CM150RX-24S Powerex, Inc., 173 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724) 925-7272 Six IGBTMODTM + Brake NX-S Series Module 150 Amperes/1200 Volts AN AH AL AJ AC AD AL AL AM AK AL AM AM AK A D E F G AP AJ AT AR DETAIL "A" AA(4 PLACES) 35 P AUAL 12 11 10 TS NM L KB 9 AVAL 8 7 R Q U V AQ AS 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 J RQ AL AM AM H AE AL 6 36 P 5 1 2 3 AW 4 H J AF AG C BC BD AX BB X Y Q P R Z W Z Z P(35) BE B(4) GUP(34) GVP(26) GWP(18) EUP(33) EVP(25) EWP(17) V(2) TH2 (10) NTC W(3) GB(6) EB(5) DETAIL "B" TH1 (11) U(1) DETAIL "A" AB (6 PLACES) GUN(30) GVN(22) GWN(14) EUN(29) EVN(21) EWN(13) AX AL AZ BA AY DETAIL "B" *ALL PIN DIMENSIONS WITHIN A TOLERANCE OF 0.5 N(36) Outline Drawing and Circuit Diagram Dimensions A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB AC 04/10 Rev. 0 Inches 5.39 3.03 0.67 4.79 4.330.02 3.89 3.72 0.83 0.37 2.44 2.26 1.970.02 1.53 0.24 0.48 0.67 1.53 0.87 0.55 0.54 0.33 0.53 0.81 0.9 0.22 Dia. M5 0.67 Millimeters 136.9 77.1 17.0 121.7 110.00.5 99.0 94.5 21.14 6.5 62.0 57.5 50.00.5 39.0 6.0 12.0 17.0 39.0 22.0 14.0 13.64 8.5 13.5 20.71 22.86 5.5 Dia. M5 17.0 Dimensions AD AE AF AG AH AJ AK AL AM AN AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ BA BB BC BD BE Inches 0.51 0.12 0.21 0.49 0.81 0.30 0.28 0.15 0.45 0.14 0.16 0.78 0.03 0.27 0.16 0.61 0.60 0.46 0.04 0.02 0.29 0.24 0.49 0.17 Dia. 0.10 Dia. 0.08 Dia. Millimeters 13.0 3.0 5.4 12.5 20.5 7.75 7.25 3.81 11.44 3.5 4.06 20.05 0.8 7.0 4.2 15.48 15.24 11.66 1.15 0.65 7.4 6.2 12.5 4.3 Dia. 2.5 Dia. 2.1Dia. Description: Powerex IGBTMODTM Modules are designed for use in switching applications. Each module consists of six IGBT Transistors in a three phase bridge configuration and a seventh IGBT with freewheel diode for dynamic braking. All components and interconnects are isolated from the heat sinking baseplate, offering simplified system assembly and thermal management. Features: Low Drive Power Low VCE(sat) Discrete Super-Fast Recovery Free-Wheel Diode Isolated Baseplate for Easy Heat Sinking Applications: AC Motor Control Motion/Servo Control Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Ordering Information: Example: Select the complete module number you desire from the table below -i.e. CM150RX-24S is a 1200V (VCES), 150 Ampere Six-IGBTMODTM + Brake Power Module. Type Current Rating Amperes VCES Volts (x 50) CM 150 24 1 Powerex, Inc., 173 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724) 925-7272 CM150RX-24S Six IGBTMODTM + Brake NX-S Series Module 150 Amperes/1200 Volts Absolute Maximum Ratings, Tj = 25C unless otherwise specified Characteristics Symbol Maximum Junction Temperature Operating Power Device Junction Temperature Storage Temperature CM150RX-24S Units Tj(max) +175 C Tj(op) -40 to 150 C Tstg -40 to 125 C Mounting Torque, M5 Mounting Screws -- 31 in-lb Mounting Torque, M5 Main Terminal Screws -- 31 in-lb Module Weight (Typical) -- 330 Grams VISO 2500 Vrms Collector-Emitter Voltage (VGE = 0V) VCES 1200 Volts Gate-Emitter Voltage (VCE = 0V) VGES 20 Volts IC 150 Amperes ICRM 300 Amperes Ptot 1150 Watts Isolation Voltage (Terminals to Baseplate, f = 60Hz, AC 1 minute) Inverter Sector Collector Current (DC, TC = 119C)*1,*5 Collector Current (Pulse)*4 Total Power Dissipation (TC = 25C)*1,*5 Emitter Current, Free Wheeling Diode Forward Current (TC = 25C)*1,*5 *3 150 Amperes IERM*3 300 Amperes Collector-Emitter Voltage (VGE = 0V) VCES 1200 Volts Gate-Emitter Voltage (VCE = 0V) VGES 20 Volts Emitter Current, Free Wheeling Diode Forward Current (Pulse)*4 IE Brake Sector Collector Current (DC, TC = 121C)*1,*5 Collector Current (Pulse)*4 Total Power Dissipation (TC = 25C)*1,*5 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage Forward Current (TC = 25C)*1,*5 Forward Current (Pulse)*4 IC 75 Amperes ICRM 150 Amperes Ptot 600 Watts VRRM*3 1200 Volts *3 IF IFM*3 75 Amperes 150 Amperes *1 Case temperature (TC) and heatsink temperature (Tf) measured point is just under the chips. *3 Represent ratings and characteristics of the anti-parallel, emitter-to-collector free wheeling diode (FWDi). *4 Pulse width and repetition rate should be such that device junction temperature (Tj) does not exceed Tj(max) rating. *5 Junction temperature (Tj) should not increase beyond maximum junction temperature (Tj(max)) rating. 2 04/10 Rev. 0 Powerex, Inc., 173 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724) 925-7272 CM150RX-24S Six IGBTMODTM + Brake NX-S Series Module 150 Amperes/1200 Volts Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics, Tj = 25C unless otherwise specified Inverter Sector Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Collector Cutoff Current ICES VCE = VCES, VGE = 0V -- -- 1 mA Gate Leakage Current IGES VGE = VGES, VCE = 0V -- -- 0.5 A Gate-Emitter Threshold Voltage VGE(th) IC = 15mA, VCE = 10V 5.4 6 6.6 Volts Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat) IC = 150A, VGE = 15V, Tj = 25C -- 1.7 2.15 Volts (Chip) IC = 150A, VGE = 15V, Tj = 125C -- 1.9 -- Volts IC = 150A, VGE = 15V, Tj = 150C -- 1.95 -- Volts 25C*6 -- 1.8 2.25 Volts IC = 150A, VGE = 15V, Tj = 125C*6 -- 2.0 -- Volts 150C*6 -- 2.05 -- Volts -- -- 15 nF -- -- 3.0 nF -- -- 0.25 nF Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat) (Terminal) IC = 150A, VGE = 15V, Tj = IC = 150A, VGE = 15V, Tj = Input Capacitance Cies Output Capacitance Coes Reverse Transfer Capacitance Cres Total Gate Charge Inductive QG Turn-on Delay Time VGE = 0V, VCE = 10V VCC = 600V, IC = 150A, VGE = 15V td(on) 350 -- nC -- 800 ns Load Turn-on Rise Time tr -- -- 200 ns Switch Turn-off Delay Time td(off) VGE = 15V, -- -- 600 ns Time Turn-off Fall Time tf RG = 5.1, Inductive Load, -- -- 300 ns trr*3 IE = 150A -- -- 300 ns -- 8.0 -- C VCC = 600V, IC (IE) = 150A, *7 -- 25 -- mJ Reverse Recovery Time VCC = 600V, IC = 150A, *7 -- -- *3 Reverse Recovery Charge Qrr Turn-on Switching Loss per Pulse Eon Turn-off Switching Loss per Pulse Eoff VGE = 15V, RG = 5.1, -- 16 -- mJ Reverse Recovery Loss per Pulse Erec*3 Tj = 150C, Inductive Load -- 9.0 -- mJ VEC IE = 150A, VGE = 0V, Tj = 25C -- 1.7 2.15 Volts (Chip) IE = 150A, VGE = 0V, Tj = 125C -- 1.7 -- Volts *3 Emitter-Collector Voltage IE = 150A, VGE = 0V, Tj = 150C VEC*3 Emitter-Collector Voltage (Terminal) -- 1.7 -- Volts IE = 150A, VGE = 0V, Tj = 25C*6 -- 1.8 2.25 Volts 125C*6 -- 1.8 -- Volts IE = 150A, VGE = 0V, Tj = 150C*6 -- 1.8 -- Volts IE = 150A, VGE = 0V, Tj = Thermal and Mechanical Characteristics, Tj = 25C unless otherwise specified Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case*1 Rth(j-c)Q Per IGBT -- -- 0.13 K/W Case*1 Rth(j-c)D Per FWDi -- -- 0.23 K/W rg Per Switch -- 13 -- Thermal Resistance, Junction to Internal Gate Resistance *1 Case temperature (TC) and heatsink temperature (Tf) measured point is just under the chips. *3 Represent ratings and characteristics of the anti-parallel, emitter-to-collector free wheeling diode (FWDi). *6 Pulse width and repetition rate should be such as to cause negligible temperature rise. *7 Recommended maximum collector supply voltage VCC is 800Vdc. 04/10 Rev. 0 3 Powerex, Inc., 173 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724) 925-7272 CM150RX-24S Six IGBTMODTM + Brake NX-S Series Module 150 Amperes/1200 Volts Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics, Tj = 25C unless otherwise specified Brake Sector Characteristics Collector Cutoff Current Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units ICES VCE = VCES, VGE = 0V -- -- 1 mA IGES VGE = VGES, VCE = 0V -- -- 0.5 A Gate-Emitter Threshold Voltage VGE(th) IC = 7.5mA, VCE = 10V 5.4 6 6.6 Volts Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat) IC = 75A, VGE = 15V, Tj = 25C -- 1.7 2.15 Volts (Chip) IC = 75A, VGE = 15V, Tj = 125C -- 1.9 -- Volts IC = 75A, VGE = 15V, Tj = 150C -- 1.95 -- Volts IC = 75A, VGE = 15V, Tj = 25C*6 -- 1.8 2.25 Volts 125C*6 -- 2.0 -- Volts IC = 75A, VGE = 15V, Tj = 150C*6 -- 2.05 -- Volts Gate Leakage Current Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat) (Terminal) Input Capacitance Cies Output Capacitance Coes Reverse Transfer Capacitance Cres Total Gate Charge QG Repetitive Peak Reverse Current IRRM*3 Forward Voltage Drop VEC*3 (Chip) Forward Voltage Drop IC = 75A, VGE = 15V, Tj = VGE = 0V, VCE = 10V -- -- 7.5 nF -- -- 1.5 nF -- -- 0.13 nF VCC = 600V, IC = 75A, VGE = 15V -- 175 -- nC VR = VRRM -- -- 1 mA -- 1.7 2.15 Volts IE = 75A, VGE = 0V, Tj = 25C IE = 75A, VGE = 0V, Tj = 125C -- 1.7 -- Volts IE = 75A, VGE = 0V, Tj = 150C -- 1.7 -- Volts VEC*3 IE = 75A, VGE = 0V, Tj = 25C*6 -- 1.8 2.25 Volts (Terminal) IE = 75A, VGE = 0V, Tj = 125C*6 -- 1.8 -- Volts 150C*6 -- 1.8 -- Volts IE = 75A, VGE = 0V, Tj = *3 Represent ratings and characteristics of the anti-parallel, emitter-to-collector free wheeling diode (FWDi). *6 Pulse width and repetition rate should be such as to cause negligible temperature rise. 4 04/10 Rev. 0 Powerex, Inc., 173 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724) 925-7272 CM150RX-24S Six IGBTMODTM + Brake NX-S Series Module 150 Amperes/1200 Volts Thermal and Mechanical Characteristics, Tj = 25C unless otherwise specified Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case*1 Rth(j-c)Q Per IGBT -- -- 0.25 K/W Case*1 Rth(j-c)D Per Clamp Diode -- -- 0.40 K/W Rg Per Switch -- 0 -- Thermal Resistance, Junction to Internal Gate Resistance NTC Thermistor Sector, Tj = 25C unless otherwise specified Characteristics Zero Power Resistance Deviation of Resistance B Constant Power Dissipation Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units R TC = 25C 4.85 5.00 5.15 k R/R TC = 100C, R100 = 493 -7.3 -- +7.8 % B(25/50) Approximate by Equation*9 -- 3375 -- K P25 TC = 25C -- -- 10 mW Module, Tj = 25C unless otherwise specified Characteristics Lead Resistance (Main Terminals-Chip) Contact Thermal Resistance*1 (Case to Heatsink) Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Rlead TC = 25C (Per Switch) -- -- 1.8 m Rth(c-f) Thermal Grease Applied -- 0.015 -- K/W (Per 1 Module)*2 *1 Case temperature (TC) and heatsink temperature (Tf) measured point is just under the chips. *2 Typical value is measured by using thermally conductive grease of = 0.9 [W/(m * K)]. R25 1 1 *9 B(25/50) = In( )/( - ) R25; Resistance at Absolute Temperature T25 [K], R50; resistance at Absolute Temperature T50 [K], R50 T25 T50 T25 = 25 [C] + 273.15 = 298.15 [K], T50 = 50 [C] + 273.15 = 323.15 [K] 04/10 Rev. 0 5 Powerex, Inc., 173 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724) 925-7272 CM150RX-24S Six IGBTMODTM + Brake NX-S Series Module 150 Amperes/1200 Volts COLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS (INVERTER PART - CHIP - TYPICAL) 3.5 Tj = 25C 12 13.5 15 200 11 150 100 10 50 9 0 2 4 6 8 1.0 0.5 50 0 100 150 200 250 IC = 300A 6 IC = 150A 4 IC = 60A 2 0 300 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 GATE-EMITTER VOLTAGE, VGE, (VOLTS) FREE-WHEEL DIODE FORWARD CHARACTERISTICS (INVERTER PART - CHIP - TYPICAL) CAPACITANCE VS. VCE (INVERTER PART - TYPICAL) HALF-BRIDGE SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (INVERTER PART - TYPICAL) 102 Tj = 25C Tj = 125C Tj = 150C CAPACITANCE, Cies, Coes, Cres, (nF) EMITTER CURRENT, IE, (AMPERES) 1.5 8 COLLECTOR CURRENT, IC, (AMPERES) 102 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 td(off) Cies 101 Coes 100 Cres 10-1 10-2 10-1 3.0 100 101 102 td(on) tf tr 102 VCC = 600V VGE = 15V RG = 5.1 Tj = 150C Inductive Load 101 101 102 103 COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE, VCE, (VOLTS) COLLECTOR CURRENT, IC, (AMPERES) SWITCHING TIME VS. GATE RESISTANCE (INVERTER PART - TYPICAL) REVERSE RECOVERY CHARACTERISTICS (INVERTER PART - TYPICAL) GATE CHARGE VS. VGE (INVERTER PART) 103 tf tr 102 101 10-1 VCC = 600V VGE = 15V IC = 150A Tj = 150C Inductive Load 100 101 GATE RESISTANCE, RG, () 102 REVERSE RECOVERY, Irr (A), trr (ns) td(off) 20 102 101 101 20 103 VGE = 0V EMITTER-COLLECTOR VOLTAGE, VEC, (VOLTS) td(on) SWITCHING TIME, (ns) 2.0 Tj = 25C COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE, VCE, (VOLTS) 103 6 2.5 0 10 103 101 3.0 SWITCHING TIME, (ns) 0 10 VGE = 15V Tj = 25C Tj = 125C Tj = 150C VCC = 600V VGE = 15V RG = 5.1 Tj = 150C Inductive Load Irr trr 102 EMITTER CURRENT, IE, (AMPERES) 103 GATE-EMITTER VOLTAGE, VGE, (VOLTS) 250 VGE = 20V COLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE, VCE(sat), (VOLTS) COLLECTOR CURRENT, IC, (AMPERES) 300 COLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS (INVERTER PART - CHIP - TYPICAL) COLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE, VCE(sat), (VOLTS) OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS (INVERTER PART - CHIP - TYPICAL) IC = 100A VCC = 600V 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 GATE CHARGE, QG, (nC) 04/10 Rev. 0 Powerex, Inc., 173 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724) 925-7272 CM150RX-24S Six IGBTMODTM + Brake NX-S Series Module 150 Amperes/1200 Volts 102 103 100 10-1 REVERSE RECOVERY SWITCHING LOSS, Err, (mJ/PULSE) VCC = 600V VGE = 15V IC = 150A Tj = 150C Ls = 50nH Inductive Load NORMALIZED TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE, Zth(j-c') Zth = Rth * (NORMALIZED VALUE) REVERSE RECOVERY SWITCHING LOSS VS. GATE RESISTANCE (INVERTER PART - TYPICAL) 100 10-1 101 Err 10-2 100 10-1 100 101 100 102 10-3 TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE CHARACTERISTICS (INVERTER PART - TYPICAL) 10-2 10-3 Tj = 25C Tj = 125C Tj = 150C NORMALIZED TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE, Zth(j-c') Zth = Rth * (NORMALIZED VALUE) EMITTER CURRENT, IE, (AMPERES) 102 100 10-1 101 10-2 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 EMITTER-COLLECTOR VOLTAGE, VEC, (VOLTS) 04/10 Rev. 0 101 Err 100 101 102 100 10-2 10-4 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-3 10-1 3.5 VGE = 15V Tj = 25C Tj = 125C Tj = 150C 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 25 50 75 100 150 COLLECTOR CURRENT, IC, (AMPERES) TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE CHARACTERISTICS (BRAKE PART - TYPICAL) 10-2 103 COLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS (BRAKE PART - TYPICAL) 101 10-1 10-5 102 EMITTER CURRENT, IE, (AMPERES) TIME, (s) FREE-WHEEL DIODE FORWARD CHARACTERISTICS (BRAKE PART - TYPICAL) 0.5 10-1 Single Pulse TC = 25C Per Unit Base = Rth(j-c) = 0.13C/W (IGBT) Rth(j-c) = 0.23C/W (FWDi) GATE RESISTANCE, RG, () 0 101 VCC = 600V VGE = 15V RG = 5.1 Tj = 150C Ls = 50nH Inductive Load GATE RESISTANCE, RG, () COLLECTOR CURRENT, IC, (AMPERES) 102 VCC = 600V VGE = 15V IC = 150A Tj = 150C Ls = 50nH Inductive Load Eon Eoff 101 COLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE, VCE(sat), (VOLTS) 100 101 REVERSE RECOVERY SWITCHING LOSS, Err, (mJ/PULSE) VCC = 600V VGE = 15V RG = 5.1 Tj = 150C Ls = 50nH Inductive Load Eon Eoff 101 SWITCHING LOSS, Eon, Eoff, (mJ/PULSE) SWITCHING LOSS, Eon, Eoff, (mJ/PULSE) 102 102 102 100 REVERSE RECOVERY SWITCHING LOSS VS. EMITTER CURRENT (INVERTER PART - TYPICAL) SWITCHING LOSS VS. GATE RESISTANCE (INVERTER PART - TYPICAL) SWITCHING LOSS VS. COLLECTOR CURRENT (INVERTER PART - TYPICAL) 100 101 10-1 Single Pulse TC = 25C Per Unit Base = Rth(j-c) = 0.25C/W (IGBT) Rth(j-c) = 0.40C/W (FWDi) 10-2 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-3 TIME, (s) 7