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Stratix IV Device Handbook
Volume 1
January 2016
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1. Overview for the Stratix IV Device
Altera® Stratix® IV FPGAs deliver a breakthrough level of system bandwidth and
power efficiency for high-end applications, allowing you to innovate without
compromise. Stratix IV FPGAs are based on the Taiwan Semiconductor
Manufacturing Company (TSMC) 40-nm process technology and surpass all other
high-end FPGAs, with the highest logic density, most transceivers, and lowest power
The Stratix IV device family contains three optimized variants to meet different
application requirements:
■Stratix IV E (Enhanced) FPGAs—up to 813,050 logic elements (LEs), 33,294 kilobits
(Kb) RAM, and 1,288 18 x 18 bit multipliers
■Stratix IV GX transceiver FPGAs—up to 531,200 LEs, 27,376 Kb RAM, 1,288
18 x 18-bit multipliers, and 48 full-duplex clock data recovery (CDR)-based
transceivers at up to 8.5 Gbps
■Stratix IV GT—up to 531,200 LEs, 27,376 Kb RAM, 1,288 18 x 18-bit multipliers,
and 48 full-duplex CDR-based transceivers at up to 11.3 Gbps
The complete Altera high-end solution includes the lowest risk, lowest total cost path
to volume using HardCopy® IV ASICs for all the family variants, a comprehensive
portfolio of application solutions customized for end-markets, and the industry
leading Quartus® II software to increase productivity and performance.
fFor information about upcoming Stratix IV device features, refer to the Upcoming
Stratix IV Device Features document.
fFor information about changes to the currently published Stratix IV Device Handbook,
refer to the Addendum to the Stratix IV Device Handbook chapter.
This chapter contains the following sections:
■“Feature Summary” on page 1–2
■“Architecture Features” on page 1–6
■“Integrated Software Platform” on page 1–19
■“Ordering Information” on page 1–19
January 2016