High Precision Crystal Oscillators Digital TCXO (VC-)DTCXO-12A How to Order Features * Digital processing temperature compensated crystal oscillator * Excellent frequency temperature characteristics and frequency aging * CMOS output Applications * Reference Oscillator * PLL Oscillator DO 20.000000000 M 00001 Function DODTCXO, DVVC-DTCXO Output Frequency Frequency Unit MMHz, KkHz Individual Specification Specifications Item Output Frequency Range Frequency Tolerance Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Supply Voltage Current Consumption Frequency Tuning Range Frequency Aging Frequency Deviation Control Voltage Symbol FO vs Temperature DTCXO-12A/VC-DTCXO-12A : VC=Open vs Voltage F_tol T_stg T_use VCC ICC f tuning F aging f/V VC Symmetry SYM Output Voltage-"L" Output Voltage-"H" Load Sub Harmonics VOL VOH CL Conditions Internal Trimmer Per Year (at +25C) VC-DTCXO-12A Only VC-DTCXO-12A Only @50% VCC 1 to 15MHz @50% VCC 15 to 32MHz Note: All electrical characteristics are defined at the maximum load and operating temperature range. Dimensions (Unit : mm) 4(tuning hole) KSS DTCXO-12A 301 220.5 4-0.5 #1 #2 #4 #3 51 10max. Example of Marking Pin Connection 1: +DC5V 2: VC VC-DTCXO NC DTCXO 3: GND 4: Output - 108 - Min. 1 0.1 0.05 40 35 4.75 ----0.7 0.5 2 0.5 45 30 ----4.5 15 ----- Max. 32 0.1 0.05 85 85 5.25 30 0.7 0.5 2 4.5 55 70 0.5 ----15 80 Units MHz 10-6 C C V mA 10-6 10-6 10-6 V % V V pF dB High Precision Crystal Oscillators Digital TCXO (VC-)DTCXO-13A Features * Digital processing temperature compensated crystal oscillator * Output 50 * Wide frequency range Applications * Reference Oscillator * PLL Oscillator How to Order DO 20.000000000 M 00001 Function DODTCXO, DVVC-DTCXO Output Frequency Frequency Unit MMHz, KkHz Individual Specification Specifications Item Output Frequency Range Symbol FO Frequency Tolerance F_tol Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Supply Voltage Current Consumption Frequency Tuning Range Frequency Aging Frequency Deviation Control Voltage Output Level Sub Harmonics T_stg T_use VCC ICC f tuning F aging f/V VC Vpp Conditions vs Temperature DTCXO-13A/VC-DTCXO-13A: VCOpen vs Voltage Internal Trimmer Per Year (at 25C) VC-DTCXO-13A Only VC-DTCXO-13A Only 50 ohm Note: All electrical characteristics are defined at the maximum load and operating temperature range. Dimensions (Unit : mm) 4(tuning hole) KSS DTCXO-13A 401 30.480.5 5-0.5 #4 #5 #1 #3 51 10max. Example of Marking Pin Connection 1 : DC5V 2 : Output 3 : GND 4 : GND 5 : VC (VC-DTCXO) NC (DTCXO) #2 - 109 - Min. 30 0.1 0.05 40 20 4.75 ----0.7 0.5 2 0.5 0 ---- Max. 320 0.1 0.05 85 70 5.25 40 0.7 0.5 2 4.5 ----40 Units MHz 106 C C V mA 106 106 106 V dBm dB High Precision Crystal Oscillators Surface Mount Type Digital TCXO (VC-)DTCXO-15A How to Order Features * Small size (, lead-less type (SMD) * Supply voltage of 3.3V or 5.0V is available * Digital processing temperature compensated crystal oscillator * High stability (0.510-6max./-30 to 80:) DO 20.000000000 M 00001 Function DODTCXO, DVVC-DTCXO Output Frequency Frequency Unit MMHz, KkHz Individual Specification Applications * Reference Oscillator * PLL Oscillator Specifications Item Output Frequency Range Symbol FO Frequency Tolerance F_tol Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Supply Voltage Current Consumption Frequency Aging Frequency Deviation Control Voltage Symmetry Output Voltage-"L" Output Voltage-"H" Load T_stg T_use VCC ICC F aging f/V VC SYM VOL VOH CL Conditions Min. 10 0.5 0.05 40 30 3.14 ----0.7 10 0.5 30 ----3 15 vs Temperature VC=Open vs Voltage Per Year (at +25C) 50% VCC Max. 40 0.5 0.05 85 80 3.46 15 0.7 10 2.5 70 0.3 ----15 Units MHz 10-6 C C V mA 10-6 10-6 V % V V pF Note: All electrical characteristics are defined at the maximum load and operating temperature range. Dimensions (Unit : mm) 11.50.5 VC-DTCXO-15A Recommended Land Pattern #9 (Unit : mm) #5 5.08 KSS JAPAN 2.0 14.00.5 80.2 0.8 #1 1.27 11.0 #4 Pin Connection 1: VC 2: NC 3: NC 4: GND #9 5.08 9: Vcc 8: NC 7: NC 6: NC 5: OUTPUT #1 #5 - 110 - #4