HC-48/U Quartz Crystal Units AT-Cut, 0.8 - 300 MHz 19.4 12.34 DIN 45110: K3A IEC 122-3: DN NFC-93-601: n0 3A MIL-H-10056: HC-48/U Welded metal enclosure (inert atmosphere) with pins 9.1 17.88 7.62 19.7 6.25 1,32 All dimensions in mm (max) Temperature in the Temperature Range -55C...+105C HC-48/U Overtone Frequency Type [MHz] 1.OT 50ppm 25ppm Nom. Temp. 5C 1) -20C...+70C 20ppm 10ppm 7ppm 5ppm 2ppm 0.8...3.0 XS 06xx 01 ---- 03 ---- 06 ----- 05 3.0...8.0 XS 06xx 01 02 03 04 06 ---- 05 8.0...30 XS 08xx 01 02 03 04 06 07 05 3.OT 15...90 XS 09xx 01 02 03 04 06 07 05 5.OT 40...150 XS 10xx 01 02 03 04 06 07 05 7.OT 100...210 XS 11xx 01 02 03 04 06 07 05 9.OT 150...300 XS 11xx 11 12 13 14 16 17 15 Calibration tolerance: 10 ppm 1 )Nom. Temp. = Nominal temperature for oven application to be given with the order. Motional Resistance R1 Overtone 1. OT 1. OT 1. OT 1. OT 1. OT 1. OT 1. OT 3. OT 5. OT 7. OT 9. OT Frequency R1max [MHz] [] 0.8...1.5 800 1.5...2.0 500 2.0...3.0 200 3.0...5.0 80 5.0...8.0 40 8.0...15 30 15...30 20 15...90 40 40...150 60 100...210 100 150...300 180 Standard resonance for fundamental crystals: load resonance with CL = 30 0.5pF Overtone crystals: series mode Shunt capacitance: C0 = 7pF max Crystal units with different tolerances or additional data upon request. Modifications: HC-48/U-S; 0.8 - 1,5MHz: 6-point mounting for exposure to extreme accelerations (shock and vibration). 166 Glover Avenue Norwalk, CT 06856 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 Fax: 1-888-FAX-VECTRON www.vectron.com