layer 3 (IPv6)" > "DHCPv6 Client" > "DHCPv6 PD Sub Client". Settings Interface Select the IP interface via which the DHCPv6 client functions. Enable Enable or disable the DHCPv6 client for the relevant interface. Mode Specify the procedure. - Status dependent Obtains the IPv6 address and the configuration file from the DHCPv6 server - Stateless: Obtains only the configuration file from the DHCPv6 server - Prefix Delegation: The DHCPv6 client takes over the distribution of the IPv6 prefix Prefix Name Enter the prefix name that will be further distributed by the DHCPv6 router. Can only be edited with the "Prefix Delegation" procedure. The DHCPv6 router stores IPv6 prefix of the DHCPv6 server under this name. Rapid Commit When enabled the procedure for the IPv6 address assignment is shortened. Instead of 4 DHCPv6 messages (SOLICIT, ADVERTISE , REQUEST, REPLY) only 2 DHCPv6 messages (SOLICIT, REPLY) are used. You will find further information on the messages in RFC 3315. DHCPv6 PD Sub Client On this page you specify which IPv6 interfaces of the DHCPv6 client will adopt the prefix. This achieved by assigning the prefix name followed by a prefix and the required prefix length to them as the IP address. Here, the first bits of the configured prefix are replaced by the values stored in the prefix name. The PD sub client forms the IPv6 address from the prefix name, prefix and prefix length. 1374 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Example: Under the prefix name "test", the following IPv6 prefix is stored: 2001:DB8:1234::/48 Prefix = 2002:AF9:5678::1 Prefix length = 64 From these settings the PD sub client forms the following IPv6 address: 2001:DB8:1234::1 Settings Interface Select the interface that functions as the PD sub client. Only IP interfaces can be selected. Prefix Name Enter the prefix name that will be further distributed by the PD router. The PD router stores IPv6 prefix of the DHCPv6 server under this name. Prefix Specify the network identifier of the host. Prefix Length Enter the number of left-hand bits belonging to the prefix This table contains the following columns Interface Name Shows the name of the interface Prefix Name Shows the name of the prefix. Prefix Shows the prefix. Prefix Length Shows the prefix length. Generated Address (only available online) Shows the IPv6 address formed from the prefix name, prefix and prefix length. Static Routes (IPv6) On this page, you configure static IPv6 routes. Settings The page contains the following: Destination Network Enter the network address of the destination that can be reached via this route. Prefix Length Enter the number of left-hand bits belonging to the prefix Gateway Enter the IPv4 address of the gateway via which this network address is reachable. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1375 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Metric Enter the metric for the route. The metric corresponds to the quality of a connection, based for example on speed or costs. If there are several equal routes, the route with the lowest metric value is used. Interface Specify the IPv6 interface via which the network address of the destination is reached. This table contains the following columns: Destination Network Shows the IPv6 network address of the destination. Prefix Length Shows the prefix length. Gateway Shows the IPv6 address of the next gateway. Interface Shows the Interface of the route. Metric Enter the metric for the route. When creating the route, "not used" is entered automatically. The metric corresponds to the quality of a connection, based for example on speed or costs. If there are several equal routes, the route with the lowest metric value is used. Status Shows whether or not the route is active. Route maps General (IPv6) Route maps With route maps, you control how routing information is further processed. You can filter routing information and specify whether the information is further processed, modified or discarded. Route maps operate according to the following principle: Routing information is compared with the filters of the route maps. The comparison is continued until the filters of a route map match the properties of an item of information. The information is then processed according to the route map settings: - The routing information is discarded. - The properties of the routing information are changed. 1376 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Name Enter the name for the route map. Sequence No Enter a number for the route map. You can create several route maps with the same name but with different sequence numbers. The sequence numbers then specify the order in which the route maps are processed. The table has the following columns: Name Shows the name of the route map. Sequence No Shows the sequence number of the route map. Action Specify what happens to the routing information that matches the settings of the route map: - permit The routing information is further processed according to the settings you make on the "Set" page. - deny The routing information is discarded. Interface & Value Match (IPv6) On this page, you specify whether or not the routing information for a route map is filtered according to interfaces, metric or tags. Settings Route Map (name/seq. no.) Select a route map. The created route maps are available to you. Type Select the basis for the filtering: - Interface - Metric - Tag Interface Select an interface. Only active if you have selected the "Interface" entry for "Type". Metric Enter a value for the metric. Only active if you have selected the "Metric" entry for "Type". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1377 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Tag Enter a value for the tag. Only active if you have selected the "Tag" entry for "Type". Route Type Select the type of the route. - Local The routing information for the route map is filtered according to directly connected routes (local interfaces). - Remote The routing information for the route map is filtered according to learned or statically configured routes. This box is active only if i you have selected the entry "Route Type in the "Type" drop-down list. The table has the following columns: Type Shows the selected type: - Interface - Metric - Tag - Route Type Value Shows the selected interface, the value of the metric or of the tag. Destination Match (IPv6) On this page, you specify whether or not the routing information for a route map is filtered based on the destination IPv6 address. Settings Route Map (Name/Seq. No.) Select a route map. IP Address Enter the IPv6 address of the destination on which the filtering is based. Prefix Length Enter the number of left-hand bits belonging to the prefix The table has the following columns: IP Address Shows the IPv6 address of the destination. Prefix Length Shows the prefix length. 1378 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Next Hop Match (IPv6) On this page, you specify whether or not the filtering for a route map will be based on the router to which the routing information is sent next. Settings Route Map (name/seq. no.) Select a route map. IP Address Enter the IP address of the router to which the routing information will be sent next. The table has the following columns: IP Address Shows the IP address of the next router. Set (IPv6) On this page, you specify whether or not the routing information will be changed by a route map. If, for example, you have filtered based on a certain metric, you can change the value of the metric here. The routing information is then forwarded with the new value. You can only change the information of a "Permit" route map. Settings Route Map (name/seq. no.) Select a route map. The table has the following columns: Name Shows the name of the route map. Sequence No Shows the sequence number of the route map. Metric Enter the new value for the metric with which the routing information will be forwarded. Tag Enter the new value for the tag with which the routing information will be forwarded. DHCPv6 Relay Agent Interfaces A DHCPv6 relay agent forwards the DHCP queries of the DHCPv6 client to the DHCPv6 server. When forwarding the remote ID is inserted in the DHCP query. The remote ID is the identifier of the interface. With this, the DHCPv6 agent can send the reply of the DHCPv6 server to the required DHCPv6 client. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1379 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Remote ID (Opt. 37) When enabled the DHCP relay agent option 37 (Remote ID) is used. Specify the type of identifier in "Remote ID Type". Interface Select the IPv6 interface. The table has the following columns: Interface Interface to which the settings relate. Current Remote ID Shows which remote ID is currently being used. Remote ID Type Select hat is used as the identifier for the IPv6 interface. The following options are available: - DUID DHCP Unique Identifier - System Name System name of the device - Management IP Management IPv6 address of the device - User Defined User-defined entry DHCP Unique Identifier Enter the DUID (DHCP Unique Identifier). User Defined Enter a user-defined entry as the identifier. Server Addresses On this page you enable the DHCPv6 relay agent on the interface. You also specify which DHCPv6 server can be reached via it. Settings Relay Interface Select the interface on which the DHCPv6 relay agent accepts DHCPv6 requests. Server IP Address Enter the IPv6 address of the DHCPv6 server to which the DHCPv6 requests will be forwarded. The address can be either the unicast or the link local multicast address. With the link local multicast address you need to specify an interface, via which the DHCPv6 server can be reached. You configure the interface in "Layer 3 (IPv6) > DHCPv6 Relay Agent > Outgoing Interfaces". The table has the following columns: Server IP Address Shows the IP64 address of the DHCPv6 server. 1380 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Outgoing Interfaces Outgoing Interfaces The link local multicast address (ff02::1:2 ) of the DHCPv6 server can only be reached by devices located on the same link. On this page, you specify the IPv6 interface via which this DHCPv6 server can be reached. Settings Relay Interface Select the IPv6 interface on which the DHCPv6 relay agent accepts DHCPv6 requests. Server IP Address Select the IPv6 address of the DHCPv6 server. Outgoing Interface Select the interface via which the DHCPv6 server can be reached. The table has the following columns: Server IP Address Shows the IPv6 address of the DHCPv6 server. Outgoing Interface Shows the IPv6 interface via which the DHCPv6 server can be reached. VRRPv3 Router (IPv6) Introduction On this page, you create new virtual routers. You can configure other parameters in "Layer 3 (IPv6) > VRRPv3 > Configuration". Note WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 This function is available only with layer 3. Simultaneous operation of VRRP and VRRPv3 is not possible. Select the "VRRPv3" check box to configure VRRPv3. You can use VRRPv3 on VLAN interfaces. Router ports are not supported. 1381 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings VRRPv3 Enable or disable routing using VRRPv3. Can only be enabled when "Layer 3 (IPv6) > Configuration" "IPv6 Routing" is enabled. Track Enable or disable VRID tracking. When enabled, all interfaces of a VRID are monitored. When the link of an interface changes from "up" to "down", the priority of all VRRP interfaces with the same VRID is reduced to the value "0". When the link of an interface changes back from "down" to "up", the original priority of the VRRP interfaces is restored. Interface Select the required VLAN interface operating as virtual router. VRID Enter the ID of the virtual router. This ID defines the group of routers that form a virtual router (VR). In the group, this is the same. It can no longer be used for other groups. The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the Interface that functions as the virtual router. VRID Shows the ID of the virtual router. Virtual MAC Address (only available online) Shows the virtual MAC address of the virtual router. Primary IP Address Shows the numerically lowest IPv6 address in this VLAN. The entry "::" means that the "Primary" address is used on this VLAN. Otherwise all IPv6 addresses configured on this VLAN in the "Layer 3 (IPv6) > Subnets" menu are valid values. Router State (only available online) Shows the current status of the virtual router. Possible values are: - Master The router is the master router and handles the routing functionality for all assigned IPv4 addresses. - Backup The router is the backup router. If the master router fails, the backup router takes over the tasks of the master router. - Initialize The virtual router has just been turned on. It will soon change to the "Master" or "Backup" state. Master IP Address (only available online) Shows the IPv6 address of the master router. Priority (only available online) Shows the priority of the virtual router. The current master router is automatically given 255. All other priorities can be distributed freely among the VRRPv3 routers. The higher the priority, the earlier the VRRPv3 router becomes "Master". 1382 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Advert. Internal Shows the interval at which the master router sends VRRPv3 packets. Preempt Shows the precedence of a router when changing roles between backup and master. - yes This router has precedence when changing roles. - no This router does not have precedence when changing roles. Reply to pings on virtual interfaces (Accept Mode) Shows the precedence of a router when changing roles between backup and master. - Yes Virtual IP addresses also reply to pings. - No Virtual IP addresses do not reply to pings. Configuration (IPv6) Introduction On this page, you configure the virtual router. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Settings Interface / VRID Select the ID of the virtual router to be configured. Primary Address Select the primary IPv6 address. If the router becomes master router, the router uses this IPv4 address. Note If you only configure one subnet on this VLAN, no entry is necessary. The entry is then ::. If you configure more than one subnet on the VLAN and you want a specific IPv6 address to be used as the source address for VRRPv3 packets, select the IPv6 address. Otherwise, the IPv6 address with priority will be used. Master If this option is enabled, the numerically lowest IPv6 address is entered for "Associated IP Address". This means that the highest priority IPv6 address of the VRRP router is used as the virtual IPv6 address of the virtual master router. The backup routers in this group must disable the option and use the IPv6 address of the router in "Associated IP Address". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1383 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Priority Enter the priority of this virtual router. The current master router is always given 255. All other priorities can be distributed freely among the redundant routers. The higher the priority, the earlier the router becomes "Master". Advertisement interval Enter the interval in seconds after which a master router sends a VRRPv3 packet again. Preempt lower priority Master. Allow precedence when changing roles between backup and master based on the selection process. Reply to pings on virtual interfaces (Accept Mode) When enabled, the virtual IPv6 addresses also reply to the ping. Track ID Select a track ID. Decrement Priority Enter the value by which priority of the VRRP interface will be reduced. Current Priority Shows the priority of the VRRP interface after the monitored interface has changed to the "down" status. Addresses Overview (IPv6) Overview This page shows which IPv6 addresses the virtual router monitors. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the Interface that functions as the virtual router. VRID Shows the ID of this virtual router. Number of Addresses Shows the number of IPv6 addresses. Associated IP Address (1) ...Associated IP Address (10) Shows the router IPv6 addresses monitored by this virtual router. If a router takes over the role of master, the routing function is taken over by this router for all these IPv6 addresses. 1384 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Addresses Configuration (IPv6) Creating or changing the monitored IP addresses On this page, you can create, modify or delete the IPv4 addresses to be monitored. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Settings Interface / VRID Select the ID of the virtual router. Associated IP Address Enter the IPv6 address that the virtual router will monitor. The table has the following columns: Select Select the check box in the row to be deleted Associated IP Address Shows the IPv6 addresses that the virtual router monitors. Interface Tracking (IPv6) Introduction On this page, you configure the monitoring of interfaces. When the link of a monitored interface changes from "up" to "down", the priority of the assigned VRRP interface is reduced. You configure the value by which the priority is reduced on the page "Layer 3 > VRRP/VRRPv3 > Configuration". When the link of the interface changes back from "down" to "up", the original priority of the VRRP interface is restored. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Description of the displayed values The page contains the following boxes: Interface From the drop-down list, select the interface to be monitored. Track ID Enter a track ID. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1385 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Track ID Select a track ID. Track Interface Count Enter how many monitored interfaces need to change to the "down" status, before the priority is changed. The table has the following columns: Select Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Track ID Shows the track ID. Interface Shows the interface that is being monitored. OSPFv3 Configuration Introduction On this page, you configure the routing using OSPFv3. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Settings OSPFv3 Enable or disable routing using OSPFv3. Router ID Enter the name of one of the OSPFv3 interfaces. The router ID is specified in IPv4 format and must be unique in the network. Border Router Displays the status of the OSPFv3 router. If the local system is an active member in at least 2 areas, this is an area border router. AS Border Router Specify whether the router is an AS border router. An AS border router intercedes between multiple autonomous systems, for example if you have an additional RIP network. An AS border router is also necessary to add and to distribute static routes. New LSA Received Shows the number of received LSAs. Updates and its own LSAs are not counted. New LSA Configured Shows the number of different LSAs sent by this local system. 1386 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks External LSA Maximum To limit the number of entries of external LSAs in the database, enter the maximum number of external LSAs. Exit Interval [s] Enter the interval after which the OSPFv3 router once again attempts to come out of the overflow status. A 0 means that the OSPFv3 router attempts to exit the overflow status only following a restart. Inbound Filter Select a route map that filters inbound routes. Redistribute Routes Specify which known routes are distributed using OSPFv3. You make different decisions for the route types Connected, Static and RIPng. Note The options can only be enabled on an AS border router. Enabling the Default and Static options, in particular, can cause problems if they are enabled at too many points in the network, for example, forwarding loops. Route Map Select a route map that filters which routes are forwarded using RIPng. Areas Overview An autonomous system can be divided into smaller areas. On this page, you can view, create, modify or delete the areas of the router. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Settings Area ID Enter the designation of the area. The database is synchronized for all routers of an area. The area identifier must be unique in the network. The area identifier is a 32-bit number with the following format: x.x.x.x where x = 0 ... 255 The area identifier is reserved for the backbone area and cannot be deleted. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1387 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks This table contains the following columns: Area ID Shows the ID of the area. Area Type Specify the type of area. - Normal - Stub - NSSA - Backbone Summary Specify whether summary LSAs are generated for this area. - Summary: Summary LSAs are generated and sent to the area. - No Summary: Summary LSAs are not generated and sent to the area. Metric Displays the costs for the OSPFv3 interface. Updates Shows the number of recalculations of the IPv6 routing tables. LSA Count Shows the number of LSAs in the database. Area BR Shows the number of reachable area border routers (ABR) within this area. AS BR Shows the number of reachable autonomous system border routers (ASBR) in this area. Area Range Creating a new OSPFv3 area range On this page, you can group up to 4 networks under one area ID. The method is used only with area border routers. This means that an area border router only advertises one route for grouped areas to the outside. Note This function is available only with layer 3. 1388 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Area ID Select the ID of the area. You specify the ID in "Areas". Prefix Enter the IPv6 address of the network that will be grouped. Prefix Length Enter the number of bits belonging to the prefix that will be grouped. This table contains the following columns: Area ID Shows the ID of the area. Prefix Shows the IPv6 address of the network that will be grouped. Prefix Length Enter the number of bits that will belong to the prefix. Advertise Enable this option to advertise the grouped network. Interfaces Overview On this page, you can configure OSPFv3 interfaces. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Settings Interface Select the IPv6 interface on which OSPFv3 will be enabled. Area ID Select the area ID of the area with which the OSPFv3 interface is connected. Note For the secondary interface select the same Area ID as for the corresponding primary interface. The information whether a primary or secondary interface is involved can be found in "Layer 3 (IPv6) > Subnets". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1389 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks This table contains the following columns: Interface Shows the OSPFv3 interface. Area ID Select the area ID of the area with which the OSPFv3 interface is connected. OSPF Status Specify whether or not OSPFv3 is active on the interface. - Enabled: OSPFv3 is enabled on the interface. - Disabled: OSPFv3 is disabled on the interface. Metric Enter the costs for the OSPFv3 interface. Priority Enter the router priority. The priority is only relevant for selecting the designated router or designated border router. This parameter can be selected differently on routers within the same subnet. Trans. Delay Enter the required delay when sending a connection update. Retrans. Interval Enter the time after which an OSPFv3 packet is transferred again if no confirmation was received. Hello Interval Enter the interval between two Hello packets. Dead Interval Enter the interval after which the neighbor router is marked as "failed" if no more Hello packets are received from it during this time. Virtual links Overview Due to the protocol, each area border router must have access to the backbone area. If a router is not connected directly to the backbone area, a virtual link to it is created. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Note Note that when creating a virtual link both the transit area and the backbone area must already be configured. A virtual link must be configured identically at both ends. 1390 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Neighbor Router ID Enter the ID of the neighbor router at the other end of the virtual connection. Transit Area ID Select the ID of the area that connects the two routers. This table contains the following columns: Transit Area ID Shows the ID via which the two routers are connected. Neighbor Router ID Shows the ID of the neighbor router at the other end of the virtual connection. Virt. Link Status Specify the status of the virtual link. The following states are possible: - down: The virtual link is inactive. - point-to-point: The virtual link is active. Trans. Delay Enter the required delay when sending a connection update. Retrans. Interval Enter the time after which a packet is transferred again if no confirmation was received. Hello Interval Enter the interval between two Hello packets. Dead Interval Enter the interval after which the neighbor router counts as "failed" if no more Hello packets are received from it during this time. RIPng Configuration On this page, you configure routing with RIPng. Note This function is available only with layer 3. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1391 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Inbound Filter Select a route map that filters inbound routes. Redistribute Routes Specify which known routes are distributed using RIPng. The following types of route exist: - Connected - Static - OSPFv3 Route Map Select a route map that filters which routes are forwarded using RIPng. Interfaces Overview On this page, you specify the interfaces that support RIPng. Note This function is available only with layer 3. Settings This table contains the following columns: Interface Shows the available IPv6 interface. Admin State Enable or disable the RIPng routing for the interface. Default Metric Enter the costs for the RIPng interface. Configuring security functions Users Local Users Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. 1392 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Local users On this page, you create local users with the corresponding rights. When you create or delete a local user this change is also made automatically in the table "External User Accounts". If you want to make change explicitly for the internal or external user table, use the CLI commands. Note You can create up to 16 additional user accounts. Note The values displayed depend on the rights of the logged-in user. Settings User Account Enter the name for the user. The name must meet the following conditions: - It must be unique. - It must be between 1 and 255 characters long. - The following characters must not be included: ? " ; : < = Note User name cannot be changed After creating a user, the user name can no longer be modified. If a user name needs to be changed, the user must be deleted and a new user created. Deleting users The preset users as well as logged in users cannot be deleted or changed. Password Policy Shows which password policy is being used. Password Enter the password for the user. Note Password Policy: high Note the following password policies: Password length: at least 8 characters, maximum 128 characters At least 1 uppercase letter At least 1 special character At least 1 number WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1393 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Password Confirmation Enter the password again to confirm it. Role Select a role. You can choose between system-defined and self-defined roles, refer to the page "Security > Users > Roles.". The table contains the following columns: User Account Shows the user name. Role Shows the role of the user. Description Displays a description of the user account. The description text can be up to 100 characters long. Roles Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Roles On this page, you create roles that are valid locally on the device. Note The values displayed depend on the rights of the logged-in user. Note You can create up to 28 additional roles. 1394 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Role Name Enter the name for the role. The name must meet the following conditions: - It must be unique. - It must be between 1 and 64 characters long. Note Role name cannot be changed After creating a role, the name of the role can no longer be changed. If a name of a role needs to be changed, the role must be deleted and a new role created. Deleting roles Predefined roles and assigned roles cannot be deleted or modified. The table contains the following columns: Role Shows the name of the role. Function Right Select the function rights of the role. - 1 Users with this role can read device parameters but cannot change them. - 15 Users with this role can both read and change device parameters. Note Function right cannot be changed If you have assigned a role, you can no longer change the function right of the role. If you want to change the function right of a role, follow the steps outlined below: 1. Delete all assigned users. 2. Change the function right of the role: 3. Assign the role again. Description Enter a description for the role. With predefined roles a description is displayed. The description text can be up to 100 characters long. Groups Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1395 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks User Groups On this page you link a group with a role. In this example the group "Administrators" is linked to the "admin"role: The group is defined on a RADIUS server. The role is defined locally on the device. When a RADIUS server authenticates a user and assigns the user to the "Administrators" group, this user is given rights of the "admin" role. Note You can create up to 32 groups. Settings Group Name Enter the name of the group. The name must match the group on the RADIUS server. The name must meet the following conditions: - It must be unique. - It must be between 1 and 64 characters long. The table contains the following columns: Group Shows the name of the group. Role Select a role. Users who are authenticated with the linked group on the RADIUS server receive the rights of this role locally on the device. You can choose between system-defined and self-defined roles, refer to the page "Security > Users > Roles.". Description Enter a description for the link of the a role. Passwords Passwords Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. 1396 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks On this page, you can change passwords. If you are logged on with the "admin" role, you can change the passwords for all user accounts. If you are logged on with the "user" role, you can only change your own password. Note If you log on the first time or log on after a "Reset to factory defaults and restart", you will be prompted to change the password. Note If you are logged in via a RADIUS server, you cannot change any local device passwords. Note Changing the password in "Trial" configuration mode Even if you change the password in "Trial" configuration mode, this change is saved immediately. Note The factory settings for the passwords when the devices ship are as follows: admin: admin When you log in for the first time or following a "Restore Factory Defaults and Restart", with the preset user "admin" you will be prompted to change the password. Settings Current User Shows the user that is currently logged in. Current User Password Enter the password for the currently logged in user. User Account Select the user whose password you want to change. Password Policy Shows which password policy is being used when assigning new passwords. - High Password length: at least 8 characters, maximum 128 characters at least 1 uppercase letter at least 1 special character at least 1 number - Low Password length: at least 6 characters, maximum 128 characters New Password Enter the new password again to confirm it. Password Confirmation Enter the new password again to confirm it. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1397 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Options On this page you specify which password policy will be used when assigning new passwords. Description Password Policy Shows which password policy is currently being used New Password Policy Select the required setting from the drop-down list. - High Password length: at least 8 characters, maximum 128 characters at least 1 uppercase letter at least 1 special character at least 1 number - Low Password length: at least 6 characters, maximum 128 characters AAA General The term "AAA" used in the menu stands for "Authentication, Authorization, Accounting" and is used to identify and allow network nodes, to provide them with the appropriate services and to determine the amount of use. On this page, you configure the login. Settings Note To be able to use the login authentication "RADIUS", "Local and RADIUS" or "RADIUS and fallback Local" a RADIUS server must be stored and configured for user authentication. 1398 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Login Authentication Specify how the login is made: - Local The authentication must be made locally on the device. - RADIUS The authentication must be handled via a RADIUS server. - Local and RADIUS The authentication is possible both with the users that exist on the device (user name and password) and via a RADIUS server. The user is first searched for in the local database. If the user does not exist there, a RADIUS query is sent. - RADIUS and fallback Local The authentication must be handled via a RADIUS server. A local authentication is performed only when the RADIUS server cannot be reached in the network. RADIUS client The term "AAA" used in the menu stands for "Authentication, Authorization, Accounting" and is used to identify and allow network nodes, to provide them with the appropriate services and to determine the amount of use. Authentication over an external server The concept of RADIUS is based on an external authentication server. Each row of the table contains access data for one server. In the search order, the primary server is queried first. If the primary server cannot be reached, secondary servers are queried in the order in which they are entered. If no server responds, there is no authentication. Settings The page contains the following boxes: RADIUS Authorization Mode For the login authentication, the RADIUS authorization mode specifies how the rights are assigned to the user with a successful authentication (Page 1171). - conventional In this mode the user is logged in with administrator rights if the server returns the value "Administrative User" to the device for the attribute "Service Type". In all other cases the user is logged in with read rights. - Vendor specific In this mode the assignment of rights depends on whether and which group the server returns for the user and whether or not there is an entry for the user in the table "External User Accounts". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1399 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Auth. Server Type Select which authentication method the server will be used for. - Login The server is used only for the login authentication. - 802.1X The server is used only for the 802.1X authentication. - Login & 802.1X The server is used for both authentication procedures. RADIUS Server Address Enter the IPv4 address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the RADIUS server. Server Port Here, enter the input port on the RADIUS server. As default, input port 1812 is set. Shared Secret Enter your access ID. Confirm Shared Secret Enter your access ID again as confirmation. Max. Retrans Enter the maximum number of query attempts before another configured RADIUS server is queried or the login counts as having failed. As default, 3 is set. Primary Server Specify whether or not this server is the primary server. You can select one of the options "yes" or "no". Test With this button, you can test whether or not the specified RADIUS server is available. The test is performed once and not repeated cyclically. Test Result Shows whether or not the RADIUS server is available: - Failed, no test packet sent The IP address is not reachable. The IP address is reachable, the RADIUS server is, however, not running. - Reachable, key not accepted The IP address is reachable, the RADIUS server does not, however accept the shared secret. - Reachable, key accepted The IP address is reachable, the RADIUS server accepts the specified shared secret. The test result is not automatically updated. To delete the test result click the "Refresh" button. 1400 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 802.1x-Authenticator Setting up network access An end device can only access the network after the device has verified the login data of the device with the authentication server. Both the end device and the authentication server must support the EAP protocol (Extensive Authentication Protocol). Enabling authentication for individual ports By selecting the check box, you specify whether or not network access protection according to IEEE 802.1x is enabled on this port. Settings MAC Authentication Enable or disable MAC authentication for the device. Guest VLAN Enable or disable the "Guest VLAN" function for the device. Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports of table 2. 802.1X Auth. Control Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. 802.1x Re-authentication Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. MAC Authentication Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Adopt RADIUS VLAN Assignment Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. MAC Auth. Max Permitted Addresses Enter how many end devices are allowed to be connected to the port at the same time. If "No Change" is entered, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged Guest VLAN Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Guest VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID of the port. If "No Change" is entered, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1401 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Guest VLAN max. Permitted Addresses Enter how many end devices are allowed in the guest VLAN at the same time. Transfer to table If you click the button, the settings are adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows all available ports. 802.1X Auth. Control Specify the authentication of the port: - Force Unauthorized Data traffic via the port is blocked. - Force Authorized Data traffic via the port is allowed without any restrictions. Default setting - Auto End devices are authenticated on the port with the "802.1x" method. The data traffic via the port is permitted or blocked depending on the authentication result. 802.1x Re-authentication Enable this option if you want reauthentication of an already authenticated end device to be repeated cyclically. MAC Authentication Enable this option if you want end devices to be authenticated with the "MAC Authentication" method. Note At the port level, you cannot enable "MAC Authentication" and "Guest VLAN" at the same time. If "Auto is configured for "802.1x Auth. Control and the " MAC Authentication is enabled, the timeout for the "802.1X procedure is 5 seconds. If manual input is necessary at a port for the authentication with the 802.1X" procedure, the 5 seconds are not adequate. To be able to run authentication using "802.1X", disable the MAC authentication on this port. Adopt RADIUS VLAN Assignment The RADIUS server informs the IE switch of the VLAN to which the port will belong. Enable this option if you want the information of the server to be taken into account. The port can only e assigned to the VLAN, if the VLAN has been created on the device. Otherwise Authentication (Page 1171) is rejected. MAC Auth. Max Permitted Addresses Enter how many end devices are allowed to be connected to the port at the same time. 1402 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Guest VLAN Enable this option if you want the end device to be permitted in the guest VLAN if authentication fails. The port can only e assigned to the VLAN, if the VLAN has been created on the device. Otherwise Authentication (Page 1171) is rejected. This function is also known as "Authentication failed VLAN". Note At the port level, you cannot enable "MAC Authentication" and "Guest VLAN" at the same time. Guest VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID of the port. Guest VLAN max. Permitted Addresses Enter how many end devices are allowed in the guest VLAN at the same time. MAC Auth. Currently Permitted Addresses Shows the number of currently connected end devices. 802.1X Auth.-Status Shows the status of the authentication of the port: - Authorize - Do not authorize MAC Auth. Currently Blocked Addresses Shows the number of currently blocked end devices. Guest VLAN Currently Permitted Addresses Shows how many end devices are currently allowed in the guest VLAN. MAC ACL Rule configuration On this page, you specify the access rules for the MAC-based Access Control List. Using the MAC-based ACL, you can specify whether frames of certain MAC addresses are forwarded or discarded. Settings Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Source MAC Enter the unicast MAC address of the source. Destination MAC Address Enter the unicast MAC address of the destination. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1403 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Action Select the action. The following is possible: - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. Ingress Interfaces Shows a list of all interfaces to which this rule applies. Egress Interfaces Shows a list of all interfaces to which this rule applies. Note Entering the MAC addresses If you enter the address "00:00:00:00:00:00" for the source and/or destination MAC address, the rule created in this way applies to all source or destination MAC addresses. Ingress Rules On this page, you specify the ACL rule according to which incoming frames are handled by the port. Settings Interface Select the required interface. Add Rule Select the ACL rule to be assigned to the interface. You specify the ACL rule on the "Rules Configuration" page. Add To permanently assign the ACL rule to the interface, click the "Add" button. The configuration is shown in the table. Remove Rule Select the ACL rule to be deleted. Remove To remove the ACL rule from the interface, click the "Remove" button. The table has the following columns: Rule Order Shows the order of the ACL rules. Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Source MAC Shows the unicast MAC address of the source. 1404 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Destination MAC Address Shows the unicast MAC address of the destination. Action Shows the action: - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. Egress Rules On this page, you specify the ACL rule according to which outgoing frames are handled by the port. Settings Interface Select the required interface. Add Rule Select the ACL rule to be assigned to the interface. You specify the ACL rule on the "Rules Configuration" page. Add To permanently assign the ACL rule to the interface, click the "Add" button. The configuration is shown in the table. Remove Rule Select the ACL rule to be deleted. Remove To remove the ACL rule from the interface, click the "Remove" button. The table has the following columns: Rule Order Shows the order of the ACL rules. Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Source MAC Shows the unicast MAC address of the source. Destination MAC Address Shows the unicast MAC address of the destination. Action Shows the action - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1405 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IP ACL Rule configuration On this page, you specify the rules for the IP-based ACL. Settings The table has the following columns: Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Source IP Enter the IPv4 address of the source. Source Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask in which the source is located. Dest. IP Enter the IP address of the destination. Dest. Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask in which the destination is located. Action Select whether the frame is forwarded or rejected when it corresponds to the ACL rule. - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. Ingress Interfaces Shows a list of all interfaces to which this rule applies. Egress Interfaces Shows a list of all interfaces to which this rule applies. Protocol configuration On this page, you specify the rules for protocols. Settings The table has the following columns: Rule Number Shows the number of the protocol rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Protocol Select the protocol for which this rule is valid. 1406 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Protocol Number Enter a protocol number to define further protocols. This box can only be edited if you have set "Other Protocol" for the protocol. Source Port Min. Enter the lowest possible port number of the source port. This box can only be edited if you have set "TCP" or "UDP" for the protocol. Source Port Max. Enter the highest possible port number of the source port. This box can only be edited if you have set "TCP" or "UDP" for the protocol. Dest. Port Min. Enter the lowest possible port number of the destination port. This box can only be edited if you have set "TCP" or "UDP" for the protocol. Dest. Port Max. Enter the highest possible port number of the destination port. This box can only be edited if you have set "TCP" or "UDP" for the protocol. Message Type Enter a message type to decide the format of the message. This box can only be edited if you have set "ICMP" for the protocol. Message Code Enter a message code to specify the function of the message. This box can only be edited if you have set "ICMP" for the protocol. DSCP Enter a value for classifying the priority. This box cannot be edited if you have set "ICMP" for the protocol. Ingress Rules On this page, you specify the ACL rule according to which incoming frames are handled by the port or VLAN. Settings Ports Select the required port: a port or a VLAN interface. To select a VLAN interface, an IP interface must be configured. Note If you use a VLAN interface, the ACL rule applies to all ports that belong to the VLAN. Add Rule Select the ACL rule to be assigned to the port. You specify the ACL rule on the "Rules Configuration" page. Add To permanently assign the ACL rule to the port, click the "Add" button. The configuration is shown in the table. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1407 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Remove Rule Select the ACL rule to be deleted. Remove To remove the ACL rule from the port, click the "Remove" button. The table has the following columns: Rule Order Shows the order of the ACL rules. Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Protocol Shows the protocol for which this rule is valid. Protocol Number Shows the protocol number. Source IP Shows the IP address of the source. Source Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask in which the source is located. Dest. IP Shows the IP address of the destination. Dest. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask of the destination. Action Select whether the frame is forwarded or rejected when it corresponds to the ACL rule. - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. Source Port Min. Shows the lowest possible port number of the source port. Source Port Max. Shows the highest possible port number of the source port. Dest. Port Min. Shows the lowest possible port number of the destination port. Dest. Port Max. Shows the highest possible port number of the destination port. Message Type Shows a message type to decide the format of the message. Message Code Shows a message code to specify the function of the message. DSCP Shows the value for classifying the priority. 1408 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Egress Rules On this page, you specify the ACL rule according to which outgoing frames are handled by the port. Settings Ports Select the required port: a port or a VLAN interface. To select a VLAN interface, an IP interface must be configured. Note If you use a VLAN interface, the ACL rule applies to all ports that belong to the VLAN. Add Rule Select the ACL rule to be assigned to the port. You specify the ACL rule on the "Rules Configuration" page. Add To permanently assign the ACL rule to the port, click the "Add" button. The configuration is shown in the table. Remove Rule Select the ACL rule to be deleted. Remove To remove the ACL rule from the port, click the "Remove" button. The table has the following columns: Rule Order Shows the order of the ACL rules. Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Protocol Shows the protocol for which this rule is valid. Protocol Number Shows the protocol number. Source IP Shows the IP address of the source. Source Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask in which the source is located. Dest. IP Shows the IP address of the destination. Dest. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask of the source. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1409 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Action Select whether the frame is forwarded or rejected when it corresponds to the ACL rule. - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. Source Port Min. Shows the lowest possible port number of the source port. Source Port Max. Shows the highest possible port number of the source port. Dest. Port Min. Shows the lowest possible port number of the destination port. Dest. Port Max. Shows the highest possible port number of the destination port. Message Type Shows a message type to decide the format of the message. Message Code Shows a message code to specify the function of the message. DSCP Shows the value for classifying the priority. Management ACL On this page, you can increase the security of your device. To specify which station with which IPv4 address is allowed to access your device, configure the IPv4 address or an entire address range. You can select the protocols and the ports with which the station is allowed to access the device. You define the VLAN in which the station may be located. This ensures that only certain stations within a VLAN have access to the device. Note If you enable this function, note the following A bad configuration on the "Management Access Control List" page can result in you being unable to access the device. You should therefore configure an access rule that allows access to the management before you enable the function. 1410 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Management ACL Enable or disable the function. As default, the function is disabled. Note If the function is disabled, there is unrestricted access to the management of the IE switch. The configured access rules are only taken into account when the function is enabled. IP Address Enter the IPv4 address or the network address for which the rule will apply. If you use the IPv4 address, the settings apply to all IPv4 addresses. Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask. The subnet mask is for a specific IP address. If you want to allow a subnet, for example a C subnet, enter The subnet mask applies to all subnets. The table has the following columns: Rule Order Shows the order of the ACL rules. IP Address Shows the IPv4 address. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask. VLANs Allowed Enter the number of the VLAN in which the device is located. The station can only access the device if it is located in this configured VLAN. If this input box remains empty, there is no restriction relating to the VLANs. SNMP Specify whether the station (or the IPv4 address) can access the device using the SNMP protocol. TELNET Specify whether the station (or the IPv4 address) can access the device using the TELNET protocol. HTTP Specify whether the station (or the IPv4 address) can access the device using the HTTP protocol. HTTPS Specify whether the station (or the IPv4 address) can access the device using the HTTPS protocol. SSH Specify whether the station (or the IPv4 address) can access the device using the SSH protocol. Px.y Specify whether the station (or the IPv4 address) can access this device via this port (slot.port). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1411 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring SCALANCE W Interfaces and system functions SCALANCE W780 / W740 Availability of the interfaces The following table shows the availability of the physical and logical interfaces. Note that in this table all interfaces are listed. Depending on the system function, some interfaces are not available. On the WBM pages you can only select the available interfaces. We reserve the right to make technical changes. Client device Access points Access points W748-1 M12 W786-1 RJ-45 W786-2 RJ-45 W748-1 RJ-45 W788-1 M12 W786-2IA RJ-45 W788-1 RJ-45 W786-2 SFP W788-2 M12 W788-2 M12 EEC W788-1 RJ-45 W788-2 RJ-45 Wireless interface (WLAN) WLAN 1 WLAN 1 WLAN 1 (in client mode only one WLAN interface is available) WLAN 2 IP interface: LAN interface P1 P1 P1 VLAN ManagementVLAN ManagementVLAN ManagementV LAN VAP interface 1) - VAP 1.Y VAP X.Y Y=1 X = 1 ... 2 8 Y=18 WDS interface 1) _ WDS 1.Y WDS X.Y Y=1 X = 1 ... 2 8 Y=18 VLAN 1) 1412 24 24 24 only in access point mode WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Availability of the system functions The following table shows the availability of the system functions on the devices. Note that all functions are described in this configuration manual and in the online help. Depending on the mode and the KEY-PLUG, some functions are not available. We reserve the right to make technical changes. Access point mode Access points in client mode. Client device Information Security Inter AP blocking - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) W700 Security (MLFB 6GK5907-0PA00) WLAN WLAN statis tics WLAN iFea tures AP over view - Client list - WDS list - AP overlap - Force roam ing - Client over view - Available APs - IP assign ment - Error Manage ment sent Manage ment re ceived Data sent Data re ceived iREF client list - iREF WDS list AeroScout W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) System WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 PROFINET - EtherNet/IP 1413 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Access point mode Access points in client mode. Client device Interfaces Layer 3 1414 WLAN NAT Basic - Expansions Antennas Permitted channels 802.11n AP - AP WDS - AP 802.11a/ b/g data rates - AP 802.11n data rates - Client 802.11a/b/ g data rates Client 802.11n da ta rates Force roam ing - Signal re corder - Spectrum analyzer - Basic - NAPT - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Access point mode Access points in client mode. Client device Security WLAN Basic AP commu nication - AP RADI US authen ticator - Client RA DIUS sup plicant - Key - Inter AP Block Basic ing W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) W700 Security (MLFB 6GK5907-0PA00) Allowed IP addresses - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) W700 Security (MLFB 6GK5907-0PA00) iFeatures iPCF iPCFv1 W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Access point in client mode: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00 Client: W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00) iPCF-MC iPRP Only dual APs W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Access point in client mode: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00 W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Access point in client mode: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00 Client: W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00) Client: W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00) iREF - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) AeroScout - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1415 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SCALANCE W770 / W730 Availability of the interfaces The following table shows the availability of the physical and logical interfaces. Note that in this table all interfaces are listed. Depending on the system function, some interfaces are not available. On the WBM pages you can only select the available interfaces. We reserve the right to make technical changes. Wireless interface (WLAN) Client device Access points SCALANCE W734-1 RJ-45 W774-1 RJ-45 WLAN 1 WLAN 1 P1 P1 IP interface: LAN interface VLAN ManagementVLAN ManagementVLAN VAP interface 1) - VAP 1.Y WDS interface 1) _ Y=1 Y=1 VLAN 1) 16 8 WDS 1.Y 8 16 only in access point mode Availability of the system functions The following table shows the availability of the system functions on the devices. Note that all functions are described in this configuration manual and in the online help. Depending on the mode and the KEY-PLUG, some functions are not available. 1416 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks We reserve the right to make technical changes. Access point mode Access points in client mode Client devices Information Security Inter AP blocking - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) W700 Security (MLFB 6GK5907-0PA00) WLAN WLAN Statis tics WLAN iFea tures Overview AP - Client List - WDS List - Overlap AP - Force Roaming - Overview Client - Available AP - IP Mapping - Faults Manage ment Sent Manage ment Re ceived Data Sent Data Re ceived iREF Client List - iREF WDS List AeroScout W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) System WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 PROFINET - EtherNet/IP 1417 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Access point mode Access points in client mode Client devices Interfaces Layer 3 Security WLAN NAT WLAN Basic - Expansions Antennas Allowed Channels 802.11n AP - AP WDS - AP 802.11a/ b/g Rates - AP 802.11n Rates - Client 802.11a/b/ g Rates - Client 802.11n Rates - Force Roaming - Signal re corder - Spectrum Analyzer - Basic - NAPT - Basic AP Commu nication - AP RADI US Authen ticator - Client RA DIUS Sup plicant - Keys Inter AP Block Basic ing - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) W700 Security (MLFB 6GK5907-0PA00) Allowed Ad dresses W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) - W700 Security (MLFB 6GK5907-0PA00) 1418 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Access point mode Access points in client mode Client devices iFeatures iPCF iPCFv1 W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Access point in client mode: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00 Client: W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00) iPCF-MC iPRP Only dual APs W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Access point in client mode: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00 W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Access point in client mode: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00 Client: W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00) Client: W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00) iREF - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) AeroScout - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) SCALANCE W760 / W720 Availability of the interfaces The following table shows the availability of the physical and logical interfaces. Note that in this table all interfaces are listed. Depending on the system function, some interfaces are not available. On the WBM pages you can only select the available interfaces. We reserve the right to make technical changes. Client device Access points W722-1 RJ45 W761-1 RJ45 W721-1 RJ45 Wireless interface (WLAN) WLAN 1 WLAN 1 LAN interface P1 P1 VLAN ManagementVLAN ManagementVLAN - VAP 1.1 IP interface: VAP interface WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1) 1419 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Client device Access points W722-1 RJ45 W761-1 RJ45 W721-1 RJ45 WDS interface 1) _ WDS 1.1 VLAN 8 8 1) only in access point mode Availability of the system functions The following table shows the availability of the system functions on the devices. Note that all functions are described in this configuration manual and in the online help. Depending on the mode and the KEY-PLUG, some functions are not available. We reserve the right to make technical changes. Access point mode Access points in client mode Client devices Information WLAN WLAN Statis tics System 1420 Overview AP - Client List - WDS List - Overlap AP - Force Roaming - Overview Client - Available AP - IP Mapping - Faults Manage ment Sent Manage ment Re ceived Data Sent Data Re ceived PROFINET - EtherNet/IP WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Access point mode Access points in client mode Client devices Interfaces Layer 3 Security iFeatures WLAN NAT WLAN iPCF Basic - Advanced Antennas Allowed Channels 802.11n AP - AP WDS - AP 802.11a/ b/g Rates - AP 802.11n Rates - Client 802.11a/b/ g Rates - Client 802.11n Rates - Force Roaming - Signal re corder - Spectrum Analyzer - Basic - NAPT - Basic AP Commu nication - AP RADI US Authen ticator - Client RA DIUS Sup plicant - Keys iPCF - Only W722-1 RJ45 This can be integrated in a WLAN with iPCF, iPCFMC. iPCF-MC - Only W722-1 RJ45 This can be integrated in a WLAN with iPCF, iPCFMC. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1421 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration limits SCALANCE W780 / W740 Configuration limits of the device The following table lists the configuration limits for Web Based Management and the Command Line Interface of the device. Depending on your device, some functions are not available. System Configurable function Maximum number Syslog server 3 E-mail server 3 SNMPv1 trap recipient 10 SNTP server 1 NTP server 1 DHCP pools 1 IPv4 addresses managed by the DHCP server (dynam 100 ic + static) 1422 DHCP static assignments per DHCP pool 20 DHCP options 20 Interfa ces Force destination addresses for roaming 10 Layer 2 Virtual LANs (port-based; including VLAN 1) 24 Multiple Spanning Tree instances 16 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Security Configurable function Maximum number IP addresses from RADIUS servers AAA: 4 WLAN: 2 Management ACLs (access rules for management) 10 MAC ACL rule configuration 20 Ingress and egress rules for MAC ACL (total) 40 per interface (20 ingress rules / 20 egress rules) Client: 80 (P1, WLAN) Access point: 680 (P1, WDS 1,Y, VAP 1,Y) Dual access point: 1320 (P1, WDS X,Y, VAP X,Y) IP ACL rule configuration 20 Ingress and egress rules for port ACL IP (total) 40 per interface (20 ingress rules / 20 egress rules) Client: 120 (P1, WLAN, management VLAN) Access point: 720 (P1, WDS 1,Y, VAP 1,Y, management VLAN) Dual access point: 1360 (P1, WDS X,Y, VAP X,Y, management VLAN) User roles 28 User groups 32 Users 28 SCALANCE W770 / W730 Configuration limits of the device The following table lists the configuration limits for Web Based Management and the Command Line Interface of the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1423 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Depending on your device, some functions are not available. System Configurable function Maximum number Syslog server 3 E-mail server 3 SNMPv1 trap recipient 10 SNTP server 1 NTP server 1 DHCP pools 1 IPv4 addresses managed by the DHCP server (dynam 100 ic + static) DHCP static assignments per DHCP pool 20 DHCP options 20 Interfa ces Force destination addresses for roaming 10 Layer 2 Virtual LANs (port-based; including VLAN 1) 16 Multiple Spanning Tree instances 16 IP addresses from RADIUS servers AAA: 4 Security WLAN: 2 Management ACLs (access rules for management) 10 MAC ACL rule configuration 20 Ingress and egress rules for MAC ACL (total) 40 per interface (20 ingress rules / 20 egress rules) Client: 80 (P1, WLAN) Access point: 680 (P1, WDS 1.Y, VAP 1.Y) IP ACL rule configuration 20 Ingress and egress rules for port ACL IP (total) 40 per interface (20 ingress rules / 20 egress rules) Client: 120 (P1, WLAN, management VLAN) Access point: 720 (P1, WDS 1.Y, VAP 1.Y, management VLAN) 1424 User roles 28 User groups 32 Users 28 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SCALANCE W760 / W720 Configuration limits of the device The following table lists the configuration limits for Web Based Management and the Command Line Interface of the device. Depending on your device, some functions are not available. System Configurable function Maximum number Syslog server 3 E-mail server 3 SNMPv1 trap recipient 10 SNTP server 1 NTP server 1 DHCP pools 1 IPv4 addresses managed by the DHCP server (dynam 100 ic + static) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 DHCP static assignments per DHCP pool 20 DHCP options 20 Interfa ces Force destination addresses for roaming 10 Layer 2 Virtual LANs (port-based; including VLAN 1) 8 Multiple Spanning Tree instances 16 1425 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Security Configurable function Maximum number IP addresses from RADIUS servers AAA: 4 WLAN: 2 Management ACLs (access rules for management) 10 MAC ACL rule configuration 20 Ingress and egress rules for MAC ACL (total) 40 per interface (20 ingress rules / 20 egress rules) Client: 80 (P1, WLAN) Access point: 680 (P1, WDS 1.Y, VAP 1.Y) Dual access point: 1320 (P1, WDS X.Y, VAP X.Y) IP ACL rule configuration 20 Ingress and egress rules for IP ACL IP (total) 40 per interface (20 ingress rules / 20 egress rules) Client: 120 (P1, WLAN, management VLAN) Access point: 720 (P1, WDS 1.Y, VAP 1.Y, management VLAN) Dual access point: 1360 (P1, WDS X.Y, VAP X.Y, management VLAN) User roles 28 User groups 32 Users 28 Useful information IP address assignment Configuration options When shipped and after restoring to the factory settings, the device does not have an IP address. The following options are available to assign an IP address to the device: DHCP (default setting) Primary Setup Tool For further information, refer to the configuration manual "Primary Setup Tool". You will find the configuration manual at Siemens Industry Automation and Drives Service & Support on the Internet under the entry ID 19440762 ( view/en/19440762). 1426 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks STEP 7 CLI via the serial interface For further information, refer to the configuration manuals for the Command Line Interface". You will find the configuration manuals at Siemens Industry Automation and Drives Service & Support on the Internet under the following entry IDs. - SCALANCE W780/W740 Command Line Interface - entry ID 62515451 (http:// - SCALANCE W770/W730 Command Line Interface - entry ID 89534887 (http:// - SCALANCE W760/W720 Command Line Interface - entry ID 89534699 (http:// Requirement "Set IP address on device" is enabled in the properties of the device. You will find more detailed information in "Addressing PROFINET devices". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1427 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Editing properties and parameters Editing options You have the following options for editing properties and parameters: Hardware and network editor Once you have inserted the network component, you can edit the properties and parameters, for example the device name. You will find more detailed information in "Hardware and network editor". Web Based Management (WBM) The parameters and properties are accessible using the supplied HTML pages (WBM pages). Each WBM page has its own help page that describes the properties and parameters. For further information, refer to the configuration manuals for Web Based Management. - SCALANCE W780/W740 Web Based Management - entry ID: 62382125 (http:// - SCALANCE W770/W730 Web Based Management - entry ID: 89535155 (http:// - SCALANCE W760/W720 Web Based Management - entry ID: 89535534 (http:// Command Line Interface All the configuration settings for the device can be made using the CLI. The CLI provides the same options as Web Based Management (WBM). For further information, refer to the configuration manuals for the Command Line Interface. - SCALANCE W780/W740 Command Line Interface - entry ID: 62515451 (http:// - SCALANCE W770/W730 Command Line Interface - entry ID: 89534887 (http:// - SCALANCE W760/W720 Command Line Interface - entry ID: 89534699 (http:// Availability The availability of the settings depends on the device mode on the configuration mode Device Device mode With SCALANCE W the following device modes are available: Access point mode Client mode 1428 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration mode The following configuration modes are available: Offline configuration You can configure a PC station the first time offline. In this mode only the settings that require no connection to the device are available. Online configuration mode If there is a connection to the device and Web Based Management has started, there are additional pages available in the work area. In the online help, these pages include the note "This page is only available if there is an online connection to the device". With some settings, the additional information "only available online" is included. Web Based Management can be started in the following ways: - Select "Management" in the navigation panel and click on "Web Based Management". - Start the Web browser and enter the IP address or the URL of the device in the address box. Device Some of the settings depend on the device. The names used in the online help have the following meaning: SCALANCE W740 The chapter described / the section described / the setting described is only rele vant for the following devices: SCALANCE W748-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W748-1 M12 SCALANCE W780 The chapter described / the section described / the setting described is only rele vant for the following devices: SCALANCE W788-1 M12 SCALANCE W788-2 M12 SCALANCE W788-2 M12 EEC SCALANCE W788-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W788-2 RJ-45 SCALANCE W786-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W786-2 RJ-45 SCALANCE W786-2IA RJ-45 SCALANCE W786-2 SFP SCALANCE W770 The chapter described / the section described / the setting described is only rele vant for the following devices: SCALANCE W774-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W730 The chapter described / the section described / the setting described is only rele vant for the following devices: SCALANCE W734-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W760 The chapter described / the section described / the setting described is only rele vant for the following devices: SCALANCE W761-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W720 The chapter described / the section described / the setting described is only rele vant for the following devices: SCALANCE W721-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W722-1 RJ-45 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1429 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Access points SCALANCE W788-1 M12 SCALANCE W788-2 M12 SCALANCE W788-2 M12 EEC SCALANCE W788-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W788-2 RJ-45 SCALANCE W786-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W786-2 RJ-45 SCALANCE W786-2IA RJ-45 SCALANCE W786-2 SFP SCALANCE W774-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W761-1 RJ-45 Client SCALANCE W748-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W748-1 M12 SCALANCE W734-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W721-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W722-1 RJ-45 Creating and deleting an entry As an example, an entry will be created and deleted on the Syslog client. The procedure is valid on all pages. Creating a new entry 1. Select the device in the network or device view. 2. Open the properties of the device in the Inspector window. 3. In the Inspector window go to System > Syslog client. 4. Enter the IP address for the Syslog server. 5. Click in the table. Select the entry "New entry" in the shortcut menu. A new entry is created in the table. Deleting an entry 1. Select the required entry in the table. 2. Select the "Delete" entry in the shortcut menu. Buttons you require often Updating the display with "Refresh" Pages that display current parameters have a "Refresh" button at the lower edge of the page. Click this button to request up-to-date information from the device for the current page. Save the settings for all ports with "Transfer to table" Pages on which you can configure several ports have 2 tables. In the first table, you can make the settings for all ports and transfer these to the second table. In the last column of the first table, there is the "Transfer to table" button. Click this button to save the settings you have made for all ports. 1430 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks VLAN VLAN tagging Expansion of the Ethernet frames by four bytes For CoS (Class of Service, frame priority) and VLAN (virtual network), the IEEE 802.1Q standard defined the expansion of Ethernet frames by adding the VLAN tag. Note The VLAN tag increases the permitted total length of the frame from 1518 to 1522 bytes. The end nodes on the networks must be checked to find out whether they can process this length / this frame type. If this is not the case, only frames of the standard length may be sent to these nodes. The additional 4 bytes are located in the header of the Ethernet frame between the source address and the Ethernet type / length field: 3UHDPEOH E\WHV 'HVWLQDWLRQ DGGUHVV E\WHV 6RXUFH DGGUHVV E\WHV 73,' E\WHV 7&, E\WHV 7\SH E\WHV 'DWD aE\WHV &5& E\WHV [ 3ULRULW\ ELWV 9/$1,' ELWV &), ELW Figure 10-13 Structure of the expanded Ethernet frame The additional bytes contain the tag protocol identifier (TPID) and the tag control information (TCI). Tag protocol identifier (TPID) The first 2 bytes form the Tag Protocol Identifier (TPID) and always have the value 0x8100. This value specifies that the data packet contains VLAN information or priority information. Tag Control Information (TCI) The 2 bytes of the Tag Control Information (TCI) contain the following information: QoS Trust WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1431 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The tagged frame has 3 bits for the priority that is also known as Class of Service (CoS). The priority according to IEEE 802.1P is as follows: CoS bits Type of data 000 Non time-critical data traffic (less then best effort [basic setting]) 001 Normal data traffic (best effort [background]) 010 Reserved (standard) 011 Reserved ( excellent effort ) 100 Data transfer with max. 100 ms delay 101 Guaranteed service, interactive multimedia 110 Guaranteed service, interactive voice transmission 111 Reserved The prioritization of the data packets is possible only if there is a queue in the components in which they can buffer data packets with lower priority. The device has multiple parallel queues in which the frames with different priorities can be processed. First, the frames with the highest priority ("Strict Priority" method) are processed. This method ensures that the frames with the highest priority are sent even if there is heavy data traffic. Canonical Format Identifier (CFI) The CFI is required for compatibility between Ethernet and the token Ring. The values have the following meaning: Value Meaning 0 The format of the MAC address is canonical. In the canonical representation of the MAC address, the least significant bit is transferred first. Standard-setting for Ethernet switches. 1 The format of the MAC address is not canonical. VLAN ID In the 12-bit data field, up to 4096 VLAN IDs can be formed. The following conventions apply: VLAN ID Meaning 0 The frame contains only priority information (priority tagged frames) and no valid VLAN identifier. 1- 4094 Valid VLAN identifier, the frame is assigned to a VLAN and can also include priority information. 4095 Reserved VLAN Network definition regardless of the spatial location of the nodes VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) divides a physical network into several logical networks that are shielded from each other. Here, devices are grouped together to form logical groups. Only nodes of the same VLAN can address each other. Since multicast and broadcast frames are only forwarded within the particular VLAN, they are also known as broadcast domains. 1432 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The particular advantage of VLANs is the reduced network load for the nodes and network segments of other VLANs. To identify which packet belongs to which VLAN, the frame is expanded by 4 bytes. This expansion includes not only the VLAN ID but also priority information. Options for the VLAN assignment There are various options for the assignment to VLANs: Port-based VLAN Each port of a device is assigned a VLAN ID. You configure port-based VLAN in "Layer 2 > VLAN". Protocol-based VLAN Each port of a device is assigned a protocol group. Subnet-based VLAN The IP address of the device is assigned a VLAN ID. MAC-based communication Frames sent by the client to the access point always have the MAC address of the WLAN client as the source MAC address. In the "learning table" of the access point there is therefore only the MAC address of the WLAN client. MAC mode "Automatic", "Manual" and "Own" If the MAC address of a device connected to the client is adopted (Automatic) or is set manually (Manual), both the MAC-based and the IP-based frames find their destination for precisely this device. If the MAC address of the Ethernet interface of the WLAN client is used (Own), the MAC-based and IP-based frames only reach the WLAN client. The access point checks whether the destination MAC address matches the MAC addresses of the connected clients. Since a WLAN client can only use a MAC address, communication at the MAC address level (ISO/OSI layer 2) can be to a maximum of one node downstream from the client or the client itself. With IP Mapping, several nodes downstream from a client can be addressed based on the IP protocol. The IP packets are broken down according to an internal table and forwarded to the connected devices. Maximum possible number of Ethernet nodes with layer 2 communication downstream from the client: 1 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1433 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Notes on the "Automatic" setting: As long as there is no link on the Ethernet interface, the device uses the MAC address of the Ethernet interface so that it can be reached in this status. In this status, the device can be found using the Primary Setup Tool and configured with WBM or CLI. As soon as there is a link on the Ethernet interface, the device adopts the source MAC address of the first received frame. Note From the moment that the device adopts another MAC address (manually or automatically), the device no longer responds to queries of the Primary Setup Tool when the query is received over the WLAN interface. Queries of the PST over the Ethernet interface continue to be replied to. MAC mode "Layer 2 Tunnel" With the setting "Layer 2 Tunnel", the client provides information about the devices downstream from it when it logs in to an access point. This makes it possible to enter the MAC addresses of these devices in the "learning table" of the access point. The access point can forward MAC-based frames for the devices downstream from the client to the appropriate client. In much the same way as with WDS, a separate port is created for the L2T client over which the Ethernet frames are sent without changing the destination MAC address. Maximum possible number of Ethernet nodes downstream from the client: 8 IEEE 802.11n Overview The standard IEEE 802.11n is an expansion of the 802.11 standard and was approved in 2009. Previous standards worked either in the 2.4 GHz frequency band (IEEE 802.11g /b) or in the 5 GHz frequency band (IEEE 802.11a). IEEE 802.11n can operate in both frequency band. In the IEEE 802.11n standard, there are mechanisms implemented in PHY and MAC layers that increase the data throughput and improve the wireless coverage. MIMO antenna technology Maximum ratio combining (MRC) Spatial multiplexing Channel bonding Frame aggregation Accelerated guard interval Modulation and coding scheme Data throughput rates up to 450 Mbps (gross) This is not possible on all SCALANCE W700 devices. 1434 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks MIMO antenna technology MIMO (Multiple Input - Multiple Output) is based on an intelligent multiple antenna system. The transmitter and the receiver have several spatially separate antennas. The spatially separate antennas transmit the data streams at the same time. Up to four data streams are possible. The data streams are transmitted over spatially separate paths and return over different paths due to diffraction, refraction, fading and reflection (multipath propagation). The multipath propagation means that at the point of reception a complex, space- and timedependent pattern results as a total signal made up of the individual signals sent. MIMO uses this unique pattern by detecting the spatial position of characteristic signals. Here, each spatial position is different from the neighboring position. By characterizing the individual senders, the recipient is capable of separating several signals from each other. Multipath propagation with IEEE 802.11a/b/g SCALANCE W788-1PRO SCALANCE W746-1PRO Multipath propagation IEEE 802.11n (MIMO) SCALANCE W788-1 M12 SCALANCE W748-1 M12 Maximum ratio combining (MRC) In a multiple antenna system, the wireless signals are received by the individual antennas and combined to form one signal. The MRC method is used to combine the wireless signals. The MRC method weights the wireless signals according to their signal-to-noise ratio and combines the wireless signals to form one signal. The signal-to-noise ratio is improved and the error rate is reduced. Spatial mutliplexing With spatial multiplexing, different information is sent using the same frequency. The data stream is distributed over n transmitting antennas; in other words, each antenna sends only 1/ n of the data stream. The division of the data stream is restricted by the number of antennas. At the receiver end, the signal is reconstructed. Due to the spatial multiplexing, there is a higher signal-to-noise ratio and a higher data throughput. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1435 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Channel bonding With IEEE 802.11n, data can be transferred via two directly neighboring channels. The two 20 MHz channels are put together to form one channel with 40 MHz. This allows the channel bandwidth to be doubled and the data throughput to be increased. To be able to use channel bonding, the recipient must support 40 MHz transmissions. If the recipient does not support 40 MHz transmissions, the band is automatically reduced to 20 MHz. This means that IEEE 802.11n can also communicate with IEEE 802.11a/b/g devices. The channel bonding is set on the "AP" WBM page with the "HT Channel Width [MHz]" parameter. Communication according to IEEE 802.11a /b/g/h standard SCALANCE W788-1PRO SCALANCE W746-1PRO 2 x 20 MHz channels Maximum data rate: 54 Mbps Communication according to IEEE 802.11n standard SCALANCE W788-1 M12 SCALANCE W748-1 M12 1 x 40 MHz channel Maximum data rate: 450 Mbps Frame aggregation With IEEE 802.11n, it is possible to group together individual data packets to form a single larger packet; this is known as frame aggregation. There are two types of frame aggregation: Aggregated MAC Protocol Data Unit (A-MPDU) and Aggregated MAC Service Data Unit (AMSDU). The frame aggregation reduces the packet overheads. Frame aggregation can only be used if the individual data packets are intended for the same receiving station (client). The SCALANCE W700 devices support both types of frame aggregation. You specify the settings for the A-MPDU data packet on the "AP 802.11n" WBM page. Accelerated guard interval The guard interval prevents different transmissions being mixed together. In telecommunications, this mixing is also known as intersymbol interference (ISI). When the send time has elapsed, a send pause (guard interval) must be kept to before the next transmission begins. The guard interval of IEEE 802.11a /b/g is 800 ns. IEEE 802.11n can use the reduced guard interval of 400 ns. You specify the guard interval on the "AP 802.11n" WBM page. 1436 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Modulation and coding schemes The IEEE 802.11n standard supports different data rates. The data rates are based on the number of spatial streams, the modulation method and the channel coding. The various combinations are described in modulation and coding schemes. PROFINET PROFINET PROFINET is an open standard (IEC 61158/61784) for industrial automation based on Industrial Ethernet. PROFINET uses existing IT standards and allows end-to-end communication from the field level to the management level as well as plant-wide engineering. PROFINET also has the following features: Use of TCP/IP Automation of applications with real-time requirements - Real-Time (RT) communication - Isochronous Real-Time (IRT) communication Seamless integration of fieldbus systems You configure PROFINET in "System > PROFINET (Page 1272)". PROFINET IO Within the framework of PROFINET, PROFINET IO is a communications concept for implementing modular, distributed applications. PROFINET IO is implemented by the PROFINET standard for programmable controllers (IEC 61158-x-10). EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP (Ethernet/Industrial Protocol) is an open industry standard for industrial real-time Ethernet based on TCP/IP and UDP/IP. With EtherNet/IP, Ethernet is expanded by the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) at the application layer. In EtherNet/IP, the lower layers of the OSI reference model are adopted by Ethernet with the physical, network and transport functions. You configure EtherNet/IP in "System > EtherNet/IP (Page 1273)". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1437 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Common Industrial Protocol The Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) is an application protocol for automation that supports transition of the field buses in Industrial Ethernet and in IP networks. This industry protocol is used by field buses/industrial networks such as DeviceNet, ControlNet and EtherNet/IP at the application layer as an interface between the deterministic fieldbus world and the automation application (controller, I/O, HMI, OPC, ...). The CIP is located above the transport layer and expands the pure transport services with communications services for automation engineering. These include services for cyclic, time-critical and event-controlled data traffic. CIP distinguishes between time-critical I/O messages (implicit messages) and individual query/ response frames for configuration and data acquisition (explicit messages). CIP is objectoriented; all data "visible" from the outside is accessible in the form of objects. CIP has a common configuration basis: EDS (Electronic Data Sheet). Electronic Data Sheet Electronic Data Sheets (EDS) are electronic datasheets for describing devices. The EDS required for EtherNet/IP operation can be found in "System > Load&Save". NAT/NAPT What is NAT? With Network Address Translation (NAT), the IP address in a data packet is replaced by another. NAT is normally used on a gateway between a private LAN and an external network with globally valid IP addresses. A local IP address of the internal LAN is changed to an external global IP address by a NAT device at the gateway. To translate the internal into the global IP address, the NAT device maintains a translation list. The address assignment is automatic. You configure the address assignment in "Layer 3 > NAT > Basic". What is NAPT? In "Network Address Port Translation" (NAPT) or "Port Address Translation" (PAT), several internal source IP addresses are translated into the same external source IP address. To identify the individual source nodes, the port of the source device is also stored in the translation list of the NAT gateway and translated for the external address. If several local clients send a query to the same external destination IP address over the NAT gateway, the gateway enters its own external source IP address in the header of these forwarded frames. Since the forwarded frames have the same global source IP address, the NAT gateway assigns the frames to the clients using different port number. Note NAT/NAPT is possible only on layer 3 of the ISO/OSI reference model. To use the NAT function, the networks must use the IP protocol. When using the ISO protocol that operates at layer 2, it is not possible to use NAT. 1438 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If a client from the global network wants to use a service in the internal network, the translation list for the static address assignment needs to be configured. You configure the translation list for NAPT in "Layer 3 > NAT > NAPT". iPCF / iPCF-MC The wireless range of an IWLAN system can be expanded by using multiple access points. If a client moves from the area covered by one access point to the area covered by another access point, the wireless link is maintained after a short interruption (roaming). In an industrial environment, there are applications that require a deterministic response when there are large numbers of nodes and when roaming to another cell require handover times of less than 100 milliseconds. iPCF (industrial Point Coordination Function) iPCF ensures that the entire data traffic of a cell is ordered, controlled by the access point. Even with large numbers of nodes, collisions can also be avoided. iPCF also allows fast cell changes. You configure iPCF in "iFeatures > iPCF (Page 1615)". iPCF-MC (industrial Point Coordination Function - Management Channel) iPCF-MC was developed to make the advantages of iPCF available to fully mobile nodes that communicate without being dependent on RCoax cable or directional antennas. With iPCF-MC, the client also searches for potentially suitable access points when it receives iPCF queries from the access point and the existing connection to an access point is working problem-free. This means that if a change to a different access point is necessary, this is achieved extremely quickly. In contrast to iPCF, the handover times for iPCF-MC are not dependent on the number of wireless channels being used. You configure iPCF-MC in "iFeatures > iPCF-MC (Page 1617)". iPCF / iPCF-MC - how it works The access point checks all nodes in the wireless cell cyclically. At the same time, the scan includes the downlink traffic for this node. In the reply, the node sends the uplink data. The access point scans a new node at least every 5 ms. The scan of a node is seen by all other nodes in the cell. This allows a client to detect the quality of the wireless link to the access point even when it is not communicating with the access point itself. If the client does not receive any frames from the access point for a certain time, it starts to search for a new access point. In iPCF mode, both the search for a new access point and the registration with this access point have been optimized in terms of time. Handover times significantly below 50 ms are achieved. Stable PNIO communication is only possible when a WLAN client is in a cell with more than 60 % (-65 dBm) signal strength at all times. This can be checked by activating and deactivating the various wireless cells. This does not mean that the client needs to change when there is a signal strength < 60 % (< -65 dBm). Make sure that access points are available with adequate signal strength. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1439 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 352),VDIH Wireless cell of access point 1 Wireless cell of access point 2 Wireless cell of access point 3 Wireless cell of access point 4 Plant Figure 10-14 Configuration example of iPCF-MC 1440 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Restrictions iPCF and iPCF-MC are developments of Siemens AG and function only with nodes on which iPCF / iPCF-MC is implemented. With an access point with several WLAN interfaces, it is possible to use both iPCF as well as standard WLAN at the same time. Access points with a WLAN interface cannot take part in the iPCF-MC procedures, iPCF is, however, possible. Requirements for iPCF-MC iPCF-MC uses the two wireless interface of the access point in different ways: One interface works as the management interface and sends a beacon every five milliseconds. The other interface transfers the user data. The following requirements must be met before you can use iPCF-MC: Only SCALANCE W700 devices with two WLAN interfaces can be used as access points The data interface (WLAN1) and management interface (WLAN2) must be operated in the same frequency band and must match in terms of their wireless coverage. iPCF-MC will not work if the two wireless interfaces are equipped with directional antennas that cover different areas. The management interfaces of all access points to which a client can change must use the same channel. A client scans only this one channel to find accessible access points. Transmission based on IEEE 802.11h (DFS) cannot be used for the management interface. 802.11h (DFS) is possible for the data interface. A client must support this feature on its WLAN interface. iREF How it works If an access point has several activated antennas, the transmit power is distributed equally on these antennas. The transmit power is subject to country-specific legal restrictions. The maximum permitted power depends on the gain of the connected antennas. If the connected antennas have different gains, the maximum antenna gain effectively restricts the permitted transmit power. iREF (industrial Range Extension Function) ensures that the data traffic from the access point to each individual client is handled via the most suitable antenna. Which antenna is most suitable is determined by the access point based on the RSSI values of received packets. Taking into account antenna gain and possible cable losses, packets are only sent via the antennas with which the maximum signal strength at the client end can be expected. During this time the other antennas are inactive and the legally permitted transmit power is available for the selected antenna. The inactive antennas do not restrict the permitted transmit power. In particular in applications in which MIMO cannot be used or brings no advantage, this allows data to be transmitted at the highest possible data transmission rate. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1441 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks You configure iREF in "iFeatures > iREF" without iREF Access Point Access Point ANT795-6DC ANT795-6DC Client SCALANCE W700 SCALANCE W700 SCALANCE W700 where iREF Access Point Access Point ANT795-6DC ANT795-6DC Client SCALANCE W700 SCALANCE W700 SCALANCE W700 Requirement To be able to use iREF, the SCALANCE W700 device must have at least 2 activated antennas. Restrictions A maximum data rate of only up to 150 Mbps (MCS 0 - 7 or 1 x spatial stream) is possible iREF cannot be used along with other iFeatures (for example iPCF or iPCF-MC) Advantages Due to the directional data transmission and dynamic deactivation of antennas that do not radiate in the direction of the particular client, interference can be reduced. The signal strength is improved because the active antenna always has the maximum permitted transmit power available. iPRP The "Parallel Redundancy Protocol" (PRP) is a redundancy protocol for cabled networks. It is defined in Part 3 of the IEC 62439 standard. With the "industrial Parallel Redundancy Protocol" (iPRP) the PRP technology can be used in wireless networks. iPRP improves the availability of wireless communication. 1442 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks How it works A PRP network consists of two completely independent networks. If one network is disrupted, the frames are sent without interruption/reconfiguration via the parallel redundant network. To achieve this the Ethernet frames are sent to the recipient in duplicate via both networks. Devices capable of PRP have at least two separate Ethernet interfaces that are connected to independent networks. With devices not capable of PRP a redundancy box (RedBox) is connected upstream. This allows access for so-called Single Attached Nodes (SAN) to PRP networks. The RedBox duplicates every Ethernet frame to be sent and among other things adds the VLAN ID and a sequence number. The RedBox sends a copy of the frame at the same time on both Ethernet interfaces via both networks. With PRP the SCALANCE W700 devices PRP can be used in wireless networks. 6LQJOH$WWDFKHG1RGH 6$1 5HGXQGDQF\%R[ 5HG%R[ 9/$1 353$ 9/$1 353% 9/$19/$1 9/$19/$1 $FFHVV3RLQW$3 :/$1 9$3!9/$1 353$ 9$3!9/$1 353% 9/$19/$1 9/$19/$1 $FFHVV3RLQW$3 :/$1 9$3!9/$1 353$ 9$3!9/$1 353% $FFHVV3RLQW$3 :/$1 9$3!9/$1 353$ 9$3!9/$1 353% 9/$1 9/$1 &OLHQW$ :/$1!9/$1 353$ &OLHQW% :/$1!9/$1 353% 9/$19/$1 9/$19/$1 9/$1 353$ 9/$1 353% 5HGXQGDQF\%R[ 5HG%R[ 6LQJOH$WWDFKHG1RGH 6$1 ,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW The access points (AP 1, AP 2 and AP 3) and the RedBox A are connected to each other via a switch. The PRP frames are sent to the access points via both networks (PRP A, PRP B). The access points receive the PRP frame. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1443 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The PRP frames are sent at the same time on two different wireless links to the recipients. The clients A and B are connected to different access points at the same time. The clients are never connected to the access point via the same interface. The RedBox forwards the first frame to arrive and discards the second PRP frame. The redundant partners (here: AP1 and AP3 or client A and client B) communicate with each other to prevent the two redundant PRP frames from arriving at the RedBox with too great a time difference. If for example communication between AP1 and client A is not possible, the PRP frame comes to its destination via redundant client B. You configure iPRP in "iFeatures > iPRP (Page 1618)". Requirement The base bridge mode "802.1Q VLAN Bridge" is set. The VLANs have been created. The VLANs are configured on the same interface. Access point mode: The VAP interface is enabled. Client mode: In MAC mode "Layer 2 Tunnel" is set. Depending on the configuration the clients can communicate with every access point. AeroScout AeroScout tags SCALANCE W700 devices support tags of the AeroScout company. Tags are battery-operated RFID sensors that send their data cyclically as multicast frames. Among other things, AeroScout tags have the following features: Ambient temperature If a tag is fitted to a SCALANCE W700 device or material, it is possible to monitor whether a selected ambient temperature is being maintained. Motion Here, a tag can also supply information indicating whether it is in motion or stationary. The areas of material flow and material handling engineering represent possible applications for this function. Button Regardless of the frames sent cyclically, a user can also send a message by pressing a button. LED This provides information on the operating status of the tag. Note For more detailed information, please refer to the AeroScout documentation ( 1444 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks How it works The tag sends its data as AeroScout frames. The tags and the access points communicate in the 2.4 GHz band. If the WLAN interface of the access point receives the AeroScout frame, this is converted into a UDP datagram. The SCALANCE W700 device forwards the UDP datagram along with the information about the signal strength (RSSI) to a PC. The AeroScout Engine runs on the PC and evaluates the received information. Note It is not advisable to use PROFINET communication and AeroScout together on one wireless interface. Accuracy of localization To achieve optimum precision in the localization of AeroScout Tags, we recommend the use of antennas with omnidirectional characteristics if the signals should be received by at least three access points. SNMP Introduction With the aid of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), you monitor and control network components from a central station, for example routers or switches. SNMP controls the communication between the monitored devices and the monitoring station. Tasks of SNMP: Monitoring of network components Remote control and remote parameter assignment of network components Error detection and error notification In versions v1 and v2c, SNMP has no security mechanisms. Each user in the network can access data and also change parameter assignments using suitable software. For the simple control of access rights without security aspects, community strings are used. The community string is transferred along with the query. If the community string is correct, the SNMP agent responds and sends the requested data. If the community string is not correct, the SNMP agent discards the query. Define different community strings for read and write permissions. The community strings are transferred in plain text. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1445 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Standard values of the community strings: public has only read permissions private has read and write permissions Note Because the SNMP community strings are used for access protection, do not use the standard values "public" or "private". Change these values following the initial commissioning. Further simple protection mechanisms at the device level: Allowed Host The IP addresses of the monitoring systems are known to the monitored system. Read Only If you assign "Read Only" to a monitored device, monitoring stations can only read out data but cannot modify it. SNMP data packets are not encrypted and can easily be read by others. The central station is also known as the management station. An SNMP agent is installed on the devices to be monitored with which the management station exchanges data. The management station sends data packets of the following type: GET Request for a data record from the SNMP agent GETNEXT Calls up the next data record. GETBULK (available as of SNMPv2c) Requests multiple data records at one time, for example several rows of a table. SET Contains parameter assignment data for the relevant device. The SNMP agent sends data packets of the following type: RESPONSE The SNMP agent returns the data requested by the manager. TRAP If a certain event occurs, the SNMP agent itself sends traps. SNMPv1/v2c/v3 use UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and use the UDP ports 161 and 162. The data is described in a Management Information Base (MIB). SNMPv3 Compared with the previous versions SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, SNMPv3 introduces an extensive security concept. 1446 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SNMPv3 supports: Fully encrypted user authentication Encryption of the entire data traffic Access control of the MIB objects at the user/group level With the introduction of SNMPv3 you can no longer transfer user configurations to other devices without taking special action, e.g. by loading a configuration file or replacing the CPLUG. According to the standard, the SNMPv3 protocol uses a unique SNMP engine ID as an internal identifier for an SNMP agent. This ID must be unique in the network. It is used to authenticate access data of SNMPv3 users and to encrypt it. Depending on whether you have enabled or disabled the "SNMPv3 User Migration" function, the SNMP engine ID is generated differently. Restriction when using the function Use the "SNMPv3 User Migration" function only to transfer configured SNMPv3 users to a substitute device when replacing a device. Do not use the function to transfer configured SNMPv3 users to multiple devices. If you load a configuration with created SNMPv3 users on several devices, these devices use the same SNMP engine ID. If you use these devices in the same network, your configuration contradicts the SNMP standard. Compatibility with predecessor products You can only transfer SNMPv3 users to a different device if you have created the users as migratable users. To create a migratable user the "SNMPv3 User Migration" function must be activated when you create the user. Spanning Tree Avoiding loops The Spanning Tree algorithm detects redundant physical network structures and prevents the formation of loops by disabling redundant paths. It evaluates the distance and performance of a connection or bases the decisions on settings made by the user. Data is then exchanged only over the remaining connection paths. If the preferred data path fails, the Spanning Tree algorithm then searches for the most efficient path possible with the remaining nodes. Root bridge and bridge priority The identification of the most efficient connection is always related to the root bridge, a network component that can be considered as a root element of a tree-like network structure. With the "Bridge Priority" parameter, you can influence the selection of the root bridge. The computer with the lowest value set for this parameter automatically becomes the root bridge. If two computers have the same priority value, the computer with the lower MAC address becomes the root bridge. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1447 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Response to changes in the network topology If nodes are added to a network or drop out of the network, this may affect the optimum path selection for data packets. To be able to respond to such changes, the root bridge sends configuration messages (BPDUs) at regular intervals. You can set the interval between two configuration messages with the "Hello Time" parameter. Keeping configuration information up to date With the "Max Age" parameter, you set the maximum age of configuration information. If a bridge has information that is older than the time set in Max Age, it discards the message and initiates recalculation of the paths. New configuration data is not used immediately by a bridge but only after the period specified in the "Forward Delay" parameter. This ensures that operation is started with the new topology only after all the bridges have the required information. RSTP, MSTP, CIST Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) One disadvantage of STP is that if there is a disruption or a device fails, the network needs to reconfigure itself: The devices start to negotiate new paths only when the interruption occurs. This can take up to 30 seconds. Fur this reason, STP was expanded to create the "Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol" (RSTP, IEEE 802.1w). This differs from STP essentially in that the devices are already collecting information about alternative routes during normal operation and do not need to gather this information after a disruption has occurred. This means that the reconfiguration time for an RSTP controlled network can be reduced to a few seconds. This is achieved by using the following functions: Edge ports (end node port) Edge ports are ports connected to an end device. A port that is defined as an edge port is activated immediately after connection establishment. If a spanning tree BPDU is received at an edge port, the port loses its role as edge port and it takes part in (R)STP again. If no further BPDU is received after a certain time has elapsed (3 x hello time), the port returns to the edge port status. Point-to-point (direct communication between two neighboring devices) By directly linking the devices, a status change (reconfiguration of the ports) can be made without any delays. Alternate port (substitute for the root port) A substitute for the root port is configured. If the connection to the root bridge is lost, the device can establish a connection over the alternate port without any delay due to reconfiguration. 1448 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Reaction to events Rapid spanning tree reacts to events, for example an aborted connection, without delay. There is no waiting for timers as in spanning tree. Counter for the maximum bridge hops The number of bridge hops a package is allowed to make before it automatically becomes invalid. In principle, therefore with rapid spanning tree, alternatives for many parameters are preconfigured and certain properties of the network structure taken into account to reduce the reconfiguration time. Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) is a further development of the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol. Among other things, it provides the option of operating several RSTP instances within different VLANs or VLAN groups and, for example, making paths available within the individual VLANs that the single Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol would globally block. Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) CIST identifies the internal instance used by the switch that is comparable in principle with an internal RSTP instance. Show information Versions This page shows the versions of the hardware and software of the device. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values Table 1 contains the following columns: Hardware - Basic Device Shows the basic device. - WLAN X Shows the available WLAN interfaces. A device can have up to two WLAN interfaces. Name Shows the name of the device or module. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1449 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Revision Shows the hardware version of the device. Order ID Shows the order number of the device or module. For the wireless card, only one version is then displayed if the WLAN interface is enabled. Table 2 has the following columns: Software - Firmware Shows the current firmware version. If a new firmware file was downloaded and the device has not yet restarted, the firmware version of the downloaded firmware file is displayed here. After the next restart, the downloaded firmware is activated and used. - Bootloader Shows the version of the boot software stored on the device. - Firmware_Running Shows the firmware version currently being used on the device Description Shows the short description of the software. Version Shows the version number of the software version. Date Shows the date on which the software version was created. I&M Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. This page contains information about device-specific vendor and maintenance data such as the article number, serial number, version number etc. You cannot configure anything on this page. Description of the displayed values The table has the following rows: Manufacturer ID Shows the manufacturer ID. Article number Shows the article number. Serial number Shows the serial number. Hardware revision Shows the hardware version. 1450 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Software version Shows the software version. Revision counter Shows the revision counter: Counter for revisions since the initial commissioning Revision Date Date and time of the last revision Function tag Shows the function tag (plant designation) of the device. The plant designation (HID) is created during configuration of the device with HW Config of STEP 7. Location tag Shows the location tag of the device. The location identifier (LID) is created during configuration of the device with HW Config of STEP 7. Date Shows the date created during configuration of the device with HW Config of STEP 7. Description Shows the description created during configuration of the device with HW Config of STEP 7. ARP table Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Assignment of MAC address and IP address With the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), there is a unique assignment of MAC address to IPv4 addresses. This assignment is kept by each network node in its own separate ARP table. The page shows the ARP table of the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the interface via which the row entry was learnt. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the destination or source device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1451 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IP address Shows the IP address of the target device. Media Type Shows the type of connection. - Dynamic The device recognized the address data automatically. - Static The addresses were entered as static addresses Log tables Event log Logging events Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The device allows you to log events that occur, some of which you can specify in " System > Events". This, for example, allows you to record when an authentication attempt failed or when the connection status of a port has changed. The content of the events log table is retained even when the device is turned off. 1452 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Severity Filter You can filter the entries in the table according to severity. Select the required entries in the check boxes above the table. - Info Information - When this parameter is enabled, all entries of the category "Info" are displayed. - Warning Warning When this parameter is enabled, all entries of the category "Warning" are displayed. - Critical Critical When this parameter is enabled, all entries of the category "Critical" are displayed. The table has the following columns: - Restart Counts the number of restarts since you last reset to factory settings and shows the device restart after which the corresponding event occurred. - System Up Time Shows the time the device has been running since the last restart when the described event occurred. - System Time Shows the date and time when the described event occurred. If the system time is set, the time is also displayed at which the event occurred. - Severity Shows the severity of the message. - Log Message Displays a brief description of the event that has occurred. You will find the list of possible messages in Appendix D of the configuration manual. Buttons Delete Click this button to delete the content of the event log file. All entries are deleted regardless of what you have selected under "Severity Filters". The display is also cleared. The restart counter is only reset after you have restored the device to the factory settings and restarted the device. Note The table can contain 400 entries for each severity. The number of entries in this table is restricted to 1200. When this number is reached, the oldest entries of the relevant severity are discarded. The table remains permanently in memory. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1453 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks WLAN authentication log Logging authentication attempts This page shows a table with information on successful or failed authentication attempts. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values Severity Filters You can filter the entries in the table according to severity. To display all the entries, enable or disable all parameters. - Info Information When this parameter is enabled, all entries of the category "Info" are displayed. - Warning Warnings When this parameter is enabled, all entries of the category "Warning" are displayed. - Critical Critical When this parameter is enabled, all entries of the category "Critical" are displayed. The table has the following columns: Restart Counts the number of restarts since you last reset to factory settings and shows the device restart after which the corresponding event occurred. System Up Time Shows the time the device has been running since the last restart when the described fault occurred. System Time Shows the time at which the described error occurred. Severity Shows the severity of the message. Log Message Displays a brief description of the event that has occurred. You will find the list of possible messages in Appendix D of the configuration manual. If the system time is set, the time is also displayed at which the event occurred. 1454 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Buttons Clear Click this button to delete the content of the log file. All entries are deleted regardless of what you have selected under "Severity Filters". The display is also cleared. The restart counter is only reset after you have restored the device to the factory settings and restarted the device. Note The table can contain 400 entries for each severity. The number of entries in this table is restricted to 1200. When this number is reached, the oldest entries are discarded. The table remains permanently in memory. Show all Click this button to display all the entries on the WBM page. Note that displaying all messages can take some time. Next Click this button to go to the next page. Prev Click this button to go to the previous page. Fault Error status This page displays any errors that occur. Errors of the "Cold/Warm Start" event can be deleted following confirmation. If there are no more unanswered error/fault messages, the fault LED goes off. The time calculation always begins after the last system start. When the system is restarted, a new entry with the type of restart is created in the fault memory. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values No. of Signaled Faults Indicates how often the fault LED lit up and not how many faults occurred. "Reset counters" button The number is reset with this button. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1455 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table contains the following columns: Fault Time Shows the time the device has been running since the last restart when the described fault occurred. Fault Description Display of the fault status for the device. Clear Fault State To delete files of the "Cold/warm start" event, click the "Clear Fault State" button. Spanning Tree Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The page shows the current information about the Spanning Tree and the settings of the root bridge. If spanning tree is turned off, only the basic information about this device is displayed. If Spanning Tree is turned on, the status information about the selected instance is displayed and the information about the configured ports is shown in the table. The information depends on the selected Spanning Tree mode. Displayed values Spanning Tree Mode Shows the set mode. You specify the mode in "Layer 2 > MSTP > General". The following values are possible: - '-' - STP - RSTP - MSTP Instance ID Shows the number of the instance. The parameter depends on the configured mode. Bridge Priority / Root Priority Which device becomes the root bridge is decided based on the bridge priority. The bridge with the highest priority (in other words, with the lowest value for this parameter) becomes the root bridge. If several devices in a network have the same priority, the device whose MAC address has the lowest numeric value will become the root bridge. Both parameters, bridge priority and MAC address together form the bridge identifier. Since the root bridge manages all path changes, it should be located as centrally as possible due to the delay of the frames. The value for the bridge priority is a whole multiple of 4096 with a range of values from 0 to 32768. 1456 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Bridge Address / Root Address The bridge address shows the MAC address of the device and the root address shows the MAC address of the root bridge. Root Cost Shows the path costs from the device to the root bridge. Bridge Status Shows the status of the bridge, e.g. whether or not the device is the root bridge Regional root priority (available only with MSTP) For a description, see Bridge Priority / Root Priority Regional root address (available only with MSTP) Shows the MAC address of the device. Regional root costs (available only with MSTP) Shows the path costs from the regional root bridge to the root bridge. The table has the following columns: Port Shows the port via which the device communicates. Role Shows the status of the port. The following values are possible: - Disabled The port was removed manually from the spanning tree and will no longer be taken into account by the spanning tree. - Designated The ports leading away from the root bridge. - Alternate The port with an alternative route to a network segment - Backup If a switch has several ports to the same network segment, the "poorer" Port becomes the backup port. - Root The port that provides the best route to the root bridge. - Master This port points to a root bridge located outside the MST region. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1457 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status Displays the current status of the port. The values are only displayed. The parameter depends on the configured protocol. The following statuses are possible: - Discarding The port receives BPDU frames. Other incoming or outgoing frames are discarded. - Listening The port receives and sends BPDU frames. The port is involved in the spanning tree algorithm. Other outgoing and incoming frames are discarded. - Learning The port actively learns the topology; in other words, the node addresses. Other outgoing and incoming frames are discarded. - Forwarding Following the reconfiguration time, the port is active in the network. The port receives and sends data frames. Oper. Version Describes the type of spanning tree in which the port operates Priority If the path calculated by the spanning tree is possible over several ports of a device, the port with the highest priority (in other words the lowest value for this parameter) is selected. A value between 0 and 240 can be entered for the priority in steps of 16. If you enter a value that cannot be divided by 16, the value is automatically adapted. Path costs This parameter is used to calculate the path that will be selected. The path with the lowest value is selected. If several ports of a device have the same value, the port with the lowest port number will be selected. If the value "Cost Calc." is "0", the automatically calculated value is shown. Otherwise, the value of "Cost Calc." is displayed. The calculation of the path costs is largely based on the transmission speed. The higher the achievable transmission speed is, the lower the value of the path costs. Typical values for path costs with rapid spanning tree: - 10,000 Mbps = 2,000 - 1000 Mbps = 20,000 - 100 Mbps = 200,000 - 10 Mbps = 2,000,000. 1458 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Edge type Shows the type of the connection. The following values are possible: - Edge Port An edge port is connected to this port. - No Edge Port There is a spanning tree or rapid spanning tree device at this port. P.t.P. Type Shows the type of point-to-point link. The following values are possible: - P.t.P. With half duplex, a point-to-point link is assumed. - Shared Media With a full duplex connection, a point-to-point link is not assumed. Note Point-to-point connection means a direct connection between two devices. A shared media connection is, for example, a connection to a hub. Ethernet Statistics Interface statistics Interface statistics The page shows the statistics from the interface table of the Management Information Base (MIB). Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: In Octet Shows the number of received bytes. Out Octet Shows the number of sent bytes. In Unicast Shows the number of received unicast frames. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1459 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks In Non Unicast Shows the number of received frames that are not of the type unicast. Out Unicast Shows the number of sent unicast frames. Out Non Unicast Shows the number of sent frames that are not of the type unicast. In Errors Shows the number of all possible RX errors, refer to the tab "Packet Error". Packet Size Frames sorted by length This page displays how many frames of which size were sent and received at each port. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The displayed values are transferred by RMON. On the page "Layer 2 > RMON > Statistics", you can set the ports for which values will be displayed. 1460 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and link aggregations. The port is made up of the module number and the port number, for example port 0.1 is module 0, port 1. Note Display of frame statistics In the statistics relating to frame lengths, note that both incoming and outgoing frames are counted. Frame lengths The other columns after the port number contain the absolute numbers of frames according to their frame length. The following frame lengths are distinguished: - 64 bytes - 65 - 127 bytes - 128 - 255 bytes - 256 - 511 bytes - 512 - 1023 bytes - 1024 - max. Note Data traffic on blocked ports For technical reasons, data packets can be indicated on blocked ports. Button Reset Counter Click "Reset Counter" to reset all counters. The counters are reset by a restart. Frame type Received frames sorted by type This page displays how many frames of the type "unicast", "multicast", and "broadcast" were received at each port. You cannot configure anything on this page. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1461 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The displayed values are transferred by RMON. On the page "Layer 2 > RMON > Statistics", you can set the ports for which values will be displayed. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and link aggregations. The port is made up of the module number and the port number, for example port 0.1 is module 0, port 1. Unicast / Multicast / Broadcast The other columns after the port number contain the absolute numbers of the incoming frames according to their frame type "unicast", "multicast" and "broadcast". Button Reset Counter Click "Reset Counter" to reset all counters. The counters are reset by a restart. Packet Errors Received bad frames This page shows how many bad frames were received per port. You cannot configure anything on this page. The displayed values are transferred by RMON. On the page "Layer 2 > RMON > Statistics", you can set the ports for which values will be displayed. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. 1462 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and link aggregations. Error types The other columns after the port number contain the absolute numbers of the incoming frames according to their error type. In the columns of the table, a distinction is made according to the following error types: - CRC Packets whose content does not match the CRC checksum. - Undersize Packets with a length less than 64 bytes. - Oversize Frames discarded because they were too long. - Fragments Packets with a length less than 64 bytes and a bad CRC checksum. - Jabbers VLAN-tagged packets with an incorrect CRC checksum that were discarded because they were too long. - Collisions Collisions that were detected. Button Reset Counter Click "Reset Counter" to reset all counters. The counters are reset by a restart. Learning table Address filtering This page shows the current content of the learning table. This table lists the source addresses of unicast address frames. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1463 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: VLAN-ID Shows the VLAN ID of the node. Note This column appears in the table only if a VLAN is configured. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the node. Status Shows the status of each address entry: - Dynamic The specified address was learned by receiving a frame from this node and will be deleted when the aging time expires if no further frames are received from this node. - Invalid These values are not evaluated. Port Shows the port via which the node with the specified address can be reached. Frames received by the device whose destination address matches this address will be forwarded to this port. Buttons Show all Click this button to display all the entries on the page. Note that displaying all messages can take some time. Next Click this button to go to the next page. Prev Click this button to go to the previous page. Drop-down list for page change From the drop-down list, select the page you want to go to. DHCP Server This page shows whether IPv4 addresses were assigned to the devices by the DHCP server. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. 1464 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description IP Address Shows the IPv4 address assigned to the device. Pool ID Shows the number of the IPv4 address band. Identification method Shows the method according to which the DHCP client is identified. Identification value Shows the MAC address or he client ID of the DHCP client. Remote ID Shows the remote ID of the DHCP client. Circuit ID Shows the circuit ID of the DHCP client. Assignment method Shows whether the IPv4 address was assigned statically or dynamically. You configure the static entries in "System > DHCP > Static Leases". Assignment status Shows the status of the assignment. - Assigned The assignment is used. - Not used The assignment is not used. - Probing The assignment is being checked. - Unknown The status of the assignment is unknown. Expire Time Shows how long the assigned IPv4 address is still valid. Once this period has elapsed, the device must either request a new IPv4 address or extend the lease time of the existing IPv4 address. Security Overview This page shows the security settings and the local and external user accounts. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The values displayed depend on the rights of the logged-on user. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1465 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values Services The "Services" list shows the security settings. Telnet Server You configure the setting in "System > Configuration". - Enabled: Unencrypted access to the CLI. - Disabled: No unencrypted access to the CLI. SSH Server You configure the setting in "System > Configuration". - Enabled: Encrypted access to the CLI. - Disabled: No encrypted access to the CLI. Web Server You configure the setting in "System > Configuration". - HTTP/HTTPS: Access to the WBM is possible with HTTP and HTTPS. - HTTPS: Access to the WBM is now only possible with HTTPS. SNMP You can configure setting in "System > SNMP > General". - "-" (SNMP disabled) Access to device parameters via SNMP is not possible. - SNMPv1/v2c/v3 Access to device parameters is possible with SNMP versions 1, 2c or 3. - SNMPv3 Access to device parameters is possible only with SNMP version 3. 1466 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Management ACL You configure the setting in "Security > Management ACL". - Disabled: No access restriction The access control is disabled. - Enabled: No access restriction The access control is enabled but no access rules have been defined. - Enabled: Restricted access only The access control is enabled and access rules have been defined. Login Authentication You configure the setting in "Security > AAA > General". - Local The authentication must be made locally on the device. - RADIUS The authentication must be handled via a RADIUS server. - Local and RADIUS The authentication is possible both with the users that exist on the device (user name and password) and via a RADIUS server. The user is first searched for in the local database. If the user does not exist there, a RADIUS query is sent. - RADIUS and fallback local The authentication must be handled via a RADIUS server. A local authentication is performed only when the RADIUS server cannot be reached in the network. Local and external user accounts You configure local user accounts and roles in "Security > User Accounts" When you create a local user account an external user account is generated automatically. Local user accounts involve users each with a password for logging in on the device. In the table "External User Accounts" a user is linked to a role, for example the user "Observer" with the role "user" In this case, the user is defined on a RADIUS server. The roll is defined locally on the device. When a RADIUS server authenticates a user, the corresponding group however is unknown or does not exist, the device checks whether or not there is an entry for the user in the table "External User Accounts". If an entry exists, the user is logged in with the rights of the associated role. If the corresponding group is known on the device, both tables are evaluated. The user is assigned the role with the higher rights. Note The table "External User Accounts" is only evaluated if you have set "Vendor Specific" in the RADIUS Authorization Mode". With CLI you can access external user accounts. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1467 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table "Local User Accounts" has the following columns: User Account Shows the name of the local user. Role Shows the role of the user. You can obtain more information on the function rights of the role in "Information > Security > Roles". The table "External User Accounts" has the following columns: User Account Shows the name of the user on the RADIUS server. Role Shows the role assigned to the user on the device. You can obtain more information on this in "Information > Security > Roles". Supported Function Rights The page shows the function rights available locally on the device. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The values displayed depend on the role of the logged-on user. Displayed values Function Right Shows the number of the function right. Different rights relating to the device parameters are assigned to the numbers. Description Shows the description of the function right. Groups This page shows which group is linked to which role. The group is defined on a RADIUS server. The roll is defined locally on the device. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The values displayed depend on the role of the logged-on user. 1468 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Group Shows the name of the group. The name matches the group on the RADIUS server. Role Shows the role. Users who are authenticated with the linked group on the RADIUS server receive the rights of this role locally on the device. Description Shows a a description for the link. Roles The page shows the roles valid locally on the device. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. The values displayed depend on the role of the logged-on user. Displayed values This table contains the following columns: Role Shows the role. Function Right Shows the function rights of the role: - 1 Users with this role can read device parameters but cannot change them. - 15 Users with this role can both read and change device parameters. - 0 This is a role that the device assigns internally when the user could not be authenticated. The user is denied access to the device. Description Shows a description of the role. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1469 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Inter AP blocking the page shows a list of the devices with which the clients are allowed to communicate. Note The page is only available with SCALANCE W780 / W770 if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. with KEY-PLUG inserted: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) or W700 Security (MLFB 6GK5907-0PA00) Settings The table has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces to which the settings relate. Port Shows the VAP interface to which the settings relate. MAC address Shows the MAC address of the device with which the client may communicate. IP address Shows the IP address of the device with which the client may communicate. IP address resolution Shows the IP address with which the permitted IP address is resolved. WLAN AP overview Overview of the configuration This page shows these settings/properties of the WLAN or the WLAN interface. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. 1470 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values Table 1 has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. WLAN Mode Shows the transmission standard. If DFS is activated, the transmission standard "802.11h" is not shown additionally but only the configured transmission standard "802.11a". Configured Channel Shows the configured channel. If "Auto" is displayed, the access point searches for a free channel itself. Alternative DFS Channel If the DFS function is enabled, the configured alternative channel of the access point is displayed. If "Auto" is displayed, the access point searches for an alternative channel itself. If the DFS function is activated and the access point browses for primary users for 60 seconds before starting communication with the selected channel, the text "scanning ..." is displayed instead of the channel. Operational channel Shows the channel of the access point via which the access point communicates. HT Channel Width Shows the channel bandwidth. - 20 Channel bandwidth 20 MHz - 40 up Channel bandwidth 40 MHz. The configured channel and the neighboring channel above it are used. - 40 down Channel bandwidth 40 MHz. The configured channel and the neighboring channel below it are used. Note Channel bandwidth 40 MHz and frequency band 2.4 GHz If the access point detects another access point on the configured channel or on neighboring channels, the access point changes the channel bandwidth from 40 MHz to 20 MHz. If you set a "free" channel on the access point, the access point uses the channel bandwidth 40 MHz. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1471 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks iFeatures Shows which iFeatures are used. - iFeatures are not used. - iPCF - iPCF-MC - iREF Status Shows the status of the WLAN interface. - enabled The WLAN interface is enabled. - disabled The WLAN interface is disabled. Table 2 has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces in this column. Port Shows the port of the virtual access point. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the virtual access point. SSID Shows the SSID. Security Shows which authentication method is used. If the authentication method "Open System + Encryption" or "Shared Key" is used, the "Encrypted (WEP/AES)" authentication method is displayed for both. Status Shows the status of the WLAN interface. - enabled The WLAN interface is enabled. - disabled The WLAN interface is disabled. 1472 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Client list Logged-on clients The page the clients logged on with the access point as well as additional information, for example status, signal strength, MAC address. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. Displayed values Logged-on Clients Shows the number of clients logged on to the access point. The table has the following columns: AID (Associated ID) Shows the connection ID of the client. If the client connects to the access point via the VAP interface, the client is assigned a connection ID. The connection ID is unique within a VAP interface. If two clients log on at different VAP interfaces, both clients can receive the same ID. Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Port Shows the VAP interface. Type Shows the client type, for example "Sta" stands for IEEE 802.11 standard client. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the client. System Name Shows the system name of the client if the client communicates this to the access point. Not all clients support this parameter. Channel Shows the channel over which the client communicates with the access point. Signal Strength [dBm] Shows the signal strength of the connected client in bBm. Signal Strength [%] Shows the signal strength of the connected client as a percentage. Age [s] Shows the time that has elapsed since the last client activity. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1473 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Security Shows which authentication method is used. If the authentication method "Open System + Encryption" or "Shared Key" is used, the "Encrypted (WEP/AES)" authentication method is displayed for both. WLAN Mode Shows the transmission standard. If DFS is activated, the transmission standard "802.11h" is not shown additionally but only the configured transmission standard "802.11a". Maximum Data Rate [Mbps] Shows the maximum data rate in megabits per second. Status Shows the current status of the connection, for example connected means that the client is connected to the AP and is ready to communicate with the AP. WDS list Communication between access points In normal operation, the access point is used as an interface to a network and communicates with clients. There are, however, situations in which several access points need to communicate with each other, for example to extend wireless coverage or to set up a wireless backbone. This mode is possible with WDS (Wireless Distributed System). Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. This page shows information about the WDS connections of the access point. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Port Shows the port. BSSID Shows the MAC address of the WDS partner. WDS ID Shows the name of the WDS partner. Channel Shows the channel over which the access point communicates with the WDS partner. Signal Strength [dBm] Shows the signal strength of the connected access point in bBm. 1474 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Signal Strength [%] Shows the signal strength of the connected access point as a percentage. Security Shows which authentication method is used. If the authentication method "Open System + Encryption" or "Shared Key" is used, the "Encrypted (WEP/AES)" authentication method is displayed for both. Max. Data Rate [Mbps] Shows the maximum data rate in megabits per second. Status Shows the current status of the WDS connection. AP overlap Overlapping channels Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. For optimum data throughput, it is important that the set wireless channel is not used by other access points. In the 2.4 GHz band (802.11b or 802.11g), there is overlapping of the channels so that an access point occupies not only the set channel but also the two or three adjacent channels. You should therefore make sure that there is adequate channel spacing to neighboring access points. This page shows all access points that are visible on the set or adjacent channels (at 2.4 GHz). If entries exist here, the maximum data throughput of the access point and the availability of the communication link to the access point is potentially impaired. Displayed values Table 1 has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Aging Time [min] Specify the life time of the entries in the list. If an access point is inactive for longer than the set time, it is removed from the list. Note Changing the aging time The aging time is a WLAN setting. For this reason, if a change is made, the WLAN connection is briefly interrupted to accept the new value. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1475 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces in this column. Type Shows the mode of the WLAN interface. SSID Shows the SSID of the access point. BSSID Shows the MAC address of the access point. System Name Shows the system name of the device. The entry depends on the access point. Not all access points support this parameter. Channel Shows the channel over which the client communicates with the access point. Signal Strength [dBm] Shows the signal strength of the client in bBm. Signal Strength [%] Shows the signal strength of the client as a percentage. Age [s] Shows the time that has elapsed since the last access point activity. Security Shows which authentication method is used. If the authentication method "Open System + Encryption" or "Shared Key" is used, the "Encrypted (WEP/AES)" authentication method is displayed for both. WLAN Mode Shows the transmission standard. If DFS is activated, the transmission standard "802.11h" is not shown additionally but only the configured transmission standard "802.11a" or "802.11n". Client overview Overview of the configuration The page shows an overview of the existing clients and their configuration. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. for clients or access points in client mode. 1476 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces in this column. WLAN Mode Shows the transmission standard. MAC Mode Shows how the MAC address is assigned to the interface. - Automatic The client automatically adopts the source MAC address of the first frame that it receives over the Ethernet interface. - Manual The address was entered manually - Own The client uses the MAC address of the Ethernet interface for the WLAN interface. - Layer 2 Tunnel The client uses the MAC address of the Ethernet interface for the WLAN interface. The network is also informed of the MAC addresses connected to the Ethernet interface of the client. Up to eight MAC addresses can be used. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the WLAN interface. Operational channel Shows the channel of the access point with which the client is connected. HT Channel Width [MHz] Shows the channel bandwidth. - 20 Channel bandwidth 20 MHz - 40 up Channel bandwidth 40 MHz. The configured channel and the neighboring channel above it are used. - 40 down Channel bandwidth 40 MHz. The configured channel and the neighboring channel below it are used. Note Channel bandwidth 40 MHz and frequency band 2.4 GHz If the access point detects another access point on the configured channel or on neighboring channels, the access point changes the channel bandwidth from 40 MHz to 20 MHz. If you set a "free" channel on the access point, the access point uses the channel bandwidth 40 MHz. Connected BSSID This box shows the MAC address of the access point with which the client is connected. Connected SSID This box shows the SSID of the access point with which the client is connected. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1477 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Security Shows which authentication method is used. If the authentication method "Open System + Encryption" or "Shared Key" is used, the "Encrypted (WEP/AES)" authentication method is displayed for both. iFeatures Shows which iFeatures are used. - iFeatures are not used. - iPCF - iPCF-MC Status Shows the status of the WLAN interface. - enabled The WLAN interface is enabled. - disabled The WLAN interface is disabled. Available APs Available access points Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. for clients or access points in client mode. This page shows all the access points visible to the client. The list also includes the access points to which the client cannot connect due to its configuration. Note Display when iPCF mode is activated If the iPCF mode is active, the display is different. Since the client does not run a background scan in this case, only the access point with which the client is currently connected is displayed. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Radio Shows the WLAN interface visible to the access point. SSID Shows the SSID of the access point. 1478 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks BSSID Shows the MAC address of the access point. System Name Shows the system name of the access point. The entry depends on the access point. Not all access points support this parameter. Channel Shows the channel on which the access point transmits or communicates. Signal Strength [dBm] Shows the signal strength of the access point in bBm. Signal Strength [%] Shows the signal strength of the access point as a percentage. Type Shows the mode of the WLAN interface. Security Shows which authentication method is used. If the authentication method "Open System + Encryption" or "Shared Key" is used, the "Encrypted (WEP/AES)" authentication method is displayed for both. WLAN Mode Shows the transmission standard. If DFS is activated, the transmission standard "802.11h" is not shown additionally but only the configured transmission standard "802.11a" or "802.11n". Status Shows the status of the access point, for example whether or not the access point is available. Force Roaming Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. The device monitors the connection to IP addresses cyclically. To achieve this, the device sends echo messages (pings) to the configured destination IP address at regular intervals. This WBM page shows the current status of the connection. It also shows whether there is roaming. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1479 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Port Shows the available VAP interfaces. Destination Address / State Shows which destination address is monitored and the status of the connection. You configure the destination address in "Interfaces > WLAN > Force Roaming". - not configured: No destination address is configured. - idle: The configuration is incomplete. - up:The destination address is reachable. - down: The destination address is unreachable. Force Roaming on IP down Indicates whether roaming is currently being performed. - inactive: No roaming is being performed. - active: Roaming is being performed. None of the destination addresses is reachable. IP mapping table WLAN access for several devices via a client Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. for clients or access points in client mode. You can make WLAN access available for several devices with one client if you use IP mapping. This means that you do not need to equip every device with its own WLAN client. This is possible only if the connected devices are addressed only by IP frames. Communication at MAC address level (ISO/OSI layer 2) can be established with one component whose MAC address is configured on the client, be established with a maximum of eight components if the "Layer 2 Tunnel" MAC mode is selected. The "Layer 2 Tunnel" setting meets the requirements of industrial applications in which MAC address-based communication takes place with several devices downstream from the client. Clients with this setting cannot connect to standard Wi-Fi devices and access points with firmware V3.0 or older. 1480 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The client maintains a table with the assignment of MAC address and IP address to be able to send incoming IP frames to the correct MAC address. The page shows the IP mapping table of the device. Note Display of the IP mapping table If "Layer 2 Tunnel" is configured on the device for the MAC mode, the IP mapping table is not displayed. Displayed values MAC address The MAC address of a device located downstream from the WLAN client from the perspective of the access point. IP address The IP address managed for this device by the WLAN client. Type There are two options for the type: - system The information relates to the WLAN client itself. - learned The information relates to a device downstream from the WLAN client. MAC mode Frames sent by the client to the access point always have the MAC address of the WLAN client as the source MAC address. In the "learning table" of the access point there is therefore only the MAC address of the WLAN client. If there are further SCALANCE W700 devices downstream from the client, the "Automatic" option should not be enabled. In this case, the MAC address would be assigned indiscriminately to the first SCALANCE W700 device that signals over Ethernet. If there is only IP communication between the access point and the client, the default setting "Own" can be retained. If MAC address-based frames are also to be sent by SCALANCE W700 devices downstream from the client, you need to select the settings "Automatic", "Manual" or "Layer 2 Tunnel". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1481 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks WLAN statistics Fault The page show how many bad frames were received or sent per WLAN interface. If an increased number of errors occurs, you should check the settings for the WLAN interface(s), the setup of the devices and the connection quality. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The Transmission Errors table has the following columns: Interface Shows the WLAN interface to which the entries apply. Error types The other columns after the WLAN interface contain the absolute numbers of the frames sent according to their error type. The columns of the table distinguish the following error types: - Transmission Errors Shows the number of bad frames that were sent. - Dropped Frames Shows the number of frames that were discarded. Despite all the retries, the frame could not be successfully sent. The frame has not yet been sent and the recipient has logged off in the meantime. - Send Retries Shows the number of frames sent successfully that required one or more retries. The "Received Errors" table has the following columns: Interface Shows the WLAN interface to which the entries apply. Error types The other columns after the WLAN interface contain the absolute numbers of the frames received according to their error type. The columns of the table distinguish the following error types: - Received Errors Shows the number of bad frames that were received. - Duplicated Frames Shows the number of frames that were received twice. - Decryption Errors Shows the number of bad encrypted frames. - FCS Errors Shows the number of frames in which the checksum was incorrect. 1482 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Sent management frames The page shows how many frames in response to logging on or logging off were counted per VAP interface. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the VAP interface to which the entries apply. Frames - Management Frames Shows the number of management frames - Association Requests Shows the number of requesting association frames relevant for a logon. - Association Responses Shows the number of responding association frames relevant for a logon. - Disassociation Requests Shows the number of requesting disassociation frames relevant for a logoff. - Authentication Requests Shows the number of requesting Authentication frames relevant for a logon. - Authentication Responses Shows the number of responding authentication frames relevant for a logon. - Deauthentication Requests Shows the number of requesting deauthentication frames relevant for a logon. Management Frames Received The page shows how many frames in response to logging on or logging off were counted per VAP interface. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1483 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the VAP interface to which the entries apply. Frame - Management Frames Shows the number of management frames - Association Requests Shows the number of requesting association frames relevant for a logon. - Association Responses Shows the number of responding association frames relevant for a logon. - Disassociation Requests Shows the number of requesting disassociation frames relevant for a logoff. - Authentication Requests Shows the number of requesting Authentication frames relevant for a logon. - Authentication Responses Shows the number of responding authentication frames relevant for a logon. - Deauthentication Requests Shows the number of requesting deauthentication frames relevant for a logon. Sent data frames The page shows how many frames were sent per VAP interface. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. 1484 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the VAP interface to which the entries apply. Frame types The other columns after the VAP interface contain the absolute numbers of the sent frames according to the frame types. In the columns of the table, a distinction is made according to the following frame types: - Data Frames Shows the number of sent data frames. - Multicast/Broadcast Frames Shows the number of sent multicast and broadcast frames. - Unicast Frames Shows the number of unicast frames sent. - Average Data Rate Shows average data rate of the last data frames sent. Received data frames The page shows how many frames were received per VAP interface. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Displayed values The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the VAP interface to which the entries apply. Frame types The other columns after the VAP interface contain the absolute numbers of the received frames according to the frame types. In the columns of the table, a distinction is made according to the following frame types: - Data Frames Number of received data frames. - Multicast/Broadcast Frames Shows the number of received multicast and broadcast frames. - Unicast Frames Shows the number of received unicast frames. - Average Data Rate Shows average data rate of the last data frames received. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1485 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks WLAN iFeatures iREF Client List The page shows the antenna connector via which the clients logged on to the access point communicate. Other information such as the signal strength and the MAC address of the WLAN interface is also shown. Note The page is only available for SCALANCE W780 for SCALANCE W780 if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. with KEY-PLUG inserted: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Displayed values Associates Stations Shows the number of clients logged in to the access point. The table has the following columns: AID (Associated ID) Shows the connection ID of the client. If the client connects to the access point via the VAP interface, the client is assigned a connection ID. The connection ID is unique within a VAP interface. If two clients log on at different VAP interfaces, both clients can receive the same ID. Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Port Shows the VAP interface. MAC Address Shows the MAC address of the client. System Name Shows the system name of the client if the client communicates this to the access point. Not all clients support this parameter. TX Chain Shows the antenna connector over which the client communicates with the access point. Signal Strength [dBm] Shows the signal strength of the connected client in bBm. Signal Strength [%] Shows the signal strength of the connected client as a percentage. Age [s] Shows the age of the listed client. 1486 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks iREF WDS List The page shows the access points logged on to the access point via a WDS link. Information such as the antenna used and the signal strength of the WLAN interface is shown. Note The page is only available SCALANCE W780 SCALANCE W770 if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. with KEY-PLUG inserted: Access point W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Displayed values Connected WDS partners Shows the number of access points logged in to the access point The table has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Port Shows the WDS interface. BSSID Shows the MAC address of the WDS partner. WDS ID Shows the name of the WDS partner. TX Chain" Shows the antenna connector over which the two access points communicate with each other. Signal Strength [dBm] Shows the signal strength of the connected access point in bBm. Signal Strength [%] Shows the signal strength of the connected access point as a percentage. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1487 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks AeroScout Note The page is only available for SCALANCE W780 and SCALANCE W774-1 RJ-45 if there is an online connection to the device. in access point mode. with KEY-PLUG inserted: Access points W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Note AeroScout and iPCF mode The AeroScout function cannot be combined with other iFeatures (iPCF, iPCF-MC iREF). AeroScout can only be used in the 2.4 GHz band according to IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11n-only. For more detailed information, please refer to the AeroScout documentation of ( Displayed values Tag Information forwarding Shows the setting of the management program. In the management program that evaluates the AeroScout frames, you can specify whether or not an IWLAN device will forward frames. Note No evaluation or processing With a suitable configuration, the SCALANCE W device forwards AeroScout frames but does not process or evaluate them itself. This is done only in the "AeroScout System Manager" program. AeroScout Status Shows whether or not AeroScout is activated. You can set this for each WLAN interface of the device in "iFeatures > AeroScout". If you have enabled forwarding, "active" is displayed here, otherwise "inactive" Engine Port Shows the port at which the device expects UDP datagrams from the AeroScout Engine. Response Port Shows the port via which the device forwards the received AeroScout frames. Response IP Shows the IP address of the PC on which the AeroScout Engine for evaluation of the AeroScout frames is running. Multicast Address Shows the multicast address that the tag uses. The multicast address is configured in the AeroScout Engine. 1488 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Acknowledgments Sent Shows the number of acknowledgments sent by the device. The number reflects the received UDP datagrams. Messages Dropped Shows the number of AeroScout frames that were discarded by the device. If, for example, an AeroScout tag is configured so that it sends on channel 1, the device does not forward a frame received on channel 6. Configuring system functions Configuration Specify the services that access the device. With some services, there are further configuration pages on which more detailed settings can be made. Settings The page contains the configuration overview of the access options of the device. Telnet Server Enable or disable the "Telnet Server" service for unencrypted access to the CLI. SSH server Enable or disable the "SSH Server" service for encrypted access to the CLI. HTTPS Server only Enable or disable access using HTTP. DNS client Enable or disable the DNS client. You can configure other settings in "System > DNS Client". SMTP Client Enable or disable the SMTP client. You can configure other settings in "System > SMTP Client". Syslog Client Enable or disable the system event client. You can configure other settings in "System > Syslog Client". DCP Server Specify whether or not the device can be accessed with DCP (Discovery and Configuration Protocol): - "-" (disabled) DCP is disabled. Device parameters can neither be read nor modified. - Read/write access With DCP, device parameters can be both read and modified. - Read-Only With DCP, device parameters can be read but cannot be modified. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1489 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Time Select the required setting. The following settings are possible: - Manual The system time is set manually. - SIMATIC Time The system time is set using a SIMATIC time transmitter. You can configure other settings in "System > System Time > SIMATIC Time Client". - SNTP Client The system time is set via an SNTP server. You can configure other settings in "System > System time > SNTP client". - NTP Client The system time is set via an NTP server. You can configure other settings in "System > System Time > NTP Client". SNMP Select the required protocol. The following settings are possible: - "-" (SNMP disabled) Access to device parameters using SNMP is not possible. - SNMPv1/v2c/v3 Access to device parameters is possible with SNMP versions 1, 2c or 3. You can configure other settings in "System > SNMP > General". - SNMPv3 Access to device parameters is possible with SNMP version 3. You can configure other settings in "System > SNMP > General". SNMPv1/v2 Read-Only Enable or disable write access to SNMP variables with SNMPv1/v2c. SNMPv1 Traps Enable or disable the sending of SNMP traps (alarm frames). You can configure other settings in "System > SNMP > Traps". DHCP Client Enable or disable the DHCP client. You can configure other settings in "System > DHCP client". 1490 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SINEMA configuration interface If the SINEMA configuration interface is enabled, you can download configurations to the device via the TIA Portal. Configuration Mode Select the required mode. The following modes are possible: - Automatic Save Automatic backup mode. Approximately 1 minute after the last parameter change or when you restart the device, the configuration is automatically saved. In addition to this, the following message appears in the display area "Changes will be saved automatically in x seconds. Press 'Write Startup Config' to save immediately". Note Interrupting the save Saving starts only after the timer in the message has elapsed. How long saving takes depends on the device. During the save, the message "Saving configuration data in progress. Please do not switch off the device" is displayed. Do not switch off the device immediately after the timer has elapsed. - Trial Trial mode. In Trial mode, although changes are adopted, they are not saved in the configuration file (startup configuration). To save changes in the configuration file, use the "Write Startup Config" button. The "Write Startup Config" button is displayed when you set trial mode. In addition to this after every parameter change the following message is displayed in the display area: "Trial Mode Active - Press "Write Startup Config" button to make your settings persistent" as soon as there are unsaved modifications. This message can be seen on every WBM page until the changes made have either been saved or the device has been restarted. General Device This page contains the general device information. Settings Current System Time(Only available online) Shows the current system time. The system time is either set by the user or by a time-ofday frame: either SINEC H1 time-of-day frame, NTP or SNTP. (readonly) System Up Time(only available online) Shows the operating time of the device since the last restart. (readonly) Device Type(only available online) Shows the type designation of the device. (readonly) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1491 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks System Name You can enter the name of the device. The entered name is displayed in the selection area. A maximum of 255 characters are possible. The system name is also displayed in the CLI input prompt. The number of characters in the CLI input prompt is limited. The system name is truncated after 16 characters. System Contact You can enter the name of a contact person responsible for managing the device. Location You can enter the location of the device. The entered installation location is displayed in the selection area. Note The ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e are used in the input boxes. At the start and end of the input boxes"System name", "System Contact" and "System Location", the characters "<", ">" and "space" are not permitted. Coordinates On this page, you configure the geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude and the height above the ellipsoid according to WGS84). These boxes are purely for information with a maximum length of 32 characters. Getting the coordinates Use suitable maps for obtaining the geographic coordinates of the device. The geographic coordinates can also be obtained using a GPS receiver. The geographic coordinates of these devices are normally displayed directly and only need to be entered in the input boxes of this page. 1492 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Latitude Enter the north or south latitude for the location of the device. For example, +49 1 31.67" means that the device is located at 49 degrees, 1 arc minute and 31.67 arc seconds north latitude. A south latitude is shown by a preceding minus character. You can also append the letters N (north latitude) or S (south latitude) to the numeric information (49 1 31.67" N). Longitude Enter the value of the eastern or western longitude of the location of the device. For example, +8 20 58.73" means that the device is located at 8 degrees, 20 minutes and 58.73 seconds east. A western longitude is indicated by a preceding minus sign. You can also add the letter E (eastern longitude) or W (western longitude) to the numeric information (8 20 58.73" E). Height Enter the value of the height above sea level in meters. For example, 158 m means that the device is located at a height of 158 m above sea level. Heights below sea level (for example the Dead Sea) are indicated by a preceding minus sign. Agent IP Configuration of the IP addresses On this page, you configure the IP address for the device. Settings IP Assignment Method Shows how the IP address is assigned. - Static The IP address is static. You enter the IP settings in "IP Address" and "Subnet Mask". - Dynamic (DHCP) The device obtains a dynamic IP address from a DHCP server. IP Address Enter the IP address of the device. If you change the IP address, the Web browser should automatically set itself to the new address. If this does not happen, enter the new address in the Web browser manually. Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the device. Default Gateway Enter the IP address of the default gateway to be able to communicate with devices in another subnet, for example diagnostics stations, e-mail server. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1493 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Agent VLAN ID Select the VLAN ID from the drop-down list. The drop-down list is only available if "802.1 Q VLAN Bridge" is set for the "Base Bridge Mode" parameter. You configure the parameter in "Layer 2 > VLAN > General". You can only select VLANs that have already been configured. Note Changing the agent VLAN ID If the configuration PC is connected directly to the device via Ethernet and you change the agent VLAN ID, the device is no longer reachable via Ethernet following the change. MAC Address (only available online) Shows the MAC address of the device. The MAC address is linked to the hardware and cannot be modified. DNS client The DNS server (Domain Name System) assigns a domain name to an IP address so that a device can be uniquely identified. If this setting is enabled, the device can communicate with a DNS server as a DNS client. Note Only resource records (RR) of type A (IPv4 address of a host) are supported. Settings DNS client Enable or disable depending on whether the device should operate as a DNS client. DNS server used - learned only The device uses only the DNS servers assigned by DHCP. - manual only The device uses only the manually configured DNS servers. The DNS servers must be connected to the Internet. - all The device uses all available DNS servers. DNS Server Address Enter the IP address of the DNS server. The table has the following columns: DNS Server Address Shows the IP address of the DNS server. Origin This shows whether the DNS server was configured manually or was assigned by DHCP. 1494 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Restart On this page, there is a button with which you can restart the device and various options for resetting to the device defaults. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Note Note the following points about restarting a device: You can only restart the device with administrator privileges. A device should only be restarted with the buttons of this page or with the appropriate CLI commands and not by a power cycle on the device. Any modifications you have made only become active on the device after clicking the "Set Values" button on the relevant page. If the device is in "Trial Mode", configuration modifications must be saved manually before a restart. In "Automatic Save" mode, the last changes are saved automatically before a restart. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1495 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The following options are available for restarting: Restart Click this button to restart the system. You must confirm the restart in a dialog box. During a restart, the device is reinitialized, the internal firmware is reloaded, and the device runs a self-test. The learned entries in the address table are deleted. You can leave the browser window open while the device restarts. You then need to log in again. Restore Memory Defaults and Restart Click on this button to restore the factory configuration settings with the exception of the following parameters and to restart: - IP addresses - Subnet mask - IP address of the default gateway - DHCP client ID - DHCP - System name - System location - System contact - Mode of the device Restore Factory Defaults and Restart Click on this button to restore the factory configuration settings. The protected defaults are also reset. An automatic restart is triggered. Note By resetting all the defaults to the factory configuration settings, the IP address is also lost. Following this, the device can only be accessed using the Primary Setup Tool or using DHCP. With the appropriate attachment, a previously correctly configured device can cause circulating frames and therefore the failure of the data traffic. Commit Control Description Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. On this page, you specify when the WLAN settings become effective on the device. If you change a WLAN setting and confirm the change, this change is adopted and takes effect 1496 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks immediately. To do this, the WLAN connection is briefly interrupted. This means that you can lose the WLAN connection to your device before it is fully configured. With the "Manual Commit" setting, you have the opportunity of first fully configuring the device. The changes are accepted, but are not active immediately. The changes only take effect when you confirm the changes with the "Set Values" button. Note If you configure the device via the WLAN interface, we recommend that you use the "Manual Commit" setting. Check the parameters again before you confirm the changes with the "Set Values" button. Settings Commit Mode Select the required setting. - Automatic Commit Each change in the WLAN settings is adopted and is immediately effective when you click the "Set Values" button. With its default setting, the SCALANCE W700 device is set to "Automatic Commit". - Manual Commit The changes are accepted, but do not take effect immediately. The changes only take effect when you click the "Set Values" button. The "Commit Changes" button is displayed when you set "Manual Commit". In addition to this the message "Manual Commit Mode active - Click the "Commit Changes" button to to provide current configuration to driver" appears as soon as there are WLAN changes. This message can be seen on every WBM page until the changes made have either taken effect or the device has been restarted. Note When the changes take effect, the WLAN connection to all WLAN interfaces will be interrupted for a short time. The WLAN driver is started with the new settings. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1497 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Load & save Overview of the file types Table 10-99 HTTP File type Description Down load Save Delete Config Start configuration X X -- ConfigPack Detailed configuration information. for example, start configuration, users, certificates, firmware of the device (if saved as well). X X -- For more detailed information on creating and using the ConfigPack incl. firmware, refer to the section "Maintenance". CountryList The zip file contains the country list as a csv and as a pdf file. -- X -- Debug This file contains information for Siemens Support. -- X X EDS Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) -- X -- Electronic data sheets for describing devices in the EtherNet/IP mode Firmware Loading firmware updates X X -- GSDML Information on the device properties (PROFINET) -- X -- HTTPS Cert HTTPS certificate X X X Maximum file size: 8 KB LogFile File with entries from the event log table -- X -- MIB Private MSPS MIB file "Scalance_w_msps.mib" -- X -- RunningCLI This file contains an overview of the current config uration in the form of CLI commands. You can down load the text file. The file is not intended to be uploa ded again unchanged. -- X -- Script CLI script file X -- -- StartupInfo Startup log file -- X -- Users File with user names and passwords X X -- WLANAuth log File with entries from the WLAN Authentication Log (information on successful or failed authentication attempts) -- X -- WLANCert (in client mode only) User certificate. You can specify a password for the user certificate on the WBM page "Load&Save > Password". X X X X X X Maximum file size: 8 KB WLANServ Cert (in client mode only) 1498 Server certificate Maximum file size: 8 KB WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks File type Description WLANSi gRec (in client mode only) The zip file contains the following: Down load Save Delete -- X X -- X X csv file with the measured values of the signal recorder pdf file with the measured values and an additional graphic representation of the measured values. You will find information about the measured values and their graphic representation in the section "AU TOHOTSPOT". WLANSpec trumAnalyz er (Only in ac cess point mode) The Zip file contains a csv file with the measured values of the spectrum analyzer. You will find information about the measured values and their graphic representation in the section "AU TOHOTSPOT". Table 10-100 TFTP File type Description Save Down load Config Start configuration X X ConfigPack Detailed configuration information. for example, start configuration, users, certificates, firmware of the de vice (if saved as well). X X For more detailed information on creating and using the ConfigPack incl. firmware, refer to the section "Maintenance". CountryList The zip file contains the country list as a csv and as a pdf file. X -- Debug This file contains information for Siemens Support. X -- EDS Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) X -- Electronic data sheets for describing devices in the EtherNet/IP mode Firmware Loading firmware updates X X GSDML Information on the device properties (PROFINET) X -- HTTPS Cert HTTPS certificate X X Maximum file size: 8 KB WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 LogFile File with entries from the event log table X -- MIB Private MSPS MIB file "Scalance_w_msps.mib" X -- RunningCLI This file contains an overview of the current configura tion in the form of CLI commands. You can download the text file. The file is not intended to be uploaded again unchanged. X -- Script CLI script file -- X StartupInfo Startup log file X -- Users File with user names and passwords X X 1499 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks File type Description Save Down load WLANAuthlog File with entries from the WLAN Authentication Log (in formation on successful or failed authentication at tempts) X -- WLANCert User certificate. You can specify a password for the (in client mode only) user certificate on the WBM page "Load&Save > Pass word". X X WLANServerCert Server certificate (in client mode only) Maximum file size: 8 KB X X WLANSigRec The zip file contains the following: (in client mode only) csv file with the measured values of the signal recorder X -- X -- Maximum file size: 8 KB pdf file with the measured values and an additional graphic representation of the measured values. You will find information about the measured values and their graphic representation in the section "AUTO HOTSPOT". WLANSpectrumA nalyzer (Only in access point mode) The Zip file contains a csv file with the measured values of the spectrum analyzer. You will find information about the measured values and their graphic representation in the section "AUTO HOTSPOT". Uploading and saving using HTTP Loading and saving data via HTTP This page allows you to store device data in an external file on your client PC or to load such data from an external file from the client PC to the devices. This means, for example, that you can also load new firmware from a file located on your client PC. Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. This page is available both for connections using HTTP and for connections using HTTPS. 1500 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Firmware The firmware is signed and encrypted. This ensures that only firmware created by Siemens can be downloaded to the device. Note Incompatibility with predecessor versions During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data and log files can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. Incompatibility with previous firmware versions with/without PLUG inserted During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. In this situation, if a PLUG is inserted in the device, following the restart, this has the status "Not Accepted" since the PLUG still has the configuration data of the previous more up-to-date firmware. This allows you to return to the previous, more up-to-date firmware without any loss of configuration data. If the original configuration on the PLUG is no longer required, the PLUG can be deleted or rewritten manually using the WBM page "System > PLUG". Configuration files Note Configuration files and trial mode/automatic save mode In "Automatic Save" mode, the data is saved automatically before the configuration files (ConfigPack and Config) are transferred. In trial mode, although the changes are adopted, they are not saved in the configuration files (ConfigPack and Config). Use the "Write Startup Config" button on the "System > Configuration" WBM page to save changes in the configuration file. CLI script file You can download existing CLI configurations (RunningCLI) and upload your own CLI scripts (Script). Note The downloadable CLI script is not intended to be uploaded again unchanged. Settings The table has the following columns: Type Shows the designation of the file. Description Shows the short description of the file type. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1501 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Load With this button, you can upload files to the device. The button can be enabled, if this function is supported by the file type. Save With this button, you can save files from the device. The button can only be enabled if this function is supported by the file type and the file exists on the device. Delete With this button, you can delete files from the device. The button can only be enabled if this function is supported by the file type and the file exists on the device. Note Following a firmware update, delete the cache of your Internet browser. Uploading and saving using TFTP Loading and saving data via a TFTP server On this page, you can configure the TFTP server and the file names. You can also store device data in an external file on a TFTP server or load such data from an external file from the TFTP server to the devices. This means, for example, that you can also load new firmware from a file located on a TFTP server. Firmware The firmware is signed and encrypted. This ensures that only firmware created by Siemens can be downloaded to the device. Note Incompatibility with predecessor versions During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data and log files can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. Incompatibility with previous firmware versions with/without PLUG inserted During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. In this situation, if a PLUG is inserted in the device, following the restart, this has the status "Not Accepted" since the PLUG still has the configuration data of the previous more up-to-date firmware. This allows you to return to the previous, more up-to-date firmware without any loss of configuration data. If the original configuration on the PLUG is no longer required, the PLUG can be deleted or rewritten manually using the WBM page "System > PLUG". 1502 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration files Note Configuration files and Trial mode/Automatic Save In "Automatic Save" configuration mode, the data is saved automatically before the configuration files (ConfigPack and Config) are transferred. In trial mode , although the changes are adopted, they are not saved in the configuration files (ConfigPack and Config). Use the "Write Startup Config" button on the "System > Configuration" WBM page to save changes in the configuration files. CLI script file You can download existing CLI configurations (RunningCLI) and upload your own CLI scripts (Script). Note The downloadable CLI script is not intended to be uploaded again unchanged. Settings TFTP Server IP Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN of the TFTP server with which you exchange data. TFTP Server Port Here, enter the port of the TFTP server via which data exchange will be handled. If necessary, you can change the default value 69 to your own requirements. The table has the following columns: File type Shows the designation of the file. Description Shows the short description of the file type. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1503 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks File name A file name is preset here for every file type. Note Changing the file name You can change the file name preset in this column. After clicking the "Set Values" button, the changed name is stored on the device and can also be used with the Command Line Interface. Select action (only available online) Select the required action. The selection depends on the selected file type, for example you can only save the log file. The following actions are possible: - Save file With this selection, you save a file on the TFTP server. - Load file With this selection, you load a file from the TFTP server. Passwords Password for certificates There are files to which access is password protected. To load the file on the device, enter the password specified for the file on the WBM page. Note User and server certificate in one file If the user and the server certificate are located in the same file, load this file on the device as the user certificate and as the server certificate. Note In Access Point mode, only the HTTPS certificate is available. Settings Type Shows the certificate Description Shows the short description of the certificate. Enabled When selected, the password is used. Can only be enabled if the password is configured. Password Enter the password for the file. 1504 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Password Confirmation Confirm the new password. Status Shows whether the current settings for the file match the device. - Valid the "Enabled" check box is selected and the password matches the certificate. - Invalid the "Enabled" check box is selected but the password does not match the certificate or no certificate has been loaded yet. - '-' The password cannot be evaluated or is not yet being used. The "Enabled" check box is not selected. Events Configuration On this page, you specify how the device reacts to system events. By enabling the appropriate options, you specify how the device reacts to events. To enable or disable the options, click the relevant settings of the columns. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all events of table 2. E-mail / Trap / Log Table / Syslog / Faults Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1505 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 2 has the following columns: Event The column contains the following values: - Cold/Warm Restart The device was turned on or restarted by the user. - Link Change This event occurs only when the port status is monitored and has changed, see "System > Fault Monitoring > Link Change". - Authentication error This event occurs when attempting access with a bad password. - Power Change This event occurs when power supply lines 1 and 2 are monitored. It indicates that there was a change to line 1 or line 2. The event occurs when the PoE power supply has failed, see "System > Fault Monitoring > Power Supply". - Spanning Tree Change The STP or RSTP or MSTP topology has changed. - Fault State Change The fault status has changed. The fault state can relate to the activated port monitoring, the response of the signaling contact or the power supply monitoring. - Overlap AP Detection (only in access point mode) This event is triggered when there is an entry in the Overlap AP list. - WDS (Only in access point mode) The connection status of a WDS link has changed. - DFS (Only in access point mode) This event occurs if a radar signal was received or the DFS scan was started or stopped. - WLAN General (Only in access point mode) This event occurs if a the channel bandwidth has changed. - WLAN Authentication Log Forwarding of the entries from the WLAN authentication log to the system protocol server. - WLAN De/Authentication (Only in client mode) With successful or failed WLAN authentication attempts. - iPCF Cycle Time (Only in access point mode) Only available when the KEY-PLUG is inserted. This event occurs if too many clients are logged on for the set iPCF cycle time or if some clients were not reached in one cycle. - iPCF Poll Size Only available when the KEY-PLUG is inserted. This event occurs if the PROFINET data size is too large for transfer. E-mail The device sends an e-mail. This is only possible if the SMTP server is set up and the "SMTP client" function is enabled. 1506 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Trap The device sends an SNMP trap. This is only possible if "SNMPv1 Traps" is enabled in "System > Configuration". Log Table The device writes an entry in the event log table. Syslog The device writes an entry to the system log server. This is only possible if the system log server is set up and the "Syslog client" function is enabled. Faults The device triggers an error. The error LED lights up. E-mail The device sends an e-mail. This is only possible if the SMTP server is set up and the "SMTP client" function is enabled. Trap The device sends an SNMP trap. This is only possible if "SNMPv1 traps" is enabled in "System > Configuration". Log table The device writes an entry in the log table. Syslog The device writes an entry to the system log server. This is only possible if the system log server is set up and the "Syslog client" function is enabled. Fault The device triggers a fault. The error LED lights up Severity filter On this page, set the threshold levels for sending system event notifications. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1507 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The table has the following columns: Client Type Select the client type for which you want to make settings: - E-mail Sending system event messages by e-mail - Log table Entry of system events in the log table. - Syslog Entering system events in the Syslog file - WLAN Authentication Log Forwarding of the entries from the WLAN Authentication Log to the system protocol server. Can only be configured with SCALANCE W770 and SCALANCE W780 Severity Select the required level. The following settings are possible: - Info System events are processed as of the severity level "Info". - Warning System events are processed as of the severity level "Warning". - Critical System events are processed as of the severity level "Critical". SMTP client The device provides the option of automatically sending an e-mail if an alarm event occurs (for example to the network administrator). The e-mail contains the identification of the sending device, a description of the cause of the alarm in plain language, and a time stamp. This allows centralized network monitoring to be set up for networks with few nodes based on an E-mail system. When an e-mail error message is received, the WBM can be started by the Internet browser using the identification of the sender to read out further diagnostics information. On this page, you can configure up to three SMTP servers and the corresponding e-mail addresses. Settings SMTP Client Enable or disable the SMTP client. Sender Email Address Enter the name of the sender to be included in the e-mail, for example the device name. This setting applies to all configured SMTP servers. Send Test Mail Send a test e-mail to check your configuration. 1508 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SMTP Port Enter the port via which your SMTP server can be reached. Factory settings: 25 This setting applies to all configured SMTP servers. SMTP Server Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the SMTP server. This table contains the following columns: SMTP Server Address Shows the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the SMTP server. Email address of the recipient Enter the e-mail address to which the device sends an e-mail if a fault occurs. Syntax of email addresses The following conditions apply to e-mail addresses: Alphanumeric characters are permitted. The following special characters are permitted: - @ - _ (underscore) - - (hyphen) - . (period) A @ character must be included. Only one @ may be used. The characters "@" and the "." must not be the first or last character. DHCP DHCP client If the device is configured as a DHCP client, it starts a DHCP query. As the reply to the query the device receives an IPv4 address from the DHCP server. The server manages an address range from which it assigns IPv4 addresses. It is also possible to configure the server so that the client always receives the same IPv4 address in response to its request. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1509 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings DHCP client configuration file request (opt 66, 67) Select this option if you want the DHCP client to use options 66 and 67 to download and then enable a configuration file. DHCP Mode Select the DHCP mode. The following modes are possible: - via MAC Address Identification is based on the MAC address. - via DHCP Client ID Identification is based on a freely defined DHCP client ID. - Via System Name Identification is based on the system name. If the device name is 255 characters long, the last character is not used for identification. - via PROFINET Name of Station Identification is based on the PROFINET name of the station. This table contains the following columns: Interface Interface to which the setting relates. DHCP Enable or disable the DHCP client for the relevant interface. DHCP server Note The page is only available for SCALANCE W780 / W770 / W740 / W730, W761-1 RJ-45 and W722-1 RJ-45 You can operate the device as a DHCP server. This allows IPv4 addresses to be assigned automatically to the connected devices. The IPv4 addresses are either distributed dynamically from an IPv4 address band you have specified or a specific IPv4 address (static) can be assigned to a particular device. On this page, specify the IPv4 address band from which the device receives any IPv4 address. You configure the static assignment of the IPv4 addresses in "Static IP addresses". 1510 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement In access point mode - The connected devices are configured so that they obtain the IPv4 address from a DHCP server. In client mode - The connected devices are configured so that they obtain the IPv4 address from a DHCP server. - NAT is enabled. You enable NAT in "Layer 3 > NAT". Settings DHCP server Enable or disable the DHCP server on the device. Note To avoid conflicts with IPv4 addresses, only one device may be configured as a DHCP server in the network. Note Access point With an access point, the "DHCP Server" function is only possible on the VLAN assigned to the management (agent VLAN ID). Prior to offering, check the address with ICMP echo When selected, the DHCP server checks whether or not the IPv4 address has already been assigned. To do this the DHCP server sends ICMP echo messages (ping) to the IPv4 address. If no reply is received, the DHCP server can assign the IPv4 address. Note If there are devices in your network on which the echo service is disabled as default, there may be conflicts with the IPv4 addresses. To avoid this, assign these devices an IPv4 address outside the IPv4 address band. The table has the following columns: Pool ID Shows the number of the IPv4 address band. Note Only one pool ID (ID = 1) can be created. Enable Specify whether or not this IPv4 address band will be used. Note If the IPv4 address band is enabled, neither DHCP options nor static PPv4 addresses can be configured. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1511 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Interface Specify the interface via which the IPv4 addresses are dynamically assigned. The requirement for the assignment is that the IPv4 address of the interface is located within the IPv4 address band. If this is not the case, the interface does not assign any IPv4 addresses. Subnet Enter the network address range that will be assigned to the devices. Use the CIDR notation. Lower IP address Enter the IPv4 address that specifies the start of the dynamic IPv4 address band. The IPv4 address must be within the network address range you configured for "Subnet". Upper IP address Enter the IPv4 address that specifies the end of the dynamic IPv4 address band. The IPv4 address must be within the network address range you configured for "Subnet". Lease Time [sec] Specify for how many seconds the assigned IPv4 address remains valid. Once this period has elapsed, the device must either request a new IPv4 address or extend the lease time of the existing IPv4 address. DHCP options Note The page is only available for SCALANCE W780 / W770 / W740 / W730, W761-1 RJ-45 and W722-1 RJ-45 On this page you specify which DHCP options the DHCP server supports. The various DHCP options are defined in RFC 2132. Settings Pool ID Select the required IPv4 address band. Option Code Enter the number of the required DHCP option. The various DHCP options are defined in RFC 2132. The DHCP options 1, 3, 6, 66 and 67 are created automatically when the IPv4 address band is created. With the exception of option 1, the options can be deleted. With the DHCP option 3, the internal IPv4 address of the device is automatically set as a DHCP parameter. Note Not supported DHCP servers The DHCP options 50 - 60 and 255 are not supported. 1512 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Pool ID Shows the number of the IPv4 address band. Option Code Shows the number of the DHCP option. Use Interface IP Specify whether or not the internal IPv4 address of the device will be used. Value Enter the DHCP parameter that is transferred to the DHCP client. The content depends on the DHCP option. - DHCP option 67 (boot file name) Enter the name of the boot file in the string format. - DHCP options 3 (Router) and 6 (DNS): Enter the DHCP parameter as an IPv4 address, e.g. With DHCP option 6, you can specify several IPv4 addresses separated by commas. - DHCP option 66 (TFTP Server): Enter the DHCP parameter as an IPv4 address, e.g. or the FQDN name. - All other DHCP options Enter the DHCP parameter in hexadecimal, e.g. the IPv4 address corresponds to "C0A86402". Static IP addresses Note The page is only available for SCALANCE W780 / W770 / W740 / W730, W761-1 RJ-45 and W722-1 RJ-45 On this page you specify that devices with a certain MAC address are assigned to the selected IPv4 address. Settings Pool ID Select the required IPv4 address band. Client Identification Method Select the method according to which a client is identified. - Ethernet MAC The client is identified by its MAC address. - Client ID The client is identified by a freely defined DHCP client ID. Value Enter the MAC address. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1513 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Pool ID Shows the number of the IPv4 address band. Note Only Pool ID = 1 is supported. Identification Method Shows whether the client is identified by its MAC address or the client ID. Value Shows the MAC address to which the IPv4 address is assigned. IP Address Specify the IPv4 address. The IPv4 address must match the subnet of the IPv4 address band. SNMP General On this page, you make the basic settings for SNMP. Enable the options according to the function you want to use. Settings SNMP Select the SNMP protocol. The following settings are possible: - "-" (disabled) SNMP is disabled. - SNMPv1/v2c/v3 SNMPv1/v2c/v3 is supported. - SNMPv3 Only SNMPv3 is supported. SNMPv1/v2 Read-Only If you enable this option, SNMPv1/v2c can only read the SNMP variables. Note Community String For security reasons, do not use the standard values "public" or "private". Change the community strings following the initial installation. SNMPv1/v2c Read Community String Enter the community string for access of the SNMP protocol. SNMPv1/v2c Read/Write Community String Enter the community string for read and write access of the SNMP protocol. 1514 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SNMPv1 Traps Enable or disable the sending of SNMP traps (alarm frames). On the "Trap" tab, specify the IP addresses of the devices to which SNMP traps will be sent. SNMPv1/v2c Trap Community String Enter the community string for sending SNMPv1/v2 messages. SNMPv3 User Migration - Enabled If the function is enabled, an SNMP engine ID is generated that can be migrated. You can transfer configured SNMPv3 users to a different device. If you enable this function and load the configuration of the device on another device, configured SNMPv3 users are retained. - Disabled If the function is disabled, a device-specific SNMP engine ID is generated. To generate the ID, the agent MAC address of the device is used. You cannot transfer this SNMP user configuration to other devices. If you load the configuration of the device on another device, all configured SNMPv3 users are deleted. SNMP Engine ID Shows the SNMP engine ID. Traps If an alarm event occurs, a device can send SNMP traps (alarm frames) to up to ten different management stations at the same time. Traps are only sent if the events specified in "Events" occur. Note SNMP traps are sent only when the "SNMPv1 Traps" setting was selected in "SNMP > General". Settings Trap Receiver Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the station to which the device sends SNMP traps. You can specify up to ten different recipients. The table has the following columns: Trap Receiver Address If necessary, change the IP addresses or the FQDN of the stations. Trap Enable or disable the sending of SNMP traps. Stations that are entered but not selected do not receive SNMP traps. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1515 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks v3 Groups Security settings and assigning permissions SNMP version 3 allows permissions to be assigned, authentication, and encryption at protocol level. The security levels and read/write permissions are assigned according to groups. The settings automatically apply to every member of a group. Settings Group Name Enter the name of the group. The maximum length is 32 characters. Security Level Select the security level (authentication, encryption) valid for the selected group. You have the following options for the security levels: - no Auth/no Priv No authentication enabled / no encryption enabled. - Auth/no Priv Authentication enabled / no encryption enabled. - Auth/Priv Authentication enabled / encryption enabled. The table has the following columns: Group Name Shows the defined group names. Note Once a group name and the security level have been specified, they can no longer be modified after the group is created. If you want to change the group name or the security level , you will need to delete the group and recreate it and reconfigure it with the new name. Security Level Shows the configured security level. Read Enable or disable read access for the required group. 1516 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Write Enable or disable write access for the required group. Note For write access to work, you also need to enable read access. Persistence Shows whether or not the group is assigned to an SNMPv3 user. If the group is not assigned to an SNMPv3 user, no automatic saving is triggered and the configured group disappears again after restarting the device. - Yes The group is assigned to an SNMPV3 user. - No The group is not assigned to an SNMPV3 user. v3 users User-specific security settings On the WBM page, you can create new SNMPv3 users and modify or delete existing users. The user-based security model works with the concept of the user name; in other words, a user ID is added to every frame. This user name and the applicable security settings are checked by both the sender and recipient. Settings User name Enter a freely selectable user name. After you have entered the data, you can no longer modify the name. The table has the following columns: User name Shows the created users. Group Name Select the group to which the user will be assigned. Authentication Protocol Specify the authentication protocol for which a password will be stored. The following settings are available: - None - MD5 - SHA Encryption Protocol Specify whether or not a password should be stored for encryption with the DES algorithm. Can only be enabled when an authentication protocol has been selected. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1517 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Authentication Password Enter the authentication password. This password must have at least 6 characters, the maximum length is 32 characters. Confirm authentication password Confirm the password by repeating the entry. Encryption Password Enter your encryption password. This password must have at least 6 characters, the maximum length is 32 characters. Confirm Encryption Password Confirm the encryption password by repeating the entry. Persistence Shows whether or not the user is assigned to an SNMPv3 group. If the user is not assigned to an SNMPv3 group, no automatic saving is triggered and the configured user disappears again after restarting the device. - Yes The user is assigned to an SNMPv3 group. - No The user is not assigned to an SNMPv3 group. System time Manual time setting There are different methods that can be used to set the system time of the device. Only one method can be active at any one time. If one method is activated, the previously activated method is automatically deactivated. On this page, you set the date and time of the system. For this setting to be used, enable "Manual time setting". Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Settings Time Manually Enable or disable the manual time setting. If you enable the option, the "System Time" input box can be edited. System Time Enter the date and time in the format "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS". Use PC Time Click the button to use the time setting of the PC. 1518 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Last Synchronization Time Shows when the last time-of-day synchronization took place. If no time-of-day synchronization was possible, the box displays "Date/time not set". Last Synchronization Mechanism This box displays how the last time-of-day synchronization was performed. - Not set The time was not set. - Manual Manual time setting - SNTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP - NTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP - SIMATIC Automatic time-of-day synchronization using the SIMATIC time frame. - PTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization with PTP DST overview On this page, you can create new entries for the daylight saving time changeover. The table provides an overview of the existing entries. Settings DST No. Shows the number of the entry. If you create a new entry, a new line with a unique number is created. Name Shows the name of the entry. Year Shows the year for which the entry was created. Start Date Shows the month, day and time for the start of daylight saving time. End Date Shows the month, day and time for the end of daylight saving time. Recurring Date With an entry of the type "Rule", the period in which daylight saving time is active is displayed consisting of week, day, month and time of day. With an entry of the type "Date" a "-" is displayed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1519 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks State Shows the status of the entry: - enabled The entry was created correctly. - invalid The entry was created new and the start and end date are identical. Type Shows how the daylight saving time changeover is made: - Date A fixed date is entered for the daylight saving time changeover. - Recurring A rule was defined for the daylight saving time changeover. DST configuration On this page, you can configure the entries for the daylight saving time changeover. As result of the changeover to daylight saving or standard time, the system time for the local time zone is correctly set. You can define a rule for the daylight saving time changeover or specify a fixed date. Settings Note The content of this page depends on the selection in the "Type" box. The boxes "DST No.", "Type" and "Name" are always shown. DST No. Select the type of the entry. Type Select how the daylight saving time changeover is made: - Date You can set a fixed date for the daylight saving time changeover. This setting is suitable for regions in which the daylight saving time changeover is not governed by rules. - Recurring You can define a rule for the daylight saving time changeover. This setting is suitable for regions in which the daylight saving time always begins or ends on a certain weekday. Name Enter a name for the entry. 1520 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings with "Date" selected You can set a fixed date for the start and end of daylight saving time. Year Enter the year for the daylight saving time changeover. Start Date Enter the following values for the start of daylight saving time: - Day Specify the day. - Hour Specify the hour. - Month Specify the month. End Date Enter the following values for the end of daylight saving time: - Day Specify the day. - Hour Specify the hour. - Month Specify the month. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1521 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings with "Recurring" selected You can create a rule for the daylight saving time changeover. Start Date Enter the following values for the start of daylight saving time: - Hour Specify the hour. - Month Specify the month. - Week Specify the week. You can select the 1st to 4th or the last week of the month. - Weekday Specify the weekday. End Date Enter the following values for the end of daylight saving time: - Hour Specify the hour. - Month Specify the month. - Week Specify the week. You can select the 1st to 4th or the last week of the month. - Weekday Specify the weekday. SNTP client There are different methods that can be used to set the system time of the device. Only one method can be active at any one time. If one method is activated, the previously activated method is automatically deactivated. SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) is used for synchronizing the time in the network. The appropriate frames are sent by an SNTP server in the network. Note To avoid time jumps, make sure that there is only one time server in the network. Settings SNTP Client Enable or disable automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP. Current System Time (only available online) Shows the current date and current normal time received by the IE switch. If you specify a time zone, the time information is adapted accordingly. 1522 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Last Synchronization Time(only available online) Shows when the last time-of-day synchronization took place. Last Synchronization Mechanism (only available online) Shows how the last time-of-day synchronization was performed. The following methods are possible: - Not set The time was not set. - Manual Manual time setting - SNTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP - NTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP - SIMATIC Automatic time-of-day synchronization using the SIMATIC time frame - PTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization with PTP Time Zone Enter the time zone you are using in the format "+/- HH:MM". The time zone relates to UTC standard world time. The time in the "Current System Time" box is adapted accordingly. Daylight Saving Time Shows whether the daylight saving time changeover is active. - active (offset +1 h) The system time was changed to daylight saving time; in other words an hour was added. The normal time including the time zone continues to be displayed in the "Current System Time" box. The normal time including the time zone continues to be displayed in the "Current System Time" box. - inactive (offset +0 h) The current system time is not changed. SNTP Mode Select the synchronization mode. The following types of synchronization are possible: - Poll If you select this protocol type, the input boxes "SNTP Server Address", "SNTP Server Port" and "Poll Interval[s]" are displayed to allow further configuration. With this type of synchronization, the device is active and sends a time query to the SNTP server. - Listen With this type of synchronization, the device is passive and "listens" for SNTP frames that deliver the time of day. Poll Interval[s] Here, enter the interval between two-time queries. In this box, you enter the query interval in seconds. Possible values are 16 to 16284 seconds. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1523 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SNTP Server Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the SNTP server. SNTP Server Port Enter the port of the SNTP server. The following ports are possible: - 123 (standard port) - 1025 to 36564 Primary The check mark is set for the SNTP server that you create first. If several SNTP servers have been created, the primary server is queried first. NTP client There are different methods that can be used to set the system time of the device. Only one method can be active at any one time. If one method is activated, the previously activated method is automatically deactivated. If you require time-of-day synchronization using NTP, you can make the relevant settings here. Note To avoid time jumps, make sure that there is only one time server in the network. Settings NTP Client Enable or disable automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP. Current System Time (only available online) Shows the current date and current normal time received by the IE switch. If you specify a time zone, the time information is adapted accordingly. Last Synchronization Time(only available online) Shows when the last time-of-day synchronization took place. 1524 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Last Synchronization Mechanism (only available online) This box displays how the last time-of-day synchronization was performed. The following methods are possible: - Not set The time was not set. - Manual Manual time setting - SNTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP - NTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP - SIMATIC Automatic time-of-day synchronization using the SIMATIC time frame - PTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization with PTP Time Zone Enter the time zone you are using in the format "+/- HH:MM". The time zone relates to UTC standard world time. The time in the "Current System Time" box is adapted accordingly. Daylight Saving Time Shows whether the daylight saving time changeover is active. - active (offset +1 h) The system time was changed to daylight saving time; in other words an hour was added. The normal time including the time zone continues to be displayed in the "Current System Time" box. - inactive (offset +0 h) The current system time is not changed. NTP Server Index Select the index of the NTP server. The server with the lowest index is queried first. NTP Server Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the NTP server. NTP Server Port Enter the port of the NTP server. The following ports are possible: - 123 (standard port) - 1025 to 36564 Poll Interval[s] Here, enter the interval between two time queries. In this box, you enter the poll interval in seconds. Possible values are 64 to 1024 seconds. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1525 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks SIMATIC Time Client There are different methods that can be used to set the system time of the device. Only one method can be active at any one time. If one method is activated, the previously activated method is automatically deactivated. On this page, you configure time synchronization with the SIMATIC Time Client. Note To avoid time jumps, make sure that there is only one time server in the network. Settings SIMATIC Time Client Enable or disable the SIMATIC time client. Current System Time (only available online) Shows the current system time. Last Synchronization Time(only available online) Shows when the last time-of-day synchronization took place. Last Synchronization Mechanism (only available online) This box displays how the last time-of-day synchronization was performed. - Not set The time was not set. - Manual Manual time setting - SNTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using SNTP - NTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization using NTP - SIMATIC Automatic time-of-day synchronization using the SIMATIC time frame - PTP Automatic time-of-day synchronization with PTP 1526 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Auto logout On this page, set the times after which there is an automatic logout from WBM or the CLI following user in activity. Note No automatic logout from the CLI If the connection is not terminated after the set time, check the setting of the "keepalive" mechanism on the Telnet client. If the interval is shorter than the configured time, the connection is kept alive although no user data is transferred. Example: you selected 300 seconds for the automatic logout and 120 seconds is set for the keepalive function. In this case, a packet is sent every 120 seconds that keeps the connection up. Disable the keepalive mechanism (interval time = 0) or Set the interval high enough so that the underlying connection is terminated when there is inactivity. Settings Web Based Management [s] Enter the time in seconds for the automatic logout from WBM. If you enter the value 0, the automatic logout is disabled. CLI (TELNET, SSH) [s] Enter the time in seconds for the automatic logout from the CLI. If you enter the value 0, the automatic logout is disabled. Syslog client Syslog according to RFC 3164 is used for transferring short, unencrypted text messages over UDP in the IP network. This requires a system log server. Requirements for sending log entries: The Syslog function is enabled on the device. The Syslog function is enabled for the relevant event. There is a Syslog server in your network that receives the log entries. Since this is a UDP connection, there is no acknowledgment to the sender. The IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the Syslog server is entered in the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1527 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Syslog Client Enable or disable the Syslog function. Syslog Server Address Enter the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the Syslog server. The table contains the following columns: Syslog Server Address Shows the IP address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the Syslog server. Server Port Enter the port of the Syslog server being used. Fault Monitoring Power supply Note This page is not available on the SCALANCE W786-2 SFP. Configure whether or not the power supply should be monitored by the messaging system. Depending on the hardware variant, there are one or two power connectors (Supply 1 / Supply 2). With a redundant power supply, configure the monitoring separately for each individual feed-in line. If there is no power on one of the monitored lines (Supply 1 or Supply 2) or when the voltage is too low, a fault is signaled by the signaling system. Note You will find the permitted operating voltage limits in the operating instructions of the device. An error causes the fault LED to light up on the device. Depending on the configuration, the error may trigger a trap, an e-mail or an entry in the event log table. Settings Line 1 Enable or disable the monitoring of power connector 1. Line 2 (not available with W760/W720) Enable or disable the monitoring of power connector 2. 1528 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks PoE (not available with W760/W720) Enable or disable the monitoring of the power supply via Ethernet. PROFINET redundancy (not available with W760/W720) With the following devices, you can also configure which power supply will be monitored by PROFINET: - SCALANCE W788-x RJ-45 variants - SCALANCE W748-1 RJ-45 - SCALANCE W774-1 (RJ-45 and M12 variant) - SCALANCE W734-1 RJ-45 Link Change On this page, you configure whether or not an error message is triggered if there is a status change on a network connection. If connection monitoring is enabled, an error is signaled when there should be a link on a port and this is missing. or when there should not be a link on a port and a link is detected. An error causes the signaling contact to trigger and the fault LED to light up on the device. Depending on the configuration, the error may trigger a trap, an e-mail or an entry in the event log table. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports. Setting Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1529 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 2 has the following columns Port Shows the available ports. Setting Select the setting. You have the following options: - Up Error handling is triggered when the port changes to the active status. (From "Link down" to "Link up") - Down Error handling is triggered when the port changes to the inactive status. (From "Link up" to "Link down") - "-" (disabled) The error handling is not triggered. EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP On this page, you configure the mode of EtherNet/IP. Note Devices with two Ethernet interfaces On devices with two Ethernet interfaces only one of the interfaces (P1 or P2) may be used for the EtherNet/IP configuration. This applies to the following devices: SCALANCE W786-2 SFP . SCALANCE W774-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W774-1 M12 EEC SCALANCE W734-1 RJ-45. 1530 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description of the displayed boxes The page contains the following boxes: EtherNet/IP Device Diagnostics Shows whether EtherNet/IP is enabled ("On") or disabled ("Off"). EtherNet/IP Device Diagnostics for next boot Set whether EtherNet/IP will be enabled ("On") or disabled ("Off") after the next device restart. Note EtherNet/IP and PROFINET When EtherNet/IP is turned on, PROFINET is turned off. The switchover from EtherNet/IP and PROFINET has no effect on DCP. Note PROFINET AR Status If a PROFINET connection is established; in other words the PROFINET AR status is "Online", you cannot enable EtherNet/IP. PROFINET Settings for PROFINET This page shows the PROFINET AR status and the device name. Description of the displayed boxes The page contains the following boxes: PROFINET Mode Shows whether PROFINET is enabled ("On") or disabled ("Off"). PROFINET Mode for next boot Set whether PROFINET will be enabled ("On") or disabled ("Off") after the next device restart. Note PROFINET and EtherNet/IP When PROFINET is turned on, EtherNet/IP is turned off. The switchover from PROFINET and EtherNet/IP has no effect on DCP. Note PROFINET AR Status If a PROFINET connection is established; in other words the PROFINET AR status is "Online", you cannot disable PROFINET. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1531 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks PROFINET AR Status This box shows the status of the PROFINET connection; in other words whether the device is connected to a PROFINET controller "Online " or "Offline". Here, online means that a connection to a PROFINET controller exists, that this has downloaded its configuration data to the device and that the device can send status data to the PROFINET controller. In this status known as "in data exchange", the parameters set via the PROFINET controller cannot be configured. PROFINET Name of Station This box displays the PROFINET device name according to the configuration in HW Config of STEP 7. Note Devices with two Ethernet interfaces With devices that have two Ethernet interfaces, only interface P1 should be used for the PROFINET configuration because LLPD frames can only be sent and received via interface P1. They are blocked at interface P2 and are also not forwarded between the interfaces. This applies to the following devices: SCALANCE W786-2 SFP SCALANCE W774-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W774-1 M12 EEC SCALANCE W734-1 RJ-45 SCALANCE W700 and STEP 7 The Ethernet interface can be configured in STEP 7 if the following requirements are met: STEP 7 V13 Update 3 with HSP0107 or STEP7 version 5.5.4 with GSDML version 2.31 The diagnostics functions can also be used. The WLAN interface cannot be configured with STEP 7. PROFINET for client devices If a client is to be used as a PROFINET device, the MAC address of the client must be specified as follows (MAC Mode): Own In the network beyond the device, only IP communication and no PROFINET is possible. Layer 2 Tunnel The client and the devices downstream from it can be used as PROFINET devices. Note If "Automatic" or "Manual" is configured as the MAC mode for a client, this device cannot be used as a PROFINET device. 1532 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks PLUG Configuration Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. This page is only available for SCALANCE W780 / W 770 / W740 / W730. NOTICE Do not remove or insert a C-PLUG / KEY-PLUG during operation! A PLUG may only be removed or inserted when the device is turned off. The device checks whether or not a PLUG is inserted at one second intervals. If it is detected that the PLUG was removed, there is a restart. If a valid KEY-PLUG was inserted in the device, the device changes to a defined error state following the restart. With SCALANCE W, the available wireless interfaces are deactivated in this case. If the device was configured at some time with a PLUG, the device can no longer be used without this PLUG. To be able to use the device again, reset the device to the factory settings. Information about the configuration of the C-PLUG / KEY-PLUG This page provides detailed information about the configuration stored on the C-PLUG or KEYPLUG. It is also possible to reset the PLUG to factory defaults or to load it with new contents. Note The action is only executed after you click the "Set Values" button. The action cannot be undone. If you decide against executing the function after making your selection, click the "Refresh" button. As a result the data of this page is read from the device again and the selection is canceled. Note Incompatibility with previous versions with PLUG inserted During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. In this situation, if a PLUG is inserted in the device, following the restart, this has the status "NOT ACCEPTED" since the PLUG still has the configuration data of the previous more up-to-date firmware. This allows you to return to the previous, more up-to-date firmware without any loss of configuration data. If the original configuration on the PLUG is no longer required, the PLUG can be deleted or rewritten manually using "System > PLUG". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1533 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The table has the following rows: Status Shows the status of the PLUG. The following are possible: - ACCEPTED There is a PLUG with a valid and suitable configuration in the device. - NOT ACCEPTED Invalid or incompatible configuration on the inserted PLUG. - NOT PRESENT There is no C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG inserted in the device. - FACTORY PLUG is inserted and does not contain a configuration. This status is also displayed when the PLUG was formatted during operation. - MISSING There is no PLUG inserted. Functions are configured on the device for which a license is required. Device Group Shows the SIMATIC NET product line that used the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG previously. Device Type Shows the device type within the product line that used the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG previously. Configuration Revision The version of the configuration structure. This information relates to the configuration options supported by the device and has nothing to do with the concrete hardware configuration. This revision information does not therefore change if you add or remove additional components (modules or extenders), it can, however, change if you update the firmware. File System Displays the type of file system on the PLUG. NOTICE New file system UBI As of firmware version 2.0, UBI is the standard file system for the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG. If a C-PLUG with the previous file system IECP is detected in such a device, this C-PLUG will be formatted for the UBI file system and the data will be rewritten to the C-PLUG. This change in the file system also occurs following a firmware update to V2.0. A downgrade to the previous version of the firmware then presents a problem. The firmware can neither read nor write the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG and it is not even possible to "Erase PLUG to factory default". File System Size [bytes] Shows the maximum storage capacity of the file system on the C-PLUG. File System Usage Displays the storage space in use in the file system of the C-PLUG. 1534 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Info String Shows additional information about the device that used the PLUG previously, for example, order number, type designation, and the versions of the hardware and software. The displayed software version corresponds to the version in which the configuration was last changed. With the "NOT ACCEPTED" status, further information on the cause of the problem is displayed. If a PLUG was configured as a PRESET PLUG this is shown here as additional information in the first row. For more detailed information on creating and using a PRESET PLUG refer to the section "Maintenance (page 363)". Modify PLUG Select the required setting. You have the following options for changing the configuration on the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG: - Write current configuration to PLUG This option is available only if the status of the PLUG is "NOT ACCEPTED" or FACTORY. The configuration in the internal flash memory of the device is copied to the PLUG. - Erase PLUG to factory default Deletes all data from the C-PLUG and triggers low-level formatting. License NOTICE Do not remove or insert a C-PLUG / KEY-PLUG during operation! A PLUG may only be removed or inserted when the device is turned off. The device checks whether or not a PLUG is present at one second intervals. If it is detected that the PLUG was removed, there is a restart. If a valid KEY-PLUG was inserted in the device, the device changes to a defined error state following the restart. With SCALANCE W, the available wireless interfaces are deactivated in this case. If the device was configured at some time with a PLUG, the device can no longer be used without this PLUG. To be able to use the device again, reset the device to the factory settings. Note Incompatibility with previous versions with PLUG inserted During the installation of a previous version, the configuration data can be lost. In this case, the device starts up with the factory settings after the firmware has been installed. In this situation, if a PLUG is inserted in the device, following the restart, this has the status "NOT ACCEPTED" since the PLUG still has the configuration data of the previous more up-to-date firmware. This allows you to return to the previous, more up-to-date firmware without any loss of configuration data. If the original configuration on the PLUG is no longer required, the PLUG can be deleted or rewritten manually using "System > PLUG". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1535 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Information about the license of the KEY-PLUG A C-PLUG can only store the configuration of a device. In addition to the configuration, a KEYPLUG also contains a license that enables certain functions of your SIMATIC NET device. Note Information only available online You can only view the information on this page if there is an online connection to the device. This page is only available for SCALANCE W780 / W 770 / W740 / W730. Displayed values Status Shows the status of the KEY-PLUG. The following are possible: - ACCEPTED The KEY-PLUG in the device contains a suitable and valid license. - NOT ACCEPTED The license of the inserted KEY-PLUG is not valid. - NOT PRESENT No KEY-PLUG is inserted in the device. - MISSING There is no KEY-PLUG or a C-PLUG with the status "FACTORY" inserted in the device. Functions are configured on the device for which a license is required. - WRONG The inserted KEY-PLUG is not suitable for the device. - UNKNOWN Unknown content of the KEY-PLUG. - DEFECTIVE The content of the KEY-PLUG contains errors. Order ID Shows the order number of the KEY-PLUG. The KEY-PLUG is available for various functional enhancements and for various target systems. Serial Number Shows the serial number of the KEY-PLUG. Info String Shows additional information about the device that used the KEY-PLUG previously, for example, order number, type designation, and the versions of the hardware and software. The displayed software version corresponds to the version in which the configuration was last changed. With the "NOT ACCEPTED" status, further information on the cause of the problem is displayed. 1536 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note When you save the configuration, the information about whether or not a KEY-PLUG was inserted in the device at the time is also saved. This configuration can then only work if a KEYPLUG with the same order number / license is inserted. This applies regardless of whether or not iFeatures are configured. Ping Reachability of an address in an IP network Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. With the ping function, you can check whether a certain IPv4 address is reachable in the network. Settings IP Address Enter the IPv4 address of the device. Repeat Enter the number of ping requests. Ping Click this button to start the ping function. Ping Output This box shows the output of the ping function. Delete Click this button to delete the ping output. Configuring interfaces Ethernet Overview The page shows the configuration for the data transfer for all ports of the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1537 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Port Shows the configurable ports. Port name Shows the name of the port. Status Shows whether the port is on or off. Data traffic is possible only over an enabled port. OperState Displays the current operational status. The operational status depends on the configured "Status" and the "Link". The available options are as follows: - up You have configured the status "enabled" for the port and the port has a valid connection to the network. - down You have configured the status "disabled" or "Link down" for the port or the port has no connection. Link (only available online) Shows the connection status to the network. With the connection status, the following is possible: - up The port has a valid link to the network, a link integrity signal is being received. - down The link is down, for example because the connected device is turned off. Mode (only available online) Shows the transfer parameters of the port MTU Shows the maximum packet size. Negotiation Shows whether the automatic configuration is enabled or disabled. MAC Address (only available online) Shows the MAC address of the port. Configuration On this page, you configure the Ethernet ports of the device. Note SCALANCE W786-2 SFP The two SFP ports of the SCALANCE W786-2 SFP cannot be assigned parameters or diagnosed individually. 1538 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Port Select the port to be configured. Status Specify whether the port is enabled or disabled. - enabled The port is enabled. Data traffic is possible only over an enabled port. - disabled The port is disabled but the connection remains. - Link down The port is disabled and the connection to the partner device is terminated. Port name Enter a name for the port. MAC Address (only available online) Shows the MAC address of the port. Mode Type Note This parameter cannot be configured for: SCALANCE W786-2 SFP SCALANCE W770 SCALANCE W760 SCALANCE W730 SCALANCE W720 The value is permanently set to "Auto negotiation". Shows the transmission speed and the transmission method of the port. You make the settings for "Autonegotiation" and "Transmission rate" in the port options. Note Before the port and partner port can communicate with each other, the settings must match at both ends. Mode (only available online) Shows which transmission speed and which transmission mode is currently being used. Negotiation Shows whether the automatic configuration of the connection to the partner port is enabled or disabled. MTU ((Maximial Transmission Unit) Enter the packet size above which packets are fragmented. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1539 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks OperState Displays the current operational status. The operational status depends on the configured "Status" and the "Link". The available options are as follows: - up You have configured the status "enabled" for the port and the port has a valid connection to the network. - down You have configured the status "disabled" or "Link down" for the port or the port has no connection. Link (only available online) Shows the connection status to the network. With the connection status, the following is possible: - Up The port has a valid link to the network, a link integrity signal is being received. - Down The link is down, for example because the connected device is turned off. Changing the port configuration Note Optical ports only work with the full duplex mode and at maximum transmission rate. As a result, the following settings cannot be made for optical ports: Automatic configuration Transmission speed Transmission technique Note With various automatic functions, the device prevents or reduces the effect on other ports and priority classes (Class of Service) if a port is overloaded. This can mean that frames are discarded even when flow control is enabled. Port overload occurs when the device receives more frames than it can send, for example as the result of different transmission speeds. 1540 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks WLAN Basic Note To configure the WLAN interface, you must always specify the country code first. Some parameters are dependent on the country setting, for example the transmission standard. Settings Country Code Specify the country in which the device will be used. You do not need to know the data for the specific country, the channel division and output power are set by the device according to the country you select. Note Locale setting The correct country setting is mandatory for operation complying with the approvals. Selecting a country different from the country of use can lead to legal prosecution. Device Mode Mode of the device. The mode can only be changed for access points. The following modes are possible: - AP: Access point mode - Client: Client mode Note After changing the mode, a message is displayed. If you confirm the message with "Yes", the configuration settings are updated in the changed mode. Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Enabled Status of the WLAN interface. To enable the WLAN interface, enable the setting. Note Enabling the WLAN interface The WLAN interfaces are disabled when the device is supplied. The WLAN interfaces are can be enabled once the country and the antenna settings are configured. Radio Mode Shows the mode of the WLAN interface. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1541 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Frequency Band Specify the frequency band. In client mode, dual-frequency operation is also possible. - 2.4 GHz - 5 GHz - 2.4 GHz + 5 GHz (only in client mode) Note Configuring WLAN interfaces of the W786-2IA RJ-45 for different frequency bands If both WLAN interfaces are configured for the same frequency band on this device, there may be mutual influence or interference. This applies in particular when there is a high data throughput. WLAN Mode 2.4 GHz/WLAN Mode 5 GHz Select the required transmission standard for the configured frequency band. The selection depends on the country setting. - Auto (in client mode only) The transmission standard is determined automatically (2.4 GHz + 5 GHz). - 802.11a The transmission standard IEEE 802.11a (5 GHz) is set. - 802.11g The transmission standard IEEE 802.11g (2.4 GHz) is set. This transmission standard is downwards compatible with IEEE 802.11b - 802.11n The transmission standard IEEE 802.11n (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) is set. This transmission standard is downwards compatible with IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11g. - 802.11n only The transmission standard IEEE 802.11n (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) is set. This transmission standard is downwards compatible with IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11g. Note Fragmentation length If you select the transmission standard "802.11n", "802.11n only" or "Auto" (only in client mode), you cannot set the threshold value of the fragmentation length see "Fragmentation Length Threshold" in "Interfaces > WLAN > Advanced". 1542 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks DFS (802.11h) Enables or disables the "Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)" function. - Enabled If you have enabled this function, additional DFS channels from the 5 GHz band are available to you. These channels are country-specific and are subject to certain DFS regulations. If the access point discovers a disturbance on the current channel, it changes automatically to an alternative channel and the current channel is blocked for 30 minutes. The disturbance can originate from a primary user or radar interference. Before the access point starts the communication on a channel it searches 60 seconds for primary users on the channel. During this time the access point does not send beacons. If signals are found on the channel, the access point changes channel and repeats the check. Only when no signals from primary users are detected after 60 seconds does the access point send on a channel. The access point also searches for primary users during operation. - Disabled The DFS function is not used. Outdoor Mode - Enabled If you have enabled the outdoor mode, you only have the channels available that are permitted for outdoor operation. - Disabled If you have disabled the outdoor mode, you only have the channels available that are permitted for operation in a building. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1543 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Maximum Tx Power Specify the transmit power of the device. If the transmit power is set too high the received signal at the client may be overmodulated. Check the received signal strength at the client (dBm). It may be necessary to reduce the transmit power depending on the antennas being used to avoid exceeding the maximum legal transmit power. Reducing the transmit power effectively reduces cell size. Note The maximum possible transmit power varies depending on the channel and data rate. For more detailed information on transmit power, refer to the documentation "Characteristics radio interface". Note If both interfaces of access points with two WLAN interfaces are operated in the same frequency range, this may cause wireless interference on one or both interfaces at a transmit power higher than 15 dBm. Tx power check (only available online) Indicates whether the settings that have been made will violate the permitted transmit power restrictions of the selected country. The following parameters influence this calculation: max. Maximum Tx Power, Antenna Gain, Additional Attenuation. The following displays can appear: - Allowed The channels can be used with the current settings. - Not Allowed (Some Channels) Among the channels, there are some on which the current transmit power exceeds the maximum permitted transmit power. - Not Allowed (All Channels) No permitted operation is possible. The transmit power is too high. - Controlled automatically by iREF. Controlled by the iREF function. Advanced You only need to adapt the settings on this page if the device cannot be used as it is intended with the default settings. Settings Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Beacon Interval [ms] (Only in access point mode) Specify the interval (40 - 1000 ms) at which the access point sends beacons. Beacons are packets that are sent cyclically by an access point to inform clients of its existence. 1544 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks DTIM(Only in access point mode) The DTIM interval (1-15) specifies the number of beacons to be sent before the access point sends the collected packets (broadcast, unicast, multicast) to the client. - If you enter a "1", the access point transmits broadcast, unicast and multicast packets directly after each beacon (recommended setting for normal network environments). - If you entered a "5", this would mean that the access point collects the packets and sends them after every fifth beacon. Increasing this value allows a longer sleep mode for the clients but means a greater delay for packets. RTS/CTS Threshold [Bytes] RTS/CTS (Request To Send/Clear To Send) is a method for avoiding collisions. The method is based on the exchange of status information prior to sending the actual data (Hidden node problem). To minimize the network load due to additional protocol traffic, this method is used only as of a certain packet size. You specify the packet size with the RTS/ CTS Threshold parameter. Fragmentation Length Threshold [Bytes] Specify the maximum packet size transferred on the wireless link. Large packets are divided up into small packets prior to transmission and then reassembled into the original size after they have been received. This can be beneficial if the transmission quality is poor because larger packets are more difficult to transmit. However fragmentation into smaller packets means a poorer throughput. Note You can only edit this value if the you have set the transmission standard "802.11g" (2.4 GHz) or "802.11 a" (5 GHz), see "WLAN Mode" in "Interfaces > WLAN > Basic". HW Retries Specify the number of hardware retries. The hardware repetition is performed by the WLAN chip itself when it tries to repeat an unacknowledged packet immediately. If all hardware repetitions were unsuccessful, the packet is deleted. Note If you have enabled iPCF or iPCF-MC, you can set up to 16 hardware retries. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1545 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Multi Radar Detection (only in access point mode) - Enabled This function is only available if you have enabled the "DFS" function on the "Basic" page. This function is suitable for systems with several access points connected via an Ethernet network and that send on the same channel. When an access point detects a radar signal it distributes this information to all connected access points. If at least one further access point verifies the radar signal within 40 ms, all connected access points are informed. All the devices sending on this channel change to a different channel. The channel is blocked for 30 minutes for the access points in the network. If you have configured "Auto" for the channel on the "Interfaces > WLAN > AP" page, the function cannot be used reliably. In this case the verification of the radar signals is only possible when at least two connected access points happen to transmit on the same channel. If only one access point detects a signal on a channel, it treats this as a valid radar signal. - Disabled The function is not used. When an access point detects a radar signal it changes to another channel.. The configured channel is no longer taken into account. Prefer Configured DFS Channel (only in access point mode) - Enabled This function is only available if you have enabled the "DFS" function on the "Basic" page. If the configured channel of a WLAN interface was blocked due to radar detection and is released again after 30 minutes the access point changes automatically to the configured channel. Before the access point starts the communication on the configured channel it searches 60 seconds for primary users on the channel. During this time the access point does not send beacons. If signals are found on the channel, the access point changes channel and repeats the check. Only when no signals from primary users are detected after 60 seconds does the access point send on the channel. If you have configured "Auto" for the channel on the "Interfaces > WLAN > AP" page, the device does not have a configured channel to which it can return. - Disabled The function is not used. 1546 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Antennas Overview Overview of IWLAN antennas: Antennas for SCALANCE W700 acc. to IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11a/b/g Antennas only for SCALANCE W700 acc. to IEEE 802.11n with 1 connector with 2 connectors (dual) with 1 connector with 3 connectors (MIMO) Antennas only for SCALANCE W700 acc. to IEEE 802.11a/b/g with 1 connector ANT795-4MA ANT793-6DG ANT795-6MT ANT792-4DN ANT795-4MR ANT795-4MC ANT793-8DJ ANT793-6DT ANT793-4MN ANT795-4MS ANT795-4MD ANT793-8DK ANT792-6MN ANT795-6DN ANT795-6DC ANT793-6MN ANT793-8DN ANT793-8DP ANT792-8DN ANT795-6MN RCoax leaky feeder cable The antenna name provides information about the properties of the antennas listed in the IWLAN antenna overview: Antennas for SCALANCE W700 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 4 2 2,4 GHz 4 3 5 GHz 5 2,4 + 5 GHz 6 8 - medium gain high gain very high gain D D M x directional antenna Omnidirectional antenna (omnidirectional) G_IK10_XX_30288 - Directivity 2 Gain Frequency ANT79 1547 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Antennas On this page, you configure the settings for the connected external antennas. Note Transmission disruptions without an antenna connected A WLAN interface can have up to three antenna connectors. A the first connector, there must be always be an antenna connected as soon as the associated WLAN Interface is turned on. Connectors that are not used must have a 50 terminating resistor fitted. If no antenna is connected, the relevant WLAN interface must also be disabled for Rx and Tx. Otherwise, there may be transmission disruptions. Settings Connector Shows the name of the relevant antenna connection. Antenna Type Select the type of external antenna connected to the device. If the type of your external antenna is not available, select the entry "User defined". If you terminate an antenna connection using a 50 terminating resistor, select the entry "Not used (Connect 50 Ohm Termination)". Antenna Gain If you select the "User defined" entry for the "Antenna Type", enter the antenna gain manually in the "dBi" unit. - Antenna Gain 2.4 GHz [dBi] Here, enter the antenna gain the antenna has in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. - Antenna Gain 5 GHz [dBi] Here, enter the antenna gain the antenna has in the 5 GHz frequency band. Cable Length [m] Enter the length of the flexible antenna connecting cable between the device and the external antenna in meters. 1548 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Additional Attenuation [dB] Here, specify the additional attenuation caused, for example by an additional splitter. Antenna Mode Specify the use of the antenna. For antenna connector 1 (R1 A1 and R2 A1), the entry cannot be changed. - TX For sending only - RX For receiving only - RX\TX For receiving and sending The following table shows which combinations are possible: R1 A1 / R2 A1 R1 A2 / R2 A2 R1 A3 / R2 A3 RX\TX RX\TX RX\TX RX\TX RX\TX RX RX\TX RX RX RX\TX RX\TX TX RX\TX TX TX RX\TX RX\TX -- 1) RX\TX TX -- 1) RX\TX RX -- 1) RX\TX -- 1) -- 1) 1) Antenna type "50 termination" Permitted channels For communication, a specific channel within a frequency band is used. You can either set this channel specifically or configure so that the channel is selected automatically. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1549 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Table 1 contains the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Use Allowed Channels only If you enable the setting, you restrict the selection of channels via which the AP or the client is allowed to establish the connection. In the following tables, you define the - channels that the AP can use to establish a wireless cell when the "Auto" channel setting is enabled. - the channels on which the client searches for an AP. The tables are divided up according to frequency bands. When disabled, the channels available based on the settings (country code, antennas, transmit power etc.) are used. Above the tables for the frequency bands, you will find the following setting: Select / Deselect all - Enabled All channels are activated. - Disabled The first valid channel of the frequency band remains enabled. Enable the required channel. The tables of the frequency bands have the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Radio Mode Shows the mode. Channel number To specify the valid channels for the required frequency band, select the appropriate check box for the channel number. The table displays the permitted channels of the country. Only the valid channels can be enabled. Invalid channels are grayed out and cannot be enabled. Note To specify the channels, the setting "Use Allowed Channels only" must be enabled. 1550 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 802.11n Properties of 802.11n With the IEEE 802.11n standard, it is possible to put together individual data packets in one larger data packet, the A-MPDU and A-MSDU data packets. This achieves a higher data throughput. On this page, you make the settings for the A-MPDU and A-MSDU data packets. Some of the settings depend on the set transmission standard and the selected channel width. Settings The table has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. A-MPDU Enables or disables the sending of A-MPDU data packets. If this setting is disabled, only A-MPDU data packets are received. A-MPDU Limit [frames] Specify the number of individual subframes grouped together in one A-MPDU data frame. A-MPDU Limit [Bytes] Specify the maximum size of the A-MPDU frame. A-MSDU Aggregated MAC Service Data Unit (A-MSDU)Enables or disables that several MSDUs with the same destination address are bundled into an A-MSDU and are sent together. This reduces the network load. Due to their shorter maximum length A-MSDUs are more suitable for the bundling of several shorter frames. If this check box is disabled, A-MSDU data packets are received but not sent. A-MSDUPacket Size [bytes] Specify the maximum size of the A-MSDU data packet. Range of values: 50 - 200 bytes Default: 100 bytes Guard Interval [ns](only in access point mode) Select the send pause that must be kept to between two transmitted OFDM symbols. The following settings are possible. The selection depends on the selected transmission standard. - 400 (short)/800 (long): The setting 400 ns is optional. Depending on the signal quality, packets can be sent with a send pause of 400 ns or 800 ns. - 800 (long): The send pause is 800 ns. Access point Note The page is available only in access point mode. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1551 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Table 1 has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Channel Specify the main channel. If you want the access point to search for a free channel itself, use "Auto". The selection of channels used by an access point when establishing a wireless cell can be restricted. For "Channel selection", enable the setting "Use Allowed Channels only". If you want to use a fixed channel, select the required channel from the drop-down list. Note SCALANCE W780/W740: Channel spacing with WLAN interfaces If you use a second WLAN interface, make sure that you have adequate channel spacing. Alternative DFS Channel (802.11h) If you have enabled the "DFS" function on the "Basic" page, specify the alternative channel here. If you want the access point to search for a free channel itself, use "Auto". If a primary user was detected both on the main and alternative channel, the access point automatically searches for a free channel. If you want to use a fixed channel, select the required channel from the drop-down list. HT Channel Width [MHz] You can specify the channel bandwidth only with the IEEE 802.11n transmission standard. The following settings are possible. - 20 Channel bandwidth 20 MHz - 40 up Channel bandwidth 40 MHz. The configured channel and the neighboring channel above it are used. - 40 down Channel bandwidth 40 MHz. The configured channel and the neighboring channel below it are used. Note Channel bandwidth 40 MHz and frequency band 2.4 GHz If the access point detects another access point on the configured channel or on neighboring channels, the access point changes the channel bandwidth from 40 MHz to 20 MHz. If you set a "free" channel on the access point, the access point uses the channel bandwidth 40 MHz. Table 2 has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces in this column. Available Channels Shows the permitted channels. The display depends on the wireless approvals of the currently selected country and the settings for "Channel selection". 1552 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 3 has the following columns: Radio Shows the WLAN interface. Port Shows the VAP interface. Enabled To use the required VAP interface, select this check box. SSID Enter the SSID of the WLAN. The length of the character string for SSID it is 1 to 32 characters. The ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e are used for the SSID. Broadcast SSID - deactived The SSID is no longer sent in the beacon frame of the access point. This means that the SSID is not visible for other devices. Only clients that know the SSID of the access point and that are configured with it can connect to the access point. The "Any SSID" option must be disabled on these clients. - activated The SSID is sent in the Beacon frame of the access point and is visible for other devices. This means that clients on which the "Any SSID" setting is enabled can also connect to the access point. Note Since no encryption is used for the SSID transfer, this function can only provide basic protection against unauthorized access. The use of an authentication method (for example WPA2 (RADIUS) or WPA2-PSK if this is not possible) provides higher security. You must also expect that certain end devices may have problems with access to a hidden SSID. WDS only If you enable this setting, the access point only supports communication via WDS. In WDS mode, all access points must use the same channel. WDS ID Enter the WDS ID. The WDS ID can be a maximum of 32 characters long. To establish a WDS connection, enter this WDS ID for the WDS partner. ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e are used for the WDS ID. AP WDS In normal operation, the access point is used as an interface to a network and communicates with clients. There are, however, situations in which several access points need to communicate with each other, for example to extend wireless coverage or to set up a wireless backbone. This mode is possible with WDS (Wireless Distributed System). Note This tab is available only in access point mode. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1553 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Port Shows the port. Port enabled Enables the WDS interface. Connection over Specify the VAP interface via which the WDS connection is established. Both the MAC address of the VAP as well as security settings (for example WPA2) are used. Partner ID Type Specify the type of WDS communication. - MAC Address The MAC address is used. The "Partner WDS ID" input box is grayed out. For "Partner MAC", enter the MAC address of the WDS partner. - WDS ID The WDS ID is used. The "Partner MAC" input box is grayed out. Enter the WDS ID of the WDS partner in "Partner WDS ID". Use this option if you want to replace the access point later using the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG. Partner MAC Enter the MAC address of the WDS partner. Can only be edited if "MAC Address" is set for the "Partner ID Type". Partner WDS ID Enter the WDS ID of the WDS partner. Can only be edited if "WDS ID" is set for the "Partner ID Type". For the WDS ID, the ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e are permitted. Note Matching security settings in WDS mode In WDS mode, make sure that the security settings match up for all devices involved. If settings are incorrect or not compatible on the individual devices, no data exchange is possible due to incorrect authentication. Avoid the "Auto" setting in the security settings of the Basic Wizard, because with this setting, synchronization of the security settings between the access points is not possible. Note In WDS operation, the following restrictions apply to all access points involved: All access points that will communicate with each other must use the same channel, the same transmission procedure and the same data rate. You can select either WEP or WPA(2)-PSK as the encryption method. You configure the security settings in the assigned VAP interface: "Security > WLAN > Basic" You cannot use authentication with a RADIUS server for a WDS connection. In the IEEE 802.11h transmission mode, it is not practical to select the WDS mode. In WDS mode, all access points must use the same channel. If a signal from a primary user is detected by an access point, the channel is changed automatically and the existing connection is then terminated. 1554 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks AP 802.11a/b/g Rates Note The page is only available in access point mode. Can be configured if "802.11a", "802.11g" or "802.11n" is set for the WLAN mode. The page shows the available data transmission speeds for the WLAN mode 802.11a/b/g. If necessary, you can change the data transmission speeds. Otherwise, we recommend that you retain the default setting for data transmission speeds. The access point will then use only the selected data transmission speeds for communication with the clients. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: Radio Specifies the WLAN interface to which the information relates. Use selected data rates only If you select this setting, you can specify the data transmission speeds for the required WLAN interface. If this setting is disabled, the default values are used. Radio Select the WLAN interfaces displayed in Table 3 (Data rate). Table 2 has the following columns: All data rate settings Shows that the setting is valid for all entries in Table 3. Enabled / Basic settings Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 3 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 3 Table 3 (Data Rate) has the following columns: Radio Specifies the WLAN interface to which the information relates. Data Rate [Mbps] Shows the supported data transmission speeds in megabits per second. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1555 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Enabled Enable the setting to assign the required data transmission speed to the WLAN interface. Note You need to enable at least one data transmission speed. Basic Enable the option to declare the required data transmission speed as "Basic". The setting specifies that a client must be capable of the required speed to be able to connect to the access point. The setting can only be enabled if an available data rate has been selected. Note At least one data transmission speed needs to be specified as "Initial Setup". Default Values The "Default Values" button sets the selection of values to conform with the standard. AP 802.11n data rates Note The page is only available in access point mode. Can be configured if "802.11n only" or "802.11n" is set for the WLAN mode. The page shows the available data transmission speeds (MCS = Modulation and Coding Schemes) for the WLAN mode 802.11n. You can select any combination of these data transmission speeds. The access point will then use only the selected data transmission speeds for communication with the clients. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: Radio Specifies the WLAN interface to which the information relates. Use selected data rates only If you select this setting, you can specify the data transmission speeds for the required WLAN interface. If this setting is disabled, the default values are used. As default, the setting is disabled. Radio Select the WLAN interfaces displayed in Table 3 (MCS Index). 1556 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 2 has the following columns: All data rate settings Shows that the setting is valid for all entries in Table 3. Enabled Select the required setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 3 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 3. Table 3 (MCS Index) consists of the following columns: Radio Specifies the WLAN interface to which the information relates. MCS Index Shows the supported MCS indexes. The displayed MCS indexes depend on the settings "Antenna Type" and "Antenna Mode". You will find the settings in "Interfaces > WLAN > Antennas". If, for example, you only use one antenna, only the MCS 0 to 7 are displayed. Streams Shows the maximum possible number of parallel data streams that can be transmitted with the selected MCS index. Data Rate [Mbps] Shows the supported data transmission speeds in megabits per second. The displayed data transmission speeds depend on the settings "Guard Interval" and "HT Channel Width". The "HT Channel Width" setting can be found in "Interfaces > WLAN > Access Point". The "Guard Interval" setting can be found in "Interfaces > WLAN > 802.11n" Enabled Enable the setting to assign the required data transmission speed to the WLAN interface. Note You need to enable at least one MCS index. Default Values The "Default Values" button sets the selection of values to conform with the standard. Client Connecting to a network On this page, you can specify how the device connects to a network as client. Note This page is only available for clients or access points in client mode. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1557 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Table 1 has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Note WLAN interface disabled The WLAN interface will be disabled unless at least one SSID is configured or the setting "Any SSID" is enabled. MAC Mode Specify how the MAC address is assigned to the client. The following are possible: - Automatic The client automatically adopts the source MAC address of the first frame that it receives over the Ethernet interface. - Manual If you select Manual, enter the MAC address in the "MAC Address" column. - Own The client uses the MAC address of the Ethernet interface for the WLAN interface. - Layer 2 Tunnel The client uses the MAC address of the Ethernet interface for the WLAN interface. The network is also informed of the MAC addresses connected to the Ethernet interface of the client. Up to eight MAC addresses can be used. MAC Address If you have selected "Manual" for "MAC Mode", enter the MAC address of the client. Any SSID - Enabled In client mode the SCALANCE W700 device attempts to connect to the access point that corresponds to the security settings of security context 1. The clients can only connect to the access point on which the "Broadcast SSID" option is enabled. - Disabled The client attempts to connect to the access point from the SSID list whose security settings match one of the defined security contexts. Roaming Threshold Specify the threshold after which the client roams to the new access point. - High Changes only at a significantly higher field strength to the AP with the stronger signal. - Medium Changes at a moderately higher field strength to the AP with the stronger signal. - Low Changes at a slightly higher field strength to the AP with the stronger signal. 1558 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Background Scan Mode While the client is connected to an access point, it scans for other access points in the background with which it can connect when necessary. Specify the mode for the scan. The following options are available: - always The client scans continuously for access points. - Idle If there is no data traffic for a certain time, a scan is started for further access points. - Disabled As long as the client is connected, there is no scan for further access points. Background Scan Interval [ms] Specify the interval at which further access points are scanned. Table 2 has the following columns: Radio Shows the WLAN interface. Scan Channels Shows the channels on which the client searches for an access point. The display depends on the wireless approvals of the selected country and the settings for "Channel selection". Table 3 has the following columns: Enabled Enables or disables the relevant SSID. Radio Shows the WLAN interface. SSID Enter the SSID of the access point with which the client will connect. For the SSID, ASCII code 0x20 to 0x7e is used. Security Select a security context. You create and configure a security context in "Security > WLAN > Basic". Default setting: Context 1 Note iPCF or iPCF-MC mode activated If the iPCF or iPCF-MC mode is enabled, you can only select security context 1. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1559 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Force Roaming Note The page is only available in access point mode if there is an online connection to the device. The WLAN interface of the device must be enabled, otherwise the frequency ranges cannot be scanned. If the interface is no longer available (cable break, network component faild, connector removed), a client connected over the wireless network is not aware of this. The access point can force the logged-on clients to roam by deactivating the relevant interface. On this page you specify when roaming is performed. On connection abort If the wired Ethernet interface is no longer available the WLAN interface is turned off. The clients roam and then connect to a different access point. As soon as the first access point reaches the server again it switches its WLAN interfaces active again. When the destination address is unreachable. Roaming depends on destination addresses. To monitor the device sends pings to the configured destination addresses at regular intervals. - VAP interface monitored using a destination address If no ping response is received from this destination address, the access point turns the relevant VAP interface off. - VAP interface monitored using several destination addresses Only when no ping response is received from any of these destination addresses does the access point turn the relevant VAP interface off. As long as at least one destination address is reachable, the VAP interface remains active. The access point sends a disassociation frame to the WAN clients connected via this VAP interface. The WLAN clients roam and connect to a different VAP interface. If the address becomes reachable again, the connection can be established again via this VAP interface. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Force roaming on link down When enabled if there is a connection abort via the Ethernet interface, the WLAN interface is turned off. 1560 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table "Force Roaming on IP down"has the following columns: Select Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Destination Address Enter the IPv4 address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the destination whose reachability will be checked. Note Destination address not in the agent IP subnet If the destination address is not in the agent IP subnet, a gateway must be entered for "Layer 2 > Agent IP". The Base Bridge mode "802.1Q VLAN Bridge" If you have configured the "Base Bridge Mode" "802.1Q VLAN Bridge" in "Layer 2 > VLAN", echo messages (ping packets) are sent into the management VLAN. Interval [ms] Specify the interval at which echo messages (pings) are sent. Max. Lost Packets Specify the maximum number of consecutive lost ping responses. When this number is reached for a destination address, this destination address counts as being unreachable (down). VAP X.Y Specify the VAP interface via which the address is monitored. Signal recorder Recording the effective user signal The signal recorder is used to record the effective user signal between access point and client. Using this data, you can locate areas with an inadequate user signal. The signal recorder can be particularly useful when the client moves along a fixed path. Note The page is only available for clients or access points in client mode if there is an online connection to the device. The WLAN interface of the device is enabled, otherwise no recording will be made. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1561 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Description The graphic contains the following elements: Scroll bar With the scroll bar, you can look through the entire measurement. To do this you can use the "<<" and ">>" buttons or the arrow keys on the keyboard. Bar (left) In the bar on the left-hand side the user signal is displayed in real time according to the color scheme. The gray line shows the background noise. Color scheme The range > -35 dBm (blue) is the overmodulation range, in other words the WLAN signal is too strong and is received overmodulated. As of approximately -60 dBm (yellow) the WLAN signal is weaker. The individual colors are described again under the graphic. x axis The x axis shows the course of the measurement in random samples and milliseconds. Measurement data The measurement data shows the value of the effective user signal according to the color scheme shown. The gray line shows the background noise. If the client changes access points during a measurement (roaming) or reconnects, this is displayed by a vertical black line. On the line the previous AP system name and the BSSID are shown. If during a measurement the client has no connection to an access point, no user signal is displayed. To make it clear that there is no connection to an access point, the BSSID is set to 00:00:00:00:00:00 and shown in red. If the client has an iPCF-MC connection, the user signal of the management channel is shown with an additional black line. Under the graphic the following values are displayed: Current Sample The number of the current measurement BSSID The BSSID (Basic Service Set Identification) AP System Name The system name of the access point Operative Channel The current channel or the channel on which the client is connected to the access point TX Rate [Mbps] The average data rate of the sent data packets during the current random test RX Rate [Mbps] The average data rate of the received data packets during the current random test Signal [dBm] The effective user data signal in dBm Signal [%] The effective user data signal in % RSSI The raw value of the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) 1562 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Noise Floor [dBm] The background noise in dBm Roaming Counter The roaming counter shows how often the client has changed access points. After 99999 changes the counter is reset. Settings This table contains the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Since a client has a WLAN interface, there is only ever one row for "WLAN 1" in this table. Interval [ms] Specify the time interval between acquiring two measured values in milliseconds. Samples Specify how many measurements should be made. Endless If you enable the option checkmark, the number of measurements is unlimited The "Samples" box is grayed out . The signal recorder runs until it is stopped manually or the device is reconfigured. You can only select this option starting at a time interval 100. Start Click the button in this column to start recording the user data signal. The signal recorder saves the recorded data automatically every 10 minutes. Following a restart, the recording contains all the values up to the last save action. Stop Click the button in this column to stop recording the user data signal prematurely. If the specified number of measurements has been made, recording of the user data signal stops automatically. Displayed samples Select how many measured values will be shown in the graphic. Notes on usage Note the following tips that will help you to obtain useful measurements with the signal recorder: Set a fixed data rate on the access point. If you have activated iPCF, set as low a cycle time on the access point as possible for the measurements. Make sure that there is enough data communication during the measurement because the statistics functions evaluate incoming data frames. The measurement path should be traveled 2 to 3 times with the same parameters to find out whether losses of signal strength always occur at the same position. Selective measurements at a fixed position should be made over a longer period of time. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1563 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note If you start a new recording, the previous recording will be overwritten. When the device restarts, the measured values are deleted. Change to one of the following menu items to call up the result of the recording: System > Load&Save > HTTP Click the "Save" button in the "WLANSigRec" table row to save the file "" in the file system of the connected PC. System > Load&Save > TFTP If necessary, change the file name "" in the "WLANSigRec" table row. In the table row "WLANSigRec", select the "Save file" entry from the drop-down list of the last column and click the "Save Values" button. The downloaded ZIP file contains two files with the results of the recording: A PDF file A CSV file Spectrum Analyzer Note The page is only available in access point mode if there is an online connection to the device. The WLAN interface of the device must be enabled, otherwise the frequency ranges cannot be scanned. Technical information The frequency range depends on the configuration. Parameters Amplitude accuracy Value In 2.4 GHz 3 dBm In 5 GHz 7 dBm Resolution bandwidth 330 KHz Min. signal strength -100 dBm Max. signal strength Analysis time Update time 1564 0 dBm At 40 MHz 120 ms At 20 MHz 95 ms 1 s. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Representing signals of the frequency range Which the spectrum analyzer you can recognize and represent the electromagnetic signals of a frequency range. You can measure the strength of all signals located in the environment of the access point. Note When the spectrum analyzer is started, all WLAN connections are terminated on both WLAN interfaces. The access point then also does not send any beacons. Note Do not enable the spectrum analyzer if the device is operating productively. This can influence the performance of the device. Note The functionality of the spectrum analyzer does not replace a dedicated spectrum analyzer. Description The page contains the following graphics: In all graphics, the lower x axis shows the channels around the selected center frequency for which the measurements are made. The upper x axis shows the frequency range. The display of the y axis depends on the selected graphic. Realtime The y axis shows the signal strength in dBm. The graphic shows the strength of all signals that the access point receives in its environment in the configured frequency range. The red line shows the maximum values since the start of the measurement. The white line shows the current values. The green line shows the average values. Spectrogram The y axis shows the course of the measured values over time from current (0 s) to the values received before 500 s. The graphic shows the strength of all signals that the access point receives in its environment in the configured frequency range. The color depends on the setting for "Color Scheme". Density Chart The y axis shows the signal strength in dBm. The graphic shows how often signals occur with a certain strength in the configured frequency range. The color goes from the lowest value (0%) in black to the highest value (100%) in red. The page contains the following buttons: Expand With this icon you only show one graphic type in large format on the page. Reduce With this icon you return to the view with all three graphic types. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1565 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Color Scheme With this icon, you change the colours scheme for the graphic type "Spectrogram": - The color goes from the lowest value (-100 dBm) in black to the highest value (0 dBm) in red. - The color goes from the lowest value (-100 dBm) in red to the highest value (0 dBm) in black. Reset With this icon you reset the maximum and average values of the graphic type "Realtime". This table contains the following columns: Radio Shows the WLAN interface to which the information applies. State Shows the status of the measurement. The following values are possible: - Stopped The measurement was stopped. - Started The measurement is running. Frequency Band Specify the frequency band. Center Frequency Select the center frequency. How many channels are displayed depends on the setting for the "HT Channel Width", refer to the page "Interfaces > WLAN > AP". Start Click the button in this column to start the measurement. Note If you start a new measurement, the previous measurement will be overwritten. Stop Click the button in this column to end the measurement. You can save the measurement result as a CSV file with the menu "System > Load&Save > WLANSpectrumAnalyzer". Measurement results CSV file The CSV file contains information on the configuration of the device and detailed information on all individual measurements and is divided into two areas. The first area contains the configured settings: System Name The system name of the access point Device IP The IP address of the device 1566 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Device MAC The MAC address of the device Recording Interval The interval between acquisition of two measured values The second area is a table. The table contains the following for each measured value: Sample The consecutive number of the measurement Timestamp The time stamp The following columns show all frequencies of the selected frequency band. The cells are only filled for the frequencies for which a value was measured. The measured values show the signal strength in dBm. Configuring layer 2 functions VLAN General On this page you specify whether or not the device forwards frames with VLAN tags transparently (IEEE 802.1D/VLAN-unaware mode) or takes VLAN information into account (IEEE 802.1Q/VLAN-aware mode). If the device is in the "802.1Q VLAN Bridge" mode, you can define VLANs and specify the use of the ports . Note Changing the agent VLAN ID If the configuration PC is connected directly to the device via Ethernet and you change the agent VLAN ID, the device is no longer reachable via Ethernet following the change. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1567 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The page contains the following boxes: Base Bridge-Mode Select the required mode from the drop-down list. The following modes are possible: Note Changing Base bridge mode Note the section "Changing Base bridge mode". This section describes how a change affects the existing configuration. - 802.1 D Transparent Bridge Sets the mode "VLAN-unaware" for the device. In this mode, VLAN tags are not taken into account or changed but are forwarded transparently. In this mode, you cannot create any VLANs. - 802.1Q VLAN Bridge Sets the mode "VLAN-unaware" for the device. In this mode, VLAN tags are not taken into account or changed but are forwarded transparently. In this mode, you cannot create any VLANs. Only a management VLAN is available: VLAN 1. VLAN ID Enter the VLAN-ID (a number between 1 and 4094). You can create up to 2 (SCALANCE W760), 8 (SCALANCE W770) or 24 (SCALANCE W780) VLANS. The table has the following columns: VLAN ID Shows the VLAN ID. The VLAN ID (a number between 1 and 4094) can only be assigned once when creating a new data record and can then no longer be changed. To make a change, the entire data record must be deleted and created again. Name Enter a name for the VLAN. The name only provides information and has no effect on the configuration. 1568 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status Shows the status type of the entry in the internal port filter table. Here, static means that the address was entered as a static address by the user. The entry GVRP means that the configuration was registered by a GVRP frame. This is, however, only possible if GVRP was enabled for the device. List of ports Specify the use of the port. The following options are available: - "-" - The port is not a member of the specified VLAN. With a new definition, all ports have the identifier "-". - M The port is a member of the VLAN. Frames sent in this VLAN are forwarded with the corresponding VLAN tag. - R The port is a member of the VLAN. A GVRP frame is used for the registration. - U (upper case) The port is an untagged member of the VLAN. Frames sent in this VLAN are forwarded without the VLAN tag. Frames without a VLAN tag are sent from this port. - u (lower case) The port is an untagged member of the VLAN, but the VLAN is not configured as a port VLAN. Frames sent in this VLAN are forwarded without the VLAN tag. - F The port is not a member of the specified VLAN and it is not possible for the VLAN to be registered dynamically at this port using GVRP. You can configure other settings in "Layer 2 > VLAN > Port-based VLAN". Changing Base bridge mode VLAN-unaware (802.1D transparent bridge) VLAN-aware (802.1Q VLAN bridge) If you change the Base Bridge mode from VLAN-unaware to VLAN aware, this has the following effects All static and dynamic unicast entries are deleted. VLAN-aware (802.1Q VLAN bridge) VLAN-unaware (802.1D transparent bridge) If you change the Base Bridge mode from VLAN-aware to VLAN-unaware, this has the following effects: All VLAN configurations are deleted. A management VLAN is created: VLAN 1. All static and dynamic unicast entries are deleted. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1569 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 802.1Q VLAN Bridge: Important rules for VLANs Make sure you keep to the following rules when configuring and operating your VLANs: Frames with the VLAN ID "0" are handled as untagged frames but retain their priority value. As default, all ports on the device send frames without a VLAN tag to ensure that the end node can receive these frames. With SCALANCE W devices, the VLAN ID "1" is the default on all ports. If an end node is connected to a port, outgoing frames should be sent without a tag (static access port). If, however, there is a further switch at this port, the frame should have a tag added (trunk port). Port-based VLAN Processing received frames On this page, you specify the configuration of the port properties for receiving frames. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the settings are valid for all ports. Priority / Port VID / Acceptable Frames / Ingress Filtering Select the setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and link aggregations. Priority Select the priority assigned to untagged frames. The CoS priority (Class of Service) used in the VLAN tag. If a frame is received without a tag, it will be assigned this priority. This priority specifies how the frame is further processed compared with other frames. There are a total of eight priorities with values 0 to 7, where 7 represents the highest priority (IEEE 802.1p Port Priority). Port VID Select the VLAN ID. Only VLAN IDs defined on the "VLAN > General" page can be selected. If a received frame does not have a VLAN tag, it has a tag with the VLAN ID specified here added to it and is sent according to the rules at the port. 1570 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Acceptable Frames Specify which types of frames will be accepted. The following alternatives are possible: - Tagged Frames Only The device discards all untagged frames. Otherwise, the forwarding rules apply according to the configuration. - All The device forwards all frames Ingress Filtering Specify whether the VID of received frames is evaluated. The following options are available: - Enabled The VLAN ID of received frames decides whether they are forwarded: To forward a VLAN tagged frame, the receiving port must be a member in the same VLAN. Frames from unknown VLANs are discarded at the receiving port. - Disabled All frames are forwarded. Dynamic MAC aging The device automatically learns the source addresses of the connected nodes. This information is used to forward data frames to the nodes specifically involved. The network load for the other nodes is reduced. If a device does not receive a frame whose source address matches a learnt address within a certain time, the learnt address is deleted. This mechanism is known as aging. Aging prevents frames being forwarded incorrectly, for example when an end device (for example a programming device) is connected to a different port. If the check box is not enabled, a device does not delete learned addresses automatically. Settings Dynamic MAC Aging Enable or disable the function for automatic aging of learned MAC addresses: Aging Time [s] Enter the time in seconds. After this time, a learned address is deleted if the device does not receive any further frames from this sender address. Spanning Tree General General settings of MSTP This is the basic page for spanning tree. Select the compatibility mode from the drop-down list. As default, Multiple Spanning Tree is enabled. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1571 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks On the configuration pages of these functions, you can make detailed settings. Note Client device not as root bridge Using the configuration of priorities and path costs, make sure that a client device can never become the root bridge. If a client device becomes the root bridge the Rapid Spanning Tree function no longer works. Depending on the compatibility mode, you can configure the corresponding function on the relevant configuration page. Settings Spanning Tree Enable or disable Spanning Tree. Note Clients or access points in client mode If "Automatic" is set for "MAC Mode", spanning tree is not supported. Protocol Compatibility Select the compatibility mode of Spanning Tree. If, for example, you select RSTP, Spanning Tree behaves like RSTP. The following settings are available: - STP - RSTP - MSTP Note If iPCF mode is enabled, only the compatibility modes STP and RSTP are supported. CIST general The page consists of the following parts: The left-hand side of the page shows the configuration of the device. The central part shows the configuration of the root bridge that can be derived from the spanning tree frames received by a device. The right-hand side shows the configuration of the regional root bridge that can be derived from the MSTP frames received by a device. The displayed data is only visible if you have enabled "Spanning Tree" on the "General" page and if "MSTP" is set for "Protocol Compatibility". This also applies to the "Bridge Max Hop Count" parameter. If the device is a root bridge, the information on the left and right matches. 1572 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Bridge Priority / Root Priority (only available online) Which device becomes the root bridge is decided based on the bridge priority. The bridge with the highest priority becomes the root bridge. The lower the value, the higher the priority. If several devices in a network have the same priority, the device whose MAC address has the lowest numeric value will become the root bridge. Both parameters, bridge priority and MAC address together form the bridge identifier. Since the root bridge manages all path changes, it should be located as centrally as possible due to the delay of the frames. Bridge Address / Root Address(only available online) The bridge address shows the MAC address of the device and the root address shows the MAC address of the root bridge. Root Port (only available online) Shows the port via which the switch communicates with the root bridge. Root Cost (only available online) The path costs from this device to the root bridge. Topology Changes / Last Topology Change (only available online) The entry for the device shows the number of reconfigurations due to the spanning tree mechanism since the last startup. For the root bridge, the time since the last reconfiguration is displayed as follows: - Seconds: "Sec" unit after the number - Minutes: "Min" unit after the number - Hour: "Hr" unit after the number Bridge Hello Time / Root Hello Time (only available online) Each bridge regularly sends configuration frames (BPDUs). The interval between two such frames is the Hello time. The default for this parameter is 2 seconds. Bridge Forward Delay [s] / Root Forward Delay [s] New configuration data is not used immediately by a bridge but only after the period specified in the parameter. This ensures that operation is only started with the new topology after all the bridges have the required information. Bridge Max Age / Root Max Age (only available online) Bridge Max Age defines the maximum "age" of a received BPDU for it to be accepted as valid by the switch. The following values are available only in access point mode: Regional root priority (only available online) For a description, see Bridge Priority / Root Priority Regional root address (only available online) The MAC address of the device. Regional root costs (only available online) The path costs from this device to the root bridge. Bridge Max Hop Count This parameter specifies how many MSTP nodes a BPDU may pass through. If an MSTP BPDU is received and has a "Bridge Max Hop Count" that exceeds the value configured here, it is discarded. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1573 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Region Name Enter the name of the MSTP region to which this device belongs. As default, the MAC address of the device is entered here. This value must be the same on all devices that belong to the same MSTP region. Region Version Enter the version number of the MSTP region in which the device is located. This value must be the same on all devices that belong to the same MSTP region. Layer-2 Tunnel Admin Edge Port (only available in access point mode) Enable this setting if there can be an end device on a layer 2 tunnel port. Otherwise a reconfiguration of the network will be triggered whenever a link to this port is modified. The L2T clients should be interconnected. Layer-2 Tunnel Auto Edge Port(Only available in access point mode) Enable this setting if you want to detect automatically at all layer 2 tunnel ports whether or not an end device is connected. To reset the counters on this page the following button is available: Reset Counters (only available online) The values are reset with this button. CIST port MSTP-CIST port configuration When the page is called, the table displays the current status of the configuration of the port parameters. To configure them, click the relevant cells in the port table. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports of table 2. Spanning Tree Status Select the setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. 1574 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows the available ports and interfaces. - Port X - WLAN X - VAP X.Y - WDS X.Y Spanning Tree Status Specify whether or not the port is integrated in the spanning tree. Note If you disable the "Spanning Tree Status" setting for a port, this may cause the formation of loops. The topology must be kept in mind. Priority Enter the priority of the port. The priority is only evaluated when the path costs are the same. The value must be divisible by 16. If the value that cannot be divided by 16, the value is automatically adapted. Cost Calc. Enter the path cost calculation. If you enter the value "0" here, the automatically calculated value is displayed in the "Path Costs" box. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1575 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Path Costs (only available online) This parameter is used to calculate the path that will be selected. The path with the lowest value is selected as the path. If several ports of a device have the same value for the path costs, the port with the lowest port number is selected. If The "Cost Calc." is "0", the automatically calculated value is shown. Otherwise, the value of the "Cost Calc." box is displayed. The calculation of the path costs is largely based on the transmission speed. The higher the achievable transmission speed is, the lower the value of the path costs. Typical values for path costs with rapid spanning tree: - 10,000 Mbps = 2,000 - 1000 Mbps = 20,000 - 100 Mbps = 200,000 - 10 Mbps = 2,000,000 The values can, however, also be set individually. Status (only available online) Displays the current status of the port. The values are only displayed and cannot be configured. The "Status" parameter depends on the configured protocol. The following is possible for status: - Disabled The port only receives and is not involved in STP, MSTP and RSTP. - Discarding In the "Discarding" mode, BPDU frames are received. Other incoming or outgoing frames are discarded. - Listening In this status, BPDUs are both received and sent. The port is involved in the spanning tree algorithm. - Learning Stage prior to the forwarding status, the port is actively learning the topology (in other words, the node addresses). - Forwarding Following the reconfiguration time, the port is active in the network; it receives and forwards data frames. 1576 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Fwd. Trans (only available online) Specifies the number of changes from the "Discarding" status to the "Forwarding" status Edge type Specify the type of edge port. You have the following options: - "-" Edge port is disabled. The port is treated as a "no edge port". - Admin Select this option when there is always an end device on this port. Otherwise a reconfiguration of the network will be triggered each time a connection is changed. - Auto Select this option if you want a connected end device to be detected automatically at this port. When the connection is established the first time, the port is treated as a "no Edge Port". - Admin/Auto Select these options if you operate a combination of both on this port. When the connection is established the first time, the port is treated as an Edge Port. Edge (only available online) Shows the status of the port. - Enabled An edge port is connected to this port. - Disabled There is a spanning tree or rapid spanning tree device at this port. With an end device, a switch can change over the port faster without taking into account spanning tree frames. If a spanning tree frame is received despite this setting, the port automatically changes to the "Disabled" setting for switches. P.t.P. Type Select the required option. The selection depends on the port that is set. - "-" Point to point is calculated automatically. If the port is set to half duplex, a point-to-point link is not assumed. - P.t.P. Even with half duplex, a point-to-point link is assumed. - Shared Media Even with a full duplex connection, a point-to-point link is not assumed. Note Point-to-point connection means a direct connection between two devices. A shared media connection is, for example, a connection to a hub. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1577 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks P.t.P. - Enabled Shows that a point-to-point link exists. - Disabled Shows that no point-to-point link exists. Hello Time Enter the interval after which the bridge sends configuration BPDUs Note The port-specific setting of the Hello time is only possible in MSTP compatible mode. MST General Multiple Spanning Tree configuration With MSTP, in addition to RSTP, several VLANs can be managed in a LAN with separate RSTP trees. Settings MSTP Instance ID Enter the number of the MSTP instance. The table has the following columns: Select Select the line to be deleted. MSTP Instance ID Shows the number of the MSTP instance. Root Address Shows the MAC address of the root bridge Root Priority Shows the priority of the root bridge. Bridge Priority Enter the bridge priority. The value for the bridge priority is a whole multiple of 4096. VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID. Here, you can also specify ranges with Start ID, "-", End ID. Several ranges or IDs are separated by ",". MST port Configuration of the Multiple Spanning Tree port parameters On this page, you set the parameters for the ports of the configured multiple spanning tree instances. 1578 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings MSTP Instance ID Select the ID of the MSTP instance. Table 1 has the following columns 1st column Shows that the setting is valid for all ports. MSTP Status Select the setting. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2 Table 2 has the following columns: Port Shows all available ports and link aggregations. MSTP Instance ID ID of the MSTP instance. MSTP Status Enable or disable MSTP for this port. Priority Enter the priority of the port. The priority is only evaluated when the path costs are the same. The value must be divisible by 16. If the value that cannot be divided by 16, the value is automatically adapted. Cost Calc. Enter the path cost calculation in the input box. If you enter the value "0" here, the automatically calculated value is displayed in the next box "Path Costs". Path Costs (only available online) This parameter is used to calculate the path that will be selected. The path with the lowest value is selected as the path. If several ports of a device have the same value for the path costs, the port with the lowest port number is selected. If the value for the Cost Calc is "0" the automatically determined value is displayed. Otherwise, the value of the "Cost Calc box is displayed. The calculation of the path costs is largely based on the transmission speed. The higher the achievable transmission speed is, the lower the value of the path costs. Typical values for path costs with rapid spanning tree: - 10,000 Mbps = 2,000 - 1000 Mbps = 20,000 - 100 Mbps = 200,000 - 10 Mbps = 2,000,000 The values can, however, also be set individually. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1579 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status (only available online) Displays the current status of the port. The values are only displayed and cannot be configured. The following is possible for status: - Discarding The port exchanges MSTP information but is not involved in the data traffic. - Blocked In the blocking mode, BPDU frames are received. - Forwarding The port receives and sends data frames. Fwd. Trans(only available online) Specifies the number of status changes Discarding - Forwarding or Forwarding - Discarding for a port. DCP forwarding Applications The DCP protocol is used by STEP 7 and the PST Tool for configuration and diagnostics. When shipped, DCP is enabled on all ports; in other words, DCP frames are forwarded at all ports. With this option, you can disable the sending of these frames for individual ports, for example to prevent individual parts of the network from being configured with the PST Tool or to divide the full network into smaller parts for configuration and diagnostics. Note Empty table If you have enabled NAT on the device, the table is empty or will be emptied: Settings Port Shows the available ports. Setting Specify whether the port should block or forward outgoing DCP frames. The following options are available: - block No outgoing DCP frames are forwarded via this port. It is nevertheless still possible to receive via this port. - forward DCP frames are forwarded via this port. 1580 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks LLDP Identifying the network topology LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) is defined in the IEEE 802.AB standard. LLDP is a method used to discover the network topology. Network components exchange information with their neighbor devices using LLDP. Network components that support LLDP have an LLDP agent. The LLDP agent sends information about itself and receives information from connected devices at periodic intervals. The received information is stored in the MIB. Applications PROFINET uses the LLDP protocol for topology diagnostics. In the default setting, LLDP is enabled for all ports; in other words, LLDP frames are sent and received on all ports. With this function, you have the option of enabling or disabling sending and/or receiving per port. Settings The table has the following columns: Port Shows the port. Setting Specify the LLDP functionality. The following options are available: - Tx This port can only send LLDP frames. - Rx This port can only receive LLDP frames. - Rx & Tx This port can receive and send LLDP frames. - "-" (disabled) This port can neither receive nor send LLDP frames. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1581 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring layer 3 functions NAT Basic Note The page is only available SCALANCE W740, SCALANCE W730 and SCALANCE W722-1 RJ45 clients or access points in client mode. On this page, you specify the basic settings for NAT. Settings Interface Select the required interface. Enable NAT Enable or disable NAT for the Ethernet interface. Can only be enabled if "Own" is set on the client for "MAC Mode". TCP Idle Timeout [s] Enter the required time in seconds. If no data exchange takes place, the TCP connection is deleted from the translation table when this time has elapsed. The range of values is 1 to 4294967295. Default setting: 86400 seconds UDP Idle Timeout [s] Enter the required time in seconds. If no data exchange takes place, the UDP connection is deleted from the translation table when this time has elapsed. The range of values is 1 to 4294967295. Default setting: 300 seconds Local Interface IP address Enter the local IP address of the Ethernet interface. This IP address is the gateway address of the local device. Local Interface Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask for the local Ethernet. NAPT Note The page is only available SCALANCE W740, SCALANCE W730 and SCALANCE W722-1 RJ45 clients or access points in client mode. On this page, you define the translation list for communication from the global to the local network. 1582 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Interface Interface to which the settings relate. Can only be selected if the device has several interfaces. Traffic Type Specify the protocol for which the address assignment is valid. Global Port Enter the global port. Incoming frames with this port as the destination port are forwarded. Note If the port is already occupied by a local service, for example Telnet, a warning is displayed. In this case, avoid using TCP port 23 (Telnet), port 22 (SSH), ports 80/443 (http/https: reachability of the client with the WBM) and UDP port 161 (SNMP) as global port. Local IP address Enter the IP address of the node in the local network. The frame is forwarded to this IP address. Local Port Enter the number of the port. This is the new destination port to which the incoming frame will be forwarded. You can enter the same port in the local area network for more than one node. The table has the following columns: Select Select the lines to be deleted. Interface Shows the interface to which the settings relate. Activate When enabled, the entry for the address assignment is used. Traffic Type Shows the protocol for which the address assignment applies. Dynamic Global IP Address Shows whether or not dynamic address translation is used. Global IP Address Shows the global IP address to which the local IP address will be translated. Global Port Shows the global port. Local IP address Shows the IP address of the node in the local network. Local Port Shows the number of the local port. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1583 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring security functions Passwords Passwords Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. On this page, you can change passwords. If you are logged on with the "admin" role, you can change the passwords for all user accounts. If you are logged on with the "user" role, you can only change your own password. Note If you log on the first time or log on after a "Reset to factory defaults and restart", you will be prompted to change the password. Note If you are logged in via a RADIUS server, you cannot change any local device passwords. Note Changing the password in "Trial" configuration mode Even if you change the password in "Trial" configuration mode, this change is saved immediately. Note The factory settings for the passwords when the devices ship are as follows: admin: admin When you log in for the first time or following a "Restore Factory Defaults and Restart", with the preset user "admin" you will be prompted to change the password. Settings Current User Shows the user that is currently logged in. Current User Password Enter the password for the currently logged in user. User Account Select the user whose password you want to change. 1584 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Password Policy Shows which password policy is being used when assigning new passwords. - High Password length: at least 8 characters, maximum 128 characters at least 1 uppercase letter at least 1 special character at least 1 number - Low Password length: at least 6 characters, maximum 128 characters New Password Enter the new password again to confirm it. Password Confirmation Enter the new password again to confirm it. Options On this page you specify which password policy will be used when assigning new passwords. Description Password Policy Shows which password policy is currently being used New Password Policy Select the required setting from the drop-down list. - High Password length: at least 8 characters, maximum 128 characters at least 1 uppercase letter at least 1 special character at least 1 number - Low Password length: at least 6 characters, maximum 128 characters Users Local users Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. Local users On this page, you create local users with the corresponding rights. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1585 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks When you create or delete a local user this change is also made automatically in the table "External User Accounts". If you want to make change explicitly for the internal or external user table, use the CLI commands. Note The values displayed depend on the rights of the logged-in user. Description The page contains the following: User Account Enter the name for the user. The name must meet the following conditions: - It must be unique. - It must be between 1 and 250 characters long. Note User name cannot be changed After creating a user, the user name can no longer be modified. If a user name needs to be changed, the user must be deleted and a new user created. Note Default user "user" set in the factory As of firmware version 6.0 the default user set in the factory "user" is no longer available when the product ships. If you update a device to the firmware V6.0 the default user set in the factory "user" is initially still available. If you reset the device to the factory settings ("Restore Factory Defaults and Restart") the default user set in the factory "user" is deleted. You can create new users with the role "user". Password Policy Shows which password policy is being used. You configure the password policy, see the Security > Passwords > Options page 1586 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Password Enter the password. The strength of the password depends on the set password policy: Note Password Policy: Low Password length: at least 6 characters, maximum 128 characters Password Policy: High The password must meet the following conditions: Password length: at least 8 characters, maximum 128 characters At least 1 uppercase letter At least 1 special character At least 1 number Password Confirmation Enter the password again to confirm it. Role Select a role. You can choose between default and self-defined roles, refer to the page "Security > Users > Roles.". The table contains the following columns: Select Select the check box in the row to be deleted. Note The preset users as well as logged in users cannot be deleted or changed. User Account Shows the user name. Role Shows the role of the user. Description Displays a description of the user account. The description text can be up to 100 characters long. Roles Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1587 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Roles On this page, you create roles that are valid locally on the device. Note The values displayed depend on the rights of the logged-in user. Settings Role Name Enter the name for the role. The name must meet the following conditions: - It must be unique. - It must be between 1 and 64 characters long. Note Role name cannot be changed After creating a role, the name of the role can no longer be changed. If a name of a role needs to be changed, the role must be deleted and a new role created. Deleting roles Predefined roles and assigned roles cannot be deleted or modified. The table contains the following columns: Role Shows the name of the role. Function Right Select the function rights of the role. - 1 Users with this role can read device parameters but cannot change them. - 15 Users with this role can both read and change device parameters. Note Function right cannot be changed If you have assigned a role, you can no longer change the function right of the role. If you want to change the function right of a role, follow the steps outlined below: 1. Delete all assigned users. 2. Change the function right of the role: 3. Assign the role again. Description Enter a description for the role. With predefined roles a description is displayed. The description text can be up to 100 characters long. 1588 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Groups Note The page is only available if there is an online connection to the device. User Groups On this page you link a group with a role. In this example the group "Administrators" is linked to the "admin"role: The group is defined on a RADIUS server. The role is defined locally on the device. When a RADIUS server authenticates a user and assigns the user to the "Administrators" group, this user is given rights of the "admin" role. Settings Group Name Enter the name of the group. The name must match the group on the RADIUS server. The name must meet the following conditions: - It must be unique. - It must be between 1 and 64 characters long. The table contains the following columns: Group Shows the name of the group. Role Select a role. Users who are authenticated with the linked group on the RADIUS server receive the rights of this role locally on the device. You can choose between system-defined and self-defined roles, refer to the page "Security > Users > Roles.". Description Enter a description for the link of the a role. AAA User management Overview of user management Access to the device is managed by configurable user settings. Set up users with a password for authentication. Assign a role with suitable rights to the users. The authentication of users can either be performed locally by the device or by an external RADIUS server. You configure how the authentication is handled on the "Security > AAA > General" page. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1589 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Local logon The local logging on of users by the device runs as follows: 1. The user logs on with user name and password on the device. 2. The device checks whether an entry exists for the user. If an entry exists, the user is logged in with the rights of the associated role. If no corresponding entry exists, the user is denied access. Login via an external RADIUS server RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) is a protocol for authenticating and authorizing users by servers on which user data can be stored centrally. Depending on the RADIUS authorization mode you have selected on the "Security > AAA > RADIUS Client" page, the device evaluates different information of the RADIUS server. RADIUS authorization mode "Standard" If you have set the authorization mode "conventional", the authentication of users via a RADIUS server runs as follows: 1. The user logs on with user name and password on the device. 2. The device sends an authentication request with the login data to the RADIUS server. 3. The RADIUS server runs a check and signals the result back to the device. - The RADIUS server reports a successful authentication and returns the value "Administrative User" to the device for the attribute "Service Type". The user is logged in with administrator rights. - The RADIUS server reports a successful authentication and returns a different or even no value to the device for the attribute "Service Type". The user is logged in with read rights. - The RADIUS server reports a failed authentication to the device: The user is denied access. RADIUS authorization mode "SiemensVSA" Requirement For the RADIUS authorization mode "Siemens VSA" the following needs to be set on the RADIUS server: Manufacturer code: 4196 Attribute number: 1 Attribute format: Character string (group name) Procedure 1590 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If you have set the authorization mode "SiemensVSA", the authentication of users via a RADIUS server runs as follows: 1. The user logs on with user name and password on the device. 2. The device sends an authentication request with the login data to the RADIUS server. 3. The RADIUS server runs a check and signals the result back to the device. Case A: The RADIUS server reports a successful authentication and returns the group assigned to the user to the device. - The group is known on the device and the user is not entered in the table "External User Accounts" The user is logged in with the rights of the assigned group. - The group is known on the device and the user is entered in the table "External User Accounts" The user is assigned the role with the higher rights and logged in with these rights. - The group is not known on the device and the user is entered in the table "External User Accounts" The user is logged in with the rights of the role linked to the user account. - The group is not known on the device and the user is not entered in the table "External User Accounts" The user is logged in with the rights of the role "Default". Case B: The RADIUS server reports a successful authentication but does not return a group to the device. - The user is entered in the table "External User Accounts": The user is logged in with the rights of the linked role "". - The user is not entered in the table "External User Accounts": The user is logged in with the rights of the role "Default". Case C: The RADIUS server reports a failed authentication to the device: - The user is denied access. General The term "AAA" used in the menu stands for "Authentication, Authorization, Accounting" and is used to identify and allow network nodes, to provide them with the appropriate services and to determine the amount of use. On this page, you configure the login. Settings Note To be able to use the login authentication "RADIUS", "Local and RADIUS" or "RADIUS and fallback Local" a RADIUS server must be stored and configured for user authentication. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1591 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Login Authentication Specify how the login is made: - Local The authentication must be made locally on the device. - RADIUS The authentication must be handled via a RADIUS server. - Local and RADIUS The authentication is possible both with the users that exist on the device (user name and password) and via a RADIUS server. The user is first searched for in the local database. If the user does not exist there, a RADIUS query is sent. - RADIUS and fallback Local The authentication must be handled via a RADIUS server. A local authentication is performed only when the RADIUS server cannot be reached in the network. RADIUS client The term "AAA" used in the menu stands for "Authentication, Authorization, Accounting" and is used to identify and allow network nodes, to provide them with the appropriate services and to determine the amount of use. Authentication over an external server The concept of RADIUS is based on an external authentication server. Each row of the table contains access data for one server. In the search order, the primary server is queried first. If the primary server cannot be reached, secondary servers are queried in the order in which they are entered. If no server responds, there is no authentication. Settings The page contains the following boxes: RADIUS Authorization Mode For the login authentication, the RADIUS authorization mode specifies how the rights are assigned to the user with a successful authentication. - conventional In this mode the user is logged in with administrator rights if the server returns the value "Administrative User" to the device for the attribute "Service Type". In all other cases the user is logged in with read rights. - Vendor specific In this mode the assignment of rights depends on whether and which group the server returns for the user and whether or not there is an entry for the user in the table "External User Accounts". 1592 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Auth. Server Type Select which authentication method the server will be used for. - Login The server is used only for the login authentication. - 802.1X The server is used only for the 802.1X authentication. - Login & 802.1X The server is used for both authentication procedures. RADIUS Server Address Enter the IPv4 address or the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the RADIUS server. Server Port Here, enter the input port on the RADIUS server. As default, input port 1812 is set. Shared Secret Enter your access ID. Confirm Shared Secret Enter your access ID again as confirmation. Max. Retrans Enter the maximum number of query attempts before another configured RADIUS server is queried or the login counts as having failed. As default, 3 is set. Primary Server Specify whether or not this server is the primary server. You can select one of the options "yes" or "no". Test With this button, you can test whether or not the specified RADIUS server is available. The test is performed once and not repeated cyclically. Test Result Shows whether or not the RADIUS server is available: - Failed, no test packet sent The IP address is not reachable. The IP address is reachable, the RADIUS server is, however, not running. - Reachable, key not accepted The IP address is reachable, the RADIUS server does not, however accept the shared secret. - Reachable, key accepted The IP address is reachable, the RADIUS server accepts the specified shared secret. The test result is not automatically updated. To delete the test result click the "Refresh" button. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1593 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks MAC ACL Rule configuration On this page, you specify the access rules for the MAC-based Access Control List. Using the MAC-based ACL, you can specify whether frames of certain MAC addresses are forwarded or discarded. Settings Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Source MAC Enter the unicast MAC address of the source. Destination MAC Address Enter the unicast MAC address of the destination. Action Select the action. The following is possible: - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. Ingress Interfaces Shows a list of all interfaces to which this rule applies. Egress Interfaces Shows a list of all interfaces to which this rule applies. Note Entering the MAC addresses If you enter the address "00:00:00:00:00:00" for the source and/or destination MAC address, the rule created in this way applies to all source or destination MAC addresses. Ingress Rules On this page, you specify the ACL rule according to which incoming frames are handled by the port. 1594 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings Interface Select the required interface. Add Rule Select the ACL rule to be assigned to the interface. You specify the ACL rule on the "Rules Configuration" page. Add To permanently assign the ACL rule to the interface, click the "Add" button. The configuration is shown in the table. Remove Rule Select the ACL rule to be deleted. Remove To remove the ACL rule from the interface, click the "Remove" button. The table has the following columns: Rule Order Shows the order of the ACL rules. Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Source MAC Shows the unicast MAC address of the source. Destination MAC Address Shows the unicast MAC address of the destination. Action Shows the action: - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. Egress Rules On this page, you specify the ACL rule according to which outgoing frames are handled by the port. Settings Interface Select the required interface. Add Rule Select the ACL rule to be assigned to the interface. You specify the ACL rule on the "Rules Configuration" page. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1595 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Add To permanently assign the ACL rule to the interface, click the "Add" button. The configuration is shown in the table. Remove Rule Select the ACL rule to be deleted. Remove To remove the ACL rule from the interface, click the "Remove" button. The table has the following columns: Rule Order Shows the order of the ACL rules. Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Source MAC Shows the unicast MAC address of the source. Destination MAC Address Shows the unicast MAC address of the destination. Action Shows the action - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. IP ACL Rule configuration On this page, you specify the rules for the IP-based ACL. Settings The table has the following columns: Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Source IP Enter the IPv4 address of the source. Source Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask in which the source is located. Dest. IP Enter the IP address of the destination. 1596 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Dest. Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask in which the destination is located. Action Select whether the frame is forwarded or rejected when it corresponds to the ACL rule. - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. Ingress Interfaces Shows a list of all interfaces to which this rule applies. Egress Interfaces Shows a list of all interfaces to which this rule applies. Protocol configuration On this page, you specify the rules for protocols. Settings The table has the following columns: Rule Number Shows the number of the protocol rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Protocol Select the protocol for which this rule is valid. Protocol Number Enter a protocol number to define further protocols. This box can only be edited if you have set "Other Protocol" for the protocol. Source Port Min. Enter the lowest possible port number of the source port. This box can only be edited if you have set "TCP" or "UDP" for the protocol. Source Port Max. Enter the highest possible port number of the source port. This box can only be edited if you have set "TCP" or "UDP" for the protocol. Dest. Port Min. Enter the lowest possible port number of the destination port. This box can only be edited if you have set "TCP" or "UDP" for the protocol. Dest. Port Max. Enter the highest possible port number of the destination port. This box can only be edited if you have set "TCP" or "UDP" for the protocol. Message Type Enter a message type to decide the format of the message. This box can only be edited if you have set "ICMP" for the protocol. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1597 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Message Code Enter a message code to specify the function of the message. This box can only be edited if you have set "ICMP" for the protocol. DSCP Enter a value for classifying the priority. This box cannot be edited if you have set "ICMP" for the protocol. Ingress Rules On this page, you specify the ACL rule according to which incoming frames are handled by the port or VLAN. Settings Ports Select the required port: a port or a VLAN interface. To select a VLAN interface, an IP interface must be configured. Note If you use a VLAN interface, the ACL rule applies to all ports that belong to the VLAN. Add Rule Select the ACL rule to be assigned to the port. You specify the ACL rule on the "Rules Configuration" page. Add To permanently assign the ACL rule to the port, click the "Add" button. The configuration is shown in the table. Remove Rule Select the ACL rule to be deleted. Remove To remove the ACL rule from the port, click the "Remove" button. The table has the following columns: Rule Order Shows the order of the ACL rules. Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Protocol Shows the protocol for which this rule is valid. Protocol Number Shows the protocol number. Source IP Shows the IP address of the source. Source Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask in which the source is located. 1598 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Dest. IP Shows the IP address of the destination. Dest. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask of the destination. Action Select whether the frame is forwarded or rejected when it corresponds to the ACL rule. - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. Source Port Min. Shows the lowest possible port number of the source port. Source Port Max. Shows the highest possible port number of the source port. Dest. Port Min. Shows the lowest possible port number of the destination port. Dest. Port Max. Shows the highest possible port number of the destination port. Message Type Shows a message type to decide the format of the message. Message Code Shows a message code to specify the function of the message. DSCP Shows the value for classifying the priority. Egress Rules On this page, you specify the ACL rule according to which outgoing frames are handled by the port. Settings Ports Select the required port: a port or a VLAN interface. To select a VLAN interface, an IP interface must be configured. Note If you use a VLAN interface, the ACL rule applies to all ports that belong to the VLAN. Add Rule Select the ACL rule to be assigned to the port. You specify the ACL rule on the "Rules Configuration" page. Add To permanently assign the ACL rule to the port, click the "Add" button. The configuration is shown in the table. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1599 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Remove Rule Select the ACL rule to be deleted. Remove To remove the ACL rule from the port, click the "Remove" button. The table has the following columns: Rule Order Shows the order of the ACL rules. Rule Number Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. Protocol Shows the protocol for which this rule is valid. Protocol Number Shows the protocol number. Source IP Shows the IP address of the source. Source Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask in which the source is located. Dest. IP Shows the IP address of the destination. Dest. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask of the source. Action Select whether the frame is forwarded or rejected when it corresponds to the ACL rule. - Forward If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is forwarded. - Discard If the frame complies with the ACL rule, the frame is not forwarded. Source Port Min. Shows the lowest possible port number of the source port. Source Port Max. Shows the highest possible port number of the source port. Dest. Port Min. Shows the lowest possible port number of the destination port. Dest. Port Max. Shows the highest possible port number of the destination port. Message Type Shows a message type to decide the format of the message. Message Code Shows a message code to specify the function of the message. DSCP Shows the value for classifying the priority. 1600 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks WLAN Basic (Access Point) Safety levels To make the network secure, authentication and encryption are used. On this page, you specify the security settings. Note Transmission standard IEEE 802.11 n The transmission standard IEEE 802.11 n with the setting "802.11n" or "802.11 n only" supports only WPA2/ WPA2-PSK with AES in the security settings. iPCF or iPCF-MC If iPCF or iPCF-MC is enabled, only "Open System" with the encryption methods WEP or AES is supported in the security settings. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1601 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The table has the following columns: Interface Shows the available interfaces. Authentication Type Select the type of authentication. The selection depends on the operating mode and the transmission standard. - Open System There is no authentication. Encryption with a fixed (unchanging) WEP key can be selected as an option. To use the key, enable "Encryption". You define the WEP key on the "Keys" page. If iPCF mode is enabled, the encryption method AES with 128 bit key length is also supported. - Shared Key With this authentication, a fixed key is stored on the client and access point. This WEP key is then used for authentication and encryption. You define the WEP key on the "Keys" page. Note If you use "Open System" with "Encryption" or "Shared Key", Key 1 must always be set on the "Keys" page. - WPA (RADIUS) Wi-Fi Protected Access is a method specified by the Wi-Fi Alliance to close security gaps in WEP. Authentication using a server is stipulated (802.1x). The dynamic exchange of keys at each data frame introduces further security. - WPA-PSK WPA Pre Shared Key (WPA-PSK) is a weakened form of WPA. In this method, authentication is not established by a server but is based on a password. This password is configured manually on the client and server. - WPA2 (RADIUS) WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) is a further development of WPA and implements the functions of the IEEE 802.11i security standard. WPA authentication works, however, without the RADIUS server. - WPA2-PSK WPA2-PSK is based on the 802.11i standard. WPA authentication works, however, without a RADIUS server. Instead of this, a WPA(2) key (WPA(2) pass phrase) is stored on each client and access point. The WPA(2) pass phrase is used for authentication and further encryption. - WPA/WPA2-Auto-PSK Setting with which an access point can process both the "WPA-PSK" as well as the "WPA2-PSK" type of authentication. This is necessary when the access point communicates with different clients, some using "WPA-PSK" and others "WPA2-PSK". The same encryption method is set on the clients. 1602 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks - WPA/WPA2-Auto Setting with which an access point can process both the "WPA" as well as the "WPA2" type of authentication. This is necessary when the access point communicates with different clients, some using "WPA" and others "WPA2". The same encryption method is set on the clients Encryption Encryption protects the transferred data from eavesdropping and corruption. You can only disable encryption if you have selected "Open System" for authentication. All other security methods include both authentication and encryption. Cipher Select the encryption method. The selection depends on the transmission standard. - AUTO AES or TKIP is used depending on the capability of the other station. - WEP WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) A symmetrical stream encryption method with only 40- or 104-bit long keys based on the RC4 algorithm (Ron's Code 4). - TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) A symmetrical encryption method with the RC4 algorithm (Ron's Code 4). In contrast to the weak WEP encryption, TKIP uses changing keys derived from a main key. TKIP can also recognize corrupted data frames. - AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Strong symmetrical block encryption method based on the Rijndael algorithm that further improves the functions of TKIP. Note To provide better protection of your data against attacks, use WPA2/ WPA2-PSK with AES. WPA(2) Pass Phrase Enter a WPA(2) pass phrase here. This WPA(2) key must be known both at the client end and on the access point and is entered by the user at both ends. ASCII code 0x20 to 0x7e is used for the WPA(2) key. WPA(2) Pass Phrase Confirmation Confirm the entered WPA(2) key. Default Key Specify the WEP key used to encrypt the data. You define the WEP key on the "Keys" page. Options Which settings are possible depends on the "Authentication Type" you have selected. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Authentication type Encryption Cipher Encryption key source Open System disabled -- -- Open System Enabled WEP Default Key Open System Enabled AES Default Key (128-bit) 1) 1603 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Authentication type Encryption Cipher Encryption key source Shared Key Enabled WEP Default Key WPA (RADIUS) Enabled Auto/TKIP/AES RADIUS Server WPA-PSK Enabled Auto/TKIP/AES WPA(2) Pass Phrase WPA2 (RADIUS) Enabled Auto/TKIP/AES RADIUS Server WPA2-PSK Enabled Auto/TKIP/AES WPA(2) Pass Phrase WPA/WPA2-AutoPSK Enabled Auto/TKIP/AES WPA(2) Pass Phrase WPA/WPA2-Auto (RADI US) Enabled Auto/TKIP/AES RADIUS Server 1) available only with iPCF or iPCF-MC Basic (Client) Safety levels To make the network secure, authentication and encryption are used. On this page, you specify the security settings. Note Transmission standard IEEE 802.11 n The transmission standard IEEE 802.11 n with the setting "802.11n" or "802.11 n only" supports only WPA2/ WPA2-PSK with AES in the security settings. iPCF or iPCF-MC mode activated If iPCF or iPCF-MC mode is enabled, only "Open System" with the encryption method AES is supported in the security settings with Security Context 1. 1604 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The table has the following columns: Security context Shows the number of the entry. If you create a new entry, a new row with a unique number is created. You can create up to 8 security contexts. The security context 1 cannot be deleted. Authentication Type Select the type of authentication. The selection depends on the operating mode and the transmission standard. - Open System There is no authentication. Encryption with a fixed (unchanging) WEP key can be selected as an option. To use the key, enable "Encryption". You define the WEP key on the "Keys" page. If iPCF or iPCF-MC mode is enabled, only the encryption method AES with 128 bit key length is supported. - Shared Key In Shared Key authentication, a fixed key is stored on the client and access point. This WEP key is then used for authentication and encryption. You define the WEP key on the "Keys" page. - WPA (RADIUS) Wi-Fi Protected Access is a method specified by the Wi-Fi Alliance to close security gaps in WEP. Authentication using a server is stipulated (802.1x). The dynamic exchange of keys at each data frame introduces further security. Note Make the relevant RADIUS settings initially on the page "Security > WLAN > Basic". - WPA-PSK WPA Pre Shared Key (WPA-PSK) is a weakened form of WPA. In this method, authentication is not established by a server but is based on a password. This password is configured manually on the client and server. - WPA2 (RADIUS) WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) is a further development of WPA and implements the functions of the IEEE 802.11i security standard. WPA authentication works, however, without the RADIUS server. Note Make the relevant RADIUS settings initially on the page "Security > WLAN > Client Radius Supplicant". - WPA2-PSK WPA2-PSK is based on the 802.11i standard. WPA authentication works, however, without a RADIUS server. Instead of this, a WPA(2) key (WPA(2) pass phrase) is stored on each client and access point. The WPA(2) pass phrase is used for authentication and further encryption. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1605 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks - WPA/WPA2-Auto-PSK Setting with which an access point can process both the "WPA-PSK" as well as the "WPA2-PSK" type of authentication. This is necessary when the access point communicates with different clients, some using "WPA-PSK" and others "WPA2-PSK". The same encryption method is set on the clients. - WPA/WPA2-Auto Setting with which an access point can process both the "WPA" as well as the "WPA2" type of authentication. This is necessary when the access point communicates with different clients, some using "WPA" and others "WPA2". The same encryption method is set on the clients Encryption Encryption protects the transferred data from eavesdropping and corruption. You can only disable encryption if you have selected "Open System" for authentication. All other security methods include both authentication and encryption. Cipher Select the encryption method. The selection depends on the transmission standard. - AUTO AES or TKIP is used depending on the capability of the other station. - WEP WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) A symmetrical stream encryption method with only 40- or 104-bit long keys based on the RC4 algorithm (Ron's Code 4). - TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) A symmetrical encryption method with the RC4 algorithm (Ron's Code 4). In contrast to the weak WEP encryption, TKIP uses changing keys derived from a main key. TKIP can also recognize corrupted data frames. - AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Strong symmetrical block encryption method based on the Rijndael algorithm that further improves the functions of TKIP. Note To provide better protection of your data against attacks, use WPA2/ WPA2-PSK with AES. WPA(2) Pass Phrase Enter a WPA(2) pass phrase here. This WPA(2) key must be known on both the client and the access point and is entered by the user at both ends. For a key with 8 to 63 characters, you can only use the following readable ASCII characters: 0x20 - 0x7e. For a key with precisely 64 characters, you can use the following ASCII characters: 0 - 9, a - f and A - F. WPA(2) Pass Phrase Confirmation Confirm the entered WPA(2) key. Default Key Specify the WEP key used to encrypt the data. You define the WEP key on the "Keys" page. 1606 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks AP communication Communications options On this page, you specify the type of communication allowed by the access point. Note The page is available only in access point mode. Settings Table 1 has the following columns: Port Shows that the settings are valid for all ports of Table 2. within own VAP / with other VAPs / with Ethernet Select the setting you require. If "No Change" is selected, the entry in table 2 remains unchanged. Transfer to table If you click the button, the setting is adopted for all ports of table 2. Table 2 has the following columns: Radio Shows the available WLAN interfaces. Port Shows the VAP interface. within own VAP - Enabled Clients logged on to the same VAP interface of an access point can communicate with each other. - Disabled Option is disabled. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1607 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks with other VAPs Only available if the device has at least 2 VAP interfaces. - Enabled Clients logged on to different VAP interfaces of an access point can communicate with each other. - Disabled Option is disabled. Note For an access point, "with other VAPs" must be enabled on all WLAN interfaces or on all VAPs to allow communication between clients logged on at different VAP interfaces of the access point. with Ethernet - Enabled Clients can communicate via the Ethernet interface of the access point. - Disabled Option is disabled. Client RADIUS Supplicant Client Supplicant On this page, you configure the settings for the RADIUS authorization of the client. Note This page is only available for clients or access points in client mode. Settings The table has the following columns: Security context Shows the security context. Dot1x User Name Enter the user name with which the client will log on with the RADIUS server. Dot1x User Password Enter the password for the user name specified above. The client logs on with the RADIUS server using this combination. For password assignment, ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x7e are used. Confirm Dot1x user password Confirm the password. 1608 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Dot1x Check Server Certificate Specify whether or not the RADIUS server identifies itself to the client using a certificate. Dot1x EAP Types Specify the authentication method. The following methods are available: - Auto EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS or PEAP is used depending on the capability of the other station. - EAP-TLS Client logs on using a certificate. - EAP-TTLS The client logs on with the RADIUS server using the user name and password - PEAP The client logs on with the RADIUS server using the user name and password. AP RADIUS Authenticator Configuration of the RADIUS server On this page, you define the RADIUS servers and the RADIUS authentication of the access point. You can enter data for two RADIUS servers. Note The page is available only in access point mode. Settings Reauthentication Mode Specify who sets the time after which the clients are forced to reauthenticate. - '-' Disabled Reauthentication mode is disabled. - Server Enables time management on the server. - Local Enables local time management. In "Reauthentication Interval", specify the time of validity. Reauthentication Interval [s] If time management is local, enter the period of validity of the authentication in seconds. The minimum time is 1 minute (enter 60), the maximum time is 12 hours (enter 43200). The default is one hour (3,600 seconds). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1609 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Server IP Address Here, enter the IP address of the RADIUS server. Server Port Here, enter the input port on the RADIUS server. Shared Secret Enter the password of the RADIUS server. For the password, ASCII code 0x20 to 0x7e is used. Confirm Shared Secret Confirm the password. Max. Retransmissions Enter the maximum number of connection attempts. Primary Server Specify whether or not this server is the primary server. - yes: Primary server - no: Backup server. Status With this setting, you can enable or disable the RADIUS server Key Specifying the WEP key To allow you to enable the encryption for the "Open System" and "Shared Key" authentication methods, you must first enter at least one key in the key table. 1610 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The table has the following columns: Key 1 - 4 Enter the WEP or AES key. For the WEP key, characters of the ASCII code from 0x20 to 0x7E or hexadecimal characters from 0x00 to 0xFF are permitted. If iPCF or iPCF-MC mode is enabled, only the encryption method AES with 128-bit key length is supported. You can choose between the following key lengths: - 5 or 13 ASCII or 10 or 26 hexadecimal characters (40/104 bits) - 16 ASCII or 32 hexadecimal characters (128 bits) Note The hexadecimal characters are entered without being preceded by "0x". One hexadecimal character codes four bits. The entries "ABCDE" (ASCII characters) and "4142434445" (hexadecimal characters) are therefore the same because the ASCII character "A" has hexadecimal code "0x41". Key 1 - 4 Confirmation Confirm the WEP key. Management ACL On this page, you can increase the security of your device. To specify which station with which IP address is allowed to access your device, configure the IP address or an entire address range. You can select the protocols and the ports with which the station is allowed to access the device. You define the VLAN in which the station may be located. This ensures that only certain stations within a VLAN have access to the device. Note Note that a bad configuration may mean that you can no longer access the device. Settings Management ACL Enable or disable the function. IP Address Enter the IP address or the network address to which the rule will apply. If you use the IP address, the settings apply to all IP addresses. Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask. The subnet mask is for a specific IP address. If you want to allow a subnet, for example a C subnet, enter The subnet mask applies to all subnets. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1611 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The table has the following columns: Select Select the lines to be deleted. Rule Order Shows the number of the ACL rule. When you create a rule, a new row with a unique number is created. IP Address Shows the IP address. Subnet Mask Shows the subnet mask. VLANs Allowed Enter the number of the VLAN in which the device is located. The station can only access the device if it is located in this configured VLAN. If this input box remains empty, there is no restriction. SNMP Specify whether the station or the IP address accesses the device using the SNMP protocol. TELNET Specify whether the station or the IP address accesses the device using the TELNET protocol. HTTP Specify whether the station or the IP address accesses the device using the HTTP protocol. HTTPS Specify whether the station or the IP address accesses the device using the HTTPS protocol. SSH Specify whether the station or the IP address accesses the device using the SSH protocol. Px Specify whether the station or the IP address accesses the device via this port. WLAN1 (In client mode only) Specify whether the station or the IP address accesses the device via the WLAN interface. VAPX.Y (only in access point mode) Specify whether the station or the IP address accesses the device via the VAP interface. WDSX.Y (only in access point mode) Specify whether the station or the IP address accesses the device via the WDS interface. 1612 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Inter AP blocking Basic Note This tab is only available. - SCALANCE W780 / W770 - in access point mode This WBM page can only be configured with the following KEY-PLUGs: - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) - W700 Security (MLFB 6GK5907-0PA00) When should Inter AP blocking be used? The clients connected to an access point can normally communicate with all devices of the layer 2 network. With inter AP blocking, the communication of the clients connected to the access point can be restricted. Only the devices whose IP addresses are configured in "Allowed Addresses" on the access point are accessible to the clients. Communication with other nodes in the network is therefore prevented. Settings Refresh Interval [s] Enter the refresh interval for the ARP table. The table has the following columns: Radio Specifies the WLAN interface to which the settings relate. Port Specifies the VAP interface to which the settings relate. SSID Specifies the SSID to which the settings relate. Enabled When selected, the access restriction is used. You configure the devices that are accessible for the clients in "Security > Inter AP Blocking > Allow IP Addresses". Block Gratuitous ARP Requests When enabled, gratuitous ARP packets are not forwarded. Block Non-IP Frames When enabled, there is no exchange of non-IP packets, for example layer 2 packets between the client and the devices configured on the access point as permitted communications partners. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1613 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Allowed Addresses On this page you specify which devices are accessible to the clients. Note This tab is only available. - SCALANCE W780 / W770 - in access point mode This WBM page can only be configured with the following KEY-PLUGs: - W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) - W700 Security (MLFB 6GK5907-0PA00) Settings Port Select the required port. IP address Enter the IP address of the devices accessible to the client. The table has the following columns: Select Select the lines to be deleted. Radio Specifies the WLAN interface to which the settings relate Port Specifies the VAP interface to which the settings relate IP address IP Address of the devices accessible to the client. If necessary, you can change the IP address. Resolver IP Address The IP address with which the allowed IP address is resolved. The entry is necessary if the management IP address is located in a different subnet. If the IP address "" is configured for "IP address resolution", the management IP address is used for the resolution. 1614 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring iFeatures iPCF Note iPCF for clients or access points in client mode SCALANCE W740, SCALANCE W734-1 RJ-45 and SCALANCE W722-1 RJ-45 The setting can only be configured with the following KEY-PLUG: - Client: W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00) iPCF in access point mode SCALANCE W780 and SCALANCE W774-1 RJ-45 The setting can only be configured with the following KEY-PLUG: - Access point: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) When should iPCF be used? The use of iPCF is advisable particularly if you have a large number of nodes and want to implement highly deterministic operation. This is necessary, for example with PROFINET or other cyclic protocols. Note iPCF, iPCF-MC and iPRP are not compatible with each other and cannot be used at the same time on a device. Settings In both modes, the table has the following columns: Radio Specifies the WLAN interface to which the settings relate. Enable iPCF Enable or disable iPCF mode. For PROFINET communication, we recommend that you enable the iPCF mode. By enabling iPCF, the data rates provided by the access point are adapted. We strongly recommend that you retain the default setting for the data rates (802.11 a/b/g = 12 Mbps and 802.11n = MCS 2). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1615 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks In access point mode, the table has the following additional columns: Protocol Support Specify which protocol is handled with priority by the WLAN interface. - PROFINET if you set PROFINET, there must be no PROFINET controller downstream from the client. - EtherNet/IP If you set Ethernet/IP, there must be no scanner downstream from the client. - Disabled The function is disabled. iPCF Cycle Time [ms] Select the required cycle time from the drop-down list. The following points need to be taken into account when setting the cycle time. Otherwise it may not be possible to establish stable communication. - There is only one access point in the system; in other words, the clients move only in one wireless cell. In this case, update times >= 16 ms are supported. - There are several access points in the system that communicate over different channels. The clients roam between the access points. In this case, select update times >= 32 ms. In addition to the guide values shown above, remember that the shortest cycle time to be set is calculated according to the formula "2 ms * max. number of nodes". Scanning Mode The selected setting affects the scanning of the logged-on clients. The following settings are available: - All Channels The client scans all permitted channels and selects the access point with the best signal strength and connects to it. - Next Channel The client scans the next channel from its permitted channel list. If an access point is there, it connects to it. If it does not find an access point on this channel, it scans the next channel. Signal Quality Threshold Can only be configured if "Next Channel" is set for "Scanning Mode". The client is given a minimum signal strength with which the access point must be seen during the scan so that a connection can be established to it. The following threshold values exist for the signal strength: 1616 Level Signal quality in RSSI Signal quality in % 1 20 40 2 25 50 3 30 60 4 35 70 5 40 80 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks iPCF-MC Requirements to be able to use iPCF-MC: The access point has at least two WLAN interfaces (dual AP). Access point mode: Only dual APs with KEY-PLUG W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Client mode: Client with KEY-PLUG W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00) The management interface and data interface must be operated in the same frequency band and mode and must match in terms of their wireless coverage. iPCF-MC will not work if both wireless interfaces are equipped with directional antennas that cover different areas. The management interfaces of all access points to which a client can change must use the same channel. A client scans only this one channel to find accessible access points. Transmission based on IEEE801.11h (DFS) cannot be used for the management interface. 801.11h (DFS) is possible for the data interface. The client cannot be operated with "Use Allowed Channels only". "Force Roaming on link down" is automatically mirrored on the second interface. The following applies to clients: All configured and active SSIDs must be assigned to security context 1. An SSID is active when the corresponding check box "Enabled" is selected on the page "Interfaces > WLAN > Client". In Japan, iPCF-MC cannot be enabled if the data or management interface uses a frequency of the 4920 MHz - 5080 MH frequency band. When should iPCF-MC be used? iPCF was developed to achieve short handover times when roaming between cells. The iPCFMC technique allows short handover times even for freely mobile clients and when a lot of cells are involved or a large number of channels is being used. Note iPCF, iPCF-MC and iPRP are not compatible with each other and cannot be used at the same time on a device. With 11n devices, remember that the assignment of the WLAN interfaces is fixed for iPCFMC. - WLAN1: Data interface - WLAN2: Management interface WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1617 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The following setting exists in both modes Enable iPCF-MC Enable or disable the iPCF-MC mode of the device. For PROFINET communication, we recommend enabling the iPCF-MC mode. By enabling iPCF-MC, the data rates provided by the access point are adapted. We strongly recommend that you retain the default setting for the data rates (802.11 a/b/g = 12 Mbps and 802.11n = MCS 2). The following setting exists only in access point mode iPCF Cycle Time Select the update time configured for the network to which the access point is connected. The lowest value for the update time is 32 ms. The following setting exists only in client mode Management Scan Period This parameter specifies the time between two client background scans (specified in iPCF cycles). If, for example, you select two, the client runs a background scan only in every second iPCF cycle. A lower value for the background scan interval provides the basis for fast roaming, however this means that no high data throughput can be achieved. A higher value should be selected for a high data throughput. Protocol Support (only in access point mode) Specify which protocol is handled with priority. PROFINET if you set PROFINET, there must be no PROFINET controller downstream from the client. EtherNet/IP If you set Ethernet/IP, there must be no scanner downstream from the client. iPRP Note This page is only available with SCALANCE W780/W740 with SCALANCE W770/W730 The following KEY-PLUGs are inserted: Access point: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Client: W740 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-4PA00) 1618 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks When should iPRP be used? Note Use of iPRP with other iFeatures IPRP and other iFeatures (e.g. iPCF. iPCF-MC, ) are not compatible with each other and cannot be used at the same time on a device. With the "industrial Parallel Redundancy Protocol" (iPRP) the PRP technology can be used in a wireless network. With IPRP the PRP frames are transferred parallel via two wireless links. The parallel transfer allows disruptions of the transfer on one wireless link to be compensated on the other. Requirement The Base Bridge mode "802.1Q VLAN Bridge" is set. The VLANs have been created. Access point mode: The VAP interface is enabled. Client mode: For "MAC Mode", Layer 2 Tunnel is set. Settings The page contains the following: PRP A Select the VLAN assignment for PRP from the drop-down list. PRP B Select the VLAN assignment for PRP B from the drop-down list. This table contains the following columns: Interface Shows the available interfaces. Enable iPRP Enable or disable iPRP for the required interface. PRP Network Specify the PRP network in which the interface is a member. iREF Note The page is available only in access point mode. The function is supported by SCALANCE W780 / W770. The setting can only be configured with the following KEY-PLUG: - Access point: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1619 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks When should iREF be used? With iREF, the data can be sent with the highest possible transmit power. This applies in particular to use cases in which MIMO cannot be used, is of no advantage or when using sector antennas. Note Use of iREF with other iFeatures iREF and other iFeatures (e.g. iPCF) are not compatible with each other and cannot be used at the same time on a device. Settings The table has the following columns: Radio Specifies the WLAN interface to which the settings relate. Enable iREF Enable or disable iREF for the required WLAN interface. The result is shown in "Information > WLAN >iFeatures". Note To be able to use iREF, there must be at least two antennas. The antennas are automatically switched to antenna mode RX/TX as soon as iREF is enabled. AeroScout Note The page is only available - SCALANCE W780 / W770 - in access point mode The setting can only be configured with the following KEY-PLUG: - Access point: W780 iFeatures (MLFB 6GK5 907-8PA00) Note The AeroScout function cannot be combined with other iFeatures (iPCF,iPCF-MC, iREF). AeroScout can only be used in the 2.4 GHz band according to IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11n-only. For more detailed information, please refer to the AeroScout documentation ( 1620 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings The table has the following columns: Radio Specifies the WLAN interface to which the settings relate. Enable AeroScout Enable or disable AeroScout support for the required WLAN interface. The result is shown in "Information > WLAN iFeatures". This page is only available in the WBM. Configuring AS-i devices Digital addresses Bit assignment The bit assignment is determined from the IO code (I/O configuration) of the configured AS-i slave. The following table shows the bit assignment. IO code Offset of the input bits Offset of the output bits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 (EEEE) IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 - - - - 1 (EEE-) IN1 IN2 IN3 - - - - - 2 (EEEE) IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 - - - - 3 (EEA-) IN1 IN2 - - - - OUT1 - 4 (EEBE) IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 - - OUT1 - 5 (EAAA) IN1 - - - - OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 6 (BBBB) IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 7 (BBBB) IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 8 (AAAA) - - - - OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 9 (AAAE) - - - IN1 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 - A (AAAB) - - - IN1 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 B (AAEE) - - IN1 IN2 OUT1 OUT2 - - C (AABB) - - IN1 IN2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 D (AEEE) - IN1 IN2 IN3 OUT1 - - - E (ABBB) - IN1 IN2 IN3 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 IN1 = first input of the AS-i slave, IN2 = second input of the AS-i slave, etc. OUT1 = first output of the AS-i slave, OUT2 = second output of the AS-i slave, etc. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1621 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note The labeling of the inputs and outputs on the AS-i slaves may differ from this illustration. For A/B slaves (with ID code = A), output bit offset 0.3 is not occupied. Exception: An A/B slave with 4 inputs and 4 outputs (IO code = 7, ID code = A) occupies all output bits. The actual address of the bit is calculated from the input and/or output address plus that of the offset given in this table. Example Input address 100.0 and output address 200.4 have been set. The IO code of the slave has been set to "3 (EEA-)". The AS-i slave data then lies in the process image on input and/or output bits E100.0, E100.1 and A200.6. Network configuration of AS interface AS-Interface consists of an AS-i master and AS-i slaves connected to each other over an ASi subnet. Rules for AS interface network configuration All the nodes in an AS-i subnet must have a different AS-i node address. You should only load the settings over the network when all the modules in a subnet have different addresses and when the actual structure matches that of the network configuration you have created. One AS-i master and up to 62 AS-i slaves can be operated on an AS-i subnet. For more information on configuring an AS-Interface with an AS-i master and AS-i slaves, refer to the section on AS-Interface and the documentation of the AS-i master modules. I/O range Input and output ranges The CM AS-i Master ST module has an I/O range (process image for inputs and outputs) for transferring the AS-i slave input and output data to the CPU of the PLC. The permissible length of the I/O range, as well as the assignment of I/O addresses to AS-i slaves, is dependent on the configuration used. The input and output ranges have the same length. The length of data configured is always transferred, although data not used by slaves is filled with substitute values. If a configured slave is not present (e.g. in the event of slave failure), the allocated input range is populated with substitute values. 1622 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks In the event of a slave failure, no I/O area access error is generated because the entire I/O range is transferred, filled with either process values or substitute values. In order to achieve the best possible performance, select the length of the I/O range based on the volume of data used by the slaves. If the length is set to > 32 bytes, the module in the ET 200SP slot uses time division multiplexing to internally transfer data with a block size of 32 bytes. Properties of the I/O range for different configurations CM AS-i Master ST, FW version V1.0 Length of I/O range: 32 bytes The digital inputs and outputs of the AS-i slaves are assigned to the addresses in the I/O range according to a defined format. See the table below for more details. The analog inputs and outputs of the AS-i slaves can be transferred via data record communication. The following table shows the assignment of the digital I/O address to the AS-i slave address: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Byte Bit 7 ... 4 Bit 3 ... 0 n+0 Reserved Slave 1 or 1A n+1 Slave 2 or 2A Slave 3 or 3A n+2 Slave 4 or 4A Slave 5 or 5A n+3 Slave 6 or 6A Slave 7 or 7A n+4 Slave 8 or 8A Slave 9 or 9A n+5 Slave 10 or 10A Slave 11 or 11A n+6 Slave 12 or 12A Slave 13 or 13A n+7 Slave 14 or 14A Slave 15 or 15A n+8 Slave 16 or 16A Slave 17 or 17A n+9 Slave 18 or 18A Slave 19 or 19A n+10 Slave 20 or 20A Slave 21 or 21A n+11 Slave 22 or 22A Slave 23 or 23A n+12 Slave 24 or 24A Slave 25 or 25A n+13 Slave 26 or 26A Slave 27 or 27A n+14 Slave 28 or 28A Slave 29 or 29A n+15 Slave 30 or 30A Slave 31 or 31A n+16 Status data Slave 1B n+17 Slave 2B Slave 3B n+18 Slave 4B Slave 5B n+19 Slave 6B Slave 7B n+20 Slave 8B Slave 9B n+21 Slave 10B Slave 11B n+22 Slave 12B Slave 13B n+23 Slave 14B Slave 15B n+24 Slave 16B Slave 17B n+25 Slave 18B Slave 19B 1623 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks n+26 Slave 20B Slave 21B n+27 Slave 22B Slave 23B n+28 Slave 24B Slave 25B n+29 Slave 26B Slave 27B n+30 Slave 28B Slave 29B n+31 Slave 30B Slave 31B n = Start address Status data only possible with CM AS-i Master ST from FW version V1.1 onwards, otherwise these 4 bits are not used (reserved). CM AS-i Master ST, from FW version V1.1 with configuration via acceptance of ACTUAL configuration, e.g. via SET button Note No configuration of AS-i slaves in STEP 7 and/or configuration via GSD Switchable I/O range length: 16 bytes or 32 bytes The digital inputs and outputs of the AS-i slaves are assigned to the addresses in the I/O range according to a defined format. See above table. The analog inputs and outputs of the AS-i slaves can be transferred via data record communication. When the length is set to 16 bytes, the digital I/Os of the AS-i slaves with B addresses are not transferred. When the length is set to 32 bytes, 4 bits of status data can be additionally transferred. CM AS-i Master ST, from FW version V1.1 with configuration of AS-i slaves in STEP 7 (i.e. selection of AS-i slaves from hardware catalog) Settable I/O range length: 4 ... 288 bytes Possible settings: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288 bytes The digital and analog inputs and outputs of the AS-i slaves can be freely assigned within the I/O range. The digital and analog inputs and outputs of the AS-i slaves can also be transferred via data record communication. Further factors affecting the length of the I/O range: Length of I/O range: 4 ... 256 bytes for configurations with IM 155-6 PN ST from FW V3.1 onwards Length of I/O range: 4 ... 32 bytes for configurations with IM 155-6 PN ST < FW V3.1 Restriction when operating under CPU S7-300 FW version < V3 - length of I/O range: max. 224 bytes Length of I/O range: 4 ... 32 bytes for configurations with IM 155-6 DP HF 1624 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks I/O configuration for AS-i slaves I/O configuration The I/O configuration is assigned as follows on the basis of the I/O code standard: Table 10-101 AS-i standard slave I/O code I/O configuration D0 D1 D2 D3 0 I I I I 1 I I I O 2 I I I B 3 I I O O 4 I I B B 5 I O O O 6 B B B B 7 B B B B 8 O O O O 9 O O O I A O O O B B O O I I C O O B B D O I I I E O B B B F F F F F Key: I=Input; O=Output; B=Bidirectional (input/output); F=TriState Table 10-102 AS-i A/B slave I/O code WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 I/O configuration D0 D1 D2 D3 0 I I I I 1 I I I - 2 I I I I 3 I I O - 4 I I B I 5 I O O - 6 B B B I 7 B B B I 8 O O O - 9 O O O I A O O O I B O O I I 1625 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks I/O code I/O configuration D0 D1 D2 D3 C O O B I D O I I I E O B B I F F F F F Key: I=Input; O=Output; B=Bidirectional (input/output); F=TriState Operating principle of the safe AS-i outputs Safety-related communication for safe AS-i outputs also uses code sequences. However, they have a different data structure compared to the code sequences of safe ASi input slaves. The code sequences for safe AS-i outputs do not have to be taught and transferred. For the function of a safe ASi output, you need the following components: A control unit An evaluation unit Control unit The control unit outputs safety-related IN or OUT control commands to the AS-i bus. The control unit is integrated in the FCM ASi Safety ST module. The control unit assumes an active position in the communication. It acts like an AS-i slave and has an AS-i address that must be called by the ASi master. The values in the output data of the AS-i master are not relevant in this case. The FCM ASi Safety ST module inserts the safety-related control data into the communication data. Besides controlling the OFF state according to specification, a control unit can control up to four different output switching states: FOUT 1, FOUT 2, FOUT 3, and FOUT 4. The FCM ASi Safety ST module, however, makes available only the output switching state FOUT 1, i.e., The OFF and ON states are controlled. In addition to the switching states, a control unit can send out two different auxiliary signals: AUX1 and AUX2. You can use these auxiliary signals for error acknowledgement in the evaluation unit. For technical reasons, the AUX1 and AUX2 signals are mapped in the safe process image output. The auxiliary signals are not safety-related signals, however. During control by the safety program, the FCM ASi Safety ST module sends a sequence from each auxiliary signal one after the other on the AS-i bus. Up to 16 different control units can be activated in the FCM ASi Safety ST module. The control units are managed in the FCM ASi Safety ST module as switching group 0 to switching group 15. If you want to use more than 16 different control units, you can plug two FCM ASi Safety ST modules into the ET 200SP station. 1626 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Observe the information on the bus configuration in Section AUTOHOTSPOT. NOTICE Uniqueness of the ASi address on the AS-i bus Carefully check the ASi addresses for the control of the safe ASi outputs. Ensure that the assigned AS-i address exists only once on the AS-i bus. This is particularly important when you are using multiple devices that can control safe AS-i outputs on the same AS-i bus. If this is not observed, reliable shutdown of a safe output module is not guaranteed. Evaluation unit The evaluation unit reads the safety-related control commands ON or OFF on the AS-i bus and passes corresponding switching commands, e.g., to switching contacts. In case of error, e.g., communication error on the AS-i bus, the evaluation unit switches off. The evaluation unit is integrated in the safe AS-i output module to which, for example, drive contactor coils are connected. The evaluation unit behaves as a passive unit in the AS-i communication. The master does not detect the evaluation unit and does not call it. The evaluation unit monitors the communication of the AS-i address of the control unit and reacts to its safety-related control signals. You set the AS-i address (see Section "Control unit") the evaluation unit is to monitor. You can set multiple evaluation units to the same address so that a control unit can control multiple safe output modules simultaneously. NOTICE Bus cycle time for safe AS-i outputs An evaluation unit requires a minimum AS-i bus cycle time. Ensure that at least 5 AS-i addresses are present on the AS-i bus. Otherwise, the control unit goes to error state. When A/B slaves are used, at least 5 different numerical AS-i addresses must be present. That is, a combination of slave addresses 1A and 1B count as 1 numerical address. The FCM ASi Safety ST module does not have a monitoring function for this configuration rule. Configuring PROFIBUS DP (S7-1200) The basics of configuring a DP master system (S7-1200) Distributed I/O DP master systems that consist of a DP master and DP slaves which are connected via a bus and communicate with one another via the PROFIBUS DP protocol are referred to as distributed I/O. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1627 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Firmware version of the S71200 CPU Use of the PROFIBUS functions with the S71200, requires CPUs with firmware version 2.0 or higher. Configuring distributed I/O Since DP masters and DP slaves are different devices, these instructions only provide a basic configuration procedure. However, the process for configuring distributed I/O is practically identical to that of non-distributed configuration. Creating the DP master system in the network view After you have used dragged a DP master and a DP slave (for example, a CM 12435 and a CM 12435) from the hardware catalog to the network view, connect them both to a PROFIBUS subnet. Additional information Observe additional information on the scope of functions in the manuals of the respective device. DP slaves within the hardware catalog (S7-1200) DP slaves within the hardware catalog You will find the DP slaves in the "Distributed I/O" folder of the hardware catalog. Compact and modular DP slaves are located there: Compact DP slaves Modules with integrated digital/analog inputs and outputs, for example, ET 200L Modular DP slaves (Interface modules with S7 modules assigned, for example, ET 200M The available DP master and the desired functionality will determine which DP slaves can be used. I slaves within the hardware catalog The CM 1242-5 is, for example, an DP slave that can be configured as intelligent DP slave. You can find it in the hardware catalog at: CM 12425 "PLC > SIMATIC S7 1200 > Communication module > PROFIBUS" 1628 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks DP/DP coupler in the hardware catalog (S7-1200) Introduction A DP/DP coupler connects two PROFIBUS DP networks as a gateway so that the DP master from one network can transfer data to the DP master of the other network. The maximum amount of data that can be transferred is 244 bytes input data and 244 bytes output data. DP/DP coupler in the hardware catalog Details of a DP/DP coupler as gateway between two DM master systems are contained in the hardware catalog in the folder "Other field devices > PROFIBUS-DP > Gateways". Configuring the DP/DP coupler DP/DP couplers are configured in both PROFIBUS networks, each in their own master systems. The input and output areas of both networks must thereby be matched to one another. The output data from one end of the DP/DP coupler are accepted as input data at the other respective end and vice versa. Configurations involving PROFIBUS DP (S7-1200) Configurations involving basic DP slaves (S7-1200) Communication between DP master and DP slave In the case of a configuration involving simple DP slaves, data is exchanged between the DP master and simple DP slaves, i.e. with I/O modules via the DP master. The DP master sequentially polls each DP slave configured within the DP master system and contained in its polling list. In doing so, it transfers the output data to the slaves and receives their input data in return. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1629 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Mono-master system The configuration with only one DP master is also described as mono-master system. A single DP master with its associated DP slaves is connected to a physical PROFIBUS DP subnet. '3PDVWHUV\VWHP '3PDVWHU '3VODYH '3VODYH '3VODYH Configurations involving intelligent DP slaves (S7-1200) Definition DP slaves that feature their own preprocessing program are referred to as intelligent DP slaves (I-slaves). CM 1242-5 is an intelligent DP slave. I-slave <> DP master data exchange A higher-level automation system processes the automation task, which is broken down into sub-tasks. The sub-tasks are processed in the lower-level automation systems. The necessary control tasks are processed separately and efficiently in the CPUs as preprocessing programs. In the case of configurations involving intelligent DP slaves, the DP master only accesses the operand area of the I-slave's CPU, and not the I/O modules of the intelligent DP slave. The operand area must not be assigned to any actual I/O modules in the I-slave. The assignment must be made during I-slave configuration. The addresses of the data to be exchanged between the master and slave are configured in the transfer area of the I-slave. 1630 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks '3PDVWHUV\VWHP '3PDVWHU 'DWDH[FKDQJH '3VODYH '3VODYH '3VODYH ,VODYH Configuring distributed I/O systems (S7-1200) Creating a DP master system (S7-1200) Introduction To create a PROFIBUS DP master system, you need to have one DP master and at least one DP slave. As soon as you connect a DP master to a DP slave via their PROFIBUS DP interfaces, a master-slave link is established. DP master and DP slave The DP master must have a PROFIBUS DP interface. When using an S7-1200 CPU with PROFINET interface, you require the communications module CM 12435 with PROFIBUS DP interface for use as the DP master. As DP slave, you can use head modules of the distributed I/O with PROFIBUS DP interface or CPUs as intelligent DP slaves. When using an S7-1200 CPU with PROFINET interface, you require the communications module CM 12425 with PROFIBUS DP interface to use the CPU as an intelligent DP slave. Requirement You are in the network view. The hardware catalog is open. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1631 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure To create a DP master system, for example with a CPU 1217C , follow these steps: 1. Select a CPU 1217C from the hardware catalog as a potential DP master. 2. Drag the CPU onto the free area within the network view. 3. Select the communications module CM 12435 from the hardware catalog. 4. Drag the communications module to the CPU in the network view. 5. Right-click on the DP interface of the communications module. 6. Select "Create master system" from the shortcut menu. A DP master system with a CPU 1217C is created as the only node via the CM 12435 as DP master. If you connect the DP interface of a DP slave to the DP interface of the DP master, the DP slave will be added automatically to the DP master system. If there is not yet a subnet between the DP master and DP slave, a new subnet is created between the DP master and DP slave. To include, for example, a CPU 1217C with communications module CM 12425 as an intelligent DP slave in the DP master system, follow the steps below: 1. Click on the DP interface of the DP master (interface of the CM 12435) or DP slave (interface of the CM 12425). 2. Hold down the mouse button and draw a connecting line between this DP interface and that of the desired communication partner. or 1. Click on the hyperlink of the DP slave CPU 1217C with CM 12425. 2. Select the required DP master from the list of possible DP masters displayed. The intelligent DP slave CPU 1217C with CM 12425 is included in the DP master system as DP master with CPU 1217C and CM 12435 . 1632 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Drag between the DP interfaces of DP slave to DP master. Click on the link of an unassigned DP slave, and a selection of possible DP masters opens. If necessary, adapt the properties of the PROFIBUS subnet or of the DP master (e.g. PROFIBUS address) in the Inspector window under "Properties". DP master display on the DP slave When a DP slave is connected to a DP master, the name of the DP master is displayed on the DP slave as a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to select the associated DP master. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1633 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Highlighting applied to the DP master system When you create a new DP master system, highlighting will be applied to it. This enables you to identify quickly which devices belong to the DP master system. You can also highlight a DP master system yourself by moving the mouse pointer over a subnet. This will result in the names of the available DP master systems being displayed. Click the required DP master system to highlight it. There are various ways of removing the highlighting from a DP master system: Highlight a different DP master system. Click on the pin with the name of the DP master system in the top right-hand corner of the network view. Editing DP master systems and interfaces (S7-1200) Introduction Once you have created a DP master system, you also have the option of disconnecting the DP master system from its components. This can result in subnets with DP slaves but without DP master. Generally, there is no need to edit the interfaces of a DP master. You can change the name and number on the DP master system. Disconnection of master or slaves from the DP master system If you have configured a PROFIBUS CP as a DP master with master system, you can then disconnect the DP master system from the DP master. After this, the device will no longer be connected to the DP master system. Disconnecting the subnet from a DP master effectively eliminates the master system in the sense that it is no longer assigned to a DP master. However, the individual DP slaves are still interconnected via the subnet. 1634 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If you delete the DP slaves or disconnect them from the master system, the master system is then retained on the DP master. Requirement You must be in the network view. There has to be a DP master system with one DP master and at least one DP slave. Disconnecting the DP master from the DP master system To disconnect the DP master system, proceed as follows: 1. Right-click on the DP master's DP interface. 2. Select "Disconnect from master system" from the shortcut menu. The selected DP master will be disconnected from the DP master system. A subnet with the DP slaves will be retained. Adding a DP master to the DP master system To reassign a DP master to a subnet, proceed as follows: 1. Right-click on the DP master's DP interface. 2. Select "Create master system" from the shortcut menu. 3. Draw connecting lines between the new DP master system and the DP interfaces of the DP slaves. The DP master combines with the DP slaves to recreate a DP master system. Editing the properties of a DP master system To edit the properties of a DP master system, proceed as follows: 1. Move the mouse pointer over a subnet with a DP master system. 2. A message will appear displaying the available DP master systems. Click the one you want to edit. The DP master system will now be color-highlighted. 3. Click on the highlighted DP master system. 4. In the inspector window, edit the DP master system attributes under "Properties > General". Note If you click a subnet when no DP master system is highlighted, you will be able to edit the properties of the entire subnet under "Properties" in the inspector window. Adding DP slaves to the master system and configuring them (S7-1200) In the network view, you can add various DP slaves from the hardware catalog directly by using the drag-and-drop function or by double-clicking. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1635 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Types of DP slaves For configuration purposes, DP slaves are broken down into the following categories: Compact DP slaves (Modules with integrated digital/analog inputs and outputs, for example, ET 200L) Modular DP slaves (interface modules with S5 or S7 modules assigned, for example ET 200M) Intelligent DP slaves (I-slaves) (SIMATIC S7-300 with, for example, CP 342-5, CPU 315-2 DP, or ET 200S with IM 151-7 CPU) Slot rules Your DP master system should only contain one DP master, but it may contain one or or more DP slaves. You may only configure as many DP slaves in a DP master system as are permitted for the specific DP master. Note When configuring the DP master system, remember to observe the DP master technical data (max. number of nodes, max. number of slots, max. quantity of user data). User data restrictions may possibly prevent you from being able to use the maximum number of nodes that is theoretically possible. Requirements You are in the network view. A DP master system must have been created. Adding a DP slave to the DP master system To add a DP slave from the hardware catalog to the DP master system, follow these steps: 1. Select a DP slave from the hardware catalog. 2. Drag-and-drop the DP slave from the hardware catalog into the network view. 3. Draw a connecting line between the DP master's DP interface or a highlighted DP master system and the DP interface of the new DP slave. A DP master system will be created and the DP slave will be connected to the DP master automatically. Note When a DP master system is highlighted, you can double-click the required DP slave in the hardware catalog. This will result in the DP slave being added to the highlighted DP master system automatically. 1636 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Disconnecting a DP slave from the DP master system To disconnect a DP slave from the DP master system, follow these steps: 1. In the network view, right-click on the DP slave's DP interface. 2. From the shortcut menu, select the method for disconnecting from the DP master system: - "Disconnect from subnet": The PROFIBUS connection is broken and the device is no longer connected to the DP master system or a subnet. - "Disconnect from master system": The DP slave remains connected to the subnet, but is no longer assigned to the DP master system as a DP slave. The selected DP slave will be disconnected from the DP master system. You can also disconnect directly using the shortcut menu of the DP slave: 1. In the network view, right-click on the DP slave. 2. Select "Disconnect from DP master/IO system" from the shortcut menu. The DP slave remains connected to the subnet, but is no longer assigned to the DP master system as a DP slave. Assigning a DP slave to a new DP master system To assign an existing DP slave to a new DP master system, follow these steps: 1. Right-click on the DP slave's DP interface. 2. From the shortcut menu, select "Assign to new master". It does not matter whether the DP slave concerned is already assigned to another DP master system. 3. From the selection list, select the DP master with the DP master system to which you want to connect the DP slave. The selected DP slave is now assigned to a new DP master system. The "Assign to new subnet" function works in a similar way in that it allows you to connect a DP slave to a new subnet. However, in this case, the DP slave will not be connected to an existing DP master system. You can also make the assignment directly using the shortcut menu of the DP slave: 1. Right-click the DP slave. 2. From the shortcut menu, select "Assign new DP master/IO system". 3. Select the DP master from the list of available DP masters. The selected DP slave has now been assigned to a new DP master system. Note If there is only one DP master on a subnet, you only have to connect the interface of the DP slave to the subnet of this DP master with drag-and-drop. The DP slave is then connected to the subnet of the DP master immediately, and the DP slave is assigned to this DP master. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1637 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring a DP slave To configure a DP slave, follow these steps: 1. Switch to the DP slave's device view. 2. Select the module you want. 3. Configure the DP slave in the Inspector window. Hint: Quick configuration of master systems (S7-1200) If the DP master system has several DP slaves, use drag-and-drop operation to assign to the master in one step all DP slaves that were placed. Requirements DP master and DP slaves are placed in the network view. Assigning DP slaves to a DP master system To do this, follow these steps: 1. Select an appropriate zoom factor so that you can see as many DP slaves as possible in the network view. 2. Arrange the DP slaves in a maximum of two rows. 3. Select all DP interfaces with the mouse cursor (not all devices!). This only works if you begin to drag the mouse cursor outside of the first DP slave and release the mouse button at the last DP slave (selection with the lasso). 1638 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Select the shortcut menu "Assign to new master" and select the corresponding DP interface for the DP master in the subsequent dialog. 5. The DP slaves are automatically networked with the DP master and combine with it to form a DP master system. Note When a DP master system is highlighted, you can double-click on a DP slave in the hardware catalog and thereby quickly add additional DP slaves. This will result in the DP slave being added to the highlighted DP master system automatically. Configuring intelligent DP slaves (S7-1200) Adding an I-slave to a DP master system (S7-1200) Introduction One of the characteristics of an intelligent DP slave (I-slave) is that the DP master is not provided with I/O data directly by a real I/O, but by a preprocessing CPU. Together with the CP, this preprocessing CPU forms the I-slave. '3PDVWHU 2SHUDQGDUHD ,4 &0 ,QWHOOLJHQW'3VODYH 7UDQVIHUDUHD &38 &0 2SHUDQGDUHD ,4 &38 352),%86 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1639 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Difference: DP slave v. intelligent DP slave In the case of a DP slave, the DP master accesses the distributed I/O directly. In the case of an intelligent DP slave, the DP master actually accesses a transfer area in the I/O address space of the preprocessing CPU instead of accessing the connected I/O of the intelligent DP slave. The user program running on the preprocessing CPU is responsible for ensuring data exchange between the address area and I/O. Note The I/O areas configured for data exchange between the DP master and DP slaves must not be used by I/O modules. Applications Configurations involving intelligent DP slaves: I-slave <> DP master data exchange Procedure To add an I-slave to a DP master system, follow these steps: 1. In the network view, drag from the hardware catalog to a station one CM 1242-5 as an Islave and one CM 1243-5 as a DP master. 2. Draw a connecting line between the DP interfaces of both devices. This way you connect the I-slave with a DP master in a DP master system. Result: You have now set up a DP master system with one DP master and one I-slave. 1640 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring access to I slave data (S7-1200) Data access The following applies to the CP 1242-5 in its function as I-slave: The addresses for the data transfer area and the address for the I/O modules in the I-slave differ. This means that the start address occupied by an I/O module can no longer be used for the transfer memory. If the higher-level DP master is to access the data of an I/O module in the I-slave, you must configure this data exchange between the I/O module and transfer area in the I-slave user program. '3PDVWHU 2SHUDQGDUHD ,4 &0 ,QWHOOLJHQW'3VODYH 7UDQVIHUDUHD &38 2SHUDQGDUHD ,4 &0 &38 ,2 352),%86 Configuration of the transfer area for the CM 1242-5 (transfer area) With CM 12425, the transfer area for the cyclic PROFIBUS data exchange is configured as transfer area in the parameter group "PROFIBUS interface > Mode > I Slave Communication". Direct data access from CPU to CPU Direct data access from CPU to CPU via PROFIBUS is supported by the S7-1200 PROFIBUS CMs only via the PUT/GET services. Configuring DP slaves as distributed I/O devices (S7-1200) Configuring an ET 200S (S7-1200) Slot rules for configuring an ET 200S The following rules apply when configuring an ET 200S: Do not leave any gaps when inserting the ET 200S modules. Slot 1: only for PM-E or PM-D Power Modules. To the left of an Electronics Module (EM): an EM or a Power Module (PM-E or PM-D) only. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1641 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks To the left of Motor Starter (MS): an MS, a PM-D, PM-D Fx (1..x..4) Power Module or a PMX Power Module only. To the left of a PM-X: a motor starter or a PM-D only Up to 63 modules and one IM Interface Module are permitted Note Remember to ensure that the correct PM-E and EM voltage ranges are assigned. Configuring reference junctions A reference junction is the connection of a thermocouple to a supply line (generally in the terminal box). The voltage that occurs due to the effects of temperature falsifies the temperature value measured by the module. On the ET 200S, one channel of the AI RTD module can be programmed as a reference junction. Other AI TC modules can correct their measured values using the temperature at the reference junction as measured by this module. 7KHUPRFRXSOH 5HIHUHQFHMXQFWLRQ 7HPSHUDWXUHPHDVXULQJ PRGXOH $,7& 7HPSHUDWXUHPHDVXULQJ PRGXOH $,57' 5HIHUHQFHMXQFWLRQ &RPSHQVDWLRQ Configuring the AI TC: Selection of the reference junction used Configuring of the AI RTD: Activation of the reference junction Specifying the slot and channel of the AI RTD Special characteristics to be noted when assigning parameters for reference junctions The process of assigning parameters for reference junctions will be explained based on the example of a resistance thermometer with a Pt 100 climatic range that is used for measuring the reference junction temperature. To assign parameters for the reference junction, follow these steps: 1. In the ET 200S device view, insert an analog electronics module, for example a 2AI RTD HF. 2. Select the module on the rack. 1642 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Under "Properties > Inputs" in the inspector window, set a channel for the reference junctions function to the "RTD-4L Pt 100 climatic range" measuring range. 4. Select the ET 200S. 5. Under "Properties > Module parameters > Reference junctions" in the inspector window, select the "Reference junction" check box and specify the slot and channel number of the relevant RTD module. 6. Insert the analog electronics module for measuring the temperature using a thermocouple (TC module) and parameterize it with the reference junction number of the RTD module. Additional information For additional information on the various types and uses of ET 200S modules, please refer to the operating instructions and the manual titled "ET 200S Distributed I/O System". For additional information on analog value processing, please see the documentation for the ET 200S distributed I/O system. Packing addresses (S7-1200) Introduction DP slaves and I/O devices from the ET 200S family are configured in the same way as other modular DP slaves and I/O devices. As well as supporting all the standard modular DP slave and I/O device functions, the ET 200S also offers the "Pack addresses" function: When digital electronics modules requiring an address space of 2 or 4 bits are inserted into the device view, they will initially be spread over a total area of 1 byte. However, the address area actually occupied can be compressed after configuration using the "Pack addresses" function. Initial state After "Pack addresses" Module I address I address 2DI (2-bit) Byte 10 10.0...10.1 4DI (4-bit) Byte 11 10.2...10.5 Requirements You are in the device view. An ET 200S, for example an IM 151-1, must be present. A pair of digital electronics modules, for example 2DI AC120V ST, must be inserted into the slots. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1643 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Packing addresses To pack addressed, follow these steps: 1. Select the electronics modules whose addresses are to be packed. The following options are available for selecting multiple electronics modules: - Press and hold down or while clicking the relevant electronics modules. - Click off the rack and select the required electronics modules by drawing round them with the mouse. 2. Click "Pack addresses" in the shortcut menu for the selected electronics modules. The address areas for inputs, outputs and motor starters are packed separately. The packed addresses will be displayed in the I address and Q address columns of the device overview. How packed addresses are generated and structured If you make use of the "Pack addresses" function, the addresses of the selected electronics modules will be packed in accordance with the following rules: The start of the address area is determined by the lowest address of the selected electronics modules: X.0 If the bit address is not "0", then the next (free) byte address as of which the selected area can be compacted will be selected automatically: (X+n).0 If no coherent area exists, the addresses will be automatically packed into any available address gaps. Electronics modules with packed addresses and the same byte address form a packing group. Unpacking addresses To unpack addressed, follow these steps: 1. Select one or more electronics modules with packed addresses. 2. Click "Unpack addresses" in the shortcut menu for the selected electronics modules. The packing groups of the selected electronics modules will be disbanded and the packed addresses for the relevant electronics modules unpacked. The packing group will also be disbanded and the packed addresses unpacked in the following cases: if you delete electronics modules from a packing group, move electronics modules out of a packing group or insert electronics modules on a free slot within a packing group. The start addresses of the unpacked electronics modules will be assigned to the next available byte addresses in each case. 1644 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Special characteristics of electronics modules with packed addresses The following special characteristics apply to electronics modules with packed addresses: As far as the CPU is concerned, there is no way of assigning a slot for the electronics module. Consequently, the instruction GADR_LGC (SFC 5) outputs error information W#16#8099 "Slot not configured" for the actual slot of the electronic module. The instruction LGC_GADR (SFC 49) and SZL-ID W#16#xy91 "module status information" cannot be evaluated for an electronics module. The electronics module receives an additional diagnostics address via the DPV1 function, because otherwise the packed addresses would prevent interrupts from being assigned as far as the CPU is concerned. The "Insert/remove interrupt" is not possible. This is because the "Pack addresses" and "Insert/remove interrupt" functions are mutually exclusive. Configuring option handling with standby modules (S7-1200) You can use the option handling function to prepare the ET 200S with PROFIBUS interface for future expansions (options). This section describes option handling with standby modules. You do this by assembling, wiring, configuring, and programming the maximum configuration envisaged for the ET 200S and by using cost-effective standby modules (138-4AA00 or 138-4AA10) during assembly until it becomes time to replace them with the necessary electronics modules. Note The ET 200S can be completely factory-wired with the master cabling, as no connection exists between a standby module and the terminals of the terminal module (and, in turn, to the process). Requirement ET 200S interface module - IM 151-1 STANDARD (6ES7 151-1AA03-0AB0 or higher) - IM 151-1 FO STANDARD (6ES7 151-1AB02-0AB0 or higher) Power module with option handling - PM-E DC24..48V - PM-E DC24..48V/AC24..230V WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1645 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure To activate option handling, follow these steps: 1. Select the IM 151-1 in the device view and enable it in "Option handling" check box under "Properties > General > Option handling" in the inspector window. 2. Select the numbered check boxes for the slots that are initially to accommodate the standby modules prior to the future electronics modules. 3. Select the power module in the device view and enable it in the "Option handling" check box under "Properties > Addresses" in the inspector window. Reserve the necessary address space for the control and check-back interface in the process image output (PIQ) and process image input (PII). The assembled standby modules can be replaced with the configured modules at a later date without having to modify the configuration. Note The addresses for these interfaces are reserved as soon as you activate option handling on the power module. The "Option handling" function must also be activated on the DP slave (IM 151-1 STANDARD Interface Module). If it is not activated, the addresses reserved for the control and check-back interface will be released again. Note that activating and deactivating the option handling function repeatedly can change the address of the control and check-back interface. Option handling may be activated for one PM-E DC24..48V or one PM-E DC24..48V/ AC24..230V Power Module only. Additional information For additional information on the assignment and significance of bytes within the process image, option handling with PROFIBUS and the use of standby modules, please refer to the documentation for the ET 200S distributed I/O system. How option handling works during startup If "Startup when expected/actual config. differ" is not available, the ET 200S will still start up if a standby module is inserted instead of the configured electronics module and option handling has been activated for the slot concerned. 1646 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks How option handling works during operation During operation, the option handling mode varies in accordance with the following: Option handling enabled for a slot: Either the standby module (option) or the configured electronics module can be plugged into this slot. If any other kind of module is present on this slot, diagnostics will be signaled (no module/incorrect module). Option handling disabled for a slot: Only the configured electronics module can be plugged into this slot. If any other kind of module is present, diagnostics will be signaled (no module/incorrect module). Standby module substitute values Substitute value for digital inputs: 0 Substitute value for analog inputs: 0x7FFF Control and evaluation in the user program The ET 200S is equipped with a control and feedback interface for the "Option handling" function. The control interface is located in the process image output (PIQ). Each bit in this address area controls one of the slots from 2 to 63: Bit value = 0: Option handling parameterized. Standby modules are permitted. Bit value = 1: Option handling canceled. Standby modules are not permitted on this slot. The check-back interface is located in the process image input (PII). Each bit in this address area provides information about the modules that are actually plugged into slots 1 to 63: Bit value = 0: This slot has the standby module, an incorrect module or no module plugged into it. Bit value = 1: The configured module is plugged into this slot. See also Which modules support option handling? ( en/22564754) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1647 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring option handling without standby modules (S7-1200) You can use the option handling function to prepare the ET 200S for future expansions (options) without installing standby modules. This section describes option handling without standby modules. Note ET 200S with PROFINET interface This description refers to the ET 200S with PROFIBUS interface. In principle, option handling for ET 200S with PROFINET interface functions as described here without standby modules. PN interface modules are to be used instead of the DP interface modules listed here. You can find additional information about option handling for ET 200S with PROFINET interface in the corresponding manuals. Requirement ET 200S interface module - IM 151-1 HIGH FEATURE (6ES7151-1BA02 or higher) - IM 151-1 STANDARD (6ES7 151-1AA05-0AB0 or higher) Power module with option handling - PM-E DC24..48V - PM-E DC24..48V/AC24..230V Procedure To activate option handling, follow these steps: 1. Select the IM 151-1 in the device view and enable it in "Option handling" check box under "Properties > General > Option handling" in the inspector window. 2. Select the power module in the device view and enable it in the "Option handling" check box under "Properties > Addresses" in the inspector window. Reserve the necessary address space for the control and check-back interface in the process image output (PIQ) and process image input (PII). 3. Configure the slave's maximum configuration. The selection/clearing of options is controlled via the user program. Note The addresses for these interfaces are reserved as soon as you activate option handling on the power module. The "Option handling" function must also be activated on the DP slave (IM 151-1 interface module). If it is not activated, the addresses reserved for the control and check-back interface will be released again. Note that activating and deactivating the option handling function repeatedly can change the address of the control and check-back interface. Option handling may be activated for one PM-E DC24..48V or one PM-E DC24..48V/ AC24..230V Power Module only. 1648 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Additional information For additional information on the assignment and significance of bytes within the process image, option handling with PROFIBUS and the use of standby modules, please refer to the documentation for the ET 200S distributed I/O system. Control and evaluation in the user program The ET 200S is equipped with a control and feedback interface for the "Option handling" function. The control interface is located in the process image output (PIQ). Each bit in this address area controls one of the slots from 1 to 63: Bit value = 0: Slot is not available in the actual configuration. Bit value = 1: Slot is available in the actual configuration. The check-back interface is located in the process image input (PII). Each bit in this address area provides information about the modules that are actually plugged into slots 1 to 63: Bit value = 0: Slot belongs to an option that is not available or module status is faulty. Bit value = 1: The configured module is plugged into this slot. See also Sample applications for ET 200S, option handling without standby module (http:// Configuring the ET 200S in DPV1 mode (S7-1200) PROFIBUS DPV1 enables you to access extended PROFIBUS functions. Requirement You must be in network view. A DP master with DPV1 functionality must be available. A master-slave connection must be established with PROFIBUS. Procedure To switch the DP slave over to DPV1, follow these steps: 1. Select the DP slave. 2. Under "Properties > Module parameters" in the Inspector window, select "DPV1" mode from the "DP interrupt mode" drop-down list. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1649 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks or 1. Select the DP master. 2. In the I/O communications table, select the row with the connection between the DP master and the desired DP slave. 3. Under "Properties > Module parameters" in the Inspector window, select "DPV1" mode from the "DP interrupt mode" drop-down list. Special characteristics The parameters are subject to interdependencies, which are outlined below: Parameter DPV0 mode DPV1 mode Operation when target configura Fully available tion does not match actual con figuration Fully available Diagnostics interrupt (OB 82) Not available, not set Fully available Hardware interrupt (OB 40 to 47) Not available, not set Fully available Insert/remove interrupt (OB 83) Only available when addresses are not packed. Not available, not set "Startup when target configura tion does not match actual con figuration" is activated automati cally along with an insert/remove interrupt. Interrupts in the case of modules with packed addresses If the module is capable of triggering interrupts and the bit address is not equal to 0 because of packed addresses, you will need to assign a diagnostics address in the ET 200S address dialog. The diagnostics address is required for the purpose of assigning a DPV1 interrupt to the module as an interrupt trigger. The CPU will only be able to assign an interrupt correctly and store information on the interrupt in the interrupt OB start information/in the diagnostics buffer if the module concerned has this "unpacked" address. In this context, the CPU cannot make use of "packed" addresses. From the point of view of interrupt processing (interrupt OB), this means the module will have the assigned diagnostics address, but from the point of view of processing the input and output data in the user program, the module will have the packed addresses. Note When the module addresses are packed, the insert/remove interrupt for the ET 200S is unavailable. 1650 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Using GSD files (S7-1200) GSD revisions (S7-1200) What you need to know about GSD revisions The properties of DP slaves are made available to configuration tools by means of GSD files. Functional enhancements in the area of the distributed I/O will have an effect on the GSD specification, for example, they will require the definition of new keywords. This results in the versioning of the specification. In the case of GSD files, the version of the specification on which a GSD file is based is called a "GSD revision". From GSD revision 1, the GSD revision must be included as a keyword "GSD_revision" in GSD files. GSD files without this keyword will therefore be interpreted by configuration tools as GSD revision "0". GSD files can be interpreted up to GSD revision 5. This means that DP slaves that support the following functions, for example, will be supported: Diagnostic alarms for interrupt blocks Isochronous mode and constant bus cycle time SYNC/FREEZE Clock synchronization for DP slaves Installing the GSD file (S7-1200) Introduction A GSD file (generic station description file) contains all the DP slave properties. If you want to configure a DP slave that does not appear in the hardware catalog, you must install the GSD file provided by the manufacturer. DP slaves installed via GSD files are displayed in the hardware catalog and can then be selected and configured. Requirement The hardware and network editor is closed. You have access to the required GSD files in a directory on the hard disk. Procedure To install a GSD file, follow these steps: 1. In the "Options" menu, select the "Install general station description file (GSD)" command. 2. In the "Install general station description file" dialog box, select the folder in which the GSD files are stored. 3. Choose one or more files from the list of displayed GSD files. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1651 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Click on the "Install" button. 5. To create a log file for the installation, click on the "Save log file" button. Any problems during the installation can be tracked down using the log file. You will find the new DP slave installed by means of the GSD file in a new folder in the hardware catalog. See also Overview of hardware and network editor (Page 521) Deleting GSD file (S7-1200) Introduction You can delete installed DP slaves using GSD files. These DP slaves are then no longer displayed in the hardware catalog. Requirement The hardware and network editor is closed. The hardware catalog contains DP slaves installed via GSD files. Procedure To delete a GSD file, follow these steps: 1. In the "Options" menu, select the "Install general station description file (GSD)" command. 2. In the "Install general station description file" dialog box, select the folder in which the GSD file is stored. 3. Select the file that is to be deleted from the list of displayed GSD files. 4. Click the "Delete" button. The selected GSD file was deleted and the DP slave is no longer located in the hardware catalog. Configuring GSD-based DP slave (S7-1200) DP slaves that you have inserted through installation of a GSD file can be selected as usual via the hardware catalog and inserted in the network view. If you want to insert the modules of the GSD-based DP slaves, you must take into account some particular details. Requirement You have installed a DP slave using a GSD file. You have inserted the head module in the network view in the usual manner. 1652 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The device overview opens in the device view. The hardware catalog is open. Procedure To add the modules of a GSD-based DP slave, proceed as follows: 1. In the hardware catalog, navigate to the modules of the GSD-based DP slave. GSD-based DP slaves, also referred to as DP standard slaves, can be found in the "Other field devices" folder of the hardware catalog. 2. Select the desired module. 3. Use drag-and-drop to move the module to a free space in the device overview. 4. Select the module in the device overview to edit parameters. You have now inserted the module in a free slot of the GSD-based DP slave and can edit its parameters. Note You can see only the GSD-based DP slave in the graphic area of the device view. The added modules of GSD-based DP slaves are only found in the device overview. Preset configuration For modules with an adjustable preset configuration, you can change this configuration in the inspector window under "Properties > Preset configuration". Configuring PROFINET IO What you need to know about PROFINET IO What is PROFINET IO? PROFINET IO PROFINET is an Ethernet-based automation standard of PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO) which defines a manufacturer-neutral communication, automation and engineering model. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1653 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Objective The objective of PROFINET is: Integrated communication via field bus and Ethernet Open, distributed automation Use of open standards Architecture The PROFIBUS User Organisation e.V. (PNO) has designated the following aspects for PROFINET architecture: Communication between controllers as components within distributed systems. Communication between field devices, such as I/O devices and drives. Implementation by Siemens The demand for "Communication between controllers as components within distributed systems" is implemented by "Component Based Automation" (CBA). Component Based Automation is used to create a distributed automation solution based on prefabricated components and partial solutions. The demand for "Communication between field devices" is implemented by Siemens with "PROFINET IO". Just as with PROFIBUS DP, the complete configuration and programming of the components involved is possible using the Totally Integrated Automation Portal. The following sections deal with the configuration of communication between field devices using PROFINET IO. Overview of RT classes RT classes in PROFINET IO PROFINET IO is a scalable, real-time communication system based on Ethernet technology. The scalable approach is reflected in several real-time classes: RT: Transmission of data in prioritized, non-isochronous Ethernet frames. The required bandwidth is within the free bandwidth area for TCP/IP communication. IRT: Isochronous transmission of data with high stability for time-critical applications (for example, motion control). The required bandwidth is from the area of bandwidth reserved for cyclic data. Depending on the device, not all real-time classes are supported. 1654 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Which IO controllers and IO devices support which PROFINET functions? Additional information and overviews In the following Siemens Industry Online Support article (http://, you will find an overview of the PROFINET IO controllers and IO devices that support the following PROFINET functions: Isochronous real-time communication (IRT) Prioritized startup Media redundancy (MRP) PROFIenergy Shared device I-device Isochronous mode of process data The functions are explained in the following sections, but without naming the respective hardware that supports these functions. In the hardware catalog, you can also find an overview of the supported functions in the description below the selected components. You can also find a description of PROFINET in the respective current STEP 7 version here ( Connecting existing bus systems Connection of PROFINET and PROFIBUS PROFINET IO and PROFIBUS DP can be connected with each other as follows: via Industrial Ethernet: To connect the two network types, Industrial Ethernet (plant control level) and PROFIBUS (cell level/field level), use the IE/PB link, for example. via Industrial Wireless LAN: PROFIBUS devices, for example, can be connected to PROFINET IO via a wireless LAN/ PB link. This allows existing PROFIBUS configurations to be integrated into PROFINET. AS interface devices can be connected by an IE/AS-i link PN IO to the interface of a PROFINET device. This allows the existing AS-i network to be integrated into PROFINET. The following figure shows the connection of a PROFIBUS subnet via a PROFINET device with proxy functions. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1655 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks ,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW 352),%86 PROFINET devices PROFINET device with proxy functions (for example, IE/PB link) PROFIBUS devices PROFINET device with proxy functions used as proxy for a PROFIBUS device The PROFINET device with proxy functions is the proxy for a PROFIBUS device on the Ethernet. The proxy functionality enables a PROFIBUS device to communicate with all devices on the PROFINET and not just with its master. Existing PROFIBUS systems can easily be integrated into PROFINET communication using the proxy functions. If, for instance, you connect a PROFIBUS device via an IE/PB link to PROFINET, the IE/PB link acts as a proxy for the PROFIBUS components for communicating via PROFINET. Configuration using IE/PB link PN IO Configuration using IE/PB Link PN IO You can use the IE/PB Link PN IO to connect PROFIBUS DP configurations to PROFINET IO. From the CPU perspective, the PROFIBUS DP slaves are connected to the same network as the IE/PB Link PN IO. These slaves have the same device name and IP address as the IE/PB Link PN IO, but different device numbers. Furthermore, each also has a specific PROFIBUS address. In the properties of the IE/PB link, the PROFIBUS addresses of the connected DP slaves are displayed in addition to the PROFINET device numbers, as this device has two addressing schemes. 1656 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Handling device numbers and PROFIBUS addresses on the master system During placement, the same number is assigned for the PROFINET device number and the PROFIBUS address. In the Inspector window under "General Properties > PROFINET device number", you can find an overview of the device numbers used and the PROFIBUS addresses of an IE/PB link. The device number can also be changed here. You can also set that the device number and the PROFIBUS address should or should not always be identical. If the "PROFINET device number=PROFIBUS address" option is activated, you do not have to update the device number when the PROFIBUS address changes. The PROFIBUS address can be changed in the properties of the PROFIBUS device. Restrictions The following restrictions apply to DP slaves configured as described above on the PROFIBUS subnet of an IE/PB link: No pluggable IE/PB link No pluggable DP/PA link No pluggable Y link Not CiR-compliant No pluggable redundant slaves No isochronous transmission / constant bus cycle time can be configured SYNC/FREEZE instructions ("DPSYC_FR") of a CPU on the the Ethernet subnet for DP slaves behind the IE/PB-Link are not supported. See also Connect the DP slave via the IE/PB Link to a PROFINET IO system (Page 1691) Configuration using IWLAN/PN link Maximum number of devices in a IWLAN segment If an Ethernet subnet is set up as wireless network (IWLAN = Industrial Wireless LAN), cyclic data exchange between IO controllers and IO devices is possible via a wireless route. On one side of the wireless route there are fixed installed access points (for example, SCALANCE W 788) and on the other side mobile stations (with, for example IWLAN/PB links with PROFIBUS devices). If the action radius of the mobile stations is large, it may be necessary to install several access points (SCALANCE W 788). Since each access point forms a segment with its wireless range, the IWLAN is made up of a series of segments. The mobile devices "on the one side" of the wireless link with their IWLAN/PB links can move along the segments. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1657 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Special feature If several IWLAN/PB links are located within a segment, they have to share the bandwidth that is available for wireless transmission. This leads to a lengthening of the update time for these devices. Example In the following example there are two IO devices (IWLAN/PB link) with a segment. If no more than a maximum of two IWLAN/PB links are present in a IWLAN segment at the same time, enter a "2". 1658 Segment 1 Segment 2 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configure PROFINET IO Addressing PROFINET devices Assigning addresses and names to PROFINET devices In this chapter you will learn which address and naming conventions are valid for the PROFINET devices. IP addresses All PROFINET devices work with the TCP/IP protocol and therefore require an IP address for Ethernet operation. You can set the IP addresses in the module properties. If the network is part of an existing company Ethernet network, ask your network administrator for this data. The IP addresses of the IO devices are assigned automatically, usually at CPU startup. The IP addresses of the IO devices always have the same subnet mask as the IO controller and are assigned in ascending order, starting at the IP address of the IO controller. Device names Before an IO device can be addressed by an IO controller, it must have a device name. This procedure was chosen for PROFINET because names are easier to administer than complex IP addresses. Both the IO controller as well as IO devices have a device name. When the "Generate PROFINET device name automatically" option is activated, the device name is automatically derived from the name configured for the device (CPU, CP or IM): The PROFINET device name is made up of the name of the device (for example, the CPU), the name of the interface (only with multiple PROFINET interfaces) and optionally the name of the IO system: .. You cannot change this name directly. You change the PROFINET device name indirectly, by changing the name of the affected CPU, CP or IM in the general properties of the module. This PROFINET device name is also displayed, for example, in the list of accessible devices. If you want to set the PROFINET device name independently of the module name, you have to deactivate the "Generate PROFINET device name automatically" option. A "converted name" is generated from the PROFINET device name. This is the device name that is actually loaded into the device. The PROFINET device name is only converted if it does not comply to the rules of IEC 61158-6-10. You cannot change this name directly either. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1659 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Rules for the converted name The rules for the converted name are listed in the following section. If the converted name is not different from the name of the module, the name of the module must comply with this rule. The name consists of one or more labels , which are separated by a dot [.]. Restricted to a total of 240 characters (lower case letters, numbers, dash, or dot) A name component within the device name, which means a character string between two dots, must not exceed 63 characters. A name component consists of the characters [a-z, 0-9]. The device name must not begin or end with the "-" character. The device name must not begin with a number. The device name form n.n.n.n (n = 0, ... 999) is not permitted. The device name must not begin with the string "port-xyz" or "port-xyz-abcde" (a, b, c, d, e, x, y, z = 0, ... 9). Example of device names device-1.machine-1.plant-1.vendor If you assign this name to a CPU, for example, STEP 7 will not convert it since it conforms to the rules described above. Device number In addition to the device name, a device number is also automatically assigned when an IO device is plugged in. You can change this number. Devices in the PROFINET subnet In a PROFINET subnet the maximum allowable number of devices is monitored during configuration. See also Assigning the device name and IP address (Page 1660) Retentivity of IP address parameters and device names (Page 1670) Assigning the device name and IP address Assigning an IP address and subnet mask for an IO controller the first time There are various options for this. During parameter assignment of the PROFINET interface you must specify if the IP address is set in the project (which means in the hardware configuration) or if the IP address is to be set on the device. 1660 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assignment of an IP address Comments Option "IP address is set in the project": When the hardware configuration is loaded to the The IO controller receives the IP address by load IO controller (e.g. CPU), the IP address and the device name, if set, are also loaded. ing the hardware configuration, for example, via one of the PROFINET interfaces, by means of the Example PROFINET interface: PROFIBUS interface or via the MPI interface. 1. Connect your programming device/PC to the same network as the relevant PROFINET device. The interface of the PG/PC must be set to TCP/IP (Auto) mode. 2. Have a list of accessible devices displayed. 3. Select the target device by using its MAC address and load the hardware configuration including the configured IP address (IP address is then saved retentively). If your PROFINET device has an MPI or PROFI BUS DP interface, connect your programming de vice/PC directly to the PROFINET device via the MPI or PROFIBUS DP interface. The configured IP address is applied when the hardware configu ration is loaded. Option "IP address is set directly at the device": Assign online Assignment by user program (instruction IP_CONFIG for S7-300/400, T_CONFIG for S7-1200/1500) Assign via CPU display (S7-1500) Higher-level IO controller makes assignment (only with I-devices) If you have selected this option in the properties of the PROFINET interface, the IP address can be assigned by the online and diagnostics editor, by the primary setup tool, or by the user program ("IP_CONFIG" instruction). This option is set automatically if the option "Mul tiple use IO system" has been enabled in the prop erties of the PROFINET IO system (standard ma chine project). In case of an S7-1200-CPU, make sure that ac cess to the CPU is not protected by a password. If the CPU is write-protected, no IP address and no device name can be assigned directly on the device. Commissioning a PROFINET interface Further details of how to commission a PROFINET interface can also be found in the operating instructions for the PROFINET devices of the SIMATIC family. Assignment of device name for IO devices when the "Support device replacement without exchangeable medium" option is selected For IO controllers with the "Support device replacement without exchangeable medium" option selected, you do not have to assign device names to the IO devices locally, for example in the event of device replacement. Another application is automatic commissioning, in which the CPU automatically assigns the device name and IP address parameters to the IO devices during startup. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1661 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement: The ports of the devices are interconnected, and the devices involved support LLDP. The devices have been put into the delivery state or - for S7-1500 CPUs version V1.5 and higher - the "Permit overwriting of device names of all assigned IO devices" option is selected for the IO controller ("Advanced options > Interface options" area of the properties of the PROFINET interface). Assignment of device name and address for an IO device The following graphic illustrates the process for assigning the device name and address. This process does not apply when the "Support device replacement without exchangeable medium" option is selected. 6,0$7,& ; (WKHUQHW 352),QHW6\VWHP 85 &38 ,( ',['&9 '2['&9 ,0 ,0 9HQWLO ,0 9HQWLO ,0 .ODSSH 6FKQHFNH ,0 ,0 ,0 )UGHUEDQG ([WUXGHU $EOXIW 9HUWHLOHU ,2FRQWUROOHU 352),1(7 0$&$GU 1662 ,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW ,2GHYLFHV 0$&$GU Each device receives a name; STEP 7 automatically assigns an IP address. From the name, STEP 7 generates a PROFINET device name that you assign to an IO device online (MAC address) and that is written to the device. You load the configuration to the IO controller. The IO controller assigns the appropriate IP address to the IO device with the assigned PRO FINET device name during startup. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Changing the device name and IP address You can change the name and IP address manually. The device name must first be changed in the configuration in order to subsequently assign it to the IO device via the memory card or online with programming device/PC. Offline with memory card: 1. Place the configured data (device name: for example, turbo-3) for the IO device on the MMC in the PG/PC. Use the command "SIMATIC Card Reader > Save Device Name to Memory Card" in the "Project" menu for this. 2. Then insert the MMC into the IO device. The IO device automatically adopts the configured device name. Online with programming device/PC: 1. Connect the programming device/PC directly to the Ethernet subnetwork via the PROFINET interface. 2. In the network view, select the subnet or I/O device, and click the "Assign device name" command: - Either in the shortcut menu of the selected subnet / I/O device or - in the menu bar of the graphic view on the corresponding button. 3. In the "Assign PROFINET device name" dialog box, select the suitable PG/PC interface to connect to the Ethernet subnet. All configured PROFINET device names are in the top dropdown list. Select a PROFINET device name from it and select the IO device to receive this device name from the table at the bottom. You can filter the display of devices in the table according to various criteria. 4. You can easily identify the device using the "Flash LED" button. 5. Click "Assign name". The IO controller recognizes the IO device by its device name and automatically assigns the configured IP address to it. IP address assignment for special IO devices Special IO devices, for example, SCALANCE X, S7-300 CPs, support the option of assigning the IP addresses not from the IO controller during startup. In this case, the IP address is assigned in a different way. The option is called "IP address is set directly at the device". For additional information, refer to the manual of the respective PROFINET device of the SIMATIC device family. Another special case is the option "IP address is set directly at the device" in the "IP protocol" area of the Ethernet address properties of an IO device. This option is set automatically when the option "Multiple use IO system" is selected for a standard machine project in the associated PROFINET IO system. In this case, an adapted IP address is not assigned by the IO controller until the IO controller itself has received a local IP address. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1663 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement for additional procedures when assigning IP address and device name If the IO device, as described above, should not obtain the IP address or device name from the IO controller, proceed as follows: 1. Select device or network view. 2. Open the properties of the respective PROFINET device and select the area "PROFINET interface [X1]" > "Ethernet addresses". 3. Select the option "IP address is set directly at the device" under "IP protocol" or the option "PROFINET device name is set directly at the device" under "PROFINET". Rules If the "IP address/device name is set directly at the device" option is used for a PROFINET device, note the following: The subnet part of the IP address of the IO device must match the subnet part of the IP address of the IO controller. The corresponding PROFINET device cannot be used as a gateway. See also Enabling device replacement without exchangeable medium (Page 1689) Example of the assignment of the device name In this example you assign device names to a PROFINET IO controller and a PROFINET IO device. To make assignment easier, the device names should also contain the names of the PROFINET IO system. Requirement You must be in the network view. A CPU 1214C (V2.0 or higher) must be available in the network view. An interface module IM 151-3PN exists. The PROFINET interfaces of both modules are networked. 1664 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure To assign the names, follow these steps: 1. Select the CPU. Make sure that you have selected only the CPU and not the complete device! 2. Assign the name "myController" in the Inspector window, under "General". 3. Select the interface module. Ensure that you have selected only the interface module and not the complete ET 200S device. 4. Assign the name "Device_1" in the Inspector window, under "General". 5. Right-click on the PROFINET IO system and select the "Properties" command. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1665 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 6. Assign the name "Plant_section1" to the IO system and select the check box "Use name as extension for PROFINET device names". 7. You can find the automatically generated PROFINET device names at the selected device in the Inspector window, at "PROFINET interface". The PROFINET device name corresponds to the name of the module (with the name of the IO system as extension) with the difference that only lower case text is used. Background: No distinction is made between upper and lower case ("case insensitive") for the storing of the name. If you want to specify the device name independently of the module name, you have to deactivate the "Generate PROFINET device name automatically" option. The PROFINET device name can be edited in this case. 1666 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The converted name is displayed below. This is the name that is automatically generated from the PROFINET device name and satisfies the DNS conventions. If you work with STEP 7, you do not require this name. This name is displayed here as a check and corresponds to the name that is stored in the device. If you work with other tools that are able to record the data exchange and read the actual device names, then you find the converted names. Other special features For PROFINET devices with multiple PROFINET interfaces, the name of the interface is attached to the name of the module, separated by a dot. Example: Name of the module: myController Name of the interface: Interface_1 PROFINET device name: mycontroller.interface_1 Assign device name via communication table Introduction You can assign the device names of PROFINET IO devices configured offline to the devices online. You can do this in the table area of the network view in the table "I/O communication". You can also assign the device names to several devices at the same time. "Online assignment" tab In the I/O communication table, you will find the tabs "Offline configuration" and "Online assignment". In the "Online assignment" tab, you can assign the PROFINET device names that were assigned offline to the corresponding IO devices online. To do this, use the buttons "Check devices" and "Assign now". The objects displayed in the table of the "Online assignment" tab depend on the setting of the filter function. If only selected objects should be displayed, only objects of the corresponding context are displayed depending on the selection in the network view. PROFINET subnet: All connected devices and their PROFINET interfaces IO system All devices involved and their PROFINET interfaces Sync domain: All devices involved and their PROFINET interfaces Devices: The device and any existing PROFINET interfaces Other subnets or interfaces such as MPI or PROFIBUS are not displayed If the display is set for all devices using the filter function, all devices are displayed that have a PROFINET interface, regardless of whether they are connected via a PROFINET subnet or are part of an IO system. Devices without a PROFINET interface, for example only with a DP or MPI interface, are not displayed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1667 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks General procedure To assign PROFINET device names, you must first detect the IO devices available online. With this procedure, it matters whether the MAC addresses are known or unknown. This results in a general procedure in two steps: 1. Detecting the IO devices available online 2. Assigning configured PROFINET device names to the IO devices available online Requirements You are in the network view. There is an online connection to the devices. Procedure (step 1) To detect IO devices available online from the I/O communication table, follow these steps: 1. Optional: Entered known MAC addresses in the "MAC address" column. After every valid entry, the check box under "Assign device" is selected for the relevant row. Note You can enter, insert or import the MAC address in different formats. The correct format is automatically entered in the cell. The following entries are supported and then converted to the required format: "08:00:06:BA:1F:20" "08 00 06 BA 1F 20" "080006BA1F20" The formats used in the example are automatically converted to "08-00-06-BA-1F-20". 2. Click "Check devices" to start the check of the IO devices available online. 3. Set the PG/PC interface in the dialog window and click "Start". Intermediate result After the check, the result is displayed for every device in the table. Online data found is automatically entered in the table and the check box "Assign device" is set to "checked" in the rows in which a MAC address was entered or found online. The result of the check is shown as an icon in the "Status" column. Status Meaning Agreement: Matching device and compatible type. The PROFINET device name and the device type of the device found online matches the device in the project. No action is required. Ready for assignment: The device type of the device found online matches the device in the project. With a known MAC address the device is ready for the assignment of the PROFINET device name. Different device type: A matching device was found online, but the device type does not match the device type in the project. Please select a device with a matching device type online. 1668 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Status Meaning Different device: No device could be found online that uniquely matches the device in the project. Please select a matching device manually. Device cannot be accessed: With a known MAC address the device cannot be accessed online. Please check the connection to the device. Note The icon "Ready for assignment" appears when a MAC address exists and matching device data was found, but no PROFINET device name was found online. You can update the data of the detected devices again via their MAC addresses at any time. To do this, you specify the MAC address and the status of the device is displayed immediately without having to re-detect the device. Procedure (step 2) All PROFINET device names configured offline will be assigned to the devices available online in a bulk operation. 1. Click the "Assign now" button. Note The bulk operation cannot be reversed. A message to this effect appears in a dialog window. 2. Click "Start" in the dialog window to start the assignment of the PROFINET device names. Result The PROFINET device names configured offline will be assigned to the devices available online. This relates to devices in whose row the check box under "Assign device" is selected, that have a MAC address and have the status "Ready for assignment". Importing and exporting data Using the import and export button, you can import or export the data of the I/O communication table for the online assignment: When you export, the currently displayed data of the table is exported to a CSV file. Using the filter function of the table, you can select which data will be exported. When you import, the data of the CSV file is written to the table. If there are conflicts with values already existing in the table, you can decide whether the data should be overwritten or whether the import needs to be stopped. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1669 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assign device name via memory card Introduction You can configure the device names of PROFINET IO devices offline. To do this, store a configured device name on a memory card and then insert the card into the appropriate IO device. If an IO device has to be completely replaced due to a device defect, the IO controller automatically reconfigures the new device. Using the memory card, a device can be replaced without a programming device. Requirements The programming device has a card reader for memory cards. The IO device must support the assignment of the device name via memory card. The station and its PROFINET IO system is configured. Procedure To store a device name on a memory card, follow these steps: 1. Insert the memory card into the card reader. 2. Select the IO device whose device name is to be assigned by the memory card. 3. Select the "Card reader > Save Device Name to Memory Card" command in the "Project" menu. If the memory card is not empty, a message will be issued informing you of this and you will have the option to delete the card. Retentivity of IP address parameters and device names The retentivity of IP address parameters (IP address, subnet mask, router setting) and device name depends on how the address is assigned. The non-retentive, temporary assignment means: IP address parameters and device name remain valid for the following time period: - Until the next POWER OFF - Until the next memory reset - Until termination of the online connection (for example, after loading the program) After POWER OFF / POWER ON or a memory reset, the CPU can only be accessed via the MAC address. If the IP address parameters are not retentive, communication based on the IP protocol can no longer take place after the above described events (for example, after POWER OFF/ POWER ON). The assignment of a temporary IP address also deletes retentively saved IP address parameters. 1670 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assigning IP address parameters and device name non-retentively IP address parameters and device name are not retentive in the following cases: A temporary IP address that is not retentive is implicitly assigned with the "Accessible devices" function, if the device (e.g. CPU) does not yet have an IP address. The device is a "normal" IO controller (i.e., not an I-device), and it is specified in the user program ("IP_Conf" instruction) that the IP address parameters/device name are not to be retentive. Assigning IP address parameters and device name retentively IP address parameters and device name are retentive in the following cases: In the properties of the PROFINET interface, it is specified that the IP address parameters are set in the project ("Set IP address in the project" option). In the properties of the PROFINET interface, it is specified that the IP address is to be set on the device. - Once the configuration is loaded, the IP address parameters and the device name are assigned via STEP 7 or a setup tool such as PST (STEP 7: online and diagnostic function "Assign IP address"). The assigned IP address parameters are retentive. - The device is a "normal" IO controller (i.e., not an I-device), and it is specified in the user program ("IP_Conf" instruction) that the IP address parameters/device name are to be retentive. Special features of the I-device In the properties of the PROFINET interface of the I-device, it is specified that the IP address parameters are to be set on the device. The IP address parameters for the I-device are assigned by the higher-level IO controller. If prioritized startup is set, the IP address parameters are retentive. If no prioritized startup is set, the IP address parameters are not retentive. Recommendation If possible, use the "Set IP address in project" option and specify an appropriate IP address. In this case, the IP address is assigned retentively. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1671 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Resetting of retentive IP address parameters and device names Retentive IP address parameters and device names are reset via the online and diagnostic function "Reset to factory settings". Note Consequences of reassignment of IP address parameters on top of existing IP parameters The temporary assignment of IP address parameters/device names results in a reset of any retentively saved IP address parameters/device names. With a fixed assignment of IP address parameters/device names, previously retentivelysaved parameters are replaced by the newly assigned parameters. Note Reuse of devices Execute the "Reset to factory settings" before you install a device with retentive IP address parameters and device name in another subnet or system or before you place it in storage. Creating a PROFINET IO system Introduction To create a PROFINET IO system, you need to have a PROFINET IO controller and at least one PROFINET IO device. As soon as you connect an IO controller to an IO device via their PROFINET interfaces, a controller-device link is established. IO controller and IO device As IO controller, you can use the following devices with a PROFINET interface: CPU with a permanently integrated or plug-in PROFINET interface CP in conjunction with a CPU Interface module assigned to a CPU/FM Interface module with a PROFINET interface As IO device, you can use head modules of the distributed I/O with PROFINET interface or CPUs as intelligent IO devices. With some devices, you can switch between modes (such as "IO controller" and "IO device") under "Mode" in the Inspector window of the PROFINET interface. Select the option button with the required mode. Requirements You are in the network view. The hardware catalog is open. 1672 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure To create a PROFINET IO system, for example with a CPU 1217C , follow these steps: 1. Select a CPU 1217C as a potential IO controller from the hardware catalog. 2. Drag the CPU onto the free area within the network view. 3. Right-click on the PROFINET interface of the CPU. 4. Select "Create IO system" from the shortcut menu. A PROFINET IO system with a CPU 1217C as IO controller will be created as the only node. If you connect the PROFINET interface of an IO device to the PROFINET interface of the IO controller, the IO slave will be added automatically to the IO system. If there is not yet a subnet between the IO controller and IO device, a new subnet is created between the IO controller and IO device. To include a CPU 1217C as an intelligent IO device in the DP master system, for example, follow the steps below: 1. Click on the PROFINET interface of the IO controller or IO device. 2. Hold down the mouse button and drag a connection from the selected PROFINET interface to the PROFINET interface of the desired communications partner. or 1. Click on the hyperlink of the IO device CPU 1217C. 2. Select the required IO controller from the displayed list of possible IO controllers. The intelligent IO device CPU 1217C is included in the PROFINET IO system with the CPU 1217C as IO controller. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Drag between the PROFINET interfaces of IO device to IO controller. Click on the link of an unassigned IO device, and a selection of possible IO controller opens. 1673 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If required, adapt the properties of the Ethernet subnet or the IO controller (for example, IP address) under "Properties" in the inspector window. Note If there is only one IO controller on a subnet, you only have to connect the interface of the IO device to the subnet of this IO controller with drag-and-drop. The IO device is then connected to the subnet of the IO controller immediately, and the IO device is assigned to this IO controller. Display of the IO controller in the IO device When an IO device is connected to an IO controller, the name of the IO controller is displayed on the IO device as a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to select the assigned IO controller. 1674 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Highlighting the PROFINET IO system When you have created a new PROFINET IO system, the PROFINET IO system will be highlighted. This enables you to identify quickly which devices belong to the PROFINET IO system. You can also highlight a PROFINET IO system yourself by moving the mouse pointer over a subnet. This will result in the names of the available PROFINET IO systems being displayed. If you click on one of the displayed PROFINET IO systems with the mouse, the corresponding PROFINET IO system is highlighted. There are various ways of removing the highlighting from a PROFINET IO system: Highlight a different PROFINET IO system. Click on the pin with the name of the PROFINET IO system in the top right-hand corner of the network view. Handling PROFINET IO systems Using shortcut menu commands, you can delete PROFINET IO systems, create new ones or even connect the interface to another subnet from within the network view. An existing PROFINET configuration can thereby be corrected in the network view. Create new PROFINET IO system for IO controller To create a new PROFINET IO for an IO controller, proceed as follows: 1. Make sure that no IO system is already assigned to the IO controller. If an IO system is already assigned to the IO controller, the "Assign IO system" shortcut menu command is disabled. 2. Select the PROFINET interface and then select the "Assign IO system" shortcut menu command. A new PROFINET IO system is created at the IO controller and you can assign IO devices to this IO system. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1675 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Disconnecting PROFINET IO devices from PROFINET IO system To disconnect an already networked PROFINET IO device from its PROFINET IO system, follow these steps: 1. Click on the PROFINET interface of an IO device. 2. Select the "Disconnect from IO system" shortcut menu command. The IO device that was assigned to this IO system is then no longer assigned to it. You can create a new IO systems and can assign each of the non-assigned IO devices to an IO controller. Assign PROFINET IO devices to other IO controllers Existing PROFINET IO systems can be easily reconfigured in the network view by selecting the IO device or its interface and the required command from the shortcut menu: When selecting the interface: 1. Select the interface of an IO device and then select the shortcut menu. You have the following options here: - Assign a new subnet to the IO device or disconnect it from the existing subnet - Assign the IO device to a new IO controller - Assign a new IO system to the IO device or disconnect it from the existing subnet 2. To assign another IO controller to the IO device, select the "Assign to new IO controller" shortcut menu command. If there is no connection, a subnet is automatically created and the IO device is assigned to the IO system of the new IO controller. 1676 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks When selecting the entire device: 1. Select the IO device and select the shortcut menu. You have the following options here: - Assign the IO device to a new IO controller - Disconnect the IO device from the existing subnet 2. To assign the IO device to another IO controller, select the "Assign new DP master/IO controller" shortcut menu command. If there is no connection, a subnet is automatically created and the IO device is assigned to the IO system of the new IO controller. Tip: Quick configuration of IO systems If the IO system has a lot of IO devices, assign all IO devices placed by drag-and-drop operation to an IO controller on one step. Requirements IO controller and IO devices are placed in the network view. Assign IO devices to an IO system To do this, follow these steps: 1. Select an appropriate zoom factor so that you can see as many IO devices as possible in the network view. 2. Arrange the IO devices in not more than of two rows. 3. Select all IO interfaces (not all devices) with the mouse cursor. This only works if you begin to drag the mouse cursor outside of the first IO device and release the mouse button at the last IO device (selection with the lasso). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1677 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Select the shortcut menu "Assign new IO controller" and select the corresponding IO interface of the IO controller in the subsequent dialog. 5. The IO devices are automatically networked with the IO controller and combine with it to form an IO system. Note When an IO system is highlighted, you can double-click on an IO device in the hardware catalog and thereby quickly add additional IO devices. Result: The IO device is automatically added to the highlighted IO system. Interconnecting ports If an IO device is assigned to an IO controller, this does not yet specify how the ports are connected to each other. Although a port interconnection is not required to make use of the Ethernet/PROFINET functions, it does offer the following advantages: A target topology is specified with the port interconnection. Based on an online-offline comparison, it is possible to conduct a target-actual comparison with all devices that support this function. Only with IRT communication: If a port interconnection is configured, STEP 7 can determine the required bandwidth more precisely. As a rule, this leads to a higher performance. Make sure that no invalid ring structures occur through the interconnection of ports. Port interconnection is only advisable for devices that support the topology configuration. 1678 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Interconnecting ports in the Inspector window To interconnect ports, follow these steps: 1. Select the Ethernet/PROFINET device or the Ethernet/PROFINET interface. 2. Navigate to the port property "Port interconnection". When the Ethernet/PROFINET interface is selected, you can find this setting in the Inspector window as follows: Properties > General > Advanced Options > Port [...] > Port Interconnection. 3. In the "Local port" section, you can find the settings at the local port. In the case of fiberoptic cable you can, for example, set the cable names here. In the "Partner port" section, click on the black triangle in the "Partner port" box to display and select the available partner ports. 4. If the port interconnection is a port interconnection with copper as medium and the devices support IRT communication, you can also set cable length and signal transit time. If the Ethernet/PROFINET interface was disconnected, it is automatically networked by this action. In the properties of the subnet you can set whether this subnet should or should not be used for the networking. Note Interconnecting an electric with an optical port If you want to interconnect an electrical and an optical port, you have to distinguish between RT and IRT communication: With RT communication, it is not necessary to configure a media converter. With IRT communication, you have to make the interconnection via a media converter. Information on monitoring the partner port After you have interconnected the two ports, you receive information on the monitoring of the partner port in a text field. The following displays are possible: Monitoring of the partner port is not possible. Partner port is being monitored. It is not possible to monitor the partner port if you, for example, select a deactivated port as partner port. In this case it is not possible to monitor the target topology and the signal propagation time. A device replacement is then only possible with a Micro Memory Card. See also Overview (Page 702) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1679 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting the send clock Requirements to change the send clock at the PROFINET device No IRT (Isochronous Realtime) should be configured. In detail, this means: No device must be configured at the IO system as a sync slave or sync master. All devices at the IO system must be unsynchronized. If IRT is configured (in other words, if the IO controller is configured as sync master), the send clock can only be configured in the sync domain. Procedure To set the send clock on the PROFINET device, follow these steps: 1. Select the PROFINET IO controller in the device or network view. 2. Change the value for the shortest possible update interval in the properties of the PROFINET interface under "PROFINET Interface > Advanced options > Real-time settings > IO communication > Send clock". The send clock is valid for all PROFINET devices at the IO system. If the synchronization role is set to a value other than "Unsynchronized", you can only set the send clock in the sync domain, in other words, centrally at the PROFINET IO system. Setting the update time Update time An IO device / IO controller in the PROFINET IO system is supplied with new data from the IO controller / IO device within this time period. The update time can be separately configured for each IO device and determines the time interval in which data is transmitted from the IO controller to the IO device (outputs) as well as data from the IO device to the IO controller (inputs). STEP 7 calculates the update time automatically in the default setting for each IO device of the PROFINET IO system, taking into account the volume of data to be exchanged as well as the set send clock. Setting the update time If you do not want to have the update time calculated automatically, you can change the setting. 1680 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks To change the update time in the Inspector window, proceed as follows: 1. Select the PROFINET interface of the IO device in the network or device view. 2. Specify the update time in the interface properties under "Advanced options > Real time settings > IO cycle". You can specify the update time in two ways: - Automatic calculation of the optimal update time. - Update time you can set yourself by selecting different values from a drop-down list. 3. If you want to keep the relationship between the send clock and the update time constant, enable the "Adapt update time when send clock changes" option. This option ensures that the update time is not set to less than the send clock. You can also carry out this setting directly in the I/O communication table via the drop-down list in the "Update time mode" column. Manual setting of the send clock may result in errors if the available bandwidth is not adequate or when other limits/configuration limits are exceeded (for example, too many nodes are configured). Note When you change the update time mode from "Can be set" to "Automatic", a manually entered update time is overwritten by the automatically calculated value. No update time can be calculated STEP 7 determines the sequence of the cyclic data exchange based on the configuration information (IO controller properties, IO device properties, number and type of the IO devices, consistency of the cyclic user data...). The cyclic data is packed in frames and sent/received successively at calculated time intervals. The maximum number/size of the frames and the maximum number of intervals available must be sufficient to "accommodate" all the data. The resulting send/receive interval must also be supported by every PROFINET device. If the limits relating to the amount of cyclic user data/number of frames or relating to the intervals available are exceeded, STEP 7 cannot calculate an update time. If there is no common basis for the send/receive interval, calculating the update time is also not possible. If there is a reason preventing the calculation of the update time, STEP 7 reports the cause when compiling the hardware configuration. How to eliminate the problem: Reduce the number of IO devices Reduce the number of modules within the IO devices If you are using an IE/PB link: Reduce the number of DP slaves downstream from the IE/ PB link Use a more powerful IO controller or IE/PB link WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1681 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Increase the send clock - With RT: in the properties of the IO controller - With IRT: in the properties of the sync domain Check the device properties of the IO devices ('MinDeviceInterval' and the possible scan rates) due to the common basis for the send/receive interval. Replace unsuitable IO devices. This device properties are stored in the GSD file of the IO device. With IRT configuration: - Check whether the ports of the sync master and sync slaves are interconnected. - Check the order of the IO devices: There can be no unsynchronized device connected between the sync master and sync slave (Example of bad configuration: Sync master --- unsynchronized device --- sync slave). - Check whether you have configured more than one sync master. - Check the bandwidth remaining for RT data. The bandwidth for RT data available for the transfer can be restricted by IRT communication on the same Ethernet subnet. When using I-devices: It may not be possible to use the set send clock together with the existing I-device configuration. - Configure the I-device without lower-level IO devices and activate the setting "Parameter assignment of PN interface by higher-level IO controller". - Change the send clock of the IO controller to an even value (... 0.250, 0.500, 1.000, ...). Identification of the IO devices involved: You can identify the IO devices involved for which no update time can be calculated in the "I/ O communication" table of the PROFINET IO system in the network view. No entry is made in the "Update time" column for the IO device involved (entry "-"). Setting the watchdog time Watchdog time You can configure the watchdog time for PROFINET IO devices. If the IO device is not supplied with input or output data (IO data) by the IO controller within the watchdog time, it switches to the safe state. Do not enter the watchdog time directly, but as "Accepted number of update cycles when IO data is missing". This makes setting easier because the update time can be shorter or longer, depending on the power of the IO device or the setting. The resulting watchdog time is automatically calculated from the "Accepted number of update cycles when IO data is missing". 1682 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring the watchdog time To specify the watchdog time, follow these steps: 1. Select the PROFINET interface of the IO device in the network or device view. 2. In the properties of the interface, navigate to "Advanced options > Realtime settings > IO cycle". 3. Select the required number of cycles from the drop-down list "Trigger watchdog after # cycles with missing IO data". The watchdog time is subsequently calculated automatically based on the preset factor. It must not be more than 1.92 seconds. Note The default setting should only be changed in exceptional cases, for example, during the commissioning phase. Calculated bandwidth for cyclic IO data Calculated bandwidth for cyclic IO data Adherence to the maximum available bandwidth for cyclic IO data is monitored by the system. The maximum bandwidth depends on the send clock cycle. If the send clock cycle is greater than or equal to 1 ms, the maximum bandwidth is 0.5 ms. If the send clock cycle is shorter, the maximum available bandwidth is also reduced. The bandwidth actually required for cyclic IO data is determined by the system based on the number of configured IO devices and IO modules. Furthermore, the required bandwidth depends on the update time that is used. In general, the calculated bandwidth increases in the following cases: There is a greater number of IO devices There is a greater number of IO modules The update times are shorter. Maximum bandwidth for cyclic IO data depending on the send clock The following table shows how the maximum available bandwidth for cyclic IO data reacts based on the send clock: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Send clock cycle Maximum bandwidth for cyclic IO data 250 s - 468.75 s << 125 s 500 s - 968.75 s = send clock / 2 1 - 4 ms = 500 s 1683 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting port options Setting the port options Changing connection settings for the PROFINET IO port By default, the settings for ports of a PROFINET interface are specified in such a way that problem-free data exchange is ensured in normal situations. If necessary, you can change the settings. The setting options are described below. Possible settings for transmission rate/duplex Depending on the selected device, you can make the following settings for "Transmission rate/ duplex": Automatic setting Recommended default setting of the port. The transmission settings are automatically "negotiated" with the partner port. The "Enable autonegotiation" option is automatically selected by default. TP/ITP at x Mbps full duplex (half duplex) Setting of the transmission rate and the full duplex/half duplex mode. The effectiveness depends on the "Enable autonegotiation" setting: - Autonegotiation enabled You can use both cross cable and patch cable. The port is monitored with this setting. - Autonegotiation disabled Make sure that you use the correct cables (patch or cross cables). The port is also monitored with this setting. Deactivated Depending on the device type, the drop-down list box can contain the "Deactivated" option. With this option, you can prevent access via an unused port for security reasons, for example. With this setting, diagnostic events are not generated. "Monitor" option With the "Monitor" option, you enable/disable port diagnostics. You can only enable monitoring if the device supports this function. 1684 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Below is a list of what is monitored during operation by the device when monitoring is enabled - regardless of whether you have interconnected the port or not: The link status is monitored; in other words, diagnostics is generated when the link is down (e.g. with a wire break or a removed connector). With fiber-optic ports (FO), the link power margin is monitored so that a staged maintenance diagnostics is obtained. The media settings are monitored; in other words, a diagnostics message is generated when the local port setting (transmission rate/duplex) during operation does not match the setting of the partner port. If the port is interconnected: The cable length/signal delay time is monitored; in other words, a diagnostics message is generated if the locally detected cable length/signal delay time does not match the cable length/signal delay time detected by the partner. Disabling monitoring Monitoring does not make sense in the following cases: The option "Alternative partners" is enabled at the local port, for example, for a docking port of a docking station (tool changer). In this case, a link status change is a normal operational situation. The partner port belongs to a non-PROFINET device. Only ports of PROFINET devices transfer their port settings such as the transmission rate, duplex setting etc. The local port is connected to a media converter (passive network component with different signal delay times for Ethernet frames). At the local port, the option "End of topology discovery" is enabled in the boundaries settings. Monitoring of the desired topology With the "Monitoring" option, no monitoring is linked to the adherence to the desired topology. This means that whether the configured interface and port properties such as device name, port name and cable length match the current settings is not influenced by the "Monitoring" option. Adherence to the desired topology is checked automatically when you interconnect the local port with a partner port; the partner port must not then be disabled. The port properties indicate whether the monitoring of the desired topology is performed or is impossible (port interconnection, partner port refer, to the figure below ). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1685 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 1686 Display of whether the device can check the actual properties of the partner port against the configured properties of the partner port. This adherence to the desired topology is checked automatically when you interconnect the local port with a partner port. Setting the monitoring to link down, media settings and cable length/signal delay time. At runtime, the local port compares its own settings with the settings of the partner port. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Option "Enable autonegotiation " The autonegotiation setting can only be changed if a concrete medium (for example, TP 100 Mbps full duplex) is selected. Whether or not a concrete medium can be set depends on the properties of the module. If autonegotiation is disabled, this causes the port to be permanently specified, as for example, is necessary for a prioritized startup of the IO device. You must make sure the partner port has the same settings because, with this option, the operating parameters of the connected network are not detected and the data transmission rate and transmission mode can therefore not be optimally set. Note When a local port is interconnected, STEP 7 makes the setting for the partner port if the partner port supports the setting. If the partner port does not support the setting, an error message is generated. Port options for using the GBIT PROFINET interface The PROFINET interface (X3) of the CPU 1518-4 PN/DP supports a maximum transmission rate of 1000 Mbps (GBIT). In order to achieve this transmission rate, the following requirements must be met: CPU Firmware Version V1.7 or higher. Devices on the same PROFINET subnet must also support the 1000 Mbps transmission rate. The network infrastructure (network cables and outlets) must be category CAT 5e or better. The port options of PROFINET interface X3 must be set as follows: - "Transmission rate/Duplex": Automatic - "Autonegotiation": Activated See also Wiring rules for disabled autonegotiation (Page 1687) Boundaries at the port (Page 1688) Wiring rules for disabled autonegotiation Requirement You have made the following settings for the port in question, for example, to accelerate the startup time of the IO device: Fixed transmission speed Autonegotiation incl. autocrossing disabled WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1687 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks This saves you the time required to negotiate the transmission rate during startup. If you have disabled autonegotiation, you must observe the wiring rules. Wiring rules for disabled autonegotiation PROFINET devices have the following two types of ports: Type of port PROFINET devices Note Switch port with crossed pin as signment For IO devices: Port 2 Crossed pin assignment means that the pin assignment for the ports for sending and receiving between the respective PROFI NET devices is exchanged inter nally. End device port with uncrossed pin assignment For S7 CPUs with 2 ports: Ports 1 and 2 For IO devices: Port 1 - For S7 CPUs with one port: Port 1 Validity of the wiring rules The cabling rules described in the following paragraph apply exclusively to the situation in which you have specified a fixed port setting. Rules for cabling You can connect several IO devices in a line using a patch cable (one-to-one wiring of both connectors). To do this, you connect port 2 (P2) of the IO device to port 1 (P1) of the next IO device. The following graphic gives an example with two IO devices. 6ZLWFKRU 352),1(7GHYLFH 3 ,2GHYLFH 3 3 3DWFKFDEOHV ,2GHYLFH 3 3 3 3DWFKFDEOHV 6ZLWFKSRUW (QGGHYLFHSRUW Boundaries at the port Requirement The respective device must support boundaries settings in order to work with boundaries. If the device for PROFINET does not support boundary settings, the corresponding parameters are disabled, such as in the CPU 1215C V3, for example. 1688 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Enable boundaries "Boundaries" are limits for transmission of certain Ethernet frames. The following boundaries can be set at a port: "End of detection of accessible devices" DCP frames for detection of accessible devices are not forwarded. Devices located behind this port are no longer displayed in the project tree under "Accessible devices". Devices located behind this port can no longer be reached by the CPU. The device must have more than one port for this function. "End of topology discovery" LLDP frames (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) for topology detection are not forwarded. "End of sync domain" Sync frames transmitted for synchronization of devices within a sync domain are not forwarded. For example, if you operate a PROFINET device with more than two ports in a ring, you should prevent the sync frames from being fed into the ring by setting a sync boundary (at the ports not inside the ring). The device must have more than one port for this function. Additional example: If you want to use several sync domains, configure a sync domain boundary for the port connected to a PROFINET device of the other sync domain. Restrictions The following restrictions must be observed: The individual check boxes can only be used if the port supports the function in question. If a partner port has been defined for the port, the following check boxes cannot be used: - "End of detection of accessible devices" - "End of topology discovery" Enabling device replacement without exchangeable medium Replacing an IO device without exchangeable medium It is often necessary to replace IO devices in automation systems. The IO devices are generally assigned a device name by either inserting an exchangeable medium or via the programming device. The IO controller uses this device name to identify the IO device. Subject to certain conditions, IO devices can also receive their device names without the insertion of an exchangeable medium (e.g., memory card) or without a programming device. For this purpose, the IO controller uses Ethernet mechanisms (LLDP protocol; Link Layer Discovery Protocol) to analyze the relationships between the individual IO devices and the IO controller. From these relationships, the IO controller detects which IO device was replaced and assigns the configured device name to it. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1689 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirements A port interconnection is already configured. The affected IO devices in the automation system must support device replacement without exchangeable medium (LLDP protocol). Note Use only new IO devices as replacement devices, or restore IO devices already configured to the delivery state prior to commissioning. For S7-1500 CPUs with firmware version V1.5 or higher, it is not necessary to reset IO devices with an existing parameter assignment to delivery state. Requirement: The "Permit overwriting of device names of all assigned IO devices" option is selected for the IO controller ("Advanced option > Interface options" area of the properties of the PROFINET interface). Procedure In order to enable the replacement of an IO device without exchangeable medium, proceed as follows: 1. In the device or network view, select the PROFINET interface of the corresponding IO controller. 2. In the interface properties under "Advanced settings > Interface options", select the "Support device replacement without exchangeable medium" check box. The option "Support device replacement without exchangeable medium" also permits automatic commissioning, which means you can commission the IO system with the IO devices without assigning their device names in advance. IO devices without corresponding functionality When individual IO devices in the automation system do not support device replacement without exchangeable medium, a corresponding alarm is output for the IO device. It is possible to use the functionality nevertheless. However, all of the following conditions have to be fulfilled: The function "Device replacement without exchangeable medium" is activated in the higherlevel IO controller. The IO device supports the LLDP protocol. At least one "neighbor" of the IO device supports - The function "Device replacement without exchangeable medium" as an IO controller or - The LLDP protocol as an IO device. When you configure the environment of the IO device so that the conditions described above are met for the "Device replacement without exchangeable medium", the usage of the function is possible even if the IO device does not support the functionality directly. 1690 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Assigning the device name and IP address (Page 1660) Components with the the device replacement without exchangeable medium function (http:// Connect the DP slave via the IE/PB Link to a PROFINET IO system Requirements STEP 7 as of V12 S71500 CPU as of firmware version 1.7 ET 200SP CPU as of firmware version 1.7 S7-1500 software controller S7-300/400 CPU Procedure for connecting a DP slave via an IE/PB Link To connect a DP slave to a PROFINET IO system via an IE/PB Link in STEP 7, follow these steps: 1. Drag a PROFINET CPU, e.g. 1513-1 PN, from the hardware catalog to the network view of STEP 7. 2. Drag an IE/PB Link PN IO from the hardware catalog to the network view of STEP 7. You will find the IE/PB Link PN IO under Network components > Gateways > IE/PB Link PN IO. 3. Assign the IE/PB Link PN IO to the CPU. 4. Drag a PROFIBUS interface module e.g. IM155-6 DP HF, from the hardware catalog to the network view. 5. Assign the interface module to the IE/PB Link. 6. Select the IE/PB Link PN IO in the network view of STEP 7. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1691 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 7. In the Inspector window, go to the "Gateway" area and select the "Network gateway as PROFINET IO proxy" option. 8. In the PROFINET device number area, you can assign a PROFINET device number for the DP slave. If you have selected the "Device number = PB address" check box (default), STEP 7 automatically assigns the device number according to the PROFIBUS address of the slave. In addition, you no longer need to update the device number if the PROFIBUS address changes. See also Configuration using IE/PB link PN IO (Page 1656) Setup recommendations for optimizing PROFINET Optimizing PROFINET with RT PROFINET provides you with high-performance communication on all levels. The figure below shows an example of an optimized PROFINET topology. 1692 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3URGXFWLRQOLQH 3*3& 3*3& 3*3& 6ZLWFK 2IILFH(WKHUQHW +0, 6 6 352),%86 (76 352),1(7,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW (763 (703 (763 (703 (7SUR When setting up your PN network topology, take care that the various automation applications are distributed among separate network branches so that a sufficient bandwidth reserve will be available for future expansions. When you integrate standard Ethernet devices into the network topology or use standard Ethernet communication, take into account the network load caused by standard Ethernet and adapt the network topology as appropriate (max. bandwidth 100 Mbps). For communication with higher-level networks with a high data volume, use the most direct paths possible to the higher-level network infrastructure. Also observe the Installation Guideline of the PROFIBUS User Organization. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1693 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting up PROFINET with IRT Keep in mind the following rules for setting up and operating a PROFINET IO system in IRT mode. These rules will ensure best possible operation of your PROFINET IO system. When using IRT, you must configure the topology. This will enable exact calculation of the update time, bandwidth, and other parameters. If you would like to use multiple sync domains, configure a sync boundary for the port which is currently connected to the PROFINET device of another sync domain. In a sync domain, you can only configure one sync master at a time. A PROFINET IO system may only be part of a single sync domain. When you configure PROFINET devices in a sync domain and want to synchronize with IRT, the PROFINET devices concerned must support IRT communication. If possible, use the same PROFINET device as the PROFINET IO controller and sync master. If only some of the PROFINET devices in a PROFINET IO system are synchronized, please keep in mind the following: Assign PROFINET devices that are not participating in the IRT communication to the RT class "RT" and the synchronization role "unsynchronized" in the sync domain. 1694 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Applications for CPU with multiple PROFINET IO interfaces Connecting machines: Your configuration contains machines located on separate IO lines. You can operate real-time communication between the CPUs over X2 PROFINET IO interfaces. Use the Idevice or shared Idevice function for this purpose. The figure below shows an example configuration for 2 machines connected over the X2 interface with an Idevice relationship. 6ZLWFK ;DV,2 FRQWUROOHU ;DV,2 GHYLFH &RQQHFWLRQ 0DFKLQH 0DFKLQH Distribution by automation tasks: - For automation tasks with high performance and deterministic requirements, use PROFINET with IRT over the X1 interface. - For other tasks that you can implement with RT, use the X2 interface. If you use interface X2 as the PROFINET IO interface for one of the following CPUs, this can affect performance: CPU 1515(F)2 PN CPU 1515T2 PN CPU 1516(F)3 PN/DP CPU 1516(F)pro-2 PN You can find additional information in the Cycle and Response Times function manual. Topological overlap of IO systems in multicontroller applications In a configuration with multiple IO controllers, shared paths are subject to the combined network loads of all connected PROFINET IO systems. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1695 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks To avoid high communication loads in multicontroller applications, observe the following recommendations: Avoid paths that are shared by multiple IO systems. The figure below shows a configuration with two PROFINET IO systems that use the same paths. ,2FRQWUROOHU ,2FRQWUROOHU ,2GHYLFH ,2GHYLFH Shared path In the figure below, the two PROFINET IO systems do not use shared paths. ,2GHYLFH ,2FRQWUROOHU ,2FRQWUROOHU ,2GHYLFH If separation is not possible: Increase the update time for the affected IO devices. Installation guidelines of the PROFIBUS user organization The installation guidelines can be found on the Internet. Limitation of the data infeed into the network Limiting the data infeed into the network on PROFINET interfaces The "Limit data infeed into the network" function limits the network load of standard Ethernet communication which is fed into the network by the interface to a maximum value. This does not apply to cyclic real-time communication (RT/IRT). In a PROFINET IO system, critical network loads can occur quickly with standard Ethernet communication. All devices in a PROFINET IO system should support the "limitation of the data infeed into the network". If you use devices that feed a lot of "standard Ethernet communication" into the PROFINET IO system, you should adapt the topology, if necessary. Depending on the interface, you can activate or deactivate the "Limit data infeed into the network" function. If you use the X1 interface of an S7-1500 CPU as the IO controller or Idevice, the "Limit data infeed into the network" function is always enabled. Example: If you are not using the X1 interface of an S7-1500 CPU as IO controller or I-device, you can enable or disable the function. 1696 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Uses of the limitation of the data infeed to the network Division of the bandwidth for standard Ethernet communication between devices: In PROFINET networks cyclic real-time communication and standard Ethernet communication share the same network. This means that only a limited bandwidth remains for standard Ethernet communication. The limitation of the data infeed ensures that the remaining bandwidth for standard Ethernet communication is not used just by one device, but is divided between several devices. Smoothing peaks in the data infeed: The limitation of the data infeed smooths peak loads of standard Ethernet communication (for example, from Open User Communication, access by the Web server). Limiting problems in the data infeed: If applications in a device generate too much data, this data is not forwarded to the PROFINET network. Negative effects (for example data loss, communication breakdown) remain limited to the device and its communications partner. Other nodes are not disturbed. Setting limitation of the data infeed into the network for a CPU To set the limitation of the data infeed into the network ("infeed load limitation"), follow these steps: 1. In the network view of STEP 7, select the interface of the CPU. 2. In the Inspector window, go to "Properties" > "General" > "Advanced options" > "Interface options". 3. Select or clear the "Limit data infeed into the network" check box. Using GSD files GSD files for IO devices Basic information on GSD files of IO devices The properties of PROFINET IO devices are not stored in a keyword-based text file (as for PROFIBUS DP slaves), but in an XML file whose structure and rules are determined by a GSDML schema. The language used to describe the GSD files is GSDML (Generic Station Description Markup Language). It is defined by the GSDML schema. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1697 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks A GSDML schema contains validation rules that allow it, for example, to check the syntax of a GSD file. GSDML schemas (as schema files) are acquired by IO device manufacturers from PROFIBUS International. Functional enhancements in the area of PROFINET IO will have an effect on the GSDML specification and the corresponding schema. A new version of the specification and of the schema is created by the functional enhancement. Names of GSD files for IO devices One possible example of a GSD file name for IO devices is: "GSDML-V1.0-Siemens-ET200S-20030616.xml" Name component Explanation GSDML String at the start of each GSD file for IO devices V1.0 Version of the GSDML schema Siemens Manufacturer ET200S Name of the device 20030616 Version code (date) .xml File extension Versioning of GSD files for IO devices The version information of GSD files is two-fold: First, the version of the GSDML schema is indicated. This determines the language scope used by a GSD file. This is followed by the version, listed as an issue date. The version number of GSD files is incremented, for example, after elimination of an error or introduction of a functional enhancement. Functional enhancements may result in a new version of the GSDML schema. A new version of a GSDML schema might only be supported with restrictions. Installing the GSD file Introduction A GSD file (general station description file) contains all properties of an IO device. If you want to configure an IO device that is not available in the hardware catalog, you must install the GSD file provided by the manufacturer. IO devices installed via GSD files are displayed in the hardware catalog and can then be selected and configured. Requirement The hardware and network editor is closed. You have access to the required GSD files in a directory on the hard disk. 1698 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure To install a GSD file, follow these steps: 1. In the "Options" menu, select the "Install general station description file (GSD)" command. 2. In the "Install general station description file" dialog box, select the folder in which the GSD files are stored. 3. Choose one or more files from the list of displayed GSD files. 4. Click on the "Install" button. 5. To create a log file for the installation, click on the "Save log file" button. Any problems during the installation can be tracked down using the log file. You will find the new IO devices installed by means of GSD files in the hardware catalog under "Additional field devices > PROFINET". See also Overview of hardware and network editor (Page 521) Deleting GSD file Introduction You can delete installed DP slaves using GSD files. These DP slaves are then no longer displayed in the hardware catalog. Requirement The hardware and network editor is closed. You will find the new IO devices installed by means of GSD files in the hardware catalog under "Additional field devices > PROFINET". Procedure To delete a GSD file, follow these steps: 1. In the "Options" menu, select the "Install general station description file (GSD)" command. 2. In the "Install general station description file" dialog box, select the folder in which the GSD file is stored. 3. Select the file that is to be deleted from the list of displayed GSD files. 4. Click the "Delete" button. The selected GSD file was deleted and the DP slave is no longer located in the hardware catalog. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1699 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Changing the revision of a GSD file Changing the revision of a GSD file You can change the revision of a GSD file for an IO device: Only for the current IO device All suitable IO devices within the IO system All suitable IO devices within the complete project First, all existing GSD files for the current IO device are shown. The only difference between the GSD files shown is their revision status. The currently used GSD file is highlighted. Requirement The I/O data is the same for all IO devices whose revision is to be changed. The article number has not changed. The number of submodules is identical. The configuration data has not changed. There must be no module or submodule in a slot that is invalid after the new GSD file has been created. Procedure To change the revision of one or more IO devices, proceed as follows: 1. Select the IO device whose GSD file revision is to be changed. 2. Click on the "Change revision" button under "General> Catalog information" in the properties of the IO device. The "Change revision" dialog box opens. 3. Select the GSD revision you want to use in the "Available revisions" table. 4. Under "Use selected revision for", select the devices whose version are to be changed: - Only for the current IO device - For all suitable IO devices in the IO system - For all suitable IO devices in the project 5. Click the "Apply" button. 1700 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Bus coupling with PN/PN coupler Application and function Application The PN/PN coupler is used to link two Ethernet subnets with one another and to exchange data. That way use data about input or output address areas or datasets can be used. The maximum size of the transferable input and output data is 1024 bytes. The division into input and output data is preferable, so that e.g. 800 byte input data and 200 byte output data can be configured. As a device, the PN/PN coupler has two PROFINET interfaces, each of which is linked to one subnet. In the configuration, two IO Devices are produced from this one PN/PN coupler which means that there is one IO Device for each station with its own subnet. The other part of PN/PN coupler in each case is known as the bus node. Once configuring is complete, the two parts are joined. ,2&RQWUROOHU 6 ,2'HYLFH (76 23 3131FRXSOHU ,2'HYLFH (76 6ZLWFK 3* 6ZLWFK ,2&RQWUROOHU 6 6ZLWFK 352),1(7,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW Figure 10-15 Coupling two PROFINET IO subnets with one PN/PN coupler Additional information For additional information on "PN/PN couplers", refer to Service & Support on the Internet ( Linking Ethernet subnets Linking Ethernet subnets with a PN/PN coupler You can link Ethernet subnets with the standard device PN/PN coupler. To link Ethernet subnets, follow these steps: 1. Create your Ethernet subnets. 2. Select the standard field devices in the hardware catalog. Find the PN/PN coupler as head module in the "PROFINET IO" folder. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1701 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. In the network view, drag the two components X1 and X2 to the required version of the PN/ PN coupler per drag-and-drop operation. The components form a device, but are shown separately to make handling easier. 4. Connect the Ethernet interface of the PN/PN coupler X1 to the first Ethernet subnet. 5. Connect the Ethernet interface of the PN/PN coupler X2 to the second Ethernet subnet. The Ethernet subnets are now linked through the two components of the PN/PN coupler. Integrating external tools Integrating S7-external tools Introduction Tools external to STEP 7 ("Device Tools") with a special call interface (Tool Calling Interface) can be used to configure distributed devices. Such devices are also referred to as "TCI capable". The performance range of these tools exceeds the possibilities provided within GSD configuration, for example, they can provide expanded graphical input options. Distributed devices can be as follows: PROFIBUS DP slaves Modules within a DP slave PROFINET IO devices Modules within an IO device Note Warranty and liability Siemens accepts no liability for third-party software (device tools) called with the TCI (Tool Calling Interface) or for proper interaction with the associated devices. 1702 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Requirement The call interface of the tool complies with the TCI specification. Parameters and commands are forwarded to the distributed device via this call interface. Such tools have to be installed using a setup provided by the manufacturer. The "S7-PCT" (Port Configuration Tool) device tool for IO-Link master modules and IO-Link devices is an exception; this is supplied with STEP 7. Special note: After the installation, the tool is not shown in the list of installed software or in the list of software products in the project. The GSD file of the distributed device that is to be configured with the Device Tool must be installed. Starting the device tool The command for starting the device tool is available in the shortcut menu of the TCI-capable device in the shortcut menu of the graphical and tabular device view: "Start device tool". See also Starting the SIMATIC S7-PCT (Page 1703) Starting the SIMATIC S7-PCT Introduction The "S7-PCT" (Port Configuration Tool) device tool is installed with STEP 7. The tool is used to assign parameters to the ports of IO-Link modules such as 4SI IO-Link (S7-1200, ET 200S) or 4IOL+8DI+4DO (ET 200eco PN). Requirement You have configured the corresponding CPU, the DP slave or the IO device with an IO-Link module. Procedure To start via the graphical device view, follow these steps: 1. Select the IO-Link module in the device view. 2. Select "Start device tool" from the shortcut menu. OR, to start with the tabular device view, follow these steps: 1. Select the IO-Link module in the device view. 2. Arrange the areas in the work area in such a way that the tabular device overview is visible (it is located between the device view and the inspector window). 3. Select the row with the IO-Link module in the device overview. 4. Select "Start device tool" from the shortcut menu. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1703 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Result The tool starts and you can configure the ports. See also Integrating S7-external tools (Page 1702) Loading a configuration Introduction to loading a configuration In order to commission a device, identical configurations must be stored on the programming device/PC and on the connected devices. To synchronize the configurations on the programming device/PC and the connected devices, you load a configuration. Configuration data can be loaded in two directions: From the programming device/PC to a device From the device to a PG/PC See also Uploading project data from a device (Page 376) General information on loading (Page 370) Downloading a configuration to a device (Page 1704) Downloading project data to a device (Page 372) General information on loading to PG/PC (Page 1705) Downloading a configuration to a device Loading the hardware configuration After you have inserted a new device in the project and configured it or if you have modified an existing hardware configuration, the next step is to load the current configuration to the device. This ensures that the same configuration is set on the programming device/PC and on the module that is physically present. Use the "Online > Download to device (Page 372)" menu command for this. In the first download, the complete hardware configuration is downloaded. In subsequent downloads, only changes to the hardware configuration are downloaded. You have the following options for loading the hardware configuration: Loading in the device or network view Loading in the project tree Loading to an accessible device 1704 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks WARNING Perform load operation only in STOP mode Following loading, the machine or process may behave unexpectedly if the parameter assignment is incorrect. A CPU must be set to STOP mode for the load operation to rule out possible damage to equipment or personal injury. Special considerations for loading isochronous applications Isochronous applications consist of a hardware configuration part and a software part. Example: If you change the number of an IO system, the delay time, or the assignment of a process image partition of the isochronous I/O in the hardware configuration, this affects the parameters of the isochronous mode interrupt OB and thus also the software part. With isochronous applications, you should always load the complete project (hardware and software). With partial loading (loading hardware and software separately at different times), inconsistencies can arise that, for example, can prevent CPU startup or isochronous operation of the application. See also General information on loading (Page 370) Loading a configuration to PG/PC General information on loading to PG/PC Introduction If you bring your PG/PC to a plant and the STEP 7 project used to create the configuration of this plant is not available, load the configuration to a new project on your PG/PC, for example. Use the "Online > Loading the device as new station (hardware and software) (Page 376)" menu command for this. The list of accessible devices in the project tree is always used when loading a device to your programming device. You can select multiple devices and load them to the project at the same time. Requirements The hardware configuration in the device must be created in TIA Portal, V12 or higher. A hardware configuration present in the device that was created with an older version cannot be loaded and must be upgraded. Modules present in the device from GSD (ML), HSPs, or service packs must be installed in TIA Portal on the PG/PC. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1705 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks A project must be open. This project can be a new (empty) project or an existing project. The opened project is in offline mode. Scope of load operation The following list shows an overview of the loadable components of a configuration: The device (e.g., a CPU) with all I/O modules and all parameter settings PROFIBUS master systems and all PROFIBUS-relevant settings PROFINET IO systems and all PROFINET-relevant settings I devices and I slaves Settings for direct data exchange After loading a CPU, all other modules within the address area of the CPU are also loaded. The following connections are also loaded when the configuration is loaded: S7 connections (including routed connections) in combined PB/IE networks, including via IE-CP or PB-CM interfaces. S7 connections are automatically accepted as configured at one end when a device configuration is loaded, even if the S7 connection was configured at both ends in the original project. When both connection partners are loaded, the connection is joined together again during the next compilation. TCP connections via CPU-internal Ethernet interface, UDP/ISOonTCP connections, and TCP, UDP, ISO, and ISOonTCP connections via IE-CP interface Connections via the OUC connection parameter assignment for projects from STEP 7 V13 and higher Note The hardware configuration loaded to PG/PC is not completely identical to the configuration originally loaded to the device. Note the additional information on loading, in particular with regard to partially loaded configuration data in the case of cross-device communication. Loading PC systems, such as WinAC or PC-based automation, is not possible. See also General information on loading (Page 370) 1706 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Loading specific device configurations Information on loading When device configurations are loaded to the PG/PC, all assigned parameters are transferred from the device to the project. If the CPU is connected to a subnet, all parameters of the device are loaded and the CPU is displayed in the network view as networked. Note CPUs reset to their factory settings do not have any hardware configuration. Therefore, nothing is loaded in this case after "Load to PG/PC" is selected in the "Online" menu. Loading S7-300/400 configurations To avoid conflicts when loading a device to an existing project, the following rules must be followed: Device names for CPUs, PROFIBUS slaves (DP slaves, I-slaves) and PROFINET devices (IO devices, I devices) must be unique The combination of network name, subnet ID, and IP/DP address for modules must be unique If conflicts occur, the load operation is canceled and an alarm provides information about the problems that occurred. You can then adapt the project correspondingly or install missing components and then repeat the load operation. Alarm configurations are not loaded to PG/PC. Loading S7-1200/1500 configurations Take the following into consideration when loading: CPUs of the S7-1200 series with firmware version V1.0 are not supported when loading. Device-specific diagnostic interrupts of the S7-1200 are not supported when loading. For device-specific diagnostic interrupts of the S7-1200 to be generated on the PG/PC once again, the hardware configuration must be compiled once again. Module comments of the S7-1200/1500 are loaded from the device to the PG/PC if the same project language is set that was used during loading to the device. You can deselect the loading of comments, if desired. Note All types of PC systems, such as WinAC, Embedded Controller, CP 1616 or PC CPs, do not support loading to PG/PC. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1707 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Loading distributed I/O The following functionalities and settings of the distributed I/O are loaded: DP master systems/IO systems with associated DP masters/IO controllers (CPUs and CPs), DP slaves/IO devices, the utilized modules and their parameter assignment and properties, such as options handling, status bytes, or SYNC/FREEZE Connection of process image partitions (PIP) to organization blocks (OB). Applies to the module and OB properties Configured hardware interrupts with the associated properties DP master systems with I-slave CPs as PROFIBUS I-slave or PROFINET I-device Direct data exchange Master-slave relationships between the I-slave/I-device and assigned DP master/IO controller are only established in the project if both the master as well as the I-slave are loaded to the PG. It does not matter whether you load the DP master/IO controller or the I-slave/I-device first. As soon as both devices are loaded, the master-slave/controller-device relationships will also be re-established. Loading subnets and devices with MPI, PROFIBUS, Ethernet, and PtP The following special considerations apply to loading subnets and end points of connections for MPI, PROFIBUS, Ethernet, and PtP with their respective connection properties: If a device with PROFIBUS interface is loaded, the bus parameters of the device will initially be different from the settings in the original project. The bus parameters will only match those of the original project after all devices involved are loaded and no additional devices are on the same bus. Passive communication devices that are not connected as DP slaves or IO devices to a corresponding master system or IO system do not participate in the data exchange. They are therefore not loaded. All devices involved should therefore be loaded for cross-device configurations. A warning is output during compiling of the project for missing network stations. Missing routing information due to communication stations that are not loaded is displayed as warning during compilation. If the configuration is loaded from the PG/PC back to the device, different routing information results. When you compile the project after loading devices to the PG/PC, STEP 7 checks if all devices to which communication relationships have been configured are available. If devices are missing, you receive an alarm with the number of missing communication stations. NOTICE Cross-device communication When you load a configuration with cross-device communication to the PG/PC, you must also load all corresponding network stations to the PG/PC. If required network stations are missing and the configuration is loaded back to the device, there is no guarantee that cross-device communication is working again. 1708 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Loading configurations with web server Information on loading The hardware configuration of a CPU also contains the Web server settings. A number of restrictions apply to loading a Web server configuration to the PG/PC: The assignment of the Web server language and project language is not loaded for S7-300/400. The project texts are not loaded and an alarm is output that no project languages are assigned. The languages assigned in STEP 7 are loaded without restriction for S7-1200/1500 CPU. User administration data of the S7-1200/1500 can be loaded but not edited. You can use a check box to select whether you want to use the existing data as read-only data or discard these data and enter new data. Watch tables of the Web server are not loaded. The source files of the user-defined web pages (HTML pages, Java scripts, etc.) are not loaded. The program blocks generated during loading can only be edited if you enter the properties and the HTML page yourself. See also Information about the web server (Page 1026) Loading configurations with PROFIBUS Information on loading A DP master is loaded to PG/PC. The DP master system and all connected DP slaves are inserted into the project. The respective settings remain unchanged. If a suitable PROFIBUS subnet has already been created, the loaded devices with PROFIBUS interface are connected to the existing subnet. As a prerequisite for loading DP master systems with standard slaves, the corresponding GSD files must be installed in the TIA Portal and available in the hardware catalog. If a required GSD file is not available in the same version as in the device, differences are identified during the consistency check. Note Direct data exchange in a configuration is only loaded if all communication partners involved in the direct data exchange are loaded to the PG/PC. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1709 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Isochronous mode Note the following when loading DP master systems with activated PROFIBUS functionality "Isochronous mode": Bus parameters and the settings for isochronous mode are only identical after the device is loaded to the PG/PC if all devices relevant for calculation of isochronous mode are loaded. Only mono-master systems with isochronous mode are supported. Therefore, only configurations with just one DP master on the PROFIBUS subnet are loaded. I-slave Master-slave relations between DP master and I slave are only established in the project if both the DP master and the I slave are downloaded to the PG. It does not matter whether you load the DP master or the I-slave first. If you load the DP master from a DP master system with connected I-slave, the DP master and its DP slaves are loaded. An I-slave proxy is loaded as dummy module for an involved I-slave. For I-slave proxy devices: DP master can be complied and loaded Properties are displayed but cannot be changed Diagnostics in the project tree is not carried out In the network view, proxy devices are represented with a question mark: It is possible to load a DP master with connected I-slave proxy from the PG/PC to the device. Replacing the I-slave proxy In order to edit the I-slave in the project, you must load the I-device from the device to the PG/ PC. The I-slave proxy is hereby replaced by the full I-slave with its subordinate DP slaves. You have the following options for replacing the I-slave proxy with the corresponding I-slave: In the menu bar with the command "Online >Upload device as new station (hardware and software) With selected I-slave proxy using the shortcut menu command "Upload from device > Hardware and software". In the toolbar with the button "Upload from device". Note The replacement of I-slave proxy devices is only possible if the required I-device is available in the hardware catalog. I-slaves protected by a password are not loaded. 1710 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Loading configurations with PROFINET Information on loading If you have selected a CPU in the list of accessible devices and perform an load operation to PG/PC, all IO controllers and IO devices associated with this device along with their IO systems will be loaded. Settings for the topology are also transferred. If there is already a suitable Ethernet network in the project, the loaded devices are integrated into the existing network. Relationships between the IO controllers and IO devices are only established within the project if both the IO controller as well as the I-device are loaded to the PG. It does not matter whether you load the IO controller or the I-devices first. Supported functions The following functionalities and settings are loaded: PROFINET configurations (RT and IRT) in IO systems with the associated IO controllers (CPUs and CPs), IO devices, and the modules used Logical addresses and interface properties Port interconnections Isochronous mode Sync domains/MRP domains Redundancy role "Client" or "Manager" for MRP configurations Note Empty Sync domains and MRP domains are not included in the loading. GSD-based IO devices As a prerequisite for loading GSD-based IO devices, the corresponding GSD files must be installed in the TIA Portal and available in the hardware catalog. If a required GSD file is not available in the same version as in the device, differences are identified during the consistency check. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1711 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks I-device If you load the IO controller from an IO system with connected I-device, the IO controller and its IO devices will be loaded. An I-device proxy is loaded as dummy module for an involved Idevice. The CPU parameter assignment, including the parameter assignment of the CPU's "own" (subordinate) IO system, is missing in the I-device proxy. Only the interface to the higherlevel IO controller is loaded. 6,0$7,&&38&3 ,2FRQWUROOHU HJ(7 ,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW 352),1(7,2 HJ(7 ,2GHYLFH ,2GHYLFH ,GHYLFH SUR[\ 6,0$7,&&38&3 DV,GHYLFH +LJKOHYHO ,2V\VWHP /RDGHG,2V\VWHPZLWK ,GHYLFHSUR[\ ,2GHYLFH ,2FRQWUROOHU 8VHUSURJUDP LQWHOOLJHQWSUHSURFHVVLQJ HJ(7 HJ(7 ,2GHYLFH ,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW 352),1(7,2 ,2GHYLFH 8QORDGHGORZHUOHYHO,2 V\VWHP /RZHUOHYHO ,2V\VWHP For I-device proxy devices: IO controller can be compiled and loaded Properties are displayed but cannot be changed Diagnostics in the project tree is not carried out In the network view, proxy devices are represented with a question mark: 1712 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks It is possible to load an IO controller with connected I-device proxy from the PG/PC to the device. Replacing the I-device proxy In order to edit the I-device in the project, you must load the I-device from the device to the PG/PC. This replaces the I-device proxy with the complete I-device along with its subordinate IO devices. You have the following options for replacing the I-device proxy with the corresponding I-device: In the menu bar with the command "Online >Upload device as new station (hardware and software) With selected I-device proxy using the shortcut menu command "Upload from device > Hardware and software". In the toolbar with the button "Upload from device". Note The replacement of I-device proxy devices is only possible if the required I-device is available in the hardware catalog. I-devices protected by a password are not loaded. An I-device proxy representing a SIMOTION I-device cannot be loaded and replaced. Configurations with IE/PB link If one of the following configurations with IE/PB Link PN IO as PROFINET IO device is present, the complete configuration with all subordinate PROFIBUS devices is loaded: CPU/CP of S7-300/400 PC station and connected PROFIBUS master system The complete configuration consists of the following: CPU CP configuration PROFINET IO system with connected IE/PB link PROFIBUS master system of the IE/PB link with connected DP slaves An example configuration consists of an S7-300 CPU with a CP as PROFINET IO controller. An IE/PB link as IO device is connected to the IO controller. As the PROFIBUS DP master, the IE/PB link polls a PROFIBUS DP slave, e.g., ET 200L. If you load the CPU from the device to the PG/PC, the complete configuration is loaded. Note If the IE/PB link is not operated as a PROFINET IO proxy but rather as a gateway in standard mode, the IE/PB link functions as a CPU and can be loaded separately. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1713 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Loading Shared Devices The following applies to loading comments: If an input/output module with the Module-internal Shared Input (MSI) or Module-internal Shared Output (MSO) function consists of only one submodule, the submodule does not have its own comment. Instead, it uses the comment of the input/output module. The module must be subdivided into several submodules for the input/ output module and all submodules to have their own comment fields. Loading HMI devices Information on loading We distinguish between the following cases when loading HMI devices to PG/PC: HMI devices connected to a DP master as DP slave or to an IO controller as IO device are loaded as DP slave or IO device respectively (for example, PP 17-I PROFIsafe). HMI devices in a master system as I-slave or in an IO system as I-device are loaded as Islave proxies or I-device proxies (Page 1711) (for example, SIMATIC Comfort Panels). The settings of the device proxy are read-only. HMI devices are not loaded if they are connected to a subnet (PROFIBUS or PROFINET) but not to a master system or IO system (for example, KP600 Basic color DP). Going online with loaded configurations You can go online with the loaded project or with loaded portions of the project. Requirement The hardware configuration loaded from the device to the PG/PC has been compiled. The statuses of the central and distributed modules are only correctly displayed after compilation. Note If you go online before compiling, the diagnostics icon "?" is displayed (diagnostics not possible). A corresponding alarm is displayed under "Info > General" in the Inspector window. 1714 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Dependencies Depending on how completely the hardware configuration was loaded to the PG, restrictions apply to going online and to diagnostics: Completely loaded device with all associated central and distributed modules, such as DP slaves or IO devices: Going online and diagnostics are possible. Loaded device with connected I-devices/I-slaves: - I device/I slave is not loaded: Going online for the device and its modules is possible. For the dependent components of the configuration that are not loaded, device proxies are handled with only minimum diagnostics support. The online status is represented as an icon. The standard diagnostics is shown in the online and diagnostics view. I&M data are not loaded. - I device/I slave is also loaded: Going online is possible for all devices; diagnostics is fully supported. 10.1.5 Additional information on configurations Identification systems RFID systems Ident profile and Ident blocks You will find detailed information on the Ident profile in the manual "Ident Profile and Ident Blocks, Standard Function for Ident Systems" on the pages of "Product Support (http://". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1715 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Programming Ident blocks Basic blocks Read The "Read" block reads the user data from the transponder and enters this in the "IDENT_DATA" buffer. The physical address and the length of the data are transferred using the "ADR_TAG" and "LEN_DATA" parameters. With the RF68xR readers, the block reads the data from memory bank 3 (USER area). Specific access to a certain transponder is made with the "EPCID_UID" and "LEN_ID". Figure 10-16 "Read" block Table 10-103 Explanation of the "Read" block Parameter Data type Default values Description ADR_TAG DWord DW#16#0 Physical address on the transponder where the read starts. You will find more information on addressing in the section "AUTOHOTSPOT". With MV: The length of the read code is located starting at address "0" (2 bytes). The read code is located start ing at address "2". 1) LEN_DATA Word W#16#0 Length of the data to be read LEN_ID Byte B#16#0 Length of the EPC-ID/UID Default value: 0x00 unspecified sin gle tag access (RF680R, RF685R) 1716 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Data type EPCID_UID Array[1...62] of Byte 0 Default values Description Buffer for up to 62 bytes EPC-ID, 8 bytes UID or 4 bytes handle ID. 2 - 62-byte EPC-ID is entered at the start of the buffer (length is set by "LEN_ID") 8-byte UID is entered at the start of the buffer ("LEN_ID = 8") 4-byte handle ID must be entered in the array element [5]-[8] ("LEN_ID = 8") Default value: 0x00 unspecified sin gle tag access (RF620R, RF630R, RF640R) IDENT_DATA Any / Variat 0 Data buffer in which the read data is stored. Note: For Variant, currently only an "Ar ray_of_Byte" with a variable length can be created. For Any, other data types/ UDTs can also be created. 1) You will find further information on working with code reader systems in the operating instructions "SIMATIC MV420 / SIMATIC MV440". Read_MV The "Read_MV" block reads out the read result of a camera. The length of the data to be read is calculated automatically by the camera based on the length of the created receive buffer. The actual length of the read result is output in the "LEN_DATA" output parameter. The data will be saved in the "IDENT_DATA" data buffer. If the buffer is too small, the error message "0xE7FE0400" appears and the expected length is output at "LEN_DATA". To achieve an optimum speed, we recommend that you adapt the length of the data type "IDENT_DATA" so that this is as close as possible to the maximum expected length of the read result (2 bytes code length + read code). Figure 10-17 "Read_MV" block WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1717 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-104 Explanation of the "Read_MV" block Parameter Data type Default values Description IDENT_DATA Any / Variant 0 Read result The length of the read code is located in bytes 0 and 1. LEN_DATA Word W#16#0 Length of the read result 2 bytes code length + read code Note: For Variant, an "Array_of_Byte" with a variable length can be created. For Any, other data types/UDTs can also be created. Reset_Reader The "Reset_Reader" block can currently only be used in conjunction with the RF680R and RF685R readers or the RF120C communications module with a reader connected. Using the "Reset_Reader" block, you can reset all reader types of the Siemens RFID systems. All the readers are reset to the settings stored in the device configuration of the RF120C or that were configured in the RF68x reader using the WBM. The "Reset_Reader" block does not have any device-specific parameters and is executed using the "EXECUTE" parameter. You will find descriptions of other Reset blocks for operation with the communications modules RF180C and ASM 456 or code reader systems in the section "AUTOHOTSPOT". With the "Reset_Reader" block and the other reset blocks, you can interrupt any active Ident block at any time. These blocks are then ended with "DONE = true" and "ERROR = false". Figure 10-18 "Reset_Reader" block 1718 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Set_MV_Program With the aid of the "Set_MV_Program" block, you can change the program in a camera. The required program number is transferred using the "PROGRAM" parameter. Figure 10-19 "Set_MV_Program" block Table 10-105 Explanation of the "Set_MV_Program" block Parameter Data type Default values Description PROGRAM Byte B#16#1 Program number Range of values: 0x01 ... 0x0F Write The "Write" block writes the user data from the "IDENT_DATA" buffer to the transponder. The physical address and the length of the data are transferred using the "ADR_TAG" and "LEN_DATA" parameters. With the RF68xR readers, the block writes the data to memory bank 3 (USER area). Specific access to a certain transponder is made with the "EPCID_UID" and "LEN_ID". Figure 10-20 "Write" block WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1719 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-106 Explanation of the "Write" block Parameter Data type Default values Description ADR_TAG DWord DW#16#0 Physical address on the transponder where the write starts. You will find more information on addressing in the section "AUTOHOTSPOT". With MV: Address is always 0. 1) LEN_DATA Word W#16#0 Length of the data to be written LEN_ID Byte B#16#0 Length of the EPC-ID/UID Default value: 0x00 unspecified sin gle tag access (RF680R, RF685R) EPCID_UID Array[1...62] of Byte 0 Buffer for up to 62 bytes EPC-ID, 8 bytes UID or 4 bytes handle ID. 2 - 62-byte EPC-ID is entered at the start of the buffer (length is set by "LEN_ID") 8-byte UID is entered at the start of the buffer ("LEN_ID = 8") 4-byte handle ID must be entered in the array element [5]-[8] (LEN_ID = 8) Default value: 0x00 unspecified sin gle tag access (RF620R, RF630R, RF640R) IDENT_DATA Any / Variant 0 Data buffer with the data to be written. With MV: The first byte encodes the corresponding MV command.1) Note: For Variant, currently only an "Ar ray_of_Byte" with a variable length can be created. For Any, other data types/ UDTs can also be created. 1) You will find further information on working with code reader systems in the operating instructions "SIMATIC MV420 / SIMATIC MV440". Extended blocks Config_Upload/-_Download Using the "Config_Upload" and "Config_Download" blocks, you can read out ("Config_Upload") or write ("Config_Download") the configuration of the RF680R/RF685R readers via the control program. The configuration data is not interpretable data. Save the data on the controller so that it can be written to the reader again if a device is replaced. Bytes 6-9 (see table below) contain a configuration ID with a unique version identifier. With the configuration ID, when performing a 1720 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "Config Upload", you can check whether the configuration data read matches the configuration data stored on the controller. The configuration data has the following structure: Table 10-107 Structure of the configuration data Byte Name 0 Structure identifier (2 bytes) 2 Length information (4 bytes) Length of the version identifier and parameter block 6 Version identifier (4 bytes) Based on the identifier, you can uniquely identify the configuration. This is a time stamp in Linux format. The time stamp indicates how many seconds have passed since Janu ary 1, 1979, 00:00 (midnight). The identifier is assigned when a config uration is generated. 10 ... "DATA" end Parameter block "Config_Upload/Config_Download" can be executed on every channel of the RF680R/ RF685R. It is always the same configuration data that is transferred. Figure 10-21 "Config_Upload" block Table 10-108 Explanation of the "Config_Upload" block Parameter Data type Description DATA Any / Variant Data buffer for configuration data. The real length of the data depends on the com plexity of the configuration and the firmware ver sion of the reader. With a standard configuration of the RF680R/RF685R reader, we recommend a memory size of 4 KB. If you use advanced read er configurations (filtering) or want to change the configuration in the future without needing to adapt the memory size of "DATA", we recom mend a memory size of 8-16 KB. Note: For Variant, currently only an "Array_of_Byte" with a variable length can be created. For Any, other data types/UDTs can also be created. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1721 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Figure 10-22 "Config_Download" block Table 10-109 Explanation of the "Config_Download" block Parameter Data type Description DATA Any / Variant Data buffer for configuration data. The real length of the data depends on the com plexity of the configuration and the firmware ver sion of the reader. With a standard configuration of the RF680R/RF685R reader, we recommend a memory size of 4 KB. If you use advanced read er configurations (filtering) or want to change the configuration in the future without needing to adapt the memory size of "DATA", we recom mend a memory size of 8-16 KB. Note: For Variant, currently only an "Array_of_Byte" with a variable length can be created. For Any, other data types/UDTs can also be created. Inventory The "Inventory" block activates the taking of inventories. With the RF620R and RF630R readers, inventories are always taken as soon as the antenna is turned on. The "NUMBER_TAGS" output parameter is used to output the number of identified transponders. Special feature of the RF680R, RF685R readers Note that the length of the data buffer ("IDENT_DATA") must correspond to at least the length of the maximum expected data. If more transponders are identified and data read out than have space in the assigned buffer length of "IDENT_DATA", the data of these transponders is lost. This reaction is indicated by the error "E7FE0400h" (buffer overflow). For the RF680R and RF685R readers, the parameters "DURATION" and "DUR_UNIT" are also available. Using the parameters, you can specify the duration of the inventories. 1722 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks With the RF680R/RF685R readers. there are four different modes that you can select with the "ATTRIBUTE" parameter. At the start, a certain duration/number (period of time, number of inventories, number of "observed" events or identified transponders) is specified. A distinction is made between the following options: - Duration Take inventories for a specified period of time - Number of inventories Take a specified number of inventories - Number of "observed" events Take inventories until a specified number of transponders have been identified at the same time. Inventories are then taken by the reader for this time or number of inventories. When the specified time/number is reached, the block is ended and returns all identified transponders in "IDENT_DATA". In other words, other commands can only be executed when all inventories have been taken completely. The unit (time or number) is specified using "DUR_UNIT" and the value (time value or number) using "DURATION". This mode can be executed using the attributes "0x80" and "0x81". Depending on the attribute, more or less data is supplied about the identified transponders. With the attributes "0x86" (start "Presence_Mode") and "0x87" (end "Presence_Mode"), inventories can be taken permanently. The presence of a transponder can then always be queried using "PRESENCE" without needing to start the block with "EXECUTE". No information about the identified transponders is returned when the command executes! To obtain information about the identified transponders, use one of the two calls listed above (with time / number of inventories = 0). When this mode is active, commands relating to transponders are not executed immediately but only when a transponder is identified. This achieves shorter reaction times since the command is already pending when the transponder enters the antenna field. The "Presence_Mode" is practical in the context of the "Repeat command" function. The "NUMBER_TAGS" output parameter is used to output the number of identified transponders. Figure 10-23 "Inventory" block WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1723 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-110 Explanation of the "Inventory" block Parameter Data type Default values Description ATTRIBUTE Byte B#16#0 Selecting the status mode: RF300, MOBY U: 0x00 RF620R, RF630R: 0x82 (read out next data record), 0x83, 0x85, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92 RF680R, RF685R: 0x80, 0x81, 0x86, 0x87 DURATION Word W#16#0 RF680R, RF685R: Duration dependent on "DUR_UNIT" Period of time or number of inventories or number of "Observed" events Example: 0x00 no inventory 0x01 one inventory DUR_UNIT Word W#16#0 RF680R, RF685R: Unit for "DURATION" 0x00 time [ms] 0x01 inventories 0x02 number of "Observed" events IDENT_DATA Any / Variant 0 Data buffer for inventory data Note: For Variant, an "Array_of_Byte" with a variable length and the existing status UDTs can be created. For Any, other data types/UDTs can also be created. NUMBER_TAGS Int 0 Number of transponders in the antenna field LEN_DATA Word W#16#0 Length of the valid data Results for MOBY U Table 10-111 ATTRIBUTE "0x00" ("IID_INVENTORY_00_MOBY_U" data type) Name Type Comment number_MDS WORD Number of MDS UID_length WORD length of UID UID ARRAY[1..12] of IID_IN_I_8BYTE UID[1] IID_IN_I_8BYTE UID ARRAY[1..8] of BYTE 1724 UID[1] BYTE UID[2] BYTE WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Name Type UID[3] BYTE UID[4] BYTE UID[5] BYTE UID[6] BYTE UID[7] BYTE UID[8] BYTE UID[2] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[3] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[4] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[5] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[6] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[7] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[8] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[9] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[10] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[11] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[12] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" Comment Results for RF620R, RF630R Table 10-112 ATTRIBUTE "0x83" ("IID_INVENTORY_82_83_RF600" data type) for RF620R, RF630R with EPC-ID/UID Name Type reserved0 BYTE number_MDS BYTE EPC ARRAY[1..19] of "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[1] ID ARRAY[1..12] of BYTE BYTE ID[2] BYTE ID[3] BYTE ID[4] BYTE ID[5] BYTE ID[6] BYTE ID[7] BYTE ID[8] BYTE ID[9] BYTE ID[10] BYT ID[11] BYTE ID[12] BYTE WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Number of MDS "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" ID[1] EPC[2] Comment "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" 1725 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Name Type EPC[3] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[4] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[5] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[6] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[7] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[8] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[9] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[10] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[11] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[12] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[13] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[14] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[15] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[16] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[17] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[18] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" EPC[19] "IID_IN_I_12BYTE" Comment Note Number of EPC-IDs "number_MDS" specifies the number of EPC-IDs (1 to 19) transferred with the "INVENTORY" block. To receive the handle IDs of all transponders located in the antenna field, it may be necessary to run the "INVENTORY" block again with ATTRIBUTE "0x82". Table 10-113 ATTRIBUTE "0x83", "0x90", "0x91" and "0x92" ("IID_INVENTORY_8x_9x_RF6_MD" data type) for RF620R, RF630R with handle ID Name Type reserved BYTE number_MDS BYTE UID ARRAY[1..29] of "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[1] UID 1726 Comment Number of MDS "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" ARRAY[1..8] of BYTE UID[1] BYTE UID[2] BYTE UID[3] BYTE UID[4] BYTE UID[5] BYTE UID[6] BYTE UID[7] BYTE WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Name Type UID[8] Comment BYTE UID[2] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[3] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[4] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[5] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[6] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[7] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[8] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[9] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[10] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[11] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[12] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[13] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[14] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[15] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[16] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[17] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[18] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[19] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[20] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[21] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[22] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[23] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[24] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[25] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[26] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[27] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[28] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" UID[29] "IID_IN_I_8BYTE" reserved1 DWORD Data ARRAY[1..222] of BYTE Note Number of handle IDs "number_MDS" specifies the number of handle IDs (1 to 29) transferred with the "INVENTORY" block. To receive the handle IDs of all transponders located in the antenna field, it may be necessary to run the "INVENTORY" block again with ATTRIBUTE "0x82". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1727 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-114 ATTRIBUTE "0x85" ("IID_INVENTORY_85_RF600" data type) Name Type reserved BYTE number_MDS STRUCT ID BYTE ID[1] Handle ARRAY[1..8] of BYTE BYTE Handle[2] BYTE Handle[3] BYTE Handle[4] BYTE Handle[5] BYTE Handle[6] BYTE Handle[7] BYTE Handle[8] BYTE ARRAY[1..12] of BYTE EPC[1] BYTE EPC[2] BYTE EPC[3] BYTE EPC[4] BYTE EPC[5] BYTE EPC[6] BYTE EPC[7] BYTE EPC[8] BYTE EPC[9] BYTE EPC[10] BYTE EPC[11] BYTE EPC[12] BYTE ID[2] "IID_IN_I_20Byte" ID[3] "IID_IN_I_20Byte" ID[4] "IID_IN_I_20Byte" ID[5] "IID_IN_I_20Byte" ID[6] "IID_IN_I_20Byte" ID[7] "IID_IN_I_20Byte" ID[8] "IID_IN_I_20Byte" ID[9] "IID_IN_I_20Byte" ID[10] "IID_IN_I_20Byte" ID[11] "IID_IN_I_20Byte" 1728 Number of MDS BYTE Handle[1] EPC Comment WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Number of IDs transferred "number_MDS" specifies the number of IDs (1 to 11 handle IDs and EPC-IDs) transferred with the "INVENTORY" block. To receive the IDs of all transponders located in the antenna field, it may be necessary to run the "INVENTORY" block again with ATTRIBUTE "0x82". You will find more detailed information on the individual status modes in the manuals matching the modes "FB 45", "FB55" and "SIMATIC RF620R/RF630R". The identifiers of the status modes correspond to the following identifiers in the other manuals: 0x82 0x83 0x85 0x90 0x91 0x92 0x02 0x03 0x05 0x10 0x11 0x12 Programming ATTRIBUTE "0x82" If the number of transponders in the antenna field is unknown, repeat the "INVENTORY" block with the ATTRIBUTE = "0x82". 6WDUW,19(1725@ RI&0'B6758&7 &0'5() :ULWHDQG SDUDPHWHU GDWDIRUWDJ DQGUHDGHU $55$<>1@ RI%<7( 7;5() 5HDGGDWD IURPWDJRU UHDGHU $55$<>1@ RI%<7( 5;5() ,GHQWSURILOH 6WDUWDQGUHVHW FRPPDQGV %22/ 8,1 %22/ 8,1 %22/ 8,1 %22/ 75/(1 ,17 6WDWXVDQGHUURU /('V 'LVSOD\RI WDJVLQWKH DQWHQQDILHOG /HQJWKRIGDWD WUDQVIHUUHGZLWKWKH ODVWFRPPDQG Figure 10-43 The input parameters of the Ident profile 1758 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note Working with multiple channels If you work with several channels, you must ensure that for each channel, the block is called with a separate instance DB. Interface description Table 10-150 Input parameter Input parameter Data type Default value Description HW_CONNECT HW_CONNECT -- Own data type for physical addressing of communications modules and readers and for synchronizing the blocks used for each reader. The addressing is as described in the section "AUTOHOT SPOT". EXECUTE BOOL FALSE TRUE = triggers a new command Before starting you need to set the command and the corre sponding parameters in the memory linked to "CMDREF". RPTCMD BOOL FALSE TRUE = Repeating the command currently being executed or the next command to be executed by communications module SRESET BOOL FALSE TRUE = Cancellation of the command currently processed on the communications module INIT BOOL FALSE TRUE = Communications module executes a Reset and is re-assigned parameters CMDDIM INT 10 Number of commands in the parameter "CMDREF" CMDSEL INT 0 Selection of the command to be executed "CMDREF"; 1 1. command, ... The value of the "CMDSEL" parameter can never be higher than the value of the "CMDDIM" parameter. CMDREF TXREF RXREF WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 ARRAY[1...10] of CMD_STRUCT -- ARRAY[1...n] of BYTE -- ARRAY[1...n] of BYTE -- Command field The field can hold up to 10 commands. The commands are complex variables of the type "CMD_STRUCT". You will find more information on "CMDREF" in the section "AUTOHOT SPOT". Reference to global memory area for send data. The memory area can be shared with other block instances. The value "n" of the individual blocks is variable and can be up to 32 KB in size. Reference to global memory area for receive data. The memory area can be shared with other block instances. The value "n" of the individual blocks is variable and can be up to 32 KB in size. 1759 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-151 Output parameter Output parameter Data type Default value Description DONE BOOL FALSE TRUE = Command was executed free of errors ERROR BOOL FALSE TRUE = Error was detected The error is output in the "STATUS" parameter. The bit is reset automatically when a new command is started. STATUS DWORD FALSE Warning and error If ERROR = TRUE or WARNING = TRUE, the error or warn ing information is contained in the STATUS parameter. For more information, refer to the section "AUTOHOTSPOT". WARNING BOOL FALSE TRUE = Warning was detected The warning is output in the "STATUS" parameter. If the "ER ROR" parameter is not set at the same time, the data was correctly processed. The bit is reset automatically when a new command is started. BUSY BOOL FALSE TRUE = the block is executing a command Other commands except for "INIT" and "SRESET" cannot be started. RPTACT BOOL FALSE TRUE = "RPTCMD" is active The acknowledgement bit shows that the "Repeat mode" of the CM/reader is active. ERR_IREQ BOOL FALSE TRUE = An error has occurred on the communications mod ule or reader (e.g. at power-up or connection termination) TPC BOOL FALSE Transponder Presence Changed TRUE = New transponder in the antenna field of the reader. The parameter is set to "FALSE" after the successful execu tion of the next "INVENTORY" or "INIT" command. TP BOOL FALSE Transponder Presence TRUE = There is a transponder in the antenna field of the reader. UIN0 BOOL FALSE UIN1 BOOL FALSE UIN2 BOOL FALSE UIN3 BOOL FALSE TRLEN INT 0 With RFID readers, the number of transponders in the anten na field is indicated. With code reader devices, the various statuses of the code reader device is displayed. UIN0: Corresponds to IN_OP bit of the reader UIN1: Corresponds to RDY bit of the reader UIN2 + UIN3: These two bits are interpreted as an unsigned value (bit 2 is the less significant bit) that represents the num ber of available decoded codes. If the value is = 3, three or more decoded codes are available. Number of data elements received after successful execution of the command. Data structure of the Ident profile Each time the Ident profile is called, you need to supply the parameters ( "HW_CONNECT", "CMDREF", "TXREF" and "RXREF") with values as described in section "Structure of the Ident profile (Page 1757)". 1760 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The call for the Ident profile is always via the input parameter "HW_CONNECT" and the "IN/ OUT" parameters "CMDREF", "TXREF" and "RXREF". All three parameters need to be created in a data block. The relationship between the three "IN/OUT" parameters is described in greater detail below: CMDREF (command buffer): Array[1...10] of CMD_STRUCT TXREF (send buffer): Array[1...n] of Byte RXREF (receive buffer): Array[1...n] of Byte WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1761 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks VWLQVWDQFH QGLQVWDQFH &DOO,GHQWB3URILOH +:B&211(&7 &0'5() 7;5() 5;5() &0'5() :5,7(&21),* 2))6(7%8))(5 >@ ]%:5,7( 2))6(7%8))(5 >@ ]%5($' 2))6(7%8))(5 >@ >@ >@ %XIIHUIRU FRPPDQGV >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ 7;5() %XIIHUIRU GDWDWRWKH&0RU WUDQVSRQGHU Q 5;5() %XIIHUIRU GDWDWRWKH&0RU WUDQVSRQGHU Q Figure 10-44 Data structure example of the Ident profile 1762 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Explanation of the example Incoming commands: CMDREF[1]: Command "WRITE-CONFIG", OFFSETBUFFER = 0 The "WRITE-CONFIG" command should always be located at the point CMDREF[1] so that the "INIT/Reset" is executed free of errors. CMDREF[2]: Command "WRITE", OFFSETBUFFER = 15 CMDREF[3]: Command "READ", OFFSETBUFFER = 0 If the "CMDREF[2]" command is selected, a write command is started and the data to be written is fetched starting at byte 15 of the "TXREF" parameter. If the "CMDREF[3]" command is selected, the read data is stored starting at byte 0 in the "RXREF" parameter. Communications module RF120C "Reader" parameter group The "Reader" parameter group contains the following: Diagnostics: Setting to decide whether or not hardware diagnostics messages are output. Ident system: Selection of the connected Ident system. Depending on the selection you make, the "Ident System" parameter group is adapted. "Diagnostics" parameter Parameter assignment options: None Apart from standard diagnostics messages, no other diagnostics messages are generated. Hard Errors Extended diagnostics messages are generated if the following events occur. - Hardware error (memory test) - Firmware error (checksum) - Connection to reader lost - Short-circuit fault/interruption if supported by the hardware Further information For further information on diagnostics, refer the documentation for the RF120C communications module with application blocks for S7-1200 and S7-1500. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1763 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "Ident system" parameter group In the "ID system" parameter group the parameters for the selected identification system are set. The table shows the parameters that exist with all identification systems (RFID and optical reading systems). Table 10-152 Standard parameters for all identification systems Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Transmission speed 19.2 kBd 115.2 kBd After changing the transmission speed, the reader must be turned off and on again. On On = presence is reported as soon as there is a transponder in the antenna field of the reader 57.6 kBd 115.2 kBd Presence check On Off (RF field off) Off (RF field on ) = the presence check in the FB is suppressed. The antenna on the reader is nevertheless turned on as long as it has not been turned off by a command. Off (RF field on) Off (RF field off) = the antenna is turned on only when a command is sent and it then turns itself off again (RF300 only) Reset ERR LED On Off Off On = the flashing of the error LED on the RF120C is reset by each FB reset. Off = the error LED always indicates the last error. The display can only be reset by turning off the RF120C. The following parameters are system specific according to the selection you made in the "Reader" parameter group. RF200 Table 10-153 RF200 general Parameter Parameter value Default value Description - - - Only the standard parameters are available. Parameter Parameter value Default value Description RF power 0.50 - 5.00 W 1.00 W Setting for the output power of the reader. Table 10-154 RF290R 1764 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks RF300 Table 10-155 RF300 general Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Transponder type RF300 RF300 Selection of the transponders used. ISO 15693 Table 10-156 RF380R Parameter Parameter value Default value Description RF power 0.50 - 2.00 W 1.25 W Setting for the output power of the reader. Transponder type RF300 RF300 Selection of the transponders used. ISO 15693 RF600 Table 10-157 Ident system: RF600 Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Max. no. of transponders 1 - 80 1 Number of transponders expected in the anten na field. Permitted values: 1 - 40 for RF620R 1 - 80 for RF630R with 2 antennas 1 - 40 for RF630R with 1 antenna The value stored in "multitag" defines the ex pected number of transponders to be read (EPC-ID) in the inventory. The value does not restrict the number of trans ponders to be processed in the antenna field. To ensure an efficient inventory of transpond ers in the antenna field, make sure that the val ues specified here do not deviate by more than approximately 10% from the maximum number of transponders to be expected in the antenna field. Reader type RF620R ETSI RF620R FCC RF620R CMIIT RF630R ETSI RF620R ETSI Selection of the reader used. By selecting a reader, you open the "Reader type" parameter group. The parameters are de scribed in the following table. RF630R FCC RF630R CMIIT WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1765 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Reader type (RF600 only) In the parameter group "Reader type", further specific parameters are set for the reader type selected in the "ID system" parameter group. Table 10-158 RF600 menu: Reader type Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Wireless profile - - Selection of the relevant wireless profile for ET SI, FCC or CMIIT. Multitag mode UID = EPC-ID (8 bytes) UID = EPC-ID (8 bytes) UID = EPC-ID (8 bytes) 8 byte UID of the bytes 5-12 of the 12 byte long EPC-ID UID = Handle ID (4 bytes) Intelligent Single Tag Mode (ISTM) On Black List On UID = handle ID (4 bytes) 4 byte UID as handle ID for access to transponders with an EPC-ID of any length Off Enable/disable the "Intelligent Single Tag Mode ISTM" algorithm 1) Off Enable/disable the "Black list" 1) Off Off Radiated power internal an tenna (RF620R) 0-B 4 Setting the radiated power for the internal an tenna 1) 2) Internal antenna (RF620R) - - Enable/disable the internal antenna. With the RF620R, either only the internal or on ly the external antenna can be set. Transmit power (external an 0 - 9 tenna RF620R) 4 Setting the transmit power for the external an tenna 1) 2) External antenna (SetAnt block required) (RF620R) - - Enable/disable the external antenna. Transmit power ANT 1 (RF630R) 0-9 4 Setting the transmit power for antenna 11) 2) Transmit power ANT 2 (RF630R) 0-9 4 Setting the transmit power for the antenna 21) 2) Communications speed Reliable detection Reliable detection 1) Off Enable/disable "Tag hold" 1) Off Enable/disable the "Scanning mode" 1) - Selection of the wireless channels to be used 1) With the RF620R, either only the internal or on ly the external antenna can be set. Fast detection Tag hold On Off Scanning mode On Off Channel assignment (only with wireless profile ETSI) - 1) You will find further information in the "Configuration manual RF620R/RF630R".* 2) The values for the transmit/radiated power of the antennas can be found in the following table. 1766 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks * You will find the configuration manual RF620R/RF630R here (http:// Table 10-159 Transmit / radiated power of the antennas Hex value RF630R transmit power RF620R radiated power (internal antenna) RF620R transmit power ETSI FCC CMIIT dBm / (mW) dBm / (mW) ERP dBm / (mW) EIRP dBm / (mW) ERP dBm / (mW) 0 18 / (63) 18 / (63) 20 / (100) 18 / (65) 18 / (63) 1 19 / (79) 19 / (79) 21 / (126) 19 / (79) 19 / (79) ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 22 / (158) 22 / (158) 24 / (251) 22 / (158) 22 / (158) ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 27 / (501) 27 / (501) 29 / (794) 27 / (501) 27 / (501) A 27 / (501) 28 / (631) 30 / (1000) 28 / (631) 27 / (501) B (...F) 27 / (501) 29 / (794) 31 / (1259) 29 / (794) 27 / (501) SLG D10S Table 10-160 SLG D10S Parameter Parameter value Default value Description RF power 0.50 - 10.00 W 1.00 W Setting for the output power of the reader. Transponder type ISO ISO Selection of the transponders used. I-Code (e.g. MDS D139) SLG D11S/D12S Table 10-161 SLG D11S/D12S Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Transponder type ISO ISO Selection of the transponders used. I-Code (e.g. MDS D139) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1767 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks MOBY U Table 10-162 MOBY U Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Standby time 0 - 1400 ms 0 ms Standby time (scanning_time) for the trans ponder. If the transponder receives a further command before the standby time has elapsed, this com mand can be executed immediately. If the trans ponder receives a command after standby time has elapsed, command execution is delayed by the "sleep_time" of the transponder. Distance limitation 0.2 m 1.5 m - 1 Maximum number of transponders that can be processed at the same time in the antenna field. 0.5 m 1.0 m 1.5 m 2.0 m 2.5 m 3.0 m 3.5 m Max. no. of transponders 1768 1 - 12 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Parameter value Default value Description BERO mode Without BEROs Without BEROs Without BEROs No reader synchronization 1 or 2 BEROs 1 or 2 BEROs The BEROs are logically ORed. The antenna field is turned on during the actuation of a BERO. 1st BERO on, 2nd BERO off Synchronization by cable connection 1st BERO on, 2nd BERO off The 1st BERO switches the antenna field on and the 2nd BERO switches the antenna filed off. If there are two BEROs and a "BERO time in s" is set, the antenna field is automatically turned off if the 2nd BERO does not switch within this BERO time. If no "BERO time in s" is set, the antenna field remains turned on until the 2nd BERO is activated. Synchronization by cable connection Enable reader synchronization via cable connection (see manual on configuration, installation and service for MOBY U). BERO time in s 0 - 255 s 0s Can only be set if the BERO mode is set to "1st BERO on, 2nd BERO off". 0 The time monitoring is disabled. To switch the field off, the 2nd BERO is required. 1 ... 255 s Operating time for the reader field General Reader Table 10-163 General Reader Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Input box for byte sequence (hexadecimal) 00000000 00000000 Expert mode WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 With this function, you can specify the reset pa rameters directly in hexadecimal notation. This setting may only be selected if you have previ ously received the hexadecimal string for the setting from a member of the SIEMENS staff. 1769 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameters via FB / optical readers Table 10-164 Parameters via FB / optical readers Parameter Parameter value Default value Description MOBY mode RF200/RF300/ RF200/RF300/ Only the mode "RF200/RF300/RF600; MV4x0; RF600; MV4x0; MO RF600; MV4x0; MO MOBY U/D" is supported. BY U/D BY U/D For further information on resetting a function block, refer to the documentation for the RF120C communications module with applica tion blocks for S7-1200 and S7-1500. * * You will find information on the documentation here ( cs/ww/en/ps/14971/man). Communications module RF170C Communications module for Ident systems - RF170C, RS422/RS232 The module RF170C RS422/RS232 is a communications module for Ident systems for the I/ O system ET 200pro. Several RF170C RS422/RS232 communications modules can be mounted and operated on an IM 154-8 CPU and on an interface module IM 154-1 DP, IM 154-2 DP High Feature or IM 154-4 PN High Feature of the ET 200pro. A maximum of two readers can be connected to the RF170C RS422/RS232. The connected readers are processed at the same time The function blocks FB 45, FC 45 and the program block for the Ident profile/RFID standard profile allow simple programming using the SIMATIC S7 tools. The function blocks FB 45, FC 45 and the program block for the Ident profile/RFID standard profile can be operated both on the S7-300 and the S7-400. The transponder data is accessed by means of normal addressing or file handler addressing. Physical addressing of the transponder Physical addressing of a transponder is also referred to as normal addressing. When using normal addressing you can set up the data structure of a transponder yourself You decide which physical address which data is written to. The addressing of the transponder memory generally begins at the address 0000 hex and ends at an end address that corresponds to the size of the transponder memory. File handler addressing of the transponder With file handler addressing you specify a file name for access to the data. The file name consists of eight ASCII characters. The file handler manages the user data on the transponder independently. You do not need to configure any data structures on the transponder. 1770 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "Module parameters" parameter group In this parameter group, you can configure all module-specific parameters of the RF170C RS422/RS232. Table 10-165 Parameters in the "Module parameters" parameter group Parameter Parameter value Default value Description User Mode Ident profile/RFID stand ard profile Ident profile/RFID standard profile Selection depends on the communications mod ule and and Ident system being used. With this parameter you select the block: FB 45 / FC 45 Ident profile/RFID standard profile: The program block for the Ident profile/RFID standard profile is used on the controller. FB 55 / FC 55 FB 45 / FC 45: Single tag mode FB 45 (PROFIBUS/ PROFINET) or FC 45 (PROFIBUS) is used on the controller. FB 55 / FC 55: Multitag mode. FB 55 (PROFIBUS/ PROFINET) or FC 55 (PROFIBUS) is used on the controller. MOBY Mode RF200/RF300/RF600; MV4x0; MOBY U/D MOBY I/E MV3xx RF200/RF300/ Selection depends on the communications mod RF600; MV4x0; MO ule and and Ident system being used. With this BY U/D parameter, you set the mode of the communica tions module. RF200/RF300/RF600; MV4x0; MOBY U/D Freeport protocol MOBY I/E RF300 filehandler MV3xx Freeport protocol RF300 filehandler Normal addressing: The transponder is ad dressed with physical addresses. Filehandler: Prior to use, the transponder needs to be formatted. Transmission speed 19.2 kBd 57.6 kBd 115.2 kBd 115.2 kBd Selection depends on the communications mod ule and and Ident system being used. With this parameter you set the transmission speed be tween the communications module and reader. When the RFID reader is connected: After changing the transmission speed, the reader must be turned off and on again. With a connected optical reader: The transmis sion speed selected here must match the trans mission speed selected in the firmware of the reader. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1771 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Diagnostics messages None None Selection depends on the communications mod ule and and Ident system being used. With this parameter you set whether hardware diagnos tics messages will be reported. Hard errors None: Apart from standard diagnostics, no other alarms are generated. Hard errors: Critical hardware errors are reported by the S7 diagnostics. Suppression of Error LED None None Channel 1 The communications module has two channels to which the readers / optical readers can be connected. The Error LED of the other channel flashes permanently when only one of the chan nels is being used. With the help of the suppres sion, you can disable the Error LED of the un used channel. Channel 2 Interface RS-232 RS-422 1772 Disabling the Error LED (ERR) of a channel. -- Selection of the interface type that the connected hardware (reader / optical reader) uses. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "Message Frame" parameter group The "Frame" parameter group is only displayed when you have selected the parameter value "Freeport protocol" in the "MOBY Mode" parameter of the module parameters. In this parameter group, you can configure all parameters specific to the "Freeport protocol". Table 10-166 Parameters in the "Frame" parameter group Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Data bits 7 8 Selection of the number of bits on which a char acter is represented. None Parity selection 8 Parity None Odd A sequence of data bits can be expanded by a parity bit. With its value "0" or "1", the parity bit is added to the sum of all bits (data bits and parity bits) to form a defined status. This increases data reliability. Even Fixed value 1 Fixed value 0 None: Data is sent without a parity bit. Odd: The parity bit is set so that the sum of the data bits (including the parity bit) is odd when the signal state is "1". Even: The parity bit is set so that the sum of the data bits (including the parity bit) is even when the signal state is "1". Fixed value 1: The parity bit is set permanently to the value "1". Fixed value 0: The parity bit is set permanently to the value "0". Stop bits 1 2 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1 Selection of the number of stop bits that indicate the end of a character. The stop bits are appended to every transferred character during transmission. 1773 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Specifying end detec tion After character delay time elapses After character de lay time elapses Specifies the end detection of a received frame. On receipt of fixed num ber of characters On receipt of the end de limiter(s): After character delay time elapses: The frame has neither a fixed length nor defined end delimiters. The end of a frame is indicated by a gap in the character sequence. The size of this gap is specified by the character delay time. On receipt of fixed number of characters: The length of the received frame is always the same. When data is received, the end of the frame is recognized when the set number of characters has been received. On receipt of the end delimiter(s): At the end of the frame there are one or two defined end delimiters. When data is received, the end of the frame is recognized when the set end delimiter is received. No. of end delimiters 1 1 2 1st end delimiter 0...7F / 0...FF Selection of the number of end delimiters. A maximum of 2 end delimiters can be config ured. When data is received, the end of the frame is recognized when the selected end delimiter combination is received. 3 Input of the 1st end delimiter of maximum two end delimiters for end criteria "On receipt of the end delimiter(s)". The selected end delimiter or the selected end delimiter combination limits the length of the frame. Parameter value depending on the "Data bits" parameter. 2nd end delimiter 0...7F / 0...FF 0 Input of the 2nd end delimiter of maximum two end delimiters for end criteria "On receipt of the end delimiter(s)". The selected end delimiter or the selected end delimiter combination limits the length of the frame. Parameter value depending on the "Data bits" parameter. Frame length 1...233 / 1...229 233 Entry of the frame length in bytes for the end criterion "On receipt of fixed number of charac ters". Character delay time 0...65535 15 Entry of the time [ms] that may elapse until a frame end is recognized. Select the character delay time dependent on the send behavior of your communications partner. Depending on the data transmission speed the character delay time is limited to a minimum value. Note that the ASCII driver pauses between two message frames when sending. 1774 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "I/O addresses" parameter group Inputs 1. Assign a start address to the module. 2. If you want to assign the address area to a process image partition, select the desired process image partition in the "Process image" drop-down list. Outputs 1. Assign a start address to the module. 2. If you want to assign the address area to a process image partition, select the desired process image partition in the "Process image" drop-down list. Note Input and output address must be identical. ASM 475 What you should know about the ASM 475 Introduction Up to eight ASM 475 interface modules can be plugged in and operated in a rack of the SIMATIC S7-300. If you have a configuration with several racks (max. four racks), the ASM 475 can be plugged in and operated in each rack. This means that with the maximum configuration of a SIMATIC S7-300, 32 ASM 475 modules can be operated. A maximum of two SLGs (write/read devices) can be connected to the ASM 475. The processing of the connected SLGs is parallel. FC45 allows simple programming using the SIMATIC S7 tools. FC45 can be used both in the S7-300 and S7-400. With S7-400, the ASM 475 is connected via an ET 200M. Note that the IM 153-1 must have at least order number 6ES7 153-1AA03-0XB0 or 6ES7 153-1AA83-0XB0 and IM 153-2 at least order number 6ES7 153-2AA02-0XB0 or 6ES7 153-2AB01-0XB0. Access to the MDS data is with normal addressing. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1775 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Physical addressing of the MDS (mobile data storage) The physical addressing of an MDS is also known as normal addressing. Users set up the structure of the MDS themselves. They know the physical MDS address to which data is written. The addressing of the MDS storage generally begins at 0000 hex and ends at an end address corresponding to the size of the MDS storage. File handler addressing of the MDS For file handler addressing, the user specifies a file name for access to the data. The file name consists of eight ASCII characters. The file handler manages the user data independently on the MDS. The user does not need to configure data structures on the MDS. Prior to use, the MDS needs to be formatted. ASM 456 communications module Communications module for Ident systems - ASM 456 The ASM 456 module is a communications module for Ident systems for PROFIBUS DP V1. A maximum of two readers can be connected to the ASM 456. The connected readers are processed at the same time The function blocks FB 45, FC 45, FB 55, FC 55, FC 56 and the program block for the Ident profile/RFID standard profile allow simple programming using the SIMATIC S7 tools. The function blocks FB 45, FC 45, FB 55, FC 55, FC 56 and the program block for the Ident profile/ RFID standard profile can be operated both on the S7-300 and the S7-400. For the S7-1200 and S7-1500 the Ident profile must be used. The transponder data is accessed by means of normal addressing or file handler addressing. Physical addressing of the transponder Physical addressing of a transponder is also referred to as normal addressing. When using normal addressing you can set up the data structure of a transponder yourself You decide which physical address which data is written to. The addressing of the transponder memory generally begins at the address 0000 hex and ends at an end address that corresponds to the size of the transponder memory. File handler addressing of the transponder With file handler addressing you specify a file name for access to the data. The file name consists of eight ASCII characters. The file handler manages the user data on the transponder independently. You do not need to configure any data structures on the transponder. 1776 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "Device-specific parameters" parameter group. In this parameter group, you can configure all module-specific parameters of the ASM 456. Table 10-167 Parameters in the "Module parameters" parameter group Parameter Parameter value Default value Description User Mode Ident profile/RFID stand ard profile Ident profile/RFID standard profile Selection depends on the communications mod ule and and Ident system being used. With this parameter you select the block: FB 45 / FC 45 Ident profile/RFID standard profile: The program block for the Ident profile/RFID standard profile is used on the controller. FB 55 / FC 55 FC 56 FB 45 / FC 45: Single tag mode FB 45 (PROFIBUS/ PROFINET) or FC 45 (PROFIBUS) is used on the controller. FB 55 / FC 55: Multitag mode. FB 55 (PROFIBUS/ PROFINET) or FC 55 (PROFIBUS) is used on the controller. FC 56 File handler for S7-300 and S7-400 MOBY Mode RF200/RF300/RF600; MV4x0; MOBY U/D RF680R/RF685R MOBY I/E normal ad dressing RF200/RF300/ Selection depends on the communications mod RF600; MV4x0; MO ule and and Ident system being used. With this BY U/D parameter, you set the mode of the communica tions module. RF200/RF300/RF600; MV4x0; MOBY U/D RF300 filehandler RF680R/RF685R MOBY U file handler MOBY I/E normal addressing MOBY I File handler RF300 filehandler MOBY U file handler MOBY I file handler Normal addressing: The transponder is ad dressed with physical addresses. Filehandler: Prior to use, the transponder needs to be formatted. Transmission speed 19.2 kBd 57.6 kBd 115.2 kBd 115.2 kBd Selection depends on the communications mod ule and and Ident system being used. With this parameter you set the transmission speed be tween the communications module and reader. When the RFID reader is connected: After changing the transmission speed, the reader must be turned off and on again. With a connected optical reader: The transmis sion speed selected here must match the trans mission speed selected in the firmware of the reader. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1777 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Diagnostics messages None None Selection depends on the communications mod ule and and Ident system being used. With this parameter you set whether hardware diagnos tics messages will be reported. Hard errors Hard/soft errors low prior ity None: Apart from standard diagnostics, no other alarms are generated. Hard/soft errors high pri ority Hard errors: Critical hardware errors are reported by the S7 diagnostics. Hard/soft errors low priority Critical hardware errors and errors that occur during command processing are reported by the S7 diagnostics. The "Ext_Diag" bit is not set. Hard/soft errors high priority Critical hardware errors and errors that occur during command processing are reported by the S7 diagnostics. The "Ext_Diag" bit is set. Suppression of Error LED None None Channel 1 Channel 2 Disabling the Error LED (ERR) of a channel. The communications module has two channels to which the readers / optical readers can be connected. The Error LED of the other channel flashes permanently when only one of the chan nels is being used. With the help of the suppres sion, you can disable the Error LED of the un used channel. RF680R/RF685R Readers RF680R/RF685R for the UHF range The UHF readers RF680R and RF685R are intended for use in logistics and automation, for example on a production line but are equally suitable for applications in logistics. To meet these requirements, the readers were equipped with a high transmit power and degree of protection (IP65). The readers are equipped with extensive diagnostics options and can process ISO 18000-6C and ISO 18000-6B transponders. The RF685R has one special feature with its internal, adaptive antenna. This significantly increases the reliability of read and write actions even under difficult radio conditions. The RF680R and RF685R readers are either integrated without problems in SIMATIC S7 automation systems via an integrated PROFINET connector or via the RS-422 interface and the ASM 456 communications module via PROFIBUS. Suitable programming blocks are available. A second Ethernet interface (both M12) can be used for diagnostics during operation so that the connection to the higher-level system does not need to be interrupted. The WBM (Web Based Management) allows commissioning, configuration and diagnostics of the devices using an Internet browser. This makes additional updates and installation of configuration and diagnostics software unnecessary. 1778 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks "Web Based Management" parameter group In this parameter group you can start the Web Based Management. Table 10-168 Parameters in the "Web-based management" parameter group Parameter Description Web Based Manage ment (WBM) Starting the Web Based Management of the reader. The Web Based Management provides a wide range of functions for configuring the readers. Note: The WBM can only be started if either the PROFINET connection between the CPU and reader is established or the reader was assigned the IP address stored in the project. This means that the device name has been assigned and the TIA configuration must be loaded on the SIMATIC controller. "Module parameters" parameter group In this parameter group, you can configure all module-specific parameters of the RF680R/ RF685R readers. Table 10-169 Parameters in the "Module parameters" parameter group Parameter Parameter value Default value Description RFID read point alarm Off Off Enabling/disabling read-point related diagnos tics messages. On "Configuration management" parameter group In this parameter group you can load or save the configuration data. Table 10-170 Parameters in the "Configuration management" parameter group Parameter Description User name User name of a user created on the reader Note that the user must have the required rights. Password Entry of the password for the user Load configuration to device Loading configuration data on the reader from the STEP 7 project. Check the configura tion in the project. Saving configuration data of the reader in the current STEP 7 project. Requirement The following requirements must be met to allow configuration data to be loaded or saved: The correct IP address of the reader is entered in the "PROFINET interface [X1]". The user name and corresponding password have been created in the WBM. The entered user has the required rights to run the download/upload. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1779 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Note User name and password only necessary if user management is enabled The "User name" and "Password" text boxes only need to be completed if the user management of the WBM is enabled. "RFID communication" parameter group In this parameter group you can configure the address range of the RFID communication. Table 10-171 Parameters in the "RFID communication" parameter group Parameter Description General General settings Input boxes for the name of the communication and for a comment. I/O addresses Specify the I/O address of the reader ("LADDR") This parameter is used in the "IID_HW_CONNECT" variable. Hardware identifier Specify the hardware identifier of the reader ("HW-ID") This parameter is used in the "IID_HW_CONNECT" variable. "Digital inputs/outputs" parameter group In this parameter group you can configure the address range of the digital inputs / outputs. Table 10-172 Parameters in the "Digital inputs / outputs" parameter group Parameter Description General General settings Input boxes for the name of the of the digital inputs / outputs and for a comment. I/O addresses Specify the I/O address of the digital inputs/outputs Using the set address range (I/O address), the digital inputs/outputs configured in the WBM of the reader can be accessed. Hardware identifier Specify the hardware identifier of the digital inputs/outputs. Optical reading systems Optical readers MV420/MV440 Optical readers MV420/MV440 The optical reading systems MV420/MV440 were designed specifically for the recognition and evaluation of numerous machine-readable codes, plaint text and objects in industrial production. 1780 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The readers can be operated both in the controllers S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200 and S7-1500 as well as with various third-party controllers. The connection to the controller is via PROFINET IO (FB79/Ident profile), TCP, RS-232 or via communications modules. The function blocks FB79 and the Ident profile allow simple programming using the SIMATIC S7 tools. "Operating mode" parameter group In this parameter group you can configure the operating mode of the MV420/MV440 readers. Table 10-173 Parameters in the "Operating mode" parameter group Parameter Parameter value Default value Description Function block FB79 FB79 With this parameter you select the block: Ident profile FB79 Compatible with the "VS130-2" reader; Compatible controllers: S7-300 and S7-400 Ident profile Complex Ident block with MV-specific blocks; Compatible controllers: S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200 and S7-1500 Distributed I/O Distributed I/O systems SIMATIC ET 200 - The right solution for all applications SIMATIC ET 200 provides the most varied range of distributed I/O systems. Solutions for use in the control cabinet Solutions without control cabinet directly at the machine Additionally, there are also components that can be used in explosive areas. SIMATIC ET 200 systems for construction without a control cabinet are contained in robust, glass-fibre reinforced plastic casing and are therefore shock-resistant, resistant to dirt and watertight. Their modular design allows the ET 200 systems to be easily scaled and expanded in small steps. Fully-integrated auxiliary modules lower costs and also provide a wide range of possible applications. There are several combination possibilities available: Digital and analog I/OS Intelligent modules with CPU functions, Safety technology, Pneumatics, Frequency converters Various technology modules. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1781 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Communication via PROFIBUS and PROFINET, uniform engineering, clear diagnostic possibilities as well as optimal connection to SIMATIC controller and HMI devices vouch for the unique consistency provided by Totally Integrated Automation. The following table provides an overview of I/O devices for use in the control cabinet: I/O device Properties ET 200L Cost-effective digital block I/O Digital electronic blocks up to 32 channels ET 200M Modular design with standard modules from SIMATIC S7-300 Failsafe I/O modules Use in hazardous areas up to Zone 2, sensors and actuators up to Zone 1 High level of plant availability, for example by plugging and unplugging during operation ET 200MP Modular design with standard SIMATIC S7-1500 modules Isochronous PROFINET IO with send clocks up to 250 s IO device with PROFINET IO interface DP slave with PROFIBUS DP interface Technology modules for counting, positioning, time-based IO ET 200S Highly modular design with multiple conductor connections Multifunctional due to a wide range of modules I-device Use in explosive areas (Zone 2) ET 200S COMPACT Highly modular design with multiple conductor connections Multifunctional due to a wide range of modules Use in explosive areas (Zone 2) Integrated DE/DA 1782 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks I/O device Properties ET 200SP Compact modules Permanent wiring with one or more wire connection PROFINET interface with 3 ports Isochronous PROFINET IO with the profiles PROFIsafe and PROFIenergy I-device Modules for counting, positioning, weighing and measuring Fail-safe CPUs and modules ET 200iSP Modular design, also possible with redundancy Robust and intrinsically safe design Use in explosive areas up to Zone 1/21; sensors and actuators even up to Zone 0/20 High level of plant availability, for example by plugging and unplugging during operation The following table provides an overview of I/O devices for use without a control cabinet: I/O device Properties ET 200AL Simple installation in all locations, in the smallest spaces Connection to PROFINET IO, PROFIBUS DP or ET 200SP High degree of protection IP65/IP67 For temperatures from -25 C to +55 C, acceleration up to 5 g Connection of sensors and actuators using M8 and M12 connector system ET 200eco PN Cost-efficient, space-saving block I/OS Digital modules up to 16 channels (also configurable) Analog modules, IO-link master and load voltage distributor PROFINET connection with 2-port switch in each module Can be flexibly distributed via PROFINET in line or star shape directly within the plant ET 200eco Cost-effective digital block I/O Flexible connection possibilities Failsafe modules High level of plant availability WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1783 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks I/O device Properties ET 200pro Modular design with compact housing Easy assembly Multifunctional due to a wide range of modules I-device High level of plant availability due to plugging and unplugging during operation and permanent wiring Comprehensive diagnostics ET 200R Specially for use on robots Assembled directly on the chassis Resistant to weld spatter due to robust metal housing See also Documentation on ET 200L ( en) Documentation on ET 200S ( en) Documentation on ET 200M ( en) Documentation on ET 200pro ( 21210852/0/en) Documentation on ET 200iSP ( 28930789/0/en) Documentation on ET 200R ( 11966255/0/en) Documentation on ET 200eco PN ( 29999018/0/en) Documentation on ET 200eco ( 12403834/0/en) Documentation on ET 200SP ( 84133942/0/en) Documentation on ET 200MP ( 86140384/en) Documentation on ET 200AL ( 95242965/0/en) 1784 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring HART variables Introduction Numerous HART field devices make available additional measured quantities (e.g. sensor temperature). These can be read if they are set accordingly in the field device configuration. Using the HART variables. it is possible to apply the set measured values directly from the field device into the I/O area of your automation system. Regardless of the number of configured channels, a maximum of 8 HART variables can be assigned for HART modules and no more than 4 HART variables per channel. You assign the HART variables to a channel in the properties for the module ("HART variable settings" area). To do this, check the manual of the corresponding module. Address assignment By default, the HART modules occupy 16 input/output bytes (user data). If you configure HART variables, the modules occupy an additional 5 bytes for each HART variable. If you use all 8 HART variables, the HART input module occupies a total of 56 input/output bytes (16 bytes + 8 x 5 bytes = 56 bytes). The "None" configuration occupies no additional input bytes. Configuration of HART variables You can configure up to 4 HART variables for a channel PV (Primary Variable) SV (Secondary Variable) TV (Tertiary Variable) QV (Quaternary Variable) CiR is a placeholder that reserves the address space for a HART variable. You must configure the HART variables you are not using with the "None" parameter. Configuration of HART variables Each HART variable occupies 5 bytes of input data and is structured as follows: %\WHQ %\WHQ %\WHQ %\WHQ +$57YDULDEOH %\WHQ 4XDOLW\FRGH 9DOXHLQ+(;IRUPDW The quality code can accept different values depending on the module. To do this, check the manual of the corresponding module. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1785 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Documentation for HART analog modules ( en/22063748) ET 200iSP ET 200iSP Distributed I/O Station Definition The ET 200iSP distributed I/O station is a highly modular and intrinsically safe DP slave with degree of protection IP 30. Area of application The ET 200iSP distributed I/O station can be operated in potentially explosive atmospheres characterized by gas and dust: Approval ET 200iSP Station* Inputs and outputs ATEX Zone 1, Zone 21 up to Zone 0, Zone 20 ** IECEx Zone 2, Zone 22 up to Zone 0, Zone 20 ** * In combination with an appropriate enclosure ** for electronic module 2 DO Relay UC60V/2A: up to Zone 1, Zone 21 The ET 200iSP distributed I/O station can, of course, also be used in the safety area. You can insert almost any combination of ET 200iSP I/O modules directly next to the interface module that transfers the data to the DP master. This means you can adapt the configuration to suit your on-site requirements. Every ET 200iSP consists of a power supply module, an interface module and a maximum of 32 electronic modules (for example digital electronics modules). Remember not to exceed the maximum current consumption. Terminal modules and electronic modules In principle, the ET 200iSP distributed I/O station consists of various passive terminal modules onto which you plug the power supply and the electronic modules. The ET 200iSP is connected to PROFIBUS RS 485-IS by means of a connector on terminal module TM-IM/EM. Every ET 200iSP is a DP slave on the PROFIBUS RS 485IS. DP master All ET 200iSP modules support communication with DP masters that are compliant with IEC 61784-1:2002 Ed1 CP 3/1 and operate with "DP" transmission protocol (DP stands for distributed peripherals or distributed I/O). 1786 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Documentation on ET 200iSP ( 28930789/0/en) Assigning the channel and IEEE tag Properties Analog electronic modules 4 AI I 2WIRE/HART, 4 AI I 4WIRE/ HART and 4 AO I HART support up to four IEEE tags. The process input image (PII) provides up to 20 bytes per module for the IEEE tags. Thus, four blocks of 5 bytes each are available for the four IEEE tags within the PII. Requirements The HART field device must support the assigned number of IEEE tags. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1787 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assigning IEEE tags You assign the IEEE tags of the field devices to any one of the four blocks in the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ee also Documentation on ET 200iSP ( 28930789/0/en) 1788 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assigning parameters to reference junctions for thermocouples Compensation of the reference junction temperature There are various ways of obtaining the reference junction temperature in order to get an absolute temperature value from the temperature difference between the reference junction and the measuring point. Table 10-174 Compensation of the reference junction temperature Option Explanation Reference junction parameters No compensation You record not only the temperature of the measurement point. The tempera ture of the reference junction (transition from Cu line to thermocouple line) also affects the thermo-electromotive force. The measured value then includes an error. None Use of a Pt100 Cli matic Range resist ance thermometer to record the reference junction temperature (best method) You can record the reference junction temperature using a resistance ther mometer (Pt100 Climatic Range). If par ameterized accordingly, this tempera ture value is distributed to the 4 AI TC modules in the ET 200iSP where it is off set against the temperature value ob tained at the measuring location. The parameter assignment of the IM 152 and the 4 AI TC must be coordi nated: Number of reference junctions: 2 4 AI RTD assigned parameters for Pt100 climatic range in correct slot; 4 AI TC: Reference junction : "yes"; select reference junction number "1" or "2" IM 152-1:Assignment of the reference junction to a slot with 4 AI RTD; channel selection; Internal compensa tion 4 AI TC The TC sensor module (temperature 4 AI TC: Reference junction sensor) is mounted onto the terminals of number "internal" terminal module EM 4 AI TC. The tem perature sensor reports the temperature of the terminals to the 4 AI TC. This value is then calculated together with the measured value from the channel of the electronic module. Compensation by means of a resistance thermometer at the 4 AI RTD If thermocouples that are connected to the inputs of the 4 AI RTD have the same reference junction, compensate by means of a 4 AI RTD. For both channels of the 4 AI TC module, you can select "1", "2" or "internal" as the reference junction number. If you select "1" or "2", the same reference junction (RTD channel) is always used for all four channels. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1789 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Setting parameters for the reference junction You set the reference junctions for the 4 AI TC electronic modules by means of the following parameters: Table 10-175 Reference junction parameters Parameter Module Range of values Explanation Slot reference junction 1 to slot 2 IM 152 none, 4 to 35 With this parameter, you can assign up to 2 slots (none, 4 to 35), on which the channels for reference temperature measurement (cal culating the compensation value) are loca ted. Input reference junction 1 to 4 in IM 152 put reference junction RTD on channel 0 This parameter allows you to set the channel (0/1/2/3) for measuring the reference tem perature (calculation of the compensation value) for the assigned slot. RTD on channel 1 RTD on channel 2 RTD on channel 3 Reference junction E0 to refer ence junction E3 4 AI TC Reference junction number 4 AI TC None yes 1 2 Internal This parameter allows you to enable the use of the reference junction. This parameter allows you to assign the ref erence junction (1, 2) that contains the refer ence temperature (compensation value). See also Documentation on ET 200iSP ( 28930789/0/en) Fundamentals of Time Stamping Properties Time stamping is possible with the IM 152 in customer applications using FB 62 (FB TIMESTMP). Principle of operation A modified input signal is assigned a time stamp and stored in a buffer (data record). If time stamped signals exists or a data record is full, a hardware interrupt is generated to the DP master. The buffer is evaluated with "Read data record". Special messages are generated for events that influence the time stamping (communication with the DP master interrupted, frame failure of time master, ...). 1790 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter Assignment With the parameter assignment you define which IM 152 user data will be monitored. For the time stamping these are digital inputs that are monitoring for signal changes. Parameter Setting Description Time stamping disabled Activate the time staming for the channels of the electronics module 8 DI NAMUR. enabled Edge evaluation incom rising edge ing event falling edge Determine the type of signal change that will be time-stamped. Counting Count properties Counting functions The 8 DI NAMUR electronics module has configurable counting functions: 2 x 16-bit up counters (standard counting function) or 2 x 16-bit down counters (standard counting function) or 1 x 32-bit down counter (cascading counter function) Setting a setpoint with the PIQ GATE function You can configure the control signals of the counters: - Configuration channel 0..1: "Counter", channel 2..7: "DI": Two counters are configured. The control signals of the counters are stored in the PIQ (process image output). - Configuration channel 0..1: "Counter", channel 2..7: "Control": Two counters are configured. The control signals of the counters are stored in the PIQ (process image output). They are also controlled by the digital inputs of the 8 DI NAMUR. See also Principle of operation (Page 1791) Configuring counters (Page 1794) Assigning parameters to counters (Page 1796) Principle of operation 16-bit up counters (standard counting function) The counting range is 0 to 65,535. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1791 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks With each count pulse at the digital input, the count is incremented by 1. Once the count limit is reached, the counter is reset to 0 and it counts up again from this value. If there is counter overflow, the corresponding output is set in the PII. A positive edge of the Reset output control signal resets the output in the PII. This does not affect the current count value. In 16-bit up counting operations, the system does not set any outputs in the PIQ. These are always reset. The positive edge of the Reset counter control signal sets the counter to 0 and resets the set counter output. The GATE control signal pauses the counting on a positive edge. Count pulses are processed at the digital input again, but only at the negative edge. The Reset counter control signal is also effective when GATE is active. $FWXDOYDOXHRIWKHFRXQWHU &RXQWLQJOLPLW &RXQWHURXWSXWLQ 3,, &RQWUROVLJQDO5HVHW RXWSXW &RQWUROVLJQDO5HVHW FRXQWHU &RQWUROVLJQDO *$7( 3XOVHVDWGLJLWDO LQSXW 7LPH 7LPH 7LPH 7LPH 7LPH 7LPH 16-bit down counters (periodic counting function) The maximum counting range is always 65,535 to 0. When the counter is started, the actual value is set to the selected setpoint. Each counted pulse reduced the actual value by 1. Once the actual value reaches 0, the corresponding output in the PII is turned on and the actual value is set to the selected setpoint. The counter then counts down from this value. The positive edge of the Reset counter control signal resets the selected setpoint and the corresponding output in the PII. A positive edge of the Reset output control signal resets the output in the PII. This does not affect the current count value. 1792 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The GATE control signal pauses the counting on a positive edge. At the same time, the assigned output in the PII is reset. Count pulses are processed at the digital input again, but only at the negative edge. The Reset output and Reset counter control signals are also effective when GATE is active. The setpoint of the counter is set and changed using the PIQ. The setpoint is adopted on a positive edge of the Reset counter control signal or when the counter has reached zero. $FWXDOYDOXHRIWKH FRXQWHU 6SHFLILHGYDOXH &RXQWHURXWSXW LQ3,, &RQWUROVLJQDO 5HVHWRXWSXW &RQWUROVLJQDO 5HVHWFRXQWHU &RQWUROVLJQDO *$7( 3XOVHVDW GLJLWDOLQSXW 7LPH 7LPH 7LPH 7LPH 7LPH 7LPH 32-bit down counter (cascading counter function) The maximum counting range is always 4294967295 to 0. The principle of operation is identical to that of the 16-bit down counter. Channel 1 has no function. See also Count properties (Page 1791) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1793 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring counters Procedure 1. Using the mouse, pull module 8 DI Namur from the hardware catalog into distributed I/O station ET 200iSP. 2. Select the required configuration (channel 0..1: "Counter", channel 2..7: "DI" or "Control"). In the module properties (inspector window), you can find this setting under "Parameters > Inputs > Configuration". Configuration channel 0..1: "Counter", channel 2..7: "DI" Assignment of the digital inputs on the electronic module 8 DI NAMUR Table 10-176 Assignment of digital inputs for channel 0..1: "Counter", channel 2..7: "DI": 1794 Digital input Terminal Assignment Channel 0 1, 2 Counter 1 Channel 1 5, 6 Counter 2 (does not apply to 32-bit down counters) Channel 2 9, 10 Digital input 2 Channel 3 13, 14 Digital input 3 Channel 4 3, 4 Digital input 4 Channel 5 7, 8 Digital input 5 Channel 6 11, 12 Digital input 6 Channel 7 15, 16 Digital input 7 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assignment of the process image input (PII) (%[ (%[ (%[ (%[ %LWVWR $FWXDOYDOXHRIFRXQWHU %LWVWR %LWVWR %LWVWR $FWXDOYDOXHRIFRXQWHU %LWVWR %LWVWR %LWVWR %LWVWR 6HWSRLQWFRXQWHU ELW GRZQFRXQWHU (%[ &RXQWHURXWSXW &RXQWHURXWSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 6IRUPDW (%[ (%[ 1RWDVVLJQHG 9DOXHVWDWXVIRUFKDQQHOVWR %,QSXWVLJQDOLVYDOLG %,QSXWVLJQDOLVLQYDOLG Assignment of the process image output (PIQ) $%[ $%[ $%[ $%[ %LWVWR 6SHFLILHGYDOXHRIFRXQWHU %LWVWR %LWVWR 6SHFLILHGYDOXHRIFRXQWHU %LWVWR %LWVWR %LWVWR %LWVWR %LWVWR 6HWSRLQWFRXQWHU ELW GRZQFRXQWHU $%[ 1RWDVVLJQHG 1RWDVVLJQHG &RQWUROVLJQDO*$7( &RQWUROVLJQDO*$7( &RQWUROVLJQDO5HVHWFRXQWHU &RQWUROVLJQDO5HVHWFRXQWHU &RQWUROVLJQDO5HVHWFRXQWHURXWSXW &RQWUROVLJQDO5HVHWFRXQWHURXWSXW Configuration channel 0..1: "Counter", channel 2..7: "CONTROL" With this configuration, you can also control the counters over the digital inputs. Assignment of the digital inputs on electronic module 8 DI NAMUR For further information on input assignments, refer to the technical data for electronic module 8 DI NAMUR. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1795 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-177 Assignment of the digital inputs for 2 Count/ 6 Control Digital input Terminal Assignment Channel 0 1, 2 Counter 1 Channel 1 5, 6 Counter 2 (does not apply to 32-bit down counters) Channel 2 9, 10 control signal GATE 1 Channel 3 13, 14 control signal GATE 2 Channel 4 3, 4 control signal Reset counter 1 Channel 5 7, 8 control signal Reset counter 2 Channel 6 11, 12 control signal Reset counter output 1 Channel 7 15, 16 control signal Reset counter output 2 Assignment of the process image input (PII) Assignment is identical to configuration 0..1: "Counter", channel 2..7: "DI". Assignment of the process image output (PIQ) Assignment is identical to configuration 0..1: "Counter", channel 2..7: "DI". See also Count properties (Page 1791) Assigning parameters to counters Parameters for the counting function Only those parameters that are relevant for the counters are explained below. These belong to the parameters of electronic module 8 DI NAMUR and depend on the selected configuration: Table 10-178 Parameters for the counters Parameter Setting Description Sensor type counter in puts Channel disabled Select the sensor for the respective counter of channels 0 or 1. NAMUR sensor Single contact, no load resistance Mode for counter 1 Standard counting function Select the mode for counter 1. Periodic counting function Cascaded counting function Mode for counter 2 Standard counting function Periodic counting function Cascaded counting function Select the mode for counter 2. This parameter is not relevant if you have set the "Mode for counter 1" parame ter to "Cascaded counter function". See also Count properties (Page 1791) 1796 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Frequency measurement Frequency measurement properties Properties The electronic module 8 DI NAMUR allows the frequencies to be measured on channel 0 and 1: 2 frequency meters from 1 Hz to 5 kHz Configurable metering window (GATE) The signals of the frequency meter are read in by means of the digital inputs of the electronic module. See also Principle of operation (Page 1797) Configuring frequency meters (Page 1798) Assigning parameters for the frequency meters (Page 1800) Principle of operation Frequency measurement The signal frequencies are identified from the input signals of channel 0 or 1 of the electronic module. To calculate the frequency the signals are measured within a configurable gate. The frequency is displayed as 16-bit value in fixed-point format and transferred to the PII. The frequency meter calculates the frequency according to the follow formula: )UHTXHQF\>+]@ 1XPEHURIULVLQJHGJHVDWGLJLWDOLQSXW 0HDVXULQJZLQGRZ>V@ Exceeding the input frequency If the input frequency exceeds 5kHz, 7FFFH is reported as actual value. If the input frequency is above approx. 8 kHz it is no longer possible to display correct actual values. See also Frequency measurement properties (Page 1797) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1797 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuring frequency meters Procedure 1. Using the mouse, pull module 8 DI Namur from the hardware catalog into distributed I/O station ET 200iSP. 2. Select the required configuration (channel 0..1: "Trace", channel 2..7: "DI"). In the module properties (inspector window), you can find this setting under "Parameters > Inputs > Configuration". Configuration 0..1: "Trace", channel 2..7: "DI" Assignment of the digital inputs on electronic module 8 DI NAMUR Digital input Terminal Assignment Channel 0 1, 2 Frequency counter 1 Channel 1 5, 6 Frequency counter 2 Channel 2 9, 10 Digital input 2 Channel 3 13, 14 Digital input 3 Channel 4 3, 4 Digital input 4 Channel 5 7, 8 Digital input 5 Channel 6 11, 12 Digital input 6 Channel 7 15, 16 Digital input 7 Assignment of process image input (PII) for configuration of channel 0..1: "Trace", channel 2..7: "DI" 1798 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks (%[ (%[ (%[ (%[ (%[ %LWVWR %LWVWR %LWVWR %LWVWR )UHTXHQF\PHWHU )UHTXHQF\PHWHU 1RWDVVLJQHG 1RWDVVLJQHG 'LJLWDOLQSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 'LJLWDOLQSXW 6IRUPDW (%[ (%[ 1RWDVVLJQHG 9DOXHVWDWXVIRUFKDQQHOVWR %,QSXWVLJQDOLVYDOLG %,QSXWVLJQDOLVLQYDOLG Assignment of the process image output (PIQ): The PIQ is not assigned. See also Frequency measurement properties (Page 1797) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1799 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assigning parameters for the frequency meters Parameters for frequency meter Only those parameters that are relevant for the frequency meters are explained below. These are part of the parameters of electronic module 8 DI NAMUR. Table 10-179 Parameters for the frequency meters Parameter Setting Description Sensor type frequency inputs Channel disabled Select the sensor for the relevant frequency meter for channel 0 or 1. NAMUR sensor Single contact, no load resistance Measuring window (GATE) 50 ms 200 ms 1s Select the required measuring window for channel 0 or 1. To achieve the highest possible accuracy when metering frequencies, remember the following rules: High frequencies (> 4 kHz): Set a low measuring window (50 ms) Variable/medium frequencies: set medium measuring window (200 ms) Low frequencies (< 1 kHz): Set a high measuring window (1 s) See also Frequency measurement properties (Page 1797) ET 200eco PN ET 200eco PN Distributed I/O Device Definition The ET 200eco PN distributed I/O device is a compact PROFINET IO device in degree of protection IP 65/66 or IP 67 and UL Enclosure Type 4x, Indoor use only. 1800 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Field of application The fields of application of the ET 200eco PN are derived from its special properties. A robust design and degree of protection IP 65/66 or IP 67 make the ET 200eco PN distributed I/O device suitable in particular for use in rugged industrial environments. The compact design of the ET 200eco PN is particularly favorable for applications in confined areas. The easy handling of ET 200eco PN facilitates efficient commissioning and maintenance. Properties The ET 200eco PN has the following properties: Integrated switch with 2 ports Supported Ethernet services: - ping - arp - Network diagnostics (SNMP) - LLDP Interrupts - Diagnostics interrupts - Maintenance interrupts Port diagnostics Isochronous real-time communication Prioritized startup Device replacement without programming device Media redundancy Connection to intelligent sensors/actuators via IO link master interface module. IO Controller The ET 200eco PN can communicate with all IO Controllers that conform to IEC 61158. ET 200eco PN can be configured on a CPU with advanced diagnostics. See also Documentation on ET 200eco PN ( 29999018) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1801 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter description analog input Group diagnostics You can generally enable and disable the diagnostics function of the device with this parameter. The "Fault" and "Parameter assignment error" diagnostics functions are always independent of the group diagnostics. Diagnostics, missing 1L+ If you enable this parameter, the check for missing supply voltage is enabled. Diagnostics, sensor supply short circuit If you enable this parameter, a diagnostics event is generated if a short-circuit of the sensor supply to ground is detected and the channel is enabled. The sensor supply is monitored for connectors X1, X3, X5 and X7. It is not possible to differentiate which connector has experienced the sensor short circuit. Interference frequency suppression With this parameter, you set the integration time of the device, based on the selected interference frequency. Select the frequency of the supply voltage used. Interference frequency suppression Off means 500 Hz, which corresponds to an integration time of 2 ms for a measurement channel. Temperature unit Specify the unit of the temperature measurement here. Measurement type (channel-wise) With this parameter, you set the measurement type, for example, voltage. For any unused channels, you must select the disabled setting. For a disabled channel, the conversion time and integration time of the channel = 0 s and the cycle time is optimized. Measuring range With this parameter, you set the measuring range of the selected measurement type. Temperature coefficient (for RTD, thermoresistor) The correction factor for the temperature coefficients (-value) indicates by what extent the resistance of specific material changes relatively if the temperature increases by 1 . The -values conform to EN 60751, GOST 6651, JIS C 1604 and ASTM E-1137. The temperature coefficient depends on the chemical composition of the material. 1802 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Smoothing Smoothing of the analog values produces a stable analog signal for further processing. The smoothing of analog values is useful when handling wanted signals (measured values) with a slow rate of change, for example, temperature measurements. The measured values are smoothed by digital filtering. To achieve smoothing, the device generates a mean value from a specified number of converted (digitized) analog values. You assign a maximum of four levels for the smoothing (none, weak, medium, strong). The level determines the number of module cycles, from which the mean value is generated. The stronger the smoothing, the more stable the smoothed analog value and the longer it takes until the smoothed analog value is applied following a signal change (see the example below). The figure below shows the number of cycles a module requires to apply the smoothed analog value at almost 100% after a step response, based on the smoothing function settings. The figure applies to all signal changes at the analog input. The smoothing value defines the number of cycles a module requires to reach 63% of the end value of the changed signal. 6LJQDO FKDQJH [ [ [ 0RGXOHF\FOHV Smoothing, weak Smoothing, medium Smoothing, strong Diagnostics, wire break When this parameter is enabled, the Wire break diagnostics event is generated when a wire break is detected. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1803 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Observe the rules outlined below to handle a wire break in the 1 to 5 V and 4 to 20 mA measuring ranges: Parameter Enable wire break1 Wire break disabled 1 Event Measured val Explanation ue Wire break 7FFFH Diagnostics, wire break Wire break 8000H Measured value after leaving the under range Underflow enabled Wire break disabled1 Diagnostic message Lower limit value un dershot Wire break Underflow disabled 1 8000H Measured value after leaving the under range Measuring range limits for wire break detection and measuring range undershoot detection: 1 to 5 V: At 0.296 V 4 to 20 mA: At 1.185 mA Diagnostics, underflow If you enable this parameter, the Underflow diagnostics event is generated when the measured value reaches the underflow range. Diagnostics, overflow If you enable this parameter, the Overflow diagnostics event is generated when the measured value reaches the overflow range. Reference junction for thermoresistor (TC) A difference in temperature between the measuring point and the free ends of the thermocouple (terminal point) generates a voltage between the free ends, namely the thermoelectric voltage. The value of this thermoelectric voltage is determined by the temperature difference between the measuring point and the free ends and by the type of material combination of the thermocouple. Since a thermocouple always measures a temperature difference, the free ends at the reference junction must be maintained at a known temperature in order to determine the temperature of the measuring point. If you specify Internal compensation, the temperature of the measuring point in the housing of the I/O device is measured. With the External compensation setting, you can connect a compensation box in series in order to increase the accuracy of the temperature measurement. Parameter description analog output Group diagnostics You can generally enable and disable the diagnostics function of the device with this parameter. The "Fault" and "Parameter assignment error" diagnostics functions are always independent of the group diagnostics. 1804 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Diagnostics, missing 1L+ If you enable this parameter, the check for missing supply voltage is enabled. Diagnostics, sensor supply short circuit When this parameter is enabled, the system generates a diagnostics event if it detects a shortcircuit of the sensor supply to ground. This diagnostics function is activated when the group diagnostics function is enabled. Response to CPU/Master STOP Select how the module's outputs will respond to a CPU STOP: Shut down The I/O device goes to the safe state. The process image output is deleted (=0). Keep last value The I/O device retains the last value to be output before STOP. Substitute value The I/O device outputs the value for the channel set beforehand. Note Make sure that the plant is always in a safe state if "Keep last value" is selected. Type of output With this parameter, you set the output type, for example, voltage. For any unused channels, select the disabled setting. For a disabled channel, the conversion time and integration time of the channel = 0 s, and the cycle time is optimized. Output range With this parameter, you set the output range of the selected output type. Diagnostics, wire break (in current mode) When this parameter is enabled, the Wire break diagnostics event is generated when a wire break is detected. This diagnostics event cannot be detected in the zero range. Diagnostics, short circuit (in voltage mode) If you enable this parameter, a diagnostics event is generated in the event of a short circuit in the output line. This diagnostics event cannot be detected in the zero range. Diagnostics, overload If you enable this parameter, the diagnostics event is generated in the event of an overload. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1805 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Substitute values With this parameter, you enter a substitute value that the module is to output in CPU-STOP mode. The substitute value must be in the nominal range, overrange, or underrange. ET 200SP ET 200SP distributed I/O system Definition The ET 200SP distributed I/O system is a scalable, highly flexible distributed I/O system for connection of process signals to a central controller via a field bus. Application area The ET 200SP is a multi-functional distributed I/O system for various fields of application. The scalable design allows you to configure the system exactly to the specific requirements on location. The ET 200SP is approved for degree of protection IP 20 and for installation in a control cabinet. Structure The ET 200SP is mounted on a mounting rail and comprises: An interface module which can communicate with all IO controllers that conform to the PROFINET standard IEC 61158 Up to 32 I/O modules which can be inserted on passive BaseUnits in any combination A server module that completes the design of the ET 200SP. ET 200SP with own CPU module ET 200SP with own CPU The ET 200SP can be equipped with its own CPU, for example with the CPU 1510SP-1 PN or CPU 1512SP-1 PN. You can connect up to 65 modules of the S7-1500 automation system to this CPU. Note the configuration rules of the ET 200SP ( view/en/58649293). 1806 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Interface module parameters Status bytes Status bytes If you enable the "Status bytes" option, 4 bytes of input data are reserved for the status of the supply voltage of each I/O module. %\WH %\WH %\WH %\WH ,2PRGXOHVORWV %LW %LW /RDGYROWDJHPLVVLQJRU,2PRGXOHQRW SUHVHQW /RDGYROWDJHDQG,2PRGXOHSUHVHQW Note An inserted or missing server module always reports for the slot bit = 0. Group diagnostics, missing supply voltage L+ Group diagnostics, missing supply voltage L+ This diagnostics is a group diagnostics that covers the supply voltage status of all I/O modules of a potential group which are defined by BaseUnits with incoming power supply (light-colored BaseUnit BU...D). The group diagnostics is formed from the states of the supply voltage of the inserted I/O modules within the potential group. The group diagnostics does not depend on the "Missing supply voltage L+" parameter of the I/O modules being enabled. The server module does not influence the missing supply voltage L+ group diagnostics. Requirements for the correct operation of the group diagnostics for missing supply voltage L+: I/O modules or BU covers must be inserted on the light-colored and dark-colored BaseUnits. If no I/O module is inserted on a light-colored BaseUnit, the start of this potential group will not be detected by the interface module; the I/O modules of this potential group will thus belong to the previous potential group. A supply voltage L+ group error will then be assigned to the wrong potential group. When an I/O module is inserted on the light-colored BaseUnit, the interface module detects the new potential group, re-evaluates the status, and reports a new group diagnostics in the case of an error. The server module must be inserted. The server module itself does not influence the missing supply voltage L+ group diagnostics. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1807 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration control with ET 200SP Operating principle Configuration control allows you to operate various real configurations (options) with a single configuration of the distributed I/O device ET 200SP. Configuration control provides you with the option of configuring the ET 200SP distributed I/ O device with its maximum configuration and nevertheless operating it with missing modules. If missing modules are retrofitted later, no new configuration is required and the hardware configuration does not have to be reloaded either. Using control data record 196, which is transferred to the interface module in the user program, you define a current preset configuration. The configured module is not present on a slot. - A BU cover can be inserted in this slot instead of the configured I/O module. As there is no configured module on the slot, the term "Configuration control with empty slots" is also used. - The module that is configured to the right of the missing module can be inserted on this slot instead of the configured module. The missing module makes the actual configuration appear pushed together. As the configured module is missing but no gap arises in the configuration, this is also referred to as a "Configuration without empty slots". The configuration is extended by an already configured module. - In the case of configuration control with empty spaces, you extend the configuration by inserting the configured module on the corresponding empty slot. - In the case of configuration control without empty spaces, insert the configured module on the right-hand side next to the last module of the ET 200SP. Requirement The CPU startup parameter "Compare preset to actual configuration" is set to Startup even if mismatch (default setting). This setting is also selected for the startup parameters of the individual modules of the ET 200SP. Enabling configuration control In the properties of the interface module under Module parameters > General > Configuration control, select "Enable reconfiguration of device via user program". This activates configuration control. Control data record 196 for ET 200SP The figure below shows the data block 196 for the configuration control of an ET 200SP with four modules. The value "12" is in the "block_length" element. 1808 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If you configure an ET 200SP in STEP 7 with more modules, the data block will be longer. The data record for the maximum configuration with 65 modules is 134 bytes long (configuration with PN interface module). There are two bytes in the data record for each module. The positions of these two bytes in the data record each code a module in the original configuration with STEP 7: "slot_1" and "info_slot_1" (bytes 4 and 5 in the data record, see figure below) correspond to the module in slot 1 in configuration with STEP 7. "slot_2" and "info_slot_2" (bytes 6 and 7) correspond to the module in slot 2 in configuration with STEP 7. "slot_3" and "info_slot_3" (bytes 8 and 9) correspond to the module in slot 3 in configuration with STEP 7. etc. "slot_x" byte The current slot is coded by the figure that is assigned to "slot_x" (by its value). Examples: The value "1" in byte 4 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 1 to slot 1 in the current configuration (slot_1 = 1). The value "2" in byte 4 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 1 to slot 2 in the current configuration (slot_1 = 2). The value "3" in byte 4 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 1 to slot 3 in the current configuration (slot_1 = 3). etc. The value "1" in byte 6 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 1 in the current configuration (slot_2 = 1). The value "2" in byte 6 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 2 in the current configuration (slot_2 = 2). The value "3" in byte 6 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 3 in the current configuration (slot_2 = 3). etc. If a BU cover can be inserted instead of a module, code this by adding 128 to the slot (bit 7 of the "slot_x" byte is set). Examples: The value "129" in slot_1 means you are also assigning the module originally inserted in slot 1 to slot 1 in the current configuration. A BU cover can also be used instead of this module. In the real plant configuration, either the module or a BU cover is inserted. The value "130" in slot_1 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 1 to slot 2 in the current configuration. A BU cover can also be used instead of this module. In the real plant configuration, either the module or a BU cover is inserted. The value "131" in slot_1 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 1 to slot 3 in the current configuration. A BU cover can also be used instead of this module. In the real plant configuration, either the module or a BU cover is inserted. "info_slot_x" byte WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1809 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If a new potential group is opened with the module, assign the "info_slot_x" byte the value 1 (bit 0 of the byte is set). Examples: The value "1" in the "info_slot_2" byte means that a new potential group is opened with module 2. The value "1" in the "info_slot_3" byte means that a new potential group is opened with module 3. The value "1" in the "info_slot_4" byte means that a new potential group is opened with module 4. Exception: A new potential group is automatically assigned to the first module in the original configuration in STEP 7. This is not coded in the data record. You can enter any value in "info_slot_1". You can choose any name for the components of the control data record (for example "slot_1"). Example of control data record 196 for ET 200SP The figure below shows control data record 196 for an ET 200SP with four modules. The module inserted in slot 2 in the configuration in STEP 7 can also be inserted in slot 2 in this configuration. It can also be inserted in slot 2 of a BU cover. Otherwise, nothing has changed compared to the original configuration. Addressing the interface module using the HW identifier To transfer data record 196 with the instruction WRREC, you must enter the HW identifier of the IM submodule with the extension "Head" as the input parameter for the instruction. The system constant of this HW identifier is, for example, "IO-Device_2Head". The system constants of a selected device are, for example, displayed in the network view in the "System constants" tab. Use the corresponding value for addressing. Readback data record 197 for ET 200SP Readback data record 197 is used to read the actual configuration of a station (in this case, of an ET 200SP). 1810 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks This readback data record allows you to check the real configuration of the ET 200SP (actual configuration). The readback data record for each configured module specifies whether or not it is actually available. The value "1" means that the correct module is inserted in the correct slot. The value "0" codes all other possibilities (wrong module, empty slot, BU cover). Configuration details: The configuration of the data block corresponds to the original configuration of the ET 200SP with STEP 7. There are two bytes in the data record for each module. The position of these two bytes in the data record corresponds to the position of a module in the original configuration with STEP 7. Sequence of bytes: "status_slot_1" and "reserve_1" (bytes 4 and 5 in the data record) correspond to the module in slot 1 in the configuration, "status_slot_2" and "reserve_2" (bytes 6 and 7) correspond to the module in slot 2 in the configuration "status_slot_3" and "reserve_3" (bytes 8 and 9) correspond to the module in slot 3 in the configuration, etc. Example The original configuration in STEP 7 has been changed by a control data record 196 (see example above): In the modified configuration, module 2 can either be inserted in slot 2 or be replaced by a BU cover. The figure below shows readback data record 197 which ET 200SP outputs to indicate that there is a module in slot 2: The "status_slot_2" byte has the value "1". The other modules are also available and are inserted in the correct slots. The figure below displays the readback data record 197 which ET 200SP outputs to indicate that a BU cover is being used in slot 2: The "status_slot_2" byte has the value "0". The other modules are available and are inserted in the correct slots. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1811 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Reading readback data record 197 You can read readback data record 197 from the ET 200SP with the instruction RDREC. RDREC operates asynchronously. If you call RDREC in the startup OB, you must call the instruction multiple times using a loop until the "BUSY" or "DONE" output parameter indicates that the data record has been read. To read data record 197 with the instruction RDREC, you must enter the HW identifier of the IM submodule with the extension "Head" as the input parameter for the instruction. The system constant of this HW identifier is, for example, "IO-Device_2Head". The system constants of a selected device are, for example, displayed in the network view in the "System constants" tab. Use the corresponding value for addressing. Additional information and examples Specific examples of configuration control can be found in this application description (http:// Further information on ET 200SP can be found in the manuals IM 155-6 PN (http:// and IM 155-6 DP (http:// You will find a library of the data records and other application examples here: Templates for the data records ( 29430270) See also Configuration control with ET 200AL (Page 1855) Configuration control for ET 200SP with integrated ET 200AL modules (Page 1813) 1812 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration control for ET 200SP with integrated ET 200AL modules ET 200SP with integrated ET 200AL modules Configuration control for ET 200SP and ET 200AL is described in separate help topics. See the links under "See also". The steps outlined also apply to configuration control of an ET 200SP with integrated AL modules. The procedure is different for control data record 196 and readback data record 197. The following help text describes control data record 196 and the readback data record 197 for an ET 200SP expanded with ET 200AL modules. Control data record 196 The two figures below show parts of control data record 196 for a configuration of an ET 200SP expanded with ET 200AL modules. This configuration is given as an example: The module "BA Send 1xFC" is in slot 1 "slot_1". This module allows you to integrate ET 200AL modules into an ET 200SP. In our configuration example, 16 AL modules are connected to the BA-Send (maximum configuration). If a BA-Send is being used, this module must be inserted in slot 1. All slots from 2 to 64 are assigned ET 200SP modules. A server module is inserted in slot 65. There are 16 AL modules in slots 66 to 81. The ET 200SP with integrated AL modules, originally configured with STEP 7, is now to be reconfigured from the user program. The new configuration has the following properties: The "BA Send 1xFC" module is inserted in "slot_1_BA-Send" (fixed setting). Module 2 "slot_2" is not available in the modified configuration (value "0"). Module 3 "slot_3" is in slot 2 in the modified configuration (value "2"). Module 4 "slot_4" is in slot 3 in the modified configuration (value "3"). All modules from slot 5 to slot 81 are operated in the original configuration with STEP 7. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1813 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The components of control data record 196 (figure above): block_length: Note the length of the control data record here; in the example: 166 (bytes). The length of the control data block is calculated using the formula "2 x number of slots + 4". block_ID: Enter the figure 196 here. version: The ET 200SP uses version 2 of control data record 196. subversion: The ET 200SP uses subversion 0 of control data record 196. 1814 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The components of control data record 196 (figure above): slot_65_SP: This byte relates to the server module in the ET 200SP rack. It ends the backplane bus of the ET 200SP. From "slot_66_AL" come the 16 configured ET 200AL modules: Our configuration example does not change the configuration with STEP 7. The byte "slot_66_AL" has the value "66", the byte "slot_67_AL" has the value "67", the byte "slot_68_AL" has the value "68", etc. Definition of control data record 196 A control data record 196 containing a slot assignment is defined for configuration control. Byte Component Value Description 0 block_length e.g. 166 for maxi mum configuration with The length of the data record is calculated using the formula: 4 + "number of modules" x 2 Header 65 ET-200SP mod ules and 16 ET 200AL mod ules (with DP interface module, maximum of 33 ET 200SP modules and 16 ET 200AL modules) 1 Block ID 196 ID for control data record 196 2 version 2 Version 2 of control data record 196 3 subversion 0 Subversion 0 of control data re cord 196 4 slot_1_BA-Send Real slot for SP mod When AL modules are integrated ule 1 in ET 200SP, the module "BA Send 1xFC" must always be in Possible value: serted in slot 1. 1 5 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 info_slot_1_BASend 0 or 1 The value "1" means that a new potential group is opened with this module. (Not evaluated in this byte) 1st slot for SP modules Assignment for the con figured SP module 1 to a real slot 1815 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 6 slot_2 Real slot for SP mod The configured SP module 2 can ule 2 be inserted in any real slot from 2 to slot 65 (2 to 33 for a DP in Possible values: terface module). 2 to 65 (not 66 to 81, re served for AL mod ules) 0 (if the configured module 2 is not avail able) 7 info_slot_2 1 Slots 66 to 81 are for AL modules (34 to 49 with DP interface mod ule). 2nd slot for SP modules Assignment for the con figured SP module 2 to a real slot The value "1" means that a new potential group is opened with this module. A new potential group must al ways be opened in this byte as BA-Send cannot open a new po tential group. 8 slot_3 Real slot for SP mod The configured SP module 3 can ule 3 be inserted in any real slot from 2 to slot 65 (2 to 33 for a DP in Possible values: terface module). 2 to 65 (not 66 to 81, re served for AL mod ules) 0 (if the configured module 3 is not avail able) 9 info_slot_3 1 Slots 66 to 81 are for AL modules (34 to 49 with DP interface mod ule). 3rd slot for SP modules Assignment for the con figured SP module 3 to a real slot The value "1" means that a new potential group is opened with this module. . : : : 132 slot_65 Real slot for SP mod The configured SP module 65 ule 65 can be inserted in any real slot from 2 to slot 65 (2 to 33 for a DP Possible values: interface module). 2 to 65 (not 66 to 81, re served for AL mod ules) 0 (if the configured module 65 is not available) 133 1816 info_slot_65 0 or 1 : : Slots 66 to 81 are for AL modules (34 to 49 with DP interface mod ule) 65th Slot for SP modules Assignment for the con figured SP module 65 to a real slot The value "1" means that a new potential group is opened with this module (the value is not eval uated in this slot). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 134 slot_66 Real slot for AL mod The configured AL module 1 can 1st Slot for ule 1 be inserted in any slot from 66 to AL modules slot 81 (34 to 49 for PROFIBUS). Assignment Possible values: for the con 66 to 81 figured AL (not 1 to 65, re module 1 to served for SP mod a real slot ules) 0 (if the configured AL module 1 is not available) 135 info_slot_66 - Reserve : : : : 164 slot_81 Real slot for AL mod The configured AL module 16 ule 16 can be inserted in any slot from 66 to slot 81 (34 to 49 for DP in Possible values: terface module). 66 to 81 (not 1 to 65, re served for SP mod ules) : 16th Slot for AL modules Assignment for the con figured AL module 16 to a real slot 0 (if the configured AL module 16 is not available) 165 info_slot_81 - Reserve Rules If the "BA Send 1xFC" module is being used, it must be inserted in slot 1. ET 200SP modules are inserted in slots 2 to 65 (slots 2 to 33 for DP interface module). AL modules are inserted in slots 66 to 81 (slots 34 to 49 for DP interface module). If you expand an ET 200SP with ET 200 AL modules, the 1st AL module is always coded in bytes 134 and 135 of the control data record, the 2nd AL module in bytes 136 and 137, etc., even if not all SP slots are to be occupied by SP modules. Non-assigned SP slots are coded with the value "0". Error messages The following error messages are returned if an error occurs when writing control data record 196: Table 10-180 Error messages WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Error code Meaning 16#80A2 DP protocol error on layer 2 Indicates that a data record has not been acknowledged due to the system. 16#80B1 Invalid length; the length information in data record 196 is not correct. 16#80B5 Configuration control parameters not assigned. 1817 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Error code Meaning 16#80B2 Invalid slot: The configured slot is not assigned. 16#80B8 Parameter error; module signals invalid parameters. 16#80C5 DP slave or module not available. Indicates that a data record has not been acknowledged due to the system. Readback data record 197 for ET 200SP with AL modules The actual configuration of an ET 200SP with AL modules can be checked with readback data record 197. Data record 197 largely corresponds to readback data record 197 for ET 200SP without AL modules; however, it is longer as the additional AL modules also need to be coded. There are two bytes in the data record for each module. The position of these two bytes in the data record codes a module in the original configuration with STEP 7. In the figure below: The components "status_slot_1" and "reserve_1" (bytes 4 and 5 in the data record) correspond to the module in slot 1 in the configuration with STEP 7, "status_slot_2" and "reserve_slot_2" (bytes 6 and 7) correspond to the module in slot 2, "status_slot_3" and "reserve_slot_3" (bytes 8 and 9) correspond to the module in slot 3, etc. The following data record is structured for configuration with 65 SP modules and 16 AL modules. The value "166" therefore appears in the "block_length" element of the data record. If you configure an ET 200SP in STEP 7 with fewer AL modules, the data block will be shorter. If you use fewer SP modules in a configuration, this has no effect on the length of data record 197 (with an expansion of ET 200SP with ET 200AL modules). The "reserve_x" component of readback data record 197 is reserved for future applications. You can choose any name for the components of the readback data record (for example "status_slot_1"). The figure below shows the start of readback data record 197 for reading the actual configuration of an ET 200SP with AL modules. 1818 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks It does not show the components "status_slot_7" to "reserve_81" (maximum configuration of an ET 200SP with PN interface module) or "status_slot_7" to "reserve_slot_49" (maximum configuration of an ET 200SP with DP interface module). Meaning of "status_slot_x": The value "1" in status_slot_x means that module x is inserted in the correct slot The value "0" codes all other possibilities (wrong module, empty slot, BU cover). The figure below shows part of feedback data record 197 for reading the actual configuration of an ET 200SP with AL modules (and PN interface module). ET 200SP modules are inserted up to slot 65, and then the AL modules. For example, a value of "1" in the byte "status_slot_66_AL" means that the 1st AL module actually exists in the plant and is inserted in the correct slot. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1819 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Reading feedback data record 197 You can read the feedback data record 197 from the ET 200SP with the RDREC instruction. RDREC operates asynchronously. If you call RDREC in the startup OB, you must call the instruction multiple times using a loop until the "BUSY" or "DONE" output parameter indicates that the data record has been read. Further information and examples Specific examples of configuration control can be found in this application description (http:// Further information on ET 200SP can be found in the manuals for IM 155-6 PN (http:// and IM 155-6 DP (http:// Further information on ET 200AL is available here ( WW/view/en/89254863). See also Configuration control with ET 200SP (Page 1808) Configuration control with ET 200AL (Page 1855) Expanding ET 200SP with ET 200AL modules Introduction The ET 200SP is a distributed I/O system for installation in a control cabinet. The system can be expanded with modules of the ET 200AL series with IP65/67 degree of protection. ET 200AL modules can be mounted on site, for example on a machine. Slot rules The following rules apply to the use of ET 200AL modules in an ET 200SP with interface module: The "BA-Send 1xFC" module must be inserted in slot 1 of the ET 200SP if the ET 200SP is to be expanded with ET 200AL modules. The ET 200AL modules must be configured with no gaps. The procedure detailed further on covers the use of ET 200AL modules in an ET 200SP with interface module. The following, different, rules apply to the use of ET 200AL modules in an ET 200SP with CPU: The "BA-Send 1xFC" module can be located in slots 2 to 4 of the ET 200SP CPU. A CM DP communication module can be inserted as CPU submodule, but then occupies slot 2. 1820 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure Follow the steps below to configure an ET 200SP with interface module with ET 200AL modules: 1. Drag an interface module (PROFINET or PROFIBUS) from the ET 200SP series to the network view. 2. Go to the device view. You do this by clicking twice on the icon of the module you have just inserted. 3. Insert the module "BA Send 1xFC" into slot 1 of the ET 200SP. STEP 7 now generates an ET-Connection rack with 16 slots for ET 200AL modules (figure below). An ET-Connection rack is a virtual rack that sets the order of the connected ET 200AL modules. Question marks are displayed above the slots as an ET 200AL module has yet to be connected to BA-Send. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1821 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. From the hardware catalog (subfolder ET 200AL in the ET 200SP folder), select the first ET 200AL module to be connected to the ET 200SP: Drag and drop this module to the 1st slot in the ET connection rack. From this module, STEP 7 generates a line to the "BA-Send 1xFC" module and allocates the slot numbers 66 to 81 (figure below). If you configure the ET 200SP with a DP interface module, STEP 7 assigns the slot numbers 34 to 49 for the ET 200AL modules. 1822 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 5. Now drag all other ET 200AL modules into the free slots in the ET-Connection rack. STEP 7 automatically inserts the ET-Connection between the individual ET 200AL modules (green loops). In the configuration below, five ET 200AL modules are connected in series. 6. Complete the configuration of the ET 200SP: Drag all ET 200SP modules from the hardware catalog to the slots in the ET 200SP. Five ET 200SP modules are plugged in the configuration example below: The PN interface module in slot 0, the module "BA-Send 1xFC" in slot 1, one input module each in slots 2 and 3, and a server module in slot 4: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1823 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Configuration control with ET 200AL (Page 1855) ET 200AL distributed I/O system (Page 1848) Output module parameters Substitute value reaction Substitute value reaction In the ET 200SP, the substitute value reaction is executed by the IO controller per slot. 1824 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The respective output reacts according to its set substitute value reaction: "Turn off" "Output substitute value" "Keep last value" This substitute value reaction is triggered in the following cases: IO controller in STOP Controller failure (connection interruption) Firmware update Reset to factory settings More than one I/O module withdrawn simultaneously Disable the IO device Station stop - Missing server module - More than one I/O module withdrawn simultaneously - At least one I/O module is inserted on the wrong BaseUnit Note Reducing a configuration If you reduce the configuration of the ET 200SP and download the configuration to the CPU, the modules which are no longer configured but still present retain their original substitute value reaction. This applies until the supply voltage on the BaseUnit BU...D or on the interface module is turned off. Input module parameters Parameters of the digital input modules Diagnostics missing supply voltage L+ Enabling of the diagnostics for missing or insufficient supply voltage L+. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1825 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Diagnostics short-circuit to ground Enabling of the diagnostics if a short-circuit of the actuator supply to ground occurs. 0 / 1826 Encoder supply Short-circuit WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Diagnostics short-circuit to L+ Enabling of the diagnostics if a short-circuit of the encoder supply to L+ occurs. 0 / Encoder supply Short-circuit Diagnostics wire break Enabling diagnostics if the line to the encoder is interrupted. Operating mode Determines whether a channel is enabled or disabled. Pulse extension (only High Feature modules) Pulse extension is a function for changing a digital input signal. A pulse at a digital input is extended to at least the configured length. If the input pulse is already longer than the configured length, the pulse is not changed. Pulse extension is started whenever the state of the input signal changes and no pulse extension is active for this channel. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1827 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Potential group of the left module / new potential group Specifies whether the I/O module is located on a base unit with supply voltage feed (new potential group) or whether it is it located on a base unit without supply voltage feed (in which case it belongs to the potential group of the left module). Parameters of the analog input modules Missing supply voltage L+ Enabling of the diagnostics, with missing or too little supply voltage L+. Reference junction (AI 4xRTD/TC 2-/3-/4-wire HF) A BaseUnit with internal temperature sensor (BU..T) or the channel 0 of the I/O module can be used as reference junction, provided this has been configured as "Thermal resistor Pt100 climatic range Celsius". A possible parameter assignment is shown below (see also Information about reference channel mode (Page 1831)): Table 10-181 RTD channel Setting Description No reference channel operation Temperature value at channel 0 can be used as module-wide reference value if the parameters of the other channels are assigned accordingly. Reference channel of Group x The channel acts as sender for the reference junction temperature of Group x. Distribution is performed via the interface module. Table 10-182 TC channel Setting Description Reference channel of the module The corresponding TC channel uses the channel 0 of the same module as ref erence junction temperature. This must be set as "Thermal resistor Pt 100 cli matic range Celsius" and "No reference channel operation"; otherwise, refer ence junction diagnostics is triggered. Internal reference junction The reference junction temperature is read by an internal temperature sensor on the BaseUnit. Reference junction diagnostics is triggered if there is a wrong BaseUnit type. Reference channel of Group x With the setting "TC" (thermocouple...), the channel acts as receiver for the reference junction temperature of Group x. Fixed reference temperature No temperature compensation occurs. The linearization is executed with an assumed reference junction temperature of 0 C. Overflow Enabling of the diagnostics if the measured value exceeds the overflow range. 1828 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Underflow Enabling of the diagnostics if the measured value falls below the underflow range. Wire break Enabling of the diagnostics if the module has no current flow or too low a current flow for the measurement on the corresponding configured input. Smoothing The individual measurements are smoothed using digital filtering. The smoothing can be set in 4 stages, whereby the smoothing factor k multiplied by the cycle time of the I/O module corresponds to the time constant of the smoothing filter. The larger the smoothing, the larger the time constant of the filter. The following figure shows the step response for the various smoothing factors depending on the number of module cycles. QRQHN ZHDNN PHGLXPN VWURQJN 6WHSUHVSRQVH [ [ [ [ 0RGXOHF\FOHV Figure 10-45 Smoothing with AI 4xRTD/TC 2/3/4wire HF Interference frequency suppression With analog input modules, suppresses the disturbance caused by the frequency of the AC network used. The frequency of the AC network may interfere with measured values, particularly for measurements within low voltage ranges and when thermocouples are being used. This parameter is used to define the predominant power frequency of the system. Hardware interrupt limits If the high limit 1/2 or the low limit 1/2 is violated, the module triggers a hardware interrupt. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1829 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Below are some examples for the selection of the limits 1 and 2. +LJKOLPLW +LJKOLPLW +LJKOLPLW +LJKOLPLW +LJKOLPLW +LJKOLPLW +LJKOLPLW /RZOLPLW +LJKOLPLW /RZOLPLW /RZOLPLW /RZOLPLW 0HDVXUHGYDOXH /RZOLPLW 0HDVXUHGYDOXH /RZOLPLW /RZOLPLW 0HDVXUHGYDOXH /RZOLPLW 0HDVXUHGYDOXH Low limit 1/2 Specify a threshold whose undershoot triggers a hardware interrupt. High limit 1/2 Specify a threshold whose overrange triggers a hardware interrupt. Potential group of the left module/New potential group Specifies whether the I/O module is located on a BaseUnit with supply voltage infeed (new potential group) or on a BaseUnit without supply voltage feed (in which case, it belongs to the potential group of the left module). Temperature coefficient (measurement type thermoresistor) The correction factor for the temperature coefficient ( value) defines the relative rate of change of the resistance of a specific material at a temperature rise of 1 . The temperature coefficient depends on the chemical composition of the material. In Europe, only one value is used per sensor type (default value). The further values facilitate a sensor-specific setting of the temperature coefficient and enhance accuracy. See also Special features of AI 4xRTD/TC 2-/3-/4-wire HF (Page 1839) 1830 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Information about reference channel mode An RTD/TC module of the ET 200SP works in reference channel mode when a channel sends the reference temperature to other channels of the station. The receiving channels use the reference temperature for temperature compensation when measuring with thermocouples. Structure and use of thermocouples The thermocouple consists of two wires with different metals or alloys that are welded together at the end. The weld is called measuring point. The other end of the two wires is open. This end is called reference junction. A thermal voltage, which depends on the temperature at the measuring point, occurs between the two metals/alloys at the measuring point. Other thermal voltages also occur at the reference junction - with transition from thermocouple to copper lines, for example - that falsify the actual measured value and need to be compensated. No compensation is required for a reference junction temperature of 0 C. Different methods are used to compensate the reference junction temperature: Fixed reference temperature: The reference junction is permanently set to a specific temperature, for example, to 0 C by an icewater bath (no compensation required). Internal reference junction: The reference junction is the terminal of the BaseUnit on which the analog module is plugged. If you select the "Internal reference junction" compensation type, you have to use BaseUnits with integrated temperature measurement to compensate the reference junction temperature. These BaseUnits have the designation "BU..T". The module records the temperature at the reference junction and uses this to determine the actual temperature at the measuring point. Reference channel of Group x: An external thermal resistor records the temperature at the reference junction for the Group x (group of channels within a station). The actual temperature at the respective measuring point can be determined as a result. One external thermal resistor is required for each group. The thermal resistors are each connected to one channel of an analog module. These channels are called senders (for the temperature at the reference junction). The mode of operation and settings are described in the section "Station-wide distribution of reference temperature". Reference channel of the module: The mode of operation is comparable with "Reference channel of Group x". You connect an external thermal resistor to channel 0 of the module to measure the temperature at the reference junction. Other channels of the same module use this reference temperature for temperature compensation. The mode of operation and settings are described in the section "Module-wide distribution of reference temperature". You can find information about the structure and mode of operation of a thermocouple in the Analog value processing ( manual. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1831 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Station-wide distribution of the reference temperature You can record the temperature at the reference junction x using a thermal resistor on a channel (sender of the reference temperature) and send it to other channels within a station (receivers). All channels that receive the temperature at a reference junction x form the Group x. For each group, you assign parameters to exactly one channel as sender of the reference temperature. Thermal resistor at the reference junction Channel records temperature at the reference junction and sends it to the other channels within a station (sender of Group x). The temperature value is used for the compensation of the refer ence junction temperature. Channels of the Group x receive the temperature at the reference junction (receivers) Parameter assignment of a channel as reference channel (sender for Group 1) Parameter assignment is described below using Group 1 as example: 1. Open the project in STEP 7 2. Select the required analog module (RTD/TC) in the device view. 3. Then select a channel that is to work as sender of the reference junction temperature. The following settings are required: "Measurement type": "Thermal resistor", for example, "Thermal resistor (4-wire connection)" "Measuring range": "Pt 100 climatic range" "Temperature unit": "Degrees Celsius" "Reference junction": "Reference channel of Group 1" The following figure shows the parameter assignment. 1832 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The channel configured in this way (thermal resistor measurement type) works as reference channel of Group 1 and sends the measured temperature to all channels (thermocouple measurement type) that are configured as receivers of Group 1. In the next section, you will learn how to assign parameters for channels that are receivers of Group 1. Parameter assignment of a channel as receiver of Group 1 The figure below shows the parameter assignment of a channel that receives the temperature at the reference junction of Group 1. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1833 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The following settings are required: "Measurement type": "Thermocouple" "Reference junction": "Reference channel of Group 1" Module-wide distribution of the reference temperature You can record the temperature on a reference junction using the channel 0 of the module and use the temperature value for the channels 1, 2, 3... of this module. The recorded temperature value is not sent to the channels of the other modules within the station (no reference channel mode). 1834 Thermal resistor at the reference junction Channels of the same module use the temperature value for the compensation of the reference junction temperature for the measurement with thermocouples, "Reference junction" parameter: "Reference channel of the module" Channel records temperature at the reference junction, "Reference junction" parameter: "No reference channel mode" WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter assignment of channel 0 as reference channel of the module The figure below shows the parameter assignment of channel 0 of a module that is to be used for recording the temperature at the reference junction: The following settings are required: "Measurement type": "Thermal resistor", for example, "Thermal resistor (4-wire connection)" "Measuring range": "Pt 100 climatic range" "Temperature unit": "Degrees Celsius" "Reference junction": "No reference channel mode" WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1835 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Parameter assignment of a channel that uses channel 0 as reference channel The figure below shows how parameters have to be assigned for a channel that uses the channel 0 of this module as reference channel for temperature compensation. The settings below are required for the channels of the module that compensate the temperature of the reference junction using channel 0: "Measurement type": "Thermocouple" "Reference junction": "Reference channel of the module" See also Parameters of the analog input modules (Page 1828) Information about the Oversampling function High-speed analog modules (HS) are available to meet high performance and speed requirements. The main characteristics of these HS analog modules compared to Standard analog modules (ST) is their shorter cycle times. To achieve this goal, the input and output modules are equipped with components with extremely short throughput and conversion times. In addition, the entire architecture of the modules is designed for faster signal processing. HS analog modules convert the output of measured values and output values at the same time. Each channel within the module has its own A/D or D/A converter. This means the cycle time is basically the conversion time and independent of the number of activated channels. This is true for analog input modules as well as analog output modules. This means HS modules can be used in fast isochronous mode. Apart from isochronous mode, the HS analog modules also provide benefits in nonisochronous (free-running) mode. Due to the fast processing of the process signals, HS analog modules are able to detect changes in the process values more quickly and to respond to 1836 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks these events with the appropriate program blocks (for example, hardware interrupt or cyclic interrupt organization blocks). Isochronous mode Isochronous mode refers to synchronous coupling Of signal acquisition and output via the distributed I/O Of signal transmission via PROFIBUS or PROFINET Of program processing with the constant bus cycle time of the PROFIBUS or PROFINET. The result is a system that acquires its input signals in constant time intervals, processes them and outputs the output signals. Isochronous mode guarantees reproducible and defined process reaction times as well as equidistant and synchronous signal processing with distributed I/O. The bus system and the I/O modules work synchronously with configured isochronous mode. The transmitted input and output data are linked to an "isochronous task" in the CPU. As a result, the data of a cycle are always consistent. All data of a process image belong together logically and in time. Jitter in the user program caused by the acquisition of outdated values is therefore almost impossible. Even fast processes can be perfectly controlled by the exact timely reproducibility of all processes. Isochronous mode thus contributes to high control quality and hence to greater manufacturing precision. While possible fluctuations of the process reaction times are drastically reduced. The time-assured processing can be utilized to improve machine cycle times. Shorter cycle times increase the processing speed and help to lower production costs. Oversampling The use of the oversampling function in analog input or analog output modules requires an isochronous configuration. With analog input modules, the set send clock is divided into time-equidistant sub-cycles. The send clocks can be subdivided into 2 to 16 sub-cycles. Each sub-cycle reads in a measured value. The read-in measured values of a data cycle are copied to the interface module (IM) in the next send clock and are then available to the processing CPU one clock later. With analog output modules, the set send clock is also divided into time-equidistant sub-cycles. The send clocks can be subdivided into 2 to 16 sub-cycles. Each sub-cycle returns an output value. The output values are copied to the interface module by the CPU within the same send clock and are written to the process one send clock later. The read-in and output values are transmitted in the user data of the analog module. In this way, the address space of the module is extended from 2 bytes of user data per channel to 16 x 2 bytes of user data per channel (with 16 sub-cycles). If you subdivide the send clock into fewer than 16 sub-cycles, the unused addresses are assigned the error value 0x7FFF during input. For output, the values of the unused addresses are ignored. Because the sub-cycles have to be within a send clock, oversampling needs an additional clock to copy the data to the interface module, unlike the 3-cycle model of isochronous mode. The result is a 5-cycle model. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1837 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks ,VRFKURQRXVPRGH &\FOH Q Q &38 2%[ ,0 Q &38 Q ,0 Q 6XEF\FOHV Send clock is divided into sub-cycles which record the measured value (in this case: 10 subcycles) Measured values are copied to the IM Measured values are processed and output values determined Output values are copied by the CPU to the IM Output values are written to the process Higher sampling rates through oversampling Due to the configured modules, the IO device has a minimum possible update time. Within this update period, the IO device/IO controller of the PROFINET IO system is supplied once with new data. The following applies with respect to the channels of a single standard module in the I/O device: The shortest update time ("sampling rate") is exactly one send clock. If you want to shorten the update time for the channels of a standard module, you have to shorten the send clock. Because of the properties of the involved components and the structure of the I/O system, this is only possible to a certain extent (e.g., down to 0.25 ms). Modules with oversampling, however, offer the option of further reducing the update time ("sampling rate") for their channels without having to shorten the send clock for the entire IO device at the same time. The subdivision of the send clock into time-equidistant sub-cycles enables the processing of faster processes through higher sampling rates. Example In practice, the use of oversampling makes sense when the isochronous system works with only one specific send clock (for example, 1 ms) due to the modules used and when faster sampling of the process values is required. By using oversampling and subdividing the send clock into 4 sub-cycles, for example, you can sample the process values in intervals of 250 s. Configuring oversampling Enable the option "Isochronous mode" in the IO device used, and set the corresponding parameters ("Send clock", etc.). With the distributed analog input modules (e.g. AI 2xU/I 2,4-wire HS), you specify the number of sub-cycles using the "Sampling rate" parameter. With the distributed analog output modules (e.g. AQ 2xU/I HS), you specify the number of subcycles using the "Sampling rate" parameter. 1838 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If, for example, you configure a "Sampling rate" of 4 "Values/cycle" for a send clock of 1 ms, the send clock is subdivided into 4 sub-cycles and the process values are sampled at intervals of 250 s. Reference You can find additional information in the manuals on the high-speed analog modules and in the Analog value processing ( function manual. Special features of AI 4xRTD/TC 2-/3-/4-wire HF Use of Cu10 sensors Select "3-wire thermal resistor" and "Cu10" in the parameter assignment. Wire the Cu10 sensor using 3-wire connection technology. An automatic, internal compensation of the line resistance of the missing measuring line takes place during operation. Note To ensure optimum line compensation for Cu10, please note the following: The sum of cable resistance and measuring resistance must not exceed 31 . Cable resistance should not exceed 8 if you want to use the temperature range up to over 312 C. Example: A 200 m long copper cable with 0.5 mm2 core cross-section has approx. 7 . A lower cross-section reduces the permissible cable length accordingly. Use of PTC resistors PTCs are suitable for temperature monitoring of or as thermal protective equipment for complex drives or transformer windings. Select "2-wire resistor" and "PTC" in the parameter assignment. Connect the PTC using 2-wire technology. Use type A PTC resistors (PTC thermistors) in accordance with DIN/VDE 0660, Part 302. If the "Over-/underflow" diagnostics is enabled, a "low limit violation" diagnostics which shows a short circuit is generated for resistance values < 18 . Sensor data on PTC resistance: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1839 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Table 10-183 Use of PTC resistors Property Switching points Technical specifica tions Note Reaction to rising temperature < 550 Normal range: SIMATIC S7: bit 0 = "0", bit 2 = "0" (in the PII) 550 to 1650 Prewarning range: SIMATIC S7: bit 0 = "0", bit 2 = "1" (in the PII) < 1650 Response range: SIMATIC S7: bit 0 = "1", bit 2 = "0" (in the PII) Reaction to falling temperature < 750 Response range: SIMATIC S7: bit 0 = "1", bit 2 = "0" (in the PII) 750 to 540 Prewarning range: SIMATIC S7: bit 0 = "0", bit 2 = "1" (in the PII) < 540 Normal range: SIMATIC S7: bit 0 = "0", bit 2 = "0" (in the PII) (TNF-5) C max. 550 (TNF+5) C min. 1330 (TNF+15) C min. 4000 Measuring voltage max. 7.5 V RRT= rated response temperature Voltage on the PTC 1840 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assignment in the process image inputs (PII) with SIMATIC S7 (%[ PHDVXUHGUHVLVWDQFHUHVSRQVHYDOXH PHDVXUHGUHVLVWDQFH!UHVSRQVHYDOXH %HWZHHQSUHZDUQLQJWKUHVKROGDQGUHVSRQVHYDOXH (%[ 6KRUWFLUFXLW Figure 10-46 Assignment in the process image inputs (PII) Notes on programming Note Only the bits 0+2 are relevant for the evaluation in the process image inputs. You can use the bits 0+2 to monitor the temperature, for example, of a motor. The bits 0+2 in the process image inputs have no latching function. When you are assigning parameters, take into consideration that a motor, for example, starts up in a controlled manner (via an acknowledgment). Bits 0+2 can never be set simultaneously, but are instead set consecutively. For safety reasons, always evaluate the diagnostic entries of the AI 4xRTD/TC 2-/3-/4wire HF, as no measurement is possible if I/O modules are unplugged, if the supply voltage of the I/O module has failed, or if there is a wire break or short circuit of the measuring lines. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1841 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Example The following diagram shows the temperature variation and the associated switching points. 5>@ 1RUPDO UDQJH 3UHZDUQLQJ UDQJH $GUHVVDEOHUDQJH 3UHZDUQLQJUDQJH 1RUPDO UDQJH 6KRUW FLUFXLW 7>r&@ See also Parameters of the analog input modules (Page 1828) What you should know about the scalable measuring range (Page 1842) What you should know about the scalable measuring range The scalable measuring range The scalable measuring range is a section from the temperature measuring range of an analog input module (for example, the ET 200SP module "AI 8xRTD/TC 2-wire HF"). In this section, a higher resolution of the measured values is possible, comparable with a magnifier that allows a subsection to be viewed in greater detail. The scalable measuring range is supported for the following measurement types: Thermal resistor (RTD) standard Thermocouple The scalable measuring range is not available with the following measurement types: Voltage Resistance Thermal resistor climatic 1842 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Position and resolution of the scalable measuring range The position and resolution of the scalable measuring range can be set (scaled): Position: The scalable measuring range can be moved over the entire standard measuring range. This allows you to select the temperature range for which your application requires a higher resolution. Exception: The scalable measuring range cannot be moved to the extent that it enters the overflow or underflow of the standard measuring range (Clipping). You select the position of the scalable measuring range with the "Measuring range center" parameter (see figure below). Resolution: The following values can be set: - 2 decimal places (0.01 ) - 3 decimal places (0.001 ) You set the resolution with the "Measuring range resolution" parameter (figure below). Example of a parameter assignment The following figure shows a parameter assignment for the ET 200SP module "AI 8xRTD/TC 2-,3-,4-wire HF". In STEP 7, you can find parameters in the properties box via General > AI 4 > Inputs > Channel 0 to channel 3. Conductor resistor: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1843 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The "Conductor resistor" parameter in the parameter assignment above is enabled only if the "Thermal resistor (2-wire terminal)" measurement type was selected. Here, enter the value for the resistance of the connecting cable of the thermal resistor: A 200 m long copper cable with 0.5 mm2 wire cross-section, for example, has a resistance value of seven ohms. Measuring range resolution: In the parameter assignment above, a resolution of 0.01 C was selected (measuring range resolution "2 decimal places"). Measuring range center: The measuring range center is set to 500 C. With a resolution of 0.01 C, this results in a scalable measuring range from 174.88 C to 825.11 C. At a resolution of 0.01 C, the scalable measuring range covers 650.23 C. Maximum (scalable measuring range): This value represents the high limit of the scalable measuring range. In the example above, 825.11 . The value is calculated by STEP 7 (at a resolution of 0.001 C, the high limit is at 532.511 C, see figure below). Minimum (scalable measuring range): This value represents the low limit of the scalable measuring range. In the example above, 174.88 . The value is calculated by STEP 7 (at a resolution of 0.001 C, the low limit is at 467.488 C; see figure below). Higher resolution: The following figure shows a parameter assignment with a resolution of 0.001 C (otherwise the same example as in the figure above): At a resolution of 0.001 C, the scalable measuring range is between 467.488 and 532.511 C and covers 65.023 C (a tenth of the measuring range at a resolution of 0.01 C). 1844 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Standard measuring range with 0.1 C resolution The following table shows the standard measuring range for thermal resistors of the type "Pt 100", values in degrees Celsius. Pt 100 standard in C Decimal values Hexadecimal values Ranges > 1000.0 32767 7FFF Overflow 1000.0 10000 2710 Over : : : range 850.1 8501 2135 850.0 8500 2134 : : : -200.0 -2000 F830 -200.1 -2001 F82F : : : -243.0 -2430 F682 < -243.0 -32768 8000 (1 digit = 0.1 C) Nominal range Under range Underflow The standard measuring range is the basis for the scalable measuring range. You can set the measuring range center within the nominal range (-200 C to 850 C, see table above). For temperatures below and above the set measuring range center, you then obtain measured values with a higher resolution. The width of this range around the measured value center depends on the selected resolution. Scalable measuring range 0.01 C and 0.001 C resolution The scalable measuring range is identified by the following value ranges: Scalable measuring range Measuring range resolution (values in C) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Hexadecimal val ues 2 decimal places 3 decimal places Overflow > 325.11 > 32.511 7FFF High limit 325.11 32.511 7EFF Measuring range center 0 0 0 Low limit 325.11 -32.511 8100 Underflow < -325.11 < -32.511 8000 1845 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The maximum and minimum of the scalable measuring range depend on the selected resolution: 2 decimal places, resolution of 0.01 : The high limit is 325.11 C above the measuring range center you have set. The low limit is 325.11 C below the measuring range center you have set. This means that the scalable measuring range is 650.22 C around the measuring range center. 3 decimal places, resolution of 0.001 : The high limit is 32.511 above the measuring range center you have set. The low limit is 32.511 below the measuring range center you have set. This means that the scalable measuring range is 65.022 around the measuring range center. Calculation of the temperature You calculate the temperature value by adding the value you receive from the module to the measuring range center. Example: You have set the measuring range center 500 C (see example in the section "Example of a parameter assignment"). For the resolution, you selected "2 decimal places". From the module, you receive the hexadecimal value "0100" in S7 format: Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The hexadecimal value "0100" corresponds to the decimal value 256. Since you have selected a resolution of 0.01 C, the number 256 corresponds to the temperature value "2.56 C". You now add 500 C and 2.56 C and obtain the measured value 502.56 C. 1846 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Scalable measuring range in the standard measuring range 0HDVXULQJUDQJH 8QGHUIORZ 8QGHU UDQJH 2YHU UDQJH 1RPLQDOUDQJH 8QGHUIORZ 2YHUIORZ 2YHUIORZ + 8QGHUIORZ + ++())+ 0HDVXULQJUDQJH FHQWHU ++())+ 8QGHUIORZ + ! )))+ 2YHUIORZ ! )))+ ++$%+ 2YHUIORZ ! )))+ Scalable measuring range with 2 decimal places, temperature values in S7 format. Scalable measuring range with 3 decimal places, temperature values in S7 format. Scalable measuring range cut off at the overflow of the standard measuring range ("Clipping"). The sum of the measuring range center (for example 750 C) and the measured value returned by the module must not extend into the overflow of the standard measuring range. For this reason, in the example above, the maximum value that the module can return is limited to 250 C Clipping STEP 7 limits the maximum of the scalable measuring range so that the sum of the measured value center and the maximum measured value that the module can return is not located in the overflow of the standard measuring range. In the same way, STEP 7 restricts the minimum of the scalable measuring range. See also Special features of AI 4xRTD/TC 2-/3-/4-wire HF (Page 1839) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1847 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks ET 200AL ET 200AL distributed I/O system SIMATIC ET 200AL The SIMATIC ET 200AL distributed I/O system is a scalable and highly flexible, distributed I/ O system for connecting process signals to a superordinate control with a field bus. Properties Connection to PROFINET or PROFIBUS or integration into ET 200SP / ET 200SP CPU Up to 32 modules on an ET 200AL Integration into ET 200SP / ET 200SP CPU: Up to 16 AT modules can be connected to an ET 200AL Connection of modules via ET-Connection Spatially separated mounting possible Module widths of 30 and 45 millimeters Degree of protection IP65/IP67 Suitable for temperatures from -25 to +55 C and accelerations up to 5 g. Installation in all positions Color coding of the cables and connections CA-compliant labeling of the interfaces PROFIenergy integrated Configuration control Connection of sensors and actuators using M8 and M12 connection system 1848 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Area of application The SIMATIC ET 200AL distributed I/O system is especially well suited for use in tight spaces, moving applications and for assembly and handling technique. Thanks to its scalable construction, you have the option precisely customize its configuration to your on site needs. The SIMATIC ET 200AL distributed I/O system features protection type IP65/IP67 and is suited for distributed use on a machine or assembly line. Structure The SIMATIC ET 200AL distributed I/O system is made up of the following components: Interface modules (PROFINET/PROFIBUS) Digital and analog I/O modules Communications module After an interface module you can configure 2 lines (ET-Connection), each with 16 modules. Alternatively, you can configure a line with 16 I/O modules on the SIMATIC ET 200SP distributed I/O system with BusAdapter BA-Send 1xFC. The ETConnection backplane bus is designed as a cable. This allows you to create spatial distances of up to 10 m between the modules. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1849 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration example The figure below shows a configuration example of the SIMATIC ET 200AL distributed I/O system with a PROFINET interface module. Interface module (PROFINET) Digital input/Digital output module Digital input module Analog input module Communications module PROFINET cable Power supply cable ET-Connection line Sealing caps Figure 10-47 Example configuration of the ET 200AL See also Expanding ET 200SP with ET 200AL modules (Page 1820) Configuring ET 200AL Introduction ET 200AL is a distributed I/O system with an IP65/67 degree of protection. It is therefore designed for use on site, for example right beside a machine (no control cabinet required). 1850 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The system includes interface and communications modules as well as input and output modules. There are two use cases for the ET 200AL: 1. As I/O device or DP slave: The system interface module is connected to a field bus (PROFINET or PROFIBUS) and connected to the PN or DP interface of a CPU. 2. As an ET 200SP expansion: The ET 200AL modules are connected to the ET 200SP over the "BA Send 1xFC" module ("mixed mode"). The following sections describe how to configure an ET 200AL as I/O device or DP slave (use case 1). For use case 2, see the link under "See also". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1851 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Procedure Follow the steps below to configure an ET 200AL in STEP 7: 1. Copy an interface module (PROFINET or PROFIBUS) from the ET 200SP series to the network view (drag-and-drop operation from the hardware catalog). 2. Go to the device view. Double-click on the interface module you have just inserted. The interface module and two ET-Connection racks are displayed in the device view (figure below). There are no slot numbers assigned yet, which is why question marks are displayed above the slots. 1852 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 3. Now select the modules (input, output and communication modules) from the hardware catalog (ET 200AL folder) and drag them to the free slots (outlined in blue; not shown). You can place up to 16 ET 200AL modules in each ET-Connection rack (figure below). An ET-Connection rack is a virtual rack that sets the order of the connected ET 200AL modules. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1853 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 4. Now connect the interface module to the two ET-Connection racks. First click on an ET-Connection interface of the interface module, then hold and drag a line to the left-hand ET connection of the first module in one of the two ET-Connection racks. Repeat this step for the second ET-Connection interface of the interface module and the second ET-Connection rack (if used). 5. Double-click on a module to access the module properties and set the module parameters. Rules The ET 200AL modules must be configured with no gaps. The first module in an ET-Connection rack must be connected to the interface module. 1854 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also ET 200AL distributed I/O system (Page 1848) Configuration control with ET 200AL Operating principle With configuration control, you can change the original configuration of an ET 200AL (created by configuring with STEP 7) with a user program and operate the ET 200AL in this modified configuration. STEP 7 is no longer required for this configuration: You use your user program to signal to the ET 200AL the slot in which a configured module is actually inserted. In this case, use control data record 196. In this data record, you code which modules are missing or located in different slots in the real configuration compared to the configuration with STEP 7. The configuration control has no effect on the parameter assignment of the modules (for example, the enabling of diagnostic alarms). You then call the "WRREC" instruction and use it to write the data record to the interface module of the ET 200AL. Configuration control gives you the flexibility to vary the configuration of an ET 200AL as long as the real configuration can be derived from a preset maximum configuration (originally created with STEP 7). The following sections describe how to enable configuration control and how to structure the required data record 196 for the ET 200AL. Requirement The CPU startup parameter "Compare preset to actual configuration" is set to Startup even if mismatch (default setting). This setting is also selected for the startup parameters of the individual modules of the ET 200AL. Enabling configuration control In the properties of the interface module under Module parameters > General > Configuration control, select "Enable reconfiguration of device via user program". This activates configuration control. Structure of control data record 196 The configuration of the data block corresponds to the original configuration of the ET 200AL with STEP 7. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1855 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks There are two bytes in the data record for each module. The position of these two bytes in the data record codes a module in the original configuration with STEP 7. Bytes 4 and 5 in the data record correspond to the module in slot 1 in the original configuration. Bytes 6 and 7 in the data record correspond to the module in slot 2 in the original configuration. Bytes 8 and 9 in the data record correspond to the module in slot 3 in the original configuration. etc. The current (real) slot is coded by the number that is assigned to the "Slot_x" byte (by its value): Examples: The value "2" in byte 6 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 2 in the current configuration. The value "3" in byte 6 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 3 in the current configuration. The value "4" in byte 6 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 4 in the current configuration. etc. Creating control data record 196 The figure below shows part of control data record 196 for configuration of an ET 200AL. This configuration is given as an example: ET-Con1 is inserted in "slot_1" (fixed setting). The two ET-Connection submodules "ETCon1" and "ET-Con2" are submodules of the interface module of the ET 200AL. They are integrated as fixed modules in the IM module. They cannot be inserted individually. ET-Con2 is inserted in "slot_18" (fixed setting). In this configuration, 16 AL modules are connected to ET-Con1 ("slot_2" to "slot_17" in the following data record). This is the maximum configuration. In this configuration, one AL module is connected to ET-Con2 ("slot_19"). However, a total of 16 AL electronic modules could be connected to ET-Con2 (as to ET-Con1). The ET 200AL originally configured with STEP 7 is now to be reconfigured from the user program. The new configuration has the following properties: ET-Con1 is inserted in "slot_1" (fixed setting). Module 2 is also operated in slot 2 in the modified configuration. Module 3 is not used. Module 4 is now inserted in slot 3. Module 5 is now inserted in slot 4. No other modules at ET-Con1 are used. 1856 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks ET-Con2 is inserted in "slot_18" (fixed setting) The module at ET-Con2 is used. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1857 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The components of control data record 196 (definition in section "Control data record 196" below): block_length: Note the length of the control data record here; in the example: 42 (bytes). The length of the control data block is calculated using the following formula: 2 x "number of modules" + 4. block_ID: Enter the figure 196 here. This number identifies the data record as the data record for configuration control. version: The ET 200AL uses version 2 of control data record 196. subversion: The ET 200AL uses subversion 1 of control data record 196. slot_1: The ET-Connection 1 submodule is always inserted in slot 1 of the ET 200AL. reserve_1: This byte is not used (value "0"). slot_2: The configured module 2 is inserted in slot 2 (value "2"). reserve_2: This byte is not used (value "0"). slot_3: The configured module 3 is not present in the current configuration (value "0"). reserve_3: This byte is not used (value "0"). slot_4: The configured module 4 is inserted in slot 3 in the current configuration (value "3"). reserve_4: This byte is not used (value "0"). slot_5: The configured module 5 is inserted in slot 4 in the current configuration (value "4"). reserve_5: This byte is not used (value "0"). slot_6: The configured module 6 is not present in the current configuration (value "0"). reserve_6: This byte is not used (value "0"). slot_7: The configured module 7 is not present in the current configuration (value "0"). reserve_7: This byte is not used (value "0"). etc. slot_18: The ET-Connection 2 submodule is always inserted in slot 18 of the ET 200AL (value "18"). reserve_18: This byte is not used (value "0"). slot_19: The configured module 19 is inserted in slot 19 in the current configuration (value "19"). reserve_19: This byte is not used. (value "0") 1858 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Control data record 196 for ET 200AL A control data record 196 containing a slot assignment is defined for configuration control. Byte Element Value Description 0 Block length in bytes e.g. 14 for ET 200AL with 5 modules The length of the data record is calculated using the formula: 4 + (number of modules x 2) bytes 1 Block ID 196 ID for control data record 196 2 Version 2 Version 2 of control data record 196 3 Subversion 1 Subversion 1 of control data re cord 196 4 Configured module 1 1 ET-Connection 1 is always as signed to slot 1 (fixed). The value "1" must therefore always be en tered in byte 4. (ET-Connec tion 1) 5 Reserve for configured module 1 0 Not used 6 Configured module 2 Real slot of module 2 The configured module 2 can be inserted in any slot from 2 to slot 34. Slot 18 is reserved for ETCon 2. If the configured module is not used, this byte contains the value "0". Possible values: 2 up to the number of modules (except 18) 0 (if the configured module 2 is not present) 7 Reserve for configured module 2 0 Not used 8 Configured module 3 Real slot of module 3 The configured module 3 can be inserted in any slot from 2 to slot 34. Slot 18 is reserved for ETConnection 2. If the configured module is not used, this byte contains the value "0". Possible values: 2 up to the number of modules (except 18) 0 (if the configured module 2 is not present) Assignment for config ured mod ule 1 (ETConnection 1) to real slot 1 Assignment for the con figured mod ule 2 to a re al slot Assignment for the con figured mod ule 3 to a re al slot 9 Reserve for configured module 3 0 Not used : : : : : 39 Configured module 18 18 ET-Connection 2 is always as signed to slot 18 if AT modules are connected at this submodule. Assignment for config ured mod ule 18 (ETConnection 2) to real slot 18 (ET-Connec tion 2) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Header 40 Reserve for configured module 18 0 Not used : : : : : 1859 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks (Bytes 4 to 70, Configured module x not byte 39) (Bytes 5 to 71, not byte 40) Real slot of module x Possible values: 2 up to the number of modules (except 18) 0 (if there is no config ured module x) Reserve for configured module x 0 The configured module x can be inserted in any real slot from 2 to slot 34. Slot 18 is reserved for ETCon 2 (bytes 39 and 40 in the control data record) Assignment for config ured mod ule x to a re al slot y Not used Rules The ET-Connection 1 and ET-Connection 2 submodules must be treated like real modules in configuration control. Restriction: ET-Connection 1 is always placed in slot 1 and ETConnection 2 is always placed in slot 18 (fixed assignment). There are no reserve modules for the ET 200AL (unlike for the ET 200S or with BU cover modules for the ET 200SP). For this reason, bit 7 of "slot_x" must not be set (i.e. only the values 0 to 127 may be used). The value "0" of "slot_x" indicates that this module is not inserted in the current configuration. Gaps must not be left between the AL modules when configuring with STEP 7. If no modules are connected to ET-Con2 when STEP 7 is configured, ET-Con2 is not configured: This shortens data record 196. If fewer than 16 modules are connected to ET-Con1 during configuration with STEP 7 and there are also modules connected to ET-Con2, control data record 196 must contain all unassigned slots for ET-Con 1. They are assigned zero as the value for the real slot. Writing a data record Transfer the control data record to the ET 200AL module. To do so, call the extended WRREC (Write data record) instruction, and transfer the control data record created. If you do not transfer a control data record, the interface module uses the original configuration with STEP 7. Here, the following applies: Configured module x is inserted in real slot x. Addressing the interface module using the HW identifier To transfer data record 196 with the instruction WRREC, you must enter the HW identifier of the IM submodule with the extension "Head" as the input parameter for the instruction. The system constant of this HW identifier is, for example, "IO-Device_2Head". The system constants of a selected device are, for example, displayed in the network view in the "System constants" tab. Use the corresponding value for addressing. 1860 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Error messages The following error messages are returned if an error occurs when writing control data record 196: Table 10-184 Error messages Error code Meaning 16#80A2 DP protocol error on layer 2 Indicates that a data record has not been acknowledged due to the system. 16#80B1 Invalid length; the length information in data record 196 is not correct. 16#80B5 Configuration control parameters not assigned. 16#80B2 Invalid slot: The configured slot is not assigned. 16#80B8 Parameter error; module signals invalid parameters. 16#80C5 DP slave or module not available. Indicates that a data record has not been acknowledged due to the system. Feedback data record 197 for ET 200AL The feedback data record 197 is used to read the actual configuration of a station (in this case of an ET 200AL). This data record allows you to check the real configuration of the ET 200AL (actual configuration). The feedback data record for each configured module specifies whether or not it is actually present. The value "1" means that the correct module is inserted in the correct slot. The value "0" codes all other possibilities (wrong module, empty slot, BU cover). Example: A module has been configured with STEP 7 for slot 4. This module has then been moved to slot 3 in the current configuration using data record 196. If this module is also really in slot 3, this is coded by the value "1" (status_slot_4 = 1). Configuration details: The configuration of the data block corresponds to the original configuration of the ET 200AL with STEP 7. There are two bytes in the data record for each module. The position of these two bytes in the data record corresponds to the position of a module in the original configuration with STEP 7. Sequence of bytes: "status_slot_1_ET_Con1" and "reserve_slot_1_ET-Con1" (bytes 4 and 5 in the data record) correspond to the module in slot 1 in the configuration, "status_slot_2" and "reserve_slot_2" (bytes 6 and 7) correspond to the module in slot 2 in the configuration "status_slot_3" and "reserve_slot_3" (bytes 8 and 9) correspond to the module in slot 3 in the configuration, etc. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1861 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Example The following feedback data record 197 is returned by the ET 200AL that was reconfigured with control data record 196 in the example above (section "Creating control data record 196"). Modules 2, 4 and 5 are actually connected to ET-Con1. None of the other modules that were connected to ET-Con1 in the configuration with STEP 7 are present in the current configuration (in line with the control data record 196 settings from the example above). 1862 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks A module is really connected to ET-Con2 as in the original configuration with STEP 7. Reading feedback data record 197 You can read the feedback data record 197 from the ET 200AL with the RDREC instruction. RDREC operates asynchronously. If you call RDREC in the startup OB, you must call the instruction multiple times using a loop until the "BUSY" or "DONE" output parameter indicates that the data record has been read. To read data record 197 with the instruction RDREC, you must enter the HW identifier of the IM submodule with the extension "Head" as the input parameter for the instruction. The system constant of this HW identifier is, for example, "IO-Device_2Head". The system constants of a selected device are, for example, displayed in the network view in the "System constants" tab. Use the corresponding value for addressing. Additional information and examples Further information on ET 200AL is available here ( WW/view/en/89254863). Specific examples of configuration control can be found here in this application description ( You will find a library of the data records and other application examples here: Templates for the data records ( See also ET 200AL distributed I/O system (Page 1848) Expanding ET 200SP with ET 200AL modules (Page 1820) Configuration control with ET 200SP (Page 1808) ET 200MP ET 200MP distributed I/O system Definition The ET 200MP distributed I/O system is a scalable and flexible distributed I/O system for connection of process signals to a central controller via a field bus. Application area The ET 200MP is a multi-functional distributed I/O system for various fields of application. The scalable design allows you to configure the system exactly to the specific requirements on location. The ET 200MP complies with IP 20 degree of protection and is intended for installation in a control cabinet. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1863 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Structure The ET 200MP is installed on a mounting rail and comprises: An interface module that communicates with all IO controllers conforming to the PROFINET standard IEC 61158 Up to 30 modules (power supply modules and I/O modules from the S7-1500 I/O range) can be inserted to the right of the interface module. If you insert a power supply module to the left of the interface module, this yields a possible maximum configuration of 32 modules in total. The number of insertable I/O modules is limited by their power requirements. Slot rules Slot 0: Power supply module (optional) Slot 1: Interface module Slot 2 to 31: I/O modules or power supply modules Interface module parameters Supply voltage L+ connected Parameter "Supply voltage L+ connected" This parameter influences the diagnostics and the checking of the power budget. Diagnostics of the ET 200MP: If the actual configuration does not match the preset configuration with regard to the supply voltage of the interface module, the interface module generates a diagnostic alarm. Example: You have deactivated the "Supply voltage L+ connected" option, but you have connected the supply voltage in the actual configuration. Power budget check during configuration: The power budget changes in accordance with the parameter setting: Either the interface module feeds power into the backplane bus or it draws power from the backplane bus. The default ("Supply voltage L+ connected" option is activated) means that the front of the interface module is supplied with 24 V DC and the power is stored in the backplane bus. If the "Supply voltage L+ connected" option is deactivated, the interface module may not be supplied with 24 V DC on the front. 1864 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks In this case, insert a power supply unit (PS) on the left next to the interface module that supplies the interface module and the modules to the right of the interface module. Note We recommend that you always supply the interface module on the front side with 24 V DC. If a system power supply unit (PS) is inserted and connected additionally before or on the left next to the interface module, both the power from the system power supply unit (PS) as well as the power from the integrated power supply of the interface module are then available to the configuration. In this case, you do not have to change the default setting of the parameter. Configuration control (handling options) with ET 200MP Operating principle Configuration control allows you to operate various real configurations (options) with a single configuration of the distributed I/O device ET 200MP. Configuration control provides you with the option of configuring the ET 200MP distributed I/ O device with its maximum configuration and still operating it with modules missing. If missing modules are retrofitted later, no new configuration is required and the hardware configuration does not have to be reloaded either. Using control data record 196, which is transferred to the interface module in the user program, you define a current configuration. You transfer the control data record with the instruction WRREC. Readback data record 197 is used to read the actual configuration of an ET 200MP. Requirements The CPU startup parameter "Compare preset to actual configuration" is set to Startup even if mismatch (default setting). This setting is also selected for the startup parameters of the individual modules of the ET 200MP. Enabling configuration control In the properties of the interface module under Module parameters > General > Configuration control, select "Enable reconfiguration of device via user program". This activates configuration control. Control data record 196 for ET 200MP The figure below shows the start of control data record 196 for the configuration control of an ET 200MP. The data block is 36 bytes long (maximum configuration with 32 modules). The value "36" therefore appears in the "block_length" element of the data record. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1865 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If you configure an ET 200MP in STEP 7 with fewer modules, the data block will be shorter: If there are only five modules, for example, the data record is reduced to 9 bytes (4 bytes for the header plus one byte for each module). There is one byte in the data record for each module. The position of this byte in the data record codes a module in the original configuration with STEP 7: "slot_0 power supply" (byte 4 in the data record below) corresponds to the power supply module in slot 0 in the configuration with STEP 7. "slot_2" (byte 5 in the data record) corresponds to the module in slot 2 in the configuration. "slot_3" (byte 6 in the data record) corresponds to the module in slot 3 in the configuration. "slot_4" (byte 7) corresponds to the module in slot 4 in the configuration. etc. Note Interface module in slot 1 Configuration control is controlled by the interface module (slot 1/submodule 1). The interface module in slot 1 is therefore not an element of the configuration control and is not included in the data record. Value in slot_x The current slot is coded by the figure that is assigned to "slot_x" (by its value). Examples: The value "2" in slot_2 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 2 in the current configuration (slot_2 = 2). The value "3" in slot_2 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 3 in the current configuration (slot_2 = 3). The value "4" in slot_2 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 4 in the current configuration (slot_2 = 4). etc. Example for data record 196 The following data record was created for a configuration that changes the original configuration with STEP 7. The modified configuration has the following properties: The module inserted in slot 0 in the configuration (power supply module) is also inserted in slot 0 in the current configuration (specification). The module inserted in slot 2 in the configuration (module 2) is also inserted in slot 2 in the current configuration. The module inserted in slot 3 in the configuration (module 3) does not exist in the current configuration. The module inserted in slot 4 in the configuration (module 4) is inserted in slot 3 in the current configuration. 1866 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The module inserted in slot 5 in the configuration (module 5) is inserted in slot 4 in the current configuration. etc. The bytes "slot_6" to "slot_31" are not shown in the figure below. Rules If a module dos not exist in the current configuration, this is indicated by the value 127: "slot_x" = 127. The power supply module is always in slot 0 ("slot_0 power supply" = 0). The interface module in slot 1 is not included in the control data record. Addressing the interface module using the HW identifier To transfer data record 196 with the instruction WRREC, you must enter the HW identifier of the IM submodule with the extension "Head" as the input parameter for the instruction. The system constant of this HW identifier is, for example, "IO-Device_2Head". The system constants of a selected device are, for example, displayed in the network view in the "System constants" tab. Use the corresponding value for addressing. Readback data record 197 for ET 200MP Readback data record 197 is used to read the actual configuration of a station (in this case, of an ET 200MP). This data record allows you to check the real configuration of the ET 200MP (actual configuration). The readback data record for each configured module specifies whether or not it is actually available. The value "1" means that the correct module is inserted in the correct slot. The value "0" codes all other options (wrong module, empty slot, reserve module). Example: A module has been configured with STEP 7 for slot 4. This module has then been moved to slot 3 in the current configuration using data record 196. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1867 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks If this module is also really in slot 3, this is coded by the value "1" (status_slot_4 = 1). Configuration details: The configuration of the data block corresponds to the original configuration of the ET 200MP with STEP 7. There is a byte in the data record for each module. The position of this bytes in the data record corresponds to the position of a module in the original configuration with STEP 7. Sequence of bytes: "status_slot_0 power supply" (byte 4 in the data record below) corresponds to the power supply module in slot 0 in the configuration with STEP 7. "status_slot_2" (byte 5) corresponds to the module in slot 2 in the configuration. "status_slot_3" (byte 6) corresponds to the module in slot 3 in the configuration, etc. You can choose any name for the components (for example "status_slot_2"). Meaning of "status_slot_x": The value "1" in status_slot_x means that module x is in the correct slot. The value "0" in status_slot_x codes all other possibilities (wrong module, module does not exist). Example: The figure below shows readback data record 197 for the configuration of an ET 200MP in which there is no module 3 (the module in slot 3 in the configuration). All other modules are available and correctly plugged. The bytes "status_slot_6" to "status_slot_31" are not shown in the figure below. Reading readback data record 197 You can read readback data record 197 from the ET 200MP with the instruction RDREC. RDREC operates asynchronously. If you call RDREC in the startup OB, you must call the instruction multiple times using a loop until the "BUSY" or "DONE" output parameter indicates that the data record has been read. 1868 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks To read data record 197 with the instruction RDREC, you must enter the HW identifier of the IM submodule with the extension "Head" as the input parameter for the instruction. The system constant of this HW identifier is, for example, "IO-Device_2Head". The system constants of a selected device are, for example, displayed in the network view in the "System constants" tab. Use the corresponding value for addressing. Additional information and examples Further information on ET 200MP can be found in the manual for IM 155-5 PN (http:// Specific examples of configuration control can be found in this application description (http:// You will find a library of the data records and other application examples here: Templates for the data records ( See also Documentation on configuration control ( 67295970) Input module parameters Parameters of the analog input modules Missing supply voltage L+ Enabling of the diagnostics for missing or insufficient supply voltage L+. Wire break Enabling of the diagnostics if the module has no current flow or the current is too weak for the measurement at the corresponding configured input or the applied voltage is too low. Current limit for wire break diagnostics Threshold at which a wire break is reported. The value can be set to 1.185 mA or 3.6 mA, depending on the sensor used. Overflow Enabling of the diagnostics if the measured value exceeds the overrange. Underflow Enabling of the diagnostics if the measured value undershoots the underrange. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1869 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Common mode error Enable diagnostics if the valid common mode voltage is exceeded. Reference channel error (only for AI 8xU/I/RTD/TC ST) Enable diagnostics on error at the temperature compensation channel, e.g. wire break. Dynamic reference temperature compensation type is configured and no reference temperature has been transferred to the module yet. Temperature coefficient The temperature coefficient depends on the chemical composition of the material. In Europe, only one value is used per sensor type (default value). The correction factor for the temperature coefficient ( value) specifies how much the resistance of a certain material changes when the temperature is raised by 1 C. The further values facilitate a sensor-specific setting of the temperature coefficient and enhance accuracy. Interference frequency suppression At analog input modules, this suppresses interference caused by the frequency of AC mains. The frequency of the AC network may interfere with measured values, particularly for measurements within low voltage ranges and when thermocouples are being used. With this parameter, you define the mains frequency in your system. Smoothing The individual measured values are smoothed using filtering. Smoothing can be set in 4 stages for the analog input modules AI 8xU/I/RTD/TC ST and AI 8xU/I HS. Smoothing time = number of module cycles (k) x cycle time of the module. The figure below shows the number of module cycles after which the smoothed analog value is almost 100%, depending on the set smoothing. Is valid for each signal change at the analog input. 1870 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 6LJQDOFKDQJHLQ SHUFHQWDJH 1 3 4 2 0RGXOHF\FOHV N None (k = 1) Weak (k = 4) Medium (k = 16) Strong (k = 32) Reference junction (only for AI 8xU/I/RTD/TC ST) The following settings can be configured for the reference junction parameter: Table 10-185 Possible parameter assignments for the reference junction parameter Setting Description Fixed reference temperature The reference junction temperature is configured and stored in the module as a fixed value. Dynamic reference temperature The reference junction temperature is transferred in the user program from the CPU to the module by data records 192 to 199 using the WRREC (SFB 53) instruction. Internal reference junction The reference junction temperature is determined using an integrated sensor of the module. Reference channel of the module The reference junction temperature is determined using an external resistance thermometer (RTD) at the reference channel (COMP) of the module. Note Fixed reference temperature During parameter assignment of a thermocouple Type B, only the setting "Fixed reference temperature" with a temperature of 0 C is possible. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1871 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Enable hardware interrupt 1 or 2 Enable a hardware interrupt if high limit 1 or 2 is exceeded, or low limit 1 or 2 is violated. Low limit 1 or 2 Specifies the low limit threshold that triggers hardware interrupt 1 or 2. High limit 1 or 2 Specifies the high limit threshold that triggers hardware interrupt 1 or 2. Temperature compensation for thermocouples Introduction You have several options of measuring the reference junction temperature in order to obtain an absolute temperature value as a function of the temperature difference between the reference junction and the measuring point. You can use various compensation options depending on the required location of the reference junction. Note During parameter assignment of a thermocouple Type B, only the setting "Fixed reference temperature" with a temperature of 0 C is possible. 1872 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Options of compensating for the reference junction temperature Compensation options Explanation Internal reference junction With this compensation, the reference junction tem For the connection, you use perature is determined using an integrated sensor compensating lines matching the of the module. thermocouple material. Procedure If the reference junction temperature Connect the thermocouple to the I/O module direct ly or with compensating lines. Reference channel of the module The reference junction temperature is determined using an external resistance thermometer (RTD). Procedure Connect the thermocouple to the supply lines at the reference junction, either directly or with compen sating lines. You connect the supply lines to the appropriate terminals of the module. Connect the resistance thermometer (RTD) to the reference channel of the module. The resistance thermometer (RTD) must be placed in the area of the reference junction. Application case and the module temperature are identical in your system, you may also use lines made from a different material. You want to measure the temperature directly at the reference junction. The measured temperatures of all channels that you have configured for this compensation type is corrected automatically by the temperature value of the reference junction. You can use inexpensive lines, e.g., copper lines, from the reference junction to the module. Dynamic reference tempera The temperature of the reference junction is deter You use multiple modules at the ture mined via a module. This temperature value is reference junction and can therefore transferred to other modules via a data record in compensate all channels using a the user program. common temperature value. Procedure You require only one resistance Connect the resistance thermometer (RTD) for the reference junction to any channel. thermometer (RTD) to acquire the temperature value. The reference junction temperature is communica You can use inexpensive lines, e.g., ted from the CPU to the module by data records copper lines, from the reference 192 to 199 using the WRREC instruction. junction to the module. Fixed reference temperature The reference junction temperature is stored in the module as a fixed value. Procedure Connect the thermocouple to the supply lines at the reference junction, either directly or with compen sating lines. You connect the supply lines to the appropriate terminals of the module. You keep the reference junction temperature constant and know the temperature value. You can use inexpensive lines, e.g., copper lines, from the reference junction to the module. When configuring the module, specify a fixed tem perature value for the reference junction (e.g. 20 C). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1873 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Output module parameters Parameters of the analog output modules Missing supply voltage L+ Enabling of the diagnostics, with missing or too little supply voltage L+. Short-circuit to ground Enabling of the diagnostics if a short-circuit of the actuator supply to ground occurs. Wire break Enabling diagnostics if the line to the encoder is interrupted. Overflow Enabling of the diagnostics if the measured value exceeds the overflow range. Underflow Enabling of the diagnostics if the measured value falls below the underflow range. Reaction to CPU STOP Determines the reaction of the output to the CPU going into STOP state. Substitute value The substitute values are values that the outputs (the output) issue in the event of a CPU STOP. Pulse-width modulation (PWM) The channels of some modules support the pulse width modulation (PWM) function. You can use the pulse width modulation function to easily generate periodic pulses with a constant rated voltage and a variable pulse duration for the above-mentioned channels. Configuration You configure the pulse width modulation with the following parameters: Enable PWM function on module Set PWM operating mode for the corresponding channel Set period 1874 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks How it works In the pulse width modulation mode, the correspondingly configured outputs provide a pulse width modulated output signal. Pulse width modulation is characterized by its time period (frequency) and its duty factor. The duty factor describes the relation between pulse duration and time period. The pulse duration is derived from the time period and the duty factor: Pulse duration = duty factor x time period. Example for duty factor of 50% and time period of 10 ms: Pulse duration 0.5 x 10 ms = 5 ms You define the duty factor of the channels in the user program using the output value (0 ... 1000) in the process image output. The output signal is a square wave signal (pulse sequence of on and off pulses). '4Q Time period T (2 to 100 ms); Frequency of the pulse width modulation: f = 1/T (10 to 500 Hz) Pulse duration (duty factor x time period) Figure 10-48 How pulse width modulation works Minimum pulse duration The minimum pulse duration is 300 s due to the hardware. The duty factor can be adjusted from 0.0 to 100.0%. The time period can be adjusted from 2 to 100 ms. Example: If you configure a time period of 2 ms and set a duty factor of 0.1% for the output, this would result in a pulse duration of 200 s. In fact, the output works with a minimum pulse duration of 300 s. Pulse waveform The pulse duration of the actual signal profile is slightly longer than the specified, ideal pulse duration. The figure below shows the reaction of the output to control by PWM. The blue line shows the specified, ideal signal profile (square wave signal), with which the output is controlled. The red dashed line show the actual signal profile on the output graph, caused by the externally connected load. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1875 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 89 WV Time period Pulse duration (duty factor x time period) Figure 10-49 Pulse waveform at output terminal ET 200M Configuring an ET 200M Introduction For the ET 200M series, you can find a wide range of modules in the hardware catalog under "Distributed I/O". Configuration and parameter assignment Information on configuration and parameter assignment can be found in the following sections. ET 200M configuration Definition The distributed IO device, ET 200M, is a modular DP slave with an IP 20 degree of protection. The ET 200M has the configuration technology of the S7300 automation system and consists of an IM 153x and I/O modules of the S7300. ET 200M supports communication with: all DP masters compliant with IEC 61784-1:2002 Ed1 CP 3/1 all IO controllers compliant with IEC 61158 1876 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Configuration of the ET 200M (example) 1 2 3 Power supply module PS 307 Interface module IM 153x up to 12 I/O modules (SM / FM / CP) Configuration of the 'Module replacement during operation' function Introduction The ET 200M supports the "Replace modules during operation" function and the associated pull/plug interrupt. The "Replace modules during operation" function makes it possible for you to pull modules from or plug modules into the ET 200M rack during operation. Requirement You have configured an interface module that supports replacing modules during operation. (as of IM 153-1, article no. 153-1AA02-0XB0). In addition, the configured CPU must also support the function, e.g. for PROFIBUS an S7-400 with DP interface. You must use the active backplane bus (bus rail with slots) for the hardware configuration. The conventional profile rail with bus connectors between the modules does not support this function. Configuring If the configuration requirements have been met, the "Replace modules during operation" parameter is available for selection in the inspector window's "Module parameters" area. Below this parameter, a table for the configured modules is displayed, which shows the required active bus modules for the hardware configuration. For a PROFIBUS configuration, the "Startup if preset configuration does not match actual configuration" option is displayed. This option is automatically enabled if "Replace modules during operation" is enabled. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1877 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Signal modules for process automation Fundamentals Introduction Signal modules for the process automation are S7-300 models, such as SM 321; DI 16xNAMUR or SM 322; DO 16x24VDC/0.5A. They are being operated in a DP slave (IM 153-2). Unlike standard modules, they offer the following additional technical functions, such as pulse extension and chatter monitoring. See also Changeover contact (Page 1878) Technological parameters (Page 1879) Changeover contact "Changeover contact" sensor type If the digital inputs of a channel group are configured as "changeover contacts", the module runs diagnostics for the changeover contact sensor type for this channel group. Changeover contact A changeover contact is an auxiliary switch with only one moving switch element with one close setting each for closed and open switching device. Remember the following rule: Always connect a normally open contact to the "even" channel Always connect a normally closed contact to the "odd" channel. The tolerated switchover time between the two channels is fixed at 300 ms. If the result of the check is negative, then the module identifies the value status of the normally open channel as "invalid" the module generates a diagnostic entry for the normally open channel triggers a diagnostic interrupt (if diagnostic interrupts have been enabled) The digital input signal and the value status are updated only for the normally open channel. For the normally closed channel, the digital input signal is set permanently to "zero" and the value status to "invalid" since this channel is used only to check the sensor. Diagnostics depends on the "Selection" parameter (of the sensor). You should also note the special features of diagnostics with the changeover contact sensor type in the "Signal Modules for Process Automation" manual. 1878 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks See also Documentation on modules for process automation ( WW/view/de/7215812/0/en) Technological parameters Pulse extension and flutter monitoring Pulse extension is a function for changing a digital input signal. A pulse at a digital input is extended to at least the length set in the parameters. If the input pulse is already longer than the specified length, it is not changed. If you want the pulse to be extended, click in the box to select the time. If you do not want the pulses to be extended, select the "---" entry. Flutter monitoring is a process control function for digital input signals. It detects and reports signal changes that are unexpected in process control, for example when an input signal fluctuates too often between "0" and "1". Flutter monitoring is possible only when group diagnostics has also been enabled for this input. Monitoring window and number of signal changes Flutter monitoring works with aid of the two parameters Monitoring window and Number of signal changes. The first time the signal changes, the time set as the monitoring window is started. If the signal changes more often during this time than allowed by the number of signal changes parameter, this is signaled as a flutter error. If no flutter error is detected during the monitoring window time, the monitoring window can be restarted at the next signal change. Note If you set pulse extension for an input channel, this also affects the flutter monitoring enabled for this channel. The "extended pulse" signal is the input signal for the flutter monitoring. You should therefore make sure that the values set for pulse extension and flutter monitoring are compatible with each other. See also Documentation on modules for process automation ( WW/view/de/7215812/0/en) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1879 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IQ Sense module Properties of 8 IQ-SENSE Properties The 8 IQ-SENSE module has the following properties: Connection of sensors with IQ-SENSE(R), photoelectric proximity switches: for example, reflex sensors, diffuse sensors, and laser sensors. It can be used centrally in an S7-300 or distributed in an ET 200M. You can connect up to 8 sensors to every module. Each sensor requires a two-wire cable. Function reserve that can be assigned parameters. Time functions, switching hysteresis, synchronous mode that can be assigned parameters Sensitivity and distance values can be specified (IntelliTeach using the "IQ-SENSE Opto" FB) Teach-in Sensors can be removed and inserted during operation (automatic reassignment of parameters) Anti-interference group Only for optical IQ Sense devices (IQ profile ID 1). For IQ Sense devices with IQ profile ID 128 (ultrasound), see "Multiplex/synchronous mode" under the channel-specific parameters. Prevention of interference (e.g., scattered light) by assigning an anti-interference group. This means: Anti-interference group: None (= default) Optical sensors on one or more modules can mutually influence each other when unfavorably arranged. Anti-interference group: 3 or 4 Optical sensors on the same module with anti-interference group 3 or 4 cannot mutually influence each other. Similarly, optical sensors on different modules with anti-interference group 3 or 4 cannot mutually influence each other. You need not maintain minimum clearance between the IQ Sense devices and can, for example, align two retroreflective sensors on a single reflector. 1880 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Operating principle The diagram below explains the functioning of the anti-interference group parameter: 6ORW [,46HQVH QRQH $QWLLQWHUIHUHQFH JURXS SDUDPHWHU Mutual interference is only possible between the optical sensors of the modules in slot 5, 6, 7 and 9 because they are in the same anti-interference group 3 or "None" is set. Note Sensors in the same anti-interference group must be installed to maintain the minimum clearance (see sensor package insert) and to prevent mutual interference. Encoder type This parameter is used to set the sensor type per channel: Reflex sensor or Diffuse sensor or Disabled Diffuse sensor Table 10-186 Diffuse sensor Diffuse sensor Transmitter Receiver Transmitter Receiver WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Object Circuit state 0: No object detected, which means the object is not in the beam. The receiver does not see any light. Circuit state 1: Object detected, which means the object is in the beam. The re ceiver does not see any light. 1881 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Reflex sensor Table 10-187 Reflex sensor Reflex sensor Transmitter Receiver Transmitter Receiver Object Circuit state 0: No object detected, which means the object is not in the beam. The receiver sees light. Circuit state 1: Object detected, which means the object is in the beam. The re ceiver does not see any light. Switching hysteresis Faults with the diffuse sensor or in the production process can result in signal wobbles. The measured value then changes the switching threshold by 100 % (object detected - object not detected). You can prevent this switching threshold wobble using the switching hysteresis parameter. This will ensure a stable output signal on the sensor. You can assigned parameters to 5 %/10 %/20 %/50 % for switching hysteresis. Requirements You can only set the switching hysteresis parameter for diffuse sensors with background fadeout. 1882 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Operating principle 5HFHLYLQJOHYHO 6ZLWFKLQJ WKUHVKROG 'LIIHUHQWLDOWUDYHO 7LPH W 6ZLWFKLQJRXWSXWRQVHQVRU 7LPH W Figure 10-50 Switching hysteresis parameter Time function,time value These parameters can be used to set the electronic module for its specific application. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1883 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Operating principle 7LPHU 1RQH GHIDXOW 6ZLWFKLQJVWDWXV &XUYH 5HVHWGHOD\HG 7 7 3LFNXSGHOD\HG 7 7 3LFNXSDQG UHVHWWLQJGHOD\ 7 7 7 0RPHQWDU\ LPSXOVH 6ZLWFKLQJVWDWH RQVHQVRU 7 7 7 2EMHFWGHWHFWHG 2EMHFWQRWGHWHFWHG 7 WLPHYDOXHSDUDPHWHU Figure 10-51 Time functions, time values parameters Multiplex/synchronous mode For the prevention of mutual influence between IQ Sense ultrasound devices in spatial proximity (devices with IQ profile ID 128), use the "Multiplex/synchronous operation" parameter. 1884 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Settings for the multiplex/synchronous mode parameter Disabled: Mutual influence between IQ Sense ultrasound sensors in spatial proximity is possible (default). The cycle time is determined by the IQ Sense ultrasound sensor. Multiplex: The IQ Sense ultrasound sensors determine the process value (distance) one after another, preventing them from affecting one another. The cycle time here is the sum of the configured synchronous cycle times of the IQ Sense ultrasound sensors that are to be multiplexed. Synchronization: The IQ Sense ultrasound sensors determine the process value (distance) at exactly the same time, preventing them from affecting one another. The cycle time here corresponds to the greatest configured synchronous cycle time from among the IQ Sense ultrasound sensors that are to be synchronized. You can, for example, use synchronous operation for a curtain function in which several IQ Sense ultrasound sensors aligned in parallel share a single extended detection area. The sensors simultaneously emit an ultrasound impulse. When an object enters the detection area, the sensor nearest to the object receives the echo most quickly. The object can therefore not only be detected, it can be located as well. AFI value Using the AFI value (application series identifier, as defined in the ISO 15693-3 international standard), transponders can be selected for different applications. Only transponders whose AFI value coincides with the value set on the sensor are processed. If a transponder has the AFI value "0", it can be identified and processed regardless of the AFI value of the sensor. This parameter is only important if it is supported by the ident system, otherwise any value (normally "0") may be assigned. Transponder type Depending on the type of the transponder, you must configure whether it is an ISO transponder or a vendor-specific type. For transponders in accordance with international standard ISO 15693, the value "1" should be selected; for all other types "0" is set. Based on this setting, one of the two possible air interface drivers is selected in the sensor. This parameter is only important if it is supported by the ID system, otherwise any value (normally "0") may be assigned. ET 200S Configuring an ET 200S Introduction For the ET 200S series, you can find a wide range of modules in the hardware catalog under "Distributed I/O". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1885 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Assigning parameters For information on configuration and parameter assignment, refer to "See also". Frequency converters Use of the frequency converter Frequency converters The frequency converter ICU24 and ICU24F ( as fail-safe version) are modular design frequency converters that are completely embedded in the distributed I/O system ET 200S. For parameterization of both modules, please see the following. Message frame The message frame number and the operating mode of the module are only displayed and cannot be modified. Application ID You indicate the saved parameters in the frequency converter as a whole with the application ID. Enter an application ID from the value range 0 to 65535. During startup (or pull/plug), this ID is compared with the application ID stored on the converter. Converters that work with identical applications are usually also identically parameterized and should be identified with the same application ID. Converters with the same application ID may be exchanged between each other. Copying of the complete parameterization of a converter to another converter, for example, via an MMC, is only accepted, if both have the same application ID. Converters that work with different applications and are parameterized differently must be identified by different application IDs. This prevents a converter with unsuitable parameterization from starting on an incorrect slot, i.e. on the wrong application. This also prevents the parameterization that is saved in the converter from being accidently overwritten with any parameteriation that is stored on an MMC. Enable diagnostic interrupt You can enable the diagnostic interrupt for the frequency converter. If diagnostic interrupt is enabled, an OB 82 must be available in a CPU to process the diagnostic events. See also Documentation for the frequency converter ( en/26291825/0/en) 1886 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks ET 200pro ET 200pro with own CPU module ET 200pro with own CPU The ET 200pro can be equipped with its own CPU, for example with the CPU 1516pro. In this regard, note the following rules. Expansion rules with the CPU 1516pro: You can expand the CPU 1516pro with up to 16 modules. The total width can be a maximum of one meter. Expansion with wide modules If the maximum width of one meter is exceeded in a configuration with large modules (for example frequency converters or motor starters), the configuration cannot be compiled. In this case, reduce the configuration. Configuration control with ET 200pro Operating principle Through the configuration control, it is possible to change the original configuration of an ET 200pro (created by configuring with STEP 7) and to operate the ET 200pro in this modified configuration. STEP 7 is no longer required for this configuration: You communicate to the ET 200pro the slot in which a configured module is actually inserted by means of your user program. In this case, use control data record 196. In this data record, you code which modules are missing or located in different slots in the real configuration compared to the configuration. The configuration control has no effect on the parameter assignment of the modules (for example, the enabling of diagnostic alarms). You then call the "WRREC" instruction and use it to write the data record to the interface module of the ET 200pro. Configuration control gives you the flexibility to vary the configuration of an ET 200pro as long as the real configuration can be derived from a preset maximum configuration (originally created with STEP 7). The following sections describe how to enable configuration control. They also outline how control data record 196 and readback data record 197 are structured. Requirements The CPU startup parameter "Compare preset to actual configuration" is set to Startup even if mismatch (default setting). This setting is also selected for the startup parameters of the individual modules of the ET 200pro. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1887 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Enabling configuration control Enable the "Allow to reconfigure the device via the user program" parameter when configuring the ET 200pro in STEP 7 ("Configuration control" area). Configuration of control data record 196 for the ET 200pro There is a byte in control data record 196 for each module. The position of this byte in the data record codes one module in the original configuration with STEP 7: "slot_IM" (byte 4 in the data record, figure below) corresponds to the module in slot 1 in the configuration "slot_2" (byte 5) corresponds to the module in slot 2 in the configuration. "slot_3" (byte 6) corresponds to the module in slot 3 in the configuration. etc. "slot_x" byte The current slot is coded by the figure that is assigned to "slot_x" (by its value). Examples: The value "2" in byte 5 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 2 in the current configuration (slot_2 = 2). The value "3" in byte 5 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 3 in the current configuration (slot_2 = 3). The value "4" in byte 5 means you are assigning the module originally inserted in slot 2 to slot 4 in the current configuration (slot_2 = 4). etc. There are no reserve modules for the ET 200pro (unlike for the ET 200S or with BU cover modules for the ET 200SP). For this reason, bit 7 of "slot_x" must not be set. The value "0" in "slot_x" indicates that this module is not inserted in the current configuration. Example of control data record 196 The figure below shows control data record 196 for a configuration of an ET 200pro with four modules. This configuration is given as an example: The module originally configured with STEP 7 in slot 1 is also inserted in slot 1 in the current configuration. The module in slot 2 is in slot 2 in the current configuration. The module in slot 3 does not exist in the current configuration. The module in slot 4 is actually inserted in slot 3 in the current configuration. 1888 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks The components of control data record 196 (figure above): block_length: Note here the length of the control data record; in the example: 8 (bytes). The length is calculated using the following formula: "Number of assigned slots" + 4. block_ID: Enter the figure 196 here. version: The ET 200pro uses Version 1 of control data record 196. subversion: The ET 200pro uses Subversion 0 of control data record 196. slot_IM: The IM module is always inserted in slot 0 of the ET 200pro. Slot 1 always contains the virtual power module that is integrated as a fixed module in the IM module. The "slot_IM" (name can be changed) can contain any values. This byte is not interpreted in the configuration control of the ET 200pro. slot_2: The configured module 2 is inserted in slot 2 (value "2"). slot_3: The configured module 3 is not present in the current configuration (value "0"). slot_4: The configured module 4 is inserted in slot 3 in the current configuration (value "3"). Definition of control data record 196 A control data record 196 containing a slot assignment is defined for configuration control. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Byte Element Value Description 0 Block length e.g., 8 for ET 200pro with four modules The length of the data record is calcula ted using the formula: 4 + Number of modules in bytes 1 Block ID 196 ID for control data record 196 2 Version 1 Version 1 of control data record 196 3 Subversion 0 Subversion 0 of control data record 196 4 Slot_1 Any values are possible: For example "1" This byte is not interpreted for the ET 200pro because the power module that is integrated as a fixed module in the IM module of the ET 200pro is always inser ted in slot 1. 1889 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks 5 Slot_2 Coding of the actual slot: Byte 5 indicates where the module origi nally configured with STEP 7 in slot 2 is 2 = Slot 2 actually inserted in the current configura 3 = Slot 3 tion. 4 = Slot 4 etc. Coding for missing mod ule: 0 = No slot, module not present 6 Slot_3 Example: 2 The module originally configured with STEP 7 in slot 2 is also actually located in slot 2 in the current configuration (val ue "2"). Coding of the actual slot: Byte 6 indicates where the module origi nally configured with STEP 7 in slot 3 is 2 = Slot 2 actually inserted in the current configura 3 = Slot 3 tion. 4 = Slot 4 etc. Coding for missing mod ule: 0 = No slot, module not present 7 Slot_4 Example: 0 The module originally configured with STEP 7 in slot 3 is not present in the cur rent configuration (value "0"). Coding of the actual slot: Byte 7 indicates where the module origi nally configured with STEP 7 in slot 4 is 2 = Slot 2 actually inserted in the current configura 3 = Slot 3 tion. 4 = Slot 4 etc. Coding for missing mod ule: 0 = No slot, module not present : : : Example: 3 The module originally configured with STEP 7 in slot 4 is actually located in slot 3 in the current configuration (value "3"). : Writing a data record Transfer the control data record to the ET 200pro module. To do so, call the extended WRREC (Write data record) instruction, and transfer the control data record created. If you do not transfer a control data record, the interface module uses the original configuration with STEP 7. Here, the following applies: Configured module x is inserted in real slot x. 1890 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Addressing the interface module using the HW identifier To transfer data record 196 with the instruction WRREC, you must enter the HW identifier of the IM submodule with the extension "Head" as the input parameter for the instruction. The system constant of this HW identifier is, for example, "IO-Device_2Head". The system constants of a selected device are, for example, displayed in the network view in the "System constants" tab. Use the corresponding value for addressing. Error messages The following error messages are returned if an error occurs when writing control data record 196: Table 10-188 Error messages Error code Meaning 16#80A2 DP protocol error on layer 2 Indicates that a data record has not been acknowledged due to the system. 16#80B1 Invalid length; the length information in data record 196 is not correct. 16#80B5 Configuration control parameters not assigned. 16#80B2 Invalid slot: The configured slot is not assigned. 16#80B8 Parameter error; module signals invalid parameters. 16#80C5 DP slave or module not available. Indicates that a data record has not been acknowledged due to the system. Readback data record 197 for ET 200pro Readback data record 197 is used to read the actual configuration of a station (in this case of an ET 200pro). This data record allows you to check the real configuration of the ET 200pro (actual configuration). The feedback data record for each configured module specifies whether or not it is actually present. The value "1" means that the correct module is inserted in the correct slot. The value "0" codes all other options (wrong module, empty slot). Example: A module has been configured with STEP 7 for slot 4. This module has then been moved to slot 3 in the current configuration using data record 196. If this module is also really in slot 3, this is coded by the value "1" (status_slot_4 = 1). Configuration details: The configuration of the data block corresponds to the original configuration of the ET 200pro with STEP 7. There is a byte in the data record for each module. The position of this bytes in the data record corresponds to the position of a module in the original configuration with STEP 7. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1891 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Sequence of bytes: "status_slot_IM" (byte 4 in the data record) corresponds to the module in slot 1 in the configuration, "status_slot_2" (byte 5) corresponds to the module in slot 2 in the configuration "status_slot_3" (byte 6) corresponds to the module in slot 3 in the configuration, etc. The following example is for a configuration with 4 modules. The value "8" therefore appears in the "block_length" element of the data record. If you configure an ET 200pro in STEP 7 with fewer modules, the data block will be shorter. You can choose any name for the components of the control data record (for example "status_slot_2"). Meaning of "status_slot_x": The value "1" in status_slot_x means that module x is inserted in the correct slot The value "0" in status_slot_x codes all other options (wrong module, module does not exist). Example: The figure below shows readback data record 197 for an ET 200pro with four modules. There is no module 3 (this was assigned in control data record 196, see section "Example of control data record 196" above) The three other modules are actually inserted in the ET 200pro. Reading readback data record 197 You can read readback data record 197 from the ET 200pro with the instruction RDREC. RDREC operates asynchronously. If you call RDREC in the startup OB, you must call the instruction multiple times using a loop until the "BUSY" or "DONE" output parameter indicates that the data record has been read. To read data record 197 with the instruction RDREC, you must enter the HW identifier of the IM submodule with the extension "Head" as the input parameter for the instruction. The system constant of this HW identifier is, for example, "IO-Device_2Head". The system constants of a selected device are, for example, displayed in the network view in the "System constants" tab. Use the corresponding value for addressing. 1892 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks Additional information and examples Further information on the PN interface module of the ET 200pro is available here (http:// Specific examples of configuration control can be found here in this application description ( You will find a library of the data records and other application examples here: Templates for the data records ( 29430270) See also Configuration control with ET 200SP (Page 1808) Use of the frequency converter Frequency converters The frequency converters ET 200pro FC and ET 200pro F-FC (as fail-safe version) are modularly design frequency converters that are completely embedded in the distributed I/O system ET 200pro. The following section describes how to configure the two modules. Message frame The message frame number and the operating mode of the module are only displayed and cannot be modified. Application ID You indicate the saved parameters in the frequency converter as a whole with the application ID. Enter an application ID from the value range 0 to 65535. During startup (or pull/plug), this ID is compared with the application ID stored on the converter. Converters that work with identical applications are usually also identically configured and should be identified with the same application ID. Converters with the same application ID may be exchanged between each other. Copying of the complete configuration of a converter to another converter, for example, via an MMC, is only applied, if both have the same application ID. Converters that work with different applications and are configured differently must be identified by different application IDs. This prevents a converter with unsuitable configuration from starting on an incorrect slot, in other words on the wrong application. This also prevents the configuration that is saved in the converter from being accidently overwritten with any configuration that is stored on an MMC. Enable diagnostic interrupt You can enable the diagnostic interrupt for the frequency converter. If diagnostic interrupt is enabled, an OB 82 must be available in a CPU to process the diagnostic events. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1893 Editing devices and networks 10.1 Configuring devices and networks IPv4 routing with CP 1543-1 / CM 1542-1 IPv4 routing with CP 15431 / CM 15421 The following restrictions apply to the "IPv4 routing over the backplane bus" function of the CM/CP. IPv4 routing over the CM / CP to the CPU of the station is not possible. IP configuration with CM 15421 as PROFINET IO controller If the CM with enabled IPv4 routing over the backplane bus is used as PROFINET IO controller, please note the following points for IP configuration of the subordinate IO devices: If IP address configuration for the subordinate IO devices is fixed ("Set IP address in the project" option), IPv4 routing over the CM to the IO devices is not possible. The following settings are required in the IP configuration of the subordinate IO devices to allow IPv4 routing over the CM to those IO devices: - First select the "Use router" option for the IO device. Copy the IP address of the IO controller (CM) to the router address field. - Activate the "IP address is set directly at the device" option for the IO device. IPv6 configuration IPv6 protocol The Internet Protocol version 6 - called IPv6 below - extends the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) that is used predominantly at the current time. Address format IPv6: Notation IPv6 addresses consist of 8 fields each with four-character hexadecimal numbers (128 bits in total). The fields are separated by a colon. Example: fd00:0000:0000:0000:0db8:002f:0000:0000 Rules / simplifications: Leading zeros within a field can be omitted. Example: fd00:0000:0000:0000:0db8:002f:0000:0000, abbreviated fd00:0:0:0:db8:2f:0:0 If one or more blocks have the value 0, a shortened notation is possible with two successive colons. To ensure uniqueness, this shortened form can only be used once within the entire address. With two or more such abbreviations, it may not be possible to determine how many blocks were shortened. Valid example: fd00::db8:2f:0:0 or fd00:0:0:0:db8:2f:: (both clearly recognizable as fd00:0:0:0:db8:2f:0:0) Invalid example: fd00::db8:2f:: (not clear, can be interpreted as fd00:0:0:0:db8:2f:0:0 or fd00:0:0:db8:2f:0:0:0 etc.) The last 2 fields or 4 bytes can be written in the normal decimal notation with periods. Example: The IPv6 address fd00::db8:fd01:2f is equivalent to fd00::db8. 1894 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Entry and appearance The entry of IPv6 addresses is possible in the notations described above. IPv6 addresses are always shown in the same notation in which they were entered. See also IPv6 with the CP 1543-1 (Page 1895) IPv6 with the CP 1543-1 Use of IPv6 with the CP 1543-1 For all IP services, the CP supports the Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) The additional specification of addresses in IPv6 format can be used with the CP for the following services and applications: FETCH/WRITE: Direct write/read access by PC stations, SIMATIC S5 or third-party devices FTP client: FTP access from the S7-1500 CPU to an FTP server with program block FTP_CMD FTP server: FTP access from an FTP client to data areas of the S7-1500 CPU SNMP: Data query using MIB objects according to SNMP E-mail: Data transfer from the S7-1500 CPU using the program block T_Mail 10.2 Device and network diagnostics 10.2.1 Hardware diagnostics Overview of hardware diagnostics Principal methods of hardware diagnostics Principal methods of hardware diagnostics Hardware diagnostics can be performed as follows: Using the Online and Diagnostics view Using the "Online Tools" task card Using the "Diagnostics > Device Info" area of the Inspector window Using diagnostics icons, for example, in the device view and the project tree WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1895 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Structure of the Online and Diagnostics view The Online and Diagnostics view consists of two windows alongside each other: The left window shows a tree structure with folders and - when you open the folder - groups. The right window contains detailed information on the selected folder or selected group. The "Online access" group and the "Diagnostics" and "Functions" folders are located here: "Online access" group: Displays whether or not there is currently an online connection with the associated target. In addition, you can establish or disconnect the online connection. "Diagnostics": Contains several diagnostics groups for the selected module. "Functions": Contains several groups, in which you can make settings for the selected module or issue commands to the module. Function and structure of the "Online Tools" task card For modules with their own operating mode (such as CPUs), the "Online tools" task card allows you to read current diagnostics information and commands to the module. If you selected a module without its own operating mode or if you selected several modules before activation of the "Online Tools" task card, the task card relates to the relevant CPU. The "Online Tools" task card consists of the following panes: CPU control panel Cycle time Memory Note A pane is filled with content only if the module controls the associated functions and an online connection exists. If there is no online connection to the respective module, the display "No online connection" appears in blue in each pane. If an existing online connection was disconnected, then "This target is not available" will be displayed. 1896 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Structure or the "Diagnostics" tab of the Inspector window The "Diagnostics" tab of the Inspector window itself consists of several tabs. Of these tabs, the following is relevant for the hardware diagnostics. Device information This tab relates to all online devices (e.g. CPUs) to which an online connection has been established and to the devices that are assigned to these online devices (such as PROFINET devices and PROFIBUS slaves). Alarms related to the faulty online devices and the faulty devices are output here. Note What is displayed when a module is faulty? If a module within a device is faulty, only the associated device or its proxy (e.g. head module) are shown, but not the module itself. The faulty devices are displayed "at the top level" and not in a hierarchical view below their online device (as is the case in the project tree). See also Basics on task cards (Page 287) Inspector window (Page 285) Determination of which of the devices that are connected online are defective Overview of the defective devices In the "Diagnostics > Device Info" area of the Inspector window you will obtain an overview of the defective devices that are or were connected online. The "Diagnostics> Device Info" area of the Inspector window consists of the following elements: Header line with the number of defective devices Table with detailed information on each defective device If you originate the establishment of an online connection to a device which is not reachable or reports one or more faults or is not in RUN mode, it will rank as defective. Structure of the table with detailed information on the defective devices The table consists of the following columns: Online status: Contains the online status as a diagnostic symbol and in words Operating mode: Contains the operating mode as a symbol and in words Device / module: Name of the affected device or the affected module Message: explains the entry of the previous column WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1897 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Details: The link opens the online and diagnostics view for the device, and places it in the foreground. If an online connection does not exist any longer, the link will open the connection establishment dialog. Help: The link supplies further information on the defect that has occurred. See also Displaying diagnostics status and comparison status using icons (Page 1898) Displaying diagnostics status and comparison status using icons Determining diagnostics status online and displaying using icons When the online connection to a device is established, the diagnostics status of the device and, if applicable, its lower-level components is determined. The operating state of the device is also determined, where applicable. 1898 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics The following is a description of which icons are displayed in specific views. Device view - The associated diagnostic icon is displayed for every hardware component (except the signal board on the CPU). To start the Online and Diagnostics view (if available), double-click the diagnostic icon. - For a hardware component with lower-level components, if there is a hardware error in at least one lower-level component, the diagnostic icon appears as follows: The hardware component's diagnostic icon has a pale appearance and the diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is also shown in the lower right corner. - For hardware components with their own operating state, the operating state icon is also displayed to the left of or above the diagnostic icon. - The following applies to modules or submodules of a shared device with an S7-1500 CPU: No diagnostic icons are displayed (due to the configuration as GSDML device). Device overview - The associated diagnostic icon is displayed for every hardware component. To start the Online and Diagnostics view (if available), double-click the diagnostic icon. - For a hardware component with lower-level components, if there is a hardware error in at least one lower-level component, the diagnostic icon appears as follows: The hardware component's diagnostic icon has a pale appearance and the diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is also shown in the lower right corner. - The following applies to modules or submodules of a shared device with an S7-1500 CPU: For modules assigned to the CPU, the associated diagnostic icon is displayed (modules that are not assigned do not receive a diagnostic icon). The associated diagnostic icon is displayed for plug-in submodules of an assigned module (submodules that are not pluggable are not visible and therefore do not receive a diagnostic icon). Network view - The associated diagnostic icon is displayed for every device. To start the Online and Diagnostics view (if available), double-click the diagnostic icon. - For a hardware component with lower-level components, if there is a hardware error in at least one lower-level component, the diagnostic icon appears as follows: The hardware component's diagnostic icon has a pale appearance and the diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is also shown in the lower right corner. - The following applies to modules or submodules of a shared device with an S7-1500 CPU: A diagnostic icon is displayed. It belongs to that part of the station that is assigned to the CPU. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1899 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Network overview - The associated diagnostic icon is displayed for every hardware component. To start the Online and Diagnostics view (if available), double-click the diagnostic icon. - For a hardware component with lower-level components, if there is a hardware error in at least one lower-level component, the diagnostic icon appears as follows: The hardware component's diagnostic icon has a pale appearance and the diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is also shown in the lower right corner. - The following applies to modules or submodules of a shared device with an S7-1500 CPU: A diagnostic icon is displayed. It belongs to that part of the station that is assigned to the CPU. Topology view - The associated diagnostic icon is displayed for every device. To start the Online and Diagnostics view (if available), double-click the diagnostic icon. - For a hardware component with lower-level components, if there is a hardware error in at least one lower-level component, the diagnostic icon appears as follows: The hardware component's diagnostic icon has a pale appearance and the diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is also shown in the lower right corner. - The associated diagnostic icon is displayed for every port. The meaning of the individual colors is described further below. - Each cable between two online ports is assigned the color associated with its diagnostics status. The color of the cable between two ports depends on the status of the individual ports: Color of the first port Color of the second port Color of the connecting cable light green light green light green light green dark green dark green green gray gray green red red gray red red - The following applies to modules or submodules of a shared device with an S7-1500 CPU: A diagnostic icon is displayed. It belongs to that part of the station that is assigned to the CPU. Topology overview - The associated diagnostic icon is displayed for every hardware component. To start the Online and Diagnostics view (if available), double-click the diagnostic icon. - For a hardware component with lower-level components, if there is a hardware error in at least one lower-level component, the diagnostic icon appears as follows: The hardware component's diagnostic icon has a pale appearance and the diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is also shown in the lower right corner. - The following applies to modules or submodules of a shared device with an S7-1500 CPU: A diagnostic icon is displayed. It belongs to that part of the station that is assigned to the CPU. 1900 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Project tree - The associated diagnostic icon is displayed behind every hardware component. - For a hardware component with lower-level components (e.g., distributed I/O, Slave_1), if there is a hardware error in at least one lower-level component, the diagnostic icon appears as follows: The hardware component's diagnostic icon has a pale appearance and the diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is also shown in the lower right corner. - For hardware components with their own operating state, the operating state icon is also displayed in the top right corner of the diagnostic icon. - If forcing is active on a CPU, a red F is displayed at the left margin of the diagnostic icon. - The diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is displayed behind the "Local modules" folder when there is a hardware error in at least one of the associated modules. - The diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is displayed behind the "Distributed I/O" folder when there is a hardware error in at least one of the associated modules. - The diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is displayed behind the project folder when the "Hardware error in lower-level component" diagnostic icon is displayed behind at least one of the "Local modules" or "Distributed I/O" folders. - The following applies to modules or submodules of a shared device with an S7-1500 CPU: The associated diagnostic icon is displayed for modules assigned to the CPU (modules that are not assigned are grayed out and do not receive a diagnostic icon). The associated diagnostic icon is displayed for plug-in submodules of an assigned module (submodules that are not pluggable are not visible and therefore do not receive a diagnostic icon). Note If the diagnostic for a hardware component is "not reachable from the CPU", the diagnostic icon "Hardware error in lower-level component" is not additionally shown. Diagnostic icons for modules and devices The following table shows the available icons and their meaning. Icon Meaning The connection with a CPU is currently being established. The CPU is not reachable at the set address. The configured CPU and the CPU actually present are of incompatible types. On establishment of the online connection to a protected CPU, the password dialog was terminated without specification of the correct password. No fault WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1901 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Icon Meaning Maintenance required Maintenance demanded Error The module or device is deactivated. The module or the device cannot be reached from the CPU (valid for modules and devices below a CPU). No input or output data are available, because the (sub)module has blocked its input or output channels. Diagnostics data are not available because the current online configuration data differ from the offline configuration data. The configured module or device and the module or device actually present are incompatible (valid for modules or devices under a CPU). The connection is established, but the module status has not yet been determined or is unknown. The configured module does not support display of the diagnostics status. Hardware error in lower-level component: A hardware fault has occurred in at least one lower-level hardware component (occurs as a separate icon only in the project tree) Note Some modules, for example, the FM 450-1, are only indicated as having a problem in the case of an error if you have enabled the diagnostic interrupt when assigning the module property parameters. Icons for the comparison status The diagnostic icons can be combined at the bottom right with additional smaller icons that indicate the result of the online/offline comparison. The following table shows the available comparison icons and their meaning. Icon Meaning Hardware error in lower-level component: The online and offline versions differ (only in the project tree) in at least one lower-level hardware component. Software error in lower-level component: The online and offline versions differ (only in the project tree) in at least one lower-level software component. Online and offline versions of the object are different Object only exists online Object only exists offline Online and offline versions of the object are the same 1902 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Note If both a comparison icon and the "Error in lower-level component" diagnostic icon are to be displayed at the bottom right in the device view, the following rule applies: The diagnostic icon for the lower-level hardware component has a higher priority than the comparison icon. This means that a comparison icon is only displayed if the lower-level hardware components have no errors. Display of software errors in the project tree The associated comparison icon is shown behind each block. Behind each folder, under which exclusively blocks are contained, the diagnostic icon "Software error in lower-level component" is displayed when there is a software error in at least one of the associated blocks. For a hardware component with lower-level software components, if there is no hardware error and there is an error in at least one lower-level software component, the diagnostic icon appears as follows: The hardware component's diagnostic icon has a pale appearance and the diagnostic icon "Software error in lower-level component" is also shown in the lower right corner. Combined diagnostics and comparison icons The following table shows examples of icons that are displayed in the diagnostics icon. Icon Meaning Folder contains objects whose online and offline versions differ (only in the project tree) Object only exists online Operating state icons for CPUs and CPs The following table shows the available icons and their respective operating states. Icon Operating state RUN STOP STARTUP HOLD DEFECTIVE WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1903 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Icon Operating state Unknown operating state The configured module does not support display of the operating state. Note If forcing is active on a CPU, a red F is displayed on a pink background at the bottom right of the operating state icon. Color marking of ports and Ethernet cables The following table shows the available colors and their respective meaning. Color Meaning No fault or maintenance required Offline Maintenance demanded Communication error or topological error no diagnostic capability Start online and diagnostics view Overview of possible ways of starting the Online and Diagnostics view You can start the Online and Diagnostics view of a module to be diagnosed at the following locations: Overview Project tree Device view Device overview Network view Network overview Topology view Topological overview In the following, examples are used to show how to proceed. 1904 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Requirement The project with the module to be diagnosed is open. Note This requirement does not apply if you call the online and diagnostics view from the project tree after you have identified the accessible devices. Procedure To start the online and diagnostics view of a module, follow these steps: 1. In the project tree, open the respective device folder. 2. Double click on "Online & Diagnostics". Or: 1. In the project tree, select the respective device folder. 2. Select the "Online & Diagnostics" command in the shortcut menu or the "Online" main menu. Or: 1. In the project tree, open the "Online access" folder. 2. Open the folder for the interface with which you want to establish the online connection. 3. Double click on "Show/Update accessible devices". 4. Select the module to be diagnosed. 5. Select the "Online & Diagnostics" command in the shortcut menu or the "Online" main menu. Or: 1. In the project tree, open the "Local modules" folder. 2. Select the respective device or the module that is to be diagnosed. 3. Select the "Online & Diagnostics" command in the shortcut menu or the main menu. Or: 1. Open the device view in the device configuration. 2. Select the module to be diagnosed. 3. Select the "Online & Diagnostics" command in the shortcut menu or the "Online" main menu. Or: 1. Open the device view in the device configuration. 2. Establish an online connection to the module to be diagnosed. 3. Double-click on the diagnostics icon above the module. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1905 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Or: 1. Open the network view in the device configuration. 2. Select the station with the module to be diagnosed. 3. Select the "Online & Diagnostics" command in the shortcut menu or the "Online" main menu. Or: 1. Open the topology view in the device configuration. 2. Establish an online connection to the module to be diagnosed. 3. In the topology view, double-click the diagnostic icon associated with the module. Result The online and diagnostics view of the module to be diagnosed will be started. If an online connection to the associated CPU had previously been created, the header bar of the Online and Diagnostics view will now have an orange background. Note If no online connection exists when the online and diagnostics view is started, no online information is displayed and the display fields remain empty. Activation of the "Online Tools" task card Activation of the "Online Tools" task card You can activate this task card as follows: 1. Start the online and diagnostics view. 2. Click on the "Online Tools" task card. Or: 1. Start the device view. 2. Click on the "Online Tools" task card. Or: 1. Start the network view. 2. Click on the "Online Tools" task card. 1906 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Showing non-editable and current values of configurable module properties Showing general properties and system-relevant information for a module Where do I find the information I need? The general properties and system-relevant information for a module can be found in the "General" group in the "Diagnostics" folder in the online and diagnostics view of the module to be diagnosed. Structure of the "General" group The "General" group consists of the following areas: Module Module information Vendor information "Module" area This area shows the following data of the module: Short designation, for example, CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC Article no. Hardware Firmware TIA Portal version, e.g. V13.0 SP1 UPD1 Note TIA Portal version The displayed TIA Portal version is the minimum version that is required to open the blocks loaded to the device. This means it does not necessarily have to be the version with which you have loaded the blocks to the device. Fictitious example: You have loaded your program with TIA Portal version V13.0 SP1 UPD6 to the CPU; however, version V13.0 SP1 is displayed. Racks Slot WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1907 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics "Module information" area This area shows the following data of the module that you configured during hardware configuration: Module name Installation date (not displayed for all modules) Additional information (not displayed for all modules) "Manufacturer information" area This area shows the following data of the module: Manufacturer Serial number Profile: Profile ID as hexadecimal number Note You will find the corresponding profile name in the profile ID table for PROFIBUS International (see ""). Profile details: Profile-specific type as hexadecimal number Note You will find the corresponding profile-specific type name in the profile-specific type table for PROFIBUS International (see ""). Display configured cycle times Where do I find the information I need? The required information can be found in the following places: In the "Cycle time" group of the "Diagnostics" folder in the Online and Diagnostics view of the module to be diagnosed. In the "Cycle time" pane of the "Online Tools" task card Structure of the "Cycle time" group in the "Diagnostics" folder of the Online and Diagnostics view The "Cycle time" group consists of the following areas: Cycle time diagram (graphical display of the assigned and measured cycle times) Cycle time configured (display of the assigned cycle times as absolute values) Cycle times measured (display of the measured cycle times as absolute values) 1908 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Structure of the "Cycle time" pane of the "Online Tools" task card The "Cycle time" pane displays the cycle time diagram and below it the measured cycle times as absolute values. Assigned cycle times The following assigned cycle times are displayed in the cycle time diagram and in the "Cycle time configured" area. Minimum cycle time Maximum cycle time In the cycle time diagram, the minimum cycle time and the maximum cycle time correspond to the two markings on the time axis. In the "Cycle time configured" area, the assigned cycle times are displayed as absolute values. Show interfaces and interface properties of a module Where do I find the information I need? The interfaces and interface properties of a module can be found in the "Diagnostics" folder in the online and diagnostics view of the module to be diagnosed in the following group: PROFINET interface "PROFINET interface" group This group is divided into the following areas: "Ethernet address" with the "Network connection" and "IP Parameters" subareas "Ports" "Network connection" subarea of the "Ethernet address" area This subarea shows the following data for the module: MAC Address: MAC address of the interface. The MAC address consists of two parts. The first part ("Basic MAC address") identifies the manufacturer (Siemens, 3COM, ...). The second part of the MAC address differentiates between the various Ethernet devices. Each Ethernet module is assigned a unique MAC address. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1909 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics "IP Parameters" subarea of the "Ethernet address" area This subarea shows the following data for the module: IP address: Internet protocol address of the device on the bus (TCP/IP) Subnet mask: The subnet mask shows which part of the IP address determines the membership of a particular sub-network. Default router: If the subnet is connected via a router to other subnets, the IP address of the default router must be known. This is the only way a datagram can be forwarded with a non-matching subnet address. IP settings: Identifier for the path by which the device has obtained its IP settings (IP address, subnet mask, default router). Identifier Meaning 0 IP address is not initialized 1 By configuration (i.e., by the configuration loaded to the device from the device or network view) 2 Via the "Assign IP address" group of the online and diagnostics view 3 Via the DHCP server (i.e., the IP parameters are obtained by a special service from a DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and assigned for a limited time) 4 IP address is set by a user program 5 Source of IP address unknown IP setting time: Time stamp of the last change to the IP address directly through the Ethernet connection of the module "Ports" area This area shows the following data for the module: Ethernet ports Physical properties of the PROFINET interface 1910 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Properties of the PROFI NET interface Meaning Port no. Port number The short description of interface (X + interface no.) and port (P + port no.) is specified in parentheses. An "R" in the short description of a port means that it is a ring port. Status Displays the status of the port LINK LED. Status "OK" means another device (such as a switch) is connected to the port and the physical connection is available. Status "disconnected" means no other device is connected to the port. Status "deactivated" means that access to the port is blocked. Settings "Automatic" for automatic network settings of the device Network settings for speed and transmission method for manual network settings of the device Operating mode Network settings for speed and transmission method If you select a line in the port table, additional help information will be provided for the corresponding port. Displaying IO controllers that access modules of a Shared Device (S7-1500) Where do I find the information I need? The display of those IO controllers that access the modules of a Shared Device can be found in the Online and Diagnostics view of the interface module of the Shared Device in the "Diagnostics" folder in the following area of the "PROFINET interface" group: IO controller Displaying sync domain properties of a PROFINET device Where do I find the information I need? The sync domain properties of a PROFINET device can be found in the following area of the "PROFINET interface" group in the "Diagnostics" folder of the Online and Diagnostics view of the device to be diagnosed: Domain "Domain" area This area is divided into the following subareas: Sync domain MRP domain WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1911 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics What is a sync domain? A sync domain is a group of PROFINET devices that are synchronized to a common clock. Exactly one device has the role of the sync master (clock generator); all other devices assume the role of a sync slave. The sync master is usually an IO controller or a switch. Non-synchronized PROFINET devices are not part of a sync domain. "Sync domain" subarea of the "Domain" area This subarea shows the following properties of the sync domain: Name: Name of sync domain Role: Role of the PROFINET device in the sync domain. The following roles are possible: - Sync master - Sync slave Synchronization interval: Interval at which the synchronization is performed Send clock Smallest possible send interval for the data exchange Jitter accuracy of the send clock Reserved bandwidth for cyclic communication Displaying MRP domain properties of a PROFINET device Where do I find the information I need? The MRP domain properties of a PROFINET device can be found in the following area of the "PROFINET interface" group in the "Diagnostics" folder of the Online and Diagnostics view of the device to be diagnosed: Domain "Domain" area This area is divided into the following subareas: Sync domain MRP domain What is an MRP domain? The Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) enables redundant networks to be structured. Redundant transmission paths (ring topology) ensure that, if one transmission path fails, an alternative communication path is available. The PROFINET devices that are part of this redundant network form an MRP domain. 1912 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics "MRP domain" subarea of the "Domain" area This subarea shows the following properties of the MRP domain: Name: Name of MRP domain Role: Role of the PROFINET device in the MRP domain. The following roles are possible: - Manager - Manager (Auto) - Client - Not a device of the ring Ring port 1: The port of the PROFINET device that has the "Ring port 1" property Ring port 2: The port of the PROFINET device that has the "Ring port 2" property Status of the MRP ring: Indicates whether the ring is interrupted ("open" status) or not ("closed" status). Displaying current firmware of a module (S7-300, S7-400, S7-1500) Displaying firmware You can display the currently installed firmware of a module. Requirements The module supports a firmware update. The module is connected online. Procedure To display the current firmware, follow these steps: 1. Open the module in the Online and Diagnostics view. 2. Select the "Firmware update" group in the "Functions" folder. 3. You read off the current firmware in the "Online data" area under "Firmware". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1913 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Showing the current values of dynamic modules properties Display measured cycle times Where do I find the information I need? The measured cycle times can be found at each of the following places: In the "Cycle time" group of the "Diagnostics" folder in the Online and Diagnostics view of the module to be diagnosed. In the "Cycle time" pane of the "Online Tools" task card Structure of the "Cycle time" group in the "Diagnostics" folder of the Online and Diagnostics view The "Cycle time" group consists of the following areas: Cycle time diagram (graphical display of the assigned and measured cycle times) Cycle time configured (display of the assigned cycle times as absolute values) Cycle times measured (display of the measured cycle times as absolute values) Structure of the "Cycle time" pane of the "Online Tools" task card The "Cycle time" pane displays the cycle time diagram and below it the measured cycle times as absolute values. Graphical display of the measured cycle times The following measured cycle times are displayed in the cycle time diagram: Shortest cycle time: Duration of the shortest cycle since the last transition from STOP to RUN This corresponds to the dashed gray arrow on the left in the diagram. Current / last cycle time: Duration of the last cycle This corresponds to the green arrow in the diagram. If the current / last cycle time exceeds the maximum cycle time, the arrow will turn red. Note If the duration of the last cycle comes close to the maximum cycle time, it may be possible that it will be exceeded. Depending on the CPU type, parameter assignment and your user program, the CPU can switch to STOP mode. If for instance you are monitoring the tags in your program, this will increase the cycle time. If the cycle lasts longer than double the maximum cycle time, and you do not restart the maximum cycle time in the user program (by calling the extended RE_TRIGR) instruction, the CPU will switch to STOP mode. Longest cycle time: Duration of the longest cycle since the last transition from STOP to RUN. This corresponds to the dashed blue arrow on the right in the diagram. 1914 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics A blue band extends between the two dashed lines; this band corresponds to the entire range of the measured cycle times. If a measured cycle time is greater than the maximum cycle time, the portion of the band that lies outside the assigned limits will be colored red. Display of the measured cycle times as absolute values The following measured times are displayed in the "Cycle times measured" area and in the "Cycle time" pane. Shortest cycle time since the last transition from STOP to RUN. Current/last cycle time: Longest cycle time since the last transition from STOP to RUN. Showing the current status of the LEDs of a CPU Where do I find the information I need? The current status of the LEDs of a CPU can be found in the display area of the "CPU control panel" pane of the "Online tools" task card. Display area of the "CPU control panel" pane of the "Online Tools" task card This area contains the following displays: Station name and CPU type (short designation) RUN / STOP (corresponds to the "RUN / STOP" LED of the CPU) ERROR (corresponds to the "ERROR" LED on the CPU) MAINT (corresponds to the "MAINT" LED on the CPU) Showing fill levels of all types of memory on a CPU Where do I find the information I need? The fill levels of all types of memory on a CPU can be found on the following two pages: In the display area of the "Memory" group in the "Diagnostics" folder in the online and diagnostics view of the module to be diagnosed In the display area of the "Memory" pane on the "Online Tools" task card Display area of the "Memory" group in the "Diagnostics" folder of the online and diagnostics view This area contains the current memory utilization of the associated module and details of the individual memory areas. The memory utilization is shown both as a bar diagram and as a numerical value (percentage). WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1915 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics The following memory utilizations are shown: Load memory If no memory card is inserted, the internal load memory is displayed. If a memory card is inserted, the operating system only uses the inserted load memory as the load memory. This is displayed here. Work memory Retentive memory Display area of the "Memory" pane of the "Online Tools" task card This area contains the current memory utilization of the associated module. The available memory is shown both as a bar diagram and as a numerical value (percentage). The numerical value is rounded to an integer value. Note If less than 1% of a memory area is utilized, the available portion of this memory area is shown as "99%". The following memory utilizations are shown: Load memory If no memory card is inserted, the internal load memory is displayed. If a memory card is inserted, the operating system only uses the inserted load memory as the load memory. This is displayed here. Work memory Retentive memory See also Load memory (Page 946) Work memory (Page 946) Retentive memory areas (Page 948) Displaying fill level of all types of memory of an S7-1500 CPU (S7-1500) Where do I find the information I need? The fill levels of all types of memory of an S7-1500 CPU can be found at the following two places: In the display area of the "Memory" group in the "Diagnostics" folder in the online and diagnostics view of the module to be diagnosed In the display area of the "Memory" pane on the "Online Tools" task card 1916 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Display area of the "Memory" group in the "Diagnostics" folder of the online and diagnostics view This area contains the current memory utilization of the associated module and details of the individual memory areas. The memory utilization is shown both as a bar diagram and as a numerical value (percentage). The following memory utilizations are shown: Load memory Note The load memory is located on the SIMATIC memory card. Code work memory: work memory for program code Data work memory: work memory for data blocks Retentive memory Display area of the "Memory" pane of the "Online Tools" task card This area contains the current memory utilization of the associated module. The available memory is shown both as a bar diagram and as a numerical value (percentage). The numerical value is rounded to an integer value. Note If less than 1% of a memory area is utilized, the available portion of this memory area is shown as "99%". The following memory utilizations are shown: Load memory Note The load memory is located on the SIMATIC memory card. Code work memory: work memory for program code Data work memory: work memory for data blocks Retentive memory Checking a module for defects Determining the diagnostic status of a module Where is the diagnostics status of a module displayed? The diagnostic status of a module is displayed in the "Diagnostic status" group in the "Diagnostics" folder in the online and diagnostics view of the module to be diagnosed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1917 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics The "Diagnostics status" group consists of the following areas: Status Standard diagnostics (for S7-300 and S7-400 only for non-CPU modules) "Status" area The following status information is displayed in this area: Status of the module as viewed by the CPU, for example: - Module available and OK. - Module defective. If the module experiences a fault and you have enabled the diagnostic error interrupt during configuration, the "Module defective" status is displayed. - Module configured, but not available. Example: Diagnostics data is not available because the current online configuration differs from the offline configuration. Detected differences between the configured and the inserted module. Provided it can be ascertained, the article number will be displayed for the set and actual type. The scope of the displayed information depends on the selected module. "Standard diagnostics" area The following diagnostics information for non-CPU modules is displayed in this area: Internal and external faults that relate to the overall module Associated diagnostics events Examples of such diagnostics information are: Entire backup failed Module defective Note Diagnostic interrupts A diagnostic interrupt can be reported to the CPU only if the module has diagnostic interrupt capability and the diagnostic interrupt has been enabled. The display of the diagnostic interrupt is a snapshot. Sporadic module defects can be identified in the diagnostics buffer of the respective CPU. 1918 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Performing communication diagnostics of PROFINET ports Where are port-specific errors of PROFINET ports displayed? The port-specific errors of PROFINET ports are displayed in the "Communication diagnostics" group of the "Diagnostics" folder in the Online and Diagnostics view of the module to be diagnosed. Structure of the "Communication diagnostics" group The "Communication diagnostics" group consists of the following areas: Table containing the port-specific errors "Details of the event" text field "Help on event" text field Structure of the table containing the port-specific errors Each line of the error table corresponds to one error. The table consists of the following columns: Name: port no. and port designation, as well as diagnostics icon Error: description of the error that occurred on this port "Details" text field If you select a line in the error table, the "Detail" text field will contain detailed information (if available) on the corresponding error. "Help on selected diagnostic line" text field If you select a line in the error table, the "Help on selected diagnostic line" text field will contain help information (if available) on the corresponding error. PROFINET IO component diagnostics Where do I perform PROFINET IO component diagnostics? You perform the PROFINET IO component diagnostics in the "PROFINET IO diagnostics" group under "PROFINET interface" in the "Diagnostics" folder of the Online and Diagnostics view. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1919 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics "PROFINET IO diagnostics" group Manufacturer-related diagnostics texts for the IO device or the selected module of the IO device are displayed in this area. If the diagnostics can be read by the IO controller, then communication errors and configuration errors (online/offline discrepancies) are displayed here. Reading out the diagnostics buffer of a CPU Where do you read out the diagnostics buffer of a CPU? You read out the diagnostics buffer of a CPU in the "Diagnostics buffer" group in the "Diagnostics" folder in the Online and Diagnostics view. Structure of the "Diagnostics buffer" group The "Diagnostics buffer" group consists of the following areas: "Events" "Settings" Diagnostics buffer The diagnostics buffer is used as a log file for the diagnostics events that occurred on the CPU and the modules assigned to it. These are entered in the order of their occurrence, with the latest event shown at the top. "Events" area The "Events" area consists of the following elements: Check box "CPU time stamp takes into account local PG/PC time" Event table "Freeze display" or "Cancel freeze" button Details of the event: Event no., event ID, module and possibly station or device name, rack/ slot, description, help on the event, plant designation, location identifier, coming/going information, event type "Open in editor", "Save as" buttons Check box "CPU time stamp takes into account local PG/PC time" If you have not activated the check box, the diagnostics buffer entries are shown with the module time. If you have activated the check box, the diagnostics buffer entries are shown with the time given by the following formula: 1920 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Displayed time = module time + time zone offset on your programming device / PC This requires the module time to be identical to UTC. You should use this setting if you wish to see the times of the diagnostics buffer entries for the module expressed in the local time of your programming device / PC. Selecting or clearing the check box immediately changes the times displayed for the diagnostics buffer entries. Note If you use the "WR_SYS_T" instruction in your program or if you set the real-time clock of the CPU using an HMI device instead of using UTC, we recommend that you clear the "CPU time stamp takes into account local PG/PC time" check box. In this case, the module time is the sole time of concern. Event table The following information is displayed in the table for each diagnostics event: Sequential number of the entry The first entry contains the latest event. Date and time of the diagnostics event If no date and time are shown, the module has no integrated clock. Short name of the event and, if applicable, the reaction of the CPU Note If an individual parameter of a text cannot be determined, the character string "###" is shown in its place. If no display text is yet available for new modules or new events, the numbers of the events and the individual parameters are stated as hexadecimal values. Only for S7-1200 and S7-1500 CPUs: Icon for the event type The following table shows the available icons and their meaning. Icon Meaning OK (no maintenance and/or no fault) Maintenance required Maintenance demanded Error Icon for information related to incoming/outgoing status The following table shows the available icons and their meaning. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1921 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Icon Meaning Incoming event Outgoing event Incoming event to which there is no independent outgoing event User-defined diagnostics event You can change the order of the columns, adjust the column widths and remove and add individual columns in the event table. In addition, you can sort as follows: by sequential number, by "Date and time" and by "Event". "Freeze display" or "Cancel freeze" button The "Freeze display" or "Cancel freeze" button is only enabled when there is an online connection to the CPU. The default setting is "Freeze display". The following happens when you click the "Freeze display" button: The current display of the diagnostics buffer entries is frozen. The labeling of the button changes to "Cancel freeze". If an error has occurred in your system, diagnostics events can occur very quickly in succession. This produces a high update rate on the display. Freezing the display allows you to calmly examine the situation in more detail. If the display is frozen and you click the "Cancel freeze" button, the following happens: The display of the diagnostics buffer entries is updated again. The labeling of the button changes to "Freeze display". Note If you freeze the diagnostics buffer display, the CPU continues to enter events in the diagnostics buffer. Details of the event If you select a line in the list of events, you obtain detailed information on the respective event: Sequential number of the event in the diagnostics buffer Event ID Module and, if applicable, station or device name Rack/slot 1922 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Description of the event with event-specific additional information. Examples of this additional information: - Command that caused the event - Operating mode switch caused by the diagnostics event Help on the event: The selected event is explained in more detail and possible solutions may be specified. With outgoing events, the text "Outgoing event: "No user action required" is displayed. Only for S7-1200 and S7-1500 CPUs: Plant designation, location identifier Information on whether the event is an incoming or outgoing event Type of event. The following types of event are possible: - OK (no maintenance and/or no fault) - Maintenance required - Maintenance demanded - Error "Open in editor" button The following table shows if the "Open block" button is active and which function it conceals. When is the "Open in editor" button enabled? What happens when you click this button? If the diagnostics event references the relative address of a block. The "Open in editor" function opens the referenced block in the offline view at the programming instruction that causes the error. This allows you to check and, if necessary, change the source code of the block at the specified place and then download it again to the CPU. This is the address of the command that caused the event. If the diagnostics event was triggered by a module. The "Open in editor" function opens the Device view of the module involved. "Save as ..." button If you click this button, the content of the diagnostics buffer is saved in a text file. "Diagnostics", depending on the language, with the extension ".txt" is suggested as the file name. You can however change this name. "Settings" area The "Settings" area consists of the following elements: "Display events" list "Apply settings as default" button "Output event information in hexadecimal format" check box WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1923 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics List "Display events:" There is an check box in this list for every event class (default setting: all check boxes are selected). If you clear a check box, the events of that event class is no longer displayed in the "Events" area. Reselecting the check box displays the associated events once again. "Apply settings as default" button If you click this button, the settings are also applied to future occasions when the "Events" tab is opened. "Output event information in hexadecimal format" check box If you select the check box, the event IDs in the Events list of the "Events" area is displayed in hexadecimal format. If you clear the check box, the event information is given in text form. See also Basic information on the diagnostics buffer (Page 1944) Saving service data (S7-1500) Purpose In the event of servicing it may be possible that the SIEMENS Customer Support requires very special information about the state of a module of your system for diagnostic purposes. If such a case occurs in your system, you will be asked by Customer Support to save the service data of the module and send the resulting file to them. Where do you carry out the saving of service data of a module? You carry out the saving of service data of a module in its online and diagnostics view at the following points: In the "Functions" folder in the "Save service data" group" The "Save service data" group consists of the following areas: Online data Saving service data "Online data" area This area shows the following data of the module: Article number Firmware version Module name (you configured this while configuring the hardware.) 1924 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Rack Slot "Save service data" area Proceed as follows to create and save a file with special service data: 1. Select the point in the file system at which you want to save the file: - You use the path preset in the "Path" field. - Click the three-dot (browse) button. In the dialog that opens specify the desired path and enter the file name. 2. Click the "Save data" button. Changing the properties of a module or the programming device/PC Changing the mode of a CPU Requirement There is an online connection to the CPU whose mode you want to change. Procedure To change the mode of the CPU, follow these steps: 1. Enable the "Online tools" task card of the CPU. 2. Click the "RUN" button in the "CPU control panel" pane if you want to change the CPU to RUN mode or the "STOP" button if you want to change the CPU to STOP mode. Note The only button active is the one that can be selected in the current operating mode of the CPU. 3. Acknowledge the confirmation prompt with "OK". Or: 1. Open the "Online" menu. 2. Choose the "Start CPU" menu command if you want to set the CPU to RUN mode and "Stop CPU" if you want to set the CPU to STOP mode. Note The only button that is active is the one that can be chosen in the current operating mode of the CPU. 3. Acknowledge the confirmation prompt with "OK". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1925 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Or: 1. Click the "Start CPU" button in the toolbar if you want to set the CPU to RUN mode and the "Stop CPU" button if you want to set the CPU to STOP mode. Note The only button that is active is the one that can be chosen in the current operating mode of the CPU. 2. Acknowledge the confirmation prompt with "OK". Result The CPU will be switched to the required operating mode. Performing a memory reset Requirement There is an online connection to the CPU on which the memory reset is to be performed. The CPU is in STOP mode. Note If the CPU is still in RUN mode and you start the memory reset, you can place it in STOP mode after acknowledging a confirmation prompt. Procedure To perform a memory reset on a CPU, follow these steps: 1. Enable the "Online Tools" task card of the CPU. 2. Click the "MRES" button in the "CPU control panel" pane. 3. Acknowledge the confirmation prompt with "OK". Result The CPU is switched to STOP mode, if necessary, and the memory reset is performed on the CPU. See also Basics of a memory reset (Page 944) 1926 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Determining and setting the time of day on a CPU Where do I find the functions I need? You determine and change the time of day on a CPU in the "Set time of day" group in the "Functions" folder of the Online and Diagnostics view. This requires an online connection. Structure of the "Set time of day" group The "Set time of day" group consists of the following areas: Area for reading out and setting the time of day Time system (This area does not exist for S7-1200 and will not be examined here.) Structure of the area for reading out and setting the time of day This area consists of the following parts: Programming device / PC time Here the time zone setting, the current date and the current time setting of your programming device / PC are displayed. Module time Here the date and time values currently read from the module (for example the CPU), are converted to local time and date and displayed. If the "Take from PG/PC" check box is selected, when you click the "Apply" button, the date and the PG/PC time converted to UTC are transferred to the module. If the "Take from PG/PC" check box is not selected, you can assign the date and time for the integrated clock of the module. After clicking the "Apply" button, the date and the time recalculated to UTC time are transferred to the module. Resetting an S7-1200 CPU to factory settings (S7-1200) Requirement There is no memory card inserted in the CPU. There is an online connection to the CPU that you want to reset to the factory settings. The CPU is in STOP mode. Note If the CPU is still in RUN mode and you start the reset operation, you can place it in STOP mode by answering the security prompt with yes. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1927 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Procedure To reset an S7-1200 CPU to factory settings, follow these steps: 1. Open the Online and Diagnostics view of the CPU. 2. Select the "Reset to factory settings" group in the "Functions" folder. 3. Select the "Keep IP address" check box if you want to keep the IP address or the "Delete IP address" check box if you want to delete the IP address. Note The two check boxes mentioned are only available if the module to be reset is able to choose whether to retain or delete the IP address. 4. Click the "Reset" button. 5. Acknowledge the confirmation prompt with "OK". Result The module is switched to STOP mode if necessary and the settings are then reset to factory settings. This means: The work memory and the internal load memory and all operand areas are cleared. All parameters are reset to their defaults. The diagnostic buffer is cleared. The time is reset. The IP address is kept or deleted depending on which setting you made. Resetting an S7-1500 CPU to factory settings (S7-1500) Requirement If you start a reset to factory settings from the project context, an online connection to the relevant CPU must exist. The relevant CPU is in STOP mode. Note If the CPU is still in RUN mode and you start the reset operation, you can place it in STOP mode after acknowledging a confirmation prompt. Procedure To reset an S7-1500 CPU to factory settings, follow these steps: 1. Open the Online and Diagnostics view of the CPU (either from the project context or via "Accessible devices"). 2. Select the "Reset to factory settings" group in the "Functions" folder. 1928 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics 3. Select the "Keep IP address" check box if you want to keep the IP address or the "Delete IP address" check box if you want to delete the IP address. Note With "Delete IP address", all IP addresses are deleted. This applies regardless of how you created the online connection. If a memory card is inserted, selecting the "Delete IP address" option causes the following: The IP addresses are deleted and the CPU is reset to factory settings. Then, the configuration (including IP addresses) that is stored on the memory card is transferred into the CPU (see below). If the memory card was formatted before resetting to factory settings or if it is empty, no IP address is transferred into the CPU. 4. Click the "Reset" button. 5. Acknowledge the confirmation prompt with "OK". Result The module is switched to STOP mode if necessary and the settings are then reset to factory settings. This means: The work memory and the internal retentive system memory and all operand areas are cleared. All parameters are reset to their defaults. The diagnostic buffer is cleared. The time of day is reset. The I&M data are deleted except for I&M0 data. The runtime meters are reset. The IP address is kept or deleted depending on which setting you made. If a memory card was inserted prior to the reset to factory settings, the configuration contained on the memory card (hardware and software) is downloaded to the CPU. Resetting a PROFINET IO device to factory settings (S7-1500) Requirements There must be an online connection to the PROFINET IO device that is to be reset. Procedure To reset a PROFINET IO device to factory settings, follow these steps: 1. Open the Online and Diagnostics view of the device (either from the project context or via "Accessible devices"). 2. In the "Functions" folder, select the "Reset to factory settings" group. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1929 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics 3. Select the "Retain identification and maintenance data" option button or the "Delete identification and maintenance data" option button, depending on whether you want to retain or delete the identification and maintenance data IM0 to IM3 on the device. 4. Click the "Reset" button. 5. Click "OK" in response to the confirmation prompt. If the PROFINET IO device to be reset supports the Reset-to-Factory command according to PROFINET V2.3, its PROFINET device name, its IP address and the SNMP parameters (SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol) are reset. Your selection in step 3 determines whether the identification and maintenance data is retained or deleted. The reset process is now complete. 6. If the PROFINET IO device to be reset does not support the Reset-to-Factory command according to PROFINET V2.3, however, you will see a message informing you that all data on the module will be lost during a reset to factory settings. Confirm the security prompt. The reset process will be conducted. If you have selected "Delete identification and maintenance data" in step 3, the identification and maintenance data IM0 to IM3 is deleted during the reset. However, if you have selected "Retain identification and maintenance data" in step 3, it can still happen that the identification and maintenance data IM0 to IM3 is deleted during the reset: The reset behavior depends on the module in this case. Result The PROFINET IO device is reset. The data deleted in the process depends on the factors described above. Formatting an S7-1500 memory card (S7-1500) Requirement If you start the formatting of the memory card from the project context, an online connection to the relevant CPU must exist. The relevant CPU is in STOP mode. Note If the CPU is still in RUN mode and you start a formatting operation, you can place it in STOP mode after acknowledging a confirmation prompt. Procedure To format an S7-1500 memory card, follow these steps: 1. Open the Online and Diagnostics view of the CPU (either from the project context or via "Accessible devices"). 2. Select the "Format memory card" group in the "Functions" folder. 3. Click the "Format" button. 4. Answer the safety prompt with "Yes". 1930 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Result The memory card is formatted. The CPU is temporarily unavailable. The project data on the CPU are deleted with the exception of the IP address. If you start the formatting of the memory card from the project context, the Online and Diagnostics view remains open. If formatting is started via "Accessible devices", the Online and Diagnostics view will close. Updating the firmware of a module Basic information on the firmware update of a module Performing a firmware update Using firmware files, you can update the firmware of a module. Requirements The module is connected online. The module supports a firmware update. For those modules that require supply voltage to perform the firmware update correctly: The supply voltage of the module is ensured. For details, see the documentation of the module. Procedure You can call up the firmware update of a module from the project tree or from the project context. WARNING Impermissible system states possible An S7-1500 CPU immediately goes to STOP mode when you start the firmware update, which can have an effect on the operation of an online process or a machine. Unexpected operation of a process or a machine can result in severe or fatal injuries and/or damage to property. Note After you have run a firmware update, you will need to replace the affected module with the same module with the current firmware version in the hardware configuration of your project. The engineering configuration then matches the actual physical configuration again. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1931 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics "Run firmware after update" check box If you have not selected the "Run firmware after update" check box, the previous firmware remains active until the module is reset (for example by power cycling). The new firmware only becomes active after the module has been reset. If you have selected the check box, the module is automatically reset after the firmware has been downloaded and it then runs with the new firmware. Activating the firmware following the update has the following consequences: A station executes a restart. All modules in the station become unavailable as a result. If the corresponding CPU is in RUN, activating the firmware can lead to access errors or other problems in the user program and might even mean that the CPU remains permanently in STOP. Note For some CPUs, the "Run firmware after update" check box is grayed out and cleared. In this case, you must restart the CPU manually. For S7-1500 CPUs, the "Run firmware after update" check box is grayed out and selected. In this case, the new firmware is activated immediately after the download operation. Calling the firmware update from the project tree Requirement The module is located in the first hierarchical level behind the head module (IM or CPU of the module family S7-1500 or ET200SP). The head module is connected to the engineering system via PROFINET. Procedure Follow these steps: 1. Select the relevant head module in the project tree. 2. Open the online and diagnostics view of the head module using the shortcut menu. 3. Select the "Firmware update" group in the "Functions" folder. 4. Select "Local modules". In the "Online data" area, a table lists modules of the first hierarchy level behind the head module. With Siemens modules, these are the modules that support a firmware update. With GSDML-based devices, this is all modules. 5. Select the module whose firmware you want to update. 6. Click the "Browse" button in the "Firmware loader" area in order to select the path to the firmware update files. 7. Select one of these files. The table then lists all modules for which an update is possible with the selected firmware file. 1932 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics 8. Optional: Select the "Run firmware after update" check box to reset the module after the load operation and to start the new firmware. 9. Click the "Start update" button. If the selected file can be interpreted by the module, it is downloaded to the module. If the operating mode of the CPU needs to be changed for this purpose, you will be prompted to do this by means of dialogs. Starting the firmware update from the project context Procedure To perform a firmware update, follow these steps: 1. Open the module in the Online and Diagnostics view. 2. Select the "Firmware update" group in the "Functions" folder. Note For S7-1500-CPUs, this group is subdivided into "PLC" and "Display". 3. Click the "Browse" button in the "Firmware loader" area in order to select the path to the firmware update files. 4. Select one of these files. The table then lists all modules for which an update is possible with the selected firmware file. 5. Optional: Select the "Run firmware after update" check box to reset the module after the load operation and to start the new firmware. 6. Click the "Start update" button. If the selected file can be interpreted by the module, it is downloaded to the module. If the operating mode of the CPU needs to be changed for this purpose, you will be prompted to do this by means of dialogs. Assigning an IP address to a PROFINET IO device Basic information on assigning an IP address to a PROFINET IO device Overview All PROFINET IO devices work with the TCP/IP protocol and therefore require an IP address for operation on Industrial Ethernet. Once an IP address has been assigned to an IO device, it can be accessed via this address. You can then download configuration data or perform diagnostics, for example. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1933 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Requirement The Ethernet LAN connection must already be established. The Ethernet interface of your programming device or PC must be accessible. The IO device that is to be assigned an IP address must be in the same IP band as the programming device or PC. Starting the address assignment via "Accessible devices" Requirement The devices accessible via the associated interface of the PG/PC are displayed in the project tree (to display these, either double-click "Update accessible devices" in the project tree or select the "Accessible devices..." command in the "Online" menu.). You have double-clicked "Online access" -> -> -> "Online & Diagnostics" in the project tree to open the Online and Diagnostics view. Procedure 1. Open the "Functions" folder and the "Assign IP address" group inside this folder. The "MAC address" field displays the MAC address of the PROFINET IO device. The "Accessible devices" button is grayed out. 2. Enter the desired IP address. 3. Enter the subnet mask. 4. If a router is to be used, select the "Use router" check box and enter its IP address. 5. Click the "Assign IP address" button. Result The IP address is permanently assigned to the IO device or to the relevant PROFINET interface of the IO device. It is retained even through a startup or a power failure. Note For an S7-1500 CPU, you can also use the above-described method to change the IP address of a PROFINET interface, if a project has already been downloaded to the CPU via this interface. This overwrites the IP address downloaded via the project. 1934 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Starting the address assignment from the project context Requirement An online connection to the PROFINET IO device exists. You have opened the Online and Diagnostics view of the PROFINET IO device from the project context. The PROFINET IO device is not assigned to any IO controller. Procedure 1. Open the "Functions" folder and the "Assign IP address" group inside this folder. 2. Click the "Accessible devices" button in order to identify the devices that can be accessed. Note: For an S7-1500 CPU, there are two entries here because it has two PROFINET interfaces. 3. Select the IO device. The "IP address" field, "Subnet mask" field, "Use router" check box and "Router address" field are grayed out and contain the node properties you used to establish the current online access. 4. Click the "Assign IP address" button. Result The IP address is permanently assigned to the IO device or to the relevant PROFINET interface of the IO device. It is retained even through a startup or a power failure. Assigning a PROFINET device name Basic information on assigning a name to a PROFINET IO device Device name Before an IO device can be addressed by an IO controller, it must have a device name. This procedure was chosen for PROFINET because names are easier to handle than complex IP addresses. Assigning a device name to a PROFINET IO device is comparable to setting the PROFIBUS address for a DP slave. An IO device has no device name in its delivery state. For an IO controller to address an IO device, it must first be assigned a device name using the programming device or PC. It is now ready to transfer the configuration information including the IP address during startup or exchange user data in cyclic operation. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1935 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Rules for the device name The device name is subject to the following limitations: Restricted to a total of 240 characters (lower case letters, numbers, dash, or dot) A name component within the device name, which is a character string between two dots, must not exceed 63 characters. No special characters such as umlauts, brackets, underscore, slash, blank space, etc. The only special character permitted is the dash. The device name must not begin or end with the "-" character. The device name must not begin with a number. The device name form n.n.n.n (n = 0, ... 999) is not permitted. The device name must not begin with the string "port-xyz" or "port-xyz-abcde" (a, b, c, d, e, x, y, z = 0, ... 9). Where do I find the function I am seeking? You can assign the name of a PROFINET IO device at the following places: In the online and diagnostics view of the device in the "Assign name" group of the "Functions" folder. The user interface for this group differs depending on how you open the online and diagnostics view: - Open via "Accessible devices" - Open from the project context In the "Assign PROFINET device name" dialog See also Assigning a name in the online and diagnostics view opened via "Accessible devices" (Page 1936) Assigning a name in the online and diagnostics view opened from the project context (Page 1937) Assigning a name in the "Assign PROFINET device name" dialog (Page 1938) Assigning a name in the online and diagnostics view opened via "Accessible devices" Requirement You have opened the online and diagnostics view of the PROFINET IO device using "Update accessible devices" (in the project tree) or "Accessible devices..." ("Online" menu). 1936 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Procedure 1. Open the "Functions" folder and the "Assign name" group inside this folder. The "Type" field displays the module type of the PROFINET IO device. 2. Enter the required device name in the "PROFINET device name" input box. 3. Optional: Select the "Flash LED" check box in order to run an LED flash test on the PROFINET IO device. In this way, you verify that you are naming the desired IO device. Note The LED flash test is not supported by all PROFINET IO devices. The LED flash test runs until you cancel it. This is done, for example, by clearing the "Flash LED" check box or by closing the online and diagnostics view. 4. Click "Assign name". Result The entered name is assigned to the PROFINET IO device. Assigning a name in the online and diagnostics view opened from the project context Requirement You have opened the online and diagnostics view of the PROFINET IO device from the project context. The PROFINET IO device can be accessed using at least one PG/PC interface. Procedure 1. Open the "Functions" folder and the "Assign name" group inside this folder. The "PROFINET device name" drop-down list displays the current name in the offline project, and the "Type" box shows the module type of the PROFINET IO device. Note For CPUs with several PROFINET interfaces, the names of all existing PROFINET interfaces are displayed in the offline project. 2. Choose a different name from the drop-down list, if necessary. Note In steps 3 to 5, you determine the IO devices that are present in the PROFINET subnet. 3. In the "PG/PC interface for assignment" drop-down list, select the PG/PC interface you want to use to establish the online connection. 4. Optional: Use the three check boxes to make a selection from all IO devices available online. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1937 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics 5. Click the icon for determining the IO devices present in the PROFINET subnet. The table is then updated. 6. Select the desired IO device in the table. 7. Optional: Select the "Flash LED" check box in order to run an LED flash test on the PROFINET IO device. In this way, you verify that you are naming the desired IO device. Note The LED flash test is not supported by all PROFINET IO devices. The LED flash test runs until you cancel it. This is done, for example, by clearing the "Flash LED" check box, by selecting another IO device in the table, or by closing the online and diagnostics view. 8. Click "Assign name". Result The selected name is assigned to the PROFINET IO device or one of its PROFINET interfaces. Assigning a name in the "Assign PROFINET device name" dialog Requirement You have opened the "Assign PROFINET device name" dialog from the network view (from the shortcut menu of a PN/IE connection). The PROFINET IO device can be accessed using at least one PG/PC interface. Procedure 1. The following is displayed in the "PROFINET device name" drop-down list: - the name of the interface that was used to open the project in the current offline project - the names of those IO devices that are connected by means of this interface The "Type" field displays the module type of the PROFINET IO device. Choose a different name from the drop-down list, if necessary. Note In steps 2 to 4, you determine the IO devices that are present in the PROFINET subnet. 2. In the "PG/PC interface for assignment" drop-down list, select the PG/PC interface you want to use to establish the online connection. 3. Optional: Use the three check boxes to make a selection from all IO devices available online. 4. Click the icon for determining the IO devices present in the PROFINET subnet. The table is then updated. 5. Select the desired IO device in the table. 1938 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics 6. Optional: Select the "Flash LED" check box in order to run an LED flash test on the PROFINET IO device. In this way, you verify that you are naming the desired IO device. Note The LED flash test is not supported by all PROFINET IO devices. The LED flash test runs until you cancel it. This is done, for example, by clearing the "Flash LED" check box or by selecting another IO device in the table. 7. Click "Assign name". Result The selected name is assigned to the PROFINET IO device or the interface that was used to open the dialog. Calibrating an S7-1500 analog module (S7-1500) Calibrating an S7-1500 analog module - Overview (S7-1500) Where do you calibrate an S7-1500 analog module? You calibrate an S7-1500 analog module in its Online and Diagnostics view in the "Calibrate" group of the "Functions" folder. Overview of the function scope of the calibrating function You can perform the following functions for an S7-1500 analog module in the "Calibrate" group: Specifying the current calibration of all channels Calibrating a channel Canceling a running calibration Resetting the calibration of a channel to the factory settings Requirement for the calibrating function described below The following is required for the calibrating function described below: You have opened the Online and Diagnostics view from the project context (thus not from the project tree or via the "Online" menu). There is an online connection to the analog module that is to be calibrated. Offline and online configuration are identical. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1939 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Calibrating an S7-1500 analog module (S7-1500) Overview of the calibration of a channel of an S7-1500 analog module The calibration of a channel of an S7-1500 analog module consists of the following steps: 1. Start calibration 2. Perform the second step up to the next to last step of the calibration 3. Complete calibration These steps are described in more detail in the following section. Requirement You have opened the Online and Diagnostic view of the S7-1500 analog module from the project context and are in the "Calibrate" group of the "Functions" folder. The associated CPU is online. No calibration is currently running on the analog module (if you want to start the calibration) or the last step initiated has been performed successfully (if you want to resume or complete the calibration). Procedure for starting the calibration To start the calibration, follow these steps: 1. In the overview table, select the line that belongs to the channel to be calibrated. 2. Click the "Start manual calibration" button. The user interface then changes as follows: The overview table and the "Start manual calibration" button and "Set to factory settings" buttons become inactive. The step display is activated and displays the numbers of the current and last steps. The "Command" field becomes active and indicates what the user must do in the next calibration step. The "Status" field becomes active and shows the current status of the calibration, e.g., "Calibration successfully started". The "Measured value" field becomes active. For an input module a value is displayed here; you must enter a value here for an output module. The "Cancel" button becomes active. With certain analog modules (AI Energy Meter) the "Skip" button becomes active. This button can be used to skip to the next step of the calibration. The "Next" button becomes active. This button can be used to advance to the next step of the calibration. 1940 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Procedure for the second to the next to last step of the calibration Follow these steps: 1. Click the "Next" button. The fields of the user interface described above are then updated. With certain analog modules (AI Energy Meter), you can skip the next calibration step as long as the next step is not the last step of the calibration procedure. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Skip" button. The fields of the user interface described above are then updated. Procedure for the last step of the calibration Follow these steps: 1. Click the "Next" button. The user interface then changes as follows: The overview table becomes active. The calibration display of the calibrated channel is updated. The "Start manual calibration" button and "Set to factory settings" buttons become active. The step display is deactivated and the numbers of the current step and last steps are empty. The "Command" field becomes inactive and is empty. The "Status" field becomes inactive and shows the last status of the calibration, e.g., "Calibration successfully finished". The "Measured value" field becomes inactive and is empty. The "Cancel" button becomes inactive. The "Skip" button becomes inactive. The "Next" button becomes inactive. Error occurrence If an error occurs during the calibration, the module cancels the calibration. Afterwards, the channel that was to be calibrated has the same settings as before the start of the calibration. Except for the "Status" field, the user interface appears the same after the occurrence of an error as before the calibration. The "Status" field displays the error that the module detected during the calibration. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1941 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Canceling a running calibration of an S7-1500 analog module (S7-1500) Requirement You have opened the Online and Diagnostic view of the S7-1500 analog module from the project context and are in the "Calibrate" group of the "Functions" folder. The associated CPU is online. A calibration is currently running on the analog module. Procedure To cancel a running calibration, follow these steps: 1. Click the "Cancel" button. Result The running calibration is canceled, and afterwards the channel to be calibrated has the same settings as before the calibration. All operator controls in the user interface are deactivated until the cancelation is complete. Except for the "Status" field, the user interface appears the same afterwards as before the calibration. The "Status" field displays the result of the cancelation. Resetting an S7-1500 analog module to factory settings (S7-1500) Requirement You have opened the Online and Diagnostic view of the S7-1500 analog module from the project context and are in the "Calibrate" group of the "Functions" folder. The associated CPU is online. Procedure To reset a channel of an S7-1500 analog module to factory settings, follow these steps: 1. Select the line associated with the channel to be reset in the overview table. 2. Click the "Set to factory settings" button. Result All operator controls in the user interface are deactivated until the reset operation is complete. Except for the "Status" field, the user interface appears the same afterwards as before the reset operation. The "Status" field displays the result of the reset operation. 1942 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Loading I&M data to PROFINET IO devices and your modules Which I&M data can be loaded to PROFINET IO devices and your modules? You can load I&M 1 data (plant designation and location identifier) and/or I&M 2 data (installation date) and/or I&M 3 data (additional information) to the actual hardware. Requirements In the project settings (Options > Settings, Hardware configuration > Compiling and downloading), the option "Download I&M data" must be enabled. There is an online connection to the PROFINET IO devices and the modules to which you want to load I&M data. You have entered the I&M data you want to download in the properties of the respective PROFINET IO devices and your modules (Inspector window: "Properties" tab > "General" tab, Settings > Identification & Maintenance). Where do I specify which I&M data is downloaded to which PROFINET IO devices? You specify which I&M data you want to download to which PROFINET IO devices in the "Load preview" dialog. You will find the following alternatives in the drop-down list of the "Identification and maintenance data (I&M)" row: Load nothing The check boxes for all PROFINET IO devices as well as the check boxes for the loadable I&M data are cleared. No I&M data is transferred to the actual hardware during loading with this setting. Load data The check boxes for all PROFINET IO devices as well as the check boxes for the loadable I&M data are selected. The respective I&M 1, I&M 2 and I&M 3 data is transferred to all PROFINET IO devices during loading with this setting. Load selected You select the check boxes of those PROFINET IO devices to which you want to load I&M data. You also select the check boxes of the identification data you want to load. With this setting, you transfer the selected I&M data to the selected PROFINET IO devices during loading. Note Language dependency of the I&M data to be loaded The I&M data are loaded to the real hardware in the form that you specified in the properties of the relevant PROFINET IO devices and your modules. There is no language dependency. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1943 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Diagnostics in STOP mode Basic information on the diagnostics buffer Function The operating system of the CPU enters the errors detected by the CPU and the diagnosticscapable modules into the diagnostics buffer in the order in which they occurred. This includes the following events: Every mode change of the CPU (POWER UP, change to STOP mode, change to RUN mode) Every hardware and diagnostic error interrupt The top entry contains the most recent event. The entries in the diagnostics buffer are stored permanently. They are retained even if the power supply fails and can only be deleted by resetting the CPU to factory settings. A diagnostics buffer entry contains the following elements: Time stamp Error ID Additional information specific to the error ID Advantages of the diagnostics buffer The diagnostics buffer offers the following advantages: After the CPU has changed to STOP mode, you can evaluate the last events prior to the STOP so that you can locate and identify the cause of the STOP. You can detect and eliminate the causes of errors more quickly and thus increase the availability of the system. You can evaluate and optimize the dynamic system response. Organization of the diagnostics buffer The diagnostics buffer is a ring buffer. With the S7-1200 CPUs, the maximum number of entries is 50. When the diagnostics buffer is full and a further entry needs to be made, all existing entries are shifted one position (which means that the oldest entry is deleted) and the new entry is made at the first position that is now free (FIFO principle: first in, first out). Evaluation of the diagnostics buffer The contents of the diagnostics buffer can be accessed as follows: Using the Online and Diagnostics view The evaluation of events occurring prior to the error event (e.g., transition to STOP mode) allows you to obtain a picture of the possible causes or to zero in more closely or specify in more detail the possible causes (depending on the error type). 1944 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Read the detailed information about the events carefully and use the "Help on event" text box to obtain additional information and possible causes of individual entries. Note To make the best use of the time stamp information on the diagnostics buffer entries in timecritical systems, it is advisable to check and correct the date and time of day on the CPU occasionally. Alternatively, it is possible to perform a time-of-day synchronization using an NTP time server. See also Resetting an S7-1200 CPU to factory settings (Page 1927) Determining the cause of a STOP of a CPU (Page 1945) Determining and setting the time of day on a CPU (Page 1927) Assigning the clock parameters (Page 969) Determining the cause of a STOP of a CPU Requirement The CPU you want to analyze is in STOP mode. Procedure To find out the reason why a CPU changed to STOP, follow these steps: 1. Open the online and diagnostics view of the CPU. 2. Select the "Diagnostics buffer" group from the "Diagnostics" folder. 3. Evaluate the events occurring prior to the transition to STOP mode. Use this to obtain a picture of the possible causes or to zero in on or specify in more detail the possible causes (depending on the error type). Read the detailed information about the events carefully and use the "Help on event" button to obtain additional information and possible causes of individual entries. Result You were able to zero in on or determine in more detail the cause of the CPU STOP. Note If the analysis does not enable you to overcome the problem, contact Customer Support. In this case, use the "Save as" button to back up the content of the diagnostics data to a text file and submit it to Customer Support. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1945 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics See also Reading out the diagnostics buffer of a CPU (Page 1920) Online accesses in the Online and Diagnostics view Displaying status of the online connection Requirement The associated device can be accessed using at least one PG/PC interface. Procedure 1. Open the online and diagnostics view for the device whose online connection status you want to display. 2. Select the "Online access" group. Note The "Online access" group exists only for CPUs and some CPs. However, if you have opened the online and diagnostics view using the "Show/update accessible devices" function, it is not displayed. Result The status of the online connection is displayed in the "Status" area both graphically and in text form. Specifying a PG/PC interface, going online Requirement The associated device can be accessed using at least one PG/PC interface. There is currently no online connection to the relevant device. 1946 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Procedure 1. Open the Online and Diagnostics view of the device to which you want to establish an online connection. 2. Choose the "Online access" group and the "Online access" area within this group. Note The "Online access" group exists only for CPUs and some CPs. If you have opened the Online and Diagnostics view using the "Show/update accessible devices" function, it is not displayed. 3. If an online connection was established previously for the device, the associated data for this online connection is preset in the drop-down lists. In this case, you can immediately continue with the last step of this operating instruction, provided you have not changed the IP address in the meantime using the Online and Diagnostics view. 4. Choose the interface type in the "Type of PG/PC interface" drop-down list. The "PG/PC interface for online access" drop-down list then shows only the interfaces of the programming device or PC that match the selected interface type. 5. In the "PG/PC interface for online access" drop-down list, select the programming device or PC interface via which you want to establish the online connection. 6. Optional: Click the "Properties" button to change the properties of the associated CP. 7. In the "Connection to subnet" drop-down list, select the subnet via which the device is connected to the PG/PC interface. Note The PG/PC interface is connected to an interface of a device. If you only want to access this device, select the setting "Directly at slot " in the drop-down list. If, however, you want to access another device by means of routing, create a subnet at this interface in the device configuration and then select this subnet in the drop-down list. 8. If the device is accessible via a gateway, select the gateway that connects the two subnets involved in the "1st gateway" drop-down list. 9. In the "Device address" entry field, enter the IP address of the device to which you want to establish an online connection, if necessary. Note For CPUs with multiple IP addresses, select the IP address of the PROFINET interface you want to use to establish an online connection from the "Device address" drop-down list. 10.Alternatively: Click the "Show accessible devices" button and choose the device from the list of accessible devices to which you want to establish an online connection. 11.Click the "Go online" button. Result The online connection to the desired device is established. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1947 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Going offline Requirement There is currently an online connection to the relevant device. Procedure 1. Open the online and diagnostics view of the device for which you want to disconnect the online connection. 2. Choose the "Online access" group and the "Online access" area within this group. Note The "Online access" group exists only for CPUs and some CPs. However, if you have opened the online and diagnostics view using the "Show/update accessible devices" function, it is not displayed. 3. Click the "Go offline" button. Result The online connection to the desired device will be disconnected. Performing the flash test for a device with an online connection Requirement There is currently an online connection to the relevant device. The FORCE function is not active. Procedure 1. Open the online and diagnostics view of the device for which you want to perform a flash test. 2. Choose the "Online access" group and the "Status" area within this group. Note The "Online access" group exists only for CPUs and some CPs. However, if you have opened the online and diagnostics view using the "Show/update accessible devices" function, it is not displayed. 3. Select the "LED flash test" check box. 1948 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Result On an S7-1200 CPU, the RUN/STOP, ERROR and MAINT LEDs flash. On an S7-1500 CPU, the RUN/STOP, ERROR, and MAINT LEDs flash. On an S7-300 or S7-400 CPU, the FRCE LED flashes. The LEDs flash until you cancel the flash test. This is done, for example, by clearing the "LED flash test" check box, by changing to another group of the online and diagnostics view, or by changing settings in the "Online access" area. Checking PROFIBUS DP subnets for faults Basic information on the diagnostic repeater What is the diagnostic repeater? The diagnostic repeater is a repeater that can monitor a segment of an RS 485 PROFIBUS subnet (copper cable) during operation and signal line errors to the DP master via a diagnostics message frame. The diagnostic repeater detects, localizes and visualizes line errors during operation at an early stage. As a result, problems in the system are identified early and production downtimes will be minimized. Function of the diagnostic repeater The diagnostic repeater can perform line diagnostics on the DP2 and DP3 segments because it has a measuring circuit for these segments. The line diagnostics run in two steps: Step 1: Topology determination You start the topology determination by calling the "DP_TOPOL" instruction in your program. The diagnostic repeater then determines the PROFIBUS addresses and the distance of the devices and creates a topology table. Step 2: Error localization The diagnostic repeater checks the lines during operation. It determines the distance to the point of the error and the reason for the error; it then issues a diagnostics alarm with relative information on the error location. Display of detailed information on the determined error location You receive detailed information on the determined error location in the Online and Diagnostics view of the diagnostic repeater. By means of icons By means of a display with graphics and text WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1949 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics See also Displaying the status of the segment diagnostics using icons (Page 1950) Displaying the status of the segment diagnostics using graphics and text (Page 1950) Displaying the status of the segment diagnostics using icons Where do I find the information I need? The icons for the status of the segment diagnostics are available: In the expanded "Segment diagnostics" folder in the navigation pane of the Online and Diagnostics view of the relevant diagnostic repeater. The diagnostics icon associated with the segment will be displayed behind the segment designation. It must be noted here that line errors will be displayed for the DP2 and DP3 segments only. The DP1 and programming device segments do not display errors in the form of a diagnostics icon; rather, they signal only a few bus errors. Diagnostics icons The following table shows the available icons and their meaning. Icon Meaning Segment is error-free Segment contains errors Segment is deactivated Displaying the status of the segment diagnostics using graphics and text Where is the status of the segment diagnostics displayed with graphics and text? The status of the segment diagnostics will be displayed using graphics and text in the "DP1", "DP2", "DP3", and "PG" groups of the "Segment diagnostics" folder in the Online and Diagnostics view of the relevant diagnostic repeater. Structure of the "DP1", "DP2" "DP3", and "PG" groups The "DP1", "DP2", "DP3", and "PG" groups consist of the following elements: "Error location" field "Error" field "Resolution" field "Help on event" button "Freeze display" or "Cancel freeze" button 1950 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics "Error location" field This field displays the error location graphically, provided the diagnostic repeater can determine the location. The following picture shows an example for a line error occurring in the DP2 segment. In this example, the diagnostic repeater has the PROFIBUS address 2, and a line error has occurred between the devices with PROFIBUS addresses 16 and 17. This line error is located 25 m from device 16, 4 m from device 17, and 72 m from the diagnostic repeater. "Error" field The error is explained in plain text in this field. "Resolution" field Here, you will find actions for resolving the error. "Help on event" button Click this button to obtain a more detailed explanation of the error and additional details on resolving the error, if applicable. "Freeze display" or "Cancel freeze" button The "Freeze display" or "Cancel freeze" button is only enabled when there is an online connection to the diagnostic repeater. The default setting is "Freeze display". The following happens when you click the "Freeze display" button: The current display of the segment diagnostics is frozen. The labeling of the button changes to "Cancel freeze". If the display is frozen and you click the "Cancel freeze" button, the following happens: The display of the segment diagnostics is updated again. The labeling of the button changes to "Freeze display". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1951 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics 10.2.2 Connection diagnostics Overview of connection diagnostics Basics Connection diagnostics, as described below, refers to the diagnostics of communication connections. The connection diagnostics is started each time an online connection is established to a module (CPU or CP) that participates in one or more communication services. The connection status is updated automatically in the background. In the case of one-way connections, an online connection must exist to the communication partner that has established the communication connection. On connections configured at both ends, a distinction between the following two situations must be made: If there is an online connection to only one connection endpoint, only the part of the connection belonging to this connection endpoint can be diagnosed. If there is an online connection to both connection endpoints, both parts of the connection (and therefore the entire connection) can be diagnosed. Basic connections diagnostics options Connection diagnostics can be performed as follows: Using icons on the connection status display This display is generated in the connection table. Through detailed connection diagnostics This step is available in the "Diagnostics > Connection information" area of the Inspector window. Requirement for the connection diagnostics described below The connection diagnostics is only possible if the devices participating in the connection make the corresponding diagnostics data available. You can display the details of either all the communication connections created in the project (default) or selected communication connections in the connection table. The connection diagnostics described in the following assume that you display the details of selected communication connections. To do this, clear the "Show all connections" option in the shortcut menu. 1952 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Displaying the connection status using icons Content of connection table without an online connection For a CPU or CP, the connection table lists the communication connections (including properties) configured offline, if an online connection is not established. Content of connection table with an online connection After the online connection has been established, the properties of the communication connections listed offline will be expanded to include diagnostics icons for the connection status ("Online status" column). In addition, entries for all communication connections that exist online only (e.g., connections for the instructions for Open User Communication, programming device and OP connections, connections for web server access) will now be added to the connection table. For connections that exist online or offline only, the diagnostics icon at the bottom right is combined with a smaller additional comparison status icon. Diagnostics icons for communication connections The following table shows the diagnostics icons for communication connections. Icon Meaning Connection setup Connection not setup / is being setup Connection not available Diagnostics icons for the comparison status The diagnostic icons for communication connections can be combined at the bottom right with additional smaller icons that indicate the result of the online/offline comparison. The following table shows the available comparison icons and their meaning. Icon Meaning Connection exists online only Connection exists offline only WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1953 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Detailed connection diagnostics Detailed connection diagnostics - overview Where do I perform detailed connection diagnostics? To perform detailed connection diagnostics, go to the "Diagnostics > Connection" information of the Inspector window. How do I open the "Diagnostics > Connection information" area of the Inspector window? The following options are available for opening the "Connection information" tab of the Inspector window. Select the line of the relevant connection in the connection table. Click the "Diagnostics" and "Connection information" tabs one after the other in the Inspector window. Double-click the diagnostics icon of the relevant connection in the connection table. This step takes you to the programming editor for a S7 communication instruction or open user communication instruction. Double-click the diagnostic icon of the instruction (stethoscope). Structure or the "Diagnostics > Connection information" area of the Inspector window Requirements: the content of the "Connection information" tab has been filled, and an online connection to at least one end point of the relevant connection has been established. If a module has been selected (network view), the tab will contain the following group: Connection resources (for S7-1200 and S7-1500) If a connection has been selected (connection table), it will contain the following groups: Connection details Address details of the connection (for S7-1200 and S7-1500) Determining online connection resources for S7-1200 (S7-1200) Where do you determine the online connection resources? The online connection resources are obtained in the "Connection resources" group. This group is located in the "Diagnostics > Connection information" area of the Inspector window. It is displayed only if you have selected a module in the network view to which an online connection exists. 1954 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Number of connection resources Maximum number: Specifies the maximum number of available connection resources of the module. Not assigned: Indicates how many connection resources are not yet assigned. If connection resources are already reserved for certain types of communication, then the unreserved connection resources cannot always be used for the various connection types. Reserved and currently assigned connection resources For the communication types indicated below, the connection resources that are reserved and currently assigned by the module will be displayed. Communication type Meaning PG communication Resources for connections between the module and programming devices (for exam ple, for the establishment of a connection from the project tree, for online diagnostics, etc.) HMI communication Resources for connections between the module and HMI devices Open User Communication Resources for connection of open user communication instructions S7 communication Resources for configured S7 connections, through which data can be exchanged by calling instructions in the user program. Other communication Specifies other assigned connection resources for which connection resources are not reserved. Determining online connection resources for S7-1500 (S7-1500) Where do you determine the online connection resources? The online connection resources are obtained in the "Connection resources" group. This group is located in the "Diagnostics > Connection information" area of the Inspector window. It is displayed only if you have selected a module in the network view to which an online connection exists. Description of the detailed display of the connection resources The detailed display of the connection resources includes: Number of available connection resources Number of configured connection resources Number of connection resources still available For a description of these, go to here . WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1955 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Determining connection details Where do I determine the connection details? The connection details are obtained in the "Connection details" group. This group is located in the "Diagnostics > Connection information" area of the Inspector window. When is the "Connection details" group filled in? The following requirements must be met to fill in the "Connection details" group on the "Connection information" tab: An online connection to the end point of the relevant connection must exist. You have selected a line in the connection table. Structure of the "Connection details" group The "Connection details" group consists of the following elements: Local ID (hex) Connection type (for S7-1200 and S7-1500) Protocol Connection status: icon and description Details Last status change (for S7-300 and S7-400 only) Determining the address details of a connection (S7-1200, S7-1500) Where do I determine the address details of a connection? The address details of a connection are obtained in the "Connection address details" group. This group is located in the "Diagnostics > Connection information" area of the Inspector window. For which CPUs is the "Connection address details" group available? The "Connection address details" group of the "Connection information" tab is available for S7-1200 and S7-1500 CPUs. When is the "Connection address details" group filled in? The following requirements must be met to fill in the "Connection address details" group on the "Connection information" tab: An online connection to the end points of the relevant connection must exist. You have selected a line in the connection table. 1956 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics Structure of the "Connection address details" group The address details relevant to the connection type are specified for the two communication partners. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1957 Editing devices and networks 10.2 Device and network diagnostics 1958 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics 11.1.1 Operating system and user program Operating system 11 Function The operating system is contained in every CPU and organizes all CPU functions and sequences that are not associated with a specific control task. The tasks of the operating system, for example, include the following: Processing a warm restart Updating the process image of the inputs and outputs Calling the user program Detecting interrupts and calling interrupt OBs Detecting and handling errors Managing memory areas The operating system is a component of the CPU and is already installed there upon delivery. See also User program (Page 1959) User program Function The user program contains all functions that are necessary for processing your specific automation task. The tasks of the user program include: Checking the requirements for a (warm) restart using startup OBs, for example, limit switch in correct position or safety relay active. Processing process data, e.g. linking binary signals, reading in and evaluating analog values, defining binary signals for output, and outputting analog values WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1959 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Reaction to interrupts, for example, diagnostic error interrupt if the limit value of an analog expansion module is overshot. Error handling in normal program execution You write the user program and load it into the CPU. See also Operating system (Page 1959) 11.1.2 Blocks in the user program Linear and structured programming Linear programming Solutions for small automation tasks can be programmed linearly in a program cycle OB. This is only recommended for simple programs. The following figure shows a linear program schematically: The "Main1" program cycle OB contains the complete user program. 0DLQSURJUDP 0DLQ Structured programming Complex automation tasks can be more easily handled and managed by dividing them into smaller sub-tasks that correspond to the technological functions of the process or that can be reused. These sub-tasks are represented in the user program by blocks. Each block is then an independent section of the user program. 1960 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Structuring the program offers the following advantages: Extensive programs are easier to program through the structure. Individual program sections can be standardized and used repeatedly with changing parameters. Program organization is simplified. Changes to the program can be made more easily. Debugging is simplified since separate sections can be tested. Commissioning is simplified. The following figure shows a structured program schematically: The "Main1" program cycle OB calls subprograms one after the other that execute defined subtasks. 0DLQSURJUDP 6XESURJUDPV 0DLQ %ORFNB %ORFNB Nesting depth for blocks The permissible nesting depth for blocks depends on the CPU that is used. The following table shows the guide values for the maximum nesting depth. For detailed information on the CPU you are using, refer to the technical specifications in the hardware documentation. To call the hardware documentation on the Internet, click the links in the table. CPU family Nesting depth (guide value) Link to hardware documentation S7-1500 24 blocks per priority class SIMATIC S7-1500 / ET 200MP Manual Collection ( view/86140384) S7-1200 16 blocks from cycle or startup OB, 6 additional blocks within any interrupt event OB SIMATIC S7-1200 Automation System (https:// 91696622) S7-400 24 blocks per priority class, 1-2 additional blocks within an error OB SIMATIC S7-400 automation system S7-400 CPU data ( view/53385241) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1961 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics CPU family Nesting depth (guide value) Link to hardware documentation S7-300 16 blocks per priority class, 4 additional blocks within an error OB SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 31xC and CPU 31x: Technical specifications ( cs/de/de/view/12996906/en) ET 200SP 24 blocks SIMATIC ET 200SP Manual Collection (https:// 84133942) Nesting depth for structures Structures (STRUCT) and PLC data types (UDT) can be nested to a depth of 8. This nesting depth is independent of the CPU used. Overview of the block types Block types Different BLOCK types are available to perform tasks within an automation system. The following table shows the available block types: Block type Brief description Organization blocks (Page 1962) (OB) Organization blocks define the structure of the user program. Functions (Page 1963) (FC) Functions contain program routines for recurring tasks. They have no "mem ory". Function blocks (Page 1964) (FB) Function blocks are code blocks that store their values permanently in in stance data blocks, so that they remain available even after the block has been executed. Instance data blocks (Page 1966) Instance data blocks are assigned to a function block when it is is called for the purpose of storing program data. Global data blocks (Page 1965) Global data blocks are data areas for storing data that can be used by any blocks. Organization blocks (OB) Definition Organization blocks (OBs) form the interface between the operating system and the user program. They are called by the operating system and control, for example, the following operations: Startup characteristics of the automation system Cyclic program processing Interrupt-driven program execution Error handling 1962 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics You can program the organization blocks and at the same time determine the behavior of the CPU. Various organization blocks are available to you depending on the CPU used. For more information on organization blocks, refer to the descriptions of the modes of operation of CPUs in the "Additional information on configurations" chapter in "Configuring Hardware and Networks". Start information of organization blocks When certain organization blocks are started, the operating system provides information that can be evaluated in the user program. Refer to the descriptions of the organization blocks to find out which information is provided, if any. See also Creating organization blocks (Page 4484) Functions (FCs) Definition Functions (FCs) are code blocks without memory. You have no data memory in which values of block parameters can be stored. Therefore, when a function is called, all formal parameters must be assigned actual parameters. Functions can use global data blocks to store data permanently. Application A function contains a program that is executed when the function is called by another code block. Functions can be used, for example, for the following purposes: To return function values to the calling block, e.g. for mathematical functions To execute technological functions, e.g. individual controls using bit logic operations A function can also be called several times at different points in a program. As a result, they simplify programming of frequently recurring functions. Note Parameter transfer when calling functions To avoid errors when working with functions, observe the information in chapter "AUTOHOTSPOT". See also Creating functions and function blocks (Page 4485) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1963 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Function blocks (FB) Definition Function blocks are code blocks that store their input, output and in-out parameters permanently in instance data blocks, so that they remain available even after the block has been executed. Therefore they are also referred to as blocks "with memory". Function blocks can also operate with temporary tags. Temporary tags are will not be stored in the instance DB, but are available for one cycle only. Application Function blocks contain subroutines that are always executed when a function block is called by another code block. A function block can also be called several times at different points in a program. As a result, they simplify programming of frequently recurring functions. Instances of function blocks A call of a function block is referred to as an instance. An instance data block is required for each instance of a function block; it contains instance-specific values for the formal parameters declared in the function block. The function block can store its instance-specific data in its own instance data block or in the instance data block of the calling block. Access modes S7-1200 and S7-1500 offer two different access options for the instance data blocks, which can be assigned to a function block when this is called: Data blocks with optimized access Data blocks with optimized access have no firmly defined memory structure. The data elements contain only a symbolic name in the declaration, no fixed address within the block. Data blocks with standard access (compatible with S7-300/400) Data blocks with standard access have a fixed memory structure. The declaration elements contain both a symbolic name in the declaration and a fixed address within the block. Note To avoid errors when working with function blocks, refer to the section "AUTOHOTSPOT". See also Creating functions and function blocks (Page 4485) Multi-instances (Page 1977) 1964 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Instance data blocks (Page 1966) Basics of block access (Page 1968) Global data blocks (DB) Definition Data blocks are used to store program data. Data blocks thus contain variable data that is used by the user program. Global data blocks store data that can be used by all other blocks. The maximum size of data blocks varies depending on the CPU. You can define the structure of global data blocks anyway you please. You also have the option of using PLC data types (UDT) as a template for creating global data blocks. Global data blocks in the user program Every function block, function, or organization block can read the data from a global data block or can itself write data to a global data block. This data remains in the data block even after the data block is exited. A global data block and an instance data block can be open at the same time. The following figure shows the different accesses to data blocks: )XQFWLRQB *OREDO'% '%B*OREDO $FFHVVIRUDOOEORFNV )XQFWLRQB )XQFWLRQ%ORFNB ,QVWDQFH'% '%B,QVWDQFH $FFHVVRQO\IRUIXQFWLRQ GDWDERFNB Access modes S7-1200 and S7-1500 offer two different access options for global data blocks: Data blocks with optimized access Data blocks with optimized access have no fixed defined structure. In the declaration, the data elements are assigned only a symbolic name and no fixed address within the block. Data blocks with standard access (compatible with S7-300/400) Data blocks with standard access have a fixed structure. In the declaration, the data elements are assigned both a symbolic name and a fixed address within the block. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1965 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics ARRAY data blocks (S7-1500) ARRAY data blocks are a particular type of global data block. These consist of an ARRAY of any data type. For example, an ARRAY of a PLC data type (UDT) is possible. The DB contains no other elements besides the ARRAY. Because of their flat structure, ARRAY data blocks facilitate access to the ARRAY elements and their transfer to called blocks. The "Optimized block access" attribute is always enabled for ARRAY data blocks. ARRAY data blocks with standard access are not possible. The "Move operations" section of the "Instructions" task card offers options for addressing of ARRAY DBs. See also Creating data blocks (Page 4486) Basics of block access (Page 1968) Instance data blocks Definition The call of a function block is referred to as an instance. The data with which the instance works is stored in an instance data block. The maximum size of instance data blocks varies depending on the CPU. The tags declared in the function block determine the structure of the instance data block. Access modes S7-1200 and S7-1500 offer two different access options for the instance data blocks, which can be assigned to a function block when this is called: Data blocks with optimized access Data blocks with optimized access have no firmly defined structure. The declaration elements contain only one symbolic name in the declaration, and no fixed address within the block. Data blocks with standard access (compatible with S7-300/400) Data blocks with standard access have a fixed structure. The declaration elements contain both a symbolic name in the declaration and a fixed address within the block. See also Creating data blocks (Page 4486) Basics of block access (Page 1968) 1966 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Insert block calls in LAD (Page 4655) Inserting block calls in FBD (Page 4712) CPU data blocks Definition CPU data blocks are generated by the CPU at runtime. To this purpose, insert the "CREATE_DB" instruction into your user program. You can use the data block that is generated at runtime to save your data. CPU data blocks are indicated by means of a small CPU icon in the "Program blocks" folder of an available node. You can monitor the values of the variables of a CPU data block in online mode, similar to those of a different data block type. You cannot create CPU data blocks in your offline project. Loading CPU data blocks The CPU data block that the user program has generated by means of the "CREATE_DB" instruction is initially only available on the device in online mode. All CPU data blocks will be included with the other blocks the next time you perform a complete download from the device to the project. The CPU data blocks are marked with a small CPU icon in the process. However, you cannot upload these CPU data blocks to your device again. Restrictions on CPU data blocks in the project Once the CPU data blocks have been loaded into your offline project, you can open and view their content. However, note that the CPU data blocks in the project are write-protected. The CPU data blocks in the project are therefore subject to the following restrictions: You cannot edit CPU data blocks, or convert these into a different data block type. CPU data blocks cannot be assigned a know-how protection. You cannot change the programming language of a CPU data block. CPU data blocks cannot be compiled or downloaded to a device. Comparing CPU data blocks Once the CPU data blocks have been loaded into your offline project, you can run an online/ offline comparison for the CPU DBs loaded. The comparison editor provides you with a corresponding overview of the differences. It is possible to synchronize the online and off-line version of CPU data blocks if differences are found, but not by downloading the offline version to the device. Deleting CPU data blocks You can delete CPU data blocks both from the project and from the CPU. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1967 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics See also Deleting CPU data blocks (Page 4507) Blocks with optimized access Basics of block access Introduction STEP 7 offers data blocks with different access options: Data blocks with optimized access (S7-1200/S7-1500) Data blocks with standard access (S7-300 / S7-400 / S7-1200 / S7-1500) Within one program you can combine the two types of blocks. Data blocks with optimized access Data blocks with optimized access have no fixed defined structure. In the declaration, the data elements are assigned only a symbolic name and no fixed address within the block. The elements are saved automatically in the available memory area of the block so that there are no gaps in the memory. This makes for optimal use of the memory capacity. Tags are identified by their symbolic names in these data blocks. To address the tag, enter its symbolic name. For example, you access the "Fill Level" tag in the "Data" DB as follows: "Data".Fill Level Blocks with optimized access offers the following advantages: You can create data blocks with any structure without paying attention to the physical arrangement of the individual data elements. Quick access to the optimized data is always available because the data storage is optimized and managed by the system. Access errors, as with indirect addressing or from the HMI, for example, are not possible. You can define specific individual tags as retentive. Optimized blocks are equipped with a memory reserve by default which lets you expand the interfaces of function blocks or data blocks during operation. You can download the modified blocks without setting the CPU to STOP and without affecting the values of already loaded tags. Note The "Optimized block access" attribute is always enabled for the following blocks and cannot be deselected. GRAPH blocks ARRAY data blocks 1968 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Data blocks with standard access Data blocks with standard access have a fixed structure. In the declaration, the data elements are assigned both a symbolic name and a fixed address within the block. The address is shown in the "Offset" column. Tags in these data blocks can be addressed in both symbolic and absolute form. "Data".Fill Level DB1.DBW2 Setting Retentivity for Optimized Access or Standard Access If you define data as retentive, its values are retained even after a power failure or a network off. A retentive tag is not initialized after the hot restart but retains the value it had prior to the power failure. If a DB tag is defined as retentive, it is stored in the retentive memory area of the data block. The options for setting the retentivity depend on the access type of the block. In data blocks with standard access, you cannot set the retentive behavior of individual tags. The retentivity setting is valid for all tags of the data block. In data blocks with optimized access you can define the retentive behavior of individual tags. For structured data type tags, the retentivity setting always applies to the entire structure. You cannot make any individual retentivity setting for separate elements within the data type. Setting Addressing Options for Optimized Access or Standard Access Blocks with optimized access permit only "type-safe" access. Type-safe access addresses tags by their symbolic name only. This means even changes to the block or the block interface will not result in inconsistencies in the program or access errors. The following table shows the permitted addressing options for optimized data: Addressing Symbolic addressing Block with standard access Block with optimized access x x Indexed addressing of ARRAYs x Slice access x x Overlapping with AT x - Absolute addressing x - Indirect addressing via ANY x - Indirect addressing via POINTER and VARIANT x with symbolic notation only WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1969 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics See also Setting up block access (Page 1970) Retentive memory areas (Page 948) Creating blocks (Page 4483) Setting up block access Introduction Block access is set up automatically when you create a block: Blocks created on CPUs of the S7-1200/1500 product range provide optimized access by means of a default setting. New blocks created on CPUs of the S7-300/S7-400 product range provide standard access by means of a default setting. Access to a block that you copy or migrate to a CPU of a different product range is not converted automatically. However, in certain situations it may be useful to change block access in manual mode, e.g., in order to utilize the full functional scope of the CPU. In most cases, you will have to recompile and load the program after block access has been converted. NOTICE Optimized block access for GRAPH blocks The "Optimized block access" attribute is always enabled for GRAPH blocks in S7-1500 and cannot be deselected. Procedure To set the block access, proceed as follows: 1. Open the "Program blocks" folder in the project tree. 2. Right-click on the block whose block access you want to change. 3. Select the "Properties" command in the shortcut menu. The properties dialog box of the block opens. 4. Click "Attributes" in the area navigation. 5. Enable or disable the "Optimized block access" option. 6. Confirm your entries with "OK". Restrictions and special features As a matter of principle, you can only convert block access on CPUs of the S7-1200/1500 product range, as only these support the "optimized" access mode. 1970 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics The following restrictions or special features apply in this context: Instance data blocks The block access of instance data blocks is always determined by the assigned function block and cannot be changed in manual mode. If you change the access mode on a function block, you also need to update the assigned instance data blocks. This update procedure adapts the access mode of the instance data block. System blocks and know-how protected blocks You cannot manually edit the block access for system blocks and know-how protected blocks. Organization blocks The start information of an OB with standard access is always stored in the first 20 bytes of the "Temp" section in the block interface. By contrast, the start information of an OB with optimized access is always written to the "Input" section. For this reason, the block interface of OBs will also change whenever you convert block access. Additional information is provided in the following sections. Converting block access from "standard" to "optimized". A block copied from the CPU of the S7-300/400 product range to a CPU of the S7-1200/1500 product range will initially retain the "standard" access mode. However, you can significantly increase the performance of program execution by using blocks with optimized access, which is why it may be useful to modify the access mode manually. The blocks are adapted as follows in the course of conversion: Function blocks All interface parameters are assigned the "Non-retain" retentivity setting. Global data blocks The retentivity setting that was assigned centrally to the entire data block is transferred to the individual interface parameters. It is now possible to manipulate the retentivity setting of the various parameters. However, the following rule will still apply: For structured data type tags, the retentivity setting always applies to the entire structure. You cannot assign separate retentivity settings to the various elements within a structured data type. It therefore follows that you cannot assign individual retentivity settings to the tags of data blocks that are based on PLC data types. Organization blocks All interface parameters that are stored in the first 20 bytes of the "Temp" section will be deleted. New CPU-specific start information is entered in the "Input" section. Naming conflicts with user-defined interface parameters occurring in the process are resolved by renaming the user-defined interface parameters. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1971 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics CAUTION The conversion of the block access has the following consequences: Absolute addressing of the interface parameters of the block is no longer possible after conversion of block access to the "optimized mode. Example: #L0.1 is no longer valid. Since conversion to the "optimized" block access mode of organization blocks also modifies the OB interface, you may possibly have to adapt, recompile and load the program again due to these changes. Converting block access from "optimized" to "standard". If you want to copy or move a block from the CPU of the S7-300/400 product range to a CPU of the S7-1200/1500 product range, you first need to set the "standard" access mode. The blocks are adapted as follows in the course of conversion: Function blocks and global data blocks. You can no longer set a retentivity in the function block. The corresponding setting is made in the instance data block. All interface parameters in the instance DB or global DB are assigned the same retentivity setting. The conversion is subject to the following rule: - If all interface parameters in the original block were retentive, the entire block will be retentive after conversion. - If all interface parameters in the original block were non-retentive, the entire block will be non-retentive after conversion. - If the interface parameters in the original block had different retentivity settings, the entire block will be non-retentive after conversion. Organization blocks All interface parameters stored in the "Input" section will be deleted. New CPU-specific start information is entered in the "Temp" section. This data is written to the first 20 bytes. Naming conflicts with user-defined interface parameters occurring in the process are resolved by renaming the user-defined interface parameters. CAUTION The conversion of the block access has the following consequences: Since a conversion to "standard" block access mode might change the retentivity settings of the interface parameters, you may possibly have to adapt, recompile and load the program again due to these changes. See also Basics of block access (Page 1968) Specifying block properties (Page 4495) 1972 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics 11.1.3 Block calls Principles of block calls Function of block calls For your blocks to be executed in the user program, they need to be called from another block. When one block calls another block, the instructions of the called block are executed. Only when execution of the called block has been completed does execution of the calling block resume. The execution is continued with the instruction that follows on the block call. The following figure shows the sequence of a block call within a user program: &DOOLQJEORFN 2%)%)& 3URJUDPH[HFXWLRQ &DOOLQJEORFN )%RU)& 3URJUDPH[HFXWLRQ 2SHUDWLRQWKDWFDOOV DQRWKHUEORFN %ORFNHQG Parameter transfer When a block is called, you must assign values to the parameters in the block interface. By providing input parameters you specify the data with which the block is executed. By providing the output parameters you specify where the execution results are saved. See also Call hierarchy (Page 1973) Basics of instances (Page 1975) Call hierarchy Definition The order and nesting of block calls is referred to as the call hierarchy. The following figure shows an example of the order and nesting of block calls within an execution cycle: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1973 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics 1HVWLQJGHSWK 6WDUWRI F\FOH )&B )%B 2SHUDWLQJV\VWHP ,QVWDQFH'% )%B 0DLQ )&B )%B ,QVWDQFH'% ,QVWDQFH'% )&B '%B*OREDO Nesting depth for blocks The permissible nesting depth for blocks depends on the CPU that is used. The following table shows the guide values for the maximum nesting depth. For detailed information on the CPU you are using, refer to the technical specifications in the hardware documentation. To call the hardware documentation on the Internet, click the links in the table. CPU family Nesting depth (guide value) Link to hardware documentation S7-1500 24 blocks per priority class SIMATIC S7-1500 / ET 200MP Manual Collection ( view/86140384) S7-1200 16 blocks from cycle or startup OB, 6 additional blocks within any interrupt event OB SIMATIC S7-1200 Automation System (https:// 91696622) S7-400 24 blocks per priority class, 1-2 additional blocks within an error OB SIMATIC S7-400 automation system S7-400 CPU data ( view/53385241) S7-300 16 blocks per priority class, 4 additional blocks within an error OB SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 31xC and CPU 31x: Technical specifications ( cs/de/de/view/12996906/en) ET 200SP 24 blocks SIMATIC ET 200SP Manual Collection (https:// 84133942) Nesting depth for structures Structures (STRUCT) and PLC data types (UDT) can be nested to a depth of 8. This nesting depth is independent of the CPU used. 1974 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics See also Basics of instances (Page 1975) Principles of block calls (Page 1973) Instances Basics of instances Definition The call of a function block is referred to as an instance. The data with which the instance works is stored in an instance data block. Instance data blocks have the following properties: Instance data blocks are always assigned to an FB. The structure of the instance data block is derived from the interface of the corresponding FB and can only be changed there. Instance data blocks are created automatically when a function block is called. Assignment of instances You have the following options for assigning instance data blocks: Single instance: The called function block saves its data in an instance data block of its own. See also: Single instances (Page 1976) Multi-instance: The called function block does not save its data in its own instance data block, but in the instance data block of the calling function block. See also: Multi-instances (Page 1977) Parameter instance: You transfer the instance of the block to be called as an in/out parameter to the calling block. See also: Parameter instances (Page 1979) See also Overview of the block interface (Page 4522) Addressing instance data (Page 2015) Principles of block calls (Page 1973) Call hierarchy (Page 1973) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1975 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Single instances Definition The call of a function block (FB) that is assigned its own instance data block is referred to as a single instance. By assigning the instance data block, you specify where the instance data of the FB will be saved. Advantages The use of single instances provides the following advantages: Reusability of the function blocks Good structuring options for simple programs How single instances work The following figure shows an FB that uses a further FB ("FB_Valve"). "FB_Valve" is called as a single instance; in other words, it saves its data in its own instance DB. The structure of the instance data block is defined by the interface of the corresponding FB and can only be changed there. The instance DB contains the following data: Block parameters The block parameters in the sections Input, Output and InOut form the block interface for the call in the program. Static local data Static local data in the section Static is used to permanently store intermediate results beyond the current program cycle. Creating single instances Instance DBs are created when a function block is called. When you call an FB, a dialog appears in which you can specify whether the FB will be called as a single instance, multiinstance or parameter instance. 1976 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Addressing data in single instances To address a tag from the instance DB of the current block, enter the character # followed by the symbolic tag name: # See also Basics of instances (Page 1975) Multi-instances (Page 1977) Multi-instances Definition When a function block (FB) calls a further FB, you do not need to create a separate instance DB for the called block. The called FB can also save its instance data in the instance DB of the calling FB. This type of block call is referred to as a multi-instance. Advantages The use of multi-instances provides the following advantages: Good structuring options for complex blocks Lower number of instance DBs Simple programming of local sub-programs. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1977 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics How multi-instances work The following figure shows an FB that uses a further FB ("FB_Valve"). "FB_Valve" is called as a multi-instance; in other words, it saves its data in the instance DB of the calling FB. Multiinstance data is located in the "Static" section of the calling block. Creating multi-instances Multi-instances are defined when a function block is called. When you call an FB, a dialog appears in which you can specify whether the FB will be called as a single instance, multiinstance or parameter instance. ARRAYs of multi-instances Multi-instances can also be created as an ARRAY. You can address the individual ARRAY elements via a variable index, e.g. when processing program loops. You do not declare ARRAYS of multi-instances in the dialog that appears when you call the block, but directly in the block interface. See also: Declaring multi-instances Addressing data in multi-instances Both the calling and the called FB can access the multi-instance data. 1978 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Within the called FB, you address the data with the # character followed by the tag name. From the calling block, you access the data with #.. Syntax Meaning # //Access within the called FB #. //Access from the calling FB See also Basics of instances (Page 1975) Single instances (Page 1976) Example of the use of parameter instances (Page 1981) Parameter instances Definition The parameter instance provides a special option for instantiation: Here, at the time of creating the program, you do not specify a fixed instance for saving the block data. Instead, at runtime, you transfer the instance of the block to be called as an in/out parameter to the calling block. Advantages The use of parameter instances provides the following advantages: At runtime, you can define which instance is currently being used. You can process different instances iteratively in program loops. Note ARRAYs of multi-instances To simplify the iterative processing of instances in program loops, define an ARRAY of multiinstances. See also: Multi-instances (Page 1977) How parameter instances work The following figure shows the "FB_Caller" that uses a further FB ("Valve"). "Valve" is called as a parameter instance. Therefore, when calling "Valve", do not specify a concrete instance. Instead, define an in/out parameter ("#Valve_Instance") with which the concrete instance is transferred at runtime. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1979 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Creating parameter instances Parameter instances are defined when a function block is called: When you call an FB, a dialog appears in which you can specify whether the FB will be called as a single instance, multiinstance or parameter instance. As an alternative, you also have the option of entering parameter instances manually directly in the block interface. See also: Declaring parameter instances (Page 4538) The following figure shows the call of a parameter instance for the FB "Valve": 1980 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Transferring the instance as a parameter Each time the higher-level FB is called ("FB_Caller" in the example) transfer an instance for the called FB (in the example "Valve"). You can transfer the following types of instances: Single instance Transfer an existing instance DB of the called FB (the FB "Valve" in the example). Multi-instance Transfer an existing multi-instance of the called FB. Individual element of an ARRAY of multi-instances Transfer an element of an existing ARRAY of multi-instances. The following figure shows the call of "FB _Caller". With the "Valve_Instance" parameter, the instance "#currValve" is transferred. This instance, which is pending at the #currValve parameter during runtime, is used to call "Valve". See also Example of the use of parameter instances (Page 1981) Example of the use of parameter instances Description The use of parameter instances allows you to transfer the instance of a function block to another block (FB or FC) for further processing, for example, a data query or an error analysis, or even have the function block executed with the passed instance. The ARRAY multi-instances can be used to combine objects of the same type and process their instances indexed in a program loop. Indexed ARRAY elements can also be passed to another block as a parameter instance. To illustrate this, the object "Valve" (FB_Valve) was selected in the following example. On this basis, you are provided with all required information on valve processing in a program block, "FB_ValveControl" in this case. The figure below illustrates the features needed and how they can be used: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1981 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics FB_ValveControl ARRAY of valve Valve instance[1] Valve instance[2] Valve instance[3] Required Valve instance[...] Valve blocks Conditional special processing e.g. status query: Current: = Status (valve instance[i]) Conditional special processing for example, when maintenance case is detected: IF maintenance case (valve instance[i]) THEN (perform maintenance) FB_Valve Call in FB_ValveControl Basic processing and parameter transfer: Call valve instance[i] (...) (Data definition & basic functionality) FC_StatusValve (Special function) FC_MaintainValve (Special function) The two functions "FC_StatusValve" and "FC_MaintainValve" process a parameter instance of the "FB_Valve" program block which they received in the call. In the "FB_ValveControl" program block, you use the ARRAY multi-instances on the one hand to declare the number of existing valves and, on the other hand, to manage all of the valves in a loop by means of various functions. Note Completeness This solution is only an example to illustrate how this task can be approached. Keep in mind that you need to adjust the program code to your actual task. The following program blocks are required to implement this example: Block Description Programming language FB_ValveCon trol This function block is used as a control block, where you can process all the valves using an ARRAY of multi-instances. SCL FB_Valve This function block contains the definition of the valve data and the program code for processing a valve. SCL FC_StatusValve The function returns the status of the currently pro cessed valve. FC_Maintain Valve 1982 (The three program blocks are used by the "FB_Valve Control" program block.) This function checks if maintenance is required on the valve. If required, the maintenance is performed and the function value TRUE is returned when everything is completed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Procedure: Create "FB_Valve" To create the SCL function block, follow these steps: 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog opens. 2. Click on the "Function block (FB)" button. 3. Enter the name "FB_Valve". 4. Select "SCL" as the language. 5. Click "OK". 6. The declaration of the block interface is based on a valve which can open and close, and could look like this, for example: 7. The program code for controlling the valves could look like this, for example: Procedure: Create "FC_StatusValve" To create the SCL function "FC_StatusValve", follow these steps: 1. Double-click on the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog opens. 2. Click on the "Function (FC)" button. 3. Enter the name "FC_StatusValve". 4. Select "SCL" as the language. 5. Click "OK". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1983 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics 6. The declaration of the block interface with integration of the parameter instance "FB_Valve" could look like this, for example: 7. Write the following program code, for example: Procedure: Create "FC_MaintainValve" To create the SCL function "FC_MaintainValve", follow these steps: 1. Double-click on the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog opens. 2. Click on the "Function (FC)" button. 3. Enter the name "FC_MaintainValve". 4. Select "SCL" as the language. 5. Click "OK". 1984 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics 6. The declaration of the block interface with integration of the parameter instance "FB_Valve" could look like this, for example: 7. Write the following program code, for example: Procedure: Create "FB_ValveControl" To create the SCL function block, follow these steps: 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog opens. 2. Click on the "Function block (FB)" button. 3. Enter the name "FB_ValveControl". 4. Select "SCL" as the language. 5. Click "OK". 6. Define the user constant: The user constant "vmax" is used in this example in order to easily adapt the program to a different number of valves. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1985 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics 7. The declaration of the block interface with integration of the valve instances from "FB_Valve" could look like this, for example: 8. Write the following program code, for example: Procedure: Call of "FB_ValveControl" in OB 1 To call the "FB_ValveControl" function block in OB 1, follow these steps: 1. Open the "Main [OB1]" block with a double-click. 2. Use a drag-and-drop operation to add the "FB_ValveControl" function block to OB1. 1986 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Result One valve is processed in each program cycle. The respective valve selected by index is processed, its status queried and maintenance is performed, if needed. In this example, one valve per cycle has been processed. Of course, it is also possible to process all valves in one program loop, but then the cycle time increases accordingly. If you need a short program cycle, we recommend that you avoid working with a program loop. See also Parameter instances (Page 1979) Multi-instances (Page 1977) Parameter transfer at block call Rules for supplying block parameters Block parameters The calling block gives the called block the values with which it is to work. These values are referred to as block parameters. The input parameters provide the called block with the values that it has to process. The block returns the results via the output parameters. Block parameters therefore form the interface between the calling and the called block. You use input parameters when you want to only query or read values, and output parameters when you want to set or write these values. If block parameters are read and written you have to create these as in-out parameters. The following rules apply to the use of block parameters within the block: Input parameters may only be read. Output parameters may only be written. In/out parameters may be read and written. Formal and actual parameters The block parameters are defined in the interface of the called block. These parameters are referred to as formal parameters. They are placeholders for the parameters that are transferred to the block when it is called. The parameters transferred to the block when it is called are referred to as actual parameters. The data types of actual and formal parameters must be identical or convertible according to the rules of data type conversion. See also Using tags within the program (Page 2004) Parameter assignment to function blocks (Page 1990) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1987 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Parameter assignment to functions (Page 1988) Rules for declaring the block interface (Page 4524) PLC data types (UDT) (Page 2170) Parameter assignment to functions Parameters of functions (FC) Functions have no data memory in which values of block parameters can be stored. Therefore, when a function is called, all formal parameters must be assigned actual parameters. Input parameters (Input) Input parameters are read only once per cycle, namely before the block call. Therefore, the rule is that writing an input parameter within the block does not affect the actual parameter. Only the formal parameter is written. Output parameters (Output) Output parameters are read only once per cycle, namely after the block call. Therefore, the rule is that output parameters should not be read within the block. If you nevertheless read an output parameter, please note that only the value of the formal parameter is read. The value of the actual parameter cannot be read within the block. If an output parameter of a function is not written in this function, the value that is predefined for the specified data type is used. For example, the value "false" is predefined for BOOL. However, structured output parameters are not pre-assigned with a value. To prevent unintentional further processing of the predefined value or an undefined value, note the following when programming the block: Make sure that the output parameters are written with values for all possible program paths within the block. In doing so, note that jump commands may skip instruction sequences in which outputs are set, for example. Note that the set and reset commands are dependent on the result of the logic operation. If the value of an output parameter is determined with these commands and RLO = 0, a value will not be generated. If possible, assign a default value for the output parameters of functions. In/out parameters (InOut) In/out parameters are read before the block call and written after the block call. If you read or write the parameter within the block, you only access its formal parameter. An exception is in/out parameters with a structured data type. Structured data types consist of several data elements, for example ARRAY or STRUCT. These are passed to the called block through a POINTER. You therefore always access the actual parameter when you read or write a structured in/out parameter within a block. 1988 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics When an in/out parameter of a function is not written to this function, the old output value or the input value is used as a value. Nevertheless, you should observe the information provided above for output parameters so that old values are not inadvertently processed further. Temporary local data (Temp) Temporary local data is only available within a cycle. It is treated differently depending on the block type: Standard access The following rule applies to code blocks with standard access as well as to all tags with retentivity setting "Set in IDB": If you are using temporary local data, you must ensure that the values are initialized prior to use. Otherwise, the values will be random. Temporary data of the STRING of WSTRING data type is an exception: They are automatically pre-assigned the maximum length of 254 characters and the actual length 0. Optimized access The following rule applies to code blocks with optimized access: If a temporary tag is not written within a function, the value that is predefined for the specified data type is used. For example, the value "false" is predefined for BOOL. Elements of the PLC data types are pre-assigned with the default value that is specified in the declaration of the PLC data type (UDT). ARRAY elements are pre-assigned with the value "0", even if they are used within a PLC data type. STRINGs and WSTRINGs are automatically preassigned the maximum length of 254 characters and the actual length 0. Function value (Return) Functions normally calculate a function value. This function value can be returned to the calling block via the RET_VAL output parameter. For this, the RET_VAL output parameter must be declared in the interface of the function. RET_VAL is always the first output parameter of a function. All data types are permitted for the RET_VAL parameter except ARRAY and STRUCT, as well as parameter types TIMER and COUNTER. In the SCL programming language functions can be call directly in an expression. The result of the expression is then formed with the calculated function value. Therefore, the data type ANY is not permitted in SCL for the function value. See also Parameter assignment to function blocks (Page 1990) Rules for supplying block parameters (Page 1987) Calling functions (Page 4788) Examples for calling functions in SCL (Page 4791) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1989 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Parameter assignment to function blocks Supplying parameters of function blocks (FB) In the case of function blocks the parameter values will be stored in the instance data. If the input, output, or in-out parameters of a function block were not assigned with values, the stored values are used. In some cases, it is mandatory to specify an actual parameter. The following table shows which parameters of a function block must be assigned actual parameters: Parameter Elementary data type Structured data type Parameter type Input (Input) optional optional required Output (Output) optional optional required In-out (InOut) optional required Permitted with S7-1200 only, parameter assignment re quired Temporary (Temp) required required required S7-1500: Optional with opti mized block access S7-1500: Optional with opti mized block access See also Rules for supplying block parameters (Page 1987) Parameter assignment to functions (Page 1988) Parameter types (Page 2193) Transfer parameter as copy or as pointer Introduction When a block is called, you transfer data to the parameters in the block interface. At the input parameters, you transfer the data with which the block is to work. At the output parameters, you specify where the results of the processing are saved. In/out parameters are used to transfer data to the called block as well as to return results. Internally, STEP 7 recognizes two different methods of parameter transfer: The data is transferred either as pointer or as copy, depending on the transfer range and data type of the parameter. Transfer as copy (Call by value) During a block call, the value of the operand is copied to the input parameter of the called block. With function blocks, the copy is stored in the instance DB; with functions, it is stored in the block stack. Additional storage space is required for the copy. 1990 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics This means that the called block always works with the value that the specified operand had at the time of the block call. It cannot access the operand directly. Write access modifies only the copy, but not the actual value of the specified operand. Read access reads only the copy that was created at the time of the block call. "My_int" value: 31 FC / FB IN value: 31 Transfer as pointer (Call by reference) The parameters are referenced via a pointer during the block call. This means that the called block can directly access the memory address of the operand that is specified as parameter: Write access directly results in the changing of the specified operand. Read access reads the value of the operand directly at the time of access. As no copy is created, no additional memory is required. "My_string" value: 'Test' FC/FB IN/OUT Reference to"My_string" Note Declare structured data types in the "InOut" area If possible, use the "InOut" area in the block interface for structured tags (e.g., of data type ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING, ...). Because structured in/out parameters by default are transferred as pointers, the required data memory is not increased unnecessarily. Parameter transfer with S7-1200/1500 The following table shows how block parameters with elementary or structured data type are transferred in S7-1200/1500. Elementary data types are, for example, BOOL, INT or BYTE. Structured data types are, for example, ARRAY, STRUCT or STRING. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1991 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Elementary data types Structured data types Input Copy Pointer Output Copy Pointer InOut Copy Pointer Input Copy Copy Output Copy Copy InOut Copy Pointer FC FB Note Parameter transfer between blocks with optimized access and blocks with standard access If structures are transferred to the called block as in/out parameters during a block call, they are transferred by default as pointers (Call by reference). However, this does not apply if the two blocks have different optimization settings: If one of the blocks has the property "Optimized access" and the other block has the property "Standard access", all parameters are always transferred as copies (Call by value). If the block contains numerous structured parameters, this can quickly lead to the temporary memory area (local data stack) overflowing. Problems can also occur if the original operands are changed by asynchronous processes, such as by HMI access or interrupt OBs. If the copies are copied back to the original operands after the block processing, the changes carried out asynchronously since the creation of the copy during the block call are hereby overwritten at the original operands. You can avoid this by setting the same access type for both blocks or by having the asynchronous access written first to a separate memory area and then copying this area synchronously at a suitable time. See also: Blocks with optimized access FAQ 109478253: How can it happen that data of the HMI system or of the Web server is overwritten in the S7-1500? ( 1992 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Parameter transfer with S7-300/400 The following table shows how block parameters with elementary or structured data type are transferred in S7-300/400. Elementary data types Structured data types Input Copy* Pointer Output Copy* Pointer InOut Copy* Pointer Input Copy Copy Output Copy Copy InOut Copy Pointer FC FB * Exception: Operands from the memory areas I, Q, M, P, L and partly qualified DB addresses (for example, "DW 2") are transferred as pointer. Note Special aspects of transfer as pointer in S7-300/400 In cases in which the parameters are transferred via a pointer, it is not possible to forward output parameters or in/out parameters from the calling block to the input parameters of the called block. Forwarding of block parameters Basic information on forwarding block parameters Definition The "Forwarding" of block parameters is a special type of parameter use. In this case the block parameters of the calling block are forwarded to the parameters of the called block. The called block uses the values that are currently present at the block parameters of the calling block as the actual parameters. The following figure shows how the parameters of the function FC_10 are forwarded to the function FC_12: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1993 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics )XQFWLRQ )& )&B &DOO )XQFWLRQ )& )&B 7DJGHFODUDWLRQ 7DJGHFODUDWLRQ 3DUDPB ,QSXW $B3DUDP ,QSXW 3DUDPB 2XWSXW %B3DUDP 2XWSXW 3DUDPB ,QRXW &B3DUDP ,QRXW )&B $B3DUDP 3DUDPB %B3DUDP 3DUDPB &B3DUDP 3DUDPB Rules for LAD/FBD The following general rules apply in LAD and FBD: Input parameters can only be forwarded to input parameters. Output parameters can only be forwarded to output parameters. In/out parameters can be forwarded to all parameter types. In S7-300/400, the two block parameters must have the same data type. In S7-1200/1500, the parameters can also be converted according to the rules of implicit conversion. Rules for STL The following general rules apply in STL: Input parameters can only be forwarded to input parameters. Output parameters can only be forwarded to output parameters. In/out parameters can be forwarded to all parameter types. Both block parameters must have the same data type. In STL, this rule applies to all CPU families. Rules for SCL The rules for SCL are less stringent. So that programs from previous SCL versions can be taken over more easily, additional parameter transfer options are permissible. You can, for example, forward a structured in/out parameter to an input parameter. However, in this case you must ensure that the actual parameter is not located in the temporary local data or in a global data block. Additional rules are described in detail in the following chapters. 1994 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics See also Calling a function by another function (Page 1995) Call of a function by a function block (Page 1996) Call of a function block by a function (Page 1996) Call of a function block by another function block (Page 1997) Calling a function by another function Permissible data types for the call of a function by another function Specific rules apply to the forwarding of formal parameters. The following table shows the rules according to which parameters can be forwarded in the various CPU families: FC calls FC Data types Actual pa rameter Formal pa rameters (calling block) (called block) Input Input Standard data types ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING, WSTRING, DT S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 ANY, POINTER S7-1500 VARIANT Parameter types (TIMER, COUN TER, BLOCK_XX) S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 Output S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 - S7-1200 S7-1200 as of V2 S7-1500 S7-1500 Output DB_Any - - - - - - - - S7-1500 S7-1500 InOut Input S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 InOut Output S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 - S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 InOut InOut S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 See also Basic information on forwarding block parameters (Page 1993) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1995 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Call of a function by a function block Permissible data types for the call of a function by a function block Specific rules apply to the forwarding of formal parameters. The following table shows the rules according to which parameters can be forwarded in the various CPU families: FB calls FC Data types Actual pa rameter Formal pa rameters (calling block) (called block) Input Output InOut Input Output Input Standard data types ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING, WSTRING, DT S7-300/400 S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-300/400 S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 ANY, POINTER S7-1500 VARIANT Parameter types (TIMER, COUN TER, BLOCK_XX) S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1200 as of V2 S7-1500 - DB_Any S7-1200 S7-1500 - - - - - - - - S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 InOut Output S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 - S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 InOut InOut S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 See also Basic information on forwarding block parameters (Page 1993) Call of a function block by a function Permissible data types for the call of a function block by a function Specific rules apply to the forwarding of formal parameters. The following table shows the rules according to which parameters can be forwarded in the various CPU families: FC calls FB Data types Actual pa rameter Formal pa rameters (calling block) (called block) 1996 Standard data types ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING, WSTRING, DT ANY, POINTER VARIANT Parameter types DB_Any (TIMER, COUN TER, BLOCK_XX) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Input Input S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-300/400 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 as of V2 S7-1200 - - - - - - - - S7-1500 Output Output S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 - S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1500 InOut Input S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 InOut Output S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 - S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 InOut InOut S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 See also Basic information on forwarding block parameters (Page 1993) Call of a function block by another function block Permissible data types for the call of a function block by another function block Specific rules apply to the forwarding of formal parameters. The following table shows the rules according to which parameters can be forwarded in the various CPU families: FB calls FB Data types Actual pa rameter Formal pa rameters (calling block) (called block) Input Output InOut Input Output Input Standard data types ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING, WSTRING, DT S7-300/400 S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-300/400 S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 ANY, POINTER S7-1500 - VARIANT Parameter types DB_Any (TIMER, COUN TER, BLOCK_XX) S7-1200 S7-300/400 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 as of V2 S7-1200 - - - - S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1997 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics InOut Output S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 - S7-1200 - - - - S7-1500 S7-1500 InOut InOut S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1500 See also Basic information on forwarding block parameters (Page 1993) 11.1.4 Using and addressing operands Basic information about operands Introduction When you program instructions you must specify which data values the instruction should process. These values are referred to as operands. You can, for example, use the following elements as operands: PLC tags Constants Tags in instance data blocks Tags in global data blocks Absolute address and symbolic name Operands are identified by means of an absolute address and a symbolic name. You define the names and addresses in the PLC tag table or in the tag declaration of the blocks. Data blocks with optimized access (S7-1200, S7-1500) Data elements in data blocks with optimized access only receive a symbolic name and no absolute address in the declaration. See also Displaying symbolic and absolute addresses (Page 4469) Basics of block access (Page 1968) 1998 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Keywords SIMATIC recognizes a range of key words whose definitions are fixed and which have a certain meaning in the program. You should not use these keywords as names for tags or constants. Table of keywords The following table shows all keywords. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Keywords German mnemonics Keywords English mnemonics Description & & And logical operation of logical expressions A Q Output, bit A1 CC1 Condition code bit A0 CC0 Condition code bit AB QB Output, byte AD QD Output, double word AND AND And logical operation of logical expressions ANY ANY Data type, pointer AR1 AR1 Address Register 1 AR2 AR2 Address Register 2 ARRAY ARRAY Introduces the specification of an array and is followed by the in dex list between "[" and "]" AT AT Overlaying tag declaration AUTHOR AUTHOR Name of the author, company name, department name, or oth er name (max. 8 characters, no spaces) AW QW Output, word B B Byte BEGIN BEGIN Introduces the instruction part for code blocks or initialization part for a data block BIE BR Binary result BLOCK_FB BLOCK_FB Parameter type for specification of an FB BLOCK_FC BLOCK_FC Parameter type for specification of an FC BLOCK_SDB BLOCK_SDB Parameter type for specification of an SDB BOOL BOOL Data type BY BY Increment of the FOR loop BYTE BYTE Data type CALL CALL Call 1999 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics 2000 Keywords German mnemonics Keywords English mnemonics Description CASE CASE Introduction to the CASE state ment CHAR CHAR Elementary data type CODE_VERSION1 CODE_VERSION1 Label, whether an FB is multiple instance capable or not. If you want to declare multiple instan ces, the FB must not have this characteristic. CONST CONST Start of the constant declaration CONTINUE CONTINUE Instruction to exit a loop in SCL COUNTER COUNTER Parameter type for specification of a counter DATA_BLOCK DATA_BLOCK Introduces the data block DATE DATE Data type DATE_AND_TIME DATE_AND_TIME Data type DB DB Data block DB_ANY DB_ANY Data type DBB DBB Data block, data byte DBD DBD Data block, data double word DBLG DBLG Data block length DBNO DBNO Data block number DBW DBW Data block, data word DBX DBX Data block, data bit DI DI Instance data block DIB DIB Instance data block, data byte DID DID Instance data block, data double word DILG DILG Instance data block length DINO DINO Instance data block number DINT DINT Data type DIW DIW Instance data block, data word DIX DIX Instance data block, data bit DO DO Introduction of the instruction part in FOR and WHILE instruc tion DT DT Data type DTL DTL Data type DWORD DWORD Data type E I Input (via process image), bit EB IB Input (via process image), byte ED ID Input (via process image), dou ble word ELSE ELSE Alternative branch in IF and CASE statement WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Keywords German mnemonics Keywords English mnemonics Description ELSIF ELSIF Alternative condition of the IF in struction EN EN System operand of the EN/ENO mechanism ENO ENO System operand of the EN/ENO mechanism END_CASE END_CASE End of the CASE statement END_DATA_BLOCK END_DATA_BLOCK Ends the data block END_FOR END_FOR End of the FOR statement END_FUNCTION END_FUNCTION Ends the function END_FUNCTION_BLOCK END_FUNCTION_BLOCK Ends the function block END_IF END_IF End of the IF instruction END_ORGANIZATION_BLOCK END_ORGANIZATION_BLOCK Ends the organization block END_REGION END_REGION End of a block END_REPEAT END_REPEAT End of the REPEAT statement END_STRUCT END_STRUCT Ends the specification of a struc ture END_SYSTEM_FUNCTION END_SYSTEM_FUNCTION Ends the system function END_SYSTEM_FUNC TION_BLOCK END_SYSTEM_FUNC TION_BLOCK Ends the system function block END_TYPE END_TYPE Ends the PLC data type END_VAR END_VAR Ends a declaration block END_WHILE END_WHILE End of the WHILE instruction EW IW Input (via process image), word EXIT EXIT Instruction to exit a loop in SCL FALSE FALSE Predefined Boolean constant: Logical condition false, value equal to 0 FAMILY FAMILY Block family name: e.g. controller FB FB Function block FC FC Function FOR FOR Introduction of the FOR state ment FUNCTION FUNCTION Introduces the function FUNCTION_BLOCK FUNCTION_BLOCK Introduces the function block GOTO GOTO Introduction of the GOTO state ment IF IF Introduction of the IF instruction INSTANCE INSTANCE Data type INT INT Data type KNOW_HOW_PROTECT KNOW_HOW_PROTECT Block protection L L Local data bit LB LB Local data byte LD LD Local data double word 2001 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics 2002 Keywords German mnemonics Keywords English mnemonics Description LDT LDT Data type LINT LINT Data type LTIME LTIME Data type LTOD LTOD Data type LW LW Local data word LWORD LWORD Data type M M Memory bit MB MB Memory byte MD MD Memory double word MOD MOD Modulo operator MW MW Memory word NAME NAME Block name NETWORK NETWORK Network NOT NOT Logic inversion NULL NULL Zero pointer OB OB Organization block OF OF Introduction of the data type specification / Introduction of the instruction part of the CASE statement OR OR Or logical operation of logical ex pressions ORGANIZATION_BLOCK ORGANIZATION_BLOCK Introduces the organization block OS OS Save overflow OV OV Overflow PA PQ Output (direct peripherals), bit PAB PQB Output (direct peripherals), byte PAD PQD Output (direct peripherals), dou ble word PAW PQW Output (direct peripherals), word PE PI Input (direct peripherals), bit PEB PIB Input (direct peripherals), byte PED PID Input (direct peripherals), double word PEW PIW Input (direct peripherals), word POINTER POINTER Data type PRAGMA_BEGIN PRAGMA_BEGIN Introduction of a Pragma PRAGMA_END PRAGMA_END End of a Pragma READ_ONLY READ_ONLY Write protection for data blocks REAL REAL Data type REGION REGION Introduction of a block REPEAT REPEAT Introduction of the REPEAT statement WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Keywords German mnemonics Keywords English mnemonics Description RET_VAL RET_VAL Return value RETURN RETURN RETURN statement in SCL S5T S5T Syntax for data type S5TIME S5TIME S5TIME Data type S7_ S7_ Keywords for system attributes SDB SDB System data block SFB SFB System function block SFC SFC System function SINT SINT Data type STRING STRING Data type STRUCT STRUCT Introduces the specification of a structure and is followed by a list of components STW STW Status word SYSTEM_FUNCTION SYSTEM_FUNCTION System function SYSTEM_FUNCTION_BLOCK SYSTEM_FUNCTION_BLOCK System function block T T Time element (timer) THEN THEN Introduction of the instruction part of an IF instruction THIS THIS Syntax for access to an ARRAY data block TIME TIME Elementary data type for time in formation TIME_OF_DAY TIME_OF_DAY Data type TIMER TIMER Parameter type for specification of a timer TITLE TITLE Optional block title or network ti tle TO TO Definition of the full-scale value of a FOR statement TOD TOD Data type TRUE TRUE Predefined Boolean constant: Logical condition true, value not equal to 0 TYPE TYPE Introduction of the PLC data type UDT UDT Global or PLC data type UDINT UDINT Data type UINT UINT Data type ULINT ULINT Data type UNLINKED UNLINKED Marking 'non runtime-related' UNTIL UNTIL End of the instruction part of a REPEAT statement USINT USINT Data type UO UO Query after (Q1=1) AND (Q0=1) 2003 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Keywords German mnemonics Keywords English mnemonics Description VAR VAR Introduces a declaration block VAR_IN_OUT VAR_IN_OUT Introduces a declaration block VAR_INPUT VAR_INPUT Introduces a declaration block VAR_OUTPUT VAR_OUTPUT Introduces a declaration block VAR_TEMP VAR_TEMP Introduces a declaration block VARIANT VARIANT Data type VERSION VERSION Version number of the block VOID VOID Function has no return value WCHAR WCHAR Data type WSTRING WSTRING Data type WHILE WHILE Introduction of a WHILE instruc tion WORD WORD Data type XOR XOR Logic operation Z C Counter Using tags within the program Definition A variable is a placeholder for a data value that can be changed in the program. The format of the data value is defined. The use of variables makes your program more flexible. For example, you can assign different values to variables that you have declared in the block interface for each block call. As a result, you can reuse a block you have already programmed for various purposes. A variable consists of the following elements: Name Data type Absolute address - PLC tags and DB tags in blocks with standard access have an absolute address. - DB variables in blocks with optimized access have no absolute address. Value (optional) Declaring Variables You can define variables with different scopes for your program: PLC tags that apply in all areas of the CPU DB variables in global data block that can be used by all blocks throughout the CPU. DB tags in instance data blocks that are predominantly used within the block in which they are declared. 2004 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics The following table shows the difference between the variable types: PLC tags Range of appli cation Variables in instance DBs Are valid throughout the entire CPU. Are predominantly used Can be used by all blocks in the block in which they on the CPU. Can be used by all blocks on the CPU. are defined. The name is unique within The name is unique within the CPU. The name is unique within the global DB. the instance DB. Permissible char Letters, numbers, special characters acters Quotation marks are not permitted. Letters, numbers, special characters Use Block parameters (input, output and in-out parameters), Letters, numbers, special characters Reserved keywords are not permitted. Reserved keywords are not permitted. Reserved keywords are not permitted. I/O signals (I, IB, IW, ID, Q, QB, QW, QD) Static data Bit memory (M, MB, MW, MD) Location of defi nition Variables in global DBs PLC tag table Static data of a block Block interface Declaration table of the glob al DB Note You can find more information on permissible characters in tag names in the Siemens Industry Online Support in the following entries: When should identifiers and operands be used in "quotation marks" in STEP 7 (TIA Portal)? (https:// See also Keywords (Page 1999) Basic information about operands (Page 1998) Displaying symbolic and absolute addresses (Page 4469) Valid names of PLC tags (Page 4595) Permissible addresses and data types of PLC tags (Page 4595) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2005 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Constants Basics of constants Definition Constants are data with a fixed value that you cannot change during program runtime. Constants can be read by various program elements during the execution of the program but cannot be overwritten. There are defined notations for the value of a constant, depending on the data type and data format. A distinction is made between the typed and non-typed notation. Non-typed constants In the non-typed notation, you only enter the value of the constant without a data type. Nontyped constants do not receive their data type until the first arithmetic or logical operation in which they are used. The example below shows the non-typed notation: SCL #My_Int1 := #My_Int2 + 12345 (*The data type of the constant "12345" results from the addition with My_Int. 2. "12345" receives the data type INT.*) #My_Real1 := #My_Real2 + 12345 (*The data type of the constant "12345" results from the addition with My_Real2. "12345" receives the data type REAL.*) Typed constants In the typed notation, you specify a data type in addition to the value of the constant. The example below shows the typed notation: SCL #My_Int1 := INT#12345 (*The data type of the constant is always INT.*) Note Constants of BOOL type in LAD/FBD Constants of the BOOL type may not be used as inputs of instructions in S7-300/400. Constants of the BOOL type may be used as inputs of instructions which are a system-internal function block (FB) in S7-1200/1500. These instructions are identified by the fact that the "Call options" dialog opens when you insert the instruction into a network. Boolean constants may not be used as inputs for all other instructions. 2006 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics See also Declaring the block interface (Page 4529) Declaring global constants (Page 4607) Calculating with constants in SCL (Page 2113) Declaration of symbolic names for constants Symbolic constants You have the option of declaring symbolic names for constants and thus making constant values available under a name in the program. This makes a program more readable and easier to maintain when changing constant values. A symbolic constant consists of the following elements: Name Data type Symbolic constants always have a data type; non-typed notation is not possible for symbolic constants. Constant value You can select any value from the value range of the specified data type as constant value. For information on the value ranges, refer to the "Data types" chapter. Declaration of constants You can define constants with different scopes of validity: Global constants that apply to all areas of the CPU Local constants that only apply within a block The table below shows the difference between the constant types: Scope of validity Global constants Local constants Are valid throughout the entire CPU Are valid only in the block in which they were declared. The name is unique within the CPU. The name is unique within the block. Permitted characters The permitted characters in The permitted characters in constant names are letters, constant names are letters, digits and special characters. digits and special characters. Location of definition "Constants" tab from the PLC tag Block interface table Representation In quotation marks, for example.: Prefixed with a number sign, for example: "Glob_Const" #Loc_Const WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2007 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Name conflicts can occur if you have declared a local and a global constant with the same symbolic name and have used this doubly specified name as the default value of a tag. In this case, the local constant is automatically used. Note Downloading constant declarations (S7-300/400) Local and global constant declarations are not downloaded into the CPU. If you download a program from a device, the constant declarations may no longer be available. Note You can find more information on permissible characters in constant names in the Siemens Industry Online Support in the following entries: When should identifiers and operands be used in "quotation marks" in STEP 7 (TIA Portal)? (https:// See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Calculating with constants in SCL (Page 2113) Declaring global constants (Page 4607) Declaring the block interface (Page 4529) Data types of constants Permitted data types For constants, all basic data types as well as all derived data types are permitted: Binary numbers Bit strings Integers Floating-point numbers Timers Date and time Character strings All general rules for explicit and implicit type conversion apply. 2008 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Data types of non-typed constants Non-typed constants do not contain an explicit type specification. They do not receive their data type until the first arithmetic or logical operation in which they are used. The example below shows how non-typed constants are used: SCL #My_Int1 := #My_Int2 + 12345 (*The data type of the constant "12345" results from the addition with My_Int. 2. "12345" receives the data type INT.*) #My_Real1 := #My_Real2 + 12345 (*The data type of the constant "12345" results from the addition with My_Real2. "12345" receives the data type REAL.*) Note STEP 7 always uses the data type with the highest possible precision Unless the data type of a constant can be clearly defined in an expression, the data type with the highest precision available on the current CPU is used. Example: #My_Real := #My_Int / 3.5 In this expression an integer tag is combined with a non-typed floating point constant. In S7-300/400 the right part of the assignment is calculated in the REAL format. In S7-1200/1500, calculation is performed using the highest possible precision, which in this case means LREAL. As a result, the assignment to a REAL tag is invalid or generates a warning. To precisely define the data type of a constant, use the typed notation. Example: #My_Real := #My_Int / REAL#3.5 See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Calculating with constants in SCL (Page 2113) Declaring global constants (Page 4607) Declaring the block interface (Page 4529) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2009 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Examples of using constants Use in instructions, assignments and expressions Constants can be used in place of tags in instructions or assignments. You can also use constants in expressions in SCL. But because constants cannot be written, they may only be used as inputs. The example below shows possible uses of constants: SCL #My_Int := 3; #My_Real1 := #My_Real2 * 3; #My_Real1 := #My_Real2 * #My_local_const; #My_Real1 := #My_Real2 * "My_global_const"; Use as a default value You can use constants as the default value of a tag. To do so, enter either the value or the symbolic name of the constant in the "Default value" column of the block interface. The data type of the constant must match the data type of the tag or be convertible with it according to the implicit conversion with IEC check. Use as maximum STRING length You can use local or global constants of data type UINT, UDINT, ULINT, SINT, INT, DINT, LINT as maximum STRING length. The example below shows the use of constants as maximum STRING length: SCL STRING[#My_local_const1] STRING["My_global_const1"] Use as an ARRAY limit You can use local or global constants of data type UINT, UDINT, ULINT, SINT, INT, DINT, LINT as ARRAY limits. The example below shows the use of constants as ARRAY limits: SCL Array[#My_local_const1..#My_local_const2] of REAL Array["My_global_const1".."My_global_const1"] of REAL 2010 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Note Constants as ARRAY limits or as maximum STRING length Constants which are used as ARRAY limits or maximum STRING length cannot be changed if the memory reserve of the block is activated. This applies to both local and global constants. To change these constants, you must first disable the memory reserve. Changes to global constants result in inconsistencies in the blocks which use them. The inconsistencies are marked in red in the block used. To remedy these inconsistencies, the data blocks have to be updated. See also: Updating data blocks (Page 4556) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Calculating with constants in SCL (Page 2113) ARRAY (Page 2177) Declaring global constants (Page 4607) Declaring the block interface (Page 4529) Addressing operands Addressing global variables Addressing global variables To address a global PLC variable, you can use the absolute address or the symbolic name. Note The LWORD, LINT, ULINT, LREAL, LTIME, LTOD and LDT data types can only be addressed by means of their symbolic name. Addressing global variables in symbolic form When you use addressing in symbolic form, you enter the variable name from the PLC tag table. The symbolic name of global variables are automatically enclosed in quotation marks. You address structured tags that are based on a PLC data type with the symbolic name of the PLC tag. You can also indicate the names of the individual components separated by a dot. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2011 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Addressing global variables in absolute form When you use addressing in absolute form, you enter the address of the variables from the PLC tag table. The absolute address uses numerical addresses starting with zero for each operand range. The address identifier % is set automatically as prefix for the absolute address of global tags. Examples The following examples show applications of symbolic and absolute addressing: Addressing Explanation %Q1.0 Absolute address: Output 1.0 %I16.4 Absolute address: Input 16.4 %IW4 Absolute address: Input word 4 "Motor" Symbolic address "Motor" "Value" Symbolic address "Value" "Structured_Tag" Symbolic address of a tag that is based on a PLC data type "Structured_Tag".Component Symbolic address of the component of a structured tag. See also Displaying symbolic and absolute addresses (Page 4469) Permissible addresses and data types of PLC tags (Page 4595) Accessing I/O devices (Page 2012) Accessing I/O devices Description The process image of the CPU is updated once in a cycle. In time-critical applications, however, it can be that the current state of a digital input or output has to be read or transferred more often than once per cycle. For this purpose you can use a suffix for I/O access identifiers on the operand to directly access the I/O. If you want to read the input directly from the peripherals, use the peripheral inputs memory area (PI) instead of the process input image (I). The peripherals memory area can be read as a bit, byte, word, or double word. If you want to write directly to the output, use the peripheral output (PQ) memory area instead of the process output image (Q). The peripheral output memory area can be written as a bit, byte, word, or double word. To read or write a signal directly from a peripheral input, you can add the suffix for I/O access ":P", to the operand. 2012 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Components of structured PLC tags can also be addressed with ":P". However, access to the higher-level tag with ":P" is not possible. WARNING Direct writing of the I/O Immediate writing to the I/O can lead to hazardous states, for example when writing multiple times to an output in one program cycle. Syntax :P Example The following example shows applications of I/O access identifiers: Addressing Description "Motor" Addresses the "Motor" tag in the process image. "Motor":P Addresses the "Motor" tag in the I/O memory area (PI or PQ). "Structured_Tag".Component Addresses the component of a structured PLC tag in the process image. "Structured_Tag".Component:P Addresses the component of a structured PLC tag in the I/O memory area (PI or PQ). See also Addressing global variables (Page 2011) Addressing variables in data blocks Addressing variables in global data blocks Description Tags in global data blocks can be addressed in symbolic or absolute form. For symbolic addressing, you use the name of the data block and the name of the tag, separated by a dot. The name of the data block is enclosed in quotation marks. For absolute addressing, you use the number of the data block and the absolute address of the tags in the data block, separated by a dot. The address identifier % is set automatically as prefix for the absolute address. The S7-1200/1500 provides you with an option of accessing a data block that is not yet known during programming. For this purpose, create a block parameter of data type DB_ANY in the WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2013 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics block interface of the accessing block. The data block name or data block number is transferred to this parameter during runtime. In order to access the internal tags of the data block, use the name of the block parameter of data type DB_ANY and the absolute address of the tag, separated by a dot. Note Transfer DB with memory reserve to the parameter DB_ANY. It is not possible to transfer a DB with memory reserve to a block parameter of data type "DB_ANY". Note Addressing DB tags in absolute form Absolute addressing is not possible for the following tags: Tags in blocks with optimized access. Tags of data type LWORD, LINT, ULINT, LREAL, LTIME, LTOD and LDT. Best practice is to use the more convenient symbolic addressing for these tags. ARRAY data blocks ARRAY data blocks are a particular type of global data block. These consist of an ARRAY of any data type. For example, an ARRAY of a PLC data type (UDT) is possible. You address elements in ARRAY data blocks with the help of the keyword "THIS". The index is then specified in square brackets. The index can be a constant as well as a tag. Integers with a width of up to 32 bits are permitted as tags for the index. Extended options for addressing ARRAY DBs are available in the "Move" section of the "Instructions" task card. These instructions give you the option, for example, to also address the DB name indirectly. Syntax "".TagName %.absoluteAddress #.%absoluteAddress ". SCL: ". The following table show the possible absolute addresses of tags in data blocks: 2014 Data type Absolute address Example Description BOOL %DBn.DBXx.y %DB1.DBX1.0 Data bit 1.0 in DB1 BYTE, CHAR, SINT, USINT %DBn.DBBy %DB1.DBB1 Data bit 1 in DB1 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Data type Absolute address Example Description WORD, INT, UINT %DBn. DBWy %DB1.DBW1 Data word 1 in DB1 DWORD, DINT, UDINT, REAL, TIME %DBn.DBDy %DB1.DBD1 Data double word 1 in DB1 Example The following examples show the addressing of tags in global data blocks: Addressing Description "Motor".Value Symbolic addressing of the "Value" tag in the "Motor" global data block. %DB1.DBX1.0 Absolute addressing of the "DBX1.0" tags in the "DB1" global data block. #MyDBAny.%DBX30.0 Absolute addressing of the "DBX30.0" tag in the global data block that is transferred at runtime at the "MyDBany" parameter. "MyARRAY_DB".THIS[#MyIndex].MyComponent.MyComponentElement Addressing an ARRAY data block. The ARRAY index is specified with the "MyIndex" tag. The ARRAY element has two additional substructures: "MyComponent" and "MyComponentElement". See also Using the DB_ANY data type (Page 2093) Addressing individual characters of a STRING or WSTRING (Page 2168) Addressing PLC data types (UDT) (Page 2174) Addressing STRUCT (Page 2177) Addressing ARRAYs (Page 2182) Addressing areas of a tag with slice access (Page 2017) Basics of indirect addressing (Page 2022) Addressing instance data (Page 2015) Addressing instance data Description You can address data elements from the interface of the current block. These tags are stored in the instance data block. Note Tags in blocks with optimized access can only be addressed in symbolic form. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2015 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics To address a tag from the interface of the current block, enter the character # followed by the symbolic tag name. You can also access the tags of a multi-instance block. Within the multi-instance block, also use the character # followed by the tag name to address the data. You access the data of the multi-instance block from the calling block using #. Syntax Use the following syntax for addressing tags in instance data blocks: # #. Examples The following examples show the addressing of tags in instance data blocks: Addressing Description #Value Addressing the "Value" tag in the instance data block. #On Addressing the "On" tag within the multi-instance block #Multi.On Addressing the "On" tag of the multi-instance block from the calling block See also Addressing variables in global data blocks (Page 2013) Addressing ARRAYs (Page 2182) Addressing areas of a tag with slice access (Page 2017) Basics of indirect addressing (Page 2022) Addressing ARRAY DB (S7-1500) Addressing ARRAY data blocks ARRAY data blocks are a particular form of the ARRAY. ARRAY data blocks are global data blocks that consist of exactly one ARRAY. You address elements in ARRAY data blocks using the following syntax: "".THIS[#i]. SCL: ""."THIS"[#i]. 2016 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Examples The following examples show the addressing of elements in an ARRAY DB: Addressing in SCL Explanation "My_ARRAY_DB"."THIS"[0] "My_ARRAY_DB" is an ARRAY DB, which contains components of the REAL data type. The first component within "My_ARRAY_DB" is addressed here. "MY_UDT_ARRAY_DB"."THIS"[3].MyREAL "MY_UDT_ARRAY_DB" is an ARRAY DB, which contains components of a PLC data type (UDT). The PLC data type contains elements of the BYTE data type. In the "MY_UDT_ARRAY_DB", the fourth ARRAY component and the "MyREAL" element in it are addressed here. Instructions for addressing ARRAY DBs The "Instructions > Basic instructions" task card in the "Move > ARRAY DB" section offers extended options for addressing ARRAY DBs. These instructions give you the option, for example, to address the DB name indirectly: ReadFromArrayDB: Read from array data block WriteToArrayDB: Write to array data block ReadFromArrayDBL: Read from array data block in load memory WriteToArrayDBL: Write to array data block in load memory See also Basics of indirect addressing (Page 2022) Indirect indexing of ARRAY components (Page 2024) Using ARRAY data blocks (Page 2121) ARRAY (Page 2177) Addressing areas of a tag with slice access (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You have the option to specifically address areas within declared tags. You can access areas of the 1-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit width. The type of access is referred to as "slice access". Structures, constants and tags overlaying AT cannot be addressed with slice access. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2017 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Syntax The following syntax is used for addressing: .X .B .W .D The syntax has the following components: Part Description Tag that you access. The tag must be of the "Bit string" or "Integer" data type. With SCL, you can only program slice access to tags of the "Integer" data type when the IEC check is disabled. X ID for the access width "Bit (1Bit)" B ID for the access width "Byte (8 Bit)" W ID for the access width "Word (16 Bit)" D ID for access width "DWord (32-bit)" Bit number within that is accessed. Number 0 accesses the least significant BIT. Byte number within that is accessed. The number 0 accesses the least significant BYTE. Word number within that is accessed. The number 0 accesses the least significant WORD. DWord number within that is accessed. The number 0 accesses the least significant DWORD. Examples The following examples show the addressing of individual bits: Addressing Description "Engine".Motor.X0 "Motor" is a tag of the BYTE, WORD, DWORD or LWORD data type in the global data block "Engine". "Engine".Motor.X7 X0 addresses the bit address 0, X7 the bit address 7 within "Motor". "Engine".Speed.B0 "Engine".Speed.B1 "Speed" is a tag of the WORD, DWORD or LWORD data type in the global data block "Engine". B0 addresses the byte address 0, B1 the byte address 1 within "Speed". "Engine".Fuel.W0 "Engine".Fuel.W1 "FUEL" is a tag of the DWORD or LWORD data type in the global data block "Engine". W0 addresses the word address 0, W1 the word address 1 within "Fuel". 2018 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Addressing Description "Engine".Data.D0 "Data" is a tag of the LWORD data type in the global data block "Engine". "Engine".Data.D1 D0 addresses the double word address 0, D1 the double word address 1 within "Data". See also Addressing with Slice access (Page 2068) Overlaying tags with AT Description To access data areas within a declared tag, you can overlay the declared tags with an additional declaration. This provides you with the option of addressing an already declared tag with a different data type. You can, for example, address the individual bits of a tag of WORD data type with an ARRAY of BOOL. Rules The following general rules are valid for tag overlaying: Overlaying is possible in S7-1200 and S7-1500 in STL, LAD, FBD and GRAPH. SCL supports overlaying in all CPU families. Overlaying of tags is possible in the following blocks: - In code blocks with standard access - In code blocks with optimized access for tags with the retain setting "Set in IDB" The data width of the overlaying tag must be equal to or less than that of the overlaid tag. It is not possible to overlay tags of the VARIANT and INSTANCE data types. Blocks from libraries which are declared as parameters in the interface cannot be overlaid. Structured PLC tags that are declared as parameters in the interface cannot be overlaid. You cannot address overlaying tags with slice access. Note S7-1200/1500: Using AT in FCs The data widths of the overlaying tag and the overlaid tag must be identical for FCs in S7-1200/1500. If this is not possible in your program, check to see if you can use slice access instead of the AT construct. See also: Addressing areas of a tag with slice access (Page 2017) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2019 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics The following combination rules are also valid: Overlaying tag Overlaid tag Elementary Structured * Any/Pointer DB_ANY FB Input Elementary x x Structured * x x Any/Pointer Temp x x Elementary x x Structured x x Any/Pointer Static, Output x x x x Elementary x x x Structured x x x Any/Pointer InOut Elementary x Structured x x Any/Pointer FC Temp Elementary x x Structured x x Any/Pointer Input, Output, InOut Elementary x x x x (both tags must have the same bit width) Structured x Any/Pointer OB Temp Elementary x x Structured x x Any/Pointer x x * Structured data types consist of several data elements, e.g. ARRAY or STRUCT. Declaration To overlay a tag, declare an additional tag directly after the tag that is to be overlaid and identify it with the keyword "AT". 2020 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Example The following figure shows the declaration of an overlaid tag in the interface of a FB: When a block is called with the shown tag declaration, the "MyByte" tag is assigned. Within the block there are now two options for interpreting the data: as a byte As one-dimensional ARRAY of BOOL See also Setting retentivity (Page 4566) Addressing operands indirectly Basics of indirect addressing Introduction Indirect addressing offers the option of addressing operands whose address is not calculated until during runtime. With indirect addressing, program sections can be executed several times and a different operand can be used during each run. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2021 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics WARNING Risk of access errors Since operands are only calculated during runtime with indirect addressing, there is a risk that access errors may occur and that the program will operate with incorrect values. In addition, memory areas may inadvertently be overwritten with incorrect values. The automation system can then react in unexpected manner. Therefore, use indirect addressing only with caution. Indirect addressing Basics of indirect addressing (S7-1200, S7-1500) General indirect addressing options in S7-1200 and S7-1500 The following indirect addressing options are available in all programming languages: Indirect addressing via pointer Indirect indexing of ARRAY components Indirect addressing of a data block via DB_ANY data type. Language-specific options of indirect addressing The following specific addressing options are also available in the various programming languages: In STL, you can address operands indirectly via the address register. In SCL, you can read or write a variable memory area with the following instructions: - POKE - Write memory address - POKE_BOOL - Write memory bit - PEEK - Read memory address - PEEK_BOOL - Read memory bit - POKE_BLK - Write memory area See also Addressing variables in global data blocks (Page 2013) POKE: Write memory address (Page 3170) POKE_BOOL: Write memory bit (Page 3172) PEEK: Read memory address (Page 3166) 2022 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics PEEK_BOOL: Read memory bit (Page 3168) POKE_BLK: Write memory area (Page 3173) Indirect addressing via pointer (Page 2023) Indirect indexing of ARRAY components (Page 2024) Indirect addressing in STL (Page 2029) Indirect addressing via pointer (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description For indirect addressing, a special data format is required that contains the address and possibly also the range and the data type of an operand. This data format is referred to as pointer. The following types of pointers are available to you: POINTER (S7-1500) ANY (S7-1500, only for blocks with standard access) VARIANT (S7-1200/1500) For more information on the pointer data types, refer to "See also". Note In SCL the use of the POINTER is restricted. The only option available is to forward it to the called block. Example The following example shows an indirect addressing with an area-internal pointer: Addressing in STL Explanation L P#10.0 // Load pointer (P#10.0) in accumulator 1 T MD20 // Transfer pointer to the operand MD20 L MW [MD20] // Load MW10 in accumulator 1 .... // Any program L MD [MD20] // Load MD10 in accumulator 1 .... // Any program = M [MD20] // If RLO=1, set the memory bit M10.0 The pointer P#10.0 is transferred to the operand MD20. If the operand MD20 in square brackets is programmed, this will be replaced in runtime by the address that is contained in the pointer. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2023 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics See also Basics of indirect addressing (Page 2022) Pointer (Page 2185) Indirect indexing of ARRAY components (S7-1200, S7-1500) ARRAY access with variable index For addressing ARRAY elements, you can specify either constants or tags of the integer data type as index. Integers with a length of up to 32 bits are allowed here. With indirect addressing using a tag, the index is only calculated during program runtime. You can, for example, use a different index for each cycle in program loops. Syntax The following syntax is used for the indirect indexing of a ARRAY: "MyDB".MyArray[#i] // One-dimensional ARRAY "MyDB".MyArray[#i].a // One-dimensional ARRAY of STRUCT "MyDB".MyArray[#i,#j]// Multi-dimensional ARRAY "MyDB".MyArray[#i].a // Multi-dimensional ARRAY of STRUCT The syntax has the following components: Part Description MyDB Name of the data block in which the ARRAY is located MyArray Tag of the ARRAY data type i, j PLC tags of the integer data type that are used as pointers a Additional partial tag of the structure Note When you call a block and transfer an indirectly indexed ARRAY component ("MyDB".MyArray[#i]) to it as in/out parameter (InOut), you cannot change the value of the index tag [i] while the block is being executed. The value is therefore always written back to the same ARRAY component from which it was read. Indexing ARRAY components using the "FieldRead" and "FieldWrite" instructions You may also use the following instructions for indirect indexing of ARRAY components in LAD and FBD: FieldWrite - Write field FieldRead - Read field 2024 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics See also Examples: Indirect indexing of ARRAY components (Page 2025) Indirect addressing of ARRAY elements (Page 2069) Basics of indirect addressing (Page 2022) Addressing ARRAYs (Page 2182) ARRAY (Page 2177) Examples: Indirect indexing of ARRAY components (S7-1200, S7-1500) Example: ARRAY access with variable index in LAD The following example shows the indirect indexing of an ARRAY component using LAD as example. "MyArray" is a three-dimensional ARRAY. #Tag_1, #Tag_2 and #Tag_3 are input parameters of the data type "Integer". Depending on their values, one of the MyArray components is copied to the "MyTarget" tag. 7DJ,Q 0\'%0\$UUD\>0\7DJB 0\7DJB0\7DJB@ WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 029( (1 (12 ,1 287 7DJ2XW 0\7DUJHW 2025 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Example: ARRAY access with variable index in SCL The following example shows you how to address multiple data blocks using a variable index. Five speed-controlled axes are used in the example. These axes are to be processed with SCL iteratively in a FOR loop. 1. First you create five speed-controlled axes. All five axes must be of the same type. A data block is created for each axis in the project navigator: 2. Next, generate a global data block and declare an ARRAY of the data type ANY with five components. 2026 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics 3. For initialization, you assign the symbolic names of the five axes to the individual ARRAY elements in the startup OB. 4. In SCL, access to the individual axes takes place iteratively with the help of a FOR loop. The axes are transferred to the function "MaximumVelocity" for execution one after the other. Example: ARRAY access with variable index in STL An application example for ARRAY access with variable index in STL is available under "Addressing ARRAY elements indirectly". (Page 2069) See also Indirect indexing of ARRAY components (Page 2024) Basics of indirect addressing (Page 2022) Addressing ARRAYs (Page 2182) ARRAY (Page 2177) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2027 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Indirect addressing of individual characters of a STRING (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description For addressing the individual characters of a STRING or WSTRING, you can specify constants and also tags as the index. The tags must be of the Integer data type. When tags are used, the index is calculated during runtime. You can, for example, use a different index for each cycle in program loops. If you transfer a STRING or WSTRING with variable index to an in/out parameter during a block call, please note that: The index tag [i] is read once at the start of the block call and cannot be changed by the called block while it is being executed. Note Monitoring STRING access in runtime When a STRING or WSTRING that exceeds the defined length is written in runtime, unwanted reactions may occur in the program. Violation of the STRING or WSTRING length is monitored in S7-1200/1500. On read access to the STRING, you receive the character '$00' or '$0000'; write access to the STRING is not executed. If the instruction has the enable output ENO, ENO is set to the signal state FALSE. The CPU does not change to STOP. Syntax The following syntax is used for the indirect indexing of a STRING or WSTRING: "".["i"] "".["i"] Example The example below shows indirect indexing of a STRING using SCL as an example. "STRING", "WSTRING", "CHAR" and "WCHAR" are tags. "Tag_1" is a PLC tag of the "Integer" data type. Addressing in SCL Description STRING["Tag_1"] := CHAR; (*Indirect addressing: Assignment of "CHAR" to the character of the STRING*) specified by "Tag_1" WSTRING["Tag_1"] := WCHAR; (*Indirect addressing: Assignment of "WCHAR" to the character of the WSTRING*) specified by "Tag_1" WCHAR := WSTRING["Tag_1"]; (*Indirect addressing: Assignment of the WSTRING character specified by "Tag_1" to WCHAR*) See also STRING (Page 2162) WSTRING (Page 2165) 2028 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Indirect addressing in STL Basic information about address registers (S7-1200, S7-1500) Introduction Two address registers are available for the indirect addressing of operands: address register 1 (AR1), and address register 2 (AR2). The address registers are equal and are 32 bits in length. You can store area-internal and cross-area pointers in the address registers. To define the address of an operand, you can call the stored data in the program. Data is exchanged between the registers and the other available memory areas with the assistance of load and transfer instructions. Note In S7-1500, special rules apply to data exchange via address register and data block register: The values in the registers do not remain in existence beyond the block limits. The registers are reset when the language is changed within a block. You can only reference data in blocks with optimized access if these have the retain setting "Set in IDB". It is not possible to reference local data in blocks with optimized access with the help of the address registers (across areas). See also Indirect addressing in STL (Page 2029) Addressing areas of a tag with slice access (Page 2017) Setting retentivity (Page 4566) Indirect addressing in STL (S7-1200, S7-1500) In STL, the following options are available for indirect addressing: Memory-indirect addressing Register-indirect area-internal addressing Register-indirect cross-area addressing Memory-indirect addressing In the case of memory-indirect addressing, you store the address in a tag. The tag can be of WORD or DWORD data type. The tag can be located in the memory areas "Data" (DB or DI), "Bit memory" (M) or "Temporary local data" (L). In S7-1500, FB parameters can also be used to store the address. If the tag is located in a data block, it must be a data black with standard access. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2029 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics The following example shows applications of memory-indirect addressing: Addressing in STL Explanation U E [MD 2] // Execute an AND logic operation with a variable input bit. The address of the input bit is located in the memory double word MD2. = DIX [DBD 2] // Assign the RLO to a variable data bit. The address of the data bit is located in the data double word DBD2. L EB [DID 4] // Load a variable input byte to ACCU 1. The address of the input byte is located in the instance double word DID4. AUF DB [LW 2] // Open a variable data block. The number of the data block is located in the local data word LW2. Register-indirect area-internal addressing Register-indirect addressing uses one of the address registers (AR1 or AR2) to pick up the address of the operand. In the case of register-indirect, area-internal addressing, you index only the bit address and the byte address via the address register (e.g. P#10.0). You do not enter the memory area for which the address in the address register is to apply until during programming of the instruction. The address in the address register then moves to the memory area specified in the instruction. Possible memory areas are "Inputs" (I), "Outputs" (Q), "I/O" (PI or PQ), "Bit memory" (M), "Temporary local data" (L) and "Data" (DB or DI). If the operand is located in a data block, it must be a data black with standard access. When you enter register-indirect, area-internal addressing, specify an offset after the specification of the address register. This offset is added to the contents of the address register without changing the address register. This offset also has the format of a pointer. The specification of a pointer is mandatory and must be entered as constant (e.g. P#0.0 or P#2.0). The following example shows an application of register-indirect area-internal addressing: STL Explanation LAR1 P#10.0 // Load pointer (P#10.0) to address register 1 L IW [AR1, P#2.0] // Increase contents of address register 1 (P#10.0) by offset P#2.0. // Load contents of input word IW12 into accumulator 1 L IW [AR1, P#0.0] // Increase contents of address register 1 (P#10.0) by offset P#0.0. // Load contents of input word IW10 into accumulator 1 2030 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Register-indirect cross-area addressing In the case of register-indirect, cross-area addressing, use the address register to index the entire address of the operand, in other words, the bit address and byte address, as well as the memory area. Possible memory areas are "Inputs" (I), "Outputs" (Q), "I/O" (P), "Bit memory" (M), "Temporary local data" (L) and "Data" (DB or DI). If the operand is located in a data block, it must be a data black with standard access or the operand must have the retain setting "Set in IDB". In the instruction, program only the operand width. Possible operand widths are bit, byte, word, and double word. The following example shows an application of register-indirect cross-area addressing: LAR1 P#M10.0 // Load cross-area pointer (P#M10.0) to address register 1 L W [AR1, P#2.0] // Increase contents of address register 1 (P#M10.0) by offset P#2.0. // Load contents of memory word "MW12" into accumulator 1 LAR1 P#A10.0 L W [AR1, P#2.0] // Load cross-area pointer (P#A10.0) to address register 1 // Add contents of address register 1 (P#A10.0) by offset P#2.0 // Load contents of output word QW12.0 into accumulator 1 Note Special features in S7-1500 In S7-1500, special rules apply to data exchange via address register and data block register: The values in the registers do not remain in existence beyond the block limits. The registers are also reset when the language is changed within a block. If you access an operand of the BYTE, WORD or DWORD type using register-indirect addressing, the address must begin at a byte limit. Examples: LAR1 P#0.0 L MW [AR1, P#0.0] // P#0.0 + P#0.0 = P#0.0 - The addressing is allowed, because P#0.0 points to a byte limit. L MW [AR1, P#2.1] // P#0.0 + P#2.1 = P#2.1 - The addressing is not allowed, because P#2.1 does not point to a byte limit. See also Basics of indirect addressing (Page 2022) Addressing ARRAYs (Page 2182) Basic information about address registers (Page 2029) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2031 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics 11.1.5 Handling program execution errors Causes of error Introduction There are different causes for various error qualities in TIA Portal to which you can respond with different mechanisms. These mechanisms with which you can react to an error are independent of the programming languages. Only the display of the individual mechanisms depends on the respective programming language. The situation determines what counts as an error. The overflow in the case of an addition, for example, can be an error because it does not return the desired result. In some cases, however, the addition overflow is acceptable and defined behavior and therefore not an error. When creating a program code, you must be aware that certain situations may arise. When you program communication, for example, you must be aware that this connection can be canceled at any time. To be prepared for this situation, you must install a corresponding fault reaction because any connection abort prevents the T_SEND program block from transmitting a message. This is why it is important that the connection abort is signaled to inform the operator that the message can no longer be transmitted. Because the instruction T_SEND cannot prevent the connection abort, the error output is the correct behavior for T_SEND. Ignoring this output can be interpreted as an error made by the programmer. Below, we will always refer to an error even if it is defined behavior. Different causes for an error We can distinguish between the following causes for an error: Faulty parameter values Faulty programming Failure of resources Description Errors that are dealt with directly in the instruction. Programming or access errors that result in the ex ecution of an instruction being aborted. Errors that are handled by the operating system and for which you can pro gram a reaction in the pro gram code. Error quality Handled error Synchronous error Asynchronous error Example Overflow of an arithmetic instruction Faulty programming: Occurrence of a specific event outside the pro gram code. Querying a nonexistent peripheral input When accessing an ARRAY by means of a variable index, the value of the index is located outside the valid ARRAY limits 2032 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Faulty parameter values Reaction of the Instructions that are program or operat linked with the enable out ing system put ENO are not execu ted. Faulty programming Failure of resources If you have not program med an error OB, the op erating system response depends on the CPU. 1. If an organization block (OB) is not assigned to the event, the operating system executes the default system response when the event occurs. 2. If an organization block (OB) is assigned to the event, it is called. Mechanisms for error handling in the program Depending on the instruc Global error handling 1): tion, you have different lo Program execution cal error handling options error OB 2) : Programming error EN/ENO mechanism OB The output I/O access error OB parameters: Local error handling 2) - RET_VAL with the instructions: - STATUS GET_ERROR - ERROR GET_ERR_ID Error organization blocks (OB): Time error (OB 80) Diagnostic interrupt (OB 82) Insert/remove module interrupt (OB 83) Rack error (OB 86) Possible system respon ses without assigned er ror OB: The event is ignored by the operating system. The CPU changes to STOP mode. If possible, the error handling takes place locally. If an error OB has been assigned, it will be called in case of a correspond ing event. An application example for diagnostics in the user program With evaluation of the errors in the error OBs (https:// support.industry.siemens .com/cs/document/ 98210758?lc=en-WW) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1) You implement global error handling with the help of organization blocks. 2) You program local error handling within your program code. 2033 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Note Asynchronous error handling For a CPU of the S7-1500 series, the error OBs are called asynchronously. This means I/O access errors or programming error OBs may not be processed immediately when the error occurs, but delayed depending on the set priority. If additional errors occur before the I/O access error or the programming error OB was processed completely, no additional I/O access error or programming error OB is called. If you want to prevent I/O access or programming error OBs from being discarded, set the priority correspondingly high. Overview of mechanisms for error handling Overview There are different mechanisms by which you can track parameter, programming or access errors: Mechanism Task Enable input EN or IF instruction Prevent execution of a program code Local Error handling Enable output ENO or binary result bit Indicate an error Parameter outputs RET_VAL, STA TUS and ERROR GET_ERROR and GET_ERR_ID in structions Respond to an error Organization blocks Global Local error handling in the case of faulty parameter values Not only does local error handling let you react to an error immediately after it has occurred, you can also get a specific reaction within your program code. You program the local error handling directly in a program block (OB, FB or FC). It only handles errors that occur within this individual program block. Advantages of local error handling: You can use the error information to program a reaction to the error that occurred in the program block. Programmed error evaluation and error reactions do not interrupt the program cycle. System performance is not unnecessarily affected by local error handling. If no errors occur, programmed error analyses and reactions are not executed. 2034 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics The following local error handling options are available: Error handling method Validity Explanation EN/ENO mechanism S7-300 / S7-400 / S7-1200 / S7-1500 You can detect and handle specific runtime errors with the help of the enable output ENO. Execution of subsequent instructions de pends on the signal state of the enable output. You can avoid pro gram crashes by using the EN/ENO mechanism. The block status is passed on in the form of a Boolean tag. 1) For additional information on the EN/ENO mechanism, refer to: Basics of the EN/ENO mechanism (Page 2037) Output parameters STATUS and ER S7-300 / ROR S7-400 / S7-1200 / S7-1500 Using the STATUS and ERROR parameters as return values of system function blocks (SFBs), you can query block-specific error information. The error information is output in a pre-defined struc ture. For further information on the output parameters, refer to the de scriptions of the individual instructions in the information system. Output parameter RET_VAL S7-300 / S7-400 / S7-1200 / S7-1500 You can display general error codes or specific error codes with the help of the output parameter RET_VAL as return value of sequential functions (SFCs). The general error codes refer to any instruction and the specific error codes refer only to a specific instruction. A maximum of one tag of the data type INT or WORD can be output. Additional information on the output parameter RET_VAL is availa ble here: Evaluating errors with output parameter RET_VAL (Page 2049) If the parameters of an instruction did not cause any memory access errors, the associated enable output ENO returns the signal state "1" and the outputs return valid values which you can query. 1) Global and local error handling in the case of faulty programming With the global and local error handling, you can react immediately to errors that have occurred without the CPU changing to "STOP" mode. The following options are available for handling programming and access errors: Type of global error handling Validity Program execution error OB (OB 85) S7-300 / S7-400 Explanation If you are not using OB 85, the CPU changes from RUN mode to STOP mode in case of a program execution error and generates an entry in the diagnostics buffer. Additional information on OB 85 can be found here: AUTOHOTSPOT CPU internal error handling in case of programming and access errors S7-1200 In the event of an error, the CPU generates an entry in the diagnos tics buffer and remains in RUN mode without additional program ming effort. Programming error OB (OB 121) S7-300/ S7-400 / S7-1500 If you are not using OB 121, the CPU changes from RUN mode to STOP mode in the case of a programming error and generates an entry in the diagnostics buffer. Additional information on OB 121 can be found here: S7-300 / S7-400: AUTOHOTSPOT S7-1500: AUTOHOTSPOT WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2035 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Type of global error handling Validity Explanation I/O access error OB (OB 122) S7-300/ S7-400 / S7-1500 S7-300 / S7-400: If you are not using OB 122, the CPU changes from RUN mode to STOP mode in the case of an access error. AUTOHOTSPOT S7-1500: In the case of an I/O access error, the CPU always remains in RUN mode and generates an entry in the diagnostics buffer, even if you have not used OB 122. Additional information on OB 122 can be found here: AUTOHOTSPOT Additional information on reading out the diagnostics buffer can be found here:AUTOHOTSPOT You can integrate local error handling directly in your program code with the help of the GET_ERROR and GET_ERR_ID instructions. You also have the option of receiving detailed information on the error and evaluating it in your program close to the error location. You program the local error handling directly in a program block (OB, FB or FC). It only handles errors that occur within this individual program block. Type of local error handling Validity Explanation GET_ERROR and GET_ERR_ID in structions S7-1200/ S7-1500 The instructions give you the opportunity to obtain an error ID or detailed error information and to program a direct response in the program code. When information about the first error is queried, the memory space of the error in the system memory is enabled again. Then, when additional errors occur, information about the next error is output. Additional information on the GET_ERROR and GET_ERR_ID in structions and an overview for prioritizing the errors that occur is available here: Use of the instructions GET_ERROR and GET_ERR_ID (Page 2053) When using local error handling, query via the GET_ERROR instruction, the following default reactions exist: In the case of a write error: The error is ignored and processing of the program continues. In the case of a read error: Processing of the program continues with the substitute value "0" for arithmetic instructions. In the case of an execution error: Processing of the instruction is canceled and processing of the program continues with the next instruction. Advantages of local error handling: Error information that you can query and evaluate is stored in the system memory (e. g. with the help of the GET_ERROR and GET_ERR_ID instructions). You can use the error information to program a reaction to the error that occurred in the program block. Programmed error evaluation and error reactions do not interrupt the program cycle. 2036 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Local error handling has a lower effect than global error handling on the system performance. If no errors occur, programmed error analyses and reactions are not executed. If local error handling has been set for a program block, no global error handling is conducted in the case of errors. Note To prevent the CPU from switching to STOP mode in the case of an error, all programming and I/O access errors must be captured either by global or local error handling. Example A detailed example of local error handling that contains several of the above described options is available here: Handle program execution errors (Page 2061) EN/ENO mechanism Basics of the EN/ENO mechanism Introduction Runtime errors that require a program abort can occur during the processing of instructions. You can use the EN/ENO mechanism to avoid such program aborts. This mechanism can be used at two levels: EN/ENO mechanism for individual instructions EN/ENO mechanism for block calls WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2037 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Instructions in LAD/FBD Enable input EN (enable) ENO enable output You can use the enable input EN to make the ex ecution of the instruction dependent on conditions. The instruction is only executed if the signal state at the enable input EN is "1". You can use the enable output ENO to query run time errors in an instruction and react to these: The enable output ENO has the signal state "1" if no error occurred during the execution. Enable output ENO has the signal state "0" if one of the following conditions applies: - Enable input EN has the signal state "0". - An error occurred during processing. You can enable and disable the enable output ENO specifically for individual instructions by us ing the shortcut menu. Additional information is available here: Enabling and disabling the EN/ENO mechanism (Page 4668) An example of the effects that disabling the enable output ENO has on your program code is available here: Using enable output ENO flexibly in LAD and FBD (Page 2059) The EN/ENO mechanism is used for the following basic instructions: Mathematical functions Move operations Conversion operations Word logic operations Program control > Runtime control Shift and rotate For additional information on the EN/ENO mechanism, refer to: Example of the use of the EN/ENO mechanism in LAD (Page 2044) Example of the use of the EN/ENO mechanism in FBD (Page 2045) 2038 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Program block calls in LAD/FBD All program block calls are provided with an enable input EN and an enable output ENO. This applies to all calling program blocks, regardless of the programming language in which they were created. This means that when you call an STL or SCL program block without an EN/ ENO mechanism, the LAD or FBD program block call still has an EN/ENO mechanism. Enable input EN (enable) ENO enable output You can use the enable input EN to call a program block depending on conditions. The program block is only executed if the signal state at the enable input EN is "1". You can query the error status of the program block using the enable output ENO: The enable output ENO returns the signal state "1" if program block processing took place and the execution was successful. If you do not explicitly set the enable output ENO to the signal state "0" in the program code, it retains the signal state "1". To signal an error statement back to the calling program block, you can explicitly set the enable output ENO to the signal state "0". With the instruction "RET": Return", the enable output ENO of the calling program block is set to the specified signal state. Additional information on the RET instruction is available here. - LAD: --(RET): Return (Page 2676) - FBD: RET: Return (Page 2987) For additional information on the EN/ENO mechanism, refer to: Example of the use of the EN/ENO mechanism in LAD (Page 2044) Example of the use of the EN/ENO mechanism in FBD (Page 2045) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2039 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics STL programming language EN/ENO mechanism Enable input EN and enable output ENO - for instructions The EN/ENO mechanism is not available for individual instructions. It is mapped by language-specific instruction sequences and use of the status word. For additional information on the status word, refer to: AUTOHOTSPOT Additional information is available here: Example of the simulation of the EN/ENO mechanism in STL (Page 2046) - for program block calls A program block that you call from an STL program block is not provided with the EN and ENO parameters. Regardless of the programming language in which the program block was created, you can get an error statement to the calling STL program block by using the BR bit of the status word. You can evaluate the error status of the called program block by linking the BR bit of the status word with the result of logic operation (RLO). The RLO has the signal state "1" as soon as the program block execution of the called program block starts. If you do not explicitly reset the RLO to "0" after the execution of the actions, it retains the signal state "1". To signal an error statement back to the calling program block, you have to explicitly reset the RLO to the signal state "0". The error state ment is set with the instructions "SAVE: Save RLO in BR bit" and "SPBNB: Jump if RLO = 0 and save RLO". For additional information on the BR bit, refer to: Evaluating errors with output parameter RET_VAL (Page 2049) Error information about the BR bit in STL: An error analysis of the BR bit is available in STL. The BR bit is the basis for generating the enable output ENO in the programming languages LAD, FBD and SCL. The value "0" in the BR bit of the status word indicates that an error occurred during an STL program block call (calling program block is an STL program block). 2040 CPU execution of the in BR bit struction Return value Sign of the integer With error(s) 0 Less than "0" Negative (sign bit is "1") Without error 1 Greater than or equal to "0" Positive (sign bit is "0") WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Programming language SCL EN/ENO mechanism Enable input EN (enable) ENO enable output - for instructions The EN/ENO mechanism is optional for instructions. Activate the EN/ENO mech anism using the block property "Set ENO automatically": If you activate the attribute in the program properties, the EN/ENO mechanism is activated as default for all new SCL program blocks. If you activate the attribute in the block properties, only the EN/ENO mechanism of the selected SCL program block is activated. Additional information is available here: Displaying and editing block properties (Page 4502) You can find an example of an instruction here: Example of the use of the EN/ENO mechanism in SCL (Page 2048) - for program block calls You can use the enable input EN to call a program block conditionally. To do this, use the enable input EN as an input parameter in the parameter list of the calling program block. The program block is only executed if the signal state at the enable input EN is "1". If you do not use the enable input EN, the program block call is executed unconditionally. You can query the error status of the program block using the enable output ENO: The enable output ENO has the signal state "1", as soon as the called program block has been executed error-free. The enable output ENO has the signal state "0" if an error occurred during the execution of the called program block. To query the state of the enable output ENO of the called program block, insert the additional output parameter ENO in the program block call. You can find an example of a program block call here: Example of the use of the EN/ENO mechanism in SCL (Page 2048) Note Program block call of functions The EN/ENO mechanism is not available to you for calling functions (FC) in an SCL program block. Use an IF instruction instead to call functions (FC) conditionally. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2041 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics GRAPH programming language (S7-1500) EN/ENO mechanism Enable input EN (enable) ENO enable output - for instructions You have no access to the enable output ENO of the instructions, which means you cannot influence the status of the enable output ENO at the GRAPH function block. However, with conversions, mathematical functions or LAD/FBD instruc tions, for example, you can have the enable output ENO displayed in the program status. Activate the block property "Set ENO automatically". The status of the enable out put ENO is now displayed during testing of the program status. This has the value TRUE if the action was successful and FALSE if the action failed. The display option of the status of the enable output ENO is available at the fol lowing positions in the GRAPH program block: Permanent pre-instructions Sequence view > Actions Permanent post-instructions Link to description is still missing in the online help. For additional information on the activation of the EN/ENO mechanism, refer to: Displaying and editing block properties (Page 4502) You can find an example of the display of the program status here: Example of the EN/ENO mechanism in GRAPH (Page 2048) - for block calls You can use the enable input EN to call a program block depending on condi tions. The program block is only execu ted if the signal state at the enable input EN is "1". You can query the error status of the program block using the enable output ENO: The enable output ENO has the signal state "1", as soon as the called program block has been executed error-free. The enable output ENO has the signal state "0" if an error occurred during the execution of the called program block. The enable output ENO cannot be explicitly set or reset. The enable output ENO is not influenced by the ENO of the instructions. You can find an example of a program block call here: Example of the EN/ENO mechanism in GRAPH (Page 2048) Programming and I/O access errors You cannot evaluate programming and I/O access errors with the EN/ENO mechanism. To do this, use either the global error handling via OBs or the local error handling using the "GET_ERROR" or "GET_ERR_ID" instructions (S7-1200/1500 only). If none of the errors occurred for an instruction, you can evaluate the associated enable output ENO. 2042 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Program block calls in all programming languages (S7-300/400) The following applies to a CPU of the S7-300/400 series: When you call program blocks that do not include any instructions, neither the BR bit nor the ENO enable output are influenced. The signal state of the BR bit remains constant as a result. No statement can be made about the success of the program block call. See also Overview of mechanisms for error handling (Page 2034) EN/ENO mechanism in blocks with different network languages (Page 2043) EN/ENO mechanism in blocks with different network languages Description You can also use the EN/ENO mechanism in blocks with different network languages. Each programming language displays the error status differently: SCL has an ENO tag that stores the error status and can be queried. Direct access to this tag is only possible with SCL. LAD/FBD/STL have no special tag for ENO. However, you can read the error status for STL from the BR bit, and query it via the RET coil for LAD/FBD. The following rules apply to reading out the error status for the entire block: The last network in the block is a LAD/FBD network: If you do not use RET coils, the error status is TRUE by default. The last network in the block is an STL network: The BR bit determines the error status. The BR bit can be edited in STL networks using the BR tab. The last network in the block is an SCL network: The ENO tag determines the error status of the block. See also Basics of the EN/ENO mechanism (Page 2037) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2043 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Example of the use of the EN/ENO mechanism in LAD Example of an instruction with EN/ENO mechanism The following example shows the "Add" instruction with EN/ENO circuit and a RET coil (Ret False): '%B$'' $'' ,17 7DJ(QDEOH (1 7DJ9DOXH ,1 7DJ9DOXH ,1 (12 287 127 )$/6( 5(7 7DJ5HVXOW After the NO contact "TagEnable", the enable input EN contains the result of the preceding logic operation: If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "0", the "Add" instruction is not executed. The enable output ENO is set to signal state "0" and the called program block is exited. The enable output ENO of the calling program block then also has the signal state "0". If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "1", the enable input "EN has the signal state "1" and the instruction "Add" is executed. The instruction adds two values of the data type INT. If the result is outside the value range of INT (16 bits), the instruction will still return a result but it is within the value range of INT. The result is caused by an integer overflow that occurs when the CPU makes calculations with a limited number of places but more places are required to display the calculation result. This result does not indicate that there was an overflow. Which is why the following applies in case of an addition => ENO:= NOT(OV). If an error occurs during processing of the program block, the enable output ENO is set to signal state "0" and the called program block is exited. The enable output ENO of the calling program block then also has the signal state "0". If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "1", the enable input "EN has the signal state "1" and the instruction "Add" is executed. If the instruction is executed without errors, the enable output ENO also has the signal state "1" and the output "TagResult" the result. A detailed description of the instruction "RET: Return" is available here: --(RET): Return (Page 2676) Example of a program block call with EN/ENO mechanism The following example shows the call of the program block with EN/ENO circuit: %ORFNQDPHB'% 7DJ(QDEOH %ORFNQDPH (1 2044 (12 7DJ(QDEOH2XW WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics The program block is executed only if the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "1": If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "0", the program block call is not executed. The enable input EN and the enable output ENO both have the signal state "0". The enable output ENO has a signal state that depends on what was programmed within the program block. See also Basics of the EN/ENO mechanism (Page 2037) Example of the use of the EN/ENO mechanism in FBD Example of an instruction with EN/ENO mechanism The following example shows the "Add" instruction with EN/ENO circuit and a RET coil (Ret False): $'' ,17 7DJ(QDEOH (1 7DJ9DOXH ,1 7DJ9DOXH ,1 287 (12 7DJ5HVXOW )$/6( 5(7 After the NO contact "TagEnable", the enable input EN contains the result of the preceding logic operation: If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "0", the "Add" instruction is not executed. The enable output ENO is set to signal state "0" and the called program block is exited. The enable output ENO of the calling program block then also has the signal state "0". If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "1", the enable input "EN has the signal state "1" and the instruction "Add" is executed. The instruction adds two values of the data type INT. If the result is outside the value range of INT (16 bits), the instruction will still return a result but it is within the value range of INT. The reason for this is that the entry into the non-existing 17th bit is withheld, for example, 30000 + 30000 = 60000 ( -65356) = -5536. This result does not indicate that there was an overflow. Which is why the following applies in case of an addition => ENO:= NOT(OV). If an error occurs during processing of the program block, the enable output ENO is set to signal state "0" and the called program block is exited. The enable output ENO of the calling program block then also has the signal state "0". If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "1", the enable input "EN has the signal state "1" and the instruction "Add" is executed. If the instruction is executed without errors, the enable output ENO also has the signal state "1" and the output "TagResult" the result. A detailed description of the instruction "RET: Return" is available here: RET: Return (Page 2987) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2045 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Example of a program block call with EN/ENO mechanism The following example shows the call of the program block with EN/ENO circuit: %ORFNQDPHB'% %ORFNQDPH 7DJ(QDEOH (1 (12 7DJ(QDEOH2XW The program block is executed only if the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "1": If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "0", the program block call is not executed. The enable input EN and the enable output ENO both have the signal state "0". The enable output ENO has a signal state that depends on what was programmed within the program block. See also Basics of the EN/ENO mechanism (Page 2037) Example of the simulation of the EN/ENO mechanism in STL Example of a program sequence with EN/ENO mechanism The following example shows a program section for adding values with EN/ENO mechanism: STL Description A "TagEnable" // Query the signal state of the "TagEnable" operand for "1" and AND with the current RLO. JNB MyLABEL // Evaluation of the enable input EN // If RLO = "0", jump to jump label "MyLABEL" and save the current RLO in the BR bit. The following actions are not executed. // If the RLO = "1", execute the following actions. L "Tag_Input_1" // Load first value for addition. L "Tag_Input_2" // Load second value for addition. +I // Add values T "Tag_Result" // Transfer sum to the operand "Tag_Result". AN OV // Query whether an overflow has occurred. SAVE // Transfer signal state of the RLO to the BR bit. CLR /// Reset RLO to "0" and end logic sequence. MyLABEL: A BR // Jump label "MyLABEL" // Query BR bit. 2046 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics STL = "Tag_Output" Description // Assign signal state of the RLO to the "Tag_Output" operand. The query of the operand "TagEnable" provides the result of the preceding logic operation (RLO). The instruction "JNB: Jump if RLO = 0 and save RLO" saves the RLO in the BR bit. Additionally, the instruction evaluates the RLO and executes the following actions depending on the signal state: If the RLO is "0", the processing of the program is continued at the jump label "MyLABEL" with the query of the BR bit. The addition is not executed. The current RLO is assigned with the operand "Tag_Output". If the RLO is "1", the addition is executed. A query of the overflow bit (OV) shows whether an error occurred during the addition. The query result is saved in the BR. The instruction "CLR: Reset RLO to 0" resets the RLO to "0" and ends the logic sequence. The BR bit is then queried and assigned to the operand "Tag_Output". The signal state of the BR bit, and the operand "Tag_Output" shows whether the addition was executed without any error. Example of a program block call with EN/ENO mechanism The following example shows the call of the program block with EN/ENO circuit: STL Description A "TagEnable" // Query the signal state of the "TagEnable" operand for "1" and AND with the current RLO. JNB MyLABEL // Evaluation of the enable input EN // If RLO = "0", jump to jump label "MyLABEL" and save the current RLO in the BR bit. The following actions are not executed. // If the RLO = "1", execute the following actions. CALL "Block name", "Block name_DB" // The program block is called. MyLABEL: A BR // Jump label "MyLABEL" // Query BR bit and link with the RLO after AND. = "Tag_Output" // Assign signal state of the RLO to the "Tag_Output" operand. See also Basics of the EN/ENO mechanism (Page 2037) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2047 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Example of the use of the EN/ENO mechanism in SCL Example of an instruction with EN/ENO mechanism To use the EN/ENO mechanism for instructions, you have to activate the block property "Set ENO automatically". The following example shows the use of the enable output ENO for the operation "a + b": "MyOutputREAL":= #a + #b; "MyOutputBOOL":= ENO; If the operation "a/b" is executed without error, the operand "MyOutputBool" has the signal state "1". Example of a program block call with EN/ENO mechanism The following example shows the call of the program block with EN/ENO circuit: "Block name_DB"(EN:= "TagEnable" <> 0, ENO => "TagEnableOut"); The program block is executed only if the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "1": If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "0", the called program block call is not executed. Both the enable input EN and the enable output ENO have the signal state "0". If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "1", the enable input "EN has the signal state "1" and the called program block is executed. The enable output ENO has a signal state that depends on what was programmed within the program block. See also Basics of the EN/ENO mechanism (Page 2037) Example of the EN/ENO mechanism in GRAPH Example of a program status with enable output ENO The following example shows the program status of the enable output ENO in the sequence view under actions: If an error occurs during the execution, the enable output ENO has the signal state FALSE. 2048 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Example of a program block call The following example shows the call of the GRAPH program block in a LAD program block with EN/ENO connected: *5$3+B)%B'% *5$3+B)% 7DJ(QDEOH (1 7DJ(QDEOH2XW (12 IDOVH 2))B64 6B12 IDOVH ,1,7B64 6B025( The program block is executed only if the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "1": If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "0", the called program block call is not executed. Both the enable input EN and the enable output ENO have the signal state "0". If the operand "TagEnable" has the signal state "1", the enable input "EN has the signal state "1" and the called program block is executed. The enable output ENO has a signal state that depends on what was programmed within the program block. See also Basics of the EN/ENO mechanism (Page 2037) Evaluating errors with output parameter RET_VAL Basics on error analysis of library blocks (SFB and SFC) Two additional error evaluation options are available in addition to the output parameter RET_VAL: With the EN/ENO mechanism (LAD, FBD, and SCL) For additional information on the EN/ENO mechanism, refer to:Basics of the EN/ENO mechanism (Page 2037) With the BR bit (binary result bit) of the status word (STL) With the output parameter RET_VAL (return value) The enable output ENO only informs you that an error has occurred. If you want to know which error occurred exactly, the output parameter RET_VAL will provide more information. You can use it to determine whether or not the CPU was able to execute the instruction successfully. In the case of an error, you will also learn why the instruction could not be executed successfully. The section below includes detailed information on the two error evaluation options RET_VAL and BR bit. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2049 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Recommendation for sequence of error analyses Before evaluating the instruction-specific output parameters (for example, OUT), you should always follow the steps below: 1. First evaluate the enable output ENO or the BR bit of the status word in STL. 2. Then check the output parameter RET_VAL. If the enable output ENO or the BR bit indicates that an error has occurred during the execution of the instruction or if output parameter RET_VAL contains a general error code, the instructionspecific output parameters return an invalid value. If a general error occurs with the output parameter RET_VAL, this is only indicated by the value "0" in the BR bit of the status word. The return value is of the data type integer (INT). The relationship of the return value to the value "0" indicates whether or not an error occurred during execution of the instruction. General and specific error codes (RET_VAL) The output parameter RET_VAL has two types of error codes: A general error code that all instructions can output and A specific error code that an instruction can output depending on its specific functions. The data type of the output parameter RET_VAL is an integer (INT). The error codes of the instruction are grouped according to hexadecimal values. If you want to examine a return value and compare the value with the error codes listed in this documentation, then display the error code in hexadecimal format. You can write your program so that it reacts to the errors that occur during execution of an instruction. This way you prevent further errors occurring as a result of the first error. The figure below shows the structure of a system function error codes in hexadecimal format: (UURUFRGHHJ: [ (YHQWQXPEHURUHUURUFODVVDQGVLQJOHHUURU ,I[ WKHQ\RXDUHGHDOLQJZLWKDVSHFLILFHUURUFRGHRIDQLQVWUXFWLRQ7KH VSHFLILFHUURUFRGHLVLQFOXGHGLQWKHGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHLQGLYLGXDOLQVWUXFWLRQ ,I[! WKHQ\RXDUHGHDOLQJZLWKDJHQHUDOHUURUFRGHRIDQLQVWUXFWLRQ,QWKLV FDVH[LVWKHQXPEHURIWKHLQVWUXFWLRQSDUDPHWHUWKDWKDVFDXVHGWKHHUURU7KH SRVVLEOHJHQHUDOHUURUFRGHVDUHOLVWHGLQWKHIROORZLQJWDEOH 6LJQELW LQGLFDWHVWKDWDQHUURUKDVRFFXUUHG 2050 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics It is easy for you to determine whether an error has occurred because the output parameter RET_VAL is of the type INT: If the value is < 0, there is an error. If the value is = 0, no error has occurred. If the value is > 0, no error has occurred but the instruction was not executed successfully. This is used in asynchronous instructions, for example, to indicate that processing of the instruction was started but is not yet complete. See the return values of T_SEND or WRIT_DBL. General error codes The general error code indicates errors that can occur in all instructions. A general error code consists of the following two numbers: A parameter number from 1 to 111, where 1 indicates the first parameter of the called instruction, 2 the second parameter, and so forth. An event number between 0 and 127. The event number indicates an error. The figure below shows the structure of a general error code: %LWV 3DUDPHWHUQXPEHU (YHQWQXPEHU 6LJQ Note Reaction to a general error code If a general error code was entered in the output parameter RET_VAL, the following situations are possible: The action associated with the instruction was started or has already been completed. A specific instruction error occurred when the action was performed. As a result of a general error that occurred later, the specific error could, however, no longer be indicated. The following table explains the general error codes of a return value. The error code is shown in hexadecimal format. The letter x in each code number is simply a placeholder and represents the number of the system function parameter that caused the error: Error code Description (W#16#...) 8x01 Illegal syntax ID at an VARIANT parameter 8x22 Range length error when reading a parameter. 8x23 Range length error when writing a parameter. This error code indicates that the parameter x is located either entirely or partly outside the range of an address, or that the length of a bit range is not a multiple of 8 with an VARIANT parameter. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2051 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Error code Description (W#16#...) 8x24 Range error when reading a parameter. 8x25 Range error when writing a parameter. This error code indicates that the parameter x is located in a range that is illegal for the system function. Refer to the descriptions of the individual functions for information about the illegal ranges. 8x26 The parameter contains a timer cell number that is too high. This error code indicates that the timer cell specified in parameter x does not exist. 8x27 The parameter contains a counter cell number that is too high (counter number error). This error code indicates that the counter cell specified in parameter x does not exist. 8x28 Alignment error when reading a parameter. 8x29 Alignment error when writing a parameter. This error code indicates that the reference to parameter x is an operand with bit address that is not equal to 0. 8x30 The parameter is located in a read-only global DB. 8x31 The parameter is located in a read-only instance DB. This error code indicates that parameter x is located in a read-only data block. If the data block was opened by the system function itself, the system function always returns the value W#16#8x30. 8x32 The parameter contains a DB number that is too high (DB number error). 8x34 The parameter contains an FC number that is too high (FC number error). 8x35 The parameter contains an FB number that is too high (FB number error). This error code indicates that parameter x contains a block number higher than the highest permitted number. 8x3A The parameter contains the number of a DB that is not loaded. 8x3C The parameter contains the number of an FC that is not loaded. 8x3E The parameter contains the number of an FB that is not loaded. 8x42 An access error occurred while the system was attempting to read a parameter from the peripheral input area. 8x43 An access error occurred while the system was attempting to write a parameter to the peripheral output area. 8x44 Error in the nth (n > 1) read access after an error occurred. 8x45 Error in the nth (n > 1) write access after an error occurred. This error code indicates that access to the required parameter is denied. 8x7F Internal error This error code indicates an internal error at parameter x. Specific error codes Some instructions have a return value that provides an error code specific for the instruction. A specific error code indicates errors that can occur only in specific instructions. 2052 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics A specific error code consists of the following two numbers: An error class from 0 to 7. An error number from 0 to 15. %LWV (UURUFODVV 6LQJOHHUURU 6LJQ For further information on specific error codes, refer to the descriptions of the individual instructions in the information system. See also Difference between synchronous and asynchronous instructions (Page 2436) Use of the instructions GET_ERROR and GET_ERR_ID Introduction Local error handling makes it possible to query the occurrence of errors within a program block and evaluate the associated error information. You can set local error handling for organization blocks (OBs), function blocks (FBs), and functions (FCs). If local error handling is enabled, the system reaction is ignored. You can read out the error number from the error information of the instruction GET_ERR_ID. You can find out, for example, which parameter caused an access error from the error information of the instruction GET_ERROR. In order for the instructions to output the required error information, they must be programmed in the user program for each individual program block from which potential errors are to be evaluated. If you work with the instructions, no error OB is called and there is no entry in the diagnostics buffer. With this method of error handling, you actively intervene in the program sequence by programming a reaction to the errors that occurred. Because errors can occur at any location within the program block, we recommend that you integrate the instruction at the end of the program block. The instructions GET_ERROR and GET_ERR_ID differ in the amount of error information that is output with each one. As soon as you have integrated one of the two instructions in your program code, the "Handle errors within block" check box is selected in the inspector window under "Properties > WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2053 Programming the PLC 11.1 Programming basics Attributes". This setting cannot be edited in the Inspector window. Local error handling can be deactivated by deleting the inserted instructions for local error handling. Note Block property "Handle errors within block" This setting is not applied by a calling block, nor is it transferred to called program blocks. The system settings still apply to higher-level and lower-level program blocks, provided dedicated local error handling has not been programmed for these blocks. Error output priorities In local error handling, information about the first error that occurred is displayed using the instructions GET_ERROR or GET_ERR_ID. If multiple errors occur at the same time while an instruction is being executed, these errors are displayed according to their priority. The following table shows the priority of different types of errors: Priority Error type 1 Error in the program code 2 Missing reference 3 Invalid range 4 DB does not exist 5 Operands are not compatible 6 Width of specified area is not sufficient 7 Timers or counters do not exist 8 No write access to a DB 9 I/O error 10 Instruction does not exist 11 Block does not exist 12 Invalid nesting depth The highest priority is 1 and the lowest priority is 12. Additional information For additional information on the instructions, refer to the information system under PLC programming > Instructions > Instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500) > Basic instructions. The instructions are available in the programming languages LAD/FBD/STL/SCL and GRAPH. See also GET_ERROR: Get error locally (Page 2997) GET_ERR_ID: Get error ID locally (Page 2690) GET_ERR_ID: Get error ID locally (Page 3001) GET_ERROR: Get error locally (Page 2686) 2054 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 11.2.1 The new S7-1500 CPU functions and programming recommendations at a glance (S7-1200, S7-1500) Higher performance The S7-1200/1500 CPUs offer much higher performance than the S7-300/400 CPUs. When programming with STEP 7 V5.x, you were probably used to methods such as absolute addressing to achieve higher performance from the CPU and leaner program code. Due to the high performance provided by CPUs of the S7-1200/1500 series, this is now no longer necessary. If you wish to reuse the programming code created on an S7-300/400CPU on an S7-1200/1500 CPU, it will probably be necessary to modify the program code here and there in order to fully exploit the high performance. In the paragraphs below, we would like to introduce some new programming options of the S7-1200/1500 CPUs. You can find more tips on improving the performance here: Increasing performance in STEP 7 (TIA Portal) ( Universal symbolism The S7-1500 allows you to use the symbolism throughout the entire project. Using the autocomplete function, you are given context-dependent support for programming with symbols within the programming editors. The data elements, for example those in a data block, are assigned only a symbolic name in the declaration but no fixed address within the data block. This allows you to fully exploit the high performance of the S7-1500 when accessing these data elements. The absolute addresses of operands need not be known and access errors are avoided. Your program code will be clearer due to the symbolism and you have to comment less. All points of use are automatically updated when a correction is made to the symbolism. Note You can find additional information on the use of universal symbols at: How can I address symbolically? Symbolic addressing (Page 2066) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2055 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Optimized block access With optimized block access, the declared data elements are arranged automatically in the available memory area of the block in a way that makes optimal use of its capacity. The data is structured and saved in way that is optimal for the CPU used. The storage is left to the system. The data elements are assigned only a symbolic name in the declaration by which the tag within the block can be addressed. This allows you to increase the performance of the CPU. Access errors, from the HMI, for example, are not possible. 6,(0(16 &RPSDULVRQRIEORFNDFFHVVHV 6WDQGDUG!2SWLPL]HG 'DWDPDQDJHPHQW 6WDQGDUGEORFNDFFHVV 6FRPSDWLEOH ZLWK6 2SWLPL]HGEORFNDFFHVV 6RQO\ An error has occur red; BR bit = "1" => No error has occurred) WARNING Output parameter RET_VAL When errors occur in the supply of the input parameters during the execution of the instruction that contains the RET_VAL parameter, an invalid error code is output at the RET_VAL parameter and the output parameters of the instruction cannot be evaluated. Example The above-mentioned local error handling options can be programmed individually or in combination with one another. To ensure that each error scenario that can occur within your program is recognized, we recommend a combination of local error handling options, as shown in the example below. 2062 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) For a more precise error analysis, in addition to the RET_VAL output parameter you can also use the instructions "GET_ERROR" or "GET_ERR_ID". These options provide you with error codes, the detailed explanations of which are available in the descriptions of the respective instructions. There are also error scenarios in which the RET_VAL output parameter does not output a valid error code. If an access error occurs while reading an input parameter, for example, the outputs of the instruction are no longer written, because the execution of the instruction is interrupted. In this case, we recommend that you integrate the two instructions "GET_ERROR" and "GET_ERR_ID" in your program because they provide reliable error information even when this type of error occurs. WARNING Access error when reading an input parameter The RET_VAL parameter does not return a valid error code and no detailed error information is output to the diagnostics buffer. The following example shows you how you can recognize an access error when reading an input parameter: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2063 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 2064 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) In network 1, the instruction "MOVE_BLK_VARIANT": Move block" is called. The "SrcField" source area is accessed at the SRC parameter using a variable index. If no errors occur during the execution of the instruction, the ENO enable output returns signal state "1", and program execution jumps to network 4 and continues there. If an access error occurs during the execution of the instruction, for example, due to the variable index, the instruction "GET_ERR_ID: Get error ID locally" in network 2 returns an error ID. The comparison of the error ID for "UNEQUALS" with the value "0" in network 2 returns the result #Test2 = TRUE. The comparison of the error ID for "EQUALS" with the value "0" in network 3 returns the result #Test3 = TRUE. The #TagRet_Val operand at the RET_VAL output parameter returns no valid error code in this case. Exceptions There are some instructions, however, for which you cannot program the error handling as described in the example above. This includes the following instructions: Instructions which generally do not have an EN/ENO mechanism Instructions in which the ENO was disabled S_COMP PEEK, PEEK_BOOL, POKE, POKE_BOOL and POKE_BLK The BR bit or the ENO enable output is set to TRUE in these instructions even if it may result in an access error. The following example shows you how to program reliable error handling in the STL programming language: STL Explanation SET // The operand #Tag_ErrorID is initialized with "0". L 0 T #Tag_ErrorID CALL S_COMP WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 // The instruction is called. 2065 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) STL Explanation src_type := String // Data type of the parameters IN1 and IN2 relation := EQ // The comparison type of the instruction IN1 := #StringArray.THIS[#index] // Variable access to the ARRAY component. IN2 := 'STRING' // The two values are compared with each other. OUT := #TagResult // If both values are identical, the operand #TagResult receives the signal state "1". A BR // The BR bit is queried. CALL GET_ERR_ID // The instruction is called. RET_VAL := #Tag_ErrorID // The instruction outputs an error code in the case of an access error. Even if the RLO bit has signal state "1", the access error is detected. You can query the error code via the evaluation of the #Tag_ErrorID operand of the instruction "GET_ERR_ID": Get error ID locally". See also GET_ERROR: Get error locally (Page 2686) GET_ERR_ID: Get error ID locally (Page 2690) Parameter STATUS (Page 3475) 11.2.3 Reliable addressing (S7-1200, S7-1500) Symbolic addressing (S7-1200, S7-1500) Advantages of symbolic addressing The use of universally applied and meaningful symbols in the overall project makes the program code easier to read and understand. This gives you the following advantages: You do not have to write detailed comments. Data access is faster. No errors occur when accessing data. You no longer have to work with absolute addresses. The assignment of the symbol to the memory address is monitored by STEP 7, which means all points of use are automatically updated when the name or the address of a tag changes. 2066 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming in STEP 7 V5.x STEP 7 V5.x already gave you the option to write a program that is easier to read by using descriptive names for operands and blocks. You did this by assigning the symbolic operands to memory addresses and blocks in the symbol table. In order for a change in the symbolism to also have an affect on the program code in the program editor, you had to use the "Operand priority" property to specify whether the symbol or the absolute value had priority. The use of symbolic addressing allowed you to create a program with greater clarity. However, in some cases, such as when programming with user-defined data types (UDT), this could impair performance. You could increase the performance by ignoring the symbolism in the UDT and using absolute addressing. This made it necessary, however, to know the data storage. Changes to the UDT were not automatically updated. Using absolute addressing, you could also access parts of a tag and edit these. The disadvantage of exclusively absolute addressing, however, was that the program code became cluttered after a certain level and you had to insert additional comments for better orientation. Procedure in STEP 7 TIA Portal The S7-1500 CPU offers much higher performance than the S7-300/400 CPUs. To make full use of this high performance, we recommend that you enable optimized block access for all blocks and use symbolic addressing in the program code. The program editor helps you work with symbols through context-sensitive input help, for example, auto-completion. Using it, you can easily access existing tags or instructions during programming. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2067 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming example The following example shows you how to symbolically access individual elements: You can use the tag names that you have defined in the block interface directly at the parameters of the TON instruction without knowing the absolute address of the tags. See also Using autocompletion (Page 4477) Addressing with Slice access (S7-1200, S7-1500) Symbolically accessing tags of Bit string data type, bit by bit, byte by byte, word by word and double word by double word You have the option to specifically address areas within declared tags. You can access areas of the 1-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit width. The allocation of a memory area (e.g., BYTE or WORD) to a small memory area (e.g., BOOL) is also referred to as "Slice". You can find additional information on the syntax of slice access under "See also". 2068 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming example You can find a detailed example in the Siemens Industry Online Support under the following FAQ ID: 57374718 ( aktprim=0&lang=en&referer=%2fWW %2f&func=cslib.csinfo&siteid=csius&Datakey=47071380&extranet=standard&groupid=4000 002&viewreg=WW&nodeid0=29156492&objaction=csopen) Indirect addressing of ARRAY elements (S7-1200, S7-1500) Implementing ARRAY access in TIA Portal with a variable index It is advisable to use an ARRAY when you want to process assembled data of the same data type. For addressing ARRAY elements, you can specify either constants or tags of the integer data type as index. Integers with lengths of up to 32 bits are allowed here. With indirect addressing using a tag, the index is only calculated during program runtime. You can, for example, use a different index for each cycle in program loops. You can also access an ARRAY within a PLC data type (UDT). This gives you the following advantages: No addressing is necessary with address registers or with self-assembled pointers, for example, an ANY pointer. More flexibility within your program. The variable index is available in all STEP 7 programming languages. It uses the existing names of data blocks and ARRAY tags (symbolic addressing). This improves readability of the program code. The start address of the ARRAY does not have to be known. The program code is easier to create and the compiler generates optimized program code. Procedure in STEP 7 V5.x In STEP 7 V5.x, you had to use an address register with the help of a self-configured POINTER for indirect addressing of ARRAY elements. The following aspects had to be taken into consideration for this: The name of the ARRAY was not used. This reduced the readability of the program code and make additional comments necessary. The start address of the ARRAY had to be known to perform the addressing. The SCL programming language already supported indirect addressing with variable index. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2069 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming example in STEP 7 V5.x The "Data_classic" data block is required for the following STL example. To address an element of the "Quantities" ARRAY, the following commands must be used: STL Explanation OPN "Data_classic" // The "Data_classic" data block is called. L #index // The value of the local tag #index is loaded into accumulator 1. SLD 3 // Move bits 0 to 31 of accumulator 1 by 3 positions to the left. // Fill the now empty bit places with zeros. LAR1 // Load address register 1 with contents of accumulator 1. L DBW [AR1, P#10.0] // Load the ARRAY element addressed with #index into accumulator 1. // P#10.0 = Start address of the array Programming example in STEP 7 TIA Portal In the example below, you see the indirect addressing of an ARRAY element in STL in the TIA Portal. Create a global data block for this purpose: 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 2. Click the "Data block (DB)" button. 3. Specify the name "DB_Quantities". 4. Select the type of the data block "ARRAY DB". 5. Select the "DINT" data type as ARRAY data type. 2070 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 6. Specify "10" as high ARRAY limit. 7. Click "OK". 1. Create a function block and name it "FB_Quantities". 2. Declare the block interface as follows: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2071 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 3. Write the following program code: You need just one more program line for addressing an ARRAY element in the TIA Portal. The value of the ARRAY element #index is loaded directly from the data block into accumulator 1. 4. Call the "FB_Quantities" function block in OB1 and assign it an index between 0 - 10: Note the following to get the best performance: Declare tags that are used as an ARRAY index as an integer of less than or equal to 32 bits. Store intermediate results and ARRAY indexes in the temporary local data area. See also ARRAY (Page 2177) ARRAY (Page 2177) Addressing tags indirectly (S7-1200, S7-1500) Implementing tag access with variable index Using a variable index, you can access tags that have different data types and are located in different areas. For addressing, you can specify either constants or tags of the integer data type as index. Integers with lengths of up to 32 bits are allowed here. With indirect addressing using a tag, the index is only calculated during program runtime. You can, for example, use a different index for each cycle in program loops. 2072 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) This gives you the following advantages: No addressing is necessary with address registers or with self-assembled pointers, for example, an ANY pointer. More flexibility within your program. The variable index is available in all STEP 7 programming languages. The existing names of data blocks and tags are used (symbolic addressing). This improves readability of the program code. The start address does not need to be known. The program code is easier to create and the compiler generates optimized program code. 1. Programming example In the example below, you use the index to access three tags from different memory areas. Access list of the three tags, each of which is assigned to an index: Index Accessing tag Memory area 1 Input_WORD_0 IW 0 2 "Processdata".Temperature DB 1 3 Output_WORD_4 QW 4 Declare the following two tags in the "Default tag table": Create a global data block: 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 2. Click the "Data block (DB)" button. 3. Specify the name "DB_Processdata". 4. Select "Global DB" as the type of the data block. 5. Click "OK". 6. Declare the data block element "Temperature": WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2073 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Declare indirect access using an index within a function. 1. Create an SCL function and name it "FB_AccessGroupInt". 2. Declare the block interface as follows: 3. Write the following program code: 4. Call the "FC_AccessGroupInt" function in OB1: Depending on which number (1, 2 or 3) you specify at the Index parameter, the first, second or third case of the "FC_AccessGroupInt" instruction is executed. 2. Programming example In the example below, you use the index to access three different optimized data blocks. 2074 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Since all data blocks should contain the same tags, you can use a PLC data type (UDT) in this case. 1. To create a PLC data type, double-click the "Add new data type" command in the "PLC data types" folder in the project tree. A new declaration table for creating a PLC data type will be created and opened. 2. Rename the PLC data type to "UDT_SiloContents". 3. Declare the following lines within the PLC data type: MyBool > Data type: BOOL MyInt > Data type: INT MyWord > Data type: WORD Create three global data blocks. 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 2. Click the "Data block (DB)" button. 3. Specify the names "DB_SiloWater", "DB_SiloSugar" and "DB_SiloMilk". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2075 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 4. Select the data blocks "UDT_SiloContents" as the type of the data blocks. 5. Click "OK". Create a function to read the values of the data block tags and to write these to a PLC data type. 1. Create an SCL function and name it "FC_AccessGroupSiloRead". 2. Declare the block interface as follows: 2076 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 3. Write the following program code: 4. Call the "FC_AccessGroupSiloRead" function in OB1: Depending on which number (1, 2 or 3) you specify at the Index parameter, the first, second or third case of the "FC_AccessGroupSiloRead" instruction is executed. Result With this procedure, the programming is comprehensible, as you can use cross-reference lists reliable, as you use only the previously defined memory areas applicable to both standard and optimized data areas WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2077 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 11.2.4 Handling specific data types (S7-1200, S7-1500) Using the VARIANT data type (S7-1200, S7-1500) Overview of the VARIANT data type (S7-1200, S7-1500) Introduction The VARIANT data type is a pointer or a reference to another data object. The data type VARIANT is typified, i.e., you can read out the data type of a referenced tag during program runtime. Using the data type VARIANT, you can above all create generic, standardized function blocks (FB) or functions (FC) for various data types. Various instructions in all programming languages are available to you for this purpose. During the creation of the program, you can specify which data types the block should be able to process. The VARIANT data type supports you here by allowing the interconnection of any tags. You can then react accordingly to their data types in the block. Each of the figures below shows you a section from the "Moving data" programming example. You can find the detailed program code under "See also". Application cases for pointers with an S7-1200/1500 CPU as compared to S7-300/400 The following table provides you with an overview of the various applications for pointers on a CPU of the S7-300/400 series (ANY pointer) and their solution with a CPU of the S7-1200/1500 series. In most applications, the use of a pointer is no longer required on a CPU of the S7-1200/1500 series. Instead, much simpler language resources are available. It is only advisable to use the VARIANT data type for indirect addressing, when the data types are only determined during the program runtime. 2078 What is the purpose of the ANY pointer? Recommendations in the TIA Portal (S7-1200/ S7-1500) Moving data of any source and destination data type in the program using the instruction "BLKMOV: Move block". Definition of tags within a PLC data type. You can use the instructions "Serialize" and "Deserialize" to move the tags. Initializing an ARRAY structure Using the instruction "FILL_BLK: Fill block", you initialize or fill an ARRAY structure. Moving ARRAY elements Using the instruction "MOVE_BLK: Move block". you move the content of multiple elements of an ARRAY structure to another ARRAY structure. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) What is the purpose of the ANY pointer? Recommendations in the TIA Portal (S7-1200/ S7-1500) Memory and performance optimization using struc Use the InOut section in the block interface to op tured data timize memory and performance. You can find additional information in the "Pro gramming Guideline for S7-1200/1500" under the following link Programming Guideline for S7-1200/1500 (http:// aktprim=4&lang=en&referer=%2fWW %2f&func=cslib.csinfo&siteid=csius&groupid=400 0002&extranet=standard&viewreg=WW&nodeid4 =20229695&objaction=csopen) Access to individual bits/bytes of a WORD Use the "slice access" Additional information is available here: Example of a slice access (http:// aktprim=0&lang=en&referer=%2fWW %2f&func=cslib.csinfo&siteid=csius&groupid=400 0002&extranet=standard&viewreg=WW&nodeid0 =29156492&objaction=csopen) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Determination of the length of structures or data blocks Use an ARRAY and read its length using the in struction "CountofElements: Get number of AR RAY elements. The instruction only works in con junction with the data type VARIANT. Indirect addressing You can use the VARIANT pointer for the indirect addressing of data types that will only be known during runtime. You can use the data type DB_ANY for indirect access to a data block. 2079 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Initializing the VARIANT data type Initialize the VARIANT data type by assigning a specific tag to the VARIANT block parameter at the block call. This forms a reference to the address of the passed tag. To do this, create a block parameter of the VARIANT data type in the block interface. In the following example, these are the two block parameters SourceArray and DestinationArray in the section InOut. Note Direct passing of a tag to a VARIANT tag is not possible, such as myVARIANT := #Variable Passing various data types In the following example, you see how the VARIANT block parameter can be initialized with different tags when a generic, standardized function is called multiple times: The "FC_PartialArrayCopy" function is called twice. The VARIANT parameter SourceArray is interconnected with an ARRAY of "my_struct" with the left call. The VARIANT parameter SourceArray is interconnected with an ARRAY of REAL with the right call. 2080 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Reading out and checking data types Various comparison instructions are available to you to read out the data type of a tag or an element and compare it with data types of other tags or elements. In the figure below, you see the usage of multiple comparison instructions to check whether the elements of the ARRAYs have the same data type: The MOVE_BLK_VARIANT instruction is only executed if the data types of the ARRAY elements are the same. See also ANY (Page 2188) VARIANT (Page 2191) TypeOf: Check data type of a VARIANT tag (Page 3109) TypeOfElements: Check data type of an ARRAY element of a VARIANT tag (Page 3110) IS_ARRAY: Check for ARRAY (Page 3111) Programming example: Moving data (Page 2085) VARIANT instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500) VARIANT instructions The following instructions for working with VARIANT are available to you in the TIA Portal: Basic instructions Category Instruction Description Comparator operations EQ_Type Compare data type for EQUAL with the data type of a tag NE_Type Compare data type for UNEQUAL with the data type of a tag EQ_ElemType Compare data type of an ARRAY element for EQUAL with the data type of a tag NE_ElemType Compare data type of an ARRAY element for UNEQUAL with the data type of a tag IS_NULL Query for EQUALS ZERO pointer NOT_NULL Query for UNEQUALS ZERO pointer IS_ARRAY Check for ARRAY TypeOf Check data type of a VARIANT tag TypeOfElements Check element data type of a VARIANT tag WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2081 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Basic instructions Category Instruction Description Move operations MOVE_BLK_VAR IANT Move block VariantGet Read out VARIANT tag value VariantPut Write VARIANT tag value CountOfElements Get number of ARRAY elements Conversion operations VAR Convert VARIANT to DB_ANY IANT_TO_DB_AN Y DB_ANY_TO_VA RIANT Convert DB_ANY to VARIANT Note Differences between MOVE, MOVE_BLK and MOVE_BLK_VARIANT You can use the "MOVE" instruction to copy complete structures. You can use the "MOVE_BLK" instruction to move parts of ARRAYs with known data type. The MOVE_BLK_VARIANT instruction is only required if you want to move parts of ARRAYs with a data type that is only known during program runtime. You can find additional information on the individual instructions in the information system under "Basic instructions > Respective programming language". You can also find additional instructions which also work with the VARIANT data type under the "Extended instructions". See also VARIANT (Page 2191) Indirect addressing with the VARIANT data type ( llisapi.dll?aktprim=0&lang=en&referer=%2fWW %2f&func=cslib.csinfo&siteid=csius&groupid=4000002&extranet=standard&viewreg=WW&n odeid0=29156492&objaction=csopen) Using VARIANT instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500) Introduction In the following chapter, you will learn which application options you have with VARIANT instructions. 2082 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Evaluating data types of tags to which a VARIANT points In the table below, you see which instructions are available to you to evaluate data types of tags to which a VARIANT points: Function Instruction Description To determine the data type TypeOf(): Check data type of a VARIANT tag You use this instruction to compare the data type to which a VARIANT tag points with the data type of any other tag. You can also make the comparison with a PLC data type. (This instruction is available only in SCL and only in conjunction with an IF instruction.) TypeOfElements(): Check element data type of a VARIANT tag (This instruction is available only in SCL and only in conjunction with an IF instruction.) EQ_Type: Compare data type for EQUAL with the data type of a tag NE_Type: Compare data type for UNEQUAL with the data type of a tag EQ_ElemType: Compare element data type for EQUAL with the data type of a tag NE_ElemType: Compare element data type for UNEQUAL with the data type of a tag To evaluate AR RAY elements IS_ARRAY: Check for ARRAY You use this instruction to compare the data type to which a VARIANT tag points with the data type of any other tag. You can also make the comparison with a PLC data type. If the data type of the VARIANT tag is an ARRAY, the data type of the ARRAY elements is compared. You use this instruction to compare the data type to which a VARIANT tag points with the data type of any other tag. You can also make the comparison with a PLC data type. You use this instruction to compare the data type to which a VARIANT tag points with the data type of any other tag. You can also make the comparison with a PLC data type. If the data type of the VARIANT tag is an ARRAY, the data type of the ARRAY elements is compared. You use this instruction to check whether the data type to which a VARIANT tag points is an ARRAY. CountOfElements: Get number of ARRAY ele You use this instruction to read out how many ARRAY ments elements the tag has to which the VARIANT tag points. You can find additional information on the individual instructions in the information system under "Basic instructions > Respective programming language". Reading data to which a VARIANT points To be able to use the data you must move this data to a tag as an intermediate step, as it cannot be processed directly. Instruction Description Example VARIANT points to VariantGet: Read out VARIANT tag value WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 You use this instruction to move UDT_1 the value of a single tag to anoth REAL er tag. The data types of both DINT tags must match. Result Destination da ta type UDT_1 REAL DWORD The instruction is executed The instruction is not executed. 2083 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Assigning data to a VARIANT tag You cannot use the instruction to initialize VARIANT tags. The VARIANT tags must therefore already be initialized when the data is returned to the tag. Do not use uninitialized temporary VARIANT tags. Instruction Description Example Source data type VariantPut: Write VARIANT tag value You use this instruction to move UDT_1 the value of a single tag to anoth REAL er tag. The data types of both DINT tags must match. Result VARIANT points to: UDT_1 REAL DWORD The instruction is executed The instruction will not be executed, as the data types are different. Processing dynamic ARRAY structures To evaluate AR RAY elements TypeOfElements(): Check data type of an AR You use this instruction to compare the data type to RAY element of a VARIANT tag which a VARIANT tag points with the data type of any other tag. You can also make the comparison with a (This instruction is available only in SCL and PLC data type. If the data type of the VARIANT tag is only in conjunction with an IF instruction.) an ARRAY, the data type of the ARRAY elements is compared. IS_ARRAY: Check for ARRAY You use this instruction to check whether the data type to which a VARIANT tag points is an ARRAY. CountOfElements: Get number of ARRAY ele You use this instruction to read out how many ARRAY ments elements the tag has to which the VARIANT tag points. MOVE_BLK_VARIANT: Move block This instruction is used to move dynamic and type-safe (integrated type test) ARRAYs. You can freely select the limit values for the source and destination AR RAYs. The data types of ARRAY elements must match. Note Differences between MOVE, MOVE_BLK and MOVE_BLK_VARIANT You can use the "MOVE" instruction to copy complete structures. You can use the "MOVE_BLK" instruction to move parts of ARRAYs with known data type. The MOVE_BLK_VARIANT instruction is only required if you want to move parts of ARRAYs with a data type that is only known during program runtime. Additional information on the use of the MOVE_BLK_VARIANT instruction can be found in the "Moving data" programming example. See also VARIANT (Page 2191) Programming example: Moving data (Page 2085) 2084 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming examples with VARIANT (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming example: Moving data (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming example In this programming example, data values, which are collected for example during a production shift, are moved for further processing. The data is collected in an ARRAY. Using the "MOVE_BLK_VARIANT instruction: Move block", you can move either the entire ARRAY or only individual ARRAY elements dynamically and type-safe. You can freely select the ARRAY limits for the respective source and destination ARRAYs and these do not have to match. However, the data type of the data values that are to be moved must match. This instruction is available in all programming languages. By using the VARIANT data type, you can use the created program code to move data for other production shifts as well, by specifying a different source and destination area at the block call. Procedure 1. Create a function using the SCL programming language and give it the name "FC_PartialArrayCopy". 2. Declare the block interface as follows: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2085 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 3. Create the SCL program code as follows: You can find the program code below as template. 4. Create the PLC data type "UDT_MyStruct": 5. Create the global data block "DB_WithArrays": 2086 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 6. Call the "FC_PartialArrayCopy" function in an organization block, for example OB1, and initialize the parameters with the DB_WithArrays data block. Enter the named constants: 7. Instead of using the first two ARRAYs, which have the data type UDT_MyStruct, you can also use the third and fourth ARRAY, which have the data type REAL: Result As soon as the "FC_PartialArrayCopy" block is called in the program cycle, two data values, starting with the fourth element, are copied from the first ARRAY of the "DB_WithArrays" global data block to the second ARRAY of the data block. The copied data values are inserted in the second ARRAY, starting from the fourth element. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2087 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) SCL program code for copying: SCL IF IS_ARRAY(#SourceArray) AND TypeOfElements(#SourceArray) = TypeOfElements(#DestinationArray) THEN #Error := MOVE_BLK_VARIANT(COUNT := #Count, SRC := #SourceArray, SRC_INDEX := #SourceIndex, DEST => #DestinationArray, DEST_INDEX := #DestinationIndex); END_IF; #FC_PartialArrayCopy := #Error; See also VARIANT (Page 2191) Programming example: Programming queues (FIFO) (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming example In the following example, you program a ring buffer which consists of an ARRAY and is written and read according to the FIFO principle. The program code has a read-VARIANT pointer and a write-VARIANT pointer. Using the VARIANT instructions, you can program the program code robustly and ensure reliable copying or deleting. Using the VARIANT data type, program sections can be influenced during runtime. The VARIANT pointer is a type-safe pointer, i.e. a type test is performed during runtime. For blocks that have been created with the block property "optimized", sub-functions that were previously programmed with an ANY pointer can now be resolved with a VARIANT pointer. The VARIANT data type is used to transfer structures to system function blocks. 2088 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Procedure 1. Create an SCL function block and name it "FIFOQueue". 2. Declare the block interface as follows: Declaration Parameters Data type Comment Input request BOOL The instruction is execu ted when a positive signal edge is detected at the "re quest" parameter. mode BOOL 0 = The first entry in the ring buffer is returned. 1 = An entry is written at the last position in the ring buffer. initialValue VARIANT Value with which the AR RAY of the ring buffer is in itialized. Output error INT Error information InOut item VARIANT The entry that is either re turned from the ring buffer or written to the ring buffer. buffer VARIANT An ARRAY that is used as a ring buffer. edgeupm BOOL Edge memory bit in which the RLO of the previous query is saved. firstItemIndex INT Index of the oldest entry in the ring buffer nextEmptyItemIn dex INT Index of the next free entry in the ring buffer edgeup BOOL Result of edge evaluation internalError INT Error information newFirstItemIndex INT Variable index newNextEmptyIte mIndex INT Variable index bufferSize UDINT Number of ARRAY ele ments in the ring buffer Static Temp 3. Create the following program code in the "FIFOQueue" function block: (* This program code section is only executed once after a positive signal edge. If there is no change in the signal state of the result of logic operation, the program processing of the "FIFOQueue" FB is terminated. *) #edgeup := #request & NOT #edgeupm; #edgeupm := #request; IF NOT (#edgeup) THEN RETURN; END_IF; WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2089 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) // ------Validation of whether all parameter inputs are valid.---(* This program code section checks whether the ring buffer is an ARRAY. If so, the number of the ARRAY elements is read out. If it is not an ARRAY, the program execution is terminated at this point and the error code "-10" is output. *) IF NOT (IS_ARRAY(#buffer)) THEN #error := -10; RETURN; ELSE #bufferSize := CountofElements(#buffer); END_IF; (* This program code section checks whether the data type of the ARRAY elements matches the data type of the entry (tag #item). If the data types do not match, the program execution is terminated at this point and the error code "-11" is output. *) IF NOT (TypeOf(#item) = TypeOfElements(#buffer)) THEN #error := -11; RETURN; END_IF; (* This program code section checks whether the initial value of the ring buffer matches the entry (tag #item). If the data types do not match, the program execution is terminated at this point and the error code "-12" is output. *) IF NOT (TypeOf(#item) = TypeOf(#initialValue)) THEN #error := -12; RETURN; END_IF; (* This program code section checks whether the variable indices are within the ARRAY limits. If this is not the case, the program execution is terminated at this point and either error code "-20" or "-21" is output depending on the index. *) IF (#nextEmptyItemIndex >= #bufferSize) THEN #error := -20; RETURN; END_IF; IF (#firstItemIndex >= #bufferSize) THEN #error := -21; RETURN; END_IF; 2090 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) //-----------Program code execution, depending on the Mode parameter------------// The execution of the instructions depends on the signal state of the Mode parameter. IF #mode = 0 THEN // If the Mode parameter has the signal state "0", the first entry from the passed ring buffer is returned. (* This program code section checks whether the ring buffer is empty. If this is the case, program execution is terminated at this point and the error code "-40" is output. *) IF (#firstItemIndex = -1) THEN #error := -40; RETURN; END_IF; // This program code section returns the first entry of the ring buffer. #internalError := MOVE_BLK_VARIANT(SRC := #buffer, COUNT := 1, SRC_INDEX := #firstItemIndex, DEST_INDEX := 0, DEST => #item); IF (#internalError = 0) THEN (* This program code section checks whether the ring buffer contains ARRAY elements. If it does, the first entry is passed on and the index is incremented by 1. *) #internalError := MOVE_BLK_VARIANT(SRC := #initialValue, COUNT := 1, SRC_INDEX := 0, DEST_INDEX := #firstItemIndex, DEST => #buffer); // This program code section calculates the new index of the first entry. #newFirstItemIndex := #firstItemIndex +1; #newFirstItemIndex := #newFirstItemIndex MOD UDINT_TO_INT(#bufferSize); // This program section checks whether the ring buffer is empty. IF (#nextEmptyItemIndex = #newFirstItemIndex) THEN // If the ring buffer is empty, the index is set to 0. #firstItemIndex := -1; #nextEmptyItemIndex := 0; ELSE // The index of the first entry is changed. #firstItemIndex := #newFirstItemIndex; WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2091 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) END_IF; END_IF; ELSE // If the Mode parameter has the signal state "1", the entry is written to the passed ring buffer. (* This program code section checks whether the ring buffer is full. If this is the case, program execution is terminated at this point and the error code "-50" is output. *) IF (#nextEmptyItemIndex = #firstItemIndex) THEN #error := -50; RETURN; END_IF; // This program code section writes the entry to the ring buffer. #internalError := MOVE_BLK_VARIANT(SRC := #item, COUNT := 1, SRC_INDEX := 0, DEST_INDEX := #nextEmptyItemIndex, DEST => #buffer); IF (#internalError = 0) THEN // This program code section increments the index by 1 and calculates the new empty entry index. #newNextEmptyItemIndex := #nextEmptyItemIndex +1; #newNextEmptyItemIndex := #newNextEmptyItemIndex MOD #bufferSize; #nextEmptyItemIndex := #newNextEmptyItemIndex; (* This program code section checks which index the "#firstItemIndex" tag has. If the number = -1, the ring buffer is initialized and the entry is written to the ring buffer. This is why the tag value "0" must be assigned. *) IF (#firstItemIndex = -1) THEN #firstItemIndex := 0; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; //-------------------------Local error handling---------------------------(* This program code section checks whether a local error has occurred. If this is the case, program execution is terminated at this point and the error code "-100" is output. *) IF (#internalError > 0) THEN #error := -100; RETURN; 2092 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) END_IF; // If no error occurred during program execution, the error code "0" is output. #error := 0; Result Call the SCL function block at the position in your program at which the FIFO queue is to run. Using the DB_ANY data type (S7-1200, S7-1500) Using the DB_ANY data type (S7-1200/1500) The DB_ANY data type is used to identify any data block. For CPUs of the S7-1200/1500 series, you have the option of accessing a data block that is not yet available during programming. For this purpose, create a block parameter of the DB_ANY data type in the block interface of the accessing block. The data block name or a tag of data type DB_ANY which was previously assigned to the data block name is transferred to this parameter during runtime. You can symbolically process the content of a data block by means of the following instructions: VARIANT_TO_DB_ANY: Convert VARIANT to DB_ANY DB_ANY_TO_VARIANT: Convert DB_ANY to VARIANT For more information about the instructions, refer to "Basic instructions > LAD/FBD/STL/SCL > Conversion operations > VARIANT". The advantage of this procedure: You can create the program code before you know which data block will be processed. Programming example The following example shows you how to use the DB_ANY data type: A punching machine can punch out a variety of geometric shapes. The punching jobs are transferred to the machine and there are specific job data for each individual job. The job data differ in their job type as well as in their values. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2093 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Procedure - Creating the PLC data types In the first job, a round hole is to be punched out of a piece of sheet metal. For the punching machine to be able to execute this job, it needs the center point coordinates and the radius of the hole. You can transfer these job data to the punching machine collectively in a PLC data type (UDT). 8'7B+ROH < 5DGLXV 0 ; Create the PLC data type "UDT_Hole" to transfer the job data: 1. Double-click the "Add new data type" command in the "PLC data types" folder in the project tree. A new declaration table for creating a PLC data type will be created and opened. 2. Declare the following lines within the PLC data type: X-coordinate > REAL Y-coordinate > REAL Radius > REAL A rectangle is to be punched out of a piece of sheet metal in the second job. For this job, you need two coordinates which define the upper left-hand point and the bottom right-hand point of the rectangle. You can transfer these job data to the punching machine collectively in the PLC data type "UDT_RectangleWindowStatic". 2094 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 8'7B5HFWDQJOH:LQGRZ6WDWLF < % $ ; Create the PLC data type "UDT_RectangleWindowStatic": 1. Double-click the "Add new data type" command in the "PLC data types" folder in the project tree. A new declaration table for creating a PLC data type will be created and opened. 2. Declare the following lines within the PLC data type: X1-coordinate > REAL Y1-coordinate > REAL X2-coordinate > REAL Y2-coordinate > REAL The job data of the "UDT_RectangleWindowStatic" can only be used to punch out rectangles whose edges are aligned parallel to the x and y axis. If you want to punch out a rectangle with different alignment, i.e., not parallel to the x and y axis, you need an additional PLC data type. In it, you can specify the height and width, for example, as well as the alignment of the rectangle to the x axis by means of an angle. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2095 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 8'7B5HFWDQJOH:LQGRZ)OH[LEOH < GW K +H L JK W :L 0 ; Create the PLC data type "UDT_RectangleWindowFlexible": 1. Double-click the "Add new data type" command in the "PLC data types" folder in the project tree. A new declaration table for creating a PLC data type will be created and opened. 2. Declare the following lines within the PLC data type: X-coordinate > REAL Y-coordinate > REAL Height > REAL Width > REAL Angle > REAL The x and y coordinates specify the center of the rectangle. 2096 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Procedure - Creating the data blocks In the next section, you will learn how to transfer simple geometric shapes whose job data you have defined in the PLC data types to the punching machine. The punch jobs are broken down into individual punches in the program code; these punches are then executed consecutively by the punching machine. The punching machine has a cross table on which a sheet metal has been firmly clamped. You can move a cross table along the x and/or y axis just as in a coordinate system. The cross table is moved by two motors. The tool has different dies to punch out shapes from the sheet metal, such as circles and rectangles of different sizes. The tool can also be rotated by up to 90 degrees to cut out rectangles at different alignments. You now use the PLC data types to create a data block. The data block then includes the specific values, for example, for a hole. Create the data block "DB_OrderHole": 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 2. Click the "Data block (DB)" button. 3. Specify the name "DB_OrderHole". 4. Select "Global-DB" as the type of the data block. 5. Click "OK". Create the following tag in the data block and enter the corresponding start values: To manufacture a specific sheet metal part such as the side panel of a control cabinet, for example, the necessary geometric shapes are loaded to the punching machine. For this purpose, you need to create another data block which includes a list of data blocks. Create the data block "DB_OrderList": 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 2. Click the "Data block (DB)" button. 3. Specify the name "DB_OrderList". 4. Select "Global-DB" as the type of the data block. 5. Click "OK". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2097 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Create the following job list in the data block: Procedure - Creating the program code The punching machine should now start processing the jobs. If it is already processing the jobs, it should get the next job from the job list and prepare it. 1. Create an SCL function block. 2. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 3. Click the "Function block (FB)" button. 4. Specify the name "FB_PickNextOrder". 2098 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 5. Declare the block interface as follows: 6. Write the following program code: The next job on the list is prepared by breaking down the current punch job into individual punches. The punching machine must be able to recognize which punch job it is processing. 1. Create an SCL function. 2. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 3. Click the "Function (FC)" button. 4. Specify the name "FC_PrepareOrder". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2099 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 5. Declare the block interface as follows: 6. Write the following program code. The calls of the three functions are not yet given a red underline because they still have to be created. The "VariantGet" instruction copies the information from the #a tag to the #Hole tag. 2100 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) In the following section, you create the functions "FC_PrepareHole" and "FC_PrepareWindowStatic". A separate function is created for each job type. The punch jobs are broken down into individual punches here and collected in an ARRAY. 1. Create a PLC data type. 2. Double-click the "Add new data type" command under "PLC data types". A new PLC data type with the name "UserDataType_x" is created. 3. Rename the PLC data type to "UDT_Punch". 4. Declare the following lines within the PLC data type: Tool > DINT x > REAL y > REAL w > BOOL 5. Create the global data block "DB_PunchList": WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2101 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) To prepare the punch job for a hole, create an SCL function and name it "FC_PrepareHole". 1. Declare the block interface as follows: 2. Write the following program code: 2102 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) To prepare the punch job for a window, you need a function which combines four punch sequences into the punch job. Create an SCL function and name it "FC_PrepareWindowStatic". 1. Declare the block interface as follows: 2. Write the following program code: Call the SCL function block "FC_PrepareOrder" in the SCL function block "FB_PickNextOrder": WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2103 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Then, call the "FB_PickNextOrder" in OB1: Result This example shows you how to use the instruction "DB_ANY_TO_VARIANT: Convert DB_ANY to VARIANT" to determine the PLC data type of a data block and how to select and execute a suitable function based on this. Using PLC data types (UDT) (S7-1200, S7-1500) Using a PLC data type PLC data types (UDT) are data structures that you define yourself and that can be used multiple times in the program. The structure can be composed of multiple elements of different data types. You define the data types of the individual elements during the declaration of a PLC data type. PLC data types are frequently used if an assembled data record with various data types is required and these are to be processed from different points in the program. For example, these could be: Data records for material tracking Parameter sets for a motor setting Recipes 2104 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) The use of PLC data types provides you with the following benefits: The elements of a PLC data type can also be addressed indirectly, which means the address is variable and is not calculated until during runtime. Tags based on a PLC data type inherit all properties of the PLC data type. When there is a change to the PLC data type, all tags based on this PLC data type are therefore adapted automatically. Using universal symbolism makes the program easier to read, because the names of the individual elements of a PLC data type are displayed in the program. Optimum utilization of the high performance of an S7-1500 CPU. The PLC data type can be passed as a complete structure for a block call. A simplified call interface due to a lower number of parameters to be supplied. Procedure in STEP 7 V5.x STEP 7 V5.x already gave you the option to create a data record as a structured tag using the STRUCT data type or a PLC data type (UDT). However, the performance was adversely affected by the use of symbolic addressing. The declaration in the data blocks was mostly implemented as an anonymous structure. The blocks themselves were then programmed to pass the values of the structure as actual parameters and the calculated values were copied back into the structure. This enabled you to also pass the data block number and use absolute addressing in the block. The number of parameters that you had to supply was often very large. The actual data was stored in the data blocks and the calculated values were passed to other blocks. However, no symbolism was available when passing the data block tags. Programming example in STEP 7 TIA Portal You can assign both a formula parameter and an actual parameter to a PLC data type. This means that you no longer have to declare individual parameters. If a block has an input parameter that is based on a PLC data type, you must transfer a tag of the same PLC data type as actual parameter. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2105 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) The following example shows the call and the parameter assignment of a function block (FB) with two formal parameters: 1. To create a PLC data type, double-click the "Add new data type" command in the "PLC data types" folder in the project tree. A new declaration table for creating a PLC data type will be created and opened. 2. Rename the PLC data type to "UDT_Material". 3. Declare the following lines within the PLC data type: ArticleNumber > Data type: DINT ArticleName > Data type: STRING Amount > Data type: REAL Unit > Data type: STRING Use the PLC data type within a global data block. You can specify the PLC data type either directly as data type of the data block or within the data block as data type of a tag. Create a global data block for this purpose: 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 2. Click the "Data block (DB)" button. 3. Specify the name "DB_MaterialBuffer". 4. Select the type of the data block "ARRAY DB". 5. Select the PLC data type "UDT_Material" as ARRAY data type. 2106 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 6. Specify "1000" as high ARRAY limit. 7. Click "OK". At the function block call, interconnect the formal parameters with tags from the global data block "DB_MaterialBuffer". 1. Create an SCL function block and name it "FB_Material". 2. Declare the block interface as follows: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2107 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 3. Write the following program code: 4. Call the "FB_Material" function block in OB1 and interconnect the formal parameters with tags of the global data block "DB_MaterialBuffer": The material data are moved within the global data block "DB_MaterialBuffer". See also Other useful information regarding structured PLC tags (Page 4604) Creating structured PLC tags (Page 4606) PLC data types (UDT) (Page 2170) PLC data types (UDT) (Page 2170) Calculating with floating-point numbers (REAL and LREAL) in SCL (S7-1200, S7-1500) Representation of the accuracy of floating-point numbers The data type REAL, for example, is specified and calculated in the program with an accuracy of 6 decimal places. For the calculation of floating-point numbers (REAL and LREAL), it should be noted that this accuracy applies in general to each individual step of the calculation. The exponents are adjusted when floating-point numbers are added and subtracted. The base and the exponents are thus equal during the addition and subtraction and only the mantissas 2108 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) are added. For additional information on the structure of floating-point numbers, refer to "See also". Programming example In the following programming example, you are to perform a calculation in which two operands of the data type REAL are to be added and one is to be subtracted. In the next step of the calculation, the constant 1 is divided by the previous result. To do this, create a global data block in which you declare your operands and a function in which you program the calculation operations. Calculation formulas y = a + b - c Z = 1/y The operands are stored with the following values: Operand Value REAL value a 100 000 000 1.000000*108 b 1 1.000000*100 c 100 000 000 1.000000*108 Procedure Create the data block "DB_GlobalData": 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 2. Click the "Data block (DB)" button. 3. Specify the name "DB_GlobalData". 4. Select "Global DB" as the type of the data block. 5. Click "OK". 6. Create the following tags in the data block and enter the corresponding start values: The start value of both tags is 100000000.0 and is converted into 1.0E+8 according to the data type REAL. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2109 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Create an SCL function and name it "FC_Calculate". 1. Declare the block interface as follows: 2. Write the following formulas in your program code and establish an online connection to see the result: SCL #y := "DB_GlobalData".a + "DB_GlobalData".b - "DB_GlobalData".c; #z := 1/#y; As you can see, the result at the operand is #y = 0, even though the number 1 is actually expected as result. The incorrect result comes about as follows: 1. In the first step of the calculation, the operands a + b are added. The REAL values of the two operands (a = 1.000000*108 and b = 1.000000*100) look as follows after the exponents have been adjusted: a = 1.000000*108 and b = 0.00000001*108. The last two places of the second number (operand b) are truncated, as they can no longer be represented due to the accuracy of 6 decimal places. Therefore, a 0 instead of a 1 is added to the operand. 2. In the second calculation step, the operand C is subtracted from the result of the preceding calculation step (intermediate result = 1.000000*108 - c = 1.000000*108 is 0.000000e0). 3. If you now calculate the operand z in the next calculation step, you try to divide by zero. 2110 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 1. Possible solution To work around such cases, you can simply adjust your calculation formula. Write the formula as follows instead: Calculation formulas y = a - c + b Z = 1/y Since the result 0.000000e0 is available in this case after the first calculation step (operand a - c), the addition of the REAL number in the second calculation step (intermediate result + b) leads to the correct result (y = 0.000000*100*+ 1.000000*100 = 1.000000*100). We recommend that you check how the calculation can be made most effectively before you program a calculation. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2111 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 2. Possible solution To calculate the above named formulas, use the LREAL data type instead of the REAL data type. Since the data type is processed with an accuracy of 15 decimal places, this problem does not even arise. 1. In the global data block "DB_GlobalData", create three new tags with the same values, each with the data type LREAL. 2. In the block interface of the FC "FC_Calculate", also declare two new tags with the data type LREAL. 3. Use the new LREAL tags for the formulas in your program code and establish an online connection to see the result. SCL #y_LREAL := "DB_GlobalData".a_LREAL + "DB_GlobalData".b_LREAL "DB_GlobalData".c_LREAL; #z_LREAL := 1/#y_LREAL; 2112 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) See also REAL (Page 2150) LREAL (Page 2151) Invalid floating-point numbers (Page 2152) Calculating with constants in SCL (S7-1200, S7-1500) Interpretation of typed and non-typed constants Constants are data with a fixed value that cannot change during program runtime. Constants can be read by various program elements during the execution of the program but cannot be overwritten. There are defined notations for the value of a constant, depending on the data type and data format. A distinction is made between the typed and non-typed notation. We recommend that you do not mix typed and non-typed constants within mathematical functions as you may otherwise be faced with unwanted implicit conversions and thus end up with incorrect values. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2113 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming example In the following programming example, you see a calculation operation with a typed and a nontyped constant. 1. Create an SCL function block and name it "FB_MathsFunctions". 2. Declare the "Variable_DINT" tag in the "Temp" section of the block interface. 3. Write the following program code: Variable_DINT := INT#1 +50000; In this math operation, the typed constant INT#1 and the non-typed constant 50000 are to be added. The non-typed constant 50000 is underlined in yellow in the software to indicate that the constant value is outside the permitted range of the data type INT. To see the result, go online. 1. Compile the SCL function block "FB_MathsFunctions" by right-clicking the command "Compile > Software (only changes)" to execute it. 2. Download the block with the command "Download to device > Software (only changes)". 3. Go online and monitor your block. The data type of the typed constant defines the data type of the addition. This means that the addition is performed in the data type area INT. In the first step, the non-typed constant 50000 is implicitly converted into the data type INT. However, the conversion leads to a negative value (-15536). This value is then added to the typed constant (INT#1). The result is -15535. Since the tag to which the result of the addition is to be written is declared with the data type DINT, the number -15535 is implicitly converted into the data type DINT and written to the tag "Variable_DINT". However, the result remains negative. 2114 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 1. Possible solution One option for avoiding this undesired result is to type both constants. If you type both constants, the longer data type determines the calculation operation. 1. Write the following program code in the "FB_MathsFunctions" SCL function block: In this calculation operation, the typed constant INT#1 and the typed constant DINT#50000 are to be added. To see the result, go online. 1. Compile the SCL function block "FB_MathsFunctions" by right-clicking the command "Compile > Software (only changes)" to execute it. 2. Download the block with the command "Download to device > Software (only changes)". 3. Go online and monitor your block. The constant INT#1 is converted into the DINT data type and the addition of the two constants is executed in the DINT data type area. 2. Possible solution Another option for avoiding this undesired result is not to type both constants. If you do not type both constants, these are then interpreted as the widest possible data type on the current CPU. This means that on an S7-1500 series CPU, the two constants are interpreted as LINT data type. 1. Write the following program code in the "FB_MathsFunctions" SCL function block: In this calculation operation, the non-typed constant 1 and the non-typed constant 50000 are to be added. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2115 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) To see the result, go online. 1. Compile the SCL function block "FB_MathsFunctions" by right-clicking the command "Compile > Software (only changes)" to execute it. 2. Download the block with the command "Download to device > Software (only changes)". 3. Go online and monitor your block. The constants 1 and 50000 are interpreted as LINT data type and the result of the addition is again converted into the DINT data type. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) 11.2.5 Using MOVE instructions in STL (S7-1500) Possible applications You can now program with MOVE instructions in STL on an S7-1500 CPU. This gives you the following advantages: The program structure is easier to create. The performance of the CPU increases. Programming in STEP 7 V5.x In STEP 7 V5.x, you used the "BLKMOV: Move block" and "UBLKMOV: Move block uninterruptible" system functions to implement the MOVE functionality. Procedure in STEP 7 TIA Portal The following new MOVE instructions are available in STEP 7 TIA Portal: MOVE: Move value MOVE_BLK: Move block MOVE_BLK_VARIANT: Move block UMOVE_BLK: Move block uninterruptible You can find additional information on the new MOVE instructions under "See also". 2116 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming example The following example shows you how the "MOVE_BLK instruction works: Move block". An ARRAY block is copied into another ARRAY block: Using the MOVE_BLK instruction, ten elements from "Array_1" of the "Data_DB" data block are copied into "Array_2" of the same data block. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2117 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 11.2.6 Using IEC timers and counters (S7-1200, S7-1500) Advantages of IEC timers and counters The universal use of IEC timers and counters makes your program code more efficient. This gives you the following advantages: The blocks can be called multiple times with newly generated instance data blocks. The IEC counters have a large counting range. Compared to S5 timers, IEC timers have better performance and greater time accuracy. Programming in STEP 7 V5.x The S5 timers and counters in STEP 7 V5.x were addressed absolutely via a number. Due to this dependency on numbers, program blocks were not reusable with S5 timers and counters. The value range of a timer was limited to 9990 seconds and that of a counter limited to a maximum of 999. Procedure in STEP 7 TIA Portal You declare IEC timers and counters in the program block where they are called or needed. The IEC timer is a structure of data type IEC_TIMER, IEC_LTIMER, or TON_TIME and TON_LTIME, for example, which you can also declare as a local tag in a block. The IEC counter is a structure of data type IEC_SCOUNTER, IEC_USCOUNTER, etc. 2118 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Programming examples in the TIA Portal The following example shows you how to declare an IEC timer and IEC counter as a local tag: The data of the TON IEC timer and the CTU IEC counter is stored as a local tag (multi-instance) in the block interface. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2119 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) You also have the option to create IEC timers and IEC counters within structures as multiple instances and to use them in your program code. 1. To do this, for example, create a global data block with an ARRAY of TON. The data type TON does not appear in the drop-down list, but can be entered manually: 2. Create a function block and drag the instruction "TON: Generate on-delay" to a network. Call the instance of IEC timer TON as follows: Call of a timer as multi-instance If you want to use the IN parameter to start a timer as multi-instance, you must not initialize it beforehand in your program code. In this case, the timer called at the IN parameter no longer recognizes a positive signal edge and the timer is not started: 1. Create the timer "Time_1" as a multi-instance of the data type "TP_TIME" in the "Static" section of the block interface. 2. Write the following program code: 2120 STL Explanation A "Tag_Output" // When the "Tag_Output" output receives the signal state 1, WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) STL Explanation = #Time_1.IN // the IN parameter of the multi-instance timer #Timer_1 is initialized with a positive signal edge. CALL #Time_1 // When the multi-instance timer is now called and the IN parameter queried again, the timer is not started because there is no new positive signal edge. time_type := Time IN := "Tag_Output" PT := T#30s Q := "Tag_4" ET := "Tag_ElapsedTime" // Enter TIME as data type of the instruction. This is why you must program the initialization of the multi-instance timer within the call. STL Explanation CALL #Time_1 // The timer is called and started. time_type := Time IN := "Tag_Output" PT := T#30s // Enter TIME as data type of the instruction. Q := "Tag_4" ET := "Tag_ElapsedTime" See also Calling IEC timers (Page 3058) Calling IEC counters (Page 3090) Timers (Page 2154) 11.2.7 Using ARRAY data blocks (S7-1200, S7-1500) Using an ARRAY data block (S7-1500) ARRAY data blocks are global data blocks that consist exclusively of an ARRAY. A data block with a tag of the ARRAY data type is sufficient for most applications because access can be programmed intuitively with a tag of the ARRAY data type (for example, #myArray[#index]) and offer a better runtime performance than ARRAY data blocks. In certain scenarios, however, it is necessary to process ARRAYs with different lengths. The ARRAY data block is particularly suitable for these scenarios. ARRAY data blocks with different length can be processed by means of the following instructions: ReadFromArrayDB: Read from Array data block WriteToArrayDB: Write to array data block ReadFromArrayDBL: Read from array data block in load memory WriteToArrayDBL: Write to array data block in load memory WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2121 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) For more information about the instructions, refer to "Basic instructions > LAD/FBD/STL/SCL/ GRAPH > Move operations > ARRAY DB". When the program code is being written, it is not necessary to know which ARRAY data block is read or written or what size it is. As a result, you can program the block flexibly so that it can also be used for buffers of various length. It is also not necessary to know the data type of the ARRAY elements, as the function in the program code using the DB_ANY data type does not yet require this information. The data type VARIANT is used so that you can also be flexible in specifying the value to be read or written. The ARRAY data block is transferred only during runtime in order to then access the values in the program block. The data type of the ARRAY elements and the data type of the value that is to be read or written are determined. You can determine the number of objects and the fill level of the ARRAY data block using the ARRAY elements. Note When you create an ARRAY data block, specify the data type and the number of ARRAY elements. The data type of the value which is to be written to the ARRAY data block, for example, must match the data type of the ARRAY elements of the data block. In each case, connect a source area (PLC data type) with a destination area (ARRAY data block). The advantage of this procedure is that the program code can already be created before you know which ARRAY data block and which value will be processed. Programming example The following example shows you how to use an ARRAY data block: Individual pieces of material are transported on a conveyor belt. These pieces of material pass a scanner which can read out the information that a piece of material carries with it. The information is read out and transmitted to a panel. Because the scanner and the panel have different clock cycles/speeds, the material information must be cached in each case. In the following programming example, we show you how to program the program code for passing on material information. For this purpose, you use a PLC data type (UDT) and an ARRAY data block. 2122 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Procedure Create the PLC data type "UDT_Queue". You use this PLC data type as an instance which can be accessed by both functions ("FC_Enqueue" and "FC_Dequeue"). This is important, for example, for accessing the tag #Queue.Used, as the function "FC_Enqueue" increments the tag by one and the function "FC_Dequeue" decrements the tag by one. 1. Double-click the "Add new data type" command in the "PLC data types" folder in the project tree. A new declaration table for creating a PLC data type will be created and opened. 2. Declare the following lines within the PLC data type: DB > Data type: DB_ANY Size > Data type: DINT Used > Data type: DINT ReadPos > Data type: DINT WritePos > Data type: DINT WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2123 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Program the instruction "FC_Enqueue", which writes the values from a PLC data type into an ARRAY data block. The PLC data type and the ARRAY data block must be still unknown at this time, as the interfaces with the data types VARIANT and DB_ANY are programmed: 1. Create an SCL function and name it "FC_Enqueue". 2. Declare the block interface as follows: 3. Write the following program code: 2124 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) With this function, you check whether there is still space free in the data block. If so, write the value that is specified at the parameter value into the data block at the parameter db. With each new item of material information that is written, the tag #Queue.Used and the pointer tag #Queue.WritePos are incremented by one. As soon as the cursor reaches the end of the data block, it is reset to 0. If the data block is full, the error code #4711 is returned. Program the instruction "FC_Dequeue", which reads the material information from an ARRAY data block and writes it into a PLC data type. The PLC data type and the ARRAY data block must be still unknown at this time, as the interfaces are programmed with the data types WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2125 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) VARIANT and DB_ANY. The material information can then be displayed on a panel, for example: 1. Create an SCL function and name it "FC_Dequeue". 2. Declare the block interface as follows: 3. Write the following program code: 2126 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) With this function, you check whether material information is available in the data block. If so, read the value to which the pointer #Queue.ReadPos points, and write it to the tag #Value. With each item of material information that is read, the tag #Queue.Used is decremented by one and the pointer tag #Queue.ReadPos is incremented by one. As soon as the cursor reaches the end of the data block, it is reset to 0. If the data block is empty, the error code #4712 is returned. In order to be able to write or read data, you require a specific PLC data type and an ARRAY data block, each of which must have the same data type. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2127 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) To do this, create the PLC data type "UDT_Material". The scanner writes the read-out material information into this PLC data type. 1. Double-click the "Add new data type" command in the "PLC data types" folder in the project tree. A new declaration table for creating a PLC data type will be created and opened. 2. Declare the following lines within the PLC data type: ArticleNumber > Data type: DINT ArticleName > Data type: STRING Amount > Data type: REAL Unit > Data type: STRING Create the ARRAY data block "DB_MaterialBuffer". The material information from the PLC data type "UDT_Material" is sent to this ARRAY data block with the help of the function "FC_Enqueue". 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 2. Click the "Data block (DB)" button. 3. Specify the name "DB_MaterialBuffer". 4. Select the type of the data block "ARRAY DB". 5. Select the PLC data type "UDT_Material" as ARRAY data type. 6. Specify "1000" as high ARRAY limit. 7. Click "OK". 2128 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) Create the start of the organization block (OB) "OB_MaterialQueue". In this organization block, you initialize the tags DB and Size. 1. Double-click the "Add new block" command. The "Add new block" dialog box opens. 2. Click the "Organization block (OB)" button. 3. Specify the name "OB_MaterialQueue". 4. Select the type "Startup". 5. Select SCL as the language of the organization block. 6. Click "OK". 7. Write the following program code: By assigning the data block, you connect the ARRAY data block "DB_MaterialBuffer" with the SCL functions "FC_Enqueue" and "FC_Dequeue". Enter the size of the ARRAY data block at the Size parameter. The start value of the Used parameter is "0". The first item of material information is thus written to the ARRAY element "0". 1. Select the folder "Program blocks" in the project tree and select the command "Compile > Software (only changes)" from the shortcut menu. 2. Declare the following tags in the "Default tag table": 3. Call the SCL function "FC_Enqueue" within the function block in which the scanner reads out the material information. 4. Declare the tag "ConnectionToUDT" in the section "Temp" in the block interface and link this tag with the PLC data type "UDT_Material": WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2129 Programming the PLC 11.2 Programming recommendations (S7-1200, S7-1500) 5. Link the function call with the following tags and, at the enable input EN, create the signal edge "P: Scan operand for positive signal edge". Link the signal edge with the global tags from the default tag table: 6. Call the SCL function "FC_Dequeue" 7. Link the function call with the following tags and, at the enable input EN, create the signal edge "P: Scan operand for positive signal edge". Link the signal edge with the global tags from the default tag table: Result As soon as a positive signal edge occurs, material information is written to an ARRAY data block with the help of the instruction "WriteToArrayDB" and sent to the panel with the help of the instruction "ReadFromArrayDB". See also Addressing ARRAYs (Page 2182) Basic principles for programming of data blocks (Page 4551) 2130 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types 11.2.8 Commenting out program code (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description In the TIA Portal, you have the option of commenting out program code and individual instructions in the programming languages LAD, FBD, STL and SCL. You can find more information on commenting out within the information system here: STL: AUTOHOTSPOT SCL: Inserting comments (Page 4798) Programming example You can find examples of all programming languages in the Siemens Industry Online Support under the following FAQ ID: 109482004 ( 109482004) 11.3 Data types 11.3.1 Overview of the valid data types Validity of data type groups The data type groups define the properties of the data, for example, the representation of the contents and the valid memory areas. In the user program, you have the option of using pre-defined data types, which you add to the data types you have defined yourself. The following type categories are available for this: Elementary data types (binary numbers, integers, floating-point numbers, timers, DATE, TOD, LTOD CHAR, WCHAR) Complex data types (DT, LDT, DTL, STRING, WSTRING, ARRAY, STRUCT) User-defined data types (PLC data type (UDT)) Pointer Parameter types System data types Hardware data types The following tables show the availability of data types in the various S7-CPUs: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2131 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Table 11-1 Binary numbers Binary numbers S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 BOOL (Page 2136) X X X BYTE (Page 2136) X X X WORD (Page 2137) X X X DWORD (Page 2138) X X X LWORD (Page 2139) - - X Integers S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 SINT (Page 2141) - X X INT (Page 2143) X X X DINT (Page 2145) X X X USINT (Page 2142) - X X UINT (Page 2144) - X X UDINT (Page 2146) - X X LINT (Page 2147) - - X ULINT (Page 2148) - - X Floating-point numbers S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 REAL (Page 2150) X X X LREAL (Page 2151) - X X Timers S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 S5TIME (Page 2154) X - X TIME (Page 2155) X X X LTIME (Page 2156) - - X Date and time S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 DATE (Page 2157) X X X TIME_OF_DAY (TOD) (Page 2157) X X X LTOD (LTIME_OF_DAY) (Page 2158) - - X DT (DATE_AND_TIME) (Page 2158) X - X Bit strings Table 11-2 Table 11-3 Table 11-4 Table 11-5 2132 Integers Floating-point numbers Timers Date and time WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Date and time S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 LDT (Page 2159) - - X DTL (Page 2160) - X X Character strings S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 CHAR (Page 2161) X X X WCHAR (Page 2162) - X X STRING (Page 2162) X X X WSTRING (Page 2165) - X X PLC data types (UDT) S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 PLC data type (Page 2170) (UDT) X X X Anonymous structures S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 STRUCT (Page 2175) X X X ARRAY S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 ARRAY [....] of (Page 2177) X X X Pointer S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 POINTER (Page 2185) X - X ANY (Page 2188) X - X VARIANT (Page 2191) - X X Parameter types S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 TIMER (Page 2193) X - X COUNTER (Page 2193) X - X BLOCK_FC (Page 2193) X - X BLOCK_FB (Page 2193) X - X Table 11-6 Table 11-7 Table 11-8 Table 11-9 Character strings PLC data types (UDT) Anonymous structures ARRAY Table 11-10 Pointer Table 11-11 Parameter types WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2133 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Parameter types S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 BLOCK_DB (Page 2193) X - - BLOCK_SDB (Page 2193) X - - BLOCK_SFB (Page 2193) X - - BLOCK_SFC (Page 2193) X - - BLOCK_OB (Page 2193) X X X VOID (Page 2193) X X X PARAMETER (Page 2193) - X X Table 11-12 System data types System data types S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 IEC_TIMER (Page 2194) X X X 1) IEC_LTIMER (Page 2194) - - X IEC_SCOUNTER (Page 2194) - X X IEC_USCOUNTER (Page 2194) - X X IEC_COUNTER (Page 2194) X2) X X IEC_UCOUNTER (Page 2194) - X X IEC_DCOUNTER (Page 2194) - X X IEC_UDCOUNTER (Page 2194) - X X IEC_LCOUNTER (Page 2194) - - X IEC_ULCOUNTER (Page 2194) - - X ERROR_STRUCT (Page 2194) - X X NREF (Page 2194) - X X CREF (Page 2194) - X X VREF (Page 2194) - X X SSL_HEADER (Page 2194) X - - CONDITIONS (Page 2194) - X - TADDR_Param (Page 2194) - X X TCON_Param (Page 2194) - X X HSC_Period (Page 2194) - X - 1) For S7-300/400 CPUs, the data type is represented by TP, TON and TOF. 2) For S7-300/400 CPUs, the data type is represented by CTU, CTD and CTUD. Table 11-13 Hardware data types 2134 Hardware data types S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 REMOTE (Page 2196) - X X HW_ANY (Page 2196) - X X HW_DEVICE (Page 2196) - X X HW_DPMASTER (Page 2196) - - X HW_DPSLAVE (Page 2196) - X X HW_IO (Page 2196) - X X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Hardware data types S7-300/400 S7-1200 S7-1500 HW_IOSYSTEM (Page 2196) - X X HW_SUBMODULE (Page 2196) - X X HW_MODULE (Page 2196) - - X HW_INTERFACE (Page 2196) - X X HW_IEPORT (Page 2196) - X X HW_HSC (Page 2196) - X X HW_PWM (Page 2196) - X X HW_PTO (Page 2196) - X X EVENT_ANY (Page 2196) - X X EVENT_ATT (Page 2196) - X X EVENT_HWINT (Page 2196) - X X OB_ANY (Page 2196) - X X OB_DELAY (Page 2196) - X X OB_TOD (Page 2196) - X X OB_CYCLIC (Page 2196) - X X OB_ATT (Page 2196) - X X OB_PCYCLE (Page 2196) - X X OB_HWINT (Page 2196) - X X OB_DIAG (Page 2196) - X X OB_TIMEERROR (Page 2196) - X X OB_STARTUP (Page 2196) - X X PORT (Page 2196) - X X RTM (Page 2196) - X X PIP (Page 2196) - - X CONN_ANY (Page 2196) - X X CONN_PRG (Page 2196) - X X CONN_OUC (Page 2196) - X X CONN_R_ID (Page 2196) - - X DB_ANY (Page 2196) - X X DB_WWW (Page 2196) - X X DB_DYN (Page 2196) - X X Note Depending on the CPU version, the actually valid data types can deviate slightly from the table. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2135 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types 11.3.2 Binary numbers BOOL (bit) Description An operand of data type BOOL represents a bit value and contains one of the following values: TRUE FALSE The following table shows the properties of data type BOOL: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 1 Boolean FALSE or TRUE TRUE BOOL#0 or BOOL#1 BOOL#1 BOOL#FALSE or BOOL#TRUE BOOL#TRUE Unsigned integers (decimal system) 0 or 1 1 Binary numbers 2#0 or 2#1 2#0 Octal numbers 8#0 or 8#1 8#1 Hexadecimal numbers 16#0 or 16#1 16#1 Note Applies to CPUs of the S7-1500 series For a block with the block property "Optimized block access", the bit has a length of 1 byte. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) Bit strings BYTE Description An operand of data type BYTE is a bit string of 8 bits. 2136 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following table shows the properties of data type BYTE: Length (bits) Format Value range 8 Integers1) (decimal sys Signed integers: -128 tem) to +127 Unsigned integers: 0 to 255 Binary numbers 2#0 to 2#1111_1111 Examples of value input Constants Absolute and sym bolic addresses 15 IB2 BYTE#15 MB10 BYTE#10#15 DB1.DBB4 B#15 Tag_Name 2#0000_1111 BYTE#2#0000 _1111 B#2#0000_111 1 Octal numbers 8#0 to 8#377 8#17 BYTE#8#17 B#8#17 Hexadecimal numbers 16#0 to 16#FF 16#0F BYTE#16#0F B#16#0F 1) The value range depends on the relevant interpretation or conversion. Note The BYTE data type cannot be compared for more than or less than. It can only be supplied with the same decimal data that can be processed by the SINT and USINT data types. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) WORD Description An operand of data type WORD is a bit string of 16 bits. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2137 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following table shows the properties of data type WORD: Length (bits) Format 16 Integers (decimal sys tem) Value range Signed integers: -32_768 to +32_767 Unsigned integers: 0 to 65_535 Examples of value input Constants Absolute and symbolic addresses 61_680 MW10 WORD#61_680 DB1.DBW2 WORD#10#61_680 Tag_Name W#61_680 Binary numbers 2#0 to 2#1111_1111_1111_1111 2#1111_0000_1111_ 0000 WORD#2#1111_000 0_1111_0000 W#2#1111_0000_11 11_0000 Octal numbers 8#0 to 8#177_777 8#170_360 WORD#8#170_360 W#8#170_360 Hexadecimal numbers 16#0 to 16#FFFF 16#F0F0 WORD#16#F0F0 W#16#F0F0 BCD C#0 to C#999 C#55 Decimal sequence B#(0, 0) to B#(255, 255) B#(127, 200) Note The WORD data type cannot be compared for more than or less than. It can only be supplied with the same decimal data that can be processed by the INT and UINT data types. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) DWORD Description An operand of data type DWORD is a bit string of 32 bits. 2138 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following table shows the properties of data type DWORD: Length (bits) Format 32 Integers (decimal system) Value range Signed integers: -2_147_483_648 to +2_147_483_648 Unsigned integers: 0 to 4_294_967_295 Binary numbers Examples of value input Constants Absolute and symbolic addresses +15_793_935 MD10 DWORD#+15_793_935 DB1.DBD8 DWORD#10# +15_793_935 Tag_Name DW#+15_793_935 2#0 to 2#0000_0000_1111_000 2#1111_1111_1111_1111_1 0_1111_1111_0000_111 111_1111_1111_1111 1 DWORD#2#0000_0000_ 1111_0000_1111_1111_ 0000_1111 DW#2#0000_0000_1111 _0000_1111_1111_0000 _1111 Octal numbers 8#0 to 8#37_777_777_777 8#74_177_417 DWORD#8#74_177_417 DW#8#74_177_417 Hexadecimal num bers 16#0000_0000 to 16#FFFF_FFFF 16#00F0_FF0F DWORD#16#00F0_FF0 F DW#16#00F0_FF0F Decimal sequence B#(0, 0, 0, 0) to B#(255, 255, 255, 255) B#(127, 200, 127, 200) Note The DWORD data type cannot be compared for more than or less than. It can only be supplied with the same decimal data that can be processed by the DINT and UDINT data types. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) LWORD (S7-1500) Description An operand of data type LWORD is a bit string of 64 bits. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2139 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following table shows the properties of data type LWORD: Length Format (bits) Value range Examples of value input 64 Signed integers: -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 to +9_223_372_036_854_775_807 +26_123_590_360_715 Integers (decimal system) Unsigned integers: 0 to 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 Binary numbers 2#0 to 2#1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_ 1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_11 11_1111 LWORD#+26_123_590_360_715 LWORD#10#+26_123_590_360_715 LW#+26_123_590_360_715 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1011_1 110_0001_0010_1111_0101_0010_1101 _1110_1000_1011 LWORD#2#0000_0000_0000_0000_000 0_1011_1110_0001_0010_1111_0101_0 010_1101_1110_1000_1011 LW#2#0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_10 11_1110_0001_0010_1111_0101_0010_ 1101_1110_1000_1011 Octal numbers 8#0 to 8#1_777_777_777_777_777_777_777 8#13_724_557_213 LWORD#8#13_724_557_213 LW#8#13_724_557_213 Hexadecimal num 16#0000_0000 to bers 16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF 16#0000_0000_5F52_DE8B LWORD#16#0000_0000_5F52_DE8B LW#16#0000_0000_5F52_DE8B Decimal sequence B#(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) to B#(255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255) B#(127, 200, 127, 200, 127, 200, 127, 200) Note The LWORD data type cannot be compared for more than or less than. It can only be supplied with the same decimal data that can be processed by the LINT and ULINT data types. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Implicit conversions (Page 2200) Explicit conversions (Page 2249) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) 2140 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types 11.3.3 Integers SINT (8-bit integers) (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description An operand of data type SINT (Short INT) has a length of 8 bits and consists of two components: a sign and a numerical value in the two's complement. The signal states of bits 0 to 6 represent the number value. The signal state of bit 7 represents the sign. The sign may assume "0" for the positive, or "1" for the negative signal state. An operand of data type SINT occupies one BYTE in the memory. The following table shows the properties of data type SINT: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 8 Signed integers (decimal system) -128 to +127 +44 SINT#+44 SINT#10#+44 The value range extends to a maximum of SINT#255 when using the type SINT#. This val ue is interpreted as an integer with -1. Binary numbers (only pos 2#0 to 2#0111_1111 itive) 2#0010_1100 SINT#2#0010_1100 SINT#2#10 Octal numbers (only posi tive) 8#0 to 8#177 Hexadecimal numbers (only positive) 16#0 to 16#7F 8#54 SINT#8#54 16#2C SINT#16#2C The value range extends to a maximum of SINT#16#FF when using the type SINT#. This val ue is interpreted as an integer with -1. Example The following figure shows the integer +44 as a binary number: %LW 6LJQ 'HFLPDOYDOXHV WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2141 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) USINT (8-bit integers) (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description An operand of data type USINT (Unsigned Short INT) has a length of 8 bits and contains unsigned numerical values: An operand of data type USINT occupies one BYTE in the memory. The following table shows the properties of data type USINT: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 8 Unsigned integers (deci mal system) 0 to 255 78 Binary numbers 2#0 to 2#1111_1111 USINT#78 USINT#10#78 2#0100_1110 USINT#2#0100_1110 USINT#2#10 Octal numbers 8#0 to 8#377 8#116 USINT#8#116 Hexadecimal numbers 16#0 to 16#FF 16#4E USINT#16#4E Example The following figure shows the integer 78 as a binary number: %LW 'HFLPDOYDOXHV See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) 2142 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types INT (16-bit integers) Description An operand of data type INT has a length of 16 bits and consists of two components: a sign and a numerical value in the two's complement. The signal states of bits 0 to 14 represent the number value. The signal state of bit 15 represents the sign. The sign may assume "0" for the positive, or "1" for the negative signal state. An operand of data type INT occupies two BYTE in the memory. The following table shows the properties of data type INT: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 16 Signed integers (decimal system) -32_768 to +32_767 +3_785 Binary numbers (only posi tive) 2#0 to 2#0000_1110_1100_100 2#0111_1111_1111_1111 1 INT#+3_785 INT#10#+3_785 INT#2#0000_1110_1100_ 1001 INT#2#10 Octal numbers 8#0 to 8#7_7777 8#7311 INT#8#7311 Hexadecimal numbers (only positive) 16#0 to 16#7FFF 16#0EC9 INT#16#0EC9 Example The following figure shows the integer +3785 as a binary number: %LW 6LJQ 'HFLPDOYDOXHV See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2143 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types UINT (16-bit integers) (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description An operand of data type UINT (Unsigned INT) has a length of 16 bits and contains unsigned numerical values. An operand of data type UINT occupies two BYTE in the memory. The following table shows the properties of data type UINT: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 16 Unsigned integers (decimal system) 0 to 65_535 65_295 Binary numbers 2#0 to 2#1111_1111_1111_1111 UINT#65_295 UINT#10#65_295 2#1111_1111_0000_1111 UINT#2#1111_1111_0000_ 1111 UINT#2#10 Octal numbers 8#0 to 8#17_7777 8#17_7417 UINT#8#17_7417 Hexadecimal num bers 16#0 to 16#FFFF 16#FF0F UINT#16#FF0F Example The following figure shows the integer 65295 as a binary number: %LW 'HFLPDOYDOXHV See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) 2144 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types DINT (32-bit integers) Description An operand of data type DINT (Double INT) has a length of 32 bits and consists of two components: a sign and a numerical value in the two's complement. The signal states of bits 0 to 30 represent the number value. The signal state of bit 31 represents the sign. The sign may assume "0" for the positive, or "1" for the negative signal state. An operand of data type DINT occupies four BYTE in the memory. The following table shows the properties of data type DINT: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 32 Signed integers (decimal system) -2_147_483_648 to +2_147_483_647 +125_790 DINT#+125_790 DINT#10#+125_790 L#275 Binary numbers (only posi 2#0 to tive) 2#0111_1111_1111_1111_1111_111 1_1111_1111 2#0000_0000_0000_0001_1110_ 1011_0101_1110 DINT#2#0000_0000_0000_0001_ 1110_1011_0101_1110 DINT#2#10 Octal numbers (only posi tive) 8#0 to 8#177_7777_7777 Hexadecimal numbers 16#0 to 16#7FFF_FFFF 8#36_5536 DINT#8#36_5536 16#0001_EB5E DINT#16#0001_EB5E Example The following figure shows the integer +125790 as a binary number: %LW 6LJQ 'HFLPDOYDOXHV See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2145 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types UDINT (32-bit integers) (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description An operand of data type UDINT (Unsigned Double INT) has a length of 32 bits and contains unsigned numerical values. An operand of data type UDINT occupies four BYTE in the memory. The following table shows the properties of data type UDINT: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 32 Unsigned integers (decimal system) 0 to 4_294_967_295 4_042_322_160 UDINT#4_042_322_160 UDINT#10#4_042_322_160 Binary numbers 2#0 to 2#1111_1111_1111_1111_111 1_1111_1111_1111 2#1111_0000_1111_0000_1111_000 0_1111_0000 UDINT#2#1111_0000_1111_0000_11 11_0000_1111_0000 UDINT#2#10 Octal numbers 8#0 to 8#377_7777_7777 Hexadecimal numbers 16#0 to 16#FFFF_FFFF 8#360_7417_0360 UDINT#8#360_7417_0360 16#F0F0_F0F0 UDINT#16#F0F0_F0F0 Example The following figure shows the integer 4042322160 as a binary number: %LW 'HFLPDOYDOXHV See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) 2146 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types LINT (64-bit integers) (S7-1500) Description An operand of data type LINT (Long INT) has a length of 64 bits and consists of two components: a sign and a numerical value in the two's complement. The signal states of bits 0 to 62 represent the number value. The signal state of bit 63 represents the sign. The sign may assume "0" for the positive, or "1" for the negative signal state. An operand of data type LINT occupies eight BYTE in the memory. The following table shows the properties of data type LINT: Lengt h (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 64 Signed integers (decimal system) -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 to +9_223_372_036_854_775_807 +154_325_790_816_159 LINT#+154_325_790_816_159 LINT#10#+154_325_790_816_159 Binary numbers (only positive) 2#0 to 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_1000_1100_0101_1 2#0111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1 011_1100_0101_1111_0000_1111_0111_1001 111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111 _1111 _1111_1111_1111 LINT#2#0000_0000_0000_0000_1000_1100_0 101_1011_1100_0101_1111_0000_1111_0111 _1001_1111 Octal numbers 8#0 to 8#7_7777_7777_7777_7777_7777 8#4305_5705_7417_3637 16#0 to 16#7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF 16#0000_8C5B_C5F0_F79F LINT#2#10 Hexadecimal num bers (only positive) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 LINT#8#4305_5705_7417_3637 LINT#16#0000_8C5B_C5F0_F79F 2147 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Example The following figure shows the integer +154325790816159 as a binary number: %LW %LW 6LJQ 'HFLPDOYDOXHV See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Implicit conversions (Page 2200) Explicit conversions (Page 2249) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) ULINT (64-bit integers) (S7-1500) Description An operand of data type ULINT (Unsigned Long INT) has a length of 64 bits and contains unsigned numerical values. An operand of data type ULINT occupies eight BYTE in the memory. 2148 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following table shows the properties of data type ULINT: Length Format (bits) Value range Examples of value input 64 Unsigned integers (decimal system) 0 to 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 154_325_790_816_159 Binary numbers 2#0 to 2#1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_111 1_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_111 1_1111_1111_1111_1111 ULINT#154_325_790_816_159 ULINT#10#154_325_790_816_159 2#0000_0000_0000_0000_1000_1100_0101_101 1_1100_0101_1111_0000_1111_0111_1001_111 1 ULINT#2#0000_0000_0000_0000_1000_1100_01 01_1011_1100_0101_1111_0000_1111_0111_10 01_1111 ULINT#2#10 Octal numbers 8#0 to 8#17_7777_7777_7777_7777_7777 8#4305_5705_7417_3637 ULINT#8#4305_5705_7417_3637 Hexadecimal num 16#0 to 16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF 16#0000_8C5B_C5F0_F79F bers ULINT#16#0000_8C5B_C5F0_F79F Example The following figure shows the integer 154325790816159 as a binary number: %LW %LW 'H]LPDOZHUWH WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2149 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Implicit conversions (Page 2200) Explicit conversions (Page 2249) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) 11.3.4 Floating-point numbers REAL Description Operands of the data type REAL have a length of 32 bits and are used to represent floatingpoint numbers. An operand of the REAL data type consists of the following three components: Sign: The sign is determined by the signal state of bit 31. The bit 31 assume the value "0" (positive) or "1" (negative). 8-bit exponents to basis 2: The exponent is increased by a constant (base, +127), so that it has a value range of 0 to 255. 23-bit mantissa: Only the fraction part of the mantissa is shown. The integer part of the mantissa is always 1 with normalized floating-point numbers and is not stored. The REAL data type is processed with a precision of 6 digits. The following figure shows the structure of the REAL data type: %LW 6 6LJQ ELW H P ([SRQHQWH ELWV 0DQWLVVDP ELWV Note With floating-point numbers, only the precision defined by the IEEE754 standard is stored. Additionally specified decimals are rounded off according to IEEE754. The number of decimal places may decrease for frequently nested arithmetic calculations. If more decimal places are specified than can be stored by the data type, the number is rounded to the value corresponding to the precision allowed by this value range. 2150 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following table shows the properties of data type REAL: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 32 Floating-point num bers according to IEEE754 -3.402823e+38 to -1.175495e-38 1.0e-5; REAL#1.0e-5 Floating-point num bers 0.0 +1.175495e-38 to +3.402823e+38 1.0; REAL#1.0 See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Calculating with floating-point numbers (REAL and LREAL) in SCL (Page 2108) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) LREAL (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description Operands of the data type LREAL have a length of 64 bits and are used to represent floatingpoint numbers. An operand of the LREAL data type consists of the following three components: Sign: The sign is determined by the signal state of bit 63. The bit 63 assumes the value "0" (positive) or "1" (negative). 11-bit exponents to base 2: The exponent is increased by a constant (base, +1023), so that it has a value range of 0 to 2047. 52-bit mantissa: Only the fraction part of the mantissa is shown. The integer part of the mantissa is always 1 with normalized floating-point numbers and is not stored. The LREAL data type is processed with a precision of 15 digits. The following figure shows the structure of the LREAL data type: %LW 9 6LJQ9 ELWV H P ([SRQHQWH ELWV WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 0DQWLVVDP ELWV 2151 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following table shows the properties of data type LREAL: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 64 Floating-point num bers according to IEEE754 -1.7976931348623158e+308 to -2.2250738585072014e-308 1.0e-5; LREAL#1.0e-5 Floating-point num bers +2.2250738585072014e-308 to +1.7976931348623158e+308 0.0 1.0; LREAL#1.0 Note With floating-point numbers, only the precision defined by the IEEE754 standard is stored. Additionally specified decimals are rounded off according to IEEE754. The number of decimal places may decrease for frequently nested arithmetic calculations. If more decimal places are specified than can be stored by the data type, the number is rounded to the corresponding value of the precision allowed by this value range . See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Calculating with floating-point numbers (REAL and LREAL) in SCL (Page 2108) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) Invalid floating-point numbers Description We distinguish between four number ranges for data types REAL and LREAL: normalized numbers stored with full accuracy denormalized numbers not stored with full accuracy Infinite numbers: +Inf/-Inf (infinity) Invalid numbers: NaN (Not a Number) Note Floating-point numbers are stored as specified by the IEEE754 standard. Results of conversion or arithmetic functions with a denormalized, infinite or NaN (Not a Number) floating point depend on the CPU. If you are not working with normalized floating-point numbers in mathematical functions, the result will show significant differences depending on the series of the CPU which you are using. 2152 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types A CPU cannot calculate with denormalized floating-point numbers, with the exception of older CPU versions of the S7-300 and S7-400 series. The bit pattern of a denormalized number is interpreted as a zero. If the result of calculation falls into this range, it is continued with zero; the status bits OV and OS are set (number range undershoot). Even though the values of invalid floating-point numbers can only be displayed with limited accuracy for mathematical functions, numbers with an exponent of -39 (e.g. 2.4408e-039) can be monitored in the TIA Portal and therefore do not necessarily represent a faulty result. This means that floating-point values may be located outside the range of valid numerical values. Note The following applies to CPUs of the series S7-1200 V1, V2 and V3: The comparison operation "Equal" uses the bit pattern of the invalid floating-point number. If two "NaN numbers" with the same bit pattern are compared, the output of the "Equal" comparison operation returns the result TRUE. Note The following applies to CPUs of the S7-1200 V4 and S7-1500 series: If two invalid numbers (NaN) are compared with each other, the result is always FALSE, regardless of the bit pattern of the invalid number or the relation (>, >, ...). Note Comparison of denormalized floating-point numbers For the comparison operation "Equal" with two denormalized floating-point numbers, the output for CPUs of the S7-300/400 series is set to the signal state "0" and for CPUs of the S7-1200/1500 series to the signal state "1". If the input variables of a mathematical function represent an invalid floating-point number, an invalid floating-point number will also be output as result. You have the following options to evaluate possible errors caused by invalid floating-point numbers: In LAD/FBD and SCL, you can query the enable output ENO for FALSE In STL, you can evaluate the status bit OV See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Calculating with floating-point numbers (REAL and LREAL) in SCL (Page 2108) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2153 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types 11.3.5 Timers S5TIME (duration) (S7-300, S7-400) Format Data type S5TIME stores the duration in BCD format. The duration is the product from a time in the range 0 to 999 and a time basis. The time basis indicates the interval at which a timer decrements the time value by one unit until it reaches "0". The resolution of the times can be controlled via the time basis. The following table shows the range of values for data type S5TIME: Length (bits) Format Range of values Examples of value input 16 S7 time in incre S5T#0MS to ments of 10 ms (de S5T#2H_46M_30S_0MS fault value) S5T#10s, S5TIME#10s Hexadecimal num 16#0 to 16#3999 bers 16#2 The following table shows the time base coding for S5TIME: Time basis Binary code for time basis 10 ms 00 100 ms 01 1s 10 10 s 11 Always observe range limits and the resolution of time values when using data type S5TIME with timers. The table below specifies the range associated with each resolution: Resolution Range 0.01 s 10 ms to 9 s 990 ms 0.1 s 100 ms to 1 min 39 s 900 ms 1s 1 s to 16 min 39 s 10 s 10 s to 2 h 46 min 30 s Values that exceed 2h46m30s are not accepted. 2154 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Example The following figure shows the content of the time operand for a time value of 127 and a time base of 1 s: %LW [ [ 7LPHYDOXHLQ%&'IRUPDW WR 7LPHEDVLV VHFRQG ,UUHOHYDQW7KHVHELWDUHGLVUHJDUGHGZKHQWKHWLPHULVVWDUWHG See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) TIME (IEC time) Description The contents of an operand of the data type TIME is interpreted as milliseconds. The representation contains information for days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s) and milliseconds (ms). The following table shows the properties of data type TIME: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 32 Signed duration T#-24d_20h_31m_23s_648ms to T# +24d_20h_31m_23s_647ms T#10d_20h_30m_20s_630ms, TIME#10d_20h_30m_20s_630ms Hexadecimal numbers 16#0000_0000 to 16#FFFF_FFFF 16#0001_EB5E It is not necessary to specify all time units. T#5h10s is a valid entry, for example. If only one unit is specified, the absolute value of days, hours, and minutes must not exceed the high or low limits. When more than one time unit is specified, the value must not exceed 24 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds or 999 milliseconds. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2155 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) LTIME (IEC time) (S7-1500) Description The contents of an operand of data type LTIME is interpreted as nanoseconds. The representation contains information for days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s) and milliseconds (ms), microseconds (us) and nanoseconds (ns). The following table shows the properties of data type LTIME: Length (bits) Format Value range Examples of value input 64 Signed duration LT#-106751d_23h_47m_16s_854 ms_775us_808ns to LT# +106751d_23h_47m_16s_854ms _775us_807ns LT#11350d_20h_25m_14s_830 ms_652us_315ns, LTIME#11350d_20h_25m_14s_ 830ms_652us_315ns Hexadecimal num bers 16#0 to 16#7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF 16#2 It is not necessary to specify all time units. LT#5h10s is therefore a valid entry, for example. If only one unit is specified, the absolute value of days, hours, and minutes must not exceed the high or low limits. When more than one time unit is specified, the value must not exceed 106751 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds, 999 milliseconds, 999 microseconds or 999 nanoseconds. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Implicit conversions (Page 2200) Explicit conversions (Page 2249) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) 2156 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types 11.3.6 Date and time DATE Format The DATE data type saves the date as an unsigned integer. The representation contains the year, the month, and the day. The contents of an operand of DATE data type correspond in hexadecimal format to the number of days since 01-01-1990 (16#0000). The following table shows the properties of data type DATE: Length (bytes) Format Value range Examples of value input 2 IEC date D#1990-01-01 to D#2169-06-06 D#2009-12-31, DATE#2009-12-31 16#0000 to 16#FFFF 16#00F2 (Year-Month-Day) Hexadecimal num bers See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) TIME_OF_DAY (TOD) Format Data type TOD (TIME_OF_DAY) occupies a double word and stores the number of milliseconds since the beginning of the day (0:00 h) as unsigned integer. The following table shows the properties of data type TOD: Length (bytes) Format Value range Examples of value input 4 Time-of-day (hours:mi nutes:seconds.milliseconds) TOD#00:00:00.000 to TOD#23:59:59.999 TOD#10:20:30.400, TIME_OF_DAY#10:20:30.40 0 You always need to specify the hours, minutes and seconds. The specification of milliseconds is optional. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2157 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types LTOD (LTIME_OF_DAY) (S7-1500) Format Data type LTOD (LTIME_OF_DAY) occupies two double words and stores the number of nanoseconds since the beginning of the day (0:00 h) as unsigned integer. The following table shows the properties of data type LTOD: Length (bytes) Format Value range Examples of value input 8 Time-of-day (hours:mi nutes:seconds.nanoseconds) LTOD#00:00:00.0000000 00 to LTOD#23:59:59.9999999 99 LTOD#10:20:30.400_365_21 5, LTIME_OF_DAY#10:20:30.4 00_365_215 You always need to specify the hours, minutes and seconds. The specification of nanoseconds is optional. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Implicit conversions (Page 2200) Explicit conversions (Page 2249) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) DATE_AND_TIME (date and time of day) Format The DT (DATE_AND_TIME) data type saves the information on date and time of day in BCD format. The following table shows the properties of data type DT: Length (bytes) Format Value range 8 Date and time Min.: DT#2008-10-25-08:12:34.567, DT#1990-01-01-00:0 DATE_AND_TIME#2008-10-25 0:00.000 -08:12:34.567 (year-month-day-hour:mi nute:second:millisecond 3)) 2158 Example of value input Max.: DT#2089-12-31-23:5 9:59.999 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following table shows the structure of the DT data type: Byte Contents Value range 0 Year 0 to 99 (Years 1990 to 2089) BCD#90 = 1990 ... BCD#0 = 2000 ... BCD#89 = 2089 1 Month BCD#1 to BCD#12 2 Day BCD#1 to BCD# 31 3 Hour BCD#0 to BCD#23 4 Minute BCD#0 to BCD#59 5 Second BCD#0 to BCD#59 6 The two most significant digits of MSEC BCD#0 to BCD#999 7 (4MSB) 1) The least significant digit of MSEC BCD#0 to BCD#9 7 (4LSB) 2) Weekday BCD#1 to BCD#7 BCD#1 = Sunday ... BCD#7 = Saturday 1) MSB: Most significant bit 2) LSB: Least significant bit 3) Fixed point number See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) LDT (DATE_AND_LTIME) (S7-1500) Format Data type LDT (DATE_AND_LTIME) stores the date and time-of-day information in nanoseconds since 01/01/1970 0:0. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2159 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following table shows the properties of data type LDT: Length (bytes) Format Value range 8 Date and time Min.: LDT#2008-10-25-08:12:34.567 LDT#1970-01-01-00:00:00.0 00000000 (Year-Month-DayHour:Minute:Sec ond.Nanoseconds) Hexadecimal numbers Example of value input Max.: LDT#2262-04-11-23:47:16.8 54775807 16#0 to 16#7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFF F 16#7FFF See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Implicit conversions (Page 2200) Explicit conversions (Page 2249) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) DTL (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description An operand of data type DTL has a length of 12 bytes and stores date and time information in a predefined structure. The following table shows the properties of data type DTL: Length (bytes) Format Value range Example of value input 12 Date and time Min.: DTL#1970-01-01-00:00:00.0 DTL#2008-12-16-20:30:20 .250 (Year-Month-DayHour:Minute:Sec ond.Nanoseconds) Max.: DTL#2262-04-11-23:47:16.8547 75807 The structure of data type DTL consists of several components each of which can contain a different data type and range of values. The data type of a specified value must match the data type of the corresponding components. The following table shows the structure components of data type DTL and their properties: Byte Component Data type Value range 0 Year UINT 1970 to 2262 1 2160 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Byte Component Data type Value range 2 Month USINT 1 to 12 3 Day USINT 1 to 31 4 Weekday USINT 1(Sunday) to 7(Saturday) The weekday is not considered in the value entry. 5 Hour USINT 0 to 23 6 Minute USINT 0 to 59 7 Second USINT 0 to 59 8 Nanosecond UDINT 0 to 999999999 9 10 11 See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) 11.3.7 Character strings CHAR (Character) Description A tag of the CHAR (Character) data type has a length of 8 bits and occupies one BYTE of memory. The CHAR data type stores a single character in ASCII format. You can find information on the encoding of special characters under "See also > STRING". The following table shows the value range of the CHAR data type: Length (bits) Format Value range Example of value inputs 8 ASCII characters ASCII character set 'A', CHAR#'A' See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) STRING (Page 2162) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2161 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types WCHAR (Character) (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description A tag of the data type WCHAR (Wide Characters) has a length of 16 bits and occupies two BYTE of memory. The WCHAR data type saves a single character of an expanded character set which is stored in Unicode format. However, only a subset of the entire Unicode range is covered. When a control character is entered, it is represented with a dollar sign. The following table shows the value range of the WCHAR data type: Length (bits) Format Range of values Example of value input 16 Unicode $0000 - $D7FF WCHAR#'a' See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) STRING Description An operand of the STRING data type saves several characters in a character string that can consist of up to 254 characters. In a character string, all characters of the ASCII code ASCII 7-bit, 8-bit are permitted depending on the code page for the project language set in the TIA Portal. The characters are specified in single quotation marks. The following table shows the properties of a STRING tag: Length (bytes) Format Value range Example of value input n + 2 1) ASCII character string incl. special characters 0 to 254 characters 'Name' STRING#'NAME' STRING#'Na... (The current length of the string is longer than the space available.) STRING#'' (The string is empty.) An operand of the STRING data type occupies two bytes more than the specified maximum length in the memory. 1) A character string can also contain special characters. Characters not contained in the ASCII code are coded using the code page currently set in Windows. The escape character $ is used to identify control characters, dollar signs and single quotation marks. 2162 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The table below shows examples for the notation of special characters: Character Hex Meaning Example $L or $l 0A Line feed '$LText', '$0AText' $N 0A and 0D Line break '$NText', '$0A$0DText' The line break occupies 2 characters in the character string and is conver ted to $R$L in the display in the edi tor. $P or $p 0C Page feed '$PText', '$0CText' $R or $r 0D Carriage return (CR) '$RText','$0DText' $T or $t 09 Tab '$TText', '$09Text' $$ 24 Dollar sign '100$$', '100$24' $' 27 Single quotation mark '$'Text$'','$27Text$27' If the escape character $ is followed by a letter from the table, the character indicated in the table is entered in the string. If the escape character $ is followed by a letter that is not in the table, this letter is entered in the string. If the escape character $ is followed by two hexadecimal digits or only one digit, this code is entered in the string. Note Different code pages Please note that the special characters are coded using the code page currently set in Windows. This means that a string that contains special characters can be displayed differently on a different operating system with a different code page. Use in the watch table The following applies to a CPU of the S7-300/400 series: If a tag of the STRING data type is being monitored, only the first 30 characters will be displayed. If the actual length is greater than 30 characters, an ellipsis (...) is displayed instead of the final apostrophe ('). STRING values with more than 30 characters cannot be used for modifying. Maximum length of a character string The maximum length of the character string can be specified during the declaration of an operand using square brackets after the keyword STRING (for example, STRING[4]). You can also use local or global constants to declare the maximum length (for example, STRING[#loc_const] or STRING["glob_const"]). If the specification of the maximum length is omitted, the standard length of 254 characters is set for the respective operand. You can find additional information about using local or global constants to declare the maximum length here: Declaring the block interface: Declare variables of the STRING and WSTRING data types (Page 4535) Programming data blocks: Declaring tags of the STRING data type (Page 4562) AUTOHOTSPOT WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2163 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types If the actual length of a specified character string is shorter than the declared maximum length, the characters are written to the character string left-justified and the remaining character spaces remain undefined. Only occupied character spaces that define the actual length of the string are considered for the value processing and all displays. Note For S7-300/400 CPUs, please note: If a temporary tag of the STRING data type was defined, you must describe the BYTE "Max. length of string" with the defined length before you use the tags in the user program. Transferring a STRING for parameter supply You can transfer the STRING data type as a parameter. You can find additional information on parameter supply with STRING here: Transferring a tag of the STRING or WSTRING data type (Page 2168) For S7-1200/1500: Valid data types in the block interface (Page 4526) For S7-300/400: Valid data types in the block interface (Page 4525) Example The example below shows the byte sequence if the STRING[4] data type is specified with output value 'AB': %\WH %\WH 0D[OHQJWKRIWKH VWULQJ %\WH $FWXDOOHQJWKRI WKHVWULQJ $% $6&,,YDOXH RI$ %\WH %\WH %\WH $6&,,YDOXH RI% See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) 2164 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types WSTRING (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description An operand of data type WSTRING (Wide Character String) stores several Unicode characters, as defined by the operating system, of the WCHAR data type in one character string. If you do not specify a length, the character string has a preset length of 254 characters. All UCS2 characters of the Unicode format that are supported by the operating system are permitted In a character string. This means you can also use Chinese characters in a character string. When declaring an operand of data type WSTRING you can define its length using square brackets (for example WSTRING[10]). If you do not specify a length, the length of the WSTRING is set to 254 characters by default. You can declare a length of up to 16382 characters (WSTRING[16382]). The specification of the characters occurs in single quotes and always with the qualifier WSTRING#. The following table shows the properties of a WSTRING tag: Length (WORD) Format Value range Example of value input n+2 Unicode character string; Preset value: 0 to 254 characters WSTRING#'Hello World' n specifies the length of the character string. Max. possible value: 0 to 16382 WSTRING#'Hello Wo... (The current length of the string is longer than the space available.) 1) WSTRING#'' (The string is empty.) An operand of the WSTRING data type occupies two WORDs more in the memory than the specified maximum length. 1) A character string can also contain special characters. The escape character $ is used to identify control characters, dollar signs and single quotation marks. The table below shows examples for the notation of special characters: Character Hex Meaning Example $L or $l 000A Line feed '$LText', '$000AText' $N 000A and 000D Line break '$NText', '$000A $000DText' The line break occupies 2 characters in the character string and is conver ted to $R$L in the display in the edi tor. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 $P or $p 000C Page feed '$PText', '$000CText' $R or $r 000D Carriage return (CR) '$RText','$000DText' $T or $t 0009 Tab '$TText', '$0009Text' 2165 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Character Hex Meaning Example $$ 0024 Dollar sign '100$$', '100$0024' $' 0027 Single quotation mark '$'Text$'','$0027Text $0027' If the escape character $ is followed by a letter from the table, the character indicated in the table is entered in the string. If the escape character $ is followed by a letter that is not in the table, this letter is entered in the string. If the escape character $ is followed by four hexadecimal digits, this code is entered in the string. Note Conversion of WSTRING tags Implicit conversion of the WSTRING data type is not possible. Explicit conversion of the WSTRING data type to STRING is generally possible. However, as standard, it is only possible to convert characters in the code range from 0 - 127 in all Windows code pages. For all characters outside this range, the code page character and the lower byte of the Unicode character must be in exactly the same position for the conversion to work without errors. Use in the watch table If a tag of the WSTRING data type is being monitored, only the first 254 characters are displayed. If the actual length is greater than 254 characters, an ellipsis (...) is displayed instead of the closing apostrophe ('). WSTRING values with more than 254 characters cannot be used for modifying. Maximum length of a character string The maximum length of the character string can be specified during the declaration of an operand using square brackets after the keyword WSTRING (for example, WSTRING[4]). You can also use local or global constants to declare the maximum length (for example, WSTRING[#loc_const] or WSTRING["glob_const"]). If the specification of the maximum length is omitted, the standard length of 254 characters is set for the respective operand. You can find additional information about using local or global constants to declare the maximum length here: Declaring the block interface: Declare variables of the STRING and WSTRING data types (Page 4535) Programming data blocks: Declaring tags of the STRING data type (Page 4562) AUTOHOTSPOT If the actual length of a specified character string is shorter than the declared maximum length, the characters are written to the character string left-justified and the remaining character spaces remain undefined. Only occupied character spaces are considered in the value processing. 2166 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Transferring a WSTRING for parameter supply Operands of the data type WSTRING can be transferred as parameters up to the maximum length for blocks with "optimized" access. For function blocks (FB) with "standard" access, operands of the data type WSTRING can be declared as parameters in all sections of the block interface except in the section "InOut". For a function (FC) with "standard" access, only operands of the WSTRING data type can be transferred as parameters. The function value of an FC in the "Return" section and expressions in the SCL programming language are another exception to this rule. In these cases, the WSTRING tag must not be longer than 1022 characters. If you need a WSTRING tag with more than 1022 characters, declare a tag of the data type "WSTRING" with the required character length in the section "Temp" and assign the function value to the tag. The declared lengths of formal and actual parameters may be different. You can find additional information on parameter supply with WSTRING here: Transferring a tag of the STRING or WSTRING data type (Page 2168) Valid data types in the block interface (Page 4526) Example The example below shows the byte sequence if the WSTRING[4] data type is specified with output value 'AB': %\WH %\WH 0D[OHQJWKRIWKHVWULQJ %\WH %\WH $FWXDOOHQJWKRIWKHVWULQJ $% %\WH %\WH %\WH 8QLFRGHYDOXHRI$ 8QLFRGHYDOXH See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2167 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Transferring a tag of the STRING or WSTRING data type Description You can transfer tags of the STRING or WSTRING data type as parameters. The following table shows the rules that apply to the (W)STRING transfer in the various CPU families: CPU family Data type Rules for transfer at the block call S7-300/400 STRING The declared lengths of formal and actual parameters must be identical. S7-1200/150 0 STRING The declared lengths of formal and actual parameters may be different. If the declared length WSTRING of the target parameter during runtime is insufficient to accept the (W)STRING, the (W)STRING is truncated and the enable output ENO is set to FALSE. In the programming editor, a gray rectangle at the parameter indicates that (W)STRING might be truncated during runtime. Exception: When calling STL blocks, the declared lengths of formal and actual parameters must always be identical. The following figure shows a block call in which the lengths of the declared formal and actual parameters differ. Due to the different declared lengths, both "Input_String_20" and "Output_String_10" could be truncated during runtime. Addressing individual characters of a STRING or WSTRING (S7-1200, S7-1500) Addressing individual characters of a STRING or WSTRING Use the syntax StringName[i] to access an individual character of a STRING or WSTRING tag. The counting index "i" begins with "1". Thus, you access the first character of the string with StringName[1]. You cannot access individual characters of a STRING or WSTRING constant. Examples The following examples show the addressing of (W)STRINGs: 2168 Addressing Explanation STRING[3] Addresses the third character of the STRING. WSTRING[3] Addresses the third character of the WSTRING. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Troubleshooting W(STRING) access Access errors result during runtime when you access a character that is located outside the STRING length. On read access to the STRING, you receive the character '$00' or '$0000'; write access to the STRING is not executed. If the instruction has the enable output ENO, ENO is set to the signal state FALSE. The CPU does not change to STOP. The only exception is when the character is written directly after the actual length of the STRING. The following example shows the string 'Hello' with the actual length of 5. The 27th character of the STRING lies outside the actual length and can therefore not be written. The STRING remains unchanged; the result of the assignment is 'hello'. SCL MyDB.mystring := 'hello'; MyDB.mystring[27] := CHAR_TO_BYTE('!'); The following example shows the specified exception: The character is written directly behind the STRING to the 6th character. The result of the assignment is 'hello!'. SCL MyDB.mystring := 'hello'; MyDB.mystring[6] := CHAR_TO_BYTE('!'); Where possible, use instructions from the "Extended instructions > String + Char" pane to handle STRINGs. SCL CONCAT(IN1 := 'hello', IN2 := '!'); See also Character strings (Page 2161) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2169 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types 11.3.8 PLC data types (UDT) PLC data types (UDT) Description A PLC data type (UDT) is a complex, user-defined data type that is used for the declaration of a tag. It represents a data structure made up of several components of different data types. The components can also be derived from another PLC data type, from an ARRAY or directly using the STRUCT keyword as a structure. The nesting depth is hereby limited to 8 levels. You can change a PLC data type (UDT) centrally and use it repeatedly in the program code. All locations of use are updated automatically. Advantages of the PLC data types: Simple data exchange via block interfaces among several blocks Group data according to the process control Transferring a parameter as a data unit Using a PLC data type You can declare PLC data types as a type when creating data blocks. Based on this type, you can create a number of data blocks, all of which have the same data structure. These data blocks can be adapted by entering different actual values for the corresponding task. For instance, create a PLC data type for a recipe for blending paints. You can then assign this data type to several data blocks, each of which contains different quantity information. '%%/8( 8'75HFLSH 2170 SO '%/,*+7B%/8( 7H P 3/&GDWDW\SH DW H IR U The following figure shows this application: 7H P SOD W H IR U '%3853/( WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types PLC data types can be used for the following applications: PLC data types can be used as data types for tags in the tag declaration of logic blocks or in data blocks. PLC data types can be used as templates for the creation of global data blocks with identical data structures. PLC data types can be used in S7-1200 and S7-1500 as a template for the creation of structured PLC tags. Nesting depth and potential number of PLC data types A maximum of 64K objects of FCs, FBs, DBs and PLC data types are defined (the total number is restricted accordingly for CPUs, however). A maximum of 16K components can be defined per hierarchy level for each structure description (for example, a DB or a PLC data type (UDT)). These components can also be an ARRAY or a STRUCT data type. When a structured component is hereby derived from an explicitly declared PLC data type, there is no restriction. In other words, 16K components of PLC data type (UDT)/SDT are supported for each hierarchy level. However, a maximum of 252 of the 16K components can have "anonymous structures". PLC data types can be nested to a depth of 8 hierarchy levels. This nesting depth is independent of the CPU used. Generating external sources from blocks When generating external sources from blocks, the changes made directly in the block interface to the default values of PLC data types are not exported to the sources. This means that these values are not available when the sources are imported once again. The default values are applied instead. To prevent this loss of data for the modified default values, the changes must be made directly in the PLC data type and not in the block interface. In this case, the changes are also exported when external sources are generated. Disadvantages of anonymous structures The components of the structured tag can be identically addressed. This is regardless of whether the declaration has been made using a PLC data type or an anonymous structure. The following disadvantages apply when using anonymous structures: Reusability of the same structure by copying. This makes it difficult to change the structure Anonymous structures are not compatible with PLC data types (UDT) of the same structure Performance, since the matching types for structural components are checked during runtime The high limit is more easily reached when using anonymous structures, since all components must be evaluated individually. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2171 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Example The following example shows the data type definition of the "MyUDT" PLC data type: 2172 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Additional information on the PLC data types Note You can find more information on the PLC data types within the information system here: You can find basic information on the PLC data type here: Basics of PLC data types (UDT) (Page 4620) Creating PLC data types (Page 4624) Structure of the declaration table for PLC data types (Page 4623) Programming the structure of PLC data types (Page 4626) You can find programming recommendations for the PLC data types here: Using PLC data types (UDT) (Page 2104) Using the DB_ANY data type (Page 2093) How can you address tags of the data type PLC data type in the data blocks? Addressing PLC data types (UDT) (Page 2174) How can you declare tags that are based on a PLC data type in the block interface? Declaring tags based on a PLC data type (Page 4536) How can you program tags that are based on a PLC data type in the data block? Declaring tags based on a PLC data type (Page 4563) How can you compare PLC data types in your program? Comparing PLC data types (Page 4860) Comparing PLC tags (Page 4832) CMP ==: Equal (Page 2523) How can you address PLC tags of the data type PLC data type? Creating structured PLC tags (Page 4606) Permissible addresses and data types of PLC tags (Page 4595) How can you program the parameter transfer of PLC data types at a block call? Transferring a tag of the PLC data type (UDT) (Page 2174) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2173 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Note You can find more information on the PLC data types in the Siemens Industry Online Support in the following contributions: How can you initialize structures in optimized memory areas at the S7-1500 in STEP 7 (TIA Portal)? (https:// How do you create a PLC data type (UDT) at an S7-1500 control system? (https:// How is the specific application of own PLC data types (UDT) effected in STEP 7 (TIA Portal)? (https:// Why should complete structures be transferred at a block call for S7-1500 instead of many individual components? (https:// Transferring a tag of the PLC data type (UDT) Description You can also transfer tags that are declared as PLC data type (UDT) as actual parameters. If the formal parameter is declared as a PLC data type (UDT) in the tag declaration, you must transfer a tag that has the same PLC data type (UDT) as an actual parameter. An element of a tag declared using the PLC data type (UDT) can also be transferred as an actual parameter for the block call, provided the data type of the element of the tag matches the data type of the formal parameter. Addressing PLC data types (UDT) Addressing data elements of an PLC data type The following syntax is used to access elements of a PLC data type: . 2174 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Examples The following examples show the addressing of structured data type tags: Addressing Description Values.Temperature Addressing of the "Temperature" element in the "Values" tag, which is based on a PLC data type. See also Basics of PLC data types (UDT) (Page 4620) 11.3.9 Anonymous structures STRUCT Description The STRUCT data type represents a data structure that consists of a fixed number of components of different data types. Components of STRUCT or ARRAY data type can also be nested in a structure. Structures can be used to group data according to the process control system and to transfer parameters as one data unit. Nesting depth and potential number of structures A maximum of 64K objects of FCs, FBs, DBs and PLC data types are defined (the total number is restricted accordingly for CPUs, however). A maximum of 16K components can be defined per hierarchy level for each structure description (for example, a DB or a PLC data type (UDT)). These components can also be an ARRAY or a STRUCT data type. When a structured component is hereby derived from an explicitly declared PLC data type, there is no restriction. In other words, 16K components of PLC data type (UDT)/SDT are supported for each hierarchy level. However, a maximum of 252 of the 16K components can have "anonymous structures". Structures (STRUCT) can be nested to a depth of 8 hierarchy levels. This nesting depth is independent of the CPU used. Transferring a STRUCT for parameter supply You can transfer the STRUCT data type as a parameter. You can find additional information on parameter supply with STRUCT here: Transferring tags of the STRUCT data type (Page 2176) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2175 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Disadvantages of anonymous structures The components of the structured tag can be identically addressed. This is regardless of whether the declaration has been made using a PLC data type or an anonymous structure. The following disadvantages apply when using anonymous structures: Reusability of the same structure by copying. This makes it difficult to change the structure Anonymous structures are not compatible with PLC data types (UDT) of the same structure Performance, since the matching types for structural components are checked during runtime The high limit is more easily reached when using anonymous structures, since all components must be evaluated individually. Example Structured tags are usually derived from a PLC data type (UDT). However, they can also be declared directly. Declaration of a structured tag with or without PLC data type (UDT): Structured tag with PLC data type (UDT) Structured tag without PLC data type (UDT) Structure declarations that are used directly on the tags are called anonymous structures. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Transferring tags of the STRUCT data type Description You can transfer structures as parameters. If a block has an input parameter of the STRUCT data type, you must transfer a STRUCT with identical structure as the actual parameter. This means that the names and data types of all structure components have to be identical. 2176 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types You can also transfer individual elements of an STRUCT as actual parameter if the element corresponds to the data type of the formal parameter. Note We recommend that you program structures as PLC data types (UDT). PLC data types (UDT) make programming easier, since they can be used repeatedly and changed centrally. Addressing STRUCT Addressing data elements in structures You access individual elements in a structure using the following syntax: . Example The following examples show the addressing of structured data type tags: Addressing Explanation Batch_1.Temperature Addressing of the element "Temperature" in the structure "Batch_1" See also Anonymous structures (Page 2175) 11.3.10 ARRAY ARRAY Description A tag of the ARRAY data type represents a data structure that consists of a fixed number of elements of the same data type. The array components are addressed by means of an index. The index limits are defined in square brackets during the declaration of the field after the keyword ARRAY. The low limit must be smaller than or equal to the high limit. An array may contain up to six dimensions, the limits of which can be specified separated by a comma. You can find an example of a multi-dimensional ARRAY here: Example of a multi-dimensional ARRAY (Page 2184) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2177 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following table shows the property of the ARRAY data type: Block property Format Standard ARRAY[low limit...high lim [-32768..32767] of type> Optimized ARRAY limits [-2147483648..2147483 647] of Data type Binary numbers, inte gers, floating-point num bers, timers, date and time, character strings, STRUCT, PLC data types, system data types, hardware data types Note Applies to CPUs of the S7-1500 series For a block with the "Optimized block access" block property, an element of the BOOL data type requires 1 byte of memory. This is also true when you use an ARRAY of . An ARRAY[0..1] of BOOL, for example, thus requires 2 bytes in an optimized program block. Addressing ARRAY elements The ARRAY elements are addressed using an index. You can address the elements anywhere within the ARRAY limits. The ARRAY elements can also be addressed indirectly. You can find additional information about indirect addressing here: AUTOHOTSPOT Using constants as ARRAY limits You can use local or global constants as ARRAY limits. You can find additional information here: AUTOHOTSPOT Explanation ARRAY[1.."n"] of Fixed ARRAY limits consisting of a number and a global user constant One-dimensional ARRAY ARRAY[1.."n", 2..5, #1..#u] of Fixed ARRAY limits consisting of numbers and global and local user constants Three-dimensional ARRAY ARRAY of multiple instances (only in blocks with optimized access) Multi-instances can also be created as an ARRAY. You can address the individual ARRAY elements using a variable index, e.g. when processing program loops. You can find additional information here: AUTOHOTSPOT Declaring multi-instances (Page 4537) 2178 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Maximum ARRAY limits The maximum ARRAY limits depend on the following factors: Data type of the ARRAY elements Memory reserve (only in blocks with optimized access) You can find additional information under: AUTOHOTSPOT. Maximum size of the data block Maximum memory capacity of the CPU (you can find more information in the manual for the device) Tag ARRAY limits (only in blocks with optimized access) Note Availability of ARRAY[*] ARRAY[*] is available in optimized blocks for a CPU of the S7-1200 series as of firmware version >= 4.2, and for a CPU of the S7-1500 series as of firmware version >= 2.0. You can use an ARRAY[*] to program blocks that can process an ARRAY with a length that was unknown when it was created. To do this, you declare variable ARRAY limits for the parameters of a function or function block. ARRAY[*] is available in all programming languages. You can use the following syntax: Explanation ARRAY [*] of Variable ARRAY limits One-dimensional ARRAY ARRAY[*,*,*] of Variable ARRAY limits Three-dimensional ARRAY You can find additional information on the use of ARRAY[*] here: Transferring tags of the ARRAY data type[*] (Page 2180) Valid data types in the block interface (Page 4526) In the block interface: Declaring tags of the ARRAY data type (Page 4560) Using the "LOWER_BOUND" and "UPPER_BOUND" instructions, you can read the low and high limits of an ARRAY with variable limits. Example The following example shows how operands of ARRAY data type can be declared: Name WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Declaration Comment Measured value ARRAY[1..20] of REAL One-dimensional array with 20 elements Time-of-day ARRAY[-5..5] of LINT One-dimensional array with 11 elements Character ARRAY[1..2, 3..4] of CHAR Two-dimensional array with 4 elements 2179 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Indirect addressing of ARRAY elements (Page 2069) Transferring tags of the ARRAY data type Description You can transfer tags of the ARRAY data type as parameters. If a block has an input parameter of ARRAY data type, you must pass an ARRAY with identical structure as the actual parameter. This means that the data type, the number of dimensions and the number of field components must be identical. You can also transfer individual elements of an ARRAY as actual parameter if the element corresponds to the data type of the formal parameter. Transferring tags of the ARRAY data type[*] Description You can use ARRAY[*] to declare ARRAYs with variable limits at the parameters of a function or function block. You need not know the actual length of the ARRAY that will be transferred later during runtime when you declare the block call. The following figure shows two calls of a block with an input parameter of the ARRAY[*] data type. ARRAYs of different length are transferred with each call. 2180 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following rules apply when transferring ARRAYs with variable limits: The assignment of ARRAY[*] to ARRAY[*] is permitted if the number of dimensions and the data type match. However, you cannot transfer individual ARRAY elements in this process. Example: SCL CALL CalleeWithDynamicArray ( dynArray := #dynArray ); The assignment of an ARRAY with fixed limits to an ARRAY[*] is permitted if the number of dimensions and the data type match. Here, you can also assign individual ARRAY components. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2181 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Examples SCL CALL CalleeWithDynamicArray ( dynArray := #statArray ); SCL CALL CalleeWithDynamicArray ( dynArray := #statArray[#Index] ); The assignment of ARRAY[*] to VARIANT is permitted. Example: SCL CALL CalleeWithVariant ( myVariant := #dynArray ); The assignment of ARRAY[*] to ARRAYs with fixed limits is not permitted. Note Block parameters of the ARRAY [*] type must be supplied with an actual parameter. Addressing ARRAYs Addressing data elements of an ARRAY You access an element in an ARRAY using the following syntax: [i,j,k...] The index of the element is specified in square brackets. The index includes an integer value (-2147483648 ... 2147483647) for each ARRAY dimension. See also: ARRAY (Page 2177) AUTOHOTSPOT Examples The following examples show the addressing of structured data type tags: 2182 Addressing Description Motor.Value_1x3[2] Addressing of the one-dimensional array "Value_1x3" in the "Motor" DB. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Addressing Description Motor.Value_2x4[2,4] Addressing of the two-dimensional array "Value_2x4" in the "Motor" DB. Motor.Value_4x7[2,4,1,3] Addressing of the four-dimensional array "Value_4x7" in the "Motor" DB. Troubleshooting ARRAY access Access errors result when you access an element during runtime which is located outside the declared ARRAY limits. The various CPU families react differently to violations of the ARRAY limits: S7-300/400 - The CPU changes to "STOP" mode. - You can program the program execution error OB (OB 85) to prevent this. - In SCL, you also have the option of enabling the attribute "Check ARRAY limits" in the block properties. This causes the enable output ENO to be set to FALSE in the case of ARRAY access errors. S7-1200 - The CPU generates a diagnostic buffer entry and remains in "RUN" mode. S7-1500 - The CPU changes to "STOP" mode. - You can program the programming error OB (OB 121) to prevent this. - You also have the option of programming the local error handling with the instructions "GET_ERROR: Get error locally" or "GET_ERROR_ID: Get error ID locally". Note Monitoring ARRAY access errors with ENO The enable output ENO is not set to the signal state FALSE if the ARRAY limits are violated during execution of an instruction. The only exception is SCL blocks on CPUs of the S7-300/400 series for which the block property "Check ARRAY limits" is set. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2183 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Example of a one-dimensional ARRAY Description The following table shows the declaration of a one-dimensional tag of the ARRAY data type: Name Data type Comment Station ARRAY[1..3] of INT One-dimensional tag of the ARRAY data type with 3 elements The following figure shows the structure of the declared tag of the ARRAY data type: 6WDWLRQ $55$<>@RI,17 6WDWLRQ>@ 6WDWLRQ>@ 6WDWLRQ>@ Access to an element You access the values of the individual elements using an index just like for ARRAYs, for example, "Station[2]" := 42. Example of a multi-dimensional ARRAY Description Tags of the ARRAY data type can contain up to 6 dimensions. The same rules apply as for one-dimensional arrays. The dimension areas are written in the declaration in square brackets, each separated by a comma. In multidimensional arrays, the elements are stored starting with the first dimension. The following table shows the declaration of a two-dimensional tag of the ARRAY data type: Name Data type Value Betr_Temp ARRAY[1..2, 1..3] of INT 1,1,4(0) Comment Two-dimensional tag of the ARRAY data type with 6 elements The first two elements are assigned the value "1". The remaining four ele ments are assigned the value "0". The following figure shows the structure of the declared tag of the ARRAY data type: 2184 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types 6WDWLRQ>@ 6WDWLRQ>@ 6WDWLRQ>@ 6WDWLRQ $55$<>@RI,17 6WDWLRQ>@ 6WDWLRQ>@ 6WDWLRQ>@ Access to elements You access the values of the individual elements using an index. You can use a constant or a tag for the index. The index of the first element is, for example, [1,1] and the index of the fourth element is [2,1]. "Station[2,1]" must be specified in the program, for example, in order to access the value of the fourth element. 11.3.11 Pointer POINTER (S7-300, S7-400, S7-1500) Description A parameter of the type POINTER is a pointer that can point to a specific tag. It occupies 6 bytes (48 bits) in memory and may contain the following tag information: DB number, or 0 if the data is not stored in a DB Memory area in the CPU Tag address The following figure shows the structure of parameter type POINTER: 3RLQWHUIRUPDW %LW %LW %\WH 0HPRU\DUHD E E E E E E E E E E E %\WH E E E E E [ [ [ %\WH E %\WHDGGUHVVRIWKHWDJ WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 %\WH '%QXPEHU RU %\WH %\WH [ %LWDGGUHVVRI WKHWDJ 2185 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Types of pointer Depending on the information, you can use parameter type POINTER to declare the following four types of pointer: Area-internal pointer: An area-internal pointer contains information on the address of a tag. Cross-area pointer: A cross-area pointer contains information on the memory area and the address of a tag. DB pointer: You can use a DB pointer to point to a data block tag. A DB pointer also contains a data block number in addition to the memory area and the address of a tag. Zero pointer: Use the zero pointer to indicate a missing value. A missing value may indicate that no value exists, or that the value is not yet known. A zero value represents the absence of a value, but is also a value. The following table shows the formats for the declaration of various pointer types: P#ByteRepresentation Format Example of value in put Description Symbolic P#Byte.Bit "MyTag" Area-internal pointer P#OperandAreaByte.Bit "MyTag" Cross-area pointer P#Data_block.Data_oper and "MyDB"."MyTag" DB pointer P#Zero value - Zero pointer P#Byte.Bit P#20.0 Area-internal pointer P#OperandAreaByte.Bit P#M20.0 Cross-area pointer P#Data_block.Data_oper and P#DB10.DBX20.0 DB pointer P#Zero value P#0.0, ZERO Zero pointer Absolute The prefix P# Enter the actual value without prefix P# in the block call to supply a formal parameter of the POINTER data type. The entry is then automatically converted to the POINTER format. If you use the prefix P#, you can only point to memory areas with "Standard" access mode. You can find additional information and a direct comparison of the two access options here: AUTOHOTSPOT The new S7-1500 CPU functions and programming recommendations at a glance (Page 2055) 2186 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types The following should be noted when using the prefix P# in the STL programming language: Block type "Optimized" access mode "Standard" access mode Function (FC) A tag cannot be used in the pro gram code with the prefix P#. The following tags can be used in the pro gram code with the prefix P#. Structured tags that are declared in the InOut section of the block interface. Tags with elementary data types cannot be used with the prefix P#. Function block (FB) A tag cannot be used in the pro gram code with the prefix P#. The following tags can be used in the pro gram code with the prefix P#. Tags that have been declared in the sections Static, Input and Output of the block interface. Tags with the PLC data type (UDT) that are declared in the InOut section of the block interface. You can find additional information about structured and elementary data types here: AUTOHOTSPOT Memory areas The following table shows the hexadecimal codes of the memory areas for parameter type POINTER: Hexadecimal code Memory area Description B#16#80 P Peripherals on a CPU S7-300/400 16#1 P Peripheral inputs on a CPU S7-1500 16#2 P Peripheral outputs on a CPU S7-1500 B#16#81 I Memory area of inputs B#16#82 Q Memory area of outputs B#16#83 M Memory area of bit memory B#16#84 DBX Data block B#16#85 DIX Instance data block B#16#86 L Local data B#16#87 V Previous local data 1) 1) These data types can only be used for the POINTER pointer on a CPU S7-300/400. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2187 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types ANY (S7-300, S7-400, S7-1500) Description An ANY type parameter points to the start of a data area and specifies its length. An ANY pointer occupies 10 bytes of memory and may contain the following information: Data type: Data type of the elements of the data area Repetition factor: Number of elements of the data area DB number: Data block that contains the declaration of data area elements. Memory area: Memory area of the CPU that stores the data area elements. Start address of the data in the format "byte.bit": Data area start identified by the ANY pointer. Zero pointer: Use the zero pointer to indicate a missing value. A missing value may indicate that no value exists, or that the value is not yet known. A zero value represents the absence of a value, but is also a value. Note Access options For a CPU of the S7-1500 series, the ANY pointer can also only point to memory areas with "Standard" access mode. You can find additional information and a direct comparison of the two access options here: AUTOHOTSPOT The new S7-1500 CPU functions and programming recommendations at a glance (Page 2055) In the programming languages SCL and STL, memory of any kind can be transferred upon a block call if an ANY pointer has been programmed at a block parameter. The ANY pointer cannot, however, store any information on the structure of the memory. For example, the ANY pointer does not save the information that it points to a tag of the PLC data type. The ANY pointer sees this as an ARRAY of BYTE. Parameters of the ANY data type can be passed to system function blocks (SFBs) or system functions (SFCs). The following figure shows the structure of the ANY pointer: 2188 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types %LW %LW %\WH KIRU6 %\WH 'DWDW\SH %\WH %\WH 5HSHWLWLRQIDFWRU %\WH %\WH '%QXPEHU RU %\WH 0HPRU\DUHD E %\WH E E E E E E E E E E %\WH E E E E E [ [ [ %\WH E %\WHDGGUHVVRIWKHWDJ [ %LWDGGUHVVRI WKHWDJ An ANY pointer cannot identify structures. It can only be assigned to local tags. The following table shows the formats for the declaration of an ANY pointer: Representation Format Example of value input Description Symbolic P#DataBlock.Memo ryArea DataAddress Type Number "MyDB".StructTag.Ini tialComponents Area with 10 words in global DB11 starting with DBB20.0 P#MemoryArea Data Address Type Number "MyMarkerTag" Area with 4 bytes start ing with MB 20.0 "MyTag" Input I1.0 P#Zero value - Zero value P#DataBlock.Memo ryArea DataAddress Type Number P#DB11.DBX20.0 INT 10 Area with 10 words in global DB11 starting with DBB20.0 P#MemoryArea Data Address Type Number P#M20.0 BYTE 10 Area with 10 bytes start ing with MB 20.0 P#I1.0 BOOL 8 Range with 8 bits from input I1.0 (the range length specified must be divisible by 8.) Absolute P#Zero value 1) P#P0.0 VOID 0, NULL 1) Zero value In the programming languages LAD and FBD, only NULL is a value entry for the zero value. Coding of data types The following table lists the coding of data types for the ANY pointer: Hexadecimal code Data type Description B#16#00 NIL Null pointer B#16#01 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 BOOL Bits B#16#02 BYTE bytes, 8 bits B#16#03 CHAR 8-bit characters B#16#04 WORD 16-bit words B#16#05 INT 16-bit integers B#16#06 DWORD 32-bit words 1) 2189 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Hexadecimal code Data type Description B#16#07 DINT 32-bit integers B#16#08 REAL 32-bit floating-point numbers B#16#0B TIME Time duration B#16#0C S5TIME Time duration B#16#09 DATE Date B#16#0A TOD Date and time B#16#0E DT Date and time B#16#13 STRING Character string B#16#171) BLOCK_FB Function block B#16#181) BLOCK_FC Function B#16#191) BLOCK_DB Data block B#16#1A BLOCK_SDB System data block B#16#1C1) COUNTER Counter B#16#1D TIMER Timer 1) 1) 1) These data types can only be used for the ANY pointer on a CPU S7-300/400. Coding of the memory area The following table lists the coding of the memory areas for the ANY pointer: Hexadecimal code Area Description B#16#801) P I/O B#16#81 I Memory area of inputs B#16#82 Q Memory area of outputs B#16#83 M Memory area of bit memory B#16#84 DBX Data block B#16#851) DIX Instance data block B#16#86 L Local data B#16#87 V Previous local data 1) These memory areas can only be used for the ANY pointer on an S7-300/400 CPU. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) 2190 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types VARIANT (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description A parameter of the VARIANT type is a pointer that can point to tags of different data types other than an instance. The VARIANT pointer can be an object of an elementary data type, such as INT or REAL. It can also be a STRING, DTL, ARRAY of STRUCT, UDT, or ARRAY of UDT. The VARIANT pointer can recognize structures and point to individual structure components. An operand of data type VARIANT occupies no space in the instance data block or work memory. However, it will occupy memory space on the CPU. A tag of the VARIANT type is not an object but rather a reference to another object. Individual elements of the VARIANT type can only be declared on formal parameters within the block interface of a function in the VAR_IN, VAR_IN_OUT and VAR_TEMP sections. For this reason, it cannot be declared in a data block or in the static section of the block interface of a function block, for example, because its size is unknown. The size of the referenced objects can change. You can use VARIANT to generate generic function blocks or functions. When a block is called, you can connect the parameters of the block to tags of any data type. When a block is called, the type information of the tag is transferred in addition to a pointer to the tag. The code of the block can then be executed according to its type in line with the tag transferred during runtime. If, for example, a block parameter of a function has the VARIANT data type, then a tag of the integer data type can be transferred at one point in the program, and a tag of the PLC data type can be transferred at another point in the program. With the help of the VARIANT instructions, the function is then in a position to react to the situation without errors. Note You can only point to a complete data block if it was originally derived from a user-defined data type (UDT). Note Address I/O Direct reading or writing of a signal from an I/O input or output is only possible on a CPU of an S7-1500 module. (: P) The following table shows the properties of the VARIANT pointer: Length (bytes) Repre sentation Format Example of value input 0 Symbolic Operand "TagResult" NameDataBlock.NameOper and.Component "Data_TIA_Portal".StructVariable.First Component Operand %MW10 DataBlockNumber.Operand Type Length P#DB10.DBX10.0 INT 12 1) Absolute (valid only for blocks with standard ac cess) P#Zero value1) P#0.0 VOID 0, ZERO 1) If you use the prefix P#, you can only point to memory areas with "standard" access mode. 1) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2191 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Coding of data types If you use absolute addressing with P#, the following data types are permitted: Hexadecimal code Data type Description B#16#00 NIL Null pointer B#16#01 BOOL Bits B#16#02 BYTE bytes, 8 bits B#16#03 CHAR 8-bit characters B#16#04 WORD 16-bit words B#16#05 INT 16-bit integers B#16#06 DWORD 32-bit words B#16#07 DINT 32-bit integers B#16#08 REAL 32-bit floating-point numbers B#16#0B TIME Time duration B#16#0C S5TIME Time duration B#16#09 DATE Date B#16#0A TOD Date and time B#16#0E DT Date and time B#16#13 STRING Character string B#16#17 BLOCK_FB Function block B#16#18 BLOCK_FC Function B#16#19 BLOCK_DB Data block B#16#1A BLOCK_SDB System data block B#16#1C COUNTER Counter B#16#1D TIMER Timer Example The following example shows how VARIANT works using the "MOVE: Move value" instruction of STL: STL Explanation CALL MOVE // The instruction is called. value_type := VARIANT // Data type of the parameters IN and OUT IN := "Data_TIA_Portal".StructVariable.FirstCompo- // The contents of the "FirstComponent" operand nent are moved from the "Data_TIA_Portal" DB. OUT := "MotorDB".StructResult.TagResult // And transferred to the "TagResult" operand from the "MotorDB" DB. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) VARIANT instructions (Page 2081) 2192 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Data type conversion for S7-1200 (Page 2332) Using the VARIANT data type (Page 2078) 11.3.12 Parameter types Parameter types Description The parameter types are data types for formal parameters that are transferred to called blocks. A parameter type can also be a PLC data type. The following table shows the available parameter data types and their purpose: Parameter type Length (bits) Description TIMER 16 Is used to specify a timer that is used in the called code block. If you supply a formal parameter of the TIMER parameter type, the associated actual parameter must be a timer. Example: T1 COUNTER 16 Is used to specify a counter that is used in the called code block. If you supply a formal parameter of the COUNTER parameter type, the associated actual parameter must be a counter. BLOCK_FC 16 BLOCK_FB 16 BLOCK_DB 16 BLOCK_SDB 16 BLOCK_SFB 16 BLOCK_SFC 16 BLOCK_OB 16 VOID - The VOID parameter type does not save any values. This pa rameter type is used if the return values of an output are not required. The VOID parameter type can be specified at the STATUS output, for example, if no error information is required. PARAMETER - The PARAMETER data type enables the symbol of a local tag of the program block containing instructions "GetSymbolName: Read out name of a tag at input parameter" and "GetSymbol Path: Query composite global name of the input parameter as signment" to be used with the corresponding input of these in structions. Example: C10 Is used to specify a block that is used as input in the called code block. The declaration of the parameter determines the block type (for example FB, FC, DB) that is to be used. If you supply a formal parameter of the BLOCK parameter type, specify a block address as the actual parameter. Example: DB3 See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2193 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types 11.3.13 System data types System data types Description The system data types (SDT) are made available by the system and have a predefined structure. The structure of a system data type consists of a fixed number of components that can have various data types. It is not possible to change the structure of a system data type. The system data types can only be used for specific instructions. The following table shows the available system data types and their purpose: System data type Length (bytes) Description IEC_TIMER 16 Structure of a timer whose timer values are of TIME data type. This data type is used for the "TP", "TOF", "TON", "TONR", "RT" and "PT" instructions, for example. IEC_LTIMER 32 Structure of a timer whose timer values are of LTIME data type. This data type is used for the "TP", "TOF", "TON", "TONR", "RT" and "PT" instructions, for example. IEC_SCOUNTER 3 Structure of a counter whose count values are of SINT data type. This data type is used for the "CTU", "CTD" and "CTUD" in structions, for example. IEC_USCOUNTER 3 Structure of a counter whose count values are of USINT data type. This data type is used for the "CTU", "CTD" and "CTUD" in structions, for example. IEC_COUNTER 6 Structure of a counter whose count values are of INT data type. This data type is used for the "CTU", "CTD" and "CTUD" in structions, for example. IEC_UCOUNTER 6 Structure of a counter whose count values are of UINT data type. This data type is used for the "CTU", "CTD" and "CTUD" in structions, for example. IEC_DCOUNTER 12 Structure of a counter whose count values are of DINT data type. This data type is used for the "CTU", "CTD" and "CTUD" in structions, for example. IEC_UDCOUNTER 12 Structure of a counter whose count values are of UDINT data type. This data type is used for the "CTU", "CTD" and "CTUD" in structions, for example. IEC_LCOUNTER 24 Structure of a counter with count values of data type UDINT. This data type is used for the "CTU", "CTD" and "CTUD" in structions, for example. 2194 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types System data type Length (bytes) Description IEC_ULCOUNTER 24 Structure of a counter with count values of data type UINT. This data type is used for the "CTU", "CTD" and "CTUD" in structions, for example. ERROR_STRUCT 28 Structure of an error information to a programming or I/O access error. This data type is used, for example, for the "GET_ERROR" instruction. CREF 8 Components of the ERROR_STRUCT data type, in which information about the address of a block is saved. NREF 8 Components of the ERROR_STRUCT data type, in which information about the address of an operand is saved. VREF 12 Is used for storage of a VARIANT pointer. This data type is, for example, used for instructions from S7-1200 Motion Control. SSL_HEADER 4 Specifies the data structure in which information about the data records are saved during the reading of the system sta tus lists. This data type is used, for example, for the "RDSYSST" instruction. CONDITIONS 52 User-defined data structure defining the conditions for start and end of a data reception. This data type is used, for example, for the "RCV_CFG" in struction. TADDR_Param 8 Specifies the structure of a data block which stores descrip tions of connections for Open User Communication via UDP. This data type is used for the "TUSEND" and "TURSV" in structions, for example. TCON_Param 64 Specifies the structure of a data block which stores descrip tions of connections for Open User Communication via In dustrial Ethernet (PROFINET). This data type is used for the "TSEND" and "TRSV" instruc tions, for example. HSC_Period 12 Specifies the structure of the data block for the time period measurement with the extended high-speed counter. This data type is used, for example, for the "CTRL_HSC_EXT" instruction. See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2195 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types 11.3.14 Hardware data types Hardware data types Description The hardware data types are made available by the CPU. The number of available hardware data types depends on the CPU. Constants of a specific hardware data type are stored based on the modules set in the hardware configuration. When an instruction for controlling or activating a configured module is inserted in the user program, the available constants can be used for the parameters. The following table shows the available hardware data types and their purpose: Data type Basic data type Description REMOTE ANY Serves to specify the address of a remote CPU. This data type is used, for example, for the "PUT" and "GET" instructions. HW_ANY UINT Identification of any hardware component, e.g. a mod ule. HW_DEVICE HW_ANY Identification of a DP slave/PROFINET IO device HW_DPMASTER HW_INTERFACE Identification of a DP master HW_DPSLAVE HW_DEVICE Identification of a DP slave HW_IO HW_ANY Identification number of the CPU or the interface The number is automatically allocated and is stored in the properties of the CPU or of the interface in the hardware configuration. HW_IOSYSTEM HW_ANY Identification of a PN/IO system or DP master system HW_SUBMODULE HW_IO Identification of a central hardware component HW_MODULE HW_IO Identification of a module HW_INTERFACE HW_SUBMODULE Identification of an interface component HW_IEPORT HW_SUBMODULE Identification of a port (PN/IO) HW_HSC HW_SUBMODULE Identification of a high-speed counter This data type is used, for example, for the "CTRL_HSC" and "CTRL_HSC_EXT" instructions. HW_PWM HW_SUBMODULE Identification of a pulse width modulation This data type is used, for example, for the "CTRL_PWM" instruction. HW_PTO HW_SUBMODULE Identification of a pulse encoder EVENT_ANY AOM_IDENT Used to identify any event EVENT_ATT EVENT_ANY Is used to specify an event that can be assigned dy namically to an OB This data type is used for Motion Control. This data type is used, for example, for the "ATTACH" and "DETACH" instructions. EVENT_HWINT 2196 EVENT_ATT Is used to specify a hardware interrupt event WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Data type Basic data type Description OB_ANY INT Serves to specify any organization block. OB_DELAY OB_ANY Used to specify an organization block that is called when a time-delay interrupt occurs. This data type is used, for example, for the "SRT_DINT" and "CAN_DINT" instructions. OB_TOD OB_ANY Specifies the number of a time-of-day interrupt OB. This data type is used, for example, for the "SET_TINT", "CAN_TINT", "ACT_TINT" and "QRY_TINT" instructions. OB_CYCLIC OB_ANY Is used to specify an organization block that is called when a watchdog interrupt occurs. OB_ATT OB_ANY Is used to specify an organization block that can be assigned dynamically to an event. This data type is used, for example, for the "ATTACH" and "DETACH" instructions. OB_PCYCLE OB_ANY Is used to specify an organization block that can be assigned to an event of the "Cyclic program" event class. OB_HWINT OB_ATT Is used to specify an organization block that is called when a hardware interrupt occurs. OB_DIAG OB_ANY Is used to specify an organization block that is called when a diagnostic interrupt occurs. OB_TIMEERROR OB_ANY Is used to specify an organization block that is called when a time error occurs. OB_STARTUP OB_ANY Is used to specify an organization block that is called when a startup event occurs. PORT HW_SUBMODULE Serves to specify a communication port. This data type is used for point-to-point communica tion. RTM UINT Serves to specify the number of an operating hours counter. This data type is used, for example, for the "RTM" instruction. PIP UINT Is used to create and connect a "Synchronous Cycle" OB. This data type is used for the SFCs 26, 27, 126 and 127. CONN_ANY WORD Serves to specify any connection. CONN_PRG CONN_ANY Serves to specify a connection for open communica tion over UDP. CONN_OUC CONN_ANY Used to specify a connection for open communication over Industrial Ethernet (PROFINET). CONN_R_ID DWORD Data type for the R_ID parameter on the S7 commu nication blocks. DB_ANY UINT Identification (name or number) of a DB The data type "DB_ANY" has the length 0 in the sec tion "Temp". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2197 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Data type Basic data type Description DB_WWW DB_ANY Number of a DB generated via the Web application (for example, "WWW" instruction) The data type "DB_WWW" has the length 0 in the section "Temp". DB_DYN DB_ANY Number of a DB generated by the user program See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) 11.3.15 Data type conversion for S7-1500: (S7-1500) Overview of data type conversion (S7-1500) Introduction If you combine several operands in an instruction, you must make sure that the data types are compatible. This also applies when you assign or supply block parameters. If the operands are not of the same data type, a conversion has to be carried out. There are two options for conversion: Implicit conversion Implicit conversion is supported by the programming languages LAD, FBD, SCL and GRAPH. Implicit conversion is not possible in the STL programming language. Explicit conversion You use an explicit conversion instruction before the actual instruction is executed. Note Converting bit strings to SCL All bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD and LWORD) are handled like the corresponding unsigned integers (USINT, UINT, UDINT and ULINT) in expressions. Therefore, implicit conversion from DWORD to REAL is carried out like a conversion from UDINT to REAL, for example. 2198 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion Implicit conversion is executed automatically if the data types of the operands are compatible. This compatibility test can be carried out according to strict or less strict criteria: With IEC check (default setting) If IEC check is set, the following rules are applied: - Implicit conversion of BOOL into other data types is not possible. - Only the data types REAL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, DINT, INT, SINT, UDINT, UINT, USINT, TIME, LDT, DTL, DT, TOD, WCHAR and CHAR can be converted implicitly. - The bit length of the source data type may not exceed the bit length of the target data type. A WORD data type operand, for example, cannot be specified at a parameter at which the BYTE data type is expected. Without IEC check If IEC check is not set, the following rules are applied: - Implicit conversion of BOOL into other data types is not possible. - Only the data types REAL, LREAL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD, SINT, INT, DINT, LINT, USINT, UINT, UDINT, ULINT, TIME, LTIME, S5TIME, LDT, DTL, TOD, LTOD, DATE, STRING, WSTRING, WCHAR and CHAR can be converted implicitly. - The bit length of the source data type may not exceed the bit length of the target data type. A DWORD data type operand, for example, cannot be specified at a parameter at which the WORD data type is expected. - The bit length of an operand entered at in-out parameters (InOut) must be the same as the programmed bit length for the parameter in question. Note Implicit conversion without IEC check The programming editor uses a gray rectangle to mark operands that are implicitly converted. The dark gray rectangle signals that an implicit conversion is possible without any accuracy loss, for example, if you convert the data type INT to DINT. A light gray rectangle signals that implicit conversion is possible, but errors could occur during runtime. If, for example, you are converting the data type LINT to DINT and an overflow occurs, the enable output ENO is set to "0". For more information about the setting of the IEC check and the implicit conversion, refer to "See also". Explicit conversion If the operands are not compatible and implicit conversion is therefore not possible, you can perform an explicit conversion. You can do this by using the conversion instructions in the "Instructions" Task Card or you can insert the conversion into the program manually. You can find the format for explicit conversion functions under "See also". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2199 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Any overflow will be displayed on the ENO enable output. An overflow occurs, for example, if the value of the source data type is greater than the value of the target data type. Note Shifting of bit patterns If the explicit conversion involves shifting a bit pattern, the enable output ENO is not set. You can find additional information on explicit conversion under "See also". The following figure shows an example in which explicit data type conversion must be carried out: %ORFNB'DWD &219(57 ',17WR,17 ,1B',17 (1 (12 ,1 287 %ORFN (1 287B,17 287B,17 (12 ,1B,17 287B%22/ The "Block" function block expects a tag of the INT data type at the "IN_INT" input parameter. The value of the "IN_DINT" tag has therefore to the converted first from DINT to INT. Conversion is performed if the value of the "IN_DINT" tag is within the admissible value range for the INT data type. Otherwise an overflow is reported. However, a conversion takes place even in the event of an overflow, but the values are truncated and the ENO enable output is set to "0". See also Implicit conversions (Page 2200) Explicit conversions (Page 2249) Implicit conversions (S7-1500) Setting and disabling the IEC check (S7-1500) The data types of the operands used are checked for compatibility. This compatibility test can be carried out according to criteria that are more or less strict. If "IEC check" is activated, stricter criteria are applied. You can set the IEC check centrally for all new blocks of the project or for individual blocks. 2200 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Setting IEC check for new blocks To set the IEC check for all new blocks in the project, proceed as follows: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area. 2. Select the "PLC programming > General" group in the area navigation. 3. Select or clear the "IEC check" check box in the "Default settings for new blocks" group. The IEC check is enabled or disabled for all new blocks in the program. Setting IEC check for a block To set the IEC check for a block, proceed as follows: 1. Open the block. 2. Open the "Properties" tab in the inspector window. 3. Select the "Attributes" group in the area navigation. 4. Select or clear the "IEC check" check box. The IEC check is enabled or disabled for this block. The setting is stored together with the project. Binary numbers (S7-1500) Implicit conversion of BOOL (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The BOOL data type cannot be implicitly converted. See also BOOL (bit) (Page 2136) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Explicit conversion of BOOL (Page 2249) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2201 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Bit strings (S7-1500) Implicit conversion of BYTE (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of BYTE data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation BYTE BOOL - - No implicit conversion WORD X X DWORD X X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. LWORD X X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X LINT - X ULINT - X REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X No implicit conversion The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also BYTE (Page 2136) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) 2202 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Explicit conversion of BYTE (Page 2251) Implicit conversion of WORD (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of WORD data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation WORD BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X The low byte is transferred to the destination data type; the high byte is ignored. DWORD X X LWORD X X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. SINT - X The low byte is transferred to the destination data type; the high byte is ignored. USINT - X INT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X LINT - X ULINT - X REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - - S5TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. LDT - - No implicit conversion DTL - - DT - - DATE - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. TOD - - No implicit conversion LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X No implicit conversion The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2203 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also WORD (Page 2137) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Explicit conversion of WORD (Page 2254) 2204 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of DWORD (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of DWORD data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation DWORD BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The right byte is transferred to the destination data type; the left byte is ignored. LWORD X X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X LINT - X ULINT - X REAL - X The value is converted to the destination data type format. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) LREAL - - No implicit conversion TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. LTIME - - No implicit conversion S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. LTOD - - No implicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also DWORD (Page 2138) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2205 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Explicit conversion of DWORD (Page 2257) Implicit conversion of LWORD (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of LWORD data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation LWORD BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The right byte is transferred to the destination data type; the left byte is ignored. DWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X LINT - X ULINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. REAL - - No implicit conversion LREAL - X The value is converted to the destination data type format. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) TIME - - No implicit conversion LTIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. S5TIME - - No implicit conversion LDT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. DTL - - No implicit conversion DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. STRING - - No implicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2206 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) LWORD (Page 2139) Explicit conversion of LWORD (Page 2261) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2207 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Integers (S7-1500) Implicit conversion of SINT (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of SINT data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation SINT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. The remaining bits are filled with "0". LWORD - X USINT - X INT X X UINT - X DINT X X UDINT - X LINT X X ULINT - X REAL X X LREAL X X The value is converted to the destination data type format. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) TIME - - No implicit conversion LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value transfer from SINT #-1 -> INT #-1, not filled with "0".) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) 2208 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types SINT (8-bit integers) (Page 2141) Explicit conversion of SINT (Page 2265) Implicit conversion of USINT (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of USINT data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation USINT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. The remaining bits are filled with "0". LWORD - X SINT - X INT X X UINT X X DINT X X UDINT X X LINT X X ULINT X X REAL X X LREAL X X The value is converted to the destination data type format. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) TIME - - No implicit conversion LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from USINT #10 -> DINT #10 or USINT #128 -> SINT #-128) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2209 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) USINT (8-bit integers) (Page 2142) Explicit conversion of USINT (Page 2269) 2210 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of INT (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of INT data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation INT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. DWORD - X LWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X UINT - X DINT X X UDINT - X LINT X X ULINT - X REAL X X LREAL X X The value is converted to the destination data type format. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) TIME - - No implicit conversion LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. TOD - - No implicit conversion LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from INT #-1 -> SINT #-1, or INT #-32 767 -> UINT #32 769) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2211 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types INT (16-bit integers) (Page 2143) Explicit conversion of INT (Page 2272) Implicit conversion of UINT (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of UINT data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation UINT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. DWORD - X LWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X DINT X X UDINT X X LINT X X ULINT X X REAL X X LREAL X X The value is converted to the destination data type format. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) TIME - - No implicit conversion LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. TOD - - No implicit conversion LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from UINT #100 -> DINT #100 or UINT #60 000 -> INT #-5536) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2212 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) UINT (16-bit integers) (Page 2144) Explicit conversion of UINT (Page 2276) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2213 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of DINT (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of DINT data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation DINT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. DWORD - X LWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X UDINT - X LINT X X ULINT - X REAL - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from DINT #-1 -> REAL #-1.0, but there is a loss in accuracy for num bers with an absolute value greater than 8 388 608) LREAL X X The value is converted to the destination data type format. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. LTIME - - No implicit conversion S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. LTOD - - No implicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from DINT #-1 -> SINT #-1 or DINT #-1 -> USINT #255) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2214 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) DINT (32-bit integers) (Page 2145) Explicit conversion of DINT (Page 2279) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2215 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of UDINT (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of UDINT data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation UDINT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. DWORD - X LWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X LINT X X ULINT X X REAL - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from DINT #-1 -> REAL #-1.0, but there is a loss in accuracy for num bers with an absolute value greater than 8 388 608) LREAL X X The value is converted to the destination data type format. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. LTIME - - No implicit conversion S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. LTOD - - No implicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from DINT #-1 -> SINT #-1 or DINT #-1 -> USINT #255) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2216 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) UDINT (32-bit integers) (Page 2146) Explicit conversion of UDINT (Page 2283) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2217 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of LINT (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of LINT data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation LINT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. DWORD - X LWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X ULINT - X REAL - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from LINT #-1 -> REAL #-1.0, but there is a loss in accuracy for num bers with an absolute value greater than 8 388 608) LREAL - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from LINT #-1 -> REAL #-1.0, but there is a loss in accuracy for num bers with an absolute value greater than 9 007 199 254 740 992) TIME - - No implicit conversion LTIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. (duration in nanoseconds) S5TIME - - No implicit conversion LDT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. (nanoseconds since 1/1/1970) DTL - - No implicit conversion DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. STRING - - No implicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from LINT #-1 -> SINT #-1 or LINT #-1 -> USINT #255) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2218 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) LINT (64-bit integers) (Page 2147) Explicit conversion of LINT (Page 2286) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2219 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of ULINT (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of ULINT data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation ULINT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. DWORD - X LWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X LINT - X REAL - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from LINT #-1 -> REAL #-1.0, but there is a loss in accuracy for num bers with an absolute value greater than 8 388 608) LREAL - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from LINT #-1 -> REAL #-1.0, but there is a loss in accuracy for num bers with an absolute value greater than 9 007 199 254 740 992) TIME - - No implicit conversion LTIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. (duration in nanoseconds) S5TIME - - No implicit conversion LDT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. (nanoseconds since 1/1/1970) DTL - - No implicit conversion DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. STRING - - No implicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (for example, value conversion from ULINT #-1 -> SINT #-1 or ULINT #-1 -> USINT #255) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2220 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) ULINT (64-bit integers) (Page 2148) Explicit conversion of ULINT (Page 2290) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2221 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Floating-point numbers (S7-1500) Implicit conversion of REAL (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of REAL data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation REAL BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. LWORD - - No implicit conversion SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is rounded off and converted and transferred to the destination data type. (For example, round ing off and value conversion of REAL #2.5 -> INT #2, or negative numbers REAL #-2.5 -> INT #-2 -> USINT #254. With an overflow, the remainder is determined REAL #305.5 -> INT #306 -> USINT #50) LINT - X ULINT - X LREAL X X The value is transferred to the destination data type. TIME - - No implicit conversion LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2222 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) REAL (Page 2150) Explicit conversion of REAL (Page 2293) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2223 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of LREAL (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of LREAL data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation LREAL BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. SINT - X USINT - X INT - X The bit pattern of the source value is rounded off and converted and transferred to the destination data type. (For example, round ing off and value conversion of LREAL #2.5 -> INT #2, or negative numbers LREAL #-2.5 -> INT #-2 -> USINT #254. With an overflow, the remainder is determined LREAL #305.5 -> INT #306 -> USINT #50) UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X LINT - X ULINT - X REAL - X The value is transferred to the destination data type. TIME - - No implicit conversion LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) 2224 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types LREAL (Page 2151) Explicit conversion of LREAL (Page 2296) Timers (S7-1500) Implicit conversion of S5TIME (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of data type S5TIME: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation S5TIME BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of conversion shows the duration in milliseconds. DWORD - - No implicit conversion LWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - - ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2225 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) S5TIME (duration) (Page 2154) Explicit conversion of S5TIME (Page 2299) 2226 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of TIME (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of TIME data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation TIME BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of conversion shows the duration in milliseconds. LWORD - - No implicit conversion SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - X UDINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of conversion shows the duration in milliseconds. LINT - - No implicit conversion ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - S5TIME - - LTIME X X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion shows the duration in nanoseconds. (1 ms = 1 000 000 ns) LDT - - No implicit conversion DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - X If the source value is between 0 s and 84599.999 s, the bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. (Display in nanoseconds) The target value remains unchanged otherwise. The result of the conversion shows the time that has passed since midnight. LTOD - - No implicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2227 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) TIME (IEC time) (Page 2155) Explicit conversion of TIME (Page 2301) 2228 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of LTIME (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of LTIME data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation LTIME BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion shows the duration in nanoseconds. SINT - - No implicit conversion USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - X ULINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion shows the duration in nanoseconds. REAL - - No implicit conversion LREAL - - S5TIME - - TIME - X If the source value is outside the value range of the destination data type, the target value remains unchanged. (0.123456789 s becomes 0.123 s) LDT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion shows the duration in nanoseconds since 1/1/1970. DTL - - No implicit conversion DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion shows the duration in nanoseconds since 1/1/1970. STRING - - No implicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2229 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) LTIME (IEC time) (Page 2156) Explicit conversion of LTIME (Page 2304) 2230 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Date and time-of-day (S7-1500) Implicit conversion of DT (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of DT data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation DT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - - ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT X X DTL X X The source value is transferred unchanged with the same value to the destination data type. (12/24/2012 14:30 remains 12/24/2012 14:30) DATE - - No implicit conversion TOD - - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2231 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) DATE_AND_TIME (date and time of day) (Page 2158) Explicit conversion of DT (Page 2307) 2232 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of LDT (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of LDT data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation LDT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. (nanoseconds since 1/1/1970) No implicit conversion SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - X ULINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. (nanoseconds since 1/1/1970) REAL - - No implicit conversion LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. (nanoseconds since 1/1/1970) S5TIME - - No implicit conversion DT - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted with a loss in accuracy to the destination data type. (12/24/2012 12:34:56.123456789 becomes 12/24/2012 12:34:56.123) DTL X X The source value is transferred unchanged with the same value to the destination data type. (12/24/2012 14:30 remains 12/24/2012 14:30) DATE - - No implicit conversion TOD - - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2233 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Explicit conversion of LDT (Page 2310) LDT (DATE_AND_LTIME) (Page 2159) 2234 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of DTL (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of DTL data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation DTL BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - - ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT X X The source value is transferred unchanged with the same value to the destination data type. (12/24/2012 14:30 remains 12/24/2012 14:30) DT - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted with a loss in accuracy to the destination data type. (12/24/2012 12:34:56.123456789 becomes 12/24/2012 12:34:56.123) DATE - - No implicit conversion TOD - - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2235 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) DTL (Page 2160) Explicit conversion of DTL (Page 2313) 2236 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of DATE (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of data type DATE: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation DATE BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of conversion is equal to the number of days since 01/01/1990. DWORD - - No implicit conversion LWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - X UINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of conversion is equal to the number of days since 01/01/1990. DINT - - No implicit conversion UDINT - - LINT - - ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DT - - DTL - - TOD - - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2237 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types DATE (Page 2157) Explicit conversion of DATE (Page 2316) 2238 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of TOD (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of TOD data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation TOD BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion corre sponds to the number of milliseconds since the start of day (0:00). LWORD - - No implicit conversion SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - X UDINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion corre sponds to the number of milliseconds since the start of day (0:00). LINT - - No implicit conversion ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion corre sponds to the number of milliseconds since the start of day (0:00). LTIME - - No implicit conversion S5TIME - - LDT - - DT - - DTL - - DATE - - LTOD X X The source value is transferred unchanged with the same value to the destination data type. (12:34:56.123 becomes 12:34:56.123000000) STRING - - No implicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2239 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) TIME_OF_DAY (TOD) (Page 2157) Explicit conversion of TOD (Page 2318) 2240 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of LTOD (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of LTOD data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation LTOD BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion corre sponds to the number of nanoseconds since the start of day (0:00 hrs). SINT - - No implicit conversion USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - X ULINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion corre sponds to the number of nanoseconds since the start of day (0:00 hrs). REAL - - No implicit conversion LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion corre sponds to the number of nanoseconds since the start of day (0:00 hrs). No implicit conversion S5TIME - - LDT - - DT - - DTL - - DATE - - TOD - X The source value is transferred unchanged with the same value rounded off to the destination data type. (12:34:56.123456789 becomes 12:34:56.123) No implicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2241 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Explicit conversion of LTOD (Page 2320) LTOD (LTIME_OF_DAY) (Page 2158) 2242 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types String (S7-1500) Implicit conversion of CHAR (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of CHAR data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation CHAR BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. The remaining bits are filled from the left with "0". LWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X LINT - X ULINT - X REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - No implicit conversion LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - - WCHAR - - STRING X X The STRING is shortened to length 1 and includes the character. WSTRING - - No implicit conversion x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2243 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types CHAR (Character) (Page 2161) Explicit conversion of CHAR (Page 2323) Implicit conversion of WCHAR (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of WCHAR data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation WCHAR BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. The remaining bits are filled from the left with "0". LWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X LINT - X ULINT - X REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - - CHAR - - STRING - - WSTRING X X No implicit conversion The WSTRING is shortened to length 1 and includes the charac ter. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2244 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) WCHAR (Character) (Page 2162) Explicit conversion of WCHAR (Page 2325) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2245 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of STRING (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of STRING data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation STRING BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - - ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - - CHAR - X The first character of the STRING is returned if the STRING in cludes one or more characters. Otherwise, the character is out put with coding $00. No implicit conversion WCHAR - - WSTRING - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) 2246 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types STRING (Page 2162) Explicit conversion of STRING (Page 2327) Implicit conversion of WSTRING (S7-1500) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of WSTRING data type: Source Destination With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation WSTRIN G BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - - ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DTL - - DT - - DATE - - TOD - - LTOD - - CHAR - - WCHAR - X The first character of the WSTRING is returned if the WSTRING includes one or more characters. Otherwise, the character is out put with coding $0000. STRING - - No implicit conversion x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2247 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2200) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) WSTRING (Page 2165) Explicit conversion of WSTRING (Page 2330) 2248 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversions (S7-1500) Binary numbers (S7-1500) Explicit conversion of BOOL (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the BOOL data type: Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction BOOL BYTE X BOOL_TO_BYTE WORD X DWORD X LWORD X Only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) is set in the destination data type. The enable output ENO is always "1". SINT X BOOL_TO_SINT USINT X BOOL_TO_USINT INT X BOOL_TO_INT UINT X BOOL_TO_UINT DINT X BOOL_TO_DINT UDINT X BOOL_TO_UDINT LINT X BOOL_TO_LINT ULINT X REAL - LREAL - - TIME - - LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DT - - DTL - - TOD - - LTOD - - DATE - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - BOOL_TO_WORD BOOL_TO_DWORD BOOL_TO_LWORD BOOL_TO_ULINT No explicit conversion - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2249 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Implicit conversion of BOOL (Page 2201) BOOL (bit) (Page 2136) 2250 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Bit strings (S7-1500) Explicit conversion of BYTE (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the BYTE data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2251 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction BYTE BOOL X The following possibilities can oc cur: BYTE_TO_BOOL 1) If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bits are not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". 2252 WORD1) X DWORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value BYTE_TO_WORD is transferred unchanged right-justi BYTE_TO_DWORD fied to the destination data type. BYTE_TO_LWORD LWORD1) X SINT X BYTE_TO_SINT USINT X BYTE_TO_USINT INT X BYTE_TO_INT UINT X BYTE_TO_UINT DINT X BYTE_TO_DINT UDINT X BYTE_TO_UDINT LINT X BYTE_TO_LINT ULINT X REAL - LREAL - TIME X LTIME X The bit pattern of the source value BYTE_TO_TIME is transferred unchanged right-justi BYTE_TO_LTIME fied to the destination data type. S5TIME - No explicit conversion LDT X The bit pattern of the source value BYTE_TO_LDT is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. DT - No explicit conversion DTL - TOD X LTOD X DATE X The bit pattern of the source value BYTE_TO_TOD is transferred unchanged right-justi BYTE_TO_LTOD fied to the destination data type. BYTE_TO_DATE STRING - No explicit conversion WSTRING - CHAR X WCHAR X BYTE_TO_ULINT No explicit conversion - - - - The bit pattern of the source value BYTE_TO_CHAR is transferred unchanged right-justi BYTE_TO_WCHAR fied to the destination data type. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) are interpreted as an unsigned integer with the same bit length. The data type BYTE is interpreted as USINT, WORD as UINT, DWORD as UDINT and LWORD as ULINT. 1) See also Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) Implicit conversion of BYTE (Page 2202) BYTE (Page 2136) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2253 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of WORD (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the WORD data type: 2254 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction WORD BOOL X The following possibilities can occur: WORD_TO_BOOL 1) If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bits are not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) 1) X LWORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value is trans WORD_TO_BYTE ferred unchanged right-justified to the desti WORD_TO_DWORD nation data type. WORD_TO_LWORD SINT X ENO = TRUE DWORD X WORD_TO_SINT #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF); // -1 to #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#FF80); // -128 #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#0); // 0 to #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#007F); // 127 ENO = FALSE #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#FF7F); // -129 to #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#8000); // -32768 #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#0080); // 128 to #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#7FFF); // 32767 USINT X INT X UINT X DINT X WORD_TO_DINT UDINT X WORD_TO_UDINT LINT X WORD_TO_LINT ULINT X REAL - LREAL - TIME X LTIME X S5TIME X LDT X DT - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The bit pattern of the source value is trans WORD_TO_USINT ferred unchanged right-justified to the desti WORD_TO_INT nation data type. WORD_TO_UINT WORD_TO_ULINT No explicit conversion - The bit pattern of the source value is trans WORD_TO_TIME ferred unchanged right-justified to the desti WORD_TO_LTIME nation data type. WORD_TO_S5TIME WORD_TO_LDT No explicit conversion - 2255 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion DTL - Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction TOD X LTOD X DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is trans WORD_TO_TOD ferred unchanged right-justified to the desti WORD_TO_LTOD nation data type. WORD_TO_DATE STRING - No explicit conversion WSTRING - CHAR X WCHAR X WORD_ BCD16 INT X BCD16 INT X - - The bit pattern of the source value is trans WORD_TO_CHAR ferred unchanged right-justified to the desti WORD_TO_WCHAR nation data type. The value to be converted has data type WORD and is accepted as a BCD-coded value between -999 and +999. The result is available after conversion as an integer (in binary notation) of the type INT. A real con version takes place. If the bit pattern in cludes an invalid tetrad, a synchronous error is not triggered but only the status bit OV is set instead. WORD_BCD16_TO_INT BCD16_TO_INT x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) are interpreted as an unsigned integer with the same bit length. The data type BYTE is interpreted as USINT, WORD as UINT, DWORD as UDINT and LWORD as ULINT. 1) See also Implicit conversion of WORD (Page 2203) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) WORD (Page 2137) 2256 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of DWORD (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the DWORD data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2257 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction DWORD1) BOOL X The following possibilities can occur: DWORD_TO_BOO L If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bits are not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD1) X LWORD1) X SINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. DWORD_TO_BYT E DWORD_TO_WO RD DWORD_TO_LW ORD ENO = TRUE DWORD_TO_SIN T #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF_FFFF); // -1 to #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF_FF80); // -128 #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#0); // 0 to #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#0000_007F); // 127 ENO = FALSE #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF_FF7F); // -129 #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#8000_0000); // -2147483648 #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#0000_0080); // 128 to #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#7FFF_FFFF); // 2147483647 USINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. DWORD_TO_USI NT INT X ENO = TRUE DWORD_TO_INT #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_FFFF); // -1 to #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_8000); // -32768 #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#0); // 0 to #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#0000_7FFF); // 32767 ENO = FALSE #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_7FFF); // -32769 #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#8000_0000); // 2258 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction -2147483648 #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#8000); // 32768 to #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#7FFF_FFFF); // 2147483647 UINT X DINT X UDINT X LINT X DWORD_TO_LINT ULINT X DWORD_TO_ULI NT REAL X DWORD_TO_RE AL LREAL - No explicit conversion - TIME X DWORD_TO_TIM E LTIME X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. S5TIME - No explicit conversion - LDT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. DWORD_TO_LDT DT - No explicit conversion - DTL - TOD X LTOD X DATE X STRING - WSTRING - CHAR X WCHAR X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. If no errors occur during the conversion, the signal state of ENO = 1; if an error occurs during processing, the signal state of ENO = 0. DWORD_TO_UIN T DWORD_TO_DIN T DWORD_TO_UDI NT DWORD_TO_LTI ME The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. DWORD_TO_TOD DWORD_TO_LTO D DWORD_TO_DAT E No explicit conversion - The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. DWORD_TO_CHA R DWORD_TO_WC HAR 2259 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction DWORD_BCD3 2 DINT X BCD32 DINT X The value to be converted has data type DWORD DWORD_BCD32_ and is accepted as a BCD-coded value between TO_DINT -9999999 and +9999999. The result is available af BCD32_TO_DINT ter conversion as an integer (in binary notation) of the type DINT. A real conversion takes place. If the bit pattern includes an invalid tetrad, a synchronous error is not triggered but only the status bit OV is set instead. x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) are interpreted as an unsigned integer with the same bit length. The data type BYTE is interpreted as USINT, WORD as UINT, DWORD as UDINT and LWORD as ULINT. 1) See also Implicit conversion of DWORD (Page 2205) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) DWORD (Page 2138) 2260 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of LWORD (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the LWORD data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2261 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conver sion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction LWORD1) BOOL X The following possibilities can occur: LWORD_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD1) X SINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. LWORD_TO_BYTE LWORD_TO_WORD LWORD_TO_DWOR D ENO = TRUE LWORD_TO_SINT #sint1 := LWORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF); // -1 to #sint1 := LWORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FF80); // -128 #sint1 := LWORD_TO_SINT(16#0); // 0 to #sint1 := LWORD_TO_SINT(16#0000_0000_0000_007F); // 127 ENO = FALSE #sint1 := LWORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FF7F); // -129 #sint1 := LWORD_TO_SINT(16#8000_0000_0000_0000); // -9223372036854775808 #sint1 := LWORD_TO_SINT(16#0000_0000_0000_0080); // 128 #sint1 := LWORD_TO_SINT(16#7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF); // 9223372036854775807 USINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. LWORD_TO_USINT INT X ENO = TRUE LWORD_TO_INT #int1 := LWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF); // -1 to #int1 := LWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_8000); // -32768 #int1 := LWORD_TO_INT(16#0); // 0 to #int1 := LWORD_TO_INT(16#0000_0000_0000_7FFF); // 32767 ENO = FALSE #int1 := LWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_7FFF); // -32769 #int1 := LWORD_TO_INT(16#8000_0000_0000_0000); // -2147483648 2262 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conver sion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction #int1 := LWORD_TO_INT(16#0000_0000_0000_8000); // 32768 to #int1 := LWORD_TO_INT(16#7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF); // 2147483647 UINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. LWORD_TO_UINT DINT X ENO = TRUE LWORD_TO_DINT #dint1 := LWORD_TO_DINT(16#FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF); // -1 to #dint1 := LWORD_TO_DINT(16#FFFF_FFFF_8000_0000); // -2147483648 #dint1 := LWORD_TO_DINT(16#0); // 0 to #dint1 := LWORD_TO_DINT(16#0000_0000_7FFF_FFFF); // 2147483647 ENO = FALSE #dint1 := LWORD_TO_DINT(16#FFFF_FFFF_7FFF_FFFF); // -2147483649 to #dint1 := LWORD_TO_DINT(16#8000_0000_0000_0000); // -9223372036854775808 #dint1 := LWORD_TO_DINT(16#0000_0000_8000_0000); // 2147483648 to #dint1 := LWORD_TO_DINT(16#7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF); // 9223372036854775807 UDINT X LINT X ULINT X REAL - No explicit conversion - LREAL X LWORD_TO_LREAL TIME X LTIME X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. If no errors occur during the conversion, the signal state of ENO = 1; if an error occurs during processing, the signal state of ENO = 0. S5TIME - No explicit conversion - LDT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. LWORD_TO_LDT DT - No explicit conversion - DTL - TOD X LTOD X DATE X STRING - WSTRING - CHAR X WCHAR X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. LWORD_TO_UDINT LWORD_TO_LINT LWORD_TO_ULINT LWORD_TO_TIME LWORD_TO_LTIME The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. LWORD_TO_TOD LWORD_TO_LTOD LWORD_TO_DATE No explicit conversion - The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. LWORD_TO_CHAR LWORD_TO_WCHAR 2263 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conver sion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) are interpreted as an unsigned integer with the same bit length. The data type BYTE is interpreted as USINT, WORD as UINT, DWORD as UDINT and LWORD as ULINT. 1) See also Implicit conversion of LWORD (Page 2206) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) LWORD (Page 2139) 2264 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Integers (S7-1500) Explicit conversion of SINT (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the SINT data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2265 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction SINT BOOL X The following possibilities can oc cur: SINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". 2266 BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD 1) X LWORD 1) X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". SINT_TO_BYTE SINT_TO_WORD SINT_TO_DWORD SINT_TO_LWORD USINT X SINT_TO_USINT INT X UINT X DINT X UDINT X LINT X ULINT X REAL X LREAL X TIME X The value is transferred to the des SINT_TO_TIME tination data type and interpreted as milliseconds. LTIME X The value is transferred to the des SINT_TO_LTIME tination data type and interpreted as nanoseconds. S5TIME - No explicit conversion - LDT X The result is returned in nanosec onds since 1970-1-1-0:0:0.0. SINT_TO_LDT DT - No explicit conversion - DTL - TOD X SINT_TO_INT SINT_TO_UINT SINT_TO_DINT SINT_TO_UDINT SINT_TO_LINT SINT_TO_ULINT The value is converted to the desti SINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X nation data type format. (The value SINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X "-1" is changed to the value "-1.0", for example, with the instruction "Convert value" (CONVERT). The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value SINT_TO_TOD WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in milliseconds since 0:0) LTOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in nanoseconds since 0:0) SINT_TO_LTOD DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in days since 1990-1-1) SINT_TO_DATE STRING X The value is converted into a char acter string. SINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, VAL_STRG WSTRING X LAD/FBD: The first characters of the string are padded with spaces. The number of spaces depends on the length of the numerical value. Positive numeric values are output without a sign. SINT_TO_WSTRING STL/SCL: No spaces are inserted. The character string is shown preceded by a sign. If the permitted length of the char acter string is violated, the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) X WCHAR1) X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". SINT_TO_CHAR SINT_TO_WCHAR x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width including sign, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2267 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Implicit conversion of SINT (Page 2208) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) SINT (8-bit integers) (Page 2141) 2268 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of USINT (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the USINT data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2269 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction USINT BOOL X The following possibilities can oc cur: USINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". 2270 BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD1) X LWORD X 1) The bit pattern of the source value USINT_TO_BYTE is transferred unchanged right-justi USINT_TO_WORD fied to the destination data type. USINT_TO_DWORD USINT_TO_LWORD SINT X The bit pattern of the source value USINT_TO_SINT is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If the sign is changed during the con version, the enable output ENO is set to "0". INT X UINT X DINT X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. UDINT X USINT_TO_UDINT LINT X USINT_TO_LINT ULINT X USINT_TO_ULINT REAL X LREAL X TIME X The value is transferred to the des USINT_TO_TIME tination data type and interpreted as milliseconds. LTIME X The value is transferred to the des USINT_TO_LTIME tination data type and interpreted as nanoseconds. S5TIME - No explicit conversion - LDT X The result is returned in nanosec onds since 1970-1-1-0:0:0.0. USINT_TO_LDT DT - No explicit conversion - DTL - USINT_TO_INT USINT_TO_UINT USINT_TO_DINT The value is converted to the desti USINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X nation data type format. (The value USINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X "1" is changed to the value "1.0", for example, with the instruction "Con vert value" (CONVERT). - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (interpreta tion in milliseconds since 0:0) USINT_TO_TOD LTOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (interpreta tion in nanoseconds since 0:0) USINT_TO_LTOD DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (interpreta tion in days since 1990-1-1) USINT_TO_DATE STRING X WSTRING X The value is converted into a char USINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, acter string. If the permitted length VAL_STRG of the character string is violated, USINT_TO_WSTRING the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) X WCHAR1) X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. USINT_TO_CHAR USINT_TO_WCHAR x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width (the non-existing sign is replaced with zeros), and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpre tation. 1) See also Implicit conversion of USINT (Page 2209) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) USINT (8-bit integers) (Page 2142) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2271 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of INT (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the INT data type: 2272 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction INT BOOL X The following possibilities can occur: INT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) WORD X X 1) DWORD1) X LWORD X 1) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. If a nega tive value is converted into an un signed destination data type, the ena ble output ENO is set to "0". INT_TO_BYTE The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the des tination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destina tion data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". INT_TO_SINT INT_TO_WORD INT_TO_DWORD INT_TO_LWORD SINT X USINT X UINT X DINT X UDINT X LINT X ULINT X REAL X LREAL X TIME X The value is transferred to the desti nation data type and interpreted as milliseconds. INT_TO_TIME LTIME X The value is transferred to the desti nation data type and interpreted as nanoseconds. INT_TO_LTIME S5TIME - No explicit conversion - LDT X The result is returned in nanoseconds since 1970-1-1-0:0:0.0. INT_TO_LDT DT - No explicit conversion - DTL - TOD X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 INT_TO_USINT INT_TO_UINT INT_TO_DINT INT_TO_UDINT INT_TO_LINT INT_TO_ULINT The value is converted to the destina INT_TO_REAL, NORM_X tion data type format. (The value "-1" INT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X is changed to the value "-1.0", for ex ample, with the instruction "Convert value" (CONVERT). The bit pattern of the source value is INT_TO_TOD converted and transferred to the des tination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destina tion data type, the enable output ENO 2273 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction is set to "0". (interpretation in millisec onds since 0:0; check for 24h limit) LTOD X The bit pattern of the source value is INT_TO_LTOD converted and transferred to the des tination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destina tion data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpretation in nano seconds since 0:0; check for 24h limit) DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is INT_TO_DATE converted and transferred to the des tination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destina tion data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpretation in days since 1990-1-1; check for negative val ue) STRING X The value is converted into a charac ter string. INT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, VAL_STRG WSTRING X LAD/FBD: The first characters of the string are padded with spaces. The number of spaces depends on the length of the numerical value. Positive numeric values are output without a sign. INT_TO_WSTRING STL/SCL: No spaces are inserted. The character string is shown preceded by a sign. If the permitted length of the character string is violated, the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) WCHAR BCD16 X 1) X X BCD16_WOR X D 2274 The bit pattern of the source value is INT_TO_CHAR converted and transferred to the des INT_TO_WCHAR tination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destina tion data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". The value to be converted has type INT and is accepted as an integer with a value between -999 and +999. The result is available after conversion as a BCD-coded number of the type WORD. A real conversion takes place. If the value is outside the target INT_TO_BCD16 INT_TO_BCD16_WORD WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction area, a synchronous error is not trig gered, but rather only the status bit OV is set. x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width including sign, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) See also Implicit conversion of INT (Page 2211) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) INT (16-bit integers) (Page 2143) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2275 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of UINT (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the UINT data type: 2276 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction UINT BOOL X The following possibilities can oc cur: UINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bits are not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD 1) X LWORD 1) X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If bits are lost in the process, the en able output ENO is set to "0". UINT_TO_BYTE UINT_TO_WORD UINT_TO_DWORD UINT_TO_LWORD SINT X UINT_TO_SINT USINT X INT X The bit pattern of the source value UINT_TO_INT is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If the sign bit is changed during the conversion, the enable output ENO is set to "0". UINT_TO_USINT DINT X UDINT X LINT X The bit pattern of the source value UINT_TO_DINT is transferred unchanged right-justi UINT_TO_UDINT fied to the destination data type. UINT_TO_LINT ULINT X UINT_TO_ULINT REAL X LREAL X TIME X The value is transferred to the des UINT_TO_TIME tination data type and interpreted as milliseconds. LTIME X The value is transferred to the des UINT_TO_LTIME tination data type and interpreted as nanoseconds. S5TIME - No explicit conversion - LDT X The result is returned in nanosec onds since 1970-1-1-0:0:0.0. UINT_TO_LDT DT - No explicit conversion - DTL - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The value is converted to the desti UINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X nation data type format. (The value UINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X "1" is changed to the value "1.0", for example, with the instruction "Con vert value" (CONVERT). - 2277 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (interpreta tion in milliseconds since 0:0; check for 24h limit) UINT_TO_TOD LTOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (interpreta tion in nanoseconds since 0:0; check for 24h limit) UINT_TO_LTOD DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (interpreta tion in days since 1990-1-1; check for negative value) UINT_TO_DATE, T_CONV STRING X WSTRING X The value is converted into a char UINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, acter string. If the permitted length VAL_STRG of the character string is violated, UINT_TO_WSTRING the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) X WCHAR 1) X The bit pattern of the source value UINT_TO_CHAR is transferred unchanged to the des UINT_TO_WCHAR tination data type. The enable out put ENO is set to "0" in the event of overflow. x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width (the non-existing sign is replaced with zeros), and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpre tation. See also Implicit conversion of UINT (Page 2212) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) UINT (16-bit integers) (Page 2144) 2278 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of DINT (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the DINT data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2279 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction DINT BOOL X The following possibilities can oc cur: DINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bits are not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD LWORD 2280 1) X 1) X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". DINT_TO_BYTE The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative val ue is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". DINT_TO_SINT DINT_TO_WORD DINT_TO_DWORD DINT_TO_LWORD SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X UDINT X LINT X ULINT X REAL X LREAL X TIME X The value is transferred to the des DINT_TO_TIME, T_CONV tination data type and interpreted as milliseconds. LTIME X The value is transferred to the des DINT_TO_LTIME, T_CONV tination data type and interpreted as nanoseconds. S5TIME - No explicit conversion - LDT X The result is returned in nanosec onds since 1970-1-1-0:0:0.0. DINT_TO_LDT DT - No explicit conversion - DTL - TOD X DINT_TO_USINT DINT_TO_INT DINT_TO_UINT DINT_TO_UDINT DINT_TO_LINT DINT_TO_ULINT The value is converted to the desti DINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X nation data type format. (The value DINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X "-1" is changed to the value "-1.0", for example, with the instruction "Convert value" (CONVERT). The bit pattern of the source value DINT_TO_TOD is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative val ue is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in milliseconds since 0:0) LTOD X The bit pattern of the source value DINT_TO_LTOD is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative val ue is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in nanoseconds since 0:0) DATE X The bit pattern of the source value DINT_TO_DATE is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative val ue is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in days since 1990-1-1) STRING X The value is converted into a char acter string. DINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, VAL_STRG WSTRING X LAD/FBD: The first characters of the string are padded with spaces. The number of spaces depends on the length of the numerical value. Positive numeric values are output without a sign. DINT_TO_WSTRING STL/SCL: No spaces are inserted. The character string is shown preceded by a sign. If the permitted length of the char acter string is violated, the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) X WCHAR1) X BCD32 X BCD32_DWO RD X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The bit pattern of the source value DINT_TO_CHAR is converted and transferred to the DINT_TO_WCHAR destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative val ue is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". The value to be converted has type DINT and is accepted as an integer with a value between -999999 and +9999999. The result is available DINT_TO_BCD32 DINT_TO_BCD32_DWORD 2281 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction after conversion as a BCD-coded number of the type DWORD. The enable output is set to "0" in the event of overflow. A real conversion takes place. If the value is outside the target area, a synchronous error is not triggered, but rather only the status bit OV is set. x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width including sign, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) See also Implicit conversion of DINT (Page 2214) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) DINT (32-bit integers) (Page 2145) 2282 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of UDINT (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the UDINT data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2283 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction UDINT BOOL X The following possibilities can oc cur: UDINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bits are not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". 2284 BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD 1) X LWORD 1) X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If bits are lost in the process, the en able output ENO is set to "0". UDINT_TO_BYTE UDINT_TO_WORD UDINT_TO_DWORD UDINT_TO_LWORD SINT X UDINT_TO_SINT USINT X UDINT_TO_USINT INT X UDINT_TO_INT UINT X UDINT_TO_UINT DINT X The bit pattern of the source value UDINT_TO_DINT is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If the sign bit is changed during the conversion, the enable output ENO is set to "0". LINT X ULINT X The bit pattern of the source value UDINT_TO_LINT is transferred unchanged right-justi UDINT_TO_ULINT fied to the destination data type. REAL X LREAL X The value is converted to the desti UDINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X nation data type format. (The value UDINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X "1" is changed to the value "1.0", for example, with the instruction "Con vert value" (CONVERT). TIME X The value is transferred to the des UDINT_TO_TIME tination data type and interpreted as milliseconds. LTIME X The value is transferred to the des UDINT_TO_LTIME tination data type and interpreted as nanoseconds. S5TIME - No explicit conversion - LDT X The result is returned in nanosec onds since 1970-1-1-0:0:0.0. UDINT_TO_LDT DT - No explicit conversion - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion DTL - Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in milliseconds since 0:0; check for 24h limit) UDINT_TO_TOD, T_CONV LTOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in nanoseconds since 0:0; check for 24h limit) UDNT_TO_LTOD, T_CONV DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in days since 1990-1-1; check for negative value) UDINT_TO_DATE STRING X WSTRING X The value is converted into a char UDINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, acter string. If the permitted length VAL_STRG of the character string is violated, UDINT_TO_WSTRING the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) X WCHAR1) X - The bit pattern of the source value UDINT_TO_CHAR is transferred unchanged to the des UDINT_TO_WCHAR tination data type. The enable out put ENO is set to "0" in the event of overflow. x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width (the non-existing sign is replaced with zeros), and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpre tation. See also Implicit conversion of UDINT (Page 2216) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) UDINT (32-bit integers) (Page 2146) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2285 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of LINT (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the LINT data type: 2286 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction LINT BOOL X The following possibilities can oc cur: LINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bits are not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD1) X 1) DWORD X LWORD 1) X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". LINT_TO_BYTE LINT_TO_WORD LINT_TO_DWORD LINT_TO_LWORD SINT X USINT X LINT_TO_USINT INT X LINT_TO_INT UINT X LINT_TO_UINT DINT X LINT_TO_DINT UDINT X LINT_TO_UDINT ULINT X REAL X LREAL X TIME X The value is transferred to the des LINT_TO_TIME, T_CONV tination data type and interpreted as milliseconds. LTIME X The value is transferred to the des LINT_TO_LTIME, T_CONV tination data type and interpreted as nanoseconds. S5TIME - No explicit conversion - LDT X The result is returned in nanosec onds since 1970-1-1-0:0:0.0. LINT_TO_LDT DT - No explicit conversion - DTL - TOD X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 LINT_TO_SINT LINT_TO_ULINT The value is converted to the desti LINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X nation data type format. (The value LINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X "-1" is changed to the value "-1.0", for example, with the instruction "Convert value" (CONVERT). The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative LINT_TO_TOD 2287 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in milliseconds since 0:0) LTOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in nanoseconds since 0:0) LINT_TO_LTOD DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpre tation in days since 1990-1-1) LINT_TO_DATE STRING X The value is converted into a char acter string. LINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, VAL_STRG WSTRING X LAD/FBD: The first characters of the string are padded with spaces. The number of spaces depends on the length of the numerical value. Positive numeric values are output without a sign. LINT_TO_WSTRING STL/SCL: No spaces are inserted. The character string is shown preceded by a sign. If the permitted length of the char acter string is violated, the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) X WCHAR1) X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted into an unsigned destination data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". LINT_TO_CHAR LINT_TO_WCHAR x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width including sign, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 2288 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Implicit conversion of LINT (Page 2218) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) LINT (64-bit integers) (Page 2147) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2289 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of ULINT (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the ULINT data type: 2290 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction ULINT BOOL X The following possibilities can oc cur: ULINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bits are not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value ULINT_TO_BYTE is transferred unchanged right-justi ULINT_TO_WORD fied to the destination data type. ULINT_TO_DWORD LWORD X ULINT_TO_LWORD SINT X ULINT_TO_SINT USINT X ULINT_TO_USINT INT X ULINT_TO_INT 1) UINT X ULINT_TO_UINT DINT X The bit pattern of the source value ULINT_TO_DINT is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If the sign bit is overwritten during the conversion, the enable output ENO is set to "0". UDINT X LINT X The bit pattern of the source value ULINT_TO_UDINT is transferred unchanged right-justi ULINT_TO_LINT fied to the destination data type. REAL X LREAL X TIME X The value is transferred to the des ULINT_TO_TIME tination data type and interpreted as milliseconds. LTIME X The value is transferred to the des ULINT_TO_LTIME tination data type and interpreted as nanoseconds. S5TIME - No explicit conversion - LDT X The result is returned in nanosec onds since 1970-1-1-0:0:0.0. ULINT_TO_LDT DT - No explicit conversion - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The value is converted to the desti ULINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X nation data type format. (The value ULINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X "1" is changed to the value "1.0", for example, with the instruction "Con vert value" (CONVERT). 2291 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion DTL - TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (interpreta tion in milliseconds since 0:0) ULINT_TO_TOD, T_CONV LTOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (interpreta tion in nanoseconds since 0:0) ULINT_TO_LTOD, T_CONV DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. (interpreta tion in days since 1990-1-1) ULINT_TO_DATE STRING X WSTRING X The value is converted into a char ULINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, acter string. If the permitted length VAL_STRG of the character string is violated, ULINT_TO_WSTRING the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) X WCHAR 1) X Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction - The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the destination data type. ULINT_TO_CHAR ULINT_TO_WCHAR x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width (the non-existing sign is replaced with zeros), and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpre tation. See also Implicit conversion of ULINT (Page 2220) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) ULINT (64-bit integers) (Page 2148) 2292 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Floating-point numbers (S7-1500) Explicit conversion of REAL (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the REAL data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2293 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction REAL BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD X The bit pattern of the source value REAL_TO_DWORD is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. LWORD - No explicit conversion - SINT X REAL_TO_SINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X USINT X INT X UINT X The value is converted into the des tination data type. The result of con version depends on the instruction employed. The enable output ENO is set to "0" if the admissible range of values of the destination data type is exceeded during conversion or the value to be converted has an invalid floating-point number. DINT X REAL_TO_DINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X UDINT X REAL_TO_UDINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X LINT X REAL_TO_LINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X ULINT X REAL_TO_ULINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X LREAL X The value is converted into the des REAL_TO_LREAL, ROUND, CEIL, tination data type. The result of the FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X conversion depends on the instruc tion used, e.g. TRUNC(2.5) = 2.0; CEIL(2.5) = 3.0 TIME - No explicit conversion LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DT - - DTL - - TOD - - LTOD - - DATE - STRING X WSTRING X CHAR - WCHAR - 2294 REAL_TO_USINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X REAL_TO_INT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X REAL_TO_UINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X - The value is converted into a char REAL_TO_STRING, S_CONV, acter string. The enable output VAL_STRG ENO is set to "0" if the character REAL_TO_WSTRING string length is exceeded or the val ue to be converted has an invalid floating-point number. The min. length of the character string is 14 characters. No explicit conversion - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also Implicit conversion of REAL (Page 2222) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) REAL (Page 2150) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2295 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of LREAL (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the LREAL data type: 2296 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction LREAL BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD X The bit pattern of the source value LREAL_TO_LWORD is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X The value is converted into the des tination data type. The result of con version depends on the instruction employed. The enable output ENO is set to "0" if the admissible range of values of the destination data type is exceeded during conversion or the value to be converted has an invalid floating-point number. DINT X LREAL_TO_DINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X UDINT X LREAL_TO_UDINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X LINT X LREAL_TO_LINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X ULINT X LREAL_TO_ULINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X REAL X The value is converted into the des LREAL_TO_LREAL, ROUND, CEIL, tination data type. If the permitted FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X value range of the destination data type is violated during the conver sion or if the value to be converted is an invalid floating-point number, the enable output ENO is set to "0". A loss in accuracy is tolerated. TIME - No explicit conversion LTIME - - S5TIME - - LDT - - DT - - DTL - - TOD - - LTOD - - DATE - STRING X WSTRING X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 LREAL_TO_SINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X LREAL_TO_USINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X LREAL_TO_INT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X LREAL_TO_UINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X - The value is converted into a char LREAL_TO_STRING, S_CONV, acter string. The enable output VAL_STRG ENO is set to "0" if the character LREAL_TO_WSTRING string length is exceeded or the val ue to be converted has an invalid floating-point number. The min. 2297 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction length of the character string is 21 characters. CHAR - WCHAR - No explicit conversion - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also Implicit conversion of LREAL (Page 2224) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) LREAL (Page 2151) 2298 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Timers (S7-1500) Explicit conversion of S5TIME (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the S5TIME data type: Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction S5TIME BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD X The bit pattern of the source value S5TIME_TO_WORD is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. DWORD - No explicit conversion LWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - - ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME X A conversion of the source value in S5TIME_TO_TIME to the destination data type takes place here (for example, s5t#10ms becomes T#10ms) LTIME X A conversion of the source value in S5TIME_TO_LTIME to the destination data type takes place here (for example, s5t#10ms becomes LTIME#10ms) LDT - No explicit conversion DT - - DTL - - TOD - - LTOD - - DATE - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - 1) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 - - 2299 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. See also Implicit conversion of S5TIME (Page 2225) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) S5TIME (duration) (Page 2154) 2300 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of TIME (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the TIME data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2301 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction TIME BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE X WORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value TIME_TO_BYTE is transferred unchanged right-justi TIME_TO_WORD fied to the destination data type. TIME_TO_DWORD 1) 2302 DWORD1) X LWORD X 1) TIME_TO_LWORD SINT X The bit pattern of the source value TIME_TO_SINT is transferred unchanged right-justi TIME_TO_USINT fied and interpreted as milliseconds TIME_TO_INT to the destination data type. TIME_TO_UINT USINT X INT X UINT X DINT X The bit pattern of the source value TIME_TO_DINT, T_CONV is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. The result of conversion shows the duration in milliseconds. UDINT X LINT X ULINT X The bit pattern of the source value TIME_TO_UDINT is transferred unchanged right-justi TIME_TO_LINT fied and interpreted as milliseconds TIME_TO_ULINT to the destination data type. A change in sign has the result that the enable output ENO is set to "0". REAL - No explicit conversion LREAL - S5TIME X A conversion of the source value in TIME_TO_TIME to the destination data type takes place here (for example, T#10ms becomes s5t#10ms) LTIME X A conversion of the source value in TIME_TO_LTIME to the destination data type takes place here (for example, T#10ms becomes LTIME#10ms) LDT - No explicit conversion DT - - DTL - - TOD X The bit pattern of the source value TIME_TO_TOD is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If the source value is outside the val ue range of TOD, the destination data type remains unchanged. LTOD - No explicit conversion DATE - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - - - - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. See also Implicit conversion of TIME (Page 2227) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) TIME (IEC time) (Page 2155) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2303 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of LTIME (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the LTIME data type: 2304 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction LTIME BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE X WORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value LTIME_TO_BYTE is transferred unchanged right-justi LTIME_TO_WORD fied to the destination data type. LTIME_TO_DWORD 1) DWORD1) X LWORD X 1) LTIME_TO_LWORD SINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justi fied and interpreted as nanosec onds to the destination data type. A change in sign has the result that the enable output ENO is set to "0". USINT X INT X UINT X DINT X UDINT X LTIME_TO_UDINT LINT X LTIME_TO_LINT, T_CONV ULINT X LTIME_TO_ULINT REAL - LREAL - S5TIME X A conversion of the source value in LTIME_TO_S5TIME to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LTIME#10ms becomes s5t#10ms) TIME X A conversion of the source value in LTIME_TO_TIME to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LTI MET#10ms becomes T#10ms) LDT X A conversion of the source value in LTIME_TO_LDT to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LTI MET#10ms becomes LDT#1970-1-1-0:0:0.010000000) DT - No explicit conversion DTL - - TOD - - LTOD X The bit pattern of the source value LTIME_TO_LTOD is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. If the source value is outside the val ue range of LTOD, the destination data type remains unchanged. DATE - No explicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - No explicit conversion LTIME_TO_SINT LTIME_TO_USINT LTIME_TO_INT LTIME_TO_UINT LTIME_TO_DINT - - - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2305 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Implicit conversion of LTIME (Page 2229) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) LTIME (IEC time) (Page 2156) 2306 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Date and time-of-day (S7-1500) Explicit conversion of DT (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the DT data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2307 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction DT BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - - ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - S5TIME - - TIME - - LTIME - - LDT X A conversion of the source value in DT_TO_LDT to the destination data type takes place here (for example, DT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0 becomes LDT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0) DTL X A conversion of the source value in DT_TO_DTL to the destination data type takes place here (for example, DT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0 becomes DTL#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0) TOD X A conversion of the source value in DT_TO_TOD to the destination data type takes place here (for example, DT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0 becomes TOD#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0) LTOD X A conversion of the source value in DT_TO_LTOD to the destination data type takes place here (for example, DT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0 becomes LTOD#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0) DATE X The bit pattern of the source value DT_TO_DATE is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. STRING - No explicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - 2308 - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also Implicit conversion of DT (Page 2231) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) DATE_AND_TIME (date and time of day) (Page 2158) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2309 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of LDT (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the LDT data type: 2310 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction LDT BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE X WORD1) X DWORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value LDT_TO_BYTE is transferred unchanged right-justi LDT_TO_WORD fied to the destination data type. LDT_TO_DWORD LWORD 1) X LDT_TO_LWORD SINT X LDT_TO_SINT USINT X LDT_TO_USINT INT X LDT_TO_INT UINT X LDT_TO_UINT DINT X LDT_TO_DINT UDINT X LDT_TO_UDINT LINT X LDT_TO_LINT ULINT X LDT_TO_ULINT REAL - LREAL - - S5TIME - - TIME - LTIME X The bit pattern of the source value LDT_TO_LTIME is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. DT X A conversion of the source value in LDT_TO_DT to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LDT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0 becomes DT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0) DTL X A conversion of the source value in LDT_TO_DTL to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LDT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0 becomes DTL#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0) TOD X A conversion of the source value in LDT_TO_TOD to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LDT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0 becomes TOD#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0) LTOD X A conversion of the source value in LDT_TO_LTOD to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LDT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0 becomes LTOD#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0) DATE X The bit pattern of the source value LDT_TO_DATE is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. STRING - No explicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - - 1) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 No explicit conversion - - - 2311 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion WCHAR - Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) See also Implicit conversion of LDT (Page 2233) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) LDT (DATE_AND_LTIME) (Page 2159) 2312 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of DTL (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the DTL data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2313 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction DTL BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - LINT - - ULINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - S5TIME - - TIME - - LTIME - - LDT X A conversion of the source value in DTL_TO_LDT to the destination data type takes place here (for example, DTL#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0 becomes LDT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0) DT X A conversion of the source value in DTL_TO_DT to the destination data type takes place here (for example, DTL#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0 becomes DT#1990-1-2-0:0:1.0) TOD X X During the conversion, the time of day is extracted from the DTL for mat and written to the destination data type. DTL_TO_TOD, T_CONV LTOD DATE X During the conversion, the date is extracted from the DTL format and written to the destination data type. The enable output ENO is set to "0" in the event of overflow. DTL_TO_DATE, T_CONV STRING - No explicit conversion - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - DTL_TO_LTOD x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 2314 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Implicit conversion of DTL (Page 2235) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) DTL (Page 2160) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2315 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of DATE (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the DATE data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction DATE BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value DATE_TO_BYTE is transferred unchanged, right-jus DATE_TO_WORD tified, to the target data type. DATE_TO_DWORD LWORD X DATE_TO_LWORD 1) SINT X USINT X The number of days since 1/1/1990 is returned as result. DATE_TO_SINT INT X DATE_TO_INT UINT X DATE_TO_UINT DINT X DATE_TO_DINT UDINT X DATE_TO_UDINT LINT X DATE_TO_LINT ULINT X REAL - LREAL - - S5TIME - - TIME - - LTIME - DT X LDT X DTL 2) X TOD - LTOD - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - DATE_TO_USINT DATE_TO_ULINT No explicit conversion - The conversion sets the date in the destination type. DATE_TO_DT DATE_TO_LDT DATE_TO_DTL No explicit conversion - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) The data type DTL is initialized as follows: 1970-1-1-0:0:0. Conversion from DATE_TO_DTL only sets the corresponding part of the DTL. The rest of the DTL remains as it was initialized. This results in the following differences for the instructions "T_COMBINE" and "T_CONV": 2) T_COMBINE(D#2015-24-12, LTOD#12:13:14) returns DTL#2015-24-12-12:13:14 myDTL := T_CONV(D#2015-24-12); myDTL := T_CONV(LTOD#12:13:14) results in myDTL = DTL#1970-1-1-12:13:14 2316 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Implicit conversion of DATE (Page 2237) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) DATE (Page 2157) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2317 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of TOD (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the TOD data type: Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction TOD BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value TOD_TO_BYTE is transferred unchanged right-justi TOD_TO_WORD fied to the destination data type. TOD_TO_DWORD LWORD X TOD_TO_LWORD 1) SINT X USINT X The number of milliseconds since midnight is returned as result. TOD_TO_SINT INT X TOD_TO_INT UINT X TOD_TO_UINT DINT X TOD_TO_DINT UDINT X The result of the conversion corre sponds to the number of millisec onds since the start of day (0:00). LINT X ULINT X The bit pattern of the source value TOD_TO_LINT is transferred unchanged right-justi TOD_TO_ULINT fied to the destination data type. REAL - No explicit conversion LREAL - S5TIME - TIME X The duration since midnight is re turned as result. LTIME - No explicit conversion - DT X TOD_TO_DT LDT X The conversion sets the time in the destination data type. DTL X DATE - No explicit conversion LTOD X A conversion of the source value in TOD_TO_LTOD to the destination data type takes place here (for example, TOD#1:0:0.0 becomes LTOD#1:0:0.0) STRING - No explicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - TOD_TO_USINT TOD_TO_UDINT, T_CONV TOD_TO_TIME TOD_TO_LDT TOD_TO_DTL - - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 2318 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Implicit conversion of TOD (Page 2239) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) TIME_OF_DAY (TOD) (Page 2157) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2319 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of LTOD (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the LTOD data type: 2320 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction LTOD BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE X WORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value LTOD_TO_BYTE is transferred unchanged right-justi LTOD_TO_WORD fied to the destination data type. LTOD_TO_DWORD 1) DWORD1) X LWORD X 1) LTOD_TO_LWORD SINT X The number of nanoseconds since midnight is returned as result. LTOD_TO_SINT USINT X INT X LTOD_TO_INT LTOD_TO_USINT UINT X LTOD_TO_UINT DINT X LTOD_TO_DINT UDINT X LTOD_TO_UDINT LINT X LTOD_TO_LINT ULINT X LTOD_TO_ULINT, T_CONV REAL - LREAL - - S5TIME - - TIME - LTIME X The bit pattern of the source value LTOD_TO_LTIME is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the destination data type. DT X A conversion of the source value in LTOD_TO_DT to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LTOD#1:0:0.0 becomes DT#1:0:0.0) LDT X A conversion of the source value in LTOD_TO_LDT to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LTOD#1:0:0.0 becomes LDT#1:0:0.0) DTL X A conversion of the source value in LTOD_TO_DTL to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LTOD#1:0:0.0 becomes DTL#1:0:0.0) DATE - No explicit conversion TOD X A conversion of the source value in LTOD_TO_TOD to the destination data type takes place here (for example, LTOD#1:0:0.0 becomes TOD#1:0:0.0) STRING - No explicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 No explicit conversion - - - - 2321 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data types CHAR and WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. See also Implicit conversion of LTOD (Page 2241) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) LTOD (LTIME_OF_DAY) (Page 2158) 2322 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types String (S7-1500) Explicit conversion of CHAR (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the CHAR data type: Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction CHAR BOOL BYTE1) - No explicit conversion - X WORD1) X DWORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value CHAR_TO_BYTE is transferred unchanged right-justi CHAR_TO_WORD fied to the destination data type. CHAR_TO_DWORD LWORD X CHAR_TO_LWORD SINT X CHAR_TO_SINT USINT X CHAR_TO_USINT INT X CHAR_TO_INT UINT X CHAR_TO_UINT DINT X CHAR_TO_DINT UDINT X CHAR_TO_UDINT LINT X CHAR_TO_LINT ULINT X REAL - LREAL - - S5TIME - - TIME - - LTIME - - DT - - LDT - - DTL - - TOD - - LTOD - - DATE - - STRING X The value is converted into the first CHAR_TO_STRING, S_CONV character in the character string (STRING). The length "1" is set af ter conversion if the character string length is not defined. If the charac ter string length is defined, it re mains unchanged following conver sion. WSTRING - No explicit conversion WCHAR X 1) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 CHAR_TO_ULINT No explicit conversion - CHAR_TO_WCHAR 2323 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data type WCHAR are initially extended to the necessary width, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) See also Implicit conversion of CHAR (Page 2243) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) CHAR (Character) (Page 2161) 2324 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of WCHAR (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the WCHAR data type: Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction WCHAR BOOL BYTE1) - No explicit conversion - X WORD1) X DWORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value WCHAR_TO_BYTE is transferred unchanged right-justi WCHAR_TO_WORD fied to the destination data type. WCHAR_TO_DWORD LWORD X WCHAR_TO_LWORD SINT X WCHAR_TO_SINT USINT X WCHAR_TO_USINT INT X WCHAR_TO_INT UINT X WCHAR_TO_UINT DINT X WCHAR_TO_DINT UDINT X WCHAR_TO_UDINT LINT X WCHAR_TO_LINT ULINT X REAL - LREAL - - S5TIME - - TIME - - LTIME - - DT - - LDT - - DTL - - TOD - - LTOD - - DATE - - STRING - WSTRING X CHAR X 1) WCHAR_TO_ULINT No explicit conversion - The value is converted into the first character in the character string (WSTRING). The length "1" is set after conversion if the character string length is not defined. If the character string length is defined, it remains unchanged following con version. WCHAR_TO_WSTRING WCHAR_TO_CHAR x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data type CHAR are initially extended to the necessary width, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2325 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) WCHAR (Character) (Page 2162) Implicit conversion of WCHAR (Page 2244) 2326 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of STRING (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the STRING data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2327 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction STRING BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X DINT X UDINT X LINT X ULINT X REAL X LREAL X S5TIME - TIME - - LTIME - - DT - - LDT - - DTL - - TOD - - LTOD - - DATE - CHAR X The first character in the character STRING_TO_CHAR, S_CONV string (STRING) is transferred to the destination data type. The value "0" is written to the destination data type if the character string is empty. WCHAR - No explicit conversion WSTRING X Conversion begins with the first character in the character string (STRING) and stops at the end of the string or at the first inadmissible character. The following characters are admissible for conversion: Digit Sign Dot The first character in the character string may be a sign (+, -) or a digit. Leading spaces are ignored. The dot is used as separation for the conversion of floating-point num bers. The exponential notation "e" or "E" is not permitted. The comma as thousand separator to the left of the decimal point is permitted but is ignored. If the layout of the charac ter string is invalid for the conver sion or an overflow occurs, then the enable output ENO will be set to "0". No explicit conversion STRING_TO_SINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_USINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_INT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_UINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_DINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_UDINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_LINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_ULINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_REAL, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_LREAL, S_CONV, STRG_VAL - - STRING_TO_WSTRING x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 2328 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Implicit conversion of STRING (Page 2246) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) STRING (Page 2162) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2329 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of WSTRING (S7-1500) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the WSTRING data type: 2330 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Destination Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction WSTRIN G BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - LWORD - SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X DINT X UDINT X LINT X ULINT X REAL X LREAL X S5TIME - TIME - - LTIME - - DT - - LDT - - DTL - - TOD - - LTOD - - DATE - - CHAR - - WCHAR X The first character in the character WSTRING_TO_WCHAR string (WSTRING) is transferred to the destination data type. The value "0" is written to the destination data type if the character string is empty. STRING X WSTRING_TO_STRING Conversion begins with the first character in the character string (WSTRING) and stops at the end of the string or at the first inadmissible character. The following characters are admissible for conversion: Digit Sign Dot The first character in the character string may be a sign (+, -) or a digit. Leading spaces are ignored. The dot is used as separation for the conversion of floating-point num bers. The exponential notation "e" or "E" is not permitted. The comma as thousand separator to the left of the decimal point is permitted but is ignored. If the layout of the charac ter string is invalid for the conver sion or an overflow occurs, then the enable output ENO will be set to "0". No explicit conversion WSTRING_TO_SINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_USINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_INT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_UINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_DINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_UDINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_LINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_ULINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_REAL, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_LREAL, S_CONV, STRG_VAL - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2331 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also Overview of data type conversion (Page 2198) WSTRING (Page 2165) Implicit conversion of WSTRING (Page 2247) 11.3.16 Data type conversion for S7-1200 (S7-1200) Overview of data type conversion (S7-1200) Introduction If you link several operands in an instruction, you must make sure that the data types are compatible. This applies also for assignments or for supplying block parameters. If the operands are not the same data type, a conversion has to be carried out. There are two options for the conversion: Implicit conversion The conversion take place automatically when the instruction is executed. Explicit conversion You use an explicit conversion instruction before the actual instruction is executed. Note The data type conversion options described always refer to the latest version of the CPU (V. 4) Conversions marked as possible may not be available in CPU versions 1 - 3. Note Converting bit strings in SCL All bit strings (BYTE, WORD, and DWORD) are handled like the corresponding unsigned integers (USINT, UINT, and UDINT) in expressions. Therefore, implicit conversion from DWORD to REAL is carried out like a conversion from UDINT to REAL, for example. 2332 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion An implicit conversion is executed automatically if the data types of the operands are compatible. This compatibility test can be carried out according to criteria that are more or less strict: With IEC check (default) If IEC check is set, the following rules are applied: - Implicit conversion of BOOL to other data types is not possible. - Only the REAL, BYTE, WORD, DINT, INT, SINT, UDINT, UINT, USINT, TIME, DT, STRING, CHAR and WCHAR data types can be converted implicitly. - The bit length of the source data type must not exceed the bit length of the target data type. An operand of data type WORD, for example, cannot be declared at a parameter at which data type BYTE is expected. Without IEC check If IEC check is not set, the following rules are applied: - Implicit conversion of BOOL to other data types is not possible. - Only the REAL, LREAL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, SINT, INT, DINT, USINT, UINT, UDINT, TIME, DTL, TOD, DATE, STRING, CHAR and WCHAR data types can be converted implicitly. - The bit length of the source data type must not exceed the bit length of the target data type. An operand of data type DWORD, for example, cannot be declared at a parameter at which data type WORD is expected. - The bit length of an operand entered in-out parameters InOut) must be the same as the programmed bit length for the parameter in question. Note Implicit conversion without IEC check The programming editor uses a gray rectangle to mark operands that are implicitly converted. The dark gray rectangle signals that an implicit conversion is possible without any accuracy loss, for example, if you convert the data type SINT to INT. A light gray rectangle signals that implicit conversion is possible, but errors could occur during runtime. If, for example, you are converting the data type DINT to INT and an overflow occurs, the enable output ENO is set to "0". For more information about the setting of the IEC check and the implicit conversion, refer to "See also". Explicit conversion If the operands are not compatible and an implicit conversion is therefore not possible, you can use an explicit conversion instruction. You can find the conversion instructions in the "Instructions" task card. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2333 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types A possible overflow is displayed at the ENO enable output. An overflow is created, for example, if the value of the source data type is greater than the value of the target data type. Note Shifting of bit patterns If the explicit conversion involves shifting a bit pattern, the enable output ENO is not set. For more information about explicit conversion, refer to "See also". The following figure shows an example in which an explicit data type conversion must be carried out: %ORFNB'DWD &219(57 ',17WR,17 ,1B',17 (1 (12 ,1 287 %ORFN (1 287B,17 287B,17 (12 ,1B,17 287B%22/ The "Block" function block expects a tag of the INT data type at the "IN_INT" input parameter. Therefore, the value of the "IN_DINT" tag must first be converted from DINT to INT. If the value of the "IN_DINT" tag is within the permitted value range of the INT data type, the conversion takes place. Otherwise, an overflow is signaled. A conversion still takes place even in case of an overflow, but the values are cut off and the enable output ENO is set to "0". See also Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Implicit conversions (Page 2334) Explicit conversions (Page 2354) Implicit conversions (S7-1200) Setting and canceling the IEC check (S7-1200) The data types of the operands used are check for compatibility. This compatibility test can be carried out according to criteria that are more or less strict. If "IEC check" is activated, stricter criteria are applied. You can set the IEC check centrally for all new blocks of the project or for individual blocks. 2334 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Setting IEC check for new blocks To set the IEC check for all new blocks in the project, proceed as follows: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area. 2. Select the "PLC programming > General" group in the area navigation. 3. Select or clear the "IEC check" check box in the "Default settings for new blocks" group. The IEC check is enabled or disabled for all new blocks in the program. Setting IEC check for a block To set the IEC check for a block, proceed as follows: 1. Open the block. 2. Open the "Properties" tab in the Inspector window. 3. Select the "Attributes" group in the area navigation. 4. Select or clear the "IEC check" check box. The IEC check is enabled or disabled for this block. The setting is stored together with the project. Binary numbers (S7-1200) Implicit conversion of BOOL (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The implicit conversion of the BOOL data type is not possible. See also BOOL (bit) (Page 2136) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2335 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Bit strings (S7-1200) Implicit conversion of BYTE (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the BYTE data type: Source BYTE Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - No implicit conversion WORD x x DWORD x x The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. SINT - x USINT - x INT - x UINT - x DINT - x UDINT - x REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - x WCHAR - x No implicit conversion The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also BYTE (Page 2136) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of BYTE (Page 2355) 2336 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of WORD (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the WORD data type: Source WORD Target With Without IEC check IEC check Description BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X The least significant byte is transferred to the target data type, while the most significant byte is ignored. DWORD X X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. SINT - X The least significant byte is transferred to the target data type, while the most significant byte is ignored. USINT - X INT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - DTL - - TOD - - DATE - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. STRING - - No implicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X No implicit conversion The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also WORD (Page 2137) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of WORD (Page 2357) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2337 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of DWORD (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the DWORD data type: Source DWORD Target BOOL With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation - - No implicit conversion The right bytes are transferred to the target data type; the left bytes are ignored. BYTE - X WORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X REAL - X The value is converted to the format of the target data type. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) LREAL - - No implicit conversion TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. DTL - - No implicit conversion TOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. DATE - - No implicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also DWORD (Page 2138) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of DWORD (Page 2360) 2338 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Integers (S7-1200) Implicit conversion of SINT (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the SINT data type: Source SINT Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. The remaining bits are filled with "0". DWORD - X USINT - X INT X X UINT - X DINT X X UDINT - X REAL X X LREAL X X The value is converted to the format of the target data type. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) TIME - - No implicit conversion DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (for example, value transfer from SINT #-1 -> INT #-1, not filled with "0".) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also SINT (8-bit integers) (Page 2141) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of SINT (Page 2364) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2339 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of USINT (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the USINT data type: Source USINT Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. The remaining bits are filled with "0". DWORD - X SINT - X INT X X UINT X X DINT X X UDINT X X REAL X X LREAL X X The value is converted to the format of the target data type. (The value "1", for example, is converted to the value "1.0".) TIME - - No implicit conversion DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (for example, value conversion from USINT #10 -> DINT #10 or USINT #128 -> SINT #-128) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also USINT (8-bit integers) (Page 2142) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of USINT (Page 2367) 2340 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of INT (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of the INT data type: Source INT Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. DWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (for example, value conversion from INT #-1 -> SINT #-1, or INT #-32 767 -> UINT #32 769) UINT - X DINT X X UDINT - X REAL X X LREAL X X The value is converted to the format of the target data type. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) No implicit conversion TIME - - DTL - - TOD - - DATE - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. STRING - - No implicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also INT (16-bit integers) (Page 2143) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of INT (Page 2370) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2341 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of UINT (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the UINT data type: Source UINT Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. DWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X DINT X X UDINT X X REAL X X LREAL X X The value is converted to the format of the target data type. (The value "1", for example, is converted to the value "1.0".) TIME - - No implicit conversion DTL - - TOD - - DATE - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. STRING - - No implicit conversion WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (for example, value conversion from UINT #100 -> DINT #100 or UINT #60 000 -> INT #-5536) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also UINT (16-bit integers) (Page 2144) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of UINT (Page 2373) 2342 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of DINT (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the DINT data type: Source DINT Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. DWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X UDINT - X REAL - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (for example, value conversion from DINT #-1 -> REAL #-1.0, but there is a loss in accuracy for numbers with an absolute value greater than 8 388 608) LREAL X X The value is converted to the format of the target data type. (The value "-1", for example, is converted to the value "-1.0".) TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. DTL - - No implicit conversion TOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. DATE - - No implicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (for example, value conversion from DINT #-1 -> SINT #-1 or DINT #-1 -> USINT #255) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also DINT (32-bit integers) (Page 2145) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of DINT (Page 2376) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2343 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of UDINT (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the UDINT data type: Source UDINT Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. DWORD - X SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X REAL - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (for example, value conversion from DINT #-1 -> REAL #-1.0, but there is a loss in accuracy for numbers with an absolute value greater than 8 388 608) LREAL X X The value is converted to the format of the target data type. (The value "1", for example, is converted to the value "1.0".) TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. DTL - - No implicit conversion TOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. DATE - - No implicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - X WCHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (for example, value conversion from DINT #-1 -> SINT #-1 or DINT #-1 -> USINT #255) The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also UDINT (32-bit integers) (Page 2146) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of UDINT (Page 2379) 2344 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Floating-point numbers (S7-1200) Implicit conversion of REAL (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the REAL data type: Source REAL Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is rounded off and converted and transferred to the target data type. (for example, rounding off and value conversion of REAL #2.5 -> INT #2 or negative number REAL #-2.5 -> INT #-2 -> USINT #254. With an overflow, the remainder is determined REAL #305.5 -> INT #306 -> USINT #50) DINT - X UDINT - X LREAL X X The value is transferred to the target data type. TIME - - No implicit conversion DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - No implicit conversion x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also REAL (Page 2150) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of REAL (Page 2382) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2345 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of LREAL (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the LREAL data type: Source LREAL Target With Without IEC check IEC check BOOL - - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X REAL - - TIME - - DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - Explanation No implicit conversion The bit pattern of the source value is rounded off and converted and transferred to the target data type. (for example, rounding off and value conversion of REAL #2.5 -> INT #2 or negative number REAL #-2.5 -> INT #-2 -> USINT #254. With an overflow, the remainder is determined REAL #305.5 -> INT #306 -> USINT #50) No implicit conversion x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also Explicit conversion of LREAL (Page 2385) 2346 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Timers (S7-1200) Implicit conversion of TIME (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the TIME data type: Source TIME Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. The result of the conversion shows the duration in milliseconds. SINT - - No implicit conversion USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - X UDINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. The result of the conversion shows the duration in milliseconds. REAL - - No implicit conversion LREAL - - DTL - - TOD - X The bit pattern of a source value that is less than 24 h (86 400 00 ms) is transferred without changes to the target data type. No further changes are made to the target value. The result of the conversion shows the time that has passed since midnight. DATE - - No implicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - No implicit conversion x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also TIME (IEC time) (Page 2155) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of TIME (Page 2388) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2347 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Date and time (S7-1200) Implicit conversion of DATE (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the DATE data type: Source DATE Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - BYTE - - WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. The result of the conversion corresponds to the number of days since 01-01-1990. DWORD - - No implicit conversion SINT - - USINT - - INT - X UINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. The result of the conversion corresponds to the number of days since 01-01-1990. DINT - - No implicit conversion UDINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - DTL - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. The result of the conversion corresponds to the number of days since 01-01-1990. TOD - - No implicit conversion STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - No implicit conversion x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also DATE (Page 2157) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of DATE (Page 2390) 2348 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of TOD (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the TOD data type: Source TOD Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. The result of the conversion corresponds to the number of milliseconds since the start of day (0:00 hrs). SINT - - No implicit conversion USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - X UDINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. The result of the conversion corresponds to the number of milliseconds since the start of day (0:00 hrs). REAL - - No implicit conversion LREAL - - TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. The result of the conversion corresponds to the number of milliseconds since the start of day (0:00 hrs). DTL - - No implicit conversion DATE - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - No implicit conversion x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also TIME_OF_DAY (TOD) (Page 2157) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of TOD (Page 2391) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2349 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of DTL (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The DTL data type cannot be implicitly converted. See also Explicit conversion of DTL (Page 2392) Character strings (S7-1200) Implicit conversion of CHAR (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the CHAR data type: Source CHAR Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. The remaining bits are filled from the left with "0". SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - WCHAR - - STRING X X The STRING is shortened to length 1 and includes the character. WSTRING - - No implicit conversion No implicit conversion x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2350 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also CHAR (Character) (Page 2161) Setting and canceling the IEC check (Page 2334) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of CHAR (Page 2393) Implicit conversion of WCHAR (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of the WCHAR data type: Source WCHAR Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, rightjustified, to the target data type. The remaining bits are filled from the left with "0". SINT - X USINT - X INT - X UINT - X DINT - X UDINT - X REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - CHAR - - STRING - - WSTRING X X No implicit conversion The WSTRING is shortened to length 1 and includes the character. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2351 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of STRING (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for implicit conversion of the STRING data type: Source STRING Target With Without IEC check IEC check BOOL - - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - Explanation No implicit conversion INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - DTL - - DATE - - TOD - - CHAR - X The first character of the STRING is returned if the STRING includes one or more characters. Otherwise, the character is output with cod ing $00. WCHAR - - No implicit conversion WSTRING - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also Explicit conversion of STRING (Page 2395) 2352 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of WSTRING (S7-1200) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of the WSTRING data type: Source WSTRING Target With Without IEC check IEC check Explanation BOOL - - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - DTL - - DATE - - TOD - - CHAR - - WCHAR - X The first character of the WSTRING is returned if the WSTRING includes one or more characters. Otherwise, the character is output with coding $0000. STRING - - No implicit conversion No implicit conversion x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2353 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversions (S7-1200) Binary numbers (S7-1200) Explicit conversion of BOOL (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the BOOL data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction BOOL BYTE X BOOL_TO_BYTE WORD X DWORD X Only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) is set in the target data type. The enable output ENO is always "1". SINT X BOOL_TO_SINT USINT X BOOL_TO_USINT INT X BOOL_TO_INT UINT X BOOL_TO_UINT DINT X BOOL_TO_DINT UDINT X REAL - LREAL - - TIME - - DTL - - BOOL_TO_WORD BOOL_TO_DWORD BOOL_TO_UDINT No explicit conversion - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also BOOL (bit) (Page 2136) Implicit conversion of BYTE (Page 2336) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) 2354 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Bit strings (S7-1200) Explicit conversion of BYTE (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the BYTE data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of Instruction BYTE 1) BOOL X The following scenarios are possible: BYTE_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the target data type is also "1" and enable output ENO is "1". If bits are not equal to LSB in the source value, the target data type is set according to LSB and enable output ENO is "0". WORD1) DWORD X 1) X The bit pattern of the source value is trans BYTE_TO_WORD ferred unchanged, right-justified, to the tar BYTE_TO_DWORD get data type. BYTE_TO_SINT SINT X USINT X BYTE_TO_USINT INT X BYTE_TO_INT UINT X BYTE_TO_UINT DINT X BYTE_TO_DINT UDINT X BYTE_TO_UDINT REAL - LREAL - TIME X The bit pattern of the source value is trans BYTE_TO_TIME ferred unchanged, right-justified, to the tar get data type. DTL - No explicit conversion TOD X DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is trans BYTE_TO_TOD ferred unchanged, right-justified, to the tar BYTE_TO_DATE get data type. STRING - No explicit conversion WSTRING - CHAR X WCHAR X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 No explicit conversion - - - The bit pattern of the source value is trans BYTE_TO_CHAR ferred unchanged, right-justified, to the tar BYTE_TO_WCHAR get data type. 2355 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of Instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) are interpreted as an unsigned integer with the same bit length.. Data type BYTE is interpreted as USINT, WORD as UINT and DWORD as UDINT. 1) See also BYTE (Page 2136) Implicit conversion of BYTE (Page 2336) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) 2356 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of WORD (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the WORD data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2357 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction WORD BOOL X The following scenarios are possible: WORD_TO_BOOL 1) If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the target data type is also "1" and enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the target data type is set according to LSB and enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X DWORD X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. SINT X ENO = TRUE 1) WORD_TO_BYTE WORD_TO_SINT WORD_TO_DWORD #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF); // -1 to #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#FF80); // -128 #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#0); // 0 to #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#007F); // 127 ENO = FALSE #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#FF7F); // -129 to #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#8000); // -32768 #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#0080); // 128 to #sint1 := WORD_TO_SINT(16#7FFF); // 32767 2358 USINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. WORD_TO_USINT INT X UINT X DINT X UDINT X REAL - LREAL - TIME X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. WORD_TO_TIME WORD_TO_INT WORD_TO_UINT WORD_TO_DINT WORD_TO_UDINT No explicit conversion - DTL - No explicit conversion - TOD X WORD_TO_TOD DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. WORD_TO_DATE WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction STRING - No explicit conversion - WSTRING - CHAR X WCHAR X WORD_BCD16 INT X BCD16 INT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. WORD_TO_CHAR The value to be converted has data type WORD and is accepted as a BCD-coded value between -999 and +999. The re sult is available after conversion as an integer (in binary notation) of the type INT. A real conversion takes place. If the bit pattern includes an invalid tetrad, a synchronous error is not triggered but only the status bit OV is set instead. WORD_BCD16_TO_INT WORD_TO_WCHAR BCD16_TO_INT x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) are interpreted as an unsigned integer with the same bit length.. Data type BYTE is interpreted as USINT, WORD as UINT and DWORD as UDINT. See also WORD (Page 2137) Implicit conversion of WORD (Page 2337) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2359 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of DWORD (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the DWORD data type: 2360 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source DWORD 1) Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction BOOL X The following scenarios are possible: DWORD_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the target data type is also "1" and enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the target data type is set according to LSB and enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. SINT X ENO = TRUE 1) DWORD_TO_BYTE DWORD_TO_WORD DWORD_TO_SINT #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF_FFFF); // -1 bis #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF_FF80); // -128 #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#0); // 0 bis #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#0000_007F); / / 127 ENO = FALSE #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#FFFF_FF7F); // -129 #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#8000_0000); / / -2147483648 #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#0000_0080); / / 128 bis #sint1 := DWORD_TO_SINT(16#7FFF_FFFF); // 2147483647 USINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. DWORD_TO_USINT INT X ENO = TRUE DWORD_TO_INT #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_FFFF); // -1 bis #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_8000); // WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2361 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction -32768 #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#0); // 0 bis #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#0000_7FFF); // 32767 ENO = FALSE #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_7FFF); // -32769 #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#8000_0000); // -2147483648 #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#8000); // 32768 bis #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#7FFF_FFFF); // 2147483647 2362 UINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. DWORD_TO_UINT DINT X UDINT X REAL X The bit pattern of the source value is DWORD_TO_REAL transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. If no errors oc cur during the conversion, the signal state of ENO = 1; if an error occurs during processing, the signal state of ENO = 0. LREAL - No explicit conversion - TIME X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. DWORD_TO_TIME DTL - No explicit conversion - TOD X DWORD_TO_TOD DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. STRING - No explicit conversion - WSTRING - CHAR X DWORD_TO_CHAR WCHAR X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. DWORD_TO_DINT DWORD_TO_UDINT DWORD_TO_DATE DWORD_TO_WCHAR WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation DWORD_BCD32 DINT X BCD32 DINT X The value to be converted has data DWORD_BCD32_TO_DINT type DWORD and is accepted as a BCD32_TO_DINT BCD-coded value between -9999999 and +9999999. The result is available after conversion as an integer (in bi nary notation) of the type DINT. A real conversion takes place. If the bit pat tern includes an invalid tetrad, a syn chronous error is not triggered but on ly the status bit OV is set instead. Mnemonics of the instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) are interpreted as an unsigned integer with the same bit length.. Data type BYTE is interpreted as USINT, WORD as UINT and DWORD as UDINT. 1) See also DWORD (Page 2138) Implicit conversion of DWORD (Page 2338) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2363 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Integers (S7-1200) Explicit conversion of SINT (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the SINT data type: 2364 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction SINT BOOL X The following scenarios are possible: SINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the target data type is also "1" and enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the target data type is set according to LSB and enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1) X The bit pattern of the source value is trans ferred unchanged, right-justified, to the tar get data type. If a negative value is conver ted to an unsigned target data type, the en able output ENO is set to "0". SINT_TO_BYTE The bit pattern of the source value is con verted and transferred to the target data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). Enable output ENO is set to "0" if a negative value is con verted to an unsigned target data type. SINT_TO_USINT The value is converted into the format of the target data type (the value "-1" will be converted into the value "-1.0" with the "Convert value" (CONVERT) instruction. SINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X SINT_TO_WORD SINT_TO_DWOR D USINT X INT X UINT X DINT X UDINT X REAL X LREAL X TIME X The value is transferred to the target data type and interpreted as milliseconds. SINT_TO_TIME DTL - No explicit conversion - TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is con SINT_TO_TOD verted and transferred to the target data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). Enable output ENO is set to "0" if a negative value is con verted to an unsigned target data type. (in terpretation in milliseconds since 0:0) DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is con SINT_TO_DATE verted and transferred to the target data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). Enable output ENO is set to "0" if a negative value is con verted to an unsigned target data type. (in terpretation in days since 1990-1-1) STRING X The value is converted to a character string. WSTRING X LAD/FBD: The first characters of the string are padded with spaces. The number of SINT_TO_INT SINT_TO_UINT SINT_TO_DINT SINT_TO_UDINT SINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X SINT_TO_STRIN G, S_CONV, VAL_STRG SINT_TO_WSTRI NG 2365 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction spaces depends on the length of the numerical value. Positive numeric values are output without a sign. STL/SCL: No spaces are inserted. The character string is shown preceded by a sign. If the permitted length of the character string is violated, the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) WCHAR X 1) X The bit pattern of the source value is con SINT_TO_CHAR verted and transferred to the target data SINT_TO_WCHA type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the R value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). Enable output ENO is set to "0" if a negative value is con verted to an unsigned target data type. x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible 1) Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) and data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width including sign, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. See also SINT (8-bit integers) (Page 2141) Implicit conversion of SINT (Page 2339) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) 2366 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of USINT (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the USINT data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2367 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction USINT BOOL X The following scenarios are possible: USINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the target data type is also "1" and enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the target data type is set according to LSB and enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD1) X SINT X The bit pattern of the source value is USINT_TO_SINT transferred unchanged to the target data type. If the sign is changed dur ing the conversion, the enable output ENO is set to "0". INT X USINT_TO_INT UINT X DINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justi fied, to the target data type. UDINT X REAL X USINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X LREAL X The value is converted into the for mat of the target data type (the value "1" will be converted into the value "1.0" with the "Convert value" (CON VERT) instruction. TIME X The value is transferred to the target USINT_TO_TIME data type and interpreted as millisec onds. DTL - No explicit conversion - The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justi fied, to the target data type. USINT_TO_TOD The value is converted to a character string. If the permitted length of the character string is violated, the ena ble output ENO is set to "0". USINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, VAL_STRG TOD X DATE X STRING X WSTRING X 2368 CHAR1) X WCHAR1) X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justi fied, to the target data type. USINT_TO_BYTE USINT_TO_WORD USINT_TO_DWORD USINT_TO_UINT USINT_TO_DINT USINT_TO_UDINT The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the tar get data type. USINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X USINT_TO_DATE USINT_TO_WSTRING USINT_TO_CHAR USINT_TO_WCHAR WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) and data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width (the non-existing sign is replaced with zeros) and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) See also USINT (8-bit integers) (Page 2142) Implicit conversion of USINT (Page 2340) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2369 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of INT (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the INT data type: 2370 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction INT BOOL X INT_TO_BOOL The following scenarios are possible: If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the target data type is also "1" and enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the target data type is set according to LSB and enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD1) X DWORD WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 1) X SINT X USINT X UINT X DINT X UDINT X REAL X LREAL X TIME The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. If a negative value is converted to an unsigned tar get data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". INT_TO_BYTE INT_TO_WORD INT_TO_DWORD The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) be comes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". INT_TO_SINT The value is converted to the format of the target data type (the value "-1", for example, is converted with the instruc tion "Convert value" (CONVERT) to the value "-1.0"). INT_TO_REAL, NORM_X X The value is transferred to the target data type and interpreted as millisec onds. INT_TO_TIME DTL - No explicit conversion - TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) be comes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpretation in milliseconds since 0:0; check for 24h limit) INT_TO_TOD DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the target data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) be comes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpretation INT_TO_DATE INT_TO_USINT INT_TO_UINT INT_TO_DINT INT_TO_UDINT INT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X 2371 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction in days since 1990-1-1; check for neg ative value) STRING X The value is converted to a character string. INT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, VAL_STRG) WSTRING X LAD/FBD: The first characters of the string are padded with spaces. The number of spaces depends on the length of the numerical value. Positive numeric values are output without a sign. INT_TO_WSTRING STL/SCL: No spaces are inserted. The character string is shown preceded by a sign. If the permitted length of the character string is violated, the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) WCHAR X 1) X BCD16 X BCD16_WO RD X The bit pattern of the source value is INT_TO_CHAR converted and transferred to the target INT_TO_WCHAR data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) be comes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". The value to be converted has type INT INT_TO_BCD16 and is accepted as an integer with a INT_TO_BCD16_WO value between -999 and +999. The re RD sult is available after conversion as a BCD-coded number of the type WORD. A real conversion takes place. If the value is outside the target area, a synchronous error is not triggered, but rather only the status bit OV is set. x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) and data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width including sign, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) See also INT (16-bit integers) (Page 2143) Implicit conversion of INT (Page 2341) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) 2372 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of UINT (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the UINT data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2373 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction UINT BOOL X The following scenarios are possible: UINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the target data type is also "1" and enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the target data type is set according to LSB and enable output ENO is "0". BYTE1) X WORD1) X UINT_TO_BYTE UINT_TO_WORD DWORD X SINT X USINT X INT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. If the sign bit is changed during the conversion, the enable output ENO is set to "0". UINT_TO_INT DINT X UINT_TO_DINT UDINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justi fied, to the target data type. REAL X UINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X LREAL X The value is converted to the format of the target data type (the value "1", for example, is converted with the in struction "Convert value" (CON VERT) to the value "1.0"). TIME X The value is transferred to the target UINT_TO_TIME data type and interpreted as millisec onds. DTL - No explicit conversion - TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the tar get data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). Enable output ENO is set to "0" if a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type. (interpretation in millisec onds since 0:0; check for 24h limit) UINT_TO_TOD DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the tar get data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). Enable output UINT_TO_DATE, T_CONV 1) 2374 The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-justi fied, to the target data type. If bits are lost in the process, the enable output ENO is set to "0". UINT_TO_DWORD UINT_TO_SINT UINT_TO_USINT UINT_TO_UDINT UINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction ENO is set to "0" if a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type. (interpretation in days since 1990-1-1; check for negative value) STRING X WSTRING X CHAR1) WCHAR X 1) X The value is converted to a character string. If the permitted length of the character string is violated, the ena ble output ENO is set to "0". UINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, VAL_STRG The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. The enable output ENO is set to "0" in the event of overflow. UINT_TO_CHAR UINT_TO_WSTRING UINT_TO_WCHAR x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width (the non-existing sign is replaced with zeros) and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) See also UINT (16-bit integers) (Page 2144) Implicit conversion of UINT (Page 2342) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2375 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of DINT (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the DINT data type: 2376 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conver sion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction DINT BOOL X The following scenarios are possible: DINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the target data type is also "1" and enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the target data type is set according to LSB and enable output ENO is "0". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 BYTE1) X WORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value is DINT_TO_BYTE transferred unchanged, right-justi DINT_TO_WORD fied, to the target data type. If a neg DINT_TO_DWORD ative value is converted to an un signed target data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". DWORD1) X SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X UDINT X REAL X LREAL X TIME X The value is transferred to the target DINT_TO_TIME, data type and interpreted as millisec T_CONV onds. DTL - No explicit conversion - TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the tar get data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpretation in millisec onds since 0:0) DINT_TO_TOD DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the tar get data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted to an unsigned target DINT_TO_DATE The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the tar get data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". DINT_TO_SINT The value is converted to the format of the target data type (the value "-1", for example, is converted with the in struction "Convert value" (CON VERT) to the value "-1.0"). DINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X DINT_TO_USINT DINT_TO_INT DINT_TO_UINT DINT_TO_UDINT DINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X 2377 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conver sion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". (interpretation in days since 1990-1-1) STRING X The value is converted to a character string. DINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, VAL_STRG WSTRING X LAD/FBD: The first characters of the string are padded with spaces. The number of spaces depends on the length of the numerical value. Positive numeric values are output without a sign. DINT_TO_WSTRING STL/SCL: No spaces are inserted. The character string is shown preceded by a sign. If the permitted length of the charac ter string is violated, the enable out put ENO is set to "0". CHAR1) X WCHAR1) X BCD32 X BCD32_DWO RD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the tar get data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF)). If a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type, the enable output ENO is set to "0". DINT_TO_CHAR DINT_TO_WCHAR The value to be converted has type DINT_TO_BCD32 DINT and is accepted as an integer DINT_TO_BCD32_DWO with a value between -999999 and RD +9999999. The result is available af ter conversion as a BCD-coded num ber of the type DWORD. The enable output is set to "0" in the event of overflow. A real conversion takes place. If the value is outside the tar get area, a synchronous error is not triggered, but rather only the status bit OV is set. x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) and data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width including sign, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) See also DINT (32-bit integers) (Page 2145) Implicit conversion of DINT (Page 2343) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) 2378 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of UDINT (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the UDINT data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2379 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction UDINT BOOL X The following scenarios are possible: UDINT_TO_BOOL If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the target data type is also "1" and enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the target data type is set according to LSB and enable output ENO is "0". 2380 BYTE1) X WORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. If bits are lost in the proc ess, the enable output ENO is set to "0". UDINT_TO_BYTE DWORD1) X SINT X USINT X UDINT_TO_USINT INT X UDINT_TO_INT UINT X UDINT_TO_UINT DINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. If the sign bit is changed during the conversion, the enable output ENO is set to "0". UDINT_TO_DINT REAL X UDINT_TO_REAL, NORM_X LREAL X The value is converted to the format of the target data type (the value "1", for example, is converted with the in struction "Convert value" (CON VERT) to the value "1.0"). TIME X The bit pattern of the source value is UDINT_TO_TIME transferred unchanged right-justified and interpreted as milliseconds to the target data type. DTL - No explicit conversion - TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the tar get data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). Enable output ENO is set to "0" if a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type. (interpretation in millisec onds since 0:0; check for 24h limit) UDINT_TO_TOD, T_CONV DATE X The bit pattern of the source value is converted and transferred to the tar get data type. (The value "-1" (16#FF) becomes the value "-1" (16#FFFFFFFF). Enable output UDINT_TO_DATE UDINT_TO_WORD UDINT_TO_DWORD UDINT_TO_SINT UDINT_TO_LREAL, NORM_X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction ENO is set to "0" if a negative value is converted to an unsigned target data type. (interpretation in days since 1990-1-1; check for negative value) STRING X WSTRING X CHAR1) X WCHAR 1) X The value is converted to a character string. If the permitted length of the character string is violated, the ena ble output ENO is set to "0". UDINT_TO_STRING, S_CONV, VAL_STRG The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. The enable output ENO is set to "0" in the event of overflow. UDINT_TO_CHAR UDINT_TO_WCHAR UDINT_TO_WCHAR x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD) and the data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width (the non-existent sign is replaced with zeros) and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) See also UDINT (32-bit integers) (Page 2146) Implicit conversion of UDINT (Page 2344) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2381 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Floating-point numbers (S7-1200) Explicit conversion of REAL (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the REAL data type: 2382 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction REAL BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. REAL_TO_DWORD SINT X REAL_TO_SINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X USINT X The value is converted to the target data type. The result of the conver sion depends on the instruction used. Enable output ENO is set to "0" if the valid range of values of the target da ta type is exceeded during conver sion, or if the value to be converted is an invalid floating-point number. INT X REAL_TO_INT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X UINT X REAL_TO_UINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X DINT X REAL_TO_DINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X UDINT X REAL_TO_UDINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X LREAL X The value is converted to the target data type. The result of the conver sion depends on the instruction used, e.g. TRUNC(2.5) = 2.0; CEIL(2.5) = 3.0 REAL_TO_LREAL, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X TIME - No explicit conversion - DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING X WSTRING X WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 CHAR - WCHAR - REAL_TO_USINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X The value is converted to a character REAL_TO_STRING, string. Enable output ENO is set to S_CONV, VAL_STRG "0" if the character string length is ex REAL_TO_WSTRING ceeded, or if the value to be conver ted is an invalid floating-point num ber. The string has a minimum length of 14 characters. No explicit conversion - 2383 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also REAL (Page 2150) Implicit conversion of REAL (Page 2345) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) 2384 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of LREAL (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the LREAL data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2385 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction LREAL BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X LREAL_TO_UINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X DINT X LREAL_TO_DINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X UDINT X LREAL_TO_UDINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X REAL X The value is converted to the tar get data type. Enable output ENO is set to "0" if the valid range of values of the target data type is exceeded during conversion, or if the value to be converted is an invalid floating-point number. A loss in accuracy is tolerated. LREAL_TO_LREAL, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X TIME - No explicit conversion - DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING X WSTRING X CHAR - WCHAR - The value is converted to the tar get data type. The result of the conversion depends on the in struction used. Enable output ENO is set to "0" if the valid range of values of the target data type is exceeded during conversion, or if the value to be converted is an invalid floating-point number. LREAL_TO_SINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X LREAL_TO_USINT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X LREAL_TO_INT, ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, NORM_X, SCALE_X The value is converted to a char LREAL_TO_STRING, acter string. Enable output ENO S_CONV, VAL_STRG is set to "0" if the character string LREAL_TO_WSTRING length is exceeded, or if the value to be converted is an invalid float ing-point number. The string has a minimum length of 21 charac ters. No explicit conversion - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2386 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also LREAL (Page 2151) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2387 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Timers (S7-1200) Explicit conversion of TIME (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the TIME data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruc tion TIME BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE 1) X TIME_TO_BYTE WORD X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. DWOR D1) X SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X DINT X The bit pattern of the source value is TIME_TO_DINT, T_CONV transferred unchanged to the target data type. The result of the conversion shows the duration in milliseconds. UDINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified and interpreted as milliseconds to the target data type. Enable output ENO is set to "0" if the sign changes. TIME_TO_UDINT REAL - No explicit conversion - LREAL - - DTL - - TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is TIME_TO_TOD transferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target data type. If the source value exceeds the range of values of TOD, the target data type remains un changed. DATE - No explicit conversion STRIN G - - WSTRI NG - - CHAR - - WCHA R - - 1) 2388 TIME_TO_WORD TIME_TO_DWORD The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified and interpreted as milliseconds to the target data type. TIME_TO_SINT TIME_TO_USINT TIME_TO_INT TIME_TO_UINT - WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruc tion x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) and data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) See also TIME (IEC time) (Page 2155) Implicit conversion of TIME (Page 2347) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2389 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Clock and calendar (S7-1200) Explicit conversion of DATE (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the DATE data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation DATE BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE1) X DATE_TO_BYTE WORD1) X DWORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred un changed, right-justified, to the target data type. SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X DATE_TO_UINT DINT X DATE_TO_DINT UDINT X DATE_TO_UDINT REAL - LREAL - TIME - DTL 2) X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred un changed, right-justified, to the target data type. DATE_TO_DTL TOD - No explicit conversion - STRING The number of days since 1/1/1990 is returned as re sult. No explicit conversion Mnemonics of the instruction DATE_TO_WORD DATE_TO_DWORD DATE_TO_SINT DATE_TO_USINT DATE_TO_INT - - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) and data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) The data type DTL is initialized as follows: 1970-1-1-0:0:0. Conversion from DATE_TO_DTL only sets the corresponding part of the DTL. The rest of the DTL remains as it was initialized. This results in the following differences for the instructions "T_COMBINE" and "T_CONV": 2) T_COMBINE(D#2015-24-12, LTOD#12:13:14) returns DTL#2015-24-12-12:13:14 myDTL := T_CONV(D#2015-24-12); myDTL := T_CONV(LTOD#12:13:14) results in myDTL = DTL#1970-1-1-12:13:14 2390 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also DATE (Page 2157) Implicit conversion of DATE (Page 2348) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of TOD (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the TOD data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction TOD BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE X WORD1) X TOD_TO_WORD DWORD1) X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred un changed to the target data type. SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X TOD_TO_UINT DINT X TOD_TO_DINT UDINT X The result of the conversion corresponds to the number of milliseconds since the start of day (0:00 hrs). TOD_TO_UDINT, T_CONV REAL - No explicit conversion - LREAL - TIME X The duration since midnight is returned as result. DTL X The date is set to 1.1.1970 as TOD_TO_DTL a result. DATE - No explicit conversion STRING 1) The number of milliseconds since midnight is returned as result. TOD_TO_BYTE TOD_TO_DWORD TOD_TO_SINT TOD_TO_USINT TOD_TO_INT TOD_TO_TIME - - - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) and data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width including sign, and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2391 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also TIME_OF_DAY (TOD) (Page 2157) Implicit conversion of TOD (Page 2349) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of DTL (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the DTL data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruc tion DTL BYTE - No explicit conversion - WORD - - DWORD - - SINT - - USINT - - INT - - UINT - - DINT - - UDINT - - REAL - - LREAL - - TIME - - TOD X During the conversion, the time-of- DTL_TO_TOD, T_CONV day is extracted from the DTL for mat and written to the target data type. DATE X During the conversion, the date is extracted from the DTL format and written to the target data type. The enable output ENO is set to "0" in the event of overflow. DTL_TO_DATE, T_CONV STRING - No explicit conversion - WSTRING - - CHAR - - WCHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible 2392 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also DTL (Page 2160) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Character strings (S7-1200) Explicit conversion of CHAR (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the CHAR data type: Source Target CHAR BOOL BYTE1) Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction - No explicit conversion - X The bit pattern of the source val CHAR_TO_BYTE ue is transferred unchanged, CHAR_TO_WORD right-justified, to the target data CHAR_TO_DWORD type. CHAR_TO_SINT WORD1) X DWORD1) X SINT X USINT X CHAR_TO_USINT INT X CHAR_TO_INT UINT X CHAR_TO_UINT DINT X CHAR_TO_DINT UDINT X CHAR_TO_UDINT REAL - LREAL - - TIME - - DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING X WSTRING WCHAR X No explicit conversion - The value is converted to the first CHAR_TO_STRING character in the character string (STRING). If the length of the character string is not defined, the length "1" is set after the con version. If the length of the char acter string is defined, it remains unchanged after the conversion. No explicit conversion CHAR_TO_WCHAR x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) and data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2393 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also CHAR (Character) (Page 2161) Implicit conversion of CHAR (Page 2350) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) Explicit conversion of WCHAR (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the WCHAR data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction WCHA R BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE X WORD1) X DWORD1) X SINT X The bit pattern of the source val WCHAR_TO_BYTE ue is transferred unchanged, WCHAR_TO_WORD right-justified, to the target data WCHAR_TO_DWORD type. WCHAR_TO_SINT USINT X WCHAR_TO_USINT INT X WCHAR_TO_INT UINT X WCHAR_TO_UINT DINT X WCHAR_TO_DINT UDINT X WCHAR_TO_UDINT REAL - LREAL - - TIME - - DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - 1) WSTRING X CHAR X No explicit conversion - The value is converted to the first WCHAR_TO_WSTRING character in the character string (WSTRING). If the length of the character string is not defined, the length "1" is set after conver sion. If the length of the character string is defined, it remains un changed after conversion. WCHAR_TO_CHAR x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible Bit strings (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) and data type CHAR are first extended to the necessary width and then the bits are copied. The source type determines the interpretation. 1) 2394 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of STRING (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the STRING data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction STRIN G BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X DINT X Conversion begins with the first char acter in the character string (STRING) and stops at the end of the string or at the first inadmissible char acter. The following characters are permitted for conversion: Digit Sign Dot STRING_TO_SINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_USINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_INT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_UINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_DINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL UDINT X REAL X LREAL X The first character of the string may be a sign (+, -) or a number. Leading spaces are ignored. The dot is used as separation for the conversion of floating-point numbers. The exponen tial notation "e" or "E" is not permitted. The comma as thousands separator is permitted to the left of the decimal point but will be ignored. If the layout of the character string is invalid for the conversion or an overflow occurs, then the enable output ENO will be set to "0". TIME - No explicit conversion DTL - - TOD - - DATE - CHAR X The first character in the character STRING_TO_CHAR, string (STRING) is transferred to the S_CONV destination data type. If the string is empty, then the value "0" will be writ ten in the destination data type. WCHAR - No explicit conversion WSTRING X STRING_TO_UDINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_REAL, S_CONV, STRG_VAL STRING_TO_LREAL, S_CONV, STRG_VAL - - STRING_TO_WSTRING x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2395 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also STRING (Page 2162) Overview of data type conversion (Page 2332) 2396 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of WSTRING (S7-1200) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for explicit conversion of the WSTRING data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the in struction WSTRI NG BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - - SINT X USINT X INT X UINT X DINT X Conversion begins with the first char acter in the character string (STRING) and stops at the end of the string or at the first inadmissible char acter. The following characters are permitted for conversion: Digit Sign Dot WSTRING_TO_SINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_USINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_INT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_UINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_DINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL UDINT X REAL X LREAL X The first character of the string may be a sign (+, -) or a number. Leading spaces are ignored. The dot is used as separation for the conversion of floating-point numbers. The exponen tial notation "e" or "E" is not permitted. The comma as thousands separator is permitted to the left of the decimal point but will be ignored. If the layout of the character string is invalid for the conversion, or an overflow oc curs, the enable output ENO will be set to "0". TIME - No explicit conversion DTL - - TOD - - DATE - - CHAR - - WCHAR X STRING X The first character in the character string (WSTRING) is transferred to the target data type. If the string is empty, the value "0" will be written in the target data type. WSTRING_TO_UDINT, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_REAL, S_CONV, STRG_VAL WSTRING_TO_LREAL, S_CONV, STRG_VAL - WSTRING_TO_WCHAR WSTRING_TO_STRING x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2397 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types 11.3.17 Data type conversion for S7-300, S7-400 (S7-300, S7-400) Overview of data type conversions (S7-300, S7-400) Introduction If you combine several operands in an instruction, you must make sure that the data types are compatible. This also applies when you assign or supply block parameters. If the operands are not of the same data type, a conversion has to be carried out. There are two options for conversion: Implicit conversion Implicit conversion is supported by the programming languages LAD, FBD, SCL and GRAPH. Implicit conversion is not possible in the STL programming language. Explicit conversion Note Converting bit strings to SCL All bit strings (BYTE, WORD, and DWORD) are handled like the corresponding unsigned integers (USINT, UINT, and UDINT) in expressions. Therefore, implicit conversion from DWORD to REAL is carried out like a conversion from UDINT to REAL, for example. 2398 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion Implicit conversion is executed automatically if the data types of the operands are compatible. This compatibility test can be carried out according to strict or less strict criteria: With IEC check The following rules apply in the LAD, FBD and GRAPH programming languages when the IEC check has been set: - The only data types for which implicit conversion is possible are BYTE and WORD. - The bit length of the source data type may not exceed the bit length of the target data type. A WORD data type operand, for example, cannot be specified at a parameter at which the BYTE data type is expected. The following rules apply in the SCL programming language when the IEC check has been set: - Implicit conversion of bit strings into other data types is not possible. A WORD data type operand, for example, cannot be specified at a parameter at which the INT data type is expected. - The bit length of the source data type may not exceed the bit length of the target data type. A WORD data type operand, for example, cannot be specified at a parameter at which the BYTE data type is expected. Without IEC check (default setting) The following rules apply in the LAD, FBD and GRAPH programming languages when the IEC check has not been set: - Implicit conversion of data types BYTE, WORD, DWORD, INT, DINT, TIME, S5TIME, TOD, DATE and CHAR is possible. - The bit length of the source data type may not exceed the bit length of the target data type. A DWORD data type operand, for example, cannot be specified at a parameter at which the WORD data type is expected. The following rules apply in the SCL programming language when the IEC check has not been set: - Bit strings can be implicitly converted into other data types. A WORD data type operand can, for example, be given at a parameter at which the WORD data type is expected. - Bit strings cannot be implicitly converted into floating-point numbers. A WORD data type operand, for example, cannot be specified at a parameter at which the REAL data type is expected. - Bit strings can only be implicitly converted into the data types TIME, TOD, DATE and CHAR if these have the same bit length. A DWORD data type operand, for example, cannot be specified at a parameter at which the DATE data type is expected. - The bit length of the source data type may not exceed the bit length of the target data type. A DINT data type operand, for example, cannot be specified at a parameter at which the INT data type is expected. - The bit length of an operand entered at in-out parameters must be the same as the programmed bit length for the parameter in question. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2399 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion If the operands are not compatible and implicit conversion is therefore not possible, you can use an explicit conversion instruction. You can find the conversion instructions in the "Instructions" task card. Any overflow will be displayed on the ENO enable output. An overflow occurs, for example, if the value of the source data type is greater than the value of the target data type. Note Shifting of bit patterns If the explicit conversion involves shifting a bit pattern, the enable output ENO is not set. You can find additional information on explicit conversion under "See also". The following figure shows an example in which explicit data type conversion must be carried out: %ORFNB'DWD &219(57 ',17WR,17 ,1B',17 (1 (12 ,1 287 %ORFN (1 287B,17 287B,17 (12 ,1B,17 287B%22/ The "Block" function block expects a tag of the INT data type at the "IN_INT" input parameter. The value of the "IN_DINT" tag has therefore to the converted first from DINT to INT. Conversion is performed if the value of the "IN_DINT" tag is within the admissible value range for the INT data type. Otherwise an overflow is reported. However, a conversion takes place even in the event of an overflow, but the values are truncated and the ENO enable output is set to "0". See also Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) Implicit conversions (Page 2400) Explicit conversions (Page 2412) Implicit conversions (S7-300, S7-400) Setting and disabling the IEC check (S7-300, S7-400) The data types of the tags used are checked for compatibility. This compatibility test can be carried out according to criteria that are more or less strict. If "IEC check" is activated, stricter criteria are applied. You can set the IEC check centrally for all new blocks of the project or for individual blocks. 2400 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Setting IEC check for new blocks To set the IEC check for all new blocks in the project, proceed as follows: 1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu. The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area. 2. Select the "PLC programming > General" group in the area navigation. 3. Select or clear the "IEC check" check box in the "Default settings for new blocks" group. The IEC check is enabled or disabled for all new blocks in the program. Setting IEC check for a block To set the IEC check for a block, proceed as follows: 1. Open the block. 2. Open the "Properties" tab in the inspector window. 3. Select the "Attributes" group in the area navigation. 4. Select or clear the "IEC check" check box. The IEC check is enabled or disabled for this block. The setting is stored together with the project. See also Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Binary numbers (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion of BOOL (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The BOOL data type cannot be implicitly converted. See also BOOL (bit) (Page 2136) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2401 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Bit strings (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion of BYTE (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of BYTE data type: Source Target With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation BYTE BOOL - - No implicit conversion WORD X X DWORD X X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the target data type. INT - - No implicit conversion DINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the target data type. REAL - - No implicit conversion TIME - - S5TIME - - DT - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - CHAR - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the target data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also BYTE (Page 2136) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Explicit conversion of BYTE (Page 2413) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) 2402 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of WORD (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of WORD data type: Source Target With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation WORD BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X Only the low byte is transferred to the destination data type. DWORD X X INT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged rightjustified to the destination data type. DINT - X REAL - - TIME - - S5TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. No implicit conversion No implicit conversion DT - - TOD - - DATE - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. STRING - - No implicit conversion CHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also WORD (Page 2137) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Explicit conversion of WORD (Page 2415) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2403 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of DWORD (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of DWORD data type: Source Target With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation DWORD BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. INT - - No implicit conversion DINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. REAL - - No implicit conversion TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. S5TIME - - No implicit conversion DT - - TOD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. DATE - - No implicit conversion STRING - - CHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also DWORD (Page 2138) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Explicit conversion of DWORD (Page 2417) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) 2404 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Integers (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion of INT (S7-300, S7-400) Options for implicit conversion The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of INT data type: Source Target With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation INT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. DWORD - - No implicit conversion DINT X X X X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. No implicit conversion 1) REAL TIME - - S5TIME - - DT - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - CHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible : Only possible in SCL 1) See also INT (16-bit integers) (Page 2143) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Explicit conversion of INT (Page 2420) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2405 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of DINT (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of DINT data type: Source Target With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation DINT BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. INT - - No implicit conversion REAL - - TIME - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. S5TIME - - No implicit conversion DT - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - CHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also DINT (32-bit integers) (Page 2145) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Explicit conversion of STRING (Page 2433) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) Floating-point numbers (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion of REAL (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The REAL data type cannot be implicitly converted. 2406 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also REAL (Page 2150) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Explicit conversion of CHAR (Page 2432) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) Timers (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion of TIME (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of TIME data type: Source Target With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation TIME BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of conversion shows the duration in milliseconds. INT - - No implicit conversion DINT - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of conversion shows the duration in milliseconds. REAL - - No implicit conversion S5TIME - - DT - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - CHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also TIME (IEC time) (Page 2155) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Explicit conversion of TIME (Page 2427) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2407 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of S5TIME (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of S5TIME data type: Source Target With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation S5TIME BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of conversion shows the duration in milliseconds. DWORD - - No implicit conversion INT - - DINT - - REAL - - TIME - - DT - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING - - CHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also S5TIME (duration) (Page 2154) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Explicit conversion of S5TIME (Page 2428) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) 2408 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Date and time (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion of DATE (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of DATE data type: Source Target With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation DATE BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion corresponds to the number of days since 01/01/1990. DWORD - - No implicit conversion INT - - DINT - - REAL - - TIME - - S5TIME - - DT - - TOD - - STRING - - CHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also DATE (Page 2157) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2409 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Implicit conversion of TOD (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of TOD data type: Source Target With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation TOD BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - - WORD - - DWORD - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. The result of the conversion corresponds to the number of milliseconds since the start of day (0:00). INT - - No implicit conversion DINT - - REAL - - TIME - - S5TIME - - DT - - DATE - - STRING - - CHAR - - x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also TIME_OF_DAY (TOD) (Page 2157) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) Implicit conversion of DT (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The DT data type cannot be implicitly converted. See also DATE_AND_TIME (date and time of day) (Page 2158) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) 2410 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of DT (Page 2431) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) Character strings (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion of CHAR (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The following table shows the options for the implicit conversion of CHAR data type: Source Target With IEC check Without IEC check Explanation CHAR BOOL - - No implicit conversion BYTE - X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. WORD - - No implicit conversion DWORD - - INT - - DINT - - REAL - - TIME - - S5TIME - - DT - - TOD - - DATE - - STRING X X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the destination data type. x: Conversion possible -: Conversion not possible See also CHAR (Character) (Page 2161) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Explicit conversion of CHAR (Page 2432) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) Implicit conversion of STRING (S7-300, S7-400) Implicit conversion options The STRING data type cannot be implicitly converted. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2411 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also STRING (Page 2162) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Explicit conversion of STRING (Page 2433) Setting and disabling the IEC check (Page 2400) Explicit conversions (S7-300, S7-400) Binary numbers (S7-300, S7-400) Explicit conversion of BOOL (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the BOOL data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction BOOL BYTE X CONVERT WORD X DWORD X INT X Only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) is set in the destination data type. The enable output ENO is always "1". DINT X REAL - TIME - S5TIME - DT - TOD - DATE - STRING - CHAR - BOOL_TO_INT BOOL_TO_DINT No explicit conversion - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) BOOL (bit) (Page 2136) Implicit conversions (Page 2400) 2412 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Bit strings (S7-300, S7-400) Explicit conversion of BYTE (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the BYTE data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction BYTE BOOL X The following possibilities can oc cur: CONVERT If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the target data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO "1". If bits are not equal to LSB in the source value, the target data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". WORD X DWORD X INT X DINT X REAL - TIME - S5TIME - DT - TOD - DATE - STRING - CHAR X The bit pattern of the source value CONVERT is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the target data type. The re maining bits are set to "0". No explicit conversion - The bit pattern of the source value CONVERT is transferred unchanged right-justi fied to the target data type. The re maining bits are set to "0". x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2413 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types See also BYTE (Page 2136) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversion of BYTE (Page 2402) 2414 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of WORD (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the WORD data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction WORD BOOL X The following possibilities can oc cur: CONVERT If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE X DWORD X INT X DINT X REAL - TIME - S5TIME X The bit pattern of the source value MOVE is transferred unchanged, right-jus tified, to the target data type. DT - No explicit conversion TOD - DATE X The bit pattern of the source value MOVE is transferred unchanged, right-jus tified, to the target data type. STRING - No explicit conversion CHAR X The bit pattern of the source value WORD_TO_CHAR is transferred unchanged, right-jus tified, to the target data type. BLOCK_DB X The bit pattern of WORD is interpre WORD_TO_BLOCK_DB ted as a data block number. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged, right-jus tified, to the target data type. If the permitted value range of the desti nation data type is violated, the en able output ENO is set to "0". The result of the conversion is invalid in such a case. No explicit conversion - - - 2415 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction WORD_BCD1) 2) INT X WORD_BCD_TO_INT BCD1) 2) INT X If the permitted value range of the destination data type is violated or if there is an invalid tetrad in the A F range, the enable output ENO is set to "0". The result of the conver sion is invalid in such a case. BCD_TO_INT x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible The value to be converted has data type WORD and is accepted as a BCD-coded value between -999 and +999. The result is available after conversion as an integer (in binary notation) of the type INT. 1) Valid for SCL: If the BCD code contains a pseudo tetrad, the CPU reports a programming error and opens the organization block "OB121". If the organization block OB121 is not present, the CPU changes to STOP mode. 2) See also WORD (Page 2137) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversion of WORD (Page 2403) 2416 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of DWORD (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the DWORD data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2417 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction DWORD BOOL X The following possibilities can occur: CONVERT If the source is "0", the target data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE X WORD X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred un changed, right-justified, to the target data type. INT X ENO = TRUE #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_F FFF); // -1 bis #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_8 000); // -32768 #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#0); // 0 bis #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#0000_7 FFF); // 32767 ENO = FALSE #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#FFFF_7 FFF); // -32769 #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#8000_00 00); // -2147483648 #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#8000); // 32768 bis #int1 := DWORD_TO_INT(16#7FFF_F FFF); // 2147483647 2418 DINT X REAL X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred un MOVE WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation TIME X changed, right-justified, to the target data type. S5TIME - No explicit conversion - DT - TOD X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred un changed, right-justified, to the target data type. MOVE DATE - No explicit conversion - STRING - CHAR - DWORD_BCD1) DINT X BCD1) 2) DINT X 2) Mnemonics of the instruction If the permitted value range of DWORD_BCD_TO_DINT the destination data type is vio lated or if there is an invalid tet BCD_TO_DINT rad in the A - F range, the ena ble output ENO is set to "0". The result of the conversion is invalid in such a case. x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible The value to be converted has data type DWORD and is accepted as a BCD-coded value between -9999999 and +9999999. The result is available after conversion as an integer (in binary notation) of the type DINT. 1) 2) Valid for SCL: If the BCD code contains a pseudo tetrad, the CPU reports a programming error and opens the organization block "OB121". If the organization block OB121 is not present, the CPU changes to STOP mode. See also DWORD (Page 2138) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversion of DWORD (Page 2404) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2419 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Integers (S7-300, S7-400) Explicit conversion of INT (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the INT data type: 2420 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction INT BOOL X The value is first converted to WORD and then to BOOL. INT_TO_BOOL The following possibilities can occur: If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". BYTE X WORD X DWORD X DINT X REAL X The value is converted into the format of the CONVERT, SCALE, ITR destination data type (the value "1", for ex ample, is converted with the instruction "Con vert value" (CONVERT) into the value "1.0"). TIME - No explicit conversion S5TIME - DT - TOD - DATE - STRING X The value is converted into a character string. S_CONV, CONVERT The character string is shown preceded by a sign. If the permitted length of the character string is violated, the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR X The bit pattern of the source value is trans ferred unchanged to the destination data type. With the conversion of negative values or with an overflow, the enable output ENO will be set to "0". BCD1) 2) X If the permitted value range of the destination data type is violated or if there is an invalid tetrad in the A - F range, the enable output ENO is set to "0". The result of the conversion is invalid in such a case. BCD_WORD X 1) 2) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 The bit pattern of the source value is trans CONVERT ferred unchanged, right-justified, to the target MOVE data type. The enable output ENO is set to "0" if a negative value is converted to an un signed destination data type or if overflow oc CONVERT, ITD curs. - CONVERT INT_TO_BCD INT_TO_BCD_WORD 2421 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible The value to be converted has type INT and is accepted as an integer with a value between -999 and +999. The result is available after conversion as a BCD-coded number of the type WORD. 1) 2) Valid for SCL: If the BCD code contains a pseudo tetrad, the CPU reports a programming error and opens the organization block "OB121". If the organization block OB121 is not present, the CPU changes to STOP mode. See also INT (16-bit integers) (Page 2143) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversion of INT (Page 2405) 2422 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of DINT (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the DINT data type: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2423 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction DINT X The value is first converted to DWORD and then to BOOL. DINT_TO_BOOL BOOL The following possibilities can occur: If the source is "0", the destination data type is also "0" and the enable output ENO is "1". If only the LSB (Least Significant Bit) "1" is set in the source value, the destination data type is also "1" and the enable output ENO is "1". If bit is not equal to LSB in the source value, the destination data type is set according to LSB and the enable output ENO is "0". 2424 BYTE X The bit pattern of the source value is trans CONVERT ferred unchanged, right-justified, to the tar get data type. The enable output ENO is MOVE set to "0" if a negative value is converted CONVERT to an unsigned destination data type or if overflow occurs. WORD X DWORD X INT X REAL X The value is converted into the format of the destination data type (the value "1", for example, is converted with the instruction "Convert value" (CONVERT) into the value "1.0"). TIME X The bit pattern of the source value is trans T_CONV, MOVE ferred unchanged to the destination data type. S5TIME - No explicit conversion DT - TOD X DATE X STRING X The value is converted into a character string. The character string is shown pre ceded by a sign. If the permitted length of the character string is violated, the enable output ENO is set to "0". CHAR X The bit pattern of the source value is trans DINT_TO_CHAR ferred unchanged to the destination data type. With the conversion of negative val ues or with an overflow, the enable output ENO will be set to "0". BCD1) 2) X BCD_DWOR D1) 2) X If the permitted value range of the destina DINT_TO_BCD tion data type is violated or if there is an DINT_TO_BCD_DWORD invalid tetrad in the A - F range, the enable output ENO is set to "0". The result of the conversion is invalid in such a case. CONVERT, DTR, SCALE - The bit pattern of the source value is trans CONVERT ferred unchanged, right-justified, to the tar get data type. S_CONV, CONVERT WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible The value to be converted has data type DWORD and is accepted as a BCD-coded value between -9999999 and +9999999. The result is available after conversion as an integer (in binary notation) of the type DINT. 1) 2) Valid for SCL: If the BCD code contains a pseudo tetrad, the CPU reports a programming error and opens the organization block "OB121". If the organization block OB121 is not present, the CPU changes to STOP mode. See also DINT (32-bit integers) (Page 2145) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversions (Page 2400) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2425 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Floating-point numbers (S7-300, S7-400) Explicit conversion of REAL (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the REAL data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction REAL BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - WORD - DWORD X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged to the desti nation data type. CONVERT, MOVE INT X DINT X The value is converted into the desti CONVERT, ROUND, RND, CEIL, RND+, nation data type. The result of con FLOOR, RND-, TRUNC, UNSCALE version depends on the instruction employed. The enable output ENO is set to "0" if the admissible range of values of the destination data type is exceeded during conversion or the value to be converted has an invalid floating-point number. TIME - No explicit conversion - S5TIME - DT - TOD - DATE - STRING X The value is converted into a charac S_CONV, CONVERT ter string. The enable output ENO is set to "0" if the character string length is exceeded or the value to be con verted has an invalid floating-point number. CHAR - No explicit conversion - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also REAL (Page 2150) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversions (Page 2400) 2426 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Timer operations (S7-300, S7-400) Explicit conversion of TIME (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the TIME data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction TIME BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - WORD - DWORD X The bit pattern of the source value is CONVERT transferred unchanged to the destina tion data type. The result of conver sion shows the duration in millisec onds. INT - No explicit conversion DINT X The bit pattern of the source value is T_CONV, CONVERT transferred unchanged to the destina tion data type. The result of conver sion shows the duration in millisec onds. REAL - No explicit conversion S5TIME X The value is converted to the destina T_CONV, CONVERT tion data type format. The enable out put ENO is set to "0" in the event of overflow. DT - No explicit conversion TOD - DATE - STRING - CHAR - - - - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also TIME (IEC time) (Page 2155) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversion of TIME (Page 2407) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2427 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of S5TIME (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion in LAD, FBD, STL and GRAPH The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the S5TIME data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction S5TIME BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - WORD X The value is converted to the destina S5TIME_TO_WORD tion data type format. DWORD - No explicit conversion INT - DINT - REAL - TIME X The value is converted to the destina T_CONV, CONVERT tion data type format. DT - No explicit conversion TOD - DATE - STRING - CHAR - - - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also S5TIME (duration) (Page 2154) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversion of S5TIME (Page 2408) 2428 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Date and time (S7-300, S7-400) Explicit conversion of DATE (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the DATE data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction DATE BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - WORD X The value is converted to the destina DATE_TO_WORD tion data type format. DWORD - No explicit conversion INT X DINT X The value is converted to the destina DATE_TO_INT tion data type format. DATE_TO_DINT REAL - No explicit conversion TIME - S5TIME - DT - TOD - STRING - CHAR - - - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also DATE (Page 2157) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversion of DATE (Page 2409) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2429 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of TOD (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the TOD data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction TOD BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - WORD - DWORD X The value is converted to the destina TOD_TO_DWORD tion data type format. INT - No explicit conversion - DINT X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. TOD_TO_DINT REAL - No explicit conversion - TIME - S5TIME - DT - DATE - STRING - CHAR - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also TIME_OF_DAY (TOD) (Page 2157) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversion of TOD (Page 2410) 2430 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of DT (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the DT data type: Sourc e Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction DT BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - WORD - DWORD - INT - DINT - REAL - TIME - S5TIME - TOD X During conversion, times are extracted from the DTL format and transferred to the desti nation data type. T_CONV, CONVERT DATE X During the conversion, the date information is extracted from the DTL format and trans ferred to the destination data type. STRING - No explicit conversion CHAR - - x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also DATE_AND_TIME (date and time of day) (Page 2158) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2431 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types String (S7-300, S7-400) Explicit conversion of CHAR (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the CHAR data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction CHAR BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE X The bit pattern of the source value is transferred unchanged right-justified to the destination data type. CONVERT No explicit conversion - WORD X DWORD X INT X DINT X REAL - TIME - S5TIME - DT - TOD - DATE - STRING X The value is converted into the first S_CONV, CONVERT character in the character string (STRING). The length "1" is set after conversion if the character string length is not defined. If the character string length is defined, it remains un changed following conversion. x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also CHAR (Character) (Page 2161) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversion of CHAR (Page 2411) 2432 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.3 Data types Explicit conversion of STRING (S7-300, S7-400) Options for explicit conversion The following table shows the options and instructions for the explicit conversion of the STRING data type: Source Target Conversion Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction STRING BOOL - No explicit conversion - BYTE - WORD - DWORD - INT X S_CONV, CONVERT DINT X REAL X Conversion begins with the first character in the character string (STRING) and stops at the end of the string or at the first inad missible character. The following charac ters are admissible for conversion: Digit Sign Dot The first character in the character string may be a sign (+, -) or a digit. Leading spaces are ignored. The dot is used as separation for the conversion of floatingpoint numbers. The exponential notation "e" or "E" is not permitted. The comma as thousand separator to the left of the deci mal point is permitted but is ignored. If the layout of the character string is invalid for the conversion or an overflow occurs, then the enable output ENO will be set to "0". TIME - S5TIME - DT - TOD - DATE - CHAR X No explicit conversion - The first character in the character string (STRING) is transferred to the target data type. The value "0" is written to the target data type if the character string is empty. S_CONV, CONVERT x: Conversion possible - : Conversion not possible See also STRING (Page 2162) Overview of data type conversions (Page 2398) Implicit conversions (Page 2400) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2433 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Additional conversion functions (S7-300, S7-400) Additional explicit conversion functions in SCL (S7-300, S7-400) Additional options for explicit conversion in SCL The following table shows the additional options and operations for explicit conversion in SCL: Source Target Explanation Mnemonics of the instruction WORD BLOCK_DB The bit pattern of WORD is interpreted as a data block number. WORD_TO_BLOCK_DB BLOCK_DB WORD The data block number is interpreted as a bit pattern of WORD. BLOCK_DB_TO_WORD 11.4 Instructions 11.4.1 Instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500) Example libraries (S7-1200, S7-1500) Sample Library for Instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500) The "Sample Library for Instructions" is the global library for the program examples using the instructions in STEP 7 (TIA Portal). This library offers you support during programming with its compact, easy to understand program examples in the programming language LAD. A CPU from the family SIMATIC S7-1200 / S7-1500 is required to use the library. ,QVWUXFWLRQVLQWKH7,$3RUWDO ([DPSOHV DVOLEUDU\ 2434 6LPSOH ,QVWUXFWLRQV ([WHQGHG ,QVWUXFWLRQV 6DPSOHOLEUDU\IRULQVWUXFWLRQV 7HFKQRORJ\ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Programming examples in the TIA Portal information system Programming examples in the "Sample Library for Instructions" match the instructions used in the programming examples in the TIA Portal information system. This means that you can call the respective programming example documentation via the help () in the TIA Portal. 3URJUDPLQWKH7,$3RUWDO 7,$3RUWDO,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHP 'RFXPHQWDWLRQH[SODLQVSURJUDPH[DPSOH ) /LEUDU\FRQWDLQVSURJUDPH[DPSOHIURPWKHGRFXPHQWDWLRQ Downloading the library The "Sample Library for Instructions" is available at the FAQ page (https:// WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2435 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Library of General Functions (S7-1200, S7-1500) The "Library of General Functions" is the global library for supplementary functions for the instructions in STEP 7 (TIA Portal). To expand the scope of instructions, this library offers blocks with useful basic functions that are often required in automation projects. All contents of the library can be used with a CPU of the series SIMATIC S7-1200(F) / S7-1500(F). *HQHULFIXQFWLRQV ([DPSOHV DVOLEUDU\ /*) /LEUDU\RI*HQHUDO)XQFWLRQV &RQYHUVLRQ IXQFWLRQV 'DWD KDQGOLQJ 0DWK IXQFWLRQV 'DWHDQGWLPH IXQFWLRQV 2WKHU IXQFWLRQV 6LJQDO JHQHUDWRUV General functions The general functions of the "Library of General Functions" are provided as blocks in the SCL programming language. The library includes the following functions: FIFO, search function, matrix calculations, astro clock. You can immediately use the functions by means of parameter assignment and implement them universally. Downloading the library The "Library of General Functions" is stored on the FAQ page (https:// Asynchronous instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500) Difference between synchronous and asynchronous instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500) Asynchronous instructions In program processing, a differentiation is made between synchronous and asynchronous instructions. The "synchronous" and "asynchronous" properties relate to the temporal relationship between the call and execution of the instruction. The following applies to synchronous instructions: When the call of a synchronous instruction is ended, the execution is also ended. This is different in the case of asynchronous instructions: The execution of an asynchronous instruction can extend over multiple calls. The CPU processes asynchronous instructions in parallel with the cyclic user program. Asynchronous instructions occupy resources in the CPU while they are being processed. 2436 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Asynchronous instructions are usually instructions for transferring data (data records for modules, communication data, diagnostics data). Additional information about asynchronous instructions can be found here:SIMATIC S7-1500 / ET 200MP Manual Collection ( 86140384) In the system manual under Basics of program processing > Asynchronous instructions Identification of the job To execute an instruction over multiple calls, the CPU must be able to uniquely assign a subsequent call to a running job of the instruction. To assign a call to a job, the CPU uses one of the following two mechanisms, depending on the type of the instruction: The instance of the instruction (with type "SFB" system function block) The input parameter of the instruction identifying the job If you use asynchronous instructions to trigger a process interrupt, output control commands to DP slaves, start a data transfer, or abort a non-configured connection and then call the instruction again before the current job is completed, the reaction of the instruction will depend on whether the second call involves the same job. Passing parameters to program blocks that are to be executed asynchronously Code blocks (FBs/FCs) and data blocks (DBs) can be created with different access types ("standard" and "optimized"). In code blocks, you can call any instructions. Some instructions (e.g. "WRIT_DBL" and "READ_DBL") are executed asynchronously. These blocks cannot be supplied with tags from TEMP because the data must not be changed during execution. Ensure that you do not use these instructions in programs in which code blocks of different access types are called reciprocally. This could cause the following to occur: A structure from a standard data block is directly or indirectly passed to an optimized code block, which forwards this structure directly or indirectly to one of the blocks mentioned above. The reverse scenario, whereby a structure from an optimized code block is directly or indirectly passed to a standard data block, which forwards this structure directly or indirectly to one of the program blocks mentioned above. Otherwise, a hidden copy of the passed data is created in TEMP, which leads to the asynchronous program blocks returning a negative acknowledgment. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2437 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Parameter REQ The input parameter REQ (request) is used solely to start the job: Trigger the job by setting the input parameter REQ to "1" (case 1). If a particular job has been started and not yet completed and you call the instruction again to perform the same job (for example, in a cyclic interrupt OB), then REQ is not evaluated by the instruction (case 2). If the job is completed, but the input parameter REQ is still set to "1", the job is immediately started again. Note REQ bit = "1" Please note that, when the REQ bit is set, the asynchronous instruction will be started again after the previous call is completed. This may not be desired. To make the project clearer and easier to maintain, it is therefore advisable to reset the REQ bit to "0" as early as possible. Parameter RET_VAL and BUSY The output parameters RET_VAL and BUSY indicate the status of the job. Pay attention to the note in section: AUTOHOTSPOT In case 1 (first call with REQ = 1), code W#16#7001 will be entered in RET_VAL and BUSY will be set to "1" if system resources are available and the supply of the input parameters is correct. If the required system resources are currently being used or the input parameters contain an error, the corresponding error code is entered in RET_VAL and BUSY receives the value "0". In case 2 (intermediate call), the code W#16#7002 is entered in RET_VAL (this corresponds to the message that the call is currently still being processed) and BUSY is set to "1". The following applies to the last call for a job: - For instruction "DPNRM_DG (Page 3551)", the number of data in bytes will entered as integer in RET_VAL in case there are no errors in data transmission. BUSY has the value "0" in this case. If there is an error, then the error information will be entered in RET_VAL and you should not evaluate BUSY in this case. - For all other instructions, "0" will be entered in RET_VAL if the job was executed without errors and BUSY will receive the value "0". If there is an error, the error code will be entered in RET_VAL and BUSY will receive the value "0". Note If the first and last call coincide, the reaction for RET_VAL and BUSY is the same as for the last call. 2438 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Overview The following table provides you with an overview of the relationships explained above. In particular, it shows the possible values of the output parameters if the execution of the job is not completed after an instruction call has been completed. Note Following every call, you must evaluate the relevant output parameters in your program. Relationship between call, REQ, RET_VAL and BUSY during a "running" job. Number of Type of call the call REQ RET_VAL BUSY DONE ERROR 1 1 W#16#7001 1 0 0 First call Error code 0 0 1 2 to (n - 1) Intermediate call irrelevant W#16#7002 1 0 0 n irrelevant W#16#0000 (exceptions: RD_REC (Page 3530) and RD_DPARA (Page 3625): The successfully read data length is written to the parameter STA TUS.) 0 1 0 Error code if errors occurred 0 0 1 Last call Basic instructions (S7-1200, S7-1500) LAD (S7-1200, S7-1500) Bit logic operations (S7-1200, S7-1500) ---| |---: Normally open contact (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description The activation of the normally open contact depends on the signal state of the associated operand. When the operand has signal state "1", the normally open contact closes and the signal state at the output is set to the signal state of the input. When the operand has signal state "0", the normally open contact is not activated and the signal state at the output of the instruction is reset to "0". Two or more normally open contacts are linked bit-by-bit by AND when connected in series. With a series connection, power flows when all contacts are closed. The normally open contacts are linked by OR when connected in parallel. With a parallel connection, power flows when one of the contacts is closed. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2439 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the instruction: Parameter Declaration Input Data type BOOL Memory area S7-1200 S7-1500 I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, T, C Description Operand whose sig nal state is queried. Example The following example shows how the instruction works. Create a global data block with the following content for this purpose: Name of the block: SLI_gDB_NOContact Name Data type start1 BOOL start2 BOOL start3 BOOL startOut BOOL Write the following program code: 6/,BJ'%B 6/,BJ'%B 12&RQWDFW 12&RQWDFW VWDUW VWDUW 6/,BJ'%B 12&RQWDFW VWDUW2XW 6/,BJ'%B 12&RQWDFW VWDUW Operand "SLI_gDB_NOContact".startOut is set when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: The operands "SLI_gDB_NOContact".start1 and "SLI_gDB_NOContact".start2 have the signal state "1". The operand "SLI_gDB_NOContact".start3 has the signal state "1". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) LAD programming examples (Page 4681) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) 2440 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions ---| / |---: Normally closed contact (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description The activation of the normally closed contact depends on the signal state of the associated operand. When the operand has signal state "1", the normally closed contact opens and the signal state at the output of the instruction is reset to "0". When the operand has signal state "0", the normally closed contact is not enabled and the signal state of the input is transferred to the output. Two or more normally closed contacts are linked bit-by-bit by AND when connected in series. With a series connection, power flows when all contacts are closed. The normally closed contacts are linked by OR when connected in parallel. With a parallel connection, power flows when one of the contacts is closed. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the instruction: Parameter Declara tion Data type Input BOOL Memory area S7-1200 S7-1500 I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, T, C Description Operand whose signal state is quer ied. Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XW 7DJ,QB The "TagOut" operand is set when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: The operands "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" have signal state "1". The operand "TagIn_3" has the signal state "0". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) LAD programming examples (Page 4681) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2441 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) --|NOT|--: Invert RLO (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You use the "Invert RLO" instruction to invert the signal state of the result of logic operation (RLO). If the signal state is "1" at the input of the instruction, the output of the instruction has signal state "0". If the signal state is "0" at the input of the instruction, the output has the signal state "1". Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 127 7DJ2XW 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB Operand "TagOut" is reset when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: The operand "TagIn_1" has the signal state "1". The signal state of the operands "TagIn_2" and "TagIn_3" is "1". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) LAD programming examples (Page 4681) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) ---( )---: Assignment (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Assignment" instruction to set the bit of a specified operand. If the result of logic operation (RLO) at the input of the coil has signal state "1", the specified operand is set to signal state "1". If the signal state is "0" at the input of the coil, the bit of the specified operand is reset to "0". 2442 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions The instruction does not influence the RLO. The RLO at the input of the coil is sent directly to the output. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Assignment" instruction: Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Operand to which the RLO is assigned. Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XWB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XWB The "TagOut_1" operand is set when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: The operands "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" have signal state "1". The signal state of the operand "TagIn_3" is "0". The "TagOut_2" operand is set when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: Operands "TagIn_1", "TagIn_2", and "TagIn_4" have signal state "1". The signal state of the "TagIn_3" operand is "0" and the signal state of the "TagIn_4" operand is "1". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) LAD programming examples (Page 4681) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2443 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions --( / )--: Negate assignment (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description The "Negate assignment" instruction inverts the result of logic operation (RLO) and assigns it to the specified operand. When the RLO at the input of the coil is "1", the operand is reset. When the RLO at the input of the coil is "0", the operand is set to signal state "1". Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Negate assignment" instruction: Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Operand to which the RLO is assigned. Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XWB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XWB Operand "TagOut_1" is reset when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: The operands "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" have signal state "1". The signal state of the operand "TagIn_3" is "0". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) LAD programming examples (Page 4681) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) 2444 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions ---( R )---: Reset output (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Reset output" instruction to reset the signal state of a specified operand to "0". The instruction is only executed if the result of logic operation (RLO) at the input of the coil is "1". If power flows to the coil (RLO = "1"), the specified operand is reset to "0". If the RLO at the input of the coil is "0" (no signal flow to the coil), the signal state of the specified operand remains unchanged. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Reset output" instruction: Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area S7-1200 Output BOOL Description S7-1500 I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, T, C Operand that is re set when RLO = "1". Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XW 5 7DJ,QB Operand "TagOut" is reset when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: The operands "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" have signal state "1". The signal state of the operand "TagIn_3" is "0". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) LAD programming examples (Page 4681) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2445 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions ---( S )---: Set output (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Set output" instruction to set the signal state of a specified operand to "1". The instruction is only executed if the result of logic operation (RLO) at the input of the coil is "1". If power flows to the coil (RLO = "1"), the specified operand is set to "1". If the RLO at the input of the coil is "0" (no signal flow to the coil), the signal state of the specified operand remains unchanged. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Set output" instruction: Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Operand which is set with RLO = "1". Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XW 6 7DJ,QB The "TagOut" operand is set when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: The operands "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" have signal state "1". The signal state of the operand "TagIn_3" is "0". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) LAD programming examples (Page 4681) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) 2446 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions SET_BF: Set bit field (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You use the "Set bit field" instruction to set several bits starting from a certain address. You determine the number of bits to be set using the value of . The address of the first bit to be set is defined by . If the value of is greater than the number of bits in a selected byte, then the bits of the next byte will be set. The bits remain set until they are explicitly reset by another instruction. The instruction is only executed if the result of logic operation (RLO) at the input of the coil is "1". If the RLO at the input of the coil is "0", the instruction does not execute. Bit fields of the type PLC data type, STRUCT or ARRAY With structures of the type PLC data type, STRUCT or ARRAY, the number of bits contained in the structure represents the maximum number of bits that can be reset: If you specify the value "20" at , for example, and the structure only contains 10 bits, then only these 10 bits are set. If you specify the value "5" at , for example, and the structure contains 10 bits, then exactly 5 bits are set. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Set bit field" instruction: Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description Output BOOL I, Q, M Pointer to the first bit to be set. In the case of a DB or an IDB, an ele ment of an AR RAY[..] of BOOL Input UINT Constant Number of bits to be set Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 0\'%0\%RRO$UUD\>@ 6(7B%) If the operands "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" have the signal state "1", 5 bits are set starting at the address of the operand "MyDB".MyBoolArray[4]. For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2447 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) RESET_BF: Reset bit field (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You use the "Reset bit field" instruction to reset several bits starting from a certain address. You specify the number of bits to be reset using the value of . The address of the first bit to be reset is defined by . If the value of is greater than the number of bits in a selected byte, then the bits of the next byte will be reset. The bits remain set until they are explicitly reset by another instruction. The instruction is only executed if the result of logic operation (RLO) at the input of the coil is "1". If the RLO at the input of the coil is "0", the instruction does not execute. Bit fields of the type PLC data type, STRUCT or ARRAY With structures of the type PLC data type, STRUCT or ARRAY, the number of bits contained in the structure represents the maximum number of bits that can be set: If you specify the value "20" at , for example, and the structure only contains 10 bits, then only these 10 bits are reset. If you specify the value "5" at , for example, and the structure contains 10 bits, then exactly 5 bits are reset. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Reset bit field" instruction: Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description Output BOOL I, Q, M Pointer to the first bit to be re With a DB or an in set. stance DB, an ele ment of an AR RAY[..] of BOOL Input UINT Constant Number of bits to be reset Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 2448 7DJ,QB 0\'%0\%RRO$UUD\>@ 5(6(7B%) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions If the operands "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" have the signal state "1", 5 bits are reset starting at the address of the operand "MyDB".MyBoolArray[4] For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) SR: Set/reset flip-flop (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description Use the instruction "Set/reset flip-flop" to set or reset the bit of the specified operand, depending on the signal state of the inputs S and R1. If the signal state is "1" at input S and "0" at input R1, the specified operand is set to "1". If the signal state is "0" at input S and "1" at input R1, the specified operand will be reset to "0". Input R1 takes priority over input S. When the signal state is "1" on both inputs S and R1, the signal state of the specified operand is reset to "0". The instruction is not executed if the signal state at the two inputs S and R1 is "0". The signal state of the operand then remains unchanged. The current signal state of the operand is transferred to output Q and can be queried there. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Set/reset flip-flop" instruction: Parameter WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Declaration Data type Memory area S7-1200 S7-1500 Description S Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L Enable setting R1 Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, Enable resetting T, C InOut BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L Operand that is set or reset. Q Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L Signal state of the operand 2449 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ65 7DJ,QB 6 65 4 7DJ2XW 7DJ,QB 5 The operands "TagSR" and "TagOut" are set when the following conditions are fulfilled: The operand "TagIn_1" has the signal state "1". The operand "TagIn_2" has the signal state "0". The operands "TagSR" and "TagOut" are reset when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: The operand "TagIn_1" has signal state "0" and the operand "TagIn_2" has signal state "1". The operands "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" have signal state "1". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) RS: Reset/set flip-flop (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Reset/set flip-flop" instruction to reset or set the bit of a specified operand based on the signal state of the inputs R and S1. If the signal state is "1" at input R and "0" at input S1, the specified operand will be reset to "0". If the signal state is "0" at input R and "1" at input S1, the specified operand is set to "1". Input S1 takes priority over input R. When the signal state is "1" at both inputs R and S1, the signal state of the specified operand is set to "1". The instruction is not executed if the signal state at the two inputs R and S1 is "0". The signal state of the operand then remains unchanged. The current signal state of the operand is transferred to output Q and can be queried there. 2450 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Reset/set flip-flop" instruction: Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area S7-1200 Description S7-1500 R Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L Enable resetting S1 Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, T, C Enable setting InOut BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L Operand that is reset or set. Q Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L Signal state of the operand Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ56 7DJ,QB 5 56 4 7DJ2XW 7DJ,QB 6 The operands "TagRS" and "TagOut" are reset when the following conditions are fulfilled: The operand "TagIn_1" has the signal state "1". The operand "TagIn_2" has the signal state "0". The operands "TagRS" and "TagOut" are set when one of the following conditions is fulfilled: The operand "TagIn_1" has signal state "0" and the operand "TagIn_2" has signal state "1". The operands "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" have signal state "1". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2451 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions --|P|--: Scan operand for positive signal edge (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Scan operand for positive signal edge" instruction to determine if there is a "0" to "1" change in the signal state of a specified operand (). The instruction compares the current signal state of with the signal state of the previous scan, which is saved in an edge memory bit (). If the instruction detects a change in the result of logic operation (RLO) from "0" to "1", there is a positive, rising edge. The following figure shows the change in the signal state in case of a negative and a positive signal edge: 6LJQDO VWDWH 3RVLWLYHVLJQDOHGJH 1HJDWLYHVLJQDOHGJH 7LPHU The positive signal edge is queried each time the instruction executes. When a positive signal edge is detected, is set to signal state "1" for one program cycle. In all other cases, the operand has the signal state "0". Specify the operand to be queried () in the operand placeholder above the instruction. Specify the edge memory bit () in the operand placeholder below the instruction. Note Modification of the address of the edge memory bit The address of the edge memory bit must not be used more than once in the program, otherwise the bit memory is overwritten. This step influences the edge evaluation and the result is therefore no longer unique. The memory area of the edge memory bit has to be located in a DB (static area for FB) or in the bit memory area. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Scan operand for positive signal edge" instruction: Parameter 2452 Declaration Data type Memory area S7-1200 S7-1500 Description Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, T, C Signal to be scanned InOut BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L Edge memory bit in which the signal state of the previous query is saved. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XW 3 7DJB0 Operand "TagOut" is set when the following conditions are fulfilled: The operands "TagIn_1", "TagIn_2", and "TagIn_3" have signal state "1". There is a rising edge at operand "TagIn_4". The signal state of the previous scan is stored in the edge memory bit "Tag_M". The signal state of the operand "TagIn_5" is "1". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) LAD programming examples (Page 4681) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) --|N|--: Scan operand for negative signal edge (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Scan operand for negative signal edge" instruction to determine if there is a "1" to "0" change in the signal state of a specified operand (). The instruction compares the current signal state of with the signal state of the previous scan that is saved in an edge memory bit . If the instruction detects a change in the result of logic operation (RLO) from "1" to "0", there is a negative, falling edge. The following figure shows the change in the signal state in case of a negative and a positive signal edge: 6LJQDO VWDWH 3RVLWLYHVLJQDOHGJH 1HJDWLYHVLJQDOHGJH 7LPHU The negative signal edge is queried each time the instruction executes. When a negative signal edge is detected, is set to signal state "1" for one program cycle. In all other cases, the operand has the signal state "0". WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2453 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Specify the operand to be queried () in the operand placeholder above the instruction. Specify the edge memory bit () in the operand placeholder below the instruction. Note Modification of the address of the edge memory bit The address of the edge memory bit must not be used more than once in the program, otherwise the bit memory is overwritten. This step influences the edge evaluation and the result is therefore no longer unique. The memory area of the edge memory bit has to be located in a DB (static area for FB) or in the bit memory area. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Scan operand for negative signal edge" instruction: Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description S7-1200 S7-1500 Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, T, C Signal to be scanned InOut BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L Edge memory bit in which the signal state of the previous query is saved. Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XW 1 7DJB0 Operand "TagOut" is set when the following conditions are fulfilled: The operands "TagIn_1", "TagIn_2", and "TagIn_3" have signal state "1". There is a negative signal edge at operand "TagIn_4". The signal state of the previous scan is stored in the edge memory bit "Tag_M". The signal state of the operand "TagIn_5" is "1". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) 2454 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) --(P)--: Set operand on positive signal edge (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Set operand on positive signal edge" instruction to set a specified operand () when there is a "0" to "1" change in the result of logic operation (RLO). The instruction compares the current RLO with the RLO from the previous query, which is saved in the edge memory bit (). If the instruction detects a change in the RLO from "0" to "1", there is a positive signal edge. The positive signal edge is queried each time the instruction executes. When a positive signal edge is detected, is set to signal state "1" for one program cycle. In all other cases, the operand has the signal state "0". You specify the operand () to be set in the operand placeholder above the instruction. Specify the edge memory bit () in the operand placeholder below the instruction. Note Modification of the address of the edge memory bit The address of the edge memory bit must not be used more than once in the program, otherwise the bit memory is overwritten. This step influences the edge evaluation and the result is therefore no longer unique. The memory area of the edge memory bit has to be located in a DB (static area for FB) or in the bit memory area. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the instruction "Set operand on positive signal edge": WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Operand which is set by a positive edge. InOut BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Edge memory bit 2455 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XW 3 7DJB0 7DJ,QB Operand "TagOut" is set for one program cycle, when the signal state at the input of the coil switches from "0" to "1" (positive signal edge). In all other cases, the operand "TagOut" has the signal state "0". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) --(N)--: Set operand on negative signal edge (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Set operand on negative signal edge" instruction to set a specified operand () when there is a "1" to "0" change in the result of logic operation (RLO). The instruction compares the current RLO with the RLO from the previous query, which is saved in the edge memory bit (). If the instruction detects a change in the RLO from "1" to "0", there is a negative signal edge. The negative signal edge is queried each time the instruction executes. When a negative signal edge is detected, is set to signal state "1" for one program cycle. In all other cases, the operand has the signal state "0". You specify the operand () to be set in the operand placeholder above the instruction. Specify the edge memory bit () in the operand placeholder below the instruction. Note Modification of the address of the edge memory bit The address of the edge memory bit must not be used more than once in the program, otherwise the bit memory is overwritten. This step influences the edge evaluation and the result is therefore no longer unique. The memory area of the edge memory bit has to be located in a DB (static area for FB) or in the bit memory area. 2456 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the instruction "Set operand on negative signal edge": Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Operand which is set by a negative edge. InOut BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Edge memory bit Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 7DJ2XW 1 7DJB0 7DJ,QB Operand "TagOut" is set for one program cycle, when the signal state at the input of the coil switches from "1" to "0" (negative signal edge). In all other cases, the operand "TagOut" has the signal state "0". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) P_TRIG: Scan RLO for positive signal edge (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description Use the "Scan RLO for positive signal edge" instruction to query a "0" to "1" change in the signal state of the result of logic operation (RLO). The instruction compares the current signal state of the RLO with the signal state of the previous query, which is saved in an edge memory bit (). If the instruction detects a change in the RLO from "0" to "1", there is a positive signal edge. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2457 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions The positive signal edge is queried each time the instruction executes. As soon as a positive single edge is detected, the output Q of the instruction returns the signal state "1" for the length of a program cycle. In all other cases, the output returns the signal state "0". Note Modification of the address of the edge memory bit The address of the edge memory bit must not be used more than once in the program, otherwise the bit memory is overwritten. This step influences the edge evaluation and the result is therefore no longer unique. The memory area of the edge memory bit has to be located in a DB (static area for FB) or in the bit memory area. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the instruction "Scan RLO for positive signal edge": Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description CLK Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Current RLO InOut BOOL M, D Edge memory bit in which the RLO of the previous query is saved. Q Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Result of edge evaluation Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 3B75,* &/. 4 &$6 -03 7DJB0 7DJ,QB The RLO of the previous query is saved in the edge memory bit "Tag_M". If a "0" to "1" change is detected in the signal state of the RLO, the program jumps to jump label CAS1. For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) 2458 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions N_TRIG: Scan RLO for negative signal edge (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description Use the "Scan RLO for negative signal edge" instruction to query a "1" to "0" change in the signal state of the result of logic operation (RLO). The instruction compares the current signal state of the RLO with the signal state of the previous query, which is saved in an edge memory bit (). If the instruction detects a change in the RLO from "1" to "0", there is a negative signal edge. The negative signal edge is queried each time the instruction executes. As soon as a negative single edge is detected, the output Q of the instruction returns the signal state "1" for the length of a program cycle. In all other cases, the signal state at the output of the instruction is "0". Note Modification of the address of the edge memory bit The address of the edge memory bit must not be used more than once in the program, otherwise the bit memory is overwritten. This step influences the edge evaluation and the result is therefore no longer unique. The memory area of the edge memory bit has to be located in a DB (static area for FB) or in the bit memory area. Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Scan RLO for negative signal edge" instruction: Parameters Declaration Data type Memory area Description CLK Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Current RLO InOut BOOL M, D Edge memory bit in which the RLO of the previous query is saved. Q Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Result of edge evaluation Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7DJ,QB 7DJ,QB 1B75,* &/. 4 &$6 -03 7DJB0 7DJ,QB The RLO of the previous query is saved in the edge memory bit "Tag_M". If a "1" to "0" change is detected in the signal state of the RLO, the program jumps to jump label CAS1. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2459 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) R_TRIG: Detect positive signal edge (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description With the "Detect positive signal edge" instruction, you can detect a state change from "0" to "1" at the CLK input. The instruction compares the current value at the CLK input with the state of the previous query (edge memory bit) that is saved in the specified instance. If the instruction detects a state change at the CLK input from "0" to "1", a positive signal edge is generated at the Q output, i.e., the output has the value TRUE or "1" for exactly one cycle. In all other cases, the signal state at the output of the instruction is "0". Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Detect positive signal edge" instruction: Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description EN Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Enable input ENO Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Enable output CLK Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L or con Incoming signal, the edge of stant which is to be queried. Q Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Result of edge evaluation Example The following example shows how the instruction works: '% 5B75,*B'% 5B75,* (1 7DJ,QB (12 7DJ,QB &/. 4 7DJ2XWB4 7DJ,QB 2460 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions The previous state of the tag at the CLK input is stored in the "R_TRIG_DB" tag. If a change in the signal state from "0" to "1" is detected in the "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" operands or in the "TagIn_3" operand, the "TagOut_Q" output has signal state "1" for one cycle. For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) F_TRIG: Detect negative signal edge (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description With the "Detect negative signal edge" instruction, you can detect a state change from "1" to "0" at the CLK input. The instruction compares the current value at the CLK input with the state of the previous query (edge memory bit) that is saved in the specified instance. If the instruction detects a state change at the CLK input from "1" to "0", a negative signal edge is generated at the Q output, i.e., the output has the value TRUE or "1" for exactly one cycle. In all other cases, the signal state at the output of the instruction is "0". Parameter The following table shows the parameters of the "Detect negative signal edge" instruction: WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description EN Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Enable input ENO Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Enable output CLK Input BOOL I, Q, M, D, L or con Incoming signal, stant the edge of which is to be queried. Q Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Result of edge evaluation 2461 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Example The following example shows how the instruction works: '% )B75,*B'% )B75,* (1 7DJ,QB (12 7DJ,QB &/. 4 7DJ2XWB4 7DJ,QB The previous state of the tag at the CLK input is stored in the "F_TRIG_DB" tag. If a change in the signal state from "1" to "0" is detected in the "TagIn_1" and "TagIn_2" operands or in the "TagIn_3" operand, the "TagOut_Q" output has signal state "1" for one cycle. For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) Timer operations (S7-1200, S7-1500) TP: Generate pulse (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Generate pulse" instruction to set the Q output for a programmed duration. The instruction is started when the result of logic operation (RLO) at input IN changes from "0" to "1" (positive signal edge). The programmed time PT begins when the instruction starts. Output Q is set for the duration PT, regardless of the subsequent course of the input signal. Even if a new positive signal edge is detected, the signal state at the output Q is not affected as long as the PT time duration is running. You can scan the current time value at the ET output. The timer value starts at T#0s and ends when the value of the time duration PT is reached. When the time PT has elapsed and the signal state at input IN is "0", the ET output is reset. 2462 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Each call of the "Generate pulse" instruction must be assigned to an IEC timer in which the instruction data is stored. Note If the timer is not called in the program because it is skipped, for example, output ET returns a constant value as soon as the timer has expired. For S7-1200 CPU An IEC timer is a structure of the data type IEC_TIMER or TP_TIME that you can declare as follows: Declaration of a data block of system data type IEC_TIMER (for example, "MyIEC_TIMER") Declaration as a local tag of the type TP_TIME, TP_LTIME or IEC_TIMER in the "Static" section of a block (for example, #MyIEC_TIMER) For S7-1500 CPU An IEC Timer is a structure of the data type IEC_TIMER, IEC_LTIMER, TP_TIME or TP_LTIME that you can declare as follows: Declaration of a data block of system data type IEC_TIMER or IEC_LTIMER (for example, "MyIEC_TIMER") Declaration as a local tag of the type TP_TIME, TP_LTIME, IEC_TIMER or IEC_LTIMER in the "Static" section of a block (for example, #MyIEC_TIMER) The instruction data is updated in the following cases: When the instruction is called if the ET or Q outputs are interconnected. If the outputs are not interconnected, the current time value at output ET is not updated. At an access to the Q or ET outputs. The execution of the "Generate pulse" instruction requires a preceding logic operation. It can be placed within or at the end of the network. Parameters The following table shows the parameters of the "Generate pulse" instruction: Parameters Declaration Data type Memory area S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1200 Description S7-1500 IN Input BOOL BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P PT Input TIME TIME, LTIME I, Q, M, D, L or constant Start input I, Q, M, D, L, Duration of the P or constant pulse The value of the PT parameter must be positive. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2463 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Parameters Declaration Data type Memory area S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1200 Description S7-1500 Q Output BOOL BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P Pulse output ET Output TIME TIME, LTIME I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P Current time val ue Pulse timing diagram The following figure shows the pulse timing diagram of the "Generate pulse" instruction: ,1 4 37 37 37 (7 37 Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 73B'% 7DJB6WDUW 7DJB3UHVHW7LPH 73 7,0( ,1 4 37 (7 7DJB6WDWXV 7DJB(ODSVHG7LPH The following table shows how the instruction works using specific operand values: 2464 Parameters Operand Value IN Tag_Start Signal transition "0" => "1" PT Tag_PresetTime T#10s Q Tag_Status TRUE ET Tag_ElapsedTime from T#0s => T#10s WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions When the signal state of the "Tag_Start" operand changes from "0" to "1", the time programmed for the PT parameter is started and the "Tag_Status" operand is set to "1". The current time value is stored in the "Tag_ElapsedTime" operand. When the time expires, the "Tag_Status" operand is reset to signal state "0". For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Example of controlling room temperature (Page 4690) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) TON: Generate on-delay (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Generate on-delay" instruction to delay setting of the Q output by the programmed time PT. The instruction is started when the result of logic operation (RLO) at input IN changes from "0" to "1" (positive signal edge). The programmed time PT begins when the instruction starts. When the time PT has elapsed, the output Q has the signal state "1". Output Q remains set as long as the start input is still "1". When the signal state at the start input changes from "1" to "0", the Q output is reset. The timer function is started again when a new positive signal edge is detected at the start input. The current time value can be queried at the ET output. The timer value starts at T#0s and ends when the value of the time duration PT is reached. The ET output is reset as soon as the signal state at the IN input changes to "0". Each call of the "Generate on-delay" instruction must be assigned to an IEC timer in which the instruction data is stored. Note If the timer is not called in the program because it is skipped, for example, output ET returns a constant value as soon as the timer has expired. For S7-1200 CPU An IEC timer is a structure of the data type IEC_TIMER or TON_TIME that you can declare as follows: Declaration of a data block of system data type IEC_TIMER (for example, "MyIEC_TIMER") Declaration as a local tag of the type TON_TIME or IEC_TIMER in the "Static" section of a block (for example, #MyIEC_TIMER) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2465 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions For S7-1500 CPU An IEC timer is a structure of the data type IEC_TIMER, IEC_LTIMER, TON_TIME or TON_LTIME that you can declare as follows: Declaration of a data block of system data type IEC_TIMER or IEC_LTIMER (for example, "MyIEC_TIMER") Declaration as a local tag of the type TON_TIME, TON_LTIME, IEC_TIMER or IEC_LTIMER in the "Static" section of a block (for example, #MyIEC_TIMER) The instruction data is updated in the following cases: When the instruction is called if the ET or Q outputs are interconnected. If the outputs are not interconnected, the current time value at output ET is not updated. At an access to the Q or ET outputs. The execution of the "Generate on-delay" instruction requires a preceding logic operation. It can be placed within or at the end of the network. Parameters The following table shows the parameters of the "Generate on-delay" instruction: Parameters 2466 Declaration Data type Memory area Description S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P IN Input BOOL BOOL Start input PT Input TIME TIME, LTIME I, Q, M, D, L or con stant I, Q, M, D, L, Duration of P or constant the on-delay The value of the PT pa rameter must be pos itive. Q Output BOOL BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P Output that is set when the time PT expires. ET Output TIME TIME, LTIME I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P Current time value WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Pulse timing diagram The following figure shows the pulse timing diagram of the "Generate on-delay" instruction: ,1 4 37 37 (7 37 Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 721B'% 7DJB6WDUW 7DJB3UHVHW7LPH 721 7,0( ,1 4 37 (7 7DJB6WDWXV 7DJB(ODSVHG7LPH The following table shows how the instruction works using specific operand values: Parameters Operand Value IN Tag_Start Signal transition "0" => "1" PT Tag_PresetTime T#10s Q Tag_Status FALSE; after 10 s => TRUE ET Tag_ElapsedTime from T#0s => T#10s When the signal state of the "Tag_Start" operand changes from "0" to "1", the time programmed for the PT parameter is started. When the time duration expires, the "Tag_Status" operand is set to the signal state "1". The Tag_Status operand remains set to "1" as long as the Tag_Start operand has signal state "1". The current time value is stored in the "Tag_ElapsedTime" operand. When the signal state at the operand "Tag_Start" changes from "1" to "0", the "Tag_Status" operand is reset. For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2467 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) TOF: Generate off-delay (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description You can use the "Generate off-delay" instruction to delay resetting of the Q output by the programmed time PT. The Q output is set when the result of logic operation (RLO) at input IN changes from "0" to "1" (positive signal edge). When the signal state at input IN changes back to "0", the programmed time PT starts. Output Q remains set as long as the time duration PT is running. When the PT time duration expires, the Q output is reset. If the signal state at input IN changes to "1" before the PT time duration expires, the timer is reset. The signal state at the output Q continues to be "1". The current time value can be queried at the ET output. The timer value starts at T#0s and ends when the value of the time duration PT is reached. When the PT time duration expires, the ET output remains set to the current value until input IN changes back to "1". If input IN switches to "1" before the duration PT has expired, the ET output is reset to the value T#0s. Each call of the "Generate off-delay" instruction must be assigned to an IEC Timer in which the instruction data is stored. Note If the timer is not called in the program because it is skipped, for example, output ET returns a constant value as soon as the timer has expired. For S7-1200 CPU An IEC timer is a structure of the data type IEC_TIMER or TOF_TIME that you can declare as follows: Declaration of a data block of system data type IEC_TIMER (for example, "MyIEC_TIMER") Declaration as a local tag of the type TOF_TIME or IEC_TIMER in the "Static" section of a block (for example, #MyIEC_TIMER) For S7-1500 CPU An IEC timer is a structure of the data type IEC_TIMER, IEC_LTIMER, TOF_TIME or TOF_LTIME that you can declare as follows: Declaration of a data block of system data type IEC_TIMER or IEC_LTIMER (for example, "MyIEC_TIMER") Declaration as a local tag of the type TOF_TIME, TOF_LTIME, IEC_TIMER or IEC_LTIMER in the "Static" section of a block (for example, #MyIEC_TIMER) 2468 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions The instruction data is updated in the following cases: When the instruction is called if the ET or Q outputs are interconnected. If the outputs are not interconnected, the current time value at output ET is not updated. At an access to the Q or ET outputs. The execution of the "Generate off-delay" instruction requires a preceding logic operation. It can be placed within or at the end of the network. Parameters The following table shows the parameters of the "Generate off-delay" instruction: Parameters WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Declaration Data type Memory area S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P Description IN Input BOOL BOOL Start input PT Input TIME TIME, LTIME I, Q, M, D, L or con stant I, Q, M, D, L, Duration of P or constant the off delay The value of the PT pa rameter must be pos itive. Q Output BOOL BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P Output that is reset when the time PT ex pires. ET Output TIME TIME, LTIME I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P Current time value 2469 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Pulse timing diagram The following figure shows the pulse timing diagram of the "Generate off-delay" instruction: ,1 4 37 37 (7 37 Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 72)B'% 7DJB6WDUW 7DJB3UHVHW7LPH 72) 7,0( ,1 4 37 (7 7DJB6WDWXV 7DJB(ODSVHG7LPH The following table shows how the instruction works using specific operand values: Parameters Operand Value IN Tag_Start Signal transition "0" => "1"; sig nal transition "1" => "0" PT Tag_PresetTime T#10s Q Tag_Status TRUE ET Tag_ElapsedTime from T#10s => T#0s When the signal state of the operand "Tag_Start" changes from "0" to "1", the "Tag_Status" operand is set to signal state "1". When the signal state of the "Tag_Start" operand changes from "1" to "0", the time programmed for the PT parameter is started. As long as the time is running, the "Tag_Status" operand remains set to TRUE. When the time has expired, the "Tag_Status" operand is reset to FALSE. The current time value is stored in the "Tag_ElapsedTime" operand. For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) 2470 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) TONR: Time accumulator (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description The instruction "Time accumulator" is used to accumulate time values within a period set by the parameter PT. When the signal state at the IN input changes from "0" to "1" (positive signal edge), the instruction is executed and time PT starts. While the time PT is running, the time values are accumulated that are recorded when the IN input has signal state "1". The accumulated time is written to the ET output and can be queried there. When the duration PT expires, the output Q has signal state "1". The Q parameter remains set to "1", even when the signal state at the IN parameter changes from "1" to "0" (negative signal edge). The R input resets the ET and Q outputs regardless of the signal state of the start input. Each call of the "Time accumulator" instruction must be assigned an IEC timer in which the instruction data is stored. For S7-1200 CPU An IEC Timer is a structure of the data type IEC_TIMER or TONR_TIME that you can declare as follows: Declaration of a data block of system data type IEC_TIMER (for example, "MyIEC_TIMER") Declaration as a local tag of the type TONR_TIME or IEC_TIMER in the "Static" section of a block (for example, #MyIEC_TIMER) For S7-1500 CPU An IEC timer is a structure of the data type IEC_TIMER, IEC_LTIMER, TONR_TIME or TONR_LTIME that you can declare as follows: Declaration of a data block of system data type IEC_TIMER or IEC_LTIMER (for example, "MyIEC_TIMER") Declaration as a local tag of the type TONR_TIME, TONR_LTIME, IEC_TIMER or IEC_LTIMER in the "Static" section of a block (for example, #MyIEC_TIMER) The instruction data is updated in the following cases: When the instruction is called, if the ET or Q outputs are interconnected. If the outputs are not interconnected, the current time value at output ET is not updated. At an access to the Q or ET outputs. The execution of the Time accumulator" instruction requires a preceding logic operation. It can be placed within or at the end of the network. WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2471 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Parameters The following table shows the parameters of the "Time accumulator" instruction: Parameters Declaration Data type Memory area S7-1200 S7-1500 S7-1200 S7-1500 Description IN Input BOOL BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P Start input R Input BOOL BOOL I, Q, M, D, L or constant I, Q, M, D, Reset input L, P or con stant PT Input TIME TIME, LTIME I, Q, M, D, L or constant I, Q, M, D, Maximum duration L, P or con of time recording stant The value of the PT parameter must be positive. Q Output BOOL BOOL I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P Output that is set when time PT ex pires. ET Output TIME TIME, LTIME I, Q, M, D, L I, Q, M, D, L, P Accumulated time Pulse timing diagram The following figure shows the pulse timing diagram of the "Time accumulator" instruction: ,1 5 4 37 (7 2472 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Example The following example shows how the instruction works: 7215B'% 7DJB6WDUW 7DJB5HVHW 7DJB3UHVHW7LPH 7215 7,0( ,1 4 5 (7 7DJB6WDWXV 7DJB(ODSVHG7LPH 37 The following table shows how the instruction works using specific operand values: Parameters Operand Value IN Tag_Start Signal transition "0" => "1" PT Tag_PresetTime T#10s Q Tag_Status FALSE; after 10 s => TRUE ET Tag_ElapsedTime Signal transition from "0" => "1" The time T#10s expires. After 5 s signal transition from "1" => "0": The time at the "Tag_Elapsed Time" operand remains at T#5s. After approx. 2 s, renewed signal transition from "0" => "1": The time at the "Tag_Elapsed Time" operand continues to run at T#5s. When the signal state of the "Tag_Start" operand changes from "0" to "1", the time programmed for the PT parameter is started. The time continues to run as long as the "Tag_Start" operand has the signal state "1". When the signal state of the "Tag_Start" operand changes from "1" to "0", the time stops and the current time value at the Tag_ElapsedTime operand is recorded. When the signal state at the "Tag_Start" operand changes again from "0" to "1", the time continues to run starting at the time value that was recorded at the transition from "1" to "0". When the time value specified for the PT parameter is reached, the "Tag_Status" operand is set to the signal state "1". The current time value is stored in the "Tag_ElapsedTime" operand. For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sample Library for Instructions (Page 2434) See also Overview of the valid data types (Page 2131) Basic information on LAD (Page 4634) Memory areas (Page 944) WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 2473 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions ---( TP )---: Start pulse timer (S7-1200, S7-1500) Description Use the "Start pulse timer" instruction to start an IEC timer with a specified duration as pulse. The IEC timer is started when the result of logic operation (RLO) changes from "0" to "1" (positive signal edge). The IEC timer runs for the specified duration regardless of any subsequent changes in the RLO. The run of the IEC timer is also not affected by the detection of a new positive signal edge. As long as the IEC timer is running, the querying of the timer status for "1" returns the signal state "1". When the IEC timer has expired, the timer status returns the signal state "0". Note You can start and query the IEC timer at various execution levels, as each querying of the outputs Q or ET updates the IEC_TIMER structure. For S7-1200 CPU The instruction "Start pulse timer" stores its data in a structure of the data type IEC_TIMER or TP_TIME. You can declare the structure as follows: Declaration of a data block of system data type IEC_TIMER (for example, "MyIEC_TIMER") Declaration as a local tag of the type TP_LTIME or IEC_TIMER in the "Static" section of a block (for example, #MyIEC_TIMER) For S7-1500 CPU The instruction "Start pulse timer" stores its data in a structure of the data type IEC_TIMER, IEC_LTIMER, TP_TIME or TP_LTIME. You can declare the structure as follows: Declaration of a data block of system data type IEC_TIMER or IEC_LTIMER (for example, "MyIEC_TIMER") Declaration as a local tag of the type TP_TIME, TP_LTIME, IEC_TIMER or IEC_LTIMER in the "Static" section of a block (for example, #MyIEC_TIMER) The instruction data is updated in the following cases: The IEC_Timer structure is updated when the instruction is called. The time value at the ET output is only updated if the ET or Q outputs are scanned (e.g. "MyTimer".Q or "MyTimer".ET). When the assigned timer is accessed. The current timer status is stored in the Q structure component of the IEC timer. You can use a normally open contact to query timer status for "1" or a normally closed contact for "0". The execution of the "Start pulse timer" instruction assumes a preceding logic operation. It can be placed only at the end of the network. 2474 WinCC Advanced V14 System Manual, 10/2016 Programming the PLC 11.4 Instructions Parameters The following table shows the parameters of the "Start pulse timer" instruction: Parameters Declaration Data type S7-1200 S7-1500 Memory area Description