Rev. 1.1 - 22 March, 2001 3
1. TSC695 evaluation kit contents
The TSC695 starter kit contains the following parts:
●Evaluation board equipped with:
•4Mbytes RAM and 512Kbytes FLASH containing the rdbmon monitor program
•Getting Started with the TSC695 Evaluation Kit
●CDROM (see the Section "CDROM Organization", page 7)
•ESA/ESTEC ERC32CCS software package (V2.0.6 release - gzipped tar file)
including software tools documentation (PDF format)
•Compiled TSC695 VHDL structural model and related files
•TSC695 BSDL file
•TSC695 evaluation board EDIF netlist
•TSC695 documentation (PDF format)
-TSC695 Data Sheet
-TSC695 User’s Manual
- Evaluation board "Hardware User’s Manual"
- Getting Started with the TSC695 Evaluation Kit
2. Supported platforms
The ERC32CCS package only supports Solaris 2 operating system running on a SUN platform.
3. Getting started with the evaluation kit
To get software running on the TSC695 evaluation board, you will follow these steps (detailed in the next paragraphs):
1. Install the ESA/ESTEC ERC32CCS software development package from the CDROM on your Solaris platform.
2. Connect the evaluation board serial connectors A and B to the Solaris platform serial ports.
3. Connect the evaluation board to a 5V / 2A DC power supply.
4. Compile and link your program.
5. Transfer your program executable file to the evaluation board RAM.
6. Debug/Run your program on board with GDB and its graphical user interface DDD.
4. Installing the software development package
The ERC32CCS directory tree is compiled to reside in /opt/gnu on Solaris platforms. If the installation directory
is not /opt/gnu, then you will have to create a link to the location of the ERC32CCS directory after installation.
1. Copy the erc32ccs-2.0.6-solaris.tar.gz file from the CDROM to your disk.
2. Un-compress and un-tar the file.
3. Create the link: