8983_VECTRON 06/17/02 12:13 PM Page 1 Product Data Sheet FX-700 Low Jitter Frequency Translator Features * * * * * * * * * 5.0 x 7.5 mm, Hermetically sealed SMD package Frequency Translation to 77.760 MHz 3.3 Volt or 5.0 Volt Supply Tri-State Output allows board test Lock Detect Commercial or Industrial Temp. Range CMOS Output Absolute Pull Range Performance to +/-100 ppm Capable of locking to an 8 kHz pulse/BITS clock Description Applications The FX-700 is a crystal-based frequency translator used in communications applications where low jitter is paramount. * * * * * Performance advantages include superior jitter performance, high output frequencies and small package size. Advanced custom ASIC technology results in a highly robust, reliable and predictable device. The device is packaged in a 16 pad ceramic package with a hermetic seam welded lid. Frequency Translation, Clock Smoothing Telecom - SONET/SDH/ATM Datacom - DSLAM, DSLAR, Access Nodes Base Station - GSM, CDMA Cable Modem Head End R2 External Loop Filter C1 C2 C1 Charge Pump Out (5) VCOUT (3) LD (8) F IN (6) Input Frequency Divider (1-64) VCXOOUT Output Frequency Divider (1-16384) VDD (1) VCXO Buffer (13) FX-700 GND (7) Charge Pump Phase/Freq. Detector VCIN (16) VDB (11) GNDB (9) VDA (2) Buffer Tri-State (4) Figure 1. FX-700 Block Diagram FOUT (10) VCXOIN (12) VDO (14) 8983_VECTRON 06/17/02 12:13 PM Page 2 FX-700 Low Jitter Frequency Translator Performance Characteristics Electrical Performance Parameter Output Frequency4 Output (3.3 V) Output (5.0 V) 1 Supply Voltage (VDD,VDB,VDA,VDO) +5.0 +3.3 5 Supply Current @19.440 MHz 49.152 MHz 77.760 MHz Output2 Output High Output Low Transition Times2 Rise Time Fall Time Duty Cycle3 <60 MHz 60 MHz Absolute Pull Range Operating Temperature: Test Conditions for APR (+5V option) Test Conditions for APR (+3.3V option) Input Frequency Pulse Width Low Logic Level High Logic Level Jitter, 8kHz to 77.760 MHz6 rms peak/peak peak/peak Leakage Current of Input Size Symbol Minimum fo fo 0.100 0.100 VDD VDD IDD IDD IDD 4.5 2.97 VOH VOL 0.9*Vdd tR tF D Typical Maximum Units 77.760 77.760 MHz MHz 5.5 3.63 20 30 40 V V mA mA mA 0.1*Vdd V V 5.0 3.3 15 25 35 1.8 3.0 1.8 3.0 45 50 55 40 50 60 See Part Numbering 0 to 70C or -40 to 85C 0.5 4.5 0.3 3.0 APR VC VC 1 kHz 6.0 fIN VIL VIH ns ns % % ppm V V 77.76 MHz ns V V 0.3* Vdd 0.7* Vdd 4.7 44 0.003 IC ps ps UI uA -1 +1 5.0mm x 7.5mm x 2.0mm 1. A 0.01uF high frequency ceramic capacitor in parallel with a 0.1uF low frequency tantalum bypass capacitor is recommended 2. Figure 2 defines the waveform parameters. Figure 3 illustrates the standard test conditions under which these parameters are tested and specified 3. Duty Cycle is defined as (on time/period) with Vs = Vdd/2 per Figure 2. Duty Cycle is measured with a 15pf load per Figure 3. 4. Other frequencies may be available, please contact factory. 5. Combined Current From VDD, VDO, VDA, and VDB 6. Typical jitter for 8 kHz to 77.760 MHz translation (no offset bandwidth). 80 % VD D Vs 20 % On Time .1uF .01uF 2,14,11,1 8 13,12 10 15 6 4 7,9 3,16 5 n/c R2 f IN C1 15pF C2 Period Figure 2. Output Waveform + - 2k 30k ID D tF tR Figure 3. Output Test Conditions (25 5C) Vectron International * 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 * Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 * Web: www.vectron.com 2 8983_VECTRON 06/17/02 12:13 PM Page 3 FX-700 Low Jitter Frequency Translator Outline Diagram 13 12 11 10 9 FLACGNK A3/K2 VI YWW 14 15 16 8 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 Pin Out Pin # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Symbol VDD VDA VCOUT Tri-state1 C1 FIN GND LD2 GNDB FOUT VDB VCXOIN VCXOOUT VDO N.C. VCIN Function Digital PLL Supply (3.3 V +/- 10% or 5.0 V +/- 10%) Analog PLL Supply (3.3 V +/- 10% or 5.0 V +/- 10%) Control Voltage Logic Low = Output Disable / Logic High = Output Enabled Passive Loop Filter Node Input Frequency Cover and Electrical Ground Lock Detect Output Buffer Ground Output Frequency Output Buffer Supply (3.3V +/-10% or 5.0V +/-10%) VCXO Input VCXO Output VCXO Supply (3.3 V +/- 10% or 5.0 V +/- 10%) No Internal Connection Made VCXO Control Voltage Input 1 Tri-state must be driven to a logic high or a logic low, there is no internal pull up or pull down resistor (tie pin to VDD for PLL operation). 2 LD is an open collector output requiring a 30k ohm minimum pull-up resistor to VDD. LD output is logic high under locked condition, logic low for no input at FIN, and for "out-of-lock" condition LD transitions between logic low and high at the phase detector frequency. Vectron International * 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 * Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 * Web: www.vectron.com 3 8983_VECTRON 06/17/02 12:13 PM Page 4 FX-700 Low Jitter Frequency Translator Solder Pad Layout J F G C D B A I L E H K Tape and Reel Dimensions (mm) Tape Dimensions Reel Dimensions # Per Reel Product A B C D E F G H I J K L FX-700 16 7.5 1.5 4 8 1.5 20.2 13 50 6 16.4 178 500 Vectron International * 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 * Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 * Web: www.vectron.com 4 8983_VECTRON 06/17/02 12:13 PM Page 5 FX-700 Low Jitter Frequency Translator Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can permanently damage the device. Functional operation is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of conditions represented in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may adversely affect device reliability. Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit Power Supply VDD 7 Vdc Storage Temperature Tstorage -55/125 C Reliability Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Conditions Mechanical Shock Mechanical Vibration Solderability Gross and Fine Leak Resistance to Solvents MIL-STD-883 MIL-STD-883 MIL-STD-883 MIL-STD-883 MIL-STD-883 Method Method Method Method Method 2002 2007 2003 1014 2016 Handling Precautions Although ESD protection circuitrry has been designed into the the FX-700, proper precautions should be taken when handling and mounting. VI employs a human body model and a charged-device model (CDM) for ESD susceptibility testing and design protection evaluation. ESD thresholds are dependent on the circuit parameters used to define the model. Although no industry wide standard has been adopted for the CDM, a standard HBM of resistance=1.5Kohms and capacitance = 100pF is widely used and Therefore can be used for comparison purposes. ESD Ratings Model Minimum Conditions Human Body Model 1500 MIL-STD-883, Method 3015 Charged Device Model 1000 JESD 22-C101 Recommended Solder Reflow Profile Times(s) Vectron International * 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 * Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 * Web: www.vectron.com 5 8983_VECTRON 06/17/02 12:13 PM Page 6 FX-700 Low Jitter Frequency Translator FX-700 Theory of Operation The FX-700 includes an integrated phase detector, current mode charge pump, programmable frequency dividers and VCXO. The FX-700 will translate an input frequency such as 8 kHz, 1.544 MHz or 19.440 MHz to a specific output frequency which is an integer multiple (1-16384) of the input frequency and less than or equal to 77.760 MHz. For clock smoothing applications, the input frequency is typically internally divided down by a factor of 64 (2N where N = 6) by the input frequency divider and this frequency becomes an input to the phase detector. The integrated frequency dividers (factory programmed) and crystal based VCXO allows for a large range of possible frequency translations and clock smoothing applications. states there is no frequency error. The loop filter design will dictate many key parameters such as jitter reduction, stability, lock range and acquisition time. The external second order passive loop filter is a complex impedance in parallel with the input capacitance of the VCXO. The loop filter converts the charge pump output into the VCXO's control voltage. VI's loop filter design methodology involves the calculation of the open loop gain bandwidth and corresponding phase margin to determine the optimal component values that ensure high loop stability and acceptable lock in time. As a rule of thumb, the VCXO gain is typically 100 ppm/volt and the charge pump current is typically 32 uA. VI's Applications Engineering staff can provide the external loop filter component values required to meet specific system requirements and application The FX-700's PLL is a feedback system which forces the output frequency to lock in both phase and frequency to the input frequency. While there will be some phase error, theory Vectron International * 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 * Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 * Web: www.vectron.com 6 8983_VECTRON 06/17/02 12:13 PM Page 7 FX-700 Low Jitter Frequency Translator Standard Frequencies 1.000 KHz A1 4.000 KHz A2 8.000 KHz A3 16.000 KHz A4 64.000 KHz A5 1.024 MHz B2 1.544 MHz B3 2.048 MHz B4 3.088 MHz B6 4.096 MHz B5 6.480 MHz C2 8.192 MHz C3 10.000 MHz C4 12.352 MHz D1 13.000 MHz D3 15.000 MHz D4 16.384 MHz D5 18.432 MHz D7 19.440 MHz D6 20.000 MHz E2 20.480 MHz E4 24.576 MHz E6 24.704 MHz E7 26.000 MHz F3 27.000 MHz F4 30.720 MHz H1 32.000 MHz H2 32.768 MHz H3 34.368 MHz H6 37.056 MHz H4 38.880 MHz H5 40.960 MHz J1 44.736 MHz J3 49.152 MHz J7 51.840 MHz J4 61.440 MHz J5 62.208 MHz J8 62.500 MHz J9 65.536 MHz J6 74.152 MHz K1 74.250 MHz K7 77.760 MHz K2 Note 1: Other frequencies are available upon request, please contact VI for details SS is code for non-standard frequencies, list the frequency after the part number. Note 2: Not all combinations are possible. Note 3: The output frequency must be equal to or greater than the input frequency. Note 4: The output frequency divided by the input frequency (FOUT/FIN) must be an integer. Note 5: The output frequency must also be equal to or greater than 100 kHz. Ordering Information FX-700 X X X X X X XX XX MHz Output Frequency (B2-K2 from table) Product Family FX=Freq. Translator Input Frequency (A1-K2 from table) Package 700: 5.0 x 7.5 x 2.0 mm Duty Cycle J = 45/55 K = 40/60 Input K: 5.0V 0.5 Vdc L: 3.3V 0.3 Vdc Other N = n/a Output A: CMOS Absolute Pull Range G = 50 ppm N = 80 ppm H = 100 ppm Temperature Range C: 0 to 70C F: -40 to 85C EXAMPLE: FX-700-LAC-GNK-A3-K2 FX-700, 3.3V, CMOS output, 0 to 70C operating temperature, 50 ppm APR, 40/60 % duty cycle with an 8kHz input and 77.760MHz output Vectron International * 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 * Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 * Web: www.vectron.com 7 8983_VECTRON 06/17/02 12:13 PM Page 8 FX-700 Low Jitter Frequency Translator For additional information please contact: USA: Vectron International * 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 . . . Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 * Fax: 1-888-FAX-VECTRON EUROPE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel: 49 (0) 3328 4784 17 * Fax: 49 (0) 3328 4784 30 ASIA:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel: +86 21 28909740 / 41 / 42 Fax: +86 21 28909240 / 28909999 www.vectron.com Vectron International reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and/or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information. (c)2001, Vectron International. Rev.21Jun02