MH 4855452 0016708 078 MBINR International SERIES + IRK. . . toR|Rectifier 198 238, bey. DIODES NEW INT-A-pak Power Modules INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER BSE Dd 165A Features 195A 230A B High voltage @ Electrically isolated base plate @ 3000 V_.,,, isolating voltage @ Industrial standard package & Simplified mechanical designs, rapid assembly B High surge capability m@ Large creepage distances H Beryliium oxide substrate Also available with aluminum nitrade substrate Description This new IRK series of INT-A-paks uses high voltage power diodes in two basic configurations. The semi- conductors are electrically isolated from the metal base, allowing common heatsinks and compact as- semblies to be built. They can be interconnected to form single phase or three phase bridges and the single diode module can be used in conjunction with the thyristor modules as a freewheel diode. These modules are intended for general purpose applica- tions such as battery chargers, welders and plating equipment and where high voltage and high current are required (motor drives, etc.). Major Ratings and Characteristics Parameters IRK.165... | IRK.195... |IRK.235... | Units IRK.166... | IRK.196... | IRK.236... ray @ To 100C | 165 195 230 A lens) 260 305 360 A lesa 50Hz| 4000 4750 6540 A 60Hz! 4200 4980 6850 A t 50Hz| 80 113 214 | kA*s 60Hz} 73 103 195 | kAs Tak 1130 1130 2140 | kA2/s Varm range Up to 2000 |Up to 2000/Up to 2400] V T 4 -40 to 150 C D233 Bulletin 127096IRK.165, .166, .195, .196, .235, .236 Series Mm 4855452 0016709 TOY MB INR ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Ratings INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER BSE D Type number Voltage| V,.,, Maximum repetitive | V..,. Maximum non-repetitive lana Max Code peak reverse voltage peak reverse voltage @ 150C Vv Vv mA 04 400 500 50 IAK.165- / IRK.166- 06 600 700 50 IRK.195- / IRK.196- 08 800 900 50 IRK.235- / IRK.236- 10 1000 1100 50 12 1200 1300 50 14 1400 1500 50 16 1600 1700 50 18 1800 1900 50 20 2000 2100 50 IRK.235-/ IRK.236- 22 2200 2300 50 24 2400 2500 50 Forward Conduction IRK.165]IRK.195] IRK.235) Parameters IRK.166|IRK.196] IRK.236 Units] Conditions lea Maximum average forward current | 165 195 230 A | 180 conduction, half sine wave @ Case temperature 100 100 100 C \ seuasy Maximum RMS forward current 260 305 360 A |asACswitch leg Maximum peak, one-cycleforward, | 4000 4750 | 6540 A |t=10ms | Novoltage | Sinusoidal half wave, non-repetitive surge current 4200 | 4980 | 6850 A |t=8.3ms | reapplied | initialT,=T, max 3350 | 4000 | 5500 | A /t=10ms | 100%V,_,., 3500 {| 4200 | 5750 A |t=8.3ms | reapplied It Maximum It for fusing 80 113 214 | kAs |t=10ms | Novoltage | Sinusoidalhalf wave, 73 103 195 | kAs |t=8.3ms | reapplied | InitialT, =T, max 56 80 151 | KAs /t=10ms | 100% V_.,,, 52 73 138 | KAs |t=8.3ms | reapplied Pt Maximum [*/t for fusing 798 | 1130 | 2140 |kA%s|t=0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied Veo; Lowlevel value of threshold voltage | 0.70 | 0.75 | 0.78 | V [1 6.7% XEX lig <1< AX ey) T= Tmax. Veco High level value of threshold voltage| 0.87 | 0.86 | 0.92 Vi [Xl yy 7, max. t High level forward sloperesistance | 1.42 0.77 | 0.49 | mo |(exl,