Vickers(R) Accessories Power Amplifier EEA-PAM-5**-A-32 for Proportional Control Valves Contents General Description p The following power amplifier models are covered in this catalog The power amplifier has five voltage g i inputs t (one ( iinverting) ti ) and d a currentt in ut for 0 20 m djustments for set input 0-20 mA.. Adjustments zero point or deadband compensation and for gain allow the amplifier to be easily tuned to the proportional control valve The ramp function valve. f nction generator can be switched on and off using the "ramp enable" control. Power Amplifier For Proportional Valve EEA-PAM-513-A-32 KCG-3, 1* series KCG-6/8, 1* series KX(C)G-6/8, 1* series EEA-PAM-523-A-32 KTG4V-3...H*, 6* series KDG4V-3...H*, 6* series KDG5V-5/7/8, 1* series EEA-PAM-525-A-32 KTG4V-5...H*, 3* series KDG4V-5...H*, 3* series EEA-PAM-533-A-32 KFTG4V-3, 2* series KFDG4V-3, 2* series EEA-PAM-535-A-32 KFTG4V-5, 2* series KFDG4V-5, 2* series EEA-PAM-541-A-32 KHDG5V-5/7/8, 2* series With zero-lapped main spool EEA-PAM-553-A-32 KSDG4V-3, 1* series EEA-PAM-561-A-32 KFDG5V-5, 3* series KFDG5V-7, 1* series EEA-PAM-568-A-32 KFDG5V-8, 1* series F EEA-PAM-571-A-32 CVU-**-EFP1-3* F EEA-PAM-581-A-32 KHDG5V-5/7/8, 2* series F Monitor points on the front panel allow measurement of the conditioned g command signal, and either of spool position iti LVDT signal i l or (for (f valves l without LVDT) of solenoid current. (("Conditioned Conditioned command signal" signal is the input signal modified according to settings of set zero point or deadband compens tion g compensation, gain in and nd rramp mp functions.) F t Features F User-friendly U f i dl front f t panell with ith allll the th F F F F necessary adjustments, LEDs and monitor points oints Electronic overload protection with a tomatic reset automatic Pulse width modulation for high g efficiency ffi i Can be equi equipped ed with plug-in lug-in modules for special functions Switchable ramp function generator for controlling rates of increase and decrease of output 24V DC power supply Either current or voltage input signals Standard input and output signals This product has been designed and tested to meet specific standards outlined in the European Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) 89/336/EEC, amended by 91/263/EEC, 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC, article 5. For instructions on installation requirements to achieve effective protection levels, see this leaflet and the Installation Wiring Practices for Vickers Electronic Products leaflet 2468. Wiring practices relevant to this Directive are indicated by Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Rev. March 1996 GB-2464 Front Panel Model 523, 525, 533, 535, 561, 568 and 581 LEDs [1] 24V supply voltage, green [2] 15V control voltage, green [3] Solenoid output enabled, yellow [4] Solenoid output overload, red [5] LVDT failure, red [6] Drive to solenoid, yellow Potentiometers [7] Deadband compensation, flow from P to B [8] Deadband compensation, flow from P to A [9] Gain, flow from P to B [10] Gain, flow from P to A 513 24V 15V 24V 15V Potentiometers [17] Zero adjust [18] Gain LED [11] Ramps enabled, yellow Potentiometers [12] Acceleration ramp [13] Deceleration ramp Monitor points Y [14] Conditioned command signal MP1 [15] Common ground 0V [16] Spool position MP2 (except for 523/525: solenoid current) t t t Monitor point Y [19] Solenoid current MP2 t 571 541, 553 24V 15V 24V 15V Potentiometers [21] Deadband compensation Potentiometer [20] Adjust valve zero [22] Gain t t t t Y O 2 mm (0.0787I dia.) sockets Warning: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) It is necessary to ensure that the unit is wired up in accordance with the connection arrangements shown in this leaflet. For effective protection, the user's electrical cabinet, the valve subplate or manifold and the cable screens should be connected to efficient earth (ground) points. The metal 7-pin connector part no. 934939 should be used for the integral amplifier. In all cases, both valve and cable should be kept as far away as possible from any source of electromagnetic radiation such as cables carrying heavy current, relays and certain kinds of portable radio transmitters, etc. Difficult environments could mean that extra screening may be necessary to avoid the interference. 2 Electrical Block Diagram EEA-PAM-523/525-A-32 533/535 561/568 571 581 Note: This is a typical diagram and all the features depicted may not be applicable to all amplifiers, (e.g. LVDTs and dither) EEA-PAM-513-A-32 z22 z2 b2 b22 15V +15V; 50 mA +10V; 5 mA -10V; 5 mA -15V; 50 mA 24V 24V z24 z12 Alarm output b20 Drive zero signal indicator b12 Ramp active indicator Overload 100 z6 47k b6 b8 b10 z8 Ramps Acc. Dec. 24V DC Ramps 24V Close to enable drive Zero point Enable ramps Enabled z28 z26 B Controller z10 Enable ramps Deadband compensation b24 b18 Command signal monitor point z18 Output monitor point LVDT pilot Zero point z16 b14 LVDT main MP 2 Command Comm nd signals sign ls and nd outputs o tp ts Non-inverting voltage Non-inverting current b6/8/10 or z8 z6 EEA-PAM-541-A-32 553 b28 b26 z22 Solenoid +15V current z14 MP 1 Inverting voltage z10 Secondary pins b16 All models except 553 and nd 571 Output 553 571 P to A P to B Valve closed P to B P to A A to B and nd B to A bz4 bz4 bz4 N/A bz4 Gain + Gain A B A b4 z4 b32 z32 b30 z30 bz4 bz4 N/A 3 Operating Data Power supply: Nominal Vmin. - Vmax. Amplifier shut-down Protection 24V DC x 50W 20 - 40V (incl. pk.-to-pk. ripple 10% max.) <18V DC Reverse-polarity Signal sources: z22 & b22 z2 & b2 Temperature drift 15V x 50 mA max. (pk.-to-pk. ripple 50 mV) 10V (1%) x 5 mA max. (pk.-to-pk. ripple 20 mV) 1 mV/_C (0,5 mV/_F) 0-50_C (32 - 122_F) All outputs short-circuit protected Command inputs Voltage: Direct-V Inverting-V Umin. - Umax. z Input z6: Current Range, I z Input b8, b6, z8 & b10 z10 0 10V 47 k 0 20 mA 100 Power drive = PWM short-circuit protected Max. solenoid current See table on next page Current at zero (0V command signal on MP1) See table on next page Dither Factory-set Deadband compensation See table on next page Gain See table on next page Ramp-time adjustment: Factory setting Min. 50 ms min. - max. 50 ms - 5s min. - max. 50 ms - 5s Overload detection Automatic reset Drive: Enabled Disabled z Input z24 z24 9,8 - 40V Open circuit or 4,5V 22 k Ramps: Enabled Disabled z Input b24 b24 9,8 - 40V Open circuit or 4,5V 22 k Command signal monitor point: b18 Front-panel MP1 & Output z Output monitor point Front panel MP2 & Output 4 z Monitor signal after deadband compensation (minimum setting), gain and ramps: ^ Imax.) 0 - 10V (10V = 10 k short-circuit protected : z18 513/523/525 (without LVDT): 1 V/A Other types (with LVDT): 10V at full stroke 10 k short-circuit protected Ramp-active indicator b12 Output 10V Output 10V Output Output = 0V (2V ripple) 10 k z Drive signal zero indicator b20 Drive signal at null (within deadband limits) Drive active z Output resistance Alarm output Set alarm Signal Output = Supply minus 1,5V; I = 50 mA max. Output = 02V 50 z12 Enable amplifier (on pin z24) when switching power on HIGH when alarm is activated: Output = Supply volts minus 2 volts; l = 50 mA max. LOW when solenoid overload has occurred (maintained until reset): Output = 0 to +/-2 volts; Output impedance = 50 Disable and re-enable on pin z24 Reset after failure Ambient temperature range 0 - 50_C (32 - 122_F) full specification Edge connectors DIN 41612 F48 on board for card holder F32 or F48 330g (0.15 lb) Installation recommendations leaflet, packed with amplifier Supporting products (see appropriate catalog): Power supply 3,5A 5,0A 10,0A Test adaptor Portable test equipment Cardholder D32 F32 F48 F48 Edge connector ML-9160 EHA-PSU-704-A3-20 EHA-PSU-704-A5-20 EHA-PSU-704-A10-20 EBA-TEQ-706-A-10 EHA-TEQ-700-A-20 EBA-TEQ-706-A-10 02-104806 02-104807 02-104808 732683 Model 513 523 525 533 535 541 553 561 568 571 581 Max. solenoid current 1,6A 1,6A 2,7A 2,7A 3,2A 3,2A 1,8A 2,9A 3,2A Amplifier input current at 0V command signal (MP1) 0,3A 0,3A 0,3A 0,3A 1,7A 1,7A 1,4A 1,1A 1,7A Deadband compensation Factory setting (% of max. spool stroke) - 25% 15% 10% - - 10% 10% 10% - 050% 050% 050% - - 050% 050% 050% Adjustment per direction (% of max. spool stroke from centered position) Gain Factory setting Adjustment per direction Zero adjustment (% of max. spool stroke) 10%/V 10%/V 10%/V 10%/V 10%/V 10%/V 10%/V 10%/V 10%/V 2,5 10%/V 2,5 10%/V 2,5 10%/V 2,5 10%/V - - 2,5 10%/V 2,5 10%/V 2,5 10%/V 050% - - - +/- 25% +/- 25% - - - 5 Wiring Connections Amplifier Models to Typical Valve Type Amplifier Models: 513, 523, 525 z28 z26 z28 z26 b28 b26 b28 b26 +15V z22 z14 +15V z22 z14 z16 z16 b14 b14 b16 b16 Amplifier Model: 553 +15V Amplifier Models: 533, 535 Amplifier Models: 561, 568 z28 z26 z28 z26 b28 b26 b28 b26 z22 +15V z22 z14 z14 z16 z16 b14 b14 b16 b16 Amplifier Models: 541, 581 Amplifier Model: 571 z28 z26 z28 z26 b28 b26 +15V z22 +15V z22 z14 b14 z16 b16 b14 b16 Customer's protective ground connection. 6 Note: If valves are fitted with the "B" type LVDT, the screen will be grounded at the valve end by the shell of the connector. Typical Input Connection Circuitry z2 b2 z6 b6 b8 b10 z8 EEA-PAM-513-A-32 523/525 533/535 561/568 571 581 z10 b4 z4 Customer's protective ground connection. Valve Solenoid Connections LVDT Connections Note: Connection not polarity sensitive. M & E Type Pin 3 Pin 1 z26/28 (b26/28) Pin 2 Pin 4 B Type (EMC) z28/26 (b28/26) Protective ground: Connection not required if power supply conforms to VDE 0551/EN 60742/IEC 742 LVDT plug pin Amplifier pin 1 2 3 4 z14 z22 z16 Not connected Main stage 1 +CVU-EFP1 2 3 4 b14 z22 b16 Not connected Pilot stage Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 4 Pin 3 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Notes for Wiring 1) Screened cables should be used for the command signals, the solenoid connections and the LVDT connections. 2) Particular attention should be paid to the grounding of the screens as shown in the diagrams. 3) The screen on the LVDT cable needs to be grounded at both ends. An alternative method to prevent creating earth loops is to use double screened cable with each screen grounded at opposite ends. 4) The amplifiers should be mounted in a metal enclosure which is connected to an efficient ground point. 7 Installation Dimensions in mm (inches) Plug-in Unit of 3U Height (IEC 297) DIN 41612 F48 male connector. 7,92 (0.31) z - pin row b - pin row d - pin row Components envelope M2,5 x 11 (0.43) long collar screws supplied with panel for fixing 2,5 (0.1) 122,4 (4.82) 128,4 (5.06) 100 (3.94) Model designation 8 (0.31) 3 (0.12) 14,2 (0.56) 3 (0.12) Vickers Systems Division TRINOVA Ltd P.O. Box 4 New Lane, Havant Hampshire PO9 2NB England E Vickers, Incorporated, 1996 All Rights Reserved 7,45 (0.29) 40,3 (1.59) 14 7,2 (0.28) (0.55) Trinova do Brazil S.A. CEP 07250-270 Av. Julia Gaioli, 450 Bonsucesso-Guarulhos Sao Paulo 07 Brazil 175,24 (6.9) Vickers Systems Ltd 2/F Chiaphua Centre Yuen Shun Circuit Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin N.T. Hong Kong Vickers, Incorporated 5445 Corporate Drive P.O. Box 302 Troy, Michigan 48007-0302 USA Printed in U.S.A.