PD-95935A IRFB3507PbF Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits l Lead-Free HEXFET(R) Power MOSFET D G S VDSS RDS(on) typ. max. ID Benefits l Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dt Ruggedness l Fully Characterized Capacitance and Avalanche SOA l Enhanced body diode dV/dt and dI/dt Capability 75V 7.0m: 8.8m: 97A G S D TO-220AB IRFB3507PbF Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Max. Units c c ID @ TC = 25C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V 97 ID @ TC = 100C Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V 69 IDM Pulsed Drain Current 390 PD @TC = 25C Maximum Power Dissipation 190 W W/C V d Linear Derating Factor 1.3 VGS Gate-to-Source Voltage 20 dv/dt TJ Peak Diode Recovery 5.0 Operating Junction and TSTG Storage Temperature Range f V/ns C -55 to + 175 300 Soldering Temperature, for 10 seconds (1.6mm from case) x Avalanche Characteristics EAS (Thermally limited) Single Pulse Avalanche Energy IAR Avalanche Current EAR Repetitive Avalanche Energy x 10lb in (1.1N m) Mounting torque, 6-32 or M3 screw c A e 280 mJ See Fig. 14, 15, 16a, 16b g A mJ Thermal Resistance Symbol Parameter j Typ. Max. RJC Junction-to-Case --- 0.77 RCS Case-to-Sink, Flat Greased Surface , TO-220 0.50 --- RJA Junction-to-Ambient, TO-220 --- 62 j www.irf.com Units C/W 1 http://store.iiic.cc/ 11/17/04 IRFB3507PbF Static @ TJ = 25C (unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter V(BR)DSS V(BR)DSS/TJ RDS(on) VGS(th) IDSS Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coefficient Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance Gate Threshold Voltage Drain-to-Source Leakage Current IGSS Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage Gate Input Resistance RG Min. Typ. Max. Units 75 --- --- 2.0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.070 --- 7.0 8.8 --- 4.0 --- 20 --- 250 --- 200 --- -200 1.3 --- Conditions V VGS = 0V, ID = 250A V/C Reference to 25C, ID = 1mA m VGS = 10V, ID = 58A V VDS = VGS, ID = 100A A VDS = 75V, VGS = 0V VDS = 75V, VGS = 0V, TJ = 125C nA VGS = 20V VGS = -20V f = 1MHz, open drain d g Dynamic @ TJ = 25C (unless otherwise specified) Symbol gfs Qg Qgs Qgd td(on) tr td(off) tf Ciss Coss Crss Coss eff. (ER) Coss eff. (TR) Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Forward Transconductance Total Gate Charge Gate-to-Source Charge Gate-to-Drain ("Miller") Charge Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Turn-Off Delay Time Fall Time Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Reverse Transfer Capacitance 86 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Effective Output Capacitance (Energy Related) --- --- Effective Output Capacitance (Time Related) h --- 88 24 36 20 81 52 49 3540 340 210 460 520 --- 130 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- S nC Conditions VDS = 50V, ID = 58A ID = 58A VDS = 60V VGS = 10V VDD = 48V ID = 58A RG = 5.6 VGS = 10V VGS = 0V VDS = 50V = 1.0MHz VGS = 0V, VDS = 0V to 60V VGS = 0V, VDS = 0V to 60V g ns g pF i, See Fig.11 h, See Fig. 5 Diode Characteristics Symbol IS Parameter Continuous Source Current VSD trr (Body Diode) Pulsed Source Current (Body Diode) Diode Forward Voltage Reverse Recovery Time Qrr Reverse Recovery Charge IRRM ton Reverse Recovery Current Forward Turn-On Time ISM d Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions --- --- 97 c A MOSFET symbol --- --- 390 A showing the integral reverse D G S p-n junction diode. --- --- 1.3 V TJ = 25C, IS = 58A, VGS = 0V VR = 64V, --- 37 56 ns TJ = 25C TJ = 125C IF = 58A --- 45 68 di/dt = 100A/s --- 32 48 nC TJ = 25C TJ = 125C --- 51 77 --- 1.7 --- A TJ = 25C Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible (turn-on is dominated by LS+LD) g g Notes: Calculated continuous current based on maximum allowable junction Coss eff. (TR) is a fixed capacitance that gives the same charging time temperature. Package limitation current is 75A. as Coss while VDS is rising from 0 to 80% VDSS. Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by max. junction Coss eff. (ER) is a fixed capacitance that gives the same energy as temperature. Coss while VDS is rising from 0 to 80% VDSS. Limited by TJmax, starting TJ = 25C, L = 0.17mH, R is measured at TJ approximately 90C. R G = 25, IAS = 58A, VGS =10V. Part not recommended for use above this value. ISD 58A, di/dt 390A/s, VDD V(BR)DSS, TJ 175C. Pulse width 400s; duty cycle 2%. 2 www.irf.com http://store.iiic.cc/ IRFB3507PbF 1000 1000 100 BOTTOM TOP ID, Drain-to-Source Current (A) ID, Drain-to-Source Current (A) TOP VGS 15V 10V 8.0V 6.0V 5.5V 5.0V 4.8V 4.5V 100 10 4.5V 1 60s PULSE WIDTH BOTTOM 4.5V 10 60s PULSE WIDTH Tj = 25C Tj = 175C 0.1 1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 V DS, Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) 10 100 1000 Fig 2. Typical Output Characteristics 2.5 RDS(on) , Drain-to-Source On Resistance (Normalized) 1000 ID, Drain-to-Source Current () 1 V DS, Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) Fig 1. Typical Output Characteristics 100 T J = 175C 10 T J = 25C 1 VDS = 25V 60s PULSE WIDTH ID = 97A VGS = 10V 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.1 2 4 6 8 10 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100120140160180 T J , Junction Temperature (C) VGS, Gate-to-Source Voltage (V) Fig 4. Normalized On-Resistance vs. Temperature Fig 3. Typical Transfer Characteristics 100000 12.0 VGS = 0V, f = 1 MHZ C iss = C gs + C gd, C ds SHORTED C rss = C gd VGS, Gate-to-Source Voltage (V) ID= 58A C oss = C ds + C gd C, Capacitance(pF) VGS 15V 10V 8.0V 6.0V 5.5V 5.0V 4.8V 4.5V 10000 Ciss 1000 Coss Crss 100 VDS= 60V VDS= 38V 10.0 VDS= 15V 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 1 10 100 0 VDS, Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) 20 40 60 80 100 QG Total Gate Charge (nC) Fig 5. Typical Capacitance vs. Drain-to-Source Voltage Fig 6. Typical Gate Charge vs. Gate-to-Source Voltage www.irf.com 3 http://store.iiic.cc/ IRFB3507PbF 1000 10000 100 ID, Drain-to-Source Current (A) ISD, Reverse Drain Current (A) OPERATION IN THIS AREA LIMITED BY R DS(on) T J = 175C 10 T J = 25C 1 1000 100sec 100 1msec 10 10msec 1 DC Tc = 25C Tj = 175C Single Pulse 0.1 VGS = 0V 0.1 0.01 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 1 VSD, Source-to-Drain Voltage (V) V(BR)DSS , Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V) 100 Limited By Package ID, Drain Current (A) 80 60 40 20 0 50 75 100 125 150 1000 175 95 90 85 80 75 70 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 T J , Temperature ( C ) T C , Case Temperature (C) Fig 10. Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage Fig 9. Maximum Drain Current vs. Case Temperature 1.6 EAS , Single Pulse Avalanche Energy (mJ) 1200 1.4 1.2 Energy (J) 100 Fig 8. Maximum Safe Operating Area Fig 7. Typical Source-Drain Diode Forward Voltage 25 10 VDS, Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 ID 8.9A 12A BOTTOM 58A TOP 1000 0.0 800 600 400 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 25 75 100 125 150 175 Starting T J , Junction Temperature (C) VDS, Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) Fig 11. Typical COSS Stored Energy 50 Fig 12. Maximum Avalanche Energy vs. DrainCurrent 4 www.irf.com http://store.iiic.cc/ IRFB3507PbF Thermal Response ( Z thJC ) 10 1 D = 0.50 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.1 J 0.02 0.01 0.01 SINGLE PULSE ( THERMAL RESPONSE ) 0.001 R1 R1 J 1 R2 R2 C 2 1 Ri (C/W) i (sec) 0.2963 0.000504 0.4738 2 0.013890 Ci= i/Ri Ci= i/Ri Notes: 1. Duty Factor D = t1/t2 2. Peak Tj = P dm x Zthjc + Tc 0.0001 1E-006 1E-005 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 t1 , Rectangular Pulse Duration (sec) Fig 13. Maximum Effective Transient Thermal Impedance, Junction-to-Case 1000 Avalanche Current (A) Duty Cycle = Single Pulse 100 Allowed avalanche Current vs avalanche pulsewidth, tav assuming Tj = 25C due to avalanche losses 0.01 0.05 10 0.10 1 0.1 1.0E-06 1.0E-05 1.0E-04 1.0E-03 1.0E-02 1.0E-01 tav (sec) Fig 14. Typical Avalanche Current vs.Pulsewidth EAR , Avalanche Energy (mJ) 300 Notes on Repetitive Avalanche Curves , Figures 14, 15: (For further info, see AN-1005 at www.irf.com) 1. Avalanche failures assumption: Purely a thermal phenomenon and failure occurs at a temperature far in excess of Tjmax. This is validated for every part type. 2. Safe operation in Avalanche is allowed as long asTjmax is not exceeded. 3. Equation below based on circuit and waveforms shown in Figures 16a, 16b. 4. PD (ave) = Average power dissipation per single avalanche pulse. 5. BV = Rated breakdown voltage (1.3 factor accounts for voltage increase during avalanche). 6. Iav = Allowable avalanche current. 7. T = Allowable rise in junction temperature, not to exceed Tjmax (assumed as 25C in Figure 14, 15). tav = Average time in avalanche. D = Duty cycle in avalanche = tav *f ZthJC(D, tav) = Transient thermal resistance, see Figures 13) TOP Single Pulse BOTTOM 1% Duty Cycle ID = 58A 250 200 150 100 50 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 PD (ave) = 1/2 ( 1.3*BV*Iav) = DT/ ZthJC Iav = 2DT/ [1.3*BV*Zth] EAS (AR) = PD (ave)*tav 175 Starting T J , Junction Temperature (C) Fig 15. Maximum Avalanche Energy vs. Temperature www.irf.com 5 http://store.iiic.cc/ 4.5 14 4.0 12 3.5 10 IRRM (A) VGS(th) Gate threshold Voltage (V) IRFB3507PbF 3.0 2.5 ID = 100A ID = 250A 2.0 ID = 1.0mA ID = 1.0A 6 4 1.5 IF = 19A VR = 64V 2 1.0 T = 25C _____ J T = 125C ---------J 0 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 T J , Temperature ( C ) dif/dt (A/s) Fig 16. Threshold Voltage vs. Temperature Fig. 17 - Typical Recovery Current vs. dif/dt 14 350 12 300 10 250 8 200 Qrr (nC) IRRM (A) 8 6 4 100 IF = 39A VR = 64V 2 150 I = 19A F V = 64V R TJ = 25C _____ 50 T = 25C _____ J T = 125C ---------J TJ = 125C ---------- 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 dif/dt (A/s) dif/dt (A/s) Fig. 19 - Typical Stored Charge vs. dif/dt Fig. 18 - Typical Recovery Current vs. dif/dt 300 250 Qrr (nC) 200 150 100 I = 39A F V = 64V R TJ = 25C _____ 50 TJ = 125C ---------- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 dif/dt (A/s) 6 Fig. 20 - Typical Stored Charge vs. dif/dt http://store.iiic.cc/ www.irf.com IRFB3507PbF D.U.T Driver Gate Drive - - - * D.U.T. ISD Waveform Reverse Recovery Current + RG * * * * dv/dt controlled by RG Driver same type as D.U.T. I SD controlled by Duty Factor "D" D.U.T. - Device Under Test P.W. Period VGS=10V Circuit Layout Considerations * Low Stray Inductance * Ground Plane * Low Leakage Inductance Current Transformer + D= Period P.W. + VDD + - Body Diode Forward Current di/dt D.U.T. VDS Waveform Diode Recovery dv/dt Re-Applied Voltage Body Diode VDD Forward Drop Inductor Current Inductor Curent ISD Ripple 5% * VGS = 5V for Logic Level Devices Fig 20. Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt Test Circuit for N-Channel HEXFET(R) Power MOSFETs V(BR)DSS 15V DRIVER L VDS tp D.U.T RG + V - DD IAS VGS 20V tp A 0.01 I AS Fig 21a. Unclamped Inductive Test Circuit Fig 21b. Unclamped Inductive Waveforms LD VDS VDS 90% + VDD - 10% D.U.T VGS VGS Pulse Width < 1s Duty Factor < 0.1% td(on) Fig 22a. Switching Time Test Circuit tr td(off) tf Fig 22b. Switching Time Waveforms Id Vds Vgs L VCC DUT 0 Vgs(th) 1K Qgs1 Qgs2 Fig 23a. Gate Charge Test Circuit Qgd Qgodr Fig 23b. Gate Charge Waveform www.irf.com 7 http://store.iiic.cc/ IRFB3507PbF TO-220AB Package Outline Dimensions are shown in millimeters (inches) TO-220AB Part Marking Information E XAMPL E : T H IS IS AN IR F 1010 LOT CODE 1789 AS S E MB L E D ON WW 19, 1997 IN T H E AS S E MB L Y L INE "C" Note: "P" in assembly line position indicates "Lead-Free" INT E R NAT IONAL R E CT IF IE R L OGO AS S E MB L Y L OT CODE PAR T NU MB E R DAT E CODE YE AR 7 = 1997 WE E K 19 L INE C TO-220AB packages are not recommended for Surface Mount Application. Data and specifications subject to change without notice. This product has been designed and qualified for the Automotive [Q101] market. Qualification Standards can be found on IR's Web site. IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105 TAC Fax: (310) 252-7903 Visit us at www.irf.com for sales contact information. 11/04 8 www.irf.com http://store.iiic.cc/