mavar | AMP INCORPORATED CUSTOMER HOTLINE APPLICATION | 444 95036 Harrisburg, Pa. 171 05 1 800 722-1114 SPECIFICATION = _ TBC (Twin Beam Contact) PLUS ne pare INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM TOM CLARK 1. INTRODUCTION This specification covers the requirements for application of the AMP TBC Plus Interconnection System which includes Pin Header and Receptacle Connectors. All have six rows of twin beam contacts on .100 inch centers and a variety of contact positions. They are available in one-piece and modular configurations for multi-layer printed circuit {pc) board applications. Pin headers are available with straight contacts that have split posts (ACTION PIN*) or soldertype tails of various heights to provide four-level sequencing of ground, power, and signals. They are also available with right-angie solder tail contacts for card (pc board) extender applications. They may be placed on the pc board by hand or by automatic machine. Those with ACTION PIN contacts must be seated with a seating tool. Receptacle connectors are available with right-angle solder-type cantact tails for solder applications. They are designed to be placed on the pc board by hand. See Figure 1 for product features that will be referenced in this specification. NOTE All dimensions presented in this document are in inches unless otherwise specified. All dimensianal tolerances are +.005 and angular tolerances are +3 unless otherwise specified. Metric equivalents fmm) can be calculated by muftiplying the given dimension by 25.4. Card Extender (Left Module} Receptacle Connector Housing Stiffener SY DD Insulator | ft Ai im Mounting Hale wed ASR 1 1A . A f (for Insert} Contact Mounting E Solder ounting Ear Tail Standoff Flange cn REET ACTION PIN Contact Mounting Hoie (for Keying Pin, Guide Pin, or Jackscrew Body) Fig. 1. Product Features *Trademark of AMP Incorporated Copyright 1990 by AMP Incorporated. All International Rights Reserved. PAGE 1 OF 10114-25036 AMP TBC PLUS INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM 2. REFERENCE MATERIALS 2.1. Customer Assistance Reference part number 535919 and product code 5619 are representative numbers that identify the AMP TBC Plus Header and Receptacle Product Line. These numbers are used in the AMP network of customer services to access tooling and product application information. This service is pravided by your local AMP representative (Field Sales Engineer Field Application Engineer, etc) or, after purchase, by calling the CUSTOMER SERVICE number at the tap of the first page. 2.2. Engineering Drawings Customer drawings for specific products are available from the responsible AMP Engineering Department via the service network, The information contained in the Customer Drawings takes priority if there is a conflict with this specification or with any other technical documentation supplied by AMP incorporated. 2.3. Specifications AMP Product Specification 108-1188 outlines product test performance information. 2.4. Instructional Materia! There is an AMP Customer Manual (CM) and several AMP Instruction Sheets to assist you in the assambly and repair of these headers and receptacles. CM 5567 provides machine setup and operation for the power unit recommended for seating headers with ACTION PIN Contacts on a pc board. |S 9543 provides information for the seating tools that are used in the machine to seat the connectors onto the pc board; IS 9141 provides information on the alignment tools recommended for hand insertion of these connectors and headers; and |S 6921, IS 9142, and IS 9185 provide procedures for removal and replacement of contacts. AMP Corporate Bulletin No. 52 is available upon request and can be used as a guide in soldering. This bulletin provides information on variaus flux types and characteristics along with the commercial designation and flux removal procedures. A checklist is attached to the bulletin as a guide for information on soldering problems. 3. REQUIREMENTS CAUTION The connectors should be kept in their shipping container until ready for use, to prevent deformation of the contact solder tails. Cara must be used to prevent deformation of contacts after connectors ara removed from their protective container. 3.1. Printed Circult Board A. PC Board Thickness 1. Headers are available with two diffarent contact styles and will accommodate different pc board thicknesses: (a) ACTION PIN contact tails require a minimum printed circuit board thickness of .084. (b) Solder contact tails are available in .120 + .010 length. 2. Receptacles are available with contact solder tails in lengths of .165 + .010 and .185 + .010 below the housing standoff. Printed circuit board thickness will determine the contact tail length to use. B. Circuit Pattern Layout There are printed circuit board layouts for the four basic connector configurations: Headers with straight solder tails Headers with straight ACTION PIN tails Headers with right-angle soider tails for card extender applications e Receptacles with solder tails Determine tha type of connector to be used, then select appropriate printed circuit board layout from Figure 2. 3, 4, or 5. PAGE 2 OF 10AMP TBC PLUS INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM 114-25036 275 No. of ALL LAYOUTS AAE FOR COMPONENT (Typ) 7 Spaces x.10 SIDE OF PC BOARD HEA WITH N ID Contact Posn Space Typ) ee n\ 606 | 3 | 308 @ & 500 tly ee SOO (No. of Pod eo Spaces x 100) 4 rs @o Ooo OO d oo 120 Dia (Typ) -100 .043 - .036 Dia (In-Row) .100 (Raw-To-Row) rs No. of (Typ) + Spaces x.100- .400 Contact Posn |. HEADERS WITH ONE IDE Space (Typ} .200 Pe oOo Ooo oe & | 250 aoe OO Ooo oOo 500 ALT) OOS4 Peoe O04 POSS (No. of OOo oOo SaSS8 boo > 1 spaces x.100) ' 4 sooe poooe 7 gooe poo | &O & OOo eeg 120 Dia (Typ) 100 .043 - .036 Dia 100 (Row-To-Row) {"-Row) 275 No. of (Typ) 4 Spaces x.100--<- .400 .400 Contact Posn . ier nse "200 "200 ooo_|+_O oo o6__ 666 O06 250 (eee oOo Oo SOO Tr OO OOo | (PT eeeq pooe Ut d4_feSS Lis eoo4 booe Tt ened OO Soo Sood peoe _feoe oO . of +. .080 Spaces x.100} oOo Oo SOG ood ood $d oOo eo OOO oOo OO OOo yp) 100 .043 - .036 Dia (InRow) -100 HEADER TW ' (Row-To-Row) Fig. 2. Headers with Straight Solder Tails PAGE 3 OF 10114-25036 AMP TBC PLUS INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM 275 No. of ALL LAYOUTS ARE FOR COMPONENT (Typ) 4 Spaces x.10 SIDE OF PC BOARD . Pad Dia. Contact Posn (.062 Min.) Space Typ) . ee ny ood Finished Hole F Diameter After < ip =; oOo Plating oOo &e od (.040 + .003) wn, Poe OOO Spaces x.100) Oo eo Drillad Hole & Po @@ 120 Dia Diameter Copper Piating 1400 J (Typ) (.0453 + .0010) (.001 to .003) (Row-To-Row) 100 (043 - .036 Dia Tin/Lead Plating (In~Row) (.0003 Min.) ACTI WITH N E ACTION PIN HOLE REQUIREMENT 275 No, of (Typ) 4 Spaces x.100y+ .400 Contact Posn |, ACTION PIN HEADERS WiT! I Space (Typ) .200 ae OO & oo dd | iao0 eee OOo Sod @ Oo ECD SOO4 poOe SOo4 peoo t (No. of Oo Oe eee SO Spaces x.100) HD oo > @ b> @ -080 Soe od .120 Dia Ie ee eOo @O66 (Typ) -100 Or - ,036 Dia 100 (Row-To-Row) 275 No. of (Typ) Spaces x.100e- .400 .400 Contact Posn Space {Typ} 200 (Typ) ooe/eeed 904 | bee OOO 208 ooo ooe4 OOD OOo &Ooo oO@ OOO +55 a7 eee-(t Hoes o> t .500 i > No. of oO OO@ oOo oo [eee SOO Spaces x.100) 1-@ @ @ oOo OOo OOD SOO O46 OO ae Seo oOo SO ooo ae i LL 100 .043 - .036 Dia (In~Row) -100 1 {Row-To-Row) Fig. 3. Headers with ACTION PIN Contact Tails PAGE 4 OF 10AMP TBC PLUS INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM 114-25036 ALL LAYOUTS ARE FOR COMPONENT SIDE OF PC BOARD (120 Dia me- 275 No. of Spaces x .100 5 _ Edge of PC Board Race CHO HOHHHOSEHHHO OH SEOSD 080 OPOHOOSSSSSSECSES EO OEE OEO 165 Max. Wo of SSSHSHEHOOSOPESOSEOO SESS SO Spaces SRESSHSSEOOOEOSSSESEH OOS x .100) SSOSHSHHSSOSOSFSSEOSSHSESOES a4 + .003 +g gg 0555559 5EH SS O40 Dia FT MOD ARD EXTENDER WITH RIGHT-ANGLE BR TAIL NTACTS AND IDE No. of Spaces x .100 _ Edge of PC Board Space OOOH OSHoOEOECHOHHEHHEOOEE SES C + SHSSSSSHSHESHESESHEOSHHSHHS 165 Max. No. of SOOCEHESOOHOSHEHCHOEEHEHE OHO Spaces Seoeeeseeegeseeeegeeedego od x .100) SEOOSEHHE EH OHEOHHSESSS oso + 003 SOSSSHSHHE SHES SOOOSSHES Dia R MODULE XTENDER WI IGHTA LDER TAI NTACTS AND ON IDE No. of Spaces x .100 275 .120 Dia Space Edge of PC Board L 010 6000600009909 0000 444 camer SOCOHEOECHECHHHH HOG OGG .165 Max, $0 OO9FO0 OF FOOSE OO90 9009 en ot OOESSEEEOEHEHOHESO OHHH Spaces 040 .003 OSSSSHSSOSOHHHOEOE OOS x 100) Dia 60006060608 096000666_ + RIGH AR TENDER IGHT-AN TA! N T: No I Fig. 4. Headers with Right-Angle Solder Tails for Card Extender Applications PAGE 5 OF 10114-25036 . AMP TBC PLUS INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM 275 No. of ALL LAYOUTS ARE FOR COMPONENT (Typ) + Spaces x.10 SIDE OF PC BOARD PTA: WIT _ Contact Posn SOLDER TAIL CONTACTS re Ty YY yp} ANO NO GUIDES 7 te O 600 Oo O68 spaves x. 100) Soe oOe : Thi} oo oO te | an (Tye) $ 60@ ; eh a t el fe 4g 043 - .036 Dia \ -To- {in-Row) Edge of .100 (Row-To-Row) PC Board 1275 No. of (Typ) 7 Spaces x.10 -400 RECEP WITH RIGHT-ANGLE Contact Posn SOLDER TAIL CONTACTS Space (Typ) AND ONE Pee ood oo 6 $Oo ro .500 66> oo d oO 6Oo {No. of span 00) OOOG FOOD SOG POOS + ooo OOO boo OO 100 | aoe 1 666 OO oo OOD 120 Dia HP PO PaGe oOo POOP Wo t _| le 100 043 - .036 Dia 100 (Row-To-Row) {N-Row) Edge of PC Board 1275 No. of (Typ) - Spaces x.10 400 .400 Contact Posn aN yp Te? * Od eeo bo o & & e646 500 6 OOo eo ooo oO Oo No. of && 6Ooo 6 @ oo 6d O66 cio t OO oo OOO oO oOo OOo 00 mi Leoo ooo SOO4 POCO aeey poo fr __ . la 1 $ oe | rae? o&6 = &oo & 6d | Oo (Typ) t el be 100 043 - .036 Dia \ .100 400 (in-Row) HT-AN Edge of : SOLDER TAIL CONTACTS (Row-To-Row) AND TWO GUIDES PC Board Fig. 5. Receptacies with Solder Tails PAGE 6 OF 10AMP TBC PLUS INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM 114-25036 3.2. Polarization and Keying The pin headers have two polarizing slots and the receptacles have two tabs that prevent inadvertent engagement of assemblies. Keying pins and inserts, capable of providing eight different positions each, are available to prevent mating of headers and receptacles of identical size that may be used in the same area. See Figure &. NOTE When securing headers and receptacles to a pc board, tighten screws and/or nuts to a torque value of 3 in,-ib. JACKSCREW COMPONENTS KEYING COMPONENTS : Guide Insert ee = | Jackscrew Body Handle Setscrew ee Fig. 6. Keying Plugs and Inserts 3.3. Guide Pins Guide pins are available to help align headers and receptacles during mating. They are especially helpful when several connectors of varying sizes are used in a confined area where keying is not a requirement, They can not be used in place of, or with keying plugs and inserts. See Figure 7. Discharge Pin f Guide Insert Guide Pin GUIDE PIN COMPONENTS Fig. 7. Guide Pin Assemblies 3.4. Attaching Hardware Commercially available hardware such as screws and nuts or rivets are recommended for securing receptacle connectors to a pe board. They may also be used to secure the headers to a pc board when keying plugs and pins or guide pin assemblies are not used. PAGE 7 OF 10114-25036 AMP TBC PLUS INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM 3.5. Soldering Process Connectors must be soldered to the pc board. See Instructional Material in Paragraph 2.4 for available soldering guide. A. Connector Placement Placement of headers and receptacles on the pc board can be done by picking them up by the sides of tha housing and carefully positioning the contacts in the alignment tool, referenced in Paragraph 5, as described in the instruction sheet packaged with the tool. After the tool is removed, seat the header or receptacle housing on the pc board before soldering the contact tails. (Soldering is not required for ACTION PIN contact tails.) B. Cleaning After soldering, removal of fluxes, residues, and activators is necessary. Consult with the supplier of the solder and flux for recommended cleaning solvents. The following is a listing of common cleaning solvents that wiil not affect the connectors for a period cf 5 minutes at 105F. 1,1,1-Trichlorethane Freon TMStT Freon TFT Dow Preletee Fraon TAT Freon TMCt Allied Genesolva . Freon TET Designation of Dow Chemical Company @ Designation of AlliedSignal, Inc. + Designation of DuPont Cc. Drying When drying cleaned assemblies and printed circuit boards, make certain that temperature limitations of -55 to 105 C area not exceeded. Excessive tamperatures may cause housing degradation. 3.6, Repair Header assemblies can be repaired without removing them from the pc board, using the AMP Removal and Replacement Tools and Instruction Sheets referred to in Paragraph 5 and Paragraph 2.4 respectively. Use a standard AMP salder tail or ACTION PIN contact to replace damaged ACTION PIN Contacts. One-piece receptacle connectors can not be rapaired. However, modular connectors can be repaired. if a module in a modular system is damaged beyond use, it must be removed from the pc board and replaced with an undamaged one as follows: 1. Remove plastic heat stake lugs from aluminum stiffener by miiling/drilling a .150 diameter hole to a depth of .015 at the center point of each stake lug. 2. Remove hardware securing the connecter to the po board and any keys or guide pins from the connector. 3. Gently pry the aluminum stiffener from the connector with a standard flat blade screwdriver or similar type tool. Use care to prevent damage to the pc board. 4. Remove solder securing the contacts in the pc board using any standard solder heat and removal technique. 5. Replace the damaged connector with an undamaged one of the same type and size. 6. If guide pins or keying pins and keying inserts were installed on the damaged connector, replace them with new ones. 7. Place the aluminum stiffener on the connector assernbly and secure with mounting screws. Heat staking of the replacernent connector to the pc board is not necessary. 8. Solder the connector to the po board using a standard soldering technique. PAGE 8 OF 10AMP TBC PLUS INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM 114-25036 4. QUALIFICATIONS AMP TBC Plus Connectors are in the process of agency approval. 5. TOOLING (Figure 8) A. Installations Cam actuated alignment tools with the base part number of 58302 are designed for ease of placing the contact tails in the tool and supporting them until the tails have started into the pc board. Seating tools with the base part number of 58411 are designed to insert headers with ACTION PIN Contacts. B. Removal and Replacement ACTION PIN Removal Tool 58209-1 is designed to remove the contacts without removing the header from the pe board and Replacement Kit 265871-1 is designed for the replacement of contacts. The housing and pc board must be supported when removing and installing contacts. NOTE Use the instruction material packaged with the tools (reference in Paragraph 2.4) for proper use. Alignment Tool Cam Actuated Replacement Tool Handie Replacement Tool Tip Contact Seating Removal Tool Tool Fig. 8. Tooling PAGE 9 OF 10114-25036 AMP TBC PLUS INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM 6. VISUAL AID The following illustration shows a typical application of an AMP TBC Plus Connector and calls out the conditions that production personnel should check to ensure a good installation. For dimensional inspection, refer to the details in the preceding pages of this specification. STIFFENER MUST BE SEATED ON HOUSING INSERT MUST BE FLUSH AND SECURELY LATCHED IN HOUSING HOUSING MUST BE SEATED ON PC BOARD PINS MUST BE STRAIGHT SOLDER FILLETS MUST BE EVENLY FORMED AROUND CONTACT POST WITH NO VISIBLE CRACKS ORIENTATION OF KEYING PIN AND INSERT FLATS MUST MATCH FASTENING HARDWARE MUST BE SECURED FIG. 9. VISUAL AID PAGE 10 OF 10