XCR22LV10: 3V Zero Power, TotalCMOS, Universal PLD
5www.xilinx.com DS047 (v1.1) Februa ry 10, 2000
Output Type
The signal from the OR array can be fed directly to the out-
put pin (combinatorial function) or latched in the D-type
flip-flop (registered function). The D-type flip-flop latches
data on the rising edge of the clock and is controlled b y the
global preset and clear terms. When the synchronous pre-
set term is satisfied, the Q ou tput of the register will be set
High at the ne xt rising edge of the clock input. Satisfying the
asynchronous clear te r m will s et Q LOW, regardless of the
clock state. If both ter ms are satisfied simultaneously, the
clear will over ride the preset.
Program/Erase Cycles
The XCR22LV10 is 100% testable, erases/programs in
seconds, and guarantees 1000 program/erase erase
Output Polarity
Each macrocell can be configured to implement active High
or active Low logic. Programmable polarity eliminates the
need for external inver ters.
Output Enable
The output of each I/O macrocell can be enabled or dis-
abled under the control of its associated programmable
output enable product term. When the logical conditions
programmed on the output enable term are satisfied, the
output signal is propagated to the I/O pin. Otherwise, the
output buffer is driven into the high-impedance state.
Under the control of the output enable term, the I/O pin can
function as a dedicated input, a dedicated output, or a bidi-
rectional I/O. Opening every connection on the output
enable term will permanently enable the output buffer and
yield a dedicated output. Conversely, if every connection is
intact, the enable term will always be logically FALSE and
the I/O will function as a dedicated input.
Register Feedback Select
When the I/O macrocell is configured to implement a regis-
tered function (S1=0) (Figure 4a or Figure 4b), the feed-
back signal to the AND array is taken from the Q output.
Bi-directional I/O Select
When configuring an I/O mac rocell to implement a com bi-
natorial function (S1=1) (Figure 4c or Figure 4d), the feed-
back signal is taken from the I/O pin. In this case, the pin
can be used as a dedicated input, a dedicated out put, or a
bi-directional I/O .
Powe r-On Reset
To ease system initialization, al l flip-flops will pow er-up to a
reset condition and the Q output wil l be low. The actual out-
put of the XCR22LV10 will depend on the programmed out-
put polarity. The VCC rise must be monotonic.
Design Security
The XCR22LV10 provides a special EEPROM security bit
that prevents unauthorized reading or copying of designs
programmed into the device. The security bit is set by the
PLD programmer, either at the c onclusion of the program-
ming cycle or as a separate step, after the de vice has been
programmed. Once the security bit is set, it is impossible to
verify (read) or program the XCR22LV10 until the entire
device has first been erased with the bulk-erase function.
TotalCMOS Design Technique for Fast Zero
Xilinx is the first to offer a TotalCMOS SPLD, both in pro-
cess technology and design technique. Xilinx employs a
cascade of CMOS gat es to im plement its Sum of Products
instead of the traditional sense amp approach. This CMOS
gate implementation allows Xilinx to off e r SPLDs which are
both high performance and low power, breaking the para-
digm that to have low power, you must accept low perfor-
mance. Refer to Figure 5 and Table 1 showing the ICC vs.
Frequency of our XCR22LV10 TotalCMOS SPLD.
Table 1: Typical ICC vs. Frequency @ VCC = 3.3V, 25°C
Frequency (MHz) Tupical ICC (mA)
10 1.5
20 3.0
30 4.5
40 6.0
50 7.4
60 8.9
70 10.4
80 11.8
90 13.2
100 14.5
110 15.8
120 17.0
130 18.2