DT Series Elements Piezoelectric film sensor without lead attachments Silver ink electrodes Available in different sizes and thicknesses Great for making your own sensor DESCRIPTION The DT series of piezo film sensors elements are rectangular elements of piezo film with silver ink screen printed electrodes. They are available in a variety of different sizes and thicknesses. The DT film element produces more than 10 millivolts per microstrain, about 60 dB higher than the voltage output of a foil strain gauge. The capacitance is proportional to the area and inversely proportional to the thickness of the element. The DT series sensors are the simplest form of piezo film sensors, used primarily as dynamic strain gauges and contact microphones for vibration or impact detection. These are available without any leads for applications in which the customer wants to make his own lead attachment. They can be readily adhered to a surface with double-sided tape or epoxy. Lead attachment can be achieved by compressive clamping, crimps, eyelets or conductive epoxy. FEATURES APPLICATIONS Thin piezo polymer with high piezo activity Sensing dynamic strain Flexible silver ink metallization Recording time of an event Min impedance: 1 M; recommended 10 M. Counting number of impacts Output voltage: mV to 100's of volts Make your own sensor element Operating temperature: -40 to 140 F (-40 to 60 C) DT Series Elements Rev 1 www.meas-spec.com 1/2 August 2014 DT Series Elements MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS in inches (mm) Model Number Part Number A Film B Electrode C Film D Electrode Total Thickness (m) Cap (nF) DT1-028K 1-1002608-0 .64 (16) .484 (12) 1.63 (41) 1.19 (30) 40 1.4 DT1-052K 2-1002608-0 .64 (16) .484 (12) 1.63 (41) 1.19 (30) 64 0.7 DT2-028K 1-1002145-0 .64 (16) .484 (12) 2.86 (12) 2.42 (62) 40 2.8 DT2-052K 2-1002145-0 .64 (16) .484 (12) 2.42 (62) 64 1.4 DT4-028K 1-1002149-0 .86 (22) .740 (19) 6.13 (156) 40 11.0 DT4-052K 2-1002149-0 .86 (22) .740 (19) 2.86 (12) 6.72 (171) 6.72 (171) 6.13 (156) 64 5.7 TECHNICAL CONTACT INFORMATION North America Europe Asia Measurement Specialties, Inc. 1000 Lucas Way Hampton, VA 23666 Tel: 1-800-745-8008 Fax: 1-757-766-4297 Sales: piezo@meas-spec.com MEAS Deutschland GmbH Hauert 13 44227 Dortmund Germany Sales & Customer Service: +49 (0)231 9740 21 Technical Support: +44 (0)138 38700 01 Email: piezoeurope@meas-spec.com Measurement Specialties (China) Ltd. No. 26 Langshan Road, High-Tech Park (North) Nanshan District, Shenzhen 518057 Tel: +86 755 3330 5068 Email: sales.china@meas-spec.com The information in this sheet has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the purchaser of such devices any license under the patent rig hts to the manufacturer. Measurement Specialties, Inc. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any product herein. Measurement Specialties, Inc. makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its product for any particular purpose, nor does Measurement Specialties, Inc. assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. Typical parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Measurement Specialties, Inc. does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. DT Series Elements Rev 1 www.meas-spec.com 2/2 August 2014 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: TE Connectivity: 2-1002608-0 2-1002145-0