Configuration Manual 03/2007 Edition ECS Motor Spindle 2SP1 simodrive s Safety Information 1 FAQ 2 SIMODRIVE Function of the Spindle 3 ECS Motor Spindle 2SP1 Mechanical Data 4 Electrical Data 5 Supplying the Various Media 6 Sensors 7 Control 8 Order Number 9 Configuration Manual 03/2007 Edition Data Sheets 10 References A Abbreviations and Terminology B Index C 3ls Designation of the documentation Printing history Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below. The status of each edition is shown by the code in the "Remarks" column. Status code in the "Remarks" column: A . . . . . New documentation B . . . . . Unrevised reprint with new Order No. C . . . . . Revised edition with new status Edition 02.03 10.04 11.05 03.07 Order No. 6SN1 197-0AD04-0BP0 6SN1 197-0AD04-0BP1 6SN1 197-0AD04-0BP2 6SN1 197-0AD04-0BP3 Remark A C C C Trademarks SIMATICr, SIMATIC HMIr, SIMATIC NETr, SIROTECr, SINUMERIKr, SIMODRIVEr and MOTION-CONNECTr are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Other names in this publication might be trademarks whose use by a third party for his own purposes may violate the rights of the registered holder. The controller may support functions that are not described in this documentation. However, no claim can be made regarding the availability of these functions when the equipment is first supplied or in the event of servicing. Additional information is available in the Internet at: This publication was produced with Interleaf V 7 (c) Siemens AG 2007. All rights reserved. Order No. 6SN1 197--0AD04--0BP3 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to the hardware and software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee complete conformance. The information given in this publication is reviewed at regular intervals and any corrections that might be necessary are made in the subsequent printings. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome. Subject to change without prior notice. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Foreword Information on the documentation You will find an overview of the publications, which is updated on a monthly basis, in the available languages on the Internet under: Follow the menu items "Support" "Technical Documentation" "Overview of Documents". The Internet version of DOConCD (DOConWEB) is available at: under menu option "Support". Target group Planners and project engineers Benefits The Configuration Manual supports you when selecting motors, calculating the drive components, selecting the required accessories as well as when selecting line and motor--side power options. Standard scope The scope of the functionality described in this document can differ from the scope of the functionality of the drive system that is actually supplied. Other functions not described in this documentation might be able to be executed in the drive system. However, no claim can be made regarding the availability of these functions when the equipment is first supplied or in the event of servicing. The OEM documents any supplements or changes that he makes. For reasons of transparency, this documentation does not contain all detailed information about all types of the product and cannot cover every conceivable case of installation, operation, or maintenance. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 v Foreword Technical Support Europe/Africa Asia/Australia America Phone +49 (0) 180 5050-222 +86 1064 719 990 +1 423 262 2522 Fax +49 (0) 180 5050-223 +86 1064 747 474 +1 423 262 2289 Internet E--mail Note Country telephone numbers for technical support are provided under the following Internet address: Questions about the manual If you have any questions (suggestions, corrections) regarding this documentation, please fax or e-mail us at: Fax +49 9131 98 63315 E-Mail A fax form is available at the end of this document. EC Declaration of Conformity The EC Declaration of Conformity for the EMC Directive can be found/obtained in the Internet: under the Product/Order No. 15257461 or at the relevant branch office of the A&D MC Division of Siemens AG. Definition of qualified personnel For the purpose of this documentation and warning information on the product itself, qualified personnel are those personnel who are familiar with the installation, mounting, start--up and operation of the equipment and the hazards involved. They must have the following qualifications: S Trained and authorized to energize/de--energize, circuits and equipment in accordance with established safety procedures. S Trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in accordance with established safety procedures. S First aid training. vi (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Foreword Explanation of symbols The following danger and warning concept is used in this document: ! ! ! Danger This symbol is always used if death, severe personal injury or substantial material damage will result if proper precautions are not taken. Warning This symbol is always used if death, severe personal injury or substantial material damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. Caution This symbol is always used if minor personal injury or material damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. Caution The warning note (without a warning triangle) means that material damage can occur if proper precautions are not taken. Notice This warning note indicates that an undesirable result or an undesirable status can occur if the appropriate information is not observed. Note In this document, it can be advantageous to observe the information provided in a Note. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 vii Foreword Danger and warning information ! ! Danger S Start--up/commissioning is absolutely prohibited until it has been completely ensured that the machine, in which the components described here are to be installed, is in full compliance with the specifications of Directive 98/37/EC. S Only appropriately qualified personnel may commission the SIMODRIVE units and the motor spindles. S This personnel must take into account the technical customer documentation belonging to the product and be knowledgeable and observe the specified information and instructions on the hazards and warnings. S Operational electrical units and motor spindles have parts, components and electric circuits that are at hazardous voltage levels. S When the machine or system is operated, hazardous axis movements can occur. S All of the work carried--out on the electrical machine or system must be carried--out with it in a no--voltage condition. S SIMODRIVE drive units are designed for operation on low--ohmic, grounded line supplies (TN line supplies). S SIMODRIVE units with motor spindles may only be connected to the line supply through residual--current operated circuit--breakers, if corresponding to EN 50178, Chapter, it has been proven that the SIMODRIVE drive unit is compatible with the residual--current operated circuit--breaker. Warning S Perfect and safe operation of these units and motors assumes professional transport, storage, mounting and installation as well as careful operator control and servicing. S The information provided in Catalogs and quotations additionally applies to special versions of units and motors. S In addition to the danger and warning information/instructions in the technical customer documentation supplied, the applicable domestic, local and plant--specific regulations and requirements must be carefully taken into account. ! Caution S It is not permissible that temperature--sensitive parts -- e.g. cables or electronic components -- are in contact or mounted to the motor spindle. S When handling cables, please observe the following: -- They may not be damaged, -- they may not be stressed, -- they cannot come into contact with rotating parts. viii (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Foreword Caution S SIMODRIVE units with motor spindles are subject to a voltage test corresponding to EN50178 as part of the routine test. While the electrical equipment of industrial machines is being subject to a voltage test in compliance with EN 60204-1, Section 19.4, all of the SIMODRIVE equipment connections must be disconnected/withdrawn in order to avoid damaging the SIMODRIVE equipment. S It is not permissible to directly connect the motor spindles to the three--phase line supply as this will destroy the motor spindles. Notes S SIMODRIVE equipment with motor spindles fulfill, in the operational state and in dry operating areas, the Low--Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC. S SIMODRIVE equipment with motor spindles fulfill, in the configurations which are specified in the associated EC Declaration of the Conformity, the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 ix Foreword Notes on ESDS ! Caution ElectroStatic Discharge Sensitive Devices (ESDS) are individual components, integrated circuits, or modules that can be damaged by electrostatic fields or discharges. Handling regulations for ESDS: S When handling components, make sure that personnel, workplaces, and packaging are well earthed. S Electronic components may only be touched by people in ESDS areas with conductive flooring if -- These persons are grounded with an ESDS wrist band -- They are wearing ESDS shoes or ESDS shoe grounding strips. S Electronic boards should only be touched if absolutely necessary. S Electronic boards must not come into contact with plastics or items of clothing containing synthetic fibers. S Electronic modules must only be placed on conductive surfaces (table with ESDS surface, conductive ESDS foam, ESDS packaging, ESDS transport container). S Electronic boards may not be brought close to data terminals, monitors or television sets. Minimum clearance to the screen > 10 cm. S Measurements must only be taken on boards when: -- the measuring unit is grounded (e.g. via a protective conductor) or -- when floating measuring equipment is used, the probe is briefly discharged before making measurements (e.g. a bare--metal control housing is touched). Products from third--party manufacturers The products from third--party manufacturers described in this document are products which we know to be essentially suitable. It goes without saying that equivalent products from other manufacturers may be used. Our recommendation should only be considered as such and not as a specification. We cannot accept any liability for the quality and properties/features of third--party products. J x (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 1.1 Protection against potentially hazardous motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 1.2 Speed limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18 1.3 Responsibility for providing information to the company operating the machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22 FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 2.1 What has to be observed after the equipment has been supplied? . . . . 2-23 2.2 How is a the shipment checked? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 2.3 How is the spindle unpacked? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 2.4 How is the spindle laid--down vertically? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 2.5 How is the spindle installed/mounted? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27 2.6 Which media should be connected after mounting/installation? . . . . . . . 2-27 2.7 Which electrical connections must be made after mounting/installation? 2-28 2.8 What has to be checked before the spindle is commissioned? . . . . . . . . 2-28 2.9 What has to be observed when starting to work with the spindle? . . . . . 2-29 Function of the Spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 3.1 Overview of the functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 3.2 Drive motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 3.3 Cooling concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 3.4 Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 Mechanical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39 4.1 Observing the shutdown speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 Installation conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanical requirements placed on the spindle support . . . . . . . . . . . . . Support at the non--drive end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39 4-43 4-47 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 Spindle bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Features and operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warming--up phase of the motor spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Load capability of the spindle bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lifetime of the spindle bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum angular acceleration when the spindle is accelerating . . . . . . Stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Axial shaft growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-49 4-49 4-50 4-51 4-52 4-54 4-54 4-54 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 Tools and tool holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tool holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-56 4-56 4-59 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 Clamping system and tool change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clamping system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tool change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-63 4-63 4-64 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 xi Table of Contents 5 6 4.5.3 4.5.4 Tool changing for standard clamping systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changing tools for the HSK A63 Type C tool holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-65 4-67 4.6 Operating modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-70 Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-71 5.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-71 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advantages of a direct drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Synchronous and induction motor versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General motor characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suitable drive converter/system environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overvoltage protection (only for synchronous motors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Star-delta mode (only for induction motors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System overview and engineering information/instructions . . . . . . . . . . . 5-72 5-72 5-73 5-74 5-76 5-77 5-77 5-80 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 Connecting cables/connector assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direction of rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-84 5-84 5-85 Supplying the Various Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-87 6.1 Overview, supplying the various media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-87 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 Cooling medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cooling water connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conditioning the cooling water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cooling systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-88 6-89 6-89 6-91 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 Compressed air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using compressed air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compressed air connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conditioning the compressed air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydraulic fluid flow data and controlling the hydraulic fluid flow requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standalone units to generate compressed air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-94 6-94 6-96 6-97 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 Hydraulic (option, only for 2SP120) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydraulic connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydraulic fluid flow data and controlling the hydraulic fluid flow requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-100 6-100 6-101 6.5 6.5.1 Internal tool cooling using the cooling--lubricating medium (option) . . . . 6-102 Operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-104 6.6 6.6.1 External tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium (option, only for 2SP120j) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-106 Operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-108 6.7 6.7.1 6.7.2 Media connections and coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-109 Media connections for 2SP120j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-109 Media connections for 2SP125j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-115 6.3.5 xii 6-98 6-99 6-101 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Table of Contents 7 8 Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-119 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 Encoder/angular encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-119 Electrical signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-119 Connecting the signal lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-123 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 Clamping state sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-125 Analog and digital sensors of the 2SP120 spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-125 Digital sensors of 2SP125 spindles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-128 7.3 Thermal sensors/motor protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-129 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-133 8.1 Conditions that enable the spindle to rotate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-133 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 Clamping state sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-134 Clamping state sensors 2SP120VV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-134 Clamping state sensors 2SP125VV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-140 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 Tool change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic tool change for 2SP120VV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tool change sequence with standard clamping system and tool change gripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tool change sequence with holding clamping system and tool change gripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manual tool change for 2SP125VV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic tool change for 2SP125VV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8-143 8-143 8-146 8-147 8-148 8-151 9 Order Designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-155 10 Data Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-159 10.1 Technical characteristic data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-159 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.2.3 P/n and M/n diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2SP120V synchronous motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2SP125V synchronous motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2SP125V induction motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Dimension drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-176 10-164 10-164 10-168 10-172 A References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-183 B Abbreviations and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-187 C Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-189 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 xiii Table of Contents Space for your notes xiv (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 1 Safety Information The specific issues relating to the functional safety of the motor spindle are explained in this Chapter. These functional safety issues involve defining and monitoring the spindle and tool--related speed limit values. Table 1-1 Safety measures required Measures to protect against Electric shock The spindle has the appropriate design. This means that there are no different measures required than are otherwise applied for motors. Measures are not specifically described here. 1.1 Potentially hazardous motion With reference to safe stopping, there are no different measures required than are otherwise applied for motors. Specific for motor spindles: Functional safety by defining and monitoring the spindle and tool--related speed limits. Protection against potentially hazardous motion In the following text, at several locations, reference will be made to the SINUMERIK Safety IntegratedR safety package. The requirements relating to machine safety and the possibilities of using Safety IntegratedR for machine tools is described in the associated Safety Integrated -- Application Manual, especially in Chapters 1 and 5. The 2SP1 motor spindle fulfills all of the relevant EU Directives. It is also possible, beyond this, to use the Safety IntegratedR option. These are certified according to the EC--type examination test carried--out by a German regulatory body. Depending on the operating mode (e.g. setting--up, production) of the machine, motor spindles, just like feed drives, represent a specific, potential hazard. This must be taken into account when designing and engineering the machine. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 1-15 Safety Information 1.1 Protection against potentially hazardous motion Precautions The protective goals of the EC Machinery Directive must be fulfilled by applying suitable protective measures. It is important that the machine is correctly used. In order to implement these protective goals, in addition to being knowledgeable about the applicable standards and Directives, it is also necessary to carefully observe the information and instructions in this Configuration Manual (refer to Table 1-2). Table 1-2 Target group--specific documentation on the 2SP1 motor spindle Task of the target group Target group Machine OEMs/ designers Company operating the machine -- Carry--out a risk analysis -- Draw--up a safety concept -- Provide the necessary safety equipment at the machine -- Instruct the operating company about the "correct use" of the machine and spindle -- Inform/train employees about the "correct use" of the spindle and the application of the safety functions and how they work -- Reference to residual risks Relevant documentation Configuration Manual and Operating Instructions Operating Instructions When applied to the motor spindle, the potentially hazardous motion is when the maximum permissible speed for the spindle and/or tool is exceeded (refer to Figs. 1-1 and 1-2). Speed monitoring Table 1-3 Possible strategies to monitor the speed Degree of reliability of the speed monitoring which is strived for Features and requirements of the technology used Standard Can be implemented (without additional technology) using the existing operating and machine technology Safe Must be implemented in a safety--related fashion (e.g. through two channels). Must correspond to the required control category (according to EN 954-1). Must be authorized/certified for specific machines. 1-16 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Safety Information 1.1 Protection against potentially hazardous motion When using a machine tool spindle, the machinery construction OEM is always responsible in taking the appropriate measures to detect and to avoid speeds that are not permitted and their associated effects -- and to instruct the company using the machine about these measures. When an inadmissible speed occurs, then the spindle must be stopped. In this case, the limit value is interpreted as that value where the maximum permissible speed is exceeded. This limit value depends on the following factors: S Operating state (setting--up or automatic mode) S Tool which is currently being used (refer to Fig. 1-1) S Maximum permissible spindle speed (refer to Fig. 1-2) Table 1-4 Measures to prevent the maximum speed being exceeded and its effects Example of safety measures Level of the measures Preventing the speed being exceeded Controlling the effect when the speed is exceeded -- Monitoring the spindle speed -- Activating tool--specific limit values -- Monitoring operational and cutting parameters -- Monitoring the tool condition -- Providing machine panels which can withstand the maximum impact of pieces which are thrown off at the maximum energy which can be assumed -- Ensure that these machine panels can only be opened at a defined low spindle speed -- Automatic stopping when faults/errors occur Future--oriented strategies which are applied to limit risks, distinguish themselves by the fact that they are measures which are practical and safe and which are designed to avoid faults and errors. This means that the machinery construction company has a certain degree of flexibility in appropriately reducing the costs involved to control faults and errors. Safety Integrated as a measure to avoid faults Safety Integrated is an efficient measure which is optionally available at the fault prevention level. It can be used to monitor the drive functions. The basic Safety IntegratedR principle is based on a two--channel monitoring function. This means that the requirements from the EC Machinery Directive can be simply and cost--effectively fulfilled. Example for Safety IntegratedR: The maximum energy of broken tool pieces, flung--out, can be safely limited using Safety Integrated by activating the tool--specific limit value. This means that the costs and resources which would otherwise be incurred for providing the appropriate machine panels with the corresponding strength, can be significantly reduced. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 1-17 Safety Information 1.2 Speed limits Table 1-5 Excessive speed -- fault prevention using Safety Integrated(R) Type of error Avoided by ... Excessive spindle speed Excessive tool speed (for tools whose maximum speed lies below the maximum spindle speed) 1.2 -- "Safely reduced speed" -- Safe spindle stopping when faults occur -- "Safely reduced speed" as a function of the tool being used -- The tool is detected in a safety--related fashion by "safely reading" the tool coding, or -- The tool is detected in a safety--related fashion by reading the tool coding and making a comparison with the program parameters -- Safety--related stopping of the spindle Speed limits The spindle is designed for a maximum operating speed. This is specified as "maximum speed" in Chapter 10. The operating company can use this speed in operation. Maximum operating speed The maximum operating speed is the highest speed that the spindle can be operated at. This speed can be saved in the control and part programs. Shutdown speed The speed limit, where the system is shutdown if this value is exceeded, is designated in this document as "Shutdown speed". The machinery construction manufacturer (OEM) defines this taking into account the secondary conditions and limitations which apply to the spindle and tool. The shutdown speed should be defined so that shutdown does not occur during normal operation and, on the other hand, the spindle system and tool are not overloaded due to speed peaks which are permitted. The spindle must be shutdown if erroneous functions occur and the speed is exceeded. Standard technology or also safety--related technology can be used to monitor the speed (refer to Table 1-3). 1-18 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Safety Information 1.2 Speed limits Adapting the shutdown speed to various tools If the maximum speed, which is permitted for the tool currently being used, lies below the maximum operating speed of the spindle, then the speed monitoring and the shutdown speed must be adapted to the particular tool. ! Warning The shutdown speed may only be set a maximum of 15% above the maximum operating speed of the spindle. The shutdown speed may not be set higher than the permitted maximum speed of the tool. The maximum operating speed, programmed for the tool, must be limited to a value, which lies a minimum of 5% below the shutdown speed (refer to Fig. 1-1). n [RPM] Maximum programmable spindle speed Maximum programmable speed of tool 2 Tool 1 Tool 2 Spindle shutdown speed max. +15% Shutdown speed of tool 2(= max. permissible speed of tool 2) Fig. 1-1 min. --5% Shutdown speed of tool 1 (= max. permissible speed of tool 1) Maximum programmable speed of tool 1 Tool 3 Tool 1 Tool 3 Tool 2 min. --5% Adapting the shutdown speed to various tools (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 1-19 Safety Information 1.2 Speed limits Table 1-6 Translation for Fig. 1-1 German English RPM Umdrehungen pro Minute Maximum programmable spindle speed Maximal programmierbare Drehzahl der Spindel Maximum programmable speed of tool ... Maximal programmierbare Drehzahl des Werkzeugs ... Tool 1, Tool 2, Tool 3 Werkzeug 1, Werkzeug 2, Werkzeug 3 Spindle shutdown speed Abschaltdrehzahl der Spindel Shutdown speed of the tool Abschaltdrehzahl des Werkzeugs Max. permissible speed of tool ... Maximal erlaubte Drehzahl fur das Werkzeug... Caution If various shutdown speeds are programmed for various tools, then this must be adapted to the tool using the Tool Manager. The machinery construction manufacturer (OEM) is responsible in clearly indicating to the operating company that it is necessary to adapt the shutdown speed to the actual tool being used. Critical speed The critical speed is the speed where resonance vibration is excited in the complete mechanical structure. 1-20 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Safety Information 1.2 Speed limits Control--related speed peaks The spindle speed is obtained as the result of a control (closed--loop) process. Depending on the particular controller setting and the load condition, it oscillates around the programmed setpoint. When the spindle is operated, it is therefore normal that the spindle shaft assumes speeds which briefly lie above the programmed operating speed. However, even if mechanical critical speeds are even briefly exceeded, this can result in excessive material stressing and in turn damage. This means that tools and spindle systems must be able to withstand normal speed peaks as a result of control operations. n [RPM] Shutdown speed Programmed speed t Fig. 1-2 [ms] Control--related speed peaks Table 1-7 Translation for Fig. 1-2 English German RPM Umdrehungen pro Minute Programmed speed maximale Betriebsdrehzahl Shutdown speed Abschaltdrehzahl In order to ensure the appropriate degree of safety at all permitted operational speeds, the speed peaks must be taken into account when designing the machine (e.g. the natural resonance of the spindle support) and when selecting the tools. This is the reason that the subjects relating to natural resonance and centrifugal force strength, discussed in Chapter 4, do not refer to the speed programmed for normal operation, but always refer to the shutdown speed which is higher. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 1-21 Safety Information 1.3 1.3 Responsibility for providing information to the company operating the machine Responsibility for providing information to the company operating the machine Some of the information provided in this Configuration Manual must also be communicated to the machinery construction company (OEM). It is the clear responsibility of the machinery construction company (or the company which markets the machine) to communicate the appropriate information and instructions to the company actually operating the machinery. Refer to Table 1-8 for a summary. Table 1-8 Overview: Important information for the company operating the machine Subject Chapter Instructing the company, operating the machine, about measures to detect and to avoid inadmissible speeds and their effects 1.1 Adapting the shutdown speed to the tool 1.2 In order to achieve the normal bearing lifetime, it is absolutely necessary that the air sealing system is correctly operated 4.3.1 The necessity to check the bearing load 4.3.3 Reference to possible damage when overloading the bearings 4.3.3 Information regarding the highest programmable angular acceleration = 15000 RPM 0.5 s 4.3.5 Note that it is strictly forbidden to adjust the position of the clamping state sensors 4.5 Information on the the prerequisites which the tool must fulfill when used on an 2SP1 motor spindle 4.4.1 Reference to the potential hazards and potential damage when using tools which are not suitable 4.4.1 J 1-22 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 2 FAQ 2.1 ! What has to be observed after the equipment has been supplied? Caution Do not allow the crate with the spindle to fall. Do not push--over the crate with spindle. Always lay down the crate with spindle horizontally. Only raise the crate using suitable equipment (fork--lift truck with the appropriate fork or crane). The spindle may only be transported in the original crate. While transporting the crate ensure that it is always in the horizontal position. After the spindle has been supplied in the sealed packaging (wooden crate/foil), store it in a dry room with temperature control (10 to 35_ C). The spindle must be kept sealed in the packing until it is mounted/installed in the machine. A maximum of 3 crates may be stacked on top of one another. Fig. 2-1 Transport crate in which the spindle is shipped (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 2-23 FAQ 2.2 2.2 How is a the shipment checked? How is a the shipment checked? 1. Place the crate with spindle in a horizontal position. 2. Remove the packaging straps using the appropriate shears. 3. Remove the crate cover (tools are not required). 4. Carefully open the foil. 5. Check that the contents are complete. 6. Check for damage during transport. 7. Re--package the spindle in the foil. 8. Close the crate using the cover and store (refer to Chapter 2.1). Fig. 2-2 2-24 To check the shipment open the foil (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 FAQ 2.3 2.3 How is the spindle unpacked? How is the spindle unpacked? 1. Screw the ring bolts (1) -- supplied with the spindle -- into the threads provided. 2. Attach the hoisting equipment to the ring bolts. 3. Lift the spindle from the crate in a horizontal position and place down on wooden blocks. 1 1 ! Fig. 2-3 Attaching the ring bolts (1) Fig. 2-4 Locating the spindle on the wooden V--shaped blocks in a horizontal position Caution Do not lift the spindle at the shaft (this will damage the bearings). (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 2-25 FAQ 2.4 2.4 How is the spindle laid--down vertically? How is the spindle laid--down vertically? 1. Screw--in the 2 ring bolts into the bearing cover. 2. Cover the spindle head with a protective jacket (for the spindle jacket design, refer to Fig. 2-6. 3. Attach the hoisting equipment to the ring bolts attached to the bearing flange and carefully lift, refer to Fig. 2-5, Drawing A. 4. Carefully bring the spindle unit into the vertical position above the protective jacket, refer to Fig. 2-5, Drawing B. Secure the spindle so that it cannot slide. When bringing the spindle into the vertical position no force may be introduced into the shaft. 5. Set--down the spindle unit with protective jacket in the vertical position, refer to Fig. 2-5, Drawing C. A Fig. 2-5 C Bringing the spindle into the vertical position Fig. 2-6 2-26 B Protective jacket (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 FAQ 2.5 2.5 How is the spindle installed/mounted? How is the spindle installed/mounted? 1. Preparing the mounting location -- The mounting location must be dry and dust--free -- All of the required tools must be available -- Only use suitable tools 2. Screw the ring bolts into the threads provided 3. Clean the spindle stock and apply a thin film of oil to the jointing surfaces 4. Horizontally/vertically install the spindle using the assembly equipment Caution Use guide rods to secure and support. When mounting horizontally, also observe the alignment of the sealing air relief at the bottom. Neither stress nor crush the power cable. Do not apply excessive force when jointing (this could damage the bearings). Tighten the flange retaining bolts with a tightening torque of 125 Nm. 2.6 Which media should be connected after mounting/installation? S The inlet/outlet hoses for the motor cooling should attached. The correct assignment/inlet/outlet should be carefully observed. The supply pressures and flow rates must be checked against the specifications. S The hose for the sealing air should be connected. Ensure that the supply pressure is correct. S The hoses for "release tool" and "clamp tool" (hydraulic or pneumatic) should be connected. The supply pressures and flow rates must be checked against the specifications. Notice It is not permissible to close--off the "clamp tool" bore. The transport plug must be removed. S The hose for the tool purge air should be connected. Ensure that the supply pressure is sufficient correspond to the specifications. S The hose for the optional internal tool cooling should be connected. Carefully observe the max. pressure specifications, excessive pressure will result in damage. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 2-27 FAQ 2.7 Which electrical connections must be made after mounting/installation? S The hose for the optional external tool cooling should be connected. Carefully observe the max. pressure specifications, excessive pressure will result in damage. S For a detailed description, refer to section 6. 2.7 Which electrical connections must be made after mounting/ installation? S Electrical connections may not be made with the system under voltage (i.e. live). S The power cables should be connected corresponding to the UVW coding (refer to the electrical data). S The signal cable for rotary encoder and motor temperature should be connected. The coding to align the connector should be carefully observed (refer to sensors). Joint connections must be easy to rotate. S The signal cables to monitor the clamping status should be connected (carefully observe the assignment of the sensors). The coding to align the connector should be carefully observed (refer to sensors). Joint connections must be easy to rotate. 2.8 What has to be checked before the spindle is commissioned? S Check that the shaft can be easily manually rotated. For synchronous spindles, the slot notching (permanent magnet rotor) must be able to be felt. S The setting dimension of the tool interface should checked. Dimensions and settings should be taken from the Operating Instructions. S The tool draw--in force should be checked using the draw--in force measuring instrument (e.g. OTT Power Check). Pull--in forces, refer to the Operating Instructions. S The switching logic for "clamp tool" and "release tool" should be checked (refer to the control). Checking the state "clamped without tool": Function check with the tool removed. Check the function of the other clamping states using the pull--in force measuring unit ("0" setting value for OTT power check). Check the "draw bar in the release position" by manually releasing and check the function at the sensor and the PLC. S It should be checked as to whether the sealing air discharge is available at the sealing gap at the spindle nose. S Using compressed air it should be checked that the rotary seal does not leak before the cooling--lubricating medium is connected/switched--on (check for air leakage at the tool interface; no air should leak at the leakage opening of the rotary gland). The check must be made in the "tool released" state. 2-28 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 FAQ 2.9 2.9 What has to be observed when starting to work with the spindle? What has to be observed when starting to work with the spindle? Start of work Check the tool interface to ensure that it is clean and if required, clean. Switch--in the supply media (air, water). When commissioning for the first time and when starting the machine from cold, the running--in and warm operating regulations must be carefully observed, refer to Chapter 4.3.2 or the Operating Instructions. Notice The spindle should already be in the warm operating state if the upper speed range is approached. Running--in the spindle after longer non--operational periods See Chapter 4.3.2 or the Operating Instructions. J (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 2-29 FAQ 2.9 What has to be observed when starting to work with the spindle? Space for your notes 2-30 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 3 Function of the Spindle Applications The 2SP1 motor spindle is a high--speed directly--driven tool spindle for milling and drilling operations. 2SP1255 2SP1204 2SP1253 Fig. 3-1 2SP1202 2SP1 motor spindles Features The 2SP1 motor spindle is integrated into the SIMODRIVE drive system just like the feed and main spindle motors. The drive motor and the tool holder of the spindle form a mechanical unit which has a common bearing system. This eliminates all of the generally used mechanical transmission elements, such as belts or toothed couplings. With the directly-driven 2SP1 motor spindle, the user has many advantages over conventional spindles with mechanical transmission elements. Further, directly--driven 2SP1 motor spindles are very compact. The advantages include: S High speeds because there are no mechanical transmission elements S Smooth running properties as a result of the stable balancing arrangement S Good speed stability, good closed--loop speed control S High accuracy of the closed--loop position control S Lower weight, more compact dimensions S Lower mechanical design costs, as all of the functions are integrated S Essentially compatible to the electrical drive system as the spindle, drive converter and NC are engineered and supplied from a single source (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 3-31 Function of the Spindle 3.1 Overview of the functionality 3.1 Overview of the functionality The 2SP1 motor spindle is ready to be built--in -- and the functions that are required to operate a milling spindle and for drilling are already completely integrated in the system. This guarantees perfect interaction of the individual function elements and minimizes the mechanical design costs for the machinery construction company (OEM). Table 3-1 Brief overview standard functions Function 2SP1202 2SP1204 2SP1253 2SP1255 Tool holder HSK A63 SK 40 for tools with non--symmetrical T sliding blocks [T--slot stones] Tool clamping device Released using a pneumatic cylinder, Released using a pneumatic cylinder, clamped using a spring assembly clamped using a spring assembly Tool cleaning Compressed air Compressed air Working position Horizontal, vertical Horizontal, vertical Housing Cartridge with flange mounting Cartridge with flange mounting Bearing lubrication Maintenance--free, permanently lubricated Maintenance--free, permanently lubricated Seal, bearing front Sealing air Sealing air Hollow--shaft encoders Incremental, sin/cos 1Vpp (256 pulses/rev) with zero mark Incremental, sin/cos 1Vpp (256 pulses/rev) with zero mark Thermal motor protection KTY84--130 KTY84--130 PTC for full thermal protection NTC PT3-51F, NTC K227 for third-party drive converters Sensor, clamping status (analog) -- Tool clamped -- Draw bar in the release position -- Clamped without tool ------ Sensor system, clamped status (digital) -- Position of the tool release unit -- Tool clamped 1) -- Draw bar in the release position -- Clamped without tool Cooling Water--cooling Water--cooling Connections for the media ------ ------ Electrical connections -- Power cable -- Power cable -- Signal connectors for the encoder system and clamping state sensors -- Signal connectors for the encoder system and clamping state sensors 1) for cooling for sealing air for air purge to release the tool to clamp the tool for cooling for sealing air for air purge to release the tool to clamp the tool All sensors for detection are required for an automatic tool change 3-32 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Function of the Spindle 3.1 Table 3-2 Overview of the functionality Brief overview of the possible options 2SP1202 2SP1204 Function 2SP1253 2SP1255 Tool cooling -- Inner tool cooling -- Ring for external tool cooling -- Inner tool cooling Max. speed 18,000 RPM 15,000 RPM (with HSK A63) Thermal bearing monitoring PT100 ------ Tool clamping device -- Released using a hydraulic cylinder ------- Clamped using a spring assembly Tool interface ------ (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 BT 40, CAT 40, HSK A63 3-33 Function of the Spindle 3.2 Drive motor 3.2 Drive motor An integrated built--in motor drives the 2SP1 motor spindle. This built--in motor has a high torque and its rotor is directly mounted onto the tool spindle. The electric power is only fed to the stationary, outer section of the motor. The inner rotating part of the motor does not require any electric power. These motor spindles are available in various speed classes. They are designed for dynamic load operations and can quickly follow changing torque requirements. Synchronous/induction motors Depending on the frame size, the following motor versions are available. S Motor spindle as synchronous motor S Motor spindle as induction motor (option) -- The induction (asynchronous) motor version is prepared so that the torque can be adapted to the machining situation, for both the star and delta connection types. The operator can select the connection type as required (refer to Chapter 4.2). Designs The motor spindle is available in 2 types of construction in order to graduated the power demand: S Short design S Long design 3-34 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Function of the Spindle 3.3 3.3 Cooling concept Cooling concept 2SP1 motor spindles have integrated ducts to liquid--cool the stationary stator of the drive motor. The stator, which draws the electric drive power, represents the main source of power loss of the spindle unit. This is the reason that the cooling duct system is closely and thermally coupled to the drive motor stator. However, even sources of power loss (thermal energy) which are located further away are sufficiently cooled as a result of the integrated cooling ducts. The spindle unit should be supplied with the cooling medium through a feed and return line. The cooling medium absorbs the power loss of the spindle which means that the cooling medium temperature appropriately increases. The cooling medium is cooled down to the original inlet temperature using an external cooling or heat--exchanger system mounted outside the spindle. This is the responsibility of the machinery construction company. A pump must be used to provide the necessary cooling medium pressure in the inlet line. This external pump is also the responsibility of the machinery construction company. Refer to Chapter 6.2 for detailed basic data required to dimension and design the cooling medium supply. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 3-35 Function of the Spindle 3.4 Supply 3.4 Supply CNC Converter Sensor(s) Heat--exchanger unit Encoder VPM Power PLC I/O modules Medium for tool ejection, tool clamping Valve Valve Air purge Sealing air Valve Compressed air Valve Air filter Coolinglubricating Leakage medium Air filter Medium filter Compressed medium inlet Compressed medium outlet Fig. 3-2 3-36 Supplying the spindle (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Function of the Spindle 3.4 Table 3-3 Supply Translation for Fig. 3-2 German English Motor spindle Motorspindel Compressed air Druckluft Compressed medium inlet Druckmedium Zulauf Compressed medium outlet Druckmedium Rucklauf Valve Ventil Air purge Kegelreinigungsluft Air filter Luftfilter Medium filter Mediumfilter Sealing air Sperrluft Medium for tool ejection, tool clamping Medium fur Werkzeug losen, Werkzeug spannen Cooling-lubricating medium Kuhlschmiermittel Leakage Leckage Heat-exchanger unit Warmetauschersystem Encoder Geber Sensor(s) Sensor(en) Electric power Elektrische Leistung Converter Umrichter PLC I/O unit PLC Ein-/Ausgabeeinheit 2SP1 motor spindles have integrated function elements to operate and control the various operations and sequences. The following media must be provided for the spindle, either through suitable cables or hoses: S Electric power for the drive motor (the consumption depends on the power drawn) S Cooling liquid (continuous flow; load depends on the power level) S Compressed air or hydraulic oil to actuate the tool clamping system -- depending on the release unit type, either pneumatically or hydraulically operated (media only flows when releasing and clamping the tool) S Air purge to clean the tool cone (this air is only used when releasing and ejecting the tool) S Sealing air to protect the bearings from dirt accumulating (this air is continually used) S Optional cooling--lubricating medium supply for internal tool cooling (the flow depends on the actual process) S Optional cooling--lubricating medium supply for external tool cooling (the flow depends on the actual process) S 24 V electrical supply for the sensors to monitor the tool clamping state (power is continually drawn) S Power supply for the rotary encoder (for SIEMENS drive converters, this is integrated in the encoder interface) (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 3-37 Function of the Spindle 3.4 Supply The requirements regarding the conditioning of the various media, and which are required to design and dimension the various units and equipment, are described in detail in Chapter 6 and Chapter 10. J 3-38 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4 The 2SP1 motor spindles allow operating companies to fully utilize the benefits of high--speed machining. At high speeds, the components involved in the machining operation are subject to significant levels of stress. This means that the machine must be mechanically designed to withstand the high speeds and the user must harmonize and align the tools and the process conditions to the load capability of the spindle. 4.1 Observing the shutdown speed Even if the critical speed is briefly exceeded, the following can occur: S Vibration of the spindle carrier (support structure), S the centrifugal strength of the tools can be exceeded, and excessive mechanical stress can cause damage. ! 4.2 Caution The shutdown speed should be used as basis for load assumptions and strength requirements. It is not permissible to use the speed which can be programmed for operation (refer to Chapter 1.2). Installation conditions The spindle is integrated into the machine assembly as a complete unit. The static and especially the dynamic properties are obtained from the interaction between the spindle itself and the spindle carrier of the machine. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-39 Mechanical Data 4.2 Installation conditions Degree of protection IP64 IP53 Non--drive end Drive end Fig. 4-1 Degree of protection of the 2SP120 spindle IP64 IP53 Non--drive end Drive end Fig. 4-2 Table 4-1 Degree of protection of the 2SP125 spindle Translation for Fig. 4-2 English German Drive end A-Seite Non-drive end B-Seite Caution The degree of protection refers to the ingress of water (DIN ISO EN 60034, Part 10). Cooling--lubricating mediums that contain oil, can creep and/or are aggressive, and can penetrate more than water. Table 4-2 Degree of protection Description 4-40 Degree of protection in front of and behind the mounting flange In front of the mounting flange (drive end) Behind the mounting flange (non-drive end) IP64 IP53 On the drive end, the spindle has a labyrinth seal and a connection for the sealing air. This therefore protects the spindle against the ingress of water spray and dirt. It is not permissible that cooling water acts directly on the labyrinth seal. The specifications for the sealing air must be carefully observed, refer to Chapter 6.3.1. The spindle support design must guarantee suitable protection behind the mounting flange against the effects from the machining area. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.2 Installation conditions Installing the spindle The spindle must be installed in the machine so that liquids and dust--type dirt from the machining area cannot be permanently deposited on the spindle. Caution It is not permissible that spray water or other liquids are directly pointed at the sealing gap (labyrinth seal) or openings in the spindle (refer to Fig. 4-3). It is not permissible that foreign bodies are drawn through the spindle. This is the reason that it is not permissible to have a pressure difference between the drive and drive--out sides. Fig. 4-3 The jet of cooling--lubricating medium may not be directly aimed at the labyrinth seal Notice Horizontal mounting: When the spindle is mounted horizontally, the relief (compensating) holes for the sealing air, located at the spindle nose, must face downwards. Orientation help: The position of the ring bolt thread, located at the retaining flange, when viewing the nose of the spindle from the front, must be inclined at a certain angle to the right (refer to Figs. 4-4 and 4-5). (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-41 Mechanical Data 4.2 Installation conditions M8 thread for ring bolt Compensating holes for sealing air Fig. 4-4 Spindle below with horizontal mounting Mounting position of the 2SP120V spindle M10 thread for ring bolt Compensating holes for sealing air Fig. 4-5 Table 4-3 Spindle below with horizontal mounting Mounting position of the 2SP125V spindle Translation for Figs. 4-4, 4-5 German English M8/M10 thread for ring bolt Gewinde M8/M10 fur Ringschraube Spindle below with horizontal mounting Spindel unten bei horizontalem Einbau Compensating holes for sealing air Entlastungsbohrungen fur Sperrluft The spindle must be mounted so that the motor spindle is not subject to any compulsive forces. If the housing is subject to tension, this can result in a slight deformation and increased stressing on the roller bearings. This will have a negative impact on the smooth running characteristics, operating temperature and therefore the lifetime. Axial tapped holes (on the rear bearing cover) and radial tapped holes (on the flange and at the rear bearing cover) are provided on the spindle for lifting lugs. These are used when the spindle is mounted. 4-42 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.2 4.2.1 Installation conditions Mechanical requirements placed on the spindle support Load situation of the spindle support The spindle is subject to an alternating force caused by the residual imbalance of the shaft and the tool. The residual imbalance transfers tilting and lateral forces to the spindle mounting flange so that principally, the following associated vibration types S Tilting vibration (tilting from the non--drive end to the drive end) S Lateral vibration (lateral movement of the spindle) can be excited (refer to Fig. 4-6). The forces excited by the residual imbalance increase with speed. Non--drive end Lateral vibration Deformation and displacement of spindle support make tilting and lateral vibration possible. Drive end Fig. 4-6 Types of vibration which can be excited due to imbalance Table 4-4 Translation for Fig. 4-6 English German Non-drive end B-Seite Drive end A-Seite Tilting vibration Kippschwingung Lateral vibration Seitwartsschwingung Deformation and displacement of spindle support make tilting and lateral vibration possible. Verformung und unterschiedliche Plazierung des Spindeltragers ermoglichen Kippund Seitwartsschwingungen. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-43 Mechanical Data 4.2 Installation conditions The alternating stressing frequency precisely corresponds to the rotating frequency of the spindle. f = 1min/60s N with f: exciting frequency in [Hz] N: speed in RPM Vibrational characteristics: Mechanical design requirements placed on the spindle support The spindle support must have a stiff design so that no natural resonance points of the appropriate vibration types can be generated over the complete speed range up to the shutdown speed. The lowest resonant frequency must lie above the rotating frequency of the shutdown speed which can be excited by an imbalance condition. In this frequency range, the spindle support must be able to absorb the tilting and lateral forces caused by the residual imbalance, without being deformed. The spindle is mounted to the machine assembly at the drive end (front end) using the mounting flange. This must be taken into account in the mechanical design of the spindle support, especially when it comes to suppressing the tilting vibration of the rear (non--drive end) end of the spindle, which is relatively far away from the mounting flange. 4-44 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.2 Installation conditions Information regarding the design of the spindle support The following points should be carefully observed when designing the spindle support to accept the motor spindle: S Material strength The fit area around the mounting flange is extremely important due to the high force density to counteract the tilting vibration. The material thickness and strength must be adequately dimensioned. S Lateral stability of the flange plane The plane of the mounting flange must be embedded so stiffly in the machine that in the frequency range up to the shutdown speed, no vibrational types are possible with lateral movement of the mounting flange. Designs, where the plane of the mounting flange is located far beyond the plane of the guide element of the spindle slide, are especially critical when it comes to a shift in the flange plane due to torsional rotation and deformation of the spindle support. S Carefully observe the fit and tolerance The spindle mounting flange must be attached to the spindle support so that it is geometrically precise and is as dynamically stiff as possible. The mechanical design and the tolerances, which are documented in the drawings to accept the mounting flange, must be carefully maintained. For drawings and dimension dimension drawings, refer to Chapter 10. For the recommended tolerance for the spindle support, refer to Fig. 4-7. S Supporting the spindle support using the guide elements The guide elements (linear guides) which support the spindle support with respect to the machine bed, should provide an appropriately wide basis to withstand tilting vibration (refer to Fig. 4-8). S Short length between the spindle mounting flange and where the spindle support is retained If the spindle mounting flange extends in front of where the spindle support is retained, then this can undesirably reduce the resonant frequency of the tilting vibration (refer to Fig. 4-8). This means that the length which extends between the spindle mounting flange and the point where the spindle support is retained at the machine bed should be kept as short as possible. This is also the reason that the spindle support should not have a high mass close to the flange plane which does not directly serve to make the support assembly stiff. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-45 Mechanical Data 4.2 Mounting the spindle in the spindle support Avoid long unsupported distances Fig. 4-7 Installation conditions Spindle support attachment Spindle support Avoid mass accumulation of spindle support in this zone Spindle mounting flange Fig. 4-8 4-46 Example: Tilting vibration for an extended spindle mounting flange (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.2 Table 4-5 Installation conditions Translation for Fig. 4-8 German English Avoid long unsupported distances Groere frei tragende Langen vermeiden Spindle support Spindeltrager Tilting vibration Kippschwingung Spindle mounting flange Spindelbefestigungsflansch Spindle support attachment Befestigung des Spindeltragers Avoid mass accumulation of spindle support in this area Masseansammlung in diesem Bereich des Spindeltragers vermeiden S Stiffening long unsupported lengths Longer unsupported lengths should be avoided. If the spindle mounting flange is extended, then appropriate ribs and transverse reinforcing elements should be used. These reinforcing measures should be designed so that they counteract tilting vibrations (refer to Fig. 4-6). S No additional components mounted directly on the spindle In order that the natural frequency of the tilting vibration is not undesirably reduced, it is not permissible to mount or anchor any components directly on the spindle. For example, connecting strain relief elements for drag cables. Numerical techniques, such as the FEM--based modal analysis have proven themselves to be helpful when evaluating a mechanical design regarding its vibrational characteristics. For additional support, please contact your local Siemens office. 4.2.2 Support at the non--drive end 2SP1 motor spindles are available in several power classes. For the high--speed versions with high torques, an additional direct mechanical support is required between the non--drive end of the spindle and the spindle support. For a list of the spindle types where the non--drive end support is specified, refer to Chapter 10, Table 10-4 and 10-5. Function of the support The direct support between the non--drive end of the spindle and the spindle support has the function to stabilize the spindle against tilting vibrations so that the lowest resonance frequency lies above the rotational frequency of the shutdown speed. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-47 Mechanical Data 4.2 Installation conditions Properties and characteristics of the support This is the reason that the support design must be as stiff as possible to counter the lateral vibration shown in Fig. 4-8. Further, this support must have a low mass close to the non--drive end. This is because an increase in the effective spindle mass at the non--drive end increases the moment of inertia of the tilting vibration and in so doing undesirably lowers the resonant frequency. Also in this case, FEM--supported modal analysis can be effectively used when evaluating the mechanical design. 4-48 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.3 4.3 Spindle bearings Spindle bearings High precision spindle bearings are used for the 2SP1 motor spindle shaft. They offer excellent precision and are designed to withstand loads at high speeds. Hybrid bearings are used for spindle versions which rotate at even higher speeds. Special significance was placed on the ruggedness of the bearings. They have proven themselves over many years in applications ranging from job shops up to three--shift series production. 4.3.1 Features and operating conditions The high precision spindle bearings absorb the radial and axis forces from the machining process without any play. Thermal stressing of the spindle shaft does not influence the mechanical tension. The bearings have excellent balance quality and extremely low roughness. Radial eccentricity (run--out) at the tool holder, refer to Chapter 10. The spindle's own sealing air system The bearings are equipped with an integrated seal. The seal to the machining space at the spindle drive end is backed--up by the spindle's own sealing air system, refer to Chapter 6. Notice In order to achieve the specified bearing lifetime, the sealing air system must be correctly used. The machinery construction company is responsible in explaining this to the company operating the spindle. Bearing lubrication 2SP1 motor spindles have permanently lubricated bearings. This is the reason that they are maintenance--free. A re--lubrication device is not required. Notice The permanent grease lubrication may not be negatively influenced or polluted by other materials and substances. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-49 Mechanical Data 4.3 4.3.2 Spindle bearings Warming-- up phase of the motor spindle Warming--up phase of the motor spindle (temperature distribution) An uneven temperature distribution can have a negative impact on the bearing lifetime. When commissioning for the first time and when starting the machine from cold, the running--in and warming--up specifications (refer to the the Operating Instructions) must be carefully observed. Notice The spindle should already be in the warm operating state if the upper speed range is approached. Table 4-6 Warming--up phase of the motor spindle Speed Operating time 25% of the maximum speed 2 min 50 % of the maximum speed 2 min 75 % of the maximum speed 2 min Ready to operate The machinery construction company can include a motor spindle warm--up cycle in the control software. Longer periods of time where the spindle is not operational Notice A spindle must be run--in if it has not been used for more than one week. Table 4-7 Running--in the spindle after longer non--operational periods Speed Operating time 25% of the maximum speed 5 min 50 % of the maximum speed 5 min 75 % of the maximum speed 5 min Ready to operate Longer storage times Notice If the motor spindle has been stored for longer periods of time, the procedure for storing spindles, described in the Operating Instructions, must be carefully observed. 4-50 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.3 4.3.3 Spindle bearings Load capability of the spindle bearings Bearing overload Notice High--speed bearings are sensitive to overload conditions. This is the reason that in operation and at standstill, overload conditions must be avoided. Table 4-8 Possible damage due to bearing overload and how it is avoided Overload situation Applying force when assembling and disassembling Damage Immediate bearing damage Possibilities of avoiding the overload situation Machinery construction company and operating company: -- When assembling the spindle, it is not permissible that forces are transferred to the spindle shaft and therefore to the bearings. The Operating Instructions must be carefully observed. Machinery construction company: The effect of force due to a collision Overload when a tool breaks -- Design the space in which the spindle is to be mounted so that it can be easily accessed -- Provide equipment for assembly and disassembly -- Provide the operating company with the appropriate mounting/installation equipment and resources The bearings are immediately damaged or the bearing lifetime is significantly reduced Operating company: The bearing lifetime is reduced Operating company: -- Check new workpiece programs using a slow path velocity -- Visualize the programmed tool paths on the control side -- When a tool breaks, the spindle should be quickly brought to a standstill The machinery construction company (OEM) is responsible in informing the operating company about the possible damage if the spindle is overloaded. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-51 Mechanical Data 4.3 Spindle bearings 4.3.4 Lifetime of the spindle bearings Grease lifetime In many applications, the grease lifetime is, with respect to the fatigue lifetime, the decisive factor which has to be taken into account therefore determining the spindle bearing lifetime The grease lifetime decreases with increasing speed (refer to Fig. 4-9). Grease lifetime [h] 20000 2SP1253--VHV0--1VV2 2SP1255--VHV0--1VV2 18000 16000 2SP1202--1HAVV--1DF2 2SP1204--1HAVV--1DF2 14000 2SP1202--1HBVV--2DF2 2SP1204--1HBVV--2DF2 12000 10000 8000 2SP1253--VHV0--0VV2 2SP1255--VHV0--0VV2 6000 4000 2000 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 n [RPM] Fig. 4-9 Grease lifetime A prerequisite for reaching the specified grease lifetime is that the permitted bearing temperatures are maintained. The following must therefore be observed: S The spindle cooling must be operated in compliance with the specifications S It is not permissible that the bearing load is exceeded S The maximum permissible ambient temperature in the operating state may not be exceeded 4-52 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.3 Table 4-9 Spindle bearings Determining the probable grease lifetime Description, formulas Sequence 1. The spindle operation is sub-divided into constant speed phases n [RPM] Repeat cycle t cycle .... .... n2 nK nk n1 t1 2. The relative duration of the speed phases is determined (relative proportion of the time in the cycle) 3. The individual grease lifetime Tuse k of the individual phases is determined trel k = .... t2 tk n2 nK n1 .... tK t operate [min] tk tcycle Grease lifetime [h] Principle grease lifetime as a function of the speed T life k Principle grease lifetime as a function of the speed T life k T life 2 n1 4. The individual lifetimes are added in a weighted fashion to obtain the complete grease lifetime Table 4-10 T use total= nk nK n2 n [RPM] 1 trel 2 trel 1 + + Tlife 1 Tlife 2 ... + trel k + Tlife k ... + trel k Tlife k Translation for Fig. 4-9 English German RPM Umdrehungen pro Minute Repeat cycle Wiederholungszyklus tcycle Zykluszeit toperate Betriebsdauer trel relative Zeitdauer einer Drehzahlphase Grease lifetime Fettgebrauchsdauer Tlife total Gebrauchsdauer gesamt Tlife Gebrauchsdauer einer Phase (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-53 Mechanical Data 4.3 4.3.5 Spindle bearings Maximum angular acceleration when the spindle is accelerating For extreme rates of angular acceleration and extremely short accelerating times, the rollers of the spindle bearings can slide rather than rotate. This has a negative impact on the bearing lifetime and must be avoided. When programming the spindle acceleration (and braking) it is imperative that a maximum angular acceleration corresponding to 15000 RPM in 0.5 s is not exceeded. . . N 15000 RPM 0.5 s with: N Programmed angular acceleration The machinery construction company is responsible in clearly informing the operating company that higher levels of angular acceleration may not be programmed. 4.3.6 Stiffness The mechanical stiffness at the tool holder with respect to radial and axial forces is documented in the data sheets, Chapter 10. The natural bending of the tool additionally shifts the cutting edge if radial forces are present. For narrow profile tools, the natural bending of the tool is significantly greater than the shift of the tool holder. 4.3.7 Axial shaft growth The spindle shaft is subject to a geometrical shift in the axial direction. This shift is known as shaft growth. The shaft growth comprises the following elements: S Thermally--related shaft growth S Speed--related shaft growth The shaft growth is independent of the tool being used. Thermal shaft growth In the thermal stabilization phase, while the spindle warms up, the spindle shaft temperature increases up to its steady--state condition. This means that during this thermal stabilization phase, the tool holder shifts forwards (due to thermal expansion). After the warm--up phase has been completed, the spindle shaft essentially has a constant operating temperature so that the tool holder no longer moves as a result of thermal expansion. 4-54 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.3 Spindle bearings Speed--related shaft growth Due to the geometrical arrangement of the roller bearing assemblies, the rolling bearing contact point shifts in the bearing ring as a function of the speed. This causes the tool holder to shift forwards. This shift is a function of the speed and increases with increasing speed. This shift reverses as the speed decreases. When required, this shaft growth can be equalized by correcting the Z axis. We recommend that the thermally--related shaft growth and the speed--related shaft growth are determined by machining sample workpieces. The appropriate correction tables can then be drawn--up for the Z axis position. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-55 Mechanical Data 4.4 4.4 4.4.1 Tools and tool holders Tools and tool holders Tools The interaction between the motor spindle and the tools which are used has a decisive influence on the productivity and quality of the machining operation. When selecting the appropriate tools, the safety information and instructions relating to high speeds must be carefully observed. As a result of the high speed, 2SP1 motors spindles allow excellent surface qualities and high productivity to be achieved. However, when incorrectly used, the high speeds can also represent potential risks and significant wear. It is especially important that the tools are carefully selected. Only use tools which are in a perfect condition The following behavior/characteristics in operation are only achieved when tools, which must be in a perfect condition, are correctly used: S Perfect machining results S Low vibration levels S Low wear of the spindle bearings S Low noise emission S Safety of operating personnel and the machine This is the reason that it must always be ensured that only tools in a perfect condition are in the tool magazine -- and that these tools were checked to ensure that they are suitable for operation with the particular spindle. The machinery construction company is responsible in clearly informing the operating company the potential danger and damage if unsuitable tools were to be used. Prerequisites for tools The tools must fulfill the following prerequisites: 1. The tool must be released/certified for high speeds and centrifugal forces. 2. It is not permissible that the tool reduces the natural frequency of the spindle unit to below the critical rotating frequency. 3. The cutting forces and the intrinsic weight of the tool may not overload the bearings. 4. Ratio between the length and diameter, not greater than 3:1. 5. The tool must be perfectly balanced. For a detailed description, of the specified prerequisites, refer to Table 4-11. 4-56 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.4 Table 4-11 Tools and tool holders Prerequisites for tools Description High speeds and centrifugal forces Depending on the tool diameter, at high speeds, extremely high centrifugal forces occur at the tool. Only those tools may be used, without any restrictions, whose permitted speed lies above the shutdown speed of the spindle. If a tool breaks at high speed, parts will be flung-out at a high velocity and can cause significant damage. Example: If a piece of a tool having a radius of 40 mm and a speed of 10,000 RPM is flung-out, this reaches a velocity of 150 km/h. Using tools with the permitted speed < shutdown speed The following conditions must be observed: S Speed monitoring (refer to Chapter 1.2) The threshold of the shutdown speed must lie below the permitted maximum tool speed. If various shutdown speeds are used for different tools, then these must be matched to the tool using the Tool Manager. For example, the speed monitoring function can be implemented by defining gear stages (refer to Chapter 1). S Limiting the programmable speed (refer to chapter 1.2) The programmable maximum operating speed must lie at least 5 % below the shutdown speed. Do not allow the natural frequency of the spindle unit to drop below the critical rotational frequency The resonant frequencies of the spindle support and spindle must always lie above the speed permitted for the particular tool. As a result of a clamped tool, resonant frequencies can be noticeably and undesirably reduced. The danger associated with reducing the resonant frequencies is especially critical for: S Long tools S Heavy tools S Tools with a large radius Generally, the best smooth running characteristics are achieved when short tools are used; when short tools are used, then these result in lower bearing stressing. This means that the tools must be clamped so that their effective length is as short as possible. The spindle manufacturer cannot define generally applicable limit data for tools. The reason for this is that the resonant frequencies of the spindle support and spindle are not determined just by the spindle alone, but mainly how the spindle is actually mounted in a mechanical assembly. The machinery construction company (OEM), which is responsible for mounting/ installing the spindle, is responsible in providing the operating company with information and data about the permissible range of dimensions and weights of tools. In principle, a run--up test with the tool to be tested provides useful data. In this case, the tool is slowly accelerated up to the maximum permissible speed and is kept at a high speed for approximately one minute. The accelerating ramp should be slow. If the spindle runs smoothly without any vibration during the acceleration phase and at the maximum speed, then the tool can be released for operation. If a significant amount of noise or vibration occurs while the tool is being accelerated or at maximum speed, the run--up test should be immediately stopped and the tool being tested should be classified as unsuitable or "not released for a specific speed". Cutting forces and own weight A worn cutting edge can cause the cutting force to be increased a multiple number of times. This not only has a negative impact on the machining process but also on the bearing lifetime as the permissible bearing loads are exceeded. We therefore recommend that the condition of the cutting edge is continually monitored. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-57 Mechanical Data 4.4 Table 4-11 Tools and tool holders Prerequisites for tools, continued Description Ratio between the length and diameter Tools should be used whose ratio between L and diameter does not exceed a value of 3:1 and whose total weight of the tool insert lies below 4.5 kg. The spindles are designed so that with these tools, the critical speeds lie above the maximum spindle speed. If tools are used whose dimensions deviate from this data, then the speed should be calculated. In addition to limiting the speed as a result of critical speeds of the spindle/tool system, speed limiting using technological data of the cutting process should be carefully taken into consideration. L L Tool employment Balancing < 3 Tool holder Only the most finely--balanced tools in compliance with Q 6.3 may be used. Standards to be carefully observed and fulfilled: S VDI Directive 2056 S DIN EN ISO 15641 Notice Balancing must be made after the tool insert has been inserted in the tool holder. It is not permissible to individually balance the tool insert and tool holder without balancing the whole assembly. A worn tool can have a noticeable negative impact on the balance quality. If vibration and noise levels increase while a tool is being used, then the tool must be checked for wear and the balance must also be re--checked. 4-58 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.4 4.4.2 Tools and tool holders Tool holders 2SP1 motor spindles are available with several tool holders. Table 4-12 Tool holders Type Standard for speed Remark SK 40 -- non--symmetrical DIN 69872, ISO 7388/1/2 Type A 10000 RPM 2SP125 CAT40 -- non--symmetrical ANSI B5.50-78, ISO 7388/1/2 Type B 10000 RPM 2SP125 BT 40 -- non--symmetrical BT 40, 30_ MAS 403-1982, BT/PT30_ Version E1 10000 RPM 2SP125 BT 40 -- non--symmetrical BT 40, 45_ MAS 403-1982 BT/PT45_ Version F1 10000 RPM 2SP125 HSK A63 DIN 69893-1, ISO 12164-1 18000 RPM 15000 RPM 2SP120 2SP125 Drawings, dimension tables and tolerance data, refer to Chapter10. B |0.25 C |0.25 A DIN 69871 ISO/DIS 7388/1 A A 0.02 A DIN 69872 ISO/DIS 7388/2 Type A Fig. 4-10 SK 40 44.45 B C | 0.25 | 0.25 94.25 88.25 SK 40 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-59 Mechanical Data 4.4 Tools and tool holders J |0.3 A K A A Fig. 4-11 J K | 0.3 0.05 A SK 40 44.45 84.50 A E | 0.3 79.25 CAT 40 E |0.25 F |0.25 30 A MAS 403--1982 PT A MAS 403--1982 PT--2 0.02 Fig. 4-12 4-60 A BT/PT 30_ 44.45 F | 0.25 | 0.25 100.35 93.35 BT 40, 30 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.4 Tools and tool holders E |0.25 F |0.25 45 A MAS 403--1982 BT A MAS 403--1982 PT--1 A 0.02 BT/PT 45_ 44.45 f1 l1 F | 0.25 | 0.25 100.35 93.35 A BT 40, 45_ l12 d2 d1 d9 b1 9 +0.09 0 h3 Fig. 4-13 E f3 HSK A63 Fig. 4-14 b1 d1 | 0.04 h10 12.54 63 d2 d9 f1 f3 0/--01 | 0.1 48.01 53 26 18 h3 l1 l12 +0.2/0 0/--0.2 5 32 21 HSK A63 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-61 Mechanical Data 4.4 Tools and tool holders Tool changer A tool is changed depending on the machine tool using either a gripper or by directly gripping and placing the tool into a tool magazine. Caution In order to reliably prevent the spindle colliding with adjacent tools in the tool magazine or in the tool gripper, depending on the particular spindle, certain minimum clearances should be maintained (refer to Table 4-13 and Fig. 4-15). Table 4-13 Minimum clearances for various tool holders Tool holder Minimum clearance [mm] 2SP120VV--1HVVV--VDF2 HSK A63 A 100.0 2SP125VV--VHV0V--1DV2 HSK A63 A 100.0 2SP125VV--VHV0V--0VV2 SK40 A 100.0 A A Motor spindle HSK A63 Fig. 4-15 4-62 SK 40 Minimum clearance = dimension A (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.5 4.5 4.5.1 Clamping system and tool change Clamping system and tool change Clamping system 2SP1 motor spindles are equipped with a clamping system for automatic tool changing. This clamping system is integrated in the spindle shaft and rotates with the spindle. The clamping system is designed for max. 5 tool change cycles per minute. The pull--in force is provided by the spring system which rotates with the spindle. The tool is safely and reliably maintained in the clamped position even when the power fails and while the spindle is rotating. The magnitude of the pull--in force is described in Chapter 10.1. Clamping state sensors The spindle is equipped with sensors to monitor the clamping state. The various clamped states are detected by sensing the axial position of the clamping or actuation system. Table 4-14 Sensors to monitor the clamped state 2SP1 20 Message Sensor Type Remark S1 Dependent on the measured voltage Analog sensor Basic equipment S4 Position of the release cylinder NO contact Basic equipment Table 4-15 Sensors to monitor the clamped state 2SP1 25 Sensor Message Type Remark S1 Draw bar in the release position NO contact Basic equipment S2 Tool is clamped NO contact Basic equipment S3 Collet is closed without a tool inserted NO contact Basic equipment Electrical data of the sensors, refer to Chapter 7.2. Evaluation of the sensors to control the tool change, refer to Chapter 8. ! Warning The mounting position of the clamped state sensors is carefully adjusted in the factory. It is not necessary for end users to move the position of the sensors and it is also strictly forbidden. The machinery construction company is responsible in informing the operating company that it is not permissible to adjust the position of the sensors. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-63 Mechanical Data 4.5 4.5.2 ! Clamping system and tool change Tool change Caution It is only permissible to insert and release the tool when the motor spindle is at a standstill (zero speed). The tool must be inserted up to the contact surface of the clamping taper. The clamping system is either actuated pneumatically or hydraulically using a pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder. Note The air line between the compressed air source and the pneumatic/hydraulic cylinder must have an adequate cross--section in order to keep the times to establish pressure and reduce pressure of the pneumatic/hydraulic cylinder short. Recommended cross--section for the air line to the pneumatic cylinder: 8 mm. Recommended cross--section for the oil line to the hydraulic cylinder: 5 mm. For longer compressed air lines using drag chains we recommend that the flow--related pressure loss and the associated time to establish pressure in the cylinder is theoretically estimated. The details and the waiting times to be maintained, the control of the mechanical sequences of the clamping and release operations are described in Chapter 8.2. The operating and flow rate data of the pneumatic/hydraulic cylinder are described in Chapter 6.3 and 6.4. Values for clamping and release pressures refer to Table 10-2. 4-64 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.5 4.5.3 Clamping system and tool change Tool changing for standard clamping systems Releasing tool Pressure is applied to the cylinder to release the tool. The actuation device releases the tool from the tool holder so that it can be removed by the tool changing gripper without any force being required. Sensor S1 is adjusted so that for tools in compliance with the standard it supplies the "draw bar in the release position" signal. When removing the tool, the appropriate control diagram must be taken into account: Fig. 8-4: Automatic tool change (with S1 and S4) for 2SP120j Fig.8-5: Manual tool change (with S2) for 2SP125j Fig. 8-6: Automatic tool change (withS1, S2 and S3) for 2SP125j ! Caution The released tool is only loosely located in the tool holder. It must be removed after it has been released. If it is not removed, then it can simply fall out and cause damage. Jammed tools cannot be reliably detected using sensor S1. Inserting and clamping the tool The tool is drawn--in and clamped just using disk springs. For this operation, for spindles with pneumatic cylinder, the air in the cylinder must first be released. In order to shorten the tool change times, compressed air can be additionally applied to the rear of the piston. For spindles with hydraulic cylinder, the piston side must be relieved (the pressure reduced) using an appropriate valve -- and pressure (hydraulic pressure) applied to the rear of the piston. For 2SP120V, the voltage of analog sensor S1 is measured to determine that the tool has been correctly clamped. For 2SP125V, digital sensor S2 indicates whether the tool has been correctly clamped. While inserting a tool, the release pressure must be switched through to the pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder until sensor S1 signals that the clamping system is ready for tool insertion. The tool can only be inserted after this signal is present. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-65 Mechanical Data 4.5 ! ! Clamping system and tool change Caution The gripper must completely introduce the tool into the tool holder. It must prevent the tool from either sliding or dropping--out until the clamped state has been achieved (e.g. an appropriate signal from sensor S1 for 2SP120V motor spindles or from sensor S2 for 2SP125V until a specific voltage level has been achieved). Caution The spindle may only rotate if the cylinder piston has withdrawn from the spindle shaft and has not contact with it. This means that it is not permissible that a release pressure is applied to the pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder! When the release pressure is applied to the cylinder, the stationary cylinder piston makes contact with the rotating clamping system of the spindle shaft. If it would be in contact while the spindle is rotating, this would damage the clamping system. This is the reason that spindle rotation may only be enabled if there is no release pressure and the sensor system clearly indicates that a tool has been safely and reliably clamped. While the spindle is rotating, the pressure feed to release the tool must be safely and securely shut--off. ! 4-66 Caution The spindle may not rotate if it does not have a clamped tool! If a clamping operation is carried--out without a tool being ready at the front for insertion, then the collet and draw bar retract to behind their normal clamping position. This status is permitted -- however, it is not permissible that the spindle rotates at a high speed. Only slow spindle speeds of below 100 RPM are permissible to position the spindle. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.5 4.5.4 Clamping system and tool change Changing tools for the HSK A63 Type C tool holder Releasing tool Pressure is applied to the cylinder to release the tool. The actuation mechanism releases the tool from the tool holder. Sensor S1 is adjusted so that for tools in compliance with the standard it supplies the "draw bar in the release position" signal. When removing the tool, the appropriate control diagram must be taken into account: See Fig. 8-4: Automatic tool change (with S1 and S4) for 2SP120j For a holding clamping system, the tool is still held with a defined holding force in the tool holder using springs. A tool can only be removed after first overcoming the holding force. To do this, force must be applied by the tool changer. Inserting and clamping the tool While inserting a tool, the release pressure must be switched through to the pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder until sensor S1 signals that the clamping system is ready for tool insertion. The tool can only be inserted after this signal is present. For a holding clamping system, when the tool is inserted, it is initially only held in the tool holder by the holding function of the springs without the tool being clamped in the tool holder. The tool change gripper no longer has to hold the tool after it has been inserted as this function is handled by the holding clamping system. The tool is drawn--in and clamped just using disk springs. For this operation, for spindles with pneumatic cylinder, the air in the cylinder must first be released. In order to shorten the tool change times, compressed air can be additionally applied to the rear of the piston. For spindles with hydraulic cylinder, the piston side must be relieved (the pressure reduced) using an appropriate valve -- and pressure (hydraulic pressure) applied to the rear of the piston. For 2SP120V, the voltage of analog sensor S1 is measured to determine that the tool has been correctly clamped. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-67 Mechanical Data 4.5 ! Clamping system and tool change Caution The spindle may only rotate if the cylinder piston has withdrawn from the spindle shaft and has not contact with it. This means that it is not permissible that a release pressure is applied to the pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder! When the release pressure is applied to the cylinder, the stationary cylinder piston makes contact with the rotating clamping system of the spindle shaft. If it would be in contact while the spindle is rotating, this would damage the clamping system. This is the reason that spindle rotation may only be enabled if there is no release pressure and the sensor system clearly indicates that a tool has been safely and reliably clamped. While the spindle is rotating, the pressure feed to release the tool must be safely and securely shut--off. Holding function The clamping set is equipped with a holding function for the tool. As soon as the clamping set is in the tool change position, the tool is held in the change position with a defined force of 270 N. For an automatic tool change, it must be ensured that the tool changer is suitable for the extraction forces. Acceleration in the various axial directions as well as cleaning air or cooling--lubricating medium to clean the tool create forces on the tool that can be higher than the holding force and can therefore case the tool to be pressed--out. Under all circumstances, users must ensure that the forces that are applied remain below the holding force. Especially fast release cylinders can accelerate the tool so significantly that the impetus of the tool is sufficient to overcome the holding position of the clamping set. The settings for the release operation must also be carefully adapted to this situation. The holding function is not permissible for vertical applications. For tool changing with a horizontally arranged spindle, the wear at the contact surfaces due to the tool tilting, must be carefully taken into consideration, refer to Fig. 4-16. 4-68 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Mechanical Data 4.5 Clamping system and tool change Notice Vertical applications with holding clamping set are not permissible. Fig. 4-16 Holding clamping system HSK A63 Type C (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 4-69 Mechanical Data 4.6 4.6 Operating modes Operating modes The spindle can be operated in the closed--loop speed and position controlled mode. The positioning accuracy and the control behavior of the spindle depend on the following secondary conditions: S Low resonance of the spindle support S The tool is free of natural vibration S Degree of variation of the tool moment of inertia S Clock cycle times of the closed--loop control Permissible vibration levels Over the complete speed range, the maximum permissible radial vibration velocity is limited to: 3 mm/s under no--load conditions 6 mm/s in continuous operation 10 mm/s briefly (max. 5 s) For the axial vibration velocity, half of the values apply. When accepting, the spindle was balanced with a reference tool to = 1 mm/s under no--load conditions. The acceptance is not realized in the installed state, corresponding to VDI 2056. The measured values determined (machining side value A, drive side value B) are documented in the acceptance report. If a subsequent check is made in the field and the vibration quality measured, then this must be done with a precisely balanced tool (Q = 2.5). The vibration value determined when accepted is used as a nominal quantity (refer to the acceptance report). It is possible that vibration velocities that deviate from those in the acceptance report are measured when in the installed state to the influence of the machine tool. Notice Vibration levels above 10 mm/s are not permissible for safety reasons -- even if the machining result is OK. The spindle must be shut down immediately. J 4-70 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 5 Electrical Data 5.1 Definitions Mechanical limit speed nmax The maximum permissible speed nmax is the max. permissible speed depending on the max. mechanical speed and the max. permissible electrical speed. S1 duty (continuous operation) This is operation with a constant load condition, whose duration is sufficient that the machine goes into a thermal steady--state condition. S6 duty (intermittent load) This is operation which comprises a sequence of similar load duty cycles; each of these load duty cycles comprises a time with constant motor load and a no--load time. If not otherwise specified, then the power--on time refers to a load duty cycle of 2 min. S6 - 40 %: 40 % load 60 % no--load time (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 5-71 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor Maximum torque Mmax Torque which is briefly available for dynamic operations (e.g. when accelerating). The following formula is used to calculate this: M max 2 * MN (for more precise values, refer to the data sheets, Chapter 10) Notice For motor spindles with synchronous motor, the max. permissible motor current may not be exceeded, as this could destroy the rotor. At higher speeds, i.e. in the constant power range, the maximum available torque Mmax at a specific speed n is approximated according to the following formula: M max [Nm] 9.6 * Pmax [W] n [RPM] Characteristics, see Chapter 10.2. 5.2 Motor The drive motor of the 2SP1 motor spindle is integrated onto the spindle shaft between the two spindle bearings. The rotor is electrically passive and does not require any power feed. The drive converter provides the power for the motor and is fed to the stator winding. The losses associated with converting the electrical power into the mechanical power, which are unavoidable, mainly occur in the motor stator. This means that the stator is equipped with a cooling system, which ensures the necessary cooling thus preventing the machine assembly from reaching excessively high, damaging temperatures. Notice The 2SP1 motor spindle has been designed for sinusoidal currents (line supply/ motor). Other drive converter current waveforms (at the motor side) -- e.g. squarewave or trapezoidal -- are not permissible. 5.2.1 Advantages of a direct drive The drive motor does not have its own bearings. Its rotor is a component of the spindle shaft and is located in the bearings of the spindle shaft. This type of drive is also known as a direct drive. For direct drives, there are no mechanical couplings between the motor shaft and the spindle shaft with the associated weak points. 5-72 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor When compared to mechanically--coupled drives, direct drives have the following advantages: S Ruggedness even at high speeds S The spindle rotor does not have any play with respect to the drive motor and this results in high precision in C axis operation S Low noise emission and high smooth running qualities S Stable balancing The torque is contactlessly transmitted to the rotor which means that there is no mechanical wear. The high availability and ruggedness thus achieved mean that the drive motor does not require any maintenance therefore counter--acting the potential disadvantage associated with the fact that this type of motor is not quite so accessible. 5.2.2 Synchronous and induction motor versions Table 5-1 Motor versions Standard version Synchronous motor Option Asynchronous motor Both of these motor versions have their own specific advantages and place certain requirements on the AC drive converter. The machinery construction company (OEM) should be aware of this when designing his machine. Selecting the motor versions As far as power and torque are concerned, the synchronous motor is superior to the induction motor. It is more powerful and has noticeably less power loss than an induction motor. For synchronous motors, the motor shaft is subject to a lower thermal stressing which is important as it is more difficult to cool motor shafts. The synchronous motor field weakening function is already included in the standard functional scope of the SIMODRIVE System 611 digital/universal. A well-tested and favorably--priced overvoltage protection module is available in the form of the VP module. As part of the SIMODRIVE system, 2SP1 motor spindles are therefore offered, as standard, with synchronous motor. The induction motor option should only be considered for cases where the spindle is to be fed from third--party drive systems which are not suitable for operating synchronous motors in the field weakening range. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 5-73 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor Table 5-2 Comparison of the advantages of synchronous and induction motors Advantages of synchronous motors 5.2.3 Advantages of induction motors Lower thermal stressing on the spindle shaft due to the permanent--magnet rotor Field weakening is also possible when using third--party drive converters Higher efficiency Protective measures against motor overvoltages are not required Higher torque and higher power for a comparable frame size Compatible to older drive converter systems General motor characteristics Field weakening In addition to reducing the counter voltage, field weakening also reduces the maximum torque. When field weakening is used, the power yield is split--up into a constant torque range and a constant power range. The spindle power as a function of the speed is shown in Fig. 5-1. Limiting the power using the reactive power drawn As the speed increases, the reactive power (electrical) drawn by the motor increases. This reactive power demand in turn reduces the mechanical power. This means, in the uppermost speed range, the constant spindle power can no longer be maintained, but decreases with increasing speed. The power limiting is defined in the power diagrams using the "limiting characteristic". The level of the power limiting depends very heavily on the operating mode (star-delta) and the motor type (synchronous or induction motor). For synchronous motors, the spindle power always remains constant up to the maximum speed. Refer to Chapter 10 for power diagrams of the individual motors. S Constant maximum torque: Field weakening is not activated in the lower speed range and the rms magnetic flux is constant as long as the required voltage, which is proportional to the speed, does not exceed the maximum drive converter output voltage. This means that a constant torque is available in this range. 5-74 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor S Constant maximum power: The motor voltage reaches the maximum drive converter output voltage in the upper speed range of field weakening. This means that the magnetic flux must be reduced linearly with the speed. For induction motors, this is realized by reducing the flux--generating current, and for synchronous motors, by impressing a current or magnetic field which opposes the permanent magnet field. This means that the permanent magnet field is therefore "weakened". The torque also decreases proportionally with the flux which decreases with the speed. The mechanical power, as product of speed and torque, remains constant. S Restricted maximum power (only for induction motors): The reactive power demand, which increases with the speed, can mean, depending on the motor type, that the maximum power has to be reduced in the uppermost speed range. Influence of the DC link voltage The speed at the start of field weakening and the power limiting depend on the magnitude of the DC link voltage. Information regarding the DC link voltage is provided in the Configuration Manual for SIMODRIVE 611. For synchronous motors, the spindle power always remains constant up to the maximum speed. Mechanical spindle power [kW] Constant spindle power S6--40% Constant torque Power limit depends on the DC link voltage. S1 (100%) Speed limit characteristic Speed Fig. 5-1 [RPM] Principle speed--power diagram (using an induction motor as an example) (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 5-75 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor Table 5-3 Translation for Fig. 5-1 German English 5.2.4 Mechanical spindle power Mechanische Spindelleistung Constant torque konstantes Drehmoment Constant spindle power konstante Spindelleistung Power limit depends on the DC link voltage Grenzleistungslinie ist abhangig von der Zwischenkreisspannung Speed limit characteristic Drehzahlgrenze Speed Drehzahl RPM Umdrehungen pro Minute Suitable drive converter/system environment Drive converters 2SP1 motor spindles are harmonized and coordinated with the SIMODRIVE system using the 611 digital and 611 universal drive converters. The angular data of the sin-cos encoder is multiplied in the encoder interface of the drive converter. 611 digital/universal drive converters are available with various multiplication factors. If the spindle must fulfill higher positioning accuracies (e.g. C axis) and load stiffness, we recommend the equipment/version with a multiplication factor of 2048. Supply infeed SIMODRIVE 611 drive converters can be operated from non--regulated and regulated infeed modules. The engineering and performance data refer to operation with a regulated infeed/regenerative feedback module and a 600 V DC link voltage. It may be necessary to correct this data if the equipment is operated from non--regulated infeed modules with different DC link voltages. 5-76 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Electrical Data 5.2 5.2.5 Motor Overvoltage protection (only for synchronous motors) For synchronous motors, overvoltage protection must be used to prevent the drive converter from being damaged due to overvoltage when a fault occurs. The VPM (Voltage Protection Module) fulfills this particular task in the SIMODRIVE system. If the power module fails at high spindle speeds, then the synchronous motor feeds back a high voltage into the DC link. The VP module detects a motor voltage which is too high and then short--circuits the three motor feeder cables. The rotational energy of the spindle is then converted into heat. The VP module is mounted close to the drive converter (the maximum distance from the drive converter = 1.5 m). When the VP module is used, shielded Performance motor feeder cables should be used. The VP module can only function in conjunction with SIMODRIVE 611 digital/universal. The VP module is not included with the 2SP1 motor spindle and must be separately ordered. The associated documentation is provided in the References. Assignment table for the VP module Table 5-4 Assignment, spindle -- VP module Order No. VP module Maximum speed nmax [RPM] Rated current IN [A] Rated torque MN [Nm] 2SP1202-1jA VPM 120 15000 30 42 2SP1202-1jB VPM 120 18000 42 42 2SP1204-1jA VPM 120 15000 60 84 2SP1204-1jB VPM 120 18000 79 78 2SP1253-1jA VPM 120 10000 45 80 2SP1253-1jB VPM 120 15000 60 80 2SP1255-1jA VPM 120 10000 85 150 2SP1255-1jB VPM 120 15000 105 150 5.2.6 Star-delta mode (only for induction motors) When induction motors are used, it is possible to select one of the following operating modes: S Star circuit configuration S Delta circuit configuration (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 5-77 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor Circuit to implement a star-delta changeover For induction motors, all six connection leads of the three winding phases are fed out to be able to select the various operating modes. The changeover is carried--out outside the spindle using switching devices and equipment that are not included with the motor spindle (i.e. these devices are not included in the scope of supply. For information on how the star-delta changeover is realized, please refer to Fig. 5-2 and the Configuration Manual SIMODRIVE 611 Drive Converter. Caution A changeover may only be made when the spindle is in a no--load condition and with the power module pulses inhibited. Notice When changing over the circuit configuration (star-delta), the appropriate data set for the closed--loop motor control must also be changed--over. Using the star circuit configuration The star--circuit configuration offers some advantages at low speeds. The maximum torque in the star circuit configuration is approximately twice as high as in the delta circuit configuration. However, due to the higher reactive power requirement of the star circuit configuration, the available torque in the uppermost speed range is significantly restricted. This means that the star circuit configuration should only be activated when machining which requires a high torque in the lower speed range. An example of such a machining operation is roughing. Using the delta circuit configuration Although the delta circuit configuration provides, in the lower speed range, a lower maximum torque than the star circuit configuration, the torque remains available up to high speeds. This means that the delta circuit configuration should be activated for all machining operations which are carried--out in the average and high speed ranges. 5-78 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor Connection diagram for Y/D changeover SIMODRIVE 611 digital system SINUMERIK 840 D MSD module PLC outputs U2 V2 W2 PE EX.Y Term. 663 AX.Y AX.Z K2 Kx 1) K1 K1h K2h Kx 1) K1 U1 V1 W1 K1h Auxiliary contactor power supply, max. 30 V DC K2h K2 U2 V2 W2 U2 K1 K2 V2 W2 K1 K2 Y Y/ Pulse enable Y/ changeover from the NC/PLC Fig. 5-2 Connection diagram for Y/D changeover with SIMODRIVE 611 digital 1) A safe operating stop is not guaranteed by just opening K1 and K2. This is the reason that for safety--related reasons, contactor K should be usedx to provide electrical isolation. This contactor may only be switched--in the no--current condition, i.e. the pulse enable must be withdrawn 40 ms before the contactor is opened (de--energized). (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 5-79 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor 5.2.7 System overview and engineering information/instructions System overview 2SP1 motor spindles are integrated into the SIMODRIVE drive system and suitable for converter operation: S SIMODRIVE 611 digital S SIMODRIVE 611 universal The SIMODRIVE 611 digital drive converter is controlled from the SINUMERIK families 840 and 810D (CCU3 required for the spindles) via the drive bus. The SIMODRIVE 611 universal drive converter also has a Profibus interface for control via the SINUMERIK systems 840Di and 802D as well as a +/--10V interface to couple analog control systems. L1 L2 L3 N OP 032 MMC 100.2 alt.: OP 010 PCU 20 Q1 F1 MPI T1 U1 V1 W1 48 9 I/R Equip. bus X411 P24 M SITOP POWER X1 SIMODRIVE 611D SIMATIC S7--300 or Basic I/O EFP Axis expansion module U2 V2 W2 X1 X304 9 663 810D CCU3 Heat exchanger/cooling unit U3 V3 W3 17 Discharge air X3 U4 V4 W4 Cooling on VPM Tool change M 3~ 2SP1 Motor spindle Fig. 5-3 5-80 3 T Pneumatic system 2 Bero for clamping system System example with SINUMERIK 810 digital and SIMODRIVE 611 digital drive converters (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor L1 L2 L3 N P24 Q1 M SITOP POWER F1 X1 PROCESS FIELD BUS Peripheral (I/O) module SIMODRIVE 611universal T1 U1 V1 W1 48 9 X2 X8 X423 X333 Equip. bus I/R U2 V2 W2 9 663 PP 72/48 X4 X411 802D PCU Terminal strip converter Heat exchanger/cooling unit U3 V3 W3 VPM Discharge air X3 U4 V4 W4 Cooling on 17 Tool change M 3~ 2SP1 Motor spindle Fig. 5-4 3 T Pneumatic system 2 Bero for clamping system System example with SINUMERIK 802 and SIMODRIVE 611 universal drive converter Dimensioning the power module The power modules are selected and engineered according to the rated current IN of the spindle, refer to Table 5-5 and Chapter 10 Table 5-5 Spindle -- drive converter assignment Order designation 2SP1 motor spindle Maximum speed nmax [RPM] Rated current Rated torque IN [A] MN [Nm] Motor type Power module [A] Order No. Power unit 6SN1123-1AA00-.. 30/45/51 -0DA1 2SP1202-1jAjj1 15000 30 42 Synch. 2SP1202-1jBjj2 18000 42 42 Synch. 45/60/76 -0LA1 2SP1204-1jAjj1 15000 60 84 Synch. 60/80/102 -0EA1 2SP1204-1jBjj2 18000 79 78 Synch. 85/110/127 -0FA1 2SP1253-8jAjj0 10000 1) 28 1) 70 1) Induct. 30/45/51 -0DA1 2SP1253-8jAjj1 15000 1) 28 1) 70 1) Induct. 30/45/51 -0DA1 2SP1255-8jAjj0 10000 1) 30 1) 140 1) Induct. 30/45/51 -0DA1 2SP1255-8jAjj1 15000 1) 30 1) 140 1) Induct. 30/45/51 -0DA1 2SP1253-1jAjj0 10000 53 100 Synch. (45) (80) 2SP1253-1jBjj1 2SP1255-1jAjj0 2SP1255-1jBjj1 15000 10000 15000 Synch. 60/80/102 -0EA1 (45/60/76) (-0LA1) 68 100 85/110/127 -0FA1 (60) (80) (60/80/102) (-0EA1) 95 170 Synch. 120/150/193 (85) (150) (85/110/127) 120 (105) 170 (150) Synch. 120/150/193 -0JA1 (-0FA1) -0JA1 Values in brackets apply for operation with the next smaller power module. 1) Overview of the spindle values for a star circuit, drive converter selection applies for both the star and delta circuit configurations (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 5-81 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor Information regarding the spindle power data Refer to Chapter 10 for the power data. Information regarding synchronous motors When using smaller (lower rating) power modules (refer to Table 5-5), then the complete speed range cannot be fully utilized (even when the motor has a reduced load). An additional field--weakening current is impressed from the rated speed onwards. Also refer to the appropriate characteristics (refer to Chapter 10) or contact your local Siemens Office. A minimum current is required for the pole position identification. This means that the following must apply when selecting the power module and the motor: Rated current (S1 current), power unit - 50 % rated motor current Drive converter pulse frequencies In order to achieve optimum control characteristics, a minimum drive converter pulse frequency must be maintained which is a function of the maximum motor speed. Minimum drive converter pulse frequency up to 15,000 RPM = 3.2 kHz Minimum drive converter pulse frequency up to 18,000 RPM = 4.0 kHz De--rating the drive converter rated current For the drive converter, the rated current can depend on the pulse frequency and the rotating frequency of the output current. When engineering 2SP1 motor spindles, a de--rating, dependent on the rotational frequency, must be applied for the following drive converters (refer to Table 5-6). Table 5-6 De--rating as a function of the rotational frequency (this only applies to synchronous motors) Drive converter Order No. Speed < 15,000 RPM No derating drive converter output current [A] Speed > 15,000 RPM de--rating at ft = 4.0 kHz (clock frequency) Drive converter output current [A] 6SN1123-1AA00-0DA1 30/40/51 28/37/47 6SN1123-1AA00-0LA1 45/60/76 42/56/70 6SN1123-1AA00-0EA1 60/80/102 55/73/94 6SN1123-1AA00-0FA1 85/110/127 79/102/117 6SN1123-1AA00-0JA1 120/150/193 110/130/150 For additional information on the influence of the rotational and pulse frequency, refer to the Configuration Manual "SIMODRIVE 611 Drive Converters" and Synchronous Built--in Motors 1FE1, Chapter "Drive converter pulse frequencies, controller data and de--rating". 5-82 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Electrical Data 5.2 Motor Information regarding the infeed/regenerative feedback unit If an infeed unit is used without regenerative feedback, the braking power must be dissipated using pulsed resistors. These pulsed resistors must be appropriately dimensioned. For information on the infeed/regenerative feedback unit, refer to the Configuration Manual "SIMODRIVE-611 Drive Converters". Spindle rating plate 3 ~ motor spindle 2SP1204-1HB03-2DF2 LZE-No. Motor type: 1FE1084--4WP51 V A kW Nm Hz 420 Y 79 120 35 35 78 110 113.3 max. 18000 RPM UPmax = 2 kV EN 60034 Fig. 5-5 RPM 4300 3000 S1 S6-40% TH.CL.F ENCODER S01 256 pulses/rev Made in Germany 2006 Spindle rating plate Table 5-7 Translation for Fig. 5-5 English German 3~ motor spindle 3~ Motorspindel TH.CL. F Warmeklasse F ENCODER Geber (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 5-83 Electrical Data 5.3 5.3 5.3.1 Connecting cables/connector assignments Connecting cables/connector assignments Power connection 2SP1 motor spindles are connected to the power source through cables. The connecting cables are 1.5 m long. Table 5-8 Cable characteristics Characteristic values Characteristics Cable type 1-conductor or 4-conductor, refer to Table 5-9 Draggable yes; carefully observe the minimum bending radius Minimum bending radius Cable x 10 mm Fixed routing Cable x 15 mm Draggable 1-conductor cable: e.g. PUR ... 4-conductor cable: PUR e.g. PUR ... Material 2SP1202-1jAjj-1 2SP1202-1jBjj-2 2SP1204-1jAjj-1 Synch Synch. 2SP1204-1jBjj-2 2SP1253 8jAjj 0 2SP1253-8jAjj-0 2SP1253 8jAjj 1 2SP1253-8jAjj-1 Induct Induct. 2SP1255 8jAjj 0 2SP1255-8jAjj-0 2SP1255 8jAjj 1 2SP1255-8jAjj-1 2SP1253-1jAjj-0 2SP1253-1jBjj-0 2SP1255-1jAjj-0 2SP1255-1jBjj-1 1) 2) Synch Synch. Max. speed nmax Crosssection, conn. cable [A] [RPM] [mm2] Shield Rated current IN Circuit Motor type Order designation Max. outer diameter Power connection Connecting cable Table 5-9 Remark [mm] Y 30 15000 10 4 x 1-cond. 10 Individual2) Y 42 18000 10 4 x 1-cond. 10 Individual2) Y 60 15000 25 4 x 1-cond. 14 Individual2) Y 79 18000 25 4 x 1-cond. 14 Individual2) Y 28 n 29 10000 1) 6 2 x 4-cond. 4 cond 16 Common1) Y 28 n 29 10000 1) 6 2 x 4-cond. 4 cond 16 Common1) Y 30 n 29 10000 1) 6 2 x 4-cond. 4 cond 16 Common1) Y 30 n 29 10000 1) 6 2 x 4-cond. 4 cond 16 Common1) Y 45 10000 10 4 x 1-cond. 10 Individual2) Y 60 15000 16 4 x 1-cond. 12 Individual2) Y 85 10000 25 4 x 1-cond. 14 Individual2) Y 105 15000 35 4 x 1-cond. 16 Individual2) 4-conductor cable with common shield PE cable without shield 5-84 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Electrical Data 5.3 5.3.2 Connecting cables/connector assignments Direction of rotation The direction of rotation of the spindle is defined when the power cables are connected to the drive converter. Table 5-10 Connecting the cables for a clockwise direction of rotation Cable designation, spindle Connection designation, SIMODRIVE 611 drive converter U1 or conductor designation 1 U2 V1 or conductor designation 2 V2 W1 or conductor designation 3 W2 Direction of rotation of the spindle when viewing the drive side Drive end Table 5-11 Connecting the cables for a counter--clockwise direction of rotation Cable designation, spindle Connection designation, SIMODRIVE 611 drive converter U1 or conductor designation 1 V2 V1 or conductor designation 2 U2 W1 or conductor designation 3 W2 Direction of rotation of the spindle when viewing the drive side Drive end ! Warning The drive converter rotating field must match the direction in which the encoder system counts. When connecting--up as specified in Table 5-11, the direction in which the encoder system counts must be adapted using the appropriate machine data; MD 1011 is used to make this adaptation for SIMODRIVE 611 digital/universal. If the rotating field and counting direction of the encoder system do not match, then this can result in uncontrollable motion and destruction of the motor spindle. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 5-85 Electrical Data 5.3 Connecting cables/connector assignments Reference: SIMODRIVE 611 digital, Description of Functions Drive functions, Chap. 2.1 Configuration, actual value sensing (motor meas. system) SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, Commissioning Manual Chapter 6.9.10, Position controller data, axis J 5-86 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6 Supplying the Various Media 6.1 Overview, supplying the various media 2SP120 2SP125 Motor cooling Motor cooling Refer to Chapter 6.2 Clamp/release tool, hydraulically Refer to Chapter 6.4 Clamp/release tool, pneumatically Clamp/release tool, pneumatically Compressed air, refer to Chapter 6.3 Air purge, pneumatic Air purge, pneumatic Sealing air Sealing air Internal tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium Internal tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium Refer to Chapter 6.5 External tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium, refer to Chapter 6.6 = Option Fig. 6-1 Overview, supplying the various media (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-87 Supplying the Various Media 6.2 6.2 Cooling medium Cooling medium The spindle is designed for water cooling. The spindle housing is equipped with cooling ducts, which transfer the stator power loss (heat) into the cooling water. The temperature of the cooling water increases when it flows through the spindle corresponding to the flow rate and the thermal power that it absorbs. T = 1 . PV V A cp T = Temperature difference between the cooling water input and output V cp PV Cooling water flow rate Density of the cooling water Specific thermal capacitance of the cooling water Power loss that has been absorbed . = = = = Notice In order to guarantee the necessary thermal transition in the cooling ducts, the minimum cooling water flow, listed in Chapter 9, should be maintained. Note Higher cooling water flow rates are permissible as long as the permissible hydrostatic pressure in the system is not exceeded. 6-88 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.2 6.2.1 Cooling water connections Table 6-1 Cooling water connections 2SP120 2SP125 Cooling medium Remark Connection fitting Hose connector for hose 12/10 mm G1/2" (inner thread) for hoses 9 mm On the spindle side Connection code I = motor cooling ON II = motor cooling OFF I = motor cooling ON II = motor cooling OFF On the spindle side Permitted tightening torque [Nm] ---- max. 100 Nm When tightening Notice The feeder lines and hoses to the connections must be flexible and strain relieved. Rigid pipe connections are not permissible. For the connectors of the 2SP120VV spindle, only use connecting hoses in a PU/PA quality. 6.2.2 Conditioning the cooling water The cooling water must be conditioned in order to maintain the correct functioning of the cooling system on the spindle side (refer to Table 6-2). Table 6-2 Conditioning the cooling water Value Min. incoming temperature No moisture condensation Max. incoming temperature Without de--rating 25 C With de--rating, refer to Table 6-3: 40 C Max. hydrostatic pressure 5 bar Max. particle size 100 m Recommended anti--corrosion agents max. 25% Clariant, Antifrogen or Tyfocor (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-89 Supplying the Various Media 6.2 Cooling medium Caution Cooling S It is neither permissible to use water from the drinking water supply, nor S to use cooling--lubricating medium. The cooling water temperature must be set corresponding to the ambient temperature so that moisture condensation does not occur. The S1 power (continuous duty) of the spindle depends on the inlet temperature of the cooling water. For inlet temperatures of up to 25C the S1 power, specified in the data sheet, is achieved. Above a cooling water inlet temperature of 25C, the S1 power is reduced (refer to Table 6-3). Table 6-3 Reduced S1 power as a function of the cooling--water temperature Inlet temperature [C] Reduction factor 25 1 35 0.95 40 0.90 Cooling water additives Additives must be added to the cooling water to protect against corrosion and living organisms. These additives must be compatible with the materials used for the cooling water feed system on the spindle side. Further, they must also be compatible with the materials used in the cooling water feed system on the machine side. Electro--chemical incompatibility between the materials of the cooling water feed and the spindle side and on the machine side is not permissible. The machine--side cooling water feed system must be appropriately designed. List of materials for the cooling water feed on the spindle side: S Steel, grey cast iron S Brass S Stainless steel S Viton S GFP Cooling water requirements Refer to Chapter 10 for the flow quantity and pressure drop. 6-90 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.2 6.2.3 Cooling medium Cooling systems The cooling water that is withdrawn from the spindle must be cooled using an external cooling system. The external cooling system is not included with the spindle. The thermal load of the cooling water at the rated spindle power is described in Section 10. Table 6-4 External cooling system versions Characteristics Version The existing cooling system is used Air/water heat exchanger cooling system Stand--alone cooling system -- The existing cooling system must be increased by the spindle power loss -- The compatibility of the materials must be carefully checked -- The pump must be able to provide the additional flow at the required pressure -- Favorable investment and operating costs as a compressor does not have to be used -- The heat exchanger must be dimensioned so that the inlet temperature for the spindle is a max. 5 K above the ambient temperature -- Higher space requirement of the heat exchanger than for the cooling unit -- The inlet temperature for the spindle is independent of the ambient temperature Cooling system manufacturers Table 6-5 Cooling system manufacturers BKW Kalte--Warme--Versorgungstechnik GmbH Benzstrae 2 72649 Wolfschlungen Tel.: +49 (0) 70 22 -- 50 03 -- 0 Telefax: +49 (0) 70 22 -- 50 03 -- 30 DELTATHERM Hirmer GmbH Gewerbegebiet Bovingen 122 53804 Much Tel.: +49 (0) 22 45 -- 61 07 -- 0 Telefax: +49 (0) 22 45 -- 61 07 -- 10 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-91 Supplying the Various Media 6.2 Cooling medium Table 6-5 Cooling system manufacturers, continued Glen Dimplex Deutschland GmbH, Geschaftsbereich RIEDEL Kaltetechnik Am Goldenen Feld 18 95326 Kulmbach Tel.: +49 (0) 92 21 -- 709 --555 Telefax: +49 (0) 92 21 -- 709 --549 Hydac System GmbH Postfach 1251 66273 Sulzbach/Saar Tel.: +49 (0) 68 97 -- 509 -- 708 Telefax: +49 (0) 68 97 -- 509 -- 454 Helmut Schimpke Industriekuhlanlagen GmbH & Co. KG Ginsterweg 25 -- 27 42781 Haan Tel.: +49 (0) 21 29 -- 94 38 -- 0 Telefax: +49 (0) 21 29 -- 94 38 -- 99 Hyfra Industriekuhlanlagen GmbH Industriepark 54 56593 Krunkel Tel.: +49 (0) 26 87 -- 898 -- 0 Telefax: +49 (0) 26 87 -- 898 -- 25 KKT Kraus Kalte-- und Klimatechnik Muhllach 11 90552 Rothenbach a. d. Pegnitz Tel.: +49 (0) 911 -- 953 33 -- 40 Telefax: +49 (0) 911 -- 953 33 -- 33 6-92 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.2 Table 6-5 Cooling medium Cooling system manufacturers, continued Pfannenberg GmbH Werner--Witt--Strae 1 21035 Hamburg Tel.: +49 (0) 40 734 12 -- 127 Telefax: +49 (0) 40 734 12 -- 101 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-93 Supplying the Various Media 6.3 6.3 6.3.1 Compressed air Compressed air Using compressed air The functions, listed in Table 6-6 use compressed air. Table 6-6 Using compressed air Functions using compressed air Actuating the pneumatic cylinder Bearing sealing air Air purge Description -- The tool is clamped in and released from the tool holder using the pneumatic cylinder -- The minimum pressure must be maintained -- Compressed air is only used when clamping and releasing the tool -- Particles in the compressed air are relatively non-critical -- A high degree of purity is required (refer to Chapter 6.3.3) -- A continuous airflow is required -- Protects the tool holder from becoming dirty -- between ejecting the old tool and inserting the new tool -- Purge air is only used while the tool is being changed -- An average degree of purity is required It is the responsibility of the machinery construction company/operating company to provide the compressed air in the required quality and quantity. The machinery construction company is responsible in controlling the individual compressed air flows. 6-94 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.3 Compressed air To clean chips from the tool tool holder PLC 6 bar Air purge Spindle unit di 8 mm di 8 mm To release or clamp tool Pneumatic cylinder (tool ejection/clamping) 5 bar Compressed air input di 8 mm Air filter mesh 50 m Throttle Sealing air = 2.5 to 3 bar di 8 mm Fig. 6-2 Air filter mesh 8 m Recommended pneumatic system Table 6-7 Translation for Fig. 6-2 English German Air purge Kegelreinigungsluft Spindle unit Spindeleinheit Pneumatic cylinder (tool ejection) Pneumatischer Zylinder (Aussto des Werkzeuges) Sealing air Sperrluft Throttle Drossel To clean chips from the tool holder Reinigung der Werkzeugaufnahme von Spanen To release or clamp tool Losen oder Spannen des Werkzeuges Air filter mesh Luftfilterfeinheit Compressed air supply Drucklufteingang (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-95 Supplying the Various Media 6.3 6.3.2 Compressed air Compressed air connections All of the connections are compressed air feed connections (inlet). The compressed air which has been used is discharged to the environment. Table 6-8 Compressed air connections for 2SP120 Pneumatic cylinder Sealing air Air purge Function Release tool, air inlet Clamp tool, air inlet Air inlet Air purge inlet Connection fitting (on the spindle side) 1 x G1/4" (inner thread) for hoses 8 mm 1 x G1/8" (inner thread) for hoses 8 mm Radial: G1/8" (inner thread) G1/4" (inner thread) for hoses 8 mm Connection code (on the spindle side) 1) VIIa VIIIa V IX Perm. tightening torque 30 Nm 20 Nm 20 Nm 40 Nm Table 6-9 Axial: 5.0 mm (provide a 6 x 2 mm O ring) for hoses 8 mm Compressed air connections for 2SP125 Pneumatic cylinder Sealing air Air purge Function Release tool, air inlet Clamp tool, air inlet Air inlet Air purge inlet Connection fitting (on the spindle side) M16 x 1.5 (inner thread) for hoses 8 mm G1/8" (inner thread) for hoses 8 mm Radial: G1/8" (inner thread) for hoses 8 mm G1/4" (inner thread) for hoses 8 mm Connection code (on the spindle side) 1) X XI V IXa Perm. tightening torque 30 Nm 20 Nm 20 Nm 40 Nm Notice The feeder lines and hoses to the connections must be flexible and strain relieved. Rigid pipe connections are not permissible. 1) 6-96 Connection codes, also refer to the dimension sheets, Chapter 10 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.3 6.3.3 Compressed air Conditioning the compressed air In addition to the different minimum requirements placed on the supply of the compressed air functions, the conditions, listed in Table 6-11 must be maintained. Table 6-10 General compressed air conditioning Min. air inlet temperature [C] Ambient temperature Max. air inlet temperature 35 C Max. residual water content 0.12 g/m3 Max. residual oil content 0.01 mg/m3 Max. residual dust 0.1 mg/m3 Table 6-11 Conditioning Minimum pressure [pa] Maximum pressure [pa] Pneumatic cylinder 5105 (5 bar) 10105 (10 bar) 50 Sealing air 2.5105 3105 (3 bar) 8 Air purge 5105 6105 (6 bar) 50 (2.5 bar) (5 bar) (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Max. particle size [m] 6-97 Supplying the Various Media 6.3 6.3.4 Compressed air Hydraulic fluid flow data and controlling the hydraulic fluid flow requirement The compressed air functions should only be switched--in when actually required in order to minimize the air requirement. Notice The sealing air must be permanently active to protect the bearings as long as the motor spindle is operational. Table 6-12 Air requirement Compressed air function Pneumatic cylinder 1) 6-98 Air flow requirement [Nl] Air usage per tool change 2SP120 800 cm3/cycle 2SP125 846 cm3/cycle Controlling the air flow requirement Flow rate only when changing a tool (releasing and clamping) Air purge 2.1 Nm3/h for 5 tool changes per minute. Compressed air only has to be switched--in when the old tool is ejected up to when the new tool is drawn--in Sealing air 1--1.5 Nm3/h 1) The compressed air must be switched--in when the machine is powered--up 1 Nm3= standard cubic meters (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.3 6.3.5 Compressed air Standalone units to generate compressed air An external compressor must be used to provide the compressed air and appropriately condition it. The compressor equipment is not included with the spindle. If the machine construction company uses a separate compressor, storage device and pressure controller for the compressed air generating system, then the structure, as shown in Fig. 6-3, is recommended. Pressure relief valve Electric pressure switch Non--return valve Compressor M Throttle valve Manometer Pressure reservoir Motor Radiator Water separator Fig. 6-3 Air filter Recommended circuit--diagram of a compressed air system Table 6-13 Translation for Fig. 6-3 English German Pressure switch Druckschalter Throttle Drosselventil Manometer Manometer Water separator Wasserabscheider Non--return valve Ruckschlagventil Pressure reservoir Druckluftspeicher Pressure relief valve Druckbegrenzungsventil Compressor Kompressor Cooler Kuhler Motor Motor Air filter Luftfilter (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-99 Supplying the Various Media 6.4 6.4 6.4.1 Hydraulic (option, only for 2SP120) Hydraulic (option, only for 2SP120) Using hydraulics Hydraulics is used to clamp and release the tool holder. Table 6-14 Using hydraulics Hydraulic functions Actuating the hydraulic cylinder Description -- The tool is clamped in the tool holder and released from it using the hydraulic cylinder -- The minimum pressure must be maintained -- Hydraulics are only required when clamping and releasing the tool -- Particles in the compressed air are relatively non-critical The machinery construction OEM is responsible for: S Providing the required quality and quantity of hydraulic fluid S Controlling the individual hydraulic fluid flows PLC Spindle unit Hydraulic pressure reservoir To release or to clamp tool Hydraulic cylinder (tool ejection/clamping) 50--80 bar di 5 mm Non-return valve Pressure relief valve Hydraulic filter mesh 100 m Hydraulic pump Fig. 6-4 6-100 Hydraulic tank Recommended hydraulic system layout (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.4 Table 6-15 Hydraulic (option, only for 2SP120) Translation for Fig. 6-2 German English 6.4.2 Spindle unit Spindeleinheit Hydraulic cylinder (tool ejection/clamping) Hydraulik Zylinder (Losen/Spannen des Werkzeuges) To release or to clamp tool Losen oder Spannen des Werkzeuges Hydraulic filter mesh Olfilterfeinheit Hydraulic pump Hydraulikpumpe Hydraulic tank Hydrauliktank Non--return valve Ruckschlagventil Hydraulic pressure reservoir hydraulischer Druckspeicher Hydraulic connections All of the connections only comprise a hydraulic fluid feed. Table 6-16 Technical data to control the hydraulics of the hydraulic cylinder Hydraulic cylinder Function Connection fitting (on the spindle side) Connection code (on the spindle side) 1) Perm. tightening torque Release/clamping pressure Max. particle size Release tool Clamp tool G1/4" G1/4" VII VIII 40 Nm 40 Nm 50 to 80 bar 100 m Notice The feeder lines and hoses to the connections must be flexible and strain relieved. Rigid pipe connections are not permissible. 6.4.3 Hydraulic fluid flow data and controlling the hydraulic fluid flow requirement The hydraulic functions should only be switched--in when actually required in order to minimize oil usage. 1) Connection codes, also refer to the dimension sheets, Chapter 10 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-101 Supplying the Various Media 6.5 6.5 Internal tool cooling using the cooling--lubricating medium (option) Internal tool cooling using the cooling--lubricating medium (option) The 2SP1 motor spindle is optionally available with the internal tool cooling function. In this case, cooling--lubricating medium is fed through a rotary gland from the rear of the shaft through the spindle shaft to the tool. The user must appropriately condition and provide this cooling--lubricating medium in order to guarantee the service lifetime of the rotary gland. The "internal tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium" can only be retrofitted with the spindle removed and only by an authorized repair workshop. Table 6-17 Connecting the internal tool cooling Cooling--lubricating medium inlet Connection fitting (on the spindle side) G1/4" (inner thread) Connection code (on the spindle side) for 2SP120 for 2SP125 Permissible tightening torque [Nm] 40 X IXb Leakage drain G1/8" (inner thread) IV 20 Caution It is not permissible to use a rigid pipe connections. The piping must be free of any tension and pressure as well as bending torque and torsion. The piping may not be subject to tensile stress -- neither when pressurized nor under a no--pressure condition. The piping may not exert any torsion on the connection fitting of the cooling--lubricating medium feed. Flexible hoses with the appropriate loop must be used to make the connection. Notice Small cooling--lubricating medium leaks will occur in operation, especially when tools are being changed. The leaked cooling--medium fluid is collected in the cooling--lubricating medium gland and from where it can drain. The fluid must be able to freely drain from the pipes. 6-102 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media Internal tool cooling using the cooling--lubricating medium (option) G1/4" 6.5 G1/8" Minimum coolinglubricating quantity Keep lines short Coolinglubricating medium -/16/13 (ISO 4406) Drain Fig. 6-5 Table 6-18 Max. 50 bar Vent Connections for various media Translation for Fig. 6-5 English German Minimum cooling-lubricating quantity Minimalmengen-Kuhlschmierung Cooling-lubricating medium Kuhlschmiermittel Vent Entluftung Drain Leckage Keep lines short Leitung kurz halten (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-103 Supplying the Various Media 6.5 Internal tool cooling using the cooling--lubricating medium (option) Screw-in depth max. 8 mm Ensure that there is no backwash Fig. 6-6 Drain connection Table 6-19 Translation for Fig. 6-6 English 6.5.1 German Screw-in depth Einschraubtiefe Ensure that there is no backwash ruckstaufrei abfuhren Operating conditions The data in Table 6-20 apply for the cooling--lubricating medium flow when the spindle is being operated. Table 6-20 Data of the cooling--lubricating medium gland Value Remark Max. pressure 50*105 Pa (50 bar) Max. speed 18000 rpm Also under no pressure conditions Max. particle size 50 m Cooling--lubricating medium acc. to ISO 4406 (--/16/13) Max. cooling--lubricating medium temperature 40 C Max. flow rate 54 l/min Pressure loss 2.7*105 Pa (2.7 bar) Frictional torque 0.3 Nm Dependent on the pressure The frictional torque of the cooling--lubricating medium gland means that its temperature increases and reduces the available maximum torque. 6-104 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.5 Table 6-21 Internal tool cooling using the cooling--lubricating medium (option) Permissible media for the internal tool cooling Operation with cooling--lubricating medium The flow must be guaranteed Operation with minimum quantity of cooling-lubricating li l b i ti medium di Mixture, maximum 5 bar Lubricating medium percentage, minimum 10 ml/h Lubrication must be guaranteed 2/2path valve must allow unrestricted flow (as the fluids could possibly separate) (e.g. ball valve) Cooling--lubricating medium and compressed air may never be simultaneously applied to the MQL system Dry machining without compressed air The line must be vented; there may be no residual pressure When changing a tool, to clean the tool cone/nose at standstill, compressed air can be fed--in through the integrated cooling--lubricating medium gland. Caution The cooling--lubricating medium must be conditioned so that pressure peaks in the feeder line are avoided. The maximum permissible pressure may never be exceeded -- even during pressure peaks. The integrated cooling--lubricating medium gland is not suitable to feed--in hydraulic fluids and compressed air while the spindle is rotating. Only suitable tools with a through hole which allows the cooling--lubricating medium to be discharged may be used when feeding--in cooling--lubricating medium for internal tool cooling; there must always be a transfer pipe to connect the tool to the clamping system so that no fluid is lost. If unsuitable tools are used, then the grease is flushed--out of the tool gripper and, depending on the pressure, can cause failure of the spindle or the rotary gland. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-105 Supplying the Various Media 6.6 6.6 External tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium External tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium (option, only for 2SP120j) The 2SP120jmotor spindle is optionally available with the "external tool cooling" function. The "external tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium" function can also be retrofitted on spindles that have already been supplied. The "external tool cooling" function is implemented using a ring that is mounted at the motor spindle flange. The ring is available with adjustable spray nozzles or with threaded holes so that customer--specific spray nozzles can be used. The cooling--lubricating medium is fed--in either through an axial or radial connection at the stationary mounting flange of the spindle. The connection that is not used must be sealed. The cooling--lubricating medium jet can be aligned using the manually adjustable spray nozzles so that the cooling--lubricating medium cools the tool and the workpiece from the outside. In order to guarantee the function of the spray nozzles, the user must appropriately condition the cooling--lubricating medium (refer to Chapter 6.6.1). 6 adjustable spray nozzles Radial connection for cooling-lubricating medium inlet Axial connection for cooling-lubricating medium inlet Retaining holes for mounting the ring to the spindle Fig. 6-7 6-106 Radial connection for cooling-lubricating medium inlet Axial connection for coolinglubricating medium inlet Threaded hole for customer--specific spray nozzles Lefthand side: Ring with the adjustable spray nozzles for the external tool cooling; Righthand side: Ring with threaded holes to screw--in spray nozzles or chain elements for the external tool cooling (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.6 Table 6-22 External tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium Translation for Fig. 6-7 English German 6 adjustable spray nozzles 6 einstellbare Spritzdusen Radial connection for cooling-lubricating medium inlet radialer Anschluss der Kuhlschmiermittelzufuhr Axial connection for cooling-lubricating medium inlet axialer Anschluss der Kuhlschmiermittelzufuhr Retaining holes for mounting the ring to the spindle Befestigungsbohrungen fur den Anbau des Rings an die Spindel Threaded hole for customer--specific spray nozzles Gewindebohrungen fur kundenspezifische Spritzdusen Table 6-23 Connection for the external tool cooling (for 2SP120) Connection, cooling--lubricating inlet Axial Radial Connection fitting (on the spindle side) Bore 8.8 mm prepared for 11 x 2 mm O ring G1/4" (inner thread) Connection code (on the spindle side) 1) XI XI Perm. tightening torque -- 40 Nm Cooling--lubricating medium outlet via adjustable spray nozzles (standard) 6 spray nozzles, adjustable from 0--30_ Cooling--lubricating medium outlet through threaded holes for customer-specific spray nozzles (option) Threaded holes 8 x G1/4" Caution It is not permissible to use a rigid pipe connections. The piping must be free of any tension and pressure as well as bending torque and torsion. The piping may not be subject to tensile stress -- neither when pressurized nor under no--pressure conditions. The piping may not exert any torsion on the connection fitting of the cooling--lubricating medium feed. Flexible hoses with the appropriate loop must be used to make the connection. 1) Connection codes, also refer to the dimension sheets, Chapter 10 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-107 Supplying the Various Media 6.6 6.6.1 External tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium Operating conditions The data in Table 6-24 apply for the cooling--lubricating medium flow when the spindle is being operated. Table 6-24 Data of the external tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium Value Max. pressure 5*105 Pa (5 bar) Max. particle size 50 m Max. cooling--lubricating medium temperature 40 C Max. flow rate Dependent on the pressure Remark Cooling--lubricating medium acc. to ISO 4406 (--/16/13) Caution The cooling--lubricating medium must be conditioned so that pressure peaks are avoided. The maximum permissible pressure may not be exceeded. 6-108 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.7 6.7 Media connections and coding Media connections and coding 6.7.1 Media connections for 2SP120j Table 6-25 Media connections for 2SP120V (on the spindle side) 2SP120V Description Coding 1) Connection fitting Motor cooling inlet G1/2" connector for hoses 12/10 mm Motor cooling outlet G1/2" connector for hoses 12/10 mm Sealing air inlet V G1/8" radial or axis through a 5 mm diameter bore for 6 x 2 mm seal Release tool, air inlet Va 1 x G1/4" Clamp tool, air inlet Va 1 x G1/8" Release tool, hydraulic inlet V G1/4" Clamp tool, hydraulic inlet V G1/4" Air purge inlet X G1/4" Internal tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium X G1/4" V G1/8" Cooling--lubricating medium inlet Leakage drain External tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium Cooling--lubricating medium inlet XI Leakage drain V G1/4" radial or axis through a 8.8 mm diameter bore for 11 x 2 mm seal G1/8" = Option 1) Connection codes, also refer to the dimension sheets, Chapter 10 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-109 Supplying the Various Media 6.7 Media connections and coding Release tool air inlet Remove Clamp tool air inlet Air purge Don't remove Fig. 6-8 ECS--M pneumatic 2SP120j--1Hj2j--jjjj without rotary gland Table 6-26 Translation for Fig. 6-8 German English 6-110 Release tool air inlet Luft fur "Werkzeug losen" Remove entfernen Clamp tool air inlet Luft fur "Werkzeug spannen" Air purge Kegelreinigungsluft Don't remove nicht entfernen (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.7 Media connections and coding Remove Internal tool cooling Drain must be open during operation Fig. 6-9 ECS--M pneumatic 2SP120j--1Hj2j--jjjj with rotary gland Table 6-27 Translation for Fig. 6-8 English German Remove entfernen Internal tool cooling Werkzeuginnenkuhlung Drain must be open during operation Leckage darf bei Betrieb nicht verschlossen sein (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-111 Supplying the Various Media 6.7 Media connections and coding Clamp tool hydraulics Remove inlet Air purge Release tool hydraulics inlet Fig. 6-10 Don't remove ECS--M hydraulic 2SP120j--1Hj3j--jjjj without rotary gland Table 6-28 Translation for Fig. 6-8 German English 6-112 Clamp tool hydraulics inlet Hydraulik fur "Werkzeug spannen" Remove entfernen Air purge Kegelreinigungsluft Don't remove nicht entfernen Release tool hydraulics inlet Hydraulik fur "Werkzeug losen" (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.7 Media connections and coding Remove Internal tool cooling Drain must be open during operation Fig. 6-11 ECS--M hydraulic 2SP120j--1Hj3j--jjjj with rotary gland Table 6-29 Translation for Fig. 6-8 English German Remove entfernen Internal tool cooling Werkzeuginnenkuhlung Drain must be open during operation Leckage darf bei Betrieb nicht verschlossen sein (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-113 Supplying the Various Media 6.7 Media connections and coding Sealing air -- If axial connection is used don't remove -- If radial connection is used, please remove and seal axial with an O-ring External cooling-lubricating medium Fig. 6-12 ECS--M 2SP120j optional external cooling--lubricating medium Table 6-30 Translation for Fig. 6-12 English 6-114 German Sealing air Sperrluft If axial connection is used don't remove Bei axialem Anschluss nicht entfernen If radial connection is used, please remove and seal axial with an O-ring Bei radialem Anschluss entfernen und axial mit O-Ring abdichten External cooling-lubricating medium Externes Kuhlschmiermittel (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.7 6.7.2 Media connections for 2SP125j Table 6-31 Media connections for 2SP125V (on the spindle side) Media connections and coding 2SP125V Description Coding 1) Connection fitting Motor cooling inlet G1/2" Motor cooling outlet G1/2" Sealing air inlet V G1/8" Release tool, air inlet X M16 x 1.5 Clamp tool, air inlet X G1/8" Air purge inlet Xa G1/4" Internal tool cooling with cooling--lubricating medium Xb G1/4" V G1/8" Cooling--lubricating medium inlet Leakage drain = Option 1) Connection codes, also refer to the dimension sheets, Chapter 10 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-115 Supplying the Various Media 6.7 Media connections and coding I = motor cooling inlet II = motor cooling outlet Sealing air Must be open during operation Remove Fig. 6-13 Clamp tool air inlet Air purge ECS--L 2SP125j without rotary gland Table 6-32 Translation for Fig. 6-8 English 6-116 Remove Release tool air inlet German Motor cooling inlet Motorkuhlung Einlass Motor cooling outlet Motorkuhlung Auslass Release tool air inlet Luft fur "Werkzeug losen" Remove entfernen Air purge Kegelreinigungsluft Clamp tool air inlet Luft fur "Werkzeug spannen" Must be open during operation darf nicht verschlossen werden Sealing air Sealing air (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Supplying the Various Media 6.7 I = motor cooling inlet II = motor cooling outlet Media connections and coding Remove Release tool air inlet Internal tool cooling Drain must be open during operation Sealing air Remove Fig. 6-14 Must be open during operation Clamp tool air inlet ECS--L 2SP125j with rotary gland Table 6-33 Translation for Fig. 6-8 English German Release tool air inlet Luft fur "Werkzeug losen" Remove entfernen Internal tool cooling Werkzeuginnenkuhlung Drain must be open during operation Leckage darf bei Betrieb nicht verschlossen sein Must be open during operation, clamp tool air inlet darf nicht verschlossen werden, Luft fur "Werkzeug spannen" Sealing air Sperrluft J (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 6-117 Supplying the Various Media 6.7 Media connections and coding Space for your notes 6-118 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 7 Sensors 7.1 7.1.1 Encoder/angular encoder Electrical signals 2SP1 motor spindles are equipped with a hollow--shaft incremental encoder with 256 pulses. It is rugged and is insensitive to shock stressing and accumulated dirt. The encoder works on a magnetic principle. The encoder has S one sinusoidal signal S one cosinusoidal signal S one reference signal The sinusoidal-cosinusoidal signal is suitable for fine interpolation. The reference signal provides one pulse at each shaft revolution and allows the system to be referenced to the shaft angle. For a synchronous motor, the reference pulse indicates the positive zero crossover of the voltage of phase U (in a clockwise rotating field/direction). The encoder interface is electrically and functionally compatible to the encoders used for SIEMENS main spindle motors. Table 7-1 Designation of the encoder signals Designation for a non--inverted electrical signal Designation for an inverted electrical signal Designation for a differential signal Sinusoidal A A* A Cosinusoidal B B* B Reference R R* R Signal (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 7-119 Sensors 7.1 Encoder/angular encoder Electrical signals The signal data comprises, electrically, two individual signals -- an inverted and a non--inverted signal. The individual signals have a DC voltage component with a magnitude of half of the encoder power supply voltage. The differential signal of 1 Vpp is obtained in the encoder interface of the drive converter by subtracting the individual signals (refer to Fig. 7-1). As a result of this subtraction, the DC voltage component of the signal track disappears and the signal amplitude doubles with respect to the individual signal. This differential signal is relevant for the subsequent encoder evaluation. The features and properties of the differential signal are described in the following. Signal voltage [V] [Signal+] 3 DC voltage component (=1/2 Vsupply) 2 [Signal--] 1 [Signal+] -- [Signal--] (differential voltage) Peak--peak Signal 0 voltage --1 --2 --3 t [ms] 360_ electrical angle Fig. 7-1 Table 7-2 Electrical signal level Translation for Fig. 7-1 English 7-120 German Signal voltage Signalspannung Peak-peak signal voltage Signalspannung Spitze--Spitze Electrical angle Winkel, elektrisch Signal Signal DC voltage component Gleichspannungsanteil Differential voltage Differenzspannung (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Sensors 7.1 Encoder/angular encoder Phase position of the reference signal The phase position of the maximum of the reference signal is centered between the sinusoidal and cosinusoidal signals. The maximum deviation from the theoretical value is designated, in the encoder data table, as clear signal range (refer to Fig. 7-2). Phase position of the sinusoidal-cosinusoidal signals There is a 90 phase offset between the sinusoidal and cosinusoidal signals. The maximum deviation from the theoretical value is designated as in the encoder-data table (refer to Fig. 7-2). Tolerances, position R--A/B Track B Track R Amplitude [V] Track A Reference 0 Fig. 7-2 Angle [_ electrical] Clear signal range of the reference track; phase relationship between the sinusoidal and cosinusoidal signal Table 7-3 Translation for Fig. 7-2 English German Tolerances, position R--A/B Toleranzen, Lage R--A/B Track A, B, R Spur A, B, R Reference Bezug Angle [_ electrical] Winkel [_ elektrisch] (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 7-121 Sensors 7.1 Encoder/angular encoder DC voltage offset The signals can have a DC voltage offset (refer to Fig. 7-3). The maximum offset voltages of the two incremental signals (sin, cos) and the reference signal are specified in the encoder data table. Differential signal voltage of R signal Signal voltage [V] 0.6 B (differential signal) 0.4 Differential signal offset voltage 0.2 0 Differential signal offset voltage of R signal --0.2 A (differential voltage) --0.4 R (differential voltage) --0.6 t [ms] Fig. 7-3 Offset voltages of the encoder signals Table 7-4 Translation for Fig. 7-3 German English Table 7-5 Signal voltage Signalspannung Differential signal voltage of R signal R-Signal Differenzspannung Differential signal Differenzsignal Differential signal offset voltage Offsetspannung Differenzsignal Differential signal offset voltage of R signal R-Signal Offsetspannung (Differenzsignal) Differential voltage Differenzspannung Electrical data of the incremental encoder Remark Units Characteristic values Supply voltage V 5 +/--5% Supply current mA 40 (typical) Min. Signal amplitude (A ; B) Differential signal Vpp Signal ratio (A ; B) Typical Max. 0.75 1.00 ... 1.10 1.20 0.9 0.95 ... 1.05 1.1 Phase offset Between A and B _ el. --5 --2 ... +2 +5 Signal offset Differential signal mV --60 --15 ... +15 +60 Signal voltage R Differential signal V 0.4 1.0 1.2 Offset R signal mV --400 --450 --500 Clear signal range _ el. --200 --160... +160 +200 7-122 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Sensors 7.1 7.1.2 Encoder/angular encoder Connecting the signal lines The signal cable is connected through a 17--pin flange--mounted socket. Pre-assembled cables should be used to connect the encoder to the drive converter. 6FX8002--2CA80--1hh0 for 2SP120V/2SP125V 1) Spindle Converter 25--pin Sub D Fig. 7-4 17--pin Sub D Signal cable without the temperature sensor brought out 25--pin Sub D 6FX8002--2CA31--1hh0 for 2SP120V Spindle Converter Adapter 6FX8002--1AA51--1hhh 3RT.... Fig. 7-5 17--pin Sub D temperature sensor PTC, NTC coupled--out Signal cable with the temperature sensors, PTC, NTC brought out Table 7-6 Translation for 7-4 and 7-5 English 1) German Converter Umrichter Spindle Spindel Temperature sensor coupled--out Auskopplung Temperaturfuhler This avoids signals from the additional temperature sensors for third--party systems from being coupled--into the closed--loop control (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 7-123 Sensors 7.1 Encoder/angular encoder PIN assignment Table 7-7 PIN No. PIN assignment for the encoder connection (17--pin flange--mounted socket) Conductor color Signal 1 Blue A 2 Red A* 3 Green R 4 Brown PTC, NTC K227 2) 5 White/brown NTC K227, NTC PT3-51F 2) 6 White NTC PT3-51F 2) View of the connector side 7 Black M encoder 8 Black +KTY 84 1) 1 9 White -- KTY 84 1) 11 10 White P encoder 11 Gray B 12 Yellow B* 13 Brown R* 14 White PTC 2) 15 Violet 0 V sense 16 Orange 5 V sense 17 4 3 13 2 12 17 10 16 14 5 6 15 7 9 8 not connected For additional information on the signal cables, refer to Catalog NC 60, Chapter "Connection system". 1) 2-conductor temperature sensor cable Connections, additional temperature sensors for spindle 2SP120VV 3) This avoids signals from the additional temperature sensors for third--party systems from being coupled--into the closed--loop control 2) 7-124 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Sensors 7.2 7.2 Clamping state sensors Clamping state sensors Function description, refer to Chapter 4.5. Integration into the control, refer to Chapter 7. 7.2.1 Analog and digital sensors of the 2SP120 spindle Information on the sensor systems to monitor the tool clamped status (analog sensor S1) and to monitor the position of the piston of the release unit (digital sensor S4). Connection Connectors are used to connect--up the sensors (refer to drawings, Chapter 10) The cables that are used to connect--up the sensors are not included with the spindle. These cables are commercially available as standard products. Table 7-8 Electrical data and mechanical design of the connector for the clamping state sensor Sensor S1 to display the clamped state (analog) Type Analog sensor BN + BK BU -- 1 = +24 V 2 = not assigned 3=0V 4 = analog signal 2 1 3 4 Output signal 0 ... 10 V Operating voltage 15 ... 30 VDC Rated operating voltage 24 V DC Nominal clearance 3 mm Residual ripple 15% of Ve Max. linearity error | 3% of Va Max. operating point offset | 0.3 mm Linearity range 1 ... 5 mm Connection Connector Short--circuit protection Yes Incorrect polarity protection Yes Connector (plug) at the cable end (on the spindle side) Binder series 763, 4 pins, 763-09-3431-116-04 Connector (socket) at the sensor cable Type, Siemens Axial: 3RX1535 Radial: 3RX1548 (with LED) Type Balluff Axial: BKS-S19-4 Radial: BKS-S20-4 (with LED) (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 7-125 Sensors 7.2 Clamping state sensors The precise voltage values for the clamped states "draw bar in the release position", "tool clamped" and "clamped without tool" are specified in the acceptance report of the particular spindle. Table 7-9 Electrical data and mechanical design of the connector for the clamping state sensor(digital) Sensor S1, S2, S3 to display the clamped state (digital) Pin assignment at the sensor 1: +V 2 2: not assigned 3 3: --V 4: switching contact BN Connector at the sensor 1 Type, Siemens with connector outlet 4 Axial: 3RX1535 Radial: 3RX1548 (with LED) Type, Balluff with connector outlet + Axial: BKS-S19-4 BK BU Radial: BKS-S20-4 (with LED) -- Plug contacts M12 x 1 7-126 Socket at the cable Socket contacts M12 x 1 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Sensors 7.2 Table 7-10 Clamping state sensors Electrical data and mechanical design of the connector for the position sensor of the release unit Sensor S4 to display the piston position of the release unit Type Digital sensor BN + BK BU -- 1 = +24 V 2 = not assigned 3=0V 4 = switching contact 2 1 3 4 Output signal PNP Operating voltage 12 ... 30 VDC Rated operating voltage 24 V DC Rated operating current 100 mA Repeat accuracy 5 % of Ve Switching frequency 600 Hz No--load current 12 mA Connection Connector Short--circuit protection Yes Incorrect polarity protection Yes Connector (plug) at the cable end (on the spindle side) Binder series 763, 4 pins, 763-09-3431-116-04 Connector (socket) at the sensor cable Type, Siemens Axial: 3RX1535 Radial: 3RX1548 (with LED) Type Balluff Axial: BKS-S19-4 Radial: BKS-S20-4 (with LED) (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 7-127 Sensors 7.2 Clamping state sensors 7.2.2 Digital sensors of 2SP125 spindles Information on the sensor system to monitor the tool clamped status (digital sensors S1, S2 and S3). Table 7-11 Electrical implementation of the clamping status sensors 0V Supply Switching contact PIN 3 + 24 V Max. tolerance 20 % Current demand < 40 mA plus the load current PIN 1 Switches to the pos. supply voltage Active (H) PIN 4 Switches to the high--ohmic state Inactive (L) Load capacity of the switching contact 200 mA max. (PIN 4) The following voltages are not permissible: Greater than 5 V below the voltage at PIN 3 and greater than 5 V above the voltage at PIN 1 When an inductive load is connected to PIN 4, an appropriate measure must be provided to limit the voltage. Connection Contactless transistor switches with 3--wire connection are used for the clamping status sensors. Connectors are used to connect--up the sensors (refer to drawings, Chapter 10). The cables that are used to connect--up the sensors are not included with the spindle. These cables are commercially available as standard products. Table 7-12 Mechanical implementation of the plug--in connection Pin assignment at the sensor 1: +V 2 2: not assigned 3 3: --V 4: switching contact BN Connector at the sensor 1 Type, Siemens with connector outlet 4 Axial: 3RX1535 Radial: 3RX1548 (with LED) Type, Balluff with connector outlet + Axial: BKS-S19-4 BK BU Radial: BKS-S20-4 (with LED) -- Plug contacts M12 x 1 7-128 Socket at the cable Socket contacts M12 x 1 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Sensors 7.3 7.3 Thermal sensors/motor protection Thermal sensors/motor protection KTY 84 PTC thermistors are used to sense the motor temperature. These PTC thermistors are suitable to measure temperatures in an analog fashion. Additional temperature sensors to sense the motor temperature using NTC thermistors are included in the 2SP120 spindle; they can be used together with third-party systems. Further, the 2SP120 spindle has additional temperature sensors that allow full motor protection to be implemented (e.g. for loads that are applied when the spindle is stationary or at low speeds). Temperature evaluation using KTY 84 For SIMODRIVE 611 drive converters, an external tripping device to evaluate the motor temperature is not required. The PTC thermistor function is monitored. 1. Pre--alarm temperature When the pre--alarm temperature is exceeded, the drive converter signals this using an appropriate fault signal. This message must be externally evaluated. The signal is withdrawn if the motor temperature < pre--alarm temperature. 2. Motor limit temperature When the motor limiting temperature is exceeded, the drive converter shuts down and signals this using an appropriate fault message. Table 7-13 Technical data of the KTY 84 NTC thermistor Description Designation Type KTY 84 Resistance when cold (20 _C) approx. 580 Resistance when warm (100 _C) approx. 1000 Connection via signal cable (please observe the polarity!) Temperature characteristic R [k] 3 2 ID = 2 mA 1 0 0 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 100 200 300 U [C] 7-129 Sensors 7.3 Thermal sensors/motor protection Temperature evaluation using NTC thermistors (spindle 2SP120) Both NTC K227 and NTC PT3--51F thermistors are included as standard and are used if the drive converter cannot evaluate the KTY thermistor. The drive converter senses and evaluates the motor temperature using the sensor signal (refer to the drive converter documentation). Table 7-14 Technical data, NTC K227 and NTC PT3-51 Technical data Designation NTC K227 NTC PT3-51F PTC resistance (25 _C) approx. 32.8 k approx. 49.1 k Resistance when warm (100 _C) approx. 1800 approx. 3300 Connection Via signal cable Temperature characteristic Resistance [kOhm] NTC thermistor K227/33k/A1 60 50 40 30 20 10 Resistance [kOhm] 0 7-130 10 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 110 130 150 170 190 Temperature [C] NTC thermistor NTC PT3-51F 10 30 30 50 50 70 70 90 90 110 130 150 170 190 Temperature [C] (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Sensors 7.3 Thermal sensors/motor protection Temperature evaluation using a PTC thermistor triplet (spindle 2SP120) The PTC thermistor triplet must be evaluated using an external tripping/evaluation unit (this is not included in the scope of supply). This means that the sensor cable is monitored for wire breakage and short--circuit by this unit. The PTC signals must be retrieved (refer to Chapter -) close to the spindle using an intermediate connector or a terminal box. The motor must be switched into a no--torque condition when the response temperature is exceeded. Table 7-15 Technical data of the PTC thermistor triplet Technical data Designation Type (acc. to DIN 44082--M180) PTC thermistor triplet PTC resistance (20 _C) 750 Resistance when warm (180 _C) 1710 Response temperature 180 _C Connection Using an external evaluation unit, e.g. 3RN1013-1GW10 Note: The PTC thermistors do not have a linear characteristic and are therefore not suitable to determine the instantaneous temperature. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 7-131 Sensors 7.3 Thermal sensors/motor protection Temperature monitoring machining--side bearings (spindle 2SP120) The PT100 resistance sensor can be optionally ordered for the spindle 2SP120j. The PT100 resistance sensor is used for S Monitoring the bearing temperature S Compensating the thermal length growth of the spindle (expansion) The corresponding PT100 evaluation units must be used to make the evaluation. The connection is made using the signal cable. Resistance [kOhm] 140 130 120 110 100 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Temperature [C] Fig. 7-6 Temperature characteristic PT100 J 7-132 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8 Control The central machine control (PLC) controls the following: S The spindle S The tool change mechanism S The supply equipment and devices The power--on and operating conditions for correct spindle operation are listed in the following. 8.1 Table 8-1 Conditions that enable the spindle to rotate Enable signals for spindle rotation Message/sensor interrogation Required status Remarks Motor temperature TKTY84 < 150 C KTY 84 (integrated motor temperature sensor) Spindle cooling S Cooling medium temperature Refer to Chapter 6.2.2 in the reference range S Cooling medium flow rate in the reference range Pressure at the tool clamping and Pressure to clamp the tool is in release unit the reference range 1) Refer to Chapter 4.5 The release cylinder piston is not in contact with the spindle shaft 2) Sealing air Input pressure in the reference range Refer to Chapter 6.3.3 Clamping state sensors Tool is clamped Refer to Chapter 4.5 ! Warning The machinery construction OEM must evaluate the sensor signals that can then be used to check the required states in order to permit the spindle to rotate (e.g. permissive signal). The spindle must be stopped if one of the enable conditions is no longer present. 1) The reference pressure depends on whether the motor spindle is equipped with a pneumatic or a hydraulic release unit. 2) For 2SP120 motor spindles, the position of the piston in the clamped state is additionally monitored using a sensor. This must display the following state: Tool clamping and release unit in the "clamped" end position. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-133 Control 8.2 Clamping state sensors 8.2 Clamping state sensors The tool is clamped or ejected using the pulling or pushing force of the draw bar. When clamping or ejecting the tool, the draw bar always assumes an appropriate position in the axial direction. The clamping state is linked with the axial position of the draw bar and is interrogated using this (refer to Fig. 8-1). 8.2.1 Clamping state sensors 2SP120VV Basic version with analog sensors Sensor S1 Sensor S4 Analog sensor to detect the tool clamped state Digital sensor to detect the position of the release cylinder Digital sensor Analog sensor Position of draw bar S1 Voltage level3 clamped without tool S1 Voltage level2 clamped with tool S1 Voltage level1 draw bar in release position S4 H (+24V) piston in end position End stop of draw bar for "tool is clamped" state End stop of draw bar for "release tool" Fig. 8-1 8-134 End stop of draw bar "clamped without Pushing movement of draw bar tool" state for "release tool" Pulling movement of draw bar for "clamp tool" Signal assignment of sensors S1 and S4 for 2SP120 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Control 8.2 Table 8-2 Clamping state sensors Translation for Fig. 8-1 German English Sensor S1, Sensor S4 Sensor S1, Sensor S4 End stop of draw bar for "release tool" Endposition der Zugstange bei "Werkzeug losen" Position of draw bar Position der Zugstange End stop of draw bar for "tool is clamped" state Halteposition der Zugstange im Zustand "Werkzeug gespannt" Pushing movement of draw bar for "release tool" druckende Bewegung der Zugstange bei "Werkzeug losen" Pulling movement of draw bar for "clamp tool" ziehende Bewegung der Zugstange bei "Werkzeug spannen" End stop of draw bar "clamped without tool" state Endposition der Zugstange bei "gespannt ohne Werkzeug" Voltage level x Spannungspegel clamped without tool gespannt ohne Werkzeug clamped with tool gespannt mit Werkzeug draw bar in release position Zugstange in Loseposition piston in end position Zylinderkolben in Endlage Notice Under extreme machining conditions signal faults and disturbances can occur in operation. Nominal states of S1 and S4 Table 8-3 Nominal states of S1 (for precise values, refer to the acceptance report for the particular spindle) State Voltage [V] Draw bar in the release position 8.5 V Tool clamped 1.5 to 4.5 V Clamped without tool 1 0.2 V Table 8-4 Nominal states of S4 Signal level: High, Low State Release piston at the back (status, tool clamped) H Release piston at the front (status, tool released) L (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-135 Control 8.2 Clamping state sensors Signals from S1 and S4 Table 8-5 Signals from the analog sensor regarding the tool clamping state and the digital sensor for the position of the release piston State S1 analog S4 digital PLC action Draw bar in the release position, release piston at the front 1) Highest voltage level 8.5 V 2) L -- Enable signal to allow a tool to be changed after a defined delay time Draw bar in the release position, release piston at the back 1) Highest voltage level 8.5 V 2) H -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- No enable signal to change the tool -- The clamping system jams -- Defective sensors Clamp tool the correct clamping position has not been reached Average voltage level >4.5 to 8.5 V 2) L -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- No enable signal to change the tool Normal case at the transition from clamping/releasing In case of fault -- The release piston jams -- Incorrect function of the switching valve Clamp tool the correct clamping position has not been reached Average voltage level >4.5 to 8.5 V 2) H -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- No enable signal to change the tool Normal case at the transition from releasing/clamping In case of fault -- Foreign body in the tool holder -- Tool that is not in compliance with the standard -- Tool does not match the tool interface of the spindle Tool clamped, correct clamping position reached, release piston still at the shaft Low voltage level 1.5 to 4.5 V 2) L -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- No enable signal to change the tool Normal case at the transition from releasing/clamping In case of fault -- The release piston jams Tool clamped, the correct clamping position has been reached, release piston at the back Low voltage level 1.5 to 4.5 V 2) H -- The spindle is enabled for rotation after a defined waiting time -- No enable signal to change the tool Draw bar is tensioned, but the clamping position was exceeded Lowest voltage level <1.5 V 2) L -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- No enable signal to change the tool -- A tool has not been clamped -- Tool that is not in compliance with the standard -- Release piston still not at the end position Draw bar is tensioned, but the clamping position was exceeded Lowest voltage level <1.5 V 2) H -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- No enable signal to change the tool -- A tool has not been clamped -- Tool that is not in compliance with the standard -- Release piston at its end stop 1) 2) Possible fault causes Notice: Jammed tools cannot be reliably detected with sensor S1 The specified values are nominal values. The exact values are specified in the acceptance report of the particular spindle 8-136 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Control 8.2 Clamping state sensors Basic version with digital sensors Sensor S1 Digital sensor to sense "draw bar in release position" Sensor S2 Digital sensor to sense "tool clamped" Sensor S3 Digital sensor to sense "clamped without tool" Sensor S4 Digital sensor to sense the position of the release cylinder Digital sensors Position of draw bar S3 H (+24V) clamped without tool L (open) not clamped S2 H (+24V) clamped with tool L (open) not clamped S1 H (+24V) draw bar in release position L (open) draw bar not in release position S4 H (+24V) piston in end position L (open) piston in contact with spindle shaft End stop of draw bar for "tool is clamped" state End stop of draw bar for "release tool" Fig. 8-2 End stop of draw bar "clamped without tool" Pushing movement of draw bar state for "release tool" Pulling movement of draw bar for "clamp tool" Signal assignment of sensors S1, S2, S3 and S4 for 2SP120 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-137 Control 8.2 Clamping state sensors Table 8-6 Translation for Fig. 8-2 German English End stop of draw bar for "release tool" Endposition Zugstange bei "Werkzeug losen" Position of draw bar Position der Zugstange End stop of draw bar for "tool is clamped" state Halteposition Zugstange im Zustand "Werkzeug gespannt" Pushing movement of draw bar for "release tool" druckende Bewegung der Zugstange bei "Werkzeug losen" Pulling movement of draw bar for "clamp tool" ziehende Bewegung der Zugstange bei "Werkzeug spannen" End stop of draw bar "clamped without tool" state Endposition Zugstange bei "gespannt ohne Werkzeug" draw bar in release position Zugstange in Loseposition draw bar not in release position Zugstange nicht in Loseposition tool clamped Werkzeug gespannt clamped without tool gespannt ohne Werkzeug not clamped nicht gespannt piston in end position Losekolben in Endposition piston in contact with spindle shaft Losekolben liegt an der Spindelwelle an Dependent on the position of the draw bar, the clamping state sensors respond and allow the clamping state to be detected (refer to Table 8-7). Notice Under extreme machining conditions signal faults and disturbances can occur in operation. 8-138 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Control 8.2 Clamping state sensors Signals from S1, S2, S3 and S4 Table 8-7 Signals from the digital sensors regarding the tool clamped state State S1 S2 S3 S4 PLC action Draw bar in the release position, release piston at the front 1) H L L L Enable signal to allow a tool to be changed after a defined waiting time Tool clamped, the correct clamping position has not been reached L L L L -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation Tool clamped, correct clamping position was reached, release piston still in contact with the shaft -- No enable signal to change the tool L H L L -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation Possible fault causes -- Foreign bodies (e.g. chips) in the tool holder -- Tool, which is not in compliance with the standard, clamping head too short -- The release piston jams -- No enable signal to change the tool Transition, release/ clamping Tool clamped, correct clamping position reached, release piston at the back ! Tool is clamped L H L H Spindle is enabled for rotation after a defined waiting time Draw bar is tensioned, but the clamping position was exceeded, release piston at the back L H H H -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- A tool has not been clamped -- No enable signal to change the tool -- Tool which is not in compliance with the standard, clamping head too long Draw bar is tensioned, but the clamping position was exceeded, release piston at the back L -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- A tool has not been clamped -- No enable signal to change the tool -- Tool which is not in compliance with the standard, clamping head too long -- Incorrect function of either the sensors or evaluation unit -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- The clamping system jams -- No enable signal to change the tool -- Incorrect function of either the sensors or evaluation unit -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- Incorrect function of either the sensors or evaluation unit Draw bar in the release position, tool clamped, correct clamping position was reached, release piston at the back H Draw bar is in the release position, draw bar is clamped, but the clamping position was exceeded, release piston at the back H 1) L H H H L H H H H -- No enable signal to change the tool Notice: Jammed tools cannot be reliably detected with sensor S1 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-139 Control 8.2 Clamping state sensors 8.2.2 Clamping state sensors 2SP125VV Basic version with digital sensors Table 8-8 Basic equipping and option of the digital sensors Status detection Sensor Automatic tool change Basic equipment Option Manual tool change Basic equipment S1 "Draw bar in the release position" X ------ ------ S2 "Tool clamped" X ------ X S3 "Clamped without tool" X ------ ------ Option X -----X Digital sensors Position of draw bar S3 H (+24V) clamped without tool L (open) not clamped S2 H (+24V) tool clamped L (open) not clamped S1 H (+24V) draw bar in release position L (open) draw bar not in release position End stop of draw bar for "tool is clamped" state End stop of draw bar for "release tool" Fig. 8-3 8-140 End stop of draw bar "clamped Pushing movement of draw bar for "release tool" without tool" state Pulling movement of draw bar for "clamp tool" Signal assignment of the digital sensors S1, S2 and S3 for 2SP125 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Control 8.2 Table 8-9 Translation for Fig. 8-3 German English ! Clamping state sensors Sensor S1, Sensor S2, Sensor S3 Sensor S1, Sensor S2, Sensor S3 End stop of draw bar for "release tool" Endposition Zugstange bei "Werkzeug losen" Position of draw bar Position der Zugstange End stop of draw bar for "tool is clamped" state Halteposition Zugstange im Zustand "Werkzeug gespannt" Pushing movement of draw bar for "release tool" druckende Bewegung der Zugstange bei "Werkzeug losen" Pulling movement of draw bar for "clamp tool" ziehende Bewegung der Zugstange bei "Werkzeug spannen" Open offen End stop of draw bar "clamped without tool" state Endposition Zugstange bei "gespannt ohne Werkzeug" Draw bar in release position Zugstange in Loseposition Draw bar not in release position Zugstange nicht in Loseposition Tool clamped Werkzeug gespannt Clamped without tool gespannt ohne Werkzeug Not clamped nicht gespannt Caution Using the spindles without sensors S1 and S3: If the spindle is used without sensors S1 or S3, then other measures must be applied to ensure that the correct clamping state is reached before the spindle is enabled for rotation or a tool can be changed. These measures include, for example, tool monitoring or specific operator actions. Dependent on the position of the draw bar, the clamping state sensors respond and allow the clamping state to be detected (refer to Table 8-7). Notice Under extreme machining conditions signal faults and disturbances can occur in operation. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-141 Control 8.2 Clamping state sensors Signals from S1, S2 and S3 Table 8-10 Signals from the digital sensors regarding the tool clamped state State S1 S2 S3 PLC action Draw bar in the release position1) H L L Enable signal to allow a tool to be changed after a defined delay time Tool clamped, the correct clamping position has not been reached L L L -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- Foreign bodies (e.g. chips) in the tool holder -- No enable signal to change the tool -- Tool, which is not in compliance with the standard, clamping head too short Tool clamped, the correct clamping position has been reached ! Tool is clamped L H L Spindle is enabled for rotation after a defined delay time Draw bar is tensioned, but the clamping position was exceeded L H H -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- A tool has not been clamped -- No enable signal to change the tool -- Tool which is not in compliance with the standard, clamping head too long Draw bar is tensioned, but the clamping position was exceeded L -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- A tool has not been clamped -- No enable signal to change the tool -- Tool which is not in compliance with the standard, clamping head too long -- Incorrect function of either the sensors or evaluation unit -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- The clamping system jams -- No enable signal to change the tool -- Incorrect function of either the sensors or evaluation unit -- The spindle is not enabled for rotation -- Incorrect function of either the sensors or evaluation unit Draw bar in the release position, tool clamped, correct clamping position was reached H Draw bar is in the release position, draw bar is clamped, H but the clamping position was exceeded 1) L H H H L H -- No enable signal to change the tool Possible fault causes Notice: Jammed tools cannot be reliably detected with sensor S1 8-142 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Control 8.3 8.3 Tool change Tool change A tool may only be changed when the spindle is at a complete standstill. The correct, specified pressure must be available at the pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder while removing and inserting the tool, refer to Chapter 6.3.3 and 6.4. Caution The clamping system could be damaged if tool change operations are carried--out without the pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder having the correct pressure. 8.3.1 Automatic tool change for 2SP120VV The tool change and spindle enable for rotation can be controlled using sensors S1 and S4. Table 8-11 Sensor S1 analog Sensors S1 and S4 Display/comments (minimum delay times) Dependent on the tool clamped status, different voltage levels are displayed, 1 to 3: Level 1: "Draw bar in the release position" ( 8.5 V) Level 2: "Tool clamped" (1.5 to 4.5 V) Level 3: "Clamped without tool" (1 0.2 V) The precise voltage values are specified in the acceptance report of the motor spindle. Minimum delay times twait to remove and twait to enable The following minimum delay time must be maintained between the "draw bar in the release position" signal (Level 1) being output and actually removing the tool: twait to remove = 100 ms Caution: Jammed tools cannot be reliably detected with sensor S1. The following minimum delay time must be maintained after the "tool clamped" signal (Level 2) is output: twait to enable = 100 ms S4 digital Displays the state if the hydraulically or pneumatically actuated release piston is in a safe end position without being in contact with the rotating spindle shaft. Release piston at the back (tool clamped state): H Release piston at the front (tool release state): L (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-143 Control 8.3 Tool change Condition that enables the spindle to rotate Spindle rotation can be enabled if the following prerequisites are fulfilled: S S1 is, after twait to enable at Level 2 (it is not permissible that Level 3 is reached) S S4 has responded Valve open Air purge Valve closed active remove tool inactive t wait to remove H (+24V) position clamped Sensor S4 piston position Sensor S1 analog signal insert tool H L (open) position released if fS1=1.5 to 4.5 Vg and fS4= Hg Tool change +10V 0V Pneumatic rated pressure unclamp or hydraulic rated pressure clamp cylinder Enable spindle rot. enabled twait to enable 1) 2) 3) Not enabled Time 1) 2) 3) Level 1 released Level 2 clamped Level 3 clamped without tool * precise values are specified in the acceptance report of the particular spindle Fig. 8-4 Control diagram for an automatic tool change with S1 and S4 Table 8-12 Translation for Fig. 8-4 English 8-144 German Air purge Kegelreinigungsluft Tool change Werkzeugwechsel Precise values are specified in the acceptance report of the particular spindle die genauen Richtwerte, sind im Abnahmeprotokoll der jeweiligen Spindel angegeben Sensor S1, analog signal Sensor S1, Analogsignal (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Control 8.3 Table 8-12 Tool change Translation for Fig. 8-4, continued English German Sensor S4, piston position Sensor S4, Losekolben Position Pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder Pneumatik- oder Hydraulikzylinder Enable spindle rot. Freigabe "Drehbewegung Spindel" Valve open Ventil offen Valve closed Ventil geschlossen Active Aktiv Inactive Inaktiv Open Offen Rated pressure release Nenndruck losen Rated pressure clamp Nenndruck spannen No pressure Kein Druck Enabled Freigabe Not enabled keine Freigabe If {pressure > min rated pressure} and ... Wenn {Druck > min. Nenndruck} und ... Remove tool Werkzeug entfernen Insert tool Werkzeug einsetzen twait to remove twarten bis zum Entfernen twait to enable twarten bis zur Freigabe Time Zeit Position clamped Position gespannt position released Position gelost (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-145 Control 8.3 Tool change 8.3.2 Tool change sequence with standard clamping system and tool change gripper Table 8-13 Recommended sequence for a tool change with standard clamping system and tool change gripper Description Step 1. Stop the spindle (0 speed) in the oriented tool change position 2. Shut down the internal tool cooling, open the bleed valve 3. Open the door of the automatic tool change system 4. Move the machine axes into the tool change position 5. Prepare the tool magazine for the tool change 6. Start the automatic tool change mechanism -- tool change gripper takes the tool in the tool magazine and inserts the tool into the spindle. 7. Stop the automatic tool change mechanism 8. Activate the air purge 9. Release the tool by controlling the valve "release tool" Check sensor signal S1 1) for state "draw bar in release position" 10. Continue the automatic tool change mechanism -- tool removal, 180_-Rotate the tool change gripper and insert the new tool into the spindle. Place the previously used tool into the tool magazine. The tool change gripper still holds the tool into the spindle. 11. Shut off the air purge and close the bleed valve 12. Clamp the tool Check the sensor signal S1 for state "tool clamped" Check that the sensor S4 is at a "high" signal (release piston at the back) 13. Move the tool change gripper into the park position. Exit the automatic tool changing mechanism. 14. Start the spindle. Close the door of the automatic tool change system. 15. Move the axes into the machining position 1) Precise test values, refer to the acceptance report of the particular motor spindle 8-146 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Control 8.3 Tool change 8.3.3 Tool change sequence with holding clamping system and tool change gripper Table 8-14 Recommended sequence for a tool change with holding clamping system and tool change gripper Description Step 1. Stop the spindle (0 speed) in the oriented tool change position 2. Shut down the internal tool cooling, open the bleed valve 3. Release the tool in the spindle by controlling the valve "release tool". Check sensor signal S1 1) for state "draw bar in the release position" The tool is still held by the collet. Caution: The tool weight should not exceed the permissible limits, otherwise the tool can fall out of the tool holder. 4. Activate the air purge 5. Open the door of the automatic tool change system 6. Move the machine axes into the tool change position. Caution: If the acceleration or deceleration is too high than the tool can drop out of the tool holder. 7. Prepare the tool magazine for the tool change 8. Start the automatic tool change mechanism -- tool change gripper takes the tool in the tool magazine and inserts the tool into the spindle. Tool removal (holding force of 270 N must be overcome). 180_-rotation of the tool gripper and insert the new tool into the spindle. Place the previously used tool into the tool magazine. 9. Move the tool change gripper into the park position. Exit the automatic tool changing mechanism. 10. Shut off the air purge and close the bleed valve 11. Clamp the tool Check the sensor signal S1 for state "tool clamped" Check that the sensor S4 is at a "high" signal (release piston at the back) 12. Start spindle. Close the door of the automatic tool change system. 13. Move the axes into the machining position 1) Precise test values, refer to the acceptance report of the particular motor spindle (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-147 Control 8.3 8.3.4 Tool change Manual tool change for 2SP125VV With the basic equipping (with sensor S2 -- without S1 and S3), this version can be used for a manual tool change. Notice The appropriate operator actions must be applied to ensure that the appropriate clamping state has been reached before the spindle is allowed to rotate and before a tool may be changed. Caution Jammed tools cannot be reliably detected using sensor S1. If the spindle is operated without the optional sensor S1, then it is the responsibility of the machinery construction company to detect the "tool released" state. If the spindle is operated without the optional sensor S3, then it is the responsibility of the machinery construction company to detect the "clamped without tool" state. Note It is advantageous if additional information is incorporated in the tool change control sequence by using additional sensors. The machinery construction company must provide any additional sensors. The pressure at the release piston can also be incorporated in the tool change control system. Enable condition Enable condition to initiate a tool change: S The required pressure -- to release the tool -- must be available 8-148 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Control Valve closed Active Tool change Inactive Fig. 8-5 H t wait to enable L Rated pressure unclamp Rated pressure clamp additional manual release on request Enable spindle rot. t wait to remove H (+24V) L (open) Pneumatic cylinder Insert tool Enabled Not enabled additional manual clamp on request Sensor S2 Remove tool Tool change if {pressure = 0} and {S2 = H} Valve open Air purge if {pressure > min rated pressure} and {S2 = L} 8.3 Time Control diagram for a manual change with S2 Table 8-15 Translation for Fig. 8-5 English German Air purge Kegelreinigungsluft Additional manual release on request zusatzlich manuelles losen Additional manual clamp on request zusatzlich manuelles spannen Tool change Werkzeugwechsel Sensor S2 Sensor S2 Pneumatic cylinder Pneumatikzylinder Enable spindle rot. Freigabe "Drehbewegung Spindel" Valve open Ventil offen Valve closed Ventil geschlossen Active Aktiv Inactive Inaktiv if {pressure > min rated pressure} and {S2 = L} Wenn {Druck > min. Nenndruck} und {S2 = L} if {pressure = 0} and {S2 = H} Wenn {Druck = 0} und {S2 = H} Open Offen Rated pressure release Nenndruck losen Rated pressure clamp Nenndruck spannen (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-149 Control 8.3 Tool change Table 8-15 Translation for Fig. 8-5, continued English 8-150 German Enabled Freigabe Not enabled keine Freigabe Remove tool Werkzeug entfernen Insert tool Werkzeug einsetzen Twait to remove Twarten bis zum Entfernen Twait to enable Twarten bis zur Freigabe Time Zeit (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Control 8.3 8.3.5 Tool change Automatic tool change for 2SP125VV If the spindle is operated with the digital sensors S1, S2 and S3, then this version can be used for an automatic tool change. Table 8-16 Sensor S1 digital Sensors S1, S2 and S3 Display/comments (minimum delay times) State display "draw bar in the release position" Minimum delay time The following minimum delay time must be maintained between the "draw bar in the release position" (H) signal being output and actually removing the tool: twait to remove = 100 ms Caution: Jammed tools cannot be reliably detected with sensor S1. S2 digital State display, "tool clamped" Minimum delay time The following minimum delay time must be maintained after the "tool clamped" (H) signal is output: twait to enable = 100 ms S3 digital Display the state, "clamped, without tool" Caution For spindles with internal tool cooling, sufficient time must be provided to blow--out the cooling lubricating medium from the tool clamp. Only then may a new tool be clamped. Condition which enables the spindle to rotate The spindle can be allowed to rotate if the following prerequisite is fulfilled: S After the minimum delay time twait to enable S3 must be at L (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-151 Control 8.3 Tool change For internal tool cooling: sufficient time for air purge is necessary to blow out the coolant from the clamping system Valve open Air purge Valve closed Tool change Active Remove tool Inactive Insert tool t wait to remove Sensor S3 H (+24V) L L (open) t wait to enable Sensor S1 H (+24V) if {S1 = L} and {S2 = H} and {S3 = L} Sensor S2 H L (open) H (+24V) L (open) Pneumatic Rated pressure release cylinder Rated pressure clamp Enabled Enable spindle rot. Not enabled L Time Fig. 8-6 Control diagram for an automatic tool change with S1, S2 and S3 Table 8-17 Translation for Fig. 8-6 English 8-152 German For internal tool cooling: sufficient time for air purge is necessary to blow out the coolant from the clamping system Bei Werkzeug-Innenkuhlung: Ausreichend Zeit vorsehen zum Ausblasen des Kuhlschmiermittels aus dem Werkzeugspanner Air purge Kegelreinigungsluft Tool change Werkzeugwechsel Sensor S1, Sensor S2, Sensor S3 Sensor S1, Sensor S2, Sensor S3 Pneumatic cylinder Pneumatikzylinder (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Control 8.3 Table 8-17 Tool change Translation for Fig. 8-6, continued English German Enable spindle rot. Freigabe "Drebewegung Spindel" Valve open Ventil offen Valve closed Ventil geschlossen Active Aktiv Inactive Inaktiv open, opened offen, geoffnet Rated pressure unclamp Nenndruck losen Rated pressure clamp Nenndruck spannen Enabled Freigabe Not enabled keine Freigabe Remove tool Werkzeug entfernen Insert tool Werkzeug einsetzen Twait to remove TWarten bis zum Entfernen Twait to enable TWarten bis zur Freigabe if {S1=L} and {S2=H} and {S3=L} wenn {S1=L} und {S2=H} und {S3=L} Time Zeit J (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 8-153 Control 8.3 Tool change Space for your notes 8-154 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Order Designation 9 Structure of the order designation The Order Number comprises a combination of digits and letters. It is sub--divided into three hyphenated blocks. The spindle type is defined in the first block. Additional features are described in the 2nd and 3rd blocks. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 9-155 Order Designation Order designation for 2SP120j Order number: 2 S P 1 2 0 . -- 1 H . . . -- . . . . 2SP1 motor spindle Spindle diameter 20 = Spindle diameter 200 mm Spindle length 2 = spindle length, short 4 = spindle length, long Synchronous/induction 4-pole 1 = Synchronous Encoder type H = sin/cos 1 Vpp, 256 pulses/rev Winding version See Chapter "Technical characteristic data" Tool release and clamping device 2 = 2-channel technology, pneumatic 3 = 2-channel technology, hydraulic Cooling 1= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= Enclosed cooling jacked Enclosed cooling jacket and internal cooling Enclosed cooling jacket, with ring with 6 nozzles for external tool cooling Enclosed cooling jacket, internal tool cooling and ring with 6 nozzles for external tool cooling Enclosed cooling jacket, with ring with 8xG1/4" for external tool cooling Enclosed cooling jacket, internal tool cooling and ring with 8xG1/4" for external tool cooling Bearings 1 = Bearings for max. speed up to 15000 rpm 2 = bearings for max. speed up to 18000 rpm Tool interfaces D = Tool interface HSK A63 R = Tool interface HSK A63 type C, holding clamping set Sensor systems D = 3 digital sensors for the tool clamped state: "Tool clamped", "draw bar in the release position", and "clamped without tool"; 1 digital sensor for position "release piston". F = 1 analog sensor for tool clamped state: "Tool clamped", "draw bar in the release position", and "clamped without tool"; 1 digital sensor for position "release piston". G = as for F + PT100 to monitor the bearing temperature H = as D + PT100 to monitor the bearing temperature Power cables and connectors 2 = 1.5 m power cable, signal connector for sensors 6 = 1.5 m power cable and connector size 1.5, signal connector for sensors (only for 2SP1202) 6 = 1.5 m power cable and connector size 3, signal connector for sensors (only for 2SP1204) Fig. 9-1 9-156 Order designation for 2SP120V (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Order Designation Order designation for 2SP125 Order number: 2 S P 1 2 5 . -- . H . 0 . -- . . D2 2SP1 motor spindle Spindle diameter 25 = Spindle diameter 250 mm Spindle length 3 = spindle length, short 5 = spindle length, long Synchronous/induction 4-pole 1 = Synchronous 8 = Induction Encoder type H = sin/cos 1 Vpp, 256 pulses/rev Winding version See Chapter "Technical characteristic data" Tool release and clamping device 0= 1-channel technology, pneumatic Cooling 1= 3= Enclosed cooling jacket Enclosed cooling jacket and internal tool cooling Bearings 0= 1= Bearings for max. speed up to 10000 rpm Bearings for max. speed up to 15000 rpm Tool interfaces A= B= C= D= E= Tool interface SK 40 Tool interface BT 40, 45_ Tool interface CAT 40 Tool interface HSK A63 (from 15000 rpm, general) Tool interface BT 40, 30_ Sensor systems D = 3 digital sensors for the tool clamped state: "Tool clamped", "draw bar in the release position", and "clamped without tool" Power cables and connectors 2= Fig. 9-2 1.5 m power cable, signal connector for sensors Order designation for 2SP125V J (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 9-157 Order Designation Space for your notes 9-158 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10 Data Sheets 10.1 Technical characteristic data Electrical power data The values in Table 10-1 are only applicable in conjunction with Siemens system components -- SIMODRIVE 611 digital/universal. Table 10-1 Electrical power data Order No. PN MN nN IN PN MN PN MN nN IN Imax nmax S1 [kW] S1 [Nm] [RPM] S1 [A] S6-40% S6-40% [Nm] S1 [kW] S1 [Nm] [RPM] [kW] S1 [A] [A] [RPM] Star configuration 1) Delta configuration Synchronous 2SP1202-1HAjj-1DF 12.0 42 2700 30 12.0 55 ------ ------ ------ ------ 60 15000 2SP1202-1HBjj-2DF 15.5 42 3500 42 15.5 55 ------ ------ ------ ------ 84 18000 2SP1204-1HAjj-1DF 26.4 84 3000 60 26.4 110 ------ ------ ------ ------ 120 15000 2SP1204-1HBjj-2DF 35.0 78 4300 79 35.0 110 ------ ------ ------ ------ 160 18000 2SP1253-8HA0j-0jj 13.2 70 1800 28 18.9 100 13.2 32 4000 29 51 10000 2SP1253-8HA0j-1Dj 13.2 70 1800 28 18.9 100 13.2 32 4000 29 51 15000 2SP1255-8HA0j-0jj 11.7 140 800 30 16.7 200 11.7 62 1800 29 51 10000 2SP1255-8HA0j-1Dj 11.7 140 800 30 16.7 200 11.7 62 1800 29 51 15000 2SP1253-1HA0j-0jj 26.0 100 2500 53 29.0 130 ------ ------ ------ ------ 106 10000 Reduced motor data 2) 22.5 80 2700 45 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 2SP1253-1HB0j-1Dj 35.0 100 3300 68 38.0 130 ------ ------ ------ ------ 136 15000 30 80 3600 60 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 46.3 170 2600 95 55.0 236 ------ ------ ------ ------ 170 10000 40 150 2560 85 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 53.4 170 3000 120 64.0 236 ------ ------ ------ ------ 240 15000 40 150 3000 105 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Induction Synchronous Reduced motor data 2) 2SP1255-1HA0j-0jj Reduced motor data 2) 2SP1255-1HB0j-1Dj Reduced motor data 2) 1) 2) It is not permissible that the maximum current is exceeded due to danger of de--magnetization The values apply for reduced motor data that match the next smaller power module (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-159 Data Sheets 10.1 Technical characteristic data Supply data Table 10-2 Supply data Order No. Motor type Max. speed nmax [RPM] Required cooling PcoolN [kW] at Cooling medium flow rate nN V [l/min] nmax Cooling medium pressure drop 1) np [hpa] Max. permissible cooling medium pressure p [bar] 2SP1202-1jAjj-0 Synch. 15000 2.0 2.0 10 0.5 5.0 2SP1202-1jBjj-1 Synch. 18000 2.0 2.6 10 0.5 5.0 2SP1204-1jAjj-0 Synch. 15000 3.6 4.2 10 1.0 5.0 2SP1204-1jBjj-1 Synch. 18000 3.6 5.0 10 1.0 5.0 2SP1253-8jAjj-0 Induct. 10000 2.8 2.8 10 0.75 5.0 2SP1253-8jAjj-1 Induct. 15000 2.8 2.8 10 0.75 5.0 2SP1255-8jAjj-0 Induct. 10000 4.3 4.3 10 1.0 5.0 2SP1255-8jAjj-1 Induct. 15000 4.3 4.3 10 1.0 5.0 2SP1253-1jAjj-0 Synch. 10000 2.1 3.0 10 0.75 5.0 2SP1253-1jBjj-1 Synch. 15000 2.1 4.5 10 0.75 5.0 2SP1255-1jAjj-0 Synch. 10000 3.5 4.5 10 1.0 5.0 2SP1255-1jBjj-1 Synch. 15000 3.5 6.0 10 1.0 5.0 1) At the specified flow quantity 10-160 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 10.1 Technical characteristic data Power data at the tool holder Table 10-3 Power data at the tool holder Order No. Radial eccentricity 1) [ ] [m] Typical time 3) [ms] to Pullforce 2) Clamp tool [kN] 4) Release tool 5) Minimum accel. time to nmax 6) [sec] [ ] 2SP1202-1jA0j-1 15 18 320 350 1.5 2SP1202-1jA1j-1 15 18 180 200 1.5 2SP1202-1jB0j-2 15 18 320 350 1.7 2SP1202-1jB1j-2 15 18 180 200 1.7 2SP1204-1jA0j-1 15 18 320 350 1.0 2SP1204-1jA1j-1 15 18 180 200 1.0 2SP1204-1jB0j-2 15 18 320 350 1.2 2SP1204-1jB1j-2 15 18 180 200 1.2 2SP1253-8jAjj-0 15 8 270 230 1.30 2SP1253-8jAjj-1 15 18 180 300 3.50 2SP1255-8jAjj-0 15 8 270 230 2.25 2SP1255-8jAjj-1 15 18 180 300 6.75 2SP1253-1jAjj-0 15 8 270 230 0.8 2SP1253-1jBjj-1 15 18 180 300 1.25 2SP1255-1jAjj-0 15 8 270 230 0.6 2SP1255-1jBjj-1 15 18 180 300 1.1 1) Radial eccentricity measured at the plug gauge 280 mm from the spindle nose. 2) Nominal value, dependent on the tool interface (SK40/HSK A63) Tolerance values for SK40: +1.6 kN, --0.8 kN Tolerance values for HSK A63: +5.4 kN, --1.9 kN 3) Characteristic values/parameters are dependent on the release pressure, flow rate and for the pneumatic release unit, from the number connections used; Hydraulic release unit: The specified values are reached for an 80 bar release pressure with a sufficient flow rate. Pneumatic release unit: The specified values are reached for a release pressure of 6 bar, sufficient flow rate and 2 connections. 4) Time between the valve switching up to the "tool clamped" sensor signal. 5) Time between the valve switching up to the "draw bar in release position" sensor signal. 6) For an adequately dimensioned power module. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-161 Data Sheets 10.1 Technical characteristic data Geometrical data for 2SP120j Table 10-4 Length and diameter codes for 2SP120j Geometrical data for 2SP120j Order No. Length L1 1) [mm] Diameter [mm] (fit for cartridge) Drive end/D1 Non--drive end/D2 Flange diameter D3 [mm] Diameter of the circle of holes D4 Weight [kg] 2) [mm] Support S req quired at the no on--drive end 5) Fig. 10-1 2SP1202-1jA0j-0 684 200 h7 199 h6 250 225 83 3) 4) Yes 2SP1202-1jA1j-1 593 200 h7 199 h6 250 225 82 3) 4) Yes 2SP1202-1jB0j-2 684 200 h7 199 h6 250 225 83 3) 4) Yes 2SP1202-1jB1j-2 593 200 h7 199 h6 250 225 82 3) 4) Yes 2SP1204-1jA0j-1 784 200 h7 199 h6 250 225 101 3) 4) Yes 225 100 3) 4) Yes 101 3) 4) Yes 100 3) 4) Yes 2SP1204-1jA1j-1 2SP1204-1jB0j-2 2SP1204-1jB1j-2 693 784 693 200 h7 200 h7 200 h7 199 h6 199 h6 199 h6 250 250 250 225 225 1) 2) When the internal tool cooling option is used, the spindle is 43 mm longer 8 x M12 bolts should be used for mounting. These must have a minimum strength of 10.9. The spindle must be mounted so that the motor spindle is not subject to any compulsive forces. 3) With internal tool cooling, weight + 1 kg 4) With external tool cooling, weight + 8 kg 5) When supported, applicable for both horizontal or vertical working position 10-162 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 10.1 Technical characteristic data Geometrical data for 2SP125j Geometrical data for 2SP125j Order No. Length L1 1) [mm] Diameter [mm] (fit for cartridge) Drive end/D1 2SP1253-8jAjj-0 776 250 h7 Non--drive end/D2 237 h6 Flange diameter D3 [mm] 310 Diameter of the circle of holes D4 Weight [kg] 2) [mm] 5) Table 10-5 Length and diameter codes for 2SP125j Support S require ed at the non--dr drive end Fig. 10-2 275 130 3) No 3) No 2SP1253-8jAjj-1 770 250 h7 237 h6 310 275 130 2SP1255-8jAjj-0 876 250 h7 237 h6 310 275 165 3) No 2SP1255-8jAjj-1 870 250 h7 237 h6 310 275 165 3) Yes 2SP1253-1jAjj-0 776 250 h7 237 h6 310 275 130 3) No 2SP1253-1jBjj-0 770 250 h7 237 h6 310 275 130 3) No 275 165 3) No 165 3) Yes 2SP1255-1jAjj-0 2SP1255-1jBjj-1 876 870 250 h7 250 h7 237 h6 237 h6 310 310 275 1) When the internal tool cooling option is used, the spindle is 43 mm longer 8 x M12 bolts should be used for mounting. These must have a minimum strength of 10.9. The spindle must be mounted so that the motor spindle is not subject to any compulsive forces. 3) With internal tool cooling, weight + 1 kg 5) When supported, applicable for both horizontal or vertical working position 2) (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-163 Data Sheets 10.2 P/n and M/n diagrams 10.2 P/n and M/n diagrams The diagrams apply for a 600 V DC link voltage 10.2.1 2SP120V synchronous motor Table 10-6 Motor spindle 2SP1202--1VAVV-1 Motor spindle 2SP1202 (only star circuit configuration) Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 12.0 2700 42 30 15000 0.015 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 14 12 Plimit P [kW] 10 S6--25% (52A) 8 S6--40% (43A) 6 S6--60% (36A) 4 S1 (30A) 2 0 0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 n [RPM] 70 60 Mlimit M [Nm] 50 S6--25% (52A) 40 S6--40% (43A) 30 S6--60% (36A) 20 S1 (30A) 10 0 0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. 10-164 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 10.2 Table 10-7 P/n and M/n diagrams Motor spindle 2SP1202--1VBVV-2 Motor spindle 2SP1202 (only star circuit configuration) Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 15.5 3500 42 42 18000 0.015 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 18 16 14 Plimit P [kW] 12 10 S6--25% (76A) 8 S6--40% (60A) 6 S6--60% (52A) 4 2 S1 (42A) 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 n [RPM] 70 60 Mlimit M [Nm] 50 S6--25% (76A) 40 S6--40% (60A) 30 S6--60% (52A) 20 S1 (42A) 10 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-165 Data Sheets 10.2 P/n and M/n diagrams Table 10-8 Motor spindle 2SP1204--1VAVV-1 Motor spindle 2SP1204 (only star circuit configuration) Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 26.4 3000 84 60 15000 0.023 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 30 25 P [kW] 20 Plimit S6--25% (105A) 15 S6--40% (85A) 10 S6--60% (72A) S1 (60A) 5 0 0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 n [RPM] 140 120 M [Nm] 100 Mlimit S6--25% (105A) 80 S6--40% (85A) 60 S6--60% (72A) 40 S1 (60A) 20 0 0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. 10-166 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 10.2 Table 10-9 P/n and M/n diagrams Motor spindle 2SP1204--1VBVV-2 Motor spindle 2SP1204 (only star circuit configuration) Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 35.0 4300 78 79 18000 0.023 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 40 35 30 Plimit P [kW] 25 S6--25% (150A) 20 S6--40% (120A) 15 S6--60% (102A) 10 S1 (79A) 5 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 n [RPM] 140 120 M [Nm] 100 Mlimit 80 S6--25% (150A) 60 S6--40% (120A) 40 S6--60% (102A) S1 (79A) 20 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-167 Data Sheets 10.2 P/n and M/n diagrams 10.2.2 2SP125V synchronous motor Table 10-10 Motor spindle 2SP1253--1VAVV-0 Motor spindle 2SP1253--1VAVV-0 Circuit type (only star circuit configuration) Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 26 2500 100 53 10000 0.037 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 35 30 Plimit P [kW] 25 S6--25% (93A) 20 S6--40% (75A) 15 S6--60% (64A) 10 S1 (53A) 5 S1 (45A) 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 n [RPM] 160 140 120 Mlimit M [Nm] 100 S6--25% (93A) 80 S6--40% (75A) 60 S6--60% (64A) 40 S1 (53A) 20 S1 (45A) 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. 10-168 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 10.2 Table 10-11 P/n and M/n diagrams Motor spindle 2SP1253--1VBVV-0 Motor spindle 2SP1253--1VBVV-0 (only star circuit configuration) Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 35 3300 100 68 15000 0.037 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 40 35 30 Plimit P [kW] 25 S6--25% (121A) 20 S6--40% (98A) 15 S6--60% (83A) 10 S1 (68A) 5 S1 (60A) 0 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 n [RPM] 160 M [Nm] 140 120 Plimit 100 S6--25% (121A) 80 S6--40% (98A) 60 S6--60% (83A) 40 S1 (68A) S1 (60A) 20 0 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-169 Data Sheets 10.2 P/n and M/n diagrams Table 10-12 Motor spindle 2SP1255--1VAVV-0 Motor spindle 2SP1255--1VAVV-0 (only star circuit configuration) Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 46.3 2600 170 95 10000 0.055 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 60 Plimit 50 S6--25% (166A) P [kW] 40 S6--40% (135A) 30 S6--60% (115A) 20 S1 (95A) 10 S1 (85A) 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 n [RPM] M [Nm] 300 250 Mlimit 200 S6--25% (166A) 150 S6--40% (135A) 100 S6--60% (115A) 50 S1 (95A) 0 S1 (85A) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. 10-170 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 10.2 Table 10-13 P/n and M/n diagrams Motor spindle 2SP1255--1VBVV-1 Motor spindle 2SP1255--1VBVV-1 (only star circuit configuration) Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 53.4 3000 170 120 15000 0.055 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 70 60 Plimit P [kW] 50 S6--25% (221A) 40 S6--40% (180A) 30 S6--60% (148A) 20 S1 (120A) 10 S1 (105A) 0 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 n [RPM] M [Nm] 300 250 Mlimit 200 S6--25% (221A) S6--40% (180A) 150 S6--60% (148A) 100 S1 (120A) S1 (105A) 50 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 n [RPM] 14000 16000 The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-171 Data Sheets 10.2 P/n and M/n diagrams 10.2.3 2SP125V induction motor Table 10-14 Motor spindle 2SP1253-8VAVV-0 Motor spindle 2SP1253--8VAVV-0 Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 13.2 1800 70 28 10000 0.037 13.2 4000 32 29 10000 0.037 24 Limiting power -- 22 20 S6--40%--Y S6--40%-- 18 16 P [kW] S1-- S1--Y 14 12 10 Limiting power -- Y 8 100 Nm 6 70 Nm 4 2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 n [RPM] 120 110 S6--40%--Y 100 Limiting torque -- Y 90 M [Nm] 80 S1--Y 70 60 S6--40%-- 50 40 Limiting torque -- S1-- 30 20 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. 10-172 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 10.2 Table 10-15 P/n and M/n diagrams Motor spindle 2SP1253--8VAVV-1 Motor spindle 2SP1253--8VAVV-1 Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 13.2 1800 70 28 15000 0.037 13.2 4000 32 29 15000 0.037 24 Limiting power -- 22 20 S6--40%-- S6--40%--Y 18 P [kW] 16 S1-- 14 12 10 8 100 Nm 6 Limiting power -- Y 70 Nm 4 2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 n [RPM] 120 Limiting torque -- Y 110 S6--40%--Y 100 90 80 S1--Y M [Nm] 70 60 Limiting torque -- 50 S6--40%-- 40 S1-- 30 20 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-173 Data Sheets 10.2 P/n and M/n diagrams Table 10-16 Motor spindle 2SP1255--8VAVV-0 Motor spindle 2SP1255--8VAVV-0 Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 11.7 800 140 30 10000 0.055 11.7 1800 62 29 10000 0.055 24 22 Limiting power -- 20 18 S6--40%-- S6--40%--Y P [kW] 16 14 S1--Y 12 S1-- 10 8 200 Nm 6 Limiting power -- Y 140 Nm 4 2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 8000 9000 10000 n [RPM] 200 S6--40%--Y 180 Limiting torque -- Y 160 M [Nm] 140 S1--Y 120 100 S6--40%-- 80 S1-- 60 Limiting torque -- 40 20 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. 10-174 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 10.2 Table 10-17 P/n and M/n diagrams Motor spindle 2SP1255--8VAVV-1 Motor spindle 2SP1255--8VAVV-1 Circuit type Rated power Rated speed Rated torque Rated current IN [A] Max. speed nmax [RPM] Moment of inertia J [kgm2] PN [kW] nN [RPM] MN [Nm] 11.7 800 140 30 15000 0.055 11.7 1800 62 29 15000 0.055 24 22 Limiting power -- 20 18 S6--40%--Y S6--40%-- P [kW] 16 14 S1-- S1--Y 12 10 8 200 Nm 6 140 Nm 4 Limiting power -- Y 2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 n [RPM] S6--40%--Y 200 Limiting torque -- Y 180 160 140 S1--Y M [Nm] 120 100 80 S6--40%-Limiting torque -- S1-- 60 40 20 0 0 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000 10500 12000 13500 15000 n [RPM] The data for duty type S6 are valid for a 2 min. duty cycle. (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-175 Data Sheets 10.3 Dimension drawings 10.3 Dimension drawings Note Siemens AG reserves the right to change the motor dimensions, as part of design improvements, without prior notification. The dimension drawings, provided in this documentation, can go out--of--date. Current dimension drawings can be requested at no charge from your local Siemens office. Table 10-18 Dimension table for Fig. 10-3 MLFB Speed [RPM] Motor Release unit Mom. of inertia [kgm2] A [mm] A* [mm] B [mm] Power connector, optional 2SP1202--1HA3x--1xx2 15000 1FE082--4WP51 hydraulically 0.015 617 572 236 Size 1.5 2SP1202--1HA2x--1xx2 15000 1FE082--4WP51 pneumatically 0.015 735 692 236 Size 1.5 2SP1202--1HB3x--2xx2 18000 1FE082--4WN51 hydraulically 0.015 617 572 236 Size 1.5 2SP1202--1HA3x--2xx2 18000 1FE082--4WN51 pneumatically 0.015 735 692 236 Size 1.5 2SP1204--1HA3x--1xx2 15000 1FE084--4WT51 hydraulically 0.023 717 672 336 Size 3 2SP1204--1HA2x--1xx2 15000 1FE084--4WT51 pneumatically 0.023 835 792 336 Size 3 2SP1204--1HB3x--2xx2 18000 1FE082--4WP51 hydraulically 0.023 717 672 336 Size 3 2SP1204--1HB2x--2xx2 18000 1FE082--4WP51 pneumatically 0.023 835 792 336 Size 3 Dimension A* without rotary gland 10-176 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 10.3 Fig. 10-3 Dimension drawings Spindle 2SP120V--1 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-177 Data Sheets 10.3 Fig. 10-4 10-178 Dimension drawings Spindle 2SP120V--1, spindle nose and spindle connections (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 10.3 Fig. 10-5 Dimension drawings Connection designations (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-179 Data Sheets Dimension drawings 2SP125V-1VV-0 synchronous SK 40/HSK A63, pneu. rls. unit 10.3 Fig. 10-6 10-180 Dimension drawing, spindles 2SP125V--1VV0 (pneumatic release unit) (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Data Sheets 2SP125V-8VV-0 induction Dimension drawings Fig. 10-7 SK 40/HSK A63, pneu. rls. unit 10.3 Dimension drawing, spindles 2SP125V--8VV0 (pneumatic release unit) J (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 10-181 Data Sheets 10.3 Dimension drawings Space for your notes 10-182 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 References A list of documents, updated on a monthly basis is available in the Internet for the available languages under: through "Support", "Technical Documentation", "Overview of Publications" General Documentation /BU/ Catalog NC 60 Automation Systems for Machine Tools Manufacturer/Service Documentation /PJM/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611, MASTERDRIVES MC General Section, 1FT5, 1FT6, 1FK6, 1FK7 /PJAL/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611, MASTERDRIVES MC General Section for Synchronous Motors /PFK7/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611, MASTERDRIVES MC Synchronous Motors 1FK7 /PFK6/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611, MASTERDRIVES MC Synchronous Motors 1FK6 /PFT5/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMODRIVE Synchronous Motors 1FT5 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 A-183 References /PFT6/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611, MASTERDRIVES MC Synchronous Motors 1FT6 /ASAL/ Configuration Manual, Induction Motors SIMODRIVE General Section for Induction Motors for Main Spindle Drives /APH2/ Configuration Manual, Induction Motors SIMODRIVE Induction Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1PH2 /APH4/ Configuration Manual, Induction Motors SIMODRIVE Induction Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1PH4 /APH7S/ Configuration Manual, Induction Motors SIMODRIVE Induction Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1PH7 /APH7M/ Configuration Manual, Induction Motors MASTERDRIVES MC/VC Induction Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1PH7 /PPM/ Configuration Manual, Hollow Shaft Motors SIMODRIVE Hollow Shaft Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1PM6 and 1PM4 /PJFE/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Built--in Motors SIMODRIVE Three--Phase Motors for Main Spindle Drives Synchronous Built--in Motors 1FE1 /PFU/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SINAMICS, SIMODRIVE, MASTERDRIVES SIEMOSYN Motors 1FU8 A-184 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 References /PKTM/ Configuration Manual, Complete Torque Motors MASTERDRIVES MC Complete Torque Motors 1FW3 /PJTM/ Configuration Manual, Built--in Torque Motors SIMODRIVE Built--in Torque Motors 1FW6 /PMS/ Configuration Manual, Motor Spindle SIMODRIVE ECS Motor Spindle 2SP1 /PJLM/ Configuration Manual, Linear Motors SIMODRIVE Linear Motors 1FN1 and 1FN3 /PJU/ Configuration Manual Converters SIMODRIVE 611 J (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 A-185 References Space for your notes A-186 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Abbreviations and Terminology MQL Minimum quantity lubrication system Operating speed, max. Max. speed Safety IntegratedR Option to monitor the drive function through 2 channels Shutdown speed Speed limit value; the system initiates that the spindle is shutdown if the shutdown speed is exceeded. J (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 B-187 Abbreviations and Terminology Space for your notes B-188 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Index A Abbreviations, B-187 Air purge, 6-94 Angular acceleration when the spindle is accelerating, 4-54 Applications, 3-31 B Bearings Features, 4-49 Grease lifetime, 4-52 Lifetime, 4-52 Load capability, 4-51 C Characteristics, 10-164 Clamping state sensors Description, 4-63 Technical data and connection, 7-125 Clamping system, 4-63 Compressed air Conditioning, 6-97 Connections, 6-96 Generating, 6-99 Use, 6-94 Connecting cables, 5-84 Connection code for 2SP120, 6-109 for 2SP125, 6-115 Connections for various media for 2SP120, 6-109 for 2SP125, 6-115 Connector assignment, 5-84 Control diagram with S1 and S4, 8-144 with S1, S2 and S3, 8-152 with S2, 8-149 Control--related speed peaks, 1-21 Cooling concept, 3-35 Cooling medium pressure, 10-160 Cooling power required, 10-160 Cooling system manufacturers, 6-91 Cooling water Additives, 6-90 Conditioning, 6-89 Connections, 6-89 D Danger and warning information, viii Data sheets, 10-159 Definitions, 5-71 Degree of protection, 4-40 Dimension drawings, 10-176 Direction of rotation, 5-85 Drive converters, 5-76 Drive motor, 3-34, 5-72 E Electrical power data, 10-159 Encoder Connection, 7-123 Description, 7-119 ESDS notes, x Explanation of symbols, vii External tool cooling, 6-106 F Features, 3-31 Functionality, 3-32 G Geometrical data 2SP120, 10-162 2SP125, 10-163 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 C-189 Index H Hotline, vi Hydraulics Connections, 6-101 Use, 6-100 I Internal tool cooling, 6-102 M Media overview, 6-87 Motor, 5-72 Motor characteristics, 5-74 Motor protection KTY 84, 7-129 NTC K227, 7-130 NTC PT3--51F, 7-130 Pt100, 7-132 PTC thermistor triplet, 7-131 N NTC thermistor, 7-130 O Order designation, 9-155 P Permissible vibration levels, 4-70 Power connection, 5-84 Power--speed diagrams, 10-164 PTC thermistor, 7-131 Q Qualified personnel, vi S Safety, 1-15 Safety measures, 1-15 C-190 Sealing air, 6-94 Selecting the power module, 5-81 Shaft growth, 4-54 Shutdown speed, 1-18 Signal cable, 7-123 Speed--torque diagrams, 10-164 Spindle, Mounting, 4-41 Spindle bearings, 4-49 Spindle ramp--up, 4-54 Spindle rating plate, 5-83 Spindle run--in, 4-50 Spindle support, 4-43 Star--delta mode, 5-77 Application, 5-78 Changeover, 5-77 Connection diagram, 5-79 Stiffness, 4-54 Supply, 3-36 Support at the non--drive end, 4-47 System overview, 5-80 T Technical data, 10-159 2SP1202--1.A..--1, 10-164 2SP1202--1.B..--2, 10-165 2SP1204--1.A..--1, 10-166 2SP1204--1.B..--2, 10-167 2SP1253--1.A..--0, 10-168 2SP1253--1.B..--0, 10-169 2SP1253--8.A..--0, 10-172 2SP1253--8.A..--1, 10-173 2SP1255--1.A..--0, 10-170 2SP1255--1.B..--1, 10-171 2SP1255--8.A..--0, 10-174 2SP1255--8.A..--1, 10-175 Technical Support, vi Terms, B-187 Thermal motor protection, 7-129 Third--party manufacturers, x Tool change Control diagrams, 8-143 Description, 4-64 Tool changer, 4-62 Tool holder, Performance data, 10-161 Tool holders, 4-59 Tools, 4-56 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Index V W VP module, 5-77 Warming--up phase, 4-50 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 C-191 Index Space for your notes C-192 (c) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved 2SP1 Motor Spindle (PMS), 03/2007 Edition, 6SN1197--0AD04--0BP3 Should you notice any printing errors when reading this publication, please notify us on this sheet. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome. To SIEMENS AG A&D MC MS1 Postfach 3180 D-91050 Erlangen From Name: Your company address/Dept. Street: Fax:+49 (0)9131 / 98--63315 [Documentation] Suggestions and/or corrections Postal code: City: Telephone: / Telefax: / Siemens AG 6SN1197-0AD04-0BP3 Automation and Drives Motion Control Systems Postfach 3180 91050 ERLANGEN GERMANY