FC DIAMOND Fiber Optic Components SINGLE MODE IN LINE ATTENUATOR OAF FC Specifications Fiber Wavelength Nominal attenuation Tolerance* Repeatability 2 0.5 Single Mode Single Mode 8 APC Unit 9/125 9/125 m 1310/1550 4 5 0.5 0.5 Service life Return loss 6 10 15 0.5 1 1.5 < 0,5 over service life 1310/1550 20 25 2 2.5 nm dB dB dB 30 2.5 min 1000 matings > 45 > 65 Temperature range dB C -20/+80 * Values measured using 1310 or 1550 nm LED source. Additional IL induced by modal noise 0,05 dB/dB. The excess attenuation due to the 2 connections may be as high as 0.5 dB max. Other attenuations on request. DESCRIPTION: In-line fixed attenuators inducing wavelength independent attenuation, suitable for 1310 and 1550 nm, achieved using a special doped attenuating fiber. DESIGN/MATERIALS: Polish: COMPATIBILITY: With all FC-PC and FC-APC connectors and mating adapters. 0 convex PC 8 angled convex (APC). Ferrule: 2.5 mm zirconia ceramic with extending coppernickel alloy insert, anti-rotation keyed. Alignment sleeve: Floating zirconia split sleeve. External parts: Ni-plated brass. O 2.14 M8x0.75 OAF FC-APC (8) SM key O 2 mm 110 - 320 - 202 V 000 30.3 ATTENUATION M8x0.75 S8/**dB O 2.5 M8x0.75 O 10.3 O 2.14 ATTENUATOR: Order number: S0/**dB OAF FC-APC (8) SM key O 2.14 mm 110 - 320 - 201 V 000 O 2.5 ATTENUATOR: Order number: M8x0.75 OAF FC-PC (0) SM key O 2.14 mm 110 - 320 - 002 V 000 O 10.3 ATTENUATOR: Order number: 30.3 8 4 dB 5 dB 6 dB 10 dB 15 dB 20 dB 25 dB 30 dB 02 04 05 06 10 15 20 25 30 30.3 8 DIAMOND SA Via dei Patrizi 5 CH-6616 LOSONE Tel. ++41-91/785 45 45 Fax ++41-91/785 45 00 e-mail: diamond@diamond-fo.com Specifications subject to change without notice 002-037-208P004020 M8x0.75 S8/X**dB O 2.5 M8x0.75 O 10.3 O2 2 dB