Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
“PGS” Graphite Sheets
3 4 5 6 789 10
SPGS only 100 µm
70 µm
50 µm
40 µm
25 µm
PGS Thickness
90 mm × 115 mm
115 mm × 180 mm
180 mm × 230 mm
Product Code
3 4 5 6 789 10
A091210D M
ATaping 100 µm
70 µm
50 µm
40 µm
25 µm
17 µm
10 µm
PGS Thickness
90 mm × 115 mm
115 mm × 180 mm
11 12
Lamination type
Please refer to
Product Code
Recommended applications
Explanation of Part Numbers
Excellent thermal conductivity : 700 to 1950 W/(m·K)
(2 to 5 times as high as copper, 3 to 8 time as high as aluminum)
Lightweight: Specifi c gravity : 0.85 to 2.13 g/cm3
(1/4 to 1/10 of copper, 1/1.3 to 1/3 of aluminum in density)
Flexible and easy to be cut or trimmed. (withstands repeated bending)
Low thermal resistance
RoHS compliant
Smart phones, Mobile phones, DSC, DVC, Tablet PCs, PCs and peripherals, LED Devices
Semiconductor manufacturing equipment (Sputtering, Dry etching, Steppers)
Optical communications equipment
PGS only (EYGS✽✽✽✽✽✽)
“PGS” Graphite Sheets
Type: EYG
PGS (Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet) is a thermal
interface material which is very thin, synthetically
made, has high thermal conductivity, and is made
from a higly oriented graphite polymer film. It
is ideal for providing thermal management/heat-
sinking in limited spaces or to provide supplemental
heat-sinking in addition to conventional means.
This material is flexible and can be cut into
customizable shapes.
Taping (EYGA✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽)
PGS thickness of 17 m, 10 m does not
support as single item.
✽✽ Please contact us for other dimensions other
than those above.
Mar. 201506
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
“PGS” Graphite Sheets
10 100 1000 10000
Frequency (MHz)
Effect of shield (dB)
a-b plane(KEC method)
Effect of magnetic field shield
Effect of electric field shield
Effect of shield (dB)=–20 log (Vs/V0)
a-b plane C : 99.9 % above
C axis
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Magnesium alloy
Stainless steel
Pure copper
PGS 100 μm
PGS 70 μm
PGS 50 μm
PGS 10 μm
Heat-conductive sheet
1950 W/(m·K)
1300 W/(m·K)
1600 W/(m·K)
1000 W/(m·K)
700 W/(m·K)
PGS 40 μm 1350 W/(m·K)
PGS 25 μm
PGS 17 μm 1850 W/(m·K)
Thermal conductivity:
2 to 5 times as high as copper,
Specific gravity:
1/10 to 1/4 that of copper
Coefficient of thermal conductivity (W/(m·k))
Comparison of thermal conductivity (a-b plane)
Layered structure of PGS
Electric  eld shield performance
100 µm 70 µm 50 µm 40 µm
0.10±0.03 mm 0.07±0.015 mm 0.050±0 .015 mm 0.040±0 .012 mm
Density 0.85 g/cm31.21 g/cm31.70 g/cm31.80 g/cm3
Thermal conductivity a-b plane 700 W/(m·K) 1000 W/(m·K) 1300 W/(m·K) 1350 W/(m·K)
Electrical conductivity 10000 S/cm 10000 S/cm 10000 S/cm 10000 S/cm
Extensional strength 20.0 MPa 20.0 MPa 20.0 MPa 25.0 MPa
Expansion coeffi cient a-b plane 9.3×10-7 1/K 9.3×10-7 1/K 9.3×10-7 1/K 9.3×10-7 1/K
c axis 3.2×10-5 1/K 3.2×10-5 1/K 3.2×10-5 1/K 3.2×10-5 1/K
Heat resistance400 °C
Bending(angle 180,R5) 10000 cycles
Withstand temperature refers to PGS only.
(Lamination material such as PET tape etc. is not included)
✽✽ Values are for reference, not guaranteed.
25 µm 17 µm 10 µm
0.025±0 .010 mm 0.017±0 .005 mm 0.010±0 .002 mm
Density 1.90 g/cm32.10 g/cm32.13 g/cm3
Thermal conductivity a-b plane 1600 W/(m·K) 1850 W/(m·K) 1950 W/(m·K)
Electrical conductivity 20000 S/cm 20000 S/cm 20000 S/cm
Extensional strength 30.0 MPa 40.0 MPa 40.0 MPa
Expansion coeffi cient a-b plane 9.3×10-7 1/K 9.3×10-7 1/K 9.3×10-7 1/K
c axis 3.2×10-5 1/K 3.2×10-5 1/K 3.2×10-5 1/K
Heat resistance400 °C
Bending(angle 180,R5) 10000 cycles
Mar. 201506
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
“PGS” Graphite Sheets
Graphite sheet
Acrylic Adhesive
tape 30µm
Separating paper
Graphite sheet PGS
Graphite sheet
Separating paper
Acrylic Adhesive
tape 10µm
Graphite sheet
tape 30 µm
Acrylic Adhesive
tape 30µm
Separating paper
Graphite sheet Polyester(PET)
tape 10 µm
Acrylic Adhesive
tape 10µm
Separating paper
Graphite sheet
Acrylic Adhesive
tape 10µm
tape 30 µm
Separating paper
Graphite sheet
Separating paper
Acrylic Adhesive
tape 6µm
Graphite sheet Polyester(PET)
tape 10 µm
Acrylic Adhesive
tape 6µm
Separating paper
Lamination type/Composition example
Please contact us for other lamination type product.
✽✽ Withstanding Voltages are for reference, not guaranteed.
Type PGS Only Adhesive Type
S type A-A type A -M type A -F type
Front face
Rear face
Insulative adhesion type 30 µm Insulative thin adhesion type 10 µm Insulative thin adhesion type 6 µm
· High Thermal Conductivity
High Flexibility
· Low Thermal Resistance
· Available up to 400 °C
· Conductive Material
· With insulation material
on one side
· With strong adhesive
tape for putting chassis
· Withstanding Voltage : 2 kV
· With insulation material on
one side
· Low thermal resistance
comparison with A-A type
· Withstanding Voltage : 1 kV
· With insulation material on
one side
· Low thermal resistance
comparison with A-A type
Withstand temperature 400 °C 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C
Standard Size 115 × 180 mm 90 × 115 mm 90 × 115 mm 90 × 115 mm
Maximam size 180 × 230 mm (25 µm to) 115 × 180 mm 115 × 180 mm 115 × 180 mm
Part No. EYGS121810 EYGA091210A EYGA091210M EYGA091210F
Thickness 100 µm 130 µm 110 µm 106 µm
Part No. EYGS121807 EYGA091207A EYGA091207M EYGA091207F
Thickness 70 µm 100 µm 80 µm 76 µm
Part No. EYGS121805 EYGA091205A EYGA091205M EYGA091205F
Thickness 50 µm 80 µm 60 µm 56 µm
Part No. EYGS121804 EYGA091204A EYGA091204M EYGA091204F
Thickness 40 µm 70 µm 50 µm 46 µm
Part No. EYGS121803 EYGA091203A EYGA091203M EYGA091203F
Thickness 25 µm 55 µm 35 µm 31 µm
Part No. EYGA091202A EYGA091202M EYGA091202F
Thickness 47 µm 27 µm 23 µm
Part No. EYGA091201A EYGA091201M EYGA091201F
Thickness 40 µm 20 µm 16 µm
Type Laminated type (Insulation & Adhesive)
A-PA type A-PM type A-DM type A-DF type
Front face
Polyester tape standard type 30 µm Polyester tape standard type 30 µm
Polyester tape thin type 10 µm Polyester tape thin type 10 µm
Rear face
Insulative adhesion type 30 µm
Insulative thin adhesion type 10 µm Insulative thin adhesion type 10 µm Insulative thin adhesion type 6 µm
· With insulation material on
both side
· Withstanding Voltage
PET tape : 4 kV
Adhesive Tape : 2 kV
· With insulation material on
both side
· Withstanding Voltage
PET tape : 4 kV
Adhesive Tape : 1 kV
· With insulation material on
both side
· Withstanding Voltage
PET tape : 1 kV
Adhesive Tape : 1 kV
· With insulation material on
both side
· Withstanding Voltage
PET tape : 1 kV
Withstand temperature 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C
Standard Size 90 × 115 mm 90 × 115 mm 90 × 115 mm 90 × 115 mm
Maximam size 115 × 180 mm 115 × 180 mm 115 × 180 mm 115 × 180 mm
Part No. EYGA091210PA EYGA091210PM EYGA091210DM EYGA091210DF
Thickness 160 µm 140 µm 120 µm 116 µm
Part No. EYGA091207PA EYGA091207PM EYGA091207DM EYGA091207DF
Thickness 130 µm 110 µm 90 µm 86 µm
Part No. EYGA091205PA EYGA091205PM EYGA091205DM EYGA091205DF
Thickness 110 µm 90 µm 70 µm 66 µm
Part No. EYGA091204PA EYGA091204PM EYGA091204DM EYGA091204DF
Thickness 100 µm 80 µm 60 µm 56 µm
Part No. EYGA091203PA EYGA091203PM EYGA091203DM EYGA091203DF
Thickness 85 µm 65 µm 45 µm 41 µm
Part No. EYGA091202PA EYGA091202PM EYGA091202DM EYGA091202DF
Thickness 77 µm 57 µm 37 µm 33 µm
Part No. EYGA091201PA EYGA091201PM EYGA091201DM EYGA091201DF
Thickness 70 µm 50 µm 30 µm 26 µm
Standard series ( PGS 100, 70, 50, 40, 25, 17, 10 µm)
Mar. 201506
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
“PGS” Graphite Sheets
Separating paper
Graphite sheet
Acrylic adhesive
tape 18µm
PEEK tape 13µm
Acrylic adhesive
tape 18µm Separating paper
Graphite sheet
Graphite sheet
tape 30µm
Separating paper
Acrylic adhesive
tape 18µm
Type High heat resistance type
A-V type A-RV type A-KV type
Front face High heat resistance and insulation
type 13 µm
High heat resistance and insulation
type 30 µm
Rear face High heat resistance and insulation
adhesion type 18 µm
High heat resistance and insulation
adhesion type 18 µm
High heat resistance and insulation
adhesion type 18 µm
· With high heat resistance and
tape on one side
· Withstanding Voltage Adhesive tape
: 2 kV
· With high heat resistance and
tape on both side
· Withstanding Voltage
PEEK tape : 2 kV
Adhesive tape : 2 kV
· With high heat resistance and
more insulated tape on both side
· Withstanding Voltage
PI tape : 5 kV
Adhesive tape : 2 kV
Withstand temperature 150 °C 150 °C 150 °C (Polyimide : 180 °C)
Standard Size 90 × 115 mm 90 × 115 mm 90 × 115 mm
Maximam size 115 × 180 mm 115 × 180 mm 115 × 180 mm
Part No. EYGA091210V EYGA091210RV EYGA091210KV
Thickness 118 µm 131 µm 148 µm
Part No. EYGA091207V EYGA091207RV EYGA091207KV
Thickness 88 µm 101 µm 118 µm
Part No. EYGA091205V EYGA091205RV EYGA091205KV
Thickness 68 µm 81 µm 98 µm
Part No. EYGA091204V EYGA091204RV EYGA091204KV
Thickness 58 µm 71 µm 88 µm
Part No. EYGA091203V EYGA091203RV EYGA091203KV
Thickness 43 µm 56 µm 73 µm
Part No. EYGA091202V EYGA091202RV EYGA091202KV
Thickness 35 µm 48 µm 65 µm
Part No. EYGA091201V EYGA091201RV EYGA091201KV
Thickness 28 µm 41 µm 58 µm
Please contact us for other lamination type product.
✽✽ Withstanding Voltages are for reference, not guaranteed.
High heat resistance series ( PGS 100, 70, 50, 40, 25, 17, 10 µm)
Mar. 201506
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
“PGS” Graphite Sheets
Minimum order
Item Type Part No. Size
Minimum order
PGS Graphite Sheet
S type
100 µm
EYGS091210 90×115 mm 20
EYGS121810 115×180 mm 10
EYGS182310 180×230 mm 10
S type
70 µm
EYGS091207 90×115 mm 20
EYGS121807 115×180 mm 10
EYGS182307 180×230 mm 10
S type
50 µm
EYGS091205 90×115 mm 20
EYGS121805 115×180 mm 10
EYGS182305 180×230 mm 10
S type
40 µm
EYGS091204 90×115 mm 20
EYGS121804 115×180 mm 10
EYGS182304 180×230 mm 10
S type
25 µm
EYGS091203 90×115 mm 20
EYGS121803 115×180 mm 10
EYGS182303 180×230 mm 10
PGS 70, 25, 17 µm
Adhesive Type
[Standard series]
A-A type
70 µm
EYGA091207A 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121807A 115×180 mm 10
A-A type
25 µm
EYGA091203A 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121803A 115×180 mm 10
A-A type
17 µm
EYGA091202A 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121802A 115×180 mm 10
A-M type
70 µm
EYGA091207M 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121807M 115×180 mm 10
A-M type
25 µm
EYGA091203M 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121803M 115×180 mm 10
A-M type
17 µm
EYGA091202M 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121802M 115×180 mm 10
PGS 70, 25, 17 µm
Laminated Type
(Insulation & Adhesive)
[Standard series]
A-PA type
70 µm
EYGA091207PA 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121807PA 115×180 mm 10
A-PA type
25 µm
EYGA091203PA 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121803PA 115×180 mm 10
A-PA type
17 µm
EYGA091202PA 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121802PA 115×180 mm 10
A-PM type
70 µm
EYGA091207PM 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121807PM 115×180 mm 10
A-PM type
25 µm
EYGA091203PM 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121803PM 115×180 mm 10
A-PM type
17 µm
EYGA091202PM 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121802PM 115×180 mm 10
A-DM type
70 µm
EYGA091207DM 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121807DM 115×180 mm 10
A-DM type
25 µm
EYGA091203DM 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121803DM 115×180 mm 10
A-DM type
17 µm
EYGA091202DM 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121802DM 115×180 mm 10
Only S type supports 180×230 mm size.
(PGS thickness of 17 m, 10m does not support as single item)
✽✽ PGS of 10 m, 40 m, 50 m type is also possible to be made as lamination type.
✽✽✽ The above-listed part number is sample part number for testing.
✽✽✽✽ Please contact us about your request of custom part number which will be arranged separately.
✽✽✽✽✽ Please contact us if quantity is below Minimum Order Quantity.
Mar. 201506
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
“PGS” Graphite Sheets
Item Type Part No. Size
Minimum order
PGS 70, 25, 17 µm
[High heat resistance type]
A-V type
70 µm
EYGA091207V 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121807V 115×180 mm 10
A-V type
25 µm
EYGA091203V 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121803V 115×180 mm 10
A-V type
17 µm
EYGA091202V 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121802V 115×180 mm 10
A-RV type
70 µm
EYGA091207RV 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121807RV 115×180 mm 10
A-RV type
25 µm
EYGA091203RV 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121803RV 115×180 mm 10
A-RV type
17 µm
EYGA091202RV 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121802RV 115×180 mm 10
A-KV type
70 µm
EYGA091207KV 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121807KV 115×180 mm 10
A-KV type
25 µm
EYGA091203KV 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121803KV 115×180 mm 10
A-KV type
17 µm
EYGA091202KV 90×115 mm 20
EYGA121802KV 115×180 mm 10
Only S type supports 180×230 mm size.
(PGS thickness of 17 m, 10m does not support as single item)
✽✽ PGS of 10 m, 40 m, 50 m type is also possible to be made as lamination type.
✽✽✽ The above-listed part number is sample part number for testing.
✽✽✽✽ Please contact us about your request of custom part number which will be arranged separately.
✽✽✽✽✽ Please contact us if quantity is below Minimum Order Quantity.
Mar. 201506
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
“PGS” Graphite Sheets
“PGS” (Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet) Heat sink sheet
Handling Precautions
1. Safety Precautions
1.1 The PGS shall be used within the speci ed operating temperature range.
1.2 The PGS is soft, do not rub or touch it with rough materials to avoid scratching it.
1.3 Lines or folds in the PGS may affect thermal conductivity.
1.4 The PGS shall not be used with acid.
The PGS shall not be used in contact with a soldering iron at 400 °C or more
1.5 The PGS shall not be exposed to salt water or direct sunlight during use. The PGS shall not be used in corrosive
gases (hydrogen sul de, sulfurous acid, chlorine, ammonia etc.).
1.6 Our PGS has been developed for general industry applications. Prior to using the PGS for special applications
such as medical, work please contact our engineering staff or the factory.
1.7 Never touch a PGS during use because it may be extremely hot.
2. Application notes
2.1 Use protective materials when handling and/or applying the PGS, do not use items with sharp edges as they
might tear or puncture the PGS.
2.2 The PGS does not work properly if overheated.
2.3 Thermal conductivity is dependant on the way it is used.
Test the adaptability of PGS to your application before use.
2.4 The PGS has conductivity.
If required, the PGS should be provided insulation.
2.5 Long term storage
• The PGS shall not be stored under severe conditions of salt water, direct sunlight or corrosive gases (hydrogen
sulfi de, sulfurous acid, chlorine, ammonia etc.).
• The PGS shall not be stored near acid.
Safety Precautions
PGS (Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet) Heat sink sheet (hereafter referred to as PGS) may result in accidents or trouble
when subjected to severe conditions of electrical, environmental and /or mechanical stress beyond the specified
“Rating” and specified “Conditions” found in the Specifications. Please follow the recommendations in “Safety
Precautions” and “Application Notes”. Contact our engineering staff or the factory with any questions.
When using our products, no matter what sort of equipment they might be used for, be sure to make a written
agreement on the specifications with us in advance. The design and specifications in this catalog are subject
to change without prior notice.
Do not use the products beyond the specifications described in this catalog.
This catalog explains the quality and performance of the products as individual components. Be fore use, check
and evaluate their operations when installed in your products.
Install the following systems for a failsafe design to ensure safety if these products are to be used in equipment
where a defect in these products may cause the loss of human life or other significant damage, such as damage
to vehicles (automobile, train, vessel), traffic lights, medical equipment, aerospace equipment, electric heating
appliances, combustion/gas equipment, rotating equipment, and disaster/crime prevention equipment.
Systems equipped with a protection circuit and a protection device
Systems equipped with a redundant circuit or other system to prevent an unsafe status in the event of a single fault
<Package markings>
Package markings include the product number, quantity, and country of origin.
In principle, the country of origin should be indicated in English.
Jan. 201501