IXBOD2 Breakover Diode Gen2 (BOD2) VBO [V] VBO = 400-1400 V IAVM = 0.9 A Standard Types 400 50 IXBOD2-04 500 50 IXBOD2-05 600 50 IXBOD2-06 700 50 IXBOD2-07 800 50 IXBOD2-08 900 50 IXBOD2-09 1000 50 IXBOD2-10 1100 50 IXBOD2-11 1200 50 IXBOD2-12 1300 50 IXBOD2-13 1400 50 IXBOD2-14 Backside: isolated A K Features / Advantages: Applications: Package: FP-Case * Extra fast turn-on * Very low temperature dependance * High voltage circuit protection * Transient voltage protection * Trigger device * Power pulse generators * Lightning and arcing protection * Energy discharge circuits * Battery overvoltage protection * Solar array protection * Industry standard outline * RoHS compliant * Epoxy meets UL 94V-0 * Soldering pins for PCB mounting * Base plate: Plastic overmolded tab * Reduced weight IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2013 IXYS All rights reserved Data according ot IEC 60747 and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20130822a 1-4 IXBOD2 BOD2 Ratings Symbol Definitions Conditions ID drain current VD = 0.8*VBO VBO breakover voltage VBO (TVJ) = VBO, 25C [1 + KT (TVJ - 25C)] IRMS RMS current f = 50 Hz IFAVM maximum average forward current ISM maximum pulsed source current tp = 0.1 ms; non repetitive TVJ = 150C 250 A It I t value for fusing tp = 0.1 ms TVJ = 150C 3.1 As 2 min. typ. TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C max. 10 200 A A V Tamb = 50C 1.4 A 0.9 A pins soldered to printed circuit (conductor 0.035x2mm) 2 KT KP temperature coefficient of VBO coefficient for energy per pulse EP (material constant) RthJA thermal resistance junction to ambient IBO breakover current IH 2 0.7*10 K-1 700 K/Ws -3 60 45 K/W K/W TVJ = 25C TVJ = 150C 15 6 mA mA holding current TVJ = 25C TVJ = 150C 20 12 mA mA VH holding voltage TVJ = 25C 8 V (dv/dt)cr critical rate of rise of voltage VD = 0.9*VBO TVJ = 25C TVJ = 150C 3000 1000 V/s V/s (di/dt)cr critical rate of rise of curent IT = 100 A; VD = VBO; f = 50 Hz IT = 600 A; non repetitive TVJ = 150C 200 500 A/s A/s tq turn-off time VD = 0.75*VBO; VR = 0 V; IT = 100 A TVJ = 125C dv/dt(lin.) = 5000 V/s; di/dt = -500 A/s VT forward voltage drop IT = 10 A TVJ = 125C TVJ = 150C 1.3 1.2 V V VT0 rT threshold voltage slope resistance for power-loss calculation only TVJ = 150C 0.75 0.05 V W 68 kW Vd natural convection with air speed 2 m/s 4 200 s 400 nH 100 nF IXBOD It = 400 A, di/dt = 2000 A/s IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2013 IXYS All rights reserved Data according ot IEC 60747 and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20130822a 2-4 IXBOD2 Package FP-Case Ratings Symbol Definitions Conditions Tamb Tstg TVJM ambient temperature (cooling medium) storage temperature maximum virtual junction temperature min. typ. -40 -40 -40 Weight max. 150 150 150 0.9 C C C g Product Marking Logo Part No. yywwA Date Code Assembly line K A Ordering Part Name Marking on Product Standard IXBOD2-04 IXBOD2-04 Box 100 511174 Standard IXBOD2-05 IXBOD2-05 Box 100 tbd Standard IXBOD2-06 IXBOD2-06 Box 100 tbd Standard IXBOD2-07 IXBOD2-07 Box 100 508425 Standard IXBOD2-08 IXBOD2-08 Box 100 507602 Standard IXBOD2-09 IXBOD2-09 Box 100 511668 Standard IXBOD2-10 IXBOD2-10 Box 100 508078 Standard IXBOD2-11 IXBOD2-11 Box 100 511860 Standard IXBOD2-12 IXBOD2-12 Box 100 511675 Standard IXBOD2-13 IXBOD2-13 Box 100 511682 Standard IXBOD2-14 IXBOD2-14 Box 100 509782 IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2013 IXYS All rights reserved Delivering Mode Base Qty Ordering Code Data according ot IEC 60747 and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20130822a 3-4 IXBOD2 Outlines FP-case Dimensions in mm (1 mm = 0.0394") 1.2 1.5 7.5 4 1 11.5 9 1.5 10 0.8 A IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. (c) 2013 IXYS All rights reserved 0.5 K Data according ot IEC 60747 and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20130822a 4-4 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: IXYS: IXBOD2-04 IXBOD2-14