Data Sheet
Jan uary 2000 1340-Type Lightwave Receiver
Agere Systems Inc. 3
Description (continued)
To help ensure high product reliabili ty and custom er
satisfaction, Agere is committed to an intensive quality
program that starts in the design phase and proceeds
through the ma nufacturing and shipping process. Opto-
electronics subsystems are qualified to Agere internal
standards us ing MI L-STD-883 test methods and pro-
cedures a nd sampling techniques consistent with Tel-
cordia Technologies requirements. The 1340 receiver
qualification program meets the intent of Telcordia
Technologies TR-NWT-000468 and TA-TSY-000983.
Application Information
The 1340 re c eiver i s a hig h ly sensitive fiber-optic
receiver. Althoug h the data outp uts are digital logic lev-
els (PEC L) , the device shoul d be thought of as an ana-
log component. When laying out the printed-wiring
board (PW B), the 1340 receiver should be given the
same type of consideration one would give to a sensi-
tive analog component.
At a minimum, a double-sided printed-wiring board with
a large component-side ground plane beneath the
rec eiver must b e used . In applica tions that i nclude
many o ther high-speed devices, a multilayer PWB is
highly recom mended. T his perm its the placem ent of
power and gr ound connections on s eparate layers,
which help s minimize the coupling of unwanted signal
noise into the power supplies of the r eceiver.
Layout Considerations
A fiber-optic re ceiver employs a ver y h igh-gai n, wide-
bandwi dth transimpedance amplifier. The amplifier
detects and amplifies signals that are only tens of nA in
amplitude. Any unwanted signal currents that couple
into the receiver circuitry cause a decrease in the
receiver’s s ensitivity and can also degrade the perfor-
mance o f the receiver’s loss of signal (FLAG) circuit.
To minimize the c oupli ng of unwanted noise into the
receiver, route high-level, high-speed signals such as
transmitter inputs an d clock lines as far away as possi-
ble from the re c e iver pins. If this is not possible, then
the PWB layout engineer should consider interleaving
the receiver signal and flag traces with ground traces in
order to provide the required isolat ion.
Noise that couples into the receiver through t he power
supply pins can also degrade device per formance. The
application sc hematics, F igures 3—5, show recom-
mended power supply filte ring that helps min imize
noise coupling into the rece ive r. The bypass capacitors
should be high-quality ceramic devices rated for RF
applications. T hey sh ould be surface-mount compo-
nents placed as close as possible to the receiver pow er
supply pins. The ferrite bead shou ld have as high an
impedance as possible in the frequency range that is
most likely to cause prob lems. This will vary f or each
application and is dep endent on the signaling frequen-
cies p rese nt on the application circuit card. Surface-
mount , high-impedance beads are availabl e from sev-
eral manuf acturers.
Data and Flag Outputs
The data outputs of the 1340 receiver are driven by
open-emitt er NP N transisto rs which have an output
impedance of appro ximately 7 Ω. Each output can pro-
vide approximately 50 m A maximum output current.
Due to the high switching speeds of ECL outputs,
transmission line design must be us ed to interc onnect
components. To ensure o pti mum signal fidelity, both
data outputs (DATA and DATA) should be te rm inated
identically. The signal lines connecting the data outputs
to the next device should be equal in length and should
have matched impedan ces.
Controlled impedance stripline or micros trip cons truc-
tion must be used to preserve t he quali ty of the signal
into the next component and to minimize refle ctions
back into the rece iver. Excessive ringing due to r eflec-
tions cause d by improperly terminated signal l ines
makes it d ifficult for the component recei v ing these sig-
nals to decipher the proper logic levels an d may cause
transitions to occur where none were intended. Also , by
minimizing high frequency ringing due to reflections
caused by improperly design ed and terminated signa l
lines, possible EMI problems can be avoided. The
applications se ction s in the Signetics*ECL 10K/100K
Data Manual or the National Semiconductor† ECL
Logic Databook and Des ign Guide provide excellent
design information on ECL interfacing.
*Signetics is a registered trademark of Signetics Corp.
†National Semiconductor is a registered trademark of National
Semiconductor Corporation.