Enpirion® Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EN6337QI/EN6347QI PowerSoC
Enpirion EN6337QI/EN6347QI DC-DC C onver ter
w/Integrated Inductor Eval uation Board
Thank you for c hoosing Altera Enpirion pow er pr oduc ts !
This evaluation board us er guide applies to two products with identical pinouts: The
EN6337Q I is a 3A devic e, and the EN6347Q I is a 4A devic e. The term EN63x7Q I will
refer to both produc ts throughout this doc um ent. This evaluation board user guide
applies to the EN63x 7−03 engineering devic es . In addition to this doc um ent, you w ill
als o need the lates t devic e datas heet.
• The EN63x7QI features integrated induc tor , power MO SFE TS, controller , a bulk
of the c om pens ation network, and protection circuitry against system faults. This
level of integration delivers a substantial reduction in footprint and parts count
over c om peting s olutions . The evaluation board is optimized for engineering ease
of testing through pr ogram m ing options , c lip leads , tes t points etc .
• The EN63x7QI features a customer programmable output voltage by means of a
resistor divider. The res is tor divider allows the us er to s et the output voltage to
any value within the r ange 0.75V to (VIN-VDROPOUT). The evaluation board, as
shipped is populated with a 4 resistor divider option. The upper r es is tor is fixed
and has a phas e lead c apac itor in parallel. O ne of the 4 lower res is tor s is
s elec ted w ith the jum per option for different output voltages to change VOUT,
retain the upper res is tor and c apac itor values and c hange only the low er res is tor .
• This devic e has no over-voltage protec tion featur e. We s tr ongly rec om m end the
c us tom er to ens ure the feedbac k loop is truly c los ed befor e powering up the
devic e es pec ially if the load c an not w iths tand the input voltage.
• The input and output capacitors are X5R or X 7R multi-layer ceramic chip
capacitors. The Soft-start capacitor is a small 15nF X7R MLCC. Pads are
available to have m ultiple input and output capacitors. This allow s for evaluation
of perform anc e over a w ide range of input/output c apac itor c om binations .
• Clip-on term inals ar e provided for ENA, SS, PO K, and LLM pins.
• Banana jacks are provided for VIN and VOUT power term inals . Several signal and
GND clip-on tes t points are als o provided to m eas ure VIN, VOUT, and GND nodes .
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