SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG High Gain Differential Receiver PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Description Features * The SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG devices are high gain differential receivers with higher performance capabilities. These devices have a DC gain of approximately 200. SK10/ 100EL16XWA-XWG devices are functionally compatible with SK10/100EL16W and MC10/100EL16 and MC10/100LVEL16 as well. SK10/100EL16XWA is pin to pin compatible with SK10/100EL16W with the exception of its high gain differential outputs. SK10/100EL16XWB is pin to pin compatible with SK10/100EL16B with the exception of its differential high gain outputs. SK10/100EL16XWC is for single ended mode of operation since its D* input is internally connected to the reference voltage VBB; therefore, pin 3 should be bypassed to VCC via 0.01 uF capacitor. This device has differential high gain outputs, an added feature of the enable input pin, and the single ended monitor output Q* similar to SK10/100EL16XWB. SK10/100EL16XWD has all the options: the differential monitor outputs and the high gain outputs, enable-input pin, and the VBB reference voltage. SK10/100EL16XWE has only the differential monitor outputs and the high gain outputs. SK10/100EL16XWF had the enable option, the single ended monitor output and the differential high gain outputs. SK10/100EL16XWG is pin to pin compatible with SK10/100EL16V with the exception of its differential high gain outputs. Its VCTRL input controls the Extended Supply Voltage Range: (VEE = -5.5V to -3.0V, VCC = 0V) or (VCC = +3.0V to +5.5V, VEE = 0V) High Bandwidth Output Transitions 300 ps Propagation Delay VBB Output Internal Input Resistors: Pulldown on D, Pulldown and Pullup on D* QHG Output will Default Low with Inputs Open or at VEE New Differential Input Common Mode Range Functionally Equivalent to MC10/100EL16 and MC100LVEL16 ESD Protection of >4000V Specified Over Industrial Temperature Range: -40 oC to 85oC Available in Both 8 and 16 Pin SOIC Packages, and 8 and 10 Pin MSOP Packages * * * * * * * * * * Pin Names Pin Function D, D* Differential Data Inputs Q, Q* Differential Data Outputs QHG, QHG* Differential High Gain Data Outputs VBB Reference Output Voltage EN* Pin ConfigurationsEnable Input Pin Configuration amplitude of the QHG and QHG* outputs. The operating range of the EL16XWG control input, VCTRL, is from VBB (large swing) to VCC (min swing), see Figure 3. Simple control of the output swing can be obtained by a variable resistor between the VBB and VCC pins, with wiper driving CTRL. Typical application circuits and results are described in Figures 3, 4a, and 4b. If provided, VBB reference voltage is an output pin for single-ended use or DC bias for AC coupling to the device. Whenever used, VBB output pin should be bypassed to VCC via a 0.01 uF capacitor. Under open input conditions, the pull-down resistor on D, pull-down and pull-up on D* will force the high gain outputs QHG to a low state and QHG* to a high state. NC 1 8 VCC D 2 7 QHG D* 3 6 QHG* VBB 4 5 VEE SK10/100EL16XWA (Available in 8-Pin SOIC & MSOP Packages) Revision 1/March 1, 2001 1 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Pin Configuration Q* 1 8 VCC D 2 7 QHG D* 3 6 QHG* Q* 1 8 VCC D 2 7 QHG VBB 3 6 QHG* OE LEN Q LATCH D VBB 4 EN* 5 4 5 VEE VEE SK10/100EL16XWB SK10/100EL16XWC (Available in 8-Pin SOIC & MSOP Packages) (Available in 8-Pin SOIC & MSOP Packages) NC 1 16 NC Q 2 15 VCC Q* 3 14 QHG D 4 13 Q 1 10 VCC Q* 2 9 QHG D 3 8 QHG* 7 VEE 6 EN* QHG* OE OE D* 5 12 VEE LEN Q D* LATCH D VBB 6 11 4 LEN Q EN* LATCH D VBB NC 7 10 NC NC 8 9 NC 5 SK10/100EL16XWD (Available in 16-Pin SOIC and 10-Pin MSOP Packages) Revision 1/March 1, 2001 2 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Pin Configuration (continued) Q 1 8 VCC Q* 2 7 D 3 6 Q* 1 8 VCC QHG D 2 7 QHG QHG* D* 3 6 QHG* OE LEN Q D* 4 LATCH D 5 EN* VEE 4 5 VEE SK10/100EL16XWE SK10/100EL16XWF (Available in 8-Pin SOIC & MSOP Packages) (Available in 8-Pin SOIC & MSOP Packages) 1 8 VCC D 2 7 QHG D* 3 6 QHG* VBB 4 5 VCTRL VEE SK10/100EL16XWG (Available in 8-Pin SOIC & MSOP Packages) Revision 1/March 1, 2001 3 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Package Information 8 Pin SOIC Package END VIEW TOP VIEW A D 8 C 5 H E 0.25 M B M 1 4 B h x 45o q e A Seating Plane C L 0.10 A1 B 0.25 M C B S A S MILLIMETERS DIM MIN MAX A 1.35 1.75 A1 0.10 0.25 B 0.33 0.51 C 0.19 0.25 D 4.80 5.00 E 3.80 4.00 e NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in millimeters. 2. Dimensions D and E do no include mold protrusion. 3. Maximum mold protrusion 0.15 per side. 4. Dimension B does not include Dambar protrusion. Allowable Dambar protrusion shall be 0.127 total in excess of the B dimension at maximum material condition. 1.27 BSC H 5.80 6.20 h 0.25 0.50 L 0.40 1.27 0o 8o Revision 1/March 1, 2001 4 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Package Information (continued) 16 Pin SOIC Package -A- 0.25 (0.010) M B S 9 -B 8 M 1 P 8 PL Rx 45 16 G C SEATING PLANE F -T- 0.25 (0.010) M T B S J D 16 PL A S K Millimeters Inches DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX A 9.80 10.00 0.386 0.393 B 3.80 4.00 0.150 0.157 C 1.35 1.75 0.054 0.068 D 0.35 0.49 0.014 0.019 F 0.40 1.25 0.016 0.049 G 1.27 BSC 0.050 BSC J 0.19 0.25 0.008 0.009 K 0.10 0.25 0.004 0.009 M 0o 7o 0o 7o P 5.80 6.20 0.229 0.244 R 0.25 0.50 0.010 0.019 Revision 1/March 1, 2001 NOTES: 1. Dimensions and tolerances per ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. Controlling dimension: millimeter. 3. Dimensions A and B do not include mold protrusion. 4. Maximum mold protrusion 0.150 (0.006) per side. 5. Dimension D does not include Dambar protrusion. Allowable Dambar protrusion shall be 0.13 (0.005) total in excess of d dimension at maximum material condition. 5 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Package Information (continued) 8 Pin MSOP Package BOTTOM VIEW TOP VIEW 8 5 H E 1 4 B e END VIEW DETAIL A A L D See Detail A Millimeters DIM MIN MAX A 0.94 1.1 B 0.21 0.45 C 0.13 0.22 D 2.90 3.10 E 2.90 3.10 e 0.65 BSC H 4.7 5.1 L 0.4 0.7 0o 6o Revision 1/March 1, 2001 C NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in mm. 2. Controlling dimension: mm 3. Dimension does not include mold flash or protrusions, either of which shall not exceed 0.20. 6 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Package Information (continued) 10 Pin MSOP Package BOTTOM VIEW TOP VIEW 10 6 H E 5 1 B e END VIEW DETAIL A A L D q See Detail A C mm Inches DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX A 0.94 1.1 0.037 0.043 B 0.15 0.3 0.006 0.012 C 0.1 0.26 0.004 0.001 D 2.85 3.15 0.114 0.122 E 2.9 3.1 0.114 0.122 e 0.5 BSC 0.02 BSC H 4.9 BSC 0.193 BSC L 0.40 0.7 .016 0.028 0o 3o 0o 3o Revision 1/March 1, 2001 NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in mm [inches]. 2. Controlling dimension: mm 3. Dimension does not include mold flash or protrusions, either of which shall not exceed 0.20 [0.008]. 7 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS DC Characteristics SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG DC Electrical Characteristics (Notes 1, 2) (VCC - VEE = 3.0V to 5.5V; VOUT loaded 50 to VCC - 2.0V) TA = -40oC Symbol I EE TA = 0oC TA = +25oC TA = +85oC Characteristic Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit Power Supply Current 10EL 100EL 28 31 40 47 28 31 40 47 28 31 40 47 28 31 40 47 mA mA -1.43 -1.38 -1.30 -1.26 -1.38 -1.38 -1.27 -1.26 -1.35 -1.38 -1.25 -1.26 -1.31 -1.38 -1.19 -1.26 V V V BB Output Reference Voltage5 10EL 100EL VCC V EE Supply Voltage Range 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 5.5 V IIN I n p u t Cu r r e n t ( Di f f ) -150 150 150 -150 150 150 -150 150 150 -150 150 150 A A ( SE) Revision 1/March 1, 2001 8 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS AC Characteristics SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG AC Electrical Characteristics to VCC - 2.0V) (VCC - VEE = 3.0V to 5.5V; VOUT loaded 50 TA = -40oC Sy mb o l Char acter i sti c M a x i m u m To g g l e Fr e q u e n c y 4 f max Mi n Ty p Ma x TA = 0oC Mi n Ty p TA = +25oC Ma x 2.5 1.25 Mi n Ty p TA = +85oC Ma x 2.5 1.25 Mi n Ty p Ma x NRZ Data CLK 2.5 1.25 tPLH t PHL I n p u t t o O u t p u t D e l ay Q, Q* Output (DIFF) 285 365 300 370 305 375 310 405 ps tPLH t PHL I n p u t t o O u t p u t D e l ay QHG, QHG* Out put (DIFF) 280 335 290 545 295 355 310 370 ps tS Set up Ti me EN* 150 150 150 150 ps tH Hol d Ti me EN* 150 150 150 150 ps t s kew D u t y C y c l e S kew 3 (DIFF) 5 5 tr , tf O u t p u t R i s e / Fa l l T i m e s Q, Q* (20% to 80%) QHG, QHG*( 20% - 80%) V CMR 20 2.5 1.25 Uni t 5 20 Gbps GHz 5 20 ps 170 120 285 190 175 130 290 190 180 130 295 195 190 130 310 205 ps ps Coi mmon Mode Range7 VEE + 1.7 VCC VEE + 1.7 VCC VEE + 1.7 VCC VEE + 1.7 VCC V VPP Differential Input Swing6 150 150 1000 1000 150 150 1000 1000 mV VO P - P O u t p u t Vo l t a g e 8 , 9 100 1000 150 100 100 1000 100 150 mV Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 10K circuits are designed to meet the DC specification shown in the table after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board, and transverse airflow greater than 500 lfpm is maintained. 100K circuits are designed to meet the DC specification shown in the table where transverse airflow greater than 500 lfpm is maintained. Duty cycle skew is the difference between TPLH and TPHL propagation delay through a device. FMAX guaranteed for functionality only. See Figure 1 for typical output swing. Voltages referenced to VCC = 0V. Minimum input swing for which AC parameters are guaranteed. The device has a DC gain of 40 to Q/Q* outputs and a DC gain of 200 or higher to QHG/QHG* outputs. CMR range is referenced to the most positive side of the differential input signal. Normal operation is obtained if the high level falls within the specified range and the peak-to-peak voltage lies between VPP(min) and 1V. The lower end of the CMR range varies 1:1 with VEE and is equal to VEE + 1.7V. VOP-P is obtained as follows: Voltages of Q and Q* outputs with respect to VCC are measured. The absolute difference between a high and a low state is equal to VOP-P. The output voltage applies to EL16XWG only. VCTRL = VCC. For standard ECL DC specifications, refer to the ECL Logic Family Standard DC Specifications Data Sheet. For part ordering description, see HPP Part Ordering Information Data Sheet. Revision 1/March 1, 2001 9 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS AC Characteristics (continued) Typical Output VPP vs. Frequency 900 Output VPP Amplitude (mV) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Output Frequency (MHz) Input Conditions: 20mV Output VPP: 700 mV @ 700 MHz 550 mV @ 1.25 GHz - 2.5 Gbps NRZ Data Figure 1. Typical Output VPP vs. Frequency D EN* Q QHG Figure 2. Timing Diagram Revision 1/March 1, 2001 10 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Voltage Swing (% pk-pk differential) AC Characteristics (continued) 100 75 50 25 VCTRL= Open 0 VEE VCC- 1.32 VCC- 0.8 VCC- 0.4 VCC Voltage Control (V) Figure 3. Typical Voltage Output Swing at 25oC VCC VCC + - VCTRL 8 1 VCC 10K VCTRL D 7 2 QHG D 1 8 VCC 2 7 QHG VSWING (pk-pk) D* 6 3 QHG* D* R1 VBB 4 5 VSWING (pk-pk) 3 6 4 5 QHG* R2 R1 GND VBB R2 GND Figure 4B Figure 4A Note: R1 = R2 150 for VCC = 3.3V for VCC = 5.0V R1 = R2 330 Note: R1 = R2 150 for VCC = 3.3V for VCC = 5.0V R1 = R2 330 Implementation of Voltage Source Revision 1/March 1, 2001 11 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Ordering Information Revision 1/March 1, 2001 Ordering Code Package ID Temperature Range SK10EL16XWAD 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWBD 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWCD 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWDD 16-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWED 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWFD 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWGD 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWADT 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWBDT 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWCDT 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWDDT 16-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWEDT 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWFDT 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWGDT 8-SOIC Industrial SK10EL16XWAMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWBMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWCMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWDMS 10-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWEMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWFMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWGMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWAMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWBMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWCMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWDMST 10-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWEMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWFMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWGMST 8-MSOP Industrial 12 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Ordering Information (continued) Revision 1/March 1, 2001 Ordering Code Package ID Temperature Range SK100EL16XWAD 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWBD 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWCD 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWDD 16-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWED 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWFD 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWGD 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWADT 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWBDT 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWCDT 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWDDT 16-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWEDT 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWFDT 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWGDT 8-SOIC Industrial SK100EL16XWAMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWBMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWCMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWDMS 10-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWEMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWFMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWGMS 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWAMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWBMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWCMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWDMST 10-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWEMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWFMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK100EL16XWGMST 8-MSOP Industrial SK10EL16XWU Die Options A - G SK100EL16XWU Die Options A - G 13 SK10/100EL16XWA-XWG PRELIMINARY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Marking Information 8 PIN SOIC PACKAGE Function / Voltage & Device Operation Function Code / Part Number H = 10 K = 100 E L Y Y Assembly Lot Number W W YY: Last two digits of the Year WW: Working Week Marking Example for MSOP Package Because there are too many characters in the ordering code, and the fact that the MSOP Package can only accomodate four characters per row, the example below depicts the naming convention adopted for these par ts only: 8/10 PIN MSOP PACKAGES Function / Voltage Option Function Code / Part Number 1: H16XA ------>SK10EL16XWAMS 2: K16XA ------>SK100EL16XWAMS SK10EL/ELT = H SK100EL/ELT = K Assembly Lot Number Assembly Date Code Contact Information Division Headquarters 10021 Willow Creek Road San Diego, CA 92131 Phone: (858) 695-1808 FAX: (858) 695-2633 Revision 1/March 1, 2001 Semtech Corporation High-Performance Products Division 14 Marketing Group 1111 Comstock Street Santa Clara, CA 95054 Phone: (408) 566-8776 FAX: (408) 727-8994